#I laughed and awwwhed so much
medicus-felini · 9 months
"Now who dared to put a frown on such a lovely face? " he asks with a hum, not long after saying that he manifests a small delicate golden cat with a left paw raised up, offering it to the lovely mink. "Do hope this small gift might bring at least a tiny bit of joy my dear " ;)
Big googly eyes complement the small frown on her face. Still shattered by Galdino's 'accident'. Linn looks up, eyes locked on the utterly cute and shiny cat figure appearing in the showman's hand. That definitely brings a smile back to her face.
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❝ Mr. Tesoro! That will help, most likely. You are quite talented.❞
Taking the miniature kitten in her own gloved hands and observing it in fascination, the mink wags her tail, almost like a dog. ❝ Mr. 3 was talking about some 'mistake' he made. It was... startling. ❞
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
How about this: y/n was gifted a blood red showerlotion/bath and when the slashers (rz michael/thomas and any slasher you like to add) see you drenched in it they panic and think you have hurt yourself or even tried to take your life(you being in the tub and the water being red)?
Y/n used red soap and the slashers having a stroke
Michael has a blood kink you can’t convince me otherwise. Anyway! I hope you like it!
Rz Michael
You took your dirty clothes off and threw them onto the floor without care. You had recently been given a new red body wash by a friend. It was supposed to be the best at getting rid of the icky germs; and in the Myers household there’s a lot of that.
You lean into the shower and turn the handle with a squeak. You let it begin to warm before getting in. Someone silently enters the back door, but you still catch it. Michael must be home.
You check the water and get in. The warmth envelopes you and you let out a sigh. You waste no time and grab the body wash. You pour a glob on your hand and begin rubbing it up and down your body. It didn’t make bubbles disappointingly, but it’ll do.
The bathroom door opens, but the sounds of the water running blocked it out.
Suddenly the shower door slides open. You let out a little gasp and see Michael. He reaches in and grabs you from your pleasant shower. In a bridal hold he kneels now and looks at you with wide eyes. He begins checking your body frantically.
“what the fuck!-” You shout looking at him aghast.
Once he finds no wounds his posture relaxes. He swipes two fingers on the familiar looking liquid and brings it to his face. He sniffs it and turns his head to the side.
“Michael- Did, did you think that was blood?” You say holding in your laughs.
He meets your eyes with a very unamused look.
“Awwwh~ KYAA-” You hit the cold tile with a yell.
He let go of you and stands up. You whine at your boyfriend as he walks away and groan at your now very sore body. He turns around and looks down, he rolls his eyes. He pulls his coveralls down and picks you up.
“What are you?-” you question, but warm water hits you faster than you could process.
“M-Michael!” You stutter and begin to blush.
He sets you down in the bathtub and inspects the red bottle. He then puts way too much on his hands and sits down with you. He rubs the blood like soap on your arms, then stomach, and chest... His hand glides to your throat and gives it a gentle squeeze. Then it clicks.
“You- you have a blood kink don’t you!” You say, your face getting redder by the second.
He turns his head to the side then smears some on your face. You slowly look down and see he’s as hard as a rock. You quickly look up and see his own, almost unnoticeable, pink blush.
You needed a shower desperately. Hoyt, being the absolute gentleman he is, tripped you into a puddle of thick mud. He thought it was hilarious, going so far as to offer you a hand only to let you fall again.
You walk up the porch steps and wipe your feet off. You open the door and head inside. Luda Mae saw you and gawked.
“Hell happen to you?” She asked surprised.
“…Your son…” you grumpily mumble.
You turn and start heading up the old plantation's stairs.
“Hoyt!!!” You hear Luda yell and slam the front door.
You’d normally laugh, but you just did the laundry. You open the bathroom door and peel your muddy clothes off of your body. You look like a pig. You groan and turn the water on. You push the curtain open and hop into the slowly warming shower.
You reach down and grab a newly stolen body wash, taken from some trespassers. You pour it on your hands and begin scrubbing your body down. You hear the doorknob rattle for a moment then the door opens.
“If that’s you Hoyt, I’m ripping your dick off.” You threaten, only to see Thomas’s face pop through the curtain.
“Oh, hi sweetheart- eek!!” You greet him the let out a little shriek.
He pulls you out of the shower frantically and sits on the closed toilet. He sits you on his lap and looks down at your body with fearful eyes. He checks for injuries, and he feels relieved but also very confused. He takes your red covered arm.
“Who’s blood?” He writes on you.
You look at him questionably for a moment then put the pieces together.
“It’s body wash, dear, not blood.” You giggle and kiss the side of his mask.
Even behind the leather you can see his face heat up in embarrassment. You cup his face lovingly, you found it so sweet that he got so worried.
“What about my dick?” Hoyt asks outside the door suggestively.
“I’m gonna kill him,” You take a deep breath, Thomas nods.
“One of these days imma snap,” you explain. “Don’t be surprised when it happens, cus it’s gonna happen, and it’s gonna happen fast.” You joke and pat Thomas on the chest as you get off of him.
He laughs and stands up. You pull him down for one more kiss and get back into the shower.
“Your wasting water,” Hoyt comments.
Thomas opens the door and you hear Hoyt mutter an uh-oh.
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milesdickpic · 9 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.81
Click here to see the master list
Hi, besties! Here is 2/2 days in a row post to celebrate our ONE YEAR with HLG. Thank you all for everything and your unconditional love and support, you all mean everything to me. I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: The boys are both finally home and the gang is all together again! How will everyone react to Baby Boy's name?
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: cursing, crying, panicking, making fun of Rooster, slight bullying, but so so much LOVEEE and MUSHHH 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You and Bradley finally pulled into the driveway of your house. Jake’s truck was already in the driveway, so that meant he and Nat were already home from work. Bradley turned off the truck and looked at you. He raised his brows and smiled. 
“You ready, sweetheart?”
You bit your lower lip and nodded. “Definitely.”
Bradley unbuckled himself and came around to help you. You got out of the car and stood there waiting for him. He went to open both of the back doors to start getting the boys out. He popped Luke’s car seat out and you popped baby boy B’s car seat out. Bradley took him from you and nodded towards the door. “Let’s get them inside, baby.” You walked over to the door and opened it. 
You were welcomed into the house with a bunch of blue balloons and a whole dinner table full of food and desserts. Jake and Nat came running over to Welcome all four of you home. 
“Holy shit, you guys!” Bradley chuckled as he set the boys down and hugged them. 
“Welcome home!” They came over and hugged you. Shortly after Leia and Austin came through the door and were greeted by Jake and Nat as well. 
Bradley picked up the boys and brought them over to the couch area. He sat their car seats down on the coffee table and started to remove them from their car seats. He handed Luke to Jake, who eagerly awaited holding at least one of the babies. He started to undo baby boy B’s belts. When he finally got him out he held him to his face. 
“Meet our other little boy, everyone.” He grabbed his little hand and made him wave to everyone. 
Everyone started to “Awwwh” at your baby boy. Bradley handed him to Nat. 
“Oh my gosh. Look at them both in their little flight suits.” She sat on the couch next to Jake as they looked at the boys eagerly. Austin sat next to Nat and wrapped his arm over her shoulders. Leia sat next to her uncle Jake and looked at her little brother. 
You sat on the single sofa and finally felt relaxed to be home. Bradley came over and sat on the arm of the chair. He leaned back and put his arm behind you. He kissed the top of your head as you both watched them all get to know your boys. 
“Rooster, how can you tell them apart? They look exactly alike.” Jake laughed and looked at Bradley.
He looked down at you and you nodded. He looked back up to all of them as they looked at Bradley for his answer. “Well, we dressed them accordingly.” He chuckled.
“Bradshaw. They are wearing the same exact thing. What are you talking about?” Nat laughed. 
Bradley shook his head, “Their initials are on each of their onesies. All of their clothes are like that so they don’t ever get mixed up.” He started to laugh as he leaned into you. 
“Oh, you’re right!” Jake held Luke in one hand on his lap as he ran his free hand’s index finger over the little initials embroidered onto Luke’s little onesie. “L.N.B.” He smiled. “Luke Nicolas Bradshaw.” He chuckled cleverly.
Austin leaned into Nat’s back. “Baby Boy B still only has B.B.B on his though?” They all looked up at you and Bradley. 
“Does he not have a name yet?” Nat raised her brow at the both of you.
Bradley rolled his eyes and sighed, “He does, I told you all that. His initials just happen to be the same as baby boy B. It was not planned. Well, kind of.” Bradley furrowed his brows and smiled at you. “You wanna tell them his name, sweetheart?”
You giggled and shook your head, “No, honey. You can tell them.” 
He nodded and kissed the top of your head. “Okay.”
Jake scoffed, “Can someone just tell us his name already. I’m dying to know.” He laughed and Nat looked over at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Rush much, Bagman.” She chuckled and shook her head.
Austin looked at you and Bradley. “What’s the handsome fellow’s name?” He placed his index finger into baby boy b’s hand. 
Bradley looked at you one more time before looking at them and smiling. He licked his lips and bit his bottom one and let out a little chuckle. 
“His name is Bradley.” 
Jake palmed his forehead, “Oh you have got to be shitting me.” Leia slapped her uncle Jake’s arm. 
“Uncle Jakey that’s not nice.” Jake placed a kiss on Leia’s head. 
“I’m sorry, honey. You’re right. I apologize.” 
Austin chuckled. “Bradley.”
Nat smiled at Bradley. “After you, huh?”
Bradley nodded and smiled. “Yup.”
Hangman looked over baby Bradley’s little flight suit, “There are three Bs, Rooster. Don’t leave us on a cliff hanger now.” He chuckled and looked up at Bradley with a mischievous grin. 
Bradley leaned back and started to laugh. “Yup. Our triple B.” 
“Well?” Jake raised his brows at Bradley. “His name?”
Bradley smiled really big, “Bradley Bradford Bradshaw.” 
Jake put his eyes into his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Holy shit, Bradshaw.” He shook his head in his hand. 
Nat had her mouth wide open in a grin and blinked her eyes slowly. She was trying to hold back her laughter. 
Austin had his hand over his mouth, but you and Bradley could both see he was hiding a huge smile behind it. He looked down and over at Natasha. She still had her mouth wide and her eyes even wider. 
