#I just really like vegetables and I didn't eat the meat from school and it bled into all of my diet eventually
creepyscritches · 2 years
It's so funny how I used to be a rigid vegetarian for years but I have never thought something was too cute to eat like I'll bite a cow it's true cute things taste better come here
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kichiyosh1 · 10 months
Finally free from lots of work and chore aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(Just for the heads up, I'm really sorry for the rant I instead doing than ramble ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄)
The next part of deceitfully your mak3 me scream, lord I need a man like cross dress scaramouche. He's creepy but I love him.
Also a thought about cross dress scara.
Imagine him getting popular among girls and them keep asking for him to hang out with the girl, he was annoyed consider whenever he ask for you to also join, the other girls were somehow surprise and down. (just imagine the popular mean girl group ask him to join but he also include you)
Imagine scara who realize not many people like you because you didn't share the same opinion about boys, some say your just asking for attention by pretending to be scared. Oh how he wish he can just beat all of those word back to their mouth, how dare they?!? Saying stuff like that about you! Only he can do that! is what he thought when he hear the nasty rumor.
Cross dress scara who keep asking the teacher if he can be place near you always, need a group? Oh can you be so kind to place me with [name]?, have some project? Oh [name] be my project partner. Ect Ect.
Also the though of cross dress scara who make 2 lunch when he realize you keep buying the cafeteria food. He says he accidentally made more for him and his sister, while in reality he go so much as far to ask you about your favorite food (how much you like your egg done is, how much rice you would like, how much seasoning and so on with the detail) while you didn't notice too much about the topic when the two of you were going home from school. Him who make an 'extra turbo maximum pro efforts' with your lunch and he has a decent effort lunch while his sister has the leftover of all the ingredient he just use (you= a cute bear/cat/character you like with many side dish like meat and vegetable, him= a decent mean any other human eats normally, his sister= anything scrap, but still presentable. Half an egg roll? Sure why not put it in a place where it look like it's full. (she can't complain to her mother because none of them can't cooked))
Cross dress scaramouche who keep getting popular and popular the more day he going to the school. Who always have girls looking up at him while he deceitfully fool all of them. He who have visit your house and meet the sole reason why you have a very close minded to men. Him who butter up your mom to make her thrust him enough that he will protect you from other men harms. Him who now remeber your emergency house key placement after your mother thrust him enough to protect you. Him who keep suggesting you had a sleep over with him in your house while you play it like a normal thing to do.
Cross dress scara who definitely hug you form behind while you were asleep when he sleep over, making sure the door was close and he got a recorder to record you while you sleep. Who brought camera to take your sleeping face (like his wall is not full enough with your picture now), he who take a peek at your bathroom and noted the many different products like sampo and soap you use so he can also use the same one.
My head is SOO full of cross dress scara to the point I wish he was real OMG I need him he's creepy and kinda gross but I need him.
➡(link for au)
Rei you legit just wrote the most jaw dropping scenarios for this au and I'm loving it!
note: He is viewed as a 'girl' from other's point of view
When the other girls try to invite him over to their table he'll try to politely decline at first, saying he has somewhere else he has to be yet they're always so persistent to the point he has to clench the fabric of his skirt in order to ground himself. Besides, why would he want to hangout with a herd of stuck up girls when he can be—
as if on cue, you walk through the doors of the cafeteria
"come on, we really don't mind if you sit here and-" he was already walking away, his focus solely on you as you gave him a small wave when you noticed him approaching you. "[y/n], perfect timing. Luckily for you I was able to snag us a table before all the seats were taken." he says taking ahold of your hand and leading you to the table he's previously been at. The girls tried to hide their shocked expression when Scara brought you to their table, both from how he so nonchalantly ignored them just now and because out of all the people he decided to befriend it just had to be you.
Scara was aware that some of the girls in the school disliked you for disliking boys, often hearing how they whispered about how weird you were for being the way that you are, and it takes every fiber in his body just to hold back and to not shove the student's binder notebook down their throat and tell them to shut up and mind their own damn business.
The quick switch from his crescent-eyed smile directed at you to his disinterested gaze looking back to them made a shiver crawl down their spine. One of the girls fakes a cough, trying to get your guys' attention.
"You sure are lucky we saved you a seat, huh Scara?" his eyes twitched wanting to scrape his name off of the girl's tongue. "Yes, though it would seem there aren't anymore seats left for you guys." The look of confusion passed around the table left even you slightly baffled by what Scara said. A loud thud resounded around the space when his hand collided on top of the table as he gave them a smile, the corners of his mouth twitching.
"Get lost."
It's also common for him to find excuses in order to just be in the same group and or partnership with you for projects. Fr the type to pull out a whole ass presentation about "100 and more in counting reasons why me and [y/n] were made for each other should be group partners." at this point the teacher doesn't even bother stopping him from suddenly declaring himself a part of your group or him transfering you to the group he's already in. cheeky little thing.
I'd like to think he's terrible at cooking, but he gave it a shot and got better and better the more he realized you liked his cooking. The little goofy smile on his face whenever you complimented the meal he made for you. He does disregard your questions as to what he was going to eat for
I don't mind the rant one bit, so please don't apologize!
I promised myself I wouldn't write anything and just react to what you sent but i couldn't help myself
The more I read and read the more my imagination started to flourish with your amazing headcannons. He just wants to love and be loved by you that his actions go from cute to overly obsessive without him even realizing it (he doesn't even think watching you sleep is crazy!).
Overall he does have good intentions but his methods of expressing them are definitely interesting.
I might write a few more headcannons for this ask so thank you for sending it in rei :)
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mel-loly · 2 months
Today we're going to chapter 2 of...
-Some ✨interesting✨ facts about...
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🐞Our Corrupted Elf looking like a strange “leaf-ladybug”!🐞
The name “Franz” came from a character I saw on a Brazilian Youtuber (who I really liked, his name is “Pedrokys”) dubbing/voicing the comic “Lebre e Coelho”. And as I really liked the comic and the “dubbing”, I decided to name her of one of the main characters, who is the well-known “Franz”! Oh, and here's the link for the video :]
(one detail, yesterday I re-watched this dub [because it's been a LONG TIME like- A REALLY LONG TIME since I looked and hadn't even been on this YouTuber's channel, so who would have thought to watch any of his videos..... But as I decided to make “interesting facts” about Franz, it was obvious that I would have to look/watch this dubbing again to remember “the good old days” :D], and my friend... how I missed this comic- unfortunately it had to be re-made because the first video was copyrighted, but it's still the same thing, so I highly recommend Brazilians or anyone who wants to, go and see it!!)
Her power to have “tentacles”, it was “kind of” inspired by “Ben Hargreeves” from The Umbrella Academy.. And yes, this one is really without much of a “secret”😅
About the paint on her face, no, I wasn't inspired by Bendy! In fact, I was just making a drawing at school of a random character, and as I was also very much in the “weirdcore era”, I decided to add touches like this with paint on the face and a tongue that also looks like a “tentacle”. (here's the drawing for those who haven't seen it yet↓)
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(here's the link)
She really likes to eat flowers.. Yes... You didn't read it wrong, she really like to eat flowers...... And “why is that?” Well, she says that as they have a good smell, she usually eats them to put that smell in her mouth. Sometimes, in addition to this smell remaining in the mouth, the body stabilizes the smell in other parts of the body as well, such as the neck and wrists. And no, it’s not “all” types of flowers that she eats, okay? There are just a few of the flowers that she thinks are beautiful and smell good.
Oh, “and the taste of flowers?” Well, in fact, some flowers don't have any taste at all, she just like to eat it. Because for her, this is sometimes a “snack” when there is no meat. Her “second” species is very hungry for meat, and any type of meat will do (even human, in SOME cases), but when there is none, she actually eats flowers. And yes, they are “just” flowers, as well as vegetables, plants and the like, she only eats them once in a while, but she admits that she doesn’t like them very much.
The clothes she likes to wear most are skirts and blouses, sometimes dresses she also wears and likes them a lot. Wearing pants, she says that she don't feel very comfortable, besides being very tight (she hates tight things other than a skirt, dress, blouse or something like that).
She loves long boots, especially in black (she has about 3 of the same boots, she just bought them in different places).
In addition to Calopsita, Franz also studied a little medicine, she didn't take a course but she learned and improved some techniques with her parents. Today she doesn't use her “doctor” skills much, but if needs it, she is one of the right people to ask for help.
And last but not least, she loves paintings and loves seeing or hearing the author/artist talk about the process of how they were made. She says that each painting brings her a different feeling, and the ones she likes most are the ones with white flowers.. Because it brings the sign of peace that she was unable to have for most of her childhood. And also because it's a color that reminds her how to stay calm or concentrate on something, a color that helps and makes her someone very different from what others think she is...
