#I miss twelve sm
lotus-pear · 4 months
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so there's this 5'3 mafia executive..........
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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this is a tommy blog!!! only tommy content from now on!!! 🐈‍⬛ 🐈 🐈‍⬛ 🐈
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joyofsaudade · 1 year
i like to do a very smart and not at all dumb thing in which i set my headphones down somewhere and immediately forget where i put them and then end up sneaking around my house at 1 in the morning trying not to wake anyone up bc i really want to listen to music before bed
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kitscutie · 6 months
omg if you’re still wanting requests for coryo, maybe sm like he’s mentoring reader instead of lucy gray (she is safe and sound in 12 dw!) and they get reunited after r wins the games? maybe by some kind of fluke? i’ll leave it up to you bc i love everything you write babes <3
money, power, glory (coriolanus snow x fem!reader)
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pairing: coriolanus snow x reader
warnings: none!
summary: coriolanus snow is your mentor, unlike the others he has a drive for your survival - it quickly becomes clear your bond goes above mentor and tribute.
a/n: this is not part of the snow and roses series but part two is coming very soon -hope you enjoy! also thank you so much to this anon - you're a cutie!
word count: 3.6k
join my taglist here!
The train ride to the Capitol was dark and lonely. It felt as though everybody had already found friends or were close to their fellow District tribute, yours wanted nothing to do with you.
Seeing as you were from twelve you were thin and weak, you knew that, you could feel it in the way your stomach rumbled on a loop every day or the way your head spun when you stood up but you never thought one of your own would turn their back on you.
You didn't think you stood a chance, simply another pawn in the Capitols game but still you had hope.
When the train stopped it jolted, tipping you over had you been stood up like Thornton your fellow Twelve tribute. He wasn't muscly but more so burly, it was clear his family was among the wealthier back home but compared to the Capitol it was nothing.
You stood up from your small corner, cowering away from the sunlight which blinded you upon the doors opening. You heard yells, presumably from your fellow tributes or even the 'peace keepers' as they tried to calm the crowds.
Below you, you saw a flash of red which stood out from the white uniforms and wall to floor grey cement.
Upon closer inspection snow white hair lay atop his head, prominent and proud.
Thornton jumped out of the box on his own accord, not prompted by the guards, nor the boy below you, simply motivated to get into the Hunger Games.
Your head slowly peered out from the box and that's when his eyes met yours, strikingly blue they seemed out of place in such a colourless setting.
"Welcome to the Capitol." He stuttered out, holding a rose which matched his hair out to you, it was beautiful, nothing you had ever seen back home.
"Thank you. Could you-." You began to ask for his help out of the train which staggered above the ground just below half of your height, though he realised quickly, holding your waist as he gently placed you on the ground in front of him.
Finally out of your cage you took the rose from his calloused fingers, admiring it in all it's beauty. It reminded you of him, soft and subtle yet powerful as it stood tall on it's stalk.
"This is beautiful." You said, it came out in something similar to a whisper, your body still adjusting to the new setting. "You look different," You said as you glanced around at the tributes in dirty hand me downs and the guards in plaster white uniforms. "Who are you?" You asked.
"I'm your mentor." He smiled charmingly, it seemed second nature to him.
"Where are the other mentors?" You once again asked, unsure if this was new or simply something you had missed as you sat watching the games between your fingers.
"Well, I'm not supposed to be here but, I'm sure greeting you falls in my line of duty." He said. "Taking care of you." He added which sent butterflies wild in your stomach. He was doing his job you reminded yourself but nobody back home was quite this attractive nor this attentive. You had never been taken care of. Always independent to survive.
You said nothing more, taking in all of his glorious features until a peacekeeper grabbed you arm, taking you with the rest of the tributes into an armoured van. You were once again alone.
You watched in surprise as just moments later your mentor jumped in behind you, standing against the back wall as if to not be seen in a packed and confined space.
"Hi." He said, realising he stood out like a sore thumb. It almost made you chuckle - his blatant fear but then you realised you should be much more scared.
"What's the matter pretty boy, you in the wrong cage?" Said Reaper. He was a tribute you admired, he was brave and strong and seemingly had a deep care for his friend Dill.
"No. This cage is delightful." He smiled. You were impressed by his natural appeal, well to you at least. Every word which came out of his pale lips had you hanging on by a thread.
With that Reaper had had enough, slamming him against the wall with power. "I'll kill you." He said convincingly.
"He'll do it too. He killed a Peacekeeper back in Eleven." Dill spoke as she stared into nothingness.
"I say we all kill him." Added Bobbin as he now stood up too, the other Tributes speaking out in agreement. You began to panic, he was your only source of companionship, of opportunity to leave the Capitol in one piece and here he was about to be ripped to shreds before the Games even begun.
"He's my mentor, could you please not kill him?" You asked pathetically as you attempted to stand between him and Reaper. A feeble attempt though an attempt none the less.
"How come you get a mender?" Said Coral, dirty gaze set now upon you.
"Mentor." He corrected her. "You each get one." He finished, hoping this would calm them in their attempt to kill him.
"And we'll all just believe you, huh? Why does Twelve here get special treatment." Coral replied, now out of her seat and very much in your face as she squished your cheeks between her grimy fingers.
"I'm not special, just lucky I suppose." You shrugged feeling heavily intimidated and under scrutiny by all of their hungry gazes. Eager to pull blood from you in this very moment.
The room went silent and at first you didn't realise why, until you felt your cage begin to shake, slowly tilting towards the ground. Your mentor's hands once again wrapped around your waist though this time from behind you and your own reached down to hold onto his wrists, having no stability.
You all screamed as you fell down onto hard wood chips and damp mud. Eyes were once again blinded by the harsh sunlight as you adjusted to wherever you now were.
A mans voice echoed around your new cage - how kind of them to give you multiple in such little time - seemingly introducing himself to the crowd around you before he spotted the red uniform.
"Excuse me, yes you sir, in the red! Who are you and why are you in there with them, we are live!" He asked, hair gelled to perfection to one side.
You grabbed your mentors hand as he stood frozen in his spot clearly unsure what to do, you however saw an opportunity, an opportunity to stand out.
"May I introduce you to my neighbours?" He asked sarcastically as though he really hated the people filming you like you wanted to be here.
With that the pair of you walked over, but not before he took the rose from your free hand and tucked it behind your ear. It burned under the warmth of his skin, not having had any form of physical touch for as long as you can remember.
"Hi. How do you do, my name is Coriolanus Snow, and this here is my tribute Y/N L/N from District Twelve." He said partly for the cameras partly introducing himself to you and you to him. He already knew your name. He had watched the reaping's, seen you cry in weakness.
"Hello." You mumbled partly shuffling to hide behind his body. Not used to such attention.
He focused his attention on you, firing questions at you over and over again until you had had enough. "More on my mentor, seemed he's the only one who bothered to show up." You said and the boy that you now knew to be Coriolanus rubbed his thumb back and forth over your hand as he sensed your discomfort being Infront of so many prying eyes.
"Well I would love to ask him some questions but it seems as though he's about to be whisked away." Lucky said and as soon as the words came out Peacekeepers appeared behind the pair of you grabbing him by the biceps and beginning to drag him away.
"Hey." You held onto him for one second longer. "Thank you for everything Coriolanus Snow. But uh, could you please bring me some food? I can feel my bones turning into dust as we speak." You said. He slightly chuckled at this but no less nodded.
With that, you were once again alone.
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"Y/N!" You heard your name from behind the rock you sat against, instantly recognizing the voice to be Coriolanus Snow.
"That for me?" You asked as he pulled out a few pieces of food wrapped in tissue in front of you. He handed it to you through gaps in the fence, wordlessly answering your question. "Thank you." You said as you eagerly stuffed your face, this being the first meal you had eaten in days, no weeks.
