#I feel like I should add that my relationship with my mother is fine
mirrorofliterature · 2 years
here's an opinion that i don't necessarily entirely agree with but i think it has great points and i'm curious to hear your take on it:
while molly weasley was very far from a perfect mother and made many mistakes, it's as good as a human person can do under the circumstances she grew up and lived in (two wars, losing her brothers and many friends, her husband and kids constantly being in danger, living under constant threat of war, financial status, treatment by other families etc.) and the fandom judges her way too harshly while characters who were much worse parental figures and were plain out horrible and neglectful (especially men) get off the hook very easily
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I agree in part - this may surprise some people, because I do not like molly, nor am I her biggest fan - however.
I think it is important to remember, when criticising molly's parenting (as I do frequently) to not forget the pressures she was operating under - trauma, patriarchy and rigid social structure. And people do often treat molly more harshly than other subpar parents - which is why I make sure to criticise arthur as well, as it takes two to tango and whatnot.
The only part I mildly disagree with is 'as good as a human person can do', because I think that molly could have done more by listening to her children. I don't think that molly or arthur are to blame for their family's low socioeconomic status - poverty is a social construct, and whatnot. What I do fault her for her is her misogynistic treatment of other characters, like Fleur and Hermione, and her treatment of Sirius in Grimmauld Place. That was needlessly cruel.
So in short - I'm not naive. I think the key issue is that a lot of people view Molly as a saint, so a lot of people swing heavily back into painting her as the devil - whereas, as a lot of things in HP, the true answer lies somewhere in between. Molly was good intentioned as a parent and was hampered by a lot of things, particularly trauma and money. She loved her children, undeniably. But this provides an explanation for her behaviour - it doesn't excuse it.
I think that other characters should get similar levels of scrutiny - as I do with arthur, but I don't think that necessitates us giving her the excuse of 'oh, it's okay that her children felt conditionally loved because she was traumatised!' [Which I don't think this opinion is suggesting, but something to be careful of]. I understand why molly is the way she is - she grew up in a socially conservative time during a war and lost a lot. But. If I am writing from the perspective of a Weasley child, they are going to have complex feelings about Molly, and Arthur.
So, in short: I agree. I think molly is a deeply flawed mother, shaped largely by her environment, but that does not mean she cannot be held accountable for the hurt she caused. I think the fandom's laser focus on her is at times misogynistic, but it's not particularly unique. Also, not every criticism of a female character is necessarily misogynistic. Molly often takes a lot of flack because she is presented as this paragon of motherhood quite overtly in the books, compared to others - so she's a bigger target than a lot of others.
I like the take, but I personally would veer away from saying she couldn't have done any better. She is a realistic mother: that doesn't mean she couldn't have done better.
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writingwithcolor · 10 months
A Careful Balance: Portraying a Black Character's Relationship with their Hair
@writingraccoon said:
My character is black in a dungeons and dragons-like fantasy world. His name is Kazuki Haile (pronounced hay-lee), and his mother is this world's equivalent of Japanese, which is where his first name is from, while his father is this world's equivalent of Ethiopian, which is where his last name is from. He looks much more like his father, and has hair type 4a. I plan to make his character very finnicky about his hair, both enjoying styling it, but also often being unsure how to style it (not in that he doesn't know how to, but has so many options for how to style it, he has trouble choosing). However, I know that there are some very harmful ways to write black hair, especially in regards to how the black character themselves feels about it. Kazuki does not hate his hair, in fact he takes joy in it, and I'm researching black hair and hair styles to be as accurate as possible. But I'm unsure if portraying a black character as occasionally overwhelmed by or vain about his hair is negative. How would you suggest either changing this or making it work? Does it need to be changed in the first place?
Black Character Overwhelmed by Curly Afro Hair
Your Black character wanting his hair to look its best and at times feeling overwhelmed seems reasonable and natural to me. It appears their challenge comes with how to style it. Not so much with struggling how it looks or how hard it is to manage. That is good, as this further helps avoid placing a strong negative focus on Black hair. 
Him caring a lot about how it is style should not be deemed vain or frivolous, either. In any case, hair care is self care. There’s nothing wrong with having pride with your hair, especially hair that mainstream society, historically and present, might say is not beautiful. This still matters, even in a fantasy world, since your readers still exist in this reality. It’s empowering and a welcome change to see someone who loves their afro hair, actually.
There are unique factors someone with coily afro hair would experience vs. straight, wavy, or looser curls, but people struggling with their hair (too frizzy, too flat, too limp, too thin, too thick!) is universal. 
There is a delicate balance to achieve.
Avoid Writing a Black Hair Journey Experience 
An overall negative Afro hair journey might be the reality for many, especially when society deems Afro hair as unacceptable and slaps so many uninvited opinions, laws and policies over its existence and on certain styles (again, historically and very much at present), but that’s the kind of story that is best handled by someone with the background. Someone willing to commit to the research might also be able to pull it off, although it’s truly not the kind of thing an escapism novel needs in my opinion. If the story is not meant to delve into “A Black /Black Hair Experience” then I'd avoid going that route. That is moving a bit towards a struggle narrative, depending on how much it defines your character’s story.
Add positive and neutral hair language and interactions
For your writing, I’d avoid using unchallenged negative language about his hair. Being overwhelmed at times and frustrated is one thing and expected. If his hair is constantly brought up, and is associated with uncontrollable, ugly, or too [insert struggle here], then rethink the direction you’re going. 
Add some positive or neutral terms, reactions, and interactions in the narrative towards afro hair, such as describing color and texture.
“His fine coils bounced in the wind.” 
“Hair black and shiny” 
“She wore her hair in two large, fluffy buns.”
“He admired his fresh, neat braids in the mirror, smiling at his reflection, before turning to leave.”
Another tip: It may have been for research purposes, but leave out any hair number categorizing in the story and rely on description. I’d say this goes for any story, as reading the number would feel off. 
“He had coily 4a hair.” Nahh! :P 
Also, I would suggest sending all passages that focus on his hair to a Black sensitivity reader for review.
More reading:
~Mod Colette
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tbgkaru-woh · 8 months
100 Dialogue prompts
Trying this out (feel free to tweak out any grammatical errors) so writers who are bored, have at it! ♥ Mix of Fluff, Angst and Smut
“I don’t see you that way”
“I will just do as I’m told. As I’ve always done”
“Have you never ridden a bike/horse before?”
“You don’t have to be so…formal”
“What happened to us?”
“Good things don’t happen to me”
“Interested in palm reading?”
“Bowing to you felt right”
“There, let me help you.”
“Next time, listen to yourself and not me”
“Why do you want to get in trouble so badly?”
“It’s him/her…isn’t it?”
“Are you keeping it?”
“Good to see a familiar face”
“You never had to ask me anything, let alone beg”
“Oh you again?!”
“I need to take you somewhere”
“With you gone, everything went wrong”
“Insufferable, see you at dinner”
“I wasn’t kissing you, I was saving your life!”
“You did all this already, why not finish the job?”
“I will look for you”
“I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t breathe”
“You knew about it?”
“I will atone for what he/she did”
“You need to start having some faith.”
“Say what you want, I know what I’m feeling is right”
“It’s okay, you will move on. We will move on.”
“How much do you miss him/her? And what if you didn’t have to?”
“Focus on my hands, on my voice…”
“Perhaps you need to be reminded where you belong”
“I was fine having a non-sexual relationship with you, but instead I’m having non-relationship sex with him/her.”
“I wanted to do it for you and in hindsight it was a terrible idea”
“I’ve been inside him/her more than outside him/her”
“Don’t ask me with ‘please’, you’re paying me”
“Oh why won’t you just die already”
“Sometimes I wonder for how long have you wanted his/her heart and if you will ever stop”
“Filthy cheater, we go again!”
“Didn’t you pay your debt already?”
“I can’t get sick/injured.”
“You act like you’ve never been defeated”
“Diamond thrown into the trash still has the value of a diamond”
“I got engaged”
“All this was decided for me, I had no choice”
“I’m beginning to think not even the jail guards/cops want you around, given how many times they’ve let me bail you out”
“You, sir/madam, should watch your alcohol intake”
“I’ve been denying everyone, you’re not special”
“I’m not looking for a romance”
“Isn’t that immoral enough to tempt you?”
“We’re two sides of the same fucked up coin”
“That’s what I like to see, you are your parents’ best indeed!”
“You have nothing to lose right?”
“Oh I can’t wait to hear you sing”
“Anything you’d like to add to the conversation?”
“You need to stop making me pick you up in places someone may see”
“I thought I was a puppeteer pulling the strings but instead I was a back seat audience”
“I want names, I want addresses, I’m gonna make them pay.”
“You know where to find me if you ever want me again.”
“My mother is visiting in like 5 minutes”
“Is it that, or is it because you’re in love with me?”
“Not being able to reciprocate has been the hardest part of my life”
“Did you kill someone?”
“Envious of my youth, are we?”
“The others may have gotten away…”
“I found you. Found you looking like you didn’t want to be found”
“Did we use to be a thing?”
“I can fix this. I can fix this…”
“Weird question, are you a supernatural being? Be honest”
“We should have never played Gods”
“Must you be so harsh with me all the time?”
“What did all these men/women do to deserve you?”
“We have a reputation to uphold”
“May I have this dance?”
“I am a bad influence on you!”
“Let’s make history”
“Who the hell wants to live forever.”
“Feeling any different?”
“Time waits for no one”
“You got your happy-ever-after. And for all I know, it’s because I didn’t.”
“Try that again and you’re gonna lose it”
“Didn’t I say one of these days you’re gonna be the death of me?”
“Do you know what my answer was?”
“You look pathetic.”
“Almost didn’t recognize your voice when it’s not yelling at me”
“I often find myself talking to those no longer here as well”
“Excuse me, this is not a buffet”
“I don’t suspect you because I’m the one who put him/her in the ground”
“You look like someone who likes a good gamble”
“I am poison”
“Feel free to stay as long as you need”
“You don’t need to understand, just be a good little thing”
“I’m gonna need your driver’s license, your ID and your phone number please~”
“Say my name”
“You…are telling the truth”
“Is that why you did that? Back there?”
“Stop reading my mind”
“I can teach you”
“How can you laugh?”
“Pretty pictures. I don’t have any”
“Heaven may fall, but __ can’t die.”
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nikkotinamide · 11 months
my observations and take on some nuances not conveyed in translation
my drawn out summary part 2!
*Disclaimer: I'm not critiquing existing translations, I think the translators have done a phenomenal job! Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth.
Part 1
Language Use in Kiseki
Ep 4 Cont
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More tears. This scene hurts so bad. Ai Di actually says "Blind or what? Having followed him for so long, it's not as though unaware of whom he likes..." It's difficult to translate these lines because there are no first person pronouns used. On one hand, it's Ai Di scolding himself for holding on to his unrequited feelings for Chen Yi (seen in the translation above). On the other hand, he is also scolding Chen Yi for the same thing with regards to CDY.
Ep 5
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Time for some comedy to soothe the angst. Our boy really went to school punning and naming himself Edison (and I think the intent was with Thomas Edison in mind lmao).
Ep 8
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There's so much we don't know about Ai Di. Here Chen Yi actually asks if Ai Di wants to return to school. Coupled with how Ai Di deflected and told him to stop joking around, and how he told Zong Yi he doesn't need to attend school because he's a genius, it suggests that Ai Di has some regrets about not having the normal life peers his age lead.
Ep 9 💔
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This was the most heartbreaking scene imo. Here Ai Di says "你再怎么喜欢他,你再怎么努力,他看的永远不会是你。" - "No matter how much you like him, no matter how hard you try, the one he looks at will forever not be you." While it's clear it's directed at Chen Yi, to a degree it's also Ai Di directing it at himself.
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He goes on to say "会看着你的他妈只有我。" 他妈 is a vulgarity (essentially meant to insult someone's mother) which the subtitles and translation have censored, and this line translates into "The only fucking person who will look at you is me."
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Let's make it angstier. Ai Di says "只有我,从小看到大。我蠢,我猪。", which has been translated into "Only I, for all my life...I'm such a stupid fool". The translation is fine but it doesn't reflect just how vulnerable Ai Di was in this moment, as though he heart was breaking right alongside Chen Yi’s. My translation would be "Only I, since I was young till now when I am old, have been looking at you. I'm naive. I'm foolish."
This is the line that has made me tear every single rewatch. Ai Di isn't stupid but he is aware that he is being foolish, chasing so desperately all his life after someone who doesn't see him as anything more than a brother .
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Ai Di regrets and he says "这件事我帮你扛,抵昨天晚上的事情行吧。我说行就行。" which has been translated into "I'll take the blame for you to make up for what I did to you last night. It's a deal." I felt it was more of a resigned question Ai Di poses, "I'll carry the blame for you, to make up for yesterday night's affair, alright? If I say that's fine, then it's fine."
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I was surprised to see this! Here, because Ai Di will not follow willingly, Chen Yi picks him up, and he purposely steps over the pot of burning coal on Ai Di's behalf. I'm not too sure if it's a Chinese thing or religion thing, but in my home country, some Chinese (esp the older folks) say that upon returning home after incarceration, one has to step over burning coal to wash away the bad luck. Very neat that they included this custom!
The same thing Ai Di tells Zong Yi not to say "再见" - see you again; they wouldn’t want to see prison again (which has been translated into goodbye).
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This is why people think ChenAi switch, also courtesy of Hsu Kai who pointed this line out. Ai Di says "做回来就不欠啦" which translates into "Do it back and I'll no longer owe you". (more context in comments)
Ep 10
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Matt Lee's character who was Ai Di's friend at the bar before jail mentions that Ai Di even dyed his hair blonde upon going overseas to further his education. Meaning, Ai Di's friends were told that he was schooling overseas when he was actually in prison 😢
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Ai Di tells Chen Yi "应该多培养一些人在你旁边了,被开枪的时候,才有人帮你垫背" which translates into "You should cultivate relationships so more people will be by your side, so that when the gun is fired, there will be someone to take the bullet for you". Ai Di's done it once, he doesn't want to do it again. And Chen Yi smiles weakly after Ai Di says this because Ai Di just confirmed that he went to jail in Chen Yi's stead.
Ep 11
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Like Xiao Jie says, Chen Yi really sucks at wooing someone, so much so that even Xiao Jie is better. On receiving the signature, Ai Di asks if Chen Yi thinks he is BTS (bangtan) and that he can sell his autograph 😂
Ep 12
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Chen Yi says "我是在你离开之后,我才发现自己真正喜欢的是你" which has been translated into "It's true I realised you are the one with whom I'm in love while you were gone." I would prefer if it had been "It was only after you left that I realised the one whom I actually love is you". Keyword 真正 - really/actually.
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Ai Di uses more heart-rending words. Instead of "Don't make me your rebound just because you can't get the one you love", it would be better translated as "Don't randomly use anybody as a substitute just because you couldn't have the person you love."
Cake scene translations
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The most heartbreaking line of this scene. 再 - again. Ai Di actually says "Never again will I step aside for anyone." Implicitly, he was previously going to give up on Chen Yi for CDY.
ok this was a longass post but I wanted to keep most of the angst here
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Young Love P1
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable
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I have a request can you make one where y/n has been lying to her parents about dating a guy and her parents demand to meet this guy or she will have a arranged marriage with Sneed, so she turns to one of her good friend's Dr. Dawkins and after begging he agrees and the while they have a fake relationship he actually falls inlove with y/n? (Love your stories btw ❤ and could you add some smut?)
I sat in my room as usual in my small book nook, a small divot in the walls due to the strange renovation of our old house that I had lined with bookshelves and a small mattress to form a beautiful nook of books, My book in hand and my necklace pendent between my teeth as I read the alluring words. When my mother burst into my room so I returned my book to the self and sat up. She stood for a moment in her long blue dress fixing her hair a moment. 
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" 
"You're father wishes to speak with you princess." 
I rolled my eyes but hopped out of my nook and followed her through to father's study,  the room dark lit only by candlelight, his desk tidy and neat, his clothes lose where he had been frustrated in his thoughts, he sat at his desk as usual so I sat across from him as my mother perched herself on the corner. 
"Hello Princess," He smiled,
"Hello, Father." I nodded, "What uhh what brings me to the office today?"
"We have a very important matter to discuss."
"Alright," I sighed trying not to seem annoyed by all this,
"The subject of your social life troubles us." He began as he took my mother's hand,
Ohh no not this again!
"I assure you my social life is fine Father."
"Y/n, Princess, you have turned down the last seven ball invitations."
"I didn't know the ladies that well..."
"You barely wish to come on a walk with us, let alone with your sister."
"I find town too hot..."
"You have refused your last four suitors before even meeting them. All you've done this whole year is sit in your room reading your books."
Well... they had me there. And I do not really have an excuse for that.
"Princess we are worried, the last thing we would want is for you to be labelled a spinster or old maid, we want you to go out and enjoy the social life a young lady should have, you should be attending balls, walking in the town, meeting suitors, courting, falling in love a hundred times a day. as a young lady should." My mother chimed in,
I mean... I am falling in love a hundred times a day, they are just usually unreciprocal, and fictional. "I uhhh I..."
"We want you to fall in love, the sweetness of young love is something we wish to never deprive you of princess." He smiled, "Ohh to be young again my dearest?" He asked her,
"Oh it would be a dream," She smiled, "To once again feel the thrill of a sneak away,"
"The passion of a secret kiss,"
"The power of the vision of you outside my window,"
"The secret little snuggles and loving words in the dark"
for a moment I may as well have not been here, it's times like this I am so happy my parents are so utterly in love, even if it is a little weird to me. But they had always been this way and It was sweet, and I knew they had the best in mind for me.
"So, we are going to have to be... tough on you."
"How so?" I asked,
"If you do not start attending events, social functions, and other such things then... we will have to take our own action."
"You have one month to leave your bookworm cacoon and flutter forth as a social butterfly and show signs of at least attempting to look for a boyfriend or... we shall arrange you a marriage"
"WHAT!!" I got up from the chair, "A month! Father, mother, I am not a social butterfly I am not, I have never been, I never will be, and I do not want to be, Why would you do such a thing?"
"Becuase we want you to be happy, to find a sweet man and feel all the sweetness of love, if you will not at least try then we have no alternative." My mother explained,
"We do not do this out of cruelty Y/n, in fact, it pains us so to see you be shipped away with an arranged marriage, something we never wanted for you, your brother or your sisters, we wanted you to feel the thrill of young love but if you are unwilling we will have to marry you off," Father explained, 
"To whom!"
"Dr Rainsford Sneed has more than once offered over you,"
"SNEED!" I yelled, "I am not marrying snivelling slimy Sneed." 
"Well, we don't have a choice we can not deny him any longer,"
"What if I have a boyfriend!"
"What?" my mother asked,
"What if I... already have a boyfriend, a secret one."
"Ohh my, is it true princess?" My father asked, "Do you?"
"Uhhhhh Yes." I lied,
"Ohh this is joyous news! you know we had suspected that perhaps your lack of social willingness had been from your love for another."
"Yes. Yes. that is the reason yes I have a secret lover. That is why I have denied all others, that is why I do not socialize." 
"We have noticed your, exits."
Oh shit. "My- Yes, yes my secret exists to go and visit with my lover..." I lied, I have no lover, I have no man, and I have been sneaking out to play poker. 
"we have noticed you coming and going, secretly. Princess why did you feel the need to hide such things from us,"
"Well, I..."
"We are overjoyed."
"Of course, we couldn't be happier that our sweet girl is feeling the sweet thrill of young love," My mother smiled "Tell us have you two known one another long?"
"Yes, a fair while now" I lied,
"Ahh wonderful, you two are in love?" My father asked,
"Yes, yes deeply in love." 
"Ohh how sweet, and you sneak out together?"
"You kiss in secret ways, and love each other intimately?"
"...Yes." I nodded, My parents are strange about this sort of thing always have been, they were utterly in love and were very open with their love and affection to one another and had always had an interest in... my siblings and I's... Sex lives. I assume part of it was them living through us to recall their own happy young love times. 
"Ohh this is such wonderful news." My mother smiled, 
"So I don't have to marry Sneed?"
"Of course not," My father smiled, "We shall have to meet this man."
"Uhh what?"
"We shall have to meet him! we must it is ever so exciting."
"Uhhh yes... yes you uhh you should meet him."
"well then it's settled, dinner on Thursday. you must bring him we insist." My father told me before he sent me back to my room, 
The moment my door was shut "Fuck! shit! why did I say that!" 
I sat in the cat and bagpipes having snuck out for poker as usual, the game going on as usual while my mind raced, I needed to find a man by tomorrow! to bring to family dinner! and pretend he's my boyfriend... 
I need a man. 
But where does one find a man?
A clean one. 
Ehhh he doesn't need to be that clean,
I pondered for a while, most men I know are from poker, and most of them are married. 
But I glanced up a moment as a coin entered the centre, and I looked at the man sat next to me on the table, He sat in his usual grey and half-bloody clothes from his work at the hospital, his jacket behind him and his sleeves pushed up as often due to his skill he was accused of cheating. His cards were on the table in front of him, his face unable to read, he added a coin to the pile and slipped his hand back, his other hand doing his usual trick, of dancing his lucky coin across his fingers. He saw me looking at him and smiled at me but with a questionable look. 
Jack and I knew each other well, as we both had a passion for poker, I'd... go so far as to call him my friend. Was I attracted to him? No. He's just a good poker player and often we'd team up against a cheating dick like Darius. 
And then it clicked... 
Jack is a man. 
Well... close enough. 
The guy gave in and Jack won so the man left the table leaving us alone as he took his winnings to his chest. And then he looked back at me. 
