#I liked the twincest
biinbitch · 2 years
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I’m pretty sure that’s just Gracie Dzienny reading the script for s02e09. #JusticeforTatum
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visenyaism · 10 months
All the Visenya coded Targs are psychosexually obsessed with one sibling or another and Baela only has so many surviving sibling to choose from.
If you think about the Lannitwins whole One Soul in Two Bodies coping mechanism thing then Dragon Twincest actually makes a lot of sense
Baela being so irate at Rhaena being sent away from her, DRAGONLESS, during a War. Spending years obsessing over Rhaenas wellbeing. Reuniting with her and now the roles are reversed. Baelas dragon is dead but Rhaena has the only Living Dragon.
A Pretty Pink Dragon and Pretty Perfect Princess.
Yeah Baela is Exactly like Daemon. I think.
Let's talk about her Rogue Prince era
listen i’m not saying it happened but i am saying it is canon that after the war in the absence of her father baela does go on what is pretty easily understood as this like. almost yearlong series bender in flea bottom trying to emulate him. and daemon who again she is both alike and trying to emulate really only sought out mirrors of himself in partners. and being the only two people (plus one deeply traumatized baby brother) left standing from their family plus the hard switch from being the perpetual favorite to being the problem of the two could have made that relationship baela had with her sister weirder. and I think there being a reason that she ended up way more In The Cycle stuck in this bad marriage with her unclecousin that she did willingly seek out while in comparison Rhaena seems to have been much more well-adjusted just hanging out in Oldtown very separate from the Targaryen family legacy would make sense. like was it fully There i don’t think so but weird messy codependency blurriness between the sole survivors of the weird messy blood curse incest family? not an unlikely thing to happen
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"You vouch for him?"
"I do."
"You would fight beside him?"
"I would."
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feroluce · 29 days
With how horribly she treated them both, I hope Gepard and Serval take one day every year to go make out on Cocolia's grave ☆
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comebackali · 14 days
so the acolyte is just trigun but with amandla stenberg instead of some little blonde anime twink. okay i can dig it.
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theredengineapologist · 8 months
Favorite ttte roast?
Anon who keeps asking me my favorite TTTE stuff, I love you. I cropped this video just for you.
Anyway here's my favorite TTTE roast in all of it's glory (taken from video linked above)
No other roast in the ENTIRE series could ever top this in my mind and here's why:
These two TEENY LITTLE DIPSHITS really told Gordon, THE HEAD HONCHO OF THE RAILWAY, that he's scrap when he is standing RIGHT THERE
They could have easily stopped at just calling him scrap. But they didn't. THEY KEPT GOING.
THEY REALLY SAID "we ought to take him to the harbor and dump him in the sea". Again, let me re-iterate. These two, MUCH SMALLER engines joked about killing Gordon, WHEN GORDON IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!
And of course, Gordon's own words being used against him. Always glorious.
Also Gordon's shocked face at the end is hysterical. They really got to him.
In conclusion, this was the moment that solidified Bill and Ben as my favorite pair of twins (sorry not sorry Donald and Douglas stans). They live solely to cause chaos. They are the cheekiest little shits you will ever meet in your life. No other roast has ever come close in order of layers and magnitude as this one. Most of them are just one liners. But this one just kept going and I love it.
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ambersrequel · 24 hours
i’m sorry but tacking on a proship dni banner to a post abt a slasher movie is like the craziest least aware thing you could really do i fear…
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mcp356 · 8 months
whenever anyone writes cersei in a modern au, she's all i picture.....
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francy-sketches · 9 months
Who IS your favorite character then? 👀
cersei :3
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Who’s better at comforting the other?
For any ship or selfship that you would like! :) <3
Well when left to my own devices today I'm just gonna do Mariocest because the movie has infected my brain. Thankyou very much for asking.
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4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
They were each other's first everything. They've always been together. I can't imagine either of them ever had another relationship. Maybe a handful of crushes, they both probably got asked out once or twice, but they're so much more important to each other than anyone else could ever be. They're each other's everything.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
I could see this going either way, because they know each other so well. Mario has more experience comforting Luigi, and Luigi has a better range of emotion than Mario. Does that make sense?
I'm gonna say Luigi's better at comforting Mario. Mario faces the problem head on, where as Luigi knows how to take a moment to be upset, let that feeling out, and calm back down first.
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amethystroselily · 11 months
I’m reading The Secret History and it is single-handedly making me appreciate that sort of pretentious meandering classics-inspired writing style that books that people who take themselves seriously read are written in. Like, somehow so much has happened but at the same time not much has actually happened at all in terms of plot, and it’s technically a thriller but so far it’s mostly just an incredibly boring man bitching about his annoying friend for pages at a time. And it’s AMAZING. Like I’m a little over 200 pages in and if the rest of the book is just them going about their lives side-eyeing Bunny until the inevitable happens I’d be satisfied. I GET it now.
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elegantwoes · 1 year
I just saw a reddit threat on what characters could do the most damage if they read the book series and now I can’t help but wonder what would the Starks reaction be if they read ASOIAF together.
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Me everytime I see something related to got that isn't Braime
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jaggededges123 · 5 months
i feel sooooooooooo fucking predictable for saying this but no one told me that there was a set of brothers in this thing
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nebuvoid · 1 month
you know. it's kinda insane we never got a second season of ouran hs host club. was it only that popular in early 00s weeb circles?
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
i think we need more writers in the world that understand characters can have intense/codependent relationships without there being a romantic or sexual component
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