#I love werewolves XP
ravenwitch45 · 1 year
How would Blitzo and Loona react if his human s/o was a werewolf which was kept a secret? I don't know if werewolves would make sense into the HB lore or not.
Hmm well I feel any mythical creature can exist with what we know of HB but either I'm good. I love werewolves, have for a long time so I get the general idea. And also the.... Ahem Werewolf Reproduction article was an odd thing to read. Do you want this to be NSFW? If so please ask that XP But no biggie, let's get this started.
(BTW this is going off my own interpretation of Werewolves, so just be aware this might stray from the usual)
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Blitzo and Loona finding out his human S/O is a secret werewolf
You may have done your best to hide it, cleaning up any fur you shed in the apartment, masking the fur care advice you gave to Loona as it being from a friend, and rushing out somewhere out of the way when the full moon came so neither saw you transform.
This is helped Blitz is usually busy on full moons with Stolas, so you don't really need to worry about him, and Loona minds her buisness usually, not questioning you speeding out every month
But if we know one thing, is that Blitz is one nosy little bitch.
With someone he's comfortable with showing affection for, he sees no boundries, even when you tell him some.
So when he hears Loona mention how you leave for a good while every full moon, he's suspicous, admittedly afraid you might be cheating on him while he's with Stolas.
So he schedules with the bird to do things a day early so he can be home during the full moon. Asks you about it, getting a very dodgey answer about seeing friends but that doesn't satisfy him.
When you eventually rush out, he grabs Loona (Who is very annoyed btw) and they tail you, expecting you to head to some other apartment or hotel but instead you end up in a near abandoned part of the city, only really inhabited by gangs and the like and Blitz get's less angry and more concerned for you.
Eventually you stop in an alley, with the two peeking from the end, seeing you shrug off your coat before you start breathing heavily and starting you yell almost unnaturually.
Blitz rushes towards you, yelling your name, making you turn to him in surprise, trying to shout for him to leave before you slam your hand on the ground as your nails turn to claws and fur covers your body, growing in size.
Loona just goes "Holy shit..." at the sight, you falling to your knees as you fully transform, growing a muzzle, wolf ears and a long bushy tail not unlike Loona's own. Just staying there breating heavily before going "Why did you follow me...?"weakly.
They both just say that they were concerned you were in trouble, neglecting to mention Blitz's original thought. The Imp asking you why you were hiding this from them. Just getting you thought he'd be disgusted, having met you as a human.
He denies the notion, honestly loving the new look which get's you blushing in surprise, Loona also saying you look pretty cool. And you fit into Hell more with this form then as a human anyway.
You admit that when you still lived on earth, people considered you a monster and hated you for your lycanthropy despite you able to control yourself. Transforming voluntary aside from Full Moons.
They call how you were treated the BS it is before Blitz hugs you, a bit flustered by how much bigger you are now but still, Loona putting a hand on your shoulder softly. As you cry a little, happy they both still love you.
After that your a bit more open with it, transforming at home, and eventually at the office after Blitz clears it with Millie and Moxxie. Your able to live and control your actions in both forms so it's just a matter of what your feeling at the moment.
Blitz asks about it, curious how it works and if it's tough for you. Honestly thinking of asking Stolas if he'd help cure you, but you admit that hating your werewolf side was more a taught behavior, and you've grown to like it since him and Loona have started welcoming it as part of you, which you appreciate greatly.
He'll also make jokes about it but not insenstive ones, mainly dirty ones "Hey wanna do it like dogs tonight Y/N~?" But he'll back off if they seriously annoy you or something.
Blitz loves to nuzzle into your fur, complimenting how soft it is, sometimes falling asleep on you like a pillow which you find adorable. You sometimes transforming when he's tired so he'll rest on you, you can wash the drool off in the morning.
As for Loona, she pratically will treat you like just another Hellhound, cause that's kinda what you are transformed and all. You two will vent to eachother how hard fur care is and how it get's everywhere, laughing together.
When she introduces you to Vortex in your wolf form, he goes "Yo is this your parent Loona?" Which gets her very flustered, not used to considering you that yet.
Overall they both love it, it's a part of you and just as lovable as the rest they feel, and they accept it with open arms.
Okay I enjoyed that! Again did my own spin on werewolves, less suffering, more just fun hijinks with two forms removed from people who look down on it. I like wholesome, so I do wholesome. Hope you enjoyed!
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hikarry · 2 months
Do you have the vampires pack?
I need a new Vlad and your sims are so pretty i trust you could make Vlad some semblance of hot. Plz plz plz 😭
Pretty sure that's the only supernatural pack I don't have, which is somewhat ironic, since I love vampires and don't give a crap about werewolves, yet: here we are. Still got werewolves first. Mainly for the CAS and the Build/Buy - it's really good for Rags to Riches challenges and I eat that shit up.
I do want to buy the pack very badly. Out of the 3 supernaturals we have I feel like they are the most developed ones?
Spellcaster's are a bit...underwhelming. It would be super cool if you could, like, become one of the "Masters" when you got to max level, ya know? Instead of farming xp endlessly for no real reason - unless you want all the power ups that are lowkey useless. Like, I would love a mechanic where, depending on which type of magic you trained the most, after level...idk, 3? It would become locked, ya know? Like, if you mostly trained Untamable magic, you were an Untamable Spellcaster and that was that. You would lose the chance to keep practicing the other types of magic. And, when you first have the choice between becoming a Dueler, a "Elixirs Spellcaster" or the other one that, until now, I still don't understand exactly what it is - let's call it "Book Nerd Spellcaster", depending on which ramification you chose, you couldn't choose the other, ya know? It would up the stakes. Actually make you think of what you want. Lowkey make the game more exciting, but that's my personal opinion that matches my playstyle.
And Werewolves. Oh, man. I've had that pack for months now and I've only played with one werewolf sim. And it was A PAIN. God. First off - and I've had this opinion since the trailer for that pack first came out - I cannot look at the wolf form and not see a furry. Nothing against furries, but if I wanted a furry, there's plenty of CC out there for ya to play with. Fuck, Cats and Dogs gives ya that silly hair with the cat ears even! Like, the bloody wolf doesn't have a tail! And why the absolute fuck can you wear clothes in the wolf form? As I've said, not the biggest werewolves fan in general, me, BUT, The Sims 3 Werewolves cleans the floor with The Sims 4 Werewolves. Guess it's a consequence of the kidification of The Sims 4. If you compare it with other games in the franchise, The Sims 4 is tame as hell. So, alas: Disney Werewolves. And then, the rage mode? Annoying. Annoying as shit. When they scare the whole household and break every single thing they see in front of them? Fuck. And it's really weird to just see a raging werewolf running the streets randomly while you're taking your dog for a walk. Idk, maybe that's just me
The Vampires tho! Not only do I like their powers way more BUT they sound hella fun to play with. The whole "not being in the sun or you will rip real fast" is so fucking fun! You actually have fucking consequences to your choices!
And, about Vlad: I will probably keep him the way he is when I do get the pack. Maybe make him even more of a creep. Cmon. He's iconic. And I like the creepy effect. I do understand why people turn him into a daddy, but I like it when not all sims are super models. So, yeah. Wouldn't be able to help you there, babe
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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With the chickens feeling content and well-loved for a change (look at Smiler petting the cute little rooster chick, awww~), Smiler headed inside to check out the new TV, while Alice transformed to do a bit of scavenging and hopefully earn some werewolf XP, and Victor headed into the crafting barn to make some new planters! A process that was NOT helped by him getting sick halfway through. :( I mean, seriously, those orange swirls do NOT look healthy. Come on, game, I was on a good streak of my Sims not getting sick. . .
