#I know I’m not supposed to say this stuff anymore but I do miss you quite a lot
insanechayne · 9 months
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chaotic-mystery · 10 months
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader (one shot)
Summary: Joel forgets date night and has guys night instead, which makes you act out. Joel isn’t too happy and has to punish you in the best way he knows how.
Content Warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI! Mean!joel, swearing, arguing, brat tamer! If you squint, drinking, teasing Joel, a slight comment about cheating but would never, rough!joel, spanking,choking,spitting, manhandling, sir!kink, unprotected p in v, orgasm denial, pet names (little girl, little one, baby doll, Joel calls you a crazy bitch oNCE, etc) power dynamic, big girthy age gap (not specified but enough to where you call him old man) slight bullying of peepaw for forgetting stuff, rough sex. Let me know if I’m missing anything!
Word Count: 3K
This is 1000% based on this gif @worhols sent me 🖤 love u Becca
Even though your Saturday morning was filled with a shift at work, you couldn’t wait to get home to see your man and take all afternoon to get ready for your date at 7. Date night was far and in between now for you two, so some fun outside the house was what you were needing. Your key entered the lock on the front door and turned, pushing the door open to music echoing from the basement. 
The kitchen counter was covered in beer boxes and bottles of liquor, chips, and Joel’s case of poker. What the fuck?
“Joel, honey?” You called out and you could hear the thumping on the basement stairs from his boots getting louder as he got closer to the main floor. 
“Hey baby doll, what’s up? How was work?” The back of his hand wipes his forehead slowly, gathering all the sweat off of him. The look on your face was so telling that something was bothering you. 
“Work was fine, uh I’m wondering why there’s shit all over the counter like you’re going to have guys night in the basement?” You crossed your arms across your chest and met his eyes, his jaw slowing the gum chewing down as he thought carefully of what to say next. 
“Beeecause we’re playing poker tonight in the basement…” It came out more as like a question and then it became apparent to you he completely forgot about your date night. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes, “Joel…we were supposed to have a date tonight..did you not remember?”
For such a tan man, you didn’t think he could turn so pale with shock. His hands met his hips and he sighed, looking down at his boots. 
“Darlin’ listen I- I’m sorry I forgot we had plans. Tommy asked if we could do it here and it slipped my mind about date night tonight.” Those beautiful brown eyes found yours once more and made your body shiver with sadness and anger. “How did you forget when I’ve been reminding you all week? Jesus Christ, you don’t listen to me, old man.” You turned and started to take off your jacket, not wanting to say anymore than what you already have. 
“Watch your fuckin’ tone with me little girl. I already told you I was sorry, what more do you want me to do?”
“Nothing, Joel. I don’t want you to do anything except go down there and have a fun time with your friends and play your stupid fucking game. I should ask one of them to take me out because if you can’t remember a simple date, maybe they can show me a better time.” The smartass tone was dripping off your words and it only heated the situation more.
“What the hell did you just say?” His head cocked to the side to make sure he heard you correctly. The smirk on your face only made him more irritated and he was just about to ask you to repeat yourself when he was cut off by the doorbell ringing.
“Saved by the bell, go figure.” You muttered at him and went to open the door leaving Joel standing there in a mix of emotions. You’d never in a million years date his friends but you just wanted to get a rise from him. It was only fair he was in a shitty mood after putting you in one.
You greeted them all with small ‘hellos’ and smiles, Tommy engulfing you in a hug. 
“Are you playin’ poker with us tonight sweetheart?” He asks as he releases you from his arms, walking to Joel and hits his arm lightly. Joel is still clearly caught off guard from your snappy digs and doesn’t say anything to anyone. 
“Oh, no. No poker for me. Joel forgot to mention it to me, guess that age is starting to catch up to him, huh?” You joke, putting the clean dishes away that were still in the strainer. All the guys laugh and Tommy nudges Joel right in his side with a stupid grin on his face. 
“You just gonna take that from her? Man you’re soft now.” He says to Joel and laughs again. Joel looks up at you and burns imaginary holes into your back from staring so hard. “S’alright, she’s jus’ being a brat right now. Why don’t you guys grab the shit from the counter and we’ll start soon?” Joel asks and nods to the countertop in front of you as you stand against the cabinets and squint at him. They grab the stuff and start to head down, a few of them and Tommy hanging back to wait for Joel. 
He walks to you and grabs your wrist by your hip and squeezes it, whispering in your ear, “Knock it off. Now.” 
You snatch your wrist from him and he places a rough kiss on your cheek, barely pressing his lips to your skin. He was pissed off at you for even entertaining that stupid idea of you and his friends to him. 
“Yes, sir.” He clocked your sarcasm instantly and glared at you. Your eyes met his only for a moment as he turned around on his heel and headed to the basement. With a short moment he disappears down the stairs and you’re left sulking in your emotions. This wasn’t the first time he forgot date night, this was actually the fourth. If Joel thought he could start to get comfortable and not put in so much effort for taking you out anymore, boy did he have another thing coming. 
“Fuckin’ asshole.” you mumble to yourself and clean up the mess he left of grocery bags and receipts. 
After about an hour cleaning up the main floor and having to listen to Joel's laugh carry up the stairs and into your ears, you had enough. If he wanted to play, you could play too.
Going to your shared bedroom, you start going through his closet and grab one of his old white t-shirts he had made up for work years ago. Their logo on the back left more room in the front to see everything under it. Slipping on your shortest pajama shorts and hiking them up just under your ass, you giggled at yourself in the mirror and almost changed your mind when you noticed your dress hanging in your closet that you planned to wear tonight. With the sunset slowly turning blue for the night, that burning fire in you started to reignite. 
You make your way slowly down the steps with the laundry basket tucked into your side, clearly your excuse to even go down there. The men were circled around the table, music still blaring and the string lights glittering the ceiling. “No no no, so then I told her to stop usin’ her teeth, it-” You cleared your throat and Tommy shut up quickly, turning around to face you. Joel didn’t even bother to look up until they greeted you, much different than earlier now that you were half dressed. His eyes were zeroed on on your body, his nostrils flared and the cards being held in his hands slowly started to bend. 
“Don’t mind me, just here to do some laundry before I go to bed.” That was a bold face lie. Joel knew you weren’t going to sleep. He also knew you weren’t down here to do laundry, you hated doing laundry. 
“All good, girl. You’re no bother to us.” James said, the one who had been eyeing you since you tiptoed down here. 
You opened the dryer to empty it in the laundry basket, bending over more and more with each scoop inside to get clothes out. Joel coughed loudly when he noticed what you were doing and it made you jump, not expecting him to be so obnoxious with it. “You doin’ alright baby? Need another beer?” You ask a little too sweetly and he doesn’t blink once when you meet his gaze after standing up straight, a stupid smirk forming on your lips.
“Sure, f’you wanna get me one.” He grumbled. 
You wandered over to the small fridge in the corner with a piece of clothing tucked under your arm and grabbed a beer, walking over to him and cracking it open for him. He leaned to one side to really look at you, noticing that shitty grin plastered all over your face. 
“What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t do nice things for you, baby?” You rhetorically asked and folded the pair of panties you shoved under your arm just a second ago. Everyone's eyes fell onto what little fabric there was of the bejeweled thong that said ‘Angel’ on the front.
Joel was shooting daggers at you and you knew how much you were getting under his skin at this point. You took a seat on his lap and looked at his cards, not once looking at him. “All in” James says as he pushes his chips to the middle and his eyes wander up your chest. James was older than Joel and not that good looking. It wasn’t surprising he took a liking to you since he’s cheated on his wife three times now. The other guys were out and it was just between Joel and James. Ironic. 
“You’re bluffin’ you sorry bastard.” Joel chuckles and lays down his cards, straight flush. 
James groaned and tossed his cards in the middle and you looked to see a full house. You jump off Joel's lap and bounce up and down cheering for him, genuinely happy he won. What you forgot about was your boobs were also bouncing up and down. “Alright, that’s it. Guys, I’ll be back in a second. Start over without me and don’t you fuckin’ steal any chips from me.” He states and grabs the laundry basket off the ground, your arm in his other hand and drags you up the stairs. Fuck. Too far.
He marches up all the way to your room and tosses you facedown on the bed, panting from anger. “What the fuck was that, little one? Hm?” You don’t move as he rips off your shorts to expose the white panties covering your ass. 
“What? I was just having fun, Joel.” You snap back and brush your hair from your face to look at him. His jaw clenched together as he nodded once, rubbing the stubble on his chin. 
“Ya know baby, somethin’ just tells me that isn’t the complete truth.“You wanted male attention so bad you were whorin’ yourself around down there in front of anyone who’d look at you for 5 fuckin’ seconds.” His belt was beginning to come undone and you knew what was going to happen. “Joel..baby, please I’m sorry I-”
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth. Stay still. Since I’m such an old man and can’t remember jack shit, count for me baby. If you fuck up, I’ll start over.” He straddles the back of your thighs and moves your panties up out of the way, smacking your ass hard. 
“O-one.” A grunt leaves his mouth after you start counting. His big hand comes down again, smacking the same spot, already red. You gasp and squeeze your eyes shut, whimpering at the pain.
“Two-o.” Your voice shutters. 
Joel’s hand collides with your ass cheek once more. “You’ll learn one of these times not to be a smart ass to me, baby doll.”
“Fuck, Joel- three.” You can feel the welt starting to form. 
You can hear him laughing behind you as he anchors you to the bed more, the pain making your ears ring. Joel spanks you again, the roughest he’s done it yet. 
Your mouth drops in agony and tears start to fall down your face. 
“F-fou-r.” The silent sobs slowly start to leave your lips. 
His other hand comes by your face and ever so gently wipes the tears spilling from your pretty eyes and down your cheeks.
“Cryin’ won’t get you out of this baby girl. You wanted to act like a badass, take the punishment that follows. Got it?”
You couldn’t muster up anything other than, “Y-yes.” 
“Yes, what? Say it.” 
You swallowed harshly and took a deep breath before answering.
“Yes, sir.” 
The hot sensation on your ass cheek was spreading all over your body, the sting from his hand cracking your flesh again made you wince, begging for him to stop. 
“Ahh-five.” You seemed to have been losing your voice, only able to squeak out the number rattling in your brain. 
Instead of cracking you again, Joel rubs where he’s been spanking you and groans. 
“Have you learned your lesson you fuckin’ brat? Gonna be a good girl for me now?” He leans down and whispers in your ear.
You lay there still and unable to speak, a small nod was the only way you could answer. Joel reaches in front of your face and clears your vision of your hair and kisses your cheek roughly. “I dunno princess, think I might have to punish you some more.” His evil chuckle vibrated against your cheek as he kissed it again. 
Without a single word more, Joel laid over the top of you with your arms pinned against your back and you began to wiggle. 
“Take this fuckin’ cock baby. You want attention so bad, so stupid for cock, well here it is. Stay still.” He yanks down your panties and spits on his fingers before shoving his hand between your thighs as you squirm, his fingers starting at your soaking wet cunt all the way back to your asshole. 
The pre-cum leaking from the slightly swollen red tip was spread around the head before Joel rammed his cock so far inside your aching entrance. You mule out and he covers your mouth roughly, yanking you against his chest. 
“Shut the fuck up, they don’t need to know how good I fuck you. Shut that pretty mouth up before I put it to use.” He growls and starts to thrust inside you, ramming into your cervix in no time. The rough hold on your mouth makes your cries and moans so muffled but just audible enough for Joel to hear. 
“So damn wet for me princess, knew you like when I spank ya like that. Such a nasty little thing f’me. Think those assholes downstairs could fuck you like I do?” A rough kiss against your neck makes your eyes roll back and whine out, needing him to split you open from the inside. His calloused hand still covers your mouth and you shake your head in disagreement. 
“Use your big girl words baby.” Joel grunts and uncovers your mouth, grabbing your waist roughly and thrusts into you harder. 
You whimper and bite your lip and tilt your head back, looking deep into his dark brown eyes that were hungry for you. “No, sir. I don’t think they could ever fuck me the way you do. Your big fucking dick ramming into me and making me scream while you try to fit the whole thing inside me.” You could see your words were getting him somewhere, a small smirk tugging on the corner of his mouth. 
He digs his fingers into the skin on your hip more and pounds into you, his skin smacking against yours. Joel was a grunter and wow did it turn you on. His teeth clenched, he moans your name and cusses at the end of it, tossing his head back to keep himself together. 
“I would’ve taken you right on that damn poker table and made you suck my cock in front of them if you woulda kept it up baby. You wanna act like a whore in front of ‘em, I’ll treat you like one. Would you’ve wanted to suck my cock with them watchin’?” He asks, pinching your nipple under his work shirt that was stuck to your body. 
“I would’ve done whatever you wanted, sir. I promise, sir I will do anything for you.”
He growls and bites your earlobe teasingly before licking it and the shell of your ear.
“You’re a crazy little bitch for me aren’t ya?”
“I-I’m so close sir, fuck don’t stop.” You whine and he shoves your head down into the bed, groaning loudly. 
“No baby, bad girls don’t get to cum. You better not or I’ll spank you harder than before. D’you want me to spank you much harder than the last time, angel?” Your body was aching to cum, the mascara you applied hours ago now smeared and running down your cheeks. 
“No, sir.” The tears pricking your eyes as you could feel your orgasm just sitting in your stomach wanting to be released all over Joel’s cock. 
He groans louder and pushes your head down to keep still while he drives his cock balls deep in you, slowing up as he’s bracing himself for the end of his fun. 
Joel gives your ass a few more good smacks and you have to squeeze your legs shut to keep yourself from cumming. He wasn’t fair for making you hold it, he liked seeing you helpless. 
“Gonna fill this little pussy full so you don’t forget who you belong to, you got that?” His hand wraps around your throat as he engulfs you in his arms, fucking you sloppy until he’s panting like a dog in your ear. “Fuck baby doll-fuck- I’m gonna-a cum-ah-fuc-” Joel’s hot stream shoots inside you as he grunts loudly, grabbing a handful of your hair in the midst of fucking his load deep in your hole. 
Your pussy squelches and you can feel your clit just screaming to get some attention, some relief. Joel's breaths regulate once more and he lays there behind you kissing your shoulder and back softly. “Maybe next time you won’t be a brat huh?” He chuckles and gets up to go to the bathroom, wetting a washcloth for you. He cleans you up and your eyes get heavy, sleep creeping up on you. Joel kisses your forehead, whispering in your ear, “Get some rest baby. I’ll be back up soon. Maybe I’ll let you cum then.” 