“Come on, Bradshaw.” Jake started to chuckle. 
Leia jumped up from her place by her uncle Jakey. She placed her hands on her head and jumped around. “DADDY HE’LL BE BULLIED!”
You looked up at Bradley and started to laugh loudly. He pushed his lips in a line and looked down. 
Jake finally looked up at Bradley, “Did you pick his name, Bradshaw? You know names are permanent?” He made his eyes wide. 
Bradley licked his lips and looked up at his friends. He had a small smirk on his face.
“Rooster… Is this a joke? Are you messing with us? Or are you for real?” Nat narrowed her eyes at Bradley.
Bradley raised his eyebrows in shock. “I’m not kidding. That is baby boy’s name.”
Nat’s look turned into a soft smile. “I personally love it.” 
Austin lightly scratched at baby Bradley’s stomach, “Hey, baby Brad.”
Jake shook his head and looked at Bradley with a raised brow. “You and your old man have the same sick sense of humor.” Jake started to laugh and Bradley joined. “That’s one hell of a name, Bradshaw.” Jake smiled and looked over at baby Bradley. 
“We have a Brad Brad and now we have a Brad cubed,” Nat said in a baby voice to baby Bradley as she caressed his cheeks.
Leia went over to her little brother and looked at him with concern. “Bradley Bradford Bradshaw…” She pushed her lips together and looked at you and Bradley. “It kinda has a ring to it.” She giggled and placed a kiss on her baby brothers head. “I love you either way triple Brad.” 
You laid against Bradley and started to laugh, “You sure picked a hell of a name, babe.” 
He leaned down and kissed your head, “I had to continue the tradition my dad started. Wouldn’t be fair if it ended with me.” 
“I love you, Bradley. You are crazy.” You sighed and relaxed into his hip. 
“I love you, sweetheart.”
Bradley’s POV
I was sitting with you on the couch. You were pumping to see if you could get any milk out. I was holding both of the boys while Leia laid her head on my lap. The boys were fast asleep, their mouths slightly open, laying on my chest and holding hands. I chuckled and called for you, “Baby, look. They’re holding hands.” You looked over and saw their little hands intertwined with each other. 
You gasped, “Oh my gosh, They are so precious.” Leia got up from my lap and looked.
“That is so cute! Braddy and Lukey are holding hands!” She leaned in and kissed their heads. “Daddy, when were they born?”
I looked at the boys and then back at Leia. “They were born on July 12th.” I smiled at Leia. 
Her eyes lit up and she gasped, “That’s near my birthday!”
 I nodded and reached my hand out for her face. I caressed her cheek, “It is, my love. What do you want to do for your birthday?” 
She tapped her finger to her chin as she thought about it. “I really want to go home and see my uncles, Papa Mav, Penny, and my friends… but I know we can’t…” She started to think again. “Hmm.” She looked down and kept thinking. 
I looked over at you and you were looking at Leia sadly. You and I both knew how much she missed everyone back in San Diego. 
“Oh I know! Can we all just watch movies in the backyard?” Leia looked up at me with her puppy eyes. 
I smiled, “That’s all you want to do, baby?” I raised my brows at her.
She nodded with a big smile on her face. “I know you and momma will be busy with baby Brad and Luke, so I just wanna watch movies with everyone and cuddle, Daddy.” She interlocked her fingers together and placed her hands on her cheek.
I chuckled, “Are you positive, Leia Rey?”
You tickled her side slightly, “You don’t wanna have a party, baby? You’re going to be turning 7!”
She shook her head with a smile, “I just want to be home with my family, momma.”
You furrowed your brows and looked at me. I pushed my lips together and we both looked at Leia. 
“Okay, Leia girl. Movies on your birthday with the family it is.” I caressed her cheek and then placed my hand back on Luke’s back. 
Later on that night, we started to get the kids ready for bed. Phoenix gave Leia a bath and changed her into pajamas for bed. You and I gave the boys their first bath at home. I was fucking nervous. I had never given such a small human; nonetheless, TWO a bath before. Thank god you were there to help. 
First up was little Brad. I placed him on the bed and started to remove his onesie. “All right little man. Left arm… and right arm…” I smiled as I removed his little arms from each sleeve. I picked him up and placed a couple of kisses on his cheek. “I love you, little Brad.” A little grin peered across his face and I used everything in me to hold back my tears. I placed him back down on the bed and wrapped him in his towel. I picked him up and held him in the palms of my hands as I walked over to you. You were filling up his little tub with water. 
“Special delivery, mama.” I rubbed the tip of my nose with his and clicked my tongue quietly at him. You watched him and me in the reflection of the mirror. I kept rubbing my nose against his little face as I cooed over him. “I love you, my baby. You and your brother are so perfect.” I kissed his cheek over and over again causing another smile to appear on his face. “Ahhhh, there’s a sight to see. I love you, Bradley.” I smiled at him, still holding my tears back. 
You laid your head on my arm and smiled as you poked our son’s nose. “Water is ready, Daddy.” 
I started to unravel the towel from around our son. I undid his diaper and slowly started to submerge him into the water. I held his head and cupped water into my palm and washed it over his body. 
You wrapped your arms around my waist and laid your head on me as you watched. “You look like a natural, babe. Look at him. So relaxed, not a care in the world.” I could hear a smile crack across your face. “My perfect boys.” You looked over to the bassinet next to us where Luke was lying fast asleep. 
“Am I doing the right, sweetheart?” I looked slightly over at you as I kept cupping water over our son’s body. You nodded slowly. You pointed to the soap and little washcloth. 
“Go ahead, honey.” You smiled and encouraged me. “You got this.”
I nodded and grabbed the washcloth. I placed it into the water and placed it on Little Brad’s chest. I grabbed the soap and put little dollops of it onto the washcloth. I rubbed it softly as the suds started to form. I started to wash his little body slowly. He relaxed into the palm of my hand. This was the icing on the cake. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I cried. Hard. 
I chuckled as tears fell from my eyes. “Oh my gosh. I’m doing it, sweetheart.” I sniffled before my snot could drip. “This is so cool.” You and I started to laugh. 
“You are doing it perfectly, Bradley. You are the best dad in the world.” You kissed my arm and rubbed it. “I love you so much.” You looked at me through the mirror and I looked up back at you. We shared a smile. 
“I love you, y/n, Forever.” 
After I finished little Brad’s bath, you took him back to the bed to prepare him for bed. I started to get Luke ready for his bath. “All right little man, you’re up next!” I smiled. I swaddled him in his towel as I replaced the water in the tub with new clean water.
I picked up Luke and he pushed around a little bit. I bounced him in my arms and rocked him as I shushed him. I rubbed the bridge of his nose gently with the tip of my index finger. “You’re okay, Luke. Daddy’s got you.” I placed a kiss on his forehead and rocked him for a little bit. I checked the water temperature and it was perfect. I started to unravel Luke from his towel. I took off his diaper and placed him into the water. 
He started to fuss. My eyes went wide. “Holy shit.” I started to cover him with water and tried to console him. “You’re okay buddy. Daddy’s here. We are just gonna take a quick bath and then you’ll be back in some warm clothes in your warm bed.” He started to whine quietly. It broke my fucking heart. 
“Heyyyy. Shhhhh. It’s okay baby boy. I’ve got you. Shhhhhh.” I started to wash his body trying to be quick. 
You came over and wrapped your arms around my waist. “Do we have our first little temper tantrum, Mr. Bradshaw?” You giggled as you watched me panicking as I washed Luke. 
I sighed, “It seems so, Mrs. Bradshaw.” I looked at you with sad puppy eyes. “Please help me, mama.” 
You giggled and patted my hip and replaced my hands with yours. “I’ll take it from here, Daddy.” You placed a kiss on Luke's little head and washed him slowly. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s here.” 
I placed one hand on your waist and the other against the counter. I watched as you gave Luke a bath. You were literally an expert. He was still fussy, but not as fussy as he was with me. Then it happened. He opened his little eyes. The first time he or little Brad had done it. 
You gasped. “Oh my gosh…. Bradley…Look…” His little eyes were beaming up at you. When he saw you, his fussing stopped completely. 
I chucked. “A mama’s boy this one is going to be.” I looked at you with so much love welling in my chest. “But who wouldn’t? Their mama is perfect.” 
You looked up at me through the mirror and blushed. I smiled at you and kissed your cheek. 
“Oh. No. Freaking. Way.” You started to laugh. 
I smiled, “What, babe?”
You looked back at me and shook your head. “It seems to me that the Bradshaw boys have inherited those pretty green eyes you have.” 
My eyes went wide as well as my mouth. I looked at you shocked. “YES!” I pumped my fists into the air. “Sorry, sweetheart. You’re screwed now. 4 pairs of puppy dog eyes begging you for more brownies?” I chuckled. “You stand NO CHANCE in this household.” I squinted my eyes at you. “How’s it feel to be the only brownie in this family?” I raised a brow at you. 
You smiled sweetly and kissed my lips softly. “Makes me feel unique. For once.”
I raised my brows and chuckled. “I love that, baby.” 
You finished up with Luke’s bath and brought him over to the bed to get him ready for bed. I laid on the bed and watched as you got him ready. You picked him up and gave him a couple of kisses before placing him in his bassinet. 
You kissed both little Brad and Luke’s cheeks. “Good night, boys. Mommy loves you so much.”
I got up and went over to them. I gave each of their bellies little rubs. “Good night, lady killers. Daddy will see you in a couple of hours for feeding.” I placed a kiss on each of them.
I wrapped my arm around your shoulder as we stood there watching them sleep. I kissed your cheek. “Shall we go and say good night to our Princess Leia?”
You looked up at me and nodded. “Let's.” 
We left the bedroom door open and walked down to Leia’s room. Hangman, Austin, and Phoenix were in there reading a bedtime story to her. I knocked on the door and they all looked over. 
“We came to say good night to our little girl.” Leia sat up in her bed smiling at you and me. 
Hangman, Austin, and Phoenix stood up and moved over. Hangman patted my back. “We are gonna go say good night to the boys.” He winked at us while he, Phoenix, and Austin made their way to our room down the hall. 
We sat at the side of Leia’s bed and gave her kisses. “Good night, my princess Leia. I love you so much.” You pinched her cheek and kissed her over and over again. 
