#I hope this is fine!! Let me know if you need any changes! Thancred is just quietly snickering but also 'you poor thing' LOL
hyaciiintho · 1 year
🌸。*゚+. Starter call | @crystalmarred
"Why am I not surprised to find you here?" There's humor in his tone as he approaches, a brow raising whilst he took in the other and his attire. "Am I right in assuming that Tataru has you doing favors for her, yet again?" The woman sure did love putting their dear friend to WORK didn't she?
Thancred folded his arms across his chest, weight shifting from one leg to the other. With the way in which he PRESSED his lips tightly together, it was easy to tell the Hyur was close to laughing, but held together determinedly.
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"What is it that she has you making this time?" He inquired, having not really planned in making small talk with others during his visit to Sharlayan, but growing CURIOUS all the same.
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emoshep · 3 months
thoughts on dawntrail thus far
wuk lamat fucking dies.
just kidding.
i'll try my best to sort my thoughts on the expansion into different areas. i'm not a master of the game by any means and i don't often do in-depth stuff on media i like (i'm very much a "enjoy it for what it is" type most of the time) but i'll give the ol' college try. let's rock.
i like it for the most part. fun stuff. the first arc that focuses on the contest for dawnservant is fun and light-hearted but also has moments of emotion and growth for wuk lamat and koana. some don't like the focus on wuk lamat and koana but i enjoyed it, it kinda felt like the scions and i were guiding some budding heroes on their first grand adventure, one more grounded in a more believable goal, a nice change of pace from the universe-ending emotional climax that was endwalker.
it's great and cute and i love both main characters BUT... the contest. there wasn't much sense of rivalry or real competition between the candidates. this is a point that i think the story kinda missed. i mean, i like that wuk lamat and koana get along well and it makes sense that they'd work well together, but in the days before release we did get some hype about how "the scions would be divided" and yada yada yada. the only real moment i caught that vibe with was in the first dungeon when thancred goes "lol fuck y'all" and cuts off your way forward, forcing you to take a longer path.
like, we know the scions would never actually become foes after all they've been through together but i was hooked on the competitive aspect so... y'know... i was kinda looking forward to the rivalry and maybe a chance of fighting thancred and urianger? like the friendly duel we had with gulool ja ja. that'd be fun, i think. just me though, so maybe it's wishful thinking.
edit: i literally forgot about bakool ja ja while writing this initial post. lol, get rekt scrub. i guess he's fine where he's at in the end but boy howdy he took up ZERO space in my head.
i did like the cowboy stuff up in xak tural, that was fun, though to me it did feel like filler. but i like the characters involved so, it's filler i can live with.
it would've been nice to not have a world ending threat over the horizon to worry about so we could have our little beach episode in peace. nice lil summer vacay, twenty minute adventure morty, in and out. i think the turn toward alexandria would've been better left for later.
for what it was, i did enjoy going through living memory and helping people fulfill hopes they never got a chance for in life. the scenes with cahciua had me feeling all the feels. at the same time, does this content belong in the "beach episode" expansion? why do all this right now and not later when many actually expected a new big story to begin?
that being said, the ending was fun and we got all the payoff we needed. everyone gets along and eats tacos together now, it's nice. however i do feel there is a loose thread with alexandrians' regulators and extra souls. like, we're gonna do something about those, right? like, anything at all? even if it's just a "we'll get to it later," just say anything at all to wrap that point up and move on. maybe that's just a me thing.
overall, it's final fantasy so of course it was a fun story and i liked it anyway. can't wait for the stuff that comes next.
fucking nuts, loved it.
doing dungeons with npcs is normal and expected but i was scared that all of the trials would be doable with duty support, which i think would've taken away from the experience for the last trial. i always get nervous in duty finder even after a couple years of playing the game, so i like the first trial being available for support like a nice warmup but i've come to appreciate how playing with others for the final final boss keeps me on my toes. i only went down once on the last story trial, and i would have played much worse had i had the leniency of a party that can't yell at me for sucking at the game.
there was one dungeon boss (i think it was the final boss in vanguard?) that i found disappointing. i'm mega casual so i'm normally not one for high difficulty but that boss was so piss fucking easy it was laughable.
all other battle content though? sick af, really had me on the edge of my seat.
gear looks cool, not much else to say there. reaper gear looks fuckin GORGEOUS on my bungirl main.
that's about all i got for now. perhaps i'll add more if i think of it later but i'll leave it here for now. thanks for your time if you read through and do remember, these are just my thoughts and it's totally chill to not think the same (if that's the case you're more than welcome to share your thoughts with me). this has been a good expansion, just as we expected it would be.
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autumnslance · 4 years
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Febhyurary 28: Celebration
(In which I finally publish a long-held draft. Also on Ao3. More words and pictures below the cut!)
“There’s the hero of the hour,” Thancred said as he ambled over. The child Aeryn had been speaking with waved and dashed off, eager to share with his friends whatever secrets the Warrior of Darkness had divulged. Thancred watched him go, smiling, before turning back to Aeryn.
She shook her head. “I’ve had my fill of accolades tonight,” she said. “What about you? Not joining the festivities?” She gestured down to the Exedra, where many of the Crystarium’s residents still laughed, danced, and sang in thanksgiving.
Thancred sighed dramatically and shrugged. “I thought to indulge in a little revelry myself...until Urianger began to list all the names of my drunken conquests. I’ve been drinking water. Water.”
Aeryn laughed. “Ryne was within hearing, was she?”
“Our colleague seems to be of the opinion I must be respectable for her sake.”
“Also Urianger just enjoys tormenting you.”
“That too.”
Aeryn stretched. “Where is Ryne now?” She asked, noting the girl was not at her guardian’s heels.
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“The twins have stolen her off once again,” he replied. “‘Tis a good night for them all to unwind as youths ought to.” He frowned a little. “Just not too much like youths are wont to…”
“They’ll be fine, Thancred.”
“Do you have any idea the stories Krile has of Alphinaud’s Studium days? The boy--”
“Reminds you of someone?” She teased, poking his shoulder.
“...Let’s not go there, shall we? Also I have just as many concerns about his sister, truth be told.”
“Ryne can handle either of them,” Aeryn assured him. She ignored the little voice in her head pointing out there was no longer a ghost following her young friends, enjoying their antics, returning to get her attention should anything happen. She stifled a yawn.
“Feeling alright?” He asked, the joking quickly dropping for genuine concern.
“I’m fine; just not up for reveling all night. I might just sneak off to my room.”
“No one would blame you, really, you’ve been through hell. We all have.”
“Want to walk with me?” She asked, before she could lose the nerve.
“You just want me to block unwanted well-wishers as you wend your way to your quarters,” he teased, as he fell into step alongside her.
“You’ve gotten very good at defending the rest of us from so many other hazards,” she said with a grin as they made their way through some of the lesser-trafficked areas of the Crystarium.
The entire city was in a grand mood, however, making even those less common routes busy as others had similar ideas to avoid the impromptu celebrations happening throughout the town. The sunless sea spun overhead, the everlasting light vanquished for good this time. The Exarch was safely returned to his people, and the Warriors of Darkness had triumphed over the Light and the dark figure who had orchestrated its blaze.
All it had cost was one dead man giving up his soul to save hers.
“Something wrong?” Thancred asked. Aeryn realized she had grown quiet, and must have looked a bit too pensive, thinking of Ardbert.
“Not really,” she said, honestly. “Just...I promised I’d explain in full, about the Blade of Light and how I was healed of the Lightwardens’ corruption. Tomorrow, when we’re all together again in the Ocular. I think I’m still attempting to process it all.”
He’s not really gone, she reminded herself. He’s always here, now. Emet-Selch would perhaps say as we ought to be--if it hadn’t led to his own…
“I think I just need a good distraction,” she said. “So much has happened.”
“Well, I’ve been known to be very distracting,” Thancred said with a grin. “A story, a song, an impromptu dance in the yard...Whatever you wish, my lady.”
There was a slight, hopeful thread woven into his lighthearted words. He meant to mask it, she knew, but it resonated with a stirring in her own heart.
Things had certainly changed since Nabaath Areng. There just also hadn’t been much time or opportunity to discuss those changes. At least, she had not been in a good place for...gods, it felt like ages, and yet no time at all, like a fading nightmare.
“I’ll have to think about it,” she replied glibly, as they crossed into the yards of the Quadrivium.
“Why think?” Thancred asked, as music played from the Wandering Stairs. He grasped her hand and pulled her into a spin. She allowed it, laughing as the cape on her jacket flared out behind her. They fell into the rhythm easily, aware eyes were on them and not caring as they danced across the walkway, others following along at various levels of skill but more than making up for it in enthusiasm.
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She tried to remember the last time they had danced like this; carefree, at ease with the world and each other--they even laughed as they were bumped into by less surefooted dancers, their own feet stumbling until one of them rediscovered the rhythm and led the other back to synchronous motion.
The Liberation of Ala Mhigo, she recalled finally. It had then led to hiding away from the world and discussing what they meant to one another. So much kept happening that in some ways it still seemed as if they were in those early, tentative days of figuring out their relationship.
Most of a bell passed before they ended up spinning into the Pendants, still giggling over a ronso trying to cut into their dance and nearly sending Thancred off the edge of one of the wide stairs.
“Good thing you’re light on your feet,” Aeryn said as they passed by the front desk. The manager waved them through, other matters holding his attention.
“All part of the plan to see you safely to your quarters,” Thancred replied. “Never was one for such heavy armor and weapons as, say, Hoary Boulder uses, but being quick works.”
“Certainly does. And here we are.”
There was a pause; not entirely awkward, but the expectancy could quickly turn that way.
“Well,” he began. “I suppose--”
“Do you want to come in?” She blurted, feeling her face redden. His brows raised. “I just...after everything...I don’t….”
The room will be empty. I can’t talk to him about everything anymore, and it saddens me more than I thought, even if he isn’t really gone, I know, he’s still always here…
Thancred’s hand cupped her cheek, bringing her thoughts to a halt. “I very much do,” he murmured, the mirth faded. “If you wish for me to stay.”
She looked up to meet his golden-brown eyes. “Please stay,” she whispered.
“Very well,” he replied, closing the distance between them for a gentle, drawn-out kiss. He was warm, and solid, and smelled still of the Tempest’s brine and the desperate exertion of that last battle. They were both exhausted messes, but she suddenly did not feel like sleeping.
It was, after all, a night for celebration.
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flos-gelida · 2 years
nothing to fear.
What if you didn't know Thancred? Would you play with us again? But you love Thancred! Yes, yes! How embarrassing!
This is an uriancred fic I wrote over two years ago, it is a bit messy, but I like it still. I would like to revisit this in the future and rewrite it since I have a much better handling on how to write the ffxiv characters. The characterization of my own wol in this piece is really... different from how she is now.
    Years and years of an eternal day, devoid of any semblance of seasons or weather, left those who were victim to it for the duration of their lives to be unaware of what was happening in the moments those natural occurrences came about. The first fall of night left many in fear, but many more in wonder. And the cycle continued as the citizens of the First came to experience many things Eris was used to. The darkening of the sky early in the day as a thunder-storm rolled in — the howling of the wind and the lightning that accompanied it — all things she had seen time and time again on the source. Having been on the first for nearly a century, G'raha had grown unaccustomed to changes in the weather. Luckily, Eris was there to remind him, and many other Crystarium residents, that everything was fine. The wind may be harsh and the rain be unforgiving, but it was long overdue, and she wanted them to realize that.
    She wondered, however, how Ryne was faring. Having grown up locked away, minimal knowledge of who she was or why she was there, left her even more vulnerable to things of this nature. The young girl was typically on the forefront of everyone's minds, leaving them all — especially Thancred — feeling much like a parental figure to her. Sure, the twins had been with them for years now. But even though they were all around the same age, the Leveilleur's seemed much older. Even Eris needed to pause sometimes and remind herself that they are indeed still children, and no matter how much they insisted she didn't need to, she would still assert herself like the elder sibling they lacked.
    "Having stayed in a place like Amh Areng for as long as I did, it's nice to see this again." Ah. Speak of the devil. "Before you begin worrying as I know you are prone to do, Urianger and the others are fine. Those two have traversed many a storm before."
    Eris customarily greeted Alisaie with a gentle tail around the wrist. Despite the sharp ends, she seemed to have perfected her silent greeting without injuring her companions.
    "Yes, yes. I am well aware." She watched the rain as it poured down, thrashing every which way, only protected from it thanks to the intricate ceiling above. "But even you must admit that this is a much worse storm than one we have seen in quite some time."
    "I won't lie and say the initial thunder didn't startle me." Alisaie shrugged. She held a hand out over the railing, letting the sharp rain sting her skin as it fell. "However, even if they are unsettled by it, Thancred and Urianger would do anything to see Ryne quickly and safely back here."
    "I suppose you're correct."
    "Of course. Now, are you going to join the rest of us as we prepare for them, or are you going to sit here and worry yourself until I know you leave to find them and bring them all here on your back if need be?" Alisaie turned on her heel, extending her elbow for Eris.
    "Alright, alright. Your point is made." Eris gave one more glance to the unforgiving skies before she pulled away, taking hold of Alisaie's arm.
    Across Norvrandt, along the border of Il Mheg and Lakeland, three souls were sprinting through the harsh weather. Thancred held Ryne on his back, his jacket pulled around her to shield her from the rain, and the oncoming hail if his gut was right.
    "Twenty malms away, there shall be a fort that we might think to rest at." Urianger suggested, doing the best he could to keep somewhat of a barrier above him and his companions as a makeshift umbrella.
    "To hell with that. We might as well just keep going and hope we run out of it. If we make a detour and take longer than we must, Eris will come drag us back her-" Thancred turned quickly, removing one arm from holding Ryne to shove Urianger out of the way as he forced the trio to dive onto the ground. Had his instincts not been half as sharp as they were, they would have all just fallen victim to the lightning that struck the ground beside them. Ryne sat up startled, clearly shaken from coming so close to the shock of a lifetime while simultaneously being knocked from Thancred's back and into the mud, despite his best attempt to keep a one armed hold on her.
    "Perhaps thou would like to reconsider my earlier proposal."
    "I have a feeling this is about to get worse." Thancred got to his feet first, helping Ryne back up — Urianger following suit on his own. "The fort is nearby, we should hurry."
    Thancred departed from the dining area, leaving Ryne behind to eat and chat with some of the young guards. He searched high and low for Urianger, spotting him leaning against the railing of a balcony high above him. He climbed the stairs slowly, thinking carefully on how to approach him. But, being poetic was never his strong suit.
    "Out with it." Thancred demanded once reached the top. He took up the spot next to Urianger, standing atop the highest balcony of the far back building. "You would not have made your way all the way up here had you not wanted to speak privately. You've been acting strange these past few days."
    "Tis nothing more than a mild headache that has yet to dull." Urianger assured him, or, attempted to. But Thancred knew him, and he knew him well . And for all his weaknesses, reading Urianger was something he excelled in.
    "Oh, come on. There is no need to lie when we are away from prying ears. If you have bad news about getting back to the Source, you can just say it."
    "Tis also not be the case." Urianger sighed. He brought his gaze up to the sky above, the dark clouds beginning to become shrouded in the blackness of night. His eyes seemed to search the barely visible stars for the answers. "Would that I might be able to speak more on the subject, but some experiences have rendered my ability to useless."