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trblsvt · 3 months
so obvious | jeon wonwoo
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summary | so you disclosed your relationship to admin. now all you needed to do was break the news to your students. maybe they could pick up on the signs you were dropping? genre | fluff, teacher!au warnings | swearing (maybe, i don't think so), corny couple stuff word count | 2.4k words pairing | jeon wonwoo x fem!reader minli | lowercase intended so this is technically a sequel to this piece that i wrote a while ago! a lot of people wanted a part 2! i'm not sure how i feel about this... it's a bit tamer than what i was going for initially, but this is my return i suppose. hope all is well with everyone
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wonwoo rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock. unfortunately, it was 7:00 am, so it was time to get up. he turned back over to wake you. "___, my love, it's time to get up," he murmured in your ear. he felt your skin raise at his touch, and he smiled. you groaned and rolled over to face wonwoo. you immediately buried your face into the crook of his neck. he chuckled and pulled you closer to him. "it's time for school," he urged. you groaned. "come on, let's get going," he tugged on you playfully. "the sooner we get there, the sooner we can come back home."
"that's not how that works," you rolled your eyes as you practically fell out of bed. wonwoo sat up against the headboard and watched you gather your things to get ready. "today's the big day, right?" you asked, looking at him. he nodded. today was the day the two of you agreed to disclose your relationship with your students. it was about time, and if you were honest, you were just happy to get it over with. "i was thinking i could just tell my first period class, and let the information spread on it's own. how were you thinking of doing it?" you asked wonwoo, sitting back down on the bed.
wonwoo gazed at you with an emotion you couldn't pinpoint. "i actually was thinking about that last night," he began.
"oh no," you laughed leaning into his body. his arms wrapped around you. "maybe, we could reveal it in a more, how should i say, grand way?" he suggested. 
“grand?” you asked. wonwoo was never one for big announcements. you were surprised he even agreed to announce it to the students in the first place. now he was talking about something grand? he smiled shyly, “yeah, maybe we could, like, hold hands.” he looked at you so seriously. you couldn’t help but laugh, “hold hands?” you repeated. he pouted, gripping your hand tighter. “what? you don’t like that idea?” he asked. 
“no, no, sorry. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean it like that,” you quickly tried to reassure him. “you know i like holding hands with you.”
“you only like holding hands with me?” he teased.
“love. i love holding your hand” you corrected, kissing his cheek. he smiled leaning back in bed, considering his plan. “it would be cool to sort of have them figure it out on their own,” he said. “like a mystery. we could hold hands, hug… just be more touchy, i guess.”
“so you’re suggesting we act like a normal couple,” you said. 
“well, when you say it like that…” he rolls out of bed, pulling you up with him. 
“plus, we don’t want to be indecent at school of all places,” you smiled, resting your hands on his shoulders. he chuckled, “indecent? never.” 
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"so, you still don't believe there's any chance of miss ___ and mr. jeon getting together?" daniel asked his two friends lily and mina. lily slumped down in her chair. they were sitting in mr. jeon's class, bright and early for first period. "lily doesn't believe it's possible anymore. remember how many times miss ___ shut her down last time?" mina sighed.
"well, i have news for you guys," daniel smiled, leaning over the table. "i saw miss ___ reach for mr. jeon's hand today on the way into the teacher lounge." mina practically shrieked at the news. lily still looked unimpressed. nothing in her mind could make her change her mind.
"maybe she was just reaching for the door handle after him," lily rolled her eyes.
"how could she if mr. jeon was holding the door already?" daniel argued. "aren't you the person who wanted them to be together more than anything?" it was true, lily really wanted to believe her two favorite teachers could be together. yet, she had a hard time believing in it. miss ___ always dodged her questions and mr. jeon was cryptic as ever. it seemed fruitless. "c'mon just entertain it," daniel pleaded. lily rolled her eyes. there couldn't be any harm in hoping.
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"___, don't you think that's a little risky? couldn’t you just put your ring on your finger and see if anyone notices?" seungkwan groaned as he sat down on the chair across from you in the lounge. "it feels like it would violate some sort of public indecency mandate or something," he added. you just rolled your eyes even though you had the same thought. "come on, you know wonwoo wouldn't do something too crazy," you assured. just as you said that you felt a hand wrap around your waist and turn you around. suddenly there was a pair of lips on yours, and you kissed back. "hello, my darling," wonwoo smiled.
"hi," you laughed.
"i believe you stand corrected," seungkwan fake gagged and left to get more coffee. you looked at wonwoo and smiled. "you can't do this in front of the students," you teased.
"me? kiss you in front the students? never," he smirked, leaning down to kiss you again. you leaned away and pushed his face away playfully. "i'd prefer it if you didn't do it in front of seungkwan's coffee either. looks like he's going to be sick," you pointed out. wonwoo glanced over at seungkwan, who was fake throwing up and looking at them with disgust. “he can close his eyes,” he smiled, leaning in to kiss you again. but, you stop him by slightly moving his face away with your hand again. “don’t you have class to get to?” you asked.
“can’t a man love his wife?” he rolled his eyes. 
“this particular man doesn’t have a wife.”
“yet. that’s a technicality.” wonwoo looked at you with a slight smile on his lips. “you love technicalities!” you pointed out. 
“oh, gosh. look at the time. i have a class to get to,” he looked at the silver watch on his wrist and left the lounge giggling at his own humor.
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before you stepped into class, you had listened to seungkwan and slipped the ring off the necklace hanging around your neck and onto your finger. maybe they would notice the diamond as you pointed at the board. you stepped into the classroom, and you noticed something in the air felt wrong. you glanced over at mina and daniel, who were staring you down. meanwhile, lily was slumped in her seat, but she was still looking at you like she was expecting something. you brushed it off and got up to the front of class. “hi, everyone!” you said cheerily. “how has the day been?” you were expecting the default answer of “good” from everyone, so you were a bit surprised when daniel said, “lily is ruining my mood.” he was promptly smacked by mina. 
“guys, please do not hit each other,” you sighed. “maybe you should talk to lily and try to sort it out privately.” daniel nodded and slumped into his chair. 
the rest of class went on without much of a hitch. you even tried to motion with your hands more so they would notice the shining stone on your ring finger. but, halfway through class, there was a knock on the door and it opened quickly. you looked up from writing on the board and saw wonwoo step into class. “mr. jeon,” you said surprised. he looked at you sheepishly and looked around the classroom. “miss ___, i- uh- you forgot your lunch,” he smiled holding up your lunch bag and taking another step into the room. your students were silent as he stepped into the room. “so sorry to interrupt. i had my free period so i thought i could swing by to drop it off,” he shrugged casually. 
you stepped forward and took your lunch from his hands. “thank you,” you whispered coming closer to wonwoo than what was probably appropriate. wonwoo’s hands brushed yours briefly, and he pulled away. “once again, apologies for interrupting,” he said calmly walking out the door, sending you a slight smile on the way. you paused momentarily but snapped out of it since you needed to finish this lecture. “okay, so where were we?” you asked the class. but when you looked out into the sea of young faces, there was a collective look of shock and bewilderment on their faces. “what? is there something on my face?” you joked. 
“what was that?” daniel gasped, utterly confused.
“what was what?” you asked looking around the class, playing coy.
“mr. jeon basically invading your personal space!” mina yelped.
“i wouldn’t say that was necessarily invading my personal space….” you trailed off. 
“he touched your hand!” lily exclaimed. 
“i’m sure that was just an accident,” you insisted. you play with the ring on your finger as she says this. you were surprised none of them had pointed that out since you made an effort to speak with your hands today. “are you and mr. jeon together, miss ___?” daniel asked. 
“that’s not an appropriate question to ask, daniel,” you said, but in reality, you were hoping they were going to guess it sooner than later; your hands were tired from motioning with them all day.
“oh come on… miss ___,” lily whined. but before you could banter with them further the bell for class change rang.
“oh, look at that, it seems as though it’s time for everyone to get going to the next class. wouldn’t want you to be late,” you ushered them and turned off the projector. there were some grumbles of discontent, but they left eventually.
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“you saw that right?” mina grabbed lily’s arm as they left the classroom.
“noticed what?” lily asked.
“the ring!” daniel exclaimed. “come on… there’s no way you didn’t see it.” lily continued to look at them confused. “lily! she was waving her hand around like she wanted us to see it! no way the most delusional person here didn’t see it,” daniel groaned.
“i am not delusional,” lily huffed. “but… if there was a ring… maybe they are together…” 
“well, luckily for us, we have mr. jeon’s class next,” mina smiled, practically grabbing lily’s hand.
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“i’m giving you all time to work on the essay in class. please, take advantage of this time,” wonwoo announced to the class. he sat down and fidgeted with the bouquet he had under his desk. he was planning on taking you out to a surprise dinner tonight. after the school bell rang and you met him outside, he would bring out the flowers and ask you to dinner out in the parking lot. this would be his grand gesture to let the students know. plus, maybe he would be able to hold your hand too. another gesture to signal your relationship. 
 there was some quiet whispering going on, but that was expected and he paid no mind to it. but, suddenly, someone was standing, or multiple someones, at the foot of his desk. “lily, daniel, mina. what can i do for you three?” he asked looking up at the three students. 
“are you and miss ___ together?” lily asked plainly. wonwoo swallowed nervously. though the two of you planned to tell the students, he was so used to keeping your relationship secret from the students he froze. “uh - what? where have you gotten that idea?” he cleared his throat. 
“well, you two aren’t exactly inconspicuous,” daniel said. wonwoo tried to hide his shock. he thought the two of you did quite well hiding it up until today. the whole “forgetting your lunch” thing was staged by him, but before he thought he was laying low. he was honestly torn if this is how he wanted to tell his students. 
it wasn’t.
so his brain went into autopilot. “lily, i thought i told you not to pry into personal matters? miss ___ and i have a close partnership as the youngest faculty members at this school. however, i do not want this to lead any misunderstandings among students,” he said in the best authoritative voice he could muster through his shock. 
they looked guilty and a bit dejected. “sorry, mr. jeon. we won’t ask again,” mina apologized first. daniel and lily followed suit. “please get back to your work,” he said. they nodded and headed back to work.
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“maybe he was lying,” daniel said. mina scowled at him. “i did not like getting told off by him,” mina grumbled. “i didn’t know he was gonna be like that.” lily opened her locker and grabbed the books she needed for homework. “whatever, guys. i’ll just give up all hope on this,” lily sighed. “it’s not worth thinking about.” 
they exited the school with their bags. then they see a familiar figure stroll into the faculty section of the parking lot. “wait… was that mr. jeon… with flowers?” mina asked, pointing in the direction of him. he was carrying a bouquet and a smile. he tapped the shoulder of someone. she turned around. “miss ___?” mina gasped as she watched the scene unfold. mr. jeon handed miss ___ the flowers. they hugged and she kissed his cheek. “what? i thought he said they weren’t like that?” lily exclaimed.
“he must have lied,” daniel shrugged.
“why are you so casual about this?” mina elbowed him.
“well, like i told mr. jeon, they’re so obvious,” daniel smiled smugly. 
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“wonwoo…” you giggled as you took the flowers he handed to you.
“so dinner at 7 at that new restaurant,” he smiled, grabbing your hand. you smiled and kissed his cheek. you glanced over at the car loop where you saw some familiar young faces. “so, this was your grand gesture,” you smiled. 
“well, yeah,” he blushed. “but, i am also holding your hand like we discussed this morning.” you laughed and nodded. he indeed was holding your hand. “the grandest of gestures,” you kidded. he smiled and opened the car door for you. before you got in you turned and waved at the three faces watching after you, ring glinting in the afternoon light. wonwoo turned to see who you were waving at. he shot them a wink and climbed into the driver’s seat. “i love you,” he said smiling.“i love you more.” you said smiling grabbing his hand.
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minli | so thanks for reading! lightly proofread! i'm on spring break so that's why i go around to getting this out! thanks for you guys who stuck around :) i went through the people who asked for a part 2 a long time ago and tagging you all even if you don't remember the og fic.... taglist: @a-wandering-stay @cinnamoroxie @wonwoosthetic
@skz-tua-txt-storytimes @ellelabelle @minghaossv @gie-gie-gie-gie @tootheiass @stendy4life
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jacaerysgf · 25 days
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Summary: Based on two requests; You had been best friends with Jacaerys since you were kids. But when he gets a girlfriend and joins the football team in college your whole life gets turned upside down and he's suddenly ditched you. A year after you are confronted by him and emotions spill to the surface.
w.c: 2.7k
c.w: Porn with plot, sub!jace, hand job, overstimulation, p in v, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP), car sex, im not good at angry sex or mean stuff guys so sorry,
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One year. one fucking year since you’ve last spoken to him. You never imagined the two of you would end up like this.
He gets on the college football team and gets some hot girlfriend and suddenly he’s too good for you. You doubt he’s even noticed. It was slow to start, he started being busy during your weekly hang outs, then it would slip his mind to text you back, then he just suddenly stopped texting you. You had been replaced, you would always spend the holidays with his family but this past year you had seen Lucerys post on his insta holiday pictures and she was there instead. Everyone else in his family had reached out to you at some point. usually something along the lines of a happy holidays and that they hoped to see you soon, that they missed you. They even wished you happy birthday. He didn’t.
You had gotten to the point you stopped answering his family's texts, it made you feel sick when Lucerys asked if you would come to his birthday party and you didn’t have the heart to reply to him. You stopped checking their socials, even going as far as to mute them but you didn’t have the heart to unfollow them. then it would get too real, that the people you’ve considered family since you were basically a baby were no longer around.
You wish you didn’t miss him. You wish when started at your aunts gravestone he was not the face that appeared in your mind when you wished you had someone to comfort you. She had died six months ago, you hadn’t even bothered to text him about it. He met her a couple times, but its not like he would care now.
You do not cry for her anymore. Having come far enough in your grief, but you feel yourself come to a halt when you are walking through the graveyard and are stopped by a familiar family.
“Y/n?” You feel a knot grow in your throat. Why were they here? you could see lucerys was holding some flowers. “Hello.” What else are you supposed to say? You are frozen in place as lucerys walks over and throws his arms around you. “I missed you.” You try not to let your tears spill down your face as Lucerys pulls back and looks at you alarmed, “Are you okay?”