"They not feed you back in Twelve?" He asked, concerned.
"No. We don't exactly get that luxury." His question surprised you, you assumed it was common knowledge that food was few and far between in the outer Districts yet here he was, surprised. "Seems your friend already knows that." You added as you watched a girl in a matching uniform to his teasing Brandy.
"She is not my friend she is poison with perfect teeth." He answered and yet again it sounded so perfect. He knew just what to say to please you, comfort your mind as you wondered at what point he would turn on you. "Listen, you can't share this with anyone. This is my only chance to help you and they-" He said discreetly pointing to the tributes scattered around you, "Are only going to use you."
"Not like I've got anyone to share with. Don't think I'm very popular." You said, defeated. You supposed that out of anyone, you didn't want to befriend the people who would shortly be wishing death upon you but instead the man before you who would hold your hand until the moment you walked through that door.
"Maybe not with them but out here you have a chance. I've made some suggestions, I might be able to get the audience to send you gifts. Food and water. You just need to play into their game, win them over." He said, face against the fence as he wished to keep this information between the two of you. An advantage.
"I don't want to play their game, the same game that got me here in the first place? I don't think charming anyone is my forte anyway." You once again deprived yourself of any credit, picking at the skin around your nails.
"You're more charming than you think Y/N. I'd bet on it." He said, gaze digging deep into your soul. No one had ever complimented you before never mind in such a blatant way. You knelt down, tired of standing and he went with you continuing your conversation.
"Dill reminds me of my sister, before she passed. So sick and weak, I hate to think of her in a place like this." You shared, feeling vulnerable to him in such a short time.
"I'm sorry." He said genuinely.
"You seem like a good man Coriolanus. Would've been nice to meet you outside of this cage." You said, tapping on the metal bars before letting it settle there.
"Mhm." He agreed, tilting his head sympathetically and after moment of what must have been deliberation he wrapped his own hand around yours. It warmed your skin, chilled by the cold iron beneath your palm.
Your sweet moment was cut off by Arachne's scream as Brandy had enough of her teasing, smashing the bottle and using it to slice her neck.
You stared in horror, this was what you were up against in that arena, you stood no chance.
Coriolanus leaped into action, comforting the bleeding girl while Peacekeepers shot Brandy down. In all of your years alive you had never witnessed such violence and it left you shaking, even more so as the bullets narrowly missed Coriolanus' head.
The Peacekeepers grabbed his arm, once again pulling him away from you, your heart beating in his direction.
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The next day you were all placed in a large circular room. You and your fellow tributes shackled to a table while the mentors sat proudly, postures straight before you.
You were allowed to discuss game plans for the main event but also for a televised special where the Capitol could get to know you. Nut it wouldn't really be you, just a shell of your former self.
"I'm sorry about your friend." You sympathised, he was clearly upset, scared you weren't sure but his energy was different to his hopeful exterior from yesterday.
"Thank you. Are you doing okay?" He deflected, though his care seemed and was genuine. He cared about you more than the way a mentor cares for the tribute. Your connection went deeper.
"I'm scared Coriolanus. You saw what those tributes can do yesterday. I'm nothing compared to them! I've never even killed a spider." You cried out in desperation, hands shaking where they were tied to the table.
"I'm scared for you, Y/N. I don't want to lose you in there, so I guess that makes two of us." He replied, soothing you. "But no matter how scared you are you have to perform for them in the interviews later. Pretend to be someone else or be yourself it doesn't matter but this is the last chance to make them like you. Didn't take much for you to win me over." He added.
"I- I just can't Coriolanus. I'm no performer. I'm no different to them just weaker and a character in their entertainment." You answered, slowly admitting defeat.
"You have to be brave, Y/N. For me, okay?" He begged, once again placing his hand over your own.
"I'll try." You decided. You either died of embarrassment or an axe to the face and you knew which you proffered.
"Snow. Let's go!" Shouted Casca, the creator of the games. A man you loathed.
"You'll be okay." He said before he left his chair leaving you to sit in the large room as the other debated their strategies.
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Later on once you were allowed to view the arena he returned. Instantly walking in stride beside you as if he never left.
The arena was void of light except the red beams which pointed out the entrance. It was eerie and honestly a fabrication of your worst nightmares.
This time in your fear you felt no hesitation to grab onto his hand, and he grabbed your back, linking you fingers with a squeeze which said to you 'it's okay' without saying anything at all.
Seeing the cameras you released it, not wanting unnecessary attention upon yourselves.
The gates closed behind you with a loud clang, leaving you in the darkness and you stumbled back into his chest, the only thing keeping you from a breakdown being the steady beat of his heart beneath his chest.
Shutters on each wall began to rise letting in the natural sunlight outside but yet you were still very much in another cage.
While the other tributes decided their alliances you stuck by Coriolanus' side and he had no objections. "Coriolanus you can't met me die in here. I've got so much left to do." You begged, clutching the opening of his red suit.
"I wont let you die, Y/N. Even if it's the last thing I do." He replied, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. His words were laced with truth, knowing his plans to bend the rules in order to keep you alive.
The moment was short lived as the centre of the arena exploded, rubble and smoke flying everywhere including into your forehead as you felt blood trickle into your eye.
Both you and Coriolanus ran, though he was seconds too slow as a pillar fell onto his leg trapping him against the floor. While the other tributes ran having little regard for their mentors you ran back, pulling it off of him with every last ounce of power in your body.
Your heart ached hearing his cried but also with the pain that this was most likely the last time you would see him before the games as the Peacekeepers found you and dragged you back to the 'zoo' before you could attempt escape like the others.
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"Y/N." You heard your name whispered into the darkness of the night. You hadn't slept, not since the thought of Coriolanus being dead crossed your mind and so it hadn't taken much to catch your attention.
"You're alive, thank god." You cried. Seeing his face untouched calmed your racing heart.
"The bombs, they changed everything. I've been in there, you can hide, the floors gone. You can hide until it's safe. Run when it starts and don't come out until it's safe, please Y/N. Don't go for the weapons." He begged to you. You had planned to hide in the first place but his desperation for your survival warmed your heart.
"Thank you Coriolanus snow. For taking care of me. Just like you promised." You said to him, tears beginning to fall from your eyes, the same tears you hadn't let fall since the train arrived in the Capitol.
"Just like I promised." He smiled. "You saved my life in there Y/N." He added.
"I'm sorry." You said as you couldn't hold back your desperate tears anymore. You were sorry you wouldn't succeed for him, sorry this was the last time you would see him, sorry that your heart ached for him.
"It's okay, It's okay." He soothed you. Wiping your tears with his embroidered handkerchief. "I'm gonna get you out of there. I promised after all, right?" He repeated his earlier declaration of promise, it meant everything to you and yet nothing. At the end of the day your survival came down to you and you didn't know if you could handle blood on your hands.
"Is this all real? Between you and me, do you really-" You began to ask, though he cut you off.
"I care about you, Y/N. Really. No amount of money could make me do this for you, risk it all. The things you wanted to do, wanted to live for? I want to do them with you. I want to give you the life you deserve." He said and that was all the confirmation you needed, the feelings you were having were real. Not part of the game, not faked for the cameras.
He was here in the middle of the night to help you.
"We are gonna win this, Y/N. We are gonna win this together."
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It had now been fifty four days and counting since you had last seen him. The games had come and gone, what you thought was luck leaving you a victor.
Days had been boring since Coriolanus Snow left your life. You returned to what you had left behind in District Twelve, friends, no family and a wooden shack you called a home.
Your heart longed to see him, more than anything in this world you wished to feel his hand in yours one more time. Hear his reassuring words one more time though now you needed them to comfort your nightmares.
