#I hope they make other DAI statues based on other tarot cards!
fantasyinvader · 1 year
I was planning on following up on my post from last night, examining how Edelgard's end card combines the Devil tarot, Baphomet and Napoleon to fully display what her character is after: namely rather than people coming to her of their own free will and becoming more like her as the devil tarot depicts, instead it's pointing to her using violence to force people to be like her. The fact there's an angel while Edelgard is holding a reversed version of the Hand of Justice, a symbol of God's blessing instwad imitating Baphomet while the angel has a different coloration than the one in Silver Snow's ending, makes it out that while Edelgard might be demonically themed she's making herself out to be divine. The fact Napoleon's pose was based on a lost statue of Zeus only furthers the idea of her having a god complex. It all screams the route was a path of conquest, from her stomping on the flags to the twin-headed eagle in the background.
And I don't think that Eagle is meant to be a jianjian. A jian is a bird where the males have one wing and eye on one side, the females on the other. It's supposed to be them being a pair, incomplete without their true love and with them able to fly. The problem is that we see that the Eagles have their wing on one side and a visible eye on the other. That's not a jianjian, that's just an ancient symbol for Empire. If that were a jianjian, it would only be able to see what was right in front of it, missing everything that goes on around it…which would be fitting for Flower, I admit. But it doesn't work as a symbol of love, which fits considering the route's intended name, Safflower, merely means attraction which was built upon in Hopes with Edelgard being instinctively drawn to Byleth being chalked up to their Crests (plus it also says you're trying to ensnare either a partner or good luck, calling to mind the devs wanting to "trick" players somehow and how they made Flower easier to access when test players couldn't). Plus the Devil Tarot would suggest going down the path would be Byleth giving into not just their attachment to Edelgard, but linking it with lust as well (as commentary on horny otaku perhaps?).
The combination of demonic imagery and an empire does suggest she's an AntiChrist figure, especially considering she's bearing a weapon marked with a Crest known as "The Beast" and persecutes the faithful of Fodlan. This lines up with Nemesis, having been said to persecute the people which pushed them to follow his example by killing and stealing in order to acquire power for themselves. The fact the antichrist was originally an emperor who persecuted early Christians, believed to be Nero, and the title was been used to describe Napoleon at the time works as well. The fact that the word nemesis can mean adversary, and Satan means The Adversary, could be at play here to. Not to mention the Agarthans and their war against the Goddess. It gives the impression that Edelgard is returning to the ways of Nemesis, who she believes is a champion of humanity but was also used by the Agarthans (with the evidence pointing to them presenting themselves as gods or at least holy). Combine this with the different colored angel in the picture, it could symbolize the Agarthans making Edelgard into the ruler of Fodlan in contrast to the more blueish angel championing Byleth.
So…yeah. Lot's of symbolism going on in that picture and all of it ties together to paint a darker image. I was planning on going over this in more depth, but it's been a hell of a day and I'm tired. I was also planning on talking about Martian Successor Nadesico and how it uses death of the author, but I'll leave that for tomorrow.
Conversely, I noticed on the Silver Snow ending the wheels of the cart Byleth is on have eight spokes, a symbol of the noble eightfold path that leads to enlightenment (which Byleth maintains in Snow).
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entropyvoid · 9 months
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Name: Entropy/En (used to go by Cheralla for a while)
Pronouns: Any
Interests and hobbies: Watercolor illustrations, character design, concept art, minecraft, learning about occult history, western esotericism, ancient and medieval Middle Eastern and European history, cultures, religions, and languages. Currently (slowly) learning Hebrew.
Commission Status: Closed
Other things: I block pretty liberally at this point, most often antisemites and terfs, the former more often bc that’s just been encouraged on this site lately. If you find yourself blocked, it’s statistically most likely to be one of those two things.
⬇️ Tag Navigation Below ⬇️
Genshin Impact, Tales Series, MCYT, Hermitcraft, Empires SMP
Genshin Tarot Deck
Judaica Illustration Series
Starfall - Ongoing illustrated novel. (Tag here, read on AO3 here)
Synopsis: It’s the year 2420. A cargo vessel from Diana and a pirate ship from Ganymede collide, and both go crashing down into the off-limits and out-of-control terraformed Martian wilderness while on the way to the Martian capital of Elysia. Everyone must work together to survive the infamous death world and get back to civilization.
Witches Bells - Completed tarot deck.
A tarot-based game design concept/project I began work on in high school, with the idea of a level with plot progression based on each major arcana card, which I revitalized to make a full deck of. I hope to print the deck one day when I have the money, and maybe I will eventually pick up and write the whole story. You can see the completed deck, characters, and all other relevant art in the tag.
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
hello mia! may i please have a reading on my future spouse’s details, like appearance and personality, or anything you find relevant? my initials are AT. i hope you have a wonderful day!
Hello AT,
Thank you for your question. Let's delve into a reading to gain insights into the details of your future spouse's appearance, personality, and relevant characteristics. Please keep in mind that the tarot provides symbolic guidance, and these descriptions are based on the cards drawn.
Appearance: The Star Reversed
The Star reversed suggests that your future spouse might have a unique and distinctive appearance. They may not conform to societal norms or trends, choosing to express themselves in their own way. This individual might have features that stand out and capture attention. Their appearance could have an element of individuality, making them memorable and intriguing.
Personality Traits:
Independent: Your future spouse is likely to have a strong sense of independence. They value their personal space and freedom, and they may encourage you to maintain your independence as well.
Unconventional: The reversed Star indicates that your future spouse might have an unconventional and innovative approach to life. They may embrace different perspectives and ideas, challenging the status quo.
Creative: Creativity flows through their veins. They could have a unique way of expressing themselves artistically or through their thoughts and ideas.
Spiritual Seeker: This person might have a deep interest in spirituality and self-discovery. They could be on a quest to understand the deeper meaning of life and their purpose.
Optimistic Realism: While they might possess a positive outlook, it's grounded in a realistic understanding of life's challenges. They know how to find the silver lining even in difficult situations.
Individualistic: Your future spouse may march to the beat of their own drum, not easily swayed by external opinions. They value authenticity and encourage others to be true to themselves.
Compassionate: Beneath their unique exterior, they have a heart of gold. They care deeply about the well-being of others and show genuine compassion and empathy.
Sociable: While valuing their independence, they also enjoy connecting with others. They might have a circle of friends from various backgrounds, and they thrive in social settings.
Adventure Seeker: The reversed Star hints at an adventurous spirit. Your future spouse could have a desire to explore new places, cultures, and experiences.
Resilience: They possess the strength to overcome challenges and bounce back from setbacks. This resilience contributes to their personal growth.
Remember, these descriptions are based on the symbolism of the tarot cards and are meant to provide insights rather than definitive predictions. Your future spouse's appearance and personality will be uniquely theirs, shaped by their individual experiences and journey.
If you have further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask. Have a wonderful day as well!
Mia ♥
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felassan · 3 years
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Iron Bull Wheel of Fortune tarot card statue
Who are you? What do you believe? Whose lives will you protect? Your Qunari friend made his choice. Honor the fallen at Storm Coast with this limited three-dimensional reimagining of one of Dragon Age: Inquisition’s most poignant tarot cards.
Do not dwell on despair, Inquisitor. For this deep sorrow will transition to joy.
Who are you? What do you believe? Whose lives will you protect? The demands of the Qun have given The Iron Bull no escape from these questions. With your help, Inquisitor, he must choose between one of two tragedies and live with his guilt and the grief he will be forced to inflict.
Honor the fallen at Storm Coast with your Dragon Age Iron Bull: Wheel of Fortune Tarot Statue!
Be among the few to keep this three-dimensional reimagining of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card from Dragon Age: Inquisition. It features The Iron Bull burying his face in a hand bloodied by guilt.
He is surrounded by remains that echo his form: a head with horns and a hand holding a dagger shaped like the spear resting on his shoulder. In his left hand, he holds the horn that sounded their death knell in exchange for a few lives.
If you want to admire and collect the original in-game art that this statue was based on, look no further than the Wheel of Fortune tarot card it comes with. To make the card even more special, we gilded its edges with a beautiful gold finish.
Watch the video above to see a full turnaround of the statue and view this poignant scene from previously unseen perspectives. But remember not to dwell on despair, Inquisitor. Though the Wheel of Fortune portrays The Iron Bull mired in deep sorrow, it also foretells that good things are to come. [source]
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capricores · 4 years
astrology & tarot readings 💥
i’m super excited to announce i am finally going to be offering astrological readings again! i’m also going to be offering a few different tarot readings & mixed astro-tarot readings as well! below the cut is full information on readings offered, prices (all in $CAD), important notes, and so forth. thank you so much for your continued support on my blog and content, and i appreciate so much anyone who may consider and order a reading from me! i can’t wait to provide you guys with more insight to your astrological makeup, and hopefully give you a better overall understanding of how astrological placements function in general. i also hope to give you great insight via tarot and oracle as well.
NOTE: readings will close once i fill up a certain amount of slots (undecided rn, but likely stopping around fifteen-twenty), please check my bio or status in this post (see directly below) on whether or not readings are currently open before requesting! i will make sure to frequently update the status of readings, and will try to re-open them soon after they close. it is likely that when i start my new FT job in november that i may have to close readings for a bit or accept less reading slots :)
CURRENT STATUS: open for all readings
must be 18 or over to receive a reading (apologies but i do not feel comfortable reading for minors/receiving their birth information)
i default my readings in the PLACIDUS or equal house system (i do this dependent on your place of birth; for more info feel free to DM). if you prefer/relate more to another system, let me know! i am happy to read your chart in another house system (if you’re new to astrology, i recommend looking at the different planetary house placements in your chart in whole sign system, placidus system and equal house system - see which you relate to most - the easiest to tell by is usually the venus & moon house placement, just search up some basic descriptions of the varying placement of moon/venus. i prefer equal and placidus; lately i lean more towards equal)
i use tropical/western astrology, with both modern and traditional rulers
my readings come in either written or audio format, it’s entirely up to you. both audio and written readings contain the same depth and amount of information. audio readings are supplemented by summarized/bullet points of topics covered but note they do not have written in-depth interpretations like the written natal chart reading would (but i do break down my audio readings with time stamps for easy navigation)
tarot readings and mixed tarot/astro readings can also be done via video if you’d like to see the cards as they come out/etc; please note tarot-only readings are not supplemented with writing/notes if you order them audio or video style
full natal chart + personal planet + progressions readings can be customized to an extent: for example, if you’re not interested in romance, let me know before i do your reading! i’ll focus more on friendships and business when touching on connections/partnerships/venus/etc. or, if for example, you’re more interested in romance, i can highlight those things when interpreting your planets and aspects! this goes for any topics/themes: career, finance, love, friendship, etc. just let me know your specific interests, or things you don’t like talking about (ie: you have zero interest in romance), so i can make your reading more tailored to your preferences. if you have any triggers (ie: do not want family talked about, do not want s*xual topics [sorry i have to add the * or i’ll get shadowbanned again lol😭] talked about, etcetc please let me know! it is never any problem to accommodate this)
obviously, no returns/refunds as this is not a physical item and it takes hours, sometimes days, for most readings to be completed! by ordering from me you are agreeing to this no refund or return policy.
1. full natal chart reading (must have birth time) $50-70
tier one, $50:
interpretations of all planets (sign + house)
interpretations of ascendant, midheaven, descendant, ic (fourth house)
interpretations of any stelliums, “high energy” houses (maybe not a stellium- but a house with multiple planets/asteroids in it) and lack of an element/modality (or abundance/excess of)
tier two, $70, includes everything in tier 1, plus:
interpretations of every house, even if the house is empty
interpretations of strong / major aspects (main focus on squares & quincunx for lessons, blockages, secret strengths / areas of growth, etc - but any other strong/prevalent aspects will be covered)
interpretations of the following asteroids (sign/house/aspects): north/south nodes, chiron & juno
interpretations of interceptions and duplications if applicable
interpretation of yods and t-squares if applicable 
2. full natal chart reading (no birth time) $35
interpretation of all planets (sign)
interpretation of all major aspects (minus moon aspects)
information on any stelliums, lack of an element/modality (or abundance/excess of)
3. personal planets reading (birth time: $30, no birth time $20)
interpretations of sun through mars in the signs (and in the houses if you have birth time)
any standout aspects to the personals are interpreted (moon aspects not available if you don’t have birth time)
4. current astrological progress, focus, etc (”consultation”) $60
this reading is the one i’m most excited for! 🤍 this reading looks at your current transits as well as your progressed chart and solar return chart to determine where you currently are in your stage of astrological development and focus. we will discuss your progressed placements, kind of like a natal reading, and explain how they may be guiding, impacting and influencing you. we will also go over your current transits, their potential lessons, predictions based on your progressions & transits (long-term), and kind of get a full guide on what to expect, what to focus on, blockages, etc. 
this consultation is interactive! so i welcome you to ask any questions before or after the reading that you’re curious on (i ask for a maximum of five or so *intense* questions though - clarification questions and small questions are totally fine more frequently). you can ask things like “what will happen over the next year in my love life” or “what are the biggest lessons for me this year”, etc. this reading is meant specifically for gaining insight into upcoming events and themes in your life. i use your natal chart, transit chart, solar return & progressed chart. you NEED accurate birth time for this reading. you also need to be comfortable giving me both your birth place and where you will be (city-wise) on your next birthday (or last birthday, depending on which was closer; for the solar return chart).
please note however, this does not include any in-depth interpretation of your natal chart, if you’re interested in that you are going to want the first reading! it is also consultation style; i of course will interpret placements but it is more a “what to expect & focus on” type of reading, than a “this means (x)” type of reading. if you have more information of questions about this or any other reading, shoot me a DM anytime!
5. love reading $15
focuses on self-love, friendship & romantic love. this reading focuses on the planets, aspects, asteroids, houses that center around themes of love and connection in all forms (namely juno, venus, moon, 5th/7th/8th houses, etc). it will go over your wants in love versus needs, blockages in love and things to look out for, weaknesses versus strengths, the type of person that would likely best suit you as a friend or partner, etc. please note it’s recommended that you have your birth time for this reading, since it relies on house placements (however i am able to provide this reading w/o birth time).
i plan for this reading to likely be around three or so pages but knowing my rambling it may be longer lol.