And.. That's all! I hope to see you in the next chapter of “fun facts about my characters”!✨
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heluvschibi · 3 months
Destined (meant to be) (part 4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
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Y/n's POV
I laid on my bed my head still propped up with my hand, I fell back on my bed as soon as the door to my room closes, "Ugh...gosh your dad scared me..." I mumbled out looking up at the ceiling.
Chan slowly stood up from the floor grunting and rubbing his back, "Why did you push me off!?"
I looked at him and laughed before my mind decided to ruin it and remind me how close Chan was getting to me, I slowly stopped laughing and laid there my cheeks heating up.
Chan looked at me and noticed before smirking, "Oh, Y/n are you blushing? ~" he walked closer to me wriggling his fingers.
I snapped out of my trance and looked at him, "H-huh o-oh no why would I b-be blushing! That's stupid! B-blushing is stupid who even calls it b-blushing... W-why would I be blushing!" I stammerd out.
"There's no need to get so flushed when I'm that close to you... Trust me we were closer before- OW!" Chan yelped when I jabbed him in the rib, he bent down whining and rubbing where I jabbed him, "Ahhh... Why would you do that..."
"Hmph..." I went under my covers, trying to hide from him, 'Why was he so close... Ahh... Y/n stop freaking out girl!'
Soon I felt the bed dip behind me and warm arms wrap around me, just like before my body freezes,"Y/n...do you remember when we were little... And we played house?" Chan's voice getting lower and more into a whisper.
I peeked my head out from under my blanket, refusing to face him, "W-why are you talking about that..." I mumbled.
Chan took the chance and scooted closer resting in the crook of my neck, his breath fanning my cheek, "Because... I wanted you to remember." He pulled my closer and tighter, "I wanna play house with you..."
"H-hey... Stop saying that, weren't you saying were n-not 5 anymore." I breathed out shakily.
He started to laugh but not like before, not like a joke was funny... His laugh was deeper... "Whatever you say Y/n..."
Flashback. 21 years ago
"CHRISSSS!" I yelled to him as he got out of his parents car, I smiled widely when be noticed me and waved, he waved back and started running to me his mom yelling at him telling him to slow down.
He crossed his yard and soon my yard and made it to me hugging me, "Hi Y/n!"
I hugged him back before pulling him away with a frown. "Why we're you not at school? I was worried!"
He smiled his cute dimples showing on his cute cheeks, "I'm sorry, we had to go to the doctors...I wanted to take you with me y/n, I really did!" He pouted and looked down "But they said that you had to go to school... It was so lonely there..."
I cupped his cheeks and made him look up at me, "It's okay Chris! I understand, I just wanted to play house with you during play time...."
Chris eyes widened and he grabbed my hands from his face to hold them, "Don't tell me you played house with someone else!? Who was your partner!?" It seemed like he was about to cry with the way his eyes started to fill and a small pout started to form on his lips.
I laughed and shook my head no, "I didn't play house, I didn't even play during play time. So let's play now."
He wiped one tear and nodded his head, "Good! You can't have anyone else as your husband okay!?"
I nodded my head before running in my house with him.
That day we played house like normal, but when it started to get dark...
"I'll put the baby to sleep, and the I'll finish dinner." I walked to the mini baby crip in my room and set the doll down whispering good night before turning and looking at Chris who was washing the fake dishes so I could make 'dinner'. When I cut the fake vegetables and meat I put it in the toy pot on the stove and stirred it a few times before putting the cut vegetables and meat on the plate and sitting down at the table across from Chris to 'eat' the fake food, soon I cleaned up and I noticed how dark it got outside.
"Oh no... I guess you're mom and dad are coming soon..." I whined out and look at Chris who was putting a blanket on the baby.
"Oh no... I want to stay more to play..." He said looking at me with a pout.
"Well come here." I said and opened my arms to him smiling, "We can go down stairs and watch Spongebob!"
He hugged me and I was going to pull away but he held on tight... "Well... Uh.... Y/n...you know how mommies and daddies kiss good night?" He mumbled out.
I nodded my head.
He pulled away and held onto my shoulder, "Should we...should... Uh... Should we do a good night kiss?"
I blushed a little, "Y-yeah..."
He smiled causing me to smile and he moved his face closer to mines, and then I felt his lips on mines, the gap closing...
When I saw my mom and dad kiss for the first time I yelled 'yuckie!' And I thought I would do it when he kissed me but... I didn't.
We only pulled away from the kiss when my mom yelled from downstairs that Chris mom was here to pick him up.
He pulled away and smiled at me, "See you tomorrow at school Y/n! Goodnight!"
I stood there shocked and saw him run out the room.
"Your lucky I didn't say yuckie...you gave me some of your boy cooties..." I mumbled out.
Chan laughed, "Your the one who said yes to the whole thing."
"Doesn't mean anything. You should've never asked."
He sighed and soon he flipped me over to face him, my face flushed.
"If I asked now... For a good night kiss... Would you give me one?" He whispered moving closer his eyes closing a little.
I was frozen, eyes wide, mouth open slightly, breathing stopped, face probably red as a tomato...
"Would you y/n?" He mumbled out, a small smile forming on his plump lips.
"U-uh what a-are you?" I mumbled, letting out a small whine, "D-did you just come back to Australia t-to torment m-me..."
He shook his head no, he looked at my lips before looking at my eyes, "No...I wanted to see your pretty face... I wanted to see the way you would react."
"React? React to what-"
He kissed me, I was going to push him off but my heart was stopping me, soon I kissed back, he opened his eyes wide to see me complying with him before he closed his eyes, I followed suit, closing my eyes. His hand going up to cup my cheeks.
He soon started to straddle me, I didn't care, my hands went up to his hair to tangle in them pulling him closer. I never thought that I would be kissing my best friend like this... Like we were a couple who was separated but now found each other.
"Gosh... I missed you..."
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
buckle up, buttercups, i'm about to tell you about the most insane two weeks of my life
okay. so to preface this, i have definitely had an edible or two. so it's going to have kinda weird prose.
when i was a junior in high school, i went with my chinese class on a 2 week long exchange program to china. it was a really amazing country, rich in history and culture, and i am so glad i went.
but there was a catch.
my chaperon - we'll just call her laoshi - was the absolute worst chaperone ever. like, literally, worst in the history of mankind. before we went to china, she refused to get a new cell phone sim that would work in the country. so we had absolutely no means of contacting her if we didn't know her whereabouts. she also failed to convey our allergy information and other dietary restrictions in china, so i was fed oily carrot soup. (she also deadass gave us alcohol several times)
but everything was worse for my raw-vegetable vegan roommate. we'll call her o. o was a wonderful person.
when we were in china, we were on a tour trip. so we got all of our amenities. part of that was one (1) bottle of water to last the entire day. laoshi failed to get us more water, and it was scarce in our locations. tap water isn't potable, so we were at the whims of street vendors with water bottles and they were not everywhere. even if they were, laoshi wouldnt necessarily let us stop. it was about 115 degrees farenheit.
she also did not tell us where she would be staying. we asked her to take us to the pool one night, she literally just told us to get in the van with a strange dude and went to her room qhere we had no way of contacting her. we declined the ride and the trip to the pool because we had to be responsible for ourselves.
two of the kids in my group started dating, d and k. they were staying in each other's rooms every night and having sex. the teacher, at the end of the trip ddid not know they were dating and they were super into pda.
my o the raw vegetable vegan has no choice but to eat meat for the duration of the trip. this inevitably makes her extremely sick. one night, she is throwing up from the other side of the hotel bed. over and over. she is so ill and so miserable. i am scared for her safety but WOOT WOOT can't call a teacher. so i, age 16, am now tasked with this situation. so i go down to the desk and ask the hotel manager where she is. they don't know. it is a nightmare. i ask for them to send a cleaner.
i go back up to the room. o thinks some tea might settle her stomach a bit and i agree, so i make a pot of tea. i am so exhausted. it is like 4 am. i have been cleaning up after o and helping her all night. so i am stupid and i pour the hot, BOILING water on my hand. i shit you not. i sustained third degree burns. but still have no means of contacting an adult.
the cleaning lady comes. she begins to vomit sympathetically.
i am in the worst possible position. o is crying and apologizing and i am crying over my hand. so i go down to the front desk to get burn heal cream. we also had a conversation about getting a laxative for my roommate. i don't know how to say laxative. i say 'you take medicine, you get diarhea' because laoshi had taught us those words.
the entire rest of the trip is me applying that (very good) salve and reapplying gauze in the bathroom so laoshi doesnt notice the serious medical issue emerging on my hand.
o is meanwhile still vilely ill. i'm sad because i love her. we are super close at this point because we've undergone this horrific experience together in 2 weeks.
the rest of our trip, she doesn't notice. we get on the plane. i ask d and k if they want me to change seats so they can be together. laoshi asks why
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
The Night Screams at The Slumber Island (Loki x Female Reader) (Horror Romance) (Dark) (Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 4 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 5
Summary : You give into some of those growing feelings and do something you haven't done since that incident.
