#I reaaally hope its not gonna be like this from now on
ghostb0o · 1 year
Just had the angriest drawing sesh I think I've had ever
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akioukun · 1 year
Ok so I wanted to dm you but I’m not confident enough to dm you yet (autism) so I’m just gonna yell into here and hope you see it.
Thank you so so much for your post about me yesterday. It came at such a needed time considering what was happening in my personal life and everything you said about me was so lovely I genuinely had to reread it a couple times for it to sink in (that and it was an illegally early time for me to be awake when I first saw it)
I’m not exaggerating when I say that looking at your art is one of the main things that kept me in the fandom earlier this year when I was really going through it and I admire you so much, seeing you say those things about me really means a lot, like genuinely. I’m not great with words at the best of times but I hope this comes off at the very least as sincere.
So yeah, I might dm you at some point to say a proper thank you but like, it really meant a lot to read that yk. Ty for being so nice to me.
Hey dude!
I’m so glad the post made it to you!!
Tbh I was just the conducting rod in all this, I would give all the appreciation to the community that dogpiled it with adoration and kind words. You gotta now how loved and appreciated you are Max seriously. You do a whole lot for this fandom with those positivity posts and your writing, and just looking at that post definitely is proof. I’m glad it was able to reach you at such a rough point in time rn (I reaaally hope you haven’t got covid, that shit sucks)
Ah god hearing that my silly little doodles had such an impact is kinda insane to hear, if a little bit of the happiness I get out of drawing spreads to even one person then I’m just so stoked. Its whats so awesome about this fandom, the circulation of ideas, people bringing new concepts to the table and everyone being able to celebrate these ideas and have them grow into bigger things.
I’m sorry this has come so late, moving my entire life from one city to another every few days takes up alot of my mental energy. But please don’t ever be afraid to chuck us a dm!
Remember your loved dude and you should absolutely treat yourself with the same kindness you give the rest of us ♥️♥️
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praseodykemium · 6 months
2:48 am 6 April 2024
tonight I ate a huge block of chocolate and I felt like killing myself. I'm not suicidal. My right thigh really aches where I sometimes cut it months ago. And now while writing, I feel like shitting myself because my stomach does this surrendering thing when I feel any strong emotions. I'm not even sure what emotion it is this time.
Sometimes I cry out of nowhere. The tears just come I am not in control of them. They are usually preceded by some screeching from me. I don't know why I do that either. I hurt my close ones doing that and I don't like it.
I don't have any friends I can talk to. Well I was talking to a friend in the evening (11pm) and the discussion kinda upset me (made me feel like a worthless creature who should cease from existence), and so I watched 6 episodes of Fleabag and related and laughed and felt a lot of things but mainly- "what am I doing with my life? Have I no ambition? I should be studying for an exam next year and not enjoying something" <— that (the last two sentences) was actually from the discussion with the friend.
She said we are all born equally smart. Some just work harder than others. And she compared me and meghna (who is ofcourse better than me despite me besting her in most of our school exams in 12th. She was a topper in 11th and I was not. I'm glad in a way that everyone remembers that. I really hated expectations. But yeah that kinda stung. It wasn't the main hit, far from it). She said that her parents and loads of other doctors work REAAALLY HARD and ARE PERRRRFECTLY HEALTHY (when I told her that over pressuring yourself with work is gonna bring a cerebral stroke and you'll die early and not get to enjoy any of your money and respect and freedom.)
BUT FUCK YOU VERSHA FOR SAYING THAT because unknowingly you touched a nerve I didn't even know I still had alive. FUCK ME. God I hate everything. I really relate to fleabag rn even though I have no qualifications other than my dad dying to feel relatable to her saying "I feel like crying. All the time."
Its been 3 years and I still haven't gotten over my drunk brother (cousin) molesting me at 15. Because we were really close at a point in time (YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP). AND I TRUSTED HIM MORE THAN ANYONE. I AM STILL NOT OVER IT.
i feel I was hypersexual from as long as I can remember. I had this repeating dream-vision-imagination thing that I am in a hospital lying with my lower body uncovered naked and the doctor calling in my super older than me ( when I was 15 he was 23 or something and the younger one was probably 21) cousin brothers— to come and stare at my genitals. I have had this dream thingy since as long as I can remember. It was often repeating in my head. I do not know why. I was assaulted YEARS later by the both of them on multiple separate occasions but that foreshadowing was thoroughly confusing and unasked for and really fucked up my childhood.
I have been masturbating since as long as I can remember as well. I don't know what's wrong with me. But I'm terrified of men. And I am terrified of being penetrated. I would rather die a virgin honestly. But I'm also really fucking horny all the time. But I really really really do not want anybody to touch my naked body ever.
whenever somebody invades (accidentally or otherwise) my personal space, I have this passive surrendering feeling wash over me like a drug. Like I know that I hate it, I'm aware of me hating someone doing that but it's just that twisted horny part of me or something else maybe i don't know that forces me to remain stationary like a soldier called to attention. I let the intrusive hand finger thigh do whatever the fuck it wants to do and I stay completely still. It's not supposed to be this way. I'm a strong (not really), adult (19 in June this year), aware (vividly aware of articles and awareness videos, Wikipedia and RAIIN articles about every sexual assault terminology, their after effects, mental disorders, percentages, everything) woman with a brown belt in karate. I should do better than this. But my STUPID FUCKING TWISTED MINDED BODY REFUSES TO SEE REASON AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH MOVING AWAY. SO YEAH FUCK ME I GUESS IM NOT GONNA GIVD CONSENT BUT I CAN JUST STAND HERE AND BE A REALLY GOOD WANKING MATERIAL FOR YOU.
I have to sleep it's 3:27 am now. And I really hate Martin (Claire's i.e. fleabag's sister's husband) from Fleabag.
I think fleabag's therapist scene brought this rant on. And my right thigh really fucking hurts.
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
Strap In
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summary billy’s had his eyes on you for quite some time, but you couldn’t care less. he’s made multiple attempts to catch your attention only to hit a brick wall each time. tonight there’s a big bash at Loch Nora just before spring break ends. is tonight his night, or should he tap out now?
warnings underage drinking, cursing, cat and mouse games
word count 1,046
note in fulfillment of a reader request. took a little bit for me to get some muse worked out for this... but hopefully i worked it out ok. i recognize i took this in a bit of a different direction, but it felt appropriate. the prompt - “I was wondering whether you would be up to write a oneshot where Billy meets f!reader on a party, they r both kinda drunk, but he has been trying to get with her since like months but she always rejected him. But now she finally cracks and gives in and they make out n stuff. And if possible could u make Billy like reaaally flirty and kinda whipped for the reader, bc she is really cocky and gives him all the sass.”
As always any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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The music was deafening. Bodies were everywhere. Teens spilling out in every direction onto the lawn and the whole thing was threatening to erupt into a full blown block party.
Nobody was really sure where it had all started. Flyers were fluttering around the school halls all last week. 
Paper airplanes tumbling into the applesauce at your lunch table. Leaflets crammed by the fistful through the slots in people’s lockers. Stuffed so thick that the doors jammed. 
No one knew where they came from, but one thing was certain. The invites were clear. Everyone who’s anyone was gonna be there. Even the wannabes and posers were hopeful of being noticed if they attended.
Being held at one of the largest homes in Loch Nora, it wasn’t clear whom the home belonged to, but nobody really cared as the music cranked louder and the drinks began to pour. 
Such questions were the furthest things from anyone’s mind. Including yours.
You were in your element.
Standing near the speakers with your friends, you swayed your hips in time to the beat. 
A second drink already in hand, a nice buzz humming its way through your veins and warming you up from head to toe.
The night was young and full of possibilities.
Shifting tracks, the beat dropped.
You waved to some newcomers, throwing a wink at an old flame, and another at a potential one for the end of the night.
Bringing the cup to your lips you frowned. 
“I’ll be back!” you shouted in your friend’s ear, tilting your cup upside down. 
Fidgeting with the cup in your hand you headed into the kitchen looking for something new to try. The liquor cabinet had been busted open and the variety was endless.
No more spritzers or wine coolers.
Fingering your way along the bottles you eyed the selection.
“Eeny... meeny... miny.” your fingertips dancing back and forth between the coconut rum and lemon vodka. 
“Moe.” you smiled happily at the bottle you had chosen, as a hand wrapped around yours.
“Well, well...” he drawled, pulling his hand from atop yours and tracing it up your arm.
“I was wonderin when you’d turn up.” he slid in close.
You snorted smugly, shrugging him off.
Spinning the cap off the bottle, you carelessly flicked it away.
“I was getting bored without you...” he teased.
“Honey, it’s never a party without me.” you smugly replied, pouring yourself a generous serving, putting the bottle back on the counter and looking for a mixer to add.
“Been here long?” he asked.
“Who wants to know?” you quipped, adding a splash of fruit juice into your cup with some seltzer water.
You brought it to your mouth to taste, smacking your lips in satisfaction.
“Well I for one...” he smirked, pulling the cup from your hand and taking a long drink.
“and for another...” he leaned in attempting to kiss you.
You turned your head, grabbing your cup back and waving at another friend. Or at least someone who looked like her.
“Really smooth...” you taunted, “but points for trying.”
You patted his chest sympathetically before walking away.
Yelling, and crushing cups as you reunited with your friends.
Billy was going to have to try harder than that.
The night went on. And you were feeling more wild by the minute. You had to get some air.
Your head was starting to swim a bit, and you knew from past experience at Tina’s Christmas party that it was time to slow down. Or you would be in for a rough night and a rougher morning.
Coming out to the back porch you found an empty lounge chair, messily throwing yourself into it.
Giggling happily, looking out at your classmates in the yard.
“Down already?” a voice called from beside you.
Blinking owlishly, you looked around.
“Oh! Hey Billy!” you smiled dumbly. “Nah. Just pacing myself”
You slumped down in the chair. Nearly sliding out entirely. Laughing.
He rolled his eyes.
Coming over, he helped you back upright, seating himself next to you.
“I think you’ve had too much.” he stated.
“N’ I think you haven’t had enough!” you replied, poking his chest.
He smiled, a small exhale of a laugh leaving him. “Yeh, alright.”
Making sure you weren’t going to topple over he went to leave.
You grabbed his hand.
“Y’know what?” a great look of concern was in your eyes, as you laced your fingers with his.
“What?” he waited.
“I think it’s stupid that I’ve been so mean to you this whole time. Reeeeaaal stupid.” You leaned on him.
He looked at you, mildly amused.
“Mean to me?” he probed.
“Yeah!” you piped up, “I mean I like you! I just don’t have any guts at all! So I’m mean to you!”
You regarded him with sorrowful eyes, “how stupid is that!?”
“Real stupid...” he replied.
“I know!” you shouted in agreement.
He laughed. “So ya like me huh?”
“Oh yeh!” you nodded.
“How much?” he prompted. He knew he shouldn’t put too much credence into this whole conversation, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“This much!” you mused, cupping his face and kissing him.
Billy froze. He didn’t expect that.
He’d been the one coming after you for weeks on end. Not the other way around.
And now here you were, drunk as a skunk, laying one on him.
There was an internal struggle going on in Billy’s mind. 
Don’t take advantage dipshit.... but she’s gonna forget this by morning. Well maybe...
You were truly causing a panic within him.
Very hesitantly he kissed you back. Gently, with no intent.
He pulled away. You whined in disappointment.
You looked at him questioningly.
His cheeks were flushed, as he avoided your eyes.
“I can’t do this... not when you’re... like this.” He rose from his seat, rubbing the back of his neck.
This was a mistake.
“I’ll see ya tomorrow...” he went to walk off.
“Billy?” you looked up at him.
“Yeah?” he breathed.
“You better ask me out tomorrow...” you warned.
He laughed.
“I’ll be sure to remind you...” he chuckled.
Finding an abandoned pack of cigarettes and lighter someone else had left behind, you lit one.
“You better strap in...” you exhaled, smirking.
He matched your expression. “Ditto.”
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rotshop · 3 years
your drawing of Wank gushing about the reader reminded me how much I love her, so if you can, could you do some headcanons of Wank with the reader, doesnt matter which reader you want to use, animalperson, employeer, go wild. we just need more Wank simp juice
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SO ,,, i m combining these two asks for the sake of ease ,,, i got a third wank req but i might do that later today idk ,,,,,,,, 4 now u get these </3
[ tw ; one very very brief and non-detailed mention of violence ]
-chances are you two just kinda. ran into one another at some point. you were probably in some of your own trouble with the aahw for one reason or another. it's essentially incident 010a
-chances ALSO are u were kinda horrified when u first seen her, u've gotta recognize her and idk man !! having someone who could easily snap your neck looming over you and just staring down at you isn't!! super reassuring!! :[ you don't even know if she's really listening as you're trying to plead ur case (and y'know. for your life.) because she's just ,, not reacting at all. she's just staring down at you in silence, you can't really see anything of her eyes behind the goggles and it's just making it worse. eventually though, you're cut off by her just picking you up and throwing you over your shoulders with an almost embarrassing amount of ease
-SO YEA ,,, i hope you like getting carried around like a sack of flour and unable to really do much at all, i mean, u can TRY and squirm around or hit at her backc but it usually just results in her tightening her grip on you :[ congrats to u tho because unlike her counterpart / sibling in incident 010a she HASN'T thrown you around !! so enjoy that at least
-eventually, you're allowed to see nevada from a normal view again when you get tossed in the back seat of a car. u don't get the chance to really think too in depth abt the idea when she's already stopping you, making a little 'watching you' gesture before she shuts the door on you. yeah its. not a great first meeting :[
-after u get brought back to her little base of sorts and get questioned by some others (who, are luckily a little bit less physical and generally intimidating), u just kinda. hang around. they've decided ur not a threat and its not like you really have anywhere else to go, aahw would probably just hunt ur ass down again anyway, esp considering you've been seen w/ wank now
-she starts to warm up to you a little more after the fact. you notice really early on that she's actually a lot more emotive and animated when she isn't tearing an agent a new one !! (granted, that's. pretty animated in its own right) she's still got that air of intimidation but for the most part she's pretty light-hearted, so!! it's not as surprising when she keeps checking up on u
-at first u just kinda excuse it as 'oh, she's probably just wondering if i got hurt or if im doing anything sketch' but she just kinda. walks in, asks if ur ok and then just stands there. you can tell there's always something a little bit off but she's usually walking off before you can point it out though. there is one time though where instead of walking off she just kinda. walks over to you, if you have any hobbies like reading, writing, or drawing then that's what she asks about first. she asks if she can watch you / read with you for a little while and so you both just kinda. chill like that. it's a little uncomfortable at first since there's not too much room between you and her on your bed but,,it works (or. yknow. you can always just sit between her legs and have her wrap her arms around ur waist and kinda rest her head on top of urs :flushed:)
-it becomes a routine of sorts after that, she'll come check up on you, see how you're doing, then come lie down with you. it's just..nice, in a way. it helps her calm down a little and she just likes being around you for some reason !! a fully platonic reason of course, you're just her friend who she sometimes thinks about kissing and who she can't help but think about your smile or the way your laugh sounds even when you're not around, fully in a just kinda friends way of course !! nothing more to it and the way she can't help but get giddy whenever she's talking about you !!! bestie behavior. yeah she talks to someone abt how she feels and it takes everything in them to not double over in laughter
-she eventually goes 'hm! fuck!' and realizes she's in gay love w/ u lmao. she's. pretty lost on how to go abt that and it reaaally doesn't help that you both are rlly affectionate w/ one another, so it just makes it harder for her to tell if the feelings are returned or not ,,, chances are she just kinda spontaneously confesses in her own kind-of-nerve-wracking way when you're both hanging out alone. she just kinda. cups ur face and makes you look at her and blurts out some 'i love you' or something
-N E WAY ,,, onto more mismatched hcs.
