#I only have to deal with this for like 3ish more months I am so so so so excited
clunelover · 10 months
I really don't know when my lowest point in life was. Like, if you're a mentally ill person with unstable alcoholic parents who decide to dig back into their custody arrangements when you're a tween, you can have a lot of low points!
Some that come to mind:
11-14 - Mom and stepdad split up and we moved into a pretty depressing apartment without room for everyone to have a bedroom, so mom slept in the living room (nothing wrong with that necessarily, but her bed was kind of a depression nest and she slept during the day sometimes so it sucked having that always visible). This is when she started semi-regularly relapsing and I got to be the one to catch her and then call stepdad for help. I was very sad and angry and felt isolated from peers. I moved in with my dad and stepmom for eighth grade, after which there was a bitter custody dispute about whether I was supposed to keep living there, or go back to mom's, which I got pulled into very inappropriately.
17-19 - went to college and started having my first bipolar episodes. Failed a lot of classes, tried to go back the next year under academic probation, failed harder, stopped paying rent, dropped out and moved in with dad and stepmom to get back on my feet. They made a deal with me that I'd have to stay there two years and pay them back, but I paid them back in a year and left "early" which resulted in some pretty nasty fights.
21ish - Got fired from my shockingly good for someone without a college degree job because I was a dumbass slacker, started working temp jobs which were truly soul sucking, couldn't afford my apartment and moved in with my stepdad, got a temp to perm job at the garbage company, which in retrospect was great life experience and gave me material for my so far only published story, ahem, but at the time felt like "I am a trash person and I work at the trash company so that all checks out." Had a couple drunk driving incidents for which I am very lucky I didn't hurt anyone or get caught - so - that's obviously super low. I was constantly overdrawing my bank account and owed money to my stepdad and Jeremy.
33 - lingering postpartum depression and anxiety from C's birth, still raging more than 6 months pp. Had to take time off work to go for anxiety treatment - again in retrospect a very good thing, but at the time I really felt terrible, like I was literally falling apart and might just start screaming at any moment.
This was a fun exercise though, because there were other moments that felt like lowest points at the time, but which now just feel like a blip. Like when I failed my final exam in grad school, and had to get the disability office involved to fight the chair of the department to be able to retake it at a different date due to the regular date being a few days after my due date with E. Whatever, doesn't matter now, I have the degree and don't really use it. Learned a lot about advocating for myself.
Or when I had that terrible job 3ish years ago where I was way out of my depth and having frequent panic attacks, sobbing every day I came home etc etc...I was there only three months and then got the job I have now. Blip!
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cheeseblind · 1 year
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on the [redacted] situation.
I think it's extremely important that we all keep in mind that this is involving a company and an employee and that there are tons of legal hoops they need to jump through before they reach any conclusions and definitely before they let us know what's happening. Legally they cannot tell us pretty much anything at this point.
I'm also pretty disappointed in people who have been excessively harassing other members. As far as we know this only involves one person and punishing the rest of them for it is not it. I know Carley said that they've been sweeping things under the rug. Personally I don't think that is true, I think it comes down to legal differences in the UK and US.
We know that the person in question has been out on disciplinary leave and that an investigation is happening and at this point in time that tells me that NRB and WT as a company are taking the correct steps in this situation.
Although I am extremely disheartened and upset with the situation we have to try to not get too parasocial about it and recognise that these are real people that we don't know dealing with a legal matter internally in a company.
Personally how I move forward with my support will be decided when we see how they deal with the situation if/when he's found guilty. Until then I personally chose to continue supporting them, [redacted] excluded. But I also completely understand if someone wouldn't be able to support them anymore.
Sorry that this is a long message. I just needed to get my thoughts out somewhere. I know one of the, less involved, crew members of NRB, and it really does seem like they're doing what they can and trying their best to handle this extremely difficult situation.
Also none of this is directed at you personally, more at the fans as a whole.
Hi, youre welcome i like to keep info in one place for myself + others so ig my blog has become that for now
and i totally agree on the legal process aspect - someone from my old job got fired and it took like 3ish months for it to be official and none of us were supposed to know about why (we all did but thats mcdonalds babey). but yeah its a long process and the last thing they want is to get sued so while i do absolutely wish they could say more they almost definitely are already saying the absolute most.
the statement has definitely helped me feel like its not being swept under the rug, i was really uncomfy with the lack of any acknowledgment so the statement has helped.
+ agree, harrassing the other cast members just isnt going to help and while im sure a lot of the people who have contributed to that have good intentions + are just upset, it is important to remember that they are people not products.
thank you for sharing your thoughts w me its good to hear perspectives
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no-quit-lucy · 4 months
I just liked a post about how old Tim is the other day hold on
Despite the holiday episodes being markers for time, which are arguably more in line with air date than canon timeline, (do not get me started on the pregnancies) season 1 takes place in 2018/2019 and season 6 takes place in 2024 (based on Nolan’s comment about voting for him as union rep in the next election— 2025)
So 6 years have passed between season 1 and 6 and yet they’ve only aged for 3 years. We could analyze the pregnancies and kids but if they aren’t even important enough to the writers to share the name of Angela’s daughter, then I am not inclined to include them in my calculations.
The rookie timeline is shit so I’m a proponent of Lucy being 28 in 2018 as established in season 1 and only 3ish years passing to season 6 which would make it 2022 in the current season and not 2024 since their rookie year started in December of 2018 and seasons 1-3 span 13 months considering their rookie year isn’t complete until 3x10. This would still make Lucy 31(ish) and Tim 41(ish)
Screw show runners without a show bible. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a little detail they failed to pay attention to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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canisitsnotlupus · 1 year
Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog, and I was wondering if you have any advice on training a dog to not bite? My family's fostering a 9-month old mutt named Kayla, who we've had about 7 weeks, and she's proving to be difficult. She snaps at people and very occasionally draws blood, and I've never heard her growl outside of play, and there's barely any warning of an incoming bite if you can't see her face. She's probably only 20 pounds, and though she used to let us pick her up to put her in her kennel, she won't anymore -- I'll sit next to her on the bed and pet her, but when my hand starts to go under her, she'll bite at it. It seems like she's afraid some of the time, but other times she'll go after hands like they're toys, and she's got a strong enough jaw that even those grazes hurt. She's just a foster, and there's a very good chance that if she bites an adopter, she'll get put down.
We're not taking her to adoption events anymore(obviously), but last time we did(3ish weeks ago), we had noticed that she wouldn't leave her stitches alone(she'd been spayed a month prior), and we wanted to show the head of our foster organization(lets call her amy). So my mother picks her up, and Kayla's completely fine until Amy starts to get closer to her, at which point Kayla starts thrashing and biting. Amy decided to have her kid(an adult) come over and hold the dog so she can get a good look at it, and then they walk away, with Kayla screaming and thrashing. When they come back, Kayla's stopped thrashing, Amy has determined that there's a stitch still in Kayla's incision, and Amy's kid has a gash in her hand from keeping the dog from eating somebody's face. Amy's advice is to never give Kayla what she wants when she starts biting, and to just wait for her to tire herself out and then keep doing whatever it is you were doing. We also have 3 other dogs, and they're not particularly comfortable with her, because she clearly doesn't get it when they tell her to back off.
TL;DR: do you have any recommendations for training a dog that bites people against that, besides "hand her off to a trainer"?
Sorry for the long ask, it's just that Google isn't providing any relevant results, and finding your blog seemed like fate. Let me know if there's any additional info I can offer that would help!
I do not offer training advice online unless I'm 1) being paid (nothing to do with you - I'm just notorious working for free a lot and it was one of my 2023 things to fix!) and 2) it is not aggression. Given this is aggression, yes, the only suggestion - and the only ethical one from *any* dog trainer in my opinion - is you need to find a trainer to work directly with you - preferably in person, as this is dealing with a dangerous situation. My suggestion for this is always: 1) vet first, and get completely cleared for any sort of injury/illness. 2) a local positive trainer who has experience with reactivity and aggression. 3) the dog is kept on a strict schedule that does not allow people, other animals, etc. to be put in a dangerous situation where they can be bitten while working with a trainer to find the cause and form a game plan. 4) look for a behaviorist if trainer recommends it or contact vet about anxiety medications that can help dog get into a state where training and rehabilitation can happen. My heart breaks for you. Aggression is so difficult and heartbreaking to deal with, and I am so sorry you're going through it, but morally I do not feel I can give you any advice beyond these bare basic frameworks I would suggest for any training issue. I know it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. I am not sure of the wording, but if you meant 'hand her off' as rehome, I do not think that might be necessary unless you've spoken with someone directly that can help you. I also, generally, tend to shy from board and trains (also not sure if you meant that, I apologize) for aggression, but that's more I don't trust most trainers. I would find someone 1) positive based only, 2) aggression experience, and 3) that comes to your home to work with you and gives you a game plan that they will help you execute. Thank you for the ask and I am wishing you luck, and again, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope your pup recovers well from this issue and you go on to have many happy days together. <3
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arrowpunk · 2 years
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hide-the-cutlery · 5 years
Ugh, I just erased a draft I started. So frustrating.
I guess it’s long sleeves for me for a while. Luckily, there’s a (Florida) cold front coming through tomorrow, so that should help a bit. (Prepare got the 60’s, my pussy friends!) I’ll get back to that momentarily.
Today, I had to go to court on a misdemeanor charge. I wasn’t feeling stressed or worried about it (a drastic deviation from my normal thoughts and behavior) — I thought I knew what was going to happen and what to expect, and was somehow relatively at ease about it. Everything was fine and going as I expected — until it wasn’t. I had decided I wanted an attorney, since it’s my right to at least meet with one, even though I know I’m guilty, but the public defender in the courtroom started talking and made me second-guess myself. He told all that were waiting that, aside from a few situations, all cases could be finalized today. This, of course, went against my decision to meet with an attorney (because, as I stated, it’s my right), and when I went to see if he could help me make gain some clarity, he asked me, point blank, “well did you do something wrong?” I admitted that, yes, I did do something wrong and asked him a couple more questions, which cleared up nothing. I felt like he was trying to get people to plead out so it was less work for him and his colleagues. Regardless, I should have known to drop the whole thing then, but I have a hard time making decisions/changing my mind on the spot, particularly when a lot of information is rapidly being thrown at me. I’m too tired to type it all out, but basically I could have had everything resolved today, except I reverted to my original, which turned out to be poor, decision at the last second. I had even completed the plea form and took it with me when the judge called my name. I had talked to an attorney that I got in touch with through the program a few weeks ago, and even though I couldn’t hire her, she was nice enough to give me an overview of what to expect about proceedings and let me ask a couple of quick questions. I thought she was pointing me in the direction of getting a public defender, so instead of entering a plea and getting sentenced today, I asked the judge for an attorney to be appointed to me, and even though I trusted the woman I spoke with, my gut was telling me to go the other way and decline representation. Turns out, I have too many assets to my name in the form of my car and don’t qualify for a public attorney, and I sure as shit aren’t hiring my own. So, now I still have to pay the fee for the public defender I’m not getting. I also got assigned a new court date in few weeks, and now have the luxury of this all dragging on for an extra month. The attorney I spoke with on the phone said there was an option to be sentenced to take some class related to the offense instead of probation/community service or a fine, which I guess I was hoping for, but forget trying to get that instead. I just want this all over with, and it could have been done today. All over today. But no. I had to get confused and unsure like I always do. I know it’s not the end of days, however, one thing is haunting me. The lawyer I spoke with in the courtroom said there was no way to know if me having an attorney would result in me being offered a different/better sentence OR one not as favorable. So, in all reality, I could get fucked over and get a worse deal than I would have gotten today. Fuck. I can’t be the only one who’s had things turn out like this, right? I was nervous and clueless and wanted to take advantage of my rights, even if my hypothetical defense attorney sat me down and said “look, kid, I don’t think I can get you anything better than what would have initially been offered.” It’s still my right to have them tell me that. But the potential for a harsher sentence for simply trying to exercise my rights? No, fuck that. That would be yet another all-to-common miscarriage of our criminal justice system. Live and learn, heh. The law cares (in “silly” offenses as this, anyway) about time & money. It doesn’t care about me; I’m just one of many.
I lost it in the parking lot. I just cracked. It was a matter of time before I lost control of the “I’m okay” persona I was projecting, and truthfully it’s remarkable I was able to keep it going for as long as I did. Looking back now, everything should be okay, unless I pissed off the judge, which I doubt — they probably see this happen all the time, but knowing how things tend to go for me, this will likely (but I sincerely hope not) result in some avoidable consequence, like my family finding out and throwing me out. Thankfully, a friend had surgery yesterday and invited me over so I could be in a safe place. Sadly, the self destruction had already begun.