Warning: Cigarette smoking, loki smokes, don't ask me why, loki gets slapped. Minola being Minola, Mentions of recurring nightmare and trauma, mention of past abuse, trust issues, spooky stuff, sub loki vibes (he will emerge;) )
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He saw you, he knew you were watching him and you felt embarrassed of that knowledge. So you did what you thought would be good, avoid him as much as you could.
Two days later you felt a little under the weather so Loki graciously offered to buy groceries and meat for you. You didn't want to trouble him but he used the friendship card on you, besides you didn't want to get out of the bed, your stomach hurt and you felt nauseated. You didn't know why though because you were eating as healthy as you could. Thankfully it was the weekend so you didn't have to attend school. 
You took a shower before he'd get there to drop the groceries off, you weren't trying to impress him, you just didn't want to stink.
As you heard the knocks, you peeked from the window before you opened the door, 
"Hi come inside please, I can't thank you enough" he smiled as you said that. He kept the bags on the kitchen counter and took everything out, the bags seemed different but you didn't want to probe him when he was trying to help you. It's not like he could poison the vegetables or meat. 
"You don't have to do that" you mumbled as he started to unpack the groceries so he could store them properly in the refrigerator and cupboards.
"It's no trouble love, you're sick, let me take care of you please, is that okay?" He mumbled softly and your heart skipped a beat. Why would he want to do that? What was he doing? You hated that no matter what he did there was a part of you that always questioned his kindness.
"Thank you..that means a lot" you smiled but he noticed your teary eyes, moments like this made him want to walk up to you and hug you until you would start to feel safe and loved ..maybe. This wasn't part of the plan, he was just supposed to do what she wanted him to do, she deserved that after all but he was just a man and he had feelings too. Feelings that he knew would get him in trouble. 
"Can I use the stove and make an herbal tea for you? I am assured you're still feeling nauseated aren't you?" He asked you and you nodded. 
"Sure..can I ..umm stay here?" You mumbled and he noticed your discomfort. It was a big deal for you to allow a man you have known for less than a week in your personal space like this.
"It's your house darling, you can give me company, this concoction would work like a charm.. if not you can throw it in my face" he chuckled and it eased you a little.
"I'd never do that" you mumbled and hopped onto the countertop. Your body felt weak.
He brushed his fingers through his hair, pulled them up and tied it in a bun but a strand or two escaped from the clutches of his fingers, adorning his face beautifully. He washed his hands before he took out a small bag of mixed fresh herbs from one of the bags, you didn't see any herb stalls in the market that day except parsley.
"Soo umm do you like being here, alone? I mean, don't you feel lonely?" You questioned him, you have been wanting to know more about him, his family, if he had friends or a girlfriend.
"Not really.. I mean I won't be here forever, I'm just exploring new things in life and coming here was something I just had to do" you nodded as he said that. You wondered if you'd be here forever? You had put your life savings to buy this creepy house in the middle of nowhere so you were essentially stuck here for a long time. 
You didn't even want to think about the possibility of being alone here like you had initially planned, you would have died of a heart attack the first night if it wasn't for your neighbor.
"So you have friends out there?" You asked him and he hummed. He stood next to the stove, situating himself against the edge of the counter. The green shirt he wore complimented his emerald green eyes so well. 
"If you ever feel like talking to me, or just want to vent perhaps.. I'm all ears darling" he mumbled and you nodded, you felt thankful that he didn't ask about your life, your friends or the lack thereof.
After he strained the tea he had made he walked towards you and passed you the cup, he placed one of his arms right next to you and he could feel you felt nervous immediately but he had to make you feel less scared around him. You had to trust him.
"Do you want me to finish mine first?" He asked you and you shook your head. You must be getting on his nerves with the constant doubts and scrutiny.
"No ..sorry.. It's just ..hot" 
You took a sip and it tasted herby but you weren't expecting anything different. 
"I go to the day market every other day, I can shop for you if you want, you won't have to get up early" 
"No no I can't ask you to do that" 
"It's not an issue, that's the least I can do for you, I know you don't really enjoy the whole process" you chuckled as he said that, you hated it to be honest because you weren't getting much sleep in the night so waking up early was nearly impossible. On the top of it, the staring and looks of judgement were too much to deal with. 
"Are you sure loki? I don't want to trouble you" 
"You could never trouble me" he winked at you and you buried your head down, focusing on sipping your tea so he won't see how his actions affected you. 
After he left you decided to clean around the house. He wasn't lying about the concoction, you did feel better, in fact you felt as if you were never sick to begin with.
"That's so weird" you mumbled as you dusted off the living room, when you saw the pictures of the house it looked different, less eerie and cleaner. Your eyes glanced over the portrait of Minola so you brought a stool and took it off the wall, you can't handle her staring anymore. It was too heavy but you managed to not fall down.
"I'm sorry Minola, I don't want to disrespect you, i absolutely don't but I hope you'd understand"  you wrapped it in a bedsheet and put the portrait in the basement. 
"Okay it seems better now" you mumbled to yourself, it seemed more homely now.
In the afternoon you took a stroll outside, you wanted to ask your neighbor to join you but you didn't want to seem overbearing.
You took the route he showed you, it was also closer to the beach so you went there and sat close to the shore. You haven't seen the Sun rising here even once, and it was getting gloomier everyday, you could see the clouds of fog from the distance and it had gotten a little cold as well in matter of few days.
"Hiii there" you got spooked by the voice and heard him chuckling. It was Steve. You didn't know why all the men on this island gave you creeps, but maybe it was just your past and how you have come to think about them.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" he sat down next to you and you nodded as you scooted away a little. He didn't seem to notice your discomfort like Loki did.
"It is ..in a scary type of way" you chuckled and he smiled.
"So what got you here?" he asked you and you sighed, it's not the conversation you wanted to have with him, you haven't even told your handsome neighbor anything until now. 
"Just wanted to get away from the city I guess" 
"I get that, but once you come here and become a part of this community and what they have to offer you'd never want to leave" he said in a monotonous tone as if he himself didn't believe a single word of what he had said. 
"Well I hope so too because people seem to not like me here" he was quiet for a moment before he hummed in response.
"I have to work..I'll see you around" he stood up to leave but there was something you wanted to ask him about.
"Why don't people come closer to my house? Is there something wrong with it?" You asked him and he shook his head then he started laughing before he got serious.
"Nooo don't be a lunatic y/n" he snapped at you suddenly and that scared you so you shut yourself down and waited for him to disappear out of your sight so you could bolt out of there. 
You made your way to the house and instead of going in you knocked on your neighbor's door instead, it has gotten dark so he had his lights on like usual, he had no shirt on, only a black trouser that hung too low on his waist, you didn't want to stare but he was carved with perfection.
"Are you okay darling?" He asked you as he found you unnerved and rubbing your arms with your own hands,
"I just..I was going to make coffee and check if you wanted it" you looked everywhere but him as you spoke so he grabbed your hand in his and you shivered but not in a good way. The touch, a man's touch flashed several images in your head that you had tried to get rid of for so long, his touch didn't feel unsafe but you just couldn't stop yourself from feeling scared. You pulled your hand away quickly and it landed right on his cheek, it wasn't a hard slap but it was wrong to do that to him and you knew that very well. 
Your eyes welled up with tears because of embarrassment and he was just looking at you, trying to understand and comfort you but you turned around and ran into your house. 
You closed your door and stood with your back against it as you processed what you had done, maybe he was just trying to comfort you but it was instinctual, wanting to fight for yourself because you couldn't do it when he hurt you. You just laid there and took everything. You were helpless.
"Y/n?" You jumped as you heard his voice on the other side.
"Just go away, I'm sorry ..I'm sorry" you mumbled as you sobbed quietly. 
"Noo..I'm sorry darling, I shouldn't have touched you like that, it's my fault, not yours and–" you opened the door so you could handle this a little maturely, you just slapped a man for no reason. 
"I just.. I don't..I am" you stuttered with your words because honestly you had no clue what to say to him, you didn't even know why he was still there, he shouldn't even be talking to you. He had put the wife beater on again and you noticed that. He stepped a little closer to you but not too close to make you feel uncomfortable, you looked up at him and his fingers itched to wipe the tears off your cheeks but he knew that wasn't the right thing to do. Not yet. 
