#I loved writing every word of this ding dang story
akitokihojo · 5 years
Enchanted - The Final Part
Kagome stared evenly at the letter in her hand, the castle official trotting further down the road toward the next house on his decorated horse. They’re invitations. The man had said. To celebrate the union of two people and two kingdoms. The thick paper of the envelope sat heavily in her fingers, making it feel like she was carrying a leather-bound book instead.
“Now I understand.” Kaede spoke after opening her own, generic invite and reading it through. The old lady turned her head toward Kagome, watching as her assistant’s chin gave a morose twitch. “You knew about this.”
She nodded. That was all she could do. She’d dodged the topic for over a week, coming up with excuses about not feeling well or putting in an extra amount of effort to avoid speaking in general. If she thought about it, it would only be a matter of seconds before she broke. So she kept as busy as possible until the very last moment of each day.
“That’s okay, child. We don’t have to talk about it.”
With a dragged inhale, Kagome feigned a smile, shaking her head as if it were that easy to push the problem aside, and turned to look at her mentor. “Thanks. I - uh - I think I left the axe in the clearing in the woods again. I’ll be right back.”
Kaede watched the girl walk off, the letter surprisingly still in hand.
Inuyasha stood in the large entry of the grand ballroom, watching the men and women hustle along to polish every inch of it. Decorating would soon follow, and he could only imagine the dreary ribbons and drapes that would embellish the place. He felt empty and powerless. He felt aggravated and restless. He wanted to scream at the entire staff to stop what they were doing as if preventing the decorating would prevent the entire goddamn thing, itself.
As each bit of the glossy floor sparkled in its freshly-cleaned glory, the ballroom only seemed to appear darker and darker. No longer did it look like an appropriate place to host every invited person in the country, but more a place hospitable to keep criminals locked up until their final days. The more he stood there and took the beginnings of the entire process in, the more unsettled his stomach sat in his abdomen. Was defeat this nauseating, or was this just the heartbreak he refused to acknowledge?
The pads of her fingers seemed to go numb against the textured envelope as she walked within the concealment of the trees, and she’d had to squeeze against it to make sure she hadn’t dropped it somewhere along the way. As soon as she’d made it onto the path, her body was quick to flash hot. They’d broken up for a reason, she knew this was coming, but it still seemed so surreal to her. What she hadn’t expected was a huge celebration, especially so soon. It was too soon. He never mentioned when his new fiancee would be coming or when the wedding would be held, so she'd hoped that some forgiving force of nature would give her a little time to digest it all. The day after he’d left her, she’d had to force herself to get out of bed. It was well into the afternoon, and after lying to Kaede by faking a minor head cold, she had to go into the shopping district to get some ingredients for soup. There were more people out and about than she’d seen lately, and it was only a matter of minutes before rumors reached her ear of a carriage surrounded by plenty of royal guards that had rolled through town just an hour or so before. She wasn’t sure if there was a word to describe the sensation that knocked on the inside of her ribcage, but it tumbled down each bone unpleasantly and nearly caused her to visibly shudder in front of a vendor.
Kagome’s overdress snagged on a dried branch of a bush, jerking her to a stop. She tried to pull it free but it wouldn’t budge, and quickly the unsettling nerves in her chest began to expand and flare, bringing her to groan loudly in frustration because all she wanted was her moment of fraudulent peace in the damn clearing. Reluctantly, she stomped back toward the offending branch to kneel down and wrestle the threads free, feeling almost overwhelmed enough to curl up right then and there.
“What are you planning?” Inuyasha melancholically asked.
“Oh, do you suddenly want to talk to me now?” There was acrimony laced in Sesshomaru’s tone.
Inuyasha’s eyes drifted to the desk the king sat at, then the carpet. He was too desperate to hold onto his pride. He heard the steady inhale his brother took as he set his pen down with a click.
“My plan depends on yours.”
“What?” Inuyasha met his even stare.
“You’ve been waiting on us to call it off or change our minds. I have yet to see you take matters into your own hands.”
If he only knew.
“Since when do you sit around and sulk until given your way?”
“Sesshomaru, I don’t -“ He was almost tempted to give their entire ruse away just for the sake of his defense, but that would betray whatever loyalty he and Kikyo had created, so he stopped himself mid sentence. Sesshomaru cocked a single brow, almost as if his plain expression slighted in interest.
“I can’t get you out of this, Inuyasha. So, what are you going to do to change your own fate?”
Kagome slid her finger within the wax-sealed fold of the envelope to open it, flinching away quickly as she felt the thick material slice through her skin. Great. The whole damn thing was out to get her. She watched as the thin cut just next to her nail produced a droplet of blood, mindlessly applying pressure to her finger with her thumb to get more to drip out. 
Why would she even want to look at the invitation? To seal the deal even further than it already was? Would reading it through solidify the engagement and make it feel more real in her head, or was she just masochistic? Kagome dropped the envelope to her side, wiping her bleeding finger on the thigh of her chemise before hugging her legs closer and looking toward the sky. There was purple in the sunset. What once made her happy and filled her with hope now applied a weight to her stomach that sunk it far and low. 
This wasn’t her. Only once had she ever wished for clouds to cover the glowing hues she always favored, but sitting there in the clearing, torn and heavy, she regretted looking up. She didn’t want to see it. She didn’t want to be forced to pretend she was hopeful, she wanted to save the purple for a different day since they were so few and far between. She came to the clearing so she’d have a few moments where she wouldn’t have to pretend; where she could take deep breaths in preparation to get her through the rest of the day after the invitation knocked her off course. What would help was a gloomy day that matched her mood. That way she could blame the clouds and the cold and the weather and whatever else that wasn’t her ill-tempered heart.
Inuyasha was drained. He was exhausted. He didn’t know what Sesshomaru was alluding to, and the man was never one to speak clearly when he wanted you to figure something out yourself. But he and Kikyo had both been trying to break the engagement. They’d both been putting in energy to fix the mess their families had created. What else could they possible do? He didn’t want to think about anything anymore. Not today. It hurt too much.
Kagome took a deep breath, coming out of the forest and onto the field before the apothecary’s shop. Her face was set, she felt more sturdy, and she had a few more chores to keep her distracted for a little while longer. There was a huff from inside the small stable to her right, hooves rustling back and forth, almost seeming restless. Kagome headed inside to settle Kaede’s horse, petting along his neck. Immediately, she checked the floor to see if there was anything slithering that startled him, but with how quickly the steed calmed down with her affection, she figured he was just a little agitated.
“You too, huh?” She said, leaning her forehead against the bridge of his nose. “Things will get better, I promise. We’ve just gotta ride this out.”
Inuyasha had been laying in bed for hours but sleep was far from attainable no matter how heavy his lids were. As much as he wished he could silence his mind, it raced too fast for him to catch up to. He stared at the ceiling, his hand resting on his bare stomach, feeling the unconscious flex of his abdomen as, once again, he thought of Kagome. It was painful. He never imagined the thought of her would be painful, but he missed her so goddamn much. What he wouldn’t pay to have her sleeping in bed beside him right this very moment. He’d happily stay awake all night just to feel her body there, hear her steady breathing, take in her scent and hope his comforter absorbed it just as well so he could continue to smell her every night after that.
He pictured his future, and it was her. He didn’t stand there alone, it wasn’t Kikyo at his side, nor any other face he had yet to meet. It was her. How cruel. At this point, he wasn’t sure if imagining the golden ring in her brown eyes when the light hit them perfectly, or the way her lips quirked crookedly when she was frustrated, the way her fingers were almost always cold, the way she put others before herself, the sound of her laugh, how she put his hands wherever she wanted them on her, the incredible trust she had in him from the start, her fearlessness, her compassion, or the gentle way she raked her fingers through his hair was a way for hope to build bolder in his chest or just pure torture.
Shifting his head, he glanced out the window. A part of him felt idiotic. Like, if he held onto the former he’d only end up crushed. In that same regard, how could he claim to deserve her if he cowardly let go? His fingers trailed up the ridges of his muscles, seeking out the golden heart that bunched with its chain and currently rested at the hollow of his throat. Even if everything worked out for the better, if he wasn’t fighting with everything he had to get her back all the while he’d have no right to look her in the eye and ask her to be with him again.
Kikyo walked through the garden, the brisk morning air awakening her senses as she read the novel in her hands, occasionally glancing up to make sure she wouldn’t walk into anything. They were two days away from the ball and she was growing antsier and antsier. She’d wake up every hour on the hour, and the anxiety of it all was progressively building so taut that she was afraid she would snap soon. This morning, to soothe her nerves before her father found her and dragged her to do god knows what in preparation of the wedding, she stopped trying for sleep and chose to walk the garden with a book. It had been hours already, and the entire castle seemed to be awake now. 
She’d avoided the hedges to not risk turning herself around while mindlessly walking with a nose in a novel, sticking to the portion with fountains and roses. Heavy footsteps caught her attention, and Kikyo peaked over the edge of her story, noticing the prince storming passed the entrance. With just the quick flash of him, she could tell he was distraught. They hadn’t spoken in a few days, and she was sure the quick-approaching wedding was messing him up just as badly as it was she. Still, she was curious to see where he could possibly be going with such fervor. As far as she knew, there was nothing in the direction he walked.
Kikyo poked her head out of the garden, scanning the area to make sure no one was around to see them. When she deemed them safe, she turned to watch Inuyasha walking toward the formidably-built wall that sealed the castle grounds, making a sharp turn at the back of a shed. Her curiosity was too invested now not to pry. He was heading down a narrow area between the wall and sheds, pausing at openings and then quietly trekking forward. He looked like he was about to do something sketchy, and if it was marriage related in the least - which was farfetched at best but not absolutely out of the question - she wanted to know.
“What are you doing?” She asked in a hushed tone, catching him just as he neared the corner. The prince froze, a clenched groan releasing from his throat as he reluctantly turned around.
“This definitely doesn’t look like nothing. What’s going on? You seem upset.”
“I am upset!” Inuyasha whispered, though the rancor in his tone was still evident. “Nothing’s working, they’re decorating, I saw seamstresses showing up, and I just - I can’t handle it all right now!”
None of that explained what he was up to. Kikyo guessed he wasn’t about to reveal this great and well-thought-out scheme that worked to break the contract, though, and she swallowed the mild disappointment. “Okay, that’s fine. I get it. So, you’re just going to hide back here until you feel better?”
“No, I’m going for a walk.”
She gave a quizzical look in response.
“Outside.” Inuyasha hesitantly admitted. He watched the slight perturbation harden her features, lips parting slightly as she brought the closed book she held further into her chest, a finger wedged between the pages to hold her spot.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I have to.”
“I have to see her.” He turned to grab onto a protruding brick as leverage, hitching a leg up to climb just as the princess snagged onto the loose sleeve of his Bastian shirt.
“Inuyasha, you're not thinking rationally. What are you going to get from this?” He didn’t answer. His ember eyes were sullen and dull in shade, but his rough features didn’t match the emotion behind his irises. He attempted to mask it all with frustration, but he wasn’t as successfully guarded as his brother. The prince could pretend all he wanted, but he was deeper than anyone she’d ever met before. “I think I've been too prideful. I'm starting to get worried. You're right, nothing's working. We may end up losing this battle. And if that’s the case, you’re only going to make this so much worse for yourself by reopening that door.”
“I don’t care.”
“But what about her?”
A sharp twinge thundered in his chest, and he gripped the brick so hard that the pads of his fingers scraped against it. “I’m going crazy, Kikyo. I can’t think straight. I need to see her.”
“I don’t think this is wise.”
“I’m not going for wise, I’m going for sanity.”
"You think a single visit with her is going to fix the madness you feel? If only life were so easy. I understand where you're coming from, please believe me, but with the progression of things happening here, this wouldn't be fair to either of you."
"Stop trying to talk me out of it!" The prince gritted.
“Inuyasha -“
“Look, I’ll just be gone for thirty minutes. Tops. You can lecture me about how stupid I am then, okay? Let me go.”
Her brow crinkled sympathetically, and she wanted to try to prevent him from leaving again but this wasn’t her business. If he wanted to take the risk, found it so necessary just to think a little more clearly, who was she to force him to back down? If she knew of a way to get satiation from her own plaguing and terrifying situation, he wouldn’t be able to talk her out of it either. Kikyo let go of his sleeve, taking a step back while nodding as understandingly as possible, and he didn’t waste another second, scaling the wall and dropping over to the other side with a thud.
He ran through the woodlands, his heart beating rampantly as he knew he was getting closer and closer to her cottage and the general area of the forest he first met her in. He could only hope she was around these parts, because he wasn’t sure what the hell he’d do if she was in town. His chest heaved as he slowed, listening for movement, inhaling to catch her scent.
It was like everything in him jolted to an abrupt stop, his breath catching in his lungs alarmingly, chills spiraling over every inch of his body as her sweet aroma wafted into his nose. She was close. Really close. When he first dropped everything to come see her, he thought he’d run straight up to her without pause to relinquish the cloud that loomed over him, yet here he stood, his boots weighted to the earth as a nauseating feeling rooted deep in his core to communicate just how horrible an idea this actually was. She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t need to relive those emotions he saw vividly on her face that night when no matter what was said and done here, he’d still have to head back to the arranged marriage he was trapped in afterward. The sudden voice of reason reverberating through his mind sounded an awful lot like Kikyo, and he silently cursed the princess for providing logic when he least wanted it.
Inuyasha heard her footsteps traveling closer, and it took everything he had to bite back the aggravated grunt and step behind the thick trunk of a tree. What was he thinking? What was he doing here? She was a mere number of feet away and the distance was receding, the sound of cracking leaves beneath her shoes heightening his torment as she rounded a small bend so agonizingly close to where he hid. The least he could do was peak over to see her. Every night, he’d asked himself if she was okay. He was left with the sight of that devastated expression, and he needed it out of his head.
The prince inched toward the side, the back of his shirt catching along the bark as he leaned to see Kagome. Her back was facing him, but she’d stopped along the unmarked path, her head swiveling to the side but not far enough for him to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face. He stepped out further, desperate to see her features, the plush of her lips, the curve of her nose, anything more than the back of her dress and her long, black hair, but he’d bent too far and there was a noticeable knock against the tree from the scabbard of the sword dangling at his hip.
Kagome swiftly turned around, brown eyes scouring the area. She’d thought she’d heard something, like a soft rustle, and was just about to dismiss it as a small animal before she heard a distinct clank that didn’t seem to belong in a forest. 
“Is someone there?” It was stupid, she knew, but her mind immediately pictured the prince appearing before her, his short, silver hair as tousled as usual while giving that typical grin he wore when he was happy to see her but didn’t like to be too obvious. Her stomach flurried at the thought, pulling her forward with a false hope she'd subconsciously created on her own.
Inuyasha held his sword firmly, hating every inch of the damn, inherited thing at the moment. She spoke and his muscles flexed uncomfortably. She stepped toward him and he held his breath. He could hear her coming forward and as carefully as possible, he followed the curve around the tree, avoiding anything that could crackle or make noise so he wouldn’t give himself away again. 
As senseless and unreasonable as it was, it didn’t stop the disappointment from swelling thickly in her abdomen. The area she’d thought she’d heard the noise from was empty; not even a chipmunk sped away to tip her off. There was nothing. No one. What would he even be doing out here? It was just her imagination running wild again. Her torturous, unfair, hyperactive mind. Sighing unsteadily, Kagome turned around and headed back toward the route she was on.
He took the opportunity to look at her then. Her pace was hastened, strands of dark hair billowing behind her shoulders. As she made a small turn and he finally saw the side of her face, the warm hue of her cheek, the pink tint of her lips as she worried the bottom, Inuyasha felt a powerful sensation overwhelm his system. All at once, he was absolutely overcome with fury and passion. This wasn't how things were going to work out for him. He refused to pine for her explicitly in the shadows, wondering what his life would be like had this entire mess not occurred. It hardly even seemed like the arrangement benefitted their people, the only person winning being Onigumo. No. He was done with this game.
Since when do you sit around and sulk until given your way?
So, what are you going to do to change your own fate?
He was a valiant prince, he was undoubtedly the product of his father, and he'd be damned if he'd be seen as anything otherwise. Inuyasha could guarantee that there was no way in hell he was backing down from this fight.
After making sure the coast was clear, he hopped back into castle grounds, avoiding all attention as he made his way into the main household. The place was bustling and lively, everyone working to get the place ready for the event, and he nodded plainly to smiling caretakers as he bounded up the stairs two at a time.
"Where the hell have you been?" Miroku asked, running up by his side and keeping stride.
"Nice. Figured. Where?"
"Hey, look, I get it. You don't like what's going on, but stop taking it out on me. I'm on your side, remember?"
"Where's Sango?"
"In your study making it look like you've been working."
"Great, go join her."
"No." The aide grasped the prince's arm, pulling him into a nearby room for privacy and shutting the door. "We've been as patient as possible with you, but how long are we expected to keep this up? You're not acting yourself, Inuyasha!"
"Oh, god!" He groaned. "Look, I don't have time to hear how shitty I am right now."
"Why the hell not? What exactly were you heading to do? Because last I knew you've been avoiding your schedule, avoiding Kikyo, avoiding work, avoiding us -"
"I was heading to try and fix this!" Inuyasha hissed, shutting the knight up. "And that's all I'll tell you! I can't go into detail, and until it's handled, I need you to stay out of my way! Go with Sango!"
Miroku bravely neglected the order, giving a faint shake of his head. "I can't do that."
"I'm serious, Miroku."
"I'm perfectly aware, but so am I. You've said just enough to peak my interest. What's going on?"
"I can't go into detail!"
"Can't or wont?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes! Are you under specific orders not to, or are you -"
"Fine! Wont!"
"Why not?"
"Tell me, Inuyasha! I'm your right-hand man! If there's anyone that should know what you're up to, it's me! Now what are we fixing and how?"
"No, I don't want you getting involved in this!"
"Oh, don't be so noble." Miroku rolled his eyes, lolling his head to the side. "If you're about to fuck some shit up, I want in."
Inuyasha flinched in surprise, registering his aide's determination. 
"I may work for the crown, but my loyalty lies with you. Sango would say the same."
"You don't understand. This could potentially be borderline treason."
Miroku shrugged a single shoulder.
"Tell me now, are you sure?"
"Absolutely." The knight said without hesitation.
Inuyasha was still apprehensive about bringing his friends into this. If anything happened to bring him down, he'd always planned for Miroku and Sango to stay oblivious so they weren't at risk. The steadfast look in Miroku's indigo eyes was piercing him now, and there was no way he'd be allowed to leave the room without giving him something to go off. Logically thinking, the more numbers he had to help him see this through, the higher his chances of success. Miroku was now aware that something was up, so they may as well all raise hell.
"I don't have a definite plan yet, but hopefully by tonight I will. I'll discuss it then with you. Meet me in my office around eight-thirty."
"Yes, sir."
The prince brushed passed his aide, leaving the room and heading straight back on path, following his nose and marching toward the back staircase to the third level. Chances were, Kikyo was in the middle of something wedding-related. It would be impossible to meet in private right now to hash ideas out with how crazy everything was around the place, but he needed to at least let her know so she could try to sneak away at some point.
He followed his nose, coming up on a room where he could hear seamstresses complimenting her figure and discussing colors, multiple operatic voices ringing at once. How the hell was he supposed to get her attention without anyone else noticing? It wasn't so busy on this floor, at least, but that didn't mean he was clear to stop.
The door to the room they occupied was closed, and the brash part of him highly considered banging on it, throwing it open, and angrily demanding a moment with the princess as if he was ordered to spend time with her by the king. There had to be something a little more inconspicuous to attempt before escalating it that far, though. Before he could fully think of another idea, he caught the scuffle of footsteps approaching around the far corner. Swiftly, Inuyasha threw himself into the adjacent room, grateful that it was empty given he hadn't checked to see if he could hear anyone in here beforehand.
The prince took in his new surroundings. He was in a bedroom. A claimed bedroom. Kikyo's scent overtook the place, and he grimaced at the thought of how inappropriate it was for him to even be here. If anyone found him, the indecent rumors that would follow would probably kill him more gruesomely than a sword ever could. And he'd much rather go out by blade any day.
Boisterous laughter flooded through the walls, and Inuyasha turned toward the one the rooms shared, noticing a door that fortuitously adjoined them. He snuck over, carefully twisting the knob so the springs wouldn't be heard, opening the door a mere inch and a half and peaking through to the next room. He couldn't see anything from the angle, but the ladies' voices boomed through vividly, almost hurting his ears. Another inch, and he caught the sight of a larger lady. She held up some sheer, dark purple fabric, shifting the subject to the waistline she used to have back in the day. Another inch, and he glimpsed about half of Kikyo standing on a small stool in a short, white dress. She was facing him, though she hadn't noticed the parted door, her brown eyes - or eye, given what he could actually see - glazed over in annoyance. He poked his head out slightly, almost snapping his fingers to catch her attention but stopped himself before he risked catching the other women's, as well. He waved his hand once, twice, more aggressively the third time, and when she finally perked in bewilderment, he quickly put a finger to his lips to keep her quiet and then gestured for her to come over before shutting the door and tucking himself back into the quiet of her room.
"Excuse me, ladies." He heard Kikyo say through the wall. "I need to use the restroom real quickly."
"Oh, of course, Your Highness." One of them enthusiastically spoke, her tone high and dramatic. "We'll make sure to save all of our good stories for when you get back."
