#I love her but she probably wouldn't be the best of company either
onaperduamedee · 2 years
Moiraine for the blorbo chart? 🙏
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Hello, I realise that some of these may be contradictory but listen, I was switching between my Doylist and Watsonian hats while making this and now I am too tired to give more cohesive answers. In short, I enjoy that the narrative is giving her such a tough time, as well as the privilege to be the maker of her own demise, but...
She's (canonically) very little and you are hurting her.
Thank you for playing!
Send me blorbos and I'll rate them.
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seratopia · 1 year
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miguel o'hara x reader (fluff) - intoxicated → she/her pronouns!
modern ceo au! what happens when miguel is drunk
It's extremely rare when Miguel goes out to drink with coworkers, it's rare enough when Miguel gets out to go anywhere in general. He's either cooped up in his office, glued to his work, or glued to you at home.
You suggested to Miguel earlier this week about getting out to a bar, along with a few of the other higher-ups of the company. It's healthy to get out, you said, even if all he's going to be doing is drinking alcohol and eating meat.
Miguel's only good with people in a more professional sense; he's not the best at being all buddy-buddy with people he usually works with. He's quiet the entire time he's at the bar, occasionally taking a bored nibble at a bowl of loaded fries.
He kind of regrets this; surrounded by loud music, loud people, TV's with sports games playing in the background. He just misses you, he wants to come home and make food with you.
One of his coworkers, nudged him in the side a bit, obviously gesturing towards the wide array of various drinks and juices.
"Might as well have a drink while you're at it." He says, and Miguel is just stone-faced the entire time. The man walks away towards the remaining group of coworkers, possibly to either go dance, or to stare at girls from afar.
Considerably, it's been a while since he's had a drink. One or two wouldn't hurt, especially as a last minute scrounge for enjoyment in this god-awful bar.
Slowly, Miguel nurses on a drink provided by a suspiciously sleek bartender, leaning his cheek into his palm whilst taking a couple sips. He can feel the wolfish eyes of various women & men staring at him, feeling somehow exposed in his tight white button-up and simple pants. If only you were here, to sit in his lap and run your little hands against his chest.
The thought makes his head spin, a violent hot warmth running up his cheeks, his mind being blurred like a smudge on someone's reading glasses. The room's almost tilting sideways, the thoughts in his head dissolving away. (miguelito is a lightweight because i say so)
Miguel's drunk, for the first time in literal years.
He doesn't like it; he feels out of control of his body, unable to think or function correctly. He feels like a different person entirely, his eyes replaced with jelly and the tips of his ears turning scarlet.
The drink tasted good and all, but Miguel's thoughts on you feel magnified, every feature, every action you do running through his head like a cassette tape. He misses you more, and he really wants to see you.
Cleverly, he pulls out his phone, sighing to himself on the counter. It takes him a moment to put in his phone password correctly, fingers drunkenly tapping on the screen until he can find your contact.
. . .
You receive a text notification at about 9:43. Expectedly, you knew Miguel probably wouldn't make it through the whole night, but you're proud of him for trying. You open up your phone, amidst watching a show in bed.
miguelito💞💓: My love, I am intoxicated.
The text makes you giggle a little, imagining him all red-faced and tripping over himself with his coworkers.
Conveniently, you receive another text, one from the person you asked to keep an eye on Miguel.
It's a picture of Miguel with his head leaned against the counter, lovingly zooming in on a picture of your face with his phone. His ears are red, and there's a half-drunken drink beside him.
james q: he says he misses you. want me to take him home? you: it's okay, thanks tho. i'll be there in 10 to get him. james q: 👍
Assuming Miguel's still on his phone, you shoot him a text.
you: i see u looking at me
You giggle to yourself, and Miguel is visibly both shocked and excited, peering left to right as if you were magically in the bar.
miguelito💞💓: Please pick me up. I hate it here. you: ok sweetie, be there in 10
. . .
Despite the hour, the bar is bustling as ever, populated with underage girls wearing slip dresses and drunk frat boys. You worm through the building, searching left and right for your husband through the cacophonous bar.
Finally, you spot him where the counter is, big head tucked into crossed arms.
Gently, you slip your hand onto his shoulder, warmly rubbing him awake. At first he flinches, staring at you as if you were a stranger. He relaxes a few seconds later, lovingly and drunkenly fixating on you.
"Hey hun, I'm here to take you home." You say, and Miguel feels so warm, so comforted in contrast to the rash environment of the pub. He wants to kiss you, but he's too drunk to focus.
Without a word, Miguel rises from his bar stool, arms and hands immediately inching around your shoulders. He doesn't realize it, but he's pressing more of his body weight onto you, leaning on top of you like a slug.
Seeing you roll away the finest, sexiest piece of man as if it were nothing makes the party around you fume, their thoughts of asking for a number shattered within a minute or two.
Miguel trails after you, gluing himself to your back as you maneuver yourself out of the stuffy bar. Finally, you're out in the cool air of the dark, muffled edm music booming from the block's other counterparts.
The sidewalk is somewhat barren, scattered with a few people smoking or walking.
"I missed you, s'much." Miguel slurs, seeing the outline of your car in the dark parking lot.
"I know you did, baby. Now you get to come home with me and we can do whatever you want, like we promised." You say, unlocking your car with the press of your key.
He smiles just a teensy bit, his heart warming at the thought of snuggling up to you in bed, or cooking a late-night meal of sorts with you while a show plays in the background.
Miguel's the passenger princess tonight, adjusting the seat backwards so he can actually sit. He stares at you the entire time through bleary eyes, watching you start the car as if it were the most artistic and most beautiful thing ever.
"I love you." Miguel says, and you can feel the gratuity in his voice.
"I love you too."
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© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I don’t see any Castlevania asks and that makes me sad as HELL
How would (Y/N) react to Lisa’s burning? How would Dracula’s war court react to her? And Hector and Isaac?
I'm gonna go down the platonic route and make reader Lisa and Dracula's daughter, biological or kidnapped/adopted.
Obviously, any normal human would not react well to anyone being burned at the stake- ALIVE. And maybe when the villagers caught Lisa, they caught you as well and thought you were a witch too. They burned your mother first and just when they had started to burn you, Dracula came and swooped you up and away, along with his now dead wife's remains and while you passed out due to inhaling all the smoke, sustaining some minor burn injuries and well- EXHAUSTION AND TRAUMA, your father returned to slay the entire village and later wreak havoc on all of humanity. Really, a justified reaction from a family man.
Anyways, he returns home with you in his arms and then nurses you back to health all while killing everyone outside. Now, he may still be soft to you but you are absolutely forbidden from leaving the castle. Like you cant even go outside even if Dracula accompanies you. No, he's lost his wife and if youre their bio kid who is more human than vampire unlike your older brother Alucard, then Dracula is way more protective of you. After all, he did see you almost die and really, you remind him far too much of his wife, of her humanity and her kind heart to help others that eventually got her killed.
Initially, right after Lisa's death, Dracula didn't even allow you to even leave your room, too paranoid about some unknown force killing you and him not being able to save you in time. Eventually though, with other vampires and monsters(under his control obv) in the castle, he let you out of your room, but still not out of the castle, and thats when you found out that he had thrown out Alucard and (sort of disowned him??) because your brother was not in favour of Dracula either killing the world or locking you up.
Now, like I said before, Dracula is still soft for you but with Lisa's death he's become a little... emotionally crippled. He has too much pain and hatred inside him, and he's doing his very best that you dont end up on the receiving end of these very negative and very dangerous emotions. However, he sometimes... loses control. When you keep on persisting about how all of this is wrong, about how he shouldnt kill ALL humans, how he shouldnt lock you up or break what remains of this family, he lets his anger out on you. Only a little. He'd yell at you, tell you that you're far too stupid an naive and stubborn to understand what he's doing or why, ask if you're going to side with those murderers that you so desperately want to save over your own family? Are you that blind? He'd drag you back to your room, lock you in there because he wont have you questioning him like he's the bad guy here.
But soon after that, he'd be found sitting in front of one of Lisa's portraits, probably one where she's cradling baby you and he'd start talking to her, trying to explain himself, how he did not mean to blow up at you but you just wouldn't listen to him. The one sided conversation would always end with Dracula feeling guilty and he returns to your room with a heavy heart that just sinks more when he sees you asleep, tear streaks now drying on your cheeks. Sitting on your bed, he'd pet your hair, mumble something about how he loves you and cant afford to risk losing you, smiling softly when you shuffle closer to him.
Since Dracula knows Hector is loyal and sincere to him, he will allow you to have him as your friend. After all, you would need some company in the castle and vampire dad on murder spree is not exactly someone who is ideal for friendship at the moment. So, he permits and even encourages Hector to socialise with you and comfort you. And Hector has a bleeding heart too, so you're in luck because he will happily listen to you express your emotions and provide you with free therapy (he makes dead, one missing limb/eye puppies alive for you🥺) He just wanna protect u too, and while he doesnt agree with you being locked up in the castle, its better than the alternative. Also, has and will fight Isaac 1000% if he talks shit about you because youre human.
As for the court, they know that you are now the only thing dear to Dracula, and while one wouldnt say that you have the vampire king wrapped around your finger, he comes pretty close to it. But its no use really because they cant exactly use you to make Dracula listen to them... or can they?
Considering that you're pretty against the whole "Vampire uprising-kill all humans" plan, they cant persuade you to enslave or kill humans. What they can do is gain Dracula's favour by being... kind to you? Okay take Carmilla for example (because she's the only one I can remember from the court. Her and the brash, red haired vamp?) Now she's smart, she's manipulative and she knows exactly how to use this opportunity. She starts to befriend you by first agreeing that she understands why you're against your father's actions but also tells you that you must understand his decisions from his side. "Your mother was a kind woman, a brilliant doctor and from what I've heard, your father loved her very much. And if you've ever been in love, then you would understand why he's doing all of this." And of course Dracula overhears this because come on, nothing happens in his castle without his knowledge. So yes, he shows slight favouritism towards Carmilla among the court and he may allow her to hang around you a bit (only after Carmilla convinced him that you needed a female friend in your life, and its always better to be in her company than any of those perverted men of his court) but even then, Dracula doesn't completely trust her around you and so he wont allow you two be in contact often.
Dracula would also be way more conscious of your feelings with time, because he will realise eventually that he was far too caught up in his own pain and plan for vengeance that he forgot to see how you were coping with the loss of your mother. If any of the vampires are heard saying something even remotely mean to you, if he even hears Isaac even breathing in disgust at the sight of you because you were part human, they will be swiftly dealt with (girl, he murders them all).
You're his baby, his sweet human kid, his little princess and he wont have anyone or anything taking you away from him. (LET HIM PULL YOU IN HIS LAP AND WRAP HIS CLOAK AROUND YOU AND DRIFT OFF IN HIS ARMS BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY WARMTH LEFT FOR HIS COLD DEAD HEART OMGGGG)
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Ah i miss Castlevania asks too, platonic yandere castlevania asks especially. everyone send in ur asks.
(omg what about yandere brother Trevor Belmont?)
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babsisbakery · 1 month
Part of the Aftermath
Lia Walti x fem!reader (part 2 of How far will you take it)
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 All Lia could do after reading the letter was to cry. She has never been such a big mess. She was full on sobbing her soul out. It didn't take her long to realise her mistakes, all the times she mistreated you. Every memory with you replayed in her mind. If only she had cherished them instead of taking you for granted. Some part of her consciousness told her, it doesn't matter you will stay with her anyways. That you wouldn't be able to live without her. That your life circled around her, and to some extent it was true. That she could toy as much with you as she pleased and you would run along with it. Was this the devil on her shoulder, who didn't have her best interests in mind? Or was this her ego and narcissism speaking? How was she so blind to your suffering? Well there is a simple answer to the last question, you were brilliant in adapting to people and their energy. But you also could hide your emotions and switch from sad to seemingly happy in an instant. You yourself couldn't differentiate between fake and real smiles anymore. When you were alone, it switched back to your real emotion. To the fatigue brewing in your heart and stomach of pretending. 
The tragedy of it all, always behaving as someone you aren't. It took a toll on you. Additionally Lia’s game of cat and mouse wore you incredibly out. Late nights up, crying in bed, quietly, while Lia lays next to you. She never noticed, she probably didn't care either. But you would have done anything to make your girlfriend gleeful. It showed. You sacrificed yourself in the process. Lia enjoyed your company, your devotion without giving the same in return. It's how she thought you'd like it. Let's be real, she didn't truly believe that nonsense. But with this mindset she could sleep without a worry at night, to not stay awake as you do. She didn't have to face reality in a way, she took a liking to having an idyllic life, at least for her it portrayed as such. But the colours of the painting began to fade, turning into greyish tones, the livelihood of it seemed to cease. 