"I crossed a line darling, I shouldn't have touched you that way without asking first, is it something that scares you? Makes you feel uncomfortable?" He asked you and you nodded immediately. 
"That won't happen again I promise" 
That should have brought you comfort but your heart sank instead, that's when you realised that you wanted him to hold your hand and touch you, it didn't make you feel disgusted, his touch wasn't sexual or purely lustful, it felt warm and you wanted him to hold you again because you have been touch starved for so long, but how were you supposed to ask for it now after what happened?
"Thank you and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you like that" you sobbed again and he shook his head immediately.
"It felt like a breeze, don't worry about that now please" he mumbled as he smiled so you nodded "Something happened before? You seemed worried" he asked you and you couldn't focus on his words but his hands. You wanted to hold his hand again.
"Nothing I just got spooked" you mumbled and invited him in, you made coffee and he didn't deny it, you didn't notice any change in his behavior, he was still as kind as he has been before.
He was about to leave when you grabbed his hand in yours this time, he was taken aback but not in a bad way like you did before, he was just pleasantly surprised. 
"Your hands are..pretty" he mumbled and you looked down, your left hand was holding onto the long slender fingers of his right one.
"Thank youu..loki.. for everything..I don't know how it would have been here without you" you mumbled softly and his heart fluttered, he wanted to do so much more than just hold your hand in the moment but he knew that would make you hate him, he wanted you to take what you needed, he wanted you to come to him and he wanted to be the one to be commanded this time, that's what you needed to heal, someone who'd allow you to take him at your own pace, in the way that wouldn't hurt your mind over and over again. Something really horrible had happened to you. He knew that very well.
"I am glad to be here darling, you just need to tell me how you want me to be here for you" he whispered softly and you felt all the butterflies jumping in your tummy. What did he even mean? You didn't understand but you liked what you heard. You pulled your hand away to not come across as creepy and he gave you your space like he always did.
Nights were the least favorite time of the day for you here, because of the screams and sounds you kept hearing, things your mind made you see. So you turned the headphones on to distract yourself, your mind drifted towards him and how good it felt to be able to touch someone again. You finally fell asleep that night.
The music blasting in your ears definitely blocked the sounds of the loud violent thumps that was coming from the basement.
Taglist @mcufan72 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fraoid3 @wheredafandomat @michelleleewise @daddylokisqueen @123forgottherest @usagishira @elegantcheesecakecrown @sashas-recs @lukira1337 @vickie5446 @spageddyhoes @witchypandamonium @javagirl328 @slpnbty2001 @mochi661 @lovingchoices14 @annoyingsweetsstranger @army24--7 –7 @el-zef @asgardianprincess1050 @loz-3 @whylokiissocute @holotacopeely @thomase1 @daggers-and-mischief @constablewafflebottom @marvel-love24 @crimson25 @laliceee
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(re: tags on rb'ed post) It's genuinely so wild to me that people don't know how to cook??? Obviously I don't fault anyone for it, you've got to learn and there's no shame to it, I just really thought everyone had some degree of culinary knowledge until I was like twelve.
Anyway, what are your favorite vegetables to cook with? Favorite summer recipes? Favorite pasta recipes if you've got them? I need new recipes to try :)
exactly, I don't want to fault anyone on it either!! we have to acknowledge the diverse backgrounds we have, levels of privilege etc--and i do also think with that comes, what do we assume as normal just bc it's our experience? and so it's so important to hear from other people. i find a lot of asians and women such as myself learn how to cook from a very young age just like you did, and then assume everyone else does too (i didn't realise most of my friends didn't do their own laundry either all through high school).
anyway in response to your question: I love cooking with eggplant, capsicum, sweet potato, potatoes in general, sweet potato leaves, basically every kind of legume and all the products people make from them, tomatoes, all kinds of herbs (but the italian mix is my favourite) as well as an assortment of asian vegetables and melons that someone in my family always procures and has too much of!! i also love to add ginger to any recipe i feel like is missing its meatiness, green/spring onions go really well with a lot of things and so do raw red onions or cooked brown onions!!
pasta wise i love everything pasta. a pasta bake is a go to one for me as i make a good white sauce and my sisters and i all love it!! lasagna is cool but a bit more time consuming so it's been ages. otherwise anything spaghetti bog/with meatballs (specifically the ones i make from Beyond Meat, water crackers, carrot, onion and spices) is good and i eat it with green beans! it's also super quick bc pasta sauce is like $1 for a big bottle where i live and you just pour it on your spaghetti or pasta. i also love all things ramen (both the curly type and the more expensive straight organic japanese one, they also have other noodles called udon and soba that you literally just boil for 5mins and have with sprouts or smth and olive oil and it's delicious). i do love mac and cheese when i get a good vegan cheese but it's pretty hit and miss on that.
and as for summer recipes i'm a big smoothie gal!! pack it with protein powder and chia seeds and coconut water for electrolytes and ice cream for fun but i love mango/banana, pineapple/papaya, mint/spinach/coconut, mixed berry, sometimes i'll shake it up and do orange/papaya or smth!! i love all the bright colours and how creamy they are if you have a good banana or mango or papaya or just really creamy soy milk. also love anything with watermelon+mint (my sister makes a really good salad with it and cos lettuce, olives, cucumber and baby tomatoes i believe). also my beyond meat meatballs go well on a skewer dipped in guacamole for the summer nights where it's light right up til bedtime!
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Hotpot boss
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kusanagi: Yaaah, only a few hours left in this year, huh? Yata-chan, last spurt of cleaning. I'm counting on you.
Yata: Yup! Kamamoto, how are you doing?
Kamamoto: Everything is going well! Oh, Totsuka-san and the others are walking towards us from the other side of the street.
Yata: Ah, what's he carrying? Oi, no way!
Saya: Hello, everyone.
Totsuka: Yaaah, looks like you're busy cleaning up.
Kusanagi: The two of you are shopping together, huh? I'm glad you guys get along so well.
Totsuka: Right? I've got "that stuff". The rehersal was also perfect, so stay tuned.
Kusanagi: As for me, I'd like to ask you to go easy on me…. Well, sit wherever you don't get in the way of the cleaning.
Saya: What do you mean by "that stuff"?
Totsuka: It's a hot-pot set. Didn't we buy the ingredients earlier?
Saya: …But Kusanagi-san looked displeased about it.
Totsuka: Is that so? It looked like a big smile to me.
Totsuka: He told to sit, but there's still time before night. Maybe I'll also help with cleaning.
Saya: Me too then. I'll go sweep the entrance.
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Saya: Ah, Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun.
Kamamoto: Yata-san, tonight we're gonna have hotpot, hotpot! I'm looking forward to it.
Yata: Is that so? I'm not really.
Kamamoto: Eh, you don't like hotpot?
Yata: That's not the case, I eat it just fine. …But, it's New year's Eve hotpot, right?
Kamamoto: It is?
Yata: That's why it's complicated. Aaah-uuh…
Saya: (Complicated. What does it mean…?)
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Totsuka: Attention! The 52nd National High School HotPot Championship is going to be held now!
Saya: Hotpot Championship…?
Kusanagi: It's finally started…
Totsuka: New year's Eve Hotpot…This is the perfect meal to end the year. The heart, culture and art of Japan…
Totsuka: This pot is filled with all kinds of blessings. It is no exaggeration to call it a microcosm!
Kusanagi: That's a huge exaggeration. If you're going to praise it that much, the pot would feel uncomfortable too.
Mikoto: Let's eat.
Totsuka: We can't, King. It's not boiled yet.
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Totsuka: I'll manage this microcosm myself even though I'm not very good at it. I'll bring you the best taste, so just follow my instructions properly.
Yata: Here it comes, The Hotpot Boss….!
Saya: Hotpot boss…you mean, Totsuka-senpai?
Kamamoto: That's right. Totsuka-san has a terrible obsession with pots.
Kusanagi: I'm not going anywhere near it…Oh, Mikoto was about to attack.
Totsuka: King, it's not ready yet.
Mikoto: I'm hungry.
Totsuka: If you're starving, eat a salad.
Mikoto: …I think it's ready to eat now.
Totsuka: One minute left. I'm not giving up on this one.
Mikoto: …
Saya: (He talked down Suoh-senpai…!)
Yata: The Invincible Hotpot Boss…
Kusanagi: I think it's about time, Totsuka.
Totsuka: I guess so. Everyone, give me the plates.
Mikoto: What a pain.
Totsuka: King! I'll get it for you, wait!