Today was the same as every day had been. Get up, bathe in a bucket, eat vegetables you found in the forest and then read the same books you had for the past eighteen years. It was all you had but now more than ever it felt good to be stuck in that cycle instead of stuck in a cage of people who called for your death.
A knock at your door at mid-day startled you. It was unusual to get visitors in District Twelve - everybody keeping to themselves and yet something dragged you to answer.
Opening the door you saw a figment of your dreams. White hair, blue eyes and pale skin, yet they were too real and close to be something your brain created.
"Y/N L/N, you are a sight for sore eyes." He said, his voice like butter in your ears.
"Coriolanus?" You asked before he tackled you into a hug, hands gripping you like you would slip through his fingers at any moment in time. "How- what." You began to ask.
"I was sent to Eight to be a Peacekeeper but I used my last cents to get sent here instead, then I just asked around to find you. Find my girl." He said as he held your face between his hands, checking you over for injuries. The last time he was you you were injured and cowering in the arena, begging to be set free.
"You found me." You whispered, diving in to kiss him. He responded immediately, wasting no time in curling his lips into yours. You fought for dominance but ultimately you let him take over, needing to let go for once.
"I missed you so much." You whimpered in both pleasure and pain as he kissed and nibbled on your neck. Dream becoming reality. "I begged with every last but of luck within me that I'd see you again." You confessed, bringing his face up to kiss you once more.
"And here I am." He smiled, staring into your eyes, breathing the same air as you.
"I thought my life ended that day, in that arena. Losing myself, then losing you." You admitted, eyes similar to the last time you saw him, glassy.
"Y/N, Y/N." He chuckled, "Our life has only just begun."
TAG LIST: @savannahsteen, @shine101, @tfimherewhy, @iloveyou3000, @summerli-u, @coconut-dreamz, @serrendiipty, @zucchinimalfoy, @mus-tbe-a-weasley, @-ice-heart, @aza-writes, @bellstwd, @kaitlyn2907, @wheepsworld, @sarahskywalker-amidala, @velvet-spider, @gloryekaterina, @prettyinsatiable, @bduchrnskei, @riddlerloveb0t, @girlalwaysathome, @thegoldenskies, @runningfrom2am, @riordanness, @charmed-asylum, @suvgs, @podiumprincess
if your user doesn't have a line below it, it did not come up with a username so please make sure it's correct! <3
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mclqren · 2 months
PAIRING ✦ carlos sainz x fem!singer!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you and your boyfriend both seem to be very lucky recently: you in opening for taylor swift, and him in winning the australian grand prix [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ for the purpose of this fic, taylor has added an extra date in melbourne for the friday before the australian grand prix. as per request, the fc i've used is sabrina carpenter, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift, and 3,055,971 others
tagged taylorswift
yourusername and with that we have one show left: back to melbourne in a couple of weeks! thank you all so much for the support, love you all like crazy 🫶
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user1 you're such a disney princess i can't
user3 FR what will we do without all of her content???
user4 ☹️☹️
carlossainz55 so proud of you!!
yourusername im way prouder of you 💘
taylorswift i'll miss you, my angel! ❤️
yourusername love you sm 😢💘💘
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( caption one: just woke up and my boyfriend's got appendicitis hellooo?? wtf have i missed while i've been in singapore. | caption two: never mind guys all is well ❤️ ( i am a photographer and i took THIS photo ) )
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 3,281,119 others
tagged carlossainz55
yourusername impromptu visit to jeddah after SOMEONE'S appendix was removed...thanks for giving me an excuse to see you carlos 😘💘💘
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user6 THE WAY HE STILL WENT TO SEE THE GP IS CRAZY ur boyfriend is hella strong
yourusername ur telling me 🤷‍♀️
user7 nah carlos acc has to be some sort of super human because how THE FUCK did he walk after that surgery.
user8 literally convinced he is atp.
carlossainz55 the appendix wasn't my fault...
charles_leclerc or was it 🤷‍♂️
yourusername hmmm...
user9 i'm acc their biggest fan you don't understand
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liked by carlossainz55, taylorswift, and 3,331,354 others
tagged taylorswift
yourusername from the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you for all of the love and support i've received over the past couple of weeks. they've honestly been such a fever dream for me: like you're telling me that i was opening for THE taylor swift?? twelve year old me would be screaming right about now, let me tell you that much. i've loved every minute of this experience, and i can't wait to see what era is next for me 🫶
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user13 i still remember watching you when you were eighteen, just releasing music on youtube 🥺
user14 she's come sooo far since then im so proud of her
taylorswift loved having you with me!! couldn't think of anyone else better to keep me company during these times ❤️
yourusername thank you sm tay, im going to miss youuu 💘💘
user15 why am i acc tearing up this is so sad
carlossainz55 now i have you all to myself ❤️
yourusername yeah well you have ur cars AND charles so i guess it's not just me is it.
charles_leclerc why am i being mentioned
yourusername ur just like collateral damage in this argument
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 989,911 others
carlossainz55 back from my surgery and into P2 👊 looking forward to the race!
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user17 the surgery did NOT hold him back
user19 the extra weight is gone and now he's in first row THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED
yourusername do you ever actually rest like. ur appendix was just taken out when i get colds i stay in bed longer.
carlossainz55 yeah i know from firsthand experience 😘
yourusername either way i'm so proud of you! smash it tomorrow 💘
liked by carlossainz55
user21 the way y/n is literally so supportive of him is my fav thing
user22 all whilst telling him off for not resting enough 🤣🤣 she's too iconic for us, i fear
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liked by carlossainz55, fransisca.cgomes, and 3,215,984 others
tagged fransisca.cgomes
yourusername me and kika are truly THOSE BITCHES 😘
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user23 SPEAK ON ITTTT 🗣️🗣️🗣️
user24 my fav wags fr 🫶
fransisca.cgomes my girlll 😍😍
yourusername foreverrr 💘
fransisca.cgomes that second pic is soooo yum
yourusername leave pierre for me RIGHT NOW.
fransisca.cgomes gladlyyy! 😍
pierregasly HUH??
yourusername got ur girl tripod how does it feel 🤣
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️
yourusername love youuu!!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 1,443,999 others
carlossainz55 P1 babyyy!! Onto Japan we go 🎢❤️
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user29 staying up until 2am to watch it was SOOO WORTH IT
user30 SO PROUD!!
liked by carlossainz55
carlossainz55 ❤️
user31 the way she supports him will never not warm my heart
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 3,331,354 others
tagged carlossainz55
yourusername he only went and did it!! after his appendix got removed and all. couldn't be fucking prouder 💘
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yourusername proud of @/charles_leclerc as well!! what a way to end the weekend 😘
charles_leclerc thank you y/n!! 😍
yourusername FORZA FERRARI 👊
user31 the way they support each other >>>
user32 actual power couple idc
user33 i need to find myself a y/n asap.
carlossainz55 te amo siempre ❤️
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 it was the lack of an appendix that did it 🤣
yourusername @/charles_leclerc are you taking notes??
charles_leclerc already scheduling an appointment for the winter, don't worry 📝
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shawtuzi · 2 years
Can you do something where plug!eren is fresh out of jail and is absolutely feral for his gf cause he hasn’t seen her in so long. Love u and ur writing :).
oh my god yes i most definitely can!!!! and thank u sm i love u more *kiss kiss*
this is 18+////cw include: black coded reader, unprotected sex, creampie, some mushy stuff at the end i couldn’t resist///wc: 1.5k+
let’s say eren did get busted and this is no beuno at all because everybody know most states be tripping over a simple weed charge. and unfortunately for this simple weed charge eren got sentenced three. fucking. years. to say it broke you was an understatement and what broke you even more is that eren didn’t expect you to wait on him. but you did of course because that is your man, your life, your cinnamon apple and he is worth waiting for.
