#I retract any previous statements of support!
frozenpoppies · 2 months
actually disappointed for the whole wilbur support or empathy thing, just did not think i’d be seeing that from you lol. i mean yeah no shit people can change if they care enough, but if you look at all the evidence he just doesn’t. hope you change your thoughts on all that, and if not okay whatever i tried.
I mean yeah that’s fair and I have actually changed how I feel about the whole situation. I realize now that w1lbur just isn’t a good person, but I also realize that I can still like who w1lbur was to me before everything came to light. I can allow myself to indulge in fantasies between him and t0mmy because I know that if I keep them to myself, they aren’t hurting anyone. I can separate how I feel and how I think, and just because I find him physically attractive doesn’t mean I would support or defend anything he’s done because there genuinely is no defense for his actions.
I’ve sorta come to realize that internet drama just isn’t really worth my time. I have better things to focus on, and villainizing myself for thoughts and ideas I can’t control is pretty dumb. If I keep what I think private, and only share things that I think are actually worth other peoples time, then I don’t have anything to be worried about.
I totally see why you would be disappointed on what I said in the past considering the stances I take and you’re totally at liberty to block me or dislike me, I value your opinions even if they’re against me. I have totally changed how I feel about him though, he’s a really shitty dude.
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Shostakovich's Song of the Forests - banger or communist trash?
So, Song of the Forests is a complicated piece. Its infamy comes from the fact that it's the only Shostakovich piece to mention Stalin by name, and it praises his reforestation campaign, referring to him as the "great gardener." It's an oratorio written in the Socialist Realism style, and aside from the name possibly echoing Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde (The Song of the Earth), I haven't read any interpretations or evidence suggesting Shostakovich hid anything subversive in it, like how the Fifth Symphony is often read. Still, we have some evidence from secondary accounts claiming that Shostakovich was very much not on board with writing Song of the Forests. For one, it was written in 1949, on the heels of the 1948 denunciation. During this period of time, in which Andrei Zhdanov introduced a new round of censorship in the arts and sciences, Shostakovich- an extremely popular composer- was brutally attacked from both the political and musical spheres, and many of his works were censored. Being constantly in the public eye meant that, like in 1936, Shostakovich could be made into a prime example of a "formalist" composer who had to be "reformed" for the good of Soviet culture. He was fired from his teaching positions at the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories, and he was made to go through the humiliation of publicly apologizing for his own art. His friend, the musicologist Marina Sabinina, gives a heartbreaking account of Shostakovich allegedly describing one such "apology" to her:
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(Source: Elizabeth Wilson, Shostakovich: A Life Remembered) Additionally, because Shostakovich was financially struggling at the time, he turned to composing film scores and ideological pieces in order to support himself and his family. This letter from December 1948 to his friend Isaak Glikman gives some insight on the exhaustion he felt writing such music:
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(Source: Isaak Glikman, Story of a Friendship)
So, we can see what position he was in around the time he wrote Song of the Forests. As for the piece itself, we have a few accounts from close sources as to how he felt about it.
Galina Ustvolskaya, a former student and composer Shostakovich had a complicated relationship with, claims in an interview with biographer Sofiya Khentova that after its premiere, Shostakovich broke down crying. This is an especially interesting piece of evidence, as Ustvolskaya and Shostakovich's relationship deteriorated around the 60s and 70s, although we have little evidence why- perhaps it had to do with Shostakovich's proposal to Ustvolskaya after the death of his first wife in the mid-50s (which she rejected, although she still attended some of his premiere concerts afterwards), as well as her frustration of being in his shadow as an artist, or his joining the Communist Party in 1960. Whatever the case, Ustvolskaya's attitude of Shostakovich changed over time, and after his death, she retracted many positive statements about him, speaking of him very little, and negatively when she did. For her to give a sympathetic anecdote about him at a time when she typically spoke of him negatively provides some possible credibility to this statement, although typically, Ustvolskaya is viewed as a murky source due to her frequent revisions of previous statements and black-and-white view of morality. Another anecdote comes from Isaak Glikman, whose credibility can sometimes be doubted for the opposite reasons of Ustvolskaya's. Glikman retained an overly positive view of Shostakovich, sometimes even bordering on idolatry. Because of this, some skepticism of his accounts must be considered. Glikman gives this anecdote on him and Shostakovich discussing The Song of the Forests in "Story of a Friendship":
Shostakovich wrote the oratorio Song of the Forests at speed and with great technical mastery, to see it greeted by the world of musical criticism with precisely the acclaim it denied to his symphonic masterpieces. The oratorio was nominated for a Stalin Prize first class, but Shostakovich was not particularly fond of it and was uncomfortable at all the praise heaped upon it. He had a particular aversion to the passages in the text that mentioned Stalin; at the end of the general rehearsal, I said to him: 'Suppose, instead of Stalin, your oratorio had featured, for example, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands? She is said to be a keen forester.' Shostakovich exclaimed: 'Oh, how wonderful that would be. I do take responsibility for the music, but the words??!'