-she doesn't train w/ you very often since she's nervous about hurting you or exhausting you, she knows ur strong and you can take a lot but,,she still gets a little paranoid about it. however , she does enjoy you watching her train w/ others !! this isn't fun for them however because she does unintentionally go a little harder to impress you lmao ,, wank is not immune to favoritism and it shows
-like said before, she's very affectionate with you and she's not afraid to be so around others. if ur in her viscinity she just!! gotta hold u, its the law man. she just likes wrapping an arm or two around you and pulling you back against her, usually leaves a lot of little kisses on your temple or on top of ur head ,, it's worse if you fluster easily, hope u like being kissed a lot and being picked up bc she WILL do so just to see ur reaction ,, on the bright side though you do get to hear her laugh a lot more often since ur just that cute to her
-not at all shy abt her relationship w/ you and she wears it proudly on her sleeve, she cares abt u so so much and she genuinely adores you, it's written clear as day in any interaction you two have with one another so!! like hell she's gonna try and hide it
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finchleaf · 3 years
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howdy! sorry i've been away for so long; i've been visiting family here in turkey but i'm gonna try to start this blog back up :) for now it'll mostly be journal pics
24th july - would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
honestly? maybe a bit shorter. i feel like the days tend to blur together during summer break and not having school to focus on seems to make my mental health even worse :/ anyways! i'm very excited for senior year as you can tell haha
answering the rest down below!
1st July - What are your plans for this summer?
lots of traveling, working as a camp counselor in august, makin some sweet sweet money to save up for college, playing the new sims expansion pack (!!), and hanging out with friends as much as possible before schoolwork begins to bury me alive again :)
2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
i want to study really well for my sat in late august!! (i’ve already made some great progress) also i want to get a lot of college app stuff out of the way (write some more practice essays bc i don’t like my current one, get my letters of rec in place, figure out my major, etc)
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?
ooo ok we have to read a book and write an assignment for it for ap lit this year (except i think we start that once we get back to school?). also i need to do a bunch of summer hw for ap calc, but that’s pretty much it! and then i have a job for 2 weeks in august (as mentioned above hehe)
4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?
probably college app stuff ahhh don’t want to even think about it anymore
5th July -  Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
traveling to turkey to see my family!! staying in a couple of villas (there’s a lot of us!) and then my grandma’s old summer apartment for ~5 days
6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?
going to turkey! a lifelong tradition since i was a lil baby :) last year we couldn’t go so this year’s extra special. also my first time doin a summer job!!
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
^^^ same as above haha
8th July - What’s your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
ooh probably one of the many from my grandma’s little summer apartment here. i have an 11 yo cousin so we share a lot of memories like running to buy our anneanne her newspaper in the convenience store downstairs, finding fish underwater at the local beach, staying up late gorging on magnum ice cream bars :)
9th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
10th July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: doesn’t have to be a summer vacation)
oooh one time after flying into istanbul to stay with aforementioned cousin and my aunt, we all traveled to london for about a week! i loved that so so much, we never could really afford to go anywhere else for vacation so that was super memorable for me.
11th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
swimming with my family in oludeniz, (called “blue lagoon”) a super pretty beach area. we swam to a little island and then jumped off its cliff :)))
12th July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
oh god ok vomit tw for this one but one time my aunt, cousin, mom, and i traveled back to istanbul after staying at my grandma’s in ayvalik and we had to take a boat for a couple of hours. everyone on the boat (and it was a big one) for some reason started vomiting everywhere. i was i think the only one who wasn’t sick so it was hell haha
13th July - What is your dream vacation?
like a month-long roadtrip around france!!!! i’ve wanted to go there since i was in elementary school
14th July - Would you rather stay in one resort for a month or travel across the country for one month?
definitely travel cross country omg
15th July - Are there any special events for you in the summer? (for example, birthdays, festivals, etc.)
bayram!! bayram is sick you get money for kissing the older people in your family sjfdsjj
16th July - Do you have any summer traditions?
renting a villa with the entire family!
17th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
at home, i usually wake up anywhere from 7am to 10am, take my dog for 2+ walks, read a ton, and avoid work ;)
18th July -  How do you stay motivated during the summer? (for example, to study)
it’s pretty tough! i’m hoping to study daily in my town’s library for my sat once i get back home in august. i think that’ll be pretty handy!
19th July - Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
oh outdoors there’s no ac here so we’re constantly heading over to the beach
but at home in the us, probably indoors
20th July - Are you a ‘summer person’?
nOOOOOO i love any season/month that allows me to wear sweaters and pants, so obviously i’m not a big fan of summer
21st July - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
oh hm i’m not sure... most of the women in my family always wear bikinis when we go to the beach and i just really hate them? idk haha
also i think summer camps are kinda weird but that’s probably because i never went to one as a kid
22nd July - What does summer feel like where you live?
rather cool in the later afternoon. i also love how it smells there-- lots of freshly-cut lawns, grills constantly being used, the hydrangeas in our backyard
23rd July - Would you prefer summer to be hotter or colder than it usually is for you?
oh huh it can get reaaally hot midday so it would be nice if it was a bit cooler 
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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pairing: akaashi keiji x f!reader
genre: tooth rotting fluff
synopsis: despite the chaos in your busy week, akaashi is always there to remind you that no matter what the inconvenience, he’ll always be there by your side seven days a week one way or another.
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YOU KNOW IT’S MORNING when the golden rays of sunshine filters through the blinds of your shared bedroom with akaashi and you can’t help but mutter a small ‘5 more minutes’ when you feel a hand try and shake your body awake.
“babe it’s 7:20 right now,” he says with a deep chuckle as he rubs his eyes. “we both know that if you fall back asleep now then you’re never gonna wake up again.”
you peek your head out from under the blanket and when you see your boyfriend’s bed head, (that makes him look even more adorable than he already does and you mentally curse him for being able to work a bed head) you find it difficult to shoot back a snarky remark to his comment— and it is proven especially difficult when he’s looking at you with the most love struck expression on his face.
“fine! you win!” you sigh before sitting up, letting the blanket fall down to your lap.
akaashi extends his hand out to fix the strap of your pajama top when he notices that it slipped off your shoulder: to which you thank him by placing a small kiss onto his jawline, causing his lips to curve into a smile.
his hand cups your cheek, which startles you for a moment, but then he gently guides your face closer to his so that he can pull you in for a sensual kiss that leaves your mind feeling fuzzy.
when you two finally pull away and you’re able to recollect your thoughts, a lopsided grin makes its way onto your face and akaashi playfully rolls his eyes as he can practically feel the words that are about to leave your lips in his bones.
“ew morning breath,” you cackle and even though you think that it’s the most ugliest laugh in the world, akaashi thinks that it’s one of his favorite things to hear because it’s your most genuine form of laughter. “you must reaaally be in love with me!”
“i am really in love with you y/n.” he says, deciding to give into your ego for just one day.
“that’s good,” your eyes crinkle as you give him a soft smile. “because i’m really in love with you too.”
“...but don’t think that your love confession is gonna land you an extra 5 minutes of sleep.”
“way to kill the mood keiji!” you pout.
“c’mon let’s go freshen up together.” he says while ushering you out of bed and into the bathroom.
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“no i’m just saying, if you’re gonna bitch about my work being ‘inadequate’ then you should really be worrying about yourself more than other people cause boy do i have some news for you.” you complained as you lathered your hair in shampoo before massaging it into your scalp.
“your co worker... sounds like... a real handful.” akaashi says in between breaks while he’s brushing his teeth.
“that’s what i’m saying— oh! can you pass me my face wash keiji?”
you hear a bit of shuffling before akaashi sticks his arm into the shower from behind the curtain with a bottle in his hand.
“babe...” you push his hand back out. “that’s moisturizer.”
“oh my bad.” he lets out a small ‘oops’ before going back to the cabinet above your sink and maneuvering around your other numerous skincare products, reading all the labels to make sure he grabs the facial wash this time and hands you it.
“thanks!” you’re about to grab the face wash from his hand when an idea suddenly pops into your head.
you quickly twist the shower knob so that the water goes from hot to cold before grabbing his hand, along with your face wash which was still in his hand as well, and pulling it under the water coming from the shower head.
akaashi lets out a shriek as the water practically hits his entire arm while you’re laughing your ass off with your hair in a makeshift bun using the shampoo that was still in your hair.
“y/n!” he yanks his arm out of your grasp and you peek out into the outside world from behind the shower curtain, where you can see akaashi holding his arm to his chest on the other side of the bathroom.
“you’re being such a baby keiji!” you giggle.
“ha ha very funny, you better be careful because who knows,” his lips curl into a mischievous smirk. “after your shower tonight you may or may not have hair afterwards.”
“you wouldn’t!” you gasp dramatically. “don’t nair me, please! i’m sorry!”
you’re gripping onto the shower curtain, spewing out apology after apology while akaashi stands there amused with how you can go from a devious little thing to an apology spitting machine within a just a few seconds.
“i’ll forgive you, but only because i’m a much more mature person than you.” he teases.
“yeah right! remember when i forgot to record your favorite tv show that one time and then you ate all of my snacks the following week?” you try defending yourself as you go back to finish washing your hair.
“no way, that never happened.” he lies straight through his teeth— which you do not appreciate.
“yes it did! i even have the video of you being all whiny to prove my point and if you don’t admit to your actions then i’ll send it to the group chat with bokuto, kuroo, and tsukishima!”
“fine it did happen! just don’t send it to them or else i’ll never hear the end of it,” he puts his hands up in mock surrender before spitting out the rest of the toothpaste in his mouth into the sink and rinsing it out. “i’m trying to keep the cool and aloof persona going you know?”
you snort.
“just imagine when they find out that akaashi keiji isn’t actually the cool guy type they think he is but instead a dorky sap who’s in love with l/n y/n!”
“but i don’t blame you,” you add. “who wouldn’t be in love with me?”
“i sure hope no one is because you’re my girlfriend.” he scoffs.
“ooo possessive, i like that look on you keiji.” your laughter fills the entire bathroom.
“yeah? less talking more washing y/n, it’s 7:55 now.” he reminds you.
“oh shit! why didn’t you tell me before!?” you cry out as you frantically wash out the rest of the shampoo in your hair and rub in some conditioner into the ends of your hair before completely rinsing out the rest of the product in your hair.
“maybe if you weren’t so busy planning to prank me then you would’ve been out of the shower 5 minutes ago.”
“i said i’m sorry!” you wring out all the water in your hair before grabbing a towel to wrap around your entire body and then running into your bedroom to quickly get dressed.
after you slip into some jeans and a loose button up, you sit down in front of your vanity to begin putting on some makeup— but remembering to keep it light enough so that it doesn’t feel heavy over the course of the long day you’re going to have at work.
as you’re about to reach for your concealer, you can see akaashi pop up from behind you in the mirror and you immediately take notice of the blow dryer in his hands.
“want some help? your hair is still wet and i don’t think you want to show up to work with it wet.” he asks as he saunters up to the electrical outlet next to the vanity.
“yes please keiji, you’re a life saver.” you press a chaste kiss onto his cheek before turning around and getting to work on your face.
as akaashi plugs in the blow dryer and begins to dry your hair for you, he makes sure not to ruffle it too much in fear of messing up your makeup and having you re-do it, resulting in you being late for work.
“your fingers feel really nice,” you say out of the blue and just as he’s about to make a sexual comment, you’re quick to interrupt him by adding along to your previous statement. “not in that way idiot, it’s just... i feel like i wanna fall asleep or something.”
“i think that’s the last thing we both want happening.” he jokes which prompts you both to laugh at the same time.
“mhm, i’m just really glad to have you here with me though,” you grin and he catches it when he looks at you through the mirror. “like what boyfriend is willing to blow dry their girlfriend’s hair for them when they’re running late for work?”
“i’m sure there are plenty of other good guys out there.”
“but good thing i have the one and only akaashi keiji all to myself.” you smile sheepishly.
“oh and i’m the sap in the relationship? i’m starting to think you’re the real sap here.”
“as if! says the guy who practically spews out love confessions for his girlfriend while he’s completely wasted after 2 bottles of beer.” you snicker.
instead of trying to start a banter with you, he decides to focus at the task at hand and finishes drying your hair before turning the blow dryer off and then proceeding to grab a brush and brush your hair out in order to get rid of the knots he created while he was drying it.
"thanks babe!" you give him another kiss, this time on his lips, after he announces that he was finished with your hair.
you spray a bit of perfume on yourself, grab your purse and then slip on a pair of shoes when you get to the front door.
"wait, y/n!" you see akaashi run out of your bedroom and make his way over to you before pulling you in for a hug. “stay safe and call me when you’re done with work alright?”
“yes i will, and ramen tonight? i’ve been craving some and i’ll probably stop by the grocery store today after work so i can pick up some other stuff.” you pull away a bit so that you can look up at his face but still have your arms wrapped around his mid section.
“sounds good, do you want to just come home first and we can just go together?” he starts to sway your bodies back and forth.
