#I loved zumbo's just desserts too
pixelsandkink · 5 years
This is a long post that absolutely no one asked for and is more about ME than any of you. I consume media and pop culture VORACIOUSLY and this is the talent I can offer the world. 
I would like to offer you an egg some recs in these trying times. I’m not saying you should stick your heads in the sand. It is good and necessary to keep up on (COVID-19, election, international developments/workplace stuff) news. But if you need a break or you’re stuck at home, or just bored, here’s some stuff I like and you might like too. Below the cut, there’s a few recs for: TV, Movies, Books, Music and Podcasts. (if I indicate where something is streaming, it only applies to the US, sorry!)  If you want to know if any of this stuff has a particular trigger, just hmu and I’ll tell you. 
Feel Good Sitcoms like Parks and Rec, The Good Place, The Office, and Schitt’s Creek:  All immensely watchable, often deliver on warm fuzzies. You’re probably living under a rock if you haven’t watched at least one of these. 
Good Girls: (First two seasons streaming on Netflix and Hulu.) Starring Christina Hendricks, Retta and Mae Whitman, it’s a FANTASTIC show about a group of moms who get into crime. That’s all I’m saying. Oh, and that Rio will make you sweat in the privacy of your own home. 
Love is Blind (and other reality show fodder): (LiB is on Netflix, so many other reality shows there, Hulu and streaming on youtube!) Look, LiB is the perfect set-up for us to ask “Are the straights okay?” the answer is no and you get to watch the drama of it all. As for the rest, let’s not pretend that reality TV hasn’t given us many of our best internet moments almost all of our reaction images. It’s fun, and now is a good time to watch. 
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives: (Streaming on Hulu.) Guy Fierri is a nutcase, and the food at the places he visits always looks good. This is what I watch when hungover. 10/10.
Castlevania: (Season 3 just hit on Netflix.) It’s the weirdest season yet. This show is incredible. GREAT voice acting, excellent animation style. Dracula is rightfully pissed and wants all humans dead. Just watch, please. 
The Witcher: (Netflix) You knew it was gonna show up. If you’re reading this, you probably follow me. You know what it is. Geralt’s voice and thighs have ruined me. And though they aren't main characters, it is nice to see so many Black people and other POC running around a fantasy world. We’re rarely included and while The Witcher doesn’t get this perfect, it's still pretty good. 
The Proud Family: It’s on Disney+ and still THAT GIRL. My boyfriend and I were laughing our asses off a few weekends ago. 
Good Trouble: (streaming on Hulu) OOh boy. This show is about twenty-somethings living in LA. it is pretty racially diverse, and pretty queer. It does some cool stuff with storytelling and is all-around good TV. It’s a show that’s not afraid to take a stand when it comes to racial, economic and social justice and I like that. It doesn’t nail EVERY storyline absolutely perfect, but it honestly TRIES, which is a cut above others.
Honorable mentions to: Sugar Rush, Zumbo’s Just Desserts, Chewing Gum, and Outlander.
Marvel: (Disney+) Look, if this is your THING, this may be a good time to start your chronological rewatch. I think some of these are littered across Netflix too.
Knives Out:  Available to rent. The closest thing we’ve had to a classic whodunit in YEARS. If you’re like me and you like this sort of thing, you just MAY see the plot miles before the ending. I PROMISE YOU, that DOES NOT MATTER. Great performances from an incredible cast, hilarious details, and once ay-gain, Daniel Craig’s Foghorn Leghorn accent. All pluses.
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse: (Netflix) Its the perfect movie. Watch Miles Morales go from being just the coolest/dorkiest kid to the coolest/dorkiest Spiderman. LEAP OF FAITH. 
Honorable mentions: anything Disney and Pixar, Hush, Coraline, all of John Mulaney’s comedy specials, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Dopamine - Borns: Indie-pop love songs. Put the album on and hit play. No skips. 
So So - Doja Cat: I think the whole album smacks but I honestly haven’t investigated too deeply YET. Stream Say So, tho. 
Shocking no one, I read a lot of romance novels. Here are a few: 
Sinner by Sierra Simone: Look it up on goodreads. It’s either gonna flip your switch or not. If not, move on. This one made me weep. Never had that happen before while reading a romance so. 
Just Like That - Nicola Rendell -- Very, actually funny. Again, most rom-coms don’t make me laugh out loud, but this one got me a couple of times. 
ANYTHING BY TALIA HIBBERT but mostly: Get a Life, Chloe Brown: When I was done reading (on my kindle app) I hugged my phone. 
Rafe by Rebekah Weatherspoon. Literally about a black woman being loved on. HELLO. 
Non Romances: 
Circe by Madeline Miller: It’s great. Just. Great. A retelling of the mythological Circe. The audiobook with Perdita Weeks is especially charming. 
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: an INTENSELY enthralling fairytale, that, at one point, had me trembling in the car on my way home bc the scene was so aptly written. Also, some Jewish rep!
PODCASTS (all stream on spotify, but if you google there are alternative ways to listen to them)
Keep IT! - funny, pop culture and LITE. 
Thirst Aid Kit -  Nuanced, intelligent, hilarious conversation about hot men and very occasionally hot women. Hosts are both black women. They also have a tumblr. 
The Read - this is a podcast that was podcasting before many of us even knew it was a thing we liked. Both hosts are black, both queer. Features a pop culture segment, listener letters (mess) and a dragging of something or someone. 
Slate Spoiler Specials - an in-depth SPOILERY discussion of some movie or TV show. Just a fun conversation.
Narrative pods: 
Alice Isn’t Dead. - A horror podcast about a woman who goes looking for her wife, who is assumed to be dead. The first episode had me shaking and I’m a horror junkie. 
Thirty-Six Questions - A funny, musical podcast about a couple trying to salvage their relationship by doing that famous 36 Questions to Make You Fall in Love thing from the NYer. 
Limetown - Deeply riveting thriller. A journalist is trying to figure out how--and why--a whole town of people disappeared. Also an FB Watch show, but idk her. 
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tagged by @nk-writes thank u bby love
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? light wood
2. A food you never eat? liver and other innards
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? eating dinner
5. What is your favorite candy bar? any chocolate&peanut butter combo is good honestly
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes my parents took me to a polo match when I was really little
7.  What is the last thing you said out loud? I haven’t left my home in a week but if I said anything out loud to no one since then it was probably swearing
8. What is your favorite ice cream? cookie dough or any variation on that
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? tap water
10. Do you like your wallet? Yep
11. What was the last thing you ate? potato & carrot soup with meatballs
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? not last weekend, no
13. The last sporting event you watched? either a football world cup match in like 2010 or a formula 1 race bc I used to be into those big time
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I don’t really eat popcorn
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? my mum
16. Ever go camping? yes
17. Do you take vitamins? no
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? not my atheist ass, no
19. Do you have a tan? I’m trying to build one up but the weather has been getting colder and cloudier here recently
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? both are good, though I’ve had pizza more often
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? I do sometimes drink with a straw but not soda
22. What color socks do you usually wear? I have all kinds of different colours and patterns bc frankly I hate wearing socks and I have to bribe myself into it
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?  I’m German
24. What terrifies you? many things
25. Look to your left, what do you see? the very shadowy outline of my open balcony door, my water cup and pitcheron my coffee table. very shadowy bc it’s dark af here but I’m too lazy to close the door and switch on the light
26. What chore do you hate? taking out the garbage
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Zumbo’s Just Desserts
28. What’s your favorite soda? again, no soda for me
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? the rare occasion that I go to one I go in (in part bc I rarely drive anywhere)
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my colleagues & my boss in our weekly telephone conference
31. Favorite cut of beef? ???? what am I a butcher?
32. Last song you listened to? according to spotify it was 'Colonel Carillo’ from the Narcos soundtrack, but being that this is my falling asleep playlist I am pretty sure I was already fast asleep by the time it got there
33. Last book you read? I have started so many books since last year and have not finished a single one of them
34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? No
36. Do you like your coffee? No, I prefer tea
37. Favorite pair of shoes? any that are comfortable
38. At what time do you normally go to bed? too late
39. At what time do you normally get up? 6am on normal work days, can be as late as noon on days off
40. What do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets
41. How many blankets are on your bed? 2
42. Describe your kitchen plates: inherited from grandma and either with a blue print or a gold rim in true grandma fashion
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? don’t really drink much but really like cider
44. Do you play cards? not really
45. What color is your car? silver
46. Can you change a tire? yep and I always change my own tires
47. What is your favorite province? we don’t have provinces but my favourite federal state is my home state Berlin
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? my current job
49. How did you get your biggest scar? being a clumsy dumbass, but that’s true for all of them tbh
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? idk? sent a nice ask maybe?
tagging: does thsi intrigue you? yes? tag, you’re it
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Beneath the Amber Moon, Part 4 (Galactica AU Group Fic) – TheDane & Veronica
Heyyy!! Welcome to Part 4 of “Beneath the Amber Moon,” a group fic set in the Galactica Universe. Click here for previous chapters.