All in all, that's two sources close to Shostakovich- one who viewed him positively and one who viewed him negatively- claiming he had a negative view of "Song of the Forests" (additionally, the composer Edison Denisov claims Shostakovich told him he was "forced" to write it). Because of this consistency (as well as the Stalin caricature of Yedinitsyn in the Antiformalist Rayok!), I think we have a decent picture of how he saw the piece.
So, that being said, and with all this context in mind, what do I personally think of Song of the Forests?
From a musical standpoint, historical context and the Dolmatovsky text aside, it's good. Shostakovich clearly put effort into it, even though it's an ideological piece he evidently disliked writing. Some passages are even beautiful, and I don't even like the Socialist Realism style- not just due to the ideological connotations, but because in my opinion, it's usually boring. Compared to more personal Shostakovich works, like the quartets, for instance, Song of the Forests doesn't hold a candle- although of course, it was written for an entirely different purpose. Still, while it's not something I listen to often, it's a well-composed piece, and I can't hate it as a piece of music.
Nonetheless, listening to it makes me so sad. Much of the time, I'm able to separate a work from its historical context and enjoy it for its own merits, but having done all that research on Shostakovich, that can be hard to do, considering how much he suffered in the time leading up to its composition. And then you remember "desk drawer" pieces written around the same time, like the First Violin Concerto and Songs from Jewish Folk Poetry, which were hidden and not published until after Stalin's death, offering a far different side of Shostakovich and his compositional abilities than Song of the Forests does, which adds a weird sense of intrigue to this piece. There's a lot of talk over which pieces display the "real Shostakovich," and because he was such an enigmatic, private, and complex figure living in such a turbulent time period, I think no one piece will give you that answer. I don't think Song of the Forests should be swept under the rug or dismissed as "fake Shostakovich," because it's still Shostakovich and therefore should be acknowledged as part of his canon; not doing so ignores a vital part of his creative output and legacy. Nonetheless, only listening to Song of the Forests and pieces like it certainly won't give you a full picture of Shostakovich, just as only listening to the quartets and concerti will.
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 09 BRAN I (pages 122-132)
Summer has some forest time, while Bran and Co. decide on what comes next for their small group.
Sometimes he could sense them, though, as if they were still with him, only hidden from his sight by a boulder or a stand of trees. He could not smell them, nor hear their howls by night, yet he felt their presence at his back... all but the sister they had lost. His tail dropped when he remembered her. Four now, not five. Four and one more, the white who has no voice. These woods belonged to them, the snowy slopes and stony hills, the great green pines and golden leaf oaks, the rushing streams and blue lakes fringed with fingers of white frost. But his sister had left the wilds, to walk the halls of man-rock where other hunters ruled, and once within those halls it was hard to find the path back out. The wolf prince remembered.
??? ... Oh!
He means the crypts*. They buried Lady in the crypts* where the interred are marked by statues of Starks and wolves.
*I've been reminded by a reliable source that she was buried in the Lichyard, which is outside the crypts, so Summer presumably just means Winterfell in general. The imagery of 'other hunters' and 'hard to find the path back out' just gave me strong Crypt vibes.
The north through Summer's POV sounds so pretty. And, it's interesting how Summer counts ghost, one of them but not one of them.
... Wolf Fight!
At Winterfell he wanted me to dream my wolf dreams, and now that I know how he's always calling me back.
Yeah, a fine case of "be careful what you wish for, Jojen." Although on the other hand, I do have to retract my previous statements that Bran seemed to be settling into his new reality and physical capabilities, this is avoidance, pure and simple.
"We have plowed this field before," his sister said.
Oh I like that. Subtle world building stuffs, alternate versions of basic phrases that make contextual sense.
"How, Jojen?" his sister asked. "How?" "Afoot," he answered. "A step at a time."
