#I hope pro recordings of this tour are released
scary-ivy · 2 years
Just got back from the Bob Dylan concert, going to write a little concert review. It was an amazing concert. My expectations were low, but I was honestly kind of amazed how good it was. He mostly did stuff off of Rough and Rowdy Ways, but I found the live versions of the songs to be much more engaging than the album versions. His voice was a lot clearer and dynamic than on the album, especially on a powerful version of False Prophet and a haunting version of Crossing the Rubicon. I see a lot of older musicans in concert, and a lot of them seem to be struggling against the limits of their own voice, but Bob Dylan is kind of the opposite. He sings with such confidence, using the aged roughness of his voice to his advantage to hit lines with a kind of evil fierceness, yet at the same time proving himself capable of hitting the same kind of powerful sustained notes he did in his youth. Perhaps that's just because his vocal style has always been like this, but he sounded remarkably clear tonight. Interpreting lines with his usual off-killter sense of timing, the band played in lockstep, giving the songs a sense of cohesion they lack on any recordings. The band played beautifully, a simple jazz-blues-rock sound that felt extremely classic. Bob mostly played the piano and I was surprised at his skill at it. He got up from behind the piano to look out at the audience after nearly every song. He played harmonica for the intro of one song and it was simply stunning. I enjoyed hearing Most Likely You Go Your Way and I Go Mine with a slowed-down middle section, the fast version of I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, and Gotta Serve Somebody, which really had some dancable rock energy to it. To Be Alone With You having a slow intro and then picking up speed was also quite enjoyable. The audience added a lot, cheering and clapping after particularly good lines and dancing in the seats to the fast songs. It was nice to go to a concert so focused on lines and lyricism instead of just playing dancable hits. Key West and Mother of Muses were particularly spellbinding in that regard. I'm still thinking about how he sang some of the lines, giving them such emotion, and how the band swooped in, adding the perfect amount of tension to particularly powerful moments. He didn't say much in between songs but seemed to be in a good mood, I couldn't hear a word he said over a the cheering. They ended the show with a cover of Freind of the Devil, which made the audience extremely excited. Amazing concert. It wasn't particularly long or focused on playing the hits, but as a live version of the excellent Rough and Rowdy Ways album, I'd say it was even better than the official recordings, and the other songs were exciting reinterpretations of overlooked deep cuts.
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eddienonense · 1 year
Lots people were requesting a link to the full show after I posted that one clip. I’m pleased to present….a full show recording of the current Les Mis US tour (not my recording)
I hope they release a pro shoot once the tour ends because I sincerely adore this cast
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black-arcana · 2 months
WITHIN TEMPTATION's SHARON DEN ADEL: 'Some People Stopped Following Us' Because We Became More Outspoken On World Issues
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On April 5, Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION will release their brand-new song, "A Fool's Parade", which marks a collaboration with the talented Ukrainian producer Alex Yarmak. According to a press release from WITHIN TEMPTATION's publicist, "A Fool's Parade" "highlights Russia's pretense regarding the war, and condemns its lies, ongoing crimes and brutal intentions."
The song, released as a harbinger of the much-anticipated "Bleed Out 2024 Tour", is a powerful expression of what the press release calls "WITHIN TEMPTATION's commitment to continue shedding light on the ongoing existential struggle that Ukraine is facing against Russia's cruel invasion."
For the recording of the accompanying music video for "A Fool's Parade", Sharon Den Adel — the frontwoman of WITHIN TEMPTATION — recently spent time in Kyiv, Ukraine. The music video was directed by renowned Ukrainian video director Indy Hait.
With involvement in initiatives such as the Ukraine Aid OPS foundation, WITHIN TEMPTATION��aims to keep drawing attention to Europe's much-needed support for Ukraine's defense.
During her stay in Kyiv, Sharon spoke to Metal Pilgrim about WITHIN TEMPTATION's decision to use its platform to draw attention to a variety of issues, including the plight of women fighting for their rights in Iran.
Sharon said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "We never cared about what people wanted us to say or not to say. We always did what we wanted to do. But the older you get and the more confident you get in being who you are and what you stand for, you're more expressive. And I also feel like I have nothing to [lose] — well, of course, you have something to lose when you speak out about things like this, because it can always backlash, of course. And it's very delicate to choose the right words for things. But I try to prepare myself really well. And I hope eventually that pays off, meaning the people get the message. Some people stopped following us because we started supporting [certain causes] and being more outspoken. They say, 'You can't be political as a band.' I don't agree because everybody has an opinion and everybody's loud, and that's also society today. As you see on social media, it's like there's no filter on anything. I'm not saying that I need to overshout other people, but more like I still wanna stand for my opinion and hopefully make people think about it."
Den Adel went on to say that "you also have to choose your battles" in terms of which issues to focus on when coming up with lyrical themes for songs. "[The Russia-Ukraine war] is happening in Europe, and we are a European band. And so we also got a lot of times the question, 'What about this country? What about this situation?' And there's also a lot of awful things happening in different parts of the world. And also in interviews, I will talk about it when people ask me, but I won't do it on the social media because you get in discussion and it becomes one big fight with pro and against certain subjects. For me, in interviews, I do respond to that as well. But I also have to pick my battles. If I take on all the injustice of the world, it will fade away for the thing that I, at the moment, am inspired about most. And the last album that we did, with 'Bleed Out', we have focused on certain parts of the world, like Iran — there's one song, 'Bleed Out', is about that — but a lot of songs, actually, are about the Ukraine, because we're in the same region — it's a two-hours flight from Amsterdam to Kiev. So, I hope people understand that we are picking our battles — something that's closer. Everybody has to do that. But also, like I said, if I talk about every problem in the world, it doesn't come across as authentic and honest either, because it's, like, you're a saint or something, which I'm not."
In a June 2023 interview with James Wilson-Taylor of Rock Sound, Den Adel spoke about the lyrical inspiration for WITHIN TEMPTATION's "Wireless" single: "When the war started in the Ukraine, we were in the studio writing songs, And it's one of the songs that we wrote. And it is about war, of course. It's about a soldier going to war and thinking he's going to liberate people, do good stuff and be a hero and everything, but then he finds out that he's been lied to by media but also government. And then he finds that he can't go back because he's already in his army gear, for instance. You can't go forward, you can't go backward because you have your buddies next to you and you'll all die in the field. And in front of you, you have a mission impossible almost."
The Dutch singer continued: "So that's what we try to do — maybe also shine a light on certain situations within the war. It's just we're storytellers — it's like amplifying a certain kind of emotion that people could feel in this situation."
Asked how she and her bandmates decided to use Russia's invasion of Ukraine as inspiration for one of their songs, Sharon said: "Well, from my point of view, it's not just their war. I really believe what some people are saying — it's really our war as well. Because it's next to us. They already said, they're not gonna stop at Ukraine; they're gonna go further. And a couple of hours flying from my home, it's already Kyiv. So it's also our war. I think we should be aware of the fact that this is a danger for all of us. They won't stop. And hopefully — we wanna keep this a little bit alive in our own small way by writing about it and talking about it and waving a flag on stage about it."
In March 2022, WITHIN TEMPTATION was one of the artists who took part in a telethon concert in support of Ukraine. "Save Ukraine - #StopWar" united more than 20 countries and bring together more than 50 participants. The marathon was broadcast from Warsaw on the Polish TV channel TVP. In addition, broadcasters from many countries around the world rebroadcasted the marathon on their local channels.
In an interview with Greece's Rock Overdose, Den Adel stated about her band's participation in the event: "For us, it was an honor to be asked for it. I think as a band and as people, we really value freedom of speech and freedom and democracy. I think as a band, people sometimes say, 'Don't be so political,' people say, 'Don't be so expressive and don't take a side on things.' But as a musician, I think it's important to represent who you are, not just in music but really stand for what you make and what you are saying in your lyrics in a way. And things that are happening in the world inspire us to write music, and then you also have to take a stance and what side you are. I think when it's so obvious where there's an aggressor and where there is a country being violated, invaded, you should take a stance and then it makes it much easier even to be very clear about where you stand in this whole conflict. Of course, it's something that we are keeping ourselves updated with every day because we find it very sad to see that a country that wants to be a democracy is invaded this way. So we are very honored to be asked also to play for this event, this marathon, and happy to do it."
Released last October, WITHIN TEMPTATION's latest album, "Bleed Out", signifies a bold leap forward for the band. From contemporary, hard-hitting, and djenty riffs to soaring melodies displaying their symphonic roots, WITHIN TEMPTATION has created a sonic journey that fuses diverse musical styles and thought-provoking themes. This is an album that is as epic as it is unflinchingly outspoken, and now more than ever, this is a band who isn't afraid to make a stand on issues the members care about.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, WITHIN TEMPTATION have shifted their focus from writing about personal emotions and societal subjects to tackling global injustices and reflecting the tumultuous state of the world in a way that other artists seem unable or unwilling to do.
While songs such as "Wireless" and "We Go To War" examine the authoritarian aggression on display in Ukraine and other warzones, the title track itself addresses the plight of women fighting for their rights in Iran after the murder of Mahsa Amini.
The album also grapples with the complex issues around a woman's right to choose in recent single "Don't Pray For Me" and throughout, this impassioned and political focus is reflected in the intensity and heaviness of the music. Embracing a new era of musical exploration and lyrical depth, WITHIN TEMPTATION have pushed boundaries and showcased their artistic evolution, delivering a fist-in-the-air proclamation of both their moral convictions and their fearless approach to music.
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hotarutranslations · 26 days
Homare Birthday
Today, is Okamura Homare-chan's birthday🎂🎉
Homare~~ Congratulations~~
Adorable, very adorable Homare
She makes a lot of troubled faces (These are also cute),
Around the time when Homare just joined, She is as adorable as she was, from when Homare had just joined, Homare who decides when to decide, leaves an impression on me now😌🫶🏻
Like! The rhythm of this song is good!
Homare really gives a lot of smiles, when she is in high spirits~~~
There was a funny moment yesterday too, Since I recorded a video of it, I look back and smile at it (thank you) lol
Eating lots of delicious meat,
I hope that you have another year with lots of smiles!
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Thank you for teaching me~~😂🫶🏻
We're holding our Nippon Budoukan performance on May 27th
For the first time for Hello! Project,
it has been decided we'll be streaming on,
Hulu !
if you purchase a ticket with a bonus video, "Morning Musume '24 ~Our Past, Present and Future~" You can watch, this talk documentary!
We talked a ton!
I think there are a lot of stories to know about, so please definitely check it out
Nationwide live viewing has been decided!
Lets enjoy it together, watching from our own view, at the same time🫶🏻
I'm also bursting for Budoukan---!
Please support us, thank you very much!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Spring Tour Is Ongoing Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🍉Sanrio Character Grand Prix Thank you very much for supporting Gaokki🍉
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
see you ayumin <3
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heartsleevemag · 2 months
Newness and Nostalgia: Fall Out Boy in Raleigh, NC
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By Jude McDonald
Like countless other teenagers grieving the loss of their youth as they navigate the turmoil, heartbreak, and insecurity of adolescence, I found my comfort in music – specifically, Fall Out Boy. The pop punk band from Chicago stood out to me from the moment they ended their hiatus, giving me words to describe abstract feelings I'd never been able to articulate. (After all, Pete Wentz can "write it better than you ever felt it.") Fall Out Boy's brilliantly bold artistry shifted over time as the band changed, bending and defying genres, and their fans followed them along the way. But I always found myself coming back to the classics, hoping that one day I’d get to hear my favorite songs live. And last Tuesday night at PNC Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina, I did. 
Raleigh was one of the earlier stops on Fall Out Boy’s current tour, So Much For (2our) Dust, in support of their most recent album, 2023’s So Much For Stardust. The band came with three phenomenal opening acts and the promise of a night to remember. The first opener was Games We Play, a new three-piece addition to bassist Pete Wentz’s record label. Games We Play’s infectious energy and endearing humility charmed the crowd without effort. Even though the arena was barely full, the three musicians played their hearts out, giving all their energy to the audience. Following Games We Play, Hot Mulligan took the stage. Their heavy, deep sound and emotional energy filled the room as the lead singer made the stage his own. No member of the audience was immune to the deep, reflective vibe. The third opener was crowd-favorite Jimmy Eat World. An undeniably classic band, they prepared the audience for the type of nostalgia that Fall Out Boy brings to the stage, oozing an enthusiasm that brought the whole crowd to their feet. 
