#I have tons of color coded ink and paper notes
zylphiacrowley · 7 months
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writerfae · 1 year
Fae!!! I hope your finals go well!! You are gonna ace them and we will be waiting for you to come back!!
I'm baking (yet again) today! my father wanted a cake so who was I to say no? lol
don't forget how important taking breaks, drinking water, eating snacks and sleeping is!!!!
(also how would your OCs react to finals? who's the one who crams it all the night before? and do they regret it? who's the one with the million flashcards? and how do they exams go in the end?)
Hello!! And thank you so much! :)
That’s great! Baking is really fun. (I should do it again sometime too). What did you bake?
I will keep that in mind, thank you! ^^ I’ll make sure to take proper breaks, those are really important indeed.
Oh my ocs would be absolutely stressed out about finals.
Aiden is what I like to call a short-term learner. He is good at memorizing stuff for as long as he needs it, but only things that interest him really stick longer than an hour after the exam. He writes summaries and makes vocabulary lists to memorize, by rewriting his notes or just revise them in his head and write down the things he tends to forget.
He takes proper breaks, sometimes longer ones than would be necessary. Aiden needs a while to get himself to study and stay focused, but once he did he’s usually doing quite alright. It also helps him to study with other people sometimes.
Maya has tons of flash cards, color-coded notes and a whole study plan. She has probably the healthiest way to go about studying out of all of them, she has enough water and snacks with her, locks away her phone and takes breaks.
Maya too writes everything down that she thinks is important (tbh she thinks too many things are important and ends up not needing 50% of what she learned). She’s a fast learner. Sadly, despite all her effort, anxiety still gives her a hard time occasionally.
Halea is usually the one who starts learning the day before the exam and pulls an all-nighter. It’s not often that successful. That’s why Aiden and Maya would gently force her to study differently for the final exams. She’s easily distracted but also very ambitious, so she would study hard for finals to not be the only one of her friends not passing.
Talon is the one putting the most pressure on himself, working for days straight, afraid that he didn’t do enough. He also happens to be the one who should have no worries at all, cause he’s top of his class, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He has high expectations for himself. Talon can be hyper focused on studying, sometimes he even forgets to eat. He too uses flash cards and lists, but he has papers lying around everywhere.
This boy needs to get forced into a break. I in fact have a modern au short story about it. It can be found HERE, if you’re interested!
In the end they’d all get through their finals with quite satisfying results. Talon and Maya have excellent grades everywhere. Aiden does quite well too, but the best grade he gets in his favorite subject. Halea doesn’t have the best grades in most subjects, but it’s enough to pass them all and get good enough grades for a scholarship later.
Thank you for your ask <3
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
Blackthorn Detective Agency - Part 1
KitTy Sherlock AU!
It's set in 1930s, slow burn & will have a few parts!
I'm not 100% sure where this is going but I'm already writing the second part, so we will see
Words: 3 862 (I know it's long, sorry, this part is more about the plot and the surroundings)
Kit looked at the grey sky above his head and frowned. It was going to rain. Of course.
He hasn't been in London for over a year now but he wondered how he could forget that. The bad weather, the noise, (and true to be told - very dirty) streets, the men in suits and cylinders, the women in pretty dresses, sometimes with pants. He wondered what happened to the few closet shops he was passing by. One of the many mysteries of life.
And talking about mysteries…
Kit saw at the other side of the street what he was looking for. A grey showcase, thorns all over the frame with a few simple words in the middle - "Blackthorn Detective Agency". There was a small bee on its left.
Kit fastly crossed the street, holding his hat. Some man angrily shooted, cursing the sudden wind that scattered many leaves, newspapers and even a few hats. Kit laughed. He missed London even though it wasn't the most awesome place.
He stood up in front of the agency, hesitating. He knew the guy who ran it is young, very good at what he does and known among people as Sherlock Holmes. Kit didn't know almost anything about him. What if he was a criminal? Or another kind of dangerous person?
But he remembered the look on his father's face. The empty package. Kit needed the money, no matter what kind of guy was this Sherlock.
He quietly opened the door and looked around the room as he was entering. It was kind of a lobby but a lot smaller - there was space only for two comfortable-looking armchairs, mahogany mass and a portrait hidden behind a curtain. The walls were in nice, warm colors, mainly grey and brown, a turned off radio on the desk. In the right corner, almost unnoticeable was a polished ajar wooden door.
Kit cautiously stepped towards it but then he heard voices. He stopped, grateful he was quiet while coming inside.
“... think so?” this was a woman's voice, perhaps a girl's.
“Look. All I know is that my friend disappeared a few days ago,” this was definitely a woman's voice, probably older than the first one. “He didn't show up for our meeting the next day. He didn't send a note. And…” she hesitated.
“What is it?” this time it was a male's voice.
There was a minute of silence, then:
“The only reason I come here is not because I can't do investigation on my own. It's because…” she sighed. “The last day we saw each other, exactly the day before our appointment, he told me there is a secret that was passed to him to protect. And he told me about it. Not everything, not enough details, but I'm sure he told me because he knew he may be… attacked. I think his… attackers may know about me and this would impede the investigation.“
“I understand,” the male voice again. It was a nice voice. Melodic. Kit could listen to it for hours. “I suppose you can't tell us this secret.”
“No,” she said firmly. “I definitely can't. It's not mine to say.”
After this no one said anything but Kit thought he heard a pen writing fast on a paper.
“Is there anything further you want to share?” asked the male voice.
“I don't think so,” the woman said. “Just… be careful. Find my friend. The money is not a problem.”
Kit swallowed. Money. This woman had money. Kit should get the job at all costs.
“Thank you, Miss Loss. We will do everything we can to help.”
This was followed by silence and noise of moving clothes. Tracking of heels. Kit jumped off the door, hoping he wouldn't be caught eavesdropping.
A woman with blue skin and white hair came out of the room. A warlock. She suspiciously looked at Kit but didn't say anything. She walked past him and frowned at the sky.
“London's weather is terrible, isn't it?” Kit chuckled. “Sometimes I forget.”
A shadow of a smile crossed the woman's face. “It is, indeed. That's why I brought an umbrella.”
“Lucky you. I always forget and I'm supposed to live here.”
Then a real smile appeared on her face. But she didn't say anything - just put on her gloves, took out her umbrella and went outside. As she opened her umbrella right in front of Kit her skin and hair became darker and she wasn't warlock anymore - just a regular woman in the rain.
Kit watched after her for a second then turned around. On the door's frame was leaning a girl. Not much older than Kit probably, with bright blue-green eyes that was watching him curiously. She was wearing gloves, white shirt with puff sleeves and coffee brown wide leg pants, almost as dark as her curly hair. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. Kit noticed a necklace around her neck, with a gold chain and a slim disk of metal on it. On the front was a wreath of thorns - probably the family symbol.
“How can I help you?” she asked politely.
“I'm here for the job. I heard that… Sherlock… is looking for a partner.”
“Yes, that's right,” she said. “Very well. Come in.”
She turned around and got back into the room she and the other woman were in. Kit followed.
It was an office. The shelves on the walls were filled with books - some of them about mathematics and the morse code, about the body language and animals, others - mysteries and classics, fairy tales and mythology, most of which Kit didn't recognize. It was surprisingly cozy - the room was warm and smelled like ink and paper. There were a few maps on the walls - of the world, of England and of London. Three armchairs like the ones in the lobby and surprisingly many tables (at least three) on which were a few little toys and tons of well organized paper - on one was even a disassembled watch. Right against the door, no more than 5 meters away, was a big desk - it was a little messy, with a rotary dial telephone and two chairs on both sides. Probably for the clients.
There was also a board, standing close to the desk - big, see-through board on wheels with paper and written things on it. A young man was cleaning it right now.
As Kit saw him everything around faded a little and his gaze was focused only on him. How beautiful.
This was probably the most good-looking man Kit has ever seen. He was tall, taller than Kit, with messy black hair which showed he probably runs a hand through it a lot. His eyes were grey like the sky outside, carefully reading a piece of paper. He was wearing gloves, a silk white shirt, a little loosened on his neck and black trousers with braces.
This should be Sherlock, Kit thought. He didn't expect him to be so young. Hell, he probably wasn't much older than Kit.
“We have a job candidate," the blue-greened girl said and sat on one of the armchairs.
The young man lifted his gaze to look at Kit. Kit felt embarrassed. He was wearing his favorite overcoat and cap - he wasn't as elegant as the two of them.
“Hello,” he said, trying not to sound too nervous. Or desperate. “I'm here for the job. I heard that Sherlock is looking for someone helping him.”
None of them said who Sherlock was or if the guy in front of him was Sherlock. The black haired one just nodded.
“You can sit if you want.”
Kit sat. The boy took a notebook from one the piles on the desk and a pen.
“My name is Livvy. This is my brother, Ty. We run this place. Nice to meet you.”
They, Livvy actually, asked him a few basic questions - his name, age, occupation. Kit came here prepared to lie for them all. But watching the boys' - Ty's - face while he was writing down the information, he couldn't make himself tell all the lies he had prepared. Kit ended up telling them the truth. His father would be disappointed in him. Well, if he knew his son was here.
“So, Mr. Rook,” the girl started.
Kit shivered. “Please, Mr. Rook is my father. You can call me just Kit.”
“Kit, it is,” she smiled. Kit had a feeling the serious questions begin now.
After almost 30 minutes the interview was at its end.
“Final question,” Livvy said. “Tell us Kit, why do you want to work in this agency?”
Kit paused. “True to be told, it's mainly because I need the money.”
“Oh,” clearly this wasn't the answer she expected. Even Ty looked up. “Really?”
Kit shifted uncomfortably. “Well… I want to help my father and for this I need to find a job. And when I saw the inquiry in the newsletter… I told myself this is what I want to try to work.”
It wasn't the greatest answer, really. But it was the truth.
“Very well,” Livvy said. Ty wrote something in his notebook - he was doing it the whole interview. “Please, leave us alone for a few minutes.”
Kit nodded and got up. He smiled at them and turned around.
When he got out of the room the door closed tightly after him.
Livvy turned to him with a playful smile.
“What do you think about him?”
Ty looked at the notes he had made during the interview. Christopher, also known as Kit Rook.
“He looks like he can do the job,” Ty said.
“Oh, come on!” Livvy stepped away from the door and approached Ty's desk. “I know you liked him.”
It was true. Ty did like him. He had a nice smile.
“You're not wrong,” Ty said. “But.”
“But?” Livvy raised an eyebrow.
“I don't think he'll keep up around for long. You heard him. He's here only for the money. When he is financially stable again he'd quit.”
“Ty,” Livvy sighed. “We talked about this. We're looking for someone who will work here, no matter how long. We can't find a full time worker that fast.”
Ty ran a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and breathed. He looked at the empty board. He already imagined how he filled it with paper, the possible connections and people, places and details, the web of the case - could this stranger help him solve the board?
“I know you don't like strangers,” Livvy said quietly. “But at least give him a chance. From all the people that came, he is… I don't know. Most reliable-looking, I suppose. He would talk with people and he's smart. And I have a feeling he may know a thing or two about London's criminals.”
Ty looked suspiciously at the door, even though he couldn't see Kit through it. “Do you really think he would be helpful?”
Livvy sat on the chair in front of the desk, looking amused - Ty wasn't sure why. “I think he is worth a try.”
Ty looked at his notes one more time, tapping with the pan on them. He looked at Livvy. Sighed.
“All right,” he said. “Let him in. He must hear the good news.”
Livvy smiled at him and got up. Ty almost didn't hear their conversation. Still tapping with the pen on the papers, he read again all the information Catarina Loss gave him. He should talk with some people. Check some places. To think about it.
“Yes?” he looked at Livvy.
“When is Kit starting?”
Ty thought about it for a second. “Right now.”
Well, Kit thought. These guys are intense.
He watched, sitting on a chair, as Ty and Livvy together "prepared" for the case. Ty cleaned up one table, while Livvy moved the London's map closer to the see-through board. At some point they were finished and Livvy sat on the same chair she was sitting on during Kit's interview, while Ty remained standing.
“Let's retell get the case from the beginning,” Ty said and grabbed his notebook. “Before four days, on 10th October Ragnor Fell arrived in London, around 2 p.m. After that, around 4 p.m he and Catarina Loss met on George Street, in a restaurant whose name is unknown. They sat there no more than three hours and left between 6 and 6:30 p.m. This is the last time Catarina sees Ragnor. The next day, 11th October, they should have met at Arthur Street at 11 a.m. but Ragnor never appears.”
He looked up from his notebook and said, “Do I miss something?”
“I don't think so,” Livvy, who had written fast while her brother was talking, shook her head. She turned to Kit as she was handing the paper to Ty. “This is the 'skeleton' of the story. The very basics we know. The details come after this.”
Kit nodded, fascinated by the team they were. What was Kit even doing here? It was obvious the twins worked well together - they didn't need a third wheel.
“Now,” Ty said slowly, looking at the paper with the information Livvy wrote on. “Ragnor told Catarina the secret during their meeting on 10th, correct?” On another list, which he pinned next to the first one, he carefully started to write what he just said. He was making a timeline, Kit realized.
“Correct,” his sister said. “Also, in the same conversation he mentioned he's going to meet with a person named Raphael Santiago, but it's unclear when and where.”
Ty wrote that too.
Then he stared at it, tapping the pen on his hand.
“Do we know when he comes from?” Kit suddenly asked.
They both turned their heads at him at the same time. A little creepy but impressive.
“What do you mean?”
“I was talking about Ragnor and his train. Do we know where the train started from? Or from where Ragnor was before arriving here?”
Ty intensely searched his journal. “I don't think so.”
“It's probably not important anyway…”
“It may be,” Ty just said and took one more paper, wrote something on it and pinned it on the other side of the list with the 'skeleton'. “This is the first thing we're going to check tomorrow.”
For a few more hours they discussed the case. It was Ty mostly and Livvy. Kit was only following their conversations (and Ty's monologues), adding some little details time to time.
He was amazed. After spending a few hours in their company he could understand why "Blackthorn Detective Agency" had this reputation.
Kit looked at the clock on his hand and stood up. “I'm sorry but I have to go.”
It was almost 6 p.m. His father would wonder where he was.
“All right,” Livvy said. “Come here tomorrow morning. Nine a.m. Or earlier.”
Kit shivered. So early. But he only nodded and left.
Kit was running down the street. The wind was blowing in his face, his lungs were burning. He could barely stop in front of the door of "Blackthorn Detective Agency". Kit took one deep breath and entered.