What does all this have to do with hiding my arms? If you’re not an idiot, you already know. I am ashamed to admit I self harmed for the first time in probably years while I was having my meltdown this morning. The wound is superficial, but it’s still there. I started trying to split my skin open with a pair of small, sharp scissors I keep with me in my wallet. I ran the blades with pressure up and down across my flesh repeatedly, with minimal results. I even tried to snip little areas open, which barely worked either. I couldn’t draw blood. I really wanted to see some blood, perhaps as a punishment for getting myself arrested in the first place and then fucking up the arraignment. The pain itself didn’t bother me. The part of me that, on occasion, separates itself from my physical/mental autonomy (that seems to have no purpose other than to observe from an objective point of view outside myself and to harshly, ruthlessly criticize me, making me feel like a dullard, a loser, fake, dishonest, pathetic... it’s not a voice I “hear,” such as a hallucination, but something that feeds directly into my mind) was screaming: You’re such a fool. Self mutilation? Really? In your thirties? What the fuck is wrong with you? You attention whore. You can’t even make yourself bleed! Pathetic. The worst ridicule I received, hands down, was: If this is a cry for help or attention, no one cares, and now you’ve got a new scar to ever remind you and represent how desperate you are for someone to give a fuck about you. Again, you’re absolutely, embarrassingly pathetic.
After the scissors weren’t working, I decided to try something else, and found myself in a dollar store — one of the ones where everything is actually a dollar. That brought a little sunshine to my afternoon, and judging by how much candy I bought, tooth decay as well. I bought a mini sewing kit and tried to repeat the process with a safety pin and a needle instead of the scissors. No luck there, either, but the flesh is definitely split and looks like it’s bruised. I even thought about burning myself, but by the time the pins/needles didn’t work, the urge was passing. I’ve been hiding it, so I am not so sure how the third part of me (I don’t know why I call it the “third” part — it’s just what comes to me when I think of it/it shows itself, or maybe that’s what it wants to be known as for whatever reason, perhaps body, mind, and “the third”) is right to say it’s a cry for help and/or attention-seeking behavior, but even if it is “normal”, people don’t tend to do such stupid shit. Or maybe I’m trying to validate my mental illness, because sometimes I don’t think people see it for what it is. (I asked a woman to be my sponsor earlier this week and within 3ish minutes, she told me I seem confused when I talk and attributed it to my medications (and I think she only knew about the antidepressants). Needless to say, that didn’t work out.) How sad, though. How stupid. I am the queen of doing stupid shit, no matter my motives, and I shouldn’t have to mark myself up for people to see and know “that girl’s not right in the brain”.
Now I’m just regretting the scar that I’m sure will form. And for what? There wasn’t even more than a few minuscule droplets of blood that I squeezed out of the laceration. I guess if I was serious about harming myself and tried a little harder, my hand would have been painted red.
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yon-cee · 5 years
Benvolio and Tybalt C1
[chapter 2]
A/N: Shoo away hiatus. This is a story I have had in mind for a while. A quick spin on a Shakespeare class (Romeo & Juliet). In honor of SasuSaku month, I wanted to do a nice short multi-chapter story[probably 3ish chapters]. I hope you enjoy!
Romeo- Naruto
Juliet- Hinata
Tybalt- Sasuke
Benvolio - Sakura
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Romeo and Juliet
Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
In fair Konoha is where our stage is set. The air is calm, unaware of the quarrel that is to begin in the streets. The nearby citizens don't take note of the Hyuga men marching down the cobblestone paths. While the Hyuga's were a notable clan, they were subtle in their affairs. They were regarded as dignified and cold, and barely interacted with anyone who wasn't at least related to them.
Even though peace has settled onto the quiet streets for the past week, it only takes one man to cause a riot. That man today is Kiba, "I am so sick of those Uzumaki brats. I'm won't put up with their shit today." He seethes, unaware of the listening ears nearby.
Shino, another defender of the Hyuga clan, replies "If we did, then we would be waste removers."
Kiba glances at him, rolling his eyes at the bluntness of his friend, sighing, "I mean, if they piss me off, I intend to fight them." His fist curling on the handle of his sword.
"That will lead you to live a life in jail." Shino replies, his voice even.
"I hit hard when I'm motivated." Kiba shot back, "No one will suspect a thing with one dead Uzumaki."
"You avoid getting 'motivated', so you never have to hit anyone."
At this Kiba scoffs, his eyes sending daggers in Shino's direction, "One of the Uzumaki's will motivate me. I swear on it."
Shino shakes his head, "To be motivated you have to act, to be valiant you must face a fight. I say when you are motivated you simply run away."
Kiba openly gapes at this friend, wondering if he is truly hearing correctly, "If I saw an Uzumaki today I would fight him! I would force him into the ground until he was unrecognizable!" Kiba insists, shaking his fist with enthusiasm.
Sighing, Shino pushes his glasses farther up his nose, "The feud is between our masters. It doesn't concern us."
Kiba chuckles at this, "It's all the same. I will become a master of the Uzumaki."
Sighing again at his troublemaking friend, he notices a figure at the distant fountain. Tensing, he reaches for a weapon, "Prepare yourself Kiba, I sense a Uzumaki up ahead."
Kiba immediately draws his sword's handle into his fist. Up ahead, a pale man with a bowl cut shuffles around the fountain with another man with spikey black hair. Their eyes begin to narrow at the scene before him, as two Hyuga men prepare for battle. The man with dark spikey hair, known as Shikamaru, sighs, unwilling to deal with the haughty men before him.
Kiba leans closer to Shino, "Don't worry I'll back you up." He whispers encouragingly.
Shino shakes his head, "By turning your back and running?"
With a gruff, Kiba mumbles, "Don't worry about me."
"I indeed worry about you." Shino insists.
With a groan, Kiba focuses at the figures steadily approaching them, "Before we fight, let's make sure the law will be on our side."
Shino takes his cue and nods, "As we pass by, I will frown at them, how they respond is up to him." Kiba side eyes his friend, wondering how a frown will upset the man.
"That won't get a rise out of them." Kiba huffs, "Here, I'll flip them off as we pass by, he'll be sure to react from that." Shino tries to warn him, but it is too late, as they pass by the pale Uzumaki man, Kiba with a show, flips off the men blatantly.
The man, otherwise known as Rock Lee, turns his eyes lingering on Kiba. Rock Lee reacts harshly, as Shikamaru places a hand on his arm to calm his over-passionate friend, "Did you flip me off sir?" He asks the men softly, his eyes bulging underneath his eyebrows.
Kiba shrugs, taunting them, "I did raise my middle finger, sir." He sneers.
Shikamaru rolls his eyes, "Did you raise your middle finger at us, sir?" He sighs.
Kiba leans to whisper in Shino's ear, "Is the law on our side if I say yes?"
Shino shakes his head, "No."
Kiba straightens his posture, "I am not raising my middle finger at you, sir, but I do raise my middle finger."
Shikamaru and Lee bristle at this, their own tempers rising, "Do you want to fight?" Shino asks blatantly, noticing the tension in the two men before them.
At this Lee fires back, his brows furrowed, "A fight? No thank you!"
Kiba gives a brief flash of the sword from its sheath, "That's probably wise, if you did want to fight then you would surely lose." With a cocky grin, he adds, "My master is as good as yours."
Lee exclaims, "But not better."
"Fine." Kiba hides his weapon.
Shino's eyes quickly notices the blue-black hair of their one of their master's clansmen in the distance. Quickly, shifting to whisper to Kiba, "I see one of clansmen, say ours is better."
Kiba doesn't hesitate, "Ours is better!" His voice rings out in the empty plaza.
Shikamaru glares at them, "You don't know what you're saying."
Kiba takes the opportunity, "Fight us then!" He challenges. Immediately, the four men draw their weapons. The pairs crouch into a battle stance, "Get ready Shino, remember to hit them where it hurts." The group draw their swords and begin to clash. The loud clanging of swords fills the plaza, and citizens begin to retreat inside.
"Stop you idiots!" A woman's voice cries out. Pink hair enters the scene as she draws her own sword to separate the group. Using her momentum, she lands a punch square in the job of the more hotheaded Hyuga man, and breaks into the scene, "Put down your swords, you don't know what you're doing!" Sakura realizes that this will not be in favor of either of their house. The royal family has made it very clear that the two houses are on thin ice. This reckless behavior will only push them into unfavorable terms.
Kiba staggers, his cheek stinging in pain. Glaring at the petite woman, he lunges sword in hand and swings down at her. The Uzumaki men retaliate, their own fury fueling their strides. "How dare you attack Sakura!" Rock Lee cries, his attacks growing stronger by the minute.
Sakura grunts in effort as she parries another swing. Her eyes span over the plaza, looking for any members of the royal guards. Luckily, none are spotted, but that doesn't mean they're out of the woods. Sakura decides to focus her energy into incapacitating the two Hyuga men. Hopefully, if they are unable to fight, it will be easier to encourage her men to retreat.
A searing pain echoes from her thigh, as Kiba's sword finds a weak spot in her quadricep. A small cry escapes her as she staggers back, glancing at the blood seeping through her clothes. Cursing, she stands up, she needs to end this quickly and get medical attention.
An encroaching dark presence makes itself known and the men slowly separate. Goosebumps raise over Sakura's arms as she turns to greet the newcomer. Standing behind her is one of most painfully gorgeous men Konoha, infamously known for his battle prowess and bloodlust. His eyes bore into hers, filled with anger and fury. His lips curl into a sneer as he glances at the blood trickling from her wound. Sakura shifts uncomfortably underneath such a stare and tries shift the wound out of his gaze.
"Have you raised your sword to fight these servants?" The tall, dark man speaks, his voice rolling over like velvet. Nervously, Sakura glances around, hoping that no one else has taken note of the hostile aura taking over the plaza. Citizens have already abandoned the streets to their homes. In the streets the group is completely alone.
"Sasuke…" Sakura whispers, her eyes narrowing at her own clansmen, cursing them for such an interaction.
Slowly, Sasuke takes a stride towards Sakura, his hand gripping the handle of his own sword as he unsheathes it. Sakura watches in quiet admiration, as he gracefully flicks his wrist, the tip of the blade approaching her torso. Her breath hitches in her throat as the glimmering metal makes contact with her billowing shirt, the coolness penetrating through the fabric. The blade moves up past her navel, in between her breast, and lays to rest on her collarbone. Sasuke watches entranced, as if the blade is an extension of his own touch. One that she had become familiar with after years of family bloodshed.
"Look at me Sakura and see the man that will kill you." Sasuke speaks loudly for the group to hear, but his gaze is trained solely on her.
Sakura's breath stills in her throat, his onyx eyes piercing into her own. "I'm just trying to keep the peace." She whispers, gripping the handle of her own weapon. "Put down your sword and help me stop this fighting." After all these years, she still trembles under his gaze. Although, lately, it is not from fear.
Sasuke gazes down into her green irises. He often compared their interactions like those of a theatre. The lines were so rehearsed, and the acting was flawless, but only the two of them knew the reality of the script. Every word was laced with a hidden agreement, a secret promise. Sasuke was more than aware of what was at stake. He was a prisoner to the pride of the Hyuga clan, more so since he was a cousin to the clan's heir Hinata, and a close confidant to her as well. It would be suicide to ever admit that he found himself bewitched by the enemy. Even now, with his blade positioned so delicately on her soft porcelain skin, just shy of the small buds that lay underneath her chiffon blouse that he so longs for.
A smirk grazed his mouth as he forced his eyes back up to hers, "Drawn and talk of peace?" Sasuke taunted, pressing the blade into her skin gently, taking in the way she gulps, her breath coming faster. Sasuke took another seething step closer to her. "I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Uzumakis and thee…" The words trail off his tongue so fluidly. He had convinced himself to speak of hate while looking at this woman. Sasuke had a part to play, and he intended to do it well, to save them both.
Shikamaru and Lee spring to life, lunging for Sasuke, in an effort to protect Sakura . Sakura turns, raising her blade to meet the force of two and Shino and Kiba lunge down at her. With a particularly painful leg wound, she finds herself at a disadvantage, but is still able to dodge their attacks easily. Sakura was more than an experienced swordswoman.
While women were allowed to fight alongside men, and often encouraged in clans, it was almost unheard of to be so highly trained and effective as Sakura was in battle. Her battle style was fluid and graceful, often a comparison of the wind blowing through the tree tops. Her small frame made her a smaller target, and often aided her agility. The Uzumaki clan had trained her from a young age, alongside the other boys of the group. She also received specialized training from outside sources.
Unaware to the group, the plaza slowly fills with royal guards and several members of both houses. The battle grows to become something more alike to a riot. Sakura takes a moment to survey her surroundings. Uzumaki and Hyuga alike are entering the fray, some injured, but most of all causing a commotion. Panic enters her bloodstream, and she makes her way through the commotion to find Sasuke. Her leg cries in pain and she can feel the blood loss begin to take a toll on her vision.
Above her, a man takes a swing at her vulnerable position, but before she can feel the metal meeting her flesh, she hears the singing of two swords. Sasuke flourishes his weapon and pushes the man to the ground. His hand lightly presses against her back as steps forward and defends her from the royal guard. Sakura straightens, her leg screaming out at her as she defends his back with her own weapon.