eren stayed on his best behavior hoping to get out early for any reason they’d let him if he was the “model prisoner” and it paid off. eight months later a guard came up to eren and told him to get his affairs in order because he’d be leaving the next day. when eren told you the good news you couldn’t help but bust into tears. it was an extremely lonely eight months without him, yes your friends were around and kept you company but after spending months practically joined at the hip with eren it was very hard to adjust without him around :((
you showed up at the prison at exactly twelve sharp like eren instructed and five minutes later you finally saw him in all his glory. “eren!” you squealed running into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. “hi baby,” eren sighed dreamily nuzzling his face into your hair, the familiar smell of your coconut scented shampoo nearly bringing him to tears. “‘missed you so fuckin’ much jesus christ i’ll never leave you like that again i promise y/n,” he muttered squeezing your smaller form closer into his body. you couldn’t even speak afraid your voice will crack due to the happy tears streaming down your face. “missed you too eren it was so lonely without you,” you whimpered burying your face in his chest.
the two of you stayed like that for a good ten minutes, just embracing each other and whispering sweet nothings to calm the other down until you finally pulled away taking in eren’s figure. he’d gotten extremely fit, the white t-shirt he’d worn going in prison now nearly bursting at the seams from how swole his biceps had gotten. “you look good,” you trailed your finger down his arm making him give you his award winning smirk.
“yeah? how good?”
those three words were how you both ended up on the side of the rode, eren dragging you to the backseat so he could finally have his way with you after eight grueling months. “e-eren it’s only about twenty minutes till we’re…home,” your voice trailed off towards the end once you felt his lips on your neck. eren shook his head now yanking down your tank top to expose your breasts, “fuck no i waited eight months for this i’m not waiting a second longer, now lift up a sec so i can take these off” he rasped tugging at the waistband of your shorts. you immediately lifted your hips up bringing a loving smile to eren’s face, “still such a good listener huh? trained you real well didn’t i” he chuckled before pressing sloppy kisses all over your tits while also yanking your shorts off.
“yeah just for you eren all for you,” you whined tangling your fingers in his hair which was now slightly longer. “m’skipping the foreplay jus’ wanna fuck you right now,” he yanked down his sweats letting his dick spring free of its confinements. he was a lot bigger than you remembered. eren pressed a soft kiss to your cheek after seeing the slight fear in your eyes, “it’s okay i’ll be right here to take care of you when we’re done and if it really hurts too much just lemme know okay?” the softness in his tone had you feeling more relaxed already especially after hearing ‘i’ll be right here to take care of you.”
you were so lost in thought that he actually here in front of you you forgot to give him the ‘okay’ to continue. “y/n? you okay baby? do you want to stop?” eren was about to lift you off his lap but you quickly snapped back to reality (oh there goes gravity) shaking your head that you in fact didn’t want to stop. “no! no it’s okay i’m fine i’m just really happy to see you is all,” you smiled giving his lips one, two, three kisses before pulling your panties to the side, “now please fuck me….been waiting eight months for you rennie.” eren mumbled a quick “goddamn y/n” before rubbing his tip between your slicked folds before slowly pushing it in the both of you gasping in unison.
“s-shit okay i’m gonna go slow- fuck i don’t wanna cum too fast,” eren shuddered at the feeling of how warm you are, internally cursing at himself for already being at the brink of cumming. you brought your hands to his cheeks rubbing slow circles on them with your thumbs, “s’okay babe we have all the time in the world now, well kinda what we’re doing is pretty illegal and we should hur- oh shit!” you cried feeling all of eren’s dick enter you at once.
eren dug his fingers into your hips so hard you felt the bruises already forming but you didn’t care—what’s a couple bruises when you have the love of your life back in your arms? “goddamn y/n have you always been so tight?” eren grunted now moving you up and down at a steady pace, “and i don’t give a fuck about none of that that’s what we got tinted windows for,” you wanted to roll your eyes at his words knowing if it wasn’t so deserted where you were now you would’ve made him wait patiently. but it was so you could quite honestly care less about anything besides the man in front of you.
“eren,” you whimpered wrapping your arms around his neck. “i know baby i know i’m here just lemme make you feel good—that’s it there you go take this fucking dick,” he grunted taking one of your nipples into his mouth. eren began to grow impatient taking it upon himself to begin bucking his hips up, the tip of his dick now kissing your cervix in the most delicious way possible. your moans were like music to eren’s ears, each sharp gasp and little whimper you let out only fueling him to go harder and faster. “fuck fuck fuck i’m cumming s-shit,” eren growled slamming you down one last time before spurts of his warm cum began to fill your needy pussy.
you had never felt more comfortable and happy than you were now fucked out and stuffed with eren’s cum, “‘feels good…missed the way your cum feels in me ren” you sighed dreamily burying your face in his neck. “mhm ‘n i missed the way your pussy squeezes me so good, now i want us to cum together this time—think you can do that for me ma?” he ran his fingers gently up and down your back making shivers creep down your spine. you nodded quickly beginning to grind you hips slowly in his lap, the mixture of your wetness and his cum slowly trailing it’s way down his thighs and into the car seat.
“feel so damn good-shit i promise i’ll never leave you like that again y/n i swear. fuck i’ll stop dealing, get a job at the auto body shop connie told me about, get us a bigger ‘n better house and we can start a family yeah? give you a couple of my babies?” eren was completely fucked out babbling whatever came to his mind and he meant every single word. he didn’t care that he wouldn’t be making as much money all that mattered was you and you only. he didn’t care that he was only 23 talking about starting a family because he knew one day he would make you a mother to as many kids as you wanted.
a dopey smile made its way onto your face but you didn’t have time to savor the sweet moment your brain turning to mush when you felt eren’s thumb on your clit. “f-fuck eren yes that’s all i want with you please don’t stop!” eren didn’t plan on stopping either. he planted his feet more firmly before fucking into you with everything he had, “so fuckin’ wet” he muttered to himself, his head lolling back in pleasure. a few more harsh thrusts and soon you and eren were cumming at the same time, eren letting out the most pornographic moan you’ve ever heard. “shit—c’mere lemme hold you for a minute….missed being together like this,” eren wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close.
you rested your head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart making it hard for you to keep your eyes open. “did you really mean what you said earlier, you know about getting a job at the shop and a new house and the other stuff?” your voice was strained and whisper like but eren caught every word. “and by other stuff you mean starting a family? yeah i did, i meant every damn word too,” eren chuckled pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “you cool with being the mother to my devil spawn?” he giggled giving your ass a playful slap.
“i’d be more than happy to eren <333”
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roomsofangel · 5 months
. . SO IT GOES !
