#I mean if a song is sent to me and it's on Spotify I'll listen but like
giganotus · 4 months
You know I totally get why so many people are saying things like "expand your horizons and listen to rap and other music, especially from black artists" and I agree with those statements
however I'm a mess when it comes to looking for music IN my horizons you know how rare it is for me to find a new song to add to my continuous loop of songs?
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fireintheimpala · 7 months
McLennon Playlists
I have been working putting together some McLennon playlists. I mean "McLennon" pretty broadly and vaguely with these lists, so choose your own adventure. It's a useful short portmanteau for for the creative partnership of Lennon/McCartney. But I do also think there is a powerful human relationship here, disregarded from the classic Beatles narrative. And I think this relationship is pivotal to much of their songwriting.
This is a work in progress but here are the acts so far:
Act I: The Beatles before India '68. This is a foundational period. For the most part, I don't think these songs are consciously referencing each other. Rather, they providing a foundation for future references. That said, I think Hide Your Love Away deserves a second look.
Act II: The Beatles after India '68. The contrast is remarkable. Not everything on this list is written by Lennon/McCartney. I think George's While My Guitar Gently Weeps is actually the best expression for the whole time. Anyway, they're breaking up. Passionately. Chronology is a total mash since most of these songs were written or produced in a small period of time.
Act III: The 70's up through approximately 1975. Here especially the chronology of songs begins to be sacrificed for highlighting some back and forth. I personally find their mirroring right after the Beatles--with the front and center band wives and antipodal messages right when they're sending each other cutting missives through hit singles--hilarious. But after that you get this escalating back and forth in moods. Still sent through international hits! Lol. Which they simply presume will work. Anyway, if you listen in order, the positivity increases. Unfortunately, a playlist shift is required once John returns to Yoko in 75ish.
Act IV: '76ish through 1980. After a period of musical productivity and reconnecting with old friends including McCartney, John returns to Yoko. Let's not weight into that but merely note that it changes all music vibes for both musicians. John goes completely silent for 5 years, except for later release home demos. (I'm using Spotify for this which doesn't have most of Lennon's demos unfortunately. But the demos for Free as a Bird and Real Love are recorded during this time so those songs are included. Now and Then demo also, but c'mon let's save that.) McCartney in the meantime writes a series of IMPASSIONED songs about things like his baby who won't call him back, and his lover who needs to beware. Idk what is going on with Wings in production, but LIVE he is absolutely wailing. He starts '76 going on tour worldwide with every song so far I would ever include in these lists. He wails into that void so hard... Things dip, but then escalate back up in 1980. Coming Up. Starting Over Again. But then unfortunately...
Act V: Post Dec 8, 1980. Pending. There's a lot here, but it's so sad it's taking me awhile.
Please contribute suggestions if I've missed relevant songs!
I'll be working on providing more details explanations of some song inclusions.
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starrywangxian · 4 months
link click ost - where does it play?
i'm a little diseased so i went through the whole of link click season 1 so that i could make a list of where each song on the ost plays. i thought i'd share it in case anyone else is curious too~!
some things to note first:
be aware of spoilers!!
if you'd prefer to listen to it in a playlist, here's a spotify version :)
here's a youtube version too :) - be aware that the songs won't repeat so they'll only be in order of the first time they're played bc youtube won't let me add the same song more than once :(
if you notice any mistakes or errors then please let me know!
feel free to add things in the reblogs/comments/tags <3
i'll be using the chinese versions of the songs!
i'm working on doing season 2, episode 5.5, the extras and daily life in lightime but i did this to procastinate studying for my exams so i'll do those soon? (i recently finished season 2 so i need to emotionally recover before i rewatch it again bc damn it did a number on me)
episode 1: EMMA
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - the opening where cxs goes into a picture
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening ofc
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the first mission
arabesque by av4ln & yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma talking to mr. zhu
pray by 天門 - cxs as emma talking to her parents on the phone
overcome by 天門 - cxs as emma thinking of her parents cooking spring rolls
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma in the meeting
dear candy by the cheers cheers - emma riding on her bike home thinking of her parents, reading the message that cxs sent to her parents, on the phone to her parents
overthink by 饭卡 - the ending ofc
episode 2: 秘方 (secret recipe)
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the second mission
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening
relaxation by 天門 - cxs and lg looking at the photos on their sofa
hazy by av4ln - cxs as yu xia and talking with lin zhen
memories by 天門 - cxs as yu xia as she eats noodles with lin zhen
invigorate by 天門 - cxs as yu xia trying to get lin zhen to tell her the secret ingredient
pray by 天門- cxs as lin zhen taking the picture with yu xia
overcome by 天門 - cxs as lin zhen in the taxi looking through her bag
与你有关 by 泠鸢yousa - the noodle lesbians <3 "林贞" "欢迎回来" T^T
overthink by 饭卡 - the closing theme
episode 3: 只许输,不准赢 (to lose, not to win)
news by 天門 - ql listening to the radio on her run as a man watches and follows her
calm by 天門 - chen xiao calling ql an old witch!
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance time
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg and cxs talking about the photo and chen xiao explaining his case, cxs going into the photo!
turbulence by av4ln - boooo the other basketball team are bullies, cxs in the basketball court and complaining about his glasses, the boys are basketballing and getting their asses handed to them, lg dusting the bookshelves like an unbothered king, cxs as chen xiao taking a photo with flash and the big bad bully basketball player injuring lu hongbin (the captain)
silence by 天門 - lu hongbin has to sit out and cxs subs in for him
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao subs in an kicks their asses! yeahhh go sports! (i really love how this part is animated, it looks so good and flows so well) also cxs thinks about his and lg's "first meeting" confirming that sports are gay.
alright by av4ln - cxs as chen xiao is playing "bad" basketball bc lg said he can't win :(
decision by 天門 - the chemistry teacher (mr. ma?) explains to cxs as chen xiao that the school will get rid of the basketball court so this will be the basketball team's last game :( "what exactly does basketball mean to you?" again cxs is thinking about his "first meeting" with lg over a basketball game.
hero by 天門 - lu hongbin hurts his bad knee and cxs as chen xiao subs in again and slays the court! big baddy basketball bully number 2 slaps chen xiao and big baddy basketball bully number 1 steps on his glasses :( (again i know nothing about basketball and have no interest in it but this part slaps, the music paired with the fluid animation is so good)
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao says 谢谢 to the big baddy basketball bully who stepped on his glasses and gets a three-pointer so now the basketball teams are tied. lg tells cxs to leave the score at that but cxs as chen xiao passes the ball and... scores!
