#I have to wait a foking week
scaranation · 1 year
I saw that requests were still open and I crawled back from the firey pits of hell to offer you Scaramouche brain rott along with a personal AU that hit me like a foking brick like two days ago.
So first off. Imagine if you will. That Mr. McGrump wasn't actually just one entity but actually a trio of twin brothers that wandered around Teyvat known as the "the trio of eccentrics". They despise each other (cuz of course they do) but decide to travel together cuz no matter how hard they try to NOT bump into each other, the world is just so big for a trio of dumbasses that are chaotic on their own right.
They cannot get along to save their lives. The amount of times Scaramouche and Wanderer have gotten smacked on the face with Kabukimono's smithing hammer are just too many to count. Not to mention that as feeble as he appears to be he has a scarily good aim much to his brother's previous dismay as they have been greeted with a flying hammer to the back of the head multiple times when they have run into each other "by chance" before.
People tend just get confused when one of them randomly spawns on a town and seemingly sprout two other clones like some kind of mitosis type shit until they realize it's just a trio of siblings.
I also low-key feel y/n would accidentally bump and help all of them separatedly by chance only for them to all either think of them fondly or straight up have a little crush on them. I can just see Kabuki rambling to wanderer how some sweet person saved him from a hoard of electro slimes only for him to remember how someone offered to invite him to some food in one of his travels similar to the one his brother mentioned. Only for Scara to interrupt demanding if they were talking about this one very specific person that offered him shelter that one time he was injured after some misión or something. Cue y/n casually walking by and all of them losing their collective shit cuz HOLY SHIT THAT'S THEM- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW THEM TOO????? And thus the quest of winning over the kind stranger begins.
Idk if this was even mildly entertaining but this idea has been eating my brain for days and needed to spew it somewhere. Love your work! ✨✨✨
OMLL HOWW YOUR BRAINROTS ARE SO GOOD I CANT 😭😭 this took me a while to write but i had to get everything out to even do this idea some justice it’s got me giggling fr
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ft. Scaramouche, Kabukimono, Wanderer
Content: fluff, crack (but treated seriously)
a/n - innocent Kabukimono just lives rent free in my heart omlll like just imagine a less traumatised Scara <33
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The trio of short haired, violet-eyed wanderers (also known as “the trio of eccentrics” by the local children) were a common sight in Teyvat. Prior to the revelation that they were, in fact, siblings, people had believed that they were either a teleporting ghost or some human aphid with miraculous cloning abilities. That was until someone saw two of the them in the same room, and connected the dots.
Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono were inseparable - not of their own will, of course. On their erratic, impulsive routes across Sumeru, they’d somehow cross paths more often than they wanted. In fact, they’d made an effort to avoid each other. The Wanderer had retreated all the way to the Hypostyle Desert, cackling at his own genius. Unfortunately, he also found Scaramouche and Kabukimono at the desert too - both dumbfounded at the ridiculous situation. Somehow, all three of them had simultaneously decided that hiding in the desert to not see each other was a great idea.
“What are you doing here?” the Wanderer had blurted.
“No, what are you doing here? I had this idea yesterday!” Kabukimono cried.
“Both of you, get out of my sight. I hatched this plan two weeks ago.” Scaramouche grumbled.
“Oh, how diabolical and calculating you are,” the Wanderer rolled his eyes, as though he wasn’t just praising himself for what he thought was the most intelligent idea to ever exist.
“Fine, I’ll leave first.” Kabukimono sighed. Perhaps it was because he was the youngest, but he was always ended up giving in to his brothers.
“Pushover,” the Wanderer smirked.
“Says the unemployed one,” Scaramouche scoffed.
“At least I have a vision.”
“Shut up.”
The many other times the trio convened by accident, two of them weren’t even conscious to fully process their irritation. The moment Kabukimono spotted Scaramouche or the Wanderer at his favourite resting place, he’d let loose his hammer - striking them on the back of the head with scary aim. He’d congratulate himself if he managed to score a concussion, too. It wasn’t as though the others didn’t defend themselves equally vigorously. If they couldn’t settle things with words, the brothers would just break out into fighting.
Things were especially bad when the Wanderer got ahold of Kabukimono’s hammer. Upon wrestling it out of the blacksmith’s grip, the Wanderer would flit into the air, gleefully holding the hammer out of reach until Scaramouche had enough and struck him down with a bolt of lightning.
“You look like a fly when you do that, you know?”
“You’re just jealous.”
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Somehow, you were always at the centre of the trio’s unpredictable paths of destruction across Teyvat. You never really guessed at the connection between them, only dismissing it as a mere coincidence that you’d developed a fondness for three purple haired, short-tempered travellers.
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As an adventurer, you’d first met Kabukimono on one of your errands.
“Stay away!”
You heard the clanging of something heavy on your inspection in Guyun, turning around to locate the source of the voice.