    "For once in your life can you not speak in riddles? No dancing around the subject?"
    "I fear that this is all I can say."
    "...Tis not a decision I hath made on mine own." Urianger explained. "A difficult decision hath been laid upon me — one that risks losing something of import, whether I act or not."
    "Whatever are you talking about?"
    "I fear I have been sworn to secrecy, for sharing anything save for what I must is against the rules. " Urianger explained. Thancred felt his gut twist. The gods damned fairies.
    "So I would be correct in assuming you can not tell me without something being taken from you?" Thancred knew asking was, most likely, futile. A game with the fairies was a very difficult thing to play.
    "The risk of loss comes from inaction."
    "So, just tell me?"
    "I am afraid the subject tis not something that can be discussed easily." Urianger shifted a bit. Strange.
    "If not saying will make you lose something, then how can it be better to keep it to yourself?" Thancred asked. "Ah. Unless it is something you don't care to lose."
    "Very much not the case." Urianger answered, almost instantly. "Tis something… quite precious."
    "Okay, okay. So, if you don't want to outright tell me, do you need me to guess?" Thancred suggested.
    "Nay. We shalt not reenact scenes from one of many intoxicated games with you." Urianger smiled briefly.
    "I am quite the expert at charades, I'll have you know." He grinned smugly. This was beginning to wear him down. Thancred could only handle so much of Urianger dancing around certain topics before getting tired of listening. "Ryne is still downstairs, so hurry it up."
    " Hey ." Thancred turned Urianger, slamming his palm down on the railing next to them. He glared up into Urianger's eyes, barely taking in the expression staring back at him before they made contact.
    Thancred felt his heart stop for a moment. The feel of Urianger's lips against his own, long fingers tangled in his soaking wet hair, stubble scratching his face as they made contact. He wanted the world to freeze in this moment, allow him to sink even deeper into the touch that he craved so desperately.
    But nothing good would come of it, that he knew for sure.
    He pulled away, leaving Urianger to slowly lift his touch. They lingered like that for a moment — Thancred unsure of what to do, Urianger with his hand at the nape of his neck.
    "Mine apologi-"
    "The rain is beginning to let up. We should go." Thancred turned on his heel and departed without so much as another word.
    Urianger watched him go, a subtle panic setting in. What a fool he was.
    The voices of those damned creatures swam around in his head as he caught sight of Thancred on the ground once more.
     You're no fun anymore, Urianger! All you do is talk about Thancred! All you do is talk to Thancred!
    What if you didn't know Thancred? Would you play with us again?
    But you love Thancred! Yes, yes! How embarrassing!
    Both of you can play with us! Yes! Both of you if you tell Thancred you love him!
    If you don't, then you'll forget him!
    Either way, you will play with us again, won't you Urianger? You'll entertain us again, right Urianger? Invite us over again, huh Urianger? Urianger? Urianger…? Urianger…
    "Urianger!" Ryne shouted. She jumped up and down, waving to him from stories below. She brought her hands up to her mouth, cupping them before shouting again, "Come on! We're leaving while the rain is light!"
    Urianger nodded, waving down to her as he pulled away from the guardrail. Another twinge of pain struck him, causing him to stumble. He knew the clock was ticking; He knew time was running out.
    "Is everything alright with them?" Eris whispered to Ryne. The pair, accompanied by Alisaie, watched the rest of their Scion friends from across the room. Urianger seemed to be enthusiastically recounting everything he had read recently to G'raha and Y'shtola, Alphinaud nodding along and taking mental notes. Thancred stood off to the side, sneaking glances at Urianger every so often, before he averted his gaze once more.
    "I don't know." Ryne answered sadly, a small pout to her lips as she spoke. "Everything was fun until the storm hit and when we stopped to rest, I was eating and they walked off to talk. Thancred came back first but he looked… not sad, but something like it. That look he gets when he's messed up."
    "So they fought? Whatever for….?" Alisaie asked, mostly rhetorically.
    "Hmm…" Eris thought hard.
    "Are you going to go over there?" Alisaie asked.
    "Are you going to make things worse?"
    "Carry on."
    Ryne seemed, understandably, worried as Eris made her way across the room, pulling Thancred aside. The au ra could see Urianger's gaze follow Thancred out of the corner of her eye as her and her white haired companion made their way onto the balcony. She rested her elbows on the guardrail, Thancred following suit. After a moment, she dug through her coat and pulled the ring Ryne had given her out of her pocket, handing it to Thancred.
    "My, my. Is this a proposal?" Thancred grinned. Eris, despite how it used to annoy her so, was glad that despite everything, Thancred had not changed completely.
    "Far from it. You are absolutely not my type." She waved him off. "This was a gift to me from Ryne. Which I am, of course, grateful for. But the work she put into this, I know she would only put so much effort into something on the road if she had been stressed out. Crafting is an easy distraction."
    "You don't need to drum up some excuse. I saw the two of you conversing and I can guess what about." Thancred drew in a sharp breath, exhaling slowly. He fixed his eyes on the moon above, hoping to lose himself in its glow.
    "Alright then. What did you two argue about?" Thancred glanced over at Eris, her look of concern something all the Scions found it hard to ignore. "I won't push, but I have ideas."
    "It was nothing that could impact any of you, rest assured."
    "Hardly an answer to my question."
    "I thought you wouldn't push it?"
    "I won't, I won't. Well, maybe a little. I want to help, is all." Eris' smile dropped for a moment. "All of you bend over backwards for me, doing what you can to leave me out of things until I am needed because you all seem to think it will add undue stress in between the big things."
    "Which is not true. I want to help all of you, as friends. I want to listen to what troubles you. I don't want to be treated like someone of more importance, not after this long." Eris closed her eyes and sighed. "Which was a very long way of saying, you are my friend, Thancred. And friend's help each other when they have something on their mind. Believe me, Urianger will be getting this earful later. I had to give the same speech to G'raha and Y'shtola too."
    "I suppose you are correct." Thancred handed the ring back to Eris, turning to rest his back against the railing. "Let's say G'raha fell victim to a curse. If he didn't let loose the most heartfelt secret he had in a certain amount of time, his memory, his vision, etc. would be at stake. The nature of this secret, however, pertained to you, and as he could not speak up about his curse, he did what he could to explain it through actions since he was too embarrassed to utter the secret aloud."
    "Did you guys fuck?"
    "N- Eris!" Thancred choked.
    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Eris giggled. "It's amusing, however, that you want me to speak plainly, yet you explain your situation in metaphors."
    "Right again. It is just…"
    "Difficult to say aloud?" Thancred nodded. "Using G'raha as an example is an evil move." Eris chuckled, a small blush creeping across her face. "I know how it feels to love, but be confused in that feeling. To… to be unsure that even if it's what you both want, is it what you need? Is it what's right or will it doom you both? And it's something I have fought with myself on time and time again. But I came to the conclusion that, despite what may happen, I am short on happy moments. And with him around, even if in the end it doesn't work, at least for now, for the both of us, we would be happy. And, as luck would have it, I planned to act on tonight."
    "I don't know the two of you the way you know each other, so I am sure there are many circumstances unique to you and Urianger that I can not relate to. But I know the general feeling. I understand the struggle." Eris continued. "My point is, whatever it is the both of you are scared of, you have faced much worse. Allowing yourself to fall in love is not something to fear."
    "... I will have to think on it."
    "I know maybe you're scared that allowing this attachment will make you lose him, but…" Eris watched Urianger, the way he'd look at Thancred with every chance he got. "I think he is too. It's something to work on. Together."
    "Plus, what kind of parents are you to Ryne if you're not even together!" Eris nudged him with her elbow.
    "Okay, okay. You have made your point." Thancred smiled softly. "You should get back over there. The exarch looks like he is about to pass out from all the info Urianger is throwing at him."
    "Then, evening." Eris bowed dramatically as she departed, strutting back inside to repeat her earlier stunt and rescue her beloved G'raha from the clutches of an Urianger speech. "Thancred was asking about you, by the way." She told the elezen.
     Gods damn her, not even allowing him a moment to organize his thoughts.
    "We'll be back. I had something I wanted to show him." Eris grabbed G'raha's hand, flesh entwining with crystal.
    "We can continue sharing these ideas in the morning." He nodded to Urianger and Y'shtola, before turning excitedly on his heel with Eris tugging him along.
    "You had best listen to her." Y'shtola grinned.
    "Our dear Warrior of Light is well versed in placing herself where she need not be."
    "Oh, please. Can you just go talk to him already?" Alisaie rolled her eyes, following in Eris' footsteps and 'placing herself' in the conversation.
    "Once more, I ask." Thancred gripped his hands together tightly. "Out with it."
    "... Was this not thine reason for departing earlier?"
    "Urianger, please." Thancred asked once more, almost begging. He could act like the kiss meant a million things, but unless he heard from Urianger exactly what this secret was, his mind would wander.
    Urianger turned away, unable to bring himself to look at Thancred as he spoke. "Much and more time have we spent together. Since coming to the First, thine own course hath brought thee to mine side on many an occasion, and vice versa. We have done much in aiding the cause to save our home and bring Eris to us once more." He paused, flinching ever so slightly as another headache hit him. "I have… enjoyed your companionship, Thancred. And, although for myself, this hath indeed been a long time coming, I do only wish that I had not been doomed into telling thee in the midst of such unforgiving circumstances. The fairies love their games, after all."
    "I have found thee to be…"
    There were not many times that Urianger found himself at a loss for words. Thancred was used to his ramblings and almost preferred it when Urianger would go off on a tangent, speaking about things for hours on end, even if Thancred had no idea what the hells he was going on about. So to see him, flustered and quiet, it stirred something within him. Something that, for him too, had been bubbling for years. Something he never felt there was a right time to say. Something that he knew, no matter how much he wanted to deny it, would last.
     "Allowing yourself to fall in love is not something to fear."
    "Please, allow me a moment. For I must say it to thee on mine own."
    A strange quiet filled the air, suffocating Thancred as he was left to let his thoughts brew.
    "First and foremost, I owe thee a proper apology for thine sudden outburst earlier. I was… overwhelmed and mine judgement was clouded. Should ye be angry, tis understandable."
    "Thancred…" Urianger breathed in deep before continuing. "Mine heart yearns for thee. Much of mine time, whether you are present or not, is spent thinking about thee. If you are not present, mine thoughts wander to the next visit. However, should thou think ill of me for my display earlier, I would think no less of thee."
    There was another moment of silence as Thancred took in the words and Urianger regretted saying them. Risking the ruin of a friendship, a partnership , was difficult, to say the least. But he thought it better to lose that relationship, than lose his memory of Thancred completely. His memories of Thancred, of everything they've been through together, were precious to him. To imagine a life, not knowing who the man next him was, hurt worse than the thought of Thancred hating him.
    Thancred stretched onto the tips of his toes, placing a hand on either side of Urianger's face. He pulled the taller man down with no hesitation, planting another kiss to the lips he grew to miss in just a few hours. "You are a fool to think so."
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bronybusfare · 4 years
I know it’s waaay past V-Day, but after recently finishing Shadowbringers, I couldn’t help but think about Alisaie’s slightly noticble hints of affection. I wanted to make this just because I love her interactions, and trust me, there is more to come! Also, this is my first attempt at fanfics, so if there’s anything wrong or possibly missing, go ahead and say, and I’ll try to fix it!
Alisaie x WoL
It’s Valentiones Day in Eorzea, and it truly shows. Cherry blossoms blooming in New Gridania, the Songbirds performing in Ul’dah, and the overwhelming smell of roses in Limsa Lominsa. Being the Warrior of Light/Darkness, things like this you don’t typically have time for, but this times an exception.
After so many years of adventures, times have been a bit smoother for you and the scions, giving you more time to spend with the others, more so with the Leveilleur twins. Though you can’t help but feel like something will happen, for now you try to push it to the back of your mind, and let yourself try to relax.
During these times, thanks to G’raha Tia, Y’shtola, and Urianger’s combined knowledge, they were successful in making it possible to return to the First with mind, body, and soul together, much like you can with no issue. It’ll be common to see Thancred, Y’shtola, and G’raha return for the day to see Ryne, Runar, and Lyna respectively.
Thancred would tell Ryne about Eorzea and all its vastly different normalities compared to Norvrandt, and would occasionally bring food or special drinks with him for her to try. Ryne one day dreams to see Eorzea, though knowing that may take a while longer to happen.
Y’shtola would immediately return to slitherborough and re-converse with everyone, while Runar continually tries to keep her to stay. She always has shown a soft side to Runar, and can’t help but consider staying, but overall knows it’s best to stay in the Source. Runar will tend to give her unique flowers to bring back to the Source, to always remember him in rough times, knowing the Nights Blessed will always await her return with open arms.
G’raha on the other hand would take Lyna to special places only he knew about, being that they were his time of peace when he wasn’t at the Crystal Tower as acting Exarch, and would always surprise her with something only he knew she’d love, such as new dancer arms sold from Ishgard, or a small nic-nac from Kugane. Honestly, she doesn’t mind all these little gifts, but what Lyna values more is the time she can spend with the Miqo’te, even if it would be a short time.
Alphinaud and Alisaie would check in for a few minutes on Halric and the other patients in Amh Araeng, then make a quick stop to check up on Chai-Nuzz and the other Inhabitants of Kholusia.
Urianger would stay behind back in Mor Dhona to help Krile and Tataru with anything they needed, leaving you to keep close eyes on any strange activities in Eorzea.
This time was different though, as Alisaie stayed behind with you and Urianger, leaving Alphinaud to do the routine check-ups. Normally you wouldn’t think different of it, but you begin to notice Alisaie acting stranger and stranger around you, as if she was afraid of being close to your persons. You consult Urianger about the strange going-on with her, and he simply smiles.
“Think my friend, does thou not know the times of days recent?”
You excuse yourself from any further interactions to explore the different items being sold in Mor Dhona. You begin thinking about what he says while you browse the shops, and notice Alisaie looking at what looks like jewelry. As she picks up a exquisite looking ring, you call out to her.
“Hey, Alisaie!”
Her head shoots up from the ring and looks your way. Her face begins to turn red, and she begins to panic, quickly puts the ring back before you stand directly in front of her.
“O-Oh, WoL, I wasn’t expecting to see you here! W-What’s up? Whatcha doin’? Lookin’ for anything special?”
You notice she begins to sweat profusely, and face reddening more and more.
“Are you ok, Alisaie? Your’re turning red.” You ask with a great deal of concern.
“Y-Yeah, d-definitely! 100%! Perfectly fine! Just fine!” She immediately replies. Alisaie then begins to slowly move backwards. “Listen, I’ve got this.....thing I gotta do....over there.....far that way. See you later!”
She sprints off in a hurry without any hesitation, leaving nothing but dust in her wake. You tilt your head in both confusion and concern, eventually moving on to look at the remaining shops. Not long later, you return to the Rising Stones, to see the others returned from the First.
“Ah, WoL! Glad to see you haven’t gone off on another quest”, G’raha says with a hint of playfulness in his words. “Anything to report?”
You shake your head in disagreement, and proceed to continue thinking about Alisaie.
Y’shtola notices your concerned look, and converses with you.
“What’s wrong, WoL? Is something bothering you? You seem lost in thought”.