Ty was in the lobby, sitting on one of the armchairs. He was reading his notes, in one hand holding a calabash pipe and in the other - his journal.
He glanced at Kit. “You're late.”
“I'm sorry,“ Kit said. It was his first day - it was a bad impression to be late, wasn't it? “I didn't correctly estimate how long it would take me to get here. I promise it won't happen again.”
“Good,” Ty said, closing his notebook. He got up from the armchair and grabbed the overcoat that was on the other.
He was as tall and handsome as yesterday. Under the overcoat he was wearing clothes similar as the day before - only the shirt was green. The braces remained the same.
“Let's go.”
“Shall we not wait for Livvy?”
“She is not coming with us.”
“Oh. All right.”
Ty eyed him as they were leaving the building. “Are you disappointed?”
“Well. No. Just surprised I suppose.”
Ty seemed like he accepted his answer. They walked side by side on the street.
“Where are we going? To the train station?”
“We shall,” Ty said. “But our first stop is Ragnor's apartment because it's closer. Then we'll take a taxi to the train station.”
“Sounds good.”
They walked together in the chilly London. Kit could see his breath in the air. The streets were rather empty. Maybe it was because it was too early? Anyway, he liked it this way. It was calm.
“So,” Kit said. “Why do you choose to call yourself Sherlock? Where does it come from?”
“Livvy came up with it,” Ty said, glancing around the street. Maybe he was searching for Ragnor's apartment. “And I'm not Sherlock.”
Kit was so shocked he stopped walking for a second. Then he caught up with Ty and asked, “Wait, you're not Sherlock Holmes? Then who is it?”
“Well,” Ty said and turned towards the street on the left. “It's Livvy and I. Although she probably will disagree.”
“Interesting,” Kit said absently. This explained some things. Like why no one could tell how Sherlock looked or his age. Even if he was male or female even though most people thought it's a man.
“This is it,” Ty said and they stopped in front of a tall but narrow building, reminiscent of a tower. “I believe Ragnor's apartment is on the third floor.”
Instead of entering the building from the main entrance, they went around to the rear entrance. While they climbed the stairs (because around the elevator too many people would see them), Kit asked, “Do you have a key to the apartment?”
“No,” Ty simply said.
“You say we're going to break in?”
“Well, technically, yes. But Catarina Loss said we should do everything we can to find him. Even if this includes "some not so legal actions", in her words.”
“Dear god,” Kit murmured. “So, we, kind of, have her permission to break in her friend's apartment?”
“That's right.”
Does he know how to do that? Kit thought but didn't say it. He probably knew. This was Sherlock Holmes (or at least half of it).
They quietly sneaked throughout the floor, until Ty stopped in front of room 66B.
He frowned at it.
“What is it?” Kit said.
“It seems that the lock is not... what I expected it to be,” Ty sounded deeply displeased when he said it.
Kit signed. He didn't want to seem like a criminal but desperate situations require desperate measures.
“Have you brought some instrument to open the door?” Kit said, already looking at the lock. “Small screwdriver perhaps? Or something like it?”
“I did,” Ty said absently, tapping with his foot. He was probably thinking of other ways to open the door without breaking it. Well, with a bit of luck Kit was going to do it for him.
“Can you give it to me? I want to try something.”
For a second Ty just looked at him but did as Kit asked.
Kit took the little object and kneeled in front of the door. The lock was better than he expected from a place like this but nothing unbearable.
After a few minutes, a few clicks and pressure on the mechanism Kit unlocked it. He stood up and gave the screwdriver back to Ty.
Ty was looking at him with amused eyes. “Unexpected but very helpful. Thank you.”
Kit felt warm and smiled. He wasn't used to people complimenting him. Shyness he didn't know existed in him woke up and he just said, “Nothing special. You're welcome any time.”
Ty gave him a thoughtful look for a second but didn't say anything.
They walked in the Ragnor Fell flat. It was a rather simple room. Pale red wallpapers, boring green sofa. A dresser and a desk with a few books about Spanish language on it. Bookshelf and a few plants. In the end of the room was a door, as boring as everything else here, that was probably the bedroom.
“This doesn't make sense,” Ty said, looking around the room. He approached the desk and looked at the books.
“What? That this flat is awfully boring for a warlock to live in? If so, yes, you're right.”
“No. I mean,” Ty ran a hand through his hair. “You have a point. I suppose. But I meant that such a warlock as him would protect his own flat at least. We get into it too easy. There were no spells, no protection, nothing. This is strange.”
Kit closed the door to the apartment and stepped in it. “Maybe he just didn't have the time?”
Ty shook his head, opening a drawer in the desk. It was empty. “Between his meeting with Catarina and his arrival in London are two whole hours. After that too, if we guess he hasn't been kidnapped right after meeting her.”
“Fair point.”
Kit looked around as well, approaching the door. There really wasn't anything interesting. Most of the books were classics, the sofa looked old but unused. Kit opened the door to the bedroom which creaked quietly.
This room was even simpler. One big bed, two nightstands on both sides of it and one more wood door, probably for a bathroom or closet. At one of them though there was a frame. As Kit took it in his arms he saw it was a black and white photograph. In the middle Kit recognized Catarina Loss - she was smiling quietly with crossed on her chest arms. On the right was a tall guy with cat eyes and a big smile, maybe a little drunk.
Kit decided the man on the left was Ragnor - he couldn't imagine a guy like the other one would live in place like this. Maybe-Ragnor looked grumpy and annoyed but Kit could see in his sparkling eyes that he was happy. He probably loved his friends but would never admit it.
On the right corner with a thick pen was written 'Peru,1890'.
“Did you find something?”
Kit looked a little startled at Ty. He almost forgot they were here to investigate. Almost.
“Something,” Kit repeated. He handed the frame to Ty and watched as his grey eyes were running through the photo.
“Peru, 1890,” he said thoughtfully. “This photography is from more than 40 years ago.”
“It's the only personal piece here. Probably in the whole flat, except the Spanish books.”
“You have a point,” Ty agreed. “But this is not his-”
A sharp sound interrupted him. It was the front door. Someone was trying to break it.
Kit breath stopped. Before he could do anything Ty grabbed his arm, opened the wood door and dragged them both inside.
Ty closed the door to the narrow dark room. Kit couldn't see anything. The only material thing was Ty's body against him. A moment later they heard how the stranger broke the lock and their steps as they came inside.
To be continued...
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dmsden · 3 years
Campaign Sorcery - Documents
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. Welcome to Campaign Sorcery, where I give you little tips to “tszuj” your game with little additions that will make things that extra bit more fabulous. This week, we have part 1 of 2 parts about handouts. Specifically, this week, we’ll be talking about documents.
Documents are a great, easy to make handout that add a lot of impact to a game session. If your party is going to find a letter that gives some clues about the campaign’s main villain, it’s a lot more meaningful if you hand them a physical document rather than simply telling them what the letter says. Documents can be letters, maps, diagrams, notes, coded messages that need to be deciphered, scrolls, legal papers, invitations, and more. Beadle & Grimm seeded their initial boxed set for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist with tons of amazing documents to hand out. One of my favorites was a series of newspapers - the Waterdeep Wazoo. One of my players noticed an advert for an exotic animal store in the Wazoo and set out to buy an osquip to keep rats out of the tavern. This osquip, Precious Boy, became a memorable part of the adventure, and I even worked in plot around him.
The first thing you need in order to create a document is the content. You need to actually write the text of the letter, draw the map or diagram (or find one online to use), or otherwise figure out what will appear on paper. You can handwrites notes, of course, but the internet is also a repository of many handwriting fonts, and this prevents every NPC from having the exact same handwriting. You could keep notes on which fonts represent which NPCs, and, if the PCs find a series of letters from the same NPC, use the same font each time, to give them a clue to notice. Likewise, if someone pretends to be the NPC, you could use a different font, and they might notice the difference.
The kind of paper you use can make a big difference. Most office stores carries a variety of different papers, including multiple colors of parchment-style paper. This paper may cost a few colors, but it really looks great. Again, you could use a specific shade of parchment for a particular NPC, which will make it very noticeable when compared to other NPCs. It’s unlikely that there are mass manufacturers of parchment in your world, so if, once you’ve printed the text on your page, you want to tear the edges to make the whole thing look more handmade, that’s a nice touch.
There are many other touches you can do to affect the document and make it seem older and more weathered. To get a weathered effect, as well as to make the parchment seem older and more brittle, you can crumple the page, run it under water, then put it on the rack in your oven at about 350 degrees until it dries out. This will make the ink run and stain the page (and your fingers, so consider wearing latex gloves while you do it). It will also make the paper seem old, wrinkled, and more crackly. It’s a simple effect, but it really works well.
Another thing you can do is to do this same process, but, instead of running it under water, push the parchment into a bowl of strongly-brewed tea. This will stain it very differently, and it will also add the tea’s fragrance to the paper, which can be very interesting. If you use an unusual tea with a potent fragrance, this can really catch the players’ attention. You could also enhance the paper’s smell by putting some essential oil in the water or tea you stain it with. Adding a few drops of orange essence, peppermint essence, or the like is going to change things up considerably.
Partially burnt papers can look REALLY cool, but be careful. You can use matches, a lighter, an electric match for a grill, or, my favorite, a kitchen blowtorch. Bear in mind that, if the fire gets to your text, it will obscure what you wrote, so make sure that you’re careful with this. Also, I shouldn’t have to say this, but paper burns REALLY well. Make sure you have a way to safely extinguish the paper handy. I usually stand next to my sink with the water running. I then dunk the paper when I’m happy with the burning, crumple it up, and put it in the oven for that brittleness I mentioned before.
These are just the tip of the iceberg for interesting things you can do to paper. You could use fake blood to make stains on it, bury it in the yard to get it good and filthy, use lemon juice to write or draw in invisible ink that the heat of a candle will reveal, get the document soaking wet and freeze it before handing it to the players, use trick pens to do all kinds of effects... A little research online is going to yield all kinds of interesting effects.
If your document is coming from someone important as a letter to the PCs, consider sealing it in some way. You could roll it in a tube and tie a ribbon around it with a knot that likely needs to be cut. If you go to a stationary store, you can find sealing wax and sealing stamps. You could find one that looks like the crest of a noble or powerful wizard. Fold the note up, then use the wax and seal to close it.
I hope this has shown you how, with a minimum of expenditure and effort, you can end up with a handout that will fascinate your players and likely be something they remember for a long time. Next month, we’ll look at the other major type of handout - physical props. Until then, may all your 20s be natural.
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years
How I outline!
Helllloooooo it’s been ages since I promised to do this and I’m SO sorry it’s so late but I finally got around to actually writing this post today so here it is :P @abalonetea​ and @inkwell-attitude, I think you both wanted to see this! (sorry to everyone else about the long post incoming!) DISCLAIMER: This is just my process, I’m not claiming it’s the best or that everyone should do this or that it works for every project. I don’t do this for short or simple stories, only for novel-length WIPs with complicated facets, but the process *can* be distilled for something less complex. 
Step 1: Brain Dumping
At this point, I probably have some semblance of a premise and characters for this idea, and possibly also an endgame idea of where I want to take the story but not middle or clue of how to get from point A to point B. This is where you collect ALL the thoughts. Usually, I do this between phone notes and a document on my laptop for brainstorming, but you can use voice memos or whatever else works. I’ve drawn ideas on my hand in pen during a lifeguarding shift before and just taken pictures of my inked-over arm before I have to jump into the pool again. It happens. In any case, you have ideas.
Step 2: Put it in some semblance of order by using a map
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[Image ID] a blurry picture of a whiteboard covered in ideas in various covered pens looking something like a conspiracy theory board. This is the outline I was working on last night for the first book in the Laoche chronicles but it’s so vague at this point that I don’t think spoilers really matter. [end image ID]
The next objective is to put the random ideas in a linear order. I collect all the thoughts into one spot and dump them on the board. I color code, so first I write down all the set plot-points in the approximate order in the black pen, start to finish, and leave space above and below for stuff has to happen in the middle. 
Then the characters come in. I generally know backstories so those get dumped around the starting point in green. I figure out what characters are driving the plot and draw arrows between said plot points writing what the character does in the green pen. I include motivations, feelings, alliances, anything that might possibly be important to the plot too.
Then come logistics and filling in - that’s in red. You could also use conspiracy theory string. Where are they in the world? What needs to happen next? Where do I have plot holes? What makes the characters tick? What makes sense to happen next? What needs to happen to get to the end? What worldbuilding needs to get figured out to enable this plot point? Write it ALL down on a separate piece of paper and start brainstorming again. When you’ve got a good connection, add it. You’ll start to notice the board is starting to fill up. It won’t be linear anymore. That’s fine. 
Step 3: Flesh it out
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[image ID] a poorly lit photo of a board covered in sticky notes of different, some overlapping each other. This is only a corner of the board because it’s the outline for Storge and I only took a picture of the first few chapters [end ID]
This is where it starts getting real. I take everything I have on the whiteboard (which at this point is a disaster) and transfer every plot point, character interaction, motivation, worldbuilding thing, pacing notes, anything about unreliable characters, author notes about who knows what at certain points (both the characters and the reader), plot twists, and anything else from the notes that didn’t make it to the whiteboard and reconstruct the story on a board.
The reason I use sticky notes is because you can move them around, layer them, and space them to create a cohesive narrative. If I need to play with timing, I can do that easily. If I need to connect plot points to characterizations or anything else, I can do that with layering and spacing next to each other. I’m still color coding at this point. I can start slapping on stuff like “which day does this happen on? What kind of transitions do I need?”, chapter divisions, and thematic elements. You’ll notice there are more holes. Fill those in sooner rather than later.
Step 4: Outline Time
I obviously can’t take my carefully made board with me to school so now it’s time to put it into a document. At this point I should preface this with the fact that I really like the 3 act structure, so I start my outline with that before anything else, like so, using headings to make a document outline - that way I can jump around the outline using the outline quickly. Probably a bit extra but it saves a ton of time
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[image ID] a Microsoft word document outline with a hierarchical structure that shows acts, plot points, chapters, and chapter titles. [end ID]
Once that’s been filled out, I start putting the information from the board into the outline structure, and I make sure to cover EVERYTHING something like this: (with color-coding)
Chapter #/Title
Day of the narrative: this helps me keep time and iron out the pacing
The objective of the chapter: what does the reader need to learn, what is the one big thing that happens plot-wise
Main Plot Happenings - this goes in red text and details what actually happens in the chapter. For Storge, this is the plotline that follows Luca and the Laine family (when they’re together)
If there are subplots, these go here too in other colors. Orange for villainous cutaways. Purple for anything with the avian city/war subplot
Character arcs: these are green. I bullet point a list and name every major character in this chapter. anything important to their arcs goes here, as well as how I’m writing them. What are the emotions involved? This is normally the longest part because I have a lot of characters
Worldbuilding: What does the reader need to learn about the world from this chapter? This helps me space out the exposition. Details come up on a “need to know” basis, so there’s new worldbuilding in every chapter but no page-long dumps anywhere.