Lia had sucked the real person out of you. You didn't stop her until your best friend joined the club and talked some sense into you. At first you didn't listen, well until Lia reached the end of your patience. The last argument was a huge deal for you but Lia waved you off. “I don't want to talk anymore. We will talk later.” But later never comes as we know. She disappeared on you for three days. Didn’t return home. Her actions inspired you to write the letter and camp at your bestie's house. Because only fools stick around when the love is all gone. The love appeared to have vanished into thin air. Puff and it was gone. However love can't  just vanish out of nowhere, it took its sweet time torturing you. The tortured poets department would have hired you immediately. Making you look like a joke. And Lia was the clown who told it. Forming the joke to her benefit, stretching it out, prolonging the inevitable: finishing the joke and being done with it. But she wasn't done with you per say. Deep in her heart she sensed longing for you, she got a taste of her own medicine when arriving at an empty home. Not seeing you at training spurred questions to arise. She worried about your well being, which was something new or at least so it seemed.
The sorrow of potentially losing you forever overtook her. With each passing moment the wheels in her head kept turning, trying to figure out what to do, she still had a chance to make it alright, to fix her miserable life. Most importantly to fix her relationship. To fix your broken heart, to make amends with you. To ask for your forgiveness and start a new era. An era of commitment and unwavering love. To love you the right way. Simultaneously to be the girlfriend you deserve and the better person she can be because of you. The question is will Lia convince you to stay or will she set you free to be at peace? Which path will she choose?...
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mixelation · 1 month
i got yet another comment confused about mutagenicity's itatori so i guess i will write. what are these called. a shipping manifesto???
so first i will disclaim that this ship started as a joke and then proceeded to have me waffle around what i thought the dynamic would be, so some posts probably contradict each other. i was also on the fence about producing shippy content of tori with ANYONE for a while (i have very obviously changed my stance on this lmao)
so first, context. tori and itachi have a long, complicated history with each other. in plasticity, tori makes it clear she has no interest in fucking with itachi's goals, but she's also fully and demonstrably capable of doing just that, even by accident. she is also, by the events of mutagenicity, the only person in the entire world who knows his full backstory. he actively recruits her to konoha both because tori Knowing Things means he needs to keep an eye on her (because who the fuck knows what she will do) but also because he sees her as a valuable ally.
tori spends plasticity both with anxiety that itachi might do something horrible to her, resenting him for the power he holds over her, and then also low key enjoying his company. eventually she will realize he'd probably make her best possible ally.
in mutagenicity, they end up close friends. this is both because they're on the same team and also because they are fucked up adults in tweenaged bodies. who else are they supposed to hang out with? actual children? i don't think either would rank the other as their BEST friend, but they are pretty close. itachi respects tori's skills from day 1 and will defer to her on certain topics, which is not something he will do for most people. tori agrees to high treason to kill danzo for itachi with zero questions, conditions, or asking for anything in return, which does absolute wonders for itachi's affection for her. they end up with a deep, mutual trust for each other, and they enjoy each other's company
the part that started as a joke (and i'm leaving in because i think it's 1) funny, and 2) a great way to spotlight itachi's insane personality) is that itachi decides they should date without telling tori.
the reason for this is basically that his clan duty is to marry and have kids, so around age 16 mikoto starts shoving girls at him. the idea here is: the uchiha are progressive enough that his parents would prefer a love marriage for their son, but the marriage does have to happen, and itachi has yet to show romantic interest in literally everyone. itachi's issue with this is that he..... kind of hates other people. he doesn't want to date random teenage girls, but mikoto is a seasoned social manipulator and he keeps ending up in situations like "alone in the park with some girl and they're both eating ice cream HOW DID THIS HAPPEN." also now suddenly women are interested in him because he's a well-known celebrated genius important clan heir. his life? is hell?
and then he realizes all his problems would be solved if he simply got his own girlfriend. so he sits back and reflects on "women my age that i wouldn't hate spending time with" and the only answer is tori. so he starts inviting her places and obviously she says yes because they are friends and she enjoys spending time with him.
eventually tori figures out he's.... dating her? and she gets mad and breaks up with him because THAT'S AN INSANE THING TO DO, ITACHI. but then after she cools off she decides, actually, this is a great arrangement. she DOES like hanging out with itachi, but he does this annoying thing where he'll disappear for months because he's bad at socializing, and if they're dating she can strong arm him into not doing that. a lot of typical date activities are fun and she likes having an excuse to dress up. she likes making him pay for stuff (tori is also horrible). she likes the trickery/deception angle. she likes the social advantage of having someone she can make go with her to events, the fact that having a boyfriend means sexual harassment goes down, the bragging rights, etc.
so tori goes back to him and proposes they "fake date" for mutual benefit. dw, itachi, tori is also a seasoned manipulator, and this will go SO MUCH BETTER for you if you let her be in charge of it. and itachi is like "she is SO right, what was i thinking, tori loves fucking with people's heads--" and they start dating again!
except they aren't like..... romantic. like, both of them, as people, are not super into romance. they don't give off Dating Vibes to most people, unless you're part of their inner circle, in which case you're just witnessing itachi and tori discovering they have a mutually compatible approach to dating and romance. they're both treating it like some sort of long-term mission because they're both morons in the same direction, but if you're like deidara or shisui or someone, you've just had the horrible realization that they're probably going to marry each other.
itachi and tori think they are in cahoots. it is only a bonus that the cahoots are fun. however yes at some point when you've committed hard enough and are having enough fun, the cahoots are simply a committed relationship
tori: hey, are you ever going to go find a wife? wasn't that the plan?
itachi: (imagines dating literally anyone else) (imagines being less close to tori)
itachi: (don'tlikethat.jpeg)
itachi: .......do you want to marry me
tori: hm
tori: (imagines not being with itachi any more) (doubt.jpeg)
tori: yeah that sounds good
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theveesbf · 3 months
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Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily X Reader - (Charlie, Angel Dust - part 1)
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︴Notes - Hello! Again, not a request but I'm having a boost of ideas HAHAHS anyways yeah uh this is more of a self insert because the reader is basically me but uhm yeahhh I hope anyone can read it 🙏
︴Content - Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily headcannons with a reader who has insomnia but likes to sleep during the day, dislikes studying, forget things often, is distracted easily, is shy but gets talkative once comfortable around them, gets easily angry, is an ambivert and likes to do art.
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Charlie would be worried about your health, especially since you don't sleep a lot at night.
One thing she noticed is that when you're awake during the night, you go and find something to do.
Most of the time you're drawing, writing or just playing games while listening to music.
Charlie understands that you have difficulty in falling asleep and all but she'd still insist on trying to help you.
You agreed even if you knew it wouldn't change a lot without proper medicine for it.
Charlie also saw that you usually didn't slept at night no matter what happened, but ended up sleeping during the day.
That made you not interact with a lot of them too often because they're usually sleeping when you're awake.
But there's always someone who woke up or didn't sleep yet to talk to you.
Sometimes you liked it, sometimes you didn't. Depended 100% on your mood.
One thing Charlie is a bit confused is when you told her that you didn't like studying.
That's not a problem, the thing is that you spend a lot of time on random things and then say you hate to study 😭
She understands you though, I feel like math isn't something Charlie really likes.
But she loves history, and it seems that you like it too!
Charlie never touched a video game before, but for you she'd try to learn just to make you company.
Also, she tries to only call you for hotel activities that doesn't require a lot of effort to do, because she knows you don't like it a lot.
Something that she can't help with, is how you get distracted easily and have a poor memory.
Charlie can't help because she's literally the same!
So you two end up forgetting a lot of things. But hey it's fine! It's not like someone remembered it to be mad!
Charlie was really happy when you finally got comfortable around her because she noticed you were really shy.
Which made her try to get you to participate on more activities with the other residents, but once she saw how uncomfortable you looked she gave up on that idea.
Though she's trying to make you be less shy! Even if it's with little progress.
Charlie sometimes get taken back by your coldness because you're usually chill and happy around her.
But when she asked you about it, she learned that you randomly get grumpy and tired of everything and that makes you get a bit sassy towards others...
That makes you feel guilty and she tells you it's totally fine, she doesn't take it to heart!
Probably gave you an anti-stress ball or something to fidget when she saw you scream at the couch because you accidentally bumped into it.
She loves to hug you, especially when you get angry and instead of screaming or whatever you just start crying.
It breaks her heart seeing crying like that, so it's her job to go and comfort you!
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Angel Dust is worried about you, but he isn't the best example himself..
I mean, he's either doing drugs or coming back from his work during the middle of the night so he doesn't really have a sleeping schedule-
That doesn't mean he isn't going to try to help you.
Angel Dust isn't one to invalidate people's feelings, so if you got angry at him trying to make you go to sleep he'd stop.
But instead he would love to just, stay there, awake with you doing whatever.
He's genuinely interested on your hobbies, especially the drawing and playing games one.
Angel Dust probably wanted to try games but never had the chance you know? So when you find out about it, you ask him to play with you.
He'd be really happy with it, but also get (jokingly) mad at you for making fun of him for when he died to a zombie on Minecraft.
Angel Dust notices after some time how easily distracted you are, and honestly, it's a bit funny.
You're there telling him a random thing that happened to you, and then you stop and change the topic to why Charlie was running around the hotel.
Even forgetting about what you were saying before! Which makes him also notices that your memory is shit.
Like, I feel like Angel Dust's definetly going to help you with it, even if it's just placing some notes on your desk with things like "Finish that drawing" "We're playing tonight ;)" or things like this.
Angel Dust knows that you are shy, because when he went to talk to you he thought you were going to run away from how nervous and red you were.
At first he even thought you had a crush on him! I mean not like you don't but 🥰
Now you don't even shut up! And it's definetly a good thing for him, Angel loves to listen to you babble about any of your interests.
He also knows how to see when you're in your "Good mood" or "Bad mood".
When you're in a bad mood, you're usually more cold and sassy to everyone, but you apologize right after you come back to the good mood again.
You have a bad temper, and Angel Dust remembers to not get on your nerve because he doesn't want you to get even more stressed.
I mean, he saw you lose a pencil and then yell at nothing just to find the pencil right after.
But when you just, cry instead of scream, that makes him really worried.
If you allow, he's going to pull into a hug, or a cuddle. Whatever makes you feel better.
He even let you pet Fat nuggets because he knows how much you love him😭
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novthewolf · 10 months
Two’s company, three’s a family - Part three
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Summary : As a cupid, an angel of love, your mission was to make sure everyone was paired up with the right person. Yet you couldn’t get your two most ancient clients to finally end up together. And despite the 6,000 years spent on the case, you couldn’t bring yourself to give them up, not oblivious to the reason.
Pairing : Aziraphale x Crowley / GN!Reader x Crowley / GN!Reader x Aziraphale (polyamorous relationship).
Parts : First - Previous - Next
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : Reference to "Red Flags" (Tom Cardy), quick s3x mention, non-con touching (not s3xual), depiction of anxiety, foul language, slow burn, english isn’t my first language.
Words : +3k
The sweet light of a summer day pierced through the branches of the surrounding trees. The sky was unexpectedly blue, and the air was just starting to heat up, tingling your exposed skin. It was so enjoyable; as you basked in the environment, you were almost forgetting your clients.
You were currently sitting on the storefront awning across the cafe where the date was occurring. It was going really well, and their bond was amazing too. It took you six years to find your client's perfect match. You won't deny the fact that you were picky; however, you weren't going to apologise for it either. If your clients had to spend their whole lives with someone, you should at least try not to pair them up with the most infuriating person that God ever made.
But dang, you had to admit, she was fantastic ! They were literally made for each other. They were so in sync, it was truly adorable. When two people were obviously made for each other, it was your duty to make sure Eternity would welcome both of them. Never to be apart. You rubbed your stretched-skinned right arm.
Ooh, you're going to get so much love from this, your numbers gonna skyrocket...
You send a wave of curiosity your client's way, inciting him to question her more; the more interest he shows in her, the more pleased she'll be. He reached out and rested his hand on hers.
"By the way, do you have a favourite film ?" He asked, eager to see if they also had the same cinematographic tastes. She was so cultured and sophisticated; it was really refreshing to encounter someone of her kind. Yeah, she was one of a kind, alright. Oh, how could you have foreseen what she was about to answer ?
"Oh yes, just basically the best movie of all ! A masterpiece of art, really. You may have heard of it." She was trying to hide just how much she was yearning to scream the name of that movie. Anxious even, for some reason.
"Mmh. Interstellar ?" He tried to guess playfully. But she was jubilant; you knew she wouldn't be able to play along. You frowned, becoming fairly worried, wondering if she would implode.
"Mh-hm ! Wrong !" She giggled, ecstatic. Now you're just scared. You gulped in sync with the client as she stood up and slammed her hands on the metal table. As she exclaimed, finally freed from her own guilt, you thought that some people should have a warning of their own. For the good of society.
"It's Human Centipede !" She clapped and beamed.