However, we had other things to worry about -- namely, another fox (with a permanently-glitched-open mouth) menacing the chicken coop! Fortunately, Shadow was on the case, running up and barking the potential prowler away. I promptly had Smiler go outside to praise her for doing a good job. :) I mean, they just worked hard to actually get some relationship with those chickens for a change! No point in having it all ruined by one fox!
While that was going on, though, I did notice that Smiler was looking a bit thirsty -- and as Victor was both a) busy and b) unwell, I instead had Alice offer up her wrist for the drinking. After all, now that Victor actually Likes werewolves, they don’t get the “dog water” moodlet from drinking from them anymore. :) This evolved into them and Alice having a nice chat -- Smiler giving Alice some encouragement, and Alice discussing her werewolf nature with them and asking for sympathy. Smiler, already a “Werewolf Ally” thanks to their preferences, was only too willing to say yes, allowing Alice to unlock the “Werewolf Diplomacy” power! I dunno how much she’ll actually use it, but it’s there if she needs it. I think that deserves a hug, right? They thought so too. :)
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girlyliondragon · 3 years
Hmmm, I might stick to normal werewolf for Liz for now.
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moonhze · 2 years
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i’m not sure if this is something that people are interested in, but i kind of wanted to make this as a personal thing anyway in case i end up losing all of my occult related mods one day. these are mods for occult sims that i have in my game and either can’t live without, or am excited to try out myself!
this is heavily inspired by many other wonderful must have mod lists, so thank you to everyone who has made one of these as this post will follow a similar layout and structure and inspired me to make my own. i’ll try my best to keep this post up to date! - updated 17th august 2024.
disclaimer: there will always be the possibility that some of these mods are outdated or conflict with each other, so please be mindful of that. i’ll be doing my best to remove links & mention incompatibilities where necessary.
bloody bites & wounds. by mizoreyukii feeding from other sims is a messy activity. warning: very gory!
vampire bloodlines. by baniduhaine makes vampire bloodlines similar to spellcaster bloodlines, giving vampire offspring different strengths of the bloodline which affects their xp, energy and thirst.
vampire initiation ritual. by ilkavelle just a fun little mod that adds an event focused around turning a sim into a vampire.
vampire blood bank. by laurelie i haven’t used this one myself yet, but it seems exciting. it supposedly allows vampires to extract blood from sims to create plasma/blood packs instead of biting them to feed. vampires can also extract their own blood to give to humans to turn them.
vampires have bladders too! by daffodilyily this one might seem silly but i often find vampires too “easy” because of their different motives, so adding one back helps with keeping me challenged when taking care of them.
moonstone protection. by aaronsimboy moonstones from crystal creations can be made into jewelry and gives vampires protection from sunlight when worn.
alluring visage fog begone. by drhouse93 removes the obnoxious pink cloud when a vampire uses alluring visage, without removing the affect it has on other sims.
vampire weakness freedom. by vudou removes the restriction of needing to add weaknesses to your vampires when giving them new powers.
vampire mods. by nv. games this is a lovely list of various mods that changes things for vampires such as no hissing, thirst gained from red nectars, autonomous plasma fruit consumption and fated mates. there’s much more though so i highly recommend taking a look!
alchemy overhaul. by srslysims allows other sims (not just spellcasters) to create potions, herbalism recipes to be made with a cauldron and the ability to purchase alchemy ingredients via a computer.
potions rework. by kuttoe makes potion making more challenging by forcing spellcasters to venture out to places like selvadorada and granite falls to find ingredients for higher level potions. also removes the immortal glow and nerfs the needs potion. (conflicts with srslysims’ alchemy overhaul)
spellcaster tweaks. by kuttoe this mod also makes spellcasting more challenging and rewarding, nerfing some spells and changing how charges work.
forbidden spells. by kuttoe evil spellcasters!!!
functional spellbook. by deathpoke1qa a mod that i find to be absolutely essential when playing with spellcasters. it allows them to learn spells from each specialty at a compact, standing spellbook.
kids can perform magic. by zulf i’m still not sure if this mod is updated but i intend to keep it here in hopes it has been/will be! (may be broken)
broomstick & wand maker careers. by ilkavelle allows spellcasters to make broomsticks and wands via the woodworking table, and adds a career!
no relationship loss from werewolf reactions. by shayminnasakura sims are now pretty chill with their werewolf friends howling and transforming right beside them.
less furious werewolves. by llazyneiph it seems that werewolves’ fury meters fill up way too quickly so this seems like a handy mod to have. (i haven’t played with werewolves yet)
fated mate changes. by zafireria changes the way a werewolf can find their fated mate. previously, the werewolf would have to use a romantic interaction to discover if a sim is their fated mate. now this mod can make it so that any interaction can find their fated mate.
werewolf tweaks. & club activities. by chipped includes mods such as venomous bites for vampires, adding wolfsbane to drinks to protect sims from werewolves and more.
werewolf bloodlines. by baniduhaine basically the same as the other bloodline mods included here, but for werewolves.
various occult mods.
a section of mods that either adds new occults in game or caters to multiple/ones that don’t have a special section in this list.
secret occults. by janesimsten a mod for all occults apart from ghosts, allowing sims to decide whether they believe in the occult or not and the ability to discover other occult sims. it basically gives the definition of an occult sim more meaning.
supernatural traits. by vickysims this is a great mod that allows you to add special traits to your supernatural sims. these can either add depth to a pre-existing occult sim (i.e, a vampire with a haunted trait) or make new occults all together (sort of).
alien bloodlines. by baniduhaine this basically just adds bloodlines similar to those that spellcasters have to aliens, but i definitely think it’s worth using if you play with aliens!
ghastly ghosts. by chipped makes the ghost occult more unique, allowing only certain sims to see ghosts and a few new interactions.
plantsim mod. by naunakht i’ve never touched plantsims in ts4 but i’m sure some people like them, so i included this mod that i found which gives them more depth, interactions and removes their unique appearance.
fairies vs. witches. by spinningplumbobs i’m not personally a fairy fan but i’d be silly not to include this mod as it seems so many people desperately want fairies in the game, and this mod seems to do exactly that!
expanded mermaids. by spinningplumbobs gives mermaids the treatment they deserve by adding a handful of extra interactions for them! including ocean interactions, rankings, perks and a few special objects.
merfolk cove. by simularity adds a lot trait that allows merfolks to gather and makes them trust regular sims upon visiting.
occult food mods.
this is my personal favorite section as i love food that’s specific to certain occults, especially vampires.
plasma fruit recipes. by catdevpete basically adds a bunch of plasma recipes based off pre-existing regular foods in game such as plasma noodles & plasma pancakes. yum.
occult recipe book. by tianasims these recipes look so darn cute! it includes recipes that increases fertility for spellcasters, a special dish for werewolves that will gross out regular sims, and other magical-themed foods.
cooking overhaul. by srslysims this is a general cooking overhaul that i highly recommend regardless, but it features a few cute plasma recipes that you can see screenshots of here.
red plasma fruit override. by natalia-auditore makes purple plasma things red instead.
icemunmun recipes. if you search for “plasma” or “occult” on this patreon page, you’ll be able to find a handful of well made recipes that are specific to certain occults!
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Thanks zu!
