#I like to think that I'm not a popular enough blog for that but yknow. anything goes when it comes to this topic
velnna · 6 months
Since you probably use more social media than most people, I was curious on what you think of the ones u use, especially now that blue sky is open to the public
Eh, I'm not super well versed on them these days because I mostly use them to respond to notifications, post and disappear, plus I have notifications filtered everywhere so I don't keep track of engagement. ESPECIALLY with bluesky, I've never even opened the general timeline there 😅
Twitter is still my favourite social media and the one I use more seamlessly. I think I see value in it because it's not primarily meant for visual posts and there's people from a bunch of different fields and industries engaging with whatever all at once, plus the line between commenting on a post and making a post yourself is blurred which gives for some funny interactions. It used to intimidate me but now I'm just chilling.
Bluesky I guess is supposed to be the same thing? But I can't bring myself to engage with it idk. Back when it started I could see that the most active people there were the ones actively hating twitter, while.. doing the exact same things on bluesky they did on twitter 🤷‍♂️ so I think Elon Musk aside it's basically the same thing with less users.
I used to be big on instagram but basically stopped using it when they introduced reels, now I just post and disappear. I hate that they couldn't just leave it simple and uncluttered and the fact that reels became so popular pissed me off lmao.
Tiktok is a tricky one for me because I go "viral" easily there and it's my biggest platform BUT it's very addicting and you sorta have to scroll through the main page to find content to make + a lot of the time you need to make content specifically for it. Which is a time sink for me in a lot of ways :') I tend to open it every other month to maybe post something then ghost again
Tumblr is... fine? Idk tumblr definitely feels like both the most useless and the easiest social media to use. Useless in the sense that I never expect anything that happens on tumblr to materialise into anything outside of it. Easiest in the sense that it's just chill for me to post and engage with what people send me without needing to think about it too hard. Trying to get original content to take off here was in vain but fanart does particularly well as expected.. which means it only started being fun for me when I got into BG3 as I'd never been in a fandom before lmao. I like that, just like twitter, it's not only for visual posts, but get overwhelmed at the idea of blogs and formatting and sorting posts, so I only use it barebones and tend to not engage with the main page/timeline either
Engagement-wise, I honestly couldn't tell ya. I think that comes down to you paying attention to each social media's trends and how people interact with it. Personally I'm (very luckily) at a stage where 99% of the time I don't care about whether a post makes numbers or flops, and my platforms are big enough that if I REALLY needed something to do well I could probably find a way to make it loud enough so yknow
Hope this answers your question :'D
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
(First two paragraphs sound messed up asf don't read those first and leave it at that, keep reading lmao it gets better i swear 😭)
My personal ick is when people take wlw scenes/songs and make them mlm or mlw... because brutha eugh? We already barely have shit why u gotta take OUR shit and make it all abt u. Idk... am I being a lil slow? I saw a h*skerdust ver of the more than anything reprise and kinda cringed. It was basically just a male version of the song n they jst put the ship as the cover art and yknow idk if thats what kinda urked me or if i jst hate h*skerfuck even more lately. Like... Idc if u make a cover of a wlw song unless u make it wlm. But it kinda disgusts me when someone makes it mlm too?? Like idk if that's jst me upset that chaggie isn't super popular (which is completely the shows fault and the fact ppl just always favor mlm 😭). But imma leave it at that I'm usually the type to wait for someone else's opinion so I can make my own.
When u make a mlw characters into wlw or mlm it's aight cuz they literally have the majority of the entire internet what's it gonna do? Hurt your representation? Yap yap. But it's equally messed up to me to make any lesbian media gay and uplifting that. Genderbending doesn't count, I love gender bending, but making that and putting it above the original wlw media is straight up lesbophobia I don't care.
No. I think THATS my problem actually. It's when you make any wlw media into mlm or wlm and UPLIFTING that higher than the original. THATS my problem. Not the change itself, but the putting it on a higher shelf than the smaller amount of wlw rep and saying it's "better". Because that itself is messed up asf.
It's kinda of similar to the whole carmillo carmine thing. Because they genderbent carmilla and said that he was BETTER THAN HER?? Istg hazbee fans are fucking terrified of women or somthn because I keep seeing this shit. Like my entire blog has always been women loving women. Because ykno I'm a girl kisser 😝 so it's hilarious to think abt a hazboo fan screaming in terror at two girls kissing 😭
This goes with mlm too but it's not as big of problem let's be real. It probably happens, not sure, I have NEVER seen it happen before so that's telling enough.
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streaminn · 1 year
Hmm.. Have you guys ever heard of the word bitching in an omegaverse context?
I was thinking of my scent blind au where enid so desperately wished she could've been an alpha so she would be right for wednesday during heaven and back
Content warning for straight up Addams obsession, delusional thoughts and Wednesday lowkey going to the deep end to make sure her and Enid get together even if it meant biologically changing herself
Bc yknow how Addams don't do things in halves, right? It's a whole fanon thing and I'm pretty sure there's signs of it in the show.
It starts like this, Enid is an alpha and Wednesday is a beta.
Simple facts, so very chill. They're still roommates, theyre older now and everything is OK
Except ever since Enid presented, having been a late bloomer like the show, she's been.. Different.
Wednesday isn't stupid, sure she may not have the safe rabid instincts as an omega or an alpha but she can smell well for a beta and she can see the way Enid's face will soften at any distressed omega nearby
It's irritatingly sweet, the way Enid would try to calm them down with her own scent. Except, since she's so new, she forgets how easily safety could equal something else
After the third time Enid has gotten accosted in the way to the dorm room, Wednesday quite frankly was irritated. She would love to stab those pesky students and go on her day but that meant showing that she was bothered
And Wednesday Addams wasn't bothered by anything, why should she? So what, her roommate is simply popular, it happens
Except, there's a part of her that feels wrong whenever she sees yoko drape herself over Divina. She eyes the way the omega would purr and how Divina would roll her eyes yet nose at her hair.
It's sickenly sweet
It's what her parents have it's what she wants with Enid
Being a beta in this au meant three things. One, you don't have an intoxicating scent and thus getting a mate is a tons more harder. Two, you're not built to take an alpha, it's a biological thing and three, the chances of getting a kid is all the more lower
Which is what most alphas would want
It's what Enid would want
So practically everything is against Wednesday. She can't entice Enid like most can do, she is literally not built for her and she knows of how Enid wishes for a family
Wednesday quite frankly isn't the type to wish for a family, quite aware of how troublesome it is but she's willing to change that for Enid
Anything for Enid, for the woman with nothing yet still tried to give her everything
Anything for her.
So, once again, it starts with the internet
Wednesday is ashamed, how far has she fallen to seek for reassurance that beta and alpha relationships could happen? Pretty badly, because when she scrolls and ignores the sobbing cries of beta's feeling inadequate in random blogs, she finds a reply to a rather sad post
It was a question of "pls guys, my alpha keeps looking at others instead of me. I know that I cant entice him like they can but surely there's smth I can do!?"