"Something bothering you y/n?"
"Can I ask you a weird question?"
".... Sure," he said a little concerned, 
"You're a man aren't you?"
"... what sort of question is that?" he glared, 
"My question. Answer."
"Yes. I'm a man."
"You have the... thingy right?"
He glared across the table "The what?"
"A dick?"
"... Yes! why are you asking!" He said very hushed, 
"... You wanna come to my house on Thursday,"
"Uhhh... yeah sure." He shrugged, 
"Good, six. Be Prompt." 
"I will do." he nodded, "Are we playing again?"
"Sure," I smiled taking the cards to deal. 
I stood nervously, I know I should have told him but... he'd never agreed if I did. I got dressed into my little green and black dress sitting in my book nook as my sisters used my room.
"It's ever so exciting isn't it Melody?" My elder sister Magnolia asked from my dusty vanity as she was using my room to fix her hair, 
"It truly is! Ever so exciting!" Melody my younger sister smiled as she was still getting dressed as she couldn't pick what she wanted to wear more, 
"I don't know what everyone is so excited about." I sighed, 
"Y/n. This is a very exciting moment, we are to finally meet the man who has captured your heart." Magnolia smiled
"Well let's not go crazy with excitement, he's just a man Maggie," I said, 
"But he is your man! And that is so exciting!" Melody smiled, 
 "Do we get to know his name?" Magnolia asked 
"Jack, Awww he Sounds so perfect! What does he look like!" Melody giggled,
"Well, you're about to find out."
"I bet he's handsome," Melody smiled,
"Charming," Magnolia smiled,
"You two are boy crazy," I sighed,
"I'm married! I am only Sam Crazy." Magnolia argued,
"I'm allowed to be boy crazy! I can't get married till you do y/n!" Melody complained, 
"I know, I know just... don't make a big thing out of this," I told them,
"Y/n. this is the first man you have ever brought home, mother is excited, Father is excited, Melody and I are excited." She explained, "We just want you to be happy."
"I know." I nodded, 
Once ready we headed down to the parlour where everyone sat having a drink and chatting, my father and my mother peaking out the window trying to see if they could see who was coming, Magnolia with her husband Sam whispering over a glass of wine, Melody stood by the fire playing with her dress excitedly, and my brother Peter drinking with his wife Lisa, I heard the door and my heart sunk. 
Welp... guess it's time. 
"Go on princess." My father smiled,
So I nodded and headed out the parlour and to the front door opening it up to see Jack with a typical smile,
"Hi." I gulped letting him in, 
"Sorry, I'm a bit late hold up at the hospital," he said slipping off his hat and Jacket,
"You're fine."
"You alright? You look nice."
"Thank you uhh... Jack?"
"I am... really sorry." I whispered grabbing his hand and tugging him into the parlour he followed very confused and shocked as he was presented by to my family who all looked at him like he was a prize-winning pig at a fair judging his every inch but looking thrilled and excited, "Everyone, This is Dr Jack Dawkins." 
And of course, a million billion questions came jumping down his throat which he did his best to answer given he had no clue what was happening, I sat on the sofa and just drank to try and avoid this whole situation.
"Wonderful, now dinner won't be a moment you can all return to your rooms" My mother smiled, "Give you all some... alone time." She winked at me, 
and I very quickly ushered Jack to my room and shut everyone out before there could be any more questions. And as I locked the door understandably... he looked pissed.
"Okay! You wanna tell me what the bloody hell is going on!" 
"SHhhhh!" I told him, 
"No I will not shhh what is going on?"
"Jack... I can explain."
"Yeah please do."
"My parents... are weird."
"I noticed."
"They are unhappy about me not being... social."
"You are pretty anti-social."
"what! you are?"
"And they have this weird thing about being involved in my life, well all our lives really. And they want me to be happy and in love, and active! and I really would rather not. But... they have gotten insistent."
"They said if I don't find a boyfriend in a month they'll marry me to Sneed."
"Sneed?" he laughed, "Awww Mrs. Y/n Sneed."
"Shut up Jack." I sighed, "Oddly enough I had to stop them so... I lied, and said I had a boyfriend."
"Okay... where do I? come into all this?"
"I lied and told them I had a boyfriend then they... called my bluff. Said they wanted to meet him and planned this whole dinner tonight to meet him. And I didn't know what else do to so... I Invited you, was gonna pretend you're my boyfriend." 
"Well, that's not cryptic and psychopathic at all..."
"Are you in?"
"Hell no!"
"No way! I'm not pretending to be your boyfriend just to satisfy your parents."
"Jack, please! They'll marry me to sneed if you don't,"
"Not my problem." He said, "Maybe if you'd not been so antisocial you wouldn't be in this mess."
"I don't like people you know that,"
"You could have at least asked me? told me I was walking into a fucking meet-the-boyfriend dinner! I thought I was coming to just a simple dinner with you and we'd play poker tonight I was not prepared or warned!" 
"I know I know! I thought if I told you you'd say no."
"yes! I would have!"
"Well, you're here not it too late."
"No, it bloody well isn't. I am leaving." 
"No your not!"
"Try and stop me." He said trying to get past me and out the door,
"No! no no no Jack you're not leaving." I battled with him,
"You can't just kidnap me and pretend I'm your boyfriend!"
"Yes I can!"
"No, you can't! You leave now they'll marry me to Sneed! and I am not letting that happen!"
"You can't just keep me here!"
"Jack Please!" 
"...What?" his face softened and he moved back, 
"Please! Please! Please! I don't wanna marry Sneed, I don't wanna marry anyone this is the only way I can buy myself time, I can get out of this please!" I began to cry, "Please... Please just stay."
He sighed, "Alright, I'll stay." he wiped my tears away, "But I'm still angry with you."
"I know..." I nodded, "Thank you Jack." 
"I wanna be compensated for this."
"I'm having to pretend to be your boyfriend... I want compensation."
"Fore, what?"
"My steller acting." 
I rolled my eyes, "Two beers."
"get lost. Beers for two months."
"That's extortionate!" 
"Need me or not?"
"... Ughh! you are infuriating, Beers for two days,"
"Two weeks."
"One week. and... three pounds."
"Deal." He agreed, 
"Thank you," I sighed, 
"... Am I gonna have to... be nice to you?"
"Yes." I glared,
"Am I gonna have to kiss you?"
"My rate is a pound a kiss."
"What! Jack that's insane!"
"My kisses are just that good."
"I am not paying a pound for a kiss!"
"I'm open to negotiations"
"Nothing Per kiss."
"A Pound and a shilling because you're pissing me off."
"Ughh! One cookie a kiss how about that?"
"...I can agree to that." He nods, "Homemade?"
"Alright, It's a deal. but you go back on this and I will tell them everything."
"Fine." I sighed, "But I want an acting performance the globe would be envious of Jack."
"Ohh it will be, just try and keep up with me," he smirked, 
"Dinners ready!" My sister Melody called as she opened my door, 
But the moment it clicked open Jack set his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him kissing my lips, I was shocked! but he was certainly not a bad kisser, I see why he'd be charging a pound for these, I kinda... feel like I'm a dick for lowballing him now. But he pulled back and left me rather breathless before he looked up at my sister, 
"Ohh Do Excuse us." he cooed, "We'll be right down. Won't we My darling?" He asked me,
"Uhhhhh yes, Yeah uhh Tell mother we'll be right down Melody," I nodded, 
So she happily scampered off, and we separated, "What?" he chuckled,
"Warning would have been nice." I gasped straightening myself up,
"Yeah well, I'd have liked a warning about being dropped into a family gathering as the new boyfriend."
"Fair enough, shall we go then..." I gulped heading to the door but he stopped me,
"Before we go."
"...You're gonna have to remind me who everyone is I really wasn't listening when they told me. and also who everyone is in relation to you and by extension me?" 
I rolled my eyes a little, "My parents, mother and father Eliza and Henry. Peter is my older brother, Lisa is his wife, Magnolia but everyone calls her Maggie is my older sister, Sam is her husband, Then there is me and by extension you, and then Melody she's the baby sister." 
"Right... Got it." He nodded 
"Let's get this over with," I sighed, 
"Ahhh young love" He cooed following along behind me,
"You're really gonna enjoy this aren't you?"
"Yes I am." 
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llamagoddessofficial · 10 months
how would the normal boyo's react to mc's death?
no murder, nothing crazy, just old age taking away the love of their lives.
and for bonus points lets say they had been happily married for decades as to add on the memories and the sudden shock of losing someone that had become such a key factor in your life.
I think I've mentioned this before, but it doesn't hurt to bring it up again. Aggre Mc is going to live a lot longer than she expected. Even with absolutely no intervention, thanks to her connection with the guys, her Soul has three major sources of magic nearby that instinctively constantly share their power with hers. It will probably expand her lifetime by a century, minimum. Her big issue isn't going to be dying; it's going to be dealing with the implications of living so much longer than she thought she would.
There's also the topic of a Soul bond. If she Soul bonds with any of the three of them, and doesn't have kids, she's pretty much going to live as a monster does (forever, unless interrupted). In Aggre, they definitely discuss the subject of her possible death eventually- and my personal canon post-Aggre is that after settling into a rhythm and spending a few decades together, when Mc decides she wants to Soul bond, the boys elect Sans to be the one she bonds with. She'd then live with them like that.
But... in a hypothetical scenario, where Mc resists everything and dies... I think this is how it would go. Obviously, angst and death under the cut.
Sans: Honestly, Sans takes her approaching death the best. Which should really worry you about how the other two would react. Does he fall apart? Absolutely, the last time he felt this kind of agony was when he lost his mother. But Sans has always been good at disguising his emotions, hiding tremendous pain under an easygoing exterior. He keeps up with the dishes, organises her end of life care, keeps contact with his friends. Papyrus would be the only one to see even a fraction of the true extent of Sans' grief. Sans is about to lose the love of his life, and has completely frozen over to avoid crumbling.
Red: He definitely takes it better than you'd expect, considering he'd have a mended relationship with his brother. But it still hits. It's cruel that the universe sent him someone who taught him how to let himself feel, then took that person away and delivered the worst pain he's ever felt.
Mc would be proud of him, though. Despite the pain, he avoids falling back into the worst of his old addictions, because he knows its not what she would want and it won't actually make the pain go away. It will just numb him to everything; including those who are trying to help. He picks up smoking again in the days leading up to her death, but he avoids the bottle.
Skull: It's hard, for him. It's really hard.
All of them knew it would be particularly difficult for Skull. They had a long time to discuss it- a long time to talk the subject over. Mc prepared stuff for him, for after she's gone... people to talk to, things of hers to hold when it hurts, exercises for him to hopefully learn to deal with it. For a while, everyone was convinced Skull was ready. Even Skull.
... But he just... he just can't do it. He can't do it. He can't let her go. It doesn't matter how many hours she spent holding his hands, how hard they all believed he'd be fine without her- it doesn't matter how much he healed by her side and how well adjusted he seems now. The moment he realises she's really genuinely dying, the journey ahead of him looks so impossibly dark, so frightening. He holds her as she's dying and he feels so small. He cries like a baby and begs her not to leave him behind.
The moment she dies, he catches her Soul. He holds it in his hands, hushing it like a scared bird and tucking it away into his chest, where he can keep her alive. Honestly, they'd have to cut him open if they wanted to let her pass on.
... But I think at that point, Red and Sans aren't exactly fighting to make him let go. In fact... something unspoken passes between the three of them. Skull just did what all of them wanted to do.
Skull gives her to Sans, who keeps her hidden away, within his own Soul. Her Soul knows his best, and will feel most comfortable there long-term.
They'll figure out something. They have all the time in the world.
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jenchan-writingmultis · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland Boys x Gn! Reader Breakups
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A/n: Hi!, We're back to brainrotting for a bit <3 Will not be writing Ace and Cater since I don't know much about both of them currently! Masterlist
Chapter Two: Savanaclaw
Sypnosis: Imagine how twisted Wonderland boys are as your ex-boyfriends? Who would cut ties first? or how they would break up with you due to unforeseen circumstances? what was the reason for their breakup, and how would they do it?
Riddle: Breaks up with you first
♚ He breaks up with you first, not because of his mother’s decisions, no, it’s because he thinks that he’s not giving you enough time. He’s always in motion, filled with responsibilities, he didn’t know if he could even spend time with you anymore.
♚ At first, he was fine with it, thinking that, once summer break happens, he would get to spend time with you, however, he almost forgot that his mother is anticipating his arrival back home, and he felt apologetic for even telling you that he’ll have more time once summer started, a huge error on his part.
♚ He realized that his time with you started to get chipped slowly, more and more responsibilities awaited him after finishing his second year.
♚ He decided that you deserve a boyfriend who could give you the time he lacks, and you deserve to know about his plans. Inviting you out for the first (and last) time. He invites you out to eat at a nearby café. One that you frequented with him in the first stages of your relationship.
♚ He’d have a casual conversation with you first, before setting down the tea he ordered; mustering the courage he accumulated during the time he couldn’t talk to you.
♚ “We should break up” he stated, hands intertwining with each other as if he’s speaking in a housewarden meeting.
♚ “What?” your voice broke, almost breaking the glass you were drinking from as the hurt in your heart made his heart ache and making him want to backtrack his statement. Yet he continued forward.
♚ “I think you deserve better than my broken promises” his resolve was crumbling when your lips formed into a thin line, looking down as if you were admitting defeat made him frown further. “I’m sorry,” he adds, feeling as if cotton was stuck in his throat, what else could he say in this situation?
♚ “Maybe if we focused on our careers first-“He cut himself off, a bitter realization that he was starting to sound like his mother as he bit his lip, he couldn’t face you anymore, standing up he fixed his uniform, “I’ll give you some space.” He finishes, before grabbing his bag, “Riddle-“you tried to call out to him but he was out of the door in a split second.
♚ He was pathetic, how would he consider himself a man, leaving you there alone? He basically ruined your reputation.
♚ As an ex-boyfriend, he would avoid you at all costs, and even if he couldn’t he’ll cut his conversations short with you, he knows that you might hate him because of what he did, so he’s making sure that he respects your time for self-healing.
♚ Although he unconsciously seeks you, sometimes he would ask your friends, especially if they’re from Heartslabyul like Ace and Deuce if you found a new lover? Or were you preparing for something? Like a midterm exam or finals? Or were you planning on any new designs for Ramshackle?
♚ 7/10 ex-boyfriend, mainly because he cannot move on from you and will continue to keep tabs on you if you ever find another lover, he’ll get so upset and hurt by it, but realizing that he was at fault he swallows up all his bitterness and “tries” to accept it.
Trey: You break up first
☘︎ You didn’t really understand why you would break up with someone like Trey, he gave you everything, yet you ended a perfect relationship with him just like that.
☘︎ Which is normal, you lost feelings for Trey Clover, and you couldn’t see a future with him, maybe it was the fact that you felt like you two didn’t have the spark that you felt in the first stages of your relationship. There are endless possibilities of why you would break up with Trey Clover. But this simply was because of your loss of love for him.
☘︎ Trey would notice how you seemed to be further from him, or at least you were starting to distance yourself from him. He’d ask you if you wanted to come to go out on a date with him, but simply refused, he’ll respect that, but couldn’t help but wonder what has gotten you to start avoiding him out of nowhere?
☘︎ He would be patient at first, letting you have your alone time, and he’d do his own thing, having plenty of responsibilities that he could distract himself instead of worrying why you were ignoring him.
☘︎ Maybe you needed time? Did he do something wrong? Or was it the time Riddle got his attention due to almost collaring a few Heartslabyul students during your date inside NRC?
☘︎ He didn’t even realize that despite trying to avoid his thoughts, they were still there, so when you finally decided to speak to him after a few weeks of ignoring him, he was ecstatic.
☘︎ But that was short-lived when you told him that you wanted to end your relationship with him.
☘︎ His heart dropped when he heard that, but his face remained neutral, staring into your eyes, scanning for any jokes, this might be some cruel joke, right? He wanted to grab your shoulders, and ask you what happened and what did he do wrong? When did you start thinking about this? But all he could ask was
☘︎ “Why?” even muttering that made his throat constrict, he looked away, hand automatically going to his forehead as he felt like he was having a bad dream
☘︎ You told him that you simply lost interest, that you didn’t want to drag the relationship further, and that he deserves someone who could love him fully. He wanted to reject it, but he couldn’t, he didn’t have the heart to force you to reconsider when it’s obvious you’ve been thinking about this for so long.
☘︎ He’d accept it without a fuss, even to the point he gave you one last hug, a lingering one because he knew that it was the last time he gets to hold you like this as your boyfriend.
☘︎ “I hope you find someone who’ll treat you right” A painful farewell, but he knew that with time, he’ll try to heal.
☘︎ As an Ex-Boyfriend, he wouldn’t be the type to avoid you, he might stay friends with you even, in order to keep peace, he doesn’t like conflicts and starts thinking about the situation in a more positive way, that you two weren’t meant for each other and that you deserve someone much more compatible (although the thought of you being with someone else leaves a bitter taste in his mouth) If you avoid him however, he wouldn’t notice it, since he’s starting to get used not seeing you more often than normal.
☘︎ Whether you’d be bitter at the improvement or not, Trey is trying his best to put both your best interests at heart, you broke up with him, so he’s just trying to remain civilized with the situation!
☘︎ Overall 10/10. He is the best ex-boyfriend you can have, he doesn’t get hostile with you, maybe a little awkward but he doesn’t outright insult your name and ruin your reputation to other heartslabyul students.
Deuce: You break up first
♠️ Wouldn’t believe it at first, he’d try to ask you where he was lacking, was it because he wasn’t acting like an adult? Was he too childish? Dumb? Immature? He would try to stop you from leaving without telling him the reason, but he wouldn’t get too aggressive with it even of you truly wanted to leave him with no questions unanswered.
♠️ You’re Deuce’s first lover, so he can’t just let you go, he’s in denial that you even broke up with him, expect a few flowers, phone calls and chats from him which is encouraged by a few of his friends.
♠️ If you truly didn’t want him to chase you, please provide him with a reason why you even wanted to leave in the first place. He won’t argue with you for it, he just needed to know where he lacked that he pushed you to the point where you had to break up with him.
♠️ If it was something like losing the spark in the relationship, he wouldn’t understand it at first but would accept it.
♠️ Sometimes, his gaze would linger on you if you decided to stay friends with him instead of ghosting him. If you noticed he’d outright, try to reject it only to wither if you pushed even a little bit.
♠️ His response would be that he still really loves you, and hopes that you’d reconsider (no matter how many months to years it takes)
♠️ His mother would know about what happened but wouldn’t hate you for it, sometimes young love doesn’t work out, however, she does feel the want to scold you for creating such a mess of his son whenever he calls.
♠️ Always talking about you instead of himself, she understands that he truly does love you as first love, but she’s really hoping that you’d either take him back, or her son could finally move on, especially when there are many fishes in the sea, her son is not ugly after all!
♠️ As an Ex- Boyfriend, would rate him a 5/10, he’s sweet, caring, and a good boyfriend, but as your ex, he’s not the type to let go that easily, he would yearn for you, wish that you’ll take him back no matter what. So, unfortunately, he’s not good with staying far away from you when he craves your affection.
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Series Masterlist
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Here you guys go <3
Warnings: smut...lots of smut...this chapter is a little long, but there's also threats, abuse of authority, abuse of power, abuse of authority in relationship, .....reader...(in case you weren't able to tell in last chapter) has a breeding kink...so do the step brothers....i had to quickly type this as i was packing. for our family trip. so this. is not proofread at all....sorry.
"Fuck baby, you're so wet....."
"Pl-please......please I-I cant....ugh...."
Thrusting, pelting against your taint, he continuously shoves his thick and lengthy member in and out at a vigorous speed, going deeper....deeper.....and even deeper.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! He-Heeseung! Pl-please! Oh my God!"
Digging his fingers into you, his hands plastering to your skin, he lifts, pulls, and tugs you up and down, all in a lively speed. His hips add to the momentum as he thrusts his hips, forward, back, forward, and back. Over and over again, leaving you no room to gain rest from the loss of breath. Gasping out as you relieved your moans out into the open air, he fucks you, all into an oblivion state and cum's inside, coating your walls...
".....How.....could I....my own....step brother?"
Releasing a shocking cry, you jolt up from your bed, grabbing hold onto the satin sheets that cradle your nude frame. Faintly sweating, you find yourself waking to the intense dream that correlated with the events that took place hours earlier....when Heeseung had confessed his love for you....all the while he fucked and released endlessly inside you.
"I can't believe I did that earlier...."
Hanging your head low, you succumb to the abysmal feeling of defeat as you drenched your soul into the epitome of shame. Not to mention, Kurt had been texting you ever since he dropped you off from the wedding last night. Looking at the clock, the time reflected the early morning of three a.m., merely just five or six hours after the session you permitted to happen. Despite the hours that went by, the stretch of your womanhood and the soreness that lingered, the smell of Heeseung's cum as it settled inside the deepest crevice of your walls, slowly seeping out as you laid sleeping, and the purple coloration of his oral assault on your skin, all of which had become tender to the touch, all became a reminder of your everlasting shame. Everything about your current state was a reminder of what had transpired.
Exhausted from the harsh pelts of his performance, the last thing you could recall was surrendering to the high of your climax as you started to drift while remaining in his arms. He held onto you, lifted you and carried you over to the bed, where he plastered his sweet....his poisonous and sweet kisses all over your body as he laid beside you, nestling his member inside your cavity while you both drifted off entirely.
Yet now, you find yourself in bed alone.
"Did he get up and go to his own room?.......I.....I dont know whats happening or what to do.....how are things going to be?....I just not only let my step brother fuck me.....but I let him...."
