#I love how they're all following a colour theme
achillean-knight · 4 months
FINALLY CAUGHT UP! - Mettaton May post! -
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I hope it's ok to skip some of the days, because 8, 9, 11 & 13 were just not coming to me BWEHH So I did the ones I thought I could do. I did em' digitally this time, bc I'm too lazy to open up my sketch book more often LOL Though, they're still doodles/sketches, bc I don't think I have it in me for a full piece every single day AAAA
Days: 6 - Merch (shout out to the Mettaton plushie I bought. My fam said he looks like Tetris) 7 - Ghost 10 - Phone 12 - Applause 14 - Fashion 15 - Love 16 - ....Leg (I'm so sorry for what I did with this day LMAOOO)
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
They're my babies! (Lando Norris)
While preparing for baby number three, you start to notice just how grown up Matilda and Fraser are
Note: english is not my first language. I'm back and I'm not sure if I still know how to do this 🫣 Thank you for being so patient ✨️ I hope it's enjoyable to read!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not actively taking requests right now, so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to send them in but know that I don't know when I'll be able to get to them!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant, mentions worries associated with pre-eclampsia, prematurity and themes associated with them
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"And where are my two boys going?", you inquired as you heard Lando tell Fraser to finish his breakfast so they could get ready to go.
"Daddy is taking me to get a haircut!", Fraser beamed as he ruffled his curls, "they're hindering me in the eyes", he explained.
"I'm getting my hair trimmed as well", your husband offered, kissing the top of your head after he set your tea next to your plate.
"Thank you, love", you whispered, "me and Tilly are staying in today, aren't we, princess?", you checked with your daughter. When you were putting her to bed the previous night, she asked if you could stay home for the day so she could help you with preparing the nursery for the arrival of your babygirl - the furniture was already in place, now you just needed to fill it with clothes bedding and all of the products you needed for your baby girl.
"Yes, I'm helping mummy with Lottie's things!", your oldest daughter smiled before taking a spoonful from her porridge.
"That's very nice of you, sweetheart", Lando praised, kissing the top of her head and getting the plates from the table to put in the dishwasher.
The boys headed upstairs to change while you and Tilly stayed back downstairs, giving her your undivided attention as she told you about what happened in school. With the approach of the baby's arrival, you and Lando made extra effort to spend alone time with each of your kids.
"Mummy! Tilly! I want to show you something, where are you?", Fraser called just as you were getting ready to go upstairs yourselves.
"We're heading upstairs!", Matilda replied.
At the top of the stairs, you were met with your husband and your son dressed in a white t-shirt and dark green shorts. Apart from the little cartoon Fraser 's t-shirt had, they were identical to the eye.
"Are you matching? Look at you two!", you cooed, stretching your arms so you could take him in and have the little boy close to you.
"I don't want to hurt you, mummy - I'm a big boy", Fraser mumbled as he set him on your hip.
"You won't, my love, I'm good", you assured as Lando also rubbed your back, "you two look so handsome".
"It's true, daddy and Fraser look handsome! Can we match today too, mummy?", Matilda asked.
Lando blushed slightly at the attention he was getting, hiding his face on your daughter's neck and blowing a raspberry there, making her let out a loud squeal followed by her melodic laugh, "that tickles daddy!".
"You look really beautiful, mummy", Fraser whispered on your ear, resting his head on your chest and playing with your hair.
"Thank you, baby boy", you kissed his cheek, "are you planning on giving me a new hair do too?", you joked.
"No, it looks pretty like this, but I just like to play with it", he mumbled.
The four of your stayed in the hallway for a bit before, just taking in the moment before Lando and Fraser really had to go, not wanting to miss their appointment.
Matilda helped you pick out a loungewear set that was comfortable and breezy before she went to her wardrobe to grab one of her lavender dresses, thinking the colour was perfect to match your own clothes.
"Where are we going to start, mummy?", Matilda wondered, sitting down on the rug inside the nursery and looking at all the boxes filled with unfolded clothes.
"These are all washed so we just have to fold them and organise them into the drawers - I'd you want to play or do something that you find more fun, you can do it, Tilly, I don't mind", you assured, hardly thinking folding clothes would be the funnest activity for your seven year old.
"No, mummy, I want to help you! Can you just put some music on your phone, please?", she asked, prompting you to play some of your favourites in your Spotify app.
"The top ones can be for the baby grows - we'll go through a lot of them so they need to be quick and easy to grab", you explained as you got the folded clothes from her hands.
"This one here is so pretty, mummy!", Matilda pointed to a babygrow you remembered her wearing when she was a baby.
"We got this one from uncle George and auntie Carmen when you were born", you smiled, unfolding the piece to take a good look at the embroidered stars on the piece. Despite having been worn multiple times by both Matilda and Fraser, the piece was still in good quality given the materials it was made out of.
"Me? Was I ever this little?", Matilda argued softly, standing behind the piece so she could see the difference, "wow, it's so hard to believe that", she mused.
Your emotions got the best out of you as your memory took you back to the times of newborn Matilda. You and Lando were first time parents and naturally things didn't fall into place right away - there was a lot of learning still and finding out what worked for your baby and your family despite everything you read on the books, but the newborn bubble was a time you cherished fondly.
"You were! I even remember this one being a little loose on you, daddy had to roll up the sleeves so they wouldn't bunch up on your hands", you recalled your husband doing so, holding her to his chest as he adjusted the fabric on the little one's body.
"I'm so much bigger now!", Matilda smiled before folding the piece again and placing it in the drawer.
"Yes, you are", you gulped, keeping the tears at bay as you watched your not so little girl independently carry on with her task.
A call interrupted you, Matilda handing you the phone from its spot on the chest of drawers so you wouldn't have to get up.
"Thank you, my love - hello!", you asked to the other side of the line, engaging in conversation with your sister in-law.
"Is it Nana Cisca or auntie Cisca?", Matilda asked when you put the phone on speaker so they could talk too.
"It's auntie Cisca, Tilly! How is my little princess?", she asked over the phone.
As soon as they talked about everything they needed to talk, and ending the call with a promise of a drawing session in the garden for when the weather looked nice, your daughter and you bid goodbye to your husband's sister.
"Mummy!", you heard Fraser call after the door closed just as you were plating up some snacks for you and Matilda.
"You boys got home just in time for snack time!", you called back, bringing the plates to the table before Lando and Fraser stepped inside the kitchen.
The sight before you could only be disguised as double vision. Fraser always looked a little bit more like Lando when compared to the physical traits he got from you, but right now, there was Lando and a mini Lando.
"Do you not like my haircut, mummy?", your son asked as a tinge of insecurity made it to his voice.
"Of course I like it, Fraser - I love it!", you quickly assured, picking him up so you could take a good look at his handsome face, "you look so handsome, my love! You and daddy look so much like eachtoher, that's why I was quiet for a bit", you explained.
Lando approached you, pecking your lips and rubbing your baby bump, "the hairdresser said the same actually", he mused as he sat next to Matilda and stole one of her strawberries.
"There's enough food for all of us, let me make some more", you smiled at their antics.
"I want to go down, mummy", Fraser asked so you could set him on the floor.
Lando took the opportunity to swap with the little boy, offering him his spot at the table and heading to stand next to you by the counter.
"And do I look handsome too?", your husband whispered on your ear as he circled your waist, his hands landing on your baby bump and feeling her move.
"The most handsome of all, although Fraser is serious competition", you giggled.
"He's one cute little dude, isn't he?", your husband stated, "what can I say? We make really cute kids, Y/N Norris", he kissed your neck, "and we're about to have proof number three of that - how has she been?".
"She's been well behaved today, although as soon as she hears your voice, she goes back to being a wiggly baby", you chuckled as you felt a particularly hard kick.
"Calm down, sweet girl, daddy is excited to be home too but we can't kick mummy like that, can we? You can't be a trouble maker already", Lando spoke softly, kissing your cheek one last time before he carried on helping you make something to eat.
"And that way, she always knew that she could count on her friends", you finished Fraser's bedtime story, tucking him in properly before setting the book back on the shelf.
"Good night, mummy", Fraser mumbled sleepily, "I love you to the moon and back".
"Sweet dreams, Fraser, I love you all the way around the milky way", you mumbled back, kissing his forehead and leaving the room once you turned off the light.
You could faintly hear some noise coming from Matilda's bedroom, knocking on the door softly before opening it and seeing Lando sat on the bed with Tilly on his arms, a finished book on his thighs as they spoke softly.
"Still not asleep?", you nudged.
"I wanted Tilly to show you this", Lando pointed to the drawing on top of her desk, "tell mummy what that is".
"This is our family, and we can use this to teach Lottie when she's born", Matilda clarified, "Nana Cisca has the same name as auntie Cisca, Lottie can be confused, mummy", she reasoned.
"That's very nice and thoughtful of you princess", you smiled, tracing all the lines on the paper.
You and Lando wished her a good night before leaving her bedroom, Lando popping into Fraser's room to kiss him goodnight another time and to check if he was asleep before meeting you in the bedroom.
"This morning, Tilly found the baby grow with the stars George and Carmen gifted us and she held it up against her chest and I have been a mess since", you admitted as Lando held out his arms for a cuddle.
"She's really grown up, isn't she? I have no idea how she thought about the names", Lando chuckled.
"Your sister called this morning and she wondered if it was her or your mother - she seemed to stick with the thought but I didn't think much of it", you shrugged your shoulders as you rocked in eachother's embrace.
"She's really clever, she gets that from you, that's for sure", Lando offered.
"Seems right since you managed to get rid of my little baby boy and bring back a mini you version from the hairdresser!", you scoffed as Lando looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, "don't act all innocent! Fraser was my cuddly baby boy this morning, then you took him to get a haircut and suddenly he looks like a pre teen! And he said he didn't want to cuddle me", you pouted.
"Well, I did take him for the haircut, but I didn't actually do it myself", Lando argued playfully, earning him light slap on his chest, "but I did tell him he had to be careful with you now that you're towards the end of the pregnancy", he nudged.
"Lando", you pouted.
"I didn't tell him to not cuddle you! I just told him that he needed to be careful with you carrying heavy things and stuff like that - he was the one to suggest that from now on he would only cuddle you when you were laying down!", your husband told you in his defense.
"He's still my baby! And Tilly is too! I want cuddles with my babies no matter what!", you stated, feeling Charlotte kick Lando's tummy since you were still glued together, "you too, my love, in due time", you mumbled the last part.
"I tell you what, tomorrow we'll have a cuddle session in bed, all of us and I'll make sure Tilly and Fraser are as close to you as possible", Lando smiled.
"That sounds good", you agreed, kissing his lips before you started getting ready for bed.
As you sat down after pulling the covers, Lando noticed there was still something that was leaving you unsettled.
"I can tell something is worrying you still - you have that frown line Fraser has on his forehead too", Lando nodded as he rubbed your feet and ankles since they had swelled a bit lately.
