#I hope you guys enjoy!
s0ftpining · 3 months
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i'm offering a collection of 15 wallpapers (3 sizes, 5 colourways) for phones and tablets on my ko-fi, featuring a cute little mouse and a slice of watermelon. the set can be purchased for $5 minimum, but includes a pay what you want feature if you'd like to contribute more, as ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to vetted gofundme fundraisers through gazafunds.com to help palestinian families relocate to safety!
follow the 🔗 for further details!
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koumeowkami · 1 year
i finally made it.
the so long awaited unhelpful guide to “from argonavis” no one asked for but i think it's needed cause y'all need to get into it i am begging you-
just a couple of notes! ☆
1) this is definitely not a serious guide lmao but it still helps you with the basics of the whole universe and its characters!
2) this is character/music-focused but i put the links for the AAside main story translations below anyways :3
3) this guide is spoiler free! some major stuff has happened in the latest drama tracks but i think it's better if you find it by yourself :D
4) maybe i'm a tiny bit biased towards gyroaxia oof
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★ read the full thing here!
★ main story translations here!
★ MV playlist here!
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sabotourist · 3 months
Lightning in a Bottle -- Tucker & Wash Superpower AU
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Hey guys, want a superpower hurt/comfort Tucker & Wash AU? Well, have it anyway! Wherein Wash spends years trapped in a suit of life-support armor that keeps his dangerous, volatile superpower under lock and key. And where Tucker isn't having any of that horrifying shit.
Many thanks to @illusion-of-sea-axes for making the au with me, and for @leonardalphachurch and @kojoty for giving it the once-over before I posted!
Hopefully third chapter in Not Super Duper Long But Who Really Knows With Me.
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Cold Feet
Rating: G
Word Count: 2216
Tags: Davenport Homestead, Assassin's Creed III, American Revolution, Canon Compliant, Happy Ending, Light Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, "The Wedding" Mission
Summary: Connor convinces Myriam to start her new life with Norris. Set during "The Wedding" Homestead mission between the chase sequence and the wedding scene. Hope you guys enjoy!
Connor would be the first to admit that he knew little to nothing about colonial wedding customs. Aside from a few comprehensive history and culture lessons from his teen years when he first traveled to Achilles, Connor knew nothing about the complexities of colonial weddings. Father Timothy had been kind enough to explain a few key details, such as “giving” Myriam away at the altar (which Connor was more than happy to do for his old friend), but details slipped Connor’s mind from time to time over the next several days of intense planning and preparation.
But there was one thing that Connor was sure they did not include: chasing the bride in question through the snow-covered trees minutes before her wedding.
The day began with as much chaos as one would expect. Before the roosters began to crow, nearly every member of the Homestead bustled about preparing for the joyous celebration. Oliver and Corrine worked hard preparing their finest wines for the occasion while preparing the livestock meat and crops gathered by Warren and Prudence – and of course, little baby Hunter, who cooed excitedly against his mother’s back. Once finished organizing the food, Prudence and Corrine joined the ladies in adorning Myriam in fine, comfortable fabrics suitable for the huntress. Ellen poked needles into the sides to ensure the stitching was up to par, while Diana and Catherine squawked at Connor and Norris for accidentally stepping near the bride’s suite (which Connor did not dare remind the ladies was his home). 
In the meantime, Big Dave and Lance worked tirelessly to adorn both the inn and the church with banners and decor fit for the Homestead’s very first wedding. Big Dave lifted the chubby woodworker up to pin the wooden posts on the side of the inn, waving to Terry and Godfrey as the lumberers warned Norris of the horrors of marriage to come.
“You’ll ne’er be right ‘bout anythin’ again, ya hear me, boy?” Godfrey teased as he slapped his palm against Norris’s back.
“Aye, and forget about havin’ the covers to yerself! You’ll be shiverin’ like a leaf!” Terry explained. Norris merely laughed and shook his head.
In the church, Dr. White and Achilles aided Father Timothy in preparing his short sermon, arranging the pews, and finishing the final touches hours before the wedding. Even the Assassin recruits were more than happy to help with the preparations. Stephane set to work in the kitchen alongside Oliver to cater the large meal ahead. Duncan, ever the Catholic, assisted Father Timothy in rehearsing his sermon. Jacob offered his wisdom for marriage while he straightened Norris’s hair, while Dobby stood guard outside Myriam’s dressing room in case of wandering eyes from stray men. Clipper and Jamie helped Mr. Faulkner and the crew of the Aquila find their drunken ways to the church, all while Connor wandered about and assisted where he could.
So, given the day’s chaotic events, it was not surprising to Connor as he announced happily to the pacing Norris that all was in order that Myriam was “missing.” After all, the ladies had only just left her room. How much trouble could the huntress find herself in?
Apparently, thought Connor as he raced through the trees and leapt through the branches, quite a lot. 
“Leave me be!” Myriam shouted as she jumped to the next branch, a stray branch slowing her down as it caught on her white dress. It was not enough to stop her, but it was enough for Connor to come within speaking distance.
“Why do you run?!” Connor replied, his voice echoing through the forest with concern lacing his tone. He swung to the next branch, careful not to slip and even more careful to ensure Myriam did not.
“Leave me be!” Myriam exclaimed. She crossed over to the next tree in an attempt to throw Connor off her trail. “I’m no housewife!”
Connor’s brow furrowed. While he could not necessarily speak for the entire Homestead, “housewife” would be one of the last descriptors attributed to Myriam. She was a huntress, and a respectable one at that. Through his confusion, Connor quickly ducked through another tree and sprinted across the large, sturdy branch. “No one thinks you are one!”
Myriam slid down a fallen tree, stumbling into the snow before whirling around to face Connor. “That’s what all of this means!”
A silence passed between the two as flurries of snow cascaded around them. Myriam sighed, grabbing her crown of flowers and tossing it to the ground. She sunk to the snowy ground and hid her face in her knees.
Quietly, Connor knelt beside Myriam. Lifting the flower crown into his hands, he joined her in the blanket of snow. He said nothing, only silently thumbing the daffodils adorning her crown. The two sat for a moment while gazing over the rushing river, watching as it cascaded over weathered rocks. Myriam reached forward and threw one into the water. When it sank to the bottom of the river, she huffed angrily through her nose.
“I don’t want to be some housewife that sits around waiting for her husband to come home,” she explained, tossing her hands into the air in frustration. “That’s not who I am. I’m not… I’m not some lady wanting to be kept pregnant and barefoot!”
“No one thinks you are one,” Connor repeated gently. Myriam shot a glare at the hulking man, Connor shrinking in on himself in response despite his size. 
