#I miss Jaime still
tyrantsandjoints · 5 months
Throwback to when I saw pierce the veil <3 ( AKA One of my favorite concerts fucking EVER. )
I have so many videos from this concert.
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jaimelannister · 2 months
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ladystoneboobs · 4 months
"Tears," she[Cersei] said scornfully to Sansa as the woman was led from the hall. "The woman's weapon, my lady mother used to call them. [...]" -Sansa VI, aCoK
would love to know the context of joanna saying this to(/within earshot of?) cersei, who was 7yo at maximum. interesting parenting choice to want your very young daughter to be a better manipulator, instead of just treating crying as an honest expression of emotion.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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A Storm of Swords - Arya I
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A Storm of Swords - Jaime II
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A Storm of Swords - Arya V
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A Storm of Swords - Jaime III
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rafasbiscuits · 11 months
I saw this Instagram video of Carlitos's younger brother, Jaime playing tennis and..
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
It’s almost 2024 and Lannister posts are still like:
Cersei is a drunk, stupid, lazy, crazy, fat, ugly bitch who is exactly like her rapist and abuser 😡 (but did Bobby B really raped and abused that whore ??)
Poor Jaime everyone is so mean to him cause he killed Aerys and saved everyone and his bitch sister won’t break her back to accommodate his every whim 😥 But I know brienne will 😁
There are no Lannister stans, only male centered Jaime stans.
Misogyny is so crazy cause Cersei is one of the best-written characters in the books and genuinely has the complexity + nuance that Jaime stans (*cough*dick-riders*cough*) swear he has but since she's a female character, she gets reduced to a prop in his story. Minimally satisfying is the fact that even when they demonize her to hell and back, they can't find any way to make him seem interesting without bringing her up. His "redemption arc" is just his stans going "Doesn't he look so much better in comparison to Cersei?" and pretending that being in Brienne's proximity will magically purify him. The irony of people (i.e. his misogynistic stans) largely reducing him to his relationships with two female characters isn't lost on me. If they didn't hate women so much they could just enjoy Cersei's character, but I guess they like settling for crumbs of character development.
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sdwolfpup · 1 year
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From the next chapter of Our souls lie down in the grass. I've got two chapters finished and want to get at least one more drafted before I post again, I think, because these are all of a part, thematically, and I've been doing a lot of going back and editing as I figured out stuff. But there is progress!
“Thank the seas that you're all right,” Selwyn said for the third time. He'd been hugging her for a while, easing back occasionally to run his hands over her head and arms before pulling her back in for another crushing embrace. Brienne was starting to think that they should have stayed in Morne another day or two until her bruises weren't quite so vivid.
Over her father's shoulder, she saw Jaime grinning in amusement.
“Thank the seas—and Jaime,” she said, and that sent Selwyn rocking back a step.
“Of course!” He turned on his heel and Brienne had time to see Jaime's eyes go wide before he was enveloped in her father's enormous embrace.
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slower-than-ever · 1 year
reread the new 52 blue beetle over the weekend and it was not as bad as i remember! i think it does miss a few of the key themes and and also small details that i like from the 2006 series but it also does do a lot of interesting things with the reach and their history, i think it gets better as it goes along and there are a few speech bubbles in the later issues that showed a nice understanding of jaime’s character and the themes present in the 06 run that i was almost mad the rest didn’t feel as strongly like that
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half-doomed · 8 months
Happy soul punk day! Here's a playlist for other stuff patrick has worked on outside of fob!
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Reading Blue Beetle: Graduation Day and I have to ask. Since when does Jaime listen to the Justice League.
#i'm reading blue beetle graduation day only now bc i was waiting for it to finish btw#i've also tried my best to avoid as many spoilers as physically possible#barely on issue 2 but enjoying it fine so far#but the fact that superman CAN ground jaime is so weird to me. like that's not his boss??#i'm assuming it's a post-flashpoint thing#presumably his relationship with the justice league is better since he. y'know. never got left in space for a year#but it's still weird. jaime isn't a sidekick?? he's a solo hero??? why does the justice league have the power to just. ground him.#like it's not like they came to him and said 'hey we intercepted the reach's transmission and it looks like they're planning an invasion'#'we're worried about you and would like you to sit this one out if possible. we'll call if we need help'#and then waited to see how jaime would respond. they just went 'jaime you're grounded' and jaime said 'okay boss'#also i realize that they're clearly setting up some '(attempted) hijacking' arc with jaime and i'm assuming batman realizes this#but still. bruce wayne really benching the world's foremost expert on kicking reach ass because the reach is invading.#i'm sure that won't backfire in any way shape or form#like. buddy. pal. if ur worried about jaime getting hijacked by the reach then putting him to the side isn't gonna help#and if ur not ur just being phenomenally stupid#trying very hard not to judge this series by pre-flashpoint standards bc that's unfair#but man. i miss the jaime who got a transmission from oracle and blasted his computer to shut her up#pre-flashpoint jaime to infinite frontier jaime: personally I would NOT let that thing slide#liveblogging#my posts#jaime reyes
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“Leon how do you know peacemaker didnt cameo in-” if Peacemaker cameo’d in something the link is grey for me.
