#I haven't decided if I'll dye it again
archonfurina · 1 year
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Went to see the Barbie movie and it was good ✨
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Helpless part 36, sorry for the wait, here is a long chapter as payment
Nico woke up after three hours with a splitting headache, he felt nauseous, where even was he? He spotted the blonde boy sitting on the chair next to him reading a book, he was surprised that he wasn't off with ten other patients by this point. "You okay Neeks?" Will said putting his book down and walking over.
"I've got a headache."
"Nauseous to?"
"How'd you know?"
"It's normal, I'll go get you some water." Will walked out returning with a glass and handing it to the Hades kid, he started taking small sips from it, letting the cool water run down his throat, when even was the last time he drank water? "Would you be open to talking to someone? I know you don't like opening up to people but it could help."
"Are... are you forcing me to?" Nico asked so softly Will could barely hear him, he sat down next to the whispering boy.
"'Course not Neeks, we just want you to get help."
"Please don't make me talk to people." He whispered back, curling up.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Nico mentally laughed at the irony of Will telling him that when he was being kept in the infirmary which he really didn't want to do. The son of Apollo grabbed the small boy's hand and started rubbing the back of it in circles, "You could try a journal? I've heard that helps."
"Maybe... can we leave this for now?"
"Sure, anything in particular you want to talk about?"
"Can we finish our game of twenty questions?"
"Who's your favorite siblings?"
"Don't you dare tell any of them but Kayla, Austin will kill me if he finds out." Will laughed, "Least favorite of the seven?"
"Valdez, he's annoying as fuck also I fucked him that one time so it just makes everything awkward."
"Wait what?!"
"We were both bored and drunk, we never talk about that day. Anyways, have you ever dyed your hair?" He decided to let Will come to his own conclusions on that one, especially because Leo was too drunk to actually remember it, or he was just a very good actor. He remembered that night, it was the anniversary of when Bianca had died, while he last memories with her weren't the best he still loved her. He still wished he'd died instead of her. He was drinking himself numb, standing outside on the deck in the darkness when Leo walked, well walked was being generous, stumbled down the stairs, so drunk he could barely stay up right. He remembers thinking 'well might as well do it, haven't got anything to loose.' He remembers grabbing his shirt and smashing his lips against his.
"Why are you so drunk Valdez?" He muttered into his ear, trailing up kisses
"None ya business Shadow boy."
"Fine." He pulled away,
"No sympathy sex if you don't tell me."
"My mom died today."
"I'm sorry."
"Di Angelo I seem to realise you are also drunk, would you care to explain why?" His words were practically just slurs, fuck it, he thought, they'd both just never acknowledge it again.
"My sister died today."
"What? But Hazel-"
"My other sister, Bianca, died when I was ten."
"I'm sorry."
"Can we just fuck senseless I can't take processing this anymore."
"Fine by me." And then that was it, they never spoke of it again and went back to hating each other, honestly it was a disaster that they we're probably never going to unpack.
"Nope, I was going to dye it brown again when I saw my mum but then she didn't talk to me for years so never really did that."
"That is messed up but in a desperate attempt to keep this light hearted we will unpack that later. Now, I will be kidnapping you and dying your hair every colour imaginable."
"Can I ask why?"
"You're blonde, what else would I do?"
"Umm... okay then, have you ever watched Star Wars?"
"What! How? I'm putting Kay or Aussi on tomorrow night and we are binging all of Star Wars together."
"Please no."
"Too late Angel boy." Nico sighed in defeat, shaking his head but accepting his fate.
"Why didn't you tell me you could speak Italian?"
"I didn't know, I mean the song I learnt a while ago but actually speaking it's like how Aphrodite kids can speak French because it's the language of love, Italian's the language of music."
"That makes a lot of sense."
"Speaking of Italy, do you miss it?"
"Yeah, but when I went back there with Jason on the Argo II I didn't really feel anything, everything there changed so much, it barely feels like home now. What's something no one or only one person knows about you?" Will could tell him so many different things, he had so many secrets but was it safe to share them? He could do the easy thing and say that he glows in the dark, he could talk about his mom or the things he does at night when he's sure no one's watching him.
"I can glow in the dark." It was too soon, he'd tell him... eventually.
"YOU'RE A PORTABLE SUNSHINE!!!" Nico cringed at himself mentally but it was so easy to get lost in conversation with Will, just about fun shit, not worrying about everything all the time. I mean he'd had his fair share of hard conversations and lectures from the blonde boy but it was still so easy to relax around him. That wasn't good, he couldn't let his guard down, especially after those kisses. He said he loved him, he kissed him after the first one, he didn't pull away but that didn't mean anything. He would leave after realising that he was worthless and didn't deserve love, he wanted to let him in but his brain wouldn't let him, the only reason he'd said half the shit he had now was because of Reyna.
"Shut up Doom and Gloom." He laughed, messing up Nico's hair.
"Don't think I will, Care Bear."
"You love it, be honest." Fuck, he shouldn't be letting himself get this comfortable, he shouldn't be getting this relaxed with anyone. But it was living sunshine, cinnamon roll, Will Solace, he could trust him... right? Will rolled his eyes in defeat,
"...Will you be my boyfriend...?" Fuck, why did he do that? What if he- his thoughts were cut off with Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, ambassador of Pluto smashed his lips against his own, grabbing his blonde hair. He wrapped his arms around the small boy's neck, pulling him as close as he possibly could until they broke the kiss.
"I'd love that Sunshine." Here goes nothing, at least he'd be happy for a day or two, he didn't want to build hope of Will liking him for any longer than that, but at least there would be some temporary happiness. A moment of silence passed until Nico asked the next question "What's going on with your mum?"
"Well- Umm.." Will struggled to hold back tears,
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."
"I want you to know, it's just... hard."
"Take a deep breath, it's going to be okay." Will shook before a tear fell from his eye as started to talk.
"Well until I was eight she was amazing, honestly the best parent I could wish for. But then after that she became really busy, working two jobs to pay for the album she was writing. Then when I was nine she dropped me off a my aunts, said it was for a few days, three months later I ran away. Her house... it was a nightmare, constantly called the unwanted child, yelled at for getting in trouble at school and not paying attention. And for anything that went wrong... ever and well let's just say she wasn't the nicest overall. Food once a week and if I was in trouble once every three weeks and well she hit hard. I don't think mom knew how bad she was, at least that's what I used to think, now I'm not so sure. I ran away which is when I found camp, just wandering around aimlessly until I was attacked by symphalian birds and I just ran until they couldn't find me. I was in the infirmary for two weeks, which was when I met Michael... first time someone cared about my existence in a few years. I was claimed the first campfire I went to; I wrote to mom so much those first few months... poured my fucking heart out, never got a goddamn response. Well she sent me a letter yesterday... wanted to meet up next week, don't even know how she fucking found out where I was. Didn't even bother asking the fuck had happened." Will didn't realise he was crying until Nico wiped a tear from his cheek and kissed him on the forehead,
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm going to go there next week and say every fucking word I want her to hear." He said in a broken voice, he pulled him into a hug.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Will just nodded, sinking into the smaller boy's arms, slipping his hands into Nico's.
"Why do you always wear that ring?"
"Bianca gave it to me before she left, it was my mothers; nearly got it stolen at a club a when I was twelve."
"Why were you...?"
"Addicted to more things than I would be willing to admit, easiest way to get them. Cats or dogs?" A look over uncomfort washed over his face as he quickly changed the subject; Will knew he wouldn't get any more information on what had happened, at least any time soon.
"Cats and that is objectively the correct answer, also I already asked you that."
"Firstly, I don't care. Secondly, you're wrong. Thirdly, you are a golden retriever but you like cat's!? How?? Why??"
"Cat's are just better, and anyways you are the definition of black cat but preferre dogs."
"Cat's aren't 'just better' why do you think we have three headed dogs but not three headed cats?"
"Simple, a single cat is already perfect, why add two more when you've already got perfection?"
"Shush, dogs are still better."
"Whatever you say Neeks, just know that your opinion is wrong." Will teased, patting Nico on the head, covering his hand with his mouth to stop any protests. "Who's your favorite Mean Girls character?"
"Regina, what kind of a question is that? How much longer do you think Jason and Piper are going to last?"
"His much longer will they last? It's doomed, my bets are another week or two before one of them snaps." Will thought back to the two of them, he didn't know either of them that well but he normally never would have guessed they're together.
"Umm... I haven't really thought about it but I guess another month maybe month and a half. Favorite book?"
"Ernesto, it was impossible to find and even harder to read since it was all in bad handwriting and dyslexia didn't exactly help. Also if I was caught with it I would have to spend months in the church but I still managed to get through it." Nico remembered finding the first page somewhere on the floor and picking it up, desperately trying to find out where it was from. It took him months to find one and about a year to read that one but he remembered the plot word for word. He could remember sneaking out at dawn to read it before anyone else was up, it was like that for half a year, waking up every morning to read it and then hide it from his mum and Bianca, he didn't know how he never got caught. "Do you like being in the infirmary all the time, I swear you never take a break."
"Yeah, I like being able to help people. Also I'm the only healer so I try to not put anyone else in the Apollo cabin have to be in here too much, I mean normally it's Kay and Aussi but sometimes we have other people in here. What's your favorite season?"
"Winter, I love the rain also I hate the sun."
"Sorry Sunshine, it's the truth, when have you ever seen me outside willingly? What's your favorite song?"
"Probably... Pretend."
"Sing it?" Nico said laying down on his lap, looking up at him.
"Tonight my self-respect went out the window
It didn't stay for long
But I figured I'd be wrong
So, don't come close
My heart is rather clueless
I don't know why I do this But just once more
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do I'll do what you want me to do
Hit me up
It's fine, Mil pause my healing
It's all part of our truce
Oh, the sweet smell of abuse So, please don't go
My life is going backwards
No room in it for you But this bed fits two
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do I'll do what you want me to do
Why do I want it too?
I should be running from you
Why do I want it?
Oh, I want it too
Let's close the door and play pretend
More than a glance
More than a friend
I'll close the door and play with you
Is that what you want me to do
I'll do what you want me to do" Nico stared into his eyes, mesmerised by the blonde boy's voice. Will smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead."If you could have one wish, what would it be?"
"I'd bring Hazel's mother back, she deserves to see her again."
"Not your own?"
"I'd rather make her happy; do you play any sports."
"I love playing soccer but there isn't really time with being in the infirmary."
"You mean football?"
"No I mean soccer...?"
"Soccer is football, the abomination of a sport you have here that you call football is rip off rugby."
"I would argue with that but I really can't, there's basically no difference between the two sports. But it's definitely soccer."
"All Americans are dumb and that is the hill I will die on, you kick the ball with your foot, that's why it's called football. Where did soccer come from?"
"I don't know but it sounds better."
"It really doesn't Solace; just ask the next question, I can't afford to lose any more brain cells."
"Rude, but what's your favorite time of day?"
