#I love the one for Annabel it’s *chefs kiss*
tequiilasunriise · 1 year
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Let’s see here- an abusive, narcissistic prick who manipulates women and has a clear red raging bull design but the fandom calls him a “fucken goatman” regardless?
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At the very least Adam was so homophobic that, in a roundabout way, he became the number one Bumbleby truther (“I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love, starting with her”, “WHAT DOES SHE EVEN SEE IN YOU?!”, etc etc), the fuck does Montyass got going fer him???
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eoieopda · 1 year
[visual content blog recommendations]
we see fic recs all the time, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen rec lists for visual content (gif/art/gfx/etc.) creators! they’ve been dealing with a bunch of shit lately between reposts, tumblr garbage, etc., so i wanna shout-out some favorites. thank you for keeping us fed!!
disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list!! if you have recommendations of your own, please feel free to expand on this yourself and/or drop some of your faves in the replies for others to see. self-promo is always welcome here, too ✨ p.s. some of these are recent finds for me, so pls expect to see more of them on my blog. eta: i will be adding more as i go!!
@yooboobies — réka’s gif sets are *chef’s kiss* and the ART? omg. the talent!!! 😭 we simply have to simp.
@cordiallyfuturedwight — apart from being one of the coolest/funniest people i’ve found on army tumblr, i am a kayla stan because the niche themes for her gif sets (ex. bangtan turtlenecks series) feel like they’re made 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 even though they absolutely aren’t, lmao.
@hopeinthebox — the bts as reductress headline + incorrect bangtan series are probably my favorite pieces of content on the entire internet??? also, lizzy is absolutely gd hilarious. tags are 11/10. a blessing upon my dash.
@kimtaegis — i’m not visually artistic enough to say this in a way that makes sense, but annie’s gifs are just… stunning? like, the colors? idk about the process that goes into that, but i imagine it takes a lot of time/finesse to be this vivid.
@kithtaehyung — ryen is the renaissance man of army tumblr, fr. not only can she write (like!!!) but she’s multi-faceted and insanely creative with her graphic design. i want her to tutor me, lmao.
@raplinenthusiasts — ooohhhhh my god. the coloring of their gifs makes my brain go brrrrtttt. this bts x the office set is on my “always reblog” list; i’ll share it every time i come across it.
@heybaetae — this set in particular is on my “always reblog” list, no matter how many times i’ve done so already. also, idk how to describe this, but kelli’s gifs are just…. crispy 🤌🏻 like, so satisfying with the…. texture? filtering? contrast? i’m an idiot re: editing terms, but go peep them and you’ll know what i’m trying to say.
@kth1 — literally who could ever forget maggie’s 100 days of (member) series??? the amount of work that had to go into that? unfathomable.
@jeurias — i want to wallpaper my house and office with their gfx. i’m deadass.
@jinstronaut — emmeline has been doing her “a jin a day while he’s away” series for OVER 250 DAYS NOW. i have never been nor will i ever be able to commit to anything to this level.
@starryoong — do not get me started on starry’s paintings, sketches, etc. because i will never shut up. ever. j’adore 🫠 is also a five-star human being.
@irlvernon — my queue is probably 80% max gifs at any given time. god-tier, fr. a must-follow for carats, as far as i’m concerned.
@vcrnons — incredible gifs, lovely human, and also the writer of some of my favorite svt fics??? we stan.
@yelhsaart — i don’t have any words for how much i love their art so please imagine guttural screaming instead. asdfghjkl!!!
@hizuillu — ……breathtaking. legitimately stunning skz art. like…… i have heart palpitations.
@snug-gyu — THE USE OF COLORS. i’m always a simp for pantone-inspired sets; they just scratch an itch in the back of my brain, and BOY HOWDY, is my brain satisfied 😵‍💫
@yunwooz — again, i have no idea what i’m talking about when it comes to the gif-making process, but the colors!!! the COLORS!!! like, taking a mv that’s not super vivid/is fairly greyscale and bringing it to life? ya know????
@booskwan — you want incredible gifs? they’ve got em. you want stunning gfx? they’ve got em. seriously, idk what to tell you except “pause right here and go follow immediately”.
@haechannabelle — listen……. annabelle’s art style is 😗🤌🏻 (that’s a chef’s kiss). the use of color, and the technique, and and and — ! ALSO, i must mention that she took, like, 50 hours to compile a boycott-friendly k-pop playlist. their vibes are simply impeccable.
rev. 4/10/24
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tewwor · 2 months
💻 ― excellent writing
@sorrowsick — let me just say….. i got SO lost in every single bio. and the threads we have? chef's kiss x100. deeply adore your writing style and overall characterization. they're all so interesting!!!!!!! and, this is besides the point, your DRAWINGS?? HELLO!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING
🎙️ ― great to talk to
@xinxiins — despite most of the chatter between us being ANGST, ANGST, ANGST x100, annabel's so fun to talk with! endless creativity and juicy plots aside, we have very similar humor and... love for angst ( weeping into my hands ). ALSO, this is all bonus yapping on top of the obvious jaw dropping writing ( seriously, it's like reading lil' chapters at a time ) + crazy in-depth characters ( with the saddest... backstories ever OUGH ) + just being an overall joy to write with!!
😍 ― admiring from afar
@chaoslulled — i know we have one (1) thing going on right now, but can i just say i've been admiring from afar in passing for a hot sec. the way you write your canons makes me 👀 and want to eventually get into those fandoms. and your graphics!!!!!! the beauty of them..... it's so Nice and coherent and!! but also, lbr, your ocs are SO, so good.
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onaa-ohokthen · 2 years
Thaniel, Mori, Grace, and the privilege Venn diagram
That's it, that's the post.
Ok, I'll elaborate a little bit. And since we don't do readmores here because reasons, everything in this post can be considered a spoiler for The Watchmaker of Filigree Street.
One of the first times I read Watchmaker, I was struck by how balanced the main three characters (I consider Mori a main character despite not having POV narration) were in terms of power and privilege. I thought about another bit and realized that Pulley actually balanced them in a really ingenious way.
Imagine a venn diagram consisting of three circles. One is labeled "gender", one "race", and one "class". Each of the three of them inhabit exactly two circles, no more, no less. There are other characters who inhabit all three (Fanshaw, Grace's father), or only one (Annabel), or none at all (Osei), but the main three maintain a precarious balance.