Oh, for the love of God... Obviously, your guy was rightfully alarmed since he believed he'd never see his mom again. You left your perch and flew their way; right now, you had to prevent him from running away. Both of your hands settled on his shoulder.
"Custom disguise was truly a highlight, but I mostly liked it for the plot." How can someone so cute fill you with so much dread ? Although your hold was already firm, you couldn't help but twist Arlo's shoulders. Yes, Arlo was his name, but he was closer to Denver, personality-wise.
"I'm not quite familiar with the plot, actually." Oh, you poor unfortunate soul. He didn't know, or maybe he'd rather live in full and hurtful denial his entire life than relive that abominable day when his soul was shattered into a million pieces... Mmh, he probably just didn't know.
"In a nutshell, a German doctor sews three people's asses to their mouths." Her wide brown eyes seemed to belong to the deadliest apex predator. Send help, please. Blinking was out of the question; turn your eyes away for a second, and she'll stab you right in the throat. You darted your eyes towards the butter knife. You exclaimed sharply and miraculously removed it. Better safe than sorry.
You exhaled; you felt so puzzled right now. Every human deserves love, despite having a passion for obscure and particular forms of art. But was this truly the best person for him ? The last thing you wanted was their misery. What if her interests were real signs of psychopathy ? Of future abuse ? She didn't give the impression of abusive behaviour.
You squinted your eyes and started analysing her heart through your own. Contrary to humans, your heart was nested in the very centre of your chest and could be used as a filter. Usually you'd pick up the scent—yes, every emotion had a smell, and thankfully it was faint when you weren't using your heart—guide it towards your chest, and find what you were looking for. Your heart is a great multi-function machine and an amazing tool to achieve your goals; you were thankful for it.
A relieved sigh passed your lips when you didn't sense any brutality or cruelty. And what you felt was passion, ambition, eagerness to start something new, quite a bit of lust, and straight-up horniness.
Mmh, you had to admit that this demon of lust was a talented lad.
"The narrative of character growth comes from a genius mind ! The Human Centipede is a wonderful tour de force; you should watch it. Or, we could watch it together, and I'll show all the little details."
You rolled your eyes and smirked. She was just quirky, but she was looking forward to hitting it off with him. But, still, you wanted it to be his choice; you wouldn't force someone into a relationship and spend eternity with someone they didn't belong with. But it might be the only true relationship they will ever have. You looked over to him and were honestly surprised to see him blush and watch her with such attention. Alright. You shrugged. His mind was sent.
You nodded, even though you knew he couldn't see you. You flew away, leaving enough distance to let them take off themselves. You stretched your arm, aimed, and silently hoped it was not morbid curiosity on his part. And finally shot.
Yay ! Right in the hearts!
Nice shot; you praised yourself.
They flinched and smiled brightly. The deal is sealed. Suddenly, the clocks in the watchmaker store struck eleven a.m. You struggle to swallow. Alright, here goes nothing.
You went down to the street corner and called out the invisibility spell. You walked casually through the street but couldn't help but overhear the lovebirds conversation.
"My dream wedding would 100% be themed "Human Centipede"." She laughed so joyfully. Everyone around was looking so distraught but didn't dare say anything. Mmh.
"That would be so cool! Imagine just how much we could save on the catering bill." He burst out in laughter; it was hilarious.
Good luck with that, Adriel...
And that's another wedding you will not attend. Thank God they weren't in your department anymore.
You had arrived before Aziraphale, so you would have time to report to Chamuel. Yep, the Archangel of Love himself. No pressure... You weren't the same rank as Aziraphale; he was a Principality. You ? Well, not anymore. You were simply under the order of an Archangel, not having a specific rank, really... Jophiel was your boss, to be exact, Chamuel's subordinate and bounded. So meeting up just one Archangel was already a big deal.
You rode the escalator while poking random fingers on your chest to calm your nerves and erase all of your emotions. You hoped they wouldn't notice the change. You hoped Chamuel didn't show up during the reunion concerning the Anti-Christ. You hoped that everything would be alright.
You exhaled for a long time, entering the endless building of light. Steadily, you made your way towards your bosses. Impassive. Calm. You spotted Chamuel and your principality, and you stopped a few feet away.
"Hello Y/N ! How are you today ?" What a dashing smile he had—too white to be human. His deep green eyes were scanning your own. His attention was nerve-wracking.
"I am fine; thank you, Chamuel." Your tone was as neutral as you could manage. Your posture was rigid, trying to stay as still as possible.
"I too hope you two are doing well."
"We are, thank you... Now, how's your heart ? Has it caused you any problems ?" His pale hand suddenly patted your mid-chest, too rough for your liking. You flinched but didn't dare say anything. Mmh. Behind him, Jophiel was looking at you up and down, keeping her distance. She still gave you a brief, tight smile.
"I am fine, thank you." You sounded straight-up robotic.
"Good !" He clapped his hands together and shook them. He took his place beside the dark-blond angel, his vivid blond hair harmonising with hers.
"Your recent results have been quite impressive, Y/N. Very good fuel for the upcoming war". Jophiel praised you while never fully looking your way.
You simply bowed your head, despite how geedy you actually felt. She didn't praise a lot, so you were delighted.
"Even from just a few minutes ago ! You are doing an excellent job. I appreciate the constant flow of love; it almost keeps the Bound together." He laughed heartily. You bowed your head again; you knew he didn't mean it.
The Bound is what holds everything together. Literaly everything. Earth, humans, animals ect. And Love is the fuel it needs to thrive. But when Armageddon starts, all cupids shall stop the love, let the Bound unfold, and fight along side the other angels, filled with the... ugh, power of Love. So cheesy... Help.
"Our sources have also confirmed the punishment of two demons who were prohibited from working on Earth for the remaining years; great job ! The least nuisance in the way, the better.."
Despite his sinister aura, he did appreciate your work. You just couldn't bring yourself to be happy about it.
"Now !" He slapped his hand on your shoulder and made you turn around. You grunted quietly. "I believe you must attend another meeting, right ? I wouldn't want you to be late. Go on." He pushed you forward, and you had to catch yourself before reuniting with the floor.
"So... Darachiel and Requiel are up next..." Jophiel said it absent-mindedly, already forgetting your encounter.
Brief and concise, exactly what you prayed for. As you were leaving, you passed Darachiel and Requiel, on their way to their report. They observed you from afar, doing their best not to get too close to you. You just stared right in front of you. You didn't want to hear their gossip. It was almost as if their mouths had only been designed to talk behind your back. You teeth clenched. Focus.
You'll just have to deal with three more archangels, convince them the boy is turning into a saint, and hope they will not mention your role as a cupid. It didn't really bother me that Azirphale and Crowley might find out about your job; it's just that you were quite... private and wanted to make sure they wouldn't realise what your mission was. Be cautious.
You didn't want to lie to them. You sighed. Nevertheless, you comforted yourself, remembering that you wouldn't be alone against them.
Still, your heart echoed through your ears; the drumming was hurting your ribs and chest, like every fibre of your bones wanted to crawl their way out of your throat. You kept walking. Your breath was laboured, and your eyes were watering, blurring the awful images that rolled before you. Your gaze fell down, shielding yourself from the memories and those fucking intrusive fights. Mmh..
"Y/N ?"
The sweetest feather touch grazed your forearm, the concerned voice abruptly grounding you back into the dazzling reality of Heaven. Lost, you revolved slowly, and your pleading eyes searched for reassurance.
"Oh, Y/N..." Aziraphale whispered softly to not startle you.
"I'm sorry, I just.. I've never..-" You had to hold back a sob. The blond shushed, caressing the side of your arms.
"I know, dear... It's a lot." He smiled at you, tender. He delicately lifted your chin to meet your eyes. "But I'm right beside you; you won't have to face them on your own. You are the most intrepid angel I've met; you will blow us all away!" He jested.
"Mmh." You gave him a sheepish smile for an answer.
Angel ? No, he was quite devilish, alright.
"Come now." He gestured forward into the meeting zone, not touching you. He walked beside you. "It's going to be just fine. I must confess, I've fooled them quite a lot before." His confession caused me to smirk as well.
"Mmh..." Aziraphale moaned, his mouth full of cream. You never thought you could bless someone through your Parfait. Your recipe was Aziraphale's favourite dessert, which he desperately tried to copy but could never get right.
Your afternoon was spent at Aziraphale's bookshop, sitting cross-legged on the comfiest couch, reading your latest acquisition. The anxiety was slowly draining its way out your veins. You turned another page and smiled softly. You have loved astronomy ever since you were created. You didn't have as much knowledge about space as Crowley, but the beauty enticed you so much that you couldn't help but be saddened by its upcoming destruction. You also cooked for the angel to really thank him.
"It's truly fantastic, Y/N." He took another spoonful. "You're sure you don’t want to share your secret ? Confess and feel even better." He teased.
"Confess, huh ? I should rather put a copyright on my recipe, you little thief."
Eden, thankfully on your side, was pushing Aziraphale's thigh, sticking her tongue out to get a lick.
"No, Eden, we were not talking about you- No !" He lifted his arm way up. If he thought it would stop your mini cow, he was deeply mistaken. She put all her efforts into her desperate attempt to steal the sweet, climbing on his leg. Aziraphale made a muffled squeal; Eden had her hooves digging in his flesh.
"Help..." He begged in a strained voice.
You giggled and got up. You took your time, really, dusting a shelf and bouncing quickly on your left leg. His eyes were almost stern as he observed your smug face. You waited a few seconds. You smiled innocently, petted Eden's head, and snatched the glass from his hand.
"Oh ! Y/N !" Alright, that gasp was just comical. Your lips let out a joyful giggle, and you jogged away, tasting the dessert with your fingertip.
"Mh.. Yum ! What a talented cook I am." You contemplated your work. Still, you saw the two hungry fellas in the corner of your eye. Too emotionally drained to play, you turned around and handed back the dessert.
"Thank you." He shook his head but smiled gratefully.
Eden nudged your right arm, demanding a treat as well. As you tossed it to her, you spotted Aziraphale stare your way. You stared back, confused. Caught in the act, he didn't back down and directly asked you what was on his mind.
"Did you hurt your arm ? I never noticed that scar before."
You looked down your right arm and saw the tiniest bit of scar sneaking out of your pulled-up sleeve. You covered it back down.
You never thought he would notice that.
"I got cut by a demon claw. It never really healed properly."
"Maybe I could help... Let me see." He reached for your arm. You didn't mean to flinch, but still, you backed away.
"It's okay, Aziraphale. Really, it's fine."
You were charging your charm to chase him off, but the door suddenly burst open, and Crowley entered like he owned the place. He noticed the two of you, and his face went stolid. The three of you stood here for a minute or two before the angel broke the weird silence.
"Hello Crowley, How was your day ?"
The demon found his scrunched expression back.
"Awful. As expected... Some people just apparently can't believe that humans can be bad enough to end up in hell without having to be murderers! Ugh."
He sat nonchalantly on his designated chair and went limp to try and get rid of all of his frustration. He hated having to visit Hell, as one could understand. He didn't belong there. You don’t belong anywhere. You cringed. Mmh. He weakly waved in your direction.
"How about you guys ?" He hummed.
"Mmh, well, Azi' will tell you. I should get going !" You forced a smile and reached for Eden, petting her to calm her. You felt Aziraphale's eyes on you while Crowley tensed up slightly.
"Already ? Have I scared you away or something ?" He asked.
"Oh, don't be silly, Crowley; of course not ! Eden's tired; I've got to put her to bed."
"Well, can't she use the backroom- ?"
"Oh, by the way." Whoosh, quick, unnoticeable charm. "Here ! I finished it !" You threw your book on his lap, earning a grunt. "I hope you'll show me a real one day." The suggestion was true, but you knew it wouldn't happen. You didn't have the right to. Mmh.
"Bye bye ! Smooches !" You sang your way out of the bookshop under the concerned and puzzled looks of your clients.
You waited until you were around the corner before finally collapsing against the facade. Overwhelming—yeah, that's the perfect word to summarise your day. You brought your hands up to your head and rubbed your face. What am I so upset about? Why was your heart aching, burning your skin away? Why did their stares and comments feel like daggers in your back? You just wish you weren't alone. The light did nothing to warm up your frozen face as tears threatened to roll down. Mmh...
No... you didn't want to go back to this... You just couldn't.
The firm grip you had on your shirt snatched a bit of skin and twisted it. It had at least the benefit of shaking you enough to act.
You exhaled sharply and slapped your own cheek to knock some sense into yourself. You have no time. Eden was still rubbing her head on your leg when you bent down to kiss her forehead.
Alright, now shit was about to get real.
You straightened up, activated your blindness spell, and manifested your bow and arrows. Taking off from the ground and positioning yourself to get a good view of your clients You aimed with your right arm and lined up. Your breath was taken away by the glimpse of a scar that shone in the disappearing sun. You frowned, growled, and struck. Upper arms.
