#I just think they should get to live together in… I was gonna say domestic bliss but let’s be real it’ll be more like domestic chaos
braxiatel · 6 months
Listen I know it’s very early to do so seeing as season 9 won’t be officially over until the 20th but I am thinking back to how at the start of the season Mumbo and Scar were planning to base together but didn’t end up doing so because Mumbo had to take a break and I am manifesting that so hard for season 10 you would not believe
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chrisevansonly · 4 months
Some Extra Goodies
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charles leclerc x female reader
summary: you are the master at sneaking things into the grocery kart, only this time…someone is watching
warnings: none very fluffy and domestic charles
a/n: thank you all for the cute little ideas i’m gonna work through them, i hope you enjoy these little blurbs!!
Grocery shopping was something you and Charles loved to do together, ever since you moved in together, and even when you both still lived in your respective homes; it was a tradition for you two almost.
Another thing you were good at was sneaking extras into the cart, whether it was your favourite candies or a little package of double chocolate chip cookies, luckily enough for you Charles never seemed to notice.
Until today.
“Chérie, what kind of apples do you want this week?”
You hummed for a second, having just sneakily added a package of cookies to the cart, your eyes then moving up to look at your fiancé who narrowed his stare onto you.
“Oh um let’s just get the honey crisp again! Those were really good last time”
Charles didn’t say anything before grabbing a few apples and placing them into your little fabric fruit bag, the bag you’d started to force him to use to avoid all the plastic use.
“Okay, we just need milk and then we are good to go”
Nodding you hooked your arm through Charles’s and walked towards the dairy section, not before subtly grabbing a pack of gummy bears and trying to hide them under the bushel of banana’s that had just been laid down minutes earlier.
It wasn’t until after you’d gotten the milk and some yogurt that Charles stopped by the cash register, a slight smirk on his face.
“So are we forgetting anything?” he asked softly
“Nope, everything is checked off on the list!”
You raised a brow looking at him and shrugged, showing him the crumpled up grocery list
“Yeah, see I checked it all off…is there something we’re forgetting?”
“Well I just noticed something funny…”
Charles kept his eyes on you, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pulled out the cookies, gummy bears and the little box of truffles you’d slipped into the cart.
“It’s funny because I didn’t see these on the list…”
“What! Oh well how did they get in there! Must have flown off the shelf!”
Charles couldn’t hold his laugh back at your fake shock, it was something he loved about you, how you’d get so animated and pretend as if you didn’t do something: you both knew you most definitely did.
“So I didn’t see you sneakily place these in the cart over our trip here?”
“Charles! I think you’re seeing things, should we go see a doctor?”
Biting back a smile you tried hard not to crack nor laugh, but as Charles pulled you in for a hug and pressed a kiss to your forehead, you sighed, finally breaking.
“Alright…you caught me…i just wanted some sweets…”
“Well you didn’t have to sneak them mon amour..”
You shrugged
“It’s more fun that way! Plus you never notice!”
At the look on thé Monégasque’s face your mouth dropped open
“You’ve known?!”
“Every year since we started dating…”
Now it was your time to laugh, all of this time you’d thought he’d never noticed your additions to the weekly groceries, when in reality he’d known everytime for the past 5 years.
“Let’s just say don’t become a spy…you’re not very good at hiding things”
Pressing one last kiss to your forehead the two of you made your way to the cash to check out and pack all of your things up to go home. Even if you weren’t a good spy, and Charles did know when you snuck extras in, he’d never say anything, in fact he loved that you did it.
Because half the time, he’d want the same sweets as you, he’d just never admit it….not now at least.
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 7 months
lover, you should've come over - m. schmidt
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a/n: you guys should have seen this one coming! as always i appreciate any likes and reblogs and hope you enjoy :) warnings: suggestive themes, big angst, lots of talk about tattoos and pain and needles, mike having horrible anxiety and commitment issues, reader is mostly gender neutral except for one thing ! tattoo aftercare, hurt/comfort, kissing word count: 3.6k summary: you get a tattoo, and it terrifies mike. mostly because he realizes how much you love him. pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader now playing: lover, you should've come over - jeff buckley "my body turns and yearns/for a sleep that won't ever come/it's never over/my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder."
Penny has done almost all of your tattoos, save for the stick and poke star you gave yourself while you were way too high to be handling that sort of equipment, and a few flash designs you’ve gotten for holidays. And usually, you keep it simple and easy, pitching a design idea and getting a finished stencil a few hours later.
But this time, you go into the shop a few months before you plan to get the tattoo and describe to her what you want. She’s shocked that you want a half sleeve—It’s a big step, she tells you, and it’ll mean sitting for a few hours while she does her work. It’ll be painful, and the design will take a few weeks to get made, because she wants to give you the best possible design.
She does good work. When you visit again in about three weeks, you put down a deposit and make an official date to get it done. October 9th.
You go home that night to your small, but warm home to find your boyfriend trying to make chicken parm. His goal all year has been to learn how to cook, not just to make things out of a box. You know a bit better how to cook, but you let him improve his skills, always providing helpful, gentle critiques.
Abby is worse at being gentle.
She’s brutal with her brother’s cooking, and even though Mike loves your gentle words, he appreciates Abby’s feedback, and just wants her to eat a full plate of food before bed each night.
Tonight, his food smells good. You mentioned about a month ago how you missed your mom’s chicken parm, and since then, he’s been reading and researching different recipes at work. Ever since he quit working at Freddy’s, he’s put down the book of dreams and has picked up cookbooks, working his way up slowly.
You tell him he’ll be making Thanksgiving Dinner in no time. You kiss his jaw when you say that, and later, he returns the favor by placing a kiss to your shoulder.
You go to him, standing in the kitchen, as he squints at the recipe book in front of him. He wears washed blue jeans, an old Foo Fighters tee shirt and a pair of blue fuzzy socks. A towel hangs over his shoulder as he mutters to himself, as he gets ready to put some garlic bread in the oven.
You’re still in your work clothes, though, it’s not as if you’re wearing anything fancy. Just a different pair of jeans, and a tee shirt with your shop’s logo on it. Your hair is messy, and you smell vaguely of dirt. The smell has become comforting to him in his time knowing you.
You step closer to him, a hand resting gently on his shoulder. He relaxes at your touch.
“Hey, Mike.” You say softly, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, how was your day?”
“Not too bad. The food smells pretty good.”
“You think so?” His voice is hopeful, especially since he’s trying to live up to your memories of the dish as a kid. It’s his way of thanking you for being so good to him while he’s gotten his shit together.
“Mhm. I’m gonna go wash up and have Abby help me set the table.” You tell him. You kiss his jaw quickly before heading off to the bathroom to scrub the dirt from beneath your fingernails. You wash your face and arms too and begin to realize how domestic this all is.
You never saw yourself having kids, and never thought of yourself dating someone who did.
And you still never think about having kids, but you did find yourself treating Abby as if she is your own. This has nothing to do with how much you adore her brother. Abby is just easy to love. You wonder if anyone’s ever told her that.
When your work boots find themselves at the end of your bed, you change into a muscle tee. You’re awfully fond of them. You find a pair of Mike’s fuzzy socks and slip them on too. You take a moment to stare at your shoulder in the mirror, imagining how it’ll look when ink covers it. Most of your tattoos are on your legs, and for a long time, this arm has been bare of any ink. You’ve been saving it for this project for years.
You go to Abby’s room and knock gently before entering. You find her painting at this aisle you got for her birthday. She’s been working on this painting for a few days now, and it’s turning out quite nice.
“Hey, Abs.” You say softly, and she puts her paintbrush down to give you this big, toothy grin. “Go wash up and help me set the table?” You ask.
“Sure.” She hums and starts to skip along to the bathroom, but you stop her at the door.
“And remember, even if Mike’s food is bad, what do we say?”
“Mm, this food is so good and not horrible at all!”
She sighs.
“This is unlike anything you’ve made before, and I appreciate the effort?”
“That’s it.” You let her go wash up, and then go to set the table.
When Mike eventually serves dinner, you’re starved. You don’t care if it’s bad, or if it’s burnt, you know you’ll like it because you weren’t able to take a lunch break that day. But it genuinely looks good.
He cuts up Abby’s food and puts the plate in front of her before sitting down and looking to you two for a reaction. You take a bite, and you have to pause.
Did Mike really cook something not just edible, but… good?
Not fine, not decent, really good.
“Mike, this is—”
“Amazing!” Abby gasps, going in for another bite. His cheeks flush.
“You guys don’t have to pretend, it’s alright—”
“No, Mike, we’re not pretending, it’s really good!” You defend, going in for a second bite yourself. “Try it!”
He does, and he even looks shocked at the quality of the food he’s produced. And it sets the mood for the whole dinner, until you eventually blurt out,
“I booked a tattoo appointment for next week.”
“What are you getting?” Mike can’t ever admit this to you, but he adores your tattoos. He thinks the placement of them are all wonderful, even if they’re smaller. He likes to kiss them, to trace his fingers over them, to just admire them in the summer.
“It’s a surprise.” You tell him. Owning your own shop and being your own boss has its perks. You have no worries about people judging you for your half sleeve, deciding that you can just ban them from your shop.
Your conversation drifts off and you focus on other things. When you’re done, you and Mike begin to clean up with him, letting some of the pan soak in the sink. You sit on the counter, drying some of the plates as Mike rinses.
“Thank you for dinner.” You tell him.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Comfortable silence fills the room. “You’re really not gonna tell me what you’re getting?”
“I told you, it’s a surprise.” You smile softly. He dries his hand and steps between your legs. His hands land on either side of you, caging you in.
“Tease.” He mumbled, leaning forward, and kissing your shoulder. A hand goes to his hair, your fingers tangling in his locks.
“I’m not teasing, I’m just being a little secretive.” You tell him, playing with his hair. You’re a fan of the scruff he’s been growing out lately.
“Isn’t it gonna hurt?”
“Yeah, but I’ll take breaks and remember to eat.” You tell him. “This isn’t my first tattoo, Mike.”
“I know, baby.” He says softly, “I just get worried—”
“You get worried about me? And yet, when I’m worried about you, you ignore me but—” He cuts you off with a kiss, and your hands land on his jaw, the scruff tickling your face.
• • •
The ink swirls around your shoulder, a moth wrapping around your shoulder and reaching to the top of your arm. Vines wrap around the moth, as flowers bloom in different places. Your birth flower is one of them, as well as your mother’s. You also place Abby and Mike’s around the moth, maybe protecting it. Thorns poke out of some of the vines, and the ink covers your shoulder, and down to just above your elbow.
You got it done on a Saturday afternoon, leaving late enough so Mike could sleep in without having to deal with Abby, but being able to give them some time to relax together.
It takes a few hours, and by the end of it, you’re exhausted. As with all your other tattoos, you’re sore, but this is a new type of sore. You ache for Mike’s hands on you, to hold you and kiss your shoulders, even though he can’t kiss your left shoulder for a few days.
The second skin will remain on your arm for a day or two, and then you’ll have to go through the process of moisturizing your tattoo.
You have Penny take lots of photos of it before you head home, Mike and Abby both waiting in anticipation for you to come home and show them your new ink. You’re excited to show them, since there’s a connection to them in the art. 