A good way to do things, a step at a time.
Unless it's a dire emergency, in which case it's best to apply the FEMA evacuation plan: Run Bitch, RUN!
"Hoooodor," said Hodor, swaying. "Hooooooodor, hoooooodor, hoDOR, hoDOR, hoDOR." Sometimes he liked to do this, just saying his name different ways, over and over and over. Other times, he would stay so quiet you forgot he was there.
"Mornin'! Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Huh-ha!"
Sorry, if that reference Is too niche. It's the only dialogue/speaking line for the NPC character Baelin from the Epic NPC Man series by youtubers Viva La Dirt League. The just over half hour movie Baelin's Route focuses on him having an adventure, and while they didn't give him any further dialogue options. The actor, Rowan, did an absolutely amazing job conveying what he wanted to say with just that line, augmented by tonal shifts, emphasis, and subtle body language. This scene just yeeted my brain XD In my defense, is it such a good movie.
"- How can I help you master a gift I do not understand? We remember the First men in the Neck, and the children of the forest who were their friends... but so much is forgotten, and so much we never knew."
It's a nice change, for Jojen to be like this, with so many other characters (not necessarily our POVs either, some of the 'NPCs') they don't admit that they don't know things, they bluster and fib and cover up, but Jojen's just "I don't got this, but I know who will."
It's also kind of sad "we've forgotten so much, and we didn't know all that much to begin with."
... MVP Meera! She gave Bran the assurance they'd follow him, support him, so he actually sat there and thought about their options, puzzled out the logistics of it.
And he did well to realise that his allies might all be dead (or compromised), though... should he know the bastard of Bolton is alive? And after him? I thought he only knew him as Reek?*
*Maester Luwin told him with one of his dying breaths. Like A Boss.
Kinda sad that Bran's decision was "I'm not getting any less cripple no matter what I do, might as well do the crow thing," but at least the choice is made and they can move towards a goal. that's important, having something to work on or towards, rather than wallowing in place.
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tech-whale · 2 years
Arrows Mark Chapter 4
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2nd POV
Food, drinks and laughter flowed naturally between the small group at the table, and you couldn't be happier. It had been a while since your group had felt so accepted into any town or kingdom. The four of you had been rather notorious for theft, and arson.
So being welcomed into the palace nonetheless, was a pleasant change of pace from the usual way people act around you and your friends. The group moved through the dinner quickly, the tomato soup was nice and warm, and the amount of meat you got was nice. Once the main dishes had been finished the staff of the castle brought out the dessert, a flakey tart with a custard filling topped with all kinds of fruits.
As you enjoyed your tart, you looked over to the mage sitting at the other side of the table, he seemed to be nervous as he fidgeted in his seat, the mage, Kenma if you remembered correctly, finished his tart rather quickly, then excused himself from the table. You watched him leave the room noticing the air of unease around him.
The King must have noticed your wandering stare as he coughed to gain your attention, quickly reassuring you that Kenma was fine and that he was not the most social person and just needed to take some time for himself. Relaxing at the answer you continued to the joyus conversation around the table.
As the night grew on, you started to get more restless sitting at the table. It is not as though you did not enjoy the conversations or the company, it was just you had never been good at sitting in a formal setting for more than a few hours, and even that was a stretch. Finding a reason, you excuse yourself from the table and walk out of the Grand Hall.
Wandering around the halls of the castle you really took you time to admire the architecture and the art of the castle that you had not gotten to really look at before, looking out the window you noticed a large hedge maze with a garden surrounding it, being tempted by the beauty of the flowers you started looking for the entrance to the garden.
Walking along the paths of the garden, the clicking of your heels hitting the stone paths helped to calm the restlessness of your nerves and clear your head from the thoughts of the mission instead you just focused on the colours and the scents of the flowers surrounding you.
Finally pulling yourself from your mindless wandering you realised that you were in the hedge maze, figuring that you could find your way out of the maze later you continued your way through the maze, suddenly the hedges seemed to pull away from each other into one open space.
It was breathtaking, the hedges opened up into a circular stone paved area covered with a white birch gazebo. The hedges and supports holding and around the gazebo were all covered in shimmery green vines with a large array of coloured flowers. In the middle of the mosaic floor was a large fountain, surrounding the fountain were curved benches made of the same stone as the gazebo.
As you made your way over to the fountain you went to sit down on the side of it when something caught your eye. Looking through the fountain’s water you saw Kenma sitting on one of the stone benches, looking at him more you noticed how he just seemed to stare at his feet.