You followed the commotion around past the domain you’d just exited from, finding a crevice tucked away into a small beach-like area. Clumps of electro crystals clung to the stone walls of the cove, the lapping of the waves only perpetuating the intense elemental reactions. At the centre of it all was a strangely dressed man, being attacked by a hoard of electro slimes. He flailed around with a blacksmith’s hammer, presumably caught in his own attempt to mine valuable ores for a project.
His clothes looked to be of Inazuman attire, too - what was an Inazuman doing, looking for electro crystals all the way out in Liyue?
“Do you need help?” You crouched down, a little hesitant over whether or not it was obligatory for you to jump into the electro-charged mess.
“It… certainly looks like it, doesn’t it?” The man flashed you a defeated smile. Luckily, as a pyro vision holder, it wasn’t too difficult for you to deal with the slimes. With a brief flash of your vision, you also mined the ores for the stranger as well.
“Ah! So they require elemental triggers to be mined. No wonder it was taking me so long. Thank you, by the way - I’m Kabukimono.” The stranger extended a hand. You took it, but he didn’t shake it. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, before he released your hand.
“Ah, sorry… That’s what I see people at the workshop do when they meet someone new. Is it strange?”
“No, of course not! You usually shake the hand after holding it, though.” You quipped helpfully.
“Oh.” A flush spread across his cheeks. He thanked you vehemently once again, insisting on offering you some spare iron in exchange for your help.
“Travel safe!” You called after Kabukimono, as he hurried off. He was a little strange, but his awkwardness was rather endearing. You smiled and shook your head, before resuming work and thinking nothing more of the entire ordeal.
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Unlike Kabukimono, the second of the trio you met was a lot more irritable. You met the Wanderer at some food stalls in Sumeru city, almost mistaking him for the acquaintance you’d met in Guyun - only to be quickly corrected by his vastly different attitude.
“Watch it.” The stranger that looked suspiciously like Kabukimono (but with a remarkably more hostile, pointed gaze) shoved past you.
“These lavender melons. How much do they cost?” Not-Kabukimono asked the vendor, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Uh, 200 mora-”
“What? Who sells trash like this so expensively? Forget it, I didn’t want them anyway.” The Wanderer scoffed, turning to leave before you quickly grabbed him.
“If you’re hungry, you can eat at my place. I have some leftovers,” you offered. He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Why are you helping me? Is this a poisoning attempt?”
“No… You just remind me of an acquaintance of mine, so I thought I’d look out for you.”
“Pfft, I don’t need your baseless concern.”
At that moment, the man’s stomach grumbled. The two of you made eye contact, before reaching a silent agreement.
“My house is that way,” you pointed, as the stranger begrudgingly followed you.
Even if he didn’t say so, the stranger most definitely enjoyed your cooking. After introducing himself as the Wanderer, he was quick to open up - always stopping by to visit (claiming that you were a convenient dining place for his travels).
Whenever he stopped by, you’d laugh and cook him a warm meal - it almost felt like home to him, or at least what he thought a home was. He never really had one, nor did he care for the notion, but this arrangement was quite pleasant for him. If the Wanderer was in a good mood, he’d even share some of his travelling stories with you. He’d boast about the enemies he defeated in the wilderness, complain about the stupidity of mortals, before giving you the rare piece of acknowledgement (“you know, your cooking is edible,” or “it’s definitely not poisoned,” etc.).
You quickly grew to anticipate his sporadic visits, getting an understanding of what kind of food he preferred. You weren’t sad when he didn’t arrive, and the two of you thrived off a mutual relationship. The Wanderer was surely different from your other companion, but that didn’t make him any less welcome.
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Lastly, you’d met Scaramouche on an ominous rainy day. Or, rather, he’d been deposited on your doorstep.
“I don’t remember ordering a parcel…” You peered out into your doorway, squinting through the lashing rain - before realising that this ‘parcel’ was very much human-shaped.
With a surprised gasp, you dragged the figure inside as carefully as you could, wincing at the blood mixed with rainwater that swirled across his smooth skin. Peeling back the heavy layers of his outer coat, you took off the man’s hat to gape again in shock.
“Kabukimono?” You spluttered.
“Who are you calling Kabukimono?” The stranger snapped, sitting up slowly.
“Wanderer?” You tried again, guessing based on the man’s furious expression.
“Hah, you dare to…”
Before the stranger (that was neither Kabukimono nor the Wanderer) could finish his sentence, he passed out again in a haze of dizzying unconsciousness.
The man’s deep indigo eyes fluttered open a while later to the sight of you tending his wounds. He immediately flinched away, looking at you incredulously.
“Who are you? Why am I here?”
“You quite literally passed out on my porch, then again in my house. Don’t you remember?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“You dare gaslight a Fatui Harbinger? Try as hard as you want, but I won’t be giving you financial compensation for this.”
“You’re… a Harbinger…?” You frowned. He sure acted and looked a lot like the Wanderer - perhaps he’d hit his head a little too hard.
“Yes, Scaramouche. I’m better known as the Balladeer, of course.”
“I’ve never heard of you.”
