#I just think it would be really funny if Honeydew was the last person to realize Xephos and Lalna are an item
floydleart · 8 months
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this was originally meant to be part of a larger comic sequence but im lazy T-T
based off that one quote from Minecraft Kingdoms.
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
The Daughter of Aphrodite | Leo Valdez
Hello Lovelies! So I was inspired by my classics class and figured hey, what better than to write about Leo Valdez to make the cravings go away? This is my first Leo fic and I decided to take up a third person perspective because it felt right. It’s really fluffy and I hope you all enjoy! Until next time, all my love!
Description: Leo and y/n have been pining after each other for too long. Her friends help her come up with a plan to get close to him, now she has to cross her fingers that her mother, Aphrodite, doesn’t step in.
Pairing: Leo Valdez x Female!Reader
Warnings: Absolutely none
Word Count: 2.7k
(Pics not mine but mood board is :) )
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Her hands were covered in dirt, a trait most uncommon to a daughter of Aphrodite. Somehow, though, she wore it like a pair of silk evening gloves. Her hair was messy, thrown in a bun atop her head, but every strand that fell around her face seemed as though placed by the gods themselves. Even in chaos she was perfect.
Leo leaned precariously against a two by four, watching the daughters of Aphrodite and Demeter replant the gardens around camp. Well, more like the daughters of Demeter and one daughter of Aphrodite. The rest of the Aphrodite sisters were lounging in the sun, avoiding the mud. He couldn’t help but smile when one of her friends gingerly rubbed some dirt off her face. He could almost hear the girl scold her. Always getting your hands dirty, hun.
“Just talk to her already man.” 
“I have, multiple times. At least a couple times a day.” 
Jason ran a frustrated hand through his hair, watching as his friend watched the girl he loved from a distance. Everyone at the camp knew how Leo felt, everyone except her. She was every bit as pure as she was kind. Not to mention loving, gentle, and patient. She was everything he knew he needed and, even more so, everything he desperately wanted. 
“You know what I mean.”
Leo turned to his best friend, a lazy smile plastered on his face, “I know, man. I will.”
Jason only grumbled before heading off. Leo always said that. Clearly he hadn’t followed through yet. Not that it mattered. No one was exactly raring to go head to head with the boy who could light his entire body on fire. His girl would remain his girl until he could work up the courage to, well, make her his girl. Still, Jason just wanted his friend to be happy. 
Leo watched her for another moment before heading off to do what he was supposed to be doing; fixing the door for the sons of Ares. 
Across the green, musical giggles filled the spaces between the chatter. Her laughs were contagious, the Demeter girls rolling around in the plots they were supposed to be filling with hydrangeas, clutching their stomachs with red faces. The other girls, her sisters, also laughed, just a little more contained. They sipped on pink lemonade, twirling the straws in dainty fingers.
“So you’re telling me,” Arabella, a Demeter daughter with wayward curls, barely contained a chuckle, “you have never been kissed.”
Dawn, one of y/n’s sisters, chimed in with a few of her own runaway giggles, “don’t forget the best part: she’s never been kissed because every time a boy gets close, mother steps in!”
They collapsed again in another fit, filling the camp with some much needed life. She smiled sweetly, cheeks blushed like an angel, giggling right along with them. It was funny after all. She liked making her friends smile, it made her feel warm inside. 
“Is it really true? Every time a boy has gone to kiss you Aphrodite has stepped between it?’
Her voice was pure honey, slow and sugary, “oh yes. One time, right as a boy leaned in, a bolt of lightning struck the ground, right at his feet. I’m not sure what she told Zeus to get him to do it. Mother has her ways, I'm sure.”
“Well,” the giggles died down but the atmosphere remained light, “if you could kiss any boy here, without Aphrodite striking him down that is, who would it be?”
Her eyes widened a touch at the question. One boy immediately swam to her mind but she brushed it away quickly, her smile still neatly in place. She knew for a fact that he wasn’t interested in her like that so there was no reason to offer his name to the group. Regardless, though, her heart still fluttered for a certain son of Hephaestus. 
She coiled a loose strand of hair around her finger, her charm bracelet jingling gently on her wrist, “hmm, I’m not sure.”
Her sisters eyed each other cheekily before peering around the camp. When their gaze landed on precisely who they had been looking for, they giggled a collective hum. 
“How about him, hun? Would you kiss him if you could?” Daisy nodded her glass across the field.
Her eyes wandered with her sister’s gesture, past a couple of younger campers playing a game, to a boy fixing what looked like the door to the Ares cabin. Silly boys, always rough housing. That cabin had to have the window fixed just last week. Her eyes lingered on him a little longer than they should have considering she was trying to convince her sisters that she didn’t like him. Her soft lip pulled between her teeth as he ran a hand through his hair. 
Giggles erupted around her again, pulling her from her daze with heated cheeks, “Leo? He would never kiss me.”
The giggles only increased. Her eyes shifted quickly to the Ares cabin, hoping to Zeus that her group wasn’t causing too much of a scene. She wasn’t so lucky. Her eyes met Leo’s brown ones from across the lawn, her nose instantly burning. She tried to look away, she wanted to. Well, she thought she wanted to, at least, but his eyes held hers in a way that made it impossible to look anywhere else. 
She bit her lip again and he smirked, his lips pulling tight in a way that should be a crime. His skin caught the light like a gem, shining from his labour in the hot sun. When he noticed her eyes, drawing over his face and arms, his grin widened and her heart stuttered dramatically. When he winked at her and went back to work, her heart stopped. 
“Oh, hun,” Arabella’s hand swept under her chin, pulling y/n’s focus from the fire boy, “you’re clueless, aren’t you? Have your sisters taught you nothing? That boy is smitten.”
Sarah Beth, her eldest sister, huffed indulgently, a teasing smile on her rosy lips, “oh we tried, Ara, trust us we did. Sis is helpless. Blame it on mother.”
Y/n whined, the sound like one of Apollo’s harps, “what do I do? I’m cursed!”
Even in her torment she giggled, rubbing her cheek affectionately in Arabella’s palm. Arabella smiled lovingly, an idea sparking as she pulled y/n’s face back up. It was a foolproof one, too. Arabella looked at her wide eyes, watching them dart across the green to the boy she was clearly head over heels for. Yes, it needed more than anything to be foolproof.
Arabella poured a fresh glass of lemonade, taking extra care to mix enough ice with the pink liquid. She plopped a straw in it, stirring it once, twice, three times before shoving it in y/n’s perfectly polished nails. 
Her eyebrows scrunched, a cute confusion laid over her features, “I have lemonade, Bella.”
Arabella had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, “it’s not for you,” her eyes tilted to Leo, “he looks thirsty, hun. I think he wants a drink.”
“I don’t think lemonade is what he’s after,” Sara Beth didn’t look up from her own drink but her cat like grin said it all.
Her sisters had to stifle another wave of giggles as she gingerly passed the lemonade back and forth between her hands, contemplating whether or not to go to him. When she looked over at him for the hundredth time in an hour, she made up her mind. It was now or never.
She stood, much too gracefully for a girl with a heart racing a mile a minute, and took a deep breath, “please, mother, do be nice. He’s a lovely boy. I really like him.”
“Go get him, tiger,” Arabella nudged her gently towards the mechanic, a proud smile on every girl in and around the flowerbeds.
The walk across the green felt like it was never ending and much too short all at the same time. Every step that she took towards his crouched figure she debated downing the liquid herself and then running away. But no, she couldn’t. He was like a magnet, drawing her towards him with ridiculous ease. He didn’t even know he was doing it, that was the worst part. The tips of her ears felt hot, her feet stopping a few feet away from him. Oh, gods, what did she get herself into this time?
Leo’s hands stalled, a flowery scent curling around his face and clinging to his skin. He closed his eyes, breathing in as much of it as he could. That had to be what heaven smelled like, he just knew it. Like chrysanthemums and honeydew. Yes, he knew for certain. He drew another breath. Gods, he couldn’t get enough. 
“Hey, Leo,” her voice went high, her words like unintentional poetry, “whatcha working on there?” 
Why did she say that? She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. So silly, what did it look like he was doing? When she opened them Leo was looking at her, a loose grin on his lips, a glint in his chocolate eyes. Her chest squeezed fervently.
“I’ll give you one guess,” his eyes glanced to the door before landing back on her, peering at her from his seat on the ground.
She scrunched her nose at him, trying not to giggle as he stood to face her, “oh ha ha, very funny.”
Leo laughed easily, a sound less honeyed than her own but still so sweet, “that’s my job. Well, when I’m not picking up after Ares’ sons. Can you believe they split the door in half?”
She glanced up at him, her doe eyes dancing over his tanned skin and black curls, unable to fight the butterflies that bounded inside her chest. He really was something. She held the glass a touch tighter when she breathed in his motor oil and nutmeg scent. She was certain this was what Olympus smelled like, not that she’d ever been.
“Honestly yes, I can,” she met his eyes again, sucking in a small breath when they drew down her body to the drink she had yet to hand over.
His eyes flitted back to hers and darkened a touch, a knowing smirk plastered on his lips, “say, is that for me, cariño?” 
Her cheeks flamed and she knew if she lifted a hand to them they would be hot to the touch. How fitting. 
“Erm,” she stalled, pulling her lip between her teeth once more, her eyes shifted to the grass at her toes, “I thought you might like some lemonade? If not that’s ok! It was silly of me, I’m sorry, I can just-”
Leo’s hand closed around hers, pulling the glass, and by default her, closer to his heady nutmeg chest, “I’d love some, thank you.”
His voice had lost its playful edge, only the soft warmth remained. He lifted the glass to his lips, drawing her hands with his as he took the first sip. She could practically hear her sisters swoon from across the grass. Wow, she’s really doing it isn’t she? Way to go, sis! Her whole body heated this time, her neck to her toes consumed by lapping flames. It was intoxicating.
Leo took the glass from her hands and set it on the step beside him, the taste of strawberries pungent on his lips. When he glanced back at her, he ran his tongue across his lip. The light hit her in a way that was entirely ethereal, clinging to her skin in a way that defied the laws of physics. It was maddening, like standing next to one of the muses themselves. God’s when did this ever happen to someone like him?
“It’s my sister’s recipe,” she fiddled with her fingers, lost with what to do without the glass to hold onto, “I hope you like it.”
He closed the small gap between them even more, pulling her fingers into his. Her heart skyrocketed, his hand was warm and calloused. His fingers fit too perfectly into the spaces between her own. Was it normal to be this breathless?
“It was sweet,” he squeezed his hand in hers, his voice carefree but low.
He slipped his other arm around her waist, thanking the gods for wherever his courage was miraculously stemming from. She practically buzzed in his arms, her melon and flower perfume melting around him. He bit the inside of his cheek. Was it perfume, or was it just her supple skin?
“I like sweet things,” he mused, revelling in the way her eyes widened, catching his innuendo without missing a beat. 
Her mind was stuck on his hand. It was on her back, low on her spine, his fingers lightly tickling up and down. She avoided arching into his fingers. It was heavenly. He was good with his hands and it showed.
Her eyes brushed over him once more, stopping on his lips for a millisecond too long, “she makes muffins too.”
He tightened his arm around her, drawing the daughter of Aphrodite against his chest. Gods, she was soft.
“I don’t want muffins, cariño.”
Now or never, Leo. He leaned his head down, his nose brushing hers sweetly.
Please, mother, let me have this. She tilted her head up, her hands sliding up his chest. 
Leo’s lips found hers at the same time her hands circled his neck. His lips were slow, testing to see if she would kiss him back, as if it was even an option for her not to with the way the flames, his flames, were licking at her skin. How did he do it? She felt like the sun; his lips tasted like fire and recklessness. And strawberries, a bushel of them.
She took his sweet kiss, savoured it, and then slammed her lips back against his, slipping her hands into his raven locks and tugging-- hard. He moaned softly against her sweet lips, giving in to every demand her mouth challenged. How could her lips be sweeter than the lemonade? He clutched her harder against him. 
She pulled back only when her lungs demanded it, leaning her forehead against his heaving chest. She took the staggering lack of lightning as a good sign as a dizzying warmth filled her chest. He pressed his face against her hair, nuzzling against her sweetness lovingly. He had been waiting forever for that and he wasn’t about to let her go just yet.
Her fingers slid back down his chest, curling around his shirt, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to distract you, Leo.”
What? He pulled his head away from her hair, staring into her doe eyes confused. And then he laughed, a full laugh that had his whole chest shaking and hers as well, before drawing his lips back to hers. He tugged her bottom lip between his lip, his hands squeezing her hips fiercely. She’s mad, beautiful but out of her mind. Gods.
“Cariño,” his lips brushed over hers, his words mingling with her breaths, “I kissed you. And trust me, I wanted to. Believe it or not, I don’t owe anything to the Ares’ brothers. You, on the other hand, have all my time at your disposal.”
He didn’t wait for her to answer before closing his lips over hers. There was a lot of lost time he was more than ready to make up for.
Meanwhile, across the green stood Jason, Sarah Beth, and Arabella, their heads close together but their eyes glued to the Ares cabin.
“I’m taking credit for this,” Jason and Arabellas’ voices mingled, proud and in sync.
Their eyes flashed to each other, “no, I did this!”
Sara Beth just giggled lusciously, twirling the straw of her own lemonade in lazy circles.
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sweet-barnes · 4 years
for when you’re feeling soft - fic recs
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hey! so i’ve made this masterlist full of fluffy fics that i’ve enjoyed to give light to some smaller pieces of work that i think deserve the attention! i hope you all enjoy them as much as i do and it would be lovely if you could reblog this to share their work further!
all fics can be found below, including Bucky, Steve, Sam and Loki✨
sorry i had to repost this, the account tags weren’t working properly!
Bucky x reader
what a man gotta do - @barnesjamcs​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: All Bucky wants is a date with you, to which you agree. But only after he completes the long list of instance tasks you’ve given him. In short, it’ll never happen. Fast forward to six years later, and not only is he back, but he’s completed more than half the tasks on said list. No big deal, until you get a tweet from him asking about the date you promised him so long ago. Will Bucky finally get the girl of his dreams that he’s been chasing all this time?
Warnings: no warnings given!
bottles, babies and bucky - @its-elle-bitch​
Pairing: dad!Bucky x reader
