#I knew the freaking filter looked familiar and it struck me like lighting when I realised
wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
oh my god this is the guy from your developer team who codes like a million miles a minute, drinks cold brew green tea out of a stanley cup, and clocks out by 5.35pm daily to go feed his cats (there are two cats and he doesn’t really know how he got the second one. the cat redistribution system just got him somehow)
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yunatheintrovert · 4 years
take me out to the ball game | Belikov & Fem!Bell Platonic Soulmate AU
You weren’t quite sure what to expect when you saw the tunnel door open with the bright light of the flashlight streaming through. 
You’ve heard about the KGB insider, Dimitri Belikov, from the briefing and files on the evidence board. But you didn’t quite know what to expect.
As you shielded your eyes from the flashlight with your raised hand, you soon lowered it and looked at the man at the entrance of the tunnel. 
And what struck you wasn’t anything unexpected about his appearance. No, you had already seen his picture in the files. 
...It was the sudden nostalgia... familiarity that struck you when you gazed at him. 
He was...familiar, similar to Park but not quite-
“You’re late.” Adler said with an air of impatience.
“Adler, my friend-” Belikov abruptly stopped, instead looking at... you ?
“где вы были? Почему ты не сказал мне, что уже ходил к ним?” you heard rapid-fire Russian from him as he looked straight at you. It made your head spin as it again felt familiar but not at the same time. 
You knew Russian but there was something overlapping with his words.
Like static....
“...Do I know you?” you asked confusedly. You couldn’t quite make out his expression with the light of the flashlight still set on you and the darkness of the tunnel corridor around you. 
All you could hear was an aggravated sigh and a curse before he turned to address Adler, “You brought her here?” 
....Did you do something to piss him off? You had only met him literally five seconds ago. Then again, maybe he wanted a different operative like Mason, Woods, or Park to be on the mission instead of a more junior operative like yourself...
“Bell has a background in cryptography. The job suits her skill set, Belikov.” 
“ Bell ?” Belikov asked. There was something off in his voice. 
“Yes, that’s her codename. Now, are we done with 21 questions? Where the hell are our uniforms?” 
“They’ve just arrived.” Belikov gestured to the hallway down the corridor where you could hear footsteps coming from, “...Wait here. There has been an issue with the bunker key. Give me five minutes and I’ll get it.” 
“Are you fucking serious right now?” Adler cursed before turning to look at you, “Hide. We still need those uniforms.” 
Your thoughts of what the hell happened back there were swept away by the sound of approaching footsteps down the corridor. 
It really had been only five minutes before Belikov returned. Although, you couldn’t help but notice a metallic smell around him that was rather familiar. 
“I’m sorry for the wait, Adler.” the KGB major said in his accented voice as he handed the bunker key to Adler, “I have to leave. But you should have everything you need. If stopped, remember you’re reporting to Commander Sobol.” 
You only had time to nod before Belikov was walking back through the corridor with Adler following.
There was a narrow window of time for the operation especially due to the heightened security reported with the existence of the CIA’s mole in the KGB. 
However, it was only when you approached the entrance to the building that you realized the sheer extent that was the case. 
“What do you think you’re doing? Everyone must go through the checkpoint.” A Soviet guard interjected as he approached.
And it was just as you were about to open the door. 
Damn it . 
“Comrade Belikov already cleared us,” you said, hopefully smoothly in Russian. You were...fuzzy about how exactly you learned the language. Perhaps, it was in training prior to Vietnam. But it seemed to work well enough as the Soviet guard didn’t seem to pick up on any foreign accent in your words. 
“Go through the checkpoint,” was all he said. 
You nodded slightly at Adler as he looked back at you before going forward to the checkpoint. 
This wasn’t...ideal. 
After you walked through the checkpoint, you already knew what the guard to your left was going to say. 
“Comrade, place your bag on the counter for inspection.”
“There’s no need for that. Let us pass.” you heard Adler speak fluently to your right only for the guard at the counter to of course insist on the inspection. 
Trying to hide the fact that you felt like you were walking to your own funeral, you placed the bag on the counter. 
As you watched in mute horror as the Soviet guard unzipped the bag, you heard a familiar voice speak. 
“Comrade, you are needed by Zakhaev. I will handle this.”
Belikov . 
You watched with muted relief as the KGB major walk up to the bag and casually “inspect” it. 
It was only when Belikov handed the bag back to you that you noticed it . 
The brief sepia explosion that hit your vision. Like a sepia filter suddenly being applied to a camera....
You felt your throat tighten. You had to say something but not now. 
You knew the rules regarding “vision meetings” 
Sepia for platonic soulmates.
Black and white for romantic soulmates. 
You had already met your “romantic soulmate”. Although, it was clear that bond was one-sided on your end…
But your thoughts about that were cleared away by the slight nod Belikov gave you.
He would talk about this later with you...if you survived that is. 
There were a lot of expectations and assumptions you had walking into the KGB headquarters. 
Ironically, seeing body bags all around the floor-in the hallways, general area, and more- was unexpected. 
“Who could have done all of this, Sokolov? We’re still finding bodies in the closets and bathrooms.” you heard a Soviet soldier sigh as he kneeled down next to one of the numerous body bags in the halls. 
“It must be the mole. The same one who killed General Charkov.” The other soldier said. 
Belikov... Belikov did all of this?
And he assassinated a Soviet General. 
Holy shit, was your only thought. 
You could feel the rapid thumping of your heart as you rode the high of adrenaline. 
And then as you heard the following words, your heart just stopped . 
“We have your friend. Surrender or he dies.” 
You were already getting out the detonator as Adler ordered Plan B to be put into action. 
Cover. Gas Mask. Belikov. 
It was all you could process in your current state of mind as you fired your XM4 at the soldiers. 
“Умница.” Belikov said after he secured the gask mask to his head. You once again heard static over Belikov’s voice. That word...it sounded so familiar-
But that didn’t matter. After all, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief into your gas mask. 
He was okay. 
You didn’t know why but you just felt like you had to protect him. Not as an order no no-but as something natural.
Maybe, it was a soulmate thing, you thought. After all, you felt the same way with Adler....although he was confusing. It was a mix of a nagging insistent feeling at the back of your skull and something natural at the same time.
Regardless of what it was, you simply resigned yourself to following it. 
And so you charged ahead.
“Elevator conversations are always awkward.”
That line stuck with you as you found yourself in the elevator with only Belikov, going up to the next floor of the safehouse. The team had to lie low for a day in the outskirts of Moscow before getting out of the Soviet Union. 
“I uh heard you took care of the informant,” you said awkwardly, glancing over at the taller man next to you, “Thanks for that. I let him go in Berlin. Stupid mistake. He was there when I got captured-” you rambled a bit nervously. 
“Я должен был убить его медленно.” you heard Belikov say. There was something different about his voice…
And it didn’t sound exactly like anything friendly to say the least...
“Ah, yeah,” you just continued on, “So I heard you like Baseball and the Chicago Cubs from Woods and Mason. I’d like to buy you tickets to the World Series or some other game if we survive this. I-if you want that is-” you rambled before cutting yourself off.
You resisted the urge to kick yourself. Why were you messing up this badly?
You had literally broken out of the KGB headquarters in Moscow and made it out alive. 
And you were freaking out over this?
“Ты помнишь меня?” You winced at what you could describe as static clouding his words. It was almost like an encryption over a frequency, as you knew from your experience with cryptography.
But this was...different.
“I’m...I’m sorry,” you murmured, shaking your head. Why couldn’t you just understand it?
You felt a warm, comforting pressure on your shoulder. Looking up, you saw Belikov smiling down at you.
“Da, I’d like to go to a game with you.” 
And even though you didn’t know a single thing about baseball, you never looked forward to something more than that. 
(Not from what you could remember anyways.) 
….Then Cuba happened.
And what it released might as well have been Pandora’s Box. 
You remembered. 
Not everything , no, but little bits and pieces. 
Enough for dose after dose to be injected until you felt your world speed and slow down to the beating of your heart. 
And when you finally awoke, you knew everything was a lie. 
And you knew the truth. 
You had no one.
No matter what you did, you would be a traitor to both sides. 
But, as you numbly heard Adler’s speech about “reinventing” yourself and having a “new life”, you wanted to believe in what he said.
You wanted to believe in a tomorrow where you could still go to that baseball game with Belikov and try out crackerjacks, cotton candy, and all those things you can’t recall ever having.
And so you told them the truth.
“-you’re a goddamned hero, you know that, kid?” Adler said casually as he looked out over the cliff-side. There was something about the praise that just felt good even as you felt your chest tighten with your every breath and ribs ache. 
Because maybe what you did was good enough-
(Or was that just the pathetic hope you always carried around with you?)
“Heroes have to make sacrifices. That’s why when I ask you for one more-”
As Adler said that, you just knew .
( You guessed that you wouldn’t be seeing that baseball game with Belikov. And damn wasn’t that a shame. )
You already have your hand grasp the handle of one of your guns at your waist. You knew it was empty. 
You chose it for that reason. Because maybe, just maybe you could deter him from doing this.
And if not well...well you couldn’t bring yourself to kill him. 
One-sided soulmates or not, you just couldn’t-
“Ahhh I knew you were here, my friend!” 
You released your grasp on the gun. If Belikov was in on this as well...then really you couldn’t bother to even pick up a gun. 
It’d just be...pointless.
“Belikov,” Adler said irritably, clearly not impressed by the Russian’s ill-timed arrival. 
“Adler,” Belikov said, much less cheery this time. You glanced back and forth between the two of them. 
Where exactly did Belikov line up in this....?
“I have a contact within the VVS. If I do not report in ten minutes, they will report the coordinates of our exfil to their superiors.” 
VVS...wait the Soviet Air Force-
“What the fuck, Belikov?”
“I made a deal with Hudson,” Belikov casually explained before gesturing to you, “Her safety and our asylum in America in exchange for intel. The former is non-negotiable, my friend.” 
“Why the hell are you doing this? You’re one of Hudson’s-”
" Bell and I are платонические родственные души. I was her handler when she infiltrated Perseus.” 
Wait, you had been a sleeper agent…?
You looked at Belikov. 
All those words and the sheer familiarity.... you knew him. 
It’d make sense if he was your handler as a sleeper agent in Perseus. 
“Bell,” you heard Belikov say, “We have a baseball game to catch, da?” 
You distantly nodded. 
You didn’t remember everything. But with everything that’s happened, you just knew that you could trust him. 
“Bell-” you could distantly hear Adler call after you. But you turned away, trying to ignore him. 
“I am surprised you tried what you did, Adler….ah nyet . I’ll let you find that out yourself.” you heard Belikov say a little too cheerily. 
But all you could think of was how you were really just looking forward to that baseball game.
Author’s Note: So....I ended up writing a 2K one-shot of Belikov & Bell being platonic soulmates...
Well, I hope the writing wasn't too terrible and that Belikov wasn't too OOC. The implied background between Belikov and Bell is that Bell, who was roped into Perseus's lower ranks, met Belikov in the KGB and they soon had a friendship. And since Belikov would have met Hudson at this point, he would be thinking about a way to get Bell guaranteed safety and to do that meant getting enough intel for the CIA to consider them worth that much effort. Hence, Belikov working as a mole for the CIA and Bell working as an anonymous insider in Perseus. 
Anyways, if anyone read through this, I hope you guys enjoyed this. It was a lot of fun to write. Here's to the first main Belikov & Bell fic in the fandom!
Thanks for reading!!
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shnuggletea · 4 years
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This is my attempt at EdWin pairing from Full Metal Alchemist. It’s for @kalsies​ bday and since you like EdWin and FMA I thought I’d switch it up for you. I also realize that you don’t really know me but I’m a fan of your work! And I hate it when I miss a bday; we all deserve some love especially on our bday!
I’m going to post this on Tumblr only for now to see how it goes. Idk if this is any good and I kinda rushed it but here goes. 
I do not own Full Metal or the art used in the cover above (came from here) I just own the story!
Happy Birthday Kalsies the Derp!
I also made a playlist but it is also a WIP! You can listen to it here!
The Coffee House
It wasn’t like I was looking for the place or planned to ever go inside. I blame the damn wind. It blew my hair free of its tie and damn if it didn’t want to quit! So I had to duck in somewhere and I’m not a coffee drinker. As soon as I stepped in out of the wind I was nearly pushed back out by the smell of the place. 
I never had a problem with the smell of coffee really. It has a decent scent to it. But I knew that the scent was misleading and that the taste was far from the enticing smell. So much so I had distrust in coffee and everything to do with it.
Especially the baristas that slung it at you with a false smile.
And this place had all the bells and whistles of your usual coffee house. Tables and ‘comfortable’ chairs. Dark lighting and soft music. Everything you needed to get people to stay and drink more. The only difference was, this place had huge pieces of twisted metal sticking out of the walls and hanging from the ceiling. Probably considered ‘art’ but I wasn’t buying it. I did find the piece that was half an engine from an old tank stuck to the wall interesting. 
There weren’t a lot of people inside so maybe this place made even shitter coffee? It made getting my hair back in its place a hell of a lot easier, slipping off to the bathroom for a mirror. That turned out to be an added blessing because I hadn’t noticed the smudge of oil on my face. Undoubtedly from work cause not even Al would tell me it was there. They would laugh while I walked the streets unknowing.
A few more bodies were in the place once I returned. It made the place loud and I hated loud. “You have to buy something!”
Turning to the shrill voice, I expected a doughty old maid. Instead, it was just a girl. She was pretty... I guess. If you’re into tall blondes. With her hair pulled back to the top of her head and the dirty apron covering her front, it was hard to say anything else about her other than tall and blonde. And irritated since she was still glaring at me for some reason.
“Are you dumb? You used our bathroom; I saw you. Only customers are allowed to use it so either buy something or I’m going to punch you in the dick.”
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I laughed because it was ridiculous. But that only pissed the blonde off more as she started to jump over the counter to get to me. “Okay, okay I’ll buy something. Jeez!”
She stepped back and stopped all attempts to get at me… with violence. Now she had arms crossed over her chest (couldn’t tell how big her chest was still) and went back to glaring at me. “Well? Order something!”
“Look, I just needed to fix my hair…”
She snorted. “Your hair? Seriously?!”
I growled back at the woman. “Yeah, my hair! Like you have room to talk!”
“I do since my hair is actually cute.”
“Who the hell do you…”
“Are you gonna order today or next week?”
I took a glance around. It wasn’t like I was holding up the line or anything. “I don’t even like coffee…”
“You’ll like my coffee,” the strange and annoying girl said, stepping back to a large and intimidating machine, “my coffee is the best in town.”
“Hasn’t this place only been open a week?”
“Two!” She shouted with pride and pulled down a lever. It was like an old fashioned slot machine that was ready to explode. Cause as soon as she pulled down the lever the whole thing shook and twanged like it would get up and breakdance. “It’ll just be a minute.”
The wall behind me became mine as I leaned against it. The girl didn’t talk her eyes off me so I didn’t take mine off her. She was… strange. Pushy and arrogant and rude. Her eyes eventually got to be too much and I didn’t like how she was studying my body. Not that it would help but I crossed my arms over my chest. Which most people took the hint when someone did that but not this girl.
“Who did your Automail?” The packs of coffee beans that held my attention for a second could have been set on fire and it wouldn’t have changed the glare I was giving this nosy woman. “Doesn’t look like they did a very good job. I can see it hitching at your shoulder.”
The hell she could. I had on an undershirt, long sleeve henley, and my red leather jacket. Add in my gloves and there was no way. “I haven’t been in for a tune-up in a while, that’s all.”
 She couldn’t see shit, she was guessing or something. Messing with me. “How did you lose your arm?”
“That’s none of your business,” I shouted as fiercely as possible. She nodded as if I told her I didn’t want sugar though. “You know, I didn’t even use your damn bathroom. I shouldn’t have to…”
“So what are you? Street cleaner?” The woman was unphased by my angry stupor. “You have some dirt here.” She pointed to her left temple and I wiped at mine. “You do look familiar, have we met before?”
She was leaning on the counter between us, scrutinizing and sizing me up even more. The only part of her skin that was visible (other than her face) was her hands and they were covered in little bandaids. I was marveling at how tiny her fingers were and a snarky response slipped past my filter. “Maybe I cleaned your street before.”
Then she giggled. I swear there was a twinkle in her eyes, I didn’t imagine that. And adorable, mischievous, god damn annoying twinkle that made me want to burn the place down. Even more so when she stood back up and twisted a small golden tendril around one of her tiny fingers. “How do you like your coffee?”
“What is it with you and personal questions?!” She held up a small cup, innocently and I felt flames lick the skin on my cheeks. But she said nothing about it, staring at me with doe eyes that would have reminded me of a lake on a calm day but they were far from calm. More like the ocean before a hurricane. “I don’t like coffee at all so…”
“Right, cream and sugar then.” She moved away from me and I moved towards the counter. “How tall are you?”
She was crouched inside a small fridge pulling out bottles but looking up at me. Her golden hair almost touched the floor and yet she still had all her attention on me. “What’s it to you, Blondie?”
I struck a nerve with that one, finally. She slammed the fridge shut and handed the coffee to me so hard I nearly got burned. “It’s Winry.”
If she hated the name then why did she have blonde hair? It was nothing to change the color of your hair these days. She flicked a few loose locks behind her ear and showed that it was full of metal. Studs and hoops went from her lobe up to the corner of her cartilage. A lot of girls had their ears pierced but not quite like that and it made me curious if the other looked the same.
“Are you always this nosy, Winry?” 