Grace is, of course, the daughter of a British Lord. If she had been behaving appropriately for her station, she would be married off to a wealthy and possibly noble man at her age. The authority and quite frankly audacity that comes with her standing allows her to handle everyone, from rude coach drivers to the librarian at the Bodleian, who seek to tower over her on account of her gender. But she can't entirely overcome it, cannot continue her scientific career, cannot inherit her aunt's house. For those, she needs access to Thaniel's gendered status, even while the effortless power she is accustomed to by virtue of her class allows her to steamroll him.
Mori starts blurring the borders. Yes, he's a bastard, but he's a noblewoman's bastard, and when there's no one else left to inherit, he does inherit. Even while he lives as a guest in Takahiro's house, Ito and his entourage bows down to him. Later, he may not enjoy being Baron Mori, may have chosen a career both conceptually and geographically removed, but like Grace, he carries authority effortlessly. Still, he's aware of his lack of prestige as Japanese in Victorian London. Whether he tells Thaniel the truth or not when explaining why he couldn't turn Spindle in (I believe he knows that doing so would eventually be possible with Fanshaw's record of his status, but then he wouldn't have met Thaniel, which was of course his goal. Excuse me, I have to have a little cry), it is true that Dolly wouldn't believe a foreigner over an Englishman.
Finally Thaniel, who straddles the working and middle class in a really interesting way and illustrates both the possibility and difficulty of class mobility in the Victorian era. He's undoubtedly born into the working class, with a groundskeeper father, but is taught an art, a middle- or upper class skill early in life. Indeed, even when he is unwillingly straddled with providing for Annabel and her children, he is allowed to work in an office. It's not a glamorous job, but it's indoors and although it doesn't make him happy, he can afford two baths and ten candles a week.
Thaniel's class affiliation kind of changes over the course of the book. First with his promotion to the Foreign Office (a higher salary and weekends off), then with the chance to play the piano professionally again, and finally with his marriage to Grace, he becomes more firmly settled outside of the working class he originated in. Still, he can't quite reach all the way up, no one can without being born there. He can live in as fancy a house as he wants, the born-into-authority of Grace's means he folds sideways rather than defy her until she goes too far.
Which just. I love them, your honor. It's to deft, such a great job of Pulley's. chef's kiss.
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burgercheese1812 · 1 year
Read at your own risk!
My emotions/thoughts through painted devils, because I just finished that shit and holy jamole-
(This took me days to write help 💀)
The seventh lie: (yes it has to be in sections or no one will be able to follow it, not even myself)
OOOO THE COVER JUST *chefs kiss*
Don’t scam the people, don’t scam the people- of course she did.
Hm making up a story about a god, yes this seems completely sane and won’t have future repercussions.
*fast forwards two months* Dammit Vanja.
Don’t go into the barn. DON’T GO INTO THE BARN- of course.
oh… Emeric… 😐
*sheep third wheeling is a vibe*
*Enter ScarMad*
Hi, yes hello, what do you mean you cLaiMeD mY bOy eMeRiC?? 😃
*Emeric proceeds to be high-fived in the chest, with red permanent marker*
*Enter PrOcToR KiRkLiNg* p.s: I already hate her.
I hope Vanja cuts KiRkLiNg down a few pegs. Ok a lot of pegs.
Who is Helga and where did she come from? *proceeds to knock KiRkLiNg down a few pegs* I like her.
#wish I could have seen KiRkLiNg standing on that bridge looking like a shocked fish as her lunch falls into the river
Oh how I wish I could go on a lovely date with my significant other to see murals of human sacrifices that may or may not soon involve them. Oh to be in love.
Ah yes Vanja, because I’m sure just screaming in a cave is going to summon- god dammit it ScarMad.
HA VIRGIN (I can’t say anything)
wait hang on so ScarMad claims people who haven’t… done it yet? Or have no intention of ever doing it? That smells a tad… *sniffs the air* Acephobic.
#cancel the Acephob ScarMad 2023 #acerights
“Human measuring stick I’m inexplicably fond of” I’m sure Emeric loves you to Vanja
Ah yes let’s all just casually stroll up to the other 5 brother and ask for them to participate in a BLOOD SACRIFICE that will go down swimmingly I’m sure!
*un- PG 13 -ifies your Vaneric*
Love Helga being a big sister figure in Vanja’s life. (What the poor naive dingbat did not know is that this is what we call ✨foreshadowing✨)
Great now I’m going to spend the next week wondering how the hell to pronounce blesséd
Of course KiRkLiNg has to come as well
I love Vikram with all my heart.
WhAt dO yOu mEaN yOu dOn’T HaVe gOdMoThEr’S????
Of course Vanja drunkenly yelled at one of the brothers
The sixth lie:
Vanja throws horseshit at Emeric, off to a great start 😃👍
Wouldn’t be a book with Vanja without some good ol’ Vanja fashion robbery
Cue the Robin Hood montage
Emeric is loving this.
Never seen the movie but I’m 95% sure this is how Annabelle started
Didn’t always have rails- OHS ‘bout to have a field day☝️😃
The fifth lie:
Oh right sister.
Ok let’s leave the absolute HORRORS of Vanja’s back scars and go back to this cliffhanger. Starting with:
Oh she’s just crazy ok. *mightily suspicious*
I will admit I was fully sucked in by the ant proverb-
Great the cult has followed them
The fourth lie:
Ah… brothels…
“The worst mistake of your life wasn’t upsetting me. It was starting a fight with her” SLAY EMERIC YOU TELL MEAN OLD MOTHER HUBBARD
Emeric has… questions…. 👀
Wish i could solve my problems with a giant ruby
Bath. I will elaborate no further.
Normal people: “i think I love them.” VANJA THE RIZZLER SCHMIDT (Ros) :“If every star were a reason I care for him—that’s how I feel, like I carry too many stars in me to count, like my skin might burst with the enormity of it all, like if I gather them all up, the only name I could give this is love.”
Thank you very much for teaching me to waltz whilst also teaching me organised crime
*gets called ugly in front of her sole mate* Vanja: dead bugs for you
The third lie:
Excuse me?