You laugh and cover your face with your hands, unable to even describe what you’re feeling. “You’re so tall.” Your voice cracks as you speak and he slaps you on the shoulder. “’Course i am, had to get taller than mr prince charming over there.”
You don’t want to look at him. You wish he was not even there. But you cannot help yourself the way your eyes drift to where Lucerys is referring to and you wish you hadn’t. He is as beautiful as he was the last day you saw him, he looks like he just came out of a romcom, a long trench coat covering him and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. You have no clue what he’s thinking, his face giving nothing away, cant take your eyes off him. The way his eyes have a gloss over them as he takes a couple steps towards you.
You swiftly turn away from his and notice rhaenyra standing at your side and she reaches out a grips your forearm. “It is so wonderful to see you dear.” You nod and smile at her, “It is always a pleasure Ms. Targaryen.” she hits your arm, “You stay away for a couple months and suddenly I’m Ms. Targaryen, call me rhaenyra dear you know better.” You want to correct her, tell her its been over a year. yet you don't, only nodding and apologizing to her.
“What are you doing here?” Its the first words he’s said to you in god knows how long. You swear your knees almost crumple at the sound of his voice. You want to punch him, spit in his face, you wish you hated him. “My aunt died.” You spit at the ground, you voice coming out angrier than you indented it to.
The people around you immediately flood around to give their condolences. You thank them, Lucerys especially kept you in a deep hug and mentioned how they came today to see rhaenyra's father but they'll make sure to stop by your aunt’s grave.
He says nothing. nothing at all. You hate him. You hate him so much. But you cant say no when they ask if you’ll join them to see viserys and your aunt. you cant even say no when they offer you to join them for dinner.
you two say nothing to each other, not until you say you’ll drive in your car on the way there and turn to walk towards it, still having the map to their house memorized until you are stopped, a hand gripping on your forearm.
“Can i ride with you?” You don't turn around to look at him. Continuing to stare straight ahead, your heart and head churning. You want to tell him no, that you don't wish to ever even see him again. “Please.”
But you're a pussy. the biggest punk in the whole world as you watch him slide into the passenger seat as you close the drivers door. A silence fills the space between you two, you don't want to speak, a part of you hopes it will stay that way.
“What happened with us?” You harshly break at the red light and whip your head towards him. Rage boiling at your skin as you hiss at him, “What happened? What do you mean what happened? You're the one who ditched me!”
“What the fuck are you taking about?” “Oh so you’re just gonna act like you didn't fucking stop talking to me after you a girlfriend? What is her name? i don't even fucking know because you never introduced us.” A loud honk behind you forced you to turn your head away from him and back on the road, you swear your knuckles turned white from the pressure you were squeezing it.
“i-” “No. Because you know what Jace. Fuck you. Fuck you and your stupid face and your stupid girlfriend and your stupid friends because you fucking left me. You have no reason to sit around and ask me what the fuck happened between us because it was all because of you. i put in the effort to reach out i even sent you a fucking gift for your birthday because you couldn't spare the time to hang with me and you don't even text me a happy fucking birthday?!? Fuck you man.”
Your hands slam down on the wheel in frustration as you clench your jaw, the fucking nerve of this guy. You don’t even spare him another glance and he doesn't dare to say anything else for awhile. the drive is long, they were buried far out from your homes so the drive was over an hour.
it takes twenty minutes before he says anything. “I’m sorry.” It comes out strained, if you looked at him he would probably be crying but you do not dare look at him. “I wish i could explain to you why i did it, why i acted like that. But I’m sorry. I’m sorry i just think i liked the attention, i liked having people fawn over me. And her, fuck i don't know, i liked her sure, but she fucking cheated on me with one of the guys on the team, told me she only got with me to get closer to him. Its not an excuse, i should have never put what we had down the drain for someone that never really mattered because you, you matter to me more than anyone else. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry, ill say it forever because i don't deserve your forgiveness.”
You pull over into a road side parking lot because you couldn't see the road anymore. Your eyes filled with tears as your shoulders shook with silent sobs, “I am sorry i made you feel this way, that you couldn't even come to me when she died, i liked it, i remember she gave me the toy car display i still have in my room fuck i can't even imagine how you must feel. I miss you. I miss you so much.”
You put your head against the wheel and allow yourself to sob. This is all you’ve wanted to hear for so long that now you have no clue how to feel. You want to tell him to fuck off. That he has no reason to be begging for your forgiveness now.
“Jacaerys,” You swear you hear it wrong, that you must be confused. He whimpers. “No please,” “Its dragged out in a way that has your stomach churning and you shift in your seat. “Don’t call me Jacaerys, Jace please.”
You must be strong. You cannot give into to his sad puppy eyes and cries. Yet you look over to him and feel your resolve crumble. He has tears streaming down his face. He’s looking at you. Has he been looking at you this whole time? “You left me Jace.” He lets out a trembled breath as he dares with shaky hands to grab yours. “I'm sorry. I will beg you to forgive me till the end of time because i will never deserve it. I need you.”
Your heart pounds against your chest as the two of you stare at one another. You feel your hands shake in his grip as the two of you unknowingly move closer to each other.
“I realized after i found out what she had done i was more upset about the fact you were not there more than anything. She had begged me to take her back but the only thing i could think about was you. I was so stupid and so blind i will never forgive myself. You are everything to me.”
“Jace,” He cups your cheeks and lets out a trembled breath, “I was a fool to let you go. I will never make that mistake again,” You cannot believe what is happening, he does not truly mean what you think he’s saying does he? “I had months to think it over. I am so madly in love with you. If you do not feel the same i will act like this never happened and we can just go back to being friends or even if you cannot stomach being around me we can just never talk but-”
He lets out a surprised moan as you shove your lips against his and eagerly pressed his lips against yours. He a lot more vocal than you had expected him to be, eagerly humming against your lips as his hands have moved to your neck.
He lets out a shocked gasp when you push him back into his seat and looks at you with wide eyes as you climb over his lap, pulling the level to have him lay over his back and simply stare at him as you hover above him. He whimpers as you grab the front of his shirt and pull him towards your face, “This is for me. Not you. Right?” He eagerly nods, more than willing to take anything you’ll give him.
He whines as you unbutton his black dress pants and waste no time shoving your hand past his boxers and gripping onto his dick. His head is thrown backwards as you rub your thumb against his tip, ignoring his mumbles until enough precum has dripped down onto your hand before you begin vigorously pumping him up and down.
You do not stop even as he’s asking you to slow down. Well you do, but it is always right before he’s about to come. You do this again. and again. and again. He feels like he’s about to burst, the stimulation is too much for him to bare.
“Please.” You tilt your head at him as he grips the front of your button down shirt. “What do you want?” Your words are spoken like he a stranger approaching you on the street, he whimpers and shoves his head into your chest, his tears threatening to spill out. “Please,”
“awe are you so fucked out you have no clue what you’re talking about huh?” He’s babbling nonsense as you feel his tears pool into your shirt. You fully remove your hands off him for the fourth time and he thinks he might crack. “Please no I’m sorry I’m sorry please please just let me,,” His words trail off as he watches you fully release him from his pants and boxers, his breath shaky as he watches you pool up your shirt and move to hover above him.
“Please please.” “Shut the fuck up.” He whimpers as his tip presses against your folds but you don’t him in enter yet, simply allowing his tip to be dragged up and down your slit. He throws his head back as the tears continue to flow down his face, he can’t take this, his hips rise up to try and thrust into you but you hold him down and spit at him. “You don’t know how to behave slut.”
He lets out a surprised gurgle of sounds when you suddenly slam all the way down onto him and lightly slap him across the face. “Are you happy now slut? You happy your little loser friend is fucking you stupid?”
He can barely speak as you begin to bounce up and down on him. He’s dreamed of this for much longer than he’d like to admit but this is much better than anything he could have imagined. The way your lightly let out sounds of delight are like music to his ears. He wishes he could say something but over the heat that flows over his body and the way he feels your hands slip under his shirt and begin to rub up and down his chest he can’t find the words.
He keeps his hands at his side, not knowing if he is allowed to touch you not wishing to upset you more than he already has. You notice the way his hands twitch and slightly raise as if he wants to reach out to you. You slow down for a moment to grab his hands and place them on your chest, a wordless exchange between the two of you as he stares at you in wonder. So much love fills his gaze you almost flush with embarrassment. You begin to pick up your pace once again as he fondles you over your clothes.
The pit grows larger in his stomach much faster than he would like but due to the overstimulation and the overflowing of emotions he’s on the edge. “I’m so close.”
“Hold it.” He whines and watches as one of your hands slip under your skirt, “You think you should be allowed to cum before me?” He shakes his head, of course not, he doesn’t deserve too.
He swears he almost cums from your blissed out face alone, but he is surprised he manages to contain himself until he feels you throb and your essence drips around him. You slowly lift off him and pump him until his cum drips down your hands.
The car windows are foggy, you have no clue how long you’ve been out here but the sun as begun to set as you allow yourself to fall against his chest, feeling the way his heart beats erratically as his arms come to wrap around you.
“I don’t forgive you,” He feels his heart drop as he gulps, bracing himself for you to lift off him and drop him off at his house, never to speak to him again. “But i think i can one day, you just have to take me out on a couple dates first.”
He grins.
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Perm Jacaerys taglist
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aegonswife @jacesvelaryons
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everythingne · 7 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ wing damage, chapter one (mv1)
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Eldest of the Halliwell girls, Y/n (or Nadine) gets her heart broken by the man she’s supposed to wed in six months. Four years of love slipping down the drain faster than she can try and grasp at the remaining water droplets.
But... not all hope is lost as far as the f1 community is concerned and they might be right, since Max seems to be trying to get a little closer to his team owners eldest daughter.
max verstappen x influencer!halliwell!reader / fc: sophia la corte (and various ginger women on pinterest.)
warnings & notes: cheating, mentions of alcohol, small age gap (24-27), strong language, probably inaccurate f1 information, using a name as a placeholder for y/n bc i’m not typing that every time, dates are off by two days in the beginning. deal.
EDIT: I love nadine too much to scrap her story even tho christians a BITCH, so for all intents and purposes in this fic, congrats! a spice girl now owns oracle red bull racing 😭
(part two!)
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“Do you want me to confront him?” Max asks, sitting down next to me in the paddock. His hand comes to squeeze my knee, my father rubbing my back as he deletes every photo—every memory of Jacob Taylor from my phone.
Four years down the drain.
My friends back home at my apartment are currently bagging up his stuff. Both Mona and Ally will move in with me, just like college again, once his stuff is empty. My bare apartment will soon be filled with our old nick nacks but i can hardly be happy about it.
The man who spent 50k on an emerald cut four karat ring with a real gold band, cheated? The man who cried when his mom told him she loved me, cheated? The man who cancelled an entire film set because it conflicted with my schedule, cheated? The man who won over the hearts of not only Geri Horner, but Christian Horner? He was the one who cheated?
Jacob was (strong emphasis on the was) the highest standard I ever held. Now, I didn’t even know what standards to have anymore. Anyone could be a cheater. I never stood a chance.
“It’s fine, Max.” I say softly, wiping at my face again to try and make it look less like I’ve been sobbing since I found out as soon as the plane touched down two days ago. The paddock is buzzing, qualifiers getting ready to start for the first GP. The warm Bahraini sun beats down on the track and I can see the heat wiggling above it. Even in March it’s as hot as summer over here, and part of me misses the gloomy, smoggy streets of London right now.
“It’s not fine!” Max groans at me, throwing his head back in exclamation. I know he’s sick and tired of hearing me say it for the thousandth time, but if I say it’s not fine, I’ll break down. And we can’t have that.
“Max,” GP's voice calls before Max can go on another tirade about killing Jacob. Max turns and I can see the hesitance in him to leave my side. He’s been like this since I met him the first day he raced with Red Bull years back—instantly the two of us clicked. When the days got hard, or his dad got on his back a bit too much, I would appear by his side and with a tiny smile somehow I'd fix everything. After I became his sort of 'chauffeur' when one of our drivers got sick in Abu Dhabi his first year, and we got stuck in an hour of traffic with nothing to do but talk, we became basically glued to each others sides.
I think having my unwavering support made a lot of the transition into Red Bull easier for him. And in moments like these, where he's watching me with a keen eye, I don’t know how I lived so long without his calm presence at my side. I was only a five years old when my Mom bought Red Bull Racing, it’s been my entire life, and every racer who has passed through our team has never stuck to my side like Max Verstappen has.
“Go.” I nudge his knee when I see his hand twitch and hover by his helmet, eyes darting to me and then GP who waits in the doorway, so I supply, “I’ll be here when you get back.”
Max nods, giving me a departing hug before he gets up and starts tugging his racing suit on. Immediately my mother replaces him, turning my head to card his hands through my hair.
“Oh, honey.” Geri coos, squeezing my arms as she lets me lean into her, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong, Mama.” I sigh, leaning into him and letting his wrap his arms tight around me.
“No, I trusted that boy. That’s what I did wrong.” She says back, before handing me back my phone. We sit like that for a long time, people passing us without asking. Everyone knew. I had found out the same way they all did—on social media. Jacob didn’t even have the balls to tell me himself. Fucking coward.
Eventually someone calls my mother away for some celebrity, sp I force myself to sulk off to a hidden corner where I can munch on chocolates and watch Max from a little tv. Not as good as my usual perch next to my Mom, but I don’t need the public seeing me the day I find out my fiancé of several years had been cheating almost the whole time. With his co-star.
Fucking hell.
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liked by maxverstappen, danielricciardo, charlesleclerc, and 124k others...
nadinehalliwell: before and after max won
tagged: bbhalliwell
gerihalliwell: love u lots mini ginger spice!!!!
⤷ nadinehalliwell: mama ill cry </3
charlesleclerc: maman says hello and that she will have wine for you when you come to monaco
⤷ arthurleclec: nadine you are very beautiful do not let a man win -- maman
bbhalliwell: bahrain was NOT ready for the halliwell girls !!
maxverstappen: you and your sister together is recipe for disaster
⤷ danielricciardo: bet they're planning ur downfall.
⤷ nadinehalliwell: beware both of u 🔪
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I knew returning home to my apartment was going to be hard. I had spent a few days with my mom and Bluebell home in Nottingham.
Being in my mothers had been refreshing enough to start and heal my heart. I also learned that my mom was really fucking good at healing, it involved a lot of wine and a lot of cursing.