The princess feigned a laugh so obvious even Inuyasha snorted. "Can't wait."
She pushed through the door, shutting it quickly and leaning against it. It took only half a second for the prince to gather just how see-through the chemise she was wearing was, jerking his head to the side with a grimace. "Jesus!"
"What!? It's a fitting, Inuyasha, of course I'm not going to be dressed!" She hissed vehemently, smacking his arm with the back of her hand before hiding her chest behind folded arms. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"We need to talk." He said uncomfortably through clenched teeth, eyes trailing over the walls and ceiling. 
"Obviously not. Preferably when you're not in your underwear. When do you think you can get away?"
She took a moment to think, hunching her back uneasily to further hide herself. "Um - I'm stuck here for however long they need me. They're literally putting the majority of my ballgown together today. Hopefully, it should only take a few hours or so, but we just started like fifteen minutes after you left. How did that go, by the way?"
"It didn't -" He interrupted himself with a huffed groan, trying not to stammer as he stayed on subject. "We'll talk about it later. Try to be free around five and meet me in the closed-off library around the corner. No one's ever really around that area, so you should be fine. There's a room inside off to the left. I'll be in there."
She nodded promptly, waiting as he carefully snuck out through the main entrance of her room before mentally bracing herself for the seamstress' conversations to continue. 
To Kikyo's surprise, Inuyasha was right. There was no one around to be seen as she cautiously sauntered up to the closed door. In fact, the lack of people threw her off so much that she'd passed up the library twice while looking for it, thinking she was in a restricted zone of the castle.
The hinges creaked loudly as she pushed through, only opening the door wide enough for her slender body to slip in before closing it as it was. The room was smaller than the library they'd spent days in, dimly lit in yellow and surrounded by shadows. The air was stale and almost musky, not a book out of place from where she could see. The entire area gave her the creeps, so she pushed herself to search the wall to her left for the room she was told to find. Kikyo stepped further, worried she'd ventured into the wrong library for a moment, traveling down the furthest aisle and sighing out when she finally found a door. Inuyasha was staring out at the land from his seat in the alcove inside, ember eyes meeting her as she entered the small room. 
"You couldn't have picked a more ominous place?"
"Would you have preferred a place we could have been walked in on?"
"Well, no. But I don't mind meeting in non-haunted areas, either."
"It's not haunted." Inuyasha chuckled, shifting his legs off the cushion to sit forward. "It's my father's collection, so no one disturbs it. That's all." 
"Good lord, is his casket out there too?"
"Actually, yes. They've mummified him and his body's in the third row. Want to see?"
"Absolutely not!"
"I'm kidding, you sissy! I didn't expect this side of you; your getup is like gothic central." He laughed, standing from his spot to offer her the only seat.
She dismissed the jab with a scoff, taking the alcove cushion and smoothing down the front of her dress. "So, what happened?"
"What do you mean?" He knew what she meant, but there was a huge part of him that hoped she was actually alluding to the urgency behind meeting up today.
"With her. I don't remember her name."
"Nothing. I - that's not what I wanted to talk about." The prince shook his head.
"Come on. Tell me. I've been dying to know since the moment you left."
"Literally nothing." He conceded with a begrudging shrug. "You were right, it wouldn't have been fair to her."
"Oh, so you didn't even see her?" The princess asked, sort of taken aback by the idea of Inuyasha defying rules just to casually turn around thirty seconds later.
"No, I saw her. She didn't see me. I didn't let her. I - I froze." Inuyasha leaned his shoulder against the nearest wall, avoiding Kikyo's curious stare. "It's fine. I mean, I hadn't even planned out what I'd wanted to say to her, I just felt this driving need to see that she was okay."
"Was she? Did she look okay to you?"
"I couldn't tell, I only caught a small look at her." He answered stiffly, refusing to go too deep into detail of everything that little glimpse did for him. That was his motivation. That was his fire. "But listen, if we're going to get out of this we need to act. We're running out of time."
Kikyo's brown eyes fluttered down, her mouth opening as she gave a small huff and shook her head, almost defeatedly. "Inuyasha, I already told you that there's a chance we aren't going to win this. As far as they know, we haven't spoken in days and they're perfectly fine with it! I broke a table for heaven's sake! What else are we supposed to do?"
Inuyasha tensed. He knew she was feeling at a loss from this morning, but up until then she'd been the queen of confidence. Quite frankly, it was disturbing to see her losing her spark. It seemed like Sesshomaru wanted them to break the clause just as much as they wanted it, as well. He couldn't help, he admitted that. It was up to them, and he fully believed that now that the king felt insulted, he wouldn't do a single thing to stand in their way. Sesshomaru was petty like that, which worked in their favor.
"Between you and I?" He asked steadily, ember eyes meeting her dark irises. Kikyo looked at him inquisitively, her brows furrowing minutely. 
"Of course." She agreed, her tone soft.
"Sesshomaru's not happy with your father's deceit, and he's planning to get him back. It'll be even harder for him to do so unless we break the engagement."
The princess sat up straight, lurching forward slightly as her expression twisted in surprise. "He's not going to retaliate in a war, is he?"
"No." Inuyasha shook his head. "No, if he wanted that, he'd just rip the damned contract up in Onigumo's face. I honestly don't know what he's hoping to do, but I think it'll be more like pinning him the same way your father's pinned us. Which means, we've got one less obstacle standing in our way."
"You say that like it's supposed to be easier now or something." She slouched back a bit, temperamentally. "My dad is thirty times more manipulative than I am. So much so, that I'm ashamed my mind works remotely in the same way."
"Kikyo," Inuyasha stepped forward, the air of him undaunted as he kneeled in front of her to look at her evenly. "Do you still want to be royalty?"
She leaned away, somewhat uncomfortable with their close proximity and the unwavering determination in his eye. "No." She had to control her tone so the statement didn't sound like a question.
"Did you still plan to denounce yourself?"
"What are you getting at?"
"Do it at the ball."
Kikyo's shoulders slackened, brows raising astonishingly.
Kagome quickly ran across the small field dividing her home from Kaede's, ignoring the closed sign and throwing the door open then shut as she ran through to the apothecary's bedroom in the back. The door was open, and she grasped the doorframe when she stopped, poking her head through to see the elderly woman smoothing the top half of her grey hair back into a clip. She noticed Kagome in her aged mirror, turning to look at her as thin strands fell loose from her fingers.
"Help me." She pleaded, almost panicked.
"With what, child? Did a snake get into your house again?" Kaede asked half sarcastically due to her assistant's unnerved demeanor, dropping her hair. 
"If there's ever a raging fire next door, you'll know the answer to that! Come on!" Kagome bounced on the balls of her feet. "I can't figure out what to wear! This is an emergency!"
The herbalist followed her out, unable to swallow her disbelief. "You mean you're going? You didn't seem so clear when I asked yesterday."
"Seems sort of mandatory to me."
She slowed just outside her door, trying to ignore the weight on her chest that increased with the passing minutes. "It would be wrong if I didn't go."
"Yet perfectly understandable."
"But he's doing this for the country. For his people. It had nothing to do with me. At least, that's what I'm choosing to believe." Her eyes inadvertently drifted to the floor. "I know my status and all the glory that comes with it, but I also know that didn't matter to him. There are - there are bigger things than me, anyway! I should be supportive!" Kagome feigned perkiness, dismissing it all with a wave.
Kaede studied her for a moment. The girl had a huge heart and never liked to make her burdens anyone else's, but she could still see how hard it was for her to cover the pain of it all. Kagome was going to have to see the man she loved next to another woman. That was no easy feat for the boldest of characters. Having had a relationship with the royal family for years now, she could only imagine the prince's dismay if the roles were reversed. Nonetheless, if Kagome felt like she was up for the night ahead of her, she'd stand by the girl through and through.
"Alright, show me our options!" The old woman smiled, entering her assistant's cottage ahead of her. Kagome sighed nervously, crossing the room quickly to the two dresses that rested along her bed. 
"So, I don't actually have any gowns of my own; these are ones I took from my mother when I moved out here, and I can't even tell you the last time she wore them." Kagome fiddled her fingers before reaching for one of the dresses, holding it before her body. "This one says I like maroon. That's it. That's all it says."
"Nonsense," Kaede approached, examining the looped design stitched around the bateau neckline, and gliding her fingers down to bring the cuffs of the long, slender sleeves up to see the similar pattern. Along each forearm, a black string laced up, starting at the inner corner of the wrist and expanding to twist all the way up to the middle of the upper arm which she imagined would hug in a very simple yet beautiful manner once she actually filled it in. At the bottom of the gown, the same design outlined the edging, bringing the plain and solid dress to look elegant. "This detail is gorgeous. Did your mother make this?"
"No, I think this is my grandma's work. It bodes well that you like it because -" Kagome laid the dress back on her blanket, switching out for the light pink one next to it. Unlike the first dress that had a natural waistline and fell and dragged with its own length, the one she now held had a few ruffles to spare. "This one says my mother went through a bedazzling stage."
The apothecary grimaced, her entire face contorting as she extended out one of the bell sleeves. It wouldn't have been so bad if the bodice wasn't decorated in gaudy, cheap jewels of different shapes and colors. "Oh, dear no. The color can't even save this dress."
"Maroon it is." She sighed raggedly, dropping the gown back where it once was, not even minding the crumpled heap she set it in. 
"You're anxious." Kaede pointed.
"Me? No." Kagome shook her head, loosening the front ties of the dress she currently wore to slacken its hold around her waist. She knew she had very obvious isms that gave her feelings away; fidgeting hands, avoided eye contact, a higher notch in her voice. The only way to hide them was to keep herself busy. If she stood still, it was like everything that was going through her mind was plastered on a poster board for everyone to see. 
Kaede turned the maroon gown over to make sure the lace that scaled the back would be loose enough for the girl to slip into, not needing to do anything when she realized it wasn't made to be tightened. "It's okay, you know? I think I'd be more worried if you weren't."
"He wont notice me, will he?" She asked, stripping her clothes over her head. There was a battle raging in her mind, one of the many reasons for her distress, showing her how scared she was of the entire ordeal but also turning around to tell her how self-absorbed she'd be to think that he'd notice her in the sea of people that will be there to support this arrangement. "No, of course he wont."
"Kagome, you're in your own head. Relax. It's going to be fine."
"No, you're right. I know. You're right."
The elderly woman bunched the ends of the skirt up a bit, holding the gown in a way that would be easier for the girl to put on. She fit into it rather easily, the dress falling beautifully along her body and to the floor, hugging her waist innately. "Just stick by me the whole night. If you're ever uncomfortable, we can leave."
"Oh, I wouldn't bother you with that."
"Please, child, I've got old bones. My ankles are swelling just thinking about the shoes I'm about to wear. I would not be disappointed in the least if you wanted to head home." Kaede laughed, successfully bringing a chuckle from Kagome. She observed as the girl adjusted her sleeves, the cuff of them falling to cover the majority of her hands and only leaving her fingers exposed. In an effort to help, she pulled the neckline up, noticing it was a bit loose in the chest and it wasn't hooking around her shoulders as snug as it should have.
"Uh - yeah, mama is a bit more well-endowed than I am." Kagome said, grinning sardonically while she took over to struggle with the way it landed on her. Finally, with a minor shift of the dress around her breasts, she managed to get the bateau to hold at the very edges of her shoulders. Only minor adjustments needed to be done to the lacing around her arms, and she smoothed her palm over some of the wrinkles that had long set into the fabric.
"You look beautiful." Kaede smiled, gently guiding her to sit on her bed. She ran her fingers through Kagome's hair, pulling it to the front. "I say we leave your hair down. What do you think?"
"It's not too messy?" She grimaced.
"It's not messy at all. You've got a little volume, and it looks good on you, lass." Kaede replied, scrunching up the thick waves further to allow them to fall as they pleased. 
"Kaede -" Kagome scoffed.
"Hush. Now, to top it off, do you have a necklace you can wear?"
A tingle fluttered through her stomach as she thought of the golden heart hanging loosely from the chain around the prince's fingers, a mild smile curving her lips. She shook her head. "No, I - I think I misplaced the one I had."
"Just as well. You don't need it. I think you're ready, but if there's anything else you'd like to add, you have time. I'll just go finish up myself and we'll head off." The old woman headed out the door, shutting it behind her. 
Kagome walked over to the small, worn mirror on her dresser, trying to get a good look at herself. She was unbelievably nervous, her fingers beginning to tremble, and she worried about her face going pale with her sickening nerves. With more pressure than normal, she pinched the sides of her cheeks to add some pink to her skin, hoping the flush would last all night. It wouldn't, but it was nice to pretend. To go along with it, she pressed her lips together, sucking and nibbling a little to ripen the color of them too. That, she knew she could keep up for as long as necessary; it happened to be something she did when she was awkward. 
After slipping on her boots, she left to wait for Kaede next to the road, grateful the length of her dress hid her feet. She wouldn't necessarily say they clashed, and she knew she could easily get away with them if they were seen, but boots would never be described as elegant and she didn't need anything else to disturb the edge she stood on. The two of them walked toward the castle in near silence, the weight on her chest progressively getting heavier and heavier the closer they got. The sun was mostly set, the lights shining through the windows of the tall towers glistening, and her lungs clenched to make her exhale shakily.
They followed the mass of people, dressed to the nines to appear as wealthy as possible, through the front gates, all of them greeted by guards on duty. The designated path was illuminated by torches on posts, all aligned perfectly straight in two rows to guide them all toward the steps to enter the castle. To the left, large double doors were open, symphonic music playing to attract their direction to shift, a huge and spacious room welcoming them in to dance and roam and mingle with every invited person.
"You doing okay, dear?" Kaede politely checked in, her attention not too obvious as she lightly patted Kagome's forearm. She'd been playing with her sleeves to keep her fingers busy, trying to distract herself enough to dwindle the pressing against her lungs.
"I'm okay." She nodded, following the apothecary toward a couple that had hailed her over. Her brown eyes drifted over the crowd of people as the other three fell into small talk, slowly gliding over the wading waters of heads, and gowns, and tuxedos, searching, seeking, sinking, rising, then finding.
Inuyasha stood facing Miroku next to the thrones on a makeshift stage at the very far end of the ballroom, his heart giving a thunderous beat against his ribcage as the familiar and wonderful scent met him. His core clenched incredibly tight, unable to help his instincts as ember eyes scoured the crowd to find her, almost homing in immediately when her own landed on his gaze. What sort of torture was this to have a distance he couldn't cross to meet her? And yet, through the dense clouds of his longing, he watched her smile warmly at him and it was like the light of the moon began to shine through.
His brother's voice tore him back to his remorseful reality, making him shift his attention away and filling his chest with the brutal ache of incompletion. "What?"
"Where is Kikyo?" The king asked, his tone low to not tip off Onigumo whom was speaking with a guard of his own several feet away. 
"I don't know." Inuyasha responded, the answer genuine.
"Go find her. She should be with you." Sometimes it was hard to tell if Sesshomaru was actually on his side with the way he still tried to push them together. He may not know their plan for her to step down tonight, but for someone who wanted them to succeed so he could, in turn, make a move on the king opposite him, he never seemed to show a similar agenda. Still, Kikyo should have been with them all by now, he was right, but it was like his feet were too heavy to carry him out of the room just yet. "What is it?"
"I didn't know she'd be here tonight." The prince admitted in a whisper.
Sesshomaru hardly reacted, knowing full and well who his brother was talking about. "Ah, yes. Consider it incentive." He said as Inuyasha and his aide finally walked away.
At just the mere collision of their sights, she felt a heat spread through her body, like she was being served an ill-suited reminder of the sensations he's always provided her with. Even when she knew she wasn't allowed to love him anymore, her entire being rebelled against the plot and caused an erratic drumming within the cavity of her chest. She loved him. She loved him. And for that, she smiled. Because who could say they were lucky enough to experience the depth of emotion that currently swelled in her heart? And as the king came to speak to the prince, she still couldn't bring herself to look away, the dance of golden iron molded around Inuyasha's head becoming more evident as he turned. It was a simple design, metal waving in a thin line until the swirls became more elaborate at the temple and the front, easily hidden by his silver hair. A part of her felt bitter for his brother's role in separating them, but she swallowed the salt and told herself to forgive him. His intentions were bigger than her. This entire thing was bigger than her, and she'd humbly tell herself that until the day she was able to move on. Inuyasha left and Sesshomaru almost immediately found her stare, slanted eyes falling over her. The magnificent crown atop his head shined beneath the twinkling lights of the ballroom, creating an ethereal glow from the gold and jewels. It was impossible not to be intimidated. The uniform he donned was similar to his younger brother's - black and lined with golden accents, but his chest was decorated in metals galore. Two braided ropes looped over his shoulder - whereas Inuyasha had one - and a purple sash that the prince didn't share embellished across his chest, all of which was completed with a matching, black and gold belt. With a face as smooth and straight as stone, the king nodded at her, turning away to go about his business.
“Incentive.” Inuyasha grumbled, marching through the halls of the empty floor. “What the hell do you think he meant by incentive?”
“Hell if I know. I mean, you both pretty much want the same thing now, so I think it’s fair to say he’s had a change of heart.” Miroku said, stalking along at the prince’s side while fighting to keep his eyes off his partner. Sango had joined them just outside the back ballroom doors, walking up in a dress she couldn’t stop fiddling with - clearly uncomfortable and impossible to ignore. In Miroku’s opinion, the gown was a godsend. It squeezed her torso perfectly, accentuating her breasts in a way their uniforms never could. Even when she went around without the coat of it, the black shirt she usually donned still never did her justice.
“Change of mind.” Inuyasha corrected. “The guy doesn’t have a heart.”
“Alright, maybe he changed his mind. It may be possible that he’s not going to stand in your way when it comes to Kagome anymore.”
“I want to believe that, but it might be too good to be true. He only changed his mind because Kagura ripped him a new one and Onigumo took advantage of him. He hasn’t done anything for me.” They turned a corner, quickly approaching Kikyo’s room.
“Who cares?” Sango shot. “The facts stand. He wants out, you’ll get out, and Kagome is here. Why don’t you stop overthinking everything and just roll with it? I can guarantee that from this point on, you’ll mostly be improvising anyway.”
He huffed, annoyed that she was right, but before he could retort, he noticed that Kikyo’s scent didn’t end at her door. It extended down the opposite half of the hall, attracting Inuyasha to follow it through, guiding them toward the back stairs instead of the front that everyone usually took. All the way down and out the rear of the castle, Inuyasha’s pace hurried, his concern building. Where the hell had she gone at a time like this? Her scent carried them toward the stable house, and he jogged the rest of the way, giving a curt order to his knights to keep watch outside.
Quietly, he slid through the entrance, ember eyes instantly landing on the distracted princess clumsily attempting to climb aboard a horse. She was dressed in her ballgown, dark purple beginning boldly at the highest point and fading to lilac with a gradient effect by the bottom, the full and thick skirt making it an evident struggle for her to even shove her foot through the stirrup of the saddle. 
Inuyasha cleared his throat. “What are you doing?”
Kikyo whipped around unsuspectingly, the small tiara on her head falling loose, her hands barely catching it in time to keep it in place. The bodice was tight on her, the neckline shaped like a heart and accentuating the swell of her breasts as her chest heaved up and down from her efforts. Thin straps held over her shoulders while the sleeves hung off the sides of her arms, the fabric of them sheer. Light pink flowers stitched the bottom of the bodice, white specks resembling baby's breath scattering the surrounding area and vanishing as they spread further down the skirt. The length trained behind her, the top, light purple fabric transparent while paler colors layered beneath to give the gradual effect, the translucency shifting to satin the closer it all got to her legs.
"I'm - uh - I'm leaving." She sputtered, tossing the strands of long, black hair that curved over her shoulder to the back.
Frantically, the princess shushed him, dark eyes highlighted in eyeshadow glancing toward the door then back at him.
"What do you mean you're leaving!?" He questioned, lowering his tone while the edge kept its incredulity.
"Just what it sounds like! Think about it, I'm going to have to leave anyway. May as well get a jumpstart."
"Think you can spare five fucking minutes to do the job first?"
"No, Inuyasha listen." She glanced at the door again, paranoid that someone would come in and interrupt. "I was up all night thinking this through, and I don't think denouncing myself will matter to my father. He said he wanted a marriage to his daughter to be the ties of the alliance, word-for-word. Princess or not, I'm still his daughter. The only way to beat that loophole is to take me out of the equation entirely."
"So, you're just going to run!?" The prince couldn't help how worried he increasingly felt. As far as he knew, she had no experience on the streets alone. This was going to be the biggest culture shock she'd ever experienced, and she'd be lucky if the only thing it did was knock her on her ass. 
"Until my face is unrecognizable and my name means nothing." Kikyo said with a confident grin.
This was what she'd wanted for years. He could see the light in her eyes burning with a thousand fires, ferocity shining through vividly. She was terrified and excited all at once. He felt his own spirit calming, a passion stepping forward to help her see this out.
"Do you support me, prince? I'm going to be setting us both free."
"I couldn't stop you even if I tried." He chuckled. Kikyo turned to attempt and mount the horse again, kicking multiple times to free a foot from the heavy supply of her gown. "Okay, wait. That's not going to work. There's no way you can ride like that."
"I've seen it done before." She grunted.
"Not only are you going to break your neck trying, but you're going to be a dead giveaway. You need to lay low. Take off the dress."