overthink by 饭卡 - intense basketball cliffhanger outro
episode 4: 告白 (confess)
sprint by 天門 - intense basketball recap from last episode, as lg explains that you can't change key moments in the past (everyone point and cry at the hypocrit)
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance break from the intense basketball gaming
irritation by 天門 - cxs having a breakdown bc he changed the past by winning the game :( lg's face is blurred during the flashback of his and cxs's "first meeting"??? double meaning??? lg is not there thinking that this basketball game meant that lg doesn't exist or that cxs and lg don't meet hmmm
silence by 天門 - the chemistry teacher explains that the basketball court will still be torn down despite them winning :(
memories by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao giving lu hongbin a ride home on his bike as he delivers the message :)
wind by 天門 - chen xiao's first love and lu hongbin's half-sister liu meng :) cxs as chen xiao takes pictures of the siblings <3 then lu hongbin takes a picture of the love birds <3
peaceful by 天門 - liu meng walking home cxs as chen xiao, cxs delivers chen xiao's message to liu meng <3
pray by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao eating food with his mum :) but lg says that they still have to argue :( so cxs delivers the message to chen xiao's mum <3
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs realises that it's 12th may 2008... :(
overthink by 饭卡 - intense and sad outro :( what will cxs do?
episode 5: 告别 (farewell)
decision by 天門 - again lg is telling cxs not to change key moments in the past huh sure hope that doesn't bite him in the ass in the future, cxs thinking about the villagers and the earthquake/landslides :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dance break as if your heart isn't about to be ripped from your chest
silence by 天門 - mumma cheng singing to her son cxs :(
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as chen xiao trying to warn lu hongbin and liu meng about the earthquake but the family are all arguing :(
turbulence by av4ln - lg guiding cxs, liu meng and lu hongbin talking, mumma chen packing things and then hiding under the table
beginning by 天門 - mumma chen talking to chen xiao then singing the same song that mumma cheng sang to cxs to her son chen xiao as cxs as chen xiao cries :( xcs experiencing chen xiao's memories of chen xiao's mum and his own mum :(
silence by 天門 - mumma chen saying goodbye to her son and husband :(
时光教会我的 by 邹俊健 - chen xiao and his dad at his mum's grave :( hearing chen xiao's messages :( flashbacks of chen xiao taking pictures of his mum :(
pray by 天門 - adult chen xiao singing the same song that his mum sang to him (and cxs's mum sang to cxs) to his child as he thinks of his mum :(
overthink by 饭卡 - policeman jumpscare and cliffhanger ;0
episode 6: 寻子 (search of the child)
news by 天門 - dou dou asking his mum to play with him
irritation by 天門 - dou dou's mum noticing that he's gone :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - sad and intense dancey dance :(
decision by 天門 - flashback of lg comforting cxs about chen xiao's case, "don't ask questions as the past will always change because of us" :(
turbulence by av4ln - policeman jumpscare take 2, ql shooing xiao li (the policeman) away (as she should), dou dou's dad asking for help
silence by 天門 - cxs giving harsh advice to dou dou's dad :(
dear candy by the cheers cheers - ql explaining how she saw dou dou being taken away :( scenes of dou dou's parents and flashbacks of dou dou and his family :( dou dou's dad putting up missing posters of dou dou :(
news by 天門 - xiao li looking through files and noticing that page seven isn't there hmmm
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg looking at the surveillance footage as dou dou's dad recounts what happened that day
chase by 天門 - cxs chasing dou dou and the kidnapper as lg guides him
overthink by 饭卡 - oops cxs bumps into people who recognise him ;0 cliffhanger once again >:(
episode 7: 梅姨 (aunt may)
sprint by 天門 - "you must keep a low profile as if you were never there" whoops, cxs sprints away from his problems, mission failed, we'll get 'em next time
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - recover for a minute with some dancey dances
(idk but it's when ql breaks the news to dou dou's dad that they couldn't find anything and confesses that she saw dou dou being taken away)
mission by 天門 - cxs finding a picture taken by dou dou the day he went missing! lg taking a look at the picture
turbulence by av4ln - cxs as dou dou picking up the marble, looking at the trafficker's face, xcs sniffing the ball and getting drugged then taken away, walking past ql and xu shanshan
(i'm not sure but it plays when we see dou dou's memories of his dad giving him the triple star warrior toys)
ominous by 天門 - cxs as dou dou looking around the hotel room, looking through the trafficker's bag
power by 天門 - cxs as dou dou beats the shit out of the trafficker (mei piyan) both physically and emotionally using the move master siwen taught him
hope by 天門 - dou dou reunites with his family :) dou dou's dad was finding the triple star warriors :') mei piyan is caught yippee >:)
overthink by 饭卡 - run the cases by lu guang first so that cxs won't see the photo of emma :')
episode 8: 错失的讯号 (lost signal)
turbulence by av4ln - lg looking at the photos
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - anywayyyy let's not think about the implications
wind by 天門 - "xu shanshan" arguing with cxs, ql talking about their college days and explaining xu shanshan's case
memories by 天門 - flashback of ql and xu shanshan talking about dong yi, flashbacks of what happened that night
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan picks her nose to reject that one guy, ouch)
(idk but it's when xu shanshan and dong yi take the picture together)
入海 by 毛不易 - the song that xu shanshan sings in karaoke!
ominous by 天門 - cxs as xu shanshan recognises the serial killer from the photos and follows him
peaceful by 天門 - what dong yi said to xu shanshan :)
overthink by 饭卡 - that's not xu shanshan...
episode 9: 善意的恶果 (consequence of goodwill)
turbulence by av4ln - phone call with mystery man
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance
ominous by 天門 - ql taking cxs's phone away and lg explaining the situation to xiao li, lg looking at the surveillance footage of the serial killer and telling the police his liscense number then seeing cxs in the footage
mission by 天門 - cxs going into the footage on his own without lg ;0
(idk but it's when the police go to liu min's house)
(idk but it's when emma is telling her plans with her parents to liu min in the car)
(idk but it's when emma is struggling in the car with liu min and cxs is in the boot)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - emma's mum ringing her but she can't answer... :( emma thinking of her parents, cxs thinking about what he's done and screaming in the boot of the car
decision by 天門 - cxs revealing that he knows what he's done :( and telling ql that he can enter photos
overthink by 饭卡 - cliffhanger ;0
episode 10: 圈套 (trap)
ominous by 天門 - recap of last episode: the police telling lg that liu min wasn't the killer and that emma was walking alone
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - distract you with dancey dance
silence by 天門 - cxs remembering what happened to emma in the photo
strain by 天門 - lg checking the selfie of xu shanshan and seeing xu shanshan in her apartment getting attacked
pray by 天門 - cxs deciding if he's going to go into the photo, cxs putting photos in the red room, the police in a meeting, chen bin telling lg that he hasn't found xu shanshan in her apartment, cxs entering the photo
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan yells at himself)
news by 天門 - liu min is his house drinking and reading the news/checking social media
overcome by 天門 - ql telling cxs as xu shanshan about cxs, cxs thinking about his childhood with ql (they're so sibling-coded :') <3)
peaceful by 天門 - flashbacks to lg helping ql and cxs paint the shop :')
turbulence by av4ln - cxs asking to take the lead (let him cook!), the killer outside the shop, cxs as xu shanshan confronting the killer
power by 天門 - lg slaying!!! running to trap the killer in the red room, cxs as xu shanshan slaying the killer!! (i really love this part okay)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now then, this game... is over!" AND THE CROWD GOES WILD
episode 11: 帶着光的人 (pinnacle of light)
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - cxs starts the process that prevails in season 2 where they will explain things after you've already seen them happen so he's explaining his plan to capture the killer with a recap of what happened last episode
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - last dancey dance :(
power by 天門 - the slay confrontation from last episode but now with the added context of cxs's slay plan (this part is really cool too)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - the confrontation, cxs going into the photos of the victims as we see their memories and their deaths :(
ominous by 天門 - "liu min" being arrested, chen bin saying that lg is mature for his age hmmm
turbulence by av4ln - "liu min" explaining what happened with emma
clouded by cled - flashbacks of emma's life: with her parents, at her job, her parents texting her as she stands on the bridge
keep in mind by 白鲨JAWS - cxs talking to emma on the bridge as we see flashbacks of emma and flashbacks of cxs going through the photos, xu shanshan seeing dong yi :') "eventually, we will meet people who will shine their light on us" :')
(idk i was too busy crying but it's the part where lg says "death is a major node that cannot be changed" and ql cuts an apple...)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now the game has been reset" WORST CLIFFHANGGER OF ALL TIME, WHEN I GET YOU DIRECTOR LI WHEN I GET YOU!!!