Ozkar: tells Vanja her mother is dead, also Okzar: ew don’t be sad yucky
Ozkar gets worst brother of the year award. Change my mind, oh wait you can’t.
Love that Emeric can just immediately finds Vanja BEST BOYFRIEND
Emeric talking loveingly about his family is giving both Vanja AND me life
Manacles? 🤨📸
honestly if my future partner doesn’t take paralysis pills when they’re possessed by an evil old glowy witch thing then I don’t want ‘em ✋🙄
THIS CRUSTY DUSTY ASS CRIMSON BIATCH HAS BLOCKED VANJA FROM SEEING HER GOD MOTHERS? This lady better be burnt at the stake and hung drawn and quartered when this is over or I swear to whatever is above that I will cross universes and do it myself.
Of course Vanja’s brother has been taken by an immortal sky women because, well because this was all just a tad too easy
The Imperial Abbey if Truth sounds like the most aesthetically pleasing place and goodness I want SO badly to go there now-
ScarMad clearly has to go back to preschool BECAUSE SHE HASNT HAD THE PERSONAL SPACE TALK YET, GET OUT OF MY BOY-
Cool. Emeric sleepy = no witchy
That was meant to rhyme :/
My poems aren’t as good as Emeric’s
Part 3:
THE ABBESS HAS CANDLES ON HER HEAD? She is so cool what the-
Girlboss fr
ScarMad the fabricated low gOd is in fact not a low god and is instead an… old wheat spirit thing?
Emeric really hates horses part 34
Alone? Vanja was alone at the end? I swear to all that is everything EMERIC BETTER NOT DIE-
Math crimes. (I shall be using all those jokes in the foreseeable future)
Emeric needs to be invited to do some money laundering STAT.
this book really is just an emotional roller coaster, except every once in a while they chuck water on you when you least expect it, just to add to the fun emotional experience.
Cue a lot of legal talk that went right over my head
and now Vanja has to go get her brother from the sky lady
The second lie:
Can you tell I love Ragne?
like… a horse…
on the feet…?
I swear everytime I think Ragne couldn’t get any cooler SHE BLOODY GETS COOLER-
Sky lady.
I love sky lady.
There are so many cool characters in this book I just- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Race! WHO SHALL WIN???
A tie? Nice 😎
Vanja has to ride with the Hunt for two weeks? Ok coolcoolcool definitely can’t see this going wrong in the foreseeable future-
She didn’t tell Emeric. 😐
And yet another scene that almost made me cry
I love Vanja and her sisters bonding through dressing her up
Jeezus crickey can ScarMad leave Vanja alone FOR FIVE BLOODY MINUTES??
“What is wrong with you, why are you red??”
the first lie:
Love that Vanja’s whole family just drops everything to help her 😭
I’ve done and am I currently doing a lot of crying and I’m not even at the end yet?
KiRkLiNg is being… tolerable? Perhaps I was wrong about her. Maybe I judged her to quickly? (Later I regretted ever thinking these words)
Just realised I haven’t mentioned Ambrozia (?) a lot and I would just like to say, girlboss©️
And today on Vanja’s list of low gods to befriend is moss lady
the goat scene. I will now go have nightmares now thank you very much.
she won’t let them up the bridge. she won’t let them get the anchor.
I have since fallen off the edge of my seat and am lying on the floor reading as fast as I possibly can
Ah yes, the only sane option, jump off the bridge into the jaws of a hellhound 👏👏
Emeric really is ride or die huh
I take it back please Emeric is just the ride NOT THE DIE I REPEAT PLEASE NOT THE DIE
I am crying with Vanja
The actual red maiden was just sitting in a cave CRYING THIS WHOLE TIME? I say, whilst sitting in my dark room after sobbing through most of this book
what in. the frick frack diddly dack, fuggle nuggles bloody HELL DID SHE JUST SAY???
HER MOTHER????????
911 child protection services?
Just Marthe dangling Emeric over a hungry hell hound ready to drop him in, Mother in laws am I right?
Gonna buy therapy for Vanja, Emeric, (Marthe can rot) and then myself.
this all brings me great satisfaction.
Ooooooo yeah 😬 makes sense that the town would lowkey hate Vanja
They get to have a dance 🥺🥺 (one that isn’t threaten by a glowing red demon mother)
Oh. 😳
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
Slay they deserve that.
Water break before the end 🥲
Take back EVERYTHING that I rethought about KiRkLiNg, girl still a baitch
Ofc KiRkLiNg would still want Vanja gone WHAT DID I EVEN THINK-
No Vanja. Don’t do that.
Screaming crying throwing up.
After the book i just lay on my bed clutching the book sobbing. Then i stopped sobbing and just lay there.
Truely a magnificent book and even this happens to pop up on your fyp and you read all the way down here then:
Gonna go reread it myself, I just love crying my eyes out 😗✌️, no but really the book is just amazing and I wish I could read it for the first time again. Thank you so much @what-eats-owls you are truly a magnificent writer and I cannot WAIT for book 3, thank you so much.
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flippythegodzilla · 9 months
Percy Jackson Spoilers
So I just watched the Percy Jackson show and it was so amazing. The perfect mix of changing a story from his original source, but keeping true to the source material. Sally Jackson is amazing in the story. I love her even more. And I thought that was impossible already it’s like the whole thing about how monsters might not actually be monsters the whole heroes might not be heroes all all standing under the statue of Perseus that was, and and then she was the one to tell Percy that he was a demigod. I love that good she should have been the ones that in her books in my opinion. I know people have a mixed thing on Gabe, but I’m hoping that maybe lead it on into Siri that they show that he’s actually much worse than what he appears to be. I mean come on Disney you have abusive appearance before we can handle it.
Oh I felt really bad when Grover betrayed Percy you could see hurt in his eyes. And also the way they put the car game in the show early, it’s training for the demigod. I’m hoping that in the series that they actually like put more hidden things that can make the regular world fit for the demigod because the one thing I liked about the movies and all the old crappy bad adaptions of the Percy Jackson movies with how they sub delete put things that we got to use, the whole coffee shop and the credit card machine I like those things so I’m hoping that there’s hidden things in the world that are forming gods maybe imagine of a college for them for those who survive why do the Romans only get that?