"Sunset, who's your favorite out of the seven?
"Probably Annie, but I talk to Leo a lot, mainly because he's here a lot."
"Can't imagine why." Nico said speaking in fluent sarcasm,
"What's your fatal flaw?"
"Holding grudges."
"How am I not surprised? Also that was the last question."
"Good, I was starting to run out of ideas."
"Same though," Will glanced down at his watch, "Neeks, it's almost lunch time. I want you to try eating just a tiny bit, stop whenever you feel sick, but could you try?" He half nodded, dreading what would come next.
Sorry again for the wait, I got distracted
I'll be honest I was running out of questions at the end
If you're still reading comment your Hogwarts house
May the odds be ever in your favour
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eyesthatroll · 7 months
wip catalogue ! ft. qh43, lh43, jh86, nm29, tz11, jc37, dm91
author's note; hey everyone, mari here, just wanted to say thank you for 1k followers!!!!!!!!1 that's crazy, and you guys are so so amazing and cool and swag. i thought about doing a celly, (fun fact, i've never done one of those!) but i've decided to save that for next time and attempt to do a draft clean out.
i have 117 drafts, really just pages upon pages of unfinished work that i'd like to get out at some point. so, if you enjoy my writing, under the cut will be excerpts from fics/oneshots/series' that i haven't finished. if any of them of them peak your interest, please let me know by either leaving a comment, or something in my inbox. i'll try and work on the ones that have the most interest first, and then finish the others. if this doesn't make sense, or you have any questions, you can let me know in the same fashion.
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dad!jt compher x fem!reader
Eamon huffs out of frustration. “She’ll already marry Sammy B. by then.”
Laughter escapes JT’s lips, “and who is Sammy B.?”
He huffs again. “He has black hair, and he sits by her in reading. Why can’t I have hair like mommy?”
“I got my hair color from my dad, your papa, just like you got yours from daddy.” You explain.
“Well, I don’t want daddy’s stupid h-hair.” Eamon’s voice waivers, and the tears that he was holding in begin to free fall. He turns into your side, clutching your shirt.
This idea randomly came to me. Eamon would probably be in either first or second grade, and has a little crush like all kids have. Said crush doesn't like his hair color, and tells him that flat out because kids are menaces and very blunt. OR. Was floating around the idea of the same concept, but perhaps a teenage girl? tween girl, maybe middle school age, and the boy she likes only likes blondes, so she asks to dye her hair blonde? But obviously that conversation would be waaaay more mature. I don't know. If you have any thoughts, feel free to let me know.
jack hughes x fem!reader (best friends brother/kinda enemies to lovers)
"You can put your drink on my tab." A voice says, coming up from behind you, a hand on the small of your back as he takes a seat at the barstool to your right. You smile to yourself, shaking your head before turning to him.
You quirk a brow at him, "I did that already."
He rolls his eyes at your answer, taking a sip of his own drink, some beer you'd never heard of until earlier tonight. You'd taken a sip of Luke's earlier, and about gagged at the taste. "Of course you did."
You shrug your shoulders, no shame in your game. You were at a bar with about a dozen NHL players, you'd be damned if you had to buy your own drinks. "I already told Lukey I'm not paying for anything this weekend."
The request: Hiii can I request something where reader and luke know each other from college and they’re at a party or bar and jack is visiting luke so they see each other and jack is interested in reader but she’s playing hard to get 🤭
I changed the request a bit, so it's set in this season when Luke is already with the Devils, and reader visits during that 5 game homestead. This would probably be a long one shot, and I like the idea of combining these tropes:
best friends brother
enemies to lovers (but not insanely enemies)
(more below, but a different part than above)
He scoffs, his hand pushing into your shoulder, playfully of course. "I love this relationship that we have."
You quirk a brow, bringing your glass to your lips, finishing off the rest of your white russian. "And what relationship is that?"
"The one where you pretend you're not in love with your best friends older brother."
"I always did like Quinn." You respond, an innocent smile on your lips.
You cut him off. "Plus, he has that whole Captain thing going on. Very sexy."
"He has a girlfriend!" He exclaims.
You shrug your shoulders, leaning in closer to face him. "That's too bad."
You're obviously joking, but Jack doesn't seem to catch on. "And, you're too young for him."
You shoot him a questioning look. "But not for you, huh?"
He slides his barstool closer to yours, the fabric of his jeans making contact with the bare skin of your knee. "Are you still dating that college fuck, what was his name.. Alan?"
Your tongue rolls over your bottom lip. "Aiden."
He nods, feigning a look of realization, while you both know that he knew his name. "Right, Aiden." He confirms. "The guy who leaves you on the side of the road at 3am."
You scoff, shaking your head. "That was one time."
Your eyes shoot to his palm, that has found a place on your thigh, his warm hand against your cold skin sending a chill throughout your body.
"I could never leave a pretty girl like you on the side of the road." He continues.
Probably going to have a lot of bickering throughout the fic, reader will be hardheaded and uncompromising on fucking up her friendship with Luke. I haven't fleshed out the personalities I want them to have yet so this is in a very rough stage. If you have any thoughts, feel free to let me know.
nathan mackinnon x fem!reader (5 year age gap)
“Today’s my 23rd birthday.” You say, before taking a sip of your drink, your attention to the right, where a man as struck up a conversation with you at the bar.
He takes a swig of his beer, his eyes roaming your body before they finally meet your gaze again. He looks conflicted, his brows tensed as if battling an internal war.
You weren’t stupid. You graduated college top of your class—with honors, and even if you hadn’t, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that you were speaking to an older man.
The only man, to even catch a sliver of your entire, in the entire bar. You’d caught eyes with him from across the room, back when you were pushed in a booth with your friends. He looked away immediately, but you could feel his eyes on you every now and again, before you finally excused yourself from the table and went up to the bar. You wore a black slip dress, your hair cascading down your back with silver glitter hair tinsel placed throughout. You didn't bother turning to see if he would follow you, you don't chase, you attract. If he sat in the chair next to you, then he was buying you a drink. And if he didn't, then you'd move on to the next.
“Happy Birthday.” He finally said.
"What happened to your nose?" You were over the birthday formalities-having received them all night. You had questions for the man sitting next to you, starting with his bruised nose, a prominent and formidable feature dominating his face that you couldn't take your eyes off of. With him looking straight at you, you could see that it curved slightly to your right. Nothing stopped the thoughts of feeling it against your skin.
"My nose?" He questions. There's surprise in his tone of voice, like he forgot about the bruise on his nose, or surprised that you'd asked about it.
"Quite the shiner you got there." You comment again, bringing your glass to your lips again, this time finishing off the rest.
"Uh-" he pauses. There it is again with those tensed eyebrows, you wished you could gauge what he was thinking about. "Work incident."
"Damn, where do you work?" You let out a chuckle. You hadn't meant to be blunt, but you couldn't imagine what line of work would create a bruise like that.
He finishes his beer, setting it back on the counter with a light thud. "I work in..sports."
"What are you like a gym teacher?"
He laughs, for the first time since he's sat down next to you. You could tell that he had a nice smile. "Something like that."
Another fic starting in a bar. Don't know how this started, but very self indulgent as I am 22 and suffer from nate mac brainrot daily ! I have no idea for plot at all, literally nothing. I'd probably want to include smut of some sort, that seems very much where the vibe is heading, but I am absolutely terrible at writing it, so I'll have to do some research and practice writing that (if you have any tips-please let me know!!)
quinn hughes x fem!reader (debating on making this an oc)
Quinn and Reader (debating on making reader an OC!) are getting married in a week, and reader is still struggling to write her vows. Will probably be a long fic and include the wedding. A bit angsty, but a lot of fluff to make up for it. I'd probably give reader/oc emotionally distant parents?? Or maybe her parents are divorced? Not sure. It'll mid offseason, so we'll probably see a lot of familiar faces (j. norris, b. tkachuk, etc.)
Your frustration mounted as you released an exasperated sigh, the eraser of your pencil frantically working overtime to correct yet another line that failed to capture the right essence. You flicked away the eraser remnants with a swift motion of your palm, straightening out your legs and allowing the spiral notebook to settle in your lap. Leaning back against the arm of the couch, you closed your eyes, simultaneously opening and closing your hand in an attempt to alleviate the cramping in your fingers. A burgeoning headache threatened to take hold, and you could feel a slight discomfort in your eyes after hours of writing without the aid of your glasses.
A week, you were getting married in a week, and you still hadn't finished writing your vows. Admittedly, you had procrastinated until the last minute, but you hadn't anticipated the challenge to be this daunting. Your love for Quinn surpassed anything you had ever experienced, so why was expressing it in words proving to be such a formidable task? Frustration morphed into annoyance, and you carelessly tossed the notebook onto the modest coffee table before rising from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.
You were grateful that no one was home at the moment. Everyone had gone out for lunch, and you chose to remain behind, citing a lack of sleep the previous night as the reason for your decision to take a nap. While that wasn't entirely false – your night had indeed been restless – your true intention wasn't to catch up on sleep while the others were away. Quinn, being the caring soul he was, insisted on staying with you, but you resisted his efforts and practically ushered him out the door. That was about an hour ago, and you were keenly aware that their return was imminent.
Delving into the medicine cabinet, your fingers located the bottle of aspirin. You poured two into your palm, easily popping them into your mouth and washing them down with water from the sink. Gazing into the mirror, you couldn't help but cringe at your reflection. The extent of your fatigue hit you with full force – the bags under your eyes were darker than you had ever seen them.
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
quinn hughes x fem!reader
This would probably just be a fluffy, short, domestic blurb, don't really have any other plot ideas for this.
Arriving home from work, all you wanted to do was take a shower and collapse into your bed. Tonight was an exception, with your shift extending later than usual, around 10:30, instead of your customary 9. Combine that with your regular hour-long commute, and it's almost midnight by the time you finally get home. Silently navigating through the dark and quiet house, it appears that your boyfriend is already asleep. However, as you step into your shared bedroom, you find him slumped against the headboard, eyes fixed on his iPad, headphones in.
The soft glow from the screen casts a muted ambiance in the room, the only sound being the distant hum of the city outside. Your initial fatigue gives way to a subtle pang of guilt, realizing he stayed up to wait for you, something he quite often did when he was home, even though you insisted he not.
He doesn't notice you, until you've crossed over to your dresser to grab your nightclothes before your shower, slightly jumping before dropping his iPad and taking out his headphones. "Hey, you're finally home." He comments, climbing out of his previous spot on the bed to sit at the edge of the bed, his legs hanging off the edge.
You yawn, turning around to face him. "Don't you have to be up early tomorrow?" You question. He pats his thighs, gesturing for you step over to him.
Leaving your clothes to rest on the dresser, you walk over to him. Quinn widens his legs so you can step in between them. Wordlessly, his fingers trail up your waist, to your chest, beginning to undo the buttons of your white lab coat. He slides the fabric off your shoulders, leaving only the black satin blouse you'd been wearing underneath.