My first thought once the curtain dropped and I heard those first heart-stopping notes of “Love From The Other Side,” was that Fall Out Boy’s production is breathtaking. With giant moons framing the stage, and lighting in all different colors, and the flamethrower bass (yes, you heard that right), there is no shortage of spectacles to be entertained by. And while the band generally keeps the show consistent in style and structure, there are a few surprises fans can expect to… unexpect. On the first SMFS tour, fans were tortured and delighted by Fall Out Boy’s newest addition: the portion of the set known as the “magic 8 ball.” The 8 ball, which they brought back for (2our) Dust, is a surprise song. In this slot, the band chooses a deep cut to revisit that usually shocks the audience – some of these songs are finally getting their live debut despite having been released almost twenty years ago. There are also other places in the set for them to shake it up, like lead singer Patrick Stump’s nightly piano medleys and the infamous fifth song, where “A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me” is on the official setlist but is sometimes delayed in favor of a surprise track. Either way, it’s apparent that the band knows we adore the new album, but also want the chance to hear our beloved favorites. Raleigh was graced with “Dead On Arrival,” “The Pros and Cons of Breathing” – its first live performance since 2007! – and “What A Time To Be Alive” during the piano medley (that one, I was extremely excited about). 
Overall, there was something communal about the entire experience; from the dad one row above me that had obviously been dragged along (and was endlessly amused by my hype and lyrical knowledge), to the really tall guy somewhere in the floor seats who seemed to pump his fists everytime I did, everyone in the room shared something special that night. Concert culture has changed profoundly in recent years, but this show took me back to when audiences looked out for each other and strangers became friends, just by loving the same music. If I ever see Fall Out Boy again – and let’s be real, I’m hooked now – I won’t hesitate to jump around and sing until my lungs give out. 
Fall Out Boy will be touring through early April, before taking a break and then jetting off for festival season. You can find the list of So Much For (2our) Dust dates HERE. And don't forget to check out our highlights gallery from the show below!
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yuzu-all-the-way · 1 year
FaOI 2023 Makuhari Day 2 - Impressions
It's kind of what happens when people already know what's happening during the show - the hype dies down, quite a lot. I woke up at 6 a.m. randomly and found out MORE photos from Day 1 were published. Naturally, I wasted no time and saved them - I compiled some of them in the OP2, EX2 and Finale2 posts. Yuzu truly shines when he's in his element, or rather, on his element aka ice-chan ☺(excuse my poor attempt at a pun)
After saving the photos, there was still more than an hour to go before the second day of Fantasy on Ice 2023 began, so I decided to rest my eyes for a bit. I ended up sleeping through 3/4 of the show, so I missed the reports in real time about the 2nd day's opening. I quickly found the relevant posts and there wasn't really much info about it, but one thing that caught my eye - Yuzu, apparently, is acting very cat-like in the OP. I guess we'll have to wait until the live broadcast tomorrow to fully understand what that means or why he's doing it.
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This time, the 4T was cleanly landed followed by a high-kick. With that trademark combination ticked, I can finally rest assured that FaOI has truly started and it's not just a fever dream. You'd have thought the photos are enough to confirm the reality of it all.
Once I caught up with the (not so much) info about the opening, I patiently waited for the second half to conclude and find out the shenanigans Yuzu was up to for his EX and Finale. In the meantime, of course the twitter timeline was losing its mind, still, at all the new photos still popping up from Day 1. By the way, seems like Yuzu did a layback spin yesterday in the Finale, but no one really said anything about it. Do excuse the poor quality, unfortunately, no media has made this public, it's a stock photo from Aflo.
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There really can't be FaOI if Yuzu doesn't progressively get more daring by the day. Reports quickly started pouring in with the absolutely very important information that, at the end of IF, his new program, he took of the jacket and the audience lost it. I see taking off the jacket is quickly becoming a FaOI tradition. Apparently, Yuzu knows exactly how to serve and keep it interesting. Patiently waiting for the recorded broadcast on 9th July for this gem.
More about IF: I was too excited yesterday that I forgot to talk a bit about the program itself. Some footage was released on the news of what the program looks like. It reminds me of Ashura-chan, but not too much. It's a fast-paced program, it has two 3Lo jumps, and the most baffling detail: IT STARTS WITH A CAMEL SPIN. There's no program EVER that started with a spin - Yuzu keeps revolutionizing figure skating and that says a lot about his nature as a pro athlete.
The one thing I was truly curious about, though, was the finale wacko combination jumps. From the sound of it, there was no such thing yesterday, so I held out hope that maybe today there'd be something, and it was. A 4T3A (step out) - 3T (or 3Lo, depends on who you want to believe - once again, 9th July will reveal all).
Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I find it a bit weird that Yuzu is not nailing the jumps so early in the tour. I mean, we know last year he did perfectly well in the beginning, but as the tour progressed, he got more tired, so the jumps became less perfect. Anyway, with all that Yuzu has accomplished in the past year (wow, almost a year since he turned pro), a wobbled jump on the first day of FaOI and a small error on a combination jump on the 2nd day (after an intense solo program, might I add) it's perfectly alright.
All that matters is that Yuzu is having fun and he keeps surprising us. He said a while ago he feels like he's running out of ideas, but Fanyus seem to have an abundance of them and maybe, just maybe, Yuzu is taking inspiration from them. For example, Henni147 suggested in her Challenge4Yuzu thread that he should start a program with a spin - he did 😉
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jamespoeartistry · 7 months
Shouts Outs From Caring is Sharing
Hi Perceptive Readers, for years we have been enjoying caring is sharing Thursdays! How are you enjoying them? Are you still sharing your favorites?
Honor Resolves This: People learn what a price tag and attribution means.
This could be your case: “You can have the life you want, but the money is not given for it.” The Sage
When attribution is given then this happens; it means you are going beyond lip service or carrot dangling.
And a well earned private celebration begins! Which enhances and branches out to the community. This is what rest and recreation provides even for people who work 7 days a week. – James; (Pen Name) The Sage
Man of Steel - An Ideal of Hope on Guitar
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and hopefully there will many more videos from me in 2016 :)
With Batman v Superman coming up in March 2016, I went back and rewatched Man of Steel, I personally love the film, I know it has it's fair share of critics but in terms of a standalone Superman film I think it works. I love Ideal of Hope, as everyone knows, Hans Zimmer is one the most famous composers of our time and creates some amazing themes, they're all very simple but when they're layered up with a full orchestra with all of the different voicings then they become extremely powerful.
I'm about 90% happy with the acoustic at the beginning, I don't have a proper microphone so I have to record it though my phone which doesn't handle dynamics very well, so I struggled with stopping the acoustic from clipping, but I think I made it sound as good as I could.
You might have noticed that this is the first 1080p video I've released, that's because I finally have a good camera! I got a Fujifilm X-A2 for Christmas and I love it, the videos come out very clear, the pictures are great and it's simple enough yet in depth enough for someone who has never used a fancy camera before.
If you enjoyed please consider leaving a like, favourite, comment or subscribe! Thanks for watching! :)
Ibanez RG421 MOL (Wood)
Baby Taylor (3/4 Steel)
Yamaha Pacifica PAC112J (Red)
Acoustic Solutions (Black)
Tanglewood TW55 (Steel)
Valencia CG150k (Nylon)
Recording Interface: Line 6 Pod UX1 Recording Software: Mixcraft 6 Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro Camera: Fujifilm X-A2"
Space Vessel The Eagle 1 Job 24 Widows and Orphans MP4
0 notes
0613magazine · 2 years
210310 LA Times
Absent its marquee Grammy event, MusiCares turns to BTS for fundraising sizzle
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For the first time since 1991, the Recording Academy’s affiliated charity MusiCares will not honor a person of the year nor throw its annual gala event in the run-up to the Grammys. That’s no huge surprise; COVID-19 threw pop music’s awards season into chaos, right along with the live music industry.
While the Grammys’ main telecast will soldier on Sunday, with a hybrid of live and pretaped performances from stars including Taylor Swift, Megan Thee Stallion and Harry Styles, what’s normally the biggest weekend of the year for one of the industry’s bedrock charities is instead a humbling reminder of the damage COVID-19 wreaked across the music business.
“We know from our clients how bad the need has gotten,” said Laura Segura, executive director of MusiCares. “Work is not coming back soon, and people are still at home. In our surveys, 51% [of industry pros] said they had low confidence that they could even afford basic living expenses; 26% are experiencing moderate to severe depression. We’ve never seen anything like the size and scope of this need.”
A streaming-only concert event, Music on a Mission, will fill in some of that gap with performances from K-pop megagroup BTS, John Legend, Haim, H.E.R., Jhené Aiko and others on Friday. But it’s yet another reminder of the toll the virus has taken on an exhausted industry.
“As the COVID-19 situation worsened, our plans were disrupted, including tours,” wrote BTS’ j-hope via email. “Things that were so natural and normal before became impossible. This period was a strong reminder of the importance of the things that I enjoyed as a musician.”
The Person of the Year gala is typically a ritzy industry-insider night at the L.A. Convention Center, where legacy acts like Aerosmith, Dolly Parton and Fleetwood Mac are feted by an all-star lineup of musicians. It raises millions for MusiCares’ effort in healthcare, financial assistance, addiction counseling and other needs.
Typically, the $2,000- to $8,000-per-ticket concert brings in close to $7 million, far and away MusiCares’ biggest night for fundraising and a marquee event for spotlighting its work to the broader music business. Losing it is a blow to both morale and to MusiCares’ purse.
But given the gulf of desperation that’s opened up as the concert industry took a $9 billion hit over 2020 (and more pain still to come as venues remain shuttered and tours grounded well into summer) and with L.A. County’s continued block on large indoor gatherings, Segura and her colleagues knew that a black-tie event wasn’t possible.
The obvious abyss of need for MusiCares’ services has supercharged the organization’s fundraising — now at around $24 million over the last year. But COVID-19 also sent those funds immediately out the door to 25,000 recipients of services, like MusiCares’ Emergency Financial Assistance program for direct grants, psychotherapy, HIV/AIDS treatment and other programs. Its Wellness in Music survey, released in February, estimated that 62% of respondents had moderate to severe financial stress and that more than half could not afford any therapy or counseling services.
“It’s been more difficult because the whole industry’s having such a hard time, but people know that the need is so great,” Segura said. “If anyone had the means to help, they did.”
Music on a Mission will likely raise only a third of the money taken from a typical Person of the Year gala. But it will also be more accessible to music fans who can now watch BTS and more perform on a $25-a-ticket livestream.
“It was not a hard ask,” Segura said, of getting high-profile performers to beam in for it. “These artists all have crew, who have families and people who are not in the spotlight but are suffering. Artists understand that.”
BTS, one of the world’s biggest touring acts, tried to grapple with the loneliness and anxiety of COVID-19 on its album “Be.” The band’s involvement with MusiCares is an extension of that same work, said the group’s RM.
“As a member of the Recording Academy, we were well aware that MusiCares is helping the recovery of the music community impacted by COVID-19,” he said. “We wanted to help those who try to adjust to the new normal, whether it be creating music or finding new ways to set up performances like virtual concerts, as MusiCares helps smooth that transition period.”
Segura took the MusiCares job in June 2020, after the acrimonious departure of the Recording Academy’s former chief executive, Deborah Dugan, and a now-settled 2019 wrongful termination lawsuit from MusiCares’ former vice president, Dana Tomarken, alleging harassment and misappropriated funds. (The academy’s former chair, Neil Portnow, denied all wrongdoing at the time.) Segura had previously served as vice president of membership and industry relations for the Recording Academy.
When asked about any impact of those negative headlines on MusiCares’ work, she said that “while the Recording Academy is a crucial partner, and we work really closely together on a variety of projects, we are independent companies. We have still been able to help without missing a beat.”