There were assurances in the replies, others saying that it's not the OP's fault that their alpha couldn't keep their nose to themself until one catches her eyes
It was a reply from a deleted user.
"have you ever thought of being bitched? You wouldn't fully be an omega but you'll pass as one to him and isn't that what matters in the end?"
The thoughts of other users below that were outraged. Whatever this bitching is, it's clearly taboo.
But those words.. "pass as one"
It's not the answer she wanted, but it's close enough.
It's enough to make Wednesday stay up and scour the internet all the more. She delved deeper into chat rooms, posing as an alpha with a kink because the more she went, the more she noted that whatever this is isn't normal at all. She couldn't come in regularly, else she risk losing actual good information
Bitching, from what she's seen, is the process of changing ones second status to an omega. Usually done against someone's will because who would want to willingly bitch themselves? Who would dare degrade themself into smth they weren't born too?
Me, Wednesday thinks as she notes it down. I would.
This is all she did for the next few days, staring at the pc and noting down as much as she could.
She got dragged out once or twice by a concerned Enid because ofcourse she did. The alpha has always been so caring, making sure to knock before cracking it open to ask if they'd like to eat together at the diner that just opened up
Wednesday agrees, she always does and so Wenclair set out. It's times like these where everything else fades away to nothing, status doesn't matter and it's imply just the two of them
Until the waiter comes in, all sly smiles and neck bared. Enid sniffs and Wednesday stops herself from stabbing her fork into the omega's throat when she sees those gorgeous blue eyes of enid's dilate
Don't look at anyone else, Wednesday wants to scream. You don't need them, I'm right here- But she can't do that, so she digs her nails into her palms as she slips into her thoughts
What happens in the diner is enough of a reminder that she needs to do this.
In the end of the weekend, Wednesday has finally concluded her research. The deleted user was right, she wouldn't be an omega but she sure will pass as one.
Her fertility will be the same but she can start producing the same addicting aroma and slick that entices all alpha's once she's done with the process
It sounds all well and dandy except it takes months to a whole year or two of constant dedication to get these results. It irates Wednesday but luckily, if the beta is reciprocating, the outcome is said to be all the more simpler, effective and overall efficient.
Wednesday couldn't stop a smile from growing as she eyes the last few words of her research.
if the beta in question was being bitched to the scent of one alpha in particular, then once the bitching was complete, both parties would become biologically attracted to one another’s scents and be driven to mate.
That was the confirmation wednesday needed, she would literally be made for Enid and Enid would have no choice but to realize it too once it was all over.
And finally, the best part:
all of the required steps could actually be accomplished without the alpha's participation or awareness
Anyways, degenerate Wednesday..? Love that, she can be such a creep and id like to build on it. If you wanna see more do send an ask! Aight thanks peace
Here's the continuation to this post where Wednesday gets what she wants
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You said there's no up and running autistic-culture-is blog, and I'm thinking about making one but I figured I'd ask first, is running a culture blog stressful? Doesn't seem like it would be, but I figured I'd ask.
i mean, it can be sometimes especially if the blog gets popular. sometimes we'll get like an influx of asks and have to wait a bit to sit down and sort through it all because it can be slightly overwhelming, but it's usually pretty easy if we have enough energy/spoons to do so. also added factor of the topic of this blog is the hate we get from anti-npd ableist assholes so yknow lmao
i'd say go for it if you think you're up for the task! it's been pretty fun running this blog so far all things considered :)
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undulinoted · 2 years
What are your Star Wars rare pairs?? (Very curious!!)
Hi anon, hope you're well!! This is a good question bc the more I thought about it the more I was like... ARE these rare?! lmao, I'm sure there are fans with much rarer pairs out there than these but my favourite rare pairs atm are:
- Darthfett (Vader/Boba)
- Satidala (Satine/Padmé)
- Windwalker (Mace/Anakin)
- Palpakin (Palpatine/Anakin) - here's the part where you run away screaming from my blog lmaooooo
- Droidcaptain (K-2SO/Cassian)
- Melshian (Melshi/Cassian)
also special shoutout to my fav Star Wars pair ever, ✨Thranto ✨, but I felt it wasn't quite rare enough to include, even though Eli is a novel character and not gonna be as recognisable to some fans, it's still Thrawn's most popular ship I'm pretty sure, so :') and i also rlly love Kalluzeb 🥺
I started writing some reasons for why I enjoy these pairs below but only got two done bc I'm currently sick and my brain is not working so well lol but yeah, if anyone ever wants to hear more ask away!
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lando knows what's up lol
Imagine trying to crack something, anything, the tiniest spark of affection, between these two bucket heads. Honestly just such a fun challenge lol. This pair kinda stems from how if Vader needs a bounty hunter? He hires Fett. This is obv meant to imply that Boba is the best at what he does ofc but I have a very active imagination and when you ALSO ship Rexwalker then it adds some lovely angst to the ship. Also. These two men are seriously closed off, lonely and harboring resentment. They get each other 💁‍♀️ Boba also has balls of titanium steel bc he's one of the only people in the galaxy not protected by Palpatine that can talk Like That to Vader and not get force choked to death on the spot, so. I think Vader likes that 😏
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I've read some pretty good fics for these two! Quite a lot of the time Boba is very turned on by just the Look of Vader's suit and how ominously powerful he is and like... same?!? 💚🖤
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boba is me 🫠
ALSO also, I just have to throw this in here
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jsghxhdh it's so funny, Vader's just like ffs NO but there's no real heat behind it he just looks done lol
Yknow that one Clone Wars ep where Satine and Padmé have to investigate a mysterious outbreak of illness at a school on Mandalore? I've watched that ep an unhealthy amount of times lmao - the way Satine greets Padmé and their little moments 🤭
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They also have dinner together!!! And they change their outfits so many times throughout the ep, which, according to my calculations backed up by zero proof, was done in the same room as each other which all points to the logical conclusion that they were having lots of lesbian sex. Anyway, I just think they look neat together, and imagine the Longing 🤌 They're both so busy but will always put their duties first so in true wlw fashion they would be writing in their diaries about the other and doing a lot of window gazing :')
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queens 👑
to be continued maybe lol, thanks anon!