If she was offended, she didn’t show it; shrugging and looking at her bandaged hands. “Just thought I’d ask.”
“Oh, you asked. About everything that has nothing to do with you.”
Saying nothing else, she held out her hand and after a minute, I pressed a few credits into her outstretched palm. She took them and then plastered on a smile. “Come back soon and tell all your friends!”
“Tell them what? Come here and get pushed into buying?”
Her smile faded, but it was fake to begin with. “Well, just tell them the bathroom is for customers only then!”
The woman (Winry) was done with me so I left. The wind blew my hair out of my tie again but I was already at the shop by then. 
“That was the longest lunch break you’ve ever taken, Edward!” Louis yelled from somewhere in the back and although out of sight, I still glared in his direction. 
“Shuddaup you Bald bastard and mind your business!”
The bald man with the fabulous mustache just chuckled and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in irritation. Slamming the door behind me I walked over to where Al sat, looking up at me as I approached. “You got coffee?”
I had actually forgotten, still holding the cup in my hand. “Sorta.”
He took it from me and I let him. “Shouldn’t drink coffee. It’ll stunt your growth.”
I ignored his smirk. “I freaking hate coffee and you know it. I only got that cause I was forced.”
Al chuckled while I still simmered from the barista Winry. “When has anyone ever forced you into anything, brother?”
I smirked back at him but not because of his teasing. He tried to duck but it was too late, rubbing my knuckles into the top of his skull hard and making his dark blond hair fly all around. “Get anything done while I was gone?”
He shoved me away as hard as he could with his free hand. “We got a lot done for once!! Must be you holding us back!!”
Chuckling, I let him off easy and took off my jacket to hang up. Looking back at Al I caught him sipping on the coffee. “Hey! What about stunting your growth?!”
Al wore a sad smile but at least it no longer reached his eyes. “That’s not really a problem for me, is it?”
I had nothing to say to that, watching as he rolled himself away in his ancient wheelchair. I couldn’t even afford to get him a nice one; like the kind that roll where you want them to with a single thought. But that wasn’t what was important. What was important was getting the funds for Al’s body. 
It was why I worked at this shop, rolling up my sleeves to get back to work. There were a few projects still waiting for my touches so I had to hurry up. I needed to get to work and get it done for tonight. I’d already wasted too much time dealing with crazy coffee house girls. 
It was a warm night but I still wore my red leather jacket. It protected my skin and it had my symbol on the back. I never intended for that symbol to mean anything, I just thought it looked cool. But now I almost have to wear it so people know who I am and what to expect. 
That symbol was why (when I rolled up to the line) others either stepped out or changed their bets. 
My bike wasn’t anything special but I knew how to take care of it. Unlike the others here who spent thousands of credits to fix up or buy new bikes; mine was old and cheap. Before I made a name for myself, it was what gave me the advantage. Everyone knew how I raced now so there was little point. The only reason I came here night after night was for the money cause the thrill had left long ago.
I had my hair tucked up inside my helmet so it didn’t get knocked like crazy; not to hide even as my helmet hid my face. Anyone that saw me on the street would know it was me thanks to my jacket. But not everyone here wanted to be known. It wouldn’t be a surprise if an Under was mixed in the crowd. My jacket made me known but also gave me deniability on the streets in daylight. 
It was this reason that I wasn’t surprised when a stranger pulled up next to me on their bike and had a blacked-out helmet. Mine was blacked out as well but that was more out of preference than fear. It had been years since a new person showed up to race here; so I busied myself sizing them up. Their bike was nice, a newer model than mine. And an actual brand; a Tomoaki. It was a decent ride but I wasn’t worried. 
The new guy refused to look anywhere but the track ahead. They were clearly a Newb, it was showing in their laser focus as well as the small shake in their arms as they waited for the ‘gun’. It had me chuckling in my helmet and fogging up the glass. 
It was me, Newb, and three other guys ready and waiting for this race. Two of them were from the Homunculus gang so they would be trouble. As they were every time they lost. The other guy I knew pretty well; Roy on his trademark Mustang bike was hard to miss. That meant Risa was somewhere in the crowd. He was a good guy and a decent racer. But I was better.
This was going to be another easy win; easy money.
Olivier stood before us, taking her place with the flag to start. She was how I learned about this place; her brother complaining about the illegal activities his dear sister was involved in. Not sure what he’s so worried about; there are far worse things to be into as far as illegal activities go. Far more lucrative too but I was pushing it with Al doing this much.
The tall and buxom blonde lifted her arms for our full attention. A few idiots in the crowd with death wishes whistled at Olivier. She was a beautiful woman but if you ever told her that she would break your face. Olivier started the races for one reason only; to be a distraction and throw a few of us off guard. I looked at the Newb next to me to see if it worked. The rest of us were used to it by now. Newb didn’t look shaken in the slightest but he still shook. 
Olivier dropped the flag and it was time to stop dicking around, hitting my accelerator and jumping ahead of the rest instantly. There was no one ahead of me; the track was mine. Our location switched every week and you had to be in the know to find it. You also had to use the GPS to stay on the assigned track. Mine was beeping that there was a hard left turn ahead. This was one of the reasons I was unbeatable. Without skin on it to worry about losing to the pavement, I was able to dip lower on left turns and take them faster than the rest. 
It was right turns that slowed me down and this track had two right at the end. Even so, I still have the lead and little to fear. 
This was it. Alone on the track, going as fast as I pleased. The only thing missing was the wind in my hair and on my skin. This was where I felt peace; felt free. Winning was no longer a thrill for me. I only enjoyed this moment now; being my own boss and in control of everything. My speed, my movements, and my life. It was easy to forget the troubles I faced daily while I raced away into the night.
Nearing the end of the track, I leaned into the first right turn. Of course, I slowed and dipped a little less than before. This was my real leg, the only one I had left. It was expected. What wasn’t expected was the other racer that passed me in the middle of it. 
It was the new guy, flying by dangerously on the turn. I had been cocky and stupid, getting lost in the freedom instead of actually racing. Now they had the lead. If it was a straight away or another left turn, I could have taken the lead back. But it was neither of those and even as I dipped lower and went faster than I was comfortable with, they still had the lead. 
The Newb was going to win.
There was a strange pressure that I felt in my chest. I hadn’t felt it in a while. It was… excitement. 
I pushed my machine to its limits to gain a few seconds on the Newb’s lead but the race was pretty much over. We crossed the line with a two-second difference and the crowd was a mix of shock, awe, and anger. Just like the first time I raced and won. 
A lot of people just lost a lot of money.
The Newb stopped and I pulled up right next to them. “Follow me, NOW!”
They shook their head at me. “Why? I want my money.”
Their voice was garbled by an electronic voice changer. It wasn’t weird; a bit uncommon but again there was always the possibility of Unders in the crowd and with this person a Newb it was a good thing they were protecting their identity.
“I’ll get your money tomorrow and give it to you later. You need to get out of here!”
Newb glanced behind us at the crowd and I looked as well; even knowing what I would see. The crowd was restless, shouting, and pushing. There were more races to be had (the night was still young) but it was clearly over as the others were already fighting. 
“Great. How am I supposed to come back with that?” The Newb asked.
“It’ll be fine, they’ll get over it. But those guys,” I said, pointing to the two Homunculus members that had raced and lost to the Newb, “they will come and tear you apart if we don’t get out of here now.”
There were no more questions after that and as much as I wanted to help the guy out, I couldn’t force him. So I was glad the guy shut up and followed closely. The Homunculus followed for a while but it wasn’t too hard to lose them. We came to a stop miles from the track. A few quiet shops sat to one side while an empty park on the other. Without a word or sign, we both made for the park and killed our engines; turning our bikes into chairs with our kickstands out.
“That was too easy.” The Newb spat. “I thought they wanted to tear me to pieces?”
Even with the voice changer, I could tell they were mocking me. Resting on my bike, I pulled my helmet off so I could get more air. “Yeah, well they probably figured that they’ll get you next week. You should consider taking a little break for a while.”
They huffed, the automated voice struggling with the sound and came out like singing. “You just don’t want to lose again.”
My Automail was stiff from the ride. As were both my shoulders. So I stretched my hands high above my head and then rolled my shoulders around. “Nah, you got lucky this time. It won’t happen again.”
Newb was silent and I enjoyed the quiet while it lasted. “Why did you help me?”
His question was soft but in the silence, it was easy to hear. “Why not? I used to be right where you are now. New and talented. The Homunculi are a bunch of jealous assholes who don’t care about rules as long as they win.”
“What about you? Is winning that important to you?”
I looked at the dark window of their helmet, trying to see through it even with it impossible. My mouth still pulled into a smirk. “Of course it’s important. You get more money if you win. But only if I do it by my own merits.”
“So it’s the money you really care about?”
I shrugged, looking at my gloves and fixing the loose hold they had on my hands. “I need it. Everyone there does. It’s how this all works, right?”
“I’m in it for the racing, not the money.”
I grimaced hard back at the guy, thankful I took my helmet off so they could see the fire in my eyes. “Then you should be going pro, not slumming it with the rest of us.”
This Newb really needed to learn when to shut the fuck up; still talking away but I was no longer listening. I cut him off with the roar of my engine. He was a stranger; he had no clue who I was or the life I’d lived. My past was as much a mystery as his was to me. Only I no longer cared to know his past or present. His judgment could eat shit; I took off and left the fucker there.
He could find his own way home.
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collectionofmadness · 5 years
Summary: Blackwood seemed to have always had a looming black cloud over its town at all times. In the darkness the cloud created, shadows morphed into monsters within the people. Dozens of unsolved murders litter the shelves in the police department. Missing person papers were stapled to each light post and bulletin board. But when the Lincoln twins, the embodiment of happiness and popularity, were found in the football locker room after basketball practice with five times the overdose amount of cocaine flowing through their veins. People began to notice just how many skeletons paraded around in their closets.
Warnings: This is basically the darker and more psychotic version of shows like Riverdale and those like it. Though, this is not Riverdale or fanfiction of it in any way.
Actual Warnings: Murder, mentions of suicide, kidnapping, drugs and alcohol, mafia, rough language, dark humor, mentions of sex, and more!
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—HER RIBS CONSTRICT TIGHTLY AROUND HER LUNGS LIKE A VIPER. In short, painful bursts, she breathes as she hides behind the banister. When she first arrived, she marveled at the size of the staircase. Now, she knows that it was the least surprising thing in this murder house. Her heart pounds painfully against her chest, an ax trying to get through her sternum. She winces when she forces a deep breath into her lungs, her bruised spine stabbing her with daggers of ice.
She knew as she scoped the large foyer, if she did not leave now she would never see the light of day again. She would become a dead girl walking. She was already sure her name and face littered the town’s newspaper. But her body, mangled and bruised, would be in the centerfold before the end of the week. And the headline would not be exclaiming good news.
Johnna was in the backyard, playing with his demon hound. William was at a meeting and wouldn’t be back until the evening. Alexander was passed out in the family room, snuggled up with an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. Lucas was at the grocery store, refilling the food supply after Johnna’s temper tantrum.
She knew that this was her only chance. The room was still, waiting. The air was heavy with a foreboding attitude. She winces at the sound of knees cracking as she stands. The frozen floor that she had become quite accustomed to over the month she had the ‘pleasure’ of staying in this nightmare felt hot under her bare feet. It almost burned to take a step toward the first stair. The soles of her feet stuck to the ground with sweat.
Anxiety flared throughout her body. Her stomach was lead. There was a compressing cuff around her neck. The sides of her chin were squeezed by the hand of Death. She swallowed the non-existent spit in her dry mouth. Her entire body seized upon itself the closer she got to the beginning of the staircase. Her body knew that this was a dangerous act she was committing. She did something that could easily end in her being tortured to death. Though, that was her fate at the end of the day no matter what path she followed. No matter what she decided to do with her life. But she would go out fighting. If she was going to be treated like a glass doll, she would make sure to shred their skin when they break her into million-little pieces. She would go out kicking. She would earn her death.
Taking a deep breath, she faced forward and placed her left foot on the first stair. It was cold beneath her foot. It was a familiar chill. The chill crawled up her legs, up her back, and settled itself at the small of her neck. The cold floors were what she was familiar with in this house. The cold was what told her she was still alive, that her blood still heated her skin. That she was breathing as she should, even if her lungs were not functioning correctly.
She closes her eyes as she lets out a deep sigh. When she opened her eyes, she was ready. The stairs glistened in the sunlight shining through the windows framing the foyer. It was almost blinding. The darkness of the basement and the inner makings of the manor did not have any natural light to speak of.
She nods to herself, ready. She places her right foot on the first stair and threw her body into movement. Her feet pounded on the stairs painfully, her heart loud in her ears at the same volume. She pushed through the sluggishness her muscles had been accustomed to. The sudden movement broke something in her. It awoke an animalistic instinct.
During Biology class, the teacher called it survival of the fittest. That only those that fought to live would survive to bear children.
Even though the last of the statement had no use to her, the beginning did. She had to fight to stay alive. She was alive. She was living, breathing, and dreaming human being. And she was not ready to sacrifice her life just because a couple psychos took a liking to how she took pain. She did not want to die. She would not die.
If she was caught, she would die. If she stayed, she would die. But if she escaped, she would be alive. She would go to a place that would resemble something the complete opposite of this place. A big, never sleeping city. She would go to Seattle. Seattle was the closest one to her. She would take a taxi—no a Greyhound—out of her spiderweb of a hometown. She would travel and not do a single thing, talk to a single person, until she was at her destination. She would have time to process everything that had happened to her. She would be able to make up a perfect story about the cuts and bruises, about the sprained bones and black eye. She would be gone. She would no longer be who she is today. She would reinvent herself. She would not allow a single person to recognize her as she was here.
When her feet hit the landing with a slap, she pushed off and took off toward the door. Her heart was pounding a million a second. The heart that had seemed to be trying to kill her was a sign of hope. The pounding in her ears, the stabbing in her chest, and pulsing in all of her bones. It was all her body’s hope. It was her will to live.
She turned the cold doorknob. She pulled open the door. She let it swing open and slam against the wall.
And she was down the second set of stairs before she even realized she was in the lawn. Soft, plush grass filtered beneath her feet—between her toes. It gave her a relief she did not know was within her. The sunlight on her skin felt so…good. It was so warm. It was heavenly. But she knew she could not stop and enjoy the new sensations. And she was off again.
Her feet slammed against the firm ground, pushing her further and further—closer to her goal, toward her freedom. She pursued her body harder, faster toward the large iron gates. Her legs burned. Her chest was searing with pain. Her throat and mouth were dryer than the Gobi Desert. But on and on she went. She would push her body until it would no longer move anymore. Even if she was reduced to dragging herself by her pinky-toes she would keep going. Even if Death itself stood before her, holding out its hand for her to take. Even if those towering gates did not open.
And then she fell.
Her foot had caught one of the sprinklers. Her body went flying, barreling through the air. She would have screamed in fear and frustration if she did not think Johnna would hear it from the opposite side of the house. She hits the ground and lands on her shoulder. She bites her tongue to keep in the shout of pain.
Warmth drips down the side of her face and falls into the gravel. She pulled her head up and looked at her condition. Taking a shaky breath, tears stream down her face. One of her arms was not visible, so it was to be assumed it was crushed under her. Her legs were cut in various places, new bruises forming from the impact. Blood had already begun to fall into the gravel and stain the white rocks red.
Her head falls down into the gravel. She laughs to herself as she tries to push herself off the ground. White pain shoots through her back. It felt as if she was being struck by lightning. Her hand falls limp at her side. Damn, she really talked really big. She was right there. The gate was within reaching distance. Her eyes fell back and she stared at the metal bars.
Laughing echoes through the courtyard—mocking laughter. Her blood ran cold as she moved her attention to the source of the laughter. Her blood ran cold as she moved her attention to the source of the laughter. Sitting on the top of the fence, he smirked down at her with downcast eyes. He balanced a glass of what she assumed was tequila.
"You were so close, darlin'. I sorta thought you would get out. Was ready to call 'ol Willy to tell you his lovely dove escaped the cage. But look at you," Alexander swung his legs as he talked. "You were s-o close."
She closed her eyes, tears gushing from her eyes at a faster rate. She was so close. So, so freaking close.
"Why would you try and leave me?!" Cries a voice. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. Johnna was red in the face, tears streaming down his face.
"I am so dead." She whispers.
"You're more than dead," a loud bang and crackling as the gate pulls open. Lucas was back with groceries.
And her world goes black.
Chapter One Link Coming Soon
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Rookie Ch.5 - Leon Kennedy x Reader
Words: 2566
Warnings: none
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You and Leon looked at the man's disfigured corpse. Then you looked to each other, eyes wide and mouths open. Leon held onto the bars of the cell, his heart beating a mile a minute. Then, the familiar clicking of a woman's heels came down the corridor. You whipped around, gun pointed at the woman.
"Aren't you two looking cozy." She said. You looked down and realized you had grabbed Leon's arm; he pulled away "It's just me, so you can put that thing away." She motioned to your gun. You lowered it as she turned to look in the cell.
"I don't even know what happened— it just... happened so quick," Leon began, his voice cracked. The woman put her hands on the bars, a pained exhale escaped her lips. Then, she turned back to you and Leon.
"I told you to get out of here." She began. You could feel the cold stare through her sunglasses. "You wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?"
"You know him?" Leon asked.
"He was an informant. He had information of use to my investigation."