"Seriously. It's not worth the effort, and your guards will easily track your scent." Inuyasha stepped back, giving two heavy knocks to the sliding door. Miroku opened it far enough to poke his head in and Inuyasha flicked his hand to order them both inside.
"What's up?" The knight asked, shutting the door.
"We need to get Kikyo something more suitable for horse riding; preferably clothes that don't belong to her. She's leaving."
"Oh, thank god." Sango sighed, stepping forward and turning her back to her partner. "Unlace me."
Miroku looked unsurely towards the prince, his shoulders stiffening before hesitantly reaching to untie the knot at the back of her hips. 
"You can have my dress, Your Highness." The knight offered. The material of her gown was much thinner and more flexible. Otherwise, Sango would have never have agreed to wear it in the first place.
"And what will you wear?" Kikyo asked, not wasting a second by reaching back and loosening her own bodice. "It might be too obvious if we switch."
As soon as the reins holding the dress against her were loose enough for her to slip through, Sango peeled herself out of it, revealing the thin chemise blouse and tight-fitted pants she donned beneath. "Don't worry." She smiled, hanging the dress over the side of a stable wall as she crossed the area to help the princess out of her clothes.
"Do you always wear full attire under your dresses?" Kikyo inquired peculiarly, taking full breaths as the bodice lessened its grasp on her.
"Believe me, when you work for Inuyasha you learn to always be prepared."
"So, that's a yes." Miroku nodded, hastily following Inuyasha's lead and turning toward the wall as she got further indecent. He lowered his voice as he spoke directly to the prince, letting the girls get situated in private. "What, exactly, is the plan here?"
"She's running. There's nothing more to it."
"How does she expect to get out? Guards are stationed everywhere with especially high security on all gates."
"Shit!" Inuyasha hissed. How had he not thought of that? There was no way she'd have a fair chance of escape with knights galore quickly on her trail. If they witnessed her running, they'd chase after her without a moment's notice. They needed to free the nearest exit. They needed to get her a head start before her kingdom raced to bring her back. He racked his brain, his mind continuously flinging back to the dozen torches illuminating the front path. Fire. "Miroku, the garden is closed off, right?"
"Last I saw."
"Set it on fire." Inuyasha said, making sure he was loud enough for the girls to hear too.
"I'm sorry, what?" The aide blinked, inching his ear closer to the prince in question.
"Set it on fire. The guards will run to check it out and the ones staying behind to stand post will be too distracted to see Kikyo coming. Sango, I want you to get her to the border as safely as possible; with her in your dress, your scent will be dragging anyway. After she gets you to the border, Kikyo -"
“I’m on my own. Got it." She nodded, adjusting the long sleeves of her new dress over her arms.
"With all do respect, sir, I'd feel most comfortable accompanying Sango. If they're slowed down or caught, she's standing alone against a handful of Naraku's guard's, if not more. She's my partner."
"Miroku, I'll be fine."
"No, I understand." Inuyasha agreed, furrowing his brows as he heard his aide out while kindly holding a hand up to silence Sango. "Get the spark going so enough smoke will attract the noses, then get your ass back here. I'll prepare your horse."
"Ah, arson. There's no sweeter way to go down." The knight smiled blissfully, slipping out the door where Inuyasha heard his boots quickly lead away. 
"One more thing, Kikyo."
The princess glanced over at him after throwing her dress over the side of the stable, the weight of the skirt pulling it to almost fall but the splinters of the wood snagged and held it up.
"My horse is faster." He said, gesturing to his mare at the far end of the stables with the flick of his head. She smiled, the brightest he'd ever seen from her, and he led her down the stalls. She was a calm horse, only slighting away a little as he opened the door to her nook. Immediately, he grabbed the saddle and began to dress her, securing it in place while Kikyo became acquainted with the animal. "Give her a name. She's yours now."
"She doesn't have one?"
"Nah, I've never really called her anything."
"Your sword has a name but your horse doesn't?" She giggled, pointing to the weapon secured to his hip.
"My father named the damn thing, not me." He laughed, backing away once he was done. "Come on, let me help you up."
"No. Tell me how, I need to learn for myself." She objected. He conceded, giving her the reins to guide the horse out of the stable. 
"Sango, show her. I'll get Miroku's horse going."
The knight responded quickly, her steed dressed and ready to go when she swapped places with the prince. Her directions were given politely but straightforward, instructing the princess on how to hold the reins as soon as her leg was thrown over the saddle. Inuyasha peeked over the animal's back as he set it up, watching the princess wobble slightly, clearly never having ridden a horse alone before. She was in for quite the ride tonight, and he wished he could see her complain of how sore her ass would be in the morning. 
The prince froze, catching the feint whiff of smoke in the distance, adrenaline kicking into high gear. He alerted Sango with a gruff voice and she wasted no time to back step and hop on her horse, steadying the animal with a pull on its reins.
"Wait, what happens now?" Kikyo questioned, her nerves vibrant in her tone. Her mare picked up her anxiety, dancing forward and back and she tried to mimic Sango's assertion by pulling on the rein in her hand, not quite sure how much force was or wasn't enough.
"Calm down, you're gonna be fine." The prince approached, petting down her horse's neck to calm it. "You need to be smart about everything you do from this point on, understand? You're not royalty anymore, and you'll have to lay low for a long time. You're leaving here with next to nothing, so you'll need to learn a trade of some sort as soon as you feel you're in a place you want to settle down. You'll need money, you'll need shelter, you'll need food and water, and you need to protect yourself however you can. Do not let your guard down. The world is unforgiving, especially to wandering women."
"I'll sell my necklace as soon as I can find a vendor." She stated, her fingers grasping the silver adorned in jewels around her neck. "And I'll figure everything else out from there."
"She'll get my knife before I leave her at the border." Sango assured.
"Good. Get a cloak and keep your head down. Hopefully, you'll never have to use that knife, but it's better to have it just in case. You're intelligent, remember? You can handle this."
Kikyo gave a wane smile in response, trying as hard as she could to fight off the sudden doubt she had in herself.
"Your tiara." Inuyasha held his hand out, and with an air of apprehension, Kikyo pulled the crown free from her hair. She gave it a grateful smile, breathing out and passing it to the prince. Despite how small the tiara was, it seemed she sat up straighter, a weight finally lifting from her shoulders.
"When I open the door, I want you to head straight to the gate on our left as fast as possible. You know which one I'm talking about, right?" Kikyo nodded. "Give her a kick and she'll race off. Sango will be right behind you."
She was unbelievably anxious, her fingers unsteady as she skimmed them over the horses groomed hair. She could do this. She was seconds away from the pursuit she'd yearned for, moments away from freedom, and soon she'd be miles away from this lost life. There was uncertainty riddling her mind and she could have backed down, but that wasn't the nature she was willing to be known for. This was it. The moment of truth.
"Inuyasha," Kikyo smiled, her voice betraying her attempt to feign conviction. The prince looked at her from his spot at the door, a fist gripped around the handle to open it at any given moment. "Thank you."
He grinned, wanting to return the gratitude as it was her that was brave enough to set him free, but the timing was clear. The sound of guards flooding toward the garden in the distance stampeded passed and as they faded farther, Inuyasha yanked the large, sliding door out of the way, watching as the former princess ran through the opening and away from the crown. Sango followed closely, the galloping from the steeds growing further, and his heart pounded ruthlessly, staying put while his other knight came jogging in to board his horse and follow them out.
"Hey, Kagome." A deep and familiar voice caught her attention as she stood alone, adjusting the shoulders of her dress as nonchalantly as possible and watching the couples move in the center of the room. Kaede had somehow been swindled into dancing, and every now and again she'd look over to Kagome with a wary stare, sometimes grimacing or mouthing in pain if her foot was stepped on by the old man with his arms around her. She glanced to her side, smiling at the knight.
"Would you like to dance?"
"Oh, please don't make me. I'm not graceful in the least and this is the last place I'd want to be seen stumbling everywhere."
"Don't worry, I wouldn't force you." Koga chuckled, nudging her arm with his elbow. "I'm expected to offer at things like this. I honestly cant stand these events."
Kagome laughed. Of course he had no choice but to be here; he worked for the crown and he literally lived on the grounds. She wondered how often the brute man was forced to dress up and play nice when he was naturally rough around the edges, one of the leaders of their troops, and Inuyasha’s main guy for missions. 
It was eerie how the music in the ballroom faded away, some strings being plucked but dying off as just about every demon in the room shifted uncomfortably. She looked about curiously, the dancing stopping, people murmuring, the man beside her going undeniably rigid. His blue eyes were focused sharply, aimed at the stage where his king and queen had frozen, the little girl between them looking just as put off as she, herself, felt. Kagome watched the foreign royal on the stage - another king, she presumed; there hadn’t been introductions yet - hissing vehemently at Sesshomaru, words she couldn’t make out over the growing rumble of the crowd. Then he made a forceful order to an obvious demon dressed in his land’s colors, the demand respectfully acknowledged, and the angry king stormed out the back in the same direction Inuyasha had left a while ago. 
He’d yet to return. She hadn’t failed to notice.
“Please, everyone, remain calm. Stay put. There’s nothing to worry about.” Queen Kagura held her hands up cautiously, speaking to the guests politely but sternly. Sesshomaru picked up his daughter, holding the nervous child close to his body as he pointed to a nearby, built guard and ushered him over. The knight didn’t hesitate, pushing through the crowd until he could climb on the stage with his leaders. The king spoke to him, then clearly whispered to his princess before safely handing her over to the protection of the soldier.
“What’s going on?” Kagome asked the man beside her.
The king and queen left through the back, the murmuring grew a little louder, Rin tucked her head in the crevice of her guard’s shoulder, other’s circling them to ensure her safety from whatever may happen, Koga grabbed onto Kagome’s forearm, and a slew of foreign soldiers crept in through the two entrances - some of them sauntering through the crowd, some of them lining the far walls, all of them blocking them in by closing the doors. Koga tucked her slightly behind his body, his grip never leaving her as he assertively kept her glued to him.
“Kagome, I want you to stay very close to me. Understand?”
The fear stacked inside of her. Something was wrong. Especially if the knight was so quickly alert, his free hand braced on the hilt of his sword. She hummed the affirmation he was waiting for, gasping as a man slowly made way behind her, smiling menacingly as his fingers dragged across the small of her back. Koga turned slightly, keeping her shielded by his protection as he stared down the passing guard who continued to taunt women he passed.
“What’s going on?” She tried again, tone a little more unsteady, clutching the hand he held her arm with.
“I have no idea. But something tells me it isn’t good.” He replied, eyes shifting back and forth over the crowd.
“Where’s - where’s Inuyasha? Shouldn’t you be with him?”
He didn’t respond.
The knight finally gave a shake of his head, his long ponytail hardly shifting with how slight the movement was. “You want the blunt answer, or the simple one?”
Her stomach flurried, and she worried her bottom lip, tucking herself a little closer to his back as he broadened himself when another guard passed before him. “Blunt.”
“He’d kill me if I left you.”
Onigumo stormed into the courtyard, angered by the billows of dark smoke that cascaded upward, a furious orange glowing against the contrasting grey. “Where’s my daughter!?” He shouted. “Where’s Kikyo!?”
No one answered him, fighting the fire that was blazing in the garden.
“Kikyo! Kikyo!”
Nothing. He couldn’t help himself from growing frantic, seething, worried, angry, panicked, fearful, outraged. He hadn’t seen his daughter in hours, she hadn’t shown up at the ball, according to that damn Sesshomaru, the stupid prince was sent to find her, and now there was a fire burning in the yard. He suspected foul play immediately, but the pressing question of his daughter’s whereabouts weighed him down.
He staggered away from the unhelpful men and women, all of them too preoccupied with the show of flames to pay attention to his more important demands. The insolence. The smell of smoke filled his nostrils and overpowered any other scent that could possibly lead him to her, making his way around the grounds. As another knight ran passed, Onigumo snagged his arm, pulling him back to face the fury of his red eyes.
“Where is Inuyasha?” He asked steadily, his tone as menacing as he willed.
“I - I saw him just around the corner, Your Majesty. Near the stable house.” The man answered. The king immediately dropped his grip, stomping toward the large establishment, his scowl deepening as he soon spotted the untrustworthy scoundrel.
A groundskeeper was explaining how the fire could have possibly started, explaining quickly that it was already dwindling and under control, and Inuyasha nodded gratefully, his relief believable. He sensed the rage, heard the footsteps approaching, and glanced over to see the ridiculously-dressed king of Naraku trailing over, his cheeks a blustering red to match the irises behind his dangerously-slanted eyes. The prince excused the groundskeeper, turning fully to Onigumo, fighting the smile he so badly wanted to give.
“Where is she?” He growled, halting so quickly the large crown sitting on his head tilted. It looked heavy and expensive, the metal black and twirling high to resemble tentacles. Each leg was decorated in sapphire jewels, the color deepening in the darkness they stood in.
“Who?” Inuyasha asked, feigning innocence.
“You know damn well who I’m talking about, you half-blooded freak! Where is my daughter!?”
“I haven’t found her yet. I came out -“
“- looking for her, the fire somehow started, and my priorities shifted!” He finished heatedly.
“You fool!"
"She's gotta be around here somewhere! If you're so worried, you can help me look."
"Where is she!?"
"I don't know! The only thing I can think of is she got nervous about the announcement and went somewhere to hide!"
"You know Kikyo better than any of us; is there a sort of place she feels most comfortable when she's anxious?"
"Yes! Next to me!"
Inuyasha's facade broke then, a slow grin growing on his face. "Apparently not."
Onigumo grabbed the prince by his coat, the man surprisingly strong as he shoved Inuyasha back against the outer stable house walls. The crown had fallen off the king's head, rolling on the cobblestone until it caught in a crack, and Onigumo braced himself a mere inch from Inuyasha's nose. "You arrogant prick! How dare you pretend to know the relationship I have with my daughter? You want to know how I know you're so full of shit? Because a fire just so happens to coincidentally break out on the day of one of the events the two of you dreaded so outwardly, and now Kikyo is nowhere to be seen. You think you're so clever; I can see the conceit written all over your face, but your brain isn't as quick as mine. You can't get out of this arrangement, even by hiding my daughter. Did you think the two of you pretending to like each other in order to work together would get me to back down? The announcement will be made tonight no matter what, so tell me where she is!"
Inuyasha laughed, fighting the quiver in his muscles to push the king away, his fingers flexing at his sides to restrain his control. "I'm not lying, I don't know where she is. By now, she could be anywhere."
Onigumo's eyes widened, a sear of heat racing through him as he pulled Inuyasha forward just to slam him forcefully against the wall again. "Where is she!?"
"Are you worried about her safety or your deal, Your Majesty?"
"I demand you tell me!"
"Your orders mean nothing here!"
He paused, chest heaving up and down, his grip on the prince's uniform tightening. "What have you done?"
"What makes you think I've done anything? Maybe it was all Kikyo?" Inuyasha smiled, loving Onigumo's reaction to twist his glower more emphatically. "Did you ever stop to think maybe she wanted out even more than I did? Maybe she lit the fire to distract everyone. Maybe she's made some grand escape."
The king lifted a fist, throwing it against Inuyasha's face as powerfully as he could manage, the circular, purple jewel adorning his middle finger shattering against his mouth. 
The prince staggered to the side, fully released by the foreign king, and it took everything in him not to turn back and retaliate with a punch of his own. Instead, he recovered with a dragged hiss of breath, the taste of copper filling his tongue, hiding how enraged he was with the same grin that got him decked. Onigumo marched toward him and Inuyasha didn't flinch, his fist raising again but before his assault could be made, he was grabbed by the crook of his arm and yanked backward.
Sesshomaru stared down the opposite king, venom swirling in his glowing, ember eyes as he used the palm of his hand to shove Onigumo even further away, hitting his sternum with a force that knocked some air from his lungs with an audible wheeze. "You dare throw a hand at a prince!?"
Onigumo scoffed, the sound dramatic and raspy. "To a king, he is nothing but beneath me!"
"You not only offend royalty in a land where you have no authority, but you impudently think being a king gives you the right to attack my brother! You are not immune to punishment here, Onigumo! Not where I'm concerned!"
"Your brother has overstepped so many grounds, yet you stand there and raise your voice to me!? He accuses Kikyo of desertion! He offends royalty just as crudely, and he deserved -” A sudden realization dawned on the foreign king's face and he whipped around, pulling the stable house door open. Stepping in, his jaw dropped wider and wider, observing the empty stables, a leadening sensation sinking through his abdomen as he neared the wall her ballgown was draped over. Her tiara rested on the sheer fabric at the crest of the skirt, the single jewel in the center holding no sparkle.
"Oh, no." Inuyasha said, his tone sounding calm and overly rehearsed. "My horse is gone."
"What have you done!?" Onigumo bellowed, setting the remaining steeds on edge.
The prince slowly dragged his thumb along his bottom lip to wipe away the trickle of blood, smirking as he gave a shrug.
"What is the meaning of this!? Was this all a ruse to break the contract!? Nothing has changed, do you hear me?" The king stomped toward the prince again, his long, obsidian hair swaying enthusiastically back and forth. "You all belong to me! Now more than ever!”
"Actually," Sesshomaru spoke, enunciating every syllable of the word clearly. Kagura stood just behind him, and it was like he could physically feel her unwavering support returning from the dead, strengthening his power move all the more. Time and time again, over the years and even more so recently, she forcefully reminded him that he was too blinded by his need for control. It was bold of her to speak to him in such a manner, but that was the reason he respected her so tremendously. Kagura was infuriating and outspoken. She fought for justice fearlessly - no matter who her opponent was. Long nights, they’d spent working out every minor and minuscule detail of this alliance, from ambiguity to the fine print, and as he put forth more effort to see her point of view, no matter how badly he still stood by his decision to help his brother mature like royalty should, she finally began to warm to him again. She provided balance. She was the true essence of a queen. "Quite the contrary. We held up our end of the bargain. Inuyasha is here and ready to be married, but where is his bride? Without the wedding, it seems we have no contract."
"You signed, Sesshomaru!"
"I did, and you fail to realize that without your princess present, your terms have been dismissed.”
“Don’t pretend this is on me when this was clearly a ploy! Inuyasha has just as much to do with this!”
“I don’t see it that way. He is here and Kikyo is not. What I find interesting is the threat you held over our heads if we pulled out."
"Oh, please." Onigumo laughed. “I don't think it would be wise of you to threaten me. You wouldn't stand a chance against my forces."
"I think we'd be just fine." Sesshomaru scorned. "Especially considering that the odds of us being backed up by your other allies looks to be in our favor." When the foreign king only responded with a deep furrow of his brows, Sesshomaru continued. "I find your plot to trick us into an alliance very detailed and well-executed. I'll admit, you almost had me. You attacked our fort to make it seem like a test of strength, and offered your forces to us with hardly any second thought. All to say you had, what did you call it? A notch in your belt for allying with The Great Dog Demon's Kingdom, and a pocket to our money? What do you think your other allies would say if word got out of your scheme? Do you think they might be skeptical you may have played them, too? On top of that, imagine how easily they'd turn on you if they knew our forces would be there to back them up. At that point, they’d only gain.”
Onigumo stared at the mighty king incredulously, his chest inflating with the offense he'd been served. Somewhere mid-speech, his body had shifted to fully face Sesshomaru, the scowl on his features creased profoundly and trembling with the amount of righteous fury boiling through his veins. "That's preposterous. You can't prove I did a thing."
"Maybe. But I'll give you thirty seconds to try and prove you didn't. Go." The foreign king said nothing, his expression twisting from shocked, to audacious, to insulted, the hollow of his neck emphasizing from the tension climbing over his body. "That's what I thought. I'm willing to let this go for new terms. There's no need for war. I'd hate for your attention to be distracted when you're obviously so torn about your daughter being missing. Clearly, you'll want to put all of your effort into finding her. Am I wrong?"
"New terms?" He finally gritted.
“Of course. You didn't think we'd just shrug this off, did you? No, you've proven to be deviant and untrustworthy, so from now on we'll be keeping a very close eye on you." Kagura smiled, stepping forward with her shoulders broadened.
“We will have say over your army, we will contribute to your important decision making, and we will have access to the information and conditions to the other kingdoms you ally with. You will not have reciprocation in those departments. Don't worry though, you'll still have your notch in your belt, an alliance you can brag about, and your obnoxiously-inflated ego. In return, we'll generously keep our mouths shut and you wont be punished for your deceitful manipulation or striking our prince. If you object, you'll be stripped of your crown. With or without force.” Sesshomaru stated, a hint of venom lacing toward the end. 
“This is blackmail! You have no jurisdiction!"
"Hence, the force. Believe me, Onigumo, you do not want to make more of an enemy of me. Our military is just about as lethal as yours, but you knew that already, didn’t you? The difference here is unlike you, I ride to battle with my soldiers and I've taken heads."
"An outright threat on my life!?"
“That is completely up to you. You should consider yourself lucky I’m not directly jumping to challenge you. You’ve definitely earned the retaliation, but I am not completely innocent here either, and I know it. I was unwise and irrational. Therefore, I’m willing to work out the kinks in our agreement to work in both of our favors. Do we have a deal?” Sesshomaru cocked a light grin.
“You will regret this, Sesshomaru.” Onigumo absolutely seethed.
“So reject the offer and see if that’s true. The alliance was for precautionary purposes. We need nothing from you. Be peaceful and back down, or see how quickly the world will turn against you. Kikyo already has.”
