#I need to enjoy hyperfixation better tho
restlesspazzi04 · 2 months
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Love Island: A Pazzi Fic
Part 1: Day 3
Genre: I've somehow managed to think up a forbidden love/enemies to lovers/reformed player/slow burn love island fic all together so imma pat myself on the back bc ive been getting so many asks for all five
This is just the introduction chapter to a series that will be very loosely updated as it's more of a fun project i'm working on but hope you guys enjoy because this is just me riding off the love island hyperfixation im in lol
Extra Note: this is will be on tumblr only mainly bc this series will be trash and purely for my self entertainment so idc as much. slow falling will remain on ao3 only :)
ik some people have difficulty reading on tumblr tho so if i get enough asks i will put this on ao3 if its easier
word count: 3.2k (this will fluctuate depending on my mood)
Format Clarification:
When the contestant name is in front of the text, that means it's a cutaway and not actually said in the villa!
anything in italics is to be read in Iain Stirling voice please i love him
Day 3:
It's day 3 and it's heating up in the villa! Will the current couples pass the test of temptation as two new bombshells enter for the ultimate challenge? Find out here on Love Island USA: WLW Sports Edition! 
When Paige first got the call that she was nominated for Love Island, she knew who put her name in the sea of women’s athletes picked for the show. With her social media agents wanting to get the “player” allegations away from her image to make herself more marketable, she was a shoo-in for the show. 
Paige was confident in her coupling. Ellie, the Olympic swimmer from Australia, was up her ally of girls: hot, brunette, and gay. They had been going strong for the first three days in the villa, with Ellie picking Paige on Day 1 coupling. In the mess of drama the other couples were whirlwind into, they had remained together as a voice of reason. 
“I’m just not really feeling her I don’t know,” Kate groans, slapping the ping pong ball back to Paige. 
“Bro it’s been three days and you’re already tired of your match? Couldn’t be me.” Paige responds, returning the ball. 
Kate and Paige being the only WNBA athletes in the villa naturally stuck together as close friends, being each other's confidants on Love Island. They had the common ground of basketball solidifying their sisterhood and frequently took each other's advice.
“It’s not that. I just feel like there’s no spark. Sarah is great and all, but I can’t imagine spending the rest of my villa time with her.”
“Why don’t you explore your options tonight if we recouple? That’ll start some crazy drama.” Paige laughs mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows at an unamused Kate Martin. 
“All the other couples are pretty locked in and I don’t wanna be a homewrecker… plus they’re probably bringing in new bombshells today if I got the formula right. Hopefully, they’re my type because I don’t think it’s working out for me and Sarah. ” 
“New bombshells? I mean none of them better be basketball players. That’s Ellie’s type to a T. It was hard enough fighting against you.” Paige jokes, slightly concerned at the idea of new people. It wasn’t like she and Ellie were completely locked in, but Paige knew she’d be at risk of getting kicked off the show if any of the new bombshells coupled up with Ellie.
“Ellie is not my type. She’s too nice. I need some passion in my girl." 
“I like nice. She’s sweet and brings me orange juice in the morning.” Paige says, dropping her paddle when Kate sends the ball flying past her head, "Drama stresses me out. That's why Ellie is perfect for me."
“Nah, I like a little fight. It’s hot when a girl is mad at you… you should know better than me ‘Miss Star Point Guard on the Golden State Valkyries’. Aren’t women always fighting over you?” 
“I already told you I’m not a player in the real world or the villa. Why does no one on the island believe me?” Paige exclaims, plopping down on the way-to-colorful couch in the Villa playroom. 
“I don’t know… maybe you’re insane eye contact with everyone you meet?” Kate says sarcastically, taking her seat next to Paige. 
“Blame my parents! They’re the ones who told me that eye contact is respectful." Paige argues before adding, "I can’t help I got beautiful eyes.” 
“Shut u-"
Kate is effectively cut off when KK Harvey starts screaming "I GOT A TEXT" throughout the entire villa, everyone making their way to the poolside where she was sitting.
"Islanders please gather at the fire pit for a surprise! #WatchOutCouples #Bout to drop a bomb!" KK reads loudly, the whole villa shouting in response.
"Welp, I guess this is your moment to find a new girl." Paige sighs, making her way over to the fire pit.
"Not yours?"
"Nope, I'm pretty happy with Ellie."
"You sure about that? Not even keeping an open eye?" Kate teased, ragging on Paige's loyalty.
"I'm definitely not re-coupling with some newcomer." Paige asserts firmly. 
"If you say so." 
As the Islanders all flock to the firepit, taking their seats next to their partners, they await for further instruction. 
“I GOT A TEXT!” Kate hoots out as the other islanders get excited, “It says ‘Get ready as your two new bombshells join you guys in the villa! #AreYouReady?’”
Paige looks over at Ellie, who’s already gripping tighter on Paige’s arm at the news of Bombshells. 
“I hope they’re not your type,” Ellie whispers shyly into Paige’s ear. It was a cute gesture, one that should’ve made Paige blush. Paige just gives her a reassuring squeeze on the arm, leaning in to whisper back. 
“I already got a beautiful girl, don’t worr-”
Paige is interrupted as shouting rings through the villa as two new girls make their way into the villa. 
“Bro, can you see her?” Kate says, pulling Paige up immediately as two figures appear in the distance. 
“Not with you jumping on my shoulders.” Paige retorts back, leaning up to get a better look, “They’re tall.”  
“Wait, I think I recognize one of them,” Kate says with her eyes squinted
Kate: You guys are ruthless in bringing my exact type. Fuck, I want to stay loyal to Sarah but I do still want to keep my options open, you know?
Paige has to brace herself for this entrance. She recognized the two bombshells immediately as they got closer. The WNBA world was small and both of these contestants were prominent figures in the league. Azzi Fudd and Nika Muhl, the star guards for the LA Sparks would be joining the girls on the island. 
“No way they brought in more girls from the league!” Kate whispers into Paige’s ear. 
“Did they run out of gays for other sports? Or is the league just super gay?” Paige responds in a nervous whisper. Ellie had literally told Paige on the first day that her type was basketball girls and it was one of the main reasons why Ellie had picked her. It was not to Paige’s advantage to have multiple girls chasing after her girl. 
“Wait, I know both of them. We worked out together at Kelsey Plum’s dawg class for a few days. She’s super hot not gonna lie.” Kate whispered lowly so Sarah wouldn’t hear. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve met them a few times. Did you know that they both were gonna come to UCONN but chose UCLA last minute?” Paige droned on, her eyes oddly trained on Azzi as they finally reached the fire pit. It suddenly dawned on Paige that she had never seen the younger girl in a bikini and it set an uncomfortable fire ablaze in her stomach. 
Azzi: Hi, my name is Azzi Fudd and I’m a 5’ 11” shooting guard for the Sparks. I wanted to come to Love Island to find my future wife and make a strong connection with someone. I have been in a lot of relationships and they don’t seem to go well for me, so I hope I find my match here!
Nika: I’m Nika Muhl and I’m a 6’ foo-
Azzi: 5’ 10” don’t lie Nika
Nika: Don’t cut me off! Anyway, I’m a point guard for the LA Sparks and I wanted to come to Love Island to finally find my love match and establish a strong connection. I’m super excited to meet the Islanders. 
Another text sound rings through the air, coming from Azzi’s hand. 
“Bombshell’s Azzi and Nika, Pick two people to go on dates with tomorrow before bed tonight. Have fun getting to know everyone tonight in the villa! #newcomers #shootyourshot!” Azzi read out, inciting excitement through the villa again. 
“Hey you’re Azzi and Nika, right? Guard’s on the Sparks?” Coco asks, making room for them around the fire pit to welcome them. 
“Yeah, we’re shocked they picked us to go together since we knew each other. You’re Coco Gauff. I’m a big fan.” Azzi gushes, hugging Coco. 
“Hey Kate,” Nika says, acknowledging the blonde in the crowd as she scans around, “How’s the island?” 
“Good. Surprised to see you guys here but I’m hyped. We need more basketball representation in here.” Kate jokes. 
“We get enough ‘basketball is the best sport’ debating from these two. Now we got more.” KK Harvey jokes, motioning to the two basketball blondes in the pit. 
“Basketball is amazing though, you gotta admit.” Azzi plays along, earning a few lighthearted groans from the rest of the villa. 
“Just promise you shut up Paige before she goes on a whole rant. Kate just eggs on that little pest.” Coco groans. 
“I’m never wrong Coco, don’t play with me. Tennis is fun but basketball is art.” Paige says, earning more groans from the group. “Do you guys know who you wanna pull for chats?” Ellie asks the two bombshells, jutting into the conversation. 
“Um, I have my eyes on a few people but I’m gonna see for the next few hours as I get to know more people on the island,” Nika responds. 
“We know you guys are in couples right now, but we just wanted to wait until we got to know more people’s vibes,” Azzi adds, looking around all the girls in the pit. A few couples had already gone off to different parts of the villa, but she was getting a good look at everyone left. There were a few people on her radar and a few people who weren’t. 
Azzi: Kate was making some pretty clear eye contact with me, but she’s on my “pulling for chats” roster.
The group spends the next few minutes getting to know each other and filling in the two on the island news. Paige tried to focus on Ellie squeezing her arm, but she was distracted by things she couldn’t comprehend. 
Things such as Azzi Fudd making flashing bouts of eye contact with her to no end. Paige was not one to falter at strong eye contact, but she couldn’t help but grow slightly nervous under the shooting guard's gaze. It wasn’t rare for Paige to catch the eye of someone. New people entering the villa the past few days had flocked to her, but she rejected them to no avail to remain loyal to Ellie. It was still fun flirting and making stable eye contact was one of her specialties. But Azzi Fudd seemed to be looking at her with a specific glint that Paige couldn’t pinpoint. 
Paige: Did you guys see the way she was looking at me? I can’t tell if she wants me in her bed or wants me dead.  
Annoyance? Lust? Hatred? C’mon Paige tell us what you see!
“So you guys want a little villa tour?” Kate asks suddenly while stepping slightly closer to Azzi, “It’s super nice.” 
The group makes their way around the villa, showing the two new islanders all the spots. Ellie and Paige stayed hand-in-hand as they walked, Ellie refusing to let go. Even when Paige got closer to Azzi coincidentally, the shooting guard would make it a point to take two steps away and it didn’t help that Ellie was pulling her in the other direction. They end up at the rooms as they finish off the night, the girls entering their assigned makeup rooms to get ready for bed. Azzi is put into Paige, Kate, Coco, and KK’s room, getting spilt up from Nika. 
“So Azzi, what do you think of the villa?” Coco asks while wiping her makeup off. 
“It’s nice, bigger than I expected. Soul ties are a lot more secretive than I thought.” Azzi answers, unpacking her bags. 
“Yeah, a lot of shit goes down there. If you go to soul ties at night we know you’re fucking or something.” KK laughs. 
“Do you know who you’re picking for your dates tomorrow? You get two right?” Paige asks, speaking up for the first time. 
“Yeah, two. I’m not sure who I’m picking yet. I think they’re asking me to pick in an hour so I have time to think in the shower.” 
“What’s your type?” Kate asks Azzi boldly, getting an approval look from Paige. 
“Uhh, I tend to focus a lot on personality. Just someone who can match my competitiveness and my energy. But if we’re talking looks, I tend to go for tall blondes.” Azzi says casually, immediately getting Kate to snap her eyes to Paige. 