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
reply roundup!
would you believe I was actually planning to do this the very morning the [licorice gorb] got blazed (obviously it was a better idea to put it off until after it was over)
also someone reblogged it with a screencap where it says "blazed by notpikaman" under my username and tbh I am so glad I'm not the only one burdened by that information XD and thank you to everyone who said "good blaze op" or some variant thereof, a high compliment
anyway welcome all you new followers and also folks who just wanted to reblog the one thing and be on your merry way, I do this occasionally so that I actually get to reply to y'all's tags n such <3 (without making a lot of blog clutter)
we also have a couple new image descriptions! thank you to @cherrycreamsicle for the image description on [suitcase] and @istherewifiinhell for the image description on [kirbear]! both have been added as alt text to the original posts, with credit.
on [the last roundup] @cherrycreamsicle said: Hey no worries! Any accessibility is good accessibility! I'm always happy to help! Hope you and your wife are doing well ^_^
thank you! I felt like it was important to acknowledge that putting it in alt text is not as good for some people as putting it in the body of the post, but it is still definitely better to have. (and thank you! she's doing much better now.)
on [watch] @ceylonsilvergirl said: Do it!! Watch repairs!! Those skills are so niche and needed And especially good for people inclined to pay attention to the details
it just seems really fun! I love little mechanical things and building miniatures and stuff like that so it feels like something I'm capable of! (also I can do it at home for only a couple hours at a time and possibly still make money lol)
on [watch] @macro-microcosm said: i hope you guys make big bucks in a lil watch biz some day
thanks! I'm sure I'd badger my beige-loving partner into letting me make at least one of them my signature kirby-pink lol
on [eggroll] @ceylonsilvergirl said: You felt good enough to go out without mobility aids!! You felt that good! That’s fantastic news! Of course use them when you need them, they’re good! But your body was doing well! That’s whats important
yeah!! it's important to me to emphasize to others that it's not the not using the aids it's the feeling well enough to not need to, cuz it's a mistake that's like. pretty common and even popular. (consider "wow this wheelchair user walked the stage at their graduation and was clearly in pain the whole time" type of stuff. the ubiquity of that type of "inspiration porn" has a huge impact on the disabled community, especially because a significant portion of us are exposed to that first rather than the realities of being disabled.) but feeling well even for one day means my body is still capable of feeling well under the right circumstances, and that matters!
on [kirbear] @hobgirl told a nice story I feel weird about copy/pasting directly but yknow it's there in the tags as long as they choose to leave it up
stuff like that is scary, and the doctors and veteran patients know that! I'm glad you had something comforting with you, and that it was able to lead to even more support than just what it carried by itself.
on [printer] @angst-and-fajitas said: every time I've ever interacted with a printer it has always felt like this and @ceylonsilvergirl said: I have yet to meet a printer that will just friggin’ work
honestly like 90% of the time printers work fine and I don't even think about it, but that last 10% of the time feels like Such A Trial that it really dominates the conversation lol
anonymous asked: Happy kirby day mx gorb :>
thank you! this is what reminded me to actually draw kirby a little cake so it was helpful lol
on [licorice] @ceylonsilvergirl added the [link] for the exact candy I was thinking of
so glad they still exist tbh. don't even remember if I've ever had one I'm just glad they exist!
on [meds] @queenhippolyta said: Do you find that the cromolyn helps you? I started it maybe two months ago but haven’t really noticed a difference yet
it seemed helpful for me when recovering/restabilizing from my covid vaccine, which laid me out for months, but there was a lot of other stuff going on and it was more of a, well, stabilizer than an actual boost. I really don't know if it's doing anything for me now as high vs low compliance really doesn't seem to make a causative difference. (there is a correlation, because on bad days it's harder to get up and take it in the middle of the day, but that's like. definitely not causative.) it might be that different dosing would work better for you, or it might be that it just doesn't really help you! mcas is a tricky beast, as we all know. (I hope you actually find this buried in the roundup >n< )
on [corner] @ceylonsilvergirl said: dang kirbo’s on the ceiling again, grab the broom
this one just made me laugh
on [licorice] @thesleepingnini said: hay wanna draw some silly stuff like this again, baka may sponsor ng ipad diyan
good news, I will continue to draw silly stuff again whether I'm paid or not! additional good news, for those who want more specific silly stuff drawn commissions are open on [kofi] for a few more hours (~6 probably depending how long this post takes me to finish)
@sonisis asked: iEs El Kirbo!
it sure is!
on [licorice] @jenjensd said: It’s a good thing they clarified it’s red liquorice because I legit thought they just gave Kirby a super long tongue for some reason
I wouldn't put it past me tbh (which is why I specified XD )
anonymous asked: Hi your Kirbys are very nice
thank you! I love to draw a Little Guy
on [crowd] @ceylonsilvergirl said: Like when you’re singing to yourself, and then realize people can see you
whoops you've activated one of my fun facts! whenever I am Out And About by myself (which is very very rare these days What With The Illness), I am almost always singing. I am completely comfortable singing at full volume at any time and any place (aside from general noise decorum such as "not in the library" and "not while my wife is sleeping"). so I have not had this specific version of this problem in my lifetime lol
anonymous asked: “Art” that a four year old could do? Don’t quit that day job at target.
look ma, my first anon hate! I'm big time now!
for real though, like, I wanna answer this one kinda seriously even though I'm sure this was just a driveby, because I know it's a common insecurity. why are you upset? if anyone can do it, why shouldn't I? why aren't you?
I make very very very little money from this blog (I even looked up the numbers, in the nearly 5 years I've been doing this I've made a total of ~$1650 to date), but that's because I'm really not putting in effort to make it ~profitable~. my patreon is has no rewards and my commissions are closed (except for literally right now), I only put very rare purposefully designed products on my print-on-demand stores and I haven't made my own stickers to sell in over a year. so if you're mad about people giving me money, don't be. even if you very very conservatively assume only 10 minutes per drawing and also zero other time put into running this blog, that's bare minimum 295 hours I've put into this. in reality it's going to be way way higher than that, but even if you assume I'm only drawing 10 minutes a day for 1771 days and I'm only drawing with no other admin etc, that's only $5.50 an hour, or about $0.93 per drawing.
part of why I don't put in the effort to make it ~profitable~ is because I can't. when my patreon had actual rewards and my commissions were always open and I was still making stickers, that took a ton of energy, and yes it made me a little more money than I'm getting right now, those two years are the period of time the majority of it came from, but it was energy I don't have. I'm disabled, severely chronically ill, and very vocal about it. I don't have a day job to quit because I physically can't do that. but that's also why I can't put in the energy to make this blog a ~business~, and even when I was putting in more energy than I actually had, it was not exactly big returns. I think the biggest most profitable year was like. $800. for the whole year. I made 5 times that doing data entry for a couple hours a week before that company shut down the same year, and the data entry was easier.
so okay, I'm not doing it for the money. (money sure would be nice to have, and I appreciate the patrons who stick around just cuz and the commissions that got picked up this week, but clearly that's not my motivation because there's not much money in running this blog.) then why should I bother?
because making stuff is fun. I get to draw silly little things that make me happy and sometimes other people like them too. that's it. what's the harm in that?
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gashousegables · 2 years
Hello! So I saw that post you made a few days ago answering an ask about your twilight headcanons and may I ask for some too? But specifically about your highschool au. I love the fact that you made Alice trans and Jasper with his nails painted! I would absolutely love read some ""behind the scenes"" of them :))
Awwwww :)) You liked DITS!!! My first foray into twilight fanfiction after a decade away!!!! This became a long, rambling tangent so bear with me
Thaaank you :)) You didn't ask for this but I'm feeling like a yarn:
For me, DITS was just about exploring how I could shape the Cullens the way I wanted them, mostly because I was retroactively unhappy about the media I consumed as a teenager being so hegemonic.