“That’s what this means! This whole wedding! Shoving me into this stuffy dress, preparing me to take vows, giving me away!” She stood, pacing by the riverside. She gave Connor an apologetic look. “No offense. If I want anyone to give me away, it would be you.”
Connor rose and nodded his head. “None taken. But what is it that causes you to believe that you will become a housewife?”
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Myriam groaned before settling her hands on her hips and staring out into the river. “I… I don’t know!” She tossed her hands in the air again, rustling her hair and pacing back and forth. “I don’t belong inside a house cooking and cleaning and caring for a husband and an entire brood of children. I belong in the open air, in my hunting blinds, with my rifle in my hands!” Her hands formed the gesture of her weapon in question. Then, they fell to her sides. “If I marry Norris… I’ll be leaving behind all of my freedom that I worked so hard to gain.”
Stepping closer, Connor laid a hand on Myriam’s back. “That is not true,” he murmured quietly. “You know that better than I. Norris wants only for you to be happy.”
“Do I?” Myriam asked. Her voice faltered and she turned her nose to the rushing river. “What if, when we get married, all he wants is for me to sit at home and… I don’t know, wash his feet?”
Connor unintentionally wrinkled his nose. At the very least, the gesture provided a quick laugh for the two hunters. The uncomfortable silence returned soon after, broken only by the sounds of quiet chirping and rustling bushes.
“Norris did not fall in love with a housewife,” Connor finally spoke up. He met Myriam’s gaze with his own, gentle eyes. “Why would he expect such?”
“All men do,” Myriam sighed. 
“I do not.”
“You are not all men.”
Connor glanced down at the flower crown in his hands, thumbing over the white petals. “Perhaps I am not.”
Myriam pinched her nose again. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend–”
“No, it is alright,” Connor assured her. His brows furrowed in thought while Myriam squinted into the horizon. Then, a candle sparked in his mind. “How much do you know of my people, Myriam?”
“I don’t see the point of your question,” Myriam remarked tersely. When Connor gave a serious expression, she sighed. “But to answer it, not much.”
He moved in front of Myriam. “I think you would like it very much. For my people, it is the women who lead. We may have chiefs and war councils, but these men are voted upon by our women. Clan Mothers lead the village. We trace our ancestry through our mothers. For women, marriage is not just a union of the husband and wife, but of the village to the couple.”
Myriam raised a brow. “Your point?”
Placing the flower crown upon her head, Connor continued. “You are not a housewife, but even if you were, it would not change who you are. You are a skillful leader and hunter. Norris knows this. He marries you because of it, not in spite of it. He admires you for who you are. You need be nothing else. And by marrying Norris, you unite our friends as a whole, too.”
Silently, Myriam adjusted the crown and tucked stray strands of hair behind her ears. “Do you really think so?”
“I know so.” He cracked a rare smile. “Besides, you are a better shot than Norris. If anyone will be the housewife, it will be him.”
Myriam snorted. “The bad part is that I think he would enjoy being a housewife.” Her shoulders shook as she began to laugh. “Could you imagine? Me, coming home with a pipe of tobacco sticking out of my mouth, my rifle on my back, and hares in my hands while Norris cooks and cleans?”
Connor chuckled, then gently led Myriam towards the path leading to the church. “But you cannot imagine such a fate until you are wed.”
“No,” Myriam smiled, “I suppose I can’t.” As they reached the church, Myriam turned to Connor with a mixture of fear and excitement.
“I’m scared.”
Connor nodded. “I know.”
“What do I do?”
“What do you do when you face a cougar?”
“I shoot it. Are you suggesting I shoot Norris?”
“No, but I am suggesting that you face him like you would any animal.” He laid his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. “You are a strong, cunning woman, Myriam. He loves you deeply. He would not be marrying you if he had no intention of respecting you.”
Myriam inhaled sharply. “How do I get over it?”
“The fear?”
“No, the weather – what else would there be?”
“You won’t,” chimed a gentle, soft voice. Prudence and Ellen emerged from behind the church. Ellen offered Myriam her bouquet of flowers while Prudence wrapped a white shawl around her shivering shoulders. Prudence patted her cheek. “When I married Warren years ago, I was terrified of our future. But you learn, in marriage, that you are both equally frightened.” She giggled along with Ellen and Myriam.
Ellen took Myriam’s hands in her own. “My marriage was an unhappy one,” she confessed. Connor looked on solemnly, catching Ellen’s somber gaze for a mere second before Ellen mustered a smile. “But I can offer this wisdom: a good husband will cherish his wife for her talents, her wit, her love, her devotion, and her faith. Norris practically worships the ground you walk on. He will make a fine husband.”
Myriam sniffled. “Fuck,” she cursed. “I can’t believe I’m crying like some… some old hag!” Prudence and Ellen laughed, rubbing Myriam’s shoulders before holding her tightly.
“Besides,” Prudence cooed, staring over Myriam’s shoulder into Connor’s watchful gaze, “once we have you and Norris married, we can finally focus our attention on finding Connor a wife.”
Cheeks flushing, Connor brought his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. “That will not be necessary.”
“Oh, hush, Prudence,” Ellen giggled. “We mustn't scare him from the prospect yet.” She turned back to Myriam, kissing her cheek. “We have to go back inside, but we will support you no matter what.” Prudence nodded in agreement before waving goodbye, giggling alongside Ellen as they hurried into the church.
Myriam rubbed her arms and faced Connor, walking with him up the steps. “You will be there every step of the way?”
“Every step,” Connor assured.
“How do you feel?”
“Terrified. Like I want to run away again,” Myriam chuckled breathlessly. Connor hummed and looped his arm with hers.
“I will be there regardless. I am sure Norris will be as well.”
Myriam smiled. “Thank you, Connor.”
“You do not need to thank me. You are my friend.”
She stood on her tiptoes, pressing her frigid lips to Connor’s freckled cheek. “No, but I will. Thank you.”
Blushing, Connor cleared his throat and led Myriam to the entrance of the church, where the guests began to rise as they spotted the bridge.
“Prudence and Ellen are right, though. We must find you a bride,” she whispered, doing her best to ignore the endless amount of eyes upon her and Connor. 
Connor chuckled, patting her hand. “I can only hope she is not as fast nor agile as you.”
“Ha, ha. Who knew you had such a sense of humor?”
Years later, when Connor would find himself fidgeting in front of his betrothed’s longhouse, Myriam would loop her arm with his, kiss his flustered cheek, and walk him into the longhouse with the same kindness he had shown her before.
Luckily for Connor, his wife did not run into the trees. How fortunate he was indeed. 
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ria-coolgirl · 1 year
Dwayne, Paul and Marko chilling in the cave when David comes back from hanging out with Michael
Paul:”So how was your date with Michael, David?”
