#I love jungwoos pictures sm
jonnnysuh · 1 year
would I swipe left or right on nct127s dating profile
A/N: link to poll - let me know how you’d swipe! It’s completely anonymous. Left: ❌ right: ✅
Johnny & Mark’s profiles
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any businesses or places, events or incidents, and portrayal of characters are fictitious.
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BIO: Let’s interlock our toes together underneath the moonlight. Looking for something wholesome I am a good boy after all 😘😘 UWU
ANTHEM: Savage ~ Megan Thee Stallion
FIRST MESSAGE: sooooo do u think America faked the moon landing or what? Kinda sus if u ask me
FIRST DATE: Jumping around at a trampoline park trying to mimic each other’s tricks. Nothing can stop him… not even a few face plants when he does some flips. He hit the juju on that beat a couple of times outta no where
Has so much energy??? And the spirit of a child??? Jungwoo is fun so keep UP
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BIO: new to the city and looking for a tour guide to show me around. last pic is me after i realized the rock and dwayne johnson are the same person lol
ANTHEM: Sunsetz ~ Cigarettes after sex
FIRST MESSAGE: hey how’s it going?
FIRST DATE: Exploring the city through bar hopping. You spend the date drinking and trying to figure out which joint has the best chicken wings (hint: it’s the first place but getting lost in your hometown with him is wayyy more fun)
Sounds like a dry texter so it’s hard to get to know him through messages. Shows his true colours in person and actually has a really great sense of humour
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daydreamingyuta · 11 months
hi hi :)
I love ur writing sm & I was wondering if I could request somethingggg ..
so I was thinking going to a fashion show w/nct127 or them watching y/n on the runway/coming to support.. :)
127 Supporting their Model S/O
A/N: awe literally thank you sm! 🥹 <3 and this was such a cute idea, thank you for sending a request!!
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Doyoung, Jaehyun, & Jungwoo: 
He would sit back and watch you in awe. Like you are all his and he doesn’t know how he got this lucky. Literally whispers a tiny ‘wow’ to himself when you walk out. Definitely gets a sense of pride from seeing his girl up there. Takes lots of pictures so that he can show you just how amazing you are later after the show.
Taeil, Taeyong & Mark: 
He would be so excited that you invited him to go watch you walk on the runway! He’s so proud that you are doing what you have always dreamed of doing and all the hard work it took to get to this point. He would definitely buy you an extra big bouquet of your favorite flowers to give to you after the show to express just how proud of you he is. 
Johnny, Yuta & Haechan: 
He would literally brag to everyone around him that he is dating you and how you are the most stunning person he’s ever met in his life, both inside and out. Like he really wants to make it clear that you are so much more than just a pretty face, because the modeling industry can be so superficial. Also, while your on the runway, you catch a glimpse of him, and you have to try extremely hard not to smile because he’s grinning up at you, like the proud boyfriend he is. 
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dojae-huh · 8 months
I just want to say after following jaedo and your blog for over 3 years (almost 4), it has been really hard for me to believe they are not real. I mean even if anything indicates that they are not a couple is revealed in the future, all their actions of these years cannot be explained in a more proper way.
At this point, with the amount of arguments for them dating from different angles (how neos treat them, how the company censors them, how they wear same clothes, how older SM artists ask Jae about Do and Do about Jae, what JaeDo say about their views on romance, including non-straight love, how JaeDo and their individual behaviour changed over the years and what of their habits stayed the same, what topics (Mark's pics of Do with the cake in the face), actions (boxes of coffee for the musical staff) and slip ups are consealed, etc) reverting to another answer is the fear of being wrong (believing in one's own conslusions) and the pressure from "you are all sick and delulu" part of the fandom.
The truth is, in the foreseeable future, if ever, there won't be a direct confirmation from JaeDo or SM. This reality is something that simply needs to be accepted. Everyone decides for themselves what is the level of "belief" that is comfortable to them (let's play pretence, maybe, accept untill proven wrong). Years can help to lean towards being more sure (as predictions come true (Jungwoo being a 3d wheel in DJJ), new facts and events (like the stylist lady saying noone confessed to Do and Jae smirking at that or ) adding more and more details to the picture), however, the level of certainty will never be 100%. That is unless you believe your judgement, your eyes and common sense, heh.
With each passing event those who choose to not believe need to come up with more elaborate explanations. For example, Johnny attaching a sticker with Jaehyun on Doyoung's back. With "JaeDo are dating" the explanation is easy. And it doesn't contradict multiple other events. Moreso, this moment can be tied to Taeyong saying "Jaehyun should have played the boyfriend (umbrella scene)", neos laughing at tea-car joke, Jaehyun wearing the same sneakers to Do's musical and in his first solo song MV, JaeDo refusing to say what they gifted each other on BD, Jaemin saying JaeDo congratulated him together with BD, Haechan offering JaeDo to watch sunset on January 1st and to star in Love Signal, 127 neos shipping YuMark, YuIl, JohnIl, TaeDo, MarkHyuk, but not shipping Jaehyun with anyone, Doyoung going red seeing Jaehyun's comment under his live, Doyoung not sending a food truck to Taeyong but doing it twice for Jaehyun, identical hairstyles, and many more.
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yourkimjaejin · 8 months
My Favorite Juno Moments of 2022
from r/hotsauceinmybag posted Jan 10, 2023
Hi Liberties. Today, as the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on the top five moments from my AG bias Juno (at this point she's my ult but I'm still in denial sue me) this year. I made this post cause i think Juno had some cute moment with her members this but I didn't see anyone talking about them so I fixed it! Enjoy!!
Number 5 - Juno and Haruto
This was random and just like Juno to confirm this in the most unofficial way possible
At MAMA day 1, fans in attendance caught Juno and Haurto hugging during Treasure’s Rap line performance of VolKNo. Teumae and Czennie alike were puzzled about the odd pair(more so than the talkative pairing of YG!Doyoung and Aurora).
According to one of my Teumae friends, Haruto barely leaves the dorm without Jeongwoo, Jaehyuk and Asahi. When could he have even met Juno?
Juno has like fifteen bodyguards no including her members
Everyone’s questions were answered when Juno hopped on bubble a couple days after the show and posted a picture of herself, her brother(with his face covered) and Haruto posed together with the response
My brother and I finally saw our cousin after a long time. He’s grown so much! I’m proud of him!! Hwaiting Treasure!!
Any dating rumors were debunked as quickly as they came up. Days after, SM and YG both gave official statements for anyone who didn’t believe Juno’s word.
Number 4 - Juno claiming Taeyong’s closest for herself
Juno loves to frequent vlive, or now insta live, when she's bored. The lives usually amount to Juno doing something stupid in order to make the fans happy. That's actually how her mukbang streams start. A fan suggested ordering her favorite foods and recording it. Juno’s always down to do silly challenges for fans because quote a bitch ain’t never scared unquote. 
In April, Juno did a vlive asking fans for suggestions on something she could do tomorrow on her day off. Juno even made her manager hold her to the promise.
“Raid Taeyong’s closet, OOOO!!! This is the one!”
Weeks later a video was uploaded to AG's channel where Juno walked into the 127 dorms and waltzed into Taeyong's room, opening his closet only to start throwing things around. In the background you can see Taeyong begin to question Juno’s actions but let it go (Even Taeyong know its better to not question any of Juno's actions). Juno paired a simple outfit together but she may have cheated a bit by using her own top but it was a look. Everyone agrees. 
Number 3 - Junwoo matching outfits
The friendship between Jungwoo and Juno is TOP TIER! They are the best friends that you question if they’re together or not. They flirt with each other soo much, it’s laughable how there's been no announcement of their relationship becoming official. Alas, JunWoo stans only have so many moments to live off of and when one happens it sends them. Like this one.
At the SMTown concert in Suwon, Jungwoo and Juno arrived at separate times. Immediately fans noticed that the two were matching, wearing black jeans, gray hoodies, black beanies and white converses. Edited pictures of the two together cropped up everywhere online. 
Later that night Juno updated her bubble with a selfie of the two in their matching outfits in one of the NCT green rooms
Me and Jungwoo planned this awhile ago
We wanted to arrive at the same time but AG had a earlier rehearsal time than 127
We’ll make plans to do this again. Don’t worry!
I really hope they follow through with a sequel cause they are so cute together I can't
Number 2 - Juno reacting to an old ice skating performance
For anyone who doesn’t know, Juno used to be a professional figure skater. She’s actually won four medals (three silver and one gold). 
This year was the seventh anniversary since she won her gold medal and to celebrate, Juno filmed a video of her and the AG members reacting to her gold winning performance. 
They could show the recording but the music couldn’t be used so the girls watched it without sound. Though, the nice AG editors used NCT music in the background.
Before they hit play, Juno told us the song she chose was No One by Aly & AJ. Which lead to a bunch of nctiy edits with the original song
During the video, Juno provided commentary on how she was feeling throughout the whole performance, why she chose certain moves and how she styled her own costume. 
Her performance was inspired by the movie Ice Princess. This movie, according to Juno’s mom, was the reason she wanted to become a figure skater in the first place. She even included a practical version of final move as the finish to her performance
In the video, Juno kind of trails off as tears form in her eyes. She just begins to watch her younger self. None of the girls notice until Moxy reaches over to just grips her hand. The two share a look, smile then Juno tucks herself into Moxy’s side
Like I'm so soft for Mono's relationship like they are each other ride-or-die.
Number 1 - Juno’s 2000’s Music Party
Juno did more vlive’s this year than any other (it's as if Juno needs her own NCT unit to be apart of huh SM??)
Out of all the live’s she did, this one has to be the best one.
Juno decided to present all their millennial fans with a nostalgia trip of the highest regard. She sang every disney channel song she could find on youtube and spotify. Juno started with Hannah Montana and followed the rabbit hole further and further. That alone was everything the fans could ask for. What happened next was even better. 
Slowly her other members stopped by promising to only stay a minute but the pull of nostalgia is too strong. 
Hannah was first. She was dropping food off for Juno but when the Lilo and Stitch theme song came on, she pulled up a chair to belt ALL THE LYRICS. 
Aurora came next only because she was in the building and heard Hannah and Juno losing their minds. Aurora sat in the back but when La La Land by Demi Lovato popped up, her eyes lit up. Hannah just handed over her karaoke mic and let Aurora sing with her whole chest. 
I mean I knew Aurora could sing but she SLAYYYED Demi's high note like it was nothing. I need SM to give her and Yuta a Rock duo concept
Lastly, Moxy actually popped into the chat to compliment her members. When asked where she was, Moxy sent “I’m with 127 practicing.” She promised to stop by after practice. 
Finally when she arrived, the other members just pushed a mic into her hand and proceeded to play EVERY SINGLE Cheetah Girls song. The live went an hour longer than it was supposed to. The girls kept begging to sing one more song before their manager could cut the live. 
AG decided to end the live by singing We’re All In This Together but This wouldn’t be AG if they just sang it. No, they took the camera and set it up in a nearby dance studio to do the full dance as well. Their manager made them finish up after the song was over. 
It was AG funnest live EVER. this live actually led to AGzen’s tweeting at Disney to get the girls on the channel in some capacity. 
Some highlights include: AG making Nothing’s Wrong With Me from Pixel Perfect their song, Hannah slipping Boyfriend from BTR into the playlist, Moxy sing That’s So Raven and the girls playing air instruments (a la Breakthrough promotions) while singing Breakthrough from Lemonade Mouth
Let me know some your favorite moments of Juno this year down below!!
u/BasicallyinLove - I don't blame Taeyong for letting Juno do what she wants. If it was me, I'd let her have my whole closet
u/It’sAllAboutFamily - I was there for the WHOLE millennial Disney live. Even past what op already said, my favorite moment has to be during a break the girls were taking during a slower song. Suddenly, Rotten To The Core from Descendants comes on and they all freak out which turns into them doing the choreo for the dance break. It was glorious
u/GottaCatchEmAll - I'm a Teumae and I stayed up for the mama performance. I had to wipe my eyes when HarNo hugged. I thought it was the sleep getting to me. But now we have another pair of famous siblings
u/LikeAPhantom - Why would you remind my of the ice skating performance video. I was sobbing for DAYSS!! You can tell Juno misses the ice. I hope one day she'll get back out there. Maybe for content
u/SpiritUnleashed - It's my own personal headcanon that Juno and Jungwoo ran the rookies after the og SM rookies debuted. Those mathcing outfits fed me for days.
