#I hope that makes sense?
skunkes · 8 months
another thing i love about dungeon meshi along with how theres adequate time given to every character that matters! Is that like. Along with no "every single character in supporting cast gets put on the backburner in favor of MC / other character development" is that theres also no "god these characters are all so boring except that one guy who is tragic and compelling" bc they all have the same capacity for compelling tragedy (and such).
And it also doesn't feel like when ppl tack on as much Bad Things onto a characters life just to emphasize tragedy or hardship... Theres a good balance in each of em. The recent leaked izutsumi dark lore implication drop wasn't even in the main story and it doesnt feel like that quirky "i love torturing my ocs! 🤪🤪🤪🤪 (Literally just throwing everything into one pot)" sentiment i see here often if that makes sense. It doesn't feel Edgy ykwim
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libraryleopard · 9 days
What is offensive visual coding?
In reference to how I think the character designs for the Harkonnen family in the new Dune movies are lazy and play into some tired tropes? I think when I made that original post, I was referring to the way that media will often create disabled villains as a attempt to make them look scarier or more unnerving; I feel like the Harkonnens being depicted as super pale kind of plays into the evil albino trope. Plus, the baron being a fat character you're supposed to think is grotesque is another tired villain trope–fat bodies are just bodies, they're not inherently grosser than skinny ones, but the baron being this lecherous and power-hungry character who is also fat feels bad.
This post I read a while ago and dug up again to consult for this ask also has some good analysis of the way that the in-universe explanation for why the Harkonnens look the way they do doesn't even make sense with the world-building. I think Denis Villeneuve just wanted to put a unique spin on the Harkonnen family for his films and reached for some very tired tropes about what he thought looks sinister, namely making his villains look ill or albino.
The Harkonnens being super pale and hairless not how they're depicted in the book (AFAIK, my knowledge comes secondhand from my sister reading it and tell me lots of lore) or other visual adaptations (80s movie, comics) and I think it's lazy visual shorthand that relies on tired tropes of what mainstream audiences find sinister. Also, thematically, I think it doesn't make sense because I feel like the whole point of Dune 2 was that there's no fundamental difference between the Harkonnen and the Atreides families and having such a stark visual divide undermines that.
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mirrorofliterature · 10 months
don't get me started on the booker apologists who think that his being "queer" (because Greg Rucka said he's essentially bi and on the ace spectrum in a private discord chat, lol) absolves him of having a self-centered, amatonormative world-view.
the very fact that he thinks nicky and joe's queer romantic love shielded them from all other forms of loss/trauma/etc just reinforces the fact that his personal version of amatonormativity is not contingent on heteronormativity!! I don't know why people are choosing to be deliberately obtuse about this very valid point you made (other than woobifying an angsty white dude, as usual.)
I did stumble across that and I found the way people were treating that as canon very strange. I amended a post where I called Booker straight with this:
I am now aware that Greg Rucka has in a discord message confirmed Booker as queer. This is not canonical, however. It’s very not publicly available word of god. Until it is included in the next movie, it is not movie canon and I will continue to call him straight, because to the movie watching fan, that’s what he reads as.
It is even less canon than authors tweeting out that a character is x sexuality or confirming it in an interview - and I don't personally care that much what the author says outside the story. I find it very strange that people are weaponising booker's 'queerness' to absolve him of his sins. Like, queer people can be shitty, too.
I'm not sure why people are so desperate for him to be so when the film is chock-full of interesting and dynamic queer characters, but I digress. Just because Booker being bi and ace is Rucka's headcanon doesn't make it canon as it is not in the film - if it's your headcanon, that's cool, but Booker is not canonically queer. There is nothing that implies that he is bi or ace - I would have noticed, particularly the latter.
And you're completely right. Being queer does not prevent people from being amatonormative!
