#and again omg I know I have said this like twice on this blog now but I want to get used to posting lower effort art because high effort ar
captaindarkiplier · 1 month
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quick mark study from 2mths ago
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corpseidol · 30 days
hiii!! I just recently found out abt ur blog and I really really love your works sm like omg ugshhdhdh
anywhoo is it okay to request sbg x reader who acts like regina george? its been bothering my mind lately aaaaa u dont have to write it! hihih tyty i love you take careeee
author’s note : i love when ppl enjoy my things ilysm /p
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concept : regina!reader with the sbg group
genre : headcanons, mean girls!au, drabble
content : might be ooc, reader is an actual bitch, not a single hint of genuine softness
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meeting the group
⠀ › ⠀has bullied logan once or twice but then ignored his presence completely after and forgot about him
⠀ › ⠀out of the whole group, logan is unsure of you the most. he can’t tell if being in a group with someone who bullied him before is good since you have seemed to forget who he was.
⠀ › ⠀tyler knows your reputation and is bothered by your presence honestly
⠀ › ⠀ashlyn has never heard of you; never had connections so she doesn’t know you that well but was bothered with your first impression
⠀ › ⠀taylor would try to warm up to you but you make her feel so out of place with how flashy you are
⠀ › ⠀ben and aiden don’t know your reputation since they’re new students but when tyler suddenly revealed everything when he started complaining about you; aiden was entertained with your rivalry
sorrel house
⠀ › ⠀you found the random lady who asked you to go inside very.. weird.
⠀ › ⠀only went in because the others said sure, you just had to be nice.
⠀ › ⠀you felt chills down your spine when you saw the phantom but just like tyler, you chose to brush it off.
phantom world
⠀ › ⠀by this time, you still hated them. (you probably shit talked them too)
⠀ › ⠀when you all got locked in the room, you felt panic until you just thought of using them as ‘meat shields’
⠀ › ⠀you and tyler had a whole fight about what matters most in the moment until ashlyn had to break it up
⠀ › ⠀the first time you were put in severe danger, you used the others as an advantage to survive.
⠀ › ⠀however, this caused problems. the next night; you would be in the same place again.
⠀ › ⠀at some point you’d have to apologize. the next time you were put in danger; it was logan near you. the first thing you had to do was.. apologize? are you fucking serious.
⠀ › ⠀due to the panic of the near-death experience, you stammered out an apology and begged him to help (took a few corrections since you were screaming curse words)
general headcanons
⠀ › ⠀when you flex your expensive things, aiden would suddenly bring up something more expensive (it becomes a debate on whos is more expensive. between the two, aiden’s having fun and you’re just getting upset.)
⠀ › ⠀tyler took the longest warming up to you
⠀ › ⠀there would be a lot of times when you would get into fights because of how opinionated you can be.
⠀ › ⠀you’re pretty much forced to be friends with them. it’s ride or die. no matter how much you hate them.
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“i can’t do this anymore, i swear to god, i’m so stressed! and stress causes pimples! and restless nights cause eyebags! i’m gonna get eyebags and pimples!” you panicked “now’s not the time to worry about that!” tyler screamed, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the phantom chasing you.
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The Clone Wars 4x10 ‘Carnage of Krell’ Reaction
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Ok ok trying to get my thoughts in order. Even still, this is going to be all over the place.
Tup coming up with the idea of using the Umbara sarlacc monster to trap Krell was so damn clever.
The moment Dogma broke and realised he’d been betrayed just absolutely broke my heart. He thought he was doing the right thing the entire time. He was trying to do the right thing. He was trying to be good. Omg good soldiers follow orders nooooo now is not the time for that thought. 
Do we know what happens to Dogma? Please tell me we find out what happens to him.
Jesse’s shoulders are so broad. That shot of him from the back in his upper blacks in the brig was just, omg, sir why are you so broad?
Also, they put Tup in the firing squad as well?! It seems like Tup and Dogma are close so I’m assuming their close or best friends or maybe batch mates but WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
“Well, I’ve officially lost my sense of humour” Jesseeeeeeeeeeeee
I got the distinct impression that Jesse was much less impressed with what was happening than Fives, who seemed like he’d accepted his fate, until…
THAT ABSOLUTELY BADASS SPEECH! FIVES! You have all of my heart. All of it.
I kept mentally screaming “Where is Cody?!” during the scene where the 501st and 212th attacked each other until I realised that Waxer was in charge so of course Cody and Obi Wan aren’t there.
The whole scene where the clones attacked each other was just utterly heartbreaking. Emotionally destroyed. I was clutching my face and shaking and making pained noises and tearing up for pretty much all of this episode but that scene. Ugh. Omg. I do not have the words. I am completely devastated. The way Rex fell to his knees. The looks on all the clones faces. How the 212th clone Rex was holding fell to the ground. *sobs*
Waxer had a sticker of Numa on his bucket *WAILS*
And the tear right before he dies?! *SOBS*
I know it’s an “animated kids tv show” but it really made no sense that there were all these injured and dying clones and there’s no blood. Especially when Waxer was coughing and wheezing. That’s the point you’d expect him to be coughing up blood but there’s nothing. Also, Rex’s face when he asked Waxer who gave the order them to attack. It was so gentle and caring and sad.
Speaking of sad, the end where they’re all question what this is all for. They’re so right. So much pointless death and killing. 
Rex when he went down to execute Krell. Omg, you poor, poor man. So many emotions. He was struggling with so much. I know this is his line of “On your knees” comes from, and twice. And it was definitely a badass moment and I’m sure in time with further watching it’ll become one of those moments where if Rex said that to me in that voice I’d impale my knees through the floor immediately but at the moment I can’t separate it from the situation and what was happening. He was shaking.
I’m going to have to watch through these episodes again and do more of a live-blog style reaction to everything as I watch it, similar to 1x5 ‘Rookies’, 2x10 ‘The Deserter’, and the recent Wolffe episode, because I know I’m missing so much. But I also wanted to get this immediate first emotional reaction out first becomes omg ALL THE EMOTIONS
Of course the evil baddie starts monologuing. You could see his eyes turn yellow.
Ah, so this is the episode where the badass shot of Rex putting on his bucket while marching with a bunch of the 501st comes from. 
How did Fives, an ARC Trooper, not notice Dogma, who was in binders, had taken his blaster? And why did they take Dogma out of the brig in the first place? I may be reading into this way too much but I think mayhaps Fives (and Rex?) knew what they were doing? Maybe? Even I’m not sure reading that back. But Fives doesn’t dual wield like Rex, we’ve seen him very clearly use a DC-15 blaster rifle many times in battle. Though Wookieepedia says Fives “began using twin DC-17s like his friend Rex, though he continued [to] use the DC-15A from time to time.” and cited episode 4x8 ‘The General’ as the source for that quote. I think I’m just overthinking this now. Also, sobbing at that quote from Wookieepedia where Rex is referred to as his friend rather than Captain.
Waxer had tally marks on his armour too. Has Rex started a trend?
Who was the clone who reported to Rex at the end of the episode that Umbara had been taken? Was that Appo? He seemed very “generic standard clone”, with no different paint or tattoos or hair.
I’ve noticed that unless they’re specific characters, the rest of the clones (background clones? extras?) seem to be all the same. Which makes sense from an animation perspective, you’d just copy and paste (heh) the same model and save time by not having to customise every single one. Though I wish we could see some of that individuality in all of them, rather than just the main and supporting ones.
A lot of the lighting, especially of the clones' faces, is very stark, almost horror movie-esque. Like when you put a torch under your chin and tell spooky stories. 
Ok I’ve sort of run out of steam and fallen in an emotional heap now so I think that’s it for this and I’ll have to come back to everything in the re-watch. 
I’m going to go and curl up in a ball in the corner and cry or something now. Or I’m just going to watch it all over again.
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lollitree · 1 year
Your tags under the pokemon poll are SO TRUEE and it hurts how many people dont understand that
I grew up in the change from pixel art to 3D and have nostalgia for bw, xy AND sm. So i think because of that, I can see the good and bad in all the games but don't feel like any of them 'peaked''. They're all different games, so they are really hard to compare.
On a related note tho, its so sad to see so many fans praise one of my childhood games and not the others. And like, I get it because gen 5 is more similar to what they grew up with.....but every time I say I love xy, sm and even swsh i get told they are terrible and usually imply that I shouldnt like them :/
That only happens online, though......irl all the fans ive met, no matter their ages, just say something like 'i didnt like it, but i'm glad you did!'. Growing up in irl fan spaces and having to move online during corona was AN EXPERIENCE omg
Yeah! It's super interesting how much we are affected by nostaglia.
There's usually a pattern you can notice with this stuff too. There are two lines that go up as time goes on. The one everyone talks about as being great and the newer one people hate on, usually to do with nostalgia of the now older original audience of the game.