Paige: Is Azzi flirting with me or Kate? If it’s me, I’m in trouble. Ellie is not going to be happy if I go on a date tomorrow. 
“Is there a separate shower room? I need to unpack my bottles.” Azzi says while standing up.
“Yeah, it’s down the hall to the left. That’s where our group showers.” Coco instructs, getting a nod of thank you before Azzi leaves. 
“Hold up, was she talking about me?” Kate polls the group the second Azzi safely leaves the room, “Or was she walking about the other two blondies?” 
“I think she was just stating her type buddy.” KK Harvey jokes, “Plus, she’s totally talking about me. She’s been giving me the eyes.”  
“Really?” Paige chimes in curiously, “Like slightly angry but confusingly hot?” 
“No, like she wanna look into my soul…What type of looks is she giving you?” KK questions. 
“Nothing… she wasn’t really looking at me, just wondering,” Paige adds quickly. She was probably just overthinking due to the reveal of her type. 
“Back off KK, you’re happy with Kylie. Sarah and I have been distant for days.” Kate playfully challenges. 
“Kylie’s great, but Azzi and Nika are hot, not going to lie. I kinda hope I get to go on the date with them. Don’t tell Kylie though, she might kill me.” 
“As long as you don’t tell Sarah. I wanna test my connection with the bombshells but I don’t want to blindside Sarah.” 
“You guys are acting like Azzi and Nika want you guys. She could be talking about girls in the other room.” Coco jokes, butting into the heated debate.
“Please, Coco. We get it. You and Paige are in happy little couples and don’t need to worry about recoupling. I would say Kylie would leave me the second another hockey girl comes in here.” KK says sarcastically before adding, “I’ve never gone for a basketball girl before.” 
“I have. And I know them better than you loser. Azzi said tall, that means basketball. She was clearly talking about me.” Kate argues back. 
“I’ll be right back,” Paige says suddenly, jumping from her makeup chair. 
“Where are you going?” Kate asks as Paige starts exiting the room. 
“Just going to chat with Azzi for a bit. Nothing serious. I’ll be back in 30 seconds.” Paige says quickly, ignoring any questioning she got from the group. 
Paige makes her way down the hall, knocking twice on the shower room door before it slowly squeaks open.
“It’s unlocked,” Azzi says simply, her composure even. 
“Oh. Some people are uncomfortable with people coming in during showers so I always knock. Wasn’t sure if you were showering.” 
“Nope, just unpacking,” Azzi says shortly, confusing Paige again, “Do you need to shower? I can leave.” 
“Oh, no. I actually wanted to talk to you real quick before you pick your dates for tomorrow.” Paige starts. 
“Sure, what did you want to talk about?” Azzi asks cautiously, continuing to organize her skincare on her shelf. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m in a pretty solid connection with Ellie and I don’t want you to waste your date on me because I’m mostly taken. You can still pick me, but I just want to be transparent from the beginning before we get to know each other.” Paige says while sitting up on the sink.
Azzi stood up from her packing, giving Paige a focused look of mild confusion. 
“What makes you think I’m picking you?” Azzi asks with an even tone, eyes unwavering from Paige’s. 
“Well, you said tall blondes are your type and that’s only me and Kate. So I assumed you’d use your two picks on us.” Paige says, slightly less confident.
Azzi steps closer to Paige, closing the gap between them. 
“Is it true that if you take off your top they can’t air it because it’s nudity?” Azzi whispers into Paige’s ear, pulling the blonde in. 
“Uh, yeah? They can’t air it. But they get kinda annoyed when we do it and talk about villa stuff.” Paige whispers shakily into Azzi’s ear. 
“Turn your head,” Azzi says as she takes two steps back, swiftly taking off her bikini top.
Paige had never swiveled so hard, almost falling off the sink counter. Paige turned her head halfway before she realized she could see Azzi in the mirror reflection, leading her to close her eyes as fast as possible.
“I know your reputation in the league, but I’m not trying to air out your business on TV, so I’m going to speak like this,” Azzi yells out before turning around, “You can turn around now, it’s just my back.” 
Paige opens her eyes to see Azzi’s long braids flowing down her bare back, the only article of clothing being her bottom bikini. Azzi turned her head to speak. 
“How are you going to judge me on my so-called reputation?” Paige questioned back, getting offended at the “Player” accusations she hated. 
“You ghosted one of my friends, so don’t act surprised I’m cautious of you. I came to the Villa to find love and take home the win.” 
“So did I. You haven’t seen me with Ellie. I have a lot of layers, you’d be surprised.” Paige says with a smirk, her voice growing bolder. 
“Layers? Yeah, ten layers of player. I know what you did to Alyssa.” 
“Alyssa? Who’s that?” Paige asks, racking her brain for possible Alyssa’s in her past.
“Jesus, you don’t even remember her. That’s crazy.” Azzi scoffs accusatorily, “Anyway, don’t worry. I won’t pick you for the date, I’m not going to intrude on you and Ellie. Seems like you guys are happy.” 
Paige watches as Azzi slips her bikini back on. Watching the muscles on her back contract as she pulls her top over her head. Her bare skin was addicting to look 
So addicting, Paige was caught red-handed admiring her as Azzi turned back around. 
“You sure you're happy with Ellie?” Azzi jokes dryly. 
“Very. She’s a great girl. Exactly my type.” Paige challenges back, leaning her body toward Azzi. 
“What is your type, Paige?” 
“Hot, Brunette, Pretty Eyes,” Paige says a little quieter as Azzi steps a little too close for comfort. 
“I see,” Azzi answers, nodding her head. 
“Don’t think I’m calling you my type. You just happen to fit it.” Paige adds weakly. 
“You saying I got pretty eyes? I know I'm the other two.” Azzi asks playfully, opening the door to the shower room. 
“Maybe. Let me look into them longer and I’ll decide.” Paige chirps back, a surge of confidence coursing through her. 
“In your dreams, Bueckers.” Azzi sings out with a laugh as she takes her exit, leaving a mildly dazed Paige on the sink. 
This was certainly going to be an interesting summer in the Villa for Paige. 
A/N: I apologize if this is shit, this is just funny for me.
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shu-box-puns · 1 year
Hello there mate!
Hope you're doing good and I'm here to say I ADORE you're Dad!Tsu'tey works and they bring me my daily dose of serotonin.
But also, since I've read (and reread) the "Grumpy dad and his feral son" work I've been having some thoughts. Like, what if Tsu'Tey was just a second too late and they managed to take Spider away? How would he react (I mean obviously he would hunt the shit out of them down) ? When would he and Spider reunite again? In the forest while he was with the recoms? In the battle of the Sea Dragon? I mean he would most def come to his rescue if the letter is the case to come and get him (+ to aid the Sullies), but then I also wonder what would happen. Would the whole Neytiri holding him hostige infront of Quaritch so he would release Kiri thing happen? How would he react to that? Or what if he got shot instead on Neteyam (not dying tho cos I want both my faves to live a happy life) ? I bet Tsu'Tey would be fucking terrified cos it woul remind him of how he got shot and almost died.
Anywho I'm sorry for the long line of questions and suggestions I left but when my brain finds something to hyperfixate on it will not stop coming up with questions and possible scenarios for the said thing 😅
I love the way your brain thinks Anon. (The fact I literally had most of these scenarios either thought out or planned :D) This got long. All the questions just gave me so many ideas and I RAN with it. Enjoy the memes and I hope there's no obvious spelling mistakes.
If Tsu'tey were too late to grab Spider before Quaritch got to him:
I could definitely see him tearing off after the recoms. Maybe he springs from the bushes too late, and Quaritch has already hoisted the boy up over his shoulder. Naturally, Tsu'tey still tries to attack him with his bow, but Lyle opens fire too fast and he old instinct has him retreating. Man definitely has some PTSD from getting shot during the war, and although mentally he still wants Spider back, his body goes on auto-pilot and throws him out of the line of fire. Lyle keeps shooting in his direction as the recoms retreat, but Tsu'tey isn't gonna let something as silly as instinct keep him down for long.
That's his boy, they'll have to kill him to keep him from getting him back. Thankfully, Jake knows exactly where his brain went and literally had to throw himself at this man so he didn't end up getting himself shot (again). Jake likes Spider well enough, but he thinks regrouping is a better course of action than charging in guns blazing - shocker, he's actually matured since having his kids.
Tsu'tey definitely fights with all he has against Jake, cursing at him and trying to wrestle himself free. He can't focus on anything but the distant roar of the enemy ship as it soars in close to the canopy. He can see the lights, and through the trees, the vague outlines of the recoms strapping themselves in. Lo'ak definitely has to wrestle the hunter's knife out of its sheath before he remembers it is there. But no one can save Jake from Tsu'tey biting the shit out of him. Man does not give a shit at this point.
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When he gets free. (Of course it's a when not an if.) The airship is already long gone. A distant hum in the distance, even to his superior hearing. The pure, unbridled rage on this man's face is terrifying. Instead of explosive, loud anger, he's cold, almost unnervingly calm. A whole new level of terrifying.
Jake is definitely too scared to try and coax him out of the clearing and instead focuses on reassuring his children. Neytiri has to approach him, she's known him the longest afterall. Had stuck with him through the loss of Sylwanin, the fall of HomeTree, the war, she knows how best to handle him when he is like this. That doesn't mean her words are effective however. Tsu'tey needs a moment of stillness to collect his thoughts and recollect himself after the adrenaline burst, but Neytiri is already grabbing him roughly by the bicep and trying and drag him to his ikran.
He's still seething. Barely seeing straight. Half baked plans of him attacking the demon airship before it could get to Bridgehead were sounding more tempting by the moment.
Somehow Neytiri drags him out of the clearing and into the branches of the trees. Hauling his weary body to safer ground. But in his musing, Tsu'tey recalls the figure of Neytiri in the trees when Spider fell. He remembers seeing her dragging Kiri away with half a nod of acknowledgement sent Tsu'tey's way. It sends a fresh wave of rage crashing over him.
"You left him." He suddenly snarled, ripping his arm from her and pointing an accusatory finger at her. "He was right there, and you abandoned him!"
Neytiri's ears droop and she doesn't deny it. She doesn't back down either. "My priority was Kiri. I assumed you could handle it." She doesn't apologise for her actions or inaction. Just holds his gaze and holds her ground. Her expression neutral.
Tsu'tey knew she'd never taken much of a liking to Spider, despite her relationship with Jake and his heritage. Despite Tsu'tey unofficial adoption of the boy. There had always been a sense of hostility between the two. With Neytiri acting colder to Spider and the boy refusing to call her out on it. Tsu'tey had never thought to address it or try and help them mend that gap, now look at them.
And that's the real kick to the teeth. Not that Neytiri didn't care enough to be sorry that it was his kid taken instead of her own. It was the truth in her words that had his anger faltering. He should've been able to handle it. Spider was his son. And he let him slip through his fingers. He should've fought harder, dirtier. Should have resorted to teeth and nails if he had to.
So what if he got shot? If he'd angled it right, he would've had enough time to get Spider to safety.
If it had been Neteyam or Lo'ak in Quartich's hold, Jake would've torn himself apart to ensure their safety. Neytiri would've fallen into a blind rage to keep her children safe. Would have used every resource at her disposal to protect her own. She would have stared death in the face and kept snarling. And what had Tsu'tey done? Allowed a past experience to still his movements. To make him hesitate, and now he might have to pay the price for the rest of his life.