This is a really poignant ask. I think that what a lot of people disagreeing with my interpretation comes from is these people do not understand what amatonormativity is. It's not jealousy, it's devaluing all relationships outside of monogamous romantic relationships. It is implicit in Booker's words and is unlikely conscious on his part, but it comes out in this canonical line: 'you two always had each other!' Romantic relationships do not stop grief, or racism, or homophobia, or - millions of other horrible things nicky and joe have experienced.
All my posts really stemmed from a deep frustration at Booker's just absolutely selfish narrow tunnel vision - because Nicky and Joe lost their first families (their parents/siblings/nieces+nephews), experienced centuries of discrimination, AND lost quynh.
anyway booker's issues are not nicky and joe's responsibility - they have their own recovery to worry about.
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undercover-horn-blog · 8 months
Casual platonic affection is so good, particularly between men.
Spent the morning with my partner and his friend. And they were on the phone with another mutual friend who told them he is sick (with flu; sounded kind of bad). And my partner's friend hands the phone over (they were sort of passing it back and forth), but not before telling their sick friend: "Hey. Get healthy! Please."
When I tell you I died inside.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 2 months
What’s with the differences in food? I find it pretty interesting some of the local specialties you find in a aurprising number of dishes have fallen out of use as more medicinal herbs! I’m just wondering your thought process and if you have any world building notes on that
kinda just figured that as the world evolved and cuisines started being exported to other nations, that the more 'flavorful' and 'impressive' dishes would become much more popular overtime, and so people would gravitate out of adding stuff whose only use was really just being good for your health. i think they're like a couple of years off a nutritional food boom? in like how we go about it today, how people develop recipes where you can include the Good Stuff but hide the non-compatible taste. or just take supplements. if that makes any sense
so like- i know eating bugs is common in some parts of the world. but since in others it isn't, despite some bugs being like ultra good for you for reasons i'm not qualified to talk about bc i'm no nutritionist (something about the quantity to quality ratio idk), then people just don't eat them. either bc they don't taste good, or because- well, bugs. but they're not part of the popular cuisine bc their only function is nutrition, not flavor. in some cases maybe they even ruin the flavor like you get what i mean?
(i think some of the medicinal herbs in liyue if not most (can only think of qingxin and violetgrass rn) are said to be ultra bitter? maybe i'm missremembering. like- apparently qingxin+mint gives you diarrhea?? and in the dishes where qingxin and violetgrass are used- like stone harbor delicacies implies violetgrass is a rare commodity, so people don't really have access to it. given how good zafron is here i don't think that'd be a problem? but there's also the black-back perch stew which implies the violetgrass is only used for aroma. it does call it its secret ingredient tho, so maybe violetgrass not so much. the real offender here is baizhu's signature dish, bc it's fruit + the two flowers, and it mentions how he added extra sugar bc he was afraid you wouldn't like the bitter taste. it literally has sunsettia in it. i can only assume this means the two flowers combined in a soup make the broth so bitter that not even the sweetness of the sunsettia gets through. either that or baizhu has been traumatized by picky child patients. could also be it)
anyway- yea my reasoning was mostly if they're only there bc they're good for your health and they are bitter on top of it, then i could see them fading out of popularity until someone rediscovers them as the new superfood.
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kenanda · 1 year
very interesting episode. it got me thinking about how we've sorta taken for granted that arthur's narrative is true, when in fact it is actually pretty unreliable. i mean, when you look at it from the outside (like we did with this episode), it feels as if arthur is just another poor soul who's not right in the head --- much like kellan and the butcher. the only difference between them is what kind of "voice" they hear in their head. kellan hears voices, the butcher hears music, arthur hears john. we've been led to believe that arthur's experience, his journey, is unquestionable because 1. It's his story. 2. The unraveling of events makes it seem as though we're looking at a puzzle coming together and making sense of things, but if everyone who hears voices believes what they're doing is correct, true, real, then there's no way of saying arthur's actions are actually putting any puzzle together. and like, I remember john being baffled by arthur's choosing to look at things as a puzzle he must solve (in the first episodes). this is all to say maybe he's just another madman out of the many we've seen in the show, and we've all been partaking in his delusion. which.... is pretty cool tbh.