David froze in place, his eyes widened, he looked at Paul with anger as he walked into the entrance of the hotel.
David:”For your information Paul it was NOT a date!!” “Me and Michael just went to the boardwalk and walked on the beach that’s it!!”
Marko:”Aww that’s so sweet, I bet you guys kissed on the beach!” 😘
Dwayne:”I bet Michael kissed your lips, I bet he tastes sweet like strawberries!” 😉
Paul & Marko:*laughing*
Dwayne:Tell us David what do you love about Michael anyway?”
David shouts angrily:”I Don’t love him!!” “I just like him there’s a difference!!”
Paul rolls his eyes with a smirk on his face:Sure there is.”
David turns away from them heading towards his wheelchair sitting down.
David:Look you guys Michael is just a nice guy that’s all I like about him!”
The others looked at him with suspicion as grins start to grow on their faces, walking toward David.
Dwayne:”So that’s it?” “You just think he’s nice?”
Marko:”Come man, there’s gonna be more than just saying he’s nice.”
Paul:”Yeah, there’s gonna be more than nice, gives us some more man!!”
David growled, took a deep breath and sighed
David:”Well…he’s sweet”
Dwayne:”Sweet?” “Just sweet?”
David:”More sweeter than any candy on the boardwalk”
Marko:”Anything else?”
David:”He has beautiful eyes”
Marko:”How beautiful are they?”
David:”More beautiful than the waves of the ocean”
David floats up and the others follow him circling around him.
David:”I like his cute little laugh, his smile, the way he talks so softly, his cute hair, his sexy body so muscular and strong, hell I like everything about him!!”
Paul:”It’s sounds like you wanna go on a date with him!” *Laughing softly*
David:”Date him?” “I wanna merry him!!!” “I wanna see him walk down the aisle with me, I wanna make a vow to love him to be with him to be his one and only, I wanna drink champagne with him, I wanna spend the rest of my life with him to have and to hold till death do us part, I wanna be with him forever for all ETERNITY!!!”
David spinning around hugging himself as he says eternity only to stop when the others stared at him.
Dwayne Paul & Marko:”Hahahaha”
Dwayne:Wow if I didn’t know any better I’d say that you love him!!”
Marko:”Yeah,*in a high pitched voice* you love him for all eternity!!”
Paul:*flies around while singing the wedding march loudly*
Dwayne & Marko:*laughing*
David:*Now with his hands on his face* “I hate you guys!!”
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kipskiptrip · 1 year
I made a silly little uquiz about ice cream! I hope you guys could test it out and enjoy <333
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1-800-local-slut · 1 year
The Scientist
Leia is sick of Poe risking his life, and decides it time for him to learn the amount of work others put to keeping him and his team in the air.
Warnings: none really, just shy Poe.
Pairings: Poe Dameron x Shy!Black!Scientist!Fem!Reader
Series Masterlist
This is my first time writing, so please go easy on me, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys! Please let me know what you think. <3
Next part <3
Even in her old age, Leia walked fast. In fact, she may have been running down the cordier. Poe Dameron himself struggled to keep up with her but given the hard slap he just received part of him thought he was just concussed. 
It was right after he had returned from being MIA for three days now and they were starting to give up tracking his X-Wing. Sure, he strayed off his flight path to recover a comrade and got them back but got sent spinning right into enemy fire but he was fine so no harm no foul right? Wrong. 
When he returned, General Leia was standing over a man who was working at a computer that seemed to be tracking his X-Wing (that was now abandoned in a random solar system much to his chagrin) and everyone was quiet. He watched Leia look down in sadness when the little dot on the monitor went out, his X-wing now detonated. He naturally broke the silence with the bag of chips he was chewing on. Leia’s relief to see him was replaced very fast when she realized he was not injured, or deceased or anything else but standing there perfectly fine in some new (stolen) clothes and eating a bag of chips. She quickly took her hand to his face, to which he winced and stifled a noise. Wasn’t the first slap she’d given him, probably not the last.
He was a bit more offended than he’d ever tell her that they were that worried. Like c’mon. He’s Poe Dameron. The First Order couldn’t kill him if  he was right in front of them (a proven fact given how many times he has been right in front of them and came out perfectly fine) but still accepted the harsh slap. Now what was he chasing her down the hall for? Simple, after the slap:  she growled at him,
“You’re grounded.” 
An air of shock went through everyone in the room. When she stormed out, he started after her and that was 30 seconds ago. Even now, she’s way ahead of him and he knew better than to run up behind her.
Grounded. Poe couldn’t believe it. He was a grown man, grown as hell. So grown he had even grown a beard in the three days he was out there unattended. And now he was grounded? So what was he to do, sit in his quarters all day? For how long? Could he still go out with his friends? Was he stuck on base? Was he stuck on planet? Why was he pondering this so hard? Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and he stopped as well.
“Grounded?!” He asked her, his brown eyes swirling with confusion.
“Grounded.” She repeated staring up in his eyes. Her face looked tired, annoyed, irritated. He could see if she was anything, she was not in the mood.
“You went off your flight path mid mission and you disappeared for three days. You didn’t contact anyone, you lost your X-Wing, and you came back eating a bag of chips? Everyone on this base works hard. Not just you. When you shoot off into the sky and have very little regard for the care or stress you're putting onto your comrades I have half a mind to discharge you. Even worse, you lost one of our X-Wings, which means we’re short one. You seem to have very little regard to how much work goes into making sure you can stay in the sky.” She glowered, staring down her nose at him despite being far shorter. 
“Okay, I see your point but, and just hear me out, BUT I came back alive, completed my mission, AND saved Green-2. Sooooo balance!” 
He frantically tried to explain to her. Oh God, it would be so embarrassing to be grounded, a grown ass man. Finn certainly wouldn’t let him live it down. Rey? Please, he may as well go back to being M.I.A. They still hadn’t returned from their own missions but he knew whatever mood they came back in, this would make them feel 1000 times better.
“Poe. My decision stands. You will not fly off this base, you will not leave this base, you won’t even open your window.” Now her voice was very stern, emphasizing the words ‘will’ and ‘not’ with each sentence. It made him shiver.
“I’ll clean the toilets after dark if I have to! I’m a grown man, General please?” He pleaded, almost ready to get on his knees. 
“After dark, huh?” She said softly, her gaze lightly softening and a mischievous look taking place over her angry one. 
“Any time!” He exclaimed, nodding his head quickly. His black hair flopped against his forehead in loose curls, his desperation glaringly apparent.
“Come with me.” Turning her back to him again, she resumed her fast pace and Poe couldn’t help but sigh quietly.  Another fast and seemingly long walk.