Yeah Jan is the besttt
It wasmeant to be a best of British night ! So we were dressed as the spice girls! And I made sure to bring done some bday cake for all of them the next day!
Oh no its a b n b a Bed and Breakfast, do you not have these?
The tattot is gonna be simple, a lil skull to match one my father has! Tattoos are a special thing for him, so he wanted to get my first one
That sounds lovely! We've been having some warmth, but also some summer rain!
Henry is fineee but he peed in the room at the b n b twice
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Here's him getting some custard! Also you can see my dad's tattoo that I'm also getting!
Sounds cool heheh! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) That was so sweet of you <3
Nooo but I guess we have analogs— what is it?? (°▽°)
Awww please tell me about the tattoo! \(//∇//)\☆ How was it?? How does it look? *^*
What a lovely weather indeed! (〃ω〃)
Bet he was just really excited heh xp <3
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OH hii! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) So glad to see you again <3
OMG— this looks awwwsome!! (☆▽☆) So concise and cool and cute at the same time, congratulations! ♡
And what a good idea to use numbing cream *^* I'm so glad to hear you were lucky with the artist as well, they did a great work! <3 Awww what a sweet tradition it is now (ówò)
Tattoo is not for me but I enjoy looking at others' heh *w*
*eyes emoji* I'm interested ♪
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Ah so that's how it works! (*゚∀゚*) I didn't even know about this kind but this sounds interesting to try ☆
The day's been really good and sooo warmth, I went to my friend's housewarming party after work and we watched Fantastic Beasts (The Secrets of Dumbledore) and sighed over Grindelwald pff (⁎⁍̴̀﹃ ⁍̴́⁎) Have you watched this series?? And what about your day? ♡
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Heheh good luck to you! <3
*GASP* vampires/werewolves? ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) ok no more heh—
Someday *w*
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For realll! (༶ૢ˃̵̑◡˂̵̑༶ૢ) The "awww" moment <3
Oh I didn't know it was set in Russia?? (°▽°) More surprises xp UK won all the fans' interest ngl *w*
ヾ(���∪≦*)ノ〃A little soft spot for Mads Mikkelsen ♡
Lazy days are the best days (๑>◡<๑) And happy Henry! <3 Can't wait to read it ♪
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Ah it's alright! >:3 No worries <3
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sp-creates · 2 years
Hi there! I recently installed your Werewolves mod and I love it! I just had a couple of questions: is it possible to cheat all levels of the Werewolf Lore skill, and can you cheat-add all werewolf perks to your sim? Also, is it possible to change who sired a sim through cheats? I love playing this mod, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm a sucker for playing the Sims 4 with cheats, and basically, I was just wondering what all the werewolf mod-specific commands are :) Have a lovely day!
Offhand, I don’t recall all the different cheats, but there are several cheats that you can access by enabling testingcheats and shift+clicking on your werewolf sim or some of the new objects. As for skills and such, it’s possible to max all the mod’s skills if you have MC Command Center or UI Cheats Extension . This includes the Werewolf XP stat, which is needed for gaining perks. :)
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The Full Moon (A White Demon’s Love Song, Part 7.)
Series description: A new job was the reason you found yourself on a lonely road trip on the western coast, ending up in the woods of the Olympian Peninsula. Yet a sudden car malfunction was what cause your unplanned stay in Forks. To your surprise, there was a lot of sinister things going on under the veil of fog.
Part Summary: As the relationship between you and the grumpy shapeshifter finally moved on to the better ground, you knew you were now in the position to ask to see more of the magic that Quilete people could do.
A/N: Okay, okay, okay. I'm back and... Let's get this bad boy running, shall we?
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Word count: 4.6 K
Twilight playlist: ✨ Twilight Crackheads ✨
Series masterlist: H E R E
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Jacob sat there in dead silence for a moment, before he looked back at you, just sitting there, chewing the meat and staring at him with a small smile. - "Are you sure that you're in the right headspace? We can talk about this later if you want." - At that, you furrowed. You've asked him to show you the wolf again. Okay, maybe, you've been making a fairground attraction out of his abilities and you weren't afraid to tell it out loud, but you wanted to see the animal again. You were curious about seeing it. - "What are you after?" - You mumbled, taking another bite from your almost cold meal. Dear Lord, you've been sitting at the table for more than half an hour. - "You've hit your head, had a panic attack, fainted twice, and even though, you want to see it again. Don't you have any sort of self-preservation instinct? Or do you just find it exciting to have your life threatened all the time?"
It was played out as a joke and you both grinned, you even let out a small laugh... But it was just reminding Jacob of her. How excited she was to discover the werewolves, that she was fond of learning more about them - more so, there was a short fascination phase. Funny, how things sometimes replayed the exact way it was before. - "Hey, look at it from my perspective. I've been living my whole life listening to fairytales and legends, myths, stories... And now, I've learned that some of them are real. Of course, I want to see it again." - "It's not a magic trick. It's who I am, Y/N." - Jacob looked you dead in the eyes to scare you off a bit, but it hadn't made you even flinch. - "And I do respect that, Jacob." - It was just a whisper, but the five words meant a whole lot.
You were telling him that you're respecting this side of him and that you're not scared anymore. Well, that you're not scared of him, more so - which was fair, there was something way more malicious to be scared of. The cold ones, knowns also as the fricking vam-pi-res which you still couldn't say out loud. And now, it was your conflict as well, whether you wanted to take part in it or not. You were there and you should accommodate real fast, or it's going to cost a lot more than a slight concussion, two faintings, and obviously, making yourself an idiot out of yourself in front of fucking everyone. Which made you furrow. - "How do you even know I fainted twice and that I was acting like an idiot? You weren't here - Seth was with me the whole time." - "It's going to get crazier than it already is... Do you want me to answer this one?" - Jacob furrowed and you nodded. - "Are you sure?" - He asked once more. Again, you nodded
Maybe you thought that you're going crazy, Jacob couldn't tell what was going through that head of yours. So far, it seemed that not that much was going on there. And so, he went for it. - "We can see, hear, and feel our thoughts. The members of the pack a 24/7 access to every thought that has ever gone through your head, every feeling that went through... They can see everything. It's very uncomfortable and scary - but that's how I know what was happening here." - "Like all the time?" - "No, only when we shift and the person shifts around the same time." - Wow. How many boobies did the werewolves have to see? How much of the action... Did they see? Sex was the last appropriate thought in a situation like this one - but it was the most natural one.
Once more, your face was looking like a frozen Windows XP program as you thought about all the dirty secrets they knew about eating others... Well, there weren't any dirty secrets if they simply saw all of them, huh? That was one of the most fucked up things you've heard until that day. - "And can you like... Not share with them?" - You wondered after at least two-minutes-lasting silence. - "When you're good at playing mind games or you're a total asshole, constantly thinking about something unpleasant, theoretically, you can hide some of your memories... But trust me, we've been in each other's heads for enough of a long time. Mind games start to bore you to death after some time." - "But it's better than seeing someone bending Betty from the gas station over a table, ain't it? I'm sorry, but I can't stand the bare thought of seeing my friends... Doing stuff. Yuck." - At that, Jacob snickered - which fluidly translated to a burst of happy laughter. - "I'm talking years of being in each other's heads. Not just... Weeks or months. No matter how hard you'd try to conceal everything, there's always a small moment of vulnerability, which can tell others everything, especially when you imprint. Then you don't care about how the miserable singles perceive your all-day projection of a happy relationship." - Jacob mumbled then, his expression coldening at the end of his statement.