My full reply got long so putting it under a read more skfjsh
My first Pokemon game was Colosseum, so gen 2/3 pokemon and gen 3 sound effects are pretty nostalgic to me.
Then I grew up mostly playing Diamond/Platinum/PMD2/Ranger2. I LOVED Team Galactic. I restarted the games so many times just so I could play through the story again with Cyrus and the Galactic Grunt theme. (I have also played through pmd2 many many times). I remember in my early teens seeing people on the internet hating on DPPt a lot and it making me sad. I recall someone saying that the gen 4 Pokemon sucked and I remember thinking "aw I guess they're right, some of these pokemon are really boring or annoying" and then I learned later that the pokemon I was thinking of were all gen 1 pokemon sdfkjsh
Gen 5 was hated when it first came out because it wasn't very fun for new players. I bet it also didn't help that the advertising for B2W2 was pretty poor and also came out after the 3DS did. I didn't even know it was a sequel until years later. That's why they went in the complete opposite direction for gen 6, and added gimmicks!
I have heard multiple people call the designs from gen 5 horrible over the years (And they're all wrong). Those comments are nowhere NEAR as frequent now, but they almost always come from people with nostalgia for the ones they grew up with.
I was 13 when BW first came out. I think I've only beaten it once, MAYBE twice. I'm not entirely sure why, because I was still replaying DPPt a lot. I would guess it's because the game is super linear in terms of gameplay and every playthrough will start exactly the same. You don't really get to make decisions on your team and how you play until later. Kid me loved the beginning of the main pokemon games the most because they were the most fun bits to play usually. So I suppose when you've already played it once, the beginning becomes quite boring.
And to compare. I did not like XY when it first came out. I was 16 and very against change and also my fav types at the time were dark and dragon so fairy type was the worst thing ever. I said previously that I really liked Team Galactic, so Team Flare was just a bootleg version of them to me. BUT I did immediately replay the game when I finished it. The character customisation plus the huge dex gives the game a lot of replayability. Because while I didn't like a lot about the game it was still fun to play, and it was the first time online was really accessible to me. I went back to 2013/2014 on my blog and there's SO much positivity about the game it's amazing! Over time people only remembered the bad parts and started hating it. I bet there'll be an influx of nostalgia for it before long. We can even see it in the hope people have for SV having Kalos DLC.
I need to replay sun/moon or play USUM because in my brain currently it sucks. But I'm very aware that that's because I only played it once, it's been years, and I played it when I started to grow out of Pokemon. So I'm excited to play it again now that I can appreciate it better. (Also the Sun/Moon anime is my fav so I have a lot of love for the characters now)
And finally, I loved SWSH! I didn't finish it the first time I tried to play it. Mostly because I spent HOURS trying to get a shiny hatenna before doing the fire gym skdfjhs. But then I SPED through the game with a bug type only run before Legends came out and I really enjoyed the story! One of those things that's more enjoyable if you're only focused on enjoying the story (and playing the game through with a joltik as the lead and trying to make sure they stay strong enough to beat the game with pfft) Also Leon was the first ever Champion I actually thought was cool and enjoyed seeing while playing the game (as ridiculous as his outfit is)
If I were to logically plot out the best for me based on how nostalgia works and taking into consideration that public opinion ABSOLUTELY influences me. I would have said BW was the best and XY(or SM) was the downfall, even though I had way more fun playing XY than BW as a kid
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dukeoftheblackstar · 11 months
Come Away With Me
Summary: N/A [I want you to read this and figure it out yourself @amorfista ♥] Edit: I was gonna put something here, but nah. You got this babe!
Pairing: Me and my husband, Plo. You and yo husband, Savage.
Word Count: 2.3k
Rating: Not telling. KTNXBAI. Edit: Angst / Fluff
Notes: I couldn’t write for Savage because I know very little of him apart from what I got from you. But I trust how you draw him, trust how you speak of him, trust even the insecurities that make you crumble about him; I trust you. Trust. ~ Many thanks to @botherbother-blog because I also needed quick consult over Savage ♥ Appreciate it, my friend! ♥
Color thingies because I'm deranged to not use them: Orange: Plo Koon Pink: Me - because babe, I have no self-control and I wanna be part of this because I made it for you? ilsym ♥ Red: Also me because still, no self-control omfg? Blue: You ♥ Green: Thoughts, You ♥ Yellow: Savage Opress Purple: Song ♥
Perfect divider by @idontgetanysleep with itty, bitty, cutie-patootie Plo Koon face ♥
Thank you for being unapologetically you ♥
So please play this first because I will be so angry if you didn't ♥ - I want you to be upset first because omg, babe need you to be conflicted? Because I can't carry the pain of it all? Because I'm just genuinely unhinged as a default? - Okay, done? Good. Now, pull up the second song, set it on loop and then die with meeeeeeeeeeeee ♥ Please play this in loop ♥
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“Have we a deal, sunshine?”
It would have been a full-on collision if the 212th was among the 501st and 104th raining heavily from all possible entryways of the cavernous haven that held the crowned princes captive — entourage had been wiped clean by the Republic’s finest. The unsung hunter with an idle rifle lax on her side had sashayed her way past scouts and troops that now chatter in doubt whether they have procured tampered intel from a now deemed incredulous source, or they have been bested by elusion. 
“Come on big boy, Mommy doesn’t have all day. Well — she does but, you know what I mean.”
The timing couldn’t even be more perfect as distant howling from wolves stalked and seeped through cracks in between boulders piled over. The choice was simple; escape with a ‘yes’ or die with a ‘no’ — never anything in between.
He didn’t have to say anything after a very audible scoff — now whether that was directed at the huntress, the situation at bay, or the fact that a very disgruntled Maul paced impatiently and seethed so horrendously that it was, as the huntress would often say ‘sus-vibes’.
“Count to three, always three — never more, never less, yes?” 
Pleased beyond compare, she tossed two small chip-like devices with singular buttons that beeped in unison; one in vibrant tangerine and the other of coy periwinkle. As they vanish in comparison to the striped palms that cradled them like fragile glass, the huntress takes a step forward and gently taps his cheek thrice; always three — never more, never less.
“Tangie (tangerine) go boom, Peri (periwinkle) go zoom.”
And just as she said and slithered through a makeshift tunnel and up onto the sandy grains, she clicked her ankles twice and activated the thrusters — watching the sparks ignite that needed one more tap to get it going; always three — never more, never less.
“You’ve surely outdone yourself, P. I have to say, I’m digging the vibe.” “High praise, high praise.” “Hey! That’s not very Kel Dor of you. You’re supposed to say something regal and … proper.” “...”
“...” “Well, go on. Don’t keep me hanging, babylove.” “Very well.” Plo clears his throat and procures a very dignified baritone response. “Exalted preeminence…?” “Babe, you know that was shit, right?” “Language, my sweet. But yes, that was indeed…” Plo merely sighed, nodded and backed away. “Now come along, my darling.”
Come away with me in the night
And so he finds you again, laying in the designated cot under the comfort of your own insecurities.
“Hey. You stop that now or I will come get you myself and break every horn on his head.” 
You laughed, at least you thought you did — willed yourself to believe in the lie that you’ve woven with such grace that it would put kings and queens to shame; the same lie you’ve meticulously etched upon every touch, every breath, every thought, every word that would always fall upon deaf ears. Not because they refused to listen, but because you knew that even the faintest of whispers would be too loud.
— too. damn. loud.
So you deny yourself in fear of becoming more than the encumbered weight upon shoulders that have already sagged from the avoirdupois of the galaxy itself; repulsed by the conundrum of hate and love in the same sentence that you’ve starved yourself of and from his anger, that you have surrendered yourself to the role of dirt — a maid droid with some, at best, questionable information that would endure Maul’s relentlessness that Savage would always make sure he would never cross a line. 
“I mean it, babe. I will break all his kriffin’ horns and grind —”
You can’t help but wonder if gratitude is enough; you accept it under the premise that they stay with you — or that they allow you to stay with them. To be given that privilege, to bask in their greatness; to worship him and all encompassing him — to surrender in hopes of a morsel of trust, if not affection.
“I’m fine — I promise! Please, just… Go faff over Plo or something.”
You laughed, at least you thought you did — willed yourself to believe that this was your resplendent point of no return; that this was the grandiose moment in which you would liberate yourself from the shackles you’ve adorned like fine jewelry to match the king himself. 
That maybe if you had been as beautiful as he is; had painted your nails at a point, had bruised your lips with the finest rouge, or have held your hair in a seductive knot that bore not only your skin but the desolation of your soul  with each passing moment that you’ve shed tears that would just… not… stop.  