My apartment in Monaco had been a home full of happy memories of moving in with Jacob, and our time living together everyday I wasn’t at grand prixs and he wasn’t on set. Memories of our families and friends together with us, and now it would be just me.
So empty. Alone. White walls with no decorations anymore. Just staring at me, closing in slowly.
Opening the door I sucked in a breath of pure agony. My mother's warm hand around my shoulder a soft reminder that even if I felt abandoned, I wasn’t alone. Not by a long shot. And as the door clicks open, my hand finds the lights instinctually, and my eyes widen to dinner plates.
“Welcome home!” a chorus cheers and I laugh, all my of old friends circled around the end of the foyers hallway, wine glasses and soju bottles in hand. I can’t even speak as tears fill my eyes and the girls run to me, waving my mother off. She kisses my hairline, tells me she'll text me when she gets home, and shuts the door as my friends cart me into the kitchen and wipe my tears and fix up my messy hair with giggles.
“Tonight!” One of my friends—eventually I source the drunken giggles to Ally, “we will make you so hot and sexy, he will regret it.”
“And if he comes crawling back!” It’s Mona now.
“We will rip his dick off!” Marija shouts and the girls raise shots to me.
“Guys—what is all of this?” I can’t help but laugh, and then the three look at each other and smile.
“So… you’ve heard of a revenge dress, right?” Ally says slowly, and it all clicks.
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liked by maxverstappen, charlesleclerc, christianhorner and 976k others..
nadinehalliwell: ‘little black dress, who you doin it for?’ 🖤
tagged: monanotlisa, allycameragirl, marijaswrld
maxverstappen: Is this that ‘hot girl era’ thing?
⤷ charlesleclerc: i think so.
monanotlisa: absolutely sexy. as per usual.
allycameragirl: FUCKKK UR HOT 🖤🖤
landonorris: one direction???
⤷ nadinehalliwell: ofc you know it’s one direction.
⤷ landonorris: cannot tell if this is a compliment or not but thanks ?
marijaswrld: 🧎‍♀️ < me
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rebouks · 26 days
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Previous // Next
Hiiiii Robin aka Bird Boy!
Sorry I took a bit longer than usual to reply but dad suddenly decided he’d had enough of the forest and we went back home! I thought maybe it’d be fun to wait a bit longer and show you our house and stuff. I don’t really like moving around all the time but I guess it kinda gives you lots of new stuff to talk about so that’s something.
This is our house! It’s not as big as yours looks but there’s only two of us and we’re not always here so it makes sense that it’s not massive. Dad usually rents it out whilst we’re not here cos he says it’s better for the house that it’s looked after but I know he means it’s better for his bank too lol!! I guess it works out for me though cos he says I can put as many plants as I want in my room as long as I keep them alive so they’d die if we left it empty every time we left. He says it’s like I brought the jungle inside hahaaha, I like it though!
The last person who rented the house was one of dad’s old work friends and he left this cool telescope for me to play with since I’m “so keen about the stars and shit” HIS WORDS! I know you’re supposed to use it at night but it’s kinda fun to spy on people during the day too. Like I’m pretty sure our neighbours are getting a divorce cos I overheard the guy moaning about the lady to my dad once and sometimes you can hear them yelling and see them waving their arms at each other through the window or on the balcony (don’t tell anyone though hahaa!)
I think dad’s kinda happy to be back (look how bushy his eyebrows are though ahahhhahah) he spends a lot of time fishing but I know it’s only a matter of time until he gets itchy and runs out of money again. Half of me wishes he’d get a good job here so we wouldn’t have to move around all the time but the other half is glad to leave. I guess it’s kinda nice here AND I was born here but I don’t even like swimming and there’s water and beaches EVERYWHERE ugh..
I guess I don’t really think Sulani feels like home anymore, not since mom died. It’s pretty and it’s nice but something is always missing so it’s kinda lame too if that makes sense. Maybe that’s why dad likes to leave sometimes too, I’d ask him but he’d probably get upset so maybe not! I was gonna leave that part out cos it’s a bummer but we don’t really keep many secrets from each other so I said it…
Anyway, dad’s a pig and never cleans ANYTHING and I think he got bored of me complaining about how big and heavy the vacuum is cos he got me a cool mini one (it’s a “sorry we move around so much but here’s a present so shh” present but I’ll take it hahaa) he took it off me for a few days after I hoovered some crumbs out of his bed and sucked up his headphones by accident but that’s his fault for eating cookies in bed when he should be sleeping.
Oh and since there’s not many fun rocks to find or dig up here I decided to start up my shell collection again. I found a few nice ones I guess but I really want to find a conch! Dad said they’re pretty rare but you’d think with all the stupid sand and beaches around here that I’d be able to find at least ONE even if it was a tiny one but not yet! I’ll let you know if I do though!
Anyway, I’m kinda sad we left Granite Falls in the end cos it was so close to the holidays I hoped maybe your family would go camping again and we’d be able to explore together again. Hopefully next time we move we’ll move even closer to where you live so there’s more chance we’ll get to see each other! A bird pooped on me the other day though which dad said is supposed to be lucky so I decided to believe him and hope we get to hang out again one day SOON (after I had a shower anyway because EUGH!)
Hope you’re okay and glad to be done with school for the summer!
Love Alex :)
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Can we get fic where male batbro x batfamily, where his school is having a field trip to Wayne enterprises? I’m not sure if you watch marvel or read marvel fics but it’s basically likes the ones where peters has a field trip to go stark industry’s. Anyways, so Bruce and Tim work their right? Tim is the co-ceo and Tom is just teasing him the whole time Tim gives a tour but when they took a break for the the kids to eat and stuff. Tim walks in on someone picking on batbro reader, the batbro reader doesn’t care that much but Tim does. Tim just gets protective of him and kinda threatens the bullies with a smile?
I have read those types of fics and I remember laughing so hard sometimes. I know exactly what you are talking about anon. Also, this gif (Y/N)'s thoughts.
Summary: Field trip goes wrong. Or right?
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It was supposed to be a normal science class. Absolutely normal. Nothing out of the ordinary.
" Now class, I have some great news. We are having a field trip to... Drumroll please! " Miss Jones said and the kids joined into the drumroll to, waiting excitingly for her to say it.
" Wayne Enterprises! "
The cheer was deafening, but (Y/N) felt numb. Oh dear God no. He sighed quietly and his friend patted him on the back. Jonathan is the only one who knows that Bruce Wayne adopted (Y/N). The adoption happened recently and was still a secret.
" Okay! Calm down! Now, I have these slips for your parents to sign. " Miss Jones said, taking a batch of papers. Tom raised his hand up.
" Yes Tom? "
" What if you don't have parents like (Y/N)? " He asked, voice full of malice. The class laughed and (Y/N) shook his head, looking down. The death of his parents is still kind of fresh and it still stung. Jonathan glared at Tom, wishing that he could punch him in the face.
" Tom, cut it out. " Miss Jones threatened. " I want them signed by tomorrow. " She said, moving through each row and giving each kid a slip.
Miss Jones knew that Bruce is his guardian and she promised herself that she would help (Y/N) in every way she could, but there was so much she could do with Tom.
" Now, you are all free to go, but I want (Y/N) to stay behind. " She said and the class started packing up.
" I will wait for you. " Jonathan said to (Y/N). He nodded and Jonathan left. (Y/N) walked up to the teacher's desk. Miss Jones waited patiently for everyone to file out. Once that everyone left, Miss Jones turned her attention to (Y/N).
" (Y/N), I want you to know that you don't have to go if you don't want to. You can stay at home or come to school. " Miss Jones said and (Y/N) shook his head.
" I don't know miss. Bruce would want me to go, but if he found out about bullying, he would go after him and I don't want that drama. " (Y/N) explained and miss Jones nodded.
" I understand. If you do go, I will have your back. " Miss Jones said and (Y/N) nodded once more. He wasn't in the mood to talk anymore.
" Am I free to go? "
" Yes you are. " Miss Jones dismissed him and (Y/N) went into hall. Jonathan waited for him patiently and the two walked out of school together.
" I will let you know now that I will deck Tom if you need me to. " Jonathan said as they walked out of school into the fresh air. (Y/N) chuckled.
" Don't, you will get into trouble. " (Y/N) said, seeing the familiar black car waiting for him.
" I don't care, you are my friend and you don't deserve to be bullied. " Jonathan said, giving him a pointed look.
" You don't have to fight my battles. " (Y/N) said, scratching the back of his neck.
" No offense, but you are too nice. That's why you have me for it. "
" You are the friend that will end up in jail once. " (Y/N) joked and Jonathan laughed. That much was true.
" If it's for you, then so be it. " Jonathan said, waving goodbye as (Y/N) entered the car. (Y/N) waved back.
" Hi Alfred. " (Y/N) said to the older man.
" Hello master (Y/N). " Alfred said, driving to the manor. " Is something wrong? "
(Y/N) sighed, before nodding. " There is a field trip to Wayne Enterprises. "
Alfred stayed neutral for (Y/N)'s sake. " And what do you plan on doing? Do you want to go? "
" I don't know. I need to talk with Bruce and Tim first. Where is Damian, I didn't see him today. " (Y/N) questioned, tilting his head.
" Master Damian got injured on patrol. He broke an ankle so that's why you didn't see him. "
(Y/N) hissed in sympathy. Poor Damian. (Y/N) was in a rush in the morning so he didn't see him.
" Oh that's just... Poor Dames. " (Y/N) said and Alfred nodded.
" You are just right about that. He is going to lose his mind. "
(Y/N) was waiting in the kitchen with Alfred. He reread the slip for the nth time today. He didn't know what to do with this. Maybe he should throw it into a fireplace before Bruce comes back home. Tim has just started his position as a co CEO and he was doing well.
Bruce was more than proud and he knew that Tim would be a good fit for the company. (Y/N) didn't know how he could even compete with any of them.
" Master (Y/N), I can hear you insecurities from here. Stop thinking like that. " Alfred said, making him some lunch, not even turning to look at (Y/N).
(Y/N) hummed at that, moving the slip away from him. He glared at it as if it is the worst thing that has happened to him. " Hello Alfred, (Y/N). " Bruce said, announcing his arrival. His eyes landed on (Y/N) and softened.
" What's wrong? " Bruce asked, walking up to his son.
" A field trip to your company. " (Y/N) grumbled, pointing at the slip. Bruce frowned as he took the slip, reading the text on it.
" Oh... Do you want me to sign it? " Bruce asked as Alfred brought him a pen already. Where did he get it from?
" I mean... You know what, sign it. I need some excitement in my life. "
Bruce chuckled quietly as he signed it. " Really? "
" Yes. I mean, I will finally see Tim. He is gone for to long. Now if you are going to excuse me, I have to see Damian. " (Y/N) said, standing up and then taking the signed slip.
He is already regretting this.
(Y/N) didn't want to be here. He regretted is so much know. They were in the lobby, waiting for their tour guide. (Y/N) was anxious beyond belief and Jonathan was trying to calm him down.
" I should have slept in today. " (Y/N) said, looking around the room.
" You will be fine. Nobody will know. " Jonathan tried to explain to (Y/N).
" There is an issue. When you get here, you have card. You have visitor cards and the levels rise. There are 10 levels and there are only 8 people who have level 10. That means unlimited access. I have level 10 card. " (Y/N) said, showing it to him.
" Oh no. " Jonathan said, looking to see where Tom was.
" Yeah, oh no. I'm fucked beyond belief. " (Y/N) said, sitting down on the sofa that wasn't occupied. " If you need me, I will be dying. " (Y/N) said, huffing.
" Hey, calm down. You are going to be fine. Don't worry. "
(Y/N) tried to reply, but a tour guide beat him to it.
" Hey everyone, my name is Tim, I will be your tour guide. What you will be getting is a level 1 card, it's just for visitors. You have access to basic areas. The highest level is 10 and it's for Bruce Wayne and some other people he has selected. " He said, looking over the group. Why did Tim have to do this? God damnit Tim. Or Bruce.
" Hey (Y/N). Do you have your card? " He asked and (Y/N) nodded with a tight smile. Fucking shit.
" Lets go on then. " He said, ushering everyone to a scanner. (Y/N) wanted to die right now. He waited patiently to get scanned. The worst part was that the scanner announced the level of the card, plus the name. Tom kept glancing at (Y/N), just waiting for a perfect moment to insult (Y/N).
When he got to it, he closed his eyes. (Y/N) (L/N), level 10 the robotic voice said. Tom's head whipped around and before he could even say anything, Tim beat him to it.
" Also, I have to warn you all, Bruce Wayne and I have a zero tolerance for bullying. So if there is any sign of bullying, you will be thrown out. " He said, clapping her hands with a smile on his face. (Y/N) knew that this was a fake smile and she must have known.
If he tells Bruce... He is fucked beyond belief.
" Now, we are going to be walking through some of our labs to show you what we do and maybe where some of you will maybe intern in the near future.
The tour has officially started and there was nothing that (Y/N) could do to get out of it. Oh no. He could sense Tom walking up to him.
" How does Tim Drake know you? " He hissed quietly in his ear and (Y/N) stepped back.
" Leave me alone Tom. " (Y/N) said and Jonathan stepped in between them.
" Tom, I'm not afraid to throw hands. " Jonathan threatened and (Y/N) glanced at Tim who looked at him too. He had a neutral face on, but he saw a worry in his eyes.
" I don't care about you. I want to know how Tim Drake knows him? He is a loser, why would someone like that care about him? " Tom said and Jonathan stepped forward. "Don't. He is not worth it. " (Y/N) said, moving away from Tom.
The tour has been hell. Tom was teasing the hell out of him and (Y/N) was going to lose his control. It went from the normal, you are a loser and whatnot and then it turned into full blown insults at his parents. Jonathan was getting more and more irritated.
(Y/N) on the other hand was getting just more and more anxious. He didn't know how many more insults he will be able to take before he brakes down completely.
Jonathan tried to keep his spirits up, but (Y/N) was just getting worn down.
At the moment, there was a break for everyone and it was lunch time. (Y/N) and Jonathan were sitting down at one of the tables in the cafeteria. (Y/N) wasn't in the mood for lunch at all. Quite far from it.
But Jonathan still forced him to take something to eat. (Y/N) just moved the food around. He was keeping his head down, just trying to block out Tom who was sitting on the table next to him. They were laughing about him and Jonathan tried not to snap. (Y/N) didn't really care at this point, he was just used to it.