“Well, then that just means we’re doing a great job of maintaining confidentiality.” Scaramouche huffed, allowing you to continue wrapping bandages around the deep gashes on his body. You chuckled at his demeanour.
“I’m not expecting anything in return for this.” You offered, leaning back to scrutinise your medical work. Years of adventuring had given you experience in this sort of thing, but your expertise was still lacking.
“Then why? Don’t tell me, you believe in kindness?”
“Anyone would do this if they found a stranger half-dead at their door in the pouring rain.” You rolled your eyes.
“I was not half-dead, and I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Scaramouche huffed, and you almost gawked at how similar he was to the Wanderer.
“Um, do you happen to know anyone named… Uh…” You hesitated under your new acquaintance’s fierce gaze.
“Named what? Do I look like an Akasha terminal to you?”
“Never mind.” You quickly shut your mouth. Perhaps it was just a coincidence.
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It took a few months before the trio finally figured out they had a mutual connection. They’d all visited you countless times, and yet were lucky enough not to encounter each other - that was, until they finally began talking about their latest travel experiences upon having a chance meeting in Sumeru.
“Hm, perhaps this is what mortals call… comradeship…” Kabukimono mused to his brothers one day.
“Feeling a little amicable, Kabukimono?” Scaramouche sneered. He eyed the glimmering purple blade Kabukimono flipped over in his hands.
“There was this adventurer who saved me from some electro slimes once. It was because of them that I could fashion this dagger… Humans really are compassionate.” Kabukimono mused. He happily smiled to himself at the reminder of you.
“You’re so naive, brother. After all, mortals are only driven by fair exchange. Nobody would help without expecting it return - ah, there is one exception. There was this person I met who offered me food. I’ve been having free meals with them for months, and they don’t even know how I’m taking advantage of them! How immature they are, selflessly acting like that. It almost makes me concerned for their well-being,” the Wanderer chuckled.
“I don’t think you’re taking advantage of them if you’re… just accepting the free meals they give you. It almost seems they have you wrapped around their finger.” Scaramouche snickered.
“You wouldn’t understand the idea of a mutually beneficial relationship. In fact, have you even talked to a living being other than your colleagues in the last week?”
“Yes, you, and a certain traveller who took me in after I was injured in a mission-”
“You got injured? How pathetic.”
“It was a calculated risk. Anyway, they gave me shelter and treated all my wounds without asking for mora once. And they even let me stay over long after I’d healed, too. Mortals are so foolish, to be blindly trusting. I could’ve snapped their throat in a second.”
The three brothers agreed on the extremely rare and (questionably naive) selflessness of humans.
Then, a beat of silence passed before a revelation dawned on them.
“Isn’t it weird that we’ve all met a strange, helpful adventurer?” Kabukimono murmured.
“Exactly what I was thinking. Surely not all humans are like this.” Scaramouche nodded.
“Maybe foolishness is more common than we thought…?” The Wanderer suggested, but an uneasy feeling was dawning on him as he began to connect the dots.
“Say, does the traveller you two met live near the Grand Bazaar?” Scaramouche prodded.
“Yes.” Kabukimono and the Wanderer responded simultaneously.
“And they have an adventurer’s bandana? With a Mondstadtian clock in the front room of their house?”
“Yes- YOU TWO KNOW THEM AS WELL?” Kabukimono spluttered.
The Wanderer only heaved a large sigh. He was so close to showing off that he had a new friend, only to realise that the new friend was also acquainted with both his brothers.
“How bothersome, it seems you’re already close with them.” Scaramouche raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I am! I met them first, after all.” Kabukimono insisted.
“Both of you, be quiet. I’m going to their place now.” The Wanderer pushed back his chair.
“Hey! I was planning to visit them too!”
The scraping of chairs resounded as the remaining two brothers hurriedly rushed to get to your house.
Any other person would probably pass out from fear at seeing all three of the notorious trio appear at their door. You, however, only shot them a bemused look and ushered them in.
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Once the three realised they had competition, Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono would be unrelenting in competing for your attention.
It was quite comical at times - you’d barely have to say anything and one of them would appear, diligently doing tasks for you and looking back at you eagerly for praise. It seemed almost strange to consider that these three had been marvelling at your profound naiveness only a few days ago, and were now basically at your beck and call.
Scaramouche would definitely be the most demanding. Whether it was a hand on your elbow or a risky grip on your wrist, he made sure you were close to him and sought your undivided attention. He’d recklessly snap out searing insults at anyone else, before getting ahold of himself and stating that he was merely defending a poor, foolish soul from being taken advantage of by some calculating purple-haired villain. Not him though, he’d never do anything like that.
The Wanderer (like his name) was more relaxed - he could go without your eyes on him at all times, and he’d drift in and out as he pleased. However, he did see himself as being entitled to your energy whenever he did happen to stop by. Occasionally, he’d even offer to take you on a scenic flight across Teyvat. After you’d tried it once, you were quick to refuse his latter offers - zooming across rooftops at breakneck speed was not your forte. The Wanderer huffed at your reluctance and accused you of denying his altruistic favour, but made an effort to do things you liked regardless.