“and you can pay for us? deal!” you give the male one last kiss on his lips before slipping away, not giving him the chance to protest (not that he was going to anyways, he would never let you pay for anything while you were in his presence.)
“i love you, have a nice day at work!” was the last thing he heard before you completely shut the door on him.
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+ a/n: hey y’all so i’m currently in a writers block for rent a boyfriend and so what better way to cure that than to write an akaashi fluff? this idea has been stuck in my head for the past week and i’m just in love with the idea of boyfriend!akaashi blow drying your hair while you’re running late to work T^T
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jikseud · 3 years
pairings: felix x gender neutral reader
wc: 2147
genre: fluff with a bit of angst if u squint hard.
warnings: mentions of cheating (?), y/n being an ass idk what else, pls lmk if there are things to include hehe
a/n: I don’t really write that often soooo...
“I don't get why characters in horror movies are this dumb,” I whispered to Felix as we were watching this horror movie that we randomly found on Netflix. I heard him chuckle softly at my statement.
“That just adds to the thrill and interest, I guess,” he replied. He kissed my temple before pulling me closer to him.
My phone suddenly rang on the first half of the movie. I quickly went to see who it was and my heartbeat immediately picked up its pace after seeing the caller ID being “My love💖”.
Okay, now we're starting...
I am turning into a such a nervous wreck right now. My hands are starting to shake and my heart is starting to beat so loud that I could basically hear it in my ears. I stood up, looking at Felix silently excusing myself. I walked a little towards our room's window -which is not too far from where he is- before picking up the call.
"Hello? Sorry, I'm with him right now. I'll call you later," I ‘said’ quietly to the 'person on the other line' before ‘hanging up’. I looked up at Felix to see his reaction and saw that he's looking at me so seriously I felt my knees buckle. I tried to smile at him but failed nonetheless.
“Who was that?” he asked. I opened my mouth to answer him but nothing came out as my throat went dry. He raised his eyebrows at me. I lowered my head.
Okay, here we go.
"I-," I tried to speak but I just couldn't find the words. I sighed before looking back up at him. "It's no one," I told him, still trying to calm myself. He then rolled his eyes at me.
“If you're going to fucking fool me like this, then do better. I'm not stupid, Y/N. I clearly saw the caller ID,” he replied harshly. “And "I'm with him"? Really Y/n? If you're going to do this to me, give a little respect at least.” he added and my legs shook at his tone.
“Then why'd you still ask if you knew already?” I talked back quietly, too weakly for my own liking. He snickered.
“Because I wanted you to explain yourself at least,” he said and I swallowed hard.
“What's there to explain, though. You've already seen it, it's all that there is,” I told him and he scoffed.
“You could've at least told me where I went wrong... where everything went wrong? Y/n, you can't do this and expect me to not ask you for any explanation, I'm not as stupid as you think I am," he paused a little before continuing, "On what aspect of this fucking relationship was I lacking, huh? Are you getting too bored with me that's why you did this? Am I not enough for you anymore that's why you decided to find another one? Am I not loving you enough for you do this to me huh, Y/n? I thought we were having something special? I thought you said I was and will always be the one for you? What happened, baby? When did everything change? When did things go wrong between us? What did they do to get you sway that easily?” he questioned, his voice shaking from hurt. I sighed, every word was like a stab in my chest. He looked at me, his eyes searching mine for some explanation… any reaction. When they didn't give him anything, he spoke once again.
“When did this start?” he asked. My breath hitched. 
Well now, it’s working. 
It took me a while to answer but I did when I saw that he was getting impatient. “Just today,” I answered, stifling my laugh. He looked at me confusedly and I looked back at him trying to hide my smile.
“What do you mean ‘just today’?” he asked again.
I can't take this anymore...
“It's a prank, you dumbo!” I told him as he sat there, his confusion clouding him even more. I sat back down beside him as I tried to hug him but I was shocked when he moved away from me. “Why?” I asked. He stared at me with such hatred now and I couldn't help but feel nervous once again with the look he's giving me.
“What do you mean ‘Why?’ Y/n?” he asked. “You talk as if I didn't just caught you cheating on me,” he said. I gasped.
“Baby, I told you, it was a prank,” I replied with hurt in my voice. He looked at me, still not trusting my words. “I'm serious, Lix. It's just a prank. Do you not trust me enough? Go on and check if you want. I could never do something like that to you, you know that,” I told him with shaking eyes as I handed him my phone. He gave me daggers while he took my phone in his hand. When he finally held my phone, I felt my hand start to shake a little harder as I retreat it back and I think he noticed it with the way he glared at me.
“If you're being honest then what are you so nervous for?” he asked me skeptically. My eyes shot up at him, looking at him with wide eyes.
“H-huh, who said something about being nervous, h-hah-ah. Pffft I'm not nervous, shut up,” I told him. He glared at me once again before going back to checking my phone. I saw him swipe from left to right, probably looking for something that would prove my innocence.
It took him a few minutes -because he practically opened every single app in it just to be sure- before finally getting to the last page where he saw the widget labeled "To the man I love the most.💖" that I had prepared for him. I looked at his face just to check his reaction and then I saw him looking at it confusedly. He stared at it for a solid five seconds while his thumb was hovering over it.
The widget looked like it was excitedly shaking from my point of view, just waiting to be finally pressed and when the thumb above finally clicked on it, that's when all hell broke loose.
My mind had gone crazy by the time he started reading it. Tons of thoughts clouding my head and spilling continuously out of it like a water inside a broken dam, just like how every feeling I had has been spilling on Felix at the moment...
The widget leads to my notes app wherein a letter is written in a pink background. A color I know he really loves.
“To my baby,
Hello, my love! It's weird talking to you like this because I wasn't really fond of letters and all these sweet things but for you, I'm alright being cheesy and all that. First of all, I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you in the process of this thing... whatever this is... whatever it is that I did before you finally get to read this poorly written letter of mine which contains everything that I wanted to say to you but couldn't because I'm too shy hngg *insert cute face right here*. Anyways, I hope that you finally believe me that what happened before this was all a prank (the proof is literally beside this widget which is the Fake Call app, so don't fuck with me). Felix Lee, aka my sunshine, my happiness, my everything... I wanted to thank you for being the best man ever for me. Thank you for making me happy everyday, for taking care of me and or loving me every single moment that you have. You are seriously the best guy I have ever met (next to Harry Styles, of course... kidding) and I love you for that. I am so thankful that the Gods have given you to me (yes, bitch I own you... lol kidding again... but I'm not sure if this'll still be a joke after this though) and I am so thankful that you decided to stay with me even though I'm just... me. Felix, I don't know what else to say but just know that I love you and every single thing about you. I love how you scrunch your nose up whenever I make an awful joke but still try to laugh just to satisfy me (you're evil btw). I love how you cook for me when I don't wanna just because I'm too lazy (yes chef, go off!!!). I love how your eyes lights up when you're talking about something you love and something that you reaaally love doing (a.k.a ME). I love how your hair looks in the morning and even when you always say that you hate it, you still look so beautiful nonetheless. I love your freckles as well because it feels like I am looking at a sky full of stars and you're the sun wtf does that makes sense though? There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how so... Anyways, what I'm trying to say here is that, you are so amazing that I don't know how to put your amazingness into words and that I appreciate everything that you are. I love you, Felix and thank you for making me the happiest person in the world. But do you mind making me happier by marrying me?”
By the time he was finished reading my shitass letter, he was shedding tears with a smile on his face. Weird combination, I know. But it is so unfairly unfair how he still looks beautiful looking like this.
He stared up at me with tears still flowing out of his eyes as I slowly took the ring off from my own finger.
“I don't know what else to say to you, to be honest. I am so bad with words and you know that. I love you, though. I could go on telling you this everyday just to show you how much but I'm afraid I'd have to go on forever so will you finally answer my question and marry me? I promise I'd try and learn how to cook so you won't have to anymore… oh and I will try not to complain as much when you leave too much mess in the house,” I tried to joke just to lighten up the mood but I was confused when he started bawling out. I felt my eyes burn from tears as well and I let a few escape from them. "Why are you crying, stupid?" I asked wiping his tears off. He glared at me before pulling me into a hug and crying loudly on my shoulders. “Baby, stop crying, please. I don't know what's happening but I'm going to bawl out as well if you continue,” I told him. He sniffled before pulling away slightly.
"You... you bitch, I hate you so much for doing this to me," he said in between hiccups. "I hate you so much," he told me before bawling and hugging me again. I laugh at his cuteness even though I felt my hands shake once again. His possible answer finally clouding my mind.
I rubbed his back before kissing his neck lightly. "So are you gonna answer my question or what?" I asked him, getting a little impatient now because of nervousness. He pulled away from me.
"I hate you so much. I was supposed to be the one doing this and not you. I hate you," he said despite his eyes showing the exact opposite and still crying them out. "But just because we're here already, I have no choice but to say yes, I guess? Because I'd probably feel so bad if I rejected your goodass offer," He joked. I glared at him. "Kidding. I'd say yes anytime, you know that. I'd say yes a billion... trillion times," he told me and I smiled before putting the ring on his finger. He smiled so wide seeing the piece of jewelry on his finger before taking my face on his hand and kissing me hard.
"I love you so much, y/n," he told me after pulling away. I closed my eyes, feeling the moment. I leaned my face more to his touch.
"I love you more, baby. More than you could even imagine," I replied.
"Your prank is shit by the way," he stated after a while in silence as I hit him on the chest.
“Shut up, I still got you with my acting skills and you don't know how nervous I am while doing that thing when I didn’t have a solid plan,” I told him and he scoffed.
"Sucks for you then," he replied.
"Yeah? Well, sucks for you I'm not sucking you."
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Secret Service: EPILOGUE - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Madara, Kohaku
Proofreading: Remy (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: haranami
Kohaku: Sometimes, I hate ya so much I could hurl. There are a thousand things about ya that don’t sit right with me… but there are just as many things I like.
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[A few weeks later, in the midst of December. The final stage of the SS preliminaries in Kyushu.]
Location: Shikoku Kyushu Qualifiers Stage
Madara: ……
Kohaku: It’s been a long journey, huh, Madara-han?
Why the long face…? Shouldn’t ya be jumpin’ fer joy? Everything’s gone according t’your plans.
Thanks to you gettin’ all buddy-buddy with the higher ups, Double Face — our no-name unit that nobody’s even heard of before the prelims — has managed t’make it all the way through the competition.
There’s a huge gap between us an’ the unit in second place. We earned so much SSL$, there ain’t a person in Kyushu who’d be a match for us.
I reckon we’re guaranteed to win.
Well? Are ya satisfied? Your dreams are gonna come true — ain’t that a good thing?
Madara: …Why’re you here, Kohaku-san? Shouldn’t you be in Osaka?
Kohaku: We’re at the final stage, so it’s already pretty clear who the winners of each region are gonna be.
At this point, there’s nothin’ I can do t’change the results in Osaka — or, honestly, the entirety of Kansai — no matter where I am.
Feels like this final match is no more than a formality.
Madara: Do you think Crazy:B’s gonna win?
Kohaku: I couldn’t say. The situation ain’t so terrible that we have no hope of winnin’, but I can’t make any predictions. Our enemy was just too damn strong t’begin with.
Madara: Are you reaaally alright with being in Kyushu during such a decisive moment?
Kohaku: Hm~ Well, I came here ‘cause we might not end up winnin’. I guess you could call this my backup plan.
Basically, even if Crazy:B gets defeated durin’ the preliminaries…
I can still have them join the finals as Double Face’s supporters. We’re already guaranteed to make it through, after all.
I’m a member of their unit, so it wouldn’t be a weird decision at all.
Madara: Lemme guess... After you all jump on stage, you’re gonna kick me off and hijack the whole thing in the name of Crazy:B.
Kohaku: Fufu. It’s exactly the type of plan you’d expect from Crazy:B, wouldn’t cha agree? It doesn’t matter how strong ya are — ya wouldn’t be able to take on all four of us if we attacked ya at once.
Madara: How scaaary! You guys really do remind me of terrorists… I heard that Crazy:B’s been growing more diligent lately, but it looks like the rumors were wrong.
Kohaku: Kokoko ♪ They ain’t wrong at all. We’ve been workin’ at bein’ terrorists real diligently.
But anyways, none of that matters right now…
We should be talkin’ ‘bout Double Face.
Madara: ……
Kohaku: Thanks to that rule that forbids ya from traveling t’other regions, we weren’t really able to talk much during the preliminaries.
But after all those stunts Rinne-han pulled, these “Order” things we got, plus the other rules, have gotten all messed up.
‘Sides, you’ve worked t’make Double Face the management’s ally. As one of its members, I doubt they’d punish me too severely.
‘Course, they’ll get rid of me if I’m too much of a pest, but I’ve got a bit of leeway t’work with.
I’m sure I’ll be able to talk for a while an’ sing with ya on stage.
It’s not like that’d rock the boat too much, so I won’t be gettin’ in the way of Gatekeeper’s mission — seems like he wants the preliminaries to end all nice an’ predictably.
I guess I’m goin’ against the rule of not bein’ allowed to join SS as the member of more than one unit…
But, right now, I’m just a supporter that ya called over.
I ain’t standin’ on stage as a member of Double Face, I’m here as a member of Crazy:B that’s gonna assist ya.
Normally, I’d keep the rules ‘bout no travelin’ in mind an’ turn down a request like that.
But I didn’t this time. I’m here ‘cause I wanna be.
Still, this SS business has been a real pain in the ass. Let’s hope we can wrap it up quickly.
…Double Face has accomplished so much during the competition. Once this is all over, we’re gonna join the ranks of those top idols.
After that, MaM’s gonna subsume Double Face, an’ you’ll keep working as a solo unit.
That’s the plan, ain’t it? Basically, this might be the last time we’ll ever sing together as Double Face... Can’t help but feel a lil’ sad about that.
It’s not like I wasn’t annoyed an’ irritated by both you an’ all the jobs we had to do, but…
This is the path you’ve chosen. There’s nothin’ I can do t’change that.
Madara: ……
Kohaku: It’d be too darn sad if we parted without even sayin’ goodbye, though. You’ve gotta at least let me sing with ya one last time…
As your partner, a member of the unit Double Face.
Sometimes, I hate ya so much I could hurl. There are a thousand things about ya that don’t sit right with me… but there are just as many things I like.
These memories that we share — the memories of the battles we’ve fought together — aren’t ever gonna disappear.
