#I hope my handwriting isn't too ugly
iiwaijime · 2 months
Can you do 🐙💍💐🍺 with Inumaki? 🎀🎀
here u go !! my handwriting is actually much better btw.
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yes this is a confession — toge inumaki x gn!reader
wc <1000 || event
cws: swearing, one mention of death threats, gn reader
arranged marriage is not something you particularly adore. thankfully, you're able to pull things around enough for your husband to be your friend, toge inumaki.
he's a bit of a freak but at least he's nice and not like the weird guys from other clans..
totally the type to buy you flowers "for his beautiful spouse xx"
if you remind him it's an arranged marriage he'll be like, so?? it's for show, dude. (it isn't)
after the wedding he goes to yuta's and ugly cries cause you look so perfect and he's literally in love with you
he leaves colourful sticky notes around the house with cute messages; "what a nice friend!" you think at first
it feels weird to actually fall for him after the two of you get married
you being as oblivious you are, feel extremely guilty for this "one-sided" thing
you start regarding him completely differently
has he always looked this good in everything
he lets you borrow all his clothes — whatever you want, it's yours from the moment you lay your eyes on it
"if we're a married couple, might as well let you have the perks too."
text to speech is a godsend
one night the two of you are lying in bed (with an awkward amount of space between the two of you) when you're overcome with an unusually high amount of guilt. you roll over onto your side to look at him. he's still awake, staring outside at the stars. before you can say anything, he types something out on his phone — really fast — and gives it to you. the bright light hurts your eyes, and you have to squint to read the words.
shootimg star mkae a wisj
your eyes trace the stars path as you murmur a wish, propping yourself up on one elbow to get a better look. inumaki looks detached, distant as he — you assume — makes his wish, too.
"what did you wish for," says the monotonous voice of the text to speech app.
"i can't tell you," you reply. "my wish won't come true that way."
he shakes his head obstinately.
"it's just us here, so it's fine," says text to speech.
"i wished for you to get your happily ever after," you confess finally. "i took away any hope you had of a proper relationship, and—"
"shut the fuck up," the monotone voice tells you, and toge is scrambling up to switch the lamp on and scribble something on one of the post-its from the pile that you consistently keep refilling every day. he shoves it unceremoniously into your hands, and it takes all of thirty seconds for the words to register in your brain.
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"what the fuck, are you serious right now?"
he grins awkwardly at your reaction, not knowing if it's a positive response or not, but then a moment later, it all becomes clear.
timeskip :3
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tysm for reading n following !
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pen-observing · 1 year
the sunlight that filters through the trees never reaches your shadow.
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synopsis: the benevolent and beloved kaveh has ruined your life. and you have made your mark in his. so how do you say goodbye to him now? it was never easy.
kaveh x gn!reader word count: 785
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You're kneeling down on the floor. Again. You wonder how many more times you would have to do this for the wood to get clear signs of your constant presence. It feels like you always come back here; to this little corner. You wait, then mumble something different every time before your hand reaches for the box.
It is not special. It is not dusty. Wait - perhaps it is special because you didn't allow it to grow dusty in this little corner where everything else has settled. Does this box in front of you leave a love belittled or does it appreciate it? You have always thought yourself to be sure in the answer but now everything grows misty.
No matter how you hesitate, you open it. That is another invisible wound - a small gap no healing water can reach.
For now. Yet.
Putting that at the end of your thoughts is how hope leads charge. Even when Kaveh's fingers would hesitate to extend their touch, you would encourage him. And look at where you are now.
On the floor again. In this damn corner, opening up a box that you know will witness tears.
There are a few love letters; or, letters filled with love without a trace of calling one another anything but your names. No 'dear', no 'honey', no 'dearest'; just love written in shapes to make it unrecognisable.
How are you doing? Is the weather causing you trouble? I lost my hairpins but I keep yours to help me. My project is going fine. Here is a pressed flower that made me think of you. Are you eating well? Thank you for being so kind. Thank you for being my friend. I can't wait to come and embrace you again. I keep thinking about you and I miss you.