And you’re not broken scene chef kiss it was perfect. It was amazing I fell for person and Sally I must admit I cried like it’s different from the books, but it fit perfectly so much more than what the movie did. You could hear the English and Percy‘s voice when she disappeared. in the fight with the Minotaur was definitely better like I must’ve seen him be disgusting, especially when Percy climbed up his back and you can see them move. but him shoving the Minotaur horn in his head was perfect
Mr. D is an asshole. As always the way that he tried to come, proceeded to breaking his grounding it was funny a little bit clingy but funny thank you Chiron for stopping him. in the camp the site of the camp it’s all I could imagine. I must admit the movie did OK but I didn’t expect it to be full wooded area. the series did amazing part on the on the set and it’s wheelchair acceptable. Also, Luke, my boy, my boy I’m gonna cry when you betrayed everyone because there’s so much more bonding scene between him and Percy now much more than it was in the books and it’s actually gonna be very much hurtful when he betrays Percy also was that Ethan or Chris following him around they didn’t say his name and all I’m thinking it’s Chris and all but he kinda looks like an Ethan.
Oh and Clarice I love her actress for her she god I just wanted I just wanted Percy to say why I make this a story. My mom died just this one thing all that I will have Percy snap back at her but I guess this is baby Percy, so he doesn’t have the confidence he has Over he doesn’t want to lie to his friend. He does not want to lie to him anymore and I love that Annabeth there’s my girl you got to stop stalking but don’t worry girl you will get your quest if you see weed brain I can’t wait to see these two kids grow up and see the Percy and Annabeth relationship grow more and more. I don’t care what people say Leah is Annabel so shut up.
Anyway, that’s all my thoughts on this two episodes I seen I can’t wait to see more. I have very high hopes for season two let’s go Percy Jackson fans we won!
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stanleyl · 9 months
oooh ok my favorites, sorry if this is long, I haven’t had the chance to write these down lol! :
the moments with Danny at the beginning when we’re getting to know him. I love the scene where Annabelle approaches him when he’s staring off into the trees and he says “I like my own company”. He’s very fragile and tender in those beginning episodes and I love what Tom does with his body language. 
The scene with Ariana and Danny at the diner and they’re choosing which movie to watch: “I don’t know if I’ll like Alien it’s a little scary” 🥹 
The scene with Ariana and Jerome arguing/being kicked outside the club, Sasha and Elijah are so good! 
Danny going into panic when he can’t find Jack in London, SO good and toms facial expressions as he’s listening to jack telling him to go back, the little nervous tics like scratching his leg. 
Johnny talking to Rya from the jail cell, his laugh, and the way his head pops out 😭, I love the way Tom played him too! 
Toms acting when Jack let Danny take over also blew me away, and I really love the stillness right after that scene, when rya offers him something to eat and they just sit in silence. Amanda and Tom are so good together.
Episode 7 is such a SHOWCASE for Tom, but my favorite is that hybrid accent he does at his hearing, he ate that upppppp. The editing and tension in that scene is *chefs kiss*
ALL the scenes between Tom and Elijah episode 8 (the eyeliner: we serve CUNT here sir 😮‍💨), but especially the ones of them smiling at each other and Jerome giving Danny advice. I love the little moments of kindness that he offered Danny. 
The scene of amanda and Emmy talking to each other in the bar, heartbreaking. I love Rya as a character and how amanda brought her to life: compassionate, caring, hopeful, maybe a bit too attached but well-meaning. I think akivas psych background as a writer and using his mother as inspo really shined here.
UGH the end of episode 8, Tom didn’t say much but his body language!! you could feel the air be sucked out of the room when candy lied on the stand. 
Episode 10: when Stan says “you know youre f*cked when the cops are rooting for you” bahahaha I love Christopher Abbott 
That ENTIRE scene of Jack and Danny fighting over control, the editing, the accent switches. I’m upset more people haven’t recognized how technically difficult  that is and Tom makes it look effortless. I hope he gets his flowers soon! 
The scene between Danny and candy at the end, so much pain and it didn’t wrap up neatly with forgiveness, which I love. You can really feel the inner turmoil between the both of them. “Maybe I’ll come back? Maybe I’ll keep asking…” Minimal dialogue but powerful
I know pockets of Twitter like to give him a lot of shit, and critics have been overly harsh/even indifferent on his work, but I really love how Tom has been challenging himself with his roles. I admire how earnest he is. Maybe one day everything will align and more people will start to recognize his talent beyond fickle and wishy washy opinions on social media. He should be proud of what he did in tcr and I’m excited for what comes next 💗
Oh my God, this is so much better than what I wrote 😭. Thank you for sending this.
Johnny talking to Rya from the jail cell, his laugh, and the way his head pops out 😭, I love the way Tom played him too! / I think that was Mike.
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celiastjamesoscar · 11 months
Hello honey!
To be completely honest, I know basically nothing about Poe... I only knew the Annabel Lee poem and the raven. Other than that I was completely lost. I want to look up all of the references that were used and then rewatch the show again with this knowledge in mind. The whole show was so aesthetically pleasing with a great horror story that has a cool deeper meaning. Plus, I just enjoyed watching the family die cause they were all terrible people. Camille has hot boss ass bitch rights though, this excuses her behavior. House of Usher is my second favorite Mike creation, after Hill House. Then Oculus and Hush. Bly is too sad and Midnight Mass too boring to be mentioned. AND YES VERNA AND MADELINE!! I GASPED WHEN THEY KISSED. Younger Madeline is so hot, I loved her in the Scream TV show. My favorite scene at the end was when Verna put the personal belongings on each of their graves. It showed again what kind of person they all were and what was most important to them. Beautiful.
Excuse me ma'am, where did you hear that?? I only heard about Jenna because she is booked and busy but even she wants to make time for Scream. I absolutely LOVE scream but not with Sam in it even more. If Melissa is not in it I will riot!
And this or next weekend, we will get a 5 month old central Asian Owtscharka puppy!! I'm so excited!!