Back to back, they fight. Sakura struggles to speak, but finds her voice above the crowed, "The princess will be here soon." Sasuke turns his head to look down the main alley, where members of the royal family begin to gather, their faces filled with disgust. "Run." Sakura urges, her body sagging against him as her current enemy falls.
Sasuke moves his body in a graceful turn, blocking a sword heading towards her pink head and disables the enemy. "Whose handiwork is that?" He sneers, gesturing towards the wound on her leg.
"One of your servants." Sakura pants. Sasuke snakes an arm around her middle, steadying her stance, the distraction of the fray keeping eyes off of them.
"Name him." He whispers in her ear. Sakura shakes her head, and Sasuke growls in response.
"You have to leave." Sakura repeats, her eyes meeting his. He softens slightly under gaze.
Sasuke sighs, lowering his sword, and turns his head to give Sakura a lingering glance. His eyes speak words that she knows he cannot utter. Its small, but it is all they have at the moment. Nodding, she turns back and raises her sword again.
"Strike them down!" A common citizen screams. "Down with the Hyuga's! Down with the Uzumaki's!" He screams, and many other citizens join in, their own weapons raised.
Sakura glances at them, a pang of sympathy building. She knows and recognizes the pain of these petty fights affect the town more than they do the houses. Homes and businesses have been destroyed in the name of bloodshed. Sakura can't understand it, but she'll be damned if she abandons her house now.
"What is this fighting? Hand me my sword!" Sakura hears as she glances towards the entrance of the plaza. Hiashi Hyuga has joined the fray, as he orders a boy to hand him a sword. Hanabi, his other daughter raises a hand.
"Father, please, you are already so weak from your last battle." Hanabi pleads.
"Give me my sword! Old Uzumaki has arrived and I'll be damned if I don't fight for my men."
Sakura is surprised at this, and glances to the other entrance of the plaza. Lord Minato strides in, sword in hand as he begins to fight as well. "You villain Hyuga!" He yells from the far side, his wife Kushina gripping his arm to hold him back.
"Do not fight!" she chides, her eyes narrowing at her husband.
A silence settles over the brawl as Princess Tsunade arrives. Her beauty is striking even from the distance Sakura stands at. "You are enemies of the peace!" She cries out, her eyes full of fury. "How is it that you can only quell your anger by drawing blood! I will torture the lot of you unless you drop your weapons and listen to me." Her eyes turn onto the head of the rivaling households. "Because of you Uzumaki and Hyuga, battles have raged in our city's streets. These battles have forced even the elderly to take up arms to try and stop your needless battles." Sakura feels the shame spill over her. As she looks around, she can see the same feeling has fallen over the crowd. Uzumaki and Hyuga alike sheath their weapons. "If another Uzumaki or Hyuga disturb the peace, you will pay for it with your lives. To begin the investigation of what has transpired here, I demand a meeting Hiashi Hyuga. Minato, visit me later." With that, the head of the Hyuga tribe and the princess retreat to the palace.
Slowly, the plaza clears out. Those who started the fighting have eagerly fled, as well as those who joined in the end. Sakura remains, her eyes locking the heads of the Uzumaki clan. Minato makes his way towards her, Kushina haughtily joins him, her eyes of fury glancing at anyone who may try and disobey.
"How did this happen?" Minato begins, his blue eyes blurred in confusion, "My dear niece, were you here when this fight began?" His eyes glance towards her wound and calls over a steward to tend to her wounds.
Quickly, two stewards tend to her as they help her sit on the ground. Their hands move fast as they stitch and mend the wound. Sakura sighs in relief, feeling her health begin to regenerate. Minato gestures for her to continue, noticing the relief on her face.
Sakura nods, briefly remembering the onyx eyes that bore down into her own. Shaking her head, she calmly began, "Shikamaru and Sai were fighting members of the Hyuga clan when I arrived. I tried to stop them, but then…" She paused, a flush creeping into her face as she thought of Sasuke again and the dangerous way his eyes lingered on her, "And then Sasuke showed up with his sword drawn. He taunted me and his sword…" She trailed off again and Kushina gave her an odd look, recognizing the small creep of a smile on her niece's mouth. Within a moment, Sakura regained her composure, "Eventually more and more Hyuga and Uzumaki's showed up to join the fray, and that's when Princess Tsunade arrived."
Kushina huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "Where is Naruto? Have you seen him today?" Her eyes roamed over the plaza, "I'm very happy to see he wasn't here for the fight."
Sakura shook her head, "Lady Uzumaki, I had, uhm…" She could not help the blush that creeped along her face at this, "I could not sleep last night, so I went for a walk," A bald-faced lie, but the truth would be outrageous. Images of a shirtless Sasuke flashed before her mind as his long fingers trailed her sternum. His fingertips tracing the outline of her collarbone, the one his same blade had threatened this morning. Shaking her head again, she recalled her cousin's sorrowful look that she had glanced this morning, "I saw Naruto in the gardens on the western edge of the city. I tried to talk to him, but he ran off. He seemed to want to be alone, to I let him be."
Minato nodded, also remembering Naruto's sour attitude, "He's been in a bad attitude for a while. He keeps to himself lately in his bedroom. I don't know what is wrong with the boy."
Sakura noted the worry in his expression. Naruto was usually a very bubbly person, if not an annoying heiress to the Uzumaki clan. Sakura found herself surprised to learn that he had been in such a foul mood. Silently, she scolded herself for not noticing sooner, she blamed a certain clan prodigy for this. Cursing her own neglect, she made it a goal to pay more attention to the dealings of her family. "Do you have any idea what might be causing this?" Sakura asked.
Minato shook his head, "He refuses to tell me."
As if Naruto had heard them, Sakura watched in surprise as his form passes through the plaza. His shoulders are hunched over, and his gaze is directed towards the ground. He pays absolutely no mind to the area around him as he trudges forward. "I'll go and talk to him." Sakura replied, nodding gratefully to her uncle and aunt. Minato and Kushina replied with a promising smile.
With a bit of effort, she stands carefully, as to not put more strain onto her injury. Sakura crossed the plaza, where only moments ago a nasty brawl had taken place. Quickly she reached her cousin, playfully tugging at his sleeve, "Good morning Naruto."
Naruto sighed, shoving his hands in his pocket, "Is it still that early?"
Sakura rolls her eyes and glances towards the grand clock at the entrance of marketplace, "It's just past nine."
Naruto gave a heavy sigh again, "Time moves so slowly when you're sad."
Sakura scoffed at her cousin's theatrics. "What is making you like this?" This truly wasn't her cousin. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she had seen him like this, if ever had been. Maybe when he had been confined to the mansion for a month for destroying a wing of the Hyuga mansion.
Naruto shook his head, "Lacking the one thing that would make the hours shorter."
Sakura smirked at this, well aware of where his mind was, "Are you in love?"
Her cousin was not a man of words. Or, he spoke quite often, but most of the time it didn't make sense. "Of love?"
"I am in love." Naruto replied, his eyes moving to the clear blue sky above them, "But the one I love doesn't love me back."
"Unrequited love is very sad indeed. It is quite a misery to experience it." Sakura commended, thankful to not be in such a situation. "Who are you in love with?"
Naruto shook his head, "It doesn't matter, he has sworn her life away to the nunnery. She wastes her beauty."
Sakura gave a sad smile in return, "Stop thinking about her then, it is time to move on!"
"What you ask is not so simple Sakura." Naruto sneered, his eyes moving back to the cursed ground beneath his feet. Sakura snickered beside him, slightly enjoying this change of attitude within her boisterous cousin. They continued their path throughout town, all the while Sakura plotted next to him.
Back at the royal library, in a room reserved for the noble houses, Sakura sheds her cloak and reveals her beige shorts and white linen top. Naruto rested on a leather lounge, sulking over his lost love. Sakura rolls her eyes at his adolescent reactions. Young love… how easily it can break a person.
In the study, Sakura knew they wouldn't be spied upon. Recently Sasuke had told her about upcoming ball he had to attend for the Hyuga clan. He hated balls, almost as much as he hated dancing, but he did imply that he would try to sneak her in if she had wanted to accompany him. By imply, Sasuke simply said that he knew very well how to sneak others into the Hyuga residence, and Sakura pieced together the puzzle. She figured that this also might be the perfect opportunity for Naruto to try and get over his puppy love.
Grabbing an apple from one of the vases that littered the small library, she inconspicuously waltzed over to a plush red velvet loveseat that faced her cousin. "Come on, Naruto. Maybe you should forget about that girl. Finding someone new will surely put you into a better mood." Sakura suggested. Her suggestion was shot down by a loud sigh.
"I have half a mind to hit you for that suggestion." Naruto berates, an arm slinging over his eyes. "I know I should try to be more positive, but my heart feels like its breaking."
Sakura shot him a sympathetic glance at him. While he was being overly dramatic, it was hard to not empathize with such a sad face. She knew that a party would be just the thing to cheer him up. It was just a matter of telling him without raising any questions. As if an answer to her prayers, a friendly passerby walked through, "Do any of you know how to read?" He asked loudly.
Naruto groaned, "I can read the fortune in my misery." Sakura rolled her eyes at such a dramatic statement.
"Yes, we can read!" She shouted back at the stranger. He nodded. Handing out the piece of parchment to Sakura. The list had a list of names, addresses, and other pertinent information that seemed relatively… Hyuga. Naruto snatched the piece of paper from her hands.
He began to read off the list of names. Several members of the direct Hyuga family line, several other nobles, as well as lesser nobility associated with the Hyuga's, one of them being the name of Naruto's source of pain. He slowed, "Quite a guest list." He replied his tone becoming more upbeat. "What's it for?"
"There is a ball held at my master's mansion for many esteemed guests." The servant replies, "If you aren't Uzumaki's you are more than welcome to attend." With that, as strangely as he appeared, the stranger left, leaving Sakura with more than enough ammo to launch into the next step of her plan.
"She will be there!" She exclaimed without missing a beat. "Let's go, and if she still denies you, I'm sure there will be plenty of beautiful women there."
"There is no woman more beautiful than her." Naruto sighed, his hand clutching the couch behind him.
"Oh, come on." Sakura sighed, rolling her eyes again. "She was probably the prettiest girl you've seen up until now, but there are thousands of beautiful girls in the world. She's far from the best." Sakura continues.
Naruto considers her words. Still, he doubts highly that there is such a woman out there, but he can see the gleam in his cousin's eyes. For some reason he couldn't decipher, Sakura seemed enthralled with the idea of the ball as soon as he began to read off the names. Why Sakura, who insisted on keeping peace between their houses, would want to attend a Hyuga ball, was beyond him. He pondered her for a moment, curious if she was truly committed to helping him. Nodding, "I'll go with you, but it will only be to see her one last time."
Sakura chuckled at this, "Don't worry cousin, you'll see I'm right."
It is a warm summer evening as the Uzumaki group gathers at the front of one of the Hyuga mansions. Naruto, Sakura, and Sai stand in front of the entrance dressed in masquerade. Other friends of theirs join the trio, who like Sai, do not belong to the Uzumaki clan, as to bring little attention to them. Sakura gleams as her best friend Lady Ino, dressed in deep plum iridescent silk gown, with a square bodice. She is gorgeous as she drapes her body against Sai's in a very couple-like fashion. Unlike appearances, she swears that their bond is strictly platonic and that her father has already promised her to another.
Sakura has her arm looped through Naruto's, to also appear as a couple to dissuade suspicious onlookers. Unlike her best friend, she is hidden underneath a silver and bronze hood that matches her silver gown with bronze, gold paisley and a square bodice with crossed shoulder straps. The gown ends in soft pleats that twirl around her toned legs. If any of these guests were able to see her bright pink tresses, they would immediately know her lineage.
To her fortune, they were able to slip in without any help from Sasuke. This left her with the pure pleasure to try and surprise him, which was a difficult feat in itself. The man always seemed to be two steps ahead of her.
"What should we say at the door?" Naruto asks, his voice panicking slightly as they walk through the line.
"Just as we practiced." Sakura reassures him. "Let them judge us how they like. We're only here to dance and stare at pretty ladies." She jests, poking her ribs into his side. Naruto chuckles, glancing down at this cousin who adorns a black mask with silver embellishments. He marveled at their friendship, which had bloomed into something so pure. Sighing in small contentment, he enjoyed the flash of happiness inside of him that had been absent for so long.
"Don't worry I won't be doing either of those." Naruto insists, his mind traveling back to his lost love.
Sai sighs, "Come on, Naruto, we're at a party." He nods towards the entrance, "It is only polite."
"I don't care, it's a Hyuga party." Naruto snorts, his arms drooping in Sakura's hold. The men begin to argue between each other, but Sakura's attention is drawn to the crowd surrounding them. Ino beams around, clearly enthralled with the drama and excitement before them. Sakura on the other hand, was searching for obsidian locks that belonged to a pair of darker eyes.
With the theme of the party being masquerade, it would be so easy to just dance with him without suspicion. If Sai and Ino could keep Naruto busy, it was possible she could spend all night with her secret lover. Achingly slow, their group makes it within the mansion.