It wasn't until Tim walked in, ready to sit with his brother, but when he took his food and walked to the table where (Y/N) was, he heard Tom. All the insults about his brother... Tim put the tray down next to (Y/N)'s and (Y/N) recognized the look. Oh no.
" Tim- ! " (Y/N) started, but Jonathan shushed him. Finally.
" Hello, you must be Tom. " He said to Tom, who nodded enthusiastically.
" Well, I have heard everything you were saying about (Y/N) and I wanted to make something clear. " Tim started a smile on his face as he watched the confusion. " If I hear you bullying my little brother one more time, I will blacklist you from every single company in the tri state area. And then I will ruin your life. Alright? " Tim said with a threatening smile. Tom was frightened as he nodded and and Tim smiled so widely in triumph.
He sat down next to his brother, bumping shoulders with him. " And you were gonna tell me when? " Tim inquired, ever so casually.
" Never. " (Y/N) said and Tim shook his head.
Jonathan chuckled at the two brothers and shook his head.
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sturniolos-blog · 3 months
can u do REALLY angsty dad!matt (with a happy ending)
basically the reader (shes pregnant) gets into an argument with matt cause hes always gone (on tours and stuff) so they go to bed mad at eachother and when she wakes up, hes gone (like on the flight/tour bus)
and basically while hes gone she gives birth and matt finds out anddd u can take it on from there
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You’re never with me - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - angst, arguing, swearing, fluff at the end, mentions of a fall, slight blood, mentions of urine
disclaimer: 1st person pov. i also changed it up where Y/n doesn’t have the baby because that’d like suck if matt missed the birth of his newborn, this one will be Y/n being pregnant with Mailo since i already did the birth of Ella and how that went down.
I peak into my 2 year olds room, smiling as i see her laying in bed with her eyes wide open.
“You’re supposed to be asleep, Ella..” I laugh, she cant talk really well but i think she understands what i say.
“Dada!” She says as she plays with her hair, sitting up now.
I sigh and give her a sad smile, “I know, baby.” I say softly. Ella slowly gets up and comes over to my leg, wanting to be picked up. I can barely see her through my 8 month old pregnant belly. “I can’t pick you up anymore, my love.” I let out a breathy laugh.
She starts whining as she pulls my shirt.
I look to the comfy chair that sat in her room before walking over to it and sitting in it, letting out a ‘hmph’ as i sat down. I pat my lap, “Come here, lovey. Come sit with mama.” I say as a smile appears on her face, running towards me and slapping my leg softly as she tries to climb on my lap.
I slowly pull her up and put her more towards the side of me since my belly was in the way. She rests her head on my shoulder as she sucks her thumb.
I bounce my knee slightly, rocking her softly as her breathing slows down.
After Ella falls asleep in my lap, i struggle to get up, trying to hold my daughter without letting go.
I scooch myself up to the edge of the seat, grabbing onto the dresser next to the chair and letting out a groan as i stand up, trying to keep my daughter asleep.
I then put her to sleep, covering her with the blanket before walking out of the room and shutting the door softly.
I rub my forehead before walking into the bathroom, getting ready to wash my face.
I grab my face wash from the cabinet and put it on the sink, pumping two pumps before rubbing it all over my face, scrubbing harshly.
I then turn on the faucet, cupping water in my hands before washing off the face wash.
I go to open my eyes but when i feel burning i let out a small sound, reaching around the kitchen sink to find the bathroom towel.
As i try to find the towel i knock over the bottle of face wash onto the floor, i let out a small yelp before i find the towel and immediately dabbing my eyes with the towel, regaining my sight and putting the towel down.
I look to the floor, seeing the face wash, contemplating if i should pick it up or just wait until Matt gets home.
I don’t need no man, i’m an independent woman.
I think to myself, letting out a sigh before starting to lean down to pick up the bottle.
As i almost reach it, one hand holding onto the counter to keep me from falling and the other trying to reach the bottle, i see a spider.
I let out a scream, falling on one knee before i bang my head on the edge of the counter, before finally my back hits the tub.
I let out a pained moan, my hand reaching up to touch my head that was now bleeding. Also, seeing my knee that had a scrap on it.
I let out a frustrated groan, slamming my hand on the tiled floor before i put my hand on my belly.
God, i really have to pee.
It’s been like an hour and i still cant get up, and trust me i’ve tried. But, i physically can’t. My belly blocking me from even trying, my head spinning too from the hit.
I also was now sitting in a puddle of urine, crying on the floor.
I sniffed as i tried to move but i can’t.
“Baby, i’m home.” I hear a soft voice say, Matt.
“Matt, please, come in here!” I call out.
Matt had a smile on his face before it dropped seeing me on the floor.
“W-what happened?” He said, kneeling down as his eyes widen even bigger when he sees the puddle of piss i was sitting in.
“A fucking spider.” I spit out before letting out another sob. “It was a spider!” I cried, my head going against the glass of the shower above the bath, tears streaming down my face.
“O-okay, it’s okay, don’t cry.” Matt says, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it before putting it to my forehead, myself letting out a hiss as he does so
“Sorry..” He mutters, dabbing my cut a couple more times. “Did you fall?” He asks.
I nod and sniffle.
“Okay, come on, baby.” He coos, pulling me to my feet.
I look down at my pants that were covered in pee, continuing to cry.
Matt holds onto me while leaning over the puddle on the floor and turning on the shower, putting it on a good tempature.
“Arms up, n/n.” He says softly, i do as he says, lifting my arms over my head before he pulls my shirt off my head and placing it on the counter.
His hands go to my grey sweatpants and pull them down to my ankles. “Step.” He waits as i put my hands on his shoulder, carefully stepping out of my pants.
He grabs my underwear and pulls it down too, muttering another step as i do so.
I was now completely naked.
Matt then grabbed a towel from the closet, placing it on the floor where my urine was and guiding me to get in the shower, stepping on the towel and over the bath.
“All right..” Matt says, “Wash your body and i’ll come back with fresh clothes and i’ll do your hair for you. Sound good?” He asks me, watching as i grab my favorite soap.
I nod, sniffling again.
“Need anything else, sweetheart?” Matt asks, a worried look on his face.
I then shake my head before turning my back towards him and starting to wash my body.
“Okay, I love you..” He mutters before closing the shower door.
As he promised he came back in to wash my hair, scrubbing softly before helping me out, and helping me into my clothes, giving me a pair of his boxers because he knows i like them better.
I rub my forehead before climbing into bed, more like plopping on the bed with my belly. Laying on my back and letting out a breath.
Matt then turns off the bathroom light before coming in our bedroom.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Matt asked me. I felt him get into bed too.
“No.” I sighed out, moving slightly to find a comfortable position.
“Okay…” Matt sighs. “Are you sure-”
I struggle to sit up, letting out a huff before Matt helps me.
“What are you doing?” He asks as I throw my legs over the side of the bed, starting to stand up.
“I just need a second, Matt.” I say as i let out a breath.
Matt looks at me confused, “A second for what, do you need-”
“A second to breathe, Matt! A second to fucking breathe!” I snap as my breathing picks up, tears welling in my eyes.
“Okay, Okay. I’m sorry.” He whispers.
I sniffle as i wipe my eyes. “Y-you’re never here, Matt.” I finally let out a sob.
Matt scoffs, “What? Baby, i know i’ve been gone a lot, but i come home every day-”
“I know, i know. A-and your work has always been a struggle for us but now it’s just not that anymore, it’s you, Matt.” I say, letting out another sob. He gives me a confused look so i continue, “It’s like when you’re here, you’re not. You come home late, either have a beer or watch tv, or both. A-and then come to bed later while i’m already asleep. Then leave again in the morning. It’s the same cycle over and over. Y-you’re here but you’re never with me.” I sniffle.
Matt looks down before shaking his head, “That’s not true.” He says quietly.
I scoff in disbelief, “It’s not? Okay, fine. Then, when’s the last time we shared a meaningful kiss, Matt? When’s the last time we cuddled in bed? When’s the last time you hung out with your daughter!?” I yell.
Matt stays silent, shaking his head.
I nod, “Exactly.” I croak out.
“I love you, Y/n.” Matt says, putting his hand on my back.
“Then act like it.” I spit.
Matt nods, “I’ll make it up to you, Okay? I’ll be here for you, a-and Ella and then for our son when he’s born. I’m sorry- a-and if i was here you wouldn’t have gotten hurt and im sorry i let that happen, Okay? I love you.” He says before wrapping his arms around me.
I nod and sink into his touch.
It felt nice to have my husband back.
the end was lazy but i’m doneee so hope yall like it
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @stars4matt @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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goldsainz · 10 months
ECHOES OF LOVE — one shot.
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
taglist: @lorarri @lpab @whatthefuckerr @noncannonships @lunnnix @elliegrey2803 @schumacheer @saintslewis
summary: you can only watch as the man you love becomes a shell of who he once was.
request: “i would like to have ✒️— with prompt “i don’t even recognize you anymore.” with Charles!”
warnings: angst, ferrari being enemy #1, poorly proof-read, charles’s an asshole.
NOTE: this is all over the place but i kinda like the mess. every time i write for charles i read it over and over bc i don’t know if i am doing him justice. i hope you all enjoy this and find it entertaining, at least.
[ word count: 1,2k ]
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Forza Ferrari sempre. 
You didn’t know when, but somewhere along the way you grew to hate the phrase. You suppose it was when Charles started to lose himself in his devotion to the team or when he no longer had time to even look at you some days. 
It didn’t take a genius to know that Ferrari was one of the main priorities Charles had in his life, what you didn’t know or even have in mind, is that it went above you. You who had stuck by him through thick and thin, who heard him cry out of frustration when the team made a decision not even then could comprehend; you who loved him for Charles and not il Predestinato. 
Sometimes you miss the past. It wasn’t always that you indulged in nostalgia, but when you did, it made you resent what your life has become. How could you not? Everywhere you went there was a reminder of all the things you had lost, all the little things you slowly left behind and now missed. 
You remember a time where talking about Ferrari was fun. When all was hush-hush and Charles had just signed his contract with the Scuderia, rambling on and on about all the things that could happen if he was on the team; from fulfilling his family’s dream to becoming a World Champion. Ferrari signified hope to Charles, so it was the same to you.
Now, Ferrari was the breaking point in your relationship. It wasn’t about ultimatums, you were almost certain that if it were you would have to pack your bags and start fresh somewhere else. No, this was about putting effort into a relationship, one that over time seemed to be one-sided.
Being home — if it could still be called that — was awkward and not like it once was. You watched Charles fumble around the kitchen as he pretended to cook, something he wasn’t fond of or good at. There were so many things you wanted to say, so many thoughts to be shared, and you would’ve kept them under lock and key if it weren’t for the fact that you were supposed to be spending time together.
It was unbearable to live with someone who you once knew so well and now was someone else entirely. The same could probably be said for you, but you knew that it didn’t matter how you changed, you love for Charles didn’t.
“I was thinking on going to Maranello on Friday.” Your boyfriend said, breaking the silence that loomed over you.
“Yeah, get some stuff done. Just for the weekend, though.” You waited for Charles to turn around, to face the words he was saying. But once more, you are left behind in his plans: in his life.
“You’re not being serious, right?”
“Of course I am, Y/N.”
That was when he turned around. If there was something you rarely did was complain to him about his work trips, because most of the time you went him. But you knew that he knew that what he was telling you was outrageous.
“We have this one week to ourselves, Charles. You promised to leave work related stuff behind for one week.”
“I know that, but things came up.”
“Things came up? Come on, Charles.” You heard his exasperated sigh, now frustrated you weren’t bending to his wishes.
“Look, I’m sorry that me working to maintain the life we live is such an inconvenience for you.”
“I never complain about anything!” You exclaim, shaking your head at the absurdity of his words, “I’m your biggest supporter, Charles. I just wanted one week to enjoy ourselves.”
You hear pans clattering as he abandons his attempt at cooking, his attention now fully on you.
“This whole week is a distraction, and I can’t have distractions right now, Y/N.” There is a silence that builds the moment he says that, as you look at him you wonder when it was that all the time you spent together ended up in this.
“Oh, so I’m a distraction now?” You finally speak up, watching as the situation fully clicks for Charles. You watch him move from behind the kitchen counter, approaching you like a wounded animal.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” You almost laugh at his words, you want to tear your hair out from your scalp from frustration.
“It’s not?” You ask, watching as he falters at the brashness of your words, “Because from what I see, Ferrari will always come first.”
He doesn’t say anything. Nothing to deny the claims you are making, and that is when you truly know. That despite the way you want to delude yourself that the current Charles is the same Charles you met all those years ago and fell in love with, you know that the man who stands before you is not him.
“You can’t even deny it! You are so far gone on this quest to make Ferrari the team you want them to be, that you’ve lost sight of everything else around you. Including me.”
You wait for him to say something, but nothing comes out of his mouth, nothing at all.
“Say something, Charles!”
“What do you want me to say? That me driving for Ferrari is the worst thing ever? Because I can’t.”
Despite the urge to cry you manage to keep your composure. You hope that the gloss in your eyes isn’t noticiable, that he doesn’t see how tired of your situation you are.
“If I don’t work with Ferrari, what do I have left?”
That is when a tear slips. That exact moment were he utters those dreaded words, is when you falter before him. His dismissal of your relationship breaks your heart, it breaks your heart that he believes Ferrari is all he is worth. As if he isn’t one of the best drivers on the Grid currently, as if there aren’t various teams interested in him if he wanted them.
“I don’t even recognise you anymore.” You whisper to him, watching as his posture tightens and the look in his eyes turns cold.
It is then when you truly know that there is no going back to who you once were. That your relationship, however much of it was left, is now over.
He takes a deep breath, dragging his hand down his face. His brows furrowed, considering what to do of the predicament his in.
“If you dislike who I am so much, leave.” Charles says with no remorse in his voice, no care for the fact that you have limited places to go to in Monaco. “Nobody is stopping, if this situation is so bad for you, leave.”
You watch him for a second, this time you don’t look for regret, you look for love. If you had more time in your hands you could probably dig some up, but you shouldn’t grasp at straws to find love. And so you do what he wants. Once more. But this time will be the last time.
With little fuss, little care, you grabbed your necessities that were laying around and left. Opening the door to leave his flat feels like relief.
It isn’t until you are standing in the street that you realise that all those years with Charles would now remain in the past. Forever frozen on what could’ve been if life were fair.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 11 days
Missed | Ethan Edwards x Fem!reader
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Warnings: language, smut? Breeding kinks (spitting, slapping, and pet names),
Summary: ethan takes you back home, and you guys celebrate the new coming summer season with eachother before you left for Utah.
