#I literally. ok. uhm. well. that was a lot this is rather long. honestly didn’t think I had this much to say about them. I . okay!
voidfishing · 2 years
I am extremely intrigued by your hyperspecific taagnus lore if you feel like expanding 👀
oh absolutely 💚💚 this. turned out to be. insanely long <3
okay so. I think that after they met while joining the IPRE, Magnus became interested in Taako pretty quickly. Taako is handsome and tough and pretty and smart as hell, of course Magnus notices all of that immediately. but I can’t imagine him actively trying to pursue a relationship given the whole, yknow, they’re about to literally leave their planet. he’s got bigger picture things to focus on. but I think they do spend quite a bit of time together. Taako actively seeks him out because, despite how much he pokes fun at him, he does think Magnus is fun and cute and sweet. they get along really well, and I like to think Magnus’ pure optimism and general sweetheart behavior made him the first member of the IPRE to really get to spend quality time with Taako without Lup present.
and then I think. there was definitely some light flirting on Taako’s end that was very casual. not super forward or anything, just little things like slightly-more-affectionate pet names or passive compliments that indicated he was paying close attention. and Magnus picked up on maybe half of it. the rest of the time he was like “man Taako’s such a nice guy. what a good friend.” and meanwhile Taako was pulling his hair out going “how is he not in love with me yet I’m being so alluring”
and this dynamic continued for a little while. they got closer. the stolen century actually began. and I think things stayed that way for a handful of cycles, because I don’t feel like either of them would be super focused on starting a relationship while trying to navigate their new lives. but I do think they got closer and closer as teammates and began to rely on each other more, which neither of them placed any extra emphasis on because they were growing closer with everyone else too.
and then I think their relationship started building again a little less than a decade into the century. they’d gotten used to the pattern and their new life, they had a better grasp on the entire situation. and I think they started to lean on each other more and more. Magnus would come to Taako to vent or theorize or talk about their home, and Taako would pick up on the fact that he was seeking comfort and offer it to him, usually through small gestures like making him something to eat and patting him on the shoulder while they talked. Taako would eventually start doing the same sort of thing, showing up to Magnus’ room just to sit quietly when he was struggling in some way and needed to be near someone else. and Magnus would be so sweet and careful about offering him support without hurting his ego, which Taako definitely appreciated.
so. I think things went on like that for a bit and they just continued to get closer and more reliant on one another. and then one day Magnus is sitting in Taako’s room watching him scribble out plans for dodging the hunger and it suddenly strikes him that he’s in love with him. and he says it. and Taako just stops what he’s doing and looks and him and goes “did we not already know this?” & naturally Magnus is a little surprised that Taako recognized his own feelings before him, but he doesn’t have time to worry about that before Taako kisses him.
and I think they date for a while. they work well together and understand how to support one another. they’re a good team!! and both of them are able to find a certain kind of shelter with each other, feeling safe and loved despite facing the end of the world annually. it’s not always easy, but they make a point to work things out when it gets hard.
I don’t really have a timeline for how long they’re officially dating, but I think by the fiftieth cycle, things have changed a little bit. not in a bad way, there’s just been a shift in their dynamic that has changed the way their relationship looks; they’re no longer calling themselves boyfriends, but they’re still super familiar with and supportive of each other. I don’t think they really label the dynamic but they’ve essentially just naturally shifted into being queer platonic partners. they’re technically exes but no one would guess that from seeing them interact. they love each other so much
and oh boy. after the stolen century, after losing their memories, after being (unbeknownst to them) reunited. I think Taako is a little interested in this handsome human he’s working with. the guy’s a little dense but it’s sort of charming to him! Magnus thinks the elf he’s traveling with is very pretty, but he’s not exactly planning on dating anyone anytime soon. he wants to be good buds! and so over the course of their time with the BOB they get closer and a little more intimate with each other, but never to the point of potentially dating. there’s love there and it feels rather platonic for both of them.
and then they get their memories back. and I think it takes Taako a very long time to talk to Magnus about any of it. which is probably a good thing, it gives them both time to digest everything they've been through, and I think their friendship starts to deepen again once they do talk about their history. the love they had lost is back and only reinforced by the fact that they managed to cultivate such a meaningful relationship even without those memories. they eventually get back to where they were during the stolen century, although that takes a couple of years. their relationship is defined by mutual love and they look out for each other as they navigate living (sort of) normal lives
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kageyuji · 4 years
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How the pretty setter squad kisses
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-> warnings ; kissing, making out
-> includes ; oikawa, kageyama, kenma, suga, and akaashi
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a/n ; idk which group i want to do next! i was thinking about aces or liberos, but who would you guys want?
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oikawa —
i feel like oikawa is the most experienced out of all of them, i just think he’s been in more half-relationships than the others
the first kiss probably happens at a very light hearted time; the two of you were somewhere just relaxing, laughing at some dumb joke or story he’d said when he suddenly asks if he can kiss you
you’d smile and say yes, he’d smile too and lean in
he’s very gentle and his lips are softer than you’d expected
his hands rest on the sides of you neck with his thumb on your jawline, pulling you just a little bit closer to him
you feel him smiling against your lips and then pull away, leaving you flustered although he seemed relatively calm about what had just happened
he’s probably the calmest out of everyone
not in a way that he didn’t care about this kiss, because he definitely did care, i just think he’s had a lot more first kisses
he isn’t very consistent with his kisses; sometimes slow and soft, other times rough and passionate
sometimes he rests his forehead on yours and just kind of. sits there
he finds it very calming, or so he says (we all know it’s because he lowkey wants you to kiss him again)
he also likes to gently kiss the tips of your fingers whenever you’re cuddling, he finds it very sweet??
also, i feel like he’s the type to give you sleepy kisses
like he’s half asleep, you both had long days, he just leans in and very lazily gives you something that’s more than a peck but not quite a kiss
makeout sessions are,,,,interesting to say the least
he’s very handsy and flirty, and he loves to be marked up
he would gladly show off any hickeys he earned (yes, earned)
he’s very passionate when it comes to making out w you <///////3
he likes you in his lap whenever you’re making out, his hands on your back with your arms preferably thrown over his shoulders
he watches makeout tutorials don’t @ me ABSJDBF
he also holds his hand on the small of your back so he can hold you against him, you don’t really notice it until you go to move away from him
but he’s holding you the entire time you’re making out
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kageyama —
you’re going to have to initiate the first kiss; he doesn’t quite know how to ask so he waits for you
but also, it takes him a while to trust you enough to let his walls down a little bit
it’s not a person thing, he just isn’t one to rush into something, even if he’s known you for a while
which is why it took a long while for you to make the first move
you leaned in slowly, making sure he didn’t pull back
“can i...?” you asked
he looked awkward and even a little nervous, but he nodded
with that, you closed the distance between you two
he is a little confused as to what to do with his hands, does he hold your hand? does he hold your face? it feels awkward to have them at his sides but can he touch you?
when you put your hand on the side of his face, he freezes up at first but then leans into your touch
he’s also probably the first to pull back
it’s not that he wants to, his brain is just a fried mess of trying to figure out if he’s a good kisser, if he did it right, was he awkward? how long is a kiss supposed to last?
of course, you know absolutely none of this because he’s not that great at expressing his emotions
he has an expression on his face that’s something like panic
he has so many thoughts. he’s running through it in his mind again. he’s screaming internally
on the outside he’s still doing the 😧😳 face
after the first kiss, they go a little bit smoother but not really
it takes him a while for the kisses to get less awkward
also he’s much more a fan of quick pecks than full on kissing
however, makeout sessions are bound to happen at some point
he’s hella awkward about it at first, he’s literally never made out with anyone before
again, he doesn’t quite know what to do with his hands in the beginning
eventually he figures it out and things go a lot more smoothly, but he’s still slightly hesitant
i feel like he wants you to set the pace, at least to begin with; he doesn’t want to seem too controlling or too pushy
but once he figures out what you like he can takeover if you want him to
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kenma —
i feel like with kenma, you’d have to make the move to initiate the first kiss
it’s not that it’d be impossible for him too, he just isn’t that big on kissing, he’d rather cuddle or something
so finding an opportunity to kiss you just isn’t on his mind
that’s not to say if the perfect opportunity arose he wouldn’t though
i feel like the two of you would have been snuggling, you perched beside him while he was playing on his switch
and you would have had to pec his cheek to get his attention, when he turned to you he looked a little confused
but you couldn’t help but notice how close your faces were together
“can i kissed you?” you asked him, and watched a soft smile pull at his lips
“mhm,” he answered
you leaned and pressed your lips against his, him kissing you back
he isn’t very touchy, it’s just a soft, feather-light touch on your side
also, if you kiss him while he’s holding something in his hands or he’s got his hands in his pockets, he most likely isn’t going to set the object down and take his hands out of his pockets
so it can get awkward with touching but only if you think about it too much VAHDFBNF
he honestly isn’t that big on kissing, he will sleepy nuzzle into you though? or give you a quick peck before he leaves
or he also like holding your hand, but not in like an actual way. he’ll like,,,want your arm thrown lazily over his arm or something
makeout sessions with kenma are,,,,something else, i suppose
it’s not that kenma doesn’t care about the relationship, he just isn’t a very passionate lover WHSUDBFN
so makeout sessions w him are not only rare, they’re rather sloppy
they aren’t consistent, either
sometimes he’ll want hickeys, other times not.
sometimes he wants you on his lap, his hands holding you somewhere
while other times he genuinely couldn’t care how you’re sitting
he’s usually still very gentle, but he’s pretty versatile about it so whatever you ask he’ll probably do
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suga —
uhm. i’m so bad at writing suga anyway so uh basically
i feel like he’s not the type that like,,,ask you out of no where
the first time, you’ll definitely see it coming before he asks if he can kiss you
he’s smiling the entire time he asks, and even if you say no to him the smile never drops from his face
if you do say yes, he lets out something like a chuckle and leans in to kiss you
he is no way a rough kisser, he’s very soft and gentle
he has one hand on the side of your face and the other is on your waist
the first kiss is probably short, but when he breaks away from you he’s still just inches away from you face and his hand is still resting lightly on your cheek
so if you lean again by no means is he going to stop you
he’s pretty calm about it, i’m not saying he’s smooth by any means AHSJFJNF but he’s probably the most calm out of all of the setters
he’s used to initiating kisses i think, but he actually kind of loves it whenever you try to move first
the first kiss actually wasn’t so awkward, but it slowly becomes less and less so the further into the relationship
sugas the type to pepper light kisses all over your face
but i also feel like his kisses get a lot more lazy the further into the relationship? not in a bad way, but he’s the type to give you sleepy, half-kisses
suga is v sweet w his makeout sessions!! he always asks before giving hickeys, he’s very gentle about moving you or adjusting if any awkward situations happen
he’s probably the most verbal? he asks a lot of questions
he starts off very soft and gentle, but based on how into it you get the more he’ll adjust to what you want
hickeys are kinda. eh, i suppose. he’s a-okay giving them, but unless you ask or want to he isn’t gonna ask for hickeys on himself
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akaashi —
who makes the first move is kind of 50/50, akaashi has a lot of anxiety but also he isn’t afraid to speak his mind
he’s also very intuitive so i feel like he’d be able to tell whenever you were ready, and if you were too afraid to say something he’d definitely make the first move
i also feel like akaashi is probably the sweetest out of all of the boys when it comes to asking you
he’ll grab you hand, looking you right in the eyes and asking you straight forward if he can
whenever you say yes, he’ll smile and lean in of course
he’s a bit rougher with his kisses than you’d originally expected, his hand under your chin in order to pull him closer to you
he’s got to be holding you in some way; wether it’s a hand on your waist or just him holding your hand
he’s probably the first to pull away - his kisses are kind of short compared to the others’
he’ll probably pull away from you a little, although not all the way. your faces are still close, but not too close
he’s smiling, a dry laugh coming from him
his other kisses usually happen in a similar manner, although how he kisses can change from time to time
he can definitely kiss a lot softer sometimes though as well
makeout sessions are sort of a different story? kind of?
he starts off slow, but then gets more rough the more into he gets
he likes to leave hickeys, but if you don’t want any it’s not like he’s gonna complain
he’ll claim to be embarrassed whenever you leave hickeys on him, although he secretly loves it whenever his team sees them
he’s not handsy per se, one hand rest on his waist and moves up and down and the other is on your back
he’s also another thats verbal, he likes to communicate w you, asking if this is ok or if you’d like this
he likes it whenever you run your fingers through his hair, curling your fingers and tugging lightly
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kimtaejin · 4 years
La Luxure (m.)
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↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^
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Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.
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↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader
↠ Word Count: 10.9k
↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)
↠ Rating: 18+
↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie
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⇢ This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D ⇠
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Soojin: Y/N come quick.
You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.
To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 
To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.
… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.
But for now? 
You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.
Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 
Your boyfriend. 
Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved. 
Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 
It had all started when you had seen him come home hours later than usual. You gave him the benefit of the doubt. You told yourself that he must be out in town with his friends while you were at work, since he must’ve been bored alone. Because the deal is, he wasn’t employed. He had neither a job nor a penny in his bank account.
And that’s where you helped him. You were the worker. You put a roof over his head, you were the reason he had food on the plate everyday. You were there when he needed to buy anything. It felt more like you were a single parent providing for a child rather than a real, romantic relationship. And that should’ve been more than enough of a reason to leave him but you didn’t. 
And now you regret it.
The next thing that came were the hickies on his neck. Purple bruises put on display, with his flushed cheeks- sometimes he was even drunk. Still, you helped him. Still, you gave him the benefit of a doubt, even when his ears turned red when you asked him if he was lying about just hanging out with friends.
Because there was no point in asking and answering. You already knew what he was doing, already saw the truth in his eyes. 
And somehow still, everytime your friends would show you Jihyuk kissing some other girl, every time they’d tell you that they saw him out with some chick, you’d tell them they had to be seeing things. That the pictures could be photoshopped. Or maybe this was just a joke to make you dump him. But those things weren’t things you were saying to them, as much as it was to yourself, to convince your mind that what you saw or heard wasn’t it. It wasn’t the truth. 
The truth is everything that has yet to be revealed today.
And at this point, you had gotten over the crying, the weeping, the sorrow and the regret. What is left is the anger- the feeling of being used. 
You had given him everything, literally everything, only for him to treat you like some side doll. It hurt then. It hurt even now. It hurt a lot, especially on those nights, when you’d greet him after he came home, the smell of perfume thick on his body, lips bitten and swollen, cheeks red and flushed.
“Do you want dinner?” you’d ask, your eyes wandering anywhere but his face. 
“Uh, no, I’m full. I ate out with friends, one of them treated the group.” 
Lies. So many lies, told just so you’d keep him under your wing, protected and financially secured. 
You smile widely even though inside, your heart wrenches. Why couldn’t he just tell you? It wasn’t like he thought you hadn’t noticed his aloof behaviour. How it affected you in turn.
Or did he? Maybe, he just thought that you were actually that dumb.
Maybe you really were that ignorant.
“Oh... okay. Well... I still have to eat,” you waited for this douche. You can’t believe it. Starved yourself so you could eat dinner with him when he probably was out with a girl. “So… do you want to talk as I eat?”
“Uhm,” his eyes met yours for a moment before he turned them away. “Uh- babe, I’m sorry… I’m tired after the long day, so,” he gave you a small smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “If you really want, I can go, but uh, let me take a shower first? Honestly… my, uh, friends can be so rowdy… I’m exhausted, but I guess you were waiting for me and all…”
You bit your lip as the warring thoughts of indignation, and yet also guilt filled you. “No- no, nevermind. If you’re tired,” you clenched your fists, “you should- go rest now.” 
“Are you sure, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I was avoiding you. Maybe I should-”
“No! No, I told you, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re the only person who understands and loves me best,” he praised you- and you felt a spark of fury, of hate and love grow in your chest. Was that all he could say to you? “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, his smile fainting away before walking past you to the bedroom. You stared at him until he left, until you couldn’t see him anymore as his silhouette disappeared upstairs. 
The next day went similarly. You had arrived at your empty home.
Then there were days where you felt a little too insecure and asked him instead. 
“Baby, are you… cheating on me?” 
His body froze. He didn’t say anything for a moment, sitting on the couch as you had begged him a little earlier to watch a K-drama with you. Maybe it would’ve made the relationship a little better. Maybe you could’ve bonded. But he only seemed to be interested on his phone screen.
“What makes you say that?” Still, his eyes did not lift up to look at you. 
“Eun says she saw you with this girl,” you muttered quietly, so quietly that you thought he wouldn’t have heard it. But he did. “She must have seen someone else,” he replied in a nonchalant manner.
“But it really looked like you, she said…”
“Do you believe her over me?” You watched him as he finally looked at you. “I’m your boyfriend, for God’s sake,” you bit your lip, then sighed heavily. It didn’t let all the words escape you. “I know, but…”
“If you want to end this relationship, I won’t stop you. But just know, you won’t find a better guy than me. After all, here I am, taking the time to watch with you, and you accuse me of cheating?” 
Maybe you won’t find someone better. But even so, you knew that you didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve the late nights, wondering where he was, why he wasn’t home, if you’d done something wrong. No, you deserved better- and even if that better wasn’t from someone else, it certainly wouldn’t be from him. 
Jihyuk huffed before standing up, wearing his coat and moments later, you heard the front door open and close. Moments of silence filled the room. You waited for Jihyuk expectantly, waiting for it to open and reveal him, but it didn’t. 
“I wish I didn’t meet you.”
You are so over it. You are so over him. 
You and Soojin had decided to catch him in the act. Your best friend had come up with the plan, and initially you had been in denial of it. But you had to end this cycle. You were so tired of it, of the constant stress you had to live with, of the burden that you weren’t supposed to carry.
You chose to set him up. If he agreed to Soojin’s advances, you were going to catch him red-handed and break it off right there and then. 
And he had done exactly what you didn’t want him to. 
Of course he had. You should’ve caught onto him a long time ago, but you really were a fool. And now that disgusted you. Hate intended for him enveloped you for your own self. 
Walking into the dim-lit club, you are greeted by the sight of bodies pushing up against each other on the dance floor, the faint smell of alcohol lingering everywhere you step, and a bar, shining the brightest in the place. Silhouettes with their lips’ on one another, people drinking down glasses of liquor by each second that passed. A part of you is disgusted that Jihyuk took Soojin to a club, and the other isn’t surprised at all. No wonder the marks on his neck, his swollen lips.
Y/N: I’m here.
Soojin: Ok I’m in the bathroom hiding he was getting too close
Y/N: Right... lets meet up at the bar then.
Soojin: Ok!
Walking swiftly to the bar, you hope Jihyuk doesn’t see you, though in the wild crowd, you know he likely won’t.  
You search for a familiar face as you reach the bar. Your eyes wander and land on the blonde that seems to be looking slightly lost. 
“Soojin!” You call out and walk over to her, knowing fully well what is next. “Where is he?”
“Follow me,” you hear her voice above the loud music. Her disheveled figure makes its way to the seats. You can barely see her in the dark place, if not for the neon lightings flashing here and there.
You take a deep breath in.
Under a stray lighting, you catch sight of the hair you used to so fondly caress. Another one beside it, too close for them to be anything but sitting close, closer than friends, and definitely strangers. A few steps closer and you’d be close enough to see them clearly, close enough to catch him cheating perfectly.
Your heart feels numb, for a moment, contrary to before, but- 
It’s funny how you can hear your heels echoing even in this noisy club. Or maybe that’s the beating of your heart.
Thinking back on everything that you’d gone through with him, if there’s any emotion that you think you should be feeling right now, it’s disbelief. Why? Did all the tender touches, all the kisses, all the ‘I love you’s mean nothing then?
It must, or else this wouldn’t be happening at all. One.
Yet even so, your ever traitorous heart still weeps at the sight before you, as your gazes both match.
Jihyuk’s eyes widen as he sees you. His lips are pressed to the side of a girl’s neck, and even under the dim lighting, you can see the dark splotches of color on her pale skin. The girl beside him whimpers, leaning in closer, seeking his touches, the way he used to make you feel oh so good, your mind whispers.
He only pushes her away, frozen in place as he locks you down with guilt in his eyes. 
The loud, deafening music somehow doesn’t matter anymore.
“Y/N,” his voice can barely be heard, but for someone like you who’s watched him utter your name with adoration before, you hear him perfectly. 
"Well… I guess I’m not that surprised.” Your words are dry, devoid of feeling. Your fists are clenched. Your smile is wry. “What do you have to say for yourself?" you are going to do this quick, you tell yourself. But the crowd of people overhearing the matter already have their eyes on you. 
As it is, even people lost in the rhythm of the club’s music are interested in your confrontation, bodies stopping in motion, only for strange eyes to stare at you with curiosity instead. 
It’s scary. You can’t do this, a part of you wants to say- but how long has it been since you’ve kissed someone and felt the butterflies dance in your stomach, telling a tale so similar to the one of your lips? How long has it been since you’ve wanted to do something like that?
Your heart burns.
Truth be told, too long. Too fucking long. You’ve spent too much time in misery for you to turn your back on the person that brought you it. You want to be free. Breathe air without feeling suffocated, sleep without having to think about a person being next to you as you do so.
Free, at last. 
“I-” he tries to speak, but you look at him quietly, face devoid of any emotion, only your lips tightening a clue to your current mood.
“Don’t you feel like shit? Leaving me alone on those nights when I actually put a roof over your head, when I’m the main reason you get to eat food every day? Why did you do this to me?” 
You know you sound desperate. Here he is, clearly in the arms of another, yet you’re asking him, staring at him, waiting for an answer, an excuse, but he is able to give none. It only makes it all the worse, it only makes you gasp for more air, because each time he doesn’t reply, the walls get tighter and tighter.
“Fuck, if you wanted someone to give you a good time in bed, why couldn’t it have been me? We were in a relationship!” you exclaim. More people are gathering around, but at this point, you can’t care less.
“Could you not control yourself for once?! Do you have no shame coming home each day smelling like sex? Do you not love me?” The last words leave you as a whisper, your voice choked up and your tone vulnerable. It is evident he didn’t love you, if he did then he wouldn’t have done this. But you still wanted to ask. In case there was the smallest chance that he would give you something to hold onto.
“What about the times that you lied? Do you have no heart?” A single tear slips down your cheek. 
Fuck. You hate this.
Seconds pass, and nothing but his silence answers you. And when he does- it does nothing but rile you even further.
“Babe…” There’s the guilt in his eyes, that’s true, but it’s eclipsed by the panic, the way he’s obviously trying to assuage your anger. Instead of just admitting it. Instead of asking for your forgiveness.
Not that you would at this point, even if he begged on his knees.
“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he winces and you sharply smile.
“What, you can, but I can’t? Besides, shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? There I was, wondering where my boyfriend was, someone without a job staying out so late without even a message,” you laugh, as though the entire matter is funny to you, but anyone can easily hear the mockery in your voice. “Then I find out he’s in a club, busy whoring himself out.”
He bristles at that, guilt fading into anger as he stands up. “I’m whoring myself out?”
“Well, what else would you call it? You certainly don’t have any money, after all, not even to afford partying at this club. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you ask me for money?” At that, you turn to face his previously ignored companion. Seeing the surprise and growing disgust against your soon-to-be-ex, you ask her gently. It’s all too obvious she didn’t know, after all. And as angry as you are, you won’t blame her for something that’s not her fault.
“Miss, dare I ask, did he have you pay for the drinks?”
She startles, but answers you steadily after a moment. “No, not at the start… but he did insist we pay for our own drinks, and then later on, he told me he left his wallet at home…” Realization colors her features as he reddens in embarrassment and anger. “That asshole, I must have spent more than a hundred dollars by now!”
“Tsk, tsk,” you mockingly shake your head at him, a part of you roaring at the highly humiliated look on his face. Just a glance downwards, and you can see how his fists are clenched, perhaps as tight as yours, veins already bulging out. Just a little more, and you could get him to explode. “Here I was, all but raising you, looking after you and feeding you, taking care of you, and you can’t even learn to have basic decency. Maybe I should feel ashamed, after all… more than being a couple in a relationship, our relationship turned more like mother and son, didn’t it?”
At the very end of your words, you raise your head, laughing. Jihyuk’s face colors to the point that it’s almost violet, and you feel vindictive satisfaction fill you.
“Y/N, you bitch!”
“What,” you scoff. “Did I say something wrong?”
If glares could kill, Jihyuk’s would have long gutted you, but it doesn’t, so you continue to hold your head high, smiling nonchalantly. 
His next words make you hiss.
“If you weren’t always so busy, I wouldn’t have to look for someone else. When you came home, you never want to have sex with me, so why is it my fault if I look for someone else, huh!?”
You feel the flames inside you consume you even further, raging inside you and there’s nothing you can do to help relieve yourself of it. Before you know it, you’re stepping forward, arms being raised-
All you want is to make him hurt, like he did you, even if it’s only a fraction of what he’s made you feel. That motherfucker, daring to place the blame on you!?
Hell no.
Hitting him all that matters at the moment- that’s all that runs through your head- but then you suddenly find yourself unable to move, restrained. When you look back, you see Soojin’s face, twisted in worry. 
“Soojin, please, let me go!” You hiss furiously, struggling in her hold, trying to get away. Yet, to her credit, Soojin keeps a tight hold on you, not letting you take another step forward. “Are you seriously stopping me from hitting him!? Are you taking his side!?” You ask her in disbelief, even if you know it’s not like that.
“Y/N, I’m not!” Immediately she shakes her head, yet she doesn’t let you go. “But you know you can’t start this here, you-” she bites down on her red lip, shaking her head. “You can’t. Please, you know he’s crazy, what if he hurts you!”
It doesn’t matter, I’m already hurt where it matters most anyway! You want to shout at her, but then you change your mind, glaring at the man you were once stupid enough to call yours.
“If I was ever busy, or tired, I hope you realize that it was always for you! And if I didn’t want to have sex, what did that have to do with you cheating!? Do promises mean nothing to you!? I never asked you for anything more than you being faithful to me, even when you kept asking me for money, even when you lived free at my house, even when you made me into your personal bank and caretaker! You asshole, motherfucker, I hope you rot in hell where cheaters like you belong!”
“Shut up!” He yells back at you, beginning to step forward, and Soojin is dragging you away- but you hold your ground. Let him come, if he wants-
“Shut up!? How can I when I’m not even done yelling about what you did! What, are you ashamed now!?” Only a step away. “How can there be someone as stupid as you who dares to cheat but can’t admit they did!?” His hand raised, curled into a fist. “Not only that, you just took advantage of me because I loved you! You no good, lying, coward-”
You see his punch descending down on you now, yet still you stubbornly look up at him, gritting your teeth. You won’t say sorry, if he wants to punch you, then let him punch you. 
Yet still, at the last second, your eyes shut by themselves. You’re angry, yes, you’re furious, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re well aware Jihyuk’s stronger, and you’ve never been punched before-
A second passes. You feel nothing. Not the feel of his hand against your face, not the harsh, stinging pain that’d come with it, not the screams of Soojin as she cried.
Two seconds pass. Time is a mere fraction of what it used to be, and yet it’s slowly returning to you as you open your eyes, realizing you were seemingly waiting for nothing at all.
Three seconds pass. Your eyes land on the stranger holding Jihyuk’s wrist with a strong grip, brows furrowed with an intimidating scowl on his face. You step back out of fear.
“I assume, when you came in, you knew the rules of this bar,” the stranger says, voice low, a certain weight behind his every word. “No starting fights. What makes you think you’re an exception to that?”