"What if I can't be a good home for this baby, too?", you asked as Lando quirked an eyebrow at you, "Fraser had to come earthside earlier because my blood pressure was a mess, and before that I spent days in hospital trying to make sure he had the least amount of deficits possible. What if I can't carry to term this time around either?", you whispered the last part, almost like if you said it any louder, it was bound to happen straight away.
"I'm scared too, my love", Lando spoke after gathering his thoughts, "but we are doing what we can to make sure this baby cooks for as long as she has to before coming to us - we're having extra appointments to check with everything, we're being active and healthy, I'm also travelling as less as I possibly can, and we have both of our parents coming here for help on a schedule so you don't stress out so much - I know you'll never admit it because you think it's a dirty expression, but those two?", he pointed in the direction of the kids' bedrooms, "they're definitely my children because of the chaos they cause and it's stressful. I love them to death - I'd do anything for them -, but, my word, is it hard sometimes?!", he giggled as you nodded in agreement, "I'd never want you to feel all the parenting stress on your own, it's not good any other time and it's especially not good when you're carrying our little girl", he smiled, kissing just above your baby bump.
"I just want to be a safe home for Lottie", you rubbed your babybump.
"And you are, Y/N, her first home and the safest of them all - and even though I'm not wishing for it, if it happens again, we know we can handle it and most of that is because your such a strong woman", he praised as he sat next to you and held your hand in his, "we're in this together and you can always come to me whenever these scary thoughts come around", he kissed your lips.
"Thank you", you whispered again, pecking his lips.
"That's not a nice greeting, I deserve better, gorgeous girl", he smirked, supporting himself on his arms while carefully hovering over you while he was still able to, "you deserve better, and apparently they say this can be very relaxing and lower your blood pressure, so you're in for a fine night, pretty mama", he said as he stole a proper kiss from your lips.
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borathae · 8 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]
"When Jungkook wants some affection."
Genre: married life!AU, domestic Fluff, a hint of suggestive themes
Warnings: they're in love, snuggles & cuddles in bed, kisses, they also talk about alien dick at one point lmaaoaao, and how Kook would use it on her hahha listen they're both nerds <3, Kookie wants to be praised and kissed!!!, they are the one true couple <3
Wordcount: 2.1k
a/n: they're so important to me :( i love them so fucking much istfg :(
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You and Jungkook have a to-do list on your fridge. On there, you write all the things needing to be done this day, which aren’t part of the usual schedule. During the colder months, the list could include things like “make the greenhouse storm proof” while in the warmer months, things like “mow the lawn” finds its way onto the list. You even have the list separated in two sections. One for you and one for Jungkook. Because you hate doing some tasks, while Jungkook loves them and instead he hates other tasks you love. So some tasks will always find their way onto Jungkook’s side while others will be cozy on your side. The list works wonderfully and saved yourselves from many sleepless nights when the sudden realization set in that “oh shoot, you had to do something today but forgot”. It is also a perfect tool to prevent useless bickering about “who does it”, because once it’s on the determined side, it is clear to both who will be responsible for it. 
The day is almost over and you are on your way to the shower when you decide to check the list just one last time. Just in case. Your brain has been awfully scattered throughout the day because of a bad night's sleep, so just to be sure, you want to make sure that the list has actually been worked through. 
You and Jungkook have a pen each to write your lists. Jungkook’s side is written in black ink and his handwriting, while your side is written in blue ink and your handwriting. He had swipe the driveway, clean the bike gear closet on his side today. Both tasks are crossed off. You had water the upstairs plants and wash the upstairs curtains, kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him on your list. Both tasks are crossed off. Your eyes do a double take. 
“Kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him?” you read out loud. You didn’t write that. Your eyes flit down to yet another task you didn’t fulfill, “Pin husband by the wrists and tell him he is yours? I’m sorry? I didn’t write any of this.” 
Wait a minute. This is written in black ink. And it is Jungkook’s handwriting.
“Oh my god, Kook”, you gasp, having to laugh, “you genius doofus.” 
This is such a Jungkook thing to do. It is silly, clever and exactly the kind of flirting that gets your heart racing. You married such a goofy sweetheart.
You abandon the list so you can take the quickest shower in wife history. You have tasks to fulfill, husbands to kiss. You slip into a cute two piece pyjama set once clean and hurry to his room. 
The door is closed and so you knock. 
“Come in”, he answers after the third knock.
You slide into the room, closing the door behind you. In typical Jungkook fashion, he has the big lights off and only his colourful LEDs on. The room is hued into a mixture of red and pink. 
Your husband is sitting by his computer with his knees pulled to his chest. He is dressed in loose boxers and a white oversized shirt. His short hair is silky and on top of his nose, a pair of black framed glasses is perched. He started wearing prescription glasses. Well, in yet another typical Jungkook fashion, he only wears them occasionally because he either forgets or can’t be bothered. Whenever he does wear them however, he looks so handsome in them that it gets hard to function. 
“Hey sweetie”, he greets you, studying you from head to toe, “this is such a cute set. It fits you so well.” 
“Thank you. It’s satin. Touch it”, you hurry to him.
Jungkook touches your upper waist, sliding his hand down to your hip softly. His eyes follow his touch.
“Wow, so soft and silky.”
“Right? It’s so comfy. And? Check this out”, you say and grab the pants at the crotch part to drag it into his vision. You have to do a little bend for it. 
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, having to chuckle at your silly antics.
“No middle seam”, you say, fixing your pants again, “which means no pussy and ass crack discomfort.”
“Ah that’s what you tried to show me. It looks so comfy. Yay to no crack discomfort.” 
“I know. I’m so happy”, you say and turn to look at his screen. 
He has a character creation window open. It seems like a sci-fi shooter game. 
“Am I disturbing you?” 
“No, it’s okay. I’m creating a character for the next round. I wanna be an alien this time.”
“I see. That seems cool”, you say and suddenly you feel so guilty for coming here. This is Jungkook’s recharge time, you shouldn’t ruin this for him. Maybe you can fulfill your tasks later. Once he’s in bed with you.
“What brings you here, sweetie? Fashion show or something else?” Jungkook asks, caressing your lower back as he talks.
“Yeah, no. Fashion show”, you turn to him, giving him a little sway of your shoulders, “I wanted to show you my new set.”
“I love it. You are beautiful in it”, he praises and smiles.
“Thankies”, you murmur shyly and wiggle your shoulders, “do you want any snacks? I’m making tea so I can drink some as I read in bed.” 
“No, thank you. I have my beer and my crisps”, he says and gives your buttock a little squeeze, “you’re my favorite snack anyways.”
You nudge his cheek, “sweet talker.”
He chuckles, shifting his eyes to the screen again. Yes, you will definitely do your tasks later in bed. They will hit so much better this way.
“Okay, I’m in bed then”, you say, leaving his room again.
“Yeah okay. Have fun reading.”
“I will, heh. Have fun being an alien.” 
Jungkook laughs, “I will.”
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You already finished the chapters when Jungkook comes to bed. You are on your phone, watching a video, when he enters the bedroom. You pause the video and lock your phone, following your husband with your eyes.
He is walking to his bedside table so he can put his glasses there for the night. He massages the bridge of his nose afterwards, taking on a path to the bathroom.
“It was your turn to put Bam to sleep, right?” he asks.
“It was, yeah. He’s been sleeping for two hours.”
“That’s good. Our son”, he says, disappearing in the bathroom afterwards. Moments later, you can hear him pee.
You shake your head in disbelief, chuckling to yourself. He couldn’t even close the door for that. 
The toilet flushes and moments later, you hear him brush his teeth. He even manages to make himself gag once as he scrapes his tongue, following it up with a “made myself gag” to which you answer him with a chuckled “poor man”.   
Afterwards he finally appears, grinning at you.
“Wah baby, I just pissed so hard”, he says.
“I know. I heard. Couldn’t you have closed the door?”
“I could have. I was lazy”, he says and plops down on bed.
“You’re so weird sometimes.”
“You love me for it.”
“Mhm, yeah I guess I do. I hope you sat down.”
“Wah baby, who do you think I am? A heathen? Of course I sat down.”
You chuckle, “good boy.”
He snuggles into his pillow until he is cozied up on his side and with his big eyes gazing at you. “I was an alien”, he says, reaching out to intertwine his fingers with yours. He caresses your knuckles mindlessly.
“You were?”
“Mhm. It was fun. Hey babe, would you still love me if I was an alien?” 
You laugh, lifting your brow at him in question. He flutters his lashes at you, expecting your answer.
“Obviously”, you say, “I’d call you my little alien and we could go on dates in your UFO.”
“Yeah that sounds romantic. Also, alien dick. Hello? Would you prefer tentacles, an egg laying one or a double trouble deluxe one?” 
“I love that we instantly went from cute UFO dates to alien dick” you say with a chuckle on your lips.
“That’s important miss ma’am, I need to know your preferences.”
“Fine okay”, you give in, “tentacles? Fill me in.”
“Okay so. I would have no dick, you know, like Ken. But then I could grow tentacles and these tentacles produce their own lube so I can fuck you with them. And there’s lots of them so I can fill out whatever you want me to.”
“Alright”, you snort in amusement, “egg laying? What’s that about?”
“I don’t know, I saw it somewhere.”
“You mean porn?”
You laugh, “so it’s like a normal dick that lays eggs inside me?”
“Yeah basically, but it’s purple and is thicker at the tip and it also produces its own lube so I can be really wet and nasty with it. And, oh my god, I want it to glow as well so I can see it inside you. Yeah.”
“I feel like that’s your favourite.”
“Maybe, I want a glowing dick”, he says and pouts, making you laugh.
“Yeah it sounds fun. But I gotta carry your eggs inside afterwards?”
“I mean…yeah. You do that normally too, they’re just smaller.”
“You’re gross.”
He grins. You give him a roll of your eyes affectionately, nudging his cheek.
“And the last one? Is the double deluxe one your dick but just twice?” you ask him.
“Yeah, basically. Yup, my dick but twice”, he decides, nodding his head way too proudly. 
“Then I’ll take this one. I like your dick. Having it twice sounds like fun.”
Jungkook scrunches his nose in a cute bunny smile. He looks way too giddy for the nature of the conversation. 
“Do you really like it?” he asks.
“More than anything.”
“Is it perfect?” 
“The most perfect ever.”
Jungkook giggles, kicking his feet. 
“Thanks, yeah”, he clears his throat to make his voice appear deeper, “thanks babe.”
You laugh because you know he is being goofy again. Your little goofball. You roll onto your tummy and push him to his back. He lets you, looking at your face with sparkly eyes. 
You take his wrists and pin them above his head. The sparkles in his eyes grow, his breathing speeds up just a little.
“You’re a goofball”, you speak softly, gazing at his pretty face.
Jungkook wiggles, grinning goofily. 
“But you’re my goofball. All mine”, you say, giving him a knowing smile, “and I’m proud of you.”
Jungkook squeaks out a little snicker, smiling so brightly his eyes turn into crescent moons. You make it grow with one smooch to his lips and another one to the left side of his neck. He leans into the kisses, wiggling his toes because he is so, so happy to finally receive your affection.
Afterwards you lift your head, raising your right hand to draw invisible checkmarks in the air.