songs that are in the album ost but that i couldn't place:
(maybe they were unused or were used in other stuff that wasn't the main donghua like pvs or smth)
joke by 天門
ordinary by yuma yamaguchi
afternoon by 天門
luminous by av4ln, yuma yamaguchi
struggle by 天門
nostalgic by 天門
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BPP, am really really interested to read your thoughts on Seven!
Ask 2: Hey bpp, can i be honest?? Ive been checked out of the fandom but still keep track of any music releases. So i didnt know abt any rumors abt 7. Imagine me being kind of disappointed that it’s another english song from jk when i watched the mv😅 it feels like his most promoted songs since last year has been all eng song… idk i wanted & expted something diff… i didnt like l&r, dreamers and now 7… it’s back to back lol. Tbf i didnt like My You too and thats in korean. At least not enough to listen!again after the first listen.
Im happy that still with you is finally on spotify tho. I’ll still be waiting excited for his album whenever it comes out. Hopefully ill find something i like in it!!
[BPP Note: Both asks above were sent before my "I don't like it..." post. The asks posted below were sent afterwards.]
Ask 3:
Same here
All the hype didn't matched with the song
1. rest members songs had so much depth and substance to it while this was the cliche boy chasing a girl song. Like we always dont need deep songs but the quality could be so much better. This was like just another pop song.
I think I'll put this on same level as BAD DECISIONS. But for bad decisions, atleast the chorus was staying on my mind while for this nothing was catchy enough for us to humm. Just because it's JK it will get hype but otherwise it's so generic. I think I liked LEFT and RIGHT way better than Seven. Even the rap portion felt so unnecessary and boring.
2. MV was kinda nice because of the production but concept was too shallow, the stalking and chasing was so outdated. In my country we have like 9293928843837 MVs in this same concept that not many make the same theme songs again.
3. The choreography. We haven't seen the full version. But for tiktok they do the highlight portions if that's so mediocre idk how rest will be. It was again giving the same mediocre showing off choreography and for me backdancers ruined it with their awkward moves.
4. they wanted this song to be played everywhere around the world. But there was nothing catchy enough to attract gp or go viral on tiktok, even if we sped it up. The only way to make everyone listen is to shove it down their throat but doing payola. But idk if investing in payola is worthy for the song. I also doubt the longietivity, as for me it was boring after 2 listens. I'll rather listen Like Crazy or wildflower or closer 20 times than listening this once.
5. I HOPE he'll bring something fresh to the table for his album and don't involve this mediocre producers who uses the same formula and same superstar persona to make a song successful. He is so much talented to sing a song which is so rich in melody and lyrics. And he can produce way better songs by himself.
Prolly a 4/10 for me
Ask 4: troye sivan's rush (which also came out last night) is exactly what I wish Seven was. I don't mean that in a 'I expect the things JK to make to be gay' way just in the way it's a fun, very danceable, sexy summer song that doesn't pull its punches. Something about seven feels too run through a commercial sanitizer a few times, even with the explicit lyrics.
Hi Anon(s),
Jungkook likes to fuck.
Rather, Andrew Watt likes to fuck and thinks Jungkook can relate.
JK has been talking about wanting to show more mature and explicit sides of himself for a good long while now. So I’m glad he’s finally gotten to do that, confirming for us why he keeps getting noise complaints from his neighbours since the mattresses all over his apartment don't help.
BTS has made songs explicitly referring to sex before (though it's been mostly the rapline doing so). So it's nothing new but I guess it's cool JK gets to share with us that he too has sex.
The question I posed to my friends immediately after watching the MV is, “Do you know who's been doing A&R for BigHit since 2020? I really need to know who is doing A&R for BigHit in America because they’ve been doing an appalling job lately. I'm starting to wonder if it's an inside job cause this song is kinda ass.”
That was me ~11 hours ago.
I didn’t like the song.
I’ve streamed Seven about 20 times since then I think, took a break from the song for a few hours, watched his GMA performance, caught a few minutes of the Wlive, then listened to it again just before writing this post and…
I still don’t like it.
Jungkook did a good job on the song, Latto's verse wasn't terrible, and while the song itself isn’t bad… the song isn’t good either.
It’s painfully, and at this point it’s a pattern so I have to add, predictably, mediocre.
Reserving judgement for the album, but Anons, I agree with you for the most part. The suits at BigHit are trying but they are woefully out of touch with the reasons BTS blew up in the West in the first place. I don't even feel like spending any energy doing a review or even trying to explain what I mean. So I'll just ramble on for a bit but try to keep it brief.
I have to give BigHit some credit because I can see what they're going for here. Andrew Watt is a very celebrated producer in the US, he won the Grammy award for Producer of the Year in 2021, he's got A listers in his portfolio. So, he's not a cheap name to book and I can see why the suits at BigHit thought he's the genius to gift them a song clinically designed for American radio.
But that pandejo phoned it in. There isn't a lick of creativity to be found anywhere in all 3 minutes and five seconds.
It reminds me of VIBE by Jimin and Taeyang, as the closest analog to the vague dissatisfaction morphing into annoyance and then pragmatic rationalization I experienced in that same sequence when listening to it the first few times.
The song is disappointing because we've all heard it before. Too many times, and we're bored of it. We've heard JK sing this sort of song for years, as covers mostly. So on one hand, while I guess it's nice JK gets to have an American summer JB-reject pop tune of his own, it's not good enough to be the track that introduces him to the world as a solo artist.
It's fine for any white, blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob that can ride on a pretty face and implicit bias to rack up accolades, it's not good enough for Jungkook.
