#I know you adore Casey
purpleturtle9000 · 2 years
"Case, you gotta get up at some point."
Casey groans and rolls over, yelping when the move sends him straight over the edge of the bed and to the floor. He lies there for a moment, limbs sprawled across the carpet, before sitting up and yawning.
"How late did you stay up last night?" Leonardo can't help asking.
He gets a disgruntled chirp in return.
Ah. Late late. Casey had started by imitating Tello, on days when they were only semi-verbal and turtle noises were easier than talking. Leonardo had never said a word about the time he'd gone looking for six-year-old Casey and found him cuddled in Tello's arms, head under their chin, snoring quietly as they held him tight. He'd been more of a comfort to his entle than any of them had ever expected.
Over the years, as the turtles talked more and Tello got more stressed, Casey had become more and more fluent in the language of chirps and grunts and hisses. He'd always had a talent for perfect mimicry - used to copy bird calls to drive his mom nuts - and it came in handy.
Even years after most of his turtle family was gone, he'd still had that same habit as Tello. When he was tired, or pissed, or angry, he relied on a turtle language to communicate it, not a human one.
"Hey," Leonardo says softly, "you want to go back to bed, that's okay."
Casey shakes his head, then hesitates, looking up at his dad with a purr-like noises that gets a few notes higher at the end. The noise they used to refer to each other, call each other close, but with the upturn of a question.
Will you be with me?
"Sure thing, kiddo. Let's put on a Lou Jitsu movie for you to nap through."
Casey holds his hands up, and Leonardo obliges, pulling him to his feet with both hands and then up into his arms. Casey settles down comfortably, arms around Leonardo's neck, head on his shoulder, and is half asleep again by the time Leonardo carries him to the movie room.
The main villain hasn't even come onscreen by the time Casey's breathing has evened out. Leonardo doesn't have to look down to see that Casey's cuddled close where he's always felt safe, his skin warm against Leonardo's own, his hair falling in his face, a relaxed tangle of limbs at perfect peace.
It's derailed his plans for the morning, but he doesn't mind. No matter how much Casey grows up, he'll always be Leonardo's little boy.
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mrabubu · 9 months
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Future Donnie and Casey sketches for my comic You know the thing that I really adore? It's the fact that even tho Donnie is basically the only character we haven't seen the future version/concepts of, but the fandom has 2 things about his future self that is most common among the fandom: 1. He's BUFF 2. His skin marks would spread the way that it makes it look like he has a beard.
And I love it
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imababblekat · 6 months
Raphael W/ A Feisty S/O; HC's
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@ursulaprentissmay , "Hey! I recently found your blog and the stories are adorable🥰. I’d like to make a request if that’s alright; a Raph x fem/gn reader where the reader just wants to fight someone, knowing full well they’ll lose to any of the turtles. Hope you have a nice day, drink water and tea!"
-Raphaels s/o has nothing but spiciness in that body of theirs
-Mikey sometimes calls them a sour patch kid
-your excuse is having too much pent up energy
-may or may not have one time bit Vern
-no matter how much they beg, no one will spar with them, mostly because Raphael will have a conniption if they somehow get hurt
-it wasn't till you got into a street fight that, despite walking away with only a black eye and the other guy looking much worse, Raphael decided it would be best to at least train you how to fight properly
-finds it so funny how his s/o tries their hardest to bring him down; 100% holds them by the back of their shirt like some sort of feral cat
-loves watching you go at the punching bag, but also makes sure that your hands are properly protected before hand
-Raph adores your street skills, but also makes sure you know form and hone in on the skills he teaches you
-got lowkey kinda grumpy when you teasingly told him he was acting like Leo
-when he's confident in your growth as a fighter, he becomes open to the idea of letting you spar his brothers, ofc still keeping an eye out and letting out a curt chuff if he thinks one of them (usually Mikey) is getting a bit too rough
-speaking of Mikey, him and Raph with out a doubt will set Casey up to get his ass kicked by you
-they ofc find it hilarious as shit, but after poor Casey gathers himself he comes up with the great idea to trick Vern into fighting you next, to which both ninja brothers are absolutely down for
-Raphael couldn't be prouder or more attracted to you in the moment when you pulled a Black Widow versus Happy move on Vern when he tried to "show you the ropes" in the middle of the dojo
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 40 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Casey is obnoxious to you once again, you try your best to go about your day even though you're on the verge of tears. Bradley knew he shouldn't have been lying to you, but he didn't see any other way of dealing with things. Especially not when he was making some last minute changes.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of smut and age gap (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley didn't answer his phone when you called him on your way to work. Casey was trying to bait you, of that you were almost positive. But Bradley was acting strange all on his own, and the twin bakery boxes made you a little more anxious than you wanted to admit, even to yourself. 
This was going to be the downside to being with Bradley. He was older and sexy and had a real job and a cute kid, and other people were always going to take notice of that. But he put you in his will. He'd talked about rings, and you'd seen them in his internet tabs. There was no way he wasn't serious about this, because even if he was messing with you, he wouldn't mess with Noah. 
But you still felt jealous and petty as you drove to work. That crown shaped donut was adorable and delicious, but at what cost? Now you wished you had taken the time to see what was inside the pastry box Casey had at the daycare. You called Bradley one more time as you walked into work, but of course he didn't answer even though he should still have his phone on him at this hour. The urge to text or call Natasha was strong right now.
After you took care of a few of your patients, you caved and dug your phone out of your bag. Bradley finally responded to you.
Bradley Bradshaw: Hey, I know you said you're going grocery shopping on your way home today, but I need you to pick up Noah. I'll be late again.
You rolled your eyes as you texted him back.
Why exactly will you be late today?
You didn't have time to wait for a response, because you had to get the exam rooms ready for the upcoming patients. Dr. Kelly was dealing with an emergency in exam room one, and there was another child throwing up all over the waiting room. At the rate you were going here, you'd be lucky if you could even get to Noah on time after work. You felt like you were being pulled in four different directions, and you weren't in the mood for Bradley's bullshit. 
When nobody else wanted to clean up the waiting room, you went ahead and did it without complaining; it wasn't that kid's fault he had food poisoning. But you ended up crawling around on the floor for fifteen minutes with rubber gloves on, and then you just got more backed up with the child who was waiting for you in the last exam room. You didn't have time to eat lunch, but you took a quick bathroom break and checked your phone. 
There was nothing from Bradley, but Natasha had texted asking what you were wearing to Admiral Bates' retirement party. You pressed your lips together and took a screenshot of the poofy purple skirt and top that should be arriving today and sent it to her. Before she could respond, you sent another quick message.
Are you working late with Bradley today? Did you have to work late with him yesterday?
You used the bathroom and washed your hands, and you checked your phone one last time. 
Natasha Trace: I haven't been working late, and I followed him out of the parking garage yesterday. That shade of purple is going to look stunning next to Bradley's dress whites. I can't decide between my own dress whites or a formal gown. What's your opinion? Look like one of the guys or look like I'm trying too hard? Like I can't fucking win here, you know?
You absolutely loved that she wanted to ramble to you about her black tie options, you really did. But now you felt uncomfortable in your own skin. She just confirmed for you that Bradley left work on time yesterday. At the bare minimum he was lying to you again, but he could be doing something behind your back that would hurt you even more than that.
"Fuck," you muttered, knowing you had to get back to work. You smiled at your patients and let them take their time picking out stickers all afternoon. You cleaned and disinfected the exam rooms. You entered all of the information into the electronic charts while you answered questions for parents. You did it all without freaking out like you wanted to. 
When you were dismissed, you grabbed your things and rushed to your car to make it to the daycare in time to get Noah. Tears already stung your eyes, because you just knew you'd feel so much better when you got to see him and get a hug. You were still trying to decide if it was better or worse if Casey was still here as you parked and headed inside. Then her eyes locked with yours as soon as you entered the small lobby, and she still looked so smug in her cute outfit. But at least this meant she wasn't with Bradley. 
"Oh, it's you again," she said pleasantly as you walked to the counter. 
You put your hand out for the clipboard and said, "Yep. It's me. Told you I wasn't going anywhere. Could you please bring Noah out?"
"I will," she replied, reaching into that fucking blue box and pulling out a crown shaped donut. She nibbled on the end before setting it down again and handing you the clipboard. "You're the last one to arrive for pickup, which actually makes sense when I think about it. Bradley has you running all over the place for him, doesn't he?"
You ground your molars together to keep your mouth shut and signed your name as she took another bite of the donut. 
"I guess that's what babysitters do though. But it's funny that he didn't mention you at all when he and I were at the bakery yesterday."
Your eyes snapped up to meet her self satisfied gaze, and you wanted to rip that pretty donut out of her hand. "Just go get Noah."
"Gladly," she replied, heading for the classroom door. "You're holding me up right now anyway. I need to get back to Sweet Dreams to meet up with someone who looks damn good in a pair of aviator sunglasses. It's so nice having the best bakery in the city right in my neighborhood. It's a great spot to meet up with people."
If Bradley came home with another blue pastry box and claimed he was at work late again, you were going to throw the box back in his pretty face. 
"Mommy!" Noah called as he streaked across the lobby to you a second later. "I painted a purple dog for you!" He was holding up a painting of a purple blob with eyes and a nose, and you couldn't hold back your smile. 
"I love it," you whispered as you picked him up and kissed his chubby cheek. You made the decision to completely ignore Casey as you turned and walked out to the parking lot. "Hey, we need to stop and get groceries, so how about you pick what you want for dinner tonight."
He looked at you with those brown eyes that were identical to his dad's, except that these ones didn't have to try to look innocent, they just were. "Probably mac and cheese and ants on logs."
"Sounds perfect."
Once you and he got inside the grocery store, you were feeling extra ridiculous. You thought about making it a point to run up Bradley's credit card bill as high as you could by selecting imported exotic fruits and a bottle of champagne, but you just couldn't waste the money. You did buy yourself some expensive chocolate that you ate on the drive home though as you wondered just how late he was going to be tonight. 
You were kind of shocked as you pulled down the block with Noah and a trunk full of groceries to see the Bronco parked in the driveway. It was 6:45, so he must have arrived just before you, and you couldn't wait to put him on the spot. You slammed your door before unbuckling Noah from his seat in the back, and you really did feel like the fucking babysitter again right now. 
"Let's go, sweet Noah," you told him, leaving the groceries where they were for now. Hand in hand, the two of you walked up to the porch while he told you how many raisins he wanted on his carrots, but you barely heard him. When you opened the front door, Bradley was standing right there in the middle of the living room with a stupid smile on his face. He was holding another blue pastry box. 
"Hi," he said, leaning down to kiss you, but you backed away. His face scrunched in concern. "Everything okay?"
Noah was already bugging to see what was in the box this time, and you noticed Bradley had his other hand tucked behind his broad back. 
"I mean... no, not really," you said, slightly embarrassed by the way your voice shook. "Did you see Casey at the bakery again today? Just like last night?"
He looked completely taken aback. "How did you know I saw Casey last night?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and whispered, "Why do you keep lying to me about coming home late?"
Bradley sighed and pressed his lips together. "Look, I didn't want to have to lie to you, okay? That wasn't really my original plan, but then things got a little out of hand, and I didn't really see any other option."
"Just say it," you whispered, ready to reach for the box as your hands shook.
"I just wanted it to be a surprise," he said blandly as he pulled his hand out from behind his back. You gasped, and Noah immediately gave up on his mission to get something sweet out of the blue box.
"A dog!" Noah shouted as you looked at the tiny little Yorkshire terrier that Bradley was holding around the middle with one hand. It had a purple bow on top of its head and one leg in a cast, and it was honestly one of the cutest things you'd ever seen in your life. "A dog! A dog!" 
Bradley dropped down to kneel so Noah could get a closer look, but he kept his eyes on you as he said, "I adopted her from the shelter across town. It's on the same block as that fancy bakery. She has a broken leg, so we need to be really gentle with her while she's healing, okay?" He set the box down on the floor and sat with Noah, and now you were feeling pretty embarrassed. You still wanted to know what Casey was doing, but you tentatively sat down on the floor as well. 
When Bradley held his other arm out, you crawled in to give him a huge while Noah petted the little brown bundle of fur. He was showing how gently he could be, and the dog started licking his hands. You kissed Bradley's cheek, but he looked a little stern as he softly said, "You know I did this for you, right? You and Noah."
You didn't know what else to say, so you simply said, "Thank you."
He sighed and kissed your lips. "I saw Casey for like five minutes while I waited in line to buy your crown donut, okay? The guy from the shelter needed to interview me about getting a dog with an injury, so he and I sat in the bakery for a while and talked. I dropped off a check this afternoon, because they don't accept app payments, and I stopped at the bakery again for you. Then the guy from the shelter came by and did a quick inspection of the house and our backyard like an hour ago. And he left the dog with me. That's all."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered, "I love you, and I love the dog. And I'm happy you got to use your checkbook without anyone laughing at you."
Bradley chuckled as you ran your fingers through the dog's fur. She looked up at you with brown eyes that you swore perfectly matched those of the Bradshaw boys. 
"What's her name?" Noah asked as he got his face licked.
"Whatever you want it to be," Bradley replied. "She doesn't have one yet."
You and Noah made eye contact and both smiled brightly. "Skittles!"
Bradley groaned and laid back on the area rug right next to the snag, and he plopped Skittles down on his chest. "You already had a name picked out? And it's Skittles?"
"Yes!" Noah replied, also laying on Bradley's chest to get better access to his new pet.
"We picked a name that could work for a boy dog or a girl dog," you told Bradley, your heart feeling lighter than it had for the past day. "She's so adorable," you crooned as you ran your dand down her back. "Hi, Skittles. You're precious." Her brown eyes were transfixed on your face as you scratched just the right spot behind her ear. "Why is she in a cast?"
Bradley propped his hands behind his head, and the pup carefully walked up to lick his neck and face as you took a few pictures. "Hit by a car. She was abandoned down near Imperial Beach and someone dropped her at the shelter last week. I mentioned I was looking for a small puppy or younger dog that didn't shed, and Bob found her on the shelter website."
"You were left all alone? You sweet thing," you whispered, getting close enough for a lick across your nose. "She's darling!"
"Can she sleep with me in my bed?" Noah asked as Skittles climbed carefully onto Bradley's bicep and then onto the rug. She sniffed around the pastry box before plopping down bedside Bradley with her broken leg sticking out in front of her. 
"Maybe after her cast comes off, Bub."
Noah tried his best to pout, but you saw right through it, and a few seconds later he was smiling again. "Noah, what do you say to Daddy?" you reminded him. Then he was in Bradley's arms saying thank you a million times in a row.
While Bradley unloaded the groceries, you and Noah played on the living room floor with Skittles. He shook his head as he locked your car. "Skittles," he muttered, hauling the last few bags inside. "You've got to be shitting me." He chuckled to himself. You'd come into his life with your candy and your glossy lips and your sweetness and upended everything. He owned a fucking dog now, and you'd named it after your favorite snack. He even had a reminder in his phone to pay off his credit card balance so he could start shopping for a ring next month.