Because vampires have always been about 'The Other' yknow? The fringes, the outside of culture. To me, in core vampire media it emphasizes aversion to danger, a threat to human normalcy. For twi-hards, the allure might be more in it's secrecy and the feeling of exclusivity.
And that's also what popularity is, so I thought it'd be fun.
But I was also starving for media that was More Gender, and I was at a stage in my life where I wanted something familiar, that my then-current stage of sexual and gender identity wasn't. It was new, it felt painfully secretive, it was embarrassing to be so invested. So I just did DITS and it's also why I will probably never go back to it. I've managed to grow since then, phew!
But if they had continued, I think they were suburban enough to persue college;
Academically, Emmett would have a 'C's get degrees' mindset, and I'm not sure he would manage to finish a degree. But if he flunked out he would have just worked, because you don't need a uni education to make a living. He ends up doing hostel work around the world - backpacking around and doing odd jobs. He falls in love with traveling, discovering new things and new places.
He's got a knack for languages, not because he is particularly good at them, but he's earnest and he tries, and he's confident enough in his skills in charades and the kindness of locals when encountering a lost tourist that it usually sees him through (unless he's in France) He starts a travel blog, with some short video films, to keep his friends n family updated.
Edward does a bachelors, probably a Masters, probably does the broke orchestra, starving artist grind. (He and Jake don't last, they're drift until they realise there might not even be friendship between them.) He ends up getting a position in a sound production company, and got a couple gigs composing soundtracks.
Jake ends up getting a scholarship for creative writing. He found his niche in poetry focusing on his position as a non-straight first nations man. He gets published in his college journal first. He meets literati of the academic set. He fits in. He ends up becoming a college professor.
Bella studies journalism, she wants truth and she wants honesty. She ends up reviewing movies on her local paper. She goes viral on the internet for shitting over a few high-profile trash-heaps and gets a Rodger Ebert-level of respect, jk she's a woman so she gets an incel hatetrain and has to leave social media. But she stays a popular critic, with therapy and processes to deal with trolls n doxxing. Despite it all, she likes it.
Jasper doesn't bother with college, he gets a job as a gopher on movie sets, he finds that he's handy enough with some shitty opensource software to start editing equally shitty student films.
Alice pursues fashion design. She goes long-distance with Jasper, when he moves to LA. After she graduates, she ends up having Emmett come with her to her mother's home country. They do touristy things and they catch up after about 5-8 years of not seeing each other.
Rosalie ... drifts. She finishes college, get an office job, but her dad dies soon after she graduates. She doesn't take it well, but her mother takes it worse. (Her little brother Kenny ends up moving in with their paternal grandparents to finish high school, his own choice.)
She and Emmett travel down to Brazil after her graduation, to visit her maternal grandmother. But it's an awkward 2 weeks, and after they get back they have one of those heart-wrenching, sobbing break-ups that wounds both of them. She calls him 'the one who got away' but mostly because it annoys Edward. She and Edward end up living together for a spell, and they are both, to their chagrin, the best roommates each of them ever have.
Carlisle and Esme get together. Carlisle waits until he's officially an empty-nester, after the kids graduate high-school, to have her move in with him. It's a wonderfully ordinary wedding, one of the last times all the gang see each other.
Maybe a decade passes ... maybe more.
They meet again mostly by accident.
In his long and varied career, Emmett becomes assistant director on an arthouse film by some european company. The title of the movie is a poem that inspired the script. A poem by one Jacob Black.
Alice designed and made the costumes, but she was too removed from the project to know who else was involved. Except Jasper, who edits the film, since they'd eloped after they missed each other too much to be apart.
Edward scores the music, and he meets Emmett almost be accident during the recording of the score.
Rosalie is the main girl. Emmett had known exactly where a weird broke project could get a drop-dead gorgeous hard-boiled blonde. It's the first favor he'd asked of her since a ride to the airport after he let his American driver's license expire.
Bella reviews it with the relish of knowing exactly where everyone was. Maybe she wasn't the kindest to the movie itself, but her playful joy at naming each person involved almost made it glow.
They don't all attend the premiere, but they all end up seeing Bella's review, and seeing several familiar names, they end up converging onto Carlisle's house after years away.
It's not as though they all become famous in the entertainment industry, only Edward, Bella, Alice and Jasper continue to pursue any creative industry at all, but it's a moment where everything fell into place, and their connection were forged anew.
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skellagirl · 2 years
i love how so many people in the comments are associating getting rid of child porn with getting rid of gay content, really pushing the vintage homophobia. ao3 has a child pornography problem, and it is not evil to want to address that. the fact that REAL CHILDREN have porn written about them is vile and it should not be something that is allowed on ANY website.
who even are you lol
anyway. Like, shit-tons of people have articulated this better than I'm about to, but yeah I'll give it a shot
When people, particularly queer people (like me) talk about censorship of fandom spaces inevitably leading to the purging of queer content, we're not pulling that concern out of our asses. It has happened Over and Over and Over and Over and Over again. It happened with fanfiction.net, with livejournal, with old-ass email lists and dinky web.1 sites and email lists made by tiny groups of people, it happened with tumblr, it even happened with youtube (the demonetization and soft-blocking of queer content, and when creators tried to appeal, they were told that their content was unsuitable for children (HMMMMMM))
There is a huge amount of historical precedent off of which to base the fear of censorship leading to the purging of queer content.
We're gonna put aside the dead horses of 'just because you write about something doesn't mean you endorse it in real life' and 'fiction =/= reality' (because I think those both often lack nuance when brought up in this conversation, and overlook some very real exceptions). Alright? We're not gonna beat those horses at all. Put them out of your mind.
I agree with you that real children having porn written about them is completely vile (honestly I hate rpf in general, but in the case of children it's especially reprehensible). I wouldn’t be sad at all to see underage fics be purged from AO3, honestly, if I thought there was a way to do that without it inevitably leading to queer content and queer creators being obliterated from the site. Which I don't, currently, because it's literally never been done.
The thing about associating queer content with csam (and pushing the 'vintage homophobia') is that QUEER PEOPLE AREN'T DOING IT. I keep seeing this come up like it's some blazing hot big-brain take, but it's just, incredibly fucking insulting. Knock it the fuck off with this asinine assertion that queer people are victimizing ourselves and bringing this association on of our own volition.
Take a look at any conservative twitter account (particularly conservative politicians) and count how many times they call queer folks (particularly trans folks, and especially trans women) 'groomers'. It's literally like, their big hot button issue right now, calling queer people pedophiles and groomers, and attempting to get legislation introduced which categorizes us as such
Okay so let's go on a little hypothetical journey, yeah?