Themes: WHY is this chapter important? How is it contributing to what I want to say with this story?
Any other author notes about unreliable narrators, plot twists, foreshadowing, and what the reader should know at this point in the story. The goal is that you don’t anticipate the twist, but rereading it there’s a “HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT BEFORE” reaction, so this is more for my sake as a storytelling-craft thing.
Any excerpts or dialogue or description that I pre-wrote in the brain-dump phase and liked and think would fit well in this chapter.
Repeat with every chapter until you’re done.
This takes a long time, and I’m always revisiting and reworking that final outline once I’ve finished it but it’s such a huge help to set me on the right path without detouring 565479851321 times because I realized there was a plot hole too late. It’s overly complicated and incredibly intense and in-depth so It’s not for everyone but I like my 30-page long outlines, so here I am :P
If you’re still reading this, then wow good job, and thank you! I hope this was somewhat informative and not too tedious to scroll through! 
672 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 47
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 - Pt 33 - Pt 34 - Pt 35 - Pt 36 - Pt 37 - Pt 38 - Pt 39 - Pt 40 - Pt 41 - Pt 42 - Pt 43 - Pt 44 - Pt 45 - Pt 46 -
Signage hung and walls painted the furniture left behind was next, a few pieces being painted or like the remaining cabinets you would remove the doors to fill them with extra shelves for the displays. The biggest change being the Phoenix you built around a trio of them joined together along the wall on the first floor for your healing candies along with the pink flower display shelf for the Valentines prank products you had tested in school.
Glitter bombs complete with toffees to shift the glitter to smoke birds, swarms of paper birds that would keep flying around the heads of those opening the fake gift boxes, Pixie Petals, fake flower pins given to students who then smell flowers nonstop with hourly petal flurries and puffs of pollen while their hair and eyes turn bright pink remaining so even after removing the pins. All those joined with the typical enamoring potions complete with repulsion potions and Pygmy puff habitats for the corner letting the little fluff balls bounce around to their hearts delights to greet the future customers on opening day.
In total the first floor held the sweets, game sets you offered along with your health, Wonderwitch and other potion sections that would go alongside your future book selection on the third floor for rare and believed to have been destroyed books copied from your enchanted library already set to house copies of Dumbledore’s yet to be published notes on Tales of the Beetle Bard.
Proudly in your bustling trips through your enchanted door with trunks of your prepped goods to form the displays your fathers continued to set up the hidden safes and log books kept in the shelves behind the register counter they added pens and other various possibly needed supplies to. Soon enough you had the first floor packed with spares up in the store room to move onto the second floor you knew to possibly be the biggest draw.
The full selection would be your supplies of Communication - Dummies, Toy Persons - Attacking Toys, Items - Defense Objects – Accessories - Enchanted Clothes section – Explosions. One or two were set up in each section to get a gauge for the proper spacing with more to be added later to fill them out.
By the end of the day the shop had seemed to come to life before you, nearly ready to give it your first soft opening to see how it would fare. A full list of goods you were compiled and mailed off to Hogwarts in a sort of poll to see what they might be interested in trying for themselves, a first sign that you weren’t just sitting around.
In the bustle of the students headed off for the new imposed earlier curfew two hours before dinner to help reign in the students still upset after you had left, upon entering the common rooms grins spread at the floating notes in a joined trio of W’s that burst into a flurry of listed products for each of the students they eagerly accepted.
‘On behalf of Weasley Wizard Wheezes if you would not mind participating in this survey on interest in our possible list of goods, Please and Thank you. This is to gauge what might possibly be the most popular of our products so we can prepare accordingly for future orders. If you find a product on the list of interest to you kindly circle the name and write an estimate of how many you might be tempted to buy at a time.’
Candy In A Can         "This product contains candy"
Custard Pies  
Ton-Tongue Toffee    when eaten, they cause the tongue to rapidly swell and turn purple.
Canary Creams          temporarily transfigures the user into a canary.
Edible Dark Marks    "They'll make anyone sick!"
Patented Daydream Candy Charms virtually undetectable highly realistic thirty-minute daydreams. (side-effects can be: slight drooling and a dazed expression, Not for sale for wizards under 16.)
Skiving Snackbox      Range of sweets to make the user ill. The user develops strange symptoms depending on the type of snack eaten. To make a student appear unable to stay in class. Most came in two colour-coded parts: one that would cause the malady, and one that would heal
U-No-Poo       a causative product with a name meant to parody "You-Know-Who" (causes constipation).
Shimmering Silver Salt Drops          
Lucky/Unlucky Dip Box        Box with candies that change your luck -- "Slip someone the Best or Worst day of their life, or keep them all for yourself!!"
Miraphorus Magic Set          Box with candies that change your hair, eye, skin color/hair length, texture - each candy wears off after 4 hours.
Everlast Jawbreakers            Jawbreakers that change colors and flavors and never get any smaller
Chocolate Midas Bars           "No Honey it tastes amazing! Could I have seconds?" One bite of this bar will have you tasting chocolate at every meal -- Lasts 24 hours
Flaming Cinnamon Toffees  Eating these causes eyes to water and cinnamon flavored smoke come out of their nose and mouth -- Burns for 5 minutes -- Drinking water makes it worse -- Sold with Muting Gummies
When Life Gives You Lemons          A Bag of Lemon seeds and a pot of soil. Seed grows overnight into miniature Lemon tree -- Each bite of the Lemon tastes like a different fruit.
I Smell A Rat Candies that you give to people who gossip. The more secrets they tell the more they turn into a rat.
White Chocolate Webs, Black Cherry Licorice Spiders      White Chocolate Webs that you can enchant to fall from the ceiling, then they morph into Black Cherry Licorice flavoured Spiders that chase you around until you eat them - like Chocolate frogs
Health Disappearing Burn    1-3 drops once a day put on burns for about 2-4 days - really burns at first, makes skin impossibly soft
Disappearing Scar     put on scars once a day for about 2-4 days - really cold at first, makes skin impossibly soft
Game Sets      
Reusable Hangman   "Spell It Or He'll Swing."
Miniature Quidditch Pitch    Miniature Dummies that fly around a medium sized quidditch pitch - Pitch/Players shrink when done into a small bag resembling a metal coinpurse - Players morph into anyone and their brooms turn into any type of broom using enchanted playing cards with player's stats and broom info that are placed square trays on each side of the pitch ---- Can be used to broadcast or view any previous Quidditch Match by purchasing enchanted coins with Match info enchanted in them, place them in the round slot in the center of the Pitch
Quidditch Player Cards         Enchanted Playing Cards with player's stats and broom info that are placed square trays on each side of the pitch
Quidditch Match Coins         Enchanted Coins with Match info enchanted in them - Enchanted with exact details from memories of matches, play-by-play references, stats, videos and pictures taken during matches --- place them in the round slot in the center of the Pitch, Players, Brooms and Pitch will change to fit the Match details and then the match will start shortly
Death Eaters vs. Aurors        Wizards chess sets with pieces that resemble actual Death Eaters and Aurors.
Knights and Soldiers             2 armies of toy soldiers and knights on horses; enchanted to fight in small battles whenever you take them out. Stand still around muggles
Dueling Sets   Witches, Wizards and other creatures duel each other - Characters range from generic stats of races to specific legendary characters. Duel on a playing board that resembles a chess board that can morph into any environment - comes set with five basic locations, Card and coins can be purchased to modify the locations. Cards are placed in tray in the center of each side, enchanted coins can be placed in round slots for locations, weapons, armour, and enchanted items to be given to any chosen character.
Dueling Sets Cards    Cards can be used to choose Characters and locations. Characters range from generic stats of races to specific legendary characters. Card and coins can be purchased to modify the locations. Cards are placed in tray in the center of each side, enchanted coins can be placed in round slots for locations, weapons, armour, and enchanted items to be given to any chosen character.
Dueling Sets Coins    Coins can be used to choose items, powers for Characters and locations. Cards are placed in tray in the center of each side, enchanted coins can be placed in round slots for locations, weapons, armour, and enchanted items to be given to any chosen character.
Anti Gravity Hats      "Ruin a gentleman's day by making his hat fly away!"
           Headless Hats make the wearer's head invisible (along with the hat itself).
Out to Lunch Fake Moustache         Disguise you can wear to hide from your boss when you sneak out for lunch
Singing Parrot Pendant        A Pendant shaped like a parrot that repeats everything it hears through songs -- Parrots range from Soprano to Barritone and come in genres Opera to Rock 'N' Roll
Befuddling Bags        Bags that are enchanted so you can put anything in them and they won't get larger or heavier
Confusing Coinpurse Coinpurses that are enchanted so you can put thousands of Galleons, Sickles or Knutts in them and they won't get larger or heavier
Quills  Smart Answer, Self Inking and Spell Checking varieties.
Extendable Ears        used to hear voices at the other end of the ear.
For the Owls  A set of enchanted diary sized books - letters written in one appears in the other - book turns blue when there is a new message - Only the owners can read the letters
Diary   The pages go blank when anyone but the owner tries to read it - If revealing charms are used on it the book starts to scream loudly and bite the person who charmed it.
Little Birdie Told Me Miniature Birds that fly around, spread gossip and eavesdrops - hides behind something near a crowd and repeats the message it is given or listens in on conversations
Dummies, Toy Persons          
Jumping Snakes        Fake snakes that jump at people that you don't like
Rubby O' Chicken      
Relax House-Elf, Come Here Dear Enemy of Mine           "Fetch my Shoes! Clean my House!" Dummies that can morph into whoever you want, usually people you hate - They follow simple tasks, They cannot think or say no - They shrink and store easily
Who is Guiding Me? Miniature Thestrals that help guide you to your destinations - Only people who have witnessed death can see them
Follow the Tiny Dragon        Miniature Dragons that help guide you to your destinations - Not real dragons, enchanted dummies - They can glow in the Dark, and stay within 5 feet of owner.
Tickle Me, Hug Me, Love Me -- Voldemort, Death Eaters laughs and shakes when tickled - programmed to say certain phrases and walk around and hug people - the size of a person's hand
Tickle Me, Hug Me, Love Me -- Umbridge  laughs and shakes when tickled - programmed to say certain phrases and walk around and hug people - the size of a person's hand
Enchanted Toys          
Aviatomobile  a flying toy car.
Weasleys Wonderous Wands - Trick wands turn into a variety of unexpected things when waved.
Screaming Yo-yos      
Fanged Frisbees        
Ever-Bashing Boomerangs  
Attacking Toys, Items
Punching telescopes  when squeezed, gives the user a black eye which is almost impossible to remove.
Pandora's Box           Open the box and tiny demons fly out and attack the person who oppened it.
Cotton Candy Birthday          The person that opens the can gets covered with pink powder that tastes like Cotton Candy and "Birthday Girl/Boy" written on forehead - wears off in 24 hours or comes off if you lick it
Spectrum Pestrum    
Sticky Trainers          
Muggle magic tricks/pranks for "freaks like dad", not a real money spinner.
Portable Swamp         creates a swamp when used.
Magical Moustache Miracle Stubble Grow Makes facial hair grow in minutes.
Frame of Desire         Shows a picture of the person you love the most
Defence Objects        
Decoy Detonators      when dropped they run away and explode out of sight, giving the person a diversion if necessary.
Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder  When thrown into the air, this powder covers everything around it in darkness, which cannot be penetrated by spells like Lumos or Incendio, although the Hand of Glory can be used to see through it.
Shield Hats, Cloaks and Gloves        used by the Ministry of Magic for defence against enemy forces, using a Shield Charm.
Soldiers On Parade    Fake soldiers used for diversions and create crowds to vanish into
Fire-proof Clothes     Hats/Helmets, Gloves, Shirts/Coats, Pants, Shoes -- Mostly shipped to people working with Dragons -- Hat looks like a beanie, with mask that covers the head when flames fly at it
Fire-proof Spray        Spray onto clothes, skin, hair, objects and they become fireproof -- Lasts up to 24 hours -- Water-Proof and Sweat-Proof
Water-proof Clothes  Clothes that will protect the wearer from getting wet -- used mostly for Quidditch in the rain
Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs        unstoppable fireworks that violently explode when hit by a stunning spell and multiply by ten at any attempt to vanish them. These include a shocking pink-wheel, fire-breathing dragons, sparklers that spell out profanity, rockets with long tails of silver
Box 'O' Rockets        
Wet Starting Sparklers          Don't start with a match, just one drop of water starts this batch.
Wonderwitch products          
Love Potions  When drunk, will give the drinker an obsession with the one who bought the drink (love being impossible to manufacture). Works for up to 24 hours at a time, depending on the weight of the boy and attractiveness of the girl. Like all love potions the effects are temporary
Glitter bombs             Coat everyone within 30 yards or enclosed space with bright pink glitter, complete with toffees to shift the glitter to smoke birds
Pocket Love Birds      swarms of paper birds that would keep flying around the heads singing to the opener of those opening the boxes
Pixie Petals,   Fake pixie bops out of the box throwing petals down at you for four hours
fake flower pins         given to students who then smell flowers nonstop with hourly petal flurries and puffs of pollen while their hair and eyes turn bright pink remaining so even after removing the pins.
Pygmy Puffs   miniature puffskeins with pink or purple fur. They have small, beady eyes.
Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher           excellent on everything from boils to blackheads.
Phoenix Phables        a supply of Pheonix based healing candies of various effect and strength
Bruise Creams
Energy Boost potions
Weight Boosters         potions to restore lost weight and help you healthily restore your body after draining health issues, also enriches bone strength, skin, muscle and organ health
Together all through the enforced enclosure in their dorms each product was discussed with varying reviews leading to each student writing out several pages of comments and detailed lists of what they would want with several more asking if there would be a catalog sent out to the school to order by mail. All the items giving them a burst of hope for distraction when all trips to Hogsmeade had been canceled for the rest of the year knowing fully you’d get them their goods no matter what Umbridge or Fudge said.
Harry especially needing his link to you as after sneaking a peek into Snape’s Pensieve to get a good look at his father’s true behavior his lessons had been cancelled, and even without any bad dreams of late he could sense something big was coming. Something he needed his big sister for.