Scattering around, you reach over to the end table and took a peek inside the compact containment of assorted pills, noting that you had already been on a steady form of birth control for 72 hours.
"That....should be fine.....I should be fine....besides....if.....if I do end up getting pregnant.....I could just....go back to the clinic...."
You found yourself feeling even lower than ever once you had finished your mental thought. You didn't have a preference for the matters in regards to abortion, quite frankly, you were always supportive of the woman making her own decisions when it came to her body....yet for you personally, you had always thought about being a mother...some day. But not like this. Yet....the thought of possibly creating something beautiful, only to be placed in a situation where you were forced to lose it, all to ensure the family's reputation...and yours, wouldn't be hindered or tarnished by this event.
"God....what was Heeseung thinking?....What was I....how could we both let that...happen?"
Prior to what happened five hours ago, your last sexual encounter was just a little over four years ago, how could you display such maturity and abstinence during college, yet loose yourself the moment you find yourself confronted by.....your step brother.
Laying back down, you admired the compact in your hand.
"God I hope that I wont get pregnant just because of one stupid mistake......please....please dont let that happen....I can't bear the thought of being placed in a position to make a choice like that.....especially since.....having a baby......"
Finding it best to sleep it out, you placed the compact back in your drawer, and nuzzled your nude body into the covers. Once more, you begin to drift off, your mind finding solitude and comfort in not being conscious and thinking....that was the best medicine....for now.
You woke up once more, only this time you found yourself to have overslept as you note the time was a little past eleven a.m. With your body feeling regenerated from the exhaustion you experienced last night, you quickly made your way into the shower and washed yourself thoroughly. Before turning the water on, the scent of Heeseung's essence, along with your own natural made lubricant punched your nostrils.
"My God.....does it have to smell so bitter and sweet? I need to get rid of this smell its....its too much....."
Indeed it was too much. It was too much of a reminder of your shame and grave mistake. What on earth would your mother have thought had she heard about what you permitted to happen? What would she say? What would she do?
What she or Danny don't know, wont hurt them. Its not like you to keep secrets from your mother, your best friend, yet on an occasion such as this, you rather take this dark sin of yours to the grave.
Submerging yourself into the water droplets, allowing the warm temperature to soothe your skin and cleanse you, you massaged the bathing oils into the regions of your skin, faintly hissing in pain as you smooth your fingers over the areas where he marked you with both his teeth and tongue.
Finishing up, you dried yourself off and got dressed, breaching the despaired moment when you found yourself stepping out of your room. Looking both ways you ensured that the area was cleared before proceeding down the stairs. Once more, you remained quiet and every so cautions as you made your way down, hoping that the two step brothers were either still asleep in their own rooms, which would allow you to escape out of the house undetected, or if they were out running errands, that would be even more fortuitous since it would buy you more time to pack and get out.
Creeping down each step, you found the entire first floor of the house to be quiet and empty.
Walking over to the door that led to the garage, you peeked in and found that their car was gone, signaling you to realize that they were gone.
"Yes! Thank God."
Opening the fridge, you grabbed a bottle water as you mentally walked through the systematic process of gathering your things, reaching out to Wendy, and starting the process of moving out.
"Oh hey, you're awake."
The deep voice stunned you from behind as your body froze solid in place.
"Oh no......God no....why....?"
Turning around slowly, your eyes met with Heejeong's as he stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the entryway.
"Did you sleep well? I noticed you got back kind of late.....from uh...whats his name again? Kurt?" He tilts his head and sends of a sly smirk as he walks in your direction.
Reaching past your frame, he opens the fridge and grabs a bottle water for himself, leaning in as he slightly cradles your back against refrigerator door. Remaining within a hand's distance away from you, all the while keeping you backed up against the aluminum appliance, he takes the cap off the bottle, proceeds to drink the entire thing as his eyes peer down at you....locked on you.
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Looking away for a moment, you turned back only to find that his eyes remained on you.....drifting up and down as he took in the full sight of your body, from head to toe.
".....What are you doing?" You asked softly, your breath shaky as you took notice of his minor steps forward, closing the distance between you two.
"Nothing.....what are you doing.......baby......sis?"
Your eyes widened and your brows raised up as you took note of his tone and the way he issued his words.
"Oh no....."
"......I have to go....um....I think it's best if I move out....I just..." You shift your eyes off to the side, noting how he raised his hand and plastered his palm on the fridge door behind you, his arm gently touching your cheek as he traps you in.
"Hmm?.....Move....out?.......Why would you go through the trouble in doing that?......" he calmly antagonizes. Tossing the empty water bottle off to the side, he reaches up and while remaining leaned into the arm that hovered next to your face, he caresses your cheek and moves a piece of your hair away from your face.
"....I just....I dont think it's going to work out...if I stay....." you tried to steady yourself as you spoke out. Your breath hitched the moment you felt him pull the water bottle from your grasp, while still making direct eye contact with you. Gently taking the bottle from you, he tosses it aside where it meets with the empty bottle thrown previously.
".....He-Heejeong....w....what are you doing?"
Leaning in, he nuzzles his face against your ear. Sticking out his tongue, he taps and flickers the muscle on the soft spot just right below your ear. "You tell me......what are you doing?......Walking around looking pretty all the damn time......getting a boyfriend and flaring him in front of us....." he softly whispers.
"....Why...why are you doing this? Why....why are you and .....why are you both?...." you felt yourself losing breath as the sensation of his tongue wildly pecking against your skin starts to drag in a prolonged motion, beginning with the lobe and down to your neck.
"Hmm?......what do you mean? How could you ask us a question like that?......Isn't it natural for us to love......you.......baby........sister...."
"St-stop saying that....please do-dont...."
Straightening his posture, he steps in and presses the buckle of his belt against you. The weather was quite warm, and eighty two degrees today, so you opted to wear a ribbed, low fitted crop top, and a matching skirt. Only display a moderate sense of skin exposure on your waistline, you still felt the despair and regret of wearing something that wasn't at all lascivious, yet it didn't help your cause. If anything, it formed your body magnificently and hugged every bit of your curves, while displaying just a subtle bit of sexiness from the minor skin exposure and the amount of leg you were showing off.
Reaching up, he begins to unbutton the ribbed top, exposing your breasts. Being that the weather was supposed to be reach up to the low eighties, you were careless to opt out on wearing a bra. Why did you have to let your guard down? Being overly presumptuous in thinking that the boys would be out of the house or sleeping, you dug your own grave as you realized that you were too premature with your complacent attitude and allowed yourself to be in the current situation at hand. Seeing you like this, dressed up looking fiercely beautiful and sexy...it was like dangling raw meat in front of a hungry wolf.
Once he had each button come loose, he reaches into the open flap of your blouse and relished in the sensation of your soft breast. His hands were just like Heeseung's, rough and decorated with dried up callouses that scratched your soft skin, causing you to wince in minor discomfort each time they roamed the regions of your feminine curves.
"He-Heejeong please......don't.......dont." you begin shaking your head as you displayed a look of worry and weakness. His touch, much like his brother's, was addicting, rough and yet soothed by the coating of his tongue and his tender kisses. "Please.......please dont......I-I'm begging.....i'm begging you...."
"Yeah?.....Beg some more baby......" He calmly issues while his mouth found refuge on the inner nook of your neck, and remained securely latched on as if he were a leech. The squeak of the suckling sound as he sucks in parts of your skin, flickering his tongue in circular motions all the while his hands massaged your mounds, flickering your nipples with his thumb, all very similar as Heeseung had done...
Pressing his body against yours, you felt the softness of his white t-shirt coil against the bare nudeness of your chest as the flap of your blouse was drifting apart, sliding down your shoulders. His buckle pinches against your pelvic bone, all the while his ripped up jeans coats your bare legs.
Releasing the little bit of skin he had been sucking on, he pulls his head back and admires the craftiness of his brother's work....
"Huh.....Heeseung was a little hungry last night, hmm?"
Widening your eyes, you gasped and pulled yourself back, which resulted in you plastering your entire rear end, shoulders, and head up against the appliance.
".......Y-you.....you knew?" you looked at him with furrowed brows.
"Well I know now....." reaching up, he flicks his fingers and gently taps against the soft purple mark of Heeseung's territory. Smirking, he scoffs out a gentle but deep chuckle. "Bet he didn't go easy on you, did he?"
You felt yourself becoming hopeless all over again. You wanted to fight him off, just like you wanted to fight Heeseung away....yet there was something about each brother.....their touch, their kisses, their manner of coating you with their saliva. It was so.....
"I love you......you know that, right?" He leans in, gently resting his forehead against yours.
"W....what are you....?.....What are you saying?" you stuttered out, yet the last bit died down as you felt him reach up with his free hand and snake its way under your skirt. His other hand remained plastered onto the stainless steel door, supporting his weight as he leans forward, pressing his body completely against your own.
Your breasts squeezed in, his hard chest latches on. You could feel his heart beat agains the plate in between your breasts.
It was wild, for your other step brother, the one who adorned a punk rocker appearance, had just confessed his love for you much like Heeseung had done in the middle of the night.
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"D-dont.....please....please I'll........I'll do whatever you want i just....i can't...its not fair to.....its just not...."
"Fair to boyfriend?.....hmm?" raising a brow, Heejeong calmly teases out his words, smirking as he grew wide eyed. ".......You dont need to worry about that....."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Where do you think Heeseung went to this morning? He's obviously not happy with someone else staking their claim on something that belongs to him.....and me."
Your eyes widened in fear. "Heeseung....is going to see Kurt?....Why?....What is he going to do?.....please....please tell him to come back."
Placing your hands and gripping on to his shirt, you dug your fingers on to Heejeong's chest as he remained inches away from you. Looking down at your delicate hands, he reaches for them, holding them delicately into his own palms and raises them to his mouth, where he placed the most tender and soft kisses....to include the massaging of his tongue.
"Please! Please! I'm asking you! Please call Heeseung!" you started to sob. "It wasn't Kurt's fault! He's a nice guy, please dont do anything. He's not one to fight."
Lifting his eyes up at you, he smirks out yet again, although this time there was something deeply sinister about its meaning.
"Oh trust us....we know....that's why its not going to be too much of a bother to get rid of him..."
You felt as if your heart stopped beating. You didn't know how to take the information, yet you were still relentless to fight for Kurt's safety. Should anything happen to him, you would have never forgiven yourself, for it was your idea to invite him to the wedding. How could you possibly move on knowing that Heeseung may do something reckless such as issuing verbal threats or worse...what if he gets physical and initiates assault. The thought of seeing Kurt black and blue was already breaking your heart, and it showed.
Leaning your head against his chest, still grabbing on and furthering the digging of your fingers into his chest, you whimpered as you felt the tears stream down your face.
"Please......please....I'll do anything...I wont....I wont see him again. I wont do anything. Please.....please just call Heeseung...please.......for me.....will you please do it for me?" you begged.
Hearing the deep and low sigh, Heejeong reaches for his phone in his back pocket. "Alright....I'll call him." Lifting your chin up, he issues a deep and passionate kiss, migrating his tongue to explore the entire inside of your oral cavity. "I certainly have a soft spot for you, don't I?" he smirks as he places the phone on speaker, dialing Heeseung in.
Your felt the weight of your chest lifted when Heeseung finally answered the phone.
"Hey, whats up?"
Heejeong, while eyeballing you and maintaining that cruel smirk on his face, leans his face at a tilt and speaks into the phone, never once breaking his sight off you.
"Hey.....got baby girl in front of me. Did you wanna say 'Hi'?"
"Hiiiii baby giiiiiirll! How's my little minx today? Did you sleep well?"
"Oh she slept well......and she's looking reeeeeeeally pretty for us today...."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeeeeeeeah...." Heejeong's voice croaks into a low growl as he communicates with his brother. You shook and hung your head low in defeat as you felt your fingers dragging down along the ripples of his chest muscles.
"Baby girl...say hi to Heeseung."
Leaning your forehead against his chest, you continued to sob.
Lifting your chin ever so delicately, Heejeong squares your face with his own and places another kiss onto your lips before breaking and whispering once more. "Say hi....." nudging his nose against yours, he motions you to speak into phone.
"Hey baby......I miss you. You miss me?"
Wincing upon hearing his words, you stuttered out your response, displaying an amicable tone in order to appease the situation. "Y-yeah....I do."
"Mmm that's good." he chuckles as he speaks into the phone.
"So baby girl has something she wants to ask you..." Heejeong softly groans out as he plays with your hair.
"Oh yeah? Well what is it baby girl? Tell me....tell Heeeeeeseung what's on our mind?"
Heejeong places the phone closer to your face. Placing his lips on your forehead, he taps in a kiss, remaining glued to your skin as he inhales the scent of your hair.
"H-Heeseung....Heeseung please....please don't do anything....to Kurt. Please........"
A moment of silent stills the air, when finally he responded.
"Hmm....no can do baby. Already close to old boy's place, and I don't like anyone getting close to what's mine."
"We both don't...." Heejeong whispers out, adding onto Heeseung's point.
Panicking, you appealed to Heeseung once more. "Heeseung please....please....I......I miss you.....I miss you so much." you whimpered and sobbed out, clearly evident that you were forcing the words yet you still managed to speak them in a soft tone.
"Oh yeah?"
"Y-yes.....I do.......I miss you....and......I.....I want you here.....I want you to come home.....come back home...to me....please?"
Another flare of silence accompanied by the static of the moving car on Heeseung's end, caused you to slightly worry, yet the moment he finally responded, you felt a breath of relief escape your lips.
"You want me back home?...You miss me that much?" he asks.
"Y-yes....I miss you.....and........I just want you back home.....so please......if you leave......leave Kurt alone I wont....I wont speak to him or ....or see him.....and.....i'll.......be good......I promise i'll be good......please.....for me?" you trembled, hoping that you had him.
"Hmm......what do you think, Joey?"
Heejeong, smiling as he continued to play with your hair as he placed one of your fingers inside his mouth, gently nibbling and sucking on it the entire conversation, releases with a harsh suck on your index finger as he relays his answer to Heeseung.
"Well.....baby girl says she's sorry.....given its her first offense and the fact we didn't go over rules yet, I think we can let things go just this time....." leaning in, Heejeong kisses your ear as he beckons you to apologize. "Say sorry baby girl.....tell us how sorry you are." sticking his tongue inside your ear, he latches his hand on the back of your head to keep you steady as he feeds the wet muscle in and sucks on your helix.
"I-I'm sorry....I'm sorry........so......so sorry....mmmmm..." you whimpered out as you felt Heejeong mashing your breast in his grasp.
"Well.......just this once. But we gonna have a talk when I get back and go over some ground rules, you got that? Babygirl?"
"Y-yes......yes...." you whimpered out.
"Alright, I'm turning back around and I'll see you guys soon." hearing the clicking of the turn signal, you felt compelled to gain closure from Heeseung....
"Please...you promise....you promise you didn't do anything.....Heeseung?......You promise to leave him alone?" you whimpered out.
"I promise darling. I'll let Heejeong prove it to you, mmkay?"
"I love you."
You became hesitant yet you knew that you would quickly lose the gained trust and feared he would turn back around, to finish what he had initially started.
"......I......love you too......"
Releasing a long gasping sigh, you could hear the smirk that formulated on his lips. "Yeah you fucking do." chuckling, he bids you. and Heejeong farewell and hangs up.
Heejeong remained latched on to your neck, adding more to the wide array of coloration to your skin complexion.
"Please....please.....can you show me.....that Kurt is fine?......before.....before we........move on?"
Peering his head up, he looks at you with an expectant raise in his brow, as if he almost seemed to question your audacity for inquiring the well being of another man. Yet you were quick to save yourself as you calmly spoke out, "Its just......just.....just so we can tell him......that I will no longer be seeing him......together......since....I belong to .....to you......and Heeseung....." you looked down and faked a faint smile, though the saddened despair of imprisonment was evident in its presence.
"Ooooh I see....well why didnt you say so. Yeah....here." taking his phone, he dials Kurts number.
"How....how did you get his.....his-"
"His number?" Heejeong smirks before whispering against your lips. "Its a secret....." kissing you once more, he places the phone back on speaker.
Motioning for you to answer, Heejeong raises a brow at you as he hands you his phone.
"Y/n? Did you get a new phone?"
"What the heck happened? I've been calling and texting ever since I dropped you off last night, you hadn't returned a single one of my calls or messages, I was getting so worried. I was just about to head over to come see you."
Panicking as you noted Heejeong biting down on his tongue, you quickly jolted out your words.
"Um...no! No dont....dont come over here...I.....I actually called because.....I....dont think it's going to work out between us.....I....I just have so much going on and I'm sorry......I didnt know how to break it to you so I....I was....ignoring you." you stuttered out, the tears forming in your eyes for how cruel you were being towards someone as nice as Kurt, all the while Heejeong stood and tilted his head, slightly nodding with approval as he winks at you and smiles.
"Y/n what?? What are you saying? What's going on? This isn't like you....and...are you crying? What's going on tell me, I can help yo-"
"I dont need your help just please dont ever call, message, or come see me. Please just listen and understand....its just easier. I"m sorry....I have to go. Please dont contact or come see me." You quickly hung up and shifted your sights to the ground, placing your hand over your mouth as you began to whimper out your sobs. You hated that you had to be so short with him.
"I'm sorry Kurt....please....please understand that I have no choice...if I don't......I might get you into some trouble..."
Knowing how athletic and rigorous rugby and basketball are, there was no doubt in your mind that Heeseung and Heejeong would think twice about initiating a fight with Kurt. What would happen if one of them were to seriously get hurt?
................If only you knew what they really were capable of doing......
"Good girl......so good....." kissing you and stroking your breast, while his other hand reaches in and slips his fingers inside your panties, he rubs your clit up and down.
Gasping into his mouth, you found yourself growing weak in the knees once more, recognizing the familiar sensation from last night with Heeseung.
Tapping the back of your thigh, he speaks into the kiss but never breaks the contact between your lips. "Jump..."
Abiding by his bidding, you wrap your arms around his neck and commenced a small jump, where he caught your thighs in a loop hold and sustained your weight against his frame. His staggering height had caused you to become somewhat uneasy as you felt him migrate from the kitchen and onto the sofa in the living room.
Laying you on your back, he immediately ravished your exposed breasts with a myriad of kisses and suckles on your nipples, all the while he raises your skirt and coils it around your waist.
"Fuck baby.....you're so fucking perfect....aren't you?"
Shaking your head as you felt yourself breaching that moment where you would admit defeat and succumb to his physical acts of tenderness, you remained facing away, trying to let go of that shameful sense you had in your gut since this morning.
"Yes you aaaaaaaare...." he chuckles out as he trails his kisses down to your stomach, kissing around your belly button.
"Please....please.....Heejeong........I....I dont know.....this is just.....we're family.....I cant....I just cant...."
"You're right...we are family..." he responds. "You're our baby girl......our one and only."
Gasping out in shock, you trembled as he hooks his fingers onto your panties, and slides them down.
"You belong to us......you're our beautiful girl.....the one and only one for us."
Shifting your body as you tried to abstain from him pulling your panties all the way off, he smirks slyly as he presses his lips against your cheek and nearly rips the material off your legs and through your ankles.
In a harsh manner, he spreads your legs open and admits a small slap of each hand on the meaty portion of your inner thighs, spreading them apart.
"Stay...." he calmly speaks against your skin as he begins to trail his kisses downward, re-initiating his path of saliva once more. Once he reached your belly button, he expedited his traveling and nuzzled his face in between your folds, rubbing his nose against your clit.
"Heejeong! mmmm! St-stop!"
"Mm-mm.....lay back down baby." he softly speaks as his lips remained in contact with your slit. The sensation of his words spoken onto the softest part of your sensitive region caused your eyes to roll in the back of your head. Arching your back, you gasped out towards the ceiling as you felt the hot vapors of his breath accompany his words, all coating your clit.
"Mmm!!!....Ooooooh.....oh my God......oh my God...please....mmmmplease...ugh!"
"Talk to me baby." once more, he speaks while his lips remained latched onto your slit, the feeling repeats the motions of your eyes rolling, your back deeply arching, and your hips waving up and down, which he took great delight in riding along with the tip of his tongue.
With a closed mouth smirk, he scoffs against your opening, which only enhanced that tingling numbness you had felt earlier with Heeseung. That shameful feeling.....had quickly disappeared.
"Yeah baby.....thats it....move with me." flickering his tongue, he moves it in a variety of motions, left, right, up, down, and in circles, all focusing on the sweet soft spot at the tip of your clit.
"uuuuugh! Oh my God.......ugh!"
"Come on baby.....tell Joey how much you like it...."
"Say it." latching his mouth, he fully envelops your clit and parts of your folds into his mouth and sucks harshly as his tongue worked its magical motions on your clit. His warm saliva drenching you, all the while the smoothness of his tongue massaged and his teeth barely grazing against your skin as he smothers the fat surface of his tongue all over your opening. Scoffing on your cavity, he adds a series of smirks and chuckles as he performs, enhancing the stimulation from the vibrating of his tone.
"Mmm!! Oh my God....Joey...Joey...Joey.....mmmm...please...please....ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"
"yeah, come on baby, tell me what you want."
"Say it."
"Mmmmm please......I want it......I.....want it...."
"Want what?"
".......you......I want......mmmm....ugh! you! ugh! mmmm....oh my God!" you whimpered out as you peeled your face away and off to the side, biting the tip of your tongue as you felt the tears streaming down your cheeks, all from the painful throbbing and numbness that was taking place in the depths of your core.