“You bastard!”
“Do we have a deal?”
Onigumo's chest rose and fell heavily, smoke practically leaving his nostrils with his temper, his entire face red and defeated. It was a moment, a long moment, before he notched his chin upward, and hissed a clenched, "Yes."
"Wonderful. We'll have the contract written up immediately and it will be signed in front of our audience tonight." Kagura said. "Pleasure doing business with you."
"Sesshomaru." Inuyasha stopped his brother as the three of them began to walk towards the castle, the king sauntering back his way so their voices could hang low. "You know what I want to hear."
"You set my garden on fire. I don't owe you a thing."
"I thought it'd be obvious that the wedding is off what-with your fiancee being M.I.A.. I didn't think I had to tell you."
Inuyasha rolled his ember eyes, shaking his head as his aggravation climbed. "Stop dancing around the subject."
The king paused, sighing out as he turned to walk away. "She's here, isn't she? Do whatever you want."
The air was incredibly stiff, guests almost completely quiet in the ballroom, and Kagome was ready to throw an elbow at the next soldier that touched her. If it hadn't been for Koga's attentive guard over her, she probably would have lost her temper by now. She'd heard mumbling from passing knights about someone being missing, but nothing was clear. Not even Koga could make out exactly what was being said, and as many times as she urged him to go find out, he refused to leave her side. Even when she offered to go with him, all he did was shake his head and flex his grip along her forearm - a gesture, she gathered, was telling her to be quiet.
His blue eyes flickered to the larger entrance of the hall just before the double doors were opened, alleviating some of the pressure in the room. Koga's hold on her gradually slackened until she was fully released, and she followed his attention, noticing how the crowd began to part like a slowly receding sea, heads lowering in timely curtsies and bows. Sesshomaru entered with his own held high, leading the group as his wife walked just inches behind him - a proud and beautiful curve on her lips. The tiara she donned was gold and small. It spoke much of her power without having to dominate the scene, her demeanor doing the rest of the work. Behind them walked the foreign king, his expression flat but his eyes more menacing than she remembered. He made a vague gesture toward a nearby guard of his, and Kagome noticed them all begin to recede to the sidelines. She guessed he'd instructed them to stand down. At the tail of the pack walked Inuyasha, and her stomach instantly leapt into her throat. His face was straight, but even from the distance she stood, she could see his head seemed to sit an inch taller. Maybe it was just how he presented himself during ceremonies; she'd never witnessed it before. He was royalty, after all. He wasn't going to look anything less in front of a crowd. He looked proud. Brave. Handsome. Stoic. It was unfair.
They made it to the stage and her heart was beating horribly. Her brown eyes unintentionally kept flashing toward the doors. Where was his fiancee? If she didn't walk in with them, did that mean she was getting some sort of grand entrance? She looked at Inuyasha and he stood off to the side, eyes on his queen as she began to speak but Kagome wasn't processing her words. She wasn’t interested anymore in an explanation for the events of the evening nor the planned speech she could have very well been giving. Her fingers were trembling and she bit her bottom lip hard. Her breathing was rapidly becoming unsteady and her cheeks felt warm as she continuously thought of the princess walking in and taking her place beside the prince. Her eyes flashed to the door again. To Inuyasha. To the door. It was unbearable. She couldn't do this. It was too damn hard. She'd shown face; he knew she was there. She'd given her respects and it was time to take her leave.
Steadily, Kagome stepped back and as Koga glanced over, still as alert as ever, she could only communicate with the brisk shake of her head. He didn't try to stop her, didn't follow, didn't say a thing. The knight nodded understandingly, and she turned to inconspicuously make her exit, the weight never leaving her chest as she was freed from the ballroom, or freed from the castle, or even freed from gates. She imagined it should have gotten easier by then, but the cheering and clapping was loud enough to be heard outside and it intensified the density. Breathing was difficult and she tried to lessen the restraints on her lungs by taking tedious inhales and drawn out exhales. Her hands shook worse than ever as she fought off her onslaught of emotions, and she tried to busy them by fidgeting with the cuffs of her sleeves, pulling the other to cover her fingers as her nerves barely began to die the further she walked through the darkened and quiet town. 
Running footsteps approaching caught her attention, and as they came close behind her, Kagome glanced back to see who was coming, turning completely around in surprise as Inuyasha stopped. His chest rose and fell erratically, ember eyes glued to her as the corners of his mouth twitched upward.
"Hi." He breathed.
"Hi." She hesitated, heart thumping so powerfully against her ribcage she feared he'd hear it. Just his unexpected presence had her legs feeling wobbly and light.
"You left."
Kagome sighed out whatever breath was left in her lungs as her eyes drifted to the floor. She honestly didn't think he'd notice. “Yeah. I - I was tired.” She poorly lied.
It was impossible to hide the sad quirk in his brow, and he swallowed thickly to try and keep his nerve about him.
Of all things for her mind to travel to, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d get in trouble for coming after her, or if he’d snuck away like all the times before. Either way, why? “What are - what are you doing out here?"
It was extraordinary, the amount of self control he found he had. She was so close, ten feet away maybe, nothing but air dividing them, and he was managing to solidly stand in place. A new feat for him when he was desperately aching to resolve this with some sort - any sort - of physical touch. That wasn't the way he would do this. There was so much to tell her. So much she deserved to know, and he’d be damned if he even let himself get in the way of that right now. "I needed to talk to you."
“About what? Is everything okay?”
“I want you to know how sorry I am about this entire ordeal. You didn’t deserve it. Any of it.”
“You don’t have to apologize.” Her voice had died off as she shook her head, her whisper enough to convey her sincerity.
“Yes, I do.”
“You really don’t. I don’t bl-”
“Shut up.” He said half defeatedly. “Let me. It’s important that I start off with that because I know I let you down. And you’re gonna say I didn’t - yeah, I know you - but I did. You’re also probably gonna say it wasn’t my fault, but that doesn’t matter. Not to me. I was the one that made you cry. I was the one that broke your heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. And I am so desperately sorry.”
She shied her eyes away for a very brief moment, brown irises meeting him again with a mild guard. She didn't know where he was going with his speech, her core giving an unstable tremor from the plea in his voice. Was this his reason for running after her in the middle of the celebration? To apologize again just to turn around and walk away one last time? The thought was unpleasantly cold, and if that was the case, and solely the case, she wished he'd just go. “Inuyasha -”
“I’m not done.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I’ll get to that. Just give me a chance, alright?”
There was conviction burning vividly within his gaze, and as he took two steps forward, her heart gave a thunderous pound. He seemed so bold, so eager to say what was on his tongue, his tone reaching her with direct intention - not a quiver to be heard. There was still evidence of trepidation in his body language, Kagome noticed, his breathing remaining slightly heavy and fingers twitching at his sides, and she couldn't neglect the intensity he was portraying with just the part in his lips. She yielded, throwing all her thoughts away, now wanting to hear what was on his mind just as badly as he apparently wanted to speak it.
“Why’d you actually leave?”
"Because it was too soon." Kagome apprehensively admitted, her voice involuntarily weaker than before. "I thought I could handle seeing you with her, but I was wrong. I got scared.” 
There was a painful twinge in his chest to know the thought of him with someone else hurt her so much. It shouldn't have been equally as satisfying, he knew, but god it was so gratifyingly good to know. He exhaled some heat, a small smile coming from it.
“The engagement’s off.” Inuyasha said. “You didn’t get to hear that part.”
Kagome's lungs hitched, her shoulders dropping their tension. Words evaded her, the news completely and entirely enrapturing her thoughts. She didn’t know what to feel, how to react, when to give up and close her mouth. The engagement was off.
“It’s over.” He assured.
“Really?” She feebly asked.
“Really. You have no idea how hard I’ve struggled just to get to this point. Right here. In front of you. I couldn’t do what they wanted. No matter what steps I took, it was always in your direction. Everything I did from the moment you left that day was to find my way back to you. I’ll never regret it.”
“What - what, exactly, does this mean?” Her voice was strengthening with her hope, he could tell, and as he leaned a little more weight to one side, the shadow of his body moved off of her and he witnessed the distant castle lights creating a heavenly glow on her cheeks. It attracted him like a moth to a flame, easily persuading him to walk the rest of the way to her. He ran the backs of his fingers over the smooth cloth of the gorgeous gown on her arms, feeling her shudder beneath his touch.
“That I’m so irrevocably weak for you. From the moment I pictured my life without you in it anymore, I crashed and burned. It only made me fight harder. You've not only captured my heart but my soul as well, and it's a gut-wrenching punishment from one rebellious act in the woods so long ago that I hope to never recover from. Kagome, I am so unbelievably enchanted by you. I love you. And nothing’s ever getting in my way of that again.” Finally, finally, Kagome touched him, her fingers fumbling with the edges of his coat. It was such a meager hold she had that increased and grew stronger with each passing second. Her breathing grew unsteady and her expression began to fold, but it was such a beautiful proclamation of happiness. Inuyasha caressed a thumb just beneath her eye, her smooth skin chilled from the night air, and he felt the push of her cheek as she smiled. “I choose you.”
She crumbled in the most wonderful way, bouncing to her toes to meet him in a sweet and blissful kiss. He clutched her beneath the crook of her jaw, his fingers molding around her ears and threading through her dark hair. The world around them quickly vanished. To her, it was nothing but him, the warmth of his pressing body, the tenacity of his wanting lips. Even through his clothing, his skin, his muscles, his frame, she could feel his heart beating against her own chest, the sensation growing more powerful to match her own as his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer against him. And as Inuyasha softened, his kiss slowing and parting away to hover and graze against her mouth, Kagome shuddered of pure contentment. He'd come back.
Epilogue: A little over a year later
An accident, some curiosity, a thought that sparked like the kindling she carried that day, oblivion followed by acceptance, and an intense desire to experience more. They liked to say it was fate and not luck, yet the two unconditionally felt like the luckiest beings to ever walk the Earth. 
"Don't get mad." Inuyasha approached with a wary smile as Rin excused herself from their interrupted tea party with a little more sass than was necessary.
"What did you do?" Kagome slighted, standing from her spot.
"Nothing yet." He chuckled. "But I have to leave for a few days."
"Routine check-in with a fort."
"For a few days?"
"Something like that."
She braced herself, crossing her arms over her chest as she felt the skeptical twitch of her own lips. Kagome knew too well that Inuyasha's time management skills were nothing to be bragged about. "How long is a few days?"
"Like, six or seven." The prince bobbed his head back and forth while he estimated.
"Six or -  Inuyasha, our wedding is next week!"
"I promise, I'll be back in time!"
"You freaking better be, because I'm getting married with or without you!"
"It might be a little hard without me."
"Kagome, I'll be here. I promise." Inuyasha insisted, stifling his laugh as he stepped forward to cup her cheeks in his palms.
"For the record," She mumbled. "Few means three."
"When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow. First thing in the morning."
"Alright, your time is up!" Rin stormed back through the door, curving right around her uncle, wedging her small body between them, and shoving his legs backward toward the exit. "It's tea time, I'm thirsty, and I don't remember inviting you!"
"You used to be so sweet to me. What happened?" The prince asked, stumbling as he turned around and pretended to resist her push.
"During tea, the only thing sweet here are the cookies. No boys allowed, you know better."
Kagome fiddled with the silver band on her finger, feeling the four leaves along their thin, metal branch twirl around the tiny diamond perfectly. No matter how many times Kaede attempted to convince her out of the shop, Kagome kept finding something to help with, preventing her success and bringing Sango to laugh from the corner she observed from. Ever since their relationship was made known and she was moved into the castle, the knight accompanied her everywhere. Being engaged to the prince made her vulnerable, and it was definitely something she had to grow adjusted to, but it helped that Sango felt more like her friend than her bodyguard.
"Kagome, for the last time, would you go home?" Kaede chuckled, pointing toward the door. "Your wedding is tomorrow! Do what you need to do to prepare; you know very well that I can handle things around here!"
"My wedding gown is fitted and ready, the general plans were decided on weeks ago, it's cute that you think they'd actually allow me to help put the decorations together, and I'd like to keep busy here since my fiancee has yet to return, anyway." Kagome responded, dropping her fidgeting to grind the plants harder in the stone bowl before her. "And even if he does get here on time, I give you no guarantees he'll make it to the ceremony once I'm done with him."
"Now, now. You know very well only the strongest of importances would hold him back, lass."
She rolled her eyes, continuing her overly-aggressive grind until the apothecary snagged the pestle from her grip and shoved her out of her stool, continuing to guide her toward the door.
"Hey - wait - hey!"
"You've done more than necessary. The shop is closed."
"It's not even three!"
"I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Sango, lock her in the bathhouse until she -"
"Alright, alright! I'm going. I'm fine. I'm going. No need to lock me anywhere." Kagome huffed, holding her hands up cautiously. Sango giggled, opening the door for them. As she wandered out, she tensed and froze, her prince standing just to the side with an amused and knowing expression on his face.
"I heard you. Was that a threat?" Inuyasha laughed. He loved the way her face shifted from shocked, to happy, to a forced pout of annoyance where she still had to fight off her smile. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said, brushing passed him as she notched her chin an inch higher, her smile inevitably winning over her scowl.
"Excuse me, where are you going?"
"Taking the woodland path back."
"Oh," Inuyasha chuckled. "Is that how it is? You're just gonna pretend you're not happy to see me?"
"Who's pretending?"
The prince ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and snagging her back to reset her in the general direction of the main road. "Nope, I'm taking you through town where you'll have to walk holding my hand or else everyone will know you're mad at me! And we wouldn't want that, would we?"
"You must think you're so cunning, don't you?" Kagome mocked, laughing.
"As a matter of fact, I do. Get going." He gave her a shove and she continued as he wanted, sauntering toward the side of the shop to get to the road and spinning around to walk backward as she gave him a grimace.
"Fine, you can hold my hand. But I won't smile."
"I would never ask you to." He followed, grinning arrogantly.
"You're late, Inuyasha."
"By a day."
"Our wedding is tomorrow."
"I haven't forgotten."
"I should have known you were going to do this."
"I love your confidence in me."
"You really cut it close."
"For good reason."
"And that would be?" Inuyasha gestured for her to turn around with a nod of his head, and all she did was deepen her grimace.
"Temper still as hot as always, I see." A boy's voice rang, and Kagome swiftly glanced over her shoulder. A tall teenager with trimmed, black hair stood smirking about twelve feet away, shorter than her by an inch or so but resembling their father in more ways than she'd ever imagined. Just beside him, her mother cocked her head, the smile on her smooth and ageless face bringing Kagome's breath to silently hitch as she fully processed exactly who was standing before her.
It was astounding how quickly a prick stung at her eyes, her cheeks washing over in heat, and she turned completely around to face the two people she'd least expected to see; dumbfounded, speechless.
"Look how much you've grown." Her mother teared, brows crinkling as she lost her composure. Kagome ran to her, embraced in her mother's hold for the first time in so many years. She happily cried as she switched back and forth from her to her younger brother, gathering bits and pieces of their story of how Inuyasha found them and brought them out for the wedding. When she turned around to see the smug look she was sure was on her fiancee's face, she noticed he'd snuck away, most likely through the woodland path, leaving Sango to observe and walk back with them when they were ready.
Kagome leaned along the railing of her suite's balcony, staring out at the darkness of the forest, too excited to sleep. She'd already expected tomorrow to be such a perfect day from the moment Inuyasha had proposed. Now, with her own family included as well, she'd be walking on cloud nine toward her soon-to-be husband as opposed to the carpet that was carefully laid out. The breeze of the quiet night couldn't even chill the warmth still coursing through her veins.
A brisk rasp on her door brought her back to her room, her attention flying behind her as she wondered who could possibly be visiting her at a time like this. Figuring it was her mother, Kagome welcomed them in, stepping back to the carpet and shutting the balcony doors. The prince slowly entered, poking his head in first before sliding all the way through. She didn't even hesitate, her squeal of elation semi-hushed as she crossed the floor and sped to him, knowing full and well he'd catch her.
"I've been looking for you all day!" She said after a long-overdo kiss.
"I didn't want you to feel obligated to share your attention with me." He stated, keeping his voice down. It definitely wasn't the first time he'd broken the rules and snuck into her room late at night, but it was absolutely the last time he could and he'd be damned if he passed up the opportunity. That didn't mean he wanted to be caught and torn away. "You deserved your time with them."
"I never got to thank you, though."
"Well, I guess you can just thank me now." Inuyasha kissed her, his lips growing more greedy as he fervently backed her up, his hands around her waist to support any stumbling. She matched his enthusiasm, her fingers threading through his short, tousled hair, showing so much trust in his hold on her. Slowly, steadily, he leaned her back onto her bed, never ceasing the tempting dance of their mouths while he carefully situated his body over hers, hovering more towards the side as he carefully lowered himself down, one of his legs draped over her to rest his knee between her thighs. She followed his frame, curling to fit him as perfectly as possible as her hands wandered beneath the collar of his shirt and her leg hiked to rest over his.
"You're incredible, did you know that?" Kagome whispered, dragging a single finger along the thin chain that hung around his neck. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"So, you're not mad at me anymore?" Inuyasha teased.
"No, you're safe for now."
He'd spent time grazing her skin, laying with her, telling her about his trip to find her family with minor detail as he knew she was comfortable against his chest and getting sleepy, yet forcing herself to stay awake so she could hear every word. So he coerced her to crawl to the head of the bed with him, tucking them both beneath the comforter because she had a grasp on his shirt that told him he wasn't allowed to leave yet. She'd missed him and he'd missed her. The trip was entirely for her surprise, but it was still a bout of separation and this was how they coped. Every time. 
Kagome's eyes were closed but she wasn't asleep yet. Her fingers were finally warming after she bravely pulled his shirt from the tuck in his pants and gently rested them against the muscles of his sides. Her breathing was evening, and he softly raked his fingers through the smooth hair at her temple. She seemed so peaceful at his side, tucked into his body like it was where she was naturally meant to be.
"Are you happy?" He genuinely asked, never stopping the glide that soothed her. She opened her eyes, her fingers gripping him just a little firmer as she smiled.
"In a few hours, I get to call myself your wife and you my husband. I get to spend the rest of my life like this with you. Inuyasha, I am so far beyond happy."
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Int. | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
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themoontoyourshine · 2 years
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I would just like to start off by saying how completely humbled I am by all of the love and support I am receiving on this story. I try not to cry with every like, comment, reblog, and new follower. You guys are amazing and I can never thank you enough. If you’ve been with me since chapter one, then you know wouldn’t be possible without Lin @ssahotchswife She is a huge inspiration and has basically held my hand through all of this. If you like my work, you’ll love hers. Make sure you’re following her for all your Hotch needs.
SUMMARY: What happens when Aaron’s neighbor has a bad dream? Will he see just how much she cares about him and his son?
PAIRING: Aaron Hotchner x Neighbor(fem)! Reader
WARNINGS: Some content may be triggering so please read before continuing. 18+ Minors DNI
INCLUDES: Aaron wants to cook the reader dinner after she made breakfast for him and his team. Nudity (bath/shower), shaving, heavy flirting, angst if you squint, strong language, food mention, housework, singing. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: This was supposed to be a quick one shot but it got away from me. I currently have over 10,000 words and I’m still writing. This is chapter 3 of 5 and I plan on updating weekly. This story has a little bit of everything. Hopefully you laugh, get a little turned on, and believe in love again by the time it’s over lol. This story will eventually contain SMUT. I’ve never done anything like this so please be patient with me. Feedback is always appreciated. AGAIN, I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I’M DOING!!! I love you guys so dang much my heart may burst 😘😘😘
Link to chapter one:
Link to chapter two:
Taglist: @ah-blossom @tenatiousbookworm
Daydreams and Nightmares
Chapter three
Once inside, you can’t help but touch your lips. You had never been kissed like that before. It made you feel a little sad that he viewed it as a mistake but you were grateful for the experience. You slowly peeled out of his pajama bottoms and tossed them in your laundry basket. It was getting time to do laundry so you started a light load first so his pajamas would be ready the next time you saw him. Looking around your apartment, you realized that each room needed a little something tidied. You did the dishes while the first load of laundry was going. Then you vacuumed while the second load went. After mopping, you watered your plants. You followed up with dusting and wiping down your bathroom mirror. Finally, you carried all of the clothes to your bed to begin folding and putting away. It was after 4:00 PM when your phone dinged.
4:04 PM From Penelope: It was really nice meeting you!
4:07 PM To Penelope: You too. Aaron has great friends!
4:09 PM From JJ: Thanks again for breakfast. Yuuum!
4:12 PM To JJ: You’re very welcome!
4:16 PM From Emily: What is it that you like so much about Hotch?
4:19 PM From JJ: RUDE!!!
4:21 PM From Penelope: Yeah Em, you can’t ask that.
4:23 PM To Emily: It’s ok…everything?
4:26 PM From JJ: Aww!
4:27 PM From Penelope: Eek!
4:29 PM From Emily: Fair enough.
You hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast and lunch wasn’t sounding all that appealing. Tonight might be one of those nights where you start binge watching something dumb around 6:30 PM with a bag of popcorn and are snoring by 9:00PM. You knew you had rocky road in the freezer but you checked the pantry for popcorn and sure enough you had not one but two bags left of the good stuff. You checked the fridge to see a bottle of white wine chilling. Your evening was starting to look up. Deciding on a quiet night in, you opted for a bubble bath. You were typically more of a shower person but after the day you’ve had so far so you decided you needed it. Looking at your tub, you couldn’t remember the last time you cleaned it. You got under the sink and pulled out all of your organic cleaning supplies. You didn’t want to soak in a dirty tub. You scrubbed every inch of your tub before turning on the water and thoroughly rinsing it. You found your stash of candles in case the power went out and set them throughout the bathroom. You were looking through your drawers for something to sleep in when you found your Captain American footie pajamas along with your hipster undies that read ‘Welcome to Assablanca.’ You chuckled at the reference to one of your favorite movies, ‘Casablanca.’ You loved nights in alone like this where it didn’t matter what you wore. You weren’t trying to impress anyone.
You laid your pajamas at the foot of the bed and undressed, you grabbed your phone charger and earbuds, checked to make sure you had a towel handy, and your robe was hanging on the back of the closed door. You put your phone on the charger and popped in your earbuds. Once your playlist started, you added a lot bubble bath to the steaming hot water that had already fogged up you mirror. Sinking down into the water, your muscles instantly relaxed. You turned off the water and admired all the bubbles. You tried to remember why you didn’t do this more often. Grabbing your mesh bath sponge, you slowly started cleaning your body. Your mind wondered back to Aaron. You couldn’t help but think of what a bath with him would be like. Would he gently wash your back? Kiss your neck? Whisper sweet nothings in your ear while just holding you in the warm water? Feeling your cactus legs quickly pulled you out of that fantasy. After you were done with washing your body, you heard your phone ring effectively pausing your playlist. You figured it was one of the girls calling to ask more about your non relationship with Aaron. You can call them back after you’re done pampering yourself. Once the music resumes, you sink under the water with your feet up and bubbles up to your neck. You probably stay like this for a good 20 minutes. Your skin is officially wrinkled from the water when all of a sudden one of your favorite songs starts playing. You decide to stay in the tub for one more song. You close your eyes as you start moving your arms through the air and swaying under the water. When Lana Del Rey comes, you have to sing. It’s a law.
I drive fast, wind in my hair, push it to the limits 'cause I just don't care
I've got a burning desire for you, baby
I've got a burning desire
Every Saturday night I seem to come alive for you, baby
Santa Monica, I'm racing in the lights for you, baby
I drive fast, radio blares, have to touch myself to pretend you're there
Your hands were on my hips, your name is on my lips
Over over again, like my only prayer
Come on te
It was at this exact moment that your hand made contact with an object that you knew wasn’t in your bathroom when got in the tub. Your eyes flew open and you grabbed your chest. Aaron was sitting on the edge of your tub just smirking away.
“Holy shit, you scared the hell out of me! How long have you been in here?” you screeched, pulling out your earbuds and placing them on the floor.
“Long enough” he said “nice song by the way”
You blushed at the thought of singing Burning Desire in front of Aaron. “Well, way to be a creeper Mr. FBI.
“Sorry about that. To be fair, I called first. You didn’t answer. I used my key and let myself in.” Now that your heart was returning to a more normal and less dangerous rhythm, you took in his appearance. He looked good. Really good. He was wearing jeans with a belt and a tucked in light blue button up.
“You look nice. Do you have a date?” the words just kind of stumbled out but you didn’t exactly mind and it didn’t look like he did either.
“No. No date. I actually came here to cook you dinner. Sort of a thank you for making me and my team breakfast.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I was actually planning on an early night.”
“And you call me an old man. What 21 year old has an early night on a Saturday? I saw the Captain America footie pajamas on your bed. And Assablanca? Really?”
“You snoop!” you tried to sound outraged but he looked so damn cute.
“I’m cooking you dinner. The ingredients are on your kitchen counter.”
“There really is no point in arguing with you over my early night alone, is there?”
“With a former prosecuting attorney? I mean you can try. I don’t see it going well for you.”
“Fine,” you concede, “but you have to pick out something else for me to wear. And I better be dressed as nice as you are.”
“You really trust me that much?” he asks.
“I do. You seem to have a pretty decent sense of fashion.” you say, looking him over.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do but if you don’t like it, you’ll have to dress yourself.”
Before you could respond, your phone dinged. Aaron reached over to the counter to get it for you.
“Who are the BAU Babes?”
“Aaron, give me my phone” you said as calmly as possible, holding your hand out.
“Is this my team? It is, isn’t it? I think I’ll just check it for you” he said, sliding his finger across the bottom of your phone. “Really y/n? No passcode? I’m disappointed in you” he said mockingly. “From Emily. Do you want me to talk you up to him?” “Who is she talking about? Is it me? I bet it’s me. Let me just scroll up to the beginning of the conversation to make sure.”
“Aaron Hotchner, don’t you dare!!!”
He just looked at you with a grin knowing that the only way for you to stop him would be to stand up out of the tub, and he knew that was not about to happen. You watched helplessly as he scrolled to the beginning of your conversation and read the messages.
“It was about me. I knew it. And you like everything about me.”
“I used to!”
“Oh, but not anymore?”
“Nope, now I just think you’re a smug bastard” you say, sticking out your tongue.
“Alright, I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m going to leave your phone here on the counter and go pick out your clothes. You finish up in here.” You manage a tight lipped smile and a small nod as he exits the bathroom. You pull the plug and close your curtain before turning on the shower. You make quick work of shaving before washing your face. You shampoo your hair and condition the ends before turning off the water. You grab your towel and begin drying off. You put your robe on and wrap your hair in the towel before making your way into the bedroom. Aaron is standing at the foot of your bed.
“What do you think of what I picked out” he asks, motioning towards the bed.
“Aaron, there is nothing there.”
“Exactly” he says with one eyebrow raised. You quickly look at the floor, hoping he won’t notice the bright color in you cheeks. Is this guy trying to kill you? He has flirted more with you today than he has in the past four months combined. “I’m kidding” he says, raising your pillows. Under your pillows is a neat stack of clothes. A light purple matching lace bra and panty set. Your favorite dark denim low rise skinny jeans. Plus, one of your nicest tank tops. It’s black and low cut with lace trim. It’s perfect and you don’t know what to say.
“What do you think” he finally asks.
“I like it. A lot. It looks like something I would pick out for myself. I usually live in scrubs so this will be a nice change. Although I didn’t think you’d be picking out my under garments” you confess, only mildly embarrassed that he went through those drawers.
“I hope you don’t mind” he says, a little uneasy.
“No, no not at all. I told you to dress me. Besides, after this morning, I don’t think we have any secrets” you joke.
“Especially not after what I found in your nightstand drawer.”
“You didn’t! Aaron, what could you possibly think I have to wear in there” you say, horrified.
“You’re right, I didn’t” he laughed “but after that reaction, I’m going to.”
“Over my dead body!” you warned, shooting him daggers.
“I’m going to the kitchen to get dinner started” he says, rounding the room and pulling you into a tight embrace. “Get dressed and join me so I won’t be lonely.” He kissed your forehead before turning to walk away. “Oh, and I laid out two pairs of shoes. Both black. Heels or flats. You decide.” With that, he was gone. You were suddenly struck with one painfully obvious truth. You were falling in love with your neighbor…Aaron Hotchner.
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toast-the-unknowing · 3 years
How do you know as a writer that one of your episodic series is complete? For instance, the Boston verse has only 4 installments while the LA verse is at 11 and counting. If you can't tell, I'm sentimental about the Boston verse (Ronan's aimless and confused first day of solo driving around the city as a metaphor for how Adam gives him direction in every sense of the word!), even if I've come to love LA Adam and Ronan just as much as their canonical counterparts.
LA verse is marked as incomplete on AO3 because it doesn't have enough of a unified plot for me to feel like it's "done," and because I have two WIPs for it at the moment and have had at least one WIP for it at every point in time since starting the second installment, and because I have vowed to myself that I'm not allowed to call it complete until I finally finish the ding-dang Sarchengsey installment. (Actually when I finish the Sarchengsey installment I might then mark the series as complete, because that has become such a finish line in my mind, but I will feel enormously free to keep adding things to it and will probably continue to do so; any such marking shall be a formality only.)
I also reserve the right to add new fics to Boston verse, because these are my series and I do what I want with any and all of them, but I don't anticipate doing so unless some unexpected inspiration comes along. The reason that series is marked as complete, and the reason that it feels very complete to me after the fourth installment, is that the second installment set up the very obvious need for a very specific emotional beat, that just stood out to me as something that was missing every time I thought of the series, and the fourth installment answers that beat.
Specifically: the tension in the second story is that Adam and Ronan both want the same thing but neither of them feels like they are allowed to ask for it. The story resolves with Ronan finally being the one to ask for what he wants. So for the series to stop feeling like it was missing a note, at least in my ears, I needed a moment where Adam takes the initiative to state what he wants and unequivocally ask Ronan to sacrifice something for him so that he, Adam, can have what Adam wants, even if it means that Ronan loses something. Now that I have that moment, it all feels very complete to me.
(You'll notice that this means essentially the series ended with the first scene of the fourth fic; the rest of that fic is in my eyes an epilogue. An epilogue that is ten times as long as the story it wraps up? Yes.)
LA verse doesn't really have an equivalent "there's one big emotional moment that is going unmet." There are...at least three fics in that series that were inspired by one single sentence in another fic -- who knows what other lines in there might suddenly demand I write three or four or eight thousand words about them! There's a TON of questions in my mind that I keep wanting to know about -- someone asked at some point when and how Adam met Declan in this verse, and you know what, I don't know! But I sure am curious! To the other anon who asked (ages ago, whoops) about a time when Adam is the one to be reassuring Ronan about the relationship, you're totally right! That sounds like a cool thing to see, I'd like to check that out some day!
And all of this is on top of the fact that I like hitting the same notes in this series. Someone or more than one someone has pointed out "all of the porn in this series is just 'Ronan gives Adam what he wants without Adam having to ask for it'" and yeah! It sure is! I like writing that and I might very well write more of it! And then hey, that makes me think, what about porn where Adam gives Ronan what he wants, without Ronan asking for it? Got a WIP like that going now and might do another one after that!
So yeah. It is hard to feel like you have satisfied all requirements when the requirements are vague and multiplying.
I suppose it comes down to "do I feel like this series has discrete, identifiable, specific story points that I really want/need to write, and if so, have I written all of them." If yes to both, then it's complete in my eyes. Obviously if there is one and I haven't written it, then it's not complete in my eyes. But also, if there aren't really specific points that I want/need to write and it's just a question of "I want to play around some more in here," then it doesn't really feel complete because it doesn't really feel completable. LA verse has become something not quite finite, so I don't know that I'll ever really feel like I told all of it.
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literaticat · 4 years
What do you advise writers do when they're struggling to come up with ideas for a novel, feel they've got too many scattered ideas, or ideas that work only as short stories but need more development to become novels? Basically, when they're blocked?
There are a few writerly questions that I felt ill-equipped to answer, so please enjoy the genius of Guest Author Martha Brockenbrough’s answers instead!
Let me give you advice here from the great Elana K. Arnold. When you’re stuck, you need to do more research. I’ve seen her do this in action. She was working on her forthcoming MG, THE HOUSE THAT WASN’T THERE. She got stuck. She started researching cat anatomy, something that relates to her story in the most wonderful way. She discovered a feature on a cat’s ear called a Henry’s Pocket, and that made its way into her manuscript and helped her get unstuck. 
That, of course, is one kind of research. There are many. 
Like, are you writing something set in a different time? Have you looked at headlines, advertisements, popular music and other forms of pop culture? How is all of that stuff affecting your character? What is the ding-dang weather? For my novel THE GAME OF LOVE AND DEATH, I researched all of this plus moon phases, so every time I mentioned the moon in the book, it corresponded with the moon on those actual dates in history. This forced my characters to respond to something real. And I could have used fake moon phases, but to me, it’s a whole lot cooler when fiction lines up with reality. I dream of someday meeting the little nerd who double-checks my work on the NASA site; that definitely would have been me as a reader, and I would have been beside myself with glee. (Remember what I said earlier about keeping your manuscripts fresh and worthy; sometimes, the details that do this are tiny.)
One of my great frustrations is how stubborn my characters are when I am deciding to tell their stories. Those jerks really make me earn it, and I’ve often written tens of thousands of words before the characters emerge. So I am thinking about ways of getting to research my characters. Spy on them. Make them squeal. Persuade them to spill. Whatever it takes. 
And as far as reducing the scatter goes, here’s wisdom from Christa Desir. Imagine the world only gets five books from you. It does not need more. What five would they be? What is the most important story that you can tell right now? And I don’t mean capital I important, because that so often excludes humor. An important story is one that resonates with a reader. Joy is a vital emotion. Choose your stories boldly and completely and you will find the less important stuff falls away.
Get to it!
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Re-reading hanshe with less word lookup is going well. I'm in section 10 already. I mean that's a long way to go with 209 sections. But if I'm doing 5 a day like rn that's 40 days to read instead of months like before, so with for increased reading speed. If I get up to 10 chapters a day that's 20 days to finish reading this fic which is under a month. Anyway we'll see.
Mostly I'm curious if when I hit 1/3 in, which is where I've read to before, if extensive reading no longer becomes possible because I don't have enough already-studied words for those parts afterward.
It’s interesting rereading because I can also start to tell which words/hanzi throw me off the most. There’s a number of new words I guess/remember quite easily, due to hanzi I remember easily. There’s also a number of 4-hanzi phrases I figure out easily because their hanzi are familiar and similar phrases I’ve already learned. however, STILL the words for suspicious, doubt, hesitate ALL trip me up! If I want to read fast I just guess which one the word means based on context! The hanzi for those 3 words just looks TOO similar to me especially with meanings that to me are also quite similar (if you doubt something you may be suspicious, if you doubt something or are suspicious you may hesitate, so the words are quite similar in meaning in my head). 
怀疑  Huáiyí - doubt, suspect, be skeptical
犹豫  yóuyù - to hesitate
犹疑  yóuyí - to hesitate
(you will notice the bottom word uses a hanzi from hesitate, then a second hanzi from doubt, and it makes me confused as all hell as a result whenever I see any of these 3 words because I see hanzi from another similar word and then get lost about which means which). 
Anyway, the hanzi I confuse for other hanzi/being part of other words, seem to be the ‘already learned’ words I am clicking the most. Because I’ve seen the word or hanzi many times but STILL the sound has not stuck in my mind so yet again I’m looking up the pronunciation. Like 绸缎 chouduan (silk) and chan (getting tangled/wrapped/involved with with someone/thing) 缠. I see the silk side radical and the enclosure on both (though the enclosures are different), and because they look pretty similar EVERY time I see chou as in silk I want to read it as ‘chan’. About 80% of the time I see that word I have to re-check the pronunciation. Reading extensively is actually helping slightly, in that I think my brain is making more of an effort to remember the pronunciation since I’m trying to be less likely to look something up again so its just got less chances to retain the info. This is the first time in like 6+ months of encountering the word chouduan that the pronunciation is FINALLY sticking in my brain.  
Words that have familiar hanzi are much less of a struggle, even when new, and I wonder if my comprehension really is close to 98%? I didn’t measure this fic hanshe, just some novels I had (zhenhun was 95%, dmbj 1 and saye were 98%). But I can tell that if I don’t care about sound, I’m not running into many ‘incomprehensible in context’ words at all, and usually a word or less per paragraph that I full on can’t pronounce or make a good guess for a pronunciation I remember (and those words aren’t necessarily the new ones - so fucking often that word is just youyi  huaiyi or youyu ToT lol). My point is... my ability to read aloud has improved, I can actually read quite a bit more hanzi aloud on sight than several months ago. I am practicing reading aloud a little since I have terrible ‘read aloud flow’ right now lol. 
Also? Realizing if I read aloud I am almost guaranteed to say every 了 as de by instinct first. I bet thats 1 part that pleco app always reads 的 as di, so I overcorrected in my head with ‘it actually sounds like de in many situations BE aware’ and then now when I see le I just automatically switch into ‘overcorrect di mode’ lol. Another part is I think it might reflect my speaking comfort level a little. Le is not terribly difficult to use for beginner appropriate conversation tasks (like saying “i went to the store” etc) but in conversations idk why I rarely use it or rarely make a mental note when i do use it, so like when I type i am well aware its something i write without then realize i skipped and put back in. So its interesting to me when reading and inner-vocalizing or speaking aloud, my brain is actually still doing the same thing as my writing pattern - skipping the word then only adding it back in if i realize i skipped it. 
Hanshe getting easier over time also speaks to the difficulty of priest novels like? While i love them and will trudge through? The language in hanshe used to be peak too much for me it would take me 1.5 to 2 hours to finish a chapter. And priest wasn't even doable. Then eventually I could read tianyake in 1-2 hour chapters then eventually in 20-30 min. Eventually I could read hanshe again in 10-20 minute chapters. But like - however difficult hanshe is, priests writing is harder to read. Priest just has more unknown words per page for me.
I am wondering when priest’s writing will go from doable to a bit easier than just doable, the way hanshe did. Probably a long way off (and I’m aiming for zhenhun and modu, I suspect sha po lang and can ci pin will take much longer as they’re genres I don’t read).
On the topic of genres: I may read tangstory’s 2 novels that are sequels - one historical court, one republican era. Those are two genres I don’t read, but I do watch shows in those genres so learning some of the genre words would fall in line with things I would LIKE to eventually read. Tangstory’s stories are on the shorter side (much shorter than hanshe or zhenhun dang) and show as like 35 sections in my reader app (compared to 209 ToT). They have lovely english translations if I do need clarification or just want to read them later, and again those genres are ones I should get more familiar with.
Other options for reading for more genres: Qi Ye for more historical/court vibe language, and Tian Ya Ke when I’m ready again for its wuxia language - but both of these require me braving a full priest story which. I don’t want to start anything right now that will take more than 2 months to read. Upside is these both have nice translations to refer to, downside is I need to be able to read priest easier to tackle them. And if I’m reading priest easier I may go right for Zhenhun (both because its a goal novel of mine to read and because I know a lot more supernatural/modern words).
For detective novels, I’d like to branch out into maybe SCI Mystery (seems closer to my reading level except for the detective terms which I should learn), Ding Mo novels (like the one Love me if You Dare is based on) since Ding Mo has been recced to me and the reading level isn’t too high, PoYun (but the reading level IS around MoDu and I can TELL - but I think it opens with more vocabulary I should learn and am unfamiliar with as far as detective stories/police/action and weaponry words). 
I want to branch into something easier as a first sci fi novel, but I can’t think of any I want to read except C语言修仙 and 残次品. On a guess, I’d say the first novel is probably easier if ONLY because its 2 print books instead of 4 ToT. Also Can Ci Pin has gratuitous variety of names and I think as a cultivator novel maybe Cyuyanxiuxian will have more of a modern-like one country setting with less new terms to learn (versus Can Ci Pin with new planets, names, spaceships and tech, mech suits, mutant and disease terminology, govt terms, etc). 
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creativerogues · 4 years
Player’s Guide: UPDATE!
Hey! Hello! Hi! 
If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been busy making a LOT of stuff, mostly Magic Items, but it’s been about 2 Months since this whole ‘Player’s Guide’ Business began and we’ve made a lot of progress that I wanna show off!
Specifically the things I think people would be most interested in, which of course is all the New Options!
At the time of writing this, we’ve split the options up into a Player Options and Dungeon Master Options.
So without any further ado... Let’s boogie.
Spells!: I can happily say that we have a total of 30 brand new ding-dang shiny spells for you games! 
Over the past 6 weeks or so I’ve been gradually writing, playtesting, rewriting and re-playtesting (if that’s a thing?) a whole bunch of spells and the final few have just been sent off for playtesting, with my hope being a release of a ‘Playtest Packet’ to all you lovely people so you can playtest them too and give feedback!
Subclasses!: We have two brand new subclasses just about ready to go, we still need some seasoning and flavouring for some features, but I’m confident enough to talk about them at least a little:
First up is the Oath of Gylenfelt Paladin, a Paladin of who believes strongly in the old minotaur myth of Gylenfelt, the Astral Wilds, which I can quickly summarise as “Valhalla for Minotaurs, but cooler!”. And no you don’t have to be a Minotaur to pick this Subclass...
Second is the Way of the Closed Palm Monk, a Monk trained by the Monasteries of Zokend to hunt down Spellcasters, and are basically the secret magic police who aren’t afraid to break a few bones here and there...
I also hope to make these two separate Playtest Packets when all the World Lore and flavouring is done in full, so maybe you’ll see them releasing in the coming weeks or months...
Magic Items!: Over the past few days and weeks I’ve been posting about 1 or 2 Magic Items a day for you people on the internet to critique and playtest, and while initial feedback was mostly positive, we did get some great tips and tricks from the Community, so thanks!
At the time of writing we have a whole 7 Pages of just new Magic Items to play around with. With 30+ New Magic Items from Swords, Bows and Staves (because that’s apparently have staffs should be spelt) and even a Potion of Dragon Control, which is currently my favourite item...
Again, I hope to release a Playtest Packet in full with all this stuff to all of you in the coming weeks as we clear up all the wording and flavour text.
Traps!: It’s a Trap! Well, actually it’s multiple traps, over 10 Pages of Traps for Dungeon Masters to use in their games! 