You smiled up at him from the floor as Noah squeaked a toy and held it out to the dog. Damn it, she was actually adorable. And the shelter gave her a little purple bow when he asked for that color. And she definitely had the puppy eyes down pat, because Bradley couldn't even walk through the room without stopping to pet her. 
He ended up carrying Skittles around the house for the rest of the night after you made mac and cheese for dinner. The dog was already trained to go to the bathroom outside, but he needed to be careful with her cast. The staff from the animal shelter had absolutely grilled him for information before they even came out to inspect whether or not the house and yard were safe for her. 
"Yeah, this is your yard now," he whispered to the dog as he carried her outside in one hand. She licked his cheek before he set her down and watched her sniff around as it got darker outside. She was only a year or two old, which is what he wanted. This way Noah and potentially his younger sibling could have more time with her as the dog grew older. 
"Come here," Bradley called, and Skittles moved as quickly as her little casted leg would allow her to. She stopped at his feet and looked up at him. "Fuck. You really are cute. And I'm going to look like an asshole when I take you for walks." But he was smiling as he picked her up again. When he turned, you were standing in the open doorway.
"You won't look like an asshole, Daddy. You'll look as adorable as Skittles does."
He kissed your forehead and asked, "Is Noah in bed?"
"Yeah. He wants you to go in and say goodnight. And may I please hold the dog for a few minutes?" you asked with a little pout. 
"Nope," he replied, kissing your cheek. "Gotta let Noah say goodnight to her, too."
"Then can I play with her?"
Bradley held the dog's face up to his ear. "What's that, Skittles? You said you like me the best and want me to keep holding you? That's what I thought."
"Hey!" you complained, playfully hitting his arm as the pup licked his ear. You looked happier right now than you had earlier, but Bradley knew he needed to have a conversation about Casey. He couldn't understand what set you off so much earlier. 
As he carried Skittles toward Noah's room, he replayed the events from yesterday in his mind. He'd been sitting in the bakery for about an hour before he finished talking to the representative from the animal shelter, and when he stood up, Casey was already there. And yeah, she was a nuisance as usual. She put her hand on Bradley's forearm and mentioned that she liked his uniform, but she always tried to do that shit. Then she waited in line like she was with him instead of behind or in front of him, and she went on and on about how she lived right around the corner.
When he finally managed to leave with the bakery box and your cute donut, he was exhausted. And he'd only had to listen to her for a few minutes. Then she stood next to the Bronco with him like she expected a ride home or something, which was ridiculous since she told him so many times that she lived around the corner. 
He sighed and kissed Skittles on the head as he carried her in to say goodnight to Noah. "I love her," his son said as Bradley held her so she could lick his face. "I'll be really careful so she can sleep in here with me," he pleaded. 
Bradley kissed his cheek. "Not tonight, Bub. I already told you, she needs to heal up first."
Noah reached out to pet her before rolling onto his side with a little scowl, but he was already asleep by the time Bradley left the room. And then he went into his bedroom which always smelled like wildflowers and found you on the bed wearing that sexy little purple nightie you bought online. For a brief second he wondered if you were wearing your plug, but then he remembered he needed to have a conversation with you. 
You held your hands out to Skittles, but Bradley just shook his head and carried her to the little plush bed he set up in the corner and set her there. She walked in a delicate circle before plopping down and yawning. "How are you this cute?" he asked the animal before turning back to where you were sitting with your arms crossed.
"Why won't you let me hold Skittles?"
"Because we need to talk," he replied immediately. You flopped back against the pillows as Bradley climbed in bed with you. "Come here," he whispered, patting his chest, and sure enough, you crawled over and snuggled against him. "Tell me what's bothering you."
You draped your arm across his abs and said, "You won't let me hold Skittles!"
"That's not what I'm talking about," he murmured, kissing the top of your head. He didn't want to have to be the one to say it, so he stroked your bare arm and waited. 
You sighed softly and said, "Casey always tries to bait me when I see her at daycare dropoff or pick up. I'm sorry I came in hot with you today. But you should hear what she says."
Bradley thought he'd made it clear that he wasn't interested in her after he returned from his last deployment. He made no secret of grabbing at you and kissing you in front of Casey. He knew it was probably because you and she were the same age, and Casey definitely saw the way he doted on you. "She's probably just jealous, because I like to spoil you."
You snorted. "She's jealous, because you're hot, Daddy."
Bradley could feel his cheeks flush with heat as you shifted slightly and looked up at him. "What did she say to you today?" he asked.
Your eyes fluttered closed in embarrassment, and you looked bashful as you whispered, "She made it seem like she met you at the bakery. Like it was something you and she planned ahead of time. And she had a blue bakery box and a princess crown donut, and she ate it in front of me. And now I'm starting to realize how ridiculous this sounds, because I trust you."
"I know you do, Princess," he replied as he looked at your purple crown on the bedpost. "And I trust you. But I just can't believe she did that." He studied your gorgeous face and ran his knuckles along your cheek. "I'm sorry I lied to you about staying at work late. That was shitty. I just wanted you and Noah both to be surprised since you've both been bugging for a dog. I just wanted to get you something special."
"Apology accepted. And dog accepted, too," you whispered as he stroked the soft skin of your neck.
"Listen. I'm not interested in Casey. I'm never going to be interested in Casey. I saw her for five or ten minutes at the bakery, and she asked why I was on that side of town. I told her the other guy was from the shelter and I was thinking about getting a dog. She waited with me in line and practically gave me a migraine from how much she talks. I didn't pay attention to what she bought, so if she had a princess crown donut, then she bought it herself."
You smiled up at him. "Those donuts are so good. Pissed me off that she had one and tried to rub it in my face. She must have heard what you ordered."
He smirked. "Yeah well, you're the one getting cream filled donuts and a cream filled pussy anytime you want."
"Daddy!" you gasped. "That's fucking naughty."
"Get up here," he whispered, and then you moved up his body until your lips met his. "I love you. You're Noah's mommy. You're my Princess. I want to be with you. Don't worry about Casey." But he knew he'd have to have another conversation tomorrow, which he was more than happy to do for you. 
You pressed soft kisses to his mustache as he ran his hand up your thigh, curious if you were wearing panties. You were not. "You know what I really want, Daddy?"
"Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
You gently bit his bottom lip before releasing it and giggling. "I want to play with Skittles."
Bradley groaned as you scrambled off of his semi hard cock and climbed out of bed. He got a delicious view of your bare ass as you bent to pick the dog up and carry her back to bed. "You're the cutest little girl! Look at you in your purple bow! Oh, I just love you!"
Then he watched as you climbed back onto the bed with all the care in the world and had the pup cradled against you. When he chuckled and left the room, you didn't even seem to notice. He used the bathroom and went to the kitchen in search of the blue pastry box while he planned out what he'd say to Casey. He wasn't about to tolerate someone intentionally making you uncomfortable, especially when it came to him. 
He grabbed a plate and the fresh princess crown donut, wondering if he could get the bakery to make one that looked like a wedding ring. Then he carried the plate back to the bedroom where Skittles was laying on her back while you tickled her tummy. Bradley just stood there and held the plate as he watched you play and listened to you laugh. You kissed the dog and said, "I'm going to buy you a purple collar and leash with Daddy's credit card. And when your cast comes off, Noah and I will take you for hikes around the block. And Daddy is so big, he's going to look so hot walking such a tiny dog. Either that, or he'll look like an asshole."
"I'm standing right here." 
You smirked when you looked at him. "I know," you said, scratching Skittles on her belly as she squirmed around. "Is it okay if I order her a leash and some snacks?"
"Get whatever you want," he said, handing you the plate and kissing you before he stole the dog from your grasp.
"Hey!" you complained with a laugh.
"It's time for Skittles to go to bed. Eat your princess donut, and then I'll fill you with cream if you're in the mood for it."
You just looked at him coyly as you nibbled on the donut, and he put the pup in her little bed once again.
The next morning, Bradley let you sleep in a little later than usual while he got Noah ready and packed you a sandwich for your lunch. He'd kept you up pretty late, fucking you slow and steady until he got a shaking orgasm out of you. Then he took his time as you babbled and kissed him sweetly, finally filling you up with his cum. He called you his little donut as you fell asleep. 
"Fuck," he grunted as he thought about it, starting to get hard in his flight suit as he made your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
"Morning," you sang as you strolled into the kitchen in your scrubs. You kissed his cheek and then pet Skittles where she sat looking up at the sandwich, hoping some would fall on the floor. Then you sat down next to Noah as he ate his cereal and told you that he loved Skittles even more than dinosaurs.
"More than dinosaurs?" you asked, brushing his hair back from his forehead as he dipped his spoon back into his bowl. "That's a whole lot."
"Yep," he agreed. "I love Skittles almost as much as I love you and Daddy."
Bradley watched you kiss his son on the cheek before you got your own bowl of cereal ready. "Should we thank Daddy again for bringing her home?"
"Thanks, Daddy," you and Noah sang out in unison. 
Bradley just smiled and said, "You're welcome. Noah, finish eating so we're not late. Princess, can you put Skittles in her crate before you leave?"
"Yes," you told him between bites of breakfast. "And I'll order her leash and stuff later today."
He kissed you hard before bringing you coffee in the mug that said Noah's Daddy. Then he scooped Noah up and carried him off to get his shoes on. It was getting seriously late at this point, and he knew he'd be in the daycare for an extra minute or two this morning. "I love you, Baby," he called out, rushing back into the kitchen for a second when he was finally ready to leave. 
You gave him and Noah one last kiss apiece, and then Noah hugged Skittles. "We gotta go," Bradley told him, rushing him out to the Bronco. It only took a few minutes to get to the daycare, and Bradley had a good idea what he wanted to say. He found himself hoping that Casey was at the front desk this morning, not wanting to draw this shit out any longer. 
When he walked Noah inside, hand in hand, Bradley saw her right away. She looked up at him with parted lips and a little smile as he tugged his aviators off. Then she looked at his son and said, "Good morning, Noah!" Her eyes darted back up as she added in a softer voice, "And Bradley."
He watched her walk Noah into the classroom before he signed his name on the clipboard. When Casey walked back toward him, there was nobody else in the lobby. He held out the clipboard for her and said, "I'd actually prefer it if you called me Lieutenant Bradshaw."
She giggled as if she was being treated to something even better than use of his first name, and Bradley had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. "Okay, Lieutenant Bradshaw," she whispered, tossing her hair over her shoulder. 
He cleared his throat. "Can we chat for a minute?"
Casey set the clipboard down and came to stand alarmingly close to him. This was every bit as bad as you had claimed, and frankly he was more than a little bit surprised by how bold she was. Bradley took a step away and shook his head. "Look Casey, this is never going to happen."
She froze on the spot, and her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "Oh."
"Right. And I really don't want to have to go to your boss, so I need you to just knock it off, okay? My girl and I don't keep secrets from each other, so I know about how you talk to her, and I don't appreciate it at all. She's as good as being Noah's mom and my wife."
Now her cheeks were a deeper shade of red, and she was rushing back around to the other side of the desk. "Okay," she whispered. "I'm just surprised she said something to you about it."
"Don't be. Like I said, we talk about everything. And if you pull some more shit, I'll hear about that, too. Promise."
He stood his ground until she looked up at him. All she said was, "Okay," and then Bradley put his aviators back on as he turned toward the door. 
"You have a great day."
Casey, you literal nightmare. She'd be delighted if she broke them up. Can't wait to see her next time Princess shows up. And Daddy shouldn't even try to be sneaky. Just no, Daddy. But welcome, Skittles! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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whateverloomis · 2 months
What if you did a Billy x reader x Stu where they’re like IN LOVE in love w reader but the readers just super oblivious and when they kill their girlfriends readers just like “oh shit I’m next” but they confess they’re love also reader could be gender neutral
(I’m sorry if this sucks I am NOT good at requests)
Don't worry anon, it's totally okay! I feel like I got way too dramatic with this lmao, but we need a little bit of drama to spice things up once in a while :P
Warnings: Hopelessly romantic Billy and Stu (lol,) stalking, mentions of murders, touchy feely Billy and Stu, kissing (nothing too intense here,) unedited
Word count: 1.3k
Reader: GN, no pronouns used
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Casey, Tatum and now Sidney. You're most likely next. No, you are next, 100%. Why would the ghost face killer spare you? You're part of the friend group and you sure as hell aren't special. At least that's what you told yourself, but Billy and Stu thought different.
They were both painfully in love with you. They couldn't handle having anyone trying to hit on you and steal you from them. They were possessive and with each day it got even more intense and fucked up.
They's kill whoever showed any kind of romantic interest in you. It was unbearable to know there was someone else other than them who felt for you.
Billy loved to follow you to your house and make random apparitions when you least expected it. He thought it was so adorable when you did that little jump when he scared you.
"Billy! You scared me!" You said after gasping.
"Aw I didn't mean to." He said, eyes dark with amusement.
You looked around, anxiety evident since he triggered your fight or flight. What if there was someone else following you? What if the killer's stalking you without you realizing it? If Billy, your close friend who you could easily recognize could do it then a masked killer could do it too. You were terrified.
"It's okay I... Can you walk me home? It's getting kinda dark already." You asked and Billy smirked. He got exactly what he wanted.
"Sure thing."
Somewhere along the way he placed his hand around your waist while you guys walked. You didn’t think much of it since he obviously didn’t mean anything by it, so you thought. Instead, you expressed to him how scared you were because of the kills taking place in Woodsboro. It had been months since your friends were slaughtered and you got pretty good at suppressing your emotions and continuing your life semi normally, but it still got to you inevitably from time to time.
Billy and Stu were your primary source of comfort. After the kills took place they didn’t waste any time and became as close to you as they could.
“I understand your worries and fears, YN. Really, I do, but…” he trailed off. Billy didn’t want to exactly dismiss your words, he just wanted to play around with them a little bit so everything was in his and Stu’s favor.
“…but you have me now. Me and Stu. We’ll protect you no matter what. You’re safe, I promise.” Billy reassured and smirked in satisfaction once he felt you relax under his shoulder.
“You’re right,” you said softly as you climbed up the stairs to your front porch.
Billy stood in front of you, one step lower and leaned against the wooden rail. He looked into your eyes and for a second your heart skipped a beat, but you blinked quickly and looked away, composing yourself.
Billy is undeniably attractive but you couldn't go there, plus there was no chance in hell he'd be interested, so you brush any weird feelings away.
"You home alone tonight? I can keep you company if you'd like," the boy suggested and you definitely wouldn't have minded one bit. Being home alone wasn't your favorite thing especially after the murders. Much less being alone an entire week thanks to your parents being away on a work trip.