"So what he said was true?" The woman paid him no mind. Instead, she turned around and walked away. Leon wasn't having it; he grabbed her arm. "Hey, you can't keep walking away from us!" She looked down at his arm, and then up at him, before pulling away from his grasp. "We don't even know your name!"
"I'm Y/N L/N." You introduced yourself to the woman, hoping she would do the same.
"And I'm Leon Kennedy." The woman studied you and Leon for a moment before replying.
"Find a way out, Leon. Before it's too late... then we'll talk. And Y/N, you've got something on your face there." You remembered the blood on your face, Ben's blood; You wiped the droplets away. The woman turned back around and began walking away. "Name's Ada,"she finally said.
You and Leon were stunned as she walked away. This woman, Ada, carried herself as if the zombie infection was just a minor inconvenience. She wasn't even that surprised to see Ben dead, she looked more annoyed than anything. This made you wonder: how much did she know? What other things was umbrella capable of? You looked back at Ben's corpse, watching the blood slowly ooze down in puddles, no longer propelled out by a beating heart. His body wasn't what freaked you out, you've seen dead bodies all week. It was the fact that he was alive and talking to you just moments before that really unsettled you.
"Do you think you can pick the lock?" Leon asked, referencing what you were doing right before it happened. You looked down to the bent Bobby pin still in your hands.
"I don't think so," you said. Leon looked around the hall in thought, before his eyes rested on a note that lay on a desk in the corner of the room. He picked it up and read it.
"We've got to go back inside the station."
"Really?" Your brow furrowed. "We just got out of the station."
"We need a part to fix this electrical board." He said, pointing to a square on the wall. You looked at the strange board, and then it hit you: another puzzle. You rolled your eyes.
"Y'know, I always thought this station was so cool and quirky. But now, I'm starting to realize how stupid some of this is. Why so many puzzles? This isn't efficient at all!" You said. Leon laughed.
"You and me both."
"If I have to solve another stupid puzzle, my head might explode." You regretted your choice of words as they left your mouth. Leon's eyes widened as he looked at you, so shocked he almost laughed. You, just as wide-eyed as him, looked back at ben's corpse and cringed. "I'm a horrible person."
You and Leon found your way back into the station through a passageway previously unknown. Rain pattered on the roof and came in through the broken windows, droning out the cries of the undead. It felt like a nightmare, walking through the same old halls you used to love, and now loathed. Still, there was an air of peace to it all. There were no zombies chasing or grabbing at you. For a moment, you were safe. And then you heard it: the familiar sound of claws scraping the ceiling. Except they weren't slowly approaching, they were running toward you. Leon stood frozen, hoping that it wouldn't hear him. But you knew it heard. It always does. Without thought, You grabbed Leon's shotgun from his back and killed the creature, filling its head with steel balls. Leon jumped at the sound of the shotgun and the screams of the licker, but you were unfazed, jaded even. He looked at you, eyes wide and cheeks pink, until you turned to look at him and he averted his gaze.
"What?" You asked.
"It's nothing." He whispered. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe it was something more, but Leon saw you differently for the first time. The moonlight flooded through to broken windows and cast a lovely glow on your form. He shook the thoughts a way, for it was not the time or the place. Still, he couldn't keep from staring.
While he focused on you, you were focused on something darker: was Marvin still alive? What would be more painful: saying goodbye to him again or seeing him undead? The electrical parts needed were on the third floor, so you would have to pass through the main hall at some point. You and Leon passed though another dark hallway, and a familiar stickiness clung to your shoes. Leon looked down at the red ground with his flashlight and grimaced.
"Does it get any easier?" He asked. You knew what he was talking about.
"Only when you're in danger. Then you forget about it." You replied.
"So you've been surrounded by all of this death, and loss, and blood for a whole week?"
"I prefer not to think about it."
"That's not a good way to cope."
"I can cope when we're not in danger." You had a point. Leon dropped it and tried to ignore the sloshing of blood under his shoes. Soon, you approached a metal door. And below it, a pair of legs. Leon couldn't catch a break, could he? It wasn't the first man he watched die that night, but it was definitely the most scarring. His jaw tensed as he felt the adrenaline and emotions of that moment bubble to the surface. He looked at you and could tell you felt the same way. He pulled a lever on the wall and the door slowly opened from the bottom. His eyes focused on anything but the body, anything but the blood. He's seen blood, guts, and gore all night, so why was it affecting him now? Then, a hand grabbed his own. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he looked to you. He couldn't focus on the horror around him. In your eyes he felt both pain and warmth, reassurance and empathy. So he followed you as you lead him through the room, past the body and out the door. He could get used to your hand in his own.
Hand in hand, you walked down the hallways of the RPD. All the while, the main hall got closer. You and Leon approached the metal door that led to the lobby. He pulled the switch and you waited as the door opened. As you entered, you couldn't help but feel drawn to where Marvin was the last time you saw him. As much as you wanted to avoid seeing his fate, avoid looking into his eyes, your body led you to the back of the hall.
"Y/N," Leon began, "Its not a good idea."
"But I've got to know,” You said. Leon didn't follow you any further. You walked up the small flight of stairs and towards the medical dividers that he once sat behind.
There, on his gurney, lay Marvin. His skin was what a bluish tint, but other than that, he looked peaceful. That was until you stepped closer. He surged up, an animal-like growl gurgled through his vocal chords. You shot him. There was no hesitation, for all you saw was a monster. All you heard was his screeching, your gunshots, and the steady beat of your own heart. Leon gasped and ran toward the sound, for he knew how much you loved Marvin. Even he doubted his ability to shoot Marvin if it were necessary. But you did it. You shot him four, five times before he finally went down. And with a sheet off of a nearby hospital bed, you covered his corpse.
"You deserve better than this," you whispered. Leon stood behind you, and you turned to him.
"Is it bad that I don't feel anything?"
"I'm feeling for the both of us," he said, trying to lighten the mood. You let out a sad laugh. Leon smiled and looked away, but for a second, you could see his lip quiver and his eyes go glassy.
“We should probably get going."
So you and Leon headed upstairs. In order to get to the third floor, you had to pass by the crash. By the looks of it, the fire had been put out by the rain. Walking through the dark hallways, you reach the rubble filled area. Just around the corner, you saw the helicopter. Moonlight filtered through the remnants of the walls, giving an almost peaceful look to the crash. It was silent for a moment, completely, beautifully silent. Then, the rubble shifted. You and Leon stepped back as a colossal figure lifted the helicopter and threw it out of the way. It stepped closer, and into the light, so you could see it's leathery blue skin under its hat and trench coat. It was nothing you had ever seen before, nothing you could have ever imagined, and it continued walking. It's loud footsteps approached, and you stood frozen. Then, a hand grabbed your wrist and dragged you down the hall.
"What is that thing?" Leon yelled back at you as you ran. The creature kept up to you without quickening its pace. You and Leon sprinted though the precinct, only satisfied when you could no longer hear it's footsteps.
Finding the electrical part was easy, much easier than anything you dealt with the whole night. Leon led the way back down into the parking garage and then into the jail. His flashlight illuminated the dark, damp surroundings. As he and you walked down the jail corridor, Ben's corpse became more visible. Leon had seen gore all night and had sometimes been able to ignore it, but this sight struck a chord in him. Maybe it was because he felt guilty, for he didn’t even try to save the man. He watched as a single fly landed on the man's deformed face.
"You still have the electrical part?" You asked him.
"Yeah, I do." He said, taking it from his pocket. You took the piece from him and connected it to the board. The cell door clicked open. You took a step forward, wary of the corpse, and Leon followed suit. Kneeling down, you carefully cut the parking pass off of his lanyard. Leon noticed something protruding from Ben’s jacket pocket. It was a tape recorder. He took it from the man's jacket. You looked at him, and him at you. He put it up to his ear, then decided to hold it out for you to listen as well. You both leaned in to the recorder, now only inches apart. He pressed play. The recording began with the dead man's voice.
"But that doesn't explain the rumors about the orphanage. I just find it a little too coincidental that umbrella is one of the benefactors." Then a woman's voice chimed in.
"You told me this interview was about the new scholarship umbrella set up." She sounded annoyed.
"Come on, Annette. Nobody cares about that. They want to know about the G-Virus and the-"
"Where did you hear about that?" She tried to cut him off, but he continued.
"And that big sinkhole in the city that rumor has it leads straight to your underground lab. No, are you gonna talk to me or?"
"This interview is over." The recording cut off.
You heard the rumors about umbrella and the orphanage, but you thought they were just rumors, just stories kids told their friends. But it began to make sense. The orphanage was almost completely funded by the umbrella corporation, and children weren't seen there for very long. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to throw up. Leon was still beside you, his hand on his chin in thought.
"So umbrella really caused all this? Umbrella killed this city?" He asked.
"I always kinda knew it was them," You began, "They acted like a moral company, but there was a rumor going around the station that Irons was being paid to keep quiet." You exhaled, "I guess it's all true."
Leon got up, and you followed his lead. He left the cell, but you noticed a memo on the small corner desk. It detailed Ben's last days alive and something called he called the 'tyrant' . He described it as a bio-weapon, and you remembered the large humanoid from before. Was it the 'tyrant?' Did it kill Ben?
"What is it?" Leon asked, taking a step back into the cell.
"Remember that thing in the trench coat? I think Ben wrote about it." You said, handing him the paper. He read it and shook his head.
"Remember when our worst fear was zombies?"
"I miss that" you replied. And then, almost as though the universe was calling your bluff, all the cells unlocked. All of the zombies exited their cells. Leon grabbed your hand and ran towards a jail checkpoint, locking the barred door behind him. You two ran through the other side of the jail, and then the familiar loud footsteps approached. Around the corner was that creature, tyrant.
"Gimme a break!" Leon yelled. Somehow you and him dodged the creature and all of the zombies in your path. You exited the jail and ran back into the parking garage. Safety seemed so close, and then the concrete wall next to Leon shattered, fragments and dust filling the area. There was a silhouette that shadowed the dust, it was the tyrant. The creature grabbed Leon by the neck and lifted him off the ground, just like it did with Ben. Leon squirmed and kicked, struggling to breathe. Your heart was beating in your ears as you tried to shoot the creature. It did nothing. The creature was indestructible, and you couldn't even reach Leon to help him out of its grasp. Then, the whirring of a Swat truck gassed its way into the creature and then into the wall. Leon dropped to the ground, gripping his neck and as he choked and panted for air. You were frozen in place as a familiar woman strolled out of the car.
"Ada?" You asked.
"This is getting old." She began. "Saving you and him- that's twice!"
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breanime · 5 years
Heartworm (Part Eight)
This part is a tad bit long (that’s what she said), but I hope you enjoy it. Please please pleaaaase leave feedback. WARNING: this chapter has depictions of violence (also, I’m totally losing track of which gifs I’ve used for this series...)
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*gif by @b-n-a-o*
You passed quite a few cop cars on your way to find Billy, but the deeper into the city you got, the less you saw. The cabbie dropped you off in front of a little dive bar, asking “are you sure about this, sweetheart?”.
Hell yeah you were.
You considered going into the bar, but it didn’t seem like the kind of place Billy would hang out in. Instead, you walked around the block for a while, arms wrapped around yourself to keep warm with one earbud in your ear connected to the police radio in your pocket and hoped for the best. An hour went by with no sign of Billy, then another, and a third. The wind was starting to pick up, and you shivered in the dark. There hadn’t been a tip in hours, but you kept the police radio on just in case. You were starting to feel defeated; you wanted to see Billy, but the reality was that if he didn’t wanted to be found, he wouldn’t be.
It had started to rain, but you didn’t let that deter you. You just zipped up your jacket and kept moving. After a while, the rain let up, but it was still cold out. You stopped and looked out into the street. There was a fog starting up in the dark, and people were filtering in and out of the surrounding bars and shops. You took in a breath and breathed out, sighing in the dark. Still determined to track down Billy, you decided to make a pit stop and grab a hot cup of coffee. The bar you went in wasn’t too busy, but you could tell that the small clientele were definitely scumbags.
“How about I get you something stronger?” A man wearing a confederate flag t-shirt was leaning against the bar and grinning over at you.
You put the plastic lid over your coffee and tried not to roll your eyes. “No thanks,” you said, turning towards the door.
He grabbed your arm. “Hold on, baby,” he said, his grin turning darker, “You didn’t let me introduce myself—”
“—I don’t need to,” you snatched your arm out of his grip and walked off. But you made a point to linger at the door. You grinned to yourself when you saw the guy a few feet behind you. Perfect.
You made a show of being distracted; checking your phone, pretending to stop to stare into stores, staring up at street signs in feigned confusion. He was still behind you, and you put finding Billy on the back burner for a second. This creep needed to be dealt with. You led him out of the street and towards an alley. There were less people around the deeper into the neighborhood you got, and the only thing you could hear besides your heels hitting pavement was the steady sound of his footsteps behind you. You stopped in the mouth of the alley, digging in your purse. You figured you looked like easy prey to him, but he probably wouldn’t think that if he knew you were holding a knife in your bag. You weren’t the prey; you were the fucking predator.
He took the bait.
You felt him come behind you, crowding you and pushing you deeper into the alley.
“Hey baby, you a little lost?”
You gripped the handle of the knife and tried to reign in your temper. You wanted to make a point, not catch a case. Saying nothing, you elbowed him in the face—grinning when you felt and heard the crunch of his nose as he yelled. He stumbled back, and you turned to face him.
“Bitch!” He cried, holding his bloody nose and swiping angrily at the air. “The fuck is your problem?”
You threw your purse down to give you more freedom of movement and brandished your knife. “What’s yours?” You asked. “You see a woman alone in a bar and you follow her for six blocks? What was your plan, exactly?”
“I’m gonna fuck you up, you bitch,” he snarled, glaring at you through teary eyes.
You grinned. “Not if I fuck you up first.” You planted your feet firmly in the ground—just like Billy taught you and motioned the guy forward with your hand.
He rushed at you—all emotion and no tact—and you stepped to the side, avoiding contact. You flicked the knife out and heard him hiss when it cut into his side. It was just a graze—barely even a flesh wound—but you hoped it hurt. He crashed into the brick wall, hands up and you stood a few feet behind him. He turned to you, tears and blood and snot running down his face, and screamed: “Chuck!”
You barely had a chance to even register what the hell he said before you were tackled to the ground. You gasped, the wind rushing out of you, as you hit the pavement.
“The fuck is goin’ on here?” A male voice said above you. Chuck, you presumed.
“This bitch—fucking bitch—cut me! And broke my fucking nose!”
You squirmed underneath Chuck—he felt like a truck. “Now why don’t you be a good girl for my brother,” Chuck said, leaning into you in a way that had your skin crawling, “and be nice, eh?”
“Fuck you,” you growled. Your knife was nowhere in sight—it fell out of your hands when he tackled you.
Chuck flipped you around, mouth open to retort, but as soon as you were on your back you struck out and punched him in the chin. It probably hurt your fist more than it hurt his face. He grinned, a small cut on his lip the only proof that you’d landed a hit in. “You,” he grabbed your wrists and forced them down, “owe my lil brother an apology.”
You spit in his face.
Chuck jumped off of you, wiping his face. You got up, but fell back down when Chuck reared back and punched you. Chuck the truck. You saw lights go off behind your eyes, and you landed on your ass. Chuck’s brother—Lil Chuck, you decided to call him—laughed in the background as you tried to gain your equilibrium back. You tried to blink, but then you realized that you hadn’t opened your eyes yet. You tasted blood and licked your lips to discover blood on them. They were still laughing, and you were starting to regret throwing your purse down, when suddenly, they both stopped laughing.
“Fuck you lookin’ at, freak?” Lil Chuck asked.
One hand over your pounding eye, you looked up through the pain. Your heart stopped.
Fucking Billy.
He was wearing a mask with scribbles all over it, but you would know that silhouette anywhere. His chest was heaving, and his hands were balled up in fists at his side.
“Hey, move along,” Big Chuck said, stepping in front of you and blocking your view, “This ain’t none of your concern.”
You must have blinked or something, because the next thing you knew, there was a soft sound of wind rushing and then Big Chuck was on the floor next to you. You stared over at him, eyes fixated on the small hole in his forehead and the trickle of blood that was coming out of it. Lil Chuck screamed, and Billy put a bullet in him, too. He fell to the ground with a thud.
You looked up at Billy, wondering idly where he’d pulled that gun from. It looked serious, and it had a silencer on it. Billy took a few huge steps towards you and crouched down next to you. Neither of you spoke as he put the gun in the waistband of his pants and flipped his mask up. He took your hand and removed it from your head, dark eyes washing over you, checking you for any more damage. You felt tears in your eyes when his hand grazed your throbbing cheek.
“—Don’t,” he said, words coming out choked, “don’t… Just… be quiet for a minute. Please…” You shut you mouth and let him look you over. His eyes were shining with emotion—but you couldn’t read him the way you could three years ago. You held your breath as his hands ghosted over your face, thumb caressing your lower lip. He stared down, fixated on the blood on the pad of his thumb. You stayed still; it felt like you were with a nervous animal and any sudden movement could scare him off. Billy ran a hand through your hair, pushing it back so he could see your face better. “Shit,” he mumbled, and you saw his trigger finger twitch. You sat in the alley in silence for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of Billy’s heavy breathing and the pitter-patter of the rain surrounding you. You kept your eyes on Billy, and he did the same to you. There were two dead bodies not even ten feet away from you, but you could care less about that.
Billy was there, with you, and that was all that mattered.