The vast need for MusiCares’ services will continue long after the pandemic subsides and live events are able to resume. Many artists, venue staff and touring professionals will have been without income for a year at least and will be slow to recover in a forever-changed landscape for live music. The Grammys will go on Sunday, but the recovery effort will be needed for months, and maybe years, to come.
“Without live shows, the relief priorities are physical and mental health, and we’ll maintain and expand that for as many months as it takes,” said Segura. “Once that magical day comes when we can have live music back, we’ll reassess. But we shape the organization to serve clients’ needs, and we’re committed to the long haul.”
Source: LA Times
0 notes
Folklore [song series]
Modern Day AU! Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
[word count: 2265]
[a/n: sorry for the wait. it was my birthday last weekend so i was just chilling. but here it is, just in time for the anniversary of folklore's release. the final chapter of my folklore song series. i started this last fall, and it's now the end. thank you to all who read the story and commented and showed it love. you don't know how much that means to me, that people liked it so much. thank you for joining this journey with me, and I hope the ending is a nice little bow to finish it off]
Series Masterlist
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Age: 27
Year: July 2021 [two weeks after engagement]
Location: New York
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Two weeks after their engagement, Steve and Elizabeth were still living off of the high from their engagement.
They were currently spending some time in New York. Liz had just graduated from law school that spring, while Steve was still working at the same architect firm. That was actually also why they were in New York.
The company was opening another branch in New York. Steve was offered a promotion, but it would only be available at the New York office.
In the few years since Steve graduated, he's been excelling in the architect world. He's really made a name for himself. Last year he was named the "hottest" up and coming architect. Ever since then he's been very busy. His boss gave him the month off, to propose to Liz, and to take a tour of the new office.
Steve told Liz that they'd only move back if that's what she really wanted. Especially since she just finished law school, and she still needs to take the state bar exam. She would need to figure that out soon, because the NY state bar exam date was closing in on her.
She and Steve decided a month in NY would help them both decide if moving back would be best. If they did decide to move back Steve would already have job waiting for him. Liz on the other hand might not.
Luckily for her, Loki was currently working at a law firm in NY. He was able to get her an interview while she was in town. He couldn't promise her a position, as there were a lot of people up for the job, some had even interned there. But Liz still went to the interview giving it her best.
Loki and Scott moved to NY two years ago, both their jobs taking them there. They ended up eloping right before their move, two years after Thor and Wanda got married.
Thor and Wanda had officially been married for four years. They were also considering the move over to the east coast. Both of their families lived out there and it just made more sense to them, especially with them trying to start a family.
Family was a massive pro for Steve and Liz as well. Moving back would mean seeing their loved ones a lot more. Especially now with Poppy about to turn six, part of them felt like they were missing out on their goddaughter's life. Steve also missed Bucky.
Bucky was doing really well in his career. He's currently working as a sound engineer for a movie studio. A big step up from the local recording studio he started in.
He was currently looking for a place to move to in Manhattan. Now that Poppy was about to be six, and she was already going to school in the city, it was time they officially made the move.
Actually he's no his girlfriend had decided to move in together.
Dr. Jane Foster is a pediatric fellow. She was in her first year of fellowship at a private practice in Manhattan.
Bucky and Jane met three years ago, through Sam Wilson. Bucky was hesitant at first to date, because he's a single father, and his main priority has always been Poppy since the day she was born. But
Sam had convinced Bucky to go on just one date. One date was all it took. Bucky was immediately hooked. Same went for Jane.
Jane was incredibly understanding of Bucky's situation. And it also helped that she loved children.
Jane met Poppy four months into the relationship and since then everything has been going great for the three of them. Jane instantly fell in love with Poppy and Poppy loved Jane a lot. Bucky had truly never felt happier. When he was alone with his girls he felt complete. When Bucky brought up the idea of officially making the move, he and Jane made the decision to move in together. They were practically already living together at that point. They were all very excited about this next step in their relationship.
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Steve and Elizabeth were watching Poppy for the day while Bucky and Jane worked. They decided to spend their day in the city, walking around what could possibly be their new neighborhood. Poppy was loving having them around, and talking up their ears about school and all the friends she has made.
Around lunch time Poppy started to get hungry and sleepy. They decided to stop at a café and get some lunch.
Liz went inside while Steve and Poppy sat outside. Poppy ended up falling asleep on Steve while they waited for Liz. Steve found himself thinking about the possibility of living there.
Truth be told part of him did want to move back. He genuinely missed the New York City way of living. As he relaxes into the sounds of the city, he hears his name being called out. He looks straight ahead, looking for whoever called him, or if they were calling another Steve. As his eyes scanned the crowd, he met the eyes of the last person he would ever think he would see again.
He was completely shocked.
"Peggy?" Steve questioned, as the woman stopped in front of the table.
"I thought that was you," she smiled, "Wow. You most certainly aren't 17 anymore."
Peggy checks him out, as he stayed in his seat. She wasn't being subtle about it either.
Steve cleared his throat, noticing the way Peggy was eyeing him up and down, "Well it has been a decade wince we've last seen each other."
Peggy glances at the sleeping Poppy in his lap.
"Is this your daughter?" She asks pointing at Poppy, then glancing at his left hand noticing there wasn't a ring on his finger.
"Oh, no. This is my goddaughter. She's actually Bucky's," Steve tells her.
"No way," she gasps, surprised by this information. At that moment Elizabeth walks out of the cafe with a number plaque for the table.
"Oh my gosh! Elizabeth?" Peggy greeted.
"Peggy?" Liz asked confused at this older version of Peggy Carter.
"Yeah," she smiled.
Elizabeth put the number plaque on the table, Peggy catches the shimmer of her engagement ring.
"Oh wow! Congratulations," she says grabbing Liz's left hand, "You have a really beautiful daughter. I'm so happy for you and Bucky. High school sweethearts, making it til the end."
Liz was confused, she looked at Steve, hoping he could get them out of this awkward, and slightly uncomfortable situation.
"Um actually, this isn't her daughter, and she's not engaged or married to Bucky," Steve says, "We're actually the ones engaged."
Peggy was taken by surprise at this brand new information, not expecting to hear those words come out of Steve's mouth.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. My mistake," she apologizes, embarrassed.
"Well Congratulations," she awkwardly says, glancing at her watch, "I better be on my way. But hey here's my card. I moved back a couple of months ago. But we should all get dinner and catch up. There's clearly a lot I have missed."
She hands Liz the business card and walks away.
"Well that was random," Steve awkwardly laughs.
"What are the odds," Liz says sitting across from Steve, "Didn't even know she was back."
Liz cleared her throat and tried to focus on the city around her.
Con: Peggy Carter.
Steve and Elizabeth continued on with their day. At the end of the day, they dropped Poppy off at Jane's apartment and headed to their hotel.
Throughout their day there was a slight tension between the couple, it didn't go unnoticed by the both of them. Neither could figure out what the tension was. They both knew it had to do with the sudden appearance of Peggy Carter.
They laid in their hotel bed, each with a book in their hands. Their nightly read.
Elizabeth had a hard time focusing on what she was reading. She tried to force away thoughts of Peggy Carter out of her head. She flipped the page and stopped when she noticed her engagement ring. She took a long stare at it.
"Do you regret it?" She asks, turning her head towards him.
"Regret what?" He asks putting his book down and turning to face her.
"You and Peggy breaking up," she says, "Do you regret it?"
Steve is taken back by Liz's question.
"No," he shakes his head, "I don't regret it."
"Do you ever wonder what you're life would've been like had she stayed?"
Steve ponders over the question, "Truthfully? No. Once we said our final goodbyes in London, that was it. I never once gave it another thought. I closed that chapter as soon as I boarded my flight. Not that the breakup didn't hurt. Because it did. I just knew then that she wasn't my future. I never thought I would see her again."
"But you did," Liz quietly says.
"Yeah, which was weird," he says.
"I wouldn't blame you if you wanted out of the relationship to be with her," she says tearing up.
"What? No," Steve quickly says, sitting straight up, "I don't want that."
"I just mean, if you wanted to. I would completely understand. She was your first love."
"Yes, she was. But I don't love her," he says, "I know this is only coming up because we saw her today, and there's been this out of awkward tension in the air ever since. But I don't want to be with Peggy."
Liz glances down at her engagement ring again, trying to hide the tears of insecurity rolling down her face.
"Look at me," he softly says, placing his hand over her's, "I love you and only you. I asked you to marry me because you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You and only. Peggy doesn't mean anything to me. I haven't even thought of her since high school. You mean more to me than anything in this world. Especially more than some high school ex-girlfriend. You, Elizabeth are my entire world."
"Why would you even think that?" He gently asks
"Just seeing her and the way she looked at you before she realized we were engaged," she says, "She wanted you. Then my mind started to wonder if maybe that was a sign for you two to get back together. And maybe you'd realize you regret proposing to me."
"There isn't an ounce of regret in me that makes me feel like I'm making the wrong decision," he assures her, "There is no one else for me. You are it. Proposing to you wasn't for confidence. Proposing to you was the only thing I've ever felt so sure of. It was the only thing I've ever done that I didn't second guess. You are the only thing I've ever felt so sure of."
"This," he grabs her and and gestures between the both of them, "Is where I want to be for the rest of my life. This brings me a peace like no other. You are my peace."
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Age: 27
Year: May 2022
Location: Somewhere in Upstate New York
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"You are my peace," Steve sniffles, as he holds Elizabeth's hands, tears flowing down both of their faces as they stood up in front of their closest friends and families, reciting their vows.
"I don't think I would be where I am today without you and your continued support. I meant what I said years ago about following you wherever you went. All I ever want is to be by your side. Nothing else has ever meant to me as you do. My future doesn't exist if you're not apart of it. Nothing matters if I don't have you. Since the day we met, twenty years ago, I knew you would play such an important part in my life. We clearly aren't the same people we were then. Yet over the many years you haven't strayed away from being this kind supportive, understanding person. To know one day our future kids will have that as a mother, overwhelms me with joy and love. They will be the most luckiest kids in the world.
"You are it for me. You are my world. I know everyone says weddings and getting married is the start of a new chapter, but it doesn't really feel lie that for us. It just feel like our story is continuing. There's no end in sight. And I'll make sure of that, by being supportive, kind to you for the rest of our lives. There won't be a time where you ever have to question my love for you. Because Elizabeth Sanchez, you are love."
Elizabeth has tears streaming down her face. She didn't' care how she looked. The only person that mattered was the man standing before her, professing his never ending love for her.
The pastors signaled her, that it was now her turn to speak.
"I figured I'd try and keep it short and sweet, because you know exactly how I feel about you Steve," she begins, "There's only one thing I want to say, more so I want to thank you. Thank you for giving me love. An unconditional love that never seems to fade. Since day one of our relationship. You've been patient. You always say I'm the supportive one, but you fail to see that you are too. Even more than me. You've always been willing to drop everything, not just for me but for all the ones you love. Anyone who has Steve Rogers' love, should count themselves as being incredibly special. I am the luckiest pet one out of them all because I get to be the recipient of your love every single day. I am the one who gets to spend the rest of their life calling you my husband. My partner. My life. You've shown me a love like no other. So thank-you Steve, for loving me."
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Folklore series taglist: @iheartsebandchris @perksofbeingabookworm @atomicsoulcollecto @void-imaginations @stumbleonmywords
Permanent taglist: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl-blog1 @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @also-fangirlinsweden @rororo06 @getlostinyourparadise @small-death-and-codeine @bonkyboinkybucky @sincerely-kizzy @loudthoughts-softspoken @aquariuslavenderhoney @cherriesanwine @goalexis123 @sassyslytherinshai @loving-books-is-easier @katiaw2 @xoxabs88xox @osugahunnyicedtea @katierpblogg @thefridgeismybestie @maybeimkate @lou-la-lou @demirunner @celineann91 @marie1115 @fangirl-couch-potato @lokisironthrone @daughterofthenight117
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supop · 3 years
I remember when the boys we’re watching their performances from love yourself tour. And they complimented Jimin on his performance and he even questioned whether he was singing live at the time. After I heard him say that it was quite obvious he does lip sync from time to time probably pre recorded to sound live.