“Let me go!” Jihyuk hisses, struggling to free his arm from the stranger, yet the other just easily holds him back. “Fuck, you heard what that bitch said about me!?”
“You mean, your ex?” The stranger sighs. “I don’t know if you’re just as stupid as she said you were, if you don’t realize that it’s your fault-”
Whatever he says next, you don’t hear, as you take this advantage to step forward-
-and slap Jihyuk as hard you can. 
Your palms immediately sting, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, not when you see the bright red imprint left behind on his face, and the stunned look on his face. Grinning viciously, you hiss at him.
“That’s just a part of the pain you owe me, but considering you’re too dumb to understand something as simple as respect, I’ll just take this as payment.”
“From now on, I want you to fuck off and never appear in front of me again.”
The ringing silence that follows makes you feel like you can finally breathe again.
“... Satisfied?” The unknown man raises a brow at you- and your heart skips a beat for the first time in a while as you swallow, finally calming down a little... It’s loud, crashing, dizzying all at once but you nod at him. Your hands are trembling. You’re about ready to cry but still.
The rest of the words your now ex screams out blur out into the background as Soojin thanks the stranger, leading you away.
The rest of the events happen in what feels to be a flashback you get as you’re taking a sip of beer from the cup leisurely.
The stranger, Jungkook, he had told you his name, was told by your best friend about the problem. He called security, but came first to mediate just in case. After that, he let them take care of Jihyuk. The crowd around you dispersed upon finding out that the scene you had created was over, and Soojin went home after giving you the tightest hug someone had given you in a while now. 
Though she tried to persuade you to go home too, you were in obviously no mood to go home- where every inch of the walls was filled with the presence of your- your ex.
It was only after a lot of convincing and reassuring her that you were safe with Jungkook did she leave, her own baby calling for her.
And you stayed at the bar, quietly watching Jungkook work.
During that time, you find out that he’s, overall, a nice guy. He has a cute smile that shows off his teeth perfectly, dark hair that you could imagine him brushing through with his hand, and the cutest, biggest eyes you’ve seen, like a deer caught in the headlights. Adorable.
What surprises you is that he works as a bartender at this place. Which does make sense now that you think about it. But between your dunk mind and slurred words, every little piece of logic is thrown aside.
He had asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You being… well, you, denied almost immediately. Tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted, after all.
“Whatever you say… but you do have the keys to your apartment, right?” the dark-haired man asks, face resting on his hand. He blinks at you under the bright lights of the bar, staring as you take another sip of the alcohol. “Just so your ex doesn’t get in?”
“Of course, I locked it too,” you roll your eyes slightly, glare set on the table below you as you seethe, remembering him. “He’s probably gonna stay at some friend’s place for the night, the jerk. I hope he does, all his friends live miles away. I took the car keys so he can’t drive either, only either walk or take a cab. And considering he barely has any money left...”
You smirk.
A fleeting smile touches on Jungkook’s face as he regards you with awe. “Huh. I guess you put more to your plan than just charging in and breaking up with him, huh?”
“I’m heartbroken, not stupid. It’s an emotional stupidity, not a mental one.”
You huff, once again laying your head back on the cool glass of the table. Fuck, you’re tired. Not just emotionally, but also physically. The night’s events leave you wanting nothing but to stay and drink your sorrows away, uncaring in which bed you’ll be waking up tomorrow.
After all, it’s not like you’ve been to any besides your own for the past few months. Maybe that will bring you some variety at least. The thought makes you laugh bitterly, and in turn down another glass of alcohol.
You hear someone sigh beside you.
“...Right,” he mutters in response, eyes widening shortly after you take another huge gulp of your drink. You suppose, if anything, Jungkook knows how to make delicious drinks. “Don’t drink too much, Y/N, you’re already-” you watch with droopy eyes as he reaches out to you, your head only propped up by your elbow, before stopping with a sigh. “You’re already drunk.”
Ignoring him momentarily, you finish your drink, savoring the taste.
“Sh-shhhuddap,” you slur, the end of your words becoming a sigh. You set the cup aside, only for your head to plop back onto the bar table, a deep breath making your chest rise up- then down. Jungkook frowns at your small figure laying over the bar, the frown forming into a quiet pout.
“Let me… lemme just drink a little bit more, m-m’kay? ’ll jus…jus’ drink ‘nough to not f-feel...”
Whatever words you’re about to say dissolve into incoherent mumblings as you yawn, feeling the effects of numerous glasses of alcohol finally taking their toll on you.
“‘Night, Kook...”
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When you wake up, your surroundings are awfully quiet, awfully dark. That is, until you rub your eyes and can see straight. Jungkook’s body comes into view, hand shaking you awake. His low whispers are barely addressed by your ears, and you numb them out until he kneels down to meet eye to eye with you.
Then a sweet smile plays on his lips, and wow. 
For a moment, you wonder if this is what heaven feels like.
Then he flicks your forehead, and you’re hurtled back to earth.
“Good, you’re finally awake,” he remarks, smile turning wry on his face. You pout in response, getting up. Your head hurts, it hurts bad, and there seems to be nothing you can do about it as you lean over the bar for support. 
“So… urgh, so tired… feeling sick,” you utter beneath your breath, sighing when you realize Jungkook heard it. 
“Why’d you even get wasted then? You’ll have to deal with it now,” he frowns, patting your back. 
“You don’t get it, dumbass. I’m trying not to remember my ex?” you cross your arms, eyes wandering the place.
The club’s a lot less crowded now, barely any people left except for the ones who are cleaning it up. The music is quieter, playing softly in the background as you turn to Jungkook. Closing time already, you guess.
“... sorry,” you finally say, feeling remorse make space in your heart. “I don’t mean to be so crabby, but fuck, I just feel-” You scrunch up your nose as you try to mull over what you say next. “Actually, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Except- what the fuck was I thinking, letting it go on for so long?”
Jungkook hums, shrugging. “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their own stupid moments. I completely understand.”
“Yeah, and mine lasted for god knows how many years,” you grumble.
For a moment he pauses, and you watch him put away bottles.
“You know, you fell asleep quickly earlier,” he suddenly mentions, making you flush. Ah. Right.
“Oh… yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you sigh. “I must’ve caused you a lot of trouble, having to look after me while you’re also busy with your work.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You just broke up with your boyfriend of how many years again?”
“Besides,” he continues, smiling. “If anything, your performance earlier more than made up for it. His face when you slapped him was hilarious.”
That startles a laugh out of you. “It was, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “... You looked amazing then too.”
“Thanks. … to be honest, just a single slap wasn’t enough, so I definitely had to make it count,” you say, scoffing at the end. 
“Yeah, I figured,” the hint of laughter in his voice makes even you smile. “You didn’t yell at him enough, huh?”
“Nope,” you emphatically shake your head. “Which is a shame, because let me tell you- I have a whole speech in my head for him and his douche-assery. I didn’t even touch on the other major fuck ups he did!”
At that, he really does laugh, and you can’t help grinning yourself. “No, I mean it! I was hyping myself up all evening, but then when I actually saw him, my head blanked and- damn it, I should have let him have it even more in front of all those people,” you dramatically groan.
A smile forms on Jungkook’s face, even his eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons and somehow, it makes you somehow feel better just by looking at it.
“Well, there’s only the two of us left inside now, but if you want, I’ll listen to your speech,” he nonchalantly states. 
“What, really?”
“Really.” He takes a deep breath, turning your body around so you completely face him. “C’mon, shout at me. Vent. I’m the bartender, I’ll listen. Besides, I’m curious to hear how terrible this guy was that you went so far to set him up.”
Reluctantly listening to the alcohol, you sigh before you start listing off all the reasons for why you’ve never felt okay with your relationship with Jihyuk. Jungkook hums and nods along in all the right pauses, quietly telling you to continue.
“... and not just that, he never came home when I needed him most, ghosted me on dates, forgot our anniversary two years in a row, made me break off friendships, never once paid for his own food, never made me cum even once. Like, what a dick!? And I mean the bad kind, not the good one-”
“Wait wait wait…” Jungkook raises a brow, stopping you. “He- He never… made you cum? Not even once?” He stares at you in bewilderment, shaking his head with a smile of disbelief. “He must’ve really had it good,” he crosses his arms. 
“I know, right,” you moan. “What was past me thinking? At this point, I don’t think any man will ever treat me right.” 
The man shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe the next one will.” 
You feel the urge to laugh at the ridiculous statement, though you hold it back. “You’re kidding, right? I’m never getting a boyfriend ever again,” you huff, shaking your head in disapproval. “Boys, pfft- no, thank you.”
Jungkook only turns his back to you in response, walking to the stools of the bar. He huffs loudly as he sits back down, and you can barely contain your laughter before it bursts out of you, ringing loud in the club. Nudging him by the arm to get his attention, you try your best to turn him around, but when he doesn’t, you move to sit next to him instead, on the bartop. The cool glass makes you initially shiver, but you don’t let it show.
“Did you say something?” You grin as you look at him, at the way he rolls his eyes just a little. “I know I heard you say something.”
“It was nothing,” he scoffs.
“Come on,” you cajole him. “You listened to me earlier and let me rant. I’m not going to laugh or be snarky, I swear.”
A moment passes, while you wait for him to speak up. At this point, the silence of the bar is comfortable, though while you look around, you see that no one else is left inside but the two of you.
You look back at him. “Hm?”
“I think it’s just a little sad to declare that every guy out there is hopeless, because of one jerk,” he repeats, back turned to you as he fiddles with the display case.
You lean back on the bartop. “I guess so,” you say. “But it’s true that it’s disillusioning. I used to have high expectations when the relationship started, you know- but now that I ended it, it’s like- what happened? When did my expectations get so low? I deserve better, you know?”
“But it didn’t seem that way to me then. He seemed so great, so amazing… and now here we are. It scares me a little to think that I might fall for someone, only to find out how much of a jerk they are years down the road.”
“But you’ve got to try again, don’t you?” He softly says. “After all, you said it yourself. You deserve better.”
At that, he finally faces you - before glancing down and turning away just as quickly.
“Eventually, though,” he clarifies, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m not saying you should right now. Just that you shouldn’t give up on love.”
You chuckle softly. “Alright, alright, I get it.”
Quiet fills the room again, a comfortable one. You watch Jungkook clean the last of the bar, wiping the surfaces and glasses.
And as you do, you can’t help but think of something a little too inappropriate.
‘I wonder how it’d feel to ride him.’
Okay, maybe it’s absolutely inappropriate. But it’s not your fault, you tell yourself. Not when Jungkook looks that good. Clad in a neat outfit with a silk black vest and a cute bow tie around his neck, he seemed as though he was a five star meal- and you feel yourself starving.
It really doesn’t help that you haven’t had sex in months, nor have you orgasmed in that time. You need release, one way or another.
Still, it’s bad form to ask him, this kind bartender who literally was just consoling you moments ago from a nasty break up if he wants to fuck, so you try to keep the thought down, but-
You extend your leg, toes barely brushing against his back, watching as he shudders at your touch.
You bite your lips to stop yourself from grinning.
“Hey Jungkook… why aren’t you facing me?” “I-I need to clean up the bar,” he huffs, but you hear the slight stammer in his voice, and oh, does it make you feel even bolder.
“Yeah,” you nonchalantly respond, “but you’d think you could at least try to appear like you’re listening to me, especially when we were having such a good chat.”
“You-” He stops, sighing, and you goad him even further, slowly feeling more sure the longer he hesitates.When he turns around- finally- you laugh as you slide your arms to rest on his shoulders, trapping him in front of you.
Furthermore, you cross your legs, a daring smirk on your face as you lean forward and over him close, close enough that as you look down at him, the tip of your noses brush against each other. The slight tremors that you elicit out of him at this close range doesn’t escape your notice, and you feel a rush of giddiness fill you up.
“You know, you were so insistent earlier, when we talked about what I deserved. But considering my past experiences, that feels a little hard to believe… do you think you can convince me otherwise?” You hum, fluttering your eyelashes at him. To his credit, Jungkook stills for only a moment, onyx eyes staring straight back at you. As if to ask permission, as if to wait for your next move. But you only continue to smile, letting him know you want this, asking him if he wants it.
Just as you think he’ll pull away, he only answers you back with a smirk of his own- and then, you can’t help but be entranced by the sudden, daring gleam in his eyes. Just as your arms are perched on his shoulders, you feel fingers gently trace over the edges of your lips.
“Why don’t you find out?”
You wouldn’t, normally. One night stands aren’t your thing. You rarely give your heart away, and even more your body.
But tonight, staring at the man in front of you, the challenge and interest visible in his eyes, you find yourself wanting to do otherwise.
Maybe I will, you think. 
And then you dip down to kiss him.
Immediately, you can taste the hint of mint on his lips, the sweet aftertaste of what seems to be banana milk- it’s strange and surprising, not exactly what you’d think a bartender would taste like. It isn’t something you’ve tasted on someone else before either, but as his tongue glides over your lips, silently asking for permission, you find yourself coming to like the flavor. Especially when he kisses you hard enough to make you feel like you’re drowning.
You whimper in pleasure when you suddenly feel him press his bulge against your core for one moment, breaking the kiss only to groan again as he repeats the gesture, grinding your lower bodies together. You can only hold on to his back as tight as you can, feeling the rising tides of lust slowly pull you under its current. A breathless moan leaves you, echoing loudly in the quiet of the empty bar.
“Got something to say, sweetheart?” Jungkook coos, and the words are soon accompanied by a sharp pain on your neck, something that makes the pleasure taste all the more sweeter in comparison. That doesn’t even take into account his hands, which you now notice to be gliding over your stomach, stopping under your breasts as he fondles them and makes you arch back in pleasure for a moment.
“God, just continue doing that,” You whine out and he pauses to laugh, smirk turning into something softer, but just as wild. “Jungkook,” he corrects you, flicking your nipple and you flinch as a sharp wave of pleasure rushes over you. “Don’t call out anybody else’s name but mine, or I’ll punish you.”
‘How can I think about anybody else when you’re making me feel so good right now?’ You almost tell him that, you want to tell him that, but as Jungkook switches his attention from your collarbones to your breasts, tongue lavishing over each mound equally, you find your thoughts slipping away from you.
You don’t even register that you’re being pushed to lie back until the cold glass makes you jerk - and Jungkook firmly keeps you pinned down, another moan leaving you as you feel his fingers probe against your core. You feel him place butterfly kisses down your legs, the touch light yet the effects tremendous on you as you shiver and tremble from each one.
“We barely started and you’re already this wet, huh,” he grins as he slides a finger up your panty, where your slit would be. Juice already coats his finger well, and even though he only teases you against your panties, you find that you’re sensitive, too sensitive not to feel even more turned on by such a small gesture. “Or were you already wet earlier? What a naughty girl.”
“Fffffuck,” you groan, thrusting against his fingers so that they rub against you harder. “Just slip it in already,” you whimper. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Jungkook purrs as he flicks your nub, making you clench hard at the frustration and anticipation. It infuriates you even more when you feel his fingers leave your skirt, and he leans away a little. You can clearly see the smirk on his face again, amusement swimming with lust in his eyes. “You weren’t being so nice earlier either. Maybe if you were a good girl, I’d listen.”
At that, you pull yourself up, coming closer to him until you bite his shoulder, leaving marks over his neck as well as you can under the raging pleasure. “Or you can listen now, before I make you regret it.” You roll your hips against his, relishing in the quiet groan that leaves him as the delicious friction threatens to drown you both in pleasure.
Honestly, in the face of Jungkook’s ministrations, you find it’s all too easy to let yourself loose, to want more.
You’re surprised when he bends, pushing you back down - and the flash of pain and pleasure on the inner part of your thighs makes you hiss.
“What are you doing?”Jungkook’s answer is light, but the cocky tone is all too evident anyway. “Didn’t you challenge me to make you cum?” Another hickey blooms on your thighs and you whimper as he leaves a trail of them on his way down. “So I’ve made it my mission to make you cum as much as I can tonight.” You feel his nose nudge your panty and you can’t help groaning in anticipation. “Starting with eating you out.”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“A-Ah, I’ve never been eaten out before,” you stammer, heart beating fast as you can clearly feel his hair brush against your skin. Lust, excitement, and yet also nerves envelop you then.
For some reason, you can’t help but feel a little self conscious. No one, not even your past boyfriends have done this, after all.
Still, Jungkook only chuckles. “How mean. There I was, making you drinks the whole night, but you won’t even let me have a taste of you now that I’m thirsty.” You can’t see him over the skirt you’re wearing- why, again, are you still wearing it- but you can imagine the chiding smile, the mischief in his eyes. Especially when you feel him blow on you down there, making you shudder. 
“Look, you’re even overflowing. Bet you’d taste sweeter and better than any wine here.”
With that, your skirt is taken off, and you gasp as you suddenly taste something on your lips. Yet that isn’t the end of it as for some reason, you suck on his fingers, imagining it to be his cock. 
Fuck, you taste good.
Just as that thought reaches you, you think- you want to taste him too.
“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks you again. “I’ll make you feel good.” There’s a chuckle in his words, but before he can say anything more, you tug him up.“Wanna taste you too,” you admit, before blushing. Still, you continue. “So get up here.”
“On the bar top? Kinky,” he grins, but follows your instructions. Moving so that your whole body is laid down on the bartop, you hiss as the cool temperature of the glass makes itself known to your thighs. Not for long though- as the warmth of Jungkook’s body envelops you moments later.
In this position, Jungkook’s crotch faces you, and you find your mouth watering over it. Eager hands cup it for a moment, before you pull down the zipper and admire his member.
God, even his dick is pretty. 
Long and veined, what it lacked in girth, the slight curve certainly made up for it. You immediately took it into your mouth, moaning around it when you felt him move your panties to the side and immediately dived in.
On Jungkook’s side - he loves it, every single second of it. He loves how he can make you a mess, how he can wreck you, you bucking up your hips to meet him as you suck and moan around his dick. There is something about you that he couldn’t help but be attracted to. He can’t believe your ex had cheated on you. Just from that moment in which you confronted your ex, he could sense that you were far, far more better than any girl he had ever seen.
Moans and whimpers filled the room as you tremble under Jungkook. Every lap of his tongue, sucking on your nub- hell, just the way he moves his tongue inside your walls is enough to make you push your thighs together.
The pleasure inside you only rises higher and higher, making you continuously grind your hips against his face. True, it’s the first time someone’s eaten you out, but all the same you know you wouldn’t cum just from it if the other person wasn’t good enough.
Jungkook aims to go beyond your expectations it seems. In response, you take him in even deeper, slightly gagging on his dick. One hand reaches out to fondle his balls, rolling them over your hand. Soft, pliant in your hold. You squeeze them slightly, and a sense of accomplishment fills you as you feel him physically stutter, thrusting his dick deeper into you. Jungkook is obviously way more experienced though, or perhaps it’s a sense of competitiveness that’s driving him to make sure you come first, because as you feel something inside you continue to tighten - you pant, recognizing the signs of an impending orgasm. A distant part of you is amazed you could reach an orgasm so quickly - the other is very, very pleased.
“I’m... so close,” you say through uneven breaths, chasing your high. His tongue works at an even faster pace, making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls tighten around his finger, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel it. “Then come for me, sweetheart,” you hear him say.
And that does it.
White warmth, inside and out. Your lower body jerks against him, but Jungkook only rides out your orgasm with you, lapping up the juices that gush from you, the messy sounds of slurping and sucking turning you on even more, if that’s possible. You feel feverish, your oversensitive clit being given a little too much attention. What more, the feeling of your body contrasting against the cold surface of the bartop, shivering a little when his finger traces the curves of your body as you continue to feel the last trembles from your orgasm.When
 he finally leans back, Jungkook smiles at the glistening digit and licks his fingers clean. You taste even better than he thought. Truly, you’re an angel. Just as he prepares to get off of you, you give one good suck to his dick, making him jerk. For you, you can feel his hard member twitch in your mouth - and it doesn’t take much to figure out that Jungkook himself is close to release. Still, as he lets out a quiet groan, he moves away. You make to protest, but-
The way he quickly moves on top of you, fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt and grinding his member against your core makes you moan, long and loud.
“I don’t wanna cum just yet,” his voice is distinctively lower now, and something heady rushes through you at the realization that you did that. He hisses when you experimentally roll your hips back against him.
Hunger like you’ve never known spreads across you like a wildfire. You want all of what Jungkook has to offer.
“You ready, sweetheart?” He cooes. “You’ll have to be quiet if I put it in, don’t want anyone else hearing how beautiful you sound when I’m fucking you thoroughly.”
Instead of answering, you meet him up in an eager kiss, your hands spreading across his chest - God, you don’t know when he unbuttoned his shirt, but you’re definitely thankful he did. Otherwise, how could you so clearly feel the muscles on his smooth skin?
And then you feel him enter you and fuck.
If what you felt before was something new, then this was definitely out of this world.
Jungkook’s dick fills you up just perfect, the wetness of your vagina and the slick on his dick makes the slide inside so much smoother, and both of you sigh in pleasure. For a moment, you’re both content to lie like that, just basking in the feeling of being connected to each other. 
He himself doesn’t know how to explain it, how you differ from others. Everything you do somehow seems to draw him in, and in this moment- he feels like he could just stay like that forever and be content.
You, on the other hand, feel different.
“Jungkook, please, move already,” you eventually plead. Your body arches up as he pulls out for a moment, before beginning to thrust his hips into you at a fast rate, clearly giving you no mercy. Fuck, how in the hells did you ever think any previous sex you had could compare with this?
It’s easy to lose all coherence in this moment, the overwhelming feeling of bliss making you think of nothing but Jungkook’s dick, and the way he drags it against your walls, teasing you before slamming it inside, drawing out the pleasure and then drowning you in it.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounds in the empty room, alongside your mixed groans and whimpers. Jungkook spares you no mercy, and you soon find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. It doesn’t help that you feel him leave hickeys over your chest, biting and then soothing them afterwards, sliding his tongue over them. Tears prick your eyes as the pain and the pleasure mix together, making each feeling all the more intense to you.
Fuck, where had he been all your life? You’ve never felt so good in sex- not like this, not with your previous encounters. But right here and right now, you swear that if there’s a god, then Jungkook must have been his favorite, and you were blessed to have been touched by him.
“J-Jungkook, I-I’m coming again-!” Rather than slow down, it seems your words just urge him to fuck you harder, faster, making you sob as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown you under. 
“Then come all you want,” he growls, dragging you into a fierce kiss, wanting to taste you- but also to silence you. 
“A-Ah!” You scream out, panting, as you ride another wave of orgasm-
The harsh smack on your bottom makes you jerk off the table with a sob. Jungkook hisses as he pulls out, leaving you feeling empty- but not for too long, as you’re turned over, and he shoves his cock back inside your hole. You moan, long and loud in pleasure, before you feel another smack on your bottom.
“What part of ‘keep quiet’ didn’t you understand?” He reprimands you sternly, each word accentuated by a hit on your bottom that makes you jerk, each time. “I told you to be quiet, or we’d both get in trouble. There’s still the club’s bodyguard standing outside. If he heard us, how much do you want to bet he’d come in and see your pretty little body all laid out under me, huh?”
“I-” You try to explain, but end up heaving deep breaths instead as he thrusts his hips particularly hard, leaving you a whimpering mess as you drop your head onto the table again, the ache at the back of our head barely being addressed by your numb mind.
“You what?” He growls, hands snaking forward to pull your head back with your hair- making you groan as he lowers himself right next to your ear. “You what, Y/N? Got nothing to say right now?”
He tsks. “Or maybe him seeing you is what you want. How many hours has it been since we just met, and how you’re gladly taking up my cock in your cunt right now? I guess you’re nothing but a slut.”
“I-I,” You try again, but all that remains in your head is him calling you a slut. The humiliation it draws from you, reddening your cheeks, somehow only serves to make you feel even more aroused. You can’t think of anything else, but how to just push yourself back into Jungkook’s dick because clearly, he is drawing it out and depriving you of what you need!
“What are you, Y/N?” his voice is hoarse as he asks, his dark hair a mess that covers his beautiful face. “...Wanting others to see you looking so pretty for me,” the knot in your stomach tightens as you try to think of a reply, yet nothing comes. Fuck fuck fuck.
“I don’t, I-” you stop. You can’t, you just can’t, if you don’t get what you want right now, you might as well die.
“Disappointing,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, and you feel your eyes burn out of desperation. “And here I thought you’d be good for me?”
“I’m sssssorrryyyy!” You whine out when he won’t let you off, the tears falling down your face now. “I’m a slut! A fucking slut! Your slut,” you cry out. “P-Please, put it back innn!”
“Mm, I still don’t know,” he drawls. “I already warned you to be good earlier, but you just kept on pushing me. And now you clearly disobeyed me. Only good girls, not sluts, get rewards, don’t you think?”
“I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, whimpering. “Please, I can be good, so please-!”
Hands rub your bottom, a slight sting reminding you that he’d already hit you there earlier. Yet somehow all it did was make you even more sensitive to not just the pain, but also heightening the pleasure you felt.
“If you take your punishment obediently, I might let you off,” he suddenly offers. Jungkook’s voice has become sweet again, soft and sticky and coaxing. Not that you need it though, considering he has you in his palms either way.
Not to mention that the thought of the punishment at hand makes your core throb.
You bite your lips, hoping that he doesn’t see how flushed you are. You don’t doubt that you’re dripping down so much on the glass bartop that at this point, that there must be a puddle right below your cunt. But at the thought of what he’s about to do, you feel yourself secreting even more. “Oh?” He chuckles, dragging a finger along your clit. At this point your labia are puffed up, swollen with Jungkook’s relentless attacks on it, but still it doesn’t hide how aroused you are at this moment. All it is is overly sensitive, and still asking for more. 
“Seems to me that you like that, huh? I guess I was right. Being good doesn’t suit you at all, slut,” he tsks. “You just wanted to get punished.”
“I-I can take it,” you meekly tell him, shaking your ass a little. At the sight, Jungkook smirks wickedly. “Alright then. I want you to count each strike, sweetheart. And if you lose count, we’ll be starting all over again. … Do you understand that?” 
Near the end, you hear Jungkook’s tone soften, and it’s all too easy to hear the way out he’s offering you. You want it, though. “H-How many?”
He pauses, before continuing. “How many do you think you deserve?”
You swallow loudly. “I… I don’t know.” You bite your lips. “I’ve, uh- I’ve never been spanked like this before.”
You feel embarrassment course through your veins for a moment as Jungkook freezes, and you wonder if you should’ve just said a random number-
But then the loud smack of a hand against your ass rings out loud in the room, and you jerk wildly against the bartop, a silent scream in your throat.“Until I say stop, then. That was one already,” Jungkook purrs. 
You whimper, but nod along as he starts.
“F-Four,” you whimper.
At each hit of his hand against your ass, you can’t help moaning, louder with each one. Jungkook’s hands are swift, and absolute- no mercy left for you, only his feather-light gentle caresses after each hit making you weep.
At the eight count, you’re absolutely gone, panting, a mess of tears and pain and pleasure and overall just too fucking sensitive. But the sheer amount of thrill and joy that settles in you as Jungkook finally stops is just short of euphoria, and you look up at him, your eyes pleading for his praise and reassurance.
Sure enough, Jungkook doesn’t disappoint.
He slides you off the counter and into his arms, your legs crossed around his, into a long, sweet kiss, swallowing up the sounds that leave your lips, the little whimpers and groans.
“You took your punishment so well,” he compliments you as he pulls back, making you preen. “I suppose you deserve a reward then, don’t you?”