You hesitated for a moment, not knowing if it would be best to be alone or with someone in the house. What if Billy got killed instead of you? Or worse, what if you both got killed? In your own home? The irrational thoughts ran wild and Billy could see that you were lost in them.
"Hey" he said softly and grabbed your hand reassuringly, secretly seeking more physical contact with you; "It's okay if you don't want me to-" - "No, no it's not that I just..." you trailed off when you felt Billy touch your cheek with his free hand, looking into your eyes. Was he going to kiss you? It definitely looked like he was, but the boy got interrupted.
"What's up kiddos!? We having a party at YNs?" Stu broke Billy's moment as he approached from behind. The boy bit his lip in annoyance and glared at Stu as he made his way towards you and hugged you tightly, lifting you up in the process.
You inevitably giggled at his playfulness and placed your hands on his chest as he set you down.
"C'mon! Let's have a movie night or something! You got popcorn here?" Stu asked excitedly and you nodded. His cheerfulness made the idea sound perfect, so you took his offer and invited the boys in.
"Ugh, why is there always a lowkey love interest in horror movies? Everyone is gonna die anyways." You said related to the film you were watching.
Billy craned his neck to the side and looked at you, lifting an eyebrow in intrigue; "Why wouldn't there be? It makes things more interesting." He said and Stu hummed in agreement, lost in the sex scene that was taking place on the screen.
"Well, yeah but what's the point? Honestly." You replied and Billy gave you a confused expression.
"I mean, have you ever been in love? If you analyze it, it does make sense." Billy said and you thought for a second before replying; "Mm, no. I don't think I ever have."
At your words Billy shifted on the couch to face you completely. Stu paused the movie, too shocked to continue watching the film.
"Are you serious?" Billy asked and Stu looked at you in shock, his head resting on Billy's shoulder.
"No. It's not a big deal guys. Plus, nobody has ever been in love with me either so it doesn't really matter."
The boys tensed up at your words. Were you really that oblivious? The tension, the touchiness, the compliments, all their love languages spilled on you wasn't obvious enough?
"What if I told you that you're wrong?" Billy asked, his voice soft.
"The signs have been in front of you the whole time, YN!" Stu said, losing his patience.
You couldn't read their expressions or understand what they were trying to say. Were they admitting that they both love you? There was no way that could be true, right?
"Wh- What are you guys saying?" You asked and Billy had enough of your games, even though you had no idea they felt challenged by you.
The boy leaned in and kissed you. His hand immediately fell on your thigh and you couldn't help but kiss him back.
Stu stood up and sat behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing kisses on your shoulder.
You felt chills all over your body at the sensation of both of their lips on you. You never thought you'd ever be in this position, much less with your best friends. The only ones left after everything. The only ones who were there for you.
Your emotions were overwhelming. You were confused, excited and turned on all at once. Maybe you have feelings for them too and didn't even realize it.
"You don't know how much I've been waiting to get my hands on you." Billy whispered against your lips and kissed you a few more times before continuing; "Show you how much I feel for you... Fuck, how much we both feel for you." He bit his lower lip and kissed you again.
You moaned into Billy's mouth, his words were so promising. So real.
"Mhmm." Stu hummed softly in agreement next to you; "It's been driving me crazy, YN... Both of us." He continued and turned you around. It was his turn to kiss you now. You played with each other's tongues and moaned softly into each other's mouths before he finally said it; "We love you." He kissed you once more before continuing; "So fucking much." He finished as he squeezed your sides in excitement.
Billy wrapped his arms around you from behind, his limbs resting above Stu's; "So... So much, baby." He whispered in your ear and you just about melted.
You had so much to figure out. So much to address with yourself and so much confusion circling in your head, but all you could think about was how much you wanted them. How much you needed to feel them and explore their feelings further. How much you needed Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Just casually lifting Casey like a Monkey on a tree branch.
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Normal Uncle stuff.
Their dynamic is honestly the most wholesome. Like, yeah, Leo is his Dad. But look the intimacy UncleTello gives Casey is adorable. It's fun looking back at past chapters and seeing the amount of love he gives Casey. Especially in the last part. Knowing Casey lost everything, how alone he was for so long, how alone he still feels.
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I mean, look at that realization. You can tell he had a conversation in his mind within that whole interaction. How it really is up to UncleTello to take care of everything again. Not that I think he's going to mind. If anyone is going to be able to give this boy comfort, it's gonna be the best uncle ever. Honestly, his interaction with Casey is a big part of what kept me hooked on this series. I mean, I love all the interactions he has with the boys, including Raph for a short while. But it was clear who Casey favored out of the 4. I can't wait to see who you bring back next. Low key hoping Leo is last.
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a/n: a little festive mat fic! written fairly quickly and minimally edited, but i wanted to get something out for the holiday! not too much more to say except i hope you guys all have a wonderful holiday and i’ll be quiet for the rest of the year, writing and stockpiling fics lol
word count: 4.8k
tw: a little innuendo, nothing crazy
summary: after spending the day hanging out with the team, you have some news for mat
“The snow was a nice touch,” you grin at Holly Horvat. A light dusting of snow is falling outside, the grass in the Horvats’ backyard already white.
Holly laughs, “oh, you know me. I have a connect to make sure even the weather is perfect for our events.” She pours M&Ms into a few small ramekins that are going to be placed around the kitchen island and dining room table where the kids will be decorating gingerbread houses.
The house is bustling with people and noise and you can’t help but love it. You miss having huge family gatherings, ever since your parents moved off Long Island and down south. The rest of your family is scattered to the winds, so it’s nice to be folded into the big team family get togethers. Joining a group of women who love any excuse to throw a party has been one of the biggest benefits from your relationship with Mat.
Half a dozen kids run past you - you spot the Bailey boys and Brock’s two oldest kids in the group as they blur by - holding jackets and their sneakers. “Mini sticks is getting moved outside,” Noah grins as he breezes past you, swiping a handful of M&Ms from the little bowl.
“Stay warm,” you tease, watching him follow the kids out the back door. A parade of adult men follow him - Wahlly, Casey, Josh, Brock, and finally Mat, who stops to give your waist a little squeeze.
“Kiss for luck?” He asks, puckering his lips at you in a dramatic duck face. You giggle and plant one on him, pulling back before he can slip his tongue past your lips.
Mat leans slightly against you, his face a little flushed already from the twenty minutes of mini sticks that’s been going on in the basement. “What do you need luck for?” You ask, carding your fingers through his hair.
“Jacky’s got a wicked wrister,” Mat grins, referring to Casey’s oldest, “and no idea how to aim. Do you know how many pucks to the head I’ve dodged?”
A snort of laughter makes Mat’s lips turn down in a frown. “Oh, I guess you just don’t care about my health,” he sighs dramatically, pulling away from your side. “It’s fine. I’ll take a slap shot to the head and then you’ll see how much you miss my charming personality.”
“Dramatics,” you murmur affectionately, hooking your fingers in his belt loops. “He’s five and you guys use a Nerf ball. I think you’ll live.”
“Maaaat!” Jack comes barreling through the room and crashes into your fiancé’s legs. “C’mon! Everybody’s outside.” The little boy looks adorable in his puffer coat, a little beanie pulled haphazardly over his blonde hair. He wrinkles his face up at Mat in an impatient frown and you can’t help but egg him on.
“Yeah, Mat,” you prod him in the side, looking innocent, “everyone’s outside already.”
He rolls his eyes at you, but grins down at Jack and swoops him into his arms, making Jack shriek with laughter. You prop your chin in the palm of your hand and watch Mat tickle Jack’s belly while he carries him outside. Jack’s little sneakered feet are kicking in the air, narrowly avoiding Mat’s head.
“He’s really good with the kids,” Kristy Cizikas comments, coming into the kitchen with baby Cole propped on her hip.
You scrunch up your face at Cole to make him laugh, “it’s because he’s a big kid himself, right Coley? Huh? Is Matty a big kid?” You giggle at your own baby talk and warmth blooms in your chest when you’re rewarded with a gummy baby smile. “Ooh, you make cute babies,” you tell Kristy.
She shakes her head affectionately, “I swear, they’re all Casey. It’s like my genes didn’t even try.”
“Hey, in like six months you and Mat can start catching up to the rest of us,” Sydney Martin teases, easily passing Alice to you when you reach out for the one-year-old. Alice immediately grabs a chunk of your hair and you wince, untangling chubby fingers from the strands.
You hum noncommittally as you work. “We’ll see what happens,” you shrug. “Might be nice to just be the two of us for a bit.”
“But don’t you want that all the time?” Syd laughs, gesturing to you now that Alice’s fingers are hooked in your mouth. You pretend to nibble on them, making her shriek with laughter. She finishes helping Holly set out the candy, knowing the rest of the kids will start wandering their way into the kitchen.
“One day, definitely,” you nod, settling Alice more securely on your lap, one arm looped around her stomach. The little girl slaps her palms happily on the countertop and you giggle, resting your chin on her head. “No rush though.”
As you settle at the table with the kids, the other guys trail in and out of the backyard, the noise of mini sticks floating inside.
You get to be in charge of Alice during decorating, sitting in between Syd with Winnie and Ashlee with Luca while the kids decorate their pre-made houses. You squirt a line of frosting onto the roof and Alice uses her little pincer grip to place M&Ms on the line. “Oh, good job,” you tell her in a bright, encouraging voice. She rewards you with a half melted piece of candy smushed against your cheek.
“Mommy,” Winnie’s little voice pipes up, “Ali’s makin’ a mess.”
“So are you, Win,” Sydney laughs, wiping up a smudge of frosting off of Winnie’s sweater. “Everyone is going to make a little bit of a mess and that’s okay.”
From your spot at the island, you can see right out the back door and you watch the mini sticks tournament that’s happening. Kids versus adults and honestly, it looks like the adults are having a rough go of it. Mat’s on the ground, a pile of children fighting him. Whally has Cal’s oldest on his shoulders and you honestly wonder how that ended up happening. Sticks have been discarded and the Nerf pucks are strewn around. You watch Casey pull Jack out of the pile on top of Mat, his little arms and legs kicking. From the ground, Mat jokingly sticks his tongue out at Jack and you shake your head. Of course he has beef with a five-year-old.
Bo and Gunnar join the fun outside and Mat slaps the little boy’s hand in a high-five. Your stomach swoops a little. It’s always such a turn-on when Mat interacts with kids, but it’s a little different now.
Alice pats your hand and grumbles a little. “Whoops, sorry, Al,” you squeeze more frosting onto the house for her to decorate.
“Distracted?” Ashlee asks, pulling Luca’s frosting covered hand away from his hair. She wipes his fingers off with a napkin and gives him a pretzel to stick onto his little house. She pops another pretzel into her own mouth.
You hum. “Just making sure he’s not being totally steamrolled by a pack of kids,” you laugh lightly. While Alice works on the roof of her house, you put a few Starburts in place to act as a little pathway going to the door.
In the backyard, Mat stands up, Mack and Wyatt Bailey hanging from each arm. He shakes them gently and you can see both boys’ heads fall back with wild laughter. Meg looks up from where she’s helping Blake with a pattern of Smarties on her roof. “Honestly, if he wasn’t busy with, you know, his actual job,” she laughs, “I’d hire him as a babysitter. The kids loved when he lived with us.”
The entire kitchen of women laugh when the back door slides open and Mat steps back inside, shaking melted snow from his short hair. He stops and looks up, scanning the room full of laughing women. “What?” He asks, eyebrows drawn together. “I interrupt something? Want me to leave so you ladies can keep talking about me?” He laughs brightly, flashing his teeth.
“You can stay,” you offer generously, tilting your head up as he passes for a kiss. Mat’s hand is freezing when it cups your jaw and you flinch a little. He mumbles a ‘sorry’ against your lips before kissing them. When he pulls away, to a soundtrack of ‘awww’s from the women and a joking ‘get a room’ from Sydney, you continue, “but you have to take orders from toddlers, if you do.”
“Like I’m not already doing that,” he laughs, swiping a thumb over your cheekbone and sucking it into his mouth. “Frosting,” he explains, smirking. Your cheeks flush.
Winnie stands up on her chair and leans into you, poking at your cheek with her fingers. “Red, I wanna be red!” She bounces a little and looks over at Mat who scrunches up his whole face at her and tickles her sides, making her shriek with laughter and flop back into Sydney’s arms.
Sydney laughs and tickles Winnie’s side, “girlfriend, you’re collecting boyfriends around here like they’re Pokémon cards.”
Satisfied by the chaos he caused, Mat backs into the hallway, explaining, “I was sent to get more jackets and gloves and sh-stuff,” he course-corrects before letting the curse slip. “It’s freezing out there.”
He’s gone, rummaging through the massive hall closet, before reappearing wearing his own coat and holding an armful of the other guys’ outerwear.
“Who’s winning?” Holly teases, while you all watch Mat struggle to pull a beanie on without dropping anything. He fails spectacularly and gives up when he realizes that everything’s slowly falling to the floor.
Mat scoffs. “The kids, obviously. They’re unhinged,” he grins widely and you can tell he’s having a blast. There’s a chorus of his name being shouted from outside and Mat scoops up the dropped outerwear before dashing off to rejoin the fun.
Sydney leans in and nudges your side gently. “He’s going to be a great dad,” she whispers, smiling knowingly.
You chew at the inside of your cheek and manage a barely convincing smile. “One day, definitely,” you reply, holding an Oreo for Alice to chew at.
She shoots you a little side eyed look and you studiously ignore her, focusing on telling Reese Cizikas how great her house looks. Things start to get messy - well, messier - after a while and the kids get antsy until they’re turned loose from the table to run off around the house. While you clean up the candy, the guys come back inside with the older kids and you can’t help but laugh at how the three youngest men, including your fiancé, have kids hanging off of them.
“If you kids let go of the guys,” Holly says warmly, “I’ll pass around some hot chocolate.”
It’s a mad scramble for the kids to abandon Mat, Noah, and Oliver - and they actually look mildly offended when the kids just toss their jackets back at them in their dash for hot chocolate. You take some of the gear from Mat and lean up on your toes to kiss his cheek, “don’t look so sad, you can have another play date with your friends soon.”
“Menace,” Mat grins, reaching around to pinch at your ass.
“I’ll text Kristy,” you giggle, continuing the joke, “Jack can come over and beat you at mini sticks again.”
“I’m gonna toss your phone into the ocean,” Mat deadpans.
You lower your voice and lean closer to him to whisper, “how will I send all those pictures you like?”
“You can keep the phone,” Mat replies immediately and you laugh, tugging at the open edges of his jacket. He pulls you close and you wrap one arm around his waist, his body warm even though his hands and face are cold. You bury your face in his chest and stifle a yawn. Mat’s hand is warming your back where he rubs it up and down your spine. “Still feeling gross after that bug?”
“Not gross,” you tilt your head to look up at him, still cuddled against his chest, “just tired. Haven’t been sleeping well.”