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if you asked choi san, his soulmate was absolutely crazy — who the hell eats sardines at three in the morning? not only that, but why was his pizza missing?
if you asked y/n l/n, she was just really hungry.
pairing dancer!san x barista!fem!reader
genre/tags social media au, written, humor/crack, fluff, angst, suggestive, slow burn (kinda, depending on how you see it), college / soulmate au
warnings timestamps/sm numbers + hair colors dont mean anything, but my raging perfectionism tries to make it coherent and matchy. a lot of swearing because im incapable of writing anything that doesn’t involve my sailor mouth. mentions of unhealthy eating/overall serious topics. questionable humor. cyber bullying. sexism/slutshaming. mental illness/anxiety. a lot of dishonesty on san’s end since he isn’t ready for a soulmate. mentions of alcohol/drugs. y/n had a tough childhood that will be mentioned in brief passing but all chapters will have a more thorough warnings if needed — please let me know if i missed something!
notes the taglist is open! & y/n does have a specific faceclaim for pictures, but i try to use a variety!
featuring ateez, a few ocs for y/n’s friends, kang taehyun & choi yeonjun (txt), lee felix (stray kids), shin ryujin (itzy)
status ongoing
elf practice | dysFUNctional family | priv accounts
(quality possibly will suck until chapter twelve! apologies! i moved over this fic from @solenthill to this account and didnt realize how bad the quality was</3)
. . # chapters !
chapter zero | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven | chapter eight | chapter nine | chapter ten | chapter eleven | chapter twelve | chapter thirteen | chapter fourteen | chapter fifteen | chapter sixteen | chapter seventeen | chapter eighteen | chapter nineteen | chapter twenty | twenty one | to be continued
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nevernonline · 7 months
could i have (ot13 if comfortable but if not 95z and/or 96z) reaction to 14th member!reader debuting in a famous girl group aswell as being in svt, and how they would react if reader was to perform a "sexy" song during an award show <3
hi!! thank yew sm for the rec! they ended up getting LONG im so sorry, so I did everyone thru hoshi for now. if you want the rest pls come back to me lol. please enjoy, I hope you like it!! xo.
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svt reactions to member and their gg doing a sexy debut concept:
You decided to keep your new debut song as a secret from the rest of the boys. A little bit because you figured they’d roast you and a little bit because you were afraid of Seungcheol's reaction to the semi-skimpy outfit you were wearing. Behind the stage you caught a small glimpse of the monitor and noticed the members sitting just directly to the right of the performance stage, a perfect spot to see you in full view. Seungcheol was somewhat of an authority figure to you and ever since you could remember he was the one you wanted to impress the most. The sound of your in-ear kicked in and a stage direction came through it was time to take your place under the bright red lights donning the arena. Out of the corner of your eye you watched as he and the rest of the group clapped wildly while the music came over the speakers. You and your red lace tights, with a matching mini dress, and black garter began the carefully practiced movements. Seungcheol’s smile fell less and less as you continued your performance, not for the reason people thought, well maybe a little. He had never seen you like that, sexy and confident parading around in a dress that just slightly covered your butt. When the night was over you headed back to your room, he was sitting waiting for you outside. Just a subtle finger wave pulled you over to him and he confessed something through his clenched jaw. You looked too good for him to handle himself and that he wanted to be the only person who got to take you home, his jealousy got the better of him that night, but he knows now you only belonged to him.
When Jeonghan found out you were debuting in a new unit he felt a little welcome of the green monster inside of him, not because you were moving on or moving up, whatever, but because he wasn’t the one controlling all of your attention anymore. You made new friends, you were off spending all of your nights practicing, getting a new hairstyle, clothes, a new life almost. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been over the moon happy for you, but that he just missed you. The days before your debut showcase, you sent a text to all the members an invitation to come watch the show, everyone replied, besides Jeonghan. It was weird to you, like, you weren’t sure the exact reasons he wouldn’t respond. He was still posting on instagram, weverse, going to work with the rest of the boys, but avoiding you. When the day finally came you saw the smiling faces of twelve of your friends in the crowd, missing the prettiest face of them all. You took your marks lying down on the floor, feeling your adrenaline rushing in your veins. As the saxophone started your hips left their original position on the floor and your head raised up greeted with the familiar lips of Jeonghan, smirking in your face. You felt the blood in your body boil, forcing you to hit the sultry choreography even harder than you normally would. Essentially showing off for him, grinding your hips fully into the movement, never leaving his gaze. After the showcase was over you and your members were all in the greenroom celebrating, when a knock came onto the door. A bouquet of flowers with a small pink note sticking out of them. ‘Down for a private showcase and an apology? 8:00pm at my place. Please come.’ - JH.
When it came to you Joshua was just a little awkward, he never knew how to relate to you, not that he didn’t want to, it was just that you were fundamentally different. The members were asked to react for your group's YouTube channel to your new music video to a new title track called ‘What would you do?’ The concept was based around a girl having too many options for her next boyfriend after her ex was too jealous to keep her around. The reactions from the rest of the group were explosive and loud as they watched you and your members flirting with different guys in outfits that left basically nothing to the imagination. There was a moment in the music video that had him side eyeing the group around him, cheering you on as you kissed a random extra on the mouth, before he stripped you of your button down t-shirt. The feeling in his stomach was something he never felt towards you before. Suddenly he felt like that video was a message, Joshua was always jealous of the amount of male attention you had gotten, especially from outside people who you didn’t even know. He always tried to protect you from the gaze of them or their advances towards you. He realized how much he related to your on screen boyfriend, the one who wasn’t sure how to handle their partner getting a little too much attention from other sources and not enough from them, but he never made it clear that he felt that way and it wasn’t fair that he could be so filled with envy when you’re just doing your job. When the black screen came on the laptop, you asked the seventeen members their thoughts, Joshua stayed pretty quiet, just agreeing with the praises from everyone else. As the room became more empty he took a chance to come over to you and tell you his own thoughts without the camera rolling or other ears listening in. He admitted his jealousy and the reasons why he has been awkward around you as of late. It’s because he wanted you badly, but he was too shy until now to say it. 
You and Jun had been secretly dating for over a year, it was easy to do. I mean mostly everyone saw you together twenty-four-seven anyway. You’ve been best friends at the company since you both got your contracts. Two friends who didn’t speak each other's languages but were willing to learn and grow together. When you got the invitation to debut in a new group outside of him, he was ecstatic for you, celebrating all the hard work you both put in for many years. It wasn’t hard telling him everything about what you and the rest of the girls were practicing and working on, you constantly showed him clips and had him listen to recordings from your debut EP you had been working on. One night you and Jun were sitting on the floor of your dorm, looking through the work you both had to do for the coming days when he came across a new file of your dance practice. He spotted you right away, tight white tank top and short denim shorts, your long socks pulled up past your knees. Before pressing play he flipped the screen of the ipad toward you with a menacing look on his face, basically begging for you to come clean about this particular video. He knew the concept of your group was not childish like girl crush or high schoolers, but he didn’t expect it to be so, what did he call it? Dirty? You prompted him to press play and he did multiple times over.
Soonyoung wasn't used to you asking for help, especially with dance. But when you called him for help he was happy to oblige you and give you any advice you needed, you booked out a studio space, a room with dark colored walls and sultry lighting, soonyoung had come before you to warm up and mess around with some choreography on his own. The padlock of the door buzzed, revealing you in an oversized hoodie covering the tight pair of shorts underneath. Your hair was down, you had no makeup on, but you were accompanied by the singular black bar chair you dragged in your hand behind you. “Soony, hi. Thank you for coming.” Soonyoung greeted you and ran up to your side, helping you with your bag and the ominous chair. “I’m shocked you needed my help.” You shake your head, knowing exactly where he was coming from, but he was your only hope of getting comfortable with your new concept. Someone brave and not shy when it came to performing. “Once you see what it is, maybe you’ll think differently.” The bright screen of your laptop ignited between you as you pressed play to watch your performance leader and the choreographer dancing a passionate partner dance, involving that very black chair the male had been confused about before. “You guys are doing this?” You just shook your head yes pressing pause on the rest of the video where your male counterpart will exit the stage. “If you don’t want to help it’s okay, I get it.” Soonyoung pressed himself up off the ground, and grabbed your hands indicating he was willing to help. “No, I do. Come on.” He remembered all the times you were shy of physical touch, except from him. As you worked on the dance you had gotten closer and closer, his hands rested on your lower back as you twirled your body around the chair, ending with a moment of you straddling his thighs before the ending of his part where he picks you up for a partner lift, holding your barely clothes butt in his hands. He couldn’t imagine you getting the opportunity to do this with anybody else, not to mention in front of a crowd of people and many more online. As your body slid it’s way down his and you tried to break contact to walk and stop the music, he couldn’t let go. 