Mikoto: If I leave it to you, idiot, it'll be full of vegetables.
Totsuka: If I let King do what he wants, he just gonna take only the meat.
Totsuka: Meat is a public property. Since it's required by antitrust law, I have to divide it fairly.
Totsuka: So just wait quietly, King.
Mikoto: …Tsk. I can't helped it.
Saya: (So the reason why everyone seemed to hate it, was because of this…)
Totsuka: Okay, this is for Yata.
Yata: What the hell if this! There is only chinese cabbage here!
Totsuka: It's not true. There is also a little peace of meat too.
Yata: Oh, for real! It's so small! Smaller than an eraser!
Totsuka: First, warm up your stomach with vegetables. The main course will be afterwards.
Totsuka: Fufu. Enjoy your last dinner of the year, everyone!
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higurehige · 4 months
hi hello. been 5000 years since I have been tagged in much. uwu thank you @spadefish in return i slaaap uuuuh @duskdragonxiii @etakeh @vampiremasochist annnd @ponyacci (chose 2 of these based on activity feed but still important non-the-less! I hope you guys are all well even if we are but strangers in this wide blue world. Obvs feel free to ignore if you want to)
1. Are you named after anyone? A country singer. Course no one really thinks of her when they hear my name.
2. When was the last time you cried? Hrmmmm. Iunno probably 2 months ago over cirque du freak book series. I cry over books a lot.
3. Do you have kids? I am the kid. Do the 9 cats in my house count? On a serious note - no and I don't plan to. I have far too many problems and raising a kid would just wind up with me placing at least HALF of those problems on them. No. This curse ends with me. I don't think I'd even feel comfortable helping raise someone elses kid if we were in a relationship.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I picked up archery recently! That's cool. I don't go as often as I should bc it's a bit expensive...but...yea! Archerys cool. Working on learning both recurve and compound. recurve for funsies and compound for hunting. (I just want an excuse to go sit out in the woods for hours on end doing fuck all and maybe, possibly bringing home some meat too)
5. Do you use sarcasm? Not often. I'm pretty blunt and no matter how hard I try to control myself I end up sounding like that one guy from guardians of the galaxy "Nothing goes over my head. I would catch it"
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? -shrug- Their face? I guess? Or whatever color they're wearing. Maybe their shoes. Idk...I'm terrible at facial recognition so I go ape trying to compensate for this.
7. What's your eye color? Green
8. Scary movies or happy endings? (both good but probably horror lean)
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9. Any talents? Depends what you count as a talent. Born with? Insane observational skills? Uh I can eat actual rotten and moldy food and not get sick? Uuuuuuh. Hmmm....I can dilate my pupils at will? I can bend my legs freaky directions but not freaky enough to look like a contortionist. naturally good with animals I guess? Idk, nothing to write home about.
10. Where were you born? South Haven Michigan
11. What are your hobbies? Reading, drawing, writing (lol to both of these), gardening (i live in an apartment so I cant really do like...vegetable gardening but, I got plants! =3), studying various animals (and bugs), studying plants, photography, I come and go out of other hobbies, honestly. Adhd moments of "wow that looks cool" doing it once and never again....I'm trying, chief.
12. Do you have any pets? Avery (black cat), Diva and squeakers (twin solid gray cats), Baguatte (orange boi), Tiny man (gray stripy fella), Shaggy (not really MY cat, he's just some stray but....-sigh- he is sleeping in my house rn so I GUESS. (brother to Tiny man I think. very similar appearances). then there's weasle and skunk. (also cats) Do the assassin bugs i just bought for my garden count as pets? bc I have assassin bugs in my plants now =3
13. How tall are you? 5'4 ish and built like a brick.
14. Favorite subject in school? Didn't have a good time in school, so I hated all of it. Excelled at English and reading classes.
15. Dream job? Biology field. I want to get paid to study animal/insect behaviors and write papers on them. As it is I am just doing this shit for free lol
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dyed-red · 2 years
I had a wonderful ask for you, and then I got distracted and forgot it, so I'm going with this one instead. Do you have any thoughts on disordered eating for both the boys? It is definitely shown that Sam has food issues ("Sammy is a chubby 12 year old" and "Organic") and does the whole stress-forgetting-to-eat thing. Food also plays into his body autonomy issues. I think Dean also has issues around food/eating. His just aren't shown as obviously as Sam's, but also are a manifest of his issues.
thank you for sending the ask :) feel free to send the other one if you ever remember it!
under a cut
i think sam's disordered eating is pretty textual, like you said, and i explored some of my headcanons for it in like a ghost with two voices, but that fic is... A Lot, and it's probably neater to explain them in one place. in brief though, some thoughts.
he grew up eating anything and everything and was not picky, and we know he liked monstrosities like marshmallow nachos
like many kids he put on weight before growth spurts which is where that chubby 12 year old line comes from (mostly him being acerbic about the nickname sammy, tbh) but for the most part he was always pretty lean
he learned about nutrition and the food pyramind in school and sought out more vegetables as a preteen and teen
he felt really self-conscious / embarrassed as a kid at another family's house for dinner when he asked what asparagus (or some other vegetable that wasn't broccoli or carrots) was and they were like ???? it's asparagus??? have you never seen asparagus?? and since then tried to eat a wider variety of foods so as never to embarrass himself over food again like that
he didn't actually have an Issue or a pickiness for food though until after being possessed by meg, after which he found himself feeling more easily put off by meals (like the one not that long later in Folsom Prison Blues)
he started to develop Actual Issues after ahbl when azazel showed him he put demon blood in him as a baby, but didn't directly identify that the unclean feeling was the source of his food issues until much much later in life
he rationalizes his turn toward healthier foods in the year that follows on being a byproduct of needing to stay healthy and strong for the job (he's already died once! not to mention what happened to Dean in Faith. it's important to care about their heart health!) and to keep himself focused and sharp if he's going to save dean
drinking demon blood does Not help his issues, neither does the way it changes him nor the detox/purge of that. what he puts and doesn't put in his body takes on explicit purity leanings around/after this point directly as a result
these issues don't have a chance to go anywhere really as the apocalypse is looming except for him to be eating salads and exercising and then he's soulless for a year and a half, and soulless doesn't really question his own desire(?) to exercise and eat well. he likes keeping his body in peak condition and likes the rewards he gets for doing so
obviously cage trauma fucks with sam's eating and this is where he starts to spurn meat more often because of the smell and texture and how it turns his stomach
these issues persist even after cas takes the cage trauma down to a notch where sam can compartmentalize it, and it would be here that he sort of has space to maybe start acknowledging that he is Different about food but the leviathan really are offering the perfect excuse for him to go all in on clean living and he's able to rationalize and justify his food issues to kingdom come, and he's good with that
amelia and whatever the hell is going on there (fuzzy fake memories) is more of the same
the trials are purifying him, don't you know? real talk, sam probably drinks holy water each day during this period and hides that from dean. he's got to keep his strength up but also he's coughing up blood and starts to look seriously anemic but everything is fine he's fine these trials are purifying him it's fine. he's probably not eating much except when dean makes him. he doesn't see this as an issue except that he needs to keep his strength up for the trials. part of him might prefer it this way. he doesn't want to examine that.
gadreel does not help.
sam started to eat a bit more during that period and felt good and things felt good and then he started losing time and the anxiety killed his appetite and he just had to push himself harder but what if this is just who he is now and he really really needs to look after his health if he's only this old and already has memory issues and he needs to eat healthy and -
gadreel and crowley together Does Not Help.
neither does antonia bevell.
although tbh by that point his food issues are pretty much fixed, not really in flux. they're issues, he knows they're issues, he eats healthy and he's got some idea where this shit comes from and he's got it mostly under wraps, even if it sneaks up on him sometimes and is something he has to work with. dean doesn't always get it and sometimes is insensitive af about it (the bacon incident) but for the most part lets it be so long as sam doesn't lose too much weight.
and so on.
dean's food issues are somewhat opposite to sam's, and i'll admit i have a lot less to say about them.