December began and with it came a cool chill in the air, your store had grown and after a few mail orders to the school you opened your doors for the few browsing adults curious as to what you were offering. Surprisingly your supply of Quidditch pitches were the fastest to go along with a wide selection of famous matches, lists of pre orders for copies of specific games were offered to be sent to their homes instead of keeping the supplies in store to save space and keep traffic down.
Enchanted clothes were next with a great deal of your health products too. All the Death Eater related products were greatly whispered over with a few asking for mail order catalogs for more timid buyers you had anticipated. Overall it was a success and took off rather quickly and for once it seemed you were getting a decent amount of sleep without the pressures from Umbridge, at least for a short time.
Mid pant you shot up in bed, your hair pitch black after seeing your father being tortured in the Department of Mysteries for one of the Prophecies inside. Panting at the sight you knew to be false at Riddle having accepted your terms of guarding your father and Neville from attack to be his spy.
Under your trembling breath you whispered, “Harry…” On your feet you sprinted across your bed to your closet shoving your shorts down to tug on jeans black socks and your boots, ignoring a sweater to cover your mostly sheer elephant coated tank top you raced out to the hall rushing into the twins’ rooms finding them dressing after your mental warning in a stumbling path to the door you left.
Turning away you rushed for Percy’s room finding him shoot up at the door swinging open and your landing on your knees at his side. A firm grip on his shirt had you saying, “I need you to watch Dad.”
His lips parted and he nodded, “For what?”
“He cannot leave this house! Riddle’s luring Harry to the Ministry. Do not let him leave!”
Percy nodded as you turned and leapt off his bed to hurry into the hall and he jumped up to get dressed and keep watch for Sirius in the hall. Regulus already was fumbling into his clothes at the burning of his mark and mental order to await further orders. At the commotion of the twins collapsing in the hall he peeked out asking, “Jaqi? You felt it too? He wouldn’t have called you.”
In a defeated exhale you said, “He’s luring Harry to the Ministry.”
At that his mouth fell open seeing the worry in your eyes, “I’m coming with you.” Tugging on his coat that flew to him he joined you out to the sitting room where you grabbed your pouch for your pocket beside your wand sheath you clipped onto your waistband. In a rush out the Grimmauld door through the muggle streets into the cold you hastened to head for the subway for the Ministry guest entrance. “How is he luring him?”
Your eyes met his and you answered in a weak tone, “A vision where he’s torturing Dad.” In the darkening of his eyes and deep inhale you said, “I put Percy on watch, to keep him at home.”
Regulus nodded, “That should do it.”
A swipe of your cards later and through the gates you hurried to the arriving train for the quickest path. Across from a band of muggles you strolled inside as calmly as you could and took up a row of seating folding your hands on your lap in your relaxing exhale at the whisper in your ear that Neville, still up and studying, had gotten your warning to keep an eye on the now soundly sleeping Harry in the bed across him. Another short message on a slip of paper appeared in your palms read that he’d send word if Harry did anything more unusual that normal.
Pocketing the note the twins both stole a glance at beforehand and you all inhaled ready to stand at your approach to your stop. Fidgeting your fingers over your wrist you folded a finger under your hair tie you called from home and pulled it over your lowest knuckles and lifted your arms to pull back your hair into a ponytail you released halfway through in a looped dangling bun. Up on your feet you sprung and led the others in a hurried trot feeling the cold air making you wish you had remembered a sweater or something more forgiving.
The emptying streets freed you to a smooth path for the red phone box Fred opened you all squeezed into with Regulus reaching over to hit the right buttons and lift the receiver. A simple drop and you held tightly together to keep from falling out of the box when the door opened.
Tentatively you stepped out of the doorway and made your way through the empty entrance hall sending a gust of air making the giant banner of Fudge block the view of the tower of offices still holding people working inside to enter unnoticed. A raised finger to your lips had the heads of the golden statues in the fountain glancing away to miss your path past them to avoid sounding any alarms.
The closer you grew the worse your nerves did feeling something creeping up on you. Turn by turn you avoided passing guards and hidden trackers charmed to shift or lose focus for a few moments to allow you past. Until you found it. A black door from your dreams was opened by Regulus marked as the one you needed and through a series of supposedly distracting pathways you led the true path ending in a near endless hall of mist filled orbs. The twins muttered, “Wicked.”
In what should have been a move forward a whisper turned your head drawing their eyes to you in your silver eyed stare, every curl tied back shifted to the same shade gradually in the silent force luring you off to your left. Around you they inspected the room slowly following after.
Up to the end nearly you strolled then turned blinking out of your trance before looking upwards as the row began to sink into the ground until orb number 48 was in front of you, the label on the stand reading ‘JSAPB, ERU’ softly you read the initials, “E, R, U? Who could that be?” Glancing between the guys that shrugged you reached out taking the orb you pocketed into your pouch saying, “I can listen to it later.”
Back into the main aisle you hurried and Regulus said, “Row 95, that’s the one we want.”
Quickly at the sound of another entering the hall you found the aisle and followed the numbers until you froze in front of the orb marked with Harry’s name and Riddle’s. George reached for it only to bite back a hiss at the shock he got before you drew your wand to circle it over your head for a mirroring bubble to reflect the space behind you for the Auror to pass by none the wiser.
Wetting your lips when he was gone you whispered, “So I suppose we just wait then?”
Regulus nodded and you all lowered to the ground crossing your legs in a circle to keep watch out in each direction with wands drawn resting in your palms on your laps.
Riddle, “I need that prophecy.”
Sirius writhing on the floor growled out, “You'll have to kill me.”
Riddle, “Oh, I will. But first, you will fetch it for me.” A flick of his wand was seen, “Crucio.” Then another after Sirius panted in a gasp from being released, “Crucio.”
Shooting up from his seat in Professor Binns’ class Harry whispered, “Sirius.” Professor Binns turned and Harry dropped his book off the side feigning a need to walk around his desk to fetch it flashing a grin at the Professor continuing his lesson with a nod to him at his move to sit again. Until the class was over he tried not to doze off again, though with his racing heart that was no trouble at all.
Quietly behind him Neville pulled out a pocket journal he opened and warned you about Harry’s possible dream catching the eye of Draco and even Hermione in her reach for another jar of ink when hers was nearly empty. With parted lips she glanced between Neville and Harry then caught on to the clear signs something was wrong with Harry taking it that possibly Neville had been warned of something.
Out of bed Sirius entered the hall finding Percy standing there with a flash of a grin, “Morning.”
Sirius nodded, “Morning Percy. Any specific reason why you were staring at my door?”
Percy wet his lips, “Can’t tell you.”
Sirius nodded then asked as Remus joined them in the hall walking to your open door to peer inside, “Any specific reason why you can’t tell me?” His eyes turning to Remus in his turn to inspect the Twins’ room also sitting open.
Percy, “Can’t tell you.”
Remus moved a door over looking in Regulus’ door asking, “Where is everyone?” He turned and they both eyed Percy shifting on his feet, “Can’t tell us?”
Sirius, “Percy,” inching closer he said, “We can’t help if we don’t know what’s going on.” Percy shook his head and they both nodded.
Remus sighed, “We best eat then and head off to work.”
In their step away Percy drew his wand saying, “You can’t!” They both looked from him to his raised wand shifting between them stopping on Sirius, “You specifically cannot go to the Ministry!”
Sirius softly asked, “Me? I can’t go?” Percy nodded wetting his lips and he nodded, “Jaqi had a vision then, about me, another attack?”
Percy nodded, “He’s going to use you, to lure Harry there.”
Remus nodded and reached out slowly, “Percy, you can lower your wand.” Gently tapping the stem of it seeing Percy working himself up, “We understand.”
Sirius, “Did Jaqi and the boys go, with Regulus?” Percy nodded and they nodded, “You do realize this could be a trap.”
Percy, “I gave her my word.”
Remus and Sirius said, “I know.”
Sirius, “Ghouls,” glancing at Remus he said, “We send ghouls of ourselves, we need to go protect them, and you will have kept your word in protecting us. We send the Ghouls and sound the alarm for the Order. Just in case.”
Percy nodded, “Alright.”
Sirius nodded and said, “Up a few floors, we still have those Ghouls up there in the silver room.” Guiding the others to find them and cut their hands to send their doubles off to the Ministry.
Pt 48
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rolypolywl · 5 years
Welcome to day 15!
So, earlier this week I’ve been talking about motivation. And now I’m going to help you with all those steps that we established.
So one of the things the experts recommend is to make a plan and another is to track your progress. It might seem like working out or eating better is all you need to lose weight, but it turns out that there is a lot of prep and continuing… paperwork, for lack of a better word. If you really want to commit to losing weight and getting healthier, and you want your best shot at succeeding, then the “paperwork” is kind of important.
You’ll want to spend a little time journaling in advance, and then some kind of tracking throughout. You might also need/want to return to the journaling as you progress.
So, basically, there are two ways to do these things; analog and digital.
I’ll start with analog. So if you’re more inclined to this, get yourself a journal and/or calendar and/or planner.
I like journaling for the “why” kind of things. You can find all kinds of journals with blank, lined, or dotted pages on Amazon or in any book store. I also keep finding gorgeous journals in places like Michaels. There are even ones with motivational or fitness-related covers, if you want a little extra inspiration.
Another great thing is that you can get them in different sizes and thicknesses. Do you want an index card sized one that fits in your pocket, or a large paperback sized one that fits in your purse? Or a full on notebook sized one that’s in the 8.5 x 11 range? What will you actually keep track of, keep handy, and return to?
So that’s for the journalling side. For the tracking kind of things, I really like a school planner. Even when I was in school I had trouble finding the kind I liked. The kind where you’ve got the month at a glance and then the week breakdown, so you can track in multiple ways. I could always find one or the other, but it was tricky to find both. For this, I like Mead, especially their tropical beaches version. And you can find it both in the printer paper size, small size, and the pocket sized.
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As it happens, Roly Mama and I are doing a variation on this right now. We got a big desk calendar
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which we’ve hung on the wall, and some great ridiculous stickers from the dollar store. So we’re tracking our workouts on this by adding stickers when we do something.
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Now, this is just for our workouts and activity, not for food or anything else that we should be or are tracking. But if you’re an analog person, seeing a calendar full of stickers can be really motivating.
You can also combine these things into something like a bullet journal. And I’m going to sorry - not sorry - link you to buzzfeed and these two great articles on bullet journals.
Bullet journals, if you don’t know, are a way of kind of combining calendar, list, and journal into one gorgeous hybrid by people with way more time and way better penmanship than me. They are inspiring to look at, even if I can’t imagine crafting one half as well.
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I will, however, recommend my favorite pen: the PaperMate InkJoy. I’m normally not a fan of ink pens instead of ballpoint because they can bleed through, but these don’t bleed as badly as many I’ve tried. And they come in lovely colors. And they have decently soft tubes, so they don’t hurt your fingers. I love them!
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Now, personally, I have switched to digital for my scheduling needs, because I do way too much rearranging and copy/pasting, and it made my physical schedules look all messy. I tend to vacillate between two options.
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The first is Evernote. I love the way I can do tick boxes, and I can color code the text.
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I also love the way I can sort notes into folders and give them tags. Plus I can clip things from online, draw on it, and/or add pictures! Downsides are that columns are non-existent, and that it can get a bit hard to find notes if you have a ton in a single folder or tag.
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The other one is Google Drive, which I love because I can access it anywhere. And for that I tend to use Google Sheets, because I can rearrange it really easily. I can also color code both the text and the boxes. I also can see a bit more at a glance than I can with evernote. (Because of the aforementioned lack of columns)
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There is also apparently a digital version of bullet journalling, called Good Notes, which I just discovered and have yet to try out. If you have, let me know what you think!
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Another thing that can help with our weight loss and health goals is tracking our habits. Again, this is the kind of thing that you can track on a calendar or journal, but you can also go digital.
Now, there are also some great apps for this kind of thing. I currently use Habit List.
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I love that you can reorder the habits, and you can set them to be daily, on a certain day of the week, or so many times a week. You can also backtrack to fill them in, and look at a month-at-a-glance. If you are on top of your habit, the little bubble is green. If you missed yesterday, it is yellow, and if you are more out of date it is red. Oh, and ones that are optional, like “once a week” are grey. You can even have it send you a reminder at a specific time for a habit. The only downside I have for it is that you can’t archive a habit. You can either change it, or delete it and all of your past check ins.
Another one is Habitica.
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Habitica takes your daily chores and turns them into points in an RPG. It isn’t as customizable as I’d like, but if you’re into sprite era gaming, RPGs, and rewards you might love this one.
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Atracker lets you color code your habits, and it will show you your habits on a daily calendar or a pie chart. It has an interesting twist wherein you actually can “start” a habit. And then stop it when you’re done. So you can see how much time you spend on something. But, for habits that aren’t really time specific, or things like meditating as you fall asleep, which you can’t “stop”, this might be less useful. And if you forget to turn it off, it can screw up your numbers. But I do like the daily calendar breakdown aspect of it.
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Productive seems to have the best of Atracker and Habit List, with color coding and month-at-a-glance calendars, but you have to pay $30 a year to use it.
There are lots of other habit tracking apps, like Coach Me, Noom, and Any List, so check them out and see what works best for you!
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So, these are general habit trackers. But there are also more specific tasks. Now, I’ve already talked about tracking your water specifically, and tracking your exercise and activity as it ties to a fitness tracker.
There are also exercise and diet specific apps, which I am doing a whole episode on as I get to food. But there are a bunch of them. So you can keep track of all of those things to keep yourself motivated.
Again, this is if you want to do it with apps. You can always put all of these things in a physical journal or calendar too.
Finally, one of the recommendations was to celebrate successes, and to have a positive attitude. I have two apps I recommend here, for different reasons. One is Happier.
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This is great for posting basically short tweets to the Happier app about things that make you happy that day. You get a little toss of confetti when you post it, and others can smile and comment. The whole app is geared towards positivity and supporting each other.
Now, that’s not to say you can’t post something emotional, or if you’re having a bad day or something. In fact, you can, and you get great support from the community. You can post multiple times a day if you want, and some people seem to post a dozen times every day! You can follow people whose posts you like or find inspiring, and they can follow you.
The second app I like for this is HappyFeed.
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The goal of this app is to basically make a 3 item gratitude list (or happy list) every day. It is private, so no one else sees your posts, and there’s no social aspect. But it helps you build a habit of looking for the positivity and gratitude in life.
I had actually made a goal, because I had been told to in self help books, to note three things I was grateful for every day. And I was doing that in my daily “to do” list or my note app. Then I found HappyFeed, and it fit that goal perfectly!