After opening two doors, going down into another level he’s never entered before, Leia led the pilot to a large area with glass panes peering into rooms on each wall. Light green fluorescent lights shone under the white floor in long lines. The glass seemed to be tinted the same shade of green but had rows of circular lights on the ceiling.  
“Where are we?” He asked her in genuine amazement. In all his time, he never saw this place, through all the light speed jumps and everything else. She just glanced up at him. He was truly amazed but part of him was still terrified. He wiped his sweaty palms on his gray shirt and all he could think about was the fact that he’s gone three days without a shower. He could only hope he smelled semi-decent, as it seemed he was about to meet someone new.
“Do you know how your blasters are modified, who makes the medicine, who powers our entire base and keeps your ships running?” She asked him as she led him past one of the glass windows and he saw a messy office. He looked to his right and saw another one but they were both empty.
He stayed silent as they approached another glass window. On the left, was an empty and semi-clean office with modules, blasters, cups, notebooks and more strewn about. On the right? Pure chaos.
A tall laser stood being manned by a very short girl with blue hair curled on the sides. She had a round face with thin lips and gray, slanted eyes. She wore a white jacket with gold lining that overlapped over her chest and was neatly pressed. It pressed to her slim figure, highlighting her lack of shape and curves. In addition she wore a black leather skirt with no stockings and a pair of red boots with black socks that went up to her shins. A pair of goggles were snapped over her eyes with a pair of big, heavy duty black gloves.  She was standing on top of a pile on a long desk that looked wildly unstable and she looked very tired. Her pale skin was smeared with grease stains. She also had crumbs all over her face, like she was curtly cut off while eating. The laser she was manning was on at a very high voltage and another girl sat at the desk. 
She had a beautiful head of curly hair that emphasized her face and simple make up. A large poofy afro that framed her face and a headband pinned her hair back to keep it out of her eyes. She had brown skin that reminded him of his own eyes and plump lips. She was…beautiful. She looked intently at the table, like she was in competition with the laser to see who could burn a hole through it first and her eyes themself enticed him deeper. Just looking at her made his stomach turn in the oddest way. She had deep bags under her eyes and she looked so tired she nearly looked angry. Unlike the other girl, she wore a plain spaghetti string tank top, a black leather pencil skirt that stopped at her mid thigh and black stockings. Her clothing clung to her curvy figure, accentuating every curve and outline of her. Poe also couldn’t help notice she was barefoot. It’s not everyday you see barefooted women on base glaring at tables, so how could he not notice? A similar jacket was swung over the back of her chair and had two pins on it that he couldn’t make out well. She wiped sweat from her brow. She held a strange button and clicked it occasionally when the other girl would say something, and it didn’t seem like she could see him. 
Behind her, there was a tall dark skinned man. He had black hair that was shaved and brushed into waves and wore two shiny studs in his ears. A defined jaw that looked exhausted added to his handsome qualities. It seemed exhaustion was a common trait around here. He has the same coat as the other two but with a lab coat over it and circular rimmed glasses. He was writing something down on his clipboard at every single click of the button. Poe swallowed, wiped his hands down his front and suddenly felt incredibly nervous about Leia’s intentions.
“This is the science department. That girl on the table is Merca, that man is Forian, and as for her?,” she pointed a finger at the woman sitting at the table.
“She’s the head commander of this department.’’ Leia informed and this made him gulp in fear. He was starting to wish he took the grounding. 
Forian said something with a shocked expression, the two women looked at him blankly, then glanced back excitedly at each other. The Commander jumped up from her seat and screamed. Merca turned off the laser and jumped off the desk into the other girl's arms. They spun around and Forian joined in on the hug. They jumped around in excitement and then the Commander lost her footing, they all screamed and fell over. A floury of papers rose up from the ground. They all stood up laughing and hugging each other, seemingly giving congratulations. Then, Merca yawned and took off the thick gloves and goggles. Forian slipped off the lab coat and gave an especially tight hug to the Commander. They both shook her hands and smiled at her. 
“It’s time for you to say hello.” Leia’s knowing voice broke Poe out of his trance. She opened the door and she stepped in. Poe hesitated outside the door but took a deep breath and swallowed. Whatever this punishment, it was better than being locked in his bedroom or on base until Leia feels he learned his lesson. He took a bold step into the cool room and took in the sight in front  of him. The room was messier than it had appeared outside, there were scribbles of math that Poe couldn’t even try to wrap his head around written all over the place. 
Merca noticed them first. She opened her eyes while hugging the Commander and gasped before she hit Forian in his back and he turned around seeing Poe and Leia. Both scientists made a face that looked like they’d been caught breaking some deeply important rule. It made Poe laugh but he stifled it. Then, the Commander turned.
“What’s wrong?” Her voice was soft, and calming. For some reason it reminded him of when he would lay next to his mom and she would speak to him like he was the only thing in the galaxy. 
She turned around in confusion, and then went completely stiff. A look of shock that made him struggle not to laugh befell her face as she yanked her headband off and her hair fell down over her eyes like bangs. Pushing it back onto her head, she smoothed out her clothing and tried to look the most presentable she possibly could, like she didn’t just fall over a few minutes beforehand.
“Good evening General Leia. How may we assist you today?” The Commander bolted forwards to ask standing up perfectly straight. She seemed to ignore him, and that was all he wanted. Oh, he was so embarrassed, he felt like a kid being scolded by his mom infront of his friends. It was like every noise was modified. The humming noise of technology in the room, the rustle of papers still settling on the floor. He wished he could just be swallowed up into the floor.
“At ease Commander. As you know, this is Poe Dameron. He’s grown a bit restless in his position.”  Leia announced the man to the shorter woman but Poe was suddenly getting cold feet. Maybe it was the deep shame he felt. Was her plan to go around telling people he was a moron? That’s certainly humiliating if that was her plan.
With this, she glanced up at him and he avoided eye contact with her out of shame. He stole a quick glance, her eyes met his for a slight minute and he went back to avoiding eye contact. Curiosity filled her eyes as she slightly tilted her head. Leia was staring at him, the Commander was staring at him, the other two were staring at him. So many people just stared at him, and he was not fond of the attention.
“Commander, to commend you for your hard work, I’d like to reward you. You’ve been doing some important work, trying to create new gear for our troops. And you're so kindly assisting the medical team since we’ve been short some nurses. You are a very busy woman, no?”  The woman flushed in admiration. 
“I’m honored to help, it’s truly no issue.” The way she said it flooded with humbleness and behind her Merca and Forian began to whisper softly to each other. 