Summary: Y/N and Bucky are a couple of newlyweds eager to bask in their honeymoon period after their dream wedding. However, they soon find that this won’t be easy with 3 rambunctious small children running around the Brooklyn small apartment the family lives in. What happens when Y/N finds out she’s expecting? How will she tell Bucky who made it very clear that their third child was also to be their last?
Warnings: no warnings given!
the setup - @justagirlinafandomworld​
Pairing: firefighter!Bucky x reader
Summary: Still heartbroken from your last relationship, romance and relationships are far off from your radar. But your friend has taken it upon herself to set you up on a surprise blind date. God only knows where it can go from there.
Warnings: first date/blind date jitters. Firefighter!Bucky & Firefighter!Steve.
call me baby - @starkillerbarnes​
Pairing: biker!Bucky x reader
Summary: Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
Warnings: violence, implied smut, swearing, smoking, mild drinking.
that summer - @tellmealovestory​
Pairing: modern!Bucky x reader
Summary: You’ve spent every summer since you were a child in the idyllic beach town that you call home three months out of the year. This summer should be no different except for the addition of Bucky Barnes. Sparks fly upon first meeting, but it’s only a summer fling, right? Modern AU
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, smut, angst.
missed you, missed home - @buckybarney​
Pairing: soft!Bucky x reader
Summary: Bucky has a hard time accepting your love.
Warnings: A bit of angst and self-esteem issues, nothing serious, mostly fluff.
your aftercare - @buckys-minty-breath​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Bucky takes care of you after a long, exhausting mission.
Warnings: no warnings given!
dance with me - @kitkatd7​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Saying 'I love you' for the first time
Warnings: none, just fluff
more hearts than mine - @nastybuckybarnes​
Pairing: mechanic!Bucky x reader
Summary: Your car breaks down during a road trip, which results in Bucky finally meeting your parents, and finding out the reason why you've been so opposed to him meeting them for the past year.
Warnings: Fluff, tiny bit of angst, More Fluff
protector - @starkillerbarnes​
Pairing: mob!Bucky x reader
Summary: Ironically, the man with blood on his hands and a permanent target on his back was the one you’d never felt safer with.
Warnings: swearing, mild violence + assault, stalking, mentions of illness + death, fluff.
the little things - @starspangledseb​
Pairing: Bucky x wife!reader
Summary: just a dance in the rain
Warnings: no warnings given!
a possible test run - @writingsoftheloser​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: When Y/n’s sister asks her a favor, Bucky Barnes steps up and offers his precious and surprising help.
Warnings: none, some swearing maybe but it’s a fluff fest
moonlight attraction - @writingsoftheloser​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Searching for help against a new threat, Sharon brings Bucky and Sam to an isolated house in the middle of nowhere, inhabited by a quite mysterious person.
Warnings: some violence, swearing
dream a little dream of me - @writeyourmindaway​
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Prompt “Can I call you”
Warnings: a curse word (just the one)
meant to be - @writeyourmindaway​
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Diner AU)
Summary: Wanda arranges a surprise for the team but you really didn’t expect what you find on the other side
Warnings: none, I think, just a very different take on this AU
Steve x reader
morning siren - @tales-of-spring​
Pairing: Steve x baker!reader
Summary: Your usual mornings at the bakery change when a handsome customer comes waltzing right through the front door and into your heart.
Warnings: Different POV’s, Flirting, Falling in love, Blushing, Steve and reader being shy, Fluff
the golden knight - @buckys-forgotten-plum​
Pairing: knight!Steve x maid!reader
Summary: Sir Steven Rogers surely has become your Golden Knight.
Warnings: Really none? Steve being a hopeless romantic and reciting poetry!
lazy afternoons - @honeydew-rogers​
Pairing: Steve x reader
Summary: cottagecore meets steve rogers; soft afternoon naps in the sun.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, soft boy steve
two good dogs - @jobean12-blog​
Pairing: vet!Steve x reader
Summary: You meet Steve at the dog park :)
Warnings: no warnings given!
loose acquaintances - @poppunkdork​
Pairing: Steve x reader
Summary: Prompt: “I miss being surrounded by loose acquaintances who think I’m funny and smart and charming”
Warnings: mostly fluff, shocking i know, a lot of banter
nice guys finish last - @slyyywriting​
Pairing: Steve x reader
Summary: Steve wants you to notice that he’s the one you should be dating and doting on but you only have a thing for bad guys.
Warnings: cuss words, villains being shot, Steve being a puppy
Sam x reader
nervous - @dreamwritesimagines​
Pairing: Sam x reader
Summary: Sam Wilson is never nervous.
Warnings: none
firefighter!Sam - @marvelsswansong​
Pairing: firefighter!Sam x reader
Summary: request: how about firefighter!Sam?
Warnings: no warnings given!
no worries - @melanoms​
Pairing: Sam x reader
Summary: A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it
Warnings: no warnings given!
Loki x reader
perfectly, my love - @lov3nerdstuff​
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: You and Loki talk about the importance of the perfect pace.
Warnings: no warnings given!
akkeri - @writingsoftheloser​
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: akkeri, Old Norse for anchor (n), someone or something that gives support when needed.
Warnings: none
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laurent-ofvere · 5 years
Maya. That Damen bodyguard au pls
It didn’t seem as if the night was ever going to end.
“It’s funny,” Laurent was saying. “I’m usually the one seen as too stuck up to fuck.”
Damen focused on letting a lungful of air in. The pressure on his chest was a welcome distraction; he let it settle before breathing out.
“Is it your age?” he went on. He was circling the kitchen, peering into all of the bowls of fresh cut fruits that the chefs had been arranging before he’d dismissed them half an hour ago. He’d just walked in really, Damen not far behind. Laurent’s presence and his acerbic temperament was usually dismissal enough. “Are you nervous now that you’ve passed your prime?”
He wasn’t even looking at Damen as he spoke to him. He would lift a piece of honeydew, tilting it this way and that in inspection before mussing any one of his bitchy comments.
Damen remained where he was as he pressed his lips together. He needed to protect the Prince. He needed to have eyes on the Prince at all times. He did not need to play into the Prince’s childish fancies.
“It must be that.” Laurent was holding a blackberry by his mouth, letting it linger. His lips were just shy of a grin. “I know it can’t be me. I’ve seen how you look at me.”
Damen looked at him now. To the public eye, the second Prince of Vere was the image of pristine perfection. He was polished, well spoken, impeccably dressed. In private, behind closed palace doors where he was seen only by who he allowed - and Damen, who needed to always see him – he was the polar opposite. The signs of being raised spoiled and over privileged were obvious in the way he acted like he deserved everything. The signs of being overlooked as second born were just as obvious from the way he demanded attention from anyone but the King and Queen. That person was usually Damen.
In private, Laurent could dress how he wanted. It was occasionally in clothing a few sizes too big, obviously another man’s. It was often his own clothing, fitted properly and cut in a way that it was too easy to see the various marks blooming across his skin. His neck, the curve of his hip when his shirt raised, his chest. Blooms of red and purple, peaking out and freshly marking his fair skin. Damen would sometimes wonder if any of those marks were shaped like a handprint. He wondered what it would be like to leave one of those himself. He would then catch Laurent catching him, looking at him knowingly, and Damen would remind himself that he was not allowed to look away.
“Well?” Laurent ran the side of his thumb by his lip, stained with juice. His hip was on the counter. “Nothing to say? I know you’re not as quite as you act.”
Professionalism. This was his last chance.
“Perhaps you should put your attention elsewhere,” Damen cleared his throat. “Your Highness.”
Laurent smiled at him. “But I want it on you.” He spoke in a sugared tone. Damen had heard it more than once, always directed at him with large eyes and an insincere flutter of his lashes.
“And I think you like it too,” Laurent went on. He set the plate down, licking off another finger. “I think you like how much I think of you. You probably get off on it when you’re alone, wondering what I’m doing. It’s why you can’t look at me in the mornings.”
It was incredible how he could string together such long sentences, all double-edged and intentional, all while looking at him coyly and innocently. Damen tightened his fingers around the counter at his back. He thought of tightening them elsewhere.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” Laurent said. He wasn’t too far from him now. The kitchen itself was massive, rooms flowing into one another. Damen thought they could fit a banquet in here if they wanted to, large enough to fit foreign politicians and stuffy, outdated monarchs. But for now, they were alone.
“Or,” Laurent said. “Convince me you don’t want me.”
The differentiation of their positions would mean nothing to Laurent. He would probably turn it around and use it as something else to unnerve Damen with. A part of him was already convinced that Laurent was thrilled by that sort of thing. When you were inexperienced and everything was new, power imbalances could be an exciting twist.
“You’re quite young,” Damen said instead. He could hear how he sounded; dangling just above a mousetrap  “Your affections would be better suited for someone your own age.”
“You can drop the distinctive talk,” Laurent said. He stood in front of Damen. “We both know you don’t care about that.”
Damen wondered if Laurent would reach out and touch him. He wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, he thought. It wasn’t explicitly sated in the job description, but shoving away the man who also happened to be your conniving, provoking Prince didn’t seem like such a gray area.
He still thought about it. Grabbing that finely boned wrist. Twisting it between his fingers. Holding it above Laurent’s head.
“I need this job,” Damen stated. Plainly.
Laurent gazed up him sweetly. “You wont be much use to me if you no longer have this job,” he said, slowly. “Now would you?”
Damen wanted to breathe in again. It would feel good. He knew that if he did, he would breathe Laurent in.
“How about,” Laurent said. “I guess what you like? I’m usually fairly good at that, and you’d be easy to read.” He looked ready to lean in, to press them together.
“Sometime simple at first, I’m sure.” He said it low, like it was conspiratorial between them. It was in his tone, in the way his eyes lit up. He touched his fingers to his own jaw, right against the smooth line where Damen was coarse. “On my back?”
“I want to fuck your mouth,” Damen said.
He watched as Laurent was stunned into silence. Those pretty lips parting lightly, then pressing together with a completely different flutter of his lashes. It was not something Damen had ever managed to do. He didn’t think anyone had ever managed to do that. It pushed him forward.
“See if that would finally shut you up,” he continued. Now that Damen said it he couldn’t help but think of it. There in the kitchen or in Laurent’s chambers, away from prying eyes and surrounded by the colors that Damen had seen on a glimpse. He had thick, plush carpets that would feel soft against the skin, it would help cushion his knees as he knelt at Damen’s feet. He’d look beautiful like that, watery eyes and wet lips, stretched around him. It would be filthy. Damen wanted to curl a fist in his hair now, push Laurent down on the floor and make him get Damen hard with his mouth.
“I could fuck you for hours,” Damen said, taking his own daring step forward . He wanted to move until it was him who was finally pinning Laurent in place, confusing him until he didn’t know which way was up. “However I wanted. I wouldn’t let you have any control.”
He wondered if Laurent would like that. He looked like he would, now. He looked at Damen like he was seconds away from unraveling, like he wanted to take Damen with him. His eyes were hazy; it was intoxicating to see.
“I think it would be good for you,” Damen said. He touched a knuckle to Laurent’s cheek because he was insane, because he’d been pushed to his limit and he just didn’t care anymore. “For someone so uptight to not be in charge. I think you want to loose control.”
“Do you,” Laurent said. You could only detect the difference in his voice if you knew him, if you were around him as much as Damen was. Every day, morning to night, at his back. Following him, watching him.
“I could make you desperate for it,” Damen told him. He wanted that, desperately. He wanted to see Laurent rolled over by Damen because he was too sensitized to do it himself, his cock hard and aching for release. Or covered in his own cum, Damen’s leaking out from between his bitten thighs, begging for reprieve. “See how good you can be when you want to come.”
Laurent had to look up to meet Damen’s eye. His cheeks were pink; they would be warm to the touch. He would look like that underneath Damen. He would take his cock so well, Damen knew he would. He would grip his shoulders and take it hard; Damen would fuck him until he begged that it was too much. Then Damen would flip him over and do it again, show him just what a needy brat like him deserved.
“I think,” Laurent said, after a pause. “That you overrate yourself.”
“I think,” Damen said. “That you’ve never been with a real man before.”
The kitchen was silent again. Damen wondered if the chefs were waiting right outside, eager and anxious to get back to work. He wondered if his job was dangling by a thread. Laurent was looking at him, looking, saying nothing more as the seconds ticked by. Damen didn’t move.
In the silence, hands on Damen’s belt buckle were loud.
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dreamiesdotcom · 5 years
[12:42] Jisung has this very annoying habit where he falls in love in the worst situations and time, with the most inconvenient people. Note: they fail not always because they're inconvenient, but mostly because they're taken.
Chenle once made a joke about it, how Jisung has a type — most specifically, people who will end up hurting him because they're, well, taken. Jisung laughed along, thinking it was funny because it was indeed true, despite Jaemin arguing that Chenle shouldn't make remarks like that because it might be funny to them, but it might not be to Jisung. The latter still insisted that it's fine because it's really true, as if fate is testing his patience and is teasing him like Donghyuck would. Jisung even made a snarky remark about how Donghyuck is probably secretly Cupid, that's why he sets him up with unavailable people, to which the older only replied with a pout and insisting that he would never do that to Jisung through declarations of love.
It was fine and fun, really. It's not sarcastic, despite how it sounds, because Jisung never really felt attraction strong enough for someone that he cried himself to bed because of their status. It was mostly a crush, a feeling that is mostly only born because they are appealing to his eyes, or is really, really talented in any field he's interested in.
It was nothing serious, just something like admiration more than love.
Things go downhill the moment Donghyuck gathered them all at the table, starting his prepared speech with "I already told the managers, the hyungs and the CEO about this. Now, I need you guys to not freak out like Johnny and Mark hyung did, okay?" and at that moment, Jisung felt scared — for Donghyuck, not for himself, but had he known what the older would say, Jisung would have rather saved his worries for his own.
He opened his phone, swiping a little bit, the ambiance of the room getting antsy — nobody dared to breathe, Donghyuck is rarely serious and when he is, things are really no joke. He lands his phone in the middle, a picture in view. Someone stands shyly in the frame — eyes shining like glitter and lips makes the prettiest grin, fashion rather simple but not any less stylish. Just by staring at the picture, he can conclude given things such as their height, and it's obvious that whoever this person is, God spent a long time finishing and polishing their every little edge.