“Mama!” She giggled. “I love you.” 
You started to tuck her in as I sat next to her. I pushed her curls from her face and smiled at her. She relaxed against my hand and rubbed her cheek into my palm. 
I smiled and leaned in to kiss her nose. “I love you, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.” I rubbed the tip of my nose with hers. We both scrunched our noses and shared a giggle. “You are perfect, Leia Rey.” 
She smiled up at me and blushed. “I love you, Daddy. Always.”
I kissed her cheek over and over again. “You have my heart, Leia Rey. Forever.”
WELCOME HOME BABY BOYS! Stay tuned for how your and Bradley's first official night home with the boys will be. Do you think it will be smooth or chaotic? 🫣 Thanks for being here, babes! I'll see you in the next chapter, besties! 🫶🏼
Bradshaw Boys' future babysitters are in the comments 😈
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mariacrow · 10 months
i probably wasn’t super clear with my last message and i’m sorry! i meant i’d like bayverse hound x reader. i’m dying for content here 😭😮‍💨
Let’s take a little break from TFP and write some Bayverse, shall we? ;)
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Hound x reader
✪ headcanons ✪
2nd person
any pronouns
platonic relationship
development of a romantic relationship
no NSFW included
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You’d definitely be the first one from the crew to catch his optic
He’s a talkative, extroverted mech in general but he’d probably dedicate all of his attention and best quotes to you
He’d tend to make cheesy wrecker jokes and make you laugh all the time, humor is definitely his love language
He’s never afraid to put you in battle, he thinks you’re brave. Even if you’d doubt in yourself or underestimate yourself in any way, he’d be the first one to encourage you
You two would become an epic duo, he’d even call you a true wrecker
He’d tell you everything about Cybertron and war but he’d mostly focus on epic battles he took place in
He would carry you around all the time, let you sit on his shoulder, play with his beard etc
He has a weird thing for your tiny hands playing with his bushy beard. You’re probably the only one who he allows to touch it
He’d give you nicknames such as “brat” or “rascal” or “little wrecker”. When he’d feel kinda soft inside he’d use “doll”.
When you’d get injured he would express his concern through aggression hence he’d yell at everyone to hurry up and help you as he’d desperately try to help you as well
While taking care of you, he’d comfort you in his own wrecker way which would mostly be swearing while telling you how brave you are
Hound: don’t leave me now, you little rascal! You’re the bravest little wrecker I’ve ever met! We need to show those shitheads what we’re really made of, ey! Get up!
He loves you as much as he loves his gear
When you’d place a tender kiss on his face plate he’d go “awwwh!” and rub his cheek plate and get all flustered in his own chunky bot way
He doesn’t know any other ways of expressing his feelings but this is just enough for you to realize he absolutely adores you
He finds stargazing too romantic so when you’d want to do it with him he’d be like:
Hound: ah miss me with that romantic scrap! Makes me want to puke.
But once he’d give it a chance, he’d realize how much he’s been missing. He’d actually enjoy some silence with you in his servos
When you’d sleep together you’d be his personal little teddy bear. He’d be careful not to squash you though. You’re the only one he’s so gentle with
Despite not being a romantic soul, Hound is a mech with a good spark and a chill personality. Also a gentle giant in your case
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Dividers belong to @chachachannah 🪖
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tyxoxo · 1 year
So excited to see your requests are open!
Could I please request prompt 51 and/or 62 with Jaehyun? The theme could be reader rewarding him after he comes home from a long day at work (or feel free to come up with something else!) thanks so much!! <3
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[“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day." + “My cum’s dripping out, let me push it back in you.”]
warnings: light cum play, lack of prep, usage of “daddy”
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Jaehyun’s jaw clenched tight, tongue poking through his cheek. There was no way he could continue to keep his composure in front of his coworkers.
Not when you kept sending texts that would surely get him fired. He appeared attentive during his quarterly meeting, purposefully sitting towards the very back of the conference table to read your messages.
daddy i’m so wet. what am i supposed to do while i wait for you?
my fingers aren’t enough :(
The best he could do was stare at the dimly lit screen, as it would be too obvious to reply. He mentally thanked his privacy screen protector, you being the main reason he got one in the first place. Your bouts of teasing were unpredictable, and undoubtedly risky.
Even though Jaehyun didn’t reply, you caught sight of the “read” receipt that appeared immediately after, with not even a second passing by. You smiled to yourself, feeling successful in your quest to piss off your boyfriend.
The angrier, the better.
You sat face up in your shared bed, squeezing your thighs together to subdue the longing in your core. If he thought it was difficult sitting there in an office meeting with no way to relieve his frustration, imagine how you felt.
You had already came twice in the span of ten minutes, from your fingers alone. Yet, you were still fighting through your racing heart, wishing for a more fulfilling release. It just wasn’t the same without your boyfriend’s cock buried deep inside your walls, filling the void of self-gratification that you chased all too often.
Even just the sight of him undressing would be more than enough.
With a hefty sigh, you decided to let up on your teasing for now, knowing he would be rushing home in the next thirty minutes. You could push through the “suffering”, as there was no doubt he would make up for lost time the minute he stepped through the door.
You made your way to the living room, sitting on the couch in the most provocative set of lingerie you found buried in your dresser.
You honestly forgot you even had the set, which made it even better for not only you but Jaehyun too. The only thing you could remember now that it was sitting snug on your body, was your fascination with the name.
“Periwinkle Paradise.” You whispered out to yourself, just as you heard the sound of the front door unlocking.
Expecting your boyfriend’s face to show that of annoyance was an understatement. Your eyes immediately drifted down to the hard on poking through his black office slacks. You couldn’t help but suppress a laugh—rather a snort into the palm of your hand.
“Awwwh, you had to deal with that on the way here?” Your tone was hellishly mocking, but Jaehyun would correct your behavior with every fiber of his being in just a few seconds.
He stared you down, eyes dark, and black. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek again, fighting the urge to toss his suitcase and thermos mug down onto the floor; not wanting to deal with the cleanup later.
He looked absolutely livid.
It was obvious in the way he didn’t immediately comment on your lingerie, which he normally did. To him, it didn’t matter what you wore; all traces would be ripped and destroyed by his hands.
He sat down his belongings onto the entryway table, almost stumbling to kick off his Oxford shoes. You sat there like a siren awaiting your next victim, excitement littered on your face as you watched him storm towards you.
There was something different about him; hair disheveled, pomaded bangs sticking up in every direction. Lips already appearing to be bruised a deep wine color, as if he had been tugging on them incessantly since you last texted him.
Your suspicions had been confirmed, when he shamelessly confessed as he captured your mouth in a kiss. You could feel his lips throbbing against your own, irritated from his compulsive tendencies. He practically threw himself on you, forcing your hands above your head as you fell back onto the leather couch.
“Trying to beat myself off while driving wasn’t a good idea. I ran three lights on the way here….I’ve been thinking about doing this all day." His words were met with a few pauses as the two of you kissed sloppily, tongues connecting like opposite poles in a magnet.
The emphasis on this was heightened with the way he began humping against your dampened lace, clothed cock creating the right amount of friction against your clit. It was like second nature to roll your hips upward, meeting his tip that was prodding at your panties.
“Did it feel good?” You spoke against his glossy lips, hooded eyes finally peering up at the blissed out figure that was your boyfriend.
“Not as good as you.”
He managed through the uncomfortable tightness in his slacks, keeping one hand wrapped around your paired wrists, and using the other to finally reach for his belt buckle.
He fumbled with the clasp, partially due to your disregard for his makeshift restraint. You raised your upper body, closing more of the gasp while tugging his bottom lip lightly between your teeth.
“Please hurry daddy…I need you.”
You whispered breathlessly, hoping his honorary title would get him to move faster.
You heard the familiar sound of the metal clasp being freed, and the enticing vibration of his pants being unzipped.
Upon expecting him to wreck you right then and there on the couch, he changed course, wrapping his arm around your hips and rising off of the leather cushion.
His strength proved fruitful, but you still accompanied him wherever his journey ended, wrapping your legs around his waist as you buried your face into his neck.
Thinking that the bedroom was his destination, was a solid mistake. You winced as he slammed you against the wall that faced the formal living room. And before you could stabilize your back from the harsh recoil, you cried out as he pushed your panties to the side and pistoned inside you without warning.
“Fuck! Jae!!” You hissed, hands clasped onto his shoulders, using counter pressure to try and rise against his length that you had no proper way of preparing for. He caught on quickly, bruising your hips in the process as he pulled you down, sinking you further onto his leaking cock.
Somehow, you missed him freeing his dick from his boxers, but your lack of awareness was warranted from his ruthless ragdoll mechanics.
“You think i give a shit about this lingerie? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
His mouth found his way to your collarbone, biting down onto the raised skin. Your moans rang out, occasionally hitching with every snap of his hips against your own.
“Not laughing now are you?” He growled against the vessel that popped under your clavicle, waiting on a response.
“Answer me.”
“I won’t do it anymore, I pr-promise, daddy please!!”
All propriety was lost as you grasped your breasts, pushing them together right in front of him.
Giving him a show would be the easiest way to calm the beast.
The combination of his experienced thrusts, and your acclimation to his cock caused the straps from your bra to fall and expose your bouncing breasts.
Jaehyun’s eyes no longer bore deep into your own, instead, eyeing your chest like a crazed animal.
He brought his face forward, gnawing through your hands until you released them. Your head fell back against the wall as his tongue lapped at your nipple, creating a ring with his saliva along your sensitive skin.
His groans were muffled as he continued to give the same attention to other, responding well to the way you raked your fingers through his brown locks.
“So wet for me…” You almost missed his praise as he spoke into your chest, too busy wrapped up in the way you felt him in the pit of your stomach, an obvious bulge raising against your navel.
The build up of your release inched closer the more Jaehyun rolled his pelvis upwards, hitting the spot you only dreamed of hitting when alone.
You clenched hard around his length, trying your hardest not to giggle when you noticed his mouth hang open, eyes rolling back at your flawless ability to send him over the edge.
“Cum inside me…fill my pussy, please!”
Your whines intermingled with his balls slapping against your dripping lips as you came undone, wiggling your hips to gain more out of the release that cloaked your body in white heat.
