#I hope that before we move I get a chance to tell my parents how bad they make me wanna kms : )
pucksandpower · 3 months
Baby Girl Norris
Lando Norris x pediatrician!Reader
Summary: you know what you have to do — track down a world-famous Formula 1 driver, tell him about his newborn daughter, and maybe, if he’s willing, help him navigate single fatherhood — falling in love with their little family was not part of the plan … but doing so changes all your lives for the better
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You take a deep breath as you enter the nursery, steeling yourself for the task ahead. As a pediatrician at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco, you’ve cared for thousands of babies over the years. But this case is different.
Baby Girl Norris, born just two hours ago, is now legally parentless after her mother signed away all parental rights. Hospital protocol demands you track down and notify the father before assuming guardianship. Easier said than done when the father is Formula 1 superstar Lando Norris.
Approaching the clear bassinet, you gaze down at the sleeping newborn. Wispy dark hair peeks out from under her pink cap. Ten tiny fingers curled into fists. She has no idea how complicated her life is about to become.
You flip through the chart again, verifying the details. Mother is French, here on a student visa. Refused to even look at the baby after a 27-hour labor, immediately signing away rights. Father listed as one Lando Norris of the United Kingdom.
You sigh, picking up the phone to dial the number listed. It rings five times before disconnecting. You try the landline for his Monaco residence with the same result. Probably outdated.
Time for plan B. You search the McLaren Racing website until you find a generic service line. Heart pounding, you dial.
“McLaren Technology Centre, this is Marie speaking.”
You take a breath. “Hello, I apologize for the strange request, but I need to reach Lando Norris as soon as possible. It’s … it’s regarding a private family matter.”
“I’m sorry, but Mr. Norris does not accept unsolicited communications. Have a nice-”
“Wait!” You interject. “Please, I am calling from Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco. We have a newborn baby girl here, and we believe Mr. Norris may be the father.”
Marie hesitates. “Hold please, I’ll transfer you.”
Your pulse quickens. This may actually work! But your hopes are quickly dashed.
“This is Andrew from McLaren Racing public relations. May I ask who I’m speaking with?” His tone is suspicious.
You explain again about the baby, her mother, and the situation.
Andrew sighs loudly. “I’m sure you understand we get calls like this constantly. Lando isn’t even in the hemisphere right now. I’m afraid we can’t help you.”
“No, wait, please!” But the line goes dead.
You frown, gears turning. The team must think you’re some obsessed fan or scammer. You’ll have to get creative.
Over the next two days, you call every related number you can find. Each time you’re met with more resistance. They must have flagged your information as a nuisance caller.
On the third day, you’re signing charts at the nurse’s station when a colleague walks by. “Did you hear? Lando Norris is coming to take a tour of the hospital next week. Some charity thing.”
Your eyes widen. This is it — your chance to intercept him in person!
You spend the next few days obsessing over what to say, how to convince him. Baby Girl Norris needs her father.
The big day arrives. Heart hammering, you lurk near the lobby, peering around the hallway corner as Lando walks in flanked by handlers. He looks exhausted but flashes his winning smile at the staff welcoming him.
You watch them start down the opposite hallway for the tour when you make your move. Rushing forward, you plant yourself firmly in his path.
“Mr. Norris! Sorry, I need just a minute of your time, it’s urgent-”
A member of his team immediately swoops in, pushing you back. “Ma’am, please. We kindly ask that you step aside.”
“No, wait!” You raise your voice over them. “Mr. Norris, my name is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. I’m a pediatrician here. I’ve been trying to reach you for days now regarding your newborn daughter!”
The team looks exasperated, but Lando holds up a hand. “It’s okay, let her speak.” His eyes bore into yours warily.
You take a breath. “I know this sounds insane. But a baby girl was born here last week to a French student named Celeste Dubois. On the birth certificate, she named you as the father before signing away parental rights.”
You continue explaining the situation rapidly, watching Lando’s eyes widen in shock.
One of his handlers steps in. “You honestly expect us to believe this wild story? We’re on a timeline.” He tries to tug Lando along.
“No, it’s okay.” Lando stands firm, studying you intently. “What proof do you have of any of this?”
You hold his gaze. “I can show you the birth certificate, but a DNA test would confirm if you’re the father. It’s hospital policy to notify and provide the father an opportunity to assume custody.”
Lando chews his lip nervously. His team murmurs among themselves.
After a long pause, he speaks. “Even if this is some scam or mix-up, that poor child deserves to have answers. Please, lead the way for a test.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. Wordlessly, you turn and lead Lando to the lab. His team protests but he insists on following through.
In the lab, you supervise as the technician takes a simple cheek swab. “24 to 48 hours for results,” she confirms.
Lando nods, looking dazed. “Right. Okay. If she’s really mine, I want to step up. Just call me, yeah?” He extends his number on a slip of paper.
You smile and promise to be in touch. As he turns to leave, you feel swarmed with emotions. One major hurdle down, but nothing certain yet.
The next 48 hours pass at a snail’s pace. When the lab calls, your fingers shake as you unfold the results. Positive. A 99.99% match.
You pass along the news and arrange a meeting at the hospital. The press can’t know about this yet.
Approaching the secluded waiting room, you pause to observe Lando through the window. He paces nervously, running his hands through his hair again and again. His usual polished veneer is gone, replaced by a young man anxiously awaiting life-changing news. Your heart goes out to him.
Finally knocking, he whirls around as you enter. “Well? Is she really mine?”
You nod, holding out the results. He accepts them with unsteady hands.
“I’m sorry I ever doubted you,” he says quietly. “This is just ... a lot.”
“I understand. It’s a complicated situation. But you’re here now.” You offer an encouraging smile.
Lando takes a deep breath. “Can I meet her?”
You lead him to the nursery viewing room. He presses against the glass, eyes scanning until they settle on bassinet D7. His brows knit together.
“That’s her?” His voice wavers slightly.
You nod. “Would you like to go inside and hold her?”
He hesitates. “I don’t want to confuse or upset her.”
You gesture reassuringly. “Newborns seek warmth and a gentle touch. She’ll appreciate the contact.”
Looking uncertain, Lando follows you into the nursery. You lift the swaddled baby, carefully transferring her into Lando’s awkward embrace. He peers down at her, his expression unreadable.
“She’s so tiny ...” he murmurs. The newborn girl yawns, eyes still shut, snuggling instinctively into his chest.
Lando’s guarded facade finally cracks, eyes glistening. He adjusts his arms to cradle her more securely.
“Hi there,” he whispers. “I’m your ...” He trails off, not quite able to say it.
You touch his shoulder gently. “You’re her father. And she needs you.”
He nods, never breaking his gaze from the newborn’s face. “I’ll do right by her, I promise. Whatever it takes.”
Relief sweeps over you. While an arduous legal process awaits, this sweet child will finally have a real family.
As Lando rocks the baby gently, he suddenly laughs. “She’s a real beauty, isn’t she? Look at that hair. Thick and curly, just like her old man.”
You chuckle. “It appears so. Have you thought about a name?”
He hums contemplatively. “I’ve always been partial to Georgia. Gigi for short.”
“Georgia Norris,” you say with a smile. “It’s perfect.”
The new father beams down at his daughter. “Welcome to the world, little Gigi. I can’t wait to take you home.”
As you observe this tender moment, your heart swells for both father and daughter. With someone as loving and dedicated as Lando by her side, Gigi’s future looks bright indeed.
Watching them meet for the first time — seeing a family begin to blossom out of hardship and uncertainty — is the greatest reward of your job. As you quietly slip out to give them space, you can’t hold back a smile. Everything, after all, is turning out exactly as it should.
After spending over an hour bonding with his newborn daughter in the nursery, Lando reluctantly hands her back to the nurse for feeding time. He turns to you, smiling but still looking dazed.
“I can’t thank you enough, Y/N. Really. You’ve given me and Gigi a new start.”
You touch his arm warmly. “Of course. I’m so glad I could help connect you two. She’s absolutely beautiful.”
Lando grins proudly. “She really is perfect. I already love her so much, it’s mad. I just ...” His face falls slightly. “I don’t have the first clue how to actually take care of a baby. Let alone with my job, traveling all the time for races and training. What have I gotten myself into?”
He runs an anxious hand through his curls. Your heart goes out to him.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You gesture for him to follow you out to the waiting room for privacy.
Lando collapses onto the sofa, head in hands. “Sorry, I’m just now fully realizing what this means. A baby, she’s completely dependent on me! I don’t know the first thing about babies. I’m barely an adult myself!”
You sit beside him. “Lando, look at me.” He lifts his head reluctantly. You offer an encouraging smile.
“It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. But you stepped up when Gigi needed you most. That’s what matters. With some guidance, you’ll be an amazing father.”
He doesn’t look convinced. You continue gently, “Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll give you all the essential information for first-time parents. I’ll even set you up with parenting classes, and we have a support group-”
Lando groans loudly, letting his head fall back. You suppress a chuckle.
“Okay, forget classes for now. Just focus on learning the basics. Things like feeding, changing, bathing. Infant CPR. I’ll give you my cell to text with questions anytime. Day or night.”
You jot down your number and hand it to him. He nods, looking slightly encouraged.
“We’ll also get you connected with services that can assist first-time parents with supplies, nutrition consultants, and childcare options.”
His eyes widen again. “God, I haven’t even told my family yet! Or bought anything she’ll need!” He scrubs at his face anxiously.
You lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Breathe. Setbacks are expected. But you’ll get there.”
Lando takes a deep breath, regaining some composure. “You’re right. Sorry for the meltdown. I really appreciate you talking me down.”
“Don’t apologize. I’d be more concerned if you weren’t at all anxious about this huge life change.”
You smile warmly. “But you accepted your daughter unconditionally when it mattered most. Not every man in your position would do that. I know you’ll figure the rest out over time. It’s a process.”
He nods, starting to calm down. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. We’ll take it step by step.”
You spend the next hour walking Lando through all the basics — safe sleep, feeding schedules, hygiene, developmental milestones, and pediatrician visits. He takes vigorous notes on his phone, determination returning to his face.
“Clothes, blankets, nappies, bottles ...” He mumbles to himself as he types. “Maybe pick up a parenting book or two as well ...”
You grin, happy to see him growing more at ease and optimistic. When the nurse returns with a sleeping Gigi, Lando immediately takes her back into his arms.
“We’ve got this, little one,” he whispers to her. “I’ll give you the absolute best in life … starting with a nice new flat for us here in Monaco.” He looks back at you questioningly.
You nod in approval. “Giving Gigi a stable home should be your top priority.”
He smiles down at the baby, gently stroking her cheek. “Daddy will take good care of you. I promise.”
Your heart swells at the natural bond already forming between father and daughter. In this moment, any lingering doubts fade away. However difficult the road ahead, together they’ll be just fine.
After another hour visiting together, it’s time for Lando to head out. He’s clearly still anxious but also radiating love when he gazes at Gigi.
“Thank you again for everything,” he says sincerely, shaking your hand. “I’ll call my parents when I get home. Figure out how to break the news and beg for their help.”
He chuckles and you join in. “Don’t hesitate to text me anytime. About anything.”
Lando glances down at your scrawled cell number, then back up with a crooked grin. “Careful or I might take you up on the anything part.”
You blush slightly, waving him off. “Get out of here, you charmer. Go buy a crib and get some rest. Your life is about to get very busy.”
With a laugh, Lando walks backwards toward the exit, pointing finger guns at you. “Yes ma’am, Dr. Y/L/N. Catch you later.”
You stand shaking your head as he disappears from view. What an interesting patient case this has turned out to be.
Over the next several weeks, you and Lando text constantly. He sends cute videos and photos of Gigi along with his near-constant questions about her care. You don’t mind at all — you’re happy to guide him through this life transition.
True to his word, he quickly finds and furnishes a family-friendly luxury apartment in Monaco. He introduces Gigi to his stunned but excited parents via video call. He adjusts his training schedule to maximize time with her.
When his race travel resumes, he arranges for his parents or a local nanny to assist with Gigi full-time. Still, being apart takes an obvious toll on him.
The day before he’s set to fly to Australia for the first race of the season, Lando texts you a selfie looking forlorn, with Gigi snoozing on his chest.
Can you believe she’s already a month old? I don’t want to leave her!
You grin down at the photo. Gigi’s little rosebud lips are slightly parted as she sleeps. Lando’s staring at her adoringly despite the bags under his eyes.
I know it’s hard being away from her. But Gigi knows she has a father who loves her so much. Focus on making her proud out there!
You always know just what to say, doc. I’ll text you after the race!
You smile softly as you set down your phone. Over the past weeks, you’ve found yourself looking forward to Lando’s frequent messages and photos. He’s relieved when you reassure him he’s doing a great job as a new dad. And seeing Gigi thrive and grow under his doting care makes your heart fuller.
Professionally, your work is done now that Gigi and Lando are connected. But you can’t help feeling personally invested in this little family you helped create. You make a silent vow to always be there for them both, as long as they need you.
Weeks later, you’re jolted awake by your ringing cellphone. Bleary-eyed, you check the time: 2:37 am. Who could be calling at this hour?
You don’t recognize the number on your buzzing phone. But you answer anyway, just in case it’s an emergency.
“Hello?” You mumble into the phone.
“Y/N? Oh thank god!” The panicked voice on the other end makes you sit bolt upright.
“Lando? What’s wrong?” Worry floods your system, instantly washing away any grogginess.
“It’s Georgia,” he cries. “She woke up crying and felt so hot. I took her temperature — it’s 39 degrees! I think she has a fever?”
You’re already throwing off your blankets, phone tucked against your shoulder. “Okay, stay calm. How is she acting otherwise?”
“She’s crying and really fussy. Won’t take her bottle. I don’t know what to do!” Lando sounds near tears himself.
“Shhh, deep breath,” you soothe. “Fever in babies this young is serious. You need to take her to emergency department right away.”
“Right, emergency, of course-” Lando rambles nervously.
“I’ll meet you there ASAP. Princess Grace Hospital, yes?”
“Yes, please hurry!” He ends the call abruptly. You scramble for clothes with adrenaline pounding.
In under ten minutes, you’re peeling out of your driveway towards the hospital. Even at this hour, Monaco’s streets remain congested. You drum your fingers anxiously on the steering wheel, praying Georgia will be okay.
Once you’ve parked, you race inside the ED doors. Your eyes scan the crowded waiting room until you spot Lando pacing in the corner, Georgia whimpering against his shoulder.
You rush over. “Lando!”
He turns, relief washing over his features. “Y/N, you came. Thank you.”
“Of course.” You squeeze his arm comfortingly before looking Georgia over with practiced eyes. Her cheeks are flushed, eyelids fluttering as she whines. Definitely not well.
Lando bounces lightly, trying to soothe her. “They told me it’s at least an hour wait. She’s getting worse though.” His eyes glisten with tears.
Your protective instincts flare, seeing them both so distraught. Striding to the check-in desk, you put on your most authoritative voice.
“Excuse me, I’m Dr. Y/L/N. I have an infant patient here who needs immediate evaluation.”
The nurse scans the packed waiting room. “I’m so sorry doctor, we’re doing our best. If you could just wait-”
You interrupt firmly. “This is a seven week old with a spiking fever. She requires urgent triage and treatment, not a waiting room. I must insist we be seen next.”
The nurse purses her lips, but can’t really argue with your reasoning. “Of course. I’ll let the charge nurse know to get you back immediately.”
You nod curtly before returning to Lando, who looks awed. “Blimey, remind me not to get on your bad side.”
The hint of a smile on his lips relieves you. Georgia’s still fussy as you both follow a nurse back moments later.
In an exam room, you help transfer the baby from Lando’s arms to the table. Her pitiful crying tugs at your heart.
Lando hovers anxiously as you take Georgia’s vitals and change her into a hospital gown. 39.1°C — higher than the concerning range for an infant. You frown in worry. Poor little love.
Soon the attending pediatrician arrives to assess her. You explain the situation from Lando’s frantic call to racing over. The doctor asks questions while examining Georgia’s ears, throat, and reflexes. Lando clutches your hand tightly the entire time.
After what feels like an eternity, the pediatrician steps back. “Given the fever with no apparent source, I’m concerned this could be a serious bacterial infection. We’ll run labs to check for things like meningitis. Start IV antibiotics and paracetamol to bring her fever down quickly.”
Lando pales, swaying slightly at the onslaught of medical terms. You slip an arm around him supportively.
“You’re saying she might have meningitis?” Lando chokes out.
The doctor holds up his hands. “It’s just one possibility. We’re not sure yet. The labs will tell us more.”
Lando buries his face in his hands. Your heart breaks seeing his shoulders shaking.
After the doctor departs to order tests, you guide Lando to sit down, keeping an arm around him. “Hey, try to breathe. Georgia needs her daddy calm and strong right now.”
Lando drags a hand over his wet eyes. “God, I’m trying. But she’s so little and sick. What if … what if it’s something serious?” His voice breaks again.
You turn him gently to face you, hands on his shoulders. “Listen to me. Whatever is going on, we will figure it out, okay? I’m right here with you both.”
He searches your face before nodding unsteadily. You draw him into a fierce hug.
“We’ve got this,” you whisper.
A nurse entering startles you apart. “Alright, time for labs.”
You both watch anxiously as she collects blood and other samples from a deeply unhappy Georgia. Her shrieking cries at the poking and prodding are harrowing. Lando has gone deathly pale.
Once finished, the nurse situates an IV line in Georgia’s tiny hand, securing it with tape and popping a pacifier in her mouth. Her eyelids droop, cries fading to soft whimpers as medication starts flowing.
You glance at Lando. “Why don’t you hold her again? Skin to skin contact will help soothe you both.”
Looking relieved by the suggestion, Lando strips off his shirt and takes Georgia, nestling her against his bare chest. You drape a blanket over them before rubbing his back comfortingly.
Georgia’s fussing settles as her father hums softly, eyes never leaving her face. The pure love between them makes your throat tighten.
Despite the uncertainty ahead, you know Georgia couldn’t be in better hands. And you silently vow to remain steadfast by their side, for whatever comes next.
Eventually Georgia drifts to sleep. The pediatrician returns shortly after with test results. “Good news. All the cultures are negative so far. With the antibiotics and paracetamol, her fever is already decreasing.”
You and Lando both sigh in relief.
“So no meningitis?” Lando asks hopefully.
The doctor shakes his head. “Doesn’t appear to be. We’ll repeat testing tomorrow, but likely just a minor bacterial infection. She’ll need to stay a few days for monitoring and fluids.”
Lando clutches Georgia closer. “Anything she needs. Thank you, doctor.”
Once you’re alone again, Lando gazes down at his sleeping daughter. “I was so scared,” he admits softly.
You nod, squeezing his shoulder. “I know. But she’s getting great care now. Try and rest — it’s been a long night.”
Lando glances at the empty cot along the wall. “Stay? Please? I … I don’t want to be alone right now.” His voice sounds so small and vulnerable.
Your chest tightens. “Of course.”
You help shift Lando and Georgia onto the little bed. She stirs slightly as you both get settled on either side of her.
Lando strokes Georgia’s cheek tenderly. “My brave girl. You’re going to be just fine.” Glancing up, his eyes meet yours. “Thank you, Y/N. For everything.”
You offer a tired smile, taking his hand. “That’s what I’m here for. Get some sleep.”
Exhaustion quickly pulls you under. But Lando’s hand remains wrapped firmly in yours until morning.
A strong bond has formed between the three of you. And you know that whatever the future brings, you’ll be facing it together.
A few weeks after the scare, you’re finishing paperwork at your desk when your cell rings. Lando’s name pops up, making you smile.
Since the hospitalization, you and Lando have fallen into a routine of near daily calls and texts about Georgia. You don’t mind at all — you adore hearing the latest antics and milestones of your special little patient. Not to mention Lando’s voice tends to brighten your day.
You answer warmly. “Lando! How are my favorite patients today?”
He chuckles. “Well, Georgia just mastered holding her head up while on her tummy. She’s getting so strong! But uh, that’s actually why I’m calling ...”
You detect the hesitancy in his tone. “What’s up?”
Lando sighs. “So McLaren just sprung a mandatory sponsorship meeting on me last minute. It’s in like an hour. I don’t have any childcare lined up though.”
You frown sympathetically. The demands of Lando’s career often collide with new parenthood. “Oh no. Can you reschedule or bring Georgia with you?”
“I tried, but it’s impossible to postpone. And definitely not an ideal environment for a baby,” he laments. “I don’t have any family nearby and my usual nanny said it’s too short notice.”
Your thoughts race, heart sinking at imagining his distress. “Hmm. Well, do you happen to have any trusted neighbors or friends there who could babysit?”
Lando makes a frustrated noise. “I’ve barely met my neighbors. And my mates, well, most are even less qualified than me for childcare. I’m stuck.” Defeat colors his tone.
You bite your lip, hesitating only a moment before saying gently, “Lando, I could come watch her.”
“What? Really?” He sounds stunned. “But isn’t it your day off?”
“It’s no problem, truly,” you insist. “I don’t live far. Be there in fifteen?”
“I-I don’t know what to say. You’re a lifesaver, Y/N. Thank you, thank you!” Lando gushes gratefully.
You smile, already grabbing your keys. “Anytime. See you soon!”
On the drive over, butterflies flutter in your stomach. You adore Georgia, of course. But something about visiting Lando’s home, being fully immersed in his world, feels monumentally intimate.
Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself that your priority is helping a friend in need.
You park outside Lando’s sleek modern condo building and take the elevator up after checking in with the concierge. Before you can even knock, the front door swings open.
“Y/N, thank god,” Lando sighs in relief. He looks unfairly attractive despite being slightly disheveled in a dress shirt and slacks. “Please, come in.”
Stepping inside the open concept condo, your eyes sweep over minimalist furniture and racing memorabilia decorating the shelves. Cozy baby items like a playmat and bouncer provide stark contrast. It’s uniquely Lando.
“Nice place,” you remark sincerely.
“Thanks. Still feels empty sometimes, but slowly making it a home for Gigi.” He smiles softly. “Speaking of which ...”
You follow Lando down a short hallway to the nursery. Your heart melts at the sight of Georgia kicking on a playmat, wearing a pink romper with a giant bow.
Lando swoops her up, blowing raspberries on her cheek. “Daddy’s got a big important meeting, princess. But Y/N is going to play with you instead.”
He passes the baby over. Georgia gives you a gummy smile, cooing.
“There’s my sweet girl.” You tickle her belly, eliciting a giggle. Lando beams proudly.
“Alright, her bottle is prepped in the fridge, and there’s clean nappies on the change table. Call if you need anything at all.”
Lando leans down to kiss Georgia’s head. “Be good for Y/N, monkey.”
With a final grateful smile your way, he heads out. You settle on the nursery floor with Georgia. “What adventures shall we have today, miss?”
The next few hours pass in a blur of playing, feeding, changing, and rocking little Georgia. You even manage a nap time by singing softly, something that always seemed to soothe her in the hospital.
Watching her sleep, you feel a rush of tenderness for the tiny being who has depended on you since her first moments. You vow to always be there when Lando and Georgia need you.
Soon enough, Lando returns home looking drained. But his whole face lights up seeing you and Georgia on the floor.
“How’d it go?” He asks, crouching down to tickle her toes.
“Perfect. We had lots of fun, isn’t that right, lovebug?” You hand the baby over for cuddles.
“Daddy missed you.” Lando nuzzles Georgia, before giving you a grateful smile. “I can’t thank you enough. Truly. You’re a natural with her.”
You wave off his praise, but can’t deny the warm spark his words ignite.
After chatting a bit more about Georgia’s afternoon and Lando’s meeting, it’s time for you to head out.
At the door, Lando halts you with a gentle hand on your wrist.
“Hey, let me take you to dinner this week — a proper thank you,” he entreats. “Anywhere you like.”
Your pulse quickens. It sounds suspiciously close to a date. But Lando’s smiling hopefully, and you find yourself nodding before overthinking it.
“I’d love that.”
Lando grins, looking both relieved and excited. “Brilliant! I’ll text you details. Have a safe drive home.”
Strapping into your car, your thoughts race wildly. This man and his daughter have captured your heart. What started as a professional duty has grown into so much more.
As you drive away, Lando and Georgia waving from the window, you can’t keep the giddy smile off your face.
Your lives are intertwining in the most marvelous ways. And you can’t wait to see what adventures are in store next.
The following Saturday evening, you stand in front of the mirror, fussing with your hair and makeup. Glancing at the clock, you feel butterflies swarming. Lando will arrive any minute to pick you up for dinner.
You smooth non-existent wrinkles from your knee-length black dress. It’s daringly low cut for you, but you want to feel beautiful tonight.
A buzz from your phone makes you jolt. Lando is here! Taking a deep breath, you grab your purse and hurry downstairs.
Stepping outside your apartment building, you freeze in awe. Gleaming in the golden hour sunlight is a sleek dark blue vintage supercar unlike any other you’ve seen before.
The driver door opens, and Lando steps out looking devastatingly handsome in a tailored suit. He beams. “Wow, Y/N. You look absolutely stunning.”
You blush at the sincerity in his warm gaze. “Thank you. This is … quite the car!”
Lando grins, patting the hood affectionately. “She’s my baby — a Lamborghini Miura. Isn’t she a beauty?”
You take in the aerodynamic lines and what you can only assume is a very powerful engine. “Gorgeous. And probably costs more than my yearly income.”
Lando laughs. “But she’s perfect for impressing a lovely date.” He winks before opening the passenger door for you.
You carefully climb in, hyper aware of the tiny black dress riding up your thighs. Lando’s eyes trace your legs appreciatively as you smooth your skirt.
Soon you’re zipping through the seaside city, wind whipping your hair through the open windows. Lando navigates the roads expertly.
He glances your way. “Hope this is alright! Wanted to take the fun car out while the weather holds up.”
You grin at him. “Are you kidding? I feel like a movie star!”
He looks delighted, picking up speed as you both relax into the ride.
Before long, you pull up at the legendary Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo. A uniformed valet opens your door. Taking the proffered hand, you step out feeling like a princess.
Lando offers his arm. “Shall we?”
Inside the opulent restaurant, you’re quickly shown to an intimate table beside a window overlooking the glittering Mediterranean sea. Soft piano music fills the space.
“Lando, this is incredible,” you breathe, taking it all in.
He smiles, eyes never leaving your face. “Only the best for you.”
You blush again at his sincerity. A waiter appears to take your drink order. When you request just water, Lando insists you pick any wine on the menu.
You settle on a creamy chardonnay that pairs perfectly with your scallops and Lando’s steak. Thoughtful touches like him pulling out your chair or refilling your wine glass make the lavish meal all the more special.
The conversation flows effortlessly from racing to traveling to favourite films and music. More than once, Lando’s foot brushes yours beneath the table, sending sparks skittering across your skin.
After dessert, you both linger over coffee, hands unconsciously joined on the pristine tablecloth between you. The connection humming between you feels profound.
When Lando finally checks his watch with a reluctant sigh, you’re surprised to see you’ve been there for over three hours. It felt like mere minutes.
On the drive back, you steal glances at his sharp profile in the fading light. Joy bubbles inside you. The evening exceeded your wildest expectations.
Too soon, you’re pulling up outside your building. Lando hurries around to open your door, ever the gentleman. Clasping his hand, you step out onto the curb together.
Turning, you find him watching you closely. “I had the most wonderful time tonight,” you say sincerely.
Lando’s face breaks into a grin. “Truly magical. Thank you for coming, Y/N.” He squeezes your hand, thumb tracing delicate circles.
On impulse, you lean up and press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Goodnight, Lando.”
With a final squeeze of his hand, you turn and walk inside, casting a coy look back to see him touching his cheek in wonder.
Safely in your apartment, you kick off your heels, collapsing onto the sofa with a giddy smile. The evening played in your mind like a movie — the fancy car, exquisite dinner, effortless conversation. And that powerful connection with Lando blossoming into something new and tender.
What started as a professional relationship has organically grown into a deep friendship over your shared love of little Georgia. But tonight awoke a yearning for more. You sensed the same from Lando in the way he looked at you — with affection, wonder, and desire.
You drift off on the couch still reliving each vivid moment. This feels like the start of something life changing.
Meanwhile, Lando remains fixed outside your building, fingers brushing the spot your lips graced. The soft press seared an imprint deep within him.
People had warned him pursuing anything romantic with Georgia’s physician was unwise. But from the instant he saw you holding his fragile newborn girl, instinct told him you were special. That only grew each day as your compassion and devotion soothed his frightened heart.
Tonight confirmed what he felt blooming for weeks now — he’s completely enchanted by you.
With your laughter still echoing in his mind, Lando finally drives off into the night. He knows his future, wherever it leads, must have you and Georgia in it. He’s falling, fast and hard.
And for once, recklessly chasing his heart feels entirely right. He just hopes you’ll take this leap with him.
On a sunny afternoon, you’re sitting cross-legged on Lando’s living room rug playing with Georgia. At nearly four months old now, she’s mastered rolling over and absolutely loves tummy time.
You grin as she determinedly pushes up on her hands, rocking back and forth. “That’s it, clever girl! You’ve almost got it.”
Georgia gives you a gummy smile before toppling over with a huff. Behind you, Lando chuckles from the couch where he’s on hold with a takeaway place.
“I swear she gets more stubborn every day. Definitely takes after me,” he remarks fondly.
You smile. “She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to work for it. Sound familiar?”
Lando laughs. “Too right. At this rate, she’ll be racing cars herself soon.”
You’re about to respond when the sound of the front door opening makes you both freeze. Before you can react, an accented female voice calls out excitedly.
“Lando, darling! Surprise, we’ve come to visit!”
Lando flies off the couch just as his parents round the corner. “Mum! Dad! What are you doing here?”
He embraces them both tightly while you hover awkwardly behind Georgia. What must Lando’s family think finding a strange woman playing with their grandchild?
But before you can open your mouth to explain, Lando’s mum spots you. Her face lights up. “Y/N! How wonderful to finally meet you in person!”
To your shock, she swoops down and hugs you like a long lost relative. Bewildered, you return the embrace.
Over her shoulder, Lando rubs his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, I may have told them a fair bit about you and Gigi ...”
His father approaches next, politely shaking your hand. “Lando speaks very highly of you, Y/N. Thank you for taking such good care of our boy and the little one.”
“Oh, um, of course!” You manage to stammer out. Lando mentioned you to his parents? The thought makes your heart flutter wildly.
Before you can dwell on it, Georgia lets out an impatient shriek from her abandoned tummy time.
Cisca gasps, immediately scooping her up. “Oh my goodness, look how big you’ve gotten, baby girl!” She tickles Georgia’s belly, eliciting sweet giggles.
Lando smiles softly at the sight. You feel privileged to witness this intimate family moment.
Soon you’re all seated around the living room, chatting comfortably. Adam keeps throwing not-so-subtle winks Lando’s way whenever you and Cisca fawn over Georgia together. Lando just shakes his head, cheeks slightly flushed.
Later, his parents insist on taking you both out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Over the meal, you observe how Cisca’s animated mannerisms and Adam’s dry wit remind you so much of Lando. He clearly inherited the best of both.
Walking back to the car afterwards, Cisca links her arm through yours fondly. “I’m just thrilled Lando has you looking after him and little Georgia. It takes a very special woman to so selflessly love and support someone else’s child.”
You squeeze her arm, touched. “Well, they make it easy. I’d do anything for those two.”
Cisca pats your hand knowingly. “I can see that, dear. Don’t ever let my son take that for granted.”
Glancing ahead, you watch Lando swinging a sleepy Georgia in his arms, gazing down at her with pure adoration. Your heart clenches.
“I don’t think that’s possible. He’s the most devoted father imaginable,” you reply softly.
Cisca follows your gaze, smiling. “He is at that. Just like his own.”
Adam wraps an arm around his wife, kissing her temple. Cisca leans into him with a contented sigh. Their easy intimacy and abiding love is relationship goals.
You find yourself sneaking another peek at Lando, imagining strolling arm in arm like that one day. But it’s too soon for such daydreams.
Still, meeting his wonderful parents today, seeing how he talks about you … it feels like things are shifting into place.
That night, as Lando walks you to your car, he stops you with a hand on your wrist. “Thank you again for today. You were brilliant with my parents — they’re absolutely smitten.”
You grin. “They’re lovely. I see where you get it from.”
Lando rolls his eyes but smiles bashfully. An impulse has you leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight, Lando.” With a little wave, you slip into your car before he can respond.
But the awestruck look on Lando’s face stays with you the whole drive home. Something big is on the horizon, you can feel it.
And if the way his family embraced you today is any indication, you have their full support too. You’ve never been more excited about what the future holds.
A few days later, you’re rushing around your apartment getting ready. Lando invited you over for dinner and a movie tonight while his parents watch Georgia. You’ve been looking forward to the rare child-free evening all week.