“Well, I still can’t feel right knowing you’re down here slaving away for the sake of helping keep our base running and pilots like Mr. Dameron up in the air. How about this? Until we can find someone to help you with all those busy tasks of yours, Poe here will be your personal assistant.” A sly grin came across Leia’s face and shock came across the scientist's face. Her jaw fell open and then closed, like she was struggling to find words.
“No, I don’t want to be a bother.” She protested quickly but Leia wasn’t having it. Placing a hand on the small of her back and leading her away she began to speak to the Scientist in hushed tones Poe couldn’t hear. He frowned deeply. A personal assistant. That’s something he never expected. Here he thought she was going to take him to be experimented on. But somehow this was worse. It was really nothing against a personal assistant, or against the woman herself. This was just so out of left field, even Leia seemed particularly proud of this idea. He should’ve taken the grounding.
Merca gasped softly and hid behind her hand as she and Forian began to immediately gossip about the situation. His cheeks burned with shame and he fought the urge to hide his face in his palms. Poe couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch the young woman be talked into accepting Poe as her assistant in front of him.
“Oh no! It’s fine, I don’t mind helping. I wouldn’t want to distract from his busy schedule.”  And Leia shook her head again, and once again insisted.
From here he’d have to be a kinder person. If this were him and he were given an assistant to handle his work indefinitely, he’d jump. Hell, he’s even pulled one too many all-nighters and considered breaking down Leia’s room door to cry about it to her. Yet this woman was refusing his help and he wanted to kiss her ass for it. 
However, her protests were for naught. Leia persisted, she moved strands of the scientist’s hair out of her face and smiled warmly at her. 
“No, he truly is excited. He’s decided that he just needs a break from constantly risking his life.” Her curt tone instantly silenced any protest. How do you protest General Leia? The simple answer is: You don't.
Anyone who knew Poe knew the General was lying through her teeth. Poe loved risking his life! It was number two on his list of top five favorite things, number one was always surviving after risking his life. Number three was watching shitty soap-dramas.
“Well…if he doesn’t mind.” The woman mumbled and glanced back to face him. She looked embarrassed and Poe almost had to ask her why SHE was embarrassed, like she was the one who had to become a P.A. until Leia decided he wouldn’t be.
“Of course he doesn’t, do you Poe?” Leia snapped her fingers and motioned for him to come close to her. He took a few long strides, still trying to keep his confident appearance up but he was still burning up with shame.
“Of course. I’m so excited to observe your hard work.” He said stiffly through gritted teeth. His brown eyes caught her wide eyes and she began to fidget. She nodded her head.
“Any more objections?” Leia asked her and the scientist now had a warm blush across her face as she stared at the floor and shook her head no. Poe sighed and muttered a ‘no.’
“Good. I’ll leave you to it.” She smiled once more, turning to leave and regally strolling out of the room. Poe considered chasing after her and begging her to let him clean the toilets.
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nebulousjay · 4 months
New fic 🎉 new fic 🎉 new fic 🎉
Written in collaboration with @jellyfish_boi on Twitter!
“No talking, good boys only bark,” he scolded.
Dream let out a small, apologetic whimper and bowed his head.
“Don’t worry puppy, mistakes happen. I might ask the vet later how to train you better though,” Sapnap said, scratching Dream’s head, right beside where the ears were clipped into his deep blond curls.
Dream shivered at the implication.
Sapnap reached beside him, pulled out the leash and hooked it onto the D-ring of the collar and gave it one quick tug. Dream took the hint and hopped onto the floor, dropping into a kneel the way he was expected to. Sapnap crouched down in front of him and slipped the familiar mitts on his hands, rendering them completely useless.
Sapnap takes Dream to the vet!
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daddyssafespace · 2 years
Bedtime story!
POV: Your caregiver just got home from work and you’re feeling very veery sleepy 😴
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bembwashere · 2 years
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Fine(???) Dining
Been dead for a bit yea but I just needed a break from that doozy of a video i did (And if you haven't seen it yet then do that it was my last post) and that I got Pokemon Violet recently and i'm slowly chipping through that.
Anywho. This time the theme was "Cooking" and I thought 'hmm hat kid has some weird-ass stuff in her fridge'. Mu is... hangin' in there.
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baronessblixen · 2 years
Can you write something with Mulder overhearing what he thinks is Scully speaking badly about him and her having to figure out what's wrong
Set after "Millennium". Mulder overhears a phone call and draws all the wrong conclusions.
Fictober Day 16 | tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022 | Wc: 1,180
What You Heard Isn't What I Said
There’s a spring in this step and a smile on his face as he steps off the elevator, balancing two hot coffees in his hands. One for him, one for Scully. He got her favorite, with extra cinnamon. It’s a new year after all, and a good one at that.
Even the barista had picked up on his mood, asking him if he’d had a good New Year’s Eve. Mulder just nodded and the guy congratulated him with a matching grin, probably thinking he got lucky. In a way, he did. By society’s standards, a first kiss may not qualify as getting lucky, but in Mulder’s world, when it concerns Scully, it does.
He hasn’t seen her since that night when they said goodbye in front of his apartment, sharing another soft and sweet kiss. His heart is still fluttering, thinking about it. Maybe she’ll let him steal another kiss this morning; he will definitely try.
He’s trying to figure out how to open the door to their office without having to set the coffees down, when he hears Scully in the office, talking on the phone. Hearing her voice makes him smile.
“No mom, it’s fine,” she says with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I just don’t know how to tell him, that’s all.” Mulder stops dead in his tracks. Who is she talking about? It can’t be him, can it? He knows he shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he finds himself incapable of moving. The coffees are still in his hands and he stands there, frozen. The door is ajar, but he can’t see Scully, and she can’t see him.
“I’m just not interested in him that way,” Scully goes on and Mulder feels his knees give in. He leans against the wall, his head heavy. Gone is his excitement about seeing Scully, gone is the giddiness he’s felt ever since that kiss. Their two kisses. That’s all it will ever be. Not interested in him that way. That has to be him, right?
“It’s not like you spent that much time with him, mom. All he cares about is himself and his work. I was just being nice. I need to figure out how to tell him now. Yes, mom. Yes, I know.” Another sigh from Scully’s end.
There’s no one in the world who makes him happier than Scully. She’s on his mind upon waking, one of his lasts thoughts before he falls asleep and more often than not, she’s part of his dreams. How could he have been so wrong about all of this? How long has she been humoring him? Only interested in himself and his work. That is how she sees him.
“I will, mom. But you know how Mulder is. I’ll talk to him. See you on Sunday, bye.” Mulder hears Scully hang up the phone and groan. His heart is hammering against his chest. How can he walk in there now? The choice is taken from him when a moment later he hears shuffling in the office and Scully moving around. She’s awfully close to the office door and too scared to be caught standing here like a brokenhearted sob, he gently kicks the door open, stepping inside.
