#I have to schedule this to post in the morning because it’s 1:30am but I did NOT spend hours on this for it to go unnoticed
pestilentbrood · 1 year
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Nightingale meets a strange fellow in the Grove. I’m sure nothing will come of this
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neuroticboyfriend · 13 days
I just saw a post someone made about what they usually do in a day (re: disability) and it really made me feel less alone. I've been really beating myself up for not doing or being enough. So I wanna share what my days are like too.
I wake up anywhere between 9:30am and 3pm, because I can't keep a consistent sleep schedule.
I pray, take my morning meds, and hydrate.
I sit in my room for around 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on if I have the wherewithal to leave my room or, if I have somewhere to be.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I have therapy in the afternoon. The ride comes around 11 on Tues/Weds. I miss appointments a lot, and spend around 3 hours at the clinic when I do go.
*I may eat a meal, or have a snack. Maybe not, who knows. I sit on the couch, on my phone/computer. Lately been playing minecraft with a few small creative activities sprinkled in.*
At 4:45pm, every day, I go across the street to work on addiction recovery. I come home around 6:15-6:30pm. Mondays I take a ride with some friends to another place, from around 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Repeat asterisked bullet. Except maybe I watch something with my boyfriend. Maybe I call a few friends, if I didnt already early/for a few days.
Around 7:30-9:00pm I work on my addiction recovery at home.
More lounging on the couch on my computer/etc. Take meds between 10:45pm-12am. Hopefully I can get back to taking them at 9:30.
Fall asleep around 1-3am.
Repeat (+ i bring my cane or rollator, and fidgets, and often earbuds, everywhere i go). I only shower or do laundry when the energy burden is worth not feeling like total crap.
And you know what. That's enough. I'm alive. I'm sober. I may be in a lot of pain, may have a lot of fatigue, may still struggle with depression and mood swings and anxiety, but. That doesn't make a bad person. It just makes me a person - one with disabilties. I am inherently worthy just by virtue of being alive, too.
What you don't see by that list is the kindness I share with my friends. Or the strength it takes to get through the day. Or any of the personal emotional and spiritual moments I have, or any of my dreams. But I see them, the people close to me see them, and they don't want me to hurt or hate myself.
So to hell with what anyone else thinks or has said to me. What matters is that I love, and I am loved, and I always will be. Because there will always be people in this world who see me as a person and love me unconditionally for it. This world is bigger than the people who spread hate.
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megumi-fm · 8 months
☆ little changes in my routine with big positive impacts ☆
sleep schedule: after years of trying to make the regular 10pm-6am sleep cycle work for me, I have decided to stop. time is a construct and there is no reason to sleep or wake up at 'conventional time' if my body clock is different. recently I've been going to bed at around 12:30pm/1:00am and I wake up at around 7:30am- which seems to be my body wake time. because of this, I wake feeling refreshed although I'm getting lesser hours of sleep. in fact, I wake up before my alarm rings on most days, and it's always a joy to learn that I get to spend ten more minutes in bed before my clock rings xD
night showers: another thing that has greatly helped my sleep is taking a shower a bit before bed. I find it really calming and as a way of actively processing the day and clearing my head before going to bed. I can also skip morning showers on days I need to get to work early. Plus, clean clothes and clean sheets help me sleep better. the only disadvantage to this is that I'm a shower singer and I tend to get in the feels and belt out notes to my favourite songs, which I can't do anymore considering the fact that my shower is around 11am and I shouldn't be disturbing the neighbors :P
switching out social media: deleting social media apps was the easy part. the real challenge was trying to find things to do in those spark moments of boredom when I find myself on the phone. I tried reading ebooks, but I wasn't able to focus. so I started bookmarking links I find interesting so that I can check them out whenever I get the urge to doomscroll. a lot of studyblr link cool videos or articles on their dop posts often, but most of my links come from the Tom Scott Newsletter. unlike the tiredness that comes with doomscrolling, I always feel refreshed and smarter when I use my phone lately. the urge to use my phone has weaned off as well.
digital journaling: when I first started journaling several years ago, it just did not work for me. I think I was more focused on writing everything in a certain way and implementing trackers and spreads that weren't functional for me. but I switched to notion for the past few months and stripped down the journalling process to it's bare essentials. I add a to-do list for the day, a cute picture I either took or found on the internet, and a note on how my day went and how I felt. there's also a checkbox for sleep, water, and exercise. sometimes I add notes on stuff I watch or read, but for the most part it's just this. it takes me just 15min, and I can update it as and when I like because of the phone app, and it helps me stay productive and motivated for the whole day. sometimes I embed gifs of my fav blorbos and go on about them 🤭
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lalunameli · 8 months
Yuri Petrov's Daily Schedule
From: The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook
@tnbscans really made my day today with this scan of Yuri's Daily Schedule from The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook. It has been previously translated but like all things Yuri, it's so quirky and hilarious that I was really happy to get a chance to read about the robot vacuum cleaner and the forgotten banana in their native language. Not only that, this man showered from 9:06pm to 10:28pm (must be nice to prevent pruning with your own built-in furnace 🤣), then noticed one of his nails was broken and filed it down. Werk 💅
Yuri Petrov, you silly silly lovable weirdo.
Note: I have also been provided with a cleaner scan of Yuri's KOW Profile which I will add to that post.
Yuri Petrov
0: 00 自宅にて、抱えている案件の書類に目を通している
12:00am At home. Looked through the documents for his cases.
1 : 34ミネラルウォーターを飲みながらオペラを鑑賞
1:34am Drank mineral water while listening to opera
2:38am Went to bed
6:30am Alarm went off, got out of bed.
6:35 洗顔&歯磨き
6:35am Washed his face and brushed his teeth
6:44 着替え。整髪
6:44am Changed his clothes and fixed his hair
6:51 母親の分も朝食を作る
6:51am Made breakfast for him and his mother
7:12am Ate breakfast with his mother who had woken up
7:50am The Nursing Staff arrived to pick up his mother.