There’s nothing wrong with lip syncing, but when I think about how much jimin’s fans praise him for his vocals it makes me cringe. What’s even worse is when BigHit edits his vocals on their DVDs. I attended two concerts during the Love Yourself tour, and his serendipity stage was almost unbearable. Not sure why he didn’t lipsync then, but if you watch the DVD he practically sounds like the studio version. The company is defrauding fans in broad daylight.
Fans applaud Jimin for being the #1 idol on bs rankings but what good is a singer who can’t even sing? In BTS he might shine based on popularity (thanks to his attention-seeking tactics) but he’ll never have a successful solo career as a singer at this rate. If I’m paying money for a concert I want to see a performance, not a pre-recording. If all it takes for someone to be a singer is vocal mixing and autotune then why is he even in the group to begin with? BigHit added Jimin to the group last for a reason and I feel bad for the trainee who could’ve debuted instead. It’s obvious he didn’t have any of the technical vocal skills required to be an idol. Yet they still gave him the green light. Then again BH was almost bankrupt so are we even surprised they debuted someone so subpar?
Who I feel even worse for though are the other members who work hard to always give fans the best performance possible, meanwhile Jimin gets to coast by on his trashy vocals. It’s so funny to watch him pretending to actually sing (we know you’re mic’s not on dummy).
Here’s an example from the MOTS ON:E DVD that was recently released:
j-hope was rehearsing for his ‘EGO’ solo stage for BTS’s MOTS ON:E concert. In the video you can see j-hope is rewatching the footage because wants to rehearse some more, but Jimin tries to convince him he can do it tomorrow (the day of the concert). j-hope disagrees by saying “I’m singing live.” Why does j-hope say this? Because unlike every other members’s stage for the concert, Jimin’s ‘Filter’ solo stage was pre-recorded. He didn’t sing live. His entire performance was lip-synced. Jimin is over-obsessed with his dancing because that’s the only thing he can do decently. He can’t sing or write or produce, so that’s why he constantly overworks himself in the one area of performance he knows fans will always try to hype up. That plus the same old sultry glare he likes to smolder fans with. Outside of that he has zero stage presence.
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These clips were uploaded to one of the channels I spoke of before and this is what k-armys had to say (translated using papago so it’s a little choppy but my Korean friends say it gets the point across):
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I don’t mean to compare j-hope in this instance, but during my time on stan Twitter, I would often see jimin solo stans coming for Hoseok (either in defense of their ships or to prove jimin is the better dancer). Going by the fact they now have report accounts I’m sure it’s 10x worse. Truthfully, jimin stans are insane if they think he even comes close to j-hope’s artistry. j-hope who always raps and sings live with the most stable vocals, j-hope who has the technical dance abilities of a pro, j-hope who’s contributed as much to BTS’s discography as yoongi and namjoon, j-hope who already released one mixtape and is working on his second, j-hope who constantly works behind the scenes of BTS’s performances to make sure every member has the choreography down pact. Really jimin’s fans must be absolutely delusional. j-hope’s popularity soars even with the few seconds he gets every comeback. If j-hope got even a fraction of the marketing BigHit throws at Jimin….well we all know what would happen. His popularity would shoot through the roof because he actually has the talent to back it up.
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the original comments from k-armys (not translated)
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doomedandstoned · 2 years
In Conversation with Konvent
~By Shawn Gibson~
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Hot on the heels of their new 9-tracker on Napalm Records, Doomed & Stoned caught up with drummer Julie Simonsen of KONVENT to talk about 'Call Down The Sun' (2022) and a whole lot more. At present, the Copenhagen crew are gearing up for a robust spring tour, with Implore, Livløs, (0), and Hiraes joining the bill. Whether you're a dyed in the wool fan already or just a curious lurker, now's your chance to get to know the band a bit deeper.
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Thank you once again for taking a few moments to visit with our readers. I hope all of you are well since we last spoke. I would like to say congratulations to Sara Helena Nørregaard for making the Konvent family even bigger! I wish Sara and her new baby great health and happiness!
We will let her know! Very exciting for her!
Please tell me about Sophie filling in for Sara on guitar while you are on tour.
Well we already had the tour planned when Sara announced her pregnancy, so we knew from early on that we needed someone to fill in. We all were aware of Sophie in the Danish metal scene and thought she would be a blast to go on tour with. She’s also been crazy fast to learn the songs and really taking it like a pro.
How are COVID-related restrictions where you are and where you'll be playing shows and fests?
All restrictions in Denmark have been lifted and I think most of Europe is headed in that direction. Our next gig is the Napalm Over Europe tour!
That's exciting! I hear Konvent will be performing at several festivals?
Yes, apart from the Napalm Over Europe tour we will play Dessertfest, Roskilde Festival, Gefle Festival, Inferno Metal Festival, and a bunch of other cool places.
How do you feel about what is going on in Ukraine?
We feel terrible about what’s going on there. Our thoughts and support go out to everyone in Ukraine.
How does this affect you and any touring?
Yes, sadly 1914 had to cancel the tour due to their situation in Ukraine. We hope to get a chance to tour with them again in the future.
Konvent's sophomore LP 'Call Down the Sun' goes even darker than your first and has a strong gravitational pull. Curious about the gear you used to record on this album.
We’ve never been gear nerds, so it’s basically the same gear we recorded 'Puritan Masochism' (2020) on. Both Sara and Heidi play Squier and I play on a four-piece drum set. Sara is very fond of using Engl amps as well. The rest is our producer Lasse’s fancy amps and effects.
"Grains" is one of my favorite tracks off of 'Call Down the Sun.' What is the significance of this particular song to the band?
"Grains" actually mean a lot to us. It was the first song we wrote for the album and we all really like how it came together. We’ve always wanted to use Danish in our lyrics, but have always hesitated. I’m glad we did, and Rikke really did an amazing job with the lyrics.
What is different about this album compared to your prior two releases?
I think the second full-length album is always gonna be hard, because you have to exceed the first one. But I feel confident that 'Call Down the Sun' is Konvent 2.0. We’ve all become more confident experimenting and in general just better musicians. We’re really excited for the world to listen.
Call Down The Sun by Konvent
You go and save the best for last. "Harena" is a seven-minute-thirteen-second saga. It has a great ambiance and I enjoyed staying there.
Yes! "Harena" has really been a song that challenged our comfort zone, but we all ended up loving it. "Harena" is about having hopes and dreams that you want to achieve, but because of insecurities you have to give up.
Do I hear violins?
Yes! Violins and cello. We got Felix Havstad to play both. Very talented and awesome guy.
What are some heavy bands that Konvent is listening to these days?
I know Rikke is probably listening to Cattle Decapitation, as always. And Heidi is listening to Vanhelgd. I listen a lot to Full of Hell and Gulch. We all listen to different stuff!
'Call Down the Sun' is one of my new favorite albums now! Thanks for your time and safe travels on the road.
Thank you for once again interviewing us!
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sailorspazz · 3 years
Remote 10 Dance Ball
I know this is coming way late (as in, 3 months after it occurred!), but I’d always been planning to write up a report about the Real 10 Dance event that took place shortly after vol. 6’s release in Japan. Before I get into the explanation of what exactly this is under the cut, enjoy this promo image that ticket holders were able to print out at Japanese convenience stores (mine had to be printed by friends who live there and then scanned to me)
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The Real 10 Dance is a series of events that have taken place over the past few years featuring real life pros performing routines inspired by the manga, meaning that most of the dances feature male-male couples (though they all have female partners in their regular careers, for these performances they dance together, and the women are given a group number to perform). The most recent live event took place in September 2019 shortly after vol. 5’s release, and there was another planned for 2020 in Osaka, but it was delayed and eventually completely canceled due to Covid restrictions. Wanting to still put on the event in some form, they later announced that it would take place virtually, and would be branded as the Remote 10 Dance Ball. For the cost of 1,000 yen, viewers could watch a stream of the event as many times as they pleased from the time it went live on March 20 until the viewing deadline 72 hours later. Unlike the in person events, there were no merchandise buying opportunities, but there was the option of paying additional 1,000 yen tips to either the performers, the production committee, or Inouesatoh herself. Choosing any of these options would give that ticket holder access to a code to print the postcard shown above, as well as a link to view a 17 minute making-of video of the event.
Before I get into the rundown, The Real 10 Dance Twitter account posted a preview video a couple weeks before the event, which you can watch if you’d like to see some of the action instead of just still images (and the only ones I’ll share here are those that were posted publicly, since they were pretty adamant about no screenshotting/recording of the event…not gonna lie, I did attempt to screenshot a couple parts, but due to the shaky streaming quality, the official photos are much better than what I was able to capture anyway :P) Also, I only made bare minimum notes while I was watching this (and was drinking hard cider), so I’ll give as much detail as I can remember, but there are definitely things I’ll have forgotten by now.
The show started off with one of the female pros giving a demonstration of how to apply makeup for competitions. After this came an introductory show with all of the participants dancing to the opening theme from La La Land.
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Next up was some of the pros talking about the characteristics of their costumes, such as the Latin outfits having features like illusion netting to make their limbs look longer, and fringe to create movement.
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After this, some of the pros gave tours of the dance schools that they run, which also served as advertisements for those who may be interested in signing up for lessons.
Then came some step demonstrations, showing specific panels from the manga and then describing how to perform the moves. This included Al and Suzuki’s rumba walk from chapter 18, and the throwaway oversway from the chapter 4 scene where Sugiki turns Suzuki into a princess. For the oversway, they performed the move a few different times, using prompts such as “do it like the world’s about to end” to show how the same move can feel very different depending on the emotion behind it.
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This was followed by an interview with former standard world champion Christopher Hawkins. The interview was conducted in Japanese, as he is fluent in the language (Inouesatoh tweeted about him being the inspiration to have Norman speak some Japanese in the story, though she acknowledged that Chris’ abilities are far above Norman’s very basic phrases). It included two interviewers asking questions that were submitted by Inouesatoh and her editor. It started off with some basic talk about the process of training and getting prepared for competitions, then moved on to topics like whether he had any competition related superstitions/habits, such as how some dancers will have a pair of lucky underwear they always wear when competing. He said he had a specific order to how he would button his shirt and attach his cufflinks (as in, not just going straight up or down, but skipping over some and coming back to them), and if he didn’t do this specific routine it made him feel like the competition would go poorly. After telling this story, he laughed and said that he’s never told anyone about this before, so it was definitely an interesting question. Then came probably the most important question for fans of 10 Dance: since the series centers around men dancing together, what sort of experience does Chris have dancing with other men? (Funnily enough, for some reason, the male interviewer first asked this question in Japanese, then rather enthusiastically asked the question in English as well lol). Chris said that of course he’s danced with male students a lot in the course of teaching them, but outside of that also had times where he would train in the female role so he knew how it felt to be the following partner, and therefore could become a better lead. He mentioned some performance he did with another high level male dancer that was pretty amazing (forgive me, I didn’t catch the name at all, or even whether he was a standard or Latin specialist), which caused the female interviewer to joke about writing a love story about the two of them.
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Then came the main draw of the event, the dance show! I’ll include the song, dance style, and an image from each performance below.
One Way or Another by Blondie, jive
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Lady Marmalade (I believe it was the Moulin Rouge movie version), ladies group cha-cha
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Half of Me by Ken Hirai, rumba (I don’t know if it’s just because it made me think of the melancholy rumba shown on vol. 6’s cover, but this made me both want to cry and watch it multiple times over, definitely my favorite because apparently I like to punish myself with sadness :P)
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All of Me by Michael Bublé, foxtrot (this was filmed both in the performance space and out on the streets in one of the locations used in chapter 33, as shown in this video from one chilly looking morning. Also, this dance featured a leader switch partway through!)
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If I Can’t Have You by Shawn Mendes, cha-cha
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Finale with all participants to It’s Time to Dance from “The Prom” musical
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Last up was a virtual art exhibition featuring 17 sketches by Inouesatoh, including the most powerful sexual stimulant in the known universe, Bathrobe Sugiki.