Billy stood up suddenly, staring down at you with fiery dark eyes. “—What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked, glaring at you. “What—why are you even out here this late? What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking,” you stood up as well, and Billy put a hand out to help, but you swatted it away, “that I had to find the asshole who broke into my apartment and broke my heart,” you said, glaring back at him, “And since you didn’t leave a number I could call you on—”
“—Fuck, Y/N,” he shook his head, “that was—I did that for a reason—we need to get you out of here.” He reached for your hand again, and this time you let him gently push you towards the brick wall.
Leaning against the wall, you looked over at the dead Chucks. “Should we…?”
“Leave ‘em,” he growled, sliding his mask back on and putting his hood up, “Jesus, Y/N, what would you have done if I hadn’t been here?” He stood in front of you, shaking his head.
“I dunno, die?” You let him dab at your face with the sleeve of his hoodie. “How did you get here, anyway? I know you didn’t just chance upon me.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he grumbled, frowning at the steady trickle of blood coming from your busted lip.
You swatted his hand away again. “Asshole.” It felt like old times—well, not exactly old times, but…familiar. “You don’t get to tell me what not to worry about. You lost that privilege.”
That took the fight right out of him. He took a step back from you, and you could see the pain in his eyes through that hideous mask. “You need to get out of here.”
“We need to talk,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
Billy sighed, but you knew that sigh. That was his sigh of resignation. “I have a place we can go, but then you go home.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you huffed, “Grab my purse, please.” He did as requested, and you reached into your pocket while he was grabbing your bag.
“Jesus, what’s in here, a safe?” He muttered as he brought it over to you.
You held your hand out, taking a breath to settle your nerves, and planted your feet firmly on the ground. Billy held your purse out to you, and you pulled your other hand from your pocket—with handcuffs around it. You wrapped the other end around Billy’s wrist and clasped them shut, effectively tethering him to you.
Billy pushed his mask back up with his free hand and stared down at you, dark eyes wide. “Y/N, what the fuck?” He breathed out.
You shrugged, using your shackled hand to brush your hair back. “Call it insurance,” you said, hoping you sounded surer than you actually were, “Since you like to disappear on me.” You looked up at him. “Lead the way.”
He slid his mask back on, and you weren’t sure what he was thinking. He led you through the streets using back alleys that he was surprisingly—suspiciously—familiar with it. You got the feeling that he was making an effort to keep himself in check; his shoulders were tense and the silence between you was starting to get stifling. Billy led you to a seemingly abandoned warehouse, but you immediately noticed the padlock and chains on the door. This was his place.
“So what is this, your lair?” You asked as Billy began unlocking the series of locks on the door. Billy didn’t answer. He pushed open the door and held it open for you. Because you were handcuffed together, you had to brush up against him to get through. You felt a jolt of excitement go through you as you felt his chest against yours. “Jeez, Billy,” your eyes widened as you looked around you. It looked like a jailcell—a mattress on the floor, no window, just a few black bags on the floor that you could only assume were full of guns and ammo. “Where’d you find this place: crackhead Airbnb? Do you pay rent in cockroaches or are they just your roomies?”
“You know you talk a lot when you’re nervous?” He asked, walking over to the bed and dragging you with him. “Sit.” He directed you. “Please.”
You plopped down on the mattress—it was hard as stone. He stood over you, hand out so that you could be more comfortable without having to stretch or move. Billy bent down and dug in one of the duffel bags. He pulled out a first aid kit and your eyebrows shot up. “Where’d you get that?” You asked. “Where’d you get any of this?”
“I had some cash saved,” he said as he dabbed your face with an alcohol wipe, “Some of this is from… someone I know.”
Frank? “Who?”
“Y/N,” he sighed, cleaning up the blood from your lip.
“Billy.” You said back, pulling back so he could see the deadpan look on your face.
He sighed again. “Alright,” he offered, “how about we do this: a question for a question? You ask one, I’ll ask one.”
“I’ll go first,” you said, not wasting a second, “Why did you leave? You said you’d be back and then you…” You shook your head. “Why didn’t you come back?”
Billy looked down at his hand, cuffed to yours, hovering so close but not exactly touching. You could see the emotion in his eyes when he looked back up at you. “Did you read the file?” He asked. You nodded. Billy shrugged, glancing off to the side. “That’s why I left. The shit I did…” He licked his lips, at a loss for words. “I don’t blame you for not being able to love me—”
“—I never said I didn’t love you,” you said, voice soft. You watched Billy’s wet eyes widen, and you wanted to hold him, to kiss him—but you needed to talk first. “Your turn.”
“What the hell were you doing tonight?” His fingers brushed against your cheek. “You could have been killed.”
“I was looking for you,” you answered, “I got this,” you dug your police radio out of your purse, “and I’ve been trying to track you down,” you shrugged, tossing the radio back in your bag, “My friend told me this might be a good way to smoke you out.”
“Your friend’s an asshole,” Billy grumped, reaching into the kit and pulling out a band-aid. He looked into your eyes as he applied it to your cheek. “I’m not sorry about killing those guys,” he confessed.
“Neither am I.”
You saw the corners of his mouth twitch before he got serious again. “But seriously, what would you have done if I hadn’t been there? What was your plan, exactly?”
“Um…” You licked your cracked lip. The truth was: your plan was to find Billy. That was it. You had gone out with determination and a tiny bit of hope that’d you at least get a lead, but that was it. “You already asked a question; it’s my turn.”
Billy rolled his eyes, but nodded his assent. “Fine. Ask away.”
“Where—what’s been going on with you? Are you okay?” You leaned forward so he could see the concern in your eyes. “The cops are looking for you, there’s this detective who came to see me, and your face is plastered on every news station—”
“What face,” he asked wryly, “this face?” He used your joined hands to gesture towards his scarred face.
You reached up and caressed his face with the back of your hand. He closed his eyes, and you felt him relax against your touch. His skin was jagged in certain places where the scars where, but it felt like gold to you; precious and dear. “Does it matter?” You asked.
Billy saw an angel when he opened his eyes and looked at you. “No,” he answered, voice low, “I guess it doesn’t.” He cleared his throat. “I saw Curt.” He said. “He wouldn’t tell me about Frank, but… I know, obviously. I went to a few of his counseling sessions—he didn’t know I was there…”
“Did it help?”
“Kind of.” Billy ran his free hand through his short hair, knocking his mask off in the process.
“What, uh… What’s with the mask?” You asked, staring down at it on the dark floor.
“Oh,” Billy rolled his eyes, “It’s my therapy mask, from the hospital. Figured I’d use it to be anonymous while I… handled some shit.” He looked over at you. “That’s where I’ve been, when I’m not here or out in the streets, at my therapist’s place.”
“He’s cool with that?” You blinked. “You sure he’s not trying to set you up?”
“She. And yeah, I’m sure. Pretty sure, at least.” He said casually.
You froze. She. Hm.
Billy laughed—and every bit of tension in you died at the sound. “It’s not like that, trust me,” he assured you, “She’s trying to save me; she thinks she’s a good doctor, but she’s not.” He licked his lips, getting serious. “Trust me,” he repeated, “there ain’t any other woman I’m interested in except the one sitting in front of me right now.”
You felt tears prick your eyes. “Then why did you leave me?” You asked, hating how weak your voice sounded in that moment.
Billy leaned forward and put his hand on your cheek, staring into your eyes with nothing but affection and intensity reflected in his eyes. “I didn’t want to. I just… I’m so fucked up right now, Y/N. My memory comes and goes, and everything hurts all the time and I… I didn’t think you’d want me. I didn’t want to drag you into this shit.”
“You should have asked me,” you whispered back, “Billy—I would do anything for you.”
He looked at the ground. “Don’t say that.”
“It’s true,” you said sternly, “You asked me why I came here—it’s because I wanted to find you. I needed to find you. You think the shit I read in that file would make me stop loving you? I knew you were a criminal before you left that damned thing in my kitchen. I knew who you were before the suits and cars and money, and I know who you are now. I never stopped loving you.” You took a breath. “I never will.”
Billy’s eyes were swimming in tears. “I love you,” he said, words coming out in a huff of emotion.
You felt your love for this man—however misplaced, however screwed up—well up inside you, and you couldn’t take another second without him in your arms. You pulled him to you and held him, your conjoined hands hanging between you as you held him close. Carefully, you pulled back and looked into his eyes.
And kissed him.
Comments? Thoughts? Opinions? (I’m begging again) What was your favorite part? Mine was the Chucks gettin’ got and the reader seeing Billy’s warehouse and being like “bitch, you live like this???” 
Lemme know if you want to be added to my Everything Taglist or if you just want a Heartworm Taglist please! Thanks for reading, you guys! 
Everything Taglist:  @floralpeaceofmind​ @delicatelilyflower​ @dylanobrusso​ @ladyblablabla​ @banditthewriter​ @something-tofightfor​  @starsfragments​ @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @hisgirlwednesdayaddams​@fictionwillneverdie @maria-beretta​ @sadnessxvodka​ @ymariejp​ @sunnycolors​ @moonlightsay​ @its-all-o-kay @damagelove​ @keyeluh @itsmylife98​ @funerals-with-cake​ @littlemermaidprobz​ @teacuplotus​ @king4thesirens​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @thebabblingbook​ @tartelette-aux-fraises​ @madamrogers​  @charlylama​ @iaintnofurry​​ @k-buggz2001​​ @whitewolfslittlesilverfox @drinix​ @elanor-of-imladris​ @blah-blah-fuckit-shit @julliiaaq​ @holamor​ @ymariejp@shadowhunterscloset @songtoyou​ @anabella-baby @sssilverssserpent​ @heyitslexy @luminex3
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East of Eden pt 10
Jason Todd & Daughter! Teenager! Reader
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A/n: omg I’m pretty sure there is only one part left to this story, but who knows!! Maybe there might be a sequel ;D BTW, this part was heavily influenced by the songs Duet [again] and Honeybee, both of which you can find on the playlist!! Thanks! Also, if you figure out the symbolism the song used within this part has, and where it’s from, I freaking love you <3
Comments are appreciated and are key. Please comment. It helps with motivation and efficiency. Thank you!
Part One / Part Two  / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten [Here] / Part Eleven [FINAL]
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Drama, Action, Fluff Rated: Mature Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Blood and Gore, Swearing, Graphic Depictions of Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Graphic Injuries, Nightmares, PTSD, Trauma, Hallucinations, Just read with caution please
Author: Teen-Titans-Imagines
As Jason watched (Y/n) twitch and move, Jason noticed there was a black substance filtering out of her eyes, nose, and mouth. Feeling sick, Jason wanted to ask what the fuck that shit was. However, Nazeem, seeming to sense his silent question, whispered to Hasan.
“I knew it...he has indeed infected her. Hasan, my disciple, warn the others. They must know of the sign Al-Muharriq has sent us.” 
Hasan nodded before running off, and Jason frowned deeply. Who the hell was Al-Muharriq? Looking back to (Y/n), Jason watched with wide eyes as the black substance suddenly turned a glowing gold, disappearing after a moment. The chanting slowly stopped, and Jason could see a slit in the cocoon form. Just as (Y/n) was about to fall out, Jason made a split-second decision, and ran up to the pool.
“Jason, no!”
“Jason, stop! You’ll be killed if you step into the water!”
Nazeem called, his voice furious and worried.
“You are not pure, Jason! You cannot step into those waters!”
Jason, ignoring the protests, ran across the surface of the lagoon, almost tripping when he realized he wasn’t sinking into the water. Skidding on his knees, he caught (Y/n) within his arms, his blue eyes widening as the strange fluid that slipped from her form felt ice cold to the touch. 
For a moment, it was silent. (Y/n) did not move. She did not blink or breathe. Instead, she laid lifeless within his arms, and it made Jason feel as though he had failed her once more. The breaking man whispered, gently shaking the girl as he held her tightly within his arms.
“(Y/n), sweetheart...wake up. Come on, baby girl. Wake up.”
However, she did not blink. She did not breathe. She did not move. Tears filled Jason’s eyes, and he sniffled, trying his hardest not to sob as he shook her once more.
“Come on, baby...wake up. You gotta wake up now.”
When (Y/n) continued to lay still, Jason cried, burying his head into her shoulder as he held her tightly. 
Finally, the Red Hood had been broken. Not by enemy hands...but by the lifeless ones of his own flesh and blood.
It was warm. So, so warm. The darkness had faded, and all that was left was a blinding white light. Where were you? Raising your and over your eyes, You found it did nothing to shade you eyes. However, as the light faded, you were aware of music faintly playing. 
“ Oh! Say! Let us fly, dear Where, kid? To the sky, dear Oh you flying machine Jump in, Miss Josephine “
As the white light faded, you noticed that you were in the foyer of a home, one that you had never seen before. To your left, stairs led to a second story, and you noticed the music was coming to your right, where double doors stood. You noticed a strange glowing reflecting from the white curtains covering the inside of the room. 
“Ship ahoy! Oh joy, what a feeling Where, boy? In the ceiling Ho, High, Hoopla we fly To the sky so high.”
Cautiously, you looked around, making sure no one was behind you, before you slowly reached for the door, almost jumping at the cold feeling of the metal. As you slowly opened the doors, your eyes widened when you saw the back of someone’s head. Their blonde hair was familiar, and you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. 
“Come on, now. There’s no need to be shy of your own grandmother, is there?”
“Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up she goes! Up she goes! Balance yourself like a bird on a beam In the air she goes! There she goes!”
Was this heaven? Did you die and given the allowance to ascend? As you slowly walked to the front of the couch, you spied your grandmother; the grandmother you had never met. However, what struck you as odd was that she was aged. Wrinkles lined her face, and her blue eyes had become lighter from age. Her lips curled back into a kind smile, and she whispered.
“Come, let me get a look at my gorgeous granddaughter.”
Hadn’t she died young? Hadn’t she died when your father did? Surely, she should be young, right? You watched as she beckoned you over, but you didn’t know if you could move. Shock was running through your veins, and you blurted out. 
“Is this heaven?”
“Up, up, a little bit higher Oh! My! The moon is on fire Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up, all on, Goodbye!”
Your grandmother laughed, her head falling back slightly, and she replied, a hand coming to to her chest.
“Well, in a way, yes. You’re here for a moment before your heart gets restarted by the gods that are helping you.”
“I’m...dead? I’m dead right now?”
“One, two, now we're off, dear Say you pretty soft, dear Whoa! dear don't hit the moon No, dear, not yet, but soon”
You sat down beside your grandmother as she sighed, running a hand through your hair. She replied, her blue eyes taking you in like a freshly made painting she had never seen before. 
“Yes, but it is only temporary.” 
Her eyes teared up, and she whispered.
“Oh, I’m so proud of him. What a strong and beautiful young lady my little Jason has created.”
You blushed in embarrassment, and mumbled. 
“I wouldn’t go that far. Though, with all due respect...how are you here?”
“You mean why aren’t I in hell for the things I’ve done?”
“You for me, Oh Gee! you're a fly kid Not me! I'm a sky kid See I'm up in the air About you for fair”
You ducked your head, and she chuckled. Your grandmother replied, continuing to look you over 
“Some things are better left unsaid...but to satisfy that curious cat you have within you, I will explain something for you. Ambrose Bierce once wrote within his work ‘The Unabridged Devils Dictionary’: ‘Redemption, n. Deliverance of sinners from the penalty of their sin through their murder of the deity against whom they sinned. The doctrine of Redemption is the fundamental mystery of our holy religions, and whoso believeth in it shall not perish, but have everlasting life in which to try to understand it.’ Do you understand?”
For a moment, it was silent, and you nodded after a moment. Your grandmother smiled before whispering to you. 
“Redemption nor Salvation are never given, my child. It is earned. ”
“Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up she goes! Up she goes! Balance yourself like a bird on a beam In the air she goes! There she goes!”
You sat back in your seat before looking at the grammaphone that was playing, your lip caught between your teeth. You murmured. 
“You know, I thought that this whole journey was for salvation from a sin I had committed...for something that I did wrong. When I was being shown my memories, I realized that it wasn’t about that at all.”
“Oh? Is that so?”
You glanced at your grandmother before you eyes hardened, lips pursing. 
“Yes. I know now what this journey was about. This wasn’t salvation. This was healing...healing from the things I never healed from...forgiving for the things I never forgave...and understanding why.”
“Up, up, a little bit higher Oh! My! The moon is on fire Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up, all on, Goodbye!” 
Your grandmother smiled softly, replying.
“I believe there is more to it than just that. There are many things that you still don’t understand nor know. In due time, you will...but for right now, you’re time is still not done.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and she winked at you. Sensing that her philosophic words were done, you asked. 
“Grandmother, why isn’t my mother here with you?”
Your grandmother smiled, her fingers nimble as they played with a lock of your hair. 
“Your mother is in her own heaven, my dear. A heaven created just for her.”
“A heaven of her own?”
“Yes. Her heaven that contains all the memories of you and Jason. She’s very, very proud of you, as am I. We’ve both been watching you, my dear.”
You widened your eyes and whispered in disbelief.
“My...my mom’s been watching over me?”
“Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up she goes! Up she goes! Balance yourself like a bird on a beam In the air she goes! There she goes!”
Your grandmother smiled widely before she winked once more, her eyes mischievous as she instructed. 
“Close your eyes, my dear.”
“What? Why?”
Doing it anyway, you frowned when you heard the sound of wind. What was going on? When nothing else happened, you opened your eyes carefully before gasping. In your grandmothers place sat your mother, her smile warm and loving as she gazed at you with her familiar eyes.
“Don’t you remember? I’m not going anywhere, my dear.”
You teared up and whispered. 
“Mom? Is that really you?”