Kabukimono was fiercely shy. He’d always bring you trinkets - small mechanisms or self-defends tools he’d fashioned from spare parts during his work as a blacksmith. He’d press them into your hands self-consciously, unable to bite back a smile when you praised his handiwork. He wouldn’t hesitate to stand up against his much fiercer brothers if it was for you, holding you in a tight embrace whenever you’d let him.
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And so, as it happened, it seemed as though “the eccentric trio” simply couldn’t escape each other. As if by some ill-humoured joke, they all ended up liking the same person. The only issue was, being that person, you now had to deal with all three of them at once.
As if one wasn’t enough, you now had triple the trouble.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Hi, I’ve just been really depressed, can I ask a female reader being saved and comforted by Spencer Dutton? Maybe a little longer then usual? Thank you so much!
Hi anonymous reader I am not sure when this was sent in so I am sorry that you had to wait. My first week back at college has been busy ❤️
Knight In a Cowboy Hat
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Heading into town on horseback I could see a fight breaking outside a dinning hall between some of the hunters and the ones who we called city foke who just wanted to praise the hunters on a good or bad job. Today was one of the bad ones dismounting my horse I rested a hand on the time handheld pistol clipped to my belt. "What seems to be the trouble today, boys. Can't decide whether you’re rooting for the kill or find it horrible yet again?" One of the men turned to me spitting in my face making me grab a hold of my hat as I stumbled backwards a little in my boots. "Be quite women. Hunting is a man's talk not yours. Did you’re mother not raise you right you certainly shouldn’t carry a weapon.” Wiping his spit off my face as I turned my hands into fists at my sides raising my head up to the man since he is taller than me. “My mother raised me just fine thank you. This world is about survival so I’m sorry if you take offense to it.”
Turning on my heels I attempted to walk away but the man grabbed me by my jacket yanking me back slapping me across the face harshly. “You talk with the mouth of a man but you’re a dumb woman to think we’re done with this conversation. You ride here on a horse so you’re clearly a ranchers daughter so go back to that house and tend to it.” He growled in my face before I raised my right hand punching him which resulted in the two of us going into a fist fight. There are a few men on his side who charge at me hitting me in the gut and the others who did agree with hunting managed to pull some off me. My hair was a reck and I was bleeding from my nose and my left arm when the man who started the fight shoved me down onto the floor. “Listen here little rancher girl, don’t pick a fight you can’t win. Hunting is a man’s nature. Yours is to carry children!” He had his hand around my throat with my hands trying to pull him away thankfully before I blacked out a gun sounded off causing the circle of men to break away from me making room for another hunter to come towards us.
“Stay out of this, Dutton. She needs to know her place.” The man holding my throat spat up to the man. I recognized the family name saying that he was one of the very best hunters around Africa. The Dutton hunter instead sat his shotgun on the table beside us punching the man in the jaw knocking him onto his back. “That’s no way to treat a lady. I’d suggest you watch your mouth, sir.” The Dutton man turned my direction as I sat up holding a hand over my nose seeing that my nose was still bleeding as he offered me his freehand gently pulling me to stand. The cowboy looked to the others who had beat me causing them to back off quickly watching us leave and go into one of the closed rooms of the inn. He has me sit down in a chair coming back with a med kit from the doctor close by. “May I?” He asked in a much softer tone then he gave the men outside gesturing to my injured arm and nose.
Nodding my head yes slowly he picked out two clean cloth’s handing one to me so that I could hold it underneath my nose to stop the bleeding. The Dutton removed his tan cowboy hat sitting it on the table beside us with his shotgun. “Thank you for helping me with those assholes. When will they learn that some times have to change.” He nodded picking up a needle and thread attempting to close up the cut on my arm but he wasn’t used to healing up wounds. “Some people don’t want to change. I’m Spencer can I know your name?” He asked me sitting down the needle noticing that the bleeding had stopped. Giving him a smile I throw my arms around his neck hugging him where he froze for a second hugging me back. “Sorry uh - I’m Y/n. It’s just I never thought I would find someone like you.” He breaks the hug tucking hair behind my ear. “I’m glad I could be your um…knight in a cowboy hat.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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movietimegirl · 9 months
✨🌌Ahsoka ep 6 thoughts🌌✨
This ep was directed by Jennifer Getzinger. She did an amazing job❤️
Super hyperspace is gorgeous 😍
So Ahsoka knows Sabine handed the map over to Baylan and she seems real frustrated I get it. But considering what Sabine has gone through, she shouldn't blame her for wanting to see Ezra again. 🥺
Huyang got stories from the past. He needs to tell me some.
"In a galaxy far far away" He said it!🤯
I can't believe really traveling to another galaxy right now. This is nuts!
Meanwhile, Poor Sabine.