His retort dies on his tongue as his heart clenches painfully. But Tsu'tey had never been one to give up easily. He kept a tight hold on his anger, allowed it to guide him as he shoved past Neytiri and called for his ikran. His face was set in his trademark scowl, but there was a predatory fluidity to him that only came out during the war. When what he loved was threatened.
As his ikran lands beside him and he makes the bond, Lo'ak sidles up to his side, offering him back his knife. There is a familiar fire burning in the depths of the boy's eyes. A desire for vengance, and a sea of guilt and pain. Tsu'tey allows his face to soften for a heartbeat, he bends over the side of his ikran and squeezes Lo'ak's shoulder tight. "I will get him back." He promises.
Lo'ak chews on his lower lip, his eyes flickering to Tsu'tey and holding his burning gaze. He must see Tsu'tey's determination, his drive, his stubbornness, because he cracks a small smile and nods.
The family prepares to return to High Camp. Jake warning Tsu'tey that any attempts to go after Spider now was a suicide mission. He didn't argue, but neither did Tsu'tey agree. He also chose to ignore Neytiri handing Tuk off to him. Just kept his gaze ahead, and his hand loosely wrapped around the little girl's stomach so she was secure in the saddle in front of him.
If they reunited in the forest:
Lets say by chance Tsu'tey gets word of the Demon ship in clan territory again, or he's just riding around the forest on a pa'li because it helps him clear his mind.
He hasn't slept since Spider was taken. He's worried for his boy and severely regretting not letting him know what he meant to him before this shit show got so out of hand. In typical Tsu'tey fashion, he's been spending his time gathering Spider's belongings for when he returns.
Norm had already handed over most of the boy’s prized possessions when Tsu’tey asked for them from his bedroom in the compound. He’d packed everything away neatly in preparation to wherever Jake was planning to flee, so his son would have what he needed the minute he was retrieved. Spare exo pack, rechargeable batteries, etc. 
He's in his head so deep, that he takes a double take when he spots Spider through the trees. His pa'li makes an abrupt stop, the large animal mirroring Tsu'tey's shock as he stares wide eyed at the image of his boy stood on a log, above a group of recoms. Even from a distance he can see the bruises. He can see the tense set of his shoulders, his swift glances to the forest, despite pretending to be at ease.
Tsu'tey's shock melts into a scowl as his bow groans under the tightening on his hands. He steels himself with a long, deep inhale, mentally calculating the space within the small clearing. The sight of the guns on the recoms have his heart pounding, and his scars tingling with phantom pain. He knows deep down that his bow will be useless in a one on six fight. His only advantage is surprise, and he only gets one chance.
Tsu'tey's mind is made up before he takes his next breath. He knows he needs to try. Even if it ends with a bullet between his shoulders and his pa'li throwing him off from the pain, he needs to die trying. Whether it kills him or not, he needs to return Spider to the clan, where he will be safe. Where Jake and Neytiri can take him to a fresh start, a safer alternative to the clan at war.
The recoms are distracted. Only one wearing sunglasses is actually taking stock of his surroundings. Spider is talking, commanding most of the group's attention.
Sucking in a deep breath, Tsu'tey lets out a sharp call that could easily be mistaken for some distant herd animal. None of the recoms react but he sees Spider visibly stiffens. Tsu’tey grins despite himself and readies his mount. 
He notches an arrow into his bow and urges his pa'li forward. He erupts from the undergrowth with a war cry, and skewers the closest unsuspecting recom. It scatters the group like startled yerik, who immediately scramble for their guns.
"TSU'TEY!" Spider yells, sounding shocked and elated to see him. The hunter spares only a moment killing a second recom before he's charging for that log. His pa'li races past faster than the enemy can load their weapons, and it gives Tsu'tey large enough of an opening to lean down and grab Spider's by his extended hands. The child immediately latches onto him, grabbing whatever he can as Tsu'tey swings him up into the saddle in front of him and together they disappear off into the undergrowth.
Shots were fired at their back but no one got hit, much to Tsu'tey's relief. But the adrenaline rush isn't over because Spider turns around and yells in a rush about a tracker in his mask.
Not to worry though, because Tsu'tey is very up to date on all the old compound location. Even as his triumph sours, he takes confidence in the distant yells of the recoms and the light pressure of Spider at his front. He snarls softly to himself as he makes his pa'li change course.
Yes they get the masks switched out without issue and toss the bugged one into a fast moving river to send Quaritch on a wild goose chase and buy the Sully's more time to run.
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Side note: In this possibility, Tsu'tey was definitely convinced Spider wasn't safe enough with him and he had to go with the Sully's to the Metkayina clan. And Tsu'tey was NOT planning to go with him. HAVE ANGST!!
If they reunited on the Sea Dragon:
In this scenario, Tsu'tey ends up visiting the Sullys when the Sea Dragon turns up. He just wanted to check up on his friends and see if they've heard anything about Spider, and the next thing he knows, he's got nieces and nephews to save, and a score to settle.
Tsu'tey is definitely going straight for the ship.
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It's during the stand-off where the Colonel has his gun to Lo'ak's temple and Jake isn't telling anyone over the comms what is happening - preparing to hand himself over like the idiot he is. Tsu'tey was circling above the clouds on his ikran with Neytiri, carefully listening to his ear piece as he tries to decipher what is going on. The minute he catches sight of Spider being escorted back into the ship, all rational thought leaves this man's head. Of course he has enough sense to remain undetected - he's not stupid - but he's also not on board with Jake's self-sacrificing bullshit. In Tsu'tey's books, failure is not an option this time around. He is getting Spider back if it kills him.
Tsu'tey and Payakan being on the same wavelength.
The tulkun YEETING himself onto the ship's deck and giving Tsu'tey big enough of an opening to land his ikran and send the beast back up into the sky undetected. He makes brief eye contact with Neteyam who's circling the shallows around the belly of the ship, getting ready to leap up and help out his siblings.
The oldest Sully boy points to the kids tied to the railing, Tsu'tey nods. He motions behind him, where the RDA sailors took Spider and Neteyam nods his understanding.
On the horizon, the Metkayina clan are inbound. Tearing through the waves and heading straight for the ship.
Tsu'tey decides that they've got this covered and finds the nearest doorway that will lead him into the belly of the metal ship. He's too tall for the corridors and either has to knuckle crawl or walk at a constant stoop. His bow is a pain to hold loaded in the tight space, so he opts solely for his knife.
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He navigates the ship blindly. His ears pricked for Spider's voice, but otherwise killing anyone he comes across and moving swiftly. He knows the destruction caused by Payakan would've damaged something valuable and he needs to move fast.
I love the idea of Tsu'tey stumbling across the control room in time to find Spider steering the ship towards the rocks and then brutally killing the controls with a fire extinguisher. (Boy was eyeing that lever heavily whenever he was in the same room as it). Just Tsu'tey letting out a half formed growl as the crewmates try to tear Spider away and fix the lever, but his oncoming attack getting put on hold as the enormous ship speeds for the rocks and promptly takes off.
The minute that bitch lands back in the water, you can bet Tsu'tey is the first on his feet. He erupts into the room with a sound so unnerving that the crew forget that they are armed. It's an unfair fight. And despite the tight quarters and being outnumbered, Tsu'tey wipes the floor with everyone.
They find Spider an exopack and get the fuck off the sinking ship to meet back up with the Sullys out on the rock.
Just the crew out cold or dead at his feet, and Tsu'tey closing the distance between himself and Spider. He drops into a crouch, all hard scowl and sharp eyes, and gently tucks Spider's dread behind his ear. "Are you unharmed?"
Spider nods, dumbfounded and thrown off by the raw concern in Tsu'tey's voice. Tsu'tey grumbles. He can see spots of blood all over Spider, small grazes and nicks that shouldn't be there. His stripes are faded and his hair needs a retwist. But he's alive, and Tsu'tey isn't going to let anything else happen to him.
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The standoff:
I feel like throwing Tsu'tey into the mix would throw so many scenes off course with his sheer presence that the stand off between Neytiri and Quaritch where they're holding the kids hostage wouldn't happen. There would be too many variables changing for it to occur the same way, but lets pretend it does.
(Neteyam is alive btw, just resting on his rock with Tsireya kindly mixing him up a poultice she learned from her Tsahik training. Lyle didn't kill him, but Neteyam definitely had to protect Lo'ak's dumbass in some way. That child is accident prone.)
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Anyway, we've got Quaritch holding Kiri hostage. Jake is trying to keep Tuk out of harm's way. No one knows where the fuck Lo'ak is, but he's slippery enough to get himself out of anything. And then we've got Neytiri making a last ditch effort to protect her daughter by threatening to take away the last thing Quaritch loves; Spider.
In the background, we've got Tsu'tey. Breathing hard, slightly wounded from throwing himself around on a ship with broken equipment and guns getting fired at him from all directions.
Raised voices draw his attention. He's standing on the walkway overlooking the deck where the standoff is occurring. He spots Spider first, under Neytiri's blade, begging for Kiri's life instead of his own. Anger like he's never felt before curls hard in his stomach. The betrayal is worse than when Jake and Neytiri first mated. It was one thing to let his son get captured, it was another to murder him right in front of Tsu'tey.
Kiri's voice stops Tsu'tey from doing anything stupid in his blind rage. Every molecule of his body screams to defend his child, but common sense makes him take in the situation.
His head snaps to Quaritch holding Kiri hostage. To Jake within arms reach, but preoccupied with Tuk. To the knife drawing blood at Kiri's neck.
Tsu'tey also takes note of the clear shot he has from his vantage point. There is no conflict within him as he notches his bow. No concern for Spider's reaction, or the conflicted feelings he might have towards his birth father. Tsu'tey's mind is clear. His hands are steady. And his mind is made up.
He takes the shot, and nail's the recom through his right eye. The arrow - fired with all the strength he could muster - goes straight through bone and wedges in up to two thirds of its shaft.
Quaritch sways for a heartbeat, his knife clattering to the metal deck as Kiri tears away from him and throws herself at Jake. Then he collapses with a painful thump. Limps sprawling and his head lolling.
Slowly, Tsu'tey lowers his bow, his gaze narrowed and his tail whipping behind him. He catches Neytiri's eyes as the huntress and her family follow the direction the arrow had come from.
"Unhand. My. Son." Tsu'tey snarls, his voice ringing out over the soft crash of the waves and the pop of fire. His gaze is venomous, fingers twitching for another arrow if Neytiri doesn't back down. There's still a crazed edge to her gaze, a look Tsu'tey is sure he shares. He hasn't felt this shaken since Spider was taken.
Neytiri nods once. An acknowledgment. And lets Spider go.
His son stumbles away, furiously scrambling to put distance between himself and Neytiri. Kiri was quick to soothe him, check him for injuries as Jake carefully approached Neytiri to take the knife off of her.
Tsu'tey leaps down from the upper level. He can't be bothered to find the stairs and the height is nothing compared to what he has to deal with back in the forest. He keeps an eye on Neytiri, but knows that Jake has her now. Ears pricked in case of further enemies, Tsu'tey spares a few moments to kick Quaritch's corpse and make sure he fired a killing shot. The last thing he needed was to grow comfortable again and then in fifteen years have to deal with this bullshit all over again.
"Dad?" The quiet utterance has panic straightening his spine. It's not one of his nieces asking for Jake's attention. It's Spider's voice. Quiet and shaky and so vulnerable that Tsu'tey just wants to wrap himself up in his arms.