“We can head home, if you want,” Mat offers, but you shake your head again. You like it when the whole group is together and you want to keep enjoying the time with your friends.
You pull back slightly from Mat’s arms, his hands still resting on your back. “I just need a little bit of sugar and I’ll be good to go,” you smile at him. His eyes twinkle before he leans down and plants a smacking, dramatic kiss on your lips.
“Good to go?” He teases when he pulls back.
“Not that kind of sugar,” you giggle, delighted by him always.
“You guys are disgustingly cute,” Ashlee says, breaking into the Mat Barzal bubble that you’ve been enveloped in for the last few minutes. You startle a little and some of the other wives laugh.
“Oh god, she forgot we’re even here,” Sydney shakes her head, an exaggerated frown on her lips.
Meg smirks, “thank god we interrupted them before it went too far.”
Your cheeks are warm from the teasing and Mat just turns on the charm, grinning widely at his teammates’ wives. “It’s all part of the Barzal charm,” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“What charm?” Bo chirps, coming into the kitchen with Tulsa on his hip. “All you’re good at is league mandated iPad time.”
“Don’t forget all the time he spends sitting on his ass on the ice,” Noah grins wickedly.
“Tell us,” Casey asks you, “is it part of his charm when he messes up common sayings?”
You giggle, sucking your lips into your mouth when Mat glares down at you.
“You guys suck,” Mat flips them off, immediately apologizing when he realizes some of the kids are still in the room. “Sorry, Holly, Meg.”
They waive off his apologies, sending him into the den with a tray of snacks for the kids. They’re watching a movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer if the familiar music is to be believed, and you know half the dads are also in the den, napping on the couches. Mat disappears for a while too and you leave him to the movie, knowing he’s exhausted. You get to hang out with the girls for a few more hours, interspersed with hugs and drawings from Gunnar and Winnie, before the party starts to break up.
Everyone��s gone slowly and then all at once, and you and Mat are walking the three blocks towards your house. He bumps your hip with his as you walk, his fingers laced with yours. “You coming to the game tomorrow?” He asks, getting a sense of what the week ahead will look like.
“Mhm,” you hum, “I’m going to go with Syd, so I’m not sure if I’ll end up staying the whole game. So make sure you do all the good stuff in the first.”
Mat bumps your hip again and you laugh, the sound echoing in the cold air. “I save all my best stuff for you,” he retorts, unlocking the front door and letting you step inside before him. He winks at you, his entire face scrunching up in his terrible attempt.
You scoff at him and flip the switches to turn on the Christmas lights, bathing the whole house in the warm glow of multi-colored string lights. You sigh happily, loving the over the top decorations you’d insisted on and the way the entire house smells like pine and cinnamon from diffusers and candles left open but unlit. Mat crowds your space and kisses the back of your neck.
“Couch time?” He mumbles against your skin.
“Couch time,” you agree, muffling another yawn.
You race to the bedroom, changing out of your clothes as quick as possible to get into comfy sweats and sweatshirts. Mat tosses a pillow at your face to distract you, but you swat it out of the air, nearly getting your foot stuck in the leg of your sweats.
“You like when I’m a weighted blanket,” Mat says, voice muffled by the sweatshirt he’s pulling over his head. “Why are you racing me to be on top?”
You don’t waste time pulling on your sweatshirt in the room and instead dart back out to the hallway and skip down the stairs, flopping onto the couch in just your sweats, completely topless. Mat’s hot on your heels and grumbles when he sees you yanking the fabric over your head. Smugly, you reply, “I don’t wanna be squished today. I want to use you as a body pillow.”
He submits to his fate and flops down onto the couch, oversized enough that the two of you could lay side by side and be comfortable, and opens his arms for you to crawl onto his chest. The both of you love the soft pressure of the other person laying on top of them so you’ve had to come up with a contest over the course of your relationship - first person on the couch gets to be on top. More often than not, you end up sprawled over Mat since it’s an easy way to transition into couch sex.
Now, you’re so tired you definitely will be keeping all of your clothes on. But you hum happily when you settle on top of him, your knees tucked nicely against either side of his hips, straddling his lap. When you curl up against his chest, your lower back stretches pleasantly and you wiggle a little, wrapping your arms around his torso and tucking your head under his chin. Mat’s arms wrap around you, one hand covering the back of your head so his fingertips can stroke against the shell of your ear.
He pulls the decorative blanket off the back of the couch with his other hand and arranges it over your bodies, making sure his feet stick out on the end so he doesn’t overheat. “You good?” He asks, his jaw bumping against the top of your head when he speaks. You nod against him and close your eyes, settling into his warmth. Mat turns on the TV, flipping it to ESPN before letting his hand rest low on the curve of your back, fingers grazing the top of your ass.
Mat’s heart beats steadily under your cheek and his hand is warm where it rests on your head. Couch time is exactly what you needed today. Your eyelids flutter shut every so often and you must fall asleep for a little nap because the next thing you know, it’s darker outside and Mat is running his thumb over your cheekbone.
“Hey,” he whispers and you lift your head to look at him blearily, momentarily confused.
“Hi,” you mumble sleepily, brushing your nose against his chin. “What time’s it?”
“Just after 4:30,” he replies and now the TV’s playing a rerun of The Office. He chuckles at a joke and rubs his fingertips against your scalp in a little massage. “You’ve been out for like forty-five minutes and I would’ve let you sleep, but I’m starving.”
Your heart skips a beat and you’re fully awake now. “Oh, same,” you say casually, rolling off of Mat and tucking yourself against his side. “I actually would love a piece of that gingerbread house that I ordered.”
“Gingerbread house?” Mat raises an eyebrow. “When’d you get that?”
“It was delivered the other day,” you explain. “I wanted something cute for our first engaged Christmas.”
Mat sits up, taking you with him and you wiggle around so you’re sitting cross-legged on the couch, facing him. “I totally forgot to show it to you,” you shrug, proud of yourself for being so normal. “But why don’t you go take a look and bring me back a piece?”
“Yeah, okay,” Mat shrugs, scratching your scalp once before getting up. “Dessert before dinner usually means eating you out, but gingerbread is cool too.”
He says it so casually that you don’t really process what he says until he’s already in the kitchen. You bounce up on your knees to look at him over the back of the couch, yelping his name when it finally sinks in. He’s laughing as he pulls the new box down from where it’s been sitting on top of the fridge. “Took you long enough,” he laughs, popping the top of the white cardboard. “That nap really must’ve taken it out of you.”
You scowl at him but don’t reply, anxiously waiting to see his reaction to the gingerbread house. He pulls it out of the box and his lips quirk up in a little smile. “It’s cute,” he says, looking at the house, professionally decorated. “Way better than the ones the kids made today.”
A laugh works its way out of your mouth as he studies it, taking in the details. “Huh,” he mutters, more to himself than anything else, “three people. Must’ve read your order wrong, Squeaks.”
“Oh?” You breathe. “There were supposed to be me and you…” You trail off.
“Yeah, they’re here,” Mat reads the little names iced onto the gingerbread people. “There’s you and Mat and…” he falters, squinting at the third figure, bringing it closer to his face, “Baby B?”
He looks over at you, forehead creased and eyebrows drawn together over his nose. “Baby B?” He repeats the question and you smile carefully at him, hand sliding across the back of the couch so your fingertips rest on your stomach.
“Baby B,” you confirm shakily. Tears well at your lower lash line and you watch Mat for his reaction.
He blinks at you, eyes darting between your face, your stomach, and the gingerbread figure held in his hand. “Wait? Seriously?” He sounds dazed and you can’t blame him. You were freaked out when you took the test a week and a half ago. It’s been the hardest secret you’ve ever had to keep. “You’re…there’s a baby?” His eyes are wide and his jaw hangs open a little.
You nod. “It’s, um, been hanging out for like six-ish, seven weeks,” you whisper, flattening your hand over your stomach. Mat’s eyes track your movement and he exhales a shaky breath.
Mat breathes your name and crosses the room in a few large strides. He cups your cheeks in his hands and studies your face, wiping at the tears that drip from your eyes. “Hey, c’mon, why’re you crying?” He asks, panic edging his tone.
“I know it’s earlier than we planned,” you shrug, “I’m going to be insanely pregnant at the wedding. We won’t get to be, like, newlyweds at all and the honeymoon’s going to have to change or be cancelled altogether.” You ramble on, all of your stress releasing in run-on sentences. You already love the baby, but getting pregnant before the wedding definitely wasn’t the plan.
Mat chuckles a little and you realize it sounds a little watery, like he’s trying to hold back his own emotion. “We’ll figure it out,” he says gently, squatting down so he’s closer to your eye level. “I’m gonna be a dad?”
“Yeah,” you confirm again. “Are you freaking out? Because I’m freaking out.”
“I’m definitely freaking out,” Mat confirms on a hysterical little laugh. His fingers tremble a little against your cheeks. “But it’s a good thing, right? Like, we’re gonna make the coolest babies.”
You nod. “They’re going to have amazing hair,” you giggle wetly.
Mat leans forward to kiss you softly, tasting the tears on your lips. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours, quietly breathing with you. “That, uh, wasn’t a stomach bug last week, was it?”
“No,” you shake your head against his. “I’ve had some pretty aggressive mid-morning sickness this past week.”
“How the hell did I miss that?” He asks and it’s mostly rhetorical because Mat is not the most observant of men on a good day, let alone during a week and a half period where they’re playing a game every other day.
You lean back and tap at your stomach with your fingers, “baby’s already pretty good about not inconveniencing you. It was bad after you’d already left for practice.”
“I kind of can’t believe our baby’s in there,” Mat says, looking down at your stomach. His hands fall to the back of the couch and his fingers twitch, like he wants to reach out and touch you, but he doesn’t.
“Me either,” you admit. “And I’ve had a week to get used to the idea.”
“Shit, Squeaks,” he shakes his head again, a little smile playing on his lips, “a baby. We’re gonna be in charge of a real baby.”
Your answering laugh is a little hysterical. You’re obviously not the first of your friends to have a baby, but it feels insane that you’re here, especially before the wedding. Your parents are going to be so annoyed. “Good thing we have friends who know what they’re doing,” you murmur, covering Mat’s hands with yours and lacing your fingers together. You look at your joined fingers and your heart lurches in your chest. Quietly, you ask him, “we’re going to be good at this, right?”
“Hell if I know,” Mat admits. You frown at him - that was less than reassuring, but at least he’s honest. He jolts a little, his eyebrows lifting into his hairline, and you cock your head at him in a silent question. “I realized,” he says, a little sheepishly, “that I never said I was happy about this, but I am. I’m excited, scared as shit, but excited.”
“Me too,” you let loose a relieved laugh. You hadn’t realized how much you needed to hear Mat say he was happy about the baby. It’s been a weight on your shoulders ever since that positive pink line appeared on the test. “Um, there is one thing you could do for me right now though.”
Mat perks up and nods, “yeah, whatever you need, babe. You’re going to be so sick of me and how attentive I’ll be.”
You have no doubt about that, but for now - “can you get me a piece of that gingerbread? I’ve been craving it since the stupid thing was delivered yesterday.”
Mat laughs and stands up to retrieve the cookie, much to your delight. It’s been taunting you for more than twenty-four hours now and you nibble at the gingerbread version of yourself happily. Mat flops down onto the couch next to you and you tuck yourself up against his side. His hand absently runs up and down your arm, his eyes focused in the direction of the TV, but not actually paying attention.
You’re quiet at his side, knowing he needs to process the news. You were lucky in that you were alone when you found out so you could freak out without Mat seeing just how scared you were. Now that it’s been a week of knowing and Mat’s reaction wasn’t a total meltdown, you can relax a little, even start to get excited about having a little summer baby. Mat will get to spend time with you and the baby since you’re due in late August, by your admittedly shaky math.
Subconsciously, Mat’s hand wanders down your side, splaying on your waist, fingers stretching to cover part of your stomach. He rubs his thumb against your ribs and a little huff of disbelief leaves his throat. “Too bad you’re not due before the wedding,” he says, looking down at you with a little smile, “she could’ve been in the wedding, like Gracie at Bearsy’s wedding.”
Your throat clogs with emotion, thinking of your baby being at the wedding, and you bury your face in Mat’s side so he can’t see how tears well up in your eyes again. “You can’t say cute shit like that to me right now,” you mumble, “my hormones are in overdrive.”
Mat pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling his thighs. He kisses the corner of your mouth and you sigh, resting your arms on his shoulders. “Let me know when I can start saying cute shit,” his grin is shit-eating, “because I just realized that there’s a chance we could put the baby in the Cup this summer.”
“Gotta win it first,” you counter, teasing him. He rolls his eyes and lets his hands drift over your stomach, broad palms covering the expanse of the still flat area.
“Got a new motivation now,” Mat replies and even though he still looks stunned, you can see how excited he’s getting about the baby.
You look down at where his hands cover your stomach and it’s all too easy to picture his hands holding a newborn baby with his eyes and your nose, a little shock of Mat’s dark hair on its head.
You can’t wait.
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writinandcrying · 9 months
TMNT HEADCANONS - Taking naps with the turtles / having a sleepy S/O
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As someone who has accidentally slept for 23 hours straight and literally has a nickname as “snooze” I’m obligated to do this (I tried to look for a cute / aesthetic gift but that pup is my spirit animal fr)
I’ve been digging how @oozedninjas does their Headcanons (as long with their writing, I seriously eat it up everytime yum yum yum)
as much as I love looooong Headcanons, sometimes I only have some blurbs going on in my mind, I also think this keeps things so dynamic, every interaction can be seen and everyone is happy yipee (I hope you don’t mind me using your writing style? Headcanon Set-up? Layout? as reference! Pls let me know if so, I’ll def take it out or reference you on new ones!)
English is not my first language and I didn’t proof read this, if there is any gramatical erros pls don’t hesitate to tell me!
• Isn’t the one for naps, lowkey thinks it’s a waste of time, he rather do activities with you! Time is precious! That being your hobbies or his, talking, playing games or reading, he has his mind set on it… until you flutter your lashes at him, giving him puppy eyes, and suddenly at the warm of your embrace, the way you hum over his plastron, how cute and serene you look… he starts questions himself, why haven’t you two done this sooner?
2003, 2012, Rottmnt Donnie
2003, MM Raph
2003, MM Mikey
All Leo’s (minus MM and rise) lmao
• Has been waiting for it. Since you two have been officially a thing, he has been patiently waiting for it. wants to do nap dates, casual napping after Sunday lunches, accidentally napping from watching a boring film, coming home late and you are tired? Lay on top of him babe, let him will take care of you 🫶🏼 adores the innocence of holding you close, caressing your skin as you caress him back, finally admiring your features while you sleep, he longs for it, absolutely eats it up
2007, 2012, ROTTMNT, Bayverse Mikey (keeping bayverse and 2012 still would be A Task (but anyways BOTH WANTS IT) 2007 is probably tired all the time bc of his gigs lol)
Bayverse, ROTTMNT RAPH !!!!