“Mulder,” she says, and just his name from her lips pains him. She smiles at him and had he not heard her talk to her mother just moments before, he’d thought she’s happy to see him. His own smile is a grimace, unable to hide his feelings.
“Morning,” he mumbles, pushing her coffee cup at her. “Coffee for you.” He sits down at his desk, grabs the nearest file, and hides his face behind it.
“Extra cinnamon,” Scully says with a soft moan. “Thank you, Mulder. Hey, are you okay? How is your shoulder?” She peeks over his file, still smiling at him, weakening his resolve. Why is she being nice to him? He never pegged her for being such an excellent liar and manipulator. Not her, of all people. Phoebe, yes. Diana, oh definitely. But Scully? His heart crumbles.
“It’s fine,” he says, not looking at her. “We have work to do.”
“Are you sure you’re-”
“As I said,” he cuts her off harshly and the smile falls from her face. She moves backward, irritation written all over her face. That makes two of them. “We have work to do. I have a meeting with Skinner I forgot about. Excuse me.”
“Just you?” She asks.
“Yeah,” he says, throwing her a look. “Just me.”
So much for a happy new year. Zombie attack notwithstanding, Scully really thought it would be. When she and Mulder kissed in the hospital – finally, one might add – she thought this was it. There were moving forward. Maybe they weren’t quite getting out of the car yet; she isn’t even sure that’s what she wants for herself. But they could stop the car now and then, take in their surroundings and live a little.
They kissed again when she dropped him off at his apartment, both reluctant to call it a night. This has been seven years in the making. Or at least five. Looking back, she doesn’t know when her feelings for Mulder changed. One day she was looking at him and it was as clear as day. At least that’s what she thought. Right now, she isn’t sure of anything.
She’s been waiting for Mulder to arrive all morning. Unable to sleep – a rare occurrence these days – she’d gone in early. Mulder wasn’t there yet so she called her mother back, who had left a message on her answering machine. Her mother, after wishing her a happy new year, wasted no time to remind her of Rick, a guy she’d met at church, who she’d deemed perfect for her youngest daughter. Scully, doing her mother a favor, had agreed on one date, knowing fully well she wasn’t interested.
That date was a disaster.
Rick had only talked about himself and his work. She’d listened and tried to keep up, but couldn’t wait to go home. In many ways, Rick was who Scully had always feared Mulder would turn into. Someone so obsessed with their work that they couldn’t see anything else. As single-minded as Mulder is, though, he is no Rick. Mulder is full of compassion, of empathy, of curiosity about the world around him. He's interested in so many things, including her. Then this morning happened, throwing her for a loop.
It’s been over an hour and Mulder hasn’t returned. Scully has finished her extra cinnamon coffee and she stares at the empty cup, wondering about her partner. He got her that coffee, barely said two words to her, or looked at her. Something must have happened between their second kiss and this morning. But what?
When he’s still not back half an hour later, Scully calls Skinner’s office, only to be informed that Mulder never had a meeting with their boss. Now she’s really worried. She calls his cell and only gets the mailbox.
“Mulder, please pick up,” she says, worry filling her chest. He doesn’t pick up – or call her back. Three hours into work and all she’s been doing is waiting for Mulder to show up again.
She tries his cell again, letting it ring for a long time, when he walks back into the office, averting her eyes.
“Where have you been?” She asks.
“I told you Skinner wanted to see me.”
“That’s funny,” Scully says. “Because when I called Skinner he knew of no such thing.” Mulder shrugs, going through files, pulling cabinets open, and throwing them closed again.
“What is going on here?”
“I’m working.”
“Mulder cut that crap.” He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even look at her.
“I said stop,” Scully says, grabbing his arm. She hears him breathe heavily, looking everywhere but at her. “What the hell is going on? You’ve been acting strange all morning. Is it because of…,” she trails off.
“Of what?” He asks, giving her a side glance.
“What happened in the hospital,” she says. “I thought you- that we- but maybe I was wrong and you’d rather forget it happened.”
“Wait, what?”
“The kiss, Mulder,” she clarifies. “We kissed.” Twice, she adds in her mind.
“I know that,” he says.
“And now you act like this. I just want to know why. If that’s not how you feel and it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing and you want to go back to just being partners, you need to tell me. I spend the last few hours wondering where you are, whether something had happened to you. You lied to me and then you didn’t answer your phone.”
“You were on the phone this morning,” he says, his voice a strange tone she’s never heard before. Her hand is still on his arm and she realizes how hard she’s been squeezing.
“Yes,” she says, confused. “I was talking to my mom about Sunday dinner.”
“I heard you,” he says, his eyes finding hers. The pain she sees written all over his face breaks her heart, but most of all, it puzzles her.
“I’m not following.”
“You said you wanted to talk to me. Something about how you’re not interested and how I only care about myself and my work.” She stares at Mulder, dumbfounded. “I heard it so I guess, um, you no longer need to tell me, right?” He tries to smile at her.
“Mulder,” she says, giving a short laugh. “This is why you shouldn’t eavesdrop.” She pulls him into a quick, tight hug, needing to feel him close, and for him to understand that he’s so, so wrong.
“Listen to me,” she says, cupping his cheeks with her hands so that he has to listen to her. “You got it all wrong. Over Christmas, my mom set me up with this douche from her church, Rick. That’s who I was talking about. He’s the one I’m not interested in. He’s the one who only talks about himself and his work. I wasn’t talking about you.”
“But you,” Mulder says, tripping over his words. “You said my name. You said “you know how Mulder is” and that you’ll talk to me.”
“She told me to ask you to Sunday dinner instead of Rick. And I know how you always find an excuse. That’s why I said what I said.”
“Oh,” he says, blinking in surprise. “So… what happened on New Year’s Eve…”
“Was something I’m very much interested in if you must know.”
“It’s good to know,” Mulder admits. “Because so am I. Scully, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, but- I really thought you were talking about me.”
“Next time just ask, okay?” He nods. “And don’t eavesdrop.”
“Can’t make any promises.” He grins at her. “When I got here this morning- before I accidentally eavesdropped, I wondered… how about we make it three?”
“Three is a good number,” she says, licking her lips in preparation.
“I wanted to wish you a good morning and I think I fucked that up.”
“It’s still morning.”
“Well,” he says, drawing her closer and putting his arms around her waist. “Good morning, Scully.” His kiss is soft but determined. Someday soon they will lose count of how often they do this, but not just yet.
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coolbattlegirl · 11 months
Furina Edit | Nxde |
Song: Nxde by Gidel
Audio can be found here
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saysflora · 1 year
A year after the strike the Newsies throw a roaring party to celebrate. It's a huge success, with delicious food, boisterous games, and alcohol.