“Check and check”, you say, placing your hand back on his wrist.
Jungkook wiggles his feet. His pulse is racing under your palms. He is so giddy. 
“I was already scared that you didn’t even see it”, he confesses.
“I did. I was so confused at first because I didn’t remember writing it, but then I saw it was in your handwriting and I knew.”
“Heh”, he snickers, scrunching his nose, “it was clever, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm so clever”, you praise and kiss his lips, “I married a genius.” 
“You really did”, he says and uses his strength to wiggle out of your hold just so he can wrap you in his arms and hug you against him, “my honeyyy.”
You squeak a giggle, accepting your sweet fate gladly. So now you and he are rolling around the sheets as Jungkook cuddles you aggressively. Limbs tangle, sheets get messy and distances erased. It is truly such a delight. He also regularly smooches whatever part of your face he can reach, mumbling giddy words against your skin.
“Wah baby, you saying that you’re proud of me really made me so happy. It felt so good to hear.” 
“I am, you know? I actually meant it, I’m really proud of you.” 
“Thank you, my love”, he nuzzles his face into your neck, giving you little kisses whenever he can, “I’m proud of you too, my love. Wah baby I wanna melt with you, you’re so cute.” 
You smile, closing your eyes to really enjoy his affection.
“You’re cute too”, you mumble into him, pulling him closer.
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andy-wm · 2 months
Andy, I dont think JM is queer, coz in WHO he is singing about a her, not a they.
She/her pronouns leave no scope for ambiguity.
Anon, that's like me saying 'Anonymous' must be your real name because that's who the ask came from.
Makes sense?
No it does not.
If the pronouns were THEY, Jimin would be
a) slammed for being woke
b) not clearly telling you that he lives in a society that makes him think his love MUST be a she/her. And he can't find love, he can't find it anywhere.
If he had grown up thinking he could find love with (he/she/they... any pronouns) don't you think he would have found it by now? I mean, look at him, he's so beautiful and kind and smart. How could he not find someone?
Would he be singing songs about how he can't find love?
The way he specifically says HER tells you THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES.
Please, Anon (not your real name, yeah?)
Please, for your future self, for you to navigate the information you encounter every day, don't just grab the first thing you see and run with it. Sure, consider your immediate reaction, but also consider what else might be happening.
Because theres always more than one way to look at a situation.
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(Thats why we have a jury of 12 and courts of law, and we don't just let people claim revenge for perceived wrongs by vigilante justice. Because there's two sides to a story, and you need different perspecives to see all the angles.)
Critical thinking skills are important because often messages are hidden.
Sometimes it's because the author wants you to misunderstand at first, because their real meaning will have more impact when you discover it later.
Sometimes there are two different messages directed at two different types of audience (like kids movies with adult jokes hidden in them)
Sometimes it's because they actually cannot say what they really want to say because they aren't allowed to or because it'snot safe or because they simply don't want to be upfront.
In the case of this song, it's all three of those reasons.
Context clues tell us that this album is very queer themed. There are rainbows and smeraldo flowers everywhere.
Smeraldo flowers LITERALLY mean a hidden truth/ truth untold/ I couldn’t tell the truth.
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The original posts about Smeraldo flowers are translated here:
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You'll find this here: https://cafearmy.wordpress.com/category/flower-smeraldo-blog-post-translations/page/2
There are also clues in the WHO music video - the extended metaphor of the weather, and the rainbows and colour flares. These tell us THERE'S MORE GOING ON HERE.
Read the lyrics and also watch the mv and think about what you are hearing and seeing.
Follow the story and think about WHY everything is happening the way it happens.
The director didn't just randomly yell "ok dance! Now run a bit, now look at the camera, now sing!"
There's a plan. The plan is based on a story they're telling. The story has an ending that THEY ALREADY KNOW, but that we don't.
Until we've seen the whole thing and thought about it, and then gone back to see what we missed the first time around, we dont know.
Like Spring Day isn’t REALLY about the seasons, and Bapsae isnt about birds, and The Truth Untold isn't about growing flowers.
Go back and watch the MV with the audio muted and think about the story thr MV tells without the music.
Read the lyrics as though you are reading a poem.
Genuinely, i care about this (i am a school librarian Anon, i wouldn’t be one if i didn't care about how people interact with information) so listen and think about it.
Then come back and tell me if you still think he's not queer because the pronouns in this song are she.
Borahae 💜
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bulbagarden · 11 months
Opinion: Scarlet and Violet are Pokémon's Queerest Games Yet (Bulbanews)
Hi it's Lisia here!! The following is an opinion piece from one of our staff members, Torchic W. Pip!! Blanc and I both loved this and like... we had to share it here LOL.
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Pokémon was my queer awakening. I had silly little crushes on male and female characters alike, and I resonated with many of the designs of the series’s more gender nonconforming designs. Pokémon has always had a wink and a nod to queerness: Jessie and James’s genderbending antics, Beauty Nova in X and Y, Blanche from Pokémon GO… the list goes on. But with Scarlet and Violet, queerness shines bright as celestial stars.
“But wait!” you might say. “Scarlet and Violet has no canonical gay or trans characters! How can this thesis make sense?” Well, queer representation need not be explicit to be impactful. Sometimes, the stories queer people resonate with most are told through metaphor, from the misfits in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to X-Men to Luca and Gwen Stacy. The roots of this trace back to a history of censorship. LGBTQ+ stories have been historically censored, such as with the Hays Code. Queer people have long been unable to see stories with explicitly queer characters, so they instead turned to metaphors and symbolism. Gender nonconformity is also nothing new to the scene of video games. Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Guilty Gear are just some of the games that play with our expectations of gender. It’s also nothing new to Pokémon. East Asian media tends to depict transness and gender nonconformity differently from the West, but for more on that, I'll direct you to this video.
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Even before the release of Scarlet and Violet, gender nonconformity shined through. Take a character like Grusha, for example, who many mistook for a girl when he was first introduced. It goes a little deeper than that, though. “Grusha” is Russian for “pear”, but it’s also a diminutive for the name “Agrafena”... a female Russian name. Whether or not it was intentional, it does add an extra layer of nonconformity to Grusha. Another character with some queercoded elements is Iono: Her color palette evokes the colours of the trans flag, and her Magnemite headpieces evoke an explicitly genderless Pokémon. Baggy clothes are common among many transgender people. Her friend Bellibolt is a frog, and many frogs in real life can change their sex. In Japanese, she speaks with a Bokukko speech pattern (a girl using the masculine “boku”), which is often used for plucky characters, but also nonconforming characters. All of Iono’s names across translations evoke themes of questions. On top of all that… well, the Vtubing scene is, from personal experience, very queer. All of my friends who watch VTubers are queer in some way. More seriously, creating a persona where you can let your true self shine in a way that regular society won't allow you to... that's pretty queer.
With the release of the games, we’ve seen a wide array of characters—Rika, Saguaro, Penny, and all of the leaders of Team Star, among others—showcase a wide range of gender expressions, either in their appearances, their personalities, or their hobbies. And all of these characters are seen as heroes, as role models.
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As with games before, there are two characters with queer subtext in their relationship. Hassel and Brassius have been seen by many as being in a gay relationship, bonding over a love of art, supporting each other in dark times, and giving each other pet names. Even if it's not outright stated that they're in a romantic relationship, their care for each other is a beautiful thing. Many gay coded relationships are often of younger men or women, and while these relationships are important, it's also important for older gay couples to receive some of the spotlight. After all, queer people have always existed, and it's important to remember our past and honor those who came before us, who helped paved the path to acceptance.
For the first time in a mainline game, the player character can choose any clothes, hair style, and so on regardless of gender. While the player can still only choose between being referred to by masculine or feminine terms, this is a step in the right direction, and it opens the door for many opportunities never seen before. Boys can be feminine, girls can be masculine, and both can be anywhere in between. The world of gender expression is as big as the open world of Paldea.
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But back to Team Star. The whole Team Star path is one big, queer metaphor. Think about it: kids are bullied for how they dress or act, these misfits band together and retaliate against their bullies, finding a sort of family in each other, villains who turn out to be just the opposite… It’s a story that, in some way or form, can resonate with many kids who have, sadly, dealt with homophobia or transphobia in school. The path is a story about righting what’s wrong, about making the world a more accepting place.
Scarlet and Violet is a game about shining bright in the sky with other stars, about being your true self. Its themes are deeply resonant with the queer experience. At the end of the Team Star path, you battle Penny, whose ace Pokémon is trans flag-coloured Sylveon, and as she Terastilizes her partner, she says, “Shine bright like the starry sky and become who you really want to be!” So shine bright, trainers, and be your true self.
Oh, and of course, Quaquaval is the queer icon of all time.
[Torchic W. Pip is a Bulbanews writer with a focus on music, merchandise, and spin-off games. They're also a fanfiction author and moderator of the Writer's Workshop subforum. Outside of writing, Torchic is studying music theory and linguistics, and his favorite games are X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.]
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whumpbby · 8 months
Tbh i really hate when ppl act as if Jiang Cheng was "rotten from the start" and never actually cared about Wei Wuxian as a brother. Like, in the latter's case we can see he cares very much but that care is very much mixed in with many negative feelings, it's like when you love someone but they hurt you but you still love them, you want things to go back to the way they were before but they can't and they won't. On the former it's pretty much canon that he was an ok if high strung young man and losing everyone he ever loved in very close proximity to each other is what made him be the way he is today, he's not evil (he'd be hotter if he was) he's just angry and bitter for very valid reasons
I think it takes an extreme case of Protagonist Bias to think that. And not even following the actual protagonist's thought process - just being biased on their account in some sort of a projection. Kids these days got to used to having their bad guys colour-coded.
People are so desperate to cast a villain to the Happy Couple they will grasp at any straw to justify their opinion. They will ignore every piece of text that explains in detail why things are happening and why he's acting the way he is - even to the point of ignoring the protagonist explaining what happened and how. They will literally ignore the protagonist they're wanting to stan just so that they can have their villain. Wei Wuxian needs to be massively nerfed and woobifed for the whole shitshow to start making sense. Literally, a man with no agency! Poor helpless victim! The poorest little baby, no one suffered as he did!:(
Meanwile, Jiang Cheng's biggest sin in the novel?
He's not nice.
That's it. He tried to protect Wei Wuxian from his mother. He did all he could to bring Wei Wuxian home after the war against his best interests. He walked away from Lan Zhan being a dick when he could have easily caused him problems. He only ever fought Wei Wuxian when it was either staged or he was attacked first (in the much brought up ancestral shrine scene that people don't seem to have actually read).
But he's not nice about it. He's not even stoicly stiff like the ever-amazing Lan Wangji (who only ever cared about one thing in his life, and it's the man he wanted to fuck roughly in the bushes-_-).