It's a Purgill Graveyard! So this is where Purgill comes to die. You can see their bones just floating.💀
According Morgan, her ancestors rode Purgill 🌌
What an interesting planet and it already had temple.
Live action Nightsisters!? I was NOT expecting this! This show continues to surprise me! 🤯
Sabine reeks of Jedi? I'm curious what they mean by that. Like can they sense she has light-side force sensitivity? Or was it because she was around Ahsoka? Because they don't seem to have a problem with Shin and Baylan, since they use the dark side of the force.🤔
Sabine thrown into in a cell and tries to use the force again only for Starcruiser to arrive! It's THRAWN!
And look those Stormtroopers man. That design is ✨GOLDEN✨ Thats Thrawn for Ya.
Thrawn looks menacing and is softspoken as ever 💙❤️
Looks like Thrawn has been doing homework on Baylan. Read him like a book! 🤣
Sabine and Thrawn are face to face! It's heating up! Ezra is not dead, damn it!🔥
Ngl, I was scared Ezra may have been that stormtrooper with the cool mask.🤡 Forgot his name
Sabine is given a...bat horse thing. It's cute!❤️
"Die Well" Well Damn...
And she off! But of course, there's always a catch. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Sabine took care of those bandits with the Lightsaber 🔥
Sabine, don't be mean to your bat horse! He came back and that all it matters! Let him come with you! ❤️
Ngl, this bat horse reminds of Sven from Frozen🦌
That's no rock! That's a rock turtle guy in a suite! And he's cute!
He has a rebel symbol, Ezra must have gave it too him🔥
Meanwhile, Baylan and Shin gets sent out for Ezra and Sabine. No surprise there. But Morgan suggests to send out troopers with them but Thrawn shuts that crap down quick. Am I sensing a power struggle? 👀
And it look like Thawn doesn't care what happened to them. He just wants to get the hell out🥶
Ahsoka is on her way!
Baylan and Shin having a talk and man, I really love these two characters. 🤧
These turtle guys remind me of those rocks guys from Frozen as well.🤣 But they also remind me of Ewoks from the OG trillage
I wonder if Ezra taught them to build this stuff at their village
"I knew I can count on you." HOLY CRAP! That made my heart guys!
Ezra looks great! He's grown so much! 🤧
The resuion we all been waiting for! *hugs* ❤️
Sabine is just glad she's found while Ezra just has many questions!
Looks like Ezra has been living with these guys for bit.🥲
"I can't wait to go home." Yes Ezra, well be going home hopefully soon ❤️🤧
God, this ep was amazing! I love! I love it! I love it! ❤️ And I Reble fans had an amazing time with this ep. Can't believe we're already down to two ep already? Ah, time flies. Thanks for reading fokes, see y'all next week.
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Go back to Texas
Female x Javier escuella
:yn and Javier got separated years ago and sees the Javier in Saint Denis
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I sat watching the boats take off from the harbor and the sun set in the morning I’m setting off to new Austin to see what lies ahead it feels like I have been in lagas for a long time all that’s here is swamp
I have been helping Martelli while I was in town he invited me to a boat party nothing much but ritch snobs and drunks
I sat in front of the mirror in my hotel room now after looking at the clock seeing it was Close to time to be on the boat I put on my dress it had the shoulders cut off and it had white lace down the middle with red hims my hair was curled the corset I had on made me feel like I chould not breathe this is nothing like a bounty hunting clothes I have been rideing around in for weeks
The lady Martelli had dressing me took one look at me
“There you go miss you look splendid” she said
“Thank you” I said shakeing my head I placed my hand on my stomach trying to breathe with such tight clothes on
I got into the wagon feeling the night air hit my neck it was cool and Chrisp i watched the people walk up the boat ramp dressed in elegant clothing I walked up to the guard smileing walking past him onto the boat I chould hear the people laughing the woman chatting and the men playing poker
I started to walk to the bar hopping to get a drink to calm my nerves when a guard hit my shoulder I stumbled back smelling a sent of strong cologne that made my chest drop as I went to turn around to look at the guard he was already to far away I shook it off and walked to the bar
“Ah madam what would you like to drink” said the bartender who had a thick accent
“Whisky on ice” I said
He gave me a drink I shook the glass making the ice move around the glass like horses in a corral would in circles I saw it in my mind makeing me think of ranch life
The sunrise in the morning the mist on the grass a dog barking at something random and a feel of warm hands on my waist
I do miss him I never stopped missing him he was always in the back of my mind
He is never gone but he is silent waiting and watching for his memory to come back it always hits me when I don’t need it to
I felt a hand on my shoulder
“You came come join me on the top deck and have a drink” said Lee
He is a friend of mine we run a moonshine business or I did before I told him to do it for me I was not caught up for That and he needed the money more than me
As I walked up the stairs seeing the moonlight hit the ships floors from the deck a small room was on the top deck it had two guards and some other rich people sitting at a table drinking
I herd some more chatter come up the stairs
“The cowboy herself” said Desmond Blythe
“Desmond”I said shooting a smile
“Martelli told me you would be here”said Desmond
“Well I’m getting payed aint I”I said shooting back my drink