Again, there was this hint of sadness and the other Jacob taking over the wheel, steering the ship for now. Yet now, you were to jump straight into the sadness. - "Come again? Imprinting? And what's that about?" - You asked, reminding him that most of this is all news for you. You've never been inside the consciousness of the pack - you never saw Quil constantly gushing over his precious Claire, or before, you couldn't hear Sam thinking of Emily. At the start, it was sweet, but occasionally, it started to feel like flexing on the members who hadn't found the one yet. - "That's another form of slavery we, as the werewolves, participate in." - Jacob tried to joke around, but the tone of his voice gave him in. - "Okay, I'm ready to hear about that."
It wasn't making Jacob easy to talk about the imprinting, trying to explain it to someone - again. But he did. He talked about endless love where the wolf had no choice but to listen to the damn calling of his imprintee. He couldn't leave, he couldn't just stop loving them, the wolves had no choice in this matter. It was one of the most unfair and disgusting, weird things you've heard about that evening. But it made you think... Maybe this was why Jacob was so sour about Bella all the time. He imprinted - and she just let his trust go, becoming a vampire. She let him suffer, alone and unwanted. - "Did it..." - "No." - Jacob answered before you've even finished your question. So that wasn't what happened either - but you were positive that something similar to it had happened. The idea simply haunted you - how would it feel to fall for someone without choosing to do so? Without any reasoning?
On the other hand, it must've been extremely freeing. Not to think about doing right and wrong, just to do as your head tells you to - to love, admire and care for a person until the point it almost kills you, not to put yourself and your feelings in the first place... Damn. It had pros and cons. - "Okay." - You said when you've settled all the ideas inside your head. - "When we'll be doing it? I mean, when you're going to show me?" - Well, you certainly weren't fucking around. There was no question about IF Jake's going to show you, the question asked was starting with WHEN. On one hand, you've had the right to know more about it. On the other hand, it was none of your fucking business - especially with the vampires lurking around Forks.
And as usual for Jacob, he chooses the less logical solution. - "Tonight. I have a watch over the Ozette lake and I'm supposed to be alone there. Also, it's not probable for the leeches to track us out there." - Jacob was never the best with making good decisions, that was the first thing going on there. The second matter was that Jacob was sure you'd follow him into the woods - and if you'd drop dead again, Seth couldn't be the prince to rescue this time. The third thing about this situation was that it would be most likely the best solution, for a few days, to stick with one of the wolves. The trackers hadn't come across the few drops you've let in the forest when you banged your forehead into a damn root - they'd surely soon do so since it was quite smelly.
Now, when you were on board with everything, it also wasn't so crazy to ask you about borrowing a t-shirt from you. Sure, other boys and mainly Sam won't be too happy with how much did Jacob tell you - yet it was better than you walking around without having any clue. He could leave out some parts, for sure, but why would he do so? He was in a fucking shitty situation - no way in hell would he be pretending that everything on the planet is a-ok. - "Okay." - You chimed happily. Suddenly, you whipped folds with papers on the table, working as you ate the last crumpets on your plate. - "Also, there's this one problem." - "The money doesn't add up? " - Jacob asked back, his eyes glued to the TV. - "No, I'm just almost done with all the papers I was able to find there. You don't have the business for too long, do you?
At this, another bit of the conversation was started - Jacob told you how he got the old workshop from a mechanic who was too old to keep up. Of course, he paid something for the business, but it was more of a symbolic amount of money than a huge sum. Jacob also started to keep the record about all the gigs he has taken since he started to work as the new mechanic; yet despite his best tries, he was a messy person - your help was heavily appreciated in this field. This start-up was just what Jacob needed to leave La Push. He was still spending some time at the weekend in there with his dad, Seth, and his other friends, but now, he was trying to get through life on his own.
He dreamt about going on a vacation to somewhere where it's always sunny and warm, but he was still saving up for the dreamy trip of his life. Which, as you guessed, wasn't going too well. Jacob, being the good-willed idiot, was trying to help the needy people who couldn't afford to pay that much for a mechanic and there was a lot of small amounts of money he just... Let go. Just like with you, with Mrs. Peterson, and a ton of other people. So... He was most likely to spend his whole damn life in Forks. - "Yeah, but I mean... I will be done soon. What should I do when all the papers are sorted?" - You asked when the story was ended. - "Well, since you still have a debt, you might as well help me with the gigs, I suppose. Tomorrow, I have one in Sappho and then two cars in La Push, I think. And a routine check-up at the station... And then your car." - Jacob started to count on his fingers, naming every gig he had written into his calendar. - "I don't know anything about cars. And you've told me that you're gonna do something to me if I even get close to one of your cars. The cars don't like me either, just to let you know." - At that, Jacob laughed into the back of his palm. - "I'll be there and I'll show you your way around the cars, I swear. You won't be letting anyone's car blow up on my watch." - And there, it was the start of something so-called a friendship.
As Jacob promised, it could be around 8 p.m. as you both climbed into the tank he called a car. He made sure you've made yourself some hot tea and put it into a Thermo cup, some food, he so made you take your jacket and his raincoat just to be sure you won't feel cold. The whole ride to the unknown was quiet, yet in a nice way. You've been shifting on your seat expectedly, watching your surroundings. There were woods as far as you could see, nothing but deep and dark woods. Suddenly, Jacob turned off the engine and looked at you. You've been in the middle of literal nowhere, yet Jacob was sure you're just where you've been supposed to be. - "Well, come on, we're here." - The man smiled sadly. He was playing out the worst scenarios inside his mind for the last ten minutes and he was just praying you wouldn't fain when he'd show his wolf form to you. - "We'll be walking for half an hour," - "In this pitch-black night? Are you out of your mind?" - At that weak argument, Jacob snickered quite happily.
"I forgot you can't see that well in the dark." - The man scratched the nape of his neck as he looked around. - "But you'll be just fine, trust me. Let's go." - With a quite loud clap, he ventured to the forest head first, not waiting for what you wanted to do. Unexpectedly, you stood still at the trunk of his car while the wildest thoughts raced through your mind. That man told you, just mere hours ago, that there are vam-pi-res somewhere in the woods and now he wanted you to wander somewhere behind him, orienting only through the sounds of his heavy footsteps... Jacob was surely half-insane, you were one hundred percent sure of that. Suddenly, said crazy man popped his head on the other side of the trunk, making you squirm in fear. First, you ducked and tried to hide, but then, your mind clicked as your brain realized it's only Jacob
"Holy mother of shit." - The curse made Jacob grin, but he didn't say a single word as he leaned his elbows to the sides of the said trunk. - "I swear to God that I'll have a heart attack if you keep fucking around with me. You scared me to death."
"What are you so scared about? I've heard everyone looks better in the dark, Y/N, which makes me the best looking man in all of the Forks and La Push." - At that argument, a wide grin appeared on your face. Sure, you still were a bit tense, but as of now, Jacob's presence was calming you down... Which was a thing you thought you'd never say out loud. In the end, he was one grumpy and scary package. As of now, he was tall as a mountain and pretty well-built as far as you could judge; said man could also turn into a wolf at will, so it was a win-win situation. You had to be safe with him even if you didn't want to. - "Debatable." - It was not much more than a silent mumble when you answered Jacob. - "Come on. Don't be a sissy, nothing bad can happen to you. I can't smell anything inhuman in here. You're safe."