It ain’t exactly a “bond,” but it’s enough. So long as this connection between us exists, I’d say I have the right t’sing next to ya. ‘Sides, that’s what I wanna do.
Madara: …That suits me just fine, but you sure are an odd duck, Kohaku-san.
I could say the same ‘bout everyone else. You know, I found out that the Gatekeeper was looking for extra Double Face members when he let me join the preliminaries.
Naturally, we couldn’t be considered a “unit” unless we had at least two members.
But you were performing as a member of Crazy:B; there was a chance that you wouldn’t count as a member of Double Face.
That’s why the Gatekeeper went around recruiting unaffiliated idols that I worked with in the past.
Apparently, he reached out to anyone he could get a hold of. He just needed to find a second member — it didn’t really matter who it was.
Kohaku: Double Face was already on the management’s side, after all. No matter who ya recruited, you’d have been able t’make it through the preliminaries.
Madara: That’s right. But somehow, all the idols that he randomly reached out to were more than happy to volunteer.
They wanted to work with me, Mikejima Madara, again.
Most of the local idols who aren’t affiliated with ES consider it to be a real eyesore, so the Gatekeeper wasn’t expecting that.
I guess that’s why he panicked and told ‘em, “Nevermind!” later on…
I mean, there were about fifty people who responded to the recruitment.
Kohaku: That’s… a few too many, t’say the least.
Madara: You can say that again. But some of them still wanted to work with me, so they ran a lil’ wild…
And that’s why they raided the local idol ryokan and tried to get in contact with the two members of Eve.
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
i think its rly interesting to compare how svsss treats og sqq and how mdzs treats mxy when both their roles are characters the mc has the body of and pretends to be and also to other novels with the trope
OOOH yes this is such an interesting point. i think i made the connection before but haven’t put a lot of thought into it until now
it’s sort of interesting how... uninterested mxtx is in really having the protags struggle with worrying about how well their pretense is going. wwx doesn’t really take especial pains to perfectly imitate mxy - all he’s gotta do is act ~crazy~ and people will buy it. luckily for him, mxy’s reputation is what it is, otherwise he might come up against greater resistance from characters like jin ling questioning him. another thing to note is how most characters figure out “oh shit it’s wei wuxian” pretty quickly, so the reveal in jgy’s chamber is kind of underwhelming
on the other hand we’ve got shen yuan, whose entire conflict throughout the beginning of the novel is focused on imitating og!sqq. thing is, we never get the impression that he’s gonna fail at that. he’s helped along by the system, and he very quickly unlocks ooc mode, after which the deception is quickly forgotten. it’s actually kind of surprising to me how little resistance sqq is met with when he starts acting ooc. perhaps this is a testament to the nature of the world and how it bends to the whims of him, lbh, and the system, but to me it reads as mxtx being more interested in the relationship he’s building with lbh and the other characters, and the question of narrative fate/destiny rather than identity
(confession: i actually would have liked ooc mode to stay off for a little while longer! i want more of sqq identity issues! struggling to roleplay this evil dude while still secretly trying to make things not suck for lbh!)
this is the point at which i admit i am NOT very far through svsss LMAO. i’ve read a little bit past the endless abyss (chapter 28), and haven’t read more in a couple weeks because i’ve been reaaally busy lately :( i want to soon though!!! super curious to see what happens with sqh because i’m sure that’ll make the story even more meta...
so yeah i can’t completely analyze sqq’s whole predicament properly but this WILL be something i keep in mind when reading in the future! i Really Really Hope that there will be some sort of pivotal moment where sqq is forced to reveal his real backstory to lbh. DON’T TELL ME IF THIS HAPPENS OR NOT i want no spoilers!!!! but i am thinking about it.
(another interesting thing to note is that the narration called wwx in mxy’s body “wei wuxian,” whereas shen yuan in sqq’s body just becomes “shen qingqiu.” it makes sense for the sort of story that’s being told, especially given that sqq has to Live This Other Guy’s Life Or Die, but... it strikes me all the same)
i’d also highlight a way in which mxy and og!sqq are almost opposites. mxy, a Real Dude (at least in the context of mdzs), has his story almost completely erased. but we know all about what og!sqq was like! and pidw has been read by so many people! we may never meet og!sqq, but he’s really important and pivotal to both narratives!
also interesting to think about how much of mxy’s story/life has been fictionalized...
and i’m SURE there’s something here to be said about the transmigration genre as a whole and this sort of character archetype. i am super not qualified to make any observations/generalizations though
anyway thank you for the ask!! i definitely think that mxy and og!sqq (and even og!lbh...) occupy interesting positions in the narrative and i’m excited to think about this more re. scum villain
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My final musings/speculation on all the TROS TV spots
I’m so sad that this is my final write up for TROS speculation.  You can find my previous “End” TV spot breakdown here, “Fate” one here, and my other TROS trailer breakdown here. 
Timeline stuff
Costumes are the biggest indicator of the timeline in the TROS footage we’ve seen so far. Poe starts by wearing his scarf and gloves, then he gets an arm injury and wraps the wound with said scarf. Later back at the Resistance base, he gets it properly bandaged and takes off his gloves. And I suspect that, for the final fight, he changes into his pilot get up and helmet (see the images below for his outfit timeline). Similarly Rey has her staff and bag or does not in various trailer footage.
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JJ told us that Pasaana takes place towards the start of the film. I reaaally want to know why Rey, Finn, and Poe all have bags. They must serve a function in the story. I feel like the Resistance gang is on a mission to collect something, hence the bags. And I think that one of the things that’ll eventually be carried in Rey’s bag is the mysterious dagger she’s seen with.
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Here’s Rey on Pasaana at the Aki-Aki’s festival, with a beaded neck with bits of material or paper that are pastel pink, green, and yellow. They remind me of “omikuji” which are Japanese fortune-telling paper strips that can be found in shrines and temples (see below). As Pasaana is at the start of the film, this seems very fitting for Rey, “what will her fortune be?”. Rey still has her saddle bag on.
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We can see that the FO crash the festival and are in pursuit of the Resistance members, we know from the comics that Kylo has placed a bounty on them all.
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On the left of screen you can see some Aki-Aki angrily chasing after the resistance and the two speeders. So I think the resistance definitely borrowed (*stole*) them from the locals to get away from the FO. 
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I like how the shape of the two speeders are very different. TROS has some great design all round from what we’ve seen so far.
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Here’s Rey looking v angry, and she still has her bag on but no longer wears the necklace. 
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We know that Kylo and the Knights of Ren are also on Pasaana, so it’ll be interesting to see how/when the KoR interact with the Resistance. I have a feeling that the two speeders will be spilt up, and Rey will end up coming face-to-face with Kylo. 
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And then there’s this scene of the Resistance inside a cave on Pasaana, all with their bags on, and they don’t look happy to see something/someone one. I think this may be once they all meet up again after the chase?
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Now for the Rey flips over Kylo’s TIE Silencer scene. It’s odd because for this scene Rey doesn’t have her staff or her bag with her. Just her ignited saber. But this is still clearly Pasaana. So maybe this is after the speeder chase, or on a whole other day? The sun is setting after-all, (which will make for ~very~ romantic lighting hehe).
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And I really don’t know if Rey destroys his Whisper, with her saber or with the force, but his ship is definitely toast.
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Rey looks at her hand, either because she used the force to destroy his ship OR he force grabbed the legacy lightsaber out of her hands because he is now worthyyyyy. Either way, she looks shook. 
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Also on Pasaana, we have footage of Rey standing in pretty much the same spot (the landscape background matches up), and she shouts “CHEWIE” and is looking up and distressed. I really don’t know what is happening to Chewie, but the trailer footage does seem to be point towards him being captured by the FO and then Finn/Rey/Poe/C-P30/BB-8/D-O go to Kylo’s FO ship to rescue him. To be honest, I don’t really understand why they’d kidnap Chewie but if it does go down like that then I would love to see the Kylo/Chewie interaction, it’ll be amazing.
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And there’s also this footage of Poe on Pasaana, next to a different ship yelling “REY”. Perhaps he’s watching the Reylo stuff go down:
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This is The Knights of Ren walking through the same FO ship the Resistance runs through (the corridor is the same shame/blue LEDs). The squad all leave behind muddy footprints. Now in all the images we have of the KoR, they’re outfits are muddy at the bottom, but I wouldn’t have thought they’d get muddy from Pasaana, dirty yes? but not muddy.
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(See in this Vanity Fair image, all their boots/pants/coats are covered in dried brown mud).
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I wonder if the KoR were with Kylo on this other planet, with the ashy/sandy ground (pictured below). This extended shot also shows that Kylo does slice through that guy he body slams. 
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Kylo is muddy himself during this fighting scene. I’m also really curious as to why he doesn’t have his helmet on for this forest fight. I feel like this killing/forest mission Kylo is on is more-so a personal one, hence why he’s not wearing the helmet and that’s why he’s alone in his TIE afterwards, still all muddy.
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After Pasaana, I think the Resistance gang goes to Kijimi, where they meet Zorri Bliss, find D-O, and Babu Frik does something with C-3PO’s memories. I personally hope they learn more about Anakin/Padme. Finn, Poe, and Finn all have nice warm puffy jackets on. Poe still has his scarf so he hasn’t been injured yet, and as far as we know the crew didn’t have D-O on Pasaana, so this seems to be the correct timeline regarding planetary visits. Chewie is not present.
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This is an intersting shot of Rey and Zorri talking outside. I wonder if Zorri will have any juicy information for Rey.
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The FO must be notified by someone that the Resistance is there, because the Stormtroopers and Supreme Leader Kylo Ren arrive:
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I find it funny how Rey’s warm jacket is gone for her saber confrontation with Kylo:
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I also think this scene of the TIE’s chasing the Falcon could be Kijimi as well, because its very cold/icy/snowy.
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Then after Kijimi, the Resistance gang *sneaks* into Kylo’s FO ship, to free Chewie, and interestingly they’re not flying the Falcon but another ship (see below), which is weird because in later footage we see the Falcon waiting for Rey to leap to “get away”. This different ship looks a lot like the same one Poe is next to on Pasaana when he shouts “REY!”, as the ramps hinge details look the same.
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We see Rey, Finn, and Poe, D-O and BB-8 leaving the ship and killing all the Storm Troopers in the hanger. We can also hear C-3PO, so I think he’s with them too. Rey still has her staff and bag, and so do Finn and Poe. 
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We see the “trio” (HA) run into some Storm Troopers in a hallway, but Rey uses the Force on them. Then my guess is they decide to spilt up to find Chewie, or whatever else they’re after/doing there.
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This room may be just a shrine to Vader or a gallery style room of Kylo’s Jedi/Sith artefacts. But regardless I think Rey actually has a few minutes to herself in here, because she puts her bag and her staff down. She leans her staff against a big column with mechanical parts (AND RED WIRING *red string of fate*), and you can see that Chewie’s bowcaster is also there. 
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Sidenote: this kind of doesn’t make sense because in a different shot Rey’s staff is leaning against a white ‘cabinet’ along with Chewie’s ammo belt and bow which is directly opposite the Vader statue. See below, you can glimpse their stuff beneath the falling Vader helmet. And that mechanical column is to the right of screen. 
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But I digress. At some put Kylo shows up: Enter Kylo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s so Pride and Prejudice, where Mr Darcy finds Elizabeth in his house. And from somewhere Rey produces a dagger. It was either in her bag, or its one of Kylo’s artefacts that she’s grabbed.
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This set is SO COOL. It’s very symmetrical and geometric, and it reminds me sooo much of Vader’s ESB mediation chambers shapes plus its white interior! (see below).
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They fight, and either purposefully or haphazardly destroy the Vader stand.
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And I wonder what happens post-fight, because later in the bunker THIS HAPPENS AND IT LOOKS SO LONGING AND ROMANTIC. His helmet is off, Rey no longer has her staff or bag. Where is her stuff? He is gonna give it back to her?? Regardless, Ben stands there looking forlorn watching her leave.
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While Reylo was happening, Finn and Poe must find Chewie and have to make it back to the ship. 
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I suspect that right here is where Poe gets his arm injury as Finn yells “POE!”. The background is very FO.
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We have this footage of a Rey and Chewie hug in the Falcon which could be a reunion post-rescue, who knowsss.
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After the Resistance gang is all back together maybe they go back to the Resistance HQ, or they head straight to the planet with the Death Star ruins (it may be Kef Bir, because they seem to meet Jannah there).
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Here’s the DAGGER again! But this time Rey appears to be using it as a wayfinding tool, guiding her to the ruins. What ever are they searching for in the Death Star II ruins??? 
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The quillon of the dagger also look longer than in the fight scene with Kylo. It looks like carved Ivory and the tip looks red like its blood stained.  Very sinister.
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We see then have seen footage of Rey taking the water-boat thing by herself, presuming leaving the others behind? Then she’s climbing the Death Star ruins solo.
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Somehow she finds herself in the ol’ Throne Room and KYLO IS THERE. She no longer has her bag, and he doesn’t have his saber lit but she does.
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Then for the zillionth time Rey attacks Kylo. I wonder how this fight must come to an end but then also continue outside??
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It seems that Kylo follows Rey outside to the debris, his saber lit this time. These two shots look super romantic, and paint the picture of an inventible watery angsty fight kiss. Ben looks so determined to sort this shit OUT. 
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But then here Rey appears to Force Freeze Kylo, which is karma for when he did it to her in TFA. This demonstrates how better attuned Rey has become with her abilities. Maybe this happens mid-fight? Anyways, this is the third Reylo fight and everything comes in threes, so I think this will be the final fight they have. One that will end with a resolution that changes everything for the rest of the film. By this point Reylo has an audience, Finn and Jannah are there on the ruins also.
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The Resistance foresty HQ stuff
This is the shot where Rey says “Its too dangerous” and want to go alone, but everyone wants to go with her etc. Poe doesn’t have his scarf on and his “injured” arm is hidden, but he has no gloves on. And him and Finn do still have have their bags. So this seems to be both after both Pasaana and the Death Star ruins?
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This is early on in the film, (see Poe’s outfit), and it may very well be inside the new ship the Resistance crew uses going into the FO hanger.
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This is the same ship you can tell by the dusty window shutters.
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Also I think Rey’s training in the forest with Leia will be early on in the film.
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This is that awesome sequence of Kylo arriving at  ~planet/Sith Temple~ to show down with Palpatine. And its hard to tell, but I don’t think that it’s his Tie Whisper, looks just like a regular Tie Interceptor.