Sitting down beside him you placed your hand on his shoulder, quickly retracting your hand when he looked up at you, you smiled at his surprised face.
“Sorry to intrude, I just thought that you might want some company.” You whispered, as to not startel Kenma any more than you already had.
Kenma only whispered an ok to your statement, and went back to staring out over the garden. 
“It’s ok if you are nervous for the trip, that's normal. Especially if you haven't ever had to deal with something like this.” You spoke out, as you started to stand up. Kenma looked at you questionly, before you beconked him up and began walking out of the area and into the maze.
Kenma POV
Kenma quickly got up and ran over to you to keep pace with you.
“Where are we going?” Kenma asked, as he followed along behind you.
“You tell me, I’ve never been in these gardens before.” You giggled out, sending him a goofy smile. Kenma felt something in him soften and relax at the look on your face.
Shaking his head Kenma started to walk slightly ahead of you, checking behind him every once in a while to make sure that you hadn't gotten lost in the maze. Kenma watched as you spun around trying to get a good look at each of the plants, as he watched you he couldn't help but notice how the moonlight highlighted your skin and made it seem like you were glowing.
Looking forward again Kenma noticed that they were almost to the entrance back into the castle.
“Alright we’re here.” Kenma stated, pulling you out of your trance.
“Oh, I guess it is pretty late and we have a long journey starting tomorrow.” You replied, only looking slightly disappointed that you had to leave the garden.
Kenma watched as you made your way into the castle before turning around.
Heading over to the entrance to his tower Kenma couldn't stop the thoughts running through his head, but this time instead of thoughts of worry and dread they were thoughts of peace excitement and they were thoughts of you.
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taocc-updates · 19 days
So, I'm just gonna throw in my 2 cents here.
I'm going to remain neutral in this situation as I'm not involved with Tomb and frankly have no say as he hasn't ever really done anything to me.
The oversexualization is a problem, I agree. That's something he needs to work on. However, and feel free to correct me on this, he hasn't directly sxualized characters he was specifically asked/told not to. From what I've heard/seen, he hasn't explicitly sxualized a character or mod who directly said they weren't okay with it.
Once again, I may be fully wrong abt this. I know they sxualize a lot of Autumn's characters, and she's reacted with a mix of exasperation and disappointment. However, I don't fully know how they feel about that so it may not be like that. If I am wrong and Autumn gen is uncomfortable with what Tomb has said, I fully retract my previous statement and apologize.
My point is, clear and direct boundaries. Elsie has Tomb blocked, yes, but regardless he's never gone after her or her characters. Same with anyone who isn't fully comfortable with that. If your boundaries are clear, from what I've seen he tends to respect it. If you ask him to genuinely stop, he does. Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, this is only my perspective and I dont follow what Bob does enough to know everything.
All that being said. I don't think he intends any harm to anyone, but there is a lot that he needs to work out that really is not healthy for him. The sexualization overall is definitely not healthy, whether it's of a mod, character, himself, any of that. Taocc has become an escape that he's using to cope, and I have no idea what he's been through but he's not in a healthy state rn. That's not something taocc or sxualization can fix.
To put it all simply, I don't think he has ill intent but he definitely has things he needs to sort out on his own. We can act as a support, but we and taocc can't fully be something for him to depend on. Once again, I have no stance on whether he should be kicked out or not- it fully depends on the people he's affected the most imo. But these are my thoughts.
So, I saved all of the above that I wrote then checked notifs and saw what Jester said. That's fucked up. What exactly did he ask for? What did he want to see? If I recall correctly he's 14, but that's still no excuse. Wow.
Just putting this here. I will say I have never had any of this stuff really happen to me, but part of that might be because I worked to distance myself as much as possible for a long time.
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yomiurishinbun · 28 days
PR #8: The Deposed Prime Minister Speaks: Long Live The Doshikai!
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10 November, 1915 Katsura Taro, leader of the Rikken Doshikai party, has released a press release in a recent interview with the Yomiuri Shimbun:
Statement by Katsuro Taro
“I address the nation no longer as Prime Minister but as an opposition leader with the new, emerging force known as the Doshikai Party. The party that has the backing of the people and supports the people. 
First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the military’s dissatisfaction with the Banzai Act and the allegations of ‘corruption’ that were put forward by the cabinet members that put forward the vote of no confidence. 