She smiled before wrapping you up in her arms, your sobs muffled by her warm chest. Your mother whispered. 
“It’s alright, my dove...it’s alright.”
“I missed you so much. God, I dreamed of this so many times! Is this real? Are you really real?”
Your mother pulled away, saying.
“What’s real and what is not is up to you only. I don’t have much time, but I want you to know that I am so proud of you and your father. God, especially you. You’ve gone through so much, and still remained that strong little girl I know.” 
She smiled, that familiar twinkle within her eyes. 
“And boy, you are so much like your father, it is quite unsettling. I’m...I’m so blessed to have been given such an amazing daughter to raise with an equally amazing man.”
You sobbed out, holding her as if she was your life-line. 
“We miss you so much, Mom. It’s never been the same without you.”
“But you two made it work to the best of your abilities, and that’s all I could have ever asked for, my Tater Todd.”
You laughed quietly at the ridiculous nickname before your mother kissed your forehead. 
“I must go now, but do know that I love you so much. More than anything in the world. You tell your father to get his head out of his ass...and that I love him so much as well. You hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She smiled, kissing your forehead again.
“That’s my girl. You be good, now...and go save that crazy world of yours.”
“Up, up, a little bit higher Oh! My! The moon is on fire Come Josephine in my flying machine Going up, all on, Goodbye!”
As the song ended, the world around you faded
His form was still hunched over her. How long had it been? A couple of seconds? Perhaps even a few minutes? Jason pulled back to take a look at his daughter, his hand caressing her face when all of a sudden, she coughed, water and fluid spewing from the crevices of her lungs and out her mouth. Jason jolted, alarmed by the sudden sign of life, before gasping. 
“(Y/n)! Oh my god!”
She coughed more, clearing herself of the intruding liquid before her eyes slowly opened, looking around in a daze. When (Y/n) gazed upon Jason, Jason’s eyes widened. She whispered in a hoarse voice, raspy from irritation.
“I...I saw her.”
“Who? Who did you see?”
(Y/n)’s eyes closed slightly as her head lolled slightly to the side, the exhaustion clearly still within her body. Jason gently pulled her face upright again before she coughed once more, saying after a moment of silence.
“I saw Mom.”
Jason froze, and his eyes widened, tearing up as he asked quietly.
“You...You did?”
“She said...she said to get your head out of your ass...and that she loves you, you prick.”
Jason let out a small sniffle, his heart swelling from what (Y/n) said. Was it true? Did she really see her mother? Did she really see his ex lover? That was something his old flame would definitely say. Jason bit his lip before looking at the setting sun, the orange rays making his eyes seem white.
‘Thank you, (M/n)...I love you and miss you so much.’
Closing his eyes, his eyes squeezed tightly, Jason held back sobs. Looking at (Y/n), Jason whispered as he carefully picked her up. 
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Please? It’s freezing balls in here.”
Jason laughed lightly before turning, walking upon the surface of the water once more before walking to the steps. When he got to Nazeem, Nazeem seemed to look ashamed. Jason asked in curiosity. 
“What’s wrong, Nazeem?”
“I...I underestimated you, Mr. Todd. There is darkness that surrounds you...unnatural and foreboding. I believed that the gods would smite you for walking upon their waters...but I underestimated the power a fathers’ love for their child can have. Your love for her...it makes you pure just as your strength and faith within (Y/n) keeps her spirit alive. I underestimated you both. I am sorry.”
Jason was stunned into silence before he shook his head, muttering back. 
“There’s no need to apologize. You were just doing your job...and really, I should be the one apologizing. I took my anger out on you and your apprentice because my worry for (Y/n) clouded my judgement on whether or not this was alright. You were only trying to help, and I guess I was jealous I wasn’t the one helping.” 
Nazeem chuckled before replying, grasping a blanket a Follower had grabbed for (Y/n) and draping it over her. 
“’Actions speak louder than words,’ Jason Todd.”
Nazeem placed his hand upon Jason’s shoulder, simply saying to the surprised man.
“The gods led you here for a reason, Jason. They let you sail their skies, trek upon their earth, walk upon on their waters, and allowed you to feel the first light of dawn. If that is not a sign that you are meant to be here, then I’m afraid that I do not know what would be.”
Jason’s mouth was shut, and Nazeem looked at (Y/n), who had fallen asleep out of exhaustion. He smiled softly.
“That spirit of hers is strong, Jason...never allow her to lose that light within her.”
Jason nodded, holding (Y/n) closer to his chest. 
“Yes, sir.”
Nazeem smiled before saying sincerely.
“May the Gods light your path.”
With that, Nazeem and the followers left, leaving just the batfamily within the room. Dick announced.
“Ok, that was crazy. I thought you were gonna get fried like a fish or something.”
Damian rolled his eyes before smirking. 
“Not bad, Todd. Not bad at all.”
Jason smiled slightly at Damian before Tim rubbed his face. 
“I’m gonna be stressed out for the rest of my life. Write this on my grave: ‘Cause of death: got too stressed out because of Jason’s suicidal bullshit.’ “
The boys laughed before Bruce instructed, gesturing with his head. 
“Alright, you three. Back to the jet. I need to speak with Jason.”
They boys grumbled, but walked out one-by-one. Bruce looked at Jason before sighing.
“Nazeem mentioned things that I never had any ability to discuss...but after this experience, I do believe that I must say it as well.”
Jason, who had become weary, frowned deeply.
“What’s up with you, old man?”
Bruce sighed once more before admitting.
“I was never a father to you. At least, the father that you deserved. Nothing will ever be able to excuse my mistakes, and I do not want them too. You were right...about me and Damian. I would do the same for him, but I would do the same for all of you. You are just as much my son as Damian is. I underestimated you a lot, perhaps overestimated you as well.”
Bruce took a shaky breath, but Jason was alarmed, asking. 
“What are you trying to say, Bruce?”
Bruce bit his lip before finishing.
“What I’m trying to say is this: even though I know that no amount of these will ever suffice for what I did...I’m sorry. I’m sorry for that night.”
Jason was stunned, his eyes wide as he stared at Bruce. Was this really Bruce? Was this really the man he knew? Bruce cleared his throat slightly before adding. 
“...and I also want you to know that I’m proud of you, son.”
Jason’s jaw clenched as tears refilled his eyes, and Jason shook his head, trying to keep it together. However, Jason was unable to stay strong, and collapsed to his knees, sobbing out as memories flashed through his head of the pain...of the explosion...of Joker. Bruce was quick to gather Jason and his granddaughter up into his arms, whispering with his own tears falling as he kissed Jason’s temple. 
“I love you so much, Jason. God, I’m so sorry.”
Jason unhooked (Y/n)’s legs from his arm to hold onto Bruce, his face buried within the older man’s shoulder as he cried. Jason didn’t know he had needed that until now. As him and Bruce cried, he was unaware of the small smile growing upon (Y/n)’s face, her heart swelling with love and pride for her family, no matter how dysfunctional it could be.
Permanent Tagging List/East Of Eden Tag List (these have honestly just turned into the permanent tag list laksdf;alksdf whoever was tagged for JUST east of eden, please tell me so I don’t mistakenly tag you in anything else I post):
@amnahs9695 @cuddlysteven @voltaiire @shuris-wakanda @@euphoricgukk @prancingdestiel @frida-marie (it’s not letting me tag you) @rcbinwcrld @thatawesomenerdygirl @hi-this-is-my-blog (It’s not letting me tag you) @addicted-to-dc @crazyfreckledginger @jasonsredhoody @conspiracy-teen @an-all-write-life @maroongoon
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thatmultifandomhoe · 7 years
The Coffee Lounge
Pairing: Jungkook and Reader
Scenario: Even if you gave someone directions, no one could be bothered to go or find The Coffee Lounge. Except for seven young men that is.
Jungkook has had a crush on you since the semester started, and when he informs you about an essay that you knew nothing about and is due the next morning, he offers to help you out. What he doesn’t realize is that you share the same feelings for him.
Word Count: 6,277 words. (Holy shit y’all!)
Genre: Fluff, College AU
Master List
©thatmultifandomhoe 2018. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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Sighing, Y/n, tugged her sweater tighter before continuing to type her essay. She’d been working on it for the last few days and while it wasn’t due until Monday night, she had other major essays and projects to worry about that were due all next week.
It was safe to say that all of her professors ganged up on her to make her academic life a living hell.
If she had been smart, she’d save all her files and catch the six-ten bus for home and call it a day. But she was determined to finish all of her assignments. Or at least, all of the ones that were due on Monday and Tuesday.
Since starting college, Y/n unknowingly kissed away any existence of her small social life goodbye. Relaxing was no longer a word in her vocabulary. Homework had taken over her life. The only time she found herself able to unwind was when she was sleeping. Even then it wasn’t much. Most nights she got four…maybe five hours if she was lucky.
This weekend however, she planned to make it all hers.
There was a secret stash of her favorite chocolates hidden in her room and a stack of movies she’s been wanting to binge on patiently waiting for her. There was nothing getting in-between her free time.
Y/n paused, taking a moment to relieve the pressure that had built in her knuckles. The library wasn’t necessarily packed, but you weren’t the only one who had the idea to spend the night doing homework.
Outside, the sky had darkened, the lamps that the campus had near the sidewalks reminded her of giant stars. The dining commons was lit up to the point that Y/n was able to see each individual and the food they had decided to eat.
Don’t think about food, Y/n thought to herself. Eating on campus wasn’t cheap and she had been in a rush to catch the bus which resulted in her forgetting to pack a snack. And it’s not like she could leave to eat and come back to her seat. If there was anything she learned since starting college, the library’s computers went like hot cakes.
She sighed once more and turned in her seat, surprised to see that the computer next to her was no longer empty. Y/n was so engrossed in her own work that she hadn’t noticed the cute male walk past her to reach the unoccupied computer.
Except, there was something extremely familiar about him. A frown tugged at her features, trying to recall who this person was. He was dressed in a white tee shirt and black jeans that, when he sat down, drew her eyes toward his toned thighs. Y/n mentally scolded herself for checking him out, raising her eyes to look at his face. She softly smiled at him when she saw the multiple piercings in his right ear. If he turned around, Y/n was willing to be that he had his other ear pierced too.
He’s really cute, she thought.
When his fingers stilled on the keyboard, Y/n bent over to go through her backpack, her cheeks heating up at the thought of him catching her in the act.
Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip to keep from smiling at Y/n. He had picked this computer for the sole reason that he would be able to sit next to her. They shared two classes together, but Jungkook hadn’t worked up the nerve to talk to her just yet.
“Hello,” Jungkook gently greeted, taking out the folder he needed from his army backpack.
His accented voice sparked a memory inside Y/n’s mind. Meeting his gaze, she smiled when he flipped his hair out his he brown eyes. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “But you’re in my English class, right? The one with Professor Moore?”
He raised an eyebrow, giving you a sweet smile. “Don’t worry about it, but yeah I am. I’m Jungkook.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, mentally slapping herself. “Oh my god that’s right. I have the worst memory ever. I’m Y/n by the way.”
Jungkook chuckled at her reaction, enjoying the way she rambled. “It’s okay.”
There was a bang at the front of the library capturing the attention of everyone in the room. A group of girls that were too busy giggling and being disruptive made their way to the computers that, thankfully, were all taken. Their entrance, loud and unnecessary, allowed for the cold wind to filter in. Y/n rolled her eyes at them, shivering.
“If you don’t mind me asking, but I take it you’re not from around here. I noticed your accent.” She asked, slipping her hands between her knees.
“Ah, yes. I am from South Korea. I’m here for school.”
Intrigued, Y/n found herself nodding. “That’s pretty cool.” She glanced at his computer screen, noting the time. “Well, I better let you get back to work. Good luck.”
“Good luck?” Jungkook repeated, tilting his head.
Oh my god, she thought. He looks like a freaking bunny. A seriously cute bunny.
With a smile she answered, “with what you’re looking on. Homework can be a killer sometimes.”
Jungkook chuckled. “Thank you. Good luck to you too.”
Y/n nodded as she turned back to her own screen. She scrolled up to reread what she had previously written with the intent to get this essay done once and for all. However, it was completely and utterly useless as she read the same paragraph for the fourth time. All her mind wanted to think about was Jungkook.
How could I not recognize him? she chided herself.
Since the first day of class, Y/n had been trying to workup the courage to talk to Jungkook. At first, she thought it was merely a physical attraction. He was without a doubt, extremely attractive. Handsome wasn’t the right word to describe him. His jaw appeared to be able to cut glass and his eyes, they reminded her of pools of melted dark chocolate. It was obvious that he worked out. One day he arrived to class in sweat pants and a shirt that clung to him like a second skin, allowing his muscles to tease the female students for the rest of the day.
But as the semester went by, your crush evolved. Jungkook tended to keep to himself and was quiet. He’d occasionally talk to the person sitting next to him, but only if they struck up the conversation. When he smiled, his eyes would scrunch up as his smile lit up his face, truly resembling a rabbit. It was adorable.
He was simply beautiful.
Y/n knew that his beauty radiated inside just as much as it did on the outside. It teased her, she wanted to know Jungkook. What he liked to do in his free time, his hobbies, favorite food, dislikes and likes.
What interested her the most was that he was from South Korea. Y/n had lived in the same town her entire life. She never even left the state before. It was only natural for her to dream of one day leaving her town behind to see the world and everything it had to offer her.
After a few weeks, Y/n noticed that Jungkook would stay behind after class for a few moments. That was when the game plan began forming in her mind. She planned tow wait outside for him and introduce herself, possibly make small talk with the hopes that he would be interested in one day getting coffee together.
It was perfect, flawless even. In her mind, the two of them were best friends.
Except, Y/n forgot one major detail.
She was incredibly shy and awkward around new people.Which is why, up until this moment, she hadn’t said a word to Jungkook before. It was all secret glances and cursing herself for being so damn shy.
“That wind is a bitch out there,” someone spoke as they walked past Y/n. She glanced out the window again, rising an eyebrow when she saw the trees whipping back and forth. A groan escaped her as she leaned back in her seat. It was one thing when it was just cold out. She knew how to handle that. The wind however…that was a monster in its own kingdom.
The lights began to flicker around nine, capturing everyone’s attention. It was late and everyone was deciding to call it a night as they packed up their belongings. Sighing, she twisted in her seat as she continued to type, her fingers flying across the keyboard in an attempt to finish.
“Is it always like this?”
Y/n turned to face Jungkook, surprised to suddenly hear his voice. He had been silent the entire time since their short conversation from earlier. Jungkook was leaning back in his chair, his gaze going back and forth between her and the windows as they shook in the wind.
“The weather is…strange, especially in the winter.” Glancing at Jungkook, Y/n gave him a small smile. “Spring’s the weirdest though.”
“Why is that?”
“It’s like having all four seasons in one month.”
Jungkook’s his mouth opened just the slightest, staring out the window in wonder. When the lights flicked again, Y/n knew that it was time call it quits. With her luck, the power would go out and she’d lose all of the work she’s been doing.
“Were you able to get everything done?” Jungkook asked you. He figured that she had already been in the library an hour or so before he arrived. And as the night progressed he saw you put papers away, but it seemed like you still had a lot left to do.
“Kinda,” she admitted, gathering up the rest of her scattered papers. “Everything that was due Monday is done at least.
He smiled at her. “That is always good.”
Y/n nodded. “What about you?” Butterflies were erupting in her stomach as she shut her computer down. After wanting to talk to Jungkook for so long, she was finally given a chance. Thank the Gods who had pity on her.
“Ahh,” Jungkook shifted in his chair, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. Her eyes captured the movement, noticing how prominent his muscles were when he moved his arm just so. “The essay for English is taking longer than I hopped for.”
“Hold up,” she suddenly asked, her smile faltering. “What English essay?”        
Jungkook frowned, taking the paper the he had next to him and giving it to Y/n. “The one that the Professor sent an email out about the other day.”
She found it impressive that he took the time print out a copy of the email, highlighting the explanation and when it was due. But her heart plummeted to the bottom of the Earth because in reality, she had no memory of receiving this email. And according to this, it was due tomorrow at noon.
Who the fuck has homework due on a Saturday? She thought, handing Jungkook back his paper.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook apologized, not wanting her to be angry with him. He thought she knew about the email because he saw her that day. Jungkook had been leaving the University’s gym when he spotted you sitting one of the computers in the lounge writing in your planner. He remembered thinking how cute she looked with her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration, her loose hair wavy and parted on the side, wearing flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. Sadly, he needed to get to his dorm and was unable to stay for long, but when he passed Y/n, he saw that her school email was open with a message from their English Professor along with his email and several other students. That was how he learned of the essay in the first place.
She ran a hand through her hair. “It’s not your fault. I was just hoping to relax this weekend. I’m constantly doing work.”
The idea of staying up late just to get the essay started and done turned her mood bitter. Especially, since all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep for the next several years. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she stood, preparing to say goodbye to Jungkook when he grabbed her wrist.
“I can help you,” he blurted out. His eyes widened at his outburst, as if he had acted on impulse without realizing what he was going to say. “That is, if you want. I can help you with your essay.”
Jungkook stood and Y/n immediately felt small. She only came up to his shoulders. “Are…are you sure?”
He nodded, giving her a tentative smile as his fingers relaxed against her arm. Y/n was hyperaware of the way Jungkook gently held her wrist, how his thumb slowly moved back and forth against her skin. His hand was warm, reminding her of a campfire and all she wanted to do was get closer to him. He probably doesn’t realize he’s doing it, she thought, trying to come up with an explanation that would make her heart stop racing and calm the butterflies down.
