#I really love this au
idontknowmyownmind · 5 months
I love an og!Cale au where people who see kimCale as family and someone they respect, but one look toward ogCale got them thinking "I will bend him down this table and have my way."
Ignoring their same face, and it also happen to heniRoksoo lol
Someone like Eruhaben, Vicross, Rosalyn, even Whitira and Paseton lmao
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reverseoforah · 1 year
Inspired by this fanfic
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junespriince · 4 days
Winged heart au (I really love this au,,,,,,,I mean it is a one shot au,,,, might write it)
Wally, grimacing: Nightwing, could you just raise your hand for me, one more time for me please.
Dick: oh sure. *Raise the left hand*
Wally: just your other hand.
Dick: ah, right. *Holds the right hand with a katana through it*
Wally: how did you get that through there....
Dick: let's see, I was at your apartment.
Wally: yeah.
Dick: had breakfast you made for me in those pretty containers you have.
Wally, Midwest man: Tupperware, but go on.
Dick: then I trained Robin and then I went to work, so somewhere in-between there is where I did it.
Wally: lord almighty— okay sit down, let's fix your hand.
Dick, blushing because pretty boy holding his hand:
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number1yisuchongfan · 10 months
Pls pls PLEASE tell us more about your prince sniper au!! I’m already obsessed bc him and scout look so handsome🥺
I’m happy to explain!
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Okay some background information:
So it starts with the moment when Bill-Bel gets into an argument with the original (mostly white) ministers of New Zealand about how even though he, a Māori man, saved all of New Zealand from “magma and nuclear war” they refuse to let him join the council and make him a minister.
They tell him because they’re sick of living down there and that’s he’s not worthy of being on there.
In his frustration, he manages to rally up the Māori iwi (tribes) of New Zealand and many of the white New Zealanders, into making him into the king.
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He changes everything once he’s in control. The white New Zealanders or Pākehā get sent off to live in their own space within Aotearoa and the Māori get to having the majority their land back.
The next 29 years is quite peaceful, the local nature and wildlife grow in population back to pre colonial times and so does the Māori people. They bring back old ways of life and traditions along with more high tech gadgets (because canonically New Zealand in tf2 was made of extremely smart people).
And now onto the Sniper and Scout part of your question:
And then coming Sniper or I should rather say Mun-Dee Taumata.
He’s next in line and has only really ever known of being a Royal and living like the way he does, in a giant palace with guards always protecting him making him extremely sheltered and honestly very calm person.
He isn’t allowed to go out alone, but Mum-Dee finds his ways, always sneaking out to visit his kiwi, who’s named after the Māori goddess of loyalty Hinekepea, in his family’s Royal Aviary. She tries to protect him and gets angry whenever he comes back smelling like one of the ladies that Bill-Bel set him up with.
Oh, I should mention that the minute he turned 18; Bill-Bel was trying to get him wife so he could make an heir (no matter how many times Mun-Dee explained he was gay)
Then in the summer of 1972, out appears Mann Co. reps (All of RED Team + Miss Pauling and Mr. Bidwell) to try to make an agreement with the Aotearoa government on if they can used some of the Australium they own.
They didn’t know of the change of the government and when they arrived they were shocked to say the least. Scout especially.
The Māori people held a welcoming ceremony or a pōwhiri for the first ever manuhiri (visitors) to their home in 40 years with gifts, dance, music food, and of course, get a personal welcome from the Royal family. Mun-Dee had been extremely excited, and when he was about to do a hongi (which is we’re you touch noses together and do a handshake in welcome) with Scout, he slapped him.
It was a misunderstanding, Scout thought Mun-Dee was going to kiss him so he did some unnecessary self defense.
And that was the exact moment Mun-Dee got his first ever real crush on anyone.
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And they eventually get together, Spy tries to blackmail Scout into marrying him quickly so that if Bill-Bel died mysteriously; Scout can be married to a king for political reasons. Scout just wanted Mun-Dee for who he was.
Scout meets Hinekapea and she almost kills him, more like jumped onto his back when he had been trying to make out with Mun-Dee. He leapt off and as soon as he was off of him, Hinekapea got onto Mub-Dee’s chest and made some angry sneezes at him. Mun-Dee had just thought it was cute and apologized to her for bringing Scout without warning.