All it took was for you to grab a fistul of his hair and yank back, exposing his quivering Adam's apple in the process. A string of moans fell from his reddened lips, meeting with yours in the ceiling above.
His thrusts were erratic, gyrating hips just as messy as your own. But it didn’t stop him from coating every inch of your walls, creating a crème that you hoped to taste and savor when he was done.
The smell of sex filled the air of the living room as you both came down, intoxicating in the most obscene of ways. You inhaled deeply as he exited you, being caring enough to lower your legs so you didn’t crumble to your knees.
“Wait, my cum’s dripping out, let me push it back in.”
He was quick to gather the mixture on his fingers, using his middle and ring digits to keep you full.
Your hands trailed down to grasp his tightly, forcing his slender fingers up to your awaiting mouth.
He actually managed a smile, the first since he got back, completely smug to see you suck his fingers clean.
“Oh so now you’re happy?” You teased, eyeing the dimples that adorned his flushed cheeks with a giggle.
“Happy that I finally got to relieve my blue balls.” He chuckled, switching off his sadist ways to end your eventful night with a tender kiss.
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i hope you enjoyed c:
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sungbeam · 10 months
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 — act I, scene iii
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nonidol!hwang intak x f!reader
when summit poster boy hwang intak's car breaks down in the school parking lot, it sets off a chain of events that leads to you, someone he was perhaps always meant to find. the only problem is that the two of you are far from the ideal couple, and your peers are apt to keep that status quo.
▷ genre, chapter warnings. s2f2l, classism and discrimination, forbidden romance au, minimal swearing, angst, humor, kind of gray morals
▷ word count. 3.6k
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a/n: i've realized this has been pretty fast-paced but it's only cuz i wanna get to the good parts 😭💀
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YN stepped into the cooler, darkened building of the repair shop and immediately reached for her towel sitting on the front desk. As she swiped away the sweat dripping down her face and neck, she guzzled down as much water from her bottle as she could intake at once. It was a hot day out, and usually there were fans set up in the garage area, but the electricity had stopped working three hours ago.
The door flew open, and Jongseob's sopping wet head of hair poked inside. "Hey, lover boy messaged you."
She rolled her eyes. "Stop snooping, Jongseob."
He smiled with a shrug. "Tell that to your notification sound."
"And his name is not lover boy."
For some reason, that made Jongseob's smile grow wider, but before she could question it, he ducked back outside. She knew that if she appeared immediately after him, he and Soul would never let her live it down, so she continued to take her time drinking water and patting herself dry. As usual, it was a relatively slow day at the shop, and her mom had left the three of them there to watch the grass grow. She wasn't supposed to be in any hurry.
When she finally stepped back into the garage, she was greeted by a wave of heat that almost knocked her over. She felt the sweat drip down the side of her face again, despite having cooled down inside just seconds ago. Jongseob's playlist of r&b hits filled the space along with the familiar sounds of metal fixings.
Soul and Jongseob were both at their respective stations, so she made her way over to her own station and picked up her phone. Sure enough, there were messages from Intak sent about five minutes ago.
tak: *sent a picture*
tak: one of my friends just got back from his trip and we're at the roller skating rink in the crossroads 👀👀👀 maybe i'll see u here later??? wink wonk
Yn smiled to herself, but tried to suppress it for the sake of her own ego and pride (and the two others blatantly watching her from their stations). She had changed the contact name from "jae" to "tak" a couple days after first reaching out to him. It had seemed natural to let go of the contact name and bring in something new; it was an attempt at moving along in the grieving process, if you would.
The image Intak had sent was a selfie of him in fuschia-toned lighting, most likely from the neon lights in the Crossro-ller Rink in the Crossroads community halfway up the hill. His black hair was tousled just slightly in an effortless sort of mess, but he wore a plain black T-shirt and a chain collar, his lips pursed at the camera. He didn't show which friend he was with, but it wasn't like she would have paid attention to him anyway.
"Awwwh, Soul look! She's blushing!"
Yn rolled her eyes again and blindly flipped Jongseob the bird over her shoulder. His cackles of delight echoed in the garage, accompanied by Soul's softer laugh.
yn's phone: i have to give it to u, i think ur getting better at this "being smooth" thing
yn's phone: but i have to work, sorry buddy wink wonk
The thought did cross her mind, even for a split second, to ditch the shop and go to the roller skating rink. Intak would never know who she was—just another poor girl crawling up from the gutter to skate around. The thrill of it energized her though, and she set her phone aside to get back to work with just a hint of a skip in her step.
Jongseob peered out from under the car he was tweaking. "You're so whipped; it's insane," he teased with a feigned gag.
When she stuck her tongue out at him, her phone dinged to announce another incoming message. And another. And another—
"Are you gonna get that or should I?" Jongseob gestured to her station table with one oil-stained hand. He grinned at her scowl. "You're so touchy, sheesh. Fine, but if it's important and you miss it…"
Yn grumbled under her breath and stomped back over to her phone. "You're so stupid."
"And you're stupid whipped!" He cackled, then ducked out of view.
tak: r…. r u mocking me or were the winks genuine…..
tak: wait where do u work :0
tak: ur missing out tho yk 😋
tak: *sent a video*
tak: wait wdym u THINK? i AM GOOD AT BEING SMOOTH
The new picture looked like the saved recording from a Snapchat story. It was him and Yoon Keeho skating around the roller rink beneath the combination of a sparkly disco ball and rainbow neon lights. He still looked as good as he did in the picture, and the video gave a top view that was angled downward over the two tall boys' heads. Yn had definitely seen Keeho and his head of dark blue hair around school before. From what she had heard through the grapevine, he had an awful lot of sass and character stored up in him.
yn's phone: that's confidential :l
yn's phone: looks like a lot of fun! haven't been up there in awhile tbh but i'll think about going soon maybe (^^ゞ
yn's phone: whatever helps u sleep at night tak 🤕🤥
The smile on her face slipped as she read her own messages back, though. Her eyes caught onto one phrasing in particular—the words "up there" yelled at her from the screen with about a dozen sirens blaring. She slapped a hand to her forehead. "Fuuuck."
Her friends peered up from their projects, eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "What? What happened?"
"I said to him 'up there' in relation to the roller rink. There's no way he doesn't know I'm from the Hollows—" Her words were cut off by Intak's own replies.
tak: "tak" 🥰😩😗🥺🫂 someone hold me that's so cute
"I guess not," Jongseob said as he peered over her shoulder at the message, Soul leaning over on her other side. "Man, that's disgusting. Even he's fluffy."
Yn scoffed and waved him off. "Oh, shut up you."
yn's phone: ur friend can hold u lmao
tak: u don't wanna hold me? 😔
yn's phone: if u figure out who i am, then sure ;]
tak: game on.
Though there was a part of her that wanted to get to know Intak like she had his brother, she knew there would be consequences. If he found out her social standing, it could lose her Intak, for one. Even though his brother didn't believe in following the foul classism and bullying his peers up on the hill participated in, that didn't mean Intak felt the same way. (Though, she wanted so badly to believe the opposite.)
It wouldn't matter anyway, right? Losing him? If he discriminated against her based on her income and where she lived, then he could screw off.
(It wasn't like she wasn't used to losing people anyway.)
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"Oh my god, who is making you blush so hard, dude?"
Intak's head shot up from where it had been buried nose-deep in his and Yn's text chain. He subtly moved his brother's phone screen out of sight as Keeho came to sit down next to him on the leather sectional. The two of them had come back to Keeho's house about an hour ago from the roller skating rink, legs and backs and behinds aching from hours of skating. It had been a breath of fresh air, getting out of the house. As vast as the Hwang estate was, it was never big enough. Intak had always felt suffocated, and perhaps that was partly because his father shared a living space with him.
"Hm?" Intak mentally willed his heart to calm down.
Keeho eyed him strangely, but his smile was teasing. He reached for the remote to unpause the movie on screen. "Are you still purging Jae hyung's phone? You've been pretty occupied with it ever since the last few weeks of school." Keeho tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth, and Intak cautiously reached for a handful of the buttery treat for himself.
If "purging" meant keeping in contact with one of his older brother's old friends, then yes. Because of Yn, he probably spent more screen time on Jaehyuk's phone than on his own device. "Yeah, I guess you can say that. Just lots of stuff I didn't know about him."
Intak sunk into the couch and tucked the phone away into his pocket, albeit reluctantly. It almost seemed unfair that Yn knew more about him than he did about her, but he was sure there was a good reason for it.
Well… especially if his hunch was correct.
The movie on screen wasn't very interesting, to be completely honest. Intak had seen it about a dozen times before, but it was the movie Keeho had chosen randomly with the Amazon fire stick thing, and he pretty much stuck with it because he didn't know what to watch either.
Intak suddenly cleared his throat. "Can I… ask you a question?"
Keeho glanced over at him. "Of course. What's up?"
"What do you think about the Hollows kids?" He asked slowly, choosing his words carefully. He tried to pose it as neutrally as possible; he had never really gotten a clear stance from any of his friends about what they thought about the people who lived down the hill from them, but generally, they never seemed against the Hollows kids. At least, they never went out of their way to "show them their place." Those were the obnoxious people from their social class whom Intak was pointedly not friends with.
Come to think of it, Intak hadn't gotten a direct answer from his brother either. But then again, Jaehyuk had never been much of a bully sympathizer or bystander.
Keeho raised his eyebrow as if surprised by the question, which wasn't completely unexpected. "Uhhh—I think they're fine. Like the whole community discrimination is a little stupid, but…" He shrugged, "They can bark as long as they don't bite, y'know."
Intak pursed his lips together in a slow nod.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh—uh, no reason." Intak shifted. What did that answer even mean? "Just curious."
His friend bobbed his head. "Okay… well, if they look at me funny, I'll look at them funny, too. I dunno, dude. It's hard to explain, but if I don't have to get involved, then I won't. You know it's complicated."
Intak supposed he could… live with that answer. It wasn't like he fully accepted it either. After all, he didn't even know what his answer would be... Right?
If faced with the opportunity to befriend someone from the Hollows, would he follow his damn heart or succumb to peer pressure?
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This felt illegal.