I guess we all have to learn about our own back story, right Y/N ?
Anyway ! I promise we will see more of the ineffable husbands in the next part. You just needed a little bit of time for yourself.
Hope you enjoyed it ! Bye !
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laguezze · 1 year
PAC: What's your ideal career path?
(This is for the career oriented people that got absolutely no idea what to do with their lives or have an idea but are so overwhelmed and lost with all the possibilities. I salute y'all bc same)
More piles this time because why not lol
Here are the piles:
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4
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Pile 5
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Pile 6
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
I'm so into you, I can barely breathe ~
There are two subgroups within this pile so I will read them differently right now.
Seems like Group 1 is actually free spirited and out there and independent. You guys don't need anyone and you hate being restrained by boundaries or rules. Thus, I think a career that best suits you is one where no one rules over you but yourself. And of course not a high stress environment. I'm seeing you, group 1 fellows might thrive in a customer service position. Some of you might open your own bar or something, I'm seeing a lot of entrepreneurship here. Do it. Start that business and be happy.
And now onto group 2
For group 2, seems like you guys have some things to work on. You say your dream is to be a hippie by the beach that is free spirited and carefree but you are nothing like that. And that is ok. You're not less cool or more boring or ordinary. You being yourself is already unique, there is nothing to complete in you.
I'm seeing some of you guys are quiet and shy, but actually love people. Wouldn't be hurtful to try out some customer service as well! Weirdly enough I see the same career paths as group 1 for you guys. Entrepreneurship, having your own company, etc.
In general, for both groups I see these:
culinary arts (big on this one), Chef, waiter, bartender, owner of any place that serves food or drink, secretary, CEO, business management, HR worker, meeting mediator, etc
Pile 2
You like my hair? Gee, thanks! Just bought it ~
You guys seem like a bit of an airhead but in a wonderful way. I can't stress how positively I mean that. People seem baffled by the way you act and say things and you surprise them everyday. Seems like you really don't care about who you're talking to, there is no filter or personality switch. You're just you. And it's genuine. And it's enough. You seem to have some issues with people because of that, but also you attract wonderful opportunities as well. Think Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Big Elle energy for real.
I think you guys might even be in a male dominated industry, which is tough considering your personality, but not impossible. And especially not impossible for you. Absolutely not customer service, though. Some people hate your personality (f them ngl) but your ideal career is probably one where your work speaks for itself and they can't deny your talent.
I see careers such as STEM, law, IT, music, biology, forensics, investigator, nail tech and criminal Justice.
Pile 3
Wrote some songs about Ricky, now I listen and laugh ~
You guys are powerful. When you enter a room, people notice you. Which is why you could either do great in the performance arts or in a position of power within an organization. This is so short and straight forward, but so are you so...
Careers I see: dancer, CEO, event planner, actor, real estate agent.
Pile 4
She might've let you hold her hand in school but imma show you how to graduate ~
Ok you guys, this is gonna be a bit straightforward so beware.
A lot of you guys think you're hot s*-#, which you can be but you are not right now. What I mean by that is you seem like the type of person that says: yeah! I'm gonna have a private jet and a thousand cars and blah blah. Very materialistic. But you're not putting in the work at all, you probably don't even know what it is you're passionate about or want to do with your life (which is so valid). You just want to be rich, which honestly I get it, but you need some drive other than "i want a Maserati" you need to want something bigger. You need to be good at something and you don't even know what that something is. And something tells me that you are not even thinking about what that could be. You fantasize about being rich without wondering how to get there. Why do you want that? Status? Relationships? Reevaluate.
That said, I see two types of outcomes. If you put in the effort I'm seeing you can achieve that level of richness you're looking for. Some of you might start a company or climb up an existing one. Some of you might become travel vloggers or influencers.
If you keep doing what you're doing I see you're working at fast food chains (i literally channeled that I'm not gonna lie to y'all) as a manager maybe retail too, that type of jobs.
Careers I see: McDonald's worker, fast food manager, retail worker, makeup store worker (I'm seeing Sephora), mall business owner, souvenir store owner, business owner in general, travel vlogger, boat driver, tourist attraction worker, marketing specialist, hotel worker, hotel owner.
Hope it resonates and my apologies for the bluntness, seemed like the pile wanted to call you out. Maybe you needed it.
Lots of love 💕
Pile 5
I've been here all night, I've been here all day ~
You guys are actually going to be successful. I'm seeing some of you have bigger dreams, some of you have smaller ones (which is cool too!) But all of you will definitely achieve them in some way or another.
I see someone with a family and a big house. Some kids running around. Some of you want to be stay at home partners to a rich person (respect to you guys, every dream is a valid one) and I see you'll get that and be fulfilled. Vacation is a given. You don't struggle with money. None of you guys do.
Some common themes you all have is that your career will allow you to be calm and chill. There are no problems. Money comes easy and secure. And you're living the dream, whichever dream that may be.
A lot of you guys here are here for confirmation of an ideal life you have. Let me say, yes. It's happening. Maybe not in the way you think, maybe not in the amount of success you want it. Or maybe it does fully! But it's happening. I'm seeing some of you might want to act? You'll be an actor and have work but maybe you won't be a big Hollywood star. Or maybe you will!
Some of you may want to be singers. Again, you might not win a Grammy and become Beyonce, but you will work as a singer and it will pay your bills. Like singing at events, hotels, etc. (Or maybe you will win a Grammy! Don't let tarot discourage you from achieving anything! It's just a tool, not a strict rule to follow)
Anyways, you will be whatever it is you want to be.
I know this reading might be confusing but that's what I channelled.
Careers I see: actor/actress, stay at home partner, flight attendant, singer, dancer, librarian, real estate agent, restaurant owner, chef, coffee shop owner, flower shop owner, bakery owner.
Pile 6
A feeling that you can't fight, my one ~
You guys are travelers, no matter what you do you will be up in the air and onto a new place. Kinda chaotic, but you like that.
I'm seeing some of you might work in the fashion industry, models, designers, makeup artists, etc. You all are here gathered. I hear Milan, Paris, London, Fashion Week.
Some of you could just be a flight attendant and that's why you travel so much.
A couple of you might be touring for some reason, you might play in a band or you might sing backup for someone or you might sing yourself or play.
I'm seeing such chaos, though. Like a lot.
Some of you might do film! Or photography! And probably need to relocate for shoots a lot. So cool.
Careers I see: photographer, filmmaker, model, magazine editor, security guard, flight attendant, pilot, makeup artist, wardrobe assistant, set decorator.
The End
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The Stranger and my thoughts on where each LCB Sinner is at (Long)
Hey, I actually sat down and read L'etranger, Meursault's source novel. I've got some fucking feelings about it, especially relating it to Limbus Company and what it might mean for his Canto in like 2 years.
Firstly, you should read or listen to this book. It's short, surprisingly punchy, and easy to follow. I (probably) don't have autism but I can absolutely see a read of this where the character does or is neurodivergent in some other way; beyond his relationship and evaluation of social queues and norms he also seems to deal with sensory issues. There are better people than me who should talk about this and I'm probably not adding a lot to the conversation but keeping this reading in my head for the climax added an extra layer of discomfort (intentional discomfort for the benefit of the story's message, I should say) to the whole book. But It's worth experiencing even if you disagree with that reading or have a different one.
Limbus Brainrot/Spoiler stuff from here on in.
There's always the question of where exactly each Sinner is in their story as they're on the bus. Their stories have been reinterpreted and/or jumbled in ways that make it fun to guess, so to go over each Sinner and where they are based on what we know or my theories:
Yi Sang - I'm not gonna front, I don't really get The WIngs, but this seems like a Good End AU for him. He already escaped his "Wife's" control and the sunless room and is now flying again (metaphorically, or maybe literally? i dont know help me).
Faust - Likely in the middle of the part where she's using Mephistopheles' power to do good in the world and prior to her being damned to hell. Side note, she's last to get a Canto and I bet it's not a coincidence that (afaik) she and Dante are the only two with Hell in their stories directly. My long shot call is that Faust is also Beatrice and there will be so much DantexFaust ship art in 2026.
Don Quixote - The biggest enigma. La Sangre de Sancho has gripped the imagination of the fandom and I am no exception. She's next after Heathcliff so we'll get her some time in August at the latest and I can't wait. My best guess is she's currently gallivanting and will be forced home in her Canto, assuming Don is Sancho theory isn't true. Praying her Canto is called The Impossible.
Ryoshu - In Hell Screen, the reason the painter is obsessed with torture is that he can only paint what he has seen and is trying to paint the Buddhist Hell. In his quest for his art he destroys his life and those around him, and ends up committing suicide over it. But there is a villain in the form of the Lord who beyond driving the story by requesting the screen in the first place is guilty of SA and murder. I'm expecting we're post story; the Lord is related to the five fingers, the daughter might be recast as a friend or something, and the sword Ryoshu carries is likely the screen. Nothing revolutionary in my guesses here, but it's either going to be that straight-forward or insanely abstract, where she's the lord and the painter and the daughter and the screen and the sword is the monkey or some shit.
Hong Lu - I have not yet read Dream of a Red Chamber, it's next on the list. Forgive me!
Heathcliff - Oh boy. Like many, I expect he is post-spurning by Catherine and is on his journey for his fortune on the LCB. So, his Canto will be about coming home to a beloved who is with someone else. Yes, the beloved blorbo will suffer for my amusement. Let's go 3 hours Heathmael sex scene!
Ishmael - We now know her story already kinda happened, as many expected, making this a bizarre sequel to Moby Dick. I think it gave PM a lot of room to do whatever they wanted to while still sticking to the themes of the story. Already wrote about what I loved about this and the recontextualizing of Ahab as a whale unto herself (which I don't actually know if it's in the original novel, but it wouldn't surprise me).
Rodion - A weird one. Her inciting incident happened, the murdering of the landlord/pawnbroker, but the unintentional death of the innocent sister was shifted to the entire damn block. So if I had to guess she's in the period after her crime trying to avoid being caught, but no police officer allegory has really been introduced yet. I read Crime and Punishment years ago so I can't say for certain but it feels the most loosely adapted and suffers a tad for being part of the intro. Rodya's story is in no way finished so it's up in the air. Praying for a Petrovich just so people can meet the OG Columbo.
Sinclair - Still need to read Demian, but I have a rough understanding of the plot. Also unfinished in his story, Sinclair has a long way to go to his self-realization. This feels more intentional however, I remember someone made an observation of Cinqlair as representative of his drunken college years where he's popular but unfulfilled, and I think we can extend that to all of his IDs. He seems to have the most potential of all the Sinners, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mirror world where he's a Color unto himself. I digress, the point is he's pre Frau Eva (who if she turn's out to be the Purple Tear I will lose my mind) who is also called Beatrice at some point so what's up with that PM?
Outis - Another big mystery, especially as she isn't Odysseus but Outis, a name referencing a particular part of the Odyssey with the Cyclops. I have to imagine she's on the Odyssey, journeying home after the Smoke War (which might have some parallels with the Trojan War beyond the obvious). It's interesting all the Greek myth named Abnormalities are Hospital themed, might be something there but nothing I can parse from my limited knowledge of Greek society and folklore. While she' might be a traitor, I'm thinking she's joined Limbus Company to hide while on her journey; she might be wanted dead by something and is concealing her identity after what happened in the war.
Greg - Again, a character post-story. He was locked in a room, he metamorphized, and... well he's alive? So we've diverged from the source novel, as it's taken the allegorical meanings and made them more literal, but Hermann is still around and a major player so who knows where this will go?
Meursault - I have so many thoughts. Meursault could be anywhere in his story, but I'm going to guess it's one of two places. First guess, we're completely pre story. His Canto opens with him getting a message that Maman died today, or maybe yesterday, he doesn't know. So the whole story plays out over the course of the Canto. But more likely, and my prediction, is that he's currently in "jail" awaiting his execution or acquittal. He has already murdered a man (or done some other crime) and instead of being tried for that, he has been tried and sentenced for his peculiarities of character. Bound in the chains of others, the multitudes have tightened their hold (I'm very clever and not cringe at all).
So I have to wonder what light blinded him, overwhelmed him so much that it led to his crime? The Bright Nights and Dark Days are an obvious choice, and I'm not the first to suggest it. Perhaps he distorted? Anyway, his story ends with him having given up on acquittal and instead hoping for a crowd of people hating him as he approaches the guillotine. I'm super interested in how this will play out in Limbus, especially as he must survive for gameplay purposes.