Another Reddit post but this ones been in my drafts for awhile. Like since last year awhile. Hope you all enjoy. Have a great day!! ~ Author Izzy
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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97-liners · 6 months
I listened to the on my youth album last year and I loved it kinda made me cry so I am interested in getting to know them but I am extremely lost in where to start :( any advice?
yeah wayv'll do that to you.
i'm kind of insane about wayv its what i used to be known for on tumblr before i deleted my nct blog so, i'm gonna ramble below the cut
click read more for recs/thoughts on wayv music, content, etc etc
FIRST OF ALL. wayv is my favorite nct unit. just some basic overview:
they debuted in january of 2019 as a cpop group completely separate from nct, under label v (sm entertainment but in disguise and in china)
the connection to nct was always there -- winwin was a member of nct 127 since debut (even before johnny and doyoung was added, and jungwoo was added to 127 to "replace" him) and was never removed from 127 on paper. ten debuted with t7s unit, which was nct's overall debut. kun performed without you (chinese version) when he was a trainee
they debuted with regular (chinese version), which was initially a 127 song. they also had come back (chinese version) on their debut mini, which was also originally a 127 song. technically their first song was dream launch
wayzennies don't consider regular their real debut because fucking sm couldn't be assed to let them debut with their own song smh we hate sm here
their first comeback and their debut in wayzennies' hearts was take off
after that, moonwalk, love talk, turn back time, bad alive, kick back, then they went on a cursed haitus, then they broke hiatus with phantom and now, omy
dream launch, take off, moonwalk, and turn back time are their lore music videos. wayv is the only nct unit to have lore btw!
resonance (nct 2020) was a huge era for us because that was the first time they were officially acknowledged as a unit of nct. before that, fans had to put together compilations of nct members mentioning wayv members, renjun got in trouble for mentioning winwin's name in a vlive once, and taeyong once had a vlive where he said "wayv members are here" (but he had to whisper) and showed them in the distance and waved and everything and the fandom went wild
you really had to be there, all nct units (including wayv) changed their profile pictures for 2020 at the same time and the teaser for the resonance project included shots of wayv. i almost cried.
now. lemme talk about music
wayv is one of the music units, definitely. 127 and wayv both have very distinctive musical identities that are reflected throughout their discography
btw, nct units used to have interludes on their full albums. it's more of a yearly full nct thing now, but it was used in regular (127), neo zone (127), awaken the world (wayv), and then resonance (2020) to kind of pull their entire concept together with the signature nct chime. nct interludes are also just some good music !!!
wayv as a unit has a very dramatic sound, the take off/moonwalk/turn back time holy trinity definitely is very consistent in sound and has prominent rock/orchestral elements in the instrumental plus the signature guitar dance break
a lot of their songs are produced by ldn noise and moonshine
on my youth is actually a departure from their old sound. moonlight sounds most wayv 1.0 in their album. the rest of the album is definitely wayv 2.0, which is great because it kind of signifies their transformation and renewal post-dozen
if ur chinese: kun and xiaojun's cover of red bean
when they debuted they had a project called rainbow v where they created their own content
wayv has their own version of nct u where they break out into subunits. kun & xiaojun back to you, ten & yangyang low low
they have iconic pets. they even have pet merch. my little friends bias is bella, obviously. just look her up on youtube, she peed on livestream more than once and also has pooped on the sm practice room couches before, also is afraid of her own reflection
winformation - in which winwin interviews every member
wayv on weekly idol
they had two seasons of wayvision on seezn but it's a korean show and, while certain parts are fun, it was a little awkward. right after debuting they had a show called wayv's dream plan which was filmed in china and a lot more fun
of course because i'm me, if you're chinese speaking you should check out their huya lives. i'm not sure that they're subbed in english tho
for translations i'd recommend bun bun, wayv china station, and faith (she's actually my favorite, she does a great job at translating colloquial language and remaining faithful to the 'vibe' of what was said in chinese)
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kwangyadetective · 2 years
🏁 Coordinate 127: Inside the Belly of the Snake (2 Baddies)
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A pretty long theory post discussing about the  NCT 127′s 질주 (2 Baddies) MV and its connection to their lore.
(!) WARNING: This is a theory as it is not confirmed by SM entertainment nor members of NCT, so please don’t believe this 100%!
I was actually pretty excited for the release!! The intro and the beat really hooked me and personally, I am IN LOVE with their photoshoots. I have always liked racing concepts and I think NCT have always nailed them.
But all of this excitement for their concept, if I were to be honest, I had a lot of uncertainty of the lore connection in this comeback. Unlike NCT Dream’s Glitch Mode that clearly has a plot, this one doesn’t. But there are many points that convinced me of a theory.
The MV reminds me of aespa’s Hallucination Quest pictures. There is a snake and the Red Eye.
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1. There are many snakes
We all know that there is one car that has a literal snake face on it, which I have mentioned in my Forever Only post. But there is actually more throughout the MV.
Although it is possible to make curve car tracks in real life, if you look at it closer, the tracks look like they slither around. They look like a bunch of snakes moving.
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The tunnel at the back from this angle looks like how the head of a snake looks like from the back in the inside. Plus the two lights on the sides make them look like the eyes of the snake. So it looks like they are inside the snake.
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Although this is just the shell of the car, in this angle, it looks like a snake’s head? The holes of the shell looks like a snake’s scales. This could also be a skull of the snake since this is not a whole car, this reminded me of Karina’s Hallucination Quest picture with the snake. But it is interesting that its from the car, since the first glimpse of the snake we had was on a car.
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If you look at the round shape right under Jaehyun on the purple floor, it looks like the head of a snake. The two long shapes on the sides look like snakes too.
One more thing is this tunnel. I know for a fact that they use this tunnel with the lines to mimic what it looks like when a car is speeding up. The lines are supposed to show the speed movement. But in another way, it looks like they are inside of a snake. The most interesting part is what’s at the end of it.
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 2. The Red Force
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It really reminds me of the Red Force or the red eye that we have seen in Winter’s Hallucination Quest; but most importantly, SM’s main enemy. I know that it has never been officially mentioned again in SMCU contents, there are actually many implications that it still exists (the best example is of course Winter’s picture). But I was sure of it after I saw the stick that Taeyong was holding. It literally has one red eye on it.
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Just like what I said before, aespa’s Hallucination Quest pictures have both a snake and the red eye. This means that both the snake and the eye have association. Whether the eye is literally a part of the snake or, the Red eye is a bigger entity and the snake is one of its underlings. Even Taeyong’s eyes are somewhat red; almost look like he is under its influence.
3. Jaehyun and Jungwoo
Jaehyun and Jungwoo are like opposing in this MV. Jaehyun, almost in most of his scenes, was seen sitting on a throne. In Favorite, he got bitten by the snake and I theorized that he would be suspicious in this MV. I think I was right... He seems like he is siding with the snake. His eyes look dark and ‘dead’ at the end of the MV. I remember talking about how he doesn’t seem like himself in the Forever Only MV, so it could possibly be the effect of the snake bite from Favorite.
Meanwhile, Jungwoo was also sitting on something that looks like a throne too. But his seat was different and it doesn’t have a backrest. On here, he was surrounded by things moving very fast. It looks like he is watching everything from far.
Then at one point, both Neos stood and back facing each other under the rain. Rain has always represents as a medium of connection. I have talked about this shortly in another post, where water in NCT contents symbolizes Ether which connects the Neos. In this scene, they could be communicating but perhaps their standpoints contradict as they don’t face each other.
Both Neos have special roles and I’ve talked about it too. They are somewhat similar but Jungwoo has connection with SM’s butterfly. It seems like Jungwoo is still on the good side and confronted Jaehyun who is under the snake’s influence. Another speculation is that they could be connecting with the other Neos, perhaps even outside the unit, but we still don’t know that.
4. Smaller details
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Yuta was seen inside a lift and this is included in one of the transportations used in traveling through Dream stages. He was going up and we can see the Neo City.
Some Neos were seen driving, I speculate that they could be trying to escape from the snake, which is why Doyoung looked somewhat frantic. But they could be using this to fit the racing concept.
The Neos are inside the snake and is facing the monster. They were under its hallucination during Favorite and it lured Jaehyun. Now, Jaehyun is already under the snake’s control, while Taeyong seems to have more direct association to the Red Eye; this could also have some connection to his SuperM trailer. Jungwoo confronting Jae, but we would see more of this next time perhaps. Some members seem to be aware of the monster and are trying to escape but I’m keeping my eyes on Mark and Yuta; aside from Tae and Jae, they were the only ones featured in the intro transition. Perhaps they are the next targets of the snake. The 2 Baddies in question could be Jae and Tae, but it could also be Jae and Jungwoo because they were opposing. But at the end of the day, we know that its just. 1 Porche 2 Baddies and 7 shades of rainbow.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
Had that dream again where I was a female unit member for NCT.
It transformed from me taking a picture of an older woman who was getting divorced so she wanted to pose in a specific way, but then it was like the dance studio and I saw like Taeil, another Japanese girl (her name was like Shoko, but her voice was so light it was like a whisper and I can't hear that well), and some other girls. And my friend who just entered into a professional dance company was there trying to help coordinate our routine when Jungwoo came out of nowhere and put his raw DAWGS on her butt. Just, long grippers out and wiggling.
Knowing my friend I moved her to go direct the rest of the group and took Jungwoo aside to tell him that he can't play with her because she can be mean and I didn't want his feeling hurt so he asked if I'll play with him and I'm like "You guys are supposed to be in rehearsal, too". So then he starts tickling me and I'm SUPER ticklish so we got into a tickling war and then I patted him on the butt to go do work and have a good day and he kissed my forehead.
The other girls called me "Mama" and told me to come back so we could finish the routine and I vaguely remember yelling at Taeil but I apologized right afterwards because he just wanted to be included and I loved him for that but we all needed to work and I didn't want him or Jungwoo to get in trouble with the managers so we all agreed to go out to eat later. But let me tell you, there were about 7-8 girls, including myself, in the group (it's called NCT X, I guess for the X chromosome, but I'm pretty sure that Shoko was a MTF which is pretty cool) and I think I'm the oldest (I'm glad we may have Shohei now because debuting at 26/27?! Amazing! Gives me hope since I'm 10 days older but I would literally NEVER dream of auditioning with my plus size, African American, non-Korean speaking behind 😅) and that's why they called me "Mama" instead of "Unnie", because everyone else was like 21 and younger.
All in all it was a good part of my dream, much better than the other night's. I hope it comes again because once the third time comes I'm taking that as my maladaptive daydreaming and moving along through life. I say this because these dreams are always the most vivid and I can feel, hear, and smell the most. I can also feel my own emotions in there like it's real life so parallel universe here I come
Not Jungwoo putting his naked platypus flippers on your friend. But awwwwwww he's so cuuuuuute, just a baby. The urge to baby Jungwoo remains no matter the universe you're in. Taeil and Jungwoo just wanted to play. You're just going to give sm ideas. Though imagine an NCT X but with NCT's hoe line. But it's such a cute dream and if it's super repetitive it could be like just some alternate reality thats kept in the back of your mind. I watched someone who every night she'd fall in the same exact world and it just picked up where she left off. Dream worlds are just so interesting. Like last night dreamnt about accidently buying a box of mini rotini pasta and was panicking cause I didn't know how to cook them. then I'll dream about Taylor Swift being my mom and I'm babysitting a cat size hedgehog in London. Like dreams are just a fascinating world.
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mykpopsummary · 5 years
The different shapes and sizes of NCT’s albums are stressing me out, I just got Regulate (late af) and it barely fits my shelf
SM please give them nice, normal and decent sized packaging next time omg
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sluttyten · 3 years
the cinderella search
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summary: you’re a staff member at SM, and during the annual Halloween party, you go dressed as Cinderella. Enter Johnny as Prince Charming. You talk, you flirt, he falls in love, but you forget to tell him your name before the night ends, and thus begins his Cinderella Search.
length: 10,615
tags: near-strangers to lovers, bed sharing, fingering, dry humping, fluff, light on the smut compared to some of my other works tbh
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Growing up, Cinderella had always been your favorite fairy tale. You just really loved the glamor and romance of the story, the idea of dressing up all beautifully and mysteriously, going to a ball to be noticed by the Prince. 
And once you grew up, you still had that fantasy tucked away in the back of your mind, made more real when you entered the idol industry by joining SM Entertainment as a staff member. You were just a minor staff member, not important enough to be a manager (though that was the dream), but you were around idols so often that the fantasy was there, prodding you in the back of your mind.
There were days when you dreamed of being swept up in a Cinderella-style romance with one of the idols in the company. 
“I can’t blame you one bit,” your close friend Jiwon tells you one day. She’s a makeup artist for the company; she’s seen their bare faces, seen them up close and personal, and having worked there for longer than you, she knows various artists under the company better than you do. “I won’t disagree with you at all that a secret romance with one of them would be amazing. Just like a drama. I want Kyungsoo to be my prince charming.” She sighs dreamily. “I can’t wait for the Halloween party.”
That’s exactly what you’ve been talking about almost non-stop since you first heard that it was happening this year. With the party not having happened for a few years now due to one thing or another, this year it’s come back with a bang, and when the memo was put out that every staff member was invited to come in costume as well, just as a celebration for how hard everyone’s worked, it’s all that pretty much everyone’s been talking about. You’re excited that you get to go, that you get to dress up as well, and what caused Jiwon to start gushing about D.O. is you mentioning that you wanted to go dressed as Cinderella.
“Promise we can get ready together?” She asks you. “I really, really want to do your hair and makeup, I can already picture it.” Jiwon holds her fingers up, framing your face between them. 
It helped that you already had the dress to wear for your costume. You’d spotted it a few years ago in a thrift shop, and because of your pure love for Cinderella, as soon as you saw the dress, you knew that you had to have it. Sure, it had been collecting dust in your closet for a couple years, but now you had found the perfect use for it at last.
The day of the Halloween party, Jiwon comes over just as she’d planned, taking as much of the day as she possibly can to make you up and style your hair to make you look like the Cinderella of her imagination. She’s just going simply, wearing all black with some cat ears, some whiskers drawn on her face, but most of her attention to detail is poured into her work on you. 