From corridors that flood with lava to rooms that slowly fill with acid to electrified floor tiles and swinging logs, it’s definitely been one of my favourite sections to write, and probably the most “Deadly” part of the Player’s Guide
Hint: Lava = Bad!
Poisons!: Yep, even I didn’t expect this one coming! But it’s a whole 7 New Poisons, with ones that are especially effective on certain... victims...
Story Starts & Plot Hooks: Apparently I’m the only person that ever calls a Plot Hook a ‘Story Start’, except that’s what it is: A way to start a story!
Anyways, there’s easily 50+ and More Story Starts that can help you kick off an Adventure in this World: From chasing a band of Thieves through the white-hot deserts of Rassumurait to stopping Githyanki Warriors from stealing an entire Island and dragging it into the Astral Sea! 
There’s plenty of Plot Hooks for every Level of Play and (pretty much) every playstyle: There’s you’re classic mysteries and dungeon crawls, there’s political intrigue, and of course: Combat!
The Player’s Guide is easily over 100+ Pages now, and right now we’re working on Monsters and World Lore!
With some of the Monsters being my own Creations over the years, like the Cerulean Mist and the Adamantine Golem, and others coming from my love of 4e and 3.5e, like Demons and Devils and strangely a lot of Oozes... Lotta Oozes...
Also yes, I’m one of the few people that actually likes some of the Mechanics from 4th Edition, we exist, so don’t... You know... just don’t...
But let me know what you want to see!
Do you want to see more Magic Items, Spells, Monsters, Poisons, Traps, World Lore, Story Starts... Pretty much anything at this point...
So Like this if you like this, Comment and Reblog with you thoughts, and maybe we’ll actually finish this Project before I grow a full beard... WHO KNOWS!
Also this is CreativeRogues’ 1,500th Post! Yay!
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Wrong Direction: Chapter 2 (K. Kapanen)
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“I just got off the phone with Max,” it's been two weeks since I've moved into Will’s place, my stuff still in boxes all over the apartment.
“Oh?’ William responds, tossing me a smoothie from the fridge as we get ready to go to practice. I still go to sleep in tears and wake up with puffy eyes, but Willy makes me feel like everythings going to be okay, if not today then someday soon. “How is he?”
“Good,” I tell him, scratching at the back of my neck, refusing to look up at him knowing what comes next. “He asked me to come stay with him. Well, he didn't ask. He's kinda forcing me.”
“Oh,” Will says. He turns around and faces me with a look on his face of a mix of betrayal and hurt, and it makes me want to burst into tears. “Um, well, are you gonna go?”
“I have to, babe. He's my brother, and he said that if I don't come by myself he'll pack my things for me the next time he comes to Toronto.” I feel bad, but I do miss Max.
Willy just frowns at me. “When are you leaving?”
“Uh, tomorrow. He said he'd buy me a plane ticket.”
“To Montreal?! I could drive you!”
“I know, its okay. He’s the one paying so I don't really care honestly. Don't we have to get going?’
“Yeah,” he giggles, glancing at the watch on his wrist.
On our way to the arena, I take deep breaths to try to calm my racing heart and shaking hands. Seeing Kasperi this often still hurts just as bad as seeing him in bed with that girl. But the whole situation has given me a lot of inspiration for a new song that i've been working on, bouncing ideas off of Will day and night.
He notices my agitation and reaches over to grab my hand. “After this, you won't ever have to see him or me ever again.”
“Hey, don't say that,” I pout. “I'll be back and i'll move back in with you, if you let me, in a couple months. I just need a break from Toronto. Everything I know is laced with memories of him. I can't even enjoy your games because he's there.”
Will nods without looking away from the road. “You're always welcome at my place. We’re all still really pissed at him, you know. Mitch hasn't spoken to him since that night, and you know how Mitch is. Auston doesn't even look at him, and Zach’s only talking to him because he feels bad that everyone is making every effort to ignore him but me. The whole fucking team loves you, Y/N. Oh, and Derms took a slapshot at his ankle the other night and he had to sit out for an entire period.”
My eyes are brimmed with tears and I have to look up at the ceiling of the car to keep them from spilling over. “Can you let the guys know i'm leaving? I'll obviously talk to them, but I don't want to be the one to break the news to them.”
Will nods. “Of course.” he smiles at me then and looks away from the road for a split second to wipe away a tear.
I sit in the third row to watch the boys’ practice and try to continue writing, but the yelling and pucks hitting the boards constantly is distracting, so eventually I give up and watch them skate. During a water break, I catch myself watching Kasperi. All he does is take a few deep breaths, but watching him like this, as if nothing ever happened, makes my heart shatter. Before I can look away, he looks up at me and I watch his entire face fall. He stares at me and I stare back. He studies me, as if to memorize me. I can't look away, and he refuses to skate away. He continues forward, until he's at the boards and we’re a few feet away from each other. Neither of us can pretend we weren't looking at each other. He stops, and so does my heart. And we just watch each other. Just stare. My heart is breaking with every moment that passes, and my stomach hurts, because he was my everything.
A whistle blows. Kasperi whips his head around. The sounds of the rink come back into my ears, and we’re both taken out of the world where we were the only two people who existed. He skates away, glancing back at me once before never looking back at me again.
“Y/N,” Willy says as soon as I answer his facetime call. I've been in Montreal with Max for about two months and I released my song about a week ago. Wills is driving back from practice, which is when he gives me a rundown on how “incredible” he was and how he's gonna kick ass at the next game. But today he looks anything but confident, his forehead a mass of worry lines and his mouth turned down into a frown.
“Y/N, your song is saved on my playlist, and I got the aux this morning. After practice, it came on. Most of us were singing, and I glanced at Kap, and he was just sitting there in his stall. He wasn't moving. Just staring straight ahead.”
I sit up. “Woah, slow down. I thought Kasperi and I were finished.” When I moved away, after the day at the rink, Will told me that Kasperi stopped seeming to care. He was out with a different girl every two days, bringing random girls home every day of the weekend. It still hurts, but it hurt more to realize that our entire relationship meant nothing to him. But if Will is telling the truth, which I don't doubt he is, it makes everything a whole lot more confusing.
“I thought so too, but listen. I think that it was your voice at first, Y/N. He hasn't heard your voice in months. And then he heard the rest of the song, he listened without moving, and as soon as it ended he got up, in just his slides and shorts, and fucking left the room.”
I'm silent, letting Will talk. “The rest of us didn't know what to do, so I tried to follow him. I found him in the weights room, and he was in tears.” Will flicks on the turn signal and turns onto his street, then glances at his phone to see if he should continue the story. I nod at him, holding my breath to keep from breaking down at the thought of Kasperi.
“I went to him and sat with him, and he just cried. I haven't seen him cry since he thought I was getting promoted to the bigs and he wasn't. But he was sobbing. So I sat with him, and eventually he calmed down enough to choke out that he misses you. He told me the girls were a front, and that he hasn't been able to sleep ever since that night. And, Y/N, I dont think he's lying. His eyes always have huge bags under them and he's so shaky. So I asked him why he did it, but he didn't have an answer. He said he missed you and he felt like you didn't love him anymore because you were always out doing stuff for your album, but I told him that was bullshit and he said he knew it. He told me he can't breathe without, and that he hates that he hurt you. So I told him to talk to you, and he said he'd try to text you later today.”
“Damn,” I respond, not sure how to feel. “I want to love him again, but I don't know if I can trust him.”
“You don't have to. He knows he hurt you, and that he has to work to get you back, but I am asking you to please just try to talk to him, because fuck, Y/N, if there’s a such thing as soulmates, it’s you guys. You're both in so much pain. Take your time, keep your walls up, but just talk to him.”
“Okay. Okay, fine.”
“Thank you, beautiful best friend. I'm home now, so I'll call you back in a couple hours?”
“Yeah, that’s cool. See ya.”
He ends the call and I'm left in silence. Then my phone dings with a text notification in my hand, and my heart picks up speed. I know exactly who it is, and I don't want to look at it, not right away, so I throw it across the couch with a pillow on top of it.
I put my head in my hands and try to slow my speeding heart by taking a few deep breaths. “Fuck!” I yell, then silently thank Max for going out a few hours ago. I wipe my face with my hands and sit straight up.
I stare at the pillow my phone is sitting under, knowing without ever checking that there is a text from Kasperi Kapanen waiting for me. My phone dings again and my heart jumps. I stand up and rip my phone from under the pillow.
‘wrong direction huh’
‘i miss u’
I cover my mouth with my hand and my eyes brim with tears. I sit back slowly onto the couch and read over the messages two, three, four more times before unlocking my phone and tapping on the text bar.
‘Dang, how'd u know it was abt u?’
I smile slightly as I type out the message and hold my breath when I hit send. I don't have to wait even a second before the three bubbles come up on the screen.
‘no idea’
‘ig im just tht good’
I laugh and type out another response.
‘Imyt. How r u?’
I bite my lip when the text bubbles come up, and a few seconds later his response comes.
‘could be better tbh. can’t sleep @ the apt nymore so i spend the nites b4 games @ 1 of the guys places’
My breath catches at the words. Then another message pops up.
‘im so sry 4 everything’
I bite my lip and close my eyes, taking a breath.
‘Thx. I havent stopped thinking abt u’
‘me neither’
I take another deep breath. Kasperi was my favourite person, my person, for so long. It's scary how easily we can fall back into simple, comfortable conversation, as if nothing ever happened. So I decide to be straight up and honest with him, and if he really does still care about me, he’ll understand.
‘U broke me, Kasperi. I never thought tht u would hurt me, and u literally broke me. I miss u more than nything and it hurts so bad to b without u, but seeing u in bed with another girl, tht broke me. It felt like our whole relationship was built on lies, and tht u never actually cared abt me. So yeah, i cant stop thinking abt u, and i want to b able to love you again, but u broke my trust and idk if ill ever trust u like i did before.’
I hit send and feel like I'm going to be sick. Everything I type I’ve told Will and all the other guys, but after the day I left the apartment, I never spoke to Kasperi about anything. The three bubbles come up on the screen and I hold my breath, then they disappear. They come up and disappear a couple more times, until a message finally pops up on the screen.
‘i wish i could take back everything i ever did 2 hurt u, but ik its not tht ez. i rly do want 2 fix this, tho. would u b down to ft l8r?’
I can't breathe, but I manage to type out a response without screaming.
‘Sure. Just text me when ur ready’
I take a deep breath and click my phone off. I'm about to get up when my phone dings again. I glance at the message and it makes my chest feel like it's going to explode.
‘ok i will <3’
I smile down at the screen and go to plug in my phone so it's charged when Kasperi wants to call. I really don't know if I'll ever be able to trust him again, but the least I can do is give him a chance to apologize. He's already broken me so badly, even if he lets me down again nothing will compare to the amount of hurt I’ve already felt.
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hamanuelton · 4 years
my favorite parts of hamilton:
- “I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.”
- every time Leslie Odom Jr. as aaron burr begins another part with “how did a bastard, orphan-“ or like in that same way ‘cause he doesn’t always start it that way but you know what I mean
- the way Leslie Odom Jr. as My Boi Burr™️ says “well, the world got around, they said, ‘this kid is insane, man!’”
- also when Leslie Odom Jr. as A. Burr says
- “our man saw his future drip-dripping down the drain, a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain”
- “Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait, just you wait...”
- background “just you wait, just you wait”’s as hammy’s putting on a new jacket and ensemble is praising nyc
- “and me? i’m the damn fool that shot him.”
- “Burr, sir” + the continuation of this all throughout
- “If you talk you’re gonna get shot” / FORESHADOWING WOOOEEEEWOOOOO
- “i’m John Laurens in the place to be”
- Lafayette’s fuckinf accent
- “if you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for”
- “‘Onarchy?”
- hey, yo, i’m just like my country, i’m young, scrappy, and hungry—
- the way Odom Leslie Jr. as The Hamburrglar™️ says ‘shot’ and they all take a shot
- this ⤵️
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- Hammy getting //flustered// about friendship
- Angelica’s face when Burr is tryna tell her bout herself and she shows him up and ships him out
- Act 1: 6. Farmer Refuted
- honorable mention: “my dog speaks more eloquently than thee!" "but strangely, your mange is the same." "is he in jersey?”
- King George pouting
- Jonathan Groff’s overarticulation of each syllable as King George is a work of art
- “♪ Da-da-da-dat-da-dat-da-da-da-dai-ah-da! ♪ Da-da-da-da-dai-ah-da! ♪
- “Everybody! —“
- “We keep meeting.”
- “i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. when’s it gonna get me? in my sleep? seven feet ahead of me?”
- “See, I never thought I’d live past twenty.”
- “this is not a moment, it’s the movement”
- “I’m laughin’ in the face of casualties and sorrow, for the first time, I’m thinkin’ past tomorrow!”
- “dying is easy, young man, living is harder!”
- “i’m being honest. i’m working with a third of what our Congress promised.”
- “you need all the help you can get. i have some friends. Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette, okay, what else?” — “we’ll need some spies on the inside, some king’s men who might let some things slide.”
- “watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother be seated at the right hand of the father.”
- “Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him” — “That’s true.”
- “Yo, if your marry a sister, you’re rich, son!” — “Is it a question of ‘if’, Burr, or which one?” and then the little ‘hey’ ‘hey’ thing they do gets me every time
- literally the use of yo throughout the production fucking gets me every single fucking time
- “i’m writin’ a letter nightly. now my life gets better, every letter that you write me. — THE PURE UNBRIDLED SENSE OF FORESHADOWING IN “laughin’ at my sister, cuz she wants to form a harem” — ft. “i’m just sayin’, if you really loved me, you would share him!”
- the irony in “Eliza, i don’t have a dollar to my name”, you’ll be on the $10 bill, my man
- top-notch brain
- the way Anthony Ramos as John Laurens says “alright, alright. that’s what i’m talkin’ about!” and also the face that he makes
- hunger-pang frame
- “You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied.” — “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. You forget yourself.” — “You’re like me. I’m never satisfied.” — “Is that right?” — “I have never been satisfied.” — “My name is Angelica Schuyler.” — “Alexander Hamilton.” — “Where’s your fam’ly from?” — “Unimportant. There’s a million things I haven’t done but just you wait, just you wait...”
- tbh the way ‘Schuyler’ is spelled is oddly satisfying to me
- honestly just the way LMM says Alexander Hamilton+/ my name is Alexander Hamilton, and there’s a million things i haven’t done, ‘just you wait, just you wait...’ throughout the production
- “i’m the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in new york city is insidious”
- “You are the worst, Burr.”
- Act 1: 12. The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
- “love doesn’t discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes”
- “love doesn’t discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes and we keep living anyway. we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. and if there’s a reason i’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died—“
- “Chick-a-plao!”
- the way they say ‘raise a glass’ is both elegant and (appropriately) reverent
- the minute General Charles Les came into the picture i hated him so hard, even though his literal first word was ‘Whee!!!!’, though i can appreciate the sentiment and what LMM was tryna do there
- “Washington cannot be left to his devices indescisive, from crisis to crisis” — sweet baby jesus that alliteration, and jon rua totally pulled it off (i hate General Charles Lee not the person who played him, i can also appreciate the fact that as an actor it takes a lot of talent to be able to make you hate a character so easily, also shoutout to Jonathan Groff as King Georgey-Boy™️, Sydney James Harcourt as james reynolds, and the general way LMM somehow made me fed up/turn on Alexander with the whole scene with him and Maria Reynolds — and not only that but somehow redeemed himself to me which is easier said than done for characters and people alike.. i’ve been hurt too much to play like that.
- Act 1: 15. Ten Duel Commandments
- honorable mention: “if you don’t reach peace, that’s alright. time to get some pistols and a doctor on site. you pay him in advance, you treat him with civility. you have him turn around so he can have deniability.”
- Act 1: 17. That Would Be Enough
- honorable mention: the melody that LMM went with for that turn of phraseis a truly beautiful thing
- “Immigrants:” — “We get the job done.”
- “To my brother’s a revolutionary covenant! I’m runnin’ with the sons of liberty and I am lovin’ it! See, that’s what happens when you up against the ruffians. We’re in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it! Hercules Mulligan, I need no introduction, when you knock me down I get the fuck back up again!”
- Act 1: 21. What Comes Next
- honorable mention: “i’m so blue” — the little squat that Groffsauce does as the light turns blue really got to me
- Act 1: 22. Dear Theodosia
- Leslie Odom Jr.’s voice is so ding dang delightfully airy
- honorable mention: “You have my eyes. You have your mother’s name. When you came into the world, you cried and it broke my heart.”
- Act 1: 23. Non-Stop
- as someone with siblings i can appreciate that they’re bickering like that’s just what they are
- “I was chosen for the constitutional convention! *squeal*”
- “Burr, we studied and we fought and we killed for the notion of a nation we now get to build. For once in your life, take a stand with pride. I don’t understand how you stand to the side.”
- Act 2: 1. What’d I Miss?
- honorable mention: “But the sun comes up and the world still spins.”
- Act 2: 2. Cabinet Battle #1
- tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
- “Daddy, daddy, look.... My name is Philip. I am a poet. I wrote this poem just to show it. And I just turned nine. You can write rhymes but you can’t write mine.” - “What!” - “I practice French and play piano with my mother.” — “Uh-huh!” — “I have a sister but I want a little brother.” — “Okay!” — “My daddy’s trying to start America’s bank. Un deux trois quatre cinq!” — “Bravo!” — “Hey, our kid is pretty great.”
- as much as i hate Act 2: 4. Say No To This (because for some reason i though Alexander Hamilton was better than that) Jasmine Cephas Jones sings in it is like a hot knife through butter — namely; “My husband’s doin’ me wrong beatin’ me, cheatin’ me, mistreatin’ me...”... I guess maybe I understand it ‘cause damn Jasmine Cephas Jones is so ding dang pretty and ding dang talented and wow what a remarkable person
- the way that Lin says “And her body’s saying, ‘hell, yes’ is um.. 😓
- “You see, that was my wife you decided to” — “Fuuuu—“
- Act 2: 5. The Room Where It Happens
- honorable mention: “Bros.”
- “Talk less. Smile more.” LMM being a dramatic bastard
- Act 2: 6. Schuyler Defeated
- Act 2: 7. Cabinet Battle #2
- “revolution is messy but now is the time to stand."
- honorable mention: “Ooh!!”
- “We signed a treaty with a King whose head is now in a basket. Would you like to take it out and ask it? ‘Should we honor our treaty, King Louis’ head?’ ‘Uh... do whatever you want, I’m super dead.’”
- Thomas Jefferson all like “but sir do we not fight for freedom” MY BAD SIR YOU ARE A SLAVE-OWNER HOW ABOUT YOU NOT
- mentioning Lafayette because apparently LMM has no problem with breaking the fourth wall
- “Daddy’s calling.”
- “I’m in the cabinet. I am complicit in watching him grabbin’ at power and kiss it. If Washington isn’t gon’ listen to disciplined dissidents, this is the difference. This kid is out!”
- “Southern motherfuckin’ Democratic-Republicans!”
- “The emperor has no clothes.”
- “Sir, I don’t know what you heard but whatever it is Jefferson started it.” — “Thomas Jefferson resigned this morning.” — “You’re kidding.” — “I need a favor.” — “Whatever you say, sir, Jefferson will pay for his behavior.” — “I’ll use the press. I’ll write under a pseudonym, you’ll see what I can do to him—“ — “Yes! He resigned you can finally speak your mind!” — “Ha. Good luck defeating you, sir.” - “I’m sorry, what?”
- Act 2: 10. I Know Him
- “—Vice President.” — “— No more Mr. Nice President.”
- “Sit down, John, you fat motherf—“
- Act 2: 12. We Know
- honorable mention: “You see that was my wife you decided to—“ — “WHAT—“
- Act 2: 13. Hurricane
- Act 2: 14. The Reynolds Pamphlet
- honorable mention: *DEEP VOICE* “DAMN”
- Act 2: 15. Burn
- i’ll be the first to say i wasn’t a huge fan of Eliza at first aside from Phillipa Soo’s killer voice
- this gave me a lot of respect for her
- honorable mention: “You have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
- Act 2: 16. Blow Us All Away
- i would like to point out that tweet where someone @‘s LMM about not mentioning Philip’s hot and he responds “I’M FAIRLY F**CKING SURE I DID”, y’know ⤵️
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- “The ladies say my brain’s not where the resemblance stops.”
- “God, you’re a fox.”
- Act 2: 17. Stay Alive (Reprise)
- The ‘I know, I know. Shh.’ and the full circle back to his mom teaching him french on the piano really got to me for the beautiful artistry in it but also damn them feels
- Act 2: 18. It’s Quiet Uptown
- “I spend hours in the garden. I walk alone to the store and it’s quiet uptown. I never liked the quiet before. I take the children to church on Sunday, a sign of the cross at the door, and I pray. That never used to happen before.”
- “Philip, you would like it uptown. It’s quiet uptown.”
- “You knock me out, I fall apart.”
- “Eliza, do you like it uptown? It’s quiet uptown.”
- “There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is suffering too terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can and push away the unimaginable. The moments when you’re in so deep it feels easier to just swim down.”
- “There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is a grace too powerful to name. We push away what we can never understand. We push away the unimaginable.”
- “Can you imagine?”
- Act 2: 19. The Election of 1800
- honorable mention: “And they say I’m a Francophile: at least they know I know where France is!”
- “You used to work on the same staff” — “Whaaaat.”