You censor underage fics. Okay cool! What does that mean? Where's the line? What constitutes a child? Under eighteen? Under sixteen? The brain doesn't really stop developing until around twenty-five, so should that be considered the line? Is it still objectionable if both characters are underage? If both characters are, say, fifteen, and this fic was written by some horny fifteen-year-old who, whilst trying to figure out their own sexuality, just wanted to write about their blorbos fooling around, should that be purged?
When I was a teenager, I wrote about teenage girls being ravished by older men, because I myself was attracted to older men. Should I have been punished for that? Should my content have been deleted? It never felt like some mortal sin I should have to atone for; it was fantasy fulfillment through the safe space of fucking fanfiction.
If other teens do that, and post their fics online (because teenagers do indeed have a right to post their mature fics online if they want to), should they be required to divulge private information about themselves to justify their content existing? Should readers be required to divulge private information to verify their own teenagerhood before reading the fics, to prevent intergenerational cross-contamination? What if they lie? How would that be enforced? Is that even ethical, to force people to divulge actual, real life private information like that for the sake of keeping a fandom space 'morally pure'?
Moving on from that, let's say we somehow figure out how to purge only the truly morally bad and gross fics (which, to be sure, some of them are obvious and easy). Well, okay, but maybe while we're at it, we should go ahead and purge [insert additional objectionable content of your choosing here], because it also has no place in polite society.
And again, how do we draw that line? We could have that above back-and-forth conversation for every single morally objectionable category on AO3, and you will never find a solution that doesn't catch innocent people in the crossfire, nor will you ever find a solution that doesn't lead to further descent down the slippery slope of censorship
When conservatives (and yes, censorship is almost always inherently conservative) get a foot in the door of power, they do not stop. They might start with purging the obviously nasty and gross fics, but they will take it farther (and we know they will because again, this has already happened Over and Over and Over and Over). Queer content will inevitably, invariably, always be on the chopping block when censorship comes into play, because to conservatives, queer people are pedophiles just, inherently -- and thus our content is automatically categorized as csam or grooming material.
Sometimes the slippery slope is real. And there's heaps of historical and cultural precedent for this one in particular.
So like. I'm really solely concerned with queer content being purged, because I've literally watched it happen before, and I care more about queer rights, and queer content, and queer people in general, than I care about the murky morality of writing questionable fanfiction (which are, y'know, as a sidenote, nearly always appropriately tagged and warned for so as to be easily avoidable; the dead dove tag trend is a gift, actually)
AND..... this is all putting aside the fact that AO3 was never meant to be a moderated space in the first place. It's literally just an ARCHIVE, it's right there in the name. It has no morals of its own, nor any responsibility to bear such. It's like throwing your fic into a remarkably well-organized warehouse (perhaps, with bookshelves, and some sort of.... system to find what you want; I feel like we might have a name for these spaces in real life? but idk) and then peacing out.
anyway AO3 good, go suck a conservative's clown shoes since you wanna join their circus so bad
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liloinkoink · 3 years
I'm pretty sure the reason I binge read Weapon Reforged was you. For that I shall be grateful, what a good read but also ASKDHAKAHA :^(
my boy Techno had a bad time lol
(if you weren't the blog crying over Weapon Reforged yesterday this is going to get really awkward)
Anyhow. Do you have any long fic recs? Not necessarily complete, at least over 30k and perhaps Techno-centric?
I WAS THE ONE CRYING OVER WEAPON REFORGED THE OTHER DAY YES (link if anyone wants it, its very good)
oh i absolutely have fic recs. i find that it is... exceeding difficult to find well-written and long fic in dsmp fandom--WAY MORE than it was in, say, tma fandom, which is where i was before this. granted, my standards are also stupid high, which might be part of the problem. but im nothing if not tenacious, so i have some fic i find up to snuff enough to recommend. to you i present these things
1. my favorite is Visage by third_crow (133k words). ill recommend this to anyone who will listen and also anyone who will not. more ranboo centric, but its phil and techno find ranboo and, despite the fact theres obvs smth off abt him (the offputting and near-possessed state they found him in, his missing memories, and the fact they can't tell what kind of mob he's meant to be, to name a few), they decide to take him in. the mystery of this fic is really fun--a cool way to examine what having a server cut off from the end would do to their culture. also a neat adaption of ranboo's lore when the entire rest of the cast minus boreal trio, dream, and a few others ill leave as a surprise Simply Arent There. i also ADORE their techno characterization, and they have fantastic worldbuilding/mystery unveiling/cliffhanger abuse. i could talk abt this fic for hours. i love it
2. i read and posted about this one earlier today! the extradition by onelituli (103k words). its more dream centric, but its techno breaks dream out of prison and the two of them flee to hypixel skyblock. its just dream and techno becoming Real Friends while dream gets his shit together and heals/grows. the banter and dialogue is really nice and i had a good time reading it
3. angel, arson, blade, and void by thatbllladie (85k words). this one is more ranboo centric, but tis abt his involement in the syndicate, so techno plays a major role. its a hero au (...antihero au? the syndicate is just as legally iffy as they are in the dsmp). i really like what they did with techno in this fic, like, the bit w his powers was super clever and im so enamored with it
4. guitar strings and keyrings are what it takes to build a home by anonymous (63k words). techno pov foster au. he's been w phil for a while, and they deicde to take in tommy and wilbur, much to techno's chagrin. while i did almost close out of this fic midway thru do their choice to make techno a foil fencer (i simply think epee techno real), i Really enjoyed this and i thought it was a lot of fun.
5. actually speaking of sbi family dynamic, change fate by being aggressively kind by sircantus (91k words) was fun. i get the impression this is a popular author so you might know this one already? but its phil learns about a prophecy abt three kids who will one day end the world and decides to adopt all three of them. just sparks joy. (i also quite liked this author's stay underneath my wing (61k words), a zombie apoc sbi au, but not as much)
6. leave me your starlight by findingkairos (50k). its been a little bit since i read this one, but i remember its emerald duo, phil pov but techno centric. the plot's essentially phil meeting a young techno as a lonely teenage warrior, going "is anyone gonna befriend that" and not waiting for an answer. i really enjoyed the writing style, and also im learning im a sucker for any fic where techno is amking a friend and everyone techno knows pulls that friend aside to say "yknow techno? he acts scary and tough but hes actually very sweet. and if you hurt him we'll destroy you." also the adaption of stuff like tournaments and hypixel and the antarctic empire and phil's hardcore world was all really neat. this fic also comes in a series of mostly unrelated other pieces called to you i gift the end of things. i havent read all of them, but i really enjoyed the ones i did. special shoutout to these three fics from that series:
a. Home, a oneshot about techno making a single player world and having peace (think retirement but it simply does not end)
b. oh dear, can you see me?, a very long fic (63k) abt kidza being used as a weapon and techno helping him heal. very heavy
c. the lilting dance of binary stars, a oneshot where every time techno or phil die, theyre reincarnated into kids. phil dies while techno is in retirement, and techno takes him in.