By the time she finishes the last touch, you’re ready to leave. Already you’re going to be cutting it close to showing up late, so as she drops her brushes back in the bag she brought, you grab your phone, and make for the door.
“Oh no, you’re not finished yet.” She snakes her hand around your arm, bringing you to a halt. Jiwon tuts at you. “Cinderella can’t go to the ball without her mask.” 
Like a true fairy godmother, Jiwon pulls a beautiful mask out of the makeup bag. “I saw this when I was shopping for my costume, and I knew it would just be perfect. You can’t be Cinderella and have everyone know who you are, that goes against the point of being Cinderella, right?”
She carefully sits the mask on your made-up face, ties the ribbons around the back of your head, trying not to disturb the work she put into your hair.
“Can we go now, fairy godmother?” You ask. “Before midnight, preferably.”
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The fairytale vibe of the night truly hits home once you arrive at the party’s venue. Everyone’s in costumes, and at first it’s overwhelming because you can’t immediately distinguish the idols from the staff from the higher-ups in the company. As you and Jiwon step inside, you can only make out a few distinct people. 
Red Velvet’s Irene is dressed like an actual goddess, complete with an array of stars in an arc around her (an interesting choice that definitely makes sure no one gets too close to her). You spot Chanyeol standing tall over the group of people he’s talking with too. And then you see him.
Prince Charming.
Johnny Suh. 
He looks breathtakingly handsome, wearing a white uniform adorned with golden tassels and medals. His hair is gelled back from his face, and he’s in the middle of laughing at the princess beside him, though her back is to you. Johnny literally looks like a prince with his face full of sunlit radiance, and in that moment your heart yearns. You wish you had a Prince Charming, but it’s clear that this one already has his princess.
And then she turns around with a flip of her long, dark wavy hair.
You burst out laughing so loud that Jiwon hits your arm to make you quiet down. 
Hendery is dressed as a princess, clinging to Johnny’s arm as Jungwoo and Ten stand there with them, both of them laughing along with the costumed couple.
There are several other princesses you soon realize. Staff members and female artists have both dressed as princesses, and the more of them you see, the more you think that you’re not the Cinderella of this ball. There’s others that shine with more glitz and glamor than your thrifted dress ever could. So you mostly stick to yourself, seated at a table in the corner, sipping at your drink to avoid talking to a drunk coworker when he stumbles into his seat at the table.
You just watch the party, suddenly no longer feeling it because the best looking man here tonight is clearly Johnny Suh (which you’ve thought that numerous times before, but especially so tonight) and it’s obvious that everyone else thinks so too. He wins a prize. He has people coming up to him all night, fawning over him, running their fingers through the tassels on his shoulders.
“Stop pouting,” Jiwon tells you as she drops down into the seat beside yours. She sits a fresh drink down in front of you. “Just drink this down and come have fun with me. We can mingle and actually get the chance to speak to some of these idols we never work with.” 
You know she has her eyes on D.O. who’s standing in a clear line of sight from where you’re both sitting, holding an audience of a few people captive with his story.
“You go.” You nod toward him. “Here’s your chance, Jiwon.”
She frowns at you. “I didn’t spend so long making you look like Cinderella just for you to sit all glum in the corner. You look fantastic, darling, and if you don’t get up and show off that lovely dress and your beautiful face, then we can’t be friends anymore.” She folds her arms in front of her and pouts. 
“If I go get some more drinks, does that count?”
“It’s an improvement at least.” She sighs. “I’m going to try to talk to him. While I’m gone, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She eyes your coworker who’s slumped over in his chair now, starting to snore. “And make sure he doesn’t puke on himself.”
You have no intention of babysitting a guy who takes every opportunity to steal credit from you, so you definitely leave the table as soon as Jiwon walks away. 
You’re standing at the bar area, waiting for the man behind the counter to make the drink you’d requested, when someone comes up beside you, just a figure in the corner of your eye. It’s only when he speaks that you look up to see who he actually is.
“I think you dropped this,” Johnny says, and he’s holding up one of the satiny blue gloves you’d worn tonight. You’d taken them off while you ate, and you forgot you’d tucked them in the ribbon around your waist.
“Oh, thank you.” You incline your head and reach for the glove, but when your fingers brush Johnny’s, you pull away with your whole hand tingling. “I probably dropped the other one somewhere too.” You look around, searching the floor.
Johnny chuckles. “No, it’s still right there.” 
You feel a blush rising to your cheeks, and you’re grateful that you’re wearing the mask that hides most of your face. The other glove is still safely tucked at your waist, and as Johnny tells the bartender what he’d like, you pull both gloves onto your hands.
“Here’s your drink, Princess.” The man behind the counter winks as he says it, pushing the drink toward you. “And yours, Prince Charming.”
You take your drink and start to walk away, planning to head back to your comfortable corner to drink alone in peace, but then you notice Johnny just a step behind you. 
“I think you’re the only person dressed as a princess tonight that hasn’t come up to talk to me tonight.” He says, “Which is unfortunate, since I saw you the moment you walked in, and I wanted to come talk to you then, but Hendery wouldn’t let go of me. I think you deserved best costume; I’ve never seen a better Cinderella.”
His flattery works wonders on melting what nervousness you have in talking with him. Johnny’s all but a stranger to you. You don’t work closely with NCT, but on the few occasions you’ve gotten to work with them, Johnny was always such a large personality, so nice and funny and handsome. Maybe you definitely have a ridiculous crush on him. But it’s always been foolish and far-fetched.
This is the first conversation you’ve ever had with him, and you don’t quite make it back to that table in the back corner. Johnny drags you down to sit beside him at his table, and even though you’re surrounded by the other members, the way he’s looking at you as you talk makes it feel like it’s only the two of you in the whole building. 
You finish your drink, lose track of time, and by the time that the party’s really and truly ending, you’ve forgotten everything but the way that Johnny looks at you, the sound of his voice, and how much that you have in common with him. Maybe it’s ridiculous to form such a deep connection with someone at a party, especially when tomorrow you go back to being just a lowly staff member and he’s a world-famous idol. 
But Princess Hendery is the one to break up this intimate conversation. His hand lands on Johnny’s shoulder, and Johnny’s head snaps around. 
“Hyung, your ride’s about to leave.” Hendery pats Johnny’s shoulder, and then points down the length of the table to a man you recognize as an NCT manager. A tipsy Jaehyun walks by, his fingers twisting in the neck of Johnny’s uniform, and he leans in to whisper something in Johnny’s ear, his fingers slipping down to get a better grip on Johnny’s uniform, and then he’s dragging Johnny out of his seat, pulling him away out the door with their manager before you can get another word in.
You look around then, somewhat dazed at being pulled back into non-Johnny reality, and also slightly buzzed from your drinks, and you realize that the room has emptied out around you, only a handful of people remain. Including Jiwon. She’s bright red and grinning from ear to ear, leaning on a man in costume.
You refuse to let her make any drunken mistakes tonight, so you make your way over, loop your arm around her waist. “Come on, fairy godmother, it’s midnight and we need to get home before the spell wears off.”
Jiwon moans and groans, reluctantly letting you lead her out of the party at last, taking her home to pass out on your sofa.
And it’s a bit later as you fall into bed fresh from your shower with all the makeup washed away now, as you look happily at the photos you’d taken with Jiwon and some selfies you’d snapped several times throughout the night, that you tragically remember that you never gave Johnny your name.
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By tragedy or fate or something else against you in the universe, you don’t get to see Johnny again before your position in the company takes you overseas. Not long term, just for a month. But during that month you build a lot of experience toward achieving your dream of becoming a manager for a group, getting your hands almost within reach of that prized promotion. 
And as for your Cinderella moment, you try to put it out of your mind, just as you’re sure Johnny’s done. Over a month has passed since the Halloween party, and you doubt he even remembers the Cinderella he spent the night talking to. Even if he does remember, you feel that any chance has long since passed for you to find him and tell him it was you.
On your first day back within the building, you’ve barely made it inside before Jiwon finds you. 
You hear her slippers slapping against the ground as she runs toward you, and then she loops her arm through yours in a vice. “Come with me. We need to talk,” she whispers conspiratorially, dragging you into the elevator with her.
“I didn’t want to tell you this while you were away dealing with everything, but,” she says excitedly in a hushed voice so no one overhears, “As your self-designated fairy godmother, I thought I should definitely give you a little heads up. Johnny’s been looking for Cinderella.”
Your heart thuds in your chest. “What?”
“Everyone’s heard him asking around casually about who’d been Cinderella that night, but you sneaky thing!” She pinches your side. “How did you manage to go the whole night without telling anyone who you were?”
Had you? You’d definitely talked with several other staff members at the start of the night, including your supervisor. At least one of them must have recognized you, right? But looking back now, maybe you hadn’t talked in particular about anything that would have given away who you were, and you don’t remember any of them calling you by name or even acknowledging that you were in their department. 
You’re still trying to wrap your head around it when the elevator doors open, and Jiwon walks out, still arm-in-arm with you.
“Look, it’s even a company-wide kind of meme.” She points at a bulletin board nearby where normally notices about events and deadlines and everything are hung. But now there’s also a sheet of paper with the word WANTED at the top, a badly pixellated image of the Disney version of Cinderella beneath that, and below that LAST SEEN: SM HALLOWEEN PARTY. In tiny font beneath contact NCT Johnny if you have any information. 
“What the hell?” You look around to see if anyone else is looking, and then you step forward and tear it off the bulletin board. “What are people thinking? What if this shows up in the background of a video?” Idols pass through here semi-frequently with cameras on them for one reason or another. You can only imagine the chaos of fans reacting to such a notice as this Cinderella one.
Jiwon laughs as you crumple the sheet up and toss it in a nearby trashcan. “At this point, everyone’s started assuming Cinderella was just a random party-crasher or a ghost since she hasn’t come forward.” She pats your shoulder comfortingly. “One of the aespa girls almost confessed to him that it was her.”
A flare of jealous heat sparks to life in your belly. “Well, it definitely wasn’t!”
“Of course not! She was dressed like a princess too, but not anything remotely Cinderella-esque.” Someone walks into the elevator area, so Jiwon drops her voice to a whisper once more as she tries to urge you, “You should go tell him that you’re his Cinderella! It would be so cute!” 
“Are you kidding?” You hiss, glancing over at the man waiting for an elevator. “Look at me, Jiwon. He’d take one look and laugh that I couldn’t possibly be Cinderella. I don’t look anything like I did that night.” You gesture at the very casual outfit you’re wearing, your drastically less made-up face, and just everything about you. You’d truly experienced some kind of magical transformation that night courtesy of the woman beside you. “I couldn’t tell him. Plus, it’s been over a month. Is he really still looking for Cinderella? I’d have given up by this point, like you said, just thinking it was a random party-crasher or something. Plus, if this is like an actual Cinderella moment, it’s not like anything romantic can happen between him and I. It’s against policy.”
Jiwon shakes her head, disappointed. “You’re such a party pooper, darling. And, you’re right, this isn’t a fairytale, okay? I get that. It’s real life and there’s actual consequences, so I won’t blame you if you don’t tell him. But come on, the risk is well worth the reward here, I would think. This job or Johnny? The choice is obvious to me.”
Maybe once you would have agreed. Choosing the literal man of your dreams (because Johnny has been showing up in your dreams with some amount of frequency ever since Halloween) would have been an easy choice before you’d actually landed a position in SM Entertainment. Even then, it wouldn’t have been a crazy choice in your mind. But more recently things have changed.
“They’re promoting me.” You shake Jiwon loose so you can face her properly. “That’s what the whole point of me being overseas for the last month was. Training me up, seeing if I had the potential to really be a manager. And that’s my dream job, you know. I don’t think the risk is worth the reward in this case. But damn,” you sigh, catching sight of a screen showing a clip from one of NCT’s music videos, Johnny’s face filling the screen. “I wish it was possible.”
To give up your dream job just for the possibility of a romance with an idol seemed far-fetched and stupid. 
So you ignore the Cinderella search. It’s not like you ever even see Johnny, so it’s not a problem at all.
Until the day comes when you officially receive your promotion. 
“You’re being promoted,” your supervisor tells you, “NCT needs a new manager, and you’re best qualified for the job.”
Your stomach feels like it drops to the floor. “What?”
You’d been expecting that you were going to get to help manage a new group, or at least maybe aespa. You didn’t think they’d throw you to the wolves that was the confusing mess of NCT’s schedules. So it was a nightmare wrapped in a thin layer of a dream, and right at the heart of it all was Johnny Suh.
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You were so nervous on your first day as a manager (because of course, you couldn’t manage one of the other units, you had to be assigned to 127) that Johnny would recognize you on the spot, call you out on being Cinderella, and make a scene. But you were equally as nervous that he wouldn’t recognize you at all.
The latter turned out to be the truer though not entirely accurate.
When you were introduced to the members, Johnny gave you a kind smile, and then said, “Hey, I recognize you.”
Your heart stopped and then started beating at what felt like double-time. “You do?”
He nods. “Yeah, you’ve worked with us before, right?”
Ah. Your heart rate slows back to normal. “Yeah, yes, I have. Just a few times.” 
Then he repeats your name back to you as if making sure that he’s got it right, and an hour later you’re still thinking about the way that your name sounds from his lips.
That feeling doesn’t pass, not for a while. 