He pulls gently at your collar, drawing your lips to his softly. His hands drop to your waist, gripping at your sides to guide you on top of him until you're straddling him.
"Are you okay, Quinn?" you ask, breaking apart from the kiss, just enough for your foreheads to remain pressed against each other.
"Just missed you." he mumbles, pulling you into a hug, his head finding a comfortable spot in the crook of your neck.
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
jack hughes x fem!reader
Toxicity, angst, angry sex, maybe second chance love, idk.
"Where have you been?" Jack's inquiry slices through the air, surprising you as you step quietly through the front door. Your boyfriend, still awake and perched on the couch, rises to his feet the moment the door closes, arms crossed at his chest, a sour expression gracing his features. Your brows furrow in confusion as you lift one foot behind you, placing your hand on the wall for balance while attempting to undo your heel.
"What?" His question catches you off guard, especially because you had left him multiple messages earlier, clearly communicating your plans for the night—messages that went unanswered, leaving you on read once again. He sighs, a mix of frustration and concern, and crosses over to you, bending down. Without a word, he grabs your knee, gently pulling your heel-clad foot to rest on your knee, his hands deftly moving to undo the straps. He repeats the same with the other foot, before releasing you of his hold.
"I don't like you being out this late," he says, the firmness in his voice evident as he pushes himself up from his feet. Suddenly, he's towering over you, and you angle your neck to look up at him, annoyance etching your face.
"Sorry, Dad, didn't realize I had a curfew," you slur with a wry smile, a hint of laughter punctuating the absurdity of his concern. With a last dismissive glance, you shake your head and push past him, your shoulder bumping into his side as you ascend the stairs to the bedroom.
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
quinn hughes x fem!reader
Quinn shows the reader that she can enjoy her birthday when the two of them spend it together for the first time. Would be super fluffy, reader will be written to have two dads, though I might make it an OC instead.
Quinn's persistent nuzzling against your shoulder blade disrupts your peaceful slumber. With a groan, you bury your head deeper into the pillow, yearning to cling to a few more precious moments of sleep before the demands of the day pull you from its embrace. Gradually, he initiates a series of tender kisses, commencing at your collarbone and concluding at that delightful spot just beneath your neck. "Happy Birthday, Angel," Quinn murmurs, his warm breath brushing against your skin.
Gently parting your eyelids, you shift on your other side to meet his gaze. His eyes are already fixed on you, brimming with adoration, as his teeth graze at his bottom lip. The morning sunlight filters through the blinds, casting a warm glow that accentuates just how gorgeous he truly is. Even in the early hours, with disheveled hair and faint remnants of drool, he remains undeniably handsome in every retrospect.
"Thank you," you express your gratitude softly, a subtle shyness tinting your voice.
Birthdays, even as a child, never held much appeal for you. The discomfort of being the focal point, the recipient of attention, has remained a constant, and birthdays, with their inevitable spotlight, are something you've always actively avoided. Yet, here you are, facing a birthday that feels different, primarily because Quinn is here to share it with you. This marks the first birthday you're spending with him in the span of your three year relationship, and it's a welcomed departure from the usual routine. It's a rarity, considering his demanding schedule that seldom grants him time off, but you know it's because he'll be leaving for a four game road-trip on Monday.
Reaching over, his hand envelops yours, fingers applying deliberate pressure that prompts a satisfying crack from your knuckles. It's a peculiar habit he picked up from you, a subtle exchange of quirks that began when you surprised him with it initially. "I have a special day planned for you," he announces, punctuating his words with a tender kiss pressed into the center of your palm.
"You know I don't want a fuss, Quinn," you mumble, weariness etched across your features.
He senses your reluctance and responds swiftly, his touch gentle as he brushes a strand of hair away from your eyes. "Not too much," he reassures, his words soothing against your worries. "Just want to celebrate you, Angel, on your day." Drawing nearer, he shifts, propping himself up on his right arm as he hovers over you. "Will you let me?" He wets his bottom lip, anticipation palpable as he awaits your response.
A small, close-lipped smile graces your lips as you reach up, your fingers delicately tracing over the overgrown scruff that lines his face. "Of course I will." A wide grin spreads across his face in response to your words, and he leans in, morning breath be damned, as your lips meet in a soft, synchronized dance.
He breaks apart, planting a kiss on your nose, before carefully stepping over you to get out of bed. "You get ready, I'll make breakfast."
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
luke hughes x fem!reader (but not really)
This is part two to Nobody's Love. I finished it, but I absolutely hate it, and will basically be starting over from square one. Below is where we would've left off, but when I finish this properly, it won't start with this dialogue, it will probably open within a flashback, and this part will be later in the story (if that makes sense).
"What's going on here?" Your blood runs cold at the sound of his voice, and you immediately break away from Jack, moving with an urgency as if you'd been caught doing something forbidden. Frantically, your hands move to wipe away the lingering traces of tears that you'd shed just moments ago. But your efforts to disguise your emotions prove futile as Luke's keen eyes detect the remnants of your sorrow, and his face contorts into a mix of confusion and well-intended concern.
"Why is she crying? What did you do to her?" Luke's voice brims with accusation, his words directed at his brother.. He takes a step forward, his intent to comfort you clear in his movement. You instinctively shuffle backwards, creating a protective distance, your arms loosely crossing over your chest.
Jack scoffs, disbelief etched across his features. "I didn't do anything," he retorts, his tone dripping with emphasis on the word 'I,' subtly implying that Luke is the source of your distress.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Luke's words slice through the air, laced with an unmistakable edge. His face tinges with a reddish hue as his gaze drills into Jack.
Again, would love to give you a bigger excerpt, but I hate everything else of what I've written LMAO. Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
quinn hughes x darcy sorokin (black fem!oc)
Basically a quinn x single mom au. May rewrite this entire thing. Also, started this months ago and loved the name Sunny for the kid (Sunny Sorokin) (no relation to the hockey player) but now I kind of hate it :)
Quinn became utterly enamored with her the moment his gaze met hers in the diner. She was a delightful surprise, replacing his usual waiter, Johnny, to collect his order. Her dark skin seemed to radiate a subtle glow under the dim diner lights, and her curly hair was artfully gathered in a loose bun resting at the back of her neck, adorned with a floral bandana draped over it. When she smiled, her dimples and the slight gap between her front teeth only added to her charm, leaving Quinn captivated and unable to shake thoughts of her for days.
Quinn stumbled upon Alma’s, the quaint diner, during his rookie year in Vancouver. Its unassuming atmosphere, a hidden gem tucked away, immediately resonated with him, providing a sense of ease. Combine that with the staff’s familial treatment, and he easily became a regular patron. Now, however, his visits weren’t just about unwinding and savoring a meal; he hoped to encounter the beautiful waitress he had learned was named Darcy (not through inquiry, but thanks to her name tag — he was too anxious to ask). Quinn relished any excuse to come to the diner, whether to be served by Darcy or simply steal glances at her when she wasn’t looking.
Quinn’s attempts to discreetly observe Darcy didn’t go unnoticed. She could sense the weight of his gaze, subtly tracking her movements around the diner. Intrigued and slightly puzzled by his behavior, Darcy decided to approach her co-worker, Johnny, to inquire about this regular customer. Johnny, with his wealth of experience at the diner, shared that Quinn was a nice guy who had been a faithful patron for years. He detailed Quinn’s routine of ordering the same breakfast every morning—soft scrambled eggs on wheat—followed by prolonged disappearances, especially during the summer months. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Darcy’s curiosity about the handsome and somewhat mysterious customer deepened. 
Darcy couldn’t deny the undeniable attractiveness of the man. His chestnut brown hair, steadily growing out since their first encounter, months ago, often required his attention as he habitually moved it out of his line of sight. His eyes, a deep brown that occasionally hinted at hazel in the early morning light. The way his teeth grazed over his bottom lip during conversation, though she was unsure if it was born out of nervousness or mere habit. Following the tumultuous chapter with her ex-boyfriend, after nearly five years, another man had finally found a place in her thoughts.
She harbored these thoughts secretly, keeping them locked away from anyone but herself. With her son, Sunny, now five years old, she couldn’t afford to be hasty. Sunny, more aware of his surroundings, comprehended things with greater clarity. She had already delicately explained the departure of his father, her ex-boyfriend, wanting to shield him from the unnecessary pain of the wondering, not knowing. And despite yearnings for companionship, she held the burden of guilt for Sunny’s lack of a father figure, and understood the importance of not rushing into a relationship that wasn’t genuine. Both she and Sunny deserved better, and she was determined to prioritize their well-being.
Let me know if you have any thoughts.
quinn hughes x fem!reader
Quinn and Reader go to their favorite diner late after a game. Probably lots of fluff, reminiscing. Possibly out of character Quinn, not too sure if he'd be into pda in front of the wags LOL.
Hovering in the distant corner, your fingers nervously toyed with the security pass draped around your neck, its edge resting just above the waistline of your jeans. A cluster of other wives and girlfriends lingered in the same vicinity, engaged in casual banter among themselves. You offered polite smiles, but there was no effort on their part to include you, nor did you make any overtures to join their conversation.
At last, you caught sight of a familiar mop of brown hair making its way down the hallway. The impulse to sprint towards him, leap into his arms, and plant an immediate kiss on his lips surged within you. However, with watchful eyes fixed on you, you opted for a more restrained approach, contenting yourself with a gentle caress of your hand against his right bicep. "Great game, Quinn."
A puzzled expression settles on his face, seemingly oblivious to the attention directed your way, or perhaps indifferent to it. His calloused hands find their place on your waist, guiding you closer as he dips his head low to meet your lips. Your fingers intertwine around his neck, and as his towering figure elevates you slightly off the ground, he murmurs, "Thank you, baby."
An orchestra of 'awws' surrounds you, a symphony of approval that bathes your cheeks in warmth. Quinn, charmed by your bashful response, lets out a chuckle, drawing you back into the protective embrace of his side. As he ushers both of you towards the back door, he bids the women farewell with a casual, "Goodnight, ladies," leaving the echo of their admiration suspended in the air.
"Goodbye, Quinn!" Their voices lingered with a touch of wistful admiration. You couldn't help but notice the collective enchantment Quinn seemed to cast on them. It wasn't entirely surprising—your boyfriend possessed a magnetic blend of boyish charm and dorky allure that had a way of rendering anyone weak in the knees. Since being crowned captain and amassing a string of victories, his newfound confidence only added to his undeniable sex appeal.
The night air nips at the exposed skin, coaxing you to cling closer to Quinn's comforting frame. As you approach the car, the two of you reluctantly break apart. "Do you want me to drive?" Quinn shakes his head with an easy smile, planting a tender kiss on your forehead before courteously opening the passenger side door for you.