We hope you’re enjoying it! Let us know what you think!
Summary: Summary: Day 3. Rain, voyeurism, refugee sea creatures, cuddling, and a ziplining adventure: just another day in paradise...
"I can’t believe this.” Fame huffed, dumping down on the bed after coming back from the bathroom.  “Look at this!” Fame said, gesturing to the rain pouring down outside.
Patrick smiled, opening his arm so Fame could crawl into it, the woman sprawling out on his chest.
Fame sighed. “At least my app says it’ll clear up after lunch.”
"I wouldn’t put bets on it, my love."
Patrick had jokingly suggested they could have sex to pass the time while they waited for the rain to clear up, Fame not willing to risk her hair getting ruined by going to breakfast with everyone else, and they had, Fame taking all her frustration out on her husband.
Fame sighed, tracing patterns on Patricks skin.
"Patrick, you're not helping." Fame ran her palm down Patrick’s body, swirling her fingertips on his stomach.
"Relax darling.” Patrick kissed her hair. “Even you cannot control the weather, no matter how much you whine.”
“I don’t whine.”  
“Bianca is here, don't you gals have some TV show you'd like to see?” Patrick knew bringing up the B-word was a risky move, but it was one he was willing to take. Fame and Bianca were dancing around each other, the women hot and then cold. Patrick could already feel Fame growing bored again, his wife not one for being told she can’t do something.
“Are you really suggesting that?”
“We have an umbrella if you want to go see her.”
“To watch TV? Because that’s just my favorite activity.”
Patrick smiled, gently tipping Fame’s face up so he can kiss her. “It’s a vacation, live a little.”
“I don’t think watching TV can be described as living.”
“Maybe it’d make you less grumpy-”
“I’m not grumpy.”
“Sure darling.” Patrick laughed, sitting up, pulling his laptop case out from under the bed. “Besides, I'm sure my partners back in New York would be more than happy if I got around to answering some emai-"
"You brought a laptop?!"
"Sweetheart, I own a law firm. Yes, I brought my laptop with me."
The rain was a true blessing in disguise. Violet was enjoying a slow morning in with Sutan, the two of them eating breakfast in bed with their patio door open, rain falling outside as they listened to the new albums Karl had introduced to Sutan, Courtney knocking on their door, the blonde standing out there with a huge smile. Sutan had ordered a pot of tea, Violet quickly getting dressed in a pair of white shorts and a long top, her lace bra visible through it.  
“Here you go.”
Violet smiled, accepting the tray that had just been delivered from Sutan, Violet handing one of the cups to Courtney, the two of them sat on the edge of the deck, their feet dangling in the water.
“Thank you.” Violet tilted her head up to receive a kiss from Sutan.
“You do know there are plenty of not only very comfortable but also quite expensive couches in the bungalow, right?” Sutan smirked, clearly finding it amusing that the woman had decided on sitting on the floor.  “I’m sure the resort staff would be very sad to hear that two ladies as beautiful as you prefer the floor.”
Violet smiled and shook her head. “I like it here...” She looked out at the rain.
“It is a lot more your speed.” Sutan ran a hand through Violet’s hair, only daring to because it hadn’t been styled yet, her black locks falling around her face. “She’s a real New York girl.” Sutan looked at Courtney, mischief playing in his eyes. “I’ve never seen anyone as happy about rain as Violet was this morning when she realised the temperature had dropped.”
“Well, I know how she feels. I miss the rain, living in a desert now.” Courtney sipped her tea, the hot liquid sweet and delicious.
“I’ll bet.” Sutan laughed. “I’m going to sit on the couch, so have fun ladies.”
“Thank you for the tea,” Violet repeated.
“Thank the staff, they’re the ones who got it.” Sutan gave Violet one last kiss, retiring to the couch where he grabbed the book Raja had thrown at him the day they arrived, his sister insisting he had to read “Crazy Rich Asians,” Raja laughing loudly as she explained it to her brother.
“So, can you help me?”
Courtney had texted her the night before, asking her if Violet could help her with a project. Courtney looked like a schoolgirl, delightful glee clear on her face and honestly Violet felt the same.
“I’ve been thinking about it all night.”
Courtney laughed, reaching into her bag, when she glanced over to Sutan. “Are you sure it’s okay if we do it here? Not that I don’t want Sutan’s opinion, but it’s kinda confidential.”
"Oh. He won’t dare.”
“He won’t?” Courtney gave Violet the ipad, not really believing her words. There was no way Courtney could have had a private conversation with Bianca in the room without the other barging in, and even less one about work. Actually, she couldn’t remember a single time where Bianca hadn’t injected her opinion into what Courtney was doing, from her clothes to her food to how she wanted her hair.
"Sutan and I made a deal years ago.”
"And what is that?”
"If we want an opinion. We ask.”
Courtney couldn’t believe it was that simple, but Sutan hadn’t moved an inch while they talked, the man already diving deep into his book.
“Knock knock.” Fame smiled as she stepped into Bianca’s bungalow.
Bianca looked up from her computer. She was sitting on her couch, glasses on, a pair of linen pants making her legs look infinitely long. “You’re already inside, why are you saying knock knock?”
“It’s good to see you too.” Fame closed her umbrella, Patrick sending her off with a kiss goodbye. “Do you want to watch TV?”
Bianca stared at her, cocking her head slightly.
“What?” Fame touched her face, wondering if her mascara had run from the short trip.
“You just asked me if I wanted to watch TV. Who are you and what have you done with my pretentious friend?”
“Oh, shut up!” Fame giggled, stripping off her damp jacket, a sheer white lace dress underneath before she sat down on the couch. “It’s raining, and Patrick sent me away so that he could work.”
“Work! Can you believe it? He brought his laptop!”
“I would never do that.” Fame crossed her arms.
“Blondie...You literally have your second in command, your attorney and your head of makeup here."
"Patrick isn't my attorney. Galactica hired their own business affairs department two years ago, you know this Bianca"
"Point still stands.”
“It doesn’t! We haven’t talked shop once.”
“Shop?” Bianca chucked.
“You know what I mean.” Fame pouted at her. “So are you gonna come cuddle me or what?”
“Yes, miss,” Bianca intoned, not dodging in time as Fame hit her with a pillow. “Ouch!” she laughed, dimples appearing in her cheeks as she curled up beside Fame, laying her head on her shoulder.
“I guess the whole TV thing was just a ruse, huh?”
“Mmmh,” Fame said, placing a hand on Bianca’s back, rubbing in gentle circles. “Though there is one thing.”
“There is something on Netflix called ‘Zumbo’s just desserts?’”
“And you want to watch this?”
“Raven has apparently raved about it.” Fame shrugged. “And I can’t have her have better catering ideas than me.”
“Well,” Bianca smiled. “Anything for you blondie.”