Annabel Lee is probably my favorite poem by him. I only know so much about his work because the high school I went to had an English class that was only literature like that; and we would read Poe’s work for about a month. You should definitely look up all the references and then rewatch it!! I loved the reference to Roderick and Madeline sealing his boss up in the wall, based off of The Cask of Amontillado. They ALL were shitty people, but I did kind of like Viv. Camille automatically gets a free pass, she basically did nothing wrong compared to the others. I haven’t seen Oculus or Hush, but they are on my watchlist. Gerald’s Game is a good movie by him that I really loved, but there’s one scene that messed me up 😬 The only thing that was interesting about Midnight Mass were those angel things. THEIR KISS CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD, BUT I LOVED IT!!! Is it bad that I’ve never seen the Scream TV show? That final scene with Verna was so chilling and the impact it had was astonishing!! Roderick getting the whiskey glass was chef’s kiss
I’ve seen it over the past couple of months on Twitter about Mel not being in 7, but I highly doubt the new directors will exclude her. I mean, without Mel and Jenna, there goes half of their audience. I need to see Sam in her tank tops or else I will lose my mind!! We can riot together
When you do get the new puppy, I would love to see some pictures of them!! I googled some pictures of the breed and they are so adorable!
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nessietwihard02 · 1 year
Hello, bookish friends!⁣
𝐐𝐎𝐓𝐃: Any author that you discovered here in bookstagram and became a favorite?⁣
𝐀𝐎𝐓𝐃: Danielle L. Jensen is one pf those authors for me! As soon as I started The Bridge Kingdom, I knew I was gonna have to get all of her books🤩 ⁣
I’m so thrilled to help out with the cover reveal to the 4th book in 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐫! It’s already 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 but of you’re a print girlie like me, we’d have to wait until 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 28 for the North American editions, and 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 23 for the UK and the Commonwealth😅 The cover artwork is by Annabelle Moe @avendellart and is just *chef’s kiss* Check out the synopsis below:⁣
Newly crowned as king, Keris has watched, powerless, as his forbidden relationship with Zarrah is revealed. But when Zarrah is imprisoned by the empress, Keris knows there is only one way to save her: to ally with the kingdom he nearly destroyed.⁣
Imprisoned on the dreaded Devil’s Island, Zarrah faces two choices: prove her loyalty to the empress who condemned her or die a traitor. Yet as she struggles to survive among violent prisoners, Zarrah uncovers a third path: a rebellion to overthrow tyranny entwined with a destiny she must fight to claim.⁣
While the empress plots a war with devastating consequences, Keris and Zarrah must find their way back to each other. Yet their greatest adversary is the fiery passion between them. Unless they overcome the bitterness of betrayal, their love will not be the bringer of peace but rather the fuel that turns the Endless War into an inferno.⁣
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aflyingcontradiction · 10 months
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 197 - Connected
Basira: I always assumed they were with The Eye. The whole ‘watching, listening, waiting’ thing, y’know?
So did I during my first listen, even though there were hints that wasn't the case!
Martin: I do, when it’s his voice. I’ve never liked the statements. It always felt – Yeah.
It's true, Jon has a Jon voice and an Archivist voice. I do love Johnny's acting!
Martin: You’ve stuck me in a weird interdimensional web, and threatened to fill me with spiders!
I love the way Martin's voice derails at the end there! The delivery is just - insert chef's kiss gif -
Annabelle: It is so very important to prime your audience.
Oh god, she loves chewing the scenery so much! It's hilarious!
Jon: “Free will,” she says, as we stand in the middle of her fucking web! Annabelle: A fair point. But that’s a debate for another time.
A) Oooh, Jon is getting sweary! That's always fun! B) Yes, please do have that debate some other time! Preferably never?
Jon: And The Web understands it as well. That eventually a successful ritual would doom them all. Leave them trapped and starving in a used up world with no-one to feed on.
"Previously on The Magnus Archives" (but to be fair, this episode is half a season and some hiatuses past the episode that revealed the whole End business so a "previously on" delivered by one character to another is more than fair)
Basira: Sorry, we’re talking about alternate dimensions now? Seriously?
Wasn't Basira aware of the whole "At least one person slipped into a universe that wasn't their own on Hilltop Road" thing, though?? I mean, she was certainly aware of Hilltop Road! Did nobody ever mention that event to her?
Annabelle: We found the one we believed most likely to bring about their manifestation. We marked him young, guided his path as best we could. And then, we took his voice.
Now THERE'S a reveal! Jon is not the Eye's / Jonah Magnus's chosen, he is the Web's and was so long before Jonah ever laid Eyes on him (sorry). The implications are pretty horrifying.
Annabelle: We inscribed them on shining strands of word and meaning, and used them to weave a web which cast itself out through the gate and beyond our universe.
Also I love the fourth-wall-breakage going on here. It's been sort of clear for a while that The Magnus Archives is set in a universe that is almost-but-not-quite like our own (aside from the supernatural components, some historical facts differ, I believe? I don't have a good example right now, though). But I didn't really understand until this moment just HOW deliberate that writing choice was. OUR UNIVERSE EXISTS IN THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES UNIVERSE! Those tapes were cast out to US because WE'RE LISTENING. That makes the whole "do we sacrifice other universes for our own" debate that's about to happen hit very differently. I adore it.
Annabelle: And it just so happens that the perfect tool was once delivered to you as a token of appreciation. Though you really do need to learn to keep better care of it. Somehow it always seems to slip your mind, doesn’t it?
Slips my mind, too! I had totally forgotten about the Web lighter by this point.
Annabelle: A little anchor of our power, so that we, and our tapes, may follow wherever you go.
Okay, but the tapes also appear where Jon and his lighter definitely are not, so what's up with that then?
My impression of this episode
This episode feels like the absolute culmination of the overarching plotline (unfortunately a few episodes early, but there really wasn't a good way to pace that differently, I think). There's just a whole lot going on here and it was highly satisfying to experience all those reveals the first time around.