Slowly you grow more comfortable and relaxed in your role a manager for the group. You get used to the stunning presence of the handsome men. You get used to the sound of Johnny’s voice and his laugh. You get used to driving the members around, shuttling them to and from schedules, getting them what they need, managing them and managing your feelings.
And best of all, you never hear Johnny mention Halloween or Cinderella, which makes it much easier to put it all from your mind. Well, somewhat easier. Jiwon refuses to let you forget; she calls herself your fairy godmother all the time, calls you princess, teases you when you mention stories that involve Johnny, which is most of them because within several weeks of you becoming a manager for the unit, you and Johnny have actually grown quite close.
“Oh, come on!” Jiwon exclaims one evening as she stretches out on your bed. “I’m tired of all of these cute, funny stories about Johnny! I want gushy romantic, hot stories.” She rolls over onto her stomach and looks at you. “God, let me tell you, one time when I was doing their makeup the stylist had to make an alteration on his pants, and that man whipped off his pants with no shame and stood there in his underwear for me to do his makeup. Babe, I know you’re already mentally going through hoops to avoid thinking about him, but trust me that you would reconsider if you had seen his--”
You slap your hand over her mouth. “Don’t.”
“No need to sound so pained about it.” She pushes your hand away. “I don’t know why you’re fighting this so hard. Yeah, you’re a manager, but you and him are fully grown adults. This is a stupid policy because from the stories you’ve told me, if you and Johnny were just alone for like an hour together, you would probably end up together.”
You roll your eyes. There have been times you’ve been alone with Johnny, driving him to or from a schedule. It wasn’t like there was undeniable sexual tension in that van or anything like that. And even if Jiwon means totally alone in a non-mobile setting, you doubt anything like that would happen, but you’ve never yet had the chance to find out.
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When the first winter storm hits, you’re driving Taeyong back to the dorm from a solo schedule he’d had that had run long. It’s very late. Taeyong dozes in the passenger seat, you’re yawning every other minute, and as you enter the city limits you realize that it’s starting to snow large, fluffy flakes that are coating everything they touch.
The city’s been extremely cold lately, so you’re not surprised that the snow isn’t melting, just piling up, making it hard to see at times. 
By the time you reach the dorm, the roads are slushy and slick. Snow blows across the streets in waves.
Taeyong’s schedule had been a three-day event, so he has a few items to unload, and due to the sharp cold breeze and how deep asleep he’d been just moment before, you help Taeyong unload and carry his belongings up to the dorm. Your shoes squeak on the floor, and by the time you reach the door of the dorm, you’re both still shivering.
The door opens with a chime, and as you come inside, you see Johnny’s sitting at the kitchen table playing on his phone and eating cereal. Taeyong mumbles something, toes off his shoes, drops his bags, and just stumbles off to bed, too sleepy to even do anything else.
Johnny’s watching you as you let out a big yawn and sit what you’d been carrying down beside the rest. 
You run your fingers over your hair, brushing away the last snowflakes that cling somewhat intact to your hair. “It’s snowing pretty good out there. I haven’t seen snow like this in years.”
Johnny glances over at the large window of their living room. The puffs of snow float by, lit up by all the city lights, and he stands up, walking over to press his face to the glass, looking down at the street below and the rooftops around their building. Everything’s already covered in a pretty decent amount of snow. 
“It’s beautiful out there.” Johnny is pressed to the glass, looking out at everything. 
Before you can register what’s happening (it is very late and you’re half-asleep on your feet, so excuse you if you’re a little slow at the moment), Johnny’s walking back past you, grabbing his coat from the back of a chair with one hand, and taking your hand with the other. He guides you along by the hand down through the building, out into the falling snow. 
“What are we doing?” You ask, folding your arms around yourself as Johnny releases your hand once you’re outside. Shock at the situation kept you silent until then. “You shouldn’t be out here. You’ll catch a cold.”
Johnny laughs. “I’ll be fine. Come take my picture.” He walks out into the snow-covered street, tilting his head back to the sky, arms held out. The streetlight just down the road casts Johnny and the snow in a silver light, and he’s so beautiful in that moment that you’d be crazy not to take a photo, so you pull out your phone and start taking pictures of him. 
This photoshoot goes on for several minutes before you pause to check a photo you just took, and for your efforts of trying to be a good photographer, you get a snowball right to the shoulder. Johnny’s laugh is loud in the muted silence of the falling snow, and he only laughs louder when you shove your phone into your jacket pocket and duck down to form a snowball of your own.
The snow fight lasts until you’re both pink-cheeked, sniffling in the cold air, and neither of you can feel your fingertips anymore.
“I’m t-too cold to keep this g-going.” Johnny laughs and shivers, tucking his hands into his armpits as he walks toward you. 
“I - I should get going anyway.” Your teeth chatter together. “I still need to get home, and it’s late.”
“Come up for c-coffee,” Johnny suggests, his eyes lingering on you and the snow caught in your hair, wreathing your face. “You’re clearly tired and cold. You need some coffee.”
Damn your heart and Johnny’s good intentions. You follow him back up to the dorm, and while you shuck off your coat and wet shoes and damp socks, Johnny starts making you both some coffee. And minutes later, you’re still shivering as you clasp a warm mug between both of your hands, sitting next to Johnny while he swipes through your camera roll to check out the photos of him you’d just taken.
You know that you should leave. It’s not appropriate for you to just be hanging out at the dorm. You should put your coat and shoes back on, take the coffee to go, and head home so you can get some sleep before you have to work tomorrow. Just as you’re about to say something along those lines, your phone buzzes against the table and Johnny makes a soft, oh.
“What?” You lean closer, sitting the mug down on the table.
“It’s a weather alert.” Johnny looks up at you, and for a moment neither of you speak or move or breathe. You’re so close together right now. You can see all of the little water droplets stubbornly clinging to his eyelashes from the snow. You can smell the coffee on his breath and something a little sweet too. But then Johnny snaps his mouth closed and leans back a little, just putting some distance between you and him. 
He clears his throat, then says, “It says the roads are really bad, that it’s just going to get worse. You should probably just stay here tonight, and I feel like you’re going to argue with that, but honestly, it’s for your own safety. Roads are dangerous, plus you’re already cold and tired. That’s a bad combination. You’re just going to have to be back here in a few hours to pick us up anyway since hyung is gone.”
You’d forgotten about that. The manager that normally stays at the dorm with them is gone for the week. That’s why you had to be the one to take Taeyong to his solo schedule, and why you were going to have to be up earlier than normal for work tomorrow. Maybe Johnny has a good point.
Johnny looks away from you, back down at your phone, and he swipes away the notification, then makes a little frown. 
You look down as well, and there you see that your phone has gone back to the screen showing all of your photos, and there, just barely visible at the top of the screen, is a photo you’d taken of yourself in the Cinderella costume on the night of the Halloween party.
Johnny inhales and the silence as you wait for his exhale seems to last an eternity.
“You were--”
You push back from the table, already reaching to pull your shoes back onto your feet, forgetting entirely about your wet socks. “I’d really better leave.”
You’re halfway to the door, hopping on one foot, struggling to get your second foot into it’s boot, when Johnny loops his hand at your elbow, helping to steady you as you’d nearly just tipped over onto your face. 
“Please don’t leave.” He pleads.
You look up at him. Your foot thumps heavily down onto the ground. “Johnny.... please. I shouldn’t stay here, I could get in trouble with the company.”
His eyes are softer than you’ve ever seen them before. “Please stay. It’s dangerous out there, I’ve said that already. If anyone has a problem with you staying here overnight for your own safety, then I’ll vouch for you. I’ll make the others vouch too.” His hand slides from your elbow down to your wrist, holding loosely now that you don’t seem to be in such a rush to leave. A slow, crooked smile appears on his lips. “And anyway, Cinderella, you’re supposed to leave a shoe behind, not your wet socks.”
You roll your eyes, but you smile as well. “I didn’t want to tell you.”
“That you’re the Cinderella I’ve been looking for for months now?” Johnny’s hand slips even lower on your wrist until his fingers are just clasping your hand. “Why didn’t you want to tell me? I had so much fun talking with you that night, and after we left I realized I hadn’t even found out who you were.”
You shiver now that your feet are back inside your wet shoes. 
Johnny clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Take your shoes off. You’re staying. Go on. Sit right there.” He points at the chair beside the table. “I’ll be right back. Don’t you dare leave.”
His voice is so commanding, you wouldn’t dare leave now. He walks out of the kitchen, and when he returns a moment later, he’s carrying a change of clothes for you from his own closet. 
“I know it’s your job to worry about us,” he says, holding out the clothes to you. “But please let me take care of you too. Don’t catch a cold. You can go shower in the bathroom off my room, put these on. You’re staying here tonight.”
You nod, accepting the sweater and slick basketball shorts. 
When you emerge from the shower several minutes later, feeling much more thoroughly warmed, the lights in the dorm have all been turned off, but Johnny’s sitting on the sofa now with his phone lighting up his face. It’s very, very late. He looks as if he could nod off right there, but as you walk closer to him, he blinks up at you. A smile breaks across his otherwise sleepy expression.
“What?” You ask, sinking down onto the sofa with him. There’s a blanket draped over the back, and Johnny immediately pulls it down over your shoulders. You clasp the edges of it together in front of you. “Why are you smiling like that? Are you feeling feverish or something?” You lift a hand and immediately check his forehead with the back of your hand, but he doesn’t feel warm.
Johnny, still smiling, reaches up to lightly bat away your hand as he sighs and rests his head against the cushiony back of the sofa, staring at you. “No, like.... It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
“You gave them to me.” You reply, amused at the dopey look on his face. 
“I know.” Johnny whispers. “You just look really good in them.”
Your heart flutters in the way that you know you shouldn’t let it. This is Johnny. You’re his manager. This is inappropriate to be feeling this way about him. It’s definitely inappropriate to be sitting on a sofa in the dark with him, wearing his clothes, having just showered in his shower using his shampoo and body wash. But it feels good.
You lean your head against the sofa’s back too, draw your knees up toward your chest, and you look right back at Johnny in the same way he’s looking at you. You whisper, “You should go to bed. We all have to be up in a few hours.”
He bites his bottom lip and then stretches out a risky hand to touch yours. When you don’t pull away or tell him not to, Johnny keeps going, turning your hand over, pulling it into his lap. He touches your palm, caresses your fingers, treating you like you’re fragile and delicate like a little princess.
“Johnny,” you whisper a few moments later when he’s still just holding your hand, making no effort to go to bed. “Go.”
“There’s so much snow out there.” He says after another few seconds. “There’s no way that we’ll still have our schedules tomorrow. By the time morning really comes, we’re going to be buried in. I was looking at the weather while you were showering, and it’s not showing any sign of stopping before at least tomorrow night.”
“Banking on your schedule being cancelled doesn’t mean you don’t have to go to bed.” Your hand shakes slightly as you lift it, trembling with the risky nature of what you do next. Johnny’s hair is soft and his face is pleasantly warm as you push a few loose strands away from his face. 
Johnny exhales at the feel of your fingertips just barely brushing his skin. “Come to bed with me. Haechan’s not here. He’s upstairs tonight.”
You noticed that as you crept into Johnny’s room to use that bathroom. Both of the beds were empty. 
It’s tempting to give in, to follow him into that bedroom and let the door close behind you as you get into bed with him. You’re sure that sharing a bed with Johnny would be very warm and comforting in this snowy cold night. But you can’t. 
“Johnny.” Your voice trembles ever so slightly. “I can’t. I’m your manager, and it just.... I could get in trouble.”
“You’re still shivering from the cold,” he argues, “Basically hypothermic. I’m just trying to keep you healthy, trying to save you from freezing. No one would know but us. If the others ask questions, I’ll make excuses.” He smiles, and that almost does it for you.
You shake your head, close your eyes, turn your head away from him so you’re not faced with the temptation. “No. I’m serious. You should go to bed. I’ll stay right here. Just here.” You pat the sofa. “I’ll be comfy and this blanket’s warm.”
“Fine.” Johnny sighs, and he stands up, still holding your hand. “But don’t think that you can sneak out, Cinderella. Okay?”
You squeeze his hand lightly. “I’m not going anywhere, Johnny.”
He leans in so quickly that there’s no time for you to even protest before he’s pressing a kiss to your cheek. And then he’s gone, vanishing into his bedroom as you sit frozen on the sofa, looking after him.
It takes a long time to fall asleep after that. Just you lying there in the dark with the blanket tugged up to your chin, listening to all of the unfamiliar sounds of the dorm, watching the snow drift by outside the window, shivering in the chill air.
After nearly an hour of silence and cold and overthinking, you sit up, gather the blanket around your shoulders, and you tiptoe across the living room to the door of Johnny’s bedroom. 
When you reach the door, you stand there in hesitation, your knuckles hovering just inches from the door. You’re being silly. Ridiculous. You’re putting the future of your career in jeopardy by just standing here before his doorway and contemplating going inside. You shift your weight uncertainly, drop your hand to your side, consider turning back and walking to the sofa, but before you can move, the door swings open and you’re faced with Johnny’s chest.
You lift your gaze slowly to his face.
“I could almost hear you thinking through the door,” he says with a smile, and then he steps aside, “Why don’t you come in?”
“It’s just cold out there,” you mumble as you step inside, pulling your blanket tighter around your shoulders. “I was going to ask if you had another blanket.”