That maybe if you had presented yourself or have written a masterpiece with an allure so potent, trust would have fallen so callously  upon sweet hands for the taking. That maybe if you had a better hold on emotions that spilled with such rawness, you would not have wept so much and had offered joy — not this. 
This…. This painful existence has made you doubt every reason to linger. That beyond how much you might love him, there is no longer any cause to continue this charade — this unnerving circus of a concept that for him to be angry, for him to bestow upon you this carnal need of fury, he would first have to care about you. 
That maybe… 
“We leave in half an hour. Prepare yourself.”
And you indeed do as you’re told;  prepare yourself devoid of candor that you’ve stayed true to your purpose — a maid droid with some, at best, questionable information that would endure Maul’s relentlessness that Savage would always make sure he would never cross a line. But at this moment, it was only Savage. 
Savage who needed something, anything; a massage, a clean up, food, a pilot — something, anything, everything but you.
“Borrowed.” Heavy like fluids that taint your cheeks with salt, his voice rumbles, but soft? — soft like velvet ribbons that knot quaintly around your neck as you board a smaller ship. You nodded, tugged by the galvanic tune of his voice that drew your feet onto the ramp and your hand — heavens, your hand, your beautiful, blessed hand that had touched me with such divinity that it revealed the sacrilegious tenderness of your heart. Your beautiful, delicate, exquisite heart that I would die for — that honors each passing second to be called a friend. [ I love you ♥ I’m such a sap! ]
Maker, break me — smite me from where I stand for there is no place in the vastness of the galaxy do they belong other than upon his.
Come away with me in the nightCome away with me
With her heart? Like come on, Savage.  You gotta put in the work, babe!
He’s held your hand once before, right? When fingers brushed as you served him sustenance while Maul hissed on the side like a proper untrusting ball of fiery rage, glaring daggers at Savage who held onto his saber. You’ve brushed upon stern shoulders and arms when the wound needed cleaning and or the mechanical contraption failed to accommodate an angle — just as you have, but once, placed upon the sweetest kiss of your fingertips along the broken crown that did very little to diminish the sovereign he has on you while you applied whatever it was that made him groan, grunt, and sigh some few nights ago. 
When he had taken you by the wrists because you’ve flown far too close to the sun — now whether it was the liquid gold of his entirety or the kindled orbs of his soul, it had been all but a blur.
And I will write you a songCome away with me on a bus
“Are…. Are you comfortable?” And once more, that velveteen ribbon had knotted even tighter, forcing you to swallow what little life you had left, what little dignity you thought should have been robbed of you. And so you do as you always do, starve. 
Come away where they can't tempt us with their lies
“Yes, my lord.” Fallen from grace, hazel meets the silver flooring of the ship — hands seek straps to bury yourself in the comfort of the chair, distancing yourself from tempestuous Gods of Celestia who a friend had devoted her nights to pray for you, of you, to you, with you, always and a day as she says.
[ Yes, it be me, bestie ♥ I pray you for and happy things ♥ ]
And I want to walk with you On a cloudy day
“Auroras.” The journey was silent, never loud with Savage — never, only with Maul. And indeed, Auroras — a burst of lights mangled by a plethora of colors that had painted the sky of fine blues and purples, of greens and pinks, tangies (tangerine) and peries (periwinkle), but never a shade finer than the sun that glimmered on the very face that had consumed you — mind, body, heart, and soul; never a finer shade indeed.
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
And now there were emeralds before your feet; fine, lush virescent fields of a vacant park that overlooked a river of sorts and mud. And beyond, by where lonely rivers flow to sea, to the open arms of the sea, is a table with a pair of chairs.
Your friend had always told you that the Gods of Celestia are always unkind to those who are — unkind to the kind. It had always baffled you how truly kriffed up Celestian Law is, but you weren’t one so it didn’t matter.
You were happy to have a friend — no matter how much of an unhinged bitch she is and how much she thirsted for a certain Kel Dor Master Jedi to an unhealthy degree.
But you adore her, adore her with all your heart as you’ve told her aplenty — and in turn, she adores you more than you could ever best her.
She adores you enough to lie and claim she’d draw you but ends up writing a sappy fic because she has absolutely no self-control and cannot draw for shit and her self-insert game be too damn strong even for herself.
And so we carry on.
So won't you try to come
Unforgiving were the short gusts of wind that blew locks of hazel over your face that had seemingly pulled you into arms lean and muscular, yet gentle. The same pull that drew the sun back into your smaller frame and a marked fingers sprawled to caress your face with such a dignified stroke, it had called upon the stray locks to twine in between and be lulled to the back of your head. 
His gaze lingered — so did yours.
And whatever it was, be it the Force that trembled the sovereign before you or the Gods of Celestia drawn to this magnificent spectacle that happens to be observed by a distant figure of a Kel Dor frame with his talons mindful over the muffled screams of the aforementioned, unhinged Celestian woman, who flailed her arms high enough for you to smile. 
Come away with me and we'll kiss On a mountaintop
And again, before the crude interruption of the intruders, whatever it was, be it the Force that trembled the sovereign before you or the Gods of Celestia drawn to this magnificent spectacle, it happened.
Just. Like. That.
Come away with me And I'll never stop loving you
Lips so silken and laced with release that you felt your body quiver as it bestowed upon you the highest form of opulent gratification— as if his lips were either Midas’ touch of gold from lore of childhood or one of all deities that hail the sun had confounded it’s fiery blaze of passion upon your supple, sweet lips.
And I want to wake up with the rain Falling on a tin roof
The scent of pine resin permeating the air, the symphonic cacophony of birds that glided over the small city of your homeworld, the pitter-patter and click of silly, little river crabs that assaulted the tablecloth so vehemently that it had drawn Savage’s gaze to the creature before turning to address to the approaching couple.
[ Sorry babe, you ain’t making out with Savage if I’m not making out with Plo. Fair trade ♥ ]
They bore plates and trays of food; an assortment of anything unfamiliar to both Kel Dor and Zabrak — only to you and this bitch who decided to walk in when the kissing was happening. 
Plo, unprompted and perhaps as evenly an emotional wreck as your friend — one could only speculate seeing his enigmatic allure is brought upon by his antiox mask; placed a rather assuring hand over Savage’s shoulder and an approving squeeze. 
“Please enjoy.” Plo Koon would say, offering a delightful nod as you and Savage took to your seats. “I will see to it that your dinner remains unperturbed.”
You could help but laugh as you watched the Master Jedi take your friend by the waist and haul her over his shoulder. You would have commented but he had bested you with an amused tone. “Forgive my primitive manner of doing so, as it is a necessity.” 
While I'm safe there in your arms
You hear your friend whine and beg for, as she calls it, ‘five minutes of tea’ — to which Plo Koon sighed with such resignation over the fact that this mode of ‘disposing’ nuisance (your overly eager friend), had brought him to a defeated and compromising position.
[ Yes, babes. We getting lucky tonight ♥ LOL ]
“A… dire… necessity.” Plo trails off, patting your friend’s rear three times. And somewhere, somehow, you find yourself in chorus with the Master Jedi. 
“Always three — never more, never less.” “Always three — never more, never less.”
As the couple departed, your smile never fading, Savage calls to you.
So all I ask is for you
Not by 'you' or 'hey'. But calls to you. Speaks your name with so much reverence and warmth you feel it in your chest — so much that your own called upon yourself and placed a hand over your heart.
To come away with me in the night
"(insertnamehere). Will you... Come away with me?"
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sungbeam · 10 months
so I'm somewhat new to your blog, and this is the first time I've sent an ask, and the reason I feel so compelled to do so now is bc I just reread Simple Gifts and WOW. It was the first fic I've read by you, (followed closely by Party People which effectively made me fall in love with Jacob bae 😩) and I'm literally still so obsessed with it. The way you write chanhee literally breathes life into me. I don't usually reread things bc I literally do not have the attention span read anything I've already read twice in a year, but I thought about how happy it made me when I read it so I decided it wouldn't hurt to try. And boy am I smiling like idiot. It’s so wonderful and I truly think it has healing properties. That being said, I've read many of your tbz fics at this point, and I can really feel the heart you put into every fic. Even you really angsty Changmin fics (what is your beef with this man 😭😭😭 lol) I did cry when I read Ghost of You, thank you for asking.
Im sorry this is kinda long but, I just have so much love for your writing 💜💜💜.