Instead, all he can think about is Quaritch's body at his feet. Tsu'tey's arrow protruding from his eye socket. His blood pooling at his feet.
Then it hits him all at once. Spider's birth dad is dead at his feet, and Tsu'tey put him there. Tsu'tey killed him. He didn't even ask. Spider spent months with this man - against his will - but not everything is black and white. They might have come to some understanding. He might of grown to know him outside of his video logs and the fleeting stories he overheard from the Omaticaya. Spider may have gotten to know Quaritch without the biased lense of hate everyone else talks about him with. And Tsu'tey murdered him. What's worse, he felt triumphant doing it.
Tsu'tey can feel his hands shaking, regardless of how tightly he grasped his bow. His ears were flat against his skull, his tail tucked in close to his legs. He prays he just looks like he's reflecting, in contrast to being crushed by the weight of his actions. And he keeps staring at Quaritch's corpse. The arrow. The blood.
"Dad?" Spider says again. A little louder. More confident. And it kills Tsu'tey as he cringes, eyes squeezing shut against the guilt.
A brush of a hand to his wrist. His eyes snap open, and there's Spider. Gazing up at him with wide, tearful eyes. His mask is slightly cracked and he's bleeding from his chest where Neytiri caught him with her blade. But there is no hatred in his expression. Only relief and exhaustion.
"Dad, are you okay?" Spider asks him, and he looks at Tsu'tey as he says it.
The realisation hits him like a sturmbeest stampede. That Spider was calling him Dad, not the corpse at his feet.
With a deep, shuddering breath, Tsu'tey pulls himself together. "I am." He reassures his son as he drops into a crouch. It is evident from Spider's expression that he doesn't believe him, but the boy doesn't push.
Instead, he throws his arms around Tsu'tey's neck and burries his face under his chin. Tsu'tey chuckles wetly, his arms wrapping around Spider and dragging him close. It soothes every raw instinct in him to finally have his boy back in his arms. Tired and injured, but safe.
Around him, he can hear the Sully family beginning to wade into the surf, so Tsu'tey tucks his arms under Spider's thighs and hoists him up onto his hip, like he used to when his son was still a toddler. Despite his age now, he's still the perfect size for Tsu'tey to carry unhindered out of the shipwreck.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 9 months
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will forget to wrap your gifts until the very last minute and then spends hours wrapping , chugs a whole pot of coffee in preparation as if she bleeds espresso
her gifts are very thoughtful tho she gives the best christmas presents. shes perceptive to things you like and want, even if you don’t tell her she’ll notice if you’re eyeing something in a store while you’re out and will get it for you when you’re not looking
she can’t be fucked w christmas cookies though she’ll buy some at the store and plate them up all pretty and tell everyone she made them herself
anyway. she is passionate about the christmas tree (why does that sound dirty?) she needs the ornaments to be all in the right place and the lights to be equally distributed or else everything’s coming off and she’s putting it back on the right way
NEEDS the entire wellness center to be decorated or else her seasonal depression makes her want to be chasing bitches through the woods with knives (again)
from the 5 exact same fics in the lottie tag i think we’ve all established that she can’t bake cookies even though she tries exceedingly hard
she buys all the seasonal coffee creamers that are all the fucked flavors , you’ll get in the fridge and be faced with “gingerbread candy cane sugar cookie mcgriddle subway sandwich taissa’s fresh farmed dirt” flavored coffee creamer
i can also see her getting hyperfixated on those “christmas baking championship” series , you don’t watch the show but you know everyone who’s eliminated each week by name
prepares a whole pot of dirt for the two of you
“I got this bucket of dirt from outside the boxing gym, it really packs a punch”
i’ll never not make fun of this bitch for eating dirt I’m sorry
anyway she probably hides your christmas presents but forgets where she hides them and then she has a little easter egg hunt for everything she bought you
you’ll be doing spring cleaning a few months later and be like oh my god look at _____ i told you i wanted this for christmas have you been hiding it???? and she’s like oh
she also has the BEST christmas songs playlist , possibly even better than van’s
if she buys you clothes they’ll be thrifted and she has this whole thing about how she doesn’t support fast fashion and at this point you’ve stopped asking for clothes bc girl keeps giving you dusty ass 60s shit and not the good kind
has old copies of all the good vintage christmas movies tho and you have movie nights with popcorn and blankets
she has a favorite peppermint scented candle that she always lights when you’re doing something christmassy, baking cookies or watching movies or whatever it may be
decorates the shop for christmas ‼️ and you help her and it’s absolutely gorgeous , she plays christmas carols all day during work
will probably buy you some rlly expensive alcohol tbh and you guys party like hell for christmas
will also get you something sentimental tho and act like it’s nothing when it’s everything
she’d be less into christmas than you but would be down to use it as an occasion to get lit, give you gifts, and tell you she loves you
and sex . just saying
now LISTEN this girl goes all out
caligula has a miniature christmas tree in his cage and she reads the christmas carol to him every year
she really enjoys those little 5-7 minute vintage disney christmas shorts and will make you watch them with her because she thinks they’re so cute and funny
chip and dale reminds her of her and nat
she’s obviously chip in her mind and nat is dale
she’ll also hand make your presents, not all of them but I can definitely see her crocheting you something or smthn like that
in any case I’m going to bed my loves im exhausted and writing this before christmas bc i probably wont be active on christmas but MERRY CHRISTMAS i hope you all enjoy the holidays, thank you for reading and supporting <3
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messier-jin · 1 year
After almost three months, this local mess of a writer is back (sorry, I have no notion of time... really). But today, I got inspired after a little adventure at work... A.K.A a child was sick and I was the one taking care of him. I decided to mix it with my current hyperfixation which is Demon Slayer, and here we are with three of my favorite demons (+ the walking menace)!
Hope you’ll enjoy! Have an amazing day, everyone, and don’t forget to drink water!
Content warnings: Gender neutral reader, reader is sick, still fluffy tho, one line of spoiler for Akaza, no graphic imagery don’t worry.
Characters: Akaza, Daki, Aizetsu, Douma.
Song I listened to while writing: Always by Dreamcatcher.
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When one night, he came to visit and you asked him to not come too close of you because you were around someone sick, he looked at you like you bumped your head. Did you really think that he, a demon, would catch a human sickness?
But that did not mean he did not act like a “mother hen”. He sent you straight to the bathroom so you could wash the germs away, just to be sure.
The night after, when he found you laying in bed and indeed sick, his heart was so pained.
He had no memories of his human life but his heart remembered. So Akaza did not understand why it made him feel so panicked and sad to see you in this state.
Since he can not go out during daytime, he spent the whole day taking care of you. Do you need something from the kitchen? He will get it for you. Do you need to go to the bathroom? He will offer to carry you there. Do you feel sick in the stomach? This man will not hesitate and will hold your hair back for you. He will treat like royalty until you feel better.
He actually felt bad for leaving at night because Muzan could not wait, but promised to be back before sunrise.
Even when you felt better, he still checked on you and took care of you for a few days, just to be sure.
Honestly, she would be mean at first, I am not going to lie about that. When you came to see her, like every day after work, and told her you had to take care of someone sick, she demanded you to not come near her, even if she could not get sick.
But the next day, when you did not stop to say ‘hi’ during your breaks and never came to see her after work, that was when something ticked in her head.
Next thing you knew, you ended up with a demon in your room while you were bed-ridden. Daki decided to make you the honor to stay with you during the whole daytime - no one in the Entertainment District would dare to come bother her anyway.
And even during the night. She would just go out to get some ‘food’ and come back as soon as she was done.
She still was a little distant, not being physical affectionate while you were sick. She kept you company and talked about her day (and gossiped about the people around).
As much as she tried to keep her strong facade, Daki was still a rather sensitive person. She hated to see you in this state. There was one moment where, when she was talking and you stopped responding because you fell asleep, she started to tear up in fear you just slipped away. Gyutaro had to come out to reassure his sister.
As soon as you felt better, it was time to make up for the lost time. Be prepared to be tackled into a hug because she will be all over you. And she will complain because how dared you be sick.
The softie turned into “worried mode” as soon as you told him you spent your whole day with someone who was sick. What if you ended up sick yourself? What if the sickness turned to the worst? What if you died? You had to calm him down because his thoughts were going a little too far.
The next night, when he found you sick, all of his worries came back in a second. Even while bed-ridden, you held his hand to reassure him. But honestly, he will not feel better until you were healthy again.
He went as far as to ask Sekido to let him stay by your side day and night until you get better. Surprisingly, Sekido accepted. Probably because he knew that Aizetsu would be too preoccupied because of your health to do anything effective.
I can see him as a little overwhelming when you are sick. If you do something as little as the smallest cough, he would run up to you with a glass of water and a first-aid kit. If you are the empathetic type, he would share his stress with you unintentionally.
I have the feeling that, as overwhelming as he can be, he would be one of the best to take care of you (like Akaza). He would always ask how you were feeling, if you needed anything, and would do anything to make you feel better.
When you were finally feeling better, Aizetsu swore he never felt this relieved in his whole long life. Also Sekido will stop by to scold you for being sick and holding back Aizetsu, telling you that you better never get sick ever again.
Now, this walking menace would be the worst. He found it funny - and even adorable - that you told him to not come too close of you because you might have germs on you after a day taking care of someone sick. Really, he did not take you seriously.
But when the next day, he did not see you walking around the Cult as you usually did, he was quick to connect the dots and had no choice but to trust you.
He went straight to your bedroom and offered to nurse you back to health. How nice of him, right? Wait... Why are you refusing his help without a second of hesitation? Come on, he promised to be gentle.
Even if he teased you from time to time by hugging you close while you were complaining about not wanting to get him sick, he was still mindful. He wanted his current favorite to be back as soon as possible, after all.
Actually the only demon from this batch to bring a doctor to you. He asked one of his followers to go get one to examine you. Douma played nurse with a big smile on his face, asking you to open your mouth while he gave you medicine... This man was enjoying it way too much.
Good luck when you will be better, because he will never leave you alone. Because now, you had no more reason to complain about his affectionate gestures, right?
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
Okay, I am a little bit nervous, hope that this request won't make you uncomfortable!
Antonio, Luchino (Hunter, please) and Alva with a S/O who is engaged in equestrian sports? Like, they have their own horse, equipment and even whip!
Thank you if you'll accept, and I understand if you'll decline!
no worries nonnie!! here u go<3
antonio paganini, luchino diruse and alva lorenz with an s/o engaged in equestrian sports🎻🦎🌩
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antonio paganini🎻
equestrian sports, huh?
he saw his fair share of noblemen riding their well groomed stallions and duchesses feeding their ponies sugar cubes, yet he didn't really pay much attention to it
upon mentioning it for the first time he's gonna be like 🤨 immediately associating it with the nobles and their pretentious version of the sport, only to realize it isn't as black-and-white as he made it out to be
i wouldn't really call tonio a person who's rlly good with animals tbh
like? it isn't that he hates animals, in fact it's quite the opposite, he just isn't made for taking care of them
will still bring some apples or carrots for your horse(s) okok‼️
although he mostly leaves you at peace while you do horseriding, considering it your way of relaxing and calming yourself, sometimes he'll come by the fence and watch you
will help you get on your horse if needed and assist you as much as he can with equipment and getting ready!
also thinks you look really hot attractive in your equestrian uniform ,, he's gonna discreetly whisper it into your ear as he helps you mount your horse and enjoy watching you turn red every time you two make eye contact as you ride... hehe.....