He continued to perform his oral fixation on your womanhood, yet each time you felt yourself gyrating, breaching climax, he pulled back and with held you from experiencing release. He was far more toying and cruel in his manner of four play than Heeseung, especially considering he could do it so well....
The way his tongue fucked you, coated you, dressed you with his saliva and massaged you into an ultra state of heightened sensitivity.....it was all too....
"Tell me you want me to fuck you pretty girl......I want to hear you say it."
"mmmmmm ugh....ugh....Heejeong......please....pllllease......."
"Please what baby?" speaking against your clit once more, he pulls his head back and harshly blows at it, before shoving his mouth back on with his nose brushing against the tip of your slit.
Rolling back your eyes once more, you lost your breath as you succumbed to the overwhelming sensation of his oral love. Losing pattern, your breathing escalates to obtain whatever it had lost from when you choked on your own moans.
"Please what baby?" he whispers once more, releasing a long gasp against your clit as his mouth all but latched on. The hot vapor of his breath triggered your hips and thighs to move forward and buck up in a sudden manner, which would have closed the distance and met his mouth, except his hands pinning you down wouldn't allow it.
"Please....ugh! Please....please fuck me....fuck me....Joey.....Joey fuck me...." you whimpered out a series of gasping moans as you truly begged for your elder step brother to do onto you, what his other half did hours earlier.
"Awww....come here baby." Propping himself on his knees, he positions himself in between your wide open thighs and feeds his cock out from his jeans. Much like Heeseung, Heejeong was also blessed with a thick girth, elongated length, and heavy muscle.
Leaning in and hovering over you, his hand remains on the base of his shaft as he places a palm next to your head and closes the distance. His chest presses against yours, and you felt him entering inside. The painful sting of the stretch of his enlarged tip pushing in caused you to hiss and jolt up in pain.
"UGH!!!! Ugh! He-Heejeong...ugh! It.....it hurts......." you started to sob out.
"Yeah....so I've been told.....but dont worry pretty girl.....unlike all the others, I actually care about you....and I intend to make you feel good.......sooooooo fucking good.....I'm going to fuck you nonstop."
Sliding in, Heejeong continues to breach your walls. You felt them separating as they clear a path for his shaft, moving in and pushing the skin further deep within you, inch by inch.
Your thighs tremble, and your hips start to gyrate in a wild motion.
"Hang on baby......almost there.....fuck.....you're so fucking tight......you just so perfect arent you?"
Kissing you, he closes in the remaining gap that was present between your chests, which sealed the deal in his full entry. The base of his groin mashes against yours, while connected skin to skin, he rotates his hips in a circular motion, further dipping into you as if he was drilling his shaft inside.
"Ugh!!! S-stop!! Oh my God what are you doing to me??!" you nearly screamed out, feeling a rush of pain from him bellowing out, yet it was quickly recovered by the immense pleasure and relief of pumping against the throbbing numbness in your gut.
"Shhhhhh......thaaaaaats a gooood girllll....." he growls lowly in your ear. "Ready?"
The familiar sense of gaining your acknowledgement hits you as you take in his wording, all the same as Heeseung issued....
"You ready for me?"
Nodding in a sense of panic with your brows furrowed, displaying a worrisome and painful expression, you prepared yourself for what was about to come....
You realized the moment he moved, that you had misjudged and, once again, found yourself in a presumptuous state as you assumed Heejeong's manner of making love or 'fucking' was similar to that of Heeseung's performance last night.
You couldn't have been any more wrong.....
He didnt start out at a moderate pace, instead, he began to thrust hard...fast...and deep, right from the get-go. Your mouth parts wide open as you felt him fucking your breaths out of you.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!!"
"Yeah baby, fucking make some noise...." he speaks as he kisses into your mouth, holding you by the neck and stroking your skin with his rough thumb.
He had you squelching in no time. Each second that he rammed his thickness into you, you felt the splatter of your juices decorating your inner thighs as he propped his chest to remain hovered, gaining more leverage to dip his groin down and drilling into you deeper....harder...and faster.
With absolutely no room to breathe, let alone murmur out your words, you were left merciless and could only admit the short and pungent gasps of your airy tones of euphoria as he punched your soft spot with his dick.
Gasping, trying to catch your breath, feeling the mesmerizing sensation of his length going in and out of you, he had you nearly climaxing just within seconds.
"Mmm...not yet baby...you gotta hold it......"
Rolling your eyes back, your body succumbs to the weakened state of being fucked brutally by Heejeong.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Please! Ugh! Ugh! I-cant!!"
"Yes you can.....come on baby, let me keep fucking you.....you feel so good..."
Snaking his hand underneath the thatch of your thick strands, he cups the back of your head and lifts it, positioning you to watch as he dips his cock in and out of you.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Wh-what! Please! What are you doing?!" you stuttered in gasping moans as you plead with him.
"Watch me fuck you baby."
"Ugh! Please.....Oh my God please!" you place your hand on his wrist, trying to plead with him as the feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable. Watching his thick length melting in and out of you only furthered your rising to orgasm.
As you watched, you noted the thick, creamy white substance formulating at the base of your folds, while decorating a thick ring around his shaft.
"Fuck yeah baby....shit.....why are you so beautiful....and perfect?" noting the substance that was foaming from the friction of fucking you, Heejeong felt himself reaching the zenith of orgasm as he discovers how much you were enjoying the view.
"Ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh!"
"Yeah.......come on baby....I'll make you cum...." picking up the pace, a feat you didn't think was possible as he was already going at an incredibly pleasurable speed, you felt his tip going in deeper as Heejeong fucks you in a jack-hammer momentum, groaning and releasing a prolonged growl into your ear. "Now baby....."
Arching your back, you tilt your head back as your hips and groin muscles levitate, pushing against his lower abdominal muscles.
Releasing your essence, you coat his shaft with the hot moisture that glazes over his entire length. Feeling it was the most amazing sensation, and it caused him to violently unleash inside you.
"Uh.....fuck!.......Fucking hell babe......fuck i'm cumming."
Pelting in a series of small thrusts, much like Heeseung did, Heejeong ensures that the entire produce of his essence makes it into the deepest and darkest part of your body. Once again, you felt the joy in thought, as you imagined Heejeong's DNA merging with yours and his cum spreading his genes inside you, transforming your body into accepting motherhood.
He remained laying on top of you, plastering you with such warm and loving kisses, whispering how much he loved you.
"Fucking dammit......I can't get enough of you....I love you so much......I'm never letting you go......y/n."
Kissing you, he lifts his frame off and away from you, yet remained position in between your legs on his propped knees. Tapping his fingers along your chest, he allows you to catch your breath as you took in your deep inhales. Your face remained turned away and laying off to the side, with your hair slightly plastered on your glistening skin.
You felt the touch of his fingers gently grazing against your cheek, moving the pieces of hair that was stuck to your skin. Shifting your eyes over to the side, you noted how both Heejeong's hands were on your chest, and the other was resting on his hip.
So whose hands were touching your face?.......
Looking up, standing and leaning against the back side of the sofa, hovering his chest above you, was Heeseung.
"Fuck you're so pretty......" he calmly states as he continues to move your strands.
Dressed all in black, and adorning a black cap, you noted the muscles of his chest as his black fitted tee and looked as if it was painted on his skin, it was so pleasantly form fitting. His hands adorned black, fingerless martial arts gloves, and he completed the ensemble with black jeans and boots. He resembled a bodyguard, or a bouncer at a night club, which had made you garnished thoughts on just what he had planned on doing with Kurt had it not been for you to call and beg him to dismiss his plan.
Your thoughts on Kurt was quickly interrupted by Heejeong's hand joining in, finding home on both your pelvic bones as Heeseung continued to tap his fingers along your cheek, and along your lips.
Smirking, Heeseung leans in, reaching all the way down to kiss you. The scent of his warm and spiced cologne combats Heejeong's cool and icy fragrance, merging into a perfected mirage of colorful scents.
Eyeing you up and down, you saw how Heeseung admires your skin, sparkling under the natural lighting in the room with the small beads of sweat that remained dewed on every part of your body.
"Well baby girl..........time for round 2."
"R...r....round....2?" you stuttered as you continued to gain your breathing back to a stabled pattern.
You heard them both chuckle, as they displayed a smirk that represented their own persona; Heeseungs sadistic one versus Heejeong's malicious grin. Issuing their expressions to you with wide eyes, they both respond simultaneously.......
Authors note: OOooooooohohohohohoh Y/n is in for it now......mmmmhmmm....TBC!
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry@honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07@raishaii@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz@mimimovv @stvrryhee @moonmoongi @seungjiseyo @csmicvrse @yohanabanana , @heeshees@yumii0828 , @lprww, @mariji , @silcry @cutiejseong
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wiphur · 9 months
The Dinner
Characters: Poly! Grian x GTWS x Mumbo x M! Reader
Warnings: slight angst, kinda betrayal?, unaccepting family
Words: 2217
Prompt: N/A
I posted this on AO3 about a week ago and I thought i had posted it here too, but apparently I hadn't lol sorry!!
It was supposed to be easy to distance himself. Nothing was supposed to get through the encryptions and nothing was supposed to be able to get even close to his house. However, the letter made it into his hands. The letter seared itself into his brain as he thought about it all day and all night. For two days, he thought about the letter, memorizing every bit of it so he could think about what he would do.
It was a short letter, one containing only an invitation to dinner. Normally, one would feel delighted to get an invitation from one’s mother to attend a family dinner. However, Y/N felt nothing but dread. He would have been fine if his mother didn’t add the sneaky little thing she had.
Bring your girlfriend. I’ve heard you've gotten quite serious. The letter reads. That part is what got him. That’s the part that has him staying up all night. It wasn’t like she was wrong, he was in a very serious relationship. But he was not dating a woman. Nor was he dating just one person. No, he just had to be difficult for his mother and date three men.
He was conflicted. At one end, he wanted to go and introduce his family to his partners and his partners to his family, but at the same time, he knew the response he would get from his family. It would be anger and disappointment, maybe even hatred. He didn’t know if he could take a reaction like that. 
A knock shocked him from his thoughts. It was late, the darkness outside of his window told him that. He hesitated before going to open the door, hoping it wasn’t a zombie. It was a zombie, just not the one he was hoping it wasn’t. The door opened slowly to reveal the exhausted, yet caring, face of his neighbor. 
“What are you doing up so late, babes?” Cleo asked. He could hear the exhaustion in her words. “I saw your light was on and came to check on ya.”
He frowned, “Me? Why are you up so late?”
“Oi, I asked first.”
He didn’t laugh. In fact, his eyes burned from tears. None fell, but he knew they were there. “I can’t sleep. Not a crime, is it?”
Cleo’s expression softened and she gestured to the door. He nodded and she entered the building, closing the door behind her. The pair walked to the kitchen, where they sat at the island together. “What’s going on, babes? Do you need to talk?”
His mind was a mess. Did he want to talk? What would he talk about? The fact that his family expected him to bring his nonexistent girlfriend to dinner? His nonexistent girlfriend. The words echoed in his mind for a second before he stared at Cleo. 
“Cleo, will you be my girlfriend?”
Cleo’s eyes widened and she coughed, choking on air. “I- uh- What?!” She steadies herself quickly. “Mate, I know we’re close and all, but I don’t think your boyfriends would appreciate that very much.” He groans, placing his head in his arms. “What’s going on? Why’re you asking me something like that?”
“My mom invited me to dinner.”
Her eyebrows rose slightly, “Okay, that’s great.”
“She wants me to bring my girlfriend.”
Her expression shifted slightly, “Okay, less great. You haven’t come out to her?”
He shook his head, “No, well kind-of? I told her I was interested in boys, back when I was identifying as a bisexual, but I never told her I was gay. Or poly.” He frowned, “Even as a bisexual, she didn’t really accept me. She was always saying that she expected me to be with a girl regardless. She doesn’t really accept, I suppose.” He sighed, “I don’t want her to lash out at me or at them.” He said, referring to his boyfriends.
Cleo was quiet for a moment before she moved to cover his hand with her own. “Babes, I think you just have to talk to them about it. You know them, Grian, Mumbo, and Scar. You know they would figure it out. You should just talk to them.”
He sighed, “You’re right I know them. I know they’d want to go to dinner regardless. Just to see if she would accept it. But I know she won’t. I can’t say no to them, Cleo.”
Cleo smiled, “They’ll understand. I know they will. Just talk with them. Please? If you still want me to pretend to be your girlfriend, and your boys are okay with that, then I will gladly be your girlfriend. Deal?”
He hesitated before nodding, “Deal.”
The next morning, he woke up to hushed whispers surrounding him. 
“Aww, look at ‘im. He’s so cute when he’s sleeping.” 
“That he is.”
“Move out the way, you’re blocking my view of him!”
“Scar! Shush! You’re gonna wake him up!”
His eyes fluttered open, coming to view his adorable boyfriends. He noticed the positions they were in. Grian was perched above him on his bed’s headboard, Scar was leaning onto his fists at the end of the footboard, and Mumbo was sitting awkwardly at the foot of the bed.
Grian noticed his eyes had opened and whined, “Aww, you guys woke him up!”
Mambo scoffed, “I believe you mean you and Scar woke him up.” He smiled at his boyfriend.
Y/N’s mouth fitted into a grin, “Hey.” His voice was scratchy with sleep and Mumbo’s ears flushed. 
“Hey, pumpkin.” Scar grinned, moving to lay beside him in bed. “What were you dreamin’ about?”
He thought back to his dreams. It was a nightmare, actually. About how that dinner would go if he brought his partners. His real partners. “Uh, dreamt about y’all actually.” It wasn’t totally a lie.
Scar dramatically placed a hand over his heart, “Oh, how amazin’. I love it when you dream of us.”
Grian rolled his eyes, “You’re so dramatic!” 
“You love it.” 
Mumbo watched quietly before laying down to the right of his newly-awoken boyfriend. “Hey.” He mumbled as the other two talked together.
Y/N turned and grinned at his boyfriend, pressing his lips to his cheeks lightly, “Morning, my love.” 
Mumbo chuckled lightly, “Stop, you’re tickling me.” He laughed softly before his eyes focused on him again. “I got a message this morning. From Cleo.” He said quietly. “She said you had something important to talk to us about. I haven't mentioned it to the other two yet, though.”
A frown quickly replaced his calm smile. He sat up and sighed, “Oh, okay.” He hoisted himself out of bed, quickly getting ready for the day.
As he did so, Scar and Grian looked at him confused. Grian glanced at Mumbo, “Did we miss something? What happened?”
Mumbo sighed and shook his head, “Nothing yet.” 
Scar huffed, “Now wait one second, are you two hiding something from us?” He narrowed his eyes at Mumbo, who averted his gaze. He gasped, “You are! What is it?”
Grian’s feathers ruffled, “What do you mean, hiding something? Are you two keeping a secret?”
Y/N shook his head, “No, nothing. I just need to talk to you guys later.” He glanced at Mumbo with a reassuring smile, “Later, though. Not now.”
The three shared a glance of worry before nodding, “Okay.” They said simultaneously. He smiled, opening the door as he finished pulling his shirt on.
“Okay, come on, let's go make some breakfast.” The three hurried over, scrambling over to the kitchen, pushing each other as they went. He chuckled at his lovers, smiling to himself before he remembered the letter. He glanced to his bedroom, where the letter sat beside his bed. His name was called and he hurried to meet up with his loves.
Throughout the day, he tried to think of ways to talk about it with them. He really did try! It wasn’t like he was avoiding the entire thing and ignored the pointed looks Cleo gave him when he passed by. By the time the sun was setting, he still had yet to say anything.
While he was ignoring the issue, his boyfriends noticed something was wrong with him. He was acting weird and they knew something was up. While he was in the restroom, they talked about it.
“Well, Cleo said he had something he needed to talk to us about.” Mumbo muttered, twisting his mustache.
Grian hummed, “Maybe he got some bad news?”
Mumbo shrugged, “She didn’t tell me what it was about. Only that he wanted to talk.”
“Do you think he wants to break up with us?” 
The two turned to stare at Scar, an absurd look on their face. “What? No- I can’t imagine that's it.” Grian said with a final shake of his head. “Are you worried about that, love?” 
Scar nodded, “No, no, you're right. Sorry. I just don’t know what else it could be.”
“I think we ask him when he comes back.” Mumbo suggested. The other two nodded and they waited patiently for their boyfriend to return.
When he eventually made his way back into the living room, he noticed the slight tension in the room. “Uh, are you okay, my loves?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing. 
“We should be asking you that question.” Grian said, urging Y/N into a seat. “Are you okay? You’ve been acting off all day.”
“And about what Cleo said-”
Y/N sighed, “Why did they have to bring that up?” He groaned quietly before rubbing his eyes lightly. “Okay, fine. I was invited to bring my girlfriend to family dinner.” 
The trio in front of him were quiet for a second before Scar interrupted. “Hmm, okay, see, I think I misheard you. Because I thought you said bring your girlfriend.” He laughed until he realized nobody joined him and paused. “I didn’t mishear, did I?”
Y/N shook his head. “I haven’t come out to my family, especially my mother.” He hesitated before continuing, “I asked Cleo last night to pretend to be my girlfriend for the dinner.” His boyfriends were quiet again, but he noticed how they slouched. “She declined and told me I should talk to you guys about it. I guess- I was just nervous. My mother has been my role model for years. I tried to come out as bi to her before I realized I was gay and she basically said she wouldn’t accept anyone other than a girl as my partner. I don’t think she’ll react well to me being in a serious relationship with three boys.”
Grian decided to speak up. “You asked Cleo to be your girlfriend instead of just talking to us?”
He closed his eyes tightly, “Yes. It was stupid. I’m so sorry. I panicked and I didn’t know what else to do. I love my mom, and I couldn’t stand her not accepting me or my partners.”
They were quiet again. Nobody spoke for minutes. Tension rose and Y/N could feel his throat getting tighter and his eyes burning. He kept his eyes closed, counting silently to keep his panic attack at bay.
“You could have just talked to us, y’know?” Scar eventually said. “We love you. We don’t want you to miss out on your family.” He glanced towards his boyfriends. “We care about you. So much.”
Mumbo nodded softly, “Yeah. We do. Uhm, if you really want to bring Cleo as your faux girlfriend, I won’t be upset. I understand how much your mom means to you.”
It took a little bit for Grian to speak. He curled himself into his wings, “I love you. I don’t want you thinking we won’t accept your decisions. If you want to go with her, fine.”
He stared at them with an absurd expression, “What? No! You guys are supposed to be mad at me. Why aren’t you mad at me?”
“Because we care about you.” Scar repeated. “We understand that you’re under a lot of stress. We know you love us. Mistakes happen. It's okay.” He paused before trying to lighten the mood, “But, y’know, Grian can play a mean girl if you wanted.” 
He laughed, wiping his eyes. “You guys- You are so amazing. I love you.” He pressed his lips to Scar’s. Before kissing Grian and Mumbo in a similar fashion. “I- I want my mom to know who I am seeing.” He mumbles. “I don’t want to lie to her.” They stayed quiet as they waited for him to finish. “I- I guess I’ll have to live with whatever she decides to say. Will you go with me, my loves?”
“Of course.” Mumbo said, taking his hand and pressing his lips to his knuckles. 
Scar grinned, “Can’t leave my prince all alone there, huh?”
Grian hesitated before nodding, “Yeah, yeah, of course, love.” 
Y/N grinned, pulling the three into a huge hug. “I love you guys so much. So much more than anything in the world. Thank you for being patient and for loving me.”
“Ah, well, we couldn’t really help that last part. It just kinda happened.” Scar jested, poking fun at the situation. All of them laughed before they decided to head to bed, cuddling throughout the night and talking about the dinner that awaited them.
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amelia-acero · 2 months
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Thank you so much for waiting on this chapter y’all. Thank you so much for your support, encouragement and I especially wanna say thank you to @thefallennightmare. Her headcanon to inspired me start writing again to begin with. Without any further ado, please enjoy this chapter. 😍
Summary: Noah begins to remember all the important moments and how they shaped his life to be the way it is.
Warnings: Talks of Depression, Smut
The photos I got from Pinterest
Taglist: @thisbicc
Playlists I listened to while writing this chapter: Songs that made me think of Anya and Noah
If you ever wanna become a part of my taglist, send me a message and I'll add onto the list.
Noah watched as the familiar houses in their neighborhood passed by them, while sitting in the passenger seat. He looked into the rearview mirror and looked at Anya, the new mother glow in her face, it made her look more beautiful to him. 
“How’s Keaton doing darling?”
“He’s sleeping and he looks so handsome. Just like his daddy.” Anya sighed.
“Nah, I think little Keaton is going to be more handsome than Noah.” Nicholas joked.
“Fuck you dude!” Noah laughed, lightly punching his shoulder.
Nicholas turned the corner into the familiar street, about a year into dating, Noah and Anya moved into their own home together. Noah couldn’t stand Anya living in her small micro studio apartment anymore. The neighborhood wasn’t the greatest, so when he dropped her off at her apartment, he made it a secret goal for himself to get her out of that neighborhood, but things happened that changed a few things. If you asked Noah what he expected to do after their tour was over 72 hours ago, becoming a dad and getting engaged was not anywhere in that list of expectations. Well the engagement was expected, but not for another two weeks. They pulled up on their house’s driveway, it was a one story house with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a pool in the backyard. Noah looked at his home and began remembering almost all the moments in time everything that led to this moment.
~ October 20, 2020 ~
“Jolly! Where are you?” Noah yelled. 