It was barely a decade from having his whole extended family horrifically murdered, so obviously he should be fine by this point. (We can ignore the main plot of the decade-in the making-revenge-plot, that's not important, that's not a theme at all!) At least he should learn to repress his trauma! Because that ended great for the protagonist, right?:)
You need an intense case of lack of comprehension to miss the fact that, until the very moment of the Core Reveal, every bit of information Jiang Cheng had available to him pointed directly to Wei Wuxian being at fault for the tragedy his life became. The only doubt cast upon that conclusion was the spark of love that he could not kill. JC trusted Wei Wuxian for as long as he could. He trusted him - against a myriad of signs that he maybe shouldn't have - until the man killed his brother in law.
That's where any sane person would stop and reconsider.
And yet he was still willing to be convinced otherwise - until his sister died in his arms.
Like, this is what it took for JC to snap.
If someone says that Jiang Cheng was "rotten from the start" that only tells me they have skipped the whole fourth of the book that tells us in detail why Jiang Cheng wasn't a bad kid and how much he loved his family and Wei Wuxian. It tells me that they are here only for the romance and can't see anything else, certainly not character development (why would they? Wanxian don't develop throughout the story in any impactful way except of "oh, hey, we can be together and not care about anyone else - just like we did it before, but now with fucking included!"). It's like people who don't read books cannot comprehend the fact the author thought about this shit and put it there on purpose. It's not something that just happened to fill the pages between the Romance bits for the word count. That's, like, the actual meat of the story? These people have the critical thought capacity of a fucking tiktoker-_-
The author is telling us: look at these kids that were raised in a broken family and how it affects them as teens and young adults. How it affected their relationships with the people they love and demolished their self-worth. Look how a broken family can leave it's children scarred for life!
The idiots online: one is an innocent angel that never did anything wrong and the other an evil, selfish and hateful brat, got'cha! I am very smart!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Costume Meta 7x03
so there aren't al l that many costumes to talk about this week from a min cast perspective as pretty much everyone is either in uniform, or a costume they've been wearing for the previous two episodes!
I do have a few things to talk about though so I'm still writing this meta and then I'll be gearing myself up for next week when I have a feeling I'll be up to my eyeballs in new costumes!!
Check theory
The danger around Jared played out - he large bold check signalled that he would be in danger - and he met a grim end!
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Pink Theory
I feel like I'm spending every episode playing spot the bright pink and this one came to the pink party as well - we have Corey's dad in this pink sweater and then Corey's two siblings in pink.
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Its really interesting to me that we're not seeing this bright pink on any of our mains up to this point (Athena has worn pale pink but not bright pink)- its always been on guest cast (Marisol, Lola, Norman, the mom trapped in the car) and there's a fairly even split between the characters who are in one episode and the multi episode arc characters.
I've already pointed this out but the various traits associated with bright magenta/fuchsia pinks are as follows
Things that are considered positive traits for this shade of pink are; intensity, acceptance, kindness and it's supportive and uplifting nature. It's connected to naive love (as in lust rather than the passionate and enduring love of red) can also be considered a nurturing colour.
Negative traits are; intensity, volatility, arrogant and impatient, irritability and irritating and frustration. it is also said to be a stress inducing colour and is said to be overly emotional and childish.
Stripe Theory
Then we have the stripes - Corey (who I'm convinced is autistic but thats maybe just me projecting!!) is in stripes pretty much the entire time.
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The only exception is when the family is on Manzanillo - when he is wearing a watery themed shirt - again separating him from most of the rest of the family - who are all in floral prints (older brother is all in white and not the floral Hawaiian prints but he and his sister (I think they're meant to be twins?!) switch between who is wearing the bold print and who is in a white top throughout the episode)
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Mom wears stripes as well - before she gets onto the ship - we see her in this striped coat. Dad and the sister also wear stripes and check scarves, showing that the entire family is in peril, but the largest amount of stripes are saved for the ones who will be in the most danger - which makes total sense from a pattern theory perspective.
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An amusing aside that had me giggling - this top is shear perfection when paired with the 118 deciding their new moto is who cares!!😂
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Right off to the firehouse to finish up! - I've mentioned before how uniform variation is used to separate out a character where needed (I wrote about it in my 6x09 meta) so here in the firehouse we have two separations going on - Buck and Eddie are the only ones in t-shirts - separating them from everyone else.
In connection to this separating them from the rest of the firehouse crew is that yellow rag Buck is waving around - it feels a little bit like that red one we saw him with several times in season 6 - the season of red flags.
In the same way t hat red cloth was like a red flag, this reads like a yellow flag - now yellow flags are interesting. In shipping terms they were historically a signal of quarantine (this isn' the case any more), and in sports generally they are used to denote hazardous conditions (motor racing and on beaches relating to surf and currents).
But the more interesting yellow flag concept is the yellow flag in a relationship - generally speaking they are indicators of things that could become problematic and turn into red flags if not dealt with or communicated about (yup communication again). Paired with the fact that Buck and Eddie have been 'singled' out through their uniform, its telling us issues ahead (even if we didn't know about them) and that its their dynamic that is going to be tested and that they are going to need to communicate.
Now all those yellow hoses hanging around in the back ground and then one hose physically connecting them - is certainly a choice (remember they could have used one of the non yellow hoses if it wasn't important) and a pretty loud one. I go on and on about yellow lines of communication, a lot, and I have in my metas for this season so far, but here we have another example of yellow ropes.. lines, cables etc.
The really really key thing here is that we haven't actually seen Buck and Eddie connected by a yellow anything since the end of season 3 and having not seen them connected with a yellow anything since season 3 - when their respective yellow lines got cut/burnt. This one here is about , a yellow line of communication being re-established. What adds to this is the directorial choices - the yellow flag is waves around before they connect themselves with a yellow line (hose) - as a piece of directorial foreshadowing I am in love - its telling us the Buck is the one who is the creator of the yellow flags (read his jealousy) and he is the one with the yellow rag (in the same way he was the one with the red rag previously), but that it will ultimately lead to Buck and Eddie reconnecting after those flags are raised and dealt with. I cannot stress enough the importance of that yellow line between them being reconnected - it really speaks of their communication improving and that we'll see them operating on a level we haven't seen before - they cut their yellow lines at the time when Eddie was changing his will, and whilst they have spoken on important topics etc since then, there has always been something in between them - they haven't had a proper full cards on the table conversation. My feeling is that we might be about to get that (especially combined with what we know from what Oliver and Ryan have teased!)
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Then there is Chimney who is separated from everyone else by virtue of being the only one in a long sleeved shirt. If you watch the scene through, and pay attentiion to the background, you'll see all the firefighters in either short sleeve shirts or wearing bomber jackets. there is one exception - a guy carrying a medical bag who I'm pretty sure is meant to be a representaion of Hen's reinstatment to the 118 as he crosses Chim at the time Chim announces Hen has been reinstated!
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Thats all from me this week - hope you enjoyed! I'm off to prepare myself for Thursday night!!!
Tagged peeps below!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mandzuking17 @spotsandsocks @loveyou2thecore @rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @tommykinarddd @satashiiwrites
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/29/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Samba Schutte; Wendy & The Mocats; FibreArtsBrigade; Gentlebeard Wedding Week; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; OFMD Colouring Pages; Our Flag Means Fanfiction Minisode; Never Left Podcast; Schadenfreude; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
Samba doing more voice overs! Is there anything this man CANT do?
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Img Src: Samba's IG
= Wendy Andresen & The Mocats =
I can't help but adore how much we're getting to see the kittens Wendy (a member of our Red Flag Crew) and the Museum of Transport and Technology in Auckland AoNZ have taken in. I'm a sucker for cat content. I figure we could all use more kittens on our timelines.
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Need more kitten content? Visit Wendy's Twitter
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
Reminders from the Fibre Arts Brigade that donations are still being taken for the charity auction on June 14th! Link to the Donation Form
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== Gentlebeard Wedding Week ==
Just a reminder all! with MerMay Fast approaching we also have Gentlebeard Wedding Week May 6-12 being run by the lovely @roughwinds! If you haven't seen the prompts already they're listed below! To keep up to date with the week please follow @gbweddingweek on tumblr!
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== Watch Parties ==
= Palm Royale =
Palm Royale WP May 2 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @/dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST!
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= Wrecked Season 1 =
Another week of Wrecked Season 1 is on the docket! Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
Days: Apr 29 - May 3
Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Thank you @melvisik! "Tonight is another director/the Spanish Captain who was canon blasted for trying to hang Stede."
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Img Src: @melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
@patchworkpiratebear has made a new colouring page for today! Check it out below!
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= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
A new minisode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction is out! This time featuring: Ready for Anything by Unapposablethumbs Minisode! Spotify link Visit @OurFlagMeansFanfiction on Instagram for more episodes!
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= Never Left Podcast =
A new Episode of Never Left is out! This time the discussion is on all the different ways the characters refer to Ed! Find your favourite listening route/follow their socials here on their linktr.ee!
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Art by @AmysBirdHouse on instagram
== Schadenfreude==
Thank you to @MrButtons284266 on Twitter for bringing this to our attention this morning!
Oh look 7.73% down today. Hm.
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== Love Notes ==
Lovelies! Do you know what today is?
TODAY, is a new flipping day! Today has so many possibilities! Today has so many new things that can happen! Outside there is new wind blowing through, and newly formed clouds, and new light energy from the sun! The flowers are blooming in various parts of the world-- and leaves are falling in orders! Today is a new day we've never experienced before!
Even if things seem like they are stuck in a cycle, look outside, feel the air on your face, it's all new. There are so many opportunities for things to go so many different directions. I hope they go in a positive one for you today... you deserve a break, and a smile, and a chance to laugh and to love and enjoy life for a little while.
Remember to take a deep breath, drink some water, and keep on keeping on. Love you crew <3 Hope your Taika Tuesday is a wonderful one.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is just seeing these two gorgeous greying buggers happy. I need it, I figured everyone else did too. Gifs Courtesy of @ofmd-ann today!
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qq-is-dreamin · 1 year
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Head full with thoughts of matching with mammon! ♡(⸃ ◡ ⸂♡)
Pairing: gn! reader x mammon
Warnings/TWs: None; SFW & fluffy silly romantic headcanons/imagines of matching stuffs with the great mammon
Author's Notes: Not proofread again; kinda rushed this and just thought dumped! reader/you are seen as MC,, Also I was really surprised to get over 100 notes on my first ever writing-also about mammon and going on a date with him to a sheep-themed cafe. I really appreciated the support, thank you everyone!! ♡
(once again!! pls do not follow if you're a minor-I will block any blogs with no age, age range or stated they're a minor!*)
We all know at this point that Mammon is downright bad for MC! Though he may face a lot of issues attempting to express his feelings to us by either acting like he doesn't care or just becoming flustered. However, he will definitely try his hardest by conveying his adoration and appreciation to us by gift giving!!