You smoothly slide into the car, and Quinn secures the door behind you. With a jog to the driver's side, he swiftly settles into the seat, key in the ignition. Your hand instinctively reaches for the heat controls, but Quinn, ever attentive, beats you to it. After ensuring your seatbelt is on, he rests his hand on your thigh, the warmth of his touch contrasting the cool night air as he skillfully navigates out of the once bustling parking garage.
"Eddie's?" His voice dances just above the soft melody of the radio in the background. Tilting your head to the left, you catch his gaze for a fleeting moment before his focus returns to the road.
"Okay" You nod absentmindedly, a yawn escaping your lips as you lean your head against the window of the car.
He peers at you once more, skepticism lingering in his gaze. "Are you sure? We can just call it a night and head home if you're tired."
Your hand descends onto his, offering a reassuring squeeze. Fatigue clings to you, but the knowledge that he's hungry and wouldn't eat if you went home propels you forward. "I want to go out with you, Quinn."
A grin overtakes his lips, and he brings your hand up to his mouth, peppering a kiss against your palm.
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
dawson mercer x juniper hughes (fem!oc) (luke's twin)
Remember last halloween when I floated around the idea of dawson x hughes sister. I started it, barely a sliver into the universe. I also know very little about dawson other than I think he's an absolute cutie pie, so I'll have to do some research for this series for sure. Will deal with heavy topics such as alcoholism, addiction, etc, so if that is triggering for you, this may not be the series for you, please take care of yourself, love you.
Juniper Hughes was no stranger to the judgmental eyes. They seemed to trail her everywhere she went, the invisible weight of societal expectations bearing down on her, reminding her both of who her family was and who she wasn't. While her brothers excelled as perfect, professional athletes, following in her parents' footsteps, she had been on a different journey—one of recovery from alcoholism after her expulsion from school due to underage drinking.
Twelve long years of arduous study, relentless commitment to extracurricular activities, unending string of tests, and the suffocating pressure of expectations—Juniper endured it all. Only one fateful night was enough to strip away everything she'd worked for. In the blink of an eye, her scholarship to Brown University was lost, her only friend torn from her, and her dignity shattered into pieces. The ruthless media, once her cheerleaders, rapidly transformed into her tormentors, subjecting her to a public shaming campaign for her mistakes, constantly drawing odious comparisons with her accomplished brothers. The intrusive question hung heavily in the air, echoing endlessly: where had her parents gone wrong with her?
Why was she so deeply flawed while her brothers seemed to glide through life unburdened? Why couldn't she manage a regular relationship-whether it was with alcohol, food, or people, but they could? Juniper's life had always been marked by relentless effort, a result of sheer necessity. Unlike her brothers, nothing seemed to come naturally to her—school, sports, it all required double the hard work just to lag two steps behind them. Alcohol served as her escape, a means to shed the heavy cloak of perfectionism that enveloped her. It provided release, a fleeting respite from her self-imposed pressures. Juniper enjoyed the person she became when she drank, but the mornings after, the ensuing guilt and repercussions, they ruined her.
"Cleaned out the guest bedroom for you, Twinny," Luke's voice is gentle as he opens the bedroom door, ushering you inside. Juniper offers him a nod, accompanied by a faint smile, and steps into the room. It's devoid of any distinctive character, featuring only four white walls, a simple bed, and a closet. As she walks around, she can't help but grimace, the stark emptiness of the room triggering memories of your time in the rehab center.
Juniper gracefully lowers herself onto the edge of the bed, her fingers delicately tracing the intricate designs on the black and white duvet. Luke and Jack linger in the doorway, observing her with wordless, almost reverent gazes, as if any sound might shatter the fragile stillness of the room. She clears her throat, then turns her gaze toward her brothers. "Thanks."
While this fic will deal with heavy topics, I don't want this entire series to be super depressing, so I'll try and add equal amounts fluff!!
jack hughes x fem!reader
Part of the Bless the Broken Road series. Jack gets the kids up and takes them to school for the first time without readers help. Super fluffy. Might completely rewrite it, though.
"Hey, wake up." Y/N shakes Jack awake, her hand pressing into his shoulder as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed next to him.
Jack groans, stirring in his sleep, his eyes squinting open to meet her chocolate brown gaze.
"Remember, school starts at 8, kids need to be up by 7, and you need to be out the door no later than 7:45."
Y/N leaned down to plant a tender kiss on his forehead before straightening up. With grace, she retrieved her phone from the dresser and picked up her coat hanging from the back of the door. "Yeah, I know, I got it, baby," he dismissed, though when Y/N glanced back at him, his eyelids had drooped shut once more.
She flicks his cheek. "Don't fall back asleep!"
She was well aware of Jack's exhaustion, considering he had a late game last night that went into overtime. However, she had a scheduled meeting with a contractor at the bakery early in the morning, which meant Jack had to shoulder the responsibility of taking the twins to school.
Smacking her finger away, he forced his eyes open once more and sat up, leaning against the headboard. "I'm up." He rasps, "now go before you're late."
She gives him a knowing look, shaking her head. "Call me if you need anything."
"We'll be fine." He assures.
Things were definitely not fine. Jack couldn't pinpoint when or how it happened, but at some indeterminate moment, he'd drifted back into sleep, only to be roused by a gentle poking on his forehead and a soft voice by his side. He blinked his eyes open, finding his youngest son, Adler, right in front of him, his lips curved into a pout.
"Where's mommy?" Adler asks.
Jack's eyes shoot wide open, and he promptly sits up, his gaze fixed on the alarm clock perched atop the dresser, which displayed the time as 7:36. With a swift hand running through his tousled brown hair, he mutters a curse under his breath. Adler instinctively takes a step back as Jack moves abruptly, his tiny hands fidgeting nervously, forming knots of unease in front of him.
Exhaling a deep breath, Jack pushed off the covers, swinging his feet to the right side of the bed. He gently grasps Adler's shoulders, using one hand to push stray curls out of his eye line, his voice soft and reassuring. "Mommy had to go to work early today,"
Adler nods. "So no school today?"
Jack shakes his head. "I'm gonna take you. Will you wake up your brother for me, please?"
He nods, and Jack breaks into a grin, pulling Adler into a tight hug. With a gentle lift, Jack stands up, eliciting gleeful giggles from Adler as he spins them around in a circle. The sound of the child's laughter fills the quiet stillness of the house, prompting laughter of Jack's own. Setting Adler back down, the boy immediately dashes off, sprinting back to his bedroom.
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
jack hughes x fem!reader (ex-situationship to lovers??)
Months ago, when Jack had insisted that you attend your first hockey game when the season started, he had presented you with one of his jerseys. It had ended up tucked away in the back of your closet, gathering dust and fading into oblivion. In fact, you'd nearly forgotten about it altogether. However, the morning after your conversation with Luke, a sudden thought about what to wear to the game had crossed your mind. You were certain of one thing: you had no intention of donning Jack's jersey. You did briefly consider asking Luke for one, but that would have been counterproductive since he shared the same last name as him. Instead, you were determined to indulge in a little pettiness.
On that particular day, you impulsively ordered a Red Wings jersey from eBay. It happened to be Moritz Seider's jersey, though you didn't really know much about him, or whether he was still actively playing or not. Frankly, you didn't care. You had no intention of cheering for the Red Wings, you simply saw the purchase as a final "fuck you" to Jack Hughes.
Reader and Jack "breakup" and so she wears a different jersey to a game to spite him. Jack gets jealous, yada yada you can probably guess the vibes.
trevor zegras x fem!reader (bookstore owner)
Trevor comes into readers bookshop a couple times a week, begging to take her out on a date. Might turn into a 3 times he asked and the 1 time she said yes type thing. Not sure!
"Go on a date with me." Your gaze transitions from the non-fiction books that you were presently shelving to the tall blonde on your right. He regards you with eager anticipation, awaiting your response, although it seems to be no different from all the previous rejections you've given him.
"Don't you have anything more productive to do than pester me while I'm trying to work?" Your voice carries a tinge of irritation as you descend from the small stepladder.
He offers a nonchalant shrug, feigning innocence with an expression of mock sincerity. "Just one date."
You push your way past him, making contact with his side as you stride back toward the front desk. He tails you, mirroring your movements like a lost puppy, eventually leaning his elbows casually on the tall counter, opposite to where you take a seat behind it.
"Why must you deny this obvious chemistry?" He's teasing, his face leaning on his hand as he looks intently at you. You let out a huff of laughter, settling into the spinny chair.
"Does rejection get you off or something?"
Let me know your thoughts if you have any.
luke hughes x fem!reader
Reader broke up with Luke months ago, and doesn't expect to see him again, but she does, and he wants answers. Angsty, but will probably have a happy ending.
You tried your best to move on from him, putting in every ounce of effort you could to try and forget him. You threw yourself into your work, deliberately steered clear of the songs that held his memory, and even canceled your ESPN Plus subscription to shield yourself from the overpowering sadness that welled up whenever you saw him on the ice.
You weren't angry with him; anger had no place in your heart. After all, you were the one who had made the difficult decision to end things with him. You had asked him to leave your apartment as he struggled through sobs, his voice filled with desperation, seeking answers about what had led to the dissolution of your relationship. And despite the tears brimming in your own eyes, you didn't break down, standing your ground as he tried to challenge your conclusion.
Your sadness clung to you like a relentless shadow, casting a long and persistent gloom over your life for months. The vibrant and extroverted girl you once were seemed like a distant memory as you found solace in the confines of your home. Days passed in mechanical, robotic-like motions, each one blending into the next in a monotonous blur. Even the cheerful banter and laughter of your co-workers, which once provided a semblance of happiness, now felt like distant echoes in the cavernous emptiness of your heart. And nights were spent curled up on the couch, lost in the embrace of comforting films from your childhood, each frame a desperate attempt to escape the crushing loneliness that had become your all-encompassing reality.
You were aware it wasn't healthy, and though that knowledge weighed on you like a heavy anchor, you made no effort to climb up to the surface for air. The relentless ache in your chest, filled with sorrow and regret over losing the boy you had loved so deeply, was like a suffocating fog, clouding your vision at every turn. You couldn't go anywhere without being haunted by phantom images of him, his presence lingering like a stubborn ghost in the back of your mind.
It only got worse in the weeks leading up to the Devils vs. Red Wings game. You were aware that he would be in town, and that knowledge sent you spiraling into self-pity and uncertainty. You had deliberately steered clear of any rumors about his dating life, but your mind couldn't help but obsessively wonder whether he still missed you. Whether he mourned the loss of your relationship, or had moved on to someone better – a fear that had haunted you ever since he moved to Jersey even before the breakup.
It's a rainy Tuesday night, and you impassively make your way to Walmart with one single purpose in mind: to purchase alcohol and junk food. Your plan was simple – to watch the game and numb your sorrows with alcohol. You were fully aware of how pathetic it might seem, but at that moment, you simply don't care.