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luchino diruse🦎
aight listen this man is a herpetologist. he spent minimum 4 years inspecting scaly little creatures. petite marble eyed beasts, if you will. everything but a four legged man sized mammal
not to mention horses are scared of him considering how HUGE he is (which makes him sad :c)
he has no knowledge on horses or anything horse-related but he's more than willing to drop his reptile studies for some time
he finds them cute tho c:
he's a man who's naturally brimming with curiosity, if he finds something interesting enough he's going to pull an all nighter just to research it
at this point his initially small research on equestrian sports & horses became a little hyperfix of his just bc of you <3
he would definetly sprinkle in some horse biology/anatomy facts as you two spend time near the stables
enjoys watching you ride around as he takes notes
100% would be interested in helping you feed your horse and groom it!!
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alva lorenz🌩
alva is (suprisingly... or not?) a big fan of animals, and horses just happen to be one of his favourite ones
he finds them so majestic and graceful, yet most horses run away from him since his presence is quite intimidating (especially considering his body is quite literally a fully-charged electrical conductor) and throws them off guard
if you get lucky and your horse doesn't run away the second he gets near he'd gladly pet it if you let him!!!
he is NOT riding them though. no way in hell he's too tall + he'd just make the horses even more nervous
so he's just going to stay aside and enjoy watching you spend your time doing what you love :))
you'll find him visiting the stable(s) self-initiatively, bringing in snacks for them and such !!! he can't help it ok !!!
this man often has an unreal urge to baby you (not in an infantilizing way or something - he just does stuff for you which you could easily do yourself, it's kind of his love language) he's going to insist on buttoning up your blazer and helping you mount the horse, doing such mundane activities with/for you makes him feel better and more present in your life
here and there you'll find him silently inspecting your equipment, slowly twirling and folding the whip and touching the leather surface of the saddle
he never goes with you when you have training, but as you ride you'll often catch a glimpse of him watching you train from the shadows
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
My brain is all over the place so I'm gonna mix n match my stuff with the only common theme being Buggy and hyperfixation.
But like. Age regression. Not the funky cool supernatural kind in fiction, the coping mechanism (I like the fiction ones too tho but for this, it's coping mechs)
Just. Buggy and Shanks both having had a frankly RIDICULOUS amount of childhood trauma and both turning to different methods to cope. Buggy got introduced to age regression both bc he already kinda sorta did t involuntarily without KNOWING and then when he brought on some people to his crew with experience in psychology and therapy for whatever reason.
He got dragged to self care hours, kicking and screaming at first and then more willingly. Turns out the "off vibes" were actually severe psychological distress, PTSD, etc. Who knew? Anyway yeah.
Cabaji, Mohji and Ritchie were the ones who were first aware of Buggy's "fuzzy episodes" as he called it. Was hard not to be in close quarters on a tiny ass ship holding three nearly grown men and a growing lion. As the crew grew, even when they got the Big Top, they were still mostly aware of things. Ritchie in particular always seemed to just... Know when Buggy was blurred out and needed a hand. Or to have smth to cuddle and pet.
Mohji actually brings it up in HIS therapy sessions without naming names. Just "hey how can I help with [x,y,z]?" There's some hums and haws before finally herspist is like "sounds like it could be anything, so I can't definitively say. Keep doing whatever has worked so far, I guess,but take care of yourself too. Maybe recommend your friend talk to a professional, like me or one of the other doctors."
Buggy is vehemently against it for a good while until he finally reaches a point that he's getting frustrated. He's scared and mad and decides he'll ACTUALLY consider it - then during one of his own sessions, he gets triggered into a panic attack, which spirals due to exhaustion into him just... clicking out. Surprise. Looks like it's happening whether he wants it or not.
Through this and subsequent meetings and experimenting, he gets told that what he's doing is a blend of regression and dissociation. They decide to try to separate thebtwo to see if maybe they can turn this from a defense to a decompression method.
Buggy still can count on one hand the number of people he trusts to know this - but it does help. He's doing... a lot better actually, with this. It doesn't fix everything, but it DOES help him stay steady enough to work on the things that need fixing. Cabaji, Mohji, Ritchie, and later Alvida are also finding themselves enjoying the time they spend together when Buggy wants or needs company. They also start picking up on some smaller things about Buggy that have turned the odd quirks and strange habits into smth more, start getting puzzle pieces to the bigger picture.
They secretly start a hit list but that's for another time.
Impel Down was an absolute hot mess, and the recovering from that and the subsequent summit war was not pretty. Just when things started coasting again on slightly smoother waters, Crocodile and Mihawk show up with the instatement of the Cross Guild.
Might just make a tag specifically for my agere stuff bc Buggy is my little blorbo and I shamelessly project on him so I may throw all my clown themed thought here
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joyful-witch · 13 days
That moment when you create an OC for an entirely different fandom to project all your chronic illness trauma on, but you made them too hot on accident, so your friend who writes X reader fanfic is like “I’m simping for your OC at the same time as I’m simping for Stanford Pines. I’m going to ship them together. Can I write fanfic”
And you’re like, “well they do have a mad scientist ex so it would make sense… and she is an Owl House OC so technically same universe… sure why the hell not”
So now after months of hiatus, your friend is no longer working on her Alastor X reader fanfic and is instead, writing a fanfic of your OC X Stanford Pines because she is a simp.
She’s got the rough draft of the first few chapters done and just needs to put it in a doc for her editor to check out. She’s so much better at fleshing out my OCs character than I am lmfao.
Anyhow, her ao3 user is Radio_Wolfe. Idk when she will be updating her Alastor fic, but I know this fic is a good work in progress. Just doesn’t have a title yet.
She has given me permission to “leak” previews since it’s my OC, so if anyone would like details about my OC (that is now basically being turned into a Stanford Pines wife OC. Though I plan on using her in the future outside of fandom contexts because I have gotten very attached) let me know lmao.
The general gist is she’s a chronically ill witch with a werefox curse, her Palisman acts as a service animal, and she enjoys killing awful horrible men (predators) and using their body parts for spells (tho in the context of the fic she’ll only start doing that post-portal incident). Also since one of the things me and Rads have bonded over is our shared “can’t have kids cus of medical issues but want to be a mother eventually” trauma that’ll be in there somewhere too lol.
Also special thank you to Hana Hyperfixates (on YouTube) aka fordtato (on tumblr) for figuring out the GF timeline because it was driving Rads literally insane trying to figure out when to place the events of the fic lmfao.
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bluenightcomedies · 10 months
uuuugh i keep procrastinating cuz i wanna make new refs n' arts n' all for us all but art slow so fuggit placeholder pinned abt the system better pinned with comm details, other accs, etc later :3 will reopen for commissions once arty verifies me! as a whole we're legally deaf and disabled! we can all draw but have diff styles/preferences :3 body is 30 (eugh i don't like admitting that) so am adult BUT we don't wanna be involved in nsfw art so pls respect that⭐ We can't get a formal diagnosis due to various real life issues, so we're not going to claim any particular diagnosis, but we can't exactly ignore the symptoms and stay masked forever. We're going to stay out of syscourse as much as possible, of course. 🌙 each alter has an assigned emoji so ppl can tell us apart easier if needed, use em as our tags too (when we remember) note- using they/them for any of us fine too!⭐
(doesn't include alters that rarely or never front) ⭐star emoji = Blue! she/her pls~ guess i'm the honorary host cuz i front most. uhhh... nothing rly too fancy i can say abt myself, i'm p affectionate and love y2k art and hanging out, i try to be as nice as i can >w< my art's usually sketchbooky, with thin lines and soft colors/shading!
💠this blue gem/flower emoji is Azure! she/her, she's kinda new to the system. looks n' acts a lot like me but uh... more childish i guess? very silly, very 'cringe culture is dead'. loves to rp, say silly things, n' cling to people. hyperfixates on Dot Hack (RIP) her art looks like mspaint x3 🌙 (Writing for myself since I'm available.) The name's Lune, hence moon emoji, and I use she/her pronouns as well. Formerly "Starry" but people kept confusing me with Blue due to her star symbolism. Used to be the designated mask, I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore... Sometimes I re-mask out of habit so if something sounds like me but wasn't marked as an alter, it probably is me. I have a flat tone and chronic paranoid anxiety so uh... Let me know if I come across as rude, I usually don't mean to. I enjoy doing research and organizing information, so I'm often the one to fact-check things or find guides and how-to's for the system. My art's very bold and colorful, and friends describe it as 'angular'. Clashes with my personality, huh? 🗝️key emoji = Sylverwynd! he uses he/him! he's super laid back and chill, i've never seen him upset or anything, but he's rly long-winded talks... kinda poet-y? he loves reading and talking abt lore and myths so he'll pop in if ur talking abt something he likes or if he has trivia 2 share! fave genres r horror n' fantasy he's still experimenting w/ style but likes drawing rly soft
❌cross emoji= Laceburner! it/its or they/them pronouns! tbh i'm not used to it/its pronouns but Lace wanted em; it's very uh... emotionally empty i guess? aroace, agender, can't socialize or empathize v well. it usually fronts when the rest of us are tired or in pain cuz it just ignores all that. likes 2000's scenemo aesthetics though which is surprising but ye idk how to describe its style, but it's trying to mimic emo art n' likes bright colored lines with dark bg/colors 🗡️the dagger is Kal! he/him pronouns, he gets angry and stressed abt things really easy but he gets too hostile abt it so he tries to not front too much; need to find him a way to de-stress n' chill out... when he's not mad at smth he's a good sympathetic listener imo, still swears and talks all rough tho hasn't drawn much yet but does rly harsh lines and fast/messy sketches when he does (and gets riled up by mistakes =w=;)
❤️heart is Weiss! genderfluid, goes by any pronouns, usually uses whatever they like at the time x3 has a hard time fronting but tries to. flirty, loves dumb jokes, overly confident... (we worry they'd get us in trouble sometimes cuz the shit they want to say) loves demon and monster-related stuff! still experimental style but uses bold colors and thick rough lines a lot, may get suggestive (forbidden from outright nsfw, don't ask >:c) btw ur always welcome to direct asks @ someone specific >w< we just might take a while to respond
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sennaverstappen · 7 months
r u okay/good?
hi ml 💓💓💌💌 i’m… okay. rant under the line. thank you for asking dear ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
its been a rough week. i dont want to be disrespectful and make the whole horner situation about ‘uuhuhhhuhh my poor interest!!’ bc thats not my main point at all but it HAS affected me a lot. especially in how i enjoy/see f1 rn. idk the stress of it all really really made f1 feel like less of a safe hyperfix place for me and instead of taking away stress (i mean ill always be stressed about racing, but thats the FUN stress yk ☹️) gave me a lot more. i think i just need a break for a few days or something 🥺🥺🥺 thankfully its not race week
that brings me to my second thing tho: i use f1 a lot. its my special interest + hyperfixation and this mixed with still going through a breakup atm is just. not to be dramatic but it feels like im losing another part of my life ☹️☹️ its not that serious i know and ill recover from this but its rn just making me feel BAD and everything.
i also miss having a partner. and im on my period. so fun times 😨😨😨
ANYWAY i will be ok u better believe it 😁😁😁 but i might be a bit inactive here the coming days. ill still be on discord (prosenna if anyone wanna chat 💓💓💓💌💌🌷🌷💕💕) but ill try to just… take it easy. yknow. actually have some fun. try to read some books idk 🤣✨✨☀️☀️🌈 love u all sm tho ill be back w a new diary post soonnnn 💫💫
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khaotungsfirst · 9 months
khaotungsfirst’s 2023 BL recap
Alright, I know I'm late but it’s the time of the year again where I post my favorite BLs of the year even though no one cares about my opinion lmao. Buckle up cause this is gonna be long...