The 20 million has already been allocated towards the economy and the education sector. It is not an intentional error but a timing issue. 
The recent donation of the Prince took place shortly after my directive was processed by the government. In my speech I explained my intention to address the recent update in our budget. This was ignored. 
This is the final budget. 
Economic (40%)
Ministry of Finance 40 million yen (20%)
Agriculture and Commerce 40 million (20%)
Wartime Efforts (30%)
Army 30 million yen (15%)
Navy 30 million yen (15%)
Education: 40 million (35%)
*Due to the Prince’s kind gesture to give the majority of his wealth to the people of Japan specifically in avenues of healthcare and provisions, we omit the Health division of the Banzai act, allocating more towards the Education Sector and the Economic centre. The wartime efforts division remain untouched”
I have never had any intentions of stealing from the people and I would like to clear my name by stating that this is a CLEAR MISCOMMUNICATION AND TIMING ISSUE. 
I would also like to retract statements made in a previous press release on labelling Matsumoto Itasu a traitor and calling for his execution when in reality he intended to clear my name and decry the Cabinet’s efforts to usurp the position of Prime Minister, which has been successful DESPITE the cabinet, who has time and time again advocated for me to compromise on expansionism, reflected in my decision to only upkeep the military in response to the recent success in the Far East against Germany, supporting our economy, people, and welfare instead, and STILL decided to vote me out. 
This is a grave mistake that you will all regret. The Doshikai will rise from the ashes and lead Japan into a prosperous, bright future. 
Long live the emperor!”
The Rikken Doshikai, through this statement and the consolidation of the liberal elements within the house of representatives have managed to secure a relative majority in the lower house, with 153 seats, compared to the Seiyukai’s 108. 
This statement has angered many military officers, citing the Doshikai’s seemingly anti-Seiyukai and anti-military sentiment, who are now labelling Katsura Taro and his party as traitors to the country.
The Doshikai continue to gain support from the lower and middle class for their populist and liberal approach to politics. But time will tell when a new competitor may arise.
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emsvehicles · 2 years
4x4 Ambulance Conversions
I spent a day with him driving some low-range routes in the surrounding mountains and was impressed that the Defenders off-road capabilities weren't hindered in any respect. The cherry on the cake was that he had spent the equivalent of the value of a brand new rooftop tent on the conversion, but, being a genius, he had created that little bit of luck. SVI explained the conversion process to create a MAX three entails removing the soft-skin physique of the donor Land Cruiser seventy nine and replacing it with a hull designed in-house and manufactured from armoured metal plate. The construction of the multi-role automobile supplies a minimal safety level of EN1063 BR6 with further protection in opposition to anti-personnel grenades. As talked about above, the MAX 3 Six-Wheeler moreover features a track-width correction and disc brakes all round. The conversion course of to create a MAX 3 entails eradicating the soft-skin body of the donor Land Cruiser 79 and changing it with a hull designed in-house and manufactured from armoured metal plate.
The confirmed, highly succesful powertrain stays untouched, simplifying servicing requirements and the method of sourcing of spare mechanical elements. My suggestion would be to register your automobile as an emergency automobile and/or acquire a written doc from the hospital/employer that you're a medical practitioner on standby for that facility. This document and other documents as proof of call out ought to at all times accompany your statement to the traffic department. The unhappy thing is it is not at all times guaranteed that the nice will be retracted. I principally provide you with all this details as we as emergency services sometimes struggle to get fines retracted, even in emergency instances.
Would prefer to know the place or who might assist me with a allow for purple lights and sirens . I am a basic life support technician and worldwide fire figter 1. I want to assist the neighborhood, ambulance service and the local RTI with quick response on fires and acidents. I really have registered my business but all I need is a pirmit for the red lights and sirens that have the ability to reply to the emergencies.
Everyone's favorite petrolheads Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw proceed their mission to seek out basic cars with deserving homeowners. Petrol heads Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw proceed their mission to hunt off road ambulance conversion out classic cars with deserving owners. Tim and Fuzz are off to Northampton to tackle one of the strangest vehicles in British automotive history – a 1970 three wheeled Bond Bug.
A steering wheel with height and telescopic adjustment additionally provides to driver comfort and safety by enhancing numerous driver postures. “SVI has long been the leading the greatest way in South Africa in phrases of offering class-leading armouring options to the civilian, security and army industries. But we’ve ramped up our operations significantly over the previous few years and our large stand at AAD2022 – the most important defence and aviation exhibition in Africa – is a showcase of each how far we’ve come and where we’re going,” says Jiyane. Benny Jiyane, Chairman of SVI Engineering, says the sheer measurement of the company’s stand at this year’s present is indicative of simply how a lot SVI has grown – locally and internationally – over the past few years.