When you open the door, Abby runs to you and immediately starts to look for the ink in question. She gasps when she sees it, all wrapped up on your arm.
“It’s a moth,” You tell her, “With my favorite plants.” You crouch down to point out different plans in the works. “These are my mom’s birth flowers, they’re carnations.” You tell her, “Do you know what these are?” You point to another flower.
Abby shakes her head, resisting the urge to reach out and touch the fresh, raw flesh of the person she considers to be her caregiver.
“They’re lily of the valley flowers. They’re your birth flower.” You reach out and tuck hair behind her ear. Then, you point to the third flower. “And these? They’re honey suckles. They’re Mike’s birth flower.”
Mike watches your interaction, listening to your explanation of the tattoo. Suddenly, this anxiety pools in his chest. You’ve been living together for a few months, but somehow a symbol of him and Abby being engraved on your skin makes things all too real.
He could cry.
“Did you get the flowers because you’re a flower person?” You grin, knowing she doesn’t remember the title of your job.
“Botanist, you mean? Sort of, but you two mean a lot to me, and I wanted to tribute something to you guys.” You confess.
She grins and turns to look at Mike.
“I wanna be a tattoo artist when I’m older.” Mike is pale with anxiety.
He wants to tell you it looks good, that it’s brilliantly done, but he doesn’t find it in himself. He wants to run, to abandon this relationship at the door, to never speak to you again to avoid the fact that he wants you desperately and thinks he might marry you one day.
He walks off to the bathroom, and he’s unsure if it’s to throw up or to cry.
You’re disappointed, because you wanted him to like it desperately, since this tattoo is now on you forever, and you wanted it to be a tribute to him. It almost hurts you that he doesn’t love it. Or at least pretend to. Instead, his disdain is visible on his face, and you do your best to turn your attention back to Abby.
“Wanna help me make dinner?” You smile softly, and she nods.
“Did your tattoo hurt?” She acts gently.
“Yeah, but with a good artist it goes quickly, and they don’t aim to torture you.” You explain, as you begin to make mac and cheese.
As she sets the table, you turn back to her and ask, “Can you go get Mike for dinner?” She nods and skips along to your bedroom, where Mike sits on the bed, frustrated with himself.
“Mike?” She asks gently. “We’re making mac and cheese.”
“I’m not hungry.” He says softly, and Abby can just tell something isn’t right.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t feel well..”
“Oh…” she suspects this is a lie.
“I’m sorry. Tell them I said sorry.” Tears prick Mike’s eyes. He’s unsure why he’s like this, and why he can’t just admire your tattoo and love you and tell you how much you mean to him. But he can’t. He gets the words out. He wants to love you so badly but something in him demands to not let him be happy.
He lays on the bed and tries to stay quiet as he cries.
• • •
Hours later, you sit at the table anxiously, your hands tapping on the wood, a cold bowl of Mac and Cheese on the table. You decide to get up to clean up dinner, and just as you do, soft steps creep out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area.
Mike stands and stares at the cold dinner that he feels bad for rejecting. He should just tell you what’s bothering him. Instead, his gaze turns and looks at you, doing the dishes.
“You didn’t have to make dinner.”
“You didn’t seem well, and Abby needed to eat.”
This comment sparks a much larger fire in Mike, and he isn’t sure why he’s angered by how much you care about his sister, his world.
“You aren’t her mom, you don’t have any reason to make her dinner or put her to bed—”
“Yeah, Mike, well, You’re not really her dad.” You glare. “I’ve taken care of her for months, fed her, made sure she’s taken care of, I’ve picked her up from school, and now suddenly, you’ve decided I have no right to just care about her? Fuck you, if you don’t love me anymore, then don’t take it out on your sister, talk to me like a god damn grown up and stop acting like a child.” You spit, angrily turning back around to keep doing your dishes so that Mike doesn’t see your red face or your tears.
With your back turned, he can see the moth on your shoulder blade, and he aches to trace the lines of your tattoos, kissing the skin around it. But cotton fills his mouth every time he tries to sew the gap between you two.
And your words strike him. He knows why you might think he doesn’t love you anymore, but he does. He loves you deeply and finds himself enamored with you, and yet he can’t even compliment this tattoo that you have obviously put a ton of time, effort and money into.
“I’m sorry—” You start, but he cuts you off.
“I think we should give each other some space.” The words hit you like a ton of brick, and you’re ready to get on your hands and knees and beg him, beg him to not leave, beg him to forgive you (for what, you don’t know), beg him to touch you, beg him to want you.
“I just think I need some space.” He said softly, leaning against the kitchen doorway. You want to ask if he’s hungry, to kiss away all the sadness in the worry lines of his face.
You nod, bite your tongue. He wants to hold you and tell you he doesn’t mean it.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” You mumble, sighing softly. You also plan to leave early before Mike gets up.
Mike steps towards you, maybe to apologize. You step past him to go get pajamas from your dresser, not letting him grasp onto you. You don’t want him to apologize now. You want him to sit in his regret and you want to sit in your anger.
As you attempt to fall asleep that night, you pray Abby didn’t hear your conversation with him.
Both of you try to drift to sleep and salt streams from your eyes and into your ears.
• • •
A few days pass. Your tattoo starts to heal, and you take the second skin off your shoulder and arm and begin the process of aftercare.
You and Mike exchanged a total of about thirty words over the next few days. Abby noticed your angst towards each other and tried to get the two of you to make up. She figured that Mike was being an idiot, and just needed to apologize.
She was right, but he didn’t want to admit that to his kid sister.
It’s hell. You have to pretend that you don’t want to beg for his forgiveness, but you know that neither of you are blameless. Your pride tells you not to be the first one to cave. His anxiety tells him that you hate him.
When he gets home one afternoon from work, you’re napping in bed. He knows the couch isn’t that comfortable and he’s sure you’re home because you’d mentioned to Abby that you weren’t feeling well. You probably didn’t expect to still be asleep when he got home.
But you’re wearing one of his shirts. He kisses your head and leaves a glass of water and cold medicine on the nightstand, before going to make himself busy somewhere else, as if not to disrupt your rest.
He takes one last glance at you before he leaves.
One night, he comes home from work late. You take it as an opportunity to take a hot shower after putting Abby to bed and taking a few minutes to sit in the bedroom that you missed while sleeping on the couch.
Besides, your bones ached from that uncomfortable couch while you were spoiled, used to Mike’s warm bed.
You barely hear the front door open as you continue your nightly routine. You need to apply lotion to your tattoo, to keep it moisturized as it heals. But you find yourself struggling to reach your shoulder.
Mike watches you from the doorway of the bedroom, biting his lip. The bags around his eyes have grown darker since your fight.
He takes off his boots first, and then strips his top down to an undershirt, then takes off his jeans. If you weren’t so busy, you’d acknowledge how handsome he looked in just his boxers and a gray tee shirt.
The bed dips behind you, as he sits behind you. You stop what you’re doing.
“Give me the lotion.” He says softly, and with a sigh of defeat, maybe even a bit of relief, you hand him the lotion. He squirts some lotion on his hands, then begins to rub it into your skin. You shudder at the contact, and he feels tears in his eyes again. He missed you. “I’m sorry I didn’t say I liked your tattoo. I love it.”
“I’m sorry I said you didn’t love me, and I’m sorry I said you weren’t Abby’s dad.”
“But I’m not—”
“But you are her parent.”
“So are you.”
A silence fills the room.
“What happened on Saturday?”
“I got anxious when I saw Abby and I’s birth flowers on you. Like how much I loved you was just engraved in your skin, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I didn’t mean to push you away, I was just terrified. Terrified that you’re going to leave. Terrified that I won’t be able to protect you.” His voice cracks at the end, and he leans his head against your shoulder that isn’t inked.
Your head turns to kiss his head.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know..” he says softly, but a part of him doesn’t believe it. You and Abby, you’re the only ones who have stayed, the only ones he’s been able to save. He doesn’t know who he is without the two of you. “I’m sorry, I was such a dick.”
“Yeah, but so was I.” You tell him.
“I love your tattoo. I love all of your tattoos. All of them. I love kissing them. I’m desperate for this one to heal so I can kiss this shoulder again.”
“Thank you for helping me with it. It itches like a son of a bitch.” You tell him, a weak smile on your face. Tears stain your shirt.
“Can we go back to normal now? I’ve missed you.”
“I miss you so much.” You turn and wrap your arms around him, the warmth radiating from his body as he holds you close. You wonder if either of you will ever be able to let yourselves be loved.
You hope to let each other try.
You kiss him, salty tears mixing, as you hold him close. He’s careful of your tattoo, not wanting to scratch or hurt you. He’s gentle in a way that betrays him. He desires you in this way that transcends want or need, something that is vital, as if it were breathing.
Yet his hands remain respectful. Gentle. You’re the one that adjusts your position to be over him, as you gently push him back against the bed, kissing him deeper.
He decides he will marry you someday. That maybe the idea of being with you for the rest of his life isn’t scary.
Not when you kiss him like that.
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hawkinsbnbg · 1 month
Eddie asked Steve to help with his oral fixation, and Steve agreed.
tags: rimming, a dash of daddy kink & breeding kink
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"You want me what?" Steve turned away from the TV to squint at his roommate.
"I have this thing call oral fixation," Eddie explained easily. "Which means I need to get my mouth busy all the time."
Steve hummed noncommittally and nodded in understanding. "I see, we can buy lollipops–"
Eddie cut him off with a chaste kiss that turned heated quickly.
"I think you're already sweet enough for me, angel." Eddie whispered once they parted with a transparent thread connecting their lips.
Blushing, he laughed weakly and pushed Eddie away. "Alright, I'm gonna help you, dude. Don't need to butter me up like that."
"I know you're my favorite for a reason, Stevie," Eddie grinned, all sunshine and rainbow again when he wasn't trying to shove his tongue down Steve's throat.
And Steve was too eager to help that it never crossed his mind friends didn't made out with each other and called it a day.
Since then, Eddie would just sidle up behind him every time he was in the middle of something, bend him over any surface that was available at the moment, tugged his shorts down, and eat him out.
Once Eddie was done, he would clean Steve up nicely, tucked him in, and walked away as if nothing had ever happened.
Leaving Steve staring in bewilderment and arousal.
They never talked about it. They just treated it as this special thing between them, their little secret.
It also helped that they lived together. More convenient for Eddie whenever his craving decided to act up.
Gradually, it became their routine, they could be watching TV on the couch and Eddie would flip him over, burying his face into Steve's ass before digging into it.
Steve never thought having someone rim him would be cozy.
But Eddie always managed to surprise him most days, and this was no exception either.
Sometimes, he'd get so comfortable that he just dozed off and then woke up feeling floaty with Eddie's fingers combing through his hair gently.
Or occasionally, he'd simply read a book while Eddie lapped at his hole for hours.
It felt almost domestic if he dared to say.
Things remained like that until one day, when Eddie kept licking at that bundle of nerves, Steve didn't even have time to react before he came.
His moan was loud and high-pitched, and Steve blushed terribly once he realized what just happened.
"Did I just...?" He glanced back at Eddie, wide eyed and disbelieved.
"You just did, baby boy," Eddie grinned at him like a shark, red tongue tracing the pearly canines that always painted reds and purples on Steve's cheeks and thighs.