And BigHit needs to start using whatever leverage a US$10.6 billion market capitalization buys you in Hollywood, to insist for songs that are at least as good as the songs made by BTS members and produced by their in-house team. It's a waste of money and everybody's time to fly a battalion to LA just to record 2014's summer hit in 2023.
In my opinion.
Still With You > Stay Alive > My Time > Stay > Left & Right > My You > Dreamers > Seven
All that said, I can't ignore JK has a taste for songs like this, and it's not his fault the song is shit (he didn't write, compose or produce it), so technically he shouldn't be punished for it. And the song is made for radio, while it's not my personal taste a lot of people really like the song (one of my friends likes Seven the most out of all the BTS releases so far), and it will catch on with some support. So, ARMY will support it including me, just to a lesser degree than I've done so far. Fingers crossed JJK1 has something solid on it.
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darkniters · 28 days
i wrote this in 2022, please enjoy
sitting by your pc, you're not really paying much attention to the monitors, but more blindly scrolling on your phone. seeing your creator friends making tweets come up on the timeline, and even getting some interactions yourself.
you've got one ear under your headphones, the other laying limp behind your ears, when suddenly a familiar notification chimes from your pc, the same on your phone.
you've received a discord message! but sitting in a ball on a chair seems much more appealing right now, maybe the notification can sit for a bit?
the thought wasn't properly considered, as you were already leaning forward to move your mouse, clicking on the messaging application.
it's a dm from ted!
the single way conversation read as such:
you better answer you stupid son of a bitch or i will rain hellfire upon you
they were all sent within the same minute.
pls be nice to me ted nippleson
what do you want, i have no more corpses in supply, you're gonna need to wait another week for that.
are you INSANE
i do not CARE for your pitiful corpses, fool
however i have made you something (oooh ted i wonder what it is)
you couldn't deny you were weary of what ted prepared for you, but curiosity consumed you as you continued to type on your keyboard with satisfying clicks.
i am very frightened ted
have i ever told you that you are a very scary man
nope, but its good to know that i have that sort of power against you.
anyways, i hope you like this, took me a bit to put together
[ link ]
looking over the link, it sent you to spotify, and you clicked into it. a gasp escaped your throat.
ted made you a playlist! and it had some of your favorite songs and some of his own. this was the first time anyone ever made you a playlist, and you were deeply touched by it. another discord message was sent.
it was very difficult to put together, please oh please im begging on my knees make more playlists public i can't keep guessing the songs you like from twitch con 2 years ago.
ted you actually got it super on point, very impressive top man!
yea cause im never wrong (y/n)
you switch the playlist on, it didnt seem to be in a liminal order. scanning through the songs, he was REALLY on point. you read the description of the playlist.
whats up pussy supreme (you are scared of me, admit it)
you've been on the ted nivison brain waves recently, and yea we talk and game a lot but i feel like a thank you is in order, so check it out! a playlist of the shit you listen to (and some of what i listen to too)
thank you for taking quality time out of your life to talk with my stupid ass
reading this, a smile never left your face. the fact that he even did this in the first place was just so nice!
DUDE you killed that shit
i gotta like make something in return
you silly goose
the reason i made the playlist to arch over both of our music tastes is so you dont need to do anything!
naaaah i'll make you something for sure dude
spending my time is bare minimum, you do the same with me!
new songs keep playing during the conversation, but when 4:00 comes around, teds gotta head out
alright wise guy
you're lucky i have a video to record right now
or else this would continue
enjoy recording dude, im gonna keep listening to this playlist that you've created for my fine ass
i hope your video corrupts
and you
shit yourself during recording
and you lose power
I DO????
conversation then fizzled out.
you took one more glance over the playlist and noticed something.
some of these songs were made for confession.
you didnt question it, maybe it was done because he likes them, but also some of them were completely out of the ordinary im the playlist, and stuck out like a sore thumb.
little did you know, ted put those in deliberately, seeing if you'd notice and ask about it. maybe not now, but at some point. and maybe, just maybe, he'd have the balls in telling you how he actually feels.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
I just heard a fantastic song that is absolutely Johnlock, and hopefully you find it fits the playlist.
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
And this lyric is just...so absolutely perfect:
And I hold you every night That's a feeling I wanna get used to But there's no man as terrified As the man who stands to lose you
Love you Steph! 😘
[Verse 1] For a while there, it was rough But lately, I've been doin' better Than the last four cold Decembers I recall And I see my family every month I found a girl my parents love She'll come and stay the night, and I think I might have it all And I thank God every day For the girl He sent my way But I know the things He gives me, He can take away And I hold you every night And that's a feeling I wanna get used to But there's no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you
[Pre-Chorus] Oh, I hope I don't losе you Mm, please stay I want you, I need you, oh God Don't take Thеse beautiful things that I've got
[Chorus] Please stay I want you, I need you, oh, God Don't take These beautiful things that I've got
[Post-Chorus] Oh, ooh Please don't take
[Verse 2] I found my mind, I'm feelin' sane It's been a while, but I'm finding my faith If everything's good and it's great, why do I sit and wait 'til it's gone? Oh, I'll tell ya, I know I've got enough I've got peace and I've got love But I'm up at night thinkin' I just might lose it all
[Chorus] Please stay I want you, I need you, oh God Don't take These beautiful things that I've got
[Post-Chorus] Oh, ooh
[Outro] Please stay I want you, I need you, oh God I need These beautiful things that I've got
(Lyrics from Genius.com)
Hi Lovely!!!
OH GOSH this is a wonderful song for the playlist, I mean the whole song is pretty Johnlock, but yeah, for sure that selection you chose just hit me hard in the feels. LOVE it. Thank you so much for adding it!! <3
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bisonaari · 1 year
This is an invitation for you to tell more about your finnish music obsession
I want to hear what artists you're enjoying and what you think about finnish music in general!