You stretch up onto your tiptoes, straining to reach a tall bottle of merlot perched on the top shelf, your shopping basket hanging from the crook of your elbow. In your haste to secure your wine, a sudden, sharp pain pierces your sternum. Your grip falters, and the basket slips from your grasp, clattering to the floor with an ear-splitting thud. One hand flies to your chest, your fingers resting on your heartbeat that pounded wildly against the thin fabric of your shirt. Disoriented, you stumble backward, the voice of a concerned stranger echoing in the distance as your vision blurs and darkness encroaches.
Let me know if you have any thoughts.
jack hughes x fem!reader
Jack spends the night at Readers apartment for the first time, and asks her to move in with him. Probably would be a short blurb, maybe 1k-1.5k words and under.
"You live in this building?" Jack inquires, his gaze sweeping over the aging building, a typical five-story apartment complex in dire need of renovation. You nod at him, shutting the passenger-side door as you step out.
"Is this area safe?" He inquires, his eyes lingering hesitantly on the parking lot.
You were roughly forty minutes from Jack's neighborhood, and while this area was a bit rundown and perhaps less safe, you thankfully had never encountered any issues.
"Uh, yeah," you respond, taking Jack's hand and leading him toward the entrance. After a moment of rummaging in your bag, you locate the key to the building, insert it into the lock, and swing the door open. Jack grabs the door, gesturing for you to enter first.
Your building lacked an elevator, so you faced a long climb to the fifth floor, where apartment 48B awaited.
As you unlocked the door, you visually cringed at the chaotic scene that greeted you. Clothes strewn haphazardly across the floor, dishes forming a precarious tower in the sink. You hadn't had a chance to tidy up before Jack insisted on spending the weekend in your modest abode. And although you hesitated, knowing your apartment was far from perfect, you couldn't resist any longer. You two had been dating for about a month, and he had yet to see where you lived. He'd casually mentioned it a few times, so you knew it was time to swallow your pride and invite him over.
"Sorry bout' the mess." You apologize, nearly tripping over yourself to grab a pile of clothes off the floor.
Jack runs his hand across the wall to his right, his fingers tracing the scattered nail gun holes. "What the hell happened to the wall?" he asks, furrowing his brows in concern.
You pause in your cleaning, turning to face him. "Oh, the neighbors like to get drunk and play with their nail gun. Don't stand too close." you warn, shaking your head.
quinn hughes x pharmacist!femreader
Nothing started for this, but my time working in a retail pharmacy has me obsessed with writing this pairing. Might make her an OC, though. I love the idea of a badass working woman who doesn't put her life on hold just because she's married to a hockey player.
If you're wondering about the status of Never Have I Ever, I'm gonna be honest, I may discontinue that 🫣. Sorry! I just have no motivation to write out that storyline now, but maybe sometime in the future I will.
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author's note part two: Obviously this isn't all of my wips, only some, and most haven't been edited at all and a very rough drafts, but I wanted to give you a glimpse of what I have sitting in my drafts. I also have a lot of things in my inbox that I want to get written, but I have been slacking (clearly). I also wanna do some song fics because I've never done one and think that could be cool. Again, if you have any thoughts, don't hesitate to let me know.
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ok so i know i've literally never posted abt sanders sides before on this blog (i haven't been keeping up for a few years) but i've been tumbling down a waterslide lined with my old hyperfixations for the last few hours and ended up creating D&D au character designs for the core four sides using heroforge. images and descriptions under the cut if you're interested ❤ bonus points if you can guess what classes they are (this is EXTREMELY self-indulgent so pls forgive the ranting abt them, they're very important to me ok)
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First up we have Roman! my beloved. one of my first questions when starting his design was how can i make him look as cunty as possible? the answer: heeled boots and winged eyeliner (It's a little tricky to see but he's got gold metallic eyeliner). I ADORE Roman's colour pallet so i kept it as close to accurate as i could, making white the base colour and accentuating it with the gold armor and the dramatic red shoulder cape as my stand-in for his sash. he's wielding a katana OF COURSE how could he not be. he's slaying ⚔ 🐉 and slaying 💅💋
moving on:
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Patton. my baby, my honey, my ragtime gal. i decided to make his hair a little longer than roman's bc i thought it made him look softer and more approachable. it was UNBELIEVABLY hard to find something that sort of replaced his cardigan without looking too chunky but i did like this kind of loose tattered mantle, so i went with that. kept the sky blue shirt and gray cardigan/shawl, but gave him more greyish blue pants so they didn't blend into the shirt too much. glasses are round instead of square bc again i thought they made him look friendlier than the square ones. freckles bc i personally think freckles are very cute and patton is very cute so he got freckles. no shoes he's travelling the realms like the gods intended. the dad vibes are strong i want him to give me a hug 🥺
next up:
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logan is quite possibly my favourite side so i really wanted to get his design right. the MOST important thing was giving him his iconic necktie, which ended up being pretty much the same color as his canon design. i couldn't give the tie specifically a pattern, so i made his vest stripy like his tie is in the show and i think it looks really good. his glasses are the more classic nerd ones which is perfect for him and i gave him black eyeliner bc i thought it made him look more serious. i added the coat for more of a d&d look (it doesn't make sense to traverse planes wearing a vest and tie) i think it gives him an extra bit of style that i love.
and last but not least:
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the Anxious BoiTM himself (i've only had him for five minutes seven years but if anything happened to him etc etc). virgil's was one of the easiest designs aesthetically and hardest mechanically (you'll never guess what class he is guys i took some BIG swings). I knew i wanted him in black and purple (obviously) and i knew i wanted to give him the iconic purple hair dye and eyeshadow. i almost said screw the genre and put him in a zippered hoodie but i do think that a cloak and cowl would suit him very well (good for hiding in) and i found a combo that looked equally cosy and spooky. a bow is good for attacking long range and keeping out of danger (appropriate for anxiety, i thought) and the mask looks intimidating but actually helps him with sensory overload (with the cowl and mask on he's basically in a mini sensory deprivation bubble). an eyebrow ring bc he's edgy idk why honestly i thought it looked cool.
So that's basically it! As i said before if you can guess their respective classes i'll give you a cookie (🍪). since i can't draw, heroforge is usually my go-to for character creation and i have to recommend it (i think i talk abt this site a lot but 🤷‍♀️) it's so helpful for non-artist types like myself.
I hope you enjoyed! please leave comments if you liked they feed me (if you didn't like it, please just move on and don't let me know, i'm doing this for fun and i don't want any negativity please ❤) @thatsthat24 hope you like 🥰
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Daydream Believer
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: fun June lore when my parents told my family they were pregnant with my youngest brother (a whopping six months after having my sister) my uncle looked at my dad and said, “Do you not have cable or something?” and thus it gets added to the fic
Summary: Daisy seems to know something you don’t
Warnings: talks of periods/pregnancy, fluff, I think that’s it!!
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It happens when you're lying on the couch, scrolling on your phone. Sam had just gone down for a nap, and Joel was plunking some music in the home studio when Daisy climbed up on the couch with you. She forced herself between your legs and rested her head on your stomach, sighing heavily once she was comfortable. You smile and drop your phone to look down and pet her big head.
"What's up, Daisy Mae?" You ask as you scratch behind her ears. She wags her tail, steadily thumping against the couch, and bumps her nose against your belly button. You laugh when she does it repeatedly and sit up. "Last time you did that, I was pregnant with Sammy," The speed of her tail picks up at the mention of her favorite little boy. "No, he's not up yet. You guys can play later," She huffs her disapproval before picking her head up and bopping you again. It's not enough to hurt, but it's enough pressure to get your attention. You put your hands under her jaw and look at her in her big blue eyes. "What? What's wrong? Why do you keep doing that?" You ask. She wiggles out of your grasp as if to answer your question and does it again. "There's nothing in there. I don't know what…" You were trying to make a point. You really were until the mental math hit you like a truck. Daisy rests her head in your lap, her tail wagging like she's excited you finally put two and two together.
A million emotions run through you all at once before you and Daisy finally make your way down to the home studio. She pit pats behind you, a big smile on her dopy face as you spot Joel, hunched over his guitar, glasses on his face.
"Hey, Joel?"
"What's up?" He asks from his place on the couch, tuning his guitar.
"What would you say if I told you my period is late?"
"If?" He asks, and you nod, wringing your hands together.
"Total hypothetical." You say, and he eyes you for a second.
"I would ask by how long."
"A week and a half."
"Honey," he breathes as he abandons his guitar and walks over to you. "Are you pregnant?"
"Maybe? I don't know. I haven't taken a test yet," you say, and he smiles as he wraps his arms around your waist. "You ready for another baby, Miller?"
"Oh, yeah," he says, a goofy look in his eyes. "I've been ready."
"Sarah and Ellie are gonna think we're nuts."
"There are worse things," he shrugs. "Do you have tests, or do we need to race to the grocery store? Because I'll break all the traffic laws to get you one." He says, and you laugh.
"No, I think I've got some upstairs. Wanna take a break?"
"For you? Always."
Together, you walk upstairs to your shared bathroom and fish out a box of pink dye tests from under your sink. Joel is practically bouncing off the walls with excitement, and it takes everything in you not to remind him that you don't know anything for sure yet. You decide to let him have it while he still can. You take two and rest them on the top of your vanity, you and Joel watching the test work its magic. It takes a few seconds for two harsh, dark pink lines to show up on each test, and you gasp, looking at Joel.
"Holy shit, that was fast." You say, picking one of the tests up and staring at it like your eyes are deceiving you.
"You said your period is a week and a half late?" Joel asks, and you nod. "Are you sure you didn't skip last month?"
"Pretty sure. I just can't believe they showed up so fast."
"And they're so dark," he says. "Damn, you're really knocked up!" Joel raises his hand for a high-five, and you laugh, meeting him halfway.
"Y'know, most couples kiss when they find out they're pregnant."
"I can do that, too." He says, pulling you flush against him and kissing you. You smile when you feel his thumbs rub against your stomach over your shirt, suddenly aware of the life growing under your heart.
"We're gonna have another baby." You breathe against him, and he nods.
"We're gonna have another baby."
"Your mom is gonna be ecstatic." You say, remembering when you told Lucia you were pregnant with Sam and how excited she got.
"And my dad is probably gonna ask us if we don't have cable considering how this is the second time you've been pregnant in the past four years." He says, and you laugh together. You plan to call your OB first thing in the morning to make an appointment to see just how far along you are. The lines should not have been that dark that fast if you're only a few weeks pregnant. Something about it worries you, but you can't stress when Joel rests a hand on your stomach and tells you how much he loves you. Regardless of what your doctor tells you at your first appointment, you know it'll be okay as long as you have your family by your side. But for now, you'll just sit with your and Joel's newest little secret and bask in the beauty of watching the love of your life become a father again.
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bots-and-cons · 2 months
I feel bad that I've been venting so frequently lately, but I don't really have anyone to talk to irl right now. Feel free not to read, but if you do, thanks
I'm feeling so damn overwhelmed. I have so many things I'm supposed to be doing, but I can't seem to get started on any of them. I really should start my swedish course, because it's the last summer course I have. I finished the other two courses last week, but I don't really feel any sense of accomplishment and it fucking sucks. There's apparently not really much to do with the swedish course, because one of my classmates got it done in under an hour, which is fucking weird, because it's a 5 credit course and one credit is supposed to be 27 hours of work. I hope it's actually that easy.