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I love your page sm!! Could you write something where the reader is new to the avengers and pietro has a crush on her smut?
hii!! aaah thank uu thank uu😔 really sorry but there’s no smut in this one, it was getting long and hadn’t even got to the spice, so I decided to leave it. but it’s slightly suggestive at the end. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
* not to be annoying, but if I get enough comments/ asks for a continuation, I'll probs do a smutty part 2
pietro maximoff x female reader
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word count. 538
warnings. slightly suggestive?
Being the newbie is tough - it's hard anywhere, especially when joining a team that is knit tightly like a family.
At the beginning of your first week, Cap assigned you a tour guide to help settle you into the compound, someone who can show you the ropes and make you feel comfortable.
Your new buddy, Pietro, is like that of a charming character - someone who can make you laugh and immediately put you at ease. Very quickly, he became someone you could rely on - someone you could trust. He became a close confidant and someone you could turn to when you'd miss home.
It was late - gone past twelve, everyone settling down for the night when you see the shadow of feet appear under the gap of your door. Your phone vibrates on your nightstand, and you pick it up to see Pietro texted you, the bright screen reading, 'you up? :)' 
You pull yourself out of bed to open the door, adjusting your t-shirt to cover more of your thighs before doing so. 
"It's late," you whisper, peeking at Pietro through the ajar door. 
"Couldn't sleep," he shrugs, walking past you and into your room. 
You poke your head out, checking the hallway before closing your door. "Yeah, come on in," you sarcastically mumble.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asks, plopping down onto your bed - sitting at the edge.
"Not really," you chuckle. "By the way, you're in my space. I sleep there," you nod beside him, hinting at the messily drawn-back covers.
"If you want me to go, just say that," he grins, subtly eyeing up your bare thighs.
You notice his gaze and tug the hem of your t-shirt, pulling the fabric to cover your thighs once more. "No, it's okay. Just move over. I'm getting cold."
Pietro shuffles aside and pulls the covers, patting on the mattress where you not long laid. "Want me to tuck you in, too?" he snickers, watching how you played off a sincere smile.
"Funny guy," you dryly chuckle, settling back in your spot. 
"Why can't you sleep?" he asks, head tilting to the side as he watches you.
"Don't know. You?"
"Don't know," he repeats, a boyish grin forming. "Thinking, I guess."
"You were thinking? That is unheard of," you fake gasp, a slow smile creeping on your face.
"I know. Surprised me too," Pietro chuckles, scratching behind his neck. "Alright, I'll uh— I'll let you be."
He stands and turns to look at you, watching your pretty face brighten up in the moonlight. He slowly makes his way to the head of the bed where you lay, hesitantly extending a hand to brush over your cheek. His thumb lightly swiping over the apple, holding you in his hand as he leans to kiss your forehead. 
He stills, lips pressed to your skin as he awaits for you to pull back - but you never do. He parts, his silver eyes boring into yours, watching how they soften under his gaze, how your pupils widen - mirroring his own. 
You lift a hand from under the covers, reaching for Pietro's face, cupping his cheek. "Stay," you whisper, speaking mere inches from his lips. "Stay."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
pietro taglist: @astermath @thewinterv @earth-elemental18 @lunnnix @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @randomawesomeperson102 @queerponcho @selfryed @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @mrsbarnesxxx @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected @apxtowiris
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haechanhues · 9 months
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pairing : ot22 x reader. sm rookies! shohei/eunseok/seunghan x reader. sungtaro x reader.
genre : fluff + angst + suggestive content throughout. 
warnings : suggestive content from a certain point. implications of bullying, swearing. toxic relationships. further warnings at every preview, written chapter etc please tell me if there are warnings I may have missed. everything in this fic is fictional. 
summary : in which a girl farewells every boy she’s ever loved (or at least had romantic feelings for) in order to prove that her feelings for one particular boy are very real and unwavering. 
status : ongoing
taglist : @matchahyuck @haisuken @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @90s-belladonna @scftharu @ahnneyong @liliansun
main masterlist
author’s note : now pls bear with me, this is kind of a concept that rattles me a little bit so pay attention to the previews which are listed as ‘phones’. timestamps aren’t necessarily important unless stated. i’ve had this idea in my head for 3+ years now and i've written about 13 chapters and i just cannot hold on any longer so here it is. 
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profile 1 | profile 2 | profile 3 | profile 4 | moodboard
prologue :
P H O N E (1)
chapter one : hong seunghan
chapter two : osaki shotaro
chapter three : moon taeil
chapter four : matsushima shohei
chapter five : jung jaehyun
P H O N E (2)
chapter six : chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
chapter seven : park jisung
chapter eight : lee jeno
chapter nine : lee taeyong
chapter ten : jung sungchan
P H O N E (3)
chapter eleven : yuta nakamato
P H O N E (6)
chapter twelve : wong kunhang
chapter thirteen : kim doyoung
P H O N E (7)
chapter fourteen : song eunseok
chapter fifteen : na jaemin
chapter sixteen : lee donghyuck
chapter seventeen : mark lee
chapter eighteen : zhong chenle
chapter nineteen : liu yangyang
chapter twenty : johnny suh
chapter twenty one : dong sicheng
P H O N E (8)
chapter twenty two : qian kun
chapter twenty three : xiao dejun
chapter twenty four : huang renjun
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hcuyk · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS : changmin loves you. the happier ending to kidult
PAIRING : daycareworker!changmin x genderneutral!reader
GENRES : established relationship, daycare au, angst, fluff, features the boyz as children
WARNINGS : mentions of car accident and child neglect
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ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE : within the next week. i lied its coming out when i get time cause why tf is my college doing sm
TAGLIST : @stealanity @yourjaylaks @wooyoung-a @kimaya2209 @armysantiny @changminurheart @moonieric @sunfics @deputyjuyeon @simpforsunwoo @nyujjan @i6swoo @karsohn @nilesig @twentysixofmays @changmin-wrlds @mavericsohn @lisori @nanamioo @enhacolor @kyswoo @sunwoahkim @jaerisdiction @yunkiwii @ja4hyvn @choielyssa @crazywittysassy @yenart @sleepymoon27 @st1ngrayz — lmk if you want to be added!
A/N : to all the patient people who stuck with me for two years and waited for this very moment. i never thought this was going to happen, but here we are. jeonghan's teaser will release twelve hours from now
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Tears began to stream down your face, unable to hold them back, and you were thankful Changmin missed it, but when you heard him apologize, you turned around and snapped at him.
“What the hell do you even want?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“You had two weeks to talk to me!” you yelled, fighting the loudness of the rain. The stream of tears ran faster down your cheeks as you brought a hand to your forehead, shielding the rain from getting into your eyes.
“I tried!”
“By knocking on my door for an hour straight at two in the fucking morning?! You could’ve called! You have a key!”
“Well it’s not like you tried either—”
“I got hit by a car!” you screamed, storming towards him as the sky reflected your mood. The thunder was just as loud as the pounding in your heart, and the rain poured just as much as your tears. You pushed Changmin, and behind him you saw a crack of lightning. Your vision started to blur as you didn’t hold back your sobs, wanting to show him the pain he’d inflicted on you ever since he left.
“I got hit by a car, Changmin! What about you? Were you hit by a car?! A truck? Perhaps a plane?” You forced out a manic laugh before continuing. “Wait, no, don’t tell me. Let me guess,-”
“-mauled by a bear?”
“I can explain-”
“Tell me I’m goddamn overreacting.” You took a step forward, and instead of pushing him again, you stared, making him look at the pain he created. “Tell me I’m overreacting, Jichang. Look me in my eyes and say it loud and clear.”
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“I knew you’d be there for me.”
“I missed you, I needed you-”
“I know.”