Intak sat behind his desk at home, hair damp from his recent shower, his laptop opened to a new web browser. He was searching for car repair shops in the Hollows region, something that had been poking at his brain since the roller rink. He didn't know if Yn had even realized she had said "up there" in regards to the roller skating rink, and to be honest, it wasn't until the third time he read the message that it finally clicked in his brain. (Sue him, he had the nickname "Tak" stuck in his head like some fool.)
It didn't really make sense that Jae would have gone all the way down to the Hollows to get a luxury, vintage car repaired and maintained, but because Yn and Jae had met over the phone, it was just a little more plausible. There were a few holes in his theory, clearly, but it was all logical. Actually, the more Intak thought about it, the more it made sense.
There were a couple repair shops in the Hollows, but only one of them was family-owned and not a chain. The name was something along the lines of Ln's Auto Repair—simple and to the point.
He was seconds away from whipping out the academy yearbook.
yer a wizard yn!: ayo r u alone rn?
Intak bit his lip in a poor attempt to hide his smile.
jae's phone: oh so u wanna get me alone?
yer a wizard yn!: u said u almost got caught by ur friend AGAIN earlier õ_ó
jae's phone: and she CARES!! 😩🙏
yer a wizard yn!: smh T-T
jae's phone: admit that u deflect my flirting bc ur flustered
yer a wizard yn!: u were flirting????
jae's phone: that's so hurtful.
yer a wizard yn!: plus, i bet u get flustered easier than i do, hwang intak
yer a wizard yn!: i bet ur blushing so hard rn 👀
He instinctively pressed the back of his hand to his cheek—and goddamn, it was hot. He wasn't about to admit that though.
jae's phone: not the government name 🙁
yer a wizard yn!: ahh look who's deflecting now 🤭
jae's phone: … touché
He paused, biting his lip. Hey, btw…|
No, he thought to himself, spamming the backspace button with his thumb. But why not? He was already searching it up—it didn't feel right without asking her first.
jae's phone: okay i don't wanna come off as stalkerish but…|
Before he could finish his text, Yn's own popped up.
yer a wizard yn!: anyways the reason i came to bug u was bc i m bored :l
A small laugh fell from Intak's lips. Omg ur finally reciprocating my feelings?? :')
yer a wizard yn!: bro what feelings 😭😭
jae's phone: ur literally so mean to me 😔 y am i here to suffer huh
yer a wizard yn!: dunno dude it's cuz i'm cool B)
jae's phone: not w that emoji ur not 💀 what r u? 60???
yer a wizard yn!: experience-wise, yes
jae's phone: and humor-wise 🤕🙁
jae's phone: a little concerning tbh
jae's phone: but ur bored? lol i thought ur usually w ur friends?
He was usually the bored one because his own friends were with their own families and away from this damned place. Intak technically knew a vast sea of people, but it didn't mean he really knew them. He hadn't smiled while talking to someone new like he did with Yn since he first met his three best friends. Crazy how one could feel so alone in an ocean of people.
yer a wizard yn!: they had to go home to help their families w some stuff lol so im just here ig
yer a wizard yn!: my mom's busy w work rn too so i have the house and it's so quiet haha
jae's phone: r u trying to make moves on me rn 👀 insinuating that the house is empty ;))
yer a wizard yn!: dude do u just flirt w everybody is this a reflex or something 😭😭😭😭
jae's phone: n,,no just u :')
yer a wizard yn!: tak, honey, r u stuttering thru text T-T
Intak leaned back in his desk chair with a soft giggle.
jae's phone: yes my honey bunches of oats 😚 i did stutter
yer a wizard yn!: damn ??? okay 😭 (honey bunches of oats huh 🤨)
jae's phone: do i make u speechless, snookums
jae's phone: or how about sweet lemon drop daisies
jae's phone: lovey dovey partridge in a pear tree?
yer a wizard yn!: HELLOAKDJKS 😭😭
jae's phone: i'd change ur contact name to snookums, but i like the hp reference :/
yer a wizard yn!: i don't think i've laughed that hard in awhile tbh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yer a wizard yn!: where tf dID U GET ALL THOSE ???
jae's phone: wdym snookums :(( they came from my love for u
He unconsciously raised his hand to his face and felt the scorching hot skin there. Yeah, he was so far gone. Maybe a glass of ice water would do him well.
yer a wizard yn!: okay,,, i think i've calmed down now 🤧🤧
yer a wizard yn!: were u doing anything interesting before i interrupted 🤩🤩
jae's phone: yes yes very important stuff o7 top secret info
yer a wizard yn!: who's the vague one now :// lol jkjk
Intak's eyes moved back to his laptop, of which the screen had faded to black. He moved his fingers over the trackpad to wake the device up and display the page for Ln's Auto Repair again. This felt like—was—an invasion of privacy.
jae's phone: okay uhm… don't be mad
yer a wizard yn!: uhhhh haha that's not very reassuring 😅 what'd u do lol
jae's phone: okok uhm im so sorry but i promise i don't stalk people for fun and i was really curious and i noticed that earlier u said that the roller skating rink was "up" from where u were and i figured u were prob in the hollows, so i looked up the auto repair shops in the hollows… and i think i might have found yours?
jae's phone: ik this was an invasion of privacy, i feel so bad
jae's phone: pls don't be mad
Intak dropped the phone onto his desk with his eyes pinned to the screen, waiting for her answer. He bit his lip, knee bouncing frantically. The dots would appear and disappear, then reappear again.
Finally, he watched Yn's reply come in.
yer a wizard yn!: it's… actually kind of relieving ? in a way
yer a wizard yn!: i actually noticed my mistake earlier too but i figured since u didn't say anything about it, u might not have noticed, but ig i shouldn't have underestimated u haha
yer a wizard yn!: so,,, this is it then?
Panic seized his chest, and he picked up the phone so fast it almost fell right out of his hands.
jae's phone: WOAH WOAH WAIT
jae's phone: hey what's wrong? no this isn't **it**
yer a wizard yn!: well u know im from the gutter now right lol
jae's phone: and?? y should that matter to me
jae's phone: yn i don't care that ur from the hollows like u literally don't care that im from the hill right?? and my brother didn't care either and u had no problem being friends w him too
When she didn't respond for a couple of minutes, Intak felt the furrow in his brows as his thumbs raced over the phone keyboard to type out another message.
jae's phone: call me?
He pressed the button to send the message and left the phone on the desk, waiting for the phone to ring. His knee would not stop bouncing to save his life, and so he turned the phone screen off and busied his hands and eyes by looking through his mess of an email inbox. Every few seconds, his eyes darted to the phone, however, the screen remained dark and still. No answer, no phone call.
Just silence, and the palpitations of his nervous heart.
He screwed up, hadn't he? He had just scared her off—and that in itself messed with his head.
He was about to give up for the night—maybe resort to finding a drink downstairs and curl up with a movie—until the dull vibration of the phone jolted him out of his chair. He fumbled with the slim device, and somehow managed to accept the call.
"Hello?" He answered, almost breathlessly.
Yn's throat cleared on the other side, voice low. "Hey. Sorry it took me a couple minutes to call. I think I was just nervous." Her throat cleared another time and it sounded like it was accompanied by cracking knuckles.
Intak relaxed a little into his seat. "No, no, don't worry about it. I—" I was dying, "—take your time. I get it. I was just worried I scared you off." He laughed a little at the end as if he hadn't just experienced a self-induced heart attack.
"No, don't worry," she rushed to reply. "You didn't scare me off. I think I do a good enough job at that already."
He turned on speaker mode and placed the phone on the desk so he could fidget with his fingers. "Ah… if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way—scared, I mean. And I really did mean what I said… with the not caring about you being from the Hollows."
A beat passed. "Thanks, Intak. That's… really cool of you."
He nodded. "Right, yeah. Just the...the bare minimum," he said quietly with a flippant flick of his wrist. And it was the bare minimum, but in a community like theirs, bare minimum was a high standard when it came to classism and discrimination. "So—we're cool, right? We're cool?"
She hummed. "Yeah, of course."
A smile crawled onto his face and tugged at the corners of his lips. "Good. I'm glad." He leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk with his cheeks leaning on the palms of his hands. "Listen, Yn... you can be comfortable with me, I hope. I—I hope you can feel safe with me like you did with my brother."
His heartbeat thundered in his ears almost as loud as the volume of the call, and his cheeks were aflame beneath his palms. It was a marvel how one person could make him feel this way. Hearing her voice sent a course of tingles down his spine, made his toes curl. It was a feeling not entirely foreign, yet completely new at the same time.
"Thank you," was her soft reply. "I hope so, too."
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Follow up to the Kai Parker ask (off anon) but when you said “He found a little bit of security in Lily Salvatore” it threw me back to that one fic you wrote with Kai and the mice where he brought the reader back to lily’s and it had such heavy found family vibes and I loved it sm, I swear you’re right about Kai’s character turning out differently if someone had given him a second chance. He really did just want to belong. Also, love that your mom is a Matt girly, my little sister is a Tyler Lockwood stan 😂😂
Hi!!! 🤗
Awwwh, tbh, that one's one of my favorites that I've written! I freaking love the found family trope, and there's a great lack of fics of him being with the heretics in a family sense (& him with heretics in general). [I want to write more, too.]
But yeah, he just wants to feel like he belongs somewhere, and even though he didn't really know Lily, she still gave him that feeling of security through, if you take my blood, you're pretty much indestructible. And the heretics would contribute to giving him that feeling of safety and belonging, considering they're in the same boat Gemini siphon-wise, and he was with them for four months, and let them feed on him.
The lack of redemption bothers me so much because almost every single villain was redeemed up to season 5, and then they just started killing them off. But unlike Silas, the Travelers, Lily's boyfriend I forgot his name, and the Sirens, Kai was actually putting effort into being better, but then they totally screwed him over.
And I could even see him getting close to Damon later in season 6, when he wanted answers about his mother. They could've been buddies, but then Bonnie had to go in and ruin it. Kai could've had his life; he'd probably stay in Mystic Falls and continue to gain their trust. Jo wouldn't have died; the heretics wouldn't have absolutely ransacked MF; Matt wouldn't have lost his shit with the vamps for good. 😅 If they just forgave Kai, so many problems would've been avoided, and the poor boy could've had the redemption arc he deserved. I'll be forever mad about it.