like sam, he did not grow up a picky eater. he was probably more conscious/aware of their food insecurity and at points was in charge of feeding sam, so took more responsibility to ensure food wasn't wasted
in part for that reason, he hates food waste as an adult, and will eat food even as it's edging toward probably not safe anymore (we see this in a few episodes actually) and won't turn his nose up at anything, and will finish food that sam doesn't eat almost out of habit
dean's had food poisoning a number of times, but that also means he's developed an iron stomach over time and now he can eat sort of anything and if it's not straight up moudly, he'll probably get no more than a stomach ache for a few hours or feel queasy and gassy the next day
dean also loves free food for the aforementioned reasons. it does not head off his tendency to get food poisoning, but again, that mitigates over time
dean prefers calorically dense food like proteins and carbs because it's less expensive and keeps him going longer. he doesn't hate vegetables but his somewhat arrested development in his teen and early adult years means he never really developed from child tastebud preferences to a more adult palette, at least not until much later, although he had no issue acquiring the taste for beer and whiskey. he seems to prefer sweet and despise bitter though, and i think it's a learned preference more than anything
learned preference by way of that same food insecurity in childhood and his body picking out the calorie rich foods and that never really going away? but protein matters a lot too -- notice that he likes peanut m&ms more than the regular ones, and likes jerky and slim jims and that sort of thing.
to bring this back to disordered eating, it's not really a problem except that he struggles to eat and enjoy healthier foods because he can't really acquire a taste for them and he struggles to pass up food when it's available, even though he can and does go without food on hunts and stretches when the situation calls for it
idk we could make some painful and vile headcanons here about dean in hell, much like with sam in the cage, but if alastair cut off piece of dean and fed them to him, it doesn't seem to have dampened dean's zest for meat or food, so might not have been an especially effective torture on dean
mostly -- dean's got issues, some of them are related to food, but mostly his issues manifest outside of the eating sphere. eating is pleasurable to him (sweet, tasty, beer and pie, hedonism, etc) but also important (protein, energy, strength, etc) and wires can get crossed there sometimes and he can and does give himself a stomach ache at big meals and food poisoning on occasion from not letting things go to waste, but he mostly manages this aspect of his life pretty well, especially considering his experiences
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whentranslatorscry · 1 year
Hitagi Honeymoon
Shinobu’s desired nasuben is, in its full form, an abbreviation of Nasu Makunouchi Bento, which has an even more specific definition. It requires the use of ingredients from Nasu for everything from meat, vegetables, fruit, rice, and milk; even the plate itself must be made from Nasu lumber. Served on nine plates (a nod to the nine-tailed fox) are nine local dishes, with the total price limited to 1500 yen. There are actually a few more details involved, but unfortunately, I am not the guy from “Oishinbo,”¹ advocating for couples to share the same surname. So, let's leave it at that.
That said, let’s dig in.
After eating our pizza and taking a brief rest, our newlywed party— myself included, having enjoyed a short nap just in case I needed to take over the wheel— packed up the campsite and headed to the restaurant we had reserved.
Shinobu, who had been lurking in my shadow ever since we got caught in the rain at Killing Stone, eventually sluggishly crept out, looking like someone being roused in the dead of night. Now when her vampirism had intensified after drinking my blood the previous night, this comparison was quite fitting.
Since the battle with the nine-tailed fox didn't happen, her blood-sucking turned out to be completely useless in the end.
Regardless, the fact that she got up without oversleeping was commendable.
Commendable—or indicative of an indomitable appetite.
She ate Mr. Donuts, as well as nasuben, and probably would've devoured barbeque and pizza if she had been awake for it. It seems, by those measures, that Oshino Shinobu is nothing more than a healthy young girl, unlike what Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade had been.
As she wobbled by, her golden hair swaying along with her, so much so that it seemed like she was rowing a boat, she devoured her nasuben by instinct alone, while Hitagi watched with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.
Setting aside to what extent she was genuinely leading a brigade in middle school, from that perspective, her dislike for children— or rather, her uneasiness around them— seems to have been overcome. But then again, I wonder about that.
How heartwarming was this heartwarming scene really?
It feels as though the air of innocence masks the ferocity of the vampire… almost like an endangered species that is protected solely because of its “cuteness.”
There's an irritating feeling that while dogs, cats, and maybe bunnies are protected, dire warnings of bees facing extinction fail to hit home… Maybe it would sting more if people were told they wouldn’t be able to eat honey anymore.
But would that tender gaze turn to one of terror— nay, disgust— when they learn what creatures used to be that little girl’s staple diet?
To chalk it up to prejudice, preconception, or some sort of container would be highly inappropriate—though it hadn't been properly confirmed, it’s likely that in one parallel world, Hitagi, and probably Kanbaru, had been killed— possibly even eaten— by a rampaging Shinobu freed from her seal.
Given that this world is connected in some way to the “other,” it's probably correct that humans harbor an inherent wariness towards Shinobu.
Now that I think about it, it was rather symbolic when Hachikuji appeared in adult form on my visit to North Shirahebi Shrine— paying my respects before we left to Nikko Toshogu Shrine for our honeymoon.
In that parallel world, we'd encountered a grown-up Hachikuji who hadn't become a god but a warrior, fighting against the vampire who had destroyed the world.
It's not just because ours is a world where only soccer players can hold hands with elementary school children anymore, but perhaps she manifested herself in that form as a reminder to foolish me— though deciphering such an oracle is nigh impossible.
A long way off.
Normally— that is to say, if I had messed up as normal— this meal would have been the perfect opportunity to execute my original plan. It’s just as well that things didn't turn out that way, but how much better would it have been if they had?
At any rate, the nasuben was great. It was nice to gather around the barbecue with everyone and get a handmade pizza straight from the oven, but I must flatter the restaurant for their meals—they were a cut above.
Even though we had no platter or cutlery.²
Under such impressions, it’s no wonder that I make the absurd misconception that bread was made of, well, bread crumbs.
“The menu seems to be very informative in terms of nutrition. I'll consider exploring this for athletes.”
The difference between Kanbaru, who viewed even food as an opportunity for learning, and me, was like night and day— nevertheless, this marked the last time on our honeymoon that the four of us dined together.
…Ah, no, it may sound like someone's going to die, but rest assured, that's not where this is headed. I know it’s a matter of taste, but it’s getting harder and harder each year to see characters from a continuing drama series die by the second or third installment.
I wish for everyone’s happiness.
Every single one of us, without exception.
And so it was decided, as we stood in a general store near the restaurant, that we would buy large vinyl umbrellas for everyone for the upcoming Nikko Toshogu Shrine—the heavy rain was just too much for our folding umbrellas to handle.
I did say “for everyone,” but actually—
“I'm good without one. I feel sleepier with a full stomach, so I shall rest a little longer.”
Shinobu made this remark which may be age-appropriate for both a child and a senior citizen, and then sunk back into my shadow. So in the end, we only needed three— though it's possible that she just didn't want to sit in the child seat.
Kanbaru also insisted that her raincoat was enough, but I wish she’d let me act like a senior once in a while and at least buy her an umbrella. Honestly, seeing Kanbaru in a raincoat was giving me a bit of a trauma, personally speaking.
The memory refuses to be sugarcoated.
Not just that one…
We made a little detour that wasn't part of our original plan by sneaking a visit to the Toshogu Shrine. Although it wasn't meant to be a substitute for our canceled visit to the two main waterfalls, we had to make our way back to the Utsunomiya area from Nasu highlands anyway, so we ventured into the bustling city streets and purchased the highly-recommended Utsunomiya ham cutlets in place of our missing plans.
Since we'd decided to camp in the glass-covered Senjougahara parking lot come rain or sleet, we needed to secure some takeout for dinner— I'd assumed that we'd find something along the way, but the heavy rain had put a damper on our plans, so I turned to my boss' advice for a backup.
Might as well dutifully entrust myself to my boss.
I’d done my duty completely.
But since we'd come this far, it seemed imprudent to pass up on the rumored Utsunomiya gyoza, which we also purchased as a set for our honeymoon dinner.
Though we couldn't enjoy the meal fresh and piping hot as we didn't have a microwave in the car, the anticipation added a touch of excitement.
Ideally, we would enjoy our meal under the starry sky, but we knew better than to get greedy; well, that is, for anything other than our appetite.
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Cooking manga
「身も蓋も、皿もないが」 身も蓋もない means direct/frank, like 率直な in the first line. But the literal meaning is "no containers and no lids". On top of that, 味 can be read as み, so 「ひと味もふた味も(違う)=totally different」can be read as ひとみもふたみも which sounds very similar to 身も蓋も.
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TW : difficult relationship with food?, mentionned eating disorder, child neglect, child abuse, ableism
Can you help me understand my relationship with food better? I don't think I have and eating disorder, but I've become concerned when piecing together my childhood trauma and current relationship with food. I don't really know what to think of it.
I've been forced to stay hungry for long periods as a kid because my parents very rarely allowed snacks between meals, and the meal times were very strict. When they offered snacks, it was often nuts, "organic" cookies with poppy seets and vague lemon flavor - not great when it's your only option. They'd even withhold food when we were hiking for a long time because we "hadn't found a good spot yet"...