6. blockages, development and growth reading $15
this astrological reading focuses heavily on the learning points and blockages present within your natal chart. specifically, this will have heavy focus on squares, oppositions, quincunxes, yods, interceptions, saturn placement, jupiter placement, sun placement 12th house + draconic chart. i will go over areas of struggle, blocks, and areas that likely need development and heavy focus based on your natal chart. i recommend the above progressed reading if you want a more extensive view on this with consideration to current transits and progressions. please note it’s recommended that you have your birth time for this reading, since it relies on house placements (however i am able to provide this reading w/o birth time).
i plan for this reading to likely be around three or so pages but knowing my rambling it may be longer lol.
7. work, education, career & purpose reading $15
this astrological reading focuses on your “purpose”. mainly highlighting placements like the north/south node, 3rd/9th houses, ascendant-midheaven, and sun/mars/mercury/uranus, we cover ideal careers, paths, and purposes for you. this will cover potential issues and blockages when it comes to work, career and study; as well as when achieving your purpose. it also points towards specific fields, industries, areas of study, etc that you are best suited for and guided towards astrologically. please note it’s recommended that you have your birth time for this reading, since it relies on house placements (however i am able to provide this reading w/o birth time).
i plan for this reading to likely be around three or so pages but knowing my rambling it may be longer lol.
✨ MIXED READINGS (astrology & tarot combined):
1. love life + your person/soulmate reading $25 w/ transits $20 w/o
tarot pulls to reveals the traits, potential signs, energy, etc of your person. using the natal chart (fifth house, seventh house, juno, venus/moon/jupiter, saturn aspects, and more) to determine the traits, likely signs/placements of your “soulmate” or ideal person.
tarot pulls surrounding current themes/blockages/etc in your love life, what you may need to hear, what your person may be going through, their feelings, etc. i also look to your astrological transits to see potential blockages or blessings in your love life right now.
2. monthly predictions / reading $15
using a mix of tarot & oracle pulls along with your current astrological transits, i’ll highlight the focuses, blockages, blessing, themes and similar for the next  month for you. things to look out for, look forward to, to specifically work on, etc. if you have a specific theme of more interest (ie: work life or love life), let me know and i can accommodate my reading to focus more on those than other things (just note i may end up pulling cards not related to said thing, because the universe has a stronger message for you).
✨ TAROT-ONLY READINGS (all pay by tip unless specified, but i do ask a min of a $2 tip!) - payment done via ko-fi or paypal. here are some reading examples (everything is customizable, these are just reading suggestions and possible questions, we can discuss further in DMs)
new moon, full moon, weekly or monthly readings: what you need to release, blockages this moon cycle/week/month, blessings this moon cycle/week/month, what to focus on this moon cycle/week/month
self-love & healing readings: what makes you wonderful / what should you be proud of you / what do you bring to others / where are you too hard on yourself / how can you show yourself love / areas of growth
general love reading: you / lover / dynamic, their wants / your differences / similarities / compatibility, your role in rs / their role / past of rs / current state of rs / future, etc.
general career and finance reading: where does your passion lie / what are you good at / how can you combine these / advice, current financial state / where to avoid spending and save / where to let money flow / advice, what are you doing wrong (career/finance) / what are you doing write / what should you do next / advice, etc.
friendship reading: you can actually use the love reading spreads/questions for friendships as well! some other examples; what you think you get from friendship / what you actually get / what the other person feels you bring / is this person a good friend, current state of the friendship / blockages in the friendship / blessings of this friendship / advice or oracle, etc.
stay or go reading (insp): current state of the connection or situation / why you should stay / why you should go / general advice [please note as with any other reading; you must make your own decisions; please do not ask me about toxic/abusive relationships; the answer is always to get help & leave if you can and are safe! this reading can be used for jobs, education, connections]
general three card pull style readings: you / the other person / the relationship, what you want / what they want / potential outcome, strength / weakness / advice, past / present / future, emotional compatibility / spiritual compatibility / physical compatibility, etc! but you’re welcome to google “three card tarot readings” and request a specific one
yes / no + reasoning readings: straightforward, ask a yes or no question and i’ll pull a tarot card + angel oracle card for the question + ask for clarification on the yes or no (please note “maybe” “not now” etc answers are possible, the cards won’t always give a solid clear yes or no)
extensive tarot love reading, singles $10: traits & signs/energy of your next person, how/when you’ll meet [or if you already have], future relationship strengths/weaknesses, romance + angel + moonology oracle messages, blockages for the relationship, advice, etc + one question answered of your choice
extensive tarot love reading, taken/talking stage/etc $10: your person’s current state, their current feelings, if they’re ready for a relationship (+ why/why not), if you’re ready for a relationship (+ why/why not), blockages holding the relationship back/that may arise, romance + angel + moonology oracle messages, strengths and weaknesses of the relationship, advice + one question answered of your choice
romance & angel oracle pulls for love: very straightforward oracle cards to give messages about your love life, partner, current situation, etc in lieu of using traditional tarot-only reading methods
please note i will not answer any medical, legal, or similar questions/advice. all decisions you make after any reading are always your own. astrology & tarot are meant to be for entertainment purposes solely. i am not held accountable for decisions you make after viewing your reading(s). please note i am not a replacement for therapy, counselling, financial advices, career counsellors, life coaches, or other professionals.
HOW TO RECEIVE A READING - for astrology, astrology-tarot mixed readings, and extensive tarot love readings)
please check bio/this post to see if readings are still open
fill out THIS form
i will then DM you once i receive the request to let you know if i am able to accept the reading or not (aka if slots haven’t filled up yet! i’ll try to give an estimated time frame of completion as well or at least let you know how many readings are before yours) - as of november, i will dm you only once i start your reading! but feel free to DM me first for confirmation
once i’m ready to start your reading, i’ll ask for your birth information and get things going
payment is done via paypal and again i use canadian dollars! once i confirm your reading, i take the payment AFTER i’ve already started the reading. i will send you an invoice via paypal, so all i require is your email. once completed, you’ll receive a google doc link to your full completed reading. i also attach a google form for review, feedback, etc. if you’re comfortable with me publicly posting your feedback onto my reviews page, you’ll be able to specify that in said form! the feedback is anonymous with the option to not be anonymous, entirely up to you.
HOW TO RECEIVE A READING - for tarot-only tip based readings
please check bio/this post to see if readings are still open
send me a DM mentioning you want to do a tip-based tarot reading
after that, i’ll ask you to let me know the theme, spread, topic, question, etc
i’ll pull your cards and do your reading, and then you can send the tip via ko-fi or paypal afterwards :)
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eriisaam · 4 years
Something something Tarot Card Project something.
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Context under the cut, in order of appearance:
Kyo - The Fool (  Hear me out.)
Symbolizing new beginning, adventure, opportunities, pleasure, etc. It reflects how when Lifonse and Kamui first met him (from his perspective), he suddenly took a drastic turn in his life with opening new opportunities (becoming a summoner, stabilizing his power to go from a ditto to a ditto-mew, getting his first legendary in Zacian and encountering others, finding his ex and making amends to be on surprisingly good terms with him, having lovers who immediately love him, etc), of which his stinkiness nearly self-sabotaged in his apprehension, his guardedness, and (more sympathetically) him managing his past experiences and traumas, of which had Lifonse and Kamui not been so patient, supportive and loving as they had, there were so many opportunities he could've ruined for himself. This incarnation of him even gained more lovers than his past self (in Eclair and then Kaze), and in a moment of humbling himself and realizing in full of the weight of his failings and foolishness, it had a profound effect in Zacian for her to knight him, proclaiming herself as his to officially train.
For the reverse, this also winds up heavily symbolizing his past-self, who became present-Kyo's fallen alt, who did wind up self-sabotaging things by causing a lot of trauma that lingered in Kamui and Lifonse, who went a completely different direction in life from the present Kyo, and was woefully apathetic and uncaring to Lifonse and Kamui as a whole compared to present-Kyo not only opening up and genuinely loving them more, but making strides to change himself for the better for their sake, too. There were many scars he left behind in Lifonse and Kamui that negatively impacted even present-Kyo’s relationship with them, and the only moment he had a saving grace was just before his death, and ruined just as quickly when Hel claimed him as one of her new cohorts. Worth also noting that unlike the present Kyo, whose power stabilized his ditto genes to be mew-like, past-Kyo didn’t develop nearly as pronounced a bond to do the same, and thus, lacked their connection to a mew.
Ephrel - The Chariot
In reverse, the feeling of defeat, being vanquished, lost, etc. Were all feelings that reflected how Ephrel was in the eyes of Sparrow's Order of Heroes prior to Sparrow's official status as summoner (of which Chrom's was unofficial before her). They were completely forgotten to the point they didn't even have a name attached other than "former summoner/previous summoner", the circumstances of why they were gone were almost entirely unheard of or guesswork, and there seemed far too much haste to try to forget them as much as possible in favor of moving on with Sparrow, satisfied to keep their fate unknown with very few to give a fuck otherwise (like Chrom, then Sparrow based on Chrom's own unwavering hope to find out what happened once learning Ephrel had a life after their robinsona).
The process of finding Spectabilis, then deciding to redeem them rather than kill them (which would be far easier and inconsequential), was what flips The Chariot upright: Reflecting the long, rocky road Chrom persevered to press forward to, and meet up to free Ephrel from a fate of stagnancy, rather than just leave it at accepting his replacement Robins and moving on without them like everyone else. This action was what allowed Ephrel's live to continue forward, and to reveal more of themself they didn't flesh out even in their robinsona days.
Initially, I debated on whether or not Chrom and Ephrel fit to be literally riding something, but I find it even more fitting that Chrom himself served as “the chariot”, having carried the toils and burdens from the point he lost Ephrel, to the long, exhausting journey to retrieve them again. 
Erin - The Hanged Man
As her supports (but especially Lif, Ryoma, and to some degree Camilla from the start) knew too well (and Hrid eventually caught up on and was rightfully horrified of and clingy afterwards about), Erin came from a very harsh life prior to being a summoner, where she was suffocated, controlled, manipulated, and worked to the ground, to the point she nearly made a very costly, risky mistake of her own self prior to her Breidablik summoning her (of which I'll remain brief and vague here as it's not the biggest point this time). The damage was still done, as she still was left a broken shell, fully welcoming anyone to pull her strings as she was heavily conditioned to expect, all with a weak will, self-worth and agency. All of which line up with the reversed Hang Man's meaning of useless sacrifice, unwillingness to change, and knowingly heading on to bad decision after bad outcome. The arms of her past try greedily to drag her back to the life she had once escaped from.
The upright version of this reflected readjustment, improvement, and rebirth: All of which carried the same elements to how her supports could see she was a completely different person underneath the broken mess she was initially left as, and needed support, love, and gentle coaxing to come out in her own accord. This then led to a very massive shift to what she later turned into presently from where she started off before: As someone bold, brash, more willing to show herself, and more engaged as her own self with her own decisions. Even in free-fall, she gained her freedom, and more, thanks to her supports, gained her wings figuratively and literally (as a manakete) to take flight by her own will.
Teru - Death
In reverse, Teru had indeed followed a lot of relationships that couldn't fully serve him or be as realized as he needed them to be at the time he needed it most (Kyo, before The Incident nearly ruined even their friendship, and definitely ruined their relationship. Then Ryoma, before Garon took that away from him as well.). His Order of Heroes failed him, his initial Askr was doomed, and he had to be a pillar of strength and protection to his pokemon and them in a time he himself desperately needed someone to rely on and protect him instead in his ailing strength and health. In the form he took prior to decimating his former connected World of Fates, one prominent feature in the missingno form he took at the time was carrying the fragmented headgear of his fallen past lover.
Upright, even in the point where Teru changed his life for the better, it took massive sacrifices and struggles on his part to get there. He has a chronic illness that can make him incredibly godly in power in the best of times, but also worryingly and critically frail and weak in most other times, all through his missingno powers he's still not able to entirely control. He had done the impossible in cheating death so many times from being a missingno, to surviving Conquest, to taking the Heart's Rite head on and living to tell the tale, but such bragging rights rang hallow for the sacrifices he made and the unspeakable levels of agony and pain he endured while subjected to them. He cheated death, yet at what cost? But even when he reached his lowest, his life did start anew as he grew past his traumas just enough to learn to grow and feel again, and for the better. After all, "third time's the charm".
Sparrow - The Star
Where she started, she was homeless, abandoned by the world, and left to die. Forgotten. Uncared for. Unconcerned. Just another number and another sad life wasted. Like the reverse, she started in a point she was made acutely aware how little her skills mattered (it certainly didn't spare her the life of poverty), how bad her luck was (despite her best efforts, she still failed), and her only future was one that was coming to an end (crushed dreams unrealized in favor of being left to starve to death to the harsh elements outdoors). In her hands were the concept of a Crest of Fate bestowed to her, marking her as a digidestined. But even this “blessing” was in actuality a fake crest of the Grimeal, and what led to long-term damage to her and her digimon when the ruse was up.
It was Chrom who summoned her, and it was because of his patience to help save her and get her on her feet again did her hopes turn around, and her card meaning with it. Upright, she had a second chance in a new life, a new environment, and with opportunities she only barely touched the surface of that were fully realized in looking to it again in Askr (her digimon, who she didn't physically interact with until Chrom upset her digimon partners upon realizing why Sparrow didn't check up on them (of which she downplayed her life cuz, well, she thought it was a game), revealing themselves in full). She found love, she found insight, and she found a new power she learned to harness to make a better use of her skills when she thought a more direct approach was lacking (a healer, when she wasn't physically strong enough to take up another weapon yet). She stayed calm, positive, hopeful, and tried to extend the same hope Chrom shared to her to others she found along the way, which led to Robin, Lyon, and then Ephrel finding their own hopes as well. In her hands was a digi-egg of Destiny (sometimes alternatively known as the digimental of fate), which manifested itself when Breidablik resonated with both Sparrow and Ephrel. As a united force, they finally gained the hard-earned role of digidestined as a duo legendary-mythic unit.