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In this shot, we can see the trademark blue Palpatine force lighting, and also water below the floating cube/triangular structure. I think this is the same frozen water, where see the Imperial Star Destroyer’s emerging from:
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I’m lovvvvinggg, the sheer scale of these statues compared to tiny Kylo/Ben, its giving me such prequel vibes.
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And here he is quietly sneaky around, saber ignited. His demeanour and facial expressions in this sequence are calm/sad/determined. On the right there’s this machine thing that looks like a tooth, and it reminds me of an incubator. I wonder if Palpatine is in there or uses it as a healing pod etc. I wonder why Kylo seems to be seeking the Emperor out? And at what point of the film could this be occurring in? I cannot fathom Kylo seeking Palp’s out because he’s after more power, that doesn’t fit his character.
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I’d say this place is definitely all the same location where Palp’s throne is and where Rey finds herself face-to-face with him.
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Then there’s this footage of Kylo from a different trailer. Originally I was getting a “I’m in cave of a wise mystic by a fire” vibe (like Yoda in ESB). And I thought this may take place on the ashy/forest planet. But perhaps, this is Kylo coming across Palps because the flashing cyan lighting is correct for that.
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Anyways, I've always has this head cannon that Kylo would find out first that Palpatine had “returned” and he’d immediately go to Rey and warn her (The TIE Pasaana scene). OR either Rey or Kylo would accidentally “awaken” something that caused Palpatine to stir. And I would love them to already be a Reylo team and actively go and try to take Palpatine down, but I also think they could follow that trope of one person going solo to defeat the villain (to keep the other person safe), but then they fail and are held captive as “bait”, and then later the second person shows up and frees them and together they take down the villain. 
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And speaking of Reylo, cannot wait for more Force Bond scenes. I think they’re 100% happening because why else would Daisy have her hair done but be in warmer clothes doing the clapperboard for a FO ship scene??? Force Bond offscreen reading with Adam.
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(This is just a little humble brag, that I was CORRECT. Those pods being deployed from the Imperial fleet do hold Sith Troopers whom are ready to fight the Resistance on the orbaks. he he)
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Now for some footage that I cannot put into context:
I reaally want to know when the reforging of Kylo’s mask happens with KoR, because it seems funny that he’s been Supreme Leader for a year without needed a mask but now for some reason he now needs it again. Very interesting.
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Rey is rocking her Jedi hood and she looks heavenly. I cannot wait to see Kylo/Ben also rocking his hood as well, no helmet. (After all he has one for a reason, EEEP). Rey looks very mature and drained in this shot, and the background is green and rocky and could very well be Ahch-to but its hard to know. I definitely do not think that this shot is from the burning TIE moment because the lighting on her face would be much stronger from the huge flames that she’s standing like 5cm away from.
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This is such a dramatic and beautiful shot. Who’s TIE Interceptor is this? Did Rey destroy it and why?? Does she just go around continually destroying ships in TROS haha? Also it really looks like Rey dos not have her arm wrappings in this fiery shot.
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I have no idea when this green alien chase sequence happens. But Rey does not seem to be there, she’s probably busying with Ben and Palps. The Resistance is being pursued by the FO, and Klaud is somehow aboard!
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Also here’s the Falcon is being chased by more First Order TIE’s, and there’s a possible sun in the background, and lots of red sharp rocky shards. Where is thiss???
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Also here’s the Resistance allies flying, but I have no idea why the light is red. It looks hellish.
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There’s still sooo much we don’t know about the film. We’ve only been shown a few minutes of footage in total, and there’s probably so many locations/sequences they’ve shown us nothing from. (Fingers crossed for “The World Between Worlds” Force stuff). Also we really don’t have any context for the epic stuff we’ve seen so far, there’s still a lot of mystery and questions! I am soo excited to watch this film in a few days! 
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Dreams Can Come True: Chapter 5 Bruises
Chapter 4-Chapter 6
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~Time Skip because I am author and I hold all power~
Y/n had been working with the Shie Hassaikai for just under a month now, and Chrono’s feelings for her only grew. He had somehow gotten the rest of the Hassaikai to stay quiet about his ‘crush’, with the help of Pops and Overhaul of course. Right now, Chrono was making his way to Eri’s room to make sure she was awake. Lately, Y/n would sometimes wake Eri up and get her day started, she said it was so he could get more sleep, which he appreciated, but its not like he could sleep more anyways. 
He made his way to her room, knocked and walked in. Eri and Y/n were over at Eri’s closet and they appeared to be choosing what Eri was going to wear today. “Good morning daddy!” Eri ran over and latched onto Chrono’s legs, smiling while looking up at him. “Good morning Pumpkin! Did you sleep good?” “Yup! I had a reaaally good dream!” “Oh did you? What was it about?” He heard Y/n sigh and looked over. “Beats me, I’ve been trying all morning but she won’t tell me.” Y/n giggled and made her way over to the trio, helping Eri finish getting ready. “Why not Pumpkin?” “Because! If I tell you, then it won’t come true! And I really want this dream to come true!” Eri stood her ground, with her arms crossed and a determined look on her face. “Pretty sure that’s dreams sweetie, but, whatever works I guess.” Chrono said as he ruffled her hair and turned to Y/n. “I’ve got a mission that’s gonna run pretty late tonight, would you mind watching Eri for me?” Chrono asked Y/n. “Of course! That’s not a problem at all.” Y/n smiled down to Eri, who was now latched onto her leg. “Okay, thank you!” Y/n nodded, and Chrono knelt down to be eye to eye with his daughter. “Hey sweetie, daddy’s gonna be home really late, so I probably won’t see you until tomorrow. So be really good for Y/n, okay?” Eri nodded, giving her dad a tight hug. “Okay daddy! I’ll be good! I promise!” Chrono chuckled and stood up. “I know you will sweetie, I love you, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” “I love you too! I’ll see you tomorrow Daddy!” “Bye Y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Bye Kurono, and good luck!” Chrono nodded and left Eri’s room, making his way to Overhaul’s office. When he got there, Overhaul, and the other Eight Precepts and Mimic were there. “So, what’s the mission?” Chrono asked, going to stand beside Nemoto and Overhaul. “We’re going to be meeting some potential business partners, but it might go…south. This group has been giving Pops trouble, so it’s entirely possible it’s some kind of set up, so be ready for anything.” The five other Yakuza nodded their heads. They spent the rest of the day coming up with a strategy, and at 6 o’clock, they headed out to meet their new ‘business partners’. They arrived at a sketchy looking warehouse. As soon as they walked in, Chrono could sense something was off. In fact, they all did. For that exact reason, they all walked in prepared. Chrono and Nemoto had their guns locked and loaded, Rappa and Katsukame were ready to throw punches, Tengai was prepared to defend whoever needed it, and Overhaul was prepared to slip his glove off if it deemed necessary. When they walked in, they were greeted with the neighborhood scumbag, Ken Hashimoto. “Shie Hassaikai! Welcome to our humble abode. I do hope you came prepared?” Ken smirked as he saw the Yakuza enter his building. “This place is filthy, not sure I’d be bragging about it. And yes, are you ready to finally make that deal?” Overhaul stated seemingly bored, looking at Ken with half lidded gold eyes. “Always such a germaphobe, eh Overhaul? Haha, well about that deal,” Ken’s expression darkened “It’s no longer going to work for us.” As he said that, about 20 guys came out from behind him and stood in a fighting stance. “You see, Overhaul your ‘peaceful’ or whatever ways as a Yakuza aren’t gonna work for us anymore, especially not as neighboring Yakuza, so after we kill you, and all your ‘Nine Prospects’ or whatever you call them, we’re going to finally take out that old man, and the little girl. Although, we might not kill her, her quirk could be pretty useful.” At the mention of Eri, Chrono was fuming. How dare he even think about going after his little girl. His baby. “Oh! And I probably won’t kill that scrumptious little caretaker of hers either…no, no I’ll bring her back to have for myself.” Ken said as he and his buddies snickered. Chrono could feel his blood boiling. First, they bring up Pops, then his daughter, and now they’re going to threaten the girl he loves? He thinks no. “Who knows, I might just share her with my new Yakuza. But, none of that really matters, since you’re all going to be dead anyways.” With this, the 20 men charged the 11 members of the Hassaikai, so the odds didn’t look great, but none of them were going down easy, or if all if they could avoid it. “PRECEPTS!! ATTACK!!” Mimic yelled from on top of Katsukame. With that, an intense and messy battle commenced, and after about 4 hours of nothing but chaos, the Hassaikai had come out on top….but not without a fair share of injuries. Overhaul had been beaten up pretty good, and had been hit with a quirk cancelling quirk, so he couldn’t use his quirk for about 24 hours. Tengai had gotten a bad concussion after Rappa had been thrown into him, Rappa had a dislocated shoulder, Katsukame broke his nose, Nemoto got stabbed (He’s okay though, it was just in the arm), Hojo and Setsuno were both knocked unconscious, and Chrono…well Chrono took the brunt of the brutal attack. Chrono was shot twice, once in the shoulder, and in the upper part of his arm. He was also stabbed, but in his calf. He had gotten the most bruises and scratches too, and he was almost covered in blood, most of it his. They somehow managed to get back to the Hassaikai. By now, Setsuno and Hojo had woken up and were resting. The others went back to their rooms t deal with their own injuries. Chrono however…didn’t get too far past the basement stairs before he collapsed, Nemoto barely catching him. “Dang it, he’s lost a lot of blood! Setsuno, go get Y/n! She has medical training!” Setsuno quickly nodded before rushing to get Y/n, while Nemoto brought Chrono to his room. It was around 11 o’clock, Eri ad Y/n were both asleep. Suddenly a series of rapid knocks came from her door, effectively waking up the 20 year old. She sat up in her bed, and Setsuno came bursting in. “Sorry for waking you up, but you need to get to Chrono’s room now! He needs help!” “Okay, I’ll be there In a minute!” Setsuno nodded and left the room, while Y/n got up and put on some shorts. She quickly ran out of the room and over to Chrono’s, almost screaming when she opened the door and saw him lying half-dead on his bead, covered in blood and bruises. “Oh my gosh! Hari Kurono what happened?!” Y/n said as she rushed over to his side, getting the medical supplies ready. “The deal was a bust- *grunt* It was a set up all along.” Chrono tried to get up, but Y/n gently pushed him back down. “Stay still, I’m going to be able to help you, but you have to let me, okay?” He just let out pained noises and nodded. Y/n helped Chrono take off his shirt, and almost started crying at the sight. “Kurono…” Y/n trailed off, looking at his bruised and battered torso, covered in small cuts and bruises. She then saw the two bullet holes in this left arm and shoulder. She got to work cleaning his wounds, and removed the bullet fragments from his arm. Luckily for him, the bullet that shot his shoulder went straight through, so there was that at least…after patching up his gun shots, she moved to the rest of his injuries, even patching up the stab wound on his calf. When she was done, his left arm was left bandaged and in a sling, his torso wrapped in bandages for the 2 broken ribs he had received, and his right calf wrapped up as well. Y/n’s shoulders started to shake, and her eyes welled with tears. Chrono looked up at her, and he felt his heart breaking. “Y/n, why a-“ “Why did you do it Kurono….why would you risk your life!?!” Her small outburst took him back a bit, he had never heard her even slightly raise her voice, but it was loud. “It’s my job Y/n, I had to.” “You had to?! What about Eri, Kurono? What would she do! What about me!? And Pops! I can’t lose you Kurono, I-I” She struggled to find the words, she wanted to tell him how she felt, but that just wasn’t a risk she could take. Not now. “I care about you Kurono. I don’t want to lose you, so please, please be more careful?” Y/n looked at Chrono with a small smile, even with the tears going down her face, she was still the most beautiful thing on this earth to him. “Okay Y/n…I’ll try..” He paused as he grabbed her hand, he wanted to tell her, tell her how he loved the way she smiled, how he loved the little giggle she did at the smallest of things, that he loved how much of a mother she was becoming to Eri, he wanted to tell her how much he was falling in love with her. But he couldn’t…he was scared. Scared of rejection, scared of losing the one woman he had ever found himself loving, she was the perfect girl for him, and he couldn’t function without her, he couldn’t lose her. Pushing his feelings aside, he sat up slightly, “Thank you, Y/n. For patching me up, and…I’m really sorry I did this to you…If it helps we weren’t really expecting a fight, a-and I was careful Promise.” Chrono looked at Y/n, sincerity filling his fierce gaze. Y/n just smiled even more, and gently pulled him into a hug, minding his injuries of course. “I-It’s okay…I’m just so glad you’re okay.” Y/n and Chrono stayed like that for what felt like forever, until Y/n slowly pulled away. They both sat there, looking into each other’s eyes. They were both thinking the same thing. This is it…I’m gonna kiss her/him They both leaned in just a little bit, until “DADDY!!!” Eri ran in, leaping onto the bed and into her daddy’s arms, crying. Y/n just looked away, cheeks red and showing her embarrassment. “Daddy what happened?! Why is your arm in a sling?! Why are you covered in bandages!” Eri was clinging onto her dad, crying. “Woah, woah calm down there tiger! Daddy’s okay, he just got a little hurt is all. But I’m okay, I promise.” He looked down to his daughter and smiled, brushing his fingers through her hair. “It’s pretty late sweety, why don’t you go back to bed, yeah?” “A-Actually daddy…uhm…mhm..can I stay with you…please..?” Chrono smiled, “Of course Baby.” Eri snuggled into the left side of her father (Chrono is on the right side of the bed) being careful of his sling ridden arm. Y/n got up to leave, when a tiny little hand grabbed a hold of her arm. “Wait…daddy?” “Yes Eri?” “…Can Y/n stay with us?” “Eri, We can’t ask-“ “Please daddy!...I-I I’m scared…please…? Just for tonight..?” Eri hopefully looked at both of her parents. Chrono sighed and looked to Y/n, a half smile on his face. “Well? I don’t mind…and she’s never going to give up so…” Y/n’s face went red and her brain just about short circuited. “A-Are you sure? I-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” “I promise, you won’t be.” “Yeah! Come on Mommy! It’ll be like a sleepover!” How was Y/n going to say no to THOSE eyes!?! “Okay Eri.” Y/n smiled and got into the other side of the bed. Eri pulled both of her parents close….maybe a bit too close? Oh well. Not for Eri anyways. Eri nuzzled into Y/n’s chest, still snuggled up to Chrono. Y/n and Chrono were both laying on their sides, facing each other. Soon after, they both heard little snores coming from the little girl sleeping in between them. “Thank you…Y/n.” She lightly giggled, “For what?” “For watching over my little girl. Thank you for being a good mom. She needs you more than you realize you know.” Y/n looked down briefly at the little girl, lightly stroking her fingers through her hair, before looking back up to Chrono. “Trust me, I need her just as much as she needs me. I love being her mom…it’s a dream come true really.” Chrono looked at Y/n with nothing but love, and adoration. Everything he had right now, was all he ever wanted, it was all he ever needed. He wanted to kiss his, tell her how he felt, tell her how much he wanted her to be his…but what would he tell her? He had literally almost died two hours ago, he had willingly gone into a dangerous situation knowing death was a possibility, he was going to leave his little girl and love of his life. He couldn’t do that to her. Not yet, anyway. Someday…someday, I’m going to tell her how I feel. Someday..she’ll be mine and I’ll be hers. Goodnight Y/n, I “Love you.”