My dad also has some very unhealthy ideas about food, I suspect that he might fit the criteria for anorexia. He rose me with these ideas, obviously. He believes that forcing yourself endure pain is honorable, in general - he already got himself sick at some point from working out constantly and eating very little. That being said he also pressures me and my sibling to eat less just because he wants to spend less money.
As a child I would sneak anything edible in my room. I hid chunks of salt in tissues, raisins in some box I had in my room... My dad even found the bowl of noodles i hid in my nightstand as a teen (glad I didn't eat that honestly). I even had a bottle that ended up spoiling which resulted in a lot of guilt.
I only had free access to food at one of my grandma's, when I stayed at her place I could eat anything anytime and it felt good. She had snack / candy drawers and I'd pick what I wanted, but I know I also probably ate too much of it at once. It felt like I was rushing to eat because I finally could. This was when I was a teen, I wasn't a toddler or a child anymore.
I also always ate lunch at school from primary to end of highschool and since I'm autistic it was traumatizing. I would be hungry most of the time because my body pretty much refuses any food that doesn't feel right.
My parents also pressured me into eating foods that felt horrible (I was not "scared", I knew what it tasted like and I just couldn't). So I'd end up not always eating enough at family meals, too, when I had the chance. My parents never accomodated my disability and this includes food sensitivity. I'm 20 now, and I eat what I want around the house and I've learned to cook. I pack my own meal when I commute to uni, and I finally eat foods that feel safe. Still a lot of depressing ingredients but I make it work.
However I have a hard time handling hunger, I am always drawn to fat and especially sugary foods. I got my first cavities ever in the past 2-3 years, basically when I started this new way of life.
I also have quite a bit of gut problems, I will see a doctor soon I think but basically I rely on butter, pasta, bread and rice to fill me up. I can't pack meat/eggs because it would spoil, and I try eating vegetables often but it doesn't always help (and the fresh veggies are like... carrots, carrots again, carrots... carrots again with some carrots on the side - these are not a safe food so.. yeah). I do eat more nuts lately because I need to chew on something when studying, and it does help with the hunger.
I feel like I don't understand how to feed myself healthily (without being restrictive like my parents were bc it's all they taught me).
I have ways to deal with the material signs of this relationship with food, so I'm more interested in the core problem. Could you help me with this? Also if you have resources I'd be happy to see them. Thanks a lot :)
Hi anon,
I would ultimately recommend asking an ED-informed therapist or nutritionist about this. I know that maintaining a healthy diet after experiences like those is not an easy thing to do, and I don't want to give potentially counterintuitive advice.
I think a therapist could help in getting to the core problem of your complicated relationship with food, especially as a professional who will know what they're doing much better than an inexperienced volunteer. A nutritionist or dietician may help in the actual application of a healthier plate.
I hope I could help at least a little bit. Best of luck with everything and please know that you're welcome here if you need anything.
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mangodestroyer · 8 months
Did anyone else get some very unpleasant advice about "healthy lifestyles" growing up?
I mean, seriously. I remember being taught that "raw fruits and veggies", specifically "raw greens like broccoli, kale, and spinach" were the SUPERIOR way having a high nutrients, low calorie diet. SPEICFICALLY if you did nothing to flavor them/didn't dip them in anything (except maybe a tiny bit of peanut butter). Also, avoid red meats and eat unflavored, broiled chicken and fish. Only eat a tiny desert once a week. At most. Have whole grains instead of white bread. Get vigorous exercise 60 mins a day and make sure you're out of breath, sweaty, and in pain (if it stops hurting, you got too used to it and need to push yourself harder/change things up). Oh, and don't you DARE be fat! Don't even be on the high end of a "healthy" bmi (even if you're tall/built with a larger bone frame and bmi doesn't work so well with people like that).
Yeah, um, turns out this advice is actually pretty bad/doesn't work for everyone/sometimes causes more harm/is honestly kind of not obtainable for some people. I've tried doing this at various points throughout my life. It made me miserable and lightheaded and I never stuck with it for long.
For instance, some workouts I was taught in gym class are a big no-no, according to physical therapists. The one where you reach down and touch your toes can be very bad for your hips and tendons (that's why it hurts). Also, I remember being pushed to run very intensely/do stairs in a cold ass environment. I don't have breathing problems, but I felt like I did after the fact. I mean, I was straight up coughing and my lungs hurt. So, I assume that probably also wasn't very good for me.
Also, grains aren't always a great choice of food either. They're full of carbs and can put on weight like crazy. There's this thing called veggie bread and veggie pasta. They're better options and they also taste a hell of a lot better than whole grain (seriously, ew!) Plus, veggie pasta is colorful. That makes it look fun!
And also, it's true that raw greens are insanely healthy. But really? Would you die if you almost never had greens this way? You know, enjoying your time on Earth is also healthy, and I sure as hell do NOT enjoy raw, unflavored greens (and I'm a person who likes bitter things and vegetables). I won't touch them unless they're prepared in a particular way. Preferably cooked and with lots of spices.
Speaking of which, spices are very good for you and add tons of flavor to your food. So is vinegar (lots of flavor and no sodium). And cooking wine. And herbs. Now there's one way to make your cooked vegetables extra healthy!
Seriously, why go so overkill? You realistically won't stick to a strict diet and exercise routine. Imo, it's much better to find healthy options you actually enjoy. For me, it's always going to be cooked vegetables and raw fruit (or fruit juice). With TONS of spices and herbs and vinegar and cooking wine. I also like going on brisk walks now and then. I know I need to get more exercise, but I still just don't care to do something super intense on a regular basis (I have a retail job and it just won't work out/I need energy for school and work). I'd much rather do some simple yoga for my joints or something.
Also, red meat is not the best thing in the world. Overconsumption can be an issue. But... some of us also kind of need it. I get low blood pressure. I also have a monthly cycle. I also seem to need a higher calorie diet. Not having enough red meat can be bad for me. And no, supplements are not fool proof. You absorb more nutrients from food.
I get that heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc. are problems in the U.S. But was this diet advice designed for someone who's genetically prone to having high cholesterol? Or who was born with a family history of some extreme diabetes? I've met people like that, and it does really suck for them. But also, maybe we don't need to design a diet for the worst case scenario for everyone?
You know, they also never really talked about stress enough. The harmful effects of it and all. Stress, and alcohol, actually cause a lot of America's top killers way more than people realize. And honestly, I can see it. I personally just don't feel very good if I've been super stressed for a long time. I mean, stress can literally cause me physical pain. And I feel like my body and mind don't function as well. It's too bad America just pushes people to have stressful lifestyles (60+ hour work weeks are becoming a norm, and I am just not someone who does well with that). Oh, lack of sleep too. Again, I can NOT function without that so-called "beauty sleep" (which is literally just the amount you're supposed to get).
I seriously need to find some people who obsessed with the laid back lifestyle.
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
Foods/drinks I can't consume anymore because I associate them with poverty and even even though I'm still in poverty I'm in slightly less poverty now, so eating or even being near them gives me horrible flashbacks of almost starving to death, or worse:
1) Canned meat(think spam, Vienna sausage, etc)
2) Powder milk(we didn't have it often, but it was the only type of milk we did have)
3) Any vegetable not from a can(this one is different, I'm just used to canned vegetables so everything else tastes wrong and I get paranoid(literally paranoid) it's rotten or something)
4) Hot chocolate made with water(again, didn’t have it often, but just the few times was enough to put me off)
5) Anything greasy(my stomach just can't handle it after so long of not really having anything cooked, let alone fried)
6) Anything with a lot of butter(I used to get so hungry I'd eat full sticks of it because I knew it was the only thing I could eat as much as I wanted of without taking food from my family)
7) American cheese(when I was a toddler me and one of my sisters slept on a mattress on the floor together and whenever our parents could afford American cheese we would hide some under the mattress to eat at night so we weren't weak for school the next day(also we have free lunch and breakfast at school where I live but it's useless to me because I'm allergic to a major ingredient in like 99% of it))
8) Rice(it was in every food box we got from the food bank)
9) Zebra gum(it was the cheapest candy anywhere near me sold, so on the rare occasion we got candy, it was that)
10) Ramen noodles(before it got Bad, but was still worse than it is now, I had plain chicken flavored Ramen noodles EVERY DAY)
There's more than that, but I'm tired so I'm gonna end this here.
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orionthecreator08 · 1 year
My OCs
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Okay, so...
Okami Kuki is someone who is intersex but goes by she/they pronouns. However, they aren't very feminine besides having long hair and being a bit curvy under her baggy clothing. They wear a binder under their clothing (you can see a little of it) which makes them always be mistook as trans a lot. They don't mind it, but others pushing more questions about her sex piss them off.