The ballroom is decorated with dazzling lights and royal blue drapings across the railways. Servants line the room with champagne and wine, quickly meeting each guest as they walk through. Sakura is too dazzled to notice the stiffness of the pale man next to her as she grabs a glass.
"Don't get too comfortable Sakura." Sai warns, his eyes leveled on the glass in her hands.
Sakura shrugs, "Don't look too rigid, we want to blend in." She shoots back, taking a sip. Naruto smirks at this, grabbing a glass for himself as he takes in the room. He notices that Hyuga's are lined wall to wall. Their striking black hair and somber eyes glinting out from their masks. A silent shiver races up his spine thinking about the possible reaction his father and mother would have to his current affairs.
He looks beside him at the hooded Sakura. Truly, why did she want to come here tonight?
"Esteemed guests!" A voice bellows from the top of the grand staircase at the far end of the room. Naruto sees Lord Hyuga standing before them. "Enjoy this marvelous ball put on by my dear cousin. May no lady reject a dance, and may no gentlemen be shy in here. Let the musicians play!" He cheers, clearly a few drinks in himself. Naruto notes the music play as members of the Hyuga clan gather behind the Lord.
Suddenly, as if the earth shifts beneath him, he notices a pale-eyed beauty stand close to the Lord. Her tentative eyes shifting over the room. "Who is that?" He whispers to Sakura, but his voice falls onto to deaf ears.
Sakura's eyes are trained onto one figure. His body elegant as it strides down the steps, protectively close behind his cousin. Sasuke wears a long dark cloak, and traditional Hyuga garb as he descends, a silver mask with red twine. Even without the mask, she would have noticed him anyways. His presence was unattainable and could not be created. Sakura felt the back of her neck begin to heat as she was able to admire him with no restrictions.
She watches as Sasuke scans the ballroom, his lips set into a thin line. His eyes fall unto Naruto, and she watches the furrow of his brow at seeing the Uzumaki heir. Despite her best wishes, she knew Sasuke would recognize Naruto, it was hard not with such a traditional and unmistakable Uzumaki looks. Sasuke leans over to whisper something to Hiashi, but Lord Hyuga shoos him away, his focus on the lively crowd before him. A smirk forms on her lips as she watches him become rigid. So hot-headed, she thinks.
Then it's there, his gaze on hers. At first, she is unsure if he actually recognizes her, but then she can spy the small smirk on his mouth. Without the threat of violence, she can see him truly drink her in. Unconsciously, she drops Naruto's arm and makes her way toward the staircase. Sasuke stands where he is, watching as she makes her way towards him. The crowd is filled with noble houses and their members. Girls are dressed in some of the finest gowns she has ever seen, but she pays no mind Being a knight for the Uzumaki's left no room for high fashion. The dress and cape she wore was a hand-me-down from one of her cousin's and was obviously not up to the same taste as some of the other women. This was something Lady Ino would not let her forget.
Sakura dived into the crowd as it began to move. Couples began to pair and dance, while others grew livelier. Loud voices deafened her hearing and it grew difficult to hear herself think. Glancing around, she noticed Sai, Ino, and Naruto were no longer in sight. Turning her gaze to Sasuke's place on the staircase, but he was no longer there.
Annoyance rose in her, was he planning on giving her at least one dance? Sakura felt a large hand take her arm. Gasping, she turned to look upon the stranger, only to find Sasuke pulling her into the crowd. Raising a finger to his lip, he motioned for her to be quiet, even though she doubted anyone could hear them above the noise. Sakura couldn't help the brilliant smile that dawned upon her face as she looked at him. It was so rare that they could show any affections in public, but here, she doubted anyone would notice them.
Sasuke pulled her into one of the side lounges, where only a few lesser noble houses gathered. Drinks and appetizers were served by passerby servants, but the couple paid them no mind. Sasuke drew Sakura closer to him and slowly they begin to turn in slow circles, dancing to the music. Sakura began to wonder if Sasuke knew any of the dances for the higher courts.
Sensing her thoughts, Sasuke quickly interjected, "I don't dance." Sakura giggled lightly, moving closer to him.
"You look very nice tonight." She complimented him; a small smile played at the corner of his lips. He did not return the compliment but slowly descended his forehead onto hers. Sakura smiled, leaning into his touch, knowing how improper this intimate affection was in public, but for a moment she didn't have to care.
From the corner of the room, Sakura heard some whispering. Turning her gaze, she watched as some of the Hyuga servants gossiped amongst themselves. Sasuke quickly noticed it himself and briskly led her into another corridor.
"Don't mind the gossip Sasuke." She murmured as they began to ascend a random staircase. "They will just think I am some common woman of some random noble house."
Sasuke stilled on the staircase, his hand gripping hers. Turning to her, he shook his head, "I am not affectionate to any other woman than you, Sakura." He spoke seriously, "It is quite known to my uncle that I am not fond of any of those court women. If he found out that I showed any affection for one of the ladies tonight he would insist on finding her and making her my wife."
"They won't find me." Sakura insisted, gripping her hood to emphasize her point.
Sasuke scoffed, removing the hood from her soft locks. Pink hair tumbled around her shoulders, and she narrowed her eyes at Sasuke. "Anyone would recognize you. Hell, I recognized Naruto the moment he stepped in. For some reason, Hiashi doesn't mind his being here, but you all need to work on the art of subtly."
Sakura huffed, embarrassed that their disguises didn't work, "Then should I leave? Since I've already been discovered?"
Sasuke smirked at this, "Of course, not. We just can't be seen together." At this he turned to continue leading them up the stairs. Sakura followed in earnest, catching onto his idea.
The staircases were draped in a lovely lilac carpet with silver floral patterns. At the fourth landing, Sasuke rounded one of the corners and led her into a large bedroom. The room was bare of any personal belongings, except for an armoire, a few weapons, and a desk with multiple papers on it.
"Is this…?" Sakura trailed off, her eyes lingering on the four-poster bed before them.
"My bedroom." Sasuke replied with a matter of fact, "No one will know we're here."
Sakura smiled, lust filling her, as she eyed Sasuke. Before she could say anything, she felt his arms wrap around her waist. Lightly she leans back into him. "I don't like your dress." Sasuke notes.
Sakura grimaces, "It's not the prettiest, but I didn't have much else."
"I don't like you in dresses." He corrects himself. Sakura narrows her eyes, glaring at the bed before her. If he wanted tonight to go well, he'd watch his tongue. "I much prefer seeing you in your knight attire." He continues, softly. "To see you in battle is much more fitting than to see you in the courts." His fingers trace to the lacing of her corset. Slowly his nimble fingers begin to undo the careful lacing that one of the servants had spent an hour helping her with. Sakura leans into his touch, relishing in the privacy of the room.
Sasuke leans his mouth down onto her neck, his lips leaving fiery trails as the corset falls to floor. She allows him access as he begins to undress her, the outer layers of fabric slowly disappearing. Reaching behind her, she fists his hair, pulling him closer, feeling his hot breath pant along her skin. She wants to have him now, no matter how many times they have been close, it will never satisfy her. Sasuke's fingertips graze against the brassiere she wears, teasingly dipping into the cups and fingering at her peaks. Arching her back, silently pleading for more, his fingers move away, working at the garment once more. Groaning, she shoves her behind into him, feeling his length on her behind.
Sakura gives a teasing smile, grinding on him as she saw fit. Roughly, one his hand grips at her uninjured thigh and uses his other hand to grasp at her throat, forcing her head back as he sloppily kisses the corner of her mouth. His mind incoherently enjoying the feeling of the rubbing cloth stimulating him. "Sakura…" He groans, relishing in the feel of her soft skin. He feels one of her hands trailing against his covered thigh, gripping at his skin, her fingernails leaving marks through the fabric. He quickly undoes her the rest of her outfit, needing much much more.
When the last garment falls, she takes a step to turn to face him, bare as the day she was born. Sasuke stares at her toned, athletic body, his mouth parting in delight. She looks delicious standing there, ready and waiting for him.
During most of their encounters, there isn't time for stares, or longing glances. There isn't time to drink in the appearance of each other's bodies. Sakura watches as his eyes drop to each part of her body, her breasts, her stomach, her legs. When his eyes reach hers once more, she sees the heated passion he usually reserves for battles. His stare is all encompassing, she feels him even though his hands are not touching her. Mouth parting, she bites her lip, feeling a growing burn in her lower belly as she realizes how much she needs him now. His hand snatches her hip and pulls her aggressively close, his lips crashing into hers. Their groins touch and she can feel his hardness beneath his trousers once more. A groan slips through her throat. Slowly he drops his cloak and tugs his shirt free.
Sakura doesn't hesitate to reciprocate as she undoes his laces, his want consuming her. He palms her body, grabbing at her hips and ass greedily as his trousers fall down to the floor. One hand slips away from her and moves to her wetness, moving circling motions expertly on her clit. The burning desire with her ignites into a full flame, consuming her flesh. Panting she gives a small moan, enjoying the tightening coil within her, pleading for release, but she isn't ready for that yet. Sakura wants to relish in this for as long as they. Who knows when they will have this time again. With a small whimper, she pulls away, her eyes flicking to his confused, lust filled ones, "The bed?" She suggests, her voice thick.
Sasuke shakes his head, "No time." He replies, guiding her to the floor. Within a moment, he is inside her. Her wetness slickening her entrance, his first stroke is effortless. Sasuke pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of her beneath him. Pale pink locks sprawled against the floor, her heated skin on full display showing her small, but perky breasts. On instinct he begins his thrusts again, the sight before him consuming his thoughts. He can't help but think about how absolutely gorgeous she is writhing underneath him. His head descends to flick his tongue along one of her rosy buds. Sasuke's mouth envelops it, flicking his tongue mercilessly and tugging lightly with his teeth. Sakura cries out and grips his hair again, arching her back in pleasure.
"Yes…" She moans, her hips grinding against his, begging for release. Sasuke is close, painfully close, but he wants to hold out for her. Quickening his pace, he grabs Sakura's wrists and pins them above her head, his hips bucking against her. In a matter of seconds, Sakura cries out, as he feels her quiver around him in pulses of ecstasy. He helps her ride out her high as he begins to build up his own. As she comes down, he watches her heavy-lidded gaze meet his. Maintaining this lust filled eye contact, he finishes, spilling his hot seed within her.
Burying his face in her neck, he rides out his orgasm, his mind incoherent with bliss. On the floor, Sakura wraps her arms around him, relishing in the sweet embrace. Who knows when they will be like this again?
Sasuke moves a hand behind her, moving the two of them so she is laying on his chest. His fingers trail down her spine, memorizing the touch and shape of it. "Run away with me." She whispers, her fingers playing at his jaw
Sasuke's eyes shoot up, confusion playing on his face, "What?"
"It would be easy." Sakura continues, her eyes wide with her omission, "We would leave at dawn. They may look for us for a while, but they would give up eventually."
Sasuke doesn't respond at first. His fingers move from her spine to her face, his thumb moving in slow circles on her cheek. "I cannot leave. You, especially, cannot leave." He replies, his tone serious.
"Why not?" Sakura shoots back, her eyes on him.
"You know why." Sasuke returns. "I will not encourage this thinking."
"This fighting won't ever stop. Our only option is escaping." Sakura explains, refusing to drop it so easily.
"We…" He trails off. "I want to stop the fighting." His words are simple. Sakura softens at this, her anger slipping away, at the melancholy expression etched into his face.
"I do too." Sakura replies, leaning her forehead on his, "Stop it with me."
Sasuke shakes his head, "It can't be me. My uncle…" His voice trails off. Sakura knows what he wants to say. I am entrusted with protecting the clan. I am the one who fights. I am my uncle's assassin.
"You're going to end up killed." Sakura whispers, voicing one of her deepest fears.
Sasuke's hand reaches up to brush a tendril of hair from her face, "It will be your hand if it comes to that." He whispers.
"As it will be your hand if need be." She returns, reiterating one of their first vows.
Sasuke smiles lightly, "I don't know if I can anymore." He remarks, his onyx eyes meeting her, "I try to imagine my own sword, plunging between these breasts…" his voice trails off, two of his fingers settling between her breasts. "I can't do it." Sasuke's voice sounds so small, so defeated.
Tears well in her eyes, "I can't do it either." Sakura replies tearfully, her own fingertips grazing against his jaw, her heartbreaking at mere thought of his demise. Heaven help her if it ever is a reality. "Let us not think these things." She whispers, her voice breaking.
Sasuke watches her tears spill, his heart aching. They were never supposed to be together. Born to be enemies. How the stars have cursed them. Silently, he gently brings her lips to his, moving slowly against her trembling motions. He can feel the wetness from her eyes dampen his own cheeks. "Do not think such sorrowful things." He whispers between their kisses.
Sakura helplessly nods, as he positions her to take him again, their tender love swirling throughout the air.