“Yeah. I feel bad about telling you about it and then leaving you to stress out about it.”  
Logical, she added. “That’d be awesome. Where do you wanna meet up?”        
“There’s the place called The Coffee Lounge, in the East Building. It’s on the ground floor. Is eight too early?”
Anything before noon was too early for her, but Y/n kept that to herself. She wasn’t about to ruin her chances with hanging out with Jungkook. Even if it was only to work on some homework. “That sounds good to me.” Smiling, she gently tugged her hand out of Jungkook’s hold, only to regret it when she felt cold without his touch. She forced herself to slip her jacket on, grabbing her backpack from the floor as she took a few steps away.  “I’ll see you tomorrow then. Thank you Jungkook.”
He gave an eager nod, refusing to sit down until Y/n made her way out of the library. Once she was gone, he slid back in his chair, hooking both of his hands around his neck. A goofy grin formed and he giggled. He’d been wanting to go on a date with you for so long, and now he finally was.
One thing was for certain, neither Jungkook or Y/n were getting much sleep tonight-in anticipation of what the next day would bring.
The morning was calmer then the other night had been. There was barely a breeze and was only cold if she stood in place for too long. It was quiet as Y/n slowly made her way down to the ground floor, the heels of her winter boots echoing in the empty hallway. She glanced around every so often to make sure she was going in the right direction. She didn’t frequent the East Building often, the only class she had here was on the third floor.
It was an open floor plan after she made a left turn into a lounge large enough for a dozen students to fit comfortably. There were circular tables on the right side of the room while couches were placed on the left. On the wall across from Y/n, was an open glass door with a wooden sign with, The Coffee Lounge, painted in black cursive leading to another room that had orange painted walls. Jungkook was sitting on a lime green couch in the middle of the lounge, watching the TV that was bolted to the wall, his army backpack leaning against the coffee table in front of him.
Y/n smiled as she walked further into the room, butterflies dancing in her stomach when Jungkook’s head snapped in her direction. This time, he was wearing a black tee-shirt with his black jeans and timberlands, with the addition of a leather jacket and a black beanie. If it weren’t for the fact that she was conscious, Y/n would have sworn that her heart stopped beating. How was it possible for someone to dress so casually, but look so hot at the same time?
“Good morning,” Jungkook softly spoke, standing so Y/n was able to sit next to him.
“It’ll be even better once I have coffee in my system,” she lightly teased.          
Jungkook blushed as he held her backpack, allowing her to remove her jacket. “They have some amazing coffee here.”
Y/n, stunned at how polite he was, bit down on the inside of her mouth so she wouldn’t start randomly grinning.
“Honestly, I didn’t even know this place existed.”
Jungkook nodded. It was one of the reasons why he enjoyed coming to The Coffee Lounge. Walking through the glass door, he felt himself relax as he breathed in the scent of coffee beans. The room was relatively small, only big enough to contain a long line and the equipment to make the drinks and pastries they sold. Had it not been connected to the lounge; the small shop wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has. But thankfully, the lounge more then made up for the lack of seating serving as the perfect place to refuel on caffeine while studying.
Jungkook joined Y/n at the brown counter, already knowing his order. “Not a lot of people do which is nice. It’s…peaceful.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow at his choice of words, leaning her hip against the counter, as the barista arrived at the cash register.
“I thought I heard your voice,” he smiled, his mouth forming in the shape of a heart. He was dressed in black jeans and a matching black shirt with the shops name on it. His red hair was hiding under a black baseball cap. “How are you doing Jungkook?”
:I’m good Hoseok,” Jungkook greeted. “I’ll have my usual.”
Taking a cup, Hoseok wrote out the order. “And for you Miss?”
“I’ll have a large black iced coffee with caramel swirl please.” She answered, pulling out her wallet. Jungkook however already handed his card over to Hoseok before she was able to get it out.
“Are you sure?” Y/n tilted her head, guilt attacking her mind as he slipped his card back into his wallet. He had already given up his Saturday morning to help her with the essay, she didn’t want him to feel like he had to pay for her coffee.
“Positive,” he smiled down at her as he fixed his hat.Hoseok, who had been writing down your order, grinned at Jungkook before speaking in Korean to him. He had befriended Jungkook the college student stumbled into the empty area while Hoseok was cleaning up.The Coffee Lounge didn’t attract many customers. It appeared that no one knew it existed. Jungkook had mentioned it to a guy in one of his classes and he was given a confused look in response. When he tried telling someone else about it, they had no idea what he was talking about. Hoseok had laughed when Jungkook told him about their reactions and explained that it was because no one came to this section of the ground floor. There weren’t any offices on this side or classrooms, so it was left alone. Eventually, Jungkook stopped telling people about The Coffee Lounge.
To the few who did know about its existence, they became the shops regulars. At first, Jungkook thought it was odd that the busiest he’d seen the shop was when there was a total of seven customers, including him, at once. To a normal coffee shop, seven was an extremely slow day, especially on a college campus.
The more he frequented The Coffee Lounge however, he noticed that the other regulars, if their schedules allowed for it, were more than capable of spending entire days in the lounge. They would buy coffee on the breaks they took from their homework, chatting with each other and Hoseok. A lot of the time it was a place for them to all meet up and hang out. Sometimes they would move the couches around and practice some dance moves for fun, or as one of them preferred, to catch up on sleep.
It didn’t take Jungkook long to become a regular and friendly with the others. When he realized they all spoke Korean, he became more comfortable and relaxed with them. Which is why Hoseok teased Jungkook, because he had never brought anyone to his secret spot before.
Y/n was surprised with how deep his voice turned when he spoke his native language, the speed alone making her head spin.
Hoseok laughed as he turned to make your coffees. “I’ll bring them out for you when they’re ready.”
Jungkook sighed, letting Y/n go first in the hope the she wouldn’t see the blush on his face that was courtesy of Hoseok.
“So, how’s your essay coming?” She asked, in an attempt to break the silence. If this went well, and her shy nature stayed in the distance, she was hoping Jungkook would want to see her again. Whether it be as a friend or something more, that was up to him. And while her heart made it crystal clear as to what it wanted, she kept reminding herself that he may not want to be more then that.
It was a bad habit of Y/n, always bringing forth the negative. As much as she believed in finding the one and love at first sight, she was also a realist. Her father had made that permanent in her the day he divorced her mother, his high school sweetheart, for a woman younger than him and with a wallet full of zeros.
She still had hope that one day she would get her happily ever after. But the idea of just being friends settled comfortable with her. It was like having hot chocolate on a cold day. Warm, sweet, and exactly what she needed. Being friends meant getting to know each other, finding out if you had similar interests or not. That’s what mattered. Y/n would rather be his friend then ruin it because of something as simple as a crush.
Jungkook powered up his laptop, taking a moment to log in and collect his thoughts at the same time. He was nervous. Nervous that at any moment one of the other regulars could walk in and interrupt you two. Or steal Y/n’s attention away from him.
Not that they would, but they were older then Jungkook and enjoyed to tease him every now and then. Especially with his lack of a love life.
“I just need to finish my last paragraph. But I can do that once you’re settled.”
Y/n nodded, taking the moment to pull out her own laptop.
“I bring forth the greatest invention in the world,” Hoseok announced, smiling when he saw how close Jungkook and Y/n were sitting next to each other. He handed Jungkook Y/n’s coffee to pass to her before giving him his, setting the chocolate muffins on the coffee table in front of them. “Don’t tell my boss that I’m giving you the muffins free of charge.”
Y/n smiled at the energetic man, giggling as he quickly tugged off Jungkook’s beanie to ruffle his hair, rushing back into the shop before he was able to retaliate.  
“Aish, he’s such a pain,” Jungkook muttered, shaking his head.
She giggled once again, bringing up the email and word document. “He seems nice though. Alrighty, I’m ready.”
Jungkook bit his lip, scooting closer to see your screen better. “Okay, well you have to make the essay about memories. You can write about the science behind them,” he rolled his eyes. “Or, you can do the aspect on the emotions slash meanings behind them. But you have to somehow relate it back to the book we read. Make sense?”
Still staring at the screen, Y/n nodded. She could feel Jungkook’s thigh pressed against her leg and was trying to remind herself to breathe. “Yeah, it does. Which one are you doing yours on?”
She watched him lean back as he moved his hand to mouse pad, swiftly bringing up his own essay. “The emotional aspect. It’s a bit easier then the science one. That, and you can use your own memories as examples to make it longer.”
“I think I know how to start it,” she said, bringing her computer onto her lap.
Jungkook stole a glance at Y/n, the corner of his mouth twitching as he tried to not smile. He could practically see the gears turning in her head. She had worn her hair down, a pale cream beanie resting on her head seemed to be made for fashion purposes only. Black fingerless gloves covered here hands and she had an oversized sweater with black leggings on. He figured she had dressed with the idea of comfort in mind, but she looked adorable to him. Y/n was drowning in the sweater and her cheeks were still slightly flushed from the cold.
He had hoped that you would need more of his assistance, but it appeared that you only needed an explanation. Taking his own computer, he began to finish his own essay.
They worked together in the quiet lounge, the TV set to some soap opera and Hoseok’s humming along with the occasional bang from the shop kept it from being silent. Not that either of them would mind. In fact, it was quite…comfortable. They didn’t know much about each other, but they found qualities in each other that they enjoyed.
An hour later Hoseok peaked out into the lounge, noticing that it had been unusually quiet. He knew that Jungkook was more then capable of being a quiet man, content to sit back and sometimes not speak if he didn’t know anyone. But he had brought her. The very girl he told Jimin about nonstop, who in turn told the others about. Because if he had to hear about this mysterious girl named Y/n one more time, they were all going to hear about her. Hoseok had thought Jungkook would at least speak to the girl.
When he walked into the lounge though, he was surprised to see them both working on their computers, the taps of their fingers hitting the key boards filling the room. He proceeded to wipe down the tables, even though no one else had been in The Coffee Lounge since their arrival.
Kookie needs a wing man, Hoseok decided.
Jungkook, feeling a pair of eyes on him, glanced up to see Hoseok staring at him. He raised an eyebrow at the older male, watching as he waved his hands and wiggled his eyebrows at him. Not knowing what he was trying to say, Jungkook tilted his head.
Hoseok slumped his shoulders. He’s hopeless, he thought to himself.
“Can I get you guys a refill?” He pleasantly asked, smiling when he noticed that they had eaten the muffins. He prided himself on the chocolate muffins, his boss, Seokjin, prided on making all the pastries first thing every morning despite the fact they didn’t have a lot of customers.
Y/n glanced up, frowning when she realized that her cup was empty. She could have sworn it was still have full when she looked up fifteen minutes ago. “That would be amazing. Thank you.”
“No problem at all.” Hoseok waited until Y/n turned back at her computer to kick Jungkook in the shin. “Why don’t you help me Jungkook? I need something to be lifted in the back.”
Jungkook winced, not expecting such a physical response from the usually bright and happy man. “Yeah, sure.”
Once he stood, Y/n looked back up for a moment. She chewed on her bottom lip as if she wanted to say something, but instead chose not to.
Following Hoseok into the shop, Jungkook was met with a slap on the back of the head. He glanced at the door before turning to Hoseok.
“What was that for?”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, gesturing for Jungkook to meet him at the register. “You’re on a date with a girl and you’re not even talking to her. Do you see anything wrong with that?”
Jungkook felt his cheeks heat up as he shuffled in place. “We’re not on a date. I offered to help her with the essay.”
“Then why would you bring her here if it wasn’t a date? None of you guys bring anyone around here, especially girls.”
Hoseok glanced up at his friend when he didn’t respond, noticing the way he rubbed the back of his neck and couldn’t seem to stand still. He sighed, placing Jungkook’s coffee in front of him. “Just try talking to the poor girl. If all she wanted was help then she wouldn’t have bought coffee or stayed after your explanation. Y/n obviously wants to be here, with you.”
Jungkook sighed, looking out the door. She hadn’t moved from her seat, but he kept thinking that at any moment she was going to thank him for his help and leave. Hoseok was right though. She would have stuck around if she didn’t want to be here.
“I don’t even know if she likes me Hoseok.”
“Well how could you, you haven’t said a word in an hour or so. Unless of course, she’s sticking around because of a certain red-haired barista who gave her free muffins.”
Jungkook glared at Hoseok, enjoying how quickly he raised his hands in surrender.
“Alright, alright.” He muttered, grinning as he handed over the other coffee and another plate of muffins. “I’ll keep my sexy self in here. The muffin’s will cost you this time though.”
In the lounge, Y/n set her computer back on the coffee table, interlacing her fingers in an attempt to crack them. She’d been going hard in the last few hours and only needed to write one more paragraph before submitting it. Gripping the edge of the couch, she turned until her back cracked, repeating the process in the other direction.
She could hear Jungkook talking to Hoseok, the conversation undoubtedly not meant for her to hear since it was Korean. A smile crossed her face at the sound of his voice. Even though she had no idea what he was saying, she could spend all day listening to him and be content. It was different but there was a softness that made his words flow together.
“Everything all right?” She asked when he came back. Standing, she took the plate of muffins from him to help.
For a moment, Jungkook thought he had been caught red-handed and that Y/n had in fact, understood the entire conversation he just had. Fear jolted through him for that split second. Thankfully, it only lasted that a few seconds, because as Y/n patiently waited for his response, her eyebrows quirked in confusion. It was a habit that she had that Jungkook noticed in their other class. One that appeared frequently as the professor rambled on about the possibilities of aliens living in space. It was a science class and as it must have been for Y/n, it had been a last-minute class added to meet the science requirement for Jungkook.
“Um, yeah. Everything’s good.” He replied, handing her the coffee. “How’s your essay going?”
Y/n sipped at her beverage. “Thankfully I’m almost done, and with time to spare. You?”
“Just need another sentence or two.” Jungkook lied. He had finished his essay not long after Y/n started working on hers. He had spent the time messaging his friend Yoongi, one of the other regulars, about a song he had been working on. It was a project for one of his music classes and needed help with the beats.
Y/n nodded, glancing above Jungkook’s head to where a clock hung. It felt like she had been in The Coffee Lounge for several hours and was surprised to see that only an hour had passed. She tapped her fingers against her cup, her shy nature wrapping around her shoulders like an old and familiar blanket. A blanket that she in fact didn’t want. “So, what are you majoring in?”          
Lame, she thought to herself. Everybody asks that question.
But Jungkook’s eyes seem to light up. “I’m a music major, but I’m thinking about maybe incorporating a minor in dance as well.”
“Really?” Sitting up, Y/n leaned against the cushions propping her chin in the palm of her hand. “That’s really awesome. I can’t dance to save my life.”          
Jungkook chuckled. “Everyone can dance.”
She shook her head, unable to stop the grin she had. “Nope. I am one of the few who should never be allowed to dance, ever.”
“Aish, you just need someone willing to help you.” Jungkook smiled as he raised his cup to take a drink, his heart hammering in his chest. Oh God, that was horrible. She probably thinks I’m a weirdo now. Maybe Hoseok was right, he really did a wing man.
“Are you offering?” Y/n boldly asked. It took her a moment to realize what she said, her eyes widening the slightest as she tried to contain the squeals that threatened to escape. How could she suddenly say such a thing? It was not like her to be so confident at all.
Jungkook pressed his lips together. He wasn’t expecting her to notice his efforts so quickly. The fact that she was smiling and was flirting back with him, well…he hoped he was reading the signs right and that she was flirting with him.            
Behind Y/n, Hoseok stood in the corner of the room out. He wildly nodded for Jungkook to say yes, holding his left arm out in front of him and his right hand in the air as he began to dance by himself.
“If that’s something you’d be interested in, then yes. Yes I am.”
Hoseok slapped his face, the sound echoing in the lounge as it caught Y/n’s attention. Jungkook groaned, half embarrassed and half nervous that you really would pack your bags and leave.
“He’s asking you out on a date!” Hoseok exclaimed, unable to keep the secret bottled up. It was like watching a k-drama and he wasn’t about to wait twenty episodes for them to just confess to each other.
Y/n raised an eyebrow in Jungkook’s direction, giggling as he hid his face in his elbow. “I was wondering if that’s what he was doing,” she softly said.
Jungkook glanced up. When he saw her gentle expression and the way her eyes seemed to glow down at him, his hope began to gently take flight again. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he sat up.
“I’d really like to learn how to dance,” Y/n explained, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “With you that is, if you’d be interested.”
A snort came from Hoseok’s corner but he was left ignored as Jungkook and Y/n gazed at each other. They were the only two in The Coffee Lounge at this point.
“How about tonight? I know you said you planned on relaxing this weekend-”
“I have no plans at all for this weekend.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, prepared for them to beat it around the bush. At the entrance of The Coffee Lounge however, unknown to Jungkook and Y/n, was the rest of the regulars. Usually they sent a text to Hoseok when they were coming, he must have missed it. In his defense, he had a good reason too. They must have been there for a while because they were grinning at the youngest male, whispering too each other.
It was time to take matters into his own hands.
“You know what?” Hoseok spoke, coming to crouch down behind the couch. “Jungkook, Y/n here is trying to tell you that instead of waiting for tonight, she is more then capable of going on that date with you after she finishes this essay. Am I right?”
Speechless, she nodded, unable to meet his eyes for long.“Now, I know that Jungkook has no plans whatsoever, so I have an idea. How about the two of you get out of here and go on this date? You’ve each had enough coffee to keep you awake till tomorrow and I have customers to serve.”