To be absolutely exact, Jacob couldn't smell anything other than you. Not that you'd be smelly or smelling funny, your smell was just outrageously strong, even in an opened, windy space. But he was sure that if any leech would be lurking around, he'd either see or smell them. - "Sissy?" - Was the answer you came up with, leaving the safe space behind the trunk. With never-before-seen confidence, you walked up to the edge of the woods, quite literally pulling your sleeves up in the process. - "You called me a sissy? Well, young man, you just outdo yourself. I'm no sissy." - And just like that, you stumbled to the pitch-black dark forest, walking a few steps forward between mossy, cold trees. At first, you still knew Jake's right behind to watch each of the steps you made, yet as the time passed by, the silence was growing louder and louder.
You've made it a few feet into the woods before you realized that you, in fact, were a total sissy. As you walked out of the edge again, you could now see Jacob resting his back on the side of his car, watching you with a small, daring smile. - "I gave you a minute before you walk back out. You impressed me with your time of a minute and fifteen seconds." - "Oh, fuck off. A forest is a freaky place when you can't see even a foot away from you. I almost hit a tree with my forehead." - With a sigh, you caught the straps of your backpack in your palms and looked at him. - "Well, lucky for you, I have a plan B."
First, you didn't know what he was doing - the man kneeled in front of you while showing you his back, waiting for you to do something. What you were supposed to do was in no way clear to you, to be honest. - "Are you climbing on it or not?" - Jacob asked impatiently after almost a minute of getting his knees wet. Were you doing... What? What did the man just ask you to do? To climb on his back? Well, who were you not to deliver?
With all the concentration you had in you and with the best skill you could have while wearing two thick jackets, you climbed on his back, making sure you were holding to his shoulders as firmly as you could. At first, it seemed to be working - with little to no actual force, Jacob walked at least half a mile with you on his back. The only problem was your ass slowly slipping down with each step he took. And suddenly...
"Oh, loca. Did you hurt yourself?" - As soon as Jacob heard a loud wet thud, he knew you've fallen directly on your ass. Yeah, it did hurt a little, but it was nothing you wouldn't walk off pretty easily. - "No, I think I'm good, it's basically nothing." - A mutter along with a sharp curse word left your lips as you tried to pick yourself hard. And you needed to say that it wasn't the easiest task when you couldn't see more than one and a half feet from you. Jacob watched you trying to find a tree nearby with a smirk on his face before he actually bowed down and made sure to pick you up bridal style.
"I can walk on my own, Jesus Christ, Black! I'm heavy!" - A quiet squirm hit Jacob's ears as he started running with you in his arms as if you were nothing but air. Even though you started to wiggle a bit to show you're not consenting to be carried, the man could hear your heart slowly calming down. Just like that, you felt very safe. - "We can talk about that once you start walking properly. You women really need to work on your marches, let me tell you that." - Jacob answered while making his way forward as if you weren't even there. - "It's hard to walk when you can't see for your dear life." - Was the last mutter you left out before curling up closer to the warmth he radiated as you tried to find a better position for yourself to relieve both him and you.
Jacob remembered the forest trail to lake Ozette from the back of his head. During the day, the place could be lovely when any leeches were around - it was a huge body of water laying as far as an eye could see, some shores were beachy, some of them were covered in reeds. When the summer was warm enough, it was one of Jake's favorite spots to take a swim at along with the boys, especially when they decided they are bored of cliff diving for now. As he thought about that, there were many beautiful spots around Washington the guides didn't talk about and which you definitely had to see for yourself - just like that one meadow high up in the mountains, or the canyon cutting the edge between Quileute and Cullen territory. There was just something simply magical about these spots.
It took him a moment to form the right kind of sentence before he started talking. Which, let's be honest, kinda freaked you out - the man was running around a pitch-black forest with you in his arms and nothing more than jean shorts and a plain t-shirt on, barefoot, let you add and he still found to breath to talk to you amidst all of that. - "You know, if we survive all of this in good health..." - Jacob started carefully. It was meant as a joke, but seeing your eyes widen in horror made him realize this wasn't funny to you. - "I mean, when all this is over, because, we will destroy those leeches and that's a promise, I think I have some secret spots for you that you might want to see." - "But... What about my car? Won't it be long repaired by then?" - Ouch. It was a good question, but it hurt the good-hearted Jacob right in the feels; this time, the mean, grumpy guy wasn't in charge.
Yes, he should focus on repairing your car as quickly as he was capable of just to get you out of Forks for good. As a reward, he wouldn't feel the heavy responsibility for another human being who was fully dependant on him and his pack in this scenario. On the other hand... - "What if we don't get the right parts, huh? I think you should start to prepare for prolonging your stay in Forks and by all means, you should find yourself a good part-time job. Newtons always look for a part-time worker." - Even if you could see just a sheer glimpse of his teeth, you knew he was basically smiling from ear to ear.
"Jacob Black, you're one of the best mechanics I've seen," - Wow. That was a huge compliment. Yet, then the second part of the sentence came to play and it ruined the nice thing completely. - "Truth is, I have seen like... One mechanic working. But you seem to be great at what you're doing and with your love for classic cars, there's no way in hell you wouldn't get my Beetle working." - "You meant do say the wreck, didn't you?" - "Oh, fuck you. No more compliments for you, you get cocky too easily." - To keep you in the headspace of winning that small quarrel, Jacob didn't say a word throughout the rest of the way. It wasn't much longer a mere five minutes later when something very bright hit your eyes.
Oh, it was the moon. It made sense - no clouds were in the sky, it was clear and you've also been miles away from the nearest small town. Here, as it reflected in the masses of water, the moon looked as big as never before. When Jacob put you down, you didn't wait for a signal that the proximity of Ozette if vam-pi-re free and just walked to the meadow surrounding it. As it was to be expected, it was cold as hell - there was a huge mass of water in front of you and the wind was blowing; yet your eyes were basically glued to the big, grey, shiny ball on the sky. - "I told you there are some secret spots you might enjoy." - Black grinned as he pressed something to your hand. At first, you just nodded with your mouth opened as you were unable to look away, yet as soon as you realized you're holding a piece of cloth, it hit you - Jacob walk walking back to the edge of the forest's edge, unzipping his jean shorts. It was happening.
With a soft thud, you took down your backpack and turned head first towards the spot the man disappeared at. Nothing more than a splashing of water and soft howling of the wind could be heard, yet you knew exactly what was happening. And when it happened, the sound reminded you of a quiet, strange explosion, you knew that this time, you've been perfectly prepared for what was waiting for you hidden just ten feet away from the nearest tree.
This time, when you saw it, you hadn't fainted. In fact, you stood perfectly still and watched the majestic animals slowly walking towards you.
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asterekmess · 4 years
Laura gets sent a funky letter and goes back to Beacon Hills. Now, we have a lil more confusion (i’ve got a whole buttload of issues with the timeline, but let’s not get into that now) // *puppy eyes* Please talk more about the timeline? *puppy eyes intensify* Pretty please?
oohhhmygod. oohhhhmygod. What issues don’t I have with the timeline?
Listen, I know I mention this is every post I make, but I’m doing a full series rewrite of this show. Which means I need to know when things happen. And TW? Nothing makes SENSE.
I’ve said it before, it’s complete bullshit that a show about werewolves refuses to give two fucks about the moon cycle. It’s so fucking simple. The first full moon is on a Friday. The second full moon Must Be on a Sunday. Is it? NO. It’s on a MONDAY. They’re at SCHOOL all day! I had so many issues trying to get the timeline to play nice here, you’ve no idea. In the end, I just ended up sticking with the stupid concept that a moon cycle is 31 days instead of 30.