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Overall, I was very happy to get the chance to witness this event. Normally, the number of people would be limited to just those who were in Japan and able to purchase tickets before they sold out, but this remote version allowed a much larger number of people from all over the world to watch (I bought my ticket not even knowing if it would be region locked or not, but thankfully it wasn’t). I hope that the world situation improves and they can put on the event live and in-person again (even better if I could somehow find a way to attend when that happens!), but I think this was a great alternative, and probably a good way to make some revenue in a time when the ability to stage events is limited. The price of 1,000 yen was an incredibly good deal for all the content that was presented (and you better believe I slammed an extra 1,000 straight to Inouesatoh; the only merch I’ve been able to buy is secondhand, and while this satisfies my needs as a collector, it unfortunately doesn’t provide any support to the author). If real life performances are still a long way off and they decide to do a virtual one again, you bet your ass I’ll be right there in the (imaginary) front row!
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neworderscans · 3 years
Full Text Electronic Interview, CFNY FM102.1 "Live In Toronto" with Johnny Marr & Bernard Sumner of ELECTRONIC, Thursday, July 18, 1996 (found here - a very special thanks to the webmaster for painstakingly transcribing it all, and archive.org for saving the old web!)
[Transcriber notes: "Live In Toronto" is a music magazine program on radio station CFNY 102.1 FM in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is on weeknights from 6:00PM-8:00PM, hosted by Kim Hughes. An audience was also present for this interview Kim had with Johnny Marr and Bernard Sumner of ELECTRONIC... This entire interview has been transcribed as closely as possible by myself (and it took a really long time!), therefore, errors and omissions are entirely possible.]
KIM HUGHES: Welcome back to "Live In Toronto". My name is Kim. The new ELECTRONIC album is out. It's called Raise The Pressure. Of course, ELECTRONIC is Johnny Marr and Bernard Sumner. Everyone join me in welcoming them. Thanks for coming.
[Lots of clapping and cheering.]
KIM: Good evening. It's very nice to have you back. As you can see, Toronto is a very pro-ELECTRONIC town... Well, first of all, thanks for coming. Congradulations on the album. It's nice to have the music out. One of the things, I guess with this sort of music, right off the top, is that it takes a long time to make this music. I read a great quote that you said that you a were sort of a 'dictatorship of two'. And I'm wondering, with respect to putting it together and crafting the music, how did it typically come together? I mean, are you just sort of of one mind when you're in a recording, or did you come in with separate things. Sort of take me through it.
JOHNNY MARR: Well, the thing that we most like to do is work together from scratch with no ideas and we just go write what we're gonna do and we help each other out and stuff...
BERNARD SUMNER: We even scratch each other...
JOHNNY: Yeah, you've sort of got to be of one mind when you're going to work together for so long really, otherwise you're in trouble. So it's just the two of us and an engineer and we do it ten, eleven hours a day everyday pretty much. And when it gets too intense, we try and get out of there, have a bit of objectivity of what we do, take a break, and then go back in and do it again.
KIM: When it comes to things like maybe remixes, for instance, some of this material would lend itself obviously to being able to be farmed out for different kinds of remixes and allowing different people to put a new spin on it. Did you feel that sense of, 'Don't want to let it go'? Did you feel a little bit strange about turning it over to someone and seeing what they might come up with?
JOHNNY: Not at all...
BERNARD: Well, the first single off the album is "Forbidden City", and we didn't really feel that lended itself to being remixed, because it's a straight-ahead rock track. And speaking from experience, sometimes in the past when we've released a track like "Regret", for instance, those tracks don't lend themselves that well to remixes. I always thought you put a dance track out, you do a remix of that. But, I don't know, there were some good remixes on the first album...
[Someone's chair squeaks very loudly.]
BERNARD: Is that your wooden leg again?
KIM: It's a little squeaky. Just before we get into some music and like we say, we'll get some questions from the audience, you'll allow that within certain British music scenes, as far as dance music is concerned, it's a very rapidly changing thing. I mean, it's a pretty precarious landscape to get into. I mean, today's great thing is sort of yesterday's 808 STATE. There must sort of a sense of wanting to...
[Lots of "Ooh"ing and laughter from everyone.]
KIM: And I mean that... No no, that's not an insult. Don't misread what I have said. I'm saying they're a great band, but there's that sense of always having to be reconfiguring things to the extent of staying on top. I think they were great, and it's too bad now that they don't seem to have been able to reconfigure themselves to an extent that they've been able to stay on the charts. You will admit to that certainly.
BERNARD: Sure, yeah. 'Flavor of the moment'.
KIM: So with that in mind, is that sort of a concern, to a certain extent, because of the track records that you've had, that you'll be spared some of that?
JOHNNY: Well, in regards to dance music, it's really music to listen to at home because not all of our audience want to go out to clubs, but they like dance music. So we were sort of careful to avoid being that kind of 'flavor of the moment' thing. It's like a continuation of the first album, because we just wanted to prove the first album wasn't a one-card trick really.
BERNARD: Yeah, I don't think we appear like a club act neither. There's all different kinds of music on this album. Some of it has got a dance flavor, but, like Johnny says, it's designed to be played at home or in your car. It's not really aimed directly at the clubs, so we're not a mainstream club act. And I think that's allowed...
[Another chair squeak.]
BERNARD: Is that your leg again? It is your leg, isn't it?
BERNARD: It's allowed us to be independent of that 'flavor of the month' kind of thing.
KIM: To take it one step further, to my knowledge, at this point you don't have any plans to tour this particular project.
BERNARD: We were talking about it at dinner last night. If these people here in the audience want us to tour, then we'll do it.
[Lots of cheering and clapping.]
BERNARD: Well, I will anyway. What about you Johnny?
[Audience cheers for Johnny.]
JOHNNY: Can you all come over to Manchester?
[Some more cheering and laughter.]
KIM: Why don't we play some music, and stick aound and talk some more and get to some questions from our audience. This is music from ELECTRONIC on 102.1 The Edge...
["Forbidden City"]
KIM: 102.1 The Edge. Music from ELECTRONIC. That's "Forbidden City", the first single taken from the new album, which is called Raise The Pressure. Johnny Marr and Bernard Sumner are here from the group, and what we're going to do in a few minutes, we'll talk a little more about this album, play some more music from it, and also defer to our sizable crowd and get some questions as well.
[Commercial break.]
KIM: Thanks for staying tuned. We are speaking about and with ELECTRONIC: Johnny Marr and Bernard Sumner are here. And we were talking about Karl Bartos just off the air, the guy from KRAFTWERK, who is not only contributing on this album, but had a hand in some of the songwriting. And I'm not surprised that you might know of him. Did you run into him in NEW ORDER. Was there like a kindred spirit thing?
BERNARD: No, not at all, no. I've got a friend that lives in Berlin. It's a Manchester connection again. He used to live in Manchester. He lives in Berlin, and he's got a record label called MFS, which plays trance music. It's a sort of a monotonous kind of dance music. He knew that I was a big fan of Karl's and a big fan of KRAFTWERK, actually. He knew that we were looking for people to work with so he put the two of us together.
KIM: Are you the kind of guys when it comes to song writing who could write a song forever. You seem like you might. I mean, how do you know when it's finished? How do you know when it's done? When does it feel complete to you?
JOHNNY: Bernard drags me out of the studio and says, "It's finished! It's finished! I don't like it anymore! I want to go home!"
BERNARD: Stop it...
JOHNNY: And I do the same to Bernard, so that's when we know it's done... No, like I said, we try and be objective...
BERNARD: We're obsessed. We're pretty obsessed. We know we're a part of the legacy of the groups that we come from, NEW ORDER and THE SMITHS, and we know that everything that we do will be so put under the microscope by everyone. They just don't just listen to our records, they dissect them. So everything has got to be...I guess we're a bit paranoid about it, and everything's got to be as perfect as it can be.
KIM: But in a way, it is an embarrassment of riches. I mean, it wouldn't be the same if people didn't care so passionately about those groups...if they hadn't felt so very moved spiritually by it, then it wouldn't have been an issue, right?
JOHNNY: It's just the way we are...that people really care about what we do and that when we do any B-side, we spend as much energy as on an A-side, partly because we can, to be honest. We've worked hard at being musicians, we have our own studio, we don't have the record company breathing down our neck for products and stuff. And we can take a long time and get it perfect, and we do, really. There's people from day to day...all our self-worth is tied up in what we do, and that's the truth of it. I think people who follow us know we're not the sort of people who just sort of ????????.
BERNARD: Apart from this one occassion.
JOHNNY: First time I've ever been in one! We work underground in our own studio, and it's a very intense situation...and we mean it, you know.
BERNARD: We also actually enjoy writing songs. So we really like it...we like being down there, wittling away at this thing. We like doing this--one of the benefits of spending that amount of time downstairs without any windows, is that when you do get out and meet people like this, you actually enjoy it. We actually enjoy doing the interviews for the first...
KIM: ...10 minutes or so.
JOHNNY: The first 200 of them!
KIM: On that note, just before we play some more music, and I hope you'll stick around a bit, because I'd like to play a fair bit, I'm sure there's lots of people who have really interesting questions as well. So, if we can organize...fire away...
Q1: First of all, I want to say you guys both look very beautiful today.
[Cheering, clapping, and laughter.]
Q1: I just wanted to know how this whole thing got started a few years back, how you met a few years back, how you guys met up?
JOHNNY: We first met up in 1982 when Bernard was producing a record...
Q1: How this project got started.
JOHNNY: This album?
Q1: The first album and this album as well.
BERNARD: We actually met...we knew each other because THE SMITHS and NEW ORDER did a couple of gigs together in Manchester...around England. Actually, I was doing a concert in Berkeley and California with NEW ORDER and I actually met Johnny in the toilet at the gig . I won't tell you what he was doing...
JOHNNY: He said, "Do you want to do it?"
BERNARD: Do what? Do what? He said, "You know...me and you, me and you!"
JOHNNY: ...No...
[More laughter.]
BERNARD: Oh, make a record! Right! I'll do that.
JOHNNY: So that's our spiritual home place now. There's a gold disc in there somewhere.
KIM: Thanks a lot. Do we have another question..?
Q2: I just wondered what kind of music you've been listening to these days. If there are any bands that have caught your attention in a big way?
BERNARD: Personally speaking, when you've been working on music for 10 hours a day, you don't want to go home and listen to it. I normally watch a film or read a book. If I do listen to music, I listen to a dance station called KISS. I also listen to classical music, because it's really nothing like the music we're doing. I've just heard a new Patti Smith track called...
JOHNNY: ..."Summer Cannibals"...
BERNARD: "Summer Cannibals". And if I was to listen to a rock record, that's the kind of rock music I like...sort of rhythmic driving sort of stuff.
JOHNNY: I saw VERVE a few years ago, and they were fantastic, and then I saw them again and saw them again. I like Bernard Butler's stuff. Yeah, he's happening...
KIM: I have a question. I had heard that Johnny Greenwood of RADIOHEAD was doing some guitar parts on Bryan Ferry. Do you know if that's true? Are you still in touch with Bryan Ferry?
JOHNNY: It's probably true because Bryan collects guitar players like most people collect guitars. He has a huge collection of guitarists...so I guess so. Bernard Butler played on the new Bryan Ferry stuff as well, so that's interesting.
BERNARD: Did he?
JOHNNY: Yeah, yeah.
KIM: Interesting. I'd like to play some more music now, and we'll organize some more questions if you'll stay for a bit...
JOHNNY: (sarcastically) Oh! We like OASIS as well!
[Laughter and jeering.]
KIM: Here's music from ELECTRONIC. Oooh. On 102.1 The Edge...
["Second Nature"]
KIM: Music from ELECTRONIC on 102.1 The Edge. The new album is out, it's called Raise The Pressure. And we're going to continue speaking with the guys and taking a bunch of audience questions in just a few moments...
[Commercial break.]
KIM: We are back on the program. Thanks for staying tuned. Speaking with Johnny Marr and Bernard Sumner about ELECTRONIC and of ELECTRONIC, and stuff like that. We do have some people who have been waiting really patiently to ask some questions, so take it away...
Q3: This question is for Bernard. What's happening with NEW ORDER nowadays? Is there any plans to make another album in the future?
JOHNNY: "Well, we haven't split up... But we've got no plans to record together in the forseeable future."
[More laughter.]
BERNARD: You've said that one before!
KIM: Well, I guess we can have the question the other way. We can have your impression of Johnny... That's actually quite good...