Proud with himself, Hoseok gestured for the others to enter, grinning as their laughter filled the room. It was only a minute later when he turned around to see Jungkook and Y/n leaving The Coffee Lounge with their belongings.
“I’m so sorry about him,” Jungkook apologized.
Y/n stopped in the middle of the hallway, shaking her head as she giggled. “Jungkook, it’s fine, really.” She paused to catch her breath. “Besides, Hoseok’s right. He just had to seriously push us in the right direction.”
Jungkook tilted his head, not exactly confused, but at the same time he didn’t want to assume they were thinking the same thing.
Instead of voicing her thoughts, she used her remaining courage to take Jungkook’s hand, biting her lip as she interlaced their fingers together as her answer.
He had pictured this moment hundreds of various ways, but never in his wildest dreams did Jungkook believe it would play out in the real world. All he could do was smile because it was really happening. He was getting his date with Y/n, and she with him.
Clearing his throat, Jungkook gently tugged on her hand. “We can submit your essay at the dance studio. Learning how to dance can take a while.”
Y/n nodded, smiling as she instinctively curled into his side, like she belonged there the entire time. “I’ve got plenty of time.”
And there was no other place either of them wanted to be.
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ashiversary · 7 years
And The World Will Turn To SAND EVERYWHERE - Part 1
The night was cool and calm – silent, too. It made sense, of course, seeing as this resort was tucked off in a remote location in order to afford its patrons the ultimate privacy with which to relax. That was one of the reasons she and other leaders had chosen it for their vacation destination, after all, though the stillness was admittedly a bit unnerving after the oppressive noise of the city.
Candela sighed and adjusted her shawl, a small breeze ruffling her hair and bringing the smell of the sea with it. She was walking back to the main lobby after going for a stroll on the beach, her sandals held in one hand as the other attempted to keep the silk cloth from slipping off her shoulders. She wasn’t cold, of course, but the aesthetic was what was important. If she was lucky, maybe she’d be able to lure in some company for the evening.
Blanche had holed themselves up in their room the moment they’d arrived and Spark was off gallivanting with both his assistant and her own. She didn’t know what exactly a ‘Boys Night Out’ entailed with those three, and honestly, she’d probably sleep better if she never did.
She sighed wearily, the dull smack of her bare feet against the smooth concrete adding a soothing rhythm to her walk. A glimmer through the small line of tree that bordered her path caught her eye and she turned, peering through the leaves and trunks to try to make sense of it. A figure stood leaning against the railing for another path at overlooked the bay, completely in the shadows save the way the moonlight and distant resort lights bounced off the loose silver strands that fell down their back. Her lips curled into a pleased smile, straightening her spine and shifting her stride into a strut as she made her way toward the person.
“Fancy seeing you here, darling,” she cooed, plastering herself against their back.
They tensed, a small, almost thoughtful pause occurring before they predictably attempted to dislodge her by rolling their shoulders. Unfortunately for them, she was more than familiar with the technique and simply wrapped her arms securely around their waist. They made an indignant noise and her smile became a smirk as she took the liberty of resting her chin on their shoulder, which they responded to by looking away and attempting to shrug her off more vigorously.
“Trying to get away?” she teased.
“Away from you,” they retorted, huffing and apparently giving up on making her let go. Aggravation rolled off them in waves, silent and annoyed, which she found particularly endearing.
Candela huffed, fingering the buttons on their shirt mischievously. She didn’t remember them wearing this top earlier in the day, but perhaps Annie had taken them out to dinner. Perky as Blanche’s assistant was, she was quite good with motivating them to be sociable. Well, less reclusive, anyway.
“That’s too bad,” she said after a moment, nosing the side of their face, “I quite like being around you.” She raised a brow at the derisive snort she received in response.
“Somehow, I find that hard to believe,” they intoned drily.
“Oh?” she said, surprised. In the back of her mind, Moltres stirred. It assessed the situation through her, something warm and flickering and decidedly amused rippling through it. Her confusion was meet with prim glee, and the bird refused to share just what it found so funny. She considered pestering it, but was distracted when the object of her interest raised a shoulder to shrug.
“We fight so often, some might consider us enemies,” they said, words lilting with dull mirth.
She let out a single huff of laughter. “Since when do you care what other people think?”
They didn’t respond, simply snorting. How odd. Normally they would’ve risen to the bait and dismissed her for even implying that other people’s opinions even registered. That would be a lie, of course, but she was one of the very few people that knew that. For all their icy blustering, her best friend was an awkward soul that was very aware of people – just, you know, not very aware of social cues.
A stray breeze blew down the path and they shifted in her arms, shivering slightly, and Candela took that as her cue to snuggle up even closer. “Cold, darling?” she cooed.
“Always,” came the reply and her lips curled into a delighted smile.
“Why don’t we move inside, hm?” she purred, brushing her lips against their ear, “I’m sure we could find some way to warm you up.”
“Will we really?” they replied, turning to finally look at her, smiling slightly. No, wait, that wasn’t a smile. The curve of their lips – while distracting in their own right – was wrong. The expression was too smug for their normally placid face, to the point it would’ve looked more at home on—
A sudden realization made her heart skip a beat.
“You!” Candela hissed, recoiling as though touching them had burned her (an amusing thought, though ultimately the only accurate description for how much her skin was crawling). She took a few steps back, scowling and adjusting her shawl. In the back of her mind, Moltres was cawing itself sick with laughter.
“Me,” Noire agreed. They turned to face her at last, leaning back against the railing and folding their arms. They seemed entirely too pleased with themselves and she had to resist the urge to reintroduce her fist to its favorite place on their face.
“What the hell are you doing here, Rocket?!” she demanded, glaring at them.
“I could ask you the same thing, Valor,” they replied with a sneer, looking her up and down.
She suddenly remembered her more casual attire but lifted her chin regardless, crossing her own arms defiantly, sandals still clutched in her hand by their straps. While clothing might make a man, she would be a queen even in rags.
Noire raised a brow. “Well?” they drawled, “To what to I owe to honor of your presence? Couldn’t stand me taking a break so you’ve come to fuck with me while I’m on vacation, you old hag?” They grinned when her lips curled at the insult.
“Hardly!” she scoffed, shifting her weight to one hip cockily. She blinked, however, when their words finally registered, her ire fizzling in the face of genuine surprise. “Wait, you’re on vacation?”
“Yup! Gotta keep the grunts’ spirits up somehow, so every year we take a couple of squads on vacation.” They scowled at her suddenly, brows sinking low over their narrowed green eyes. “Why the fuck are you looking at me like that, Valor? Got something to say?”
“No, it’s just-” She laughed, shaking her head. “Well, I never expected Team Rocket to actually care about something like morale.”
They snorted, rolling their eyes. “Oh, fuck off.”
“Only if you’ll do the same, Rocket.”
“Bite me, bitch.”
“Ask nicely, darling.”
The two glared at each other for a moment before Noire huffed, waving a hand. “Why the fuck are you here, anyway? Bullshitting aside, I won’t flatter myself too much in thinking it’s all for little old me.”
“Well, you are little, I’ll give you that.” Candela grinned at their incensed expression before continuing. “Vacation fever struck for us as well, Rocket, if you must know. With all the revenue and data our teams have been collecting these past few months, the Professor graciously granted us all some time off. Should’ve known this resort was too good to be true-” she pinned them with a dubious stare- “Seeing as they’ll let just anyone stay here.”
“Hey, don’t fucking pin this on me!” they spat, scowling, “Like hell I would actually want to be anywhere near you freaks!”
“Oh, really? That’s a tad hard for me to believe, given your obsession with interfering with Blanche’s life,” she said, stepping closer and cutting off their automatic protest, “I seem to recall a gala that got crashed just because your twin was to present an award to a nonprofit.”
“And the charity event for the new laboratory on 5th Street that Mystic Labs helped fund that ended up in smoke.”
“I wasn’t even-”
“And the 7-Eleven that-”
“Will you shut the fuck up?!” Noire exploded, face twisted in disgust. The previous light-hearted atmosphere (well, for them) had condensed around them, though it was likely all her fault. She knew it had been a low-blow to go after their estranged relationship with their twin, but she just couldn’t help it. The Rocket Executive needed to be put in their place as much as possible.
“Depends.” Candela tilted her head mockingly. “Have I made my point?”
“Oh, yeah, really hammered it home,” they hissed, making a rude gesture at her, “You’re a fucking bitch that likes to hear her own voice and doesn’t know shit!”
Her eyes narrowed as her lips pulled down into a frown. Moltres had stopped laughing in the back of her mind and she could sense its ire, swirling rage building within her and fanning the flames of her own anger at the offense. Still, she wouldn’t lose control. Not yet. “Why are you here, Rocket, at this particular resort? And it better be the truth.”
“I don’t owe you shit!” Noire snapped, lowering themselves and raising their fists defensively when she took another step toward them.
“Be that as it may, we both know I have ways of making you talk. Well, scream, but what’s the difference?” The ground beginning to smoke under her bare feet, smoke filtering passed her lips with her next exhale. She wondered idly how effective it would be to dangle them over the edge of the railing and the idea seemed to please her Titan greatly.
They glanced down, expression twisting at the sizzling cement, before huffing out a disbelieving scoff. “You want the truth? Fine. Amelie made these reservations months ago. We had no fucking clue you assholes would be here.”
“A likely story.”
“It’s the truth.” The word seemed warped, twisted by their snide tone. They shrugged and lowered their arms. “You can even check with the front desk if you’re that fucking paranoid.”
“Oh, I assure you that I will. And should I catch even a hint of foul play…” She let the words hang, the threat well received by the way they tensed and leveled her with an intense glare. It was an attractive look, if only by the virtue of them sharing a face with someone who was, in her opinion, much more beautiful.
A tense silence descended between them, the night growing dark and cold upon the conclusion of their heated discussion. They continued to size each other up, of course, but everything that needed saying had already been said.
“So,” Noire said, breaking the quiet in their usual obnoxious manner, “Blanche and that electric dumbass are here, too, I take it?”
Candela lifted her chin defensively. “What’s it to you?” She winced when they grinned, belatedly realizing she’d given them exactly what they’d wanted.
“Oh, you know,” they drawled, kicking off the railing and standing, “I have my reasons.” They strode forward, brushing past her as they headed toward the main office.
“You’d better not ruin this for them, Noire,” Candela hissed, turning on her heel to glare at their back, “I’m serious.”
Noire lifted their arm, giving her a middle-fingered salute in acknowledgement. 
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arrow1366 · 7 years
Fragments ch. 3
“Just for the record. I disagree with this one hundred percent.” Pix complained as he sped next to us as we all traveled towards the rising smoke and landed in a town square.
Seemingly some type of hub for people, so many people scattering away from the crater embedded in the smooth, transparent street, as I hopped off and looked around.
“For the record, im saying you’re a little boy. Look at our nameless friend, he’s not scared!” Astra gushed as they filtered behind me.
“He doesn’t even know where he’s from! Mother…this bad,” Pix complained.
A boom ripped through the sky making me immediately drop to the ground as a person rocketed back into the crater followed by a dark blue lightening bolt slamming into him, charging the air but also knocking me back. Sliding back into Pix he quickly lost his balance, nearly falling as I caught us both then stopped to look at the crater.
“Again! Not normal!” Pix yelled as I walked slowly for the crater.
Two steps and I stopped as a burning-magma like hand gripped the destroyed street and pulled himself up revealing a guy-my age maybe younger, light brown-Hispanic skin, buzz cut and dark stubble, with burning red eyes. A scorch mark on his chest where the lightening bolt struck as he glared his dark eyes on me.
“You.” He growled.
Not having any idea who he was, I was about to speak when he rose his bloodied hand as red energy collected in his palm.
“Get down!” I screamed dodging away as a powerful beam ripped from his palm, burning everything in its path as it ripped across the street through several buildings taking out a few people too.
Looking away from the horror, I ripped out my blades as he locked eyes with me again. Bolting at him, I swung down as he dodged and grabbed me by the arm stopping me dead as he fired two beams into my side before punching me down.
“You-said you would protect us!” He roared as he grabbed me up by the throat. “Save us!” Slamming me down he squeezed on my throat stealing away the air, his burning red fist rose up to beat me to a pulp. “But YOU lied Darius! You LET HIM-”
A crystal ripped out of my throat, piercing his hand making him scream out before I kicked him off me and rolled back to catch my balance.
“I-don’t know who you are!” I coughed rubbing my soar throat as I did. “But. I’ll kill you if I have to!”
Standing up, glaring at me the entire time, his hands started glowing again. “Of course you would forget! OF COURSE YOU WOULD FAIL US AGAIN!” He screamed.
A whizz ripped past me as his hand flew up absorbed a blue bullet completely as he glared past me at Astra as she held her gun up to fire again. Pix nearby looking petrified by everything.
“And now you’re protecting them? The same ones who- did this to us?” He screamed.
My head pounding, maybe because he was pounding me to a pulp, but something about what he was saying made sense. In a way. There was still fog, something I wasn’t seeing. But I feel like it’s right there in front of me.
“Who are you?” I asked slowly.
His glared darkening, but his red hands dimming, he sighed. “You really don’t remember me…” he hissed as sirens in the distance grew louder and louder. Blue lights reflecting back at us. “Antonio. Your brother. For now, run. I’ll find you again.” He said before he suddenly floated up and bolted away into the skies.
“Whoa…” I gasped as he got farther and farther away.
“He was right though. We do have to run! Now!” Astra yelled as he grabbed my arm and Pix and started running.
Two hours later after running around this seemingly endless city, we were back in their home? I still have no idea what this place is to them. By then it was well into the night, my muscles tired and overalled exshauted i went back to the room they left me in. The door closing by itself, that same dog looking at me with its big eyes but then started growling.
“What is wrong with you-” I snapped as a hand gripped my mouth silencing me before my body turned to air.
Reforming on a rooftop, I threw my head back crashing into this person’s nose, before diving down and swept their legs from under them. Climbing on top of this person, I ripped out a blade and was ready to impale when I saw that it was Antonio.
“Where were all these skills a few hours ago?” He smiled despite his bloodied nose.
“You took me surprise.” I hissed. “Not again.”
Rolling his eyes, a helix of red energy surrounded him, shoving me off him and onto the ground. Picking myself up he floated up and frowned.
“I didn’t come to fight.”
“Could’ve fooled me,”
“You would know a real fight Darius.” He sighed walking past me to the roof top edge.
“You say we’re brothers?”
“I know we’re brothers idiot.” He said darkly.
Detracting my blades, I walked slowly to him as he watched the police in the distance continue to investigate the scene, at all the lights and the buildings. It was actually kind of beautiful given the circumstances.
“I hate this place. They won.” He hissed.
“The people who kidnapped us Darius! Kidnapped all of us to fix a mistake that was never ours!” He yelled snapping his head at me.
“You have to start making sense. If we are brothers- from the same time. You have to help me. Cause I don’t know.”
Shaking his head, he leaned over the edge. His arms were covered in dried blood, scars under them. A deep purple scar going up the base of skull to the crown.
“I wouldn’t even know where to begin Darius…there’s too much. Too many things I don’t want to relive.”
“Then why are we here?”
Sighing, he looked at me. “Project Cthulhu. The ultimate death weapon capable of leveling cities in hours was a man named Alejandro Haven. The organization that kidnapped us created him to infiltrate the US government then destroy it from within. Of course a-being that powerful and influential would eventually stop taking orders.” He stopped and looked away. “He destroyed the west coast in seven hours flat. He started WWIII. They released nine of us…five of us survived. You tried to save us…but-” he huffed. “So we’re here. A last ditch effort to stop him when he comes back. Cause like us, he survived too.”
“How? I woke up in a lab. If he was so dangerous how did we escape and he get stopped?”
Shaking his head, his eyes welled up with tears. “We… had a sister. Jewel. She could…make impenetrable forces that could contain even Alejandro. She died doing it…or so the briefs said when I woke up here.”
“How long have you been here?” I asked.
“Four years. Looking for you. And the others. I found another today- she was just as confused and attacked. When I saw you-” he stopped then gripped at his arm. “When I saw you… I was so mad and I just attacked… and I was mad at me for not finding you sooner. With them.” He growled.
“But…Astra saved me. She helped me escape.” I sighed.
“Did you ever ask why?” He hissed.
“Cause maybe I was in the right place in the right time.” Astra said suddenly glaring at Antonio.
His hands glowing red, he took a step forward towards her. “Stay away from my brother you freak.” He hissed.
“To me, you’re the fucking freak. Now calm down.”
“No!” He yelled extending his hands.
Grabbing his hands and forcing them up, he fired two beams up into the sky before shoving me away. “What are you doing!” He screamed.
“You can’t just go around killing people!” I yelled.
“Right. Coming from you, that’s hilarious.” He hissed.
“What is that-”
“Forget it!” He yelled as he started to float.
“Wait!” I shouted.
Glaring down at me, he crossed his arms. “Well?”
“We need eachother! We can help find our people-”
“Speak for yourself. I’ve been here for four years. I’m fine.”
“Says the guy covered in blood. If you really knew your way around, you would’ve found Darius years ago…or maybe you weren’t looking hard enough-”
“Listen here whore!” He screamed as he landed roughly. “I looked for three years! No trace! Every inch of this godforsaken continent I looked. My brother-”
“Is here.” I said calmly. “Whether we want to admit it or not, we are the ones who short handed. We don’t know this place. It’s not home anymore.” I said.
Biting his bottom lip, a flash of something passed by in my head. Of a kid- biting his lip- before it was gone. But I knew it was him. I do know him.
