#I love long posts omg
onsideramen · 8 months
Unsolved Mytheries Lore (Specifically what I made) ((I didn't make all the lore))
OKAY!! I'm bored and sick and it's snowing outside SO !!! All the UM lore I personally created!!! (There's a lot more but I'm only sharing what I made)
SUBTERRESTRIAL - Rebel town that lives in the underground. Has their own traditions and is completely different from the surface. Rebel town because they broke away from the black liquid cults hold. They still have some people who contain the liquid in them, and they're currently trying to find a way to get the liquid out. They also have people cursed with it there, who can't get it out no matter what. LOTS OF NEON SIGNS AND STUFF !!!!
SUBTERRESTRIAL: HOLIDAY (They only have one that's different from other holidays)
SUN TRINKET EVE (Reused the name from something else I made an ass time ago on DeviantArt)
Everyone in the town meets in the neon lit central area in the early morning (roughly 6 - 7 am, same time they're schools start), once everyone/mostly everyone is there, the head of the town goes up and retells the story of how their home came to be, and what the sky holes had to do with it, and then goes on about rebelling from the black liquid cult. This lasts for maybe 30 minutes before the festivities begin. Across the entire town there are games for children to play, the games ranging from the most basic of rigged carnival games to the most detailed games not even the elders can figure out how to play. There's also tons of food stands, most run by different families who are hoping to teach their children about the culinary world. There's also fortune telling, though it's not quite as common as the games. The local musicians (singers and choirs included) all go to perform, speakers around the town picking up their music. It's never quite on Sun Trinket Eve. At roughly 9 pm everyone meets back at the neon lit central area to chat for a bit while the top chefs in the town bring dish after dish out for everyone. The food had been prepared all day, and those who work on Sun Trinket Eve are paid 15% more than they usually would be. The entire town feasts, and at 10 pm the dancing starts. The dance lasts until 12 am, and once over, the town bids goodnight to each other, and all go to sleep. Everyone gets the following day off.
2. SECRETOL - A small town built just a bit off the main continent, made to look as if the buildings were floating in water. The town is mostly inhabited by semiaquatic creatures, though is run by the Eliones (Rekison, Lady Bink, Luxor). The town is completely isolated from others, given its location, and due to such everyone residing there speaks a language only known there which is called Leron. Everyone who lives in Secretol has a seafood-based diet, though eating other things such as bird or eggs aren't entirely uncommon. It's all about what's available at the time. The town works under the Eliones rule, and follows many sorts of acts that most would consider to be communism.
QUINS YARD - A long since abandoned graveyard. The reasoning behind its abandonment is majority unknown. The graveyard is rumored to curse those who live there or near it into seeing what they want to see, wish to see, causing the people to die and turn to ghosts, forever stuck in the graveyard until the curse is lifted. Though most people don't go there due to the rumored curse, those that has curse repellents have gone and mapped the landscape and found quite a few relics, ruins, and enchanted objects- all of which are protected by the cursed ghosts.
FELSICATUS - Species of humanoid-cat people. Most are born with some form of magic, though not all. Males tend to have longer and fluffier tails, while females tend to have larger ears. Everyone in the species has retractable claws, toe beans on hands and feet, and a cat-like nose. They can jump higher than most other species and don't tend to take any form of physical harm from falling from heights. Though, that said, if they fall like a flailing pigeon, they'll take more damage. (They have to shampoo and condition their entire body) They have fur over their entire body, but it's not enough to hide their actual skin. It's more so like peach-fuzz, making them fuzzy to touch but still have skin. Added though the tails are completely covered in fur.
2. ERTALIZ - A species of aquatic elf people, they're the same as humans in most ways apart from looks. However, some hold the ability to practice Utazi, which is their form of magic. They usually need a small orb like item to use their Utazi, but some can use it without the orb. The Ertaliz who can use it without the orb are commonly referred to as Magorales, or Mages, to other species. (Utazi: The specific ability to take stars from the sky and use them to create a multitude of things that could help them, such as wings or bows and arrows.) Ertaliz glow in the dark, and tend to have more exotic skin colors, such as blue or gold. Most Ertaliz also wear more cultural attire, such as forms of head dresses and gold stringed ponchos.
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chlorophyll-tints · 7 months
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captain and his first mate 🏴‍☠️
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you're my light, you're my light no matter how far apart we might be it will always reach me for @jkvjimin ♡︎ insp. x, x, x; template: seaoftr; trans. doolsetbangtan, bangtansubs
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The sillies!!!
(Based on this screenshot!!)