2007 and 2003 Donnie
• How come you are always this sleepy? This doesn’t make sense, something has to be wrong with your vitamins levels, have you been sleeping at night? Are you having nightmares? What kind of meds are you taking? Your sleep schedule and how you can just simply fall asleep everywhere is astonishingly worrisome, he will look into it
Take a wild guess (all versions)
Doctor feelings
• HE is the who Needs a nap. Drag him to his bed. Hold him close, put ambient music, kiss him softly and don’t let go.
2007 Leo, Future!Rottmnt Leo
2003, 2007, Future!Rottmnt DONNIE !
Future!rottmnt and Last Ronin Mikey
Future!Rottmnt, bayverse, 2007 Raph
Everyone in IDW-TMNT
Not a turtle, but Rottmnt Casey Jones
• can’t take naps (light sleeper or doesn’t want to mess their sleeping schedule) but enjoys you being by his side anyways, will give a dirty look to whoever makes loud noises next to you, tries to always save the most comfortable spots for you on movie nights, he knows you are bound to fall asleep. will takes embarrassing pics of you tho
Take another wild guess (all versions)
And another one (all versions as well)
Mm Donnie
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Hello :>
I’m not sure if you’re just doing TADC right now and if you are pls ignore this am sorry.
If you’re not just doing that, may I ask for a 2012!Donatello x mute!reader scenario where Donnie is oblivious to his crush on reader and still attributes it to it being April until Splinter/one of his brothers brings up that he’s been a lot less fixated on April’s attention and has been starting to pick up more and more things related to the reader themselves (ex. Learning sign language to understand their responses), and when he’s alone he analyzes it and it’s an “…oh.” Moment for him?
(Reader is not deaf by the way so they can still hear things.)
Sorry if this isn’t what you’re writing for and thank you if it is!!
This is a multiple fandom blog. Although my 'tism is going burr for tadc lately, I'm more than willing to write for Donnie!
2012 Donatello x mute/def Reader
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★Everyone knew what was going on with him. If you hadn't figured it out or even suspected anything I'd call you a dumb-dumb.
★ Obviously he was going to learn sigh language. There is no way he wouldn't. The turtle wasted no time, asking (bribeing) Casey to get him a book on sign language to study. He picks up the language fairly quickly.
★ if you are completely deaf he talks whilest signing when he's around you. This helps some of the visual learners in his family *cough Mikey cough* learn the language.
★ Donnie vividly remembers the time Mikey told you he loved you by accident. The sign for "I love you" is just 🤟 and he did the hand motion without knowing what it meant. Same thing happened with "hurt" as it's just 👉👈 with your fingers.
★ Splinter was the one to tell Donnie he had a crush on you. He can clearly see his son is growing attached to you and it's very obvious he has feelings for you. How the smartest one can be so oblivious, he will never know.
★ It hits him like a ton of bricks when he realizes that what he's feeling for you might not just be that of adoration. He's mostly just panicking about it but a hint of excitement sparks through him.
★ Did he really have a crush on you? Would you even feel the same way?? How long has he even liked you??? His brothers were never going to let him hear the end of this.
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HIII HELLO!! I love your writing style so much I absolutely adore it 💗💗!!
I was wondering if you could write for 2012 Donnie? Anything is fine!! Maybe some time in the lab or a slowburn!
I was also thinking about Donnie slowly falling in love with the reader, whos Casey's cousin? (We all know the fued between Donnie and Casey in some episodes so I thought this would be a fun idea!)
We love you and hope that you take care of yourself 💗 you're one tough cookie girl you got this <33
Casey’s Cousin (Angst?/Fluff)
2012!Donatello x reader
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A/N: *shows my muscles* Though cookie I am! Just look at these bad bois! Anyway, I tried to make it slowburn and have a little bit happening in the lab, so I hope this checks that mark. This doesn’t go that deep into Donnie and Casey’s rivalry, but it does mention it. And I agree, it is a fun idea, so I hope you’ll enjoy this💜
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Warnings: Talk of former heartbreak, but nothing bad.
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Had someone told Donatello just a few years ago, that his crush on April wouldn’t lead to anything, and that she in fact would start dating Donnie’s rival when it came to April’s love, he would straight up have told them to leave. That was not something he was ready to hear. But to then be told not only would his crush start dating his rival, but the same rival’s cousin would then enter his life, and make him forget every single romantic thought he ever had about April, he might have told them that they were crazy. But in fact, that’s what happened.
When Casey and April started dating, Donnie was, to be absolutely honest, heart broken. There had been times where Donnie had expected it to happen, but to actually experience it was not something he was prepared for. In fact, it took him quite some time to fully get over it. It felt like a betrayal, like April had back stabbed him. But he was fully aware of the fact that that was not the case. April didn’t owe him anything, and if that was what she chose, then she had every right to be with Casey. Donnie just needed some time.
It took some time before Donnie felt like he was getting over it. A few months maybe. In that time he would avoid Casey and April whenever they came to visit, staying in the garage lab while they hung out with his brothers. He just wasn’t ready to face them yet.
But then one day, Donnie was forced to face them, but not for the reasons he had expected. No, it was because of you.
One day Casey and April came to the lair to visit the turtle brothers. However this time, they didn’t come alone. They had brought you, Casey’s cousin, with the intention to introduce you to their friends. And though you were shocked when you first stepped a foot into the lair, not expecting to meet a bunch of humanoid turtles, it didn’t take long before you found yourself getting comfortable with them. And then you met Donatello.
It was April who brought you to the lab, pulling you by the hand, telling you about this guy you just had to meet. And when April called out for Donnie, the poor guy could feel all energy being drained from him. He was over her. He really was. But he still just wasn’t ready to face her. Yet he turned to look at her at the sound of his name, only to be met by your bright eyes and your big smile. Suddenly it seemed much easier to talk while April and Casey was around.
Donnie wouldn’t say that he fell for you straight away. No, he had learned from the first time he fell for a girl. This time he took it more slowly and decided it was best to get to know you first. And with everything he learned about you, he only felt more and more pulled in by you.
You were truly an interesting person in Donnie’s eyes. Like Donnie, you loved learning and gaining knowledge, and you had an interest in the things you didn’t yet fully understand. But while Donnie would poke and prott at whatever he didn’t understand in order to learn, until he knew it all, you would look at it, study it, and learn as it allowed you to. You would wait and never push, using patients as a part of learning. That truly amazed Donnie. But as he was soon to learn, through his own learning through patients, there was more about you to amaze him.
You and Donnie would start to spend more time together as time passed on. At first you would only come down to the lair with April and Casey, but as you and Donnie began to talk more and more, you began to come down on your own, mainly to hang out with Donnie in his lab. And it was in the lab that Donnie learned of your great mind. You understood much of what he was talking about when he presented his projects to you. And when you didn’t understand, you asked him, listening to what he had to say, letting him ramble on for as long as he wanted to. That made a feeling stirrer in Donnie’s stomach. No one would ever let him ramble on about his projects like you did. Sure, April and sometimes even Leo and Mikey would let Donnie talk, but they wouldn’t truly listen. They would just let him talk and let his words pass by them. But you took them in. You remembered the words Donnie spoke, adding it to your own knowledge. That did something to Donnie.
As time went on, Donnie seemed to continuously forget that you were Casey’s cousin. You were so different from him in so many ways. You were curious, you were calm, you were patient, and well, you were smart. Those were not all things that Donnie would describe Casey as. But yet here you were, sometimes even during dinner, engaging Donnie in deep intellectual conversations, sometimes even in front of the rest when seated by the kitchen table.
You was such a caring being. You didn’t just listen to Donnie’s intellectual rambles, but you would also listen to his deeper talks. When he finally started opening up to you emotionally, you would listen respectfully, and hear all his thoughts and worries. His own self view and his self esteem issues. You took it all in, gave him the room to talk, gave him compassion and the emotional support he needed. And as predicted, this only caused the feelings in Donnie’s stomach to grow bigger for you.
Donnie spent months getting to know you, and with each passing day, he found something new to cherish about you. The way you spoke, the way you approached things, and the way you viewed the world and the people around you. To put it simply, Donnie found it beautiful. Just as beautiful as you…
As time went on, it became harder and harder for Donnie to deny the effect you had on him. The growing feeling in his stomach had turned into full blown butterflies, flapping around whenever you were close by. He felt giddy, unable to stop smiling when he saw you, and you in turn seemed just as happy when you saw him. It was a joy to see each other almost everyday, spending more and more time together, bordering on day and night. And as it continued on, Donnie finally admitted it to himself, breathing a sigh of relief when he spoke the words out loud in his empty room, for no one but him to hear. Donatello was crushing on you. Donnie was crushing on Casey’s cousin.
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 2
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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If you heard the names Casey or Steve one more time you might go insane. Stu ran up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. "Boo!" The binder you held in your arms unceremoniously hit the floor. "Let go of me weirdo." You struggled but he didn't let go. "Did ya hear about Casey and Steve?" You could scream. The heel of your Mary Jane shoes made contact with his toes making him lose his grip. With a huff you picked up your belongings. "Why is everyone so obsessed with them?" Stu cocked an eyebrow at you. "Uh because they were slit open like pigs in a butcher shop?"
"I get that trust me thats all anyone can talk about. But you can't act all sad like you've lost a loved one and then talk in great detail about what organ fell out where. It's inhumane." He leaned back on the lockers listening to you rant. "Yesterday was a complete shit show. That Steve guy was a prick to me and he didn't even know my name yet. So he can't be the saint everyone's making him out to be. Murders happen everywhere all the time these two aren't going to change anything."
"Interesting take from Marry Poppins. What's got your panties in a bunch today?" You opened your locker putting away your things for lunch. "Some asshole started talking to me in 2nd period about how in a movie I'd be a prime suspect because the murders started when I got here." Randy. Stu knew the moment you brought up movies. "Well you did say Steve was an asshat, that's motive Y/n." He was right but let's be real here. You couldn't take on an athlete if you were paid. You rubbed your face in frustration. "Relax I know it's not you. You'd cry if you got blood on that cute little dress of yours." It really wouldn't matter you knew how to take practically any stain out of a piece of clothing.
"You'd be surprised." Just as the words left your lips a kid bumped into you knocking you into Stu. His hands conveniently found your hips. "Watch where you're walking asshole!" Stu shouted with a laugh. You pulled yourself away from him trying to straighten your dress with your hands. "Hey I'm meeting Tatum and everybody by the water fountain, you in?" The idea of being around more people wasn't ideal. Stu could see on your face you didn't want to. "Oh come on Billy's going to be there." He wasn't dumb. Billy was an attractive guy, he was well aware of that. All the girls had a thing for Billy, you were no exception.
"If I go you can't just completely ignore me because I only know you two." Stu shut your locker for you as you continued to walk. "Ignore you? I could never. You could sit on my lap if you wanted to." You fake gagged making him laugh. "I don't think your girlfriend would like that." He just shrugged his shoulders. "Eh I do what I want." This doesn't surprise you. "You are a peace of work." The doors opened letting the light bombard your skin. "Picasso baby!" Stu shouted as he grabbed your hand pulling you towards the fountain.
"Fresh meat everybody!" He declared as you stood uncomfortably in front of everyone. Billy looked more than unamused at your appearance. "Y/n right? You're in my math class?" You nodded at the girl with brown hair. She stuck out her hand for you to shake. "I'm Sydney Prescott." Billy shook his head with a smile. "Nice to meet you Sydney." She smiled up at you and returned the sentiment. "She's the killer I'll bet anybody 10 bucks." If looks could kill he'd be six feet under. "Randy knock it off. You think this adorable face could murder?" Stu pinched your cheeks with a grin on his lips. "Not a chance." He let go and found a seat next to Tatum. "Plus there's no way a girl could've killed them."
"Scoot over let her sit down." Billy huffed but did what Sydney told him. "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be a female, Basic Instinct." You nodded in Tatum's defense. "That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing." Stu looked over at all of us before looking at Tatum. "Yeah Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. The fact is it takes like, a man to do something like that." Sydney looked down at the ground uncomfortable with the conversation.
"I don't know feminine rage is pretty scary. Do you know how many cheating husbands get stabbed to death or fed to the dogs by the wife. The fact is women know how to get a job done quickly and quietly. Men get cocky and want to play around that's how they get caught." Randy snapped his finger point at you. "See what I mean!" Stu laughed and Billy just looked at you with intrigue.
"How do you gut someone?" The honest tone of Sydney's voice made everyone quite down. "You take a knife and you slit them from groin to sternum." Billy sat up seemingly done with the gorey details. "Hey, it's called tact fuckrag." Billy looked at Stu his eyes once again saying more than his words did.
"Change of subject, I like your dress it's very Hepburn." Tatum spoke up. You cleared your throat trying to shake off that uneasy feeling. "Thanks I made it myself." She sat up in shock. "No way! You should totally make me one." If only it were that simple. "You think I'd look good in something like that babe?" She asked Stu and if you knew anything about him he'd give a smartass answer. "I think it'd look better on my bedroom floor but hey." She smacked his arm as everyone shared a laugh.
Stu continued rambling on about the murders with Randy. You were sick of hearing about it and it appeared so was Sydney. Her hand rested on Billy's knee as he whispered something to him. He nodded as she left a kiss on his cheek. The moment she left his demeanor darkened even more. He looked truly angry at this point. You assumed it was because Stu had upset her. Billy leaned next to you just enough to hit Stu's arm. "Ow man what gives? I was joking!" Billy was the next to get up followed by Randy.
"Hey Y/n? Are you doing anything Saturday? Me and Syd were going to hang out this weekend you could totally join." You knew Stu and Billy had plans to hang out with you and by the look on Stu's face he'd be upset if you said yes to Tatum. "Can't. My dad's going to be gone this weekend so I have to house sit." The smile on Stu's face was far from innocent. "You think with a killer on the loose you should be home alone?" She had a point but you doubted there was a serial killer running around. "I know how to lock my doors I'll be fine. Promise."
The school day went by fast thankfully. But once again everyone crowded around your car. "I'm not giving you a ride today." You shook your head. "I was thinking we could all go riding around maybe go to the mall? Someone's got to give you a tour." Stu said gesturing to the friend group you know found yourself a part of. "You don't have to of course." Sydney chimed in. She was probably the nicest one out of the group. "Who's got money for gas?" In an instant Stu handed you a crumpled up 100 dollar bill. "That should cover it and don't ask where its been." He noticed the shock on your face. "Don't worry there's more where that came from." He winked at you and Tatum rolled her eyes. You shoved the bill in your purse snapping it shut.