“We never had a home Darius… but…you’re right. As usual.” He sighed coming to me and hugged me tightly.
This felt familiar too. So I hugged him back . “I missed you. I never thought I’d see you again.” He said thickly.
“I’m sorry..” I said for some reason as Astra groaned.
Pulling away, Antonio glared at her. “Problem?”
“Yeah. The entire police force is looking for you and we’re standing on a roof. If you two are really from a different time-”
“We are. Bitch.”
“That sounded like a slur. But since I like your brother I’ll help you two. I have a feeling we’re fighting the same people. And if finding your friends is gonna help both of us, I say we join up.” She smiled.
“I don’t trust you.”
“Same to you buddy.”
“But we don’t have a choice.” I said flatly frowning at him.
Huffing, he held out his bloodied hand for her. Raising her eyebrow, she gripped his arm. “Then we’re settled. Come on.”
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mintypothos · 8 years
Vamp Burr 3.5
The world came back in distant lurches and dips. Aaron's memory came back in a similar fashion, the oppressive drain of the sun finally, blissfully, absent. It must be nightfall finally, Aaron realized. He could barely think through the aching hunger- his need for blood sharper than any human hunger pains he could remember.
Aaron shifted. It was soft under him, and the air warm. Something about that struck him as wrong, but it took a few more moments of lying there before the reason hit him. Aaron shot up, the mattress depressing under his weight. A thick blanket slid off, and he was greeted with indoor room temperature air. Aaron opened his eyes with a cautious squint. He was not surprised to see Hamilton's apartment.
Hamilton sitting in a chair in front of him, looking sick with worry, was a bit more of one. Aaron blinked. “Did you drag me back here again?” He didn't know why he was asking when the question was obvious, but then Aaron was starving and miserable and sunsick. He didn't care.
“Yes,” Hamilton frowned in offense. “And I don't know what your whole deal is, but you are not going anywhere if you're just going to pass out on me.”
Aaron froze. A cold feeling swept over him. He was so damn hungry, head aching every time he moved, gut twisting in pure need. “I can't stay here.”
“Of course you can!” Hamilton's frown grew. “Just tell me what's going on. Is it a curse or something? I mean I never believed in magic before, but how does someone need permission like that-”
“Shut up!” Aaron tried to interrupt the flood of words. Somehow, it worked, Hamilton's jaws snapping with a sharp click. “It's not a curse, it's,” Aaron fumbled for words. Damn it, a curse would have been a good excuse to go with. “It's kind of a curse,” He gave up trying to talk his way out, and slid his feet off the bed.
Hamilton blocked Aaron before he could get up. “Aaron, no, stop. Please.” It was strained and abnormal, coming from Hamilton. Aaron stopped. “Just tell me what's wrong, and I'll help you.”
He looked genuine. Aaron couldn't trust him. “What I need is to go home. I can help myself there.”
“What, so you can pass out again? The only way you're leaving here like this is to the hospital.”
The words dripped down Aaron's ears, burning their way through his chest. He hadn't thought the situation could get worse than being trapped once again. “No hospitals,” Aaron croaked. He had a prepared reason for that, somewhere. He couldn't find it for the life of him.
Funny, it seemed that the life of him was actually on the table now.
“Alright, no hospitals.” Hamilton didn't question. Aaron couldn't help his gape of pure disbelief. “Tell me how to help you.”
Aaron bit his lip. His fangs ached to release, but he forced them back. “You can't. I need- I need out.”
Hamilton growled, a note of undiluted frustration. “You said that last time, and I listened to you. Then you passed out for god knows how long, where anything could have happened to you!” Hamilton took a deep, ragged breath. “I know we haven't actually known each other long, and god knows most of it has been me offloading my abandonment issues, but that.. really freaked me out.” Hamilton ended his rant with a hushed, quiet voice. He was quiet like he was afraid of something.
Aaron swallowed down a lump of guilt and panic. Distantly, his fingers shook. Hamilton was not going to let him go until he heard a real explanation. Aaron could not give an explanation reasonable enough without the truth. If Hamilton did not let him leave, Aaron would waste away slowly, getting weaker and weaker until he finally fell into a deep sleep and died.
If Aaron did not want to fall into a blood coma and die, he would have to tell Hamilton the truth.
“I fainted because I didn't realize the sun would be so strong.” Aaron said carefully, starting small.
Hamilton stared for a long moment. “It's still light out. If I told you you could leave, you'd just faint again, wouldn't you?”
Aaron winced, then nodded. “Probably. But I can usually handle it for short periods. I'm just so hungry.”
Hamilton's eyes lit up. “Food? I can get you food, what do you want? I mean, I can get delivery.”
“No,” Aaron cut him off before he could sit up. “Not human food. That's just going to make me throw up.”
Another silence. Even an idiot would read between the lines, and Hamilton was no idiot. Aaron watched the gears turn in his head, the careful purse of his lips, the narrowing of his brow. The silence was heavy; Aaron could almost choke on the thick tension in the air.
“What kind of food do you need, then?” Hamilton spoke heavy and calm. Aaron felt his eyes widen. Hamilton didn't press, only looking to Aaron with a grim acceptance. He'd taken the information, considered it, and landed at the solution- to still seek what Aaron needed, rather than burst with questions or fear.
Aaron swallowed. He felt numb. He'd never had to explain himself before, and the words almost caught in his throat, trapped by his fears. Almost.
“I need blood.” In as clear a demonstration as he could give, Aaron opened his mouth, pulled back his lips, and released his fangs. They snapped out eagerly with an involuntary hiss.
Hamilton failed to move, to react. Aaron felt rooted in his spot, mouth hanging with incriminating, indisputable evidence. But he couldn't move, not until Hamilton did.
Finally, Hamilton released the breath trapped in his throat with a loud, gusty sigh. It broke the spell of silence, and Aaron flinched back, pressing his lips tightly closed and forcing the fangs back. Hamilton stared at the space Aaron's teeth had been.
“So... a vampire?”  
Aaron nodded miserably. “Well,” Hamilton huffed a disbelieving laugh, on the edge of bubbling post-hysterics. “That's simple enough, then.” Hamilton thrust a wrist under Aaron's nose. “Don't kill me though, yeah?” He laughed again, dizzy with adrenaline.
“I can't.” Aaron pushed it away. “And I don't mean that I won't,” He added, his filter shot now that the biggest truth was out. What else mattered, now that his life was over? “Vampires need permission from the human host to enter a home and permission to leave, and in between those two, we can't harm the host.”
Hamilton looked like he wanted to protest, but digested the information and slowly retrieved his arm instead. “That was not the explanation I was looking for. You stay there, I'll get a knife and a cup.”
“Wait, Hamilton, don't-” Aaron tried to scoot off the bed again, but weakness made the world fuzz around the edges, and then Hamilton was sliding him back again. Fuck, he really did need that blood. “Be careful, at least. And for gods sake, you better know how the difference between veins and arteries.”
Inexplicably, Hamilton laughed yet again, this time a note of real, actual humour. “Don't worry, my friend John's a doctor. I know what I'm doing, approximately.” Approximately was not comforting, but Aaron knew it was the best he was going to get. “Also, since you're going to be drinking my blood, can we at least be on first names basis, finally?”
Aaron sighed. Hamilton- no, Alexander- had a point. “Fine,” He purposefully did not look in Alexander's direction. Still, Aaron heard a snicker before footsteps retreated to the kitchen. If the worst thing to come of this was Alexander being overly familiar, Aaron would take it.
It didn't matter, because the second Alexander freed him, Aaron planned to disappear.
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 4 years
Pacing in front of the doorway, Tasha flipped her dagger in her hand and glanced over at Boz.
“How’s it going?” She asked.
“Their system is way more intricate than I gave them credit for,” he said, keeping his stare on the computer monitor in front of him. “And they’ve got more firewalls than some branches of our government.”
Tasha frowned. “Can you hack it?”
“Pssht, can I hack it,” Boz laughed.
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Uh-huh…” Boz’s fingers flew across multiple keyboards. “C’mon baby, open up for daddy. I promise I’ll be gentle…”
“You know a total weirdo, right?”
“Been aware of that since Pre-K,” he said, rolling his chair over to another monitor.
Tasha smiled as she watched him move between units, typing with skill. One of the screens beeped angrily at him and he shushed it.
“Hey, don’t be that way,” he murmured, fingers dancing over the keyboard. “You’re still special. She was nothing to me, an indiscretion. I promise I still love you…”
“I’m upgrading you to ‘freak’.”
“It’s my method,” Boz told her.
And then the overheads dimmed and red emergency lights began to flash, followed by a shrieking siren.
“Does your method include this?” Tasha called over the noise.
“Shit.” Boz double-timed his typing speed. “I must’ve tripped something.”
“You think?”
“Hold on, I can fix it,” he said, going to another computer.
Tasha sensed several Vampires prowling closer. “Hurry, Boz,” she said, reaching for another knife.
“You know, I think this situation is stressful enough, I don’t need your added-”
He was cut off by the sudden clamoring of a fight in the hallway, and he jerked around to see Tasha ripping her blade through the throat of a tall male.
“Right, okay, definitely hurrying,” he called.
Stabbing the last Vampire through the heart, Tasha stepped over his decaying body and strode back into the room. Wiping blood off the dagger’s handle, she nodded to him.
“Thanks, B.”
* * *
It started as a low rumbling. Like the beginning of an earthquake, it vibrated upwards, knocking the ash loose from her bones.
Darkness was whitewashed, light reaching every crevice, searing away each imperfection it found. Once satisfied, it withdrew from the edges, curling into itself.
From the center, it pulsed.
Once… Twice…
Nikki’s eyes opened.
Air rushed into her lungs with such strength the single breath arched her off the floor. She gasped and collapsed back, staring at the ceiling with clear vision. Her body revived with every beat of her heart. The second inhale came easier, and the next easier after that. She peeled herself from the floor in a single motion, first sitting, then pushing onto her feet.
Spreading her fingers wide, she stared down at her hand, testing her joints. Nothing ached, not even the places that had been struck by her lightning. Lifting her shirt, she looked down at herself, expecting to see bruises the color of ink.
She was fine, perfect even. The smaller wounds she had acquired in the last few days were all healed, without a single scar. The light caught her skin differently, creating an unusual shimmer.
This new surging pulse brought with it a powerful instinct so wild it made her bow inwards. Pressing her hands to her thighs, she breathed, and tried to put a name to what she was feeling…
The lights in her cell dimmed just as red emergency lights began to flash, and a siren went off. Through the noise she heard a faint beep, followed by the turning of a mechanism in the door.
She moved to the door much faster than anticipated and shoved against the paneled steel. It opened with ease and she stepped the empty corridor, glancing around. No one was there.
She was free.
The energy in her core pulsed again, guiding her towards the stairs, and she listened.
Nikki’s sensitive ears ached from the siren, but she focused on where she was led- up several floors and down another long corridor, to an office that looked just like all the others. But when she stopped in front of the door, her fingers itched just like they had at Amsterdam’s when she’d found that book.
She was in the right place.
Hurrying inside, she closed the door behind her and halted.
Every wall was lined with floor to ceiling glass cases filled with hundreds, possibly thousands, of items that had no obvious connection to one another.
Walking further into the room, she stared at the nearest shelf that was eye level. In a line were a dirty baseball, a half-completed knitting project, a leather wallet, a broken heel from a woman’s shoe, a tea cup…
And then Nikki noticed the dates written on small cards next to each one. They spanned decades.
Disgust clenched her stomach.
This was Alexander’s trophy room.
And I wanted one, his voice repeated in her head. For all his sophisticated posturing, at his most basic level, Alexander was still a murderous creature who’d had centuries to indulge any psychopathic tendency he wanted. And he was a collector.
That need in her core pulsed again and her hands closed into fists. She was close to what brought her there.
Turning, she stared across the room, and flickering under red emergency lights was a silver broad sword. Propped up on two wooden display stands behind the glass, it gleamed. The blade was elegant, polished and well made, with tendrils of fire etched into the flat plane of metal going from the hilt to the middle of the sword. At the end of the handle was a mark she’d never seen before, but knew immediately.
A crescent turned upwards, with three lines snaking out from its center, the middle line tipped like an arrow.
It was the Luminari sigil.
Nikki wondered if Alexander had any idea he was in the possession of a Luminari’s sword, or if owning it only fueled his desire to find a Blooded Hunter fit to hold it.
Reaching into the case, her hands warmed at first contact with the metal, and then she felt… relieved. A part of her had been returned.
She gripped the handle, savoring the weight of it. The balance was perfect, the handle made for her.
The sword, however many years it had been lost to the clutches of a Vampire, had found its way home.
Carrying it at her side, Nikki strode out of the room, filled with a fresh need she understood a little more.
The siren still blared as she moved down the corridor. Just as she was about to reach the stairs, someone emerged from an office, blocking her path.
Instinct told her he was human, but that didn’t make her trust him.
When he lifted his gaze to hers, she recognized him.
“You’re the man from outside my apartment,” she said, grip tightening on the sword handle. “You’re one of Rex’s Familiars.”
Henson nodded, his dull eyes searching her face. “You’re the Luminari. The one he wanted.”
Nikki didn’t say anything as he took a step forward. He was disheveled, thinning hair clinging to his head from sweat, and his skin sallow.
“You’re here to stop him aren’t you?” Henson asked. “You’re going to kill him.”
She nodded once, thinking back to the last Familiar she’d had a standoff with, and dreading the outcome of this one.
But Henson only ducked his head and took several steps to the side to let her pass.
Stunned, Nikki could only stare at him.
“You should hurry,” he said, tipping his head toward the stairwell door. “They’ll be looking for you.”
Her feet started moving, picking up the pace to a jog. As she passed him, he said, “Good luck,” before shuffling back into the room he’d come out of.
* * *
Griffin felt a hard yank at the back of his skull, and the dogs did a one-eighty so fast it nearly gave him whiplash. Something else had popped up on their radar and they wanted it. He stopped abruptly, boots scuffing the floor. All he could do was stand there and try to refocus.
Lisa turned to face him. “Griffin?”
He blinked, pulling at the dogs’ leash, hoping they’d catch the scent of a pack and get back to work. But that…thing had their full attention.
“Hey,” Lisa said, moving closer. “What’s going on?”
He shook his head. “Nothing,” he said, voice rough.
“It doesn’t look like nothing.”
“I’m okay,” he said, not really sure if he was lying or not. “I just need a second.”
He manhandled the dogs back into place and started forward again.
“Griff,” Lisa called after him. “Are you sure you’re good to go? We can wait-”
“No, it’s okay,” he cut her off. “I’m good now.”
She didn’t say anything else, but he could feel her eyeing him. Her concern filtered through with the other emotions pumping into him, and he was actually relieved to have a change from the constant flow of hatred and hunger.
The dogs found a pack of six, but they went down harder than expected. One of the males got in a couple hits to Griffin’s abdomen before his dagger found its mark deep in the Vampire’s chest. The two females of the group had come at him simultaneously and he fired several rounds into their torsos, but missed their hearts by centimeters. After a rough brawl that brought him to the ground, his silver finally found the targets and they disintegrated around him.
“Oh yeah,” Lisa commented, walking over to him. “You’re definitely in top shape.”
Her sarcasm was not appreciated.
“I’m tired,” he muttered. “That’s what happens when I’m tired.” He rolled over onto his hands and knees and stood up.
“I think you mean distracted,” she said, dusting off his shoulder. “So what is it?”
“I don’t know,” he answered with a sigh. “I just… I felt something.”
“Something bad?”
He shook his head. “No, just different. I don’t know what it was, but it sure got this thing’s attention.” He tapped his temple with his index finger and shrugged.
“Should we go find it?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder.
“Not yet,” he said. “We gotta catch up with-”
The overhead lights switched off and red flashing ones took their place, followed by the loudest siren he’d ever heard.
“Son of a bitch.”
“What the hell’s going on?” Lisa scowled, looking up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know,” he said. “C’mon, we gotta find Otto and Nikos.”
Starting to round the corner, Lisa grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.
“You good?” She yelled over the screaming siren.
“I will be,” he answered honestly. “Now let’s go.”
* * *
“Boz, you’ve got to cut that siren,” Tasha called, rubbing her temple. “The whole building is pissed off, and guess who gets to hear that noise too?”
His fingers ached from how fast he was typing. “Sorry, I’m trying,” he told her.
“Maybe try a little faster?”
“I think I’ve got it,” he exclaimed, hitting several more keys.
The screeching alarm stopped, and the lights came back on.
“Better?” Boz grinned, spinning in his swivel chair to look at Tasha.
“Much,” she said.
Turning back to the computer, he murmured, “Okay sweetheart, be good to daddy this time. That’s it… Nice and easy, gorgeous, just like that…”
“If you talk to computers like you called a one-nine hundred number, I’d hate to think of how you talk to a flesh and blood girlfriend.”
Boz shrugged, keeping his gaze on the monitor. “No complaints so far.”
Tasha stared at the back of his head. “Huh. Well, you’re not lying, so… congratulations on finding kindred spirits.”
Hitting several more keys, Boz brought the security cameras back online and Tasha walked to the row of split-screens. She recognized a lot of the figures brawling in the different corridors and stairwells.
A dark auburn blip streaked by one camera and a moment later was flashing past another, making Tasha gasp.
“What?” Boz asked, unable to look away from the computer. “What’s going on?”
Tasha shook her head. “I think…” She swallowed hard, staring at the video screens. “I think I just saw Nikki.”
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