 A/N: I hope you liked the ending! 😉 D E F I N I T E L Y Didn’t leave the story at a CliFfHaNgEr hehehe sorry bout that~ (Not really lol) Anyways, I’d like this to be about 10 chapters, so there might be a sliiiightlly slowISH burn, but not too slow! I also promise it will be a happy ending! As much as I love writing angst, I will make this one fluffy! Anyways, I hope you have a good day/night! Bye!
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oneemofungirl · 5 years
Thomas Hunt Imagine
Hey guys I’m new here but I wanted to attempt writing a (possibly) short fic about my current crush Thomas Orson Hunt. He’s such an attractive character in terms of personality (and looks) that has made me fall in love with him, yet I still feel like there is a lack of fanfic of this man or maybe I’m just horrible at searching lmao. Btw I’m not from a English-speaking country and my English is meh so I hope you can forgive any grammatical errors that I make and feel free to advice me to improve thank you~~
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x MC (Kate Anderson)
Summary: While Professor Hunt(Thomas) is busy marking his papers, Kate decides to prepare something from her own world and introduce it to him.
“What on earth are you doing Kate?” Thomas asks as he trails behind her while she drags him to the dining room. “So, you remember when I told you my mom’s a Filipino right?” He nods and she points to several dishes arranged neatly on the table.
“Well, I took the liberty of asking my mom for her legendary ‘sinigang’ recipe and prepared it for you” She says whilst pointing to a pot. Thomas gestured at a plate with a purple-y gooey substance “What is that?” “That is ‘ube’, my mom gave it to me a few days ago, she told me to make sure you taste it” She says while chuckling.  He studies the content inside the pot and moves over to study the so-called ‘ube’.
“You’re sure I can eat this?” He says while slightly frowning. “Don’t worry Thomas! I’m sure you’ll like it, it’s gonna be different from the food you’re used to but I vow that you won’t be hospitalized after eating it“ His frown eased and she grinned as she steered him to one of the chairs and made him sit “Now, eat.” Thomas reluctantly picked up a spoon and took some soup and poured some over the rice she had prepared for him, he brought the spoon full of rice, pork, ‘okra’ and green beans to his mouth and chewed. Kate looked at him expectantly “Well..?” he kept chewing and then swallowed “It’s not as terrible as I’d expected it to be.”
“Haha, I told you, but how much would you rate it from a 1 to Kate?” Thomas’s frown returned as he turned his gaze to her “Why are you the highest rate?” She grinned and winked at him “Because I’m your 10 baby”. He rolled his eyes but a slight smirk tugged at his lips “That is not wholly untrue but for the sake of not stroking your ego I’ll give it an 8 out of 10” she whopped and hollered “That’s higher than I’d expected it to be, but hey my ego gives its thanks to you.”
He raised an eyebrow “Oh really, and why would that be?” he challenged, she inched closer to him from her seat “Because I cooked it” and she booped his nose. His eyebrows raised higher “You made this? When?” .
She sighed “While you were busy marking your papers, I was reaaally bored so I thought why not make use of this time to cook you something” she pecked his cheeks and he shivered at the contact, she brought over the plate of ube closer to him, she handed him a spoon and took another for her to use “Now try this, ube is a personal favourite dessert of mine” Her eyes lit up as she spoke but he countered saying “Oh yeah? Even more than me?” as he smirked and leaned closer to her, she giggled and placed a short kiss on his lips “No one can ever top you Professor” she winked and he growled while leaning closer to her, but she pushed him away gently and gestured at the food still untouched “Nuh uh, no more kissing until you finish your food big man” He shook his head at the nickname and brought a spoonful of ube to his lips, she nudged him “So~ what’s the verdict?” He glanced at her then back to the ube and then back to her “It’s… sweet.”
Her shoulders slumped as she glared at him “That’s it?” he chuckled, the sound filling her ears with delight “I can’t really focus on the food after where you left me earlier” Now it was her turn to frown “But I really need your feedback, I can’t disappoint my mom like this” he sighed then pursed his lips as he pondered “I’ll give it a 6 out of 10 because it’s too sweet for me and because you were such a tease earlier” She shook her head “I’ll just tell mom it’s an 8 then, because of your unjust reasoning” She grabbed the plates and started heading for the sink then a hand grabbed the plates from her, Thomas expression was soft as he followed her to the sink and washed the plates with her.
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ankutagawa · 6 years
Lessa : Servant of Cosmos Chapter 10
I've noticed I have gained some new followers because of these translations and I am really glad somebody likes it.
It was a really hard chapter for translation, but I think I've managed to do it. Definitions of words marked with * can be found in the end of the chapter.
Mienna and Youngsam are the cutest couple in this manhwa, do you agree?
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Lessa : They are sleeping locked in my world. They can be waken up the way you did it to me.
However if they were awaken I wouldn't be able to protect them anymore. I wouldn't be able to control the Space around each one of them. They will have to be kept away from the sun.
Youngsam : Lessa... Do you really think I'm capable of doing it?
Lessa : I learnt something from Lexter. Sometimes people's abilities surpass even God's ones.
I believe in you.
Lessa the Servant of Cosmos Chapter 10: Sin
Mienna : We're running in circles!
Youngsam, we're not Gods.
Turning Dechild into human again? Pff... I have been wasting my time on this for two years already.
When you are working on this for five years probably.
It's not I'd want to confess it's impossible...
Youngsam : Well, are you to stay a Deman for the rest of your life, aren't ya?
Mienna : Why not? I'm powerful now, I can even open the jar of jam on my own.
You like jam too. Heh.
Youngsam : Mienna.
Talking about Lessa, why did he wake up with the help of the drug for recovering from anaesthesia?
Mienna : Are you talking about Flumazenil?
You have already treated him, so you know it. His body has a strong resemblence to the human's one. His blood is red, his flesh is soft.
And he's cutie.
Youngsam : Hey...
So, that's why you've just treated him like human.
I think this medicine will be suitable for Dechildren too.
Mienna : Sure. Since they are more similar to humans than Lessa.
Youngsam : It's strange.
Did Lessa put himself in this deep-sleep condition? What did he mean under children being locked in his world?
The World of Mind.
The Thalamus*.
Mienna! You gave Lessa Flumazenil because you supposed the reason for this is GABA**?
Mienna : That's right.
Youngsam : Why? He isn't even a human being!
Mienna : It's one of the main neurotransmitters in mammals' central nervous system.
Youngsam : How did you come up with this idea? Is there something else?
Mienna : Hmmm...
Youngsam : What if not only God, but every creature has the World of Mind in its central nervous system?
Lessa's World... The path to God?
Mienna : It might exist I suppose. Hence, I have seen Dark Lessa before turning into Deman.
Youngsam : That's why... You decided we are similar to "God's creatures" so easily.
If the way through which Dark Power may be obtained it is paved...
Mienna and Youngsam : Through the Thalamus.
Youngsam : Huh?
Mienna : Interesting. It's rare for you to discuss such themes.
My way of thinking have never been in your liking. You have changed so much.
Youngsam : What?! Are you suggesting the article I'd criticised? It was ten years ago. Moreover, there wasn't any hint on life's sanctity.
Mienna : Don't make me laugh. Eventually you can save someone only through such sacrifices.
Let's assume you're right considering Thalamus as the reason for it. What can we do?
Do the surgery?
Youngsam : Ideally, if we find this path we should either cut it off or return the Dark Power back.
White : So, you got the place where you wanted to be. What are ya gonna do with me?
Lessa : You remind me of someone.
The small and fragile child. Why am I always so attached to the fragile ones?
White : Hey, I'm higher than you.
Lessa : No.
In fact, I'm reaaally high. I might even say ginormous.
White : Okay. As you say... Hence, I'm this small and pity are ya gonna pardon me?
Lessa : Yes. I am not the one to judge you. I do not even have a right to do it.
I want to tell you something about your parents.
They didn't leave you. Conversely, they had given you a name before passing away.
This name was Charles Frederick Show.
White : How... They even came up with the second name? Why do you...
Lessa : Because I am in debt to you.
White : That's all?
Lessa : As I have said you remind me of someone.
I hope at least you will not forget your name and humanity.
White : Dammit. Their taste in names is awful.
* - The thalamus is a small structure within the brain located just above the brain stem between the cerebral cortex and the midbrain and has extensive nerve connections to both. The main function of the thalamus is to relay motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex.
** - gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Its principal role is reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system. In humans, GABA is also directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.
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The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 14: Fair Game)
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Author’s notes: SURPRISE! I couldn’t resist writing this chapter! DRAKE SEMI CONFESSES HIS SEMI LOVE!! Idk why I’m screaming, we all know that but what can I say? I’m excited. I reaaally, really hope I did that particular scene justice!
Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs and/or comments. It honestly means SO much to me! And even bigger thanks to @starstruckzonkoperatorbat, @notoriouscs, @simplyaiden-blog, @snyggflicka, @asprankle, @speedyoperarascalparty, @mirivalencia, @mymandrake and @asobigokoro2018 for asking me to tag them!
Love youuu <3
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC
Words: 5,276
The country jamboree. Drake’s least favorite event in the social season – not including anything involving Olivia Nevrakis, of course. Still, Drake walked out of his room that day feeling cheerful; yesterday had been a success in terms of being friends with Riley.
You did have to hold yourself back from kissing her a couple times.
But did I? Nope! And that is success in my book. I’m gonna do it; I’m gonna beat this crush.
He whistled an improvised tune as he strode out after brunch to find a beautiful sunny day. Remembering their last interaction, he magnanimously decided to go talk to Bastien, who was standing at the gates.
“Bastien.” Okay, so he wasn’t completely ready to forgive him.
“Drake! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I was short with you the other day.”
“See, that’s how Liam put it too, but I think I’d use a different word.”
Bastien frowned. “... A dick?”
“Ding ding ding!”
“I suppose that’s not far from the truth,” said Bastien ruefully. “Well, as I said, I’m very sorry. I just hope you can understand that...”
Bastien seemed to be having difficulty speaking; if Drake didn’t know any better he’d think there was a lump in his throat. He swallowed hard.
“I hope you understand that duty will always come first.”
Drake clapped his back. “Hey, you know I totally get that! I understand you can’t always talk! Only next time, maybe instead of being a dick you could just say that, okay?”
Bastien sighed. “Yes. I will.”
Drake smiled at him and turned to leave.
“Drake,” he heard behind him. He turned to look at Bastien squinting from the sun. “I really am sorry.”
Drake nodded, still smiling in hopes of reassuring Bastien, who was taking this way too seriously, in his opinion.
He ambled back towards the manor, not ready to face the jamboree with its variety of stupid games. 
That I suck at. 
Once he got closer to the enormous wooden doors, he could hear someone coming down the stairs. He stopped and waited; he wouldn’t say no to company either way. He realized with a stab of annoyance that he was hoping it was Riley.
Okay, stop. Whoever that is, I’m gonna keep rocking this friendship thing.
It was maybe because he mentally prepared himself this way that he only felt a small hint of dismay when Hana emerged from the threshold. He quickly covered it up with an easy smile.
“Hey, Hana!”
If he’d been smiling it was nothing to the way Hana was grinning from ear to ear.
“Uh, why are you smiling like that?”
“Like what? Oh!” Hana’s hands flew to her cheeks as if she hadn’t realized what she’d been doing.
For a brief, awful moment Drake thought something might have happened with Riley. He pushed the image aside, chastising himself both for his selfishness – friends want their friends to be happy! – and for indulging his crush – friends don’t care who their friends kiss!
I’ve definitely been quiet for too long.
“So are you gonna tell me or what?” It came out harsher than he’d intended in his haste to say something.
Hana’s smile faltered a bit, “Oh. Yes, sorry. My Mom called and she-she was making me feel dreadful; she said I was being a disappointment and that I shouldn’t be making friends at court..."
Drake grimaced sympathetically.
“Yes, it was very distressing. Until Riley,” at this point her smile came back in full force, “intervened. She reminded me that this is my life and my choices and... well, she essentially gave me the courage to stand up to her for the first time in my life!”
Hana looked so utterly happy that it was contagious. Drake found himself grinning along with her and feeling an unfamiliar warmth in his chest.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Despite the pain.”
Drake tilted his head, completely nonplussed, “Huh?”
“Liking someone so deserving of it.”
That’s exactly what it was. Every time he heard of Riley doing something kind or intelligent – which is all the time, dammit – he couldn’t help but feel... joy. It was like an extreme form of pride, in a way. Proud of himself for having a crush on such an amazing person; proud of her for being that amazing person.
He just sighed and nodded. 
It’s not looking good for our friendship. Pretty sure I’m gonna start writing poetry or some shit.
“Well, thanks for checking in on me, Drake, but I should go. I only went into the manor to get bandaids.”
For the first time, he noticed Hana was holding a small box of bandaids.
“Maxwell,” he said without any doubt.
“At the archery station. What I don’t understand is how he managed to hurt himself with a bow...” Hana shook her head, mystified.
Drake shrugged. “This is Maxwell we’re talking about. We should feel lucky we only need bandaids and not paramedics!”
Hana giggled, “That’s what Riley said!”
Drake chuckled. “Great minds and whatever. But anyway, I shouldn’t keep you, go save that kid’s life.”
Hana hurried off toward the games. Drake stood there for a moment, trying to get back to the calm, certain headspace he’d been in until a few minutes ago. 
Maybe if I just spend some time with her as friends, I can remind myself what it’s supposed to be like.