Steve didn't know what to do. He had grown to enjoy the feeling of Eddie's tongue fucking him so much that he just had an orgasm due to it.
It should give him shame and
embarrassment, but all he felt was a burning need to fill the hollowness inside him.
He wanted to be full.
"Can I ask you something?" Steve licked his lips nervously.
"Yeah? What is it?" Eddie stroked his lower back soothingly, but those eyes were dark and heavy as they pinned him in place.
"Can you give me more?" Steve breathed slowly, the air was so charged that it was almost suffocating.
"More what?" Eddie raised a curious brow while petting his hole temptingly.
"More than your tongue," Steve bit out, muscles pulled taut and heart racing.
He couldn't help but arch his ass toward those calloused fingers, seeking and craving for more.
Without warning, Eddie slipped a finger inside him and proceeded to pull out and push in slowly.
"Like this?"
Steve gasped and tried to clench down on the thick and long digit.
Granted, he had fingered himself multiple times, but when Eddie did it, it just hit different.
Surreal, thrilling, and exciting were all he could sum up.
"Eddie," he moaned, breathless and needy.
"Yeah, baby?" Eddie added another slicked finger and if Steve wasn't too horny to care, he'd definitely remember that they didn't stash lube anywhere nearby.
"Fuck me," he rolled his eyes back as Eddie stroked that spot again. "Bet y– your cock would reach deeper, feel better."
"Jesus," Eddie let out an amused huff. "When did you become such a slut, hm?" He crooked his fingers, making Steve see the fucking Milky Way. "What did you do to my good boy who'd blush prettily every time I teased him?"
"Your good boy is asking you to fuck him," Steve whined and undulated his hips to chase after that toes-curling pleasure.
"Is that so?" Eddie chuckled and retreated his fingers.
Before Steve could complain, he felt something hot and thick slowly breached his loose hole.
By the time Eddie was seated fully inside him, he was drooling and cross eyed, being stuffed full and stretched to the seams.
"Still good?" Hot lips brushed against the shell of his ear.
"Y– Yeah," he slurred. "Sooo good."
Eddie was nothing he imagined. Somehow, Eddie was better than tongue and fingers could ever be.
"Gonna fuck you til you cry," Eddie murmured huskily, full of promise and hunger. "Gonna ruin you for good."
Steve couldn't say anything, mouth agape as the source of heat inside him started moving, dragging every little noise and breathy moan out of him.
He felt drunk, high, and stupid. If only he didn't chicken out every time he was about to confess to Eddie, then they could've had this sooner.
He'd have been railed to his heart's content, would've been allowed to taste Eddie's cock, would've had Eddie in his bed instead of having to jerk himself off roughly in his room after being eaten out by Eddie every time.
He had wasted so much time, missed so many chances.
"Love you," he mewled into his folded arms. "Love you so much, Eddie. Love your stupid cock, love your stupid tongue, love your stupid smiles."
Eddie cursed quietly and stopped moving. The lack of motions got Steve whine his complaint loudly.
"Did you mean it?" Eddie nipped the tip of his ear, voice so low and raspy that it almost sounded like a growl.
When Steve took too long to answer, Eddie snapped his hips and punched out a chocked-off moan out of him.
"Did you mean it, Steve?"
"I m– meant it," he nodded blindly.
Eddie pulled out and carefully flipped him on his back. "Say it again."
Now, they were face to face, Steve suddenly felt shy. He made grabby hands at Eddie, needing close contact to soothe his nerves.
Eddie's features softened visibly as he gathered Steve into his lap.
He cupped Steve's face gently and placed tender kisses on it.
Meanwhile, Steve couldn't stand the emptiness inside him any longer, so he grabbed Eddie's cock and impelled himself on it once more.
The new angle knocked his breath away, making him dizzy and delirious.
"I love you," he sighed softly, feeling more settled when he was full.
"Love you too, sweetheart," Eddie held him securely and kissed him fondly. "My pretty cock slut, aren't you?"
"Mhm," he wrapped his arms around broad shoulders and met those brown eyes, so sweet and loving. "All yours, daddy."
That was the last coherent thing he uttered.
Because as soon as he let the title slip, Eddie had railed him within an inch of his life until he forgot his own name.
At some point, he had convinced Eddie to take off the condom.
"Don't you want to knock me up, daddy?"
Apparently, Eddie was a huge perv and more than on board with Steve's baby fever.
Needless to say, they had had spent a long time in the shower later to help Steve wash out the cum.
But in Steve's opinion, it was worth all the trouble when Eddie got on his knees and ate him out until he cried and squirted messily on the tiled floor.
Afterward, once they both left the bathroom in fresh clothes and climbed into bed together, they had talked and kissed and giggled before drifting off in each other's arms.
Who would've thought helping out your friend would lead you to your happiness?
Definitely not Steve.
Not that he would complain when it led him to Eddie, though.
Anyway, I live for free use!Steve who's only available for Eddie.
Steve: *simply exists*
Eddie: Oh my god, all of this goodness just for me?
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cozage · 8 months
Your current Ace fics have me craving domestic bliss! Could you do an ace x fem!reader where their baby is getting vaccines and poor ace is just falling apart and Marco and reader are trying to comfort the baby and ace
OH Domestic bliss indeed. This is a great comfort moment in the midst of all the angst. Characters: Ace x fem reader Cw: vaccinations, needles, and clinics. Total word count: 1.3k
“Ace, please-”
“I’m just saying she doesn’t look good!” He argued. “We can always hold off another day! What if the vaccines just make her body exhausted and she gets more sick?”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s not how vaccines work.”
“I’m just looking out for her!”
You shot him a look as the two of you entered into the clinic. “Rogue is fine, Ace. Just behave, or I’ll ask Marco about your vaccine updates too.”
Ace’s eyes got wide and he nodded, keeping his mouth shut as the two of you walked into the small waiting room. You knew it was unfair to threaten him with vaccinations. He was terrified of needles. But this was going to be hard enough with one crybaby. You didn’t need two of them. 
“Marco!” you called back to him. “We’re here!”
“Come on back!” he called, and the three of you went back to the small examination room. 
Marco’s eyes lit up when you walked in holding your baby. 
“There she is,” he cooed, reaching out to take her from you. “How is my little princess?”
“She didn’t sleep great last night,” you admitted, handing her off easily. “She’s been pretty fussy the past few days.”
Marco held Rogue up, making faces and funny sounds to get her laughing. She instantly obliged, giggling and shrieking with joy. 
You smiled watching the two play together. “You’re so good with her,” you said. “How do you do it?”
“It’s the hair,” Ace joked, still standing in the doorway. He refused to come in any further than that. 
You laughed at his cheap shot and beckoned him over to you. You knew clinics were scary for Ace, but this was Marco. He was one of the most trustworthy people on the ship. 
Ace came reluctantly, and you interlaced your fingers with his to give him support. You could feel him relax just a bit, which made you feel a bit better. 
“Alright,” Marco said, finally bringing Rogue back down onto his lap. “6 month check up, right? And vaccinations. Anything else?”
“Check to see if she’s sick first-” Ace started, but quickly grew quiet when you squeezed his hand. 
“Right, right,” Marco said, pulling out his stethoscope. “Mom, I’m gonna have you take the baby back if that’s okay. I think she’ll respond best if she’s in your hands.”
“Sure,” you said, unclasping your hand from Ace’s and reaching for Rogue. You scooped her up and blew a raspberry at her, causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles. 
“Ah, she likes that, huh?” Marco grinned. 
“It’s her new favorite thing.” You sat on the cold examination table and plopped Rogue in your lap. 
Ace was still awkwardly standing in the middle of the room where you had left him. You beckoned him over once again, but this time he looked around nervously, refusing to join you. 
“Ace,” you said gently. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I think maybe we should wait on the vaccinations,” Ace said, looking at Rogue with a concerned gaze. 
“She’ll be okay,” you said, waving your hand again to try and get him to join you. 
“She probably won’t even feel it,” Marco agreed. “The cold stethoscope will be more jarring for her than the vaccines.”
“I just think-”
“Ace.” Your voice wasn’t hostile, but it was stern. The two of you had talked about this. You lived on a giant ship in the middle of the sea with hundreds of other pirates. Rogue needed her vaccines. 
“One day isn’t going to make a big difference,” Ace argued. 
“Exactly,” you said back. “Which is why we’re doing them today.”
Marco watched the two of you with an amused look. It was clear to him you both had had this discussion several times already. 
“Why don’t we do the exam first, just to make sure everything is okay,” Marco offered. 
Ace seemed to be okay with that, and finally joined you all at the exam table. 
Marco put his stethoscope up over his ears and held the other part out as you raised Rogue’s shirt. He tickled her stomach a few times to get her smiling, and you could see Ace relax a little bit in the corner of your eye. 
Ace was always at such ease when Rogue was smiling. His emotions seemed to be an amplified version of whatever she was feeling. When she couldn’t sleep well, he tossed and turned in your bed. Whenever she cried, it took him hours to calm down. He was so in tune to your all’s daughter that you were almost jealous. 
“Do you want to listen?” Marco asked, looking to Ace.
“Me?” Ace asked. “Oh..oh no, I couldn’t.”
“Go ahead.” Marco handed off the stethoscope to his fellow commander, and you saw Ace actually smile for the first time today as he listened to his daughter’s heartbeat. 
“Now we’re going to check her ears, nose, and throat.” Marco took back his stethoscope and pulled out another piece of equipment, showing Ace how it worked and allowing him to look when he could. 
“Just about everything looks good,” Marco said, rolling back to his desk on his stool to make some notes. 
“Just about?” you and Ace asked in synchronicity. Your grip involuntarily tightened around your daughter, concerned by Marco’s words.
“She’s got a minor ear infection.” Marco grabbed a small container from a cabinet and rolled back to you. “Put two drops of this in her left ear every morning and every night for a week. It’s nothing to be concerned about, I promise.”
You nodded and took the ear medication, but Ace looked like he was going to be sick. 
“What if it gets worse?” He asked. You could hear his breathing start to grow more rapid. 
“Then come see me, man.” Marco laughed and patted Ace on the shoulder. “You guys know your kid, and you know you can come see me anytime. But it’s minor. It would probably go away on its own, but we want to keep the little princess as comfortable as possible, right?”
“Right,” Ace agreed, but you could see his mind was racing with worst-case scenarios already. 
“Now for the not-so-fun part,” Marco said, opening a drawer and grabbing three containers and three needles. He smiled at your child in your lap. “Ready, Roguey?”
Ace looked panicked. “Marco, if she’s sick-”
“Won’t harm her at all,” Marco hummed, opening the sterile packaging and filling the needle with the first vaccination. 
“But if she’s already in pain-”
You reached your hand out and grabbed Ace’s, holding it tightly. He finally resigned himself to being the minority in this argument, and grew quiet. 
“Roguey, Roguey,” Marco sang, poking at her body with his finger and making her giggle. He continued to give her funny faces and sing to her, and then quickly slid the needle under her skin and pushed the vaccine into her system. 
Rogue stiffened in your lap for a moment, and you braced yourself for her tears, but Marco continued to sing and poke at her body, and she quickly forgot about whatever strange sensation she had just felt. 
Marco administered the second and third vaccine in a very similar way, keeping her so occupied she wasn’t even sure what had happened. When it was all over, he placed a hot pink bandage across her arm and nodded in satisfaction. 