Here’s a lil comic for when Hinekapea, after having a specialized kiwi home (like a catio almost) put in Mun-Dee’s room so he could always see her, treats Scout:
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m1luxlov3st4rs · 24 days
any more thoughts about yandere4yandere slimeriana ? i am rotating them in my brain
Halo, i'm really sorry if I made you wait, I had a hard time finding were the asks were😭😭
Okay, to clarify, this au is based of Yandere Simulator (but I do not support yanderedev, ew), so Info-chan would be Cucurucho, and he knows that Slime and Mariana like eachother but he stays silent beacuse he wants them to find out themselves (wich would take a lot of time bc I say so)
I am still thinking about the rivals but here is a mini list of the ones I planned so far and their executions
Slime's rivals
Foolish - drowned
Roier - matched
Spreen - pushed from the rooftop
Fit - crushed by a dumbbell-filled bucket
Melissa - hit by a car
Mariana's rivals
Baghera - befriended and asked to spend less time with Slime
Cellbit - matched
BBH - kidnaped and died from starvation
Etoiles - hired assassin
In the list there's people who doesn't want romantic relationships, just like Roier and Baghera, they are just close friends that can be really annoying sometimes
But Spreen and BBH were killed beacuse Spreen bullied Mariana and Slime didn't like it, and BBH bullied Slime and Mariana didn't like it
I think this is all I have to say for now, if I add anything else I'll post it
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randomrando767 · 1 year
Httyd/dragon au.
Luffy moves around constantly, he's never stayed in one place more than a month willingly. He'll visit people but he won't stay around.
Him and Ace traveled around a lot but there was still plenty of time after meeting him were Luffy was doing his own thing.
The main hunter group knew about Luffy since he was like 8 because he went around messing with them.
The marine outpost is where Ace grew up and when Luffy first showed up there him and Sabo just deiced to feed Luffy and he was ready to die for them from that moment on.
Garp saw them getting along with this kid he didn't even know was on the island and acquired a new grandson.
Sengoku runs the outpost and Luffy, worries him. 2 years later he shows up with a own random pink haired kid and gives up a Dragon, and like Coby is a good dragon rider but what the fuck.
Luffy started showing up more and even started willing getting medical attention at the outpost but most of his time on the island was either sent existing with his brothers or training with them and Luffy kicked ass.
He also helped make plans against the dragon hunters and fought Imu. It was all of once and Luffy lost but he was the only known person to do so and live.
Imu fucking hates him for it.
Ace and Sabo end up going to another outpost that the whitebeards run. The crew had plenty of ghost stories about the feral dragon kid and Ace and Sabo got to have field day with it. Luffy showed up one day and scared the shit out of some of the people who didn't think that he really existed.
The strawhat group becomes a legend solely because of Luffy leading them and mixing that with insider knowledge of hunters form Sanji and Nami they lived up to it.
They adopt Coby into the group part time.
Buggy treats his Screaming death like a baby, he fucking loves him in every way and weirds and worries the fuck out of the people around him because of it.
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So I made some fanart of an au made by @countinglegoclowns that's called All That Remains. I hope you like it!!!
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General Tang taking a little nap with Mac watching over him.
Actually, this little au gave me an angsty idea myself (hope you dont mind). It was basically just how Xiaoyue survived whatever caused the apocalypse by being trapped in the shadows (the shadow realm as I'm calling it lol). She doesn't really know how she got trapped there, but she ended up spending too much time there, which caused some altercations to her body. Though they're only noticeable when she finally leaves the shadows. Her irises are more purple (her blind eye is a lighter purple than her working eyes) and her pupils are a lot larger from being in darkness for so long. When she first exits the shadow realm the brightness of the sun hurts her eyes, but it doesn't take long for her eyes to adjust (because magic). Though this does give her an advantage of seeing a lot better at night or in dark places than anyone else.
Onto the angst since I mentioned it. Upon finding out that there is an apocalypse going on Xiaoyue tries to find her way to FFM since surely Monkey King knows what's going on. This just leads to her finding out the awful truth. She goes through the 5 stages of grief but gets stuck in denial for a good bit. She honestly believes she shouldn't have survived, Mk was the hero after all. She also blames herself for not being able to protect or even save her (younger) twin brother. Even though there was probably nothing she could've done (idk, it's not really my au. I'm just rambling about my oc for an au that sounds so cool. I just thought the idea would be interesting because it'd be such a struggle for Xiaoyue to lose the only family she had left and now she has to live on because she knows that's what he'd want her to do)
Edit: having seen the recent ask that Toby answered, I'd like to add that Xiaoyue was not around to see any of her friends and family die/disappear. She was in the shadow realm the whole time. She also has a feeling Mk is alive, but can't prove it (it's a twin thing).
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Hii, how are you?, i have a little idea for the Mermaid Au:
Thena gets sick for the first time, she is feeling really bad and scared but thankfully her boyfriend Gil is there to take her of her.