So these are both great apps for celebrating your successes and for keeping a positive attitude. Check them out!
This is also the kind of thing that can be fun to put on a calendar or journal that you can look back at, if you prefer more analog. Again, I really like making it pretty with colorful pens and stickers and things. It should be something that you can look back at when you’re in need of some extra motivation, so pick something that will motivate you!
So, that is it for today.
This has been Roly Poly Weight loss. As always, I am your host, Roly Poly. Please share your motivations, and your roadblock plans, with the hashtag, #Motivation. And join my social group for support and maybe a little friendly competition by @-ing me!
And please join me next time!
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medicalmyanne · 7 years
MedicalMyanne’s Best of 2017: A Comprehensive Gift Guide
I am a huge fan of practical gifts. If an item can be used daily, while still reminding you of your beloved, I consider it the perfect present. Below are my Christmas/Holiday gift ideas for any student in your life, ranging from $1.75 to under $100 for 2017.
Stocking Stuffers:
1. MUJI Polycarbonate Pens - $1.75
We get it -- med students study. Make it more bearable by gifting the student in your life a decent pen they won’t lose within hours. These MUJI polycarbonate pens write like a dream. They are retractable, write smoothly, and come in 6 different ink colors (black, teal, magenta, true blue, red, and orange). These don’t tend to leak like the original MUJI capped pens (as much as I like these as well), and are great for white coat pockets, college students, and even Grandma, who loves to pen you a letter every now & then. 
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2. BadgeBlooms Badge Reel - $6
Melissa is a nurse-turned-entrepreneur based in Chicago, IL. Her Etsy shop is stocked full of badge reels for every medical professional in your life. My personal favorite are her felt badges -- created into human organs, cute animals, and the most adorable inanimate objects (think - tacos, pineapples, cupcakes!). I own 2 of these myself & they are of great quality. At under $10, these would be great stocking stuffers or for several nurses on your floor while on a student budget. BadgeBloom’s huge selection gives you a chance to make it personal (everyone has a favorite animal or organ), and a badge reel is practical in its every day use. Your recipient will be reminded of you every time he/she puts on his/her badge. 
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3. Glossier Balm Dot Coms (lip salve) - $12
Makeup is universal, but chapped lips shouldn’t be. As a chronic lip picker while studying, the Mint BDC has been my holy grail. Balm Dot Coms come in 6 different scents (Original/Unscented, Rose, Mint, Coconut, Cherry Birthday Cake). I have always found gifting makeup to be an extremely personal preference, but lip balm is something that gives more leeway. Mint is my personal favorite (think Burt’s Bee’s classic lip balm, but way less waxy), and I’ve gifted them to a couple of friends already. Boys -- this would be a great idea so your girl doesn’t have to exchange a foundation 3 shades too light at a Sephora 30 mins away. You can get 20% off your entire Glossier purchase using my affiliate link here. Balm Dot Coms also come in a trio -- you’ll get any 3 flavors for $30, saving yourself a cool $6. You can spend that on a Burrito Bowl all for you, and cover 3 stocking stuffers for your 3 besties this holiday season. 
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4. The gift of giving back - Starbucks/Tiff’s Treats Gift Card - $20
Give for others to give -- literally. I have always been a huge fan of “just because” gifts, and with friends all fighting their own battles in grad school, I like to give a little pick-me-up to someone to brighten their day. Give a gift card to Starbucks or a food-delivery company -- not for your recipient, but so they can treat someone, too.
Recently, I’ve started placing Starbucks “To-Go” mobile orders in various locations, based on my recipient’s current location (must be within 100 miles, I believe). All your recipient has to do is pop in & pick it up -- and it’s already pre-paid by you.
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If you are based in Texas, Tiff’s Treats is a cookie delivery company who delivers freshly baked cookies right to your loved one’s doorstep. I think I’ve placed over 20 orders for birthdays, as thank yous, and just a little “thinking of you” surprise. They’ve recently amped up their packaging, and you can even write a personalized note to your recipient for free. The delivery comes wrapped in a bow, and comes baked fresh & piping hot (they call your recipient to confirm their delivery prior to baking!). Give a gift card to your beloved to encourage them to treat someone special in their life, too.
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5. SLMD Daytime Acne Lotion or Clarifying Treatment - $30/each
Dr. Pimple Popper, need I say more? I’ve battled with my skin nearly all of my life, and have been loving the SLMD line. The Daytime Acne Lotion is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, which kills acne-causing bacteria, and the Clarifying Treatment contains retinol, a Vitamin A derivative shown to reduce blackheads, fine lines, and even wrinkles. I was first introduced to these when I started the  SLMD 30-Day Acne System (also a great gift idea @ $45). I loved both these items so much, when I finished the trial as well as my normal prescribed topicals, I purchased full sizes of the Acne Lotion & Clarifying Treatment to keep my stress-induced acne at bay.
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6. White Coat Clipboard - $25-31
Move over PSLs & UGG boots -- it’s time for the real basic grad school essential. Sleek enough to fit into a white coat pocket, practical enough to have high-yield lab values & fit a whole stack of paper, white coat clipboards are the way to go. I have one as a hand-me-down from an upper-level and was recently given a brand new gorgeous teal one from my med school Big! They come in tons of colors (pink, purple, black, etc.). Be sure to differentiate the medical vs. nursing versions based on the future life-saver you’re giving it to. 
White Coat Clipboards are made of metal, and it folds with well-built hinges. These would also be great for high school students just starting to volunteer at hospitals, pre-meds beginning their shadowing experiences, or even physicians who’ve been in the game for a while. Its convenience & durability lasts several years, and can withstand the test of time, as well as the years dedicated to your craft.
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7. A Freshly subscription - $45
Meal delivery right to your front doorstep. Not even a box of ingredients you’ll have to wash, cut, and prepare. Straight up food -- chef-prepared, packaged with care, and all you have to do is heat it up. Freshly came in so clutch during block exam weeks for me, I ordered an additional week after that and thought I lost all knowledge of how to cook after the 7 days in heaven ended. Not to mention -- their customer service is amazing. They’ll personally call you to confirm food allergies, remind you of your delivery date several hours before, and have your box filled with ice packs to keep your food fresh if you’re working late. Though “surprise” & trial boxes like FabFitFun & Sephora Play!, etc. are absolutely adorable, the greatest gift, in my opinion, is the gift of convenience & not having to wash dishes (hahah). This would be perfect for truly anyone -- a best friend, boyfriend, or a struggling classmate -- nose-deep in finals, recovering from post-call, or “just because” on a lazy week.
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You can use code med639 to save $20 off your first 6 meals. I receive no commission nor compensation from this code.
8. NurseMates Anni-Lo Shoes - $76.95
These are the cutest shoes known to man. Anni-Los scream comfort with its orthotic shape & adorable mix between the Sperrys & Keds aesthetic. I have these in white & wear them literally every day. I love them so much, I actually ordered a second pair in the same size & color just in case these wear out. These run true size (I wear size 7 normally in shoes, and have these in size 7). Annie-Los can be worn with scrubs or even out in daily life, and even have a little platform that elongate & flatter your legs if you have shorter ones like me.
9. FIGS scrubs - $86
Yes. The hype is very, very real. FIGS are the most flattering scrubs in the game. It boasts a draped & tapered fit, luxe fabric, and an admirable mission to boot (buy one pair, they give a pair to a health professional in need). These are by far the most flattering scrubs I own, their customer service team is a dream to work with, and they really do believe in the concept of altruism (read about their work for Hurricane Harvey here). I am rather petite (5′3″) and a ride-or-die top-tucker. My picks are the Catarina top ($38, chest pocket for optimal tucking) & the Kade Cargo Pants ($48). They recently released a bunch of new colors (burgundy, dark harbor, white) & lots of other “lifestyle” wear. I’ve always been a fan of their lifestyle vest (comes with lots of secret pockets, which I believe is discontinued) and their long-sleeve underscrub (also the most flattering long-sleeves I wear in autumn).
You can use my code MyanneFIGS for 15% off your entire FIGS purchase. I receive no commission nor compensation from this code. FYI - right now, FIGS is offering complimentary, custom embroidering on all orders to celebrate the holiday season. Be sure to take advantage of this!
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10. A freaking good pair of yoga pants - Lululemon Pace Rival Crops - $88
I found Pace Rivals completely by accident -- on a Lululemon clearance rack that was a size too big for me in Canada. These soon & very quickly became my favorite pants. Their length is extremely flattering, and the material is very durable (I feel like I don’t have to baby them as much as Aligns, which are luxuriously butter soft and also a favorite), but still breathable. Because they are a bit looser, I can hide them underneath a white coat and have it low-key kinda-sorta pass as business pants (#teamlazy). I consider Pace Rivals to be truly worth the price you pay for the usage you will get out of them. My picks are a pair in the color black for a professional monochrome look.
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msmcporkchop · 8 years
The Happy Planner: Stuff I love, how I use it and more!
We have made it home from CHA/Creativation! Ashleigh & I had such a nice time! We met so many nice peeps and learned a ton about the craft industry. I only have a few photos from the show, both my camera & my phone were having some sort of meltdown which was super bad timing! But I do have a blog post planned with some of the neat products I tried and things I want to try in the future. I came down with pneumonia on Christmas and it has worn me out. I kept losing my voice which was embarrassing! I plan on catching up on a lot of sleep this weekend!
In November I went to Michael's and came across The Happy Planner. I saw them all over Instagram and thought they were pretty cute! But I was using a really nice Kikki.K for personal planning and a Rifle Paper planner for work planning. Michael's had a ton of cute planners, accessories, etc but I wasn't sure about the ring system. I'm notoriously hard on things and thought for sure I'd be losing pages! I ended up holding off until December when I scored a 60% off coupon + 20% off your total purchase. I picked up the Classic Minty Fresh because I really liked the dividers and the page colors. Since purchasing it, I've become totally obsessed! I thought I'd share it with you today along with some of my favorite supplies.
I use my Happy Planner as a combo of a personal daily planner + daily memory keeper. I use a lot of stickers, stamps, pens, scrapbook supplies and washi in my pages. It's a big mishmash of thoughts and journaling is something I really look forward to working on each day. I like to either spread everything out on my living room floor or just grab a few pens and curl up in my chair, writing away. It's cozy and a nice way to spend a little quiet time.
I totally admit that my personal life isn't all that exciting or busy and this is exactly what I struggled with when first using Hobonichi. It's easy to see journals and planners online and think your life doesn't quite compare. I've felt those thoughts. Trust me. But I've learned that for me, embracing the quiet makes me appreciate what I have so much more. I write about what books I'm reading, the weather, coffee with friends, shows Eric & I have watched, birds we've seen, outfit combos that I liked wearing along with practical things like grocery shopping, hair appointments, doctor's visits, etc. It's a collection of a lot of little moments that make up each day! Also: colorful! 
Some of my pages have a ton of stuff on them and some don't have much at all. Blank spots are fine and I don't mind if things run into each other or off the page. I don't stress about it! It seems against the rules to be unhappy while working in a happy planner. ;) The above page was from last weekend, I had so much to share that it's just all over the place! I tested out inks from different manufacturers, stamps and pens at CHA on this page, stamped the Saguaro National Park Passport and printed a photo of Ashleigh's first roadrunner sighting, and more! It's all over the place and I like that. 
The best part of The Happy Planner for me is how fast and easy it is to customize. I've made a bunch of covers by laminating pretty scrapbook paper, I've switched out the rings, I've made folders and dividers. I really like this aspect because I *adore* holiday things. I like that I can use a million Valentine's Day things and totally indulge in all the seasonal goodness!
I like to buy clip art from Creative Market for stickers and printables from Etsy. A few shops I've tried and have gotten really nice sets from are: ElysianPrintsCo, ilove2print and DesignLovelyStudio. I do have a Cricuit Explire Air 2 that I occasionally use for shaped stickers or cutting out folders (I use this cut file!) but mostly I print stickers and kiss cut them by hand with an exact-o knife. I find it relaxing in the evenings. 
I've also purchased some stickers from Etsy that have been super cute! I really love the quality of CleverGirlCraft's foiled stickers, Honeyinked clear stickers, Virgoandpaper kits and Paperandmilk!
In 2015 Ashleigh & I fell down the rabbit hole of stamps. We spent so much time sending flurries of texts back and forth with wish lists of stamps. There are SO many cute stamps out there! Obviously I'm going to mention Waffle Flower Crafts first because Ashleigh designed stamps for them and they are super cute! ;) I'm not the best stamper but on my pages they are the cross stitch cactus and unicorn! I bought an ink set from them last weekend and I've really enjoyed stamping with it! It comes in a cute box which I like, I don't have a ton of room left in my craft cart so I appreciate self contained things. ;) I also really like Pinkfresh, Mama Elephant, and Lawn Fawn! This moon phase stamp is super high on my wishlist right now along with this Bear and Bird stamp set!
And I love fine pens! On JetPens website you can search gel pens and then tip size. I prefer .38 if possible. I have very messy handwriting and fine tip pens make it so I can fit more of it in a small space. ;) One thing I've recently become obsessed with are pens that have tinted black inks! Like Bordeaux Black! It's black but also super deep and rich wine color. They are based in California and I usually get my order within a day or two. I've also had great experiences with The Goulet Pen Company. 
I found this cute little clear envelope at Staples! It's from the Martha Stewart discbound collection and I think it was around $4. I kept business cards and our business license in it last weekend and it was SUPER handy. 
I am forever forgetting to use promo codes and coupons. I made this little folder and tucked all the things that expire next month right with the February divider so if I decide to buy something, I have everything all in one place! 
And finally, a bit of happy mail. I've had my eye on this set of Field Notes for ages and finally bit the bullet! I have no idea what I'll write in them but sheesh, they are so beautiful! 
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Back to School Supplies Haul 📒✏️
I LOVE back to school season, there's nothing quite like the feeling of writing on fresh paper with a new pen to get in the mood for learning. I wanted to make a post about what I consider back to school necessities to show that studying/having a studyblr does NOT have to be expensive and you do NOT need fancy supplies to be successful 🤗
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I prefer basic, spiral, college ruled notebooks because they are easy to clip into a binder and tear out pages from. I tend not to worry about fancy covers because I like to decorate them myself (which I may post about later... we'll see)
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I use pilot g-2 pens because I like how smooth and dark the ink is and because they don't bleed through paper and dry fairly quickly
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I'm honestly not very picky when it comes to pencils, so I just went with these paper mate mechanical pencils because they are super cheap and you can get a whole bunch in case you loose a few throughout the year
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This year I got sharpie highlighters because they come in a ton of different colors for color coding and because they don't bleed. I also got pastel frixon highlighters because I'm pastel trash and because I had a coupon that brought the price down 40%
Index cards
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I got giant sized ruled and unruled index cards so that I have plenty of room to write out information to make mini study guides for smaller concepts
Sticky Notes
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I found these awesome post it pads that look like tiny legal pads which are great for writing out lists and sticking on the wall above my desk as little reminders
I also bought two packs of lined paper, but that is pretty boring/obvious so I didn't take a picture
So, that's it! All of my other supplies are leftovers from previous years that are still in good shape. Almost everything that I got was from Walmart because I find that they have the best back to school sales when it comes to basic supplies that are available everywhere.