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rayless-reblogs · 9 days
"There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket - safe, dark, motionless, airless – it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell."
CS Lewis, The Four Loves
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readingfolklore · 2 months
Is your daddy a bit older? xxx
i don't have one. preferably, i'd like my next partner to be older than me, but i'm also a protective, private, romantic - i'd want to keep them safe and know that i love & care about them very much. me hashtagging things are like a love letter for someone who i may date in the future. 💌
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local-cryptiid · 4 months
so objectum means being attracted to objects, but is there a term for wanting/having a familial relationship with an object?
or is that just owning an object normally
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barksbog · 1 year
Hey so... how do I see what you actually have for sale on your site? I'm on mobile & nothing I've tried clicking on the home page seems to be a link to the actual item listings?
you just click the image or name of the listing?
if you´re stuck on the main homepage struggling to get to the listings you need to click the + in the top right for the menu options and than go to shop
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satoumafuyuss · 10 months
I saw your fandom rant and god I agree so hard it makes me so angry.
I hate how gender stereotypes are now dressed in progressive trans inclusive language to pretend they're not just harmful stereotypes.
I hate how characters (especially female ones) have so little wiggle room for their gender. And if they do anything else than being ultrafeminine they get immediately headcannoned as trans.
I hate how trans art also somewhat follows that too. I don't wanna get called a terf or anything, but you can draw women as fat! As hairy! As tall!
I think transness magnifies an issue in how femininity is represented in media. I truly hate how it's only the skinny white boys who get hced as being trans women.
For the love of god, stop categorizing everything into neat tiny boxes. Stop saying that characters who dont fit them MUST be trans and their behavior/appearance couldn't ever be cis. You're just upholding our awful beauty standards.
I hate how widely loved this practice in fandoms it is. Headcannon everyone as trans, have more fun with your concept of gender presentation you all...
YES OH MY GOD ANON ILY. There's nothing more I can even add to this you just worded it so well, thank you!!!
And as a fat gnc trans boy myself, yes please start hcing the fat characters as trans too. People limit themselves to only making/hcing white skinny passing trans people and it starts to paint a specific picture of what a "presentable" version of trans people for that person looks like. Especially when they are cis. They don't think they're being transphobic cause "look at me! I'm making/hcing a character as trans!" while literally only thinking that cause the character doesn't fit their idea of what a man or woman "should" be.
There is of course character who have heavy trans-coding that people will pick up on and THAT is different. Such as Scaramouche from Genshin Impact who is heavily implied to be transmasc. But for that character, his coding doesn't come from.. liking sport.. or having short hair! it comes from ACTUAL trans experience and feelings and emotions that we can relate with and see in the media. Trans coding is not when a female character is uncomfortable in skirts, its not when a male character grows his hair out, no, it's about the feelings associated with identity and feeling out of place and wrong, breaking free from the chains of the identity imposed upon you. THAT is trans coding.
Also, if you don't mind, could I use this anon ask in my video script? I'll credit you if you want it but otherwise I can leave it anon! :D
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hungrycanidae · 6 months
youre so nice 😭 cant always express it but i do appreciate when you come around and masslike stuff srsly
AAAH THANK YOU, also i'm glad that you aren't bothered by my mass liking @jzq
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mirrorofliterature · 2 years
here's an opinion that i don't necessarily entirely agree with but i think it has great points and i'm curious to hear your take on it:
while molly weasley was very far from a perfect mother and made many mistakes, it's as good as a human person can do under the circumstances she grew up and lived in (two wars, losing her brothers and many friends, her husband and kids constantly being in danger, living under constant threat of war, financial status, treatment by other families etc.) and the fandom judges her way too harshly while characters who were much worse parental figures and were plain out horrible and neglectful (especially men) get off the hook very easily
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I agree in part - this may surprise some people, because I do not like molly, nor am I her biggest fan - however.