Also, laughing about your sister liking Tyler. 😂 He 's almost as bad as Matt. Thing is though, I don't really hate either of them. Tyler peeves me most of the time, but I like some of his qualities. Matt's fine when he's being loyal to his friends, but I lose respect for him when he's sleeping with Rebekah but actively hating vampires, but then I really hate him in seasons 7 & 8. Being anxious of vampires is entirely valid, but he can't hate them and sleep with them, too. 😅
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d4rlinx · 2 years
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 ^^^
"𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 ??"
𝘈/𝘕: 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘴𝘺 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘰𝘤
𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘩
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♥︎  ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎  ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎   ♥︎  ♥︎   ♥︎
You were bored and wanted to hang out with your bestfriend Kuon.
You can't help but kick your feet while messaging him.
You shrug the feeling of butterflies whenever you're with him. Convincing yourself that it'll go away
You check your time as it was 12:00 PM
You get up to get yourself ready.
Washed your face and styled your hair.
Humming to your favorite song.
You picked a casual outfit of your choice
And then you went off as you bid your goodbye to your pet(s).
You walked there excited
Kuon was already there he greeted you with a smile that made the butterflies in your stomache flutter.
You say "hey!" as you sling your arm around his shoulders then gave him a hug you felt a small pat on your back.
"y'know I missed you" he said
"yeah yeah but I also missed you too" you said with a chuckle.
then both of you walk into the cafe the smell of coffee lingering.
"that smells nice" he said "yeah" you replied with a gentle grin.
"I'll get that drink, how about you?" he replied with his choice of drink.
You payed for the drinks.
Then you took a small sip.
"ACK it's hot" your hand fanning your tongue
You two exited the cafe then walking to park that had lovely flowers.
"hey I just noticed you don't seem to laugh a lot"
you say curiously
"what do you mean?" he says with a confused tone.
"like full on laugh. Hurdiling your stomach and shit." carefully sipping on your drink.
"ehhh really?" he said.
"yes really" you said looking at him.
"Also my sister is now on 5th grade and my brother on 3rd *sniff they grow up so fast"
you said with fake tear droping.
"You sound like as if your an old mom"
he says snickering
"you do" slightly pinching your cheek
"BITCH" pinching his cheek back
"owww that hurt" acting all hurt (whiny ass 🙄 /j)
"awwwh will a wittle kiss make you fweel bette- pfft" you can't help but laugh about what you just said
he smiles at you, he had always adored the way you laughed (as a red tint came flushing over his cheeks)
You two talked more until you reached your destination.
Both of you laying on the grass
you say as you finish your drink.
'heh what if I tickle him.. maybe not.. buuut'
he was laughing all over the place as he was about to fall yet you grabbed his arm but both of you still went down
you had your eyes closed then opening your eyes as you hear a small
"hey what are you lauging at?"
"pft- then he bursted into laughs again, you can't help but join in.
both of your laughter slowly ended.
He wiped the tears from his eyes while still stiffling a few laughs.
While you lay there in awe
You never realised how cute he is
You snapped yourself back to reality.
As you dust off the grass on you.
"Missed a spot" brushing his hair
he laughed and said "thanks"
"holy he's cute" you muttered
"what?" he asked "hm? I didn't say anything?"
"oh I thought you said something.. man I'm exhausted" his head leaning on your shoulder, your hands holding eachother.
The gentle breeze brushing your skin, grass behind your back as you stare at the clouds.
You wish this moment to last forever but you know it won't so you savor it, a memory for you to keep and to ponder about.
You fell asleep while Kuon is there busy with his own thoughts.
"I love you so much I can't handle it anymore" he says with a very soft voice to not wake you up or for you to hear.
His cheeks warm and with a red tint, stroking your hair between his fingers.
Both of you staying in the same position everythimg felt so warm even though you were asleep.
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aly4khq · 1 year
HEADCANONS: What if AOT characters saw you breaking down (or about to) because of stress?
Characters: Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Erwin, Levi, Hanji
AOT x Black!Reader (SFW)
- - - - M I K A S A A C K E R M A N - - - -
• She'd be walking to her room when hearing your whimpers echoe from your lips. Slowly opening the door, she gazed upon the sight that was displayed. You grabbing onto your hair, possibly ripping out some strands, while tears raced out of your once overjoyed, warming eyes.
• She would hold you in her arms, rocking you gently, whispering soft comforting words into your ear. A bunch of i love you's and you're okay's.
• "Let's take a break, I'll protect you from everything dear." Her voice hypnotising your moves as your eyes start to drop heavy. Curling up in your bed, waiting for sleep to overcome you.
• Makes sure that if you need anything like a bath and gives it to you. At that moment, you are the main character.
- - - - - - - E R E N J E A G E R - - - - - -
• He'd catch onto your behaviour quickly. Sudden change of attitude? He'll make you feel like yourself again. Changing of food schedules? He'll encourage you to get betters
• But the day you were literally hyperventilating and crying, he felt hopeless. He didn't know what was wrong and how to help comfort you. '
'Should I touch them? No, they could panic more. But a hug can be good? Touching them though?'
As he came to his senses, his arms slowly wrapped around you and ordered you to breath carefully.
• To be honest, he was scared himself and was about to burst into tears right then and there just by looking at you.
• Gently caresses your muscles, giving you a soft massage after you relax.
• Reminds you that he is there. Let's you vent if you need to.
- - - - - - A R M I N A R L E R T - - - - - -
• Before you even acknowledge that you're not doing well, he's comforting you.
• "What's wrong? You can talk to me."
- "Huh?"
- "Why are you down, love?"
- "I don't even know myself."
• Treats you like a baby. Comforting you at night, reading you stories so you can sleep. Hugging you ever so often.
• He was so gentle and patient with you one time that you cried because of it.
• "☹️Woah, why are you crying?"
- "😭I love you so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't even know how I'll pay you back for everything-"
- "😰Okay calm down-"
• Your problem always has a diagnosis when Armin is around.
- - - - - - - E R W I N S M I T H - - - - - - -
• He isn't always spot on since he's a workaholic but 99.95% of the time he is.
• He'd send someone to find you and bring you to his office.
• "You're not in trouble nor is this work related" -> probably the first thing that comes from his mouth while you close the door behind you.
• Encourages you to take it out on the titans on the next expedition. 😁
- "Slice out all of your rage!"
- "Where?"
- "...Titans, darling. Titans."
• One minute you're sad the next you are laughing at his dad jokes.
• He also would let you sleep it out, you on his lap while he continues to do his work.
• Would still take on meetings with people he's close with (Aka Levi and Hanji)
- *Levi stares at you and Erwin in awe*
- Hanji screams, "AWWWH SO CUTE-"
- "Quiet, Hanji."
- - - - - L E V I A C K E R M A N - - - - - -
• Very confused but understands completely. First kneels down and tries to communicate with you.
• "Hey..? I'm here now."
• More physical therapy then verbal. Tends to hold you more and talk in your secret language.
• Makes sure that you have a bath and wipes away your tears.
• Doesn't mind if you cling onto his waist while he touches up your afro's shapes.
• "Um...brat...?"
- "Hm..."
- "Do you..need anything else?"
- "No." 🥱
- "Oh, okay." 😊
- - - - - - - - H A N J I Z O E - - - - - - - - -
• Gasps aggressively before immediately taking you in their arms.
•Treats you like a baby. Rocks you around the room and rubs their hand down your back.
• "What's wrong?"
- "I can't deal with this anymore.." 😥😭
- *You start to cry even harder*
- "Awwh! It's okay." 🥺
• Hugs you like it's the last day on Earth.
• Let's you take out your anger side on her bad experiments.
• Makes a little invention where you can hurt but it always comes back to it's origin form.
• Always keeps an eye out for you.
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platypunch · 10 months
thoughts while watching hs s2 i guess
heartstopper season 2 spoilers!!!
i will most likely be cringy as fuck but who cares, also going to be very long, and this is pure unfiltered thoughts right from my mind
imogen, girl.. not him.. please
mxmtoon & fitz and the tantrums songs in heartstopper :D
i love tori so much
i literally adore nicks mom though shes so sweet
ive known sahar for 15 seconds but i adore her you bring that sword girl
felix is a mood though, also love naomi
i just love like all the new characters lmao
im sorry but nellie growling at david made me laugh SO HARD
more swearing this season lol
worried about darcy tbh she doesnt seem ok D:
james and issac qpr perhaps???
"this definitley isnt legal is it" "nope."
"look after him, or you die."
*nick speaking french* "what the hell was that 🤨"
"elle? do you need a hand?" "no. 😐" "😦"
so much swearing lmao
harry being relativley nice?? what??
darcy and tara fight D:
the fainting felt very similar to when ive fainted tbh
all the books issac got lmao
speaking of issac, how he keeps looking at everyone kissing..
issac and james kiss !! cuute although i know issac is aro
awwwh :(
harry claims hes not homophobic..?
more tao dancing lol
obviously she didnt actually throw up but .. 😬
"i can draw arrrrt 😀"
i LOVE tara bedsheets and those flower pillows
elle got into the school!!!
even MORE tao dances
taos mom is so adorable lol i love her
"my summer is for sleeping, not visiting old museums" so true tori. mines to binge heartstopper apparantley lol
we get to know more about darcys family??
awwh issac :(
awwwww hes happy again!! also i love art shows theyre so cool
ahhh i love elles piece its so prettyyy!!
ben has parental issues.. fuck him still
darcy D: this made me cryyy
elles room is stunninggg
everyone looks great!!
i feel so bad for tara and darcy :((
tao dance part 51
aww imogen and sahar would be so cute with each other (but imogens an 'ally 🤙🏳‍🌈'
darcyyyy also i feel like taras gonna get yelled at by darcys mom
awwww theyre so cuuuuuuute <333
cant leave me off with this sad stuff alice why 😔
it got a lil better 🥹
🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 ❤🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 🖤🤎🩵🩷🤍
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
hi katie 💕💕💕💕 can i ask 15, 22 and 35 from the otp asks? 😽✨
hiii darling!! 💕💕 :D yes, of COURSE you can, mwah. thank you so much for asking!! 😘
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
awwwh, okay, so, time to dig into the emotions a little bit - i think that they might not do it every time, but there are certain times when they always do it. example: when they part ways after a drivers parade on the sunday morning, i think they'd make it a little pre-race tradition to whisper "je t'aime" to each other. because they've both lost too much to racing, and i don't think either of them could bear the thought of "i lost him and today is the one day i didn't tell him i loved him." so, they don't make that an option - not when it comes to racing; not ever.