“You’re girl is a total badass,” Marco said. “Normally the kids start crying by the second one, but look at that. No tears here.”
“I think Ace is crying enough for both of them,” you grumbled, but you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. 
Ace hastily wiped his tears from his eyes and shook his head. “I’m not crying!” he said, though his voice was watery. “She did so well! I’m proud, that’s all.”
“Yeah well,” Marco winked at Rogue, a big smile on his face. “That’s what happens when you have two badass parents.”
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fire-lizard-ro · 5 months
Mini post about Gallagher because @pix3lplays and I were talking about him... Like we always do with these Star Rail men... Man-
We're so Normal about him I swear-
Here's a bunch of ideas and headcanons in no particular order because I cannot scrape together enough sense after seeing that official art of him to make this coherent:
Writing under the cut (dw it's SFW I just started doing this for convenience):
Leaks suggested he had a bunch of scarring on his arms and if you look closely at his hands in the official art, he has some on his hands and juuuust under some of the bandages. Imagine kissing his scars... Auuuu-
I said it before and I'll say it again he's a big ol' puppy. Big scruffy scary dog puppy man. The way he's so attentive with you and concerned for your health, safety, and wellbeing at all times. I actually don't think he'd be the biggest on PDA. However- That doesn't stop what happens when he's protective. You'd be in a crowd and in order to shield you from the hustle and bustle, he'd pull you in close with an arm wrapped around you.
He totally rubs his cheek against yours like a fuckin cat as like an affection thing but also sometimes to mess with you because it's scratchy.
Definitely has a Chair. It's His Chair. By the fireplace. But he, of course, let's you sit in it whenever he isn't sitting there. And if he is? Pats his leg to you can come sit in his lap. You two often take naps there, cuddled up with one another.
Those buttons of his are fighting for their LIVES but you aren't complaining. He jolts a little before smirking at you when you slip a hand between said buttons to feel the exposed skin there as well as plenty of what the shirt does cover.
Pix and I like to think that he's naturally warm. Whether this is because he is a fire pathstrider is up to interpretation.
Also please tell me he's another guy who just straight says run them hands his hands are his weapon-
(I wonder if we're getting a character in HSR who just straight up throws hands like "time for some fisticuffs". Because I didn't even think about it, but Stelle in the new trailer didn't have her bat or lance she was gonna like Stellaron punch someone??? Bro gimme the "run them hands" strat right NOW Hoyo- Going back to Gallagher... Like yeah I wanna watch him straight up punch someone, lolllll- And look at his left glove!!! It has those little metal thingies on the knuckles like come ON-)
Speaking of him being a big ol puppy for you... I should write about him being a cute puppo boy... ANYWAYS-
Pix talked about kissing his scruffy chin and my immediate thought was:
"Leaning up to kiss his chin because of height difference and jwefoi he just thinks it's cute and you see the way his eyes soften weoigj- I feel like he'd lean down for you only to move so he can kiss you properly at the last second. And then he would give you lil eskimo kisses and gently murmur against your lips the softest lil "my wife..." as if it's his favorite thing to say as if it's him reminding himself and being happy about it all over again weoigjwe-"
(Yes that thought was a bit more catered to me as a certified Wife, okay??? Leave me alone- OTL)
So ofc I had to write a bit about it:
It's late at night and you two just finished dinner together as a sort of stay at home date. You've already cleaned the dishes together and put everything away, relishing silently in the domestic feeling of doing those tasks together.
And then suddenly he's wrapped his arms around you, nose buried in your hair as he kisses your head. Slowly, he turns you around.
One kiss... Two kisses... "Dance with me?" "I don't know how." "I'll teach you."
Tugs you forward so you can stand on his feet as the two of you sway and dance in the kitchen, the only music being the sound of your hearts that now beat in sync.
Anyways more about this absolute Husband of a man again at a later time goodbye iewjgo-
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wnobin · 5 months
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petsitter! wonbin x fem! reader
series synopsis: your friends refuse to look after your bunnies, tokki and dokki, while you’re on an overseas programme for a week. luckily, winter knows the right person for the job.
series masterlist
part nine: wonnie and binnie
wonbin had rushed over to your dorm as fast as he could after hanging up the phone. you had called him with urgency in your voice, not even needing to specify what was wrong and wonbin was already putting his shoes on. it took him less than five minutes to reach your dorm, which was only a few floors above his. your door swung open with just one knock from wonbin, as if you were waiting at your door for him. before he could even ask what was wrong, you were pulling him in and dragging him into your living room, showing him the scene that made you call him panicking.
“what the fuck am i seeing.”
on your sofa was your bunny, tokki, surrounded by two other baby bunnies and wrapped up in a small blanket. wonbin blinked at the sight, mind going blank. you on the other hand, was panicking. you don’t even know how it happened, you had always been so careful to separate tokki and dokki and you even brought dokki to get neutered last week. wonbin was smiling at the sight of the newborn bunnies curled up next to their mom while dokki was kept in his cage, making soft noises.
“i don’t know how this happened, i always kept them separate until i could bring dokki to get neutered.”
wonbin’s smile dropped. he remembered that night where he slept over at your dorm and he never kept them in their cages. he didn’t think much of it when he woke up, separating them before he left in the morning. he scratched his head, unsure if he should start apologising profusely and begging for forgiveness or if he should pretend he didn’t know how it happened.
“um… do you remember that night when i fell asleep here? i think i probably, definitely, passed out before separating them.”
your expression softened as you nodded your head, getting down to sit next to the litter of bunnies, urging wonbin to sit next to you. a string of apologies flew out his mouth but you reassured him with a small smile. “it’s okay, it was my fault for not bringing dokki to get neutered sooner. what do you think i should do with them?” wonbin racked his brain, trying to remember what his zoology professor said about newborn bunnies but he couldn’t remember anything, having fallen asleep in almost all the lecturers. he scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket, hastily googling “what to do with baby bunnies?”
you couldn’t help but to giggle at the sight of a panicked wonbin clicking on the first link he saw. “i called you here because i thought a vet student could help me but you’re just googling it? i could’ve done that myself!” you teased him, gently nudging his side as his face turned red from embarrassment. he read out the article to you as you rested your chin on the couch and stared at the bunnies, careful to keep your distance and not touch them.
“it says to let the mom take care of the babies and do her job for the first eight weeks and you can start to separate them after that. next is to separate the male bunnies from the females when you find out their gender at six weeks.”
“mm, okay. that one looks like a boy.” you pointed to the bunny that was mostly brown with a little bit of white on the tips of its ears, resembling dokki. the newborn bunnies resembled their parents, with the other being a mix of white and a dark brown. “what are you gonna name them?”
“i don’t know yet… what do you think?” you turned to look at wonbin, waiting to hear his thoughts. he didn’t expect you to want his input in naming your new bunnies and he couldn’t help but think how domestic this situation was, the both of you being together and coming up with names for your new pets. wonbin sat in thought for awhile before playfully suggesting that you should name the two babies after him. “okay, i’ll name this one wonnie and this one binnie!”
“what? no, i was kidding—”
“so do you want me to name them after someone else?”
you giggled at how fast wonbin shut down the idea of you naming them after someone who isn’t him. in most of these cases, bunnies usually give birth to different genders and you weren’t sure if you could take care of both of them. “you like bunnies, don’t you? do you wanna keep one when they’re ready?” you were looking at him so adoringly, and you looked so pretty with the lights from opposite dorms reflecting in your eyes, and you were asking him so nicely that he didn’t even consider sungchan’s opinion. “yes. i would love to.”
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taglist: @istphanie @snowyseungs @nyuoqi @myizhous @jhskluv @babigriin @revehosh @acidwon @fourthirtyone-am @jiaant11 @bimbobunnii @lilacarat @sanctify-mp3 @mmsriza @llearlert @yangasm
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zykamiliah · 8 months
what about bingqiu?
this is my response to this post. i didn't want to reply in the same post because it's going to get really long, and i disagree with almost everything, so this way i may avoid the discourse. haha. anyway, i'm gonna try to answer each of op's points.
-why bingqiu are a couple:
♦ because despite everything, they've chosen each other. not because they're soulmates (though mxtx did pull the string of fate thing), but because they genuinely want to spend time together
it's very subtle but they do share some values and similarities: they both repay kindness with kindness and believe that one should pay back those who hurt you twofold/tenfold. furthermore, they are both petty bitches. as @fireandgrimstone pointed out here, they're both busybodies: they get restless if they aren't doing something.
on that note: self-preservation is not a core value they share. sqq is terrible at self-preservation. from the first moment, instead of minding his own business, he risked losing points (which would terminate his account and kill him) just to protect binghe when he was being bullied by ming fan and co. sqq couldn't stand by watching someone being bullied. then during the demon invasion, he was ready to risk his own life to protect all the cqm disciples. he was willing to self-destruct to take out sha hualing.
the thing is that sqq likes to lie about himself and say everything he does is out of self-preservation, but it isn't true.
so, if it wasn't out of self preservation, why did sqq pushed binghe into the endless abyss? yes, it needed to happen, but he didn't do it to save himself. he can't hurt binghe just to protect himself. he did it because he brainwashed himself into believing this was the best for binghe, that binghe needed to in order to become strong and achieve his fate.
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(chapter 4: conference)
♦ because they give each other what they need. consistent love, support and understanding was something lbh really needed, and those 2-3 years before the immortal alliance conference did wonders for binghe to allow himself to feel vulnerable and be more in touch with his own feelings. this will get screwed up post-endless abyss but sqq does encourage him in the extras to express his feelings and talk about what he thinks and feels.
now, what lbh gives to sqq may not seem obvious (thank you for the help, luuny!♥), since sqq's layered narration is tricky to deconstruct, but by the end of the novel lbh can get past sqq's tsundere/savin face bullshit. sqq has all his toxic masculinity ideas and internalized homophobia that he keeps dragging everywhere he goes, and his relationship with lbh, who was supposed to be the epitome of masculinity, has allowed him to shed off some of it. but not all. thus, lbh knows when sqq needs to be pushed or coaxed into doing something he already wants to do but thinks he shouldn't want and doesn't know how to justify (sex for example). lbh also gives sqq the whole domestic package: someone to dote on, someone that does the chores and takes care of him, because frankly sqq is good at many things but he fails at self-care.