Eclair - Judgement
A lot of Eclair's point of major growth in power and character all fell back on Thorr's most powerful ability: Judgement. This power was the power that could completely and utterly decimate entire countries with the single swing of her hammer, and she isn't afraid to flex, and in ways Eclair saw for himself are fickle and self-righteous (particularly as she and Teru declared war on one another for the sake of protecting Nohr or wiping it off the face of Fates, but did nothing to interfere with the Nohr Teru himself destroyed in his own world). This fickle nature, this self-serving attitude and logic path Thorr decides when to enact her judgement or not, struck the biggest fear in Eclair and caused untold amounts of stress, worries, and panic attacks of being his greatest failure of seeing everyone wiped away from his life (like the fate he himself escaped as a forma) if he couldn't successfully stop his own mother. All of which are fears of the reverse Judgement. Even when she left her mark in other timelines and what-could’ve-beens, she struck fear in Eclair’s supports making such outcomes prominently known for them to stew on. Including an alternative outcome of her taking hold of some manner of Alfonse and overloading him into a temporal threat.
But upright, it also reflects awakening, renewal, a better health and mind fully realized. The point Eclair began fearing his mother and aunt most was also the point his powers started manifesting the most when his family, friends and supports made their own will clear of wanting to protect him. It was also the point he fully realized that form of will that comes from love and the power it held that heavily contrasted the will Thorr took interest in that comes from despair. This eventually was fully realized in his fully powered form, Magni, and his power as the Divine Shield to completely cancel out Thorr's Judgement attack, and thus, force her to bring herself down to the same even footing as the mortals when she can't simply delete them off the earth with a swing anymore. This resolve is also what resonated with why Zamazenta similarly trusts him, and thus, fully established Eclair's mythic alt.
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madcxp · 4 years
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𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖞  𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖘  :  XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD  is  a  twenty - one  year  old  muggleborn  .  he  is  currently  working  as  an  intern at the daily prophet  ,  and  is  suspected  of  siding  with  the order.  nicknamed  the  madcap  ,  they're  described  to  be  -  distrait  and  +  perspicacious  .  wherever  they  go  ,  they  leave  the  scent  of  vanilla pudding  ,  half - finished experimental potions  ,  &  dirigible plum  ,  and  the  memories  of  when the moon is visible in daylight hours  ,  freshly shorn strands of flaxen hair fluttering into a bathroom sink  ,  &  an obscure symbol strung onto a glistening gold chain  behind . (  rudy pankow  .  cis male  .  )  | ooc  sam  ,  23  ,  est  ,  she / her  .
hello ! i’m sam and it’s been a loooong time since i’ve been in a marauders rp, so i’m super excited for this and i hope you enjoy my quintessential ‘70s vegetarian hippie !
FULL NAME: xenophilius ? lovegood ( he’s pretty sure he has a middle name, but he can’t remember what it is. ) NICKNAMES: xeno GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis male + he / him DOB + AGE: october 13th, 1955 / twenty - one ZODIAC: libra HOMETOWN: killarney, ireland OCCUPATION: intern at the daily prophet BLOOD STATUS: muggleborn ( sort of — squib father, muggle mother )
tws : death, mention of drugs, neglect, mental illness. i tried to be as vague as possible, but please proceed with caution !
xenophilius ? lovegood is an irish muggleborn wizard … sort of. the lovegoods, while not a strictly pureblood family, have existed in the wizarding world for centuries. his father was a squib, homeschooled all his life until he finally ran away from home in order to join muggle society. his mother is a muggle. a free - spirited future flower child at the time of their first meeting, she found his eccentricities charming and quickly fell for him. in fact, the two eloped the very day they met. ( yes, in somewhat of a drunken, drug - fueled haze. ) their first and only child was born exactly nine months later. 
in the muggle world, their son would experience as typical of an upbringing as anyone could hope for. his father never spoke of his background, and his mother always assumed that his eccentricities could be attributed to a mixture of recreational drug use and a sheltered upbringing.
the domestic bliss came to a sudden, screeching halt when xenophilius was just five years old. his father had slipped out of their home in the late hours of the evening, sneaking out to explore the muggle world just as he had countless times before. he knelt down in the middle of a busy street to examine a pothole and was struck by a speeding bus.
he was so young when it happened, but xenophilius was an unusually perceptive child and besides, he imagines that it was difficult to miss the drastic and almost immediate change in his mother. the once - ebullient young woman had transformed into a skittish agoraphobe in a matter of mere weeks. she would sit in the attic for days on end sometimes, sifting through boxes of her husband’s belongings and discovering old books with strange titles : things like quidditch through the ages, fantastic beasts and where to find them, and of course, the tales of beedle the bard. 
she would scream and scream if he tried to enter the attic, so xenophilius would sit on the topmost step of the rickety staircase with tall stacks of books that he usually got through in a few short days. his mother forbade him from the leaving house, but he was never exactly sneaking out and yet she never seemed to notice that he was gone. he would go to the library and a few local shops, but most of the time he just went out to their backyard and laid in the grass for hours and hours.
eventually, his mother only ever left their attic to read him passages from one of his father’s strange books or tell him about the magical creatures detailed within their pages. she would get the important bits wrong so often that most of the time, she was telling xenophilius about creatures that she had practically made up all on her own. of course, he had no way of knowing that. he retained every word she said and he always, always believed her. 
xenophilius learned of his magical abilities & roots at the age of eleven like most muggleborn wixen. his mother was hysterical at the mere thought of him stepping beyond the front door of their dilapidated hub of hoarding. the ministry of magic had to step in and ( almost literally ) drag him out of the house. 
he attended hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry where he was sorted into ravenclaw house beginning in the year 1966 and completing his studies in 1974. considered a surprisingly bright student ( albeit a chronic class cutter ), he received perfect grades in herbology and care of magical creatures and received near - perfect grades in all of his other classes … except for potions. too absentminded and easily distracted to remember the ingredients and brewing instructions, he just barely managed to avoid earning straight trolls every year. 
he usually stayed at hogwarts over the winter holidays, only returning to his home in ireland during summer breaks. his mother seemed to grow further and further from reality with every passing year. by the time he was returning from his fifth year at hogwarts, she was practically comatose. she no longer ventured up to the attic or rambled on and on about nargles and the swedish crumple - horned snorkack. in fact, she never spoke at all. she sat in a rocking chair in their living room, staring blankly out the window. if her son wanted to bathe her or feed her or get her into a fresh set of pajamas, then he had to move her completely by himself.
he doesn’t care about money himself, but wishing to recruit a full - time caretaker for his mother and holding a longtime interest in journalism, xenophilius decided to accept an internship offer from the daily prophet. he hates it. all he does is fetch pumpkin juice and refill inkpots for “journalists” who write whatever the ministry tells them to whether it’s true or false. he gets laughed out of the room whenever he tries to present ideas for articles, so he’s recently stopped trying.
he’s currently living in a small apartment above one of the shops in diagon alley for the sake of his job that he’s been thinking about quitting since a few months ago, when his mother passed in her sleep ( peacefully, he hopes ). he joined the order of the phoenix because a friend dragged him into it * wc ! as a devout vegetarian, the mere sight of blood or a living creature in pain absolutely turns his stomach, but as a ( sort of ) muggleborn, he ultimately supports the cause so he doesn’t mind it all that much. he’s attempted to reach out to his father’s family a few times, but even the notoriously open - minded lovegoods want nothing to do with a squib or his child. 
is he really a muggleborn or is he technically a halfbood ? or is he just a disgrace to his father’s family as those he’s reached out to seem to believe ? as someone who’s always been certain & unashamed of who he is, struggling with his identity in regards to his blood status makes him uncomfortable so he tries to avoid the subject altogether.
vegetarian and environmentalist. the kind of person who scolds his friends for littering and stops what he’s doing to pick up random bits of trash in the street because he absolutely cannot bear to leave it there. blood makes him squeamish and it turns his stomach to see any living thing in pain. 
he always means well. i don’t think he has it in him to be malicious or petty, however ... he’s not the most reliable friend. he’s forgetful, he can’t keep track of time ... basically, he’s t*na in this meme & he’ll flake out on plans because he distracted with reading or eating a pudding cup or climbing a tree or climbing a tree to read and eat a pudding cup on one of the branches.
friend with least amount of shit together now reading tarot cards if you're interested !
the type of wizard to spend three hours looking for his wand only to realize that it was tucked behind his ear the entire time ... multiple times a week.
the friend who convinced him to join the order
someone who looks out for him
the scully to his mulder ( or the hermione to his luna, if you will )
his long - suffering potions partner from hogwarts ( i think they’d have to be a ravenclaw or hufflepuff age  20 - 22 )
a roommate or two could be fun !
all of the usual stuff : best friends, exes, family on the lovegood side or the muggle side, friends who drifted apart, etc ! 
these are just a few base ideas, so please don’t feel limited by what’s listed here !
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celticcrossanon · 4 years
Will Prince Harry Attend Remembrance Day? Draft, WIP
This is speculation only.
Practise spread - we will see how much I get written up.
Celtic Cross Spread
Spread drawn at  approximately 4.15am on the 15th of September GMT
Cards used: The Mythic Tarot (the cards are based on a version of Greco-Roman mythology; the descriptions are more the mixed, popular culture version of mythology than the original myths, so keep that in mind as you read the interpretations below)
All interpretations taken from the book that came with the cards
The Celtic Cross had 3 Major Arcanas out of 10 cards, so while this is significant for the BRF and will be played out on the world stage, it is not hugely significant for them (only 1/3 or so of the cards were major arcana). Of the remaining 7 cards, there were 3 Cups, 2 Swords, and 2 Wands. No Pentacles. So this is not about money, it is about family and emotions and being nurturing (Cups), long-term, strategic planning (Swords), and the image that is communicated to those outside the BRF (Wands). Repeated numbers were two Sixes, two Twos, and two Nines. I usually only consider repeated numbers if they repeat three or more times.
Bottom of the Deck - Overall Theme - Strength (Card 10)
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This card shows Heracles wrestling with the Nemean Lion in a cave.
The lion can represent royalty, even at its most destructive, i.e. Harry. The lion is also the infantile, savage, and completely egocentric beginnings of individuality, i.e. Harry's attempts to 'find himself' as a person and all the damage these attempts have caused to others. The lion here is the Nemean Lion, which possessed a hide that no weapon could pierce, giving it a shield of invincibility, i.e. Harry's position in the Royal family. Here the Nemean Lion stands for a "Me First" drive that will happily destroy anyone and anything in its path, as long as its gratification is assured. One of the manifestations of this "Me First" drive is an furious, explosive, rage-driven tantrum when the person does not get their own way. Another is bombast and an inflated sense of self importance, making the person savage and unrelenting both towards the people on whom they are dependent (i.e. Harry and the BRF) and the people [who they see as] stealing their limelight (also harry and the BRF).
Heracles wresting with the lion shows the struggle we all face to subdue the lion's unbridled individualism and make it serve a higher purpose; the need to subdue our desires and care for others so that together we can form a caring and responsible community instead of being a collection of individuals running rampant and destroying each other in our need for instant gratification. It is considering the long-term consequences of our actions and putting other's needs before our desires. Courage, strength and self discipline are necessary to see the struggle through to a successful conclusion.
In this specific instance, the card shows the BRF (and their long tradition of service to their country) wresting with Harry's unbridled egomania. Do they include him as part of the family (and the BRF is all about family), or do they cut him off and show quite clearly that however loved as a brother, he is no longer a member of the Royal Family. Will they sucumb to his temper tantrums and unjust accusations, or will they hold firm for the good of "the Firm"? What damage will he do if he is allowed to attend? If they place limits on him, will he follow them (hint: No)? These are the questions the BRF is struggling with at the moment, and while the course of action may seem clear to an outsider, for them it is not yet decided.
Significator: The Moon (card 18)
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This is where the situation is at this moment in time. 
The card shows the goddess Hecate, associated with the Moon, magic and the underworld. Hecate is an ancient goddess, as the BRF is an old regime. She is shown of the card with a cute-looking (not terrifying) Cerberus, who guards the entry to the Underworld, a domain associated with her and full of mystery, wisdom and hidden riches. To me this signifies that Prince Harry thinks that going back to the BRF (here represented by Hecate and the underworld) will be easy, as there is no monster guarding the way, only a cute dog (who will be expected to roll over and obey his commands). Hecate, shown here as an older woman (and usually shown as a very old woman, like the Queen) is looking to the past, the present and the future all at once, as the BRF must do in making this decision. As an impersonal image of the feminine, one of the rulers of the Underworld, she represents the Queen in her role as the ruler of Great Britian and some countries of the Commonwealth, a figure who cannot be the warm and loving grandmother that we know she is with Harry, but who rather must be the impersonal Ruler who puts the good of her country above all else.
In the bottom right hand corner of the card, supporting Cerberus and Hecate, is a crab. The crab is the sign of Cancer, and Cancer is the sun sign of Prince William. Prince William may very well be acting as the 'right hand man' pf the Queen during this decision making process. The unseen presence of the underworld in the background suggests the hidden presence of Prince Charles, a sun sign Scorpio, as Scorpio is the sign that rules the Underworld. Prince Charles may be working behind the scenes in this decision, absent in flesh but present in spirit. 
The road to Hecate's realm is the 'royal road' of dreams, and Prince Harry may well be hoping to either using his visible status as a royal (supported by an appearance at Remembrance Day) to fulfil his non-royal dreams, or to use his appearance at remembrance Day as a road back to his previous status as a taxpayer funded working Royal sometime in the future, or both together.
Hecate was associated with the crossroads, which suggests that this decision is a crossroads for the BRF - they have to choose a path and move forward on it, removing all other options. Hecate also had the power (according the to tarot book) of bestowing or withholding from a mortal any desired gift, and that is exactly the position that the BRF are in - do they bestow the desired gift of attendance upon Harry (and his wife), or do they withhold it?