I've been having a lot of really weird and violent nightmares, which is also not fun. Also my intrusive thoughts seem to be sort of coming true in my dreams? In addition to the nightmares, my intrusive thoughts have gotten pretty bad and very violent. That has been going on for a couple of weeks now, and I just keep trying to ignore it. The intrusive thoughts just give me a lot of anxiety, and they scare me pretty bad, especially when I'm around other people. Lately it's also been pretty bad with the whole "kill yourself" thought when something goes wrong. Like I drop a spoon and my brain is immediately like, "omg you're such a failure, kill yourself". I don't understand why, because I'm not suicidal atm, not even close, I'm just stressed and overwhelmed. (I put the tw in the tags anyway though)
I hurt my foot like a month ago, probably a stress fracture or something of that sort, but it's now starting to feel better. I refused to go to the doctor about it, because a) I would have had to walk there and b) they would've most likely blamed it on my weight and hadn't actually done anything to help. I'm not saying my weight has nothing to do with it, of course it does. I'm fat, that's just a fact, but often doctors blame everything on my weight and don't look any deeper. It's fucking infuriating, because I know there's something wrong, but the only advice I get is "you should lose weight". I'm sure that would help some of the stuff that I've got, but some people treat it as some miracle cure.
I'm probably not going to do practical training at all this autumn, because I honestly don't feel like I can. I'm wondering if this whole school thing is really even worth it tbh. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to hold down a full-time job. I would love to be able to work some day, at least part-time, but Idk how realistic that even is.
I've been able to manage school for a year and a half now, and I'm starting to feel pretty burned out. I don't know if I'll make it to next spring without having to take sick leave. I'm honestly fucking scared. I don't want to go into a depressive episode or trigger a more severe psychotic episode again. I've been having some hallucinations lately, and I'm pretty paranoid about a lot of stuff. It's not fun. One thing I've been wondering is what my psychosis actually is? My best guess would be psychotic depression, but I should probably talk about my psych nurse and psychiatrist about it.
I have a hairdresser appointment tomorrow, and I'm kinda nervous, because it's a new place, and I'm gonna have my hair dyed so it's gonna take a while. I'm not very good at spending time at places I don't know or where I haven't been before. The last time I got my hair cut was about a year ago so it's time to do it again. I want my hair shorter again and I decided I wanted to dye it purple. Probably a pretty dark purple because I don't know if I want to have my hair bleached first. Anyway, I feel a bit better having written this out, and I hope I can get an actual fic post out later this week too.
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Angstfest Day 2:
Title: I'll be in Denial
Rating: Teen
Words: 748
Summary: Danny is loosing his grip on humanity
Warnings: mild blood and tooth loss
Also not all of this fits as 'Nobody Knows AU', but most of it is.
    Another case of beakers shattered. Danny sighed as he walked over to get the lab broom. It's been a few days since he died, and he's already having issues. He randomly goes intangibile. Sometimes he'll find himself sinking through the floor or having stuff drop through his hands, like a case of lab beakers for example. 
    Two weeks later, and it only got worse. He almost got exposed when his eyes started glowing after Dash had shoved him into a locker. Thankfully he noticed and calmed down before Sam or Tucker saw. He wanted to tell them, but he thought against it. They didn't need the weight of their friend's death on their conscience.
    One month later, it was getting harder to hide. His ghostliness leaked out at any given chance. It was harder to walk without floating. His eyes glow in the dark like a dog's. He woke up one day to blood on his pillow and a pile of teeth. His regular human teeth were replaced with unnaturally sharp fangs. 
    So he did what any person would do and tried to ignore his problems. He put on make-up and filed his teeth. Looking in the mirror, he tried everything to look human, to be in control.
    It wasn't enough.
    He threw on sweatshirts to cover how cold he was. Hair dye was used by the boxes to cover the strands of white that were leaking through. Sam and Tucker had asked him if he was okay when the changes first started happening, but now they don't pay him much mind.
     His aura causes people to pass him by. Their minds are too horrified to look. His parents, even his sister, don't notice his coming and going. Hell, they might not even remember he exists. 
    Danny packed his bags. He looked over at the pictures of before. Sam and Tucker are smiling with him at Nasty Burger. Jazz is teaching him how to bake a pie. His dad is teaching him how to fish. He sighs. His old life is dead.
    Soundless steps walk down the stairs. Make-up and dye have been long since forgotten. They don't notice him anyways. Danny places five pieces of paper on the coffee table, each adorned with the names of loved ones.
     Tired legs lead him to the kitchen. Jazz is sitting with Mom talking about her AP class. Danny smiles solemnly. He watches as Jack bursts through the door and shows them his newest invention. They looked happy. Danny sighed and turned towards the lab door. He could only hope to have happiness like that again.
     Green light greeted him from the other end of the lab. The portal's imposing structure dared him to go in. He grabbed his backpack and breathed a heavy sigh. He can't remain on Earth any longer. He needs to gain control. He needs to move on. The young boy took a weightless step into the abyss.
   Maddie Fenton was cleaning the house when she noticed something on the coffee table. There were five notes each adorned with five different names. Maddie picked up the folded paper that read 'Mom'. Gently, she peeled the edges of the page and opened it to read.
   "Dear Mom,
   If you're reading this, I am dead. I've actually been dead for a while now, but I didn't want to accept it. It's been hard, not gonna lie. At first it was just little things like dropping beakers, but now -some scribbles- now I can't. I haven't been able to control it. It's been so hard, Mom. I've tried to pretend that I was still human, same old Danny, but I'm not. I've been so lonely, Mom. Seeing you, Dad and Jazz enjoying life while I was stuck watching. It's been hard. All this to say I've decided to move on with my life, or I guess afterlife. And maybe one day I'll be able to see you again, and maybe you'll be able to see me. Don't be sad for me, Mom, I'm trying my best. I'll come back when I'm in control!
    Maddie sobbed. Danny, her little boy, was dead! She didn't even notice. She ran up to his room. He's just messing with her, Right? She opened the door to find the bed was made and unoccupied. The woman flung herself onto the sheets.
  "Oh Danny, my precious boy," her voice croaked into his blankets.
   Maddie spent her night grieving the loss of her child.
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asbestos-11 · 2 months
Hi I'm back again!!!!
I'm haply to know that I'm not alone in the "ship has to be sometimes realistic or I die" boat. Though it's not like I can't consume unrealistic stuff. I just have to be in the mood for it.
I assume the daughter that looks like Aventurine would be the oldest, right? And then later come the other two. I would love to hear about what you came up with!!! (I would also like to draw them, but I don't think I'll do your vision justice...)
In comparison, the fan kids I made aren't all that fleshed out, haha. It's not that I've never thought of them having kids, but my brain feels like it has to build the relationship first before jumping into it, if that makes sense. Like I first have to think about how a ship got together, how the relationship progresses, what struggles they face, whether they would get married, whether they want kids, etc. Whatever I create has to stem from those conclusions. That might be weird, idk. But having someone to bounce ideas off of certainly helps!!!!
Back to the kids, for me I would envision them to have two daughters. They both would have blonde hair, but then the youngest later on dyes it similar to Ratio's, just a bit lighter. The oldest would have Ratio's eyes, and the youngest would have Aventurine's. When they're raising them it's sometimes a jumpscare when Aventurine sees long blonde hair.
I like to think that the eldest daughter eventually gets the fashion sense of her papa (flashy, reference to an animal, excessive amounts of jewelry, etc). Though I'm mostly thinking of those sunglasses Aventurine sometimes wears. They take shopping trips together. Though she'd be the type that just likes what looks good on her, even if it's not designer or whatever.
In contrast, the youngest unfortunately gets one good look at Stelle and it shapes her little brain forever. She looks at Ratio and tells him "I wanna be like them when I grow up!!!!" and it's just a picture of them after they finished dumpster diving. There is no hope to be had. He tries to sit her down and tells her that looting for trash is frowned upon in society and can get her sick. She starts crying.
(Somewhere in the distant universe, Stelle feels a profound sadness in the air. March and Dan Heng tell them they're crazy.)
As for jobs, I like to think one of them becomes a pastry chef, and the other a teacher. But I haven't decided who gets what. Or, like what level of complexity the job would be.
Also thank you for the kind words!!!! We are giggling and kicking our feet together!!!!! I was thinking of making it worse, but then decided against it. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a bit too much if i did.
I love this little universe we're making too!! YAAYYYY !!!
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ok ok so here's their designs (always subject to change). fitia is the oldest amongst the three and is a phd holder in archeology and anthropology. she's currently busy with research into her family legacy, more specifically she's interested in the avgin (both for her sake and bcs she grew up with aven talking abt his clan). fitia is a mild mannered person with a sunny disposition and a meticulous approach to her work, which means that she's not very good at taking care of herself. one can either find her nose deep in work or passed out on the floor with several mugs of coffee near her. fun fact, her nickname fi is a play on phi often being used in maths.
selene is the middle child. she's a pro racer and is just about the most reckless person you could meet. an adrenaline junkie at heart, she often makes her family worry. selene is a rebellious one, being very independent even as a kid. she's an avid lover of all things vehicle related and when she's not busy crashing them, she's seen tinkering with bits and bobbles. selene is a yapper, something she inherited from both her parents, and often annoys her two quieter sisters with her talking (they don't mind tho).
cassea is the youngest and quietest of the bunch. she's currently studying geology and is running a blog where she talks about gems. she's more of a listener than a talker, but her tongue is sharp whenever it needs to be. she is quite sweet, but she has taken after ratio's blunt nature. if she's not studying or indulging in her work, she's often seen walking along beaches combing for rocks and pretty shells. cassea has a habit of picking up trinkets and gifting them to her family (selene has a whole lot on her keychain). cassea's name is (might be inaccurate) the romani version of the name keziah.
nooo i love ur two girls they sound so lovely. i like the 2nd one dyeing her hair like her dad's, she's so real for that!!! who wouldn't want to look as good as he does?
oooh do you think that whenever they go on their shopping sprees, that they both legit take hours because they take so long choosing good pieces? i can just imagine her sitting in front of the changing room and waiting for him to come out so they can nitpick every single thing wrong with the article. i can already tell that their closets are full of stuff.
the youngest is a lost cause fashion wise, but god do i love her already. has stelle influenced her in other aspects of her life or just the dumpster diving fashion? huhu please tell me more about both of them, i desperately need to know more!!!!
sorry anon it took me so long to answer, but i've been in ddne land + i have been feeling really shitty lately, but whatever. haha it seems you have transferred the angst onto me :,D
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squeakpip · 5 months
hello there!! how's your week been? any projects, playlists, books, recipes, etc that strike your fancy to ramble about?
i've been sick this week but i am slowly overthrowing the goop that has taken over my body. putting this together has been a nice distraction, so it got super long
just before i got sick, i put a (mostly) handspun cardigan to block. the spinning of this was a tiny bit of a spite project, based on how frequently people talk about "muddy" colors in handspun in a disparaging way. as a brown lover, i took offense and decided to make a rainbow-but-brown cardigan incorporating every technique i could think of that people tell new spinners not to use because it will muddy their yarn. the last two pics gives a vague sense of how much optical color mixing you get from afar vs. up close, but the effect works better irl.