“As it should be.”
Courtney screeched loudly as she felt a tug at her foot, Violet jumping at her outburst, almost dropping the iPad.
“Courtney what’s-”
“Shhhh!” They both looked down, seeing none other than Adore Delano who was bobbing away in the water directly underneath them.
“Adore, what the fuck are you doing swimming in the rain?”
“I’m a mermaid. Can I come up or what?”
“Sure, sure, just-” Courtney took a deep breath, her hand still covering her pounding heart as Adore climbed onto the deck, dripping wet. Violet had run off, only now coming back with a towel and a robe, Adore gratefully accepting both.
“Adore, not that I’m not happy to see you.” Violet wasn’t, in fact, happy to see her. “But what are you doing here?”
“Courtney texted me that she was with you, and I’m like, a refugee, so I figured I could hide my ass here since this is the last place anyone would look for me.
“You almost gave me a heart attack," Courtney sighed. “Do you want some tea?”
“Got any whiskey?”
Both Courtney and Adore looked at Violet.
“Umh..” Violet looked around the room. “Maybe.”
“Sweet!” Adore began to strip off her wet swimsuit.
“Aaand that seems like my cue to leave.” Sutan sat up, Adore waving her top in the air, laughing as he avoided eye contact.
“Hey Tan!! What up bro?!”
Sutan stood up, his thumb keeping his place in his book as he opened the minibar, taking out the miniature bottles.
“Here you go ladies.”
“Thanks!” Adore laughed. “Pour me one of those sexy bitches.”
Sutan poured, leaving the bottles on the floor where the girls were camped out, Sutan leaning down and giving Violet a quick kiss.
“I’ll be at Raja’s.”
“Okay.” Violet kissed back, not daring to point out to Sutan that there would probably be even more commotion with his nieces around. “See you later.”
Sutan nodded, Adore already trying to pour alcohol into Courtney’s drink.
“Fuck!” Raven moaned, her hands were fisting the sheets, her hips thrusting again and again to meet Raja who was buried between her legs, her wife expertly fucking her with a clever tongue that knew every part of her. “More- Please, more, I can’t- Raj!”
Raven groaned, Raja hooking her fingers just right, Raven’s legs cramping close around Raja’s head as she came, effectively trapping the other woman but Raja only moaned, the vibrations shaking Raven's body with an aftershock, her breath only slowly returning to normal.
“Kiss- Ah, kiss please.”
Raja laughed, her hands forcing Raven’s thighs apart, crawling up her wife’s body. “My little brat.” Raja kissed Raven, their bodies slotting together, Raja adoring the feeling of Raven’s soft skin and her curves under her. “So demanding.”
Raven smiled, a soft and almost dreamy expression on her face. They had sent the kids to Jujus and Detox for a play date, Raja and Raven falling into bed the moment they had the chance. Raja looked like a goddess under the sun, her long hair and her dark skin even more attractive in these surroundings. “I’m thirsty.”
“Are you now baby?”
“Mmh.” Raven kissed Raja again. “Get me some water?”
“Of course princess.” Raja stood up, slapping Raven’s thigh for good measure before she grabbed a robe. Raven laid back in bed, a hand finding her pussy and gently gliding over her abused folds, Raja taking and taking and taking and Raven couldn’t wait for one more round.
“Oh. Hi Sutan.”
Raven turned her head, looking at the open door to the living room, horror drawn on her face. She hoped it was a phone call, oh god she really hoped it was a phone call.
“How long have you been here?”
“About 10 minutes?”
It wasn’t, and Raven pulled the pillow over her face, screaming into it.
Parking Adore on the couch had proved surprisingly easy, the TV running on low in the background, snuggled up in Violet’s warm bathrobe while her swimsuit dried on the towel rack. Violet picked up the iPad once again, Adore looking over her shoulder.
“Are you guys working on the Moschino line?”
Violet nodded.
“I’m still surprised someone asked you to do a clothing line, Courtney...” she mused.
“Ouch,” said Courtney, miming an arrow hitting her heart, making Adore laugh. “Is it really that strange?”
“Yeah, it’s a little strange.”
“So, here’s the thing,” Courtney said. “Jeremy has been dressing me for a couple of years now, and I thought that his team kind of understood my taste. But then, we had this meeting and they asked about what I liked-” Violet nodded. “What I wanted, and you know, I said, like, rainbows and sequins and glitter and fringe and neon-”
“There is all of that in here?” Violet looked at the iPad, a grimace of worry on her face.
“Awh, listen to my tacky little baby,” Adore cooed, and Courtney stuck out her tongue.
“Well I like it, usually, but the thing is.. They sent me these sketches and it’s like...they used ALL the ideas in the same jacket. And...I don’t often say this, but I think it’s like...too me?”
“If you’re working with Moschino, it can’t be that bad,” Violet said.
“It’s bad, it’s really bad, just...I think what it really needs is someone classy who hates my taste and will add balance.”
“I’m honored you thought of me,” Violet said with a smile.
“Omigod, you’re so gonna hate it,” Adore laughed. “Open it Violet! Open it, open it!”
Violet swiped the iPad, a look with a neon rainbow color-blocked bomber jacket with fringe up and down the arms and a sequined unicorn.
“It’s… Umh..” Violet suddenly felt dizzy, a light breeze blowing in from the sea. “It’s…” Violet handed Courtney the iPad. “It’s very…” And that’s when she felt it. “Excuse me!” Violet bent over, vomiting off the edge of the deck, her breakfast disappearing into the water.
“Shiiit!” Adore jumped up, Courtney already grabbing Violet’s hair, as she threw up once more, Violet dry heaving before Courtney gently pulled her back in, Adore’s hand on her back.
“Okay.. So, I know it’s probably a fugly jacket.” Adore teased, a small smile playing on her lips. “But that was a pretty dramatic reaction.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just, the smell of seaweed, it’s so-”
“Seaweed?” Courtney looked at Adore over Violet’s back, silently asking if the other woman had smelled anything, but Adore shook her head, neither of them having any idea what Violet was talking about.
“Can’t you smell it?” The breeze hit once again, and Violet covered her mouth, taking a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” Courtney asked. “I know the others said you don’t do well in this weather, but I don’t think this is normal…”
“They talked about me?”
“They’re just worried,” Adore said. “Raja keeps lecturing Tan about how he’s a dick for making you come.”
“It’s fine, I’m… It’s fine.” Violet took a deep breath. “We don’t have to make a thing of this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Give me the iPad again, please?”
The continued to go through the sketches, Violet jotting down notes and ideas in her own sketchbook as they went, Adore returning to the couch to watch TV as the hours passed by.
“Oh shit,” Adore said, looking down at her phone.
“What’s wrong?”
“Jinkx wants me to go to the spa for couples massages with Alaska. Omigod, I can’t do that. Face down on a table for an hour? There’s no way I’d avoid the Talk there.”
Violet furrowed her brow, not sure what Adore was talking about. Courtney shook her head.
“Don’t ask.”
“Yeah, it’s a long sto- Wait. I have an idea.”
Adore picked up the phone next to the bed and pressed the button for the concierge, tapping nervously on the table.
“...Hi! Um...do you know of any activities that I could do this afternoon that’ll take at least three hours?...Preferably involving heights?”
Courtney let out a small chuckle, knowing how much Alaska feared heights, the woman getting dizzy sometimes standing on the balcony of her penthouse apartment. What was Adore up to?
“Uh uh...ooooh, yes...yes, thank you!” Adore hung up, a big grin on her face. He’d suggested ziplining, something she’d always wanted to try, ever since Bianca had done it years ago, raving about how much fun it was. Which gave Adore another idea…“Hey, Court. How do you feel about zip lining through the rainforest? This afternoon? Huh?”
“Sounds awesome!”
Adore smiled. Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone here...avoid the dreaded Talk, and bring her best friend and favorite sister back together again.