This leads to my headcanons of him totally saving up grimms and having matching stuffs with you (to him, it's a win-win situation for the avatar of greed: he can show you how much he loves u + showing others that he's yours & you're his <3). He may deny or try to lie that matching couple stuffs are cheesy but he's 110% into it though-
Some matching stuffs include:
Nail colours -> He's down for either painting your nails & you doing it for him OR going to some luxurious nail salons in Devildom with you to get deluxe manicures!! Honestly, even though his default go-to nail colours are white to match his hair colour-I can see him just asking you to choose the colour(s) & style(s) everytime (If you insist on asking him to choose them, he would probably go for something like the leftmost picture in this post banner)
Fragrances/Perfumes/Colognes-> I think it was canonically insinuated that Mammon and MC shares Devilish No. 5, a cologne/perfume as he left it in MC aka your room!! and iirc the offical instagram account did stated how his go-to cologne may be Devilish No. 5 but he will change it to your favourite fragrance to show he truly loves u (i actually found the post). ALSO, if you're like me and have severely sensitive nose that cannot withstand strong scents and will somehow get sick-I think he will even get milder fragrances like fragrance/body mists
Trinkets (e.g. keychains) -> I thought I was projecting for this headcanon then I recalled one of the lessons mentioned Mammon wanted matching chocolate lizard keychains for you and him (by pushing Lucifer to buy it??) so he's definitely getting more matchy keychains and other random trinkets that you like for you. ALSO, he have crow familiars, he will definitely be purchasing or finding trinkets for you to match with him.
Ending Notes: Thank you for reading my silly thoughts dump!! - pls don't plagiarise, repost and claim my writing as your own, instead you can follow, reblog, comment & like instead! I hope you have a wonderful time ahead~
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
Mama Firefly x Tomboy!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Plot: Mama Firefly bakes cookies with you then fucks you. She's a good mommy!
Warnings: SMUT. Older woman/younger woman, mommy kink, mdlg theme, pussy grinding, etc.
For a few long, lovely minutes while you stirred the batter, Anna just wrapped her arms your middle from behind and rested her chin on your shoulder. It was innocent enough; when you glanced at her she flashed you a sickly sweet smile, completely like an overly besotted mama bird, but you knew what would come as soon as the cookies made it in the oven. You could feel her body hot against yours and it was driving you mad, a burning aching heat already blazing in your underwear. God, can these cookies be done!?- "Uh uh uh, sweetie, don't rush!~ You don't want to beat up the cookies baby, they won't come out good~ They're temperamental, okay, just like you~ "
With her gentle chastisements you cool down immediately and stir the batter slower, feeling embarrassed still being all achy and throbbing in your pants. "R- right."
"You're so damn cute!" She gives you a squeeze, making you breathless for a moment.
As you continue stirring the batter carefully, your lips press firmly together in a focused line, Mama develops a little mischievous smirk on her lips. "Though... I don't mind spoiling my sweet baby a little~ "
You pause for a beat. What?- Then you feel her hand slide down to your throbbing over-sensitive pussy, over your jeans. Immediately your mouth falls open and your whole body twitches hearing her sickly sweet giggle, all worked up so just the feeling of one finger sliding up and down your pussy through your thick jeans feels like heaven. God- fuck fuck fuck- you wish you were wearing a fucking skirt for once!!-
You'd wear whatever this woman asked you to though, honestly. Even a dress. Even if it was the prettiest softest pink colour with carefully embroidered flowers on it that was completely impracticle.
... Mama seems to like you the way you are, though; all old moth eaten t-shirts and baseball caps, your hair rung up in a messy ponytail and dirt on your face from working with RJ, loose jeans and a tight belt. She calls you boyish and cute, she calls you her sweetheart tough-guy, she calls on you to do work in her room when something breaks- and sometimes it doesn't even end with her hands all over you. She likes you.
Suddenly Mama stops her fingers stroking your needy lips over your jeans, and sighs. "... Let's get these cookies finished up baby girl, hm?~ I cant wait to get these sexy jeans off of you."
"Yeah, uh, g- good idea."
She leaves you, making you cold, and floats over to the kitchen table. "Come on; to the table, I'll show you how to roll them into pretty little balls!" Suddenly the air is light. You don't know how she does it- go from hot to sweet in just a few seconds, but it makes your head swim in a lovely druggy-high way. And you know that what she just said was not an innuendo, cuz neither one of you have those parts, balls, but it sure makes you chuckle still as you take the bowl to the chair and take a seat. Mama sighs, giving you a stern-perturbed look. "... honey."
"Sorry!" You grin, not sorry at all.
"Sometimes I wonder if you should be a boy, honestly." She rolls her big, pretty eyes upwards.
"- Oy," This makes you frown. "I don't wanna be a damn boy, I'm just- "
"Rugged~ " Mama finishes for you, winking. "I know, sweetheart." And you really do believe she understands you. You really do. Even if her next move is to sit down next you and brush her fingertips over your lips, her knuckles down the soft skin of your neck; her eyes following your sweet young skin. Even if, ultimately she always just wants to fuck you. "And what a beautiful young lady you are, baby girl."
That makes you hot, and lost for words with wide eyes. Jesus christ, you think.
Once the cookies are finished and Mama pops them in the oven (She said she didn't want her little girl to get hurt playing with the oven~ Thats for mama's.), Mama had come up to you and finally gave you a gentle, deep, slow kiss to the lips. She pushed your lips open with her own and touched her hot wet tongue to yours, making you moan, but didn't allow the kiss to become rough- not yet. She always wanted to take her little tomboy gentle. She touched you ever so gently, holding your hands, and guided you to her bedroom.
Once there, all (well, most) pretences were forgotten and Mama laid you down on her bed; covered in pillows fluff and pink. Her fingers undo your jeans and slip into your underwear, suddenly filling your over-sensitive and squelching pussy up with a sweet smile. "Now baby~ Mama's gonna take good care of you~ "
You could only moan, wanting your orgasm hot and fast and right this moment. Your hands go to her wrist and hold her hand where it was while you rolled your impatient hips up- taking her deeper.
She humours you, rubbing the pads of her fingers against your walls as deeply as they'll go, loving the feeling of your meat squeezing her. You need her so bad!~ Oh, you're so damn adorable.
"Tell mommy what you want from her, baby doll~ "
"Fuck... me... "
"Hmmm~ "
"Please." You add, knowing she likes good manners. While you speak you're still desperately wriggling your hips against her hand. "Please mommy, make me cum. I- ughh~ I need it~ "
"What does mommy really want to hear, beautiful girl?"
Your face goes hot. "I- I love you, mommy."
Giving a pleased smile and hum, Mama nods. "Thats right, babydoll."
Then she slips her fingers out of you and replaces them with her painted lips. Her thumbs pull your folds apart, and you're embarrassed to hear the vulgar squelching sound that accompanies that, before she leans in and kisses you down there; her tongue delving into your mushy needy cunt with a devious want of her own.
You push yourself up onto your elbows so that you can see her, watch the old blonde woman make out lovingly with your clit, making you more and more a mess, putting hearts in your eyes 💕💕. With one hand you reach over and lose your fingers in her beautiful, dry hair; guiding her pretty face deeper into you. You neeeeeeed!! her!...
While she licks and sucks and wholly devours your little young cunt, you roll your hips languidly, slowly building a mind crushing orgasm and using her lips to do it.
Suddenly she pulls away again, though, and you must look crestfallen because she gives one of her high giggle and shakes her head at you; standing up. "Oh don't worry, sweetheart. I'm just gonna have some more fun with you! Lemme just get outta these old things and you can rub that sweet clit on mama's fat pussy, huh? Wont that be nice?? 💕💕💕"
Her words make you whimper, and the throbbing in your sloppy, messy cunt threatens to topple over into an embarrassing orgasm while you watch her undress- but you force yourself to be strong. God is it so hard, though.
Mama makes a show of removing her clothes for you, knowing how pathetically close you are and how funny it'd be for her if you came without any touch. She pulls down her short skirt, thin tights and old underwear slowly while bending over in front of you; showing you her big ass. She picks up her short skirt, thin tights and old underwear and puts them away, making you wait longer. Then she comes back and takes off her top and her bra for you, revealing beautiful breasts (💕stretch marks and all💕) that you wanna suck on so bad that you're This close from lurching off the bed and mounting her yourself.
When she's finally fully naked, she flashes you a simpering smile. "... how do I look?"
"Come here and let me show you." You say, lowly; your lust reaching its peak. You need her. Now.
Giving a huge yellow smile, mama crawls on top of you, all natural tits that 💕sag💕 and thighs with 💕beautiful gorgeous cellulite💕, and when your cunts touch each other featherlight she gives this guttural groan and closes her eyes, and- you just wanna wreck her.
You wanna wreck your mommy.
Before she can say or do anything else to tease you further, you take mommy's wide hips in your hands, open up your thighs as wide as they'll go for her, and drive her old pussy against yours.
The pleasure is immediate and infinite and your mouth falls open at finally getting what you want. But you can't stop now, you have to keep grinding your pussy's together!, smearing your slicks all over each other in a messy and delightfully vulgar show that you kinda wish someone could see. If only so they can sit back there and feel blue balls because they can't fucken touch- not your mommy. No.
"Mommy... mommy, mommy," You begin to chant breathlessly as you get close, finding just the right angle and rhythm with her thrusting her hips against yours as well, in tandem 💕💕💕.
"Oh sweetheart... sweetheart!"
The two of you start to rub yourselves against each other harder, and you catch her lips with yours and kiss her. It's all tongue and you taste lipstick, but you don't care as she moans so pleasantly from the surprise her little tomboy is giving her.
Finally, you cum with the feeling of her soft, wet lips driving between yours.
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mowiwow · 6 months
intertwined starlight (modern alkaid)
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You feel a little silly with your arms spread out while doing the good old jazz hands motion. Still, Alkaid doesn't miss a beat and applauds you enthusiastically.
You turn your gaze to the mirror, holding a reflection of both you and Alkaid. Little star and comet-shaped hair clips decorate Alkaid's hair, scattered about in an artistic chaos. You're in no better condition, with similarly themed hair clips in your own hair.
"We look silly, don't we?" you muse, laughing a little at how absurd the two of you look in the mirror.
"I think we look great," Alkaid replies sincerely with a bright smile. "These hairclips you made look amazing."
"Yours look great too, Alkaid. They're so detailed," you hum, reaching up to lightly touch one of the many hair clips in your hair. It shimmers and gleams under the warm, golden glow of the ceiling light above. "You really have an eye for detail."
"I like your designs more," he says, turning around slightly so he could look at you directly. "Your style of making things is my favourite."
"Happy to please!" you grin, leaning over to press a light kiss to the forehead of the seated Alkaid. "Oh, also! Hold on, stay there, let me just..."
A few steps across the room and a flick of a switch later, the room is quickly plunged into darkness. You hear your name being called out amidst the darkness, confusion clear in Alkaid’s voice.
His question dies on his lips as his attention is caught by brightly shining lights in the mirror. Alkaid’s reflection is illuminated by countless stars of different colours, all coming together to form a little galaxy of his own. Giddily, you make your way over back to Alkaid, happy that the hair clips have worked as intended.
“I made the clips so that they would glow in the dark!”
Pausing, you remember a list you once sent Alkaid— one full of cheesy pickup lines.
“...Because you light up my world," you add.
Alkaid blinks owlishly at your reflection for a few moments before laughing softly. His eyes crinkle happily as he turns around to face you.