So the BRF is facing a choice, a crossroads. There is confusion (heart versus head) and anxiety over this choice, and it has not yet been made. The Major Arcana card says that this is a major decision and one that will have a lasting impact on all involved.
* Crossing Card : Queen of Cups
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This is the main obstacle in making the decision.
The card represents Helen, the woman who was married to one man (the King of Sparta), fell in love and ran away with another (the Prince of Troy), and thus instigated the Trojan Wars (during the course of which she took three more lovers). As a woman who created a crisis in the ruling family of her country by following her own selfish desires, the parallel to Meghan Markle is obvious. If you look at the woman on the card, she resembles Meghan Markle as she is today with her long black extensions. As well as creating trouble wherever she goes (as Helen of Troy did), Meghan Markle has also run away with a prince of the BRF (a neat inversion of Prince Paris running away with Helen). My feeling is that the obstacle is not so much Meghan Markle herself, but rather her effect on Prince Harry, the loved grandson of the Queen and prince of the BRF.
The Queen of Cups can be seen as a woman who is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings and fantasies that have previously been hidden from awareness, and there is no doubt that in his association with Meghan Markle, the public have become aware of Prince Harry's rage and contempt for both the BRF and his position within it, something that was previously skillfully hidden by the 'Hero Harry" and "Harry the lad" PR. This emergence in the public eye of the 'real' Prince Harry is also part of the obstacle the BRF faces in making this decision.
Another meaning of the Queen of Cups is a loving and nurturing woman. As such, the card can be taken to represent Princess Diana. From this perspective, the obstacle is not Meghan Markle herself but rather  her unsuccessful attempts to push herself onto the public as Princess Diana 2.0, with her constant cries of "racism" and her accusations of the BRF as "unsupportive", "mean", and "treating her like they did Princess Diana". While easily disproven in themselves, these statements gain traction when they are supported by Prince Harry, either by his actions, his own statements against the BRF, or his silence.
Prince Harry is considered by most to be under the thumb of Meghan Markle. He supports her behaviour in tearing down his family and appears to be transforming into a woke male version of herself. Prince Harry is known to have mental issues, and as the nurturing, caring force represented by the Queen of Cups the BRF may hesitate to do anything that could worsen hos mental state. Unfortunately, this leaves them open to emotional blackmail by Prince Harry (the negative side of the Queen of Cups), as he will not hesitate to use the "Princess Diana Card" and remind everyone of the trauma he suffered as a child to get his own way (the fact that Prince William suffered the same trauma while also a child does not seem to occur to anyone).
The crossing card is a Minor Arcana card, so while the obstacles are being considered carefully by the BRF, they are not a huge problem, as would be the case if a Major Arcana card appeared in this position. The Minor Arcana card shows something that is a nusiance but that also is a problem that is  definitely manageable/surmountable.
* Crowning Card and Base of the Matter Card: Ace of Wands and Six of Swords
This is where I made a mistake in the spread. 
When I drew the cards, I drew the Ace of Wands as the third card and put it in the Crowing Card position, and then I drew the Six of Swords as the fourth card and put it in the Base of the Matter position.  However, before I started this spread, I formed the intention of doing the spread as it appeared in the accompanying book, and that book spread has the third card as the Base of the Matter and the fourth card as the Crowning Card.
I put the cards in the wrong positions. Bollocks.
Rather than choosing between my intention to follow the book spread or my instinct in putting down the cards, I have decided to honour both and read both cards together as both the Crowning Card and the Base of the Matter Card (next time I will double check the spread before I draw the cards).
Card 3: the Ace of Wands 
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Due to certain life events, the Ace of Wands is strongly linked in my mind with the male, um, 'manhood', and that phallic imagery immediately suggests that someone here is being "led by their dick", that someone being Prince Harry (apparently Prince Charles referred to it as being 'cunt-struck'). This association is strengthened by the card showing a male wearing a crown and holding the world in one hand while the other holds a thick wand emitting flames (the phallic imagery of the wand is obvious and I won't detail it here). The crown and the world can be taken as showing Harry's previous status as a royal prince, where the world was his oyster (more or less).  
The image on the card is the god Zeus, who is famous (or infamous) for not being able to keep it in his pants, and thus reinforces the "led by his dick" meaning. 
The Ace of Wands as a card symbolises the creative power of the imagination, the impulse that makes us restless and dissatisfied until we formulate and manifest it in the world (successfully or not). It is important to note that here the idea has not been thought through and formulated; it is simply a dissatisfaction, a feeling that things could be different. I believe that it was this feeling of dissatisfaction that led to Prince Harry leaving the BRF. He could have looked for ways to improve his role/position/life within the BRF. Instead he chose to leave when his wife did and, together with her, to pursue another future outside the BRF. 
The Ace of Wands, like all aces, also indicates something new. This indicates that this situation is something new for the BRF - never before has a blood royal left Great Britian to live as a minor celebrity n Hollywood. As with all new situations, they may be uncertain as to what is the best response, especially as we now live in an age of instant social media (and not the previous time of newspaper media, which was slower and could be controlled by the BRF).
Card 4: the Six of Swords 
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Here we have Orestes, the doomed hero, travelling to Argos to fulfil his terrible duty to murder his mother. He is travelling through rough water, although calmer weather lies ahead. This figure again has echoes of Prince Harry, whose mother died when he was young, and who has left the country of his birth to travel overseas and make his home in another land. This is the Prince Harry who is no longer a working royal and who has left the BRF for the life of a wanna-be celebrity in Los Angeles. Orestes's future murder of his mother could show Prince Harry's future 'murder' by overexposure of his mother's image via documentary, after dinner speeches, and Netflix musical, as well as his constant use of the "Princess Diana Card". For both Orestes and Prince Harry, this journey appears to be one-way; both have left with no intention of returning to their former place of residence.
Orestes was born in Argos, banished to Phocis, and returned to Argos to avenge his father by murdering his mother. Harry was born in Great Britain, willingly left for a life in Los Angeles (and there are articles saying how unhappy he is there and how he feels in 'exile'), and now  he is trying to return home - to resume his role in the BRF, or like Orestes, to 'murder his mother' by trying to complete the destruction of the public image of the BRF who bore, raised and nurtured him? Both interpretations are possible, and indeed by doing the first the BRF may achieve the second. Popular opinion seems to be that the UK public are very glad to be rid of Prince Harry and his wife, and they do not want them to return - ever. These sentiments and the possibilities of what Prince Harry will do in Los Angeles are things to be considered in making the decision whether to extend him an invitation or not.
The Six of Swords in general shows a time of moving on, a time when clear thoughts, understanding and logic will ease a difficult situation and propel you into smoother waters. Sentiment and emotions (cups) play no part in this process, it is all duty and an acceptance of your obligations. This, then, appears to be the path of the BRF - to decide with the mind and not with the heart.
As the Crowning Card, these two cards show the situation as it appears to others - Prince Harry being led by his dick to leave the BRF and create a future for himself in another country as a minor celebrity.
As the Base of the Matter, these two cards show other motivations - Prince Harry being prompted to leave by dissatisfaction with his life as well as sexual desire, the idea of having him invited to remembrance Day bringing with it the danger of destroying the reputation of the BRF, the fears of what exactly he will do in Los Angeles if he is - or is not invited, and above all the necessity for clear, logical thought without sentiment to find a path through this situation.
Past Influences: Justice (card 8)
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This is what has influenced the situation in the past. The situation is moving away from it.
The Justice card shows the goddess Athena, seated on her throne, holding the sword and scales of justice. Athena sprung fully formed from the head of Zeus, so this Justice is impersonal, abstract, a thing of thought and not passions. This is further emphasised by the armour worn by the goddess. Her chest and her back are encased in steel, stiffening her spine and enclosing/locking away her heart, the seat of emotions. It is like the judgement handed down in a court case is supposed to be - the situation is weighed against the law and, if found wanting, a punishment prescribed by the law is delivered. There is no room for the passions or emotions in this sort of justice. Facts are all that matter.
The female goddess Athena represents the Queen, a powerful female who made the decisions in this matter. This impersonal, abstract, emotionless justice is how the Queen has dealt with this situation with Prince Harry in the past (to the best of her ability). She has considered the facts, weighed them in her mind, and delivered a consequence. The goddess is armoured and armed with a spear, and so the Queen has acted not out of personal pain but in defence of her institution (the BRF) and her realm.
As the goddess is sitting down, the consequences were more often passive than active; the result of Prince Harry's repeated actions rather than actions taken to forestall them. Like the scales the goddess holds in her hand, the Queen did her best to deliver consequences that she saw as balanced and fair (no matter how the rest of the world saw them). Athena is the goddess of strategy, and the Queen would have taken the strategic long view when deciding on the consequences for Prince Harry's actions. Justice is the card of Libra, and Libra aims for civilised harmony, so the Queen may have had that as a goal in making her decisions (for example, playing Happy Families and presenting aunited front to the world).
The fact that this is a past influence suggests that things are going to change. A new force will lie behind the actions of the BRF. Prince Harry may not be aware of this change. Justice is said to be blind, and he may go blindly forward, expecting everything to work out the same as it had in the past.
This is a Major Arcana card, so it was very important in the past for the treatment of Prince Harry to be seen as fair and unbiased by emotion. Whether this holds true for the future remains to be seen.
Future Influences: Nine of Wands
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These are the influences on the situation that are going to appear in the immediate future. The situation is moving towards this.
The Nine of Wands shows the ship Argo just before it passes the final obstacle in its journey home, the Clashing Rocks, and comes into the safe harbour of the city of Argos. The sails of the ship are tattered and torn, for it has been through many difficulties on its voyage, and only one final obstacle remains between it and its goal. That obstacle is the Clashing Rocks, a pair of huge rocks that clashed together whenever a ship sailed between them, crushing the ship between them. The captain of the ship, Jason, acted on the advice from a crew member and released a dove between the rocks to see how fast the crew would have to row to escape them. The dove lost a few tail feathers, and by rowing at a similar speed, as fast as they could, the Argo passed between the rocks, losing only its stern ornament. After this defeat the rocks became motionless, facing each other across the sea.
For this card, the Argo represents both the BRF and Prince Harry. Both have been battered by the events of the past, and both want to come to a calm and stable future. Standing between them and this outcome is the Clashing Rocks, which represent the interests of the BRF on the one side and the desires of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the other. A passage between the two needs to be negotiated without destroying either the BRF or Prince Harry. Then the rocks will freeze in place, the calm and stable future will be reached, and both parties will continue to hold the positions that are seen at this event. Otherwise, one or both party will be destroyed between the rocks of their conflicting goals.
Like the dove, both Prince Harry and/or the BRF might have to lose a few tail feathers to achieve this result. The compromises will not be significant in the overall scheme of things - the dove can still fly away and regrow its feathers; similarly both Prince Harry and the BRF will recover from whatever compromises they have to make to achieve this future.
The passage to this future will not be easy. The sea around the rocks is turbulent and the crew of the ship are exhausted. it is the same with the BRF and Prince Harry. They have both been on a long journey, and both are exhausted, and finally the end is in sight. Then one last hurdle appears. The obstacle may have been foreseen, as the crew of the Argo knew of the Clashing Rocks, or it may suddenly arise from the depths and stand before them. They must try again, one last time, to overcome this obstacle and finally reach their goal. 
The Nine of Wands represents one last burst of energy that comes from the willingness to try again, one last time, even though you are exhausted, when a final obstacle arises and stands between you and your goals. That willingness to try will bring forth fresh energy and new ideas. It is this last burst that can carry both Prince Harry and the BRF through the rocks and through any compromises into the safe harbour beyond, their positions set for the future. The alternative is for one or both parties to be destroyed. Blindly rushing ahead, refusing to take the time to observe and plan and take advice, will result in the person being crushed between the rocks and drowning. Only by planning and taking advice, as Jason did when he released the dove and calculated the rowing speed required, will a safe passage be assured. 
The member who advised Jason to release the dove was Phineus, a King rescued from his torments by two of the crew of the Argo during their long journey, and who then joined the crew on their quest. Perhaps someone in a similar position may offer wise advice to the BRF and/or Prince Harry.
Wands can represent PR (creativity, ideas). It is very likely that this final obstacle (future influence) will either be in itself or will come from PR pieces designed to stir up the emotions of the general public (emotions are water and the ship is sailing through a turbulent/stirred up sea). As the PR from the Harkle camp has already shown itself capable of being extremely nasty, I expect either something even nastier from them that completely crosses one or more lines, or for Meghan Markle to turn on Prince Harry and tear him to pieces. The current trend of the Harkle PR can go either way.
Where One Finds Oneself: Judgement (card 20)
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This is what will happen in the near future. The situation is moving towards this.
Here we see Hermes the Psychopomp, the traveller between two worlds, who brings messages to and from the Underworld, summons the dead to the Underworld, restores the dead to life, and who leads heroes out of the Underworld. 
When we die, it is said that our life passes before our eyes, and in we go the the abode of the dead, where we are judged for our deeds and delivered into peace or torment. This is where Prince Harry will find himself. Gone is the abstract justice of the past, now his actions will be judged with emotion, based on how they affect the BRF, and he will be punished or promoted accordingly.
If we look at the picture, we can see a land of glowing wheat fields at the top of the stairs. To me this is England, the Underworld is the life of exile in Hollywood, and Hermes is the messanger between the worlds, with a message  that has been or will be sent to Prince Harry. How Prince Harry responds will determine whether he is led out of the underworld and back to the wheat fields of England, or whether he is left to languish in the darkness of Hollywood. Hermes as a God often displays deceit and trickery, and here he could also represent not a message, but Prince Harry trying to lie and cheat his way back into his past privleges as a member of the BRF.
