#I hope you’re happy anons :)
whaliiwatching · 10 months
Bet upon meeting noir hobie flickers into black and white newspaper cut-outs briefly to mimic noir and both of them get blushy about it
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tall dark and handsome?? he don’t stand a chance
plus an earlier draft i still think looks nice
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nextstopparis · 1 year
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‘cause all of me loves all of you.
—for anon<3
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yourlittlettoy · 1 year
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Who wants to come help me take off my second sock~ 🥺😇😉
(Ps. This post is for everyone who’s been sending me asks, anons, and messages asking for feets 👣👀 thanks for your patience lol, I didn’t forget about you!! 🥰)
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ghastlybirdie · 6 months
I half heartedly think that marriage as an institute is kinda meh and not something for me but something about John price husband makes me feral
I feel you on marriage, it’s an income for people organizing it professionally and it’s a showboating experience for the ones planning it instead of it being a union of people being in love
That being said, I think John Price 100% is the type to have that small chapel wedding with just a few lads, his mother and father, and maybe that one old fellow friend that you say is a bad influence to him despite John being a grown man who can decide his friendships himself- he tells you that all the time but at least one time a year you had to drive John home cause he got too drunk at a bar with said friend-
Despite it all, John is such a good husband??!??!! He’s the husband who had a hand on the small of your back or even on your bum if he’s feeling really casual
If he needs to scoot by you, he holds your waist cause he doesn’t wanna disturb you 🥺 you’re so pretty, he just needs to wiiiiggle in by and get a view of you from another angle cause- wow what a view
he likes just watching you, he likes the little movements you do, he likes the smiles and noises your make cause he loves you, and you like his own grunts and mumbling and shuffling. Sometimes you make a joke about his bones creaking and he gives you a stare that holds hours of scolding, teasing, joking, and laughter all with just one glance, probably from all the time spent moulding into each other’s mannerisms and likeness
Marrying John is marrying his life to yours- not just by a ring or a certificate, but by promise and pure, unbridled loyalty to love you cause you’re a treasure, a gift
And he just really really really likes you, you’re pretty cool
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frownyalfred · 6 months
hopping over to your blog after i get off work like i'm scrolling through the evening news
Breaking news: fanfiction author answers increasingly hilarious and complicated questions about world-building centered entirely around what amounts to a breeding kink trope: more at 10.
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compacflt · 10 months
Marlon Brando huh? Took some inspiration from Val Kilmer's real life obsession with him?
*controversial opinion, Val sometimes pings my gaydar. low-key would not be surprised he's fooled around with a guy at least once. unlike TC who despite the rumors has never once pinged my gaydar.
i actually did not know Val was obsessed with Brando. Whoa. i try to know as little about actors’ personal lives as possible because they are usually disappointing and cringe. pretty much the only thing i really know for sure about val’s/tc’s personal life is that they both independently fucked Cher (?)
the brando things been in my head since day one no joke—this was one of the first scenes i wrote of the fic, it actually predates ice’s mega-repression & me finding a solid writing style for ice so it’s written fucking weird as shit for no real reason
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in the right lighting and minus some masculine jawbone i feel like tc does kinda look like brando a little maybe?
100% there with you re: tc/val on the gaydar. 100% agreed. Val’s too weird to be 100% straight
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i'm thinking of suguru sitting next to you... his hair is down and your hands are in his. he's rubbing hearts into your palm and whispering sweet nothings into your neck... oh my god i'm so sick and in love with him it's not even funny 😭😭😭😭😭
also sugu with his hair loose is very. intimate and sweet and soft, i've seen people talk about how his hair is symbolic of his mental state/behaviors and i completely agree... but we deserved to see him let loose and show his 100% true colors in a happy context too!!!!!! BUT BACK TO THE MAIN IDEA he's so beautiful and handsome and and.. i wish i could say more but my imagination is not very good. which is why your thoughts are so helpful!!!