“The day I lose you is the day I lose myself.”
“I don’t want you to wake up and realize I’m not the one for you. I don’t want that for us.”
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it isn't a vae fic if there isn't angst Y'ALL AREN'T ESCAPING 👹👹 if i take longer than a week with this fic, i'll post a second (happier) teaser
it's been two years guys!! i'll be surprised if anyone sees this at all. if you do, please reblog and share, or even give me some support/hype in the comments. i want everyone who wanted a happy ending to see this <3
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alovesongtheywrote · 7 months
can i please ask for another part of nightmare academia if you can 😭😭 i need a pick me up so bad bc of exam week at my campus and i loveee your series sm!!!
sending love 🫶🫶
♥ Summary:  This should help! I hope your exams went well!! In this chapter of Nightmare Academia, Spencer makes up for past mistakes and you take him home. [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: mentions of the stab, guilt
♥ A/N: ok, we're getting goofy again- at least, for now
♥ Word Count: 1382
Series Masterlist
You didn’t see Reid again until he came back to work.  You saw Penelope every now and then, and she kept you updated on his condition until she left, but you never saw Reid until he came back.  Once he did, all your mugs went missing.  Honestly, you were kind of proud.
You were hesitant to retrieve your stolen property- hesitant to see Reid again.  You stood outside his door for a good ten minutes before you even bothered to knock.  When you heard his voice through the door, telling you to come in, you almost turned tail and ran.
You were avoiding him, not because of your anger but because of your guilt.  You couldn’t stand seeing him hurt and motionless in the hospital, broken because of you- so you just avoided him.  It was the cowardly thing to do, but still, you did it.
Now, you needed to see him again- you needed to get your mugs back.  You needed coffee.  You pushed open the door.
Reid’s face lit up when he saw you.  His eyes were so bright, and his smile blinding.  You felt so guilty.
“Hey!  I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”
You weren’t entirely sure if his words were genuine, or if he was playing a game with you.  Either way, you could play along, “I’m here for my mugs, Reid.”
“I thought you’d say that.  Go back to your office, they’re already there.”
You tilted your head, “Not bad.  You took the base prank and elevated it.  Smart.”
Spencer shrugged, “Thanks.”
You paused halfway through the door, tapping a nonsense pattern into the wall outside his office.  Staying felt wrong, but you couldn’t leave.  Not yet.
“Hey, uh.  I’m sorry I didn’t visit you in the hospital.  I was-”
“(Y/N), I know what you did.”
You paused, looking up at him with wide eyes.  Yes, he knew what you did, you got him stabbed- did he know how guilty you felt about it?
“You covered my classes for me,” he picked up his own mug, “You were busy.  Don’t worry about it.”
You nodded, taking in a deep breath, “Perfect… And uh, are you- how are you settling in?”
You didn’t know a person’s smile could make you feel physically warm, but his did, “I’m doing okay.  I told you, I’ll be fine.”
“You did.  Just one of many things you’re right about, I guess.  And you- you aren’t hurt, right?”
He shook his head, “I told you, I’m okay.”  
“Good- perfect,” you paused, fingers still pressed against the wall, “Now tell me to get the hell out of your office.”
He laughed a little, taking a sip of his coffee, “Get the hell out of my office, Professor.”
“Good boy.”
You left, missing the delicious sight of Reid melting into an absolute puddle at your words.  He wondered, briefly, if you were trying to put him back in the hospital.  He could never tell when it came to you- but god, if you wanted to put him in the hospital, all you had to do was ask.
Upon returning to your office, you were met with the sight of two cardboard boxes on your desk.  One of them contained your mugs.  Inside the other, a 1960s Vintage Royal Empress Typewriter measuring about twelve inches in width and weighing thirty-three pounds and eight ounces.  You could feel the tears forming behind your eyes.  Your typewriter had been destroyed in the attack.  
Somehow, Reid had gone out and found you a new goddamn typewriter that was the exact same make and model as your old one.  You could kiss that damn bean-pole- you wanted to kiss that damn bean-pole.  
Your fingers brushed over the polished metal of the machine.  In the box, beside it, you found a note.
“I remember you said something about being in the market for a vintage typewriter.  I found this and thought you’d like it.  Feel free to use it the next time you get angry at me.”
It wasn’t signed, but you didn’t need a signature.  That was his handwriting.  He bought you a typewriter.  You got him stabbed, and he bought you a fucking typewriter.  Tears spilled down your cheeks as you took a seat at your desk.  
That evening, Spencer passed by your office on his way home.  He stood outside the door for a second, listening to the click of the keys beneath your fingers.  He stayed there for a while, in the otherwise silent hallway, letting the click of the keys promise him that you were nearby.  
He’d missed you, during his recovery.  He knew that you felt guilty.  He couldn’t forget what you said in the hospital.  He also knew that you were busy- you’d picked up his classes without a second thought, and while you had done an incredible job, he knew that couldn’t have been easy.  That hadn’t kept him from missing you, though.
He had to face that down, too- the fact that he could miss you so much after only hours of being away from you.  You’d settled in so nicely with everything else in his life.  He’d gotten used to you, and you were such a presence that nothing could come close to replacing you.  That probably wasn’t normal, but it was a therapy appointment for another day.
Until then, he would let himself listen to you type away at the machine he got you.  
He stayed in the hallway for a few short minutes, until the click of the keys stopped.  He barely noticed the change.  He did, however, notice you stepping out of your office with your bag slung over your shoulder.  You were clearly surprised to see him.  
“Shit!  Reid!  It’s you.  Fuck, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” he winced, “I didn’t mean to-”
“I know,” you swayed a little, side to side in the doorway, “But hey, it’s good that I caught you, I uh.  I wanted to say thanks.  You- you really didn’t have to get me a new typewriter, Reid.”
“Well, technically it isn’t new.  The Vintage Royal Empress line didn’t come out until-”
“Reid.  You know what I mean.  Thank you.”
“It’s no problem.  I mean, you saved my life, so-”
“Saved your life?” you scoffed, “Reid, you wouldn’t have gotten stabbed if it weren’t for me.”
“And I would have bled out if you hadn’t been there.”
“And you wouldn’t have been bleeding if it weren’t for me.”
“If it weren’t for you, what?  If it weren’t for you looking out for your students?  If it weren’t for you protecting Missy?  If it weren’t for you being smart enough to use the typewriter as a weapon?  Tell me, (Y/N), what did you do to get me stabbed?”
“I-” you were at a loss for words, “I’m sure there’s something I did, I just.  Can’t think of it.  Right now.”
Spencer smiled, “Maybe you just want to stab me.”
“No!” you practically jumped across the hallway, stopping right in front of Reid, “I do not want that.”
Your eyes darted down over Reid’s stomach, hovering over the location of the wound.  You couldn’t see it, but you remembered the red stain across his shirt, the pool of blood that got bigger and bigger no matter how hard you’d pressed down.  
Before you could even think of stopping yourself, your fingers brushed lightly against his torso.  Your touch was gentle- enough for him to feel, but not enough for him to flinch.  Inside your office, the lights flickered.  You only realized what you were doing when Spencer moved to wrap his hand around yours.
You jumped a little, shaking your head as you came back to your senses.
“Shit- I’m sorry, I um-”
“Don’t apologize,” Spencer’s voice was soft.  His eyes carried some sort of gentle confidence within them.
You squeezed his hand.
“Hey, you aren’t taking the train home, are you?”
“I am, why?”
“Because if someone elbows you in the wrong spot, you’re gonna bleed out on the train, and I’m gonna feel like shit about it.”
“That’s highly unlikely.  The stitches have already-”
“Spencer,” you stopped him, “You can tell me about it in the car.  Let me drive you home.”
On both accounts, he did.  