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Plus other versions and progress stuff cos I like them
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skywalkr-nberrie · 4 months
Finished my re-read of Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller and the Anidala moments in there have me dead
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Padmé using clothes as her armour to shield herself if Obi Wan came to her of news that Anakin was dead after the Geonosis battle but her holding out faith because of her connection to him being so deep that she’d know if he was gone. (✨ soulmatism ✨)
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Obi Wan being ordered by Yoda to break up Anakin and Padmé after witnessing them getting too cuddly in the cavern after the fight with Dooku, and Padmé knowing that Obi Wan isn’t truly understanding of Anakin and his need for love and affection, she knows her love can save him. (And she was right, because it did, fast forward to ROTJ.)
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Padmé wanting to protect Anakin from the Jedi’s stern, cold, and detached ways because they’ll only isolate him of a life filled with love and value, and she knows that life isn’t suit for someone with a big heart as him. (Yes queen, come collect your man 🖐️)
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Padmé the ever efficient queen deciding she doesn’t care what the Jedi say or do, because she’ll never let them tear her apart from her Anakin, not even the force. If they’re together, nothing can come between them. (She knows they’re a power couple 😌)
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We know Anakin looks out to 500 Republica where Padmé stays when he’s at the temple, but Anakin also knowing that Padmé looks out to the temple where Anakin is anytime they’re apart longing for him 😭
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The way Anakin can feel her every emotion, feeling, and weight of her love for him as it affects him just as much 👌 this is why I say they’re soulmates. (Reminds me of that specific scene in the ROTS novel, you know the one 🥲)
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Lol, less serious, but it’s confirmed that Padmé wears “seductive robes” when she’s alone with Anakin 😏
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Anakin matching Padmé’ energy and basically confirming themselves to be a “power couple” :]
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Padmé and Anakin once again matching each other’s energy. Why do they always gotta be so poetically romantic towards each other??!! 😭
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Bail coming to tell her “news” and Padmé confirming that she could handle anything apart from “disaster befalling Anakin” 👀 please, nothing was more important to her than him.
(I have much more to say, but I’m at my limit, will continue on another post.)
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jackshiccup · 22 days
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to celebrate my otnwasversary last week i watched httyd in orchestra concert and got a custom tiny toothless tattoo like woah.. we used to pray for times like these 12 year old me would be ecstatic to know this is what we’re upto now
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tv3headz · 7 months
Loser, baby reprise idea
If we get a reprise of loser, baby in season 2 I want it to be the opposite of the original song.
like wether that be something going on with alastor, his gambling/ alcohol tendencies, or the fact that he hates he’s a winged cat. Maybe, if we wanna be angsty, all three. 
Like how the OG song was a combination of ANGEL’s relationship with VAL, his self destructing habits like drugs and alcohol, and his self hatred for his body and being a toy for Val, (or a PET, like how Alastor sees husk!) 
And then I believe this would take place somewhere more personal like in a enclosed room or bathroom or even at the hotel bar, where the OG was in a messy open setting on some rando street.
Preferably it would be later in the season so there would be a bigger break and relationship development to help the reprise hit harder since it has ALREADY become their song. (And to help the pacing)
So husk would be all down in the dumps and Angel would lift him up the same way Husk did to him all those months ago but since then, their relationship has become deeper and sweeter so it would be slightly more… cute? 
Like I don’t want something as light as the more than anything reprise compared to the original song where it just becomes lighter and more natural, no.
I want it to be sweeter in a way where it reflects how these two are still struggling together, are still losers together but it’s become less insulting and more lighthearted and teasing. like we already see in episode 8 that the losers thing has become a cute lil joke. 
So, it developed even more to where the reprise makes it genuinely sweet while not dumbing down on the purpose of the original song? That would be PERFECTION.
It would be shorter than the og since it is a reprise, and it would NOT be where they kiss. I have many ideas for when they kiss (if they even do cuz omg I love slow burns but idk if I could wait ANOTHER season if we even get a S3) probably about a minute long like the other reprises.
Since I’m so hyperfixated on this idea, I already imagine the main line is changed ever so slightly. 
Instead of ‘you’re A loser baby,’ it’s something super sappy and romantic like ‘you’re MY loser, baby,’ and they would both joke about how soft and stupid they’ve become?!?! I would MELTTTT.
I highly doubt if this were to happen these would be the lyrics by here’s my idea of how it would kinda go 
Angel to husk: so things look bad, and you’re back’s against the wall… *much slower, lighter, softer.
You’re whole existence seems, fuckin’ hopeless..