“Owen, sit down, I- fuck!”
“Matthew, don’t swear around the kids.” Juju sighed. It had seemed like such a good idea to stay in with the kids when the rain had started falling, the morning going by as uneventfully as one could expect with three kids. Detox had taken Owen with him in the shower, Owen basking in his father’s attention whenever he could have it, while Kelly had called on FaceTime to chat with her little sister, Julia lighting up like the sun - almost as excited as she’d been to see Courtney - and Juju had played with Grace, the two of them practicing Grace’s colors while Juju had gotten dressed.
“He stepped on my balls!”
“And I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose.” Juju grabbed Owen’s elbow, making her son sit down. “Right Owen?”
“Mmh!” Owen smiled, the piece of fruit he had gone to collect already in his mouth, her sons smile full of watermelon meat and missing teeth.
They had all settled down for a movie - Glimmer, again, of course. Grace fell asleep sitting with Julia, their youngest looking up to her sister almost as much as Julia loved Kelly.
“Apologize to your father.”
“Sorry dad.”
“Apology accepted, champ.”
Juju rolled her eyes, settling back in. Her husband could just as well have disciplined their child himself, but sometimes it felt like she had 5 kids instead of four. Detox more often than not getting dragged along into their children's arguments instead of being the adult who stopped them, but as Detox’s arm slung around her shoulders, his warm hand caressing her upper arm, Juju chose to sink into his embrace instead, watching Courtney as Princess Lucie, galloping away on her winged horse.
Bianca grabbed Adore by the back of the shirt and yanked her close, muttering, “Sister bonding time, eh?”
“What?” Adore bat her lashes innocently.
“Don’t play me, bitch. You didn’t say she would be here,” Bianca nodded her head towards Courtney, who was with one of their guides, slipping on her harness.
“She’s like a sister, too,” Adore said, face breaking into a sly grin as she added, “Or a sister-in-law.”
“Very funny, you meddling cunt.”
“I saw the way you were looking at her at breakfast,” Adore told her.
“I was looking at her fucking nails.”
“You mean her anti-fucking nails?” Adore laughed.
“Exactly! Those things are a giant red light, stop sign, do not cross-”
“Were you getting a green light before?” sang Adore teasingly.
Bianca let out an irritated scoff, releasing her shirt. She had never explained to Adore exactly how ugly things got with Courtney at the end. For some reason, she assumed that Courtney would’ve. But maybe that never happened. So she couldn’t really be mad about Adore’s harebrained attempt at matchmaking.
“Does it matter? She’s sending a pretty clear sign now.”
“Well, speaking from experience...there are work-arounds for the nails. Keep hope alive!”
Courtney skipped over to them, finally fitted into her harness. Bianca tried not to think about the last time she saw her in a harness, albeit a very different kind. It didn’t help that all she had under the harness were the tiniest little short shorts, forcing Bianca to see her rippling thigh muscles, looking strong enough to crack a walnut.
“I’m actually really excited about this,” Courtney said, slinging an arm around Adore’s shoulder. “I’ve always wanted to try ziplining.”
“See, I told you this vacation would be fun!” Adore exclaimed.
“Yeah, yeah...you told me a lot of things…” Courtney caught Bianca’s eye, giving her a little smile, admiring how cute she looked in her athletic wear. Even in a ponytail, her hair looked smooth and glossy, and Courtney had to resist reaching forward to run her fingers through it.
“Uh...have you ever done this before?”
“Never,” Courtney said.
“You’re gonna love it. Such a rush,” Bianca told her.
“Can’t wait.” Courtney bit her lip, twirling her hair slightly, and Bianca felt that uncomfortable stirring in her abdomen, sighing with relief when the guides called for their attention.
“Honey. Stop checking your phone.” Jinkx closed her eyes, enjoying her massage, wishing that Alaska, on the table besides her, would stop fretting and relax for a little while. “Adore will respond when she responds.”
“You’re way too indulgent with her. You let her get away with murder,” Alaska said.
“Well, that’s just literally wrong,” Jinkx laughed. “I mean, if she murdered someone, I’d probably speak very sternly to her… Unless she had a really good reason for it.”
“Jinkx. I’m serious.”
“I know, baby.” Jinkx turned her head, sighing, as the masseuse worked her muscles deeper. “I was trying to lighten the mood.”
“But that’s the problem! Neither of you are taking this seriously!” Alaska cried, wincing in pain as her masseuse found an especially tense knot in her shoulder. “Ow!”
“Lasky, I am taking it seriously. But we can’t push her. It’s not fair.”
“Why? Why isn’t it fair?”
“Because she’s a baby. She’s only 26!”
“Yeah, and I’m 38. I’m not getting any fucking younger. And neither are you,” Alaska reminded her.
“Thanks, my love.”
“I’m just saying. If we really want this, she’s our best shot. But that will require an actual conversation about it.”
“I know. But it can’t be an ambush. And it can’t be two against one,” Jinkx said. “I’ll try to find a time to talk to her tomorrow, on the boat. After we’ve had some fun and she’s in a good mood.”
“So, you’re saying that you don’t want me to be a part of this conversation?” Alaska’s voice was strained. “Ow…”
“No, honey, I’m saying that I think there needs to be a little pre-conversation. Some foreplay to lube her up. And I’m offering to do that, for all of us.”
Alaska sighed. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
After a pause, Jinkx added a soft, “I love you...”
“Yeah, I love you too, Jinkxy,” Alaska said, finally cracking a smile.
Violet obeyed, lifting her arm just as Sutan had instructed, and Sutan couldn’t help but smile as he ran his hands over it, the liquid soap in his hands getting spread all over his girlfriends skin, Violet humming in pleasure.
Sutan hadn’t realised the stroke of genius he had committed when he had asked Violet if he could come along for her shower. It was something the two of them often did in Paris, the showerhead one of the first things Sutan had replaced when he moved in. The ritual of showering together was an easy and honest way for them to reconnect after long days apart, both of them working so much that it sometimes felt like they barely saw each other, at least during Violet’s busy season. Here in Brazil, however, Sutan had watched Violet transform the moment the water hit her, Violet releasing a breath Sutan wasn’t even sure Violet had known she was holding.
“And the other.”
They switched, and Sutan couldn’t help but kiss Violet’s neck, the woman leaning against him. He ran his hand down her side, Violet whimpering as Sutan ran a hand over her stomach. In Paris Violet would melt like butter when he kneaded her tender back or touched her aching arms, the physical labor of working for Dior Couture sometimes pulling a true number on Violet’s body, the hours and hours and hours going into the dresses they produced paid right away, but Violet loved it, and Sutan loved that she loved it.
“How are you feeling?”
“Yeah?” Sutan smiled, pressing another kiss into Violet’s skin, his teeth nipping at her, and that’s when he felt it, Violet’s stomach practically rumbling under his hand. Sutan broke from her, a laugh leaving him. “Damn lovely eyes. Seems like someone shouldn’t have skipped dinner, huh?”
Violet laughed, and Sutan felt his heart melt, the comfort and trust Violet showed him in that moment something he cherished more than he knew how to put into words.
When he had first met Violet, she would have shied away, embarrassed and betrayed by her bodies humanity, but instead, after years together, she was laughing. Sutan ran his other hand through Violet’s wet hair, pushing it back and turning his head so he could kiss her.
“Some soup does sound nice…” Violet smiled, kissing Sutan’s lips. “Do you think they have tomatoes?”
“I’m sure they have everything you could ever dream of.”
Bianca couldn’t sleep. She laid in bed, covers tossed aside, eyes wide open and staring at the slow moving ceiling fan.
She couldn’t close them because every time she did, she saw Courtney. Muscular thighs on full display as she climbed a ladder, abs peeking out from her shirt when she sailed across a zip line. Even the agile way she jumped to the ground. Who knew that an afternoon of zip lining would be so fucking alluring?