8:00am Set the "ON" button of the robot vacuum cleaner
8:03am Left his house
8:30am Got to work 30 mins early. Started his work day
8:43am Went to the washroom and noticed it hadn't been attended to by the cleaning staff as it was out of toilet paper. He refilled each stall with toilet paper.
9:00am Morning Meeting
9:35 案件の資料に目を通す
9:35am Looked over his case materials
11:00 休憩。コーヒーにシロップを入れて飲む
11:00am Break. Drank coffee with syrup.
12:08 司法局内でデリバリーの昼食
12:08am Lunch delivered to the Justice Bureau
12:49 経済誌とバナナを購入
12:49pm Bought a business magazine and a banana.
12:55 歯磨き&身だしなみチェック
12:55pm Brushed his teeth and checked his appearance
13:00 デスクワーク
1:00pm Deskwork (paperwork)
14:45 休憩に入る。コーヒーにシロップを入れようとして、きれている事に気付く。悲しくなる
2:45pm Took a break. Tried to put syrup in his coffee and noticed it was out. Felt sad.
14:48 仕事を再開
2:48pm Resumed working
18:00 帰り支度。バナナを忘れていたことを思い出し、鞄に仕舞う
6:00pm Got ready to go home. Realized he had forgotten about his banana and placed it in his bag
18:04 司法局を出る
6:04pm Left the Justice Bureau
18:16 スーパーマーケットに立ち寄り、ミネラルウォーターを6本購入
6:16pm Stopped by the supermarket and bought 6 bottles of mineral water
6:44pm Returned home
18:45 手洗い&うがい
6:45pm Washed his hands and gargled
19:00 介護STAFFが母親を連れてくる
7:00pm The Nursing Staff brought his mother home
19:17 調理
7:17pm Cooked
19:48 母親は既に食事を終えているので、一人きりで夕食。デザートにバナナを食べる
7:48pm Ate dinner alone since his mother had already eaten. Had a banana for dessert.
20:21 TVでニュースをチェック
8:21pm: Watched the News on TV
20:59 今日もシュテルンビルトで殺人事件は発生していない。無言で小さく頷く
8:59pm Took note there were no murders today in Stern Bild. Gave a small nod in silence.
21:06 入浴(シャワー)
9:06pm Bathed (took a shower)
22:28 身体を拭き、髪の毛を乾かす。爪が割れているのに気付き、ヤスリで磨く
10:28pm Wiped off his body and dried his hair. Noticed he had broken a nail and filed it.
22:38 母親が何やら話し始める。今日は機嫌が良いらしく、ユーリの中学時代の思���出を楽しそうに話している。相槌を打ち、優しい笑みを浮かべる
10:38pm His mother started talking about something. Noticed she seemed to be in a good mood today, and was happily talking about the memories of Yuri's junior high school days. He nodded while smiling gently.
23:06 眠ってしまった母親をベッドに連れて行く
11:06pm Took his sleeping mother to her bed
23:15 携帯電話がメールが届いたことを知らせる音を鳴らす。誰にもアドレスを伝えていない筈なので驚く。ゆっくりとメールを見てみると宛先を間違えたメールだった。「アドレスをお間違えのようです」とメールを返す。だが、先方からの返信はなかった
11:15pm Received an alert on his cellphone about a new email. This surprised him because he doesn't give his email address to anyone. He looked at the email slowly, and noticed it had a wrong address. "It seems that you have the wrong address," he responded. There was no response from the other party.
23:21 抱えている案件の資料に目を通す
11:21pm Looked over case materials
23:54pm Unwittingly fell asleep on his desk
12:00am (next day)
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seannesruins · 5 months
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This may seem like a sympathy begging post but so be it dahil Tumblr lang naman ang outlet ko haha.
I've been wanting to watch Anatomy of a Fall since its theatrical release last year. Unfortunately, SM Cinemas screened it for a week only and I was not able to catch it then. Next I heard it was screening in Cinema 76 in Morato but the screenings were mostly on weekdays and early timeslots on weekends, both not feasible given my work schedule. That's why when I heard that FDCP is screening it in Cinematheque, I knew this was my one and only chance to catch it on the big screen before it gets into a streaming service, or something.
I asked my girlfriend, of course, because we haven't had the chance to celebrate our monthsary yet. We agreed to watch it yesterday, and agreed to meet up around 2pm because I still have work in the morning, while she wanted to sleep in late because it was her rest day.
It started off okay. I arrived first and got our tickets, she arrived a few minutes later and we went to Robinson's Place Manila for a late lunch. We went to Timezone to kill some time until the movie starts. Everything was okay until the movie ended.
It was 7:30 and she said that she's hungry so we walked around Taft Avenue to find a place to eat but she refused ALL the fast food that we passed by so we walked towards Padre Faura (From Kalaw) to go back to Robinson's. After walking around the mall, she looked at me annoyingly and said
GF: "Maglalakad na lang ba tayo? Nagugutom na ko."
Me: "Ano bang gusto mo? Kasi ikaw yung gutom diba, bakit ako ang tinatanong mo?"
GF: "Wag na kumain, umuwi na tayo."
Then she proceeded to walk to the mall exit. I followed close by. When we got to Pedro Gil, she asked what jeep to take. Mind you, I am not that familiar with public transport because I'm used to having a driver around. I told her that we have to walk back to Taft to get a jeepney bound to EDSA
GF: "Lakad na naman, wala na tayong ginawa kundi maglakad."
Me: "Mag book ka na."
GF: "Bakit kailangan sumigaw?"
My voice may have been raised, but it was because the streets were filled with people and she's giving me that attitude in the middle of all that.
Me: "Puro ka reklamo, pagod din naman ako."
Then I proceeded to walk towards Taft, with her trailing behind. We went home in silence. She ignored me from 8 in the evening. Not a single fucking word. Usually when she gives me the silent treatment, I would try to fix things, but even then she wouldn't talk to me until I am at the edge of my emotions, not until I've begged and begged and have drowned in my tears. Last night was different. I tried really hard to keep it in. I sent her a message at 1:30am.