After debating outfit options, you decide on form fitting jeans and a silky camisole. Casual yet flirty. Dabbing on a bit of perfume, you check yourself in the mirror. You want to knock his socks off.
Precisely at six, your phone chimes with a text from Lando that he’s waiting outside. Taking a deep breath, you go meet him.
As expected, he looks effortlessly handsome leaning against his flashy car grinning at you. “Well don’t you look gorgeous tonight,” he remarks, opening your door.
You smirk, settling into the low seat. “Not looking too bad yourself, Mr. Norris.”
Lando just winks before speeding off into the golden hour sunlight. You chat easily throughout the short drive about your days apart. When you mention missing Georgia, Lando smiles softly.
“Me too, constantly. But she’s in great hands with my parents tonight.” Reaching over, he gives your hand an affectionate squeeze that makes your heart race.
Soon you pull up outside Lando’s sleek condo building. He leads you upstairs, fingers entwined.
Inside, mouthwatering aromas fill the air. You follow Lando to the kitchen where pots bubble away on the stove.
“I hope you’re hungry. My dad’s recipe for chicken curry.” Lando stirs one of the pots before glancing at you shyly. “I may have been practicing all week.”
You grin, touched that he went to such effort. “It smells incredible! I didn’t know you could cook.”
“Full of surprises.” Lando winks. “Now you just relax while I finish up.”
You perch at the kitchen island while Lando works. The domesticity of it all makes your chest feel warm. You could definitely get used to this.
Soon dinner is served along with a crisp white wine. You compliment Lando between bites, making him preen. Everything is delicious.
Over dessert, your feet become entangled beneath the small table. The simmering looks passing between you leave no doubt this is a date.
With dishes cleared, Lando leads you to the living room. “Now, the entertainment portion of the evening.” He gestures grandly towards the large TV.
You settle onto the plush grey sectional while Lando queues up your chosen rom-com. Before pressing play, he pauses.
“Do you maybe want to get more comfortable?” He gestures to the blanket and abundance of throw pillows nearby.
You smile, touched at how he’s trying to create a cozy movie watching environment. “That sounds perfect.”
Working together, you both strip down to t-shirts and lounge pants, then arrange the pillows and blankets into a comfy nest. Your heart races at the intimacy of it all.
Lando opens his arms for you to curl against his chest. You sigh, breathing in his comforting scent. His steady heartbeat thrums beneath your ear as the movie starts.
About halfway through, you glance up to see Lando staring down at you tenderly, movie forgotten. He brushes a strand of hair from your face, fingers trailing down to tilt your chin up. Eyes fluttering shut, you lean in as his lips meet yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
Everything around you fades away. The only sensation is Lando’s gentle lips moving with yours, laced with warmth and affection.
When you finally break apart, faces lingering close, he exhales shakily. “Wow. That was ...”
“Perfect,” you whisper, caressing his stubbled cheek. Lando nuzzles into your touch.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time,” he admits with a crooked smile.
You grin. “What took you so long?”
Lando laughs, pulling you closer again. Your lips find their way back together naturally. With your legs entwined and his hand trailing up and down your back, you lose all track of time and space.
Eventually you pull back just to catch your breath, lips pleasantly swollen. Lando strokes your hair tenderly.
“Y/N, you must know by now how truly special you are to me. From the moment we met, I felt fate bringing us together. And I never want to let you go.” His eyes search yours intently.
Your pulse quickens. “Lando ...”
“What I’m trying to say is ...” He takes a deep breath. “Will you be my girlfriend? Officially?”
Joy erupts inside you as you throw your arms around his neck. “Yes, I’d love nothing more!”
Lando’s delighted laughter vibrates against you as he squeezes you tight. You stay locked in an embrace, trading giddy kisses until sleepiness inevitably sets in.
Lando carries you to bed, tucking you both under the covers with your head pillowed on his chest. You drift off smiling, his steady heartbeat your lullaby.
Waking wrapped in Lando’s arms the next morning feels like pure bliss. He stirs, blinking awake to see you watching him fondly.
“Morning, beautiful.” Lando caresses your cheek before capturing your lips in a tender good morning kiss.
You hum contentedly. “I could get very used to this.”
“Well luckily, you’re my girlfriend now. So you’re stuck with me.” He grins playfully.
You snuggle impossibly closer. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
On a sunny spring morning, you’re in Lando’s kitchen pureeing some bananas for Georgia’s breakfast. At nearly one year old now, she’s mastered eating soft finger foods.
Lando wanders in with Georgia propped on his hip, her dark curls tied up in adorable pigtails. “Someone’s ready for her breakfast!”
You grin, smoothing Georgia’s hair back to kiss her chubby cheek. “Morning, my darling! Got your bananas all ready.”
Lando settles Georgia into her high chair, handing you her baby spoon shaped like a rabbit. “Not sure who’s more excited about mealtimes now, her or me,” he jokes.
You laugh. “Gotta get our girl fed so she has energy to get into everything!”
Georgia bangs her hands impatiently on the tray until you scoop up a spoonful of bananas. “Alright, here comes the Formula 1 car!”
You zoom the spoon around playfully before popping it in her mouth. Georgia squeals in delight, kicking her little feet.
Lando leans against the counter smiling as you continue taking turns feeding her. When the last bites are finished, he grabs a washcloth to wipe Georgia’s sticky face and hands.
“Who’s my big girl eating like such a pro?” He coos, tickling her belly. Georgia dissolves into adorable giggles.
Setting the washcloth down, Lando brushes a stray banana strand from her hair. “You’re the sweetest, most beautiful girl in the whole world. Yes you are!”
Georgia beams up at him, waving her hands excitedly. Then clear as day, she exclaims “Mama!”
You freeze in shock. Did she just ...
Lando’s eyes fly to yours, equally stunned. An awkward tension instantly permeates the room.
“I-I never encouraged that, I swear,” Lando rushes to explain, panicked. “I always call you by name when I talk about you to her.”
“No no, of course, I didn’t think-” You halt, flustered. “I would never try to make her call me ...” You can’t even say it, heart pounding wildly.
A heavy silence falls. You avert your eyes, anxiously twisting the washcloth between your hands.
Lando scrubs a hand down his face. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know why she ...” He trails off helplessly.
After a long pause, Lando touches your arm gently. “Hey, look at me?”
You reluctantly meet his earnest gaze. Lando takes your hands in his, tone serious.
“Y/N, you must know how much I respect your role in Georgia’s life. We’re partners in this, fully. I would never try to force a maternal label on you.”
His obvious sincerity makes you instantly relax. Offering a small smile, you squeeze his hands.
“Of course. I didn’t think that. It just took me by surprise is all.” You take a deep breath before continuing hesitantly.
“But, well … the idea of Georgia seeing me that way doesn’t scare me. Not if it happens naturally.” You chance a glance at Lando through your lashes.
His eyes soften. “Truly?” At your shy nod, a smile spreads across his face.
“Because, well, I was thinking the same.” Lando cradles your face between his palms. “You already are a mum to her in every way that matters.”
You release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Joy and relief flood your system.
Georgia makes an impatient noise, breaking the tender spell. You both chuckle.
Lando lifts her from the chair into his arms. “Don’t worry princess, your mama isn’t going anywhere.”
Hearing those words from Lando sends your heart soaring. You join the cuddle, Georgia nestled happily between you.
“Our sweet girl,” Lando murmurs, meeting your gaze over her little head. The pure love reflected back at you erases any lingering doubts.
You place a soft kiss to Georgia’s curls, then lean up to capture Lando’s lips. The promise of your future together never felt stronger.
Many more milestones await, for Georgia and your relationship both. But you know without question that the bonds between you three will only continue growing deeper.
Of all the twists and turns on this journey, your little family is the sweetest gift of all.
The day of the Monaco Grand Prix dawns bright and clear. You finish braiding Georgia’s hair as she babbles happily. At 18 months old now, her vocabulary expands daily.
“There we go, pretty girl! All set to cheer on Daddy!”
Georgia grins. “Dada race!”
You smile, smoothing her dress. “That’s right, darling!”
A knock sounds right before Lando pokes his head into the nursery. “My two favorite girls about ready?”
Scooping up Georgia, you turn so he can admire her race day outfit. “Well don’t we look beautiful!” Lando tickles Georgia’s tummy before pulling you both into a hug.
“I can’t tell you how much it means to have you both here today,” he says softly.
You squeeze him tight. As a pediatrician, getting full weekends off for races proved nearly impossible. But for Monaco, you moved mountains.
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you assure him. Lando’s responding smile warms your heart.
The energy at the track is electric. Georgia’s eyes widen taking in all the sights and sounds. You carry her through the paddock towards the McLaren garage, Lando greeting various people along the way.
Inside, Lando steals a quick kiss. “I better go get suited up. See you after?”
You nod, adjusting a squirmy Georgia on your hip. “We’ll be cheering the loudest!”
Lando changes into his race suit, then leads you both over to his car. Georgia is mesmerized, reaching a tiny hand towards the shiny machine.
“That’s right munchkin, this is what Daddy drives!” Lando points out key features, then grabs a helmet from a crew member.
“Want to try it on?” Not waiting for an answer, Lando gently fits the helmet over Georgia’s curls. She immediately shrieks in delight.
Laughing, Lando scoops her up, zooming her around like she’s driving. “Look at you, a future champion in the making!”
You snap some photos of the adorable scene until it’s time for Lando to go off with his performance coach. After one last kiss for both of you, he disappears into the controlled pre-race chaos.
An assistant escorts you to the McLaren hospitality suite overlooking the pit lane. The view of the gleaming harbor and yachts reminds you this race is unlike anywhere else.
As start time nears, you cuddle a restless Georgia close, pointing out Lando’s car lined up on the grid. “See? There’s Daddy! He’s about to go racing.” Her little brow furrows, not quite understanding.
When the lights go out, Georgia startles at the loud roar of engines. Rubbing her back soothingly, you keep your eyes glued to the screen as the cars hurtle towards the tight first corner bottleneck.
“Come on Lando,” you murmur under your breath. He emerges from the chaos in 4th position. Off to a promising start.
Over the next 90 minutes, you fluctuate between pure elation and anxiety as the race unfolds. A collision forces Lando to pit unexpectedly. Just as your heart rate settles, another car spins right in front of him, spraying debris across the track.
But Lando holds his nerve, keeping the car under control to cross the line in P3. You leap up, cheering loudly with Georgia.
Soon Lando emerges, hair damp from the obligatory champagne shower.
His race suit is unzipped to the waist as he sweeps you both into an exuberant hug. “You did so good,” you murmur into his neck. Pulling back, Lando caresses Georgia’s head where it rests heavily on your shoulder.
“Little one tuckered herself out cheering for Daddy, hmm?” He takes her gently as she nuzzles into his chest with a yawn.
“Let’s get my best girls home.” With Georgia cradled in one arm and the other around your waist, Lando leads you out of the paddock like a proud family man. Your heart feels fit to burst.
That night after Georgia is tucked into bed, you curl up together on the couch. The TV plays highlights of the race you lived firsthand.
Lando absently strokes your hair. “You know, the lads invited me out to celebrate tonight.”
You lift your head. “Oh really? You should go have fun!”
But Lando just smiles, pulling you closer. “And miss this? Not a chance.” He kisses you tenderly. “Partying in Monaco holds nothing on being with my two favorite people.”
You kiss him again, touched. However far Lando’s career takes him, you know his heart will remain right here with you and Georgia.
Summer finally arrives, bringing a short respite between races for Lando. Eager to make the most of it, you suggest visiting your hometown to introduce him and Georgia to your parents.
“They’d love to finally meet you both,” you say over breakfast one morning.
Lando smiles, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. “That sounds brilliant, love. I can’t wait to see where you grew up.”
You grin excitedly. “It’s nothing glamorous like Monaco. But I have so many good memories there.”
With plans made, you set off early one sunny Saturday morning, boarding a flight with Georgia securely buckled into her carrier. She babbles happily for most of the flight, enchanted by the clouds and miniature landscape passing below. Lando keeps one hand firmly clasped in yours the entire time.
Late afternoon, you finally pull up outside the cozy house you grew up in. Taking a deep breath, you unbuckle a sleepy Georgia from her seat.
“We’re here, Gigi! Ready to meet Grandma and Grandpa?”
She rubs her eyes with a tiny fist, still drowsy. Lando comes around to lift her into his arms.
“Someone’s a bit tired from all the traveling, huh? Maybe a quick nap first?” He kisses Georgia’s fuzzy head as she snuggles into his shoulder.
You nod, smoothing down her rumpled sundress. Taking Lando’s free hand, you head up the front walk.
Before you can even knock, the front door swings open. Your mum stands beaming at the threshold.
“Y/N! Oh, let me see her!” She sweeps you into a tight hug before immediately cooing over a now awake Georgia. “What an absolute darling!”
You grin. “Mom, meet your granddaughter, Georgia.” Saying it out loud sends a little thrill through you.
Your mother gently strokes Georgia’s dark curls. “Look at all this beautiful hair! Those eyes are all her daddy though.” She smiles warmly at Lando.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N,” Lando says politely, shaking her extended hand.
“Oh please, call me Y/M/N! Now come in, come in!” She ushers you both inside the familiar cozy house.
Your dad appears from his office to exchange hearty handshakes and hugs. Lando looks slightly overwhelmed by the enthusiastic welcome.
Sensing this, you squeeze his arm reassuringly. “Why don’t I put Georgia down for her nap? You guys chat.”
Lando shoots you a grateful smile. You disappear down the hall to your childhood bedroom, now converted to a cozy nursery space. Georgia is out like a light before you’ve even finished tucking her in.
Returning to the living room, you pause in the doorway, heart swelling at the scene. Lando sits between your parents on the sofa as they animatedly show him your baby photos. His eyes shine taking it all in. This is the sense of family he’s long craved.
Eventually Georgia wakes, cranky and clingy. You scoop her up, breathing in that sweet baby scent as you rub her back.
“I know, lots of new things happening today. But you’re being so brave.” Dropping a kiss to her curls, you return to the living room.
Your mother immediately reaches for Georgia, who goes willingly into her arms. “Come sit with Grandma, sweetheart.”
Settling on the couch between your parents again, Lando slips an arm around your shoulders. Georgia babbles happily from your mother’s lap.
The rest of the day passes comfortably as your parents dote on their new granddaughter. Watching your mom help Georgia toddle around the yard, your dad pushing her on the tree swing, Lando’s arm stays wrapped securely around you.
That night after Georgia is down, you find Lando out on the back porch gazing up at the stars. You join him on the steps, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“You okay?”
Lando looks down at you with a soft smile. “More than. Today was really special.”
He brushes a strand of hair from your face. “Seeing how your parents just immediately welcomed us into the family … it means everything. I never expected to find this.” His voice turns thick with emotion.
You lift your head to meet his sincere gaze, heart brimming over. No words needed, you convey it all in a tender kiss.
When you eventually pull apart, foreheads touching, Lando exhales shakily. “Being here with you and Gigi, it just feels so right. Like we were always meant to be a family.”
Joyful tears prick your eyes hearing him voice the same feeling living inside you. You cradle his face gently.
“We were, Lando. From that very first day in the hospital, I knew fate brought us together for a reason.”
Lando’s responding smile could outshine the moon and stars overhead. He kisses you again, soft and unhurried, arms encircling you on that familiar back porch.
Two years to the day after that fateful first meeting, you’re finishing rounds in the maternity ward when your supervisor requests you in her office. Brow furrowed, you make your way down the hall and knock lightly.
“Come in!”
You step inside to find her beaming behind her desk. “Y/N! Please, have a seat.”
Perplexed, you settle into the plush chair across from her. “Is everything okay?”
“Better than okay, I’d say.” She grins and slides an official document across the desk towards you. “Take a look at this.”
You scan the letter, eyes widening. It’s a notice of a 250,000 euro donation to the hospital’s maternity ward and nursery … made in your name.
“What? This must be a mistake, I didn’t ...” You trail off, completely baffled.
Your supervisor laughs. “Oh it’s quite real, I assure you. In fact, the donor himself insisted on being here today to celebrate.”
Before you can respond, a knock sounds. You turn to see Lando stroll in, right on cue, with a grinning Georgia perched on his hip.
“Lando!” You gasp. “Did you … is this from you?”
He smiles almost shyly, setting Georgia down so she can toddle over to you. “Wanted to do something meaningful to mark the anniversary of when we first met.”
You stand frozen in shock as Georgia crashes into your legs. Scooping her up, you turn back to Lando with tears in your eyes.
“This is too much, I … I don’t know what to say.” You glance between him and your equally emotional supervisor.
Lando moves closer, taking your hands in his. “Say you’ll come with me for a proper celebration? Just the three of us?” He brushes his thumbs over your knuckles, eyes twinkling.
Unable to form words, you simply nod. Lando’s face lights up with that smile that still makes your heart skip.
After signing some paperwork and hugging your supervisor profusely, you allow Lando to lead you out to the car, Georgia babbling happily between you. But instead of heading home, he drives to the glittering harbor front.
There, you gasp to see a magnificent yacht floating ready at the dock. A crew in crisp white uniforms wait nearby.
Lando grins at your stunned reaction. “Told you we’re celebrating in style today!”
The staff smiles warmly as you board, cooing over Georgia toddling around excitedly. She especially loves watching the foam trail behind the yacht as it pulls away from shore.
You stand wrapped in Lando’s arms, his chin resting on your shoulder. “I still can’t believe you did all this,” you murmur.
Lando presses a kiss to your temple. “You deserve it all and more, my love.”
You pass a blissful afternoon on the water, enjoying a gourmet lunch and each other’s company. Lando is attentive as ever, making sure you want for nothing.
As the sun dips low, a crew member approaches. “So sorry to interrupt, but we’ll be arriving shortly. Please follow me downstairs to prepare.”
You glance questioningly at Lando, but he just smiles and urges you to follow with Georgia. Down in your luxurious cabin, an elegant evening gown awaits on the bed alongside a tiny version for Georgia.
Your heart flutters wildly now. Lando is clearly planning something major. You help Georgia into her dress, your hands shaking slightly with anticipation.
A knock at the door announces the crew member has returned. “We’ve arrived back at port, whenever you’re ready.”
Back up top, Lando stands waiting in a sharp suit, holding a bouquet of roses. He looks devastatingly handsome.
Taking your hand, he leads you down the gangplank onto the dock where a car waits to whisk you away into the hills overlooking the sea. The sunset bathes everything in golden light.
When the car stops at a secluded lookout point, Lando helps you out then retrieves a sleepy Georgia. Hand in hand, you approach the cliff edge.
Down below, a massive light display flashes to life along the shoreline. You gasp as the glowing words become clear:
Y/N, will you marry me?
You clap a hand over your mouth, spinning to Lando with tears pooling in your eyes. He’s down on one knee, Georgia sitting next to him playing with flower petals.
“Two years ago, you came into our lives and changed everything,” Lando begins emotionally. “Your compassion and selflessness as a doctor saved my fragile new family.”
He takes a shaky breath. “But you gave me so much more than that. Your kindness, your beauty inside and out, your incredible love for me and Georgia … you’re my dream come true.”
Tears spill freely down your cheeks as Lando pulls out a glittering diamond ring. “So Y/N Y/L/N, nothing would make me happier than for you to officially become my family. Will you marry me?”
A joyful sob escapes you as you sink down, throwing your arms around him. “Yes, Lando, a million times yes!”
His relieved laughter vibrates against you. When you pull back, Lando takes your hand gently to slide the exquisite ring onto your finger. A perfect fit.
Georgia seems to sense the significance of the moment and toddles over to wrap her little arms around your legs. You lift her into a fierce hug between you.
“I love you both so very much,” you whisper emotionally. Lando’s responding smile outshines the luminous lights along the shore.
Cradling your faces in his hands, he seals his proposal with the sweetest kiss as the sunset fades to twilight.
You linger wrapped in Lando’s arms, Georgia nestled between you, as the first stars emerge overhead. Right here, surrounded by your little family, you’ve never felt happier or more at peace.
It’s extraordinary what two short years can bring — unexpected joy, profound purpose, and a love greater than you dared dream.
The brightest days are still ahead. But tonight, in this perfect moment, you know you’ve already found everything you’ll ever need.
The day of your wedding to Lando dawns bright and sunny — perfect weather for an outdoor ceremony overlooking the glittering Mediterranean sea.
Inside the bridal suite, your mother puts the final pins in your elegant updo while your bridesmaids fuss over the train of your lace gown.
A knock at the door announces your father’s arrival. When you turn to face him in your wedding finery, his eyes well up.
“Oh sweetheart … you look absolutely beautiful.”
You immediately tear up too, embracing him tightly. “Don’t make me ruin my makeup before I’ve even walked down the aisle!”
He laughs wetly, dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief. “Couldn’t help it! My girl is all grown up.”
Looking in the mirror, you hardly recognize yourself in the exquisite dress and pinned-back curls. But the overwhelmed bride staring back has the same little girl dreams you harbored all those years ago. Dreams that are finally coming true today.
Another quick knock precedes Georgia toddling in, chubby legs pumping. Your flower girl is absolutely angelic in her silky dress.
“Mama, pwetty!” She declares, rushing over for cuddles. You scoop her up, breathing in that sweet baby scent you adore.
“You look so beautiful, my love.” Blinking back fresh tears, you smooth down her unruly curls. “Ready to walk down the aisle with flowers?”
Georgia just grins and reaches for your necklace. You tickle her belly, making her dissolve into adorable giggles. Your heart swells with love for your daughter.
Too soon, the wedding coordinator is poking her head in. “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s just about time!”
Butterflies erupt as everyone hustles to line up. Your father tucks your arm through his, beaming with pride. Just outside the doors, Georgia toddles down the petal-strewn aisle ahead of you both.
Then the soaring orchestral processional begins, and you step out into the golden afternoon sunlight. Gasps and murmurs rise at the sight of your dramatic gown trailing behind.
But your eyes lock instantly on Lando under the flower-woven arch, looking devastatingly handsome in his slate grey suit. His face lights up, and you know that your own mirrors the same wonder and joy.
The ceremony passes in a blur of emotions. Before you know it, the officiant instructs you and Lando to face each other and take hands. Time for the vows.
You go first, hands shaking as you pull out your prepared words. But speaking from the heart comes easily.
“Lando, when we first met under the most unexpected circumstances, I had no idea of the amazing journey we’d go on together. My job was to ensure your new daughter received the care she deserved.”
Your voice wavers slightly. “But so quickly, you both became so much more. Being welcomed into your family was the greatest gift. Watching Georgia grow, guiding her first steps and words ...”
You have to pause, blinking back more tears. Lando squeezes your hands encouragingly.
Composing yourself, you continue thickly, “I vow to always provide that same nurturing love and support. I promise to be your safe place to call home after long days apart. And I pledge to show our daughter daily what it means to be a strong, compassionate woman.”
Taking a shaky breath, you finish softly, “You two are my entire world. Loving you is life’s greatest joy.”
Lando’s eyes glisten as he brushes away the single tear trailing down your cheek. His thumbs linger, cradling your face tenderly.
Clearing his throat, he begins his own vows, voice wavering with emotion. “Y/N, you appeared in my life like an angel that frightening day at the hospital. I was so lost, overwhelmed by the massive responsibility of suddenly having Georgia.”
He glances down at your joined hands. “But your compassion and wisdom guided me through those uncertain early days. You made us feel safe.”
Looking up, his eyes pierce yours intensely. “What started as our doctor-patient relationship grew into the most important friendship I’ve ever known. And then, miraculously, into true, deep love. Thank you for loving Georgia as your own and showing me what true partnership means.”
Lando’s voice cracks. He pauses to take a shaky breath. “So I vow to spend every day reciprocating that love and support. I promise to shield you from the chaos of my world and provide a peaceful home for our family.”
Then he turns, taking a folded paper from the best man. “I asked Georgia if she wanted to say anything to her mama today.”
He opens it to reveal a drawing of three stick figures, one much smaller than the others. Scribbled hearts surround you all.
Lando’s voice thickens. “She said to tell you she loves you ‘this much’ and that you’re the best mama ever.”
A sob escapes you as Lando refolds the cherished drawing and hands it over. You press it to your heart, blinking back a fresh wave of tears.
Finally, you slip the wedding bands onto each other’s fingers with whispered words of eternal love and commitment.
When the officiant pronounces you husband and wife, Lando sweeps you into his arms for the kind of kiss that steals your breath and stops time.
You are finally, officially, wholeheartedly one.
The reception flies by in more happy tears, moving speeches, delicious food, and dancing under the stars. Watching Lando twirl Georgia around the floor tugs at your heart.
Later, as you slow dance wrapped in your new husband’s arms, Lando kisses your hair and whispers, “Ready for this new adventure together, Dr. Y/L/N-Norris?”
You beam up at him. “Absolutely. Lead the way, Mr. Norris.”
No matter where life takes you next on this journey, your family will thrive and grow stronger. Lando’s love lifts you up in ways you never imagined possible. And you vow to cherish and repay that gift until your last breath.
Returning home from a blissful honeymoon, you settle back into domestic life with Lando and Georgia. Mornings are spent over pancakes, playing hide and seek, and dancing around the living room. The pure joy of your little family never ceases to warm your heart.
One evening after putting Georgia to bed, you curl up with Lando on the couch and hesitantly broach something you’ve been thinking about.
“So I wanted to discuss something with you. It’s just an idea, and please don’t feel pressured at all.” You take a deep breath. “What would you think about me officially adopting Gigi?”
Lando’s eyes widen in surprise. You rush to continue explaining.
“I don’t want you to think I need a piece of paper to love her with my whole heart, because I already do. More than anything in this world.” Your voice cracks slightly.
Reaching out, you grasp his hands. “I just want to make sure that no matter what, I have a legal right to take care of her. But only if you’re completely comfortable with it!”
Lando is quiet for a long moment, studying your anxious face. Then a smile spreads across his face. “Love, I think it’s a beautiful idea.”
You sag in relief. “Truly? I wasn’t sure if it was too much ...”
Lando silences you with a tender kiss. “Gigi is the luckiest girl in the world to have you as her mum. I want the whole world to know that too.”
Tears prick your eyes as Lando caresses your cheek. “The day you promised to love Georgia as your own was the moment I knew you were different. I see how you are with her — the time, the care, the unconditional love ...” His voice cracks slightly.
“You gave us the greatest gift. I want you to have the same security that she’ll always be yours.”
A single tear traces down your cheek. Lando brushes it away gently before drawing you into his arms. You cling to him, heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
When you finally pull back, Lando is dabbing at his own eyes. “So,” he says with a watery chuckle, “How do we make this official?”
You explain the process — paperwork, a hearing, lawyer fees. He waves it all off.
“Whatever it takes. I’ll call our attorney first thing tomorrow.” Lando squeezes you tight. “Soon you’ll legally be Gigi’s mum too!”
You grin and kiss him soundly. With Lando fully on board, excitement takes root.
Over the next weeks, you go through the steps — filing petitions, scheduling court dates, and explaining the process in age-appropriate ways to an occasionally grumpy Georgia when she can’t go play outside instead.
Finally, the big day arrives. You dress Georgia in her favorite pink checkered dress and do her hair in perfect pigtails.
“My beautiful girl,” you murmur, smoothing down a flyaway curl. Her answering smile melts your heart.
At the courthouse, you all meet the social worker assigned to your case. She questions you and Lando gently about your relationship, home life, and approach to parenting. You cling tight to Lando’s hand the entire time.
Finally, it’s time for the hearing before a grandfatherly judge. He smiles warmly, peering over his glasses at you all.
“Well, I must say, this is one of the more straightforward cases to come before me. I can see clear as day how much love exists in this family.”
Relief floods you. The judge continues, “Therefore, I am more than pleased to grant the petition to finalize the adoption of Georgia Senna Norris by her mother, Y/N Y/L/N-Norris.” He bangs his gavel with an air of finality.
Joyful tears pour down your face. Lando whoops and sweeps you into a spinning hug. Even Georgia seems to realize something momentous just occurred, clapping her little hands.
In a daze, you sign the final paperwork making it official before emerging from the courthouse into the warm sunlight, your family now fully complete.
That evening, after Georgia is asleep, you curl up with Lando in bed, reliving the special day. He kisses your hair and murmurs, “I’m so proud of you, Mama.”
You grin against his chest. “I never thought I could feel so much love. She’s changed my life in every way.”
Lando tilts your chin up, eyes glowing. “That’s exactly how I feel about you. My girls who make life beautiful.”
One sunny afternoon, you’re in the kitchen prepping a snack for four-year-old Georgia when she comes bounding in from preschool.
“Mummy, guess what? My friend Amy at school is gonna be a big sister!” She hops up on her stool, eyes bright with excitement.
“Oh really? That’s fun!” You slice an apple into bunny shapes.
Georgia nods vigorously. “Yeah! Her mum has a baby in her tummy. Can I have a brother or sister in your tummy too?”
You freeze, knife hovering over the apple. Slowly setting it down, you turn to face her. “You want a little sibling?”
“Yes yes yes!” She bounces in her seat. “I asked Daddy already and he said I should ask you too.”
Your mind spins. A baby … it’s something you and Lando have only vaguely discussed as a someday possibility. But with Georgia asking so eagerly, the concept suddenly feels very real.
Just then, Lando walks in from his office. Georgia immediately appeals to him. “Daddy, tell Mummy we should have a baby! I wanna be a big sister.”
Lando meets your startled gaze, scrubbing a hand through his curls. “Well, uh, what do you think, love? Could be kinda nice to add to our crew.”
You glance between their hopeful faces, heart swelling. “I think … that could be really special for our family.”
Georgia cheers while Lando grins, coming over to wrap you in a hug. “A mini you running around? Sign me up.” His smile falters slightly. “Only if you want to though, truly.”
You squeeze him back. “I really do. We’ve come so far since the days of newborn Georgia. I’d love to go through it all again with you.”
The joy lighting up Lando’s face erases any lingering doubts.
That night after Georgia is asleep, you curl up together to discuss logistics. “I’ll need to give notice at the hospital once I’m pregnant so they can find someone to cover my maternity leave.”
Lando waves dismissively. “Don’t worry about any of that. Focus on growing our little muffin and I’ll handle the rest.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Our little muffin?”
“Or crumpet. Jellybean. Peanut.” Lando grins. “Take your pick, I’ve got a million terrible nicknames ready to go.”
Laughing, you swat his chest playfully. Sobering, you add, “It won’t be easy juggling a newborn and busy four year-old. But I can’t wait to see Georgia as a big sister.”
Lando smiles tenderly, threading his fingers through yours. “You’re already the most incredible mum. Our kids are so lucky.”
Your throat tightens at the absolute faith in his voice. No matter the challenges ahead, you’ll get through them together.
When you share the news with Georgia, she screeches loud enough to wake the neighbors. Her enthusiasm never wanes over the following months.
Finally, the big day arrives. After a long but relatively smooth delivery, your son enters the world screaming indignantly. The sound is music to your ears.
Lando cuts the cord with shaking hands before your little boy is placed in your arms. Love surges fiercely and instantly.
“Hi Maddox,” you whisper through joyful tears. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Lando presses a kiss to both your heads before going to bring Georgia in. She gasps softly, climbing up to peer at her new brother with wide eyes.
“He’s so little!” Reaching out a gentle finger, she strokes Maddox’s downy cheek. Your heart clenches watching your babies meet.
Georgia cuddles close as you adjust her arm to help cradle Maddox. “I’m your big sister Gigi! I’m gonna help take care of you.” She drops a sloppy kiss on his forehead.
Blinking back a fresh wave of tears, you meet Lando’s equally wet gaze. The road that first led you to Lando has become so much more than you ever imagined. But you wouldn’t change a single unexpected twist or turn.
You link arms with Lando as you make your way through the familiar Silverstone paddock. The distinctive smell of race fuel hangs in the air, mingling with the buzz of excitement rippling through the crowd.
Georgia skips ahead, her brunette curls bouncing with each step, while Maddox clings to Lando’s free hand, his eyes wide with wonder. Alexa, your two-year-old, nestles securely in your arms, her tiny fingers clutching the McLaren teddy bear she insisted on bringing today. A small smile tugs at your lips as you glance down at her cherubic face, so much like Lando’s. Your heart swells with love for your beautiful family.
“Mummy, look!” Georgia calls out, pointing towards the McLaren garage suite. “Can we go in and see the car later?”
“We’ll see, darling,” you reply with a wink, knowing full well that Lando will ensure a special tour for the kids.
Lando squeezes your hand, his warm eyes twinkling with adoration. “Anything for my favorite girls … and Maddox,” he teases, ruffling Maddox’s hair playfully.
Maddox giggles, his freckled cheeks dimpling. “I’m your favorite boy though, right?”
“Of course,” Lando assures him with a conspiratorial wink.
As you continue down the bustling pathway, a Sky Sports reporter spots your family and rushes over, microphone in hand.