BERNARD: "...NO! Nnnnnn..." (grumbling)
KIM: Something that I wanted to ask you. There was an album that came out called A Means To An End that was a collection of different people covering JOY DIVISION songs. I don't know if you've heard it. I assume that you had to give some clearance. How did you feel about this sort of latent reverie towards the group? Are you comfortable with that?
BERNARD: The funny thing is that everyone is allowed to do a JOY DIVISION cover except NEW ORDER. If we did it, we'd get our heads cut off by the press. 'Cause we did get approached by the record company asking us to do a cover of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" but I refused because I didn't want to get crucified on the spot. I was very touched by the gesture.
JOHNNY: We were sort of considering doing "Heat And Soul" live, weren't we?
BERNARD: We were thinking about a track by JOY DIVISION called "Heart And Soul" which we're both really big fans of, and we'd like to do that, yeah... Live, just live.
KIM: Another question...
Q4: I'd like to ask Bernard, what were your impressions of the Deborah Curtis book? Have you read it, or are you familiar with it?
BERNARD: I have read it, actually. I started reading it and I couldn't put it down. It kept me up all night, you know. I thought it was a really good book, although I did think it was...obviously you're bound to be bitter about something like that and I think that sometimes she did get the wrong end of the stick, she got the wrong angle on something. But I understand that. Yeah, I thought it was very good.
KIM: Go ahead.
Q5: This one's for Johnny. A couple of years ago, Trent Reznor was in an interview in Toronto here, talking about how if he could hire you as a guitarist for the album, he would, but he couldn't afford it. Would you ever consider working on something like that, or is that too far out of your...
SOMEONE IN AUDIENCE: No. You've got too much class!
JOHNNY: You don't know me!
[More laughter.]
JOHNNY: You know, I'm really happy I found someone that I can write songs with. I look up the period where I did some sessions, and the way I see it is that I got to make some records with some people I really respected, you know, Matt Johnson in particular. But now I want to put all my time and energy into ELECTRONIC, because that's the thing for us. So I'm trying to avoid doing sessions really.
BERNARD: And why is that? And did you make it?
JOHNNY: I did actually...and now...
JOHNNY: To be honest, as far as sessions go, I've played and sung on the new PET SHOP BOYS album. The PET SHOP BOYS are the only people I play with really. Mostly because if I refused I'd never hear the end of it. I'm not sure about sessions. I don't really know Trent Reznor's stuff very much.
KIM: I think it would be interesting myself. I think he's a really interesting musician. But I want to pick up on something that you said there with respect to ELECTRONIC. If you're saying that this is your focus right now, on this hand, but you're saying that you're not really sure about touring, does this mean that there's a lot of other material that we're going to see coming out in the next little while? Are you anxious to get back in?
JOHNNY: Why we're not sure about touring is that we don't want to do something that means we can't make a record for about another two years. We really want to play, we like playing, we like the hour and a half on stage, we like seeing everybody, and we like the sort of gesture of 'look, we've come here, we want to play', but we just got ourselves now into a position where we're free to do another ELECTRONIC record, is that right?
BERNARD: Yeah, that's right. You know, maybe we can ask these people what would you prefer. Would you prefer a new record or would you prefer to see us play live?
BERNARD: Well, we'll do a live record...
KIM: If you're just joining us here, we're speaking with John Marr and Bernard Sumner from ELECTRONIC, and we're going to play some more music in a moment. Other questions? Please...
Q5: This one's for Bernard. I was just wondering, your music has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and I was wondering what changes in your life might have been reflected in that?
BERNARD: Well, yeah, I mean, hopefully the purpose in life is to straighten the deep end and to make yourself happier as you go along in life. You know, everything you do, you go to school, you go to work, it's to make yourself happier and I've achieved that, and that's reflected in my music. My music's now optimistic, happy, 'up' music, and in the days when I was in JOY DIVISION, before I had achieved anything... I mean, hopefully, the best music reflects truthfully my personality...and I'm pretty happy, pretty happy these days...
KIM: Has fatherhood had an imapct on life?
BERNARD: Um...yeah, well of course it has...yeah, yeah...
KIM: Why don't we play another track from the record? And then perhaps we'll take a few more questions and let you get some dinner.
JOHNNY: Well, yeah, okay. I'm enjoying answering questions to be honest...
BERNARD: You know what's really good... After all this time, we're in the studio, we're making the record, and then we spend a lot of time promoting. We talk to the journalists, it's really good to talk to people...directly.
KIM: Okay, we'll do it again in a minute. I just want to play some music here for those who aren't with us in the studio who might enjoy the music, so let's do that. This is ELECTRONIC on 102.1 The Edge...
["One Day"]
KIM: Toronto's New Rock 102.1 The Edge. Music from ELECTRONIC taken from the album Raise The Pressure. We're just speaking with Bernard and Johnny from the group, and actually, we were letting it go to the people who have bought the records and the concert tickets over all these years. And I'm sure that you would agree, certainly you Bernard, having played here a number of times, that Toronto is sort of a microcosm in North America in a way, particularly when it comes to English groups. They can always do so incredibly well here and their music seems to be appreciated so much...I mean I know how this sounds, but it's sort of true. I mean, you'll sell more records here per capita I think than almost anywhere else really.
BERNARD: Yeah, I was just saying to Johnny at the end, just before the record was playing, on the first album release, we didn't really come to Toronto, and I was just wondering why we didn't do it, 'cause we just get such great response from people here. And I've always had great gigs here with NEW ORDER, really good everytime, really enjoyed it.
KIM: And you've played a lot of different venues here over the years, I know for a fact you have!
BERNARD: Yeah! I like that...what's that game you play over here...
KIM: Baseball..?
BERNARD: Baseball, yeah. Was going to say cricket there...
BERNARD: That baseball stadium, that's a great place.
KIM: You've played Varsity Arena, or Varsity Stadium...
BERNARD: Yeah, really good...
KIM: Kingswood...um...CNE Grandstand...Kingswood... Anyways, back to the crowd. Questions for Johnny and Bernard...
Q6: This is directed to Johnny Marr. This is a million dollar question. It said in Select Magazine that, I guess this was last year, that you might in time maybe get together with Morrissey...
[Groaning from the audience.]
JOHNNY: Sometime...
Q6: I know it's bad, but...
JOHNNY: Only this morning, I saw the most incredible cloud formation.
JOHNNY: It looked like a bird...
[A long silence, followed by laughter from the audience...]
JOHNNY: Well, to be serious...
BERNARD: He's going to get his gun, Johnny, he's going to get his gun...
JOHNNY: To be serious, what it is...we don't have any plans to work together. I mean, that's the truth of it. And in the press, often, my true feelings don't really quite translate and, you know, I don't have any weirdness or weird feelings towards THE SMITHS or anything. I'm very very proud of everything we've done. But, see, this is what matters to me at the moment. And that's the end of it.
KIM: Okay. Any other questions, please go ahead.
Q7: This is for Johnny also. You've worked with THE THE on two of their records, but you weren't on the latest one. I wondering if you planned to do anymore work with Matt Johnson at all.
JOHNNY: I'd like to think that Matt and I could work together in the future. And, uh...I don't know, I have no idea... I feel that with THE THE, I did some really great work, and I was really pleased to be involved. The album Dusk I was particularly happy with, and I saw Matt pretty recently and I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago and he's working on a new record. And we still ring each other up and give each other a lot of encouragement, so that's cool. He's really happy for me doing what I'm doing, and I'm happy for him doing what he's doing, so...maybe.
KIM: Okay. Um...take one or two more.
Q8: Yeah, this is for Johnny. Um...
Q8: ...Again...
JOHNNY: I get all the hard ones.
BERNARD: What's that T-shirt you got on there..?
[More laughter.]
Q8: I just like to say I feel like...of British rock legends, I feel like I'm talking to one of the disciples of Jesus...
JOHNNY: Thank you very much...
JOHNNY: Cheers, thanks!
[Bernard laughs. The audience cheers.]
Q8: Yeah, two of them... But speaking to Johnny, you said that you met Bernard in 1982 and I was wondering if maybe THE SMITHS might have had some...break up because of the two of you wanting to collaborate and wanting to give us new music...
[Increasing laughter from the audience.]
BERNARD: (laughing) It's nothing to do with me!
[Even more laughing.]
BERNARD: Oh, it's my fault! What have I gotten myself involved in, eh..?
JOHNNY: Absolutely true! 100% true! He said to me, "You know, that stuff sounds really miserable, come down to disco."
[More laughter.]
JOHNNY: "Take some ecstacy."
[More laughter.]
JOHNNY: "...and you'll feel really good." And you know, he was right.
BERNARD: Get down with it...
JOHNNY: No, no. The split...I've never...it was nothing to do with any external forces really. It was just to do with my feelings about what we've become as people and particularly myself, and it was very very unhealthy, and I just felt a sense that something very tragic was going to happen any minute, and so before it did, I just got out of there. And I thought it was the healthiest thing for the four of us if that was to happen.
KIM: With that in mind, you've both been around long enough to have seen...what's the most outrageous thing you've ever read about yourself?
JOHNNY: I try not to read anything about myself to be honest.
BERNARD: A journalist said that the album took so long because you were in rehab.
JOHNNY: Oh yeah, that's right...which is pretty bizarre. That actually quite surprised me when he said that. But it actually makes me sound more interesting than I am really. So I said, "Continue with the rumor, you know...it's fine." I think there's been some wild ones. I just put them out of my mind if I read anything that I don't really think is truth.
KIM: Okay. We'll take one final question and...uh...two final questions...quick, very quick...
JOHNNY: Someone ask Bernard a hard one.
KIM: Go ahead, please...
Q9: This one's not for Bernard, it's for Johnny. But...
BERNARD: Please ask me a question...
Q9: But before I say...I just want to say that you both have really distinct styles, and when you come together, you're mixing two incredible styles and I think ELECTRONIC's a great project. My question to you, Johnny, is what ever happened to the Ian McCulloch work that you guys did...that stolen record or whatever..?
JOHNNY: Yeah, that was really bizarre. You're the first person to ask me that question... And even Ian didn't ask me that question.
JOHNNY: I told him that it's in the post. He needed to make a record and he was trying to sort of find his feet. We were introduced by a mutual friend of ours and I wrote some songs for him, and a couple of them I think ended up on the ELECTROFIXATION record. And what's really bizarre, I sent the tapes over to Liverpool, and they got stolen...which is amazing...
JOHNNY: No, I don't mean that. But, that's Liverpool for you.
BERNARD: You'd expect it if you come from Liverpool where that sort of thing happens all the time.
JOHNNY: It does, yeah.
Q10: I was wondering why the absence of lyrics on the CD's, and especially for NEW ORDER, why the absence.
BERNARD: Well, actually, on this album, I wanted to put my lyrics on the cover but Johnny wouldn't let me.
BERNARD: No, the graphic designer wouldn't let me because he wanted a nice clean product. It's quite good if you listen to an album and you interpret the lyrics. And even if you get lyrics that I haven't written, and you change them a bit, I think it's quite interesting. I don't know...I don't know. Writing lyrics is kind of like exposing yourself to the world and it's like showing people what you think inside your mind. And I guess to go one stage further I feel a little uncomfortable with actually putting it on the cover of the album and everyone can read precisely what I'm saying. I feel a little bit uncomfortable with that as a person, but hey, that's me.
KIM: Well, on that note, this has been about the most fun 45 minutes I've had the pleasure of spending in a long time...
[Lots of cheering.]
JOHNNY: And same for us too as well actually.
KIM: I just want to thank you guys and everyone who came out. It made it so much more fun. It's really been a pleasure having you. I wish you the best of success with the album. Please consider touring and more albums soon. Thank you. Here's music from ELECTRONIC on 102.1 The Edge...
["For You"]
Broadcast on CFNY 102.1 FM (Toronto) on "Live In Toronto" - Thursday, July 18, 1996.
18 notes · View notes
hotarutranslations · 2 years
Like Next June~
📺️ Tonight 12:00AM~
KOKORO wo Sarakedase!