Sai glances around the room, his eyes in search of Naruto or Sakura. How is it that he has been abandoned at a party that he never wanted to attend? Sure he has talked to beautiful women, a striking blonde to be specific, but he has grown uneasy. Guards whisper about the young Hyuga heiress has gone missing.
Suddenly he sees pink waltz through the dancefloor. Rushing to her side, he grasps her wrist, "Sakura where have you been?" He seethes, noticing her pale pink locks, he quickly pulls up her hood, "What happened to your hood? You could have been identified."
Sakura looks at him in embarrassment. Ino, appears next to him, her eyes trained on Sakura in open suspicion. "Where did you go?" The blonde asked incredulously.
"I was, uh…" Sakura glances around the ballroom, "I was dancing?"
"With whom?" Ino asks again, her hands settling into an accusing position.
Sai interjects, "There's no time for this." Sakura sighs in relief, hoping that her friend will hopefully drop the subject. "Have you seen Naruto?"
Sakura's brow raises, "Naruto? No, I haven't."
"Damn it." Ino mutters, her eyes scanning over the guests.
"I assumed you both went off somewhere since you disappeared at the same time." Sai continues. His eyes trained on her again, narrowing in distrust.
"He may be in the courtyard!" She offered quickly, taking his hand and guiding him through the crowd. "We can't leave here without him." She shouts at the pair.
Her mind races as she glances across the room. There is no sign of Sasuke since her return, but it probably is best that he also disappears. She needed to clear her mind. If she could not keep their relationship a secret, all of it would be for nothing.
Naruto being missing was the perfect distraction. 
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hugsfromdad · 5 years
Hey kids,
How is everyone?
It's been a long time since I've done a check-in post and I've recently been feeling a real need to reconnect with all of you on here.
TLDR: my life is really busy and crazy and theater hasn't been good for me but I'm surviving. I miss y'all sm and want to hear from you. Whether it's anon, message, comment, or reblog. I have next to no freetime rn, but i really want to reconnect and am gonna try my best to be present on here more.💗
My life update: I've been so enjoying not being on instagram and just focusing on myself, healing and growing, and the few real relationships I have outside of social media. However, it's been hard cause I realized just how few close friends i actually have and the desperate need I have for friends who live nearby me. My two current best friends live 3.5 hours away, and in Colorado... So not someone i can hit up to have supper with and get a hug from when im having a tough day. And ive been having quite a few of those recently.
Joining theater has been...an experience. My mum has helped me to realize that i joined this production with expectations of making new friends.... Those expectations, as low as i thought they were, were wrong. It's like being in a ridiculously intense class with kids who already all know each other. It's not a clique, and I'm not being excluded, but it's like trying to break into a world where i dont even speak their language, and I'm still deciding if i really even want to.
I've been spending 3-4 days a week, 3hrs+ (sometimes 10hrs) per day with these people, for now 2 months--and I still dont know more than 3ish facts about the majority of them. A couple of them i have been able to get closer to-- but only because I found a time outside of practice hours to get to know them.
This has been really difficult for me. A lot about this situation is triggering for me and bringing me back to my bad years when I knew and spent time with a lot of people, but felt really alone and had no friends... So, it gets kind of scary when im already having a bad day and i go to practice. I have to be really careful and intentional of staying on the road when I drive home because my suicidalness kicks back in real strong...yeah, it's that bad. But I'm being careful and open with my mum and therapist about this all.
On good days, I kind of maybe consider doing this again. But in actuality... I dont want to. I'm not really having fun and I don't want to put myself through this again. I dont have a passion for this and I would need some really good, close (location-wise and friendship-wise) friends in my life, and in theater, to be able to enjoy doing this again.
So yeah... That's THAT whole situation. I'm counting the days til it's over... 20. Closing night is on my birthday... Best present I could get. I really just want to have my life back from this. And i hate that I'm good at it and so the people there assume im having fun and gonna want to do this again.. And, worst of all assumptions; that im carefree and happy-- lol.
So thats pretty unfortunate, but I'm at least getting another really good learning experience, and I cannot tell yall how fucking proud of myself i am for doing this. This is a big deal and I threw myself in the deep end and it turns out im actually good at swimming--even if I dont like it.
When it comes to my personal life (what's that?) It boils down to: I need friends. I'm trying to find people close in location to me... But, because my soul is currently owned by the theater, I cant do much at all. I am trying tho.
I tried a few dating apps... Oof. Ew no. I hate dating apps and I hated every moment on there. Not finding people really and its pretty sucky, but my therapist keeps reminding me that it's not me, it's my difficult situations throughout life that's kept me from finding people to date. There was one person I matched with who I was talking to for a bit, but then they havent replied to me for 2 days now, so im hoping everything is okay, but I'm kinda used to being ghosted at this point. Ill finding someone tho. Its gotta happen.
I'm pursuing my transition more-- hopefully I'll be starting testosterone soon and I'm looking into surgeons now and saving my money with a mindset towards top surgery within a year... We'll see. But its super exciting. My theater director (who is really bipolar and freaks me out some, but seems to adore me) put a stubble beard on me with makeup yesterday cause I had mentioned wanting a beard once i got on testosterone. It nearly made me cry and I couldnt stop smiling. I wore it home and hated taking it off before bed. I really really want a beard and im so fucking close, it's giving me strength.
My music and writing and painting and all other things have come to a screeching halt since starting theater, but i have a ton of inspiration that's built up over the past couple months that I'm super excited to unleash it the moment I'm free of this commitment. Im already working on a musical about this whole experience joining theater that I think would be really good. And I really want to finish my books and get them out there. We shall see what happens.
I love you all so much and my heart constantly goes out to you all and all of your experiences and struggles. I want to be here with you and laugh and cry, morn and celebrate together. Hopefully more of the good, tho.
Please feel free to reach out to me, even though I haven't been active at all on here. Message/anon me about your life, or questions, updates, celebrations, jokes, good pickup lines for me to use on my best friend as soon as his cruise is over and I can spam him again (holy shit I miss him so much @jamesboii please come home soon). Or like just reach out and say hello-- it might take me a day to reply, but i will.
Love y'all so much, sorry for this long blurp about my life. But i just wanted to post something and try to reconnect.
What do y'all want to see me posting? Im down to try new things. ✌
Sending hugs and love,
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Warm | Chengcheng
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Being an unbiased mentor is a lot more difficult when you have to deal with this dork
Request: (Hi! I REALLY love your work! I was wondering if I could request a chengcheng scenario with Mentor!reader? Can it please be angst but fluffy ending? Thank you! More power to your blog cuz YOU DESERVE IT!)
Note: I’m so sorry this took so long, finals are killing me lol
Being a mentor on idol producer is a huge honor but also really terrifying 
You’re excited to teach the trainees but you’re worried you won’t be able to remain neutral
You’ve always been a hopeless romantic type, and you just know the minute you see someone you like, you’ll become a little biased
I mean who could blame you though, it’s a show full of cute guys who sing and dance 
But you know that’s unprofessional so you decide if you start to like someone, you have to be ten times harder on them so it’s not obvious great plan lol
Anyways so it’s audition day and a few trainees have already performed
You’re doing pretty well actually, you’ve managed to remain unbiased so far 
But then a group of boys walks out onto the stage
They’re all well-dressed and good looking but you can’t take your eyes off of one of them
He has light brown hair and sparkling eyes and this smile that could get any girl into trouble 
The whole time during their audition, all you can focus on is him
Even if you try to look at the other members, your eyes always wander back to him
You’re mesmerized 
When he later messes up his lines, empathy pours into your lungs and makes it hard to breathe
As he walks backstage with the rest of his members, you try so hard not to run backstage too and see if he’s okay 
It bothers you the whole rest of auditions 
For the next two months you stick to your rule
Since you’re a dance mentor, you only see Chengcheng in the dance studio, but every time you do, you’re always correcting every little thing
You keep up this facade for a good few weeks, but then one night you let your guard down
It’s just about 2 in the morning when you decide to go over to the studio 
Dancing has always relaxed you and you thought that by 2, no one would be there
As you walk to the door, you see through the window that someone is still in there though: Chengcheng
He keeps on practicing the same thing over again, shaking his head in disapproval 
“What am I doing wrong?” He asks his reflection 
You walk in then
“It’s your left foot.” You simply say 
His eyes widen just a bit at the sight of you he’s kinda scared of you
He clears his throat awkwardly as you explain the problem
You end up practicing with him till 3 a.m.
Then you guys talk till 4
You’re just sitting against one of the walls in the studio, exchanging little truths with each other 
At one point he says “I’m scared.”
“About what?” You ask
“What if I don’t debut? What if...this whole time I’ve just been wasting my energy?”
That’s when you decide to let your guard down, just for a few seconds 
That couldn’t hurt, right?
“Chengcheng, I’ve seen you on that stage. I can tell that’s where you’re happiest, that’s where you feel most alive. During auditions, when you were performing with your group…” you pause, unsure
Are your few seconds up already?
“...I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” You finally continue
“Wait, really?” Chengcheng looks over at you
A smile creeping onto his face
“Yeah.” You glance over at him, too afraid to look him in the eye
A little bit later, you walk around the whole building a few times before you finally said goodbye
After that, any time Chengcheng needs help with anything or wants someone to talk to, he goes to you
You’re glad but also worried 
This isn’t helping you stay unbiased 
So when the mentor collabs roll around and Chengcheng picks your group, you’re honestly freaking out 
You already see him so much as it is but now you have to spend several days in a row with him??? You’re almost certain you’re gonna break within that time span
On the third day, you start to think you can do this 
You’ve gotten this far so
But then that night from before repeats itself
You’re walking to the studio to get extra practice and you see that the lights are on
Ha, it’s just like that one night you think
You continue walking, looking through the window to see who it is
Your heart jumps when you see it’s Chengcheng 
You slowly open the door and see the boy you were and weren’t hoping was there 
He turns at the sound of the door, smiling when he sees you
He pauses the music and walks over to you
“Are you here to practice?” He asks
“No, I’m here to see you.” You joke
This goofy grin is on his face as he walks back to turn on the music
You try to ignore how cute he looks with it
“From the top?” He asks
Then for the next 3ish hours you guys practice nonstop
By the time you guys finish, it’s already really late so he decides to walk you to the building doors
You guys stay silent as you walk down the first flight of stairs, then as you round to the second, Chengcheng speaks
“Hey.” He pauses, glancing over at you. “Remember that time when you came to the studio and we practiced like this?”
“Yeah.” You reply boy where you goin with this
“Y’know, until that night, I thought you like, hated me or something.” He laughs nervously looking anywhere but your eyes. “And you were kinda scary.” He adds.
You’re one flight away from the first floor
You walk in silence, waiting for him to continue
“But now that I know you a lot better, I think you’re just the tsundere type.”
That couldn’t be farther from the truth, but you stay silent just in case he has anymore to say
He looks so cute right now omg
Within seconds you’re at the building doors
Chengcheng turns to face you
“So what I’m saying is,” He pauses, shifting his weight from foot to foot
His eyes wander around, searching for the right words
Then his eyes light up with an idea. He motions for you to come closer
You cautiously lean in
“I think you’re pretty rad.” He whispers in your ear
Then in a flash he pecks your cheek and dashes back up the stairs
You stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds before numbly walking out of the building
The cold air bites your ears and coats over you fingers but you don’t feel any of it
All you feel is warm
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mywalkintofreedom · 4 years
Life at west Main Street- Part 3 Birth
I ended my last blog saying that before our first child came into the world I had a lot of victory in my life. I had gotten to a stable place and had gotten used to living the way we were living. I really believe this was Gods way of preparing me for childbirth. The intimacy and relationship I had built with God in the many quiet hours is what helped me get through the next chapter of our story. I was in the Word daily like I had never been before. I didn’t know then that I was sowing seeds for what I was going to need. I was heavily dependent on Him to carry me through the next part. Also the “stripping down” as I called it in my first blog really prepared me for natural labor. I had been faced with my issues without any distractions to escape in the past months, and I believe this is what helped me to get through natural labor, because I had learned to face it and not be able to run from it. When you are faced with the pains of labor you have to go through it, you can’t say “okay I’m done now someone else take over”. As unprepared I was for what was to come, I do believe God prepared me in these ways. My life was about to change forever. (I am 34 weeks pregnant in the picture below. We were trying out hats at a store just for fun)
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Our church always throws a babyshower for any expectant mother. We had a babyshower as well and we were overwhelmed with the generosity and kindness of so many people. We didn’t have anything for our baby and went home with anything we could possibly need. And when I say anything, anything! This also made it so real, our little apartment all of a sudden was filled with baby items.
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Towards the end of my pregnancy I was getting very very impatient. Part of my impatience was because of “fear of the unknown”. I just had no idea how things were going to go. Another fear I was having is that I wasn’t insured, so if things went wrong I couldn’t afford to go to the hospital. I also was afraid I would go into labor without being able to contact Micah. I had never gone through labor before. I started to struggle a lot actually towards the end, because waiting on our baby to come, mixed with being by myself and watching literally every minute on the clock, and then the unknowns, made for things to go sooo sloooow. Also, I want to say that we weren’t uninsured by choice, there just weren’t any options for me until my greencard process was complete.