He had just come home from the grocery store and was bringing in the groceries for the week. He knew that Folio, Nick, Bryan, and Matt were going to be at the beach just to get away from the house. COVID had taken almost a toll on everyone, no one wanted to be at their shared townhouse all crammed together, so everyone except Jolly, Noah, and Anya agreed to go to the beach. Noah walked through their house and found Jolly and Anya talking in the kitchen.
“Come on Jolly, it’ll be fun!”
“Busfrö, I don’t think Noah, would like the idea of us doing this together. ”
“That's the fun of it, he doesn’t have to know.”
“Alright karaste, it’s a date, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when Noah finds out and gets upset.”
“It’ll be fine, Noah won’t find out. It’ll be between you and me.”
The fuck! Noah thought. He felt his chest tighten, he didn’t realize that Jolly and Anya had gotten that close since she started working for them. Although both him and Anya had been friends since they met, even after the kiss they shared, it seemed that on Anya’s end, it had been a moment of passion and never spoke of it again. On his end, it was not just a moment of passion; he had truly fallen in love with Anya. Noah got to know more about Anya in those 3 months and fell more in love with her before COVID started. He learned things about her like how she was raised by a single mother, she had a 6 year old brother named William or Will for short, her mom married her stepdad when she was 15 and they moved to El Paso, TX about the same time, about a few months after her brother was born. She never mentioned her biological father, but he knew better than to ask, just like him and his non-existent relationship with his father, he figured out very quickly that talking about her father was a sore spot to her and was a topic that should never be brought up. He couldn’t help but feel this rising heat and anger at their conversation. Why was Jolly the one that she chose? He was always there for her. 
Out of everyone, he would gladly claim that he knew Anya the most and knew what she had gone through trying times with COVID being crazy, everyone being forced to stay home and not allowed to travel. He knew that out of everyone, Anya went through the most. She wasn’t comfortable completely leaving her job with Home Depot for something very unpredictable as being a Assistant Tour Manager with Matt, so instead of completely leaving, she went for a 3 month leave of absence with her job, while she figured out being a Tour Manager with Matt. Just as she was getting the hang of everything, they got the call of this virus being spread and practically killing vulnerable people, so it was best to stay home. At the time Anya was still living in her small micro studio apartment, she couldn’t even go back to her old job with Home Depot, because everything was closed. She had to move out of her apartment and live with her aunt and her cousins in Culver City, the neighborhood was nicer, so Noah was at least grateful that she was living in a safer side of Los Angeles. He knew that her options were either to live with her aunt or go back to her parents house in El Paso. Noah knew that as much as Anya loved her parents and baby brother, she could not stand living in that city, he clearly remembered her words.
“I would rather jump off the Golden Gate bridge than ever return to that city again. If it’s not to visit my family, I never want to set foot in that city again.” She said it with such deep intensity that it almost frightened him.
He decided to make his presence known to both of them, but not make it obvious that he heard part of their conversation, he put in his airpods and walked into the kitchen with the groceries. Both Anya and Jolly were sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Hey guys, what’s up?” He said casually. Making sure that his jealousy could not be detected.
“Nothing, Jolly was telling me something funny.” Anya said; he knew she was lying and again he couldn’t help but feel angry again. What was going on between them?
“You guys think you could help me with the groceries in the car?” He asked, choosing to remain calm and collected. 
“I’ll help you.” Anya quickly said. She got up from the table and helped Noah with taking the bags he already got in his arms and putting it on the kitchen table.
“Jolly, do you think you put the groceries away?” She asked with a sweet voice.
“No problem Älskling.” Jolly said.
Again, that tight feeling in Noah’s chest and heat and anger engulfing him. He shouldn’t feel this way, Anya never made any mention of their kiss and it has been a whole year since. He should accept that Anya just wanted to remain friends and that's all their relationship will be, despite knowing full well he wanted more. Anya walked past him and again her intoxicating scent hit him directly in the face, her Lavender scent, all he wanted was to bury himself in her and just have her to himself. He noticed what she was wearing, her favorite black sundress with small floral prints and the front of the dress that was only tied in the front with a corset style lacing, giving her a lift to her breasts and a leg slit. The temperature was still very warm for Los Angeles in October, so the dress made sense to wear, but for Noah that dress torturing him inside and out, he felt himself harden at the way her hips swayed, the way her breast slightly moved up and down when she took a step. The back of her dress exposing her tattoo, a snake slithering up her spine, being entangled in the vines of carnation and snowdrop flowers. He stared at her for so long, that he didn’t realize he never moved to go with her to get the groceries.
“Noah?” Her voice broke him out of his trance. He looked up and looked directly in her eyes.
“Are you coming?”
They both walked out the house and went down the steps to go to the garage. He opened the trunk of the black Camaro, and grabbed half of the remaining grocery bags purposely choosing the heaviest ones, while she grabbed the other half that was definitely lighter. 
“Did we get everything?” She asked.
“Yeah, we got everything.” He answered curtly. He walked past her, practically almost ignoring that she was standing right there. Anya noticed the change in his demeanor, normally he was very kind and loving towards her, but that abrupt change caught her off guard. 
“Okayyyy? The fuck?” She whispered to herself.
She closed and locked the garage door. She followed up the slight hill of steps that led to the front door of the house. Before she could get to the top of the steps, she lost her footing and tripped, her knee scraping on the steps. 
“Fuck!” She hissed in pain. Noah just opened the door and turned around to see that she was down and in pain. The bags she was carrying had spilled all over the porch. He quickly put down the bags he was carrying and rushed to her side. He pulled her up and looked to see her knee was bleeding and blood dripping down her leg. 
“Jolly!” Noah yelled.
“Yeah!” he yelled back.
Jolly came out the front door and took notice of the situation. 
“Shit! Is she okay?”
“I’m fine guys.” Anya said, trying to reassure both of them.
“You’re bleeding.” Noah said sharply. “ Come on, I’ll help you clean up. Jolly, you think you can help clean up?” Noah asked, hoping he said yes so he could be the one to help Anya instead of him. 
“Yeah man, I got you. Go clean her up.” Jolly said. 
“I’m fine, I’ll go clean myself up.” Anya clearly didn’t miss the way he spoke to her when she tried to reassure him that she was fine. She clearly didn’t care for his attitude either and would rather dress her own wound herself, than have him do it if he was going to have a bitchy attitude. Before she could even take one step, Noah lifted her up and carried her bridal style to the guest bathroom and placed her on the sink vanity. Noah looked in the cabinet underneath the sink and found the first aid kit. When he looked up, Anya’s smooth leg was directly in front of him, decorated with tattoos of California Orange Poppies, Texas Bluebonnets, and honeysuckles, the slit in her dress exposing her leg, almost to her hip and her soft skin calling for him to touch, to kiss, to caress, to hold while he buried his face in between her legs. 
Noah shook his head to break his trance and his hair fell in front of his face covering his view. Due to the amount of long haired men in the house, it was no surprise that there was an abundance of hair ties in the house. 
“Pass me a hair tie, please?” He said. 
“Yeah.” Anya said, she reached on the right side of the sink and handed him the hair tie.
“Thank you.” He put the first aid kit on the vanity and took the hair tie and tied his hair up into a low messy bun. He grabbed the first aid kit and opened it, grabbing the antiseptic wipes, a band aid and some gauze. He opened the antiseptic wipe and looked at Anya.
“This is gonna sting, so I’m apologizing in advance.”
Anya nodded and Noah placed the wipe on her knee. Anya gasped. 
“Puta Madre!” Anya gasped and out of reflex, grasped his shoulder. If it wasn’t for her wounded knee and where they were at the moment, it would’ve been a very sensual moment. Her gasps would’ve been out of something different. 
“Sorry.” Noah said. 
He wiped away the blood from her legs with the gauze, his hands lightly caressing her legs. He dumped the used gauze pads in the trash and began to focus on her knee, wiping away the blood, dirt, and grime. With Noah touching her leg, Anya couldn’t help but notice how rough yet soft his hands felt on her. She wanted him so badly and she knew he wanted her just the same, but she didn’t want to risk it. With this job still being new and with everything going on in the world making things very uncertain, Anya still had her job with Home Depot, but again anything could happen. Right now she wanted to keep it professional with Noah, so that in case things didn’t work out she could go back to her old life and walk away from theirs, she didn’t want to mention her kiss with Noah, not wanting to put anything in jeopardy. 
“Alright, almost done.” Noah said softly.
“Thank you.” 
He lightly dabbed some neosporin ointment on her knee, and placed a band aid on her knee. He caressed her leg again, in an effort to keep her touch close to him. 
“Thank you Noah.” 
“It’s nothing.”
She lighty jumped off the vanity and winced when she realized her knee was going to be sore for a couple of days. Noah closed the first aid kit and put it away back underneath the sink. He was beginning to walk away until Anya called out his name. 
“My Tia Yolanda is throwing a celebration for my cousin Stephanie who’s graduating from UCLA next week and I was wondering if you wanted to come to the park celebration as my plus one? If you’re not busy?” She asked.
Noah was surprised at her request, he assumed something like that, she would want to take Jolly instead.
“You don’t want to take Jolly?” He asked before he could stop himself.
“Noah, no offense to Jolly and all, but why would I take him?”
“I heard that! And ouch!” They heard Jolly yell from the kitchen.
“¡Callate Cabron!” Anya yelled back.
Noah let out a chuckle and smiled at Anya and she felt herself internally melt.
“Well, since you’re asking nicely darling. I’ll go.”
Anya smiled, happy that he was calling her darling again, she’ll ask him later why he asked if she wanted to take Jolly and not him. She went up to him and hugged him, Noah wrapped his arms around her back and inhaled that Lavender scent that he loved so much. 
“Well, I have to head out. I have to go in tomorrow at 5am at Home Depot.” 
“Do you want me to take you back to your aunt’s place?” He asked 
“Only if you’re okay with it.” 
“Darling, I got you, anyways I gotta make sure you don’t fall down the steps this time.”
Anya giggled, how could something so simple make Noah melt. 
“Go fuck yourself.” She said laughing with no malice behind her words. 
How about I fuck you in my bed darling? Noah thought. He would never say it out loud, but Noah thought about all the times he had woken up with a hard cock in the morning, because he dreamed of how much he wanted Anya in his bed, in his arms, his hard cock inside of her. How much he practically wanted to fuck her to kingdom come, practically waking up with his cock so hard that he immediately had to take a cold shower in the mornings, fucking his hand and cumming in his hands, dreaming that it was Anya’s pussy he was cumming into instead. Other nights, he dreamed of how he would be married to her, they were having a happy idyllic life and with a baby boy running around their home and he wished he could dream longer and find out more about themselves in this life, but it never happened because he either woke up too early or too late to find out more. 
They walked out the front door and made the drive to her aunt's house in a comfortable silence. The traffic made it a little bit longer, but neither of them were surprised, for Anya it was either be in the bus and take longer or be with Noah in his car and take less time, but be with him.
“I want to thank you for helping me earlier Noah, I know you didn’t have to, but thank you regardless.”  Anya said.
“It was nothing, I hated seeing you there bleeding and I wasn’t about to let that continue.”
“Noah, it was just a scraped knee, it would've been fine.”
“Not to me it wasn’t, what if it got infected.” Noah said, his voice getting higher.
“Ok, fine I’ll give you this one. I guess after working with a bunch of guys, I’m still not used to accepting help from others.” Anya said, especially when said other person was having a bitchy attitude earlier. She kept that thought to herself .
“It’s alright darling.” 
They turned a corner to get off the freeway and turned onto Venice before turning onto Overland. They reached her aunt’s apartment and turned onto the driveway, they stayed together in the car, sitting in a comfortable silence, Anya didn’t want to leave his car and in fact wanted to stay with him, but decided against it, anyways aside from both her jobs, she was planning a surprise birthday party with Jolly for Noah, she knew that Noah didn’t necessarily care for his own birthday, but it was the first time she spent a birthday with him, last year they were on tour and didn’t know each other that much yet. So with much persuasion to Jolly, she was planning a small party with everyone at the house, Jolly immediately warned her that Noah doesn’t like surprises, but Anya decided that’s something he should get used to, especially from her. Anya opened the door and before she left the car, she turned to face Noah and gave him a kiss on his cheek. That act alone surprised him, he turned to look at her and gave her a shocked look, almost as if he was a deer caught in headlights.
“Thank you for earlier Noah, this is why you’re my favorite out of everyone. I’ll see you next week.”  She said, giving him a smile. She closed the door, walked up to the building's entrance and went inside, but not before turning around blowing a kiss to him. 
“God fucking dammit. Even when I want to be mad at her, she makes it impossible.” Noah said to himself. 
He drove off now thinking about what Jolly and Anya were doing together, because if she was comfortable with giving him a kiss on his cheek, then clearly Jolly and her weren’t dating. Right? He was going to find out.
~ A week later; October 27th, 2020 ~ 
The weather had become colder throughout the week and everyone adjusted, for Noah the weather would’ve been perfect if his anxiety wasn’t going through the roof. Noah still hadn’t found out what Jolly and Anya were doing together because everytime he tried to, he would wake to find that Jolly had already left for the day and by the time he came back, he came back empty handed. He tried asking, but the response was just ‘I’m running errands with Anya.’, it irked him to no end. On top of that, today was what Anya liked to call it ‘Carne Asada’ day at her aunt Yolanda’s house in Santa Monica. He was meeting her relatives, he didn’t want to dress too casual, but not too formal either. He decided that he was wearing his black turtleneck shirt with black jeans and a leather jacket, choosing to wear docs. He went downstairs to find that Anya had already arrived at their town house, her outfit similar to his, except her jeans were ripped at the knees and she was wearing chucks not docs. Her choice in clothing made him feel a little more at ease with himself.
“Ok, at least I know that it’s going to be casual.” He said, letting out a small chuckle. 
“Yeah, personally I never know what to wear to these things, so I just wear what makes me comfortable and at this point my family is used to it.” she said.
“Come on, can't keep them waiting.” Noah said
They went and sat inside the car and just as Noah was about to start the car, he was stopped when Anya put her hand on his. 
“Ok first things first, I gotta tell you a few rules.” She said.
Noah's heart began to race.
“When we get there, you gotta say hello to everyone and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Otherwise in my family you’ll be known as the malcriado.”
“A what?”
“A malcriado, it’s basically what you call a rude person who never learned any manners.”
“Ah okay, anything else?” 
“When it comes to food, other families may say you must eat everything that’s given to you, even if you’re already full. My family however, as long as you just eat a plate, you’ll be fine.”
“Alright, well I’m about to learn how you cook so amazing.” He joked
She slightly narrowed her eyes at him.
“Noah, I’m being serious.”
“I am too, you’re the reason I began to gain weight.”
Anya knew that he wasn’t lying on that front, when she started working for the band, most of the guys were skinny twigs, so Anya started to cook for them in that small kitchen on the tour bus while on that 3 month tour. While they enjoyed and appreciated her cooking, Noah again was the one who always asked for seconds, sometimes even thirds. The guys always thought that he liked her too much and didn’t want to be rude. In truth Noah actually loved her cooking, it was during the lockdown that he realized that if he was going to stay home and eat nothing but homemade food, that it had to be made from Anya’s hands. Whatever she made, he would personally buy the ingredients, so it was no surprise to him that he began to gain weight, he realized the saying was true, ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’
“I’m sorry for that.”
“Darling, how many times are you going to apologize, anyways whatever weight I gain, I turn it into muscle.”
They both knew he wasn’t lying either, he began to bulk up even more when he joined Ash’s gym. His muscle’s began to be more defined over the past few months, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Anya. Just as he would freeze every time she walked by, her hips swaying in whatever she wore, she would freeze even he walked by too, him wearing shirts that exposed his arms and the muscle that he began to acquire, she’ll never say it out loud, but she wanted nothing more than to sit on his cock and ride him to kingdom come, riding him until he would just cum inside of her. How much she loved when he called her darling. 
“Alright then.”
“Now is there anything else I need to know before we start heading over there.” 
“Not that I can think of.”
“Alright then, let's head out there. Here’s my phone, set the address over to the location.”
Anya took his phone and set up the location to Clover Park in Santa Monica. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t lying about being nervous, this would be the first time her family and Noah would be meeting. They weren’t surprised by his looks, they all knew she had a type and they immediately told her that as long as he made feel happy and safe, then that’s all that mattered to them. It was a 30 minute drive from Studio City to Santa Monica and through the time they kept themselves busy by singing along to the song playing on the radio. Some country, rap and latin pop for Anya, she never believed him, but Noah would always say that she had a good voice, he made another goal for himself to take her into the studio and have her sing and record just one song for him so that she could hear what he heard. 
They reached the park and Anya's hands began to tremble, her anxiety going through the roof. Noah took notice and held her hands, his touch soothing her. 
“You ready?” Anya asked.
“Yeah, I’m ready for anything darling as long as I’m with you.” 
Anya sighed and smiled at him. They left his car and began to walk a small distance to the tables that were for the carne asada. 
“Mija! You made it!” She immediately heard her Aunt Yolanda yell out. She let go of Noah’s hand and went to hug her aunt. She was setting up the table
“Hola Tía, ¿cómo estás?
“Bien Mija, thank you for coming. Now is this the very famous Noah?”
Noah stepped forward to introduce himself and raised his hand to shake her Aunt’s hand, but she surprised him by pulling him in for a hug. 
“Mijo, there’s no need for formalities here. We’re all family here.”
“Thank you ma'am.”
“Call me Tia, mijo.”
Noah couldn’t help but be flattered at the thought of being considered family, even if he wasn’t dating Anya, even though he really wanted to be. 
“Alright ninos, help yourself to some snacks, your Tio Isaac is making the meat, so it’ll be another twenty minutes before the food is ready, go say hi.”
Anya grabbed Noah’s hand and led him to the grill where her uncle, a short man with a slight beer belly, tanned skin, mullet and sporting a mustache, stood next to grill watching the meat cook.
“Hola Tio!”
He turned around and gave the biggest smile.
“Mija, you made it. Thank you for coming!”
“It's nothing Tío. Dónde está Stephanie?”
“She’s playing baseball down the hill. Toma.” He said while passing her a piece of meat to her and Noah.
“Is this the Noah we keep hearing about?”
Noah was now smiling realizing that Anya mentioned him multiple times to her family.
“Si, estes Noah.”
“Hello sir.” Noah said.
“Hola mijo, welcome. Here, try another piece.”  Her uncle said, pulling him in for a hug and patting him on the back before passing him another piece of what was al pastor meat. Noah took the piece and ate it, I could get used to this. He thought. He felt so welcome by just two people already and was beginning to wonder what it would be when others began to arrive. Anya took his hand again and led him down the hill, to the baseball field where her cousin was playing with a little girl. 
“Lucy! Bebe Linda!”
“Tia Ana!” The little girl, no more than 3 years old, yelled out. Her hair in two very messy space buns came running towards Anya, she let go of his hand to catch her, raise her up, and spin her around. Noah’s heart warmed up at the sight, and he couldn’t help but think about his dream with their baby boy running around with Anya chasing after their son.
“Hola, mi bebe linda? Watcha doing?” Anya said in a sing-songy voice.
“Um um playing baseball with mama.”
“I think I’m the one playing more baseball though.” Stephanie came up, stuck out her hand and shook Noah’s hand. “Nice to meet you. I'm Stephanie, Ana doesn’t doesn’t shut up about you.”
Noah turned to look at Anya and she blushed a bright red. Little Lucy playing with her hair. 
“I’m Noah. Wait Ana? I thought your name was Anya?” He asked
“Oh my god. She’s still going by that name?” Stephanie chuckled.
“What name? Anya?”  Noah asked.
“Ok.” Anya sighed. “I hate saying my full name like, because it’s mouth full and if you call me by my full name, I feel like I’m in trouble. Also I really love the movie Anastasia, so I just took that nickname.”
Noah laughed.
“Alright Anastasia.” He laughed.
“Shut up. Don’t call me that.” Anya deadpanned.
Anya frowned and walked off with Lucy in her arms and took her to the swing set to play with her. Stephanie and Noah went to a bench and sat down. 
“Can I say thank you?” Stephanie said.
“For what?” Noah asked, confused.
“For bringing my cousin’s smile back, we grew up together. She told you that right?”
“She mentioned that she grew up with a bunch of cousins.” 
“Makes sense, she likes to be very private on certain things. I haven’t seen my cousin smile like this since she left for Texas when she was 11 and I was 13.”
“What do you mean? I know she doesn’t likeTexas, but I didn’t think she hated it.”
“Oh God, I don’t know where to begin, we constantly video chatted when she first left, it was okay at first, but little by little. Her smile began to disappear, little by little, our calls with each other began to stop, her being out there alone with no one, but her mom took a toll on her.”
Noah’s heart went to his throat at the thought of how alone Anya must’ve been when she was younger.
“She loves her mom, but I’m not going to lie, my aunt is a very strict woman, with high expectations, from her grades, her clothes, her interests, everything had to be approved by her mom. I think it became worse when her brother was born.”
“What? Like abuse?” Noah asked, terrified of hearing that answer.
“Not physically.” Stephanie said. “I will say this right now, she loves and adores her brother, she would gladly die for him, but I feel like she also resents him a little.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s not surprising that many cultures prefer boys over girls, Latino culture included. Ana already felt enormous pressure from her mom, but when her brother came along, all of a sudden, it went from having to be good at everything to now having to do that and having to take care of a baby that is not hers.”
“What about her stepdad? Why didn’t he step in?”
“He works here in Los Angeles and goes back to El Paso twice a weekend every month, so..”
“So it was still just her and her mom.”
“I think I remember during a videochat I had with her when she was 16, I remember my aunt saying over the call ‘Here’s your son, go change his diaper, because I can’t be bothered’, I think it was one of those times I saw her look so defeated. ”
“What made her finally move back?” 