“May you come closer?” he asks.
“Of course,” you reply in a heartbeat.
As you lean towards him, curious, you watch as he unclips one of the many star-shaped hair clips from his hair. His fingers gently graze the side of your face as he pins the hair clip to your hair.
“There we go,” he murmurs. “My lovely little star. Though there’s nothing in this world that can compare to your brilliance, this will have to do for the time being.”
From the corner of your eyes, you catch sight of your reflection standing along with Alkaid’s. Two stars standing close to each other, basking in each other’s light.
You stare at him, flabbergasted, for a few moments before you laugh in defeat with warmed cheeks. “You sap,” you reply affectionately, leaning over to lightly bump your forehead against his. “It’s your birthday today, this is supposed to be about you, not me.”
“Is it?” he says with a hint of mischief. “What if I want to make it about you, though?”
His hand finds yours in the dark, fingers shyly brushing up against yours. With a grin, you securely intertwine your fingers with his.
“I’ll turn it around, then. I can talk about you all day.”
“Is that a challenge?” he asks cheekily.
“You’re on,” you laugh, squeezing his hand lightly.
The two of you lapse into a momentary silence, taking the time to listen to each other’s steady breathing.
“Happy birthday, Alkaid,” you whisper. “I’m glad I met you on that mountain that day.”
Alkaid hums quietly, his hold on your hand tightening ever so slightly. “Me too,” he replies quietly.
It takes a few moments for him to break the silence that follows. Alkaid’s voice is almost fragile yet resolute as he says sincerely—
“Thank you for finding me, my lovely star.”
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lemonlamblaura · 3 months
My Husband is the God of Pestilence - chapter 12
There's a few dark themes in this chapter, including violence and attempted kidnapping, so be careful. Carcharias is setting up his plan.
A few days passed after Kallamar and Lilybell shared their first kiss. They remained mostly secluded together, exploring each other and wanting privacy from prying eyes. A few followers accused Kallamar of neglecting his responsibilities, but Trenaty and the other supervisors were quick to remind them that even gods required personal care and affection.
The two were tangled up in each other on Lilybell's bed, nearly falling off because it was so small, but they made it work, mostly by laying on top of each other. Kallamar rarely stayed at full size when they were alone now, not seeing the point and wanting to be closer to her. It was easier to kiss her when they were the same height anyway.
Kallamar stroked her bare back, feeling the wool between his fingers as they kissed deeply. Nudity was no longer a trouble between them, as they found themselves more than likely naked when alone. He loved the way his fingers got tangled in her thick hair, the way she squeaked when he touched her in just the right place. She loved his soft, stretchy skin and pudgy body, how she could grab handfuls of him and not have him be hurt.
Her long tail thrashed excitedly under the covers as their lips separated and he leaned down to gently bite her neck. Even with her wool in the way, he was always careful not to bite too hard and stain the delicate white with red. She took the opportunity to nibble his ear, moaning softly, and a bolt of arousal shot through him. Even after so much time together they could still find new ways to stimulate each other.
There was a sudden knock on the door. "Lord Kallamar, are you in there?"
The two were quiet, Kallamar holding a finger up to his mouth in a shushing gesture, and Lilybell giggled quietly.
"Of course they're in there," said a second voice. "They've been fucking for days."
"Quiet! Do you want to be punished?"
"I don't think he can turn himself off long enough to punish me."
The voices receded, and the couple relaxed.
"I should punish him," Kallamar grumbled, the heat inside him quickly simmering.
"He's right though," Lilybell laughed. "I don't think you can."
He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Oh, you think so, do you?" He grinned, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Lilybell smiled and snuggled into him, her head laying on his shoulder. He smiled, but when his eyes drifted to the ruby sitting on her night table, it turned into a frown. He was always so close to forgetting about Narinder's existence, when something red caught his eye and the hurt came flooding back. Needless to say, he was not fond of the colour red lately.
"Darling, let me get you a better crystal."
Lilybell lifted her head to look at him. "Why?"
"It's not very good quality, and you deserve better."
"No, please, I love it! It was the first present you ever gave me. I could never throw it away. Besides, I know why you want to get rid of it. It's because of that guy, isn't it?"
His silence was answer enough.
"Don't give up on the colour red, Kallamar. There's lots of nice things that are red, like roses, strawberries... uh... blood," she giggled at the last suggestion. How could blood ever be considered nice?
Kallamar laughed, stroking her hair. "My sweet, silly girl..." that brought on another kissing session. When they finished, he mumbled, "I can't stand the thought of being inside with these fools all day. Let's go out today, darling."
She perked up immediately. "Where will we go?"
"East, I think. We've not been that way yet."
She grinned in delight and jumped out of bed, throwing open her wardrobe and rifling through her dresses. "Can I tell Trenaty about where we're going? I don't want her to be worried about where we are."
"Yes, yes," he smiled, pulling on his robes.
A little while later, Lilybell found Trenaty watching over the gem cutters. They had progressed immensely in their work, and gems were piling up. Kallamar planned on selling them in order to bring in more money for the temple.
"You look nice," Trenaty said warmly, as Lilybell did a spin around to show off her newest dress. "He certainly spoils you."
"Thank you! He does, huh? I feel like a real princess," Lilybell laughed. Then she leaned in close, saying in a low voice, "Kallamar said I could let you know that we'll be going out for a while, out east. Can you keep an eye on things here?"
"Of course. Have fun."
Trenaty watched the girl leave. She had no problem admitting to anyone who asked that she had grown extremely fond of Lilybell. In a way, she almost saw her as a granddaughter. But what she would never admit was that she was resentful of Kallamar for attaching himself to her. It would make the future much more difficult.
When Lilybell was out of sight, she made her way to a janitors closet, made certain no one was around, and went inside, propping some equipment against the door to keep anyone out. She took out a piece of chalk and drew a pentagram and magical symbols inside it, before putting her hands together and praying. As she prayed the pentagram began to glow, and the floor vanished inside it, a face appearing in its place.
"My lord," Trenaty began, "Kallamar has left the temple once again. He is heading eastward. The temple is still guarded by the incompetent trainees."
"Excellent. Is he alone?"
Trenaty hesitated. She didn't want to tell him about Lilybell.
"I asked you a question, my disciple."
She knew she had no choice. "No, my lord. He is with his lover."
The being in the pentagram was quiet for a moment.
"My lord," Trenaty continued, "I fear that if you act now, my position will be compromised. They have told only myself of where they are going."
"... return to me. You shall be greatly rewarded."
Trenaty stepped into the pentagram and disappeared, leaving the chalk drawing on the floor.
"What's that, Kallamar? It looks like a forest!"
Lilybell was pointing to a large patch of green in the distance. Large strips of seaweed were seen dancing in the currents, and fish were seen swimming nearby, visible even from far away.
"That is a kelp forest," he explained. "Large groups of seaweed clumped together. They are just as lively as coral reefs, perhaps even more so."
"Let's go see!" Lilybell pulled his hand with a big grin. Kallamar smiled and pulled her close, as they teleported nearer the forest. Soon they were at the edge of it. The huge towering seaweed blotted out the sunlight similar to trees, and fish and sea creatures swam away at their sudden appearance. "Wow, they're so tall!"
"Some weeds can grow taller than the temple," Kallamar said as they stepped inside. He was glad he was not at full size, as navigating the tightly packed weeds would have been almost impossible. "When I was young, my family were kelp farmers. We harvested seaweed to sell, or kept it for ourselves to eat."
"You never talk about your family," Lilybell said, narrowly missing stepping on a clam that was going by. "Do you miss them?"
Kallamar gripped her hand tightly. "I don't know. So much has changed since my ascension. Maybe they have forgotten all about me. I'm certain they would not recognize me now."
"I don't believe that. Your family doesn't forget about you, no matter what!"
He didn't seem convinced. "Maybe. But ten years is a long time for people to change."
They continued walking, until something clicked in Lilybell's mind, and she stopped them. "Wait, you haven't seen your family for ten years?"
He nodded.
She gave him a curious look. "How old were you when you met Shamura?"
"Fifteen years old."
"So you're only twenty-five?!"
He blinked. "Is that so surprising?"
"Yeah! I thought you were, like... at least a hundred!"
"Does this change how you feel about me?" Kallamar asked worriedly. After Narinder and Shamura's betrayal, the last thing he needed was to feel like Lilybell no longer wanted to be with him.
To his great relief, she quickly replied, "no, of course not! It just surprised me, is all.
He sighed. "If there's one thing I admire in you, darling, it's your honesty."
"I couldn't lie even if I wanted to," she shrugged, "everyone can tell when I'm lying. Or, rather, Mom always could."
Kallamar have her a worried look, thinking that bringing up her mother would make her sad. But she appeared to be unaffected. Perhaps the mishap was just a memory now, and not a painful reminder of years of mistrust.
"My mother was the same," he began, looking off into the kelp ahead, recalling memories for the first time in what felt like eons. "I was the youngest of my siblings, and did many things in order to be noticed. I told many lies, but Mother always found me out because I was never careful. But I didn't mind being punished because even bad attention was good attention. My parents always focused on my oldest siblings, and left me on my own. I was very lonely back then."
Just then, Lilybell spotted something shiny out of the corner of her eye, just past a few stalks of kelp. Kallamar would still be close enough to hear if she checked it out, so she pushed past the seaweed, all the while trying to keep up with his story.
"The blue crown found me one day not long after my fifteenth birthday. When I put it on, it took control of me, to test me. That is what Shamura said, anyway. I went to Silk Cradle and met them, and they trained me."
To Lilybell's surprise, the shiny object turned out to be a huge, glistening pearl, sitting in a large clam. She was mesmerized by it, the light from the surface cascading down to create a rainbow effect on the shiny surface. What a wonderful gift it would make for Kallamar, to thank him for all he'd done for her! She reached out to pick it up, but was confused to find her hands went through it. It wasn't real?
Suddenly, two dark hands came from behind her, covering her mouth. Her first instinct was to scream, but the hands kept her silent. Then she felt something sharp and cold against her neck.
"Quiet, or you die," a male voice hissed in her ear.
She didn't know what to do. What could she do? Two more hands grabbed her wrists and roughly brought them together, tying them with rope, while the hands keeping her silent were removed and another rope was tied around her mouth.
"Move," said the voice, a sharp poke at her back making her jump forward.
The pearl and clam fizzled away to nothing, revealing the magic trick. Three men in dark green cloaks forced her through the kelp. She quickly looked back helplessly, just barely seeing Kallamar in the seaweed. What was he doing, just standing there talking?! Didn't he know she was being kidnapped?!
Tears formed in her eyes and she couldn't help but sob. This couldn't be the last time she'd see him. It just couldn't!
"... and then I met you," Kallamar concluded, still lost in thought. "I think that was the happiest day of my life, looking back. I was such a fool back then, the way I spoke to you. I hope you can forgive me, dear."
He waited for her to speak but heard nothing. Actually, he was quite surprised she hadn't interrupted him as she usually did. He quickly looked around, finding himself alone.