To the observers this can mean that the frequency they measured is completely different. Tim and Fuzz tackle a 1934 Singer Le Mans 2 seater sports automobile owned by a 70 yr old farmer who is sadly affected by dementia. The cars last outing was over 17 years ago when it had a starring role in an excellent marriage ceremony. The boys should retrieve the automotive from underneath the nose of the owner but as soon as they've the it safely again at the workshop Fuzz and Tim discover the engine is in a really poor state and find they may even have to exchange it altogether. In desperation Fuzz takes the engine to his expert engine restore pal who is only cautiously optimistic.
There was no method that these folks couldn't be held accountable, as a outcome of the people of South Africa had been put in danger. “ER24 additionally didn't use this incident to scrap the so-called unlawful automobiles from our fleet,” the company mentioned. 49-year-old Ishmael Leeuw, a paramedic, was killed, and the driving force was injured together with two nurses.
Many livelihoods of taxi owners, subjected to uncontrolled reckless lending practices, are destroyed day by day. Most of those taxi homeowners lack the funds and abilities to employ high quality lawyers. The finest attorneys have vested interest in banks similar to legal work at numerous ranges. Banks purposely contract them to avoid going through them in a courtroom off road ambulance conversion of regulation. It is famous that, when finding out Southern African Legal Information Institute circumstances, private cash lenders corresponding to SATF do not hesitate to employ full-time senior counsels to defend them in courts against unsophisticated taxi house owners and debt counsellors. Paragraph 4, bullet 1 states that “The car must be licensed and registered earlier than the conversion is done”.
There is not any relative movement between supply and observer. How will the observed frequency change because the practice passes and strikes away from the observer? Write down only INCREASES, DECREASES or REMAINS THE SAME. The driver hears a frequency of \(\text\) \(\text\). The crests and troughs are numbered so you presumably off road ambulance conversion can see how they move further away and in order that we will monitor which of them an observer has measured. Doppler impact The Doppler impact is the change within the observed frequency of a wave when the supply or the detector strikes relative to the transmitting medium.
When the observer strikes relative to a stationary supply. When the supply strikes relative to a stationary observer. We use this data to present the right curriculum and to personalise content to raised meet the wants of our users. The Crafter can be tailored to transport some passengers on their final trip on this plane of existence… in some type, we might add.
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cosmicbrowniefan · 2 years
how reddie’s first hand-holding happened (pre-dating):
no can convince that this isn’t how it happened btw.
so the losers club decides to go to an amusement park one day over the summer when they’re about 14-15 years old
of course everyone in the group wants to do a million different things. bev and richie are begging everyone to go on roller coasters, bill and eddie want to go around and try to win the rigged games, stan and ben want to see the petting zoo and get all the cliche fair food they can find, and mike is determined to win all the goldfish so he can set them free in a pond in his backyard
eddie HATES roller coasters with a passion. pretty much everyone else in the group can stomach it, but even just looking at one makes eddie want to puke
(ben isn’t the biggest fan either, but he’ll go on them for bev)
richie won’t stop bugging eddie to “just go on ONE roller coaster” with him, which eddie continuously refuses to do
“what one do you even want me to go on?”
“ANY OF THEM! you can choose!”
eddie comes up with a proposition because he wants richie to stop whining but doesn’t want to go on a roller coaster
“if you can win one of the incredibly rigged games here in one try, i’ll go on one with you.”
richie’s jaw DROPS at the idea of actually getting eddie to go on a roller coaster, and he nods enthusiastically
meanwhile, eddie is mentally rolling his eyes because why on EARTH does richie think he can actually win one of these games?
“deal!! i’ll play- this one!”
“no no NO, i’m picking the game.”
“fine, but if i win, that means i pick the coaster.”
eddie ends up picking a game where the probability of winning is basically like a lottery ticket
you got two tokens and placed them on any symbols you wanted. then the carny spins a wheel, and if it lands on one of your symbols, you win a giant stuffed animal or bag of candy of your choice
richie raised his eyebrows when eddie pointed to it
“eds, that game is practically impossible to win, there are like 90 symbols to choose fr-“
“exactly, now go.”
eddie, bill, and stan stood next to richie and watched as he carefully chose two symbols (mike was still winning goldfish and bev and ben were on the bumper cars)
richie put one token on a diamond and one token on the number 14
“how many more times do you think he’ll beg you to let him play it when he loses?”