“Mhmm, she was applying for out of state colleges just to get away and finally be away from everything, when she got a letter saying that Fafsa wasn’t going to be paying for her classes because her mom made too much money. That alone made her really spiral.”
“She didn’t do anything stupid, did she?” Noah asked, concerned at the thought of Anya doing something reckless. Even if it was before he met her.
“That part is not my story to tell, just only saying what I know from what I've seen. That’s something I think she has to tell you.”
Noah looked at her, confused why Anya’s cousin Stephanie would tell him these things. Sensing his confusion, she spoke up again.
“I only said all of that because I wanted to say thank you, you're the reason my cousin now smiles on the daily. I’m glad she’s dating someone like you.”
“Oh we’re not..” Noah began to say.
“You’re joking right?” She asked incredulously. “I thought you were, she constantly talks about you, I mean she practically never shuts up about you. It’s always ‘Noah this’ and Noah that.”
“I didn’t think she talked about me like that. Let alone like me like that” Noah said. Fully realizing now that Anya doesn’t like Jolly like that. 
“Dude, she’s crazy about you! I don’t underst … ohhhhh.”
“I know why.”
“What? What do I need to do?” Noah asked, desperate for any advice on having Anya finally to himself. 
“Right now, everything is unpredictable right? So I can see why she’s being hesitant.”
“Why does the pandemic matter? It shouldn’t matter to us.”
“Because she’s testing the waters, if she doesn’t know what can happen, she won’t take the risk.”
“So she sees dating me as a risk?” 
“Yes and No, Ana doesn’t see dating you as a risk, she sees the situation as a risk, she told me how she has this current with you guys, but the pandemic and lockdown is keeping you guys from fully touring right?”
“She doesn’t want to fully commit just yet, because she thinks it can probably fall through and if it falls through then she can just walk away from the job and from you guys.”
At those words, Noah finally understood, but he couldn’t help but wonder why Anya would believe she could just walk away from their lives, especially his. She’s so engraved in his mind, that he could not and would not let her walk away from his life.
“I know her, so you need to show her you’re in this with her as much as she wants to be.” Stephanie said, looking towards Anya. 
Noah looked at her, watching her play with her niece and fully committed to the decision that no matter what happened in life, as long as he had her by his side, he could handle it. Negative or Positive, all he wanted was just her by his side.
“Ninos! Come eat!” 
Noah and Stephanie stood up from the bench they were sitting on.
“Ana! Lucy linda! Dinner time!”
Anya picked up Lucy from the swing set and carried her to the picnic table.
“Was anyone else planning on coming?” Anya asked.
“Not really, which is understandable. The only people I really wanted here were my parents, mi hija and my favorite cousin.”
“What about Lucy’s dad?”
“He wished he could've come, but his job called him back early. He did send a ramo buchon this morning, along with a diamond tennis bracelet. Lucy immediately took the tiara that came from the buchon.” 
“What’s a ramo buchon?” Noah asked
“Think of a rose bouquet, but bigger and a little more extravagant.” Anya explained. Her uncle gave her a plate of food. 
Stephanie pulled out her phone and showed Noah a photo.
“Goddamn! Shi–” He was ready to curse, until he remembered that Lucy was present. 
“Alrighty. So what did you guys talk about? Don’t think I didn’t notice.” Anya asked, giving a suspicious look to her cousin.
“Nothing.” Noah said, sitting down at the table.
“Oh God, don’t tell me she was telling you my embarrassing childhood stories.” Anya groaned., sitting next to Noah. 
“Hey, you killed my family of pet goldfish.”
“It was an accident!” Anya said, putting Lucy in the booster seat so she could reach the table. 
“Wait what? You killed her fishes?” Noah asked, but ready to laugh at the same time.
“If you go to her parents house, you’ll find evidence of a soccer ball being kicked to the wall multiple times.” Anya said sheepishly.
“What happened?” Noah asked, a plate of food being set down in front of him. The plate consisted of rice, refried beans, 3 al pastor tacos, and extra arrachera meat on the side.
“Go on Anya, tell him.” Stephanie said teasingly, sitting next to Lucy. 
“I may have kicked the ball too hard one day in the house, it bounced from the wall to the tank. Breaking it and the poor fish falling to the floor.”
Noah began to laugh, putting his hand on her knee. His touch still feeling very electrical to Anya.
“But if I recall correctly. You cut my hair in my sleep after that.”
Noah began to laugh
“Ohhhhh … yeah. Listen carefully mija, revenge is very bad, so never do it.” Stephanie said to Lucy. Lucy nodded after she took a bite from her smaller portion of food, but you couldn’t be certain if she was nodding because of the food or because of what her mom said.
“Speak for yourself, I started 3rd grade with a buzzcut and by the time 3rd grade was over I had the Dora the Explorer haircut.”
Noah laughed even harder at the situation. If this was just a small portion of what being around her relatives is like, then he wondered what it would be like being around the rest of her relatives. 
The day passed and eventually Anya and Noah left the picnic, helping clean and pack the remaining food, her aunt and uncle insisted they take some leftovers back with them. They ended up taking back with them 10 tupperwares worth of food. They got back to the house and the rest of the guys quickly dug into the food.
“Good God, now we know where you get your cooking skills.” Bryan said immediately, stuffing his face with a piece of arrachera meat.
“Nah, for real. Next time you fucks better invite me so I enjoy this when it’s fresh off the grill.” Matt said
“Whatever anyone does, make sure Anya never quits working for us, because I plan on eating this food for the rest of my life! Damn! Nick and Folio are missing out!” Jolly said.
“Oh I’ll make sure to plan on her never leaving us.” Noah said, wrapping his arm around Anya’s shoulder. 
“I agree with Jolly, she’s the greatest assistant I’ve ever had and if anyone fucking ruins what we have. I. WILL. FUCKING. KILL. YOU. ALL.” Matt threatened everyone.
The guys began to continue enjoying the rest of the food. Noah grabbed Anya’s leaned closer and whispered in her ear.
“Come with me to my room?” He asked nervously.
Anya didn’t say anything, but nodded at his request. He led up the stairs and down the hall to his room. She entered his room and he followed after and locked the door. He moved in front of her and sat on his bed. The only light in the room coming from the led lights on his bed. 
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He said with an exhale. 
“Don’t say things you don’t mean, Noah.”
“Darling, I’ve told this over and over and yet you still never believe me.” He said, putting his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him. Putting her between his legs.
“I’m not used to hearing things like that, Noah. I wasn’t the most beautiful growing up, I’ve only had one boyfriend and even then he still cheated.”
He raised his hands and pulled off the leather jacket that Anya was wearing, leaving her in her turtleneck shirt and jeans, her shoes left by the front door, since the boys don’t like wearing shoes in the house. 
“Do you want to know what me and your cousin were talking about earlier today?”
Anya tensed a little.
“Oh God. What did she say?”
“Nothing bad. Just a little more about you, things I already know. Finally I realized something important. Why did you never tell me how lonely your childhood was?”
She began to take a step back when Noah stopped her by standing up and wrapping an arm around her waist, bringing her back close to him.
“Noah, you left home at 15 years old, going from couch to couch in friends homes. If anything, you had a worse life than me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Why does it matter how lonely my childhood was?”
“Because, I want to know you, Anya. Everything about you. I want to know why you think working for us will fall through and why you think you can walk away from us. From me”
That last was said so quietly, that she almost missed it.  
“Everything is scary right now Noah, people are still dying from this disease. I barely got back to work at Home Depot. Can you really blame me?”
“I promise that you won’t lose this job. You’ll always have a job with us Anya. If not then I’ll take care of you.”
“I can’t ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking, I’m telling you, I’m promising this to you Anya.”
Noah stopped her by leaning forward, putting his face to her neck and inhaled her scent. 
“Lavender.” He whispered.
“Your scent, it drives me wild, from the moment we met in that meet and greet, your lavender scent has driven me crazy.”  
Anya gripped the sides of his shirt, her breathing getting heavier.
“You drive me crazy Anya. I wanted you from the moment we met, but I fell in love when you cried in my arms the night we met and it’s only gotten stronger since. I can’t let you walk away, not without at least knowing how I feel.” He said.
“I don’t want to walk away anymore.” Anya whispered. 
Anya looked at him in the eyes, his eyes showing so much affection, adoration, and love. Something she only saw when her stepdad looked at her mom, she thought back and realized all those moments Noah would stare at her from time to time, his gazing a little too long and a little too hard.
“I’ve always wanted you to be near me, with me, in me Noah.” Anya confessed.
At her words Anya felt him harden through his jeans.
“Fuck!” He whispered. “Do you know how badly I’ve always wanted you? How many times I’ve cummed thinking of you?”
Anya lifted his shirt and pulled it off. She kissed his chest, Noah unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, leaving a couple of kisses down her legs, something he desperately wanted to do the week before. Anya returned the favor by helping him out of his jeans, palming his hard cock, making Noah hiss in pleasure. 
“You’re still wearing too much.” He said, gesturing to her turtleneck shirt.
He lifted the shirt and freed her from her shirt, tossing the shirt somewhere in his room. His breath caught in his throat when he realized Anya wasn’t wearing a bra and was just in her panties. 
“You’ve been like this the whole day?” Noah asked. He stepped closer to her and looked at her. Anya knew what he was asking, took his hand and placed it on her breast. 
“No one noticed.” She sighed, his thumb slowly caressing her nipple. 
“Fucking hell, Anya.”
Anya slightly pushed him and he landed on his bed, she stepped closer and placed herself to straddle him. She looked him deeply into his eyes and said the words she wanted to say for so long.
“I love you.”
Noah looked back into her eyes in awe, he cupped her cheek and gave her a deep kiss. He leaned back, pulling Anya with him and began to make out, his hands moving to her ass and giving a hard squeeze. Anya moaned into their kiss and began to grind into his hips, his cock almost touching her pussy, her pussy soaking her panties. Noah stopped kissing her to take a breath.
“I love you so much.” Noah said.
He flipped them over so that Anya was now the one laying on his bed, he began to pull off Anya’s soaked panties and looked at the sight in front of him, her glistening pussy illuminated by his headboard lights. He lowered himself to his knees and began to kiss up her legs, leaving a trail of love bites. He reached her pussy and inhaled before beginning to eat her out. The feeling making her moan out loud, Noah ate her as if his life depended on it. To keep her close to him, he wrapped his arms around her legs and gripped them tightly. His nose touching her clit, making the experience more pleasing for Anya, she gripped his hair and pulled him closer. Noah groaned and the feeling sent a jolt up her body. 
“Noah, Noah, more please more!” She moaned. 
She looked down at him and watched as he ate her out, wanting to see his face, she pulled his hair and made him look at her, his nose, mouth and chin wet from her arousal. She pulled him  back to her and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips.
“I wasn’t finished eating.” Noah groaned. 
“You can finish later, right now. Right now I just need your cock inside me.” Anya said.
She flipped them around, straddling him again and moved her hands to his underwear and pulled them down, Noah kicking them somewhere across the room. His cock freed from his underwear, Anya wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped him before putting him in her mouth and sucked his cock.
“Oh fuck!” Noah moaned.
Anya sucked him off, licking the slit of his cock. Noah placed his hands on the back of her head pushed down on him, almost making her gag. She looked at him, giving him a loving glare. She moved back up and lined herself up with him and slowly sank onto his cock, both of them groaning at the feeling of their bodies becoming one. Anya began to slowly ride him, wanting the feeling to never go away, Noah wanting to feel more of her put his hands on her hips in an effort to control the pace. 
“You feel so good.” Anya moaned.
“You’re so much better than I dreamed.” Noah groaned. 
Anya’s pace faltered at that confession. Noah dreamed of her and has wanted her for so long, that she couldn’t help the smile that graced her face. He’s always wanted as much as she wanted him. She leaned forward and kissed him passionately, Noah returning the kiss with as much passion. 
Noah pulled her off of him and Anya groaned at the loss of him, until she realized that Noah positioned her so that he was on top of her. He moved in between her legs and lowered himself into again, thrusting with such gentleness, that she could’ve sworn she was in heaven. She looked into his eyes with such love and touched his forehead with hers.
“Mi Buen Amor.” She whispered.
“Amor.” He whispered.
Noah’s pace began faltering, he was cumming and he knew it. Anya could feel him getting close as well and wanted to cum with him, so she moved her hand in between their bodies and began to rub her clit. The feeling being so perfect she began to cum shortly after she started and in turn her orgasm squeezing Noah’s cock making him cum inside of her. The feeling of Noah’s hot cum inside made her moan loudly. Noah rolled off of her to her side, and turned her to face and kissed her again. 
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Te amo mi amor.”
Anya leaned more into embrace and wrapped herself around him.
“Live with me.” Noah said.
“Live with me.”
Anya looked up at him in disbelief of what he asked of her.
“Noah, you can’t be serious.”
“We just finished having sex and now you’re asking me to live with you. We still haven’t established if we’re in a relationship or not.”
“I would’ve hoped that my cum dripping down your legs onto my bed sheets, established that we’re together.”
Anya couldn’t help but rub her legs together at his comment. 
“But what if this doesn’t work out? What if we realize that we didn’t love each other that way we thought we did? What if …”
Noah cut off by kissing her passionately.
“I love you so much Anastasia. I told you already that I don’t plan on going anywhere. As long as I’m by your side, I’m with you no matter what.”
Anya sighed and Noah wondered if she would still say no.
“Alright. I’ll live with you, just don’t embarrass me motherfucker.”
Noah smiled out of pure joy.
“Never darling.” He said, pulling her close.
~ October 31st, 2020 ~
Anya had taken Noah out for his birthday and she took him to Universal Studios for the day and  took him to the Redondo Beach Pier to walk along the pier and watch the sunset, while out during the day she secretly texted Jolly to set up the house for his surprise. They came home afterwards and as Anya began to open the door.
“Close your eyes, mi amor.” She said.
“Why? What did you do darling?” He asked suspiciously.
“Do you trust me?”
“Only because you’re my girlfriend.”
“Such a flirt.”
Noah closed his eyes while Anya opened the door and pulled him inside while guiding him by his hands.
“Ok, open.”
Noah opened his eyes and was met with everyone from the band and Anya’s cousin Stephanie popping their confetti poppers in his face.
“Surprise!!!” Everyone yelled
“What the fuck?”
“Happy Birthday Mi Amor!” Anya said, giving him a kiss. 
The living room was decorated in Naruto birthday decorations. On the table was a cake with a Naruto cake topper inscribed with the words ‘Happy Birthday Noah!’. 
“I hope you like it?” Anya said nervously. “I know you said that you don’t care for birthdays, but this is the first time I’m celebrating with you guys an…”
Noah kissed her to calm down her nerves.
“I loved it darling, thank you. When did you plan this?” 
“I had help from Jolly?”
“Man, I’m never planning anything with her again. Finding anything with her was a challenge. ‘No that’s not the right shade of red Jolly!’ ‘This is for Noah’s birthday! It has to be perfect!’” Jolly said, imitating a high pitched  girly voice.
“I don’t speak like that.”
“Eh, you kinda do karaste. Especially when you speak about Noah.” 
“Yeah, you really do. I’ve only seen you go soft when you speak about Noah and when he comes into the room.” Matt agreed. 
“I agree, it was so weird.” Bryan said.
“If you think that was weird, you should see her at home. ‘Oh my god, Noah is just so hot, He so tall and I wanna climb him like squirrel to a tree.’” Stephanie said. 
Anya blushed a deep red while Noah laughed.
“Fuck all y’all.”  Anya said, hugging Noah. 
“She’s perfect for me, so I don’t care if she goes all soft and shit around me.” Noah said.
“Come on, your cake is an Ice Cream cake, so if we don’t cut it now, it’s gonna melt.” Anya said.
Anya moved out of Noah’s grasp and put the candles in his cake to read 25, lit them, she walked over to Noah and held his hand to lead him to the table. The table was filled with food from the day at the picnic, with some desert such as mini fruit tarts in the shape of a 25. 
“My dad was happy to make some food for today and my mom made the fruit tarts.” Stephanie said.
“Tell them I said thank you.” Noah said.
“No problem.”
They spent the night having a small party with drinking games, talking about getting ready for another tour soon. They realized that the pandemic hopefully could come to an end soon and they could go back on tour soon. They had recently started writing their next album with a few songs already being in the works. Noah held on tightly to Anya and didn’t let go of her throughout the night. 
~ October 31st, 2021 ~
Today was the day they were finally moving in together. Many people would've thought moving in together on their own to their own apartment was fine, but both Anya and Noah surprised everyone by telling them that they had bought a house together and they were now living in their own home together. Many people questioned their decision, but the only person who didn’t question it and actually helped in finding their home was Stephanie. Many people questioned her life choices, so she understood Anya’s choices and why it felt like Noah and Anya were moving too fast.  After some time, everyone accepted that both Anya and Noah were adults and knew what they’re doing and supported their choices. They decided that they needed their own home together and during the lockdown, someone on the internet thought it was a bright idea to expose certain aspects about the bands personal life, including their address. They only realized when fans began to send them fan mail to their personal address and not through the Sumerian Offices. 
“Mi vida, can you help me with this box?” 
Anya asked, walking into the house, with a box filled with books. Noah wearing a beanie and a hoodie in the warm October heat looked very out of place. 
“I told you to wait until I got the heavy stuff, I don’t want you hurting yourself.”
“I know, but I wanted to help.” 
Noah smiled at her and kissed her, taking the box out of her arms, placing it on the floor. 
“What am I going to do with you?” 
“Absolutely nothing. You love me like this.”
“Damn right.” He said, smacking her ass. “You wanna know why I chose this house out of all the houses we saw?”
“Was it because of the giant mirror in the dining room and the master bedroom?” She teased.
Noah wrapped his arms behind her and had her face the mirror in the kitchen, palming her breasts through her shirt. 
“To see us fucking in front that mirror, watching my cock sink into that glorious pussy of yours.” Noah whispered, kissing her neck. 
“Stop, we have to bring the rest of the stuff inside the house.” Anya moaned, but made no attempt to stop him. Noah snaked his into her sweats, and began to rub her clit while his other hand moved into her pussy and fingered. It’s didn’t take much for her to cum into his hands, Anya turned to face him sank to her knees to free his aching cock from his sweats and wrapped her hands around his cock and began to jerk him off, sometimes taking him in his mouth and since he had just finished getting her off, it didn’t take much for him to cum as well, cumming in her mouth and her swallowing all that he had to give. When all was said and done, Anya realized that he was still wearing his hoodie and beanie and reached to take it off his head, Noah stopped her by reaching for hand. 
“You’ve been wearing the hoodie and beanie all day today. You left very early this morning.”
“I did something today that might shock you.”
“You didn’t kill anyone did you? Do I need to help you hide the body?”
“Firstly, I very firmly believe that with the right motivation you could definitely hide a body, but no I didn’t do anything to that extent. Just don’t be too shocked at what you’re about to see.”
“Noah, you’re scaring me.”
Noah didn’t say anything but removed the hoodie and slowly removed the beanie, exposing his new Levi style haircut. Anya moved her hands to her mouth to cover her shock, his hair, the hair that she first met him in, she had many a time braided his hair for the fun of it and sometimes he had asked her to put his hair in fun styles when they had gone back on tour again when the lockdown was lifted. Anya walked up to him and reached to touch his hair, this length was different, it was new, and she had never seen him with hair this short.
“I figured with us moving into our new home, a new haircut should be thrown into the mix.”
Anya didn’t say anything, but continued to marvel at how short his hair was.
“Do you like it?” He asked nervously.
“I’m going to miss braiding and doing your hair.” Anya whined.
“To be honest, I think I will too, but I think I really needed this to show the change that we’re going through.”
“I love you and I love that you made this bold decision. Next time give me a heads up though.” She joked lightly smacking his shoulder.
“Definitely.” He said into her lips before kissing her again.
~Present Time~
Noah walked over to Anya’s side of the back seat, and carefully helped her out of the car. Nick was quick to get to Anya’s side and held her hand while Noah carefully removed the car seat from the car. They walked over to the house and opened the door, Jolly, Folio, Bryan, and Matt were inside waiting for them.
 “Congratulations!!” They whispered. 
The living room was decorated in ‘It’s a Boy’ decorations, and diapers, wipes, clothes. A small cake decorated with Baby Boy designs. 
“Oh my god! Guys!” Anya cried out. 
“How long did it take you guys to do all of this?” Noah asked.
“We've been working on this since Keaton was born, after we left the hospital. We immediately started making this shit happen when we got back.” Matt explained.
Anya was about to tear up at the gesture, until it dawned on her.
“Wait, how did you get in our house? More importantly, disarm the house?” Anya asked.
“Yeah, how did you guys get in our house?” Noah asked.
“You dumbasses left the keys in the bus, duh?” Matt said.
“That doesn’t explain the disarming of the alarm system.” Noah said.
“We disarmed it from your iPad, next time don’t put Anya’s birthday as your password you shithead.” Jolly said.
“Hey! No cursing in front of my baby and mi amor you’re so lucky I love you, because number one, my birthday? Number two: awww my birthday? Really?” Anya said.
Keaton began to whimper, and Noah was quick to put down the car seat and take out his son. Since Anya had just finished giving him a bottle 30 minutes ago and burped him as well, he couldn’t have been hungry or gassy. Noah checked to see what else it could’ve been and noticed that his diaper was wet. 
“Looks like our son needs his diaper changed, I’ll go change him in our room darling.” Noah said to Anya.
Noah grabbed the diaper bag and just as he was about to head into their room. The boys immediately stopped from going through the hallway.
“We have a surprise for you guys.” Folio said. 