Whether or not Prince Harry returns to England, he faces a judgement. Should he be restored to some of his past privleges, should he be seen to be a member of the Windosr family but not the BRF (i.e. present in a minor role), or should he simply be excluded from all public events? This is not the cold, abstract, passive Justice of the past, but a Judgement that is active, as Hermes is upright and moving in this card, and a Judgement that is emotional, full of the hurt and pain that he has caused to others (to his family on a personal level, to the BRF as an institution, and to the British public whose taxes have supported him his entire life). This is a very different sort of "judge and jury" than in the past, and I don't think Prince Harry is aware of the change. He is represented here by the dead people, as he "died" by cutting himself off from the BRF. They are swathed in bandages that block their eyes, ears, and mouth, as Prince Harry is blind, deaf and dumb to the changes that await him in the BRF.
The Judgement card is the card of Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, and Prince Charles is a sun-sign Scorpio. This suggests that Prince Charles is going to move from a force in the background to a major player, front and centre (as Hermes is in the card) in the decision about whether Prince Harry is invited to Remembrance Day or not, and if so in what capacity. Scorpio is a water sign, and water signs are very emotional, so this judgement of Prince Harry's worth as a member of  the BRF is going to be based on an emotional response to all his past actions, the good and the bad, the ones Prince Harry accepts as his and the ones where he places the blame upon others . The Judgement card is a Major Arcana card, which says that the judgement on his position is a major event and it will be seen on the world stage. 
The Judgement card also shows the personal process in which Prince Harry will find himself in the near future. He will face the consequences of all his actions, both those he admits to and those where he has avoided responsibility. All of those actions will be called to account, not just on a world stage but also on a personal stage, and Prince Harry will be confronted with the realisation of what he has done and how it has created his future (whether he accepts his part in this or chooses to play the eternal victim is another matter entirely). The  Judgement card signifies the end of a chapter in his life. Whether the next part is sweet or bitter, as part of the BRF or alone in Hollywood, will be the result of all his actions, past and present.
Views of Others: Two of Cups
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This is how friend s and family see the situation.
Hopes and Fears: Six of Cups
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This is what the people involved hope for and fear from the situation.
Final Outcome: Page of Swords
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If no energy shifts, this will be the outcome of the situation.
Clarifiers: Queen of Swords, Seven of Pentacles
I pulled two clarifying cards to help me understand the outcome.
Queen of Swords
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Seven of Pentacles
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fayegracexo · 5 years
How to Celebrate Lughnasadh
Somehow we are already to our first of three harvest festivals in the wheel of 2019! This year is flying by crazy quick! I can’t believe July is already over and it’s time for Lughnasadh on August 1st! (Fun Fact: The Gaelic word for August is ‘Lunasa’ - Lughnasadh is pronounced Loo-Na-Sah!)
If you happened to catch my last post (if you didn’t, click here! ‘Lughnasadh vs. Lammas’) then you already know the difference between ‘Lughnasadh’ and ‘Lammas’, and some of the history, which means it’s time to get into the fun part...how to celebrate it!
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To keep this post simple I’ll put it in list form, and I apologize in advance for mentioning some things more than once, there’s some things that end up being good crossover ideas, so sorry if it sounds repetitive at all! (Just your typical chronically apologizing Libra over here!) 
I’ll start with some traditional ways to celebrate, then list the correspondences, THEN go into a longer list of celebration ideas! I’ll try to keep this short but there’s lots of info and I wanted to give plenty of options, so if you don’t see what you're looking for, just keep scrolling it’s probably there! ;) (It’s long, i’m sorry oh geez)
If not, I’m always available for messages and questions, and i’ll be posting craft ideas, recipes, and more ways to celebrate on my Instagram account that’s connected to this blog. Check the ‘Lughnasadh’ highlight and my story on August 1st for more! @selfcarewitchxo​ 
Now let’s jump in!
How To Celebrate Traditionally
To start, I wanted to suggest some basic ways to celebrate in a more traditional way, and then go into a list with lots more options and details! Some of these might repeat in the list below so sorry in advance! (Libra problems again, I tried to organize the best I could...I’m so OCD)
Lughnasadh is about giving thanks for what has grown in summer, and for the abundance in our lives. We gather what has grown and begin to prep for winter and the darker, colder months, but not before celebrating a successful harvest season!
In the old days, it was tradition to climb a hill and bury or leave an offering of the first and best of your harvest to Lugh, usually the first loaf of bread you've baked. Offerings are left in exchange for blessings, gratitude, abundance, strength, protection, and growth. You can do the same hill idea, or leave your first loaf or other offering on your altar, or another special place.
Lughs’ original festival, was also focused on feasting, games, and athletic competition. Try recreating the same and have some friends over for a BBQ and some friendly competition! 
Gods, Goddesses, Animals and Other Deities
The Celtic God Lugh is the patron deity for this festival, but if you’re not from a Celtic background, don’t use Lugh in your practice, or are from a Dianic tradition, there are many other Gods, Goddesses, animals and deities to choose from to incorporate into your Lughnasadh holiday. 
Tailtiu (Lughs’ adoptive Mother who passed away, the festival is held in her honor) is a traditional female option, but any grain/agricultural/Mother Goddess/Father God figures make great picks. 
For Goddesses, Rhiannon, Annona, Persephone, Cerridwen, Ceres, Demeter, and Isis are all options, and Odin, John Barley Corn, Dagon, Taranis, Vulcan, Mercury, Loki, Tammuz and Adonis are suggestions for the males! This is just to name a few of course! 
As for animals, agricultural animals such as roosters, lambs, sheep, calves, and pigs are associated with the holiday, you can also use the majestic stag! For more mythological options, the centaur, phoenix and griffin are also associated.
Try adding statues, figurines, feathers, bones or other things associated with these Gods/Goddesses/deities/animals as altar decorations!
How can you have a holiday without some festive decorations? Take some time to redo your altar space, room, or even your whole house if you want, to get into the holiday spirit! Being a harvest, nature based holiday, there are many cheap, easy, decorating ideas, that include many things we already have at home! 
To start, use some seasonally scented candles, wax burners, or essential oils to make your sacred space smell like Lughnasadh vibes! 
Candles in holiday colors, or tied with holiday colored ribbon, make a good altar addition! (See below for list of color correspondences) 
Dried corn, rice, wheat, corn dollies, fallen twigs, dried straw, herbs, crystals, corn stalks, pumpkins, squash, dried oats, dried beans, a cornucopia, sunflower seeds, flowers, a scythe, a sickle, or a cauldron are quite seasonal options! (Keep reading for suggestions for crystals, scents and herbs!)
These crystals are associated with Lughnasadh. Try using them as altar decorations, in your spellwork, or to meditate with during the holiday!
Amber, aventurine, carnelian, citrine, moss agate, topaz, golden topaz, obsidian, tigers eye, brown agate, clear quartz, cats eye, lodestones, peridot.
Plants/Herbs/Flowers/Scent Associations 
Lumping this one a little since these have dual uses! 
Wheat, Basil, Mint, Queen Anne’s Lace, Calendula, Yarrow, Sunflowers, Marigolds, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rose, Rosemary, Rose hips, Blackthorn, Vervain, Peonies, Poppies, Ginseng, All Spice and Chamomile all have associations with Lughnasadh. Use these to decorate, make tea, cook or bake with, scent your home or altar space, or to leave as an offering! (Keep reading for suggestions on how to use these) 
Try candles and ribbons in shades of green, brown, bronze, orange, yellow and gold. Personally, I always choose a yellow, brown, gold, and green candle for my Lughnasadh altar space.
Yellow represents solar energies, happiness, and transformation.
Brown represents earth energies, strength, protection, and animals.
Gold is to illuminate, for success, divine power, and the harvest.
Green represents abundance, prosperity, fertility, growth, wealth, life, and vegetation.
Food & Drink Ideas 
As Lughnasadh is a feasting holiday to give thanks, consider having some friends and loved ones over for a BBQ or potluck! both are great traditional ideas. Try these food and drink suggestions to indulge in holiday flavors!
Foods: BBQ, breads, roasted lamb, pot luck, berries - like blueberries and blackberries, potatoes, pies, nuts, pumpkin, mushrooms, garlic, honey, acorn squash, summer squash, apples, oats, rice, beans, fried chicken, berry pancakes
Drinks: Since wheat is a big thing, beer is a staple drink, but if you’re more of a wine person try elderberry, blackberry or blueberry wine. For alcohol free options, cherry or apple ciders are great, or plain apple juice. 
Mint and chamomile are associated herbs, they make a great tea suggestion! Sweet mint, peppermint or spearmint make lovely iced teas. Blueberry or blackberry teas are also delicious! 
I’m also personally adding mojitos to this list as a modern update. Since mint is associated, adding some from your garden in a refreshing mojito sounds like a good way to incorporate it to me!
Try some oats or blueberry pancakes in the morning with a seasonal juice or herbal tea, then do a bigger feast for dinner of lamb or chicken, with a beer, then pie for dessert!
More Ways to Celebrate 
Bake Bread
There’s lots of recipes online for you to bake your very own loaf. Try adding herbs, or twisting the dough into Celtic knots for extra flair. You can also ‘paint’ the bread! Try Pinterest for some great recipe ideas. Bake extra to give away to a loved one or leave as an offering!
Have a Popcorn Party
Since Lughnasadh is associated with corn, try having a movie night wit friends and making different varieties of popcorn! Do you like spicy, or sweet kinds? This is a great idea to try with kids! 
Have a Beer
As a grain holiday, relaxing with a cold brew is a good way to relax this Lughnasadh. Safely and responsibly of course.
Create a Besom
A besom is a witches broom. This is a good time of year to use dried straw, fallen twigs, ribbons and charms to create your own. Personally I love to see lavender in them, gorgeous!
Make Candles
If you have the supplies (even cooler if you have you own bees and wax!) try making candles. Bonus points for seasonal colors and scents, triple points for recycling old wax and bringing life back to old candles! 
Harvest your fruits, veggies, and herbs you’ve grown to use them in thanks in teas, tinctures, salves, your cooking, spellwork, and to hang up to dry. Make salsas, or preserves or jams to try on your Lughnasadh bread, or try canning to have a treat in the cold months!
Spend Time Outdoors
Take a walk, hike up a hill, have a picnic, visit a Farmer’s Market or produce stand for local goodies, or go pick fruits, like apples, berries or peaches at a local orchard! Find a way to soak up the last of the season’s warmth.
Have a Fire/Light a Candle
Have a bonfire solo or with friends, and consider burning away some things that need to be released. Throw things that don’t serve you (that are fire safe of course!) into the flames and let them be released. Let the fire ‘reap’ the bad from your life, and ‘sow’ positivity back into it.
If you can’t have a fire, choose a seasonally colored candle, or a few, and give thanks by it’s light! You can carve runes into them if you’d like also!
Lughnasadh works with themes of success and abundance, so it’s a great time of year to do spellwork involving your career, health or love life. If you or someone you know is trying for a new job, or hoping for a new relationship, or maybe buying a house, or moving to a new location, try a little spell to help you manifest your (or theirs!) goals.
Break out your tarot, oracle cards and scrying/divination tools! This is a good time to try new methods you haven’t worked with before, such as bones or runes. If you’ve never tried fire scrying, use your Lughnasadh bonfire or candle as a first attempt!
Cooking/Baking/Drink Making
Feasting with friends or loved ones is a good way to celebrate! (Try the menu ideas above!) Try using herbs you’ve grown or purchased from a local stand in the recipes!
Make a Corn Dolly
Traditionally the least sheaf that was ceremonially cut was used to make a ‘corn dolly’, and carried to the village. The corn dolly would be made into a corn maiden (or corn mother) if the harvest was good, or a ‘cailleach’ (Celtic word for witch, hag) after a bad harvest. These dollies could be clothed, or dressed with ribbon. If you make a doll at Lughnasadh, she can be used again in six months for Imbolc, and can be dressed in spring colors. The harvest Mother, becomes the Spring bride! (Some traditions don’t believe in reusing the doll, but that depends on your practice!)
Smudge/Cleanse/Bless Your Space
Smudge away that negativity that’s been lingering, clear the air, and your life, so that you may grow bountiful! Buy a smudge stick or make your own with sage and added herbs if you’d like. Mugwort, rosemary, lavender and juniper are good additives. Open the windows, let the light and breeze in! Start fresh and clean this holiday, and reap those bad energy places!
Make a Gift
Acts of service and selflessness are important on Lughnasadh. We’re in a place of abundance, and it’s time to share the bounty and love with others. Make a gift for a friend, loved one or neighbor to share the holiday spirit. Try flowers you’ve picked, breads or foods you’ve made, jams or jellies you preserved, or another homemade craft item. Make it with love! They’ll be sure to feel the positive vibes. They’ll see this act of kindness, and pass it on...the world needs more love!
Acts of Service
Lughnasadh is centered around themes of prosperity, generosity, continued success, and giving thanks; which makes it a great time to help those around us, and share the blessings of our abundance with others. 
Consider volunteering your time, organizing a community cleanup, picking up trash at the beach, having a friend, neighbor, or loved one over for a hot meal, or offering to help a neighbor with something they need. Devote your time, and watch the blessings come back to you.
Make a Gratitude List
What has ‘grown’ in you life this year that you’re thankful for? Have some seasonal tea, sit by a candle, and make a gratitude list of everything you’re blessed with in life. 
Make a reap/ sow list
On that note, you can also try a reap/sow list. Write down what you’re proud to have “planted” in your life, and watched grow, and also what your’re not proud of. What needs to be ‘reaped’ from you life? What weeds are strangling you, that need to be pulled for a bountiful harvest next year? Use this time as personal reflection, and choose what to reap and sow to live your best life in alignment with your true self. Think in ‘Regrets’, ‘Farewells’, ‘Harvest’ and ‘Preserves’
Regrets: Think about things you meant to do this summer that did not come to fruition. Project your regrets onto fire safe objects, like pine cones, and throw them into your fire. You can also write on dried corn husks or paper. 
Farewells: What’s passing from your life? What is over? Say goodbye. You can use visuals or writing for this, and also throw into the fire to release, or a lake or ocean. You could also use a flower bulb and plant it, to watch it grow back next year.