“Go on have you a seat in there my men will assist you” he said
“Well I better get downstairs I have poker to play”said lee
“I thought you hated poker” I said
“I do that’s why I’m robbing the hell out of these rich foke”he chuckled
I walked inside the room takeing a drink from the man
Two guards were standing in front of a huge vault
“What you guarding there” I asked sheepishly
“Why do you need to know” said one of the guards
“Hey look I’m getting payed to protect this place I don’t think you need to be asking me questions” I said
“Yeah right a woman is gonna protect this place you place is cooking and birthing” said the man
I wipped put a badge that was inside of my gauder
“See this read me what is says” I said
“Bounty hunter” he said
“Yes I have taken out some of the most dangerous gangs from lemoyone to new Austin” I said
“Not the most dangerous” he said laughing
“What”I said taken aback
“Have you not read a News paper lady”he said
“Not in some time why”I said
“The vanderland gang has robbed Cornwall 4 times and over 3 banks in the spand of 5 months”he said
My heart dropped as I herd the name I have not herd anything of it sense I left the gang
“Maybe they do it to get by” I said mumbled under my breath
“You say that like you know”he said lighting a cigarette handing the lighter to the guard next to him
“They are just like any ole criminals that need to hang stealing our money”said a man at the table
I bit back my words
“Why would you defend a gang”said the guard
“I don’t know I I just have herd rumors that’s all that’s all I am a bounty hunter that hears rumors”I said
“You need to be layed down like a real woman only men need to do that work” said one guy sitting a the table that was already drunk
I saw the other gurd who has not spoke tighten his hands on his gun
The doors on the room opened the pit boss walked in
“I think you will like this watch sir”said the pit boss
“I will”said a man who I chould not see
I saw the pit boss drop to the ground heading a bullet rang out
People were running and screaming out of the room
I stood up reaching for my gun my back turned I had a pistol in my dress pushed in my tights my long dress hid it
“Not so fast lady”said the man who’s voice I have not herd in years
I turned around
“Arthur” I said
“Y/n” he said
“Y/n”I herd
I turned around
The whole i time if I would have looked the other gurd in the face I would have saw that it has been Javier
“Grab the watch and money and let’s go”said Arthur
I ran with them makeing a ascapw off the side of the boat
Swimming to shore
I whistled for my horse
“It’s nice knowing y’all are alive” I said
“Your not leaveing again are you”said Arthur
“I’m breaking the law not sending you two to jail I’m a bounty hunter legally I am the law” I said tearing my skirt climbing on my horse
“Y/n I just got you back don’t go”said Javier
My heart sank the feeling I have been wanting to feel hearing him say my name
I jumped off my horse running up kissing him
“We will meet again when the time is write” I said
The look on Javier’s face saddens
“Javier I will meet you back at camp”said Arthur
He nodded
“Please mi amor let me spend one night in paradise with you it has been 3 years sense I last saw you” he said his hand on my cheek
“You have probably said this to every girl you pick up and fuck later over the years”I said rolling my eyes
“There has not been one day I have not thought of you not wanted to hear your voice to hold at night”he said
The boat was pulling into shore whistles chould be herd in the distance
“Come on I know somewhere”I said hoping on my horse
We rode to the hotel
I walked inside my room
“Why did you leave me”he asked grabbing my hand
“I didn’t mean to leave when I went on the trip up north I got caught up here in valentine and got mistaken for robbing the bank got sent to prison then I got broken out by some ritch guy named horly”I said
“My life has been crazy ok it has not been easy I tried seaching for you but when I was able to get back to camp y’all have fled”I said
“I have a life now I bounty hunt I work with this werid ritch guy Martelli I have a friend who is a trader that makes me hunt”I said
“Your telling me you didn’t leave because you wanted to”he asked
“Why would I leave”I said
“Now your never leaveing my sight again he said kissing me
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perths-pandelion · 2 years
after this episode I just want to live in this moment
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calumance · 4 years
Bisshh you already got me skipping around the house with excitement with the bad boy story. The first part is already so foking good like aahhhh. Thank you thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’m sorry this took SO LONG. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ It’s on the longer side, but hopefully this is well worth the long wait???? 🙈🙈🙈 here’s part one for anyone who hasn’t read it 😘😘
        It had been days since you had heard from Calum. For the first few days, your heart broke every time you walked out to your car after work and he wasn’t there. After a day or two, you stopped expecting him to be there, which was more heart breaking than expecting him to be there and he wasn’t. You had thought about calling him a few times, but the thought quickly left your mind after you remembered that he left because you told him you were a virgin. When you remembered that, the heart break quickly turned to rage. What asshole doesn’t want to be with someone just because they’re a virgin. You bit your bottom lip and slammed your hand down onto the steering wheel. Calum, Calum is the asshole who doesn’t want to be with someone because they’re a virgin.