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beeslcnees · 2 years
I was tagged in a tag chain thingy post by my partner and i wanna answer the questions but i’m not very good at tag games lmfao. here’s the answers to your the questions bc i haven’t made any personal posts here for literally like 4 yrs lol
TAG GAME! tagged by my love and angel @boredomconsumes
1. Three Ships
a. steddie - am clearly a whore for Steve StrangerThings and Eddie StrangerThings and so them both together ? slay
b. FaeNym - literally my partner’s OCs lmfao i love when they send me blorbo ideas 🥰 (also not sure if this is their ship name idk ask @boredomconsumes )
c. Lenorabelle - i hope this is their ship name lmfao. lenore and annabelle from Nevermore on Webtoon is my babes <333333 such a fantastically written comic. if you like edgar allen poe and lesbians this is for u
2. Last song
3005 by childish gambino bc i was demonstrating to said partner how much of a White High School Girl i was back in 2016 that i loved childish gambino and knew all of his lyrics lmfao
3. Last movie
Glass Onion. nuff said. so fucking good i love that movie. my little gay detective <333333 also holy FUCK janelle monae my love 😭
4. currently reading
Surviving Romance, Maybe Meant to Be, Who’s Mr. President?, Nevermore, Brass & Sass, Can I Take It Back?, Everything is Fine, Love & Leashes, Eaternal Nocturnal, Maid for Hire, Rumor Has It, Let’s Play!
All on Webtoon, all super good esp for adhd ass bitches who struggle to read as they update weekly and notify u when they update so by the time you’ve forgotten you’re reading it it updates !! mostly romance bc i’m a sick little beast who loves love
5. Currently watching
currently watching season 3 of umbrella academy like 6 months after it came out lmfao. rewatching Under the Banner of Heaven on Hulu(?) as andrew garfield delicious and the show is strikingly similar to the actual case it’s based on. if you’re interested in true crime based on the victim’s actual life, shit that is sympathetic to the victims/family, this is a good watch. shit like netflix’s dahmer makes me so fucking heated don’t even get me started.
6. currently consuming
a lot of monster energy. like a lot. also pop tarts and pasta. not together but eat a lot of those
7. currently craving
one of them big fat ass tall boy white claws u can buy at gas stations. shit is so good idec that it makes me look like Everyday White Woman seltzer is like spicy water and hard seltzers don’t give me nasty hangovers there i said it. seltzers r the prime alcoholic drink i will take 0 criticism thank u.
tagged are some of my besties/fav blogs who are under 0 pressure to also do this tag game:
@boredomconsumes (who tagged me in this in the first place) @kailthefailwhale (goddamn bestie) @miniullmanjoy (also goddamn bestie) @tchaikovsgay (partner recommended follow and ur posts r chefs kiss) @kaijuno (ofc) @unclefather (ofc) @1percentcharge (amazing artistic skills) @catcrumb (ofc.) @eviltoast (banger)
ty for reading mwah mwah hope u guys enjoyed and follow the blogs above bc they’re bangin. xoxo liz
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Being in fandoms where the characters are clearly based on other pieces of media/famous figures is so much fun because then some of my ships look like this:
Parentified Goldilocks who is also The Beast x Avoidance attachment Beauty who is ALSO also The Beast, one of my fav moments with them is when they off the Minotaur together who is ALSO also also The Beast
Little Red Riding Hood if she was also the Wolf and has galloons of repressed trauma x Snow White but she’s heavily knight coded and the poster child of daddy issues
Edgar Allen Poe’s Lenore x Annabel Lee but they’re in gay ghost love
The poem ‘The Last Rose of Summer’ x Odin’s raven Huginn but they’re exes still in love in a milf yuri divorce that ends super mega tragically and domino effects mommy issues out the ass
Historical figures Cleopatra x Frida Kahlo with the most chef’s kiss height difference you’ve ever seen
A polycule with Joan of Arc x Mulan x Thor x Achilles but they’re all genderbent/trans
The Velveteen Rabbit x fashion icon Coco Chanel if she was a lesbian with a gun
Frankenstein’s monster x a different sapphic Cleopatra bc baby gays <3333
Okay okay that black cat from Poe’s, well, The Black Cat x Poe’s Eulalie is cute yes
But I actually really REALLY love Poe’s Eulalie x Poe’s Berenice bc they’re “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” personified
The Snow Queen with mega daddy issues x Robin Hood if he was a socialist lesbian I SAIDDDD ITTTT
Imma say it historical figures JFK x Confucius were adorable bros
Aesop’s Fisherman x Odin’s other bird Munin you will always be famous my tragic old man yaoi <////3
Y’all will really have to hear me out here when I say Cinderella if she fucken snapped x ice cream Mad Hatter because couples who are terrible to each other but in a “only I’m allowed to be a horrid to them” way can be so funny
And I could go o n fer ages but the point is imagine explaining these ships to someone like 30 years ago with ZERO context their heads would explode and it’d be so funny
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super-oddity · 4 years
The rising popularity of fancams among locals (i.e. in memes; of inanimate objects or someone obscure) is, dare I say, my favorite part of 2020
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nimblelizard · 2 years
I genuinely enjoyed seeing everyone's reactions. Imma say a few words below the cut!
Starting off hot with Fuego, omg is she one of my favorites to watch when things go down. Even though she is about the same age as Rey and Serif she seems so much more interested in all the possibilities she has as a kindred. Everyday she is learning something new she can do or how she can use her power and Aabria does a phenomenal job with showing and not telling. Her body language is *chefs kiss* I could go on forever about how talented Aabria is but I alas that's not why you're here. Not only that but the realization with Rey and how she wants to tame that type of feral power was so eye opening to knowing now what Fuego is looking for as a kindred. It's a great way to see that she is still a ventrue at heart even if she disagrees with a lot of people in power.
Now Isaac, let me just said ALEX WARD YOU ARE DOING SO GOOD. I love love love the attitude that this character has towards the party. He has been around long enough to not allow them to try and push him around when they are in the wrong. But he is also very good at not coddling them like in labn the coterie had to do with Annabelle. He wants them to learn the hard way essentially and it's such a good perspective to see. It is hard to not step in as a player when you think something could go poorly for another pc but seeing him just sit there and watch things transpire takes a lot of willpower that I admire quite a bit! Not only that but Alex has been coming in with some great lines so far this season! I can not wait for him to unravel a bit more, it's so entertaining to see a kindred lose their cool.