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Gustong kumain pero walang mapiling kainan dahil wala akong self awareness???
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Yes, I've been cheated on and I lost a part of me in that relationship. I have posted about it here a couple of times. And to share that vulnerable side of me, only to be used against me in an argument dahil hindi ko kayang hulaan na gutom sya. Dahil sa gutom nya naging kasalanan ko pang niloko ako.
Kasalanan ko rin na ginusto kong manood ng movie. After a heated exchange of conversation, she stopped responding. And that's what triggered me the most. How can she just leave in the middle of an argument??? I went to my room and asked her to leave at 3am.
She didn't move. She said inaantok na daw sya, and that's when I lost it. Feeling ko there was something that snapped in me. Hindi ko deserve yung ganitong basura treatment. To not be heard, to not be reassured. Mas important yung gutom at antok nya sa buong relationship namin??? I started screaming until she gets up. I never have ever done that to anyone in my entire life. No one has pushed me to that limit before. But she was not done yet. She took her time packing her things while I am screaming for her to leave, even at the end, she couldn't adjust for me. She even asked me to lock the main door behind her. Have my tear strained face not evident of the emotional pain she has caused me already??? Hindi nya talaga kayang ako naman ang intindihin? That I want her gone that instant.
Ang babaw. Ang babaw but she refused to fix things before it reached this point. I am so tired emotionally. And the worst thing is that she never acknowledged her faults without arguing about it first. I never got an apology without BEGGING for it. And in her mind ako pa rin ang mali, ako pa rin ang may kasalanan. And we can only fix things if I apologize. This time I want to give myself the validation na hindi ako ang may mali.
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yuzusern · 3 months
What is IMAnimation and why is TV Asahi and Bluelock Season 2 official site putting simultaneous real time showing?
IMAnimation is a new block TV Asahi decided to make for Anime shows. This one is for shows that the network knows people want to watch now. And trending now. So Bluelock Season 2 will be aired on October 5 during that block.
Why should I care?
Well, this is for Japan viewers so it doesn’t affect international viewers. Maybe it’ll answer things about Japan’s TV networks for you.
What they stress in both the press conference for Bluelock Season 2 and on official Bluelock anime website + SNS is the “simultaneous real time through their 24 networks”. Like some series in the past, there was a simultaneous streaming for the world so both Japan and the world can watch it at the same time. There still is, I just haven’t kept up with most.
But this is for their 24 networks around the country. Besides the most well known shows such as chibi Maruko and Sazae-san (Always set for Sundays, 6:00-6:59 PM), TV shows and news networks actually differ depending where you live in Japan.
For most anime, they actually have an ‘On Air’ page to show which networks will be airing the show. For example, here’s the network airing dates for Kaiju no. 8:
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Notice the start airing date is different for different regional networks. Some prefectures might not show it for up to two weeks after the initial airing in the main network in Kanto (Kanto is the Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama prefectures). Worst is Okinawa and the surrounding islands. Don’t know if their networks have caught up a little since I moved, but almost all programming except NHK and News programs were 2 weeks late. Watching anime was a pain because of their crazy schedules.
All the other networks linked with that channel play most of the programming but there are exceptions and the regional network plays their programming. News is the biggest change. The morning news programs are the same but the evening news could use both the main network’s news and regional network’s. Depends on the local news, weather, and any events. It’s funny watching them switch from regional news network to the main Kanto network in between the program.
Wait, why is there a 24:00, 25:00, 26:00, 27:00, etc???
Japan uses military time (0:00-23:59) which I never like. But networks apparently run from 5AM to 29AM.
29AM doesn’t exist for most of the world but Japan networks like to use this 24-29:00 time block to differentiate Late night/early morning rather than writing “late night at 3AM”.
Airs 09/09 at 25:30
Airs 09/09 at 1:30AM.
Which makes more sense? Probably 09/09 at 1:30AM was your answer but are you tuning in at 09/09 at 1:30 or what should be 09/10 at 1:30AM?
25:30 (1:30AM) is easier(?) to understand than 1:30AM. At least you know it’s for 1:30 AM…in the dead of night for the next day. I think it’s mostly getting used to it.
Because I still hate this system myself. I turn my TV on and just check the TV guide to find my shows for recording. But for avid anime watchers, this system is probably ingrained in your head to figure out if you get the show shown in real time with Kanto or skip it and wait for the streaming sites to load it right after it airs (for some, some can take 30 minutes after)
I’m getting tired of explaining so I’ll just end it here.
TLDR: TV Networks are crazy. Let’s simultaneously air the Kanto region’s main networks and leave it at that. No? Oh, ok. ( ˙-˙ )
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I feel like this after these type of posts. ( ˙-˙ )
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junbugsarchive · 1 year
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🐞 JunBugs Newsletter #17 🦋
Yesterday's setlist (in order)
✧ Last Kiss - Bonnie Pink
✧ Niji no Kanata ni - Reona
✧ Astronaut - Amanda Palmer
✧ Nothing Came Out - Moldy Peaches
✧ Face My Fears - Utada Hikaru
✧ Opium - Mili
Thank you for suggesting that I sing "Niji no Kanata ni", Lynzu! :)
Also, you guys can post your own setlists and what you sang on stream as well .₊̣̇.ಇ/ᐠˬ ̫ ˬ ᐟ\∫.₊̣̇.
These are some songs that I been practicing for karaoke (some upon request)
✧ idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish - requested by Pardofelis
✧ Idol - YOASOBI - sorry, I don't remember who requested this one, please enlighten me if it was you!
Please let me know if there is a song request that you have for me, I really loved doing the "Simple and Clean" (Utada Hikaru) cover that was requested of me last week!
^ ^
Special thanks to the lovely co-hosts: Pardofelis and Harlem!