My name's Eliza btw 🥰
help??? THANK YOU?? ELIZA, you have effectively made my morning and a dozen other mornings (´Д⊂ヽ anyone talking about party people makes me happy, but people talking about SIMPLE GIFTS AND GHOST OF YOU TOO??? do u know the key to my heart bc clearly you have it 😭💖 and the fact that you REREAD simple gifts too? let me SMOOCH YOU OMG (consensually) and pls yes i absolutely love love love writing chanhee :')) i have such a soft spot for him idk TT he always gets the best lines and roles in all my fics and you'll prob see it in my other fics <//3 im so beyond happy you think it has healing properties omg im tearing up 😭
.......okay listen 😭😭 my beef with sir ji changmin is that he's a homewrecker akcnksjfkd and i just like making my men UBER angsty 🤡 so,, uhm sorry !! idk bro i just like making that man be emotionally constipated cuz low-key that's me LOL (btw u asking me what my beef w changmin is literally made me laugh-cry /pos, no one's ever properly called me out on it yet except for my mutuals 🤣🤣)
with that being said, i appreciate long asks so no need to apologize, really!! 💖 i see your long ask and raise you with a long answer 😋🫂 have a nice day, night, LIFE, ELIZA !! hope to chat w you again thank u sm 💖💖
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Hello! I want to start making some whump lists of my own and I was wondering if you possibly have any tips? I’m having trouble with the wording and I feel like I might be over explaining but I’m not sure. If you could help that would be amazing.
I do have some tips!
1. Wording
Since you asked specifically about wording I’ll start there. What I do is use words for tropes that the community most commonly uses. For example: drowning, kidnapping, hostage, shot, etc. I personally like to be specific with certain things. I’ll say what they were shot with or if they are restrained I like to specify handcuffs vs rope vs zip ties vs ✨chains✨. With some tropes that are not as commonly spoken about or may not have a name I will use wording I feel best describes it like “heavily lidded eyes”. Idk how else to word it but that’s how I do it.
Those who have been around my blog for a while know about me losing lists. I now have lists saved in 3 different places. (Soon to be 4) Even if you make your lists in Tumblr drafts, SAVE THEM ELSEWHERE! I keep them in my notes on my phone, Google Docs, Microsoft Word and soon an app on my iPad. I have lost MONTHS worth of lists before in The Incident. I won’t do it again and I hope you never do.
3. Stay Organized
I have my Whump List Library (masterlist) and my Whump List Directory (sub masterlist?) all (mostly) organized. It helps people find your lists easier and tbh it helps you find them easier! I am always so happy when I can easily update or fix a list because I stay organized. Also if you have multiple WIP lists, it’s best to keep those organized as well.
4. Figure out YOUR systems
If you want to add time stamps, colors in your formatting, stick to 1 or 2 countries, add different links, etc. do it. Do whatever you want to do. I have changed formatting twice and it’s such a hassle to fix especially once you get to a certain number of lists.
5. Recs and Requests
If you decide to accept recommendations and requests, PLEASE remember you can say no and you don’t have to do them. I say this because I struggle with it. But if you have no interest in making the list, don’t do it. However I will say taking recs and requests have been AMAZING! Some of my favorite dramas ever have been requests and recommendations.
6. Pace Yourself
It’s all fun until you realize you’re forcing yourself to work on a list after a long day of work. Make sure you keep it to where you enjoy it. I personally try to update people if I feel like list uploads are going to slow down, still, but don’t force yourself to make them just so you can get them out. (Another one I’m guilty of lol)
7. Misc.
Even if someone has already made the list, you can still make it in your own way. Having multiple lists never hurt anybody.
Team up with other bloggers! I have and it’s been amazing! (I tag GIF makers’ GIFs to tropes in my lists) (Some bloggers have adopted my incomplete/dropped lists)
SAVE MULTIPLE COPIES (I know I already said it but pls don’t lose your progress omg pls don’t)
Continue asking for help/advice if you feel you need it.
Make a to-do list, keep it organized and in multiple places.
Figure out which streaming services work best for you and get good at finding dramas/movies that aren’t on regular streaming services
I hope this helped!!! If you need any more help please feel free to DM me or send another ask!
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Please can you tell you friend @theborders that it’s too late to delete posts and act like nothing happened. Alexa has seen them and is upset. I think she should apologise. I didn’t realise telling her would be so bad considering they were posted on a public website. How can you post stuff about someone on a public blog and expect them not to see? Also she probably told Sam about how she loved country just to be close to him
Okay, this is a late reply considering this was sent to me the other day, but I wasn't sure whether replying or not since I thought this would've simmered down. Well, I was wrong.
Things that drive me insane: a bullet point
• Faceless users on the internet exhorting strangers online to do something.
Going 28 and I usually don't take any advice from people who aren't in my personal bubble, but I'll make an exception today. So, I oblige. @theborders this anon is dying to let you know what they think 👉🏻🥺👈🏻
• Faceless users (omg! once again) not paying attention to the content of the different blogs they dive into.
I don't know if you're new here, but I have said many times that I'm not interested in it, therefore I have never posted any gossip, it's my policy. I don't give a flying sock about it. I don't know why you sent this to me, you would've spared this wordy rant from my behalf. We were talking about gossip, weren't we? Well I don't like it, but other people do and it's fine because it's life. Everyone's different, you know. A blog is like a house; every house has its own rules, same goes with blogs. Everyone's free to talk about whatever they please on their blog and I am nobody to tell people to apologise for things they've said about certain matters (I don't have an opinion about as I don't care about the matter per se). It's not my purpose on Tumblr. I am nobody's mother lmao
• People venting about something they've done and I have nothing to do with. Sorry, but you did tell Alexa and put theborders in a very bad mood and now you're gonna take the consequences that come with it. It's too late.
(For the record, I have just got the gist of what happened with Alexa considering I don't give a shit about gossip - yeah, I think it's good pointing it out every now and then to make it seep in order to avoid the wordy rant mentioned earlier. You say she's upset and I get it, but I mean she's a public figure and people on the internet talk about public figures, that's nothing new. Same thing for what you've said on chatting about what she did on a public blog. There's no difference. So... 🤷🏻‍♀️)
• People thinking they're the good ones for the purpose of """helping""" their peers, but they drag others down instead.
Can you imagine giving away to thousands of bystanders private information, like the place where someone lives just because you don't like what a person has said/done?! Mad stuff that. You doxxed her. I don't believe you realise what you've done. It gives unhinged vibes. You are eligible for a charge. Plus, you cyberbullied and harassed her by leaking her personal info online. I think the penalty for the guilt commited isn't quite right. There's a significant imbalance. We're only human after all, making mistakes is within our fallible nature. Your actions reek of arrogance. You can make mistakes as well, and sure enough you did so I am having words with you. No one is infallible and you're not a judge to decide what to do with people you think they did wrong in your eyes. Believe it or not, she didn't say anything that lousy to give away her info online. Stop being obsessed with this whole thing. We're trying to forget about it but you seem to be relentlessly devoted to drama.
• People hiding behind anonymous asks and not having the courage to come off anon to have a normal interaction with the person everything started with. Do you think that sending anons to every Sam Fender blog related on Tumblr is a clever move? Think twice before you do something.
One more thing before I go, are you trying to plant the seed of gossip on my blog with "Also she probably told Sam about how she loved country just to be close to him"? Anyway, I don't know what you're referring to as I don't know every detail of what happened AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.
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theloveinc · 2 years
You did really good with what I had! I'm not a fic writer, which is why I wanted to pawn it off. This is blanket permission to take it wherever you want 😊
He's making fun of our slippers? And we're being cute and domestic? Yes please 🥰
And like, he already knew us which is why he wanted to ask us out in the first place, but now after spending so much time with us he really knows us, y'know? Like it's one thing to know someone's favorite snacks, and another to know why it's those ones and not something else. Or how passionately you'll argue with him to defend a certain genre of movie (he's fine with rom-coms, but he'll argue with you about any other genre just to get you riled up).
How do you think he eventually asks us again? Is it super casual like before, or does he put more effort in now that he knows what we'd want? Oh! Do you think he's had to watch us turn down other people, just to turn around and agree to go do an activity with him, but it's not a "date" (hiking, video games, farmers' market, etc.)? I think Denki definitely asked us out once or twice just to mess with him 😂
(are you still doing anon labels/tags on this new blog? If so can I be 🐞 if it isn't already taken? If you're not doing it then don't worry about it! I just foresee me wanting to send more brain rot your way if you're okay with that?)
(pt. i here!)
ARGHHHH, and Bakugo just being increasingly more and more glad that he was turned down initially, cuz now that you're both at the point where you know why you like which snacks, know which socks the other prefers, even the various before work + shower routines you have... things are so much deeper than before.
NOT that you wouldn't have gotten to that point eventually too, but... it almost feels more special this way cuz it's like... his love for you (and you him?) is bigger than ever now.
I definitely think he puts in more effort now, too! Obviously not... too much (just because he has a hard time thinking of things that aren't ridiculous), but he buys you flowers and candies, at the very least! Or maybe writes a card, OR OMG PLANS A LITTLE WALK OR OUTING, like a picnic🥺 cuz by that point, you're basically in the dating stage already so it doesn't feel weird or nerve-racking at all.