"Ive got work today so I'll catch you all later." Randy said as he walked away. You felt a little bad you were relieved at his absence. "Okay I've got bench seats so three people can sit up front and three in the back. "I call back seat with Stu." Tatum pulled at his shirt dragged him to the back. "No doing anything weird back there this is my dad's car." Tatum just laughed and Stu stuck his tounge out shaking it at you in protest. "Oh shit I forgot I've got to study for that exam tomorrow. I have to get home." Stu started to boo and Tatum echoed her boyfriend. "We'll only be gone a couple hours Syd."
"I have to pass this test Billy. You go ahead and go. You guys have fun!" She grabbed her bag and headed off towards the busses. Billy sat in the passenger seat again same aggravated look on his face. "Would it kill you to smile?" You asked lightheartedly. He turned to you flashing the fakest smile you'd ever seen. "See was that so hard?" Sarcasm dripping off your words. "Incredibly."
The mall wasn't hard to find after Tatum gave you some directions. You weren't sure how this little outing would go. On one hand it was nice having friends and spending time with people but on the other you and Billy were third wheeling. You had only been through half the stores and Stu already managed to spend an egregious amount. "Ooh help me pick out a set." Tatum said pulling Stu into the Victoria's Secret. Billy followed them in so you had no choice but to follow suit. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Billy asked as he touched the lace fabric on a teddy. "Odd question to ask considering you have a girlfriend."
"Fuck me for trying to make conversation." You laughed and decided to play along. "I do. We're trying the whole long distance thing." Billy found it hard to make eye contact with you. Choosing to play with and pick up anything around him to keep his hands busy. "He's probably cheating you know? Teenage boys do that." You're beginning to think both him and Stu have absolutely no filter. "Probably but it's not the like the guys around here are any better. I mean look at you and Stu." You're eyes flickered over to Stu holding up a bra to his chest declaring he was a girl. With a shake of the head you turn back to Billy. His eyes met with yours and for the first time he didn't advert his gaze. "Do you wear anything like this?" He gestured towards the thongs and see through bras.
"Nah I'm more into ropes and whips." You joke thinking if anyone would find it funny he would. His eye grew just a tiny bit wider surprised at your response. His lips quirked upwards a small smirk playing at his mouth. "I'm kidding!" Your face grew hot as he looked back down at what you were wearing. "No you're not. You're a freak. It's always the nice girls." Scoffing at that you wiped your hands down your dress trying to pull it further down your legs.
He smiled knowing he was making you uncomfortable. "You're a real creep you know that?" He held up in hands in fake surrender. "You caught me." Tatum shouted your name from across the store. "That's my que." You had no idea where she was or what she was doing. "She's in the dressing room I offered to help but ya know." He raised his eyebrows suggestively as if you didn't already know what he meant.
"Tatum it's me." You knocked on the door and it opened immediately. Her arm stuck out grabbing you and pulling you in. "You've got to stop doing that." You said in a hushed voice. "Opinions?" She said as she spun around practically naked. The red lace nightie left little to the imagination. "Um I think it looks cute. It doesn't cover much does it?" You ask and she laughed. "That's the point silly. You don't think it makes me look fat?" She was so skinny you worried about were her organs were let alone be over weight. "You look fine hun. I'm gonna go check on the guys." She said alright and let you slip out of the dressing room.
"We got you something." Stu shook the bag in front of your face startling you. "He got it." Billy spoke up as you took the bag from Stu. "No you grabbed it and said it would-" A swift punch to the ribs shut the blonde boy up. "Don't open it till later." Billy said and for some reason you agreed. "Is she about done in there?" The door opened and Tatum eagerly ran to the checkout desk. Stu like a puppy followed right behind her leaving you and Billy alone again.
"What did you get me?" Once again his eyes were on the floor. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He quipped his eyes finally reaching your face. "I would. That's why I asked." You both smiled at the small reenactment. "You didn't have to get me anything especially from here." He grabbed the bag from you tying the ribbon strings together. "Don't get too excited it's not a ball gag or anything." You smacked his arm snatching the bag back. "Plus I didn't pay for it. Rich boy over there did." He pointed at Stu.
"I'm hitting up Spencer gifts who's coming with me?" Going into that store with Stu was probably the dumbest thing you could do. "I'm in." You said mentally regretting it. "I'll go where you go." Tatum said as she hugged his arm. The last one to go was Billy. "Let's just get this over with." Stu practically ran to the opposite end of the mall with Tatum tossed over his shoulder. "There's no way your feet aren't killing you." Billy said looking down at your heels.
"I grew up in high heels mister. I could run in these bad boys if I had to." You weren't kidding. Growing up in a household where you had church every Sunday and you only had one pair of sneakers, you could run in heels. "I doubt that." He was getting more comfortable around you. Billy didn't even realize it. He used to be fun. He used to screw around and let loose like Stu does. Since his mom left and the world seemed to collapse around him he just had one to many stabs in the back.
"Wanna race?" He looked at you with a childlike curiosity. He would win he knew that much. Considering his murderous tendencies he could beat you in ten seconds flat. "I run to the store and if you catch me before I get there you win. What do you say?" Before he could answer you took off running. It was supposed to be fun for the both of you. A little game of cat and mouse. What you didn't realize was how seriously he would take it. The simple sound of his boots gaining up on you was terrifying. Your laughter stopped as you sped up.
You ran around people, who were then pushed out of the way by Billy. This was no longer a game. He was trying to catch you. The click of your heels got faster and faster till you ran into someone. "Woah there what's going on?" You looked up and saw Stu waiting at the door of Spencer's. You won. Billy was just two steps behind you the entire time. "Damnit!" He exclaimed appearing genuinely pissed that he didn't grab you. Tatum chimed in asking him what the hell was going on. After all to them it seemed like something horribly wrong had happened. "We were just playing. I told him we'd race each other." You looked back at Billy trying to catch his breath.
"Billy Loomis playing a game? Now that's unheard of." Stu gasped as he walked in the store. You approached Billy deciding to check on him. Your hand touched his shoulders as they heaved up and down. "Are you okay?" His hand wrapped around your wrist tighten enough to bare pain. "I'm fine." He flung your hand away, leaving you behind as he walked in the store. So much for that. It was hot and cold with him. You couldn't figure it out and you weren't sure if you wanted to.
Stu and Tatum were over in the novelty section making dirty jokes and just getting on each other's nerves. You didn't know where Billy went. You walked to the back of the store ignoring the adult toy section. You looked down at your stockings noticing the big rip on your right leg. "Shit!" You cursed picking at the hole. Going through the short selection of stockings they had to offer you finally settled on a pair. They were thigh highs which is something you usually didn't wear. Victoria's secret bag and stockings in hand you walked up to the cashier and paid.
Afterwards you met up with Stu and Tatum who were as equally ready to leave as you were. "Where's Billy?" She asked. "I have no idea." Stu leaned over trying to peak into the Spencer bag. "You get something from the back?" You did but you weren't going to be honest about it. "I did. I got it for Tatum though. She deserves at least six inches." She started to laugh as Stu acted all dramatic. "Ha ha really funny. Go ahead laugh it up. I'll have you know she's perfectly content with what she's got." Tatum shook her head making you laugh even harder. "You guys ready to go?"
"Where'd you go?" You asked Billy as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Bathroom." You're not sure what you did to piss him off. Is he butthurt that you beat him in a race? That can't be it he's not 5. He shouldn't be upset by such a small thing. "Let's go bitches!" Stu and Tatum walked hand in hand once again leaving you and Billy to talk. "Did I do something wrong?" You ask gingerly not to upset him further. "No." Another one word answer.
"We can race again. I'll let you catch me this time. I'll play dead and everything if you'd like." You laughed trying everything in your power to make him tolerate you again. "You would?" You weren't being serious but if that's what it took so be it. "If you'll stop being mad at me I will." That somehow put a smile on his face. "Should I start running?" You joke and he actually chuckles. "No no. We'll save that for later."
Everyone makes their way to your car getting in the same seats as before. "I know where Stu lives where do you two live?" You sit your bags in the floor next to Billy's black combat boots. "I'm going to her house before I go home so you can take me there. She's going to take me home before they pick up Sydney." She proceeds to giggle at the admission. "Just drop me off at Stu's" Billy says as he slicks his hair back. "Do you live at Stu's place?" You start the car leaving the mall in your rearview mirror. "Stu's parents are never home so they practically live together."
Billy looked out the window not making eye contact with anyone in the car. "Means I throw the best damn parties our school has ever seen." Stu and Tatum rejoiced in the back. That fact left more questions than answers. It made sense why Stu seemed to be so flippant with money. It even explained his overall behavior. Billy's case however was different. How bad was it at his house that he needed to live with Stu? In all honesty you felt bad for both the boys.
"Hey Billy open the glove compartment and play something." He did as told until he saw the contents of the glove box. "What the hell?" He said as he pulled out an 8 track. "Listen my dad had an 8 track player put in back in the 70s so that's all I got." With a smile on his face he dug through all the boxes.
Pushing the tape into the car AC/DC blasted through the speakers. "How'd I know you'd pick that one?" He carefully put all the tapes back where he got them. "I have good taste what can I say?" He shrugged. First stop was Tatum's house. She gave you the directions which you quickly found out she lives on the same street as you. "Your lights on upstairs is your dad home? I saw your car in the driveway this morning." Tatum asked pointing at your house. Fuck. "So this is where the mysterious Betty Crocker lives." Stu laughed putting on his best Vincent Price voice. Billy was just satisfied in knowing where you live. "Yeah my dad is. He's probably sleeping though he's got to get up early in the morning which means I've have to get home so scoot." You waved the couple out of your car quickly.
You pulled away getting just a couple houses down the road before your car began to stall. "What's wrong?" Billy asked as you look around. "I don't know it hasn't done this before." You turned the car off and on again but nothing happened. "Does it have gas?" You didn't get gas. The crumpled 100 was still shoved in your purse. "Son of a bitch." You cursed as you hit the steering wheel. "Hop out I've got to go get the gas can out of my garage."
"Do I get a house tour?" You stayed quiet genuinely upset at your ignorance. "Listen when we go inside I want you to be quiet. Okay?" Billy nodded as you unlocked your front door. "Holy shi-" You immediately covered his mouth. "I told you to be quiet." Slowly you pulled your hand away and he stepped into the house. "What year do you think it is?" You shut the door as quietly as possible knowing your dad could get up at anytime. "Oh shut up." Billy looked around at the old pictures, the old decor, really the old everything. Billy didn't come from rich parents like Stu. Your house was definitely bigger and better but it didn't have the rich person feel. Billy's house wasn't the problem for him, it was the people in it. It used to be a happy home but all that was waiting for him now was alcohol and fights.
While you sat your bags down he looked around the place. It looked like no one had bought anything new for the place since the 70s. The TV in the living room was 90% wood and the kitchen was a tacky yellow. All the appliances on the counters had to be at least 20 years old. Hell the phone on the wall was a rotary dial phone. Billy felt like he was walking into the Myers house.
"Let's go!" You whisper yelled at him the heavy gas can pulling on your arm. "Give it to me." Billy grabbed the can with ease helping you out the front door. He went ahead and filled the car up for you so you could run the empty can back inside. "Thank you." You said with a huff throwing yourself in the driver seat. "It's nothing." He replied already ready to go. Before you did anything you peeled the heels off your feet tossing them in the back seat. The next to come off were your ripped stockings. Billy watched as your upper thigh was exposed. He could see the hem of your pink underwear before you caught him.
"Perv." You smiled knowing he had to be a little flustered. He just shook his head looking at the ceiling. You threw the stockings in the back seat with your shoes. Billy cleared his throat trying to start up a conversation."Your house is nice." You breathed out a laugh as you started the car. "You don't have to lie."
Billy's demeanor changed once again. Now that it was just you and him he had one leg bent on the seat so his body could face towards you. Even though your eyes were on the road you could feel his burning holes in you. "I mean it. It's different. Better than all those rich bitches we go to school with." He wasn't lying. It was hard to find anyone who had an actual personality these days.
"I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. My dad doesn't really care what I do with the house as long as there is food on the table when he gets home." Billy bit his lip in thought. "So you did all of that?" He found it impressive to say the least. "Not really. I haven't messed with much since my grandparents passed. The way the kept things always seemed nice as a kid. And I don't see the sense in wasting money on new stuff when I've got perfectly good old stuff that works." He saw the way your eyes grew wide when Stu handed you that hundred. You're not a money person. You were modest. Going through the mall you only bought one thing for yourself while Tatum begged for everything she saw.
"How often is your dad gone?" He asked. A dangerous question to answer if Billy's asking it. "He can be gone for weeks at a time. He's a truck driver. He goes where his boss tells him to go." The car goes quiet for a little while. Luckily for you it's comfortable. "What about you? How's your mom and dad?" You meant nothing hateful by it and he knew that. "I live with my dad too. My parents split up." You could feel him putting those walls back up. It was night and day with Billy. Slowly you car came to a stop in Stu's driveway. "My mom isn't in the picture either. You know if that shit ever starts to bother you, you can call me. As long as your girlfriends okay with it that is." You grabbed a pen out of the glove compartment gently pulling Billy's hand towards your lap.
His hand sat on top of your right thigh as you touched the tip of the pen to your tongue. Carefully your wrote down your phone number where the numbers were visible. Billy for the first time in awhile, he was the one who was scared. Scared of moving even the tiniest bit. A simple harsh breath would ruin whatever this was. Softly you brought his hand up to your face blowing cool air on the drying ink. "There ya go." You tossed his hand back, your gentle nature now gone. "But um yeah if you ever need to talk you can call me."
Funny enough he didn't want to call you. "Sure." Was all he could muster up. Billy finally decided he didn't want you dead like the rest of them. You were kind enough not to piss people off but you were sure of what you wanted. Too trusting, yes but it definitely helped his case. He'd have to make a new plan one that doesn't get you hurt. Well, one that doesn't get you killed.
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Part 3
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
What They Text You: Applies to any...cause they're all a bunch of dorky teens and i dont care what anyone says.
• look at my new plant
• would you like to have tea tomorrow?
• you look so pretty 😍 leo you cant see me and? i bet you do
• am i really an old man???? 😭😭😭
• be honest, do you think raph can beat me in an arm wrestle? if you dont answer in 5 minutes, i will assume it's yes and i will prove you wrong.
• good morning honey. have a wonderful day today! ❤️
• are you still mad at me...? LEO YOU SET MY MICROWAVE ON FIRE. so is that a yes?
• have you eaten yet? you need to eat...and drink something other than (your favorite drink)
• i got benched because i can't stop throwing up. i'm fine! leo...you threw up blood literally 10 minutes ago. it was only a little 🙄
• i'm in desperate need of a kiss right now.
• check out my new katanas
• remember that i love you 🥰🥰❤️
• for the last time, i wont download tik tok. you know how bad i hyperfixate 😠
• stop playing candy crush and pay attention to me
• keep it up and you won't get the knots worked out of your shoulders.
• mikey just called me a boomer...i feel like i should be offended. you are a boomer. I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
• y/n, i love you, but for the love of god, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR SOCKS.