With a bit of worry, you begin to tell the others about your recent interactions with Alisaie, and everyone begins to slightly chuckle.
“Well my friend”, Alphinaud begins, struggling to hold back a laugh, “I believe I may know about your situation”.
Alphinaud begins to explain to you about how some Valetione works, and continues with how people act differently around others, more so than other days. He then explains that Alisaie is in the same situation, with you being the person in question.
As if timing couldn’t be better, you suddenly hear the door open and turn to see Alisaie coming through it.
“Sorry I’m late. I had a bit of a run-in with Wa.....”
She stops and looks to everyone all looking back at her, including you. Her face begins to turn as red as a tomato. “I just remembered, I-Ive got somewhere to be!” and quickly slams the door shut behind her.
“See? My point have been proven yet again.” Alphinaud says triumphantly. You turn to see everyone else nodding.
Without thinking, you ask
“Does Alisaie have feelings....for me?”
“I’m most surprised thou dids not suspect of this earlier”, Urianger says. “‘Tis not surprising to us, but thou must not be oblivious to such notable changes of mistress Alisaie’s usual demeanour”.
You shrug with a somewhat unknowing look, slightly blushing, but not enough to be noticed.
“Well, now the cats outta the bag. What are you goin’ todo ‘bout it?” Thancred asks without hesitation.
You begin to think about a way to return her feelings. “I might have a suggestion, if you don’t mind” G’raha begins, with a hint of confidence in his voice.
He turns to the female scion. “Y’shtola, do you remember if Alisaie have ever been to Costa del Sol?”
Y’shtola thinks for a moment, then realizes where G’raha is getting too.
“As a matter of fact, I believe she’s only been there roughly once or twice. As I recall, is the Valentiones festival not happening there this year?”
G’raha Tia then nods his head in agreement.
“Why yes, it is. I believe that may be our perfect opportunity to get both WoL and Alisaie in the same place, hopefully without another “awkward” situation.”
You start to have a more noticeable blush in your face, but you whole-heartedly agree with G’raha Tia’s plan.
“Excellent”, he happily chirps. “Tataru, would it be possible to make some reservations for a few days stay at the resort?”
“Nothin’ I can’t handle! Leave it to me!”
Tataru happily walks off, with a small hop and skip in her movement. Krile follows shortly behind, hoping to give a bit of help to her fellow Lalafell.
“Now that that’s done”, G’raha turns to Y’shtola and Urianger once more. “Would it be possible for you two to keep miss Alisaie occupied for a while? I believe it’s time to put some cooking skills Lyna helped me with to the test.”
Y’shtola and Urianger nod and head off to find Alisaie. Thancred decides to tag along, just to see what happens.
“Alphinaud, I have a special request for you.”
The young Elezen turns to G’raha. “Of course, I can do anything in my power to help.”
“You’ve obviously been the closest to Alisaie for the longest time. Would you happen to know what kind of chocolate she likes?”
“Why of course” Alphinaud began with a full smile across his face, moving to the kitchen. “I used to make it for her whenever she felt down. It was a special mix of white chocolate and crushed cookie crumbs.”
G’raha Tia has a smile of his own now. “Then if it’s not too much trouble, would you please help WoL and myself make it? I personally would rather make them home made, than a special request. It would be more romantic if WoL made it, as well.”
“Do you even need to ask?” Alphinaud says, as he’s already putting on an apron and washing his hands. “Shall we?”
End of part 1
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ofdragonsdeep · 3 years
13: Oneirophrenia
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Internal wounds leave the deepest scars.
(MAJOR CW for implied rape, m!WoLxThancred, m!WoLxHaurchefant)
The still quiet of the night hung in the air like a held breath. In the Rising Stones, the air was free of the sickly purple gloom that suffused the air of Mor Dhona, the only disturbances the noises coming from the common room and its tiny yet perpetual bar.
In his room, simple as it was, Ar’telan struggled to sleep. He lay on his side, covers pulled up around him to ward off the cold, tail coiled in a miserable pile at his legs. Each time he closed his eyes, the thoughts came back, wending their way through his sleeping mind as though aware that his defences would be down.
Most of the nightmares he could cope with. He would wake and then sleep again, a huff on his lips at the foolishness of dwelling on them. People he had seen die, the massacre at the Waking Sands, the trail of blood that their campaign had led through Castrum Meridianum, all of this was par for the course. One of the Scions he spoke to on occasion, a young elezen called Alianne who had been an adventurer once, had been learning from the Eorzean Alliance’s trained therapists, what few of them were left in the wake of the calamity. The trauma was expected - normal, even, in people who had witnessed horrific events like the ones he had seen. But there was one nightmare that he did not speak of, the reason he was sleeping alone, if he was sleeping at all. The feeling of ‘Thancred’ catching his hands to silence his words, Lahabrea hearing his every protest with the Echo, the cruel things he had said, the things he had done, to try and crack Ar’telan’s faith in the Scions. Always, inevitably, it went back to that, as if living it once had not been punishment enough.
With a groan of frustration, he rolled over in the bed, pulling the covers over his head as if to block out the night. How easy it would be if he did not need sleep, or if he simply drank himself into a stupor every night like Thancred did, to cope with the aftermath.
Maybe Thancred had the right of it.
“You look like the dodo the cook forgot about in the back of the pantry,” Yda said, Ar’telan wincing at the specifics of her description.
“I am fine,” he said, stifling a yawn as he said it. “Just a little tired.” Yda squinted at him - at least, he thought she did, the way she tilted her head towards him, but it was hard to tell through the mask.
“When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?” she demanded. Ar’telan groaned.
“I don’t know. But I will be fine. Thank you for your concern,” he said. This did not seem to convince Yda, if the way she looked back towards Papalymo was any judge, but she at least left him alone for the time being.
It was Y’shtola who disturbed him, more gently than he was used to from the acerbic conjurer. A poke of her wooden wand into his arm, and he raised his head from where it lay on the table to look at her.
“Am I needed?” he asked, and Y’shtola let out a sharp sigh.
“Yes. Come with me,” she instructed, and Ar’telan pushed himself out of the chair and followed her.
She did not take him to the Solar, like he was inspecting. Instead, she led him into one of the many little side rooms in the Rising Stones, which were normally reserved for all sorts of things that Ar’telan was not involved in.
“Sit,” she demanded, pointing at a chair. Confused, Ar’telan did as he was told. Y’shtola mirrored the motion in the chair opposite him, folding her arms across her chest. “Yda tells me you have not been sleeping enough,” she said, and Ar’telan wilted.
“I am fine,” he said, and Y’shtola let out a harrumph of disagreement.
“I am sure you are. That may have swayed me during our eventful stay at Costa del Sol, but it will not work here,” she snapped. Ar’telan would very much have liked to go back to the busywork of doing inane tasks for the Company of Heroes, in truth. At least when he was busy he did not think, and when he wore himself out his sleep was long and blissfully dreamless. “What troubles you? I would hope that after all this time we are friends enough for you to share it.” Ar’telan grimaced.
“It… it’s nothing much. Nightmares. Alianne has been helping,” he said, trying to evade the brunt of the question. “I will improve when I am busy again. I’m sorry for the fuss.” Y’shtola shook her head again, taking out her wand to bonk him lightly on the head with it.
“Do not apologise for struggling. We none of us are perfect,” she chastised, and Ar’telan shrunk back away from her in shame.
“No. But… No,” he said, changing his mind. Too late, though, for Y’shtola was after the half-formed thought like a starveling wolf on a hunk of fresh meat.
“This is about Thancred, isn’t it?” she surmised, and Ar’telan cringed at the accuracy of her statement. Not that it was exactly difficult to piece together that the two of them were coping poorly in the aftermath of the Praetorium, Thancred through drink and Ar’telan through anything he could get that would not cloud his mind. After Castrum Centri, some part of him had hoped that it would all make sense - that he would be able to parcel it away, file the memories into neat little boxes, half labelled ‘Thancred’ and the rest ‘Lahabrea’, but reality was cold and unfeeling in its truth.
“It is fine. We have reached an understanding,” Ar’telan said, which made Y’shtola scoff.
“They could hear your arguments all the way in Gridania. Well, Thancred’s half of them, at any rate,” she said. “It does not have to be easy, Ar’telan. You have not failed for struggling with it. The Twelve know you are at least coping better than Thancred is.” Ar’telan was not so sure of that, but he held his tongue on it regardless.
“It is fine. He is right-”
“He most certainly is not,” Y’shtola cut in. “Not if it is hurting you this much. Talk to me, Ar’telan. Your words will not reach his ears, if that is what concerns you.” Ar’telan hesitated. He had kept his counsel before the Garleans had raided the Waking Sands, and what had that got him? He had been convinced that his words were meaningless, his opinion irrelevant, his worth nothing more than his usefulness to the cause. To keep his silence was what Lahabrea had wanted from him, wasn’t it?
“It is… it is difficult,” he admitted, and the words were hard to shape, as though he had been avoiding the revelation even to himself. “I can’t… I couldn’t… It comes back. What Laha- what Lahabrea did.” He hesitated over the words, his fingers shaking as he made the sign for the ascian’s name. “I can’t be near him without remembering it. Can’t be close to him. I tried to- tried to ease the fear.” He had touched his fingers to Thancred’s throat, content that if the tiny crystal on its choker was not there, that it was really Thancred this time, that the spectre of Lahabrea would be banished, but Thancred could only see that without it, Ar’telan thought him capable of all the things that Lahabrea had done. Of course it hurt him. Why wouldn’t it hurt him? It was a terrible thing to accuse a person of, even in implicit gestures and terrified catastrophizing. But what was he supposed to do? “Thancred - we - it doesn’t work. And he is angry, and I am s-scared, and when I try to sleep it all comes back.” Y’shtola’s face softened at the revelation. She was the only one who knew, aside from Thancred himself, at least as far as Ar’telan knew. He hadn’t dared tell anyone else, not even Minfilia, given how stressed she was with everything that had happened to her during her time in captivity, and her closeness to Thancred. Part of him had feared that she would think him a monster to believe Thancred capable of what Lahabrea had done, even if that had been the point. It was not supposed to be easy. The ascian would not have bothered otherwise.
“It’s ok,” Y’shtola told him, gently taking one of his hands in hers, leaving him the room to pull it back if he needed to speak. “Such terrors do not fade quickly. Maybe they never will. But we cannot help if you do not tell us.” Ar’telan nodded, knowing that she was right. She usually was. At least she was not as insufferable about it as Alphinaud. “I am not a master of the culinary arts, but I shall speak with some friends, and find you some herbs to help you sleep. I will not tell them why.” He nodded, swallowing down the rising panic at her suggestion, the thought that anyone else would know, would judge him for what had happened, for his weakness in being unable to confront it. It seemed little different to Thancred’s self-medication, still rendering him useless until the herbs wore off, but he would bear it if it meant that he could sleep.
“Thank you,” he said, using only his free hand to do it. It was hard to whisper when you had no voice, but perhaps that counted. “I… I am sorry. For not… not trusting you.” Y’shtola shook her head, naught on her face but concern.
“‘Twas the point of it, was it not? To make you doubt,” she said. “It will take time, and if need be, I shall drag you off to speak with you a dozen more times ere you feel comfortable coming to me yourself. The villain is ousted, and even if he will reconstitute, you have time left to breathe and gather yourself. If there is aught you need, simply say.”
“I will try,” Ar’telan said, the best he could offer in the circumstances. Y’shtola nodded.
“Good. I shall hold you to that,” she decided.
Dawn filtered through the cracks in the window like the caress of a lover, rousing Ar’telan from his sleep. The bed was no less simple, and no less empty, but it did not yawn before him like a chasm that seemed impossible to cross, and perhaps that would mean something.
It was not easy. Each night he drank the bitter herbs that he had been so discreetly given felt like a stay of execution more than a panacea, and the tensions between him and Thancred showed no signs of abating. The troubles in Ishgard offered a tantalising opportunity to bury himself in the work of others, to keep his own counsel and pray that an untended wound would somehow heal, but it was not that easy. It was never that easy, not when the knife had cut so deep with edges so sharp and cruel.
He would hold his own. He had no choice but to persevere.
(And when Haurchefant’s hands touched his, though he woke still alone for all their wishes, the elezen let him run his fingers over his throat - unmarked by ascian aether, reassuring in its warmth - it felt like, one day, he might heal.)
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stephenfairbrook · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 - 10: Heady
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Note: Set sometime during ARR patches. Warning for mild WoL/NPC shippy-type stuff. After dealing with numerous imperials since arriving in Eorzea, going so far as to soundly defeat a Legatus - the Black Wolf himself - Jayih’a had figured his fear of the Empire had subsided. But one single chance encounter had proven that painfully incorrect.
He wasn’t certain if it was by chance or if he had been intentionally sought out. Not that it mattered. He recognized the soldier as one who had served under the same officer he had been forced to work for. And, of course, the soldier had recognized him as well. Jayih’a had frozen, the soldier had rushed him, and he remembered nothing else. The next thing he was aware of was Thancred crouched next to him, checking for injuries.
The incident happened not too far from Ul’dah, so Thancred had taken Jayih’a back there, heading straight for the Quicksand and to the Miqo’te’s inn room. Thancred helped him clean up and change into nightclothes before heading out, leaving Jayih’a sitting up in bed, alone with his thoughts.
He didn’t know why Thancred was as near as he was and, he supposed, that really didn’t matter, either. He was grateful, though, that it was him and not any of the other Scions. If anyone were to see him in this state, he’d rather it be the one he trusted most.
Thancred returned a short time later with a bottle and two glasses.
“To help calm the nerves,” Thancred said, pouring and offering one of the glasses. Jayih’a accepted the glass with a nod of thanks. Thancred poured one for himself and the two sat and drank in silence.
As soon as Jayih’a had emptied his glass, Thancred had the bottle at the ready. Jayih’a nodded again and sighed. It had, indeed, helped him relax, and, slowly, the earlier ordeal seemed further away. What seemed a more pressing matter at that moment was Thancred sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, reaching over and across to set the half-empty bottle on the shelf on the opposite side.
Their eyes briefly met then, and Jayih’a quickly looked away, his cheeks burning. He felt his companion shift closer. The tip of his tail twitched. How long had it been since he’d…?
It’s just the drink, nothing more, Jayih’a told himself. He glanced over to see Thancred looking at him with concern.
“Are you alright? Not too potent, is it?”
“It’s not that bad,” Jayih’a replied, “It’s at least done the job.”
“Good,” Thancred said, “And I hope you don’t mind my staying the night here. Just to make sure your old ‘friend’ doesn’t have anyone else headed your way.”
Jayih’a found that he certainly didn’t mind that at all, but bit his tongue before he said anything incriminating. He nodded instead.
“Good,” Thancred said again, with a chuckle, “The others would end me if I let anything happen to you.”
“Is that the only reason you’re staying?” Jayih’a teased, before thinking the better of it.
“Truthfully… no.”
Jayih’a’s ears perked up at that.
“I personally wanted to make sure you were taken care of,” Thancred explained. Jayiha’s ears drooped.
“That’s very kind of you,” he said, taking a sip. When he lowered his glass, he found the rogue had leaned in even closer.
“Were you hoping for another reason?” Thancred asked with a smirk.