Skjdfhaklsdf though, I agree that Denki absolutely asks you out... and yeah, probably not even seriously (cuz of bro-code), but instead to show a crybaby Bakugo that the reason he was rejected wasn't because you didn't like him, but that you were "too busy for anyone and everyone, man" (cuz lord knows he has to explain since Bakugo is peeved @ him LOL).
He feels better when you immediately come round to express how weird it was that Denki asked you out, though... and then ask to do something together later (like you said, and btw, I love all your ideas). It's the one time he's like... damn, Denki was actually Right.
Though honestly, Denki is probably pretty good at dating, in some ways, but I digress!
ANYWAYYY, absolutely you can be ladybug anon!!! You're gonna be my first named anon who didn't move over w/ the same name from IHB, so yes it's available (and super cute)🥰🥰🥰. I really look forward to any future asks you send, and I hope being patient with me when it comes to responding isn't too difficult❤️
Thank you again for this!!!
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nrhshm · 2 years
I love your blog so much, omg can't help but read all the stories at once and some even twice or more!
I wanted to ask if maybe could write something like the reader looking all sweet or pretty and stuff, just like more innocent, but they listen to hard rock? Am in my rock phase again and everyone is like, 'nah you don't look like someone who likes rock, you too soft' like what?? Their faces and the time they need to process is always quiet hilarious, sometimes weird, but yeah
Well, depends on whom you're referring to. I'll take the strawhats.
. Reader taken female
. Spoiler free
. Platonic
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Y/n, the "sweetheart", "butterfly", an "Angel" that fits every single innocent name thrown at her, the strawhats know her purest words and habits, her modest hobbies, her cutest thoughts...
Or so they thought.
Everyone's jaw dropped witnessing your absurd behaviour as you jammed your head violently to the fiery music, singing with all your mighty vocal cords as you thrash around monkey-dancing and cleaning the room.
Ussop was the first to intervene. His words almost completely obscured by loud strums of the metallic guitar.
"I umm... sorry for the sudden inte-?" You catch a hint of his voice and immediately turn around mortified. Instinctively reaching out for the speaker's off button and resuming your laundry duty, a way to hide your embarassment.
You silently pray to any god and being up there to kick your crew out of your sight, cast a memory rewinding spell on them, and send them into an induced hibernation.
Oh right. You've also never been pure in thought anyway.
Zoro let out a wholeheartedly laugh at the whole thing, never been anymore amused than the scenario he's witnessing. Sanji, getting annoyed by the latter, shoots out any insult he could come up with to shut him up, which resulted in the two fighting. At this point, Nami had to step in and break the two apart-... you know, the usual scene.
Yet you were too busy watching the two to notice Luffy fumbling with the round speakers until a loud CRACKKKK echos across the room.
Immediately turning to your captain, who now has both speakers in his mouth and a disgusted look on his face, you stand there stunned.
"Idiot!!" Sanji shouts on the ladies behalf, knowing fully well how much you three use the said thing to relax and rewind.
"YOU MORON!! That's the only one we have!!!" The navigator would've brutally pounced the confused strawhat if it weren't for Ussop's godly instincts coming into play, holding her back
"But it looked like grilled meat."
"Sanji... MEAT!!" Luffy absentmindedly races towards the blond chef in complete agony, thus receiving a full blown kick to the face.
"Apologise to the ladies now!" He demands confidently, Luffy in return still not catching on his wrongdoing.
You finally let a good laugh at the sight. 'They sure are a rowdy crew' you ponder, the sincere smile not leaving your face. Taking a quick step towards them, you wave your hand sheepishly.
"Don't worry guys!! I'll buy us a new one once we dock on the next island." The softness of your voice immediately calming the rest of the crew, your innocent demeanor returning almost immediately.
Sanji wastes no time to barrage you with french compliments, then getting ear-dragged outside the room by Nami before he could launch himself at your figure.
Soon enough the commotion's over, and you find yourself left alone with the sharpshooter, who was busy examining the now crushed/bitten music speaker.
"Man, Luffy really roughed up this thing." He mumbles in disappointment. On the other hand, you let out quiet snort, still finding your captain's antics pretty hilarious, as you finish sorting out the ship's bookshelf.
"And you!" His sudden change of tone had you halt in surprise. "Y-Yeah?"
The latter, in return raised a brow in bewilderment.
"I never took you for a hard-metal music fan!!" He exclaimed.
"Just like I never took you for the ship's coward?"
"I know~-- H-HEY!!" He retaliates in frustration.
Your eyes blink innocently at him, till that same sentence hits you like a kindling.
"Uh! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!!" You bow to the ground regretfully, truely bewildered by your lack of empathy.
"Cut it out!! I'M NOT HURT!" He puffs his shoulders denying all causes of embarassment, then burries himself in examining the broken gadget again.
Seems like you've returned to your original visage, oblivious and kind (in some way). But with all the times of knowing you as his fellow Strawhat- Heck! He's even shared his matress with you and had sleepouts together, as bestfriends! Yet... things still seem far from the ordinary. You suddenly get a new bonus trait, an air of mystery surrounds you.
And maybe, the crew itself actually find that appealing.
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1d1195 · 6 months
HELP I THINK WE REALLY ARE TWINS MY SISTER SAYS THE SAME THING TO ME OMGGG (one time she said if she had to describe my music taste it would be ‘sad indie girl’)
i also LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE gentle music it just hits so hard for me and it’s sooo comforting
ooooh my favorite shows to find songs are def ‘the vampire diaries’ and ‘the originals’ idk but whoever was working on the soundtrack for them DID. THEIR. JOB. THEYRE SOOOOO GOOD (i also pulled up shazam like twice every episode HAHA)
~ 🎶 (love the emoji rec btw so thanks for that it’s so cute)
My friends Toyota is one of my top songs of the year. Heard it on TikTok. Just love it so so much. The singers other songs are also a vibe in general ☺️ but that one is my FAVORITE but I wouldn’t expect anyone else to hear it really.
Omg that’s so funny! You’ll have to share some of the songs you found too! I’ve never seen TVD 🙈 I know I should have but idk if I can do it now. I was so invested in Twilight I’m not sure I’m ready to awaken that part of my soul again 😭😂 I feel like I’ve heard of the originals but haven’t seen it! I’ll have to check that one out!
I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! Thanks for being my friend and visiting my blog 💕 so glad to have someone to gush over my music taste with!
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Happy New Year sunshine! I wish you and your loved ones a holiday full of happiness and rest. Thank you for sharing with us a bit of your culture! I'm really interested in Asian countries' cultures ❤️
Oh yes, I saw it! I'm sure that would be a nice way to celebrate your birthday haha! Same here, I'm really excited for the new season and to see Levi again 👀
I'm always so happy and in awe to hear you're glad to have me on your blog and that you consider me a dear friend of yours. My heart feels so warm right now and that's all thanks to you. I know I'm repetitive haha, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're playing a big role in my road back to recovery and for that I'm eternally grateful. Remember the same goes for you! Whatever problem you're facing, I'm here to help you and give you the love you deserve so much 💖
Omg you make progress really fast haha. So glad to hear you keep enjoying the game and that you're almost done with the first part of the experience. Haha yes, those hybrid flowers seem easy to breed, but actually it's quite hard at the beginning. I still remember my failed attempts haha. Congratulations for your first hybrid flower dear! I'm sure it'll be followed by many others. Oh I've never heard that game before and I wasn't aware it existed a mobile version of animal crossing. If you didn't like it you did a good thing deleting it. I have some games on my phone I don't really play anymore, but I don't want to delete theme because I feel like maybe I could have a change of heart. However, that never happens and then I end up with my phone's memory clogged! I wish you good luck with your progress! But with the rapidity with which you proceed, you probably don't need it 💕
Oh god! I've always wanted to play God of War Ragnarok!! Unfortunately I have a Xbox and the game isn't avaible there, only on ps4/5. I hope your bf likes it and that he's having a good time. When I was younger I used to play Cooking Mama with my brother and we loved it so much! It may seem childish but it's actually a good game. Glad to hear you were able to convince him to buy it and that everything worked out in the end. Once or twice I played GTA with my cousin, I never learned how to drive properly there and I always broke the car by crashing into something. Omg same! I have those Pokémon toys that used to come with McDonald's Happy Meal too. Unfortunately, I don't know anymore where I put them haha 💙
I'm glad to hear you came to a decision regarding Levi's birthday this year. Keeping mind of your creativity, I'm sure it'll be a great event! I'm excited for it and I can't wait to se what you have in mind 💗
Talking about shyness, I feel like I'm ready to reveal myself to you! But I remember you saying once that you enjoy not knowing who I am. So I want to let you decide! I'm happy with being one of your emoji anons so please don't feel pressured! 😊
Yes, you're right. We've come a long way together and likewise, I'm thankful to have you as one of my dearest friends! 🥰🥹
No need to thank me! I read your shipping fics in the past and I was in awe! Like you said, you and Levi are perfect for each other. I feel like with you Levi would be so happy and content with life. I'm so glad to hear you've overcome your insecurities and that you're enjoying this experience!