Johnny hums in a way that tells you that he doesn’t buy your lie one bit. He closes the door behind him, his back braced against it as he faces you. “I can’t believe that all this time you’ve been my Cinderella.” He shakes his head, gaze wandering over the shadowy shape of you.
His room is dark but your eyes are adjusted just enough that you can see him fairly well in the faint light coming in through the window. So you can see as he pushes away from the door, as he steps toward you. Your body tingles in anticipation, your fingertips go numb so you curl them into fists in your blanket, and Johnny stops right in front of you.
“It’s well past midnight, Cinderella,” he whispers. “The ball is ended, the magic spell is worn off, and you’re still just as beautiful and fascinating and enchanting as you were that night.” His hands come up to the blanket wrapped around your shoulders, fingers tucking underneath. Your grip on the blanket loosens even as Johnny starts to move the blanket.
It falls away, pooling at your feet.
His thumb brushes along your jawline. Your body feels on fire, your fingers burn with the desire to touch him too. So you do, curling your fingers at his hips, his skin warm under yours, and Johnny takes a shuffling step just a bit closer to you, his bare toes bumping against yours.
“Johnny,” you repeat his name, lifting your chin to look him in the eye. “Kiss me?”
He doesn’t wait for you to ask him again. Johnny leans in and catches your lips in a kiss. His palm rests against the side of your neck, his thumb still stroking at your jaw. When you try to press closer, to deepen the kiss, Johnny backs away.
“Don’t stop,” you whine, clenching your hands at his sides. 
Johnny chuckles, dipping forward to kiss your forehead. And then he kisses you again. He takes a step back, you follow, and another, and then he’s sinking down onto his bed, his hands moving to your hips to guide you to straddle his lap, not breaking the kiss as you do.
Making out with Johnny Suh is certainly not what you imagined you’d be doing tonight when you brought Taeyong home from his schedule, but here you are, sitting in his lap in his bed, his hands on your hips, and your mouth on his.
“Wait,” he mumbles, pulling back momentarily. “Let me put some music on or something.”
You don’t want to move from his lap, but you let him lean away, reaching back across his bed toward the pillows to grab his phone. He taps at the screen for a few moments, and then music—soft enough to not wake anyone but just loud enough to mask any sounds the two of you may make—begins to play over his Bluetooth speakers.
As Johnny sits back up, leaving his phone tucked beneath his pillow, you admire the sight of him. His abs. His chest. His arms.
You’ve seen Johnny shirtless before in dressing rooms, for photo shoots and video shoots. But seeing him like this, in the half light of his bedroom with the tingling reminder of his lips on yours, is a completely different experience.
Like a magnet, he finds you again. His mouth on yours, kiss unrestrained under the cover of the music, letting out tiny little moans as he kisses you. Each sound brings a smile to your lips, and after a few moments, you’re grinning into the kiss, twisting your fingers into his hair, and Johnny smiles as he fits his hands under your borrowed sweatshirt, his fingers chilly on your heated waist and belly.
His fingers shift higher and higher, and your breath hitches as he caressed your breast.
“Alright?” He murmurs, giving you a moment to answer while he kisses the corner of your mouth, skimming his lips over your jaw, down your throat.
You shiver, twisting your fingers a little more tightly in his hair, shifting just that much closer to him. You can feel every inch of him against you, your body burns and tingles, your heart racing in your chest.
“So good,” you moan softly, tugging lightly on his hair to bring his mouth back to yours.
Johnny smiles into the kiss, his thumb drifting attentively over your nipple. Slowly he eases backwards until he’s flat on his back and you lie against his chest, still just kissing him and yearning to feel his hands touching you everywhere, not just your breast. You shiver against him again, and Johnny is gentle as he rolls you under him, as he tugs the blankets up over your bodies.
“Still cold, Cinderella?” He teases, his nose bumping against your cheek.
You push a section of his hair back behind his ear, spend a few seconds lingering there, your thumb against his face. He’s so handsome, and you being here beneath him in his bed, it’s unreal. Like a dream. Like a fairytale Cinderella moment you never thought you’d have because he’s an SM Prince, and who are you? Hardly any better than a servant.
Johnny shifts to the side, looking down at you. “What are you thinking about? You’ve got that expression.” He lifts a finger and traces the furrow between your eyebrows.
“I’m just thinking how I don’t belong here.” You sigh, looking away to the window. Your hand is on his arm and you absentmindedly stroke over his sunflower tattoo, mirroring the movements of his thumb moving back and forth on your waist beneath the sweatshirt. 
Johnny’s lips touch against your throat, pulling a sigh from your lips, to which he asks, “What do you mean you don’t belong here? And don’t tell me again that it’s because you’re a manager.”
But that’s exactly why. 
“Stay here. With me.” Johnny withdraws his hand from beneath your sweatshirt. “If you feel like this is moving too fast, we can stop here. We can go to sleep. Just sleep.”
He moves back an inch or two, just as much as his narrow twin bed will allow, but you don’t want him to go far. You scoot closer again, still gripping his arm. Johnny smiles at that. You sink your head onto the pillow, look up at him. “I’ll stay.”
“Good.” Johnny brings his hand up, tracing his knuckles lightly along your cheek in a way that makes your heart pound and your toes and fingertips tingle in delight, in the need for reciprocation, to touch him and hold him too. But you bring your hands up to your chest, clench them into tight fists inside the sleeves of the sweater, will yourself to not touch him because if you do, you’re pretty sure you won’t be able to stop yourself from going further. 
“You promise you won’t run away after I close my eyes?” Johnny asks. 
“I promise.” You watch as Johnny stands up from the bed, and he hesitates then for a moment, looking down at you, his hands on his hips. You think, for a moment, that he’s about to tell you goodnight and sleep in Haechan’s bed instead. But he takes a deep breath, his thumbs tracing along the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“So, normally, I do sleep in my underwear. I get hot at night, so it’s just a lot more comfortable for me.” He explains, glancing away as he admits this. You have a feeling that he might actually normally sleep naked, but given that you’ve both agreed to draw the line at making out and some light touching tonight, being naked in bed with you might be a bit more than you wanted. 
You appreciate his unspoken question, a request for you to consent to him stripping to his underwear to sleep in bed with you. But it’s his bed, in his bedroom, in his apartment where you still feel you don’t entirely belong. You’re the intruder here. And besides--
“I like to sleep in my underwear too,” you tell him. “So it works out.” 
Beneath the blanket, you shimmy easily out of the silky basketball shorts Johnny had lent you, and as you drop them out over the side of the bed, you watch Johnny swallow, his throat bobbing even as he smiles a little. You watch too as his thumbs tuck under the waistband of his pants, and then he’s pushing them down, kicking them off, slipping back into the narrow bed with you.
You keep the sweater on, but the bare skin of your legs, from toe to hip feel so free beneath the sheets, and when Johnny’s knee knocks into yours, you feel it from the point of contact all the way through your body. You’re hyper-aware of him, more than you’ve ever been with anyone else probably.
And then you lift your leg a little, draping it over one of his so your knee rests between both of his. You prop yourself on your side a bit, a hand tucked under the pillow. Johnny faces you too.
“Goodnight, Cinderella,” he whispers. 
“Goodnight, Johnny.”
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You don’t remember falling asleep. One moment you were listening to the music softly playing still from the speakers, to the even sound of Johnny breathing. And then you’re woken by the sound of your phone ringing while the sky outside is still a dim shade of gray.
Your phone’s in the pocket of the shorts on the floor, so you fumble around for a moment before finally fishing them out of the pocket. You stab at the button to answer the call, squinting against the brightness of the screen.
“Hello?” You mumble into the phone.
Johnny shifts beside you, his hand sliding over your belly where the sweatshirt has ridden up through the night. His thumb touches the lacy edge of your panties. You close your eyes and focus on breathing, on listening to whoever’s interrupted your sweet sleep so early in the morning. 
“I’ve got some good news.” It’s your boss, the one who makes all of the big calls. “Schedules are cancelled for the day, that’s the official news. The city’s snowed in, so you can stay home today.”
You can’t believe Johnny was right about that. You’ve never had a day where you heard of their schedules being cancelled because of the weather like this, but you accept it, thank him for calling to let you know, and when you end the call, you lie there in the silent darkness of the bedroom.
At some point in the night, the music has ended. It must be very early, with the sky still so dark outside the window, but even in the half-light you can still see snowflakes drifting by. 
Johnny’s fingers twitch on your belly, his pinky finger stroking along the top edge of your panties. You turn your head to look at him.
His eyes are still closed, but you can tell that he’s awake.
“Who was that?” He asks after a few moments, his voice soft and rough at the same time, drenched with sleep. 
“You were right. The day’s schedules are cancelled.” You lay your hand over his. You’re half-tempted to move it just because it’s driving you to distraction, but at the same time you don’t want him to stop touching you like this.
“Mm, perfect.” Johnny opens one eye to look at you. “Now we can just sleep for the rest of the morning. Stay in bed.”
You want that. There’s nothing you want more right now than to stay here in bed with Johnny. “I should probably go let the other boys know. Tell them to turn off their alarms. To stay inside today where it’s warm.”
The tip of his pinky makes it just beneath the edge of your panties. Your nipples are hard, and you’re glad you’re wearing the sweatshirt so he can’t tell how just this tiny touch is affecting you so greatly. But it’s something in the way he’s looking at you right then--his bottom lip caught beneath his teeth, his eyes on your parted lips--that tells you that somehow he already knows how aroused you are.
You almost close your thighs, squeeze your legs together to do something about that burning need rising between your legs. But your one leg is still draped over Johnny’s, your calf against his. And when you move it just a little, the friction of your skin against his has Johnny breathing more deeply.
There’s a buzz running under your skin, zipping through your veins, and in the moment you forget everything else but that feeling and Johnny making you feel it. 
Your hand covers his on your belly, and you apply just the lightest amount of pressure. His fingers slide so eagerly into your panties.
His breath sounds unsteady, and you’re sure yours does too.
“I’m gonna be so honest right now,” he tells you, his voice barely more than a breath. “I’m so hard, baby. The second you made that little whimper, shit, I felt lightheaded.” You don’t know what whimper he’s talking about, but you don’t care. His fingertips are edging lower and lower inside your panties and in a second he’ll be touching your clit and that’s all you want right now. You almost buck up into his touch.
You grip his wrist before he can, and Johnny freezes. “We don’t have any music,” you tell him. 
Johnny smiles. “Guess you’ll just have to try to keep quiet then, won’t you?”
“Guess you should kiss me again then.” You reply, and Johnny’s only too pleased to satisfy that request.
The moment his mouth is on yours, he’s dipping his fingers lower, his middle finger touching your clit, and he gasps lightly as he feels the heat of your wetness coating his fingers. You can’t believe you’re doing this with Johnny.
He rolls closer, and as he does you can feel his erection against your thigh. 
“You want me to finger you, baby?” His words flow over your lips, swallowed right down by your eagerness. You nod. “I want to hear you say it.”
A new wave of heat bursts in your belly at Johnny’s dominant tone. “I want your fingers, Johnny.” 
He smiles as he kisses you now, pressing his long middle finger inside you in a way that would have you loudly gasping except for his mouth sealed over yours. Johnny curls his finger just right, his palm smoothly moving against your clit as he thrusts his finger inside you, soon adding a second then a third. 
You’re openly panting and moaning into his mouth as he fucks you on his fingers. His other arm is wrapped around your back, bracing you against him as he works you quickly toward an orgasm. His erection is against your thigh, and occasionally you notice him grinding against you, thrusting forward to help with what he needs. But most of his attention is on you, making you feel good.
It’s still some time before dawn when Johnny brings you tumbling over the edge of your climax. Your thighs close around his arm, his fingers still pumping inside you, and you bite his tongue as you cum, and that just makes him moan. 
You’re still shaking from the ecstasy when you break the kiss to drop your head to his shoulder, your breath coming out in shaky puffs.
Johnny kisses your forehead, his damp fingers pull out, slipping out of your panties to rest against your thigh, the other hand strokes your lower back, a relaxing weight keeping you resting against him. You try to move a hand down, wanting to touch him too, but Johnny makes a noise.
“You don’t have to.” His damp fingers close around your wrist. “I’m fine.”
“You’re still hard.” You raise your knee a little so your thigh brushes against where his dick is still full in his underwear. 
His eyes flutter for a moment, his hips grinding forward. 
You lift a hand to touch his hair, tugging lightly to bring his lips to yours as you tilt your head back. “Let me make you feel good, too, Johnny.”
Johnny slides his body over yours smoothly, his body bracketed perfectly by your thighs. You tangle your arms behind his neck, kissing him like your life depends on it as he grinds against you through your panties. 
You can feel him very clearly now. Every inch of him. You wish he was inside you, stretching you wide open, filling you deeply with his length. You kiss him and trace all of those desires against his tongue. Your heart pounds with that desire, breath racing and your nails rake down his back as he picks a good rhythm. You’re going to cum again, you already know it.
“Fuck,” Johnny mumbles into the kiss. “I wish I could cum inside you.”
“Then fuck me.” You gasp back. “Where are condoms?”
His lips slide from yours, over your jaw to your throat. He groans. “In the drawer over there.” But you can tell from the tightness in his voice, from the broken staccato beat of his movements that he’s close, that he probably won’t be able to hold back much longer. Why wait? Why risk putting a pause on this if it might just ruin his orgasm?