♦ domesticity and companionship. for bingqiu it wasn't like other couples who were first attracted to each other from one reason or another and from then on the relationship developed. the first period of their relationship is mostly platonic (poor binghe is suffering the teenage hormones), and was based on the easy domesticity and companionship they shared. and honestly that's such a simple yet beautiful kind of love. they genuinely like spending time together, living together, talking to each other. they never get bored of being together or of each other, which brings me to
♦ the obsession. like, it's honestly hilarious how obsessed they are with each other. sy was already obsessed with pidw protagonist bingge, but in svsss he got to love and get obsessed all over again with his own binghe aka bingmei. and from lbh's pov it's more or less the same: he had a complicated relationship with original sqq, which was the start of it all, but the person he loves is not the cold shizun from the past who he needs to prove himself to, but the one that's always trying to protect him, even if it's from himself. in both cases, their relationship started with distance, with the shadow of the other version of each other they'd known before. but what made them fall in love weren't those ghosts from the past, but the person they could see underneath it all: the hardworking boy that just wanted to be loved, and the closeted man who wants to give love and help others and have a purpose and belong to something (binghe understands that sqq would be unhappy if he couldn't visit cqm, qjp and his sect siblings). this relates to the fact that
♦ they understand each other better than anyone else. it takes them time, but that's the point of their journey and by the time we read about their relationship in the extras, we can see that despite everything, they not only understand each other very well but actively try to understand each other better. they already made the mistake of making too many assumptions, and they're not doing that again.
another point that op got wrong:
off the top of my head an example would be how bingge (he-with-no-shen-yuan) took a harem of beauties so he could control xin mo but bingmei (he-with-shen-yuan) decided to just... cripple people's cultivation (...) what i'm getting at is that binghe was willing to pay other people's lives just so he didn't have to be intimate with anyone except shen yuan.
bingge too was cripping other cultivators to get ride of the excess of demonic qi, it's just that after he captured the three nuns from tianyi overlook they taught him how to achieve the same result using dual cultivation. (thanking @stardust-falling for their notes on this topic!)
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(chapter 9: borderlands)
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milkybonya · 2 years
angel_bang chan
! : petnames (angel, baby, love), reader is on their period
#: <1k, domestic fluffy bf Chan
[💌: i am so @(@&@& burned out and tired of my degree and just mad at everything and everyone but happy Chan day ! i hope stays and Chan and skz and everyone have/had the loveliest day ♡ and take care always!]
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"hi y/n, love," Bangchan says, sitting next to you on the couch.
"hii," you croak, feeling incredibly weak. getting out of bed had been especially hard that morning, and all you had managed to do was move yourself to the living room couch.
"hi, angel," Chan greets you again, cupping your cheeks in his hands as he cooes at you.
he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, then nose, then lips. the kiss on your lips he lets linger, savouring the way you deeply kiss him back.
"how're you feeling?" he asks, taking your hands in his.
he knew something was wrong from the minute he woke up beside you and you were more quiet than usual.
"i... i got my period," you confess, holding onto your stomach area.
"ah, really? does it hurt a lot?" Chan asks, biting his lip when you nod.
"what can i get for you, angel? a hot pack? a warm drink? some snacks? a--"
you cut him off by pulling him towards you, catching him so off-guard that he doesn't resist and simply falls right on you. he tries to raise himself up so he's at least not crushing you, but you resist.
"doesn't this hurt, love?" he asks you with a pout, concerned.
"no. you feel warm," you muffle into his chest. he smiles.
"if you want to cuddle.. shall we just move back to the bedroom?" he suggests with a bright smile.
you nod and that's his cue to gently pick you up and run to the bedroom, both of you giggling even after you're in bed. Chan towers on top of you, kissing your cheeks, forhead, tip and bridge of your nose, chin, and next to your ears before looking at you again.
"ah... i should fix you some breakfast!? i know you might feel bloated and it may be hard to eat but.. not eating makes it harder. craving anything?"
you shake your head, not sure what you want to eat.
"would... french toast be okay? we have the ingredients for it and i can put it together quickly!" Chan suggests.
you agree and he scurries off into the kitchen. but, you start to miss him. and missing him becomes more important than any of the pain you feel, so you carefully stand up and shuffle into the kitchen.
the broad-shouldered boy is too busy to hear you approach him, and only notices when you wrap your arms around him from behind.
"ah--y/n?! why'd you get up? i was gonna bring this to you," Chan says, looking down and kissing the back of your hand that's wrapped around him.
"i miss you," you say, pressing your face against his back.
you can feel his frame vibrate as he laughs, pulling you closer.
"give me just a second, angel. i'm almost done."
you stay pressed against him, carefully watching as he finishes cooking the last slice of toast. the forearms look incredibly attractive and you sigh.
"you okay, angel?" Chan asks, humming a song to himself.
"yeah... just... think you're super attractive," you quietly blurt out, making Chan laugh.
"thank you... but i think you're more attractive," he says, poking your nose and walking with you back to the bedroom.
you shake your head as he tucks you in, handing you the toast before sliding in next to you.
"there's no way i'm more attractive than you," you say, biting into the toast.
Chan giggles and takes a slice of the toast, too.
"ah, did you want a warm drink too?!" he asks, getting ready to get up.
you shake your head, no.
"just let me cuddle with you," you almost whisper, placing your plate on the bedside table and snuggling into Chan's chest.
you can hear his heart rate speed up slightly as he wraps an arm around you and nuzzles his chin gently against the back of your head.
"how are you feeling now, y/n?" he asks.
"better, baby," you say.
he smiles, stroking your hair.
"let's stay like this, then," he suggests before kissing the top of your head.
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periracha · 6 months
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 ☾ pairing: Dad!Chan x Mom!Reader  ☾ wc: 2k  ☾  genre: fluff, boring domesticity (gasp)  ☾ cw: Christmas themes, kids, suggestive jokes, me trying to be funny idk, language, chan being chan ☾ summary: the bangs get in the holiday spirit!   ☾ a/n: wanted to get a whole aesthetic and masterlist up for this blog before i posted anything but this little idea had my brain in a chokehold all day so,,,,enjoy ! also, let me know if I should continue writing this family so i can give them names, etc.  yes this piece is fluff but this blog is 18+, MDNI
Ripples start to splash against the inside of your mug as you set it down on the coffee table that has been pushed aside for the evening to allow enough room for you and your husband. 
“Clearing the living room floor the second both kids are down and out?” Chan asks with a wiggle of his eyebrow. 
“Bit risky but I can work with this” he says while straining his neck and pulling his left arm across his chest in a stretch in preparation. 
You look up at him when a scoff falls from your lips, “ha yeah you wish. Now get the wrapping paper from the closet” 
“Please” you add with a sarcastic smile and sweet like honey tone. 
He blinked at you silently for a split second before he huffed out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. I don’t think my back could handle these hardwood floors like it used to” he finishes as he makes his way to the hallway closet. 
“Mmm unfortunately the only action these floors have been getting lately is spilled juice and probably some dusty cheetos the kids kicked under the couch” you joke as Chan meets you on the floor with wrapping supplies and gifts. 
A quiet laugh in agreement leaves his lips. 
“She’s gonna love this” Chan says with a grin so wide it meets his eyes. 
He’s holding up a Bluey plushie that plays a few catchphrases from the show when its paw is squeezed. 
“She better…. I’m running out of reasons why she can’t buy it every time we go to the store” you say as you cut wrapping paper big enough to wrap the doll and hand it to him. 
Your daughter had wanted this little plushie for months now, always asking to stop by the toy section whenever you visit your local department store. You quickly learned that simply telling her the store didn’t have anymore wasn’t gonna fly with her. She always found a way to swindle you into the toy aisles, finding the plushie every time. Distracting her with books or other small toys could only get you so far; luckily Christmas was only a few days away and you both would soon see the joy on her face when she opened her gift. 
“How do you even wrap these things??” Chan huffed out with a bewildered look on his face; his brows drawn tight and his eyes wide open. The piece of wrapping paper you had given him was creased all over, and covered in way too many pieces of tape that didn’t actually do anything to keep the paper together. 
A giggle started in your chest but you choked it down with a fake cough. Chan was used to being good at almost anything he put his mind to. 
Dancing? Easy.
Singing? No Problem. 
Writing thousands of unique songs that differed in their own ways? Piece of cake. 
Sports? Absolutely. 
Wrapping a small gift for his three year old daughter? Not so much. 
Carefully, you took the small doll from his hand and replaced it with a box of bath toys for your son. 
“Here, let me handle this…and you wrap these” you said nonchalantly as soon as you made the switch; immediately working on your new task at hand. 
Chan gawked at you with a goofy smile on his face, “You don’t think I can do it?...you’re demoting me to only wrapping boxes?” he laughed while feigning offense. 
“No no no!”, you waved off, “you’re just soooo good! Better than me! The best actually!” you rushed out while trying to contain your laughter but ultimately failing. 
Chan looked at you with pointed eyes, but had a wide smile plastered on his face the entire time. He looked like he was going to say something in retaliation but decided against it, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head instead while he got to work on the box. 
Many presents later you were both feeling the ache deep in your lower back from hunching over on the floor. 
“Okay that's enough for me, I’m tapping out,” Chan said stretching his back with a yawn. 
You yawned and simply shook your head up and down in agreement, thinking about how you were too tired to even keep your eyes open. 
You got up and gathered all your wrapping supplies to store away. 
“Oh! Can you take all those and put them under the tree?” you asked him while pointing to the group of gifts. 
He hummed a quick mhm and started gathering them in his arms. 
“Make sure to put Bluey on top of the one of the taller presents so they can’t get to it” you called out as you made your way to your room. 
“Yep, got it” Chan quickly responded before placing all the presents down and making his way to follow you to your bedroom. 
The next day went blissfully as usual; waking up way too early to cries before the sun is even fully out, only to finally get your son back down and you barely back in bed before your daughter barges in demanding French toast stat. 
Did you even have all the ingredients for french toast? 
You already got one kid handled, Chan could handle this one.
You lightly kicked him in the leg as he laid beside you to wake him up before you made yourself comfortable to fall back asleep. 
When you did wake up, you grabbed your son and met your husband and daughter in the living room, setting him down to crawl around the rug.
“Good morning love”, Chan greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and sliding his arms around your waist in a loose hug. 
You hummed a good morning back before resting your head against his chest. 
“My turn! My turn!” your daughter yelled entirely too close to your eardrum as she stood on the couch in an attempt to be as eye level as she could with you. 
“Coffee?” Chan asked with a smirk as he let you go and made his way to the kitchen. 
“Ohhh yeah” you answered before turning your attention fully on your daughter. 
She puckered her lips and stood on her tiptoes in an attempt to copy her dad’s previous actions. You bent down and she kissed your cheek, “Good morning, mommy!”, she giggled before flopping down on the couch. 
“Oh it is a good morning!” you smiled back to her before tickling her to get some hugs in. 
Chan met you back in the living room with your fresh cup of coffee as you both sat on the couch, watching your children play together in the early morning hours. 
Your son crawled towards the christmas tree and before you could get up to grab him he had already bumped into a few presents, causing one of them to go off. 
“Hello! Hehehe”  
The noise immediately caught your daughter's attention and her head snapped towards the tree before her eyes widened. You could see the wheels starting to turn in her head to try and make sense of what just happened when you looked over at Chan who was sporting a mortified look. Jaw hung open and downward, eyes widening and moving around the room at everyone’s faces. 
The damn Bluey doll had gone off and one of her most wanted presents was most likely spoiled now. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?” she rushed out, walking closer to the tree.
“Your brother!” Chan blurted out way too quickly before tightening his lip into a flat line, realizing what he just did. 
Your daughter stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the both of you. 
“What???” she asked again, her eyes darting between yours and Chan’s a few times. 
“He can talk??, “ she screamed, bewildered at the new information being thrown at her all too quickly, pointing at him and eyes wide as saucers.
You let out a huff of air and forced yourself to take a sip of your coffee, hoping to buy you some time, waiting for your brain to kick on. It was too early for this.
Chan looked at you waiting for you to come in and save the conversation but you had nothing. How were you supposed to convince a 3 year old that her 8 month old brother could now speak when he’s never done that before. 