“Lando! Dr. Y/L/N-Norris! Do you have a moment for a quick interview?” He asks, his cameraman already rolling.
Lando nods, ever the professional. “Sure, mate. Go ahead.”
The reporter flashes a bright smile at the camera. “We’re here at the Silverstone Circuit with McLaren driver, Lando Norris, his wife, Dr. Y/N Y/L/N-Norris, and their children, Georgia, Maddox, and Alexa. It’s the weekend of the British Grand Prix, and the Norris family has been a fixture in the paddock for years.”
He turns to Georgia and Maddox, crouching down to their level. “So, you two must love coming to the races with your dad. What’s your favorite part?”
Georgia’s eyes light up as she launches into an enthusiastic explanation about the cars and the pit stops, her hands gesturing animatedly. Maddox, the quieter one, simply mumbles “the colors” with a shy grin.
The reporter chuckles, clearly charmed by the children’s responses. Straightening up, he addresses you and Lando. “And how about you two? Managing a hectic F1 schedule with three young kids can’t be easy. What’s the secret?”
Before either of you can respond, Georgia pipes up, “But it’s not three kids, it’s five!”
You tense, shooting Lando a panicked glance. This wasn’t how you’d planned to share the news of your pregnancy.
“Five kids?” The reporter’s brows furrow in confusion.
Georgia nods matter-of-factly. “Yep, there are two more babies in Mummy’s belly!”
A hush falls over the small crowd that has gathered nearby, and you can feel dozens of eyes trained on your still-flat stomach. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you instinctively place a protective hand over your abdomen.
The reporter blinks, clearly thrown off-script. “Well, I … congratulations! That’s certainly going to be a handful.”
You force a laugh, leaning into Lando’s solid frame. “Yes, well, Lando’s always said he wants a football team.”
Your husband grins, that cheeky grin you fell in love with, and wraps an arm around your waist. “What can I say? I like to keep things interesting.”
The crowd titters with amusement, and you can feel the tension dissipating.
“I can only imagine,” the reporter replies with a smile. “Well, thank you all for chatting with us today, and congratulations again on your growing family!”
As the reporter and his crew move on, you turn to Lando, your eyes shining with unshed tears — a heady mix of residual mortification and overwhelming love.
“I’m so sorry,” you murmur, stroking his stubbled jaw. “I know we wanted to share the news on our own terms.”
Lando silences you with a tender kiss, his lips warm and achingly familiar against yours. When he pulls back, his gaze is soft, adoring.
“Are you kidding? There’s no better way to announce it than through Gigi,” he says with a wink. “Besides, I’m just happy the whole world knows that I have super sperm.”
You laugh despite yourself, shoving his shoulder playfully. “You’re impossible.”
“But you love me,” he counters, that infuriatingly irresistible grin stretching across his face.
“God help me, I do,” you sigh, melting into his embrace.
Georgia bounds over then, Maddox and Alexa in tow, her expression a mixture of exhilaration and uncertainty.
“Was I not supposed to tell, Mummy? Did I do something wrong?” She asks, her eyes wide and questioning.
You quickly kneel down, gathering all three children into your arms and peppering their faces with kisses.
“No, my darling, you didn’t do anything wrong. You just … surprised us, that’s all.” You share a look with Lando over their heads, a look that conveys a thousand words — your hopes, your dreams, your boundless love for this incredible little family you’ve created together.
Lando reaches down, ruffling Georgia’s curls with one hand while gently squeezing your shoulder with the other. A silent promise, a vow to always be by your side as you navigate the beautiful chaos of your life together.
Rising to your feet, you adjust Alexa on your hip and take Georgia’s small hand in your own. Maddox slips his hand into Lando’s, and you set off once more, the television crew long forgotten.
This is your life — a whirlwind of races and airports, photoshoots and interviews. But it’s also quiet nights cuddled on the sofa, re-watching Disney movies for the millionth time. It’s family hugs and sloppy baby kisses, skinned knees and endless giggles. It’s laundry piled to the ceiling and sleepless nights spent pacing the nursery.
It’s messy and magical, exhausting and exhilarating. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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helaintoloki · 1 month
Now that we know how Ben was a bit rebellious when he was a teen, how are we feeling about a fic where he used to sneak out to meet with reader, who is very much a sunshine person?
a/n: ty for requesting and i hope you enjoy ! also to clarify the ben in this piece is the original ben and not the sparrow
warnings: language
summary: ben manages to sneak out and pay a visit to his favorite person
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At the exact stroke of twelve o’clock, three pebbles are thrown against the glass of your window to alert you of the waiting presence below. You’re quick to drop the book you’d been reading and lift the glass to greet your midnight visitor who immediately begins to climb through and into your bedroom.
“You’re late,” you tell him with an impatient look as he finally sets foot on your plush rug.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Ben confesses apologetically before dusting himself off and removing his shoes. “Dad stayed up later than I thought he would.”
“What about Luther?”
“He swore to secrecy after I threatened to tell Allison he wet his pants last week because he couldn’t get his uniform off fast enough to use the bathroom,” the boy explains with a cheeky smile, laughing at the playful nudge you give him.
“That’s evil,” you scold him with a giggle that conveys your lack of conviction.
“Sometimes a man just has to resort to blackmailing his brother in order to successfully sneak out,” he expresses with an innocent shrug before enveloping your frame into a tight hug to emphasize his point. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. It’s been lonely without you around,” you admit as the ghost of a frown begins to form on your lips.
“Are your parents gone again?”
“Another business trip,” you confirm as nonchalantly as possible in hopes of masking your hurt at their neglect. “Won’t be home for at least two weeks, so it’s just me here.”
“I promise to sneak out and see you as much as I can,” Ben vows earnestly, carefully cupping your cheek in his hand and pulling your face closer to his own so that he may press a comforting kiss to your forehead.
“It isn’t so bad,” you admit with a lighthearted smile as you pull away from him and move towards your closet to retrieve something. “You want to see what I found at the bookstore today?”
Ben isn’t given a chance to answer your hypothetical question as you display the said item for him to see. It takes a moment for the boy to realize what it is he’s looking at, but once it processes an unamused huff of air leaves through his nostrils in response.
“Please tell me you didn’t actually spend money on that thing.”
“Technically I stole money from my mom’s purse to buy it, so no, I didn’t,” you correct him defensively before proudly holding up your purchase. “I figured if the real Ben can’t keep me company twenty-four-seven, then action figure Ben can.”
“That’s ridiculous!” He cries out indignantly before snatching the thing out of your grasp to scrutinize the details. “It doesn’t even look like me!”
“Of course it does!”
Shaking his head in bewilderment, Ben can only sigh and hand the doll back to you before moving to make himself comfortable on your bed. Having decided you’ve teased him enough for one night, you set the figure on your nightstand before moving to join him. It’s almost as if you naturally fit perfectly into his side when you curl up next to him and bask in the warmth of his arms around you. Nights like these have become more rare with time, so you like to make the most of it while you can.
“We should run away together,” you suggest casually after a comfortable bout of silence. You feel Ben’s chest rise beneath your fingertips with the amused laugh that leaves him in response.
“And where would we go?”
“Anywhere we want.”
“As enticing as that sounds, I can’t,” he reminds you. Frowning, you shift your frame and prop your head up on your hand so that you’re facing him.
“Why not?” You retort indignantly, almost offended by his immediate rejection. “My parents constantly forget that I exist and your dad is a complete asshole. Why should we stick around?”
“Look, my dad is a jerk, and I would love to just drop the whole super hero thing and never look back. But I can’t… I can’t just leave my siblings behind,” Ben explains gently while reaching out to push a stray strand of hair away from your face.
“So you’ll just wait for them to leave you behind instead?” You retort, aggrieved on his own behalf at the thought.
“They wouldn’t do that-“
“Five already did.”
A tense silence follows your words, and you bite your lip in regret at having let it slip. You know you’ve gone too far judging by the flash of hurt that passes on Ben’s face, and you’re quick to apologize for your lack of eloquent conversation skills.
“I don’t mean to be harsh,” you quietly clarify as you meet his understanding gaze. “I just don’t think it’s fair we both have to stick around and suffer because we got stuck with shitty parents. I want to get out of here, Ben. Don’t you?”
He pauses for a beat, his voice soft as he finally answers, “I do. And I promise you that one day we will. We just have to hold out for a little longer is all.”
“You swear?” You ask meekly, almost afraid he’ll change his mind and take it back. However, Ben takes your free hand in his own and gives it a reassuring squeeze before replying, “I swear on my life.”
Placated by the sincerity of his words, you’re happy to resume your previous position of being nestled into his side as he begins to tell you the latest tales of the Umbrella Academy, and you can live comfortably without the knowledge of knowing that Ben has made a promise he soon won’t be able to keep.
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 4 months
(Open Rp) "How to Create a Perfect Man"
A Long time Ago In the Good Neighborhood, Saphira had been married to A Decent man name "Daniel Landus Rooster" For Seventeen years..Or So She thought..During the Seventeen years of marriage, Saphira Caught him Cheating On Her With her Neighbor Name Lydia and Lydia is too Married as well…and Saphira Scolded Daniel So harshly..that she will threaten him to call his parents about this..Daniel Knew what His parents is Capable of, He Knew His parents "HATES" Cheating and all..So Daniel begged Saphira forgiveness and all..Saphira decided to Give him a Last chance..but one condition..He has to Wear a chasity belt as Punishment, She asked How long is he and lydia had been having an affair and then he said 3 Months..so she said to him as punishment, He has to wear a Chasity belt For 3 months and Daniel look defeated.. Lydia's Husband however began to dragged Lydia out and Made a huge Scolding and began to Divorce her clean out.. Three Months Has Passed and the chasity belt is off from daniel. On the Seventeenth Year, Saphira was ready to Have a Seventeen Year Anniversary Dinner set up..until She heard the Ruckus.. Then she went upstairs and began to take a look of whats going on And There Saphira Saw him and Her other Neighbor name "Claudia" is making love..Then She began to Slammed the door Open as the two in bed Froze in shock when they see Saphira with a Wrathful look on her face..and She said,
Daniel:"Saph! I Can explain!! This Isn't what it looks like!"
Saph:" Oh I Know what it Looks like! It Looks like you and My Neighbor is Making beast with two backs on OUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!"
Daniel yelped as Claudia was trying to escape..but the Husband Came in and he said,
Claudia: "Honey I can Explain!"
Husband: " Your making love with a Married man!! How could you do this!?"
Claudia: "Don't put this on me! Your the one who's sleeping around with other Women!"
Then saphira Cut in
Saph: " WHOA WHOA WHOA!! What!? Do you really tell me that The Neighbor hood Husbands cheats on wives, And Now Wives Cheats on husband! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S FAITHFUL HERE!!?"
Saphira was Hell raising Angry when her face turns red..and steaming coming out of her head clean..
Saphira:" Since When the Whole Neighborhood Became a FUCKING NEIGHBORHOOD WHOREHOUSES!!!?? Turns to daniel Daniel! Is there Something I should Know about it? Hmm?!"
Daniel: looked defeated and ashamed "Yes..I've Slept with 55 Different women..plus claudia..including the 5 others before marriage."
Saph: eye widen and began to go into rage " You…WHAT!??? How Could you do this to me!? Your telling me..that you've been sleeping around with 61 women this whole time!!??"
Then Daniel Nodded with shame and defeat, Then Saphira said Something that Everyone will be shocked
Saph: " THATS IT!! Daniel Landus Rooster! We Are getting a DIVORCE!! And I'm going to Sue Your 61 Whore of yours and I hope you Will Pay the Settlement Fee along With your 61 harlots!! You better be Lucky that we don't Have Kids..because I'm going to be Feeling guilty about this..and every child who is Born affair..WILL NEVER BE HAPPY! And Also Daniel..I'm Calling your parents and tell Them about this..and Boy…You better be Prepare what Will happen When I'm Done with you!"
Daniel: " Oh god! Please Not my parents!! They'll Sent me Away to Gentleman School again! It's Like hell!"
Saph:" Well Thats Too Goddamn Bad! You Shouldn't Cheat on me in the first place, and Yet you did! with 61 Different women! Enough is Enough! I regret Giving you a last chance and I should've Divorce you when I got a Chance, So We're getting a Divorce and THATS FINAL! and I'm Selling this House and Move away from this.. Neighborhood of Infidelities! I will Not Live with anyone Who would became a Serial Cheater!"
After the Confrontation, Saphira Called His parents and Told Them everything. When They Heard Saphira about Daniel and all, they were So Livid that they head there and Made Daniel Sign the divorce Papers Which Daniel was so Stubborn to sign it until His Father Threaten him to Cut ties if he Didn't Sign it…So Next day, She sued 61 different women for settlement fee..All of them paid her in Huge Lump sum and So does Daniel whom he's the Source of all the troubles.. After She Sell the House..She Moved away to a Nice Country Side where they Have a Nice Big Small town Full of good decent people.. But 4 years had passed, Saphira Felt a bit empty in Her heart but..She Blamed Herself For giving her "Ex" Husband a Second Chance, However this Doesn't Stop to find a Good decent man better than Daniel Rooster. Meanwhile at the Lab that Saphira made a great Buisness there..but There was a Slime Creature that was sealed up in the glass chamber and sees the Picture of Saphira as the Daughter of the CEO On the wall..it can't help but fell in love with her..but then Her father complain that She needs a man who would love her,,a man who is strong and kind and very Protective to her..and be there when she needed the most…as the slime creature heard what he said, He had a plan to escape and that night..he Broke out and began to see the Absorbing elixir and then he drank up and began to hunt down a good strong men..and went to the small town..and found alot of good looking and strong men..as one by one..it absorbs them..and when it went behind her home..and suddenly..the skeleton hand emerge from the slime..and the rest of it..and the slime began to cover the skeleton and transforms into a One handsome Man that saphira's father wanted Saphira to have…as He comes to the door..and knocks on it..as Saphira opens the door..and she said," hello?" Then he answered…
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ellecdc · 6 months
hiya elle!!!
could i request a first-time dad sirius fic of siri introducing his baby to the other marauders?? 🩷🩷
so. stinkin'. cute.
dad!Sirius Black x mom!reader who are introducing their first child to the Marauders
You felt as though you were experiencing the world through glasses that weren’t your exact prescription, riding out the last of the adrenaline coursing through your veins after the past 24 hours. You were floating in this liminal space between discomfort and euphoria, pain and joy, worry and love.
You thought perhaps though the love was beginning to win out.
You were sitting in your hospital bed as you watched Sirius gently bounce the tiny bundle he was holding up to his face.
“Isn’t her nose just perfect, sweets?” He asked you (for quite possibly the 13th time in the four hours your daughter has been earth side) without moving his gaze from said nose.
“So perfect.” You agreed readily, smiling softly at the picture and hoping that this image in your memory didn’t fade as you became more lucid. 
There was a gentle knock before a mop of wild hair and a pair of spectacles shoved its head in through the door to your room.
James gasped quietly yet no less dramatically as he looked between you and Sirius.
“Can we come in?” He whispered, adorning quite possibly one of the biggest smiles you’d even seen on him (which was really saying something, considering he has been notoriously sunny since the day you met him), before Lily shoved her head in just below his. 
“I promise we’ll behave.” She added.
Sirius chuckled and nodded his head in invitation. “You were never the one we were worried about, Red.”
In a way that only happened throughout the history of humanity at the precise moment family members or loved ones entered the room of a newborn and their parents; Lily, James, and Peter all tiptoed in, for some reason even hunching low as if their lack of height would somehow make them any quieter.
James gasped again as he and Lily peered over Sirius’ shoulder to get a glimpse of the newborn in his hands; all three friends sharing identical beaming grins. “She’s beautiful, Sirius.” Lily whispered in awe.
“Bloody perfect, is what she is.” James agreed, leaning around Sirius to look at you. “Way to go, mum. Brilliant job you’ve done.”
“Thank you, Jamie.” You replied, turning a little shy as Sirius turned his lovesick gaze to you, which was very embarrassing considering he literally just watched you push his fucking child out of your crotch. 
“What’s her name?” Peter asked, standing in front of Sirius like an eager kid waiting for their turn to pick a toy from the treasure box.
“This is Aurora Jubilee.” Sirius said proudly, turning his daughter slightly so that Pete could get a look.
“Bloody perfect.” James reiterated when you heard a quiet commotion outside your hospital room.
“I said I was sorry, Reg. The baby can’t tell time yet, she won’t know you’re late!”
You then heard something that sounded an awful lot like someone being whacked with a bouquet of flowers.
“Idiot.” Regulus hissed. “I’m trying to make a good impression; just because you don’t worry whether or not Harry finds his uncle to be untimely doesn’t mean I want to set the same precedent for my niece. Tu as tellement de chance tu es une bonne baise.”
The door pushed open slightly further as Remus and Regulus quietly stepped in, furious blushes adorning their faces when they realised that you all had paused in order to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“How nice of you to finally join us, little brother. Your niece has been asking for you.” Sirius deadpanned. 
Regulus scoffed and Remus grimaced as Regulus came rushing over to your side and pressed a kiss to your hair. “How are you doing, mama?” He asked, pulling back to consider your form as Remus pressed his own kiss to your head. 
“I’m good, uncle Reggie, thank you.” You smiled at him.
“Good.” He said with a curt nod. “I worry, leaving you in the care of my brother - you deserve better.”
“Sod off.” Sirius muttered, causing Lily to gently swat at his back.
“Watch your mouth, Sirius. There are little ears now.”
“Yeah, watch your fucking mouth, Sirius.” Remus volleyed.
“Christ, our kids are doomed.” Lily complained as she moved to sit on the end of your bed.
“Okay, I can’t take it anymore; let me hold her.” James demanded, making grabby hands to Sirius.
“Okay but Prongs, I swear to god if you fumble this like you fum-”
“I didn’t fumble that pass! You threw it too hard!” James quickly negated with a petulant whine.
Moving in slow motion, Sirius relinquished his hold on his new favourite person into James’ capable and seasoned dad hands before moving to perch himself beside you on your bed. 
“‘Lo, Aurora. I’m uncle Prongs; your favourite. I’m going to buy you so many stuffies, your dad and mum will need to buy a second place  just to have somewhere to put them all. And Haz is going to be the best big cousin you could ever ask for; he’s already trying to convince me to buy you a bike so you guys can ride together. And-”
“Okay.” Lily interrupted. “My turn.” 
James harrumphed but acquiesced and passed her over to his wife.
“She has her mummy’s nose.” Lily cooed, causing Sirius to gently pull you into his side and pressing his nose into your hair.
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” He said, causing you to snort.
“No. You just kept saying it was perfect.” You argued.
“Let’s just hope you have your mummy’s smarts, too.” Lily concluded, passing Aurora to Pete.
“Hi, ‘Ro.” Peter said, smiling down at the infant as she started to stir slightly. “No, no. Please don’t wake up. Oh god, oh god, James take her - take her! I’m not ready for this!”
“Oh hand her ‘ere.” Remus mumbled, moving to take the tiny bundle from his mate. “Wormy smells, doesn’t he, little love?” He cooed at the baby who, much to Peter’s chagrin, stopped fussing immediately. 
“Oh you and I are going to get into so much trouble, darlin’. I’m going to teach you so many swear words, and I’ll help you prank your dad any time you want - you just give me a ring and I’ll be there.”
Any contention between Remus and Regulus from their arrival melted quickly as Regulus leaned into Remus’ side to gaze at the newest Black family member. 
“You wanna hold her, love?” Remus asked him quietly, causing Regulus to shake his head quickly. 
“I don’t want to hurt her.”
Sirius scoffed. “Please, we let Peter hold her.”
“Sod off!”
“What if I drop her?” Regulus continued.
“Just don’t drop her. God, you’re a weird bloke.” Sirius muttered under his breath, though Regulus seemed to catch it as he levelled his brother with a glare. 
His face softened considerably as Remus shifted his hold in order to transfer Aurora into Regulus’ careful arms.
He spent a few moments just looking down at his new niece, a silent conversation seeming to pass between them as Remus reached around him to stroke the downy soft skin on the side of her face.
“Okay, I’ve only known Aurora for three minutes; but if anything ever happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.” He said simply. 
Peter let out a nervous laugh before he realised Regulus was quite serious. 
“Good.” Sirius said with a nod. “That’s why we picked you to be her godfather.”
Regulus’ head whipped up at that as he seemed to strengthen his hold on the baby in his arms.
“You what?”
“If anything ever happened to us, we know you’d do everything in your power to give her a good life - the best life.” You explained.
“I- but…really?”
“Yeah.” Sirius said emphatically. “Besides, you inherited all of mother and father’s dirty money anyway, might as well use it to spoil our girl.”
Though there were clearly tears forming in Regulus’ eyes, he turned his attention back to his goddaughter with a derisive scoff. 
“I was planning on doing that anyway, Sirius. Je suis vraiment désolé de te dire ça, Aurora, mais ton père est un idiot.”
Remus snorted. “Already teaching her important life lessons.”
“Get bent, Moony.” Sirius sneered.
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rinhaler · 11 months
assuming ur reqs are still open, can we please get younger stepbro!megumi watching you get off through a peephole in the wall? and like you know he's watching so you call him a little perv and he gets harder 👀
i'm sorry if it's too specific sdjsdjsjjls ofc u don't have to do this, have a lovely day!!
-a follower who's too shy to come off anon
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I hope this is okay for you! I've never really thought about writing a younger step brother thing before since I'm not into younger guys myself but I hope I made it fun for you to read, enjoy my angel!
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, masturbation (m+f), voyeurism, vibrator use, stepcest ofc.
words: 1.1k
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Going from being an only child to having a little brother was always going to be a big adjustment. It’s not like you’re that much older, but moving into a new home to accommodate a four person and two dog household was a big change. You had your own room on the ground floor of your old home. Your mother didn’t stop you from coming and going as you pleased.
But now, you have a room directly next door to Megumi.
You’re always butting heads and even your stepdad has been giving you trouble since your family merged. You have a curfew for the first time in your life. You aren’t allowed boys over and you haven’t been able to party in months. You’re frustrated. Constantly pent up from the lack of excitement in your life.
Megumi hasn’t helped the situation in the least. He’s a quiet introvert with a wicked tongue when he starts. You argue a lot, and he always gets you into trouble. You’re the wayward party girl. Whereas he’s the studious quiet guy that couldn’t ever put a foot wrong.
You’re going stir crazy.
And it’s been weeks since you got laid.
You took a risk when you decided to order a new vibrator to alleviate your tension. If you can’t satiate it with sex, a big pink wand will have to do. You didn’t want to get caught by a stupid mistake like your parents or your brother opening the parcel. So you ordered it to a friend’s house. She didn’t judge, but she dropped it off the very next day for you, winking and telling you not to have too much fun.
Fingers aren’t enough, they haven’t been for years.
The only thing that can relieve your growing tension is the buzz of a vibrator. You have small bullets and they do just fine, but if your stepdad is insisting on you having no life and no hook ups, you knew you had to up the ante.
The only other person home right now is Megumi. Your parents are at work and you quite frankly can’t wait to watch some porn and cum all over your toy. You hurry up the stairs and take it out of the packaging. You test to see if it has any charge, it does, and decide to forgo charging. You don’t care about a lengthy edging session. You just want to cum.
And you’ve known about the sick little hole Megumi drilled between your bedrooms for weeks now. He thought you weren’t home when he did it, opting to hide when he started peeping through. It’s behind a Weezer poster adjacent to his bed. You’ve seen the familiar green eye numerous times and opted not to say anything. Not because you want him to leer at you. But because you’re holding it to use as ammunition next time he really pisses you off.
You hear the indiscreet sound of his poster moving after you test the buzz of your vibrator. And you smirk, hearing how he carefully tries to unzip his pants and groans softly the second his hand holds his cock.
It’s an all too familiar sound, now. Him wanking over you at any given chance. It’s weird considering he has zero interest in you as a human being, doing anything he can to hinder your life. But watching you undress slowly everyday multiple times leaves him spent. And the intimate moments after dark that you have to yourself and the quietly playing porn you choose to watch on your phone are the highlights of his day.
He strokes himself slowly as you strip down to nothing, you’re teasing him as you fondle your breasts before getting comfortable on your bed. You settle for some lewd ASMR. A random man with a deep voice telling you what a good girl you are among other things. You do exaggerate a few moans, pretending that you have no idea that your brother is home and playing with himself over you.
It feels incredible.
You knew a wand would be powerful, but you had no idea to this extent.
“O-Oh, fuck, shit—” you gasp, cumming almost instantly as you up the speed to full. You’re shaking and shivering as your orgasm rips through you, and the sheer quickness of it all makes you burst into laughter. You cover your mouth, giggling, in a state of disbelief of how amazing this pink silicone toy is.
Megumi licks his lips, beating himself off quicker after realising you’ve came already. He hadn’t expected you to finish so quickly, but he keeps replaying the sound of your moans in his mind as he tries to chase you in your release. But he slows, again, when he hears you restart the wand. He grunts, too loudly, as he watches your hips roll into the wand, chasing the feeling of that release again.
“Such a little perv, Megumi.” you moan… not stopping the buzzing against your clit as you talk to him. “W-What would dad think? If he knew you were getting hard and cumming over me?”
He bites his lips, unable to believe you knew he was doing this. And even more shocked that you aren’t stopping, letting him watch you. Maybe even getting off on it? If he’s a perv, what does that make you?
But he knows he’s a perv. He’s had a thing for you since the minute he set eyes on you. Unable to believe how brazen you were with bringing boys home and making out with them without a care in front of your parents. Toji hated it, and so did Megumi. But he couldn’t deny it turned him on. And seeing how riled up you were getting after Toji’s boy ban was when he knew he had to take the plunge and make a little peephole for himself.
Spying on you every chance he got whenever you felt particularly needy or just wanted to change your outfit. He’s had so many jerk-off sessions to you thinking you were clueless.
But you’ve known… the whole time. It’s too much for him. It’s going to bring him to his fucking end.
“You’re such a slut…” he pants, his teeth piercing the skin on his lip enough to draw blood.
“I-I’d rather be a- a slut. Meg-umi. Than a gross little perv like you. Watchin’ me cum everyday… watchin’ me change… such a sicko. Hnng—!” you tense up, trying to hold back your orgasm while taunting your brother.
He cums, spurting white globs all over his fist and up the wall. You hear him hissing and grunting as he finishes, you even hear the sticky fisting sound over the buzz of your vibrator. He begins to pant, deep and heavy as a bead of sweat runs down his forehead.
“I hate you.” he mutters, putting his poster back down and moving away to clean himself up.
“Awe, come back Megs!” you giggle. “Don’t you wanna watch me cum?”
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© 2023 rinitxshi
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dokries · 2 months
that’s rough, buddy
pairing: kim mingyu x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, (a bit of) angst, established relationship
word count: 1.6k
warnings: miscommunication (everything turns out well!), mingyu’s just a little forgetful, seungkwan best friend, a forehead kiss
author note: this was requested by a lovely anon <3 again, i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it 😭 i hope you enjoy reading, and lots of love (as usual) 🫶
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mingyu thinks you hate him, and it’s not just because you haven’t visited his apartment for more than eight days—though that’s concerning as well; you’re usually over within a couple of days, even if you’re busy, which he definitely knows you aren’t, considering how much you’ve been going out with friends, namely seungkwan and chan.
he purses his lips, looking up at the ceiling from his comfortable spot on the couch…alone, just like the last two weeks. his phone dings and he opens it immediately, a frown appearing on his face when it turns out to just be seungcheol asking if something’s up between the two of you—of course he knows; seungkwan never even looked in mingyu’s direction the last time all thirteen hung out together.
mingyu sighs, responding back with a “ask seungkwan not me” before opening up to the last time you had texted him. he had said he was busy back when you had asked if he wanted to go to a photography exhibition, and you haven't responded to his hurried apology.
maybe it’s time to say something…? he pauses before sighing again, going back to staring at the ceiling, hoping the little stipples above him will make a decision so he doesn’t have to.
of course, the only reason you’re avoiding him is because you think he hates you—which may be a huge overstatement but what else would you call it? it’s one thing to not have time for dates because that, at least, you could understand. maybe it’s just that you’ve passed your puppy love phase, and that’s alright; you’re both very busy people but…why is he ignoring you? that’s not the mingyu you know, and it’s been almost a year since you started dating.
the most annoying thing is that he probably doesn’t even realize your anniversary is coming up in the next few days—though you’ve stopped caring (the dried tear stains on seungkwan’s couch pillow say otherwise).
so when he texts you while you’re at chan’s apartment, you frown in surprise, catching the attention of seungkwan, who’s beside you.
my gyu 🥰 ❙
hey it’s been a while since you came over… movie night at 6?
you move to pull up your keyboard but seungkwan stops you by quickly pressing the power button before you can even start typing a reply.
seungkwan glares at you when you start to protest, and takes your phone into his hands to prevent anything happening, as if he’s your parental figure. “don’t you even dare say yes.”
“maybe…” chan sighs and rubs his eyes with his palms, catching your attention—and seungkwan’s too, as he raises an eyebrow at his best friend, telling him to continue. “maybe we should give him a chance?”
seungkwan immediately scoffs and jumps into a rant about why you should do the exact opposite of what chan’s suggesting. “chan, have you not been paying attention these past few weeks? that man has left our dear baby—” seungkwan moves to shush you when you say you’re not a baby, continuing once you press your lips into a straight line. “he literally left them hanging multiple times, and all he had to say was ‘sorry i can’t make it sweetie.’”
chan frowns, tilting his head. “isn’t that what you’re supposed to say to your partner if you can’t make it?”
seungkwan pauses, sighing. “well…yes but come on, he could at least offer to make it up to them if he’s done this like ten times! also, he definitely forgot about their anniversary, which is so much more horrible.”
as seungkwan takes a deep breath to calm himself, you correct him quietly. “it’s been three times.”
“what?” seungkwan looks at you exasperatedly, and chan giggles from his seat on the chair in front of the two of you.
“i said he’s only done it three times. besides, he’s been busy…it makes sense for him to forget.” you hold out a hand to stop seungkwan before he launches into another spiel on how mingyu sucks as a boyfriend so you can keep going. “listen, kwan, i think spending some time with him would be right…but i’m not ready for that yet.”
seungkwan bites his lip before nodding, his expression softening. “okay. as long as you’re happy, okay?”
you hum in agreement as chan stands up, clapping his hands excitedly, and you exchange a look with seungkwan.
chan grins, pulling out an uno deck from a drawer in the table beside him. “how about we play uno to distract ourselves?” he nods towards you before smirking at his other friend. “i’m sure they’d love to see me beat you.”
seungkwan raises an eyebrow before scoffing again, raising his shoulders in a shrug. “well, lee jung chan, you should know you’re totally gonna lose.”
chan scoffs, and as your best friends start bickering like normal, you smile, knowing they’re amping up the dramatics to take your mind off…whatever you and mingyu are right now. well, you could think about your boyfriend after beating both chan and seungkwan in uno.
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mingyu’s been sulky all day, and wonwoo not asking him why isn’t helping the sinking pout on his face.
he stares unrelentingly at his best friend as wonwoo faces the self-help bookshelf in front of them, searching for the book he’s been looking for since they entered the small shop.
“why are you like this?” wonwoo eventually breaks under mingyu’s pitiful gaze and huffs out a breath, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose before turning to his friend. “what’s wrong?”
mingyu sighs like he’s been doing for the past few days, and wonwoo puts the book in his hand back on the shelf, expecting his friend to not get to the point quickly (he’s right).
mingyu says your name quietly as a response, and wonwoo raises an eyebrow. “what is that supposed to mean?”
“it means that they hate me! i don’t know what i did either…i mean look, it was pretty busy at work so i couldn’t go on dates with them when they asked but that’s okay right?” mingyu frowns and bites his lip when he realizes he’s a bit too loud for the bookstore.
nodding, wonwoo processes the information he’s just been given before he puts a sympathetic hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “good luck with that.”
mingyu scoffs, about to scold the man in front of him before his gaze drifts off to the bookshelf in the far corner, where the two of you had been searching for cooking books around the time you had first started dating, which was probably around…a year–oh.
oh, he’s so dumb, isn’t he?
“hm?” wonwoo says when his friend pauses, looking up from the book he just picked up as mingyu groans and puts his head into his hands, moving to rest against a nearby bookshelf.
wonwoo looks over to the cooking section and turns back to mingyu. “hey, isn’t it–wait…you forgot the anniversary, didn’t you?”
mingyu groans again in agreement, and gets a head pat paired with a “that’s rough, buddy” from his friend before he’s left alone, coincidentally, in the relationship advice section.