Jisung thinks this suspiciously looks like someone Haechan would go for. Everything about them just screamed Donghyuck, Haechan or whatever else he can be called, but everyone's minds are too filled with aesthetics that they can't think of that yet. "Oh no, don't tell me... your long lost sibling?!" Jaemin's panicked cry makes the said boy raise his eyes, an agitated 'Do we look like siblings, Na?!' escaping his lips.
"That's right, they're too pretty to be your sibling anyway," Renjun barks, personally offended that Haechan yelled at Jaemin like that, "Hey, that's mean though," Chenle says, contradicting the proud grin he's sporting.
"This," Donghyuck makes a show of pouting his lips on the direction of his phone, "is my beloved —."
Everyone yells, either in shock or joy or both, but there's two things they're yelling about — 'I was about to ask you for the number!' and 'Congratulations!' but they all end up hugging Hyuck, except Renjun and Jisung, both on the not-so-good-with-affection type. He cheers for his hyung, but he dies a little inside.
Jisung would admit to being pretty shallow, the little things make him happy, the little things make him cry, but he treasures every little thing too. It only makes sense that he develops feelings quickly too, and he'd argue that it's more because of his age but Chenle and the others are so near his age and yet they all just seem to crave food and the feeling of being up stage, and there's nothing to do about it anymore so he just makes an effort to be happy for Hyuck. His hyung is such a great guy and they seem like they would compliment each other a lot, so Jisung calms at that, but his heartbeat is restless and he's jealous. Not because he's found his someone, but because said someone looks like a total angel and they fit like missing puzzle pieces. He was crushing on someone taken again, and worse, they're his hyung's, someome he hasn't even met yet.
Now, he decides that he shouldn't even have thought of meeting that quickly because it came too soon, too quick for Jisung to mentally prepare himself. On the car ride, he was more nervous than necessary while the others are bouncing with excitement — Jisung glances at Donghyuck, he's smiling, flattered that the others are this thrilled to meet his love and Jisung's heart melts at the sight. It's only been three days since they know of this, but who is he to not comply with the older's request of going over for dinner at their place?
According to Donghyuck, his Y/N lives alone and is currently in college, a year younger than the boy himself but has always preferred to be independent. Their parents used to visit them every week the first year, but now that it has been a while, visits are limited to once every three months since they're all busy. Jisung hums at the information, finding it very interesting — something it shouldn't, because Jisung have always been on that edge and this fall — he's never felt this but he knows how this will end if he continues.
When they arrive, there was a figure waiting for them at the gate with a smile so angelic on their face and Jaemin gasps loudly, making Hyuck laugh as they go down to finally come face to face. The older smiles, proudly watching as everyone greeted each other. Jisung feels like all the air has been taken away from him and then shoved at him all at once, how it worked he doesn't know, but all he knows as of now is that he really, really shouldn't.
His sight overflows of smiles like honeydew and a voice so gentle, inviting everyone to sit on the table. Something lingers in the gaze that looks at him — a little shy, trying their best to make them feel comfortable with Donghyuck trying his best to ease his nerves by intertwining your hands with each other, thinking it goes unnoticed. Jisung makes an effort to relax. The others immediately ease at the atmosphere, even Renjun who always has his guards up to strangers is laid down like an open book to her after a conversation with him and Chenle (who squealed, by the way) in Mandarin, talking about things only they understood.
Jisung eats quietly, only smiling at and speaking when necessary. In a span of an hour, he picked up on little mannerisms and the moments where you keen whenever Haechan says something in approval of you, and he knows what this means — he's doomed, but this time, not even Zhong Chenle should know, judging how he's so supportive of the relationship.
This repeats a couple more until a year pass, and Jisung just sighs in disappointment at himself. It was supposed to go away two or three weeks, but you came in his life in the form of a storm and it has been there too long already and he knows he isn't prepared for the emotions threatening to wash over him — because you're adorable in a way that makes his heart break, and he can't stop it.
You and Hyuck — you're obviously happily in love, if the way you hold hands and look at each other wasn't already a statement. At first glance, one would think you're ignoring each other but in reality, it'just that you both know when and where certain actions are appropriate. It's a relationship with balance, despite you two liking affection, you didn't display too much PDA and was rather more intimate when it's just the two of you. Jisung confirms this on one of their newly developed tradition of having movie nights whenever they are available (rarely, barely.)
He didn't mean to, but he just passed to their bedroom on the way to the kitchen to get popcorn before he gets a glimpse of his hyung's messy locks, his heart sinking when he realize he's had you in a back hug, both of you swaying slightly and talking in hushed voices. He decides to shake it off, to pass by, but just as he walks away from the door, he hears your little conversation.
"I know I've kissed you like, around twenty or so, I didn't count, but can I please have more?", Haechan's voice is sweet and gentle, and Jisung knows he really shouldn't be eavesdropping — his parents and hyungs raised him better than this. You only answer with 'No, you already had too much and the others are waiting for us to start the movie, Hyuckie' before the older opens his mouth again, "Alright, just one more and we'll go out now. I don't know what's with me, Y/N, I just feel gushy today."
Jisung's heart offers him a bizarre feeling as a giggle escapes your lips, "Maybe it’s the rain," he keens at how your voice is soft and strangely sounding very similar to music in his ears.
"Maybe... but it’s most likely you," was the last words he hears before he decides he shouldn't be hearing this conversation, and plans to make a quick trip to the kitchen before he gets distracted by anything that will hurt him more — keyword, he plans.
He didn't expect to be faced by a huge map, pinned Polaroids and strings marking down places, and he swallows. Maybe they have been dating longer than they knew, and he figures the strings immediately — one string for where you've already been to, the other for where Hyuck has already traveled and the last one, for all the places the two of you went together. His heart flutters and breaks at the fact that the two of you met each other's parents, the glaring proof for where all the strings converge distracting him once again and he dwells on it more than necessary.
Jisung is inside your house. Jisung is spending time with you, inside the little home you built for yourselves and Jisung feels so out of place but it feels so comfortable to be where he doesn't belong. Sometimes he wished he didn't have to fall in love this way, but with how kind you treated him, how prettier your attitude and the way you carried yourself was more than your appearance, he knew he couldn't help it even if he tried. What made him fall for you was not your smile, nor your face, your lips, or your eyes. What made him fall for you was who you are and every little bit of stardust you are made of. What made him fall for you was everything you are that he couldn't have, and maybe that's a factor too. Maybe one of the reasons he can't have enough of you is because he can't have you at all, and breaking his own heart for a beautiful soul like you is the best reason he thinks he can hurt for. It was worth it. After all the times he saw you smile, it was worth it.
It's not even sarcastic, or anything — maybe he wished he was in Hyuck's position instead, that he's the one taking care of you and making you laugh, but he couldn't be any happier that Haechan is happy and so are you. The two of you are obviously in love and that is enough to make him happy. He doesn't need to be a crucial part of the relationship, the equation. Being a part of your lives, or even just Hyuck's, being welcomed into your home and the life you designed for the two of you — it's enough. In fact, it's too much. He can live like this.
He can live with this.
He can try to.
"You're taking too long," Chenle startles him, a hand on his shoulders to bring him back to reality, "Wow, that's awesome. I always knew Hyuckie hyung would go traveling with his significant other… like it's just so like hyung," he mumbles in awe after staring at the wall, moving past Jisung and making a beeline to the popcorn. He calls Jisung forward to help him carry the drinks as well, so they don't have to make two trips.
"Y-yeah. They're great, aren't they?" Jisung mutters as he carries the beverages, throat parched and breathing heavy. Chenle asks if he's okay, and Jisung just nods, muttering something about being anxious for performances and the older of the two makes sure to remind him that he should let loose even just for tonight.
The boy nods, because he knows that he should. For the rest of the night he forgets about his feelings, or at least, he tries to. He jokes around, chattering with the rest of the group, laughing as loud as the others, and judging badly made (mainly horror) movies playing in front of them. At some point he felt like he's on top of the world, doing well in trying to forget and only until his eyes meet the couple, cozy with their pinkies linked to each other, occasionally feeding each other snacks that he's reminded of the things he shouldn't even think about, but he shakes it off his head.
Maybe now he gets it, why Jaemin is always overprotective of Jisung whenever they bring up the topic of him being the worst at choosing people to fall for. Now, while Chenle's jokes are still funny, Jisung realizes that it was only hilarious to him because he never really fell in love with the people he met before — only now did he realize the pain of loving someone unavailable. Jisung laughed along before because he thought it was funny, because it was true, but now he isn't so sure anymore because damn did it hurt more than he could ever imagine.
He breaks his stare at the two of you, feeling awkward that he's staring at people who are also staring at each other. He makes sure to remember the blush on your cheeks and the solemn stare his hyung had, as if you're the most precious gem in the world and he had you. Now that he thinks of it, you actually are. He makes a note of how even he felt Hyuck's love for you through the older's stare, and he smiles. It's obvious that he loves you, and Jisung would never ruin that. Maybe he'll move on from you, maybe he'll love you in silence, but for the both of your sake, he wouldn't make any more move past the closure of being friends. For hyung. For Hyuck. He nods to himself.
Yeah, for Hyuck.
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koganphrancis · 5 years
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Shameless really had to scour the history books to come up with the reason I guess they’ve landed on for Ian’s marriage issues.  
It would’ve made a lot more sense if they had brought them up in S6, but, no, Mickey was gone by then and Ian was about to experience actual love for the first time in his life-or so the show wanted us to believe.  And that’s why I have to call bullshit on Ian seemingly suddenly not thinking he’s deserving of love.  Once he got on his meds, he strode bravely into relationships with Faileb and Trash without batting an eye.  (And yes, one could argue those were “bad” relationships a person who knows they are worthy of love would’ve avoided-but that was never the show’s point of view.  They literally thought each of those partners were huge upgrades from Mickey, and that they would provide Ian with healthy relationships, something other than “war and sex”, which is what they tried to reduce Mickey to.)  Think back to when Ian pursued Trash FOR MONTHS-he never once said, “Maybe Trash doesn’t want me because I’m unlovable.”  
And that they randomly brought up Ian’s medical condition after all this time as a big part of the “reason” didn’t set well at all.  Myles’ AV Club review sums it up beautifully: “I don’t want to dwell too much on this, but I have long argued that the show has fundamentally mishandled Ian’s disorder by refusing to acknowledge how it would impact his day-to-day life. When I asked showrunner Nancy Pimental about this back in 2016, the answer was basically that they didn’t think people wanted to see Ian “popping medications all the time,” but I’d argue that it makes any stories they do want to tell about his bipolar disorder weaker. If they just put in a small amount of legwork discussing his disorder—a mention of a doctor’s appointment, a scene of him picking up a prescription—it would make it less like the show is just circling back to his disorder when it’s convenient for the story. The idea that Ian had to search so deeply to realize that it was his bipolar disorder that was creating his reluctance to marry Mickey (or anyone) implies that even he doesn’t have it at the front of his mind, and while perhaps that’s a defense mechanism the show has set the issue aside too long for that to be articulated. I’m happy the show is finally bringing it back to the surface, and Ian and Mickey’s eventual reconciliation will be better for it, but it doesn’t change the mistakes made along the way.”
Could Ian’s bipolar disorder be part-or even the cause-of his issues about marriage?  Absolutely.  Has the show done anything before tonight, other than the Season 5 finale, to indicate this?  Absolutely not. 
Plus, within the episode itself, Ian acts as if Mickey’s the one who has a problem, not him.  He tells the assembled family members that Mickey “will work it out of his system” (with Byron) and then be ready to talk things out, so...
Anyway, to go back to the beginning of the episode-if online friends and others hadn’t pointed out that Ian was thinking of Mickey here
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it never would’ve occurred to me that he was.  I’ve never seen Mickey in that bed-and I haven’t seen Mickey and Ian in bed together in YEARS.  Prison bunks don’t count-and even if they did-Mickey bucked him out of there so fast in their first episode this season it couldn’t have counted anyway.  
And that brings me to something that also bothers me about the entire way they’re handling this marriage problem of Ian’s-we haven’t seen Mickey and Ian interact in any meaningful way since they got out of prison.  The writers have been hellbent on throwing even more obstacles in their path at every turn-which, I get, yes, that’s a big part of storytelling.  But these guys have all the traps with none of the downtime to relax and recover together-and to let the audience see what’s going on while catching their breath.  They cut the scenes where it was just two of them in the same room, talking about what we’ll never know because they were CUT.  
These two have had enough angst-if the show really wanted us to believe the logical destination for them was down the wedding aisle, why not give us a season of them growing together instead of tearing them apart again?  They were in prison living right on top of each other-couldn’t the comedy have come from them getting out and sticking just as close, even when they didn’t have to?  Couldn’t we have had scenes of them sitting together on the couch, Mickey drowsing while Ian’s watching some dumb reality dating show Mickey has no interest in, but he’s there because Ian’s there and they both like feeling the warmth their bodies generate merely by being close?  Couldn’t we have them talking in bed, long into the night-Ian asking Mickey to remind him to get a renewal for his prescription; Mickey having an “oh crap” moment when he’s telling Ian how he spilled his Orange Julius on his (cute) khaki shorts and remembers at 2 in the morning that the other pair is in the laundry and Ian tells him it’s fine, he washed them with his own clothes and even ironed them and they’re hanging in the closet?  Have Ian find a You Tube video about making a recipe that tastes “just like” Kentucky Fried Chicken at home to save money, so Mickey’s hanging out in the kitchen while Ian’s attempting to make it with disastrous results and they wind up with Mickey calmly putting the big lid from the spaghetti pot over the grease fire Ian starts in the frying pan and telling Ian he’ll spring for the twenty bucks to get a bucket of extra crispy for their supper?  Couldn’t we have just had that interspersed with actually discussions about what they’re feeling or going through?  The show, via up till now unknown Sandy, tried to convince us it was giving us domestic Gallavich-why didn’t they just write it?