Before I go into how labor started I have to tell you about an amazing name revelation we had. We didn’t know the gender of our baby. We had picked out a boy and girl name. Noami for a girl, and Liam for a boy. We also had the name Ezra on our boy name list, but ended up going with Liam. Well, when I was about 36 weeks pregnant Micah and I found the movie “flywheel” at the library. We watched it together and at the end of the movie they name their baby “faith”, because of what the season they had been in had represented. Micah and I looked at each other and we both thought that was amazing. Micah then wanted to look up the meaning of the name Ezra Yosiah, which we had as second choice (it had been my first choice when we were initially picking out names). He looked up the meaning and it means “Our help is founded in Jah(God)”. We both looked at each other and our mouths dropped. Dramatic, I know, but really. That was EXACTLY the season we had been in. God had been our help. We had depended on Him. We both said “that’s it” that the name, and we both were convinced from then on that we were having a boy.
On April 29th of 2015 I remember clear as day waking up that day feeling depressed. I was so done waiting. I hadn’t even reached my due date yet, but with this being my first child I had thought since 37 weeks “any day now”. I wrote in my journal about how done I was. The next day was the same. There really is nothing wrong with being done, it’s pretty natural.. but where it was going wrong for me is that I lost my good attitude. I was upset, I was angry, I was cranky and that made that I went into my labor with the wrong mindset because I wasn’t at peace. I was doing the best I could though, in that current season in my life.
On April 30th the time was ticking away and at 7:30pm Micah had still not come home from work. He would be late from time to time talking to customers or having a sale, but this was really late. The library closed at 6, so I couldn’t contact him. I also was starved. Don’t judge me, he always made dinner in this time (because I didn’t really know how to cook yet😑), so I would wait on him. I got so hungry I decided to go ahead and eat. I had two cinnamon raisin bagels with peanut butter and Nutella and slices of banana. I remember hoping it was okay I had two, because we usually only ate one, and I thought “I hope we still have enough for the rest of the week now”. In a way I felt guilty, but I didn’t know I was going to need that extra bagel that night. At around 7:45 I started to have scenario’s in my head that he had died in a car accident. I was getting really worried, and I really am not easily like this. I put my shoes on and decided to go walk to his work to see if I would find a car wreck somewhere along the way. I was nearly 40 weeks pregnant at this point. Our apartment was located in kind of a valley, so I had to walk up a hill to get to the square. I started walking, and I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks, but I had had those a lot, so I paused from time to time and kept going. Then when I was about halfway up the hill I saw our little Corolla’s headlights coming down the hill. Thank God! Micah saw me and stopped, and I told him “dude I thought you had died, what took you so long!!?” He had gotten into a long sale. When we got home I told him I already ate, so he went ahead and ate a bagel as well for dinner.
It was a Thursday and we were low on groceries. We decided to go to the grocery store. We went to Ingles first. As we were walking there I said jokingly to Micah “I feel like the baby’s head is going to fall out, I have so much pressure and it’s so low”. The baby definitely dropped that night. Me being clueless didn’t think a ton of it. We then went to Walmart and I was struggling to walk because the pressure was intense. Looking back now, I was probably already in early labor😂 We got home and went to bed. I remember thinking “this might be the night”.
Around 1am I woke up to a contraction. It was more intense than a Braxton Hicks. I got really excited thinking “oh my goodness maybe this is it”. I waited, and another one came, I got even more excited. I waited some more, another one. After several, I decided to wake up Micah. I told him I was having contractions and that it could be it. Micah got excited as well. We waited a bit and it really didn’t take long until they were getting more intense. Micah decided to call our midwife, I was protesting, I was scared this wasn’t the real thing and that she’d drive all the way here for nothing (she had told me stories of false alarms and I didn’t want to be that person). She lived more than an hour away from us. When he got her on the phone she wanted to talk to me, she told me “since you’re still able to talk try to lay down and rest more, if it gets more intense then call me again and I will come”. I thought, “see it’s probably not real”. Well, I tried to lay down, but I was pretty much in full blown labor now. Contractions were coming fast and got painful, this is when I was pretty sure it was real, and I slightly panicked. Micah called our midwife back probably less than 30 mins after he had hung up, again I was terrified she’d come for nothing even though I was for sure in labor. As we waited on her, my contractions were coming every 3 minutes and I had no idea what to do.
My contractions were so intense and I wanted my mom. I don’t know if I had ever felt as alone as I did in that moment. I told Micah to call a dear woman friend of ours. She came right away in the middle of the night. As soon as she arrived I felt a lot better. She had made notes she knew exactly what to do. She talked to me, she encouraged me and assured me that all of this was normal. She was amazing.
When our midwife finally arrived she seemed pretty relaxed, she then checked my cervix and I was 9 or 10 cm dilated! She was shocked! I had only been in labor, I guess maybe 3ish hours. You could see she slightly panicked. She did not see this coming at all, and neither did I, because she had told me over and over again that first labors were very slow. So I said “so I’m really in labor?” Our lady friend laughed and said “oh you definitely are honey”. Contractions continued for quite awhile without feeling the urge to push yet. We tried all sorts of different positions, but the only way I could tolerate anything at all was by laying on my side with a cloth over my face. Even though it was overwhelming, I felt I was dealing with it decently by shutting everything out and praying.
Finally the urge to push came, I had no idea how to do anything, and my lack of preparation for natural labor was definitely showing. I just pushed as hard as I could, and it felt like there was absolutely no improvement. It was very painful. I kept feeling like I was doing something wrong and I was constantly apologizing for the lack of progress. I started feeling hopeless and I clung to God more. Around this time our Midwife’s assistant arrived. She was a woman about my moms age, she held my hand and told me I was doing wonderful. This also really helped me. I hadn’t seen her come in so I thought “where did this wonderful lady come from?” I pushed for nearly two hours, maybe more I don’t know, with very little progress and then I felt something inside of me, it felt like a really sharp pain and I yelped out. I had no idea what that was at the time. My midwife kept saying “I really don’t want to do an episiotomy” (because the recovery is much harder). I had no idea what she was talking about, because I didn’t know that term. It was now starting to get lighter outside and I asked to open the window, I felt a slight breeze and it felt so wonderful. My midwife made the decision to do an episiotomy. I still didn’t know what it meant, but when she got out scissors i got the idea. With the very little strength I had left I pushed maybe two more times, and I could not believe the enormous baby that came out. (I will never forget Micah’s face when he saw the size of the baby).
At 7:29 am, on May 1st, 2015, Ezra was born. He was 8 lbs 7 oz. Micah and I both cried, I couldn’t believe I did it, and that he was finally out. It was over! It was a boy! They put Ezra on me and I wanted to take it all in and look at him, but the pain I was feeling was overwhelming.
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What was supposed to be a peaceful joyful moment, which it was for a short while, turned into a stressful life threatening moment very soon. While I was getting stitched up from the episiotomy I was bleeding heavily and the bleeding was not stopping. The pain I was feeling now was worse than the pain I had been feeling during labor. My midwife and the assistant were doing everything they could to find what was causing the bleeding and they were pushing on my uterus to try and help it contract and make it stop the bleeding, which hurt unlike anything I had ever felt. They were doing a lot to find out the cause.
I was starting to feel my body shaking and I started to feel very very cold. I didn’t know what was going on, but I felt like something was wrong but I was also in denial. It was then that my midwife had to make the decision to call 911. I cried and told them “no no no we can’t, I’m not insured”, she plainly told me “if we don’t you’ll die”, I guess I couldn’t argue with that😄 It wasn’t barely 5 minutes and the ambulance people arrived. (We lived 3 minutes from the hospital). I now started to feel myself drift away. I was hearing everyone’s voices but couldn’t respond. I remember them taking Ezra off my chest and telling Micah to get him dressed. I remember being wrapped in a white cloth and carried onto a stretcher. I remember feeling exposed.
As they carried me outside I remember the temperature being fair and wonderful, and I remember thinking “I have a son”, “I am a mom”, and feeling a sense of joy about this, I felt changed. Then I heard a bird, it was a bird I remembered hearing often during my childhood in the Netherlands and I felt like God was telling me “everything will be okay”. It was a moment that has stayed with me since then and probably will for the rest of my life.
They put me in the ambulance and the people in there asked me a lot of questions that I wasn’t able to answer. I remember them trying to take my pulse and not being able to. I do remember whispering “where’s my baby?” They told me my husband would be following the ambulance with our baby.
When we got to the hospital I asked again “where is my baby?” It was then that Micah caught up with us holding Ezra in the car seat. I hadn’t really seen Ezra’s face yet, and Micah showed me rushing after us as they carried me in, and I said “he is so beautiful”.
They brought me to a room where I felt extremely cold and the shaking was only getting worse. There were several doctors leaning over me discussing things, (it felt very odd because I heard everything). One of them came in and said something along the lines “okay let’s get his baby out”, and they told him the baby had already been born. I thought “who brought this clown in?” They started pushing on my uterus again and all I remember was screaming at the top of my lungs and crying because the pain was unbearable. Then there were loud beeping noises and they rushed in with those thingies to get your heartbeat going, (again a very strange experience because I could hear everything). Everyone started rushing around and they said “no pulse, we’re losing her”, and I remember wanting to say “I’m still here”. There then was a doctor, after things calmed down, that kneeled down and held my hand, looked me in the eyes and said “everything is going to be okay, I’ll take good care of you”. He was the first one that had looked me in the eyes, and I felt very comforted, I knew he was a man of God. He got me blankets because I was so cold and after the screaming they decided to put me to sleep.
Through all of this I had Gods peace the whole time, which I think is truly a testimony. I had no doubt I wasn’t dying and really all I could think about was my baby. They put one of those things over my mouth and nose and after that I just remember getting really tired and falling asleep.
When I woke up I was in a different room and not so cold anymore, the pain was also better. I looked into the hallway and saw one of my pastors, and wondered if something was terribly wrong, then I looked and saw Micah. I immediately asked him “where is the baby”. He answered “someone is nursing him right now”. I couldn’t believe or understand what I was hearing and got upset at him and started crying saying “I want my baby, I’m supposed to feed him”. It was explained to me that Ezra had needed someone else to nurse him because I wasn’t able to and that he needed nourishment. I was very upset, and this probably continued to be the main thing I struggled with the most in the upcoming months.
Ezra was finally brought to me and I felt much better having him with me, it made me forget everything when I held him and I could finally study his face. He was indeed a boy, just like we had known within ourselves. I just couldn’t believe it.
Doctors came in and told me that I had suffered a major internal tear and that that was what caused the bleeding. They said they had never seen a tear as big as it was and if it had been minutes later I wouldn’t have made it. They had given me a blood transfusion and surgery while I slept. Nurses came in and out and were very sympathetic.
I wasn’t sure how to process everything that had happened, but I was glad it was over. Micah took my hand and looked at me and said “I will never look at you the same, I have never loved you more than I do today”. I could tell by looking into his eyes that he was changed, and that we were changed. I didn’t know all he had went through while I was in critical condition. I just loved him so much and we were parents, wow.
I felt guilty because we were in the hospital, and we couldn’t afford to be in the hospital. Micah said he had already been talking to some people at the hospital and they were going to see if emergency Medicaid could pay for us and that I shouldn’t worry about it.
I don’t remember a lot from that afternoon. I just remember trying to nurse and rest while holding Ezra. Some people also came over I think. I was in pain but I was so happy with our baby.
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At the end of the afternoon a doctor came in and wanted to do some basic checkups on Ezra. He started listening to his heart with a stethoscope and he said it was elevated and that he wanted to take him to do some further tests and he would be right back. They stayed away for awhile and when the doctor came back he didn’t have Ezra with him and had a grave look on his face. For a moment I thought Ezra had died or something terrible had happened. (You can see this was a theme) The doctor then told us that Ezra was not breathing right and needed help breathing and also that he needed to be in the nursery. I really didn’t understand, he had seemed just fine that afternoon. I cried, for a moment I just felt like I was in a nightmare that wasn’t ending. I think this was the first time I felt completely overwhelmed and lost my peace for a moment.
The first time we went to go see Ezra in the nursery Micah pushed me there in a wheelchair. When we got to his little bed he was hooked up to different wires and had oxygen in his nose. He was also sucking on a pacifier they had given him and I thought “oh no he must have been crying, and I wasn’t there”. I was emotional. They allowed me to hold him finally. He was in a diaper because of all the wires and I held him up against my chest, it was the best feeling in the world. Anytime I held him all was well in the world. For the first time he opened his eyes and looked at me. It was like I had known him my whole life, he had exactly his daddy’s eyes. Sitting up was painful but I didn’t want it to end.