Thank you so much for the message! You saying that I make you happy makes my heart melt! I'm the one who should thank you for your support, for chatting with me and for letting me become one of your emoji anons! Never apologize for taking your time to reply! I understand you perfectly. Enjoy your holiday sunshine, I love you 💞 ~[🧸]
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Hi there my dearest 🧸 anon!!! Good day to you! Thank you so much for the well wishes! It's been raining the entire day and even though I'm not complaining... it's too cold XD I'm glad that I can show you bits and parts of East Asian and Southeast Asian culture over here!!! I'm so happy to hear that you're interested in learning about my culture too. There's probably only a few people here who understands my culture, and I'm really touched to hear these from you hehe. Other than spreading my love for Levi, my blog will also be here to spread the love for East and Southeast Asian culture too!!
Hahha for SNK to air on my birthday is either the best or worse way to celebrate tbh... But yes!! I can't wait to see Levi again 🥺💖 I'm sure everyone misses him terribly and we can't wait for him to appear on the big screen again <3
Hehe. I think I'm also very repetitive, because I'm always talking about how grateful I am to have such a supportive friend like you too! There may be lots of bad things happening on the internet all the time, but I'm glad to have found you! ^^ let's continue to support each other for a long long time ☺️
Hehe, yesterday (21/01) my new Residence Services opened and now I have Isabelle on my island!!! Yay!!!! And Tom Nook just started talking to me about building that campsite to invite K.K. Slider over 😂 and urgh I have to farm for iron nuggets again................ :/ I'm making friends with my island's residents and I'm having so much fun!! I love it when I gift them something and they give me clothes in return haha, it's so cool!!
Talking about hybrid flowers, I got a second pink windflower again! And I got an orange pansy too, and a second one is blooming ^^ I'm trying to manifest for my other flowers to have hybrids too... other than windflowers and pansies, I have hyacinths, cosmos, and mums!! My tulip seeds are still in my storage because I have too many flowers outside my house XD
Pocket camp is actually quite fun!! It's similar to acnh, but you're at a campsite instead of an island. I kinda liked it, but it was hard earning money and I wanted to get those spring-limited kimonos and sakura decorations etc, but then I didn't want to spend money on those lol... so I gave up pocket camp XD but I'm the same!! Sometimes I keep games on my phone because of nostalgia, and I think I'll go back to playing them one day. In the end, I don't and it's just there wasting space.... hahaha.
Well my bf finished God of War Ragnarok already!!! He was complaining about how ridiculously hard it was to get the platinum trophy for the game on the PS achievements, so he stopped playing and he's going to uninstall it haha. I don't follow the God of War series, so it was interesting to watch him playthrough Ragnarok too! Aww cooking mama is really fun!! I used to play it on my cousin's PSP and that's how I got to know cooking mama lol. He loves playing cooking mama now XD
Don't worry, I'm terrible at GTA too. I tried playing it and I failed my first mission miserably???? I keep banging my car and killing people too, so I gave up on the game HAHA. I think my pokemon toys are still somewhere in my room though... I hope I can find them some day hehe.
Since Levi's birthday falls on Christmas, my idea for Happy Birthday Levi this year somehow coincides with the theme of gifting hehe. I'll leave it as it is so that I don't drop anymore spoilers~
Awwww!! 🥺💖 haha, tbh I'm okay with either too! I would love to know who you are, but at the same time, I love the anonymity about you too! I love seeing you as my emoji anon! It feels like I am talking to a secret admirer XD don't feel pressurised to let me know your identity as well, I actually really do enjoy this 'mysterious' factor about not knowing who you are hehe.
Haha I'm glad I overcame that insecurity too! Ultimately, I started writing Levi fics because it makes me happy to show my love for my favourite character is this way, and I started selfshipping because it makes me happy too. I realised I shouldn't be embarrassed for being such a huge selfshipper, and as long as it makes me happy, why not! Even though not many people read my Reivi stuff, I know that there will always be people out there who do read them and that's good enough for me 🥰
Thank you so much for this very thoughtful message too my dearest 🧸!! I appreciate you a lot and I am always keeping you in my thoughts 💚 also, not sure if you saw, but I made a discord server for my followers here!! There's not many of us yet, and I'm still trying to make it a nice cosy place just like my blog too hehe. If you have discord, feel free to join my server!! But same thing: please don't feel pressurised to do so as well ☺️ take care of yourself, and I'm looking forward to hear from you again!!! (*^^*)
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belovedcherie · 2 years
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I posted 498 times in 2022
That's 498 more posts than 2021!
94 posts created (19%)
404 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@belovedcherie (lol its me)
I tagged 497 of my posts in 2022
#art - 137 posts
#reblog - 128 posts
#fav!!! - 101 posts
#cherie's chats - 69 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 64 posts
#project sekai - 56 posts
#cherie watches stuff! - 30 posts
#cherie's aesthetic - 21 posts
#spy x family - 20 posts
#splatoon - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if i had a penny for everytime we were worried bakugou died i'd have 2 pennies which isnt a lot but its concerning that it happened twice..
My Top Posts in 2022:
9 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
thoughts on multiplication
bc i need to scream about this SOMEWHERE. LIKE WOW. OKAY.
obviously spoilers are under the cut !!
tld;r: yelling abt adrien and WHAT ARE EVERYONES INTENTIONS??
yes im gonna yell about this first because adrienette holds my HEART YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THEY R EVERYTHING TO ME </3
ive been waiting for adrien to pin for marinette in canon for so long and season 3 def delivered with the little stares he was giving her BUT NOW THAT ITS FRFR HAPPENING?? HIS BLUSH WHEN HE LOOKS AT HER IN THE MORNING? HIM IMMEDIATELY CALLING HER UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT TO TELL HER HOW SPECIAL SHE IS? SOBBING
okay but the fact that he probs tried to kiss her every. day. we only saw 3 sequences but if that montage happened over the span of several weeks..... i am swooning. i am in tears. shambles.
that being said before i write an essay on light of my life adrien lets talk abt,,,
reverse love square??
i love the idea of reverse love square bc adrien being a lovesick fool for marinette is my aesthetic but iM JUST HJDGSFSGKF BC OF THE TIMINGG
i was kinda hoping for some sudden rapid development today but im not complaining at all dw 🙏🏾 simp-drien is enough
the ladynoir moments are real cute tho :( them playing cards im cryingsdjhs
im excited to see the ship dynamic in the future episodes heheheh
this man becomes more of a loser every episode what else is there to say
him digitalizing adrien.... funny... not funny haha...funny weird....
i hate when this guy gets smarter cuz he always has some wack trick up his sleeve 😔 but i wanna know more abt those weird siri rings
ALSO HOW DOES TOMOE PLAY IN THIS?? i think she knows hes hawkmoth but why is she helping him?? ik they were leading up to their partnership before so i guess we'll finally see why they were so secretive in the past!!
i was gonna talk abt her in the gabriel point but this girl is so annoying she deserves one for herself
the genuine irritation i feel whenever i see her character on screen is actually funny
"ladybugs just a kid we need to forgive her ;(" GIRL I HOPE PARIS CAN FORGIVE U FOR THE CRIMES YOU'VE COMMITTED??
im sorry theres nothing productive to say abt her other than the fact that it seems shes going to play a bigger role this season (sadly) (but also yay cuz she brings the spice)
okay last point is abt felix
i hope and PRAY he treats dusuu well homegirls been going through it D:
See the full post
11 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
i saw miraculous was trending and i was like OMG IS THERE FINALLY A NEW SEASON 5 EP?? but it was just beau 😭
12 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
HI so um. back in 2020 kade made this meme thing and i dont think ive ever recovered from it bc I WAS SO TOUCHED LIKE 🙁 NOBODYS EVER MADE ME A MEME BEFORE
since we started talking again a month (+ a day bc i am late) ago i had the idea to make him one in return bc TALKING TO U MAKES ME SO HAPPY AND U DESERVE THE WORLD !!!
