#I really needed this ❤️
andpierres · 1 month
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it's almost time for BATPACKS!! 🦇 crowdfunding on backerkit begins in TWO WEEKS, and there's a lot to announce before then still!
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coming in at a hefty 12 inches tall, batpacks make perfect travel companions whether you're taking the train, heading to a convention, leaving on vacation, and or just hitting the town!
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made from soft polyurethane leather with a nylex insert that resists wear and tear, so you can opt to use this little guy as an ita bag if you like!
funds permitting, there are currently 9 planned colors of batpacks that will become available over the course of the crowdfundung campaign -- which ones are your favorites? 🦇🖤
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follow the 🔗 in the reblogs to sign up for our pre-launch mailing list to get notified as soon as the batpacks go live on 9/1/24! 🌙
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egophiliac · 3 months
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groovygrub · 3 months
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dykesevika · 4 months
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fortiche studios please make her a canon dyke please and thank u
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candyheartedchy · 4 months
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Little doodle of them since it has been awhile.
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fortheturnstiles · 1 year
yaoi saturday
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goldensunset · 2 months
i love darkness and edginess in kh absolutely and i think the deeply philosophical introspective examinations on what it means to be human aka existential dread and all that lends itself to a bit of horror easily and i love seeing it utilized to its fullest potential. ultimately though what i want is something comforting and reassuring at the end of the day- like what nomura said about the series reflecting his belief that ‘the heart is never truly gone’. how you might lose people but they’re always a part of you. i will be happy no matter where the series goes as long as it fundamentally comes back to love and human connection. it’s really beautiful the way the story gets so incredibly dark but it always manages to come back to the light somehow- whether it’s a classic disney happily ever after, or something more akin to other storytellers where something is absolutely lost but it’s still a good ending, y’know? instead of everything being saccharine you get hurt and you grow because of it and new beauty blooms. kh really delivers on that front and i want it to stay that way forever
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ninadove · 1 year
Look. I love Shadybug’s outfit as much as the next gal, but I really don’t get all the hate for the original design all of a sudden.
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It’s a superhero suit for a fourteen-year-old, that must combine a red canvas and black spots without making us want to rip our eyes out. It needs to remain practical, both in-show and to allow for the mass production of goodies. Of course it’s not going to be super flashy.
Another thing to consider: Ladybug’s suit was conceived as a basis for more complicated transformations. As such, it needed to be simple enough to allow for additions, while still being recognisable. We would not have gotten all these cool alternate designs (Yes! Even Shadybug herself!) without the original suit.
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And from a meta point of view — the costumes are supposed to reflect the holders’ personalities and subconscious desires. Marinette never wanted to be a hero; I think we can forgive her for not putting that much effort into hers.
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mephoj · 1 month
nickel and balloon would be so much more interesting if people explored the way nickel became everything awful that balloon used to be but so much worse ironically all in the name of "protecting" everyone from that history repeating. and not softboy tsundere yaoi or whatever is going on in those tags rn
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omaano · 8 months
im so late on this but for the wip folder ask: HADES CODY????? SUNSHINE BOY BUT HADES??? im so hyped about it
YES! Sunshine boy is steadily making his way into the Hades AU!! He’s got his jetpack and a torn up poncho for dramatic effect (but no Wi-Fi antenna because I didn’t want to put it in his face 😅)
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Why did I feel it necessary to add all these sketches to this one page? Because 1) I wanted to showcase how much I struggled on this one. It is just part of the drawing process. Like, Old Man Rex was a headache and a half but Cody still had him beat on the sketch somehow. And 2) because the solution to being stuck here turned out to be to switch my dark brown/desaturated purple to a red colour, scribble out the very very base of the pose (imagine blobs and swoopy lines and boxes) and then just keep chipping away at building the body and armor and whatever on top of it. (I think the sketch is still very red in the original file…)That had granted me a breakthrough with Rex as well, and now with Cody too… so I might as well remember this solution and spare myself the trouble with the next character ^^;
(Do I know what size a lightsaber actually is when it is held in only one hand? No. Am I willing to look it up properly? … not for the time being, no)
(and special thanks to Lou and Niko for bringing up Overwatch this week, because digging up my old reference folder from that fandom really helped me figure out parts of this sketch🫣🥰)
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chaoticlad · 5 months
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Y’all remember that one scene where Chad rested his head on gummigoo’s back 🙂
Uhhhhajsnjwkss yeah this is a ship I dunno if it’s got a name but I’ll call it gummichad just here to beg for some gummichad from y’all PLEASE I NEED GUMMICHAD-
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Leaving it all in the tags. Except: no way I believe they have just a "PR friendship." They are around each other allllllll the time. If they were really resentful you would see it, there would be no covering it up. :::cough::: ocon::gasly:::cough:::
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jaheira please im trying to have a serious conversation
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triglycercule · 2 months
which sans aus do i think would believe in climate change challenge GO
horror: really sans (and by extension any classic variant) would believe in climate change due to being former scientists. like what type of scientist DOESN'T believe in climate change. so horror would believe in climate change but he'd be really damn pessimistic about it (because he's an asshole!) like he genuinely wouldn't care at all. sometimes on bad days he purposely litters. on really hot/cold days as a result of climate change he'd complain and start considering bring environmentally friendly. but he never does. horror wouldn't care at all