“P-Please,” you plead, rutting your core against his erect cock. It slides against your core all too easily, making you groan. Still, you don’t dare put it inside, waiting for Jungkook’s permission first.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins, and-
Jungkook’s kiss swallows up the scream that leaves you as he thrusts back into your hole in one smooth movement, bringing you back into that land of sheer pleasure and lust.
In this position, held up in the air only by his arms, you keenly feel every movement of his cock inside you as he bounces you, forcing you to go up and down repeatedly. You’re almost delirious, your hands no doubt leaving scratch marks on his body as you hold him as tight as you can, feeling everything just too much.
It doesn’t take more than a minute or two to bring you to your third orgasm. It seems that Jungkook himself senses that as well, because the moment you feel it coming, he speeds up his thrusts again, making you scream. 
“J-Jungkook!!” You wail out his name as one final jerk of his hips brings you crashing down, bliss enveloping you fully as you almost white out, spasming and losing control of your body for a moment.
When you come to, a second later, you feel him desperately moving in you, but the stuttered way he does so tells you all you need to know.
“W-Where should I cum?” He grits the words out his teeth, and you hiss in pleasure, in over-sensitivity and pain as his member remains inside of you even after you’ve orgasmed for the third time. You’re determined to get him to come as well though, something warm blazing in your chest. You don’t owe favors, and you won’t anymore, so maybe that’s the reason why.
For whatever reason it truly is, though, you tell him with a steady voice. “Just come inside me,” you give him permission. Jungkook groans at that, looking straight at you, as if to ask, are you sure?
You nod, drawing him into a sweet kiss. There’s nothing but elation inside you at this moment.
When you squeeze his member inside your cunt, you moan as you feel him paint your walls white, something hot and warm and sticky filling up your cunt. If your nails didn’t leave marks before, well, they had to by now.
It’s only when you feel it drip out of you that you finally pull back from the kiss.The both of you are panting, visibly exhausted, though you’re pretty sure Jungkook can still run a lap around the club, while you’re all ready to collapse on the floor. Fuck, where does he get all that stamina from?
“I work out at the gym.” The amusement visible in his eyes as he answers you tells you that you probably spoke out loud. Sheesh.
“Yeah, you were.” Jungkook’s chuckle brings your attention back to him, and you blush for the first time since a while now, burying your head in the crook of his shoulder. Honestly, if you tried to move right now, you don’t doubt you’d just lay down on the floor, so you opt to remain in his hold.
That decision definitely wasn’t influenced by how secure you felt in his arms, or how good he smelt, even after you both just had sex.
His chuckles turn into laughter- and you’re only dimly aware of it as he sets you down on a nearby sofa, grabbing a washcloth nearby to start wiping you off.
When you look down at him again- it’s as if he’s seamlessly switched back to the adorable guy you met earlier. Huge, doe eyes and bunny smile on display as he grins happily.
It’s then that you hear the door to the bar being clicked open, and you’re thrown back into reality. 
“If you’re done fucking on top of the bar, I think it’d be good if we officially wrap things up around here,” you see a blond man barge through, wearing a poker face despite the words that make even more heat rise up to your cheeks. The connotations of the sentence… you’ll ignore that.
“And I think that included your dick, but okay,” he eyes Jungkook warily. He looks at you for a brief moment, before clicking on his tongue as he shakes his head.
“Anyway, out of this place, both of you, before Seokjin-hyung threatens to kill me again for not being a good enough caretaker.”
“And what exactly were you doing while we were… in here, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook raises a brow out of suspicion. 
“Sleeping. Now hurry up.”
Peals of laughter escape Jungkook, even as both your cheeks redden at being caught.
“Alright, alright,” Jungkook reassures him, before turning back to you. “Let me just finish up cleaning that mess, and we’ll get you home for real,” he tells you softly. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he lays you down to rest.
“Take a quick nap in the meantime, okay?”
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Giggling under the blanket of the dark night, you run under the bright stars as the stars reign the heavens above your heads. With Jungkook hand in hand, you experience freedom like you’ve never felt before.
The gentle breeze of the cold wind at 2 am, in perfect contract to the feel of his warm hand enveloping yours is the sweetest sensation, one of accepting, letting go and moving forward.
You swear you’ve never laughed like you do when you dash through the abandoned streets of neighborhoods too hazy for you to remember in detail. His laugh rings in your ears like the song of an angel, a far cry from your own booming one that he still loves all the same. It’s beautiful, quiet, made for you two alone.
Reaching your apartment, Jungkook helps you into your adorable dragon onesie before tucking you into bed, the softest smile on his face. It hurts a little to leave you so quick, he wants to stay, he wants to spend the night beside you, but for tonight… maybe all that you have done so far is enough.
Maybe once morning arrives, the sunrise announces his fall. Maybe you won’t even remember him.
Thinking so, his trembling hand reaches out to cup your cheek.
Then he stops.
Goodnight, Y/N.
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Morning comes. You groggily roll out of bed, heading straight for the kitchen to get yourself a cup of water. Your head is in shambles, too filled to think of anything more, too empty to think of anything less than the sticky note your eyes land on.
It’s stuck to the microwave that’s sitting on the counter, a stupidly lovable green note. Taking careful steps towards it, you peel it off to read what’s written, eyes widening a little.
‘here’s my number! call if you want :D
I also left some hangovers in here. 
make sure to eat them and stay safe~
hope to hear from you.                           xx JK.’
Your heart flutters in excitement and love for the note as you pull it close, hugging it as much as one could a sticky note. You smile softly, hand tracing the curves of the writing, the action all too sweet and unexpected. Running to get your phone that must be somewhere around here, you start to jump around in the search for it out of nervous elation.
There’s so much more you want to do with Jungkook, but - you just can’t wait to hear his gorgeous laugh again.
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All rights reserved © 2020 kimtaejin. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed.
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nightferns · 3 years
How c!Ranboo's attitude towards c!Wilbur lines up with everything he's been told | a quote list
All /rp of course
So on Tubbo's last lore stream (my new purpose) Ranboo said this:
"-thats why im here so when he does something that does redeem himself then someone can be there that will be able to see it and everything, and honestly i'd rather have it be me the person, rather have the person that be there be me instead of maybe someone else[...]"
And then this, when asked why he didn't tell Wilbur about marriage:
"[...]From what i've heard from Tommy and everything the Wilbur that 13 years ago- at least might've- he used stuff against Tommy and everything so just in case- "
And it made me wonder what exactly lead him to that opinion so i spent a day ghathering quotes in which Ranboo heard/or was told something about Wilbur, before the revival. Its a bit of a long one so strap in.
Convos about Alivebur that Ranboo either listened to or was a part of, pre-meeting him.
Vod: Tubbo and Tommyinnit Start To Break Apart…
Tommy [talking about Techno]: -Wilbur died in action, so he doesn't- so he didn't live long enough to face the consequences, but that guy he is a fucking bitch.
Ranboo: So he was fighting with you and then he decided to go against you.
Tommy: yeah. He decided that the last minute "Hey! Hey what im gonna do is fuck everyone over."
Ranboo: Oh… so he was sort of a vigilante of sorts? His own-
Tommy: sit down [on the bench]…  fuck. I just want back the discs, that's all- thats all I've wanted everytime im sat on this bench, that's all we've wanted.
Ranboo: Yeah, I can tell... You seem pretty adamant about those.
Tommy: Yeah! It's because-! Literally bro- since the- four months! [...] four months ago is when I first started trying to get these discs! And it was just me, Tubbo- there was no Technoblade on this server! There were like 6 people- and it was just me and tub- there was no nation there was no- it's always been about getting back the shit dream stole from this very chest!
So now Tubbo's gotten this position of power and is doing it- it's dis- it's disappointing.
B-but thank you, for sticking up for me, no one did that, you saw big Q fucking turning on me- you saw Fundy- they're-  they're just sheep bro, they're just sheep. Thank you
Ranboo: Well, you stuck up for me when you could've easily pinned it on me. You could've just said "oh, he was the one that did it", because- i mean, my name was being said in there too, but then you just decided to take all of it and now we're in this situation.
So I couldn't just let that happen, I couldn't stand by, have Tubbo call you selfish when you did something- the opposite.
Tommy: Thank you-
If they evict me through- that is it he-
Ranboo: yeah.
Tommy: -dude, you know i'm worried- i- i don't want to, i know there's that one line that we- that rings through my head as i sleep l of Wilbur going "Tommy, let's be the bad guys." But I wanna- i don't wanna be the bad guys. I just want-
Ranboo: I don't think that's- that's not a good thing to do.
Tommy: The reason- do I say this now? Yeah-  The reason I didn't make Tubbo the leader, when I had- and I could've chose anyone, and I chose Wilbur, the man who was already half-insane but I knew he was coming back around, and I didn't choose Tubbo.
Is because i knew that if tubbo was the president,
it would pull us apart Ranboo, and look at him he's picking his nation over me. And i- and if he does on Friday I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself.
Ranboo: No matter what happens on friday i'll help you. I'll-I'll figure it out- I'll try to talk to Tubbo, i'll try to see if something better can happen.
Vod: *Archive* Mar 6, 2021
Phil: [places down a picture of Wilbur] my son.
Ranboo: Oh. There he is.
Phil: I wanna put his picture in the-in the meeting room, cruz i want to be reminded, i miss him, it's lik- he's been gone a long time.
Ranboo: He has. He really has. He's been gone, before I even came here.
Phil: He did some dumb shit y'know. And my hand was forced, in a sense, but I miss him everyday, I do miss him.
Ranboo: Oh, yeah i heard about that
Phil: I do wish he'd come back.
Ranboo: Yeah, Well… well I mean, wasn't he a ghost for a little bit?
Phil: Yeah, but that wasn't really him-
Ranboo: Oh.
Phil: That was- That was like the pure kind of innocent version of him if that was to exist I think, he was very kind of uhm- it was just not him though, it was just not him. So it was kind of like talking to a doll of like- someone.
Ranboo: I mean- I mean it's the most you're able to get at least. Like-
Phil: Yeah…
Phil: -sad, miss child, miss, maybe i shouldn't have stabbed him but you know.
Ranboo: Yeah, well i mean- yeah.
Phil: I Bet if- i bet if- if i was to talk to him again he' would- he would probably forgive me, he- he definitely was at the end of his rope and i dunno maybe he'd think of it differently.
Ranboo: I mean, it was his wishes, I mean he wouldn't- it was his wishes, it wasn't- like- he wouldn't- he wouldn't not forgive you for following what he asked you to do.
Phil: Yeah. I dunno.
Ranboo: But- one day hopefully-
Phil: Can't help but think if i did the right thing or not sometimes.
Ranboo: I mean, when you think about what he would have done if you hadn't, you know?
Phil: Yeah, he was out of control.
Ranboo: Like if you- if you hadn't like- would anything- would anything have changed?
Phil: I dunno, I kinda showed up at the most chaotic time possible and yeah it was just- didn't really have a lot of time to process things. It was like "Hey I should probably stop him from blowing up this place" that I had no real knowledge of other than that he helped build it. That's all I heard. I got- i got like letters from him just like telling me what he'd been up to and stuff, and that he was having fun with this friends and then the letters stopped, and i got worried so i started to like- 
Ranboo: mhm.
Phil: -make my way over to this area.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: And I was right to worry, apparently.
Ranboo: I mean, I don't know, I think- I mean, I think there's really- there's really nothing you can do about it now, you know? There's- it's really like- you can- you can try and get closure but I mean, the ghost- Ghostbur is missing in action and he has been for a little while, and...
Phil: Yeah, whenever I talked to Ghostbur I didn't really feel like I was talking to him though, like it wasnt really- It was him but it wasn't him, like-
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: It's hard to explain.
Ranboo, I mean you just- i- i think you did the right thing even though its not- it wasn't the optimal thing, you know? I mean, was it the best solution? Probably not, but it was still a solution so.. I'd say you still did a good thing even though in your eyes it's probably not good, but what else were you gonna- what else were we gonna do?
Phil: Yeah, true.
Ranboo: yeah.
Vod: Tommy's Plan to Kill Dream
Tommy: Tubbo, I died. I spoke to Schlatt, I spoke to Wilbur, Wilbur Soot, alright?
Tubbo: Has Schlatt changed his ways? Or is he still smoking and drinking-
Tommy: Tubbo, they've been in there for so long, and so many years, alright?
Tubbo: Years? They've only died months ago-
Tommy: Tubbo, I was in that prison for about… month and five days, alright. Time in death though? I was here for months and months and months! Time's different when you d- Don't tell anyone this- Time's different when you die.
Tubbo: So you're older, now curz-
Tommy: I don't, I don't know! [...]
Tommy: -But Listen to me! I've seen everything! I know so much more than you now, I've been with the dead and I know so much more! So much more I'm not willing to explain. But listen to me we need to kill him, before it's too late-
Tubbo: Why is it different now? Why are we killing him- why didn't we just kill him to begin with, when we had the chance? Why did you put it off?
Tommy: Because Tubbo i thought he would use the revive book for go- ok, this is what he said to me he said he will only use the revivebook to revive Wilbur, and he said that that when he gets out out of the he's gonna hurt, not just you, but everyone i care for, he's gonna hurt everyone. So please we need to kill him.
Tubbo: So why don't you want him to bring Wilbur back now? What suddenly changed? 
Tommy: I've spent months in the death area- well- let's call it the death zone, with Wilbur, right.
Tubbo: the death zone? Like limbo-
Tommy: I've spent months there, I've spent months and months and months there and I was only there for a few days, Wilbur's been there for real months, he is so different and he is powerful and you know how he molds me like a piece of clay Tubbo. I don't want him to come back, we can't let him come back, and Dream said to me that he'll revive Wilbur.[...]
Tommy: No, i spoke to you, not Ghostbur, i spoke to you
Ghostbur: But i am Ghostbur
Tommy: I spoke to Wilbur,
Ghostbur: You don't wanna talk to him.
Tommy: I know, I never wanna talk to him again.
Ghostbur: He's not very nice, he's not a nice guy.
Tommy: Acu- Ghostbur i've got a question for you, do you want him to come back?
Because i- i don't, i don't think i do ever ever.
Ghostbur: He's a- i- uhm.. t-the world needs- needs structure and order and he he's good at that, he did that but- i-
Tommy: No, the world needs less villains, and he was a villain if I've ever seen one.
Ghostbur: But a villain is just a- sometimes the line's a little blurry, you could say, a little blurry it's a tiny bit, it's like a villain- a villain is just a hero you haven't convinced yet.
Tubbo: I'm not sure I follow you.
Tommy: No, but he started as hero, he started as a hero and then he was the villain.
Ghostbur: Well-
Tommy: I don't think we should bring him back ever. 
Ghostbur: Oh…
Tommy: I think you should-  you like being a ghost don't you? Hey! Look bl- Red! You can stand on the red! [...]
Ghostbur: Yeah,i- i- i like it here but  we were talking about this and i thought we wanted to bring back Wilbur, because he understood-
Tommy: No-
Ghostbur: -because, because L'manburg got blown up-
Tommy: No! No no no no, We don't want to bring back Wilbur, i've spent months with Wilbur, wh-when you die times different Ghostbur, i know i can speak to you 'cause you don- you keep secrets, times different, alright? i've spent so long with Wilbur,
Ghostbur: How- how long?
Tommy: Months and months and months alright? And if i was here for months, he's been there for years, possibly decades, he can't come back.
This isnt a-
Ghostbur: How- how- so what's the corversion? What's the- how long-
 Tommy: What's the conversion rate?-
Ghostbur: yeah, what's the-
Tommy: -God, you sound like a fuckin' bitcoin miner.
Ghostbur: -If time's different in the- in the- in the dead land then what's the- what do you call it? Limbo- if time is different in limbo then what's- what's- what's the difference?
Tommy: I don't really know. But I was there, apparently, I was dead, according to the Dream but he does lie, I was dead for- for 3 days. And i was there for-
Ghostbur: And how long, how long was that in months?
Tommy: I don't know, i can- i can say  months and months, i- i'd- i'd say between three to seven?
Ghostbur: Okey.
Tommy: So the middle, four point five.
Ghostbur: -So Wilbur's been dead for ten to twelve years.
Tommy: And there's a lot to learn when you're dead, innit?
Ghostbur: What did you learn? I've just forgotten things.
Tommy: Oh I learned about bad shit.
Ghostbur: Yeah?
Tommy: Do you know what Wilbur did? He very slowly and excruciatingly, over an entire month, explained to me what hemorrhoids was and it hurt me so much.
And then he'd go on about all the books he has been reading. It was terrible, it was the wor-
Tubbo: Did you see each other? Or were you just-
Tommy: Oh, Don't make me talk about it! Don't make me talk about it! Oh, it was- it was the worst!
Ghostbur: Tommy why didn't you want Wilbur back?
Tommy: Well… I spent a long long time speaking to Wilbur in- when I was dead. And i- and when I wanted to bring him back I thought he- I thought there was still some brotherness there, I thought maybe he's still my pal. And I found out he's not- he's only grown worse.
Ghostbur: He spent a lot of time around a bad guy, he spent, like a decade you said, around- around Schlatt and Schlatt's the bad- Schlatt's the bad guy right?
Tommy: I don't think Schlatt's the only bad guy.
Ghostbur: He's a bad guy right? Him and Eret are the bad guys right? That's the- that's the-
Tubbo: Yes, more or less.
Ghostbur: That's what you told me.
Ranboo: And Dream of course.
Tommy: There's a lot more bad guys.
Vod: Ranboo prepares with tommyinnit to take down dream on the dream smp full stream (VOD)
Ranboo Vods
Ranboo: [About Dream] He's trapped in there and we thought he was powerless but even in there he still has power that's why we're killing him actually. Its because-
Ghostbur: What's the worst he could do with the power?
Ranboo: He could bring back the people that are- well, technically the villains in this story, and then get out. And then start to do what he did before he got into prison, just again, and probably worse honestly!
Ghostbur: He's gonna bring back Schlatt?
Ranboo: He can bring back anyone that's died.
Ghostbur: Also- um, so are we- are we not bringing back Wilbur anymore? Is that… off the table? 'Cause Phil and Technoblade and- and- and people are still keen- and Eret is keen to bring back Wilbur. And i- i'm- Ranboo i gotta tell you i'm really scared. I- i'm not scared of Wilbur i think.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Ghostbur: I'm scared of going back to.. nothing. I- I'll be gone again. I dont- I- i kinda like being here and i like all my friends and i don't...
Ranboo: Yeah. See it's different with me because I never knew Wilbur, i never met Wilbur. I've only met, well you… so...
Ghostbur: I- I think im pretty- I like to think im pretty neat.
Ranboo: Yeah i think you're pretty neat too. I don't- i don't think-
Ghostbur: Yus!
Ranboo: I mean, Honestly i'd- i never knew Wilbur, i never met him but I mean,  what i've been told, he seemed like he had good intentions and- and i mean, i think that's kinda what you are, you are his good intentions.
Ghostbur: In a pint sized glass.
Ranboo: yeah.
Ghostbur: in a little package, little package.
Ranboo: yeah!
Ghostbur: I've read his memoirs Ranboo, i've read- they are all gone now they were blown up when my library was destroyed, so many really important pieces of history were blown up when that library was destroyed.
Ranboo: Definitely yeah.
Ghostbur: But I have- i read his memoirs and he- he was- he was pretty ok! Most of the time, he seemed like he was- people liked him but then- then- then he lost this election and- and- and you know the story, everyone knows the story. 
Ranboo: yeah, yeah.
Ghostbur: But i just- i- from seeing how much everything went down and how Tubbo was- was really badly you know? Scared with- by- by- you know? the explosion and things which- thinking about it that's- maybe was Technoblade's fault and Phil's fault, but um, because of all this now more than ever it's really important that we have a leader and that's why i was on the side on bringing him back
and if- if things have changed, if you tell me i'll go along with whatever you say if- if you think Ghostbur sticks around, i'll stick around but if you think Wilbur- Wilbur sticks around i'll- i'll do whatever it takes to help you! I just- I just wanna help! I just wanna help Ranboo!
Ranboo: yeah, im-
Ghostbur: -And i can see it in you that you know what's best.
Ranboo: The thing is i- i really don't. i mean, Ha- Wilbur... he seemed good, when you read anyone's memoirs it helps them… kinda rationalize the way that they think so- i honestly don't know, because-
Ghostbur: History is written by the winners.
Ranboo: Yeah and he, he technically won, I mean he did what he wanted to.
Ghostbur: but then he lost and everyone hates him.
Ranboo: I don't- i don't think everyone hates him. I don't really hate him. I mean, it's like hearing about a historical figure. I mean he did good things yeah, but he also did bad things so. I- i'm indifferent as i am with a lot of things.
Ghostbur: I'm sure- i'm sure that you'll figure it out
Ranboo: I haven't even heard of Wilbur honestly, i- i've barely heard of Wilbur, i mean, Tubbo really has not told me much about Wilbur other than i mean, he's the one who blew up Manburg the first time. 
But i like Ghostbur i mean, i like- i like Ghostbur i'd say a lot more, because Ghostbur seems nice, i don't think that anything is going wrong right now, i mean if we- if we kill dream then… then uh- ' cause we don't need a leader. 
I really don't know... I really don't know, I don't think we need a leader, because if- if someone rules everyone then- i mean if the leader becomes corrupted, when the leader becomes corrupted then we see what happens. We- we see what happens when someone who leads becomes corrupted, heck i'm a part of an anarchist organization So… I really just don't know what to do.
Because I mean, Tommy doesn't want Wilbur back.
I don't think anyone wants Wilbur back, so why is it even a question?
All I do know is that we definitely have to kill Dream, right? We definitely have to kill Dream. I mean, we gotta- we gotta kill Dream.
I mean, i don't even know if anyone wants him back, i mean, the only person that i would think would be Phil, right? The only person that I'd think would be Phil, so… but Phil's ok now, he's doing alright, shure he's sad now, but I think he'll be good, yeah I think we'll be able to kill Dream and everything will be good!
I mean, if we kill Dream, Wilbur isn't coming back, we won't have to worry about much- we'll still have to worry about things but not on the scale Dream was doing right? Right? [...]
[...] So if everyone's ok without him, I mean, everyone's ok already… right? Everyone's- Everyone's good, I mean, I like Ghostbur, I think that Ghostbur is awesome. I don't know-[...]
Ranboo: Oh my goodness. Yeah see, i like Ghostbur a lot more, i like Ghostbur a lot more.
Vod: Wilbur's Revival Dream SMP
Tommy: No you don't understand, It's not that he's dead it's that Wilbur's back.
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: What do you mean Wilbur's back? No, you mean Like- Wilbur? Like-
Tommy: Let's go-
Ranboo: "Press button and blow up" Wilbur, that one?
Tommy: No, no ok, listen to me, Did you think I liked Wilbur? Is that what you think this is about Ranboo? Why are you being so unempathetic?
Ranboo: I don't know what you mean! Like-
Tommy: Wilbur is back, Ranboo! Ghostbur is dead!
Ranboo: Yeah-
Tommy: No, no there's only one way to know.
Ranboo: What do you mean? Like- like THE Wilbur? The one that- like your friend?
Tommy: We are not fucking friends, Ranboo.
Ranboo: Wilbur wasn't-? I mean, I knew he did some bad stuff but I thought he was at least kind of your friend. 
Tommy: No, Wilbur was nothing.
Ever since i died Ranboo, we- i spent so long with Wilbur-
Ranboo: Yeah?
Tommy: -and i thought he changed, every time i thought he changed, but Ranboo he never changes, Wilbur never changes… and now he's back.
Ranboo: May- Maybe- Maybe he's different you know? I mean, he's been spending a lot of time in the afterlife-
Tubbo: Yeah, he's been dead for a while,
Ranboo: -he probably might be different, you know?
Tommy: He's not different Ranboo, i've been there Ranboo, and he's so much fucking worse. When we go up to him, you two just stand back-[...]
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study…”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 13- Icarus
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warning for very slight suicidal themes this fic has a happy ending I swear
Losing you is agony.
Endeavor is lecturing him for pulling the stunt with Bakugo earlier that day but he can’t hear or really process any of it when all he can think about is the fact you’ve blocked his number and seem to want nothing to do with him. He vaguely registers words of “I told you so” and “I warned you” and even a word or two about a demotion but none of it matters. Hawks doesn’t know how to do anything but be a hero. It’s been the driving force behind a lot of the choices he’s made in your relationship and he knows it’s the same for you, but that doesn’t make any of this easier.
“You’re going to have to work really hard to earn my trust back Hawks and the trust of your coworkers,” Endeavor warns. “Understood,” Hawks replies, his voice almost detached. It seems to disconcert Endeavor, the other man being far more accustomed to the snarky Hawks persona than the serious man in front of him now. “Hawks, uhm, do you,” Endeavor stutters suddenly unsure. He coughs to cover his discomfort and clears his throat before resuming. “Do you need to talk about what happened between you and Artemis?” he finally manages to ask. He looks so deeply uncomfortable potentially talking about the subject and his discomfort only grows when Hawks continues to give him nothing back. “That won’t be necessary,” Hawks replies before turning and walking out of the office. If Hawks doesn’t know how to live without hero work, Keigo doesn’t know how to live without you. So his only option is to abandon Keigo until the pain stops.
He can’t have slept more than a handful of hours that night but he still wakes up early the next morning to run an extra patrol before his normally scheduled one. He files paperwork, even revisits old cases, all in a bid to keep you off his mind. Of course it’s not enough to stop his coworkers from whispering. Typically he ignores the gossip of the lower ranking heroes but it’s hard when he knows they’re speculating about you and him. It certainly doesn’t help that your break up was so public and now it feels like nearly all of Japan has watched the video of it happening. Hawks used to be the darling of Endeavor’s agency, beloved by all of his coworkers. Now he’s practically a pariah.
His new outcast status is only made more obvious at the cocktail party later that day. He’d wanted to skip it entirely, the fact you were supposed to be his plus one to the event made it all the more unappealing, but he’s already skating on thin ice and had no legitimate excuse to justify his absence. So instead he watches the other heroes talk and drink and laugh about things while he hides in the corner, too exhausted and heartbroken to put up the persona necessary to maintain conversation. No one seems to ask about him anyway or even care what he thinks despite the fact it’s his personal life that’s become the hottest topic in all of Japan. He wonders if this is how Icarus felt as he plummeted to the earth. Hawks had flown too close to your light and warmth and now he’s fallen from grace. He wonders if it’s true that Icarus laughed as he fell. If so he can empathize. As painful as this fall is, he would live it over and over if it meant he could catch even a glimpse of you again.
When Shoto comes to join him it’s literally the first genuine interaction he’s had all day. “You look like shit,” Shoto comments by way of greeting. “Thanks. Feel like it too,” Hawks replies. He doesn’t have to pretend with Shoto and for that he’s grateful. “Are you ok?” Shoto asks. “Even though I’ve always hated these things I was always so good at them,” Hawks starts in response. “I’d talk, drink, laugh just like everyone’s doing, be the center of attention, play the part of the charming number two hero. And look at me now. I’m so fucking anxious about what they’ll say about me, about her, about us and what happened that I can’t have a proper fucking conversation. I used to be on fire and now I’m standing in the ashes of who I used to be and I’m just fading away. Without her I’m fading away. I’m just as pathetic as she said,” Keigo confesses and it’s a weight off but it also makes the hollow space behind his ribs where you used to live feel all the more prominent. “This right here is kind of pathetic,” Shoto starts, earning him a shocked almost laugh from the other man, “but you are not pathetic Hawks. I think (y/n) knows that, she’s just hurting. Rightfully so. The bullshit with the others in the agency will get better too.” “I don’t know about that one.” “You’re not the only one who’s done dumb or bad shit. Not by a long shot.” “Really?” “You know Iida?” Shoto asks, pointing to the man in question as he obliviously continues his conversation with one of the others present. “Yea. Your year at UA, stickler for the rules. What about him?” Hawks asks. “He chose his internship our first year with the sole intention of trying to hunt down and kill Stain to avenge his brother.” “Really? That guy?” “Yep. My dad isn’t so innocent either: quirk marriage, child abuse, oh the stories I could tell you.” “Jesus Christ.” “Exactly. Everyone has their own shit Hawks. This will pass and hopefully you and (y/n) can find your ways back to each other when it does.”