"Lilybell?" He called. Nothing. Ah. "I see, I have played this game before, hiding in the kelp and jumping out at someone. I'm ready to be scared!"
Still nothing.
Now he was beginning to worry. "Lilybell, please come out, this isn't funny." His eyes began darting through the kelp, trying to spot her white wool. "Lilybell! Answer me! Lilybell, I demand you to come out at once!"
Panic finally setting in, he returned to full size, parting the seaweed, trying to find her. "LILYBELL!" He screamed, rushing into the forest, unbeknownst to him, in the completely wrong direction of the small group. How could he have been so stupid to have taken his eyes off her? Especially away from the temple! Now she was gone, and it was all his fault! Who knows who was out there! Why didn't he just suck it up and stay home?
He had to stop, collapsing to the ocean floor, hyperventilating, his heart racing. Terrible thoughts raced through his mind. He couldn't concentrate. He felt like he was going to die!
Behind you.
He whipped around in terror. "Who said that?!"
No one was there. The only thing greeting him was the destroyed kelp, floating away in the current.
Then he realized the voice was not coming from around him, but rather inside him. It had a eerie echo to it that he did not recognize.
Wait, it was coming from above him...!
Help her.
Of course! He was going in the wrong direction! He took off again, a little more confidently now, but his heart was still in his throat. He ignored everything else around him. If there was a chance he could get to her, he didn't dare hesitate, even if he was terrified. The kelp was clearing. He was at the edge of the forest! A group of footprints met him in the sand, one set of which were clearly hooves. In the distance, he saw four people quickly moving through the clearing, heading towards a sunken ship. Though the others were green to blend in with the seaweed, one was white. Lilybell!
Relief filled him, but not for long, as he realized none of the cloaks belonged to his temple, and even from far away he could see that Lilybell's wrists were tied.
And relief was replaced with white hot rage as he sank through the sand, speeding through the ether in the direction of the group.
"Hurry up!" One of the men exclaimed, yanking Lilybell forward, fear evident in his voice. "He'll be on us soon!"
The pushing caused Lilybell to stumble, and she fell on her knees into the sand. The man at her left grabbed her arm, forcefully pulling her to her feet, and she cried out in pain. He was squeezing her arm so hard it felt like he might rip it off.
"Shut up!" He growled. They were almost to the ship, they couldn't stop now. "I hope Carcharias kills you!"
Suddenly the ground opened up in front of them, sand pouring into the shadow as Kallamar emerged. The men screamed in terror, the one who pulled her up throwing her back down into the sand and running. Kallamar held out his hand, and a green energy shot out from it to hit all three of them. They instantly collapsed, holding their stomachs and rolling on the ground in agony.
Kallamar gently took away the ropes and Lilybell ran to him for comfort. "I'm sorry!" She sobbed, clinging to his robes and rubbing her face in them. "I only went away for a second and then they got me, and, and-!"
"Shh, my love. I am not angry," he soothed, stroking her hair as she cried. "Did they harm you?"
She sniffled, "my arm hurts, but I'm okay... I thought I'd never see you again."
He glared at the men, still on the ground. One attempted to stand up but fell back down. "Let's go home," he said. "These wretches must pay for their crime."
They were in the temple lobby in a matter of seconds. The men didn't seem to notice, still in the throws of vertigo. The followers around them clamored in surprise, and some ran and hid at the sight of the strangers.
"Fetch Saleos and his guards immediately," he ordered to the nearest follower. Saleos and the others came quickly, their swords drawn. "Take these prisoners to the dungeon, and hold them there until I come."
The men were taken away. Lilybell wiped away her tears and turned to a female follower. "Where's Trenaty? I have to talk to her."
"I haven't seen her for a few hours, miss," the woman said. "Has anyone seen lady Trenaty?" She asked the others, but no one had seen her either.
"Lord Kallamar," a supervisor said, "we found a magic pentagram in one of the janitors closets. The door was barred, so someone didn't want to be found."
"Show me," demanded Kallamar.
The pentagram was still on the floor, though slightly smudged from forcing the door open. One symbol in the pentagram was alarmingly recognizable to Kallamar: Carcharias' symbol. This was a messaging circle, directly to him.
And Trenaty was missing...
"Find Trenaty," he told the followers. "Search the entire temple top to bottom. She must answer for this."
The followers scattered to search the temple. Lilybell wrapped a hand around his finger. "Kallamar," she said quietly, "one of the guys who tried to take me said something about some guy called Carcharias. Who is that?"
He looked down at her, scowling at her dirty dress and the messy wool on her arm. "He is the God of the ocean. This circle is a communication device to speak to him." He took her other hand and knelt down, speaking more softly. "Lilybell, I'm afraid that maybe Trenaty is the spy and she may be working for him."
Fresh tears formed in her eyes. "It's just a coincidence! Trenaty can't be the spy, she just can't be! She wouldn't do that to us!"
"Darling," he whispered, "I don't enjoy the idea either, but I think it's too much to be a coincidence. This pentagram, you are almost abducted, and now Trenaty is missing?"
"No," Lilybell cried, tears flowing down her face. "Not Trenaty. I can't believe it. She wouldn't do this."
Kallamar had to admit that he had come to appreciate Trenaty as well. He hoped this was not the case. He really did. He walked her to her room.
"Please stay here while I interrogate the prisoners. I will come to you soon."
She went inside, with one last pleading look up at him. It broke his heart to see her cry like this. He hoped the men would prove Trenaty's innocence.
The dungeon was located under the stage in the main hall where sermons took place, hidden by a trapdoor. Long winding stairs led down to the large chamber where a few pillories and cages were set up, the place illuminated by a few glowing crystals as there was no sunlight. The prisoners were locked up in the pillories, looking just as miserable as before. Their cloaks had been removed, leaving only pants, revealing a crab, swordfish and narwhal.
Kallamar approached the swordfish from the front as Saleos held a whip at his back, ready to strike. He held out his hand again, and the green glow came out of the fish and went back into Kallamar. He looked around, confused as to how he was immediately healthy again.
"Tell me who you work for," Kallamar growled.
The swordfish spat in his direction, and Saleos struck him with the whip, the loud crack echoing throughout the room. He screamed in pain, a red welt appearing on his back.
Kallamar let the pain sink in for a moment before asking again, "who do you work for?"
"I... I don't talk to... heretics," the swordfish said. Saleos whipped him again, another welt adding to his flesh.
"You will die here," Kallamar bargained.
"I don't care!" He yelled. Another lash. "You're nothing! My lord will kill you!" Another lash.
Knowing he was getting nowhere, he moved on to the crab. Perhaps seeing their fellows being punished would convince them to talk. The crab stared up at him, whimpering, clearly petrified. "Who do you work for?"
"C-Carcharias," he said, teeth chattering.
"Traitor!" Screamed the swordfish, fighting against the pillory, ignoring the blood running down his back.
"What is he planning?"
"I don't know," the crab cried pitifully. Kallamar believed him, but he was not satisfied.
"Tell me what you do know."
"Don't say anything!" The narwhal begged.
"He told us to take the girl," said the crab. "We weren't told why. He didn't tell us why."
Kallamar narrowed his eyes at him. What kind of sense was that? What did Carcharias have to gain from kidnapping Lilybell?
"He's going to kill you," the swordfish taunted. He had a crazed expression on his face. The pain must have been getting to him. "You and your little whore."
Saleos whipped him again. This time blood splattered out from the wounds, making a mess around him. "Don't talk about our lady that way!"
"That's what she is! The great master said all who follow Kallamar are fools and whores!" He screamed. Since living was no longer an option he spoke freely. "Down with the heretic Kallamar! Long live Carcharias!"
"Lash him," Kallamar snarled, and he was struck, but the manic screaming didn't stop.
"Long live Carcharias!"
"Long live Carcharias!"
Blood was pooling at the swordfish's feet. "May the heretic rot in hell!"
"Give me that!" Kallamar roared, grabbing the whip from Saleos and going behind the swordfish. The whip was comically small in his hands, but he didn't care. He reared back and slashed the fish over and over again, watching the blood fly. He poured all his frustration into every hit, Shamura's cold words, Narinder's cocky smirk, Lilybell's tears, the thought of losing her. His hand worked independently of him, hitting the swordfish again and again until they were quiet, and even after that.
"My lord!" Saleos cried, holding up his hands, "he's dead! Please stop!"
But Kallamar didn't stop. The body before him was a mess of gore, but he didn't care. Finally, when his arm grew tired, he threw the whip away before slamming a fist down on the swordfish and the pillory, crushing both. He panted wildly, mind blank, coming back to reality slowly. He lifted up his hand numbly, realizing it was covered in blood and bits of wood.
He turned to look at the other prisoners. The crab had wet himself in fear, and being closest to the swordfish he was covered in blood and stray flesh. The narwhal was frozen in terror.
He picked up the whip again, but he had no questions in mind. Only bloodlust.
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nearestend · 18 days
as i am looking through my blogroll, i am now realizing that reblogging this meme might have been a mistake if only because of my indecisiveness and inability to choose ... nevertheless, we must persist.
this got long so we're putting it under the cut!
send ✨ and i'll recommend a multimuse blog.
starting off strong, i am going to say birdie @entriprises! while i'm not familiar with every single character on their roster, i really enjoy how much depth and thought they put into their portrayals. it doesn't always feel necessary for me to know the source material because they're just exceptional at weaving a scene that feels both vibrant and descriptive. i also really appreciate dedication to taking a side character such as cathy and giving her nuance and interest, while also seamlessly integrating with the universe she originates from! i think that can sometimes be hard to do so smoothly (in my own experience, it can often feel clumsy or forced if it doesn't flow naturally with the rest of canon) but birdie does this so well!
send 🌼 and i'll recommend a blog with beautiful writing.
there are many of these to choose from, but i think saying "everyone i follow" is a real cop out answer so i won't do that. but i am a big admirer of laney over at @guttersniper / @tellwolves / @choicescreen. we haven't written a whole lot together, but i love reading her threads whenever they pop up. laney writes with so much realism and grit, and paints it all with intrigue, but it never feels sugar coated or glossy to me. i always feel that creating interest can sometimes toe the line into romanticism and it's extremely tricky to keep a balance, but laney definitely has such a handle on maintaining interest without wandering into an unjust territory. her writing very much reflects the reality of which her characters live in, which is something i truly love in any situation — like when a more whimsical/fantastical character is written in a flowery or poetic prose, or a monstrous character's pov is more visceral. with her oc mutt in particular, i see a lot of grit, a harshness, which very much reflects the environment in which he exists. i could go on for a very long time analyzing all the aspects i like about laney's writing but oh boy. let's carry on!
send 🍄 and i'll recommend a blog with incredible graphics.
also a very difficult question because i think everyone i know does a really beautiful job with creating something that suits their muse. @endurehim / @velourya / @catchfire some incredibly beautiful work! i'm a big fan of how ink uses colour palettes that are tailored to the characters she writes. i have the tendency to visualize what i read or write a lot and often have colour associations to stories/themes/characters/etc, so this is something i greatly appreciate. bobby is an obvious example with all shades of icy blues (appropriate and fitting!) but what i really love is ink's choice to give joe a palette of greens and yellows. not just because it looks so visually interesting, but also because of the symbolism (no idea if this was intentional on ink's part but a really nice coincidence if it wasn't!). green being symbolic of money but also being representative of renewal, growth, and regeneration — something that heavily ties to joe as a man who is constantly at odds with his identity. i think it's all very beautiful work beyond just having something that looks cool and fun (which would also great anyways because i think we should just do some things because they're cool and fun) and it really speaks to ink's dedication and thought behind her characters. love, love, love.