Oh Rey. I love you and your poor choices <3 BUT IM SO HAPPY HE WENT INTO THE PIT OKAY? I absolutely love to see the more physical struggle that he has with his Beast compared to Fuego and her mental struggle. Every ep he has to fight it back and I love that he is still trying to figure it out. It was a one time deal of "oh it will never happen again I will control myself" no! He. Is. Struggling. And that's so important for pc development! You can't always win! I'm so glad Joey is playing Rey this way. It gives the character so much more dimension. Plus who doesn't love an impulsive character? They are usually the ones who help push the plot forward. Can't always talk pretty and get things moving. (But also that frenzy was hella hot I won't lie)
Now Serif is the one I am honestly most interested about when it comes to her home life and sire. She obviously has a lot of issues with free will (especially since her mom seems to be a ghoul) and it comes across so well in Mayanna's acting. Not only that but removing herself from situations that she dislikes or upset her is so good! It's nice to see a character who knows that making a big deal about you being upset in the heat of the moment won't fix the problem. She needs to blow off steam and redirect her feelings until she can talk about it more freely. I need need need a one on one conversation with her and Isaac. I think they have more in common than they realize and could probably benefit from just talking to each other about what has happened so far. Anyways, I am so excited to see where she goes, because as of right now I love her! (Not only that she seems to be the one making connections more on a lower level than the others which is such a plus. Get those thin bloods on your side girl!)
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bluemeetgrey · 2 years
Unpopular opinion…
Is Ty a morally great character? I don’t know and none of you do too. Because we barely know anything about him. Even though the twins solve most of the mystery in TLM, they were constantly sideline by Emma and Julian because of their age. And there is nothing wrong with that, Julian needs to protect his kids and this is the only way he knows how. But the results of that is, we know nothing about Ty, except for the fact that he is smart, likes animal and Beautiful, (thank you Christopher, you can sit down now). 
By the second book, we learned a little more about him through Kit. But most of it is probably unreliable information because as hard as it is for me to admit, Kit it’s kind of a unreliable narrator. We all know, (with the exception of Christopher himself), that he fell in love whit Ty at first sight. This means that starting from that point onward, everything he says about Ty, contains way too much bias to be taken as factual evidence. It’s unfair to judge someone’s character, based on bias information. 
Actions speak louder than words. Through his actions in the second book, protecting Kit, agreeing to become parabatai whit Livvy to protect her and freeing the fairies in the shadow market, even though they were all desperate go back to the Institute. Indicates that he is compassionate and kind, not just towards people he love, but to the world around him.
Let’s talk about the letter to Annabel. I need a whole entire paragraph for this! This boy is just *chefs kiss*! And to those who thinks Ty is Uncompassionate and cole. Please remember that throughout the whole entire Shadowhunters Chronicle, Ty is the only person who treated Annabelle like a person instead of a tool, something to be fear or something to be protected. What about Malcolm? You might ask. I believe Malcolm did love her and still do. But at a certain point Annabelle became an ideal, instead of a person with free will to him. He is so desperate to have somebody who would love him for who he was, that he lost all his humanity and disregard it who she truly was. Unlike Ty who is willing to open his heart to her and acknowledge her pain and suffering. The most important thing here is that he bargain with her, giving her a choice to say no.  This is a very big deal, because for the first time in 400 years, someone give her the power to decide her life instead of her oppressors. And no one else, not Julian, Emma or Magness thought of that. None of them thought of her as an actual person with feelings and want.
In the third book Ty was grieving, I mean half of his world crumbled. He was only 15th! And should’ve definitely be in therapy. But instead circumstances push him to move on. He has no way of letting out that grief, so he did the only thing he knows how, which is to bring her back. And even then he made a conscious choice not to harm anyone while doing so. He could’ve used a fresh power source, by killing someone like Malcolm. But he chose not to.
 And i’m not blaming Kit for leading him on because Ty is his only light and he would do anything not to snuff it out.
Also the lack of Ty POV is another reason why I can’t exactly judge him. I don’t know who he is or what he’s like. But based on the information that I’m given, Ty is ambitious but compassionate. Unlike Valentime, Axel, Tatiana and Benedick, he would never let his ambition get in the way of his  kindness. He is someone with humility, evidence by his remorse during The Lost World. He is stubborn and prideful, probably not used to being wrong. But I’m hoping that this would change, as he develops in TWP.
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
i cannot stop thinking about tma hell's kitchen au
(@f0xesand0wls thank you for enabling me)
- elias is the head chef, and peter and gertrude are his sous chefs. there are 20 total chefs in the competition: red team: jon, tim, georgie, daisy, naomi, agnes, gerry, jordan, helen/michael, oliver blue team: martin, sasha, melanie, basira, mike, jude, julia, jared, jane, manuela
- the black jackets are jon, martin, tim, sasha, georgie, and melanie, and the finalists are jon and martin. the winner is probably martin, but it doesn't really matter, because the actual plot of this is a jonmartin rivals-to-friends-to-lovers slowburn
- annabelle is the one who puts all of the film and audio together at the end. jmart watch the show once it's put on television and go 'what the fuck i didn't say any of that' because that's how reality tv is babey
- martin is one of those chefs who does poorly at the beginning but gets better and ends up in the final two. even though he's not on the same team as jon, jon is like 'this guy sucks' and maybe martin messes something up for jon early on and jon decides he does not like martin.
- jon is so nervous that he's going to screw up and get sent home early (he doesn't have formal culinary training and feels deeply underqualified) so he's very stiff and overly professional at the beginning. he relaxes over time as he becomes more confident in his own cooking and as he does well at challenges and dinner services.
- somewhere around chapter/episode 5, martin tells jon that he doesn't have any formal culinary training and that he said he did in order to get into the restaurant job he had prior to coming on the show. he's been cooking for his mother since he was ten though, and jon surprises himself by saying that that's a lot more impressive than studying technique in france or something. that's the catalyst of their transition from rivals into friends
- somewhere around episode 8, jude (who got switched to the red team a few episodes prior) gets eliminated, but on the dinner service before she does, there's an incident in the kitchen and jon's hand gets burnt pretty badly (not so badly that he has to go home, and he fights through the rest of dinner service because of course he does). he insists he doesn't have to go to the hospital for it, and elias reluctantly agrees and has the medic look at it. in the dorms later, martin helps jon unwrap it and put more burn cream on it and change the bandages and... yeah <3
- daisy and jon do not get along at first, and daisy actually tries to sabotage jon early in the season/fic. jon nearly gets eliminated because of it and he is not happy. then, a good few episodes later, the red team wins a challenge and they go on some sort of outdoorsy award and something happens and jon saves daisy from getting seriously injured. they're on better terms after that.