Also, Meursault is so horny. Like, oh my god. Half of his thoughts are of Marie, specifically of wanting her and all the connotations that contains. He spurns God in the face of a Chaplain, saying that He is worth nothing compared to a single hair on a woman's head. Meursault is not a romantic but not just some horndog either, his desire for sex and women and their bodies feels like an extension of his worldview centered on the immediacy of life and not just debauchery or hedonism. It's a part of the idea life is lived as today, yesterday, and tomorrow, and there is joy and happiness in that simplicity. I feel like this will get cut for Limbus but I hope it isn't, I want Meursault to casually admit he desires every Sinner on the bus carnally (yes the men and NB too, probably just a HC but I do believe that the City is a binormative society based on its already loose relationship to gender identity).
So uh, that's the thoughts so far. Merry Christmas, I guess.
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angelsanarchy · 11 months
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 04
"Never have I ever had to hide a boner." "Oh she plays dirty. I might be in love."
Once the weed and the food was consumed, y/n sprawled her legs across Clyde's knees as he leaned back into the couch, head leaned all the way back as he giggled.
"My brain says I should probably head out but my body says where did your legs go!?" Clyde patted her knees, turning his head towards her but still resting against the couch.
"I think you should listen to your legs...or the absence of your legs? Listen to whatever is telling you to not get up." Clyde rubbed her shin unconsciously making her meet his eyes.
"What's your big plan now? How will you keep me entertained? You don't look like you can move much either." Y/n watched Clyde tried to blow his hair away from his face without moving his arms from her legs.
"Why would I want to move when I'm enjoying the company so much? Can't I entertain you while we both be incredibly lazy on the couch?" Clyde asked cutely. Y/n teased Clyde with her foot poking him in the side making him stare at her lying on her back comfortably on the couch.
"What did you have in mind?" Y/n asked propping herself up
"My friend Snow is a freak for the game Never Have I Ever...you ever heard of it?" Clyde asked. Y/n smiled and sat up on the couch, scooting a little closer to him so they weren't sitting so far apart. She held up her hands and Clyde nodded.
"Okay let's see, never have I ever worn a bra." Clyde teased. Y/n put her pinky down.
"Never have I ever had to hide a boner." She smirked watching Clyde's smile grow.
"Oh she plays dirty. I might be in love." Clyde put his pinky down.
"Never have I ever had a one night stand." Clyde watched Y/n's fingers carefully and she kept all nine of her fingers up smugly.
"Not really my thing. I'm too young to get accidentally knocked up and I don't like to bring people back to my apartment." Y/n explained, Clyde took comfort in knowing she was particular about who she slept with. Not like he had a ton of experience in it.
"Never have I ever been to jail." Y/n tilted her head watching Clyde's gaze drop, lowering his ring finger.
"Convicted murderer?" Y/n teased.
"I shot my mom's dog...she pressed charges and kicked me out but it's cool." Clyde explained.
"Oh my god! Why is that so much worse than being a murderer?!" Y/n shoved Clyde's chest.
"The dog was old and she was letting it suffer. I mean a 150 pound dog in a wheelchair? Poor guy was done." Clyde's explanation seemed genuine and y/n felt sympathy for his reaction.
"I take it you don't get along with your mom." Y/n pressed earning a shrug.
"My mom is actually in Florida living her best life. My step mom's dog is the one I shot. As much as my dad didn't want to have to lock me up, he knew it was either me or her so I guess I get it." This was the first time Clyde seemed bummed out. Y/n could tell his family life was a sore spot that she wouldn't press.
"I bailed my dad out of jail once. He fell asleep naked on the strip." Y/n tried to lighten the mood.
"Wow that's illegal? I've seen more dicks and tits on the strip than I've seen behind closed doors. Was he wasted?" Clyde chuckled.
"Oh obliterated. It was more so that he was naked in front of Gordan Ramsey's restaurant so women and children were afoot." Y/n broke it down and could see Clyde trying not to laugh too hard about it.
"Yeah I guess they frown upon dicks being out in front of children. There's always a line to be drawn somewhere." Clyde joked.
"Never have I ever been on a real date." Clyde blushed.
"Well what do you consider a real date? I mean I've gotten dinner with a someone but I've never been like wined and dined." Y/n explained.
"Is that what kind of thing you're into? Big fancy?" Clyde pressed earning a laugh.
"God no! I like getting to know someone in their own element. I feel like you can tell a lot about a person in the most casual setting. People aren't naturally themselves all suited up and spending an ass ton of money on a baby portion of food." Clyde listened carefully and couldn't help but smile at her. She couldn't sound more perfect to him.
"So by definition, this is your ideal date?" Clyde grinned.
"Honestly, this isn't bad. This is the most fun I've actually had in a while. You're easy to be around, Clyde." Y/n couldn't help but blush seeing how sweet Clyde's smile was.
"Hey don't get any ideas about me being easy." Clyde teased. Y/n squinted at him.
"Hmm I don't know. You're telling me that if I really wanted to get you to make out with me...you'd turn me down?" Y/n crawled over towards Clyde who still had his hands up in front of.
"You think I put out on the first date? Wh-what kind of guy do you take me for?" Clyde swallowed the lump in his throat as moved to straddle his lap, taking his hands into her own and putting them on her hips.
"I take you for a really cute, really fun guy and not at all a serial stalker who lured me to his place to smoke and play silly games." Y/n pushed some of Clyde's hair off his face and could see the nervousness in his eyes. For a moment, she second guessed herself thinking maybe she had rushed things.
"Lured is...is a strong word. You technically drove yourself here." Clyde stuttered out making y/n giggle. He got actual goosebumps from that giggle. She rested her hands on his shoulders trying to read his face. His eyes flickered to her lips and he didn't seemed to freeze when she started to lean into him. Before their lips could connect, Y/n's phone started blaring causing them both to jump. She rolled off of Clyde's lap and snatched her phone off the table.
"Hey what's up? I'm hanging out with a friend from the club...what? No! What do you mean don't come home tonight...Dude I get that you have a girl over but-" Clyde listened to Y/n's call and tried to shift his body to hide his annoying boner.
"You are literally the worst roommate on the planet...hello? Bitch." Y/n hung the phone up and turned back towards Clyde.
"So...I just kind of got scrunchied." Y/n frowned.
"I have no idea what that means." Clyde shook his head.
"Well my roommate is entertaining a lady friend tonight so she's essentially told me not to come home. You know, some guys put a sock on the doorknob...girls use the scrunchie.." Y/n explained making Clyde nod in understanding.
"You're more than welcome to crash here. I can give you shirt or something to sleep in-" Clyde stood up, trying to shift away from y/n until his half chub was fully concealed.
"You don't have to do that. I've already tried to jump your bones and you've been so sweet-" Clyde cut her off by saying her name. Damn did she liked how her name sounded on his lips.
"Seriously, crash here. I'll even lock the door so you feel safe." Clyde held out an oversized band shirt and fuzzy Halloween socks that had blazed out pumpkins on them. Y/n had never stayed the night with a guy before, especially one she was really growing to like. Staying would give her more time to hang out with Clyde and get to know him better. She reached out and took the clothes from him returning his smile. She felt an anxious burst of heat in her stomach and made a mental note to thank her roommate later.
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
hi ash, do you have a fic rec list of miraculous fics that you have enjoyed? 👀 i’ve watched miraculous for years and been a fan but i’m new to reading miraculous fics 🐞❤️🐈‍⬛💚
i can try! i actually don't read a lot of fanfic, but i can recommend a few I've read that I've enjoyed :) most are one-shots.
Experimental Kisses by MireilleTanaka (komorebirei) Summary: Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?” Chat Noir looked up. “I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.” Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in. Rating: T Comments: a very cute ladynoir kiss fic. i really like the way the author wrote the kisses here!
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) by a_miiraculer, clairelutra Summary: Years after Hawkmoth’s defeat, Ladybug and Chat Noir have a conversation about life, love, and marriage. Rating: T Comments: a WONDERFUL little one-shot where chat noir buys a ring, and ladybug wonders who it's for. ladynoir.
where roses bloom by @carpisuns Summary: “You’re sick, aren’t you?” He drops down to the balcony. “You’re sick because you love someone and … they don’t love you back.” (Love square Hanahaki AU, Marichat centric) Rating: T Comments: i LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic. a bittersweet marichat centric Hanahaki AU that makes my heart feel things. please read it
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by Reiaji Summary: Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau. As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side. Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish. [Ladrien Cinderella AU] Rating: T Comments: magical ladrien cinderella au. it wouldn't be a fic rec list by me if i didn't recommend the fic that i still think about on a daily basis. the poetic writing, the story, the characters, just...AUGH. i cant even describe how good this story is. I'll admit i wasn't into it at first but by the time i got near the end i COULD NOT PUT THIS FIC DOWN. very good please read. multichapter
Eating (nothing but) Affection by crownedcrusader Summary: Some cats won't eat unless they feel safe. Unless someone they trust is nearby, keeping them company. Unrelated: Adrien has pushed away so many cold meals that he can't eat if he's alone. Rating: G Comments: a sweet fic where adrien doesn't like to eat alone. his friends notice this.
Probably Not The Best Idea by @coffeebanana Summary: When Adrien first offered Ladybug his spare room, it was mostly joke. Not once in a million years did he think she'd actually take him up on the offer. After all, he's the only one who's hopelessly in love. Right? For her part, Ladybug never meant to make a habit out of visiting Adrien. But now that she has, well…spending time with him feels safe. It feels right. So why not give this roommates thing a try? Surely it'll be nice, not having to hide her hero identity in her own home for once, even if she has to hide her civilian identity instead. All in all, it might not be the best idea they've ever had, but…can it really be the worst? And if they happen to get a little more than they bargained for in the process? That's just part of the fun. Rating: T Comments: VERY cute premise, excellent writing, ladrien roommates who are obviously in love with each other, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR GO READ IT. multichapter
œuf ouch owie by miraculousunflower (ominousunflower) Summary: Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong. Rating: T Comments: literally the funniest gd fic I've ever read in my life. I've never had a fic actually make me laugh out loud before and this one did. i still go back and reread it when i need a laugh. it's like a shitpost in artistic form
L'Autonomie by @xiueryn Summary: After three years, Marinette tells Chat Noir who she is. The only problem is that he doesn't believe her, insisting that her and Marinette couldn't be the same person. With the knowledge he's close to her, she tries to figure out who he is. AU. (mari finds out adrien is chat noir and has fun planting clues to make him believe she's ladybug.) Rating: T Comments: a silly ladynoir and adrinette reveal fic. ladybug tries to convince chat noir she is marinette. he doesn't believe her. it's adorable and i love it
i hope this is enough! happy reading ♥
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I just read a very funny fic 'Much ado about nothing' by Fire_lily and Violet_20 on AO3 and I was wondering... how do you think Sanji (and by the other guys) would behave when the girls are on their periods?
Okay, yeah, it was really funny. I often think about this, honestly, ngl. And you know how much I tend to write because I'm a menace to society, so I'll try to keep it brief. Btw, assume all the guys here are cis men (which hurts, because I'd rather die than say Usopp, Luffy and Zoro have dicks. But okay. Let's say they do) and that Nami is the only one in her period (because I think Robin is trans and also she has been dealing with pain so much on her own that even if she had her period, the crew wouldn't even notice. Nami, Franky, Jinbe, and Brook would be the only ones knowing).
Chopper is the one explaining what a period is, by the way, because these idiots know the basics but not much and I think they could use some health classes? Like, seriously, it'd be nice.
Luffy: Doesn't understand what the fuck is a period (Makino explained it. His ass didn't listen). If Nami is bleeding, can't Chopper cure her? Oh, he can't? Is she sick? Is she going to die? No? She's fine, then? But she needs them to give her a break because even if she isn't sick, she's still not going through the best time. It's uncomfortable and she feels bad and sensitive. I think Luffy would have a lot of questions and he would ask shamelessly about them. And he would also try to be considerate and share his food with Nami and cause less trouble. I know he's chaotic but he's always really nice when a crewmate is in pain, and if Nami (his navigator. His Nami!!!) is feeling bad, he'll do whatever he can to help her. If she has cramps he'll probably stay beside her and sleep with her and cuddle. He's actually worried sick even if she tells him she's fine.
Zoro: He doesn't really give a fuck. Kuina explained what periods were to him and how unfair it was and he agreed. It is unfair. It is fucked up. They shouldn't go through that. He respects Nami a lot for being able to work and yell and live normally while she's bleeding and cramping (I mean, that's HIS normal state, but Nami isn't like him). So he just supports her from a distance and if she needs anything he'll just try to help and that's it. He's like?? He's normal about it. Just a thing the body does. Everyone thinks it's such a big deal, but it's not.
Usopp: He grew up with Kaya. I don't need to say anything else. He's always complaining about Nami being louder than usual or oversensitive and saying that she doesn't need to blame them for being in pain, but he only says it because they're best friends, lmao. "Girl, I know you're in pain but it's not my fault. Chill. Do you want a chocolate bar?" and he's pretty much the only one allowed to keep her company when she's stressed and too angry to deal with the others. Bestie privileges. He knows how to make her happy. The perks of having a childhood sweetheart and taking care of her when she was on her period (she was just emotional, though, not like Nami who is a ticking time bomb depending on the month). He always has pads, pills, and distractions ready for Nami. He's just there and normal about it and helping her out.