Jayih’a looked away, ear and tail twitching. ...was he? He wasn’t certain. He wanted to keep blaming the drink, but he felt he was still thinking clearly enough. Or maybe he wasn’t. After all, it had been so long since he’d been with anyone…
Jayih’a sighed and shrugged. “...perhaps?”
Both were silent for a moment. Thancred moved again, this time sitting fully next to him on the bed.
“Is that so?” He made no further move, clearly waiting for Jayih’a to make the next. The Miqo’te leaned to rest his head on his companion’s shoulder.
“I suppose… I wouldn’t complain if there was another.”
At that, Thancred gently lifted Jayih’a’s chin with a finger so their eyes met again. Jayih’a didn’t look away this time.
“Well, then, I…”
Thancred’s words were cut off by a knock at the door. Jayih’a tensed, his blood running cold. Thancred reached for his blades, calling, “Who’s there?”
“’tis I,” came a familiar voice, “Alphinaud.”
Thancred groaned and Jayih’a chuckled in relief.
“Suppose I ought to get that,”Thanced grumbled. He stood, placing a quick, soft peck on the top of Jayih’a’s head. “I also suppose whatever moment we may have just had is completely shattered.”
“Some other time, then, perhaps,” Jayih’a said, reaching out to give Thancred’s had a gentle squeeze.
“Promise,” Thancred said. He winced at another impatient knock at the door and went to answer it.
Jayih’a set his glass aside and listened in. The door opened.
“Do you realize how terrible your timing is?”
“I beg your pardon, it’s still early evening! I heard what happened and wanted to personally see how our Warrior of Light is faring.”
“He’s fine and needs to rest.”
“That’s all well and good, but I’d like to see for myself, if you please.”
“Absolutely not, he’s fast asleep.”
“...I can see him where I’m standing. He’s still clearly awake!”
“Then you can see that he’s just fine.”
“Yes, but…!”
Jayih’a shook his head as the two continued to squabble back and forth. He settled himself in under the covers, calling, “Good night, you two.”
The sudden reminder of his past had been quite the shock. But then, now full knowing that he had others watching out for him, he could sleep peacefully that night. And he was certainly looking forward to what tomorrow might hold.
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universal-kitty · 4 years
“You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.” for your self ship with G'RAHA TIA
prompt list i. ♡
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   It wasn’t unusual for Rhela to be scatterbrained or lost for a few days at a time. In fact, it was typically expected for the Miqo’te healer to get distracted with flowers or something for an unknowable period of time. The idea behind it was to typically wait out their disappearance...or wait for the linkshell call that signaled that they were very, very lost and needed some help. Even in areas very familiar to them, one could not assume that Rhela’s directions would be perfect; even in their homeland of the Twelveswood, one could still watch Rhela get turned around when going places!
   It was something of a talent, many joked.
   G’raha had not time enough to learn of these quirks his partner had, but even after a few short weeks, well... He learned quickly enough. Although Alphinaud and Alisaie waited patiently, Y’shtola and Thancred prone to make jokes, Urianger...typically silent, but otherwise patient... G’raha couldn’t keep himself still. Constantly pacing and fussing whenever Rhela disappeared for some reason or the other. Worse yet if Ah’dan wasn’t in tow... Were they okay alone? Did they get hurt?! Maybe he should’ve walked with them...!
   He, truly, was a worrywart that none of the other Scions could control, so they also ended up leaving him to his worried fussing until the healer inevitably showed up again, likely with new stories from a previously-traveled land. In funnier cases, one again getting lost... Some things never changed, after all, and it was a relief to have them safely within eyeshot again!
    ...Shame it never lasted for long, however.
   On a trip to Gridania (much to G’raha’s thrill; a place he hadn’t been to in a long time? Rhela’s home?? IT WAS JUST THEM?!?) one day, however... Rhela was silent. Opening the journey with joy and their chatterbox nature coming out in full, G’raha originally thought they just wore themself out. Maybe after a break- a camp for the night (or an inn room stay, if they were lucky)- would bring up the spirits again.
   But when they didn’t perk up after that, a few days passing by in complete silence save for the sound of chocobo feet on dirt, something had to be said. In fact, he considered piping up right then and there to talk about it, but hesitated. Well, he reasoned to himself mentally, perhaps trying to talk over the walking of our chocobos will be too difficult. I’ll just wait until we break.
   Except break came and went. Still in silence, though G’raha tried to talk about some things. Anything that came to mind and a few things he thought Rhela could get into. Yet there was little response aside from “mmhm” and “yeah.” It was...kind of a downer, but worse was the fact that he so desperately wanted to help, but didn’t know what to do. How can you help someone when you don’t know what ails them? When they won’t speak of their problems to begin with?
   For a lack of something, anything else to do...he forced the proceeds to stop. Instead, decidedly causing trouble by turning his chocobo and darting off when they were about to leave Bentbranch Meadows for Gridania.
   “Wh- G’RAHA!! G’raha, where are you going?!? G’RAHA!!!!” Yet he would not turn back, instead riding for the docks. A place that Rhela often fondly spoke of as their most favored spot in all of the Shroud...and so where he’d bring them to open up. His heart leaping for burst of joy when his ears picked up additional footsteps behind him, eyes blown wide and hopeful.
   This could be his only chance...
   It didn’t take Rhela long to catch up, confusion in their eyes as their frazzled chocobo was given a rest, storming over in a mix of confusion and a bit of hurt. “Wh-What in the world was that about?! Running off like that...! We’re almost to Gri-”
   “You’re not speaking with me!” G’raha snapped back, his worries finally free and flowing, catching the other Miqo’te off guard. Their eyes widening and stepping back slightly at his outburst. “I...I can tell something’s bothering you. Something’s been bothering you this whole trip, and you haven’t been talking to me about it... I want to help you, Rhela. I really do. Yet I cannot help someone who won’t tell me...what’s wrong.”
   ...The silence that followed worried him, leaning back as he watched the expression on their face. The subtle shifts from hurt, to awareness, to more pain...and tears bubbling up behind their glasses. Sniffles sounding as their head dipped down.
   “Rhela, I...”
   “Don’t be sorry,” they choked out, a hand raising up to wipe away their growing tears. “I... You’re not wrong. And I’m sorry; it’s just...really hard to talk about...”
   “I’m so sorry. I didn’t-”
   “Don’t be sorry!” They reprimanded with a shaky laugh. “You can’t be sorry for something you didn’t know about... Here, let’s sit down. I’ll... I’ll try my best to explain everything.”
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   It was most certainly a lengthy explanation, most of which centered around their own perceived failures, shortcomings, and an insecurity over things that G’raha had fallen for in the first place. (So it was silly to him, but... He could understand their hesitations, not always certain in everything they did. It was so humanizing and refreshing... G’raha always could get carried away in his hero worship; he loved Rhela for the Miqo’te they were- are, even- but sometimes he was still that older Mystel in another realm, pining for what he thought was beyond his reach...)
   Rhela was curled into his side by this point, on and off in tears as they let it all out. His arm was protectively around them, ears keeping tabs on any new adventurers passing by... Now would not be a good time for them to be overheard, after all. They needed all the space they could to vent safely; he’d do anything to ensure that.
   “You’ve been carrying this...for all this time?” Rhela nodded and he sighed, head turning to nuzzle his nose against their hair. A faint scent of flowers still there... “Oh, Rhela... I’m so sorry to hear that. Please know...that if anything like this ever comes to mind again, you can speak of it to me? Right?”
   “I know,” they murmured. “I just... Worry about being perceived as a bother for being so...negative. Everyone expects so much of me; I don’t want to show too much weakness-”
   “But that’s what makes you wonderful. What makes you a hero above the rest,” G’raha assured, pulling away to look down at them. “It’s in my opinion that all too many heroes put on the brave face for the populace. I cannot say that it’s wise to spread fear...so while I sadly can see where some of this comes from... I think it’s important to consider that your weaknesses are what make you even stronger. A reassurance to the people that you are still so very much raw and down-to-earth. Close to them. Does that make sense?”
   Rhela nodded with a sigh, leaning back into G’raha. He squeezed them close, just for a moment, so they might soak up his comfort. An ear brushing against the side of his head, making him smile a little at the feeling. So, so cute...
   “To put it one way... We’ll figure it out eventually,” he said, shrugging. “The world’s greatest hero- once again, in my opinion- shouldn’t be suffering for the greater good of others. I’m certain we can find a...happier balance.”
   “If you say so...” Rhela sighed softly, eyes closing. “It’s ideal for sure, but is it truly possible?” G’raha blinked, looking down at them a moment. For a split second, he didn’t know how to respond to that...but with a soft smile, he slipped a finger under their chin, gently tilting their head up. Rhela’s eyes fluttered open, nearly stealing his breath away as he stared into them, that small, affectionate smile never fading from his lips.
   “You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine,” he insisted gently, pressing a kiss to their temple. “I promise it.” A kiss to their nose, that had a return smile growing. “We’ll do this...together.” A kiss to their lips, soft and sweet. The soft inhale had him dizzy with delight, still far too in love with Rhela to not swoon at their every little action and movement.
   And when he pulled away, the shine of love in their eyes had him melting into a puddle as his heart squeezed tenderly. Positively overwhelmed with love as they bumped heads gently, tails slowly twining together behind them.
   “Thank you,” they said, breathless and quiet. “I...I love you so, so much, Raha.” (His heart beat like a drum all over again, hearing those words anew.)
   “I love you, too, darling. Now... Shall we finish our trip? I’m sure a cozy inn room is waiting for us...”
   “Hmm.... Nah, not yet! You dragged me out to my favorite spot, so... We’re gonna take pictures first! Then we can go to Gridania~” G’raha could only laugh in delight, their twined tails swishing in conjoined delight.
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eremiss · 4 years
Given how Gwen wasn’t generally inclined to share much about herself, it came as no surprise that it took the Scions quite a while --far too long, truth be told-- to realize none of them had any idea when her nameday was.
It also came as no surprise that she didn’t actually answer when asked. “Oh, not for a while yet.”
And so it was that her first nameday in their company came and went unacknowledged.
The second did as well, though that arguably had more to do with the consequences of Lolorito’s schemes and Ilberd’s betrayal than the Scions’ thoughtlessness.
The Fortemps, however, proved more stubborn than the Scions when it came to weaseling out information. Twelve know Emmanellain could wear anyone down if he was in their company long enough.
Or perhaps they were just better friends to her than the Scions had been.
Thancred bristles when he thinks about it, aggravation, jealousy and more than a little guilt clanging around in his head. 
Even Alphinaud knows, for Twelve’s sakes.
He tries to ignore those less-than-just feelings by focusing on the upside: Emmanellain can’t shut his mouth to save his life, and it was easy to steer him into telling Thancred what he wanted to know while the nobleman remained oblivious.
Gwen’s nameday is the 26th Sun of the third Umbral Moon. 
The door finally opens. Thancred tries to look particularly casual leaning against Gwen's desk, snuffing out the last of the annoyance that has been prickling across his shoulders ever since he received word the courier would be late. They’d made it, thank the Twelve, but only barely.
Gwen pauses in the doorway, the surprise on her face quickly morphing into amusement. She drawls, “I don’t recall giving you a key to my room.”
He replies with a puckish grin. “You didn’t.”
“Hm.” She gives him a playfully dubious look as she shuts the door, And yet here you are.
He spreads his hands and shrugs. “I have my methods.”
Gwen huffs a laugh and heads for her wardrobe. “And reasons, I presume?”
Thancred could assert that he always has a reason of one form or another, but decides to stick to his initial plan. “Do you know what day it is?” 
She pauses, blinking at the handles on her wardrobe for a moment before tugging the doors open. “The 26th, I think. Why?”
“Indeed.” He puts a teasing lilt to his tone that suggests he knows something she doesn’t, “But do you know what day it is?”
Gwen is shrugging out of her coat and armor, trading them for lighter loungewear that’s better suited for a muggy afternoon of paperwork. “Ah… Firesday?” she says guilelessly.
His grin flattens slightly, his hopes to build some anticipation falling utterly flat. Given how she always dodged around questions about her nameday in the past, he probably should have expected this sort of insouciance. 
He pushes himself off the desk and ambles to the wardrobe, tugging the little box out of his pocket and wincing internally when the contents shift. He might need to have a few words with that curmudgeonus goldsmith about taking more care packaging his products. 
“What? Did I forget something?” Gwen asks, clearly puzzled. She genuinely doesn’t seem to know what he’s trying to hint at.
There’s no way she could have actually forgotten her nameday, surely…
Unless the date she’d told the Fortemps was merely to appease them so they’d leave her be? Thancred hadn’t considered that option, and the idea gets discomfort worming into the back of his mind. He'd confirmed the date with Tataru, but she'd apparently learned it from them, too.
“T’would appear so,” Thancred replies without the slightest hint of doubt. 
Gwen turns towards him, only half-changed, and before she can speak he offers a plain-looking box that’s small enough enough to fit in his palm. 
She pauses, a complication of emotions flickering across her face.
Surprise first. Then happiness that’s slanted with curiosity, her eyes flicking up to his and then back to the proffered box. 
He hopes she doesn’t mind the lack of wrapping or adornment, as he hadn't had time for either thanks to the delay in delivery. That’s what he gets for deciding to go with a goldsmith all the way in Ul’dah despite being so last-minute.
A puzzled wrinkle forms between her brows as she continues to glance between his face and the box, trying to make sense of the look on he’s giving her that says she ought to know what this is about. 
Her eyes suddenly light up with comprehension, her lips parting in a silent ‘oh’ as a fresh wave of surprise washes across her face.
That momentary doubt about the date vanishes beneath a swell of smug satisfaction that has him grinning like the cat that caught the canary.
Gwen’s expression melts into something warm and soft, lips curving with a small, shy smile. Her brows are still tugged thoughtfully together, eyes bright and curious as she curls her fingers into her hair. Her lips shape a few words she doesn’t quite manage to say until, eventually, she lets out a small, astonished laugh.
She asks, utterly baffled, “But how did you…?”
Thancred leans closer and asks teasingly, “What day is it, dove?”
Gwen glances aside, smile quirking bashfully and face darkening with embarrassment at having forgotten such an obvious thing. “It’s, ah, my nameday.”
He offers the box again, shamelessly pleased. “For a moment I was worried you’d forgotten.” 
Gwen huffs defensively at him, even as her tickled little smile refuses to leave her mouth. “How did you know?” 
“Tataru,” he replies simply. And the Fortemps, he doesn’t add.
She hums and nods, attention drifting back to the box. Her eyes trace the shape of it, eager and curious about what could be inside. Then her gaze lifts to his face again, searching. Either she’s unsure if she’s allowed to take it now, or she’s trying to judge if he plans to tease her with a bit of keepaway.
He’d been leaning towards the latter, truthfully, but she looks so excited…
Thancred waggles his hand, “Go on, it won’t bite.”
She rolls her eyes theatrically and accepts the gift with the utmost care, holding it delicately like the little box itself is precious. Her expression bends with something deeply tender and grateful, and she murmurs, “You didn’t need to get me anything…”
“I wanted to,” he replies, letting a smidge of honesty touch his tone. 
Gwen’s eyes sparkle, wrinkling at the corners when favors him with a sweet, adoring smile he can’t possibly deserve. A light, fond thing blooms in his chest that makes him feel a fulm taller and a bit lightheaded. He smiles back somewhat awkwardly. 