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seungkwan sighs as he comes back from checking through the peephole of your apartment door, gesturing towards it as he plops down onto the couch. “it’s for you.”
you raise an eyebrow, getting up to open the door—seungkwan already checked anyway, so there’s no need to look through the peephole again–and come face to face with mingyu, the man you’ve been avoiding. “oh.”
the paper around the bouquet of white orchids in his hands crinkles as he shifts his weight, a nervous smile on his face as he calls your name hesitantly. “hey.”
you nod in greeting before looking back to seungkwan, who’s glaring at mingyu with his arms crossed, and paying attention to the man in front of you as he clears his throat.
“i, uh…here.” mingyu pushes the flowers towards you, and lets out a breath of relief when you take it gently from him. “i’m sorry.”
you stare at him. “for what? forgetting our anniversary? for not apologizing for so long?” you sigh when he remains silent, looking back at the clock in your living room. “there’s only a few hours left of our one year anniversary anyway…it’s fine.”
mingyu shakes his head, coming closer to grab your arm gently with a serious expression. “no, it’s definitely not fine. i hurt you, and that’s not okay.” he pauses, frowning. “besides…i miss my partner–i miss you.”
you sigh, looking into mingyu’s eyes, and you know he’s genuinely sorry. you break your arm free from his grip, causing his face to drop.
you place the bouquet of orchids on the side table, and call out to seungkwan. “hey, kwan? do you mind finding a vase for these?”
“i have to make the most out of these last two hours of my anniversary with my boyfriend after all.” mingyu’s face lights up as you take his hand, still looking back at seungkwan’s soft smile, which matches your own.
you give mingyu a pointed look as you close the door behind you, trusting seungkwan to keep your small apartment safe. “but first, we really do have to talk about…whatever the last month was, okay?”
mingyu nods eagerly before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as the two of you grin. “i missed you so much, baby.”
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wasteddmoondust · 5 months
teacher || james potter
pairing: james potter x reader 863 words, preschool teacher au, james is a single dad (not for long...?), kindergarten teacher!reader, gender neutral reader, harry is her student so you know how it goes a/n: sorry this took months i have been in the slumpiest slump ever. hope you enjoy :,) I'm not too sure about how preschools fair in other countries but this is mostly based on my own experiences!
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"Mr Potter! Lovely to see you today."
James walks into your classroom, and it's humourous to see you seated in a chair and table meant for six-year-olds.
He smiles at you and waves. Unfortunately, you're swooning on the inside.
Yes, it's unprofessional to have a crush on a parent, let alone the parent of one of your beloved students. Very unprofessional, actually. But you can't help but be enamoured by his looks. He looks exactly like his son, Harry. Messy hair and gold-rimmed glasses.
Or maybe he's just one of the only few parents who are the same age as you. And it doesn't help when you know he's a single father and always strikes a conversation with you whenever he has the chance to. In your head, maybe it wouldn't hurt to make a move.
"Of course, I'm happy to be here today, though it's the last time," he says as he sits down in an identical tiny chair.
You know you have to push these thoughts aside, because this was the last parent-teacher meeting for your kindergarteners who will be graduating in a few weeks. No matter your feelings, your job was to tell parents how their child has faired so far in their education.
You take a deep breath and fix your hair. "Okay, let's get started."
You adore Harry, a joy to have in your class. He is very friendly and communicates very well with his peers and teachers. He actively participates in class. He is developing well in the different aspects. You explain everything in layman's terms so he can understand, and he nods along, listening.
"Needless to say, Harry's definitely ready for primary school. If you'd like, it would be great if you continued his learning at home as well, before he officially starts school." you finish, nodding at James. You unconsciously bite the inside of your cheek, knowing that it won't be long until you'll never see this man again.
"That's great," he says, looking up from Harry's portfolio from over the year. "Harry really appreciates you as a teacher, you know? He always loves coming to school."
You smile at that, it warms your heart. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll definitely miss him when he graduates."
There's an awkward silence between the both of you, not particularly knowing what to say. You both nod and look down. You know it's the end.
"Well..." you start. "If you don't have any more questions, that will be it. Thank you so much for joining us on this journey, Mr Potter."
"I do have- um- a question?" he says abruptly. He suddenly seems more fidgety and nervous, gripping the binder of Harry's portfolio.
"Um..." he scratches his head. You look at him expectantly. "I appreciate you as Harry's teacher, of course. He always says that you're very nice and pretty... I also think you're very nice and pretty..."
You nod along, trying to keep your cool by controlling your facial expressions.
He continues, his shoulders slowly rising in a shrug. "So if you'd let me, we can meet outside of school for once," he spits it out quickly like he's ripping a band-aid off.
Blinking slowly, you process what just happened. "Did you just ask me out?" you ask, eyes wide.
His eyes dart to the side and then back at you. "Yes," he says.
"Mr Potter-" you start.
"Please, you can call me James-"
"Your son is my student."
"He won't be by next week."
"It will be very unprofessional of me-"
"I don't hear a no, though..."
And you're both in silence again. You sigh and bring a hand to your face, resting your chin on your palm as you look away from him. You try to think of your next move.
Aside from all of the consequences that may occur, this is a golden opportunity. Your teacher life always gets so hectic and you barely have time to go out and meet people. If you miss this chance you may never get to have one like it again.
You bite your lip and accept whatever fate may come.
You speak in a hushed voice, willing that no one hears this conversation. "Fine, yes. I'll give you a chance. But if anything goes wrong, my priority is my job and yours is Harry. Got it?"
James let out a breath that almost sounded like a laugh. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes. "Yes, okay. I will-"
He's cut off by a knock at your door. Your colleague opens it and her head pokes into your classroom. "Hi, sorry to interrupt, but the next parent is waiting outside," she says. You nod at her and she leaves. You stand up, and James does too.
"Well, this is... unofficially goodbye, Mr Potter. It really has been a pleasure teaching Harry," you say, stretching your hand out for a shake. He takes it, and his hand is warm.
You mutter quickly to him, "My contact is in the binder."
He grins at you, childlike, and you watch him leave your classroom with a wave. You wave back, smiling.
You sincerely hope you won't regret this decision.
a/n: RRRAAHHH i really hope to make this a mini series of some kind because i have the softest spot for kids and i start being a real teacher in a month! asks are open if you have any thoughts <3 thanks for reading!
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brighteuphony · 7 months
I LOVE your Sakura AU, thank you so much for making it 🥹
Even though her ending is supposed to be “good”, I always thought that canon didn’t do her justice and threw any character development she had out of the window so she can be with Sasuke
I SO wanted her to finally move on and just let go
And I don’t have anything against Sasusaku
But I think it’d be much more beautiful if Sakura long let go of her feelings by the time Sasuke came to his senses and they developed their relationship TOGETHER from the START
And, once again, your work is AMAZING and I can’t wait for next pieces ❤️
Btw, can I ask a question?) Will we see Naruto’s and Sasuke’s reaction to her condition (maybe flashback to before she left the village?), if not, can you please tell me a bit about it? I can’t imagine them to ignore her after the incident, especially considering that they are at fault as usual
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Thank you so much for the kind words! I've also never been a fan of how Sakura ended up. I have no beef with SasuSaku, but my biggest issue was that we never saw Sasuke try to make up/connect with Sakura in the same way we saw him do with Naruto, so their romance in Boruto just felt so...abrupt?
As for what happens to Sakura and her friends....
Sasuke was essentially put on probation/jailed, but broke out and defected to Otogakure as canon. This devastates Sakura, as she's both in deep denial about his contribution to her injuries and also the fact that she basically threw herself in there for nothing. Kakashi shuts down completely. It's a nightmare replay of his own past, including the female team-mate being horrifically injured by the chidori. The guilt of everything is eating him alive so he basically withdraws into himself and uses her demotion to civilian status as a way to trick himself into thinking that if he just 'rips off the bandaid' and cut ties, she'll be able to move on more easily.
Naruto is the only person who is really able/willing to face justice. After the incident, he was basically also put on probation/awaiting trial but busted himself out to join Jiraya.
So for context, Sakura got clapped hard by the Rasengan/Chidori combo (hearing gone, nerve damage, eyes shot etc) and basically had to be put in a coma to try and stop the damage from getting worse, but unfortunately none of the medics in Konoha had the ability to reverse anything but the most superficial damage. So Naruto joined Jiraya in an attempt to find and bring the only person in the world who could give Sakura a sliver of hope.
I felt like this worked well with canon and the desperation to get Tsunade to be hokage and Naruto basically begged her on his hands and knees to help Sakura. Tsunade made it there in the nick of time managed to save everything but her eyes.
But Sakura's life has fallen apart, her career is over, her parents dead from Konoha Crush and her eyes gone...and Naruto is the most convenient and available person to take out all her rage on, so...while he deserves a lot of that rage..she is essentially punching down on who she perceives to be the cause of all her problems.
Lee is in the same boat as her, but while he tries very hard to be there for her, Sakura can't stand to be with him right now, as it just makes the reality of life hit that much worse- especially when she finds out there's a surgery that might give him a better chance than she'll ever have.
And Ino visits often at first, but then it's awkward...and painful as the weeks go by. They have lunch and gossip but at some point, there's not much a shinobi and civilian have in common, especially after the shortage of manpower post Konoha-crush has Ino entrenched in the shinobi life more than ever before.
I hope this answered some stuff! Thank you so much for the questions and the interest! I love Sakura and I just wanna give her the development and power she deserves!!
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roanniom · 2 years
more eddie phone sex more eddie phone sex i am screaming it from the rooftops
Not a Creature Was Stirring
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY!, phone sex / masturbation, dirty talk, light alcohol consumption, light drug use (pot), tiny bit of distance related angst, these idiots are actually pretty sweet so a lil fluffy though it’s filthy? Idk
“So what are you wearing right now?”
“Eddie I’m on the phone in my parent’s kitchen. You can’t be a perv right now,” you chide him in a whisper, but he definitely still hears the smile in your voice.
You’ve been gone for less than 10 hours and yet Eddie is already going out of his mind missing you. Since you’d only been dating for a few months, the two of you agreed that him going home with you for the holidays might be moving a little too soon. You both, however, are bitterly regretting the decision.
“Not being a perv, baby. Just trying to picture you standing there all pretty, happy to talk to me,” Eddie replies. He intends for it to sound teasing, but it comes out just as genuine as he means it. It makes your throat get a little tight.
“Wish I was talking to you in person right now instead.” Your voice is small and his heart skips a bit.
“Me too.”
“This was stupid. Can’t believe I didn’t tell you to just come with me,” you huff, twirling the phone cord around your finger in distress.
“I mean we said it was too soon for the whole meet-the-parents thing,” Eddie reminds you, but his jaw is clenched as he holds back all the things he’d wished he’d said. Like how desperately he wanted to spend this special time of year with you, and how he would have loved the chance to win over the people who you care about most.
“Yeah but we were wrong. Who says there’s a timeline set in stone for this kind of thing anyway?”
“If you weren’t so far away, I’d hop in the van right now and let you know exactly where I want us to be on the timeline,” Eddie declares, feeling bold due to the distance and the fact that you can’t see his face. You laugh, which he’d hoped you would.
“If you weren’t so far away I’d let you.” It comes out shaky. You hadn’t said much but you’d said plenty, holding back the tears that threatened to spill out of nowhere. Eddie can hear it over the phone and he aches with the need to encircle you in his arms. To make any and all bad feelings melt away. He’s desperate to hear you laugh, so he tries his best.
“You can make it up to me by touching yourself and letting me hear some pretty sounds.”
“Eddie!” you say with a hushed squeal. Your eyes dart around to make sure you’re still alone in the kitchen, though nobody would be able to hear him even if they were near.
Eddie barks a laugh.
“It was worth a shot.”
You chew on your lip and contemplate, checking the clock on the wall above the sink.
“If…if you’re still up at midnight I can…maybe call you back from my room,” you saw slowly. Eddie’s eyes widen.
“Oh honey, if it means the chance to hear your sweet voice, I won’t be the only thing up at midnight.”
You’re adorably prompt, calling him back at 12am exactly on the dot. Eddie knows because he had been staring at the clock for the last fifteen minutes, willing time to fold in on itself if it could bring him just a little closer to you.
Eddie wrenches the phone to his face, a massive smile on his lips.
“Hey Princess,” he says, nice and low. Your laughter on the other end is breathless.
“What if it hadn’t been me? What if it was Wayne calling to tell you something?”
“Wayne would survive being called Princess,” he says with a shrug you can’t see. You giggle and Eddie preens. “What has you in such a good mood in the witching hour baby?”
“It’s all you, Eds,” you confirm, keeping your voice soft because of the time. “But I did steal a bottle of wine from my cousins after I said good night and I might have had a few glasses quickly before calling you.”
“Ah, looking for a party, are you?” A thrill runs down Eddie’s spine and he sits up a little straighter in bed, reaching for a pre-rolled joint and a lighter. He’s seen you tipsy before and you’re both adorable and insatiable.
“Yeah. And I was a little nervous,” you add honestly. You’d never talked dirty over the phone before, and even though you’ve had sex with Eddie many times by now, you’re still a little self conscious. Worried you won’t say the right thing or be sexy enough for him.
“Nervous about what? That someone’ll hear? You’re in your room, right?”
“Yeah, the cord from the hall phone was long enough to reach inside here, thank god.”
“So there’s nothing to be nervous about. You’ll be quiet, like a good girl, and nobody’ll know that you’ll be touching yourself for me.”
His words go straight between your legs, turning you on even more than the anticipation for this conversation had turned you on. He hears your sharp intake of breath and feels proud. Proud that without even touching you, even from so great a distance, he can still have a physical impact. Eddie strikes his lighter and inhales deeply, breathing his joint to life and taking a good long hit.
“I’m not nervous about people hearing I’m nervous that…” you trail off and Eddie feels apprehension for the first time all night.
“Nervous that what, baby?”
You huff in frustration, words not as easy in your tipsy state while also the excitement in your veins prompts you to get over yourself and stop wasting the time you have with him.
“You so much better at the dirty talk than I am…” you try to continue but he scoffs, cutting you off.
“If you dare say you’re nervous that what you say won’t be hot enough for me, I’ll scream.” Eddie drops the lighter back on his bedside table and scooches down to recline more comfortably now that he’s confident that your concern is silly. “Not to be creepy, but you could just breathe into the receiver while I jerk off and that would be enough to get me to cum my brains out.”
You let out a startled laugh at the absurdity of the statement and Eddie feels accomplished, taking another hit.
“You’re a fucking weirdo,” you respond affectionately.
“Yeah? But I’m your fucking weirdo,” Eddie counters, letting his hand smooth down to the front of his boxers. “And your fucking weirdo is hard as a rock right now, so is there anything you want to do about that?”
“Well…” you begin, getting comfortable in your bed despite the blood pounding in your ears, making it harder to hear the rustling of Eddie’s clothes over the phone. “If I was there…I’d probably tell you to get those boxers off and out of my way.”
“How did you know I still had my boxers on?” Eddie chuckles.
“Because I can hear you touching yourself through them. And because you always like doing things the hard way.”
“So, so hard Princess,” Eddie muses, pulling them off. “Ok, I’m naked for you. Boxers off as requested, ma’am. Now I repeat the question that I asked earlier - what are you wearing right now?”
“I’m wearing your Dio shirt. The one you left at my place last week,” you whisper sheepishly. Eddie swells with pride (and something close to possessiveness).
“You’re in my shirt and I can’t even see you? That’s cruel, baby,” he pretends to be cross. “Ok my Dio shirt and what else?”
“Nothing else,” you reply.
“So if I asked you to put your hand between those pretty little legs you’d be able to tell me how wet you are for me right now real easy?”
You do as he’d mentioned, bringing your hand down to gather your waiting slick.
“I’m really wet for you right now, Eds.”
“Good. Can you rest the phone on your shoulder or the pillow or something so both your hands are free?” he asks, doing the same thing himself as you move to follow his instructions. He holding his joint up in the air while getting a glob of lotion from the bottle on his nightstand, bringing it down to slide over the shaft of his cock. It adds a smooth glide to his motions that makes him swallow a moan.
“Something I should be doing with these two free hands, handsome?” you ask. You’re really pushing yourself here, trying to be confident in spite of the nerves. Eddie appreciate it and silently vows to make it so worth your while.
“Yeah. Take one and play with that little button I love so much. And the other one…tease your nipple with it through my shirt.”
You do as he says, rubbing circles into your clit, sending ripples of pleasure to your extremities. Your other hand presses and teases at your nipple through your shirt, making it harden from the friction of the material. You hum at the feeling and Eddie chuckles.
“Good, baby?”
“Really good. But not as good as it would have been with your hands.”
“No? Well why don’t you go and put two of those fingers inside you right now. Let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
You slide your middle and ring fingers inside your tight entrance, finding little resistance with how wet you are. Your other hand squeezed your breast more fully as you find a rhythm moving your fingers in and out of yourself.
“What about you? Are you…jerking off?” You ask shakily. You hadn’t been joking when you’d insisted he was better at dirty talk. Eddie usually talked all night long, leaving you with no obligations beyond feeling fucking incredible, moaning, and occasionally responding with a “yes! Yes!” or a “feels so good!” when prompted.
Eddie chuckles over the phone at your attempt, but the sound makes warmth spread through your body, rather than the embarrassment you’d assumed you’d feel. Apparently you’re too turned on to feel anything other than desire for him.
“Jerking off is a little crude. I’m not exactly a horny fifteen year old here, baby,” he admonished jokingly, abandoning his joint in the near by ashtray. You can hear the shick shick shick over the phone though and your stomach swoops. Of course he’s all lubed up. You know Eddie likes it wet. “I am, however, stroking my cock to the thought of your sweet pussy.”
“Oh god,” you whisper and Eddie laughs again. Your free hand abandons your tits and comes down to play with your clit as you add a third finger into your hole. Still not enough to recreate the stretch of Eddie’s fingers, let alone his cock, but still, better than nothing.
“Mmm what did you change? What’s got you moaning like that?” Eddie prompts. You feel heat spread through your body.
“I…I added another finger,” you admit and Eddie all but growls.
“That’s what I’m talking about. I know my baby likes to be stuffed full.”
“It’s not enough, Eds,” you whine then, and his heart wrenches. His instinct to give you something, more, everything hitches in his throat and he’s fucking his fist in earnest.
“Well then what will help? You got a toy there or anything that’ll feel…I don’t know, fucking more like me?” he laughs. You let out a frustrated laugh too.
“No, I don’t have a massive dildo just laying around at my parents house, Eddie.”
Eddie groans and squeezes himself even harder to stave off the urge to cum suddenly.
“Oh fuck, say more about how my dick is massive.”
“I didn’t say your dick is massive,” you say rolling your eyes, but thrusting your fingers in and out of yourself faster nonetheless. “I was talking about a dildo -,”
“I know what you meant, baby. No need to get coy with me now.” Eddie’s voice is hoarse. He’s trying his best not to cum, but something about your desperation, the sound of your voice (and if he’s being honest with himself, probably the weed), is bringing him all the way to the brink.
“Okay you’re right,” you say, finally letting go, circling your clit with abandon and bucking your hips to meet your hand, simulating what it feels like to meet Eddie’s thrusts. “Your dick is massive and perfect and I wish I was bouncing on it right now.”
Eddie’s eyes widen.
“Ah, so you’ve been picturing yourself on top?”
“You’ve been picture yourself on top?” you counter.
“Well yeah,” he admits. “But I just needed a visual, baby. I can flip us over in my head,” he adds with humor.
“No tell me what you were thinking,” you ask, you voice suddenly quieter, strained. You’re so close, desperate to cum with him. The way he wants you.
Eddie rolls so that he’s no longer on his back, his knees now digging into the mattress. He braces himself with one hand by where your head would be if you were there, his other moving furiously up and down his cock, tugging in down strokes that would have him bucking right into your pussy.
“I’m thinking about what its like when you’re under me and I fuck you so hard, every part of you jiggles. And those tits. Fuck.”
Eddie loses himself for a moment, grunting through the feeling of fucking himself. Imagining you there with him.
“You always take me so well, Princess. You’d take me so well, huh?”
“Yeah. I’d…I’d be so good for you, Eddie,” you whimper.
“I know you would be, baby. You make it so easy to just sink right in and just…fuck. Just give you everything I’ve got.” He’s so fucking close now he can feel his balls tightening, heavy and waiting.
“I-I want it,” you whine, voice cracking.
“What do you want princess? Tell me,” he commands gently. His hips are thrusting down towards the mattress now and he’s right on the edge of combusting.
“You,” you say, your voice small. Almost silent as all of your energy and focus zeros in on the tension building in your core, ready to snap. “Fuck…want you. Wanna cum. Wanna cum so bad Eddie.”
“Cum, baby. Come on and cum for me.” His tone is desperate, and the breathlessness is what has you tipping over the edge. The sound of your quiet moans, as your walls spasm and tighten around your own fingers, is what does him in. Eddie, free to be much louder alone in his trailer, cums with a deep groan that passes over the phone lines, through your ear and directly into your cunt, making your clit pulse anew beneath your frantically rubbing fingers.
“Merry fucking Christmas to me,” he finally mutters, sounding hoarse and wrecked when he finally drops onto his back on the bed, letting his softening cock fall from his grasp, spent. He hears your weak giggle over the phone and smiles.
“Hope you get everything you want for Christmas this year, Eds,” you whisper, fondness swelling inside you and evident in your voice.
“Oh Princess,” Eddie says with a chuckle, throwing an arm over his eyes and breathing deeply to help himself settle in the come down of his high. He wishes almost bitterly that you were in his arms right now, cuddling in the afterglow, but that sound of your voice on the line and the promise of your impending return keep his heart light. “I’ve already got all I could ever ask for.”
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
can you please give us something angsty between ethan and trouble? like how ethan texts her and she ignores the messages during the breakup. or when they run into each other in the cafeteria and trouble pretends he’s not there and walks away despite he’s calling out her name. the way trouble no longer crochets because that was her thing with ethan and it feels strange to pick up the needles and it makes her miss him.
*cleaning out my drafts!*
ethan is peter's best friend and by default, he owes you nothing.
you were a friend for the moment but once you and peter ended, so did the alliship. ethan didn't get that in the memo, but he's never made a friend through peter and lost her through him too. he keeps thinking everything is normal, like there isn't a giant peter shaped hole in the fence.
'hey, so i was thinking we could have a little study sesh at the library?'
'i'll rent out a room. and it would be just us.'
you miss him too sometimes. but he chose peter by default and you don't condemn him one bit for it, ally did the same with you. peter was ethan's friend first, so he should still be one when you walked away.
peter doesn't talk to ally anymore either. both friends became constant reminders of what you had and lost.
it might be a text message but you can hear ethan's voice in your head, he sounds defeated.
'i'm guessing that's a no.' you never open them but he knows you read them. it doesn't surprise ethan, you've ignored him since you dumped peter. he just never expected to be dumped too.
'i miss you.'
'i just wanna hang out with you again.'
'and if you don't want him around either that's fine with me.'
'i'll fly you somewhere in my private jet.'
'damn it. i was really hoping for a "you have a private jet???" response.'
'it's a yes btw. just because i know you're curious.'
'well, actually, it's my parents but you always say that's the same thing.'
you watch each notification appear and disappear. your teeth dig into your bottom lip to stop a smile, you can't go backwards. if you're around ethan it leads to peter and you can't do that.
ethan didn't realize there might be a reason why you haven't been texting him back, but he does now. what if you weren't replying because you weren't seeing them? he thought you were just ignoring him but it's been weeks of silence.
'did you block me too?'
he hopes not. he really, really hopes not. ethan knows why you pushed him away, he's just upset that he didn't get a say in it. ethan's never been able to tell you how sorry he is on behalf of his best friend and how he doesn't want to lose you over his idiocy.
you frown at the message, restraining your impulse to text him back, you hold your breath and wait for another message.
it comes two minutes later and your entire heart shatters.
'crochet buddy?'
you haven't been able to look at your basket of hooks and yarn, it feels wrong to finish your pig. you told ethan you kept messing up on the ears and he said he'd do them for you. he never got the chance. you wonder if he finished his lizard tail.
your thumbs move before your mind can stop you, not that it would. you had to tell him the truth, you can't have him wallow and sulk over you.
peter might deserve it but ethan doesn't.
'it would surprise me if you didn't have a private jet.'
'don't leave yet pls.'
'let me take you out to lunch. we can go to the village or brooklyn.'
'i promise he won't find out.'
'i miss my buddy.'
you think it's almost as painful as splitting from peter. ethan is peter's best friend and you can't get in the middle of that. it'll hurt peter just as bad and while part of you wants him to be hurt over you, you don't want to use ethan as the pawn to do it.
you back out of the conversation, lock your phone, set it down, and grab your unfinished pig before curling up with him for a nap.
ethan doesn't eat in kayte hall. you know he doesn't eat in kayte hall because you ate in cathedral hall with the sig nu frat.
used to.
you switched to kayte hall two weeks ago, it was an extra five minute walk but it was done with the purpose to avoid situations like this.
you try to move discreetly, it doesn't matter, he clocked you the second you sat down. you can't abandon ship, he's sliding in the seat across from you.
'you're avoiding me and i really hate it. you made me stoop so low i had to get a pledge to track you down for me.'
you're not going to give him the silent treatment, that would be plain rude.
'are you admitting to stalking me?'
'i'm admitting that i instructed someone to stalk you. are you flattered? you should be.'
'why aren't you at cathedral?'
'because you don't eat there anymore, duh. can i have a grape?' you hesitate before sliding your tray halfway up the table, he takes three.
you listen to the purple crush between his teeth, ethan looks a bit more serious after he swallows. you look at your cup, his stare makes you feel guilty.
'look, let me get this out of the way now so we don't have to talk about it again. i don't know all the details, park- peter hasn't really opened up to me about it.'
you swallow tightly, this is exactly what you didn't want to happen.
'from what i know- or pieced together, he disappointed me too. i'm sorry for whatever he did and i'm sorry it hurt you enough that i was caught in the crossfire, but between us, when i'm with you, he doesn't exist. this is the last time i'll ever talk about him, i'll offer you the same courtesy and we won't bring it up again.'
ethan's saying all the right things, you softly shrug. 'what's the courtesy?'
'you can ask me about him if you want to. it'll stay between us, i promise.'
the peter floodgates burst open, you'd done your best to push him from your mind but now you have the opportunity to indulge. you nibble at your bottom lip before looking up at him. ethan's smile is gentle, he's trying so hard for you.
'how is he doing?' from the little rumors you've heard it doesn't seem too good and the harsh bruise splattered across his jawline last week didn't do him any favors.
'um,' his smile tweaked, it's worse than you thought. you know it's bad because ethan's trying to find a way to be honest but not worry you. 'he's okay.'
'please be honest.' you know you ended it, you know it's real this time and you know part of you wants to hate him but if he's really down bad, you might have to give him a visit. ethan takes a deep breath and leans in closer to the table.
'yeah, he um, he kind of tanked. he's not himself right now. he's skipping chapter meetings, he's missing classes and if he's home, he's barricaded in his room or drinking.' your heart sinks, you're not hungry anymore.
'does he miss me?' you almost feel embarrassed to ask. ethan doesn't find the question pitiful, he's just glad you're talking to him. 'bad.'
it's brutal on your end too, but he sounds worse than you. at least you can get through the emotions of your day to day. you wish you could say you won the breakup but there's no winning.
'has he...'
you don't want to know the answer. you don't want to know the answer. you don't want to know the answer.
you still ask it. 'has he hooked up with anyone else?'
'no.' you believe him because he said it quick and with certainty. you nod slowly, it was the answer you wanted but it still didn't feel good.
'is he still going to the parties?' ethan shakes his head, 'i haven't seen him at any.'
'but he still has you, right?' if you didn't have a small support system you would've lost it ten times over by now. peter doesn't have a whole lot but one ethan overpowers ten mediocre friends.
'i asked if he wanted to talk about it, he said not really, i told him i was there for him and he said thanks. there really hasn't been much else, he's just been really quiet.'
ethan is all peter has, you can't rip that away from him. it would be evil to pollute the one thing he still had, you walked away from him and you shouldn't take his friend with you. plus... how could you move on if you have the peter encyclopedia at your fingertips?
'at least he's not crying.' you end it with a half laugh, half hum. it's sad all around and you're trying to lighten the mood, ethan avoids eye contact and your palms rest on the table.
ethan's not sure if he is or not. he hasn't heard him but there are some days peter would shuffle out from his room for a water or snack and his eyes were a little red. there was evidence of crying but no tears, so he can't say with certainty but he knows.
'i don't know.'
it made up your mind. you can't do this to peter, you can't sneak around with his friend when he's still trying to mend what went down. you grieved the end of your relationship when you were with him, calling it quits was hard and it still is, but you were prepared. peter was caught off guard and he's still analyzing everything that went down, you know he is.
'so... are we cool?'
'of course we are, you were never a problem, ethan.' he looks relieved, releasing a sharp sigh he rests his hand over his heart and smiles brightly. 'oh thank god, i really missed you. so, are we done with the peter talk? are we ready to schedule our next crochet date?'
oh. he must've misunderstood you.
'no, we're not... we're not hanging out ethan, i just wanted you to know i didn't have any bad blood against you.'
ethan's not a mean person and you've never seen him mad at someone but he's hurt and his arms cross over his chest with a sneer.
'why am i being punished for what he did?'
'you're his best friend, ethan.' it's a statement and fact. it also has everything to do with you ghosting him. 'you were my friend too.' it's a raw confession, you can't look at him when he's this sad.
'i know i was. you were mine too, you still are. it's just different now and i'm not saying we can't be friends, but i think it would be better for everyone if we just took a break from each other right now.'
'it's not better for me. everything is weird right now, my best friend is a shell of the person he used to be and my other one pushed me so far away i was convinced she forgot about me.'
'it feels like i'm being iced out from all sides.' he's much sadder when he adds that on. you feel for him and you hate that you're part of the reason he feels excluded.
'i'm really sorry you feel like that, ethan. i promise it won't be forever, but i have my mind made up and no matter how many times you say please, it won't change.'
you're not sure if things between you became really quiet or if the dining hall doubled in sound. ethan's trying to come up with the right combination of words but nothing's good enough to make you come around on the idea.
If please doesn't work, he might have to force you.
'okay. i'll stop asking you to hang out with me.' he sounds fine with it, you're a little suspicious but he might've just wanted to talk to you, even if it was a formal goodbye.
'but i should go now.' ethan pushes against the edge of the table to slide out from his chair. his words are short but his tone is happy, you stare at him extra hard before nodding.
'i'll see you around?'
ethan sends a wink your way, 'see you later.'
the contents of your backpack are all over your bed, your phone nowhere to be found. you retrace your previous steps, you had it at lunch and you swore it was in your outer pocket at the library but after that it's blank.
it was either lost or stolen. your entire life was on it, you don't even have a way of telling everyone you lost it. you recheck your bag two more times even after holding it upside down, then fill it back up while giving yourself pity.
you wallow in it for ten minutes, not even a minute after that your roommate rushes in the door with her own phone held out. 'it's ethan.' you reach for it without thinking but pause before you can fully grab it, ally shakes it towards you. 'he said he has your phone?'
ally's unaware of what's happening and is being as helpful as she could but all you're thinking about is when and how he took it. you press her phone to your ear and ask him where your phone is, he plays dumb.
'i'm not fucking around, ethan. this isn't funny, i need my phone.'
'you left it behind at butler, it's a good thing my pledge found it for you.'
there was absolutely no chance of you leaving it, you clench your jaw and try to restrain yourself from throwing a million mean chirps. he sent someone to rob you.
'you stole my phone? why the fuck would you steal my phone?'
'oh, i didn't steal anything. you should be thankful one of our guys found it.'
'found it in my backpack?'
'did he? hm, interesting. but, hey! it's here and it's safe.'
'great, bring it to me.'
there's a pause on the other line, ethan sucks air in through his teeth. 'sorry, no can do, buddy. looks like you'll have to come get it.' your mouth parts in shock, that was the plan? forcing your hand to hang out with him?
'absolutely not. just meet me at kayte.'
'another no go, my friend. i'm stuck here and so is your phone.'
'you're not stuck anywhere, except in a house with my ex.'
'he's not here.'
'i don't believe you.'
you can picture ethan holding his phone into open air, he sounds far away when he calls out 'parker!' there's a solid ten second gap before he sounds crystal clear again. 'see? no threats.'
'ethan, please.'
'just come over, i promise it'll be fun.'
your eyebrows furrow, he thinks it's a game. 'no, nothing will be fun. this will be a business transaction and i'll be out of there in ten seconds.'
'so it's a yes? you're coming over?' if ethan had a tail, he would be wagging it. his plan worked and you're falling right into his hand. if it was anything else, you'd say fuck it and move on. but ethan took the one thing he can hold over your head and you both know it.
'i don't know how, but this is a rich asshole thing and you're being one.'
ethan ignores you. 'make sure to bring your crochet hooks!'
'i'm not doing that.'
'that's okay! i have a bunch of extras.'
'i mean it, ethan. i'm not hanging around!'