♥ Tags: @icarusignite, @usuallyunlikelyfox, @maraudersforlife2005, @fictionalcomforts, @morgthemagpie, @iiheartbowie, @digitalhearts, @corpsebridenightamare, if you asked to be tagged and i forgot, pls let me know!! if you would like to be tagged and aren't, also let me know :D
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twistedy · 4 months
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Decided to modernize Twelve for his 2024 annual reference sheet!
It’s been a while since you guys have seen anything with Twelve. We almost went a whole month without this silly dude! Expect to see him more often this year, I miss him sm~~
I hope you enjoy it, and have a great Friday.
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weird-bookworm · 2 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart, and if you get five back, you must be pretty awesome.💌 i miss you :(
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jennay · 1 year
Play Pretend (2)
An: I was thinking about a mini series? What do you think? Anything you’d love to see? Angst, fluff, whatever? I can suggest smut but I’m not huge on writing it. Anyways if you enjoy and want more please reblog comment and let me know 💜
Master List
Part 1
Months passed before you gave in to Joseph and agreed to lunch. It's not that you didn't want to see him, but with how your life was going, it was easier to lie through a text message. You didn't want him to know for the past few months you'd been out partying and drowning any emotion you had with alcohol and any pain relievers you could get your hands on.
Joseph had asked if it was ok that Jamie came to lunch, and for a brief second, you were upset, and then you were excited to see him. You looked fabulous and could easily convince him you were doing fine without him. You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss Jamie's company, but there was no chance in hell that you would be the one to reach out.
When you round the corner, it's not hard to spot your dorky friends sitting around a table outside the restaurant. Jamie looked like a rockstar out of place, and Joseph looked like he was going to a photoshoot.
You quietly sneak up behind Joseph, giving Jamie the universal sign to be quiet by putting your finger to your lips. You abruptly grab Joseph's shoulders and yell, "Boo!"
Joseph spills his water on his lap, which causes Jamie to clap his hands together and laugh. "She got you."
You bend down and wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaving a slobbery kiss on his cheek. "Hello, darling, did you miss me?" You pull one of the chairs out and sit next to Joseph. You hand him a few paper towels. "We can't take you anywhere without you making a mess."
He glares and continues cleaning up his pants. "I didn't think you'd be so cheerful considering how drunk you were last night." He laughs, "Babbling on about your new lover."
Your mouth drops. "I told you about that?" You look around the table searching for water, your mouth feels dry, and you can feel hangover anxiety reaching your throat. You grab Jamie's ice water and take a drink. "Honestly, I'm hungover as shit, and I don't remember much from last night, so disregard anything I said." You say, taking another drink of water and
Jamie grabs his cup back from you. "I've got cooties, you know?" He chuckles at his own joke.
Shrugging, you say, "I've had grosser things of yours in my mouth."
Jamie's face scrunches, and he looks offended by your words. "I'm not gross!"
Joseph covers his mouth, making gagging noises, "That's not an image I wanted in my head."
"Sure you didn't." You wink in his direction.
He groans at your gesture, "I honestly could've done without, sweetheart."
"Are you ready to order?"
Your eyes shoot to the waitress, "I'll take a vodka cranberry and an ice water, please." You hand her your menu, not bothering with the food. You weren't hungry, but you needed something to kill the hangover. The two men watch with concern. "Look, I need you two to put those judgy eyes away. I can't handle any more anxiety today."
"I'll have the number twelve, please."
You find yourself admiring Jamie while he studies the menu. His finger taps his full lips, and he scrunches his nose every time he almost decides something.
His eyes raise to the waitress, "The number six sounds outstanding."
Joseph gently kicks your leg under the table, snapping you back to reality. You shake your head away from Jamie and meet Joseph's gaze, "So," He says, "Tell us about the new guy."
"Thank you." You say to the woman who brings you your drink. "Well, he's an actor. He's charming, funny, and the sex!" You say, emphasizing the last word.
"I don't want to hear about your sex life." Joseph says, "Not with Jamie, strangers, or yourself."
Jamie laughs, "We did have good sex." He teases Joseph.
Smirking, you say, "Maybe good for you." That's right (y/n); keep hitting him where it hurts the most. You give him the sweetest sarcastic smile you can muster up. "Anyhow, his name is Alex Shepard, and we actually haven't had sex. I'm saving the goods for now."
Joseph's brow crinkles, "The Alex Shepard?"
Jamie's body stiffens, and out of the corner of your eye, you see his look of disgust. "Alex is a pig. Do you know how many women have come forward saying he's abusive? You'd think you, of all people, would believe the victims."
"He was never charged, and it was a miss understanding. The two girls took back the claims and even said they were doing it for his money." You roll your eyes and chug the rest of your drink. "I shouldn't be surprised that you would have such a negative attitude about someone I'm dating." You set your glass down roughly. "You had your chance, Jamie. Now fuck off and let me find my person."
Jamie scoffs and pushes his food away, "No, absolutely not! You have no idea who you're dating. This has nothing to do with my feelings (Y/N). This is strictly because I care about you!"
"Guys." Joseph tries to intervene, but it's too late. "Lower your voices."
"You sound like a jealous boy." You taunt.
Jamie tilts his head, slightly annoyed by your assumptions. "Someone needs to look after you! Joseph is too nice to tell you, you make bad choices. Everyone sees it besides you. It's insane!" He yells.
You scoot back in your chair, aggravated by his words. You stand up and throw cash on the table. "It was nice seeing you guys and not at the same time. Seems to be a running theme, so I'm gonna go." You start down the sidewalk, not giving them any time to react. "Don't bother me anymore."
Part 3
Tag list - @cat-loves-music @lma1986
Thanks for reading!
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cersworld · 2 years
CAST: teacher!jisung x celebrity!reader
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y/n has had just about enough with the general public and their inability to keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves. she also refuses to live with her friends so she is technically (literally) homeless. park jisung has his life together, likes to think he's living his best life (which he kind of is) but that's until he meets y/n. again.
GENRE: exes to housemates to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn (and by that i mean it does get off track sometimes (a lot)), angst, crack, etc.
WARNINGS: fem!reader, swearing, possible violence and violent language, jay is definitely presented as the bad guy so be warned!!! a lot of feels, identity crises (not really?), possible talk of eating disorders, inappropriate jokes, author is kinda (definitely) projecting through all of these characters (lol sorry), ignore the year on all the sm cuts because i was lazy sorry lol, not canonically accyrate because jisung cooks and doesn't burn the house down, etc.
STATUS: slow updates
TAGLIST: open!!
profiles: one two three
chapter one: great expectations
chapter two: birds
chapter three: the existence of emotions
chapter four: repeating the cycle
chapter five: benjamin
chapter six: romancing
chapter seven: chances
chapter eight: questionnaire
chapter nine: board games
chapter ten: trust
chapter eleven: hands on experience
chapter twelve: men (sigh)
chapter thirteen: sick
chapter fourteen: fight scene
chapter fifteen: the fall
chapter sixteen: mess it up
chapter seventeen: think
chapter eighteen: break. down.
chapter nineteen: nothing?
chapter twenty: back
chapter twenty-one: new life
chapter twenty-two: what a time
chapter twenty-three: no way, y/n?!
chapter twenty-four: reality misses you
chapter twenty-five: anything but jay
chapter twenty-six: poor decision-making skills
chapter twenty-six point five: home?
chapter twenty-seven: detour home tour
chapter twenty-eight: public enemies
chapter twenty-nine: just what you want
chapter thirty: teacher's way of life; step 1!
chapter thirty-one: everyone knows
chapter thirty-two: brand deal baby
chapter thirty-three: triangles
chapter thirty-four: lifetime experience
chapter thirty-five: drink drunk (womp womp)
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