You’re feelin’ filthy as a {I feel like they would change the lyric here, but it would depend on the context and setting to make it work. Like how the og was outside a gross bar, the line ‘dive bar bathroom stall’ fit for that situation. Or it’s just a general metaphor and I’m insane.}
Can’t face the world sober, and dopeless… [ok imagine instead if it getting higher here like the OG song it gets LOWER? It would be a nice change for a reprise : o]
You’ve lost.. you’re way… but you know you’re life ain’t wrecked {There’s two ways the buildup to the chorus rewrite could go. - 
They could keep it the same, or change it up in a way to where Angel is referring to how Husk already helped him through this and this situation and how he knows it’s pointless to dwell. Which is why he’s helping husk now with the same problem, but he’s just a dumbass because he knows this! Reflecing on the original song idea of ‘yeah you’re pathetic but so am I with you’ kinda mentality.}
So I guess we’re correct… {or, as I originally said, OG lyrics BASED ON story context. Obviously idk what S2 is gonna be like lol}
You’re my loser, baby, my loser, goddamn baby you’re my fucked up little whiney bitch, you’re a loser just like me.
*And I would adore it if husk just did a sarcastic scoff and said ‘thanks asshole’*
You’re my screws-loose boozer and only one star reviewser [this line on they would sing it togetherrr]
You’re a {Depending on if the OG song was saying that Husk was also a power bottom and that was his company or if he just generally had company is still unclear to me, so they could hypothetically keep that line or take a spin on it where they joke about, say, husk being a submissive top? I’m just flowing with ideas gosh} [I wouldn’t be able to make a clever rhyme for that joke except for this so why not] >>>>>>
You’re a sub top at/off the highest rooftop, but you’ve got company~* in a more flirty and teasing tone cuz husk was also teasing him a lot in loser, baby* 
I will not explain the joke but it’s pretty self explanatory [The roof is considered either the most empty or luxurious part of a building, it can also be roofs, flying, wings I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! And off if we want be a lil… dark if we ain’t referring to flying 🤨] 
|Anyways I ain’t no professional songwriter in any way that’s just a little personal dumb line|
And then it would end! Like I said not in a kiss like the more than anything reprise cuz I don’t really want another chaggie parallel? (Not saying the chaggie and huskerdust parallels are bad it’s just parallels between the f/f couple and m/m couple when they’re both very different I don’t want to be many) - 
I think it would be a hug or a soft snuggle or something more simple get intimate like that : P since Angel needs sweet stuff not more ‘sexual’ :/ advancements.
Or this whole thing is pointless cuz the point of the song was Husk telling Angel once and for all that he’s not alone and they wouldn’t need to bring it up again? But we already got the instrumental so there’s slight hope…
Anyways, if we were to get a loser baby reprise that is just my personal idea of what I think would happen! Obviously the second season is already written but if something even remotely similar happens to this I will be happy. Hell maybe I was right on point but it’s highly unlikely haha
Toodles~ |I didn’t write this at 2 am instead of sleeping on a school night cuz I had 2 assignments due whatttt|
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valhallavalgrace · 12 days
How have your interactions with your floormates been? Do any of them seem particularly friendly?
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I think this might be your guy to talk to, Leo, just a hunch...
prev ask
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
Hey so, funny thing happened
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hey what if I cried
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jade-len · 9 months
you know it's bad when i read svsss and tgcf, stories about just two guys falling in love and getting together, and think, "god i wish i were in between them."
gay little domestic cottage core life with binghe and qingqiu? please and thank you. being sandwiched by hua cheng and xie lian, two pretty men who are hundreds of years old? i am blushing, kicking my feet and giggling
and again, it's not even that i would want only one of them. like in both of the relationships, the two love each other too much to the point it'd feel wrong if they were separated! it wouldn't feel complete, so you gotta be with both of them!
but that's the thing; i just?? i feel so incredibly guilty whenever i think about being loved by these mxtx couples??? like it's so stupid but i feel like i'm intruding in on something and it's like, everyone else seems to just want them together only, not wanna be with them. like it's fuckin taboo or whatever
i feel like with any other character from any other media it'd be fine to simp for and write/read x readers of them, but when it comes to these books, it's off limits! no way, what are you, crazy? yes, yes i'm unhinged and desperately want their love and affection simultaneously. i want to be in a happy little poly relationship with these overpowered beautiful men with long hair.
i can't be the only guy or whoever to feel this way?? to wanna be kissed by these characters? sandwiched?? i have two hands for christ sake and they all look so happy together and im just like "lord i wanna be with them so much". someone tell me i'm not alone cmon <\3
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starbylers · 2 months
Will Byers main character of season 5 “emotional arc tying up the show”, mysterious connection to the main villain AND the supernatural lore, “it started with Will and it’ll end with Will”, outstanding questions surrounding his disappearance which kicked off the entire show coming full circle, written for seasons as slowly falling in love with his best friend and that point being driven home extremely hard the season before His season….that Will Byers….is NOT ending up with some random side character lol. If you think that’s the most likely outcome I’m sorry but you haven’t been paying attention.