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We were in the hospital for 5 days total. We felt very cared for. In the midst of the heartache and trauma Micah and I could still laugh together about different things. Like this picture below. It was probably because we were sleep deprived, but we had the biggest laugh of our life when Micah put Ezra on the hospital bed with the food tray over him as if he had just finished all of it. Micah would do things that would make me laugh, and I would tell him to stop it because otherwise I was going to pee my pants, literally😂
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A financial lady at the hospital arranged for emergency Medicaid to pay for all of our medical bills, it was a huge burden falling off of our shoulders. I have no idea how she arranged it, because I wasn’t a permanent resident of the United States yet. We got the bill in the mail later and it was $70.000, we would’ve been in debt for the rest of our life.
When we were released to go home it felt unreal. It felt like we had been in the hospital for so long. We put Ezra in his car seat in our little Corolla and on our short drive home a song came on the radio that said “My hope is in You Lord, all the day long. I won’t be shaken by drought or storm. A peace that passes understanding is my song and I sing my hope is in You Lord”. I was so thankful, and tears of happiness dropped down my face, so emotional. I felt every word of the song and this became Ezra’s song. I always told him later on when he was older when it would come on the radio “that’s your song Ezra”.
Physical recovery took longer than regular childbirth. I had to heal from the episiotomy and the surgery and the blood transfusion. My body healed perfectly, and I never had any long term negative effects. Considering what my body had gone through I was doing well. Emotional recovery took longer for both of us. I will probably write about recovery and life as a new mom in part 4.
I want to end by saying that home birth is amazing and I hope this post doesn’t make anyone think that having a home birth caused this. My first one just happened to end unfortunate. We also had not done enough preparation. There were a lot of factors that might have contributed to the way things went that I haven’t shared. I had a quick and natural uncomplicated second birth in the hospital and a beautiful also natural uncomplicated and healing home birth with my third child. I am having an other home birth with our fourth child and would choose it over a hospital birth. That’s my personal preference and is different for every unique person. Every person chooses what they feel is right for them. Home birth is not as normal and accepted in the United States as it is in other parts of the world. Unmedicated child birth is amazing, but does require more preparation. We were not prepared the first time and have since then learned a lot from our experience and have taken it with us in our journey.
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So I guess for starters Im gonna say i am probably going to remain anonymous for a while. Also this stuff might get deep and personal so ill change all names. Since freelytinystudentblog is ridiculously long im just going to go but Eve because why not. Im not trying to look for attention posting all this stuff but i need an outlet and what better way to do it than anonymously on a website where it probably wont get read. So if you do happen to stumble onto this page then welcome. Hopefully you wont get bored. I guess its time for me to start with the beging which would be about 3ish years ago when I was a wee little lass and believed that because i was 13 i was basically the shit(which i obvously wasnt). I had moved a total of 3 times which doesnt seem too bad but it was always when i got really attached to people we moved and i never spoke to them again. This time was no different. We moved from one small town to another. Being one of the only mixed kids there besides my brother was surprisingly positive and annoying. Why youre probaly not asking? Well because my hair was everyones interest. A big ball of poof i always threw into a pony tail because honestly there wasnt much else to do with it. Everyone wanted to play with it or see how much stuff i could hide in it. It was fun at first but quickly got annoying. While there was that downside to the town it also had some positives. For example it was there that i realized that i was bisexual. To be honest i never thought about liking girls until my boyfriend at the time and his friend were talking about how they were both Bi and i said it to fit in a little. I didnt actually believe it until i realized the way girls made me felt. How i always caught myself looking at their chests and their butts, and how i fell for my friend Taylor. She was my first offical girl crush. Anyway this is getting a little off topic though it was important. Like i said there were many positives like the cool friends i got to meet, I got into blood in the dance floor and had a little emo phase and met a guy i thought id be with forever. That all sounds good but with all positives comes negatives. I began to get super depressed and even cut a few times. I felt trapped in my relationship with Damien. Whenever we fought hed threaten to kill himself or say stuff like “without you id kill myself” which is a shitty thing to say to someone in my opinion. I started doing things id never do like sneaking my boyfriend over and all that. But the biggest neutral that happened was me losing my virginity. No big deal it seems but i was freshly turned 14 and he was 16. We werent safe there was no protection. I know losing your virginity is supposed to be meaningful but i dont remember it. I wasnt drunk or anything so i dont know why i dont remember it. Anyway a couple weeks later i snuck out and walked around town and ended up having sex again in the graveyeard(insert judgement here) I knew something was wrong soon after. I felt sick so i told him i thought i was pregnant. He paled and asked if i was would i abort it. I instantly said no because i dont believe in abortions. After that night things got weird. Me my mom and my brother went to Tennessee. Driving up the mountains i felt sick to my stomach which i brushed off as carsickness. We get back from our vacation and i started craving the weirdest shit like frozen hot pockets, whole packages of cheese ect. I caught myself randomly thinking about having a baby and got scared. I ended up having my older family friend get me a pregnancy test and surprise surprise i was el prego. I cried for about 5 minuets before shutting down. I didnt know how to feel i was only 14. I called and  told Damien that night and he was as shocked as i was. Later on he told me he started crying after we hung up. So a few days later i went home and told mom. She wasnt as mad as i thought she would be. She refused to let me give the baby up for adoption because it was my mistake and i had to live with it. I dont think i couldve done it anyway. No one really understands how attached you get to the little baby inside you. I believe the same day i told the rest of my family. My grandma didnt talk to me for a couple of months. I had an aunt who told me i needed to give it up for adoption because i was gonna ruin the babys life.I had another aunt not let me see my cousin Bri for atleast 6 months which hurt so much. Me and bri are like sisters we’ve been almost inseperable ever since we were little which is funny since shes younger than me. Damien was determined to stay in the babys life and not leave no matter what. Me being pregnant at such a young age wasnt easy. I lost most of my friends and began homeschooling which was terrible. The nine months of me being pregnant was basically filled with me fighting with my boyfriend getting insanely jealous, cheating, and more sex. We shouldve left each other months ago. Looking back i shouldve left sooner. It was a toxic relationship for both of us. 9 months later my baby boy was born. Mister Phoenix. My angel. It was kind of ridiculous damien and i fought even in the hospital. We brought phoenix home and i was hoping the relationshup would get better. It didnt. I caught him sexting his ex and swore to break it off with him. I didnt. I swore to myself i wasnt going to let my baby grow up without a father. In july 2015 we moved 45 minuets away. Damien came on the weekends because my mom picked him up and took him home. That laster all summer until school started and he couldnt anymore. It seemed like us being apart made us fight even more. By november he broke up with me. Now i was 15 and a single mother. I was devasted. I had no one to turn to since i didnt have any friends in my new town. I was alone and began eating my depression away. Every month on the 11th i would sit down and cry. I wasnt in a good state. By 2016 i swore to myself id move on from Damien and become an amazing mother but it was so hard He kept popping in every 3 months or so flirting with me making me fall for him over and over again only to get crushed over and over again. It was a hellish cycle but honestly im glad i went though it. Why you ask? Well simply because every time he left itd give me more reason to stop liking him and even hating him. Now he texts me and i just roll my eyes. Going through that definately helped me move on. He wasnt there for any of the birthdays and i honestly am glad. I understand its my kids father but i grew up with a dad who lived in the same city and still couldnt come see me. I dont want my baby going through that. Once hes older i plan on explaining everything and giving him a choice of whether he wants to get in contact with his father or not. Itll be completely up to him. Now before you start judging me to hard think about this. I became a single parent at 15. The father never visted his son or even asked. Hell this january was the first time he saw phoenix in Two years. Two thats ridiculous. After the very awkward encounter he hasnt bothered asking to see him since. Its hard for people who dont have kids to understand this i know but i know what im doing is for the best. This sunday is going to be his 3rd birthday and his father came up with stupid excuses as usual. Now i know i left out some stuff but some of it is hard to put into words plus if i added anymore itd be unbelievably long. So this was the begining and current i guess. 14 and pregnant. 15 and a single parent. currently almost 18 and still doing it bymyself just a little better. Thats all for now. Ill probably make another one soon about relationships while being a single parent so yeah. Peace.
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dudence-blog · 7 years
Dear Dudence for 25 September 2017
As I read the latest advice I can’t help but remember Newdie advised a person to stay with someone cheating on on their spouse because those errands needed running.  Anyway, through the miracle of fermentation I’m off to provide possibly better answers to questions strangers don’t even known I’m answering!
My husband’s best friend, the repentant wife beater: A month ago, my husband Ben’s lifelong best friend Matt sent his estranged wife Claudia to the hospital. Despite our husbands’ closeness, Claudia and I never clicked, but I’m horrified by how badly Matt hurt her. Since we found out, Ben and I have argued about our relationship with Matt. I want nothing to do with him; Ben believes we need to support him now more than ever.
Dear Best Friend; Wife Beater, let me go ahead and suggest that a viable middle ground for the short term for you two is Ben continues to be Matt’s friend and you don’t spend any time with Matt.  Set whatever boundaries you wish to set about times and locations where Ben sees his friend (”He’s not going to come to our house Ben,” for example).  Giving your husband, with whom you have an “amazing” marriage, the benefit of the doubt something to consider is that right now he’s in a bit of grief and shock.  His best friend, someone he’s known longer than his amazing wife, just committed a shocking act of violence against his intimate partner.  Your husband is probably, internally, grappling with the idea of “Just how bad does Matt need to be for me to end this relationship?” since this is probably something he didn’t know about his friend.  You’re not “out of your mind” to consider leaving your amazing husband because of his friendship with a wife beater.  However it is incredibly controlling for you to consider an ultimatum of “End your friendship with Matt or I’m going to divorce you”.  You should give your husband some support and help him work through his emotions as he deals with the fallout of Matt’s actions on both of you.  Believe me, your husband will be far more open to your point of view on the situation if you go into it as his friend and partner than as the moral scold who is demanding he end a lifelong friendship with his best friend due to something where the consequences and any rehabilitation could have possibly begun.
Instagram insecurity: About a year ago my boyfriend mentioned to me that he thought his Instagram use was “weird.” When I asked him what he meant, he said that he uses it mostly to look at pictures of women he finds attractive. I was surprised he confided this in me and asked him to delete it, and he complied. Since then, I’ve found him using Instagram again to look at women on three separate occasions. Each time we had a huge fight and he would promise not to do it again. This time, when I once again found him on the site (after he lied about whether he used it), he apologized but said he couldn’t promise not to use it again because it was just a “thought crime.”
Dear Instagram Insecurity, your boyfriend is an idiot.  Now with that out the way let’s move on to the rest.  I’m going to assume he’s not just going to Instagram sites which are reposting the porn with which you are “fine”.  That this is more like he’s finding the IG of attractive women and kind of creeping on the more intimate parts of their lives which they share.  This is bothering you more than his porn use because it’s putting him in a more emotionally connected web.  He’s not doing it just so he can see “EggPlantTaker” do her thing, he’s doing it because he likes the way “SweetieBootieCakes” talks about her day and he is ‘shipping himself into her life.  On top of it he has lied to you, broken a promise he made, hid his actions, and is now saying it’s your fault he won’t uphold his word.  At this point you’re going to need to decide for yourself if this is an issue you’re willing to break up over.  Personally I don’t think the Instaporngram is a deal breaker per se, but his actions to lie about it repeatedly and then gaslight (I think I’m using it right) you by implying you’re the “thought police” are not a good look.  NuPru’s advice about possible compromises is good as far as it goes.
Too smart for something like that: Growing up, I’ve always been praised for how intellectual I am. I feel like this is a humble brag, but to give you an idea I read at a college reading level before middle school and was in calculus my sophomore year of high school. My grandmother, who is very overbearing, would brag to everyone about how smart I am. My parents, too, would stress the importance of keeping up so I could go to a good school and be more or less set for life. Now I’m in college in a very rigorous major, and I despise it. The work is fine, and even when I’m challenged I don’t feel overwhelmed, but being forced into this major has made me overwhelmingly apathetic to anything requiring more than basic algebra.
Dear Too Smart, here, let me help you with this; I’ve read a lot of college student writing; reading at their level in the 5th grade isn’t that impressive.  And Doogie Howser was a doctor before you were even taking calculus.  Sorry, that was petty of me.  You are burned out.  You have been going hard at a course of action you weren’t completely sold on for most of your life.  I will take a chance though and assume that, if you’re intending to make 6 figures, shifting to massage therapy is going to be costing you tens of thousands of dollars (so you’re off by at least a factor of one; not looking good for your mathing.  I kid, I kid because I love!).  I say this not to dissuade you but so you have a bit clearer idea what you’re choosing between.  While the money is important the saying “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” is a platitude, but a useful one.
The necklace: My boyfriend and I have been together for four years now, and we have a wonderful 2.5-year-old daughter. Last year, for Mother’s Day, he bought me a necklace with her birthstone. In the entire span of our relationship I have never worn a necklace, or really any jewelry, to the point of making the statement “I don’t like jewelry.” It’s inconvenient to take on and off every night, every morning, and when I exercise.