Top Thai BLs
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I Feel You Linger In The Air
What a breath of fresh air this was! Not only was the romance top-notch, I was also really invested in the plot and what was happening to other characters. The wlw sideplot felt natural and not shoehorned in and was what we all deserved. I'm just so happy to have experienced this masterpiece!!
Only Friends
Came for SandRay, stayed for BostonNick (and SandRay). Though it had its ups and downs I can't help but love it. There was so much messy drama that I was LIVING for every single week and experiencing that along with the rest of BL tumblr was the best thing. We desperately need more shows like this in the BL world.
Laws of Attraction
Ridiculous SFX could not deter me from loving this show. It's dramatic, it's over the top and it's ridiculous at times but it's crime so of course I liked it. Bonus points for cutting from the villain being killed in prison straight to the main couple's wedding. We love to see it!
Top Korean BLs
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Our Dating Sim
This was my last watch of the year when I was looking for something that I could squeeze in without many expectations. How could I have guessed that it would turn out to be my favorite Korean BL of the year? Though the story is nothing new or groundbreaking, I enjoyed the main actors chemistry so so much. Korean BLs, to me, often feel a little stiff but they managed to make it feel so real and easy, I loved it.
The Eighth Sense
Oh, this was something else... High quality cinematography and high-quality story-telling. In the end I went into it with expectations that were too high to meet but still, such a touching BL that will definitely move you (maybe even to tears).
Why R U? (KR)
A show held together by three pieces of duct tape but enjoyable nonetheless. I don't think it's comparable to its Thai original. Yes, the plot is more or less the same but you gotta see it as its own thing. I do love me a panicked gay/confident gay pairing so it already had me from there. And let's talk about the kisses cause !!!
Top Japanese BLs
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Tokyo in April is…
Friends to lovers my beloved!!! The PINING, the ACHING, the YEARNING! YEARS OF IT!! How can I not love it? Yes, this was a bit of a heavier BL but it was done SO WELL and the payoff from all the trauma was so satisfying.
My Personal Weatherman
What can I say? Japan just knows how to do it. In any other show the miscommunication between the mains would be annoying as hell. But the chemistry between these two was just off the charts. Nothing more to say.
I Cannot Reach You
Friends to lovers my beloved!!! the sequel. This time less traumatising but just as sweet and moving. A cute and innocent watch.
Top Taiwanese BLs
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
The way I IMMEDIATELY knew ChenAi were gonna be my new hyperfixation as soon as I saw them in episode 1... They just have that je ne sais quoi, that special 'make me fall to the floor and bite my fist' quality to them. BZY and FZR also had their insane moments and in combination with everything that ChenAi were doing this show just hit the right spot. Can't wait to rewatch it.
Stay by My Side
Was it ridiculous? Yes. Was it cute tho? Also yes. Nothing I would rewatch but it did make me laugh a lot so there's that.
Top Chinese “BL”
Stay With Me
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It’s not like we have much of a selection regarding Chinese BLs (cries in when will Eternal Faith, Immortaily and Winner is King be released from the dungeons?) but HOLY SHIT did they deliver with this one. I didn't know this was specifially made for international release when I went into it so I was in for a few surprises here and there. And I'm gonna say it: it's better than Addicted Heroin. The way their love story developed just has me screaming internally I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH!!!
Top 3 overall
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Stay With Me
I Feel You Linger In The Air
Top pre-2023 BLs (that I watched in 2023)
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The Eclipse (2022)
Can you believe that I only just joined the FirstKhao nation this year? I completely skipped this show last year NOT KNOWING what a masterpiece I missed out on. Finally a highschool BL with a capital P Plot! And the enemies to lovers was so so good!!! AkkAyan you will always be famous!
Love Mechanics (2022)
I'm not a fan of cheating stories at all but DEAR GOD these two!!! It's the YinWar magic that pulled me in and will never let me go. The constant back and forth did get a bit annoying at some point but I won't complain when we also got things like the shower scene...
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (2022)
Can ZB1 disband faster so Jiwoong can return to BL acting please? I jest, I jest... kinda. I loved the relationship dynamic in this one so much because they both held power over the other (and both were petty bitches about it lmao).
My Gear and Your Gown (2020)
The girls that get it get it, the girls that don't don't :) Falling for MarcPawin during Dangerous Romance and THEN realising that they're the mains for this show immediately put it on top of my watchlist and I'm not ashamed to say I liked it. It's very 2020 but sometimes that's all you need.
Favorite currently airing BLs
I did not want to consider these for the final rankings because they’re still airing and could theoretically still pull a Game of Thrones S7 on us but I have really high hopes for them.
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Cherry Magic
HELLO???!?!? I LOVE ACHI SO F U CK ING MUCHHHH!!! And the way Karan is in love with him so gently and so deeply I- AAAAAHHHHHH. This is gonna be my new obsession I can feel it!!
Last Twilight
At first I didn't even plan on watching this because I didn't think JimmySea were a pairing I would enjoy (Vice Versa has been on hold for over a year lol). But GODDAMN did they prove me wrong! So soft, so precious... P'Aof you did it again!
The Sign
What a hodgepodge of genres... One second you're chasing a murderer, the next you're having sex fantasies about your coworker and then you're having visions about your past life with your soulmate (who is also said coworker). Love it!
Most disappointing BLs
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Be Mine Superstar
I was so excited for a new JaFirst series as I really enjoyed Don't Say No, and Remember Me didn't quite quench my thirst. But this... if this was a BL then why did we spend SO MUCH TIME on the beef between the agents?? Shit was annoying af. Moreover, I really could not deal with Ja's character. I know a lot of people liked his innocent puppy-like behaviour but it was just too much for me. The only redeemable thing was the side pairing but even that turned into a hot mess quite quickly. Had to drop this at some point after I started watching it on 1.5 speed and realized that I'm torturing myself.
Low Frequency
Exciting concept but stiff acting and a plot that dragged on. Dropped halfway through.
Bon Appetit
It's not bad but just straight up boring. I finished it but it didn't leave any lasting impressions. I know you can do better, Korea...
Most anticipated QLs of 2024
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Jack & Joker (War finally getting his villain role let's fucking goooo)
IFYLITA Season 2 (PLEASE GOD MAKE IT HAPPEN P L E A S E also special ep WHEN????)
Spare Me Your Mercy (i will always be a slut for crime BLs)
23.5 Degrees (give it to us!!! LET US INNNN!!!)
My Love Mix-Up TH (istg if gmmtv doesn't learn from this whole cherry magic debacle...)
Eyes on you (even more spy/mafia/crime BL yes and thank you!)
Uranus 2324 (the production?? the story?? the cinematography??? I need it NOW)
Red Peafowl (this is either gonna be really bad or really good and I'm curious to see which one it's gonna be)
(I had Stay With Me S2 on this list until it was announced as cancelled on Jan 1st 😭😭 I wil never recover)
2023 Superlatives
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Most iconic intro: Only Friends (long live First's thighs)
Quickest drop: Middleman’s Love (i was rooting for you Jade!)
Best supporting character: Tin's grandma - Laws of Attraction (sweetest lil supportive grandma who didn't deserve any of this)
Best Worst character: Jaewon's girlfriend - The Eighth Sense (I think this is the only bitchy ex-gf of the entire year and I'm glad about it)
Best side pairing: ChenAi - Kiseki: Dear to Me (do they even count as a side pairing anymore? If not then I'd go with GuyNawa - Dangerous Romance)
Best could have been if the writers wanted us to: NameSaifah - Dangerous Romance (no it was NOT enough!)
Biggest green flag: Win - Between Us (asking for consent is so sexyyy) / Yai - IFYLITA (he's the softest, most caring boy who's so so in love)
Biggest red flag (affectionate): Hira - Utsukushii Kare (my boy highkey needs therapy but Kiyoi wouldn't want it any other way so we'll let it slide) / Lom - Wedding Plan (the way he went about things was... questionable but I understand his reasoning behind it so I can't hate him)
Biggest red flag (derogatory): Boeing - Only Friends (bro just wanted to fuck with - literally and metaphorically - every and anyone and I respect that but dude...)
Most iconic kiss: Lee Won/Ji Oh - Why R U? KR (this was so fucking unexpected but they ate and left absolutely no crumbs)
Most iconic makeout scene: YangJai - Love in Translation (IN A GROCERY STORE?? FINGERS IN MOUTH??!)
Most iconic sex scene: TopBoston - Only Friends (oohhh the DRAMA of it all… truly gagged everyone with this)
Best unhinged horny scene: Jom - IFYLITA (I will never be able to look at massage oil without thinking about this...)
Best gays on a bike scene: Stay With Me (like… facing each other…. grinning at each other.... give me a minute)
Newest addition to the poor lil meow meow collection: Ai Di - Kiseki: Dear to Me (my feral murder kitten I LOVE YOU SO MUUUUUUCHHH)
And there we have it! What a year it's been... I can't wait for 2024 to be just as wonderful, unhinged, crazy and amazing. If you've read until this point I wanna thank you for enduring all that and also for supporting me and my edits throughout this year. Whether we're moots or not I truly appreciate every single person that interacts with me on this hellsite 🫶❤️
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hyugaruma · 9 months
WOOHOO MATCHUPS!! ok uhh for my personality i would say i'm an extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense? i don't mind hanging out around people, i enjoy hanging out around people i like, but sometimes my social meter can go down reaaaal fast. i don't like socialising that much, but if i need to or want to i can converse pretty well (i guess). im quite blunt, im not afraid to say what i think needs to be said, as i feel that hiding things only leads to more problems. i know when things don't need to be said and when to keep my mouth shut tho. i usually balance out the people i'm hanging out with: if they're all quiet introverts im the talkative social one, if they're all loud and chaotic im the quiet one with common sense. idk why i do it its just easier to balance things out, it comes naturally to me. I'm also usually the protective one of the group, if someone looks at my friends funny i'll be the first one to glare back, or shield my friends from them. heck i'll even pick a fight if i need to, come at me bro. when it comes to standing up for others, all my shyness and social awkwardness goes out of the window lmao. i can also be a bit too sensitive at times, my emotions are quite strong, leading me to cry even though i definitely do not feel the need to 💀. it's humiliating honestly but i just ignore it and act like there's no tears at all. other than that i can usually push my emotions to the side and think logically, the best i can in that situation anyways
for my interests and hobbies, i like gaming and consuming fictional media, mostly manga and anime, although i don't mind other genres as well. my current hyperfixations are high&low (duh) and tokyo revengers, so u can kinda see a theme going on huh... i'm also a huge music enjoyer, i can listen to anything (except for love ballads. idk why i just can't rlly stand listening to them), but my fav genres are pop, kpop, and jpop. I'm also an actor! I'm aiming to get into the entertainment industry in the future, although my parents want me to take a more "solid" degree first just so i'm able to support myself financially (they're not wrong honestly). i think i'm pretty good at acting teehee (i'm rlly good at lying too :P).
there are many things i dislike, so many that i can't even think of any, but i guess the most important ones are discrimination like homophobia/transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. ik it seems like a no brainer, but i absolutely cannot accept a partner who does any of these. it's not that hard to be a decent human being. ive already mentioned most of the things i like up there, but others include cats, plushies, kuromi, food (i LOVE food. small stomach tho), and many more that i again cannot think of.
i hope this is enough info, lowkey feel like ive overshared so apologies for that, i've never done a matchup before 😅 thank you so much!
p.s. i love ur writing, i'm glad there's still writers like you who keep the community alive <3 thank u for all ur hard work! and sorry again for writing so much T-T
tysm for requesting, and also for the kind words :-)) and don’t apologize, more is always better for me to work with!!