Harvest: What have you already harvested this year? What is sprouting? Find a way to represent those things and create a visual reminder to hang in your home. 
Preserves: Think about the fruits you have gathered this year and how you can hold onto the sweet memories. Make a remembrance box, or box altar, to help remember special things, times and people. 
Make a Craft
Lugh is the God of craftsmanship, so try making something festive to decorate your home or altar! Wheat can be used for wreaths and door decorations, apples can be turned into seasonal candle holders, or try making your own corn dolly or besom. Search Pinterest for these great ideas or check my Instagram account for the how-to’s! (@selfcarewitchxo)
Go to a Craft Fair
And again, on that note! Since Lugh is the God of this, see if there’s any local craft fairs in your area and buy some local goodies!
That’s it folks! Your complete guide to celebrate Lughnasadh! Thank you for being patient with me as I got this posted. If you hear from me on other sites you know I already typed this whole thing once and it got deleted! Ahh! I’m glad to have this up finally!
Connect with me on Instagram to see what i’ll be doing for the day, and send me the ideas you’ve decided to try out! I’d love to see your crafts or anything you’ve baked! Also if you have any ideas to add, let me know and I’ll post them!
Blessed Lughnasadh Witches!
~ Faye ~
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whiskey-londubh · 4 years
As we talked about on Facebook, and I'm fine with you posting this :D for a tarot question, what does Beezlebub want me to know currently? I'm rather curious since I work with him but we dont talk much.
I used a classic Celtic Cross spread, because I’ve found it thorough, but straightforward. I’m somewhat of an intuitive reader, and I hope I can shed some light on the answer in the same way.
“To the entity known as Beelzebub, is there anything you’d like this witch to know? How do you view working with them?”
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For the center cards, 1 and 2,  we have the immediate present in the Page of Cups, as well as the immediate challenge, in the Five of Pentacles. 
You’re a creative individual, but even if you don’t feel you’re accomplished, you still have an imaginative outlook, which is always a plus. You want to try new things and explore, like a child learning things for the first time. 
However, while the suit of cups is more about creativity, pentacles speak more to material possessions, and being a bit more pragmatic. You want to explore with total freedom and color outside the lines, so to speak. But you feel that you’ve lost something material (or can’t get it) and that you’d better keep tabs on more practical things. This isn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but in my own experience can make us think we’re keeping a balance when we’re not.
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There aren’t many Major Arcana in this spread, but the Wheel of Fortune is one of two (/suspenseful music/). 
Your past is characterized by a stroke of good luck, or a notable blessing. The wheel turned, and it was your turn to benefit. This speaks to having an opportunity that drastically changed your life, and you took it for what it was worth. With the last two cards, this looks to me like you know what the blessings in your life are, but you’ve come into a period where worry is starting to creep up on you.
You don’t necessarily take this for granted, but you’re feeling the affects of less than carefree, or spiritual influences.
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Recently, things have still been going well, despite setbacks and doubts. You still feel creative, and have trust in your abilities for the most part. Double-checking is good, but doesn’t mean you’ve lost faith.
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Again, with Three of Pentacles, you know the value of balance. Having or using materials doesn’t mean materialism, and we’re physical creatures as well as spiritual. Keep paying attention to the balance of your practical (”mundane”) and magical. Though it’s important to keep our lives creative and fun, keeping up morale, we each have to find our own unique balance between grunt work and the rest. 
Take what you know you can do and build on it. Self-check is a part of growth just as much as reading from a textbook. The best future for you through this question is to reach a point where you can take this to heart, and own it.
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Though I’m sure you’ve heard some of these ideas before, reversed Four of Swords speaks to the potential for a burnout in the immediate future. You’ve been blessed with opportunity and have taken appropriate advantage of it because you’re open to new ideas, and questioning yourself. 
Even the best of us can reach periods where we need to unplug and take a good look at what we want. Mistaking producing for productivity/positivity is dangerous. So far, I read this spread as your willingness to progress, and be a good student, but without giving up your sense of why you’re on this path in the first place.
Just don’t get tunnel vision. Focus is good, but can lead to using all your resources in one place while other areas suffer. Don’t spread yourself thin - sometimes, just take a break.
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Back to references to your creativity - you’re confident in your abilities. Even if your path and work is hindered or influenced by anxiety or depression (or something else) from time to time, you know how to return to something you feel is stable. 
Keep on with your general methods, because they’ve served you well. A balance of material needs to serve the material side of you, with knowledge of the spiritual and creative to make sure the rest of you won’t go hungry. You care about following the recipe, even if it’s your own that no one’s ever heard of.
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More and more pentacle cards~
Unfortunately, this also speaks to material pursuits. Again, not necessarily materialism, but a certain stubbornness and that you may be missing or ignoring something of a mundane nature despite your best efforts.
Even if the material isn’t something you’re holding in your hand, this can be seen in status, connections, or reputation. 
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Up until now, all of your suits (except for the Wheel of Fortune) have been pentacles and cups. 
The Page of Swords is a card that, when reversed, speaks to a disconnect between what you want and what you’re actually doing. That, or you’ve said something that you haven’t fully delivered on, if at all. This could be due to hesitation, sensing something is “off” such as doubting your attempts at balance. 
You seem to need more time to sort out what it is you really want to do, or be clear on what it is that you’ve really offered or said. Not quite the same as the Hanged Man, but prompting more reflection on how you’ve come across. 
Self-reflection is good but, when it involves outside entities (human or otherwise), you may have stopped in the middle of your sentence, there. 
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And, last card, other Major Arcana!
The World is the card of satisfaction and completion. This situation can  and will  resolve in some way, but will take some reflection on what you really want, why you want it, and how you’ve expressed yourself. 
I am not a Satanist, and don’t work with Demons or associated systems. So, the following is my intuitive tl;dr based on this divination only:
Beelzebub views you as competent, though not yet sparking specific interest. Not in a personal way, but they will not show focus on you until a few things are sorted out.
Why is it you want to work with them? Is it because of their status and reputation, however well-meaning? Are you a bit starstruck, for lack of a better term? Why do you want to work with them more closely? Why hasn’t the occasional exchange been enough?
They know who you are, and bear no ill will. You have their “business card,” but it’s not their personal number. To create a stronger connection, you’ll have to continue through their “secretary” for a time, and be willing to continue to follow procedures and etiquette. Not as an ever-present fan, but to show you’re willing to stay calm, measured, and leave it up to them, out of respect.
Then you might get a call to set up coffee, one of these days, rather than just passing each other in the “office.”
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thewritingstar · 5 years
I would ask you 1-100 but that's a huge request and doubt you'll do it, UNLESS🤔🙃
1. Name- Deanna or as everyone knows me, Star
2. Nationality- American
3. Age- 19
4. Birthday- April 5th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)- Aries
6. Gender- Female 
7. Sexuality- Bi/Pan (im fine with either)
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)- Dark brown hair, greenish eyes and body of a 12 year old boy
9. What do you/did you study?- Animation
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?- I work in an ice cream shop just as a job but i wanna be an animator or writer for shows
11. Your birth order- Youngest of 2
12. How many siblings do you have?- One
13. Do you have good relations with your family?- for the most part
14. How many friends do you have?- I would say I have about 8 close friends and then just a ton of other friends
15. Your relationship status- single but accepting applications 
16. What do you look for in a SO?- usually a pulse and good hair 
17. Do you have a crush?- kinda but also no
18. When did you have your first kiss?- haven't yet :(
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?- prob meaningful
20. What are your deal breakers?- smoking and drugs and how they treat others
21. How was your day?- well i just woke up so i guess good. 
22. Favourite food & drink- Raspberry iced tea/Vanilla Lattes and Chowmein or burgers
23. What position do you sleep in?- either on my side or stomach. Im usually curled up in a ball so prime cuddle position...just saying 
24. What was your last dream about?- I think it was about cake..
25. Your fears- bugs and the overwhelming thought of me being a failure
26. Your dreams- being someone where others can be inspired by 
27. Your goals- to live a life with no regrets (i know typical right?) but also have a successful career. 
28. Any pets?- 2 doggos 
29. What are your hobbies?- drawing, painting, writing, video games, reading 
30. Any cool places in your area?- kinda but you gotta drive to them so not really 
31. What was your last awkward situation?- me stuttering over my words at work
32. What is your last regret?- idk 
33. Language/s you can speak- English and barely any French 
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)- hell yeah
35. Have any quirks?- i can make a guinea pig noise and can stand on my head for a while. 
36. Your pet peeves- having my neck being touched and mouth breathing
37. Ideal vacation- Any disney park
38. Any scars?- only mentally 
39. What does your last text message say? “Shes being a big girl and taking 5 classes.” 
40. Last 5 things from your search history- im to lazy to check but prob youtube or fics
41. What’s your [device] background?- Phone background is a painting from a museum and my computer is a bunch of Nintendo items
42. What do you daydream about?- being a voice actor or a pirate 
43. Describe your dream home- one that looks like a castle
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion- I was raised Catholic but i really dont practice it anymore. I think it its a beautiful thing and alot of good comes from it, however i dont like it when it is used to harm others or defend evil people
45. Your personality type- So i took a test based on the 16 different ones and I am an Advocate type which apparetnly is very rare and less than one percent of the pop are it. https://www.16personalities.com/ heres the link if you wanna take it!
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done- I used to suck on batteries as a child
47. Are you happy with your current life?- for the most part 
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life- Snorkeling in Hawaii (which i almost died), Crystal Cave tour and donuts which i hate
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?- hoodies and graphic tees 
50. Favourite colour to wear?- black
51. How would you describe your style?- comfortable and sometimes i look good 
52. Are you happy with your current looks?- ye
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?- I want blue hair one day 
54. Any tattoos or piercings?- have my ears and now my nose pierced but i do want tattoos in the future
55. Do you get complimented often?- usually for my hair and i find it happens often 
56. Favourite aesthetic?- Gothic and pastel 
57. A popular trend that you dislike- crop tops 
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?- “Good Night Moon” by Go Radio
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like.- My Little Pony and Sofia the First songs slap
60. Favourite genre?- pop punk or pop 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? -Panic!, Taylor Swift
62. Hated popular songs/artists?- I wouldn’t say hate but im not really a fan of Billie Ellish, maybe i need to sit down and really listen but its just not my jam. I think shes a cool person and i love watching her on tv and what she stands for. By i hate Drake and Chris Brown for sure. 
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5- Head above Water, Happy when im sad, Love bug, Casual affair, I believe. So Avril Lavigne, Jonas Brothers and Panic!
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?- Im not the worst singer but im also not fantastic and i can’t play
65. Do you like karaoke?- sometimes
66. Own any albums?- like cds then yes
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?- not anymore
68. Favourite movie/series?- Any disney or pixar 
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc- YA like adventure books 
70. Your fictional crush/es- oh here we go. Juvia and Gray (Fairytail), Catwoman, Danny Phantom, Captain Hook and Regina Mills and Henry (Ouat), Steve (stranger things), Riddler (gotham) and Molly Hooper (Sherlock) and prob more. 
71. Which fictional character is you?- prob a mixture of Momo and Deku from My Hero and Honey from Ouran 
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so. Am I a shipper? ha. aight Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza, Kiribaku, Kacchacko, Todomomo, tododeku, LadyNoir and the love square, Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, The powerpuff girls and the rowdyruff boys (respected partners) and like five thousand others
73. Favourite greek god?- Hades and Persephone 
74. A legend from where you live that you like- literally nothing from where i live
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist?- love art and i cant just pick one
76. Can you share your other social media?- i mean you can follow me on twitter at StarsnShortcake but all thats there is my shitty tweets and interactions with my friends and Voice actors lol
77. Favourite youtubers?- Mikes Mic, Macdoesit, Twamiz, Larri, Dan Howell, Amazing Phil, Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson, Steph Inc, Garret Watts, and like a ton more
78. Favourite platform?- Tumblr or twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?- too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite?- I love anything Nintendo
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)- Kingdom Keepers, Suicide Notes and the Selection Series to name a few
82. Do you play board/card games?- Yes
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?- nope
84. Favourite holiday- thanksgiving for the food
85. Are you into dramas?- ye
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?- haha ye
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?- no racism, sexism, homophobia and legal marriage everywhere. Also that no one goes hungry and everyone has a nice place to live.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?- probably 
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?- a hot demon
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?- I turn into a goddess
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?- ooo Celeste is a cool name 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?- hmmm Tara Strong 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo- either the stars or the black heart or the fireworks
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true- Ive never eaten a chicken nugget, I can do the splits and I have cat
95. Cold or hot?- hot
96. Be a hero or be a villain?- oooooo um im a sucker for villains
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?- Rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?- Shape shifting, i could be a plant
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?- bold of you to assume i would wanna live forever
100. ….. or …..?- :0
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namelesspharaoh · 5 years
The Star: What are their hopes and dreams? What makes them feel uplifted? What do they become defensive about? Why?
Tarot Card Based Asks 〘𝓧〙 | Not Accepting | @starbrightbakura
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What are their hopes and dreams?
Although Atem’s ambitions adapted a lot throughout the course of his prolonged life time, ultimately, Atem’s existence was driven by two primary aspirations. First and foremost, his  overall objective is to leave the world a better place than he was born into .
Atem was born into the lap of luxury and never mind a silver spoon, he had a gold one. His birthright as prince entitled him to inherit the crown to a kingdom, reign sovereign over its people, and draw profits off its vast riches & resources. Eulogized as the chosen one & living link between the gods and mortal men from the cradle, Atem was groomed to believe he wasn’t like the rest, but above them by both blood & divine right.
While this played a big part in the development of Atem’s fatal flaw — his insurmountable arrogance — it didn’t deter the flourishing of the true gold he possessed: his heart. Although Atem took a great deal of pride in his royal heritage, his kinship with the deities, and the history of his accomplished ancestors that built up their kingdom; he did not believe his life itself held more value or importance than anyone else’s.