Anyway, I did like the fact that Ian had to wake up, put some clothes on, put his boot on, get himself down the stairs and Mickey was STILL pretending to kiss Byron behind his big honeydew melon helmet after all that implied time passed for Ian to do all that shit with his injury ;)  Mickey is nothing if not fully committed to making sure Ian knows what he’s missing out on.  
Mickey packing up his shit and telling Ian “when you know, you know” was to me equal parts funny and frustrating because it was like he was telling Ian A: Mickey knows how he feels about Ian and B: Ian should know how he feels about Mickey by now-but he clearly doesn’t.  I thought having Mickey say Byron might be a Koch was a weird choice-I don’t think either Mickey or Ian (and most of the show’s target audience) would know that would mean his family-it it’s THOSE Kochs-are rich af, and if the show wanted to argue Mickey thought it meant his heir to the Coca-Cola fortune or that they somehow hold a patent on cocaine they can drop fucking dead.  And the stretch to try to make the joke about Byron studying something from Britain vs “English” was painful.
And flashing back to S6 yet again, the show had Ian belittle Mickey twice-first by saying his emotional IQ is lower than Carl’s actual IQ (and, again, by the end of the show we’re supposed to think it’s Ian who is emotionally blocked, but how are we supposed to believe it or have sympathy when he was mocking Mickey-who is actually quite open with Ian when it comes to his emotions), and then secondly by claiming that Mickey has freakishly small hands.  Well, Ian, you have a freakishly large head, and it doesn’t seem to dwarf Mickey’s mitts:
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The scene with Debbie didn’t enrage me for once, and I was shocked.  But I was glad she told him to marry Mickey to make him happy-but again in that scene Ian was searching for a reason after the fact to justify his still even a mystery to him reluctance to marry.  
The scene with Lip was the best one they’re probably going to have for quite a while, maybe ever at the rate the show is going, but again, violent flashbacks to Ian’s Faileb/Trash days when he said “Debbie told me to” (marry Mickey).  Remember those lost seasons where he did anything those bozos told him to and never stood up for himself?  And also, if the show wasn’t wasting so much time with scenes of Frank tied to a bed and Debbie grooming an under-aged girl, Lip and Ian could’ve talked further, maybe delved into what Lip suggests Ian figure out for himself someday.  If we could actually see Ian trying to get to the root of the problem, maybe it wouldn’t feel like the white board didn’t just say something like: Mickey/Ian break up-bipolar???  
Their last scene of the episode had a lot of good stuff in it, even if ultimately it just broke down in the end with the lazy writing.  Ian shoving the ring at Mickey and Mickey being let down by finding out not only is Ian not trying a little too late to salvage the engagement, but he’s making some lame “promise” and claims Gallaghers don’t break their promises-how can he say that to Mickey of all people?  Name one promise Ian KEPT to Mickey!  Noel, as always, plays out so much emotion without saying a word, and the heartbreak is palpable.  And when he says Ian is saying he doesn’t love him enough?  Noel!  He makes it all so real.  And we’re not let off the hook yet.  But Mickey calling Byron by the wrong name, Ian pointing it out, and Mickey countering with he answers to whatever the fuck I call him was a nice throwback to the days of Mickey’s refusal to use Ian’s first name AND all the nicknames he came up with from Fire Crotch to Sleepy Face and Mumbles and almost makes me believe that the writer of the week maybe bothered watching at least the Gallavich scenes videos on You Tube.  Almost.  I’m more ready to believe Noel improvised that line in there himself ;)  
We then get the reuse/recycle scene of Ian saying how there’s so much wrong with him and how he doesn’t know himself from one day to the next (so, again, would’ve been nice if there had been evidence of him feeling that way/dealing with it before last night), when he says to Mickey “how do you know that’s who you want to spend the rest of your life with?” I thought Mickey’s answer of “Jesus Christ, Ian” was perfect.  He wasn’t going to stand there and give Ian a list of the many, many times he’s proven his love for Ian or try to coddle Ian and kiss him to try to make it better.  Mickey’s finally figured out it’s up to Ian to either believe in Mickey’s mighty love or not, but Mickey’s done trying to sell it.  Mickey’s gotta be so tired of all this-all along he’s done what Ian wants, even back when it was putting his own safety in jeopardy (another thing that I hate about the Terry retcon-remember when he was yelling his head off in the background when Mickey told Ian he’d meet him at the store in twenty, even tho it wasn’t a good time?  Ever since that day, Mickey has always done everything in his power to give Ian what Ian thought he needed or wanted from Mickey).  
Anyway, maybe I’m just a bear of very little imagination, but I honestly don’t see that they’re going to write anything that wraps up all this “tension” and Ian’s inability to commit well.  By the end of the episode, I was picturing that they’ll have Mickey and Ian do a non-singing version of the Elephant Love Medley from Moulin Rouge to get Ian over his qualms about marriage.  It fits in perfectly with the writers stealing from other stories, plus the whole thing is 4 minutes, which is considered a long scene for IxM these days.  
The last we see of Ian, he takes a little detour to piss in the Vespa’s tank, and so now we’ve had two scenes of Paula getting at Ian’s junk, one of the Vespa with it, one scene of Mickey’s cousin grabbing Mickey’s dick, while that scene with the mayonnaise lube was the one and only time Ian and Mickey have come close to each other’s genitals/having sex all season.  For all we know, they haven’t had it since-especially since Mickey had that telling line of getting bitchy when nothing’s been up his ass for a while...
(Gif credits: Ian and pillow-sickness-health-all-that-shit, Club kiss-mickeygifs)
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stachmousworld · 4 years
True love (lesbian story) P.3
Pairing: Mara x Carole
The main character’s POV is unreliable
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
As they walked out of the house, a small breeze hit her and cooled her down. It was not that cold outside but inside the house was hell.
“Are you okay?” Bella asked.
She nodded.
“Are you sure? Because you look out of it,” Lynda said, frowning.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Carole replied, exasperated.
“No need to bite.”
Carole rolled her eyes.
“What is wrong with all of you tonight? I’ve never seen you bugging me that much for a stupid party,” she grumbled.
“You never go out anymore. We never see you. Is it that bad to want to spend time with you?”
Carole wasn’t that drunk to not hear the real meaning of what she was saying. They accused her of spending too much time with Mara and acting different.
“Beware of what you imply, Tony, because I’d sworn you were jealous of my girlfriend.”
Tony snickered. Carole frowned and look each of them. They all had the same forlorn expression. She had enough, she needed to find Mara. Her girl was probably innocently flirting with a bunch of randy people in there. Carole didn’t know how Mara had been so “pure” when they met because the girl could flirt all day long without even noticing.
“I don’t have time for that. I need to find…”
“Mara,” Lynda finished.
“Mara,” spat Bella with too much force.
Ok. Carole stopped in her tracks and squared up. What the fuck was that! She closed and briefly apologized to Mara for breaking her promise and arguing with her friends about her.
“What is it about her that you don’t like? You don’t even know her.”
“It is not weird to you that a simple librarian “fell in love” with you, the heir of a multimillion fortune. I know you said she wasn’t poor, but she doesn’t come from our circle and your mom…
“My mom? What has she told you?” Carole questioned. She discarded all the nonsense accusation about Mara because there was a more urgent matter. They glanced at each other as to ask the permission to talk.
“She was worried. (Carole rolled her eyes. Her mom was a drama queen.) She said you had let yourself go, that you didn’t consider going to the festivities of Christmas and that you wanted to move out,” said Bella.
“True, although I’m not sure what she wanted to say by “letting myself go”. I can assure you that my hygiene is my priority every day. But what is the problem of any of…”
“We are your best friends. You’ve known us for years and you never talked to us about moving out of the city or changing work,” Lynda said.
“Not before Mara”, continued Tony.
“Did you rehearse before talking to me? Because it was funny.”
They all sighed.
“I understand what you are saying and your fears. But she is my girlfriend. I never, and I say never, chose any of this because of her. She never had influenced me or dictated my life at no point in the two years we’ve been together, and I found that pretty shallow of you to come now. After all these months,” Carole said angrily.
“We…We never thought it’d last. Your relationship, I mean.”
“Woah,” said Carole, shocked.
“You don’t go out anymore, don’t talk to us, don’t want to do activities without telling Mara to come with you…”
“She is my girlfriend, Carole drawled. What did you expect? Who wouldn’t want the person they love…”
They gasped and Carole put her hand on her mouth. She closed her mouth, tears trickling in her eyes. God, she had said it out loud. Suddenly she felt exhausted. She was supposed to tell it first to Mara. She had even prepared a speech and planned for the special night.
“You can’t possibly love her so soon.”
“So soon?”
“You had been with Eli’ for more than a decade and you want us to believe that you love this, Mara,” Bella spat the name like it was some dirt on her tongue.
“You know exactly why I didn’t stay with El’. You know all about the reasons and you agreed with me. Why can’t I be happy in another relationship?”
“It is not that, honeydew,” Tony said, softly. “We do want you to be happy. But how could you say that you love Mara, if you are still wearing the ring Eli’ gave you.”
The tension seemed to pour out of their bodies. Carole reached for the ring in the necklace and pulled it out of her shirt. She toyed with it a couple of times and expected to feel something other than nostalgia.
She still had it because…she didn’t really know. At first it held a sentimental value and it is right that the first months she had been with Mara she had hoped that El’ would come back and she still felt guilty because Mara was…she was a ray of sunshine and she never pushed her. As if she knew, implicitly, what she was going through. Carole hadn’t given her 100% which she felt remorse for. She thanked God everyday for having such a stubborn girlfriend and she spent every day trying to make up for those first months. As for the ring, Carole had taken the habit of playing with the ring when she was fidgety.
“You see. You can’t possibly love her. It must be infatuation. You jumped from a relationship to another one. To someone who was a safe replacement to what you had. (Carole hissed at this statement. She couldn’t think of Mara as a safe replacement.) But now, you won’t have to settle.”
“What? What do you mean I won’t have to settle?”
They glanced again at each other and before Carole told them to stop, Bella talked:
“Elisabeth is back.”
Carole backed away. What? That wasn’t true. She couldn’t be. Carole pushed pass them and started looking for Mara. They had to get out. They have to…The last conversation with El’ came back and with it the feelings she thought was gone.
“Mara!” She suddenly screamed, fear gripping her heart. She went past a few cars and called her again. Then she saw her, behind a car. Carole ran toward her, hugged her and kissed her nose. She would have wanted to do more, but Mara avoided her kiss and looked down. Carole frowned and her smile left her face when she saw El’. On the floor.
She couldn’t believe it. El’ was right there. Her ex and her lover had met and talked to each other. Carole experienced a lot of myriad of emotions, guilt being the most present. But the most powerful was joy. She couldn’t know if she was because her longest friend was back, that she was still alive after all these years going overseas and living in warzones. She felt relief, too. And if there was a hint of undying love, she wouldn’t acknowledge it. No not now.
She could see the flecks of brown in her green eyes. God, it has been two years. It fets like decades.
Carole felt the need to grasp Mara’s hand. To let Mara hold her and tell her that everything will be ok.
Instead she stayed focus on El’ and tried to reason, she couldn’t have talked to Mara that long. Carole could salvage any kind of damage El’ made. Carole had to be strong. She knew that if she touched or looked at Mara and saw her even an inch sad, she’d be weak and probably do something stupid, like punch El’, who knew?
“You still wear it?” El’ said softly.
Carole put a hand on her chest, where the necklace was. She forced herself to smile. In another universe, in another time if Mara hadn’t been there…a ping of pain took her breath. God, she could not even think of a world where Mara didn’t exist by her side. She smiled as a warm feeling of love rushed through her veins. Carole really did love her.
She snapped out of her thoughts when the silence stretched. Her palms were itching and wanted to reach her lovers one. A little bit more time and we’ll go.
“Why are you here, El’?”
“I…m back, love. I’m out. The tour ended and I’m back for good. I have bought a house; the one we wanted. I’m back for good.”
Carole still gripped in the love she felt for Mara could have not come back to Earth quickly. Love? She could help but feel sad and irritated by this mark of endearment. It didn’t sound right when her lover was next to her. And El’ knew it. She repressed a sigh and decided to be nice.
“I’m…No…I’m with someone else, El’,” Carole said with empathy as El’s face become somber and sad.
“Oh, I…I didn’t think…I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”
Carole heard Mara breathing hard. She turned towards her and frowned worrying that something was actually wrong with Mara. She was avoiding looking at her, seeming smaller with her arms around her small frame. As Carole reached for her, she spoke up.
“It is ok.” Carole shivered at the strange tone in Mara’s voice. “I’d understand if you want to be with her.” Carole tried to interject and took a step toward her but was denied the touch. “She was there for a few minutes and you…you looked happier than the whole two years we’ve been together. Fuck, I’m exhausted.” Carole tried to reach for her, but Mara backed away, still avoiding looking at either. Carole was becoming more agitated and was at her breaking point, if Mara backed away again, she’d bounce on her. “I don’t want to be the one to hold you back. I just want you to be…happy,” Mara said choking on the last word. “You don’t have to settle for the safer one, now,” she finished with a brittle smile.
Silence. It was almost too silent.
Carole couldn’t breathe, nor talk or move. Mara finally raised her eyes. Carole took in the resignation, sadness and darker feelings which swirled on her face. Her eyes shone more than a million stars, but Carole didn’t like what they reflected. Before she could properly react and reassure her, Mara gave them a heartbreaking smile before running away.
          Carole gasped for air. The more she stood here frozen, listening to Mara’s footstep on the floor, running away from her, the less her heart seemed to cooperate. When she decided to move and follow Mara’s suite, it was too late. She could only see the flash of her clothes and the night encompassed her in its eerily atmosphere.
“I love you,” she whispered, hoarsely.
The night swallowed her words and kept it greedily.
