the-assumist · 1 year
Hold a metaphor, like a carrot, in front of life’s unknowns to falsely tame that which cannot be tamed, a poetry imposed on to this mortal horror. Allusions to life scraped together with dirty finger nails, lipped in spittled breath, passed down from dying hands to dying hands, from dying mouth to dying mouth. Let it decay and become a known stillness, more dead than dead in mourning.
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the-assumist · 2 years
You and I—renditions, songs of songs, echoes, a clatter of undertones born from a singular note, an orchestra tuning in a pitch-black room maddened by a discordant light within—shuffle discomfort ignoring the song breath inhaled and exhaled,
For we embody presence like a stone sinks into sand when the ocean water recedes; yet, like roaring waves—voices with no choice of audience—sing always, presence resonates with the gift of attention.
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the-assumist · 2 years
Air sets fire to lungs, a burning blazes bodies alive. Snapping, flickering, an unnamed anxious intent slowly, slowly ashes flesh,
yet soothed by tamed air.
A voice, cradled breath, sings of more than life. While days flake off, songs etch into dead earth the story of impermanent things—Gilded lives form symbols meant eternal. Language, a storied serpent never-ending, drags along idol corpses resurrected by tangled, fated eyes: a quiet kiss.
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the-assumist · 3 years
Words mean to give life to chaos: to string along dark, haunted impressions, a misted gibberish lifted from the outside that lives inside us all.
A fleshy beast, red and raw, black and blue, chews and spits up a mastication of nonsense made pretty by fear's serene gift of seeing future constellations in the present day.
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the-assumist · 3 years
We are promised an ending...
What a gift?! To know that every moment has value.
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the-assumist · 4 years
A man—who molds a world out of his perceptions and claims his world is your world—offers a solipsist conceit as a truth. 
Fear—to lose a world, a truth, the self—feeds a man’s transcendental mind which then thrusts him to the forefront of his world, his truth, his self.
No fear. No control. No consequences. No morals. No ethics. No world. No truth. No self.
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the-assumist · 6 years
The founding—the cohesion of individuals into groups—and curating—fortifying a “universal” meaning—of truth—renames death life as individuals die off and the group lives on—is humanity’s attempt to live forever.
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the-assumist · 7 years
Does forever exist as an absolute? It is merely the unsettling notion that revisiting the past and imagining the future occur in the present. We, points like suns, radiate time. The present is still yet moving forever.
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the-assumist · 8 years
Memories of you expressed in passing by a lover, a rival, a friend, a sibling, a stranger, and a parent are a you that makes them who they are: diffractions incapable of being a self, owned, or confined.
 A blood-warmed mimesis, a pulsating affinity, atemporal dancers, you as they, they as you, a sharing of memories awakes flesh, a collective image moves, an uncanniness kisses, some unnamed absolute breathes, a familiar beast with many souls roams close…
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the-assumist · 8 years
Create identity to escape, imagine a shadow figure to clothe a sensual animal body, and make a symbol of self in order to communicate being…
 A hero rises from the ashes of a battle with a fleshy, blind demon and leaves a physical world for symbols of forever.
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the-assumist · 8 years
Imagination is dangerous when mixed with reality. Too often we imagine what is good for us is good for others. We formulate theories, write manifestos, and preach our beliefs. Yet, in creating these Assumptions of Goodness, we only create a platform for power. 
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the-assumist · 8 years
Look at someone, watch them as one observes a wild animal, notice strengths and weaknesses, a rise and a fall of a chest encasing powerful lungs useless without air, and see them not as they seem, not as people, not as human, but as living. Secondary, everything else.
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the-assumist · 8 years
Must we passively accept it? A failure to commit to a new idea results in a submission to an old idea, a melody recognized, easy to follow. Music, the ultimate conveyor of time’s false status, an idea made to perpetuate endings, time’s destination. What end? Fear of what’s to come eases the human mind toward melodies in lieu of a silence that holds them together.   
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the-assumist · 8 years
Forever, what literature offers, what it allows, continuity, language, serpent never ending, dragging words, metaphor, a stolen corpse, babel in Heaven, self-similarity, static body, dead symbol, storied.
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the-assumist · 8 years
Make. Control? The lesson in the proverb is not one of surrender. Teach a man to make things that bring him happiness, and he will find self-worth in a simple hemming of a shirt and not shame because he lacks the prestige of a label.
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the-assumist · 8 years
Will you tell me what Love is? You who like me look for answers in poetry. Let us wonder at these four letters that peak toward a geometric perfection, perspective materialized, like pyramids, perverted mountains of man’s creation.  
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the-assumist · 8 years
Too many times you wonder what is this thing undefined which lingers. Not a ghost for it is not a remnant of some past thing. Not like the first peak of light when morning breaks for never does it break. Hair stands in anticipation. First comes a warm breath then maybe a kiss, but you must wait with eyes closed.
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