You’re on your own here. You thought to yourself as your eyes met Chan’s again. His face still stuck in the same shocked expression. 
“Uhh…yeah..yeah…?” Chan tried to get out nonchalantly but it ended up coming out more like a question and high pitched tone, before clearing his throat. 
Your son had now crawled toward your daughter and started grabbing at her legs to get her attention. 
You needed a moment to think but your daughter would absolutely follow you wherever you went to…. Unless…?
You coughed into your arm dramatically, “ooooh mommy needs medicine, I will be right back” you said before quickly standing up and making your way to the hallway cabinets before she could stop you.
Even the possibility of being around cough medicine, seeing it with her own eyes, was enough to keep your daughter from following you. She was not about to risk having to take that, yucky grape stuff, as she likes to call it. 
Chan followed after you, staying in the open area to keep an eye on the two kids. 
“So our 8 month old is saying full words now is he?” you asked, raising your eyebrows when he got closer to you. 
“I panicked okay!”, he screamed in a hushed tone. 
“So you blame it on the baby?!” you asked in disbelief, a laugh starting in the bottom of your throat. You tightened your lips in an effort to stop the smile you knew was coming. 
“What else was I supposed to say it came from?” Chan asked with a strained laugh, “you were no help!” he accused, pointing his finger and narrowing his gaze. 
“I don’t know Chan! The TV? Your phone?” you huffed out off the top of your head and throwing your hands in the air.
“Hm. yeah that would’ve been good”, he said staring at the floor, realizing just how easy those would’ve been to explain away to a child. 
He stepped back from you to get a better look at your kids a few steps away. His brow furrowed so you stepped forward to see what he was looking at. 
Your daughter was sitting directly across from your son with a serious expression on her face, no more playing going on in sight. 
“What..what are you guys doing?” Chan asked loud enough for your kids to hear. 
Your daughter looked back at him, “Waiting,” she said matter of factly before refocusing her attention back on her brother. 
“Waiting foorrr?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows as you both took a step toward them. 
“Him to talk again” she answered without bothering to even look at Chan this time, her serious gaze never leaving her brother's face. He was babbling and drooling while playing with the legs of her pajama pants. 
You both couldn’t contain the laughs that came from your mouths. Today was going to be a long day. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you thought about your family’s antics. Never a boring day in the Bang household, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Hey Chan, what did you do with the matching talking Bingo we wrapped last night?” 
©periracha, 2023.
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writersmilex · 8 months
Cooking Lesson
Toki Wartooth X Fem Reader
Summary: Toki is not the best at cooking and after one more mishap during making snacks, (Y/n) decides to teach him how to cook a meal.
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(Y/n) turns up her nose at the smell of burning plastic once she enters the very large kitchen in Mordhaus to get a snack and a drink.
"stop burning the plastic Toki! " she scolds as the burning smell whiffs through her nostrils. "ai!" Toki yelps in surprise as he is snapped out of his daydreaming. Rushing over to look in the oven, which's once again ruined by molten plastic at the bottom of the heat source.
"nei, nei! Nots agains! Fucks!" he yells in frustration and tries to take out the mess from the oven to get rid of with charming pink oven mitts.
"I thought you were in charge of the snacks around here?" (Y/n) wanders over to the double-door fridge to get a cold soda and then approaches the kitchen part where Toki is located. If a fire breaks out, she would be here to help, (Y/n) eyes the fire extinguisher that is hanging in the corner. Not to mention that there are sprinkles installed in the kitchen after a few too many incidents. 
"Toki ams in charges of snacks! But the others don'ts wants to eat the greens!" he explains sadly, throwing away the still smoking and charted piece of plastic with the black-as-coal corpse of some food inside.
"at leasts you dos…" he sighs and looks away almost out of shame. (Y/n) is not a picky eater at all and would eat all the exotic fruit salads that Toki is good at making. It’s cooking foods that he wasn’t very good at, or he loses his patience with cooking foods most likely. (Y/n) opens her can of soda, takes one chug of it and thinks hard. Despite having her own room in Mordhaus, (Y/n) still lives in her own place in a dingy apartment in the nearest town. Completely self-sustainable and independent for years since moving out. The band is fascinated with the fact that (Y/n) is an adult who owns a license and can cook her own food. "you know what Toki? I can help you make snacks. In fact, I can even teach you how to cook." she suggests and helps the rhythm guitarist with cleaning the leftover mess up a bit. Upon the suggestion of assistance, Toki looks at (Y/n) with wonder "You can cooks?" He asks in astonishment, causing (Y/n) to chuckle. She never fails to surprise the band member every time with her domestic skills. "Sure I can!” (Y/n) smiles at him. “And I will teach you the basics if you wanna make good snacks." Toki nods excitedly in response to (Y/n). It is a great opportunity to spend more time with his friend, and she gets to teach him her ways of cooking food! That’s a double win for him. 
"Great! How about we start right away. We're in the kitchen right now anyway. " (Y/n) grins and takes the moment to drink the rest of her soda and throw the can away to get started together with the rhythm guitarist.
"First things first, we gather the tools we need to cook. You know pot pans and a spatula of sorts." (Y/n) explains to Toki, opening a low cupboard and taking out the pans that she would need for a dish that she plans to teach Toki. A very simple meal that shows the basics, should be right to teach for the first cooking lesson.
"Okay." Toki inspects (Y/n)’s movements before following and opening a drawer to get some cooking tools.
"We are going to make something basic, just some pork and cooked veggies and potatoes, that should be nice for the very first lesson." (Y/n) says, picking up the ingredients from the fridge that she needs for the tutorial that she is about to perform for the rhythm guitarist.
"If you can get a cutting board for me?" (Y/n) requests politely, Toki goes to look for a cutting plank to cut the green beans. He finds one and brings it over back to her, the smile on his face never fading as he places the cutting board before her dutifully.
"Okay, Here. I'm gonna let you cut the vegetables."(Y/n) instructs while handing Toki a kitchen knife to cut and then places the green beans on the cutting board. "Can you cut these, carefully?" She asks him and he nods in response. Toki stands before the cutting board and gets to work, gingerly cutting the green beans into niche little pieces, just as she had asked. (Y/n) watches for a moment and then retrieves a pot to fill it with water and let it boil for the green beans and potatoes.
(Y/n) lets the water boil while taking a moment to stare at the back of the guitarist’s head and takes notice of something. She digs into her pocket and takes a hair-band from her pocket, she stands behind him and gently gathers his hair in one hand.
"Hm? Whats are you doings." Toki questions while momentarily stopping the knife, trying to turn back to see what (Y/n) is doing with his locks.
"Pay attention Toki! You’re holding a knife.” (Y/n) scolds in a  rather playful tone. We don't want hair in the food do we?" She says, taking the hair-tie and putting all of Toki's hair in a loose ponytail that falls down his back neatly.
"There." She smirks at her accomplishment. It took a lot of trial and error for her to figure out why there was always hair in her food, long hair should remain tied while working with food. Toki is now sporting a low ponytail and It looks rather cute.
(Y/n) turns back to her own work of her own work, gathering the pork burgers and some oil to put in the pan. The stoves in Mordhaus are pretty brutal and they heat things up a whole lot faster than (Y/n)’s own stove at home. 
"Ouchies!" Toki suddenly yelps in pain, the knife clatters on the metal counter as he drops it instinctively. Flinching back from the counter and clutching his right wrist tightly.
(Y/n) jumps at the sound of her friend yelling, seemingly in pain. She already concludes that Toki must have accidentally cut himself while cutting the vegetables. She feels partly responsible for this incident now. 
"Toki, I told you to be careful!" She scolds quietly and gingerly grabs his hands to make him let go of his own wrist to take a look at what he did. It’s not the worst thing in the world that (Y/n) has seen. Then again, a musician’s hands and fingers are sacred. There is only a single cut, that slices over the back of his index and middle finger. Toki hisses as it’s bleeding quite hard.
"Hold it." (Y/n) turns back away and gets the first-aid kit that should be lying around here somewhere. Luckily she was able to find one under the sink. Turning back to a panicked-looking Toki, she waves him over. "Come here." She orders him and Toki doesn’t think twice. She grabs his wounded hand, Opening the water tap and holds his hand under the cold water to clean the cut, letting the water wash it out.
The guitarist hisses in discomfort as the water makes the cuts slightly sting. Once the blood is a bit cleaned up, (Y/n) gets two band-aids and wraps each injured finger up, dressing the little wounds up neatly. 
"There, see? You're still alive." (Y/n) jokes, noticing how sad Toki looked at his now bandaged fingers.
"Shall I cut the vegetables?" (Y/n) asks and Toki nods in response, inspecting the bright blue band-aids on his fingers and stepping aside to let (Y/n) do the cutting and he simply watches. (Y/n) resumes Toki’s work, slicing the green beans into pieces, then she picks up the board and slides the vegetables into the pot with boiling water to the knife.
"I didn'ts knows cookings had so manys steps." Toki looks in awe at what (Y/n) is teaching him, peering into the pot to see the green beans be enveloped by the bubbling hot water. "This is actually a pretty basic thing to know." (Y/n) replies casually, stirring the vegetables with a spoon before returning to the cutting board to get the pre-peeled potatoes to boil as well. Toki manoeuvres around (Y/n) to keep watch, getting out of her way when she turns around. 
"My parents taught me how to cook, they’re supposed to teach you everything. Didn’t yours?” (Y/n) is a little too focused on her cooking to really filter herself. And once she realises what she says, she kind of pales. Turning to look at Toki, he is staring back with a completely empty look. It’s really scary how Toki can suddenly lose all life in his eyes like that. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry. Fuck…” She quickly apologizes for being so insensitive. Toki blinks a couple of times and the life to his pale blue eyes returns, (Y/n) looks back to her cooking out of embarrassment. 
(Y/n) is slightly aware of his childhood, which explains his behaviour today. But she has a hard time relating to him, her own childhood was great. Loving parents and loving siblings, still in contact today. 
"Here." (Y/n) breaks the uncomfortable silence and gently takes Toki's hand, placing the spatula into his hand. "make sure that everything is cooked evenly." (Y/n) instructs as steps aside for him to take charge. motioning for Toki to try and flip over the piece of meat. "see?"
Toki successfully flips the patty over, hearing the meat sizzle from the searing heat. The guitarist smiles brightly a his accomplishment. “Looks! I dids it!” He points at the pan. “Very good! You’re getting the hang of this." (Y/n) praises with glee, patting him on the back of his shoulder. The guitar feels a sense of pride upon receiving praise from his friend. There is nothing like quality time together. "This is funs." Toki replies with a smile, cooking the patty by himself now.. 
"I know right. Eating a meal feels a lot more rewarding when you made it yourself. It's a handy skill to possess." (Y/n) explains, lifting the lid of one of the pots to check in on the boiling vegetables, it’s going good so far.
(Y/n) smiles, blinking at the steam that hits their face. "Alright, it's almost ready." She drops the lid on the pot. "I'll get some plates and then dinner is ready." She then moves away to gather the items she said she’d get. After the plates are prepared for a dinner for two. After baking the potatoes and the green beans were cooked, and The meals were complete. 