- when jon, tim, sasha, martin, melanie, and georgie get black jackets, elias (like every actual season of hell's kitchen) brings their family members/friends in for them to see. jon gets his grandmother, tim his brother, sasha her mother, georgie her best friend alex, and melanie some of her ghosthunt uk (the restaurant) friends. the only person martin has is his mother, and they tell him that she was too sick to come, but he can't shake the feeling that she just didn't want to. she didn't even agree to make him a video. it's a very awkward affair, and after the challenge (which tim wins) jon stands by martin while they're... idk, peeling 200 pounds of potatoes or something and they talk about it and they talk about a lot of their personal lives. for most of the competition, they're very aware that they're on camera at all times, but jon decides that being there for martin is more important than worrying about that.
- jon wins the next black jacket challenge and, when asked who he wants to invite on the reward, invites martin. they get to go wine tasting in a beautiful vinyard together and then they get some time to sit in the vinyard and just relax. martin probably realized he had a crush on jon around... episode/chapter 8? pretty soon after his admission that he doesn't have formal training. this episode is when jon realizes that he has a crush on martin, and the wine tasting suddenly seems very romantic and he gets very flustered. martin just thinks he's getting nervous since they're getting closer to the end of the competition.
- it's martin and jon in the finals. martin has tim, melanie, basira, and agnes on his bridage and jon has sasha, georgie, daisy, and gerry. in the middle of the entrees, something goes very wrong in martin's kitchen (not because of martin, because agnes burns like... ten racks of lamb or something ridiculous like that) and it looks like martin might not even be able to finish and he's freaking out just a little bit, so jon does something incredibly stupid and tells sasha to take charge of the kitchen for a moment and goes over into the other kitchen and pulls martin aside and takes martin's hands in his and is like 'it's okay, you're okay, everything's going to be okay. you're extremely talented and an amazing chef and an amazing person and i love you and this is not your fault and you're going to go back out there and get things back on track.'
jon goes back to his kitchen, elias yelling at him the whole way, and martin kicks agnes out and gets his kitchen back under control and they have no other issues that night. and martin's brain completely skips over the 'i love you' until the end of service, when the adrenaline wears off and they start to clear down and jon gives him this smile and suddenly martin remembers and he's like 'oh fuck'
but jon doesn't say anything about it so martin assumes he hadn't meant to say it, because of course he didn't, because they're competing for a job and $250,000 and he probably just heard jon wrong or something. jon probably said 'i love your cooking' and martin's just being stupid and letting his crush get away from him. so they both go back and sit in the dorms and wait for elias to call them up to his office. meanwhile, jon also remembers that he accidentally let i love you slip and he's having a bit of a crisis about it because on the one hand he meant it, but on the other hand he should not have said it then and martin hasn't said anything, so maybe he didn't even hear.
still, martin needs to thank jon. so he's eventually like 'thank you for what you did back there. i don't think i would have made it through service without what you said.' then, after a moment, because it is a competition: 'why did you help me? you could have let me drown and you'd have a secure win'
and jon just shrugs and says, 'because you needed help, and i... i care about you. i didn't want to see you fail. you are a good chef, martin, and i... i know you deserve this job just as much as me. you can go work at elias's restaurant and i can go back to mine and... and that'll be okay, if that's what happens'
and martin realizes suddenly that jon lives across the country from him normally and he doesn't know if he'll be able to see jon after this (chefs are busy people, after all, not a lot of time for family and such) and before he can really think about it he's like 'i wouldn't be okay with that' and then when jon just looks at him he clarifies, 'i... i don't want to just go back to living in [washington?], working all day and coming home to an empty apartment, and you'll go back to [new york?] and i... will i even see you again? because it's been so nice, being here, being with you, and i want to see you again, jon. every day.' he hesitates a moment, then decides fuck it, if i'm wrong, at least i'll only be embarrassed for a little while longer and says, 'what you said during service. did you mean it?'
and jon, tentatively, is like, 'that you're a good chef? yes, martin, i meant it, of course i did' and martin's like 'no, the... the other thing you said. right in the middle of it all. i- i don't know if i heard you right, and i just... i need to know if you meant it'
and it would be easy for jon to say no, to pretend like he didn't. but instead, he sits next to martin on the couch and takes martin's hand in his and nods and says, 'i... i've meant it for quite some time, i think' and he smiles at martin, a little bit shy, and martin's overwhelmed with affection and he reaches for jon's face, leans forward, and--
and the phone rings. unfortunately. because elias made a decision
- martin's door opens and jon's doesn't. jon thinks he should feel crushed, and he does feel disappointed, but mostly he's just so, so happy for martin. martin is stunned, and tim and sasha and georgie and melanie and basira and daisy are waiting for him below to congratulate him. martin's stuck in a round of thank yous when he turns and sees jon, who's run down the stairs to join the celebration and is looking at martin with those same eyes he would get when he was determined to win a challenge or finish a dish that needed two more minutes in one minute. and then jon just hugs martin, so tightly martin can barely breathe, and he mumbles into martin's neck, 'i would very much like to kiss you, but i very much do not want our first kiss to be on national television' and martin laughs and hugs jon tightly in return and mumbles back, 'i love you too, jon. just in case it wasn't obvious' and even though jon just lost, he's never been happier
- (they watch the show when it comes out together half a year later, in the little bit of free time they have around running their own respective restaurants, and they spend the whole time picking it apart
jon: okay i did not say that, where did they even get that from??
martin: god do i really look like that from behind...
jon: oh christ. martin, i- i think they thought i wanted to have sex with you. ugh, they've put on weird romantic music. red lighting. i hate this. i clearly did not--no, martin, don't give me that look, you know what i mean.
martin: wow, this makes us look like terrible chefs
and, at the end:
jon: christ, of course they were recording us in the dorms after the last service. this is a cooking competition, not a romance.
martin: eh, it was a bit of a romance.
jon: hush, i'm trying to watch. they're about to announce the winner. i don't have much hope for this chef martin; after all, he did burn that risotto back in episode 2--
martin, trying not to laugh while he glares at jon: oh my god jon let it go)
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