You shake your head, tangle your fingers in his hair, guide his lips back to yours. Next time. He can fuck you next time. Right now you just want him to cum; you want him to get you to cum a second time.
A hoarse groan builds in the back of his throat, and Johnny thrusts one last time before he freezes, his cock twitching in his underwear, right against you. You can feel the wet heat of him spreading through the material right against you, and you buck your hips up, chasing your own orgasm even if it means grinding against Johnny’s sensitive cock as he comes down from his high.
Johnny’s mouth feels so soft against yours when you kiss this time as your orgasm crashes through you. Lazy kisses, bodies intertwined. Johnny doesn’t move from between your thighs, just holding himself above you, kissing you slowly and softly.
Morning is breaking outside, though with the heavy winter weather, there’s not too much of a difference visually. 
Eventually Johnny moves away, his hand slides up under your sweatshirt, just touching your bare skin as you both tuck yourself against each other and catch your breath. 
It’s still early. You could roll over to fall back asleep, but even as you consider that, you know it’s too late, you’re already wide awake. Johnny knows it too, so after a handful of moments, he kisses you and then sits up.
“I’m going to shower.” He stands out of bed, tugging uncomfortably at his underwear. You can see the damp spot spread over the front of them, and you hide your smile in his pillow. You made him cum in his pants. It’s cute. You close your eyes and replay that moment, Johnny pressed against your like that, the way he’d moved, the way he’d sounded as he came.
When you open your eyes again, he’s gone. The bathroom door is closed, only a thin sliver of light beneath it and the gentle patter of the shower turning on indicating that Johnny’s behind it.
The dorm is still thick with the sound of sleep, so you’re quiet as you redress and creep out of Johnny’s room. You stand to look out the window in the living room. The world outside is covered in thick snow that continues to fall. Your breath fogs the glass.  
Taeyong’s the first one up, stumbling out of his room in just shorts and a tshirt, shivering as he walks into the kitchen. He pours himself a glass of water, and when he turns around, he spots you and nearly drops the glass. He swears viciously before realizing it’s you.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He covers his mouth. “Did you stay here last night?”
You nod. “The weather got worse and I was really tired, so Johnny insisted that I stay.” Taeyong makes a face that you can’t quite decipher before he hides it. “Your schedules are cancelled for the day, by the way. We’re snowed in.”
Taeyong nods. “In that case, I’m going back to bed.” He disappears back into his bedroom, and once more the dorm falls silent.
A shiver works its way down your spine as you yawn. You’re so tired, but you know you can’t go back to sleep, so you go make yourself a strong cup of coffee, watch the snow and think. You think about how what you did with Johnny was a mistake--it was great and you loved it and you can’t truly bring yourself to regret it, but it was a mistake nonetheless because if it gets out, if this becomes serious or ends badly, then it will reflect horribly on your career, and all of your dreams will be flushed away. 
You want Johnny. You love the way he makes you feel. But you know that you shouldn’t indulge. 
And for the next several minutes you sway back and forth on that dangerous line of thought--you want him, but you shouldn’t want him. Maybe you should just leave today, go home, and the next time you see him pretend that the events of last night and this morning never happened. Maybe he’ll forget you’re the Cinderella he spent months searching for.; maybe that was all just a fun game for him anyway, and he’ll lose interest now that he’s found you.
By the time the coffee finishes brewing, you hear the sound of movement in Johnny’s room as he leaves the shower. You pour yourself a mug, another one for him, and then you knock carefully (to not spill the coffees) on his door before opening it.
Johnny’s sitting in bed again, but when he sees you, he sits up and runs his fingers through his hair. 
“Feel better?” you ask him, standing there beside his bed as you offer him one of the coffees. He nods and sips at his coffee, and you look over at the window again, at the steadily falling snow. "I guess I still need to figure out some way to get home.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Johnny murmurs into his coffee. “You can stay here. Stay right here.” He lifts his face out of his mug just long enough to grab your hand and pull you down to sit on his bed. He doesn’t let go of your hand.
You say his name in a warning tone, but it just makes him smile. 
“What?” His thumb rubs gently over your knuckles. “Cinderella kept running away from the Prince because she was scared of her stepmother and stepsisters, right? Well, the Prince found her and they lived happily ever after. I like you. I liked you before I knew you were my Cinderella from Halloween. Finding that out last night or this morning or whatever, that’s just a bonus. I like you in case what we did earlier didn’t make that obvious, and if you like me too, well we can find a way to be together even if our wicked company tries their best to keep it from happening.”
You feel very warm all of a sudden, possibly its the coffee or the bulky sweater Johnny had let you borrow, or it could very well be that he’s confessing to you. Confessing in such a cheesy manner, too. He has feelings for you. For you, not for the Cinderella fantasy version of you. 
You push the sleeves of the sweater up your arms, trying to cool down some.
“Johnny.” You know that nothing good can come of what he’s suggesting.
“Don’t say my name like that,” he says softly. “Don’t say it like it’s a no. Don’t say it like you want me but you can’t. We already started down this path, so don’t turn your back on this, please. Say my name like you agree with me, like you like me too.” 
“Johnny.” This time you put your longing for him behind those two syllables. You try your best to make it sound like a yes. 
You want Johnny. You want this to work. And if he believes in it, then you want to too. But you won’t let this affect your dream. You’ll have Johnny and you’ll have your dream job too. You can figure it out as you go.
Johnny grins. “Yeah, that sounds much better.” He takes a drink of his coffee again, watching you over the lip of the mug, then says, “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“Coffee is hardly breakfast, Johnny. Please tell me that you know that.” You groan, prying the coffee mug out of his hands.
He shrugs and grins, watching as you sit his mug and your own on his bedside table. And then he reaches for you, pulling you into his lap so you’re face-to-face. Johnny kisses you slowly, deeply, and when he pulls away, he murmurs, “All I know for now is that you’re my mysterious Cinderella, you’re wearing my sweater, I can still smell you in my sheets, and we have no plans for the rest of the day. If you’d like, I’d love to make you cum again.”
Oh God, you think to yourself, what have you gotten yourself into?
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a/n: so months and months ago back when I was accepting requests based off a prompt list, someone sent me a prompt for Johnny to use both “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” and “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.” and thus this was born
I wouldn’t have taken so long to write this, and I’m really really sorry to the original requester (especially since I know I’ve messaged them and let them know it would take a while, but damn I don’t think either of us thought it would take this long, and I checked and they haven’t been active on their blog in a while, so now I feel bad) but I got distracted with writing the next part of the poly series (which was Adore You) and then forgot about this for a brief time, and then once I remembered I was deep into working on the poly finale, so I had to focus on it. But now I’ve finished that! And I’ve finished this too, so if the original requester is still around and sees this then I’m sorry it took so long please forgive me! I would tag them, but I’m not entirely sure if they wanted to be tagged in this or not!
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nctsjiho · 2 years
Imagine How The Boys Would Celebrate International Women's Day For JiHo (but I'm making it canon <- I've never used this word so idk if I'm using it right lol):
So I had this thought because I could see Sungchan, Jisung, Jaemin and Taeyong posting about it on social media. It all starts off with Taeyong posting a story on his instagram after JiHo's photos from her latest photoshoot went live. And Jaemin also posted an instagram story. (left is Taeyong's post, right is Jaemin's. They are both in Korean, besides the last sentence of TY's post which means "I love you" in French.)
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The other two posted Bubble messages.
Jisung's Bubble message:
"It’s women’s day?" "Happy women’s day to our female Czennie🤍" "JiHo is the only girl in NCT. If you put it that way… it must be hard for noona😅" "To me she’s just as cool as the hyungs! Probably even cooler😎" "Happy Women’s Day! I’ll tell her that later😊😊"
Sungchan's Bubble message:
"I already knew that it was Women's day! Happy Women's Day!" "Ever since I've gotten to know JiHo noona she's been so nice to me. I think it's because she really likes the younger members a lot hahaha." "She sometimes comes over to the dorm and cooks for us, or brings over food. She practices with us, she works out with us too." "She's an extraverted person, so she likes being around people. I just found that she is a quiet extravert and likes taking care of people." "JiHo noona, Taro hyung and I have dinner plans tonight😄" "It's not a coincidence haha. Hyung and I wanted to treat noona for dinner at least once because she always refuses to let us pay. She only would let us use Women's Day as an excuse to let us pay."
After the Taeyong and Jaemin's stories though, some of the other members also wished JiHo a happy Women's day.
Jungwoo, Kun and Johnny sent JiHo a message directly. Most of the dreamies saw JiHo at the SM building and wished her a happy Women's Day as well. And then Doyoung sent a bubble as well, later in the day.
Doyoung's Bubble Message:
"우리 오이🥒" [Trans: "our cucumber/o-ee" JiHo's nickname] "JiHo has grown up a lot hasn't she?? I've seen the pictures of her latest shoot." "Sometimes I see old pictures of JiHo, and maybe she hasn't changed that much, but her image has become more mature" "However, don't be fooled. JiHo can still be as goofy and playful as before. We've just become very busy people, so we only really see each other during schedule's for 127" "hmm... Y/n is right, I did not know it was Women's Day today. I don't need a special day to celebrate women, but it's nice to have an extra, special day to remind us how hard working they are!" "I know some Czennie are worried that me and JiHo aren't as close as we used to be. I know JiHo apologised to me in a fansign as well. I was a bit shocked to hear JiHo felt ashamed to talk to me because of her situation last year. But don't worry Y/n, JiHo and I are fine. We talked a lot afterwards, so I don't want Czennie to worry." "I know you've heard this a lot today, but JiHo is a very strong woman. She went through a lot, but came out even stronger! I admire her a lot for that." "I feel confident that JiHo can be a good rolmodel for a lot of young girls." "Happy Women's Day! But even when it isn't women's day, I'll still appreciate you, Y/n." "And if Y/n isn't a woman: fighting! You've worked hard today and I also appreciate you a lot." 🖼️ "Here's a few pictures of me and JiHo hehe" "The pictures that don't have me in it are taken by me! You can see in the top right how much JiHo didn't like me taking her picture hahaha" "But it still turned out cute, right Y/n?
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+ Bonus:
JiHo bought her mangers Yebin and Sihyun some jewellery as a "thank you" for their hard work. And; she also bought a bunch of cupcakes and coffee and brought them over to the company for anyone to take.
S/N: little something else, becuase I just couldn't get this out of my head. Tomorrow there should be another post which is probably going to be about the "The Link Log" ^^
Happy Women's Day to all you beautiful women out there 🤍💚🤍
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swinterr · 3 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
694 notes · View notes
junicai · 3 years
what i made.
| order no. | 7/21
| summary | With a new Japanese member in their midst, Aria knows that he must be feeling homesick. So, she takes it upon herself to try to alleviate as much of it as she can.
| word count | 1.7k
| warnings | sickening fluff
| era | circa. January 2021
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“Are you coming?” Aria had her phone held between her ear and her shoulder, scooping two reusable plastic bags from the countertop as she moved past. There was a small clinking sound and she paused, peering into the bag to make sure the glass containers hadn’t chipped off each other. 
Doyoung would have her head. 
Satisfied that there was no shattering, Aria moved again, snagging her coat as she pushed past in her free hand. Yuta hummed on the other end of the phone. 
“Yeah, I’m about to leave.” Aria could hear him rustling about on the other end of the line. 
“His apartment is the second one on the third floor remember - he told me Sungchan was going somewhere with Jungwoo, shopping I think?” Aria paused to think. “Anyway, he’s gone all afternoon, so Taro is alone.”
The shuffling paused on the other end of the line. “He’s been quiet with you too, right? It’s not just me?” Yuta asked. 
Aria hummed sadly. “Yeah, it’s not just you.” She pulled the door firmly closed behind her, only moving away when it signified that it had been locked with a beep. 
Living in the Dreamie dorms again had been a change. A nice change, don’t get her wrong, but for the last year she’d been spending most of her time in the 127 dorms. Now, with the Dream comeback on the horizon, she’d moved back into her old room - happy to see that the fairy lights she’d installed (meaning: stuck onto the walls with sellotape) were still functioning after she’d changed the batteries. 
“Remember how I got? Right after debut?” Aria questioned, now moving away from the doorway and into the hallway. 
“Yeah,” Aria replied. “I think he’s just gotten homesick - it happened to me, and I hadn’t been training for that long before debut.” 
“Makes sense. It’s probably harder because he’s older as well - the pressure might be getting to him.” Yuta’s voice was growing sadder, so Aria interrupted him before he himself could get down. 
“So!” She cheered, lifting up the bag of ingredients that was hanging in the crook of her arm. “We go and we cheer our last musketeer up.” 
“I told you not to call us that.” 
“Why not!” 
Aria giggled as Yuta began to list out the numerous reasons why he hated that nickname, tucking the phone into the other crook of her neck as one side began to cramp up.
She entertained the man with small hums and little rebuttals every now and then, walking out of the left apartment wing and into the right; where Shotaro and Sungchan’s apartment was located.
SM had moved their dorms into one apartment building for Mark, Aria and Donghyuck’s peace of mind. And also theirs. There had been several incidents of Donghyuck and Aria dashing down to the Dreamie dorm at one in the morning to grab something; and it was going to give their managers grey hair if something wasn’t done about it. 