Her attention returns the box and she turns it over in her fingers, inspecting and pondering. She’s handling it so daintily, like the flimsy cardboard is as valuable as the contents. “What is it?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Thancred replies matter-of-factly, getting his footing again. He wonders, not for the first time, how long it’s been since anyone –even Gwen– had so much as acknowledged her nameday.
He gestures at it and prompts, “The gift is inside the box, you know.”
The way she pouts at him can’t quite disguise her relief at being given such explicit permission, hesitance visibly oozing out of her.
Anticipation tightens across his shoulders as she tugs at the lid, doubt suddenly wrinkling his confidence. He may or may not hold his breath when she finally gets it open.
Gwen lights up like the sun, delighted.
It’s a struggle to not let out an explosive sigh of relief.
Thancred watches her unconsciously reach up to tug at her bare earlobe, as if only just remembering she’s been without her earrings for weeks. She’d lost one some time back and removed the other for the sake of symmetry, but she’s never had the chance to replace them. 
In a way he’s grateful, as otherwise he would have had a much harder time figuring out what to get her.
Gwen’s smile is small, almost private, but it’s so heartfelt it makes his knees weak and his heart skip. She runs her fingers over the golden hoops and murmurs, “Thank you,” so sincerely it nearly drives him to fidget.
He’d been prepared for happiness and gratitude, but not for her to be so sweetly, genuinely touched. Not that that’s a bad thing, just… the way she’s looking at him is... He isn’t accustomed to this sort of soft, open adoration, even from her, and he doesn’t know how to react. He’s off-balance in away he’s not used to, and he’s not sure how to feel about it. 
Thancred covers his floundering thoughts with a corny bow. It earns him both a fondly exasperated laugh and a moment to get his head in order.
As he straightens up he asks, just to be sure, “I take it you like them?”
“I–? Yes!” Gwen replies immediately, still beaming. “Yes, they’re wonderful. I…” She tilts her head towards her bathroom hopefully, asking a question with her expression. 
He shoos her away with a flick of his wrist. 
She scurries off, disappearing to thread the hoops through her ears in the mirror. He uses the time to shake his head and compose himself again, taking a calming breath and clearing out all the disorienting fluff. 
It’s heartening, truly, to see her so very tickled and happy. But at the same time he can’t help realizing just how unaccustomed she is to being shown such thoughtfulness.
Gwen returns, still wearing that elated little smile and positively glowing, lightly tugging at her new earrings as if assuring herself they’re real and at no risk of falling out. The gold hoops aren’t ornate or flashy, but they’re finely crafted and just the sort of clean, simple design she favors. There's something particularly satisfying about seeing her wear earrings again, and he realizes that these last few weeks have been the only time he's ever seen her without that particular accessory.
Thancred welcomes her embrace, his thoughts threatening to turn fuzzy again when she presses her smile to his and murmurs, “Thank you,” against his lips.
On a whim, just for a moment, he lets himself get lost and indulge in her wonderful giddiness and affection, reveling in the satisfaction of being the cause.
She’s still grinning by the time they part, guiding him down to rest his forehead against hers and swaying lightly from side to side. Always fidgety, he thinks fondly, swaying with her and trying not to grin like fool himself. Her lifted mood is proving rather contagious.
He holds her a little tighter and murmurs, “Happy nameday, dove.”
Happy nameday Gweeeeeen <3 <3
I was on the strugglebus for this for suuuure but I like how it came out lol I was determined to get this posted today.
I forgot I made the intro so fuckin’ angsty lmao
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
18: unburn the ashes
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prompt: panglossian || masterpost || other fills || ao3 mirror
word count: 801
Even the strongest of storms peter out someday.
Dialogue heavy stuff, because my brain is refusing to write after this hell of a week. Zaya/Thancred, technically sort-of maybe, at the end of days.
“Do you think,” Atalanta asks as the world starts to crumble, and he can already tell this won’t be easy. “I should resign from the Convocation?”
For a moment, he thinks to say yes, because the Convocation has tried for too long to tame a storm they do not understand, too prissy and stuck up to see the merits of change. Quick to snuff out anything that isn’t of use to Amaurot, even if it has merit to those outside, in the lands that Atalanta always talks of nowadays.
But not all of them are like that. Even he knows the newest Elidibus adores Azem.
“No,” he replies easily. His arms are wrapped as best as he can around them, holding tight to what he will lose; his mask is still placed neatly on his nose, but Atalanta had tossed their red one aside when they’d gotten to their meeting place under Halmarut’s jacaranda tree. “When have you ever liked being part of the Convocation, anyhow.”
Atalanta snickers, even though he can feel their fingers curl up in the cloth of his robes. “Never, really. Well; besides… you know.”
Hemera, his mind supplies. And Asteria, Pan, Cerberus, Hermes. Even if they aren’t quite.
(He wonders where they are, now; he hasn’t seen them in an age, buried in tomes and crystals alike in a desperate search to find something, anything. He remembers the wine color of Hemera’s eyes, bright even when dealing with Atalanta’s trail of destruction; remembers Asteria’s shimmering creations that were beautiful regardless of how they were blinding; remembers the butterflies that fluttered into existence in Pan’s hands and the warmth that came from Cerberus’, Hermes watching carefully and waiting to step in and help.
He remembers when Atalanta was bright, too, lightning torn from the skies and brighter than even that Quetzalcoatl filling their form. He remembers how it felt to love them so.
He still does. They might be on their final curtain, storms fading to light rainshowers, but he is impossibly pulled towards them anyways.)
“I don’t know what to do,” they exhale, lips flush against his bangs; levin crackles across his skin, setting him alight. “I don’t want to stay.”
The world burns around them.
“Then don’t,” he says in turn. He hates how easily it falls from his lips. “Then leave.”
“What about—”
“—me?” His hands can’t quite spread across all of Atalanta’s back, soothing water humming in his palms. “I’ll be fine,” he promises, even though he knows what Emet-Selch has called him for, even though he remembers Melisseus and how her bakery is abandoned but pristine without its owner, golden light calling home someone who isn’t even there. “I want you to do better than here.”
Atalanta pulls away from him, lightning bright eyes watery even as their soul dims. “Are you sure? ‘S not like everyone else has left yet. I can still stay with you.”
I can at least make you happy, is what he hears.
It’s not what he wants.
“I assure you; if they haven’t yet, they will.” He lets his hands trace down Atalanta’s arms until he can wrap his hands around their fingers. “And it would be truly terrible of me to keep any Azem here any longer than they need to be, hm? The Traveler has places to see.”
And even as he sees the worry in their eyes he knows this will be the last he ever sees them, no matter how hopeful he is. Not even the skies themselves could stop storms from rolling onwards, dying in torrents of rain and returning again, and not even he can stop Atalanta from hating what the city they hardly ever loved has become.
So instead, he lets them. Even if their sins boil over and leave them with nothing, something in him is sure that they will meet again—as something smaller, perhaps; something not made to rise mountains and give life with a snap of their fingers, something that does not know the world’s beauty but can learn.
He can hope that he will recognize them next time.
“Remember me,” he whispers as he steps back, letting their hands drop to their sides once more. “And I’ll be with you. Call for help and I’ll be at your back.”
The skies break open.
Haik, Atalanta calls when Amaurot has fallen and Emet-Selch is no longer their teacher, when he has already given himself to the second Creation made to battle the Convocation’s, when they are tired and weary and unable to see the day. I hope you’re watching.
And when Atalanta begins to sing Haik’s crowning glory at the end of all days, making their path to the Convocation for the final dance, not even the terrors of fear turn to look their way.
Haik: the Tagalog god of the sea who protects travelers from tempests and storms.
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kaoru-takaida · 5 years
Shadowbringers chapter
*Contains Shadowbringers spoilers*
Tius walks into Matoya's cave. He chokes in surprise as Hope turns from her seat to look at him. "Hope?!"
Hope drops the tone she was reading down next to her notes. Tius opens his mouth to respond. But Hope cuts him off. "Save it, Tius. I know everything..." Tius looks over at Arenvald, who had been sitting next to Hope. He gives a nervous shrug. Hope stands up from her chair. "It's fine. I'm not mad or anything. Just wanting to help." Hope replies. "Where's Kaoru?"
"Here..." Kaoru says, stepping out from the entrance. She twirls her hair nervously around her fingers, while her right hand grips the side of her hempen tunic. "I stepped out to check on our friends." She walls forward, joining them. "I..." She quickly bows to Hope, hands on her knees. "I am so sorry..." Hope take a step towards Kaoru. "I should have told you. But I was selfish and I-." Hope reaches forward and flicks Kaoru in the forehead. "Ah!" She stands quickly, holding her stinging forehead.
"Enough of that. There will be plenty of time for apologies and catching up." Hope tells her. Kaoru cocks an eyebrow. Hope smiles. "Me and Tius have a spell to learn..."
"YOU'RE going to learn the spell as well?!" Kaoru asks. "You mustn't! I'm only doing this for the Scion's sake! Think about Alphinaud!"
Hope grabs onto Kaoru's tunic. "Listen to me!" She tells Kaoru. "You don't get to be the only one to worry about the twins anymore!" Tius puts a hand on Hope's shoulder. But she slides it away. "I let it go because I thought that just MAYBE you'd find yourself in a position where you'd be comfortable leaning on me and Tius to help. But now that I know what's at stake and what you're sacrificing, I won't just stand by when I can do something about it!" She shakes Kaoru a second. "So, so help me Gods, if you tell me not to worry about this or to let you do it by yourself, I'll beat your ass into next week!" Kaoru gives Hope a long, surprised expression. Then, without warning, she snorts. She falls into a fit of laughter. Hope cocks an eyebrow. And scoffs, a smug smile on her face. "Why the hells are you laughing?"
Kaoru smiles, wiping tears from her eyes and holding her stomach. "Hehe... Because..." She sniffles. "I'm a bloody idiot..." She gives another few weak laughs. But her smile morphs into a grimace and the tears continue the flow as her laughs turn into sobs. Hope tsks and pulls her into a hug. She holds Kaoru, resting her chin on her shoulder. "I am... such an idiot..."
Tius gives a little bow to Riol as he leaves. Tius turns to the others. "So he confirmed it. There's a base hidden in the area where the rest of the assassins are holed up." Tius unrolls the scroll in his hand, setting it on the table. He points to where a red X is marked. "Here is the only entrance."
Hope scowls. "In the water?" Tius nods.
"Pretty clever in my opinion..." Tius tells them. Kaoru puts a hand to her chin, already considering a plan. "It's only accessible with submarines. And the base is a few malms from the entrance on land in this rocky area." Tius leans onto the table. "The rocks hide it and an electrical field keeps anyone out."
Kaoru nods. "Pains me to say... but tis a very smart location to place a secret base." She puts a hand of reasoning out. "Given the Neutrality of Mor Dhona, twould be foolish not to have some sort of preemptive solution in the possibility of invading Eorzea. The neutral zones would be the easiest to conquer..." Kaoru faces Tius. "Did Riol mention there being more of these bases?"
Tius crosses his arms. "I'd be surprised if there weren't..." Tius began. "This possibility came from Gaius."
Kaoru sighs. Her hand goes to her chin again. "Suffice it to say, it comes from a wholly reliable source..."
Hope speaks now, arms crossed. "So what's the plan here?"
Kaoru thinks a second before stepping forward. "Theoretically, should we destroy the base, we can stop the attacks on the Scions, albeit temporarily." Kaoru tells her.
Hope purses her eyebrows. "Why is it temporary?"
"With the possibility of other bases hidden in different sites around Eorzea, and with no idea what they number, the probability of another attempt on our comrades' lives is imminent. Especially since the orders come from the Royal family, the Emperor at it's worst..." Kaoru points a finger upward. "But, we shouldn't worry about that just yet. Destroying this first base closest to the Rising Stones is more dire... And I've a plan that might just work."
"This is ridiculous... Ridiculous and super embarrassing..." Tius's voice comes from the linkshell.
"I'm with Tius on this one..." Arenvald says.
Kaoru and Hope chuckle to one another. "Hey, you guys pulled the shortest straws. And Arenvald doesn't have the Kojin's Blessing to breath underwater." Hope says, checking her gear.
Kaoru adjusts the hood on her new robes, given to her by Master Matoya. "Besides," she adds, "you both are doing so perfectly."
Tius, glamoured over as Alphinaud in his blue outfit from the Source provided by Tataru, taps his white pointed boot in irritation before him and Arenvald, disguised and glamoured as Thancred, leave the Rising Stones. "Alphinaud" scoffs. "This is bullshit..." Tius says.
Arenvald gives him a worried look. He leans over and whispers into Tius's ear. "You need to act more like Alphinaud... We need to draw the assassins' attentions."
Tius clears his throat. "Oh, I'm Alphinaud!" He quips in an over exaggerated Sharlayan accent. One that makes Hope and Kaoru visibly cringe and grimace at, hiding in the brush at the waterfront in Silvertear. Tius crosses his arms dramatically. "I'm a prodigal political and strategical badass with a hero complex and the inability to tread water when attempting to swim."
Hope facepalms and Kaoru sighs, eyes narrowing. "Mayhap, this was a foolish plan..."
Tius smiles a devilish smile to Arenvald. "No no no. This is getting fun!" He says. He hops onto the bench, placed in the Aetheryte Plaza. "As you are doubtlessly aware, I learned to draw to woo the girls in school and am scared of ghosts and heights!" He shouts. Passersbyers all stare in confusion and awe. "Tis I! Alphinaud Leveilleur! In the flesh! Not my twin Alisaie, though it is very common to get us mixed up because I look like a girl myself!" Arenvald snorts, trying to look away with Thancred's body features. Hope sighs now too.
Kaoru points as a submarine surfaces in the lake. "There!" She says. They both duck more and watch as 10 stealthily dressed soldiers leave the ship and beginning running towards Revenant's Toll. "It's working you two. You're about to have company..."
Tius and Arenvald give each other meaningful looks and nod. Kaoru and Hope wait for the submarine to drop back into the water. "Five... Four... Three..." Hope swallows hard. "Two... One... Let's go!" Kaoru says, gesturing forward. They both take a running start before diving into the water.
Immediately, they feel the Kojin Blessing take hold as they descend deeper, following the lights of the submarine. They swim with all their might. Malms away, Tius and Arenvald sprint through the entrance gate of the Crystal Tower. "Keep going!" Tius shouts as they run up the stairs. Arenvald stops to catch his breathe, hands on knees.
"They've yet to make the entrance gates." Arenvald says. "Can we dispel the glamour yet?" Tius opens his mouth to respond. But before he can, they hear the stone gates open.
Tius gasps. 10 Garlean assassins clad in light versatile clothing stride up the steps. Tius looks at Arenvald. "Follow my lead." He whispers. He clears his throat. The soldiers stop in front of them. Tius puts a smile on Alphinaud's face. "Hello there." He says in a scarily similar voice to Alphinaud's. Indeed, it took Arenvald by surprise how eerily similar Tius switched to being Alphinaud.
The man in front removes his mask, exposing a rugged red beard and eyepatch with scars covering his face. "Are you Alphinaud Leveilleur of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn?"
"Alphinaud" scowls slightly. "Might I trouble you with my own question?" He says. "Who might you be?" He looks down at the long gunblade at the man's hip. "And why are you armed to the teeth?"