Here are all of the people featured in the new photo album:
✧ Pardofelis
✧ Harlem
✧ sunarock
Please remind me if I forget your name, I try to remember to the best of my ability. If you would like a picture with us too, please do not feel shy about asking on stream, sometimes I don't include people because I either don't take good pictures of them or forget to while they are singing, so please let me know. I never want anyone to feel excluded!
Twitter Album 1 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1653089817281064960?s=21
Twitter Album 2 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1653090222983495681?s=21
Twitter Album 3 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1653090473056272385?s=21
We reached 8,100 followers yesterday!!! Thank you so much!!! ✽-(ミ>ᆽ<ミ)/✽
I just realized in the old blog posts that I had the "ni" reversed in "Niji no Kanata ni" (so it was "in" haha), I'm glad that I'm less fatigued and have finally started to overcome my slump of depression and chronic sickness!!!
My twin sister (alter-ego), Akira, made her debut on 4-27 and her first karaoke debut on 4-30, and the official JunBugs birthday is now on 4-29!!!
Schedule (starting on 5-4)
- Saturday (3 streams)
- Morning Gaming Stream @6:30am to 9am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Akira's Left Handed Drawing Stream ("After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST)
- Sunday (3 streams)
- Morning Anime Watch and Japanese Learning @6:30am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Otaku Sunday - Introduction to Leaf and Aquaplus ("After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST)
- Monday (3 streams)
- Morning Gaming Stream @6:30am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Akira's Left Handed Drawing Stream ("After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST)
- Tuesday (1 stream) - Rest Day!
- Morning Anime Watch and Japanese Learning @ 6:30am MST
- Web Novel Chapter Release @ 3:30pm MST
- Wednesday (3 streams)
- Morning Gaming Stream @6:30am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Akira's Left Handed Drawing Stream ("After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST)
- Thursday (3 streams)
- Morning Anime Watch and Japanese Learning @ 6:30am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Open Collab Chat (Q&A) - "After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST
- Friday (3 streams)
- Morning Gaming Stream @6:30am MST
- Open Mic Karaoke @3:30pm to 5pm MST
- Akira's Left Handed Drawing Stream ("After Dark" @9:30pm MST to 10:30pm MST)
Morning Anime Stream ☯️ 6:30am MST︱5:30am PST︱8:30am EST︱1:30pm BST︱12:30pm GMT︱10:30pm AEST︱9:30pm JST
Open Mic Karaoke ☯️ 3:30pm MST︱2:30pm PST︱5:30pm EST︱10:30pm BST︱9:30pm GMT︱7:30am AEST︱6:30am JST
After Dark Stream ☯️ 9:30pm MST︱8:30pm PST︱10:30pm EST︱11:30pm BST︱4:30am GMT︱1:30pm AEST︱12:30pm JST
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junithys · 2 years
🌓 2023 New Year Resolutions 🌗
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I cleaned up the line art on the PNG! .₊̣̇.ಇ/ᐠˬ  ̫ ˬ ᐟ\∫.₊̣̇.
Always meet my deadlines, don't hold back because of perfectionism.
This is my main resolution for 2023! I don't think I'll get my Vtuber lore video to where I want it to be in quality, but if or when that's the case, I can always release things in steps (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.)!
Stick to a concrete schedule.
I have already been improving at this! I have a streaming streak of 24 days, almost a month!
Don't be afraid to take risks!
Trying new things has greatly improved my art and overall skills, but there's always that fear of change and block in my head that I have to fight.
Focus more on my physical health and set boundaries with what I eat with other people.
My constitution was really bad last year, it was the worst my health has been my entire life... so I am going to focus more on taking care of myself. Nutrient-rich foods, hydration, and regular intermittent fasting. Sometimes I will eat something that someone buys me, even if I know that my stomach can't tolerate the food or it isn't good for me. Recently, SakihataLily surprised me with a $9 half-gallon jug of chocolate milk, but my stomach isn't good with lactose but I drank it all because I didn't want it to go to waste, and then I had two days of bad stomach cramps... I think I'll learn how to set boundaries with food more, so that people know that I have to be more specific with my diet.
Make something that I can deem worthy to present on Portfolio Day.
I'm going to try to sharpen my skills with backgrounds this year. Portfolio day was yesterday, on January 10th but I didn't feel like anything I made was good enough to share, so I'm going to try harder to make more impressive portfolio pieces!
Work on not using language that puts myself down or belittles my own abilities.
I have a bad habit of saying a lot that I'm not good enough, but a lot of people compliment my abilities and a lot of people tell me regularly that they like my art and singing, so I'm going to try not to put myself now because I know that I'll always feel like I should be better, no matter what. It's the curse of perfectionism, I suppose.
Morning Anime Hour (via REALITY) ▶ 3:30am MST every day
Open Collab Singing (via REALITY) ▶ 9:30am MST
Book Club (via REALITY) ▶ 3:30am MST
Art Uploads (starting 1-22, the first day of the Chinese New Year) ▶ 8:30am MST on Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Blog Posts ▶ 8:30pm MST on Thursday
Schedule Writing ▶ 12:30pm MST on Thursday (I'll post this along with blog for the day)
Big Deadlines in the Foreseeable Future
-Lore 1.0 ▶ 1-19-23
-Lore 2.0 (final ver. w/ full visuals and VOs) ▶ 2-22-23
-Final Character Designs for Visual Novel ▶ 3-24-23
-Visual Novel BETA Release ▶ 6-18-23
Note: Those are all the deadlines for now. I probably will have more in the second half of the year.
Additional Info
I quoted the tweet in which I wrote this above, but I took more time to think about my resolutions, goals, and deadlines for the year - and I am glad that I took longer to think about what is both ideal and realistic. I'm grateful that I found a good free-to-use schedule template; it makes it easier for me. Since we're setting up the computer now, I am going to set Wednesday and Thursday aside from game dev progress and clerical work. As I've mentioned before, it is difficult for me to separate my writing brain from the more abstract art brain thinking, so it would be better this way.