You wonder if Faruzan got her hands on these letters; would her wast knowledge call the writers friends or lovers? It would be fun to see her struggle but, perhaps, she would immediately know the answer. Both, but none, but something in between and so attached it is burdensome.
Kaveh has ruined your life by being this way. He has created a spot for himself in here and sculpted a place that only fits him. And, for a while, you did not realize it. But now as you are growing - it is a burden. This envelope of his first ever approval founds for his grand idea; why do you have it? Why does the color of it make you wish to cry?
And why are you keeping a tcg card? You don't even play that game. Admitting that you are keeping it only because he gave it to you feels like a needle is being threated somewhere inside of you.
And the letters, the card and the pressed flowers - they are all too meaningful to you. They're ruining your life.
You've grown up with him. You know how his handwriting changed through the ages, you know the flavor of all of his lipbalms because you've kissed him for years now too. You know about his guilt and you know he is, well, himself. He would never break your heart. So you must do it to yourself.
Kaveh and you are compatible but never fit quite right. And when you do force a small thing to fit; it makes you wonder how long you both can play pretend and that just this is enough.
But it isn't. Not when love is undefined. Not when it isn't even love. Everything you have with Kaveh is familiarity - a habit.
It broke your heart to tell him that he cannot move in with you. You wish he could; you wish he didn't have to suffer. But what price would you pay?
It would cost you your peace and rationality. It would cost you confronting the ugly truth. Kaveh does not think he deserves love. And you are turning into a meek thing when faced with your own feelings.
You turn him away at your door and grasp this box and cry above it. You find the matches in a dusty corner and carry it all to the backyard.
Breaking your own heart is hard. Brutal. You have to burn these things you love because they're from his hands. Because, at the end of the day, Kaveh and you have become complacent in undefined affection that hurts you both.
But you are sure it hurts you more. Kaveh won't ever hate you but you hate yourself. For now. Yes, for now is hope again. And again. And as many times as it takes until you get it completely right with someone else.
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a/n: welcome to an author using a genshin character to cure herself of,,something. more to come cus I won't kaveh know peace until i know it
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peachonified · 6 months
To The Setters I have loved
aaaaages ago I had this idea. We all know Kageyama is obsessed with setters, so I wanted to write his obsession. This isn't quite what I imagined (although I am very happy with it) so if inspiration strikes me I will revisit. But for now, enjoy Kageyamas letters to the The Setters I have loved.
(if you would prefer to read it on AO3, follow the link!)
To the Setters I have loved
Rating G
Ship: KageHina
Characters Kageyama, Hinata, Oikawa, Sugawara, Sawamura, Kenma, Kuroo, Atsumu, Akaashi,
Tags: post time skip, setters, admiration, background ships: akbk, krkn, daisuga Olympic team,
Summary: At Hinata’s urging, Kagayama lets some people know how he feels
“You should tell them how you feel.”
They’re lying in bed, where they’ve been for the last little while. Kageyama has been daydreaming about volleyball plays, and Hinata’s been on his phone. While Kageyama has no idea what Hinata is referring to, he’s pretty sure it’s not something he wants to do.
“Shut up.”
Of course it’s not enough. Hinata rolls over until he hits Kageyama’s back. Kageyama can feel the intense boring into the back of his shoulder. It would be off putting if he hadn’t been putting up with it for years.
“No! I mean it! You should tell them how you feel. You’ll feel better.”
Turning his head, Kagayama stares at him, and Hinata just sends him a delighted smile. “Okay, fair, what I mean is I will feel better cos you will stop talking about them in bed.”
Brow furrowed, Kageyama thinks back to the previous four hours with no talking. None. Zero. “I… talk about them?” This is a dumb conversation. He doesn’t talk, let alone about <i>them</i> and who even is <i>them</i>?
“You’re making this up,” he decides, only to be met with a pillow to the face.
“Just write the damn letters Bakayama.”
“Oikawa-se-san. Oikawa-san!”
And yeah, that voice is a blast from the past. He wasn’t expecting to run into Tobio like this. On the court yes, but running down the hallway calling his name? Absolutely not. And Oikawa’s moved on from it all, he really has. But it’s not like he doesn’t have a few unresolved issues from that time.