Ok so I've mainly listened to UMK artists so far lol so bear with me
First of all, first introduction with finnish music in my life: when I was a teen, In the shadows by The Rasmus was my entire personnality. I've listened to that single so fucking much you have NO IDEA. My parents hate rock and metal, and they were my first introduction ever to music that was heavier than pop 💚 I'll forever be thankful for that
A few years ago my friends sent me some Beast in Black and I stopped counting how many times I've listened to Sweet True Lies and Blind and Frozen, those are just so good. I love the 80's inspiration in them and the singer's voice is absolutely incredible HE HAS THE RANGE. As I said in a previous post, gonna go see them live with my boss and her gf next saturday, they were coming to my city and we couldn't miss that 🤟
Notable mention to Lordi, Hard Rock Hallelujah will always slap
Then Käärijä arrived and I haven't been the same since lol. He made me want to listen to more music in finnish, because finnish has a rythm and melody that I hadn't heard before, and it adds something really unique to music that I really like, scratches my brain in the best way possible
First I found Jukka yt channel and he covered some Turmion Kätilöt and I swear that this band altered my brain chemistry they're just SO GOOD. They're a lot heavier that what I usually listen to but I truly don't mind because the mix of synths and heavy music and scream is just the right balance I absolutely adore what they do, and I think I'm gonna follow them for a long time
Then I started to listen to UMK music, first being Benjamin. Man, that guy's voice is so fucking angelic excuse me?? Illegal. I've listened to GAY about 200 hundred times in a row woops
Started to listen to Portion Boys as well right about the same time, and I have to say that I like most of their songs. Everytime I was pressing next on spotify I was like but that one is good as well? And so is that one?? And that one too??? Like I don't think that I've found a Portion Boys song that I truly dislike. The 80's vibes just stole my heart. Elämän ABC my beloved
Been listening to a bit of Kuumaa lately, and by that I mean that Tulipalo is my entire personnality woops I haven't listened to any other song in days
Sometime the past month I've been made aware of Seppo on bi and it's been plaguing my mind I hate it I love it
Got also some Antti Tuisku in there! Grindr Mayhem of course, but also En kommentoi. Some BESS with Ram Pam Pam because it SLAPS
I've also listened to @king-krisu 's finnish music essentials playlist, and I like most of the stuff on it? I need to pay better attention to exactly what songs I prefered but I really enjoyed most of the stuff in it
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hazelira · 1 month
right here | JAKE
Alexa, play right here by keshi on Spotify
Jake leaned against the practice room wall, sweat trickling down his face. His phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him from his thoughts. He pulled it out and saw messages from his friends back home in Australia.
Jake's friend 01: "Hey, mate! Where’ve you been? Not seeing you in class anymore. We miss you!"
Jake's friend 02: "Jake, when are we going to hang out again? It’s been ages!"
He sighed, a pang of guilt twisting in his chest. He had left so abruptly to chase his dream of becoming an idol, leaving behind his life of soccer, orchestra, and physics. He feared they wouldn’t understand and think he was abandoning them for something foolish.
Another message appeared from his best friend. Think some words are overdue. Could we do it over? Can we talk it out like friends because I need your shoulder?
Jake’s heart clenched. The memories of their time together flooded back—hanging out after school, talking about music and dreams, supporting each other through everything. He had missed them more than he realized.
I know it's random, but how have you been? Do you remember about this band you said you listened to? When we were younger, when we were softer, when we were all about each other. I hope life is treating you better.
He typed a response, his fingers trembling. "Hey, I miss you guys. It’s been tough, but I’m thrilled here. How are you all?"
Their replies came quickly. "Jake, we’re so happy for you! We always knew you’d do something unique. Keep following your dreams, man."
Jake felt tears sting his eyes. He had been so afraid they’d be angry or disappointed, but they were still supporting him, still cheering him on from halfway around the world.
He read another message. Boy, what's with that? Yo, cut the act. Because I don't get time for laughs. No, I do not want the past. But if you are ever in need, and God has you down on your knees, and you do not know who to be, then go on and come home to me. Because I'm here, if you need me, I'll be here. Right here.
He sent a heartfelt reply. "Thank you. Knowing you guys are behind me means everything. If you ever need me, I’ll be here too. Right here."
As he sat down, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. His path was sometimes difficult and lonely, but knowing his friends supported him made it all worth it. He thought back to the lyrics of Keshi’s song, the reminder that no matter where life took them, they’d always be there for each other.
And how do you like this new guy? I know you always want a new life. I hope you are taking care of yourself like you cared for me in my time. See you got yourself some new friends. No, you don't need to go to Brisbane. You got me thinking back about it.
He sent one last message. "You guys are the best. I’m taking care of myself, just like you taught me. Let’s catch up soon."
Jake put his phone down and looked around the practice room, where he was building his dreams. He smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and connection. He wasn’t alone—his friends were with him, in spirit if not in person, which made all the difference.
If you need me, I'll be here. Right here.
And he knew that no matter where this journey took him, he’d always be there for them, too—right here.
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n7viper · 2 years
While I'm going through my metal revival, do you have any band recs? Favourite songs of the moment? 😌😌😌
oH man... you know not what you ask. I rewrote this so many times trying to make something coherent 😩 I'm just alskdfjdlgkf at all times. I don't know if you want a handy list or if you want me to infodump about music, so I'll try to be Normal about this and just do a list for now. I tend to listen almost exclusively to metalcore/hardcore adjacent music, so that's the tl;dr of this whole post. I like screamies and breakdowns that make me want to throw hands/drive my car through a brick wall.
First off: I love last.fm. You can see my all-time (aka 2020-2022...) listening habits here if stats are your thing. It's not as Snapchat-like as Spotify's Wrapped, but I can also get a mini "Wrapped" report every week so I think it's pretty cool.
If you've seen me mention music, you probably know I'm bonkers about Motionless in White, so I'll throw them out there as their own little paragraph. Goth/horror isn't my thing at all, but something about their music just does something to my brain that makes me end up in the top 0.005% of their listeners on Spotify last year 🙃 It was really hard to narrow it down to two songs, but I'll suggest Devil's Night (synths! yeah boi) and Scoring the End of the World (feat. Mick Gordon!).
Bad Omens - Dethrone / Blood
ERRA - Sol Absentia / Eye of God
Beartooth - Below / Beaten in Lips / honourable mention to The Last Riff (instrumental!)
Stray From the Path - Goodnight Alt-Right / Chest Candy
I Prevail - There's Fear In Letting Go / FWYTYK
Fit for a King - End (The Other Side) / Reaching Out
Trivium - The Phalanx / Strife
Stick To Your Guns - Hush / No Way to Live
Norma Jean - 1994 / Penny Margs
Electric Callboy - We Got the Moves / Spaceman (feat. FiNCH)
Bleed From Within - I Am Damnation / Into Nothing
Make Them Suffer - Doomswitch / Contraband (feat. Courtney LaPlante)
Alpha Wolf - Akudama
Bury Tomorrow - Abandon Us
Every Time I Die - It Remembers / Planet Shit
Thornhill - The Hellfire Club / Nurture
Underoath - No Frame / I'm Pretty Sure I'm Out of Luck and Have No Friends
I also made this into a playlist on Spotify if you listen there! I also have a longer suggestions playlist here on Spotify if you're interested. It has a lot of the same stuff and more, if the first one tickles your fancy.
Friday was Bandcamp Friday over on, well, Bandcamp. This just means that Bandcamp waives their fees for artists for the day, so artists receive basically full sales. I don't listen on there as much as I should, but you can find me and my collection here. Here's some fun stuff I've found or been sent:
Transgressive - Seize the Means of Reproduction // trans thrash
INTERRA - In Your Hands // melodic death metal
orphantwin - Future Classic // melodic ??? metalcore? idk man. side project for two of the guys from Norma Jean
G.L.O.S.S. - DEMO // punk
Sharptooth - imperfect animal // hardcore
Employed to Serve - Conquering // metalcore
PUPIL SLICER - Mirrors // grindcore
Vein.fm - This World Is Going to Ruin You // mathcore
SION - self titled // metalcore, ex-Killswitch Engage vocalist
Khemmis - Deceiver // doom metal
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evermoredeluxe · 2 years
11.26.22: well I guess I'm here now and it's time for the first of my weekly ask/ newsletter. Hi I'm star <- pseudonym I get bored a lot so I decided to start a weekly newsletter that summarizes all the things that have happened in the past week. This new letter will mainly be for the swiftie community but I will definitely talk about my other interests! If you don't want to receive these asks just say and I'll remove you from the list if you wanted to be added to the list feel free to ask me. Anyway here of some of the things that happened this week!