- “Honestly, it’s kind of draining.” — “Burr...” — “Sir!” — “Is there anything you wouldn’t do?” — “No. I’m chasing what I want. And you know what?” — “What?” — “I learned that from you.” / this moment made the blow that he voted for Jefferson like a damn hole in my chest and i actually really felt for Burr. i get Hammy’s reluctance, i think if anything he was hoping voting for Jefferson would give Burr the chance to have experience as VP and then the next election he might vote for him then depending
- Act 2: 20. Your Obedient Servant
- A. Burr
- A. Ham
- “I just need to write something down.” / really resonated as one of the last things they showed him doing before going off to the duel, his life really was writing and that was the perfect way to say that in a very subtle sort of way. i really appreciate it artistically, whether it was intentionally so or not.
- Act 2: 22. The World Was Wide Enough
- okay but first of all i would like to comment on the fact that Ariana DeBose PLAYS THE GODDAMN BULLET, I JUST
- “This man will not make an orphan of my daughter.” / this made me really sympathize with Burr, as well as when he tries to go towards Hamilton (at least in the play but I sincerely hope that was historically accurate) / but also that fact that Theodosia Burr was lost at sea at 29 makes me sad because Hamilton’s life was taken to give her one and then she just up and disappears in a freak accident
- Act 2: 23. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
- the orphanage got to me
- i loved that he (LMM) didn’t end it with himself or anything
- he let Phillipa Soo tear my heart out
- it killed me but i died quite happily
- and really what more could you ask for.
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naancypants · 5 years
I received writing inspiration from this ask, so this is where it lead me! Nancy has come down with a bad cold and is surprised when Joe Hardy shows up on her doorstep. For context, this story definitely takes place post-Nedcy and probably even after Francy comes to some sort of resolution as I have canonically aged them up to 25/26 here. Also contains mild descriptions of cold symptoms, so… something to be aware of if you’re easily sensitive to that kind of thing? Nothing graphic, though.
(Ao3) (Words: 2,820) (@nancydrew-onthecase​)
Nancy has been curled up on her couch in River Heights, staring at the tv for the last 8 hours or so. As a matter of fact, the only movement she’d made all day was to waddle her way down the stairs from her bedroom, grab a light breakfast and collapse onto the couch. For the next 8 hours (in case you missed that part).
Her eyes flit over to the antique clock on the cabinet next to the fireplace as she begrudgingly stands up; 6:40pm. Had she really not eaten since breakfast?
She sniffles, whipping a tissue out of her decorative turquoise tissue box and giving her nose another wipe. This cold has been going on for about 3 days now, and Nancy is dying to know when it will ever end, because she feels like she’s dying. She rarely gets sick, either, so when she does, it hits her like a greyhound bus.
“Who on earth is this?” Nancy grumbles to herself as she shuffles over to the front door. Her father and Hannah were both away for the weekend, which was all the better, Nancy supposes; it gives them less exposure to whatever this germ is that’s hijacked her immune system.
With one hand on the door handle, she swipes at her nose one last time before pulling the door open to find… Joe Hardy?
The younger Hardy brother gives her that goofy little sideways smile of his and lifts one arm, carrying a clear plastic carryout bag, out to her. “Soup delivery.”
She blinks in surprise. “Soup delivery?” she repeats, stepping aside just enough so that he can come inside if he chooses, which he does.
“At your service.” he takes a few steps further into the entryway, shaking a little excess water off of his dark brown jacket. It hadn’t rained all day in River Heights or surrounding areas, and there was just a barely-there dusting of snow on the ground, so as well as taking into consideration the time of year, Nancy deduces that it must have been snowing in Bayport.
“Let me take your -” Nancy starts to offer to hang up his coat, but then she glances down at the used tissue that’s currently crumpled up in her fist and a dry chuckle fills the space, “- well, never mind.”
He cracks another grin, “I got it.”
After Joe puts away his jacket and the two of them amble back into the living room, Nancy watches in bewilderment as he fluffs the side pillows and readjusts the throw blanket that was sloppily piled into a heap on the sofa. When he’s done, he gestures to the spot he’s just made up, which Nancy accepts with a furrowed brow. “What’s gotten into you? What are you even doing here?”
Joe shrugs, bashfully scratching the back of his neck, “I don’t know - I was in the area.”
“You came from Bayport.”
“What? How could you tell?”
“The melted snow on your jacket.”
“W- well, that could’ve just been… a sprinkler. Or a passing rainstorm. I mean, you’ve been cooped up in here all day, how could you really know if it was raining or not?!”
He laughs. “Aw, I’m just kidding. I came because I was already bored today, and you said in your text that you weren’t feeling well. So I thought I’d come check up on you.”
Nancy, once again, blinks in surprise. It’s not that she doesn’t appreciate such a nice gesture, but it seems so out of nowhere - when was the last time she’d seen Joe without Frank? The more she ponders on it, the more she wonders, has she ever seen Joe without Frank? This was a peculiar thought that led her to ask her next question.
“Is Frank with you?”
“Ah, no. He doesn’t know I came. He thinks I’m at Chet’s house. So maybe… don’t mention this to him? I just - don’t want to get caught in a lie or anything.”
Nancy giggles a little bit, “Then why lie?”
Joe, exasperated, lets out a frustrated sigh, but Nancy is perceptive enough to tell that he isn’t upset. “Are you going to let me give you your soup, or not?”
Nancy shrugs, “Okay. Go ahead.”
“Thank you,” Joe says with the inflection of the drama queen he truly is, bending over to unpack a medium plastic container from the bag. He sets it on the coffee table along with a plastic wrapped spoon while Nancy blows her nose.
“It’s chicken noodle - I was going to get you some clear soup, but I couldn’t find an Asian restaurant between here & Bayport with a Yelp rating higher than a 2.7 - how depressing is that?!”
“Very sad!”
“So, I just went with the ol’ standby. Hopefully you don’t mind.”
Nancy looks at him with a sleepy expression that she can tell isn’t reminiscent of her usual perky self, “Are you kidding? I love chicken noodle.”
“Better than clear soup?!” Joe says in shock.
“Well, I mean, nothing can beat Hannah’s homemade chicken noodle… but I’m sure this is fine.” Nancy sucks in a deep breath, which leaves her a little lightheaded for a moment, but as soon as it passes she gazes up at her friend.
“Thank you, Joe. I really mean that.”
She feels like absolute garbage, but she musters up every bit of energy she has left in an attempt to express the genuine sincerity with which she means that. His eyelids drift closed and he bobs his head forward in a slight nod.
“You’re welcome.”
A moment passes while Nancy reaches for her spoon, stabbing it against the hardwood surface in front of her to pierce the outer wrapping. Meanwhile, Joe’s eyes wander around the room and eventually land upon an empty glass hiding behind the discarded carryout bag.
“Nancy! You need to hydrate!”
As he leaps for the glass, Nancy can’t help but laugh out loud at his words. “Really, Joe? You sound like Frank.”
“I AM NOT MY BROTHER! How dare you call me out like this!” he hollers in an offended tone, disappearing into the back hallway to refill her glass in the kitchen.
This was certainly turning out to be an odd night.
Nancy shakes her head and picks up the TV remote, flipping through the channels until she lands on something that catches her interest; a crime documentary detailing the life, irreparable actions, and eventual identification of the Golden State Killer. She dips her spoon into the bowl of soup just as Joe returns with some fresh water and a dorky twinkle in his eyes, “Straight from the kitchen sink.”
“Thanks,” says Nancy, eyeballing the 25-year-old as he catches sight of what’s playing on the TV.
“Ooh, is that a crime show?! Heck yeah!” Joe flops excitedly onto the opposite end of the couch, his face alight with admiration, “Y’know what, Nancy? Even when you’re sick you’re the best kind of person.”
She blushes a little; she’s always been shy when receiving compliments. She reaches for another tissue. The two of them become completely engrossed, watching and chatting enthusiastically until finally (and miraculously, in Nancy’s case), they fall asleep.
It’s still dark outside when Nancy begins to stir. It takes her eyes and her brain a few moments to adjust, but once she’s fully aware of her surroundings, she jumps at the realization that her head has been softly nuzzled into the side of Joe’s hip. As soon as she’s upright again, her nose starts running and invasive TV ads are blaring in her ears and Joe begins waking up all at once.
Nancy blindly reaches for the remote to decrease the volume, but in her uncoordinated state, she misses entirely and knocks over the plastic soup container. “Shoo-oot!”
Joe’s eyebrows lift when he hears the commotion that’s happening to his right; what little bit of soup still remained in the bowl has now spilled onto the brand new rug Hannah bought for the living room. The only solace Nancy had was seeing what a small amount of liquid had actually stained, but even then! She felt awful. Hannah had spent half an afternoon picking that out.
“Oh no, Hannah will be so disappointed!” Nancy murmurs.
By this point Joe is already up from the couch and is bounding into the kitchen to collect a paper towel roll. Nancy feels utterly useless sitting there staring at the floor until her friend returns to help clean up the mess, which they manage to get done together.
“There we go,” Joe says at last, and although he had eagerly gotten up to take care of the spill, his tired voice betrays his behavior. “That should do it. Nice job, pardner.”
Stretching her sore muscles, Nancy sighs and lets out a groan; since her sudden awakening, her head feels stuffier than before, saddling her with this annoying ache that occasionally pounds at her cranium. Still, she sniffs and responds to Joe’s lighthearted comment, “You too. Pardner…” Her voice trails off at the end a little. Joe notices that her eyes are closed now.
He looks down at his phone to check the time; 1:21AM?! Dang it. He’s going to have to tell Frank something. He’s never spent the night at Chet’s house a day in his life - Frank will never believe him if he says that he crashed there. But then Joe decides that it doesn’t really matter. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. It’s late, and he’s exhausted, and he doesn’t regret getting to spend a few hours with one of the people he reveres most in the world - even if she, perhaps, couldn’t enjoy it to the same degree.
But then, almost as if reading his mind, Nancy speaks in a quiet voice, “Thanks again for the surprise visit, Joe. I can’t tell you how much I needed this.”
Joe nods his head a few times, staring at Nancy with a small quirk of a smile. “Anytime.”
Well, he thinks, I wish that were true. It would be true if not for the 4 hour drive I have to look forward to now. Goodie. If Bayport weren’t so dang far away from Nancy’s quaint hometown of River Heights, Joe has a feeling that both he & Frank would be seeing a lot more of their favorite fellow detective. But sometimes, kids, life sucks.
Joe clears his throat and goes to collect the trash from this soup adventure of theirs, but Nancy stops him with a grateful shake of her head.
“No, no, I’ll take care of it. You’ve got a long drive ahead of you.”
“Are you sure you can handle it?”
“I’m sick, Joe, I’m not on my deathbed. I can handle it.”
Joe nods, chuckling because it’s so very Nancy of her. “Sorry.”
They make their way back to the front door where Joe’s jacket hangs alone, but just as he’s about to pick it up off the hook he hears Nancy’s weakened voice say, “Hey.”
He turns to look at her and can tell she’s on the verge of asking him something; lips slightly parted, uncertain stance indicating a feeling of hesitation. His training for ATAC back in the day had taught him a lot about reading body language, which is something he loves to apply in his everyday life. Can really give you a lot of insight.
But suddenly her mouth closes again, and she reaches up to warm both her arms which have now grown goosebumps. She shakes her head, “Never mind. Drive safe, okay? And text me so I know you’re home!”
Joe, ever curious about things he doesn’t understand but also very familiar with Nancy as a person, chooses not to inquire about what it was she wanted to say, despite how much he wants to. Nancy is stubborn; she won’t tell him now that she’s made up her mind not to. So instead he gives her another soft smile in return, and he can tell that the exhaustion that lines Nancy’s face is mirrored in his own.
“You got it, pardner. Goodnight.”
As Nancy closes the door behind him and turns the lock, she attempts to clear up the foggy haze in her mind. It’s no secret to her that the state of her health is affecting her ability to think clearly, let alone how doggedly tired she is; she wishes she could fully process all the events from tonight, but her stupid brain simply doesn’t want to function when she feels this awful. She pads into the living room where her darkened phone lies next to Aunt Eloise’s old analog clock, unlocking it with a quick swipe and tap of her passcode. The screen is already illuminated with what she was looking for, which is the text conversation of hers & Joe’s from around 1 that afternoon.
J: hey Nance! How goes it? Any big cases pop up for you lately? N: No, unfortunately I’m stuck at home with one of the worst colds I’ve had in a very long time. 😕 How are you? J: aw man! that’s no fun! 😟 I’m sorry to hear that. J: I don’t feel like it would be very considerate of me to tell you that Frank & I just scored one of the most promising cases of our young careers… J: but… you know, you asked. N: 🙂 that’s great, Joe! Where are you guys off to? J: Barcelona! We got a tip from one of dad’s colleagues that there’s this really creepy serial killer out there. All female victims, and the guy always leaves a rose with a slip of paper, “mi amor”. Police are scratching their heads, as usual J: as usual for these kind of cases at least N: Wow, that sounds so exciting! Have fun and stay safe you two! N: When do you leave? J: Our flight takes off tomorrow night N: Oh, awesome. Well keep me posted! I’d love to help in any way I can! J: As if we would have it any other way!
That last message had made her grin a little the first time she read it - it was just so very Joe of him. Hearing about this case of theirs really invigorated Nancy’s adventurous spirit, and she wishes more than anything that she could join them on this journey - but alas, her immune system had other plans for her. She internally smacks herself on the head at the fact that she almost asked him such a ridiculous question - that if he wanted to avoid the drive home, he could simply stay here overnight and take her with him to join Frank at the airport tomorrow. She could easily purchase a plane ticket before tomorrow night, she had thought in her sleepy haze before recognizing what an outlandish idea that was. She’s way too sick to go off on a case, and she wouldn’t want to intrude anyway. Plus, if he had stayed, where would he sleep? Nancy certainly wouldn’t want to confine him to sleeping on the couch, but the Drew home doesn’t have a guest bedroom and it just felt… wrong to let someone else sleep in her dad’s or Hannah’s bed while they’re away.
She briefly – VERY briefly – considers the glowing warmth and selfish comfort it would provide to have another person stay at her side her for the night.
… Goodness, I’m really out of it.
It’s both a weird thought and a dumb one, because Joe is just a friend and she doesn’t want to get him sick. It’s at this point she checks to make sure she doesn’t have a fever, though she’s quite sure the feeling is simply from the congestion in her head.
Altogether, the whole thing was a poorly thought out proposal by a confused, debilitated mind, which is why she didn’t ask in the end. It was silly and she knows it.
She walks to the archway between the entry and the living room and lets out another groan, this one even more aggressive than the last; she needs to get some sleep. The trash on the table, truthfully, could wait until morning.
As she painstakingly climbs each stair one at a time, however, she gains enough clarity to register the fact that she was incredibly thankful to have a friend so spontaneous and caring in her life. Not many people would drive for 4 hours just to bring you a simple bowl of soup.
Her eyes fall closed as she trods towards her bedroom door, only a few feet in front of her now.
Joe is pretty cool on his own, she thinks with a yawn, it’s really too bad I haven’t spent much time with him - just him - until now.
Also… she’s going to have to ask him where he got that chicken noodle soup from. That was some really good soup.
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mysamcedesmadness · 5 years
So, Let’s Just Enjoy the Time We Have
How many days did they have left together?
Henry's time as Kid Danger had been the most enjoyable when he wasn't someone's serious boyfriend. With that new responsibility, he was always mindful that he needed to come home safe, especially after Thanksgiving.
Charlotte gave him a scrapbook for Thanksgiving. He was a little bit salty about it, because he didn't know that they were giving each other stuff for Thanksgiving. While she said that they weren't, but she just wanted him to have this - what "this" was; it was something that he would always be grateful for.
She had used her research and interviewing skills to find articles and stories about Kid Danger and to ask people around Swellview, "Why are you thankful to have Kid Danger?" Their answers were quotes that she included in this scrapbook and the last page was "Why am I thankful to have Kid Danger?"
She went on to give this long detailed report of how she felt about Kid Danger and how Swellview would never have been as safe without him. She had him all choked up and he kept that thing in a lockbox and looked at it every single night since she gave it to him.
Then, they had Christmas together. She spent the morning and afternoon with her parents, but met him at the Man Cave at 4. Everybody did gift exchanges, but Henry told her that hers were at his house, so she opened what she had from the rest of their friends and gave him his gift.
He laughed and asked, "What do you think that you can even give me at this point, after what you did for my birthday and for Thanksgiving?" But, whenever he opened it, he almost started crying. "Is this what I think it is?"
"Do you think that I made an award winning gizmo for the gizmo fair and gave you the improved version so that whenever you're killin' it at Swellview U, you won't have to worry about your spelling?"
He smiled brightly and bragged as he pulled it from the box, "Hey, Guys! Charlotte made me a Pocket Dyslexicon!"
"Actually, it's called the Communiclicker, because it helps you to make things click."
Schwoz wondered, "What does it do?"
Henry began to show him, "It has a voice to text feature that pretty much never gets your words wrong. You can record and save all of your reports or whatever and send them to documents to print… or email or whatever. And she has a feature where I can write a sample onto the screen and it can even create files in my handwriting, from my voice."
"Until more people are empathetic about how difficult reading and writing can be for him, he needs a little boost," Charlotte said, humbly.
"You are always making his life easier and better," Schwoz said. Henry smiled. That much was true. Everything about her was pure and true, to him. He just wanted to give her everything.
Then, whenever they went back to his house, she confessed, "I got you something else."
"Because that one was more functional. I wanted to also give you something nice."
"This IS nice. It's one of the nicest gifts ever."
"Yeah, but open this one," she said and gave him a small box.
Henry opened the box and there was a kinda gaudy, but he actually still loved it, pinky ring. It was white gold with November birthstones topaz and citrine, and clear crystals to look like diamonds. "I have been wanting a badass pinky ring for ages!"
"I know!" He gave her a hug and put it on, then took her hand.
Charlotte's gifts were plentiful. Henry figured he could do one good quality one and supplement it with a quantity of others. So, for her quality present, he got her this personalized surfboard, because the school she was going to was near the beach and she said that she would want to learn to surf. They were good at listening to each other. And she loved it, even if she wasn't sure if she would actually have the time to learn to surf.
He got her several articles of jewelry, a naturalista holiday gift basket, and the new Captain Man and Kid Danger talking figurines with 20 rhyming lines. "In case you miss us."
"I'm gonna be in communication with you. But, I love these. I was gonna buy them myself, but Jasper told me not to. Now I see why. Wow. In a few blinks, it'll be months from now and I'll be heading off…"
"I don't want to think about that."
And he didn't speak of it, but he certainly did think about it.
Valentine's Day was epic. Henry planned a VDay Weekend Staycation for them. He cooked, pampered and loved on her for three straight days. It was excellent. She had found the most traditionally romantic gifts that she could think of for this day, since it was really her first real one and simultaneously probably their last one for a while.
He got a huge platter of chocolate covered berries from her, a gigantic teddy bear, roses, a jumbo sized card, and she wore shirts the entire weekend that said, "Henry's Girl" on them. And Henry ate it up.
The Airbnb was in town, but he made sure that they didn't have to leave by providing everything that they needed, along with all the candles and rose petals and stuff he used to woo her for days.
Plus, he bought her a ring, too. "Is this a Pulse Promise ring?" She asked, taking it out of the box. "Henry… these cost A LOT of money…"
"I had it," he said. "Remember whenever you said that you'd rather know as soon as possible if anything ever happened to me?"
"Yeah, but that didn't mean get me a ring with your ding dang pulse attached to it!" But, as she fussed, she slipped it onto her hand. She could feel his pulse in it and she placed her hand over his heart, to feel them in tandem. "It works." She said, then sadly added, "And if God forbid something terrible happens, I'll know right away…"
"I always do my best to come back to you safely," he said. It's basically to confirm for you that I'm okay when you're too far away to really see for yourself."
"Just a couple of months…" she said.
"Shhhhh. We've got all weekend to enjoy. Don't bring it down."
It wasn't that he was avoiding the inevitable, but he really didn't want to dwell on it. Spring Break was litty. He and Jasper hung out while she checked out spaces near her college. She only had two days to actually chill with them, so they made the most of it without her.
For her birthday, since she hadn't allowed them to do anything last time, Henry told her that she'd BETTER BELIEVE that they were doing something this time. This time, she had a party with Jasper, Henry, Schwoz, Ray and Piper. They put her on a throne that Henry decorated, in a crown that he bought her and did a gift presentation. "This is really extra," Charlotte observed. "But I'm enjoying it."
Ray came up, patted himself down and pulled out a folded envelope, "Happy Birthday!"
She accepted it, looked at it and told him, "This is my paycheck."
"Hand delivered to you. You're welcome."
"I mean… I earned it, so it isn't a gift…"
"The gift is that I hand delivered it to you. You are welcome."
She rolled her eyes and waved him away, excited for whatever Henry's gift would be, though at this point, she was positive that they had been spending WAY MORE than they should have this close to their independence. Henry told her, "Don't freak out. Your gift isn't something that you can take with you…"
" Why would I freak ou…?"
He showed off his collarbone and revealed to her a tattoo that made her not only gasp but almost choke on her own saliva. "It's an infinity symbol with our names scripted into it." Everybody but Jasper gasped too.
Piper said, "Mom is going to kill you! I'm texting her right now!"