Bianca could have cursed herself for not bringing a single vibrator in her massive suitcase. An oversight that was truly proving to be tragic, fingers simply not enough to relieve the pulsing ache in her cunt.
She flipped over onto her stomach, pillow between her legs, squirming desperately against her hand, some of her hair ending up in her mouth. God, what she wouldn’t give for that mouthful to be blonde and silky. Bianca squeezed her eyes shut, straining, trying to imagine her tongue against Courtney’s skin, hands full of her perfect ass. She whimpered, frustration mounting, finally collapsing in exhaustion and failure.
Why the fuck hadn’t she packed a vibrator?
Did Amazon Prime deliver to remote Brazilian resort towns?
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
Lydia and JJ are too damn cute! Relationship goals to be honest. Imagine them snuggling on the couch and watching classic cartoons and game shows. I love Match Game, $100,000 Pyramid and What’s My Line. Any game shows you watch?
They are indeed ;w;
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Hi! I love all your stories. For the ask game, Adorato and #'s 1, 9, 13?
Questions about Adorato! WOW! Ok! :)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
So, confession. You guys give me way too much credit. Most of the time these things just HAPPEN. Usually at a horrendous hour of the night after I’ve been up to shenanigans online with friends (you guys know who you are) and someone says something and then BOOM. It happens. So Adorato was a mention and a request from a friend and was supposed to be short but if you know me at all, you know by now that I don’t snippet well. So then I had to get a Hug Squad involved and before you knew it half the server was in on this and it’s been wild and amazing ever since. 
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Um, so there have been alternate versions of chapters? (Which is the case in nearly all my fics, at some point.) Sometimes I’ll write a chapter and decide I don’t like how it turned out. So I’ll pull the important bits, or dialogue I like, and then completely rewrite the thing. But this is being written alongside way too many other WIPs so basically you guys get it hot off the press. 
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
So I tend to listen to stuff not in English if I’m writing English. Mostly because I’ll wind up jamming too hard or typing song lyrics into my works. That being said, a lot of foreign (mainly Italian) stuff is on my playlist when I write Adorato. Mostly because it’s a SoulMate story, and of course Tony’s Italian heritage. First and foremost would be Peppino Gagliardi “Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera” and Dean Martin’s “Innamorata”. Then again, Natalie and Nat King Cole’s versions of “Mona Lisa” always wind up in my head and they get air-time too. If it’s a more classic love song, I’ve probably listened to it during Adorato work. XD 
Confession: Adorato has also been written while listening to Zumbo’s Dessert Challenge (a rewatch, after I’d already seen the series) which is why Tony and one of his employees have the conversation about the show. 
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stevethehairington · 6 years
thank you @naescar and @femmevilde for the tags <3 love you bothhh
i’m going to tag @my-doctor-is-sherlock @valtersass @fxckxxp @canonicallyanxious @hanmira @crackandcanonships @julian-dahl @skamfairy @unendeligtid (if you’ve already been tagged then congrats you’ve been tagged again sfkgdfg ily)
color(s) i’m currently wearing: navy blue and cream
last band i saw live: i saw Ed Sheeran last summer which was amazing, and in less than a month i’ll be seeing Maroon 5 yeet
last song(s) i listened to: oh god haha so I’ve been listening to the infinity war score on loop for legit a week straight now... oops. but besides that I’ve been listening to umbrella by rihanna a lot lately (thanks tom holland) 
lipstick or chapstick?: chapstick for sure
last movie i watched: i saw infinity war in theaters a week ago (god its been that long already?? and im still not recovered? sounds about right) but i watched spiderman: homecoming on my laptop yesterday lol 
last three tv shows i watched: zumbo’s just desserts, project runway, and rupaul’s drag race lmaoo (you can tell i like competition shows sgfdfhdg)
last three characters i identified with: oh boy this is a tough one umm, i guess peter parker because i too am confused by everything going on around me lmao, uhh eva kviig mohn because i defs feel like beginning of s1 her rn, and simon spier because he’s just one big disaster and if that doesn’t describe me then idk what does 
book(s) im currently reading: i’m currently trying to get through the upside of unrequited by becky albertalli! (i’ve also been in the middle of alan turing: the enigma for some time now rip when will i ever finish that?)
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kalgalen · 7 years
got tagged by @thimbleoflight! thx for giving me the occasion to talk about myself arndvf
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
GENDER: I’d tell you if I knew what was going on
STAR SIGN: libra
HEIGHT: 5′4′’
TIME: 1:27 pm as I type this
FAVORITE BANDS: Glass Animals, Kongos, Oh Wonder, Alt-J, Depeche Mode, Caravan Palace (and. So Many More. how am i supposed to pick.)
FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: Jain, Parov Stelar, IAMX, Mika (among others?)
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: On You - Kazy Lambist
LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED: rewatched some B99 episodes yesterday! and I’m watching Zumbo’s Just Desserts rn bc I love food shows
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: b o y uh. 2012. my ex dragged me in it saying “you can just reblog a couple of things a day if you want!” and look where that got me
WHAT DO I POST: so much garbage? just. everything from aesthetic post to fandom stuff to personal posts
LAST THING I GOOGLED: bush red flower
DO I HAVE OTHER BLOGS: yeah, a couple! a sideblog for art i can’t post here so I can pretend I’m not horny on main, one for art refs and stuff, and an entirely separate account for Nice Things when stuff becomes too heavy
DO I GET ASKS: sometimes?
WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL: it’s just. the pseudonym i’ve been using on the internet ever since i’ve cobbled it together from the elven dictionary at the end of the Silmarillion when i was in middle school
FAVORITE COLOURS: green & purple
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7 on good days, closer to 5 on the worsts ahgvez
LUCKY NUMBERS: 3 is very satisfying but i also love 4 7 and 13
INSTRUMENTS: I? can play the recorder??? and the xylophone
WHAT AM I WEARING: I was going to write that when I was actually dressed and looking Fine As Hell but now i’m just sitting in my undies and a sport bra wrapped in a fluffy pink bathrobe so.
DREAM JOB: I’m actually satisfied with the one I have? but Ideally I’d love to be able to start my own business so I can like, make posters for concerts and stuff
DREAM TRIP: i wanna see scotland so bad man. but also new zealand? and def go back to ireland
FAVOURITE FOOD: I’m really not picky so it’s hard to choose? but. warm bread with butter melting on it is always Superb
NATIONALITY: french (Guadalupe/Britanny from my dad & Pas-de-Calais (so possibly a bit belgian??) from my mom)
FAVOURITE SONG RIGHT NOW: i’m just obsessed with all of those rn
Tagging: uuuh @frecklesshake @silvadraconis @intearsaboutrobots @danielkjacobi @calysto1395 @agenttexsflippedshit go
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sheithmeintheheart · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @sctvrns Thanks for the tag! You guys should follow them since they’re awesome :)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Gender: Female (she/her)
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5’5
Time: 11:30 AM
Favorite bands: Goo Goo Dolls, Kodaline, Little Mix, The Killers
Favorite solo artists: Christina Perri, Bleachers, Gabrielle Aplin, Sleeping At Last, Lea Michelle, NF
Song stuck in my head: Paralyzed by NF (I freaking love this angsty song. Give it a listen if you haven’t-it’s very Shiro and Keith)
Last movie I watched: Peter Rabbit (loved it)
Last tv show I watched: Voltron Legendary Defender (a rewatch of Bloodlines). Besides VLD, Zumbo’s Just Desserts
When did I create my blog: September 19, 2017 :)
What do I post: Almost exclusively Sheith content. Sometimes I’ll reblog non-shipping things, the team, or other ships (Plance, Allurance etc).  I reblog posts, fanart, and fics! I’ll post every once in a while-headcanons, fic ideas, or thoughts that pop into my brain
Last thing I googled: The exact dictionary definition of the word “jaded”
Do I have other blogs: Yes! I was actually tagged through my main blog, but I decided to do this on my sideblog since I’m more active on here. In case you don’t know, this is a sideblog, and my main is @tibbitoo. So if you see likes and follows from that url, it’s me ;) Sometimes people don’t know we’re the same person! Other than that, I used to run a OUAT sideblog, but I’m not too active now. I also run a sideblog for the book series Sammy Keyes—it’s an incredibly small fandom.