        After not hearing from him for a week, you started to figure he was gone and out of your life. You had started to move on, deleted a few pictures of him out of your phone, not all of them, but some. You had started to want to hang out with your friends again, life was going back to normal. Or at least it was until you looked up from your phone and found Calum leaning against your car, a cigarette between his lips.
        You froze as he lifted a hand to grab the cigarette from between his lip. A cloud of smoke expelled from his lungs. He flicked the ash off the cigarette with his thumb and looked to his right, shifting his weight on his feet. He looked forward and caught sight of you. He stood up straight and took one more long drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out on the bottom of his shoe. Unable to feel your legs, you stood still, and Calum walked over to you.
        A lump formed in your throat as he approached you and stood close enough to you that his cologne invaded your nose. “Hey, sweet cheeks.” He said with a smirk before pushing his sunglasses up into his hair.
        Rage built in your stomach. He disappears for a week after you tell him your deepest secret and then has the audacity to call you ‘sweet cheeks?’ “Don’t call me that.” You spat out, still paralyzed by the fact that he was even here.
        Calum’s cheeks flushed and his smile dropped. As if your retort sucked every word he had in his head out, he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at his feet. It took him a minute to look back up at you, his eyes squinted. “Can we talk?”
        “No.” You spat at him again, finally feeling your legs again. You walked past him, continuing on your path to your car.
        As soon as you opened the door, Calum pressed a hand to the door and slammed it shut. “Please, I need to talk to you.” His eyes were pleading, a glimmer in the signaling that maybe he wasn’t a complete asshole. Still, the rage in the pit of your stomach wasn’t going to let him step all over you. You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the car, raising your eyebrows, urging him to talk to you. Calum rolled his eyes and looked away, swallowing hard enough that his Adam’s Apple bounced. “Not here.” He said before looking back at you.
        The way he looked into your eyes, it made your heart tighten. You looked around for any sign of his car, but it was nowhere in sight. As much as you wanted to hate him, there was something about him that made you think it was impossible to hate him. “Fine, get in.” Calum swallowed and jogged around the front of the car to place himself in the passenger seat.
        Calum asked for you to take him back to your place. As much as you wanted to tell him to fuck off, that you could talk anywhere but there, you took him to your place anyway. You walked into your house in front of Calum, but allowed him to pass by you before you shut the door. You dropped your keys onto the table and crossed your arms over your chest, “Okay, we’re here. What did you want to talk about?”
        “Why didn’t you call me?” Calum said, his eyes glossing over as the tears welled. His bad boy exterior quickly becoming soft as he removed his sunglasses from the top of his head, letting his hair fall flat against his forehead.
        You quirked an eyebrow, not giving into his soft exterior façade he was putting on. “Why should I call you after what you did? I told you something that I am very insecure about, and you solidified why I’m insecure about it by leaving the way you did. Or did you leave because I don’t have the body of a super model.” You swallowed the lump in your throat that was forming and would eventually turn to tears. There was no way you were going to shed another tear for him.
        He reared back at your question, as if you had stabbed him in the chest. “What? No I – “ He closed his mouth and ran his hands through his hair, swallowing to physically show his frustration. “I left because I’m not good enough to be your first. You deserve someone so much better than me to be your first. It had nothing to do with the way you look, because I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He dropped his hands from his hair and lifted his palms towards the ceiling as he shrugged.
        You felt paralyzed again, the lump in your throat so large that it felt like you could barely breathe. You narrowed your eyes and placed your hand on your chest, “You think I deserve better?” Calum swallowed, and you chuckled. “Wow, I’ve never heard that one. If anything, you deserve someone better than me, Calum. I will never fit in with you or your crowd. You have this bad boy thing going on, and all I do is work and come home to watch sappy rom coms until I’m too tired to keep my eyes open.” You chuckled at yourself and looked down at your feet.
        “I think you’re perfect,” Calum said taking a step toward you. “I don’t care if you’re not like the people I hang out with. Maybe that’s not what I’m looking for, if it was, don’t you think I’d be with one of them? You’re what I want, please give me another chance.” He took another step forward, making it so there was virtually no space between you and him.
        Before you could say anything to him, he placed his hands on either side of your face and crashed his lips against yours. As you wanted to fight him, you couldn’t find it in you to push him away. Instead, you grabbed the material of his shirt and balled it into your fists. After you found the will to let go of his shirt, you reached up to his shoulders and started pushing his jacket off his shoulders, forcing him to drop his hands from your face. As soon as he dropped his arms, allowing for his jacket to hit the floor, you pushed him away and took a breath.
        The two of you stood a few feet apart, breathing heavy for a minute before you both crashed into each other, racing to discard of each other’s clothes. Calum spun you around and started leading you back to the couch. “what about my bedroom?” You asked through heavy breaths.
        “No time.” He said before pushing you back against the couch and discarding of the rest of your clothes, as well as his. Finally, you both were naked, but this time, it wasn’t going to end here. Calum pulled his lips off of yours and looked down at you. He trailed his hands over your body, stopping on each curve that he loved the most. “You’re so beautiful,” He told you when he stopped in a spot that made you cringe.