Dear The Necklace, I’m old so I read “4 years together and we have a 2.5 year old” and I think “why is he getting you a necklace and not a ring?” but that is none of my business (Googles insert Kermit meme into Tumblr...).  There is something going on beyond the wearing or not wearing of a necklace.  You’ve been together 4 years and have been through 3ish years of parenting.  How on Earth have you two not managed to get to this point without resolving issues of “I want a small act but my partner doesn’t, what compromise can we come to.”  This is some basic couples communication which seems to have broken down for you two in this instance.  For whatever reason your boyfriend has decided that this necklace is a physical token of his love, and your eminently reasonable sartorial choice is being viewed as you denying his love.  There is no reason this needs to break into a fight, but there is probably a fight-having issue percolating in here somewhere.  Be prepared.
Nosy neighbor: A few months ago, I moved into a new apartment. My neighbor across the hall, Jeff, has taken a large interest in me. The first week I moved in, he came by with a platter of cookies and asked me a few normal neighborly questions. Three days later, as I came home from work, he approached me and asked about my job.
Dear Nosy Neighbor, “I gotta go, have a nice day.”  When he doesn’t get the hint escalate to “I’m not going to talk about this.  Good day”  If it continues you’ll eventually reach *pointedly ignoring him as you range-walk down the hall*.  Finally a letter will be sent by the property manager about his harassing fellow tenants.  
Cat fight: For months, my 17-year-old sister has been begging for a cat. Our parents caved and she received a kitten, so long as she was the only one responsible for it. She’s been good at keeping up with the responsibility and absolutely adores the cat, but has recently fallen behind in school and got a speeding ticket. My mother is furious, and decided she wasn’t “deserving” of the cat anymore, and will be rehoming it by the end of the month.
It’s a cat, not a toy.  Whatever “war” is going to be started by “Hey mom, rather than emotionally torturing her daughter by taking away her cat, while also teaching her a valuable lesson about the transactional nature of caring, love, and relationships, why don’t I look after it until she gets back on track?” is probably one that is either worth fighting, or will be over so fast it will become a topic people google (googles “briefest war in history” and loses the next 3 hours to a trek prompted by the Anglo-Zanzibar War).  
And that is how the Legion of Honour was established.
Too empathetic?: I’m naturally a very empathetic person. However, lately I’ve been finding it to have a very negative impact on my life and quite debilitating. Seeing panhandlers on the street always makes me feel bad—but recently, after being asked for change as I was getting into my car, I ended up feeling so bad I cried the entire way home. Yesterday, reading one-star product reviews for a potential purchase sent me into a tailspin: “Someone came up with an idea for a product, and got it made, and it sucks. How horrible for them!” Little things set me off because I go through a worst-case scenario thought process, which always leads to me crying and feeling terrible for hours.
Dear Too Empathetic, in the Army we call this “Catastrophizing” and it’s part of resiliency training.  Granted, you’re thinking this about other people, but it’s close enough.  There’s probably not a whole lot of “good” thinking about someone panhandling, but for your one-star product, sure it got a bad review, and the creator probably isn’t thrilled about it, but they did actually get it made, and that it didn’t meet a customer’s expectation is something they might use to improve it.  Being exposed to someone’s bad experience ruining your day sounds a bit of an outlier, but it’s something in your mind and you can take steps to stop it.  Give some of the many techniques available online a go, but if it keeps being a debilitating problem it might be something you want to consider speaking with a real professional about.
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tarynnlife · 8 years
Cheating ass
Finally I am back to be able to express myself and how I feel. Well let’s see I started dating you 10*30*14 so almost 2 and half years ago. Wow what we have gone through since then. You were the love of my life and I didn’t want anyone to tell me different. I really didn’t think it would have lasted this long at all. I thought you would have left me sooner but you faoght through just like I did. Through thick and thin we made it we at least I thought so. You were in and out of jail which was super hard on me. But I was there to support you through it all. I had your back no matter what people had to say about you. I stood up for you a of the time because you literally ment everything to me. I loved you more than I can explain. Ya know the summer that we started to hang out and see each other I really thought that things were going to be different. We lost the connection we had. Then a few months later we were back to each other. At first I was really nervous because I didn’t know what I was getting myself into being that you had a daughter and a son on the way. I didn’t think that it was going to be easy in anyway but I was ready to take all of that on. I was ready to be that step parent and take care of them just as if they were my own. Things got out of hands in the beginning so much was being said about me and it was hard but I faught for what I thought was right and that was you. My parents had heard so much about you and them not liking you but grew to know that I wasn’t letting you go because of what they had heard. I gave up a lot of my family time to spend with you. I gave up friends to be with you. I gave my all up for you. When I said you were the love of my life i ment it. I sacrificed my all for you. I moved in right away I couldn’t say no to you. The way you asked me took me. We both laughed cuddled and thought this is what we wanted. Well at least I did. I came at the wrong time you being in and out of jail was over the top hard on me. Finally we moved into the house together with a friend whom in the beginning I really thought that you were seeing and come to find out you werent. From there I felt as if our lives were ready to start. I was happy to be spending my all with you. Well you ended up going to jail and I didn’t think it was going to be easy so I moved home your brother happened to be living with us so I figured he would do just fine at the house. We’ll after you got out I had moved in with your parents. Things I thought were going to be good well it seemed that way I had a job so I was paying for most of what had to be paid. I was okay with it because you did have some income at the time. Well my birthday came around and everything went south. You got mad because I was so excited it was my birthday and I was thanking people for wishing me a happy birthday. You had a warrant out you took off on foot well by then I didn’t know where you had gone. Everything seemed to be over until that night when you called me and apologized. I went to visit cried so hard because I couldn’t stand the fact of you being on the other side of the glass and me not being able to touch you or kiss you. You cried like you did care. Well you sat maybe 2 or 3 months. We moved back into the trailer and things changed we started out happy again. You were happy and so was I. Well not long after that you were gone for a year. You were picked up and I couldn’t do it. I stayed at the house because your ma talked me into it. My parents wanted the best for me and that was for me to just move home. I fought through and did it by myself for a year. Supporting you and the house. Super stressful on me. But when you came home I was in a whole new world I couldn’t sleep that night. I stayed up all night long waiting for you be walking out those doors. I had to work and so did you but I was so fucking happy because you were home again were you belonged. I know there were a couple of cases I would have to deal with but I knew that I could do it because I knew how hard it truly was doing it for a year but it was so worth the wait. Well it only lasted 3ish months before we found out that I was pregnant and then everything came crashing down. I have had a really hard pregnancy so far being sick all of the time. I lost my job, you had a job but stopped going you fell back into your old ways which I was okay with but then it just got to be to much you were gone all of the time. I didn’t feel like you loved me. I felt like you thought what you were doing was more important. We began to fight more and more. It all ended up going south. You left at 11 am on a Thursday and never came back home. At that point I knew it was over I tried calling you and texting you. You didn’t respond at all. So me balling my eyes out just called your mom told her I was leaving. Come to find out two days later that you moved some girl into the house. You still didn’t speak to me at this point I was pissed. If you moved her in that quick how long were you guys really fucking around? You just started talking to me a week later but only worried about the dogs and if you can have them or I should say nikko. I keep telling you no, you cheated on me I shouldn’t have to deal with the separation that I am already dealing with. I want to be a family again. I want to feel whole. I want the weight lifted off my chest and for things to be sane. I want us to start over from the beginning were neither of us knew what to say. I wish that you would have talked to me so we could have worked things out. But you moved on right away telling me that you did what was best for our friendship…. we never had a friendship we had a relationship we were together for almost 3 years well at least I thought. How long were you really cheating on me for? Did you really love me like you said you did? Why did you hurt me like you did? Now I have to put my child through so much. If you think I am going to allow her around my kid you are wrong. I’m sorry but she is nothing good for you and has caused so much shit for so many people. How can someone cheat on someone for liking a picture? That is over the top. How can she claim to have loved this guy for so long after he passes away and then turn around and sleep around with 3 or 4 different guys since then making you number 5. That doesn’t show how much she really cared about him. I really hope this makes you realize what you really did have and how much I really did do for you. I really did love you and I really did see me spending the rest of my life with you. But instead you just chose to distance yourself thinking it would make things better. I’m hurt by the fact that you did admit to me that you did cheat on me. No wonder why you were gone so damn much. But like I had always said if you are capable of doing it to her you’re capable of doing it to me. I set myself up for this. I wanted things to be different. I guess I pushed to hard and should have just let you do what you wanted. I love you and will always have something that I feel for you. I hope that you are able to see what you have caused for me. I wish you would just grow up and step up. I wish you the best and hope things go alright. I should have stayed single because then I wouldn’t have to deal with all of this. I am now going to be blessed with a beautiful child. I’m beyond scared and have been fighting demons inside to keep myself from doing anything that I would regret. One being just leaving to save the pain for myself in the long run. I’m fighting everyday to become a stronger me and be who I want to better my life for my child. I just bought a car have a few bills to pay yet and then I’m spending the rest on the baby and getting this thing on my arm covered up. Cheaters suck and ruin a lot of life for you. Trust will never be the same.
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Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
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pin-upmamacassie · 7 years
Staying this week at my aunts house. Till Saturday. I volunteered to take over the nursery at my aunts church during vacation bible school. It starts tomorrow. Monday through Friday. It's only 3 hours long everyday but I am already overwhelmed. I mean, I can handle the kids. But they keep trying to pair me with a teen boy who's been called a shit starter (actual words!!!) by multiple people in the church to help me. Like, please, just no. I can handle 5 toddler girls by myself fairly easily. Even if I am 7 months pregnant. I however will not put up with a rude teenager. I told them multiple times I'm not comfortable with having this boy in there if he's known to cause trouble. Only one person agrees it's probably not a good idea. But they keep insisting "just give it one day! If he gives you trouble we'll move him!" How about you just respect what I ask and don't put him in there because a teen boy known to cause trouble in a room with a heavily pregnant woman and 5 toddler girls doesn't sound like a good mix to me. I'm really worried about this. Maybe I am over reacting but I'm capable of handling these kids by myself. Especially if there's a tv in the room, tons of toys, a snack & dinner being provided, as well as a craft for every day of this week. It's really not that hard. I'm also getting homesick which is ridiculous since we've only been here 3ish days and we still have till Saturday to be here. But I seriously miss my bed, the comfort of my own home, and Sophia and I both miss hubbs. We only live 30 ish minutes from here but seriously it feels so far away right now. This is the longest we've ever stayed here as well. So it's a bit much for the both of us. I'm also getting really tired of hearing my aunt fuss my child over things that she won't fuss her own kids for. Now if it's something reasonable then sure. Or just tell me what she's doing and I'll discipline her. But it's been over the dumbest things. And she's really harsh about how shes disciplining her. She has spanked her but the second she does I'm calling Brandon to pick us up. Then to top that off her kids keep picking up on Sophia and getting in her face and it makes her agitated so I'll ask them to please leave her alone. My aunt then gets mad at sophia for her kids getting in Sophia's personal space and expressing herself the only way she can. Just leave her alone. If she's content playing by herself then leave her be. Please. My aunt also thinks it's funny to walk in a room and yell at Sophia. Naturally she cries cuz she thinks she's in trouble and then comes to me for comfort. Then she'll get in sophias face an yells at her and teases her for being a "crybaby" and accuses me of babying her every time she cries. Um, no. Your giving my kid anxiety. Just stop. And when I tell her not to do that she just says "I'm just messing with her!" Ok, she's 2. So she thinks you're mad at her for whatever reason. Plus if you don't do it to your own kids dont do it to mine. She fusses my child every time she turns around yet she's doing nothing wrong and every time I call her out because she's messing with her and not fussing her kids for the same thing she gives me some bullshit. Please just let me take care of my child and you deal with yours. I really have a feeling I'm gonna have to call hubbs to pick us up early this week. I don't want to do that since I made a commitment to help these people at the church out but if this is what we have to deal with all week I'm not staying. This is probably the last time we're staying here. 1) because once Landon is born I'm not going to stay at anyone's house unless it's a vacation that hubbs is included in. 2) I'm not gonna deal with this from my aunt. If I say leave her alone I will correct her. Then leave her alone! Sophia has literally done nothing but whine and cry and beg for me to hold her just to be left alone (and they still get in her face!) this whole weekend and I feel horrible that my child is this uncomfortable here. The only reasonable person here is my uncle but he's very soft spoken and won't say anything to my loud aunt. I think I'm just gonna have Brandon come get us Friday night on the last night of vbs. If we even stay that long. It usually isn't like this. She keeps claiming she's pmsing. But that's not a reason to be an ass to my child. Or for your kids to be an ass to my child. I understand they're excited to see their cousin. They're excited to play with her but please, if she says no, or don't, or leave me alone, or if you're not understanding what she's saying and I tell you to please leave her alone then please leave her alone! That's all I'm asking here! Anyway. Sorry for all the constant bitching. But I need to vent so I don't go off on people and just up and leave. Hubbs already said he's wanting to come by after work everyday but we'll be at the church by the time he would get here. So I know he's more than willing to come pick us up if need be. I'm hoping we can manage and things will get better and we can finish this week out. But seriously, never doing this again 😳🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ Lord, please give us some patience because we really need it!
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