“Come on, let us show you.” Bryan said, all giddy and excited.
Noah carried his son in his arms and looked back to see Anya being slowly walked over with some help by Nick. He waited until Anya was by his side and linked his left arm that was free with Anya’s arm. 
“Let’s see what’s the surprise.” Anya giggled.
They slowly walked to one of the bedroom doors that the guys were waiting for them in front of. 
“Alright guys, close your eyes.” 
“Uh, can’t when he’s holding our son.” Anya said.
“Shit!” Matt said. Anya gave him another look. “Sorry.”
“Alright, Anya, you close your eyes because I think you like this more.” Nick said. Noah and Anya gave him a confused look.
“What, they were giving me updates.” Nick said nonchalantly.
Anya closed her eyes and Folio opened the door to what was once a guest bedroom and was now turned into a nursery for Keaton.
“Open your eyes darling.” Noah whispered, shocked at how amazing this room looked.
Anya opened her eyes and gasped at the sight. The light walls that were once a white color, one side was covered with a map of the hundred-acre wood map. The guest bed was replaced with a crib complete with a mobile of the Winnie the Pooh characters and a baby blanket with baby Winnie the Pooh characters hanging on the side of the crib. On the other side of the blank wall was Keaton’s name spelled out in wooden boards, the colors on his name matching almost each character. A changing table underneath his name, filled with wipes, diapers, and basket that contained everything Noah and Anya could need for their son. A rocking chair was now in the corner with another crocheted blanket in its seat, next to it was a dresser that no doubt filled with an abundance of baby clothes and a cream colored carpet covering the hardwood floors in the room. 
“It’s not much, but we did the best we could.” Bryan said. 
“Oh my god! Thank you so much guys!” Anya said, wiping away small tears forming in her eyes. 
“Really! Thank you so much! We really appreciate this.” Noah said.
“Anything for my godson.” Matt said smugly.
“Excuse me guys, but I believe that I’m this little one’s godfather.” Folio was quick to say.
“Come on, we all know this little guy was meant to be my godson from the moment he decided to make his presence known to us.” Jolly said.
“Jolly, come on. You really think little Keaton would choose you guys? It’s obvious that he’s going to be my godson.” Bryan said. 
“Come on guys, let's not fight now.” Nick said. Everyone looked at him in shock wondering why wasn’t putting in for the Godfather title.
 “I’ve already changed, fed, and burped this little guy. So obviously I’m going to be his Godfather.” Nick said smugly.
Keaton began to cry this time, his wet diaper now became soiled and the smell making its way around to everyone’s noses. Anya smirked.
“Okay, like Nick said. He already helped in changing our son’s diaper already, so he’s exempt, but since all of you want to be Godfather so badly. You’re welcome to change his diaper, keep in mind if you don’t change him right away, he’ll pee on you.” She said.
“Nah, I’m good, I’m out.” Matt said, being the first to leave the room and everyone followed after. Nick being the last to leave and looking at Noah and Anya walking over to the changing table to change Keaton’s diaper, smiling, happy at the thought that his best friend since childhood now had the family he deserved. 
“The beginning of our family, Noah.” Anya sighed. 
“I think that started the night we met, to be honest.” Noah admitted. “We just didn’t know it yet.”
They cleaned up their son and changed his diaper and changed him into a new onesie. A baby blue onesie that said ‘Mommy and Daddy’s greatest surprise.’ They both laughed at the words.
“A little fitting, don’t you think?” Noah said
Anya looked at her son and wondered about something.
“Do you think we could try again for another?” She asked.
“We just had him and you wanna try again?” Noah asked in return. “Is this because since we didn’t know you were pregnant, you feel like you missed out?”
“Maybe, I don’t know. I was thinking about this in the hospital. What if we had known? Would anything be different?”
“Of course, they would. For starters, we wouldn’t have been doing all those tours, but not knowing wasn’t our fault. You weren’t showing and on top of your irregular periods, pregnancy wouldn’t be something we would’ve been worried about, so don’t stress yourself over darling. When the time comes, we’ll try and plan for our next baby and the next time we’ll be sure to document everything.” Noah said, comforting Anya and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“For now let's focus on being this little guy's parents and planning our wedding.” Noah said.
Anya kissed him in return before giving a kiss to her son as well. 
“I love you so much, Noah.” 
“I love you more.”
Noah raised up his son and carefully handed him to Anya’s waiting arms. They slowly walked out of Keaton’s room and prepared to join the rest of the guys in the living room and wait for the arrival of Anya’s relatives to continue a very belated baby shower for them. They weren’t sure what the future held for them, but as long as they were at each other’s side, they were prepared for whatever came their way.
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acourtofthought · 3 months
Elriels want their ship to have a forbidden romance in the next books, but given how the bonus chapter ended, I'm not sure how that would work. I mean, how would that conversation go between Az and Elain?
Azriel: I want to finish what we started on Solstice.
Elain: Why should we finish what we started? You already said that it was a mistake.
Azriel: No, I only said that because Rhys got in my head right before we were about to kiss.
Elain: So, Rhys made you say it was a mistake?
Azriel: No, I actually said that on my own, but when Rhys told me to stay away from you, I told him he couldn't tell me what to do.
Elain: So, you called us a mistake of your own free will, but you still want to be with me?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: Even though your high lord has spoken out against it?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: How would that even work?
Azriel: Easy. We just have to keep it secret.
Elain: Secret? From our closest friends and family?
Azriel: Yes. It may be difficult, but think of how hot it'll be. Secret meet-ups late at night, stolen moments in the shadows.
Elain: And what happens if Rhys or someone else finds out?
Azriel: We'll be alright. Rhys might be worried about a blood duel, but I'm not.
Elain: Blood duel?
Azriel: Yeah, it's an Autumn Court tradition where two males can fight to the death over a female. Lucien has the right to demand it of me if he finds out I've been with you, but don't worry. I'd defeat him with little effort.
Elain:... You want to kill Lucien? You want to kill my mate?
Azriel: Why not? You have no interest in him, and I don't think he'll ever be good enough for any way.
Now, I'm not saying that exact conversation would happen, but given that not everyone is aware of the BC and sjm would have to reintroduce parts of it into the next book, I'm sure we'll get something about the almost kiss, "this was a mistake" and the blood duel. But, do Elriels really expect a secret relationship from all this? And even if that does happen, what if the necklace comes up again?
Elain: Az, I know we can't tell anyone about us, so I've decided I'd like the necklace back. I think it’d be romantic to wear it every day, a little token of us that I don't have to hide.
Azriel: Ok. I'll head down to the library and tell Clotho I need it back.
Elain: Clotho? Why would she have it?
Azriel: After you gave it back, I decided that returning it to the store wouldn't be right. So, I ended up giving it to Clotho to give to Gwyn.
Elain: Gwyn? Nesta's friend? You gave it to her?
Azriel: Yeah, but she doesn't know it's from me. Clotho just told her it came from a friend. I'll go down and tell Clotho that Gwyn needs to give it back now.
Again, this exact conversation probably won't happen, but if Elriel does happen, I'm sure the necklace is going to come up again at some point, and people just think Elain is going to get all this new information and just be fine with it?
I was so entertained reading that, I need more 😂
I agree with you though, there is no way for Az to tell Elain that Rhys told him to stay away from him without shooting himself in the foot a thousand times over. Without her being extremely put off by his words and actions.
We also need to add:
Elain: "Why didn't Rhys understand when you explained that you had these feelings for me?"
Az: "I didn't actually say I had feelings for you. I said we should be mates because your sisters are with my brothers. He also asked if I was over Mor but I refused to answer then he told me to use a pleasure hall if I was just looking for sex. I didn't say anything then either."
Elain: "So THIS is why the Mother gave me Lucien as a mate."
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fandoms-in-law · 2 months
The Birds Go By
Summary: Steve birdwatches as a hobby: Here's how that developed over time, and how the first time he told someone went.
Author's note: I'm tired, so I've not written much today, but that kinda fits the story too.
My idea for this fic: Birds (Ultimate Storytime Tour, Thomas Sanders) is a good song for giving Steve interests, add in birdwatching hikes and his interest in staying fit included too, plus I can definitely see him using it for time alone both from the jerks he was friends with and the Party making demands of him. Robin is the first to be told about it.
Everyone thought Steve Harrington had the perfect life. He knew it all through high school. His family had a lot of money and he never wondered if he’d have a car after getting his licence; it was already a guarantee, but it wasn’t perfect.
It was rules, expectations and creative punishments if he failed to meet them. Nothing could be done which would diminish the belief of the town that the Harrington’s had perfect lives, but enough within that could change to keep Steve stressed out too much to actually focus.
As a kid, he took to exploring the woods in an effort to escape those expectations. His father didn’t mind as long as the house was quiet and his mother assumed nothing could happen to him there. Besides, they viewed it as a way to use up his energy and prepare him for the sports he definitely had to join clubs and teams for.
Then he was actually made to join those teams, swimming and basketball at a minimum and hiking or exploring for hours at a time seemed like too much exercise to be doing on top of that. Instead he’d take out some homework each time and try to do that somewhere in the woods.
That was where he found the greatest thing about the woods: Birds. Listening to their song was fine, but seeing them, especially the small ones people took for granted hopping closer and closer was riveting. He didn’t want to study, just watch the birds around him.
As his parents started taking long business trips more and the popularity at school grew, Steve found different ways to bring bird watching into his life, just to feel as if he got something out of it all. Skull Rock might be known as a make out spot because of him, but before that it was a great spot to watch birds and even if his eyes couldn’t always look for them with a date there, he could usually still spot one or two. And sneakily drop some bird seed on the way out just to encourage more to visit.
If Nancy had accepted any dates outside at all, Steve probably would have told her, or at least tried pointing the birds out as they landed, but she preferred study dates or dinners so it never came up. He wondered, once, if maybe he should have realised she wasn’t as invested in the relationship because she never asked about his interests.
“Why are you hurrying me home? Got some game you want to catch?” Robin asked, resisting as Steve tried to herd her out to his car.
“No. And before you ask, it’s not a date either, I just want a break.” He briefly explained, knowing she wouldn’t accept a one word answer.
Robin remained still, but did stand up, “And what does having a break mean to you? I thought chilling with a friend and a movie would be it.”
“Birdwatching.” He tensed, expecting some teasing for the admission.
She did laughed for a moment, but smiled at him, not as if she was teasing him. “Is that why some of the girls you dated complained that you just made them hike rather than taking them anywhere? You wanted to birdwatch and make out at the same time?”
“They never complained to me! I wouldn’t have done that if they’d said they didn’t want to!” He protested immediately, “But yeah. I wanted to relax even if I was expected to be a playboy.”
“Okay then. Let’s go.” Robin finally headed towards a door, but it wasn’t the front door. “Tell me about the birds, Dingus.”
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
this is a very unpopular opinion lol but i personally think they shouldn’t have made dick as bruce’s son. dc should have just resolved their problems with them being apart as much as they can in gotham & bludhaven respectively and then fix their dynamic slowly to become healthier and then make bruce & dick as brothers instead, bcs the crux of their problems was them being equals thus being brothers would have made their standing & dynamic more even & equals. (again tho this is unpopular opinion)
I completely agree!!
I don't think they should've made dick Bruce's son. Actually the son thing I guess is fine, but there's no need to emphasize it so much because it doesn't fit their dynamic.
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Tale of The Teen Titans Issue #50
Dick's adoption, the way I think of it, is unnecessary.
Up until this point neither of them had even considered a father and son relationship. Their guardian and ward relationship only came up when Dick was in danger of being adopted away and Bruce starts begging and pleading about it.
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Batman (1940) Issue #439
Dick says himself, "He could never be my father. I mean, I don't want another father."
Dick knew that Bruce loved him unconditionally and he was happy with that.
That's the second time when the circus wanted him but the first time, his blood relatives wanted to take Dick away from Bruce.
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Batman (1940) Issue #20
"You can't take Dick away now! Not after all these years! He's like a son! I won't let you!"
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Batman (1940) Issue #20
Alfred: "M'lord...I mean your honor...I've never seen Mr. Wayne deny the young lad anything! He fair worships the boy!"
(I think Alfred's still hasn't let the chips thing go.)
Bruce: "Dick is like my own son! I've even changed my own will so that in case of my death, Dick will get my entire fortune! Your honor, I...I love that boy! Please don't take him from me!"
Dick: "A fella couldn't want a better friend!"
Bruce's relationship with Dick is complicated ranging from son to partner to brother to everything in between. Why not add Mother in it too?!
But it wasn't like Bruce's relationship with Jason and I think that makes all the difference. By the time Jason came around, Bruce and the authors finally realized how to write a father-son relationship. Up until then, Dick was just everything for Bruce and since he was written that way, the authors let him stay that way.
The adoption scene and Dick asking why Bruce didn't adopt him...here's an anology. Suppose a kid goes to school and earns a A on every test and the teacher says "good job!" and they both move on. 10 years later another kid comes along and they get an A too. The teacher has now grown in experience and wants to facilitate growth, so they have now started giving every kid that earned an A a gold star sticker on their paper. This kid takes it home to show their older brother who had that same teacher 10 years ago and the brother comments, "Oh, when I went there, she didn't give out stickers!" But now make it about family.
That's what Dick and Bruce's adoption is. The adoption paper is the gold star. Was it needed? No. Does it make people feel better? Yes.
But I don't like this formally making Dick Bruce's son thing. Sure Dick feels better about it but it was pointless and actually takes away from what their relationship really is.
In the comics, Bruce's behavior toward Jason is more parental than his was to Dick. It was more of a "let me teach you" and "ok, so this is how I do it" with Bruce and Jason. It's a teaching moment of father to son guidance. Dick and Bruce's comics were more "this is what I think" and "I see what you're thinking and I'm going to add on to that" relationship. It was a we're both going to do about 50/50 of the work.
Also Jason came to Bruce at a time when Bruce was stable and knowledgable. Dick came to Bruce at a time when Bruce was literally falling apart. If he hadn't met Dick, he would've killed himself from how reckless he was being. Finding Dick, he saved himself too.
Canonically, Dick is described as a foil to Bruce - the light to Bruce's darkness. He acted patiently listened, worked, and understood Bruce. Bruce shared his emotional burden with Dick in a way he was afraid and careful not to do with the others.
He's still doing it.
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Batman (2011) Issue #14
They're not acting like father and son, they're acting like partners.
"Oh, but the kids..."
"It's for the kids! Do this for me please."
Dick as Robin in his later years even screams at Bruce during an argument, "I'm not your son. I'm your partner."
This excessive parentification of Bruce and Dick's relationship, it's not how they function. DC somehow thinks that their loves needs definition. That it needs clear boundaries to show that Bruce loves Dick but the truth is, the devil's in the details and their relationship is riddled with them. You don't need to tell your best friend you love them, they just know. Both of you do. And DC thinks the only way to tell your best friend you love them is to tell them that which is not true.
That said, their problems only arose because Bruce was overly attached to Dick so I don't think he would've been able to let go without speaking to him. I mean, he did get captured (purposefully?) and expect Dick to just come save him just so they could start talking again during Jason's robin era and I don't know how they would fix their problems but I agree that they shouldn't be quarantined into a tiny, constrictive father and son box. They way they act around each and the demands both of them have of the other to act a certain way isn't how a father expects a son to be or a son expects a father to act. I'm not saying they aren't father and son, I just believe they're more complicated and involved than just that.
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ginovasims · 1 year
A twelve generation legacy challenge based on the current thirteen Disney Princesses. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.  Disclosure: I know there are other Disney Princess Challenges out there, but I wanted to create my own which I feel fit the films more and flowed nicely between each princess and generation. I've tried my best to add as many game features as I can to match their stories, but a lot of it may be down to your own storytelling. Some details have been left out because I don't want the challenge to be too strict, or all our games would be the exact same! Feel free to adjust any rules as you see fit for your stories, it's supposed to be fun. Tell your own stories and add your own elements, but my rules should hopefully help guide you. 
As you may know with a lot of the older princess films, the mothers often die when the princess is quite young. I know a lot of people hate the idea of their sims dying, so if you would like to forgo this rule, that is fine! I would instead recommend moving the mother out of the household and having no contact with them again.
Every generation has a prologue and then a set of rules. The prologues are there to establish the generations, and typically require more storytelling and gameplay with family members. You can use the prologues in any way you would like to set up your princesses' stories. The requirements are for when the main part of their stories would begin.
Aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish.
Each goal must be met before the new heir takes over, unless specified in the rules.
Despite being 'princesses', the heirs don't have to be female. You can have any gender follow the requirements. Same goes for sexuality and romantic partners. You don't have to strictly follow the films in this sense unless you want to.
The Princesses can look as much or as little like their film-selves as you would like. Same for their names.
Mods and custom content can be used to help the story and gameplay.
The generations will offer three traits, you do not need the heir to have all three traits, but they MUST have at least TWO of them.
If you do not have all of the packs required to complete the requirements for each generation, either find a similar alternative or skip that rule.
If you do this challenge, please credit me (@ginovasims).
(OPTIONAL) Use the hashtag #GiPrincessChallenge on tweets, posts, and videos.
Thank yous:
Once again there are some lovely simmers I would like to thank for helping me with this challenge!
@SimBexBlue - you inspired me to start writing my own version of the challenge after I started watching your LP on YouTube! You have been there in DMs from the start and giving me feedback and ideas, and you’ve always been so enthusiastic and keen.
@Jackiester626 - your notes and feedback for each generation were so detailed and helpful and honestly really inspiring! You put in a lot of effort to help me out and it’s very appreciated.
@nicolesulsul - you sent me some excellent additions for the challenge which helped pad out the generations and make them more like the films. Your interest in the challenge has always been so encouraging! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/-jSmoQYqHZk I posted a video talking about this new challenge and created all thirteen princesses based on their original animation film-selves! You can also download my versions of the Disney Princesses for FREE on my patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-disney-84319256
Generation 1 - Snow White
Optional Prologue (child):
Snow's mother dies when Snow is a child. Her father should remarry a jealous/evil woman. When Snow becomes a teenager, her father must die so that Snow is left with only her stepmother to raise her.
Have an awful relationship with your stepmother who makes you do all the cooking and housework.
Never leave your home neighbourhood. 
Meet a teen sim in your neighbourhood who you build a friendship and romance with, but never kiss/woohoo.
Move into a cottage as a YA, and have no social interaction with anyone (including no contact with stepmother or boyfriend/girlfriend). This includes never answering the door to strangers.
Adopt seven toddlers (dwarves) in one go.
Give the children traits that match their dwarf persona (i.e. happy = cheerful, sleepy = lazy etc.).
Never eat apples or anything to do with apples.
When the dwarves are teens, you can finally meet your partner again. (If you would like, you can have them rescue you from your stepmother who visited your cottage)
Get married and move into your lover's castle.
Have one daughter (Cinderella).
Master parenting and baking skills.
Complete Big Happy Family aspiration.
Traits: Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Good Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Generation 2 - Cinderella
Optional Prologue (child):
Snow White dies when Cinderella is a child. Cinderella's father should remarry an older lady who already has two daughters. Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters hate her and are always mean to her when her father isn't around. As if history repeats itself, Cinderella's father must die when she is a teenager, leaving Cinderella to be raised by her stepmother who hates her.
Must live in the attic and do all the housework and care for the animals.
Have completely negative relationships with your stepmother and stepsisters.
Knit and wear your own clothes.
Never leave the home lot.
As a YA, you must sneak off to the magic realm in the middle of the night and meet all the sages and another powerful (but evil) spellcaster.
Befriend all four spellcasters - this is important for the next generation.
Attend a party off your home lot, disguised so your family doesn't recognise you - they must also be guests.
Meet and fall in love with someone at the party, but you must be home before midnight.
You must wait for the person you met at the party to knock on your door at home before you can run away from your family.
Get married and have one daughter (Aurora).
Master cooking, knitting and cross-stitch skills before being rescued by your lover.
Complete Soulmate aspiration.
Traits: Romantic, Neat, Animal Enthusiast  Aspiration: Soulmate
Generation 3 - Aurora
Optional Prologue (infant): Cinderella must throw a baby shower when Aurora is born, inviting the three sages, but not the fourth 'evil' spellcaster. Cinderella and the spellcaster must lose all relationship. Cinderella must send infant Aurora to live with the three sages in Glimmerbrook to protect her from the other spellcaster.
Have no contact or relationship with anyone except the three sages. This includes your parents.
Meet a mersim as a teen in the Glimmerbrook forest. Fall in love with them but never kiss/woohoo, and they can never visit your home.
Never leave Glimmerbrook until your YA birthday.
As a YA, meet with the 'evil' spellcaster. She drains you of all energy and traps you in the attic of your family home. (Aurora is now unplayable until the curse is lifted)
Each spellcaster must defeat the spellcaster in a duel, and at least two of them must win.
Sages must find your lover naturally and they are the only one who can break the curse. Aurora is playable again. (The lover must either be found by searching the worlds/neighbourhoods, or they can arrive without being invited. You cannot call them over, or directly visit their home lot)
Marry your lover and move to Sulani.
Become a mermaid.
Have seven mermaid daughters, close in age, the last one being Ariel. (You may need to live separately from your lover as the household limit will be maxed with seven children)
Master singing and dancing skills.
Complete Beach Life aspiration, but you can only start working on it when you become a mermaid.
Traits: Loner, Family-oriented, Lazy Aspiration: Beach Life
Generation 4 - Ariel
Optional Prologue (infant): Aurora must die when Ariel becomes an infant, leaving Ariel's father to raise his daughters alone. He must befriend another mermaid who will help with all the children. When Ariel becomes a child, her father must cut ties with this mermaid and not allow the children any contact with her.