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More than social ladders or caste systems determined a person’s place, Atem felt character and integrity were deciding factors of one’s worth. Turning his head away from the teachings of his elders in what was decreed ‘youthful naivety,’ Atem’s heart led him to foster a nondiscriminatory sense of right & wrong and a moral code black & white as night & day. Abuse of authority, exploitation of others, corruption, bribery, coercion, physical abuse, & unequal treatment were all wrongs that made Atem’s blood boil.
To Atem, being ceded the crown was an honor in what he hoped to give his people, not get from them, and was equally a commitment as it was a privilege. His earliest ambitions were to eventually reign as a just, fair, and kind king much beloved by his people, just as father dearest had before him. Atem had been fed stories since boyhood of his Father’s legendary altruism and mighty heroic deeds as both war hero and peace-bringer, all of which Atem idealized and was inspired by to carry on that baton of greatness.
But those dreams were shattered abruptly when it was revealed to Atem his father was not what stories, statues, wall-carvings, or even his epitaph made him out to be. The crown passed down to him was not one promised to him of plated-gold, but rather, riddled with thorns of family secrets. With the boons of the throne, came the burdens of its misdeeds. 
His father had been greedy, selfish, cruel. Despite sharing equal claim to the throne, he’d hoarded the merits of his birthright and made way for rift and resentment to come between he and his adoring  twin brother. When war threatened to overcome their kingdom, rather than trusting it to the gods or vying for their protection, his father felt there was no better alternative than to turn to the dark forces to guard them from harm.
Atem’s uncle betrayed the gods and delved into the very spell book of darkness their family had been charged by the divine to protect. Lured by promise of power and vengeance against his brother, Aknadin paid the price of pools of innocent blood of their citizens, and forged golden trinkets that would grant power unlike any other.
Together, the combined wrongs of the brothers unleashed the deity of darkness.
The Millennium items had always been regarded as blessings bestowed upon them by the gods to pull through a perilous, war-torn time, but the whole time, the high court spoke lies to mask those forbidden objects of darkness and guise them as items of divine authority so to make off with using them as tools of extortion and tyrannical enforcement. The Pharaoh, who was meant to act in accordance with the just voice of the Goddess Ma’at, was now ruling a corrupt courtroom of chaos that crossed their deities and defied their principles. And the ignorant inheritor of that courtroom had been none other than Atem.
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Atem’s motivations shifted. He became convinced that evil that ran in his veins, rather than the greatness he’d blindly believed. The luxuries his kingdom had acquired were not the hard-earned spoils of war or blessings bid to them by the gods they were lauded as, but the blossoming crops watered by innocent blood and betrayal too ungodly to admit.
And so, Atem became fixated: if his father had been evil, did that same evil permeate his blood? If it was not the citizens who were prone to wrong doing and in dire need of judgement and oversight, but those that ruled over and judged them, then surely he could not trust his own judgement. After all, his inheritance was only of vices, never virtues. 
But virtue was a choice, and Atem made it. When ominous clouds stirred and war began to brew, Atem turned to the gods and beseeched them for their aid. Despite the betrayal of his blood line, they chose and entrusted him to command their power. As a young boy his same age that called himself ‘the thief king’ made his family’s same mistakes in turning to the darkness to reign judgement on his foes rather than entrusting it to the gods, vice was a choice, and he made it. Atem knew this cycle of shadows had to be put to an end.
He’d dreamed to be a noble and kind king, and he would follow through with it. He’d feared being the weak link in the chain, but suddenly, he wished only to break away from it. If there was nothing to be proud of in being his father’s son, then he would be someone he could take pride in. To atone for his father’s mistakes, Atem paid in his own blood. He sacrificed his mortal body & butchered his soul, so to seal the dark one away; juxtapose to the actions of his uncle, who’d slayed innocents to summon him. Before parting the world, he settled the rift between father and uncle and entrusted the kingdom to his cousin.
To deviate from his legacy, Atem chose to leave none behind him. He entrusted his successor, Seto, with removing his name from every crypt wall, smashing every single statue, and ensuring he be remembered only as the ‘nameless pharaoh.’ For Atem did not want to be remembered for the great that he was; but the great he had done. To showcase his resolve, he shattered the millennium puzzle, the symbol of his father’s kingship.
Atem gave his all to do good, but in the end, saving the world couldn’t satisfy him.
Deep down, the war Atem yearned to resolve was one within himself. However tranquil he might’ve left the world, inside him, inner peace had yet to be found. Atem’s place in the world had always been predetermined by a higher power or factors outside his control, whether as a king or puzzle-bound spirit. An ambition he acquires after sating his first is a place to belong. For once, not somewhere he’s meant to be; but somewhere he chooses. Furthermore, not who he has to be; but who he chooses. 
For Atem never wanted to fight & die alone; oh, how he wishes for friends.
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What makes them feel uplifted?
Any sliver or shape of a reminder whatsoever he is not alone.
Blatant and spontaneous displays of unwavering loyalty; “I’m here for you,” are the most revitalizing words an ally could offer him. Subtle gestures, such as a slight squeeze to either his hand or shoulder, speak volumes with Atem. Oaths run deep for him, and tying words such as ‘I swear’ or ‘I promise’ comfort him, especially when coupled with ‘to remain by your side’ or ‘to love you no matter what.’ Sentimental gestures made to prove a bond, such as Anzu’s marker smiley or matching accessories, are precious to Atem.
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What do they become defensive about? Why?
Having his persona (particularly his pride) criticized, having his judgement challenged, or being defined by his past. This is somewhat due to the fact Atem is condemnatory of what he perceives as disapproval coming from a companion. However, for the most part, it’s because  Atem would rather be taken as he is and as he does than for what he is and what he’s done. He does not feel his mistakes define him, only teach him who he’s not. 
Above all else, Atem becomes defensive when criticized. 
Atem knows that he has weaknesses & flaws. On the battle field, enemies will pick them apart and scavenge for a soft spot in his heart that might cave with pressure. Rather than running from one’s weaknesses, Atem believes it is better to face them head on and accept oneself and those flaws. In Atem’s mind, a flaw only holds someone back if they let it, and choose to view it as a setback rather than a fundamental part of who they are.
For Atem, an ally should not be the one to pinpoint his imperfections. They should be the rare few that accept them, and rather than trying to fix him, embrace them. As far as Atem sees it, criticizing a friend’s flaws is advising a book be rewritten, because there’s too many bad parts. More powerful than criticism is support, because things will get better in future chapters, if only the reader is willing to stick it out until the end.
What comes second, is the subject of judgement. 
Once again, Atem is not perfect. His pride does not indicate his overconfidence in his strengths, but his content in his weaknesses. Atem trusts his judgement and relies on his instincts to navigate his environment and make decisions. He understands and accepts that his judgement is equally as faulty and capable of becoming clouded as anybody else’s, but does not believe that mistakes made in judgement on his part should cause him to question or abandon his intuition altogether. Atem believes wrong calls are an essential part of calibrating one’s judgement and sharpening it for future reference. 
Last but not least, his past.
As with all else, Atem knows his past is not without its faults; but he believes his past is a pivotal part in his identity and a vitality for the realization of his present and his future. And if he is worth anything now, or if he will be worth anything in a hundred years, then he was worth something then, even should he have made some shameful mistakes. 
Every good story needs its beginning, even if it’s rough. The first few pages do not dictate the outcome of the final ones, and a book shouldn’t be judged for its initial chapters. Atem is someone who takes people as they are, not as they’ve been; and expects the same in return. The past is just another aspect of oneself, best accepted than ostracized. 
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Hey hope you are doing amazingly well :)
Thank you so much for offering the free readings.. I'll be really grateful if u can do me too ^^
What should be my next move towards J ? should I cut him off completely... I'm curious how he feels about me, especially after what happened between us a week ago..
I am M
Thank you and have a great day ahead<33
Hello M! I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I'm glad to offer you a free reading and provide guidance regarding your situation with J. Let's explore the tarot cards to gain insight into your next move and how J might feel about you after the recent events.
The Emperor reversed suggests that there might be a lack of structure or stability in your current situation with J. It could indicate a need for clear boundaries and direction. This card might also imply that J might be struggling with authority or feeling a lack of control.
The Devil reversed indicates that you have the potential to break free from any negative patterns or attachments that might have been influencing your connection with J. It's a sign of liberation and releasing yourself from unhealthy entanglements.
The Page of Swords reversed suggests a need to be cautious in your approach to communication with J. There could be a risk of miscommunication or misunderstanding. It's essential to be mindful of how you express yourself and to avoid making impulsive decisions.
The Tower represents sudden and unexpected changes or revelations. It might imply that there has been a significant disruption or upheaval in your relationship with J recently. This card indicates that there might be an opportunity for a fresh start or a chance to rebuild things from the ground up.
Based on these cards, here are some insights for your next move towards J:
Establish Clear Boundaries: The Emperor reversed suggests that setting clear boundaries is crucial in your interactions with J. Define your personal limits and make sure your needs are respected.
Free Yourself from Negative Influences: The Devil reversed indicates that you have the power to release yourself from any unhealthy patterns or dependencies in your connection with J. Focus on liberating yourself from what doesn't serve your highest good.
Be Mindful in Communication: The Page of Swords reversed advises you to be cautious in your communication with J. Take your time to think through your words and intentions before expressing yourself.
Embrace Change and New Beginnings: The Tower suggests that despite recent upheavals, there might be an opportunity for positive change and fresh starts in your relationship with J. Be open to rebuilding and growing together.
As for how J feels about you after the recent events, the tarot cards provide insight into potential energies and emotions. It's important to remember that tarot readings are not definitive, and everyone's feelings and actions can be complex and diverse.
If you want to gain a more accurate understanding of J's feelings, consider having an open and honest conversation with them. Communicating openly about your emotions and concerns can lead to a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives.
I hope this reading offers you guidance and clarity as you navigate your situation with J. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Wishing you a great day ahead as well! <33
Mia ♥
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thelocalmuffin · 5 years
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I’m still trying to figure out how to re-learn clip studio, but this is my foldansona. I got a bit more information below. It is spoilers about his character arc and possibly may spoil three houses.
Sanyi is actually a political hostage of the Church of Serios when his father verbally went against the Church when he refused to give Frosa’s resources for the sake of the religion. The Church executed his father in front of Sanyi and his two triplet sisters, then took them away to keep Frosa’s newly appointed Queen in line. 
He originally had no interest of joining the Academy, hoping to lead a passive ruling, but after being dragged to the monastery he pretended to show interest to get trained enough to kill Rhea and Seteth for their wrongdoings and revenge. He got the idea from his sister, Yakira. 
It turns out part of Frosa’s resources are some of the technology that TWSITD uses to establish dominance that his mother stole when she found their base, which was what resources the Church was after.
Sanyi has the major crest of Winslow, which was a crest lost in history, but is believed Winslow found Frosa. It is associated with the Magician Tarot card, which is a nod to Frosa for it’s resourcefulness and it’s power enough to be independent from the Church. 
Routes and Story:
If he joins the Black Eagles, he willingly helps Edelgard take down the church and helps with her vision due to his personal vendetta, but believes she is an extremist and makes it clear if Edelgard invades Frosa, he will kill her without hesitation. He ends up being a valuable ally, especially once Edelgard starts to fight against TWSITD.
In other routes, during the invasion of the Church, Edelgard makes it clear she is going to execute the Winslow family for their involvement of stealing TWSITD’s weapons and tries to capture them along with Rhea, but thanks to Claude, they are able to escape.
After, he and his sisters were escorted to the Holy Kingdom to take shelter temporarily before Dimitri was framed for his uncle’s death while they trekked back to Frosa. During the fall of the Kingdom, Edelgard took over Frosa with ease. He took shelter in Fraldarius territory and helped try to stop the empire from conquering the Kingdom. 
If recruited, he decides to go with Felix to hope to see the professor again. If Felix is not recruited, he does go alone and sneaks out during the night to make the trek. It is revealed Felix almost stopped him, but let him go since Sanyi mentioned that he was only leaving to see the professor. 
Once reunited, he will help Byleth with their fight against the Empire.
If not recruited, he was captured by the Empire and is forced to fight for them in the risk of his baby sister’s life that Edelgard threatens. When encountered as an enemy in the Battle of Grounder, in his death, he begs the professor to keep oppressing Edelgard and “chop her into pieces” when she dies. 
 Pre-Timeskip: Sanyi is a kind and considerate young man, but has a hard time speaking with people, but does try. He will accidentally offend people for his unclear compliments, but tries to clarify if the person is confused. He does tend to get more comfortable once the support chain goes on. He lacks faith in himself as a ruler and confidence in general, noting both his sisters are more suited to be rulers, which is not wrong about, but does try to improve himself for his responsibilities one day. He does tend to stay focused by remembering his responsibilities and his desire to destroy the Church’s rulers for what they did to his father.
Post-Timeskip: Sanyi becomes more bitter and doesn’t bother trying to become as social anymore. Since he no longer has responsibilities to be king, he has lost a sense of focus and admitted he hoped reuniting with the professor would give him purpose. He has a hard time killing people, but finds the professor’s resolve enough to fight in the war, and even completely abandons his resolve to kill Rhea if he is not in the Black Eagle Strike Force. He still is pretty shy and is kind to his allies. 
Overall in both routes, he holds his family in high regard, even to the point of fighting with the Empire for holding his youngest sister hostage, though he despises the Empire. He has a hard time killing his siblings if they end up opposing him, even to the point of tears. He loves his parents, and is very attached to them. He even mentions wanting to adopt children in Felix’s support. 
Though not a personality trait per say, Sanyi only has paired endings with men and is mentioned he is a gay man, but he is friendly with women, but does get uncomfortable when Hilda and Dorothea try to hit on him due to his status and crest. His parents do not pressure him for a biological heir and do not mind adoption to succeed the throne,  but as Sanyi mentions in Dorothea’s conversation that he knows they’re upset they presume he will not pass down his crest. 
Sanyi likes to sing, something his parents did to calm him down if he was bothered in his youth. He tends to only sing when he’s nervous, but he is a passionate writer and has a strong vocabulary, which can confuse those like Raphael and even Slyvain. He is given herbs to help calm him down from Rhea in the herb mission, and due to pressures he has with his responsibilities, it is implied he suffers from severe social anxiety. 