also ABOUT the last ask... i will share with you when the stuff comes... probably will be late may so i can save on shipping :(( i can show some stuff i have rn tho!! AND WHY DID SENDICO NOT WORK FOR YOU. ugh. i'm so sorry ari 🌖
okay so this . made me insane? completely??? i don’t have words to describe the longing that poured into my body after reading this like it’s SO serious. YOU’RE ALWAYS OUT TO GET ME :(((…… all my moots and anons collaborating to make my brainrot worse……. sniffle………… soft intimate moments w sugu make me so emotional :’3 rubbing hearts into your palm.,… he’s suchhhh a loverboy i’m gonna cry. whispering sweet nothings into your ear…. treating you soso gently and delicately bc he just loves you so much…… bc you always treat him so gently in return . sniffle sob sniffle….
AND . HIM W HIS HAIR DOWN…….. let’s discuss this 🌖 anon . we Need to talk abt it. suguru’s hair is something so personal to me….. not JUST bc it’s silky and beautiful and fluffy but also bc it rlly is so very Symbolic……. the fact that he kept it in a bun during high school, let it all flow during his defection and then finally put it into a half-down bun……. it for sure symbolizes his mental state but most importantly his control . and his true self. teen sugu is very guarded …. very controlled….. when it comes to his fake smiles and emotions and just. everything. so him wearing his hair up is almost like a way of conforming, yk?? not letting his true self show. but during his breakdown he’s so tired and depressed he doesn’t even have the strenght to put it into a bun or take care of it…. he doesn’t have the strenght to put up appearances :((( n i think that’s also why he blurts some things out to haibara and yuki. he’s just . soso tired……
and when he finally defects and fixes his cognitive dissonance, he has the control and strenght to put his hair into a bun, but still lets it flow freely and. to me that’s . a symbol of his conviction. his decision Not to conform anymore :’3 i just love metaphors like that sm…. BUUUUT sadness aside it’s basically just a symbol of his true self and how comfortable he is showing it!!!! so for him to let his hair down in front of his s/o…. 🥺🥺 i just think. it’s a sign of trust. in a way. he’s willing to bare his heart to you…. and he trusts you to treat him w care. trusts you to wash his hair and comb it bc he knows you aren’t gonna tug on it or threaten to cut it off the way satoru does LMAO. he just trusts you soooo deeply and that’s so rare for him i think :(((((
ANYWAYYYYYYY I MADE MYSELF YEARN 2 MUCH. thank you for the tasty brainworms my beloved 🌖 anon <33333 AND PLSS I’D LOVE TO SEE YOUR CURRENT MERCH!!!! feel free!!!!! :3
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
Hi. I’m struggling a lot and I was wondering if you could write a Eddie comfort fic?
Im sorry if that’s too deep. My dad died a year ago and the holidays are really hard. Anyway. I’m sorry this is awkward lol i really like your writing.
hello! first off i am truly deeply sorry for your loss, i hope you are doing well and finding your way through the grief. second of all, thank you so much for this request and for your kind words, and for trusting my ability to at least attempt to do this request justice — i really hope i do. third of all, i'm so sorry you've had to wait and thank you for being patient with me, i wanted to make sure i was in a good headspace to tackle this but also wanted to make sure i got to it before the next holiday. i hope, again, that i do your request justice and that you find comfort in this fic. this is for you, sweet anon!
post divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
you turn your head at the squeeze of your shoulder, meeting a soft gaze that regards you carefully yet sweetly, big doe eyes that manage to catch your attention and pull it away from your cloudy thoughts. a smile just for you, and you do your best to return it, but eddie’s expression twists a little more into sympathy when it falters on you almost immediately.