Do I get asks: Not often. I love talking with you guys, so always feel free to scream with me in asks or DM me :) I’m also on Discord!
Why did I choose my url: When I get emotional (usually about ships), I’ll sometimes say/think “Just shoot me in the heart.” Sheithmeintheheart is a play on words of that, since Sheith kills me every second of the day.
Following: 639. Dang that’s a lot. But that’s spanning 7ish years and blogs from 7+ fandoms. Some aren’t active anymore, and I’m too lazy to clean everything out. Most of my dash is Voltron (Sheith) though :D
Followers: 427 (I’m honestly so shocked and thankful??? You guys are amazing. I’m thinking of doing something for you guys when I hit 500+. If there’s anything specific you guys want, like a specific idea for a fic, let me know!)
Favorite colors: Anything in the Red spectrum! I love cranberry, maroon, a nice dark English Rose color. I love browns and golds as well.
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 hours. I take naps during the day though, if I can
Lucky numbers: 3 and 7. I really love odd numbers.
Instruments: I don’t play anything, but I love acoustic guitar, piano, and violin.
What am I wearing: Plaid pajama pants and a black tank top
How many blankets I sleep with: 2
Dream job: Education! I’m going to school to become a teacher, but I’m going to peruse a Master’s so that I can work with curriculum design and instructional coaching. I’m interning with high schoolers right now, and it’s been pretty tough. Other than that, I would love to go into research, writing scholarly journals. Or being an editor for a Young Adult publishing company! Or a creative nonfiction writer (working on getting my writing published-fingers crossed).
Dream trip: I’ve recently went to England, Scotland, and Switzerland (I got to see the Matterhorn!). I really want to go to Germany, or visit some other places in Switzerland.
Favorite food: Mozzarella sticks  and Cheese Curds
Nationality: American (Western European: Swiss, Scottish, German)
Favorite song right now: Goooosh this is so hard. I would say Paralyzed by NF since I’ve been obsessed with it lately. Maybe Dress by Taylor Swift. Or Saturn by Sleeping at Last. Nope, it’s Without You Here by the Goo Goo Dolls. 100%
I won’t tag 20 people since it’s a LOT, but I’ll  tag @marcellaereeves @lance-the-loverboy @spacedaddydaycare @jllusive @pining-sheith @sheith-trash-queen @lasersheith @proklance @raffiejohn @silversneaks
As always, feel free to ignore!
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So I got tagged by the amazing @lady-bittersweet-kitten
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: Spezi (the classical blue one)
2. phone call: called my dad at work
3. text message: group chat
4. song you listened to: honestly this
5. time you cried: this month
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: No
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yes (well I rather was kissed, than that I kissed someone ://////)
8. been cheated on: Nope
9. lost someone special: Yes
10. been depressed: Still am
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: The most alcohol I’ve drunk were like 50ml
— fave colours
12. Teal and it’s various shades ranging from blue- to greenish.
13. Lime green
14. deep reds
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: Can’t fall out if you’re not in it :P
17. laughed until you cried: Certainly
18. found out someone was talking about you: Not that I remember
19. met someone who changed you: Yes to some extent
20. found out who your friends are: Yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: n/a
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: n/a
23. do you have any pets: I have a cat
24. do you want to change your name: Yes and with luck I’ll be able to get it done within this year.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Be at home like always.
26. what time did you wake up today: somewhere around 9am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching ‘Zumbo’s Just Desserts’ on Netflix, because I’ve fallen in the cooking show hole again.
28. what is something you can’t wait for: Starting HRT
30. what are you listening to right now: My macbook fan screaming out
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Likely yes, but I don’t have one in my current acquaintance circle
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: My parents (ooh I’ll take ‘edgy teen’ for 400)
33. most visited website: Youtube
34. hair colour: Some pretty average looking brown, thinking about dying it again sometime in the future.
35. long or short hair: Short, but it’s still due for a haircut.
36. do you have a crush on someone: Right now, no.
37. what do you like about yourself: My weird mix between pride and self-hate.
38. want any piercings: Maybe in the future, but it’s pretty open rn.
39. blood type: 0- that sweet universal donor blood.
40. nicknames: Aiden, because it’s just my username on most sites, even if it’s not my actual name and my friends still call me by it all the time.
41. relationship status: Single
42. sign: Gemini 
43. pronouns: he/him
44. fave tv show: idk probably House M.D., also quite enjoyed Der Tatortreiniger and Please Like Me.
45. tattoos: Not yet. 😛
46. right or left handed: left
47. ever had surgery: Not yet, but in a few years, yes.
48. piercings: Not yet. (this is getting repetitive)
49. sport: I used to enjoy swimming, but I haven’t really done it in 5 or so years.
50. vacation: Depends.
51. trainers: No?
— more general
52. eating: I’m the master of making low effort meals, you just cut up certain ingredients, assemble, put it in an oven and wait for the things to get done.
53. drinking: Too many drinks containing caffeine, I’m pretty much immune to it by now.
54. i’m about to watch: Dirk Gently season two, because I’ve put it off for a while.
55. waiting for: The months of therapy to pass so I can finally step ahead in my transition.
56. want: To better my mental health i general
57. get married: Probably not.
58. career: Not started yet, but something in the area of IT
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: Hugs (because the one kiss I had I didn’t enjoy, so I’m biased)
60. lips or eyes: Eyes
61. shorter or taller: I’m already quite short, so I guess taller
62. older or younger: At my age younger could be a bit weird, but otherwise idc
63. nice arms or stomach: Either
64. hookup or relationships: Relationships I guess
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: Yes
67. drank hard liquor: No
68. turned someone down: No
69. sex on first date: No
70: broken someone’s heart: Unlikely
71. had your heart broken: No
72. been arrested: No
73. cried when someone died: Yes
74. fallen for a friend: Was close to it
— do you believe in
75. yourself: Not really
76. miracles: No
77. love at first sight: It’s probably possible
78. santa claus: I believed it till I was 5 or so and then dropped it due to lack of proof
79. angels: No
— misc
80. eye colour: Brown
81. best friend’s name: I don’t really have one.
82. favourite movie: I’m pulling a blank right now, so I might add one later.
83. favourite actor: I don’t really have pay too much attention to actors
84. favourite cartoon: I guess Bojack Horseman is in the end a cartoon.
85. favourite teacher’s name: Schmidt (my 5-7th grade math teacher)
Idk if any of you wanna do it, go ahead @kohlrabikid @damnneargenius @kellerkuschelassel
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whindsor · 7 years
all the headcanon odds for mika please!!!
1. What are three Netflix shows that they’ve rated five stars? I have no idea what’s on Romanian Netflix, but going based off Mika and my knowledge of American shows…Great British Bake Off, Great British Bake Off Master Class, and Zumbo’s Just Desserts! So basically all baking shows, cause they soothe her.
3. Do they like to play games? What kind of games: video, card, board? What are some of their favorites? She’s useless at video games and can’t focus long enough for most board games, but she’ll play a game of cards like nobody’s business. She loves the games they used to play as kids, ones that involved speed and quick thinking. She’s also been known to win at King’s Cup. She’s also pretty adept at sports, though she doesn’t get to play them very often.
5. Do they prefer movies or TV shows? Why? TV shows. She’s in for the quick changes in plot and the capability to nap and not miss too much.
7. What’s their diet like? Are they vegetarian, vegan? Do they have any food allergies that make them have a special diet? Uh, is “way too fond of sweets” considered a diet? She tries to be relatively healthy otherwise, but she can’t say no to cookies/cakes/pies/anything really.