The man points to himself. "We are of the Populares in Garlemald." The man replies.
(Liar...) Tius thinks. He took note of the man's shifting weight. A dead giveaway to him that he was hiding something, not that he didn't already know that. "The Populares? Then did the Emperor send you?"
"Yes, we were sent by His Radiance." The man answers.
(Without hesitation or any tonal change to his voice...) Tius took note. (Even though the first answer was a lie, he's telling the truth about this. The Emperor was the one who ordered the hit on the Scions then...) Alphinaud smiles. "Ah, then he came around to wanting a cease fire then... How admirable..." He gives a bow. "Aye, Alphinaud Leveilleur at your service." Arenvald gives Tius a concerned glance. (We just have to stall long enough for them to get into the base...)
Kaoru and Hope surface, climbing up a railing and into the base. "We're in..." Hope says on the linkshell. "Hold them as long as you can. We need to find the main comms room." Kaoru and Hope sprint through the base.
"The room is most likely located at the heart of the base. If we take it down, there will be no way for them to call reinforcements and they'll have little recourse but to retreat." Kaoru scowls. "That being said, they number against us a couple hundred. Being spotted will hinder us greatly." As if on que, Kaoru yanks Hope backwards and against the wall. A second later, 2 Garlean soldiers pass into the hall in front of them, missing the girls completely.
Hope looks up at the corner. In Garlean lettering, she can make out the word "communication" and an arrow pointing down the next hall. "There." Kaoru nods and they both head that way.
Meanwhile, Tius as Alphinaud crosses his arms. "Might I ask why your envoy has followed us?"
The man gives a Garlean Salute. "Eagan Suz Partus, sir." He says. "The Emperor sent us to escort you to Garlemald for peace talks. There was word of the failed attempt some moons ago. We were sent to officially escort one Alphinaud Leveilleur to the capital personally."
Alphinaud closes his eyes, sighing. "Unfortunately, I am a tad bit preoccupied with the Scions at the moment to make for an expedition to the capital, envoy or no."
Eagan removes a knife, promoting Arenvald to choke in surprise. "Then we'll have to take you by force..." Tius opens his eyes. The man reaches forward and latches onto Alphinaud's jacket. He yanks him down a step or two and turns him to face Arenvald as Thancred, placing the blade to "Alphinaud's" throat. "You're both coming with us. Or else this will become bloody."
Tius sighs now. He looks up at Arenvald. "Shall we drop the charade?" He asks. Eagan doesn't say anything. Before anyone can respond, Tius latches onto the man's arm and pulls downward, slipping from the man's grasp and yanking the man entirely off of his feet. The man flips over Tius and onto the ground with a dry thud. With a smirk and a dangerous look in his eyes, Tius dispels the glamour, removing two daggers and assuming a ready combat stance. Arenvald dispels his glamour and removes his sword and shield.
"We've been tricked!" Eagan shouts. He jumps back, jumping fulms away from them both. "You four, follow me!" Tius and Arenvald choke as they turn their backs. "The rest of you dispose of this ilk!" The five men run toward the gates, leaving 5 in number against Tius and Arenvald.
"We have to stop them!" Tius shouts.
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syngigeim · 5 years
Day 1 - Voracious
Only a little bit more! Vauthry was near and soon he would pay for the suffering he caused. Bang! The doors to his chamber burst open. Where Vauthry had turned his back, stuffing his face!
“Lord Vauthry! Your reign of tryany is at an end!” Alphinaud shouted. “For too long you have suffered upon the desperation of the poor. Now you will answer for the suffering you have caused!”
There was no change in the man’s posture, no recognition. Just gorging.
“And if you harbor even a shred of remorse, I beseech you to use your powers to redress the balance. For the future of all in Norvandt.”
Aubinaux was caught off guard by that. The lad still has hope for him? At least now he could pin-point what it was that Syngigeim seemed to like about him.
“No… it can’t be. This is wrong. It’s wrong!” Ryne shouted suddenly.
“Oh, my suspicions are confirmed then, aren’t they?” Syngigeim asked. Aubinaux nodded, keeping his eyes trained on the man she was speaking of. “Vauthry is the Lightwarden isn’t he?”
Ryne just nodded in affirmation.
It was then that the munching from Vauthry began to slow and he seemed to gulp at whatever he was eating. And then...he turned his face around to look at them. Without turning his back.
“Remorse? For the future of all? What nonsense is this?” Vauthry said, very softly and very quizzically. “There is no justice but mine. No future but mine. No will but mine. It was pre-ordained. I was born to deliver this wretched world.”
You alone can save this twisted world huh? Ha.
Vauthry turned his head back around, thank the Twelve. “Me? Unsteated? No, no, no, no, no...” Something clattered to the floor. Maybe he was at last comprehending? “It’s impossible. Inconceivable! Absurd! I am a great and wise king! Greatest! And wisest! I reign from on high! I will not be brought low by maggots LIKE YOU!” he said, shouting and beginning to slam upon the soft cushion he was on. Angrily he shouted and slammed and tantrumed. Overgrown, immature...
Aubinaux noticed Alphinaud look down to the ground in shame in seeing this display. Ah. That explains a bit. After all, many within Wanderer’s League, Aubinaux included, distanced themselves from the Scions, or rather Alphinaud, thanks to his arrogance and pride.
Vauthry seemed to break out of his anger. A calm came over him again. “Oh, yes. Of course. I can begin again. Rebuild my paradise. Once I finish my dinner...” He then took what was a fork with Meol and...ate it all. Llymlaen’s bosom!
“Oh gods, no – Stop him! Thancred, stop him!” Ryne suddenly shouted. Aubinaux readied his axe and let out a rallying cry and- suddenly Vauthry screamed. An ear-piercing rally that snapped his eardrums. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t do, he couldn’t take it!
By the time the sound stopped and he could think clearly again, Vauthry was long gone. “Where did he go!?” Alphinaud asked. An earthquake came in response. Not so bad that he was knocked off his feet but bad enough to shake the chandeliers ahead of the group precariously. Everyone rushed forward out onto the balcony to see what was going on. And what they saw was the top of the nearby mountain, floating in midair and haloed by some sort of crystal. “What in the heavens!?” Alphinaud declared.
“Did Vauthry do that?” Alisaie incredulously asked.
“We must give chase!” Syngigeim said, turning back around to the group.
“I mean, I’m all for that but how?” Aubinaux asked. And here I thought that would be your first question Syngigeim. Aren’t you the one who tends to think things-
“Wait.” Alphinaud said. “That is Mt. Gulg, the highest peak in Kholusia. It lies on the other side of a sheer cliff, and much as I wish it were otherwise, it is beyond our reach for now. But even if it weren’t – there are people here who need our help.”
“Oh Alphinaud...” Alisaie said with a tenderness for her soft-hearted brother.
Alphinaud took a step towards Syngigeim, imploring her, “Please. Even if it’s only to tend to their wounds.”
Syngigeim gazed at him, her expression a bit unreadable, turned her head up to the sky, closed her eyes, gave a soft sigh and then smiled and said “Of course. Let me help as well.”
Alphinaud stepped back and smiled back at her. “Thank you.”
“I don’t know if it will work, but if Vauthry’s hold over the people is rooted in Light, I might be able to reverse it’s effects,” Ryne said. “Will you let me try?”
“Of course. We’d be grateful for any help you can provide,” Alphinaud said, with Ryne giving a  small smile in response.
“Well then, if it’s decided, let’s all get to work,” Alisaie said. The two twins and Ryne rushed off, Thancred following swiftly behind and Elly behind him and Urianger and Y’sthola following shortly after. Aubinaux began to follow those two, but stopped. He saw Mariko approach Syngigeim, who was still looking at Mt. Gulg in the distance.
“I’m certain that people have been asking if you are fine a lot lately...” Mariko started to ask.
“The light is contained, and I haven’t been-” She started but Mariko interrupted.
“That isn’t what I’m going to ask about. You seemed more eager to fight Vauthry than anything else.”
“Just...a battle high, nothing more. I’ve got people to take care of.” Syngigeim said, looking down and away from him as she turned on her heel and followed after the Scions. Aubinaux quietly followed after her, casting a glance at Mariko, Q’hara and Arashi quietly discussing something. Quickly he jogged after Syngigeim so he could converse without alerting the Scions.
“We all in some way, shape, and form, take a pleasure in the violence we do,” he whispered.
“I know. But I can’t help but hate myself for it.” Syngigeim whispered back. “It’s inhumane.”
“Trust me, you’re talking to the one person who understands that clearest of all. Just-” He awkwardly put his hand on her back. “-don’t forget your kindness, alright?”
Syngigeim chuckled at that. “I won’t. Thanks,” she said, giving a quick smile before heading forward.
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linelpisffxiv · 5 years
Tomorrow and Tomorrow: Part 11 (He is Darkness)
I’m very writing this shit out of order based on where my inspiration strikes, but here, have the expanded version of the ending. Once called “Three kisses” for the fact that at three points I said “There’s a kiss here” but there’s... many more than three now. Plus a bunch of other teeth-rotting fluff.
He can’t help himself. His name on her lips, relief in her crimson eyes. G’raha’s eyes fill with tears. He tries to look away, but just rubs one eye free. “Tis good to be awa—”
Before he can finish, Lin rushes the few yalms between them, her arms wrap around his chest, and lips cover his. The kiss in Kholusia had been something that he had hoped, at the time, to not be repeated, but now, he’s happy that it has. His hopes are for more. More kisses, more words like what she’s just said.
G’raha lets one of his hands find her ear, rubbing the place where it meets her head. He can almost feel her purr against his lips.
Alphinaud’s voice. He had forgotten, in the moment, that Lin is not alone.
“I am quite pleased as well that you survived whatever Emet-Selch threw at you, but this is no time for distractions. We are still malms from the coast, and must needs find a way to return.”
Alisaie laughs. “Please, it’s not that far of a swim, I bet. Assuming the current works with us, I’m sure we can reach Kholusia in a bell or two.”
“Whilst I like not such an idea, I see we have little choice. Who knows whenforth the sea will swallow this platform again?”
Lin pulls away, her hand sliding along his back until it reaches the level of his crystal one. Her fingers lace with his. “Urianger makes a good point. We should swim, if only for the reason we don’t have a choice.” She smiles and looks to him. “You can swim right?”
G’raha nods his head. “I haven’t done it in a few epochs, but I doubt I could forget. It’s like firing a bow, no?”
“We’ll test that later,” she says. She pecks his nose before she lets go of her hand. “Ah, which way is east?”
Ryne pulls out a compass and gives her the direction.
Lin jumps in the water with a dive like a dolphin. “It’s cold,” she says. “But I bet we’ll warm up soon enough.”
Alisaie and Thancred jump in after her. Ryne joins soon enough.
Y’shtola pushes Urianger in, and G’raha jumps in after. The salt of the ocean bites at his wounds, but there’s little he can do about that.
“Let’s race!” Lin says once they are all in. She pushes herself back and starts swimming. “Last one there’s a dodo egg!”
With a quick turn, she’s off.
He hasn’t seen her so happy since… well, since he locked himself in the tower all those years ago. Even when she started to find herself again, she was lost.
Despite Alisaie’s hopes, it feels like it takes more than a few hours. There was a long fight with most of them, and he may have slept to some degree, but it was not restful, and he’s still exhausted.
However, he’s fourth to shore, after Lin herself and the twins. He can hear shouts, cheers.
All the people who helped them with the large talos are there, pleased they’re all safe. Even him.
He barely stands up before Lin picks him up as if he’s nothing. “Don’t need to run from this place any time soon. And if they’re watching, might as well give a show.”
G’raha begins the kiss that time, nibbling her lip. His toes find the ground below him, but he needs to rely on Lin for the support.
While she seems to have had all the struggles of Ishgard, Dravania, Gyr Abania, and Doma washed away, G’raha realized he feels as young as her. He had given in to all the loss time had forced upon him, but now he was a hopeful twenty-something again. Wanting the Tower to be a beacon of hope — knowing it had done just that, in at least one world.
Lin guides him deeper, and while he hears mentions of potential celebrations and rest, moving can wait. He felt lost when he noticed the sparks of infatuation form again. G’raha felt too old for her, no matter her own weariness. Yet after all this, she returns that affection. For all his plans, he lives, lives to see a clear sky over Kholusia. Daytime, but so different from the Everlasting Light which plagued them.
Graha curls a strand of her hair around his fingers. He can hear the Scions around them talk about their safety. The Chais and the other Eulmorans gush over the sky or the saviors. He hadn’t expected he would end up as one of the Warriors of Darkness, once everyone started using that term for whoever brought about the change in the sky. But it fits him. He wanted to stand tall like Lin, and here he was sharing this new title with her.
“Are you hungry?” someone shouts. “Need to dry up? We can get you all back to the Crystarium once we clean up one of the airships.”
“Yes please,” Y’shtola says. “That would be much appreciated.”
Lin pulls away. “Food? I feel like I haven’t eaten in a long time, as if I was subsisting on the corrupted aether within me. And you?”
He nods his head, food would be delightful.
Together, they walk to the shipyard, and let the celebration commence.
They spend several bells in Eulmore. It is more than what was offered on the shores. When food is mentioned, G’raha expects a light snack, and just enough time to dry from bells of swimming.
Instead, they stay through the sunset, every fine food and drink given freely. He has to reject wines older than him and meads made of the finest honey more than once. Lin smiles and feeds him the various sweets she’s been given, refusing to leave his side since their clothes dried. 
The looks as the sky darkens are the same as he saw in the Crystarium. Wonder, beauty. A promise that the world’s end has been forestalled.
With that promise fulfilled, someone ushers them to one of Vauthry’s old airships and flies across the Divide to the Crystarium.
He fidgets and starts to cover his face with his hood as they draw near.
Lin stops him. ‘Don’t. Please. I always had a suspicion you were a Myst— Miqo’te. I understand why you hid the truth from me, and perhaps the Scions, but never your people.”
“Some of the oldest inhabitants know,” he says. “I began to feel old, disgusted that I stayed so young, so I dressed in ancient styles and hid my face. If any of them told stories of the young Exarch and his face, it never reached my ears.”
“Nor mine,” she says. “I would have known the truth sooner had someone mentioned your hair and eyes.”
Very well. Perhaps it is time to let the Exarch’s face be known again. He seeks Lin’s hand as they walk along the Launch together, leading the Scions.
No one blinks at the truth. He is just as welcome as the others, perhaps more.
Someone starts cheering for all of them, and he finds himself at another impromptu celebration.
Everyone ends up at the Wandering Stair, and he starts to notice more than the people of the Crystarium arrived. Mord and Miners from Ahm Areng, the Night’s Blessed, even some Fae and another airship’s worth of Eulmorans, eager to continue the celebration here.
The Scions spread around with those they’ve gotten to know, but Lin stays by his side.
A’lin smiles at him and her hands hold his. After some time, she speaks up. “Dance with me, Raha.”
“Dance?” G’raha isn’t one to say no, but hearing his name on her lips makes his heart flutter. And dancing with her. That was not something he ever hoped for. Too much focus on the mission. But with everything in the past, perhaps he could.
“Please, I think it is quite obvious where our hearts belong. I know at least a few people who already asked when our marriage would be. I have no plans for going so far yet, but I think we should dance.”