'what's that? sorry, you're breaking up on me. we should finish this conversation in person... okay, bye!'
the call disconnects suddenly. you stare at the black screen and take a deep breath to secure your thoughts before making a trek across campus.
'give me my phone.'
ethan ignores you and points to his bedside table, there's two waters and an entire box of grocery store cookies. 'here, come have a snack.' he drops his crochet tub on the edge of his bed. 'i got some new yarn, look at how soft it is.'
everything about it was a ruse.
'im serious, ethan. give me my phone.' he sighs and gestures to his desk, he keeps pulling out hooks. 'it's on my desk.' you search the surface, it's extremely tidy with no hiding place.
'no it's not. where is it?'
'hm... i must've misplaced it. i'll help you look in a second.'
if ethan wants to play dirty, you have no issue getting in the mud. you grab a small succulent from his windowsill and raise it next to your head.
'give me my phone, ethan.'
you're fighting fire with fire, ethan eyes his plant in your hold but keeps a straight face. 'i forgot where i put it.' if that's how he wants to act, you have no choice but to follow through on your actions.
you drop the mini cactus, the pot shatters into a dozen pieces and soil spatters around the floor. ethan falls to his knees and screams 'no!' at the plant guts covering the ground.
'she was a kid, you monster! she did nothing to you!'
you grab the matching pot that was next to it. 'give me my phone or the sister gets it.'
'i refuse to negotiate with a terrorist!' you're breaking him, you can see he's hesitant to refuse your compromise. 'i'm sorry you feel that way.'
the clay pot falls just as quick, it lies in a broken heap next to it's twin. ethan acts like he's been shot, a throaty yelp was produced while he delicately held the cacti in his hands.
the plants were fine, all you did was bust the pots. and while breaking personal property was a bar too low for you, you know he has at least a dozen more just like it in his closet.
you look up at his door to watch it crack open, it's a swift movement but it feels like everything is moving in slow motion. you try to back up as quick as you can but you're cemented to the floor and all you can do is stare at the face coming through the door.
'what the hell is... hey.'
you swallow hard, he looks how ethan said. just a shell of what he once was. all you can stare at is the purple bruise on his cheekbone, your heart pangs when it's reminded it's not your job to care about it anymore.
you point at ethan who suddenly is really quiet.
'he stole my phone.'
peter nods slowly before peering down at the mess around your shoes. 'did he give it back?' you shake your head, you feel like a tattle tail, especially when peter looks down at ethan and tells him to give your phone back.
ethan pulls it out of his pocket and hands it right over, your jaw drops and you frown heavily at him. 'you do it when he asks but not me?'
'he'll beat me up, you'll just unhouse my plants.'
'peter would never beat you up.' therefore, his excuse is pointless. ethan disagrees, his eyebrows almost hit his hairline with how confident you are. 'over you? he'd fucking kill me.'
you wait for peter to tag in, you know something is brewing in his mind. something like 'damn right i would,' and you'd follow up with something about how he's actually a big baby and he'd say something like 'only for you' and you'd... but that's not real life anymore and he stays silent.
he's probably confused and a little hurt you're hidden away in ethan's room, you feel the need to apologize even though you're not sure why you're sorry.
'i'm sorry, peter. i tried telling ethan that we should take a break on our friendship but he won't let it go.' you threw him under the bus in a second and you don't care, from the looks of it neither does ethan.
'you can be friends with ethan. you should be friends with ethan.' it's the first time actually talking with him since the break up and it feels weird, he's too formal. he's being kind and reserved, he's pliant and you need some bounce back to feel normal.
'you always said i needed to unfriend him when we were together.' you might've tossed a taunt at him, you wanted a reaction. you wanted your peter and throwing the break up in his face might do it.
it works, his eyebrows furrow while his stature hardens. 'i said a lot of shit i didn't mean when we were together, trouble.' you point at him, your tone ice cold. 'don't.' you refuse to acknowledge the small spread of warmth at the nickname.
'you like ethan, ethan likes you. you guys are good friends, why should i fuck that up? i ruined enough shit for you. the least i could do is give you ethan.'
ethan could speak up to make a joke about how it's like he's a child of divorce or that he's a person, not a piece of property but it feels like you're both having a moment that needs to happen. even if there was a weird energy he was picking up on.
your eyes narrow, he's doing this for reasons beyond being a good person. you know him well enough to know that he has something up his sleeve.
'i can think of something else i'd rather you give me.'
you can see the heat brewing behind his eyes, you got him right where you want him. peter uses his serious voice, the one he uses instead of raising his voice but still demands your attention.
'we're not talking about this here.'
those two sentences just told ethan that whatever you were insinuating was what ended the relationship and peter's very upset stance solidifies his opinion.
'oh, trust me. you're not talking about it at all.'
'we're not unpacking this in front of ethan. i'm on my way out anyway, hang out with your friend.' peter tries to step past you but you circle around to step up with him and block his exit, his chest brushes yours for a second and it takes everything in you not to wrap your arms around him and sink your face into the body you once found homely.
'liar.' he doesn't want you to hang around and he wasn't leaving. you're met with a heavy sigh. 'yeah, probably.' you can't stop yourself, you lightly poke his chest and peter's head drops so he can watch your hold stick longer than it should've.
'be honest.'
'you might be ready to cut the cord but i'm not.' he'd rather keep you in his life as a tie through ethan no matter how sore it was. if you had ethan you'd never fully lose him and that kind of promise is the only thing he wants right now.
'neither am i.'
peter stares at ethan, 'shut up.' he's shunned into silence. you're starting to understand why peter said he wasn't going to unpack anything here, you look down at your hands and play with a ring on your finger.
you think peter wants to talk about it civilly but you don't think either of you are ready to do it yet without hurting either person's feelings even more than they already are.
but having ethan around is a nice way to keep peter close without damaging your healing.
'okay.' you take a deep breath and glance at ethan, who's still pouting on the floor keeping his eye line from peter. 'i guess we can hang out.' he lights up in a second, looking between you and peter in case either one of you vetoes it.
neither of you do.
'sweet! i have to repot these but i have some new templets in my basket, so if you want to pick one out and start i'll just catch up later.' you nervously look towards peter and immediately dart away when you make eye contact.
turning your back on him slightly, you feel a little better. there's something about him that makes you feel jittery, like when you were the first couple times you met up with him alone.
'i don't think being here is a good idea, maybe we should just stick to my dorm?'
'why? parker said he was fine with us hanging out.'
'because maybe parker was being nice and doesn't actually want to see me here?'
peter can speak for himself, and he'll use the correct name. in case you forgot. 'peter, is just fine with you being here. the only sucky part is knowing you hate me.'
you think he might be baiting you now but you can't help but set the record straight. 'okay, hold on now.' you speak very clearly towards him, you're not about to let him twist your words.
'i am a hundred different emotions towards you right now but i don't hate you. i think you know that, parker.'
'okay,' it's full of sarcasm. 'you have a goodnight, trouble. i'll see you later.' you bite your tongue and let him leave, if you didn't, you'd be making subtle shots at each other all night.
'your best friend is a dick.' the second you're alone. ethan shrugs, 'you were into that at one point.'
'no, no. if we're going to be friends you only ever sympathize with me about him, you're not allowed to bring up anything i did in the relationship.'
ethan has a pile of soil and a pile of shattered clay, you feel obligated to help him clean up. 'and for clarification, i'm supposed to sympathize with your ex boy toy when i'm with him?'
'absolutely not. you're on team me at all times. shame him if you have to.' the broken pieces land in his desk trash can. 'is this where i have to remind you he'd kick my ass?'
oh, you missed and loathe this so much.
'you're so whiny, clean quieter.'
'is it too late for you to ghost me again?'
'that's it. clean up your own mess, i'm going to make a crochet snake and not because it's the easiest but because that's how you're acting.'
ethan snorts and nods towards his wicked wicker basket of yarn, you're already eyeing different greens. 'be sure to make one for my twin next door.'
you do.
you leave it outside peter's door and while ethan never confirmed it, he knows you're the one who made it.
and it sleeps on his nightstand next to him every night. 
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 9 months
The Danger Zone (Part 14) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 4.8k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY.
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Military Inaccuracies; Daddy and Mommy Issues Galore; Arguing; Crying; Angst; Screwed Up (Seresin) Family Dynamics Discussed; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: You and Jake spend some time apart. Maverick offers his help.
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You called out of work the next day, knowing that you were in no shape to go. Closer to lunch time, after you'd wallowed for a time, Maverick drove you over to Jake’s apartment and packed up a few things while Jake was out. You didn’t take everything, just a few days' worth of clothes and necessities, before heading back to Maverick’s house to wallow some more.
Burying your face into your pregnancy pillow, you looked up when the door to your room opened. You sat up when you saw Penny standing there. And when she walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help but latch onto her.
Penny pulled you close and rubbed your back as you cried, sharing a worried look with Maverick. He leaned against the doorframe, looking like he didn’t know what to do. Penny gave him a look, glancing down at you, before returning the same look to Maverick.
He nodded and walked away to make a call.
While Penny led you outside, Maverick stood on the front steps with his phone to his ear. He knew that it was the middle of the day, but he was still hoping that there was a chance.
“Hey, Mav, what’s up?” Javy answered calmly after a few rings.
“I’m assuming that you’ve heard,” Maverick stated bluntly, causing Javy to sigh.
“Yeah, I’m putting out my own fires over here,” Javy stated, glancing over at Jake’s office.
Jake was furiously writing away at forms and typing paperwork into his computer, barely taking a moment to blink. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and hadn’t eaten anything, save for three cups of coffee. He was in no shape to do anything. Javy would tackle him to the floor himself before letting him into a plane in this state.
“How’s she doing?” Javy asked Maverick.
“I haven’t seen her like this in a long time. And I don’t ever want to see her like this again.” Maverick glanced back at the house before turning back to the street. “What happened, Coyote?”
“His mom wrote him a letter.”
“And?” Maverick pressed a bit more, not seeing the connection.
“Jake doesn’t really have a traditional relationship with his parents. And for good reason on his part. And he needs to tell her about it, but he’s not exactly the most emotionally intelligent guy.”
Javy gestured for Fanboy to carry in another stack of files into Jake’s office. Jake didn’t look up, working through the paperwork in front of him like a robot on rocket fuel. Fanboy hesitated for a moment but with another sharp look from Coyote, Fanboy turned to Jake.
“Hey, Hangman, we’re kind of falling behind, so I was wondering—”
“—Just put it on the pile, Fanboy,” Jake stated, not even looking up.
Fanboy dropped the stack and walked out, shooting Javy a thumbs up that Javy returned. Glancing worriedly at Jake again, Javy turned away to continue his conversation with Maverick.
“He’s not anywhere near a plane right now, right?”
“No, I’m making sure of that," Javy promised him.
“It might be a good idea to keep Rooster away from him too.”
“Already on it,” Javy replied, watching his wife march Rooster down the hall to go and teach lessons today. Far away from Jake. “I’ve got it handled here but I’m worried about him when he gets off.”
“I should warn you that we went over, and she took her stuff.”
“She’s already decided to move out?” Javy asked, starting to panic.
“No, she just needed some time and some of her things for now. But I'm worried that if he sees her stuff gone, it might set him off.”
“Alright, I’ll drag him home with me and Phoenix.”
“Actually, Coyote, I was wondering if you think that Jake would come with me for a drive tonight?” Maverick suggested, causing Coyote to pause for a moment. “If you think that he needs more time, he needs more time. I trust your judgment.”
“Tomorrow,” Coyote decided after a moment. “Come to my house in the morning. Before he has a chance to get worked up.”
“Alright. Keep me updated, Coyote.”
“You too, Mav.”
Hanging up the call, Maverick walked back inside the house and paused when he saw you and Penny out on the back porch. You seemed to have stopped crying, but you looked so broken that it felt like a direct punch to Maverick’s gut.
You were the little girl that Goose and Carole hoped and begged for. You were the little girl that Goose continually sobbed over when he got a photo of you from the hospital, having missed your birth. You were the little girl that he then proceeded to sob over at the airport in Miramar when he got to hold you for the first time. You were the little girl that Goose swore up and down that he’d protect and love and definitely not let you anywhere near naval aviators.
And when Goose died, Maverick took up that mantle in his place. And he wasn’t going to let you, or Goose, or Carole down.
They were going to fix this. Someway. Somehow.
Bradley, as soon as he saw that something was off with Hangman, knew that something was probably off with you too. And when you didn’t answer his call, he went looking for you after work. He drove by your apartment and after a quick scan of the parking lot, moved on.
And when he saw your car parked in Maverick’s driveway, he pulled in. Getting out of the Bronco, he walked around the back and entered through the side door. Rooster spotted you standing in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink. You looked up at the sound of footsteps before looking right back down, defeat written all over your features.
“Where’s Mav?” Bradley asked, looking around.
“He went out to grab dinner. Did you need him for something?”
“No, I came to check on you.”
“Why would you do that?” you asked, adding some ice cubes.
“Well, Hangman seemed off today.”
“Did he?” you questioned quietly.
“Yeah.” Bradley waited a moment before asking, “What happened between you guys?”
“Why? So that you can run off and yell at him?” you scoffed haughtily. “Or make some comment to him tomorrow in front of everyone and watch him bite his tongue? Or finally explode?”
“Are you okay?” Bradley asked you worriedly.
“Yeah, Brad. I’m really fucking peachy,” you snapped, causing him to wince. “Look at how okay I am. I’m living out of a bag in Mav’s house after having a massive fight with my boyfriend while I’m nearly six months pregnant with his baby. And one of the things that we were fighting about just so happened to be about how hard my family was on him. Comparing him to my ex. Making him feel like he wasn’t good enough to be with me. Telling him that he was going to be a shit dad.” Placing your hands on your hips, you glared at your brother. “Does any of that sound familiar, Bradley?”
When he didn’t respond, you grabbed the paper towel roll off the holder and threw it at Bradley’s head. And when that bounced off his arm, you reached over and yanked the dish towels off the oven and chucked them at him too. Bradley walked around the cabinets and grabbed the loaf of bread before you could throw it at him too.
“Just put the bread down,” Bradley tried to coax you, worried that you’d grab a knife next.
“Why the fuck did you say that shit to him!?” you yelled, pushing your brother in the chest.
Bradley called your name softly, but you kept pushing him away or trying to hit him. And when he grabbed your wrists gently, you finally broke down. Bradley, not sure what to say, just pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t fight him on that one.
“I love him, Bradley,” you sobbed, your whole body shaking. “Why’d you say that to him?”
“I’m sorry,” Bradley replied a few moments later.
“Are you? You wanted us to break up and now he’s probably shut down completely and is packing up the rest of my stuff in his apartment as we speak.”
“No, he’s not.”
“How do you know? Do the two of you talk now?”
“After your last appointment, he showed the whole squad and about half of the department the ultrasound. I had several people ask me if he had an identical twin brother playing a prank on everyone because he wasn’t acting like his usual asshole self.” Bradley paused for a moment before adding, “A man who’s that excited about his baby isn’t just going to walk away after a little fight.”
You slowly stopped crying, but you didn’t let go of your brother. And he didn’t let go of you. It kind of reminded you of when he came back home to grab some more of his stuff after his fight with Maverick. You were home and tossed everything but the kitchen sink at him for not calling you to tell you that he was alright.
“Everyone has fights. Emma kicked my ass out onto the couch before. We got through it. You’ll get through it too.”
Maverick walked in with a bag of food, not surprised to see Bradley standing there with you. You and Bradley slowly released each other, and you reached to grab a tissue, but paused when they weren’t at their usual spot. You must have thrown them at Bradley.
“I found them,” Maverick called, grabbing the box from behind the kitchen table.
Jake stared at the ceiling of Javy and Nat’s guest room. He hadn’t slept for more than three hours before the nightmares woke him up. You still hadn’t reached out to him, and he took that to mean that you decided to break up with him and the next time that he’d get to see you was in court about child support.
Well, at least he wasn’t crazy to assume that it could all blow up.
Getting out of bed, Jake got dressed. He usually went for a run after he woke up, but he didn’t even care anymore. He just wanted a coffee. But with his current streak, he’d fuck that up too. Not even bothering to shave, Jake headed out to the kitchen. He heard Phoenix and Javy already up and talking.
But when he turned the corner, Jake was surprised to see Maverick standing there.
“Morning, Jake,” Javy greeted him, placing a cup of coffee down.
Jake walked over quietly, reaching for the coffee. He didn’t respond verbally and simply stared down Maverick, waiting for him to explain his presence.
“Morning, Jake,” Maverick repeated in greeting.
“What are you doing here, Mav?” Jake asked, a bit defensive, but mostly exhausted.
“I came to ask if you were free for a chat,” Maverick replied calmly.
“Do I have a choice?”
“Of course, you have a choice, Jake.”
“Should I bring my photo ID? Or would you prefer to make it a little difficult for whoever drags my body out of the ditch to identify me?”
“You can bring whatever you want.” Maverick glanced between Jake, Javy, and Phoenix before moving to leave. “I’ll wait out in the car.”
Jake turned to Javy and Phoenix, who stared at him with encouraging looks as Maverick walked out of the house. Jake took a sip of his coffee before setting the cup down.
“Did you call him?” Jake grumbled, causing Javy to sigh.
“He called me because he’s worried about her.”
“What do you mean? Is she hurt? Is the baby hurt?” Jake asked urgently, but Phoenix quickly shut it down.
“No, just emotionally.”
“You talked to her?” Jake asked her.
“I texted her,” Phoenix answered honestly. “She responded, but not much.” After sharing a look with her husband, Phoenix added, “And she asked me about you. So, if you want to repair your relationship with her, go for the drive with Maverick.”
“You have nothing to lose by doing it,” Coyote added, causing Jake to look to where Maverick’s car was parked in the driveway.
Jake didn’t know what to think about Maverick taking him for a drive. He just sat and stared. Maverick started driving up the coast, letting Jake stew in the silence, before pulling off the coastal road. It was a random barren pull off with a stretch of sand beyond the pavement that wasn’t even a body length wide.
Jake guessed that Maverick wanted him to swim with the fishes.
They walked to the edge of the lot together, though they made no move to break the silence. Jake stared down at the dark waves, waiting for Maverick to speak. But Maverick was too busy staring off into the distance.
“What is this place?” Jake asked quietly.
“It’s the closest point to where my accident happened. The one that ended the life of my best friend. And the maternal grandfather of your child.”
“Why’d you bring me here?” Jake questioned quietly, sounding like he was walking on eggshells. “Do you even bring them here?”
“I brought Bradley here once. Not long after their mom died. But I never brought her here. I’m sure that Bradley mentioned it to her, but she never asked me to take her here.” A breath of silence passed between them before Maverick added, “I come out here to reflect. I guess it’s a type of therapy for me.”
“Why did you bring me here?” Jake asked again.
“You’re having a baby with my goddaughter. That means that you’re part of our unconventional family now. And despite what you may think about us, we know that we’re not perfect. We’re far from it.”
Maverick stared out at the waves, lost in his thoughts for a moment.
“My father died in Vietnam. He was a pilot and crashed after a dogfight. The State Department ran his name through the mud and sent my mother into a downward spiral. She died less than a year after my father. And then I went into foster care.”
Maverick turned to look at Jake out of the corner of his eye, though Jake did not return his stare.
“The only point that I’m trying to prove to you is that whatever you’re worried about sharing with her about your past, she’s not going to care. Your parents don’t define you. Their lives don’t define yours. And they’re not going to change how she feels about you.”
Maverick turned to Jake, his serious expression hidden by his sunglasses. Jake didn’t return his gaze directly, but his body did tilt more towards Maverick to show that he was listening.
“But she mentioned that you told her that you were trying to ‘protect’ her from your parents, which, as her godfather, raises some concerns.” Maverick folded his arms behind his back. “I don’t need any specifics. All I need to know is whether my goddaughter and her child are in any kind of physical danger.”
“They're not”
“Then what are you referring to?”
“My parents, the type of bullshit that they would try to pull would be financial. They would try to stop the transfer of any of my assets to her and the baby. At least ones that I inherited. They’re not the mafia, just some old money assholes trying to keep their wealth.”
“And the baby? They wouldn’t try any bullshit with the baby, right?” Maverick asked seriously.
“They wouldn't fight for custody. We’re not married and she’s not a choice that they would have ever made for me. They’d probably try to prove that the baby isn’t mine or do something else to cut off any sort of inheritance or child support from me or my estate. They wouldn’t want anything to do with the baby beyond that.”
“We can work with that,” Maverick stated calmly. “But you need to tell her what you told me and even more. If the two of you are going to raise a baby together and deal with whatever your parents throw at you, you need to be on the same page. And we’ll support you through it. All three of you.”
Jake nodded slowly, staring out at the waves in the distance before he looked down at his shoes.
You sat out on Maverick’s back porch in the shade, reading a book when you heard a car pull into the driveway. You assumed that it was just Maverick.
But when Jake came walking around the corner, you completely forgot about your book. Jake slowly walked over to you, stepping up onto the deck, and slowly sat down in the seat across from you. The two of you stared at each other for a moment in silence until Jake finally bucked up the courage to speak.
“Can we talk?” Jake asked softly.
“Yeah,” you returned quietly, shifting in your seat. “Of course, Jake.”
“How are you feeling today?” he awkwardly asked.
“Can we please cut past the small talk?” you inquired, causing Jake to pause, looking a bit surprised. A bit embarrassed, you rephrased your sentiment. “Sorry. I just really want to talk about our fight. It’s been eating away at me since I left.”
“I get it.”
Jake pulled out the envelope that set off a bomb in your relationship. He stared down at it for a moment before leaning over and holding it out to you. You started to reach out but hesitated.
“Read it,” Jake insisted, leaning further forward.
“Are you sure?” you asked quietly, gently taking the envelope from him.
“I want you to read it.”
You slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the card. It started out as a normal card would. But there were a few lines that jumped out at you that were distinctly odd. And by the end of it, you were more confused than you were when you started. You looked up at Jake and handed the card back to him. He placed it on the table between you and stared down at it, getting ready to begin his speech.
“I haven’t talked to my mom in five years. I wasn’t lying about that. But she has sent me a few cards, usually for my birthday, since then. Similar to this one. I’ve ignored them because I was happier without them in my life.” Jake slowly turned back to you. “And the reason why I stopped talking to my mom is because she is an extension of my father.”
Jake looked away for a moment, thinking over his next words carefully, before turning back to you. You were sitting calmly across from him, hands folded in front of your bump.
“My father is the type of guy to make his own kid call him ‘sir’ around the house. He wasn’t caring. He wasn’t ever there for me, except when I won an award or did well. And I caught him cheating on my mom at least three times myself.”
“Does she know that he’s cheating on her?” you asked softly.
“She’s known since the first affair. He’s not exactly a discreet guy. But she’s stayed with him for three reasons—her image in their community, her religion that preaches that divorce is a sin and a bunch of other bullcrap, and because he’s manipulated her into thinking that she owes him.”
“What does she owe him for?” you asked, growing more confused and concerned.
Jake paused, rubbing his hands together. He turned back to you and straightened up.
“Because she could never give him the biological son that he wanted more than anything else in the world,” Jake stated, causing you to blink rapidly.
“But . . . you . . .”
Jake let you fumble for a moment before finally dropping the bomb that he had held inside of him pretty much every day since he found out the news himself all those years ago.
“I’m adopted,” Jake explained calmly. “And you’re only the second person that I’ve ever told.”
“Jake, I never would have cared if you were adopted or not,” you reassured him. “And if I ever did, I’m sorry.”
“You never did. And I wasn’t scared to tell you that I was adopted. I was worried about explaining the story that comes along with it.”
Jake rubbed the back of his neck slowly, trying to figure out the best way to tell you.
“My parents tried to have a baby naturally for three years to no success. My father threatened to divorce my mother because she couldn’t give him a baby. And the bastard never stopped to consider the fact that he might be the problem.”
You sat back quietly, hearing the anger build in Jake’s tone and giving him the space to let those thoughts out.
“He never got any of his mistresses pregnant. If he did, he would have divorced her in a heartbeat and claimed that kid as his true son. And he could have easily pulled it off with a paternity test on me. No one else knew that I was adopted. He would have claimed that my mom got pregnant with another man’s baby and he probably would have gotten away with it. Maternity tests aren’t exactly common outside of adopted children and my mom was never going to expose the secret to the world.”
“There wasn’t any paperwork to say that you were adopted? Nothing?” you asked curiously.
“No, because my manipulative father and desperate mother did it all under the table. They found a woman who was unexpectedly pregnant. Vulnerable. Desperate. Apparently, she couldn’t tell her family about the baby and the father was gone. My mother took her to a doctor and paid for an ultrasound. Discovered that the woman was pregnant with a boy. And so began the sham.”
He couldn’t bear to look at you, afraid of what he would see in your eyes. But now that he had started, he wasn’t sure that he could stop until it was all out there and in the open.
“They took her in until she had the baby. They hid her away with my mother away from everyone for months to build up the story. And after I was born . . . they coerced her into giving me up. They told her that they would give me a better future than she ever would. They offered her money for her troubles and to write a letter to sell whatever story she told her family. And two weeks after I was born, she left.”
Jake stared at the ground for a long moment and only looked up when he heard you move. Picking his head up, Jake watched you as you slowly walked over to him. You hesitated when you drew close, but Jake didn’t pause when he reached out for you. Finding your seat in his lap, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“The only thing that I can think to say . . . is I’m sorry,” you whispered, causing Jake to pull you closer. “That’s awful, that’s-that’s . . . psychotic. Criminal. Absolutely disgusting. I—” You cut yourself off, focusing on Jake in your arms again. “I’m so sorry, Jake.”
The two of you sat there for a long moment, just processing your conversation. You focused on rubbing Jake’s back and slowly combing your hand through his hair to try and soothe him. You could feel how tense he was and had to wonder how much he had worked himself up to tell you those dark secrets.
Jake didn’t say anything, keeping his face buried in the juncture of your neck. His arm was solid on your back, keeping you supported and close with his hand curled protectively around your bump.
Feeling Jake pick his head up, you turned to meet his gaze, letting him set the tone. He took another breath, leaning back and pulling you further into his lap and you had no qualms about curling up against his chest. You didn’t even realize how much you missed the simplest details about him.
“I don’t plan on ever inviting them back into my life,” Jake began, causing you to nod supportively. His voice cracked a bit as he continued, “And I know that you pictured a life with a guy who didn’t have such a fucked up family and past and—”
“—Jake,” you cut in, tears building in your own eyes. Cupping his cheeks with your hands as a tear slipped down Jake’s cheek, you let a few fall yourself. “I don’t care about any of that. It doesn’t matter what I pictured before I met you. You’re my baby’s father and you’re the man that I love and I don’t care about how your family is. I just care about you.”
“You love me?” Jake asked you softly.
“I love you, Jake Seresin,” you repeated with more confidence in your tone.
“You’re not going to leave me for being a complete asshole to you?” Jake added, his voice breaking again. “Because I hate myself for that. I hated that I said that the second that those words left my mouth.”
“Of course, I’m not leaving you, Jake,” you practically sobbed, tears quickly streaming down your cheeks. “I love you. I don’t want to leave you.”
“I love you too,” Jake returned softly, surprised by the amount of emotion in his voice. “I love you. I love our baby. And I don’t want to do anything else to jeopardize it and risk losing you. Because I can’t lose you. I can’t lose either of you.”
“You’re not,” you promised him, pulling him in for a tight hug again. “We’re not going anywhere.”
“I was stressed and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I just—when Cyclone told me about my promotion, he told me that there was a higher chance that I could get deployed over the next few weeks or months.”
“Jake,” you whimpered softly, drawing your fingers down his cheek. “It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“It would feel that way.”
“But it wouldn’t be,” you told him firmly. “I know that you want to be there, Jake. I’m not going to hold that against you. I knew that was a possibility. And I don’t want you to hold that against yourself, alright?”
“—Alright,” you pressed more.
The two of you latched onto each other, letting your tears dry and fade. You felt Jake press a kiss to your neck and leaned into the touch when you suddenly jolted in his lap.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jake asked you quickly, causing you to smile.
“Nothing’s wrong. They’re just moving again. They scared me.” Moving Jake’s hand to rest over the side of your bump that your child was active around, even though he wouldn’t be able to actually feel them, you rested your head on his chest. “They weren’t moving around as much when I was here.”
“Do you need to go to the doctor?” Jake asked, staring worriedly down at your bump.
“I called yesterday. They said just to monitor them and to relax a little bit more. And they were right because now our child’s moving around again.” You leaned back against him as he curled his arm around your bump. “They’re going to be a handful? Aren’t they?”
“More than likely,” Jake agreed, sharing a smile with you before turning back to your bump. “But stop scaring your mom. Do you hear me?” After a moment, Jake turned back to you. “Can they hear me?”
“I think so. At my last appointment, they said that the baby should be responding to sound soon.”
Leaning down more so that he could speak directly to your bump, Jake repeated his earlier message, causing you to laugh. He picked his head back up and turned to you, smiling softly. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He, in turn, pressed a kiss to your lips that you happily accepted.
“Do you think that you’re ready to come home with me?” Jake asked, causing you to nod quickly. “Then let’s get you packed.”
Jake got you packed in about ten minutes and as you pulled your snacks out of the cupboards, Maverick came walking back inside. He paused by the door, hanging up his keys, before walking over.
“You’re heading home?”
“Yeah. Thanks for taking me in for a little bit,” you replied softly.
“You’re always welcome.”
You pulled Maverick in for a hug and whispered your thanks again. Maverick gave you a squeeze and looked up when Jake came walking around the corner with your bag. Releasing you, Maverick stepped aside and let the two of you out the door.
“Drive safe.”
“We will,” you promised him, smiling over your shoulder at your godfather.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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— whoa, we're going to ibiza! | buddy & monkey: double the trouble - pt. 1
a little something i've been working on the past couple of days
thanks to @alotofpockets and @lvnleah for helping me out along the way!
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“Whoa, isn’t this place fantastic?” Jordan broke the silence, turning to look at you from where you are reluctantly standing on a balcony looking out to the view of the pool, “What a view, ey, kid?” She asks.
It does look fantastic, but you’re not willing to admit that anytime soon.
You are in Ibiza on holiday with Jordan along with the rest of the girls, but it’s not like you had a choice in coming here.
Well, you’re excited to be here, however you’re not so thrilled about the company.
More so, Jordan. You don’t get along that well, it’s a given fact so the whole idea of Leah forcing you to come on holiday with her was your own version of hell currently.
“Yeah whatever,” You murmur, paying more attention to your phone that’s planted in your hand, “I don’t care.” With the usual attitude of a typical teenager, you shove your way past her to go back inside the villa that you’re currently staying at with everyone.
“So, I thought we could go for a walk in the nearby town later once we’ve settled in if you’re up for it?” Jordan still tries to continue to be positive about things.
“No thanks, I’m fine here,” You're reluctant to want to willingly spend any alone time with the woman, it’s something you want to try and avoid if you can help it.
Jordan frowns at you turning down her office, “Okay, alright… Well, how about we relax by the pool instead? You know, we can just spend time together like we used to do?” She suggests, trying to be hopeful.
“Yeah, like we used to do,” You can’t help but scoff in disagreement, “I don’t want to be here, Jordan. Don’t you get that? The only reason I’m here is because Leah all but forced me into it– I don’t care about wanting to spend time with you when you… When you abandoned me!” You spit out the words.
You can tell that Jordan feels hurt by that statement, “Kid, I… I know that I hurt you but I never meant to abandon you. I had to do what was right for my career,” She pauses to gather her thoughts, “I needed to move away from Arsenal, you can understand that, right?”
“Sure, yeah. Career first, family second, ain’t that right, Jord?” You remark, bitterly. “Whatever, I don’t see how this holiday is going to change things.” You want to make it clear that you don’t want to amend the relationship any time soon between you both.
“Monkey if you just give me a chance to show you–” Jordan’s words are cut short.
You shake your head, “Like I said before, I don’t want to be here!” With that, you start to head out of the room to get away from Jordan, who seems all but determined to make things right.
“Monkey, please…” The older woman's pleas are useless when she’s left in the empty room before she exhales a sigh, sitting down on a vacant chair and planting her head in her hands.
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“Oi, kid,” Katie approaches you as your now lounging by the pool later in the day, you have your headphones in to completely drown out any background noise and that is going so well until their yanked out of your ears by none other than the Irish left back, “Do you plan to ignore everyone with them headphones in?”
“It’s working so far,” You remark sarcastically, dropping your phone into your lap.
Katie rolls her eyes at the sarcasm she’s all too familiar with, “What was all that about with the argument between you and Jord?” She wonders.
“Jordan’s trying to act like my parent when I don’t need her to be, cos’ it’s too late for that,” You murmur, attempting to stick your headphones back in but Katies’ quick to reach for them and pull them out, again, “Katie, I just wanna listen to music. Can’t you pester someone else instead?”