Live on the small island in Sulani.
Only have friendships with mermaids on your island.
Befriend a dolphin.
As a teen, sneak out every night to visit the mainland and mingle with regular sims.
Meet a regular teen sim who you introduce yourself to, but do not build any friendship or relationship. Leave immediately after you meet them.
Return home and lose friendship with your father - don't enter the red, but have no green left.
Runaway from home and meet the mermaid from your childhood.
This mermaid will help you become a regular sim and find the teen you met before.
Only use romantic interactions with your crush, no friendly/funny interactions.
Discover the mermaid who helped you flirting with your love interest. Lose all friendship with them.
When you have a full romance bar with your love interest, only then can you kiss them, and after this, you can start using friendly interactions. 
Rebuild a relationship with your father.
Stay human, get married and have one daughter (Belle).
Complete at least two collections - ideally at least one from Island Living.
Master singing skill while still a mermaid.
Master fitness skill but only ever by swimming.
Complete The Curator aspiration.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Child of the Ocean, Clumsy Aspiration: The Curator
Generation 5 - Belle
Optional Prologue (child): Ariel must die when Belle is a child. Belle and her father move to a small town and he must focus on robotics. Belle mustn't have any friends growing up. She should spend her time with her father and reading books. There is an attractive teen, Gaston, in the small town who has a crush on Belle, but she has no interest in him and she always rejects his advances.
On your YA birthday, your father unintentionally runs into a rampaging werewolf.
You must move in with the werewolf in their castle, leaving your father alone.
Have a fully negative (-100) relationship with the werewolf.
You can never leave the castle.
Befriend the maid and butler, and have no friendships outside of the castle.
Slowly build a friendship with the werewolf.
Only when the friendship bar is in the green can you start looking for a cure for the werewolf.
Start romancing when you are friends, but do not kiss or woohoo.
When you and the werewolf are lovebirds, Gaston visits and he must fight the werewolf.
Only after the werewolf beats Gaston in a fight can they take the cure and become a regular sim.
Have your first kiss with your lover now they aren't a werewolf anymore.
Marry your lover, have one daughter (Jasmine), and have your father move into the castle with you all.
Have a perfect quality rose bush.
Write books either as a freelance author or as a hobby, but do not join the writer career.
Master writing and research and debate skills.
Complete Bestselling Author aspiration.
Traits: Bookworm, Loyal, Genius Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Generation 6 - Jasmine
Optional Prologue (child):  Belle must die when Jasmine is a child. Jasmine's father is still scared of the outside world because of his past, so should keep Jasmine locked in the castle for her safety. When Jasmine's elderly grandfather dies, Jasmine's father is left alone to raise her. He must enlist the help of an adult spellcaster, Jafar, to help him look after Jasmine.
Have no friendships outside of your family. Your best friend is your ginger tabby cat.
Go on blind dates that your father arranges, and always end them by making the other sim angry.
Sneak out in a disguise to a community lot and befriend a poor sim with the kleptomaniac trait.
Go on a date with them the next day, who is now dressed entirely differently in fancy clothes.
End the date with a kiss.
Jafar finds you the next day and traps you in a room with your father. (Jasmine is now temporarily unplayable)
Your lover arrives with a friend who is a spellcaster, who must duel and defeat Jafar. (When Jafar is defeated, Jasmine is playable again)
Marry your lover as a YA and stop living as royalty. Move to the forest and live off the grid with at least two other YAs who have one baby.
Have one daughter (Pocahontas).
Master charisma and mischief skills.
Complete Chief of Mischief aspiration.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, High Maintenance Aspiration: Chief of Mischief 
Generation 7 - Pocahontas
Optional Prologue (infant): Jasmine must die when Pocahontas is an infant. Pocahontas should be raised by her father and the tribe they all live with. There is a young boy who is a similar age to Pocahontas. The two must grow up as best friends.  
As a teen, get engaged to your childhood best friend, but never kiss or woohoo them, and have zero romance - you can cheat this up to get engaged, but then remove all romance after.
Befriend a stranger in the forest who is completely opposite to you, in  both appearance and personality.
Quickly build a friendship and romance with the stranger, but do not kiss or woohoo.
Your tribe must hate the stranger's family, so continue your relationship in secret.
Get caught with the stranger, so your fiance fights them.
End your romantic relationship with the stranger and never have contact with them again.
Break off your engagement with your childhood friend
As a YA, fall in love with an adult sim who is a retired soldier.
Move in with them and their mother.
Get married and have one daughter (Mulan).
Live off the grid your whole life until you move out and get married.
Master painting, gardening and fishing skills.
Complete Angling Ace aspiration.
Traits: Love the Outdoors, Ambitious, Green Fiend Aspiration: Angling Ace
Generation 8 - Mulan
Optional Prologue (child): Mulan never has any interest in tradition or expectations. She grows up very active and playful, and never has any romantic relationships as a teen. Mulan has a strict relationship with her mother, who wants her to be more 'normal', but has a stronger and closer relationship with her father.
As a YA, completely change your appearance and move out of your family world.
Move in with a group of men, who are all in the military, and join the military yourself.
Befriend all of the men, and develop a crush on the leader of the group.
Constantly try and prove yourself by pushing the limits and becoming the strongest soldier in your household.
Fight your enemy who is in a rival household and win. After this fight, you must change your appearance back to how it was before.
Have an argument with the leader, who kicks you out of the household. You must return home to your family.
Sneak out one night to see your friends, and find them with the rival group. Fight and defeat all of the rivals, ending with your enemy.
Move back into the household with your soldier friends, who have accepted you back for saving them.
Fall in love with the leader and both quit your jobs in the military.
Marry your lover and have one daughter (Tiana).
Max your body muscles using the training bot machine.
Master fitness and wellness skills.
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration.
Traits: Active, Loyal, Bro Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Generation 9 - Tiana
Optional Prologue (child): Tiana should have a very close relationship with her father growing up. After leaving the military, he wants to pursue his dream of opening a restaurant, so he should join the culinary career. Before he can reach level 5 of this career, he must quit and instead join the military again and die. Tiana should be left to be raised by her mother, Mulan, who is poor since she and her husband left the military.
Cook with your father as often as possible before he dies.
As a teen, join the barista part-time career.
Have a childhood best friend who is rich and very different to you, but stay close your whole life.
At a costume party dressed as a princess, meet a royal sim who has been cursed with the curse of repulsiveness. You are now also cursed.
Befriend an old female spellcaster and a musician in a bayou/forest.
Befriend and romance the other cursed sim.
Visit Selvadorada with the cursed sim and explore the jungle.
Only when your romance and friendship is full can both of your curses be lifted.
The spellcaster officiates your wedding.
Open a restaurant using your new partner's wealth.
Have your restaurant reach at least four stars.
Become royal and move into your partner's castle and have one daughter (Rapunzel).
Master cooking and gourmet cooking skills.
Complete Master Chef aspiration.
Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Overachiever Aspiration: Master Chef
Generation 10 - Rapunzel 
Optional Prologue (infant): Because of her parents' curse and connection to magic, Rapunzel is born with powers and long golden hair. An old lady kidnaps Rapunzel when she is an infant, running away to a locked tower, hidden away from Tiana's castle. The old lady, Gothel, is immediately young again, and will always stay this way when she is around Rapunzel.
Never go to school or work, and never leave the confines of the tower.
Have no relationships with anyone except Gothel, and this must be negative.
Have long blonde hair your whole life.
Spend your time playing guitar, painting, baking, singing, gardening, playing chess - anything to pass the time!
On your YA birthday, when Gothel is at work, a stranger makes their way into your tower. Quickly befriend the stranger and escape with them to the woods and eventually the town.
Make lots of friends along the way, and slowly build a romance with the stranger, but not kissing or woohooing.
Get found by Gothel, and both of you are trapped back in the tower.
Gothel kills your lover, but you are able to bring them back with a death flower which you have grown.
When your lover is brought back to life, you must immediately change your appearance to have short brown hair.
Gothel instantly becomes an elder and dies of old age - you will probably want to cheat this!
Move back to your family castle with your lover, meeting your parents again for the first time.
Marry your lover and have two daughters, close in age (Elsa and Anna).
Master guitar, painting, baking and singing skills.
Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration.
Traits: Creative, Paranoid, Cheerful Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Generation 11 - Elsa and Anna
Optional Prologue (children):
Elsa inherits her mother's magical abilities and is born a spellcaster. Anna has no abilities, but the girls still have a strong relationship. The girls' parents are worried about Elsa's abilities after Anna gets hurt one day. They lock Elsa in her bedroom and Anna isn't allowed in. When the girls are teenagers, their parents both die.
Elsa (E) and Anna (A) must never have any friends or relationships growing up. They have zero relationship with each other. Neither girl can attend school.
(A) when you become a YA, meet a stranger and instantly become friends and start romancing. Get engaged on the same day.
(E) throw a party honouring your new job and invite Anna's new fiance.
(E) argue with Anna about her engagement and run away to the mountains in Mt. Komorebi.
(A) befriend a stranger in Mt. Komorebi while looking for your sister.
(E) freeze your sister when she finds you (chillio spell). While Anna is frozen, her fiance arrives and argues with Elsa. Elsa is trapped in a basement by Anna's fiance.
(A) return home after thawing and let Elsa out. Rebuild your friendship and become best friends.
(A) breakup and fight with your fiance. Start romancing the stranger from Mt. Komorebi.
(E) stay living in the castle and make friends with people in the world.
(A) marry your new lover and move in with their elderly mother and family in Sulani.
(A) have one daughter (Moana).
(E) master singing skill and learn all the untamed spells.
(E) complete Inner Peace aspiration, but only after becoming best friends with your sister.
(A) master charisma and comedy skills.
(A) complete Friend of the World aspiration.
Traits (Elsa): Loner, Proper, Erratic Aspiration (Elsa): Inner Peace Traits (Anna): Goofball, Outgoing, Family-Oriented Aspiration (Anna): Friend of the World
Generation 12 - Moana
Optional Prologue (toddler):  Moana grows up in Sulani with her whole family. She loves the water and is closest to her grandmother, more than her own parents. The island is filthy and destroyed by environmental changes. Moana vows to make a change when she is older, but her parents think she should focus on the family and the land they live on. Moana's grandmother agrees that she should go off and follow her dream, but she dies when Moana is a teen.
As a teen, leave your family to clean Sulani. Have no contact with them until the island is saved.
Meet a YA man on the island, but have a negative relationship to begin with. 
Work together with the man to clean Sulani, and turn your negative relationship into a completely positive one.
Join the conservationist career.
Become best friends with the man.
Find The Heart of Sulani (treasure collectible).
When the island is clean and you are at level 5 of your career, return home to your family and live off the grid.
When you reach level 5 of the conservationist career, quit and join the civil designer career (green tech branch).
Influence your neighbours to always vote and live in a green neighbourhood.
Master logic and fitness skills.
Complete Eco Innovator aspiration.
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Adventurous Aspiration: Eco Innovator
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onskepa · 1 year
So i've seen this edit about quaritch and spider with that song "oh i love it and hate it at the same time, you and i drinking poison from the same vine" and just image it; reader who has an avatar and neteyam as her mate and she told everybody that her was mom was na'vi and her dad was an avatar. When lo'ak and neteyam went to save spider they see reader in her human form and she thinks neteyam is dissapointed in her. Her avatar dies and she has to live with neteyam in her human form. The reader thinks he hates her or smtg. I thank you very much if you could write my ideea or just react <3
Hello sweetie! Thanks for requesting this. I hope you don't mind if I switched things around a bit. also I tried my best to add some angst, Idk if I did a good job, however! Hope you all enjoy!
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Trust, honesty, and loyalty. Those are the three main keys in a relationship, be is family, lover, friendship, kinship, it doesn't matter. Those three play a key role. The three main core. Everything.
Law'si is a kind girl, who would give anything for those she loves dearly. Especially her mate neteyam. She wonders sometimes what did she do for Eywa to unite her with neteyam. The love of her life, her sweet and kind mate. He is all and more.
Which is why at times, the guilt burns her, it is like having acid climb up your throat and cant keep it down. The lies she has told all to not just her mate, but to everyone.
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She isn't a half-bred like neteyam and his siblings. Law'si is a avatar, a dream walker. She never united her soul with her na'vi body. Telling everyone that her mother was na'vi and her father was a avatar. Much like jake and neytiri. That way no one would question her much less her background.
For a long time it worked, no one suspected anything. It was fine, no signs of suspicions, no lies detected, her life was fine. Everything is fine.
Until it wasn't anymore.
the RDA came back, stronger and more cruel. Weapons of mass destruction to attack and kill the peaceful tulkun. And to make matters worse, the very demon who destroyed many na'vi lives has come back in a na'vi body himself. A true demon in the flesh.
Of only that demon didnt come back, none of this mess would have happened...
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"please!! we have to get spider!" lo'ak begged neteyam and law'si to help him rescue spider. Law'si had a bad feeling, she knew something wasnt going to end up right.
Oh how she hated that she was right.
"NO!!" quickly and swiftly she pushed neteyam down to the waters, letting one of the metal bullets pierce her shoulder, letting her fall down into the cold waters.
Neteyam cheers at the success but was cut too short, he sees his mate struggling to keep her head up for air.
"I've been shot....!!" she says weakly. Neteyam began to panic, seeing her blood flow in the water, dying it red. A rush of adrenaline coursed through his body. Quickly getting her to a ilu tsrieya brought with her, quickly mounting on it with tsireya, lo'ak and spider holding tight.
"its going to be ok yawne! you're going to be ok!!" he tries to reassure law'si, but really, he was reassuring more himself. Taking her to the flat rocks, neteyam gently places her down and trying to inspect the wound. Tsireya looked into it as well, in her training, she knew law'si wasn't going to make it.
Neteyam applied pressure to the wound as means to stop the bleeding, but the flow never stopped. His blue hands now covered in her blood. Cold fear runs down his back.
"n-net..." law'si tries to speak. Her breathing short and heavy, trying to keep herself awake. Neytiri and jake arrived to see the horrifying scene before them.
"h-home..!!" she continues to try speaking out, trying to make sense for neteyam. "w-we're going home yawne...!" his voice cracks, trying his bet to be composed but was failing miserably.
Neytiri was crying as well, she did not wish to see her son witness his mates death. No one should ever. Neytiri gently strokes law'si head, whispering reassuring words into her ears.
"we're going home....!! y-you will be fine..!! its going to be ok!!" neteyam says more, stroking her beloveds face. "nete I am...." her pupils dilate, her last breathe leaving her body and her limbs limp.
"law'si? no no no..!! LAW'SI!!" neteyam screams his heart out, shaking furiously. Holding her limp body, his tears flow none stop. Jake tries to pull him away from the body but neteyam kept a firm grip on his mate. Praying to great mother to bring back his love, his life, his everything. No matter his loud he screams, he begs, neteyam isn't going to see his beloved again.
Or so he thought.
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A week has past since the great battle. A week since neteyam lost his beloved. A week since her funeral. A week of misery. Everyone tried to help neteyam, ease his mourning. He didn't eat as much, slept as much, never smiled again. His family, his friends, they all tried, really. But there really isn't nothing to help him, poor boy lost his mate. A wound that would take years to heal, if it ever does.
That is, until one day, norm came in his avatar form, and he wasn't alone. He brought someone with him, someone unfamiliar yet familiar.
"neteyam, someone wants to see you. It is really important that you se her.." norm talks to him, face to face. Neteyam wasn't really in the mood to see anyone. Only tracing the beads of his beloved's songchord. The only thing he was able to keep after her burial.
"not now norm" he mutters. Still able to hear him though. Norm nods a bit.
"but at least hear me out-"
"what part of not now don't you understand?!" neteyam lashes out. He is tired, and just wants to be in his own thoughts.
"not now? or not ever?"
Neteyam froze. He knows that voice. That sweet kind voice he missed so much.
Standing at the entrance of his home stood a human girl. If her not wearing a mask didn't surprise him, it was those familiar eyes. Those human eyes held the same love, the same warmth and comfort his mate once had.
"w-who are you...?" neteyam asks in a whisper like tone. The girl smiles nervously as she rubs her hands together.
Neteyam stood up so quick it catches both norm and law'si by surprised. In mere seconds, neteyam was already up and front with law'si. Examining her very carefully, taking in all the details the human has before him. The eyes were the same, her lips, her smile, even the way she is standing!
"it really is you...but how?! I saw you die....!!" tears were gathering at the corner of his eyes, ready to cry once more. Law'si beat him to it. As she began to cry.
"I was scared to tell you! I was never a half-bred like you, I was a dream walker this whole time. I didn't know how to tell you so I lied. I lied and it led you to believe I died. I am so so sorry neteyam. I shouldn't have put you through that!!" she hugs him as tightly as she could while crying her soul out.
Neteyam was processing what was revealed, before gently wrapping his big arms around her. Taking in her scent, she smelled the same as always. Fresh grass and flowery aroma.
"its ok, its ok yawne. It's still you, I am so happy you're alright. Im so happy!!" he cries soon after. Both hugging tightly and never wanting to let go.
The way neteyam sees it, he is eternally grateful to have his mate back with him. May not be the same but it will work. She is still the same lovable girl who stole his heart. And nothing will change that. Be it na'vi or human. Neteyam doesn't care. Law'si is still law'si.
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And that is all for this request! I hope you all enjoyed it! until next time! see ya!
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Law'si = make clear, clarify
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vinziel · 6 months
He's still got it.....I'm not Jealous
John Dory x Male Reader x Hickory
While on the way to vacay island, you couldn't help but overhear Hickory and John Dory's conversation, they were talking like some cute couple....you and John used to be a cute couple...ugh you tried to not think about it, why are you feeling like this. Why? Is it because you still love him?! No! You should hate him....right? He left you! Abandoned you like some trash. Even if, he's got someone else now.
Once you all arrived at vacay island there was Spruce, surfboarding to a restaurant, you all immediately followed him inside, you come to the realization Spruce actually owns this place. John Dory tries to get his attention, but Spruce just throws a menu on his face, not knowing who's calling him "Spruce it's us! You're brothers!" John Dory says, Spruce then gasp, turns around yelling "Woah! Bitty B!" Proceeding to throw Bitty B around, John letting out a faint "What?" Hickory then just lightly patted him on the back.
Spruce says "Wet Willy!" As he gave Branch a wet willy, Branch then stopped Spruce, saying "Stop! I am a grown up!" He says in frustration "Oh sorry a wet william" Spruce jokes, which makes you laugh "It's been a while Spruce!" You say, giving Spruce a hug, which he reciprocated "It's been a while too Y/N!" He then breaks the hug saying "Also it's Bruce now" "Woah a name change. Cool" You answer.
Bruce sees Hickory and Poppy and asks "Who are they?" "Oh he's/she's my partner" Branch and John Dory say in unison, Bruce hums and jokes "Wow Bitty B got some game" nudging Branch, which Branch just sighs frustratingly. John Dory then interrupts the conversation saying "Spruce!" "Bruce" Bruce corrects John Dory
He responds with "Oh right. Well we're actually here to-" "Wait let me introduce you all to the fam!" Bruce says, leading you all to the counter "This is my wife and business partner Brandy!" He says, as Brandy gives him a kiss on the cheeks "Honey these are my brothers! Unexpectedly" "Oh hello! It's nice to finally meet you all!" Brandy says. You were all a bit confused on how their relationship worked but supported none the less
John Dory then takes Bruce closer to the group and says "Bruce it's an emergency, it's Floyd he's been captured!" "What?! We need to call the police!" Bruce says, John responds "No no! We need to hit the family Harmony. It's the only way to break the bottle Floyd's trapped in. The police won't help because these guys that got Floyd are famous! And we don't even have proof!" "Good point" Bruce says, nodding in agreement "So how about we practice!" John Dory says, waving his arms, a big smile on his face.
Hickory chuckles at his boyfriends childish actions "I agree, practicing will do ya good" "I don't know" Bruce says, then one of his kids says "See guys! I told you dad wasn't in a band" Bruce gets offended and responds "I was! Ask your mother" "He was in a band alright" Brandy says, Bruce and John Dory go to the stage, Poppy asks "Aren't you gonna join your brothers?" "what no" Branch answers "Oh ok, it's alright if you can't handle it Branch" Poppy responds "Yup, we don't wanna force you if you're not up to the challenge" You add
"I can handle it! I'm just saving my voice for Floyd" Branch retorts, offended, you and Poppy smirk before chanting with Bruce's kids "Prove it! Prove it! Do it!" "ugh fine" Branch finally gives in. They finally perform and you just watch from the sidelines. Hickory and Poppy got invited to dance as well by John and Branch. You can't help but feel even the tiniest bit of jealousy, and you're not sure why.
Is it because you still love John? Is it because he just abandoned you out of nowhere along with Branch then just appears decades later with someone else? Maybe, you can't help but look in awe as they perform, you remember the days of Brozone, when you would watch their performances in awe, and when you actually started dating the leader, it was unbelievable for you.
You snapped out of it, noticing you've been staring at John and his new boyfriend for a while. You sigh, just trying to focus on something else, just kinda, trying not to think about it. It's hard. Real hard. So you went to the beach, and just sat on the sand, focusing on the ocean, your mind starts to wander as your eyes stare into the waves. You were in a trance-like state.
You didn't even notice how much time had gone by until Branch had to snap you out of it with Poppy "Hm?" You hum, snapping back to reality "Finally, why were you just staring into the ocean?" Branch asks "Oh it's nothing, don't worry too much" You assure Branch "If you say so, come on we're leaving" Branch responds, you three go back inside Rhonda, as John starts driving away.
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