I'm also not sure when I'll be able to rig my original design in Live2D. Not sure whether I will be able to do it myself, or I will have to hire someone to. But when I start streaming as my character, I will slowly transition from REALITY and take my time, so I get a better understanding of streaming on Twitch or YouTube!
To My Fellow Bloggers
Please leave links to articles and blogs you want me to read. I'll do blog reading on Wednesday! So, if you let me know, I'll make a list to read. Sorry that I haven't had as much time lately to be as active!
A regular collaborator on REALITY suggested that I make an Amazon Wishlist since I commented about how my mic was bedraggled after 6 years of use and cats tearing it from the wall. So here's the link if you would like to help, these are some things that would help - I also trade commissions for wishlist items: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/38FX8B6ECGCEZ?ref_=wl_share
Pressure Headache Relief
So, I used a 30 minute self-hypnosis meditation for pressure headaches and I was skeptical about if it would actually work, but it did. The pain in my head went away about 5 minutes before the end of the session. And this was a free-to-listen recording on YouTube! I'm glad because I really don't like taking too many pain meds!
Thank you for reading
▶ Resolutions
▶ Schedule/Small Deadlines
▶ Big Deadlines
▶ Note to Fellow Bloggers
▶ Amazon Wishlist
▶ Pain Relief Meditation
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Dispatches from GDC 2024 Day 1
Oh boy! Baby's first GDC! A short hike through beautiful San Francisco and I'm there, one of the greatest gatherings of designers, developers, engineers, and business experts in the games industry this side of the Pacific Ocean. I'm among my people, the next chapter of my professional life is about to begin.
Wait, no. This is still Yerba Buena Gardens and market center. I go out to the sky bridge and look out to my right, I can see the banners on the posts and people moving but where's ...?
That's Moscone* Center, in the opposite direction I was looking. It's a huge building, and that's just the South Hall. After collecting my badge (thank you to Valencia, who was working the booth) I am compelled to wander. I arrived too late in the morning to attend the 9:30AM sessions, I'm stuck in conference limbo until I can figure out where I want to be and when I want to be there. This must be why people plan their schedules out ahead of time.
Fast forward to 2:40PM and I'm finally attending my first session of my first GDC, "The Strange Within The Familiar How Once Human Designed Its Supernatural Open World" w/ presenter Peng "Victoria" Sun, here on behalf of Netease Games and Starry Studio. Once Human is an open world shooter, they're planning for a Q3 2024 release. Seems kind of strange to have a presentation on a game that doesn't have a release date yet, but hey: what do I know? Peng Sun's thesis is combining a mundane object with a supernatural quality is a good formula for producing content. Once Human originally had zombies as an entry level critter for players to take shots at, which Peng concedes is underwhelming. But give that zombie a theater spotlight for a head and suddenly we have the watcher. The monsters are really lovely, there's an undead plane that flaps its wings like a bird, there's a haunted bus that walks on big, ghoulish arms. I can't help but feel like this was an extended advertisement for the game, but who can blame them. Everybody's gotta make a buck.
Okay next talk, "Digital Thriving in a Post-Pandemic World: A Pro-Social Blueprint"; moderator Matt Lee, panelists Charly Harbord, PhD; Elizabeth Kilmer, PhD; Tim Nixon, not a PhD but I don't hold that against you Tim; Attila Szantner, who I'm pretty sure has a doctorate; and Kimberly Voll, who is also a Dr.. I wonder if they offer college credit for attending this session. Digital thriving is an important idea, facilitating virtual spaces where people can be their full, authentic selves. Dr. Kilmer points out this perspective on games as virtual habitats is great because instead of a bare minimum (well no one got death threats on our server this week so I call that a win!) it's a most positive outcome approach** to developing social games. What if we designed worlds that could help people be there best selves?
It's a great panel of very smart people, but eventually time is up. After an hour of talking about ways to make your game space a welcoming environment for everyone it's time for the post-talk off site. And what better social space than Tequila Mockingbird, a local bar.
I walk out of South Hall for the last time that day, torn between whether to go get drunk with GDC or head back to the hotel. The sun is going down, it's getting chilly, and I didn't pack a jacket. I do a web search for "flip a coin" and let google tell whether I should "Heads" back to the hotel or listen to more "Tails" at a tequila bar. The website tells me it's heads, so I start making the trek homeward. I don't really want to be out after dark.
Footnotes (feetnotes? anyway)
1 The "e" at the end is phonetic, you say it aloud
2 "Most positive outcome approach" is my phrasing, not Dr. Kilmer's. I think she put it much more eloquently.
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missfinefeather · 1 year
Anime Gambling - Stealth Post
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So yeah, 2am MFF here
My sleep schedule is fucked. It’s so very fuck. Omg is if fucked. It’s been fucked for over a week now. It’s fucked ‘o clock.
But yeah, that fucked sleep schedule is the reason I haven’t been liveblogging.
So yeah, every night I’d fall asleep at 9pm and wake up at 1:30am. I should have liveblogged during those early morning hours but I just never had the energy for it.
Now I didn’t even fall asleep at 9pm, and now I’ve been awake to 2am with no sleep whatsoever.