I think it is important to remember, when criticising molly's parenting (as I do frequently) to not forget the pressures she was operating under - trauma, patriarchy and rigid social structure. And people do often treat molly more harshly than other subpar parents - which is why I make sure to criticise arthur as well, as it takes two to tango and whatnot.
The only part I mildly disagree with is 'as good as a human person can do', because I think that molly could have done more by listening to her children. I don't think that molly or arthur are to blame for their family's low socioeconomic status - poverty is a social construct, and whatnot. What I do fault her for her is her misogynistic treatment of other characters, like Fleur and Hermione, and her treatment of Sirius in Grimmauld Place. That was needlessly cruel.
So in short - I'm not naive. I think the key issue is that a lot of people view Molly as a saint, so a lot of people swing heavily back into painting her as the devil - whereas, as a lot of things in HP, the true answer lies somewhere in between. Molly was good intentioned as a parent and was hampered by a lot of things, particularly trauma and money. She loved her children, undeniably. But this provides an explanation for her behaviour - it doesn't excuse it.
I think that other characters should get similar levels of scrutiny - as I do with arthur, but I don't think that necessitates us giving her the excuse of 'oh, it's okay that her children felt conditionally loved because she was traumatised!' [Which I don't think this opinion is suggesting, but something to be careful of]. I understand why molly is the way she is - she grew up in a socially conservative time during a war and lost a lot. But. If I am writing from the perspective of a Weasley child, they are going to have complex feelings about Molly, and Arthur.
So, in short: I agree. I think molly is a deeply flawed mother, shaped largely by her environment, but that does not mean she cannot be held accountable for the hurt she caused. I think the fandom's laser focus on her is at times misogynistic, but it's not particularly unique. Also, not every criticism of a female character is necessarily misogynistic. Molly often takes a lot of flack because she is presented as this paragon of motherhood quite overtly in the books, compared to others - so she's a bigger target than a lot of others.
I like the take, but I personally would veer away from saying she couldn't have done any better. She is a realistic mother: that doesn't mean she couldn't have done better.
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tht-lesbian-fangirl · 2 years
Ok i have followed you long enough. I have to ask. What is critical role? Is it real? Is it fake? Why do they sit at a desk and talk?
It's absolutely real! It's a bunch of famous voice actors playing Dungeons and Dragons on a live stream. So they sit at their gaming table together and improv/roll dice to tell epic (and often very gay) stories-- hence the desks haha
They're on their 3rd campaign, which is basically like a "season 3" with a new batch of characters. So the things you see me tag as "Beauyasha" were the lesbian ship from campaign 2 (which ended June 2021), while the things I tag with "Imodna" are a current wlw ship in their 3rd campaign.
Their 1st campaign (which ended in 2017) was recently turned into an actual animated show on Amazon Prime called "The Legend of Vox Machina" with it's 3rd animated season currently in production-- so that's also a great intro into how they tell stories if you're curious!
The live stream episodes are long and it can take some getting used to if you aren't familiar with TTRPGs, but it's honestly a wonderful show and I look forward to it every Thursday night :)
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serenephenix · 2 years
So, I think enough time has passed to maybe tentatively look at Trigun Stampede in relation to the manga and some issues with the pacing that I did notice over the course of the past weeks, especially considering the story elements that have been shuffled around for the most recent episode.
For anyone here to have a good time and cry in tears of agony about this show: Power to you and have fun! Anything you don't wanna read is under the cut!
Also, massive spoilers ahead for the Trigun manga if you haven't finished it yet!
First of all, Trigun Stampede brings a lot of good things to the table, like the score that really sets the mood and breathes life into the scenes, to the almost looney-tooney animation elements that really give it some of the charm the manga has, the gorgeous flashback sequence we got today, the incredible effect of twisting the music/visuals just as Wolfwood's body and mind get twisted in the experiment, as well some worldbuilding that had only been hinted at in the manga.