Shortly after Todoroki finishes speaking his phone rings and he frowns down in confusion when he notices it’s Bakugo calling him. “I didn’t think we had task force business today,” Shoto says as he answers the phone. “We don’t. Is Hawks there with you?” Bakugo asks, his tone betraying his worry. “Yea he is.” “Shit.” “What’s going on Bakugo?” “It’s about (y/n),” Bakugo admits and Shoto’s eyes widen. He casts a look at Hawks before finally deciding to drag the other man with him to an empty office on the floor they’re currently on. He locks the door behind them and then pops his phone on speaker. “Ok you’re on speaker with me and Hawks what’s going on with (y/n)?” Shoto asks, his voice remaining calm. “All Might fired her last night so she was supposed to come in this morning and collect her stuff except instead she pretty much just threw everything away. I came back to patrol and found out she’d left Midoriya and I little gifts on our desk which was weird, so I hit up her roommates and apparently she never went home after she swung by here. I thought she and Hawks may have run off together but if he’s with you...” Bakugo explains. “Maybe she’s just clearing her head or something,” Shoto suggests. “No way. The whole of Japan is gossiping about her right now, the last thing she’d want is to be out in public,” Bakugo quickly refutes. “Was there anything else off about your desks? Drawers opened?” Hawks asks. “Maybe, I wasn’t paying that much attention. Why?” Bakugo asks. “Your task force notes still there?” Hawks asks in lieu of an answer. Hawks and Shoto wait with baited breath as they hear the sound of Bakugo moving around and then opening a desk drawer. “Nope, they’re gone,” Bakugo finally reports back. “Thought so. (Y/n) wouldn’t just roll over and kiss her career goodbye, she’s probably trying to take out the terrorist cell herself and use it as leverage to get her job back,” Hawks deduces. “Alone? That’s a suicide mission,” Shoto says. “Hence the gifts on the desks,” Hawks replies grimly. “Most of our notes are over there with you guys though,” Bakugo points out. As if on cue an alarm starts blaring overhead warning of an intruder. “That’s gotta be her,” Hawks says. “I’m on my way, hold her there so we can talk some sense into that idiot,” Bakugo tells them before promptly hanging up the phone.
Hawks has to give credit where credit is due. As foolhardy as your plan is, it’s incredibly well executed. As a former member of the guest list, you would’ve known everyone would be occupied with the cocktail party on one of the lower floors, far away from where the files you need are. The elevators will take forever with so many people trying to all get upstairs which only leaves the stairs, which are marginally better but still relatively slow. You must have spent most of the night planning this out. That thought fills Hawks with a certain amount of dread. You’re probably emotional and sleep deprived on your way to take on an entire villain group yourself all in a desperate bid to save your career. It almost sounds ludicrous. Yet, as Hawks races to the top floor in hopes of catching you, all he can think of is something you’d once told him during happier times, late at night as you two were wrapped up in each other:
“Honestly Kei? I’d rather die a hero than live long enough to prove those stupid reporters right about me.”
Author’s Note: Does this still count as a double update if I’m posting the second one after midnight 💀 anyway I can’t believe how quickly I was able to get this chapter out. The image of Hawks standing in the corner of a massive company party feeling like a shell of himself is actually a large part of what sold me on writing this fic for him. The song this chapter correlates to just felt so right for his character that I knew it couldn’t be anyone else. I thought about waiting to post this until later tomorrow today? but I’m ✨impatient✨ so instead y’all get it now
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh @pixelwisp @pokesosa @lildockel @bread0nhead @lavender-moon13
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marvelship-oneshots · 3 years
PART 1 OF 2 AU where Tony and Bucky get married in order not to be forced t testify against each other in court (part 1 of 2) [2.5k words]
Bucky's brain was numb. He was walking in the rain, with no destination, looking at the blood being washed from his hands by the rain. How could something like that happen? How could they think he could do something like that? He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that his best friend was gone and never coming back. The thought of having literally his blood all over his body made his sick to his stomach, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to react. He saw his body laying in a puddle of his own blood on the floor of his apartment and he didn't scream, he didn't cry, his brain just shut down. He had no memories of what he did from that moment to the moment he heard the sirens coming for him. Then, he ran until he was far enough from the city. Now, he didn't know where he was, but the police was not following him anymore, that was good. Eventually, he stopped running and started walking along the desert highway, despite the rain falling down on him. Bucky had no idea of what he would do after, nor of where he was going.
Tony needed a break. His life in the city was becoming overwhelming and he just needed to pull the plug for a while. So he hopped in his car and started driving without a destination. AC/DC was playing in the car at full blast while Tony drove down the highway. His mind was focused only on the song, the road was silent and empty. Somehow, driving in the rain, singing whatever song was blasting, in the dark of the night, had always relaxed him. He could barely see the road in front of him and he knew that he should pay more attention to what he was doing, but against his better judgment, he kept focusing on his own thoughts. It couldn't do any good, and he knew it. He was not looking at the road when something, or rather someone, crossed right i front of his car. He didn't see it coming and he didn't stop, basically running over it. He thought it was some kind of wild animal, a deer maybe, but he never would expect to find a full grown man laying on the street. Bucky didn't know why he crossed the road as soon as he heard a car passing by. He just did it. No wonder why he car ran over him. Sony stopped the car and ran out, hoping he ran over a animal and not a person. Bucky was laying on the road, bruised and exhausted. He thought he could die right there, after all, no one would have missed him, every single police officer thought he was a serial killer. Maybe, that was the only way to get out of that situation. Tony kneeled by Bucky's side, bending over him to check if he was still breathing. He was. However, he was covered in blood. "C'mon buddy, wake up, don't die on me" Tony shook him, trying to wake him up. Bucky finally opened his eyes and let out a growl. Tony sighed in relief. "C'mon let me take you to the hospital" said Tony, helping the strange man getting up. He was massive compared to Tony, he wasn't more than two inches taller than him, but he had very board shoulders that made him looked like a giant compared to Tony's figure. Tony helped him getting in the car. "No, no hospital, literally anywhere else, possibly out of the state" Tony sighed, sitting behind the wheel and turning the music back on. They drove in silence, well, Bucky was silent, Tony was humming along the songs, and stopped only when they found a motel. Tony booked a room for the two of them, he didn't want to leave him alone, he was possibly injured. Little did they know, that was the beginning of an amazingly crazy adventure. Bucky settled in the room and went to take a shower. Tony went out to grab something to eat and medical supplies. If Bucky didn't want to go to the hospital, he would bring the hospital to him. Bucky let his t-shirt fall on the ground. His whole body as covered in dry blood. He honestly didn't know if it was his or Steve's. He couldn't stare at himself in the mirror. Bucky slowly walked into the shower and let the shower run over him, washing away the blood. He leaned against the wall, letting himself fall on the floor. He took his hand into his head and finally let himself go. The only reason he knew he was crying was the salty taste of the tears falling in his mouth.
When Tony came back, Bucky was sitting on the bed, blankly looking at the wall in front of him. "Hey man, I bought you a cheeseburger" Tony said, sitting down next to him and handing him a burger. Bucky nodded and started to slowly unwrap it.  "By the way, I'm Tony" he introduced himself, reaching out for him. "James, but friends call me Bucky" Steve was the one to give him his nickname. He smiled at the memory and a single tear fell on his face. "I'm...uhm I'm sorry I ran over you" Bucky shook his shoulders. "I crossed the road, jumping in front of your car" "Are you hurt? I saw a lot of blood" Tony asked concerned. "No, I'm fine" Tony scoffed and turned n the TV. The news were on. Tony looked at the TV then at Bucky and then back at the TV. "Uhm, Bucky, why is your face on the news?"  "What?" Bucky turned towards Tony, took the remote and turned the volume up. "Shit shit shit fuck" On the screen there was Bucky's picture with a gigantic red WANTED written under it. "Care to explain what that is about?" "It's not what it looks like, I swear" "Oh I see, so you're face is not on the national TV and you are not wanted for murder" "No" Tony raised his eyebrow "Well yes, but also no" "Are you going to kill me?" "What? NO!" Tony let out a loud sigh. "Ok, now that I can relax, explain" "I've been framed for a series of murders, including my best friend's" Bucky sat on Tony's bed and Tony scooted closer to him, putting a hand on his thigh. "I'm immensely sorry" Bucky looked at Tony with a mall smile. "It's ok" "What's gonna happen now?" Tony asked "I mean, you are running from the police and I helped you, so this makes me an accessory to the crime. What's gonna happen now? Are we going to live on the run?" Bucky chuckled. "I'm sorry I put you in this position. And I don't know how we're going to get out of this" Tony lightly smiled and walked out of the room, coming back a few minutes later with a bottle of whiskey. He poured some in two glasses and passed one to Bucky. "Ok, first thing first, gimme your credit card and SIM card. We'll leave here here, from now on only cash. we're going to move every couple of days, with disguises." Bucky sipped on his whiskey, looking at Tony in awe. "Then, we have to understand who is trying to frame you. Suspects, leads whatever pops in your mind, you write them here" Tony said slapping a pack of sticky notes on the table. "Questions?" "Yes" Bucky smiled "Why do you have sticky notes laying around?" Tony laughed, tucking himself into the bed. "Seriously though, thank you, you don't have to do this. No one knows that you helped me" "Oh please stop it, we're in this together. Now go to sleep, we're leaving early tomorrow" Bucky chuckled. "Yessir" _____________________________________________________________________ "Ok, so we have a bunch of suspects that are totally unchained from each other. This means we have no lead" Bucky nodded, looking at the binder full of colourful sticky notes he and Tony had composed in the past weeks. Bucky threw himself on the bed, covering his face with his hands. "We're screwed" The TV was on on the news, now next to Bucky's face there was Tony's. "Every single piece of evidence they have is against me and once they get to us they will offer you plea deal to turn on me because let's admit it, I dragged you into this and you have no reason at all" Bucky caved into his pillow. "Then I'll be double screwed" Tony rolled his eyes and walked over to Bucky's bed, sitting next to him and started stroking his hair. "Buck, I might have an idea" Bucky looked up. "We're in this mess together and together we're getting out. See, I have a little bit of law training and there is this thing that will ensure that we're not forced to turn on each other" "And why didn't you say it sooner?" Bucky asked sitting up. "Yeah right. It's called spouse privilege. Essentially, if we're married, no one can force me to turn on you and vice versa" Bucky jumped up and started pacing up and down the room, in silence, with his hands in is hair. He slowly walked over to Tony and kneeled in front
of him. "Tony, will you marry me?" he asked taking one of his hands. Tony started laughing."Yes, yes I will Buckaroo" Bucky sat on the bed ad let himself fall on his back. Tony laid next to him . "Are we really doing this?" Bucky asked. "You'll have to break up with me, because now I am your fiancé" The two laughed. "You would have liked him" said Bucky after a moment of silence. Tony turned his head to look at Bucky. "Steve. You would have liked Steve" Tony nodded. "He was my best friend in the whole world, how could they think I've killed him? Why would I have killed my best friend?" Bucky started sobbing loudly in Tony's chest. Tony gently stroke his long hair until Bucky fell asleep, snuggled against him.
Bucky and Tony pulled out their best clothes - jeans and a white shirt- and pulled up at the docks. There the officiant who was supposed to marry them was waiting for them in front of his boat. Tony had found him on the internet the night before and had booked a wedding. Tony squeezed Bucky's hand before walking up to the man, giving him a reassuring glaze. "Do you, James Buchanan Barnes, take Anthony Edward Stark as your lawfully wedded husband?" Bucky looked at Tony in the eyes. Tony nodded. "I do" he said, moving Tony's ring from his index to his ring finger. "Do you, Anthony Edward Stark, take James Buchanan Barnes as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do" he said smiling, putting the ring on Bucky's finger. "By the power vested in me by the State of Missouri, I now pronounce you husband and husband" Tony took Bucky's hand, gently squeezing it as the officiant handed then the marriage certificate. Tony left the man the cash they agreed on and the newly weds ran to their car. Tony started driving, smiling at the road. "Are you ok?" he asked Bucky. "This is weird, right? We barely know each other and we got married" Tony chuckled. "It's like you've never heard of an arranged marriage" Bucky gently hit Tony's shoulder. "This is nothing like an arranged marriage and you know it"
They had been driving for the whole morning, making hypothesis on new leads, unfortunately running in circles. "If we turn ourselves in, or let them find us, maybe we'll be able to have more resources and actually get something done" "You want them to catch us?" Tony nodded. "You're out of your mind. I would be risking death row here" Tony shook his head. "No you wouldn't. You supposedly committed the crimes in New York, we will be judged there, so no death penalty for you." "Are you sure? It can go extremely wrong, at least now we're...free" Tony pulled over by the side of the road. "We don't have the resources here to sort this out, if they catch us, maybe we can have a shot" "What if we don't?" Tony shook his head and made a hand gesture meaning that it was not the time to be pessimistic. "It's prison Tony" "Buck, you're my husband now, you're basically a Stark. My father's name still holds a certain power" Bucky looked at him. "Ok, we're doing this" Tony took out his phone, put in the sim card he had been saving and dialed Pepper's number. "Tony...WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" Pepper screamed as soon as sh picked up. Bucky could hear her even if she wasn't on speaker. "Pep, I'm in a huge fucking mess" "Yeah, I know. You have some explaining to do" "Yes, I know, but now is not the time. Get the lawyers ready" A few minutes after Tony closed the call, they heard the police sirens behind them. Tony and Bucky looked at each other, smiling. Tony pressed on the gas pedal, exceeding the speed limit. "You know the phrase forget and it will go away? Well, it does NOT apply to being chased by police cars, trust me on this one" Tony said laughing, turning he volume up. Tony looked at Bucky. He looked scared. Tony held his hand, bringing it to his mouth ad leaving a small kiss on the top of it. "I'm on the highway to hell" Tony started singing along the AC/DC song that was blasting. "On the highway to hell" Bucky started singing along. When the song was over, Tony and Bucky looked at each other and Tony pulled over. The police cars stopped behind them. "Come out of the car, hands where I can see them" Tony and Bucky opened the door, slowly stepping out of the car, with their hands behind their heads. "You're under arrest, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time." the officers declared, while closing the handcuffs around Tony and Bucky's wrists. The officers pushed them into the car ad drove them to the closest police station, waiting to be escorted to New York. Tony took Bucky's hand. "It's going to be ok, i promise"
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Yoongi Hanahaki AU
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angst but with a happy ending :) 
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You woke up to another coughing fit. They were coming more frequently now. What started as sporadic coughing fits had now became a nightly occurrence, sometimes even during the day. You had to start carrying a separate bag with you to hide the flower petals. Coughing up stargazer lilies had to be the least pleasant flower to cough up next to roses. You had heard from some that they could literally feel the thorns wrapping around their lungs, making it extremely painful to even breathe. In that respect you considered yourself lucky, although you couldn’t help but wish your unrequited love’s favorite flower was a chrysanthemum. At least the petals were smaller. 
You ran into the bathroom and leaned over the sink, this time coughing up more petals than usual and noticing that they were now beginning to stain with blood. You knew the disease was progressing. It always did. Until your crush returned your feelings or you had surgery to remove the stems of the flowers from your lungs. But that would also cause you to forget your feelings and you didn’t want that. You didn’t want to forget how happy he makes you even if your feelings weren’t mutual. And you knew it would continue to get worse until death was inevitable. 
You had debated having the surgery, wondering if it was worth the risk. Not only was it horribly expensive, there was no guarantee it would work. And it was extremely dangerous. Some people died on the operating table anyway and you weren’t sure if you were willing to take that risk. 
Many people asked you, why didn’t you just confess to Yoongi? You wished it were that easy. If he wasn’t already seeing someone else you would have in a heart beat. You hid your crush on your best friend for years, not wanting to ruin things between the two of you. However it seemed the more you tried to bury your feelings the easier they came to the surface. When he smiled at you it sent your heart thudding in your chest, when he hugged you, your head swam and you felt dizzy. Over the time of knowing each other you quickly began to realize you were in love with him. There was no denying it at this point. Shortly after he began dating another girl, you coughed up your first flower petal. It terrified you, knowing that this was practically a death sentence. That was 6 months ago. You knew the average life span for someone once they contracted hanahaki was around a year. So you wanted to spend that year happily, surrounded by your friends, family, and with the man you loved. Even if he didn’t love you back.
Yoongi had stayed the night at your house, it was something he did often when he was stressed out or upset about something. Usually he slept on the couch or spare room, but tonight for some reason he had insisted on sleeping with you. When you woke up coughing you were horrified he was going to wake up and see you. But thankfully Yoongi slept like a rock and he didn’t wake up as you ran to the bathroom. Now you were gazing at yourself in the mirror, noticing the blood at the corner of your mouth. You wiped it away and took a few deep breaths even though it hurt to do so. You quickly gathered up the flower petals and flushed them down the toilet. 
Entering back into the bedroom you now saw Yoongi sitting up in bed, looking rather tired. He looked so endearing though with his hair messed up and a soft smile on his face when you walked in. 
“Are you ok y/n? I thought I heard you coughing a lot.”
“Oh.. no I am okay. I just choked on some water when I took a drink is all.”
“There’s no water next to the bed?”
“Uhm.. I dumped it out in the sink. Didn’t want that to happen again you know?” You lay back down, back facing away from him. You feel his hand reach out and hold your own, something he’s always loved to do and he made very clear to his girlfriend would never change between the two of you.
“You know I can tell when you’re lying to me right? Are you sick?” You debate with yourself. You can tell him the truth, tell him that he’s basically killing you. Or you could continue to hide it, make up an excuse. You opt for the latter of the two options.
“Uh, yeah. I have had a cough the past few days. But I didn’t want to cancel our weekly hang out so I tried to hide it. Guess I kinda failed though.” You feel a pillow smack into your back and you roll over, surprise evident on your face.
“You brat! You’re gonna get me sick!” You can’t help but laugh seeing the offended look on his face, but laughing brings about more coughing. 
Oh please, no flower petals this time, please. Your silent plea is granted as you just cough, no petals coming with it this time. 
“Y/n you sound horrible are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Yeah I’ll be fine. If you don’t want to stay the rest of the night though I understand.” 
“No way. I’m staying here to make sure you’re okay. I’ll leave in the morning though, okay?”
“Alright Yoongi. Get some rest.”
“You too, clearly you need it more than I do.” 
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The next day you wake up and Yoongi is already gone. You breathe out a sigh of relief, knowing that you don’t have to hide anything from him now. You get out of bed, feeling the plush carpet beneath your feet and gaze out the window. You look at the sun, listen to the birds, and appreciate the warm breeze on your face. You’ve learned to appreciate the little things like this. You’re enjoying the peace when your phone dings with a new message, you look and see it’s from Yoongi.
Hey, sorry I dipped out like that. Can we go get lunch together though if you are feeling better? We can go out for ramen maybe some warm broth will help you feel better. 
And it’s because of the little things like this that are the reason you will continue to love Yoongi. Your feelings for him are never going to change and you know that. Not when he’s so thoughtful, so sweet and caring. You text him back that you’d love to meet him. He sends you a time and an address. You have an hour before you have to be there so you quickly get ready and head out the door. On the walk over to the restaurant you notice you’re getting winded more quickly. You have to stop to take breaks every few moments as you feel like you can’t breathe. You’re outside the restaurant now, gasping for air when you spot Yoongi walking towards you. He smiles and waves at you and you try to return the action but are immediately hit with another coughing fit. Yoongi rushes over to you and places his hand on your back, rubbing it softly. 
“Y/n breathe. If you were that sick you should have just stayed home. Ah, what am I going to do with you?” You continue coughing and feel the petals clogging your throat. You fall onto the ground and now Yoongi is panicking. You can’t cover your mouth in time before a flower petal falls onto the ground. 
“Y/n?! Are you... oh my god you have hanahaki? Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you been hiding this from me?!” He’s about to continue scolding you until he hears you gasping for air and sees three more flower petals fly out of your mouth and onto the cement. “Wait a minute.. those are.. stargazer lilies? Those are my favorite flowers.. Y/n..”
“I’m sorry.” You manage to get out before darkness pools around your vision. You hear Yoongi shouting your name before everything fades to black.
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Yoongi sees your head about to hit the pavement and he immediately cradles it in his hands, setting you down gently in his lap as he pulls his phone out and calls for emergency services. While he’s waiting for the ambulance to arrive he mulls over everything that’s come to light within the past few minutes. 
You had hanahaki disease, clearly for quite some time now, and you were coughing up his favorite flower. Meaning you were in love with him. And you honestly thought he didn't return your feelings. 
“God, y/n I love you, you idiot. How could you even think for a moment that I didn’t.” He just hopes his words reach you and that he isn’t too late. When he hears the sirens approaching he places a soft kiss to your forehead. Looking at your unconscious form is causing panic to rise up in his chest but he needs to stay calm, for you. One of the EMT’s rush out of the vehicle and kneels right next to you two.
“What happened?”
“Hanahaki..” is all Yoongi has to say before the EMT gives him a sympathetic look.
“I’ll do everything I can okay?” Yoongi nods his head and he watches them carry you into the ambulance and place you on the stretcher. 
“Do you want to come along?”
“Oh.. I’m not family or anything.”
“Well I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.” Yoongi nods graciously and hops into the back of the ambulance, refusing to let go of your hand the whole way to the hospital.
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You hear the steady sound of beeping, your brain is conscious but you can’t move and it makes a slight panic begin to flutter in your chest. The beeping picks up pace and you can hear Yoongi’s voice.
“Y/n.. love are you awake? Can you hear me?” You want to say yes but you just can’t make your voice work yet and you can’t open your eyes. You feel a warmth envelop your hand and a light squeeze.
“Can you squeeze my hand just like that if you can hear me please?” You try your best, you know it’s weak but you assume Yoongi can feel it as you hear him sigh in relief.
“Oh thank god. I thought you were never going to wake up. You scared the shit out of me.” You can’t remember what happened, you wonder where you are right now but figure you must be in a hospital judging by the smell of harsh chemicals. You slowly begin wiggling your toes, then your fingers and eventually you are able to flutter your eyes open, only to be met with the harsh florescent lights. 
“Ah, shit let me go turn those off.” The warmth leaves your hand and you immediately miss it. However in no time at all you feel his hand wrapped back around yours. 
“Y...Yoo..” You try to speak but your throat is so dry and hoarse.
“Shh.. baby don’t talk let me go get you some water okay?” You nod and feel a cup pressed to your lips moments later. You take a few sips before it’s pulled away. “Better?”
“I.. think so. Thank you. What happened to me?” 
“You’ve been out for a day now.. I was going to meet you for lunch but you..” Suddenly everything comes back and you are so fearful now that Yoongi knows that he is the cause of your hanahaki, that you’re in love with him. “Y/n don’t worry okay? I’m assuming you remember everything now?”
“Yes.. I’m sorry Yoongi please just forget this even happened. I’ll get the surgery done or something but I don’t want to ruin your relationship or you to try and force yourself to love me just because I’m dying.” 
“That’s not necessary y/n.” 
“What do you mean?” He’s about to answer you and tell you the truth but at that moment the doctor walks in.
“Ah! Y/n! I am so happy to see you are awake. You are very lucky dear. If this young man hadn’t been there to call you an ambulance you may have suffocated on the flower petals.” 
“I was that close to dying?”
“I’m not going to sugar coat things but yes.. you were.” You let that sink in for a moment, scolding yourself for not doing anything to try and stop or at least slow the disease.
“So what happened then?” Suddenly you feel another coughing fit and you panic, thinking that you’re going to die anyways despite Yoongi’s and this kind doctor’s efforts to save you.
“Ah, y/n it’s okay. Your body is just coughing up the last of the petals that were left in there but no more should come after today.” A few petals fly out of your mouth onto the bed as you look at her in confusion. “Ah well see here’s the thing. We took an x-ray fully expecting to see the roots taking hold in your lungs, but they seem to not be clinging on anymore. You should cough those up soon as well and then you should be able to breathe a little easier.”
“So.. what I just magically got cured?” The doctor glances at Yoongi in confusion at your question. 
“Wait a minute you didn’t tell y/n yet?” 
“Tell me what?” “Oh my goodness okay. I’ll give you two a while to talk and then I’ll come back in later, okay?” She briskly walks out of the room, leaving you feeling more confused than ever. 
“What did she mean Yoongi?” 
“Well.. as you know there’s only a few ways for hanahaki to be cured.. You didn’t have the surgery.. and I’m assuming your feelings for me haven’t changed?” You shake your head and your increased heart rate is picked up by the monitor, causing Yoongi to let out a chuckle.
“Well, then the last option is that I return your feelings. I’m in love with you y/n. I have been for a while now. It’s not just because I found out you have, well had this disease because of me. You know it doesn’t work like that. I just thought there was no way you would ever like me back so I buried my feelings, forced myself not to let them take hold of me and let me tell you that was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. I think the past month though I haven’t really been succeeding though because I started coughing petals up too.. thinking you didn’t love me back. I didn’t have it as bad as you though. There wasn’t enough time for the roots to form before I realized you were in love with me.” He rubs the back of his head and you just stare at him dumbfounded. Yoongi liked you this whole time?
“Wait a minute but what about your girlfriend?” 
“I was dating her to help me forget about my feelings for you.. I know how shitty that makes me sound but I had to try something because I was terrified of hanahaki. I thought if I dated someone else maybe my feelings for you would gradually go away but they didn’t. It just made it worse because all I could think about was how much I would rather have been with you.” You are shocked at his confession, but are also so incredibly happy. 
“You know we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble if we just would have been honest and confessed to each other.” 
“I know.. but I hope maybe now I can start making up for it?” You smile and nod your head.
“Yoongi.. can I ask you for something?” 
“Anything, love.” 
“Can you kiss me?” A slight blush forms on his cheeks but he gets up from the chair next to your bed.
“I think I can do that.” He leans down and presses his lips to your own and it’s everything you’ve been wanting and more. The way his lips connect with yours, it’s like you both were made for each other. He deepens the kiss and you both don’t notice the heart monitor wildly beeping until a nurse barges into the room seeing the two of you. You quickly pull away, feeling embarrassed.
“Oh! Gosh I’m sorry I’ll uh, just leave you two alone then. Sorry, very sorry!” She rushes out of the room and you both can’t help but burst out laughing. He leans down and pecks your lips again. 
“I love you so much y/n.”
“You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that.. I love you too, Yoongi.”
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dearlinong · 4 years
by your side ; wang ziyi
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[hi ! is it okay if i request a scenario where wang ziyi is a mentor for a show you are in and its the final stage and you narrowly miss debuting with the rest of the group. he comforts you but everyone knows you both have a crush on each other? mentor au i guess,,, from a mentor or a lover?? im not sure where i was going with this, sorry if its a bit weird... thank you so much !!]