Also I fucking dog watch and ugh just ugh just whateverhfuwahpfiesahfpjiepfjepofweiwjefweo
Well, if I’m not going to get any sleep, then I’ll at least give you fucking something
So umm, anime gambling or something? Because I can’t focus on Kipo right now/
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r-ene · 2 years
how i've been surviving my second semester
not really big on tips with academics, more of staying and feeling alive on 12-hours class days
ive been mentioning in some of my posts that i have 11 to 12 hours class schedules this semester, and those days (wednesday and thursdays) are probably the most difficult days to squeeze in study time after class... especially wednesday since for thursday there's 4 major subjects to study for. and since the semester is ending, i'd like to share the things i've been doing because surprisingly i haven't felt any signs of burn out since this second semester.
note: i have a pretty lax schedule aside from wednesdays and thursdays this sem so most likely i won't be able to abide by these the following semester once our hybrid classes start + different schedule
1. workout first thing in the morning
started this one with just planks before and it helped me a lot with back pains due to sitting the whole day since after my last class at 7:30 pm, I would still continue to study after eating dinner, feeding Luna and so on. and recently i've been doing a 15-minute work out of 2-3 sets depending how much time i have before class starts and = instant energy boost. i noticed i didn't need to nap as much as i used to, but once i get to nap, i would feel all my tiredness from the day
2. sleep early on other days (M, T, F, St, Sn)
honestly still working on this because i like to do a lot of stuff within a day because i like getting things done as soon as possible and in advance for more leisure time + more time to do extra readings/notes and etc but this one is a necessity to lessen the probability of getting burnt out
3. supplements + caffeine
bee pollen supplement, vitamin c and collagen are the ones i take daily. aside from energy boost, as someone who hates being sick and doesn't like taking meds, i should keep myself healthy. i think caffeine, coffee speaks for itself for a 12 hr class haha
4. wednesday no-sleep
as much as possible i dont like doing this because not only is it a bad practice but since my wednesday schedule is 7:30am to 7:30pm and i have 4 major subjects on thursday, i need to sacrifice sleep to read through and study for those subjects especially during pre-exam week and exam weeks.
5. study buddies~ (+fun break times)
my group of friends from senior year has been a big help with this, we go on discord almost everyday and even though we are all from different majors (respiratory therapy, physical therapy, nursing, medical technology, architecture, marketing) we like hanging out on dc to study together for accountability and additional fun for studying :) we also have break schedules like wordle time at 12 mn where we all drop what we're doing (unless its very important) and go on wordle.
6. n a p s
this speaks for itself + i mentioned lots of times i love naps, sleeping in general since i was a kid. please make sure you take naps whenever you can, even a quick 15- to 20-minute nap could be an instant energy charger + it's also a break for our brain, to enhance memory and performance.
7. time management/prioritize
hmm another thing i'm still really working on, but since my gap year i like making to-do lists the night before and now i would make a list of things i need to do and highlight them in different colors for those i need to accomplish within the week and on another sheet of paper i would write down 3-5 tasks to get done within the day. +
8. not skipping meals
i used to not like eating breakfast but i've been practicing to do so recently because it's a necessity and since i worked out, i need to recharge or else i would fall asleep during morning class and even just a simple oatmeal is a big help with concentration (+ to avoid diabetes since both of our parent's family have a big history with diabetes mellitus, type 2) and i think there's a lot of people the same as me that when i really focus on something there's that tendency to put aside meals and eat once i get done and it's not a healthy thing to do especially since working/studying requires a lot of brain energy + energy in general, which we get from eating meals on time to avoid additional stressors such as stomach pain or headache from skipping/missing meal time. that being said, let's also eat healthily
9. cold shower before class
i swear i can never focus if i don't shower with cold water in the morning, especially with these kinds of schedule. it really wakes me up and theres a lot of benefits to showering with cold water (+ i live in a tropical country, it helps lessen me being irritable with the heat especially this summer time, specifically from 9-12nn, then i would shower again before lunch time gets done because it's also really hot at 1 to 4pm)
10. stretching
12 hours of class sounds bad but continuously sitting down for 12+ hours with pre-class and post-class study sessions is BAD. i can't begin to imagine how painful my neck, back and glutes would be if i don't move around every after 2 hours or whenever i can. im actually requesting to my mom if we could have a bar height table when we move so i could study/attend class with the option to just stand whenever i want to.
11. don't forget to wind down
personally i love going on a bike ride and walk around our village with the intention to just breathe in some air and do some sight-seeing, relax to wind down. sometimes i would do those to work out or do other exercises to sweat out the day's stress. other than those, sleep, read, watch, browse through my coloring books and do some coloring are other ways i like to wind down. another important note to not go to bed with a headache and/or get burnt out easily.
12. last but not the least, HYDRATE
water, water, water. sometimes i infuse my water with cucumber or lemon but usually it's just ice cold water in my 750mL flask and i would drink every now and then, especially when i can't focus/feel sleepy and refill at lunch, mid-afternoon and dinner. i also like drinking cold water as soon as i wake up and it's just really a necessity.
new tiktok :)
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
Op took on sentinel’s mantle after the latter’s death?
Wait, does sentinel still really have a biological kid?
Also, I knew people would know optimus and megatron had the hots for each other.
Wait, did starscream ever tease megatron about all this love stuff?
What’s Optimus’s average schedule?
Ps. I hope my latest ties that bind fanfiction post hasn’t gotten buried by tumblr’s bs.
They were both cops, and Sentinel was a mentor to OP! Someone figured that out and made the connection that Sentinel was looking for the Matrix and OP now has it (Very questionable, as many laymen see the Matrix as a mythic relic from the past), and because OP has decided to go against the VERY charismatic (we'll file 'murderous' away for later shhh) Megatron, there are more than a few fanatics esp in Decepticon strongholds who think he's Gone Sentinel. Up in the wind currently, but IF he did, wouldn't it be fun if it was.... Nemesis Prime?
There's definitely some who remember VERY fondly the times when those two were side by side and are clamoring for a return to that time!
Starscream did, but not anymore because it wouldn't make sense to Megatron, (who has Dean Ambrose levels of "I do not fuck with social media”) and it's no fun if Megs is just "...?" 95% of the time about it.
Ima check!