Once the dinner for two is done and served. Toki and (Y/n) sit down at the nearby table to try the dish that they just made together. In all honesty, for Toki the meal is amazing, probably the best meal he can remember having. he eats the pork patty with glee and (Y/n) looks upon her guitarist friend with amusement as he finishes his meal. he seems to really love it.
Of course, (Y/n) is enjoying the meal herself as well. As she had mentioned before, a meal is way more rewarding when eating. Some people think cooking is a waste of time because eating it takes about 15 minutes. Whoever thinks like that doesn’t take pride in their own creations, which is very sad.
the the green beans are perfectly boiled and the potatoes are well baked and have a crunch to them, in (Y/n)’s opinion, that’s a good thing.
"Wowee! This is so greats (Y/n)!" Toki cheers with a mouthful of food. "Be proud of yourself Toki. We made this together." (Y/n) replies with a smile, taking both hers and Toki's plates and utensils to clean them up.
"cans we do this agains sometimes? Then yous can helps me makes snacks for the others." Toki asks rather sheepishly, standing up and following (Y/n) to help her with the dishes.
"Of course, we can do this again! I'll help you become just as good at cooking as me. Maybe even better!" (Y/n) winks at the guitarist playfully, smiling cheekily at him. Toki turns cherry pink in the face at (Y/n)’s gesture, and then returns the smile.
"it's a deal then."
I like this one a lot. And I hope you do too! It’s really cute and it doesn’t have a lot of plot to be honest. It’s a simple story. 
Thanks for reading.
- Smilex
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malleusthehammer · 10 months
Breaking the News to Sasaki
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LISTEN. LISTEN. i can’t find a good gif for this. but @ghostygloom is the idea man for this and i am in LOVE with this
Warnings: None. Pure baby fluff!
Who: Kojiro Sasaki (RoR/SNV)
Type: Headcanons, and a bit of a drabble!
This man has been HEAD OVER HEELS for you since you both met.
He tries his damn best to be the best boyfriend across the seven seas.
He saw you while he was traveling, and just never left!
Of course you didn’t mind it- i mean cmon.
You lived alone and did all the work yourself. You didn’t mind, it was just life for you.
He was always there to help carry firewood, help pick veggies, and even try to darn clothes
let’s just say- he sucks at that.
He absolutely loves it when you watch him train. It makes him feel special
After you two had been together for a while, you had been getting quite sick in the early hours of the morning.
Since Sasaki is such a deep sleeper- he doesn’t even realize what’s going on.
give this man a break he has NO EXPERIENCE WHAT SO EVER
after a couple weeks it finally clicks in your head
holy shit your pregnant?!
At this point you’ve been having more fatigue lately and the work around the house is piling up
Sasaki is SO worried about you
he’s always by your side, bringing you food which he tries to cook but fails
He’s asking questions left and right “Are you okay? Should i call a doctor? are you gonna die??”
and of course, you have to calm the poor man down.
you just say you’ve probably caught a nasty stomach bug
One day, he comes back in from training and sees you pacing in the livingroom
The door let out a whine as it closed, a sigh following it. Sasaki wiped his forehead with a cloth, setting his katana down. He had been outside for a long while, leaving you to doing some thinking.
“Tsuma? Where are ya? I’ve missed you-!”
His smile widened as he stepped through the doorway, seeing you hold your stomach with your face red. You glanced at him before immediately looking down again.
Sasaki knew this was serious. You hadn’t called him by his nickname. Was something wrong? did he do something? could he fix it?
“Yes, my dear..? Is everythin’ alright?”
You bit your lip as you blinked away some tears and walked towards him. He quickly grabbed you, pulling you into a hug. He always smelt like sweat, with a bit of pine. But it was always a smell you could look forward to when he walked in the door.
“Kojiro.. i’m.. im pregnant.”
Silence struck the room like a loud crack of thunder. His eyes widened before they curled back up from his smile. Small chuckles erupted from his chest before turning into full blown laughter. You were stunned by it. He was.. laughing?
“Tsuma! This is- This is amazing! Oh my-! Haha!”
He held you back, looking in your eyes with a bright smile. His laughter was so contagious, you couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re.. you’re happy?”
“Of course i’m happy! I’m with the most beautiful woman, that’s with my kid! Oh my god! Haha! This is so amazing!”
Sasaki picked you up, snuggling his face into the crook of your neck as he spun you around. Laughter filled the room, ever nook and cranny. Soon, he sat you back down on the ground. His hands sat gently on your hips as you looked up at him, your hands resting gently on his shoulders.
“Ah.. how could i have been so blessed with such a beautiful woman?”
He chuckled again, pulling you into a kiss.
Okay. Low key. I highly enjoyed writing this LMAO GRHSAHS anywasy :3
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edandstede · 8 months
some thoughts about ofmd 2x07 and the “break up” (it’s not, it’s ed being an impulsive sensitive fool (affectionate) but i digress) so spoilers abound, just wanted to share my pov
ok so!!! ed panicked. he’s still trying to figure his shit out, trying to heal from literally dying, from losing stede and getting him back and every dark thing that happened with the crew. so much has happened in such a short space of time that his head must be spinning. we see him flashing back to it, he’s still processing, and it’s all going so fast.
and then the revenge gets boarded and he has to watch stede be tortured, watch stede take a life purposefully for the first time, be reminded of killing his own dad, and then they fall into bed together after ed went to him to see if he was okay. they have sex, and ed makes stede this lovely breakfast, and he throws his leathers overboard whilst wearing his nice blue robe. he immediately wants to shed blackbeard for good and live in this new bliss where he can be soft and safe, but that’s interrupted when stede says that near-death situations are hard to avoid in their line of work. he’s brought crashing back to reality and thinks, shit, this isn’t gonna work is it? what have i done?
his head and heart are being pulled in so many directions and he really is facing an identity crisis, a personal dilemma, trying to answer the question “what do i want?” while all this is going on, while he’s faced with the fact that they’ll never truly be safe doing this and they could lose each other again. he might never get proper peace and bliss with stede, and he wants it so much. he wants a life where he doesn’t see stede in danger ever again.
and ed is insecure too, is the thing. he’s so highly sensitive. about the twine on the tray, the fish he caught. stede isn’t the only one who runs and buries his head in the sand when shit gets tough, ed does it too. whim-prone. this time, running off to be a fisherman is ed’s blanket fort. he’s like, okay, i’m feeling bad so that must mean last night was too fast, a mistake, and i don’t wanna do the pirate thing anymore but stede is loving his new fame, so that must mean i should leave. it’s almost like he’s rejecting himself before stede can, before stede realises this isn’t gonna work, that they want different things; they’re not compatible after all and it’ll hurt less if he walks away first this time. he’s trying to save himself the heartbreak.
i don’t think ed truly thinks them sleeping together was a mistake, i think so many feelings are just being mixed inside and that’s the conclusion he’s come to. he got to have this little taste of what their life could be like if they were safe and out of harm’s way together, settled down, but he doesn’t think it’s possible. he’s pissed off with himself for giving in to that temptation when he already knew he wanted to retire.
stede tells him their relationship can be whatever they want it to be but ed isn’t listening because he’s already made that impulsive choice and he’s stubborn, he’s afraid, he’s spiralling, he’s angry it has to be this way. he doesn’t even stop to think that, actually, it doesn’t have to be this way. they could find their middle ground, it doesn’t have to be one life or the other, but they cannot do anything without talking it through.
ed feels doubt, uncertainty, and takes a job on a boat rather than actually telling stede what’s going on in his head. what he wants. he wants to retire, has this fantasy in his head of owning an inn with stede, having quiet domesticity away from a fear of death. clearly he doesn’t think they can compromise, it probably hasn’t occurred to him or it has and he just thinks it isn’t possible to have the best of both worlds. but it is, and they’ll get there, and i think s3 will see them really find the life they’re going to keep.
honestly they should just look at their crew, really look, at how they look after themselves and each other. they could learn a thing or two.
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oh-austin · 2 years
selena gomez fc! feel free to request more fc’s for ig edits with austin, this one will have a part two!!
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liked by ynfan3, ynfan72 and 4829 others
ynupdates Y/N spotted in anaheim this weekend! she was also seen with austin’s sister, ashley, shopping earlier this week.
ynfan83 she’s glowing?
ynfan83 she’s glowing?
ynfan22 being unproblematic will do that to you
ynfan65 i love that she hangs out with austin’s family without him?
austinfan62 literally cannot believe that they’re going on three years together :’)
ynfan14 not being dramatic but i would donate my left boob to her just because i could
austinfan42 praying for pap pics of her and austin
ynfan94 they look so amazing together
austinfan42 they will have the most beautiful children like wtf
austinfan33 praying for Y/N and austin to have a baby together soon
ynfan87 does she not age?
ynfan32 her outfit is so good wtf
ynfan56 do you think they’ll go to the met together?
austinfan59 well i heard Y/N was going to press interviews with austin so hopefully!!
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liked by austinfan62 and 6826 others
ynupdates Y/N via her IG story today: looks like she was on set of austin’s puppy interview with buzzfeed!
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austinfan95 everyone say thank you Y/N!!
austinfan14 THANK YOU Y/N 🫶🏼
ynfan13 i love that she’s austin’s biggest fan
ynfan38 Y/N is constantly feeding the austin girls and i know they love it
austinfan64 can confirm we love it!!
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liked by yourinstagram, ashleytisdale and 92,277 others
austinbutler hbomax is now streaming Y/N’s new series- go check it out! hopefully she doesn’t burn down our kitchen. proud of you x
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austinfan32 austin is only ever active for Y/N, the way it should be
austinfan99 he recognises what he has
ynfan57 she’s so cute wth 😩
austinfan35 did austin.. just confirm they’ve… finally BOUGHT A HOUSE TOGETHER
austinfan86 does this mean we finally have to say goodbye to Y/N’s nyc apartment?????? but it’s so iconic
ynfan79 the nyc apartment will live on in our hearts
ashleytisdale she’s a chef!!!! streaming as we speak 💓
ynfan33 ashley is in episode four everyone!!!!
austinfan78 girl how tf are you already on episode four? are you okay?? 😳😳
ynfan33 2x speed girl get around it
yourinstagram i love you aus
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liked by austinfan64 and 3992 others
ynfanaccount okay!! i binged all of ‘Y/N + chef’ in an entire sitting and i love it so much, it’s so nice to see Y/N so domesticated and relaxed.
also the fact that austin just facetimed her during episode six?????? we never ever get austin and Y/N interactions, so it was so cute to see. i loved the show, i hope they do another season!!!
do you guys think Y/N and austin will go to the met together?? because i would LOVE to see it
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austinfan38 i literally hyperventilated when she answered the phone and austin was on the other end
austinfan17 literally the biggest shock of my life
ynfan98 i think they’ll both go but they won’t walk together
ynfan12 we rarely get them together at events publicly sadly :( usually it’s just leaked pics from inside the events
austinfan83 i’m holding out hope
ynfan65 also Y/N looked so good throughout the entire series it wasn’t funny, she’s so beautiful
ynfan25 i cant stop thinking about what she’s gonna wear to the met!!!!