“i really don’t appreciate your negativity, stanley, kindly shut the fuck up.”
the carny spun the wheel with force and richie looked at it intensely
eddie knew he wasn’t going to win, this boy wasn’t even looking at the wheel. he was playing crossy road on his phone
eddie quickly looked up to see bill and richie jumping up and down and screaming while stan just watched, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face
“i retract my previous statement.”
eddie craned his neck and saw that the wheel had somehow landed on the number 14. he immediately felt weak and knew his face must be pale.
richie turned to eddie with a sly grin
“what prize do you want, eds?”
“there- there’s no fucking WAY-“
“the giant panda, please.”
richie was then stuffing a giant panda into eddie’s arms and slinging an arm around his shoulder, leading him away
eddie could still only stutter and stare at the wheel in disbelief
stan pulled bill in the other direction to get funnel cake while richie surveyed the area for the best-looking roller coasters
“eds, we’re going on that one.”
eddie was finally able to tear his eyes away from the wheel and looked up to see the MONSTROUS roller coaster that richie had picked
“no way.”
“YES WAY! we made a deal! i even won you a panda!”
eddie continued to protest as richie drug him over to the line for “the danger zone”
eddie thought he was going to faint as the carny snapped his seatbelt in
(he continued to cling to the panda richie had won him for support)
“i’m never making a bet with you again.”
the roller coaster started chugging up slowly and eddie felt his stomach churning
just before the coaster dropped over the first big hill, richie grabbed eddie’s hand and held it tight
eddie felt himself go red, but had no time to process what had just happened before he was screaming and shutting his eyes
(he didn’t let go of richie’s hand until they were safely off the coaster and on the ground)
“see? that wasn’t so-“
but richie was interrupted by eddie throwing the panda at him and sprinting to the nearest trash can.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
could you please write something for Inej and a fem reader? Maybe they are in a heist or something and they get split up and the reader gets hurt or barely gets away and when they find each other Inej just holds her for a second because she thought she lost her and then accidentally confesses her feelings? <3
The Stars in Her Eyes
Inej Ghafa X reader
a/n - I love Inej, seriously so much it's unhealthy. So excited to write this because awww the love confessions and fluff I simply adore it!
Warnings: injury, passing out, mentions of the Menagerie (literally the word once).
Tagged: @inthegistoftime @mrs-brekker15
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You were late.
If it were, say, Jesper then Inej wouldn't be nearly as bothered.
But you were never late.
That was why she was currently biting her nails down to the nub and tapping her foot in an extremely fast paced, irregular rythm.
It had only gotten quicker as time went on, and now there were barely any gaps in-between her foot landing on the cobbles, as if it had never been lifted.
This went on for minutes until Kaz tossed Inej a handkerchief, it billowing in the wind. For a person with slower reflexes, the fabric would be lost permanently but she snatched it out of the air as soon as it left his hand.
However, her mind was still on you and all the possible reasons for why you weren't at the meeting place promptly.
"For your lip."
Kaz's gruff voice brought her back to earth and she concluded that her bottom lip must feel so warm in one area because she had practically mauled it.
She hastily lifted the handkerchief to her face and when she withdrew it, it was stained with a dark crimson and her lip burnt.
Kaz didn't say anything of her concern for you, even if it was at an all time high - a little too concerned to just be friends. He too cared for you, as he did all his Crows.
He would just never deign to admit it. You couldn't have any weaknesses in the Barrel: none that showed anyway.
But for now, he would allow the spider to convey visible distress as the whole point of choosing the specific location for the meeting, was that no one ever went there. No one would be able to see her weakness and so they wouldn't be able to exploit it.
Kaz and Inej stood at the end of the alley, Inej constantly poking her head around the corner, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
"What's the time?"
"No different to when you last asked." Was Kaz's stoic response.
At this point, she would take any scenario in which you were alive. You returning injured would be bearable. Yes, she would hate to see you in pain but it was better that than dead.
Inej only wanted you to come back. Come back for her. Come back to her.
"Wraith, survey the skies."
This meant Kaz was giving up. That order was always his last resort before he would return to the Slat and consider possibilities of capture, torture and death.