Good luck with back to school! I go back in 12 days, but between band camp and AP work I might as well be back already lol
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jorgethomasus · 7 years
Utilizing Fake Hospital Discharge Papers, Forms & Slips
Ever heard of hospital discharge papers?
Everyone works hard to pay their rent and keep food on the table. Some tasks are easy to handle while others require mental health breaks. Unfortunately, not everyone will understand, and often the ‘higher-ups’ will deny us our much needed time off.
The human body can only do so much.  Often a break is needed, which brings up another unfortunate point:  for most people the availability of time off is very limited. We don’t get enough time to rest and recharge.
To avoid going insane and having a physical and mental breakdown, we need to employ ways to get a much needed break.  The best trick is to make use of  fake hospital discharge papers.
What Are Fake Hospital Discharge Papers?
When someone gets sick, there is a chance they will end up in the hospital. There are numerous reasons why a person might have to visit one of these institutions.  After receiving treatment, an individual will receive discharge documentation from the hospital.
The purpose of these papers is to show that the individual visited the hospital and received care. However, the forms also provide financial information, which might include the insurance used and services rendered.
If a person could fabricate fake miscarriage paperwork, he or she could use the papers where necessary, but it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. It’s not smart and unrealistic to try to create the papers alone. Also, the consequences for using phony documents could mean getting in deep trouble.  Never use free documents found on the internet.  Its best you always use from a legitimate source — learn more at our doctor’s note homepage.
Potential Consequences and Free Papers
When in need of fake medical documents, many individuals turn to the Internet. There is never a shortage of websites that offer these or similar documents. However, there is a serious problem with using phony documents that are free.
In most cases, the amount of effort that goes into these documents is very minimal. There is a huge amount of risk involved with using fake medical documents, so it doesn’t make sense to put your trust in free sources. With the stakes so high, it only makes sense to purchase premium doctor notes.
Fortunately, premium fake doctor notes are affordable. There are several consequences of getting caught using artificial medical documents. Be the boss of your life, take control and avoid the consequences.
How to Avoid Getting Caught
Since the consequences of getting caught are severe, individuals need to make sure they know what they’re doing. Fake hospital paperwork must look exactly like the original. Every aspect of the documents must look the part.
The Address
In most cases, discharge papers will have an address at the top. However, every hospital has different discharge papers, and it really doesn’t matter where the address is located on the forms. What does matter is the accuracy of the address.
There is always the chance that someone will look into the validity of the paperwork, so every aspect of the papers must look real. The address on the fake documents should be for a local hospital. The document should also show the state, zip code, city and other address information.
Treatment and Services Rendered
Legit discharge papers that a person receives when leaving a hospital have some specific information on them.
For record keeping and other purposes, a hospital must list the care and services it rendered to a patient. This might include information such as medicine that was given to the patient, ultrasound or similar tests that were performed, and the conclusion of the tests.
Most discharge forms are pretty specific about what services were rendered. When using fake discharge paperwork, it’s important that all of this information is correct.
However, it’s not always crucial that a fake document have this type of information, but individuals want the document to look as real as possible. In many situations, it won’t be looked into whether the note is real or not.
Doctor’s Name
Hospital discharge papers normally have a doctor’s name on them, which is the name of the doctor who treated the patient. It’s a good idea to make sure your  document uses the name of a realistic sounding doctor. It’s quite easy to find a doctor name that can be used on the fake note, but the name should always appear legitimate. However, using a real doctor’s name is likely fraud, so don’t do that.
Patients are usually required to sign the forms, so the note should have somewhere to put your signature. It’s important that every detail of the fake note is filled out and accurate.
As long as the  note is as detailed as possible, you have a really good chance of passing the fake note successfully. There are several benefits to using fake medical documents.
When looking for a premium note to purchase, there should be plenty of form templates that are printable. Once purchased, these documents can be used as great Dr. excuses.
Fake medical release papers can provide crucial time away from daily tasks, and when used correctly, an individual can successfully pull it off. Taking time for yourself on the best forms and discharge documents will pay off in the end.
What About Free Hospital Fake Papers?
No. Don’t risk it. There are many websites over the internet that are offering free fill in the blank doctor’s notes. You can download a sample template from any of these site to use. However, there is a large amount of risk involved with using a free excuse that you’ve found on the internet. The notes that are offered for free are never genuine looking. Some of them contain a computer generated doctor’s signature that looks 100% fake.
Nothing of value in life is free.  And many people are using free notes and presenting them, so bosses and employers are WELL aware of what these look like.  If you need a 100% genuine looking fake doctor’s note, you have to spend a few dollars. Visit our site here, for the best fake doctor’s notes and at reasonable prices.
What about Bogus Hospital Pregnancy Papers?
These are totally different documents (when compared to doctor’s notes).  These usually a provided by an OBGYN doctor.  They are usually not hospital documents.  However, many clinics exist inside these facilities,  so it’s possible.
Are hospital discharge papers and forms the same thing?
Yes.  Every clinic or hospital has their own unique document.  Some can be multiple papers, some can be a simple one-page slip, others can look more like a certificate.  The main element is that the form has it clearly stated that its to discharge a patient.  We have a one-page document that is highly detailed and looks incredibly legitimate.  You can just fill in the blanks and print it from your home computer or from a print shop.
Using a Fake Hospital Excuse
With a specific end goal to take a day away from work, you should discover a reason that seems legit. You should remember your own circumstance before choosing a reason for you. It is important on the grounds that, your managers and colleagues are very much aware of your conditions and in the event that you utilize any random excuse, it can create suspicion in your employer’s mind for you. Here are a couple examples of sicknesses you could use:
Seasonal Flu
A cough or Cold
Muscle Cramps
Menstrual Cramps
Mental Problems
Dental Problems
Foot Problems
Eye Problems
Common Questions Regarding Fake Hospital Papers
I need some fake miscarriage papers from the hospital.  I want something for free. Is it possible?
Yes, there are many free options online.  However, we do not recommend using free papers.  There is a ton of risk to it. Imagine you’re an employer or professor. These people see dozens of  notes downloaded from the internet each year. Most people use free notes and they do not work well.  We don’t recommend taking the risk.
I need to download fake discharge documents/paperwork that said I had a miscarriage from a pregnancy.  I want it to be from a hospital. Where can I find this?
We do not have a note for this (yet) but we are planning on making one soon.  You can use our regular hospital form and look at the abortion form to get some ideas on what to place.  Our notes are totally customizable so you can use the two to craft your own.  Also, feel free to look around online but be careful with free notes. (Learn more about fake pregnancy paperwork, or fake abortion papers.)
Are fake hospital excuse papers printable?  I need to print the medical form/documents from home?
Of course.  When you buy our documents, you can download them to your computer and keep them forever.  You just download, edit, and then print off the document.  We recommend that you use an ink-jet or (color) laser printer for best results.  Some people prefer to go to places like Kinkos to print out the notes on the very best printers. Even the signatures look incredibly real.
I need some emergency room papers to show (my work) that I was discharged/released.  Is this different?
No. The emergency room is just a specific part of a hospital.  You must, however, make your alibi believable that it was an emergency situation. Its best that you come up with a sickness that is both a bit “personal” and also sounds like an emergency situation.
Is a discharge form from the hospital different than a regular physician’s excuse template?
Yes and no.  In most cases it does look a bit different aesthetically.  It also clearly states at the top that it is a discharge from the hospital.  With that said, it can come in many shapes and sizes.  Each hospital has their own unique document.
Thanks for reading. Also, do you want to learn how to get a doctor’s note without being sick?
from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/using-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-to-skip-work/ from Best Fake Doctors Notes https://bestfakedoctorsnotes.tumblr.com/post/167988374036
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davidhewittus · 7 years
Utilizing Fake Hospital Discharge Papers, Forms & Slips
Ever heard of hospital discharge papers?
Everyone works hard to pay their rent and keep food on the table. Some tasks are easy to handle while others require mental health breaks. Unfortunately, not everyone will understand, and often the ‘higher-ups’ will deny us our much needed time off.
The human body can only do so much.  Often a break is needed, which brings up another unfortunate point:  for most people the availability of time off is very limited. We don’t get enough time to rest and recharge.
To avoid going insane and having a physical and mental breakdown, we need to employ ways to get a much needed break.  The best trick is to make use of  fake hospital discharge papers.
What Are Fake Hospital Discharge Papers?
When someone gets sick, there is a chance they will end up in the hospital. There are numerous reasons why a person might have to visit one of these institutions.  After receiving treatment, an individual will receive discharge documentation from the hospital.
The purpose of these papers is to show that the individual visited the hospital and received care. However, the forms also provide financial information, which might include the insurance used and services rendered.
If a person could fabricate fake miscarriage paperwork, he or she could use the papers where necessary, but it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. It’s not smart and unrealistic to try to create the papers alone. Also, the consequences for using phony documents could mean getting in deep trouble.  Never use free documents found on the internet.  Its best you always use from a legitimate source — learn more at our doctor’s note homepage.
Potential Consequences and Free Papers
When in need of fake medical documents, many individuals turn to the Internet. There is never a shortage of websites that offer these or similar documents. However, there is a serious problem with using phony documents that are free.
In most cases, the amount of effort that goes into these documents is very minimal. There is a huge amount of risk involved with using fake medical documents, so it doesn’t make sense to put your trust in free sources. With the stakes so high, it only makes sense to purchase premium doctor notes.
Fortunately, premium fake doctor notes are affordable. There are several consequences of getting caught using artificial medical documents. Be the boss of your life, take control and avoid the consequences.
How to Avoid Getting Caught
Since the consequences of getting caught are severe, individuals need to make sure they know what they’re doing. Fake hospital paperwork must look exactly like the original. Every aspect of the documents must look the part.
The Address
In most cases, discharge papers will have an address at the top. However, every hospital has different discharge papers, and it really doesn’t matter where the address is located on the forms. What does matter is the accuracy of the address.
There is always the chance that someone will look into the validity of the paperwork, so every aspect of the papers must look real. The address on the fake documents should be for a local hospital. The document should also show the state, zip code, city and other address information.
Treatment and Services Rendered
Legit discharge papers that a person receives when leaving a hospital have some specific information on them.
For record keeping and other purposes, a hospital must list the care and services it rendered to a patient. This might include information such as medicine that was given to the patient, ultrasound or similar tests that were performed, and the conclusion of the tests.
Most discharge forms are pretty specific about what services were rendered. When using fake discharge paperwork, it’s important that all of this information is correct.
However, it’s not always crucial that a fake document have this type of information, but individuals want the document to look as real as possible. In many situations, it won’t be looked into whether the note is real or not.
Doctor’s Name
Hospital discharge papers normally have a doctor’s name on them, which is the name of the doctor who treated the patient. It’s a good idea to make sure your  document uses the name of a realistic sounding doctor. It’s quite easy to find a doctor name that can be used on the fake note, but the name should always appear legitimate. However, using a real doctor’s name is likely fraud, so don’t do that.
Patients are usually required to sign the forms, so the note should have somewhere to put your signature. It’s important that every detail of the fake note is filled out and accurate.
As long as the  note is as detailed as possible, you have a really good chance of passing the fake note successfully. There are several benefits to using fake medical documents.
When looking for a premium note to purchase, there should be plenty of form templates that are printable. Once purchased, these documents can be used as great Dr. excuses.
Fake medical release papers can provide crucial time away from daily tasks, and when used correctly, an individual can successfully pull it off. Taking time for yourself on the best forms and discharge documents will pay off in the end.
What About Free Hospital Fake Papers?
No. Don’t risk it. There are many websites over the internet that are offering free fill in the blank doctor’s notes. You can download a sample template from any of these site to use. However, there is a large amount of risk involved with using a free excuse that you’ve found on the internet. The notes that are offered for free are never genuine looking. Some of them contain a computer generated doctor’s signature that looks 100% fake.
Nothing of value in life is free.  And many people are using free notes and presenting them, so bosses and employers are WELL aware of what these look like.  If you need a 100% genuine looking fake doctor’s note, you have to spend a few dollars. Visit our site here, for the best fake doctor’s notes and at reasonable prices.
What about Bogus Hospital Pregnancy Papers?
These are totally different documents (when compared to doctor’s notes).  These usually a provided by an OBGYN doctor.  They are usually not hospital documents.  However, many clinics exist inside these facilities,  so it’s possible.
Are hospital discharge papers and forms the same thing?
Yes.  Every clinic or hospital has their own unique document.  Some can be multiple papers, some can be a simple one-page slip, others can look more like a certificate.  The main element is that the form has it clearly stated that its to discharge a patient.  We have a one-page document that is highly detailed and looks incredibly legitimate.  You can just fill in the blanks and print it from your home computer or from a print shop.
Using a Fake Hospital Excuse
With a specific end goal to take a day away from work, you should discover a reason that seems legit. You should remember your own circumstance before choosing a reason for you. It is important on the grounds that, your managers and colleagues are very much aware of your conditions and in the event that you utilize any random excuse, it can create suspicion in your employer’s mind for you. Here are a couple examples of sicknesses you could use:
Seasonal Flu
A cough or Cold
Muscle Cramps
Menstrual Cramps
Mental Problems
Dental Problems
Foot Problems
Eye Problems
Common Questions Regarding Fake Hospital Papers
I need some fake miscarriage papers from the hospital.  I want something for free. Is it possible?
Yes, there are many free options online.  However, we do not recommend using free papers.  There is a ton of risk to it. Imagine you’re an employer or professor. These people see dozens of  notes downloaded from the internet each year. Most people use free notes and they do not work well.  We don’t recommend taking the risk.
I need to download fake discharge documents/paperwork that said I had a miscarriage from a pregnancy.  I want it to be from a hospital. Where can I find this?
We do not have a note for this (yet) but we are planning on making one soon.  You can use our regular hospital form and look at the abortion form to get some ideas on what to place.  Our notes are totally customizable so you can use the two to craft your own.  Also, feel free to look around online but be careful with free notes. (Learn more about fake pregnancy paperwork, or fake abortion papers.)