“hey. you with me? we can go, if you wanna-“
“i’m alright,” you assure him quickly, resting a hand over his and returning the comforting squeeze. “promise.”
you turn your head away, looking back towards the commotion. steve had put together quite the party, everyone in attendance; you watch him and robin bicker over something likely not that deep, yet both are firmly planted in their views, exchanging exasperated expressions and words that are tinged with humor and desperation. robin sees you watching, waves, and when you only manage a quirk of the corner of your mouth she falters slightly, glancing at eddie and then smiling at you again before turning back to steve.
eddie, who’d kept his eyes on you, meets eye with robin and you feel another squeeze before he leaves your side to approach them. they talk quietly, trying to make it not obvious they were talking about you, but steve’s worried glance your way spills the beans. you can’t help a soft sigh, lowering your head a little.
there’s a moment of guilt. you didn’t want them to feel bad for you. you didn’t want them to worry, least of all eddie; whether you wanted him to or not that boy was going to worry for you. you hold yourself at the middle, can’t help that shrinking feeling, heaviness in your gut.
the three share smiles and nods, and then eddie turns away and heads back to you, keeping his touch light and easy as he fixes a little bit of your hair, “think i’ve hit that time, sweet thing. mind if we head out?”
your heart beats a hard pump and your throat clenches. he so badly doesn’t want to make you feel bad, wants you to feel like it’s on his terms, wants you to feel okay with leaving early. eddie can read you so easily, and you’re both thankful for that and pained by it. you want to tell him again that it’s okay, if he’s really having fun you didn’t mind staying a while longer. but words die on your tongue as he pulls in closer, makes sure his eyes are all you can see, wants you to really hear him.
“it’s okay. i promise.”
just as your eyes start to water, he pecks your forehead and wraps an arm around your shoulders, leans you into him so you can hide yourself there.
“sayonara, goblins!” eddie throws up devil horns and wags his hand, the party bid their goodbyes joyfully behind you as eddie leads you out the front door, helps you up into the passenger seat of the van before driving you to the trailer.
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he’d taken you right down to his room, laid down on the sheets and let you lay yourself on him, petting your hair while you hid your face in his neck and vented tears and frustration. when talking becomes too hard he rests lips against your temple and gives soft pecks, murmurs to you gently, reassuring words.
“you’re okay… i’m here… just let it out, baby, that’s it… i’ve got you…”
his love is present in everything he gives you, and even though you feel so empty, eddie is adamant in helping you feel more full with that love. you didn’t have to be okay for him, eddie would always take you as you were; there was never any pressure to put on that mask around him, because to him the mask was glass. he’d learn to see you, through and through, and you him. when everyone else heard ‘i’m fine,’ eddie could hear the ‘please help.’ and eddie would always help.
after a while you’re both sat up on the bed, cheeks since dried and now you were dressed in one of eddie’s baggy old corroded coffin t-shirts and a pair of his ratty plaid sweatpants. you have his headphones over your ears, holding the muffs firmly against you to let the music envelop you. eddie watches with a warm smile and shining eyes.
you see his gaze flit up to something behind you, a grin spreads, but before you can react there’s a light tap on your shoulder. pulling away the headphones and turning, you see wayne standing at the bedside almost shyly, looking right at you and smiling as he holds something behind his back.
“know it’s pretty early but, uhh… seemed like you could use a pick-me-up… thought i’d give you this now…”
from behind his back he procures a small-ish, colorfully wrapped box, offering it to you.
you crack a genuine smile, carefully taking the box and looking up at wayne who nods at you to say ‘go on now, open it up!’
you tear into it with a light giggle, eddie and his uncle watching with bright eyes as from within the box you pull out… one of wayne’s mugs, from the wall. your favorite one.
looking back up at him you swallow another growing knot in your throat, smiling wide but it trembles.
"now you, uhh... you c'n use it here, if you like. that's your special mug now. or-or if you'd wanna bring it home..."
“th- … thank you, wayne.”
he rubs the back of his neck, relieved you like the gift.