Like truly how do people envision that scenario? Will spends the season going through presumably life changing events grappling with his identity and fighting these deadly supernatural forces alongside the people he’s most closely bonded with in the entire world including his best friend who he is literally in love with and who’s relationship with him is obviously going to be important, full on saving the world in conjunction with his personal coming of age…and then when it’s over he just trots off with cute guy #373848 who has fuck all to do with any of this, or with the story of the show, who Will absolutely would not have had time to build a convincing relationship with given all of the above. A few scenes of what, someone flirting with him? Being nice, being friendly? does not an endgame make for someone who’s not only the main focus of the season but integral to the core mystery of the show. The love interest of a character like that would need to be front and centre alongside him (oh wait…..).
And in what universe could random new side guy compare to and in fact overtake - because that’s what they’d have to pull off - the depth of his relationship with the boy he currently loves, his best friend?? There’s no time or set up for that. Will is a main character. Even Robin - who I adore but she does play a much more minor role - gets a two season love interest who’s involved with the main cast, and don’t get me started on all the complex multi season straight relationships.
An endgame relationship for Will was never going to be an afterthought. The sentiments of I hope the Duffers are brave enough to go for Byler or they’ll just give Will someone else makes no sense to me because this has been planned for YEARS 😭 they were not making season 4 with their minds undecided about Mike and Will’s fate. They were not sitting in the writer’s room like oooh this is fun and messy let’s just slap in this major plot point between two main characters and figure out why tf we did it at a later date.
They made Will, the boy at the centre of everything, love Mike so intensely while actively not presenting a single other viable option (and having him grouped up with Mike yet again next season), KNOWING from the first introduction of Will’s feelings how it was going to turn out. If they planned all along for him to end up with someone else, there would be set up (à la Rovickie but honestly more than that, probably someone who could’ve taken Argyle’s place, or at the VERY least show signs of him letting Mike go). Meanwhile by s4 finale, there’s no other candidate in sight and his heart remains with Mike more devoted than ever like ?????
Will is important. His love is important. I’m so over people trying to downplay the legitimacy of his emotions toward Mike. Gay characters feelings aren’t disposable just because they inconvenience a straight ship, and the Duffers didn’t put Will in this position without an end goal in mind. You decide what makes more sense with what they’ve shown us so far. If you can see the threads (and not see certain other threads) it’s for a reason. Writing is intentional.
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
Me, going into the Summon Room after two days of starving myself: "Maybe if I get the Servant I want then I would finally want to try and eat something! Haha just kiddi-"
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FGO gacha god: "For fuck sake here's your two whores with very luxury rainbow sparkles now go eat you fucking donkey!"
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taydaq · 3 months
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you were made for me
@imabillyami, @harmshake 💞💞
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captaindarkiplier · 4 months
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quick mark study from 2mths ago
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larz-barz · 2 months
oki so lately i’ve been feeling rlly stressed and stuff when it comes to drawing
like, basically it’s felt like a chore? idk if that’s the right word or not but- basically i think i’m going to stop taking drawing requests
lemme just describe my feelings to y’all rq-
i love to draw, but lately i’ve been less and less focused on drawing what i wanna draw and more focused on i think y’all would like
and if i feel like something just- fails in some way, i get all upset about it (like the eye drawing i did, still not a big fan of it btw-)
i just wanted to let y’all know that none of y’all have ever contributed to these feelings (that ik of- but i srsly doubt it)
this is all me and my anxiety and perfectionism
it’s me getting scared of having my head bitten off because smth wasn’t of my usual standards or of my usual quality
anyways- enough ranting, i love each and every one of you so so much
ima prob take a mini break tmr and maybe another bigger one at some other point this coming week (i don’t wanna do it wednesday since that’s my first day of school and i’ll need yalls moral support)
also, anon, i don’t think i’ll do your request since it’s not one of my fandoms, i’m rlly sorry🫂🫂🫂💖💖💖
i just wanted to thank y’all for being so supportive and sweet to me ever since i joined tumblr
this is definitely one of the hardest decisions i’ve had to make in regards to my tumblr, but i do think this will help my mental health
i will still take suggestions from ppl in my community, but no more art requests
i’m sorry this post is so long omg- ;-;
aaaaaa i love y’alllll
ima tag the whole tag list in this cause this is rlly important imo:)
(also rq reminder that this is only for drawing requests, i’m still gonna take fic requests when i turn them back on:3)
tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @kimetsu-chan @shycroissanti @slayfics @night-mince10000000000000000001 @zenitsustherapist @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph @aceofstars0 @pulim-v @muichirolover14 @muichirosboba @kiyokatokito
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usernyoom · 7 months
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01/03/24, Bahrain. Daniel Ricciardo prepares to drive in qualifying for the F1 Bahrain Grand Prix 2024. Photos by Rudy Carezzevoli, edited.
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