• *drunk* im in a relationship why do i have your name as my love cause my girl/boyfriend/partner will definitely not like that and i dont know who you are but they will kick your ass and i dont even feel sorry cause you arent love leo...you're drunk. NO IM TAKEN
• call me cause i would like to hear about your day and i miss you
• i love you my love ❤️
• come watch me bench im bored
• can you please come get mikey before i hit him?
• wear that giant sweatshirt to our date. ya look adorable in it
• why did you ask donnie to help you with your homework?? um...cause it's about neurons and receptors in the brain. i could've helped with google! 😒
• hey babe. how was your day? ❤️
• have i ever told you how beautiful you are? what did you do. nothing...? i just think you're beautiful. raphael. fine..i broke casey's nose. AGAIN!?!
• i'm so tired...wanna come nap with me?
• facetime me so i can show you this cool trick spike can do
• remember how i said i was going to be more level headed? well donnie's new robot almost broke my arm and it's no more. you lasted 1 day more than the last time.
• *you sent a selfie* yeahhhh that's my baby 😍😍
• eat or im fighting you.
• jokes on you ive always been completely unhinged and it's bold of you to think i cant be worse.
• im sick. can you bring me some soup? 😣
• i miss you like a lot and i hate when you're gone
• i love you a whole lot 😘
• im just gonna start carrying you everywhere if you dont stop tripping over NOTHING. im just gonna trip harder. Y/N NO.
• mikey said we're his parents just an fyi. he's always been my son
• i made waffles. you better come eat some
• damn babe you're fine 🤤
• no i wont do your homework for you
• tell shelldon to stop talking back to me before i ground him for eternity
• im in a house of IDIOTS. technically it's a lair. not now y/n.
• you look like a pile of swans in that sweater 🥰
• i can't sleep. wanna play online scrabble?
• sweetie you need to eat more than a bag of gummy worms and a bag of doritos
• you need to come sit with me while i work because i need an extra set of eyes. you just miss me 😏 don't start.
• don't call a plumber! i know how to fix the sink. i got this 😎 donnie the pipe exploded the last time you "had" this.
• *you sent a selfie* you look nice
• im gonna blow up. a person, a thing, a place, all of the above? yes.
• you need to drink straight broth, it'll help soothe your stomach ache
• im dying. you have a cold.
• i love you but please stop trying to assemble ikea furniture on your own.
• good luck on your exams/work project! 😘
• leo just called me an asparagus. i didn't know how to respond so his phone will self destuct in 5 minutes. DONNIE.
• you're so pretty 🥺
• i made you something and you have to come get it right now. im literally about to have my wisdom teeth out. reschedule it
• listen to the playlist i made you or else im disabling your pirated tv show service
• thanks for listening to me 💜
• babe come snuggle with me
• i made you brownies so come eat them with me while we watch crognard
• i haven't seen you in so long 😭 you saw me this morning. BUT THAT WAS HOURS AGO
• angelcakessssss i love you
• look at this cat video i found
• are you awake? mikey it's 3 am. good, so would you still love me if i was a worm? go to sleep.
• i bet you look like a cuddly bear today 🥰
• im so hungry. can you bring me ice cream?
• raph wont stop being mean to me. can you beat him up? cause a (your height) tall human can beat a 6ft turtle's ass 😑 i believe in you.
• im coming over with my new call of duty game and we're having a game a thon!
• i found a cat. mikey no. his name is gerald. MIKEY WE ALREADY HAVE 10 OF THEM. HALF ARE NAMED GERALD.
• i made you a mixtape i cant wait for you to hear it
• how mad would you be if i crashed the shell razor in a derby and broke my arm? very. then i did not do that.
• im sick. come help me feel better 😭
• call me cause april just told me something about casey that's wild
• i found this cool rock that i think you'll like
• it's so cool i can date you. you're for real the coolest. you broke my coffee table again didn't you? no...maybe.
• im bringing you lunch cause my baby needs to eat!
• this song reminds me of you 💕
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bingusbongu · 7 months
(Sorry I'm about to send like 4 requests /srs)
May. May I request some rottmnt Leon general dating hcs..
A/N: HEY BESTIE,,,, dawg really sent me 8 requests,,,, oh well here is my take on Leolanadro dating hc!!!!!! Im tired,,, sorry if this is to short
Leonardo Dating hcs♡
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• he is a HUGE flirt. Even before you and him even began a relationship, he is finding the most wildest pick up lines that he can think of, and blurting them out without even thinking about it
• he would totally get hurt and when you rush to his aid he takes this chance to flirt
"Ow,,, ive hurt myself from falling,,,, for you ;)"
• does litterly EVERYTHING to get a blush or a giggle out of you it makes him look stupid (he already does)
•and when he actually manages??? His ego boosts, and he gets all proud of himself. The smugest smile ever
• NEVER uses your real name. He HAS to call you a nickname. From the moment you guys started dating, and even before he had a stupid nickname for you. And you just have to go along with it
• does litterly anything and EVERYTHING to try and impress you. Whether it just be chugging a whole can of soda without burping, he does it just to earn your praise. (He is also alittle insecure,,, make sure he knows how amazing he is ♡)
• he loves physical affection, atleast just holding your hand or tackling you into a hug to cuddle. But i also think he would use words of affirmation. Praising you on every little thing you do, even if you are just sitting there with him, he will just come up with a praise out of nowhere, and not even realize it.
• he also needs words of affirmation from you, make sure he is doing a good job and you love and appreciate him<3
• when he has to leave you or you have to leave, he wont let it happen without getting a kiss from you. Whether it just be a quick peck or a cheek kiss, he needs a kiss before he leaves. And has the biggest grin when he gets it
• speaking if which, when he is out with his brothers without you, he complains so much. Complsining about how he misses you and your kisses and your hand in his and the way you lean against him -
• his brothers had to ducktape his mouth shut because of how much he was complaining about missing you.
• Donnie is getting so tired of here about you from Leo that he had to pull you aside and ask what you see in him. But alittle releaved since Leo goes to you to bother instead of him.
• Mikey thinks you guys are ADORABLE. Having Leo come home after a date and tell him EVERYTHING because he needs to know
• Raph is happy for him! He is just very worried that he is going to get distracted during a battle or something even worse and get himself hurt because he couldn't stop babbling about you
• when he is done with his day, he is immediately searching you our to find you, kiss you, lay ontop of you and tell you about his day and the recent battle. (Def twists the story to make him look like the only hero)
• you have to wear earplugs simetimes at night to drown out Leo from being up or making alot of noise in the middle of the night. Or, sometimes you stay up with him for as long as you can jusr to talk to him or comfort him. Though, i also think he would love to hold you while you sleep. Even if he is awake, he'd like holding you close to him
• wakes you up super early because he is bored
• Dates are normal, going out to a different restaurant each week to try the food. And if there is pizza, Leo always orders that instead
• some of your dates though might be small, like him coming over to watch a show or movie with you
•you are one of his main priorities, alongside His Brothers, Dad, April, and Casey. So you bet your ass Leo would go out of his way to protect you and keep you safe. And you're his first concern when a battle is done. Has Donnie scan you just in case so many times.
• hold this poor baby PLEASE, he so needs it
• he makes sure to drag you along with him everywhere he goes, he dosnt go anywhere without you unless its a battle. He needs to keep you safe and he intends to to so.
• brags about you all the time, mever shuts up about how amazing you are. Telling everyone how you woke up this morning
• he is the type of guy to push you back in the car and close it just so he can open the door for you.
• when you enter the room he is automatically to your side and cracking up the worst pick up lines once again
• if you do actually manage to laugh at one of his jokes, he is already looking at rings to buy you
• if anyone tries to flirt with him, he will decline by going, "sorry, but im... taken." makes it so dramatic for no reason
• if you were to call him at any time and you could be halfway across the city and you need him, he is automatically up and out of the lair running to your destination to get to you he isnt slacking.
• LOVES the fact that you depend on him. Makes him so proud of himself, also gives him another bit of motivation to be a good leader!
• Casey is so happy to see you two together in a different timeline. Yet, has to constantly avoid Leo sometimes. Because he pesters Casey atleast once a day to see if you guys were married in the future.
• cant go a full day without seeing you at least once. He will show up to your home unannounced and break in. He's done it so many times that you just gave him a spare key.
• your home becomes his second hang out spot. If hes not at the lair, he is definitely hanging in your house and raiding your fridge for food
• his brothers dont question it, they know where hes at
• sends you random memes in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, LIKE???? leo honey, we need sleep
• gets so pouty when he has to leave you, but when he does he makes the most dramatic exits like jumping out of the window and shouting "WE SHALL MEET AGAIN, MY LOVE"
• He's so stupid, but we love stupid♡♡♡♡
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kiddbegins · 10 months
You can take it - Matt Casey [18+]
Requested: yes
Word count: 3,072
Warnings:… smut [teasing, degrading, praise, overstimulation, choking, unprotected sex (wrap it), brief oral - f receiving, dirty talk, lots of begging..], cocky!matt 🫠
A/n: ohhhh my gooooood
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Laying in bed with your boyfriend was the best part of your day. Always was. Especially when you just wanted to feel him around you in every way possible. Currently he had his arm under your neck, hand properly in your hair, just absentmindedly carding it through his fingers.
The opposite arm was resting on your hip, hand intertwined with yours as you let out a soft sigh. “You know what would look,” You started, pulling his hand just slightly up your side. Matt hummed faintly, glancing down at you regardless of the fact he couldn’t see your face. “Really good around my neck?”
For some reason just feeling Matt’s skin against yours had arousal bubbling in your abdomen, shifting just slightly to look up at him. His eyebrows were pulled together, eyes locked into yours. Gently you pulled at his fingers, the realization hitting on his face, “Oh-” In all honesty, he’d never even thought about choking.
Sure, he’d seen it done plenty of times in the porn he’d seen, but actually doing it? That was a different level. But as you nodded, dropping his hand and leaning over him to kiss him, he decided that he would do literally anything you wanted.
Not that that wasn’t already true. He’d find a way to walk on water if you had asked him to. But now, as your lips locked onto his, the roughness grew until he couldn’t stand being underneath you anymore.
Easily he flipped you onto your back, fingers trailing over your hips and up your sides. Matt slipped his hand under the loose shirt of his that you had on, “God you look so good in my clothes.” He muttered, leaving small marks from your jaw and down your neck that were certainly going to be there tomorrow.
That was his thing, he loved making sure everyone that worked with you knew that just because you were a bartender at a club didn’t mean you were free for them to grab at. You were taken and by a guy that would not hesitate to break someone’s face in for you.
“I think I look better without them,” You whispered in his ear, hearing the deep breath he sucked in. As smoothly as he could, he lifted the t-shirt, pulling it off and throwing it blindly to the side, face immediately going to your cleavage.
Now, you weren’t exactly cursed with a small chest and Matt would gladly live in the valley of your breasts if he could. One of his hands lifted, massaging one of them, his lips trailing underneath the other before they caught onto the nipple.
If he had the chance to get his mouth on you he took it and you adored every second of it. “Matt…” Your voice was breathy, back lifting into his touch as he softly sucked, a whine making its way through your lips.
Matt shifted himself between your legs, nudging them apart with his knee. Without much thinking you bucked your hips down, craving some sort of friction on your heat that only he could give you. And he did, moving his own down, the bulge under his sweatpants rubbing across you.
It wasn’t enough though, your hands snaking their way down, pulling him back against you with a press on his lower back. “You got yourself all worked up haven’t you?” Matt hummed, pulling away to get his own shirt off, a hand sliding over your shoulder.
He knew where you wanted him to touch you. And he could almost tell how badly but instead Matt pulled away, standing to kick his sweatpants off. You figured he’d come right back to you but instead, he grabbed your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
A gasp slipped from your mouth as he leaned forward, kissing along your stomach before reaching your mouth again. “Now where did you want these?” He mumbled against your lips, ghosting his fingertips over every possible bit of open skin he could.
Down your sides, up your thighs, just barely touching your skin as he slid his palm up your stomach. Every ghost of a touch brought goosebumps to your body. “Matt please,” You pleaded, the only layers of clothing on either of you feeling like a tease all of its own.
“Please what princess? Touch you?” Matt’s eyebrow cocked up as he pulled your hips flush to the end of the mattress. “Cause I can touch you.” He just slowly pushed up, his barely covered length rubbing against the exact place you wanted, no, needed him.
You let out a whine, squirming slightly which did nothing but make him push you down by the waist. “Oh c’mon, you can take my teasing can’t you? You’re usually so good about it.” Matt dragged his palm down, gripping tightly at your upper thigh.
His thumb slid up the soaking piece of clothing you still had on, circling your clit just slightly before he pulled away. “Or are you feeling like a little slut tonight? I mean coming onto me about wanting my hand around your throat? Can’t get any worse than that.” Matt watched as your face twisted up, aching for anything more.
As soon as you tried to rock up against him he sighed, “I guess that answers that question, can barely use your words and you want me to believe you can take it tonight?” The cockiness that came out of him when he was horny was something nobody would ever believe.
This was Matt Casey, Lieutenant Matt Casey that was nothing but a leader and front man for his firefighters. But when he was with you? The nastiest words that came out of his mouth felt like they were getting spit right onto your cunt and he knew it.
God did he know how you got when he spoke to you the way he was. “I can.” You muttered, breath already heavy as you tried to control the way your body felt like it was burning. Matt tilted his head, lifting an eyebrow.
“What was that?” He leaned forward, knowing that him pressing against you was only working you up more but that’s exactly what he wanted. “You what?”
Thickly you swallowed, throbbing against him. “I can take it.” You reiterated, voice filled with desperation. “Please, Matt.” You bit at your lip, hands planted on the mattress next to you to keep from traveling down your own body.
Softly he hummed, fingers finally looping into the upper band of your underwear, just slightly pulling at them. “Oh you can?” Matt spoke, pulling the final layer off of you, hands instantly going right underneath the wetness.
You nodded instantly, his fingers inching closer to your entrance and it felt like if you had to wait any longer you’d explode. “Yes, yes I can, Matt just – fuck please.” Your pleading only did so much, the man obliging in the slightest as he let just his thumb land on the sweet spot you’d been dying for him to actually touch.
He barely moved it, painfully slowly encircling you. It was obvious from the look on your face that it wasn’t enough, that you wanted more and more but with Matt, the build up was what mattered the most.
“I could see how wet you are without even having to touch you, such a dirty girl,” He mumbled, leaning over you slightly, “Aren’t you?” His words were rhetorical, eyes moving down your body, soaking all of you in.
Matt sighed, slightly picking the pace up as he touched you, unsure how long he’d be able to hold off, his cock already aching and no doubt bright red as he worked you over. “Matt baby, please, I need you.”
Him touching you could only go so far, you wanted him deep and buried inside of you. “I’m not exactly done with you yet,” He was quick to respond, too busy enjoying the way you were practically squirming trying to get more friction.