Sanyi has seven paired endings including Claude, Dimitri, Felix, Slyvain, Raphael, Linhardt, and Ashe and will only S Support with male Byleth. In his endings, he decides to move on from Frosa, knowing it is no longer going to rise again, but spends his life becoming a successful writer and is very happy with his husbands and due to his political background is able to assist the ones that obtain land. 
Though there isn’t paid endings with these characters, he has supports Dorothea, Hilda, Leonie, Marianne, Edelgard, Ingrid, Huburt, Seteth, Shamir, and Catherine. He also has supports with his sister and his retainers. (I’ll be working on those later.)
Hoo boy, that was long. I hope that’s enough information and you like his character. 
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circe-poetica · 5 years
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The 7 of Swords is one of the more deeply-textured of the Minor Arcana cards that both novices and experts alike struggle to interpret. My own personal quest to understand the 7 of Swords has been fraught with frustration, apathy, and enlightenment in turn as the various meanings attached to this card have become clearer to me over time. The numerological suit of the 7’s speak of detachment, choice, spirituality, the analytical mind, and the scholarly aspects of metaphysics, the occult and religion. This number features prominently in the numerological makeup of philosophers, theologists, scientists and those with a decidedly left-brained slant to life. In the 7 of Swords, the cool, analytical detachment of the 7 is married with the element of Air (Swords), bringing an intensely intellectual feel to the card. Here, the mind and its cognitive faculties are given prominence, with thoughts, attitudes and beliefs playing a core role in the interpretation of this card in the context of its surrounding brethren.
Astrological Association: Moon in Aquarius.
In the Thoth deck, the 7 of Swords is titled Futility, and is astrologically correlated with the Moon in Aquarius. Lunar Aquarians are known for the eccentricities and loner-like tendencies, and the natural emotional effusiveness of the moon is tempered with cool logic and rational detachment. Those with this position of the moon tend to hold onto their independence regardless of marital status; marriage or a long-term committed relationship have no influence whatsoever on their ability to compromise. If a lunar Aquarian feels strongly enough about something, he or she will continue to pursue their path regardless of what their partner, family or culture tells them to do. Independence, willfulness, and a certain degree of stubbornness are all associated with this position of the moon as Aquarius is the sign of Fixed Air. Planets in Aquarius are focused on the mind, with the beliefs, attitudes and values assuming cognitive rather than emotional or spiritual significance, and once set, are strongly resistant to change.
There is a curious tendency for those with the moon in Aquarius to self-sabotage, especially when it comes to personal relationships and matters of the heart. Here, attachments are formed in the mind, and love is given definition in mental rather than emotional terms. Frequently, this position produces a ‘yes-but’ frame of reference in which helplessness or a sense of futility becomes prominent. It is important to remember that first and foremost, the 7 of Swords is a card of the mind, with the central sword in the Thoth deck representing the main aim/ goal to be achieved. The other six remaining swords are indicative of diverging viewpoints or ‘what-ifs’, thereby dispersing energy and making the individual less-focused on achieving said goal.
In the context of love and relationships, I’ve found the 7 of Swords to point more to an act of self-deception rather than actual deception. Look to the surrounding cards for more information. Adultery/ betrayal is more likely if the 7 of Swords is present with the 5 of Wands or 3 of Swords (and sometimes the 3 of Cups), but in the absence of these cards, it is best to explore the querent’s concerns in light of their own motivations for being in a partnership. While it is true that the ‘thief’ element introduces a certain level of negativity and is associated with ‘sneaking around’ or ‘cheating’, it becomes important to understand how trust is established in the client’s partnership. This card can point to unnecessary secrecy in a relationship that undermines the intimacy between two people. While boundaries are vital to any healthy relationship, excessive independence can lead to self-imposed isolation, leading both parties to detach from each other. Sometimes, this card can indicate a wish to get to know someone better but a lack of trust in both that person and yourself can keep you from making a move. Because of the 7 of Swords’ association with escape, evasive behavior in a partnership is possible. There can be a tendency to sweep issues under the carpet and pretend they don’t exist, or avoid communicating honestly about important problems in the relationship in the hope that they will magically disappear.
With regards to career, it is important to ask yourself if you’re shirking your responsibilities. In which case, this card could crop up as a warning that your recalcitrance might land you in hot water. Sometimes, this could also point to a career in research as depicted by the act of gathering up the swords (Air: ideas, mental concepts), or work in which written and spoken communication figure prominently. There is the possibility of sabotage through communication as well as a warning to not get embroiled in office politics, given this card’s association with deception and skulduggery.
n the context of a finance-related question, the 7 of Swords advises that ample research must be undertaken before committing to a major purchase or investment. For the time being, finances can be in a state of flux and will continue to remain so until an opportunity arrives. However, exercise caution when said opportunity does present itself as all may not be as it seems. Remember to be shrewd and discerning, and to maintain integrity at all times.
As a final word, the 7 of Swords is one of those cards that will remain ambiguous at the best of times so look to the surrounding cards for more information and don’t allow yourself to get trapped into interpreting a card based on its obvious characteristics. When I first started studying the tarot, I frequently felt frustrated by the appearance of the 7 of Swords and anticipated getting mugged/ burgled each time it cropped up as my ‘card of the day’.  What I didn’t realize at the time was that because I was writing my Honours thesis, the card symbolized the act of gathering ideas….in essence, doing research!
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twosidestarot · 6 years
Awesome Tarot Books & Resources for Beginners & Beyond
I’m often asked what resources I’d recommend to people keen to learn more about tarot. We’re so blessed at this point in tarot history to have such an abundance of books, blogs, podcasts, courses, and conversations, both online and off, to nurture our understanding of this rich and complex art form.
When you’re starting out, though, that abundance can be pretty overwhelming. Who’s got the time or the cash to try courses that don’t resonate, or read books that barely skim the surface? Sometimes, we need a little help sorting the signal from the noise.
To that end, here is a list of books and other resources that have boosted my tarot game and enriched my understanding of the cards. Of course, I can’t claim to have tried everything that’s out there, but I do have a stable of recommendations I can wholeheartedly hand over to tarot beginners, and also some juicy gems for more advanced readers to sink their teeth into.
I intend for this list to be a rolling resource, so I’ll update it from time to time as new and worthy things cross my path.
My Ultimate Go-Tos
This is a pair of books I always recommend in tandem, because I read them both when I was first learning, and together they helped me to deepen my understanding of both the philosophy and the practical applications of the Rider-Waite-Smith system.
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack is hands down, my go-to for learning the Rider-Waite-Smith system. It gives some history, and looks at individual card meanings with a lot of focus and depth, particularly for the Major Arcana. The real gold in this book is the way it describes the underlying philosophical structure of the deck, with attention to its historical origins in the Western esoteric tradition. I’d say this is essential reading for anyone hoping to understand what this branch of tarot is, in the deepest sense.
If that all sounds quite theoretical, fear not! Rachel Pollack’s masterpiece is well paired with a more accessible and practical tarot handbook, Tarot: Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis. Louis’ book is also based on the Rider-Waite-Smith system, and it goes through card by card with key words and phrases, as well as situations and types of advice that might be represented by each card.
The approach is immensely practical, so I often recommend this guide as an on the go reference, when you need some clues about how a card might relate practically to a particular query. It also arranges the Minors by number rather than by suit, so you see all the Aces side by side, and so on. This gives the reader excellent grounding in how the numerology of the tarot functions, and how readers use the structure of the deck, rather than just individual cards, to make meaning.
New Favourites
My go-tos, dating back to my beginner days, might be some of the most well-thumbed books in my collection, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t found other new favourites over the years. Here are some other tarot books I’d recommend:
The Creative Tarot by Jessa Crispin is one of only two tarot books I’ve sat down and read cover to cover, like a novel. That’s how juicy and compelling it is! The Creative Tarot is exactly what it sounds like - a method of reading tarot for creative questioning, especially as it relates to art practice and other creative work. There are many things to love about this book, but one of my favourites is that Jessa gives recommended media - books, poems, songs, films - for each card, so you can dive deep into the archetypes. You can find tons more detail about this book in my full review here.
Tarot for Life by Paul Quinn isn’t a new book, but is a new favourite here at Two Sides Tarot. I love the anecdotes that Quinn includes to demonstrate how each card might play out in real life, but what really captured my attention is the table he lays out for each card, which includes Keywords, then suggestions for each card as Being, Doing, Shadow, Reversed, and Possible Advice. I like thinking of card meanings as different parts of grammar - like, what is the Nine of Swords as a verb? A noun? Thinking about cards in this way gives them flexible applications, and Quinn’s handy dandy tables have plenty of accessible inspiration for that way of thinking.
I picked up Michelle Tea’s Modern Tarot mostly because I love Michelle Tea. I wouldn’t say that Modern Tarot is a perfect resource for the beginner, because it doesn’t include what I would consider essential learning tools, like a history of tarot, and chapters on how tarot spreads work, how to shuffle, how to read for others, and so on. What does make it great, though, is that it includes extensive anecdotes from the author’s own experience to illustrate how each card might appear in the world, and it includes a spell or ritual for working with every single card of the deck. LOVE!
Finally, an honourable mention goes to a funny little book called The Tarot Masters, edited by Kim Arnold. This isn’t really a reference book, but when I was getting more seriously immersed in my tarot studies, it proved to be a rich treasure trove of stories that inspired me to go deeper with the cards. Editor Kim Arnold has assembled a true dream team of tarot masters, and each one writes about a card from the Major Arcana, as well as a memory or story from their own tarot history. It’s like eavesdropping on the ultimate tarot celebrity dinner party. There is tea!
Advanced Books
Some of the books mentioned in this post (especially the ones in the next category) do deal with more advanced level tarot practices, so in terms of books that stand alone for more advanced readers, I’ve just got one that I love.
Tarot Interactions by Deborah Lipp doesn’t include card meanings, instead, it gets straight into how cards interact in a reading, and how readers can use the structure of the deck - the suits, the numbers, the elements - to inform the way they read multiple cards at a time. My favourite part of this book is the table where Lipp uses some basic maths to help readers determine what is statistically significant in a reading (what counts, mathematically, as “a lot” of Pentacles, or a lot of Majors, in a reading with six cards, or ten cards, for example). I’ve never come across that in a tarot book before, but it seems like pretty important knowledge to have! This is particularly useful intel if you read with reversals.
Books That Are Kinda Like Courses
Rather than sitting down and reading a book cover to cover, many of us would prefer something that feels a little bit more like a course or a workshop, with a bit of reading, a few worksheets, and maybe some homework if we’re feeling super motivated (and who isn’t feeling super motivated to learn tarot? Come on!).
Tarot for Yourself by Mary K. Greer is stuffed full of exercises you can undertake to really go deep with the cards. Its focus is on using tarot for self-inquiry, and it contains a ton of practical ideas from figuring out your soul card, to doing meditative pathworking with the cards, and so much more. You’ll learn plenty about the cards, of course, but this book is really focused on putting the deck to work so you can learn about you.
Tarot 101 by Kim Huggens is not numbered like a college course for nothing! This book is best treated like a term of study, and worked through in order. Huggens weaves her lessons in interesting ways, arranging archetypes thematically, and interspersing the study of individual cards with exercises on designing spreads, doing readings, and using the cards for self-reflection.
If you’ve not seen Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen in the flesh, you’ll have to trust me when I say it is A Tome. This brick of a book from one of the most knowledgeable and prolific esoteric scholars working today will see anyone go from stumbling beginner to sage expert, because there is just SO much in here to learn. This book is technical, academic in its approach, so if you’re an absolute beginner I’d say you could start here (and certainly, the earlier part of the book is aimed at beginners), but if you’re easily intimidated by vast swathes of occult knowledge and you’ve never read so much as a blog post about tarot before, well, maybe proceed with caution! When you’re ready to dive in, you may want to supplement your reading with the Holist Tarot resources on Benebell’s website.
I’ve taken an online course in tarot here and there over the years, most of which don’t seem to exist anymore, but I’m thrilled to find that one of my favourites, Little Red Tarot’s Alternative Tarot Course, is still very much alive and kicking. This self-paced, delivered-by-email course is a really great way to dive into the cards. I especially love that it reflects Little Red Tarot’s ethical, inclusive approach to, well, everything! So many tarot decks and resources fail to grapple with problematic and exclusionary power structures and gender roles that exist in traditional tarot, but you can be sure that this course isn’t afraid to challenge that status quo and make tarot available to all of us.
If you’d rather take things card by card, Little Red Tarot also offers a Card A Day course. I haven’t tried this one myself but I think I’d happily vouch for the quality of anything that Beth makes.
For those of us with a passion for the Tarot de Marseille, or perhaps just for a different approach to the heavily metaphorical way many of us read in the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, Camelia Elias’s courses are fantastic. Who wouldn’t want to read like the devil?
Other Resources
This part of the list is a grab bag of things I’ve found helpful and interesting, across different media. No doubt there’ll be updates to come!
First, if you’re looking to deepen your relationship with the archetypes of the Major Arcana, you might enjoy a free resource I created for journaling with each of the tarot trumps. This guide will encourage you to dig into your own experiences and make connections with the cards.
If you enjoy doing some tarot study on the go, try Lindsay Mack’s podcast, Tarot for the Wild Soul. Lindsay shares deep dives into individual cards and themes, as well as some really amazing interviews with luminaries in the worlds of tarot and other spiritual crafts.
I mentioned above that Little Red Tarot has some great courses, but if you’re not ready to commit to a course (and even if you are), don’t miss the incredible blog. It’s an overflowing wellspring of tarot knowledge and exploration, and captures so many marginal, magical, and necessary voices.
And of course, you can find lots of deck reviews, tarot spreads, and card analysis right here on the Two Sides Tarot blog. Perhaps start with this one, or this one. Enjoy!
What are your favourite tarot resources? Give your beloved books, blogs, and podcasts a shoutout in the comments!
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