Morning Musume '20 Emergency Meeting (Unpublished Edition)
A nostalgic project from when the 15th generation were still rather young
Somehow the unpublished edition is airing tonight 💥
By all means please watch it!
I was surprised that there wasn't a picture in yesterdays blog
I forgot-- 🤣 lol
I wanted you to watch a bit of the funny story,
My brain ended up only being on that,
its funny no matter how many times I remember it......... 🤦‍♀️
Um, as we said,
I really couldn't stop laughing,
Since I didn't feel any shock,
its fine, right (?)
The parents told me sorry...... 😂
Although they were foreigners,
Thats right, they spoke Japanese very well......!
I'm glad that I could give many,
a good laugh in this way 🤣🤍
By all means please watch it many times 🤣🤍
Super Funny But Its NG on TV "Baby"
This one was uploaded before about a panda-san story~
"Yamazaki Mei" = "Panda-san"!?
Last night,
I went to see the BEYOOOOONDS play 😌
The Palace of Beyosailles
Tumblr media
Since I go to the Beyo plays,
every time,
This time I absolutely wanted to go~ 😚🎉
With the timing of it yesterday,
I only could see it then otherwise there was no time,
But when I was heading there after work,
I realized I was a bit behind schedule......
(I'm sorry for moving during the performance)
Thats why, the contents, the play,
I can't properly talk about my impressions of it since there are those that haven't seen it but,
in BEYOOOOONDS's singing voices are wonderful,
I could really hear them as one 🍀
Certainly through this BEYOOOOONDS play,
I could feel that the group has grown even more powerful,
thats how it felt with their singing voices,
and I also felt that from the after talk 🍀
Meeting with BEYOOOOONDS,
made me really energetic personally so!
I was just happy to meet everyone like this yesterday
I was also happy with my after talk with Miyo-chan fufu
Saying that,
I'm sad I wasn't able to watch it properly so,
I'll have to find and watch it......
Everyone in Beyo,
I hope you complete all performances safely!
2023.1.7 release 6th photobook "Are you Ready me"
Those that preorder before 11/28, 200 people could win a signed book from a lottery  🍀  →Wani Books Special Edition
You can get an alternate cover here  🍀   → Amazon
Randomly selected 4 other cuts  🍀   → e-LineUP!Mall
Live photo benefits differ depending on the site please choose carefully when preordering  🍀   → Click here for preorder benefits on each site
The making is here  🍀  
Morning Musume '23 Ishida Ayumi Photobook "Are you Ready me" CM
Blu-ray&DVD 💿️
November 16th (Wed) Release
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better!~ Morito Chisaki Graduation Special
Chii-chan's Gradcon x JAPAN JAM 2   ⚠️   Discs
December 21st (Wed) Release
Morning Musume '22 CONCERT TOUR ~Never Been Better! Encore~
Summer Encore Tour x Rockin'    ⚠️  2 discs
New single  💿️  
December 21st (Wed)
New single release
"Swing Swing Paradise/Happy birthday to Me!"
Cheki, Sign, Talk Meet
a 4th reception has opened  🐣🍀  
Notice of purchase benefits
The solo visual stickers from 7net are nice, so is the Kaedy solo clearfile from Sony Music Shop  🤩  
Tokyo Sports note Series    
#86 My First Birthday as a Morning Musume  
Morning Musume '23's calendar,
is being sold by Hagoromo-san
Pre-orders are on sale on these sites  🎈  
Tower Records
Rakuten Goods
10/20 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #1 First Airs
11/3 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #2 First Airs
11/17 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #3 First Airs
12/1 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #4 First Airs
Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 8
goods  🐣  
Hokkaido Daily
Miyagi Daily
The time table was released 📍  2:45PM at EARTH STAGE
December 10th (Sat)  
Morning Musume '22 Nippon Budokan Performance  🔥  
→ Holding a live viewing
January 2nd-February 25th
Winter Hello! Project Concert
2023 winter
We’re touring to 7 cities nationwide 
⚠️  Morning starts on January 3rd
see you ayumin <3
4 notes · View notes
oohlordhealthisbike · 3 years
Open for bootleg trading~
Hello all! I am posting my bootleg list here for now as a temporary list until I get my website up and running- I am open to trading! I’m mainly looking for any Cats production- preferably English or Dutch but any musical would be nice to have and expand my collection. 
Addams Family - Broadway - March 12, 2010
FORMAT: .VOB w/o smalls
CAST:Nathan Lane (Gomez Addams), Bebe Neuwirth (Morticia Addams), Terrence Mann (Mal Beineke), Carolee Carmello (Alice Beineke), Kevin Chamberlin (Uncle Fester), Jackie Hoffman (Grandma), Zachary James (Lurch), Wesley Taylor (Lucas Beineke), Krysta Rodriguez (Wednesday Addams), Adam Riegler (Pugsley Addams)
NOTES: Video quality isn't the best, and audio is sometimes on the softer side. Still a very entertaining show.
Anastasia - Broadway - September 6, 2017
FORMAT: (VOBs w/ smalls)
CAST: Christy Altomare (Anastasia), Derek Klena (Dmitry), John Bolton (Vlad), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Mary Beth Peil (Maria Feodorovna), Zach Adkins, Sissy Bell, Lauren Blackman, Kyle Brown, Janet Dickinson, Constantine Germanacos, Wes Hart, Ken Krugman, Shina Ann Morris, James A. Pierce III, Molly Rushing, Nicole Scimerca, Johnny Stellard, Allison Walsh (Ensemble)
Aladdin - Broadway, 2014-Nov-05 (SunsetBlvd79‘s master)
Format: VOB + smalls (7.58 GB)
CAST: Adam Jacobs (Aladdin), Courtney Reed (Jasmine), Merwin Foard (s/b Jafar), Michael James Scott (s/b Genie)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of latest Disney Broadway offering. Great to see the changes from the Toronto tryout. Michael and Merwin do terrific jobs as Genie and Jafar.
Beauty and the Beast New Zealand April 2006 - Proshot
Format: .VOB w/ smalls
Cast: Jade Steele, Russell Dixon, Glen Drake, Rob Ormsby, Gladys Hope
NOTES: Only the first act & first part of act two! 
Beauty and the Beast (Disney) - Broadway - July 27, 2007 (Unknown's video master)
CAST: Anneliese van der Pol (Belle), Steve Blanchard (Beast/Prince), Jamie Ross (Maurice), Chris Hoch (Gaston), David DeVries (Lumière), Jeanne Lehman (Mrs. Potts), Glenn Rainey (Cogsworth), Ann Mandrella (Babette), Trevor Braun (Chip), Aldrin Gonzalez (Le Fou)
NOTES: Two days before the show closed on Broadway. Good amount of closeups and good quality filmed from the mid-mezzanine; there is a railing issue for a while in Act 1 but the taper improves. 'Me', 'Gaston' and 'Be Our Guest' are all predominantly missing and recording stopped for some time after 'Gaston', which created a little jump in the timeline to where Maurice gets thrown out of the tavern. Still a nice video with great closeups of the last Broadway cast.
Beauty and the Beast - Music Theatre of Wichita (2016)
FORMAT: .VOB w/ Smalls
CAST: Catherine Charlebois, Thaddeus Pearson, Johnny Stellard, Steve Hitchcock, James Beaman, Katie Banks-Todd, Karen L. Robu, Lexis Danca, James Heinrichs, Timothy W. Robu, Tanner Pflueger, John Boldenow
Notes: Pro-Shot. Filmed using one camera on a tripod with excellent clear picture and sound.
Cats - Hamburg - August 21, 1999 (Unknown's video master)
FORMAT: MP4 (2.9 GB) CAST: Julia Howson (Grizabella), Stefano Bontempi (Alonzo), Sean McGrath (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Donna Hagan (Bombalurina), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Marie Dumas (Cassandra), Valentino McKinney (Coricopat), Juliann Kuchocki (Demeter), Marni Raab (Jellylorum), Nadja Solovieva (Jennyanydots), Clinten Pearce (Mr. Mistoffelees), Deon Ridley (Mungojerrie), Matthew Pike (Munkustrap), Werner Kraus (Old Deuteronomy), Adrianne Richards (Rumpleteazer), Siegmar Tonk (Rum Tum Tugger), Japheth Myers (Skimbleshanks), Angela Roczkov (Tantomile), Rebecca Sutherland (Victoria), Damian Kacperski (Pouncival), Tracey Packham (Sillabub) NOTES: very good quality for the time! Great audio as well. 
Cats - Broadway Revival - August 13, 2016 (Unknown's video master)
FORMAT: .VOB w/o Smalls
STAGE: Broadway
CAST: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Giuseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Kim Faure (Demeter), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Ricky Ubeda (Mr. Mistoffelees), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks)
NOTES: Some people walking across the image for a few seconds during Jennyanydots and Rum Tum Tugger's number. Sometimes a head is visible but not obstructing the action. Almost no white-outs with very good video quality. Audio is very crisp as well. Filmed from a higher seat, but zooms are excellently done and fluent. Overal an amazing bootleg!
Cats - Sixth National Tour - March 15, 2019 (thehouseonsunset's video master)
CAST: Keri René Fuller (Grizabella), Phillip Deceus (Alonzo), Tyler John Logan (Admetus/Macavity), Devin Neilson (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Lexie Plath (Bombalurina), Timothy Gulan (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Mariah Reives (Cassandra), PJ DiGaetano (Coricopat), Liz Schmitz (Demeter), Maria Failla (u/s Jellylorum), Emily Jeanne Phillips (Jennyanydots), Tion Gaston (Mr. Mistoffelees), Tony D'Alelio (Mungojerrie), Dan Hoy (Munkustrap), Brandon Micheal Nase (Old Deuteronomy), Rose Iannaccone (Rumpleteazer), McGee Maddox (Rum Tum Tugger), Ethan Saviet (Skimbleshanks), Halli Tolland (Tantomile), Laura K Kaufman (u/s Victoria), Anthony Zas (Pouncival), Ahren Victory (Sillabub)
NOTES: Audio is soft in some parts and has a shaky camera. Good video though, nice zooms and high quality. 
Cats 1998 Film - (Pro-shot).
FORMAT: MP4 CAST: Elaine Paige (Grizabella), John Mills (Gus the Theatre Cat), Ken Page (Old Deuteronomy), Rosemarie Ford (Bombalurina), Michael Gruber (Munkustrap), John Partridge (Rum Tum Tugger), Aeva May (Demeter), Geoffrey Garratt (Skimbleshanks), James Barron (Bustopher Jones), Jo Gibb (Rumpleteazer), Drew Varley (Mungojerrie), Susie McKenna (Jennyanydots), Jacob Brent (Mistoffelees), Susan Jane Tanner (Jellylorum), Phyllida Crowley Smith (Victoria). NOTES: pro-shot version of the musical. Multiple cameras and HD video and audio. 
Cinderella - Broadway - March 2, 2013
FORMAT: VOB + smalls
CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Prince Topher), Victoria Clark (Fairy Godmother), Harriet Harris (Evil Stepmother), Ann Harada (Charlotte)
NOTES: Very good view of the stage, sometimes zooms are a bit slow but it's not bothersome. Very enjoyable experience.
Evita - Costa Mesa - December 14, 2013
FORMAT: (VOBs w/ Smalls)
CAST: Caroline Bowman (Eva), John Riddle (u/s Che), Sean MacLaughlin (Peron), Krystina Alabado (Mistress), Christopher Johnstone (Magaldi)
Kinky Boots - Broadway - May 26, 2017 (Opening Night) (Audio)
CAST: Brendon Urie (Charlie Price)
NOTES: Brendon is amazing in the role, the audio is not really HD, but it’s still really fun to listen to, especially for P!ATD fans like me haha. 
Legally Blonde - Broadway - 2007-Oct-25
Format: VOB no smalls (4.11 GB)
CAST: Becky Gulsvig (u/s Elle Woods), Andy Karl (u/s Emmett Forrest), Richard H Blake (Warner Huntington III), Orfeh (Paulette), Kate Shindle (Vivienne Kensington), Nikki Snelson (Brooke Wyndham/Shandi), Michael Rupert (Professor Callahan), Haven Burton (Margot), Tracy Jai Edwards (Serena), Asmeret Ghebremichael (Pilar), Matthew Risch (u/s Kyle/Grandmaster Chad/Dewey), Natalie Joy Johnson (Veronica/Enid), Kate Wetherhead (Kate/Chutney), Rod Harrelson (u/s Carlos)
NOTES: Great capture of the two understudies in the role. Shot from the orchestra with amazing shots. Starts in the middle of 'Omigod You Guys'.
