#I love their homeship
theletterwsartflap · 1 year
Please talk about Jupiter! I love him so much
I mentioned in a previous post (I think) that I kind of see him as an architect, or at least has an interest in it. His official data suggests he was used for transporting bombs (or something like that) so I figured the knowledge of structures required for that would translate into an interest in architecture. Now Dubs you might say, how on earth does that relate to his speed demon tendencies? It doesn’t, it’s just an interest he has. I figured that if the Stardroids are out there conquering other planets or whatever it is they do, someone has to be responsible for building or at least planning the structures they’d require.
I figure he’s also responsible for maintenance and repair of their homeship because of this too. Sure, ships and buildings aren’t exactly the same thing, but something something adjacent interests. He’s also got them bird feets, incredibly (ahem) handy for holding on to extra tools. Also, he can fly so there’s not really any external structures that would be out of range for him either. Also, given his weapon is technically a power source, he can test things without going through the process of hooking them up proper.
There are a couple of… loosely related doodles to these headcanons, I guess.
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I don’t think he’s actually responsible for repairing his fellow Stardroids though. They’re on their own as far as he’s concerned. He might do the odd self-tinkering from time to time, but since I figure he doesn’t really like being pestered while he works, it’s not a service he offers to others. Not unless it’s a dire emergency anyway.
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ratcandy · 2 years
Do you know annoucer right? He and his species had to be built by someone so what if they were built by a small group of humans before they all went extinct and now there's a bunch of speaker boxes loose and eventually the speaker boxes start building speaker boxes that can't really feel emotions.
So one day a month after the end of bfb annoucer notices that none of his speaker box "friends" are replying to him so he goes to investigate the homeship and wait who's this weirdo.
Introducing annoucer-Y the newer better and cooler version of the speaker box! He can sing better host better and he can actually feel a emotion! The speaker boxes made a new version to be a better host and they gave them the ability to feel emotion but only one emotion, happiness.
Also they have a bit of complex regarding that fact and they might have slaughtered their predecessors.
(this is part 1)
So part 2 is going to be more about announcer-Y and his dynamic with announcer. So announcer just discovered that he's the last of his version of the speaker boxes and now he has to deal with this hyperactive goody two shoes that has a god complex. Announcer and announcer-Y's dynamic are like Glados and wheatley's dynamic. Announcer is super serious and he's currently hiding out with the objects to hide from the super nice but murderous announcer-Y. (a good song for them would be you're nothing without me) Announcer-Y just wants to get rid of this emotionless glitch and take over as host of bfdi so twos in danger as well because the new speaker boxes are built to handle algebraliens or so they think because they're still weak shit compared to them. So announcer-Y starts trying to convince contestants to join him by promising them stuff that they like or promising to fix things that some contestants don't like about them. But some contestants are more resistant so announcer-Y just kidnaps them.
OHH I AM LOOKING INTENTLY? I love the lil lore you've come up with for the speakers :0 N a funky emotional robot who's out here murdering .... HELL Yea king get it!!
Also u mentioned they're (Announcer-Y) like Wheatley so I'm already inclined to be like "oh my beloved" because. I ama big wheatley fan so what
But regardless!! 👀 Hell yea man!!
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emptycanoflizards · 4 years
Title: N/A Word Count: 1,566 Rating: 13+ (Tw for slight violence/killing) Fandom: Among Us Requested By: @confused-mainer
There was a plan, White told herself, not for the first time that afternoon. An order of who got killed when, how, and where. But now the space traveler found herself alone in the electric room, again, with her violet “teammate”. 
Truthfully, she felt terrible using that word, teammate. She wasn’t on their team, not really. She was just on board their ship to confuse and kill them. This was normally easy! This wasn’t the first team she’d ever snuck into- there had been dozens before this! But somehow- somehow!- she had made the grand mistake of talking to one of them while faking a task. 
She tugged and pushed at some wires to make it look like she was accomplishing something productive for the crew as a shadow came into the room. The owner of the shadow quietly made her way over the panel slightly to her left and let out a giggle at the squeaky hinges of the door. A giggle! Who giggled in the middle of a life threatening space mission? White’s eyes slid over to the other explorer, confusion spilling out of her expression. 
“Oh- I’m sorry,” her companion said promptly, taking White by surprise. She couldn’t hear the other astronauts voice as clear as she almost wished she could, which was a new thought. The automated tone that came from the speakers of everyone's helmets was a comfort for the imposter, usually. But suddenly, she wanted to hear the human voice that rang out from below.
It stayed like that for almost a week into their trip. White had managed to off four other members of the party, Black, Red, Yellow, and Blue. 
And every meeting that the team had to discuss a death, Purple came right to White’s defense. It almost melted the imposter’s freezing heart to hear her, what she could consider, friend pulling evidence out of nowhere in her defense. There was a number of times it was claimed the two were in the same room at random points in time, particularly when the two were on complete opposite sides of the ship, was honestly preposterous. But Purple was a liked character among the crew, so she somehow always got them on her side. She had even assisted in getting her job done for her. They together had gotten rid of Orange and the Lime Green guy for acting suspicious in the electrical office (ironically where they’d met. How romantic), and Dark Green, which broke Pink’s heart; White had never seen a crew that had grown as close as this one had. That left only Pink and the two of them. Tensions were high, especially with the knowledge of White’s mission breathing down her neck. 