But no, let’s go even further back, huh? To the Pre-show timeline. Laura Hale, everybody. She shows up (How long is she even in Beacon Hills? If the deer was what warned the Argents and made them head back, they should’ve arrived before she died. How did she do all that investigating in so short a time?) and gets ganked by Peter. He claws/bites her to death. Then, the story goes that the Argents cut her in half and used her as bait to catch Derek. BUT. We know Kate wasn’t the one to do it, cus’ she wasn’t in town. And Chris, Victoria, and Allison hadn’t even arrived yet. We find out in S3A that Allison was IN the car that nearly hit Scott when he walked out of the woods after getting bit and finding the top half of Laura’s body. So who the fuck cut Laura’s body in half? (I Have other issues with this, actually, and the entirety of the Peter stuff, so XP fuck you davis.)
Then there’s the thing with the bus driver. Scott makes this claim that he knows the guy, bc he drove the bus Scott rode “when I lived with my dad” but Scott never lived with his DAD. His dad is in fucking NY or whatever. And the guy’s only been a bus driver in the last five years, so it’s not like it’s from when he was little or something.
I’m not even gonna mention the whole “The fire was ten years ago” “Wait, the fire was six years ago” thing cus...wtf? ALSO. If they wrote the show and intended for Derek to be NINETEEN at the start, but then said the fire was TEN YEARS AGO??? DEREK WAS NINE???? They wrote that storyline intending for Derek to have Been NINE? WTF? And if they didn’t intend for him to have been nine, then what the hell is wrong with them and not thinking these things through? That’s so fucking basic.
How about the part where Derek gets shot with a bullet that’ll kill him in 48 hours, but he shows up the next day and nearly dies after less than 24? Did he spend a whole day alone? Scott knew Derek was shot for an entire day and that he’d been poisoned, and didn’t think to check on him??
This show is so allergic to having actual dates for their shit bc they don’t wanna get caught out for their pathetic timeline, they don’t even have a Valentine’s Day episode with Allison and Scott. According to the timeline I’ve worked out, Valentine’s day? Yeah, it happens on Scott’s second full moon. The day he and Lydia make out. Love it.
That whole thing with Allison in the car and the crying and the flashbacks to her seeing Derek getting tortured? Yeah, Noah’s part in that makes no fucking sense (yeah, I know no one calls him noah, I joined the fandom too late to care about calling him john). We see Stiles getting his dad drunk that night. Royally drunk. Then, suddenly, he’s on duty and pulling Allison over? What? Or did Allison wait a night to start freaking out about it?
Allison’s mother gets bitten at the rave, which is like a week away from the full moon bc it’s at the start of spring break and Lydia’s birthday happens at the end of Spring break (actually, since Lydia goes to the fucking School to see Jackson, HOLDING A BACKPACK, I’m pretty sure it happens after they get back to school). Scott’s bite healed the day after he was bitten. You’re telling me Victoria didn’t heal that whole week? Even if she had the whole ‘guilt trip=no healing’ thing going on, she would’ve been shifting throughout the week and Derek said they can’t keep themselves from healing while they’re unconscious (or are we just completely disregarding that? Oh, we are? Okay, sure, fine.) so why don’t her eyes change color/why doesn’t she show any wolf signs until the moment she dies?
Lydia’s birthday is supposed to be on the Worm Moon. Which is the full moon that happens in March. But we’ve already had three full moons. January, February, and March. We’re halfway through fucking April right now, TW. What are you on?
Then throughout S3A & B we have a blatant disregard for how long the nighttime lasts. Erica and Boyd are out running around BH early enough that children are playing in the woods and Chris is getting groceries. But then Derek holds them in the boiler room for like two minutes and suddenly it’s dawn? Dawn shouldn’t be coming until around 6:30 in the morning. That’s hours of being down there with them.
Plus all the Oni stuff where nighttime happens about twenty minutes after they get out of classes and then lasts the entire episode, while still somehow not taking long enough because the episode runs in current time, so only like an hour has passed, but now the sun is up! Woo!
Y’all know my expertise doesn’t go v far into the later seasons. But come on. It’s not that fucking hard to pick a timeline and then stick to it! Stop putting things that should be happening on the weekend in the middle of the week! Stop jamming a week’s worth of scenes one after the other and then pretending it all happened in one night! They got all fucking worried about running out of material around Season 5B or whatever, but if they’d just taken their time in the beginning then they could’ve gotten like two more seasons out of this show. Two good seasons. Hell, every other season would improve too, just from not being so bunched up and getting the chance to actually explore the entire plotline they set up.
Plus, just overall, there’s the part where they fucking skipped four months between S2 & S3A? Four months, not three. They still had like two weeks or so of school left after the warehouse scene that we never got to see. PLUS THE FOUR MONTHS before S3A.
I get that they wanted to go for a seasonal thing, where the show happens when they’re in school. But you can’t just skip four months of character development and then give us nothing about anyone except Scott! Derek getting an apartment is not enough! What the fuck were they doing for four months? Why did it take them so long to find Erica and Boyd??? What happened with Jackson? What did Stiles do all summer? (I’d normally make a joke about ‘other than derek’ here, but like, I don’t actually ship them at that point in the timeline? The whole ‘summer fling’ thing never worked for me. Bonding, yes, fucking, no.)
AND they skipped the entirety of winter break between S3B and S4. What HAPPENED at Christmas time? Did Malia get to make snow angels? Did Stiles go to THERAPY?
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
What’s your all time favorite cat breed? Mines the Russian blue, they’re absolutely gorgeous and look like the absolute rulers of all cats
Tbh, I don't really pay attention to specific breeds a lot of the time XP what happens is I see a cat and I immediately think "ahh, it's another pretty baby! :D"
I've always had a soft spot for black cats, any color tabby cat, and the cats that are really fluffy (like,, medium length fur,, not as long and fluffy as Persians, or anything like that). A specific breed that I do remember really liking would be Maine Coones, because they're fluffy, they get ridiculously big, and they look very majestic in pretty much every picture I've ever seen of them
Edit: I forgot Siamese cats, somehow. Siamese cats have always been really cute to me too ^^ I just love how bright their eyes are, and their fur pattern is super pretty
Apparently Lykoi cats (the ones that look like little werewolves) are a thing too, and I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think they're cute and I would definitely love to get one if I had the chance to
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helila · 4 years
spoilery cyberpunk rambling under the cut
So first things first, I torrented this game with the honest expectations of it turning out to be complete shit and probably deleting it after like 8-10 hours of wasted gameplay.
And in the first 8-10 hours I wasn’t quite captivated with the game.
I was really put off by the mandatory first person view and the abominable drive mechanism. The prologue felt rushed. Night City was overwhelming in a sense but also kinda... empty? Lifeless? I was really annoyed by the constant phonecalls (flashbacks to Skyrim couriers).
Once I got the hang of combat, I explored around and killed some Tyger Claws. I raked in a whole lot of cash and XP. I wanted to enjoy the gameplay outside of the main quest but it wasn’t really happening.
So I figured, maybe I should just go ahead and kick off the story. 
I knew that Jackie was gonna die. And it still punched me in the gut. The voice acting paired with the animation, the soundtrack and the overall mood just really got to me. Now I was invested.
And then this kept happening with Evelyn, Panam, Judy... there are all these individual stories stuck between 50 eliminate/steal/spy gigs and before you know it, you really start to care. And you care for V too. They are really a character of their own, which is kinda weird at first because this was supposed to be an RPG (it’s not really) and I’m used to a more Bioware approach with heroes.