Sanji: Fucking dramatic. I can't stand him. I'm gonna throw bricks at him. I love him, but he's either the most respectful gentleman on earth or the weirdest guy ever about this. He's probably both at the same time. He's SO annoying, oh my god. He keeps wanting to do everything for Nami, and okay, the food, tea, and extra snacks are fine. But it's just too much. He's the one crying all the time like "WHY DID GOD CURSE OUR MELLORINES WITH SUCH PAIN?????????? OH NAMI-SWAN IF I COULD TAKE YOUR SUFFERING I WOULD!!!!!! YOU ARE SO BRAVE FOR THIS!!!!!" and Usopp is the one actually throwing stuff at him and kicking him out of the girl's room when he comes to bring some snacks and won't shut up. He's,, Overly helpful. He has good intentions, really, but Nami is just on her period. She can still move and do her own things, thank you very much. I think he learns to be more normal about it with time, though. And he's just this way with Nami, probably (I say this bc I'm writing a Sanuso fic with Trans Usopp on his period and I swear Sanji is normal about it).
Chopper: I mean. It's the doctor. He keeps an eye on Nami and takes care of her. He's gentle and always tries to bring her painkillers if it's too much. Reminds her to drink a lot of water and eat properly but never too much because she could get sick! He's the cutest, gentlest thing ever.
Franky: Another dramatic man. He's just like Sanji, except that instead of crying because Nami has to go through this, he keeps saying she's SUPEERRRRR COOL AND STRONG FOR DEALING WITH THIS. But it's only for a few seconds and then he's just acting like a dad. Which includes helping if needed but then asking the weirdest questions to see if Nami is alright.
Brook: He would be the sweetest thing ever. But also, we gotta admit that he's still a perv and would ask to see Nami's underwear anyway. But leaving that aside, yeah, he's sweet. He offers tea and gentle music while she works and tries to be a gentleman. He makes a few jokes here and there, Nami hits him, the usual stuff. But he's a sweet grandpa so he's just there being nice. But, y'know, Brook is always nice to be around. He just offers his help more and often asks Nami if she's feeling okay.
Jinbe: He doesn't quite understand what he's supposed to do, but he just doesn't get in Nami's way if she's mad, and if she's sensitive he'll try to make the crew shut up for a while. Gentle older man. He always tries to make peace around the place, but pretty much like Brook and he also tries not to overstep. He asks Zoro if he should be doing something, and Zoro just shrugs and says to let Nami do her own thing.
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gyubaseone · 10 months
seok matthew. one call away
❛ i just wanna be with you. ❜
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pairing — seok matthew x f!reader
genre — angst with fluff at the end !
synopsis — even if it feels like the world is crashing down, matthew will always be there.
warnings — none i think.. lmk if there is anything ! third person pov, not proofread.
word count — 946
notes — literally stuck in my parents room because the ac isnt working and it ruined my train of thought 😭 TRYING TO WRITE NOW I SWEAR. also new format.. how are we liking it ?? + i wrote this at 3 am.. probably alot of mistakes which i will fix in the morning 🫠
★ ( please fill out this form to be on my taglist ) ❕
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y/n's whole life had been falling apart ever since she stepped foot outside of her shared apartment with her boyfriend, seok matthew, hours ago.
if being stuck in traffic and waking up late wasn't enough for her, y/n's boss had fired her earlier that day as well.
it had been for multiple reasons; the company being overstaffed and the work was slow but her being late that day just threw her boss over the edge he was barely hanging onto.
normally y/n wouldn't feel so overwhelmed, but with the recent closing of her lease and sharing an apartment with her boyfriend, she's been very stressed to say the least.
her being financially unstable after just moving in with her boyfriend was her biggest worry. y/n's second worry was breaking the news to matthew and seeing the disappointment on his face.
what if he broke up with her then and there? what if he left her on the streets to rot? what would she do without him?
matthew was like her sun. he was always there for her and cheered her up at her worst moments. even the times where she insisted that she was fine and just wanted to be alone, he could read her like a book and know just how she felt.
it was ironic. the only person who understood her complex emotions was the person she was trying to avoid at that moment.
y/n found herself at a beach minutes away from their apartment complex, not daring to enter the place where she knew matthew would be. that was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment.
she just wanted to sort out her thoughts alone, sitting on the gravely sand. there was just this feeling inside of her that craved the comfort of matthew and his warm hugs, but y/n knew she would just burst into tears the moment he appeared in front of her.
"what's got you so deep in thought?" a voice spoke softly, sitting down besides her.
y/n could recognize that voice from a mile away. even without her facing him, she knew it was matthew. no one had that soothing, relaxed voice as sweet as his.
"how'd you know i was here?" y/n asked, not turning her head to face him just yet, trying her best to not break down in a matter of seconds.
"you always come here when you feel down," matthew answered, basking in the rays of lights beaming on him. "i figured something was up when you didn't respond to my million texts."
"just needed some time to think," y/n remarked, looking down at her hands as she played with them to distract herself.
as moments of silence passed by, she felt matthew's warm hand press against her cold cheek to lift her head up and face him. once her eyes met his, y/n couldn't help but shed a few tears while he smiled at her.
"what's wrong sweetheart? you know you can tell me anything right, hm?" he comforted, using his thumb to wipe her tears away before stroking her hair behind her ear.
"we don't have to talke either," matthew assured, pulling her closer to lean on his shoulder, "we can just stay like this if you want to."
he pulled away from y/n for a moment, admiring her face with a smile on his before leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead then leading down to her nose before pressing a short kiss on her lips.
"i love you, okay?" matthew rubbed his hand against her head, giving her an endearing look like he always did before pulling her back into a hug.
"i got fired from my job," y/n admitted, nuzzling her head closer to matthew's neck to stop the tears from flowing down her face.
"that's their lost then," matthew said with a slight frown on his face, his brows knit together. "how can they let go of someone amazing like you?"
"we can get through it, i promise," he asserted confidently, pulling y/n closer to him as if she couldn't get any closer, "maybe we can go on a vacation too.. just the two of us, away from everything for a bit."
"matt, you have a job," y/n pulled away from him with a slight smile on her face, feeling slightly better after her boyfriend's comforting efforts.
"i have sick days i can use," matthew replied, putting his hands on y/n's cheeks to squish them together, "i just wanna be with you. i don't care about anything else."
"and if you ever feel like this again, don't be scared to talk to me," matthew leaned closer to her face, admiring y/n's beauty for a moment.
"i'm only one call away," he smiled, leaning in for another short kiss on y/n's lips before pulling away only to lean in once again. "i just can't get enough of you."
"oh shut up," y/n pushed him away playfully, attempting to cover her rosy cheeks.
"what, i can't love my girlfriend?" matthew frowned cutely, supressing a kiss onto her cheek before swiftly moving to her nose; ending up kissing every inch of her face.
"stop, it tickles!" y/n laughed out, her hands scattering in an attempt to push matthew away brefore eventually giving up.
"i love you, matthew," y/n muttered, looking into his shimmering eyes for a moment before looking towards the sunrise.
"i love you too, y/n," matthew responded, pressing another kiss onto her cheek while his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer.
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© gyubaseone — please refrain from copying, translating, reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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holymountdias · 1 year
Love triangle pt. 2
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Erling Haaland x (fem)reader x Jadon Sancho
Summary: A past relationship of yours broke you to the point that you weren't being yourself anymore, but what happens when your ex's best friend takes interest in you and he helps you take revenge ? Will it all just be a game for you or become more than friends ?
Word count: 4k
Notes: angst, a bit steamy (?), but lets say implied smut to be safe
PARTS: 1.0 2.0 3.0
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"Aaaand we are here" your friend cheerfully announces after parking the car right outside the club where Jason's party is taking place.
You let out a sigh before silently twisting your head to glance at the place where a line of people seems to be formed right outside the entrance, probably hoping to get a chance to be let inside or maybe Jadon invited them. Either way you don't recognize anybody from them and that makes you slightly anxious about how this whole thing is going to turn out for you.
"Stop overthinking about it, you are going inside, drink a bit, dance with whoever the fuck you want, preferably Jadon but that's just me" she mumbles teasingly the last part which makes you giggle a bit.
"...and have fun. You won't even have to try to do anything, except enjoy your time there and the douchebag will be fuming in jealousy with a full hard on." her encouraging words genuinely seceed to bring a smile on your face but you still can't help but drown in anxiousness.
Were you really ready to face him? What if he tried to talk to you or worse, what if he wasn't alone and you just ended up looking all stupid and pathetic..
A small frown made it on your face once the thought of him passed through your mind again.
It's been some time since you've last seen him and you are hesitant to know your reaction now that you are about to be in the same room as him, for the first time in a while.
The only positive thing from the whole situation is that you were both able to keep everything to yourselves or at least the part regarding your identity since last time it turned out that Erling tended to talk about his hookups with the other players in general, so at least you won't be getting any awkward looks from anybody you are familiar with.
"Are you sure you don't want to tag along?" you asked her with a slightly pleading expression, hoping that she would finally give in. You have been fighting her on this since the moment she made you abandon your bed nest, but apparently based on her words, it wasn't "her scene" or it wouldn't be appropriate cause it's for "higher class people". You tried reasoning with her, but at this point it only made you think that this was just her way of making you get out of your shell.
"Girl If it was your neighbor's birthday party we would already be inside, but it's Jadon fucking Sancho's event, the dude will think im some crazy fan or something. I can't just go inside with you just because you know me." You roll your eyes at her jokingly but decide not to argue about it anymore.
"Besides, you won't be all by yourself" she brings up teasingly and you only furrow your brows in confusion as you look at her with question in your eyes.
"Jadon will be a very much comforting company" she says while wiggling her brows, hinting at Jadon’s possible interest in you and you just shake you head in annoyance.
"I already told you; I'm not gonna fall for his shit. He is so close with Erling that I'm pretty sure he is no different than him when it comes to girls" you tell her seriously and she looks at you with a devilish smile in response.
"Then why not use him first?"
"I mean if your mind is so determined that you are going to end up being used, then why not use him first ?"
"Use him for what? Erling?" You asked her intrigued by her idea.
"Exactly, and the fact that they are best friends or whatever is going to make it even better for your, lets call it, revenge. His ex and his best friend flirting and being all over each other.....ohh that will be a blow below the waist if you ask me" You smirk while listening to her words and thinking it through.
There would be no harm in doing that right? I mean he is just a friend so he could help another friend out? Even if it was to make his best friend jealous.... it doesn't mean that he should know about it.
I can come up with some lame excuse I guess
“You got this, i will be one phone call away, but still make sure you don’t call too soon” she tells you before you finally open your door to get out of the car. After saying your last goodbyes, you start approaching the entrance of the luxury club. 
With your invitation on one hand you stand in front of a very intimidating bulky and tall man that seems to be guarding the entry of the place. His strong facial features hold a blank expression as he eyes you up and down, making you feel uneasy in a instant.
Nevertheless you attempt to distract yourself by playing with the edges your hair as you hand him the black envelope. Once he runs it over with his eyes for a good minute, he then steps aside to let you inside without giving you a second look.
A satin black dress was decorating your body, the cleavage hanging low, almost at the bottom of your chest with a high slit showing just the right amount of skin on the outside of your left thigh.
Damn should i have worn something less revealing ? What was that look for, am i overdressed or underdressed ?
You can’t even remember the last time you wore this dress and you must admit that when you looked at yourself in the mirror back at the house, a rapid wave of confidence overtook you, which ended up disappearing by the one single look this bodyguard just gave you…your mind filled with negativity right away and honestly that’s what it always has been like for you.
People’s looks always manage to steal every last bit of reassurance you have in yourself and you hate that for you but of course once upon a time Erling was the prince charming to make all those doubts go away.
 Fucking erling
Honestly fuck him, fuck everything about him, every moment he made you feel so good about yourself and every moment he made you believe you meant something for him. If you are going to see him tonight, you will make sure he has something to remember of you.
Tonight you will make sure its worth it for the both of you.
As you walk inside the club you are met with a huge dark area whose only form of lighting is those small spots on the roof that keep changing colors every minute or so. You can sense how the loud volume of the music is pounding against the walls causing your heart to ache with every beat of the songs. 
You walk through the swarm of bodies that is standing in your way, while you look around in search for a familiar face. The closer you reach the bar area the sooner enough, you are able to finally detect the same regular group of people you hang out with, in cases like this. The girls were sitting next to the bar and they all greet you warmly, once they take a notice of you, welcoming you in their conversation.
“Soo y/n how come that you brother hasn’t arrived yet?” one of the girls suddenly asks you, bringing all the attention back on you once again.