9. How often do they go grocery shopping? Do they tend to do one large trip, or smaller ones throughout the week? She says she only goes once a week, but she forgets so many little things that she usually has to stop on her way home every day or two.
11. Do they like going to museums? What type of museums do they like to go to? Art, science, historical; interactive, quiet, a mix? She loves to go to the art museum when she’s really stressed out. It’s quiet, there’s pretty things to look at, and no one will bother her. She doesn’t go very often, really only when she’s very, very stressed.
13. Have they ever been do Disney World/Land, or any other amusement park? What do they prefer to do at them: go on the rides, play the games, eat the food? She’s never been to anything like that! Her mom didn’t consider them safe when her and her sisters were younger, and now that she’s older she doesn’t really see the appeal. She’s been to a carnival, but that’s about the closest thing.
15. When do they pay their bills? As soon as the bill comes in? At the last moment? Or are most of their bills automatically taken out of their account? She knows way too much about IT to allow autopay. She sets her alarm on her day to pay bills, and pays them all at once on a credit card with a low limit.
17. Do they have cable, or do they rely mostly on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services? Oh, streaming services, for sure. She also has…ways of keeping up with her favorite shows. Ways that may or may not be legal.
19. Are they more of a snacker throughout the day, or they eat three meals and call it a day? Uh she eats three meals and snacks throughout the day, cause she loves food and figures she can just walk it off.
21. What were they a part of in high school/college, if they went? Were they a part of any clubs, did they play any sports? What clique would they have been considered a part of? She played anything and everything. She was good at sports and math and technology, but horrendous at literature and art and basically anything creative. She’d probably be a jock - she just wanted to hang out and be with a few friends.
23. How do they prefer to watch movies? In the theater, on a streaming site, from an owned DVD/digital download, rented from somewhere? If it’s a movie she’s really excited about, she’ll go see it in theatres. Otherwise, she’ll find a way to watch it from home, whether it’s available legally or not.
25. What do they prefer to do in the summertime? Do they like going to the beach, do they prefer camping, staying in the city? Do they like to stay indoors and away from the heat? She loves to go outdoors. Summers are relatively mild in Romania, so that’s the best time to visit the beaches or go camping or just go out for a picnic. She loves the heat of the sunshine on her shoulders and a cold drink in her hand.
thank you babe!!!!
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everythingslow · 7 years
tag game
tagged by: the lovely raa @jonathanwicks rules: answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
1. nicknames: i don’t really have any sometimes people call me lyd but it’s not an Approved Nickname 2. gender: i don’t know her 3. star sign: aquarius/pisces depending on the source 4. height: 5′7″ or maybe a bit taller somewhere between that and 5′8″ 5. time right now: 6pm-ish but this is going in my queue so who knows 6. birthday: 19th february 7. favourite bands: uhhh just anybody/everybody in this tag 8. favourite solo artists: see above 9. song stuck in my head: welcome to hell (snl) 10. last movie you watched: molly’s game 11. last show i watched: zumbo’s just desserts on netflix it’s like a fancier australian cupcake wars i’m enjoying it so far 12. when did i create my blog: sometime in 2010. i’m old 13. what do i post: music, movies, memes, pretty photos, whatever 14. last thing i googled: ”calculator” bc i was too lazy to use the one on my phone 15. do i have any other blogs: too many sideblogs 16. do i get asks: very rarely anymore lmao 17. why i chose my url: it’s a twenty one pilots lyric and i listen to a lot of sad music 18. following: 352 but i’m sure most of them are inactive but i don’t want to unfollow people in case they come back one day 19. followers: these days every time i get a new follower there’s a 99% chance it’s a porn blog :/ 20. average hours of sleep: probably 5-6 on weekdays but 12-16 on weekends when i can pass out and take the risk of not waking up for a full day 21. lucky number: 4 and 6 22. instruments: when i was younger i tried to teach myself guitar and ukulele but tragically i have short fingers and no patience 23. what am i wearing: black t shirt black jeans black boots just being a greasy-haired witch before i do a face mask and have a shower 24. dream job: something creative that pays well 25. dream trip: new york in the christmas season 26. favourite food: idk recently i got addicted to specifically morrisons meat free vegetable lasagne and cottage pie 27. nationality: english? british? 28. favourite season: autumn/winter
i tag: @shouldbehere, @wentzilla, @peacefulsenseoftime, @iamthebestyoullneverhave, @throughmilesofcloudedhell, @releasethedoves, @stitchcs, @butillfallinline, @90es, @punkflowerharry, @josephskeerys, @trophycaseheroes, @solsinvictus, @inkiero, @nofvn, @discodads, @soundofhearts, @astropunkz, @lbjb247, @goldenstump, @stpctrick, @nedsnark, @fakehappys, @thepotterfanatic, @martinvanger​, @meteoriites, @torsamors is this 20 people i can’t count
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tisorridalamor · 6 years
Shows to watch with your family?
Anyone know any good shows to watch with your family while I’m at home for the summer? We watch a lot of mystery, sci-fi, and cooking shows, and we can’t watch anything too violent or with a lot of sexual content because my mom gets really hung up on those sorts of things. I’d also prefer it if the show was on Netflix, but if it’s popular I can check like the library and Blockbuster!
Some of the things we watch together include...
Every Star Trek series
Agents of Shield and all the Marvel Movies
Stranger Things, Lost in Space, Series of Unfortunate Events
Great British Baking Show and Big Family Cooking Showdown
Zumbo’s Just Desserts and Nailed It!
Brooklyn 99
Gilmore Girls
Also my parents really enjoy international shows, including most of BBC, the Netflix drama version of Erased, and Solomon’s Perjury! If anyone knows a good show we could watch together I’d love to hear it!
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I just wanna chronicle some stuff me and sis have been doing together these days coz these days together are numbered.
Like we've been netflixing almost every night particularly we've been bingewatching Next in Fashion and The Final Table. We also watched a bit of Zumbo's Just Desserts. Well actually before that we would occasionally watch Nailed It which is the funniest baking show ever. Even my babybro loves it.
Minju Kim our spirit animal just slayed the finale and we were so stoked. We thought that Daniel will win coz his collection is more wearable. However we are talking Next in Fashion. Minju's designs are just very unique and much more pretty to look at. We're so proud of you bibi. We've been rooting for Team Dragon Princess since episode 1 after all. Asian girls gotta slay it. And they did! And Minju is liking a walking meme, she does the cutest of expressions and just too adorable.
For other stuff... I'm having flu symptoms since yesterday and on top of being ill I'm still so busy adulting. I've only been doing small studies for 3 or 4 days now and no gesture drawings much less an illustration. I actually have a lot on my plate and I think the stress is getting into me thus making me sick. I really can't afford to be sick when both of my siblings aren't fully recovered with their illnesses as well. But.. I'm still just a human, yknow...
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haleyfury · 6 years
While the most amount of books that I’ve ever read in one year, 2018 has been a year where I’ve also felt that I turned to TV and movies more than usual. To be considered a 2018 favorite, the TV show or movie had to come out or have new episodes this year. However, because catching up with ALL the shows & movies are just as difficult as keeping up with all the new shiny book releases, I do have some honorable mentions that didn’t come this year.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine S1-S5 (FOX/NBC)- I’m only slightly cheating with Brooklyn Nine-Nine here because Season 5 did air in 2018 and I did catch up on the first four seasons in time to watch S5 on air. B99 filled in the Parks & Recreation hole in my heart that I didn’t know needed to be fixed. This show is just so freaking funny and gets better and better with every season. I am so happy for S6 to premiere on NBC (!!) on January 10, 2019.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel S1 & S2 (Amazon Prime)- Again only a little cheating here, since S1 aired in 2017 and while S2 aired in 2018. I started The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on a whim this summer. It’s one of the shows you don’t realize how much you love until you realize you binge-watched it in three days and then feel like you need the next season NOW. While it is quite different than Gilmore Girls, you can find very similar GG touches by Amy Sherman Palladino in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
  Dynasty S1 & S2 (CW)- One always needs some cheesy TV in their life and the CW always come to the rescue for me. This year it was Dynasty, the reboot of a 1980s soap opeara, featuring Elizabeth Gillies. Dynasty has a ton of drama and a tons of episode for me to binge-watch, courtesy of Netflix.