The Irish woman chuckles and shakes her head, “You know the idea of this holiday is so that you can spend time with everyone, not keep yourself hidden away like you’re currently doing.”  She states.
“I don’t want to be here, I don’t even want to enjoy myself with everyone else,” You tell her honestly, showing very little interest in still wanting to be here, “So, I’m fine here as I am, thanks.” You add, irritated.
Katie exhales a sigh and takes a seat on the opposite lounger, “So, why did you come here then if you don’t want to be here then, kid?” She wonders.
“Well I didn’t really have much choice in the matter, Leah was the one who all but forced me into it!” You exclaim, letting out a huff to prove your clear disagreement about this still, “She thinks it will be a somewhat magical way for me and Jordan to fix things.”
“I get that you’re upset and you feel like Jord abandoned you, Monkey but that was over a year ago now,” The Irish woman reminds you gently, “You gotta let it go at some point, kid. You know she’s really trying here with you.” She adds.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you’re not so keen to agree with that, “She left us– She left me, when she promised she never would!” You end up raising your voice slightly.
“Alright, alright, calm down,” Katie lifts her hand up at that to gesture to try and calm down a bit and not get upset, “You’re upset, I get that but come on… Give Jord some credit, eh? She’s still there for you and Buddy, Jord’s a fantastic Mama, to you both despite what you may think!” The woman can’t help but feel bad for the way that her best friend is being treated like this.
You can’t help but scoff and shake your head in disagreement, “Yeah well it still doesn’t change the fact that she did leave, cos’ she said she wouldn’t and then oh look, she’s gone! Poof!” You gesture the hand action with your hand and glare at the brunette woman, “Why should I give her a chance?”
“Listen kid, I get it, I do. Things have been rough in the past but Jord’s still here,” Katie continues to stick up for her best friend, “Jord’s here, she’s trying to make things right. Yeah she might not be perfect, but she loves you. She’s just trying to be here for you and Buddy if you’ll just let her!” She exclaims.
“Yeah?” You scoff in response once again and lean forward to try and square up to the brunette with a bit of confidence that you have,  “If that’s the case then why did she just up and leave like that without a second thought.  If… If she really cared about me then, why would she do that?” You question.
You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes, but you refuse to show any sign of weakness at this moment.
Katie exhales a deep sigh, “Sometimes people have to make a choice in life, Jords’ move wasn’t about upping and leaving just to hurt you, Monkey. It was about getting a chance to be a part of a team where she would get regular minutes and she would get to the world cup– Monkey, she’s here now,” The women shouts abruptly when you go to stand up from the lounger, being down with this conversation as she takes a gentle hold of your wrist, “She wants to fix things, so just let her.”
“I… I can’t trust her so easily,” You admit, quietly to the older woman as you bite your bottom lip, “I’m scared to let her in again in case she just walks back out without a second thought.”
Katie smiles sympathetically and squeezes your knee, “I understand that and it’s okay to feel like that, but she’s genuinely trying here so at least give her a chance, for me?” She pauses, “I know it’s not going to be easy but I mean it when I say that she does love you, so much kid.”
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After the abrupt conversation with you, Jordan is left with her own feelings of despair as she takes the time to sit outside on the balcony of the villa, where she looks out to the sunset as her phone starts to ring in her pocket.
Sliding it out of her pocket, Jordan smiles faintly as Leah’s contact photo appears from the day that Buddy was born, it mirrored the makeshift family of 4 on such a happy day, which is such a stark situation right now.
“Hey,” Jordan presses the phone up to her ear and answers the blonde with a look of exhaustion on her face.
“Hey Jord,” Leah replies, taking a quiet moment aside from her own holiday to check in with her ex and see how things were going, “How’s it going with Monkey?” She wonders.
The older woman sighs in response to her ex’s question, “Well, it’s… it’s difficult to say the least.”
“Oh, really?” Leah questions, concerned.
“I… I don’t know how to fix things, Le,” Jordan admits, biting her bottom lip, “Where did it go so wrong?”
Jordan can’t see Leah’s facial reaction on the other side of the call but she does her a sigh, “Is she being really difficult? I thought this would be a good way for you to bond,” She pauses, “What’s happened?” Curious to know the events that led to this.
“Monkey doesn’t want to be here, she’s unhappy and I hate the idea of that,” Jordan tells her ex, fiddling with a loose thread of her shorts, “Especially if I’m the one who causes it.” She murmurs.
“It’ll get better, Jord,” Leah tries to promise the older woman.
Jordan can’t help but scoff in disagreement with the blonde's words, “Will it? I’m half tempted to put her in a cab and send her to you on the other side of the island,” She admits, “At least I know she will be happier then.”
There’s another sigh from Leah’s end of the phone, “Give it time, where’s the Menace now?” She asks.
“Le, I know you thought this might work out well, but she hates me Le, our daughter completely hates me,”  Jordan tells her, feeling like her heart is breaking at the words, “She’s inside the villa, I think she’s hanging out with Grace, Less, Ella and Anna. Do you want to speak to her?” She asks.
“She doesn’t… She looks up to you still. You know our girl is stubborn and finds it hard to deal with change all that well, but she’ll come around in time, you just have to keep on trying with her,” Leah tells her ex honestly, “No, no, leave her be with them. I’ll text her later before she goes to bed.”
Jordan forces a weak smile on her face, “I’m gonna try, but I don’t know how much more of this I can,” She murmurs, bowing her head, “Please tell me it won’t be this difficult when Buddy gets to this age?”
There’s a chuckle from Leah on the other side of the phone, “Oh no, with Buddy, things will be a walk in the park, well we can hope,” She states, feeling confident about her words, “If not then we at least have experience in what to do, eh?” She jokes with her ex, hoping to lighten the situation.
“That will be true,” Jordan lets out a laugh, mission accomplished.
“I know it’s tough to not seem hopeful, but she will come around soon enough,” Leah turns back to serious mode to reassure the older woman, “Just don’t let her get away with complete blue murder, okay? You need to remember to set boundaries, even if she tests them!” She states, firmly more than aware of the antics that you will no doubt get up to when she’s with her English accomplice, Grace, around her.
“I hear you, Le, but I don’t want to be too lenient but I find it hard to scold her about things when I just want this whole mess. I hate how distant she is,” Jordan tells the blonde, “I know Monkey is strong willed at the best of times, but does she really despise me for leaving that much still?”
“Listen, you know… When you left to go to Aston Villa, Monkey, well you know she found it tough and you know there’s been a lot of challenges. Our girl still has that childlike innocence that she doesn’t understand these things– You know with what happened with her biological parents, she’s afraid that people will leave her at the drop of a hat,” Leah explains to the older women, hoping it helps with things, “But I know that despite whatever she’s lashing out and saying to you, she really doesn’t mean it. Even if Monkey is reluctant to say it, she still does need you, Jord, so be patient with her and don’t give up yet, okay?”
“So, really think she doesn’t hate me?” Jordan feels like there’s a glimmer of hope reconnecting with you  after all, “I just want to make things right, but it feels like I’m not getting anywhere.” She murmurs.
“No Jord, I know that she doesn’t hate you. Monkey struggles with emotions, but her words are well, there just words and you know she doesn’t mean any of what she says,” Leah reassures her ex, “If Monkey is giving you this much of a hard time I can have a word with her, if you like?” She offers, not liking the  idea of you two getting on.
Jordan smiles hearing Leah say that, “Thanks, Le. I needed to hear that, I’m just going to keep trying to be patient and hopefully something good will come of it soon enough, hey?” She tells her ex before she shakes her head, quickly realising that Leah can’t see her do that, “No, that’s okay, there’s no need to do that. I’m going to make things right with her. I’m not giving up.”
“Of course, just remember to be patient, alright?” Leah pauses as she hears someone shout her name in the background, “Yeah, comin’ now– Jord, I’ve gotta go, but you’ve got this. I’ll see you next week when you drop her off.”
“Thanks. See you next week,” Jordan replies before she ends the call, having been left with a mixture of hope and determination to try and make things work with you.
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“You gonna eat that, kid?” Jordan gestures to the food on your plate that has so far barely been touched.
You weren’t all that keen to be where you are right now, sitting round a table with the rest of the girls as they all laugh and chat about things, catching up on life outside of football.
You wish to be anywhere but here, but Jordan was determined to get you out of the villa to come to the restaurant and join everyone here.
At least you are able to sit between Alessia and Grace, while Jordan is sitting directly opposite beside Katie with Beth on the other side of her, so there’s some distance at least between the two of you.
“No, I’m not hungry,” You make your point well known as you scrunch your face up and push the plate aside, “And I don’t like it!”
Jordan frowns but tries to remain positive with Leah’s in the back of her mind, “You’ve not even tried any of it. How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t eaten any of it?” She questions, apprehensive of your potential backlash.
“I just don’t,” You continue to be downright horrible towards the older woman, “Don’t act like you know what I like and dislike, you don’t have a clue!”
“Oi, kid!” Katie’s glaring at you from across the table, “We talked about this before, quit being such a brat about things!” She states, not putting up with the fact that you were treating her best friend like complete shit.
It was valid for you to do this, Jordan left you. You have a lot of resentment towards the woman.
You smirk and shrug your shoulders, “Well maybe I’m not in the mood to pretend that things are fine, huh?”
Beth exhales a sigh and shakes her head, “Monkey, come on, that’s enough. We’re all just trying to have a good time here,” With being on same time as you, Beth is more than aware of your reluctance be around Jordan but being that Beth is also one of Jordan’s good friends, she isn’t just going to sit there and let you act the way you are, “If you don’t like your food, how about we find something else you’d like?” She offers.
“Nah, I’m good. It’ll probably all taste just as shit,” You murmur in disagreement.
“Hey, knock it off with the language,” Viv chips in, shaking her head, “Monkey, I get that you’re upset about things, but Beth is right. This holiday is for us to enjoy that and right now, it’s hard to do that when you’re upsetting Jordan like you are.” She tells you, giving you a pointed look.
“Well boo hoo, soz for hurting your feelings and all, but what about my own feelings?” You exclaim without so much as a care in the world, “She left me and now I’m here, stuck on holiday like this is going to fix things!” You don’t mean to be so abrupt with your words, but you feel hurt right now.
“Monkey!” Katie exclaims, clearly had enough of your attitude.
“What? It’s true!” You respond, smirking at the Irish woman, “I don’t want to be here. I’ve already said that. I wish I could be with Leah instead!” You shout in anger, you miss the stern blonde but at least you felt safe and happier around her, compared to being stuck here.
“As much as you want that kid, this is my time to spend with you,” Jordan insists, still trying to remain calm despite your words living in a stinging feeling.
“Yeah, well I don't want to be here with you, Jordan!” You sneer with venom in your voice.
“Monkey, that’s enough!” Katie shouts, standing up from her seat as she slams her hands on the table loudly making the whole table to go silent, “You’re being so rude to Jord right now and I’m not gonna let you continue speaking to my best friend like that! Jords’ is literally doing everything that she can to amend things and you’re still holding this grudge against her. Newsflash kid, she didn’t abandon you like your biological parents did, she’s still here! She loves and cares about you so much and here you are, spouting words and throwing it completely back in her face!”
“Katie,” Jordan whispers, shocked that her best friend would bring your parents into this.
Tears start to well up in your eyes as the words hit home, “I… I’m sorry,” Feeling a certain sense of overwhelm, you abruptly stand up from your chair as it topples over behind you, you don’t care much as you run out of the restaurant as quickly as you can.
“Well done, Katie,” Beth mutters, shaking her head in the direction of the Irish girl.
Jordan exhales a sigh and begins to stand up from her seat, “I’d better go after her so she doesn’t run off.”
“No, Jord, it’s fine, you stay here,” Alessia shakes her head and stands up from chair, “I’ll go and talk to her.  If she sees it's you coming outside then she might attempt to run.” She explains, carefully.
As much as the words hurt to hear, Jordan knows that Alessia is right about that so she nods in agreement, “Thanks, Alessia,” She thanks the blonde girl, who quickly leaves the restaurant in search for you as Jordan turns to look at Katie, “Did you really have to go and say those things to her?”
“What? Sometimes the truth hurts to hear,” Katie replies, looking defensive, “Jord, you’re trying so hard with her to build bridges and she’s just being rude!” She states.
“I know you’re trying to help but you know that her parents are a… sensitive topic to talk about,” Jordan murmurs, exhaling a deep sigh.
“Katie, you didn’t have to be so abrupt with her like that,” Viv tells her in disagreement as she shakes her head, “Monkey is upset and that is understandable, let me also remind you that she’s on holiday with people who she isn’t all that close to, is she?” She pauses to let the Irish girl think, “She’s going to be acting reserved like this.”
Katie frowns in confusion, “What’d you mean? Jord is here, I’m here, Beth’s here, Alessia’s here… You’re here,” She is left feeling dumbfounded.
The Dutch woman exhales a sigh, “Well yes, Jord is here, along with the rest of us. The whole purpose of Monkey coming along is to try and rehash things with her and we shouldn’t interfere with that,” She tells her friend, “But yes we’re here, but Monkey isn’t particularly close to any of us, is she?” She repeats her words, trying to get her point across.
“I… I don’t get it,” Katie continues to look confused.
“Who’re the top people that Monkey is closest to on the team?” Beth chimes in, trying to help the brunette understand things, “Go on and name them.” She prompts.
“Leah, Jord, Kim, er Lia,, Alessia and… uh Kyra,” Katie reels off the list.
Viv hums in agreement with her friend, “Yes, exactly, and out of them 5 people, who’s here, like right now?”
Katie furrows her eyebrow, “Jords’ here… And Less is as well.”
“Right, okay, but Monkey and Jordy aren’t really on the best of terms right now, are they?” Beth states, exhaling a sigh, “Okay, let’s look at it this way. Whos’ not here, that Monkey all but depends on?” She asks.
“Leah,” The realisation hits Katie and she smacks the palm of her hand against her forehead, “Oh, shit. I messed up.”
"Yep," Viv murmurs in agreement, "Can you really blame Monkey for acting out in the way she is when she's missing Leah so much?" She questions, knowing that despite the way you have been acting, there’s a reason behind it when you’re not with the blonde, who is all but home to you now.
"I... I didn't see it that way," Katie immediately starts to feel remorseful, "I was just upset with how she was treating you Jord, I'm sorry."
Jordan smiles in understanding and nods, "It's alright mate, I know you're only trying to help but I know that things with Monkey are going to take time, Vivs' right about her missing Leah, she's always attached to her so this is bound to be hard for her to come on holiday with me, you and everyone else." She explains.
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You had to wonder why Katie would stoop so low to mention your biological parents?
She really knew where to hit a nerve and her words completely caught you off guard.
You hadn’t really thought about either of them in a long while if you’re being honest, well, that’s a lie, you’d been having recurring nightmares more so about your dad recently but with the anniversary of his death soon approaching, it was bound to happen.
Of course, you have been good to hide any of this from people, even if you have some kind of inkling that people know you’re not sleeping well again.
However, your biological mother? You couldn’t help but resent that woman for leaving you so young with the cruelty of a man who hurt you and left you with a lifetime of scars.
“Monkey?” Alessia calls out to find you, pulling you from your thoughts that were swirling around in your head, “Monkey?” She repeats, unable to spot you from where you sit on a bench tucked away, your shoulders hunched over and the tears streaming down your face.
“I’m over here,” You speak up barely loud enough to be heard.
“There you are,” Alessia looks relieved before she makes her way over to where you are sitting.
Sniffling slightly, you try and harshly wipe the tears that flow away, “I… I didn’t mean to be so horrible, I didn’t mean to run off like that either,” You admit, looking up to the older girl, “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to apologise,” Alessia perches beside you and wraps her arm around your shoulder, “I know you’re having a tough time being here, everyone gets that and Katie didn’t mean to upset you in the way that she did.” She explains, trying to comfort you and be there for you.
“It… It just hurts to hear her say that, I know my real mum and dad are shitty people, but I hate the fact that Katie brought them up after all this time,”  You mumble, burning your face in the older girl's shoulder, “I miss Le.” You admit.
You can’t help but miss the blonde, she’s been a constant presence in your life for the better part of four years and with the anniversary coming up soon, it hurts that she’s not currently around.
Sure you’ve been away without her before, but this time is different when the events are looming and she’s the one person you trust the most.
That used to be Jordan, at least until she abandoned you… Now she felt like a complete stranger to you.
“I know you do,” Alessia sympathises with you, because despite you being 19, this is your first proper time really away from Leah for a whole week with people that you’re not all too familiar with in such an overwhelming place, “I know it’s a lot to deal with and handle, Jord understands that as well.”
“It’s hard right now,” You murmur quietly as you start to pick at the skin around your nails as a bad habit returns, “I… I really didn’t mean what I said back there, Lessi. I just… I’m scared to trust her again. Things are difficult right now, the… the anniversary of my dad’s death is coming up soon and it just… everything feels hard.” You admit the blonde, trying to stop any further tears from spilling again.
Alessia frowns in realisation, “That’s soon, huh? Does… Have you spoken to anybody about this?” She asks, concerned about your emotional wellbeing.
Shaking your head, you rest it on her shoulder, “No, I… I didn’t want to give Leah another reason to worry about me,” You tell her, knowing that the blonde would be beside herself with worry if you did tell her.
“I’m sure that she’d want to know if you’re upset, wouldn’t she?” The blonde questions, squeezing you gently, “Or Jord, I know things are tough but she’ll be there for you, you know she will.” She adds, hesitant for your reaction of pushing the woman away.
“Maybe, but she’s enjoying herself and I don’t want to ruin that because I can’t handle my emotions,” You state bitterly, shaking your head in disagreement, “I want to trust Jord, Lessi, but… but I’m afraid of getting hurt again.” You murmur the truth, allowing yourself to be vulnerable with the blonde.
“Oh Monkey, its’ okay,” Alessia continues to comfort you until your sobs subside, “It’s not my place to make you tell them, but I do think it might help a little bit, yeah?” She suggests, still trying to be supportive.
“No, I don’t… I’ll tell Le, but after Ibiza, I don’t want to ruin her time away,” You disregard the idea of telling the blonde about any of it right now.
“Okay,” Alessia replies, knowing your stubbornness will win and you will tell her when you are ready.
“Hey, girls,” Vic shouts aloud, slowly limping over to you both with the unfortunate luck of a recent ACL injury that will leave her on the sidelines for the months to come, “Not interrupting anything am I?” She asks.
“No, no, we’re just chatting, aren’t we, kid?” Alessia smiles at you in reassurement.
You nod in agreement, “Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine now,” You pause to look at the Dutch girl, “What’re you doin’ out here?” You ask.
“Just needed some fresh air,” Vic answers honestly, “The girls are talking about going to a club but I don’t think I could handle that with my knee, so I think going back to the villa would be better for me.” She states.
“Yeah, I’m not much in the mood for going out tonight,” Alessia admits as she turns her head to look at you, “How about you, kid? Want to come back to the villa with us?” She asks.
“M’ tired,” You tell them in agreement as the exhaustion catches up to you.
“Well in that case, I think we’d best head back there then before you fall asleep on the bench. I heard all about your sleeping shenanigans in Glastonbury,” Alessia jokes, finding amusement in the stuff that Leah had filled her in about, “Edible gummy bears, hm?”
“I thought they were sweets,” You pout as you begin to slowly walk back to the villa with the two of them, “They still tasted nice, anyways!”
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By the time that Jordan arrives back at the villa with the rest of the girls, it’s completely silent no doubt down to the fact that it was late and you, Alessia and Vic would be asleep.
“It’s quiet,” Ella’s somewhat loud voice is the first to break the silence as they enter the villa following their time at the club, “Are they still awake?” Flopping down onto the sofa in the living room area, she’s more than ready to tuck into the burger she brought on the journey back.
“The lights are still on,” Anna points out.
Beth looks around the villa, “I can’t see them anywhere.”
“Maybe they are asleep?” Jordan thinks aloud, knowing from the text she received that Alessia and Vic did bring you back to the villa so you had to be somewhere.
Grace starts to walk in the direction outside, “There not in the pool.”
“Why would they be in the pool? It’s pitch black dark out there, Grace!” Ella asks with a mouthful of burger.
Teyah snorts and settles down onto the sofa beside the Man U player, “Late night swim?” She jokes.
“Be quiet, if they’re asleep then you’re gonna wake them up,” Viv chimes in, walking into the kitchen area to grab a glass of water.
“I’m clueless,” Katie pipes in.
Vic, hearing at the commotion from outside the bedroom where she sleeps, hobbles out to see what all the commotion is about, “Hi, you’re back,” The tiredness in her voice is evident to the fact she’s not long woken up, “How was the club?”
“Good, a lot of fun. We wished you could have come!” Beth grins, throwing her arm around the girl but careful to not knock her knee.
“I wish I could but my knee needed rest,” Vic replies, honestly.
“Do you know where Monkey is?” Jordan wonders, anxiously.
“Or Less?” Maya chimes in.
“Oh, they’re both asleep in Monkey’s room,” Vic answers, trying to stifle her yawn but fails, “Monkey crashed and wouldn’t let go of Less.” She adds as Jordan walks down the hallway and peeks into the dark room to see where you are sprawled out on top of Alessia, the both of you are both completely out of it as the woman notes you’re wearing Leah’s Arsenal hoodie that she swore the blonde thought she had been missing this whole time.
“Aw,” Ella coos, poking her head round the door while still eating the remaining half of her burger.
“Keep your voice down, will you? I don’t want you to wake her up,” Jordan warns her, firmly as she sees how out of it you seem to be.
“Oh sorry Mama Bear,” Ella winks playfully at the older woman before she heads back in the direction of the living room, “Guys, don’t wake Monkey up or Jord might kill yer!” she jokes with the rest of the girls.
Jordan rolls her eyes hearing the brunette girls’ words as she softly steps into the dimly lit room to see a clearer view of you completely clutching on to Alessia while you sleep.
“I’m awake,” Alessia whispers, opening her eyes and adjusting to the natural light in the room, “I have been for a while. I just didn’t want to move and disturb her.” She explains, motioning to you sleeping directly on her.
“Yeah she can have a tight grip when she sleeps,” Jordan replies in a hushed whisper, “Has she been alright?”
Alessia stretches slightly to try to get you to loosen your grip on her, “Yeah, she’s been fine, she was upset about what Katie said and I think it brought up a few things but when she got back here, we talked a bit more and then well, she fell asleep.” She explains.
“Has she been asleep for long?” Jordan wonders, curiously as she looks at you and it makes her heart ache slightly that she can’t be the one you are asleep on.
“A few hours or so,” The blonde tells her as she lets out another yawn, “Is everyone back now?”
“Yeah, but heads up that most of the girls are drunk,” Jordan chuckles in amusement, “Thanks for bringing the kid back to the villa. I’ve been worried about her.” She admits.
“I know, Jordan. I know things are tough right now but Monkey will come around in time,” Alessia tells the older woman, “Right, I’ll go and join the rest of them and leave you to be with Monkey.” She adds.
"Thanks,” Jordan thanks the blonde again.
Alessia carefully gets up from the bed while trying to not wake you up in the process, giving the older woman a reassuring nod before she leaves the room.
“I’m trying here kid,” Jordan exhales a sigh and lowers herself down to sit on the edge of the bed beside you, before she kisses your forehead, “I know it’s hard to trust me but I still love you kid, that’s never changed. Regardless of flesh or blood, you’re my kid.” She tells you, quietly.
The woman watches you for a little while longer before standing up from the bed, she makes sure you are tucked in before she dips out of the room to join the rest of the girls out in the main area of the living room and leaves you to sleep.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Kaimana [Seahorse Yan] would be happy with a child of any gender, but everything about this man screams girl-mom. All this Seahorse dreams about is a daughter or two that's the splitting image of him and/or his darling - so when responsible, easy going single parent Reader strolls onto his beach with the sweetest little girl by their side, Kai is praying to the gods above this happy family of two might welcome another member - maybe more if Reader is open to the idea of having more children.
"Found another one!"
A smile warm enough to melt the most frigid of hearts sprouts across your face as you extend your hand out to the tiny one eagerly waving a seashell in your face. You turn the shell over in your palm - your expression beaming with praise for another remarkable find as you gently place it amongst the growing collection of shells and small rocks given to you. So kind of the bartender to give you an empty cup to place them all in. His generosity extended well beyond that fot letting you sit here at the front when the sign hanging overhead clearly said "paying customers only".
"Might I get you a drink? We have an acceptable sale on specific cocktails this time of day."
"No thank you, I try to avoid alcohol when I'm out with her... My daughter, I mean. You mind if I sit here for a minute? The boss said she wanted to explore on her own and I can watch her safely from here."
Is it foolish to say a heart can be stolen with so few words?
Kai must be the king of all fools if that were true. There are few things more charming than those who care for their young. Those who sacrifice their own pleasure for the benefit of another. The fact he found you considerably more attractive than the average patron only worsened his fantasies. Perhaps it was the lense of your parenting skills guiding his judgement, but you were fairly easy on the eyes. The type of face he wouldn't mind waking up next to every morning for the remainder of his mortal days.
And your daughter-
How could he forget that little angel. She was shy at first, but upon seeing the two of you deep into conversation as she returned from the sand for a second time, she offered a small hello to your new friend and with your gentle assurance felt comfortable enough to offer him a shell-
If this encounter wasn't the heavens answering all his prayers he didn't know what it is.
The absence of a ring on your finger gave him hope. He hadn't seen you before - the chance of you being a tourist rather than a resident of the nearby town was high, but not a definite. Maybe you just moved in. Possibly.... following a divorce? The passing of your former lover? As tragic as either outcome could be, Kaimana itched with longing for the true answer. If your partner truly was out of the picture this was a sign. A chance for him to have the life he's always dreamt of.
"So! Will parent number two be joining you this afternoon?"
Your lips tighten as you usher your daughter off to go play. Sadness? Distain? Kaimana can't quite tell.
"We... don't really talk about them. They aren't exactly in the picture anymore...."
"Oh, Dear... I am so sorry to hear that. I'm aware you said you wouldn't drink around your daughter, but if you have a babysitter perhaps I can take you someplace else for dinner a night that you are free?"
262 notes · View notes
jedi-luca · 4 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 13 PT 1: Ignite The Love
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis
Previous Chapter
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“Santana what the fuck?!” Quinn yelped, holding her cheek.
“You lying cheating bitch! You let your mother ruin Y/N’s career and got with Berry?!”
“I- I tried to stop her-“
“Stop lying Fabray or I swear I’ll punch you and knock out those perfect teeth.”
“She wanted me to go to Yale, and she knew if Y/N went to MIT they would leave me and Beth.”
“You should know Y/N wouldn’t have just dropped you both. Especially Beth. You’re blaming your mom because you secretly wanted that too! You know what Fabray you’re a sorry excuse for a person. I can’t believe you did this to Y/N. B we’re leaving.”
Santana muttered in Spanish as she walked out of the house. 
“If you’re looking for Y/N they’re next door.” 
The two wives looked over to see Wanda.
“Pretty sure they need clothes.”
“B go pack a bag for Y/N I already stormed off I can’t go back in there without smacking Fabgay around again.”
Normally Brittany would roll her eyes playfully her wife and Quinn would fight all the time, but this was different. The blonde walked back inside.
“I’m getting Y/N some clothes.” 
“I’ll help you, I know they’re favorites.” Quinn muttered. She stood walking upstairs with Brittany. Quinn set your toiletries aside and packed your clothes thought not too many she did want to see you again soon.
“Why?” Brittany couldn’t help but ask.
Quinn began crying as she zipped the bag. “Because I’m a selfish bitch who keeps self sabotaging.”
“Y/N is one of the kindest sweetest people and you hurt them so much for so long.”
Quinn inhaled trying not to sob.
“Why Rachel?”
“I don’t know…”
“You seriously need help Quinn. You need to answer for your actions.”
“I can’t lose, Y/N.”
“You already did… you need to let them go. Let Y/N move on before this gets worse. Think of the girls.”
“I am thinking of them! They- We can’t lose Y/N.”
“Then you need to do some soul work and pray that Y/N gives you another chance.”
With that Brittany took the suitcase full of your things and made her way outside.
Quinn knew Brittany was right; she can’t just sit and cry about it. She needs to figure out how to win you back.
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“I’m sorry Y/N.” Santana said softly as you placed some shorts and a hoodie on.
“Don’t be, you didn’t ruin my marriage.” You grumbled. “Hell wouldn’t be surprised if she poked a hole in the condom.”
You didn't really think that but to be honest you don’t know what to believe anymore.
“Want me to beat Berry up?” Santana offered.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Nah.”
“What are you going to do?” Brittany asked softly.
“I- I don’t know… a part of me wants to take the girls and go back home…but I can’t do that. It’ll
crush my parents if they find out what she did.” you rub your head and groan you really wanted your mother.
Suddenly Leho jumped up and on your lap purring, getting you to pet her.
“If you want to go home you can and if not you can stay here for as long as you’d like. You have a lot to digest.” Natasha rubbed your arm trying to be of some comfort. Santana caught the way you squeezed her hand. She doesn’t know when but she knows in her heart you and Natasha will be together one day. She kind of hopes it happens.
Her focus went to her wife who nudged her. 
‘Tell them.’ She mouthed.
“It was- her mother that put the idea in her head.”
“Judy?” Your head snapped up looking at your friends for confirmation. 
“Quinn just admitted it.” Santana added.
“What a witch.” Natasha muttered.
You are so angry you don’t even know what to do anymore. You really wanna get so fucked up the whole day will be a blur, but you know you shouldn’t. You know that’s a slippery slope. 
“Thank you for telling me.” You mutter.
“If we knew we would have told you a long time ago.” Santana says softly.
You nod and turn to Brittany. “Did you happen to get my gym clothes?”
“Yes.” She says opting out that Quinn packed it.
“Thank you both but I think I’m going to go for a run and just the gym I need to let this out in a more constructive way.”
“Don’t overdo it like in high school Y/L/N.”
“Y/N ran themselves into exhaustion and passed out on the bleachers when they found out about Quinn’s first pregnancy.” Brittany explained.
“I’ll call you later and you better answer me.” Santana warned as she stood with Brittany they each hugged you goodbye. “Thanks big Red for taking care of Y/N.”
“Of course.” Natasha couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle.
Brittany hugs Natasha speaking near her ear. “I know you like Y/N but I wouldn’t try anything until the divorce is final. Quinn will stop at nothing to win them back.”
Natasha, stunned, nods her head as the blonde takes her wife’s hand as they walk out hand in hand.
You quickly shove your gym shoes on when a note falls out. You sigh angrily as you read it.
‘I know you need to be away from me but please come back soon. We can work through this. I love you - Q’
You roll your eyes as you stand up.
“I can come with you? Or meet you at the gym?”
“I think I need to be alone with my thoughts.”
“Of course.” She nods in understanding.
“Thank you Natasha for everything.” 
With that you shut the door and began jogging towards the gym.
Natasha sighs before taking your suitcase upstairs to the guest room. She sets it down on the bed before taking it out it’s contents. She set your toiletries in the bathroom, and began sorting your clothes in the drawers when she ran across a note from Quinn.
I’m sorry please come home baby we can work through this. Please don’t give up on me.
Natasha rolls her eyes and stuffs the note in her pocket. She’s more than sure you wouldn’t want to see it. Natasha makes her way back downstairs to the kitchen. She knows you’ll probably be starving by the time you come back.
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You were punching the heavy bag when your watch dinged.
‘If you’re ass is still at the gym I will call Natasha to drag you out!’ - Santana
You sigh it’s been at least 4 hours you need to call it before you can’t move.
“Hey Y/N.” Korg smiled, handing you a smoothie.
You reach for it but hiss in pain as you try to lift your arm.
“Yeaaaah, you’ve been punching that bag for an hours now. I figured that would happen.”
He led you to the ice baths and helped you in. You hissed sitting down in the tub. Once you’ve
gotten settled. He helped you drink from the straw.
“So cold.” Your teeth chattered.
“Yeah cold drink and an ice bath probably don't mix.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded, shivering, feeling the strain in your muscles fade away.
“So wanna taco bout it?” He asked. 
“Not really.” You shook your head.
“Okay, but you should probably talk about it with someone. Working out for 4 hours is probably not too good for the body. Just 30 more seconds and we’ll get you out.”
Once your time was up you got in some Revenger Bod sweats and a hoodie and Korg took you back to Natasha’s in the golf cart.
“Thanks Korg.” You say before getting out.
“Of course bruv remember to heat and ice your shoulders.”
You nod and make your way up the driveway to Natasha’s house.
You don’t even knock before she opens the door bringing you in a hug.
“I was getting so worried.” She said squeezing you. “You’re shivering.” She said looking you over. “Come on.”