sooo here ya go @luymani ILYSM!! happy one month anniversary /p (that sounded way funnier in my head im so sorry LMAO)
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13 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
thinking abt my son syaoran li ♡
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See the full post
27 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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Hey i really love your blog!!! I just plucked the courage to actually send u an ask fhdjhd but GOSH i love your video edits and your gifs and your meta article posts, you're so articulate and you can explain/describe moments in a way that makes me go "oh wow, i cant believe i haven't seen it that way before!!" Haha ANYWAYS i'm just here to say that i completely agree with what all u said, Free creators might do a lil fanservice here and there for the 25 ships that exists within the fandom's circle, but rinharu's storyline is clearly the most romantic one! And i'd argue it's the one closest to being canon esp after part 1, i mean the fact that they put such an explosive emotional outburst right at the end of the second to the last movie means a lot. It's like reinforcing the fact that this series has always been about them, and everything that has happened only happened either because they met or they grew appart and miss eachother. I kinda feel like maybe.. juust maayyybe there's a chance KA wants to make the ship canon, since it's the last movie and they want to end it on a highnote maybe (bcs honestly i think the only reason they've been holding back is purely bcs of the merch sales, since they don't have a problem showing a wholesome lesbian love story in kobayashi maid dragon) butt i could be wrong, maybe i'm just overly optimistic and delusional, they could somehow ruin it and give an ending that panders to all the ships again 😅🥲, but at least there's a clear-cut guarantee that part 2 would dedicate a large portion of it fixing rin and haru's fight!!! Oohh how can i wait another 6 months now!!😭😭 (sorry for the long ask btw!! 🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
OMG thank you so so much!! For watching my vids too! ❤️❤️❤️ It really means a lot to me! Ahhhh wow, thats the longest ask I've ever recieved! 😍 I'm trying to explain myself so hard lol I'm glad its appreciated, bc sometimes I'm like "I don't fucking know how to say this" xD
Well, you know me, I only care for one ship, which is the only one with confirmed info that they're both actually gay and have mutual feelings for each other. There are some other ships in free! I'm fine with (those do not include Rin or Haru in them xD), but I just mostly don't care, bc after reading all the stuff, you can see that in some of those to one the other one is actually like his second option, which I just do not like. Others I just don't even see, bc again to me who witnessed great close male friendships and having two sisters who I'm very close to, I just do not see anything romantic in that.
It's not just Free! tbh, it's like any sports anime these days. They see two guys walking together, it's a ship. And like no one cares if they're just bros. Like I'd get i they did some fanservice fanservice, but like I never saw anyone in Free! crossing the line the way rinharu do. I can without thinking much name you 10 rh moments that no matter how hard you think can't be explain as being bros, but can't name one when it comes to others. I just find some ppl shipping everyone with everyone weird sometimes. It's like western fans see like some eastern actors or singers slap each other ass lovingly and they're like "oh they're fucking" I'm like "yeah, ofc all 500 of them, you're absolutely right". And Free! doesn't do anything even like that, I just do not get sometimes like what moment even brought on some ships. I'm genuinely confused. Albert and Haru? You fucking fell from a sakura tree or smth? I'm...
I'm especially confused when it comes to guys, whose character type is who I call "I only want this one and if I can't have it, then I'm ok" xD. It just always surprised me, when they try to pair up them with someone else, it's like a complete ooc.
I'm also not into this whole "well, if there are gays in this anime, than everyone there is gay". I'm like... huh. It's like with KNB and MDZS I had same feeling. It's like you have already couples there who are canon/borderline canon, why do you need another 10 who don't even interact or just don't even go there? I'm always so confused in those situations. Or like wangxian is married and some are like "no, I actually don't like it, let me write a fic when they're with other ppl". Lan Zhan... being in love or having sex with someone else? Yeah, that's not Lan Zhan, dude, you're writing about someone else. Might as well change the name at this point.
But last time I went to twitter someone had a thread about how if they make s4 of Free! they should mainly explore there Momo's angst (and no, it wasn't a joke), so I'm already like, I'm just.. nothing will surprise me no more. But I'm forever gonna be confused.
Yeah, I eel you about "going there". I mean seeing part of it, it just kinda cemented my confusion, bc I do not get how it can be considered platonic. We were just discussing since yesterday with @freeseafirefly how I now even more perplexed and do not understand how they will resolve it without going into relationship territory. It's just our point here is that like... no one forced them to go there (I mean its not like this whole fandom has some wild expectations or anything already), we were waiting or our usual friendship and swimming and maybe tiny conflict about struggles of pro-careers and some usual rh implications (maybe all the rh gay in dramas as always). Not some pure fanfiction coming to life here haha.
Like why I'm laughing is bc I twice used in my "fics" bringing up him leaving Haru as a force to push the confession, bc there's no way if he adresses this it won't lead to this. And now we not only have this (bc Haru just basically layed it out there), but an actual scene of him playing on their feelings for each other and a literal image of Rin leaving and "taking Haru's heart with him" to the point when he's for the first time in his life openly crying on the ground. And it's not like this scene can be interpreted as anything else, the whole fandom talks same, bc the whole fight was just about them, what Haru said was just about them, there's a literal boom of his heart getting out of his chest, before he falls and now he's heartless.
So our question is like... why go there?
It's like some say that they might still resolve it with "they're special to each other" and swimming, but still like we already knew that, there was no reason to go that far is what I'm saying. And to think that it was planned since forever giving the clues is like... ???
The whole spoon theme also throw me on the loop because like, lets be honest, it's wedding themed. And that part of the interview about part 2 there also made me go...?????? Because I mean, huh?
This is just all in all very interesting turn of events to say the least. I do not see the point of all of this if its not what I think it is, esp after seeing tweets like "even I see a rh wedding and I'm mh T_T". It's just all very unsubtle, that's why we're confused.
Like who knows, maybe we'll really by some magic turn of events get lucky and they really decided that since its the ending, it's okay to go for it. But I also don't wanna to hype myself much, I'm already really happy with it, just bc again, this scene already proves all of my points.
And yeah, I'm sure they'll pander to everyone, bc it's the end and etc and we have to handle everything on the good note and there's a whole line of ppl who's obsessed with us, esp with Haru xD, but like bromance pandering and romance pandering are different things, you know *wiggles eyebrows* and u know who always gets the second one.
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i had an idea i would love to see from your perspective (you're so good at andreil oh my god) if you wanted to write some stuff about it? i always wondered how andrew reacted when he first found neil missing after the binghampton game (starts pg 235 in the king's men). thoughts? (-- the ttyl blog <3)
omg i literally finished re-reading that scene before seeing your ask skjflsj ~ i hope you like this ! (i'm just realizing that i barely followed ur request and just rambled a lot but that's FINE 😬)
read it on ao3 here :)
Andrew walked in line to the bus with the rest of the Foxes, mind going a million miles an hour behind his impassive expression. 
"Thank you," Neil had said, eyes truer than Andrew had ever seen them. "You were amazing."
Andrew wasn't such a fool for Neil Josten that he couldn't figure out there was something more happening under the surface, something bigger than just an Exy shutout, that he wasn't telling anyone. Something forcing truth out of him.
Neil looked scared.
Apparently, no one else received the memo, because behind him, Matt Boyd kept kicking at Andrew's heels and Andrew could nearly see the nosy smile on Reynold's face. Boyd's voice was drowned out by the cacophony of both jeers and shouts of approval coming from all around them, but he had no doubts that Boyd was fishing for information surrounding his and Neil's "not this" to settle a bet of some sort.
Andrew didn't really care. He was more focused on leaving Binghamton, getting some answers out of Neil, and then kissing him senseless.
Of course, Andrew had no plans to tell Neil of that last item on the list, but he was sure he (and everyone else, apparently) knew anyway.
Maybe not Nicky, though. For all his cousin boasted about having an "incredible gaydar," he tended to be a bit clueless about Andrew.
Andrew's eyes were unfocused, gazing at the bounce of Neil's red curls while his thoughts wandered around nothing at all.
Nothing? his mind mused unhelpfully. Or Neil? Or is that one in the same now?
Shut up, he huffed internally. I hate him.
Lost in his head, it was only until he heard a pained curse from Aaron that he jerked straight and saw the world burning around him.
Andrew's vision went red. 
He nearly would have broken out of line and straight into the tidal wave of rioters had he not noticed the police trying to push back the crowd. He had never trusted the pigs, but Andrew supposed he could let them handle the mess until he'd gotten a chance to check on Aaron at the bus.
He had nearly fooled himself with that thought when an ice cooler sailed through the air and missed Danielle's face by an inch. An enraged shout came from Andrew's right, and he could feel the familiar heat of adrenaline in his stomach that always came when he and Renee sparred.
There was going to be a fight.
No sooner than he had that thought, the crowd around him exploded into madness, nearly running the Foxes over. Andrew may have been ready to throw some punches, but he was not at all prepared for the onslaught of unfamiliar bodies piling on him. Moving around him. Touching him. 
Andrew couldn't breathe.
He lost sight of Neil's head in the mess, hoping one of the security guards would bring Neil to safety while Andrew tried to ground himself. What had Bee taught him? 