Les Misérables - West End - November, 2018 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Dean Chisnall (Jean Valjean), Bradley Jaden (Javert), Carley Stenson (Fantine), Amara Okereke (Cosette), Toby Miles (Marius), Elena Skye (Éponine), Samuel Edwards (Enjolras), James Hume (u/s Thénardier), Vivien Parry (Madame Thénardier), Logan Clark (Gavroche), Andrew York (u/s The Bishop), Adam Filipe (u/s Grantaire), Barnaby Hughes (Combeferre), Joe Vetch (Feuilly), Oliver Brenin (s/w Courfeyrac), Ben Tyler (Jean Prouvaire), James Nicholson (Joly), Andrew York (Lesgles), Adam Bayjou (Brujon), Ciaran Bowling (s/w Babet), Sam Harrison (Claquesous), Ciaran Joyce (Montparnasse), Adam Bayjou (Factory Foreman), Anna McGarahan (Factory Girl), Anna McGarahan (Crone), Sam Harrison (Bamatabois), Ben Tyler (Pimp), Barnaby Hughes (Fauchelevent), Adam Bayjou (Champmathieu), Ciaran Bowling (s/w Major Domo)
Les Misérables - The All-Star Staged Concert - December 2, 2019 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Michael Ball (Javert), Carrie Hope Fletcher (Fantine), Lily Kerhoas (Cosette), Rob Houchen (Marius), Shan Ako (Éponine), Bradley Jaden (Enjolras), Matt Lucas (Thénardier), Katy Secombe (Madame Thénardier), Earl Carpenter (The Bishop), Raymond Walsh (Grantaire), Craig Mather (Combeferre), Vinny Coyle (Feuilly), Niall Sheehy (Courfeyrac), James Nicholson (Jean Prouvaire), Ciaran Joyce (Joly), Andrew York (Lesgles), Leo Roberts (Brujon), Stephen Matthews (Babet), Oliver Jackson (Claquesous), Adam Bayjou (Montparnasse), Gavin James (Factory Foreman), Celia Graham (Factory Girl), Tamsin Dowsett (Crone), Earl Carpenter (Bamatabois), Oliver Jackson (Pimp)
NOTES: The digitally released proshot, edited differently to the live cinema stream.
Les Miserables - Broadway - Feb. 17, 2007
FORMAT: VOB + smalls
CAST: Alexander Gemignani (Jean Valjean), Norm Lewis (Javert), Daphne Rubin-Vega (Fantine), Gary Beach (Thenardier), Jenny Galloway (Mme Thenardier), Celia Kennan-Bolger (Eponine), Ali Ewoldt (Cosette), Adam Jacobs (Marius), Drew Sarich (u/s Enjolras)
Little Shop of Horrors - Encores! Off-Center-New York City Center, 2015-July-1 (Opening Night) (NYCG8R's video master)
Format: VOB + smalls (4.21 GB)
CAST: Jake Gyllenhaal (Seymour), Ellen Greene (Audrey), Joe Grifasi (Mushnik), Taran Killam (Orin), Eddie Cooper (Audrey II), Marva Hicks (Crystal), Ramona Keller (Ronnette), Tracy Nicole Chapman (Chiffon)
NOTES: Opening Night filmed from the very back of City Center, so there is some spotlight washout that's never too bad and a head that's shot well around.
Phantom Of the Opera - US Tour - August 12, 2015 (Unknown master)
FORMAT: VOBs w/ Smalls)
Chris Mann, Katie Travis, Storm Lineberger, Jacquelynne Fontaine, Edward Staudenmayer, David Benoit, Anne Kanengeiser, Frank Viveros, Morgan Cowling, Mark Emerson, Eric Ruiz, Edward Juvier, Dan Debenport, David Foley Jr., Allan Snyder, Christy Morton
Spider-Man - Turn off the Dark - Broadway - October 14, 2012
CAST: Matthew James Thomas (alt. Peter Parker/Spiderman), Kristen Martin (u/s Mary Jane), Robert Cuccioli (Green Goblin), Katrina Lenk (Arachne).
NOTES: Post-Changes
The Book of Mormon - UK & Ireland Tour - 2019 (Rumpel's master-RARE)
FORMAT: .VOB (no smalls) (HD)
CAST: Kevin Douglas Clay (Elder Price), Connor Peirson (Elder Cunningham), Nicole-Lily Baisden (Nabulungi), Will Hawksworth (Elder McKinley), Ewen Cummins (Mafala Hatimbi), Thomas Vernal (General), David Brewis (Cunningham’s Dad), Tre Copeland-Williams (Doctor), Johnathan Tweedie (Prices Dad/Joseph Smith/Mission President), Cleopatra Isaac (Mrs Brown), Jemal Felix (Guard), Lukin Simmonds (Guard), Alex James-Hatton, David Brewis, Evan James, Fergal McGoff, George Crawford, Isaac Hesketh, Jed Berry
NOTES: One of the best videos of this show out there. Recorded from the right wing, doesn't miss any action. High quality video and excellent sound. Kevin is a very good Elder Price.
The Book of Mormon - Chicago - December 23, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (HD)CAST: Nic Rouleau (Elder Price), Ben Platt (Elder Cunningham), Syesha Mercado (Nabulungi), Pierce Cassedy (Elder McKinley), James Vincent Meredith (Mafala Hatimbi), Christopher Shyer (Mission President), David Aron Damane (General)
The Book of Mormon - Broadway - March 1, 2011 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD)
CAST: Andrew Rannells (Elder Price), Josh Gad (Elder Cunningham), Nikki M James (Nabulungi), Rory O’Malley (Elder McKinley), Michael Potts (Mafala Hatimbi), Lewis Cleale (Mission President)
Wicked - Broadway, 2013-May-12 (Lanelle's master)
Format:  M2TS (HD) - (24.02 GB)
CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), F Michael Haynie (Boq), John Schiappa (Doctor Dillamond)
NOTES: Filmed from the right orchestra, at a slight angle, but excellent quality. The taper originally released this as a blu-ray, 2-disc DVDs and 1-disc DVD, so make sure to get the version that best suits your needs.
Wicked - May 12, 2013 (Lanelle's master RIP WITH SUBS)
FORMAT: .MKV w/o Smalls, With English & Chinese Subtitles
CAST: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), F Michael Haynie (Boq), John Schiappa (Doctor Dillamond)
NOTES: Warning- Moderate quality. Some quality of the original master has been lost through conversion from blue-ray to MKV. Has English and Chinese subtitles. Audio is great and video sometimes has some white-outs. 
Wicked - Broadway - January 2nd, 2015 (unknown master)
FORMAT: VOB w/o Smalls
CAST: Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Robin de Jesus (Boq), Arielle Jacobs (Nessarose), Timothy Britten Parker (Dr. Dillamond)
NOTES: The camera moves a bit but follows the actors well. Some parts are a bit washed out but the audio is good. 
Wicked - Broadway, May 28, 2006 (Unkown master)
FORMAT: VOB w/o SmallsCAST: Eden Espinosa (Elphaba), Megan Hilty (Glinda) Derrick Williams (Fiyero), David Garrison (The Wizard), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Jenna Leigh Green (Nessarose)
If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Like I said I would love any cats bootleg- especially the older ones in English and Dutch from like the 80′s till the 00′s. I am also looking for more diversity in my list- and I’m also looking for the classics- Dear Evan Hansen, Falsetto’s, some more Phantom Of the Opera, Mean Girls, Legally Blond, etc... 
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Pavillon de Paris in Paris, France - March 1, 1979
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Brian May greets the audience in French after the second song, telling them it's the 63rd and last show of the tour, much to their delight. He then continues in English, "This is the last concert and we're gonna have some fun. Chantez!" This is the first time Freddie addresses the audience as "brothers and sisters" before the familar piano intro to Somebody To Love, as he would famously do at the Milton Keynes '82 show. There are many other great moments on this night, the last of the European tour. After the third song, Freddie says, "Yeah, I hope you got your bicycle bells tonight." He lets a few audience members ring away for a brief moment, and he responds, "Ah yeah, they sound great!" He continues, "We have a hell of a lot of music for you tonight. I don't know which order they're gonna come in. We'll see." He wasn't kidding, as this would turn out to be one of the longest Queen shows ever, clocking in at about 140 minutes. Although they play Fat Bottomed Girls next, they would also play If You Can't Beat Them later in the set (they usually played only one or the other). Freddie does some great adlibs at the end of Fat Bottomed Girls tonight. Freddie, before the medley: "This next song is about a really dirty old man, as you know. We seem to get a lot of those guys. Yes, we really do. This is called Death On Two Legs." They play the medley as usual, but for the last night's sake, the band stop for a moment after Bicycle Race to let audience members ring their bicycle bells. Some fans continue to ring their bicycle bells during other songs, but it becomes an annoyance for others. Near the end of Get Down Make Love, on the audience recording a fan is heard saying, "I wish they'd stop ringing those bloody bells!" Freddie throws in a quick reference to Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode, shouting "Go Johnny!" during the Now I'm Here instrumental. He would do this plenty of times over the next few years. The band's instrumental prowess shows in the end section of Spread Your Wings. During the intro jam to Dreamers Ball, Freddie says, "We're gonna take you to New Orleans right now. Quick fling from Paris [in a French accent]." It's unfortunate that If You Can't Beat Them wasn't included on Live Killers, as this version would have been an ideal candidate. Everyone sounds very strong, particularly Brian, who offers a great guitar solo at the end. For the first time in a month, Brian does a band intro after Love Of My Life: "Well you know, this is the last night of the tour, so you get a few silly things. I'd like to welcome back the rest of the Queen group. Especially, unusually not in tiger skin trousers but in stunning top, Mr. Roger Taylor. And in extremely modest black, on bass guitar Mr. John Deacon. And somewhere, on vocals and maracas, Mr. Freddie Mercury." It's Late is a fantastic version, with a perfect May solo. Freddie's vocals leading into it are wonderful. The hardcore fans in the front rows are eating out of the palm of the band's hand, as they know every note and word of the show. After It's Late, Freddie continues the festivities. "We'd like to feature John, Roger and Brian in this next song." The fans were shouting for Dead On Time off the Jazz album, but their shouts quickly change and Freddie responds to them: "Yeah, it might sound like Brighton Rock, but... how do you know for sure?" He then concedes defeat. "This is called Brighton Rock." It is a great version tonight, with many original ideas and a great May solo. Brian even plays part of the solo from Dead On Time, perhaps in response to the fans shouting for it. Roger's tympani solo is over two minutes long (very unusual for him, as he was never a fan of long drum solos), and the song as a whole is over 15 minutes in length, making it the longest version ever. Tonight is also probably the longest (and surely one of the loosest versions of) Keep Yourself Alive ever played, as the intro is over a minute and a half long, and the song clocks in at 5:30. Later, a great version of Jailhouse Rock is thrown in for the last night's sake, along with Big Spender. The latter wouldn't be performed again until 1986. Segments of Get Down Make Love and Brighton Rock from this show are featured on Live Killers. See the Live Killers analysis for more details. This entire show likely exists on film in Queen's vaults, and much of the footage has become available over the years. See this table for details. Some bits of footage from this show were used for the promo video of Love Of My Life (the bits with Freddie in red suspenders). The bulk of the footage comes from Japan. See Tokyo '79 for details. In November 2009, the band posted some concert videos from the 70s on their website in conjunction with the release of their "Absolute Greatest" compilation, including Dreamers Ball from this show. While it is still the single camera and mono audio, the picture and sound quality are exquisite. The audio from this track was released on a Japanese bootleg called "Rare Cuts Vol. 3" in late 2011. Pro footage of Big Spender was shown at the 2012 UK fan club convention. The second row of pictures were taken by Gillian Parry. The last few were taken by Georges DeKeerle.
Here are some more pro photos from the show:
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