The fraud astronaut knew that Purple, her friend, was due to be her next victim. Realistically, Purple was supposed to be her first. But something about the other made her pause. It had been making her pause for over a week now, putting other explorers out first, making her rationality fly out the window. Why did she get so close to this person? What was it about this one astronaut that made her question everything she knew? She had never grown close to anyone, not on her hundreds of other missions prior to this, and never on the hundreds that she would go on after this, assuming they didn’t catch onto her plots at this point. She had never spent her evenings sitting on the bottom bunk in a split dorm, listening to how someone had gotten chosen for this mission, or followed along happily for someone’s early morning missions. This was a new and borderline terrible experience for White. Did she enjoy it? Yes. Was it destroying her from the inside out with guilt? Yes. 
But here they were, alone in the same room they’d met. It was nearly identical from an outside eye, White faking tasks on the left, Purple hurriedly finishing tasks on the right. The differences were minute, but obvious to someone looking. The fear and tension had finally gotten to Purple. This time around, her posture was much more rigid, and noises of concentration poured from her helmet speakers. White’s eyes concentrated ahead of her, trying to avoid the shaking purple gloves grasping at wires next to her. She knew she needed to do this. Everything in her mind shouted at her that this was the last thing she needed to do before she could leave this damned ship for good. But every time her white eyes slid over to her companion, she felt like she could be sick. She couldn’t do it. 
But she knew letting her friend survive, forcing her to brave the harsh space around them with no crew, no supplies, no communications? That would just be worse. 
“Purple?” She questioned, her voice already horse as she turned towards her. 
The smile could practically be seen from below her helmet as her companion turned to face her, seeming relieved at the distraction. It broke White’s heart. 
“What’s up?” She asked, brushing off invisible dirt onto her purple suit. White shook her head, looking down at the ground. She shouldn’t feel this sorrowful at having to complete her mission. She shouldn’t feel her heart break as she reached out to her companion, her true friend on this ship. Tears shouldn’t wet her cheeks as she hears Purple’s pleased grunt when she pulls White into a tight embrace. 
White hugged her closer, feeling her own legs fall out from under her. The pair ended up sitting on the cold ground, breathing together to try and alleviate some of the tension in the room. 
White could hardly croak out the words she so desperately needed to get out to her friend.
“Thank you for being here.”
“Well of course, silly,” Purple whispered back. “I wouldn’t leave you alone right now, not with what’s going on. I don’t trust Pink, anyway.”
White nearly let a sob escape her lips, but held strong as she tightened her arm around Purple’s torso. “I mean being here for me. Thank you for being my only friend here- for being my only friend.. I didn’t know best friends could exist.”
White knew she was rambling, but she just needed time. 
“White, whats all this about?” She asked innocently, only breaking White’s heart further. 
“I love you, Purple. You’ve been the best part about this mission.”
White didn’t register the warm liquid spilling over her hand, nor the cold handle grasped in her fingers. 
All she could process was Purple’s soft gasp as she tensed in up her arms. White kept the hand with the knife in it around Purple’s back, keeping her supported as she used her left hand to carefully lift the helmet from her head, revealing the most beautiful and heartbreaking sight the imposter had ever seen. Lose purple locks fell out of the helmet, surrounding a sickeningly pale face covered in an assortment of star-like freckles, all accompanying the most stunning green eyes in the universe. 
The helmet was tossed to the side so that White could take off her own. She wanted to see her with her own eyes in these last few seconds. 
The imposter was vaguely aware of the red staining her white suit, but couldn’t find it in her to care. In a few minutes, she would be going back to being the numb alien that she had been trained to be, and her homeship would provide her with a new suit for her next mission anyway. Right now, she needed to be with Purple. 
Small sputters of life dripped from Purple’s lips as she clung to White. Even in her last moments, purple didn’t stop making noises. Just another instance of perfection that White saw in her. 
One thing White noted as she watched her was that there was no anger or hatred in her dying eyes. The fading green was filled with love, even down to the second her breath stopped. It was clear she wasn’t angry with White. Instead, her shaky hands clung closer to her, seeming to find comfort in her best friend, her killer, as she passed. 
White held her to her chest for as long as she could. Long past the moment that that her ragged breath stopped. Until the moment her brain caught up with what had happened. Her white eyes fell down to Purple’s already closed ones, and let the sobs escape her throat. She held her best friend close and screamed until her lungs were raw. Then she screamed some more. More and more and more, until she heard Pink’s footsteps running down the hallway towards the electrical office. 
White took the knife from Purple’s back, numbly replacing it in the holster in her belt, before carefully laying her down on the floor in a respectful position. Lastly, she pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, biding her a final goodbye before jumping into the vent to escape Pink. It felt like her brain was back on autopilot, too numb with pain and heartbreak to process or think about anything. She knew where she needed to go and what she needed to do to get back to the homeship, so her feet and hands took her there, all while her brain played a vision of those green eyes over and over. 
White had killed her best friend. 
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