“Tobio-chan,” he says all smiles, only to have an envelope slammed into his hand.
“I hope you’ll accept my feelings,” he says seriously, before walking away.
While Oikawa prides himself on having a quick wit, what the fuck is he supposed to say to that? Ignoring the jeers and catcalls of his team, he opens the letter. It’s a card.
Dear Oikawa-san,
Hinata told me to write a letter, but there was too much space, so it’s a card instead. I hope you like it.
Flipping to the front it’s a cartoon loaf of bread giving a peace sign. He can’t help his ugly-snort. While he’s somewhat bewildered – this is what Tobio thinks of him? – he’s a little charmed.
I know we haven’t always got on, but I had to let you know that I have admired you since we were in middle school. That admiration only grew – your serve, your ability to lead your team, the way you can take total strangers and set for them with the greatest of ease. I always admired that. I always wanted to be like you. Did I ever tell you when I ran into Ushijima-san at Shiratorizawa I told him that I would surpass you. That was – and still is – my aim. were, and always have, been the pinnacle of setters to me.
My deepest respect,
Kageyama Tobio
“What’s that? A love letter?”  He gets a hearty slap on the back as his wing spiker walks past.
Although they don’t wait for an answer, he responds, “Yeah, I think so.”
Because it is, isn’t it? It is a love letter! Happily, he puts it in his pocket. He’s definitely showing that to Iwa-chan when he sees him.
It was caught up in a pile of letters, but Sugawara recognises the terrible handwriting. “He really hasn’t improved has he,” Daichi says, leaning over his shoulder.
Laughing, Suga swats him, but agrees. “He’s only got so much capacity and all of it goes on volleyball. I wonder what this is?”
Daichi stares at it for a moment. “It couldn’t be…”
“Couldn’t be what?” Not one to put off anything interesting, Suga rips it open.
Before he can pull out the card, Daichi’s arms tighten. “You don’t think that’s a wedding invitation, do you?”
Suga’s hands crumble the envelope. “It better not be, because if our kohais get married before us you’re in big trouble.”
Pulling out the card, Suga decides it’s probably not a wedding invitation. Hinata and Kageyama are weird, but the pineapple with sunglasses is probably not the flavour they’re going for.
Dear Sugawara-senpai
“Aww he still calls me be senpai!”
“He’ll do that until the day he dies.”
I want to say thank you. When I came to Karasuno you were the setter – The Setter. You were a strong and steady presence, who the whole team trusted – me included. Even when you came on just for a few serves, the team lit up. When you stepped onto the court it was an inspiration.
Despite our positions, you mentored me, you supported me right from the start. Even though I came to Karasuno with a dark history, even though I was a setter who took over, you gave me a chance and trusted me. You were a real senpai and for that I can never thank you enough.
Yours very sincerely,
Kageyama Tobio
“Wow, he’s grown up. The kids have grown up, Suga!”
“Oh my god,” Sugawara’s voice is all choked but he can’t help it. “Look at his signature Daichi! It’s got a heart!”
3. Akaashi
He doesn’t get many personal letters. Occasionally a postcard from Bokuto, but to get a proper letter in the mail is something unusual. The writing is so terrible it’s probably a volleyballer, but other than that, Akaashi can’t even hazard a guess who it’s from.
Grabbing his letter knife, he slits the top and pulls open a card. It has some very nice owls on it. He can’t help but nod approvingly.
Dear Akaashi-san,
I’m not sure if you remember me, but my name is Kageyama Tobio
Akaashi puts the letter down and laughs. He has to. Who wouldn’t remember Kageyama Tobio. Who also plays professional volleyball. Who is also currently on the national team with his husband. For the second time. Good grief. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he picks up the card again.
I met you when I played with Karasuno, back in high school. I met you at a training camp in Tokyo, and from the start I admired your calm and collected nature. Even more than that, I wanted to model my behaviour off you
He snorts a laugh. Yes, there are a few similarities between Bokuto and Hinata.