iiii think thats enough for now? a quick run on the calculator app tells me this is about 661k words, so, thsi should last you like. idk. a week? at least
also. anon. im grabbing your shoulders now. if you have any good, well written, long, techno-centric fic(s), i should hope you will return the favor and send me some. the pact is forged now.
feel free to come find me over message or send me more asks if you have fic recs or want to yell at me abt weapon reforged and/or any of these fics here. happy readin my friend
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landograndprix · 2 years
Hey, I don’t feel like I have much to say since I just started following you but you seem like a nice person and I know what it’s like to feel like no one cares about what you put out in a fandom and just wanting to give up. I won’t say you SHOULD keep going, because ultimately it’s your choice whether you do, don’t or just take a break… And I won’t say you should be grateful for whatever notes you DO get on your posts, because while it is good, it can also be invalidating your frustrations (much like mine when a very popular blog told ME to “be grateful” for my 5 notes while she raked in thousands and got lots of asks). I wasn’t really sure where I was going with this, but I suppose it’s to say, I’ve faced this in many fandoms, including this one, so if you ever wanna talk to let out some steam, you can always reach out —mynomadicheart
you know, I wouldn't even be so upset about this all if I just started in this fandom but I've been around for more than a year, have written so much, sure, I had to move blogs because of certain anons but still..I went from 1k/2k notes on fics to a whooping 30/35 notes on my latest lee fic & a whooping 50 for my latest bucky fic so imagine the absolute disappointment in myself, like my ability to write went down hill so fucking fast. When I started I used to get so many asks for certain fics, talking about it, people were genuinely interested in it and it felt so good knowing people cared and that all went away too..and I've talked about this way to many times before but everytime I kept going, acting like it was all just peachy but I'm not sure if I have it in me to do it all again..ill be setting myself up for disappointment again, yknow?
And god, don't you love those blogs who think you have no right to be upset about something so simple as notes? Like okay mrs/mrs 3k notes, good to see your work isn't doing great either. 👍 I'm so sorry for feeling like I'm not good enough :')
guessing from what you've send me, you write too, so I'll check that out soon and I'll definitely drop by! <3
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ask-shakespearehigh · 6 years
Q&A post with the Mods!!!!
This is going to be a long one oh boy
How strict is the delineation of creative control vis-a-vis characters/plays between the mods? (@pedanticlecturer)
We generally have the plays split up along lines of “what we know”— we have a list at the very beginning of the blog. Sometimes we’ll draw the others’ characters (mostly me drawing some of Star’s…) but even then the final say on characterization is up to the “main” mod for that play — mod aster
what aster said -- mod star
What is your favorite play? What is your favorite character in terms of how they were written in the source material? (@pedanticlecturer)
I think my favorite play overall is Macbeth, just because I like the vibes (and the fact that I too could kill Macbeth), the fact that you don’t say it’s name in theatres, and the fact that it’s a play I did a full read through and analysis of in class. Favorite character? Puck from Midsummer. — mod aster
uhhhh,, hmm. ive always had a soft spot for midsummer since i saw it with aster esp bc of how fun the costumes were. of the comedies it has the largest potential to be the most visually pleasing bc of the concept of fairies,,,and im gay and dramatic so i love that. id die if i got to costume design for midsummer,,,or be in it,,,yeah. fav character. hmm. probably mercutio?? i recently saw a version of romeo and juliet where mercutio was played by a woman and oh my god it was amazing!!! not to mention mercutio’s portrayal in baz luhrmann's INCREDIBLE version of r n j!!! (I based my mercutio design on him) he just spends the entire time making dick jokes. love that. -- mod star
How do you answer asks so fast? I mean it's great but I'm impressed 😂 (Anon)
Personally, it’s a mix of: notifications on, quick drawing speed, and using the blog to avoid my class work — mod aster
aster is fast and (as you can see from all of my answers) im lazey -- mod star
Are there any elements/characters of the plays you're covering that you would have liked to work into this blog's plot, but couldn't due to the constraints of the setting or the synthetic nature of the blog? (@pedanticlecturer)
I wanted to make everyone gay but unfortunately due to plot constraints we have to have some hets but that wont stop me from making it lgbt as possible. -- mod star
I did want to make The Tempest more of a central play, but it just didn’t translate well. Similarly, other supernatural elements like the witches in Macbeth. This isn’t so much a constraint mentioned, but my own time/energy means that I want to show the Macbeth backstory, in a specific format, but I can’t right now— mod aster
Is there a hierarchy of import when it comes to each play's individualized impact on shakespeare high's general arc? If so, what plays are crucial to the foundation of the story? Which ones did you do mostly for shits and giggles? (@pedanticlecturer)
This is phrased like an ACT question and i might not answer it right so sorry in advance but: mod aster and i only selected a few plays for each of us to do given we dont know all of shakespeare’s works, but we tend to put more emphasis on the the more well known. But it also comes down to 1. How much we have plotted out for each play and 2. What the followers ask about most. Our two most popular are hamlet and macbeth bc people are familiar w those but around march caesar always becomes relevant again. I didnt even have designs for some of the characters until someone asked about them. -- mod star
I would say the same as star— it generally comes down to what people ask about. I will say that the overall plot is sort of separated into “has happened” and “is happening”. Like, the human potion of Midsummer, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth are all in the “aftermath” portion, while Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, among others, are happening. We’re trying to incorporate as much as we can, and I don’t think any of them were really put in without some thought.— mod aster
What personal significance does shakespeare hold in ur guys' lives? (@pedanticlecturer)
I go to a theater school rn and so ive dealt w shakespeare (although not all of them) it also helps that i was in loves labours lost last year as moth and that i read hamlet and r n j. Theres also a theater in my state that always does One Big Shakespeare per season and they always do them super well!!! My love for shakespeare probably started w seeing midsummer at that theater w mod aster!!! So. Theater kid rights!! -- mod star
To be honest, I got back into Shakespeare Because of the blog. I’ve been friends with some people that got really Pretentious about Shakespeare, and it kinda put me off of it. I did have a book of abridged plays (the plays’ plots written out in prose, basically) that I read as a kid, which is what got me into not only the plots of a lot of the plays, but also the idea of having them illustrated. And, same as star, the theater in state does the One Big Shakespeare— and they tend to do some really cool things with the costumes, setting them in diff time periods. I haven’t been able to see any lately since I’ve moved, but they still slap. — mod aster
🥰😘💙🥰🥰💜💟🥰I 😍💗💚😍😍LOVE🖤🖤 YALL ♥️♥️🧡💛💚💝❣️💕💘💖💗💓💞💝❤️💛💜 okay now i have a question i swear— how long have the two of you been doing art??? and what were your first shakespeare plays??? (@hellaghosts)
Uhh i started drawing when i was like idk 12 and i have the giant boxes of sketchbooks to prove it!!! I moved to digital art at abt 14-15 but mostly stayed traditional until this yr when i got a Neat New Tablet so some of my sketchbooks are sitting abandoned rip. My first shakespeare was either romeo and juliet or midsummer nights dream and i love both of them v much!!! I have a very old piece of art that i did for r n j for my freshman class assignment on it and it hasnt aged well alsdjfjafd circa 2016 i think??? -- mod star
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Oh man. I started drawing when I was about 10, but it was Bad. I don’t think I got much into drawing again until I was about 14? Sometime around the end of middle school/beginning of high school. I would say I started getting into drawing as more than doodling/coloring edits sometime around 2015-16? I would draw on my iPad with my finger, then I got a tablet for my computer, and now I pretty much stick to my iPad with an Apple Pencil. My first Shakespeare play was….. uh…… probably Midsummer???? I have No idea. We would go to plays when I was little, so I honestly don’t remember if I saw others before. It may have been Romeo and Juliet— I had that book where it was the original and the “modernized” with the little dog that explained things— which, if you know it makes sense, but if you don’t is probably a bonkers answer. — mod aster