when it's just in their day-to-day lives, though? i think that they sometimes do, sometimes don't - for no particular reason, really, just that they're humans, and incredibly busy ones, at that. sometimes, humans just forget things in everyday life. maybe one of them would have to leave at a very odd time for a flight, or rush out to some PR event, or something, and just not say it that specific time. and neither of them minds that much, really, because they both get it. the times they do say "i love you" before leaving is when they're going to be apart for a longer stretch of time, or when either of them is feeling particularly romantic. just, you know. domestic things ❤️
22. What reminds each of their partner?
ahhh, omg, i freaking LOVE this one!! and i am just thinking of literally so many answers now, omfg. i'm going to try and keep this short-ish (the operative word there being try, of course xD 🙈) so the first thing that popped into my mind was, quite simply, the colour red. charles has been with ferrari for so long and he wears the red so well that i think every time pierre sees something that even vaguely resembles the rossa corso red -- he'd think of charles. immediately. also, of course, any ferraris he might happen to pass on the road. and!! oh my gosh!! for both of them - any squid plushies/stuffed toys, or even just freaking calamari in a restaurant. for charles specifically, anything that's like a very CLICHÉ french thing would probably make him laugh, and take a picture, and send to pierre (which counts as making him think of pierre/reminding him of pierre, right?)
so... yeah 😅 i don't think i quite succeeded in keeping that one short, but, well. they just have such a rich relationship and such a long history that i think almost ANYTHING could remind them of each other. even something as small as walking past a shop and seeing each other's preferred brand of toothpaste/favourite treat on a menu/something that could work as a birthday gift... you get the idea. anything and everything ❤️
35. Who's more artistic?
oooohhh, this is such an interesting one! i feel like the easy answer would be "they're both a bit shit, ngl" but that's not quite true. as that one grill the grid challenge last year proved, they're both actually surprisingly more artistic than i thought. like, no, they're not going to be the next vincent van goghs anytime soon, not either of them. but they're not completely terrible. charles even did a reasonably acceptable portrait of carlos recently in that one challenge? 🤔 it's not GREAT, no, but hey, it's definitely better than what i could've done, so.
that still doesn't answer the question, though, so let me do that now: i don't think either of them is definitively better, really. knowing them, they would probably find a way to make it a competition though -- why is my mind thinking something along the lines of them arguing affectionately over who actually did a better design in that grill the grid challenge, and that devolving into who's a better artist, and that devolving into them taking freaking art classes just to prove a point... and then, of course, they both just end up getting a lot better, and actually really enjoying the art. (it would of course endlessly frustrate them that there's still no clear winner. they both just keep getting better and better, at all the different mediums 😂😭) so, yeah. they're dumb, but they're dumb and surprisingly artistic, is my answer xD <333
(obligatory otp asks)
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hey I’m the anon who sent this req 🥺 I mean this…💖😳 was better than I imagined. You’re such an amazing writer I swear, you make me laugh…you make me smile….you make my heart go pitter patter. I love how your writings are so accurate for each member..it makes everything seem SO REALISTIC. I loved every member’s part sm but honestly..jungwon just <3 😭
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Hi hi hi my lovely anon 🥺 <3 I never expected such a nice feedback omg. T~T tysm so much for requesting and interacting! It’s my honour that I can make precious ppl like you smile and laugh and achieve some sort of happiness! 🤍 awwwh? That’s so sweet pls. I always try my hardest to make fanfictions I write as realistic as possible, keeping the members’ personalities in mind, so I’m glad you guys view it like that too. I’m seriously so flattered and happy whenever I get a msg from any one of you. I am so so grateful for you. {pls jungwon’s part is also my personal fav, I’m just so much in my feels for this boy I need help now seriously istg😭🖤)
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ch0coc4t · 2 years
“Oh could you just give it back! Come on, this is pointless!” The one and only Dr. Flug whined, which was removing anything that’d make him be taken seriously. “Oh don’t just shake your head! Hand it over!” Flug replied to you shaking your head. Flug however was getting slightly salty judging by the expression on his goggles. Admittedly his bag often made it hard to tell how he was feeling at times. “Okay, if I’m not getting it back, at least tell me what’s causing this? Please?”
After the moment of silence, Flug decided to piece things together. What could it be… Demencia usually would do this to annoy him but he doubted it was to annoy him.. had he done something? Once that question was asked, Flug glanced at the clock hung on the wall. Ahhh… that’d explain it. Long working hours typically made his attention much harder to receive. So. Perhaps attention is what was wanted. “Ohhhoho. I see… but I don’t think you realize the situation you’re in.”
He spoke ominously before the wiggly fingers became apparent. Ohhh no. “Ah ah ah! No trying to move away, you still haven’t given it back. You’re the one who started this, so expect retaliation.” Is what was said before his wiggly fingers slowly edged closer and closer. “I’m not even touching you and you’re all squirmy! Not to mention those adorable nervous giggles.” The Doctor teased, his hands finally starting the tickly attack to your tummy. “Awww… your laugh is so cute! Adorable even!” Flugslys commented with the intent to make you flustered, but also with a truthful intent! All while his finger’s mercilessly scribbled around before they slowed while he began to trace around your navel.
“You remember this spot? The laughter button right here?” Flug questioned, already knowing the answer considering your nervous giggles likely upped with that tease. “You knowww… if you give it back I might stop tickling you.” With that reminder, Flug suddenly wiggled a finger right into your navel, all while keeping his silliness and playful nature when it came to tickles. “A-tickle tickle tickle! Tickle tickle! Awwwh you’re adorable! Okay! Okay. Humor me. How bad does this tickle on a scale of 1-10?” Ah there’s the extra silly side of him, the side he tried to deny due to his work. Lovely to see it! “10? I don’t think it’s a 10. After all, what are raspberries for?” There’s hardly a chance he’d actually show his face, but he didn’t mind ever so slightly lifting the bag to blow a raspberry before putting it right back down. But. There’s definitely a happy Flug under the bag. He was having too much fun being the cause of laughter and smiles, he liked being the cause of it, it made him feel nice inside.
“So, raspberry orrr are you gonna give it back… hm?”
(I quit the anonymous thing since you’ve given a good guess. But please enjoy :] )
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trailingnightshade · 5 months
Visit of the Aged Vulpes - Reunion
Orfeo pranced on the sidewalk, humming to himself. The light posts' bulbs blinked, making the midnight view half-illuminated by moonlight more often than not. He wondered if the blood smear from a few days ago was cleaned up. The body had to be, but the traces might not've been. ['Probably didn't bother'], he assumed. ['The police here are, apparently, a joke.']
Suddenly, a hand pulled on his arm, closer to an alleyway. He turned to look. Just as he expected, and exactly how he remembered. Ryder.
After getting a better look at Orfeo's bright face, his eyebrows pinched together. “What are you doing here?”
“How else am I supposed to find you? I never see you anywhere.” 
“That's the idea.”
“So, I asked Ruya about the… rift. She let us in there, and we all explored a little.”
“Oh goodie. Was it fun?” He said, a tinge of sarcasm coating his voice. 
“Ah… ehe… it was definitely, uh- something.”
“Uh-huh. Are you done?”
“Hey- come on, I'm getting somewhere with this.”
“Then get there already.”
Orfeo had a lot of mixed feelings on everything that happened since the night he died and came back. He did not know what Ruya's true motivations were. He did not know whether those series of bus disappearances that Idris chattered on about were related to their own. He did not know why Terrell kept looking at him after the rift like they were both in on some secret.
But he did not care about those things.
He was far more interested in Ryder.
Someone who knew so much about the situation, but spoke so little of it. An outsider who was still deeply enmeshed in the situation. 
And then, there was what that spirit said.
[“Idris, you can't be trusting this… thing so easily.”
“Awwwh, he’s no fun!”, the reddish worm-like spectre said, directing his tip towards Orfeo.
“Leave it be”, said the white spectre with many hands. “It is in his nature to listen to his Eurydice.”]
He was curious. Too curious. Those two had said many enigmatic things, but he couldn't help but to wonder.
“Can you go into the rift with me?” Ryder's expression hardened. “Alone.” That caught his interest.
“It’s just that, ah… I want to look into it. But I don't want anyone else in the group to know. Except I'm not exactly strong, am I? I wouldn't be able to hold my own!” 
Ryder glared at him. He instantly saw through the lame lie Orfeo usually managed to get away with. He panicked, grasping at Ryder's arm.
“Please? I- I really… I… need you there with me.”
Ryder's eyes went wide. His expression cycled through surprise, understanding, and…. sorrow, as Orfeo understood it. He closed his eyes, and had a long sigh. “Fine.”
Orfeo laughed in relief, letting go of his arm. “Thank you.”
Ryder smiled, the same sort of flirtatious, sly smile he always wore when he teased Orfeo. “Couldn't say no, you're helpless without me.”
Orfeo finally could pin it down. Familiar in every way, yet worlds apart. An unspoken secret that everyone knew.
“I can help myself perfectly well.” He nearly winced at how shaky his voice was.
Ryder hummed, then moved his hand towards Orfeo's neck, adjusting his shirt's collar. “And yet, you're here.” Orfeo trained his breathing, but felt warmth crawling up from his neck and into his face. His fingers trailed a little, moving to the inside of his shirt. He wanted to grow used to it, to stay unaffected. He wasn't going to. It was tantalising, something he'd ached for for so long, but felt like it came from a stranger. He may very well be one.
His hand trailed up, towards his collarbone, then towards the back of his neck. He tried to hold back a sigh, but was unsuccessful. “There it is.” His voice was feather soft as he started running his fingers up the back of his neck, feeling his hair. Orfeo did his best to not move an inch, or make a single noise. “Repression isn't good for you, you know.” That earned him a sharp glare. He smiled in delight, and removed his hand. It felt cold afterwards, like it was supposed to be there.
“Right, then. Time is short. Let’s go.”
Orfeo was still a little shaken. “W-What, like, now?”
“When else?”
Orfeo shrunk a little. “...right. Let’s just go.”