(a/n: girl holy shit i forgot that i had this in my draft and didn’t finish it wtf. i literally forgot how to do this ;-;. so.. uhm... I MISS YOU GUYS LIKE SO MUCH!! hope you guys are staying safe and staying inside your homes. i’m just clearing off all my requests and once i’m done i can continue making requests again :>. so yeah, pls tell me how guys have been doing in my ask box! so there hope you enjoy this one <3)
genre: angst plus floof
requested: YUP!! omg 2 years in the making kjnKJNAJKDNSKAJDN and sorry if it was all over the place :<
you were currently competing in the 2nd season of idol producer
and you were one of the top competitors
you’ve ben voted as top 1 for multiple times now
and not only was it because of your talent
but you think that it was also because of your friendship with ziyi (which is is bad guys lol vote contestants bc of their talent okay)
yes, you’re friends with the very famous wang ziyi
who was also one of the rap mentors in the said show
actually you two go way back
you two have been friends even before he got into simply joy music
you two were trainees for a company called faded ent
and you two were supposed to debut as a co-ed group
so you two would practice all day and all night just to perfect the dances, singing and rap you had to do
and even after those long and tiring practices you two still had time to hang out with each other
you gotta admit, those were the times that you started developing a crush on him
so when the day he told you that he was leaving the company it was basically your own personal apocalypse
not only did you lose ziyi
but you lost your chance to debut which was on the tip of your fingers at that time
so you tried your luck this time by asking your company to let you join the new season of idol producer
and to your surprise you were doing better than what you expected
as the weeks go by, you and ziyi have been catching up on each other’s lives
but only when you and him have overlapping free time which is a 5 minute break once every week, so that’s not a lot of time
and because of your closeness with him, people have been saying that he has this massive crush on you, which you totally ignored and didn’t believe
and if they were true you’d still ignore it because you were here to compete and debut, not to find love
it was currently the last week in idol producer
while all of the other trainees were fast asleep
you in particular could not sleep for some unknown reason
and what better way to tire yourself than to practice some more
so you got up and walked towards the practice rooms
you first checked if all the staffs were gone, and when they were all gone you entered the room and started practicing the dance routine for the upcoming final episode as you were still in need of some practice
20 minutes into your practicing and you hear some footsteps walking towards the practice rooms, specifically the practice room that you were in
behind the piano was a good place to hide, so you did
as the person entered the room you peeped your hear out so you could have a look at who it was
you were surprised to see that it was ziyi who entered
you were wondering why he was still in the dorms as all the mentors were supposed to be out with the other mentors
so you went out of your hiding spot
ziyi jumped in surprise as he saw you come out
“y/n? why are you here?” he asked 
“i was just practicing, but i’ll head out now, bye.” you said while rushing to head out of the room
but then he caught your wrist which made you stop
“hey, can’t you stay for a while. i really want to spend more time with you. please stay.” he said while smiling softly
you really couldn’t say ‘no’ to a guy like ziyi, so you agreed to stay with him
“so how’ve you been these past few weeks?”
“pretty good actually, but this week in particular was really draining for me and the other trainees.”
you two then eventually became comfortable with each other, like the good ol’ days
after a while you checked the clock to look at what time it was, it was almost 1 in the morning and you had to wake up early to teach the other trainees the dance for the final stage
“hey it’s getting late, better get going now.” you were about to stand up but then ziyi got your hands which stopped you from doing so
“thank you for staying with me y/n, i really miss spending time with you. i hope we can do this more often.” after saying that last word he was leaning in and getting closer to your face
he then pressed his lips to yours
you wanted to savor the moment, but a part of you says that what you’re doing is wrong
so you quickly parted with his lips and stood up
“i’m sorry ziyi, t-this just isn’t right. i have a future ahead of me, and so do you. i don’t want this to be the reason for us to fail in the future. goodbye.” after you bowed you left without even turning back
for the whole week you only thought about that moment
there were times when you couldn’t even sleep just because it was in your head
the day of the final episode has come and you’ve prepared for it since before you entered this show even
okay so this is the part where i transition from 2018 to 2020 bc im a dumb bitch and forgot to finish the au back in 2018
ok back 2 the fic
bc you already know that anything can happen during the span of these 3+ hours
the last time you checked you were still the reigning #1
and because of that you were really anxious about everything that’s gonna happen
before everything starts you guys practiced for the last time and got your last messages from the trainers
and while they were leaving ziyi handed you a small note which made all 20 trainees go BONKERS
you became so flustered after all of them started teasing you
“YAH! Y’ALL STOP! if you guys don’t stop i won’t share my remaining facial cleanser!”
deadass everybody went silent JASNXANSDJ
and while everyone was leaving the hall you stayed behind so that you could read the note he gave you in private
it read
“i know what i did a few days ago really surprised you which made you say those words. but i know in my heart that what happened to us was right, but since you asked for it, fine i won’t bother you for now. just remember that i love you and i’m always supporting you, jiayou! with love, ziyi”
ff to the live show
the whole live show was a blur to you because you were too nervous for the final ranking
you were center for your team tho!
you saw some of the people you hoped to be in the final group got called and you couldn’t be happier
but sadly some of them weren’t
it’s now time to call on the prospected 1st and 2nd ranks
your anxiety levels are OFF THE CHARTS NOW as you haven’t been called yet
you were hoping to all the gods that you would turn out to be the 1st pick
or even 2nd place
but to everyones horror
your face wasn’t shown on the LED screen
which means you weren’t gonna be selected as the 1st or 2nd rank
you heard both people from the audience and from your fellow trainees a collective
at this point you didn’t know what to do anymore
you felt numbness in your body
you can’t cry yet because there is still hope for the 9th place
and then it hit you
so again with all the praying to every god thing
and then
the 4 faces were shown on the LED screen
and luckily you were there
the PD then one by one started to announce the trainees on the screens ranks
for 12th place
it wasn’t you
for 11th place it wasn’t you either
this is it you were either in or out
you and the other trainee held hands just to relieve you both from the pressure
and then
the PD finally says the ranking
“the 9th pick is...”
“yuehua entertainment’s xi jiamo!”
that was it
all your hard work
of course you were so happy for your fellow trainee
but you still have to think of yourself as well
you were then asked to give a final message
you were still in shock and didn’t know what to say yet
but you stood there and just said anything that came across your brain
“ohh, honestly i’m just so very thankful to everyone who supported me through this journey. and for every single trainee that has given me nothing but love i hope i can repay you guys some day. let’s all remember that this is not the end of our journey rather it is a stepping stone for us in order to succeed in the future. and to our dear mentors”
the audience and the trainees went wild
“i’m just very thankful that we had the opportunity to be guided by all of you, and we promise to always keep in mind everything you taught us. once again thank you for letting me stand on this stage. i will never forget this experience. thank you everyone” and then you bowed for a very long time
after the whole program all of the trainees went to the stage to congratulate the final group
but almost all of them went to you
the trainees started to flock your area and shower you with nothing but love and support
you even heard the crowd chant your name
which made you cry even more
“Y/N JIE I’M SORRY FOR TAKING YOUR SPOT!” jiamo said to you
so you had to tell her that its not her fault and she should think that way
if she thinks that way again you told her that you would be so disappointed
the staff now asked everyone to vacate the stage and go backstage
little did you know
ziyi was there waiting for you
you didn’t want to talk to him yet but the trainees insisted that you do
so they left for you two to have some privacy
once you two were alone there was nothing but silence
but he went in for a hug
which you really needed right now
a hug from one of the people that you love the most
while you two were hugging ziyi said something to you
“i know this is a really hard time for you and i just want you to know that i’ll always be by your side from now on. i’ve lost you the first time now i will never let you go”
you just wanted to be in his arms forever
and for now
you do stay in it
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polygamyff · 5 years
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My mom and Leon are the worst at trying to be quiet, like they woke me trying to be sneaky, it just doesn’t work at all “Reign, girl please. Stop” I heard Leon say outside my door, they going to be in shock when they see me awake still, the door opened ever so slowly “oh baby, you’re awake!” My mom said, I just laughed because they are so stupid “I would be awake for Reign that is why, but you are all so cute” I love them “Happy Birthday to my baby, my precious baby girl” my mom came over to me, leaning down to me and started kissing my face “I love you so much, happy birthday” she moved back, Reign is too happy with the balloon, she is pushing it away and then it comes back and she pushed it away again, that girl of mine is too entertained “Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend, my sister, my ride or die, my homie. My girlfriend, my wife, my baby mother. Oh, the list is endless, I love you to the moon and back, you are now the same age has Moi!! Welcome to the twenty-seven club baby!! Ayeee!!” Leon shouted, “we not singing to mommy today?” Leon looked down at Reign, she is busy with the balloon, this girl “I just wanted to say, I am extra proud of you. You’re a beautiful mother and we are going to turn the fuck up!!” Shuffling up on the bed “y’all are so cute, thank you so much” Leon placed Reign on the bed “is Uncle Leon taking the balloon away from you” hugging Reign close, she is not impressed by Leon, he is stood with the balloon she was playing with “I am making you your favorite breakfast, your presents are downstairs. So come down when you’re ready” smiling at my mom “I will” Leon jumped on my bed, Reign started to play with my hand, intrigued by the tattoos “sooo you’re like three years away from thirty, excited?” I chuckled shaking my head “you know damn well I’m not excited about that shit, but so are you. We need to have a big party when we do turn thirty, ok?” Leon nodded his head “a promise, so did you speak to him?” Leon asked, I breathed out “I did, we spoke on Reign and Nalah will be picking her up, so daddy can have you for the weekend. But I said to him you need to let me know, tell me when you can have her. The only reason I said yes to this was because it’s my birthday, but he was like yeah, sure, ok. And then he asked what I am doing for my birthday, I said nothing much, but yeah. She is going New York to him today, I will miss her but I said it will be weekends but not every weekend. And he said I need to send you money, I goes I am not sure, just look after my daughter. Then I just kind of cut the conversation and said I had to go” Leon cringed “awkward conversation then?” Nodding my head “it’s a lot of trust but I want to test it out, I think I need to try it. I said to Nalah, you need to take him shopping and you need to show him what to get, she said she will be there through the weekend with him. But we need to co-parent, the best is that Reign goes to him because it’s hard Leon, I don’t want to see him and talking to him is hard enough because I love him but I’m not thinking of that, it’s my birthday so let’s begin” I am not going to sit here and be miserable.
Smiling at Reign in her booster seat, she is acting like it’s her day “you sharing my birthday baby?” Leon has put a party hat on her, her ears make it even more adorable “I will send him a picture, I think he will appreciate it” unlocking my phone, tapping on my camera and aiming my phone at Reign “princess, hey! Reign, look at mommy” Reign looked at me and I just cooed out “you are so adorable with your party hat” taking the picture and sending it to Maurice “so you both spoke, what did he say?” My mom asked “well” locking my phone and placing it at the side of me “I said that with Reign she can be with you on weekends, not every single one, I said once a month. He kind of was like ok, what are you doing for your birthday, I ignored it and said about Reign, and he’s clueless so I set it up with Nalah, I said you need to set the place up for him but apparently he is not moving anywhere, he is remaining  in the hotel, I don’t know how long for. So, she will be here soon, she will take my beautiful baby girl to see her dad. Honestly mom, I don’t want to see him. I rather it happens that way, so yeah. That is it, he asked about money I am not bothered” my mom sat down, she pulled a face so she is not happy “I don’t really like my grandchild travelling here and there, Reign needs to have both of you at times to be there together. I think, and I may not want that but if they want more rights to see her you will have to go to court and get a set time. I feel like Reign is being dragged around, now she is going to be away from you, it will stress her out. She settles and then she moves, how you think she feels? And now she will barely see her dad, I just think if you are letting her go. This is for next time, maybe he comes here. She is too young, and she needs her mother. You don’t want to see him, but she does so for next time” I guess that is me being told “ok, mom” rolling my eyes.
Reign and Leon are so funny together, like my baby is so clever. She knows when he is hiding stuff from her, I think I adore her ability to want to do things, like she is literally always vocal about everything, sitting up on her own “you need to quit playing her, Reign it’s ok. I can see him, I can see him taking your toys and trying to play you stupid” her eyes all wide staring at me and then Leon “Reign, it’s gone!” look at him hiding her toys behind his back, Reign is staring at his empty hands “I swear you are horrible, give them back to her” Leon held his arms open to her “come to uncle so I can give you snuggles, my little snuggle monster” looking over at the door as there was a knock “is she here already? What!?” Leon spat, I don’t think she is “I will get it” getting up from the couch “she shouldn’t be, you’re not ready to go yet. I want you to spend time with mommy first” unlocking the door, dragging it open “Robyn Willis?” the lady said “uh yeah” seeing a black box in her hand, she held it out to me “for you” she said, I don’t know who this person is “uhm thank you” taking it from her “also this, for you” taking the box from her “bye” she ran off “who was that?” Leon said, closing the door confused as shit “uhm, some woman gave me this, what is this baby” Leon is nosey as fuck, he is walking over to me wanting to know. Placing the box on the table, I am intrigued to see what is in the black box. This box is so fancy, I like it “did you buy it me?” I asked Leon “no bitch, you will get gifts later I will show you” unhooking the lid, pushing back the lid “oh, these a beautiful red roses Robyn” Leon said, these are beautiful. Taking the card that was laid atop of the roses “mhmm, well if I was to take a guess. I think it was your baby father” side eyeing Leon, I mean who else is it. Pulling the card out “the card is simple, just like him” I said as me and Leon laughed, opening the card “Happy Bithday, Pootie” I read out, I breathed out “yes, it was him” closing the card “well that was cute, I mean he could have bought you a car, make it up to you” shaking my head laughing, Reign whined out “you bitching about her dad, she feels it. You know she don’t like it” Reign is getting annoyed; her nap is due.
I left Leon to open the box, Reign is wanting me, and I need to make her bottle “uhm!” I moved my hand away from her, she wants her bottle “baby, it’s hot. Wait” placing the bottle under the cold tap again “oohhh ok, look at this Chanel box Robyn” looking over at Leon, seeing a white rectangle Chanel box “the receipt is in here still oh my god, he bought this himself. So, this perfume, it cost him thirty thousand dollars, fuck off! Fuck off, thirty-thousand-dollar perfume!” Leon screamed out running to me “look at the receipt, please just look” Leon turned the receipt to me “wow” I am impressed “fuck me, I have not known this at all, I need to see it” he rushed back to the table “I think your bottle will be done now baby” turning the tap off “hungry bear, so open it” walking over to the table “it’s leather, the box” he pushed open the box, both sides popped open “that is beautiful, wow. Read me the card, I am going to the couch to feed her” she is annoying me with the whining, she does not like to be hungry this girl “oh yes, I will” walking towards the couch, I didn’t expect anything from him and it was sweet of him, I will say thank you because that is just me. Sitting down on the couch “yes?” I said smiling at her “you’re like mom, you better feed me before I cry my eyes out, I know” Reign gave me a slight smile “so, the card says. He wrote this himself and look” looking over to Leon “happy birthday mom” I read out smiling “cute” I mumbled “it says, To mom, Happy Birthday from Reign Davenport, he got you a gift on behalf of Reign. He put in brackets, left the receipt if you wish to take it back for money” I smirked, I can’t help but smirk “I guess it’s a start” Leon said.
I love to pack extra, like I am extra as fuck, but I kept it minimum. Reign’ little suitcase of things, I packed everything I could for her, now I feel sad. I am glad she is asleep because then her hazel eyes just staring at me, my heart “Nalah called, she said she is running behind and that she can’t really stay and needs to go because of her lateness, she was doing an event here so yeah” my mom poked her lips out to me “don’t” I said “Robyn, you’re a mother, this is different” my mom said, I just rather she say nothing “thank god” Nalah is here so it is time for my baby to go, Leon got the door. We are literally stood waiting “wow, you are all waiting. I am sorry, I got behind. I am sorting his programme out that he created, is she asleep?” nodding my head “please, oh my god. Please look after my baby, I can’t believe I am doing this, I think it will be first and last time, but Leon is doing something for my birthday and Maurice asked but, it’s my daughter. She is my everything, please Nalah. That is my whole heart” Nalah nodded her head “I am not leaving at all; I am staying with him. I promise you; I will be there. I will send you updates; I will also beat Maurice’ ass. I am so angry with him, but he doesn’t like me talking about it at all over the phone. But I promise, I will be there, she is the apple of everyone’s eye. Honestly, my mom and dad are coming over for her. She will be fine, promise” looking in the car seat “I am going to the bathroom, I can’t yeah. Just going” Nalah looked at me dumbfounded “you go, she can’t see her go. I get it, I will help you out” Leon said, I need to go, I know this is something I will probably need to get used too but my heart, that is my baby and I am going to be away from her.
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Looking down at my phone, Robyn got her gifts then. Least she said thank you, placing my phone back down “I know you don’t wish to speak to me or whatever, but your publicist has been asking” Ally walked into my office “asking what?” I mumbled “look” Ally said, she placed the paper down on the table, looking down at the paper “unknown source, you and Robyn split. She wants to know how to proceed” moving the paper away from me “tell her to fuck off, don’t say anything. Clearly my family are speaking, they are bitter with me. I shamed my dad, I shamed everyone again because of what happened. Besides, I need you to contact Wade, I want that divorce now” Ally picked the paper from my desk “I will, you are working late?” nodding my head “I have nothing else to do” sitting back in my seat “did anything come back from Tokyo yet? Also, Hilton? Are they going want me to announce it or not?” Ally shrugged “I will get on it, I will be leaving soon Maurice; I think you should too. And the flowers got delivered” she pointed at me, smiling at her lightly taking in a deep breath. You know what, I am upset. I hate the fact I am like this, Kellen is smug, he reached out to me. Here I go again, grabbing the glass and downing the whiskey. One drink does not hurt, I have caught up with my work to be honest, but I need to just file some things for Dubai. My dad doesn’t think I need to the company now, I have been let loose and I will fuck up. I am just missing Robyn so much, I miss her vibrant aura and she won’t tell me if she is doing anything nice for her birthday, everyone is laughing at me and I hate it.
It is so annoying, like the family are angry at me because my wedding didn’t happen, how does that even happen, I should be upset. And now I have that home in New York, I do not even use because I honestly prefer living in a hotel, everything is cleaned for me. I refuse to also put it back on the market because then it just looks more like we have broken up, now it looks all up in the air. Seeing my phone ring, it’s my mother so I better answer. Answering the call “yes mom?” I wonder what wonderful information she has now “Kellen has had a son; he was just born. He is a little ill but according to your uncle looks just like his father” I groaned out “why are you telling me this? Doesn’t make him anything important right? He’s a nobody like his father” I am being irrational “they are naming the child Royal Davenport” I blew out air “I will send flowers to the Royal idiot, imagine being that dumb” I am being very hateful “Maurice, stop it. Be happy for them, it’s nice that the new generation of Davenport is continuing our legacy, when Reign gets married that surname will change” I sniggered “not on my watch, like I don’t care. Kellen can fuck off, trying to throw his perfect little life to me, you know what mom. I won’t get him flowers, fuck him” I am annoyed “you will send them, I have told you now” rolling my eyes “sure” disconnecting the call “fuck Kellen, his bitch ass. How can two weirdos that cheat on each other still be together, but yet I can’t flirt. I flirt and I am thrown to the curb! Damn!” slamming my hand on the desk with my phone in hand “ouch!” my damn hand, I sighed out “wow Maurice, I expected you to be in your suite but you’re here” holding my hand looking up, my face softened “Reign? Oh, I forgot. I forgot she was coming” closing my laptop, I winced in pain at my hand “what was that all about? Uh, wait there” walking around my desk “no, you wait there. What was that? Who was you talking too?” Reign is awake, she looks so sad “nobody, just mom getting me angry. Mi Amor, Reign. My baby” Nalah is here trying to hide her from me “first of all, you forgot she was coming. I text you dumbass, she is not happy” it totally slipped my mind “aww Mi Amor, come here” taking Reign from Nalah “I missed you so much, yes I did. Awww you all emotional, I know. It’s emotional times for us both baby, it’s ok you with me now” walking off with her, she is on edge right now. She is between wanting to cry but is also ok “it’s ok, te amo mucho bebe” pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“You remember this place don’t you, daddy can’t be bothered to dress you so you can stay like this. And yes, daddy has finally shaved, was that it? With your fat arms” Reign is holding onto my tee stood up at the side of me, she got strong ass legs, but the TV got her attention “you just going to let her roam free in just her diaper?” Nalah asked “yeah, she is happy this way. I think she don’t like the fact I did shave; she probably misses it. This is the best day ever! It’s Reign’ weekend, yay!” Reign looked at me “daddy weekend with you, you happy yeah, huh?” wrapping my arm around her and bringing her into me pressing a kiss to the side of her face “it’s also Nalah’ weekend with you, don’t forget. I am babysitting you on top of that” I didn’t know she was “why? I am grown, I don’t need you” Nalah I laughed “grown, says the nigga that can’t keep a relationship down. You did all this work for what? You ran around just for your dumbass to wait, let me just say this. You ruined your little family for a quick flirt? Like how dumb is that, do you feel clever? Maurice you ruined Reign’ home more then anything, how could you?” this is why I didn’t want Nalah here “Robyn did, she left me. She couldn’t take it, I wasn’t doing no wrong! I love her!” I spat “then when she is flirting, she is doing no wrong either! I told Leon to make sure she has a good time, when she is flirting, she is doing no wrong ok?” Nalah is a bitch “now that is malicious, fuck you Nalah. How is that even normal? You’re my sister” who side is she on “because you hurt that girl Maurice, dad wants to murder you but then I told him Reign is here so he is content but what do you want? Do you want her to accept it?” shaking my head “I just want her to be confident in herself, like I get it. I fucked up but she didn’t need to leave me, I can change” Nalah laughed “just like your healthy change huh? Still smoking with a side of drinking. Please explain to me, what do you want?” Nalah asked “I want to be with Robyn, I got my faults and inside I feel empty, lonely. Reign is the only one to bring some light to it but I am so empty that not even the most beautiful girl could make me happy, I pushed it and I realise I was being selfish and I miss Robyn like mad Nalah, I do” I got teary eyed “she cared for me and when I speak to her on the phone, there is so much distance, I am not sure about these child payment business. I transferred her about ten thousand, I think that may be less then I should with what I am worth” I shrugged “well you only have yourself to blame, you should be thankful she is sweet enough to be like this with you with Reign. If that was me, court for you! And I wouldn’t marry your ass either, do I think you will get her back? Mhmm probably not because she deserves better” Nalah is so rude to me “thanks” I said in whisper.
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ff-imagines · 5 years
General headcanons: salty tofu
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I saw a man so beautiful I started crying?
• baby boy.... baby boy....
• salty having a crush on you is... gonna make things difficult for both of you
• he’d rather walk a mile barefoot over legos that are actively on fire than admit he has feelings for anyone
• so as a result he’s... very defensive and quick to end your conversations
• he’s essentially the third grader who’s mean to you cause they have a crush on you lol
• honestly it doesn’t take much to break down that wall though
• even the most basic kindness has him looking at you differently
• but he’s still gonna be high and mighty about it lol
• “don’t you have other duties? Or is this you submitting to being my toy?”
• “I don’t need your attention. Go find someone else to dote on.”
• proceeds to get sad cause you’re not paying attention to him
• you’re gonna have to make the first move, baby boy is a lil bit oblivious when it comes to romance
• and general social interaction
• the second you do, his walls come completely down and he’s a big ol’ cuddly softie
• he also drops the whole toy thing pretty quickly when he sees you’re not happy with it
• “Oh? Do you want to be my toy forever? ... Eh? Why is your expression so unsightly? ... Darn it, okay I was wrong, I won't call you a toy again... So... smile.”
• gets frustrated super easily over small stuff
• most of the time it has to do with people making him feel uncomfortable, or hurt
• he likes to pretend words don’t hurt him, but they really do.
• sometimes if he’s hurt enough, he’ll tear up
• he’s got a sorta hiccup-y cry, his throat locks up making it hard to talk, and he hugs himself tightly. Sometimes he’ll wipe at his face to get rid of the tears.
• if you tease him or poke fun at him for crying he’ll loose his shit
• he can dish out teasing, but he cant really take it in return, especially when he’s vulnerable like that
• but he’d also never tease you for crying either, he mostly just starts feeling angry at whatever made you cry
• “salty you can’t fight a tv screen” “W A T C H M E“
• the best way to cheer him up when’s he’s sad/grumpy?
• be needy
• he likes that you rely on him, even for small things like a hug
• another quick way to get him in a good mood?
• spa day!
• face masks, bath bombs, cucumbers on your eyes, diy manicures, he loves it all!
• his favorite bath bomb is black with just enough glitter that it’s not excessive, and it smells like apricots
• he can’t really relax unless he has some kind of white noise, so you both take turns picking a music playlist
• on days where you just can’t come to an agreement on what to play or who’s turn it is, you both just settle on the 24 hour lo-fi stream.
• likes the water skin boilingly hot, so good luck lmao
• sometimes sits across from you in the tub and just chills, but mostly prefers to have you back against him as to two lean back and enjoy the smells and feeling of the water.
• likes manicures, but can’t paint his nails well himself without making a mess on his fingers
• his hands are just a little shaky as a default, so hes gonna appreciate any help he can get
• won’t admit it tho so you’ve gotta being it up
• “hey maybe we should do each other’s nails!” And run before he does yours
• he also loves getting his hair played with
• there have been times where he’s actually fallen alseep while you messed with his hair because of how relaxed it made him
• he doesn’t like messing with makeup as much
• don’t get me wrong, on himself he wings eyeliner so sharp it can stab someone
• but on someone else? His hands are twitchy as ever and he’s too worried about stabbing you in the eye
• he just sticks to styling your hair
• he’s not absolutely phenomenal with hair, but it doesn’t look bad either, and he tries his best.
• as time goes on he’ll get better with it, and his styles will slowly get more and more impressive.
• chews on his tongue piercing somtimes when idleing
• also he talks a lot, that causes the metal to knock against his teeth somtimes
• because of that his teeth are a little sensitive, so he doesn’t like ice cream or any cold food that much cause like.... ouch
• prefers marzipan and punishingly dark chocolate
• plays his guitar often, would love if you did too!
• if you don’t know how to play very well, for your sake and his, don’t ask for lessons from him.
• he won’t be mean to you, just light teasing
• but his patience level is -18393024 so uhm
• he’s not a very good teacher :(
• he’ll try!
• he can help you with a few chords, but frankly?
• he’s not only been doing this for a long ass time, he’s also just naturally gifted when it comes to music and pitch recognition
• so if you take a while to get it he’s just gonna be “????? Why confusion this easy ?????”
• he tries his best but eventually just sighs and pulls out his phone to play a YouTube tutorial lol
• if you’ve not already got piercings, he’d love to see you with some!
• if you asked about getting them he’d at first tease a little about you wanting to be like him
• then he’d tell you basic care etc cause he’s not a healer, he can’t really help you if you get infected
• he gets really upset to see you in pain so he kinda dotes on you a lot, getting a piercing does nothing but encourage him to make sure you’re doing ok.
• honestly he’s cool with whatever you wanna do, don’t want piercings? “That’s fine, now listen to three days grace with me I’m bored”
• honestly is very laid back when it comes to hanging out with you alone.
• he trusts you with everything he has, why have worries when you’re right here?
• he likes to talk, but he enjoys just sitting in comfortable silence with some kinda white noise just as much.