But V is not a hero in the slightest. Even if you try to play as a nicer character (haunted by the asshole terrorist in your head) you still do terrible things. And it’s considered a normal way of life. You hunt down some corpo woman because the fixer pays good money and you need it.
So, suddenly I was 60 hours into this game, with no intention of stopping. I saw some hilarous bugs, but nothing game breaking. I wanted to know what more this game has to offer.
I didn’t do all of the gigs, because after a certain point I was well beyond bored with sneaky no shooty missions. But I rescued some people, meditated with a monk, nearly uncovered a conspiracy between aliens and werewolves and got played by a rando on the web.
I already knew I wanted to stick with the Aldecaldos before I knew it was an actual option for the ending. For my Nomad V, this was a given. She’s a prodigal daughter, returning from the city after losing nearly everything to it.
Yet, saying goodbye to it was bittersweet. Much like deleting Silverhand felt like losing a friend, one that you had a complicated relationship with. He is a really well written character, a true little devil on your shoulder. A loveable, tragic asshole. When you consider that he was born in ‘88 and had to witness the collapse of society as we know it... it’s not difficult to relate.
I’m disappointed that merging the two personalities was not an option. I kinda thought that the Delamain quest was a foreshadowing to that one, but in the end either V or Johnny had to go.
As much as I love Kea Johnny, I still wanted to ride off into the sunset with Judy and Panam.
A bittersweet but satisfying ending. I don’t know if I’m ever going to play through the other options, I’m kinda the “play the same character and same choices forever” type gal. For now I’m content, knowing that my dear, dumbass V and her glittery cowboy hat are happy out there. Whether it’s 6 months or more, is up to my imagination.
Also I didn’t expect Takemura to tell me to go to hell, and that really really hurt my feelings. :((((
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pagedoll · 4 years
cringe but i made an onward oc so i can selfship with barley and i can’t draw her but i can write about her lol. so here’s some info/hcs abt them if anyone’s interested xp
Elowen is a half elf half werewolf, and basically looks like a regular elf but she has grey wolf ears and a tail and big sharp teeth.
She dresses edgy and has piercings lining her right ear but she’s baby
Works at fantasy Hot Topic, where she met Barley bc he definitely shops there....
Can and does shift fully on full moons only. She’s a lot smaller than other wolves, abt the size of a coyote, and is self-conscious about it.
During full moons her mother would take her out of the city to go camping, as was common practice for most werewolves. They went off on their own rather than congregating with other wolves, mostly because of Elowen’s major disconnect from them. When she got older she didn’t want to go with her mom anymore and started going by herself, which she did for years before she met Barley and he started coming with her.
She found Barley endearing from the very beginning, he’d thought her ears were cool and happily listened to him info dump about werewolves after she told him why she had them.
Barley gets her pretty into Quests of Yore, but not quite as much as he is.
Elowen loves going for rides in Guinevere the Second, and Barley likes to tease her by getting her excited beforehand like one would a pet.
She also loves play fighting with him, and has only accidentally bitten him once or twice.  
They’re both protective of the other, though Barley might be more-so. Elowen will absolutely grown at other girls if she feels they’re getting too close or friendly with him though.
She does try to keep him out of trouble if something seems like a pretty bad idea. But also he’s pretty good at talking her into things with him. She’s a supportive gf after all...
Ian isn’t sure about her in the beginning, worried that she’s stealing his brother since he spends so much time with her. When they find out, they both assure him that that’s not going to happen and start hanging out with and including him more. Eventually Elowen and Ian settle into a comfortable balance of sharing Barley and become close friends.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
Thoughts On A Sims 4 Occults Refresh
Because, as per the Chill Save update earlier, I have recently picked up The Sims 4: Werewolves after watching quite a few videos on it from the YouTube Simmers I follow (namely James Turner, who built all the lots for the pack and is rightfully proud of it, and Plumbella, who did an early-access LP of it), and seeing how much care and attention was lavished on the werewolves and their lore really makes me want some sort of refresh for most of the other occults in the game. And since Smiler only got a one-post update today, I figured I could take the time to make a post about what I’d like to see! It boils down to a few key points:
1. Give aliens and mermaids proper power/perk trees -- Yeah, of the occults we have in Sims 4, I think we can all agree that aliens and mermaids got the short end of the stick -- possibly because they’re both occults that came as part of an expansion instead of getting a dedicated game pack like the Big Three of vampires, spellcasters, and werewolves. (Probably doesn’t help that aliens were one of the first occults added to the game in Get To Work. . .) They both desperately need updates to keep them relevant and make them more fun to play without requiring the use of mods. And the best way to do that would be to give them a set of powers/perks you can buy for XP points, like said Big Three. Mermaids already work a bit like vampires thanks to their “Hydration” need powering their innate special songs and whatnot -- why not go whole hog? Have them earn things like the ability to find unique treasures in the deepest parts of the ocean! New songs that affect Sim moods in different ways, or maybe adjust skill-building speeds! Or maybe one to pull water from nearby sources to hydrate themselves if they get too low? Aliens could get their own version of controlling Sim minds (rather than just erasing memories -- oh, and THAT should be an unlockable power THEY CAN’T USE AUTONOMOUSLY -- yes, I AM still bitter about one of my Sims having their relationship with their alien fiance RANDOMLY ERASED BY SAID ALIEN FOR NO REASON) and maybe unlock some sort of special power that allows them to go to space without a rocket? Just -- something more interesting than the handful of powers that we’ve got for either!
(And for what it’s worth, I’d rather like to see the Needs panel UI for them, vampires, spellcasters, and werewolves be standardized, though I’m not sure how the orb would work for vampires and mermaids, who drain a need bar to fuel their powers rather than build up something that needs to be periodically lowered. Maybe have the orb be “upside-down” when compared to spellcasters and werewolves? Aliens could work either way -- drawing on some sort of special alien need to fuel their powers, or building up an alien charge that must be periodically vented, otherwise something weird and potentially dangerous happens.)
2. Give all the occults fun books we can read for lore, special bonuses, or just amusing fluff text -- The pop-ups you get for the werewolf books? They are the best. I love the lore that you can get from reading the history of Moonwood Mill (both the “standard” version and the special werewolf-writings version), I love how you can unlock a secret recipe for the new fish type if you’re lucky, and I even love when it’s just “fluff text” showing an excerpt of the book itself. And now that we have all that, I want more. I know Realm of Magic added a few non-tome books for Sims to read, but I don’t know if any of them have the fun pop-ups or any other special interactions, and I’m pretty certain that Vampires only added the vampire encyclopedias, which do have a couple of pop-ups but nothing along the lines of Werewolves and its books. And we need them! We especially need them now that we have an extremely-complicated history of how vampires and werewolves came to be! I want a secret vampire history of Forgotten Hollow! I want vampire romances! I want a book on blood types that can unlock the ability for vampires to sense who in a nearby area would give them a Divine Drink! I want the book on familiars to unlock new interactions for spellcasters to use with their familiars! (Well, actually, I just want to interact with familiars period -- let me hug and play with them -- but we could also have more interactions you unlock too.) I want the history of Glimmerbrook and the Magic Realm! I want a spellcaster children’s series like Peter Barker! Just -- I want the books to be so much more fun than they are right now! Give me the funny pop-ups to read, darn it!