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fraeuleintaka · 1 month
AAIC Nintendo Dream Magazine Cover
This is the 60th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 21 days left until release!
Today's topic: the Investigations Collection themed Nintendo Dream magazine cover!
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The Japanese Nintendo magazine Nintendo Dream (unsurprisingly) covers the Investigations Collection in their September and October issues - including an entire exclusive cover drawn for the latter. As you can see above (and below) it looks incredible! The cover version sadly hides Gumshoe behind a bunch of writing (poor guy) but luckily the magazine comes with a poster version of the artwork as well so that you can enjoy it in all its glory.
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Look at it! Isn't it gorgeous?! I love it! I honestly want this magazine just for this poster alone. Let's talk about how amazing it is in detail.
First of all, they picked the characters included in the art well. With AA's large casts promotional artworks like this can often feel too crowded and overstuffed and the two Investigations games have a sizeable main cast all on their own so it can be difficult to decide who to include and who not to. In this art they really brought it down to the few most central characters: the protagonist Miles, his two sidekicks Gumshoe and Kay and the two main rivals of the two games Shi-Long and Justine (Verity). Perfect choice! I might miss some other characters I love (like Sebastian (Eustace) or Franziska) but I honestly think it's better for it, this way the characters can really shine.
The view is from slightly above so that the characters look a little upwards towards the "camera" which not only looks nice but works well to put a little more focus on what they're standing on: a chessboard, or a chessboard-like patterned floor at least. Of course, we're not gonna stop with the chess theming now 😄 I do think it's a great choice though, especially because it's not black and white like your usual chessboard but (burgundy) red and white, following Miles' colour scheme. Very nice thematic background!
On to the characters, we start, of course, with Miles Edgeworth himself front and centre. He has a very confident smile on his face, you could almost say he looks a little cheeky, and he wears it well! Logic genius extraordinaire, no crime goes unsolved, no criminal uncaught when Miles is on the case - and he knows it, too! His pose also expresses that confidence, with his crossed arms, angled slightly to the side and that one pointer finger raised like he doesn't even have to try to destroy your argument. It's somewhat reminiscient of his thinking animation, only combined with his confident smirk in a way that is very Miles-specific. Very badass, I love it!
Behind Miles, essentially framing him on either side, are our two main rivals, Justine on the right and Shi-Long on the left, both angled towards the centre. Justine looks comparatively serious and neutral. One of her arms is outstretched towards the viewer, hand open, while the other is placed on her chest. It gives her a very gracious vibe, as if she was offering you mercy hoping you would realize your errors and return to the righteous path. Perfectly fitting to her attitude in the game, extremely sure of her own correctness, serious but not brutal as long as you agree with her "correct" view. And elegant above all else!
Shi-Long is the complete contrast to that, rough instead of elegant but just as confident. His arm is also outstretched towards the front but instead of an open palm he has a closed fist with the pointer finger raised in a very commanding and attention demanding way. He stands with his legs apart, as he usually does, and just emanates charisma, also as he usually does. His expression is a wild wolfish grin, showing slightly sharper teeth, that makes him look at least as sure of himself as Miles is and very ready and eager to rise to any challenge that might be thrown at him including any pesky prosecutors that might get in his way. He does what he does how he sees fit and won't let anyone tell him different and makes sure to show you exactly that. You can also really admire his fluffy hair tips from this angle!
Directly behind the two main rivals is Kay with a wide happy grin on her face that perfectly fits her energized personality. She comes across like she's actively posing for something, trying to look cool or badass and having too much fun to really stay serious. Her arms form a cross in front of her chest, one hand showing the peace sign, the other with a raised pointer finger similar to Miles. That's definitely the kind of cool pose Kay would think of making for a group shot! Have I mentioned I love her yet?
Last but not least, we have Gumshoe standing slightly behind Kay but facing the wrong way and just now seeming to notice it. His neck is stretched out so that he looks awkwardly behind himself with a facial expression that says "Oops!", seeing the others and realizing that he screwed up. His arms are raised in front of him in a similar pose to Kay, one hand showing the peace sign and the other showing something inbetween that and a raised pointer finger as if he was trying to do the same pose but not really sure what it was again. Poor Gumshoe, he screwed up the badass group shot. Completely in-character for him though, hilarious and so cute 😊 I especially love that Kay made him do her cool pose with her and how the artwork shows off their adorable dynamic this way, it's so well done!
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This is not the only amazing art you can get as a poster though, the September issue comes with a poster version of the Investigations Collection key art! I already analysed that one in an early countdown post so I won't do it here but it's another brilliant piece and I'd love to have that poster as well. All the new artwork for this collection is so beautiful!
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critter-genfic-events · 11 months
Epistolary or Diegetic Fics!
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This week we have eight fics that feature text that the characters could read themselves! Letters, abstracts, texts, and the occasional sending, they're all featured under the cut!
like coloured indigo inscribed with my name by KmacKatie (kmackatie) (30,648, Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: The Mighty Nein & Essek Thelyss, Shadowgast
Mighty Nein Group texts and Shadowgast slowburn
Reccer says: What I like about it: The formatting is so good, and the chat messages capture the different character voices so good. It has very cozy found family vibes with the usual M9 shenenigans. A feelgood read! Best read on a computer for the full experience of the format.
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You'll Hear When I Do by Beauteousmajesty (1,273, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Mentions of Yeza/Veth
Felderwin residents gossip about alleged sightings of Veth Brenatto in town, years after she was supposed to have died.
Reccer says: This fic feels just like you'd expect small town gossip to feel. It's fun to see how the Nein's antics would look from the perspective of random townspeople who only see them from afar.
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From the Mixed-Up Files of The J. Lavorre Catalogue Raisonné by renquise (2328, General) Warnings: none Pairings: none
A selection of commentary on Jester Lavorre's art
Reccer says: I love thinking about how the Mighty Nein would be remembered, hundreds of years on, and this is an amazing fic exploring what the art history world would make of Jester.
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a book of light by vietbluecoeur (vietbluefic) (1558, Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Deirta Thelyss & Essek Thelyss
Snippets into the private writings of a saint, following the death of a heretic
Reccer says: I like delving into the complications of Essek and Deirta's relationship, especially from Deirta's point of view! This fic does so well
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From the Case Files of the Corrington Scandal Investigation by Professor_Rye (2594, Mature) Warnings: SA/Rape (implied) Pairings: The Mighty Nein & Essek Thelyss, Ludinus Da'leth/Essek Thelyss
A case file about the kidnapping and subsequent rescue of a certain drow. Modern AU.
Reccer says: The attention to detail and wonderful execution of the epistolary format, the way the narrative slowly unravels, and of course, the angst.
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last letter by bittersnake (1373,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
Irme's letter to Nydas Okiro, right before everything happened.
Reccer says: I liked it
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The Number You Have Reached Is Not In Service by Killbothtwins (225,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Orym & Dorian Storm
Attempted sendings between Orym and Dorian after the Apogee Solstice
Reccer says: It's lovely and in character and I want to know how the other half of the Crownkeepers are doing, too
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Descriptions of a River Flowing by Operafloozy (6427,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: None
Five known aliases of Essek Thelyss, and one that (perhaps) will be forgotten.
Reccer says: It's funny and snarky, and then gets contemplative
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
Next week, the theme is featuring neurodivergent characters! A number of different headcanons and canon readings are welcome.
If you're looking for some more, there's some good stuff in the critter genfic bingo tag! We added a new one this week! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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hoppipolla · 1 year
Red and green in the Puttyuban Bar scene
Nuey is said to love wearing green which earned them the nickname "K̄heīyw kathoey” (green queen). (Thank you Vi for the clarification <3 @disasterbabygirlnick)
Green is often associated with nature and healing for spring, the greenest of seasons, is the season of new beginnings, bringing rebirth to a sleeping world.  
This might be a bit far-fetched but the way Nuey dances reminds me of the wind blowing through trees, rustling their leaves. The way they gracefully moves their hips while lifting their arms up, their whole body seems to follow a melody only they can hear. The tree imagery is quite relevant when you consider Nuey’s backstory. James tells Jom that Nuey had to flee Phranakorn to come here and find a new place to stay where they could be safe from violence. Their dance is proof that they have taken root in this city, that although they went through a lot, they can finally let their “green queen” blossom. 
What I really want to point out though is that Yai is also wearing green, a green suit to be precise. Just like @respectthepetty always says, colours mean things, especially in a context so full of subtext. 
The Puttyuban Bar is a place which embraces queerness and allows everyone to “vent out [their] repressed feelings”, but most importantly, it is Yai’s favourite place. 
“In fact, I only discovered it recently. It’s very secretive. So much that not many people know about it.”
I may be completely wrong but when I rewatched this ep, I couldn’t help but think how these words can so easily be interpreted in different ways: quite literally — Yai has discovered a new bar recently that not many people know about — or you can see them as the embodiment of Yai’s self-discovery journey — him falling in love with Jom and the fact that only his sister and perhaps Prik knows that he is queer. As always, I’m over-analysing things so do whatever you want with this interpretation.
What Yai’s father says to Dech might imply that he suspects Yai of not being straight from a young age but that doesn’t mean Yai knew he was queer when he was young. You can feel different and still take a lot of time figuring it all out. Anyway, I’m most likely wrong about this so let’s move on.   
You can tell Yai feels at ease bringing Jom in this bar and that feeling of inner peace is embodied by the colour green. But just like there are different shades of green, the green Nuey wears isn’t like the green Yai wears. Nuey is in full bloom whereas Yai is experiencing his first spring. 
However what I love most about this whole scene in the bar is how it shows Jom and Yai to be so complementary. 
Jom is wearing red and perfectly fits in the bar decor which is Christmas themed (combination of red and green) although it’s his first time there. So is James. The collusion between him and James — they're both wearing red clothes — is reinforced by the fact that they both know they’re gay. By wearing red clothes they feel like a part of the bar (regulars if you will) whereas Yai stands out by wearing green. Although he does stand out, he isn’t out of place because the bar is decorated with red and green ornaments. 
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(Look at them!! Then look at the garlands!! Even the curtains at the entrance.)
We know that IFYLITA is a story about time-travel and reincarnation and that Yai and Jom are destined to meet. They both feel deeply connected to each other and they feel whole when they’re together. I feel like them wearing red and green, the colours of the Puttyuban bar, a bar that encourages people to be themselves, is quite significant and shows how important they are to each other. Just like red and green are complementary colours, they both belong together. 
Bonus: Yai’s tie has hints of red. 
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