They may act cocky but, really, they aren't. Honestly, Okami's very modest and, even though they're choosing to be a Daylight Hero, doesn't actually like being in the spotlight. She just wants to help others grow and be seen. They're very strategic, but her overthinking and anxiety holds them back unless they say "Fuck it, I'm yolo-ing it!"
Her quirk, Wolf Inferno, is like Shoto's: Two different components that aren't related for one power. I based it off of that game "Okami" where you're the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. It was cool and I had a fun time playing it. Although Okami has the capabilities of a wolf and can manipulate fire, there are a lot of limits I put because of how OP I made the quirk. The only part she has no problem with is the emitter part of their quirk, easy to control, but stresses her nervous system as that's what control it. Her overuse sign is a heavy migraine and ringing in the ears.
Their enhanced senses and physical being are in the way most of the time as she has no control over them.
The pros:
She can hear from 6 to 10 miles, smell up to a mile
Insane stamina, as wolves are the best animal marathoners, with the possibility of traveling up to 100 miles in a day with no rest.
Speed can be 5 mph when walk (or trotting) and 30-45 mph when it comes to short distances.
Strong vocal cords to produce sounds for communicating large distances
The cons:
She can hear from 6 to 10 miles. Imagine how many secrets they've figured out on mistake because a mutant quirk never shuts off. Imagine the stress to keep said secrets a secret. Also, hearing like that can be damaged if not taken care of.
Insane stamina = Extra Energy. Burning off energy that can be used to walk 100 miles shouldn't be taken lightly. Also, Okami isn't really high energy. They don't sleep well as they should, which make 100 miles more like 15.
Wolves are carnivores (meat-eaters, so you don't have to search it up) that can eat up to 9 kilograms of food in one sitting. Okami craves meat a lot because of this and it need to be in their diet. Luckily, wolves also eat vegetation to keep healthy, so she has a substitute.
There's always this hood of loneliness over their mind, because wolves are pack animals. Her instincts really impact their relationships with others, because she needs affection to calm said instincts. Also makes Okami very protective of people she cares about. There are times of certain... urges, but they aren't relevant right now. Yes, she's 15, going onto 16. But "that" I only made apply to actual love, not simply physical attraction.
Finally, grooming. You read right, grooming. A fur coat is high maintenance, matted (clumped up) fur is very uncomfortable.
Now let's talk trauma, we have:
Parental Issues - From foster parents, calling her a mutt and a dog
Domestic Abuse - Many of her things were thrown into fire. Makes them get emotional attachment to certain things and cause her to become feral
Psychological Bullying - A mix of both homophobia and transphobia from the female population of their school. Caused misogynistic tendencies towards most girls her age. Why not Maya? Even she doesn't know
Amnesia - Little to no memory of their parents, and it became a touchy subject
Abandonment Issues - Was told their parents most likely abandoned them and didn't want her. A wolf needs a pack and she only found it when she moved to Hawaii... temporarily that is
Imposter Syndrome - Always feels like something is wrong with them, like she's a fake and they don't belong
Kuki was originally from the MHA timeline (born like a month after Midoriya) but got into a quirk accident when she was 13 years-old. This accident changed her entire life as she was sent back to when the glowing baby showed up and quirks started to appear.
With little to no memory of her past life, they attacked police officers at the scene (out of fear) and were sent to a mental asylum for investigation.
Back at where her parents (who are pro heroes) are, they were able to make a worldwide search for the culprit. The culprit was found but the search for her was dropped and made headlines. Parents during the present timeline literally say to their children "Be careful. You don't want to end up like that kid from 2 years ago."
With Okami, she was put into foster care where they assumed Okami would be well taken care of. Spoiler Alert! She wasn't. They got treated like trash, at both school and at home, and ended up on an isolated island called Hawaii because that was where the only family that would take them live for the next year.
(Hawaii has major history with Japan. There's many Japanese tourists in the summer and transfer students. Thought it'd be a nice detail for rich kids. Hawaii's school campuses, from elementary to college, are also very open due to the law. No building can be taller than the tallest palm tree.)
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Now, Maya Aoitori Takami is Hawks' adopted daughter on paper. However, due to their close ages, they act more like siblings. She's your average girl: sticks to dress code, meh grades, very lean and flexible when it comes to physical build.
She's small but she's fierce, and feeds into Okami's affection need a lot. Maya's quirk, Peregrine, allows her to do anything a peregrine falcon can do. This includes their amazing eye sight and ability to dive at high speed of 240 mph, which makes them the fastest bird in the world. Her quirk, however, is transformative, not a mutant-type.
(You don't wanna know how long it took to get her wings right. Also, I get my facts straight from Wild Kratts, very trusted source right there!)
Her quirk isn't that problematic or hard to deal with as Okami's. Just, wings are heavy, even if they have hollow bones, and also the need for extra blood flow. Maya's overuse sign is that she goes anemic. I've mentioned that the wings need blood, yes? Her feet can also turn into talons, which I've incorporated into her hero costume. Her costume's in the works, I have what it needs, but I haven't done the full design. Unlike Okami's who costume wasn't planned to be complex, until the winter costume that is...
Also, Maya has ADHD, it doesn't affect her fieldwork, but her grades show the impact. Maya's quirk was, in fact, based off Wild Kratts. It's cheesy, I know, but Maya's character design has evolved over the years.
Maya was originally named Tristan before I discovered one of many things about myself. What can I say? Middle school is my time of discovery.
She also doesn't have as much trauma as Okami. Just abandonment issues as she lived on her own in the streets because, well, she was abandoned.
(I need to put more thought into her character bg, I know! I just don't want to put too much as I want her to be a little happy-go-lucky to contrast to Okami's sharp attitude. I'll also re-upload the pictures after I get to hero names and all that in my story.)
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angelart67 · 1 year
I grew up mainly, between Iowa, Nebraska & Texas...and never once did I ever question my parents income, it was never a discussion. We didn't eat a lot of fast food because that was considered a special treat, not a food group. We drank Wylers, and it was made from water that came from our kitchen sink and had real sugar. We ate bologna sandwiches on Winder bread with mustard, or sardines, even tuna sometimes (which was in a can not a pouch), PB&J & grilled cheese sandwiches, & hot dogs, but mostly we had homemade meals consisting of meat, potatoes, and vegetables, and we were grateful we had food and a parent who cooked it for us.
We grew up during a time when we mowed lawns, pulled weeds, babysat, or helped neighbors with chores to be able to earn our own money. And got jobs as soon as we were old enough. We by no means were given everything we wanted.
We went outside a lot to play, rode bikes, ran with friends, played hide and seek, or went swimming. We rarely just sat inside. We drank tap water from the water hose outside, bottled water was completely unheard of. If we had a Coke or Bubble-Up, it came in a glass bottle, and we didn’t break the bottle when we were finished. We saved it and cashed it back in at the store for a refund then bought our own Bazooka Bubble Gum.
We were not allowed to watch TV in my house, & didn't even own one. Personally, we had a stereo where we could play our families Christian albums & on weekends all of us gathered around the radio for storytime type radio shows, there was always a lesson or moral. but the kids I went to school with watched TV shows like Gilligan's Island, Happy Days, Wild, Wild West, Bewitched, Lost in Space, Star Trek, The Brady Bunch, Looney Tunes, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Sanford and Son and Mork and Mindy. And their mom and dad still decided everything that was watched or not watched.
We walked or rode our bikes to school. After school, we came home and did homework and chores, before going outside or having friends over. We would ride our bikes for hours. We had to tell our parents where we were going, who we were going with, and be home BEFORE the street lights came on, and heaven help you if you wasn't accounted for, and our street light, across from our house, was called the "Early Bird" so we had about 15 minutes less to be home than others nearby.
You LEARNED life's lessons from your parents instead of disrespecting them, and treating them as if they knew absolutely nothing. What they said was LAW, and you did not question it, and you had better know it!
We watched what we said around our elders because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any grown-up we would get our behinds whipped, and that wasn't called abuse, it was called discipline, and nobody was taken away cause your daddy spanked you. We held doors, carried groceries, and gave up our seat for an older person without needing to be asked. You didn't hear curse words on the radio in songs or TV, and if you cursed and got caught you had a bar of soap stuck in your mouth. Dial soap in my case, it was vile and I learned really quick!
“Please, Thank you, yes please, no thank you, yes ma'am, no ma'am yes sir, and no sir were part of our daily vocabulary!
The world we live in now is just so full of crooked people, hate and disrespect for others.
Consider Re-posting if you're thankful for your childhood. I will never forget where I came from and only wish children now days had half the chance at the fun and respect for real life we grew up with! And we were never bored!
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