Carole was walking towards her car. Mara…Carole repressed her tears and the building scream that settled in her lungs. She took a deep breath and reasoned. She was not gone forever; they’ll still see each other at their...my…their house. She couldn’t panic now, or she’ll drown. And crash.
She took her phone and dialed Mara’s number. Voicemail. All of 50 calls. She had long lost the force to say anything. She didn’t even know what to say. Tonight was supposed to be fun; they’d dance, drink a bit and snog like teenagers. But it turned out sour. God, what happened? What had made Mara think that…
          She shook her head. The cold necklace on her chest constricted her. Did Mara really think all she said? That she was the safer one, that Carole only wanted her as a sort of replacement, that she didn’t love her because…because she was wearing this stupid necklace! She gripped it hard before taking it off.
          She let the ring dangle. El’s heavy breathing while trying to match her pace almost pushed her to run.
“Carole, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that is was her.”
“You’re lying. You knew who she was, and you decided to be petty. Thinking that I’d come back to you,” Carole countered, laughing sarcastically.
“I…it is true that I knew who she was. But I…”
“Fuck you, she said, turning around to face Elisabeth. Her friends were next to her. Carole handed the ring and look at the stricken face of her ex.
“What? No, it was a gift.”
“If you don’t take it, I’ll throw it away,” Carole threatened.
“Care’,” her friends warned her.
“You are going to regret it,” Elisabeth replied.
“I don’t love you, Elisabeth. Probably never really had.”
The others gasped both at her words and her actions. She threw the ring on the grass and walked away.
She heard footsteps behind but stayed focus on her goal. Going home and talk to Mara. Telling her that she was in love with her. Apologizing for being a stupid donkey head the first months of their relationship; for making her think that she would come second if Elisabeth came back… “God, please, give me another chance,” Carole muttered. If Mara didn’t want to listen to her, she’d go on her knees and plead. She’d do anything for her. To have her stay by her side.
She felt something tugging her arm and she was pressed against Elisabeth. What the hell? Before she could talk, she was being roughly kissed. Carole pushed her violently. She wiped her lips and repressed her urge to puke. She spat instead.
“What the hell! Are you insane? I don’t love you. Stay away from me, asshole!”
Her friends helped Elisabeth getting back to her feet and tried to calm her.
“You (Carole pointed at her friends) Go fuck yourselves! If you thought I was avoiding you before, there another thing coming your way,” she growled.
“See! What we talked to you about. You are not the same. You are ready to throw our relationship like that,” Bella exclaimed, as if this whole situation proved some sick point.
“Fuck you. If you were my friends, you’d stay with me and not her! God, you are really stupid. I don’t what I saw in you but we’re through. And if you cared for me, you’d not let my ex (she spat the name) alone with my lover. But guess what, you are not really it.”
“You are being unreasonable.”
Carole refrained herself from punching all of them.
“Let her go”, said Elisabeth, dejected. “I’m sorry Ce’ for that and talking to your girlfriend. I didn’t say anything other than the truth. I didn’t try to threaten her. She made up her own conclusion.”
“I fucking hate you. You can put your stupid excuses far up your rectum, for all I care.”
They stood in front of her, gobsmacked. God, that felt good. Now she had a girlfriend to find but first, she had to call someone.
Carole parked her car in front of her house. She literally sprinted to the front door. She could smell the perfume of Mara. Relief wash over her. Carole could do it; have this long talk with her girlfriend and make up. But before, she wanted to talk to her father. She dialed his number, as she entered the house. Everything was still and dark.
“Hello, dad!”
“Bear care? Is everything all right?” He asked, surprised.
“No, mom’ got into my relationship. Did you know that Elisabeth was back?”
Silence. Then, a sigh.
“I knew yes.”
“Were you in it with mom?”
Say no, say no, she repeated as a mantra.
“No. Your mom was secretive and seemed to talk a lot more about Elisabeth, but that’s it. What did she do?”
Carole sighed, relieved to hear that her dad wasn’t in this stupid affair.
“She talked to my…ex-friends and told them that I was living like a hobo and it was due to my girlfriend, Mara. She then proceeded to create a plan where I’d meet Elisabeth in a party and…I don’t know, break up with my girlfriend.
Silence. Another sigh.
“Your “ex” friend?”
“Yeah, they were harassing me and insulting Mara, I can’t be with people like that around me.”
“Do you think it was wise to break this friendship? You have had ups and downs before.”
“I know. But it was for the best. They said Mara was using me. Using me! Because she is a documentalist.”
Carole shook her head. She headed to the kitchen to take a glass of water before heading to their room, where Mara had to be. The dad chuckled. Carole knew that her dad had reserves. She knew he didn’t really know Mara so couldn’t form his own idea of her. But at least he didn’t try to come between them.
“I know Bear Care, your mom can be sometimes…too much. I’d try to talk to her later. But tell me all about…”
“Bear Care? Carole! Are you still on?”
She breathed heavily, her hand clutched against chest. The closet…the closet. Empty.
“Baby, are you ok?”
She whined. The phone fell of her grasp as she roamed in the room looking for a trace of Mara. Her perfume, underwear, clothes, shoes, brushes…there was nothing. Nothing but…the bracelet Carole gifted her and a velvet box. Carole took it with shaking hands.
It is not what it is. It is not what it is, she repeated to herself.
She opened it and what she saw made her fall on her knees.
A ring. With multiple empty emplacements. For each year spent together, they’d have added another diamond. Mara remembered. It was one of the many meaningless conversations they had at first. When Carole was still stupidly in love with her ex. But Mara remembered. All the details. Carole took the ring and saw the inscriptions inside. Let’s go on an adventure and the sign of eternity.
She choked and let an ugly screamed as she laid on the floor, sobbing.
Mara was gone for good. And with her, Carole’s heart.
Part 4
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Small Doses (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
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Summary: “Billy was like a drug.You were determined to steer clear of his advances at first but you always came back for more. He was like unchartered waters that you found yourself diving into far too quickly. You became addicted to his rough touches against your soft skin, to the explosive eruption of unfamiliar feelings whenever you were around him.”
Warnings: Panic attack, sexual themes mentioned (not smut, I don’t write smut lol), swear words, I think that’s It lol
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like this, I’m not sure if you will because I have zero confidence in myself :) Sorry for all the Billy fics, I didn’t realize that I had already posted so many aha. Also, I gave Tommy the last name Hoffman because he’s just listed as Tommy H, and I needed a full name for the story.
You had been dragged to Tina’s party by Nancy, she figured it would be good for you and Jonathan. She was set on the idea that you were perfect for each other, little to your knowledge, this was an attempt at pushing Jonathan away so Nancy couldn’t give into her feelings.
Alcohol and nicotine polluted the air of Tina’s living room, bodies against bodies as the music radiated from the speakers. This wasn’t an ideal night for you, especially with the stress of upcoming early entrance exams for universities and colleges weighing down on you.
The rhythmic pulse of the music left a ringing in your ears, the cool October breeze cooling your skin as you made your way outside. Nancy was completely shit faced, Jonathan, coming to her rescue. Steve was nowhere in sight and you were left at a house party you hadn’t wanted to go, to begin with.
The best bet you had at getting home was finding a telephone, this, of course, became more and more difficult to accomplish.
You had searched the house for a phone, desperately trying to get ahold of your mother but with no success.
Panic began to set in.
The motion around you moved faster than you could process, your head spinning and your legs losing their ability to carry your weight. It was like drowning, the water consuming your entire being. The surface was just out of your reach as the anxiety pulled you further and further down.
Struck by the sudden impact of a strangers chest, you were forced back into a state of reality.
“Watch it.” The voice snapped, you eyes trailing up to meet his. They were cold and brooding, his stare was intimidating and made you feel worse.
“I can’t breathe” Your mouth moved without control, it felt like your entire body was losing feeling as you began to shake. “I-I can’t breathe.”
Hot tears raced down your cheeks, your hand gripped onto his forearm tightly, not realizing your actions as you entered a frantic state.
“You got asthma or something?” He enquired, his hands stabilizing you as they held onto your shoulders. Genuine concern softened the features of his face.
Billy guided you outside, his arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders, scared that you would collapse without his help.
You cried with a loud and uncontrollable force, deep inhales broke apart in your lungs as your fingers squeezed into the palm of your hand. The thought of breaking down in front of a stranger terrified you, the fear of judgement had begun to eat away at your insides.
“I’m so embarrassed.” You gasped, sucking in air as you cried. “I’m so embarrassed.”
You couldn’t stop, you couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t escape.
Your rapid breaths ceased, his lips firmly pressed against yours. You pulled away from him, face frozen in a bewildered expression.
“Why did you do that?” you asked with wide eyes, your hands raised in an awkward curled position.
Billy licked his lips, his eyebrows raised matching your own expression.
“Huh?” he asked as if he hadn’t heard you, leaning in with his ear toward you.
“You just kissed me…?” your eyes rolling up and down as you took in who he was.
“That was CPR,” he said with confidence.
The shocked expression on your face fell as you erupted into a fit of laughter, unable to tell if he was making a bad joke or genuinely believing the words that flowed so carelessly from his mouth.
“What?” He asked as smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “What’s funny?”
Billy was like a drug.
You were determined to steer clear of his advances at first but you always came back for more. He was like unchartered waters that you found yourself diving into far too quickly. You became addicted to his rough touches against your soft skin, to the explosive eruption of unfamiliar feelings whenever you were around him.
It started at lunch, like any other day you had been coaxed into sitting with Billy and his friends. You hated sitting with Tommy, Carol and whichever goon had latched onto Billy for the day. Your movements were small and nervous as you slowly poked the prongs of your fork into the sweet honeydew on your plate, hesitantly lifting it to your mouth.
The table abruptly jerked as Tommy theatrically made a crude joke, nearly tipping the table. You sighed in annoyance at the rowdy behaviour that always seemed to happen whenever you were around. In his eyes, you were just another Nancy Wheeler, latching onto Bily the way she had done to Steve.
Tommy’s beady eyes locked onto you, his stare making you feel small, insecure even. You glanced over at Billy to see if he noticed Tommy’s leer, but your boyfriend was engrossed in a conversation with one of the other guys, deep in discussion over who had a better layup in gym class.
You slid your hand under the table, softly caressing Billy's knuckles that rested on his thigh. Despite the warm smile that Billy gave you, it wasn’t enough to ease your discomfort.
“Hey, Billy, can I just say your an inspiration, to not only me but for mankind.” Tommy declared with malevolence.
Billy’s eyebrows furrowed, the corner of his mouth turning inward with confusion.
“The fuck are you on about?” He asked turning his attention to Tommy, taking a chug from his Pepsi can.
“Come on!” Tommy exclaimed palms pressed firmly on the table as he stood up. “You're a legend. I mean, how many girls have you nailed since you got here? You probably can’t even count on your fingers how many you chicks you’ve banged. I can only bet the list goes on in California”
Your stomach tightened as Tommy continued to make comments about Billy’s past. It wasn't something you ever discussed but you weren't stupid, you knew he had been a bit of a player.
“Shut the fuck up, Hoffman,” Billy growled, his jaw set in a tight line. Clearly mad now that Tommy’s words led you to retract your hand from his.
“Y/N,” Tommy said, forcing you to be part of this uncomfortable conversation. “What’s your body count? Oh, right I forgot, Billy’s your first boyfriend, isn’t he?”
Your ears began to heat up from embarrassment, the apples of your cheeks deepening in colour. Tommy was trying to make you insecure about your inexperience though there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Your nails dug into the palms of your hand, nearly tearing into the flesh.
Carol raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend, even she was shocked by his words. Although her brow raised as a smirk played on her lips now, amused by the effect he had on you.
“One more word out of your mouth and you're fucking dead.” Billy seethed, his grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you into his side protectively.
Tommy threw his hands up in surrender, a weasel-like grin on his face. Your hands peeled back Billy’s fingers from your side, slipping out of his grip. You felt a slew of emotions, you were angry at yourself for continuously putting yourself in a position that would make you uncomfortable. You were embarrassed by Tommy’s comments, which left you feeling insecure.
“No, she’s totally banged, Billy. The quiet ones are always freaks in the sheets.” Carol quipped. “I bet they’ve done it in the back of his Camaro.”
You practically ran out of the cafeteria, your backpack clutched tightly in your hand. Your left hand digging around for your house keys as you were ready to sprint home if it meant you could escape the situation.
“Babe, wait,” Billy called, hot on your trail.
“Leave me alone.” You choked, feverishly searching through the contents of your bag. “Please, just go away.”
His hand took your backpack from your hands and hid it behind his back.
“Y/N, relax for a minute. I’ll fucking kill him.” Billy moved side to side as you tried to reach around him for your bag.
“Why does he do that?” You snapped, angry tears pooling in your eyes. “And why do you let him?”
“What do you mean let him?” he asked defensively. “Have they said shit like that before to you?”
Your eyes rolled up to the ceiling, the pressure behind them becoming unbearable to hold back.
“Did you tell them?” You asked, slowly lowering your gaze to meet his.
“What? Tell them what?” He snapped, now becoming irritated by your doubt in him.
“That we...”You peered around to check if anyone was coming down the hallway or listening in. “that we slept together.”
He was silent for a moment, his brooding eyes moving around your face, studying your expression.
“No, because you told me not to.” He said cooly, your arms folded tightly against your chest avoiding his gaze. “Babe, please don’t cry. You know I hate it when you cry.”
He dropped your bag to his feet, his firm hands cupping your cheeks as his thumbs softly wiped away your tears.
“I don’t want to sit with them anymore.” Your voice cracked as your evaded his gaze.
“What can I do to make this better?” He pleaded with penitent eyes.
Billy was the first person you had ever been with, part of you felt ashamed as you worried he would leave you after he got what he wanted from you. You were far more than just a hookup to Billy. He loved you. He really, truly loved you.
There was something almost angelic about you, you were kind and gentle. You were the salvation of his sin, he needed you.
“Beat him up.” a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips, quickly breaking the tension.
“Really?” he asked seriously, cocking an eyebrow at your request.
“No, I’m just joking.” you grinned, Billy pressed his lips to yours.
“There's that smile,” he whispered against your lips.
You may not have been Billy’s first, but he was convinced you were his last.