I have even more admiration now that I have played with Bokuto-san. I don’t mean anything by this! Bokuto-san is very talented, and even helped me pick out this card.
Thank you for your time and best wishes,
Kageyama Tobio
Still such an awkward kid, he thinks fondly. While it’s true he and Kageyama didn’t have much to do with each other, Akaashi has received a play-by-play run down of anyone who has ever set for Bokuto, and of course he’s attended games where MSBY played the Adlers. He’d been an amazing since he was a teen and he’s even better. Bokuto is spoilt by the setters in his life.
Taking the card, Akaashi looks to the wall covered with all the volleyball accolades. Bokuto gets so many he’d put his foot down early on: one wall, and if it can’t fit on the wall it goes in a box. The wall is covered and every single one of them is important and special. Of course they are all for Bokuto, but the wall gets rearranged depending on how they feel. Right now Bokuto’s favourite is a signed copy of him with an adult actress, both showing off ample cleavage. She signed his and Bokuto has been laughing ever since. Akaashi’s current favourite is the thank you card from the school where Bokuto and Kuroo did some coaching.
Akaashi has nothing up there… but this card… Akaashi pins it over the adult actress. This way Bokuto will see his card when he goes to check out his own cleavage.
4. Kenma
“Mails in.”
For the first time perhaps ever, something lands on Kenma’s desk. It’s an envelope.
“What’s this?”
Kuroo sticks his head back in. “It’s a letter? Don’t tell me don’t know what a letter is? Back when we were young, people used to communicate by-“
“I know what a letter is,” Kenma says peevishly. “Why do I have one?”
“Open it and find out.”
Kenma does not want to do that. He is not a fan of surprises and everything about this is unexpected.
Who even has his address? He wonders as he rips it open.
Inside is a card. It’s got… a cat at a computer? Does this have some deeper meaning? He ponders a few moments before opening the card.
Dear Kenma-san,
Through you I learnt how a team is so much more than a setter.
Although I wish I could have asked you more questions, watching you I learnt a lot. If you ever would like to have a conversation, I would be more than happy.
Hinata wants to know if you liked the card.
Yours sincerely,
Kageyama Tobio
“So, what is it?”
“I’m not sure,” he says before offering to Kuroo. Who reads it and laughs.
“You want me to throw this out.”
Kenma reaches for it. “No,” he decides. And it’s not just because he likes the cats.
5, Atsumu
Kageyama hasn’t changed much since they were teens, Atsumu decides. He can feel the glare burning into the back of his neck, and he’s not sure what the problem is. <i>Kageyama</i> is the starting setter, not him so what’s the-
“Miya-san? Please take this-“
“Tobio-kun, it’s been years and you still – wait! Where are you going?”
Kageyama is somehow already around the corner. Shaking his head, he looks at his hands and it’s a letter? Why has Kageyama Tobio given him a letter? Ripping it open he pulls out a card that has onigiri on the cover. Did… did Kageyama think he was his brother?
Shrugging, he opens the card.
Dear Miya-san,
The first time you set for me, was a moment of joy. It felt like I could conquer the world, and I knew I wanted to make my spikers feel like that.
From the first game we played, you were nothing less than perfect. You think so fast. You move so beautifully. I was inspired. I am inspired.
There’s some scribbled-out words. Atsumu is pretty sure he can see Hinata’s name, and even though he can’t read it, he has a pretty good idea what he wanted to write. He remembers that game, pointing at Hinata telling him he’ll set for him. And he has, he thinks smugly. Atsumu is good. He knows his good. But he also knows that Kageyama is better. God, it’s frustrating, but Kageyama really is a good setter.
I am sorry about the card. Hinata chose a picture of twins, but I thought this was the better option,
Your teammate on the Japan National Team,
Kageyama Tobio
He laughs. Kageyama put it directly into his hand. Did he think Atsumu would think it was from someone else? Some other Kageyama? What a crazy kid. Reaching for his backpack, he zips it into a safe, inner pocket. He’ll show this to Samu. He’ll love the blast from the past.
Ahhhh! It’s annoying, but Kageyama Tobio, despite being a terrifying powerhouse is still a sweet kid. He’ll definitely save this.