Outdaughtered S4 (TLC)- I’m a huge fan of homey reality TV shows, with my favorite for 2018 being Outdaughtered. Outdaughtered follows a Texas family who has America’s first set of all-female quintuplets. This show is just so hilariously adorable and I need more in 2019 please.
Sugar Rush (Netflix)- I love being able to cozy up with a good baking show at home, and I wanted to have the same feeling at school. Sugar Rush is a fun & unique take on typical competition baking, and it definitely inspired some weekend baking of my own.
The Bold Type S2 (Freeform)- The Bold Type is easily Freeform’s best show, following three best friends working in the magazine and journalism world in NYC. I especially loved the S2 finale (yay Sutton!) and I’m a bit sad that S3 may be its last.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (Netflix)- Like many of my fellow book nerds, there’s no denying that the film adaptation of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before was my favorite 2018 film. The TATBILB series is one of my all-time favorite book series and I am beyond happy with how this book translated on to screen. I also got to see Peter K on this big screen, being lucky enough to attend an advance screening!
A Star is Born (WB)- With Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper as its stars, I think I went into A Star is Born with high expectations, but this movie totally delivered! I’m even more obsessed with the soundtrack!
  Honorable Mentions:
Friday Night Lights (NBC/Amazon Prime)- While I am a sports person, I admit that the last show I expected to fall in love with this year was Friday Night Lights. I was in need of a new show to watch easily at school and decided to give FNL a go. FNL is a show that I just didn’t want to  be over, and while much of the show is about small-town Texas life, I’m so proud of how much I’ve learned about football!
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 1 (Hulu)- Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is one of the best books that I ever read for school, and I really enjoyed the first season of its Hulu adaptation. I felt it stayed close enough to the book while adding different content that overall made sense. I have started season 2, however, I’m just not as it into as S1.
  Zumbo’s Just Desserts (Netflix)- Again give me ALL the baking shows (and a second season of Zumbo’s Just Desserts, please).
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina S1 (Netflix)- Even though it’s quite different from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I enjoyed The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina much more than expected, considering how disappointed I’ve been by Riverdale.
The Good Place S1-S2 (NBC)- While I don’t get the same feels as I do while watching Parks & Rec and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Good Place is another great comedy. I really appreciate its complexity AND phenomenal cast. I can’t really speak to S3 too much, since I’ve only seen the first three episodes, but I love Adam Scott as a recurring character.
  Mona Lisa Smile – I’m a huge fan of ’80s & ’90s movies/ basically any “throwback” starring Julia Roberts. While its from the early 2000s, Mona Lisa Smile totally stole my heart this past spring, as the movie follows an art history professor at an all-girls college who tries to show her students there’s more to life than finding the perfect guy.
Ocean’s Eight– As a big fan of Ocean’s Eleven, this female-led adaptation made my movie heart so happy. While it wasn’t 100% perfect, I loved Ocean’s Eight cast so much and I wouldn’t mind its own trilogy.
The Greatest Showman– So I was (a month) late to 2017’s The Greatest Showman, seeing it in theaters back in January. I’m still 100% obsessed with its soundtrack and you better believe I bought it on DVD for all the rewatches.
  What are you favorite 2018 TV shows and movies? Share in the comments!
COMEDY & MORE: Favorite 2018 TV & Movies While the most amount of books that I've ever read in one year, 2018 has been a year where I've also felt that I turned to TV and movies more than usual.
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sevxra · 6 years
If anyone knows of nice baking shows on netflix streaming like Sugar Rush or Zumbo’s Just Desserts, please let me know about them. I love watching shows like these and I watch them when I don’t want to write anything or I’m too brain dead to write well.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
ok. so today was pretty chill. I woke up at like 9:30 I think, got dressed and walked to Jess’ place because we had some (cosplay) shopping to do. got there and we went to the salvation army’s smaller store, she really only needed a tie and I didn’t need anything pressing so we found that fairly easily. We were discussing cosplays for WW Chicago because I realized/remembered that Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum are gonna be there as well and I’m obviously dying to meet them. and considering guest schedules and everything we’re switching plans up a little bit. currently Matt Ryan is listed as only being there Saturday and Sunday, so we’re gonna do the one for the photo op on Sunday (you’ll die laughing when you see it, I promise) and then Sunday I can do my thrown together Lois Lane cosplay which is literally just going to be a blazer, shirt, and skirt out of my closet lol being that I own a ton of business clothes already, and of course with a few added touches to make it more obvious. And this would mean I can save 3x10 Sara for Portland in a few weeks where Caity is actually going to be present so that works even better. I’m still trying to figure out if/what I might cosplay for HVFF NJ the day before Portland, it’s gonna be a crazy weekend and I’m not gonna have a whole lot of space to pack things, so we’ll see how it turns out. So yeah, got those are figured out, then went to Target to grab a few things, I only needed eggs and some heavy cream randomly enough lol, then we went to taco bell for food because we hadn’t really eaten yet so that was enjoyable. Afterwards we went back to Jess’ place so she could park her car by her apartment and grab her laptop, then we walked to my apartment from there. We had been discussing how it looks like they’re auditioning a new love interest for Alex on Supergirl which we’d be very interested in, but Jess never watched season 3, so we decided we’d start watching it today, and ended up making it through the mid-season finale episode. We skipped a lot of the episode on Mars because it was just kind of unnecessary and not particularly interesting, but we watched the rest of all the other ones. Again, Midvale is easily the best episode in the series, which is honestly like really sad because it has like none of the actual main actors in it besides short clips at the beginning and end. I really have to give it up to the actresses that portrayed young Kara and young Alex, not only were they the spitting image of their older counterpart, but they did such a good job bringing the emotion and really becoming the heart of the episode. For the rest of the season, well, Ruby and Sam are really the highlights, J’onn and his father are pretty good too but the main plot generally kinda sucks, not that that’s a surprise at this point. Apparently ubereats was running a promotion for free delivery from 2-5 pm so sometime after 4 we thought we’d take advantage of that, ended up getting food from a place called the golden corral because they do all day breakfast and I really wanted a waffle. And not gonna lie, now that I know I can order a waffle from my phone and have it delivered to me in under an hour is like, possibly too much power that I should have lol. So we ate our food and continued to watch Supergirl, then when we finished the mid-season finale episode we went to go get ice cream. We’re planning on going to the renaissance fair tomorrow which I’ve never been too, so that should be fun, we were trying to plan costumes and such so hopefully those will turn out well. Jess went home after that, I returned to my apartment and watched more of “Zumbo’s Just Desserts” which is like, the perfect level of absurdity to balance out my game of thrones nights and alternating between the two. I’m almost at the end of it though, the only I finished with tonight only had 3 contestants left, so just two more episodes. I was so pleased though because in one of the episodes I watched tonight there was this douche who was the last guy remaining in the competition and he was soooooo full of himself and was like, insulting his competitors to the camera and saying lots of just super shitty things like “I know I’m gonna win because I’m better than her” and shit like that so I was SO happy when it all blew up in his face and he got send home, BUH-BYE NOW. so I enjoyed that. And yeah, I finished that up for the night and then started getting ready for bed. NICKZANO (the cat) is doing quite well for herself, she seems very interested in sinks and can often be found sitting in them for reasons I can’t seem to figure out, but she’s still being very friendly and cuddly and just sweet in general so I have no complaints. And yeah, that’s about it for today. My eyes would like to be closed now, so I think I am going to do so now. Goodnight babes. Happy weekend.
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