Thank you so much for all of your writings they are sooo amazing and perfect, i love them. 😃🖤
Thena's groan echoed in the tub as she turned over.
Gil sighed, setting down the tray and leaning on the edge of the tub. He looked at her tail, sitting limply out of the water. "Still not feeling great?"
Thena whimpered, her face still contorted as she rolled over in the shallow warm water to look at him. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks were ghostly pale. She shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Thena," Gil whispered, reaching into the tub to help pull her out. He had even added sea salt to the bath in hopes it would soothe something in her.
At least she wasn't throwing up anymore.
They still weren't sure what she had eaten, or if it was simply a stomach bug going around (humans). But she had never experienced vomiting before, and the sensation had both hurt and scared her half to death.
Once she had completely emptied her stomach, the sickness of it still hadn't left. Gil had immediately called in sick to work. Thena had almost told him not to, but the painful cramping in her stomach made her grateful for his usually comical worrying.
"Come here, Cuddlefish," he soothed, holding her in his arms as he kissed her clammy forehead.
Thena buried her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of him in hopes of soothing her nausea. "Why?"
"I don't know, baby," he cooed, pushing her dry hair away from her temple. "But I'm right here. I promise I won't go anywhere until you feel better."
She sniffled. After all her work to become better at wearing her legs and be more independent from Gil, she was back to lying in his bathtub with limp fins. "I'm sorry."
"Hey," he nudged her to look at him. He kissed the tip of her nose, "you have nothing to apologise for."
She disagreed with that, but she didn't argue. Her head felt foggy (and not in a fun way). Her whole body ached and she was both way too hot and way too cold. She lifted her tail somewhat but it felt inordinately heavy. "Cold."
"Okay," Gil rubbed her back. He knew what she meant every time she uttered just a single word. He moved carefully, letting her lean against the edge of the tub. "I'll bring you some warm clothes, you use a towel to get the salt off you. And have some of that!"
Thena smiled as he rushed off for her comfort. He really had been perfect through all of this. She pulled a towel over her, wiping off the salt in the water that crystallised on her body instead of being absorbed into her skin. At least her legs were a little lighter than her tail, at the moment.
She licked her lips; the drink Gil had brought her was sweet, and it tasted like ginger. He used a lot of ginger in his cooking, although it was usually more subtle. The first time she had seen it, it looked a little like an anemone, or a sea sponge. She had taken a big ol' bite out of it at her own risk.
"Here," Gil smiled as he came back with one of her favourite sweaters of his and some soft pants she had seen him wear. He kneeled down close to her feet, "shirt first."
She pulled it over her head, letting the towel fall into her lap as she did.
"Now these," he held up the pants. She knew how they were worn, but she still wasn't very good at putting them on. "One leg at a time, just lean on me."
She smiled as he turned, letting her brace herself on his strong, warm shoulder as she pulled them up her legs.
"Got 'em on?"
"Hm," she confirmed, giving his arm a squeeze. He turned slowly, careful not to knock her off balance. "Here."
She let him wrap his belt around her hips. Any pants of his had no chance of fitting her, after all. "Soft."
He smiled at her, kissing her forehead between her brows. "They are, huh? Ready?"
She nodded, melting into him as he picked her up. He had carried her around the house ceaselessly since she became ill. It was rather like when they first met. The nostalgia was comforting, through the dizziness.
"I made you something," Gil said gently as he walked downstairs with her in his arms. She buried her face in his neck and hissed. "I know, Angelfish, but you have to try and eat something."
She whined again. She didn't want to experience that expulsion of food anymore. She would rather dry up completely on a hot rock.
"I know," he whispered, trying his best to assuage her fears. "Just a little bit, Thena, please? I'm worried about you not eating."
She pouted as he laid her down on the couch. She knew he was just as scared about her condition as she was. He had called Sersi in a panic, regardless of the unspeakable hour it was when she had first expelled her meal. "Fine."
"I promise, it'll be gentle," he pressed his palm to her forehead before running it over her hair on his way out.
Thena sighed, snuggling back into the blankets he had laid out for her. She had never tried and failed so terribly to retain warmth in her more human body.
"Here we go, Angelfish," he said gently as he walked in with a clay pot he often cooked food in. It wasn't sizzling and bubbling though, steaming gently as he set it down. "This is just rice with a little seafood broth. I even put some anchovies on it."
Thena smiled at the little bowl, her favourite snack sprinkled over the top enticingly. She blinked, swiping at her cheeks with a frown.
"Hey, it's okay," Gil rushed from kneeling in front of her to beside her, swiping away her tears more gently. "It's okay, Thena. I'm right here, sweetheart."