You haven’t really met this girl before so you don’t know what kind of relation she might have with Mason to ask about him straight up and out of the blue. No matter how many times some random girl will ask about your brother, you will never not feel weirded out or uncomfortable.
Its quite often that this happens, since your brother was quite the target for many of those girlies that wanted to be the next it couple or the next housewife of a famous footballer but oh God did it make you frustrated. And that was also another reason why you had trouble trusting others and creating close relationships; people would always try to manipulate you to get to your brother.
“He had a tight schedule so he couldn’t come” you bluntly reply as you take the last sip of your drink. However your answer didn’t quite satisfy the noisy redhead so she keeps on throwing questions, which only manages to annoy you further.
Sophia, Kai’s girlfriend senses your uncomfortableness and quickly comes in to your rescue, by cutting her out and saying something about ordering more drinks.
You mentally thank her and smirk to yourself after you glance at the redheads annoyed expression.
“Have you guys seen Jadon?, i haven’t wished him happy birthday yet”You then ask them.
“I only saw him like about an hour ago hanging out with some guys back where the sofa is but i can’t tell you for sure now.”
“He’s got a lot of people to entertain so he can be anywhere right now” two of the girls reply and you chuckle.
“Great, i will leave him a birthday card or something then” you joke, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
When they proceed to start a new conversation you excuse yourself, heading to the bathroom. After asking the bartender for directions, you finally find it and enter one of the stools
A minute right after you, you hear people laughing and talking while entering the bathroom and you right about to ignore them, when one of the names that is being mentioned catches your attention.
“So how did it go with Erling?” one voice asks
“I don’t know, we hooked up and it was perfect but he hasn’t called or texted since then and i don’t know what to do to get his attention back.” another voice says
“Oh damn it, is he a playing hard to get type of guy ? maybe you should text him first now”
“I did and the fucker hasn’t replied, i guess he only does one night stands”
Typical Erling Haaland, at least he didn’t lead her on for months
“Has he come yet?”
“Yeah he is sitting with some of the city guys at the back"
Your brain blanks after this last sentence, your thoughts working through the image of him sitting somewhere in the room next to you. You ignore any last hints of hesitancy are left in you and get ready to put your plan to work.
After you open the door to your stool and exit, making sure to ignore the stares from the girls next to you, you stop in front of the sink to wash your hands, running your fingers through your long locks to tame them down and back in place.
Once you have finished you exit the bathroom and find yourself in the loud room once again. A long sigh escapes your lips as your eyes shift in between the unfamiliar people around you but thankfully you won’t have to tire yourself any further.
“Here you are” A voice whispers next to your ear loud enough for you to hear through the club's music while a hand wraps itself around your waist, making your breath get caught in shock by the sudden presence behind you.
You quickly turn around to finally be met with the person you were searching for this whole time, Jadon Sancho. He hadn’t changed one bit since you last saw each other in person in one of his games.
His curly hair look freshly trimmed on the sides while he is wearing his usual style of clothing. A t-shirt with both his arms exposed showing off his long sleeve tattoos, a pair of jeans and of course the extra expensive chains around his neck while the flickering club lights in the dark room makes them shine.
“Heard you were looking for me” He speaks again with an evident smirk plastered on his handsome face while his eyes are traveling all over your appearance. His behaviour makes you blush a bit and you thank heavens for the low lightning in the room that hopefully helps out with covering it up. Nevertheless you can’t fail to notice how he still has his arm around you making the distance between you two very small.
“I wanted to wish you happy birthday” you tell him honestly with a curved smile onto your mouth before you lean into him to leave a slow kiss on his cheek with your arms moving around his neck.
His body automatically lowers down to you due to your height difference and you can feel how his arm tightens around your waist when your lips come in contact with his cheek. 
“Happy birthday Jadon” you whisper close to his ear after the kiss and when you finally lean back to look at him, his smirk has turned into a huge grin and his eyes are bored in to yours with interest.
“Can’t wait for my next birthday so that you can do that again” you laugh at his response.
“Shut up it was just a kiss on the cheek, besides i can give you that any day you want” your flirty answer makes him smirk and you can’t help but draw your lower lip between your teeth since his handsome face only gets nearer you, making you feel weak at the knees. 
You don’t know if its the alcohol is causing you to feel this way or something else. You are still definitely very much attracted to Jadon so that is playing its role for sure. However his questionable intentions had forced you to limit your excitement over him all this time and you honestly believed that you would be able to handle your plan like a pro, with no affects overall, but i guess it's going to be more complicated than that..
“Oh i will definitely hold you to that, after all you also owe me a birthday gift” you raise your eyebrows as the corners of your mouth twitched, almost making you laugh.
“Well then in that case, i will give the birthday boy whatever he wants” you dare to challenge him while you are looking up at him through your lashes. You notice how his gaze on you turns darker to the sound of your words; his hand suddenly cupping the side of your jaw to tilt your head upwards to him.
It’s as if everything slows down around you while his steady breaths brush against your skin and his eyes are staring right into yours; you can feel your mouth slightly opening due to the feeling of his touch on you.
“So you will say yes to everything i want for tonight?” he whispers to you and you nod in response, not really trusting your voice at this moment. He gives you a nod and his eyes shift to glance at your lips for a second before he slides his tongue across his mouth.
“Can i kiss you then?” 
“Yes” you immediately whisper back and he nods in response again before proceeding to lean into you.
“Yo Jadon” a voice comes up from behind you making Jadon pause. A light sigh of disappointment breaks through his lips before he lets his arms fall from your body. He is moving to now stand beside you with his arm resting possessively around your shoulder while you have also turned around to meet with the person that interrupted you. 
To your surprise your sight catches with the devil himself, Erling, among Jack and Rashford. 
The last two seem to be staring at the both of you with smirks on their faces looking all smug for the fact that they caught you almost kissing. Erling on the other hand only holds a sour expression on his face, with his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed on his best friend and his cosy behaviour while being next to you. His eyes get to lock with yours only for a few seconds before shifting back on Jadon.
“Sorry for the interruption lovebirds but we are about to play some body-shots and we needed our birthday guy” Jack says 
“Yeah we are both playing” Jadon answers for you as well and you furrow your brows in confusion, twisting your body to look at him better, ready to interject but Erling beats you to it.
“She can’t play” all of you now turn your attention towards him, taken aback by his statement which you makes you scoff at him as you feel yourself slowly fuming in anger.
“Who the fuck are you to tell me what not to do?” you argued with him, folding your arms in front of your chest.
“I don’t think your brother would appreciate you doing this kind of stuff with his friends” his annoyed tone only hit more into your nerves. 
The audacity of this guy as if he has any right to speak about anyone else but himself. Deep down you already know that this is an act of jealousy and you are happy to make him feel so disturbed but his attitude was ridiculous. 
You actually are not sure if you were going to participate in the first play in this stupid game but his snarking remark immediately makes you change your mind. 
“And i don’t think that’s any of your business, i am my own person and an adult, i can do whatever i want” he can only keep glaring at you and you serve him back with a satisfied grin.
“Well the lady spoke so, shall we?” Marcus spoke up after a moment of silence and then you all make your way towards the bar where the group has gathered to play. 
“Alright guys after you pick your pair, you spin the bottle to choose the body part” Ben speaks up and everyone starts getting ready.
“You will be playing with me, right?” you hear Jadon close to your ear and you nod in response, while he is standing before you with his arms around you neck, almost hugging you from the back, so you take the chance to lean into his strong form as well and relax within his arms.
After everything is settled up, the game finally begins. You watch as each couple licks the salt off of their partner’s body before taking the shot and of course sucking the lime though their parters mouth.
Everyone looks so pumped from the sexual tension thats erupting through the game; shouting and encouraging everyone to make it as nastier as they can.
You start becoming a bit tense as your turn nears up and to your surprise Jadon is quick to notice it so he starts drawing patterns on your skin with his fingers in his effort to make you relax.
His gesture genuinely makes you smile so you decide to thank him with another kiss on his cheek but before you can see his reaction you have already shifted back to your original position but you get to hear a chuckle from him.
When its finally your turn, you move forward to spin the bottle which after a few seconds stops on the word stomach, while for Jadon lands on the word neck. 
Without wasting another second he removes his shirt and gets on top of the bar counter and proceeds to lay down on it to make the process easier for you. Everyone yells in satisfaction while you almost gawk at him not expecting this kind of boldness but it only makes you more excited. 
Not wanting to delay the game any more, you quickly get on top of the chair to stand on your knees; the new angle makes you come in sight with Jadon’s naked torso while he is gazing at you with a smirk on his face. 
You grin at him with as much confidence as you have, not wanting to let him see how intimated or affected he makes you feel on the inside. Soon enough you find yourself slowly licking a stripe across his stomach before you sprinkle the salt while someone else gives him the lemon. For the cherry on top and to cause some more reactions, you dare to balance the shot on top of his crotch. 
After you check on him one last time, you bend down once again to lick the salt from his stomach. An unpleasant sourness already invades your mouth but it is gone as soon as you lift up the shot with your mouth and drink it down on one go. In the end you hover over Jadon’s face to finally lick the cut piece of lemon from his mouth. 
You can’t concentrate on anything happening around you, your instincts completely focused around the feeling of Jadon’s lips barely touching with yours. The only thing that prevents you from actually kissing is that piece of fruit and you can’t help but curse at it in your head at this moment. 
You make a move to seperate yourself from him and the next thing you know his lips are on yours, the lemon completely gone this time, giving you both finally the space for your mouths to lock with each other. Your eyes are closed while Jadon takes the time to sensually suck on your lips and tongue, offering him to taste everything that entered your mouth from the body shot. 
You hear him groan one last time into the kiss before you decide to break it and move yourself to stand on your normal height. Jadon doesn’t wait another second before he brings himself to sit normally on the bar counter with his legs open and hanging from the counter. 
“Get on” he almost growls at you and you instantly comply, twisting your body to sit on the space between his thighs. You can feel your back coming in contact with his front and your body arches in reaction causing the man behind you to let out a quiet curse; but only you are able to hear it since the people around you keep cheering loudly for the both on you. 
“Tilt your head to the side baby” he whispers to you and you follow along without hesitation, your eyes close and your mind abandons all the control it has, completely giving in to the desires of the man behind you. His hands are gripping the side of your waist when you feel his wet tongue rolling down the side of your neck. You hold yourself back from moaning but you soon get interrupted by his voice again. 
“Put the lemon on those lips and hold the shot for me” he instructs you and your body automatically obeys. 
Once you are ready you feel his tongue on your neck licking off all the salt from your skin in a slow and sensual way. Next you raise your hand up to his face so that he can drink the shot before he grabs your chin to twist your head to the side. Your face meets with his and he instantly suck starts sucking on the piece of fruit between your swollen lips. 
Your senses are once more consumed by the light touch of his lips on yours and after a few seconds he finally pulls back to look at you as you take the chance to remove the lemon from your mouth. 
As soon as you have taken it out, your face is being forced towards him as he goes after your lips once again. His lips are softly sucking on yours while his tongue is teasing you at the entrance of you mouth. When you pull back from him, you open your eyes to look at him while his hand is softly caressing the side of your face.
“You know what they say; sit on my lap at parties and you will sit on my face in private” His bold words cause you to blush and laugh at the same time. While there were people around you staring at your heated interaction you both felt so wrapped up in your little moment that you didn’t seem to care.
“Well i’m sorry to break it to you but technically I'm not sitting on your lap” you respond and he nibbles on his lips while looking at you lustfully.
“You will later, don’t worry” his tone sounds serious and dark probably from how turned on he is, not bothering to hide his attraction towards you, not even in front of all this people and you can already feel your heart fluttering from that.
And to be honest that scares you a lot for what's coming.
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imagine-you · 6 months
writin' you a letter and I don't know where to start part 1 of 3 [steve harrington/reader]
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summary: You think leaving Hawkins will be a painless and easy farewell, but when you reconnect with Steve Harrington the night before you're set to leave town, you realize there's something still left in Hawkins you'll miss. You decide to write Steve a letter and when he writes back, you can't help but feel thrilled to reforge your connection with him. It's easy to fall in love with Steve, but when you fall out of touch again, you think you're officially done with him once and for all. Years later, you're visiting your parents in Hawkins for Christmas, when a deputy pulls you over and you realize maybe Hawkins and Steve aren't done with you. word count: 1.5k author's note: this was meant to be a oneshot, but I had a family emergency this week and I couldn't finish this. but the thought of not posting anything depressed the hell out of me even more than I already am, so here's part one. so much thought and love has gone into planning this fic, so to entice you a bit more, part two involves letters and longing while part three involves deputy!steve and reconciliation. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. 💖
part one / part two / part three
Most people your age either dreaded the news that they would have to leave their whole life behind or find it exciting to wipe the slate clean and start all over. You supposed you felt it was bittersweet to leave Hawkins, but you were interested in seeing what life in Chicago had in store for you. Your dad had lost his job in Hawkins, since most businesses were either going out of business or abandoning the town in favor of greener pastures. Most businesses were heading for bankruptcy either because Hawkins now had a public image as a hellscape or because Starcourt Mall was set to open its doors in a few months, sweeping in to snatch away sales and customers.  