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liked by ynfan29 and 8727 others
ynupdates in her new interview with vogue, Y/N confirms that she will be at the met gala this year!!! hopefully we finally get her and austin together on a red carpet!!
she said: “this year has just been so big, i’ve had two shows come out already and the met gala is coming up soon so i’m very excited to go to that! i’ve got heaps of things in the works at the moment that i just cannot wait to share with everyone”
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chiisana-sukima · 20 days
@aliasl OP's post chain is getting very long and I don't want to clog it up further, but I am actually interested in talking about this further with you if you want, so I've moved to a new post. I thought you were being condescending to OP on a post he made where his point was correct, so I was being condescending in turn. But from your response here it sounds like maybe that wasn't your intent? Which, if that's so, I misread your tone, I apologize, and if you're interested, I'd like to have a do over.
Because, okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it: I hate r*pe. It is a trigger for me in media. If I feel like a piece of media is depicting sexual assault in a disrespectful or careless way - using it as shock value, not having more to say than "wow, that's bad" - I can't stand it, and I block that shit for my mental health. If you honestly think possession is THE metaphor for sexual assault, with the frequency it appears in Supernatural, I'd be appalled.
I think you should be appalled. I think contempt is an appropriate response. I was throwing shade, because I think the writers deserve it.
I do also firmly believe it's possible to be a huge fan of spn while also being appalled at certain aspects of it, and I can respect that if sexual assault is something that's triggering for you, it's perfectly reasonable to avoid that reading for yourself. It is still there though and many of the instances of sexual assault metaphor are central to the text, whether the authors intended it or not. And while I too have read Barthes, and I understand his work was revolutionary for its time, I don't think DotA is adequate to the task of dealing with a text that frequently compares something to rape and then moves right along and ignores the fact that it just did so. I think the authors' motivations, cultural context and intent are worth examining in this kind of case. (I do also understand that Barthes wasn't saying you couldn't examine those things, just that the stated intent of the author wasn't authoritative. Which I agree with. I don't think he was wrong, just that other schools of literary theory are more useful here because it does matter why tptb felt that was a reasonable thing to do).
please show your math
In reference to the family violence reading of spn, it's daunting to show my math because my math is the whole show. It starts in the cold open of 1x01, where we're shown a cozy scene of the suburban dream of family and then dad falls asleep in his marine corp T-shirt watching a war movie, and a demon--played, in this scene, by the same actor as the dad--stands over a baby's crib, drips his body fluid into the baby's mouth, corrupting him forever, and burns the mother and the cozy suburban home to ashes because (we later learn) she sold the baby to him in exchange for her husband. Then the baby's now adult brother breaks into the now adult child's apartment, they have a physical altercation and go off on a case together involving a woman who murdered her two children and killed herself because her husband was unfaithful. The resolution is her ghost is dragged off to hell by the ghosts of her dead children. Then they go back to Stanford and Sam's girlfriend and apartment are burned to ashes by a demon who is later insinuated to be Sam's lover in order to facilitate the plot to have Sam and Lucifer kill their respective brothers in a bizarre prophecy apparently ordained by Lucifer and Michael's father. This is war = family = hunting = ghosts = violence all the way down.
And my math ends in the finale with Sam and Dean shown living a happy domestic life until they go off on a hunt, where Dean is killed while saving two children from a monster they and their father had previously tried to kill but failed. He dies telling Sam he's proud of him for standing up to their father and, for the first time on screen, saying he loves Sam. What issue exactly is he proud that Sam always stood up to John about? Dean doesn't say but we know where the show started: Sam didn't want to be a hunter and their father disowned him for disobedience.
In the middle are too many examples to count. Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby, Jack, and literally all the angels grew up in abusive families. The entire plots of s4-5, s9-11, and in large part s13-15 turn explicitly on family violence. Amara's brother kills her. Jo is Sam and Dean's found little sister and their father got her father killed. Cas somehow ends up Claire's surrogate found father even though he got her real father killed. Rowena abandoned Crowley as a child. Max turned Alicia into a twig doll over whom he has absolute power. Charlie died as a result of Sam and Dean's family conflict. God himself is the abusive father/monster who Sam, Dean and Jack finally escape the cycle of violence by depowering and not killing. I have never seen any other reading that accounts for the whole of spn anywhere near as well as the family violence reading does. If you have one, I encourage you to offer it to me.
So let's talk about angels. You seem upset that I left them out
I was, yes. I'm going to go under a cut for this one since you said this topic is triggering for you. I know there's limited utility in telling you I don't expect you to read it if you don't want to, because I'm unfortunately well aware of how hard it is to not approach triggering topics once they're broached. I just wanted to say here before the cut that I honestly didn't intend to trigger you, I empathize with how much getting triggered sucks (I've had ptsd for ~50 years), and I wish only health and happiness for you in whatever struggle you are going through in relation to this topic. If you do want to still engage in general but step away from this specific aspect, that's truly fine with me (not that you need a stranger on the internet's permission, obviously).
If you go back and rewatch the series from the beginning, demonic/ghost possession was not sexualized (except in a singular joke Dean cracks at Sam after he was possessed by Meg; a joke Dean feels comfortable making because Sam was NOT sexually assaulted
I swear I am offering this not as confrontation, but gently: the above is not the case. There are two suggestive jokes about possession in that episode alone, and Sam was sexually assaulted by Meg, as was Jo. The scene where Meg!Sam comes onto Jo and then traps Jo when she asks Meg!Sam to leave and bangs Jo's head against the bar is a sexual assault of both Sam and Jo simultaneously.
In Sin City, Ruby tells Sam that demons leave their hosts "rode hard and put up wet". And in s4, Sera Gamble had Ruby inhabit a brain dead vessel precisely because she was too uncomfortable with what would otherwise imply Sam's rape of Ruby's vessel. In Repo Man, the A plot turns on a host who "wanted it" and became romantically attracted to the demon possessing him, while the B plot is about Sam reluctantly asking Hallucifer for help and then being told by Hallucifer that he wanted it too. In Devil May Care, Dean and Abaddon have a whole scene in which they both discuss her threatened possession of him in sexual terms while she forces him to kneel in front of her suggestively. In Road Trip Crowley says he'll leave Sam as soon as he delivers his message because he's "not one for sloppy seconds" and in First Born he says he and Dean are "practically family" because Crowley has "been inside your brother". And these are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head. I'm positive there are others as well.
And yes, I was angry about the exclusion of angels because none of the above are even the most horrifying examples of the text overlapping possession and rape. Those are all about angels.
Here is where I think Barthes fails us in this particular discussion. I actually agree with you that tptb were at the very least pretending that they didn't make this comparison over and over. It's possible they didn't realize they were doing it. And certainly they thought they were indeed talking about "bigger" issues. That's clear from the text.
In s4-5 for example, I have no disagreement with you that their intended reading had to do with free will versus outside manipulation by greater powers. But "free will vs outside manipulation" is not actually a bigger issue than rape. It's just more abstract.
Obviously, abstractions are important, and the ability to move between levels of abstraction is an important skill. But it is not imo in our best interests as human persons to hold a framework in our minds in which an abstraction like free will is more worthy of art, of in depth analysis, of being taken seriously, than a ubiquitous concrete harm like sexual assault. This is especially true for those of us who are rape survivors (I am one, and since you said it was triggering, I'm now assuming either you or someone you know well is probably another), but I would argue it's true for everyone. Nothing trumps the concrete. We are at its mercy. Cartesian dualism is a lie.
I think some of tptb were perhaps going for some shock value but were also taking their metaphor seriously. Edlund, Gamble, Charmelo & Snyder, Glynn, and Jared were among these. Some of the rest though, I think should be ashamed of themselves. The person who wrote this exchange (Adam Glass)
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needs--and I mean this in the most academic and analytic way possible--to go fuck himself. There's really nothing more that needs to be said about that dialogue in the way of analysis. Go fuck yourself, Adam Glass is sufficient.
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melonba11s · 11 months
Taking Care of You (Strade/MC (and kinda Ren) BTD fic)
a sister fic for yesterdays! Same soft, fluffy, domestic themes. Though I feel like maybe its turned out rather bland lol.
Contains: Strade, Gender Neutral MC, Ren
Strade had recovered from his flu within a few days, and for  another few, he thought perhaps he had spared both Ren and you from contracting it. Then one night, while the two of them were watching one of Ren’s shows, he heard a sniffle. Then a cough. 
It seemed to grow even worse overnight, his dreams filled with the sounds of retching after a bout of coughing, until in the morning… He found both you and Ren laid up on the living room couch, barely giving him a glance when he came in. The TV was on again, but instead of one of Ren’s shows, it was playing some morning crime drama. Classic Sick TV.
Strade placed both his hands on his hips, staring at his miserable pets before letting out a long sigh. 
“I’m heading to the store. Do you two want anything?” he asked. He’d better grab some more cough medicine. 
“W-Watermelon, and juice.” you mumbled, your hand covering your eyes. You seemed to have a headache. Ren was in no better shape, barely lifting his head off the arm of the couch. 
“Throat tea, and soup.” Strade took mental notes, and turned around. His house was turning into a petri dish, once everyone was feeling better he’d probably want to lysol everything in the house. 
It was a bright, sunny morning, and not wanting to eat breakfast in a house full of germs, Strade stopped to get himself a coffee and bacon sandwich, making sure to stuff several crumpled bills into the tip jar as he made conversation with the cashier.  
The store wasn’t too busy, Strade had no issues finding a parking spot close to the doors. He figured that was normal for a monday morning, most people had work to go to. Speaking of work… He should probably host another stream soon, not just for the money, but to keep the audience around. If he shut down for too long, they’d probably find someone else. 
Also, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea for him to mess with you or Ren while you were both so ill. He’d felt the itch growing the moment he started feeling better, he’d probably need to go out hunting soon. 
Grabbing a shopping cart, Strade made his way through the store, first making sure to grab a few new containers of cough medicine. Remembering your request, he picked up a container of pre sliced watermelon. 
He remembered once bringing that home, and earning some criticism from you.
“It’s much cheaper to just buy a whole melon! I’ll cut it myself!” He chuckled to himself, imagining you trying to hold a knife in a shaking hand, getting out of breath just cutting the melon in half. He wasn’t entertained enough by the idea though to consider making you eat your words, and kept the pre sliced stuff in the cart. 
As he made his way past the deli, he paused. Ren had requested soup… Strade had originally planned on just grabbing several cans of the stuff. He wasn’t much of a cook, after all. At the deli section they had tubs of soup. It wouldn’t be as good as homemade, but it’d be a lot better than what tasted like a nuked can of salt water.  
He wrapped up his shopping, grabbing the tea and juice his pets had asked for, as well as another case of beer. He could never have too much of that in the house. 
As he loaded the items into the car, he pulled out his cellphone and called the house. Only one person had the number to his house phone. And that one person was him. 
“Strade…?” a gravelly voice answered, it took Strade a second to register it as your voice. 
“I’m on my way back, Schatz. I’m gonna pick up a movie for us to watch together, what do you wanna see?” 
“Huh?” He could practically hear the cogs grind against eachother as your fever rattled brain tried to think. “I don’t know, whatever is good… And, Strade?” 
Your voice cleared up a bit, Strade could tell they were about to say something they’d been reciting in their head. 
“Thank you, for uhm, taking care of us.” Strade paused. There was a finality in your voice. This wasn’t just a thank you for him picking up a few groceries, it was a thank you for everything he’d done. 
He gave a soft chuckle, shutting the trunk of the car. 
“It’s no problem, Schatz. I enjoy it.” 
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