Do you think this blog has like? An overarching thesis (be it b/c intentionally or simply b/c ur own take on the world has bled thru to the point where u believe it’s central to the piece at this point)? (@pedanticlecturer)
Not gonna lie, I had to read that like three times AND dm you to figure out what you were asking from us and all I have is “be gay, respect women, write your own happy endings”. — mod aster
This blog started with an ides of march shitpost and you think we have enough brain energy to write a whole thesis? I projected feelings of found family onto my half of the blog but idk if that counts. Be gay do crime 420 69 -- mod star
What’s the nature/rough dynamic of ur relationship? How do y’all know each other? (@pedanticlecturer)
Met mod aster when i was like 4 and even tho we didnt live close we became like, best friends although the Best part didnt start until we were like 13-ish and eventually we talked like non stop (about anime and homestuck. Yknow. 13 year old kid things) and we didnt see each other a lot bc of Distance and now its even worse bc aster is in colleg.,e but we consider each other siblings regardless of family bc we’re adopted into our own respective families so that bled over into our friendship and it would feel weird calling him anything other than my brother now. We’ve seen each other at our best and worst and if you really want a good insight on what we’re like as siblings watch griffin and justin mcelroy’s overview video of catlateral damage wherein i am griffin and he is the long suffering justin. -- mod star
Star is basically my long distance sibling and functionally the only cousin I recognize bc like their parents are basically an aunt and uncle and like our dads look enough alike that we’ve both accidentally gotten the wrong dad for a hug or similar so like. Anyways yeah Star is the Griffin to my Justin, complete with our absent middle brother who we love dearly— mod aster
Dubiously relevant q but what kind of music do y’all listen to when u do art (if that is indeed a habit either of u partake in) (@pedanticlecturer)
It can depend on the piece? I was working on some (unrelated) oc prints that were song-focused, and for those I just listened to said song on loop. Sometimes I have playlists. Sometimes I’ll just be in a Mood and throw a song on loop. But a lot of time for the blog, I’ll listen to The Adventure Zone for the billionth time, because I have Too Much Attention. I’ve also, on request from Star, linked the most recent “loop song”.— mod aster
I tend to obsess over the same like 3 songs every few weeks so those get listened to on repeat but it also depends on the tone of what im drawing or who im drawing i might genre switch bc of that. If im drawing ophelia i stick to lana del rey and if im drawing hamlet its the neighborhood, horatio is sufjan stevens etc. i have categorized,. Most of the characters i draw into different songs/genres/energies of music but not like i ever follow that. Sometimes i just pull up a really long nonsense video and forget to draw. Essentially: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -- mod star
How’d y’all come up with ur pseudonyms? (@pedanticlecturer)
I love space so much and my main blog is starryeydsailor space gay rights!! Im also tiny and full of energy and bright so basically i;m star -- mod star
Uhhhh i was like “hey i want to do uhhhhhh flower?” And then I google searched flower names until I found one I liked —- mod aster
How did you end up deciding the rough timeline of events in canon? (@pedanticlecturer)
It’s mostly determined by like. How we choose per story? If that makes sense. Like, we just take story by story, and decide “is it happening, has it happened, and when?” And then we fit them together in relation to each other just by dint of. All existing at once. Like, I knew I wanted Macbeth to be in aftermath, because like, even though there’s no murder, the way I’ve translated it to the AU is still kinda heavy, and it’s something that I don’t know that I could do properly if it were happening right now. Also, it’s more interesting IMO to have them at different times. Tl;dr we wing it per story and slot them together— mod aster (mod star agrees I just can word better, in theory)
If you could tell the story of shakespeare high in a different format than an ask blog, would you? Obviously y'all are making very good use of the format, but would you want to write this as a animated series or like? a comic book? or is the form inseparable from the story? (@pedanticlecturer)
I kinda wanted to do a webcomic or maybe to plot develop through like, animatics but the element of surprise comes from the asks we get and really makes us think so the blog is a good start. We didnt think we’d get this far -- mod star
Pretty much what Star said— there are certain elements where it’d be neat to do as a comic or as an animatic. Like, the fantasy dream is like, an anthology webcomic of each story, where you can like, see other characters in the background and stuff. But to be honest, we develop a lot by what we’re asked— there was a post about developing worldbuilding by being asked questions and then pretending you’ve thought about the answer, and it’s not far off. Personally, it’s hard to just lay out a story, because I have a whole WORLD and what’s relevant? What are people interested in? It’s by getting questions that I can then focus in on an area to develop. And yeah, we Super didn’t think we’d get this far lmao — mod aster
Any headcanons about your characters that you don't think will ever come up on the blog through asks or plot posts? (@pedanticlecturer)
I could make a whole separate post for this!!!!! Mostly its voice headcanons (and by mostly i mean like 1 or 2) or relationship hcs!!!! -- mod star
Honestly same. I don’t think I have voice headcanons for mine, though I bet I could find some. I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous headcanons that just kinda float around, but like they’re scattered, too numerous for this post, and also not always things I’m sure are canon yet.— mod aster
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baekbyun · 7 years
❤ I'm here to probably get highkey roasted :)
ohohohoHOHO how the tables have turned….weren’t you just threatening to block me last week for complimenting you? interesting!! 👀 i guess i don’t call you jun’s tsundere for nothing LOL jk okay let’s be serious bc when will i ever get to compliment you w/o getting blocked amirite
this is going to be long bc you already know i’m extra asf with these things & plus you deserve this 💖 (and also i have no friends and lots of time LOL) so where do i even begin? i think one of the most admirable things about you is that you’re stubborn but in a good way as in, it’s not easy to change your opinion. it could be with silly things like chisoo (rolling my eyes -.-) to more serious things. like do you know how great that is!! it’s not hard for others to get swayed but for you, once your mind is set on something, it’ll take a miracle to change you LOL. and that’s just so amazing yknow? i notice that you’re also very dedicated. waking up at 5 am for an mx video even? sounds insane? yes, to people who like to sleep but not to you lolol it’s cute but srs you better not faint from sleep deprivation!! also i have never seen a stronger stan. like i love exo and svt but your love for mx could actually surpass the moon??? and i think that just goes for people in general, like you’re always so happy to spread love for EVERYONE and that just goes to show how beautiful your heart is tbh!! is it a cancer thing? lol probs not. ok you already know this tbh but i think you’re also very smart, in more ways than just academics!! you can be so creative and your aesthetic blog? GOD TIER omg teach me lol anyway also, did you know you’re so easy to approach? it’s no wonder ur so popular (^: your responses are always so sweet & enthusiastic & everyone loves you so much bc you’re so fun and talkative and it’s nice to have conversations with you bc it doesn’t matter, you’re down for it all. wanna scream over mx? you’ll be caps locking and ASFFSIUSSS everywhere. wanna be mad and vent over smth? you’ll be right there, listening. lol you get my drift. you’re always there for everyone, including me, thank you so much!! 💖 you’re actually an angel (kind of) when you’re not being a snake LOL jk. i also will never get over your selfies!! you’re so freaking cUte like wtf hELP?? 😫 how do you do that!!! life is unfair like why aren’t the modeling agencies not calling you up tbh?? my snapchat honestly gets blessed all the time, it’s the truth 🙏 you also look amazing in heels, no joke. every day is a look for you. i bet there is someone out there who would let you stomp on them & they’d probably say thank you 🤷‍♀️ you’re honestly the hero in this time of need!! 