That of course only made his other hand grip at your hip, tightly pushing it down, “Stay still or you won’t get anything that you want.” His threat pulled a whimper from you, fighting to stop your movements. “There you go, such a good slut for me, hm?” He hummed, rolling his thumb over you quicker as a slight reward.
Just as soon as he’d done that he fully pulled his hands away, instead shifting to kiss down your stomach, eyes up on your face as your breathing picked up. He knew how worked up you got with his mouth on you.
So it wasn’t that shocking that you felt his hot breath on your already aching skin followed by his tongue gliding through your slit. “Fuck–” Your breath caught, forcing your eyes shut to keep your body from lifting or even moving against the bed.
It wasn’t easy, each movement pushed you closer to breaking his one request. “Matt please,” You could barely focus on his movements, his tongue coming up to flick over your swollen and red bud. “I can’t–” A knot slowly built itself in your stomach, willing to be pushed over the edge.
But just like he knew what got to you, Matt always knew when you were close. So with one last kiss to your clit he stood again, the air now cold where his mouth had been. “I guess you’ve been good enough tonight,” He stated, slipping out of his boxers, finally letting himself free.
You couldn’t bite back the whine of desperation that grew as your eyes fell on his length. A smirk grew on his face as he stepped towards the end of the bed again. “Now, if I’m gonna give you what you want, you’re gonna give me what I want.” Matt trailed his fingers up you, cupping your cheek.
“Anything, just please fu–”
“Fuck you, I know baby, and I will, as long as you let everyone know who is fucking you.” He slid his hand from your face to the side of your neck, leaning down to kiss you. “Can you do that for me?” His voice was raspy, so filled with lust that you could have came untouched just hearing it in your ear.
Instantly you nodded, willing to agree to anything if it meant him in you. “Yes, yes, I can.” You didn’t have a chance to get anything else out, Matt slipping into you slowly, your head falling back.
A low groan built in Matt’s throat, having to still inside you to keep from busting right then and there. “God, you always feel so good around me.” He leaned his head down, just slightly rolling his hips forward.
He shifted slightly, letting his hand splay on your chest, just inches from where you wanted it earlier, and where you still wanted it now. But of course he wasn’t going to give in that easily. And you could tell with each painstakingly slow thrust that he was going to take his time with this the same way as he did his teasing.
Your hands went up to his arm, squeezing, finding anyway to ground yourself to him that wasn’t in the way of pleasure forcing itself through your body. But his every touch made your skin burn, like it was all on fire.
You were a flame and he was the oxygen that kept it going. He didn’t seem to mind the way you let your other hand slide across your chest, just wanting to feel something more, anything. And your fingers trailing over your boobs did just that, a guttural moan escaping your mouth.
“Baby please go faster,” Your words were low but he heard them, just slightly building himself up, your legs hiking up around him. Each thrust felt like he was trying to get you over the edge but none did it, the feeling instead coercing through your veins.
His name was pulled out of you again, louder as his free hand lapped at your clit, slowly and in the opposite way his hips moved against yours. “You like that?” Matt looked down at you, twisting his fingers around you as he did. “When I touch you like this?” He cocked his eyebrow up.
“Y- yes, god so much.” Your words were mixed with moans as he sped up, unable to keep up the teasing thrusts, his own arousal building as he let out a heavy breath. “God, Matt, you’re–” You got cut off with a scream as he shifted, hitting that sweet spot right inside of you.
There was no way those living around you didn’t hear the way his name flew out of your mouth, hell, it’d be insane if they couldn’t hear the way your skin was slapping together. The slickness doing nothing but making it easier for him to slide in and out.
Just as you started to build up again, you looked up at Matt, grabbing his wrist. It wasn’t enough, you needed his hand. Matt wrapped it just enough around your throat, using the grasp to brace himself as he jutted forward harsher, your entire body shifting underneath him.
You gazed up at him, entire body overwhelmed as you grew closer and closer, “Tighter,” You moaned out, his name following as you felt his grip tighten just enough that you instantly clenched around him.
His name filled the room, moans mixing together with his as he worked you through it. “You just love when I have my hand around you, hm? Love being here for my own discretion?” Matt leaned forward, biting at your shoulder. “Being a dirty whore for me?”
You whimpered softly, nodding. How did you end up here? Casually saying that hey, your hand around my neck would be nice to him pumping into you so hard you knew you were going to be sore before the night was even over.
Not that you were complaining, every movement that he did made your heart race, one final squeeze of his hand officially sending you over the edge.
Every part of you shook, your heels digging into Matt’s lower back as you lifted slightly, being pushed back down as he continued into you.
There was no way he was one and doning you, no, he had plans now. And it was obvious from the way he didn’t stop, didn’t slow that he was sure he was going to get you through it more than once. More than twice. Maybe even more than three times.
And that just made your pussy ache more than it already was. You were already dripping and the whoreish sounds coming from both your body and mouth practically shoved Matt over the edge.
His voice was low as your name slipped like honey off of his lips, his face pressing to your skin as he fucked you through his own orgasm. His warmth filled you up and you didn’t even care that he hadn’t pulled out.
You didn’t care if this ended with you pregnant. All that mattered was how good everything felt. And god did it feel amazing. Matt’s thrusts only slightly slowed in an attempt to catch his breath, his hands still clamped onto you.
That’s the only reason you knew he wasn’t pulling out anytime soon. And that you were definitely in for at least a handful of more rounds.
“You feel so fucking good Matt Jesus��“ You groaned out loudly, face red as you reached up and put a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss.
Your lips together always felt like someone set off fireworks and shoved you two together as they went off. Practically heaven on earth.
Plus when you were together at the same time? Matt was basically a fucking angel. Literally. He pulled back, pulling you up. “You still doing okay?” He whispered, making sure he wasn’t being too rough during all of this.
And he wasn’t. It was the perfect mixture of roughness that had you weak in the knees for him. And as you nodded he peppered an army of kisses over your face.
Gently he slid out of you, standing and holding out his hand to pull you to your feet. He was aware at how wobbly you were but in seconds you were pushed against the wall with his chest to your back, his arms wrapped around you tightly anyway.
His mouth left hot kisses over your shoulders, brushing your hair out of the way as he moved up to suck a mark onto your neck. “You’re so beautiful baby,” his words mumbled against your skin.
All you could do was hum, your body still sensitive as his hands caressed everywhere he could touch. “So, so beautiful.” Matt continued under his breath before pushing back into you.
A moan slid off his lips, reverberating on your skin as he trailed his hand back up your chest. “You have been doing…” a soft bite to the shoulder, “so good for me.” A firm thrust, his hand properly grabbing at your throat in time.
Your knees wobbled as you braced yourself to the wall, Matt’s thrusts almost bringing tears to your eyes. He relentlessly moved against you, holding onto you tightly, the exact way he knew you wanted.
Somehow the blonde was always, always so detail oriented. His fingers traced or touching exactly where they needed to, like he knew exactly what buttons to press to make you orgasm again and again.
Like how right now his grip was just tight enough that you were already building up a second time, the dopamine rushing through your veins. “Matt, Matt I’m already close I—“ Your word loud against the wall as his other hand snaked over your hips, holding you tautly to him.
“Go ahead princess,” He hummed, the breath on the back of your neck being the final nail as your knees buckled, vibrating against him as you fell into pieces under his touch.
Your eyes saw white as your orgasm crashed over you, forehead leaning onto the wall along with a string of profanities.
And he didn’t stop, face twisting up as he continued into you. “Matt-“
“You wanted this right? To cum oh so badly.” He hummed, the two of you ready for an incredibly long night that would have you aching for at least the next two days.
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tags: @winchesterszvonecek, @halsteadbrasil, @wnbweasley, @firetruckstuckley
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 3 months
Hey there I adore your work, your such a talent. Anyway could I please request Casey x reader
I saw these prompts on someone’s list so I hope you don’t mind me asking for them.
“Please, stay” and “I need you to kiss me, right now. Please”
Thanks you very much 🥰🥰
Thanks so much, anon! 💞 I don't mind at all if you use prompts from elsewhere! I'd just ask that in the future, you guys make sure to let me know who the prompts are from, so I can tag them and give them credit. 😘 Hope you enjoy! –illdowhatiwantthanks
Just One Kiss
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: hospital times, mentions of injury, explicit language, mentions of past trauma around hospitals (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: You're at the hospital with Casey after she's assaulted in her office (S6.E20). You don't want to leave her, but you're having a hard time at the hospital and a hard time seeing her like this.
You were supposed to be sleeping. You needed sleep, you knew that. But it was always so hard to sleep at hospitals. The uncomfortable chairs, the lights that never dimmed, the endless beeping of monitors. You’d spent much of your teenage years in the hospital with your little brother, who’d been born with a heart condition and had to have several surgeries.
You hated it. Casey knew you hated it. She’d hate that you had to be here to be with her. But you weren’t going anywhere, not while your girlfriend was laid up in a hospital bed, beaten to within an inch of her life. You’d cried when you first saw her. Of course, you did. It hurt to see her like this. You were wracked with guilt that you hadn’t insisted she come home earlier that night. Or that you hadn’t gone to the DA’s office to sit with her while she worked late. If only you’d been there, none of this would’ve happened.
Well, you were damned sure gonna be there now. You’d spent the past 48 hours in a hospital waiting room, and then right next to Casey’s hospital bed. Chair scooted right up to the edge, hand lightly grasping hers, sleeping fitfully when you could, pestering the nurses with questions. 
At Olivia’s insistence, you’d gone home to grab some extra clothes for you and Casey and take a quick shower. You were furious with yourself when you returned to the hospital, and Olivia told you that Casey had woken up for a few minutes. You weren’t there! You weren’t there again.
Olivia squeezed your arm, told you to give yourself a break. She said that Casey had been scared and disoriented when she woke up, and had gaps in her memory.
“She asked for you,” Olivia said, and your chest contracted.
“She did?” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
After Olivia left, you settled in for another long night at Casey’s side, a book propped up on your knee, your free hand absentmindedly tracing lines on her palm and wrist.
When you felt her fingers twitch, you shot up, barely breathing as you watched her. Her movements were slow, timid, and she groaned as she sat up, grimacing slightly.
“Ow,” she croaked, blinking her eyes open. Her face screwed up, like it always did when she was about to cry.
You scrambled to your feet, your hands fluttering just around Casey, just above her skin. You were afraid to touch her, afraid you’d cause her more pain.
“It’s okay, honey. It’s okay,” you said, flitting about the bedside like a moth. You couldn’t bring yourself to look her in the eye, couldn’t stand still. It wasn’t that you were scared of Casey, that you didn’t want to be there for her. You’d just spent so much time in hospitals, so much time watching people you loved in pain. Sometimes it was okay. Sometimes it wasn’t. You felt nearly panicked now that she was awake. You needed to get her–get both of you–out of here.
“What do you need?” you asked. “You need more pain meds? Let me get the nurse.”
You made to bolt from her bedside and into the hallway, when Casey grasped your wrist, as tightly as her bruised fingers could manage.
Her voice was hoarse from disuse and bruising, cracking as she rasped, “Please stay.”
And when you finally brought yourself to meet her eyes, she broke your heart. She looked small in the bed, her watery eyes small in the purpled landscape of her swollen face, terrified and helpless and weak–the opposite of how she usually looked. She reminded you of your baby brother after his first heart surgery, tiny and fragile and jagged with scars, crying and crying.
You sank into the chair again, tears in your own eyes, and grasped her hand between both of yours, kissing her knuckles.
“I’m not going anywhere, Case,” you said, doing your best to look her in the eye, even though every time you did, you felt a fresh wave of tears pushing at the corners of yours. You would not leave her side. And this time, no one would drag you away.
Your parents had always dragged you away from your brother to go home at night, even as you wept, even as you grasped onto the doorframe of his hospital room, screaming, “I don’t want to leave him! I can’t leave him!”
“I won’t leave you,” you told her, anchoring yourself there, next to her. “I won’t ever leave you, I promise.”
You watched a tear streak down her cheek, and you wanted so desperately to wipe it away, but her face was a constellation of bruises and cuts. You didn’t want to hurt her.
“Y/N, I need–” she started, interrupting herself with a cough. She pressed her hand to her ribs, wincing.
“What do you need, honey? Anything.”
“I need you to kiss me.” And she looked so pitiful, so desperately sad, that it hurt you to hesitate.
“Casey…” you protested gently, taking in the bruises that spotted her face, her split lip still red and angry from bleeding.
“Y/N. Please. I just…” Her voice broke, and another few tears leaked out of her eyes. She pulled in a shaky breath. “I just want something to feel normal. I need you to kiss me right now. Please.”
You stood and used your thumbs to gently brush the tears from Casey’s face. Gentle, so gentle. You were always gentle with Casey, but now you were barely touching her, just lightly grazing your fingers over her skin, even as she leaned in to your touch.
Against your better judgment, you leaned down and brushed your lips against hers. And that’s all you meant to do, but Casey surged against you, grasping your face in her hands as best she could, and pulling you further into the kiss, harder, deeper. When you tasted blood, you pulled away.
“Jesus, Casey,” you muttered, wiping blood from your own lip, before quickly grabbing a paper towel and pressing it lightly to Casey’s reopened split lip. But she was watching you with all the love and hope and trust in the world, and you couldn’t be upset with her, not even for re-injuring herself.
You took your seat again, and she reached out for your hand. You took it gladly, so happy that she was awake and on the mend.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” you suggested. “It’s like… two in the morning right now. Your sleep schedule’s gonna be fucked.”
Casey chuckled, then hissed, pressing her hand against her ribs again. “When is my sleep schedule not fucked?”
You shrugged. “Fair enough.”
“Did you bring a book?” Casey asked, nestling herself into the stack of pillows behind her. You stood to adjust one, and she squeezed your hand gratefully.
You scoffed, repeating the question incredulously, as if you couldn’t believe she’d even asked. “Did I bring a book?”
“Okay, what book did you bring?”
“Uh…” You fished the book back out from your bag, turning the cover toward her. “Ann Patchett. The Dutch House.”
“Read to me?”
Your face lit up. You loved reading to Casey. Even if she always fell asleep and got mad at you for reading ahead without her.
“I’ll start at the beginning for you,” you said, getting comfortable in the chair–or as comfortable as you can get in a hospital chair. You let go of Casey’s hand only to flip pages, reaching back for her after each turn.
“The first time our father brought Andrea to the Dutch House, Sandy, our housekeeper, came to my sister’s room and told us to come downstairs. ‘Your father has a friend he wants you to meet,’ she said…”
Casey was out in ten minutes, snoring slightly, one hand pressed against her ribs. You made a mental note to ask a nurse about her pain meds before you went to sleep. And you carefully dog-eared the page that Casey had fallen asleep on, even as you turned to the middle of the book where your bookmark already marked your place. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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