"I'm 18, Piper!" He reminded her, then asked Charlotte, "What do you think?"
"I think that's a serious and permanent decision!"
"That you love?" She was stunned. Ray pulled him aside before she could respond and she was glad, because that was SO overboard, in her personal opinion. She would NEVER get a boy's name tattooed on her. Not even Henry.
Ray whispered, angrily, "You put an identifying mark on Kid Danger's body???"
"I put it on MY body. My body, my rules."
"Your rules are being VERY reckless right now."
"Dude, if ever someone gets Kid Danger naked, I doubt they'd have left the mask on and if I die or something like that, I'll be dead. Chill out." He patted him on the back and returned to the Queen of the Day.
She came off of her throne and spoke quietly. "Why did you do that? Henry, have you ever once considered that this might not BE a forever thing?"
"Of course I've considered it. I consider it all the time. But, I know how I feel, what you mean to me, and who we are. Even if "this" isn't a forever thing, these are forever feelings for me. Besides, you're my best friend." She sighed. It was done now. "You hate it."
"I don't hate it, it's just… scary. Do you know how close we are to our lives and relationship changing drastically?"
"I'm not concerned about it…"
"Less than two months and our world shifts. We have no idea what the future holds."
"Okay, but that means you don't know if after you're done with school, we'll be inseparable again. So… I'm confident in my decision."
"If you like it, I love it."
"THAT is all I wanted to hear!"
But, she was right. Less than two months. How many days did they have left together?
"Not enough," he said to himself.
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yukhei-stories39 · 6 years
Love at first sight part 4
(A/n: Hello strangers its been awhile… I apologize. My writers block was awful for the longest time which is why I have haven’t published anything and I didn’t feel too confident with my writing. But I’m back for a little while.
With this story being so long I had a friend of mine help me edit it so I want to give her some credit to the writing Beta Reader: Lili.  Okay let us get into this story.
Again it is long… I’m sorry…)
Word count: 3,065 (I’m sorry…)
The sound of rain bounced off the car windows.
“Gosh it's still pouring.” you said, your face pressed against the cold back seat window.
You look down at your phone
“I'm going to cancel practice, it's raining to hard” you go to your messages.
‘Hey guys I'm going cancel practice today, stay safe and warm!’
Sent 4:30pm
You then changed the location of your destination to your apartment.
The cab stops in front of your complex and you moved forward to pay the driver. Once you closed the car door you ran inside.
Hanging up your jacket and bags, you go and change into an oversized hoodie and shorts.
“I should probably work on some homework.” you say walking around looking for your bag.
While you were doing your school work, your phone started ringing. You put your pencil down and grab your phone.
~Go grocery shopping~
“Aw man” you tilt your head back and hop off the couch. Looking out the window, the dove gray skies still hovered over the town.
You change into leggings and grab your keys.
The crisp cool breeze flew in contact of your skin underneath the hoodie. Light droplets of water drummed off the outstretched fabric as you pull your wallet closer to your chest for warmth.
As the shop door closes behind you, you close your umbrella and grab a basket, pulling out a list of things you need.
“Hello~” the cashier exclaims
“Hi, how are you?” you ask.
“I'm doing well today, the weather's been crazy lately!”
The bell on the door rings again.
“Oh sorry” you say moving a little out of the way.
“My gosh I know” you exclaim, finishing your previous conversation with the cashier 
“Well let me know if you need anything!”
“Will do, thank you!”
Walking from aisle to aisle you grabbed what you needed. Almond milk, tofu, chili paste, kimchi, and a couple other things. Maybe even a cookie.  
Looking in your basket you checked off all the things you needed. 
Shrugging your shoulders “I think I'll get that cookie” You said to yourself. 
You get to the last aisle and search for the cookies. Only to look up and see that the ones you wanted were at the top of the shelf. 
“Aw man.” You put down your basket next to you and start to jump reaching for the cookie. 
“Dang” You said.
You lift up one foot to the shelf. 
“Do you need help?” A man said, you could sense the smirk on his face as he looked at you. 
“Let me try first then we'll see” you said being stubborn to keep you independence. 
“Okay.” The man said taking a slight step back. 
You reach for it again and again but, you're to short. In defeat you slowly climb down and look to the ground. 
“C-can you help me?” You say finally. 
“Of course I can, which would you like?” he said with a little more sophisticated tone (joking of course).
You looked back up at your options and pointed to the one you wanted as if you were a little kid.
“The birthday cake one” You said hopping up and down with excitement. 
“Cute~” He said under his breath 
“hm~” You said still looking at the cookie
“One birthday cake cookie coming right up.” He said, reaching up with ease. 
Once he handed you the cookie, you looked at him to thank him, but then you recognized him. 
“Yukhei!” You said a little surprised.
“Hi~” He said waving in response. 
“What are you doing here, are you following me?”
“What, no. I just got off of work and came here to get some food.” 
You looked him up and down noticing he’s not carrying any food.
“You aren't holding any food.” 
“That's because right when I walked in I saw you struggling, so I came to help you.” 
“Oh, okay. Makes sense.” You then remembered that you were going to be making dinner soon. 
“Hey do you want to come over and have dinner since you haven't eaten yet. I was going to be cooking once I got home.” You said with the same small smile. 
A little taken back by your smile and offer, he stuttered. 
“Ar-are you sure?” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah! I always make to much food when ever I'm cooking and you said you haven't eaten yet so I just thought. But if you can't then it's-” 
“I would love to!” he said cutting you off. 
“Oh! Okay!” As your smile grew bigger on your face and you both walked to the check out, and soon left the grocery store. 
As you were walking to your complex the rain had died down and only trickles of water could be heard hitting the ground. 
“How far is your apartment?”
“Only one more block.” You said looking up at him. 
As you continued to walk you felt an unsteady presents around you. You stopped and started to look around. 
“Are you okay?” Yukhei said looking at you. 
You looked around one more time till you realized how long you were standing there. 
“Hm? Oh uh yeah I'm fine, I just thought I heard something.” You said starting your steady pace again. 
“Okay?” Yukhei said now looking around to see if he could find anything. 
Finally you get to your apartment and open the door to let him in. It was decorated very modern with a boho twist and plants, everywhere. 
“The plants are fake, by the way.” You said putting stuff down in the kitchen. 
“How'd you know I was going to ask that?”
“You've been staring at all of them. I just figured.” Yukhei nodded his head slightly with an ‘Oh, alright’ look on his face. Taking off his shoes he started to look around your apartment
As he looked around, he soon found a shelf filled with framed photos. He saw one of you when you were a toddler holding a fish the size of you.
“Cute~” He said looking at the photo.
He straightened his stance to walk back over to you, till another photo caught his eye.
It was of you and some guy hugging each other at what seems to be your graduation.
Once you were done getting all the cooking ingredients out, you looked across the room to see Yukhei looking at the picture. You walk over.
“Ah I remember that day.”
Startled the six foot man making him jump slightly.
“Did I scare you?” You ask.
“What no…” He said in a high pitched voice, focusing back at the picture.
“Is that your boyfriend” He asked
You look back at the picture.
“Ha! no, that's my brother, boyfriend haha.”
You walked away laughing.
“I might as well have you help since you’re here, so can you make the rice?”
He peeled himself away from the photos and walked into the kitchen.
“Sure” He then starts to wash the rice as you warm the pan, to sauté the vegetables.
“Do you cook a lot?” He asks
“Yeah, it gives me a sense of home. What about you?”
“Every now and then; majority of the time the kitchen is too crowded as other people are cooking dinner.”
He puts the rice in the cooker and then leans back on the counter.
“But when I have the time I make a mean ramen.” He said poking the side of your arm.
You chuckled at his response
He smiled with a sense of satisfaction.
“Oh do you, well we’ll have to see about that.”
“Are you challenging me?” He asked.
“Maybe, but that will have to be another time.
(Another time? What do I mean by another time?)
Yukhei's face contorted with excitement and confusion (‘Did she say another time?’).
A weird tension grew between the two of you, not an awkward tension but more of a comforting tension.
“Okay!” You say breaking the silence.
“Is there anything else I need to do?” he asked.
“From what it looks like no, so you can just hang out food will be ready soon.”
With that Yukhei left the kitchen only to sit at the counter next to it.
As you continued cooking he watched every little move you did. How you would toss everything in the pan with your left hand and then mix with your right. How delicate you were when adding new ingredients. How strands of you hair slowly loosened from your messy bun, as it hung in front of your face. He still didn't understand why he was so drawn to you, but he just felt if he looked away just once he would miss something important.
While you were mixing you turned to look at him and noticed he was starring.  
“What?” You said with your small smile, tucking the lose hairs behind your ear.
He felt his heartbeat faster,
“Oh nothing” he said waving it off
“Are you sure~” You looked at him more closely.
“I'm sure~” he said nodding his head
“Okay~ food’s ready!”
The fragrance of the apartment was deliciously sweet yet spicy. Yukhei's eyes  looked over the dish as you brought it over to the table as steam slowly followed.
Once the table was fully set up he moved over and sat down.
“Ready?” You exclaimed as you uncovered the delicious dishes.
Yukhei nodded his head vigorously with excitement.
You lifted the cover and a cloud of steam rose, bubbling could still be heard from the bowl and the smell only became more prominent.
“Ta da!” You said motioning a quick movement to create a dramatic effect, only to giggle at the end of it.
“Oh my god! This looks so good!” he said with his big smile plastered on his face.
You started to plate the dish and handed Yukhei his bowl. He was eager to try it but, wanted to wait for you. As he waited the sweet and savory smell caused him to drool.
“Okay, I want you to try it first” you said lightly putting down your bowl.
With that he quickly took a hardy bite; as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“Mmm!”  he said going for another bite.
“You like it” you asked with a big smile on your face.
“It's so good what is it!” he asked with his mouth full.
You laughed at the sight you had in front of you covering your mouth.
“It's Mabo tofu with bulgogi but in a soup form.” You said still giggling
“Wah so good!”
“I'm glad you like it” you smiled as you began to eat your food.
With every bite, he made a noise and with every noise you would laugh.
For the majority of dinner the two of you were to focused on eating to talk with one another. When you both finished eating Yukhei suddenly breaks the silence.
“I have a question.” Yukhei asked asks, slowly putting his bowl down.
“Yes?” You question as you look up from the table.
“What's your job? like where do you work?”
“Oh?” You exclaim, surprised that you had forgotten “Did I not tell you?”
Yukhei shook his head no.
“Well” You start, putting down your chopsticks “I'm a dance teacher.”
Yukhei's eyes widen
You start to giggle and nod your head.
“How long have you been teaching?”
“Um…” You say lacing your fingers together; looking up to the sky to find your answer.
“About 3 years. I've been doing it since I was 15.”
Yukhei's eyes got even wider; to the point of him looking almost like a bug (‘She's 18’ He remembers).
“So how long have you been dancing?” He asks
“Almost 15 years, but the crazy thing is I just got an offer to choreograph idols!” You exclaim; jumping up and down waving your hands in front of your chest.
After you said that he didn't know how to react.
“W-wow” Was all he could say
“It's a dream come true!” You said with a big smile plastered on your face.
“Uh, do you know who you'll be working with?” He asked, fiddling with his fingers.
“No not yet, they said that I should know by next week.”
While processing your answer he starts to nod his head and slowly look around.
(‘Why is he acting different now?’)
“What's your jo-"
“Oh! Look at the time! ” He exclaimed “ I have to go.” He said cutting you off.
“Oh, uh, okay?” You question, slowly getting up to bring the dishes back to the kitchen.
Before you could grab anything from the table Yukhei had already taken them to the counter.
(‘What has gotten into him?’)
“Are you alright, is everything okay?” You ask cautiously walking towards him.
“Y-yeah everything is fin-" He stutters; almost as if he’s out of breath. Before he could finish his sentence you tenderly place your hand on his forearm to try and calm him down.
Yukhei looked down to be met with your doe like eyes.
“Is everything alright?”
He takes a deep breath, smiles, and nods.
“Don't worry, everything is fine, I just need to get home and get some sleep.”
You stare at him deeply with a look of uncertainty
“Okay... well at least let me give you the leftovers so you can give Mark and Taeyong some.”
You say, slowly taking your hand off of his arm.
“You don't need to do that, they'll be fine.”
You were already behind the counter grabbing the containers.
“But I want to. Also you'll get to have some, as you clearly loved it.” You say with a calm smile and a small wink.
“No buts.”
With a sigh of defeat, he walks over to help you.
Ten minutes pass and you finished packing the food and cleaning the dishes.
The food took up four medium sized containers.
“Okay these are ready to go.” You said placing the bag of food by the door.
“Do you just want to place them in the fridge?” He asked
“I thought you said you had to go?” You questioned
“I found out it wasn’t anything important, but I can go if you would like.”
You look at the time
“How about you stay for a bit. I still need to find out what your job is.”
You winked, walking back to the kitchen to put the food in the fridge.
(‘Where is this confidence coming from?’)
Yukhei took out his phone to see who texted him.
Fat Kun (Yukheis phone):
‘Lucas when are you coming back we have an early practice tomorrow remember.’
Lucas (Kuns phone):
‘Okay, I’ll come back now.’
Fat Kun (Yukheis phone):
‘Okay well hurry it’s already 7:30’
Lucas (Kuns phone):
‘Okay be there in like 30 minutes,Oh and I have food for tomorrow’
Yukhei puts his phone in his back pocket and looked at you and smiled.
You were reaching for a mug at the top shelf murmuring on why you put it up so high.
You lifted up your leg to climb onto the counter but before you could Yukhei grabbed it.
“Here you go” He said as he handed you the yellow mug
“Thank you, do you want some tea?” You ask as you went to turn on the kettle
He let out a sigh.
“Sorry I  can’t, I have to go.”
“Aw why, can’t you stay for a little longer?” You protest
“As much as I want to, I have to get up early tomorrow.” He said frowning.
“Okay.” You say as you slowly make your way to the fridge.
Walking Yukhei to the door, you handed him the food.
“Thank you for having dinner with me.” You said with a small shy smile.
“Cute~” He sighed under his breath.
“What?” You question looking up at him.
“Oh, uh just thank you for having me, I had fun” He said tightening his grip on the bag.
“I did too, we need to do this again, and then we can really see who’s the best at making ramen.” You say with a smug look on your face.
Causing the both of you to laugh.
As he waved goodbye and started to walk away you shouted; “Text me when you get home, okay!” Hopefully loud enough to where he could hear you.
“I will!” He said waving “Bye!”
“Bye!” You said slowly closing your door.
Your smile was plastered on your face as you felt your cheeks become warm to the touch.
“Ah I’m so happy!” You said pressing your cheeks with your hands as you went to work on homework.
As Yukhei walked back to his dorm he felt the light mist of the rain come in contact with his face.
Looking up at to the sky a full smile started to appear on his face, causing him to smile like an idiot.
“Ah so happy!” He exclaimed opening the door to his complex.
You were sitting on the couch, diligently working on a paper; when suddenly your phone goes off
Yukhei~hei (Y/ns phone):
‘Made it home safely’
Y/n ♡♡ (Yukheis phone):
‘Good, don’t forget to put the food in the fridge!’
Yukhei~hei (Y/ns phone):
‘You think I would forget?!’
Y/n ♡♡ (Yukheis phone):
‘In all honesty’
‘Yes, that is why I am reminding you’
‘Now go to bed lol’
‘Well did you?’
YukheiYukhei~hei (Y/ns phone):
‘Such little faith’
‘YOu know what!’
Y/n ♡♡ (Yukheis phone):
‘Nighty night! ♡’
You went to place your phone back on the couch but it went off again.
“Ash I told this boy to go to sleep”
You look at your phone.
Mr. Boss Man [Mr.Hyunjoon] (Y/ns phone):
‘Hey Y/n! You’ll actually be starting tomorrow’
‘Here’s the address *****’
‘Your class will start at 8:30 in the morning’
‘See you then!’
Y/n [The new choreography teacher] (Hyunjoons phone):
‘Okay, thank you!’
‘See you tomorrow!’
Mr. Boss Man [Mr.Hyunjoon] (Y/ns phone):
“Okay, I guess it’s time for bed.” You sigh slowly getting off the couch, to pack your bag for tomorrow.
Part 4
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obscureoldguy · 6 years
Why We Don’t Chat Chit About Flop Flips
From the E-mail newsletter “Now I Know”
“English is largely made up of the rules we don’t know that we know,” 
In English, adjectives typically come before the nouns they modify -- e.g. "large cat," not "cat large." That rule is generally well known and easily articulated and is even likely taught in school. But what's less well known -- and typically not explicitly taught -- is that adjectives typically follow an order among themselves. That is, native English speakers tend to intuitively order adjectives the same way despite not having been formally taught any rules on how to do so. In the book The Elements of Eloquence author Mark Forsyth explains:
[A]djectives in English absolutely have to be in this order: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose Noun. So you can have a lovely little old rectangular green French silver whittling knife. But if you mess with that word order in the slightest you’ll sound like a maniac. It’s an odd thing that every English speaker uses that list, but almost none of us could write it out. And as size comes before color, great green dragons can’t exist.
It really is something we take for granted. For example, take the children’s tale “Little Red Riding Hood” -- she not “Red Little Riding Hood, as “size” has to come before “color.” And similarly, it’s the story of a good little girl going to her grandmother’s house, not of a little good girl doing the same -- “opinion” has to come before “size”. The rule works -- and all the time.
Well, almost all the time.
Forsyth's book came out in 2013 but it went viral three years later when a New York Times writer named Matthew Anderson tweeted the paragraph above. Bemused social media mavens shared the tweet more than 50,000 times because it's almost always true, and because they almost never realized it beforehand. But some of those 50,000 noticed a problem. Take another look at the second Little Red Riding Hood example. She’s a "good little girl," right? So, what about the Big Bad Wolf? Given the rules above, the antagonist of that same story should be the “bad big wolf” -- but he isn’t. Why does the “opinion-size” part of the rule work for Riding Hood but fail for the Wolf?
The short answer, as Forsyth explains, is another rule -- one which takes priority over the one Anderson quoted.
That rule pairs with something called “ablaut reduplication.” Reduplication means, simply, that we take one sound and repeat it. You can probably think of a few examples, but if not: trains go “choo choo,” kids go “pee-pee,” and at times, we depart with a “bye-bye.” Reduplication doesn’t require that all the sounds in the root word be repeated, though; while those three terms are examples of “exact reduplication,” there are other versions as well. “Ablaut” refers to a change in vowels and therefore, “ablaut reduplication” is when most of the word is the same but the vowel changes. Here’s a short list of some examples:
pitter patter hip hop knickknack ding dong zigzag jibber jabber badda-bing, badda-bang, badda-boom
By and large, those are nonsense words which, reduplicated with a vowel change, become something meaningful. Flip the order of the reduplicated words, though, and they’re nonsense yet again. You don’t zagzig through a crowd. Frere Jacques’ morning bells don’t go dong dang ding. And Mr. T really ain’t got time for no jabber jibber. It all makes sense in our heads, for some reason.
And if you look carefully, you’ll see a ruleset within those terms. The word with “i” comes first, followed by the one with “a” and then with “o” in the rear -- this happens 100% of the time. Take a totally nonsense word -- let's say "glank," to literally make up a word -- and apply ablaut reduplication. "Glink glank" sounds right, "glank glink" sounds off. This rule, unlike the adjective-ordering one, is immutable -- and therefore, it applies to proper nouns, too. As a result, we have tic tacs, King Kong, and yes, the Big Bad Wolf.
Why do we do this? We don’t know. Forsyth,
writing for the BBC, noted that this is the “subject of endless debate among linguists” with no satisfying explanation to date. But, he points out, maybe the “why” doesn’t matter: “English is largely made up of the rules we don’t know that we know,” and yet, that hasn’t stopped us from chit-chatting with one another.
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sonsoflucis · 6 years
a few ffxv blog recs | 2.16.18
@inconsistencys: if you are craving some ffxv fluff and amazing wordsmithery, boy, do i have the blog for you. actual sunshine incarnate. and, uh, she writes some amazing noctis. just sayin’. 
@hextme: fuckin’ WERK, they post playlists??? based on the boys??? and then write really fucking good pieces based around them??? aesthetic??? also they have a sweet bum and an even sweeter mastery of the english language.
@gladiolus-mamacitia + @roses-and-oceans: gay as hell and honestly, i ship these two more than i ship fictional characters. they are both so GOOD AT THINGS. one has twin aus that are kicking my ass with CUSTOM PLAYLISTS and the other has A WEREWOLF GLADIO STORY GOING AND I AM DEAD. DEAD. fRICK. 
@strikecommandher: currently on hiatus, but is hopefully gonna come with a vengeance with some ffxv smut. in the meantime, check out her freaking kick butt overwatch smut. be wary of tags. ye be warned. also: a babe. 
@kupo-kisses: a new blog, so virtuous, so pure. kekekekeke okay, but really, she does some good ding dang nsfw. i dunno if requests are open, buttttttttttttt i’d give her a follow. 
@chocobruh-art: HER ART??? IS???? AMAZING???? WHAT EVEN??? also she is a real life pixie elf and i would totally smooch her, 69/10
@titusdravtos, @mp938368: my glaive babies. titus support group. amazing in every way. pure. untainted. close to my heart.
i know i missed a ton of people, but my heart is just overflowing with love. so much love. i can’t WORD RIGHT??? i am just??? so happy??? you exist??? 
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