💭: first time writing for ethan!!!
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Finals are starting, summers kicking in. Graduation is coming.
Spring time sucks. Rainfall everyday, hot humid nights, warm bodies laying next to another.
Warm air heating my neck as I sit in his bed.
Ethan’s massive legs take a hold over my hips. Lying over me, his whole body rests ontip of me. He seems completely relaxed and comfortable, I don’t move for his sake.
No blankets needed, fans on settting five, cold air blowing at me, windows are open, the dorm room provided by campus is so smalll, crammed, hot. Mark shares one with Ethan, and I of course as Ethan’s girlfriend have to hear both of them snore.
I reach my hand out to find the top of eddys headboard. I grab my AirPods and set them in my ear. I blast Ethan’s song he plays everytime we hangout.
I just told Ethan that I’ll be going to Utah for a week with my family, if he wanted, he is more than welcome to come. Of course, he said no.
After school ends fully, I won’t see him. I’m sure he’ll be out in Ohio with the rest of the umich team. Every morning when I sleepover in the boys room, Phil sends me a text asking if mark and Ethan are awake.
Everytime, it’s “no.”
Phil always works out with these two, they go to the yost training center, and I normally go out with Farah and Khi.
I move Ethan’s arm over my shoulder so I can breathe easier, he moves his head and grunts in pain.
“Ow. Fuck, y/n. My arm. My back. Shit- fuc- ow!” Ethan moans out. He rubs his eyes and kissed me on my cheek. The song replays and replays and replays.
“Is that Glory box? Give me a side.” Ethan takes an AirPod out of my ear, he stuffs it into his fitting ear and listens to our sex song.
He lays on his belly and I get up to straddle over him. On my knuckles I rub out his back. Apparently, I was poking his back all night with my knee. Wrong.
It’s 7:38, mark and Farah are still sleeping. Ethan rolls over and just stand up on his bed. Letting cool air take my body. Ethan grabs my hand, helping me down his bed. Swiftly, he stuff his head into a shirt.
I wear a black sports bra and pink shorts from lululemon. Matching Eddy. He wears this hot pick shirt, and black shorts. To cover his bad bed head he sets a hat over his head and he walks me to me car.
I have a house that I share with my friends, Hara, Piper and Elly. Ethan drives me in my car back to my house. We arrive, taking my hand Ethan walks me to my door. I unlock the front door with my keys and head inside. Ethan isn’t supposed to be around anymore, because he got into it with Pipers boyfriend- Ryan, he goes to MSU.
I sneak Ethan upstairs into my bathroom. He lays on my bed while I brush my teeth and he watches me, we talk while I get my hair ready for the day.
“Do you want to shower?” He asks me, he gets up, walking towards me. Pressing his shaft into my hips. Connections like a puzzle. I need him with me right here and right now.
Without hesitation he takes me and turns me around. He walks towards the shower and turns it to burning hot water.
“You know I prefer it cold when we fuck.” I whine. I kiss him with my fresh breath.
Letting the water heat up I tell him to brush his teeth, get his hair ready for me to massage in the shower after we have fun.
“Y/n! You home?” Hara yells for me as she walks into my room. She lends a knock into my door as she stands next to my closet door. Looking into the bathroom she said she saw my car outside and was wondering if I made it home.
“Oh, hey dev.” Hara nods over at Ethan.
“Looking good H. How’s Will doing?” Ethan making conversation as he looks at himself in the mirror. He fixes up his hair, brushing through it.
“You look yummy.” I say whispering into his ear. I stand on my tiptoes, letting me heart set into my stomach. “Hey Ra-ra, can you grab me a coffee and a sandwich from down the street? I’ll give you money.” I ask Hara.
I’m starving.
Starving for Ethan, and actual food.
The steam covers the mirror and hara leaves to grab my food. Ethan locks the door of my bedroom and my bathroom. He throws his clothes off. He slips his boxers off. I can see his hard cock. I’m not sure what had him turned on, but he’s getting me horny.
I’m his, he’s mine.
“Turn.” He instructed me. I turn around. “Arms.”
I lift my arms. Standing in T position, Ethan slides my bra off, the sports bra off, he slowly sets his hand into my shorts. Sliding them off, he seees I’ve gone commando. No thong, nothing under.
Bare skin, body to body.
His brown hair, Al over my shoulders. Ethan’s marks all over my shoulders.
Hickeys, screams, pleasure, and release.
He takes me into the shower. The hot water hits my hair, my body jolts up in energy. Ethan takes my hand and places it onto his lower abdomen. Just above his cock, that slapped against his torso, my hand slips down onto his balls as I lower myself into my knees.
Ethan leans back onto the shower walls, my head leans back, looking up, I get excited myself.
Ethan grips ibto my hair. My head feeling the pressure of his hold, I rest my hands onto his cock. I kick my lips to give myself to prepare.
I lick the tip of Ethan, and he hits his head against the wall, he lifts his hips towards my mouth. I shoved half of his dick into my mouth.
I suck, I lick, I jerk.
Taking my empty left hand and start massaging his balls, whispering his name. Ethan groans and smiles. Smirks. Laugh. My right hand holding into his other half of his cock. In a swift motion I jerk him off and lick the tip.
Letting him cum into my mouth I lift his cock up. After letting him release into me, I stand up, kissing him I use my tounge to distribute his cum back into his mouth.
His swallows his substance. Taking me, he grips into my hips, dipping me in the shower. He kisses me from my neck down to my knees. I feel his warm spit all over my body. The shower pricks at my feet. The water hits my ass, Ethan picks me up.
He holds me up and he pushes me against the wall. He sticks his hard cock inside of me. The water no longer hits me, but reaches his back. He groans in the disbelief. Still as ethan lifts me, he holds me up, giving me time to take him in.
“oh my gid. You feel so good.” He doesn’t stop his movement. He lowers me down to the ground. My toes touch the wet floor of the shower.
He grunts as he pulls out. I look down to the ground, he cummed a second time. I still need to be relaxed.
Ethan sits me down on the ledge of my shower that holds my shampoo and conditioner. I can feel the cold of the tile on my ass. Ethan spits out water from the shower head all over me. He sets me back. My legs over his shoulders. He sicks his penis inside of me.
“Too bi-“ I exasperated as I feel him inside of me. He thrusted one time and fitted everything inside. I look down to his chest, his abs contract every time he hits my bottom. He takes one of my breast and holds it in his hands while he takes his motions smoothly. Not stopping ethan lifts his head back.
“You’ve taken it before princess.” Ethan takes my nipple and twists it between his index finger and thumb. I feel my release coming.
“Baby. I’m coming.” I yell out. I’m sure our neighbors can hear us.
He bangs his hand above me on the wall. He thrusts faster, and harder.
“Keep it in.”
“You’re such a slut for me.”
After our fun, I sit Ethan down on the ledge he fucjed me on. I washed his hair. And I finished cleaning myself up. Ethan runs out of the shower to grab us a towel. He comes back dry. I turn the knob off.
The water stops. “You’re gonna miss me when I leave!” I yell out as he opens the door to the shower.
He gives me the towel he used to dry off. He smiles as he walks me back to the bed. I wrapped my hair in the towel and I sit dry, in the bed. Waiting for ethan to join.
“I have to go.” He said.
Um, hell no.
“No, I’m leaving next week. You aren’t leaving to go play on your X box or whatever you have.” I fight with him.
“No I have to go because the snobs car is outside.” He said as he sliddd in his clothes.
The “snob” is that guy from MSU that Piper is dating.
“And no, I’m not going to miss you. After today it’ll feel like you’ll be with me all day everyday.” He walks out of my room.
Hara walks into my room with my coffee and sandwich. “Where is he going? I thigh you guys were having fun. I mean it sounded like it.” She mentioned.
“No he had to leave. And yeah, we had fun.” I laughed.
I left for Utah. It’s been two days since I’ve arrived. Ethan’s sent me texts like all day.
“I miss you so much.”
“You should leave and come to me.”
“I should just suprise you one day.”
I walk out of my burning bedroom door.
Summer is finally here. My mom called me, telling me something special came for me. Weird.
I see my brown haired boy. I run into his arms.
“I’ve missed you.” He wishers into my ear. “Shower later?” He laughs as he takes me down from our hug.
he missed me.
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Okay..hear me out
Both of the miles dating a villain hcs? Kinda like Spiderman and black cat type of relationship?
Bet let’s do it.
Miles’ x Villian!reader
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of death and cuts, maybe some toxicity idk, lmk if I missed one
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Miles 1610:
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At first, you would sneak around with it and make sure he didn’t know.
Miles never questioned how you got fancy stuff, he just thought you had money saved up and we’re working
I headcannon that y’all would have secret identities at the same time, like y’all would be hiding your identities from eachother.
Y’all both sneak in the same dorm out of breath from fighting each other
“Hey babes” “hey what’s up? Why are you so sweaty” “why are you sweaty?”
It turns into you both going back and forth before you make up a lie
“I was… working out!” “You never work out” “are you tryna say something, Miles?” “No! No I’m just saying I’ve never seen you work out before, that’s all” “okay.”
You both get away from each other and sigh a breath of relief
Miles is lowkey afraid he’s catching feelings for the villian(you) but he tries to suppress it
You’re catching feelings for Spider-Man but trying not to say anything
I think he reveals his identity first.
You’re in shock but he doesn’t know that you’re the villain and he thinks you’re just shocked about Spider-Man
“So… what do you think, Mami?” “Wow. I mean wow. I’m proud of you but that’s a lot of information”
He is scared you’re gonna break up with him when in reality, you’re scared he’s gonna turn you into the cops
You still love him and this doesn’t change anything, it’s just you have more information on Spider-Man’s whereabouts 
He finds out you’re the villain during a fight in which you get hurt really bad and Spider-Man(miles) saves you from dying but reveals your identity in the process
“Y/n?…” “yeah?”
You cry because he steps back and covers his mouth with his hand
This man is so shocked and hurt oml
“So I’ve been fighting you this whole time?” “Yep. I’m sorry Miles I hope this doesn’t change anything”
It changes
He’s more protective of you and watches you 24/7 to make sure you aren’t partaking in any of your heists or crimes anymore
Y’all team up against a really bad guy(like the spot) and you learn to use your powers for good not evil
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Miles 42:
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Like our Miles, he keeps his identity a secret and you don’t realize it because you’re so caught up in your own crimes
He watches you from afar but doesn’t do anything, he just studies you and makes mental notes on your fighting skills
If y’all interact, you’d be very flirty and he would be very cold bc he has a girlfriend(you)
“Sooo the prowler huh?” “Yeah? You gotta problem with that?” “Nope, just wondering”
Is pissed that you’re hitting all of his spots and targets before he can
If you kill a guy Miles was supposed to kill, he wouldn’t be too happy
“That cabròn thinks he can take my money? He has another thing coming that’s for sure”
You sit terrified bc Miles looks genuinely angry since that’s how he got all his money that he used to spoil his princesa
Realizes something is up with you quickly tho
“What’s wrong, Ma? Where’d you get that cut on your face?” “Oh this? It’s nothing, really” “do I have to beat someone’s ass, mi amor?” “No miles it’s okay”
Watches you after school and watches you for the next week or so to make sure no one is bothering you but instead, he finds out your secret identity
He is shocked but doesn’t show it. He keeps it to himself tho
When you realize he’s the prowler, he brings up you being a villain
“So you’ve been the Prowler this whole time??? How could you keep something like this from me?” “It’s pretty simple when your girlfriend is also a villain. No te hagas el inocente, mi vida you’re just as wrong as me”
He is indeed right about that
You help him with some of his missions and he helps with some of yours
Together, y’all terrorize the night(mostly stealing from the rich and helping the poor)
Strengthens your relationship tbh
If something happened to you however, he would never forgive himself though, even if it was your fault
Y’all are Bonnie and Clyde fr 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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mrzombielover · 3 months
Hello! Perchance, ur request is still open? I'd love your take on something that's been rattling in my brain. If you can't disregard the rest of the message, no worries! 😊 Human!Adam x Angel!Reader, I'd love an obsessed Adam who grew close to the reader after the fallout of his relationship with the trio (Luci, Lilith, and Eve). After being kicked out of Eden, he separates from Eve for years which is when he meets, well, you.
omg hi yes reqs are open!! everyone reading this pls send me more adam stuff the brainrot is realll and i need him in a way that’s concerning to feminism
also i just wanted to say thank you again for all the kind words you leave on my slow ride series it is so sweet and motivating :,)))))
warnings: none || wc: 842
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When everyday in heaven is a perfect day, you tend to find yourself becoming bored. You fulfill your duties, chitchat with the other angels, eat your fill of the sweetest fruits and lay to sleep on the softest clouds. You can sunbathe, go for a swim, see your closest friends however much you prefer. Heaven is, well, perfect- it was designed to be. Everyone else is perfectly satisfied, you should be perfectly satisfied.
So why do you find your mind wandering?
When everything is perfect, you’ve found lately that you’re lacking a sense of fulfillment. Of purpose. And above all else, you’re bored.
This is when your habit started. It’s harmless, really, you just had an itch of curiosity that needed to be scratched. Sure, your job had basically nothing to do with the humans on earth, but they were so fun to watch.
There’s not many of them right now, but they’re all so fascinating, especially the little ones. You couldn’t fathom it, being mortal. Originally, you thought they lived such trivial lives, but upon closer inspection, they’re not so different from your own.
After the fall, they’re completely separated from you now. You wish there was a way for you to let them know that there were still angels watching over them.
Your favorite, though, is Adam. After eating the fruit of knowledge, he’s different. As to be expected, though, when he suddenly has knowledge of good and evil, concepts he couldn’t even fathom before.
He’s funny. It’s terrible, some of the things he says, and even worse that you find it amusing. He’s charming, in a way.
One day, you just can’t help yourself anymore. It hurts you to see them struggle. Since leaving the garden, they’ve known pain and suffering. Struggle. Hunger. And though you’ve never experienced those yourself, the thought brings you sadness. You can’t imagine suffering so, and there’s a sense of guilt because you know that you have the power to make things easier for them.
You feel such pity, watching them, so far away, as they lament about missing the garden. Adam says that, most of all, he misses the fruit. The berries here never seemed to be as sweet.