One moment you were screaming at each other, the windows fogging from the heat that radiated from your rage.
“I’m not doing this.” You breathed, hand already reaching for the door handle. “Talk to me when you're not wasted.”
With that, you slammed the car door leaving Billy to simmer down in the driver's seat.
He promised he wouldn’t drink, he swore he’d stay by your side the entire party and behave, But he didn't. Billy had to prove himself to the people he didn’t like, to impress the classmates who didn’t matter in the long run, that he could down the keg faster than Tommy. The party was just down the street, you were so upset with him you found yourself walking home. The brisk January air cutting through your thin cardigan as you forgot your jacket in his car.
Around 2:30 in the morning Billy had sobered up, got in his car, and drove. Like muscle memory, his arms turned the wheel in the familiar pattern until be found himself in front of your small home.
Sheets of freezing rain pelted down on the windshield,
Blood cacked under his nostrils, his left eye beginning to swell as he stood outside your bedroom window. You found yourself crawling out of bed and unlocking your window, taken aback by his appearance.
“Billy!” you whispered, careful not to wake your mother in the next room over. “Oh god, what happened?”
Your hands reaching into the cold night and pulling him into your window, he weakly climbed in, nearly collapsing into your arms.
“I’m so sorry.” He murmured into your hair, you struggled to support his weight.
“Hey, hey, It’s okay.” You cooed, your heart racing. “Billy we have to get you out of those wet clothes.”
He barely moved as your hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, then working at his coat and pants. You placed them on the small radiator that sat against your wall.
“Billy your freezing.” You commented, his skin almost sickly to the touch.
You guided him toward your bed, helping him under the covers. You climbed in next to him, pressing your body as close as humanly possible trying to warm him up. The quiet chatter of his teeth rattled in your ear, his arms wrapped around you tightly, desperate for the warmth of your touch.
Taking your thumb, you tenderly rubbed away the dry blood that had collected above his lip.
“Tommy said something,” Billy mumbled. “Something really fucked up.” He continued, his teeth clenching together.
You raised your head from his chest and watched his face as he spoke.
“What did he say?” your hand rubbing circles on his chest, trying to warm him up.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He said, almost sadly.
You didn’t press the matter any further, partially relieved as you weren't positive that you wanted to know. You tugged at the comforter, pulling it up higher around you too.
Neither of you fell asleep, completely wired from the night.
“He said that I broke you in, that I should let the basketball team have a go with you since you must be easy after sleeping with me.” His voice was hoarse as if he was fighting back tears, “You don’t deserve the shit that people say about you. It’s my fucking fault, I’m bad for you. I’m a bad guy, Y/N.”
“Billy, your not bad...you’ve just had bad things happen to you.” You comforted, slowly sitting up, reclining on your right arm.
Billy had felt guilty about being with you, he felt as if he had tainted you and your image. He was undeserving of your affection. Unworthy of your soft touches against his rough skin.
“I ruined you, didn’t I?” his voice fragile.
“What? Billy, no why would you think that?” You asked grazing his swollen brow. “hmm?”
His tongue ran across his busted lip, the taste of blood filling his mouth.
“I just-” he shook his head as he tried to suppress the tears that desperately tried to escape. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fear of losing you but he couldn’t stop himself. “I’m selfish because I know I don’t deserve you but I can’t bring myself to let you go.”
Your hand slid from his brow and down to his side, collapsing into him, pulling him into a tight embrace. No one hated Billy more than he hated himself, you knew this too well. He was self-destructive, he forced a toxic facade and broke everything he touched, but he wasn't bad.
“I’ll beat him up for you” you offered, attempting to get a smile out of Billy.
He remained silent, processing what you said, almost as if he were considering it.
“No, your too much of a sweetheart,” he whispered into your soft hair. “You’ve got so much good in you, do you know that?”
“I can give some to you if you want.” you smiled. “I think I have too much.”
He shifted onto his side, tucking a hand under his cheek as he grinned at you.
“Yeah?” He sleepily asked, smiling back at you. “you’d do that?”
“I’m a giver,” you pursed your lips playfully. “I’ll give you all of it if you want.”
“Well, I’ve already given you all of mine, so, it’s only fair.” his voice husky as he inched closer, his lips finding yours.
“Are you staying to watch me play, or are you hanging out with Wheeler?” Billy asked, playing with a pen you asked him to hold while you fill your bag with books.
“Sorry Billy, I’ve got plans with my mom, actually.” You apologised, plucking the pen from his hand. “Score a goal for me, okay?”
Disappointment washed over his face as he realized you wouldn’t be staying.
“Alright, could I come over later? Maybe take you out to the movies or something?” He asked, his fingers rubbing your elbow lovingly.
“I’d like that.” leaning on your toes you pressed your lips to his cheek. “is 8′o clock okay?”
“Perfect. I’ll see you then, get home safe okay?” Billy said after he kissed your lips.
You nodded, urging him to get going otherwise he’d be late for his practice. You watched as he went, waiting until he was out of sight before unsheathing the secret you had been hiding in your bag.
While Billy and the team played basketball you exacted your revenge on Tommy H.  With the pocket knife you had been given by Billy (he was certain you needed it for protection), you sliced into all four tires of Tommy’s car.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk so the cereal doesn’t get too soggy too quickly.
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter day? the first hit of cold is always nice. after awhile it gets annoying.
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? nothing too interesting, random pieces of paper etc. or i’ll just fold the corner.
4. How do you take your coffee/tea? coffee: two sugars with milk. tea: one sugar and milk.
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile? i’m happy with my teeth, they could be a bit whiter though.
6. Do you keep plants? my mum loves plants, our backyard is huge and there’s gardens everywhere. there’s also some plants inside in the front lounge and then our dining room. none in my room, not enough sunlight lol.
7. Do you name your plants? no.
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? none. do tumblr surveys count?
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself? only if i’m really into the songs.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side or stomach.
11. What’s your inner joke you have with your friends? there’s too many but one of the more recent ones is millus. there’s a guy at work named milos and it’s correctly pronounced ‘milosh’ but everyone says ‘mi-loss’ which is also fine. one of our workmates called him ‘millus’ the other day ever so innocently and we thought it was hilarious. so his name is millus now. lol.
12. What’s your favourite planet? earth.
13. What’s something that made you smile today? getting a new candle!
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? definitely loft style. huge space with high ceilings. our room would be open on like a second level and then everything on the first level would be studio-like, not many walls apart from the bathroom.
15. Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16. What’s your favourite pasta dish? ugh i hate pasta. if i had to choose, probably gnocchi.
17. What colour do you really want to dye your hair? nothing in particular. wouldn’t mind some highlights. but my hair is super dead, it needs a break.
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. tomorrowland and coachella alwayssss come up in conversation. 
19. Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw in it? nope.
20. What’s your favourite eye colour? hazel is always pretty.
21. Talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. hmmm i change handbags every year and they all go through hell and back with me lol. but i’d have to choose my hand carry luggage. that shit is super old, one of the zips are broken, the handle struggles to pull up but i still take it with me everywhere. one time i checked it in and it went missing. i thought it was the end of it but thankfully it was found and delivered to my front door lol.
22. Are you a morning person? nope. but if i have to wake up early i can do so easily.
23. What’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have no obligations? i clean my room a bit, rearrange stuff, cook something new and watch netflix.
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably my boyfriend.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? i don’t think i’ve ever broken in anywhere.
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have a lot of favourites that i’ll wear until they eventually break lol. 
27. What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour? watermelon.
28. Sunrise or sunset? sunset. but sunrises are just as beautiful.
29. What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? when my boyfriend geeks out about certain things like game of thrones lol. loser.
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, of course.
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. i only wear socks when i’m wearing boots or sneakers or if it’s winter and my feet are cold. i own more black socks than white coz of work.
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with your friends. that’s what i call a dope games night hahaha.
33. What’s your favourite pastry? i honestly love all pastry.
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it? this cabbage patch doll. she was black with dreads and had a flower tee. my grandparents got it for me, not once did i think she was different coz she was black, i just loved her! i have no idea where it is now sadly.
35. Do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? Do you use them often? i love stationery, i just don’t use them enough to buy heaps.
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? no idea. none right now.
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean? organized chaos tbh.
38. Tell us about your pet peeves! i could make an entire list. but my main one are people who cough without covering their mouths.
39. What colour do you wear the most? black.
40. Think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you? my diamond bracelet my boyfriend got me for my 21st birthday. i love it but it’s super flimsy, it’s broken twice now so i don’t wear it anymore.
41. What’s the last book you remember really, really loving? harry potter. all of them.
42. Do you have a favourite coffee shop? Describe it! starbucks.
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i feel like i’ve never done this before lol.
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? ugh idk never.
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot? yes.
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of. i’d tell you but it’s not very punny.
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe? none.
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today? dogs. haha no, i love dogs now.
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought? i don’t buy them anymore. i don’t even remember the last cd i got.
50. What’s an odd thing you collect? nothing weird.
51. Think of a person. What song do you associate with them? marc, get buck. so random.
52. What are your favourite memes of the year so far? haha idk. i like memes but not as much as everyone else on my facebook feed.
53. Have you ever watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp Fiction? What do you think of them? none.
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? omg this girl at work last night. no customer service whatsoever. i hope i don’t look like that.
55. What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk lol.
56. What are some things you find endearing in people? just their dorkiness.
57. Go listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i didn’t listen to it. but i do enjoy that song.
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why? this is incredibly fitting. sara is the wine mom 100%, and irene is the vodka aunt, she’s even russian ffs hahaha.
59. What’s your favourite myth? unicorns lol.
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your favourites? no. the only time i ever read poetry was in school.
61. What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk lol. there’s been plenty both ways.
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind? nope.
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be? not fussy at all. i used to be when i was younger. my itunes library would have all correct details and i managed to cut the genres down to under 10. now i don’t care. my books are everywhere too.
64. What colour is the sky where you are right now? black.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like? white, pink and purple.
67. How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i love staying inside during those days.
68. What’s winter like where you live? it’s nice during the day and freezing at night.
69. What are your favourite board games? cranium. its an everything boardgame lol.
70. Have you ever used a ouija board? no.
71. What’s your favourite kind of tea? honeydew milk tea with pearls.
72. Are you a person that needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? no.
73. What are some of your worst habits? i get annoyed easily. i also have no patience.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name of gendered pronouns. i am theirs and they are mine.
75. Tell us about your pets! he’s my first and probably last pet dog, sky. he’s sooooo cute and super old but he still has the spirit of a puppy. physically you can see signs of old age in him but i hope he’s okay.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? nope.
77. Pink or yellow lemonade? neither. they’re too sour.
78. Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither?
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? organized a present for me overseas. lol.
80. What colour are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that colour? If so, why? turquoise and light grey.
81. Describe one of your friends’ eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. striking.
82. Are/were you good in school? yeah i was good i guess.
83. What’s some of your favourite album art? all of rihanna’s shit.
84.  Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones? nope.
85. Do you read comics? What are your favourites? nope.
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones? is lemonade one?
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? sound of music.
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? modern shit. cubism, futurism, surrealism, pop art.
89. Are you close to your parents? fairly close, yes.
90. Talk about one of your favourite cities. san francisco is a dream. it’s the first city my boyfriend and i ever went to overseas. i love it so much, i want to go back.
91. Where do you plan on travelling this year? this year nowhere, only coz i’ve traveled twice this year already.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? it depends on the pasta and the cheese.
93. What’s the hairstyle you wear the most? ponytail.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my boyfriend’s dad.
95. What are your plans for this weekend? no ideaaaa.
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly, or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate, duh.
97. Myer Briggs type, Zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? i forgot, sagittarius, ravenclaw.
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it? probably diamond head lmao. i hated it but the view up top was amazing.
99. List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. noo.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go five years into the past, the other five years into the future, which one would you press? Why? errr neither. i guess i’d lean towards going back though. i don’t wna miss all the things the next five years could bring me.
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rhetts-beard · 7 years
BLACK = I would date you