You feel her lead you towards the kitchen table before disappearing and popping back inside with a blanket.
“Thank you.” You say softly as she wraps it around you. Leho jumps on your lap.
“Let me heat up your food.” She replies.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Her brows are furrowed as she heats your food up.
“Worrying you, bringing this drama to your doorstep.”
“Don’t apologize, I don't want it nor need it.” She brings your plate over, setting down one of your favorite comfort meals.
“You made-“
“I figured something comforting is what you needed.”
You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore you brought her against you crying against her taut stomach. She ran her fingers through your hair as the other rubbed the middle of your back.
“It’s okay detka.” She says softly as you squeeze her tightly. “Shhh don’t cry over her anymore. She doesn’t deserve your tears.” She grabs the cloth napkin wiping your tears away, and moves a chair right next to you.
She kisses your temple softly before whispering for you to eat.
You try to move your arms and they wobble as you try to use the silverware.
“Y/N please don’t do this to yourself again.” She says softly, taking your hands, noticing how red and slightly bloody they are. She walks over to the sink heating up a couple of clean rags. She rang them out before walking back over to you.
She wrapped them around your knuckles and began to feed you.
“Natasha please I can-“
“Y/N.” She warned, giving you a glare. You shut up and let her feed you. 
Once you ate and drank a couple glasses of water she led you to your guest room.
“Wanna get some rest? I know it’s still early, but I could put something on maybe-“
“Stay with me?”
“Okay.” She smiled and you both got in bed while she played one of your favorite comfort movies.
Soon you were lightly snoring away. She paused the movie about to leave you in your slumber when you wrapped an arm around her. “Please don’t go.”
“I’ll stay as long as you want me too.” She whispered as you pulled her close. She pecked your forehead before turning in your arms.
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Natasha woke in the middle of the night to your head on her stomach. She chuckled lightly seeing your feet off the bed. You seemed to be somewhat of a crazy sleeper. She lightly placed a pillow under your head before slipping out of bed and into the bathroom. 
When she walked in the bedroom she spotted you against the headboard.
“Hey.” She smiled making her way to the bed. “Did I wake you?”
“Hmhm.” You shook your head.
She raised her brow.
“Okay maybe a bit. Mainly my muscles they’re so sore it hurts.” 
“I’ll be right back.” She nods.
A few minutes later she walks in with a glass of water and some aspirin.
“Here this should help a bit.”
“Thank you.” You reply by taking the medicine when she pats a spot in the middle of the bed.
“Sit here for me.”
You comply scooching over when she hands you the remote. You can feel her sit behind you as you put on a nature show. “Ohhh fuck that’s good.” You groan as she begins massaging your shoulders and arms with some tiger balm.
She smirks hearing you moan in approval. She bites her lip feeling your muscles beneath her hands. She briefly imagines running her fingers down your back while you’re on top of her hitting her special spot.
“Your hands are magic.”
She smiles and begins working every knot and sore from your neck to your shoulders, arms and hands. 
“Lay down.” She says softly near your ear. 
It makes your abs twitch a bit. You quickly grab a pillow and lie down when you feel her hands on your calves.
“Ohhhh fuuuuuuck!” You shake under her fingers as she massages the soreness away. She works for a while on your muscled calves when she straddles your legs and begins working up your thighs.
“Ooooh God that’s good.” You moan against the pillow and you know you’re definitely got a semi right now. It’s hard not to have one when you have full body chills from this massage.
“Want me to work on your glutes?”
“Would it be weird if I said yes?” You chuckled looking back at her.
“No.” She smirked before grabbing your two cheeks. Soooo tight and firm she thinks to herself.
Your moan is so high pitched she asks if you’re okay.
“Yes sorry that spot just- you get it.” You clear your throat and she uses both hands to rub the spot on your ass that’s been killing you for ages. “Ohhh Natasha!” You moan jolting under her hands. You’re officially bricked and hope to God she won’t notice. You’re member feels very
smushed you can’t help, but reach below and try to rearrange yourself. 
“You okay need me to stop?”
“No, don't stop, I'm good just getting comfortable.” You respond.
She smirks knowing you were adjusting your large package. “Is it annoying sometimes having to arrange yourself all the time.”
You let out a deep chuckle that makes her twitch. “Kind of… especially in the summer.” You look up at a lioness mauling a buffalo hoping that will help your hard on go away.
She works on your back using her elbow to get that spot under your shoulder blade. After a few minutes you feel yourself start to doze off.
“Thank you, Nat.” You say half asleep. “You’re amazing.”
“Feel better?”
“Ready to go back to sleep.”
You nod and move back to your spot. 
She can’t help but notice the slight outline on your shorts. Natasha quickly averts her eyes, biting her lip.
“I should probably use the bathroom real quick.” You mutter making your way in. You quickly pee and feel your staff soften.
Natasha chuckles lying down as she hears the faucet running. Placing a hand against her aching pussy she rubs herself hard a couple times to relieve the ache between her thighs just a bit until she hears the water stop.
You walk to the bed and lay down next to Natasha who curls up next to you but only her feet touch you. You lightly rub her foot before speaking. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
“I’d do it again.” She says softly pushing your hair back and away from your face. “Now sleep.”
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You wake up to Natasha’s forehead and knees against your back, her arm loosely around you.
You sleepily move on your back and she automatically cuddles against you. “Hmmm Y/N.” She hums in her sleep.
Your brow raises looking down at her as she smiles in her sleep. She’s probably just as exhausted as you are. Normally you’d wanna get up and move around but you let yourself lay still as she sleeps.
A couple hours later Natasha wakes up to find you reading up on divorce steps on your phone and Leho meowing on the bed.
“Sorry.” She mumbles sleepily.
“Don’t be sorry.” You smile, setting it aside. “How’d you sleep?”
“Really well actually.” She yawns as she stretches, catching a glimpse of her abs. Her stomach grumbles and you can’t help but laugh.
“Want me to make breakfast?”
“You don’t have to I-“
“Nat. Let me. Please? I’ll feed Leho.”
“Okay.” She smiles, still waking up watching her cat run after you.
You were making your way downstairs when your phone rang.
You answered seeing it was Mike.
“Dude you and Quinn are separated and you didn’t call me?!”
“This all just happened yesterday. I haven't even really wrapped my head around it.”
“I had to hear it from Santana, Y/N, Santana!”
“I’m sorry man I just have kind of been out of it.”
“Santana mentioned you’re at Natasha’s?”
“Yeah she just took me in…. What?”
“Nothing, it's nice of her.”
“I feel like you have more to say?”
“I mean I don’t agree with Quinn whatsoever but was she far off from the truth?”
“What are you trying to say Michael?”
“Nothing nevermind. You’re upset.”
“Say it.”
“You think maybe you two are into one another? No one would fault you. Quinn is a terrible human being. Natasha is beautiful and she seems really into you.”
“I can’t think about that stuff right now Mike. I need to focus on my separation first.”
“And that’s great but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to test the waters? You’ve been with Quinn since you were 16. I’m not saying to jump into bed. Just maybe see how compatible you two are.”
“I better go, I'm making her breakfast, and she’s going to come down soon.”
“Talk later?”
“I’ll call you.” You agree.
“Let me know if you need any chonese you can borrow mine.” Mike smirked.
“You are not even close to my size Mike.” You chuckle.
“Rude. I’m a grower not a show-er.”
“Bye Mike.”
“Talk to you soon.” He responds.
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“Momma, where's papa?” Finley asked as she ate her breakfast.
Quinn felt her heart ache. She was just glad Val kept Beth for another day. “Daddy has some things to do today.”
“Aw.” Finley pouted. “I miss papa.”
Quinn shot you off a text.
Meanwhile next door
You sighed reading the text. 
‘Fin is asking about you… please come home. We can talk about everything. We can work through this, I'm begging you.’
“She texting you?” Natasha asked as she ate her breakfast you made her.
“I know this might be a little soon but you should use the divorce lawyer Bruce and I used she just so happens to be Bruce’s cousin. Her name is Jennifer Walters she does everything. She made it very easy.”
“Yeah, if you want I can see if she’d see you today?” 
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“Okay Y/N this is gonna hurt a bit.” Jennifer cringes as she sets an affidavit down. “New York state law has a no fault clause which means you have to be separated for at least a year, but if I have enough evidence of clear irretrievable breakdown of a marriage which I believe we have then you’ll only have to be separated for at least 6 months, see a couples therapist, annnnd Quinn has to agree to it. Do you have kids together?”
“Yes, two little girls.” You answer.
“Then you’ll have to also have discussions of custody, visitation, and child support. Which seeing as you haven’t had a job in a very long time shows she will most likely get custody. I feel I could get you full custody being as you were the full time parent as she was at work most of if not all of the time. Which would also grant you spousal and child support.”
“I don’t need spousal support, we may need child support but I can get a job.”
“We’re going to get it regardless, especially after cheating and taking away your chance at M.I.T., but I do think it’s a great idea to get a job. It’ll show the judge you can take care of yourself and your girls. I also suggest getting a place of your own, but we’ll get to that when we
get there. One step at a time it’s a grueling process and sometimes can get very ugly.”
“I really don’t want this to be messy or ugly.”
“No one ever does but it happens, I just don’t want you going into this thinking she’s just going to sign. 90% of the time they don’t. She could drag this on for years if she wanted.” Jennifer cringes.
“So what’s the first step?” You ask looking at the stack of papers.
“I’m going to draw up divorce papers, and custody agreements papers. I’ll need you to send in everything you want from the divorce via email, and I’ll work it in the papers. In the meantime I would suggest staying separated.”
You nod as she stands to take your hand.
“It’s going to be a helluva ride Y/N.”
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Natasha was driving you both to her house when she broke the silence. “How’d it go?”
You sighed, rubbing your head. “It all sounds so tedious. I need to talk to Tony about that job and maybe see about finding a place nearby but it’s so hard because our kids are involved. They’re gonna be broken up about it. Children of divorce.” You groaned holding your head feeling a headache coming on.
Natasha pulled over in a parking lot and turned towards you, placing a hand on yours.
“I’ll be here for you through it all. Anything you need. If  you want, you can live with me? I have room and the girls are right next door. You wouldn’t have to worry about rent; the house is paid off.”
“Really? You’d let me stay?”
“Of course.” She smiled with a light chuckle.
“I’m really lucky to have you here.”
“Stop it.” She blushed. “How’s take out sound?”
“Sounds good.”
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After eating you got a text from Quinn. 
‘Fin wants to talk to you… can I let her call you?’
‘Yes.’ You respond.
The phone rings and you hear your daughter.
“Hi papa!”
“Hi sweetheart!”
“Whatcha doin?”
“I just had some dinner. What about you?”
“Mama made me take a bath.”
“That’s good you don’t wanna be a stinky baby.”
“Nooo stinky baby papa!” Fin giggled.
“Did you have dinner?”
“Yes mama made sghetti.”
“Papa, where are you?”
“…I had to come visit your grandma and grandpa I’ll be home in a few days Finny.”
“Ohhh.” Fin sighs. “I miss you papa.”
You feel yourself wanting to cry. “I miss you too Fin.”
“I see you soon papa?”
“Soon my love.”
“Night papa.”
“Good night Fin.”
“You okay?” Natasha asked as she dried her hair.
“I miss my kids.” You say clearing your throat.
“I know.” She whispers, taking your hand. “Why don’t you pick a movie and I’ll get the popcorn?”
You nod and stand up making your way to the living room. You mindlessly chose as you thought about how to get custody of your kids. You need to talk to Tony first to get that job he’s been offering you. Start saving money you already had a good amount from Burt’s Garage back in Lima you were going to use that money for Beth and Fin’s college fund but you may need to use some of it for what’s to come.
A few minutes later Natasha walked in with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of drinks.
“Thank you.” You say snapping out of your head.
“Uhhh you chose a horror movie?”
“Oh yeah…” you smirked. “You're not a big scary movie fan?”
“Uhhh I mean I’m good if you are.” She muttered.
“Nat it’s okay I’m here. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
She gave you a half smile remembering you saving her not that long ago. “I know… I just have bad dreams is all.”
“Gotcha. What’s something you would want to watch?”
“How about The Notebook or Fried Green Tomatoes?”
“Ugh sad romance movies? Gross.”
Natasha laughed, throwing popcorn on you.
“How about your favorite movie?”
“What if one of those is my favorite?” The redheaded challenges.
“Those aren’t your favorite.” You smirked, catching a piece of popcorn in your mouth.
“Oh and what is my favorite?”
“We've been over this 007: Moonraker.”
She grinned as you put the movie on.
“You get romance and I get some action….. annnnnd I just realized how that sounds.” You chuckled, making her slap your chest.
“Shut up and start the movie.” She huffed.
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You kept secretly watching Natasha as she mouthed the words in the scenes.
She only caught you a couple times.
“Stop it!” She giggled, her face flushed in the glow of the tv.
“It’s cute!” You argued. She kicked you as she laid down her legs now in your lap making Leho jump off. “Rude.” You chuckled.
“She had her turn.” Natasha chuckled.
You returned to watching the movie as you rubbed her legs. Soon you felt goose bumps on her legs. You reached behind you grabbing the blanket on the sofa and placing it over her body.
“Thank you.” She said she wiggled her foot.
You chuckled and began rubbing her feet.
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When the credits rolled Natasha stretched and said “I still believe I’d make a great spy.”
“Oh I believe it.”
“Yeah?” She grinned looking over at you.
“Yeah you’d be the Ballerina to my John Wick.”
She chuckled as she scrolled through the movies. 
“I am John Wick, you killed my dog and stole the gift my dead wife gave me. Prepare to die.” You growled.
She cackled at you and you turned to her with finger guns. “dos vidaniya.” You smirked.
She laughed even harder sitting up. “It's do svidaniya you idiot.”
“Alright fine miss KGB you do it!” You huffed.
Natasha sat up straightening her back. “I am Natalia Romanoff. Thank you for your cooperation. Prepare to die. do svidaniya”
“Chills. Literal chills.” You chuckle. “Wow, have you been hiding that accent?”
Natasha laughed and smacked your arm.
“No seriously, do you hide it?”
“I feel like I lost it… I definitely watched movies and shows to have an American accent because kids thought I was weird, but if I’m around my family it comes back.”
“I’m not gonna lie if I met you in school and you had that accent I would totally wanna be your friend.” You nodded.
She smiled. “Too bad we were an hour apart.”
“Hmm, I think things would have been a lot different.”
“How so?” She asks. 
“I think you would have kept me from making a lot of stupid decisions back then.”
“I definitely would have.” She chuckled. 
You also think it would have been Natasha you went after, not Quinn. That thought made you pause.
You were now deep in thought when you felt Natasha tickle your side.
“What are you- are you trying to tickle me?!” You laughed.
“What is wrong with you, why aren’t you ticklish?!” She huffed.
“Oh I’m not ticklish but now I know you are.” You smirked and she took off running. You bolted after her upstairs. She was laughing and screaming as she tried to get away from you. You stopped the door from closing and she ran on the other side of her bed.
“Oh my God Y/N stop.” She warned as you began to corner her.
She squealed as she tried to hop over the bed but you caught her.
“No!” She laughed as you pinned her down, tickling her sides. “No! Stop! Oh my gosh!” She cackled even snorting as she lost her breath.
“Oh Nat, you shouldn’t have tried to tickle me.” You laughed. “You showed your hand.”
“Okay! Okay! I give! I give!” She laughed.
You stopped and quickly realized your positions here she is beneath you her chest heaving as she catches her breath occasionally giggling.
You reach down gently, moving her red locks out of her face. Her eyes are twinkling and her plump lips are parted. You look into her eyes and lower yourself gently rubbing her nose against yours. Her hand locks behind your neck and just as your lips meet the doorbell rings jolting you off of her.
Natasha clears her throat and looks over at her security pad as the doorbell continues to ring. “It’s my sister.” She says softly.
You nod, touch your lips and you can still feel her breath against them.
“I’m going to kill her.” She mutters as she rushes out the room. “Stop ringing the fucking bell!” She shouts to Yelena.
You snap out of your haze and make your way downstairs as she opens the door.
“Hey sis!” Yelena giggles.
“Hi Nat!” Kate grins lazily.
“Are you two drunk?”
“Maybe.” Kate squinted.
“We went back to the apartment and had some mac and cheese but Kate burnt it.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“Anyways then I remembered those amazing piroshkis you used to make. Can you make them?”
“Yelena it’s like 12 AM! No I can’t!”
“Ohhh hello.” Kate waved to you slyly.
“Y/N? Ohh we’re we interrupting an affair?” Yelena smirked looking at you.
“No!” You and Natasha said in unison.
“Hmhm.” Kate smirked.
“Both of you shut up and just go eat our leftovers.”
“Hm, I am hungry and a bit tipsy but I wanna know what is going on over here.” Yelena smirked, pointing between the two of you.
“Nothing is happening I’m separated with my wife right now-“
“And you thought you’d just shack up with my sister?” Yelena raised her brow.
“Whoa no that’s not-“
“Listen up Y/N Y/L/N. I can do a lot with a knife so I’d tread lightly if I were you. No one hurts my sister.” Yelena pointed her knife that she had somehow taken out and into your chest lightly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You say pushing away her knife gently.
“Yelena, give me that now!!” Natasha yelled. 
Yelena huffed and whined before giving it to her sister.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Take her to the kitchen and eat something.”
Kate pulled Yelena in the kitchen, Leho trailing after them.
“Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”
“I’m okay.” You chuckled.
“Really because she poked a hole into your shirt.”
You looked down and Natasha flicked your nose.
“Wooooow. Nice. The Romanoff’s are straight up bullies.” You grin.
“I am really sorry though.”
“Don’t be, I wish I had a sibling like that.”
“You do; her name is Santana.” Natasha smirked.
You chuckled with a nod.
“I’m sorry she’s eating our leftovers. I know you were excited about them tomorrow.” Natasha takes your hand.
“Don't be they need to eat something. I’m gonna go to bed. I'm pretty tired actually.”
“Okay.” She nods sort of wanting to know what that almost kiss meant as she looks at your hand.
You leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.” 
She nodded letting your hand go as she watches you walk up the stairs.
“Hmm nothings going on my ass.” Yelena chortled.
“Stop. There really isn’t.”
“Eh, that didn’t look like anything. Kate?”
“That was definitely a ‘we’ll fuck later kiss on the cheek’” Kate muttered.
“Okay I just wanted you to say that definitely looked like something not that gross Kate. She’s my sister, show some respect.”
“Sorry Nat.”
“Well wanna tell me why a married person with kids is in your house?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Natasha sighed as she poured herself a shot of vodka.
“We’ve got time.” Yelena raised her brow.
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“Wow.” Yelena sat back.
“Wow is an understatement.” Kate muttered.
“What a fucking cun-“
“Yelena.” Natasha grit pointing upstairs.
“But it’s true!” She whispered harshly.
“Well yeah but we can’t say it when Y/N is right upstairs. What if they get back together?” Kate shrugs.
“They’re not going too… Y/N is clearly into my sister. They’re going to get together, get married and give me more nieces and nephews.” Yelena smiled lovingly.
“Yelena, it’s not that simple.” Natasha sighed.
“How? Y/N is going to get divorced then you two can finally be together.”
“Lena divorces take a very long time. Especially if you have children.”
“Kate, stop being logical and help me keep Nat delulu! You totally like Y/N right?”
“Sooooo much.” Natasha groaned, laying her head against the table.
“If it’s meant to be it will be.” Kate shrugged. “Ow!” She huffed after Yelena smacked her arm.
“Cestra I’m telling you the way Y/N looks at you says everything. They clearly want you too.”
“One of Y/N’s best friends told me they knew we liked each other but that I needed to wait until the divorce is final. That Quinn is relentless and always wins.”
“Maybe, but she hasn't been against you.” Yelena smirks.
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Natasha woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. Her eyes widened realizing you were probably alone with her sister. She quickly got up brushing her teeth and changing before rushing downstairs.
“Well there she is sleeping beauty herself.” You grinned spatula in hand.
“Cestra you didn’t tell me Y/N can cook!” Yelena smiled, eating her breakfast you made her.
“Oh my God it’s so good.” Kate moaned.
“I got yours right here.” You winked.
“Some nice sausage.” Yelena smirked, earning a glare from her sister.
“Take a seat, I'll make you a cup of coffee.” You nod towards the table.
Natasha nodded dumbly and sat down as you brought her a mug and her breakfast. “Thank you.” She said softly. You gently squeezed her shoulder before going back to the stove.
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“No way.” Yelena chuckled.
“Yes wayyy.” You smirked.
“Prove it!” Kate hounded.
“How? There’s no space for the Jubie Slide.”
“I think you may be forgetting a certain new dance studio.” Natasha smirked from behind her mug.
“Wait what?!” Yelena gasped.
“It was supposed to be a surprise but this is to good to pass up. I spoke with Thor and Val they’re letting me teach ballet at the gym.”
“Cestra that’s fucking great!”
“You never said when you can move in.” You add.
“Pause!” Yelena held up her hand. “You knew?!”
“Well yeah.”
“Y/N is the one that made me talk to Thor and Val.”
“Wow you told Y/N but not me.” Yelena shook her head.
“I told you it was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to fix it up first.”
“Well let’s go look at it.” Kate smiled.
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“Oh hey Nat!” Thor waved as he helped a scrawny string bean squat lift.
“Thor!” The man huffed, falling the barbell nearly hitting his foot. “You idiot that almost got me!”
“It’s just the barbell stopping being such a baby Loki!” Thor rolled his eyes and walked towards you guys. 
“Oh I didn’t mean for you to leave him.” Nat chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him, he's just my brother.” He laughed.
“I take it you’re here to check out your new studio?” He grinned playfully.
“You got me.” Natasha chuckled.
“Come on, I'll show you the way.” 
He led the way towards the other side of the gym leading down a hallway to the locked door.
Natasha opened it only to find the room full of dust, and old gym equipment.
“It’s perfect right?” Thor beamed.
“Uhh yeah I’m trying to picture it.”
“Thor, what about all this old equipment?” You asked, walking inside gesturing around.
“Right… well the new equipment we bought from the manufacturer didn’t want to take the old equipment back so we just stored it in here.”
“So it’s trash?”
“Well- yeah… yes it’s trash. I just haven’t gotten rid of it yet.”
You and the girls raised your brows.
“I’ll do it now.” Thor said carefully before rushing off. “Loki! Korg! Help me clear this room out.”
“I’ll help him.” You muttered looking at all the crap laying around. “Might call a friend to help us.”
“Same if we all pitch in the faster we can prove you can’t dance.” Yelena smirked.
“Psh.” You scoffed dialing your best friend's number.. “I can dance.”
‘Hey Y/N!’
“Suuuure!” Yelena smirked.
“Mike, I need your help. Also tell these girls I know how to dance!” You whined.
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After an hour of cleaning everything out of the room you all were really taking in the space.
“What do you think Nat? Can you vision it?” You grinned, waving your arms.
“I can! The mirrors will be here on this side, and I want rails as well for stretching.”
“Oh you need a shoe box!” Yelena smiled pointing to the front of the room.
“I can do all of that and polish the floors.”
“You don’t have to Y/N I can-“ Natasha smiled at you.
“I want to.”
“Well then I’m helping you.” She grinned.
“Couldn’t have asked for a better helper.”
“Wow, I came all the way down here.” Mike huffed.
Natasha smiled watching you measure the walls, and telling Mike as he typed the notes in your phone and took photos.
“Okay that’s actually very hot.” Kate whispered towards Natasha.
“Back off my future in law.” Yelena hissed.
“Let's check out the supply house.” You grin.
“Ugh that place is so boring Y/N!” Mike whined.
“I’ll buy you those hotdogs you like out front.”
“Fine but hotdogs first.” Mike pointed, handing you the keys to your truck.
“Was Quinn-“
“Asking me a billion questions? Yes.”
“Did you get to see the girls?”
“I only saw Fin, Beth was at school.”
“She said they miss you and I said you miss them too but that you need some more time.”
“Thank you Mike.”
“Of course.” 
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After eating a couple chili dogs and eating a handful of mints you were now walking around with Natasha as the girls ran to the garden section with Mike.
“I think this would look perfect with the hardwood floors.” You said pointing to the plank.
“I trust you.” Natasha smiled.
“Hi congratulations on your new home! Need any help getting some paint samples?” One of the employees asked happily.
“No thank you.” Natasha smiled
“Okay but might I say you two are just so beautiful together, absolutely beautiful! Congratulations and please let me know if you need anything I’ll see if I can knock off a few bucks.” The employee winked.
You put your arm around Natasha. “Thank you so much we definitely will!”
The employee walked off and you and Natasha chuckled as you let her go.
“That’s not nice.” Natasha smirked.
“Hey I’m helping you save money.” You smirked.
“Oh by the way Mike gave me a number for his mirror guy so I already sent off the measurements. Should get them in a couple days. Also said he’d hook you up with some speakers.
“Mike has a mirror guy?”
“Yeah he and Britt have their own dance studio back in Brooklyn.”
“Oh yeah Mike is killer on the dance floor.”
“You never said how you knew how to dance.”
“Well when we were kids we were obsessed with You Got Served and mimicking dances on music videos. Then Glee club happened and we got to dance everyday with our friends. Brittany is probably the best dancer out of all of us. She danced on tour with Beyonce right out of high school.”
“Wow! I never would have guessed that I mean she has a dancer's body. I just never put two and two together.” 
“Yeah Britt and Mike were the best I'd say Santana, Quinn, and myself were just behind them.” You moved up in line.
You rented out a floor polisher as you ordered the polls of wood.
“Oh great we’re done here?” Mike asked, relieved when you nodded.
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After finally giving the studio a deep clean
You and Mike finally did the Jubie Slide.
“Pay up.” You smirked at the girls.
“Okay you got me I didn’t think you could do it. Kate pay Y/N.” Yelena cackled. 
“Here’s $20 bucks.” Kate muttered.
“Nice.” You grinned before Jubie sliding around the trio.
“I’ll take that for my labor today.” Mike smirked, snatching the $20.
“Wooooow.” You glared. “I bought you 2 hotdogs, nachos, and 2 sodas!” 
“This is intrist.”
“Okay you’ve gotta teach me that.” Kate asked.
You stood next to her as you instructed her on the first step with Mike.
“I like this one.” Yelena nodded towards you.
“Same.” Natasha winked towards her.
“So are you going to tell them?”
“I don’t know. I want too and I’m more than sure Y/N knows but-“
“Y/N is still married.”
The redhead nodded.
“Yelena look! I’m doing it!” Kate giggled.
“Not even close, Kate.” Yelena replied.
“Practice makes perfect.” You chuckled.
“What other moves do you know?” Natasha smirked.
“Oh I know a lot of moves.” You smirked.
“What’s your favorite one?!” Kate asked.
“Mike let’s show’em how it’s done.” You chuckled.
“Oohhhhh here we go.” He chuckled while putting on his old playlist.
Sirens began wailing from the speakers.
“Ohhhhhhh!” You grinned as you and Mike began dancing Shmoney.
“Running through these checks 'til I pass out (pass out) And shorty give me neck 'til I pass out (pass out) I swear to God, all I do is cash out (all I do) And if you ain't a ho, get up out my trap house!”
“About a week ago! Week ago!” You and Mike clapped hands before the next clip began. That old familiar sound of the steel pan.
“Soulja Boy off in this, oh, Watch me crank it, watch me roll, Watch me crank that Soulja Boy, Then super man that, oh, Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy), Now watch me, yuuu (crank that Soulja Boy)”
“I think I know this one!” Kate pointed just as the playlist switched songs.
“But aye do me a favor call me jerk one more time(your a jerk!)
I know, You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know), You're a jerk! (I know)”
“Y/N is always throwing me curve balls.” Natasha muttered with a smirk on her face.
“They be like smooth (what?)
Can you teach me how to dougie?
You know why? Cause all da bitches love me (aye) All I need is a beat that's super bumpin' And for you, you, you to back it up and dougie!”
You laughed as the next song started.
“Come on ladies you gotta know this one!” Mike laughed.
You waved Natasha over showing her the steps as Mike taught Yelena and Kate.
“Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah), Wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah)”
“Alright Y/L/N you can dance.” Yelena chuckled as you and Mike kept going.
“One more!” Mike begged.
“Alright alright.” You chuckled.
“At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you. At night I think of you, I want to be your lady, maybe. If your game is on, give me a call Boo. If your lovin's strong, gonna give my all to you”
“So Y/N can fix things, cook, and dance?” Kate looked at Natasha. “I don’t know how you haven’t immediately jumped their bones”
“Ugh Kate!” Yelena huffed.
Natasha smiled at you as you danced with your best friend.
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“We definitely need to have a dance party like we used too.” Mike grinned as you both chatted by his car.
“Oh for sure Brittany is going to school the hell out of us
“Always.” Mike chuckled watching you look over at Natasha who spoke with her sister. “I think you should go for it by the way.”
“Huh?” You asked looking back at him.
“Natasha… she’s obviously into you pretty sure she has been since you’ve met.”
“I like her Mike… a lot, but I feel like it’s just too soon. I’m not divorced yet I feel like any move I make will be refuted.”
“Well you are separated, granted you probably need to move out but there’s no harm in having some fun.”
“Natasha’s not that kind of girl and I’m not that kind of person. Especially with her. She’s the type to marry and whisk away, and I don’t know if I can do that again. I trusted Quinn for so long and she completely broke my heart time and time again.”
“Then I’d tread very lightly or just tell her how you feel and see if she’d wait? I don’t know I’m not the best at relationship advice.”
You chuckled and hugged him goodbye with the promise of reaching out to him more.
You walked over as Yelena was saying goodnight to her sister. “Thanks for everything you do for my sister Y/N.” Yelena smiled, giving you a side hug.
As you and Natasha head inside the house you finally feel exhausted.
You yawned as you walked through the threshold.
“Tired yourself out?” Natasha smirked.
“I’m beat.” You smiled sleepily.
“Well you did feed my sister, Kate, myself and you. Then cleaned the studio, polished and waxed the floors and gave us a show. Thank you Y/N for all your help.”
“Of course it’s the least I could do.” You shrug.
Natasha went in for a hug but you stopped her. 
“I am very gross and sweaty. I should probably hop in the shower.”
“Well I wasn’t going to say anything.” Natasha cringed.
“Wooooow! Burn on me!” You chuckled before heading upstairs. “I’ll see you in the morning, Nat.” You smiled down at her.
“Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning.” She smiled watching you walk in your room Leho purring against her leg.
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Even though both you and Natasha were exhausted from the previous day you both woke up to a wet dream at the same time.
“Ohhh fuck!” Natasha moaned, waking up to her fingers against her swollen bean.
“Fuck.” You sighed tiredly feeling your cock soften. You grumbled as you got out of bed to wash up. You looked at yourself in the mirror feeling guilty and lost. You have never wanted another woman so badly in your life until now. You rubbed your head wondering how much longer you and Natasha can go on tip toeing around these unspoken feelings. You’re so over the wet dreams and the almost kisses. 
You were walking out of the room just as Natasha was walked out of hers.
“Morning.” “Hi.” 
You both chuckle.
“I was just about to start breakfast.”
“Stop, you've done enough. Let me.” Natasha smiled before heading downstairs. “How’d you sleep?”
“Uh good.” You gulp hoping you weren’t moaning in your sleep. “You?”
“Good.” She nods also hoping you didn’t hear her moaning. “Sooo I was thinking maybe we should take it easy today. You did so much yesterday, maybe we could just relax?”
“But your studio?”
“It can wait another day.” She said softly, "You worked so hard yesterday, let's just relax today.”
“You sure? The wood is ready.”
“The mirrors will be in tomorrow we can do it then.”
“Alright if you insist.” You chuckled.
“I do, now, do you wanna make the coffee and I’ll make breakfast? She asked and you nodded.
Leho meowed.
“Yes, I’ll make yours too.” Natasha smiled, petting Leho’s head.
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“That was so good.” You say standing up to collect her plate taking it to the dishwasher.
“Thank you.” She stands taking your hand as she leads you upstairs to her room.
You hadn’t been in here since your kiss.
“Figured we could watch something in bed.” She spoke turning on the tv.
You stretched a bit before rubbing your lower back.
“Your back still hurting?”
“Yeah it’s an old football injury I flare up from time to time.”
“Well yesterday didn’t help. Massage?” Natasha smirked.
“Maybe? If you don’t mind?”
“Turn around.” 
“Yes!” You grinded and turned over.
Natasha climbed on top of you and began massaging your back.
“Ahhhhh yeah!” You groaned.
She giggled and continued massaging your back. She stopped and said: “Take your shirt off, I'll rub this oil on your back.” She moved to grab some soothing oils and you took off your shirt.
“Ready?” She gulped seeing the veins leading down your waistband.
“So ready.” You smirked lying down on your stomach.
Natasha poured some of the oil on the spots you said were hurting and began massaging you.