•Still no lavender haze mv 😔
•Joshua Bassett is going back on tour
•The department of justice is investigating liveNation Ticketmasters parent company
•Spotify wrapped might include a personalized message to fans from artists
•Twitter almost went down and it's users rushed here
Fun Fact: when a cat rubs against your legs it means they love you <3 Song of the week: Dear Reader By Taylor swift
stars! i saw your ask but i’ve been busy and couldn’t get around to answering, im sorry :/
i NEED the lavender haze mv and it seems like we’ll get it this friday or next friday (it was sent to radios as a single this week so here’s to hoping 🤞) . i don’t listen to joshua bassett but that’s great. and the tm investigation was long overdue, happy that taylor catalyzed it. i use apple music but didn’t spotify do them last time too. like special videos by artists in the songs most listened to playlist ??
dear reader SUCH TASTE !!!!! have a nice week bestie <3
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tolerateit · 2 years
FIRST AND FOREMOST, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 💓💓💓 i hope you had the gentlest and best time with your loved ones, and that you spent the time surrounded by all the love and happiness you deserve and so much more! 💖
it's been some time since i last came so i'm afraid i might be asking/talking lots of things today, i hope you don't mind 🥺
ohhh your top of albums and songs makes me go 🤩🤩🤩 dancing with our hands tied is one of my favourite songs; it's so NJSHDBHBHCCDHUYVC. all of folklore of course it's chef's kiss; along with evermore it's my favourite album! (i count them as one because of how much i love them and also to be able to count another album in my top). dear reader and yoyok are also some of my faves off midnights!! i must confess it took some time for the album to grow on me (in contrast to folklore, which was love at first sight and listen) but i agree on it being very raw and honest. on that note, seeing taylor grow and mature, not just as a person but as a musician and lyricist, is a very special thing to witness; and watching her most recent work, such as midnights, portraying and embodying that growth (which many of us have had too along the years), is just something that makes me very touched.
PARALLELS!!! the colour references are just!!!!! just!!!!! i love them too!!! i wish i could rant about them as eloquently as some people in this fandom but my only braincell can only do so much. my favourite perhaps might be the blue in hoax (don't want no other shade of blue, but you) and the golden in dancing with our hands tied (deep blue, but you painted me golden). picture me screaming crying etc just thinking about it (i am very normal about it). also i just remembered a line from troye sivan's blue (i want you, i'll colour me blue) that is making me lose my mind sjdhbhdbdfh.
i'm soooo eager for the lavender haze video 😭😭😭 i love the song and the visuals we've seen are absolutely gorgeous so i'm like ahhhhhh just drop it please 😭😭😭
asides from taylor, what are some of your favourite artists? what other albums do you love? what other songs hold a special place in your heart? what was your top spotify wrapped song this year? what is your favourite song taylor has written (considering the lyrics only)? if you were to describe yourself in three songs (from taylor or any artist), what songs would they be? what is/are your favourite books? what is your favourite drink? what is your favourite season? besides english, do you speak any other language?👀👀👀👀
oh lastly, from all the words you know, what is your favourite word? this one's just a dumb curiosity of mine 😅
finally some misc stuff:
OMG WHAT DO YOU MEAN FALL OUT BOY CHANGED THEIR ICON AND ARE POSTIGN THINGS??? i've been eager to see new music from them but i don't really follow them that much, although i really like some of their albums
scarlet and maroon are the cutest kangaroos i've seen 🥺🥺🥺they look so fluffy i am cryinggggg
i saw your comfort movie is disney's alice in wonderland, that's so cool 😭; do you like disney movies? (asking cause i love those movies!)
the edit you posted is so pretty!! i love that question...? lyric JSBHDYBYD
after such an extense ask, i just want to send you lots of hugs and best wishes 🥰 i hope you're healthy and doing well, and i'll read you soon 👀 also i apologise in advance if there's any spelling or grammar mistake in here, i am more worried about accidentally not hitting the anon ask option and exposing myself like a clown 🤡
-🎅 (your santa swiftie) (clarifying since i'm sending this from my laptop and i'm not sure if i picked the right emoji)
HIIII SANTASWIFTIE 🥰🥰🥰 I'm gonna answer this in parts as you have sent it lol MERRY CHRISTMAS (Late) i hope yours was wonderful darling, xo ask away i am ready
I'M GLAD YOU AGREE WE BOTH HAVE TASTE lol.. i love watching taylor grow. as a person, a lyricist, a public figure, a woman.. i love her. i can't wait to see what she does next. when i see her live i think i'm gonna completely fall apart lmao
THE BLUE REFERENCES!!!!!! YES!!!!!! AND all of the different reds!!! PURPLE PINK SKIES. i could go on and on. her use of color is so good because it literally paints a picture in your mind of what she is saying. queen shit.
lavender haze mv is gonna kill me i can't wait for more big tshirt dancey taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok my other top artists are: halsey, harry styles, 5SOS, fall out boy, demi lovato, twenty one pilots, ariana grande, lorde. ALBUMS OMG. 5SOS5. manic by halsey, mania by fall out boy (I'm bipolar so this is funny to me) leave this town by daughtry. melodrama. metamorphosis, hilary duff. let go, avril lavigne. if i can't have love i want power, BADLANDS. someone stop me? emails i can't send.
special songs: two pieces by demi lovato, bishops knife trick by fall out boy, holding on to you by twenty one pilots.. i'm with you by avril. top song this year was STATE OF GRACE (TV) MY BELOVED!!!!!!! oh my god fav taylor song by lyrics only??... probably.. mirrorball. i thinkjfkjdsgj
describing myself in 3 songs: mirrorball (heh), fire starter by demi lovato, still learning by halsey
favorite books: doctor sleep by stephen king <3333 it by stephen king, all of LOTR (Including the hobbit).. wuthering heights !!!!!!
favorite drink: lemonade! if u mean alcoholic.. tequila with any kind of juice or vodka cranberry
favorite season: autumn!!
i took 4 years of spanish in high school and retained a little of it, but otherwise no. my memory is awful, i should have maintained my studies
MY FAVORITE WORD???? .... Bailey. my kitty:)
fall out boy changed their icon to this weird yin/yang looking thing idek and there's a link to a weird video that makes you think you did drugs and you can rsvp to something without knowing what it is by giving your info this better mean new music i'm losing my MIND.
scarlet and maroon are cuddly but scarlet keeps falling out of maroon's little pocket! thankfully she is attached but between me moving around and cuddling her and my cat playing with it she's like hangin on barely lol
i love disney movies, they comfort me a lot. the older ones more than the recent ones, though.