• literally anything you want to do, he’ll go with you
• not without complaints, but he’ll go
• you don’t even really have to warn him either
• “ I wanna go hiking up an active volcano” “aight lemme grab some snacks and some bug spray”
• normally doesn’t really have a ‘schedule’, just kinda goes wherever. He lives day by day, making time for his basic needs.
• on rare days he’ll drag you around town looking for something to do
• but for the most part he looks to you for plans and schedules because he legit can’t be assed what you two do as long as he’s doing it with you.
• he kinda has this weird thing with math
• that being that he’s freakishly good at it
• it’s just another thing that he just gets
• he also knows that he’s good at it and he’s pretty proud of that
• will be beaming if you ask for help with any kind of math
• will also be proud if you ask him for help with really anything
• gives the classic “ what, can’t handle it yourself?” line and then immediately gets whatever you need done
• very much likes to hug you
• very very much likes to hug you
• his fav is wrapping his arms around you from behind, and if you’re short enough, placing his head on the top of yours. If you’re a bit on the taller side, he settles for your shoulder.
• but there is one thing he likes more than hugs
• cuddling!!!!
• “tonight, I want to hold you as you fall asleep~”
• and he definitely means that.
• he sleeps on his side, only on his back if he’s tired enough to pass out immediately, never on his stomach as it makes him feel weirdly queasy.
• he loves when you’re on your side facing him, and he’s got you in an arm prison.
• tuck your head under his chin and he’ll actually melt into a puddle
• he’s always very warm but he has this weird tick where no matter how hot a room is, he thinks it’s cold
• “cold...” “salty it’s 94 degrees” “c o l d . . . ”
• cuddling with him is pretty pleasant as long as you don’t get hot to easy, cause he piles on the blankets and curls into you like you’re a fire on a -27 degree night.
• honestly when it comes to you, sweet tofu is obsession, salty tofu is possession.
• don’t get me wrong, he’s not keeping you on lockdown
• but he gets jealous very easy lol
• of course more reasonably, he’s not gonna be crying while holding up your phone going “WhO tHe FuCk iS mOm??”
• it’s more that if you’re in public and someone’s gaze lingers just a little to long
• he’s got an arm around you pulling you closer to his side and he’s glaring
• he might be your living teddy bear, but he knows how to make himself look very menacing
• he doesn’t like random strangers talking to you, mainly because he doesn’t know them and therefore does not trust that they don’t have bad intentions
• “He was asking for directions to the chip isle salty” “didn’t like the look in his eye” “he was 15” “and”
• he finds the stories you bring home of being hit on or asked out off putting, but he mostly laughs, saying “did they really think they had a chance with what’s mine?”
• he feels safer knowing that not only will you turn down others flirting, but you’ll openly laugh with him at that person for even trying.
• it’s an ego boost, but it also makes him proud of you for being able to stand your ground.
• but... if someone ever makes advancements toward you on front of him?
• oh no.
• The fool. The buffoon. They have no idea the absolute hell they’ve just unleashed upon themselves.
• he has no qualms defending you with actual violence
• if the time ever comes where he turns his back for a few minutes and comes back to see you looking uncomfortable while some person is trying a little too obviously to flirt with you?
• beat someone’s ass mode: engaged
• he’d come up beside the person and just grab onto their forearm with one hand, the other hand is at his side in such a firm fist that his palms are turning white
• he’s squeezing them punishingly tight as he leans close to their face and asks what the fuck they think they are doing
• safe to say the creep is no longer bothering you.
• poor baby kinda stands for a bit and just pulls you tight into his side, shaking his head and muttering about how shameless some people are
• call him your knight while he’s muttering, it’ll catch him off guard and you’ll get a rare blush from him
• just take him home and cuddle the teddy bear. His poor heart can’t take the thought of some gross stranger taking you away from him.
• the only reason for his jealously is because of his insecurities.
• “what if one day I’m not enough?”
• those thoughts happen less and less as he spends more and more time with you.
• you’ve only proven that you’ll stick with him till the bitter end.
• with your love, and his rock playlist at full blast, can’t really ask for anything else.
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bunny-banana · 5 years
I'd love to hear a director's commentary on La leggenda di Niccolo please :D Have a star as well ⭐
HA! Okay well, I’ll talk about the sections that I actually wrote so here it comes:
Chap 1
Engulfed in the never ending masses of water, he reckoned one should feel intimidated. No ground under his feet, only limited amounts of air to his disposal, and the uncertainty of what lies within the darker corners of the ocean should normally frighten you. And yet, he never felt more at peace than when he was floating so freely in the sea, almost as if gravity and the world outside didn’t exist
the fucking IRONY of me writing this while being deadly afraid of deep water. its honestly like “yeah,,,,, lemme list all the things i personally hate about deep sea…. and lets add ‘well, but theres something good too about that for sure,,,i guess,,,, ”
But what was more important for me was this contrast to what Ermal dreams about, his lowkey fantasy - and where he is irl, the icy south pole. I’m rather fond of opposing things/contrasts. 
The soldier breathed heavily in and out, but there was no time to rest as the next blaze of fire was aimed at him.He countered and evaded but his opponent was more forceful, his flames harsher, faster until the soldier’s back hit the cold railing. He was caught, and when his opponent mercilessly stroke once more, he knew he had to save himself by escaping into the cold water.The man remaining on the top deck smirked. Ah yes, he’d almost assume those new soldiers were just too easy to take on even if only for practice reasons, but it pleased him more to say that he still got it.
i really hope this introduction just tells you everything you need to know about Renga’s character.
How much sooner the war could have been won had it not been for the Poles!
While actually reflecting on the universe, i realised, it must be incredibly difficult for firebenders on the poles. like, I just assume they really, really arent fit for the cold which would make invading incredibly difficult for them. also lol, renga hates it at the poles obviously.
  Shaking so hard that kids ran towards their mothers and the watchtower fell over and when the fog cleared up, Ermal felt his stomach drop. ”No.”
Nothing, absolutely, nothing in that universe is more frightening than seeing the Fire Nation military pull up to your doorstep.  
Also, lmao, love to imagine Rinald quietly going “oh nooo my watchtower D:” 
Ermal pushed himself through the crowd until he was right in front of everyone, until he was the last barrier between the Fire Nation soldiers and the village.
Ermal has Strong Opinions™ about the Fire Nation, with reasons of course, and seeing them here is the absolute nightmare to him.
  “You mean the Avatar that disappeared off the face of the Earth? The one that nobody has ever seen and that was probably never even reborn? That Avatar?”And if his cockiness gave off a certain invitation to smash his face in, then this was perhaps a little bit Ermal’s fault.
to quote the Smiths: Bigmouth Strikes Again!
“B-but he’s- he’s so young? I swear to the Fire Lord, if this is yet another trick then-”
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Chap 2
Niccolò had always been in awe of the Fire Nation’s advanced industrial sector. The machinery that originated from the Nation had always had cutting edge quality which no one in the world could quite imitate nor match. This ship however was beyond anything Niccolò had ever seen. This ship was fully steam-driven with the powerful motors roaring under his feet. And those weren’t the only novelties.Steel processed so professionally that it makes impenetrable walls and doors which opened and closed only through quite sophisticated lock mechanisms. It all looked so modern, it all looked so futuristic.
so the idea was, since Nic had missed an entire century, the ship looked super modern to him. while its a canon fact that the FN is quite advanced with machinery, the ship itself is just to an up-to-date standard. But to Niccolo personally it seemed futuristic.  i like the idea of him being amazed at things he has never seen in his life just to find out they’re pretty common in the current timeline. 
There was not much time left, Niccolò had to think quickly. Extremely convenient how his nose started tickling right in that moment.The powerful sneeze that followed had two consequences: One, the guard in front of him was catapulted straight into the metal door of the cell, rendering him unconscious.Two, Niccolò and the guard behind him were also forcefully pushed back to the other end of the corridor, crashing into the hard wall.Well, at least the guard did. The young airbender was spared that fate, by that nice pillow the guard turned out to be, so he quickly got onto his feet and ran as fast as he could with his hands tied behind his back.
so yeah ngl, this was just copied from the OG ep
Now that his hands were freed, he opened the first door that presented itself to him, but in front of him, he simply saw the quarters of General Renga who stared at his now roaming prisoner in shock. Okay, time to turn around, it seems.
listen, i just love the thought of overconfident General Renga being so shellshocked to see his prisoner escaping that he just gapes at him. And ofc Nic slamming the door shut immediately jsfkld
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Niccolò cursed as he evaded a burst of fire that was aimed at him before taking the next corner “Where’s the exit?! Where’s the goddamn exi- AH!! A DOOR!!” He pulled it open to reveal a startled guy sitting there just minding his own business. An unexpected sight, with an even more unexpected odor following. “Oh? uhm- Sorry man! Just- just take your time! Also, perhaps light a candle when you’re done. Bye!” The young Avatar swiftly apologised as he closed the door of what was most definitely not an exit.
Fav OC so far!  That simple FN dude was just trying to take a dump in peace but who would have known that all hell would break lose and the goddamn Avatar of all people would walk into him smh.  Also, I really enjoyed the thought of while this is all hectic and dangerous, Nic still being human enough to go like “oh, my bad! sorry dude!” at this random soldier. Who knows, maybe we should bring that one back some time later. And i kinda wanted the whole escape to be funny, since its Nic’s POV, and it just wouldnt suit his carefree spirit to make this super serious (yet). 
“I’ll give you that, hiding for so long was sort of impressive.” Niccolò heard Renga’s voice behind him as the General had caught up with him. 
almost wrote “century” there but then remembered  nah omg he can’t know yet 
A piece of ice may or may not have also hit Renga straight into the face but nobody would complain about that anyway. 
yeah i just love the thought of this super dramatic scene of Nic entering the Avatar State and then theres a chunk of ice knocking Renga unconscious lmao get fucked, dude 
“Nic!” Ermal ran towards the slowly decreasing water pillar to catch the unconscious airbender in the last second, dropping to his knees in the process. That was beyond anything anybody of that age should normally be capable of. That was beyond what any waterbender could ever be capable of. And yet, lying in his arms, Niccolò looked so exhausted, so weak. Just like any other kid. Not a trace from the sheer force that was unleashed moments earlier.
I think this was really the moment Ermal started feeling real responsibility over Niccolo. Just seeing him do all these crazy things and yet being reminded that this huge burden of being the Avatar is literally thrusted upon a simple kid.  Also, this is the first time he called him “Nic”
Various noises and sounds buzzed through the air that afternoon: The loud shoveling of snow from the bow, the quieter crackling emerging from the hands of the firebenders who were melting their frozen compatriots, the fast steps rushing left and right over the ship. All these different sounds were heard, but none of them were chattering. Nobody dared to chat. Not after this disastrous defeat. What a disgrace that had been, General Renga thought grinding his teeth.
Everybody on this goddman ship is just scared shitless that Renga will roast them if they so much like whisper. they know he moody, they know he’ll blame them for the avatar’s escape. so lets all just work and repair shit and keep quite. 
When he found consciousness again, he was left with not only one horrendous purple bruise on his face, but also with a half destroyed ship. 
jdsfksajfklf OK SO YEAH, my first intention was “lmao let a piece of ice hit him” but then i realised “oh wait he’d have a bruise afterwards”  and then “LMAOOOO he’d be like Zuko, how perfect is that”   ok so granted, unlike our dear fire prince, Renga’s bruise is only temporary, but i really hoped someone would pick up the connection to Zuko
Whatever had happened to the Avatar earlier, it left a colossal mark on the ship, and secretly, on Renga personally too. He might have gotten fooled once, but he wouldn’t get fooled again.
basically, he feels personally insulted about being beaten by a kid. what a loser lmao
“Y-yes, General?” stuttered the lanky assistant with the askew glasses, clenching his hands around his writing board. One would think you’d get used to Renga’s harsh tone over time, but that was simply not the case..
rip martino but renga absolutely needed a poor anxious assistant whom he could terrorise
“We need the best of the best to defeat him. And I just know the right choice for that job…”
heeeeheeee ….. no comment ..for now.  but im curious to what you guys think about that 
Thank you so much! this was a lot of fun to do ! :)
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
Boobie Trap
Supernatural, Wincest, Warnings-Crack Fic 
One Shots Masterlist, Long Stories Masterlist
Find me at AO3
"I dreamt that Sam had boobs." Is what my friend told me the other day. This is what came out of her weird ass dream.
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For Sam and Dean some days life is weird, some others life is weirder and sometimes the weird-o-meter shoots up so high that it reaches the John Mulaney ‘You know those days where you’re like, this might as well happen?’ level.
The moment Sam woke up he knew there was something wrong. His chest felt heavy, like, there’s a cat or dog sleeping over me kind of heavy and as far as he was concerned and much to his disappointment, there were no pets in the bunker. When he moved aside, the weight moved with him and he felt some of it falling heavily over his arm and the rest of it hanging, pulling his skin and the tissue on the side of his torso with it. That was the moment Sam realized there was something really wrong. He opened his eyes and looked downwards and there they were, squished one on top of the other.
Boobs. And not just any kind of boobs. These were massive, bouncing, Dean’s anime porn like bazongas. The type that could never be contained with a sad simple sports bra.
Sam groaned noisily and rubbed his eyes. This was fucking perfect. It probably had been a cursed object and Sam thought this way because that’s what he had been dealing with the day before. He had been sorting up some old boxes they had brought from another chapterhouse and there had been a lot of paperwork and dusting to do. He had been careful but obviously he had not been careful enough.
He was going to have to move his way through all the rubble from yesterday and search for whatever had been the cause of these… pair of monstrosities to fix it.
He found a loose t-shirt whose fabric stretched dangerously around the rather loose blobs in front of his torso and moved towards the kitchen for an early breakfast. It was way too early but he was desperate to avoid everyone for as long as he could.
He prepared the coffee and did some eggs and toast, ate everything quickly and, pouring himself another cup, he ran away from the kitchen and into the old storage room where they dumped everything the day before. He sighed and went towards the boxes. Only instead of grabbing the ones with the objects, he went towards the ones that held the files. It was going to be easier and safer to deal with whatever the hell this thing had started it this way.
Like this, Sam spent some relatively peaceful three hours, picking up files and papers and reading them without finding anything. Maybe he could have gone faster had he just skimmed over the stuff that currently didn’t matter but most of the objects were pretty interesting so he got lost reading from time to time. There were also moments where his chest hurt with the extra weight it was carrying and he had to literally rest his unwelcomed boobs over the table for a moment. It was then when Dean decided to appear unannounced.
"Hey Sam did you se—HOLY SHIT ARE THOSE BOOBS?"
Sam groaned and covered his face, give it to Dean to call out the obvious.
"Yep. That's my life now."
“How in the—”
“Cursed object. Probably. Most likely. Woke up with them.” Annoyed sigh, throwing hands on his side. “What were you looking for?”
Sam’s upset face was not registered by Dean. He was walking towards his brother completely hypnotized, looking at how Sam’s boobs filled up and pulled the fabric of his shirt, looking at his bosom in the same way a man that barely survived the desert looks at a glass of water. Sam unconsciously began to cover his breast and shy away from Dean’s approaching body.
“C… Can I touch them?”
“What? No!”
“Just a little bit, I… I’d like to feel ‘em…”
Dean’s pupils dilated noticeably, his hand slowly reaching forward. Sam had already been on guard but now that his brother was acting so weird he was also getting a bit scared. He slapped Dean’s hand away and somehow that managed to snap him out of the trance he had fallen into. He blinked a couple of times.
“Sorry man I just, what the fuck?”
Sam sighed in relief, operation ‘Snap out of it jerk!’ had been a success.
“My thoughts as well.”
“You have no idea what did this?”
Sam was surprised Dean did not made a joke about his massive rack but he was probably feeling some sort of guilt after trying to grope his own brother.
“Not a clue, the objects I sorted yesterday were a bunch of boxes and what not, I’m going through the files to find it.”
“Ok so uh… How can I help?”
“Eh, just bring me something to eat later, I honestly don’t want to go around the bunker like this if possible.”
“Okay, okay uh...” Dean’s eyes fell at Sam’s boobs again but he managed to snap himself out of it. “Food! Yeah, I can do that.”
He beamed at Sam like he was really proud of himself for staying in control and strutted out of the door but not before glancing at Sam’s breast bidding them a sad and silent farewell one last time. Sam sighed and moved his head in reprobation. His brother was so stupid, he didn’t know how he could cope with him sometimes.
A couple of hours later Sam threw another pile of files into the ‘Reviewed’ box. He was going a bit faster after his brother’s intermission but still hadn’t found anything yet and he was adamant on filing everything properly while he worked his way through the papers unless he wanted to go back to all of this after finding his own cure. He heard a shuffle of feet and a soft rasp on the door. Sam looked upwards to greet his friend.
“Cas, hey, what’s up?”
Castiel came in with a tray of food. A focaccia sandwich along with a glass of juice. Sam inwardly praised himself for giving his brother a book about baking bread the past Christmas.
“Dean asked me to bring you this.”
The angel placed the tray in front of Sam once the man made some room for it and looked at him and then at his breast and chuckled. Sam turned at him questioningly.
“Nothing I… Your brother, when I asked him why he wanted me to bring you this myself he said that ‘he was busy’ and to ‘just do him the goddamned favour’ but now I clearly understand why he was acting so unsettled.”
Sam huffed annoyed “Well, it definitely wasn’t because of my nice personality.”
“I have to admit Sam that currently your bosom is… extremely alluring. Even for me.”
Sam turned towards his friend, appalled eyes and blushing. Mouth wide open but completely mute since he didn’t even know what to say. Castiel finally realized that he had been staring at Sam’s breast and looked away awkwardly.
“Of course that may be part of the curse that has landed upon you.”
“...Of course.”
Castiel coughed. “Is there anything I can help you with in the meantime?”
“Uh… yeah, I need to sort out and label the objects from these files I already documented so if you could help me separate them on that shelf over there?”
Working together in silence, Castiel and Sam managed to carefully storage about twenty of the most dangerous objects objects but there was still quite some to go through. It was later, almost at dinnertime when Dean came into Sam’s hideout to ask him if he already wanted to eat, leaving him again with a lingering look at his chest. Sam huffed annoyed.
“Stupid jerk. He’s an idiot if he thinks I’m gonna let him touch them.”
Castiel snickered. “Normally I would side with you Sam but you have to admit it is quite intriguing.”
“No I don’t, I don’t feel like touching my own boobs.”
Castiel raised his eyes surprised, truth be told, even he had wondered how they felt. Sam must have sensed Castiel’s curiosity and sighed a bit annoyed. He looked downwards and tentatively grabbed his chest. He moved his boobs one way to the other but even though it should have freaked him out to even be able to do that, it was almost like touching his normal chest in the manner that he didn’t feel like it was something that didn’t belong to his body. This was still his body and he knew he should be out of his mind but right now the boobs were there and it was like they had been there forever.
“That’s weird… Uhm Cas?”
“Yes Sam?”
“Uhm this will sound weird as hell but could you uh...” Sam blushed wildly “Could you… uh… t—touch them?”
Castiel frowned.
“Just for a moment! I want to see something.”
Before Castiel answered Dean appeared once more with dinner.
“Alright Samantha! Here you go, a delicious three course meal just for you.”
And it really was a three course meal, there was a bowl with egg soup and a plate of salad and some nice pasta that looked like carbonara. Sam looked at his brother in surprise.
“Why did you make all this?”
“Oh you know, I just want to keep you well fed, I mean, there’s a lot of growing you still need to do.”
Dean gave Sam his best shit eating grin turning to look down to his chest.
“Oh my god Dean are you serious!? Stop with the boobs already!”
“Oh come on Sam, I can’t help it, it’s hilarious! I promise you I’ll leave it alone after you clear the curse!”
“It’s not hilarious and it still freaks me out that you wanna touch them so bad!”
“Can I?”
Dean pouted at Sam like a kicked dog and Sam hated himself for letting his brother get to him like that. He was the one with the puppy dog eyes, Dean had no right to use them against him. Sam groaned.
“Ugh, alright! But just for a moment!”
Dean motioned his hands in victory and moved to grab Sam’s boobs with confidence. Sam thought it was going to be kind of like with his own hands, considering this was his brother they were talking about but the moment Dean’s hands delicately surrounded both sides of his breast and lifted them up slightly pressing them upwards together Sam felt a strong shiver running through his spine. Taken aback he stood up in a rush, slapping his hands away and covering his breast with his arms.
“Alright you touched them already now get lost!”
“What!? That was barely a touch!” Dean paused for a second and looked at his brother blushing furiously and looking at him like he had personally attacked him “Wait… Did that turn you on?”
“Of course not! Now get lost you idiot!” Sam spat back before noticing just how giving his actions had been. Once he realized his face turned another shade of red and he turned away from Dean feeling like an idiot.
Dean looked at his brother dazed until some thought came in his mind because he moved towards Sam and, surrounding him with his arms, he groped him from behind. To everyone’s surprise, Sam let out a high pitched exclamation and pushed his brother away from him.
“Dean, what the hell!?”
“I’m sorry I just...” Dean trailed off glancing at the box that contained the rest of the cursed objects. He kneeled next to it and not before long he signaled a tube made out of wood like those made to hold rolled papers. “Have you checked that one yet?”
“That red tube?”
“No no, below the tube.”
Sam looked below the tube and effectively, a vintage busty asian beauties magazine was lying at the bottom of the box below everything else. Sam recalled perfectly well the magazine, having made a mental note not to allow Dean to take it until he had filed everything else. He also remembered grabbing it with his hand, believing it was just a badly hidden personal treasure from a previous men of letters. Sam turned towards his friend.
Castiel nodded and passed him the box with the rest of the files. Soon enough Sam found the file that contained the information on the cursed magazine. The story, once they found it, was that the magazine had been one of many experiments an old member of the order known for his tendency to pranking had created. The good news was that Sam’s boobs were going to disappear after forty eight hours, the bad news was that in the meanwhile he was going to be extremely sensitive if his boobs got in touch with another person’s hand, which they were naturally cursed to attract. The item had eventually been confiscated because the curse was too strong and they had deemed it too 'morally inconvenient for what a prank should convey’, whatever the hell that meant.
“Well, there you go, just lay low for tomorrow and you should be good to go!”
Dean gave Sam a reassuring pat while standing up. Sam huffed at his brother but he had to admit that Dean had a point. He moved back to the table to eat his meal, his appetite back now that he knew his condition was temporary. Dean and Castiel made to clear up the floor and finish storing what had been filed already, making the silent agreement that Sam was on temporary leave from any kind of work considering his current condition and the fact that it was still embarrassing for Sam to move with his massive bouncing rack all along the place in front of them.
Later on, Sam went to his room and turned the Netflix on browsing mindlessly, wondering what show he could binge watch. Dean appeared hours later, almost at midnight, with a couple of beers in a cooler bucket, he threw himself over the other side of the bed and passed Sam his drink. It was all cool until he felt something poking his boob. Sam turned to look at Dean but it wasn’t fast enough, Dean had moved his hand away. Sam looked at him suspiciously but soon after was focusing his eyes back on the screen with a sigh. Minutes later, he felt Dean’s finger poking him again.
Sam was already fed up with all the boob thing so he did his best to ignore it but Dean took that as a concession and began to press it with three fingers and then covered as much as he could with his entire hand. This time it was too much, Sam let out a soft squeak that made him blush and he slapped Dean’s hand away.
“Stop it Dean!”
“I’m sorry I just...”
Having been concentrated on the screen, Sam did not notice Dean’s pupils blown with lust and looking at him like he was a wet dream come true before and he realized that it had been a grave mistake to let his brother into his room like any other day with the curse laying over him. Quickly, Dean hovered over Sam and straddled him.
“Can I see them?”
“What? No! Dean come on!”
“Okay so just let me touch ‘em.”
Dean moved to grope him and Sam naturally tried to fight back his brother’s advances. They struggled until Dean managed to submit Sam’s hands over his head with one hand and lifted his shirt in a swift motion. Sam squealed when he felt the cool air around him and blushed wildly when he realized what his vocal chords had done. He glared at Dean but realized his brother was way down the rabbit’s hole, his entire being was captured by the immensity of Sam’s magical titties.
Dean used his free hand to hold and squeeze it tentatively and Sam hitched a breath. In a way, he understood that the spell was doing this but he still hated the fact that he could be this sensitive with a simple touch. Soon enough, Dean dropped his hold on Sam’s wrists and grabbed the second pair. He squeezed and rubbed and pushed them together and Sam tried to fight back but the moment his brother started to properly grope him Sam felt all his strength leaving him and he was getting caught more and more into the intense sensations his breast was sending to his nervous system until Sam couldn’t help it and began to breathe shallowly. Hands resting over Dean’s things, pressing them in need.
“You like that?”
Sam frowned at Dean but his flustered face was doing nothing to help him look truly angry. Dean smirked at him with that look that said ‘wait and see’ and bent down over one of Sam’s nipples. Sam felt disconnected for a second from the image of his brother opening his lips to surround his currently enlarged areola but was brought back to reality when his brother’s solid sucking pulled his nipple into a vacuum of wet and warm pleasure, prodded by Dean’s talented tongue. Sam moaned hard. He tried to push Dean’s head away with what little strength he could muster.
“Dean, stop! You… you can’t…”
Resisting was becoming harder and harder. There was something definitely wrong with the way Sam's body was reacting. The sensations Dean was giving him with his mouth were amazing and he was slowly changing his grip on Dean's head from harsh pushing to hair tangling. Eventually, Dean sucked out with a pop that made Sam moan and before his brother could react, Dean bent on the other nipple, treating it just as nicely as the first one, fingers pinching softly the one that had been left behind. Dean worked Sam up until he moaned once more and straightened up.
“Take off your shirt Sam”
Dean stood up and away from Sam and unbuckled his belt. Sam, panting, moved upwards to do as his brother had ordered and, leaning once more over the pillows, he looked at Dean take off his boots and drop his pants and underwear. Even when his rational part screamed ‘This is wrong!’ his dick twitched in anticipation. It was like there was a clear barrier separating the side of him desperate to stop his brother’s advances from his cursed body’s current needs. The rational part of Sam slammed against it but the struggle inside his mind was numbed when Dean jumped on top of him and placed his dick between Sam’s massive boobs.
“Man, I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Sam was unable to even begin a word against it, he only managed to choke a sigh when Dean began to slowly rock his dick between the soft tissue of his chest. He clearly saw Dean close his eyes and frown in concentration, plump lips slightly parted in pleasure, eyes half lidded with heavy eyelashes, cheeks flustered in a way that made his freckles more evident. And that was the moment Sam realized with a pang of guilt that despite the frustratingly unwanted situation, he would remember this moment forever, having his brother looking so beautiful on top of him just like that.
“Fuck Sammy, you’re so soft and warm right now, I could do this forever.”
Dean turned to look at him and gave him a smile full of care and love. Sam felt his ears burn.
“Shut up jerk”
“Love you too, baby”
Sam bitchfaced him, he was trying to think of a comeback to that when Dean began to thrust between his boobs faster. Sam moaned, the change of pace was hitting his nervous system in exactly the right way and he was now feeling how tight his jeans felt around his dick. He looked at his brother and the moment their eyes locked he felt like he could never look away from those beautiful green eyes. Not long after that, he was unconsciously buckling up with each of his brother’s thrusts, matching his pace. Dean’s jagged breath was drawn for a second.
“Look down Sam, I want you to see how I come all over you.”  
Dean’s voice was low and rough and just the right level for it to cause Sam shivers but he did his best to hide that and manage a glare at his brother.