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I match you with… Miyauchi “Binzo” Kouzou!
Binzo prefers people who are honest and upfront about their feelings and thoughts, and doesn’t really believe in sugarcoating things, so he would like that in a partner as well. Also, if you ever picked a fight with some asshole in front of Binzo, he’d fall in love with you all over again, like holy crap he would be all heart-eyes emoji over it. Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I see Binzo as being an introverted extrovert type, so I can see the two of you balancing each other out well. Binzo is all for good action plots so he’ll definitely be down to binge some Tokyo Rev with you. Also, this dude eats like a horse (do horses eat a lot? idk), so if you like food he’ll probably take you out to eat, like, all the time.
Alternate Matches: Odajima Yuken, Tettsu
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"This is real, this is me" - Demi Lovato, at some point back in the 2000s
TL;DR: Hi, my name is Laura and this is my personal blog. I'm Christian and vocal about it, we can talk about it if you want. I'm Brazilian and bilingual and so is this blog. I talk a lot so my posts will be often lengthy; I'm a librarian and a writer so I'll be posting about things around these themes - info science, organization, book-related, writing, short stories, OCs… I have a lot of interests ranging from Ts4, BG3 to kpop and poetry so expect those too. I'm an insecure artist, looking for a place to call mine, basically. More info bellow the cut.
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It's probably the millionth time I try to kick start this blog, but anyway
Hi everyone! My name is Laura and this is my personal blog. Before anything, lemme present myself.
First of all, I'm Christian. I think it's important to clarify this right off the top so we're clear on how this blog goes and how I go. I'm Christian and really value my faith, I'm rather vocal about it, so that's within basically everything I do. I'm also always avaiable to talk about it to curious people or fellow Christians wanting to talk. Hit me up if you feel like it ✨
I do not enjoy this bit but, if things get rather hostile or aggressive, I'm unfollowing/blocking and ask you do the same bc there's no need to keep annoying ourselves. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, not to become a doormat so we'll keep things respectful and friendly as to not get into heated arguments ok? Ok.
With that on the clear, here's other things for you to know me: I'm Brazilian! And living in Brazil (for now). I speak Portuguese as a first language, and English as a second - and do risk myself at Spanish sometimes, and I'm learning Korean, so: this is a bilingual and at times multilingual blog. THOUGH I will be speaking English most of the time. That's what most people speak around here, right, so let's go, bora pra cima Brasil 🥳
⚠️This is a warning⚠️ please be noted that I talk a lot. I know I do. I talk way too much in person and type even more, so please be WARNED that my texts (this bio included!) will more often than not be lengthy. I apologize but also don't. That's it.
Hmmm, what else? Oh Yeah Well
I'm a Librarian! And a writer! I have an insane amount of projects going on now (you can call me a workaholic lol). I'm an enthusiast for Library Sciences and topics related to information, organization, books! Everything Info Science is on my radar, so I'll be probably talking about that or linking my other blog with texts about that. Feel free (and please do) to ask me about those things!
As for the Writer part, I'm a fantasy writer, with about 3 to 4 different sagas going on inside my head and very little written about them 🤡 I'm trying to get better at that as to be able to actually have something to show people rather than loose drafts. I'm also an enthusiast for short stories so I'll be eventually posting drabbles about random themes!
That's actually the whole point of this blog, writing.
Other interests and possible themes to be happening here are related to:
The Sims 4 (hi Simblr ^^); I do play this too often and will be rambling about my Sims OCs;
Baldur's Gate 3 [screams]; I am OBSESSED with this game but only get to play it when I go to my bestie's place, so not that many posts about it BUT I WILL DEFINITELY BE TALKING ABOUT ASTARION. No, I'm not a weirdo Astarion Girlfriend, I'm a normal person;
Cats. I love cats, I have cats, I'm obsessed with cats;
Poetry; I take my chance at those very rarely but I do;
Super Junior and other kpop subjects; 🤩 I'm ELF, yeah, I did write a handful of fanfics about SJ so I'll link them at my catalog, though I don't write those anymore. I do talk about them tho;
Hm, idk, the color blue, art, sea and storms (huge fan of those), random reblogs about aesthetic stuff, photography, museums, wtv. If you can't tell I have major hyperfixes in random things.
I do think of myself as an artist and I've been considering and not doing things like this blog for way too long. This is my try at making it work. I do write and post on other platforms (you can navigate through them on the buttons on the top of my blog - on desktop view - or on the links on my soon to be pinned post) but they don't usually take lengthy (I really like this word) posts like Tumblr can so HERE AM I.
I hope to find my people around here.
This is a very quick shortened bio of mine (believe me), ask me questions if you want to, my askbox 📫 is always open. And please remember: internet is just a slice of someone's life so don't go around making assumptions.
ー L
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aspiesblog · 2 months
Welcome - understanding Asperger's
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I wanted to make this to help people understand Asperger's in adults better. When I try to do some research for my fiancé to help him understand my moods better, it only ever comes up with articles about children, or diagnosing Asperger's, never anything to help. I suppose, every person is different, and we all have our own ways of dealing with our moods. But I still want to maybe mostly help my fiancé (and myself) understand my moods and living with Asperger's, and how we can handle it together. No better place to start than introducing myself and telling my story!
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So hello! My name is Olivia, or Livvy. I'm 32 years old and I live in the UK. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at the age of 22, so before that, life was confusion. I would have moments where I'd be in a situation enjoying myself, but all of a sudden I'd feel overwhelmed and need to leave and go to a quiet spot to feel better. Or I'd become totally obsessed with a video game, a character, a movie etc. But lose interest after a time. These moods confused me for a long while, but now, with an official diagnosis, I understand what they were, and why it was so difficult for me to make friends as a kid.
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Fast forward to now, 32 years old and still trying to better understand my condition. I thought, there may be people out there like me also, trying to understand their own conditions but having to dig a deep tunnel on the internet to actually find anything useful (most of the time, it's not even useful) so, maybe my blog here will help some people!
Here are some of the things I tend to deal with on a daily basis, and some solutions I have yet to experiment with to see that they work, and some that do actually work, tested and proven by me! Red is not yet tested, pink is tested and approved to work
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Dealing with
- sensory overload - when things get too intense (arguments, too many people, too much noise or too much light) I go into sensory overload and I tend to dissociate in those situations. I go quiet, and I can't perceive the world around me a lot of the time when I do
- solutions - cuddle with my fiancé when he's with me, cuddle my comfort shark plushie, watch some YouTube, hide under a blanket with my phone, find a quiet spot if I'm out somewhere or put on my headphones and listen to music
- meltdowns - occasionally (not often) I have outbursts of anger or feelings of intense sadness, and I say or do things that I regret (is this related to Asperger's? 🤔) this happens mostly during arguments, or when I've been on hold with the phone company for 40 minutes and then they just hang up on me
- solutions - when things have calmed down, me and my fiancé talk things out and I feel better, I take a breather and distance myself from people for a minute so I don't cause more stress
Stimming - something I do often, I make random noises when I'm happy usually. Not really got a solution for this one tho lol
Dermatillomania (skin picking) - I do this quite a lot, mostly at the skin around my finger nails or at my lips, they have become quite damaged
Solutions - playing with fidget toys, typing
These are pretty much the main things I deal with daily, some solutions have been tested (see chart above) some have not, but I hope these work!
Next, I'd like to give a list of my personality traits and some current hyperfixations, just to get to know me more I suppose!
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- annoying (probably)
- overly affectionate
- always happy
- shy around new people, comfortable and happy around familiar people
- doesn't enjoy going out to crowded places a lot, but does enjoy a good holiday
- likes going swimming and finds it relaxing
- loves cuddling
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- YouTube (mostly Jacksepticeye and CinnamontoastKen)
Stranger Things (Eddie Munson!)
- Minecraft
- Animal Crossing
- Pokèmon
- Disney movies
- Scrubs
- The Big Bang Theory
Well, I guess that's all for my first blog post! Maybe this wasn't as much a "how to deal with/help an adult with Asperger's" as it was a "getting to know you" post, but hey, I'm still learning + it's my first post! Thanks for reading
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social-muffin · 1 year
I know you said for anyone, but tbh I really like hearing you talk about anyone so it's so hard to decide aaaa. So I present you 4 options, Hibari and skull of course, But I want to shake your head and see if you got anything mukuro and xanxus(you don't have to do all 4 just at your discretion). 🦾💄👻👽
Thank you so so so so much for asking!! I send an Ask to you in return! 💞
This got looooong! Because I did answer for everyone. Hope you enjoy!! :3
Read More time!
🦾 A disability headcanon
Skull is giving me all sorts of vibes for Adhd and Dyslexia. The Adhd cause canonically that guy is not sitting still or paying attention. And to specify his dyslexia! He is absolutely multilingual. It's just that he is at completely different levels of being able to read or write depending on the language. He still can't write anything in Italian without making people around him act embarrassed on his behalf, but he can navigate around using streetsigns when he takes the time to read them properly!
Skull also has memory issues every now and then, because his ADHD is accompanied by occasional dissociation.
This guy has Autism as well as misophonia I think. Autism because Namimori is his special interest, fighting is his hyperfixation, he stimms via pacing/patrolling, he does not get social cues and if you so much as touch his schedule/routine he will probably kick you through the nearest wall. Misophonia is just additional sound sensitivity. As in, he is unable to not focus on uncomfortable sounds. Hibari dislikes crowding because he can't deal with the sounds people's bodies make when they're eating and talking. It's distracting.
Also Fun Fact! Apparently, Misophonia is also called Sound-rage. That suits him nicely I think. :3
I am shaking my brain, so let's see!
Excluding the last Arc cause. The guy just really lost that, huh.
I'm thinking... PTSD at the very least. Whether he was aware during the time he was frozen or not, that whole thing is severely traumatizing and I think he suffers flashbacks whenever he gets chilly at least. Winter at the Varia mansion is absolutely heck.
Also... I think for a while after he was unfrozen, Xanxus suffers from involuntary age regression(A symptom, not a disability itself). Whether it's the trauma of being frozen or of suddenly waking up eight years older, he was not acting his physical age. In fact, I think the Varia Arc is a bit of a childish tantrum on his end. Hope he gets better soon. 😔
Yea, he also has PTSD. From his childhood as well as the Vindice prison. And he is blind in his red eye, at most he can differentiate light and dark on that side. He has insomnia because he doesn't want to wake up back in his cell. And I think the lives he's lived and the fact illusions are his whole deal, gives him a very similar experience to schizophrenia. 100%, this guy has scared himself with unintended/involuntary illusions on more than one occasion.
💄 An appearance headcanon
His entire body is covered with all sorts of scars. Tiny ones, as well as a scar that spams the entire lenght of his thigh. He has gotten incredibly good at makeup to cover the visible scars, because he doesn't know what to tell people that ask questions. He also has miniscule scars on his face because... Have you see how messed up he gets in Canon??? Multiple times??? Like, yes sure, with some makeup, there is no visible difference, but he feels a pang of regret and annoyance when he looks at himself first thing in the morning.