Thena leaned against him, soaking up how warm he was. She pressed her face into his sleeve again.
"I'm so sorry, baby," he rubbed her other shoulder, kissing her hair again as she trembled faintly beside him. "I know this must feel awful."
She pulled away, looking at him with blurry vision. "Will you get sick if you kiss me?"
His brows rose, and she would be embarrassed if she had the energy to spare. He blushed faintly, "uh, n-no, I don't think so."
She pouted.
He smiled, tilting his head at her, "do you...do you want a kiss?"
She nodded, her eyes tearing up again.
Gil just smiled, leaning forward and kissing her so, so gently. She could cry with relief, but she was too focused on kissing him. He pulled back, just barely, his breath hitting her lips as he asked, "better?"
She nodded, feeling a familiar fluttering in her belly that was much more pleasant than what she had been feeling the past few days. She looked down at her food again, "much."
"Good," he sounded quite pleased, watching as she took a tentative bite.
"Hm," she blinked, trying another spoonful. She really was hungry, and it tasted nice. It wasn't as boldly flavourful as some of his cooking, but it was still delicious, and it was nice and gentle on her tongue.
"I think this might help soak up what's hurting your stomach and your throat," he explained gently, gesturing to the broth-softened grains of rice. "There's lots of ginger in it, too, which should relax the muscles that are hurting you."
Thena just nodded, taking another bite. It was good, and she could practically feel her unruly stomach calming. She looked at him, "can I have more anchovies?"
Gil kissed her cheek, "you can have anything you want, Angelfish."
She watched him stand from the couch for more and immediately felt his absence. She shimmied a little closer to his spot, which was much warmer than hers. Once he was sitting beside her again, she would have everything she needed.
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goopeculiar · 7 months
Toil & Trouble minseok/jongdae, NC-17, 90670 words. Moon witch Minseok is living the dream, running his newly-opened coffee shop, offering his customers that little something extra with each cup he brews. He's content to live a low-key life with his protective feline familiar, gently improving the lives of his new neighbors. Unfortunately for his serene ideals, those neighbors—a frustrated demon-hunter, a conflicted werewolf, an unnerving vampire, and, despite Minseok’s protests to the contrary, a trio of orphaned pixie bairns—seem entirely unable to leave Minseok’s existence anything close to chill.
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jedi-kat-18 · 1 year
do u have any otachi/kodachi headcanons?
At last, another chance to talk about the Kaiju Adoption AU! Early on Kodachi has like, the worst separation anxiety imaginable. She REFUSES to be kept away from Newt for any reason, for any length of time. So she just grabs him with her tail and carries him around everywhere she goes for a few weeks. Newt gets used to this surprisingly quickly.  This becomes a common interaction: Newt: Hey, Raleigh. Raleigh: Hey, Newt. Raleigh: Raleigh: So... where is she taking you? Newt: I’ll find out when I get there :)  She really, really doesn’t like Mako and Raleigh. Her first memories of them are Otachi’s fight with Gipsy Danger. She keeps drawing back and hissing whenever they get too close. For their part, Mako and Raleigh just avoid her as much as possible.
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davidthephoneguy · 2 years
Oh yeah probably shoulda said at the start but my ask box is open
You can ask questions about my Mila's Pizza Party Planet Au, like to the characters in it. (idk how asks fully work because I'm dumb but why not learn at the same time)
Askable characters are:
The animatronics (Mila, Hawthorne, Blueberry and the original main four minus Foxy)
Phone guys (Steven, Peter, Harry and new-gen phone guys (Richard, Randy, Gail and Glenn))
Jack (still his tangerine self just a little different)
Dave (still his aubergine self just a little different)
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lastoneout · 2 years
sitting here with dadventon au brainrot so many ideas no energy to write or draw just me being like "them T-T" over and over like a sad little gremlin
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nessieartss · 5 months
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Another sibling au featuring megumi (they finally met and sukuna already made yuuji cringed)
Also happy new year!
Part 1 | Part 3
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gorjee-art · 2 months
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Has it always been you? Did the crown reveal secrets about yourself you didn't wish to know...?
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hwathwugu · 2 months
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bellasfortuna · 19 days
biker!simon who, when he drives his truck to pick you up, buckles your seatbelt for you before giving your thigh a firm squeeze
biker!simon who, when he picks you up on his bike, gives your helmet a solid pat and knocks it against his
biker!simon who, during the ride, reaches back to give one of your thighs, bracketing his on the bike, the same firm squeeze
biker!simon who, when he's buried balls deep inside you, keeps one hand cradling the back of your head, keeping your foreheads pressed together, eyes locked on yours
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