Now, the larger apartment block they all lived in had two wings; the right wing, where the two 127 dorms were located, as well as Shotaro and Sungchan’s, and then the left - where the Dream dorms were. WayV was still in a separate apartment building, much to the entire group’s irritation, but it was a work in progress. 
As Aria stepped out of the elevator onto the third floor to see Yuta already standing outside Shotaro’s apartment door, she pulled her phone out from beneath her ear and hung up without warning.
She snickered at Yuta’s face when the man realized he had been hung up on, and just as he was about to click redial, she popped up behind him. 
“You were saying? Mr. Musketeer?” 
Yuta rolled his eyes. “Akari, you’re asking for it now.” 
Aria gently pushed past him, knocking twice on the door. She turned to face him afterwards, batting her eyelashes innocently. “I’m doing nothing at all- Taro! Hi!” 
Shotaro opened the door with bleary eyes, blinking at the light that blinded him slightly. The apartment behind him was dark, no lights on, and by the state of his hair Aria could infer that they’d just woken the boy up. 
“Hm? Akari?” Shotaro blinked sleepily at her. “What time is it?” 
Aria bit her lip to stop the smile growing across her face. “It’s almost two in the afternoon, Taro.” 
Shotaro blinked rapidly at that, clearing the fog of sleep from his eyes. “Oh! Is it? Sorry!” He opened the door wider, flicking on the lights after his two members walked in. 
Aria held up the two bags on her arm. “Can I put these down somewhere? I think my hand is slowly losing circulation.” 
Shotaro gestured towards the table that was partly covered in old newspapers. At a closer glance, the newspaper had a few spots of dried paint in various bright colours. She looked back to him. “Sungchan’s newest artistic endeavor go well?” 
“Yeah!” Shotaro pointed towards where an old ripped t-shirt was hanging off the back of a door - a small graphic square had been painted on in haphazard lines. “He’s really proud of it.” 
“He should be,” Yuta stepped forward to examine it further. “It’s really good.” 
Aria dropped the two bags onto the clean side of the table, rubbing her hands together to get the blood flowing back into her fingertips. “Ok!” She exclaimed, turning to face the two men. 
“I,” She began, poking herself in the chest, “Have a little surprise for the both of you.” 
Yuta’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Me?” He mouthed, pointing to himself in a question. Aria nodded.
“But! I need the kitchen to do it, so go, shoo. Get out.” She waved at the two boys, shooing them out of the kitchen.
Shotaro whined at her slightly. “But I could help?” 
“Then it defeats the purpose of a surprise, doesn’t it?” 
He opened his mouth before closing it, frowning at the ground. Aria waved at him. “Go go. I’ll be done quickly.” 
Once the two boys had disappeared into the main living room, Aria returned to the two bags on the table and slowly began to pull out the ingredients. The red bean paste that she’d made the night previous was packed away in one of Doyoung’s glass boxes for food, and she was careful to place it near the wall and out of the way of where she might knock into it. 
Dorayaki. The red bean pancake had been something she loved as a child, and Yuta held similar sentiments. She could only hope that Shotaro did as well - because at this point, it was almost a ritual for the original two Japanese members to go out and buy dorayaki when one or both of them were feeling off. 
With the filling set aside, Aria moved quickly to set up a small work station beside the hob, pulling out a mixing bowl and a whisk.
The eggs went into the bowl, followed by honey and sugar. They were stirred together quickly, combining in a matter of under a minute.
Next, came the flour, which was to be sifted in slowly. 
“Sieve, sieve.” Aria mumbled to herself, pulling open and closing drawers periodically. “Where would they keep a sieve?” 
She contemplated asking Shotaro for a minute, but ultimately scrapped that idea and chastised herself lightly. “They’re teenage boys, Akari. They’re not going to own a sieve.”
With that, she had to make do; using two forks laid over each other and pouring the flour mixture very slowly into the eggs. It was messy, and she got more flour on the counter than in the bowl, but it worked out for the most part.
Aria set the bowl aside as she turned on the electric rings, letting them heat up. The boys only had a small frying pan, that she could do nothing but pray was non-stick; and Aria winced at the thought that this might take a little bit longer than she’d hoped. 
She strained her ears for a moment, comforting herself with the fact that the two boys seemed engrossed in a conversation, and weren’t missing her presence too much for the time being. 
The mixture was poured on one by one, and gradually Aria amassed a sizeable stack of small, circular pancake shapes on the plate beside her. Then, it was only a matter of making a small mountain shape on the inside, before putting a second pancake on top - like a little hat.
She sealed the edges of each dorayaki, placing them on a plate. 
“Taro? Yuta? Do you want to come on in here?” She raised her voice, hoping that they’d hear her. 
“Yeah? What’s up?” Taro was the first to appear, his eyes curious before they caught sight of the plate held in Aria’s hands. 
His face lit up like a lightbulb, and his mouth dropped slightly. “You did not.” 
“I did.” Aria grinned. 
“Hey, look at you go little baker.” Yuta came over to snag one from the top of the plate, and had his hand batted away.
“Stop it, they’re for Taro. He gets one first.” Aria scolded, and Yuta backed away with his hands up. 
Shotaro, on his end, looked like he was about to cry. “F-for me? Really?” He gnawed at his bottom lip. 
Aria placed the plate down on the counter, moving to wrap the slightly younger boy in a hug. “Yeah, for you. Consider this your official initiation to the j-line. Very exclusive club. You’re the first member to be added since 2016.” She pulled back with a wide grin. 
Yuta joined the group hug, longer arms encircling both Shotaro and Aria where they stood. “You’re never getting rid of us now, Taro.” He teased. “We know your apartment passcode."
The trio stood quietly, smiles on all their faces until the dorayaki went cold on the plate. 
Not a single one of them cared; and if Sungchan came home to Yuta lying on the floor with Shotaro lying curled up to his left side, and Aria lying across his lap with her hand tangled in Shotaro’s - all three, fast asleep - and took a picture to send to Jungwoo for blackmail? 
Then that’s between the apartment walls, and him. 
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dojae-huh · 6 months
Mark grabbing Jae’s pc from Doyoung’s hand and it flying back into Doyoung is one of the funniest and most fated things I’ve ever seen lol.
Before I discovered your blog and even now I think I always felt this way also about DoTae; it’s simple things like Doyoung picking the gift that was Tae’s, them ending up as trip mates to Japan I think? Like you know that feeling when two people are meant to be either way or another in each other’s life,sort of destined/fated?
Anyways,since I found your blog (about one month ago maybe?) and I’ve began reading,I’ve also seen this little patterns in JaeDo and it’s so lovely. At first I was like well maybe there was a crush but I don’t know about dating; but since knowing this blog I’ve began rewatching content,especially DJJ content to be more specific (keep in mind I’m a new nctzen,my first 127 comeback was fact check lol) and watching from this POV is just wow,there’s really things that are inexplicable unless they’re dating,if it makes sense? I don’t know how I didn’t notice before but they only make sense or make you begin to question if you go in with this mindset,even if it seems far-fetched at first.
You start to notice their little reactions to e/o,the looks,EVERYTHING. It kinda hits you like a truck lol.
So yeah,I’ve been meaning to send this message for a while now,thank you for your dedication to our JaeDo! (For what it’s worth I was the anon that asked a while back about the JonhDo fight and assumed Dy was going to be relying on Jn during Ty enlistment)
Fans follow the group for years and still don't see JaeDo or TaeDo as even close friends, and with the shipping culture in fandoms and fanservice in k-pop it's natural to be apprehensive of the claims of dating. That's why I always say don't believe me as a stranger on the internet, read what I write and check where I'm pointing at for yourself. Some take years to start to see, you took just a few weeks. Although DJJ was a breath of fresh air after several years.
Individual moments are confusing, it's when you start to see the patterns, how it really is becomes clear.
First impressions are often wrong because we make them having limited information (and because people wear masks). Like with JohnDo, you came in at the time when they finally patched their friendship and was fed the fandom's overly favourable opinion about them.
Both Jaehyun and Doyoung are into soulmates and meeting by destiny.
Jaehyun wanted to act in a re-make of a movie about soulmates. He was casted, but the project was cancelled. He was supposed to play the reincarnation (high school student) of the protagonist's (male, teacher) true love (female, arts college student). The student retained his past-life memories and fell in love with the teacher despite being same-sex. They eloped.
And Doyoung always says how 127 meeting each other was a destiny.
JaeDo story is worthy of ecranisation. When Jae was a child his family moved to US for work, but cameback to Korea. Jae didn't plan to become an idol, but was street casted. Do was going to send his audition tape to multiple idol agencies when he got a confirmation call from SM. They were chosen among all trainess for ShowChamp. Then they were chosen for Tende, despite Jae initially practicing rapping, and t7s unit. Do was supposed to be a part of another unit (not confirmed, but highly speculated), so he didn't debut with 127 at fisrt. Circumstances changed, he was added to 127. There happened to be no homophobes in 127, so JaeDo could start dating without damaging their group. Both are popular members, got BA deals, acting roles, etc. ahead of others, can match each others' success. SM is not a homophobic company, let them even debut in DJJ together.
These pictures were cherry-picked, of course, but enough of them exist to highlight the pattern of third-wheeling. JaeDo tend to stand closer to each other, Jungwoo often does a different gesture, looks in a different direction (he is on his own, not in the bubble), more often than not Woo doesn't put his hand on Jae.
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
AG Catch Up #2
Legend ~ Fan Comments ~
(I'll mainly be talking about the interactions between AG and the other idol in attendance because the full show hasn't premiered yet)
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Jungwoo, Sungchan, Shotaro and AG represented NCT at ISAC this year. Jungwoo was the only member who left early to go to 127's fan meeting in Japan
One banner that czennies's prepared congratulated AG on their Queendom win.
This year's ISAC is Hannah and Juno's first time competing in the festivities
According to NCTzen's in attendance, AG ran for the girl 4x100 m relay race and archery.
In previous years, Moxy has taken two gold medals for the 60m dash. This year she hoped to add to the collection.
At the end of both sports, AG won with a silver medal in the relay, a third gold medal for Moxy in the 60m race and a bronze in archery
Royalty met Royalty when Stray Kids and AG stopped and talked together. I.N and Moxy poked each other every time they passed by each other
Junhan from Xdinary Heroes has talked about being a fan of AG and hoped to meet them. In passing, the two groups bowed greeting each other. When the Xdinary member walk away, Junhan couldn't wipe the smile from his face
Nobody knew that Hannah was friends with any group but when she ran over and crashed in the arms of Seonghwa from Ateez, fans were shook.
Fans weren’t expecting AG to be the most social group in NCT when they have one of the most antisocial members in NCT. But the girls were going around talking to all the girl groups
Somehow Ateez and AG became like really good friends. The two groups sat together and played some games during the down periods
WooSan kept Moxy laughing during the archery portion
Aurora, Yunho and Mingi made the strangest trio. Aurora is so much shorter than they are. Aurora always making friends with the tall boys
AG walked out of Queendom with two medals and a whole list of new friends
AG supporting Queendom 2 Group Comebacks
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Almost all the Queendom contestants had comebacks after the show was over
Moxy and Hannah both visited Kep1er during their Up! comeback. The two AG members filmed the Up challenge with Hikaru and Yeso
During her Queendom Vlive, Moxy reacted to all the groups comebacks
Hannah wished any NCTzen that were going to Brave Girls concert to have fun and to make sure they cheer loudly for them
One of the members of Loona thanked AG for sending snacks to the filming location for Flip That
Juno and Aurora danced to Loveade with Sinb from Viviz on the groups instagram
Super Show 9
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You all know Moxy was attending SS9 no matter what. Moxy and her manager went to the last day in Korea.
Fans expected her to attend with the other SM idols in attendance but she actually met up with Yuqi from (g)i-dle.
The two completely forgot they are idols during the entire show. They danced and sang along. Moxy couldn't keep her eyes off Yesung during Ticky Tocky
Eunhyuck personally called Moxy out during the ending mnet.
"Someone came today that fans call my gummy twin. Moxy stand up!"
Eunhyuk asked if she enjoyed the show. Moxy responded with a thumbs up
Yuqi and Moxy got a picture with the boys after the show was over
Neo City The Link in Tokyo
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The fans at the airport welcomed Moxy with banners saying, "Welcome Queen Moxy!"
Moxy collected enough flowers for a large bouquet before entering the car for 127
Moxy was on another level for this performance. She really wanted to give the fans in Japan all she had as an apology for missing so many performance because of Queendom
For Moxy's solo, She performed Ghost instead of You Don't Know Me (She performed this at the Seoul Concerts). She still slayed her Love On The Floor Solo. During it, Fans began to chant Queen in Japanese
Moxy cried during her individual mnet. She talked about the warm words for Japanese fans keeping her going during Queendom
"I've missed so many shows here for the fans here in Japan and for that I apologize. But I also thank you guys. I've seen your messages online. I really needed that. To hear that you understand and you still wish myself and AG well."
Before the show ended, 127 brought out a cake for Moxy to celebrate AG's queendom win with the fans. Moxy blowed out the candle at the top (Her wish was to perform in Japan with AG).
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At the concert, AG performed three times. They prepared Do It Like This, Cannonball and Emergncey
They first performed DILT and Cannonball with a mnet in-between.
Op said Do It Like This choreography looks much harder in person
Later on during the NCT 2021 section, the girls performed Emergency.