“Your hands are magic.” You mumble against the pillow seeing her in the mirror of her dresser.
She chuckled, moving to your neck and shoulders. Admiring the muscles you have that make you look like you were carved out of marble by a Greek God.
“What happened to you? From the football injury?”
“I got tackled pretty hard in the end zone in my last year. I ended up in the hospital for the night, nothing too bad but I fractured my lower spine. So I get flare ups every now and then.”
Natasha could only imagine how scary that must have been for your parents. Even for Quinn. Natasha on the other hand probably would have killed the player that hit you in the first place.
She could imagine herself now seeing you on your back ball in hand in sheer pain. She would have rushed to your side.
“That must have been scary.”
“At first I remember just seeing him in my face saying something and the next thing I knew I was in so much pain. I could hear Finn and some other guys fighting in the field. Quinn was by my side and then I saw my parents. I remember crying and then feeling the paramedics take me to the hospital.”
“Did the player that tackled you get in trouble?”
“He did cause I already made the touchdown. I think the guys got him pretty good too if memory serves correctly. He ended up in the room next to me with a broken knee cap and some broken ribs.”
“Yeah there were a couple bullies on my team that didn’t take kindly to what happened to me.” You chuckled.
“I think if I had known you during that time I probably would’ve done the same thing.” She chuckles.
“You would have been at my games?” You asked looking back.
“Every single one of them.” Natasha replies, booping your nose.
You smiled holding the pillow imagining what it would have been like seeing her cheer you on. Even better what winning would have been like after the game.
“Would you have taken me out for a victory beer or ice cream?”
“Excuse you Y/L/N I was a good girl in high school. No drinking, no drugs, no sex-“
“No sex?” You asked flabbergasted.
“No!” She huffed.
“I was too busy trying to make ends meet with the Maximoffs to be a bad girl.”
“Bad girl.” You chuckled. “Alright I get it.”
“Is that what you did?”
“Not all the time I had Beth at 16 remember?”
“I always forget you were a teen parent.”
“So you didn’t really party?”
“Neh not really, sometimes my parents would have mercy on us, and take care of Beth on Friday nights.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah it really was.”
Suddenly you flipped your positions causing her to help as you laid her down.
“You’re turn.” 
“Oh you don’t have- wow… Oh that’s good.” She muttered as you worked on her back. She arched her back as you massaged her spot. “Fuuuck that’s good!” She groaned unintentionally arching her backside into your pelvis.
“Damn Nat you’re so tight.” You sighed and gulped realizing what you said. You could feel yourself growing.
You bit your lip feeling her ass raise against your bulge.
“Can you do my shoulders?” She asked sweetly.
“Uh sure of course.” You gulped realizing your cock is definitely getting harder with every sigh, groan, and moan she lets out. You leaned over her, reaching for her shoulders.
Natasha’s eyes opened feeling your bulge pressed against her cheeks. She smirks, wanting to laugh feeling like a tease. She really wants to drive you crazy she knows you have to like her after the brief kiss. She sort of wants to drive you to the point of ripping her clothes off and turning her into a pillow princess.
Little did she know that’s exactly what you wanted to do as images of her pussy came to mind. 
“Ohh Y/N that’s sooo good!” She moaned, feeling you completely harden. ‘Easy.’ She smirked
She reached out for the headboard.
You left one hand around the back of her neck as the other rubbed her lower back. Her gasps are making you impossibly horny. You desperately needed to touch yourself. You let go of her back and began moving your cock you felt so dirty for it but fuck you just need it out of the way. 
“Can you go lower?” She asks innocently.
“Yeah like lower back or lower legs.”
“I was thinking more of my glutes.” She smiled.
“Yeah.” You gulped she pushed back a bit causing you to straddle her legs as you massaged her ass.
“Ohhh that’s good.” She moaned.
‘Fuck.’ You bit your lips this was torture in the best fucking way. You finally get to touch her ass and God was it glorious.
“Like this?” You asked, watching as your hands massaged her ass.
“Just like that.” She sighed.
You worked on the same spot for a few minutes before pulling a bold; very bold move. First you began rubbing her area where her thighs meet her glutes. Her little shorts barely hid little to the imagination. You rubbed up and up until your thumbs were dangerously close to her pussy.
“Hmmm.” She hummed practically vibrating. Are you finally going to do it? God she was so wet for you she began to grow frustrated.
Your thumbs slightly rubbed beneath those damp little panties.
“Y/N please.” She sighed, pushing her ass into your hands.
And so again you took that as a sign to push forward.
Your thumb pushed inside gently earning a mouth watering moan from the redhead beneath you.
“Ohhh fuck you’re so wet.” You groaned, falling forward against her back as your thumb began to move inside of her.
She turned rubbing your nose against hers when you took your thumb out bringing it in your mouth.
“You taste so good I need to really taste you.”  You mutter.
She nods and you both meet in an embracing kiss as you dry hump her ass. You couldn’t help but bite your lip imaging what your covered cock with look like sheathed inside of her. Fuck just being able to dry hump Natasha Romanoff was almost enough to get you to cream your boxers.
She turned over beneath you to bring you down against her.
“Fuck I want you Natasha. I want you soooo fucking bad.”
“Take me!” She groans as you rip her shirt off and tug her shorts down along with her panties. 
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long now.” You breathed her in, making her whimper from the
soft kisses you left on her thighs. The fact that you had been aching to taste her made her want you even more. You were a little surprised at how bare she was. You were so excited to see tuffs of ginger. Now you know. Natasha likes it smooth.
“You are such a sight to see.” You say kiss her bud lightly causing her to jolt. “It’s alright baby girl, trust daddy.” You smirk.
“Ohhhh Y/NNNNN!” She moans as you begin licking from her tight hole to her bud.
“You taste soooooo fucking good dollface.”
Your hands roam her body as her eyes are locked on the sight of you licking her cunt. Her fingers run through your hair tugging you right where she wants you. No one had ever made her feel this way.
“That’s it daddy right there. Oh God, don’t stop, ohhhh yesss Y/NNnnn!” She groans her abs flexing as she feels a burn in her core.
You hum feeling her juices run down your chin. You can’t believe this is really happening as you play with her nipples.
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” She mewed. “Just like this. I can’t wait until you’re inside of me.” She spoke breathlessly her eyes drooping but always staying on you.
Your tongue is working overtime swiping left and right and up and down until she presses your face against her pussy as she cums.
“Ohhhh fuck! Ohhh fuck! Ohhhhhh!” She groans loudly and you lift her ass up a bit letting your tongue like the very very tight hole beneath her vagina, and let your fingers take care of her rosy bud and aching pussy.
“Ohhhhh my fucking God! Ohhhhh!” She moans and gasps feeling completely filled. “Yesssssss! Yesssss! Yesss daddy fuckkkk!” She moaned meeting your fingers with every pump.
“That’s it baby you’re so close let go.” You say feeling the burn in your forearm before diving back in.
Suddenly she gasps as her walls clamp down around your fingers. Her pelvis humping your hand and face as she cums. You can’t help but moan against her bud looking at the sight of her chest heaving trying to catch her breath.
“Oh fuck that was sooooo good.” She sighs.
You wipe your mouth before kissing up to her neck and smooching those pouty lips.
She mews against your lips tangling your legs.
“Daddy’s just getting started.” You smirk against her lips.
She bit her lip pushing your hair back.
“You taste so good Natasha I wanna taste you again.” You go back down but she tugs you up.
“What if I wanna taste you?”
You groaned as she palmed your hard on.
“Off.” She demanded as she snapped the waistband of your shorts.
“Yes ma’am.” You grinned, shoving them off letting your cock finally breathe.
“Fuck you’re making my mouth water.” She took in the length and girth of your member. “Lay down.” 
You laid next to her bringing her in a kiss.
“You really don’t have to do anything. This can only be about you. I’d go down on you all day if I could.” You say lightly running your fingers down her spine.
“I’ve been wanting you for so long now, and I want you in every way.” She husks, reaching down and wrapping her hand around you. “Don’t you want my mouth daddy?”
“Hmpf.” You grunt feeling her warm soft hand wrap around your dick. She kisses you once more as she pumps you lightly in her hand. “I can’t wait until you’re inside of me, but first I want you inside of my mouth, maybe down my throat. I wanna gobble you and swallow you whole.”
“Oh fuck.” You whisper as she moves wrapping both her hands around you.
“You’re so big daddy I can barely wrap my hands around you and just two isn’t enough you’re the size of my forearm.” She’s a little glad you can’t notice the fact that she’s drooling just a bit and her eyes have become crossed eyed.
But you can see her pussy it makes you twitch seeing her juices dripping down her thighs.
You can’t help but reach out and palming her peach. She smirks looking back at you.
“I can’t keep my hands to myself.” You admit.
She chuckles her breath hitting the tip of your cock. Natasha watches as more precum seeps out. Of your member. She leans over more laying her tongue down against your head licking up your honey. 
You moan just as she wraps her lips around the tip. You can feel her tongue swirling around as she begins to choke you down. 
Her breath hitches feeling your fingers playing with her pussy. She breathes through her nose as she makes it half way down before bobbing her head.
“Oh baby.” You whisper feeling her hand rotating as she sucks your cock. Her other hand is playing with your sack. “That’s so good baby. Can you go deeper?” You ask as you sit up slightly to hold her hair back.
She nods against your cock pulling her mouth off of you so she can breathe before engulfing you in her mouth descending down past her gag reflex to the base of your cock.
“Fuuuuuuuck that’s it baby girl.” Your abs tighten, she moves her throat like she is swallowing you down. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” You groan it’s honestly not gonna take long at this rate. She hums letting the vibrations of her throat tingle your cock.
“Oh shit oh baby! Natasha!” You moan. “Ohhh I’m gonna cum where do you want it?”
She sucks you even hard, her tears running down her face. Her pussy is throbbing when she feels you move your hand away from her hair back to her ass as you rub her ass. She moans feeling some relief and you moan finally shooting your cum down her throat. 
“Fuck!!!!” You grunt as your cock twitches in her mouth she lets go and you gasp for air as she pumps your ropes of honey down her throat.
“Oh my God.” You say breathlessly seeing her red hair sticking to her sides of her face due to saliva and sweat.
You sit up pushing her hair back, wiping her mouth. “You’re a fuckin sight to be hold Natasha.” You say before pulling her on top of you kissing her roughly.
“Was that good?” She asks, pulling back from your kiss.
“Was that good?” You chuckle in disbelief. “That was the best head I’ve ever had.”
She smiles shyly and you roll her to the other side of the bed beneath your body. She instantly spreads her legs for you to fit between them.
The redheaded beauty can feel your cock harden against her pussy as you kiss her softly with no hurry to be inside of her. She said she’s wanted this for so long, and though you have questions you really wanna live up to her imagination.
Your hands begin to wander lowering from her nape to her thighs running your fingers up and
down sending chills down her spine.
You steal one last kiss before leaving a trail of open kisses down her chilled body before you get to your target. You inhale her pussy before tasting her again.
“Y/N.” She sighs feeling your tongue swiping up and down as you savor her. Her pussy is soaked and throbbing for you and only you.
You sit up getting between her legs you let your cock play with her pussy a bit biting your lip at the feel of her hot cunt against your cock. You lean over and reach for the nightstand grabbing your wallet to take out a condom. She reaches out to stop you. “You don’t need that.” She says softly. “I haven’t been with anyone and I can’t have…” she gulps.
And you toss the condom laying down against her body you kiss her softly. “It’s okay baby.” You whisper. “Do you want to stop?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Do you?”
“Not if you don’t.” You whisper back.
You kiss her once more. Letting your staff slide against her wetness. “You’re so wet baby.”
“Only for you.” She responds.
You sit up and she reaches out rubbing a hand over your abs memorizing the creases of your six pack down to your cock.
You rub your tip up and down gathering her wetness before slowly pushing the tip in. She sighs gripping the sheets and you grip her hips gently and slowly pushing the rest of the way inside of her.
“Relax baby daddy’s got you.”
She moaned loudly and you felt more wetness come through. “Yeah that’s it. Hmm…You are so fucking tight.” You whispered, feeling her walls clamping down around you. You stayed still for a minute peppering her with soft kisses as she adjusted to your girth.
“You’re so big daddy.” She sighed, opening her eyes. She pushed your hair back bringing you down to kiss her. She whimpered as her hips bucked into you giving you the go ahead.
You slowly pumped in and out hearing her whining grow.
“Oh my God!” She moaned out as your lips left hers to nibble on her neck. She shook in your arms cuming around your cock.
“Naughty girl cuming without daddy.” You tsked.
“I’m sorry daddy.” She twitched from an after shock as you continued your strokes.
“That’s alright Angel I’ll let that one go.” You smirked, kissing her softly.
“You just feel sooooo good daddy.” She hummed letting her nails take down your back.
“You’re doing so well.” You groaned out as you continued your rhythm as she whimpered beneath you. Your eyes fluttered closed as you paused your motions pushing in deeper. “I never thought this would happen.” You sigh feeling your abs twitch.
“I hoped it would.” She admits before gasping at your cock stretching her out.
“Look at my cock baby.” You run your hand over the bulge and she gasps.
“Oh my God.” She whimpered. “I need you closer.” She says and you obliged gently lying down against her body one arm holding you up and the other caressing her cheek.
“You are the most gorgeous woman to ever walk this Earth.” You say studying her features.
She brings you all the way down in a kiss, her arms wrapping around you.
“I’m gonna move now a little harder and faster now baby is that okay?”
“Please do.” She gasps as you back to pump in and out.
You begin nibbling her neck and she wraps her legs around you.
“Natasha you feel soooo good baby.” You groaned.
She whines as she claws your back. “I’m so full daddy.” She husks.
“Oh fuck.” You groan thrusting harder. 
She bites and sucks on your neck causing you to thrust a little faster. She is determined to mark your body and stake her new claim.
“Oh daddy you’re dick is big it’s so good baby it’s so fucking good inside of me!” She moans in your ear. As she meets your every stroke.
You both keep the rhythm going, occasionally locking eyes before locking lips once more.
“You feel sooo good.” You say gazing into her emerald eyes. 
“I can say the same.” She brings you down in a kiss bringing your weight down on top of her.
Her moans are growing as you pick up the pace. Her velvety walls are clamped so tight around you that you can barely pump in and out.
“Fuck you are so tight I can’t move!” You kiss her once more before sitting up. Looking at her red hair splayed across the pillows. Her breasts bouncing and the way her hands can’t not be touching you as she grips your arms.
“Choke me.” Natasha moans.
You use one hand to wrap around her throat as you thrust harder and faster.
She grips your arm, her face turning a blushing red as she feels herself getting higher and higher.
“Fuck Natasha! God damn!”
She gasps and you reach below rubbing her swollen little bud.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck!” She moans as the bed creaks and, the headboard bangs against the wall. Her pussy is squelching with every stroke just as her hips are meeting your every motion. “Cum with me daddy!” She pants.
You throw your head back afraid to cum before her but her hands pull you back to her. “I’m cumming! Fuuuck I’m cumming!” She whines as her cunt twitches and clamps around you. It's a wonder how you're hitting her spot.
“Arggghh auhhh!” You grunt pulling out half way feeling your seed shoot out. “Ohhhh fuck!” You both moan as you pull out your creams spilling against your twitching cock.
“Hmmm.” She hums watching you use your staff to pick up the cum spilling on you and lathering it against her pussy before entering her once more.
“That’s it baby that’s it.” She says softly as you pepper kisses around her face. She kisses you lazily, her fingers trailing your jaw as you continue your strokes.
You kiss her fingers softly as she groans in appreciation.
“Yessss daddy yess yesss.” Her accent is coming through her sex hazed mind. You lift her legs against your shoulders, and you begin to hump up halfway hitting her spot over, and over again, and again. 
*Hisss ahhh hisss ahh* Her moaning grew. Natasha could feel a deep coil inside of her ready to burst at any moment.
You grinned lazily seeing your second head bulge in her stomach with every stroke up.
“Natasha darling; how are you feeling?” You ask as you continue.
She all but moans in response, her hands reaching for your forearms.
You thrust a little faster until she’s quivering. You smirk as she cums again and finally you feel that rush of pressure you were aiming for.
“There it is.” You thrust even faster making her twitch and wiggle against your cock as her orgasm shakes her to her core, and finally when your cock is being pushed out you pull out.
“Oh my-!!! daddy daddy- YYYYY/NNNNNNNN!!!!!!!” your name spills out as a booming moan, her pussy is spasming as a rush of liquid squirts against your abs and cock.
You slowly enter her once more once the squirting stops, kissing the sides of her legs against your shoulders as she catches her breath. “That was so good baby you did so fucking good for daddy.” 
“Oh my God.” she moans, making grabby hands so you bend her legs slowly until she’s filled to the brim and your abs are against hers. She kisses you with so much passion she almost utters those three little words. “What? How? That’s never happened before.” She says in shock.
“Well not to toot my own horn but baby you didn’t have daddy.” You bite her lip before pulling out once more, gently lowering her legs.
She giggles as you kiss her belly inhaling her pussy once more. 
“Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I love this pussy.”
You open wide and begin eating her out.
“Ohhhhh fuck! No daddy, I'm sensitive.” She moans with a smile.
“Turn around for daddy then baby let me eat that ass like groceries.”
She bites her lip rolling over on her belly before going into child’s pose. Stretching her back out.
“Oh that’s it. I can’t wait to play with you more. See how flexible you really are.” 
She looks behind at you and smirks as she twerks her ass. You grab ahold of her spreading her cheeks as you lick her little hole.
“Fuuuck that feels so good daddy!” She groans, stretching her arms out.
You slap her ass cheek and sit back up as you align your cock with her tight cunt.
“Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about this moment.” You slowly enter her. “Having you bent over for me just like this.” You bit your bottom lip moaning loudly as you pushed all the way in. “Fuck yes!”
“Now you have me.” She husked sitting up wrapping her arms around your neck from behind.  
“Hmmm.” You hum kissing her as your body’s move together. “Yeah that’s it Natasha…. You’re so fuckin’ sexy baby.” You say cupping her cunt and rubbing her clit.
She moans moving back down on the bed as you thrust into her from behind.
“Gorgeous.” You sigh letting your hands wander her back. Your hands grip her butt massaging her before slapping it again.
Your thrusts were fast and rough hearing her groan against the pillow. You groan hearing the sounds of the room. The head board banging once again you may have to fix it later but it’s worth it. The sounds of her soaked pussy and of course moans you were bringing out of her.
“Yesssssss daddy fuuuuck that’s so good!” Her voice was muffled. She lifted her head when you slapped her cheek.
“That’s it use my dick baby.” You say as she pushes back against you. “Aag fuck I’m close.” You flex and hold your hands behind your head as Natasha fucks herself on your staff.
“Me too daddy.” 
“Let go baby!”
Your body flexes as you stop her and thrust faster and harder you can feel the spring being ready to pop. 
She whines and moans not being able to wait without you she’s cuming around your cock.
You let her enjoy herself for as long as you can until you abruptly stop deep inside of her and pull right out pumping your load against her back.
You hiss as your dick convulses. “Natasha.” You groan as she looks back at the cum falling down her spine.
“Feed it to me daddy.” She smirks seeing your cock twitch.
You swipe your fingers down her back gathering your seed and lean over to feed it to her. You groan as she sucks on your fingers.
“Delicious.” She smirks. 
Your eyes roll back as you bite your lip and move to lay beside her.
She immediately snuggles up to you kissing your cheek.
“Wow.” You breathe out letting your arm wrap around her with your hand on her upper thigh.
“I don’t think I’ve ever orgasmed that many times in my life.” She said softly.
You smirked eyes now closed.
“Yeah you get to get away with that smirk Y/L/N.”
“I love your accent by the way.” You smile peeking down at her, rubbing her ass.
“You do?”
“Very much so.” You sigh. “My Russian mommy.”
She leans up kissing your lips softly.
“Princess Romanoff.”
“I’m not Anastasia.”
“You could be.” 
“Baby they were brutally murdered. They were stabbed with bayonets.”
“Aww let me have this.” You frowned with your bottom lip out.
“Fine.” She sighed. “Anything for you… daddy.” She smirked feeling you twitch against her knee.
“Stop playing with fire Natasha.” Your voice is raspy.
“I like playing with your fire.”
You chuckle and she pecks your chest letting her nails graze your abs. Your fingers trailed up her thighs massaging her beautiful luscious mound of an ass.
Her nails send chills around your body luring you to sleep.
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eelclaw · 4 months
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okay new arc... my thoughts.
leafstar was one of my favorite characters as a kid, but not because of anything she actually did. i liked her graphic novels, but only mostly because i was delighted by sol being a pathetic girlfailure.
also my copy of skyclan's destiny was misprinted and had pages out of order, and i loved having a fucked up book.
i liked her in firestar's quest, but... she's done nothing in every book since.
sharpclaw pushes her around in skyclan's destiny, then tells her he was just challenging her to make her a more confident leader. nothing comes out of this.
she's worried about female leaders not being allowed to have kits and about inviting daylight warriors into the clan, and it would've been great to just skip these plotlines entirely. skyclan had a chance to be a different kind of clan, a breath of fresh air from the shit we normally read about, and they didn't take it.
in ravenpaw's farewell she decides that skyclan hates outsiders. then ravenpaw proves her wrong by helping chase out some rogues that skyclan somehow couldn't chase out on their own, so she changes her mind, but only enough to take in bella and riley.
the general back-and-forth and nothing getting done in avos, tbc, and asc just annoys me.
her going blind is actually pretty interesting, but it needs to be handled well, and it's not going to be.
she's pretty old at this point, so i hope she dies, but the kid in me still hopes she gets an awesome death.
the way she's treated in avos and in her novella is incredibly uninteresting.
her clanmates don't take her seriously because of how closely she was associated with rowanstar. that's cool! that's interesting! but how long has it been since avos? she's far and away proved herself to be a valuable member of shadowclan.
the "kids these days" plotline is so fucking frustrating, i don't want it to come back.
i thought her novella had a nice conclusion. she accepted that her lost loved ones were lost, and that she could not go back to the way things were, but she could keep moving forward, and she would see her family in starclan some day. from the blurb, this conclusion is going to be completely trampled.
i'm also sick of tigerheartstar changing every book, just to drive whatever the current mess of a plot is.
not many thoughts. betting her parents are nightheart and sunbeam.
hoping she's distinct from frostpaw and shadowsight. i can't take a third one.
it would be interesting if nightheart dies before she's born, paralleling larksong dying before nightheart was born. then nightheart might realize a bit of what his parents were going through.
overall. not hopeful. i'm super tired of the formula they've been using for the past few arcs. i don't care about "the end of the cats' connection to starclan". just because these books are about religious cats doesn't mean we can't have deep, meaningful, character-driven plots. why can't we get one of those.
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deanssluvr · 3 months
thought you were made for me
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part 2 | part 3
pairing: brother’s bsf!Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is my first fic so please be nice. I didn’t really expect to write more than 500 words lmao. Also, this isn’t proofread sorry. I plan on writing a part 2 for this.
It had already been a long and tough week. With just finishing the last of your final exams the week prior. Each exam felt like it took years off of your life. And the week itself felt as though it would never end. Not even mentioning the multiple all-nighters you pulled to study before. But when it was finally over you were beyond ecstatic. And now you got to finally be at home and relax.
It was relatively quiet morning. You had decided to stay in the comfort of your blanket for a while longer before deciding to head down to the kitchen. There you were greeted by your brother Ethan and his best friend Joost. They were making breakfast. Well, it was just your brother cooking and Joost waiting patiently. Ever since Joost finished touring, he’d been spending a lot of time at your house. Spending multiple nights in your guest room. Your parents never really minded because he was nice and respectful. Usually, they’re in your brother’s room playing video games or out doing something. You never really got the chance to see him a lot since you were off to college. But you were hoping that would change now that you were home.
“Good morning.” Joost smiled softly. Ethan turned away from the stove briefly to tell you good morning and offered you breakfast. You nodded and turned back Joost. He was sipping a cup coffee and the steam was slightly fogging up his glasses. He took them off and set them on the counter beside him.
“Good morning Joost.” You returned the smile. He moved next to you from where he was standing. 
“And how are you this morning?” he asked in a low tone. His voice was still laced with sleep.
“I’m good. Just glad to be back home. How are you this morning.” You looked up at him and through tired eyes.
“Better now,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It caught you off guard. Was he flirting with you? Before you can finish that thought your brother hands you both a plate of food. You thanked him and they walk out of the kitchen to the dining room. Leaving you to your thoughts.
Later on that day, you called your best friends. They discussed with you their plans with their newfound freedom. You were shocked at their ideas. Party here and bar hop there. You thought they were just as exhausted as you. The idea of getting wasted as a celebration wasn’t your favorite idea. You just wanted to catch up on sleep.
“But we’ve been doing nothing but staying in our dorms for finals. We NEED to go out,” she stated.
“I know. I know. But maybe we could do something a bit more laid back. Like the movies or that festival that’s in town.” I practically pleaded with them. But it was no use. They weren’t changing their minds, and I was outvoted two to one. The conversation shifted back to their ideas for celebration for the next few days.
After agreeing to meet up this weekend, you said your goodbyes to your friends and hung up the phone. But quickly after your brother texts you.
hey Joost has a concert tonight. i have an extra ticket. wanna go with me?
You thought about it for a good moment. You just wanted to get some extra sleep tonight, but on the other hand, you haven’t spent much time with your brother since you left for college. And now is a better time than ever to make up for lost time. Also, you just wanted another excuse to see Joost.
ofc sounds like fun
it’s tonight at 8. i’ll pick you up at 7
You texted him “okay” before setting your phone back down, and finished making yourself lunch.
As leaned over the sink, you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror. You used your nail to fix your lipstick. You stepped back to look over your overall outfit and decided you were happy with the outcome. You sprayed a bit of your favorite perfume on yourself. Checking the time you realized you were ready a bit early, so you sat in your living room. You started scrolling through Instagram as you waited. Then a notification popped up in your phone.
hey i’m outside.
You quickly checked your appearance once last time in a nearby mirror and checked your purse to make sure you had everything. When you felt satisfied with everything you grabbed your keys and left the house.
The ride to the venue was relatively smooth. You talked about what you’d miss in each other’s lives. He explained to you how he just found a new job as a bartender at a new bar downtown. He also told you how he was saving up for a new place. You told him that you were really happy for him. When he asked about you, you told him about how you just finished up finals week and now you finally have time off. He gave you a small chuckle and congratulated you.
The outdoor venue was packed that night and people were trying to rush to the front. You’re glad your brother was there as he kept a secure grip on you and was able to push you both to the barricades near the stage. It was extremely humid that night with a faint smell of weed and cigarette smoke clogging the air.
The lights dimmed slightly and you heard a beat starting to play over the speakers. You could feel the anticipation from the crowd and it made you even more excited as you leaned forward on the barricade. Then Joost ran on stage. Blue flashing lights engulfed him as he started performing and the crowd, including yourself, began jumping to the beat.
Once the energy died down slightly, you were able to take him in. His outfit was really simple tonight. He was in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up giving us a glimpse at the tattoos that littered his arms, a pair of baggy jeans, and his black thick-rimmed glasses that were fogging up every so often. Something was enticing about him and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You had never heard his music before, but that didn’t stop you from letting loose. Everyone around you on the other hand, including your brother, is yelling the lyrics word for word. Joost takes notice of this and walks further downstage towards your brother, acknowledging him and smiling. Now you were able to get a good look at his face. He is even prettier up close you thought to yourself. Then he looks over to you, holding eye contact for just a split second before giving you a wink and continuing his performance. You were in utter disbelief at the encounter. You honestly thought you had imagined it. You were pulled back to reality when the loud beat of the next song started pouring into your ears.
“Did you enjoy the concert?” your brother asked as you both walked to his car. You were still feeling the buzz of the concert. It felt like the night shouldn’t end here. Maybe because you wanted to see Joost again.
“Yes, I did! His music is so good. I had an amazing time.” You left out the part about him winking at you, but you felt that you should keep that bit of information to yourself.
“Well, I’m glad that you had a good time.” His phone chimed with a notification. As he checked it you decided to check your phone. Your friends were blowing up your phone about the concert. They loved Joost so they wanted to know how it went. As you texted them back, your brother spoke.
“Hey, Joost is having a little after-party at a club nearby. He’s asking if the both of us wanted to go.“ You considered it for a moment. You did want to see him again. But when you did what would you say? Maybe he does this to all of his fans. Your brother senses your indecisiveness and tries to help.
“You don’t have to go. I would understand. I mean you’re not close to him. I just asked because he said he wanted to see you.” You were surprised at his request.
“No. I want to. I would love to go.” You stated as you gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded as he started the car towards the new destination.
Your eyes scan over the scene. A DJ was blasting music over the speakers, but it was more near the dance floor. The place was dim with small, warm lights keeping tables and the lit. You follow your brother as he leads you to a table that seats a few guys. When you got close enough you realized it was Joost and who you assumed were a few of his friends. He loudly acknowledged your brother as they shared an embrace. They share a few words before he sees you.
“Hey. I’m glad you came.” he hugged you and you embraced him back. He smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but it didn’t bother you. You liked it. You both lingered for what was probably a moment too long before he let go. You looked over to your brother and saw that he went to talk to the other guys at the table. Leaving you with Joost. 
His eyes slowly scanned over you as he took in your appearance. Once his eyes reached yours, you noticed a different look in his eyes. Almost like hunger. Being under his gaze almost made you feel nervous.
“Come sit with me and let me pour you a drink.” He didn’t give you much of a choice as he grabbed your wrist lightly, his fingers brushing against your palm. He guided you to sit with him in the booth. He pulled you close enough to the point that your thighs were touching. You liked around and realized it was just the two. You scan the place and see your brother and his other friends have run off to the bar. Probably to do shots you thought to yourself. 
You focused your attention back to Joost who was carefully pouring you both a drink. Though it was hard to see, a small dim light slightly lit up his face allowing you to still see his face. His hair was even messier than it was at the concert but he still looked amazing. You notice his strikingly delicate features and his captivating eyes that seem to sparkle under the light. Your eyes then trace down his arms and you take note of the tattoos that are there.
“Here.” He pulls you out of your trance by handing you a glass with brown liquor in it. You take the glass from him, your finger faintly brushing his. You didn’t drink much and when you did it was mainly vodka. Nonetheless, you drank it anyway. He watched as you took a sip and smiled when you seemed to enjoy it. He drank some of his own before turning to you.
“Did you enjoy tonight’s show?” He leaned in closer making sure you heard his question. 
“Yes, I did. Your music is really good. I wish I had discovered your music sooner.” Even with how dark it is you notice the smile he gave you.
“I'm happy you had a good time. You know I know we don’t know each other that well, but I would love for us to get closer.” Once again he leaned in, but this time it was in your ear. His warm breath against your ear sent goosebumps across your skin. As he leaned back to look at you, he stopped just inches away from your face. You can faintly feel his breath against your lips. You swear can see his eyes glance at your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes. His expression changed again into what you saw when he first greeted you. Hunger. His eyes were focused on yours and it made you nervous. The air suddenly changed. It felt more thicker and warmer.
“Let’s go dance.” He offered his hand as he slid out of the booth. You smiled and took his hand. He guided you to the crowd on the dance floor and pushed you both near the center. There was a dark blue light that engulfed everyone. The beat took over you as you started dancing. You let your hips away to the rhythm. You felt Joost’s hands find their way to your waist, and he pulled you closer to him. 
You continue to dance against him, grinding on him. His hands started to explore your body as they found themselves on your hips, and then slowly went down to the hem of your short skirt. His fingers found their way under and he started to rub the soft skin. His head found its way closer to the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath on your collarbone as he speaks.
“Ik heb je nodig (I need you)” He breathes into your neck and it sends shivers down your spine. With the light grip he has on you, he turns around so now you’re facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. Your faces are inches away from each other. The air around you is hot and thick. You look into his eyes and see the same familiar look as before. Even under the lights, you can see his pupils blown with lust. 
You don’t know if it was the alcohol but you felt bold. So you pulled him into a kiss which he happily accepted. His hands moved from the hem of your skirt up to the curve of your ass where he squeezed lightly. The kiss became more intense as you both realized how hungry you were. Your hands found their way to his hair and you pulled gently at the white locks. He pulled away only to say something.
“We should take this somewhere else.” He suggested between pants. You nod quickly. He takes your hand and guides you off the dance floor. Your head was buzzing and you felt as though you were caught in a haze. He leads you back to the table and you see your brother and some of his friends there with a few girls. Joost let go of your hand only for a moment when telling your brother that you were both leaving early. He told him you weren’t feeling good. Surprisingly he wasn’t suspicious of anything and only told you both to drive safe. With that, you and Joost make your way to his car. You both get settled in before he looks over at you.
“My place or yours liefje (sweetheart)”
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