I really like Trigun Stampede but it is, unfortunately, produced at a time where the market has deluded itself into thinking that less than 20 episodes is the best option for marketability and that it will cut them losses if they need to cancel any show for any inane reason.
The parts that I want to focus on here, is the decision to have Livio introduced this early into the series and the... let's call it "lack of understandable motivations" behind his attack on Vash on the Sand Steamer.
I was curious to see why exactly Livio would appear here in the first place.
In the manga, Livio only appeared after it became clear that Wolfwood had defected and deceived Knives, the Gung-Ho Guns and the Eye of Michael. He was sent to eliminate Wolfwood and lessen the risk of him interfering with Knives' plans in any remarkable manner.
And what had made the encounter between Wolfwood and Livio heart-breaking in the first place, was that Wolfwood for his part had believed him to be safe back at the orphanage, away from all the bloodshed and monstrosity.
To Nick, it had almost been a sort of cruel, twisted punishment for his perceived sins - one of the reasons why he then tried to confront Livio all by himself in his last battle.
And in that context, Livio's appearance in the story and his impact makes a lot of sense.
Him being on the Sand Steamer now and attacking Vash, makes little to no sense on the other hand, unless the Eye of Michael itself has been torn up into two factions - one that follows Knives every command and one that thinks that Vash is too great of a risk to the heralded promised day and want him eliminated.
I hope they do explain it a bit more in the future because right now, it doesn't add up.
I also have to admit that, what Stampede has not yet been able to really establish and drive home to the audience, is how much of a vindictive and downright sadistic pleasure some of the Gung-Ho Guns take in making others suffer for the heck of it. How little they care about humanity and are willing and even excited at causing as much collateral damage as possible.
While the church sub-plot puts a lot of actions into perspective for Stampede and makes it easier to explain why characters like Rollo come into being and can ease new viewers into understanding Legato's mindset - at this point - they will not have any perspective on how much the Gung-Ho Guns just love to mess with people because they can. Because Knives has put them in a position to do so.
Because, as someone who knows the manga, I know that Legato has no qualms in extending Vash's journey even against Knives' wishes, because nothing brought Legato more pleasure than seeing the man in Knives way suffer over and over. That became apparent from the very first moment they both had their first exchange in the manga.
An insight into Legato's motivations that we did not get from the short dialogue between him and Wolfwood (although I must say that I really enjoyed the twist of Wolfwood having this kind of very personal beef with the man).
As a newbie, I'd have no idea what even is going on anymore except for the part with Wolfwood and Livio (on a surface level).
Heck, when Legato and Zazie showed up, I was sure they were there to collect Livio because he had acted upon Razlo's wishes to find a worthy opponent. The episode could have, very honestly, done well without them. It was already packed full.
I'm also somewhat saddened by the fact that they cut away the whole plot about the Sand Steamer and Kaite. For me, at least, it was an important part of establishing that, despite what we saw in the manga so far, the people on this planet are complex characters driven by all sorts of motivations and that they can have a change of heart. It made them all more human to be honest.
And it would have been fun to actually have Wolfwood and Vash interact with him. If it had played out in a similar manner, with Vash ending up drugged, it would have been a rather interesting thing to see him and Wolfwood arguing about how he is taking way too many needless risks.... but I digress.
So, I'm still excited for the next episode but I hope, deep in my bones, that they not just... not address any of this.
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
Mimes’ eyes glow? 😳 that sounds cool asf would you mind explaining that a bit more more?
Oh yeah. Glowing is kind of an overstatement. They don't glow like vampire's eyes, they just sort of... reject darkness? You can see their eyes in the dark no problem, but you couldn't use them as a light source. It just comes with being an embodiment of light.
If they die, their eyes no longer hold that light. Think of their eyes as the looking glass for their kind, and think of the light that emits from it to be them. As in, they are the light that comes from those eyes. When their physical husk is no longer functioning, they can no longer see through into the physical realm and thus the light fades out.
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