“You’re an idiot”
“Come on Sammy”
Sam knew his brother, he could tell the tone Dean was using was the tone he only used with him when he allowed himself some sort of vulnerability. Sam sighed, more angry at himself than at Dean and turned to look as instructed. Soon enough, Dean’s movement stammered while he squished Sam’s boobs a little harder, sending a wave of pleasure through Sam while he saw the head of his brother’s dick pop in between his breast just at the time his thick cum came out hard. Dean grunted while Sam gasped in surprise, he clearly felt the ribbons of hot cum splattering his neck and face drawing a line of its trajectory all over him.
It went cold way too fast for Sam’s liking. Almost unconsciously, Sam licked the few speckles of cum that had touched his lips. It had been thick and astringent, very different from his own. He was barely noticing how ragged his brother’s breath sounded and how wrecked he looked, lingering his sight on him, on the way he had tasted Dean’s cum right in front of him.
Without saying a word, Dean moved away from him and looked at Sam's crotch and feeling a little bit of guilt, he began to open his jeans.
"Shhh, It's okay Sammy, I've got you."
Swiftly, Dean took Sam’s clothes and pulled them down enough to get his dick out to be able to stroke him nicely. After a few testing strokes where Dean took in Sam’s considerable size and mentally compared it to his own reaching to the conclusion that he could live without feeling overpowered by his little brother, he spit on his hand and began to jack Sam off. Sam whined. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it,quite the contrary; he was really, really liking it and he was a little worried, knowing that it was his brother the one giving him all those sensations. It didn’t take Dean long before he had Sam bucking against his strokes hard panting and frowning, mouth slightly open trying to bring more air into his lungs. Dean skillfully rubbed his thumbs against the ridge that separates the head of Sam’s dick with the rest of his cock and saw Sam falling over the edge with a loud moan.
Sam felt his muscles clench while he shot his cum all over himself and Dean’s hand. Dean pulled and pressed his dick just enough to help him go through the climax, looking lovingly at him and when Sam let out a final sigh of satisfaction Dean moved away his hand and looked at it for a second before licking a droplet lingering on his thumb. Sam felt his dick twitch. There was something about looking at Dean tasting his cum that he didn’t know if he was ready to take in.
Dean didn’t say a thing about the taste, he turned around and looked for tissues. Once he found them he went through Sam’s body, cleaning it as best as he could.
“I think I better take a bath.”
“You think? You even got cum on your hair.”
“And whose fault is that?”
Dean gave Sam’s bitchface a perfectly proud smile. Sam was close to bicker like always but noticed something odd.
“You don’t want to keep touching my boobs?”
Dean looked at him a bit surprised.
“No, actually, I don’t.”
“Good. Now go away jerk, I need my towels.”
“As you wish, Princess.”
The following day Sam stayed in his bedroom, he wasn’t sick per se but Dean was adamant on keeping him comfortable. Sam believed that he was also feeling guilty for what they had done but didn’t say a thing either. It was better to pretend nothing had happened and just take his brother’s sudden burst of kindness.
Some weeks later in the middle of cleaning the bunker Dean saw what looked like an old magazine on the library floor. He picked it up and turned it around only to see that it was the cursed Busty Asian Beauties one. Slowly, he closed his eyes and breathed in trying to count to ten. When he finally thought he could keep himself from killing his brother he turned around and paced towards the laundry room.
18 notes · View notes
shawol9196 · 7 years
Teacher au 3/?
3.1K words, still Minkey, with vague side changkyu
Minho laughs to himself and quickly finishes walking home. He still has a lot of questions about Kibum, but is satisfied with the progress he made. Once in his apartment, he makes sure to text as promised.
The remainder of the week passes quickly, though with less Kibum than Minho would’ve liked. They see each other Wednesday when Minho brings his class; he notices that Kibum seems to be more relaxed this time around. On Thursday, when Minho’s class goes Heechul for an attempt at a history lesson instead of art, Kibum stops by before students arrive to deliver the artwork for the kids to take home. It’s only five minutes, but it makes his day a bit brighter. Especially considering all the teasing he’s been taking from Suho and Kyuhyun.
On Friday, as Minho sits down to eat his lunch, he’s surprised when Kibum comes into the break room with his own lunchbox. He sits somewhat across from Minho and smiles before pulling out his lunch.
“Decide you didn’t want to eat in the admin lounge?” Minho asks.
Kibum begins poking at the salad he’s brought and doesn’t look up when he answers.
“Well, I don’t know anyone in admin yet and there weren’t any chairs available when I got my lunch out of the fridge so I came over here hoping that you were still having your lunch at this time and I got lucky. So here I am.”
“Ahh. Well I’m glad you came, even if it’s because you didn’t feel like you were welcome over there. Admin can be a little scary, mostly because they hold my job in their hands, but I’m sure you’ll find a friend over there to eat with soon.” Minho says, finishing up his chips.
There’s a silence for a while, just Minho eating his sandwich while Kibum tries to eat his salad. The radio begins to crackle but goes silent again. There’s a knock on the door and a student comes in. Kibum looks at Minho, confused on why a student is in the teacher lounge, but Minho just smiles at the boy.
“Hi Kyungsoo. Are you looking for me or someone else?”
“I was looking for you, Mr. Minho. Mr. Suho asked me to give you this.”
Kyungsoo hands Minho an envelope and leaves quietly. Kibum returns to poking at his salad; he’s eaten less than half of it and Minho’s worried he won’t finish it. Not wanting to embarrass him, he turns his attention to the envelope. He opens it to find $20 and a sticky note inside.
You were right about C/K. It was the
coffee shop on 5th they met at, not
the winery on 9th. Sorry for doubting
you, who’s had to deal with them for
four more years. Here’s your bet.
Minho can’t help but laugh as he puts the note back inside the envelope. Kibum’s looking at him again, with an equally amused and confused look. “Sorry,” he says, offering a cookie from his lunchbox. “Suho and I had a wager about Kyuhyun and I won, is all.”
Kibum raises an eyebrow.
“Kyuhyun and his boyfriend, Changmin, the one who teaches PE at the high school. Suho was trying to remember where they met. He was thinking it was this winery that they both love almost more than each other, but I said it was this cafe closeby. I knew I was right, because I was literally there when it happened, but he insisted I was wrong and bet me money on it.”
Kibum laughs, covering his face with his hand so that salad bits don’t go everywhere. Minho decides he likes Kibum laugh, and he wants to hear it again, and see it without his hand in the way.
“Wow, what a stupid bet. I wish I knew some good places to eat around here. I’ve only been here for a week so I have literally no idea where to go,” Kibum says when he finally collects himself.
“Well, if you like, I don’t know what time you’re done today but we could go to the cafe. I’m free after 4. It’s on 5th avenue if you know where that is. I don’t know what kind of food you like, but it’s a German bakery, I think? I’ve had almost everything they make and it’s all super good. Even the like, ‘diet’ options. It’d be my treat with Suho’s money.”
Kibum looks surprised at the offer, seemingly almost blushing.
“You don’t have to waste your money on me,” he starts.
“Kibum, please? It’s your first week and I want to do something nice for you. Maybe we’d actually be able to talk about ourselves a little more freely outside of here.”
“It’s on 5th, you said? I live on 7th so I should be able to find my way. Is 6 o’clock okay to meet up?”
“Yeah, 6 would be great. It’s called Kuchen, it’s right between the hardware store and the liquor store.”
Minho’s timer buzzes and he packs up to go collect his class.
“I’ll see you later, I hope the rest of your day goes better,” he says as he leaves.
Minho leaves his apartment at 5:30 even though it’s only a five minute walk to the bakery. While it’s never been full before, he wants to make sure that he and Kibum have proper seats. It’s been a long time since he’s been excited to meet up with someone -- friendly or otherwise -- that isn’t Kyuhyun or Suho. He’d opted for jeans and a hoodie rather than his work clothes; though everyone said he looked nice in a button up and khakis, he didn’t think that gave a very let’s-be-friends-outside-of-work vibe. Now he hopes that Kibum comes similarly dressed. When he gets to the bakery, he orders a coffee and picks a nice booth that’s out of the way but in view of the door. He almost wishes he’d given Kibum his phone number just in case; Jonghyun, the music teacher that comes in only on Fridays, had teased him about it. Actually Jonghun had teased him about a lot concerning this situation. But either way, he’s here now and there’s nothing he can do about it. His phone buzzes; it’s still only 5:40 so he checks it.
Suho: uhh not to be creepy, but look up.
The realization that this meeting had be ever so gently been forced into being hits Minho the moment his eyes meet Suho’s. He’s sitting at the booth so that he’s facing Minho, wearing a hoodie in an attempt to hide. He waves but Minho doesn’t return it. He should’ve known that Suho sending the money was a trick, especially since it was in the middle of the school day. His phone buzzes again.
Suho: I’m only here in case you need an out, ok! It was Changmin’s idea!
Minho rolls his eyes. He’s annoyed at how easily he fell for the trick but he’s appreciative of the support nevertheless. The bakery is getting busy and he’s glad that he thought to come early. Finally, Minho spots Kibum coming in. He waves and Kibum comes over to the booth. He’s relieved to see that he’s in equally comfortable clothes.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Kibum says when he finally makes it over.
“Oh no, you’re not late! I just got here early. I wasn’t sure how busy it’d be.”
It’s Kibum’s turn to look relieved.
“So is this place actually authentic or just well themed?” “Honestly? I’ve been coming here for five years now and I still don’t know,” Minho explains, laughing. “Either way, the food is worth it and the coffee is decent so that’s enough for me.”
Kibum doesn’t respond, but simply looks around to admire the decorations.
“So, what can I get you? If you want, you can go look at the counter and come back and tell me and I’ll get it for you. I’m afraid if we both leave the booth it’ll get stolen.”
“Oh, um. I’ll just take a coffee, however you like it, and like whatever they have that’s closest to a cinnamon roll.”
Minho goes up to the counter and orders a cinnamon roll, 2 coffees, and his favorite plate of cookies. Suho comes up behind him and orders something too, but doesn’t say anything. When Minho sits back down, Suho moves somewhere else.
“So. What did you want to talk about?” Kibum asks, tearing a chunk off his roll.
While Minho had been thinking of questions the whole day, now that the moment was here his mind blanks. He shoves a cookie in his mouth in an odd effort to buy time. Kibum seems to notice and take pity on him.
“I guess I’ll start since you seem to be having a moment with your cookie. Uhm. Is this supposed to be a date or a joke or something?”
Minho chokes on his cookie.
“No! It’s not a date, I would’ve dressed nicely if it was and asked you properly. And it’s not a joke either. I respect you enough as a person that I wouldn’t do that and I certainly wouldn’t bring you to this cozy place if I was going to. Why? Did I say something that made you think that?”
“I was just making sure. It’s...It’s just been a long time since someone has done something nice for me without cause and I...” he trailed off and began tearing his roll into smaller pieces.
“Oh...I’m sorry to hear that, Kibum.”
“So what should I know about you, Minho?”
“About me?”
“Yeah. About you. You asked me here to talk about ourselves, so tell me about yourself.”
Minho finishes another cookie and lets himself talk. He starts with talking about the misfortunes of his first year teaching and the little girl that would bite him every single day until she was removed from his class; about how this is the second year he’s had Chanyeol in kindergarten and how he’s excited to see him move on but also worried about him still not being ready to start school properly. He moves on to talk about his volunteer work at the sports league for disadvantaged youth and how he loves watching his team bond together and work on building each other up. How rewarding it is when he’s able to encourage them to success. All while he talks, Kibum is mostly silent. He eats his cinnamon roll slowly and asks small segue questions but doesn’t offer any comments. Eventually, Minho hits a roadblock, not knowing how personal he should get.
“So, that’s probably incredibly more than enough about me. What about you? What should I know about you, Kibum?”
Kibum shifts around uncomfortably. He’s finished his cinnamon roll so he takes a drink of his coffee. Worried that he’s upset Kibum in some way, Minho tries to pacify the situation.
“It doesn’t have to be big things or stories like I told you. I mean, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t feel comfortable. I just...I’m just curious about you. No, that sounds creepy I’m sorry I-”
“Minho,” Kibum starts, cutting him off. “I appreciate it. And I feel more comfortable with you than I think you realize. There’s just...nothing really to say about me.”
“There’s always something. What’s your favorite color?”
Kibum tilts his head and purses his lips.
“Pink. No, not pink. Peach!”
“Mine’s periwinkle. See? That’s something.”
Kibum properly blushes this time. He looks like he’s about to say something else when there’s a shout behind him.
They both look up and Minho realizes that Suho has been joined by Kyuhyun and Changmin. The three walk over to their booth and Changmin pretends to not notice Kibum at first.
“Hey Minho, what are you up to on this fine Friday evening?” he asks, putting his hand out for a fist bump.
“It’s the end of Kibum’s first week and since I seem to have had the greatest luck out of everyone in being friendly to him, I offered to bring him here for some celebratory goodies.”
“Kibum, this is my devoted pain in the as- I mean boyfriend Changmin.” Kyuhyun explains.
The two explain pleasantries and then it’s Suho’s turn to talk.
“We were thinking about going to The Barrel in a while if you guys want to join!”
“Yeah, you’re free to come along. We have a ton of funny stories about Minho if you’re interested in that, Kibum.” Changmin says with a wink. “We’ll let you guys know when we’re headed over if you decide to come along.”
The three head to the counter to order and there’s quiet between Minho and Kibum again.
“What’s the barrel?” Kibum asks quietly.
“It’s the wine place I was talking about earlier. I think they have a few new reds today, which are Kyuhyun’s favorites.”
“Do you guys go there often?” “We take turns between going there and going to the bigger wine collection, aka their apartment.”
Kibum laughs, then turns serious.
“Is it really okay if I come along? I don’t want to intrude...”
“Kibum, I promise it’s fine. They literally wouldn’t have invited you if you weren’t welcome. Suho’s too nice for that and Changmin wouldn’t bother. It’s usually pretty fun, unless the two of them get handsy. But that’s more so the risk of having wine night at their apartment so we should be good.”
Unsurprisingly, the five of them do end up going to The Barrel. They cram into a circular booth and Kyuhyun immediately orders for them. While Minho’s somewhat upset that the others interrupted, but as they start drinking Kibum seems to relax more so he’s grateful in the end. Things start out light: they all talk about their weeks, how funny their students are, how this or that teaching requirement is cramping their style. As more and more wine is brought out, things get variably more bright and dark. Changmin tries to take the bright side; Minho can’t understand what he’s saying, but a rosy-cheeked Kyuhyun is laughing on Changmin’s shoulder so it can’t be that bad. Suho gets serious, per usual. He picks up his glass, sighs, puts it down. Every now and again he turns to Minho and says something vague like “I can’t believe that’s how it is” but he never explains what ‘it’ he’s referring to. Minho and Kibum don’t drink as much as the others, though Kibum does drink comparatively more. Every now and again, he turns to Minho, grabs his hand, and thanks him for taking him out for the evening. When an hour has passed and the staff won’t serve them anymore (they have a strict drunkenness policy), Minho pulls everyone out of the booth and collects money to pay. He doesn’t ask Kibum for money, but Kibum hands him a few small bills anyway. Outside, he hails a taxi for Suho, then another for Kyuhyun and Changmin. Something tells him that he needs to walk Kibum home.
“Where do you live on 7th? How far from here?” he asks.
Kibum looks at him, sways a bit, and scrunches his face in thought.
“King’s Court. I think,” he manages after a while.
“I live at Sunrise apartments, the one on 6th. Is it ok if I walk you home, Kibum?”
Kibum nods and sets off in the right direction. Minho watches him sway and offers his elbow for him to hold onto. Surprisingly, he takes it and the two walk silently but arm in arm for the 6 blocks between The Barrel and Kibum’s apartment. When they reach the door to the building, Kibum tries to shoo Minho home, but Minho isn’t convinced that Kibum will be able to get into his apartment and insists on accompanying him to the door. The elevator ride to the 5th floor is quiet. Though he’d tried so hard to shoo him at the door, Kibum silently invites Minho in. He seems to have sobered up somewhere between the front door and his apartment door and it comforts Minho in some small way. He looks around the small apartment and realizes he’s been in it before. Three years prior, he’d volunteered in a program aimed to help repair some of the poorer apartment complexes in the area. He’d been assigned to King’s Court 5th floor. Kibum’s apartment, 53A, had been the worst of the whole lot. He recognizes the patches in the flooring and walls as his own. There’s not much in the apartment that he can see. An old couch and a barely standing table are the only furniture.
“It’s not a good apartment but it’s all I can afford right now,” Kibum confides, sitting down on the couch. “The move here cost more than anticipated and I couldn’t get approved for the other apartment in my price range.”
“I’m not judging you for living here. I was part of a crew that fixed it a few years ago and was just seeing how everything held up.”
“You did the repairs? To be honest, I think those few repairs are the only place holding this place together...”
Minho tries to think of a polite way to continue the conversation, but it’s more difficult of a task than anticipated.
“What are you wanting from me, Minho?” Kibum asks. There’s no anger in his voice, but there is fear.
“I want to be your friend. You look lost, reminiscent of the boys I volunteer with, and I want to make things easier for you if I can. But also because I want a friend too.”
“Weren’t we just with your friends?”
“Yes, but it’s not as simple as that.”
“Oh. Well, I think I’d like to be friends with you. When I’m more sober I mean.”
“Do you have a pen and paper?” Kibum tilts his head as if he’s going to ask why, but gets up and finds an envelope and a marker.
“What are you writing?” “This is my cellphone number and this is my address. If you ever need anything or just want to hang out or something, just let me know. I volunteer on Saturdays, but my Sundays are free.”
“Thank you for inviting me out tonight. It’s the first time I’ve ever gone somewhere with a friend.”
“You’re welcome, I hope you enjoyed it. I’m going to go home now, if you’re all good.”
Kibum nods and walks Minho to the door, shyly waving a goodbye. As Minho leaves the building, his phone buzzes.
Unknown: this isnt a fak numbr right?
Minho:  kibum?
Kibum: ye! I was just testing
Kibum: let me no when u home
Minho laughs to himself and quickly finishes walking home. He still has a lot of questions about Kibum, but is satisfied with the progress he made. Once in his apartment, he makes sure to text as promised.
Minho: home safe
Kibum: ok. Ill let u no if im hungover tomrow.
2 notes · View notes
futureshawolhearts · 7 years
Teacher au 3/?
3.1K words, still Minkey, with vague side changkyu
Minho laughs to himself and quickly finishes walking home. He still has a lot of questions about Kibum, but is satisfied with the progress he made. Once in his apartment, he makes sure to text as promised.
(( @minhoinator @taespoon-of-sugar ))
The remainder of the week passes quickly, though with less Kibum than Minho would’ve liked. They see each other Wednesday when Minho brings his class; he notices that Kibum seems to be more relaxed this time around. On Thursday, when Minho’s class goes Heechul for an attempt at a history lesson instead of art, Kibum stops by before students arrive to deliver the artwork for the kids to take home. It’s only five minutes, but it makes his day a bit brighter. Especially considering all the teasing he’s been taking from Suho and Kyuhyun.
On Friday, as Minho sits down to eat his lunch, he’s surprised when Kibum comes into the break room with his own lunchbox. He sits somewhat across from Minho and smiles before pulling out his lunch.
“Decide you didn’t want to eat in the admin lounge?” Minho asks.
Kibum begins poking at the salad he’s brought and doesn’t look up when he answers.
“Well, I don’t know anyone in admin yet and there weren’t any chairs available when I got my lunch out of the fridge so I came over here hoping that you were still having your lunch at this time and I got lucky. So here I am.”
“Ahh. Well I’m glad you came, even if it’s because you didn’t feel like you were welcome over there. Admin can be a little scary, mostly because they hold my job in their hands, but I’m sure you’ll find a friend over there to eat with soon.” Minho says, finishing up his chips.
There’s a silence for a while, just Minho eating his sandwich while Kibum tries to eat his salad. The radio begins to crackle but goes silent again. There’s a knock on the door and a student comes in. Kibum looks at Minho, confused on why a student is in the teacher lounge, but Minho just smiles at the boy.
“Hi Kyungsoo. Are you looking for me or someone else?”
“I was looking for you, Mr. Minho. Mr. Suho asked me to give you this.”
Kyungsoo hands Minho an envelope and leaves quietly. Kibum returns to poking at his salad; he’s eaten less than half of it and Minho’s worried he won’t finish it. Not wanting to embarrass him, he turns his attention to the envelope. He opens it to find $20 and a sticky note inside.
You were right about C/K. It was the
coffee shop on 5th they met at, not
the winery on 9th. Sorry for doubting
you, who’s had to deal with them for
four more years. Here’s your bet.
Minho can’t help but laugh as he puts the note back inside the envelope. Kibum’s looking at him again, with an equally amused and confused look. “Sorry,” he says, offering a cookie from his lunchbox. “Suho and I had a wager about Kyuhyun and I won, is all.”
Kibum raises an eyebrow.
“Kyuhyun and his boyfriend, Changmin, the one who teaches PE at the high school. Suho was trying to remember where they met. He was thinking it was this winery that they both love almost more than each other, but I said it was this cafe closeby. I knew I was right, because I was literally there when it happened, but he insisted I was wrong and bet me money on it.”
Kibum laughs, covering his face with his hand so that salad bits don’t go everywhere. Minho decides he likes Kibum laugh, and he wants to hear it again, and see it without his hand in the way.
“Wow, what a stupid bet. I wish I knew some good places to eat around here. I’ve only been here for a week so I have literally no idea where to go,” Kibum says when he finally collects himself.
“Well, if you like, I don’t know what time you’re done today but we could go to the cafe. I’m free after 4. It’s on 5th avenue if you know where that is. I don’t know what kind of food you like, but it’s a German bakery, I think? I’ve had almost everything they make and it’s all super good. Even the like, ‘diet’ options. It’d be my treat with Suho’s money.”
Kibum looks surprised at the offer, seemingly almost blushing.
“You don’t have to waste your money on me,” he starts.
“Kibum, please? It’s your first week and I want to do something nice for you. Maybe we’d actually be able to talk about ourselves a little more freely outside of here.”
“It’s on 5th, you said? I live on 7th so I should be able to find my way. Is 6 o’clock okay to meet up?”
“Yeah, 6 would be great. It’s called Kuchen, it’s right between the hardware store and the liquor store.”
Minho’s timer buzzes and he packs up to go collect his class.
“I’ll see you later, I hope the rest of your day goes better,” he says as he leaves.
Minho leaves his apartment at 5:30 even though it’s only a five minute walk to the bakery. While it’s never been full before, he wants to make sure that he and Kibum have proper seats. It’s been a long time since he’s been excited to meet up with someone -- friendly or otherwise -- that isn’t Kyuhyun or Suho. He’d opted for jeans and a hoodie rather than his work clothes; though everyone said he looked nice in a button up and khakis, he didn’t think that gave a very let’s-be-friends-outside-of-work vibe. Now he hopes that Kibum comes similarly dressed. When he gets to the bakery, he orders a coffee and picks a nice booth that’s out of the way but in view of the door. He almost wishes he’d given Kibum his phone number just in case; Jonghyun, the music teacher that comes in only on Fridays, had teased him about it. Actually Jonghun had teased him about a lot concerning this situation. But either way, he’s here now and there’s nothing he can do about it. His phone buzzes; it’s still only 5:40 so he checks it.
Suho: uhh not to be creepy, but look up.
The realization that this meeting had be ever so gently been forced into being hits Minho the moment his eyes meet Suho’s. He’s sitting at the booth so that he’s facing Minho, wearing a hoodie in an attempt to hide. He waves but Minho doesn’t return it. He should’ve known that Suho sending the money was a trick, especially since it was in the middle of the school day. His phone buzzes again.
Suho: I’m only here in case you need an out, ok! It was Changmin’s idea!
Minho rolls his eyes. He’s annoyed at how easily he fell for the trick but he’s appreciative of the support nevertheless. The bakery is getting busy and he’s glad that he thought to come early. Finally, Minho spots Kibum coming in. He waves and Kibum comes over to the booth. He’s relieved to see that he’s in equally comfortable clothes.
“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Kibum says when he finally makes it over.
“Oh no, you’re not late! I just got here early. I wasn’t sure how busy it’d be.”
It’s Kibum’s turn to look relieved.
“So is this place actually authentic or just well themed?” “Honestly? I’ve been coming here for five years now and I still don’t know,” Minho explains, laughing. “Either way, the food is worth it and the coffee is decent so that’s enough for me.”
Kibum doesn’t respond, but simply looks around to admire the decorations.
“So, what can I get you? If you want, you can go look at the counter and come back and tell me and I’ll get it for you. I’m afraid if we both leave the booth it’ll get stolen.”
“Oh, um. I’ll just take a coffee, however you like it, and like whatever they have that’s closest to a cinnamon roll.”
Minho goes up to the counter and orders a cinnamon roll, 2 coffees, and his favorite plate of cookies. Suho comes up behind him and orders something too, but doesn’t say anything. When Minho sits back down, Suho moves somewhere else.
“So. What did you want to talk about?” Kibum asks, tearing a chunk off his roll.
While Minho had been thinking of questions the whole day, now that the moment was here his mind blanks. He shoves a cookie in his mouth in an odd effort to buy time. Kibum seems to notice and take pity on him.
“I guess I’ll start since you seem to be having a moment with your cookie. Uhm. Is this supposed to be a date or a joke or something?”
Minho chokes on his cookie.
“No! It’s not a date, I would’ve dressed nicely if it was and asked you properly. And it’s not a joke either. I respect you enough as a person that I wouldn’t do that and I certainly wouldn’t bring you to this cozy place if I was going to. Why? Did I say something that made you think that?”
“I was just making sure. It’s...It’s just been a long time since someone has done something nice for me without cause and I...” he trailed off and began tearing his roll into smaller pieces.
“Oh...I’m sorry to hear that, Kibum.”
“So what should I know about you, Minho?”
“About me?”
“Yeah. About you. You asked me here to talk about ourselves, so tell me about yourself.”
Minho finishes another cookie and lets himself talk. He starts with talking about the misfortunes of his first year teaching and the little girl that would bite him every single day until she was removed from his class; about how this is the second year he’s had Chanyeol in kindergarten and how he’s excited to see him move on but also worried about him still not being ready to start school properly. He moves on to talk about his volunteer work at the sports league for disadvantaged youth and how he loves watching his team bond together and work on building each other up. How rewarding it is when he’s able to encourage them to success. All while he talks, Kibum is mostly silent. He eats his cinnamon roll slowly and asks small segue questions but doesn’t offer any comments. Eventually, Minho hits a roadblock, not knowing how personal he should get.
“So, that’s probably incredibly more than enough about me. What about you? What should I know about you, Kibum?”
Kibum shifts around uncomfortably. He’s finished his cinnamon roll so he takes a drink of his coffee. Worried that he’s upset Kibum in some way, Minho tries to pacify the situation.
“It doesn’t have to be big things or stories like I told you. I mean, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t feel comfortable. I just...I’m just curious about you. No, that sounds creepy I’m sorry I-”
“Minho,” Kibum starts, cutting him off. “I appreciate it. And I feel more comfortable with you than I think you realize. There’s just...nothing really to say about me.”
“There’s always something. What’s your favorite color?”
Kibum tilts his head and purses his lips.
“Pink. No, not pink. Peach!”
“Mine’s periwinkle. See? That’s something.”
Kibum properly blushes this time. He looks like he’s about to say something else when there’s a shout behind him.
They both look up and Minho realizes that Suho has been joined by Kyuhyun and Changmin. The three walk over to their booth and Changmin pretends to not notice Kibum at first.