killer: he would believe in climate change but he similarly to horror wouldn't care. because he simply has more important things to care about (kities :3 nightmare :3) he thinks those things are somehow above climate change (dumbass!!!! nightmare would melt like wax because of climate change) but when faced with the reality that things are actually being affected by climate he'd be like damn.... this shit id actually happening and i'm contributing to it.... but then he'd immediately move on and get back to more important business
dust: climate change believer but he just does not care. like he tries not to be wasteful and litter and he probably properly uses a recycling bin but in the end he doesn't really give a shit if his efforts are really helping. also he kinda forgets sometimes and that's really not helping the globe. dust would bring it up in fights that he recycles and then people (horror an killer) would shit on him for A. being a pretentious stuck up dick who thinks hes better than everyone for being environmental and B. because he's a goddamn hypocrite that doesn't even stick to his own recycling goals. goddamn asshole
nightmare: he's smart enough to know that climate change does exist but he purposely pretends that it isn't real to piss people off (and get those delicious delicious negative emotions :3) and he'd do it so confidently and he'd belittle you so much that either you get so pissed off and irritated at him or you start questioning yourself and if climate change actually IS real? he'd make up fake sources for climate change being fake and site the mtt as his source because they used to be scientists 💀💀
ink: this fella doesn't even know what day of the week it is do you think they would remember climate change??? absolutely not. anyways ink probably has it scrawled down on his scarf: CLIMATE CHANFE EXISTS. IT WILL KILL THE CREATORS/CREATIONS. but then he still doesn't manage to remember it!!!! but if they could genuinely remember everyday i think ink would try to use less earth harmful stuff for his art and try to be environmentally friendly. key word TRY. this is the guy that goes around teleporting and fighting with ink they would litter the substance everywhere
dream: he really really struggled with grappling with the concept that YES climate change exists. YES there is enough trash out there to kill the earth. YES there is not much he can do about it. like every moral dilemma question about climate change was asked by dream (to swap) and he's very upset about climate change prior to maturing. but after maturing he knows that he can't do much to help climate change but he is FERVENTLY environmentally friendly and tries to remind everyone around him to help the earth (without shoving it down their throats because he's nice like that). if dream had the time he would probably start a nonprofit for helping the earth. he would start a nonprofit for everything actually. modern au dream where he has several nonprofit organizations to help various causes. someone out there's gonna love this idea
swap: he does. i think he would make a joke about it at first when being asked like CLIMATE'S CHANGING? I HOPE HER NEW OUTFIT LOOKS GREAT! or some dumbass fucking joke like that but this guy is even more environmentally friendly than dream. he goes to RALLIES for the environment. he would use environmentally friendly soaps and even fucking kitchen utensils. this guy is just here for saving the earth. he wants to really really believe that big corporations don't mean bad with pollution but he knows. theres no convincing himself that big corp wants to save the earth. even someone like swap who always has hope can't convince himself of that shit
cross: he would obviously believe in climate change. i actually don't know if theres someone here that i don't thinm believes in climate change yet. anyways cross would and he'd recycle regularly and try to be good at it. but accidents happen and he messed up his recycling sometimes and then he feels bad for it because the goddamn earth is gonna die if he doesn't at least contribute his part. cross is baffled by people who don't believe in it the same way i am at flat earthers. like HELLOthe rising temperatures are right there!!!!
error: doesn't care. he lives in the antivoid climate change doesn't effect him. also it would just make his job easier :3 error LAUGHS in the face of rising temperatures
now you may ask why did you decide to post this. but what you should really be asking is why not shouldn't i have posted this. the question was clearly on everyone's minds. i was just the only one brave enough to step up and determine if these fictional characters would care about our world melting to death (OBVIOUSLY)
#this may be the most brainrotted dumbass post i've come up with yet#CLIMATE CHANGE??? FUCKING CLIMATE CHANGE???? have i really run out of ideas already#no i havent but GODDAMN i was CACKLING thinking about this#there are definitely more sans aus that i could've considered but no way in hell am i doing all that#YOU CAN COME UP WITH YOUR OWN IDEAS FOR THOSE I FORGOT 😒😒😒#when mtt get into fights they bring up the most irrelevant details about eachother like this. how much do they contribute to climate change#mtt fighting about climate change would be one of the top 10 funniest fights#killer would instantly lose that fight btw because he doesn't even CONSIDER recycling#but dust definitely gets shit on the most in that argument#killer and horror gang up on him because he's a prick. and then horror and dust gang up on killer for not even doing it#and then dust and killer gang up on horror for not making up his mind on environmentalism or not#it's just a big fucking loop of trying to see who's the worst#nightmare would take the objectively wrong stance on ANYTHING just to piss people off and i really love that about him#yessss king go out and be a hater. we needed someone to be the worst person in existence anyways ❤️❤️#this might be my first post about more than just the mtt + nightmare. what the hell????#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#nightmare sans#ink sans#dream sans#swap sans#cross sans#error sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#star sanses#utmv#sans au#tricule hc
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anna-naray · 1 month
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I don't have words to express all my emotions and gratitude for these gorgeous and lovely gifts that @isaidmeeh and @romy350-romyakari did for my birthday!
I'm madly in love with these drawings and I'm definitely going to print and keep them together with all my AF comics UWU
I still can't believe you took some of your time to make these epic drawings for me! I feel BLESSED! 🙏✨
Check their other page and socials!!
@/isaidmeeh - Instagram & Vk
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themissingmango · 1 year
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Top Gun: Maverick Landscapes Part II x x
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