Lots of alcohol.
OR: Jack and David both get drunk during the Newsies anniversary party
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jazzandpizazz · 5 months
I am working on adding more things as I create more art, so please visit my shop and see if there’s anything you like!
Here are some examples of things that I have up there right now:
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There’s definitely more to come, and I’m really excited about finally selling my art so stay tuned!
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here-2suffer · 2 years
I have it! I tried finishing this as fast as I could, but then I took a break and I got distracted on said break. Then I saw the time and freaked out and rushed to get this out. But anyways, this is the little merfic thingy inspired by @justaduckarts, @total-fandom-tr45h, and @bamsara! (Also I have no idea how the read more thingy works so sorry, but I hope you guys enjoy) An edit, someone told me this reminded them of Astro-Nautical on AO3, and I agree it's similar, so I'll just add that here.
You woke up in a dark room, you don't know where you are.
You try to feel around for something, anything to tell you where you are. Water, you're in water, sea water. But you're not in the sea, no, you would've been able to tell if you were in the sea. It's daytime, you know it is, so the sea shouldn't be this dark. You try straining your eyes to see in the dark, it works, barely.
You're in a box, a wooden box, how it's not spilling the water you're in, you're not sure. You feel around the rough and bumby edges, and after a bit of trying to figure out what you're feeling, your fingers come across a hole, not a circle, it's... a keyhole! Suddenly the edges made sense, they were gold sequins.
You're in a chest!
Why are you in a chest?
You look around and try to make out some shapes, but just when you're close to figuring out what they are, light pours in the room, blinding you. You hiss in pain and retreat into the chest, tucking your tail close and squeezing your eyes shut.
Then you hear a voice, a very sweet voice spoken with worry. "Oh! No, no! Don't be scared, we won't hurt you."
You slowly open your eyes and peek out of the chest, you find the source of the sudden light becoming clear, a door was open. There's someone infront of it, but your eyes are still trying to adjust to the light. The figure gets closer, and you back up as much as you can and hiss at it. It's figure becomes clearer as your eyes adjust to the light, and you find a human in front of you.
Their blond hair being split through the middle, having one side a darker shade than the other. Their skin... had two different shades as well? A big blotch on the left side of their face being darker than the rest, and it seems to stretch to the rest of their body, but you can't know for sure, the shirt they're wearing and the big pants block you from seeing whether your assumption is correct. You don't mind really, if their clothes were off that wouldn't mean anything good for you, at least you think it doesn't.
He (are they a boy? They sure looked like one) stayed 2 or 3 feet away from you, but he obviously wants to come closer. Well, at least he's giving you space.
"Are you okay? Does it still hurt a lot?"
Okay, now you're confused. Catching onto your confusion, the human points to your tail. You look down at it rather quickly and sure enough, there a bunch of scars on your tail. It looks like they came from a net. Not surprising, humans usually thought you were a big fish and tried to catch you, but you were usually good at avoiding them.
You can't remember how you got this though, they seemed fresh too. You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder and let out a yelp in surprise.
The hand immediately leaves your shoulder, and you look up to see the boy, backed away with a look of surprise on his face.
"She's really jumpy, huh?" A lower voice called from the doorway.
Turning to look at the person at the door (another human, great), you realize he looks like the one you had just met.
He seems to have a big blotch of his skin on his face darker and it seems to stretch to the rest of his body. His hair is even colored differently in a half-and-half style, but unlike the other one, one half on his hair is black and the other is white. You wonder if he dyed it. He stares at you with crimson red eyes, the intensity of his stare quickly becomes too much and you look away. You hear a low chuckle from his direction, he knew what he was doing.
"Lucien don't make our guest uncomfortable!" the blond human scolded. Lucien, as you've learned, merely shrugged and said "Breakfast is ready." Then he turned and left without another word or glance back.
You turn to the human at your side, watching him intently, waiting for any sudden moves he might make. He shifts awkwardly. "Uh, sorry about my brother," Ah, so they're brothers, "he's nice, really. But he likes to tease a lot."
You didn't really pay attention to it before, but he has blue eyes. Pretty.
"So, what's your name?" He looked at you hopefully.
Why does he want to know your name?
You eyed him suspiciously, then told him your name. He repeated it back to you, making sure he heard and said it right. You nodded.
"Well, my name is Solaris! Nice to meet you." He smiled and brought his hands together. You couldn't find any ill intent from him, maybe you could trust him, for now. It doesn't look like you have much of a choice anyway-
Just then your stomach growled. Solaris' smile dissapeared for a second before returning, though now looking a bit deflated.
"Ah, right. You haven't had anything to eat yet. Uh." He looked at the chest you were in, was he contemplating carrying you in the chest? He seemed to grow more unsure by the second, so you decide you don't want to stay for however long he would've taken deciding, and you start climbing out of the chest.
"O-Oh! You don't have to- you're doing it anyway." He steps out of your way, still watching you closely.
You've made it to the door when the other human (what was his name again?) comes back into view. He's carrying a bucket with... something inside (is that a fish tail?). He looks at you, then behind you to Solaris.
"...I brought fish for you, you eat fish, right?" Luciel (that was his name, right?) sets the bucket down infront of you and sits down.
"Great timing!" Solaris chimed in, "We were just about to go get breakfast." Lucas pointed to the deck. "You can go eat, I already ate."
"Great. Oh, before I go, make sure you don't make them uncomfortable." Solaris gave him a stern look before heading in the direction of the deck, leaving you alone with Luca. The silence that took over was... awkward, at least for you it was.
He didn't say anything for a moment, simply leaning back and holding himself up with his arms. Then, he looked at you and the bucket. "Aren't you going to eat?" You didn't answer, you didn't feel like talking to him. After a beat, he said "Well, I guess if you want to starve then be my guest."
"No!" Your response was immediate. Lucio raised his eyebrow, then smirked. "You know, you could at least show some respect, we did save you after all."
What? What is he talking about?
You didn't say anything, but your confusion must have been evident on your face, he sighs and explains. "You really don't remember? We could hear your cries from up here. You were, uh, I think you were under our ship, but your cries were really loud. We put a rope down for you to hang onto it, it took a couple seconds, but you grabbed it, so we pulled you up. You were covered in cuts and blood, so Solaris and I tried to help with what we could."
Lucifer looked at the room you were in, then at your tail (which was still covered in scars, but it wasn't bloody). He seemed to hesitate for a moment before asking, "Does it still hurt?"