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(fiber is all corriedale from Hello Yarn's fiber club)
i used 8+ years old leftover brown cascade eco for the cuffs, hem, pocket trim, and double-knit buttonband. this bit me in the ass, because i ran out with about 6" of band to go, and obviously couldn't get a dyelot match. thankfully, it was the button side of the band so the lighter bit will be mostly hidden, but i am pissed that i had to buy another 250g skein of yarn for a project where i was using up leftovers. also my button order got canceled so i need to source new ones. perhaps this project is slightly cursed. but i'll stash it away until autumn and it'll feel like i get a new sweater, just like i imagined, that i didn't even have to knit.
currently working on two different spins, both for scarves.
on my spinolution wheel i have a brown-green-blue-white gradient destined to be woven, although i haven't been able to find the right weft yet. (fingering weight, plied, primarily nonsuperwash wool, pale pink that leans coral/orange...) i may end up dyeing it myself if i haven't found the right yarn by the time i get to weaving it.
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i'm also spindling the finest yarn i possibly can, for some sort of garter stitch lace shawl situation. the fiber is a decently textured batt that includes silk nepps, so it will be gently tweedy. everyone who sees it says the fiber looks like bacon, but it's based on the dyer's cat, Mungo.
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before i got sick, my goal was to warp my loom for floral overshot kitchen towels, which is what everyone in my family will be getting as a winter holiday gift. maybe next week when i am more confident in my ability to count.
here's what's been stuck in my head lately for each language i speak. apparently i'm stuck in the 90's and very much the bug, not the windshield this week
my go-to tea for the past 6 months has been a 50/50 mix of adagio's hazelnut and this baked apple tea. this started as an attempt to make the most autumnal tea possible (and tone down the cinnamon of the baked apple), but i recently committed to it enough to pre-mix a whole tin of it instead of just blending it in the infuser. i take it with homemade vanilla syrup and milk.
any day that i'm not eating çilbir i'm thinking about when i can have it again
i'm also obsessed with claire saffitz's gooey butter cake recipe (if you have ever wanted to just eat cake batter, this is the cake for you).
i have recently perfected my pretentious grilled cheese game with
some type of fruit preserve (i've used earl grey and apple jelly, apple butter, marmalade)
one slice of american cheese for melt
one slice of trader joe's scotch bonnet cheddar for heat
thick cut ham
homemade pickled red onions
serve with sliced cucumber or tomato sprinkled with cavender's seasoning, and/or apple slices, preferably arranged in a silly design so you feel like your adult self (sandwich) is reaching through time to shake your toddler self's (sides) hand
i've also been making what can only be described as a vaguely korean crunchwrap, which started as a fridge clean-out meal and has taken on a life of its own
trader joe's frozen bulgogi beef
egg scrambled over the reheated beef
matchstick carrots or cucumber
pimento cheese spread
green onion
tortilla chips for crunch (optional, i rarely have chips around)
wrapped in a flour tortilla, griddled until golden
Other Things I've Been Enjoying Lately
my new haircut and color (lime green! i've never dyed my hair before! i'm such a brave little cartoon character now!)
modded minecraft. i'm splitting my time between vault hunters (i am so so bad at it), my own whimsical but slightly dark fantasy 1.20.1 pack, and my gritty 32x conquest+ pack inspired by https://www.youtube.com/@lowresbones's the hammer series
daydreaming about an unfaithful recreation of my favorite summer drink from a closed cafe. their thing was orange juice, soda water, and jasmine syrup. i made jasmine syrup last summer and it turned out weirdly grassy and gross, so i'm going to try lavender or rosemary instead.
speaking of rosemary, i also have the stuff to make brown butter rosemary rice krispie treats! can't wait until i have the energy to both make and eat food that's interesting again. herby sweet treats my beloved <333
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ama-ships · 6 months
I'm thinking about changing my hair colour again- Since it takes me so damn long to decide hey I'll dye my hair today- If I keep washing it the way that I am I should be able to strip most of the colour out.
Maybe it's time to go back to either being blonde or being a redhead~ I haven't quite decided yet~
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garaksapprentice · 8 months
Operation Stash-Down
This post was originally published on my blog: https://garaksapprentice.blogspot.com/2024/01/operation-stash-down.html
Last month, I spent a week thoroughly cleaning and reorganising my workroom so that I could actually get to all the shelves, and not have my back to the door. I even made space to fit a skinny bookshelf (I can finally have all my books out where I can reach them. It's been more than seven years since that last happened).
Last week, I watched one of my favourite YouTubers issue their now-annual "January is for working on The Pile" challenge. I considered my Piles (what a phrase) and decided this was an excellent use for the rest of January. I went through the mending pile, adding and subtracting as necessary, and updated the running list I keep of the things in there (it's the only way to stop things from disappearing into the aether). I tidied up the cabbage patch, taking the opportunity to go through a few boxes that were stored outside the workroom and sort their contents into piles.
Yesterday, I looked around my workroom (it had once again gone from clean and tidy with actual floor space, to One Big Trip Hazard within half a day), and decided that I have too much bloody stuff.
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This was almost completely clear twelve hours ago. L-R, T-B: for coleslaw (green), cabbage once deconstructed (yellow), actual recycling (blue), and rag rug bits (red).
More specifically, I have too many supplies. Despite spending the last two years cleaning and decluttering and KonMari-ing and making a concerted effort to start with what I have before I go shopping for new stuff, I still have overflow.
There's an entire garage shelf in what is technically the spare bedroom (in reality it's my partner's room - they have their own place, but I have air conditioning and they don't) full of knitting yarn, embroidery supplies, and fleeces. There's more fleeces and some sewing notions on top of a bookshelf, and a couple more boxes of knitting yarn on a different bookshelf. To top it all off, there's a whopping monster of a raw wool fleece in the back room.
And, to be clear, this is all stuff left after multiple decluttering rounds. This is all stuff that I absolutely fucking love and have no desire whatsoever to part with. I just... haven't got around to using it yet.
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Me when I go through my stash nowadays.
Even though I buy 95+% of my supplies second-hand (between the guild and the plethora of local op shops, I'm remarkably spoiled), I'm still not using things as fast as I'm capable of buying them. Saving things from landfill to repurpose later only works if I actually use the things I'm saving. (Yes, I still need this reminder. Frequently.)
Thus were the seeds from which Operation Stash-down was born.
The Goal
I want to fit all my fibre supplies in my workroom. Every. Single. Thing.
That means all the:
knitting yarn
fabric (stash AND scraps)
embroidery supplies
sewing notions
weaving, sewing, and spinning tools
leatherworking tools and supplies
whatever other random fibre-related gubbins I pick up along the way
The only exception is for things that need a more controlled climate than my workroom. It's on the western side of the house, with a window in said western wall, and it regularly gets above 30ºC in there during summer. So if I end up with any dyes or other heat-sensitive chemicals, I'll have to find a cooler spot for them.
The Plan
Donating, giving away, and selling things are all options. But that hasn't made a much of a dent the last six times I went through The Stash, so I'm not counting on it doing much this time, either. No, the thing I need to concentrate on right now is using the stash.
So instead of my current "shop the stash then go buy what I need when I don't have it in there", my standard needs to shift to "ONLY use stash things, and if they won't work with what I've planned, change the plan".
How does this translate to actual, practical projects for the year?
Longer warps, and more of them on the floor loom. Lately I've been defaulting to inkle bands, because they're 1) fun, 2) fast, and 3) easy to do in all sorts of cool colour combinations. But they don't use a lot of material - I could weave nothing but narrow wares for the rest of my life and still have yarn left over. And I want to start weaving clothing yardage anyway, so this is a good kick in the pants to actually do it.
Stop putting off those patchwork projects. I have a couple of big ideas I've been procrastinating on for a few years now. Sure, they'll probably take multiple years each to finish, and I'm not sure if I even have enough scrap for one of them (a crazy patchwork coat from all the wrap scrap I've been holding onto), but I won't know unless I actually take the time to start working on them.
Scour more fleece. Out of all the spinning stash, the raw fleeces take up by far the most room. Prepping them to spin might not reduce their volume by much, but actually being able to spin them sure will. (Unfortunately, this strategy will require equipment purchasing. My hand cards aren't fine enough to use with some of the fleeces I have.)
Obviously just doing any project at all will help reduce stash levels, too. Some of the things on my list will make a bigger impact than others, though, and I'm going to try to focus on doing those first. (After I've started to reduce the current WIPs, of course. My 2024 goals are still in effect.)
If all goes to plan, I'll update every few months with progress. Maybe even before and after pictures.
If you like my stuff, please consider throwing me a few dollars on my Ko-Fi in support.
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bluebudgie · 1 year
2, 6, and 12 for Teva?
Hi, thank you for the ask!! Coming right for my newest character :D
Just a heads up, Teva's been floating around in my head as "non-pronouns with left beef" for like 4 months now. For readability's sake I'll use they/them but honest to god I do not know what's up with this Charr's gender. Like. Nothing and everything at once.
Ahem, anyway:
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
Not initially, but fairly soon after their creation I decided they'd be somehow connected to my Charr scrapper Leto! And I believe originally I had previewed a lot of black dyes for their armour's look but then decided to go with a white colour scheme to contrast Leto's really dark design. Also overall it just looked much better, and also fits the character better.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
That's actually an interesting question for Teva!! The eye colour is one of the very last things I settled on after I had already decided on everything else (minus one shade darker or lighter for the base fur).
My original plan was a pale pink colour for the eyes because it honestly just looked really nice in combination with the rest of the colours. But then there was the blue magic of the Olmakhan horns, and I was starting to have ley energy brainworms again and... yea. Decided for a really bright blue then!
I'm still undecided if blue is Teva's natural eye colour or if it's a result of ley energy experiments. I guess at the very least the magic enhanced the colour (if it didn't change it entirely).
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Honestly I haven't created much yet at all;; I've taken a few screenshots / made some gifs but haven't encountered any specific issues other than me being really bad at getting decent angles of Charr in general.
In general Teva's still a bit of a vague haze of loose concepts and personality traits in my head, I hope to be able to share more in the future!!
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imthefemalemonster · 2 years
Hello hope you are well! I am not sure if it is on your blog or someone else’s, I couldn’t find it again 😭😭 but an anon said to a aegond prompt:
Aegon faking his death to escape the pressure, running to highgarden where a young lady tyrell took pity on him but to keep him hidden basically made him crossdress as her lady in waiting and dye his hair with henna making look like young alicent.