+ 1 Hinata
“Well, how did it go?”
Kageyama glares at him, but Hinata can tell it’s half hearted.
“What do you mean? I posted three of them, and the other two I gave to them before leaving.”
“Whattt? You didn’t stay? But that’s the best bit!” He pauses. “No, that’s fine. I’ll go find out. I want to know what they say anyway.” It’s Hinata’s turn to glare. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t let me read them!”
“That’s because you would have laughed. Or rewritten them.”
“Not true,” he pouts, knowing full well it’s true. Still. He wants to know what’s in the letters. And the reactions. Oh well. He’ll find out in due course.
His hands come up automatically as something is shoved in his face. It’s an envelope. Kageyama looks utterly embarrassed and Hinata is here for it.
“Can I open it? Can I read it now? Are you going to run away?”
“Just open it, dumbass.”
Cheering, Hinata does that. It’s a cute little card, it’s got a heart and a rainbow. “You’re so cute, Tobio!” he teases, before he reads it and runs out of words.
I’d like to be your setter forever.
Will you marry me?
“Tobio!” he shrieks, throwing himself into Kageyama’s arms. He’s pretty sure he’s crying and shaking, but all he feels is steadiness of Tobio beneath him.
When he finally gets his breath back, Kageyama is looking at him soft, and uncertain.
“Is that a yes?”
He’s so stupid. Bakayama. <i>His</i> Bakayama.
“Yes, Tobio. That’s a yes.”
He’ll find out about the other cards tomorrow.
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noonetolisten · 2 years
the gift I wrapped looks a mess from one end to the other.
I folded the paper carefully, to my best extent but it still looks like this, ugly.
The gift is for my mother, she the reason I tried so hard to begin with. I know she'll look at the crumpled edges, the rips where I pulled off tape to retry, the missing print where I rewrote my name for her. mom. mommy is too childish, mamá is too intimate. Mom.
The name on the tag was just in regular print, my own handwriting. Only after pasting it on the box did I see what a mistake that was. My hand script is ugly too. I told myself I shouldn't care but I still tore it off and rewrote it, stuck on a new tag with cursive to the best of my ability. Off to the side there's a little piece of paper where I practiced, "mom", "mom", "mom".
Everyone knows I have a rough relationship with her, I never felt 'mother's love' and now as an adult I tell myself and others 'it is what it is' because I want to not care anymore. So when they ask what I got her for Christmas I say, "oh, it's just a board with random words on it, you know, the things old ladies like", like I didn't put much thought in the gift. In reality, I keep a secret hope that she will cry reading the message of thanks to a mother.
I want her to feel like she's a good mother to me, because maybe then she'll start to love me.
Or at least, let it be enough to make me think she loves me. If we're both fooled, we'd be happier, right?
Sure, when the times comes to open gifts, we'll laugh at my poor gift wrapping skill and I'll say "hey it's the best I could do" with a laughing smile so it looks like I'm laughing with them. I'll pretend my heart isn't beating fast and loud, awaiting for my mom to read what my gift says, await to be disappointed when she laughs at the silly message. A message only silly because I'm the one that sent it.
God, I hope I stop caring soon..
Until then, I just thought of a few more ways to decorate her gift more. I hope she likes it.
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andromedaexists · 7 months
Just in case anyone was questioning what a cozy fantasy novel would feel like from me, here's a song that perfectly encapsulates it:
I mean,,, just look at the lyrics:
Life's like the feeling when you had a point, but forgot it Had a ticket for my train of thought, but I lost it God gave me instructions on how to live my life But I couldn't read his handwriting So I burnt them last night
But I'd take the beauty of chaos over ugly perfection I've woken up on the wrong side of the bed every day since 1987 I can feel myself slipping away from any chance of redemption But that's okay, 'cause if that's where Falwell goes Then I don't even want any part of heaven
A guy on TV offered to save my soul toll-free But that would've required getting up off of the couch, so I was too lazy Instead I wait in the bushes outside of a cop's house, holding a twelve gauge God isn't dead, but I'll get that bastard some day!