Are fake hospital excuse papers printable?  I need to print the medical form/documents from home?
Of course.  When you buy our documents, you can download them to your computer and keep them forever.  You just download, edit, and then print off the document.  We recommend that you use an ink-jet or (color) laser printer for best results.  Some people prefer to go to places like Kinkos to print out the notes on the very best printers. Even the signatures look incredibly real.
I need some emergency room papers to show (my work) that I was discharged/released.  Is this different?
No. The emergency room is just a specific part of a hospital.  You must, however, make your alibi believable that it was an emergency situation. Its best that you come up with a sickness that is both a bit “personal” and also sounds like an emergency situation.
Is a discharge form from the hospital different than a regular physician’s excuse template?
Yes and no.  In most cases it does look a bit different aesthetically.  It also clearly states at the top that it is a discharge from the hospital.  With that said, it can come in many shapes and sizes.  Each hospital has their own unique document.
Thanks for reading. Also, do you want to learn how to get a doctor’s note without being sick?
  from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/using-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-to-skip-work/
from Best Fake Doctors Notes https://bestfakedoctorsnotes1.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/utilizing-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-forms-slips-2/
0 notes
Utilizing Fake Hospital Discharge Papers, Forms & Slips
Ever heard of hospital discharge papers?
Everyone works hard to pay their rent and keep food on the table. Some tasks are easy to handle while others require mental health breaks. Unfortunately, not everyone will understand, and often the ‘higher-ups’ will deny us our much needed time off.
The human body can only do so much.  Often a break is needed, which brings up another unfortunate point:  for most people the availability of time off is very limited. We don’t get enough time to rest and recharge.
To avoid going insane and having a physical and mental breakdown, we need to employ ways to get a much needed break.  The best trick is to make use of  fake hospital discharge papers.
What Are Fake Hospital Discharge Papers?
When someone gets sick, there is a chance they will end up in the hospital. There are numerous reasons why a person might have to visit one of these institutions.  After receiving treatment, an individual will receive discharge documentation from the hospital.
The purpose of these papers is to show that the individual visited the hospital and received care. However, the forms also provide financial information, which might include the insurance used and services rendered.
If a person could fabricate fake miscarriage paperwork, he or she could use the papers where necessary, but it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. It’s not smart and unrealistic to try to create the papers alone. Also, the consequences for using phony documents could mean getting in deep trouble.  Never use free documents found on the internet.  Its best you always use from a legitimate source — learn more at our doctor’s note homepage.
Potential Consequences and Free Papers
When in need of fake medical documents, many individuals turn to the Internet. There is never a shortage of websites that offer these or similar documents. However, there is a serious problem with using phony documents that are free.
In most cases, the amount of effort that goes into these documents is very minimal. There is a huge amount of risk involved with using fake medical documents, so it doesn’t make sense to put your trust in free sources. With the stakes so high, it only makes sense to purchase premium doctor notes.
Fortunately, premium fake doctor notes are affordable. There are several consequences of getting caught using artificial medical documents. Be the boss of your life, take control and avoid the consequences.
How to Avoid Getting Caught
Since the consequences of getting caught are severe, individuals need to make sure they know what they’re doing. Fake hospital paperwork must look exactly like the original. Every aspect of the documents must look the part.
The Address
In most cases, discharge papers will have an address at the top. However, every hospital has different discharge papers, and it really doesn’t matter where the address is located on the forms. What does matter is the accuracy of the address.
There is always the chance that someone will look into the validity of the paperwork, so every aspect of the papers must look real. The address on the fake documents should be for a local hospital. The document should also show the state, zip code, city and other address information.
Treatment and Services Rendered
Legit discharge papers that a person receives when leaving a hospital have some specific information on them.
For record keeping and other purposes, a hospital must list the care and services it rendered to a patient. This might include information such as medicine that was given to the patient, ultrasound or similar tests that were performed, and the conclusion of the tests.
Most discharge forms are pretty specific about what services were rendered. When using fake discharge paperwork, it’s important that all of this information is correct.
However, it’s not always crucial that a fake document have this type of information, but individuals want the document to look as real as possible. In many situations, it won’t be looked into whether the note is real or not.
Doctor’s Name
Hospital discharge papers normally have a doctor’s name on them, which is the name of the doctor who treated the patient. It’s a good idea to make sure your  document uses the name of a realistic sounding doctor. It’s quite easy to find a doctor name that can be used on the fake note, but the name should always appear legitimate. However, using a real doctor’s name is likely fraud, so don’t do that.
Patients are usually required to sign the forms, so the note should have somewhere to put your signature. It’s important that every detail of the fake note is filled out and accurate.
As long as the  note is as detailed as possible, you have a really good chance of passing the fake note successfully. There are several benefits to using fake medical documents.
When looking for a premium note to purchase, there should be plenty of form templates that are printable. Once purchased, these documents can be used as great Dr. excuses.
Fake medical release papers can provide crucial time away from daily tasks, and when used correctly, an individual can successfully pull it off. Taking time for yourself on the best forms and discharge documents will pay off in the end.
What About Free Hospital Fake Papers?
No. Don’t risk it. There are many websites over the internet that are offering free fill in the blank doctor’s notes. You can download a sample template from any of these site to use. However, there is a large amount of risk involved with using a free excuse that you’ve found on the internet. The notes that are offered for free are never genuine looking. Some of them contain a computer generated doctor’s signature that looks 100% fake.
Nothing of value in life is free.  And many people are using free notes and presenting them, so bosses and employers are WELL aware of what these look like.  If you need a 100% genuine looking fake doctor’s note, you have to spend a few dollars. Visit our site here, for the best fake doctor’s notes and at reasonable prices.
What about Bogus Hospital Pregnancy Papers?
These are totally different documents (when compared to doctor’s notes).  These usually a provided by an OBGYN doctor.  They are usually not hospital documents.  However, many clinics exist inside these facilities,  so it’s possible.
Are hospital discharge papers and forms the same thing?
Yes.  Every clinic or hospital has their own unique document.  Some can be multiple papers, some can be a simple one-page slip, others can look more like a certificate.  The main element is that the form has it clearly stated that its to discharge a patient.  We have a one-page document that is highly detailed and looks incredibly legitimate.  You can just fill in the blanks and print it from your home computer or from a print shop.
Using a Fake Hospital Excuse
With a specific end goal to take a day away from work, you should discover a reason that seems legit. You should remember your own circumstance before choosing a reason for you. It is important on the grounds that, your managers and colleagues are very much aware of your conditions and in the event that you utilize any random excuse, it can create suspicion in your employer’s mind for you. Here are a couple examples of sicknesses you could use:
Seasonal Flu
A cough or Cold
Muscle Cramps
Menstrual Cramps
Mental Problems
Dental Problems
Foot Problems
Eye Problems
Common Questions Regarding Fake Hospital Papers
I need some fake miscarriage papers from the hospital.  I want something for free. Is it possible?
Yes, there are many free options online.  However, we do not recommend using free papers.  There is a ton of risk to it. Imagine you’re an employer or professor. These people see dozens of  notes downloaded from the internet each year. Most people use free notes and they do not work well.  We don’t recommend taking the risk.
I need to download fake discharge documents/paperwork that said I had a miscarriage from a pregnancy.  I want it to be from a hospital. Where can I find this?
We do not have a note for this (yet) but we are planning on making one soon.  You can use our regular hospital form and look at the abortion form to get some ideas on what to place.  Our notes are totally customizable so you can use the two to craft your own.  Also, feel free to look around online but be careful with free notes. (Learn more about fake pregnancy paperwork, or fake abortion papers.)
Are fake hospital excuse papers printable?  I need to print the medical form/documents from home?
Of course.  When you buy our documents, you can download them to your computer and keep them forever.  You just download, edit, and then print off the document.  We recommend that you use an ink-jet or (color) laser printer for best results.  Some people prefer to go to places like Kinkos to print out the notes on the very best printers. Even the signatures look incredibly real.
I need some emergency room papers to show (my work) that I was discharged/released.  Is this different?
No. The emergency room is just a specific part of a hospital.  You must, however, make your alibi believable that it was an emergency situation. Its best that you come up with a sickness that is both a bit “personal” and also sounds like an emergency situation.
Is a discharge form from the hospital different than a regular physician’s excuse template?
Yes and no.  In most cases it does look a bit different aesthetically.  It also clearly states at the top that it is a discharge from the hospital.  With that said, it can come in many shapes and sizes.  Each hospital has their own unique document.
Thanks for reading. Also, do you want to learn how to get a doctor’s note without being sick?
  from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/using-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-to-skip-work/
0 notes
nmoleosoftware-blog · 7 years
OneNote vs. Evernote vs. Dropbox Paper vs. Google Docs
OneNote, Evernote, Dropbox Paper, and Google Docs are four of the biggest note-taking programs. There are a ton more - Simplenote, Google Keep, and a lot I haven’t listed. However, I chose these three because they are very popular, sync across all of your devices, and support more formatting than others like Google Keep.
OneNote is Microsoft’s note-taking program. If you like lots of features, such as password protection, advanced reviewing, drawing, built-in integration with Microsoft Excel, and a lot more, OneNote is definitely for you.
If you haven’t tried OneNote yet, OneNote is grouped into “notebooks” which have “sections”, which have “pages”. For instance, I have a School notebook, with a Math section, and then my notes from today are in a page.
One of the biggest reasons to choose OneNote is for the equation editor. The equation editor lets you type equations, including, but not limited to, fractions, square/cubed/etc roots, exponents, Pi, and a lot other mathematical symbols.
Another big reason to choose OneNote is for the built-in drawing feature. You can draw with your mouse, your finger (on touchscreen devices), or a pen (either a stylus on touchscreen devices or using a special pen, like the ThinkPad Pen Pro, the Surface Pen, or the Apple Pencil. The drawing tool supports lasso selection, erasing, typing, a lot of different colors and thicknesses, highlighting, and shapes drawing. It also supports Ink to Math, which lets you see your drawings be automatically be converted to equations.
Unfortunately, while OneNote supports a plethora of features, it does have some downsides, also. The biggest downside (for me) is the lack of equation editor support in the web version. You can view equations, but not create or edit new ones. The OneNote mobile app lets you edit equations, but I don’t think it lets you create new ones. This rules out OneNote for Chromebook users who want to use equations.
Another big downside is the large amount of bugs in the OneNote equation editor. For instance, if you have a bunch of equations, one on each line, if you press Shift+Home (select until the start of the current line), OneNote will select the entire group of equations. That is just one out of the many bugs in the OneNote equation editor.
Another thing I dislike about OneNote is the inability to delete notebooks. Yes, you heard me right. There is no easy way to delete a notebook. You can “close” a notebook, but it will still be there; it will just not be synced (sunk?) with your computer. Something else I dislike about OneNote - you can’t crop images. At all. Whaaaat?
One last thing I dislike about OneNote: syncing. Microsoft just can’t seem to get real-time updating right. OneNote syncs automatically with the cloud, but you can’t see someone (or yourself) updating in real time like you can in other programs like Google Docs. This can be annoying and cause sync conflicts.
Overall, OneNote is a good choice if you want lots of features, but I would turn it down in favor of better programs.
Evernote is one of the most popular note-taking programs out there. Evernote is very similar to OneNote in many ways. It is laid out the same way as OneNote, except you only have “Notebooks” and “Pages” - no “Sections”. The desktop version of Evernote supports quite a few features, although unfortunately, equations are not one of the included features.
Evernote includes quite a few useful features, such as note reminders, meeting notes, work chat, and tags. However, most of these features seem geared more towards large organizations than towards consumers.
Unfortunately, Evernote has quite a few downsides, the biggest being the price. Evernote is the only application in this article that you have to pay for - the other three are free, and I would probably choose one of them over Evernote. While Evernote has a nice user interface and has more features than Dropbox Paper, it does not have anywhere near as many features as OneNote, which is free. Because of the price, I would probably recommend one of the other three over Evernote.
Dropbox Paper
I love Dropbox Paper. Considering the fact that I’m currently writing this article in Dropbox Paper, I might be a bit biased, but Dropbox Paper is definitely very nice.
At first glance, Dropbox Paper looks very simple, and you might decline it in favor of one that seems to have more features. Dropbox Paper has quite a few useful features, although not quite as many as OneNote, Evernote, or Google Docs. I think Dropbox Paper is the perfect balance of simplicity and features.
One thing about Dropbox Paper is that it isn’t setup like OneNote and Evernote. Instead of notebooks/sections/pages, you create folders. You can nest as many folders as you want, or you could put a document in a folder, but also have another folder in that folder. I like this a lot, because you can set it up however you want to.
Dropbox Paper supports semi-full formatting - bold, strikethrough, italics, highlighting (but only in blue), links, headers, bulleted and numbered lists (but no lettered lists… ???), checkboxes, and comments. That’s a full list of the formatting features, which seems pretty small at first, but is actually just the right amount.
Dropbox Paper also supports equations using LaTeX, which is very nice. Dropbox Paper makes it easy to write equations without confusion or glitches. One of my favorite things about Dropbox Paper is that when you click on an equation, it shows it in code form instead of the way OneNote or Google Docs do it (by trying to show it in equation format but making it editable, which is pretty terrible).
However, Dropbox Paper definitely could use a few more features, most notably drawing. I would use Dropbox Paper for my math notes, but unfortunately, I need to be able to draw, which Dropbox Paper doesn’t support.
Another downside of Dropbox Paper is that it doesn’t support offline editing/viewing on the desktop version (actually the web version; there is no desktop version).
Overall, I really like Dropbox Paper. If they added a few more features (cough drawing and more colors cough), it would be the perfect note-taking application.
Google Docs
If Google made a version of Google Docs that was more suited for note-taking - perhaps if they gave it a notebook/page structure like OneNote and Evernote - it would be my absolute favorite.
You might be wondering why I put Google Docs in here - isn’t Google Docs for documents, not notes? That’s correct, but I find Google Docs is actually pretty good (but not great) for note-taking. Google Docs has all the features I like in a note-taking program - full formatting, easy cloud integration, equations, and drawing. I find that you can use Google Docs pretty easily if you create a different document in place of each notebook/section.
Now that I’ve told you I put Google Docs in here, you might ask - why not Word? To which I answer: Word is not good at cloud integration. You can put a Word doc in your OneDrive/Google Drive/Dropbox/whatever and let it sync that way, but it’s not the same as turning off your laptop, turning on your desktop, and seeing the document there - no waiting for your OneDrive/Google Drive/Dropbox/whatever to sync, no browsing through folders: it’s just there.