With that goal in mind, he directed his steps to where Hana had gone, positive that Riley would be playing something; in the thick of the action, as usual.
He was right, and he immediately wished he hadn’t been, for Riley and Liam were playing a very flirty game of ring toss. He stopped abruptly when he spotted them, then moved to the side so he could watch them from a less conspicuous place. 
Like a masochist stalker.
In fact, the game was just ending and it seemed Riley had lost. 
Finally, something we both suck at! 
He smiled at that, but it was fleeting, as he saw Riley and Liam make their way, smiling and talking, to the hedge maze. He felt the by-now familiar gut punch he always experienced when he saw them together. This time, however, it seemed to spread from his stomach all the way up to his chest like some kind of poison, eating him alive from the inside.
Goddammit. Who the fuck am I kidding?! I can’t be friends. I can’t. At least, not now.
He stomped back to the manor, wanting nothing more than solitude. And maybe some whiskey and dramatic music to go along with it. He must have been making a racket because he heard a voice call from the sitting room.
“Who’s there?”
He poked his head in and found Lady Kiara sitting in the same armchair she’d been using two days ago.
“Drake! What a pleasant surprise! I thought you’d be out there enjoying the games.”
“Nah, not a big fan. What about you? Shouldn’t you be mingling or something?”
“Bah, and what for? Prince Liam has disappeared again, with Lady Riley I’m sure, and I don’t like those games either.”
“Good point.”
She gestured for him to join her and with halting steps he went to her, sitting uncomfortably on the armrest.
“So... what are you reading this time? More sexy French books?”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “No, I have been skimming this landscape photography book.”
“Oh, cool! I love nature.” Drake had to restrain himself from leaving the manor or possibly the country after that. 
Really? I love nature? How fucking interesting, idiot.
Lady Kiara was gracious enough to disguise a derisive laugh as a cough.
“So what kind of landscapes?” he asked in desperation.
“Oh, there’s all sorts! But I am particularly partial to the photographs of the vineyards in California and France. They remind me of my home,” she sounded far away when she said that.
“You have vineyards there?”
She snapped back to reality and turned to look at Drake eagerly. “Oh, yes. We make some of the finest wines in all of Cordonia,” she puffed up with pride. “We might even go toe to toe with the French, en fait.”
“And everybody knows the French make the best wine, right? The more unpronounceable the names the better?” Drake chuckled. 
Kiara, on the other hand, did not look amused. “I would hardly say something like Bordeaux is unpronounceable, would you?”
Drake felt his neck grow hot. “I was kidding,” he muttered.
Kiara seemed not to have heard him, still engrossed by the photos. She flipped the page to yet another picturesque vineyard and suddenly her hand was on Drake’s knee. He glanced down at it automatically.
“I wish you could see it! The hot summer days, picking grapes and then crushing them with your feet...” she trailed off, looking up at Drake, whose mouth was inexplicably watering. 
“Sounds,” he cleared his throat, “sounds nice.”
“It’s better than nice, c’est magnifique!”
“I-I’m sure.” He peeked down at his phone. “Oh, look, it’s time for dinner!”
“Right.” Kiara’s hand fell from his knee. “Well, let’s go, then.”
Kiara waited for Drake to get up and help her off the armchair. Once she was standing, she cleared her throat, looking pointedly at her arm.
“Oh, uh, yeah!” Drake offered her his arm and they walked out together in what, at least to him, felt like an awkward silence. He had the chance to feel relieved for a few seconds, before he realized they would probably sit together as well. 
He was right. He sat down next to her and involuntarily scanned the crowd. It took him longer than usual to find Riley, which he was cautiously pleased about until he came to the conclusion that it was only because of her company. 
What the hell is she doing with Tariq?
The fashionable noble appeared to be flirting and Riley looked hilariously bewildered. He almost snorted. Riley managed to extract herself from Tariq and took her seat at another table nearby, next to Maxwell and Bertrand.
He was wracking his brains, trying to come up with something to talk about with Lady Kiara, when he heard the blessed sound of a clinking glass.
“If I may have everyone’s attention, please,” came Liam’s voice. “I’d like to say a few words before we close this evening. First, I’d like to thank all of you for joining us out here at the country estate. I’ve had the honor and privilege to have you in my court, and I couldn’t have asked for better company.” 
He smiled out at the crowd as he said this. It may have been Drake’s bitterness, but he thought he saw Liam’s gaze linger on Riley.
He continued, “As I step into my father’s place in a few days, I can only hope that I’m half the man he’s been for Cordonia.”
“Long live Prince Liam!” Maxwell yelled from his table with cupped hands over his mouth. 
Cheers and claps erupted from all around. 
Yeah, yeah, Liam’s great. 
Drake couldn’t bring himself to clap.
Liam gestured for everyone to quiet down. “Thank you all. When next we meet like this, it’ll be the last event of the social season. As per tradition, this event will be hosted at the illustrious Beaumont House.”
“Yeeaaahhhhhh!” Maxwell exclaimed with both arms up.
Bertrand, ever the solemn one, agreed, “An honor, to be sure.”
He noticed Riley sharing surprised words with the brothers. 
Huh. How are they gonna host that? Aren’t they broke?
“The Beaumonts will surely give us another legendary night to remember.” 
When Liam said that, Drake felt Kiara’s hand squeeze his leg and nearly jumped out his seat. Looking mildly amused, she whispered, “It could certainly be a night to remember.”
Drake swallowed, although at the same time his mouth felt impossibly dry.
He barely heard Liam finish his toast with, “Until then, I thank you again, and wish you a good night.” He raised his glass and most people followed suit. Feeling guilty for his lack of applause earlier, Drake raised his own.
“Cheers!” Liam said, and the crowd echoed him.
Drake turned to Lady Kiara and as they clinked their glasses together, he murmured, “To legendary nights.”
For a split second, Kiara’s face was delightedly surprised. An instant later, she had regained her composure and was smirking at him.
Fuck, she might really like you. You’re an asshole.
Oh, come on! We’re both consenting adults and clearly there’s nothing I can do about... the other thing, so why shouldn’t I have some fun?!
Whatever, dude, you know what you are.
He drained his champagne in one gulp.
Dinner went by in a blur of delicious food and flirty conversation. Of course, they couldn’t make it too obvious – Kiara had a reputation to maintain, after all – so once in a while she’d turn to her other side to talk to Penelope.
By the time they’d all finished eating, he felt drained. It had been such a long day, and it had taken his emotions for a ride. For someone who for years had felt either bitterness or a lukewarm contentedness, it was a lot.
As soon as it was barely polite to leave, therefore, he scurried away to his room. He lied down on his bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
Something shook him out of his deep sleep. 
Did someone scream? Or was I dreaming?
He could’ve sworn he heard it come from the room next to his. 
Addams’ room. But what if I dreamed it and I barge in there and wake her up? Or even worse, what it she’s awake... with somebody. 
He weighed his options and concluded that he could not stay in his room while she might be in danger. And if he embarrassed himself, he embarrassed himself. He got dressed as quickly as he could, which was not very; flustered as he was, he put his pants on back to front and furiously corrected his mistake. Finally decent, he flew out of his room and threw Riley’s door open, caution be damned.
He found Tariq and Riley kissing. Or, should he say, Tariq kissing a very clearly unwilling Riley, who pushed him away as soon as she recovered from the shock.
Anger like he couldn’t remember feeling flooded Drake. Without thinking, he was by Tariq’s side in a second. “Get away from her,” he growled.
He seized Tariq by the shoulder roughly and dragged him away from Riley.
“Unhand me!” wailed the noble. ”How dare you enter my room without my permission!”
Tariq pulled the arm that wasn’t in Drake’s grip back and punched him square in the face. He reeled backwards in shock, his hand going to his jaw right away. He took a moment to get his bearings, then tackled Tariq with all his might. On the floor, he put up more a fight than Drake expected, rolling around and trying to pin him down. Drake struggled against Tariq’s hands and managed to flip him around once more and pin his arms.
Tariq tried to fight back a few more times. He must have known it would be useless though, because he went slack, conceding defeat. Breathing hard, Drake stood up and waited for Tariq to follow, glaring at him, daring him to attack again.
Tariq limited himself to yelling, “Who the hell do you think you are, bursting into my room?”
“This is Riley’s room. And I heard a scream.” For the first time, Drake allowed himself to doubt the conclusion he’d jumped to. “I think she wanted interrupting.”
He turned his head sharply to Riley, dreading she might contradict him.
With fire in her eyes, she replied, “Drake, Tariq deserves to have his ass kicked.”
He sighed in relief.
Tariq seemed to have shrunk. “So this isn’t to be the bold, romantic beginning to our love story?”
Riley crossed her arms and gave him a firm, “No.”
“But... I’d heard...” Tariq was looking at the floor, ashamed and confused. 
You almost feel for the guy.
“You heard wrong. And for the record, before you try to kiss someone, ask first!” Riley said, her nostrils flaring.
Yeah, never mind, he’s a piece of shit.
Tariq flushed. “Let me deeply apologize here. I’m so sorry for this transgression. I was incredibly wrong.” He started heading to the door. “Now, before I can humiliate myself any further... let me take my leave.”
He left, slamming the door after him.
Riley rounded on him. “Drake, what took you so long?”
Not wanting to go into the details of his clothing mishaps, he answered, “I know I’m in the room next to yours, but it still took me a minute to make it over here.”
“Why are you in the room next to mine, by the way?”
“Liam made sure of that. Since he couldn’t be here himself, I mean.” 
And instead of looking out for Addams, you crush on her and fall asleep when she’s in trouble. Nice going. 
“Liam would never forgive me if something... bad... happened to you.” 
There was a small silence and on impulse, he added, “And you know what? I’d never forgive myself, either.”
Having entered the room worried out of his mind and in a rush, he hadn’t had the presence of mind to register that Riley was not wearing a shirt. Until now.
Oh, shit. Ohshitoshitohshitoshit. Don’t be a creep. Don’t look at her. Oh my God, I looked. Holy shit.
She was wearing a lacy pink bra, which contrasted against her pale skin, which was luminous in the moonlit room, and her breasts – fuck me, her boobs are RIGHT. THERE – looked incredible. Drake had seen his fair share before, both in real life and in videos, but damn if there weren’t his favorite pair ever. It’s not like he hadn’t checked her out since he’d known her, but this was different. This brought him mental images he didn’t – couldn’t – want. 
He licked his lips unconsciously, noticing a beauty mark right at the upper edge of the bra. 
Okay, that’s enough or she’ll kick you out, too, you perv. Goddamn, this is gonna haunt my dreams.
He cleared his throat, “Er, Addams...”
He glanced down again, forcing himself to make it a very quick, significant look.
“OH!” She blushed a deep red and reached to the chair where she’d carelessly thrown her top. She put it on hurriedly, and Drake was satisfied to see he was not the only one who had problems with hastily thrown-on clothes; she’d put her shirt on inside out.
Drake tried to pull his mind away from images of Riley and her bra and focus on the conversation. “Anyway, you can see why it looked bad. I heard a scream, saw you half naked with Tariq all over you...”
“Yeah, I get it.” Riley sank onto her bed.
Drake’s eyebrows furrowed with concern, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” She sounded shaken. He couldn’t blame her. 
I wish I could stay and comfort you. I wish I could put my arms around you, but that would be... dangerous.
Instead, he said, “Well, I should get out of here before we really cause a scandal.”
He headed to the door and as he leaned in to grab the handle, he winced. He might have hurt himself tackling Tariq. 
Man, fuck nobles. Seriously. 
He tried to play it off as nothing, grabbing the doorhandle, but of course she’d seen.
“You’re hurt.” He knew he shouldn’t be enjoying her worrying about him as much as he was.
He dropped the handle and turned to her, shrugging, “Nothing a few shots of whiskey won’t fix.”
She stood up and took a couple of steps toward him. “Let me take a look. It’s the least I can do.”
“You trying to get me to take my shirt off, Addams?” he smirked, hoping she’d let it go. 
I need to get out of here.
She said, “I just want to help,” but blushed again, which made his collar grow warm.
I need to leave NOW. 
“I’m fine. Save your fussing for someone else.” He turned to the door once more, ready to escape Riley with her eyes full of concern for him, and her lips saying kind words, and her pink fucking bra.
He should’ve known, but he still didn’t expect it when she stepped in front of the door, blocking his way. The look in her eyes let him know he was definitely not going anywhere.
“Drake, you got hurt for me. I’m not letting you leave this room until you let me take a look at you!” She crossed her arms. “You can start by taking off your shirt. I think he hit your ribs pretty hard. They could be broken!”
Drake scoffed. “Wow, you’ve got a real bossy side to you, you know that?”
She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m being bossy? Drake, I’m taking that shirt off you myself.”
Before he could utter anything other than a startled, “Hey...” he felt small, warm hands grab the hem of his shirt and lift it. He cooperated and took it off, trying his best not to think about how much he’d like her to say that in a different context.
“So, doctor, do you see anything alarming?”
Her hands ghosted over his ribs and then his back. He suppressed a shudder.
“You’re going to have a few spectacular bruises...” she grimaced.
“Yeah, Tariq hits harder than you’d think. He almost impressed me.”
She didn’t say anything back but he thought he saw the corners of her lips twitch.
He narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
Riley snorted. “I can’t believe you lost a fight to Tariq!”
It took Drake’s wounded pride a moment to recover from that. “I didn’t say I lost! I never said that. I definitely won. I’m just saying he got in some good hits. And I didn’t expect that from a palace brat.”
“Mmhmm,” she hummed, biting her lip to keep from laughing.
He shook his head at her and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You can be so...” 
Irritating? Funny? Smart? Fucking incredible? ... Yeah, I’d better shut up. “Never mind.” 
He cast about for a distraction. “Hey, weren’t you supposed to be tending to my wounds?”
Riley smacked a hand to her forehead. “Oh! Right. I think one of the servants fills this bucket with ice every night. You know, in case I need to chill some champagne...” She said the last part in a mockingly snobby voice.
“Or ice down a friend’s bruises.” He knew at this point that friendship was all but futile, but he was going down fighting.
Drake noticed a small cabinet on the opposite end of the room. “And it looks like someone’s left a fully stocked liquor cabinet in the corner here, so...”
He went to it and poured himself a glass of whiskey – one the finest, obviously – and looked over at Riley, who was putting ice in a cloth.
She nodded, “I’ll have whiskey. I wouldn’t make you drink alone.”