You looked down at it and smacked it lightly on a scar, a habit you developed, before flinching from the pain (maybe you didn't smack it as lightly as you thought you did). Lucan quickly grabbed your wrist, not hard enough to hurt, and held it up so you couldn't hurt yourself again.
"Don't hit it! That's only going to make it hurt more." He was right, it did hurt more, but that's what normally happens when you do it anyway.
Solaris came back, confused. "What are you guys doing?"
Lucier groaned, "I asked them if their tail still hurt, and they smacked it." He let go of your wrist and went back to his sitting position from before.
"Oh." Solaris' eyes kept switching from you to Luceal. "Well, we aren't the best healers, and their injuries were pretty bad..." He looked at you with some worry. "Does it still hurt?" You nodded.
"I think we should just throw them back to sea." Lucias smirked.
"Lucien, no!" Solaris scolded. Lucien (yeah you totally didn't forget that was his name) scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I was kidding."
Solaris kept scolding Lucien, trying to lecture him you guess, and they kept going back and forth. You didn't really want to stay, and going into the sea does sound like a good idea right about now. You turned and started dragging yourself to the edge of the ship, but you didn't make it that far, maybe like 2 or 3 feet closer.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" You turn around to see both boys staring at you.
"...Sea." You blinked dumbly at them. Lucien deadpanned at you. "I was joking about that. You're not going back." "Yet!" Solaris quickly added, looking a little nervous.
And now you're confused. "Why no?" You don't know a lot of human words, but you know enough to have normal conversations (though your grammer would simply not exist).
"Because your injuries aren't fully healed yet!" Solaris looked at Lucien with a certain look, maybe asking for help? "Heal good." They looked at you confused. You touch one of your scars and bite back a whine. "Heal good." They finally seem to understand what you mean, because Solaris' shoulders slump and Lucien reaches out and light smacks your tail (it might've actually been a pat, but it still hurt so who knows).
You flinch and hiss at him while pulling your tail closer. "Lucien!" Solaris starts scolding him. "What? I'm just proving her wrong." Lucien shrugged. Solaris let out a sigh of frustration while pinching the bridge of his nose.
Yeah, it took a while after that. They wouldn't let you leave, but they let you help around the ship, so that's something. One of them was always near you to ensure you didn't try to escape, it was kind of annoying. Lucien did let you get close to the edge of the ship to see the sea again, but he didn't let you go too close.
Solaris was steering the ship and Lucien was out hunting some fish for... dinner? They called it dinner, you don't know why. Usually when your hungry you go find food, you don't have to wait and eat at designated times. Humans were just weird that way.
At night, you were still out (and so was Lucien), Solaris had gone to sleep.
"You should be sleeping." A low voice spoke from behind you, startling you. You turn and deadpan at Lucien. "I sleep now." You start making your way to your room when suddenly, Lucien picks you up. One arm behind your back and the other under your tail. "Hm, thought you would be heavier."
You hit his chest and flail around to try and free yourself from his grasp, yeah it doesn't work. Okay, these humans are really weird, any normal human wouldn't have enough strength to carry you this long and would've dropped you by now. He doesn't even seem bothered, just amused. He carries you all the way to the chest you woke up in and gently sets you down in it.
He pats your head and smiles. "Goodnight starfish." He leaves and closes the door.
Starfish? Guess he's found a nickname for you...
The days and nights continue like this, with the boys getting more touchy the more you grow closer. You don't think they'd let you leave easily now.
Enjoy your new life~
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ria-coolgirl · 1 year
Two birds in a empty nest
Tw: contains canon deaths, feelings of grief and cussing.
A Paul and Dwayne centered epilogue
The cave was quiet as Paul floated around the room looking around the cave. The cave wasn’t always this quiet and Paul hates the idea of things being quiet unless he was sleeping.
Not very long ago the cave was filled with noise not just from the boys but from star and laddie as well. The sound would fill up the cave echoing to the very back of the cave, the noise was like music to Paul’s ears laughing, shouting, screaming it was all beautiful music to him.
Floating around the room he stopped and looked where Star and laddie slept at. It just a mattress with sheets to make it more comfortable for them to sleep on sense they were not full vampires like Paul and the others. Slowly he floated down and looked around the bed when he saw something on the bed and picked it up, it was laddie’s teddy bear and it had some dust on it.
Moving the teddy bear away from the bed,Paul swept the dust off the bear and hold the bear tightly in his arms. He remembered winning the teddy bear in one of the fair games at the boardwalk and how happy laddie was to have the teddy bear, the sweet smile that he gave him, so pure and innocent almost made Paul’s dead heart melt with joy as laddie laughed with his teddy bear in his arms giving it a hug.
Paul continued to hug the bear smiling as the memory played in his head. As the memory played in his mind he started rocking the bear gently as if it was a baby and humming a lullaby.
Paul:”Oh, hey Dwayne I didn’t see you there.”
Dwayne had a worried look on his face as floated towards Paul.
Dwayne:”What do you got in your hands?”
Paul:”Oh, this it’s just a teddy bear Dwayne” *laughing nervously*
Dwayne:”That’s laddie’s teddy bear”
Paul:” I know that, I just found it laying around on the bed and jus-“
Dwayne:”You miss him too don’t you Paul?”
The words cut him like a knife with everything that has happened Paul tried to get over the fact that Star and laddie are gone but more of laddie being gone. That sweet boy was now gone,his precious laddie is gone forever.
Paul:*forcefully laughs* “Why would I miss laddie for?” “He’s with Star now!” “He’s better off without us!” “I just can’t believe that kid forgot this stupid…STUPID bear!!”
Paul squeezed the bear tightly in arm length,his claws going deeper into the teddy bear as tears steamed down his face.
Paul:”This isn’t fair…it’s not fair…IT’S NOT FAIR!!” He yelled pulling his hair, kicking and screaming as his eyes started to glow red.
Paul:”They should have left laddie with us!!” “We could have taken care of him if given the chance!” “And now he’s…he’s GONE!!!”
Dwayne:”Maybe it’s better this way, Paul”
Paul:”Better this way?” “How is this better??” * spreading his arms out to the empty space of the room around them* “Everything that has happened to us was because of max wanting a “perfect family” and Star wanting to be human again!” “And what are we left with now?”me, you, Marko and David nearly dying, Dwayne!”
Dwayne stood there quietly as Paul yelled in frustration as tears rolled down his cheeks floating closer to Paul.
Dwayne:”I’m sorry, Paul I just can’t imagine letting laddie be gone so soon, but it’s better for him to be human again and happy than be immortal I need you to understand that!”
Dwayne gave him a hug and as soon as he did Paul started to sob in his arms.
Paul:”I MISS MY BABY!!” *He cried loudly*
Dwayne hold him tightly and whispered in his ear.
“Me too”
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