Your father had been offered a job at your grandfather's company and your mom was ecstatic at the thought of having more money to spend. You didn't feel like leaving Hawkins was the worst thing that could happen to you, but you still felt like you were leaving behind a few loose ends.  
You had never had many friends. Not since you hit junior high and suddenly everyone was concerned with whether or not they were 'cool.' You figured by the time you hit ninth grade and you could only count one or two people in the cafeteria who probably wouldn't give you shit for sitting with them that you had fallen short of the popularity standard everyone else had set.  
So, while you didn't mind moving away from Hawkins, you would mourn the easier times you had when you were a kid and it seemed like everyone was your friend. When everyone got an invite to the birthday parties and everyone got a card for Valentine's day. When you played tag with future cheerleaders and basketball players on the playground and shared popsicles in the park on hot summer days.  
You supposed nostalgia was to blame for why you had talked yourself into attending Tina's Christmas party. Everyone would be there, or so Tina liked to boast, and since you practically had one foot out the Hawkins door, you could make yourself say goodbye to the best memories from your past and rid yourself of anything tethering you to the place where you grew up.  
You felt out of place as you walked into Tina's house. There was a keg stand and raucous laughter and dancing and cheering. You were so out of practice socializing with so many people around that you froze inside the doorway, not sure where to start.  
Your decision was made for you when a girl you didn't even recognize passed by you and handed you a cup of punch.  
"Gotta get in the party mood! Turn that frown upside down!" She kept walking, falling into the arms of a guy who was evidently waiting for her across the room.  
You considered the punch before downing the drink, wincing at the amount of vodka in it. You hadn't even been aware that you were frowning, so if this helped you loosen up a bit and make the best of your last night in Hawkins among people you used to call friends, then you would rely on a little liquid courage. You set your sights on a game of beer pong that was happening across the room and decided to start there.  
You found yourself drifting from one group of people to the next, mentally saying your farewells while you soaked up the last vestiges of nostalgia Hawkins still held for you.  
By the time the clock struck midnight, you were leaning against the wall, nursing a glass of water while you watched people dance to Christmas music. The song changed from one to the next and you perked up at the opening notes of your favorite Christmas song coming out of the sound system.  
"Wanna dance?" 
You startled, not even realizing that someone had approached you. When you turned to look, you were surprised to see that it was Steve standing there, considering you. You hadn't talked to Steve in what felt like years but you must have said 'hi' to him or nodded at him occasionally at school. There was a time in your life when Steve was your best friend, but those days were long gone and now you were standing next to a stranger.  
"What?" You asked, at a loss for any other way to respond.  
"This is your favorite, right?" He reminded you, gesturing towards the speakers where the song was pouring into the room. Darlene Love was begging her baby to please come home for Christmas and you couldn't deny that the song had a hold on you. The idea of dancing with Steve among all the other couples while listening to the song felt exhilarating.  
"You remember that?" You hadn't had an actual conversation with Steve since you were eleven years old, but the fact that he would remember something like your favorite Christmas song touched you. You might not be having playdates or inviting each other to your birthday parties anymore, but maybe you still meant something to him.  
"Yeah," he answered, shrugging his shoulders like it meant nothing. "So, you wanna dance or keep holding the wall up? Because I'm pretty sure the song's halfway over and you're gonna be sad if you miss it.  
You rolled your eyes, barely resisting the urge to reach out and pull on Steve's hair like you would have if you were still kids. You figured at the very least you might as well dance with Steve. Tonight was your last chance for farewells and a dance with Steve Harrington sounded like the perfect way to end the night. You nodded your head in answer and Steve took your hand. You felt a fluttering in the pit of your stomach that had you hoping it was dark enough that Steve wouldn't realize how flustered you were feeling.  
Steve pulled you towards the dancing couples and turned, tugging on your hand until you were pressed against him. You felt a dizzying sense of déjà vu and a memory rushed unbidden to the forefront of your mind.  
"What?" Steve asked, sounding suspicious. "Why are you smiling like that?" 
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your mouth as you leaned forward to rest your head on his shoulder. It was easy to fall into step with Steve, like you had been doing this little dance for years, swaying together and orbiting each other. "Remember that awful party our parents made us go to? We were five or something and the only kids there and Mrs. Lee thought it would be adorable if she taught us how to waltz." 
Steve groaned and shook his head. "I needed to ice my feet that night because you kept stepping all over them. You couldn't get the timing right." 
"Me?" You scoffed, helpless against the smile that was still tugging at your lips. "You elbowed me in the eye and I had to take my very first school picture all bruised," you said before bringing a hand up and gesturing at your face.  
"Well, on the bright side, at least we've both gotten better at dancing," he offered, his mouth tilted to the side in a hopeful smirk. "You haven't tried to crush any of my toes yet." 
"There's still time," you joked, pretending to pick your foot up with the intention of bringing it down on Steve's left shoe.  
"Alright, alright," he sighed, reeling you back in. You hadn't even noticed that you had drifted away until you were suddenly aware of Steve's heartbeat echoing through your body and the feel of his breath against the shell of your ear. "So, this is goodbye? I heard about your dad's job." 
"Yeah," you answered, fluster swiftly twisting into melancholy. You hadn't even realized there was anything in Hawkins that you would actually miss until that very moment. "We leave tomorrow." 
Steve let out a low whistle, pulling away until he could get a good look at you. "You ever gonna come back here?  
You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know," you told him, mind spinning from having all of Steve's focus on you. "I don't know if I'll ever have a reason to." 
Steve hummed in thought before he pulled you forward again, but it wasn't to continue dancing, since the song had already ended. Steve's arms wrapped around you and it took you a second to realize Steve was hugging you. And then before you could even think to reciprocate, he was pulling back, a small, wistful smile on his face. "Don't forget all about us in Chicago, alright? We’ll miss you here." 
And then he was walking away, leaving you speechless and confused.  
That night, you were curled up on your mattress that was left lying in the center of your room so you could get one last good sleep in Hawkins before you left. You pulled your blanket tighter around you, your mind on Steve and the childhood feelings you had felt for him bubbling up and threatening to overwhelm you.  
Maybe Hawkins held nothing for you, but you couldn't help but think that Steve Harrington sure did. 
part two
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hello! I found your post about puella magi madoka magica and i loved it! I actually want to request something. How about yandere puella magi madoka magica with reader, where reader getting bullied. (Platonic)
You can ignore my request if you want! And i'm sorry if my request burden you.
Yandere!Holy quintet helping bullied darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko & Homura ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magica ]
⚠️ Yandere, I dunno support this kind of behavior in real life, I just write it for fun!
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Im not going to just ignore you dear, I really liked your idea so here it is!! 😄
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️
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Everything had started when they offer you their help, either Madoka or Mami both of them are always ready to help. Although, If they had found you while the bullies were attacking you is Mami who step in and tries to solve the problem without fighting, while Sayaka will be ready to throw her hands on it (at least enough to help you get away from them) and Madoka will try to help you with your things or any wounds you have
They were the first of the group that you get to know, even if you don't really trust them at first they understand (well Sayaka not too much since they were the ones who helped you), Mami reasure you that you don't have to worry they are happy to help you and after making sure you were alright they leave you (they can make you company on your way to your house if you ask them). Your firsts interactions weren't too relevant, just quickly helping you, mainly because they still have work to do, but the more occasions they found you being target of those bullies the more they were worried
Is probably Madoka who brings up the idea of trying to add you to the group in order to help you avoid all the bullying, and Mami and Sayaka totally agreed with it so the next time they found you (hopely alone and not being attacked) they tell you that all of you should be friends, they want to help you (even if you try to decline their offer they will insist, not letting you too much room to protest)
At first it was just a normal friendship, hanging out with you and protecting you, but after some time they start to see how truly special you were, how wonderful friend you truly are, it doesn't matter if you are more shy or even more goofy, you had made your way to their hearts and you weren't planing to leave any time soon, little by little you had become a really important person for them
Mami doesn't feel lonely anymore because now she had wonderful friends by her side, she knows you look up at her, you see her as the strong girl she is and you know you can always count with her and she loves it, you make her feel wanted and even need it, so she always gives her best for you, she wouldn't like to dissapoint her cute little friend, isn't she?
Madoka tend to feel insecure from time to time, not feeling enough and doubting herself but everytime she feels bad you are there to prove her wrong, you are always there to remember her how she is really stronge and caring, she was the one who saved you after all, you are always there to boost her confidence and give her motivation when she can't find it
Sayaka is always cheerful, always ready to fight for others, for the justice, but the people doesn't seem to really apreciate her, it isn't like she is trying to gain something by it but not even the person she loved appreciate it, the person for whom she had give her sould in exchange for him to be alright, but that wasn't the case with you, since the first moment, when she had helped you, you had been always grateful with her, even when you didn't knew her yet
You are like their little sunshine, their motivation to continue fighting because they can't let you fall into the trap of a witch, the mere thought of it make them fearful and desesperate, that is why they are always by your side, barely leaving you alone, is just that you are so special that you should be protected for everything and anything
And that is why they despise those bastards who had dare to mess with you, how the hell they dare to go against someone so beautiful and special like you, the were really just some idiots that deserve to suffer. The more they had affected you the more angry they get, like if they just make fun of you or mess with you sometimes they aren't so furious, even when they want to take revenge and teach them a lesson they will do it in a more smart way, but if they had dare to lay a hand on you, even if it was just once then they will merciless, they will be really harsh on them, I mean, no one will even notice if they diseapear, right? who will blame them if they came a little late to save them from a witch?
To meet Homura it would take some time, she will notice you when you started to hang out with them, and since Madoka seemed to like you a lot she start to keep a close eye on you, even stalking you for a while, this was probably the first time-line you had apeared so she will be wary with you for a while, not really knowing if you are dangerous
However, everything changed for her when she noticed how special you are, being so kind and lighting up the mood by just being there, now she understand why Madoka was atracted to you on the first place since both of you are really special, it got to the point that she can't just hide in the shadows anymore, she needs meet you directly, to be with you, so she will take advantage of one of those time where you were being bothered by the bullies to introduce herself
She tries to be kind to you and even make a good impresion while protecting you, but when the other girls came she get mad, honestly Homura wanted to monopolize your time for a while, but their presence ruin her plans. She was ready to fight them in order to be alone with you but she knows that they are important to you so she try to hold back herself
She will try to make an agreement with them (mainly Mami and Sayaka), they were really wary of Homura since she had never made a good impresion but now that she were so close to you it just make things worst, and Homura didn't like them too much neither, aside from you and Madoka she doesn't care for the rest, but for your sake they will be willing to give a try, Homura had saved you too after all (and even if they didn't accept Homura she was more than ready to fight them)
Homura started to hang out with all of you too, and for a while Mami and Sayaka were quietly threating her, but in the moment you start to trust in her and even call her your friend they start to warm up to her, if you liked her maybe she wasn't a really bad person, and Homura couldn't be happier since this was the first time things were going pacefuly, and it was all thanks to you you truly are special!
When Kyoko come they were pretty wary of her too, since she doesn't really think on anyone else aside from her they didn't really wanted for her to get close to you, but after some time she started to warm up to them. She start to be really curious over you for how caring and selfish they are over you, the fact that you had been bullied made her warm up with you quicker since it brings her a protective instinct, so she ended up joining everyone on the group (she would rather be able to monopolize you, but she won't complain about the others)
After you had met them you never have to face any bullied again, they will never let anyone get close to you anymore, you have them and they could provide you whatever you need, they are fully capable to protect you from anyone who tries to harm you, doesn't matter if it is a person or a witch
The more aggresive the bullies were to you or the more affected you are for what you had to go through the more wary they become with the rest of the world, may even start to get paranoid, to the point that you are never going to be alone again (even without you knowing it)
At least once someone had bring the idea of you becoming a Magical Girl so you will go with them on the fights (probably Mami or Madoka), but Homura and Kyoko are quickly to decline it (Homura is even mad at the only thought), both pretty much know that this is not a game and they don't want to put you into this curse (not like they will let you even really risk your life), you are perfectly fine just the way you are and they are perfectly capable to defend you
And when they get to know the truth behind being a Magical Girl you were the one who keep them sane (as sane as they can), not letting themselfs fall into despair because if something happen to them what will become of you? what would you do without them? what if people start attacking you again if they aren't by your side? They can't just throw themselfs like that when they still have to be there for you and protect you
After they had the bless to meet you non of them will let anything get you away from them, not even the Walpurgisnacht and since none has surrendered to despair they were be ready to fight the biggest witch, they fight for you, for a future with you, they doesn't need anything else than you just as you don't need anyone but them
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