#I love him :') <3
dizzybizz · 1 year
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family trip to the grocery store
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rsephys · 3 days
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hua cheng!!!! HUA CHENG!!!
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Spock’s little expressions reblog if you agree
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apparently-artless · 1 month
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kimetsu no yaiba hashira training arc e02 - tomioka giyuu
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dustbar · 3 months
"so a barista walks into a bar and says to the bartender.... uh, heya, what d'you recommend?" --ccino (could be latte, up to you)
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was actually torn between this one and a lavender honey cream BUT it felt appropriate since ash doesnt know his preferences (yet,,,,)
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sheawritesstuff · 4 months
Sam / Darlin Headcanons
[In no particular order]
✩ Sam has stretch marks on his hips and across his back from growing so fast after leaving Mont Blanc
✩ Darlin has a high pain tolerance so they literally don’t realize when they’re seriously injured sometimes
✩ Sam has a lot of faded scars on his hands
✩ Sam is the oldest brother, Darlin is a middle child - they both had to leave their younger siblings behind and still feel bad about it
✩ The younger pack members think Sam is the absolute coolest even though they don’t get to see him very often
✩ Sam still has David’s name saved as Mr. Shaw in his phone
✩ Since Sam convinced Darlin to start eating actual food they are BUILT - their muscles aren’t super lean and defined anymore, but they’re noticeably stronger
✩ Occasionally when they’re stressed Darlin will shift and lay directly on top of Sam like a wolf-shaped weighted blanket
✩ Sam hates the question “are you a tea or coffee person?” because people rarely accept his answer of “both”
✩ Darlin was very uneasy about any kind of physical touch after Quinn, especially skin-to-skin, so they almost exclusively wore clothes that covered their entire body for about a year - they feel safe enough to wear tank tops and shorts now
✩ Darlin likes holding both sides of Sam’s face when they kiss
✩ Sam pretends to be more oblivious to modern media than he really is 
✩ Before turning, Sam needed glasses - for a while afterwards he would still wear them out of habit
✩When shifted, Darlin is one of the biggest wolves in the pack
✩ When he was younger, Sam used to fight in shady arenas for some quick cash
✩ Darlin knows how to play bass
✩ Sam shaved his head after leaving Mont Blanc and after turning as his way of “starting his new life” - he keeps it fairly long now but makes an effort to keep it trimmed and maintained
✩ Darlin has convinced Sam to paint his nails with them at least once
✩ Sam looks like his dad but he has his mom’s eyes and her smile
✩ Sam dances like a tipsy suburban dad at a backyard barbecue
✩ Darlin has a habit of glaring like they’re about to murder the next person who enters their line of sight when they’re actually just thinking about what they want for dinner
✩ Sam was raised on a ranch so he knows how to ride horses, herd cattle, etc.
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 month
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I sure fucking love it when they do the thing :')
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trustypaladin · 2 months
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Intimidation was more of Parker's route...
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deancrowleycas · 4 months
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scribbyizback · 2 months
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sanii drop from gitm, but I did what I do best to him (turning everybody pink)
gitm by @venomous-qwille
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kuniipi · 2 months
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Hau!! he's so cute ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧
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rikunih · 2 months
Quick little monster sora sketch :3
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wnjunhui · 1 year
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WONWOO’s Mindset
Ep. 3 - Maintaining Healthy Relationship: SVT, My Second Parents
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bewdyscrojb · 6 months
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Izzy <3
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ahappyphjl · 6 months
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favorite phil quote // dpgdaily's dnpaw - day 1/7
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nuadha-airgeadlamh · 8 months
so upset about how little love Godrick receives. imagine being so fiercely ridiculed your whole life for your inferiority and weakness compared to your peers that you descend into depravity in order to become as powerful as them, and though you are successful in giving yourself great strength, it’s still not enough to equal them. imagine living your life knowing that everyone thinks you’re a pathetic weakling, and no matter how hard you try, you’ll never receive the validation you crave from the ones that matter. like HELLO. we are SLEEPING on him!!! he is just as profoundly tragic as any of the demigods but he’s just perceived as a joke or a one-note evil villain. he has so much depth! how can you not feel something when he pleas to return home with his dying breath… 
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