“It has been years since I last danced, let alone with a partner.”
Lin pulls him close. She holds one of his hands away from their bodies, while the other rests on her back. “I’ll lead then, if you are so nervous.”
His hand goes to her shoulder as she listens to the music, finds the right point, and starts. It’s not quite a formal waltz like their position would indicate, but she had structure in her mind.
She modifies steps and while she leads, it’s backwards. “I must keep saying it, but I was so glad to see you safe back then. I was scared he kept you in some other lair, far from the places he let me wander.”
“Tis true, I suppose. I was in that building. The one he set up that illusion of destruction in. He had me restrained. Tried to use sweet words, but I tried to escape. Then he wanted to break my spirit so I would tell him how I breached the gap between the source and a shard, travelled through time. While there was a clear decision to not kill me, he made it clear that anything non-life threatening would be an acceptable way to make me share.” He continues to tell her everything. From his own journey through the recollections of an ancient, to what he saw when he reached the end of the path laid forward. “Most of the wounds came from that. Though the one on my cheek was his doing.”
She kisses the barest hint of a scar that remains. It will be gone in the morning. “What did he—?”
“Threatened to remove my eye. Since he claimed I had no right to have two scarlet eyes.”
“You’re safe and mostly unharmed. A calamity has been forestalled, hopefully even fully stopped, and I am not going to be its harbinger. Everything that matters is safe.” She laughs. “Thing, I say, In truth, I speak of a person. At least first and foremost. Though he doesn’t know it, I have every reason to kiss him agai—”
He saves her the trouble of what she plans. Pressing his lips against hers. Far from the first time that day, but it had been a few too many bells since the last. With time, the need will fall, but he’s resisted every chance he had the past two months as he fell in love with her a third time. Her fingers tug at his braid as she responds in kind.
How long has she loved him? If he’s honest, the absolute latest was the last time they were in the Wandering Stair together, when she and another bounty hunter celebrated a victory. What he once thought of as drink must have just been truth.
Lin never leaves his side. She orders him the tea from before when she gets thirsty. Two pints. She dances to more songs with him. Once on a table as she sings and plays along. He joins his voice with hers.
As the celebration draws to a close, he watches how Lin can hardly keep her eyes open, even with her own tail still swishing from the excitement of the night. None of the Scions remain. They are the ones who close the event.
“I should probably sleep for a day or two now,” she says. “I deserve it.”
G’raha nods his head. “You do indeed. If you need help, I will be glad to lead you back to your room in the Pendants.”
She frowns at that. “Where do you sleep, G’raha?” She chuckles. “And don’t say you don’t. I’ve seen you do it. Clearly there are times you at least can choose to, even if you don’t need to.”
How can he deny Lin an answer to that question. After everything, she deserves every answer. “While you are right in that I normally have no need for rest, after stronger Sin Eater attacks, or times I was needed elsewhere, I generally lose myself in the Umbilicus. I lack a proper bed, but there is a mattress and quilt I use. It is rare I need even that, so I generally have them rolled tight between two tables.” And behind several piles of books.
She nods. “Twould make sense. Didn’t see one there when I went in, and echoed you planning to kill yourself with Urianger.”
Oh, so she had seen that moment. While he suspected in the event of his death, if she went there, her echo would share a memory of him, but he expected some other memory. Any other memory. Something about how he learned his summoning spell, perhaps.
“Can we unroll them?” She gives a wide smile. “You need to balance yourself with the tower or something, and I don’t want to leave you. Not tonight. Not when I thought I could have lost you right after I could love again. Love you for the first time.” He sees her eyes water.
He takes one of her hands with his left hand, and uses the right to dry the tears. “I must warn you it is not large, and as I said, I only have mattress, not a bed. However, it is one you can lose yourself in with how soft it is.”
He pulls her through the gates. Even if she knows the path to the tower, the steps up to the Ocular, and even the spot where the Umbilicus is, there’s a surge of youth. Even sleeping by her side is playfully intimate.
Lin teases him while he tries to find put the books aside and pull the mattress from his spot. He hadn’t needed it in years, not since he summoned Urianger and Y’shtola almost at once. She undoes her jacket and trousers, revealing her smallclothes underneath. Along with two very notable scars along her back. A star-shaped scar, easily ten points on it, on her left shoulder, and a long scratch on her right side, from some beast. A behemoth perhaps, or a dragon.
The last time this had happened, he was too caught up with everything that he had to look away. This time, despite her sleepy demeanor, she fakes the shyness from the last time they were in such a situation. Lets him watch as she looks over her shoulder.
Nothing more than sleep is in his plan. Not yet. Sleep, snuggling, and kisses.
“You got anything under those robes, Raha?”
He undoes the sashes, and takes off the chiton. There’s only a pair of loose-fitting cloth smallclothes that fall to his knees. A hint of modesty. Sharing his chest, as covered with crystal on the right side as the matching arm, is quite intimate. Even were he alone, he rarely spends long in such a state of undress. “This is all for now.”
She miles as she studies him. She traces the line between crystal and flesh. “I need not more tonight. We have all the time in Norvrandt ahead of us."
G’raha pulls her close, kisses her nose. “Now we should sleep.”
It’s quite tight on the bed, even with her arms wrapped around his chest, but they fit all the same. Sleep comes to Lin easy, her breath fluttering against his jaw and shoulder. Her tail twines itself around his, sleep making every part of him hers, as if she needed to do any more than ask for him to give this to her. Her leg extends past his, her feet leaving a small opening in the quilt. A bit of a chill enters, but it’s as welcome.
Sleep comes harder for him, but that has been the case for a long time, but once he finds the rest, for the first time since he locked himself in the Tower, he does not have memories, but dreams.
When he wakes up, Lin is still in his arms. Her eyes are open sooner than his, though still heavy with sleep.
“Morning,” she says. She curls a finger in his hair, kisses his nose.
“And good morning to you as well,” he says. “Assuming it is, of course.”
She shrugs. “Whatever time it is, it’s good to see you awake again, Raha.”
“And as before, Tis most good to be awake. I suppose we should get dressed and find out how long we slept.”
It’s with reluctance that he frees her from the embrace he had in his sleep.
“You were most right, by the way,” She says as she stands up. “You have a mattress that is most easy to sink into. However long it was, it was the best rest I had in months. And I don’t think it was the company alone who allowed it.”
He watches her as she gets dressed. The color of her skin seems just as rich as it was when she came, the pallor he saw before Kholusia gone. It must have been the light.
“Epochs for me,” he says. “But I must say in my case it’s a combination of no longer worrying about the threat of a large scale attack and a partner who makes me feel as young as my body looks.”
She chuckles to herself as she buttons up her jacket. “You mean a partner that reminds you that your heart needn’t age with the mind, Raha. I can hardly imagine what you went through. Not the Eighth Umbral Era. Not a century of constant attacks and aging faces. But if you need someone, know that you can always call on me.”
He smiles. “I shall have to remember that, now, breakfast?”
“Only if you eat.”
When they go to the markets for some fruit, it turns out Lin managed her wish of sleeping for over a day. They had missed the first sunrise all of Norvrandt shared. And the second, though that one by half a bell.
After their wanderings around the Crystarium, he sighs. “I suppose I should send you back now.”
“I’ll return,” she says. “My aether may have a trail back to the source, but I know I can follow it back here should Norvrandt need me. Or should I wish to return. I would like to say goodbye to everyone for now.”
He nods his head. “Of course.” It would give him a chance to apologize to the Scions as well.
While the gathering starts with all of them talking about the celebrations from their eyes, it turns to him, and he talks about what he planned, and his guilt. It’s surprising what each has to say. Not now. Not without a farewell. They have all made connections and while it is not their home, they would rather know in advance what would come.
With a warning to summon A’lin to the Ocular (and only A’lin, and no lakes), they leave.
“My turn now, I suppose,” she says. “Though I shall be heading the other direction.”
He nods his head. “While I said that time was near equivalent when you returned, a day in, I saw it contract. I know you have been here two moons, but on, perhaps two weeks must have passed on the Source.”
She shakes her head. “I had feared such would be the case. While it means the war would not have gotten too far without me, I would rather be by your side, whenever I can manage.”
“I will be honored to have the Warrior of Darkness assist in the reconstruction efforts.” G’raha walks to the portal and opens it for her. He offers her a hand up the step.
Lin takes the hand, but once she’s on the platform, she kisses him. “The reconstruction efforts are nice, but I’ll be Lin of the Dusk for that, not the Warrior of Darkness. That isn’t my reason.”
He pretends he doesn’t understand the implication. “Of course, the Scions. You want to give status reports on them to those on the sour—”
She kisses him. Soft, hardly against his lips. “Them too, but I also want to check on you. Remember, I’ll always be here to listen.”
She pulls away. “I’ll see you soon, I promise, G’raha.” Lin steps through the portal. He reaches out, only for it to remain a mirror for him.
Soon will come. The world has had its first sunrises and sunsets, in a century but there is more to come in the future. He’ll make sure of it.
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ask-shaofisha · 5 years
Tales between adventures: The receptionist and secrets
Summary: After the little adventure of helping Tataru in Limsa Lominsa Shaohao decides to share a little time with the receptionist to up her spirits only for things to take a small turn as Shaohao has to tell Tataru a little secret of his
At the Rising Stones it was mostly quiet. Almost everyone was out having to do some little mission or job, save for a curtain warrior of light and receptionist of the scions.
“If you’re still feeling bad about your carbuncle Tataru when I first trying summoning the little buggers they practically ran off to do whatever they wanted” said Shaohao, having a little tea and talk with the lalafell.
“YOU did? But from what I heard you were the best student of the Arcanist’s guild!”
“Best doesn’t mean flawless Tataru” Shaohao would say in return, having a sip before he continued. “Hell even back when I was first giving summoning magic a shot with Y’mhitra’s guidance it was still a bit iffy to get the egi to follow my commands”
The two would continue with a bit more on the subject of Shaohao’s many professions until Tataru figured it was a good time to change the subject
“So is there anything else you want to talk about Shaohao? Any gossip maybe?”
“Are you really that bored being stuck around as the receptionist that you need gossip as entertainment?”
“Well I just figured since you’re out in the world so much you might have heard something interesting”
“Well I doubt knowing all of Thancred’s “sweethearts” counts as gossip given most of us, if not all, namely know them”
Tataru would giggle. “Well that’s very true” she would reply. It was then she thought of a little question to ask the miqo’te rogue. “What about you then Shaohao? Is there anyone you fancy?”
The question nearly made him choke on his tea, luckily he managed to have it go down. “N-no, bit to busy storming the dungeons and what not”
“That little moment you had begs to differ Shaohao” Tataru would rebuke “Come on tell me! I swear I won’t tell!”
Shaohao had every right to doubt that given how Tataru let word out about him to the Grand Companies. But at the same time he trusted the lalafell, she was one of his close friends among the Scions. “Alright but this is between you and me only, got it?”
“You got it”
“You promise”
“I promise”
“Till sea swallows all?”
“Oh come on Shaohao let it out”
Shaohao would namely brace his ego for what he was about to say “Alright, alright. I... fancy Y’shtola”
Silence seemed to be all the miqo’te could hear for what felt like a long time, he felt red just knowing he actually let out that little bit of him
“You like Y’shtola?” Tataru would ask, she just heard him didn’t she?
“Yes, I very much do. And before you go and ask all why and all that, well... She’s smart no denying that. Got the wit and skill in magic to match too. And by the twelve is she beautiful...” Shaohao May be pooring his heart out in a way but this wouldn’t deny he was embarrassed by this. “So, yea. I like Y’shtola. Anything else?”
Tataru would think for a second. “Have you told her?”
“Well why don’t you?”
“I-I mean how could I? I mean what if she says no what if she just finds me weird?”
Tataru would honestly giggle again. “It’s honestly a bit jarring as it is entertaining seeing you like this Shaohao. Unflinching and brave in the face of things like Garleans and Ascians but a complete mess thinking about talking to girls”
“In my defense, one I’m talking to you and two this is no ordinary girl that Thancred could pick up, this is Y’shtola we’re talking about” Shaohao would retort
“Doesn’t mean it’s like storming the palace of the dead” Tataru would then get on the table to get in Shaohao’s face a bit “Hows this, with the whole celebration in Ul’dah coming along why don’t you try telling her there? Perfect mood and all. Also worst she can say is she doesn’t feel the same way or isn’t interested”
“Yea and there’ll be enough food there to eat my feelings if I need to” Shaohao would mumble to himself
“Oh come on Shaohao have a little more confidence! I’m sure it’ll go fine when it happens”
Well there was no denying Tataru was one to give motivation. “Alright, I’ll try telling Y’shtola I like her at the banquet. Happy?”
“Very much so!”
At that moment some of the other Scions would return, especially Y’shtola
“Speak of the devil” Shaohao would then finish his tea and stand up from his seat. “Well for now Tataru I should probably get back out there. We’ll talk again later?”
“You know it Shaohao. I do enjoy these little talks after all”
Shaohao would then wave before grabbing his daggers and setting off to see what there was to do in Eorzea this day, and very much hoped Tataru would keep quite about his little secret.
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draw-you-coward · 6 years
i dont like parties
“Just pick something that you do not mind wearing,” Thancred says. “Honestly, I don’t know why you want to look at my clothes. They will not fit you, and I fear half my wardrobe will irritate your skin.”
“Hm?” Ikael turns around, pulling his lollipop out of his mouth with a soft pop. Oh. Thancred is… trying, bless him, although he still does not quite get it. Ikael pats him on the chest. “Ah. It is… not like that, really. It is more the—the—personality of the texture. Clothing is usually fine.”
He turns back to his selection. “And I am here because… I do not have anything red that is nice! ‘Tis a party, Thancred; I cannot just wear whatever I would normally.”
Ooh—Ikael catches a flutter of delicate fabric in the far right. He slowly pushes long shirts and trousers out of the way, taking his time to enjoy the feeling of sticking his hand in hanging clothing.
“You wore a bathing suit to our last party,” Thancred points out.
“It was hot outside,” Ikael defends. And then they went to the beach afterwards! At… Ikael’s insistence, admittedly. He sticks the lollipop back into his mouth.
Thancred sighs. “You say that as if you will not insist on taking a dive into the nearest snowbank in your smalls because ‘’tis the season,’”
“M’ smalls wou’ get wed,” Ikael says. “Wou’ do it naked.” Ah! There is the fabric again. Ikael tugs at it with his thumb and forefinger until he manages to pull out a thin, feminine sleeve.
He turns to Thancred and slowly raises his eyebrows.
“I will give you three guesses as to whose dress that is,” Thancred says. “And, ah, I would rather you not wear it, please. I… the sleeves would rip.”
Ikael hums around his lollipop, nodding sympathetically. “D’you have anythin’ similar you wouldn’ min’ me wearig?”
“Hm.” Thancred motions for Ikael to step aside, and he does, bouncing on his toes. He wonders what Thancred is going to wear—hopefully something pretty! Ikael will let him borrow a scarf if he wants. Or one of his stretchier cropped shirts.
“Here. Is pink close enough?” Thancred pulls out a sheer, silken-looking outfit, slung up unconventionally on its hanger. “F’lhaminn brought this back from Thavnair. I had been intending to gift it to Lyse, but she has her sister’s dress now.”
