#I might soon
. . .Before Jigen had left the room, there was an instance, just a small one, where he had stopped and turned, as if in hesitation. As if he couldn’t leave, least not at that moment. Hand still on the doorway, he had turned his head to look back behind him.
And it appeared, after some deliberation of his own, that Jigen found himself turning back around slowly, and soon he was once again at the bedside, leaning forward over the sleeping form of his partner. As he watched, as if by its own accord, one of his hands had slipped up under the blanket that covered Lupin. It traveled up slowly, taking its time, before finally stopping just between the flat surface that made up the middle of Lupin’s cloth covered pecks. And it was there that it lay nestled, fingers held tightly together, palm flat over his partners heaving chest. Once it found the spot it wanted too, Jigen turned his hand just a little and pressed down as firmly as he could without potentially causing any additional damage to his friends already battered body. 
He waited for a moment, only to finally at last feel what he was inadvertently searching for, just under the middle center of his palm. 
The telltale, soft thumping of a heartbeat. 
The machine’s beside them beeped in tune with each sluggish thudding of his partners heart, and yet somehow Jigen felt more solace in feeling it for himself underhand, then he had solace in seeing it played out in front of him. It was as if he was for certain that the machines- the only thing’s now keeping his friend’s damaged body alive-  were still somehow lying to him, only telling him what he wanted to hear, and not what was actually the truth.
In fact, Jigen felt in that moment, that if he didn’t feel it for himself, that he would find that this was all just some sick dream that he had cooked up. And that in fact, his friend had indeed died on that cold, wet and desolate street corner, not even a day ago, and that he had simply refused to accept it.
Refused to wake up from.
But there it was. That exquisite little vibration radiating through his touch. The soft and rhythmic  thumping that was keeping his best friend going. And yet somehow, it felt. . .tired. Slow and sluggish, as exhausted by its own existence.
Jigen stared at him for a moment, as if almost shocked by just how fragile Lupin looked at that moment. His face made a slight scowl, and soon as he stared the world went silent, no beeping, no whooshing, nothing. And as time stretched, so too did the silence stretch with it, heartbeat after heartbeat under palm – taut, excruciating. And it was then that Jigen could hear his own heart beating with an ominous force, no different then that of a kettle drum held somewhere deep within a cave; it’s echoing pulsations rattling the very foundation in which it lay. As he stared, Jigen took one glance at the door from under his hat and, once he saw that the two of them were indeed alone, he suddenly closed the distance between the two of them and took the side of Lupin’s face in his spare hand, fingers mindful of the various tubes and do-hickies scattered about, the tips of them gently gliding and scratching against Lupin’s scruffy sideburn. 
His hand moved slowly, deliberately, the moment paced in such a way that it would give Lupin the chance to pull away if he so desired too. But Jigen knew he couldn’t, not now anyways. . .there was no movement under his hand beside the small, faintest of touches his hand did that moved Lupin’s head just so. But Lupin made no attempt to move himself, his head and his cheek simply just hung limply in Jigens soft hold.
And it was there. . .against his hold, that Jigen left only the barest brush of his lips against Lupin’s brow, his hat obscuring the view from outside eyes.
“Dors pour le moment petit lapin, tout ira bien. Don’t worry about anything for now”, he whispered softly, his face just a hairbreadth away, his fingers flat against lupins fluffy cheek, taking solace in the light weight against his hand.
Just then, the tender moment between the awake and the non-awake was interrupted. Jigen heard a noise, and rose his head up just in time to see headlights come rapidly up the wide gravel pathway that lead into the hospital’s entrance; it were wheels squealing, the gravel in the pathway flying in all directions, the beam from the headlights casting a wide shaft of light that Jigen could clearly see, illuminating the misty drops of rain that had begun to fall softly that pattered the window with even softer plipping.
The scowl on Jigens face had returned. He moved quickly and looked through the window down into the street. There was a curved courtyard that had steps leading down into the street and the street was empty of cars. But whoever came into the hospital would have to come through that entrance. He knew he didn’t have much time so he ran out of the room, but he still took the time to stop, and give one last quick glance to the unconscious figure behind him; the soft beeping of machines now like a lullaby to balm his psyche. 
He knew better now. So he ran, the only sound to follow him, the soft clicking of his heels against the waxed floor and nothing more.
~~Lupin III: The Lavender Jacket Series (Chapter ???)
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Did I almost cry when I saw Technodad was doing a stream? Maybe! Am I gonna cry now? Also maybe! Fuck dude I miss Techno but I’m so happy that we have Technodad now. The entire community will always miss Techno but at least for me Technodad is making the fall a bit easier, even 5 months later.  BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD :D!
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applesaucesea · 1 year
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chongoblog · 1 month
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willgrahamscock · 7 months
I think staff doesn't realize that all they have to do to make this website profitable is stop changing the UI, leave tumblr as it used to be and ask people to donate to maintain the server it runs on. Ao3 gets double and triple their donation goals because we are dedicated to keep it alive and it would be the same with tumblr. The first step is to accept that we hate change and none of us are leaving. Let us reblog our little images and stop trying to turn this website into a cash grab. This website is full of little freaks with disorders, we are not profitable but we are loyal. Let us have one place where we feel at home.
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parallel play
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andyridgeley · 2 months
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 113
“I seem to have been taken hostage.” Batman’s words almost had Superman panic if not for the wry tone, a tone which the others didn’t know if their freaking out was to go by. Clark sighed through the comms, tired after battle and honestly wanting to go to bed now.
“I’ll be right over, what child has latched onto you now?” He asked while switching to a more private channel. 
“I can already hear you making fun of me…” Wha- Oh. Clark bit his lip to keep himself from laughing as he took to the air. “They appear to be a pair of twins with…” 
“You gotta’ say it Bruce, you gotta’,” Clark couldn’t stop the chuckle when he saw his friend on the top of a building, cape curled around his form in a way usually reserved for the robins. 
“... with dark hair… and blue eyes…” That was it. Clark absolutely lost it in laughter. 
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rebisrot · 8 months
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serv0z · 15 days
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dyke-in-crisis · 3 months
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I have noticed a pattern & I’m guilty of all of these
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wasyago · 4 months
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welp, didn't manage to get everything out before season 10 started, but i gotta post it one way or another so here we go! heard there was a fandom swap game going on, wanted to do a couple promts of my own :D
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applestruda · 1 year
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Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Winter
(Aka hermit ladys as mucha's four seasons for week 3 of the design challenge)
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scamoosh · 9 months
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persona duos :-)
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sketchz · 2 months
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anne commission!!
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aboyscriminalrecord · 2 months
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y/n would get sooo many bites, not even from anything sexual, just ‘cause he likes nipping at you
(He is either really apologetic, or feels no remorse)
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