And I'd take the beauty of my chaos over anyone else's perfection I've still woken up on the wrong side of the bed every day since 1987 Nothing scares me as much as the fact that I don't give a shit for redemption But that's okay, 'cause if that's where Limbaugh goes Then I don't even want any part of heaven
Jeet? WIP is going to be fun, oh my god it's going to be fun. I hope y'all are ready for Radical Revolution Starts In The Home With A Full Belly And Good Company: The WIP
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
✏ /thorneprincess
Rishi writes you a letter! ||| Accepting!
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A transcript below for if you can't read my handwriting (lol) :
Hiya cool person! Thank you kindly for sending in this ask! ^^ Honestly, we really haven't interacted much, so there isn't too much I can say about that, but I would love to change that! Akiko seems headstrong and won't tolerate any bullshit, so perhaps she can come and slap some sense into Renji whenever he makes bad decisions? lol. I always enjoy seeing your stuff on my dash so I hope we can interact more in the future! Have an amazing day, and have some love ♥ (oops .... that's one ugly heart haha...) Take care!! - Rishi ♥
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diseasedcube · 2 years
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All of his fits, tbh he has a surprising variety of outfits
I created labels/titles for all of them, as if this was a museum collection
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harukisakisblog · 2 years
Yandere scaramouche
Author side note: I try to make it gender-neutral as much as I can and I think I do a pretty good job in it? Anyway, there's the word "boy" in it I hope you don't mind. Also, this is my first time writing about scramouche and I try a new style. Hope you like it
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Scaramouche is definitely a possessive yandere, once he get to taste the love he want he got addicted to it quite cute don't you think so?
You can try and run away from him as much as you like. But he'll always be there just waiting for the day you lower your guards and just when you thought you're safe he showed up and take you back with him. Even if that mean he need to tied you up or worse ... Maybe cut off your leg?
It's okay! Human usually have 2 leg even if he cuts one the other one could still be use right? But if you don't want one of your leg to be cut off maybe act like a good boy and he'll consider it. Shh....don't cry darling, as long as you'll be a good partner he has no need to cut off your leg or any other part of your body right~?
To be honest, it's quite a hassle to handle you, sure you're cute and so sweet and all but can you stop with that glare? Want him to gauge that pretty eyes out? The thought of it...not bad. He will be the only thing you can feel, there's no need for that (e/c) to see someone else anymore. Haha, won't that be good?
Ah ah ah, I forgot you also need to properly dress take your pants idiot! But...if you don't want to wear pants, he won't mind as long as he's the only one who gets to see them. *ahem* anyway you must remember being a partner of scramouche meaning you must fit in everything. Dance, elegant, look, talk, anything. If you dare embarrassed him in front of everyone...surely you don't want that right?
So then! Let's start with your routine! What? What do you mean you don't want to do you need scramouche to force you himself? Sure but don't go screaming okay! You're the one who asks this yourself- no? Yosh! Now let's get to work
Morning routine
You'll wake up and find no one on your side because scramouche has already gone to his work, but that doesn't mean you'll be free his maid and butlers are always there to dress you up. Mmmh...which one do you think you like? A purple one or the black one? Either way, you look so stunning in both of those anyway.
Breakfast usually only has 2 types of food. The vegetables and the fruit. After all, you need to look good all the time so you must eat properly and eat healthy food all the time. Desert is forbidden unless it's dinner or you're going out on a date with him.
At 9:00 you will need to know how to act and talk, scramouche servant will teach you how to properly act like a noble. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. And even if you think this is only for girls who care? It's not like you need to wear a dress or anything maybe?
How about you stop writing so poorly? Look at your handwriting it's so- ugly!!! If people saw this they probably thought that you're a chicken! Now now, how about you stop with that glare and look at how actual noble writing skill is?
Who says becoming a partner is easy? Go on dance, we want to see how a commoner like you dance- what is that??? Hello? Are you sure this is how people dance because it looks like to me you only move your leg and hand, sigh you sure are lucky today. At least lord scramouche isn't here...yet.