Bailey is the fluffy king of my heart
thank you so much this was really fun to answer all of these!!!! you're still a mystery, don't worry !!! you're the best xo hope you're well honey!!!
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mosviqu · 1 year
lmao yeahhh at least the self awareness is there it's something iguess😭
i just hope i will grow to like them one day cuz i dont want to let go of the 03liners💔 their choreography and fits were great but i just hope they will get better songs next time or sumn (sorry if there are any boynextdoor fans who are reading this) DUDE SAME I WAS SO HAPPY ABOUT HIM!!!! (jiung is amazingggg) AHHH IM SO EXCITED AS WELL this is probably going to be my fav ep from them judging by the previews or whatever they are called🤭 IM GLAD SUNOO IS APART OF OUR CREW😌JUST A GREAT ADDITION REALLY!! (ooo at least the number of 03liners that i know about is growing xd)
THEY SHOULD JUST HIRE U THEN ACTUALLY LMAO U WOULD BE THE BEST PROTECTOR!!! and now i know that i definitely do not want u to get mad at me🥸
so true but i think writing might be like that as well because before i sent u that ask i literally just didn't really write in english at all😟 IM GLAD U UNDERSTAND ME🥳 ohh god i'm sorry but that's kind of a funny story ur poor roommate😭 I HOPE U GUYS STILL HAVE THEM JUST TO WATCH THEM BACK AND LAUGH (or cringe)
the tiktok algorithm just knows how to get people hooked onto something:o AND YESSS HE IS SO ADORABLE!! i only know them as well in addition with yujin(youngest) and gyuvin(my beloved) but the poor three left just feels like i will never get them😭😭 2hours is just too long of a time istg
(ajhdhdjfj dude when i read ur authors note i also almost cried i started reading it on my bus ride home so i think people thought i was crazy or sumn lmao) and also i can't remember wether i have replied to ur last reply on ur main or did i only reply to it in my head so if u would let me know i would appreciate it.-. (liebestraum anon💕💕)
no bc its so unfortunate i truly hope the next comeback is better 😭😭😭 im sorry boynextdoor fans it just wasnt for me sadly 😔 if the music is good we are more than happy to recruit new 03 line besties to the squad tho!!
THE CB LOOKS SO GOOD i keep hearing the song on tiktok and each time i think its out already and i go check it out and its not. this could be very well prevented if i just checked the cb date but im honestly too lazy so ill just wait for it to appear in my spotify notifs or something 😭😭
I AM THE BEST PROTECTOR its the aries rage and loyality ❤ also being the only daughter of the family helps SSHSJ. also dont worry i usually dont get violently mad at my friends i usually just turn petty on them so. no fights here dw dw AHAHA
no bc if i didnt have tumblr i just wouldnt use english much either LMAO also i feel like that every time i write a fic after a long time i feel like i turn rusty and i just cant get anything out of me 😭😭 takes me a few mins to adapt truly. also i would say poor my roommate but honestly she didnt know what major to pick so she copied me so thats on her 🤷‍♀️ (jk im glad we stuck together ive known her for 4 years now and if it wasnt for her i would be handling uni much worse than i am). ALSO WE DO HAVE MOST OF THEM but some got deleted 😔💔
LITERALLY the tiktok algorithm is my bestie but also my biggest enemy (have i mentioned that i got into wilbur through tiktok. :,)) but yes hanbin is the new love of my life thankyou. i am so excited for their debut TT lets hope i learn their names quickly AHAHA
YOU DIDNT DO BADLY W THE RECOMMENDATIONS I JUST NEED TO BE IN A SPECIFIC MOOD FOR NEW SONGS I GUESS 😭😭 i'll update u on all my next progress w the tbz listening party <3
:(((( crying is strictly prohibited with matters thay include me. /j ((also if u mean on rrxnjun,, i replied to your ask after u sent this one ?? Im not really sure ??? but as of now i have no more asks from u!)
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cookingforsatoru · 1 year
Helloo everyone! There's so many of you asking about lily of the valley random stuff so here I am answering it all<33
Lily of the valley most asked questions:
Title meaning?: Lily is a flower, and for me lily is the most memorable flower (not my favorite flower but yeah) because lily is the first flower that my best friend gave me when we were kids. And lily of the valley is a song that I'm addicted to.
The flow of the story:
Lily of the valley as I said earlier it is a memorable flower for me. And based on my memorable experience the flow of the story is full of memories I don't mean to spoil you guys who read my series but the story is all just memories of- oops I'll cut it there. So yeah eventually the story is just memories, a beautiful story to be told.
How many chapters will it take to finish lotv?:
Okay that one I don't know, but I'm guessing 8 - 10 chapters, and I'm not going to make a season 2 because it's hard writing that series 😭🤞 but! If you guys want I'll make some story cracks about them.
What is Your motivation in writing lotv?:
The song lily of the valley. It's such a calming song that to listen to, the story is I was listening to lily of the valley on Spotify while I was studying psychology stuff that my law prof assigned me to do 🧍 (like dude chillax) so yeah then I imagined stuff THENN I saw my baby rindou, my standie rindou in my desk staring at me and I knew I had to make a series of him and making him a villain and a cheater then making his brother, his beautiful brother the angel sent by Satan 😩🤍
When is the next upload?:
Idk either, but as the author I guess I'll upload the #4 next week or so, really busy at uni rn since it's our finals so I'm always having assignment, projects, essay, and the thesis I'm working on, and on my free time I have a dozens of headaches😔👏 but I'll still try to write some fics to distract u guys 👽🤘
Okay amen, I'll rest in peace now. My prof gave me a 15 mins break and I'm gonna take a nap and never wake up 😞🤍
-vi,uri,ysa and all my other personalities
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thorne1435 · 2 years
You're pretty close with your interpretation of Secukupnya. Most interpretations of it is quite similar, describing a life of living paycheck to paycheck, empty and/or broken homes, and a generally dull existence. But it's fine to let go sometimes, be sad. Secukupnya itself means "just enough". Drink a bit, take a tissue paper to wipe away those tears. It'll pass through when you're able to move on and continue.
Also... Idk why but uhh.. are your links broken? Where you recommend half alive it sends me to a Tally Hall song (I love em) and Green Day sent me to a Nirvana song? Just wanna confirm if that's your intent hahah 😅
Also, have more songs:
One Big Beautiful Sound - Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards
Peradaban - .Feast (This one has translated lyrics on Spotify!!)
Holland, 1945 - Neutral Milk Hotel
The Wolf - SIAMES
One Big Beautiful Sound: holy fucking shit
holy. fucking. shit.