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lazaruspiss · 4 months
modern comics industry maybe be struggling but honestly i think ur average local comic store is gonna be fine in comparison, like plenty of them have a huge focus on resells of older stuff and like. maybe one shelf to the side w new releases lol
#ramble tag#if DC goes bankrupt or whatever i wouldnt even blink at it#honestly i think the reason why theyre trying to do this MCUesque movie universe thing is bc like#what else? and it worked for marvel#but marvel movies have established such broad appeal to normies and fanboys alike w/o needing to be good#and i don't know if DC can pull that off. maybe#probably well enough to survive i suppose#also name one good think about the wonder woman movie other than ''sexy lead actors'' or ''ww threw a tank''#also: name one good thing about the recent batman that isnt ''emo batman''#not me trying to be snippy just like. i think it's weird when people say a movie's good and only give reasons like that#so its a genuine question! what is the appeal! if it's just the sex factor that's ok but say it w ur chest!#oh and the blue beetle movie. they did not promote that At All. a teeny bit suspicious of DC#to show such little investment in that movie's success. like the last hispanic led superhero movie was spiderverse bc miles is mixed#which is cool but#but yknow. jaime is important to me for personal reasons and i hate that he got a movie that completely passed by me like that#i go to the theaters!! i saw wonder woman in theaters!! but i missed out on the chance to see blue beetle bc the promo was nonexistent#i dont talk about jaime bc truthfully his significance to me is less ''im invested in this character'' and more#''child me was so happy seeing a hispanic character other than dora for once''#he still triggers that memory and feeling in my brain of finally thinking i can be ok#blah blah being a part hispanic teen in the trump era in a like 95% white town in a republican state was rough or whatever#''im barely a shade darker and no one will know if i dont tell them but i feel isolated anyways#bc my peers are describing all the awful things they hope mexicans go through''#my hispanic heritage is also specifically mexican so it was Rough#christ im going on a bit#dear diary type of rant#unrelated but ive recently discovered baljeet is to indian kids what dora is to hispanic kids#which lowkey suck bc there's nothing wrong w either of those characters#just that some ppl grow up with them being the only frame of reference they have for those groups and it leads to Unpleasant Interactions#my lil sibling refuses to learn spanish bc she got compared to dora growing up and it pissed her off that much#i think sometimes the dora comparison was said affectionately but that didn't really make a difference for her
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maraczeks · 6 months
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mikareo · 7 months
rewatching it for fun is crazy ngl. also corpse sounds like one of my exes and he was always so tight whenever ppl asked him if he was corpse. also he got mad cause of the hoodie 💔
omg our matching corpse hoodies 🥹 sometimes i get flashbacks to my corpse blog n getting cancelled for writing fluff as a minor asjkl ,,like i def respect the fandom but yall i was just tryna write abt corpse giving u flowers like 😭 i think i still have the memes my friends made OMG I DO AJSJSJ rip my corpse writing career (respect tho bc he didn’t want ff abt him 😭)
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heizehearts · 7 months
Being in your 20s is about pulling over to take a picture of the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen and then sobbing in your car five minutes later because your younger cousin is now older than the one you grew up with
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knightsickness · 7 months
robert era westeros dashboard simulation
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🫁 maidenless
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🐉 rhaegarsvalyria—deactivated
imagine you are lost targaryen princess danaerys marrying your dear brother, prince viserys targaryen 🤍👰🏼‍♀️
📜 citadelscribe
deactivated… king robert got them
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🐺 starkupdates
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if you don’t speak politics ned’s basically saying ‘not this time, cunt - papa wolf ned isn’t letting you fuck with his pack. while we’re at it, you’re a terrible jouster, bitch!’ to jaime lannister. who else is doing it like him!!
🥘 bowlofbrown
crying at this they’re both lords they DO NOT care if you live or die. what’s wrong with you people
🌞 bowedbentbroken
aren’t their families literally intermarrying
🪵 riverlandspussy
serfs would stan a dog if it was landed
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🐊 lizardlion
bracken dick would be good if they didn’t talk about how much better they fuck than the blackwoods the entire time
🌳 oldegodluvrr
why house blackwood stays 🔛🔝
🗝 livesbythefingers
i have terrible news about what blackwoods also talk about during sex
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🔥 melisandre
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the red represents projected support for STANNIS BARATHEON - king robert’s once and future HEIR
🦑 saltmalewife
shitting myself at this
🐦 muttonmouthed
stannis there’s doubts near the bloody gate watch out !!
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💘 luckylikestcriston
🎭 silkyourstreet
every so often someone accidentally reinvents the fourth council of baelor
🦀 celtigwhore
how is crone not sweeping do you people hate women
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🫁 maidenless
🐴 littlestfrey
why are we celebrating? what did he do? /gen
📜 citadelscribe
known cuckold
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🌞 bowedbentbroken
do you think littlefinger and varys ever no i shan’t say
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🪸 patchpatchpatchface
on earth, the lords eat roast, and the peasants gruel !! in hell, the lords eat gruel, and the peasants roast !!
🪨 dragonstoner
another patchface banger
🦑 saltmalewife
the man cannot miss
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