His hair and eyes are flame dyed and nobody except him knows! Skull was born with bright, almost platinum blond hair and light blue eyes. When he went flame active, ways before he got any kind of fame, his purple got everywhere actually. Skull likes the colour tho, so he never felt the need to do anything about it lmao. There is one story cooking in my brain in which Skull gradually desaturated because of the curse and it pisses him off...
Also tattoos and piercings. Everywhere.
Pre freeze, he was often called handsome. Post freeze, he does not get nearly that many compliments. He thinks it's cause he's ugly now, but it's really just because he is more aggressive and visibly hate-filled. Eventually, his guardians start paying him random compliments, just because. It makes Xanxus feel a little better I like to think.
Oh also! Pre freeze he had a lot of moles all over his body. The scars cover some of them now, but not all, especially on his back.
(XS headcanon: Squalo likes finding/seeing stuff in his scars and moles like Xanxus's back is some messed up Version of the night sky. Xanxus will never admit that it makes him feel so pretty.)
Mukuro actually likes his blue eye better. That colour is so rich and beautiful... Sometimes he likes to just Illusion his red eye back to that blue, because it makes him feel pretty. Also he has all the gender. Whether or not he has boobs is a day-to-day decision, really.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
For this one I googled phobia names UwU
He has Agoraphobia (fear of enclosed, crowded spaces) and this fear expresses itself with a desire to brawl. He also has mild entomophobia (insects), which I headcanon because it'd be hilarious if Hibari saw a bug and jumped cause that startled him.
Hibari also has Mazeophobia (fear of getting lost) but he deals with that by just always having some kind of a map of the area on him. Needing an up to date map on his person, is why it sometimes takes him a few days to get to a battle (Simon Arc). Otherwise, he's fearless/has no good sense of self preservation.
Skull suffers from Athazagoraphobia (fear of being ignored, forgotten or forgetting someone) which heavily contributes to how annoying people perceive him to be. It also makes his memory issues worse to deal with for him. Skull has gotten into the habit of dedicating tattoos or piercings he gets to people he knows and likes. He never tells the person, but he likes having a reminder constantly on himself.
Skull also likes to say he has a rational fear of weapons and violence.
Xanxus has to deal with Cryophobia (fear of cold). This fear expresses itself through rage, naturally. If you see him shivering and looking irritated... Run.
Xanxus also has a mild case of Autophobia (fear of being alone/abandoned). This stems from his childhood, because when his mother handed him over to Timoteo, he did feel abandoned by her. This fear would express itself through a wave of sadness though. If his guardians abandoned him, Xanxus would be so hurt. May react angrily, but there is so much grief behind that anger.
Also Xanxus has Cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped). Because again, he was trapped in a popsicle for a while. If ever he was affected by temporary paralysis during battle, he would not be okay afterwards.
Mukuro deals with Atelophobia (fear of being imperfect) because I imagine as he was experimented on, he was punished for imperfections. It's not a paralysing fear of his, but it is something that's in the back of his mind as he schemes in his day-to-day life. He prefers making plans that cannot fail.
He also has Agoraphobia (fear of enclosed spaces). Yes, just like Kyoya, which I find amusing. For different reasons, but still. In Mukuro's case because he was in a glass tube for months at least, in Hibari's case because enclosed spaces are easily crowded and he doesn't like that. Mukuro's fear is more intense than Kyoya's. He will destroy anything and anyone that tries to keep him confined anywhere.
Also Mukuro has Pistanthrophobia (fear of trusting others) because why else would he act like he doesn't love his gang. He is terrified that they would use his trust against him, so he tries not to develop trust. But that's so difficult when people are so genuine and consistent....
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
If you can't find him anywhere and it's late evening, check in the alleyway next to Takesushi's. He is probably holding open the dumpster there for stray cats. Yes, that routinely gets him whacked with Tsuyoshi's broom. He will do it anyway.
Skull is pretty gullible, which makes him susceptible to common superstitions! If you tell him doing something weird wards off bad luck or brings good luck, he will do that thing before his next stunt! One time Skull threw salt over his shoulder before a mission and that hit Reborn in the face. Which caused outrage. Every Arco called Reborn salty for the rest of that week lmao
Xanxus sleeps with three blankets and five pillows because he likes being cozy. And warm. He likes being warm above all else. The Varia routinely give him more blankets, just in case. One time all of Xanxus's blankets were destroyed by an attack and all of the Varia slept without blankets that night cause Xanxus stole theirs as revenge.
The weirdest quirk Mukuro has is probably that he has one completely ordinary hobby. So.... Mukuro's favourite past time is bowling. Because when he was way wayyyy little that was a family member's favourite thing to watch on TV. Mukuro doesn't actually remember why he likes bowling so much.
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babyilluwu · 5 months
Nobody asked but I feel like sharing my ship preferences for HxH characters.
So, Illumi and Hisoka. I'm literally hyperfixating on them rn and I'm 100% "hisoillu canon engagement". If I read a fic, they better be a couple or get together!!!
BUT I do not need them to be totally exclusive. I enjoy adultrio shenanigans, polyamory, threeways, love triangles. I don't like it at all when Illumi is left out tho. (I don't mean he has to be in every scene but he has to get his endgame).
I'm sorry for chrollo but I love it when he's the ex fling or has an unrequited crush on Illumi lmao. But like I said, I'm okay with them dating too.
In terms of HisoMachi, it's a ship I'm okay with and respect. I do think they have great interactions. It isn't something I'm very curious to explore tho. Typically the most I see in the fics I like to read is Machi being an ex or old hookup. Maybe I'd enjoy the poly route?
Now departing from Hisoka and Illumi.
I realize I don't really ship Kurapika with anybody. I'm totally okay with Kurapika ships tho! I love him as a character and I like the fanart. It's just interesting to not care particularly when there are such strong ships involving him in the fan base.
For troupe members, I think it's cute when the girls are all portrayed as gfs 😌✨ always gimme sapphics 😌✨ Phinks/Feitan, Uvo/Shal are cute too. I don't particularly enjoy m/f troupe ships tho. An exception (and maybe unpopular opinion?) is that I think Paku probably had a crush on Chrollo as a child. I don't believe they had a relationship, but I think there were strong feelings of affection for him as a person who could have been her childhood sweetheart if they didn't live such a fucked up life that forced both of them to toughen up and close off emotionally. Very bittersweet stuff 🥲
New ship no one asked for: HINRIGH/NOBUNAGA! No I will not explain
And ship I don't want to think about but then again I could probably be roped into it: PariGing. I just don't like Ging very much and he looks like he doesn't shower,,,,,, but the dynamics are great
And at last:
And that's it for today
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callmearcturus · 2 years
i am sick as fucking hell today so here's my ranking of S-Links so far
caveats: Aigis STILL hasn't fucking unlocked, i'm only halfway thru mitsuru's, and one-third thru yukari's.
Best to Worst:
The Magician, Junpei: I am still flabbergasted at how fucking good his arc is. The fact that in the penultimate slink scene he recognizes the specific way he's been disrespectful to you and meaningfully apologizes for it is not remotely what I expected out of him. Also I somehow got spoiled very early that he wasn't a romance option, and (I can't believe I'm making this comparison) just like Dorian in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it made it feel fun and safe to play-flirt and joke with him, safe in the knowledge it wouldn't go awry. Junpei is my fucking bro, my ride or die.
The Star, Akihiko: Predictable since I am currently evaluating his entire romance against my other favorite romances in video games (I don't think he beats Garrus and The Transistor, but he's top five). Slowly unraveling this boy is delightful, and honestly the way he turns as you get to know him better is very marked and obvious. He goes from relying on his one hyperfixation to communicate, to opening up and sometimes being genuinely so fucking smooth and romantic, it threw me for a loop. Least neurotypical person in the cast.
The Hermit, Saori: From the moment she said a Bad Word I was in love. I like how... careful you have to be with her, how she is very aware of her faults, of the fact she's a doormat, and the reasons she has become that way. Saying goodbye to her was genuinely very fucking sad and I miss her. Would dump Akihiko for her if I could. (Tho even more I want them to meet, could you IMAGINE.)
The Priestess, Fuuka: I love this girl so fucking much. The steel core of her underneath of the self-doubt is wonderful to see. Also the specific way she sucks at cooking and almost locks up from the failure tracks as very real. It does suck to rope someone else into helping you with something and then seeing how good that person is at the thing. Also her slink is so close to a romance, I'm mad about it. LEMME DATE HER.
The Moon, Shinjiro: Ah, the urge to help people vs the urge to be a bitch. Who can't relate to that. Especially given the inevitable end of his arc, the specific way Shinjiro is trying to keep people from relying on him or expecting anything from him... hitting facefirst into the wall of how goddamn fucking reliable he is, it's great. Glad I maxed this one out.
The Tower, Mutatsu: I really like that you're basically therapizing this old monk just by.... being a mirror to reflect his questions back at him. You do very little to help him honestly, you just exist nearby and thus inspire him to challenge himself and better himself. He just needed someone to talk to! Also its funny to imagine FemPC just hanging out in his booth for a few weeks. What a duo.
The Sun, Akinari: Did NOT like this one at first, but wow the actual final thought of it, the idea that.... death is inevitable, and you will never know your purpose, and you will never see your purpose, but you do have purpose. That was surprisingly affecting. Also WAS HE A GHOST THE WHOLE TIME? WHAT WAS WITH THAT? Wacky.
The Chariot, Rio: Oh Rio, I wish I could rank you higher, girl. I really like Rio and think she's actually an incredible example of the Chariot, but in the way I enjoyed being careful with Saori, there were times I wanted to smack Rio upside the head. Because she's making progress, she's getting there, but it's almost entirely without you. You're there to support her and that's great but you cannot fucking challenge her at all ever or she'll get upset. Just frustrating.
The Devil, Tanaka: This one was so fucking weird but enjoyable? But there's no depth here. It's just weird and fun!
Strength, Koromaru: I'm not a dog person but this is a good dog. Also while I didn't vibe with the plot around Koromaru, the way he incited conversation with other characters was great.
Justice, Ken: I'm about... 4 or 5 into this one? And the point seems to be "ah, the trauma of growing up too fast." Which yep. That's a thing. Wish this slink wasn't like pulling teeth.
The Emperor, Hidetoshi: I'm bored to tears and I'm never gonna finish this one. Hidetoshi is a tool, I'm not interested.
The Hierophant, the Old Couple: this one is straight up poorly written. It's just so fucking poorly written I don't know if something went seriously awry in localization or if it was just that bad. I maxed it out and I regret it.
Temperance, Bebe: The degree to which I failed out of this slink cannot be overstated. When Bebe calls me, I turn him down every time even if I have NOTHING else to do that day. This slink feels offensive to like five different groups of people. Nope. Not doing it. Bye.
I thiiiiiiink that's all the ones I have an opinion on. /jazzhands
Say What About:
Yukari: I bounced off her early because she gave me huge Best Friend Who Quietly Hates You vibes. She gets great development in the main story tho so I'm working on hers.
Aigis: Hasn't unlocked.
Mitsuru: IT TOOK ME UNTIL FUCKING, WHAT, NOVEMBER TO GRIND ACADEMICS? OH MY GODDDDD the stat threshold for her is literally just to fucking high.
Ryoji: Gave me the creeps so I fully skipped everything after the mandatory unlock!!!! Don't like him!
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