What do you mean you don't know how to cook? Are you stupid or just pretending to move aside! You must know how to cook! What if lord scramouche asks you to cook for him?! And that the tea too! What? You're tired? Don't be a baby now stand up!
Evening Routine
Wow, you must be tired right? Since you need to do all of that just in 3 hours well you're in luck lord scramouche has returned! What do you mean not? Nonsense! Go and greet him like a good partner you are!
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When you walk toward him you could feel that there's something wrong with the room. There are people but they all are wearing a mask? Why? And what did Kuni want? Your mind was filled with a lot of questions some of them got their answer some of them still don't.
He look at you and ask you to seat on the chair, before you eat he will ask you about your day! Aww isn't he nice? Hey! Answer him you idiot! Scaramouche will ask you 5 question (just to let you know this question is tricky)
1: how's your day?
You must answer it with 'yes' otherwise you'll get yourself in a situation where he either shocks you with his electro vision, or your hair gets pulled. Which one do you prefer? Saying no to a day would mean that you aren't satisfied with him, (obviously, you didn't) that would mean you to be ungrateful.
2: do you like your new home?
'Yes,' or 'no' there are 2 ways for you to say no- just kidding you must say yes and that's the final. I quite pity you for that. Well it's your fault for making him fall for you.
3: (M/N) want a dance?
Now, this is where that dancing practices come to the rescue! Scaramouche himself aren't very good at it, so all you need to do is just do the basic. Easy right?
4: do you like your food?
Let's see, there's your (food/N) and you don't like it, so what did you do? Just eat it. You won't get another food after that's it until it's dinner time.
5: Do you still remember about them?
Just nod and be silent, if Scaramouche is in a bad mood just say no, but if he is in a good mood just nod and be silent. Jealousy is a strong emotion and I agree with it. He knows you're lying but sometimes it feels good to see you trying to not get on his bad side.
Night routine
Aww, you must be so tired right? Well lord Scaramouche has just come back from work! Just to give you a couple of the last advice. Don't go and try to fight him this time. Someone tired and is probably in a bad mood is someone you don't want to mess with. Specifically him what? No, I wasn't talking or anything
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You try to walk as slowly as possible without making it obvious, why did Kuni kidnap you? What did he want? All that you're getting is that you are "special" and all he wanted was just to "protect" you but from who and what?
After getting into the room, the maids and butler go right away, leaving only you two together. There's an awkward silence between you, and him.
"Name" Scaramouche said, you look at him. What did he want? He opens his arm and that's when it hits you. No, he doesn't want a hug. He wants you to change him, there comes the memory of changing a person's cloth practice.
You already know what Scaramouche can do and you don't want it. So you began by opening the button and gently taking out his pants down, after that you go and grab a towel and put it around him. Carefully as to no hurt no, trigger him in the process. You make a mistake here and there but it's your first time so no one can do right?
There. It's all good Scaramouche with nothing but a towel to hide his under. Looking back, did he even have a d-
"Name, come and bath with me"
"What!? No, no...look Kuni I get it that we used to bath together before but now, it's just too awkward"
Right after you finish your words he was already in front of you, that frightened you a little but you already got used to it. Before he kidnapped you he always do that. Scaramouche then grabs your hands and brings you closer to him.
He then began by forcing you to stand still and take out your cloth one by one. I try to stop him you gonna get sho- told you, don't try it, idiot.
After the bath
It's quite fortunate for you to not get hit or anything, you walk behind Scaramouche and you noticed that Mark you left on him still is there, there's guilt inside of you. But that doesn't stop you from hating a little.
After you wear your cloth you began to go and take a comb and help him do his hair, it's really easy once that fluffy hair got wet. While brushing his hair might sound easy, you need to be careful to not hurt him. Trust me bro getting your hair stuck is suck, but having it pulled all over might made me go boom!
After that, you gonna start helping him wear his bedroom clothes, you might notice that he always watching you, and you might think it's cute or just straight-up creepy. You're choice if you ignore the fact that you got kidnapped might help! Or maybe not...
After everything you just gonna go sit on the bed, wait for him to come. After that just imagine what he does to you
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