However, Google Docs isn’t perfect. It wasn’t designed as a note-taking program, so there are a few things that can get annoying there - like the fact that if you fill up a whole 8.5 x 11 page, you’ll go onto the next page, whereas the other three don’t work like that. Another annoying thing about Google Docs is that all your docs go in your Google Drive root folder. You can’t set a default location; you just have to remember to tell Google Docs to save your document in a different Google Drive location.
Round Up
Dropbox Paper
Google Docs
Dropbox Paper is my favorite note-taking program by far. It’s the perfect mix of simple but powerful.
Google Docs is my second favorite. It supports all the features I want - Chromebook support, equations, drawing, and a lot more. It would get first place if they built a version with a structure like OneNote or Evernote.
OneNote is my third favorite. It supports a lot of features, so it’s very unlikely that you’ll be like “Aw, I wish it had that”.
Evernote is my fourth favorite. Evernote has a nice user interface, but it is expensive and doesn’t do anything special.
0 notes
greggory--lee · 7 years
Organization, the Key to Success
One of the largest things you can do to make any business successful is to be organized. Organization helps you work faster, more efficiently, helps you to portray a professional attitude and can make you feel less frantic and more optimistic about your business.
Whether you work out of a home office or a remote office you want to organize your desk, office and if you are traveling for your business, your bags. Let's start with your bag, do you have a bag big enough to hold all your promotional items, daily items you might need, cell phone, pens, books, keys and / or mail? Is the bag a mess and so heavy it hurts your shoulder? When you approach a potential client, you want your bag to look great and you want to be able to whip out a business card or brochure instantly to hand to them. Digging through a bag that is overloaded and overflowing is not a professional image.
I like to use a roomy bag that has outside pockets for slipping items in and for easy access. You can also purchase small clear zip top bags, I got mine from Totes. They are inexpensive and come in different sizes. Because they are clear, you can see everything instantly. You should only carry ONE bag. If you have a tote bag, a planner and a purse, you are not organized. Put items from your purse in one of the clear zipper top bags and put that in your tote, add your planner, your promotional materials, a book, pen and paper and you are ready to go. Everything in one bag, with smaller bags inside to organize. You can see everything at a glance and everything is easily available.
A friend of mine, Susie at The Busy Woman (www.thebusywoman.com) has GREAT organizational bags to fit every lifestyle and business. If you're a busy woman (and what woman is not?), You MUST stay organized and on top of every little detail in your day, in every aspect of your busy life. . . Family, home, office, school, community and even home schooling. Everyone uses some sort of calendar, day planner system, or to do list. It's finding the right one that used to be difficult, until NOW! Visit her site for tons of useful articles, tips and to see what types of organizational tools she has. Be sure to tell her I sent you.
Once your bag is organized, you can project a calm, professional, successful image to anyone you meet while you are out and about. Your next step is your desk.
Your desk probably has a computer, phone, basic office supplies, papers and books on it. First get some stand up file holders and baskets, plastic bins or in boxes. You can use anything, old shoe boxes with nice wrapping paper on the outside, or with pictures on them that your kids have drawn. Anything to contain the papers on your desk. Look at your desk and make a pile of the things you use every or every other day. Those are the things you want to keep on your desk or somewhere that you have easy access. Make a pile of everything else and move it to the floor or away from your desk.
Make sure you have an "in" box. You can throw your mail there, and anything that needs instant attention the next time you sit down to work. Use a stand up file and some file folders to make a tickler file. Write the days of the week on the tabs of the file folders and put them in the upright file on your desk. When you do something on Monday and need to follow up on Thursday, put a note in Thursday's folder. Each morning, take out that day's folder and do the work you have in that folder. This is an easy way to be sure to follow up on everything and keep your desk neat and organized. If you use envelopes or stamps every day, keep them in a smaller upright file holder or basket on your desk. Things you reach for everyday can be neatly stored in any type of container on your desk instead of spread all over it.
Hang up an inexpensive cork board to hang up papers or items you refer to all the time, this way they are hanging up and you can just glance up at them to get the information you need. You can also purchase different color folders for different jobs. Red for new jobs, green for things that need to be researched, blue for things that need to be typed etc. Whatever your business is, customize the colors to suit your needs.
You should also organize your computer, remove any old files, emails or pictures you do not use every day or week, put them on a CD, label it and store it in a drawer on a CD holder. This can be in your desk, on your desk if you use it often or on a shelf. Put any magazines, articles, books and papers you need to read in a basket, so you will have a basket of things to read, a basket of things to do each day (in-box) such as mail, reply to a letter or Jobs. You may have envelopes and stamps in a small container near your phone and / or a rolodex if that is something you use every day. Remember, the things on the top of your desk should be things you use every day or every other day. Everything else can be stored neatly. For example, here is what I have on my desk:
Computer, phone, stapler, tape, lamp, calculator, envelopes, stamps, return labels, Advil, hand lotion, multivitamins (otherwise I forget to take them!) Tissue, promotional book marks and postcards, 2 CD's I use daily, my tickler File, in box and a box for bills. I have an upright file holder with priority mail envelopes, Notebooks and folders with my mailing lists that I use every day, and invoices that have not been paid for book orders. I send promotional materials out every day so I keep these items on my desk and handy. I have a file cabinet and bought some inexpensive lined baskets and have one for outgoing mail, so when I fill an envelope and stamp it I throw it in this basket, the next day when I go do errands, I put whatever is in that basket In my bag. I have a basket of books, papers, reports and magazines I need to read, this is usually overflowing. I have this next to the mail basket and when I take that days mail I also take a book or magazine to put in my bag as well. When I am waiting in a doctor's office or for my kids to come out of school, I read. I also have a basket of information to include in the 2nd edition I am working on for one of my books. When I find something I want to add to that book, I throw it in the basket, when I am ready to make the revision's I will have all the information in one place, MUCH EASIER! I also have a small plastic container with drawers, that I keep my promotional materials in, business cards, book marks, order forms and postcards. When I need something like this, they are all in one place and I can easily take what I need without searching or re-order quickly.
When I get back from my errands, I can easily empty my bag of mail, into my in box, magazines or reports into the basket of things to read and the book or magazine I read can go in the give away or save pile. I try to only keep pages out of magazines instead of entire magazines. You can get cheap 3 ring binders and sheet protectors and include your important pages from magazines or newspapers in that book. I then give the magazines to local business or doctors offices for their clients.
Now look around your office, is it just your office, or maybe your dining room table or a corner of the living room? If it is an office that is a room in your house, how much room do you have? What type of furniture is in there? You can certainly make do with whatever you have. Think about putting up some sort of petition if you are in the living room, or face the wall or a window away from the TV and family area. You may need at least one file cabinet for paperwork, but try not to print everything out to file, anything electronic, save to CD's and store that way. You can use different colored hanging file folders for your paperwork that must be filed. For example, use a different color for personal bills, business bills, receipts, insurance, website information, and anything else you might have. It makes it easy to know what is in each folder at a glance and is good at tax time when you need to have all of your receipts and invoices for your accountant. If you have an empty drawer, use it to store copy paper, printer ink or any office supplies you have, or use a plastic container. I have a printer stand next to my desk that has my printer on it, and I purchased a 4-drawer plastic stand at Staples for the printer paper, and envelopes, this way it is right under the printer. On the shelves I have baskets. One has shipping products, tape, labels, marks, return address labels and stickers in it. The next shelf has a basket with specialty paper that I do not use often.
To successfully organize is easy. Things you need:
Containers: baskets, boxes, plastic containers
Folders: color coded or with color coded stickers on them to identify them easily and quickly.
File folder upright holders: Available at any office supply store or department store. You can even get some that hang on the wall for more available desk space.
Once you have these items, you will want to put all your "stuff" in piles of "like" items. All your mailing items together, envelopes, stamps, address labels etc and put them in one container. Put all your bills in another, once you do this, you will have a bunch of containers in front of you with all of your work items in them. Then you can put them anywhere in your office, when your like items are grouped together and contained, you will not have to search each time you mail something or need to grab something to read.
I was a bill collector for 17 years and one of the reasons I have been successful is because of my organizational skills. I believe you can be more successful when you are organized, and it will get away from you but if you have a base plan, and stick to it, it will work.
Source by Michelle Dunn
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/organization-the-key-to-success/
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davidhewittus · 8 years
Utilizing Fake Hospital Discharge Papers, Forms & Slips
Everyone works hard to pay their rent and keep food on the table. Some tasks are easy to handle while others require mental health breaks. Unfortunately, not everyone will understand, and in some cases, that much needed time will be denied. The human body can only do so much. Eventually, a break is needed, which brings up another unfortunate point. For most people the availability of time away is very limited. The point here is that most of us don’t get enough time to rest and recharge.
To avoid going insane and having a physical and mental breakdown, individuals need to employ ways to a much needed break. There is an effective way to do this, and it involves using fake hospital discharge papers.
What Are Printable Fake Hospital Discharge Papers?
When someone gets sick, there is a chance they will end up in the hospital. There are numerous reasons why a person might have to visit one of these institutions.  After receiving treatment, an individual will receive discharge documentation from the hospital.
The purpose of these papers is to show that the individual visited the hospital and received care. However, the forms also provide financial information, which might include the insurance used and services rendered.
If a person could fabricate these discharge papers, he or she could use the papers where necessary, but it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. It’s not smart and unrealistic to try to create the papers alone. Also, the consequences for using fake documents could mean getting in deep trouble. If you want to learn more, check out our doctor’s note homepage.
Potential Consequences and Free Papers
When in need of fake medical documents, many individuals turn to the Internet. There is never a shortage of websites that offer these or similar documents. However, there is a serious problem with using phony documents that are free.
In most cases, the amount of effort that goes into these documents is very minimal. There is a huge amount of risk involved with using fake medical documents, so it doesn’t make sense to put your trust in free sources. With the stakes so high, it only makes sense to purchase premium doctor notes.
Fortunately, premium fake doctor notes are affordable. There are several consequences of getting caught using artificial medical documents. Be the boss of your life, take control and avoid the consequences.
How to Avoid Getting Caught
Since the consequences of getting caught are severe, individuals need to make sure they know what they’re doing. Fake hospital paperwork must look exactly like the original. Every aspect of the documents must look the part.
The Address
In most cases, discharge papers will have an address at the top. However, every hospital has different discharge papers, and it really doesn’t matter where the address is located on the forms. What does matter is the accuracy of the address.
There is always the chance that someone will look into the validity of the paperwork, so every aspect of the papers must look real. The address on the fake documents should be for a local hospital. The document should also show the state, zip code, city and other address information.
Treatment and Services Rendered
Legit discharge papers that a person receives when leaving a hospital have some specific information on them.
For record keeping and other purposes, a hospital must list the care and services it rendered to a patient. This might include information such as medicine that was given to the patient, ultrasound or similar tests that were performed and the conclusion of the tests.
Most discharge forms are pretty specific about what services were rendered. When using fake discharge paperwork, it’s important that all of this information is correct.
However, it’s not always crucial that a fake document have this type of information, but individuals want the document to look as real as possible. In many situations, it won’t be looked into whether the note is real or not.
Doctor’s Name
Hospital discharge papers normally have a doctor’s name on them, which is the name of the doctor who treated the patient. It’s a good idea to make sure your  document uses the name of a realistic sounding doctor. It’s quite easy to find a doctor name that can be used on the fake note, but the name should always appear legitimate. However, using a real doctor’s name is likely fraud, so don’t do that.
Patients are usually required to sign the forms, so the note should have somewhere to put your signature. It’s important that every detail of the fake note is filled out and accurate.
As long as the  note is as detailed as possible, you have a really good chance of passing the fake note successfully. There are several benefits to using fake medical documents.
When looking for a premium note to purchase, there should be plenty of form templates that are printable. Once purchased, these documents can be used as great dr. excuses.
Fake medical release papers can provide crucial time away from daily tasks, and when used correctly, an individual can successfully pull it off. Taking time for yourself on the best forms  and discharge documents will pay off in the end.
What about Fake Pregnancy Papers / Documents?
These are totally different documents.  These usually a provided by an OBGYN doctor.  They are usually not hospital documents.  However, many clinics exist inside these facilities,  so it’s possible.
Common Questions
Are discharge forms and papers the same thing?
Yes.  Every clinic or hospital has their own unique document.  Some can be multiple papers, some can be a simple one-page slip, others can look more like a certificate.  The main element is that the form has it clearly stated that its to discharge a patient.  We have a one-page document that is highly detailed and looks incredibly legitimate.  You can just fill in the blanks and print it from your home computer or from a print shop.
I need some fake miscarriage papers from the hospital.  I want something for free. Is it possible?
Yes, there are many free options online.  However, we do not recommend using free papers.  There is a ton of risk to it. Imagine you’re an employer or professor. These people see dozens of  notes downloaded from the internet each year. Most people use free notes and they do not work well.  We don’t recommend taking the risk.
I need to download fake discharge documents / paperwork that said I had a miscarriage from a pregnancy.  I want it to be from a hospital. Where can I find this?
We do not have a note for this (yet) but we are planning on making one soon.  You can use our regular hospital form and look at the abortion form to get some ideas on what to place.  Our notes are totally customizable so you can use the two to craft your own.  Also, feel free to look around online but be careful with free notes.
Are hospital papers printable?  I need to print the medical form / documents from home?
Of course.  When you buy our documents, you can download them to your computer and keep them forever.  You just download, edit and then print off the document.   We recommend that you use an ink-jet or (color) laser printer for best results.  Some people prefer to go to places like Kinkos to print out the notes on the very best printers.  Even the signatures look incredibly real.
I need some emergency room papers to show (my work) that I was discharged / released.  Is this different?
No. The emergency room is just a specific part of a hospital.  You must. However make your alibi believable that it was an emergency situation. Its best that you come up with a sickness that is both a bit “personal” and also sounds like an emergency situation.
Is a discharge form from the hospital different than a regular physician’s excuse template?
Yes and no.  In most cases it does look a bit different aesthetically.  It also clearly states at the top that it is a discharge from from the hospital.  WItrh that said, it can come in many shapes and sizes.  Each hospital has their own unique document.
Entertaining Hospital Video Hide +
  from BestFakeDoctorsNotes.net https://www.bestfakedoctorsnotes.net/using-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-to-skip-work/
from Best Fake Doctors Notes https://bestfakedoctorsnotes1.wordpress.com/2017/03/24/utilizing-fake-hospital-discharge-papers-forms-slips/
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