Aemond on a tour first saw him and had suspicions that it was actually Aegon (cuz mans obsessed with his older brother) and still decided to pursue this lady and made their mother arrange their marriage or something, and aegon is now sweating buckets cuz he can’t get in bed with Aemond, he will know he is a man or something. But yeah they somehow ended up staying married with people getting more suspicious of this tyrell lady or something over the years especially since Aegon doesn’t bear any children or something (until they contacted a lysene whore who became their surrogate while they were on a anniversary honeymoon trip) and they came back with a baby boy.
If it was yours, I would probably have to scroll deep to find it since it doesn’t seem recent. If its not, feel free to go ham with the prompt if you are still taking. Hope you have a wonderful day and don’t end up crazy like me going through all corners of Aegond tumblr today😭😭
Hello, I'm doing well thanks sweetheart ♡
OK - I was thinking a lot about your ask lately and first of all so sorry I'm not the person this prompt was sent to!
I really loved it when I read what you sent, added it to my requests list but I haven't really found any motivation to write it. The thing is that I LOVE the prompt so much (the runaway, arranged wedding, etc) but I definitely think this is such a good prompt it needs multiple chapters, a lot of context, slowburn, and also it's quite different from what I write. I have chosen not to write it (for now) because I'm focusing on other prompts/ships. And if I ever start to write it (I'll let you know on my blog), I definitely want to make it slow, explore it, like really make it a whole story more than just a 1 or 2 chapter fic. (if it makes sense) (?)
But thank you for sending it though, I'm keeping it close, if anyone is interested to write something I would love to read it ♡
I hope you have a wonderful day too anon and I'm sorry it too so long to answer, like I said I'm still interested but can't promise I'll start writing it anytime soon. (♡♡)
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dalekriz · 1 year
LOST SKARO BLOG #2: An explanation of Dalek rankings.
Hello, unfortunate humans who follow Riz's blog. I'm Dalek Sey. I'm here to explain Dalek positions, ranking, and how both of those tie into the genetics of a Dalek. This is defiantly an informative post intended for human consumption and not a passive-aggressive jab at 'Dalek' Delmaru who keeps getting their basics confused. I 'appreciate' 'Dalek' Delmaru's contributions to Lost Skaro and I do not consider them a 'worthless fucking water dog'. I am also defiantly not being forced to write this opening by Supreme Dalek Storm.
Dalek ranks are designated and identified by three simple concepts: Mark, Breed, and Augments. A Mark is a feature that can be easily or safely changed. An example of a Mark would be hair color and armor model. A Dalek's breed is the exact genetics a Dalek was cloned for. A Breed decides the physical characteristics of the organic body of the Dalek. And lastly, Augments. Augments are the mechanical bits fused to the Dalek while they are still developing in the cloning vat. Some can be modified, some cannot. examples of Augments would, of course, be an eyestalk, headlights, or additional limbs. I'll dive into each category in order of importance.
1. Breed.
A Dalek's Breed decides what branch of the empire a Dalek fits into. On the tree of Dalek breeds, there's the trunk, a now-unused Breed dubbed 'Armored Daleks'. Armored Daleks used to pilot travel machines before those became wildly impractical. Armored Daleks tend to be small, Supreme Dalek Storm (who's an Armored Dalek) is about the size of a larger main coon cat inside the armor. branching off from that, there are two main branches. Imperial and Renegade. both exist within the empire but historically haven't gotten along well. Whether or not the two branches are coexisting or not is a sign of how well the Dalek empire is doing, as we only start in-fighting when there are enough resources to justify it. The main physical difference is that Renegade Daleks tend to have a shorter, stockier build, and Imperial Daleks have a taller, sinewy build.
Both branches have three main offshoot branches, Battlefield, Matenence, and Science. The titles are fairly self-explanatory. There are a ton of other branches off of these three, and often these branches overlap.
So remember earlier when I said that Breed couldn't be changed? I lied. It can be changed, but only if the Dalek in question is less than two years old and is undergoing genetic alteration to a similar Breed. For an example of this practice, I'll use Dalek Biological Archives Riz as an example. Their genetics are an absolute fucking mess but she'll work. Riz's breed was originally an 'Ironside', which is a shotty mix of Armored Dalek and some Battlefield Breed. When their original mission was finished, Riz was six months old. Since she was still young and malleable, they were altered to line up closer to an Archivist. Which lands somewhere between 'Battlefield' and 'Science'.
2. Augments.
Augments are installed on a Dalek before birth. They also varied wildly. In general, a Dalek has energy diffusers (also known as headlights or earlights), an eyestalk and related brain modifications, and reinforced spinal plating. Imperial branch Daleks also have modified heels and extra facial plating.
Again, this varies wildly. Special Weapons Daleks don't have any external Augments, and the weirder ranks, like an Overseer, have dozens -- if not hundreds- of modifications. Changeing Augments depends on the Augment. When I left the Imperial fleet during the Imperial-Renegade war, I had some of my plating removed. the heel Augments had to stay, though. and there was some very dubious, very painful gene modding... back to the main topic.
3. Mark.
A mark can be changed literally whenever. that's why hair dye exists. At Lost Skaro, a Dalek's Mark tends to be set to their natural hair color to save on resources. In the empire, a Dalek's Mark is set to whatever their position has as the default Mark. Armor is also part of a Mark since it can easily be changed. Arguably the most significant part of a Mark is the ID. collar. All Daleks wear a collar. The collar has a set of tags on it, two for basic identification, and possibly more depending on the Dalek. There are warning tags, which are bright yellow and are given to Daleks with 'undesirable' behavior. I have a tag for violence towards other Daleks and a tag marking that I'm an asymptomatic carrier of the Movellen virus. Daleks will often only part with their collars when they die. It's a Dalek's identity.
As a little wind-down, I'll list everyone on the blog's breeds and tags.
Supreme Dalek Storm (tossed on because I mentioned them): Armored Dalek, camera-like eyestalk (on both mutant and armor), drives around in a fucking tank and has an unknown yellow tag.
Dalek Sey (me): Imperial-turned-Renegade Commander, fucked-up spinal augment and partially biological eyestalk, grey hair and two warning tags.
Dalek Cess: Imperial, white hair and no additional tags.
Dalek Riz: Armored-Renegade Battlefield mix, declawed, green hair and an infighting tag.
'Dalek' Delmaru: beast of unknown origin (some Imperial battlefield dog if I had to guess), slanted energy diffusers and no spinal plating, navy hair and no collar.
Hope this satiates your constant questioning Delmaru, since APPARENTLY, Riz isn't good enough for you. I'm taking a damn nap. - Dalek Sey.
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snvxiii · 2 years
Snow-Centric Merch Haul Part 9: Custom Crochet Amigurumis/Dolls (by Crochet4Love.c4l)
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11/21/22 | Bought on Mercari | 80 USD (3.72 shipping)
Welcome to part 9 of my Snow-Centric Merch Haul!
It's the holiday season! Mercari–neat little thing it is–oferred a $20 off $50 coupon if you listed 30 items in a specific timeframe. I had $17.78 in credits left to spend too and decided to splurge on myself!
I didn't measure him, but he's about 4" tall. He feels wonderful to hold and fits my palms perfectly! I can't squeeze him, much as I'd like to however. He is not meant for aggressive affection. His head would pop off.
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The process:
I found Crochet4Love.c4l on Mercari searching for custom yarn dolls. I contacted them for a price quote. They hinted we couldn't chat through Mercari well. I found their account on Instagram.
Because I am a tryhard, I drew up two references to match their art style with written text instructions.*
C4l gave me a price quote for $40 ($35 + $5 to cover Mercari's seller fees).**
They sent me a photo of the colors they planned on using.
Over the course of a week, they send me progress photos.
*Some miscommunication occured. I believe my wordy instructions and choice of colors caused confusion. The main issue being LR!Snow's jacket and ribbon of his bandana being a light gray color. I wanted both to be black/dark gray.
However, C4l took my colors literally and made the grey parts grey.
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When C4l showed me the different colors, I mistook the grey (left, top right) they showed as the grey being used for his inner vest. From their perspective, they considered that shade of grey "dark" compared to their other light grey (right).
I'd consider both to be light grey... nonetheless, due to Mercari's tight deadline + the fact I ordered two dolls, C4l didn't have time to correct LR!Snow's jacket.
He still turned out cute though. I mean, look at those tiny buttons! I adore them.
I might attempt to dye the jacket darker in the future. Though, I'm unsure of how to remove the jacket at the moment or how to protect the red thread from being dyed black.
And I'm rather fond of the light grey. He looks cozy in his fur-lined winter coat.
**Since I wanted to use up my coupon and remaining credits, I asked C4l to complete the transaction via Mercari rather than Paypal. I offered to pay for the additional fees.
Lessons learned:
I would love to commission C4l again to complete the trio. I didn't commission XIII-2!Snow, because of his more complex hair style. I wasn't sure how to translate his hair in drawing.
That said...
Definitely going to commission them outside of Mercari. The tight deadline left no time for any large adjustments on top of ordering two dolls. I'd like to give them and myself more time next time.
I haven't commissioned anyone in years (double digits). I need to be more proactive in asking questions and confirming the creator's intentions. I'm sure I caused them stress for my lack of communication skills!
I rushed my references admittedly. Next time, I'll include side-by-side comparisons with the renderings and prepare them far in advance. I'll also simplify my wording.
I also forgot that Snow's jacket splits in the back AH! I don't know if it's the same for LR!Snow however.
I'm such a fan of C4l's style of doing eyes! You can see a faint pink blush under the buttons, with a thin white line to outline the outer edge.
His stubble: adorable. He's a little baby with depression.
His hair: I love how XIII!Snow's hair curls! He looks younger, wilder (in a cute way), and makes me nostalgic.
I'm especially impressed by the small buttons and detail of his vest! Better than what I imagined. Though, I'm disappointed the smaller details of his belt-scarf didn't come through. I should've asked.
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Yes, his hat IS removable. XIII!Snow also has a bigger head, hahaha.
If you stare at the center of their faces, you can see a nose. It made me laugh. Such a charming little detail.
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The color of XIII!Snow's jacket is perfect. Such a pretty sand color.
Final thoughts:
I want a bigger one. I want a little army. Big man squeezed down to tiny baby.
I might sew some additional details on XIII!Snow. I don't know how to sew. I might not dye LR!Snow's jacket (I spent $10 on vinegar and black dye; I don't make wise decisions). I don't know what material the yarn is made from. I don't want to melt the fibers.
I might re-commission them both in the future. There are so many little details I want added. Big brain idea, but what if I pinned one of my Wild Bear charms onto XIII!Snow's back? The charms I own are too big, so maybe I'll order 1" versions in the future...
Maybe I'll add Serah and Estelle to my little collection... make them smooch...
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pixiemage · 2 years
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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