Ikael tilts his head, straightening out the fabric so he can see it in its full. No sleeves—good. Skirt… less good, but Ikael can deal with it for one evening. Perhaps he can wear leggings underneath so that he will not feel his legs brushing together.
“Id is very wovely,” he says in some awe, letting his fingers drift over the beaded design at the collar. “You wou’ lemme wear id?”
When he looks back at Thancred, he is smiling. “Yes,” he says. “It will look good on you.”
Ikael makes a fretful noise and pulls out his lollipop. “I fear I will look too awkward.” Ikael is not… the most graceful in fine clothing.
“Nonsense! You will be splendid, I am sure.” Thancred's smile turns his eyes warm. “A beauty on the dance floor.”
Ikael points his lollipop threateningly. “I am not dancing,” he says.
Thancred tuts at him. “You are dancing, because it will turn every eye in the room. What better way to get all the handsome men’s attention, hm?” He winks.
“They will see me make a fool out of myself,” Ikael groans, shifting his weight agitatedly. “I am definitely not dancing.”
“Hmph,” Thancred says cryptically. He gives Ikael a once-over, as if sizing him up. “We will see. In any case; dancing or not, at least it will be fun.”
Ikael is so, so bored.
Over the course of the evening, he has come to the firm conclusion that political-oriented celebrations are not his thing. The people here do not laugh at his awkward attempts at humour, and he has been asked about his opinion on the petit fours three separate times. Ikael does not even know what a petit four is.
A few friendly faces are milling about, of course, but they are important people busy talking to other important people, and Ikael is both too shy and too hesitant to rudely butt in. He had found Lyse for a precious minute, and she had giggled with him over the word “buttress,” but even she had been swept away in order to rub well-connected shoulders.
Thancred is here, at least (he is wearing the nice red bandana Ikael had gotten him!), but he has been mysteriously absent. Ikael had spotted him once or twice with Riol, but the most he had gotten from him was a regretful glance and an apologetic smile.
Scion business, Ikael thinks gloomily, popping another one of the odd, bite-sized confectionary cakes into his mouth (he thinks they are Ishgardian). All hopes of being able to steal Thancred away to gossip with have been long dashed; Ikael had seen the looks exchanged by the guards and the way a select few people have been growing increasingly alert as the night drags on. A security risk, perhaps? Ikael would not mind punching an unwelcome guest or two.
His suspicions are confirmed two questions about petit-fours later. Ikael is biting into one of the last little confectionaries left when the staticky ding of his linkpearl sounds through his ear.
“Ikael, are you inside the complex?” Riol’s voice crackles through. Ikael hums an affirmation, shoving the rest of the sweets into his mouth as he looks for the closest exit.
Riol updates him on the situation, and Ikael cracks his knuckles as he makes his way over to where a group of opportunistic rebel thaumaturges are apparently causing trouble. At least the night will have some excitement.
Adrenaline is still running through Ikael’s veins when he reports to Riol, hopping from foot to foot and grinning from the thrill of the admittedly short fight. He is dismissed, and he is just about to resign himself to a few more bells of drawn-out ennui when he sees Thancred wandering towards him.
“Well, don’t you look more alive than you have the entire night?” he greets with a smile. Ikael coos and runs at him, throwing his arms open.  
Thancred laughs as Ikael collides with him, stumbling for a moment before regaining his balance. “It is good to see you too, Ikael,” he chuckles breathlessly.
Ikael kisses him on the cheek, then pats his face rapidly, beaming. “We can gossip now!” he says. His ears wiggle happily. “Oh, I found these lovely little sweets—I saved one for you!”
“Ah…” Thancred's face creases in sympathetic regret. “I fear I must needs be swept away for a bell or two to sweep this matter up with Riol,” he says. “I am sorry.”
Ikael’s ears stop moving, and he can feel his expression fall. So Ikael will be… alone once more. That… He…
“That is not to say that I am leaving you without company!” Thancred adds hurriedly. He steps back from a dejected Ikael, glancing around. “Sadly, it cannot be mine own, but… Come on out! Yes, now. I thought your starstruck phase had long passed, no?”
Ikael is just about to resign himself to an evening of trying not to cry in a corner when a figure shyly approaches from behind a wall. Ikael blinks at it, taking in the dark, blue-ish tinted skin and hair, the long tail.
“Ukebe?” he says in surprise.
Ukebe gives him a small smile. “Hello, Ikael,” he says. “Apparently you are in need of some… uh…”
Ikael has stepped forward to carefully hug him. He kisses him on the cheek as well, then pats it.
“Hello,” he greets, a little confused when, after a second passes, Ukebe still has not replied. Ikael glances back at Thancred; has he done something wrong?
“You will get used to him,” Thancred says, apparently to Ukebe. “Use ‘yes’ and ‘no’ liberally, but nicely.” He bumps Ikael’s shoulder with his, then, and when Ikael obligingly turns around, gives him a long embrace.
“I expect you to barge into my room in the middle of the night with hot cocoa and a complete lack of any sense of reasonable sleeping schedules,” he says with a pointed look. Ikael nods, already slotting in the activity, then pops the sweet he had kept into Thancred's mouth.
“Ba-bye,” he says. “Don’t die before me.”
“Goodnight, Ikael.” Thancred takes the sweet out, then gives a deep bow and a wink before heading off with a swirl of his long, fancy coat.
“So… ah…” Ukebe speaks up awkwardly, and Ikael turns to him with a beaming smile. Time to have fun with a new friend!
“How were, um, the petit fours?” Ukebe asks.
Ikael stares at him.
“I, uh, saw you,” Ukebe adds, flushing slightly. “A few times.”
Ikael had not moved from the refreshment table the entire evening. Ukebe is not making any sense, but Ikael does not mind. People tend to not make sense a lot of the time, he finds.
“It is gossip time, darling,” Ikael declares, patting Ukebe on the shoulder rapidly. He can feel his spirits begin to rise once more. “Did you see what Alianne was wearing? Green looks lovely on her!”
Ukebe’s face eases, then, into something a little friendlier and more comfortable. “It does, doesn’t it?” he says. He leans into Ikael’s shoulder. “Although speaking of green, did you see Coultenet? He…”
Conversation after that is easy and readily-supplied. Ikael’s opinion on parties will not change, but at least now he can complain about them to someone for at least two bells.
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deaegratia · 6 years
A walk on knight’s bread
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During her stay there, Nenela learned to love Gridania. The sounds of the wind rustling through the trees, the many different people that lived there in (what seemed like) perfect harmony… The kind conjurers at Stillglade Fane, who helped her so much in her studies. The birds and the waterwheels and of course the kind Mother Miounne, who always had a kettle on to welcome back adventurers from the forest with a cup of tea and a treat. She loved it, and yet… It wasn’t her home. A time came when the conjurers guild had taught her all they could. Gridania would be fine without her. No, Ul’dah was where she was needed most. So she packed her bags, said her goodbyes, and followed the lumber line down south.
When she first made her way to the Shroud, it had been a relaxing carriage ride. On foot, however, the journey took quite a bit longer. Every day was another challenge. Don’t anger the antelopes. Try to avoid catching the attention of bandits. Most importantly, don’t get lost. Though Bahamut’s flames had razed down many of the trees, there were still plenty of places where the wood was like a labyrinth to her. Finally, after a week or so, the scenery began to change. No more trees, but vast stretches of dry land. Thanalan. How she’d missed this.
Highbridge had not existed for very long. Though it was build over a chasm that looked like it had been there for centuries, it was in fact only after the Calamity five years ago that the ground had split open and the bridge had been built. Its people were willing to give her a place to stay for the night, but not for free. If the adventurer wanted to stay, she’d have to do her part in defending the village from the Qirqin as well. Nenela didn’t waste a second and agreed to help them. After all, wasn’t this what adventurers did? To protect, to ease their pain. Surely she could help the Brass Blades stationed there to take on a few oversized rats.
A few, they’d told her. She’d believed them, right until she saw the hordes of beastmen arriving. No wonder the Blades were unable to prevent the villagers from getting kidnapped time and time again. There were so many, and they just kept coming. Nenela was struggling to even keep track of them. 
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Wind, earth, water, none of it was enough to defeat them. Strike one down with a rock, another would pop up as yet another attempted to pick her up and carry her off to gods-knows-where. She’d hoped the Blades would offer more help, but as their number dwindled, they decided to cut their losses and abandon their post. And still the villagers would continue to cry out. She fought desperately, but a single Lalafell just wasn’t enough. Exhausted, she fell to the ground, barely even struggling as the bandits took her away. She’d been so close to home… It seemed fate had other plans.
Nenela didn’t know how long it had been since she passed out, but it had definitely been a while. The cave she was in was not like any other place she’d seen before. Judging by the temperature, she was still in Thanalan, but where? As her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, she noticed she was not alone. A group of a dozen people or so surrounded her, their hands bound and their faces solemn. Some were crying, others simply looked down in quiet acceptance of their fate.
“The lizards claim they will soon bring us before Ifrit for tempering. All of us are as good as dead…”
The girl looked up as that sudden proclamation echoed through the cave. In her groggy state, she had trouble understanding it, nor could she determine who had said it in the first place.
Ifrit… She’d heard that name before. ‘This place is hotter than Ifrit’s arse,’ or similar phrases about things being extremely warm. Nenela always thought it was simply something people said, not something that actually existed. And tempering? What was that supposed to mean? It sounded like something a goldsmith would do.
Lizards, however… Nenela knew very well what they meant by that. Amalj’aa. Though she had never actually seen any in the flesh, she knew who they were. Beastmen. They’d plunder and kidnap and – her eyes widened as her mind finally connected the dots – they worshipped Ifrit, the Lord of the Inferno.  Of course Qirqin wouldn’t simply kidnap anyone for no reason. They’d sold her and the other stolen villagers to the lizards. Tempering… was that simply a fancy word for kill?
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She didn’t have long to think about that, as not long after that a few Amalj’aa entered, bringing in more prisoners. Big strong beasts, more muscle than bone, darker than the darkest coals and adorned with all manner of beads and jewelry. Lizards was too friendly of a word to describe them. They were monsters. The prisoners, on the other hand, were a much more welcome sight. Judging by their uniforms, they were Flame Soldiers. But then she looked at their faces. They were terrified as well. Perhaps it had been too much to hope they would be able to help her.
And then there were those three… A Miqo’te, and two Elezen. Adventurers? More experienced than her, if she had to make a guess. Instantly she felt a bit less embarrassed about getting captured. If people like them had gotten caught, no wonder she hadn’t stood a chance. Right now though, they were asleep. After the beastmen had left, she made her way over to the trio. Remembering her lessons at Stillglade Fane, Nenela deduced the lizards must have cast some kind of sleeping spell on them. A gentle (but firm) slap would likely be enough to wake them up.
The Elezen man bolted upright. “YesmomImgettingupIpromis- Oh.” It took him a second to realize he was not, in fact at home, but in the middle of an Amalj’aa stronghold. The Miqo’te girl slapped the back of his head in a playful manner. “David. Idiot,” she insulted him, though Nenela wasn’t sure if she meant it. The Elezen, on the other hand, woke up in such an elegant manner it was almost as if she had simply woken up from a nap instead of a magically induced slumber. “…Well. That could have gone better, but it seems we are still alive, so I’d call that a success.”
It was only then that they noticed the young Lalafell that had woken them. They introduced themselves as David, Amh, and Furiosa. They were kind enough, but they did not seem very willing to answer Nenela’s questions. How they had gotten here? “As you can see, most likely through that entrance over there. Though I would not be able to confirm it for you, on account of being asleep at the time,” said Furiosa. “Dumb luck, I guess?” said David. “Thancred late,” Amh said, frowning. Well, that was no use at all.
They sat there for a while, until an Amalj’aa broke the silence. “Rejoice, heathens, for your worthless lives shall soon have meaning!” It was time.
To think they were standing in front of a god. It wasn’t what Nenela had imagined at all. When she imagined the gods, they were kind and benevolent. Slightly different in their morals, perhaps, on account of having existed for eternity, but not too unlike the spoken races. But this… The Lord of the Inferno truly was the element of fire personified. Sharp claws, massive horns, and the smell. Like smoke and ash and burning flesh. Her eyes watered and she had trouble breathing. No, she told herself. If I am going to die, I will do so with dignity. There will be no crying today.
“O mighty Ifrit! We bring before You ignorant savages who know not Your godhead! If it please You, Lord, scorch their heathen souls with Your cleansing flame, and mark them as Your own!”
To serve a god that was not your own. To obey his will until the end of your days. Somehow, to Nenela, that sounded like a fate worse than death. In that moment, all she could do is pray. The gods had protected her once before. Surely they could intervene again? Had she not always been faithful? She ignored the tears stinging in her eyes. Please, I beg of you. Do not let him take me.
As she stood there trembling, she heard her fellow prisoners begin to chant. “Oh mighty Ifrit… My one true god… “ The girl waited for her turn, expecting searing heat that would burn her mind away forever, yet all that came was a gentle breeze, not unlike someone blowing on their soup, waiting for it to cool down. Except in this case, she was the soup, and instead of being set aflame she remained cool? She was too terrified to realize that metaphor was not making any sense.
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The man, David, tapped her on her shoulder. “Hey… You said your name was Nenela, right?” The girl looked up and nodded. Neither he nor his companions seemed to show any signs of this weird tempering. “Lemme guess. You’ve been having visions, haven’t you?” Nenela wasn’t sure how he knew that, or how that was relevant, but she nodded again. Behind them, Ifrit was raging on and on about how their souls had been tainted and how they would burn for all eternity, but David remained focused and to the point. “Alright, listen Nelly. I’m gonna count to three. You’re gonna grab your cane, and you’re going to heal. I know it’s scary, but you’re gonna keep your eyes on me and you’re just going to do it. Can you promise me that?” She wanted to object, that they were facing a god, that he shouldn’t trust her to keep him alive because ohGodshesgonnaenduplikethatguyintheDeepcroft, and that her name was not Nelly, but in that instant, she realized she didn’t have much of a choice. A final nod, and he quickly ruffled her hair. “Don’t worry kiddo. This’ll be a walk on knight’s bread, I swear.” “What does that even mean?” “Oh, y’know… I’ll tell you when we get out of this alive!”
“Pray forgive my lateness!”
The blonde Hyur who had come running in along with members of the Bloodsworn was late indeed, for Ifrit had already been slain. He was about to congratulate the Scion adventurers on their first primal victory, when he did a double take. One, two… Four of them? He could have sworn there had only been three last time he checked.
“Too late,” grinned Amh, collecting her arrows to put them back In her quiver. Furiosa simply quirked an eyebrow as she wiped the ash from her daggers. David turned around, holding an unconscious Lalafell in his arms. “Say… You wouldn’t happen to have any Phoenix Downs with you, do you?” Thancred scrambled around in his pockets and handed a crumpled feather to the gladiator. “I see the festivities will have to wait, then. Come, let us retreat to more agreeable surrounds. Camp Drybone, shall we say?”
Part three of Tales from the Desert, this time for ‘Nenela fights her first primal”. Though you could also say ‘Nenela gets her butt kicked and never learns what the hell ‘a walk on knight’s bread’ means and then sort of accidentally becomes a Scion?”
David belongs to @thevantass
Amh belongs to @thewanderersminuet
Furiosa belongs to @alternis
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