Peradaban: Yeah, uh, I'm not gonna use Spotify, and I'm not sorry. Anyway, this seems like it might be about Indonesian politics? I know nothing about Indonesia. I didn't have a world history class 'til high school and it was a shitty one that basically only covered western history, and even then it was only in reference to how it affected America, so like...yeah. I don't know if I should be alarmed by the nationalism or not, but given the fact that Indonesia is pretty close to Japan and China, and also two places the UK occupied, and also a place the USA occupied... I'm just going to assume that they're dealing with the effects and remnants of some kind of imperial occupation and that the nationalism is okay, in the same way that Irish Republicanism is based, despite them still being "republican".
Alright, you get the Sturgill Simpson, now.
Holland, 1945: Ah, white boy with guitar my fa-- oh. Ah, fuzz-rock, my favorite genre! Actually, when was this, late-'90s? That's pretty early for fuzz-rock, I thought that was a more recent development. Anyway, the instrumentation is my favorite part of this song. Lyrically, this song borders on that Joe Hawley-esque "I am saying vague, artsy words. They mean whatever you want." But I don't think that's what's happening. I'm sure there's a meaning to this that I'm just missing. I'm sure there's something anti-capitalist here. I can smell communism...but my brain refuses to connect the dots. I'll come back to it later.
You might like Pre-Either Light Vundabar (mainly the Gawk album).
The Wolf: Ah, Siames. I should've known you'd come for me eventually (ive never heard a siames song in my life but youtube really wants me to) (i'm pronouncing it sigh'a-maze btw). This one's sort of dance-y. Like, the intersection between EDM and Rock. I actually really like this style but I can never find any song using it that speaks to me y'know? I was big on Portugal. The Man in middle school/freshman year because they do things kinda like this sometimes but I don't listen to PTM anymore because I realized that their songs only have substance if you're high or hyperfixated.
You might think this is kinda funny, but for some reason this reminded me of On Melancholy Hill.
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seokmins · 2 years
Surprise, it's me! The healing you've sent my way did its job, I think. Was suddenly in the mood to do things, go out, get shitfaced with friends (doing a GoSe drinking game, of all things). All thanks to your magical powers! 🥳 How are you, though?
I just noticed that your username underwent a change after all! 😁 It's the holiday spirit, it gets the best of us 😘
I am like "miss you" every time I hear Baekhyun's voice in any track, solo, EXO oder SuperM, so I absolutely get it! And Taemin also needs to come back asap, that precious human being. I mean SHINee overall is doing fine in his absence, as expected, because they are SHINee, duh, but there is still something missing. I want them all free and together again.
Who my other two ults are, you ask? Firstly there is Jay B from GOT7 and secondly -- and that might thrill you (or not, idk) -- it's DK. It's a longer story how he got in there, but idk if you are interested. But yeah, it's those three and I think I've chosen wisely (unless Baekhyun or Seokmin give me secondhand embarrassment, but I will suffer through that with fondness). Who are your ults?
I've heard that there is new stuff in the works for KARD. They just did a tour, I think, and they've got a new management/CEO, so it's understandable that they haven't had a cb yet. They probably had to settle in first.
Ooof, that list of songs you sent. All those songs really float my boat. So I guess you are more into the uptempo stuff than the quieter, ballad-sy songs?
So good to hear you're doing well <3 that sounds like a lot of fun and I'm super glad hehe! I'm doing okay ~ hanging in there 💪🏻
yes!! i decided to be a bit festive for the holidays haha but I'll go back to normal afterwards <3
Omg yes, i saw smth on spotify about baekyun so that's super exciting, when i have more time I'll have to look into it 👁️ and omg ik it's been ages since we had taemin back let alone shinee altogether freed ahah, like you said they can sincerely hold their own but we need them together to be complete!!
mr jay b is such good taste 🫦 i think his vocal color is just so distinct and lovely to listen to and I've loved a lot of his solo releases!! also omg seokmin hehe i love that and ofc if you want to share i'd be interested in listening <3 ajskdjf yes we must all suffer from secondhand embarrassment unfortunately 😭 which is okay as long as they are not getting into any terrible scandals or doing horrific things on the side 🙇🏻‍♀️
as for my ults ajksdjf i'm terrible i usually go for vocal and/or subunits but like at this point I've lost track of mostly everyone 😭 which i feel bad for but it's so hard for me to stay updated on everyone esp w/ how much content svt gives us but i'd say like booseoksoon, 3racha, and a few from ateez/nct/monsta x are in there too </3
i'm glad to hear that about kard! I wish them nothing but success and good luck, i know they are pretty generally loved outside of south Korea so i hope to see them tour more places near me, that would be nice! but i hope the transition isn't too rough.
ooh i'm glad!! technically yeah, if i'm actively listening to music i prefer upbeat things esp cuz i usually am doing a lot of active work around the house or outside. but i do love ballads i just don't listen to them as often 😭 more so if I'm like driving somewhere long or just chilling haha.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Oh- um… mother i do not know what to do- 😭 this is basically the first time i've used devianart but it's probably the wifi i think… i hope…
But Oh god w8 i just got flashbacks, im pretty sure "very good bad thing" was the one song i always heard my classmate blasting when i was in highschool and when i mean blasting i mean it, since he was part of the audio visual club he could easily borrow the speakers (the bluetooth ones that keep saying the bluetooth device is not connected or smth like that)
But i didnt even realize it was also from mother mother, i probably tuned out the song 💀 (forgot to add Back in school to my favourites, i did the song such a disservice)
I can literally talk about TUYU songs for hours without getting tired, their songs are just so relatable also i find it kinda amusing how their bangers are so upbeat but hold so much weight in the lyrics (its the typical meme, japanese songs beats: ✨💖😍🌸 japanese songs lyrics: 💀😭💀😭)
I also recommend "YoiYoi KoKon" and "No title" By Reol, "Oh No!," "Bubblegum Bitch," "Are you satisfied," and "Teen Idle" by MARINA (Tho i love all her songs since i was like in god damn 6th grade) would like to add more but um i think this is already too much (like wayyyy too much😭) and most of the songs i like left are from basically mixed together
I just realized after i sent the ask i forgot the anon tag on the last one oops 💀
-Lady in the lake
I noticed the missing signature but at least I know it was you hahaha
It doesn't look like a wi-fi issue to me but I will try and check it using my laptop tonight when I go to write, I'll find a way!
And yes yes, it's quite a different vibe from their usual songs but it's so good, I accidentally stumbled upon that whole album and it's all so good I really cannot recommend it enough. And Back In School is actually the first ever song I've heard from them, which pulled me to listen to all their works so it's a special one for me <33 (and a concept song for a Tighnari oneshot of mine in the future)
It kinda reminds me of Eve and YAOSUBI(?) with upbeat rhythms <33 but :(( lyrics. Omg Reol I love her - AND MARINA TOOOO, I love all those songs hahaha! Don't forget Primadonna there too!
Besides these, my main genre is actually indie *looking at playlists* Or a jumble of songs that pass the vibe check and is now on repeat in my mixes, my YouTube Mixes and Spotify Playlists are drastically different now that I think about it hahaha
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