so cass, queen of new york. it’s only been a year since i’ve met you but i’m really happy to be your friend. you’re really a joy to talk to (how do you put up with my boring squidward self? skills) even though i’m always done with you and your extraness LOL. a friend who is passionate yet also so caring who can also roast you into the next century is a friend everyone needs and i hope you always know that you’re an amazing person with an equally amazing heart. this post can’t be long enough but i hope you can understand how much appreciation i have for you. ok this is getting long LOL bt ilusm, never forget!! 💝
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teyuuka · 6 years
I'm pretty sure the Soraru talked more about SoraLon incident not too long ago, saying that he asked her to do collabs a few times before but she always turned him down bc she was afraid of being flamed;; Also I don't think it was bc of their biases suck, I think it's more like "Why do ppl always pay attention/giving spotlight to the same utaites again and again?? There are other utaites too, you know!" kinda like how some ppl complained that the TV show only giving spotlight to SoraMafuTsuki
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I don’t really follow soraru so i have no idea what’s going on in his streams that does not involve mafu in any way lmfao but i understand lon’s point of view though! with all that shit that happened with suzumu and their unit i guess it’d do her more harm than good to collab with soraru openly. you know how protectionist otaku is like. she would put herself in a dangerous position especially considering that most of soraru’s fans are female.
heeh you may say that but some people do really suck tho…..lmfao. idk abt u but i’ve seen so many artists/utaite/idols with lousy personalities and yet have a big fanbase always protecting them, im so sick of it. oh when i say this im including kp0p idols too. when they like to make gay/tranny jokes or misogynist jokes and fans are still like ‘why is abc not more popular??’ bitch it’s because they are nasty. i’ll quote an example that the sinbin folks sent a couple weeks ago about natsume yuudai (a stage actor for enstars):
i hate it when shitty people like this are popular. this is even worse than kanye west.
call me biased but mafu deserves the spotlight because he worked his ass off from eating plain rice in college now he here. and his music is always a banger AND we can see how much thought he has given each time he composes a song, which can be seen in his interviews where he always drifts off to music major jargon b/c he tries to explain the meaning of this particular C#7 chord progression in minute 1.27 because it represents the moon’s loneliness. and shit like that.
to sidetrack a bit, i love utsu-P and i follow a fan blog who reviews utsu-P’s albums/songs, but i will read album reviews (i do this sometimes, even w/ drama cds b/c saving money is my half religion) and there was this time i wanted to buy his cd because it had my fav song (living ghost is alive), but the review for other songs in that album critiqued the repetitive rhythm and said they ‘seem like lazy songwriting’, which got me curious and when i listened to them, the review was actually p valid. fair enough, the other songs were quite meh. i love miyashita too but some of his songs are not as appealing as others, yknow? sometimes you just gotta admit that your faves are not good enough. also maybe that’s why they’re not popular YET. i’m not saying utsu-p or miyashita suck because i hecka love them and they produce good songs in general. my point is, this “this sounds like lazy songwriting” moment never happened with mafu.
coming back to mafu, when i just started liking him around 3 years ago his songs were p much a hit or miss for me (during yumeiro signal era iirc??), I’d only like his darker songs like berserk or the instrumentals. only after ‘ashitairo world end’ that his songs really clicked for me and nowadays every song he writes are bangers. and he controls his voice so perfectly now. so he definitely deserves the spotlight, his talent is way off the charts. imo he’s even better than more popular singers/idols. luckily i never encountered people saying that to me, if i had i would present them a big board of how and why mafu deserves media spotlight like BRO why are you so bitter here’s 20 reasons mafu is justifiable including his actually good personality
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i do feel soraru is a bit overhyped tho NO HATE and this might be my personal preference but his voice is…mainstream? or average? lmaooo im sorry for soraru fans, but this is what i feel. i know he has a good personality tho sometimes his jokes/remarks just make me remember how much of a straight man he is lmao. basically i’m indifferent about him but he aight ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ʰᶦˢ ᶜᵒⁿᵗʳᶦᵇᵘᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᶦⁿ ᵐᵃᶠᵘ'ˢ ˡᶦᶠᵉ ᶦ'ᵐ ˢᵒ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᵐʸ ˡᶦᶠᵉ ᶦˢ ᵇᵃˢᶦᶜᵃˡˡʸ ᶜᵉⁿᵗᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᶠᵘ
asdas i love alfakyun!!! nano and also rei sirose HHHHHHHH 96neko also have a good voice but i haven’t developed a strong attachment (yet?) lmaoo i don’t want to sound like an edgy teen but their voices are like my savior in the sea of standard cutesy j-idol voices. reol falls into that category too but she’s ok i guess? her voice can be quite powerful (like in Echo)
also this isn’t about utaite but i fuckin love shiena nishizawa and myth & roid they’re hella LIT
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prmptoargentum · 7 years
dont be sorry!!!!! i really love your content and i always get super excited when i see notifications of your blog! aw maaaan, thats so coool!! tbh, I think that would be nice to have this kind of support for cosplayers too, so you dont have to pay for all of it by yourself yknow, i'm sure lots of people would support you if they could because c'mon, you're fucking good and you deserve
awe thank you!! i’m glad you enjoy it :’) and there is stuff like that tbh i know of some cosplayers who do that but like they’re big name cosplayers i don’t have that kind of popularity tbh and i could never take peoples money for cosplay it already stresses me out whenever friends buy me things. but the fact that you think i’m good enough for stuff like that makes me so incredibly happy tbh thank you so much that means a lot to me 💞💞💞💞
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