“Hey Minho, what are you up to on this fine Friday evening?” he asks, putting his hand out for a fist bump.
“It’s the end of Kibum’s first week and since I seem to have had the greatest luck out of everyone in being friendly to him, I offered to bring him here for some celebratory goodies.”
“Kibum, this is my devoted pain in the as- I mean boyfriend Changmin.” Kyuhyun explains.
The two explain pleasantries and then it’s Suho’s turn to talk.
“We were thinking about going to The Barrel in a while if you guys want to join!”
“Yeah, you’re free to come along. We have a ton of funny stories about Minho if you’re interested in that, Kibum.” Changmin says with a wink. “We’ll let you guys know when we’re headed over if you decide to come along.”
The three head to the counter to order and there’s quiet between Minho and Kibum again.
“What’s the barrel?” Kibum asks quietly.
“It’s the wine place I was talking about earlier. I think they have a few new reds today, which are Kyuhyun’s favorites.”
“Do you guys go there often?” “We take turns between going there and going to the bigger wine collection, aka their apartment.”
Kibum laughs, then turns serious.
“Is it really okay if I come along? I don’t want to intrude...”
“Kibum, I promise it’s fine. They literally wouldn’t have invited you if you weren’t welcome. Suho’s too nice for that and Changmin wouldn’t bother. It’s usually pretty fun, unless the two of them get handsy. But that’s more so the risk of having wine night at their apartment so we should be good.”
Unsurprisingly, the five of them do end up going to The Barrel. They cram into a circular booth and Kyuhyun immediately orders for them. While Minho’s somewhat upset that the others interrupted, but as they start drinking Kibum seems to relax more so he’s grateful in the end. Things start out light: they all talk about their weeks, how funny their students are, how this or that teaching requirement is cramping their style. As more and more wine is brought out, things get variably more bright and dark. Changmin tries to take the bright side; Minho can’t understand what he’s saying, but a rosy-cheeked Kyuhyun is laughing on Changmin’s shoulder so it can’t be that bad. Suho gets serious, per usual. He picks up his glass, sighs, puts it down. Every now and again he turns to Minho and says something vague like “I can’t believe that’s how it is” but he never explains what ‘it’ he’s referring to. Minho and Kibum don’t drink as much as the others, though Kibum does drink comparatively more. Every now and again, he turns to Minho, grabs his hand, and thanks him for taking him out for the evening. When an hour has passed and the staff won’t serve them anymore (they have a strict drunkenness policy), Minho pulls everyone out of the booth and collects money to pay. He doesn’t ask Kibum for money, but Kibum hands him a few small bills anyway. Outside, he hails a taxi for Suho, then another for Kyuhyun and Changmin. Something tells him that he needs to walk Kibum home.
“Where do you live on 7th? How far from here?” he asks.
Kibum looks at him, sways a bit, and scrunches his face in thought.
“King’s Court. I think,” he manages after a while.
“I live at Sunrise apartments, the one on 6th. Is it ok if I walk you home, Kibum?”
Kibum nods and sets off in the right direction. Minho watches him sway and offers his elbow for him to hold onto. Surprisingly, he takes it and the two walk silently but arm in arm for the 6 blocks between The Barrel and Kibum’s apartment. When they reach the door to the building, Kibum tries to shoo Minho home, but Minho isn’t convinced that Kibum will be able to get into his apartment and insists on accompanying him to the door. The elevator ride to the 5th floor is quiet. Though he’d tried so hard to shoo him at the door, Kibum silently invites Minho in. He seems to have sobered up somewhere between the front door and his apartment door and it comforts Minho in some small way. He looks around the small apartment and realizes he’s been in it before. Three years prior, he’d volunteered in a program aimed to help repair some of the poorer apartment complexes in the area. He’d been assigned to King’s Court 5th floor. Kibum’s apartment, 53A, had been the worst of the whole lot. He recognizes the patches in the flooring and walls as his own. There’s not much in the apartment that he can see. An old couch and a barely standing table are the only furniture.
“It’s not a good apartment but it’s all I can afford right now,” Kibum confides, sitting down on the couch. “The move here cost more than anticipated and I couldn’t get approved for the other apartment in my price range.”
“I’m not judging you for living here. I was part of a crew that fixed it a few years ago and was just seeing how everything held up.”
“You did the repairs? To be honest, I think those few repairs are the only place holding this place together...”
Minho tries to think of a polite way to continue the conversation, but it’s more difficult of a task than anticipated.
“What are you wanting from me, Minho?” Kibum asks. There’s no anger in his voice, but there is fear.
“I want to be your friend. You look lost, reminiscent of the boys I volunteer with, and I want to make things easier for you if I can. But also because I want a friend too.”
“Weren’t we just with your friends?”
“Yes, but it’s not as simple as that.”
“Oh. Well, I think I’d like to be friends with you. When I’m more sober I mean.”
“Do you have a pen and paper?” Kibum tilts his head as if he’s going to ask why, but gets up and finds an envelope and a marker.
“What are you writing?” “This is my cellphone number and this is my address. If you ever need anything or just want to hang out or something, just let me know. I volunteer on Saturdays, but my Sundays are free.”
“Thank you for inviting me out tonight. It’s the first time I’ve ever gone somewhere with a friend.”
“You’re welcome, I hope you enjoyed it. I’m going to go home now, if you’re all good.”
Kibum nods and walks Minho to the door, shyly waving a goodbye. As Minho leaves the building, his phone buzzes.
Unknown: this isnt a fak numbr right?
Minho:  kibum?
Kibum: ye! I was just testing
Kibum: let me no when u home
Minho laughs to himself and quickly finishes walking home. He still has a lot of questions about Kibum, but is satisfied with the progress he made. Once in his apartment, he makes sure to text as promised.
Minho: home safe
Kibum: ok. Ill let u no if im hungover tomrow.
21 notes · View notes
Law of Attraction: Do Opposites Really Attract?
IF this was the topic sentence then it should look like this: It's been a long while since the Law of Attraction (LOA) busted out into mainstream culture, but seriously is making so many heads turn away and eyes rolling up the sky. I wonder why? Could it be that the law was wrong? Misrepresented? Misleading? A big mistake? Well, whether that's true or not, one thing is for sure: Attraction is what drives human passion, and whether or not it's due to similarities or polarities will all depend on who's wielding the whole attraction field.
Warning: Very long post, so I did my best to make it in such a way that you can scan and speed read stuff so you can still get something here. Thank you for reading. Oh, and there’s a summary and conclusion portion at the end of this post so if you’re tl;dr mode you’re welcome lol
Hey guys, what's up? Bet you didn't see this post coming lol yeah I know even I was surprised to be typing this today, but it has been bugging me for a few days now so I guess I have to get this out of my head and get a good night's rest. Also, I kept getting weird songs in my head singing that opposites attract, and me, a sucker of the Law of Attraction (LOA) stuff for quite a while now and somewhat unearthing all the stuff hidden from common knowledge since I discovered this (and other universal laws that apparently affect our lives one way or another) have been getting conflicting results so I shall be sharing the stuff that I found out and whatever I'm going to type in this post (tah-dah, channeled stuff lol) for everyone who's been frustrated at making this universal law work for their own favor.
The Premise: What you think about is what you'll attract. Therefore, change your thoughts to change what you pull into your world. What the mainstream isn't telling the people: Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND is the one that DRIVES what YOU pull into your world, whether you like it or not. How I came up with this stuff: I discovered LOA around the same time that I consciously awakened, and desperate to shift my shitty life, I decided there and then to undertake the task of leveling-up my shadow work so that I could rid everything that has been keeping me in a crappy state of mind and reality. Also the depressive state has gotten to me so much that I was literally wallowing in self-pity before sleeping each night. So yeah, when I started manifesting "nice" stuff, like a plane trip to somewhere I haven't been in before, having some pocket money for that, and for some weird reason being able to live despite a lot of "lacks", I started believing in the idea that "thoughts become reality." It was pretty awesome, until sometime later I started manifesting the "crappy" stuff: Manifesting a job that only seemed "nice" on the surface but was really like a can of worms that only waited for me to open it up and change it all permanently, for a lot of people.
Honestly it was scary and each time I think about it, I am actually scared that I bring chaos everywhere I go, but at this point I am just thinking that if things were as they were and there were no hidden agendas, it won't be a can of worms to begin with. I have already accepted the fact that anything rooted in lies can and will get uprooted to show the truth and be transformed into whatever its true form was. But this wasn't just in the workplace, but also for me, personally. I attracted the wrong kind of people, those that prey on insecurities and the people pleasers and all that crappy stuff that apparently were still in my subconscious and in my energetic field. They all seem nice and shiny until the time that they show their true selves, which can really heck you up, big time. Weirdly a lot of people let down their guard around me and show their true selves, like even psychically I could feel out what kind of person these people were. I don't mind if those are just the stuff that I originally sense from them and then later find out that I'm on point, but are just benign nuances that I could live with. But there were times when I feel scared even just thinking about it because there was a time when I kept getting some ultra-low vibes, like from a sexual predator within the area, and, well, they kinda showed up, in my face. I was scared for my life. I guess some saving grace that I am still thankful for despite the events were that someone was around the area as well, so the predatory attacks were minimized to some degree which I can manage and escape from. Not fun, but it happens.
But I did everything to clear my thoughts!!!
Well, turns out my subconscious programming of not being enough, my constant depressive state that was at some point labeled as "high-functioning depression" which allowed me to hold a decent job while wanting to die at the same time (yeah I know it happens), being too-desperate for someone to fawn over me and tell me how nice and whatever I am, all those insecurities that were all a huge bunch of snow about to fall into a massive avalanche, the stuff that I didn't get to uncover through shadow work, these beliefs and ideas and notions of who I am as a person attracted really shady characters that, one way or another made me question my life choices over and over again. It's still a miracle that despite the crappy results, I am still OK putting myself out there, or at least seeing that as an option in the future.
Seriously, after what happened, if I can hide any further or bury myself in the ground just to make the pain stop, I would have done that. But at the same time, I am still doing my best to hold on to any form of hope that everything will get better. That at the very least, I can improve my discernment of people so that I can put my trust  on the right people at the right time. I am still hoping for that to happen, but right now, as the world is starting to feel the energies from the higher dimensional realms, I have consciously chosen to focus more on my own growth, because seriously, I have a lot of subconscious programming that are really hecked up, like big time.
For instance: I am more than willing to sell myself less that what I'm really worth, just to make do. Which, translated to conscious terms: I am not worthy to be recognized (and paid in all energetic ways) and be given what is rightfully due of me. How I am healing that idea at the moment: Building my skills as well as self-confidence through subconscious reprogramming that whatever I am right now, I am enough, and worthy of love from the universe. How I check if this belief has been changed: Muscle test, feelings test, because the subconscious mind can give answers to any Yes-No questions, or just paint a vivid picture of whatever it wants to say. Like. it doesn't even bother to spell or write. It just paints a picture and pulls up feelings and emotions that are familiar or alien to us, however that feels for us.
OK but we still haven't touched the topic of "Do opposites really attract?", Like don't keep us waiting here.
No worries fam, Mika-chi's got you. And this is what I really want to write here, but it would seem weird without my weird rambling premise above because I don't know, maybe it would seem to make sense once this part gets built.
Premise: Opposites attract I beg to differ, and offer this idea instead: You get attracted to anything that you "think" you don't have yet. Conversely, you don't get attracted to anything that you already have or you don't like because subconsciously you already have whatever that is.
I will be writing this through the lenses of being in a relationship of any kind, because that's what I can think about right now that may have some sense to most people. Also relationships are extremely over-rated or even misrepresented through mass media, so this notion might break the illusion to most, if not some.
How did I come up with such a dumb idea anyway?
Well, I did say it's going to be based on relationships, and because that's the kind of stuff I may have some experience on, that's what I'll post here. If you think or feel that I am ringing my own bells for writing stuff here that I have personally experienced, uhm.. I'd rather do that than steal someone else's blog and paste their own crap here. I may be blowing my own horns but at least I don't steal. My personal integrity is my most valuable possession right now, and I am doing my best to take care of it and help it grow. Also as a content creator here, or elsewhere, I recognize the value of creativity and anything that a person makes through their own skills and efforts, and I expect to get that same respect. I don't care if the creator of that content thinks it's ugly AF. If you ask me what I think, if you did it with all your heart and effort then it's beautiful AF, and I could feel that beauty energetically, hands down. Besides, if a person wants to improve, there's always a way to improve: do it everyday, learn and grow everyday.
Which brings me to the idea that opposites do not attract per se, but that what one lacks in itself, it tries to get for itself.
Case in point: Plants
Why do plants grow towards the sun? Like, even if you plant them upside-down, they will always do their best to grow to where the sun is.
Why is that?
Simple, plants know what they need, and they need sunlight. Sunlight to produce their own food. The sunlight helps the chlorophyll convert nutrients as well as the atmospheric carbon into sugars that they can store as food (photosynthesis, light reactions) But they don't have that sunlight all the time, so they grow more cells (leaf cells) to catch more sunlight, grow more cells to keep going towards the sun (vascular tissues aka their stems), so that they can keep going to where the sunlight shines the most.
OK, so how can I apply this to me and my own relationships? I don't photosynthesize and shit.
Yeah, great question you got there, and Mika-chi's got you covered.
But first, I will ask you something:
Think of your crush. Or your special person. Or your significant other, if you're blessed to have one right now. Now, think clearly, without the rose-tinted glasses, what made you sway towards them? Why do you like them? What makes them likeable to you? List as much as you can, take your time.
OK, now you've probably listed like what, 1, 3, 20, or how many reasons you got for liking that particular person.
NOW, for more hecking-ups, and be ABSOLUTELY HONEST with yourself, ok?
As you are right now, do you think YOU DON'T HAVE these attributes within you? Lemme rephrase that: In your list of "Why do I like/love my special person/significant other", DO YOU BELIEVE, that YOU DON'T HAVE ANY OF THOSE LIKEABLE STUFF RIGHT NOW?
Now, why did I even ask something as dumb and as triggering as that?
Simple really, it's likely that you liked that person because they probably have something that you secretly wanted, or subconsciously wanted to covet. Reaaaaaally think about that for a moment.
It can be that they're really nice and kind and warm. Or that they're thoughtful. Or they make you laugh and feel at ease. Or they're super-smart, tech-savvy, updated with the new stuff. Or maybe they're beautiful, handsome, aesthetically-pleasing. Can sing really good, or draws really well. Or good at games, console or not, digital or not. Or have really good leadership skills, or money skills, or they’re super-analytical logical. Or just being super-confident, self-assured, emotionally-secure.
Basically whatever you think is attractive.
But have you ever thought about the idea that... What if YOU started CULTIVATING those same stuff INSIDE YOU?
What would happen then? Would you still like them in the same way right now?
Now, just let the ideas sink in. You can leave this post right now and ponder about the ideas and come back later.
Just keep reading.
OK fam, whatever it is you’re thinking right now, I hate to break this to you but.... Whatever the case is, it all boils down to a basic idea:  You don't have those attributes yet so when you see someone with those traits you immediately hone in on them. And to be honest, this is something subconscious. You may "think" you don't know why, but unfortunately, this is probably the WHY.
BUT WHY????? How dare you say these blasphemous things!
Yeah, precisely, that's what I was thinking before I got my epiphany 7 years ago. It was both horrible and yet at the same time empowering, AF. It was also scary, and that's what got me thinking about how the entire thing about "opposites attract" was just one large piece of crap, which was later somewhat uppended by the LOA because again, the law states that YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU THINK/BELIEVE. And if you keep attracting crappy stuff, that's the subconscious beliefs thinking THAT'S WHAT YOU DESERVE, no matter how many positive affirmations your conscious mind eats everyday.
OK, putting this in a relationship perspective again, here's how I came up with that notion:
In my previous relationship, I basically tuned in to this dude because he has a lot of attributes that, in my 3D dead asleep mind found quite attractive, such as a tall height (cries in 5' lol but hey now I'm 5' 3/4" so yeah lol), really good with math (the dude's an engineering student), really commanding (somewhat Caucasian) facial features (laughs in my Southeast-Asian face lol), nice singing voice, good reasoning skills, clear and focused thinking, knows how to commit and attend to scheduled activities, draws structures, isometric drawings, and manga characters in ink really well (technical drawings especially inks do require a lot more skills than freehand penciling), can ride a big motorbike, and to be honest, is also an otaku like yours truly. In my 3D dead asleep way of thinking, I don't have a lot of these attributes, ok maybe I do have some like the OK singing voice, the commanding facial features (but with the looks of a typical Southeast-Asian), substantial reasoning skills (that's a requirement for science degrees lol), committment to schedules (as needed), and some substantial drawing skills (needed to draw bacterial cells, cheek cells, and chromosomes lol), but the other stuff, I don't have back then.
But then things changed when the Fire Nation attacked. LOL just kidding, NOT.
OK, so when the breakup happened (gah what a terrible segue lol) and after sometime, I strongly felt the need to build my self-esteem and self-confidence again, because let me tell you, getting dumped or rejected one way or another can really, REALLY take a toll on your entire being. Especially when you take any form of rejection as a personal attack, as a child. Yeah, I know right, it sucks. But some of us are programmed like that. And we have to degunk that junk so that we can heal ourselves and all that jazz. But at the time when that happened to me, I was still somewhat in the 3D dead asleep state, and what's worse was that aside from getting no resolution nor proper closure from the breakup (still have no idea why but I've gotten past that somehow), surprise, surprise, I've lost the ability to walk without enduring excruciating pain. I was basically living in my bed, no physical therapy other than me doing that on my own, and desperately trying to piece back whatever scraps of life I still hold in my hand. So I did something that felt so alien to me.
I started learning Math. Mind you, not college level math. Not even high school math. Yep. I learned elementary math. Primary level math. That was my major waterloo. I can't do that shit. I didn't even know the entire multiplication table back then. Yeah I survived and even graduated with a Science degree without knowing that basic shit. Laugh all you want, but I survived through college with a scientific calculator that was older than me and some basic knowledge of statistics. I flunked some subjects but they're math so yeah. But I still finished that science course which was full of math (suprise, surprise, I’m a Biology graduate, specialized in Genetics and that shit was full of math lol), even if I had to crawl.
But that was a long time ago, and being at my lowest low (back then) I needed something to fill in the void and help me become complete. So I learned primary math. I learned how to do long division (former boyfriend taught me but forgot a lot because I didn't get to use them a lot, just to get through the Civil Service Exam), recall the multiplication table better, divide decimals, and all the primary math stuff I don't know. I do get well with fractions and percentages though, so I guess at some point I have come to believe that I wasn't half as dumb as I thought I was.
I also took the time (before I lost my lower-limb powers) to learn how to draw realistic portraits of people, just to prove to myself that I have some self-worth of some sort. This drew in mixed reactions to people within my former social media network, ranging from "wow that's cool" to "stop wasting time get back to work". Of course, as with all of my efforts, I didn't learn the techniques as fast as I wanted them to learn, but there came a time that everything just clicked and things fell into place (I am eternally grateful to EXO for this, lol). It was a harsh, uphill battle to build my self-esteem to even half of what it was, and in a way, I was able to recover, for a while. Yeah, I know it wasn't the best way but at that time, I was hopelessly burying the gnawing pain of loss by doing the stuff that I thought I didn't have, but turns out that I actually did.
A few years in, I was feeling great, and I felt that nicer things were coming my way again. I started driving to work (my workplace was quite far), started to mentor thesis students again, and everything was going well despite some aspects that were still sucky. In a way, building myself back up to be stronger was a great plan, back then, just so I could show myself to the world again, and do stuff. I thought I was OK, but deep inside I was still wanting to have that closure that I never had, and by this time I haven't learned to BE CAREFUL OF WHAT TO WISH FOR, because boy oh boy the universe can get batshit crazy.
Due to a series of events, I ended up meeting the former boyfriend, like I have zero clue that it was even possible. I mean, back then, I felt that the universe was so mean to make it happen, because after that meetup there was STILL no closure. No apologies, no reasons given, nothing. And to be honest, I am still kicking myself every now and then because I SHOULD HAVE MOVED ON AFTER ALL THAT SHIT. In the end, I was unable to go to the deep roots of grieving for my original loss, and because that had a shaky foundation that only focused on the external stuff, it broke me.
SO it was time to step up to "why did I even like this person - Ver 2.0".
This process took quite a long time that by the time I was about to finish I was already at a screwed up place and feeling that same feeling again, of breaking and shattering again. It was just horrible AF but that time I had to kick myself in the butt to sincerely, just forgive and move on. That despite what happened to me, I can still come back on top and be my self-assured self. I had to build my mental capacity to be OK with being sucky and making mistakes. Not easy but doable, and by the time I was healed, I was already looking forward to having a fresh new start with someone MORE LIKE ME, maybe not now but in the future. I was, and still am doing my best to enjoy being a self-assured single grandma lol but also still being open to the idea of meeting someone better in the future, despite the pandemic right now. I mean, miracles can happen so I don't see why it can't lol
OK but you still haven't said anything about attracting or getting attracted to someone that seems your polar opposite, or not opposite.
Oh yeah, thank you for reminding me about that. Yeah, I was getting to that part..
So after meeting the former boyfriend and getting to chat and whatnot, I found out, energetically and through his mannerisms and speech that after all these years, HE WAS STILL THE SAME. But even more disturbing for me at that time, and probably still, is that HE WAS NOT WILLING TO LEARN AND CHANGE. To some degree. Maybe he held some contempt for me, maybe for him I'm just the crazy ex-gf, I'll probably never know (because we don't talk anymore lol but also at this point I’m like yeah sure whatever makes him happy I just don't care much anymore lol). So at that point, I was starting to think "Why did I fell for this dude again?" Like seriously, I didn’t know anymore. We've drifted so far apart that we're basically polar opposites, and to be honest I feel a bit disappointed with myself that I actually fell for someone like that. I mean, yeah, sure, he has his good points, but the fact that through all the years I was with this person, I could strongly feel that he was keeping a lot of stuff from me, maybe just to keep the peace, maybe just to shut me up, and here I was having strong alarm bells ringing and telling me that "this dude be lyin." And the more I pushed him to be honest, the more he rebelled.
In the end, looking back, he never felt safe to be vulnerable with me, in the entirety of that relationship, and up to this day I still feel horrible that I was unable to be the safe haven for him like he was for me. For him, he probably valued peace and harmony more than being honest with whatever he was feeling inside. I personally value honesty and transparency more than the harmony and peace, because the reality of life is that if a person is kind enough, even though your ideas and beliefs are disharmonious, if the person has some kindness inside them, the differences can easily be overlooked because kindness brings upon respect. Unfortunately in our case, we weren't woke enough to even realize that. Even worse was that my insecurities due to my hecked up childhood more likely pushed him to the farthest regions of the universe, so I won't blame him if he thinks I'm worse than the stinkiest food in the world. Heck, even I still cringe whenever I remember being such an insecure bitch, really, like that was so far from me right now, but at the same time I am doing my best to embrace that insecure bitch because at the end of it all, if I never realized that, I'm still probably stuck in the same space, and still pining for a person who will never, ever love me back the way I wanted to be loved, nor could I ever give hime the love he wanted and needed. Well, to be honest, that whole shit was a karmic thing anyway so I am just doing my best to forgive the past, to grow to be a much more loving, compassionate person, but at the same time taking zero shit from everyone. Yeah still building the no-BS musculature so I could love others as much as I can love myself. I think that's fair, right?
So right now, at present, based on what I have gathered so far from my past experiences, everything that I felt that I didn’t have, I did my best to build inside me. To the best of my abilities. And each time I uncover one shadow after another, I do my best to forgive and accept that shadow as a part of me. In a way, it healed me, and brought me self-assurance of what I am and what I am worth. It also helped me decide on what would be the most important traits or characteristics for me in finding that special someone in the future. For instance, realizing what are the things and beliefs that I deem important, for me, if I do not see that in another person, or worse, if they're totally the polar opposite of what I believe in, I see a huge opportunity to move on fast. Because it does not reflect what I have. For example, if a person is not in the path of self-development, self-improvement or in the journey of spiritual awakening or whatever the heck I am in right now, that's already one major thing that would help me walk away in the other direction. Or, if a person choses to be extremely polarized and not wanting to see any other perspectives with regards to problems or issues, I'd start walking out the door. Or if a person just underestimates my capabilities, or thinks I'm dumb and I don't know what I'm talking about, without even listening or hearing me at all, I'd fly away as fast as I can right there and then. Or the biggie, when a person has zero empathic skills and always looks down on others or laughs at the shortcomings of other people without evaluating the person as a whole. I'd take the first train out of there, because seriously, why choose such people to be with, other than being scared of loneliness? Honestly, I'd rather be alone than be with a person that I can't stand to be with, just because society or my insecurities dictate it. I love myself enough to walk away from such "securities" in my life, because at the end of the day, I deserve better things. And these people also deserve to be with people that reflects who they are deep inside, no hard feelings there.
Of course, despite all that esoteric stuff, finding an aesthetically-pleasing tall-statured dude is still on my list, but this time, with more bearings on the internal traits, which are mostly what I already have with me, so that I can let go of all the relationship dramas that society deems "normal". Because really, it is possible to remove dramas in relationships, I mean, dramas are really just optional garbage that everyone can opt out of, but to make that happen it takes two to tango. Still doable though, which is why the concept of "conscious uncoupling" exists, as well as "conscious coupling". And honestly, I would really, really want to give the idea of "conscious coupling" a try, because frankly, if a person can move past the subconscious programming and make improvements in such a way that all relationships become healthy for everyone involved, I don't see any reasons for hearts being broken, nor families and individuals becoming broken through doing a lot of unconscious processes aka 3D dead asleep consciousness. Otherwise, repeating patterns and cycles of negativity, abuse, and just overall sucky relationships will keep coming back in various shapes or forms, with different people and circumstances, until one way or another, a person chooses to do something totally different and to consciously change.
Oh glob, this was quite a long-ass post, but I hopefully made my points clear. If not, I'll make a summary and conclusion portion here:
The idea that opposites attract have long been deemed as something legitimate and logical, due to magnetic poles, but this notion directly opposes the Law of Attraction through the implementation processes, as LOA states that attraction to or of something happens with anything or everything that you want and/or already have. But looking past that, it must be clearly stated that in order for LOA to work as normal and not allow the "Opposites Attract" paradigm to occur, a subconscious clearing of any opposing beliefs must be in order. Otherwise, what a person wants will not come to them but what is the opposite, because the subconscious wants something else and this something else is what gets magnified through subconscious manifestations and gets magnetized into the person's life, hence the operation of the "Opposites Attract" paradigm into the person's life and not the LOA. With such premises, these concepts are also applicable to the nature of human relationships, wherein a person's subconscious beliefs about themselves and their own perceived self will keep attracting the same kind of love that people around them imprinted to them during their early years, which can manifest as having low self-esteem, low self-worth, near-zero self-confidence, not feeling enough, and the person they get into a relationship with will keep reflecting these beliefs to them by getting the kind of treatment their subconscious believes that they deserve, until these people become consciously aware of these patterns and correlate these to how other people treated them in the past and still do in the present. As such, it needs a strong, conscious decision and a committed effort to reprogram the subconscious mind to stop the "Opposites Attract" paradigm and to allow the true LOA to work for people, because in the end, LOA is a formidable force that works for all people in all walks of life, awakened and consciously living, or not.
Again, thank you so much for reading this very long post, but I hope it helped you in any way.
Wishing you all the best that life has to offer, I remain your friend, Mikazuki
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Thank you so much and be blessed!
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