He smiled. “Heh. Thanks.”
He poured another one and handed it to her. She put it on the bedside table so she could more easily handle the improvised ice pack. She pressed it on his ribs and he hissed in pain.
“Hey! That hurts.”
He regretted the words as soon as he said it. 
Knowing Addams, she’s gonna crush the ice against my body now. 
Yet, to his surprise, she touched it to his wound much more gently. It still stung, but not nearly as much. 
Will she ever stop amazing me?
“Is that better?” she asked tenderly.
“... Actually, yeah. Didn’t realize you could be so gentle, Addams.”
“I’ve got a gentle side... you just don’t see it very often.” She continued patting him softly with the ice pack. Occasionally, she would rub her thumb soothingly over the areas she’d gone over. He knew he had the dumbest smile on his face.
“I could stand to see more of it.” It was meant as a jab at first, then he realized he would actually love to see that side of her more. Just him. He looked in her eyes and, for the umpteenth time, felt he might ruin everything if he held her gaze for too long. 
He looked down at his glass and muttered, “Thank you.” 
He drained it and went to pour himself more. 
Bad idea.
“I know I don’t act very grateful for anything most of the time, but I do... care about you.” He’d said it before, only this time it felt more high stakes. They were alone and unlikely to be interrupted. He was shirtless. He shouldn’t be saying anything at all.
She moved a step closer and murmured, “Drake, I care about you too.”
She had also said this before, but this felt... different. There was an ache in her voice he hadn’t noticed before. 
You’re imagining things. How can she even care about you? 
“You... you do?”
Her answer came without hesitation and full of conviction. “Yes.”
He rubbed his face and clenched his jaw. “You shouldn’t say things like that, Addams.”
“Why not?” He knew her more than well enough by now to see that she was honestly puzzled. That’s how he knew she cared about him only as a friend. 
Hell, I’ll explain it anyway. 
He was in too deep and the whiskey, though not enough to get him drunk, had certainly encouraged him.
“You’re here for Prince Liam. All of the suitors are. And, well, so is the entire court. All of the nobles, all of the royals, all of the servants, even. Everything and everyone in this place exists to orbit around Liam. You could almost hate him for it, if he weren’t so damned likeable.” He shook his head. “It’s dangerous for people like you and me to forget that.” 
Mostly me, really.
Riley still looked confused, but there was something else in her expression. Drake wouldn’t have believed it, except he’d become so closely acquainted with that emotion lately that there was no mistaking it: hope. 
“What are you getting at, Drake?”
He sighed. 
Are you happy in this hole you dug for yourself? 
“Hell, Addams. Don’t make me say it.”
He looked down at his glass again. 
Here goes nothing. 
He finished his drink again and set his empty glass down next to her full one. His hand was trembling.
“If we’d met somewhere else... anywhere else. At a club in New York, or in an airport, or at a party... If you hadn’t been our waitress that night, and I hadn’t been sitting next to Liam...” He mustered all of his courage, balling up his fists. 
“Do you think all of this... do you think it could’ve been different...” he swallowed, “between us?”
Say no. Just say no and kick me out. Do it.
“Drake...” she said slowly. “It would’ve been different.”
Drake inhaled sharply, wanting desperately to believe what she had just said.
“Sure, you would’ve still been gruff and I wouldn’t have let you get away with anything... But all the rest? Yeah, it would’ve been different.” They were standing so close. “Maybe everything would’ve been different.” 
She emphasized the word “everything” in a way that made his stomach flip. 
Everything. That’s what we could be.
She said yes! 
He could not wrap his head around the fact that she might return his feelings, even in a hypothetical scenario. Right now it didn’t even seem that hypothetical; her eyes were an invitation and it had never been harder to resist kissing her.
He reached out, brushing his fingers on the back of her hand. He’d always thought that saying you could feel electricity when you were really attracted to someone was a cliché. 
Well, maybe it is, but it is also true. 
He felt the hairs on his hand stand on end. 
This is no shitty electric current either, it’s goddamn lightning.
Riley looked down at their hands and her fingers twitched, itching to intertwine with his. 
He panicked and dropped his hand. “What am I doing? I need to go.”
He made as if to sprint out the door, when he felt to soft arms wrap around his waist. It was not the first time he’d had the wind knocked out of him that day, but definitely the first time that made him so happy.
Fighting against everything he wanted, he forced out, “Addams... You shouldn’t.” 
Or I’ll stay. I’ll go too far. This is impossible. What if anybody sees us? What if... Liam.
“Don’t you get tired of being so careful all the time?”
He closed his eyes and bit his lip. She’d hit the nail on the head, as she always did. He was sick of this. Sick of every second he couldn’t kiss her or even hold her hand.
“Constantly,” he said in a strangled voice.
Before he had time to think it, he turned around and pulled her close, her head resting perfectly on his chest. He tangled his fingers in her hair and breathed in, knowing he would never get this chance again, marveling at how soft it felt, how amazing it smelled. 
This is... this is just... unbelievable. I get to hold her like this.
If it had been hard not to kiss her before, Drake’s effort now was nothing short of superhuman. Her smell and touch were invading all his senses and he knew he was close to losing control. 
I have to leave while I still have brain cells and before I fuck up even worse.
He pushed her away gently but firmly and tried to ignore the hurt in her eyes.
“I’ve got to get out of here. Now. Before I do something we might both regret.” He looked down at her lips.
Riley was resigned. “Okay.”
She handed him his shirt and he put it on correctly, thankfully.
He got to the door, looking at her as little as possible. “And for all our sakes,” but mostly mine, “lock your door this time...”
He looked down at the handle and noticed something odd, “Huh.”
“What is it?”
He examined it more carefully, though it was hardly necessary; the handle was completely smooth. 
“Addams... there’s no lock on your door handle.”
Riley knitted her eyebrows, “I thought they were all like that?”
He shook his head. “No. All of the other rooms on this floor lock.” Seeing her face all scrunched up with worry – she’s so damn cute – he backtracked, “It’s probably nothing.”
Her face relaxed a bit, but there was still a hint of anxiety between her eyebrows. “Probably?”
Drake had already resolved to tell Bastien about this tomorrow and investigate, but right now her rest was more important, though she should still be on guard.
“Just... be careful, okay?” He gave her a look which he hoped conveyed everything: how much she meant to him, how much he worried, that he would protect her...
He left her looking calm enough and slumped on his bed, determined to stay awake in case of anything. He didn’t think he could sleep anyway, his thoughts were bouncing uncontrollably from pure joy to heavy guilt. And hiding among them, waiting to pounce on him if he dared dream, was the image of Riley in her pink bra. 
Nope, we’re not crossing that line. 
He settled in for his sleepless night.
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angelaariasm · 6 years
VLD – Season 7- “Meh” and “ugh”
I just finished season 7 and just... Ugh. Ugh.
I was very excited about this. I even took the day off from work, got some snacks, some beer and prepared to have a blast. And I did... a little bit... sort of... There were some good moments, some “mmmm” moments and a lot of “Oh-no-no-no-noooo” moments. I don’t wanna spoil the season for anyone but I want to vent and share some of my thoughts. So I tagged this post and put everything under the cut. If you want to share your thoughts with me, feel free to do so!
Good moments (and regular moments in general)
Hunk. He steps up and saves the day. A lot. Lovely. Great. Best boyTM 
Space girlfriends? More likely than you think. “That’s my girl!” I love it! I wanted a kiss, though…
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Coran changes his skin tone! Finally!
There was someone doing a prayer circle for Kolivan. Good news: it worked! Barely, but it did!
Speaking of Kolivan, I think Krolia just found a stepdad for Keith ;-) I’d ship them but apparently shipping in Voltron only brings pain to my heart
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Krolia’s and Keith’s hug <3
Good bye “Lotor Clone = Druids” and “Alteans = Druids”. Speaking of which, are the druids even galra or what? (I really wanted the druids to be altean, but I guess not...)
Haggar, where are you?
A lot of action! For a moment there I even forgot that I wanted answers about my son Lotor’s fate. Like it was literally the only reason I was so hyped about this season and DW-betrayed-me-again. Where is him????
“Go galra! Go galra!”. So OOC, but still cute…
So I guess now Shiro interacts with the new ship’s interface like an altean because his new arm has a crystal perhaps full of Allura’s energy or something like that? Ok. Cool.
Shiro’s awesome. Hello, captain.
So, it’s Atlas like a new Voltron after the new-Voltron (Sincline) got stuck in the rift? Kind of cool. Kind of repetitive. And kind of sloooooooow. That huge robot is so bad at fights.
But at least now Shiro has his own big-ass robot to pilot, lol
All this time we thought Lotor was the one to be able to control his mecha without being in the cockpit. The fools!
Sendak is gone! Great :-)
That robobeast. It means Haggar has been doing some work and she’s coming next season. She’s my only hope to save this show now.
Also, altean batteries. Damn. At least that altean is alive… Right?
Matt. Wow. You’ve grown so much. And so well. Damn! ~♥
 “Mmmm” moments
“Quizack”? Did altean language in the colony evolve (like any other language) and alter some of its words? Is that why “quiznack” (from Allura and Coran’s time) turned into “quizack”? Mmm. Or is this some foreshadowing that Romelle isn’t who she says she is? What if she’s not even altean but someone in disguise? I’m rambling I know
The last commercial in “The Feud” was about Queen Luxia’s home planet and the baku garden was shown. Mmmmm. I think that’s big in foreshadowing (the garden where the baku lived gives me the creeps) but I can’t crack it up. But it reminded me of this meta and I’m… hopeful.
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So, the facilities in the altean colony are empty now and there’s no sign of Romelle being worried about her people…? Not a close up to her reaction, not even a gasp? Mmmmm. Fishy…
How did the admiral get into Sendak’s ship? How did she fly there without anyone noticing she was missing from a *closed* base? How did she even manage to attain contact with Sendak without others knowing or helping her? And I really hate to be *that* person because I don’t want to hate on Romelle just because her appearance last season meant good-bye to Lotor, but did anyone notice that she was gone during the whole fight against the galra fleet and against the robobeast?
Like, yeah, I know Romelle probably wouldn’t have been very helpful in the Atlas’ bridge but Where. Was. She. Her absence is soooo fishy. Mmmmmmmm. What if she’s the one who got the admiral onboard Sendak’s ship?
 “Oh-no-no-no-noooo” moments
Ezor and Zethrid are no longer teamed up with Acxa? Whyyyyy? I buy that Ezor and Zethrid wanted to take advantage of the vacuum power in the galra empire (since they did mention something about replacing Lotor when they were working with Haggar, until Acxa told them “No one’s replacing Lotor”). I buy that Acxa is better than that. But I don’t buy them splitting apart. 
They were friends, weren’t they? Acxa did her best to keep them safe and now she’s fallen apart from them? *That* I don’t buy. Plus, it hurts my heart the idea that the only reason they got together as a team was because of Lotor. And even when their team work started to fall apart since Narti’s death, I hoped for them to overcome it and come stronger together. The three of them. My heart </3
I sort of wanted to believe the theory about Acxa being Keith’s younger sister which would explain why she has this weird connection with him. But since Krolia nor Acxa reacted upon seeing each other I guess that theory is dead now. Bummer.
By the way… where’s Acxa backstory? I’m still waiting!
I hated “Lotor” from the feud hit the poor underling just because he was frustrated. I know that wasn’t the real Lotor, but if it was some sort of psychological representation… it felt wrong. Or at least, it bother me... I believe a young Lotor would hit something or someone after his father yells at him. It’s a pretty normal reaction *for a child*. I’m not justifying such a reaction, but it’s normal from children But a grown Lotor? Nah. Of course, this fake Lotor was a child in the body of an adult. Not only because he’s acting like a brat, but because of the face he makes after Zarkon shouts at him.
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Look. He’s so scared :-(
DW, really? You killed Adam? Before there’s closure between him and Shiro? Before even Shiro gets back to Earth? Reaaally? Sure, that’s great LGBT+ representation… *sarcasm, by the way*
DW, really again? How come Allura now has a crush on Lance? Like… whuuuut? After she didn’t have romantic feelings towards him for six seasons? It’s not hate, it’s just that I don’t bite it :/ I really hoped he’d matured more and learned to let her go. And I wanted her to be more than the prize for the “nice guy”. It’s so cliché :/
Haggar, where are you?! Why did you abandon your druids? Is Lotor with you? Is he ok? Has he tried to bit your head off? (I hope so, by the way) Is he still in the drift after THREE YEARS?
I really hope the robobeast was Haggar’s doing and not Lotor’s. If it’s Haggar’s, it fits with her character. If it’s Lotor’s… it just keeps lowering his chances for redemption. But I have to admit that the “elegance” and the dual sword fighting from the robobeast made me think of him.
When do I get an explanation about Acxa and Keith’s connection? And I hope it’s not something like “She has a crush on him”. That’s so shallow :/
DW, how is it that you manage to wreck a perfect and lovely show in three episodes (the last three in season 6) and can’t deliver in 13 episodes? Just… how?
Yes, sure, there was a lot of action this season… But there weren’t any answers. Season 7 has 13 episodes and yet it-does-not-answer anything. It took 13 episodes to go to Earth and defeat Sendak. I’m grateful the writers took their time to make it believable and not something messed up and hard to buy (like Lotor’s breakdown I’m still salty about it), but now I’m worried because there are only other 13 episodes left to finish this story. And I don’t think they (the writers) can answer all the questions and fill all the plot holes in the last season.
I lost hope in this show. It started really great but it got too ambitious and now there are too many plot holes to fill.
I’m gonna keep watching just to end it, but I’m not excited anymore. Thank God this ends this year.
I expected more from this long season because I said to myself “Well, if it took three episodes in season 6 to wreck this show with the altean colony and all the missing answers from Lotor and to end off his character with a mental breakdown and some story that doesn’t really fit with all we know about him since previous seasons, then surely this new season, with 13 episodes, can fix all that mess”.
Nope, I was wrong. So wrong.
No answers, a lot of action and yet, it managed to left me… bored. Not even angry. Just bored and disappointed.
This season was so… meh. Ugh. Just… ugh.
This is hard but maybe Voltron should have been canceled after season 5. Then I could remember this show with nostalgia and fondness, instead of being so disappointed at all the broken promises this show has left me with.
Now I have to go mending my heart. Thank God Voltron season 8 hits this year (so I can give closure to this) and there’s good fanfic and fanart to heal my broken heart.
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