“don’t mention it, kid…”
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tortoisebore · 6 months
merry christmas love 💕💕💕
merry christmas to all who celebrate!! 💕🍾✨🫶
i hope you’ve had a wonderful day, whatever that means for you. pls enjoy some very pretty (very blurry) pics of christmas lights i took while we were driving around town earlier 🫶
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promiscuousasexual · 20 days
thoughts on the frequent 'teammate terrorist' comments about esteban? i know lots of people use it as an affectionate joke but it doesn't sit right with me given he's the only MENA driver on the grid and typical european attitudes to that region... maybe i'm reading too much into it, but some people should definitely consider the implications of their 'joke'
i am so glad you asked this question because i actually was thinking about that but i was so scared i was overreacting
i think it makes me slightly uncomfortable but that also depends on context?? i know most people don’t mean it that way and they’re referring purely to the reputation he has (which is a whole other conversation) but there are times when people are being particularly aggressive that it does make me feel slightly uneasy.
it’s the fact that he’s the only one that seems to hold that reputation despite many on the grid having been awful to their teammates that makes me go ????
i don’t really wanna make anyone feel bad for saying it though cause i know the implication probably didn’t click for them right away and also i want to assume that most people are just genuinely unaware and are just trying to be funny.
the thing is racism is also subconscious and that’s what most people don’t realize. just because you’re not actively trying to be racist doesn’t mean what you said or the way you treat someone isn’t racist, and unless you’re a poc (esp one surrounded by mostly white people), that’s not exactly something you’ll experience and therefore it’s not something you’ll understand.
i can discuss more about subconscious bias all day if someone’s interested but i won’t go too in depth atm.
anyway, this was very long winded but people can do what they like, I won’t label them as racist automatically for saying that particular phrase, i have made a few jokes myself, calling him a “terror” but i personally don’t like using words like “terrorist” to refer to him so i stray from that, usually saying things like “menace” or “pain” or “nightmare” or whatever else, just cause i’m hyper aware of the implications.
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sukirichi · 5 days
OMGGGG!!!! you’re actually backkk 😭😭😭 you don’t understand how thrilled i am!!??? i’ve literally been WAITING for you to come back. i love all of your stories sooo muchhh 🫶🏼 i’ve always been checking your blog every few months just IN CASE you’re back & now that you are, i’m soooo happy you don’t understand 🥹😫 this might sound exaggerating but you literally just healed a small part of me by being back on this app & i always hope that you’re doing good at all times ❤️
hi hi yes i’m back! and oh anon, thank you so much, you have no idea how much seeing this makes me feel warm inside 😭💕 i’m so soft knowing that my writings and blog could make others feel happy, and in all honesty, having such supportive and loving readers like you heal me little by little too <3
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timothylawrence · 10 months
Hope this isn't weird to say but I'm really glad you're enjoying a new game and fandom. You seem a lot happier and it's really nice to see! Hope your having a lot of fun!
this is very sweet thank you!!! I am having so much more fun and in general much happier but Ill always love my blands followers and mutuals were like this ->🤞❤️🥺 love y’all always
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sunshineler · 24 days
as sad as I am to have done it, I just purged every pic and/or video from my “Rae’s Reveal Tag” and I will NOT be posting more until I can figure out who that anon is, and I likely will be taking a step back from personal posts as well
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2truehearts · 10 months
I am proud of you <3
and i am sobbing thank whoever sent this
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transboykirito · 4 months
If you die on your birthday it would be a present to us.
i’ll try my best to deliver 🩷🩷🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳
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nouveauxamoris · 6 months
“qpr” u mean friends..
hilarious 2 me that y’all will say sum shit like this on anon as if u know ur in the wrong for it 😭 that shit is straight up queer platonic bruh. as in; “committed intimate relationships that are not romantic in nature. differs from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms similar to a conventional romantic relationship.” (<- literally the definition on wikipedia.)
queer platonic relationships are an inherently queer relationship often experienced by those on the aromantic or asexual spectrum (SPECTRUM.). quite literally it’s just “not platonic, not romantic, but a secret third thing (devotion so strong it blurs the lines)”. i dont see how its that hard to understand
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