3. Give us more cross-pack occult interactions, both nasty and friendly -- Werewolves gives us some really great stuff with how werewolves interact with vampires in particular, but -- well, to get the full experience, I think you gotta play as a werewolf. What if I want to do some of those interactions from the other side? And what about different occults interacting with each other? We need stuff like:
-->Vampires get a special angry moodlet from feeding on werewolf plasma -- they now need moodlets for feeding on spellcaster, mermaid, and alien plasma too. (I’m pretty sure this is only a thing in mods!)
-->Those interactions where werewolves can compare themselves favorably or unfavorably to vampires? They should also be available on the vampire side (I couldn’t find them when I had Smiler talk to a werewolf, anyway!). There should also be special interactions for spellcasters and vampires, where they compare themselves favorably or unfavorably, or talk about the origins of vampires.
-->Get mermaids and aliens in the act by giving them special interactions with other occults too -- talking about how mermaid and vampire powers work similarly, or aliens and werewolves sharing stories about the moon.
-->Have a friendly “sparring” version of the Supernatural Smackdown, for those occults who want to brawl without despising the other person afterward. Include mermaids transforming briefly to hit their opponents with their tail XD
-->All occults should be able to ask for sympathy for their occult type, and Sims should be able to feel sympathetic toward multiple occults and be their allies. (How else are you going to have your forbidden romances?)
Stuff like that! Just make the interactions between the various occults a bit more rich, and give them all a good mix of friendly and mean options so those of us who like to do occults getting along AND those who like to do out-and-out supernatural wars can have their cakes and eat them too. :p
4. No, I don’t know what to do about ghosts, Servos, and plantsims -- I’ve never played with any of those life states, so I don’t have enough ideas on how perk or power trees would work with them (particularly Servos, as they’re robots and thus a very unique type of Sim -- don’t they already have specific upgrade paths they can do for themselves?). Though I will say that ghosts should not have normal Sim needs -- I think their needs should be frozen in a way that makes sense for how they died instead (like a Sim who starved is always hungry, one who was eaten by the Mother Plant is always stinky from alien goo, one who drowned always has low energy, etc). I leave it up to you guys to think of good ways to fix them!
So yeah -- standardized UIs and power/perk trees for all; books with fun lore, fluff, and the occasional special bonus; and more options for each different occult type to interact with each other. Sounds good, right? Let me know what you think!
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askgeneraltullius · 5 years
Tullius: “Wait a second Legate. Please stop.“
Rikke: “What is it general?”
T: “Are you making fun of me?“
R: “I... don’t understand.”
T: “I humbly ask you for a lesson in Skyrim’s history, so I can better understand you Nords, and you start talking about armies of Vampires, Werewolves, and witches.” “
R: “Yeah.”
T: “And of urns sucking souls and blood of villagers.” “
R: “Yes.”
T: And of exquisite vampiric cities buried deep under the ground?”
R: “Yes!”
T: “And of a woman whose father was a half-giant. And of this unkillable demigod that saved the day?”
R: “Ouh yeah!”
T: “And I am to take this seriously?“
R: “Well...”
T: “...”
R: “...”
T: “...”
R: “... now that you say it that way, I imagine I should have given more context first. Let’s me start again...”
((On a serious note, I am very much looking forward to Greymoor. Ironically, I am more interested in the political situation of the Kingdom of West Skyrim than of Vampires XP
And the Q4 Zone DLC will take us to the Reach, which should be even more interesting. I love how ESO made Reachmen scary as fuck, how it properly delved into their religion, and now I want to see what they will do wit a Zone where the Reachmen are not enemies, but people you interact with, and what kind of state the Despotate of Markarth was))
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zero0810 · 5 years
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- "What big knife do you have, child." - "The better to butcher you with, you bastard!"
And finally, the last of the homeworks for the digital illustration class. This was the final project: we had to choose an existing subject (like a book, a movie, a tv series, a videogame, etc.) or an original thing, and make the cover for a book. As you can see, I chose kinda both things :P
So, it's clearly based on Little Red Riding Hood - but a particular version of it, the Grandmother's Tale, a dark version of the notorious fairytale that features cannibalism, hints of sexual harassment and no huntsman to save the day - that discovered it thanks to The Path. You can read it here if you like (or listen to it if you feel lazy, just google "grandmother's tale jarboe & kris force")
Okay, I'm going to spoiler the end. You're warned! xD Well. I figured that a child that was tricked into cannibalism, made undress and barely escaped from death thanks to sheer luck (and a bunch of laundresses) would be quite shaken by the experience. So, I thought of a probable sequel (hence the title of my cover) in which the child (that doesn't even had a red hood, by the way - I gave it to her the same to make her recognizable) grew up maked by the experience, and in order to overcome it she decided to hunt and kill as many (were)wolves as possible, so no other would end up feeling what she felt. The most banal plot ever. xP
But let me talk about Red (I'm calling her "Red", yes, it's lame - I'll probably change it if I decide to make her a proper OC, I like her too much to let her go =3= ). Her appearance is heavily based of Imperator Furiosa - I didn't want she to be the classical pretty girl with weapons, so I made her, huh, not ugly but as "normal" as possible. Then, since I guess battling werewolves wouldn't let you unscathed, I sacrificed one of her eyes, giving her some nasty scars (scars are hell to draw, btw), to make her look more like a seasoned hunter (as if the wolf teeth's necklace and earring weren't enough...). I wanted her to have a shotgun too, maybe straped behind her back, but in the end I let it go. She can totally have it, tho! xD At last, I thought she wouldn't care about her looks, hence the practical cropped short hair (that I freaking love how they look on girls btw - and that I can't have, I'm so envioussss) Oh, and I also decided to try semi-realism for this - since I got more comfortable about realism thanks to the course, but I don't think pure realism suits me... The wolf was a blast xD In the beginning I was hating its damn fur - but then I started to have fun, and rendered its fur a little too much maybe :P
("Casa Editrice" means publishing house in italian - I didn't ever make the effort to put there an existing one xP I was really, really tempted to use the white wolf publishing logo there tho :P)
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I saw your Hunter!stiles post and it made me remember a fix I read where stiles was a hunter, I think an argent, and the hall pack was alive. He and Derek we're mates and the hunters used that to attack the Hales. I think the Hales died. I remember stiles going on a full moon run with them and howling with the Hales and everything, it wasn't a very long for either. Has anyone seen it?
@mad-madam-m recognized their own fic, @liz5100!
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The Wild No One Knows by MellytheHun
(10/10 I 13,550 I Mature I Sterek)
Alrighty. Specific. A Sterek fic where Stiles is the new kid along with Allison, secretly a hunter. He was adopted by the Argents after his family was killed by werewolves, but he doesn’t agree with their Code. Gerard tells him to find out the werewolves in school, but he doesn’t want to kill them. So he makes sure to stay away, even if it means being cruel and indifferent. Derek’s not sure at first, but sees he’s different, that Stiles doesn’t want to hurt them. With Alive!Hale pack :D Oh and like Stiles never killed any werewolves. He just like found a way to save them from Gerard or something. I'm so sorry if this is too specific Melanie xp And he tries really hard to get Derek to stay away from him, even trying to threaten him, even when he's falling hard for the wolf.
Basically, in this AU, Stiles is meeting Derek when Kate would’ve been meeting Derek. There’s so much angst, I’m so sorry.
So, the story about how werewolf hunter Stiles Argent finds and falls in love with his mate, Derek Hale and everything goes wrong because I am awful 100% of the time, told in startlingly long ten parts.
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