        Before you could reach up and touch him, he lined himself up with your entrance and slowly pushed in, causing you to gasp and tilt your head back. With every slight push, he would ask if he was hurting you, once you told him no, he slid further in. Once in was in all the way, he pulled back and thrusted into you again, your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head. He asked again if he was hurting you, and you shook your head. He bit his bottom lip and furrowed his eyebrow as he focused on his thrusts. “Fuck,” he whispered as he pulled back again.
        Pleasure washed over you as you finally were able to reach up and allow your hands to travel over his body. His warm skin causing your finger tips to tingle, “Calum,” you managed to choke out through the sandpaper that coated your throat. He grunted as the thrusts suddenly became faster, his hands still rounding over every curve of your body.
        Hearing you moan his name, causing him to moan as he tilts his head back. It was like music to his ears. “Fuck,” he said louder as he lowered his head and thrusted hard enough that his hips clapped against yours. You nearly screamed in pure bliss as he crashed into you. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold on,” He chokes out through gritted teeth. As if on cue, he pulls out as a wave of pleasure washes over you and the orgasm races through your body. He releases his load onto your stomach as you come down from your high. Only for him to quickly reach for the closest item of clothing to clean you up. After he tosses it to the side again, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips, “So, about that second chance?” He smirked and ran the back of his fingers down your cheek. You laughed and rolled your eyes, of course you’d give him a second chance, you’d give him every chance if it meant you were with him.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
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The Fandom steps on grief
The day it broke out destiel was canon I was so out of it I went through negation the whole day, so shocked I was just nope, lets make it as it didnt happen, and I went to study.
The next day I was like... Hm, so spn did that?... Why the fuck? And I legit got angry at supernatural, like why the fuck? Even if they did that, it uncalled for, just finish the series with your averange apple pie white fences life, we all were prepared for it. Or what, did they want to foking give us what we always wanted? We never actually thought of the possibility, we dreamt it, we just wanted better subtext because you know, its too early for society and we were aware of it.
So then I foken bargained. Yes, thats how supernatural will end (apple pie generic american suburb happy family dream), we always knew that. So I went on and wrote a little fickle of fiction like I always do (its like a coping mechanism).
Because right now wasnt the times, just wasnt, maybe wait for a couple of decades to finish it up gay, maybe when discrimination is barely an issue and most boomers have died off angry elders.
Yeah, like a cameo on a new supernatural series.
Next day I was busy studying so it wasnt until after tea I just said, hm, lets install tumblr? And I logged in, and just read like I used to do when in the fandom, before the tumblr armaggedon.
And damn if I didnt laugh, I was estatic, high with a entoxicating mix of nostalgia and absurd simple happiness, I was more or less euphoric, all the news crashing and I was giggling while also incredibly...sad? No, it wasnt sad per se, but it did ache, it was bittersweet, I had to study but I couldnt stop scrolling, I was skipping the actual scene with the gifs though, I wasnt ready for them. Neither with the codas, I was  having a free wild ride of emotions just by knowing cas had said I love you so I still needed time. (May I pressent you a sub step of euphoria(?))
On the next moring I was ready to see the gifs and read further what had happened, I still am not able to watch the actual scene, maybe in a couple of days I will. 
My thoughts about it have been mixed since Ive seen the gifs. 
First I was angry of course, its been like 2 years since I dont watch supernatural so I forgot dean and cas's expression repertory and the overall ambience of supernatural. But after seeing the gifs closely and remembering everything in the series, the pacing, some scenes, it was just natural for dean to behave like he did. Constipated and veteran of hunters as he is, just after loss after loss, it was very in character. 
And then I was kinda sad and let down, for the series, for us, for everyone, it hurted... but then I thought, the bury your gays trope, even if sad, its to be expected. Lets think it as a step forward, rather than something to lament on. lets be grateful they did what this era is still trying to grasp on. Remember this is a 2005 series based on 90' american stereotypical behavior, of plaid wearing manly man with guns and no chick flick moments and sleeping around with the local sexy lady while butchering monsters and fixing your vintage car. I bargained, I was depressed and slepless for this whole week, I bargained, read codas hopeful but at the same time hopeless. "something I know I cant have (that I wish I had)".
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So today I was finally able to watch the scene (I wrote the whole thing like on monday and now its sunday) , Ive endulged a lot about the series and now I remember most things, the whole trip, the road so far...
But ya know?
Even if not knowing whats gonna happen, either way Im anxiously happy, just like Cas said: its not about having, its about being. 
Its not about having what we might or not have (destiel) ....Im happy being on this whole spn ride so far, it took me low and high, and Im thankful, for the text and the subtext and the metatext and all that we fandom wrote...so yeah, ultimate last step of grieving acceptance.
 With the last breath of spn, the series (Cas) has yet again managed to teach me a last lesson on life. And that is something I will always stan for.
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