It’s no coincidence when, not long after, he discovers a bushel of all the fruits he’d missed. It nearly brings him to tears when he takes a bite, the sweetness on his tongue and juices rolling down his chin. And it’s not much, but the pride that blooms in your chest as you watch is the best thing you’ve felt in millennia.
So you leave more gifts for them. You ought to be more careful, you’re pretty sure you could get in trouble for this. But if you’re not actually talking to them it’s fine, right? That’s just a line you won’t cross.
“Holy fuck-“ You dropped the basket you were holding. “It’s you!”
That startled you. How had a human managed to sneak up on you??
“I knew it-!”
You quickly shush him, looking around anxiously.
“I’m really not supposed to be here,” You say quietly, but you crack a small smile. He smiles, too.
You straighten up, and you mean to leave, but then he grabs your arm.
“Wait!” You can feel the blood pumping beneath his mortal flesh against the skin of your arm, what a strange feeling. “You have to leave already?”
You pause, biting the inside of your cheek as you consider it. Oh, you really shouldn’t. But you’re missing the warmth from his touch on your arm already.
Though you know it’s wrong in every sense of the word, you figure a few minutes couldn’t hurt. So you sit with him. You tell him about heaven, how every day is perfect, how one day he’ll forget what any of this feels like. And he tells you about Lilith and Eve, and how lonely he is down here. You tell him you wish you could fix that, frustrated by your own incompetence.
“Trust me, you’ve done enough,” He laughs, but hes putting a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. The touch is innocent, but it (embarrassingly) takes a great effort to keep your wings still.
Adam doesn’t move his hand away this time, and you cautiously raise your hand and put it over his. You turn to look at his face, and his eyes flicker briefly to your lips.
Then he leans closer to you, and presses his lips against your own, in the same way you’ve watched other humans do. It’s an odd sensation, he’s so warm, and causes a feeling you’ve never felt to stir in your chest. and this time, your wings do flutter.
you’re utterly speechless when he pulls away, already longing for his touch again. but you’ve already spent too much time here, and on top of all the rules you’ve broken lately, that was probably a big one.
you stand up hastily, and you feel a pang of sadness at the look on his face.
“I’ll see you again, I promise,”
He can’t wait.
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reblogs + comments greatly appreciated :)
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edenmemes · 2 years
god of war: ragnarok starters
may contain spoilers !
❝ trust? you have broken my trust. ❞ ❝ you seemed troubled in your sleep, even for you. nightmares? ❞   ❝ if you’re not fighting dirty, you’re not fighting, right? ❞   ❝ the worst is still ahead of us. we must be strong. ❞   ❝ it’s times like this i really miss home. ❞ ❝ you must live with your deeds, but do not be troubled by them. ❞ ❝ you don’t strike me as someone who fears death. ❞ ❝ that is not who i am anymore. ❞   ❝ the problem doesn’t have to reach our doorstop to be our responsibility. ❞   ❝ please don’t make me do this. ❞   ❝ the storm is getting worse. ❞   ❝ i’d offer you a hug, but why traumatise either of us further. ❞   ❝ whatever anger you’re feeling, whatever loathing toward me...it’s nothing to what i’ve said to myself. ❞   ❝ i know the hate that burns you from within. i’ve felt those flames...known the comfort of their warmth. ❞   ❝ i do not need you to protect me. ❞   ❝ be glad you have a home to remember fondly. ❞   ❝ you’ve come a long way since i first met you. ❞   ❝ the pain only grows. will i ever be free of it? ❞ ❝ i need you...i can’t do this by myself. ❞   ❝ got a case of pride, i get it. hope yours clears up quicker than mine did. ❞   ❝ you were given an impossible problem. do not blame yourself for failing to solve it. ❞ ❝ you speak of your deeds with shame. ❞ ❝ i wronged you. and i cannot change that...and can never apologise enough for it. ❞   ❝ we do not know what lies ahead. i wish to enjoy the time we have left. ❞   ❝ there is no need to shoulder this burden on your own. ❞   ❝ i suppose that’s all any of us can hope for in the end. that our death has purpose. ❞   ❝ i don’t need to hear about your mistakes. i’ve made enough of my own, thanks. ❞   ❝ some free advice? you don’t want to let anyone catch you talking to your sword. ❞   ❝ you reek of cheap mead and that is by far your most endearing characteristic. ❞   ❝ i expected you to come and find me. that no matter how hurt or angry, you wouldn’t abandon me when i needed you the most. ❞   ❝ you started this fight --- i will end it. ❞   ❝ you don’t have to do this kinda stuff just to keep my mind off things. ❞   ❝ could i ever think of this place as home again? after all that’s happened? ❞   ❝ all too often, people are blinded to all but their immediate self-interest. ❞ ❝ not exactly a calming presence, are you? ❞ ❝ know that all reigns end, and all empires fall. ❞ ❝ do not doubt the lengths i will go to. ❞ ❝ so much has been taken from me and i’m supposed to let it all go? ❞   ❝ if you don’t think i could lead us, just say so. ❞ ❝ i’m not saying anything you haven’t thought. ❞ ❝ there’s no making this right, is there? ❞ ❝ love should be---could be---stronger than hatred. ❞ ❝ it seems to me we share a common enemy. ❞ ❝ i know how bad it can get with one’s own kin. ❞ ❝ seems the only thing i can do right these days is destroy everything around me. ❞ ❝ i am haunted by your incompetence. it keeps me up at night. ❞ ❝ so i’m not allowed to give you a nickname? ❞ ❝ oooh, getting nosey. getting personal. ❞ ❝ that’s the most dangerous and irresponsible thing i’ve ever heard. ❞ ❝ i haven’t given up hope on you. ❞ ❝ i had hoped my days of ceaseless battles were over. ❞ ❝ to grieve deeply is to love fully. ❞ ❝ the truth is always more complicated. to imagine it’s simple is dangerous. ❞   ❝ you're a killer, just like your father. ❞ ❝ you think you just get to walk away? ❞   ❝ uh...someone’ll clean that up. ❞ ❝ i dont know if we’re breaking fate, or fate’s breaking us. ❞ ❝ how can you, of anyone alive, be squeamish about war? ❞ ❝ oh, wow...that’s quite the compliment. ❞ ❝ i grow tired of your lack of empathy. ❞ ❝ to abandon a poisonous path and walk another is no small challenge. ❞   ❝ can i get you a water or something? ❞ ❝ confronting the past comes with a price. ❞ ❝ i want things to be the way they were. ❞ ❝ being in love’s always a risk. that’s what makes it fun. ❞ ❝ i was always fond of our talks, you know. ❞ ❝ curiosity’s all well and good...but so’s privacy, yes? ❞ ❝ whatever you ask, consider it done. i am forever in your debt. ❞ ❝ what’s the biggest thing you’ve ever fought? ❞ ❝ so...was this all that you hoped for? ❞ ❝ the closer we get, the more tightness grows in my chest. ❞ ❝ your path leads to countless deaths. unimaginable pain and suffering. ❞ ❝ can’t you take a joke, you old goat? ❞ ❝ everyone takes it easy on you because they’re scared of your father. ❞ ❝ that’s family.    you got to keep them close where they can make you good and crazy. ❞ ❝ maybe, for the moment, you’re of more use to me alive. ❞ ❝ look at the ruins before you and understand the truth: this was your doing. ❞ ❝ forgive me. my words were chosen carelessly. ❞ ❝ my success does not come from luck. ❞ ❝ just shut up and drink. ❞ ❝ no matter the size, every creature has a weakness. ❞ ❝ sometimes we never really know the ones we love. ❞ ❝ tell me about your homeland. ❞ ❝ leadership? not really my strong suit, let’s be honest. ❞ ❝ what am i gonna do, walk around with a bandage on my head, begging for attention? ❞ ❝ why are you so bent on hurting me like this? i’ve done nothing to you. ❞ ❝ you seem like a calm and reasonable person.      are you a calm and reasonable person? ❞ ❝ i’ve seen my fair share of bloodshed, but this is an awful lot for one morning. ❞ ❝ if you’re planning on killing me, at least let me finish this song. ❞ ❝ everywhere i look, i am reminded of my mistakes. ❞ ❝ i have seen many lands. many realms. i can tell you with some certainty: no such paradise exists. ❞ ❝ do something about it or shut up already. ❞ ❝ breaking tension with humour is the sacred duty of a travelling companion. ❞ ❝ forgiveness can be powerful. even for the unworthy. ❞ ❝ you have no idea the kind of shit i’ve been through. ❞ ❝ our actions have consequences. to be reminded of them is not a punishment. ❞ ❝ take the hint. go away. ❞ ❝ something is on your mind. what is it? ❞ ❝ what a twisted little soul you have. ❞ ❝ your eyes say everything. ❞ ❝ me and you against the world, huh? just like the old days. ❞ ❝ there is no making things right. only better than they were. ❞ ❝ without me? i thought we were partners. ❞ ❝ this will end in blood. the only question that remains is which side is willing to spill more. ❞ ❝ i have lost myself before. more than once. ❞ ❝ you cannot sneak up on me like that. ❞ ❝ is it always moral to kill something that’s trying to kill you? ❞ ❝ we’ve gotta be more than a bunch of stories with our endings already written. ❞ ❝ the smell is making my eyes burn. ❞ ❝ you are staring... ❞ ❝ even the brightest among us carry darkness. ❞ ❝ anyone ever tell you that you babble when you’re terrified? ❞ ❝ every path i walk...leads back to vengeance. ❞ ❝ maybe our families are just meant to be enemies. ❞ ❝ i know how it feels...to lose a parent. ❞ ❝ your love of this place...i can feel it. anyone can. ❞ ❝ what you can do is get the fuck out of my sight. ❞ ❝ it was stupid of me to hope in the first place. ❞ ❝ is that regret in your voice? ❞ ❝ there are things even gods cannot control. ❞ ❝ you don’t care about anyone beyond yourself. ❞ ❝ say something. i enjoy hearing your voice. ��� ❝ does it frighten you? that is why you must do it. ❞ ❝ the dumb doesn’t fall far from the tree. ❞ ❝ you’re quite agitated, even for you. ❞ ❝ ain’t you never seen a legend in the flesh before? ❞ ❝ you are one of the few i would call a ‘friend’. ❞ ❝ this place is kinda pretty, when things aren’t trying to kill us. ❞ ❝ i find the hues and shades of your shortcomings almost moving. ❞ ❝ i still might kill you when this is over. ❞ ❝ i wish i could do more, i really do. ❞ ❝ do you ever have those moments where you wish you could...go back? rewrite your own past, make different decisions. ❞ ❝ do you want me to stop talking about your muscles? ❞ ❝ you are a formidable warrior, but even more than that, you have a good heart. ❞ ❝ this world takes more strength than it gave me. ❞ ❝ i’m trying to save your life, you big jerk. ❞ ❝ at least something out here doesn’t wanna kill me. ❞ ❝ i’ll just say it. i’m getting a really terrible feeling from this place. ❞ ❝ violence changes us. you are not weak to feel its effects. ❞ ❝ i’ve always loved you, you know. ❞ ❝ what side are you on anyway? ❞ ❝ everything was fine until you showed up. ❞ ❝ i have been...falling back into my old ways. angry. distrustful. ❞ ❝ one day, you will have to survive. without me. ❞ ❝ you don’t have to like me but...we’re gonna have to trust each other. ❞ ❝ you think war drives me? or power? wealth? no. never has. ❞ ❝ and they say i’m the bad guy. ❞ ❝ you feel it in the air, don’t you? the anxiety. ❞ ❝ i’m not being weird, you’re being weird. ❞ ❝ sure you’re up for breaking the rules like this? ❞ ❝ doubt is a weakness we cannot afford. ❞ ❝ mm. i do not like riddles. ❞ ❝ it just seems like a lot for someone your age. ❞ ❝ use the judgement of a man and not of a child. ❞ ❝ so what are we supposed to do? roll over? do nothing? ❞ ❝ war will not give you the purpose you seek. ❞ ❝ nasty hit! are you alright? ❞ ❝ well, glad you survived the first day. ❞ ❝ what do you think? is there a right side in this war? ❞ ❝ didn’t you ever have an awkward phase in your youth? ❞ ❝ you will not find me good company. ❞ ❝ how about we just don’t kill each other? ❞ ❝ what have your promises ever been worth? ❞ ❝ why would you come this way alone? ❞ ❝ leave now, whether you value your life or peace in your death. ❞ ❝ i put you in so much pain. put you in a terrible situation. ❞ ❝ the most difficult battles are fought within. ❞ ❝ it’s not my job to teach you everything. ❞ ❝ thanks for patching me up. ❞ ❝ loss can do things to a man. ❞ ❝ i don’t know why i thought i could do this alone. ❞ ❝ i will do what it takes to keep you safe. ❞ ❝ a desperate creature can be the most dangerous. ❞ ❝ you’re just sharing your thoughts on a subject you know nothing about. ❞ ❝ this isn’t who you want to be. ❞ ❝ i knew this was going too smoothly. ❞ ❝ can one man do this much damage? ❞ ❝ this is your final warning. ❞ ❝ you have a lot of nerve, know that? ❞ ❝ i am counting on you. to be safe. to be smart. ❞ ❝ uh, maybe that’s not a good idea? ❞ ❝ well, that was violent. ❞ ❝ don’t go to too much trouble on my account. ❞ ❝ are you not a soldier? are you not a leader of people? ❞ ❝ just when i thought you couldn’t get even more godly. ❞ ❝ do you wish to speak of what happened? ❞ ❝ you have no hold on me any more. ❞ ❝ have you ever been in love? ❞ ❝ mind if i give you the best advice you’ve heard all day and possibly ever? sleep. ❞ ❝ you’ll have my wise and faithful counsel always. ❞ ❝ look, i just want to do the right thing. ❞ ❝ all i ask for is a good night’s rest. ❞ ❝ you’re angry with me, aren’t you? ❞ ❝ we live in strange times. ❞ ❝ do you hear that? i thought i heard a voice. ❞ ❝ any outsider is considered a threat. ❞ ❝ it is not always wrong to trust people. ❞ ❝ never thought i’d be so relieved to be back here. ❞ ❝ well, we all make mistakes. ❞ ❝ this is the craziest thing i’ve ever done. ❞ ❝ when we get out of here, i’ll give you some space. ❞ ❝ violence cannot prevent violence. ❞ ❝ the truth can be a cruel thing. ❞ ❝ defy your prophecy at your own peril. ❞ ❝ i must say, i think we make a good team. ❞ ❝ where would you even be without me? ❞ ❝ calm your mind. control it. ❞ ❝ you look...weirder than i imagined. ❞ ❝ we must tread carefully. danger is close. ❞ ❝ there are worse things to discover about someone you love. ❞ ❝ i know how it feels to be wronged. ❞ ❝ did you just wake up with the urge to be a pain in my ass? ❞ ❝ is it revenge if justice is served? ❞ ❝ sometimes there is no other way. ❞ ❝ all journeys come to an end. ❞ ❝ you’re the first person that i’ve talked to in a really long time. ❞ ❝ i’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment. ❞ ❝ so...do you forgive me? ❞ ❝ sorry, i’m just really excited to talk to you. ❞ ❝ is there any way to stop fate? ❞ ❝ it would be the first time in a while i have something truly mine. ❞ ❝ the earth is the reflection of those who tend it. ❞ ❝ i have to say. i am profoundly unimpressed. ❞ ❝ i did not come to you for a lecture. ❞ ❝ perhaps there is a measure of monster inside us all. ❞ ❝ i was about to look for you. ❞ ❝ i said we would speak no more of that. ❞ ❝ peace cannot endure without force to protect it. ❞ ❝ what is it you will not tell me? ❞ ❝ where has everyone gone, i wonder? ❞ ❝ i suppose we’re all entitled to walk our own paths. regardless of where they end. ❞ ❝ you are in way over your head. ❞ ❝ so much about that day i wish i could change. ❞ ❝ it is difficult to seek forgiveness when you feel unworthy. ❞ ❝ i don’t recall asking you to come along. ❞ ❝ don’t you know who i am? ❞ ❝ real power does not need to flaunt. it emerges when the time is right. ❞ ❝ i don’t move, you don’t move. don’t do anything you’ll regret. ❞ ❝ sorry we got off on the wrong foot there. ❞ ❝ i meant it when i said you’re not a prisoner here. ❞ ❝ the culmination of love is grief, and still we open our hearts to the inevitable. ❞ ❝ why aren’t we working together? ❞ ❝ maybe together we can take back what’s ours. ❞ ❝ you don’t hear me spreading your business all around town, do you? ❞ ❝ you judge me? you? ❞ ❝ you think i’m being stupid. ❞ ❝ go before i change my mind. ❞ ❝ you deserve nothing but pain. ❞ ❝ always expect the unexpected. ❞ ❝ don’t go telling anyone about that. ❞ ❝ i shouldn’t have listened to you. ❞ ❝ you think my anger is irrational? ❞ ❝ prophecies are slippery by nature. ❞ ❝ seek no quarrel with me, and i’ll have no quarrel with you. ❞ ❝ you’re a destroyer, like me. ❞ ❝ you think i’m trouble? you just met me. ❞ ❝ not sure that makes me feel any better... ❞ ❝ let me see the monster inside. ❞ ❝ i know what you’re doing.     trying to play on my sympathies in the hope i let you live. ❞ ❝ i do not want you to feel alone. ❞ ❝ the mistakes of the past need not be repeated. ❞ ❝ never mind...i shouldn’t have asked. ❞ ❝ i regret many things. killing you will not be one of them. ❞ ❝ do you believe in fate? ❞ ❝ you can’t kill what you can’t catch. ❞ ❝ i just could use some fresh air, is all. ❞ ❝ i told you never to come back here. ❞  
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edosianorchids901 · 18 days
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When You Fall Asleep
Ace Omens Hugfest prompt - "an accidental hug"
Rome, 41 AD
“Would you like any more oysters?” Aziraphale asked, leaning forward to acquire a bowl of grapes. “Or are you all set?”