What is your name? Andrew Minyard.
How old are you? 20 years old.
What is upsetting you? Hands. Everywhere.
Can you do something about it? Yes. I can move now.
He felt the glancing blow of someone's elbow on his face, nearly hitting his eye. It was sure to bruise later, but for now, the sharp pain mixed with Bee's words were enough to shake Andrew out of his stupor.
He ducked to the left, neatly missing a thrown shoe and was grateful to his limited stature for once. He kept an eye out for a flash of red, the glint of blue eyes, but seeing that Neil was nearly as short as Andrew himself, the effort was futile.
He'll be fine, Andrew thought. Find Nicky, Aaron, and Kevin, and get to the bus.
To his surprise (or maybe not), Andrew found Reynolds trading fierce blows with someone twice her size, Renee at her back. He caught Renee's glance and she gave him a firm nod of reassurance.
He nodded back, already swiveling to find the rest of his group. 
After a few minutes, he spotted Nicky and Kevin huddled together, slowly moving to the edge of the crowd. He caught up and grabbed Nicky's wrist, who jerked away and reared his hand back for a punch before realizing it was Andrew.
Despite it all, Andrew felt a thrum of satisfaction. A few years ago, Nicky had let people beat him down over and over again. At least now he was learning to fight back.
"Oh thank god," Nicky cried, catching Kevin's attention, before his eyes widened. He reached out, remembering himself at the last second. "Andrew... your face, what happened?"
Andrew shrugged. He'd been through worse. 
Nicky looked like he wanted to say something, but Kevin cursed loudly and began pushing out of the sea of bodies with renowned vigor.
"It's getting more violent and more people are joining," Kevin said, voice strained. "We need to get out and regroup at the bus."
"Aaron?" Andrew asked. Nicky glanced around a few moments before pointing to his right.
"There!" he exclaimed, and motioned to Kevin to go in that direction. Kevin nodded and they made their way over to Aaron, who was ducking under beer bottles and was nearly smacked in the face by a PSU banner.
"Aaron!" Kevin called, and Aaron's shoulders dropped with relief as he swerved a growing fight and made his way over to them.
Andrew scanned his brother quickly and, after seeing no visible injuries, motioned to start back towards the parking lot. They made their way over to the bus and found Boyd and Danielle standing, the former looking like he'd just lost a fight with a mountain lion.
Danielle was gripping his arm as Abby tended to his wounds, but Andrew heard her say he might need to go to the hospital for the more serious injuries. Boyd looked pained at the thought, but when he glanced up and caught Andrew's eye, he smiled and waved them over.
"Andrew, here," Abby said, noticing his injury. He took an ice pack from her and glanced around.
"Where's Neil?" he asked, choosing to ignore the suggestive look between Boyd and Danielle. Abby shrugged and opened her mouth before her eyes caught on something behind Andrew and she waved.
Andrew turned around to find Renee and Reynolds walking proudly towards them. Reynolds had a mosaic of bruises all over her, and Renee was holding her wrist precariously.
Abby sighed and began treating them as Wymack rounded the front of the bus and finally found his team.
Not the whole team, a ringing voice said in Andrew's head. Neil isn't here yet.
Which was odd, no? He had a security guard in front of him, surely he would have made it here first? Perhaps Wymack had seen him and taken him somewhere. Maybe he was already safe in the bus and Abby hadn’t noticed him.
Andrew pushed past Danielle and boarded the bus, walking the length of it but not finding a loudmouthed striker in its shadows. His stomach became knotted with a curious feeling he slowly identified as dread.
Andrew was at the door of the bus again. He looked at Wymack.
"Where. Is. Neil." he demanded. He saw Wymack's confused expression and before he even said anything, Andrew felt his heart stop.
"I don't know. I thought he was with you."
Reynold's knowing smirk gave way to uncertainty as the rest of the Foxes quieted. There was silence for a moment. Two.
Then Andrew threw his ice pack on the floor and raced back into the heart of the riot.
He ignored the shouts coming from behind him, his mind an endless loop of Neil, Neil, Neil, is he safe, has he been hurt, he was supposed to be nothing, NEIL
After a few minutes of searching and more than a few near punches, the police finally regained some control over the situation and Andrew was able to scour the grounds for any hint of where Neil might be.
He saw the racquet first. The duffle bag was a few meters away from it.
Numbly, Andrew picked up both items, grabbing Neil's phone as it fell from the netted side pocket.
0, it said. 
Andrew felt a piercing emptiness when he saw Neil's things without their rightful owner beside them.
He slowly walked back to the Foxes' bus, head pounding but unable to really register the dwindling fight behind him. And when the Foxes finally came in view, he saw the confusion on their faces when they saw no Neil walking with him.
Andrew mentally ran through everything that he knew. Neil was scared. He was running from someone, someone Kevin knew about? A zero on his phone from an unnamed number — a countdown, perhaps. He would never leave his things unattended, so maybe he wanted to tell Andrew he had been taken unwillingly, knowing that Andrew would never leave without him.
There was something he was missing, some vital piece of information that Neil hadn't told him that was causing this mess.
The guilty look on Kevin's face told Andrew everything he needed to know. He knew something.
He dumped Neil's things on the ground by Wymack's feet, mentally assessing himself. His cheek throbbed, each breath he took was sticky with sweat, his heart was pounding.
Neil was gone.
Andrew felt such a blind hot rage at that, the likes of which he hadn't felt in so long, the type where he felt like laughing at how cruel the world could be.
And before he could tell his body to stop, Andrew's hands were around Kevin's throat.
"Shit Andrew! You're hurting— " "Andrew, stop— " "Get off of— "
Andrew couldn't remember what happened after that, not immediately at least. It was a bit disorienting, going from a perfect recollection to being so overrun by anger that his mind went blank. Was this how everyone else felt all the time? He felt like someone just took out a Jenga piece from his mind, like it was close to collapsing.
Distantly, he recalled being yanked off of Kevin as he gasped some explanation about a mob boss, Kengo's right hand man, Nathaniel Wesninski. But none of it mattered. Andrew had broken his promise. He had hurt the person he had vowed to protect, just like so many had done to him.
And he still didn't have Neil.
Neil used to make the emptiness a bit fuller, a bit easier to manage, Andrew thought. It felt so impossible to navigate himself now without Neil by Andrew's side.
There was a hospital. A hotel. There were FBI agents. The news turned on. Off. On. There was another hotel. Handcuffs. Taken away.
There was Nathaniel Neil. Standing in front of him. Blue eyes, wild hair, bandages unable to hide how irresistible he was, unable to stop the jolt in Andrew's heart.
There was Neil. And everything felt right again.
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moving forward.
omg hi. long time no talk, right? we all know that life / school / work can get crazy. because of that, we had to take a step back but we’re back & ready to kick things into gear. we’ve got a few important things to go over, including activity, canon/plot, starters and our goals moving forward. let’s get to it!
we’ve been suuuuper lax on activity recently but we need to get it up to stop from being a ghost town. in order to combat that, we’re going to implement new activity rules. we’re going to try and be as firm as possible on them. here we go:
i. we will be holding activity checks every month and they will take place on the last friday. 
ii. each blog is required to post five times a month.
iii. any blog that fails to hit the activity requirement will be unfollowed. you will not be able to retake the role until the end of the following month, pending you follow the activity requirements for that month. should the same blog fail twice, they will not be able to be taken again until our further discretion. during the time the role is reopened, they will be available for applications and will not be held.
in order to start fresh and clean some things up, we’ll be resetting so that our canon aligns with  the mcu & comics. that means that all our previous event will no longer be in canon and will exist in their own separate reality. as it stands, we will be caught up with moon knight + the multiverse of madness in terms of continuity. we’ll likely be posting more about this moving forward. for now, we’ll say that reality is a bit unstable following the multiverse of madness. we’ll be following a plot that covers incursions + reality warping. that event will help us ease into this new phase.
furthermore, we’ll be releasing alternate reality versions of characters, primarily ones from earth-616 that coincide with earth-199999 roles. we’ll do this according to where each potential character fits in the plot.
we have a new tag! the old one is a bit clogged up, so from here on out feel free to post in mvmstarters. that being said, we encourage you to post as many starters as you’d like leading up until our first activity check. if you do so, please consider our fresh canon and where we’re heading. keep in mind we’ll be doing a transition event shortly!
we have a resource blog! we reblog gifhunts/resources for all taken roles. you can find us at infinitehunts, and here you can find the tutorial on how to use the blog. check it out + see how it works! hopefully it makes life easier.
we’ll keep this short because this post is long. moving forward, we’re excited to get active once more and have a good ass time. please message us with any questions!
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EDIT: a bunch of members have remade blogs, so there will be a flood of new follows on the dash. just be warned!
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