GREEN = I think you’re cute
I mean maybe every other year 

BLUE = You are my tumblr crush
I better freaking be 

GREY = I wish you would notice me
don’t we all

PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog
that’s a lie on both accounts 

TEAL = We have a lot in common
ah yes 👏

YELLOW = I don’t know you at all
Neither do I buddy 😂

ORANGE = I don’t like your blog
yeah I don’t either lmao 

BROWN = I don’t like you
I don’t like me either tbh 

PINK = I think you are unattractive
You and me both pal 

RED = I hate you with a burning passion
oh my god we have something else in common 😍 I hate me too 

WHITE = You scare me
You and small children 

Well when and where- 

SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
On who the hottest person you know is? Yeah I’m quite something we don’t need to constantly talk about it jEEZ 

MAROON = You taught me something new
something old? Something borrowed? Something blue? 

CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar
well someone has to
PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh
yeah I’m pretty funny right- fUNNY LOOKING

MAUVE = You are really talented
I literally do nothing 

BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better
Look I get it I’m fucking awesome you don’t have to keep complimenting me (no pls do I need it) 

CYAN = We have very little in common
That’s what my ex wife said when she left me- mARTHA WHYYYYZHSJSK 

THISTLE = I only just started following you
what a fucking lie 

INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time
there we go (only been a couple months) 

FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold
Flattery will get you eVERYWHERE 

COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it)
like is said in the last one pal- 

VERMILION = You make me feel passionate
That’s exactly what Martha said 

HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname
Well I’ve got news for you bud- 

LAVENDER = You inspire me
to what? 

CORAL = You’re a meme
Meme queen 

UMBER = I want to know more about you
Dear god no you don’t rUN WHILE YOU CAN- (just like Martha 🌚) 

FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody
Okay but I’m the hotter one right? 

RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you
Good I’m fat- 

ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you
all the ladies come around eventually- 

WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class
that’s what all the girls tell me- 

SAFFRON = I love your ideas
that’s what Martha said 😭

TIMBERWOLF = I trust you
I don’t trust me what the hell 

FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
I already do that on the weekends. You’ll have to join me sometime 

PLUM = I’d like to chat with you
About what? How I’m literally trash or how you wanna get married or how I wanna get punched wHAT IS IT 

TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic
Thank you I try 

SAGE = You make me cry
It’s okay I make me cry too 

CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something!
hell yeah 

VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog
no. No you don’t. RUN WHILE YOU CAN 

CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie

BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
Yeah I’m pretty cool right 🌚 who am I kidding I’m trash
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smahwg · 8 years
Ask game!
Tagged by @annaiisekeating thanks girl!
I tag @feanore​ @zabbonisa​ @2nd-breakfast​ @sterisladrian​ any anyone else who wants to do it!
1. Who are you named after? An Egyptian saint 2. Last time you cried? That one time I had 2 tests and 2 projects within in 2 days on top of training at work. School is a big Yikes. 3. Do you like your handwriting? I like it, it’s got... character. even if most people can’t read it haha 4. What’s your favourite lunch meat? Turkey 5. Do you have kids? Nah 6. Do you use sarcasm? Yes 7. Do you still have your tonsils? Yup 8. Would you bungee jump? Definitely. I’d drag a few friends with me too 9. Favourite cereal? you know those cereals with the dehydrated fruit? those. 10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No, but I should.  11. Do you think you’re strong? Strong enough to be a lifeguard, yo 12. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Peanut butter chocolate 13. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Defining features i guess? like wow, they have nice hair/eyes/eyebrows/voice etc 14. Football or baseball? like american football? then neither 15. Least favourite thing about yourself? I’m like a -5 on the self discipline scale. but i’m working on it. 16. What colour pants are you wearing? polka dot pajama pants 17. Favourite smell? The ocean. Or honeydew.  18. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom 19. Favourite sport to watch on tv? Soccer i guess, but just the african cup and the world cup tho lol  20. Hair colour? ??golden brown??  21. Eye colour? ??hazel-ish-brownish?? i have a pretty unique color palatte lolss 22. Favourite food? Chocolate, cheesecake. I have a sweet tooth 23. Scary or funny movies? Funny 24. Last movie you watched? The Fellowship of the Ring 25. What colour shirt are you wearing? White 26. Favourite holiday? Christmas! 27. Wine or beer? Neither. well, whatever is sweetest really
I’m so sorry this took forever to do lol but hey i’m celebrating finishing exams so i guess i have an excuse 
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Oneshot #18
Rating: T
Relationships: AkaFuri.
Characters: Akashi Seijuurou. Furihata Kouki.
Wordcount: 2000+ words
Tags: Incubus/Human AU. Fluff. Crack. Based on this comic.  
Summary: Akashi summons a rare and powerful incubus. Only, accidentally.
Author's note: What better way to start the new year than with a sizeable helping of sap and drama? Anyway, this is the last of my oneshots. I will be making a separate post about the future works and general gushing about my lovely readers soon but as of now, my oneshot collection comes to an end with this. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!! 
AO3 link right here! 
Mayuzumi was going to die.
A very explicitly gruesome death, Akashi predicted.
They were in college for god's sakes. Wasn't bullying supposed to stop with high school? Apparently not as the grey puffs of smoke grew bigger and bigger, engulfing the room with its force, enough to blur his eyes and make him difficult to breathe, throat constricting with every second that passed by. He had been thrown on the floor at the impact of the smoke, the suspicious book the cause of all this lying somewhere nearby and the room plunged in complete darkness even if it was only midday.
Akashi balanced himself on one elbow, covering his mouth with the other hand and coughed, trying hard to inhale something other than the pungent fumes and blinked rapidly to clear the tears pricking at his eyes when a strong scent of cinnamon, honeydew and chocolate washed over him.
The clouds of smoke began to dissipate slowly and a form appeared from within, looming over the fallen Akashi. Afternoon sunlight began to stream in from the windows again after the brief spell of blindness and the strange human-like form swished closer to him. With a lazy wave of its hand, the fumes evaporated, as if they were never there and the soft rays of the sun formed a mystical halo around it. 
Pitch black cloak resting on its shoulders that flitted to the floor like a long cape, lean sinewy body like a dancer's, long chestnut hair that wafted down to its slim waist, two tiny black horns protruding from beneath its messy bangs, glittering gold jewellery adorning its wrists, ears, neck and hips, pointy chin, pert nose, a smirk both mischievous and innocent at the same time and eyes glimmering like honey from pools of milk stared at Akashi as if he was the prize that had been greedily coveted.
It looked like pure unadulterated sin.
The being crouched in front of him, inching in close and tilting its head in contemplation as intelligent eyes roved over Akashi slowly, taking all the time in the world. "Hello."
The smooth, cautious and soft, velvety voice matched its form, Akashi mused. It could make people melt under its spell and become putty in its hands, to be played around like chess pieces. It slid a hand over Akashi's arm, feeling the bunched muscles there and leisurely undid his tie with the other.
"Hmm. You are quite handsome, aren't you? I have never seen anyone with hair that colour, it looks good on you."
The spirit licked its lips, running a pierced tongue languidly over its sharp pointed teeth, eyes gleaming bright as they watched Akashi's every reaction, every jerk, every blink, every breath, unblinkingly.
 What had Mayuzumi got him into?
 "So, what will it be, human? It must have been quite a heavy thirst to have summoned me. Reveal to me, your deepest, darkest, filthiest fantasies and I, will fulfil them with this body of mine." It was almost straddling Akashi's hips and bending down to seductively whisper in his ear, elucidating every syllable. "I will make you feel like you have never felt before, I promise. After all, your kind's blood tastes the best when you have absolutely succumbed to your desires."
Akashi noted dully that its fingers were starting to lazily undo his buttons with expert ease and that its hair smelt heavenly of chocolate through the frozen state of his mind at the words the spirit had crooned.
 Mayuzumi Chihiro was going to die a very painful death.
He was going to burn all of his light novel collection right in front of his eyes before Akashi even got around to torturing him.
 An incubus? Really?
He thought he had been dared to call upon a spirit of a dead person not a death sentence, for fuck's sake. Mayuzumi was going to pay. Dearly.  
 He jolted to awareness when the demon - demon! - licked the shell of his ear, its piercing feeling like cool steel against the warm skin. Akashi shivered.  
Gently but firmly, he pried off the long fingers one by one as he sat up.The demon protested as Akashi started to redo his buttons and his belt. "Let's do this now!!!"
Akashi cleared his throat. This was going to be difficult, to say the least. It was a dangerous demon, if the complexity of the spell was any indication - he had to explain carefully and hope it would see reason. "There....seems to be a problem. Pardon me...but I was simply testing to see if the spell worked and summoned you by mistake. I apologise for the inconvenience."
The demon stilled for a full minute before recovering, grabbing his hands in its and shifting to seat itself more comfortably on his thighs. "Oh that's okay! We can still play, though!"
Akashi sighed and shook his head delicately, not looking away. He gripped the hands in his and met its eyes levelly. Crimson against hazel. "Um.....I am not interested."
"I said, I am not interes-"
"AAARGH! I HEARD IT CLEARLY THE FIRST TIME!! You don't have to insult me! What do you mean you are not interested?? Why would you dabble with the forces of darkness and successfully summon me, ME" - pointing to itself as if they were of great importance that Akashi didn't understand the gravity of, the being lashed out - "if you don't want me to get into your pants?"
Akashi scratched his cheek, feeling sorry for both of them. They had been tricked into this embarrassing situation, even if Akashi was at fault for falling for the dare. And going through with it impulsively, without being aware of the consequences. He never did that. And the one time he had been goaded on to do, he was stuck with someone who could easily kill him with just a flick of their wrist, sitting atop his lap with arms crossed over their chest and glaring at him, scornfully.
"Well, I was challenged to do so because you were the hardest and the trickiest to call among the spirits but I was......conveniently uninformed as to what you were. I apologise deeply and-"
"This has got to be a joke. You can't be serious! Oh my god. Are you playing with me? Are you playing hard to get? Is that what this is? If so, I am more than okay with-"
"No no." Akashi put his hands on its shoulders, shaking them a little. He shook his head and took a deep breath. It was going to be so disillusioned. But there was no helping it. "Really. I don't want to have sex with you."
The demon looked like a child who had just been told Santa wasn't real. It was just two seconds away from bawling. Akashi had to think quick, he had brought this on himself, no matter how much he blamed Mayuzumi for getting him into this mess in the first place.
"But there are other things we can do." Hazel eyes sparkled at that. He himself felt his voice becoming chipper as he saw the gleam. "Such as.....watch TV, play basketball, go to the library?"
The demon's eyes widened as if positively mortified at the suggestions and threw itself off of Akashi's arms and backed into the far wall, all the way across the room. Quivering hands draping its robe around itself, shivering slightly and cowering as if to hide itself, the being stuttered to voice its thoughts.
"Yo-yo-you can't be serious!! You are asking me, ME, the one who refused to bed mortals - even nobles and kings! - that didn't qualify my standards, for platonic affection? ME??!! I will have you know you cretin, I rejected from using so many of your pathetic kind for blood simply because I wasn't interested! It does not happen the other way around! This simply is not happening!!"
The demon screeched, rapidly gaining control from its momentary lapse and letting out steam at being insulted. It was understandably indignant about the whole mess and Akashi waited for it to finish its rightful rant. 
It calmed down to mutters and grumbles before stilling like a statue and slowly turned to face him, shock written all over its beautiful features and whispered, "Does this mean we have to do....those things?" 
 "Cuddling up on a sofa, watching movies about cats? Disney? Cooking breakfast together? Spooning in bed? Staying up late to talk nonsense at unholy hours of the night? Massaging with clothes on?! Scandalous non sexual acts of affection?? ME?!!! Are you serious?!"
"....I honestly hadn't thought of that but, yes. That....that does sound lovely."
The demon proceeded to blush furiously and sweat and tremble, eyes blown wide as the enormity of what it was expected to do, sunk in; holding its head with its hands as if an earth-shattering truth had been revealed.
Akashi tilted his head, regarding quietly. He could spend a few hours and study about ways to free the being from the uncomfortable situation he had put it in. "You...don't seem to be liking it. I could just-"
"No no! I mean ye-yes! I-I just need some time to emotionally prepare myself, ha ha!" It raised its hands as if in assurance that nothing seemed to be the problem, its disposition saying otherwise. "This is-I have-I have never done something like this before, so please give me a moment to come to terms with it...."
 Akashi nodded and stood up, offering a hand to the demon. "You can stay with me, until you choose to leave. Please, don't force yourself to please me. And. Akashi Seijuro. Nice to meet you."
The demon peered up at him, from underneath those long eyelashes and blinked. Akashi felt himself smile reassuringly at it. It really was a gorgeous creature. It slowly moved to stretch its hand and reach out to his while standing up.
Funny, they were both the same height, Akashi noted. Interlacing the warm fingers slowly a smile started to bloom on its face, nearly blinding Akashi with its beauty. "Furihata Kouki. It's nice to meet you too, Seijuro."
 Furihata couldn't believe his fate.
Even after three weeks of living with Akashi, who surprisingly cooked only with average expertise and had a strict sleeping regimen and other such funny quirks just like an old man instead of a twenty-year old, he couldn't believe it.
Reo had been so happy when he had been summoned. He was the pickiest of the lot. He was so finicky about who was calling him that he granted only an hour of two of his time before draining their life source, enough to last him a century or so. Reo was always mad at him for finishing so quickly and not enjoying the courting and not engaging himself with the human world more.
And now, this stunning redhead, who had been interesting enough to have successfully called upon him on the very first try, when bestowed with more than an hour of Furihata's time, had openly rejected him and all of his advances. Him.
He was this close to pulling out his hair.  
 Wearing a bright orange oversized sweater, gripping a mug of hot chocolate in one and another arm wound around the human, watching some dumb movie from a sofa too small for the both of them, Furihata lamented at how things turned out to be. 
That's it. He was going to label this as foreplay. Foreplay without the sex. He shall emerge victorious in draining the blood off this mortal. Soon. Furihata Kouki was nothing if not, absolute.
 Akashi snuggled into his chest a bit more and curled his legs up onto the sofa. Furihata immediately reached forward to fix the blanket, so that it covered them both sufficiently. Smiling into Furihata's sweater and nodding off to sleep, Akashi mumbled. "For what it's worth, you are doing a great job, Kouki."
 This vile tempter!
 Akashi didn't play fair, Furihata complained mentally. 
Heartwarming smiles and innocent sugary words all.
Sighing to himself, Furihata leaned back, tangling his legs with Akashi's underneath the blanket and planting a kiss atop the cherry red hair before taking a sip of the delicious brew, opting to watch the dumb movie.
Of all the lovers he had had in his existence, Akashi was by far the most riveting. And, honestly speaking, Furihata was in no hurry. Seduction after all, was a waiting game. He might as well make his stay pleasant here, as long as it lasts.
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s-q-u-i-s-h-u · 7 years
Luxury asks
Bubble bath: Do you have any routines before bedtime? Like skin care, etc. what are they? Yep I do, it used to be sooo time consuming but now it's just simple washing my face with soap and then putting on a little cream, flossing and whatnot I guess. Champagne: what topic could you talk about for hours? Hmm...depression? Any mental illness, it's the only thing i recall that I talk about often and can go on about it for hours and hours Crushed velvet: have you ever used your charm to get something you want? Oh boy maaany times! My parents, boys, store owners etc. Diamond: how do you feel about excessively spending money? You know..back then I didn't care at all, well that was because most of it wasn't mine but once I grew up and matured I think back and feel bad about it. I am very stingy now when it comes to spending money. Faux fur: describe your wardrobe. Lol! Dark colors, mostly every article of clothing is 2x bigger than me. The best word to use is "Lazy". Glitter: describe someone special to you? I never thought I'd love a boy so much and not actually want to be in a relationship with him, our friendship is so beautiful. he is very understanding, kind, humble, funny and quirky in his own way. I adore him so much. Gold: describe what you would call the most perfect meal. I fucking love, salad, broth and noodles, pho is my go to with a side of spring rolls and either some hot green tea or honeydew boba. Jazz: Name a song that resonates with you and your emotions. Explain the reason why I'll come back to this....maybe Lace: what is something in your life completely different from last year. ...nothing. Well I guess my mentality is changing, I am maturing, admiring different things, and discovering new interests. It's interesting seeing much I've changed mentally. Lingerie: do you consider yourself a promiscuous person? Mmm nah. Lipstick : do you enjoy talking to strangers? Lol do I? Yeee of course! Well it depends actually. Pearl's: what's something about your personality that surprises others? Everything, no but once people get to know me more I start feeling more comfortable and pull out the lewdness and get pretty fucking loud (I'm usually p fucking quiet at first). The most that people get surprised about are my sick roasts. I'm very laid back so when something/someone annoys me and I get bitchy, it surprises my friends. Penthouse: what would you consider your dream home? Describe it. I want a simple house, not too big or too small. I want to live somewhere liiike...by the mountains or something, no neighbors. Perfume: if you could make your own signature fragrance, what would it smell like? What does "not giving a fuck" smell like? I like sweet fragrances so let's just go with that. Robe: how do you prepare for an evening alone with a loved one/date? I'm not one to put much effort in anything, but! I guess I dress up a little more nice than usual. If it's a loved one, I already know where it's gonna go cause hey it's me so some nice lingerie ha... Rose: if it had to be winter, autumn, spring or summer for the rest of your life, which would you choose? SUMMER! I looove summer so much Satin: what is your most favorite article of clothing? All of my really oversized T shirts. Sheet mask: What's your favorite lazy day activity? Writing while listening to music. Silk: do you have more inner beauty or outer beauty? Hell all of my beauty is inner lol Silver: do you have any obscure hobbies? What are they? I barely even have any hobbies. Sparkling water: what are your top three songs for the summer? Bruh right now I'm in my K R&B phase sooo I'll try so hard to not make it all Korean. 1. Dean-put my hands on you. 2. Sango-Vem vem 3. Zion T & Haha-Sponsor. I had to refrain myself from making it all Giriboy and Zion T lol but I like the rhythm and sound of these 3 songs, makes me want to dance and summer calls for a lot of dancing and having fun yea? Wine: what kind of drunk are you (happy/affectionate, angry, sad, fun/wild)? If you don't drink, what kind do you think you would be? I am a happy/affectionate drunk lol I laugh a whole lot but again who doesn't?
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