“Nnnh, this m’ set. I don’t, er. Eat big meals all that often.” Blinking slowly, Crowley pushed his tiny dark glasses up onto the top of his head. They knocked into his silly silver laurel wreath, and he hissed in irritation. “Guh. Here, hold this.”
He wrenched the wreath off and put it on Aziraphale’s head. It slid to one side and bumped into his ear, threatening to topple off.
With a chuckle, Aziraphale adjusted the wreath and fluffed his hair up to accommodate it. “Very stylish. What is with your outfit, anyway? I don’t think togas are supposed to be black, are they?”
“M’ not gonna be caught dead in white, am I?” Crowley snapped, snatching the jug of wine. “Probably literally caught dead. D’ya have any idea what Hell would probably do to me if I showed up wearing white? Besides, blood shows on white. S’ not exactly a good thing for a demon to be wearing.”
Aziraphale frowned, confused by the sudden outburst. “I know you’re a demon, but it’s not as if you’re running around stabbing people. Are you?”
“No! I’m the one getting stabbed, usually. And beaten, cut, whipped, whatever.” Crowley’s irritated expression slid to deeply glum. “It’s better when I can stay on Earth. I like Earth, even when I’m having to deal with bastards like Caligula. At least it’s not… I can get away from it all, up here.”
“Ah.” Unsure what to say, Aziraphale twisted his hands together. He eyed Crowley, suddenly quite chilled. “And you had to go to Hell recently?”
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
Even Aziraphale, who sometimes struggled with such things, couldn’t miss the heavy sarcasm in Crowley’s voice. Swallowing hard, he slid a little closer on the dining couch. “I’m sorry. Is there, um… anything I can do to help?”
Crowley shrugged and poured his wine. He largely missed the cup, pouring wine all over his leg. “Shit. M’ not very coordin… whatever. Maybe had too much to drink.”
He drank more anyway, then clumsily topped off Aziraphale’s cup as well. Aziraphale drank, a trifle lost. He was quite intoxicated himself, and that made it rather difficult to determine the right course of action. But there must be something he could do.
“Are you injured anywhere?” he asked, leaning to look at Crowley’s toga. He didn’t see any bloodstains, but it was black, after all. Much harder to see blood, indeed. “I could heal you.”
“Nuh. Not hurt anymore.” Crowley swayed, reaching for the jug again. He let out a derisive snort. “Too bad we didn’t run into each other yesterday. Coulda used it then.”
“Oh! Oh dear.” Stricken, Aziraphale clutched his hands together again. “Oh, I didn’t realize you’d been hurt so recently. I’m sorry. You really ought to be resting, rather than me pestering you to spend time together.”
Something odd tugged at Crowley’s expression. He took another drink, then set the cup down and leaned back. His dark glasses fell off his head and vanished amid the pillows. “Nah. This is, er. A good distraction. Hanging out and everything. It’s loads better than just sitting around being all blah. And we can argue and stuff! I like when we get all…”
He did some sort of complicated flailing gesture with both arms, as if trying to demonstrate the enthusiastic verbal sparring they’d engaged in earlier. Then he overbalanced, toppled over, and slammed into Aziraphale’s side.
“Oh!” Aziraphale automatically caught him, pulling his limp body closer. “Crawley— Crowley, are you quite all right?”
“Nnnnyeaaah,” Crowley mumbled, eyes closed. “I just. Just. Er. Drinking.”
“Yes, you certainly have been drinking.” Concerned, Aziraphale hugged him closer. Then he realized he was hugging a demon, and wondered if he ought to stop.
But no. He didn’t want to stop. And Crowley was certainly too drunk to straighten up. Really, Aziraphale was more than slightly drunk, and therefore possessed lowered inhibitions. It was quite reasonable to hug a demon, under those circumstances.
Crowley had been rather tense all day, a fact Aziraphale had noticed earlier without realizing the cause. Now, though, Crowley went quite liquid in his arms, like a cat fitting into an oddly shaped container. “Oh. Wow. You’re really ridiculously warm, you know that? S’ like. Like. Sunning on a really soft rock or something.”
“Quite a compliment,” Aziraphale teased softly. “And you look rather thoroughly intoxicated and on the verge of dozing off.”
Smiling, Aziraphale cradled the demon to his side, Crowley’s head on his shoulder. Crowley had somehow gone even more liquid now, his lips slightly parted, eyes still closed. His breaths slowed, deepening. Perhaps he really was falling asleep.
Remarkable, that Crowley could feel safe enough to sleep here after being hurt so recently. The trust was quite an honor, really, and Aziraphale gladly settled in to watch over him.
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rebouks · 5 months
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Hey Mat, Long time no see, or write, or anything really.. feel free to rip this letter to shreds if you feel like it, I wouldn’t blame you. I didn’t exactly plan on dipping like that and I’m sure you’re probably pissed, or were but if you somehow manage to get through this stupid thing, then thanks… I’m doing better, thankfully.. sorted my shit out, like you said, as much as I think I can anyway… I’ve been clean for a while now, bar a few mishaps but I guess I should know by now that fucking up is just a part of myself that I can’t really change. I always liked that about you guys though, how you never judged me for it, I’ve found some pretty neat people here too, for the most part. I kinda cut my parents off too, but I dunno if I feel bad about that or not yet, guess I’m still figuring it out. I might give em another chance but half of me expects nothing to change, so I dunno… I kinda miss the Bay n’ stuff sometimes too y’know? Maybe not the rain though.. but I think I got so used to leaving things behind I didn’t really think it’d be any different this time around, maybe I was wrong. I’m doing okay, I guess.. but there’s a piece of me that feels like maybe I left a part of myself behind too. That sounds a bit dramatic huh? I don’t even know why I’m telling you all this… I suppose I’ve kinda been letting myself think about the past recently, someone got into my head about using it to move ahead instead of running from it and like, the elephant in the room n’ all that? I’m grateful you talked some sense into me before I did something I might’ve regretted not that I would have I didn’t mean to put you in that position though and I’m sorry if you thought maybe it was your fault that I left, cos it wasn’t. So uh can’t believe I just wrote uh out but I just wanted to apologise for leaving the way I did, without saying anything, and I hope none of you hate me for it and I hope you’re doing okay, no, better than okay! I really hope you worked things out with the whole Pixie thing too, I still think that was amazing, what you did I think it’d be neat if you had a relationship with her. Sometimes I wonder if I helped at all hopefully she’s doing good, either way though cos whatever you decided was for the best, no doubt. This letter is a rambling mess, I know.. but hopefully it’s better than nothing you can burn it if you want Can you tell I flunked lang/lit? I skipped write a letter day too I guess, my bad hah.. never was any good with words, written or spoken, but I’m sure you remember that. Anyway, say hi to everyone for me if you want, but you don’t have to - especially Oscar & Courtney, they don’t know how much they helped me.. and lil Robin, but I bet he’s not so little anymore. I shouldn’t have waited so long but uh.. better late than never? Okay peace.. T x ps. I almost didn’t post this but someone practically dragged me to the post box and now I’m nervous at the thought of you reading it.. which I’ll bet you find pretty funny, which is why I told you I guess pps. I don’t expect you to write back so dw about it if you don’t
Pick you up at 12? x Can’t make it… Why not? I’m sick I already bought tickets! Do you want me to come over, nurse you back to health? ;) I’m good, take someone else x Fiiine, get some rest sweet cheeks xx
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thecuriousquest · 5 months
Platonic Erasermic with a pregnant reader (They had seen symptoms but brushed it off until she refused her favourite food one day and forced her to take a pregnancy test) how would they react?
as always love u 🫶🫶
SOAP ANON! I’ve missed hearing from you! I hope you’re doing well. Thanks for the great request. Hope you have a good one! 🖤🤘
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs
TW: Platonic yandere themes, Reader was taken advantage of, pregnancy, intimidation, killing
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They had invited you over multiple times, but you always just don’t feel well enough. Finally, they can’t take “no” for an answer anymore. Mic wants to see his bestie. Shota told him they need to be patient and respectful of your boundaries, but Mic said, “We wouldn’t be good friends if we weren’t up her ass all the time.”
Shota could no longer keep his loving boyfriend from seeing you. They buy ingredients for your favorite breakfast, and they’re over in less than thirty minutes for a nice morning with their best friend.
You open the door apprehensively, inviting them in timidly.
“You guys really shouldn’t have.”
“Don’t start with me on that again. It’s the least we could do for our shining star,” Mic states.
He calls you that because of the light you give off with your quirk. You don’t feel so shiny right now though.
Shota looks at you sideways before pulling you into a warm hug. You find comfort in his scarf, pushing your face into the fabric and sighing.
Mic ruins it by making a ruckus in the kitchen as he begins making breakfast. When he’s done, you all sit down at the table.
“I made your favorite with no help from a grumpy somebody,” Mic chides as he eyes his ravenette insomniac.
Shota simply scoffs and gives his thanks to his partner before digging in. Mic rubs his hands together, eyeing his meal with saucer-wide eyes. As the two begin, you sit there eyeing the food with slight disgust. You feel bad. Mic worked really hard on all of this.
But you just can’t eat it. Your stomach doesn’t want it.
“Why aren’t you eating? You love this stuff. I’ve seen you basically inhale it in seconds,” Shota comments.
“Oh, I just…I told you already. I’m not feeling well.”
Shota feels your forehead with the back of his hand. “Huh. You know, I deal with my students telling me they’re sick all the time. I can tell when someone is faking, Y/N.”
“It’s not that kind of sick. It’s my head.”
“You should still be able to eat even with a headache. You don’t look like you’re having a violent migraine,” Mic interjects.
Fuck, what are you supposed to say now?
“What’s really going on? You never want us to see you in the mornings, and you don’t want to eat your favorite foods anymore.”
Turning to the side, you cross your arms and remain silent. A defense which usually doesn’t work well with the pair.
“Zashi, can you go pick up a pregnancy test from the store for Y/N?”
Your cheeks blush. “I’m not taking one.”
“If you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn’t have any objections to taking it.”
So, here you are now, sitting in front of them at the kitchen table with a positive pregnancy test.
Shota places a comforting hand on your wrist. “How did this happen.”
You spill the beans to your two best friends as tears stream down your face.
You had gotten drunk at a party, there were a lot of touchy men there. You woke up the next morning and had pieced everything together. It didn’t take long before you realized you were pregnant with an unknown father.
They both look at you with sympathy over the fact that you had been taken advantage of. It doesn’t sit well with them. They force invite you to move in with them, and they track down the bitch who used you. It was a little hard since they had nothing to go off of, but there were security cameras at the party. It was just what they needed to know who did the deed. They instill justice with a righteous fist and kill the guy.
They love you so much and never want you to forget that. That’s why they keep you under lock and key within the safe confines of their home. You are a part of the family now, you and your little baby. They will provide for you both and take care of you. You’ll never have to worry about anything ever again.
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