Pressuming OP's not active on the field :
6:00am - Subuh prayers 6:15am - Morning run 6:45am - Shower 7:00am - Breakfast while reviewing overnight intelligence reports with Jazz 8:00am - Con call with ambassadors in the East 9:00am - Daily meeting with the division chiefs 9:30am - What the f---no it's fine, he thought you said something for a second there. 9:35am - No he doesn't know why it's glowing like that maybe it wants a second bagel or sumth 9:40am - This is fine. Second bagel courtesy of Jazz, meeting resumes 10:00am - Volunteer work in nearby town 12:00pm - Lunch break 1:00pm - Training session 1:45pm - Stop glowing ffs this is practice, not life or death WHO IS ARGUING WITH ME 1:55pm - Just random palpitations! Nothing to worry about guys he's fine. Session resumes 3:00pm - Post-training medical check, team performance review 3:30pm - Zuhur prayers 4:00pm - Con call with ambassadors in the West 5:00pm - Asar prayers 5:15pm - Tea break, tending to pigeons 5:30pm - Quality time with Bee (Running, talking, football, dancing, etc) 6:00pm - Strategising session with Prowl 7:00pm - Dinner while going through daily reports 7:45pm - Maghrib prayers 8:00pm - Debriefing sessions alongside Prowl or Jazz on field agents reporting in from their stations 9:00pm - Archival work in Alpha Trion's library (sorting through documents, digitising and/or translation work) 10:00pm - Work-out session 11:00pm - Isyak prayers, Leisure time 12:00am - Crash
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So I've held off on posting about our troubles because I've been getting sick of my Tumblr being nothing but sad shit.
However, there is new drama that's really just reignited old drama.
Bethy expressed an interest in working at the hotel. Workers get like a 40% discount on rooms when staying and she thought it would help mom out. Another worker is a teen and told her she should try to apply for cleaning. She's got almost everyone wrapped around her finger except that old bitch I mentioned a few times. The one who's rude to everyone no matter what.
She was going to wait for the night when her fav worker was on night shift to ask for an application because the dude likes her and opens the breakfast car early for her so she can actually eat before school. She had to quit her job at the pizza shop last month and misses earning money. Her checking account is running low as well so she just wanted to try something out while we're here since it's boring.
Bethy had a whole plan set up, and step-dad just fucked everything up. This happened like 3 days ago and he's managed to make it worse every day since.
So what happened was, he went to get coffee early morning. He's been nothing but a pain in the ass. 4 people to one room and he developed a habit of staying up until 5AM watching TV while the rest of us try to sleep. Bethy is dead to the world and won't wake up for shit, but mom and I aren't so lucky. He managed to get it down to staying up to only 2AM, but it's still pretty bad.
My schedule is fucked because the slightest of noise or light wakes me up or keeps me awake. Mom has chronic pain and only sleep in increments of 15 minutes if she's lucky. So we've been stuck being awake with him. I would be up at 6AM to get mom breakfast and did so for the past month religiously. BUT I managed to right my schedule enough to sleep from midnight until 8AM or so.
He woke up at 7AM in a bad mood, and woke mom and I up in the process. Then got pissy when he found out I hadn't gotten mom food, which meant he would have to. He'd deliberately been sleeping in late as fuck to avoid doing it because he never really wanted to. The breakfast bar stays open until 9:30AM so no one was saying he had to do anything but he went, bad mood and all.
Lo' and behold, old lady was still here and he, with his nasty attitude, got the bright idea to ask, not for a job application, but if Bethy could get a job at the hotel. He came back in a worse mood, shoving things around and stomping about, calling her a bitch and saying she was always so mean. She is mean and has no patience for anyone, but he doesn't get pity in this situation because he doesn't fucking think or know how to control his emotions.
1.) Grown man with no job asking for his 14 year old to get a job at this hotel. Doesn't look good.
2.) He is injured and unable to do anything requiring being on one's feet. The old woman doesn't know that or doesn't care. It doesn't matter. Thing is, he mentioned to us about thinking of getting a job at the hotel, but when he went up to her he only mentioned Bethy.
3.) It looks especially bad with his choice of wording. He asked for Bethy to get a job, not an application. Application leaves things ambiguous and she would have assumed he meant for himself or even me. But nooooooo. He only mentions Bethy and makes no mention of anything else, which looks really bad.
4.) From an outsider's perspective, it looks like he's planning to make Bethy work so she can use her discount on the room for us and then pay for the room with her paycheck. This is common sense. This is what most people would think if they see a jobless man walking around seemingly fine, and asking for his 14 year old to get a job in a hotel where he's barely able to afford keeping a night in and is struggling day to day to stay only on the good graces of strangers.
And then, we're having additional problems in other places because while Bethy's fav worker lady managed to keep us on a fixed rate for a month, they can't keep it up because the season is changing and the hotel is getting more expensive and the boss is taking notice of how may favors are being done toward this specific Room. It isn't looking good for us.
Step-dad is now trying to get Bethy to not go to school on Tuesday so she can help him transport shit from the hotel room to the van to the second storage unit. He was the one who kept insisting on bringing more and more shit in that we don't need, and is now throwing a tantrum because she can't miss school to help him. Bethy's school has used up all it's free days and then some because of Covid, snowstorms, bomb threats, and random power outage issues now and then. She cannot miss a full day of school for the rest of the year.
And he won't fucking listen! So she's crying because he ruined her plan to get a job, his attitude further put the old woman on edge around Bethy, he's bothering her over the damn transport shit, plus his jealousy over the workers liking Bethy is rearing its head again, and other shit going on that's making him a crab ass to be around.
So yeah, lots of shit happening. None of it good. We have to be out by Tuesday morning and have no idea what's going down as his tax shit is still pending despite how it was accepted the day he put it in. His perpetual bad attitude isn't helping anyone. Bethy is in tears from the stress of him and our situation and she just wants to be away from him, which in turn makes him more annoying because he's so damn needy and whiny.
I'm bitter af rn sry.
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magdasabs · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could give me some info regarding Chelsea’s season. I have a couple questions😅 it would be so helpful if you could answer some of them
1. When does pre-season usually start? Does it mean the players have more intensive training schedules?
2. When do our players have a break? Do they have more than 2 weeks during the summer?
3. Do you have any idea of the training hours of Chelsea? Like at what time do the players arrive in the morning and when do they leave? Do they eat breakfast and lunch all together?