Moxy's live vocals are just as expressive as her facials
Moxy, being the massive ELF she is, peeked from the back to watch SuJu perform
Hannah and Moxy looked like royalty during the Step Back performance. Because of Step Back, Moxy wasn't able to participate in the Zoo performance so Giselle covered both of their verses
Hannah was in tears as WayV finally performed again. While all the members missed Winwin, it felt to good to be performing with her boys again
Off to the side, fans spotted Hannah and Juno dancing along to Forever 1 along with GG
Too many things happened during the Hope ending so here's a small compilation
AG getting Aespa to loosen up and play around with the fans
Shindong carrying Moxy down the stage during their shared rap part
Juno jumping on Yuta who proceeds to catch her flawlessly
Key walking hand in hand with Moxy
Mark crushing Aurora in his arms but she going limp so her arms started flailing with every shake
Juno bowing to Kai then freaking out when he walked away
Moxy stood with Eunhyuk for a long time just embracing him (AWWWW our gummy twins!!!)
Suho dragging Hannah under his arm
Moxy talking with U-know and Changmin
Aurora teasing Minho by tapping his shoulder and hiding when he turned around
Moxy trying and failing to not freak out in the presence of Tiffany
Maknae Line Tings!!!! Ningning, Aurora, Jisung and Chenle walked around the stage following Sungchan like a bunch of ducklings following their mother
99 line interaction! Hendery, Xiaojun and Mark all photobombed Moxy's video for the AG insta account
Hannah brought out the AG vlog camera to shoot the fans in the stadium just as the fireworks went off
Kcon Day 2
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When AG and Dream arrived at LAX dozens of screams met them. Hannah tired her hardest to wave at every fan who came to welcome them
Aurora’s dad, stepmom and siblings all came to see AG perform at their second Kcon
AG's first performance of the night was of Cannonball. Smoke and confetti shot out at the crowd when Moxy sang the opening line
The whole stadium light up lime green for the ladies of NCT. Fans furiously waving their nightsticks to the beat
The girls had a TON of energy. They were running around and interacting with the crowd. During the instrumental bridge, The girls ran down and took photos with the crowd closest to the stage
Curiously, The members would catch the attention of their managers then point to someone in the crowd. AG had their manager give out free AhGiBongs and batteries to Nctzens without lightsticks in the front couple of rows.
Later on, AG came back out in all white outfits accented with scarfs in their signature colors. The girls performed three more song chosen by fans on their twitter account (An AG tradition at this point!)
They started with Hit Me Up, an online AGzen favorite, and followed it up with Breakout.
For a small break, the girl did an mnet, thanking the fans for their warm congrats on their queendom win. Promising fans that the members wouldn't spend any more time on haters. That their sole focus would be on their fans, new and old
To end their time on stage the girls wanted to give the fan in LA a performance they couldn't get anywhere else so to end, they performed Emergency. Screams filled the arena as soon as the music hit. Fan caught Jisung and Chenle watching from the side
NCT Dream ended the night on a high. Attendees posted video of AG and members of Loona and WSJN dancing to Glitch Mode before going on stage for the send-off
The three AG members ran to the Dreamies capturing the members in hugs. The NCT members walked around saying hello to fans
That night, Aurora was on Bubble talking about meeting up with Loona again, Meeting the members of NMIXX and wishing they could have been at KCON longer.
The next day, the girls visited a pop up that SM set up to celebrate AG's Queendom win. Fans they were in attendance got to hang out with the girls for 2 and a half hours. The girls hosted a quiz show where 10 winner got a free AhGiBong with signed packaging.
One of Aurora's fanpage managers was there and when they met her, they start crying. Aurora was quick to offer tissues and thank them for their hard work.
The youngest fan there was speechless in front of her bias Juno. All the girls helps the young fan relax makes the entire crowd 'Aww'.
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yangtaros · 3 years
why can’t we just get over ourselves? part 3
part 1 part 2 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
jungwoo x reader, haechan x reader
warning: getting drunk
It’s been 7 days since you saw Haechan in person. It’s been 7 days filled with regret, flirty texts, and guilt.
two days ago
hyuck💜: hi
you: hi hyuck
hyuck💜: i miss you
you: i miss you too
hyuck💜: you mean that?
you: of course
hyuck💜: what about jungwoo?
hyuck💜: sorry
hyuck💜: i want to see you again. i cant stop thinking about you.
You got butterflies.
you: i’m coming to taeyongs birthday party.
hyuck💜: right of course
you: i’ll be with jungwoo
haechans eye twitched. that stung.
hyuck💜: i know that.
hyuck💜: i really do miss you
you: i miss you too.
present day - taeyongs birthday party
“The lovebirds are here!” Johnny gets up when he sees you and jungwoo walk through the door.
SM allowed taeyong to have his birthday party in one of their rooms. As long as he only invited SM family. Plus you.
A mixture of taeyong’s closest friends from nct, red velvet, exo, shinee, aespa, and more was there.
You see one of your friends, yeri, who you knew having visited haechan when they trained together. You guys usually confided in each other, both realizing how trust worthy each other was even though you guys didn’t speak everyday.
A couple years ago Yeri was the first person you’ve ever told that you liked Haechan, and you were the first person she told her problems too as well. You needed someone to talk to at this moment.
She ran up to you and hugged you. She noticed how you seemed a bit uneasy.
“Let’s get some fresh air, the party doesn’t start for another 10 minues” you grabbed Yeri’s hand, waving at boa and kibum while walking out.
“Now what’s going on y/n?” Yeri and Y/n were walking outside, the breeze blowing. Yeri had a mask and cap on so she wouldn’t be recognized.
“Bad, bad, bad”
She stopped and put her hands on either side of Yeri’s shoulder, “Riri. You have to promise you won’t tell anyone this”
“When do I tell anyone anything?”
“Right well”, you start walking, “I-I”
“I cheated on jungwoo” You whispered.
“What?!” Yeri looked at you with a shocked face, and covered her mouth realizing she spoke too loud.
A tear ran down your eye, but you wiped it quickly.
“Haechan” you sulked.
Yeri gasped.
“You didn’t.” She shook her head, “that’s why Haechan acted so weird when i asked about you earlier”
You continue to tell her every detail that happened.
“Y/n, I know I usually have advice for you but i have no idea how you’re going to get out of this one”
You nodded, it was your own fault.
“Let me ask though”, she looked at you seriously, “ Do you still like Haechan? Like would you leave jungwoo for him?”
You scoffed, “No of course not!” Yeri judged you with her eyes, “He just caught me at a vulnerable moment”
“Okay but what about all those texts after”
“They mean nothing. I’m in love with Jungwoo. That’s final.”
Yeris still seemed skeptical, “this is gonna be a long party”
“Y/n take a pic of us please!” Karina handed you her phone to take a pic of her and Haechan taking shots together. Their arms intertwined.
“S-sure” You held the phone up readying to take a picture.
Haechan looked at the phone realizing it was you taking the picture and immediately kissed Karina’s cheek.
You rolled your eyes and snapped the picture.
“Haechan!” Karina laughed, obviously too out of it to give it a second thought.
Haechan eyed you, smirking.
Two can play that game.
You scanned the room for jungwoo, he was talking and laughing with taemin and kai a few feet away from you.
You walked up to him, making sure haechan was still watching, you waved at taemin and kai and swiftly pulled jungwoo’s wrist, making him come towards you. You grabbed the bottom of his chin and pulled his lips to yours, slowly kissing him.
He tasted the alcohol on your tongue. You pressed your cheek to the side of his face, looking directly at haechan, who looked very angry. You smirked and went back to making out with Jungwoo, who was clueless at what was going on.
Haechan couldnt bare to watch anymore and visibly stormed away, pushing the doors open, walking out of the party.
This caused a bit of a scene amongst the sober and not so sober party goers.
“What’s up with him?” Jaehyun whispered to Mark.
“You don’t think-” Jaehyun looked at Mark. Mark shrugged.
See Mark was the Yeri to Haechan’s Y/n. He knew Haechan still liked y/n, but he didn’t know what went down a few days ago. He figured the crush would dwindle soon but he stood corrected.
“Let me check on him.”
part 4 soon
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kwangyadetective · 2 years
📡 United: Conclusion to NCT2021 and NCT2020
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A theory post that wraps up what really happened in NCT 2021 and a little bit of NCT 2020. How the neos unite to do their mission to make their dreams come true.
(!) WARNING: This is a theory as it is not confirmed by SM  entertainment nor members of NCT, so please don’t believe this 100%!
This is a VERY long post so bear with me.
Credits to this twitter thread for giving me the idea. 
NCT2020 and First Wormhole
Lets start with NCT2020. Basically the Neos, coming from different units, gathered and had a meeting. Then they go through their first wormhole.
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They used this to time travel. This is why in Resonance 2020, for the first album, we have Past and Future ver. Many people thinks that the Neos went to the past too, but why do I  feel like they just went to the Future (or basically fast forward time)? and the Past is just a part of the transitioning.
Songs before Interlude: Past to Present are songs that represents the ‘Past’. 90s Love and Misfit have those hip-hop style aesthetics (both styling and the sound) that are common in 90s hip-hop or rap. Light Bulb is literally a song from their SM Rookies. I’m sure same goes for the rest though Raise The Roof is questionable for me to be placed in the Past. Songs in between Interlude: Past to Present and Interlude: Present to Future are the Present. Literally NCT2020. Then we have songs after Interlude: Present to Future.
In Work It MV, we have this playground spinner, if you look at it, doesn’t it remind you of a Black hole? It gets closer as if we are entering it. We also have this transition which clearly shows that they are going through the wormhole. They possibly left the wormhole from the white hole after NCT2020, which explains why the albums look like it, but then they entered another hole.
NCT2021 and Black Hole
They actually showed us a black hole in the Ether video; which, I know, will make you think that they already entered it at the beginning of NCT2020. But I have another thought.
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First picture from Ether video, the second one is what you will see when you search up Black hole.
There are more technical explanations in NCT2021 of Black Hole.
BTW The teaser picture of them standing or walking inside the walkway is supposed to depict the first wormhole. There is an Arrival ver. for the repackaged album and this is where they arrived.
According to this Black Hole Safety Information Card from NASA and what was implied by this article from National Geographic, a black hole can be found by tracking stars’ orbits. Since the neos are just people, my biggest guess is that they are being generated Orbits using this machine to enter this Black hole. I know it sounds abstract, but think of it being fictional... hope it makes sense though.
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Well, thats what it seems to be implied from the album illustrations too. Each member has orbits that were generated by the machine. With that they can enter the Black hole.
The members and their generated orbits(?), page title: Archiving Orbit 2021
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There is this line in the Black Hole Safety Information Card,
“Keep an eye out for ripples in space-time called gravitational waves. They can be created when two black holes rotate around each other or when star orbits close to a black hole”
star orbits = members with their own orbits get near with each other, near a black hole
possibly, gravitational waves = sound waves, ripples
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especially in the scene where Jungwoo said, “I can feel the frequency better”
(I’m just copy pasting this from my illustration page theory post) Each members have their own sound waves which creates a frequency. When they meet in the dream world, their sound waves collide and that’s when they resonate. Resonance; when the vibrations of a Neo meets another matching vibrations of another Neo, it increases the frequency of both Neos. This also creates a chain reaction as it continues to all Neos.
Remember those YearDream videos? Thats what happened in between NCT2020 (when they ‘left’ the wormhole) and the start of NCT2021. They entered Dream in a Dream phase. The 4th YearDream, Resonance, is when they are near the Black hole. But what visual proof shows the Black hole in NCT2021? This picture.
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And this is how you summarize their journey.
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The smaller wormhole is the first wormhole. While, the circles represent the Black Hole. The smallest circle in the middle represents the actual hole where you go in. The neos are standing surrounding the hole like the stars with the orbits, like how it was explained in the Black Hole Safety Information Card. The Neos standing in their positions with their ‘orbits’ surrounding the Black hole; which is why its called Orbital Path.
“When each other’s orbits meet
What will unfold will transcend anything from H.O.S(?) to Kosmo”
- Dreaming lyrics
This is what they mean their orbits meet. When their orbits meet, they go through the Black hole (presumably something like that, we still don’t know what this H.O.S thing is). The bigger wormhole is part of the Black hole and it should take the neos to their Universe or Reality after Dreaming. I have talked about this in this post. Though I am still waiting for an official content that will clearly explain if they really entered their ‘Universe’ or not.
But what is NewAxis?
To be honest, this one is something that I am still confused about. I can’t give you a clear answer. One thing for sure is that, they are talking about the longitude axis.
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“Center in the center
that’s the axis
Longitude may change look at
your GPS”
“Look below our feet
New Axis Axis”
- NewAxis lyrics
So is this ‘NewAxis’ something under them?
But why is it ‘New’?
There are these lines in Earthquake lyrics. It has something to do with ‘destroying’ the world and making a new one (new axis).
“Turning it upside down and creating it again, A world is completed with the rotation of dreams.”
“Ah yeah change the old axis, Push everyone away.”
Hopefully there will be a content that will explain more on this. Unfortunately its still hazy. But there is another way of looking at NewAxis. It involves computer programming. You may read about this here:
⚙️ NewAxis in a Computer Programming Perspective
You may also read the philosophical side of what happened in NCT2021
📐 Strange Loop, NCT2020′s The Past and Future: Ether, and NCT 2021
I think that’s all. if you made this far, thank you so much for reading! :)
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