The rift was full of things, yet empty.
A big darkness, with dancing lights within. Most were white, but some bore other colors, all of which he saw either on creatures or spirits.
He, somehow, could see perfectly fine. At most, with a small tint, like if sundown were black and white.
Ryder was clicking a retractable dagger into place. Orfeo knew he had one, considering he pulled it out that night, when he threatened to cut a man's fingers until he talked. 
“Are you sure a knife is enough?”
“Yes, I am. Turns out, pistols aren't very effective on these.”
“So, you've… been here before? If you know how to deal with what's here.”
“Always with the questions.”
“Well, there’s one very easy way to shut me up that you keep avoiding.”
He turned his head towards Orfeo, smiling slyly. “What way would that be?”
Orfeo felt warmth crawling up his neck. “Ugh- answering my questions properly, that's how!”
“Mhm. Too bad.”
Orfeo weighed the wooden baseball bat that Ryder gave to him on the way. It definitely saw its fair share of hitting people, not baseballs. But, whatever kept him from having to win a fistfight against an enemy would suffice.
They stepped forward, and walked down the tunnel. Orfeo glanced all around, warily, but Ryder was focused on looking ahead.
Soon enough, out came the same spirit that accosted him and his group on their first outing.
“Ah, The Lamenter… you are back already.” The spirit of many hands said, standing ahead and looking on. “And you bring The Forsaken with you.”
That title felt… strange. It insisted on calling them by titles. The Queen, The Third Sister, The Oracle, The Tragedy… Orfeo was Orpheus, The Lamenter, as painfully expected. But why The Forsaken, for him?
“Ignore it.” Ryder said, not even pausing.
“Why?” Orfeo held his arm.
“They won't help you. Most of the time, they just rattle off enough things to make you unsure of your footing to make you leave. Or die.”
“Well. I… Want to see that with my own eyes, then.
Ryder sighed, softly. “Fine. That one in particular isn't too bad to talk to.”
Orfeo stepped forward.
“You have questions, Lamenter. I cannot see the future. And I cannot tell you what you are not meant to know.”
“Why do you call us… that? Lamenter, Tragedy, Oracle….”
“The stories of the past repeat, again and again. Some in more wondrous ways than others. You were fated to meet them, such as you were fated to be here. And you were fated to repeat the past.”
“That… doesn't quite answer my question. What past are we repeating?”
“I believe you know the answer to your own, Orpheus. Did you not look back?”
Orfeo lowered his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to control himself. Ryder placed his hand on Orfeo's shoulder comfortingly.
He took a deep breath, and opened his eyes. “I'm… I'm fine. What about the other names?”
“That is not your fate to know. But they also have executed theirs before this current moment.”
Orfeo risked a glance at Ryder. He'd been looking at Orfeo, with some concern, but after that glance, he shifted. “You’re not seriously planning to pry on me, are you?”
“What is it that you don't want me to know? What are you trying to hide?”
“None of your damn business is what!”
“So you get to know so much about me, but I don't get to know anything about you? Or what's going on?”
Before the argument could go on, the spirit with many hands spoke.
“Your friend, The Beauty… how is she?”
Ryder's head snapped towards the spirit. He pursed his lips, then answered. “She is doing fine.”
The spirit hummed. “I cannot see her fate, at this moment. You are shackled to your fate, in the meaning that you cannot control what others do. But you are capable of choosing your own actions.”
“I know.” His eyes had a tiredness to them, but also some form of determination.
“Let's… keep going.” Orfeo tentatively said. Ryder nodded.
“Your questions will be answered, in time. Both of you.” The spirit faded away.
They kept walking, in silence.
“So… The Beauty, was it?”
“One of them used to make fun of her for that title, sometimes. Say she wasn't particularly hot enough for it.” He almost sounded fond.
“Did you ever find out why she got that title?”
“She dated some creep before the fox took her here to deal with the rift. If you ask me, it's probably that.”
“The fox…”
“If you’re thinking of finding her and asking her anything, don't. She has amnesia. She doesn't even know about the rift.”
“And the others who came here with her are-”
A hush fell over them as they kept walking.
The two came across a strange creature, inching towards them. A sort of pillar with two arm-like extremities and a mouth-like opening, entirely made of a green, slimey material. Ryder stepped back.
“What are you doing?”
“You can take this one. Go on.”
“Ugh- are you trying to punish me for prying, or something?”
“How else do you plan on training when you insist to your comrades that you're some fragile little maiden?”
Orfeo huffed and weighed his bat. He dashed towards the creature, and swung his bat across what could be seen as its neck. Its ‘head’ splashed on the floor, but its ‘arms’ stretched to grab him. He swung his bat wildly at them, then started clobbering the thing's main body. He kept swinging, again and again and again, until it stopped moving.
He stood up, shaking all over. “Disgusting… filthy…!” He felt a hand on his head, petting his hair.
“Good job, darling.”
Orfeo moved away. Ryder laughed softly. “Wait, come over here.” He hesitantly stepped towards him. Ryder carefully fixed Orfeo's hair. He looked up at Ryder, who kept looking at him longingly. He sharply turned towards the path ahead.
“Uhm- let's- keep moving. Time is short!”
That earned him a genuine laugh out of Ryder.
He stepped out of the entrance of the rift, thoroughly sore from the variety of fights he got into.
“I'm not sure if you even helped…”
“What do you mean, now? I covered your back. And gave you quite a lot of encouragement.” He nudged Orfeo's cheek with his knuckles, seemingly the most calm and content Orfeo had seen him ever since he met him on his first day in the town.
“L- Lot of good that did me.” He wasn't sure if his heart was beating so quickly because of all the exercise, or if it was because Ryder seemed dedicated to keeping his hands on Orfeo as long as he could.
“Ah, right. Hand me your bat.” He wordlessly handed it over. Ryder set it on a corner of the entrance. “You should use this the next time you train here.”
“As much as I, believe you me, hate saying this… I'm not going in there alone.”
“No problem, then. I'll come with you. I end up around here at night, anyway.”
That surprised him. “What happened to ‘staying away from me’?”
“Well, if the only way to get you to train is for me to come with, I'll come with. Trust me, your silver tongue won't be enough for what you'll go up against.”
“You just like seeing me hit things.” Orfeo nearly instantly regretted saying that once the sly smile returned to Ryder's face.
“What, can't I have multiple reasons to do this?”
“Good night, Ryder.” He hissed out, before turning and hurrying his step.
“Good night!” He could hear from slightly far away.
0 notes
There was a new scar on Kix’s armor, a wide gash across the back seeded with rock and dust that Jesse brushed his fingertips across like a secret. And Kix breathed, soft and even, like it would hide the fact that the air couldn’t seem to find the other side of his diaphragm. The drama of the cracked plastoid would hide the matching set of bruises and broken ribs, and Jesse would busy himself with wiping the grime from both of their faces.
Kix would sip Jesse’s cup of water, they would share the ration bar he pulled from his belt. They would try to breathe, and remember that the other one still was, and then their moment to feel the aftermath would wrap up as easily as a wrapped sheet. Jesse would know better than to talk, and Kix would need the silence.
Except that Jesse was a kriffing idiot, one who kept both of their hearts too close, one who danced on the edges of new scars like he knew how to heal them, and Kix would never give him the satisfaction of admitting that sometimes he did.
“Did you get that checked out?”
Kix shifts. The ration bar tastes like chalk, memories shoved to the back of a dusty shelf.
Jesse raises his eyebrows. Kix pretends not to notice.
So Jesse pouts instead, and Kix’s rebel heart betrays him, and Jesse matches the escaped smile like he’s won. Kix swats him.
“It’s fine.”
“It’s fine,” Jesse echoes, and rolls his eyes. “Hypocrite.”
“It’s fine,” Kix insists. Mutinously, he takes another bite of ration bar.
Jesse hums, noncommittal, amused. It’s infuriating. His fingertips trace the cracks in the plastoid again. His breath tickles Kix’s ear.
He doesn’t even have to say anything, and that’s infuriating too.
“You,” Kix sighs, “are a pain in my shebs.”
Jesse hums again, almost a laugh. “It’s why you keep me around.”
He’s right - of course he is - and Kix won’t say it, but they both know it. Jesse is brilliantly bullheaded enough for the both of them.
“Maybe I shouldn’t.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t.” Jesse hugs him closer, and Kix sighs and lets himself bathe in the warmth. Even fresh out of the firefights, Jesse still smells like Jesse - something almost nutty, rich and warm and thick enough to bury yourself in.
And then Kix grunts, and Jesse pulls back, and Kix’s ribs are still broken.
“You’ve got to get that checked out,” Jesse says again.
“It’s fine.”
But Kix’s words sound hollow, and his breath still doesn’t quite reach the other side of his diaphragm. Jesse’s hand finds his instead, tangling their fingers together until Kix doesn’t have the energy to untie them anymore.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“You grouse when I win.”
“You deflect.”
“Awwwh, Kixystix. You know me so well.” Jesse tips his head, overdoes the innocence.
“Wish I didn’t.”
Jesse huffs, mock exasperation. His free hand traces circles at the base of Kix’s neck, drops down to find the spot where the edge of his hip flares out a little too far, and there’s another reason Kix can’t breathe.
He should maybe get that checked out. But Jesse is insufferable when he’s right.
So Kix lets himself melt, lets himself bathe in the warmth, lets the moment draw out like the whole thing is a tease.
Jesse can be right later.
Some snark and some soft for @hades-in-a-handbag . This was super fun to write - thank you so much for requesting it! You know how much I love these two, and I hope you enjoy this one.
I wrote a little snippet of a sickfic a while back so I'll get that posted soon! 💕
(tagged for some mild cloneshipping but you can interpret this however you like!)
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sungbeam · 7 months
your ™️(s):
- being the sweetest friendliest cutest little 妹妹 i’ll ever have
- comedy is your middle name (i laugh & choke on my food every time i read your fics)
- lowkey my sleep paralysis demon (when you bite and fite back)
- no ji changmin no life (thats your motto admit it)
AWWWH thank you 姐姐 :((( this means so so much to me 🫂 omg i've always wanted to be someone's sleep paralysis demon 😃😃 and actually NO. he's gonna be mr. dr. sungbeam phd !!! im gonna put a ring on it, just wait
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