Hi! Sorry for taking so many hours to reply to this, I hope it's still helpful
Pre-season usually starts in mid July and yes, during pre-season they train more but that's also because they don't have to play games and then recover from them every 3 days - during the season there's hardly any time to train
They'd have a break between the end of the season and start of pre-season but if they also play for their country (which just about all of them do) and there's a big tournament that usually means they might get a week or two off before and a week or two off after, depending on how far their team goes
Some of the players have posted schedules, there's one from Guro I think and their training is something like 9:30am-2pm and that includes breakfast and lunch, yeah
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junbugsarchive · 1 year
🐞 JunBugs Newsletter #18 🦋
Yesterday's setlist (in order)
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✧ Gloomy Sunday - Sarah McLachlan ver.
✧ Thank God I'm Pretty - Emilie Autumn
✧ With Every Light- Smashing Pumpkins
✧ Departure - Ono Masatoshi
✧ Tell Me What The Rain Knows - Sakamoto Maaya
✧ I Wish You Love - Natalie Cole
✧ Gloomy Sunday - Heather Nova ver.
Also, you guys can post your own setlists and what you sang on stream as well :)
These are some songs that I been practicing for karaoke (some upon request)
Please let me know if there is a song request that you have for me, I really loved doing the "Simple and Clean" (Utada Hikaru) cover that was requested of me last week!
^ ^
Special thanks to the lovely co-hosts: Elizabeth and Morningstar!
Here are all of the people featured in the new photo album:
✧ Elinor
✧ Elizabeth
✧ Kari
✧ Morningstar
✧ Tails
✧ Sunny
✧ Elfiee
✧ Aiden
✧ Dakota
✧ Kurisu
✧ Valrexy
Please remind me if I forget your name, I try to remember to the best of my ability. If you would like a picture with us too, please do not feel shy about asking on stream, sometimes I don't include people because I either don't take good pictures of them or forget to while they are singing, so please let me know. I never want anyone to feel excluded!
Twitter Album 1 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657969515127533568?s=21
Twitter Album 2 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657969934373376001?s=21
Twitter Album 3 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970234475843585?s=21
Twitter Album 4 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970455956058114?s=21
Twitter Album 5 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970615935201282?s=21
We reached 8,600 followers yesterday!!! Thank you so much!!! ✽-(ミ>ᆽ<ミ)/✽
Apologies if the change in schedule doesn't work for everyone, I had to put a bit of a gap between karaoke and late night gaming so I still had time to work in the afternoon and still have a small window for a nap in the morning before the first stream. I hope that the work will lend itself to being able to afford more gaming opportunities in the future, sorry again that the karaoke and the game stream aren't at the most optimal times. The new times are below with brand new time conversions, sorry if I missed your country!
Morning Anime Stream ☯️ 6:30am MST︱5:30am PST︱8:30am EST︱1:30pm BST︱12:30pm GMT︱10:30pm AEST︱9:30pm JST
Open Mic Karaoke ☯️ 12:30pm MST︱11:30pm PST︱2:30pm EST︱7:30pm BST︱6:30pm GMT︱4:30am AEST︱3:30am JST
After Dark Stream ☯️ 11:30pm MST︱10:30pm PST︱1:30am EST︱6:30am BST︱5:30am GMT︱3:30pm AEST︱2:30pm JST
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kryptsune · 3 years
Why are you so lazy? Other artists have done waaaayyyyy more work than you do in half the time.
🌼Lazy... am I? It’s very bold to assume that someone you don’t know personally is lazy, isn't it? Let me give you a rundown of what I do on a weekly basis anon because just because I can not produce art and writing like some kind of printing press for you does not mean I am lazy. 
I wake up every single morning around 7-7:30am as such I make myself some breakfast and log onto my computer. I greet my server and ask them how their days are if others are present and then I get to work. 
Course #1:  - 4 video lectures ranging from 30 minutes to an hour and a half EACH. Making sure to pause the video so that notes can be taken which takes even LONGER - two academic readings that are so dry and painful that usually takes an hour depending - Working on the final projects for this particular course which requires research and a lot of diagram writing {X2} - Take a quiz on the given material
Course #2:  - 6-8 Video lectures taking notes as well - Reading in a range of 2-4 articles or book excerpts  - Quiz on the material - A 3-hour guest lecture  - Group project requirements - Participation assignment  Course #3:  - 1 and a half hour lectures X2 with extensive notes - Readings usually 2-3 which are 30+ pages which takes at least an hour to accurately comprehend - Discussion board participation (X2) - Essay drafts/ finals  - Mini papers Course #4:  - Reading 100+ pages  - Quiz on the reading - 3 and half hour lectures - Group Game Dev work includes:       -Being the production manager and setting up schedules      - Making sure everyone is on task      - Concept art and character work for the team      - Writing for the team      - Misc things that are needed to be completed       - Status logs of work and fellow participants - Box art for the finished product - Game description  - Interview and video editing Tumblr:  - Answering asks if there are any -Crating World Building Wednesday posts  -Crafting Souly Damned Saturday Posts -Reblogging when appropriate  -Sharing what I can when I can Business:  - Checking new orders - Packing said orders - Printing and shipping said orders - Keeping product inventory and finances in check - Checking in on past orders to make sure they arrived at their destination - Creating and brainstorming new and interesting shop products - Calculating and adding restocked items - Sending out pre-order bonuses - Updating the site as frequently as possible - Advertising and marketing  Other:  - Managing my server  - Outlining my fics if possible - Drawing the finished chibi charms like Grimm - Updating my commission information for this coming Summer - Finally getting to spend time with friends so that I can actually breathe - Lego project for mental health...  - Occasionally drawing for myself 
These are all the things that I do weekly. So the next time you assume that I am being lazy because artists post more than I do... take the time to actually think. My life is not tied to social media and I don’t want it to be. I work at the pace that I can handle. Sorry things take a while but if you want quality work that is what you are getting. I have no need to prove myself to you or anyone else...
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