Kaz let a flash of shock cross his features involuntarily, then straightened. She had never disobeyed him like this before. She had never outright refused.
"You will do as I say."
"You can't be giving up. Not on her. We both know she has a higher chance of survival if we delay leaving her here."
This was quickly turning into a heated act of defiance. And Kaz needed to quell it.
"She will survive."
That was when he realised that maybe a matter of fact approach wasn't the best and the truth was, Kaz had repressed his emotions for so long, all except anger, and this meant he had no idea how to comfort or sympathise.
"No Kaz! She might not! And you know, I will look for her! And even if you lose hope, I will not! I will keep searching... I will."
"Have you wondered why you want to cling to the ever fading idea she is alive."
She blatantly ignored the way Kaz had gone back on himself and reversed his previous statement.
"Because... Because I love-"
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You were tumbling round corners, your feet slapping over the smoothed stones and your breath coming as heavy pants from your throat.
Your hand was plastered to your side, the knife in-between your middle and index finger. You hadn't pulled it out - if you did, you would bleed out ten times faster.
Four streets left.
You counted them off in your head as you passed them, doing anything to focus on something other than the pain slowly overriding your brain.
You had made all of the correct turnoffs. There were two remaining but the blood coating your fingers reminded you of the little time left. You weren't going to make it.
It was one of your worst nightmares, dying in a creepy, damp and withering alleyway, the moss and grime giving a possibility you'd never be found.
Your family would never get the closure they needed and Inej would probably look for you everyday.
You were filled with a new kind of determination, to stay alive, if only until they saw you. All they had to do was see you once, that was all. Then you would be happy as you passed on.
You were halfway down the second alley when you saw it. Kaz's coattails were flapping in the wind and Inej's braid too.
You sped up slightly, only to stumble as your hand went to the rough brick wall. You retracted your hand and it came back grazed, but that was the least of your problems.
As you came into their view, her back was turned to you but Kaz's wasn't. His eyes widened in terror, just barely, but Inej caught it. She whirled around to see you, faint blood splatters covering your face and a dried, rusty maroon crusting beneath your nails.
"Hi. Hope I didn't stuff it up-"
You had been sending a weak smile in Kaz's direction, attempting not to let it waver when Inej collided with you, and all your attention was brought to her.
She wrapped her arms around your waist, careful to avoid the wound in your torso and the sensitive skin surrounding it. You could not reciprocate the hug wholeheartedly as you wished to, because of the necessary pressure being provided by your palm, pressed flat against your flesh.
You had just managed to lift your spare arm from the elbow upwards to stiffly pat her back when she pulled back.
"Saints, you're alive. Not that I thought you were dead. I just, don't know what I'd do without you."
She was rambling and you raised an eyebrow to Kaz, wordlessly asking what ideas he had put in her head about you never coming back. He lifted his shoulders in a shrug, as if he had no clue what you meant.
The newfound strength you had gained by seeing them, seeing her, appeared to be fading and you swayed haphazardly on your feet.
Inej rushed to steady you, her eyes enlarged and frantic and you leant on her heavily, slumping and in turn forcing her to support the majority of your weight as you travelled back to the Slat.
Two streets.
Cobblestones hurtling up to meet you. Or was it you falling down?
And as your vision progressively became fuzzy, you were caught before your head made impact with the floor.
Black. Black and no cobblestones. No streets.
He glanced back to see her cradling your head to her chest, having squatted down at the last moment.
Now, her training would come into use. Her muscles had been built up in the air, swirling the silks and during the throwing of her knives to train in the Crows.
She repositioned her hands so one was at the back of your knees and the other looped over your lower back and carried on walking the winding paths.
Kaz was hurrying with more urgency now, Inej too. She quickened her pace and lengthened her steps to match his, so eventually they were almost jogging side by side, solemn and sorrowful.
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The door to the Slat nearly burst off its hinges as it was carelessly flung open and Kaz hollered for Nina.
She rushed down the stairs, taking two at a time and didn't hesitate when seeing you, battered and bleeding. There was never any time to hesitate when any millisecond could make the difference between life and death.
Inej stayed by your side while Nina was trying her best to do what she could. She forced herself to witness the needle dipping through your flesh and envision it as a dance of sorts, so she wouldn't be sick.
Nina too left, just as Kaz had, after mentioning Jesper was probably sidetracked gambling for celebration after partaking in his section of the heist, unaware of the turmoil in the remaining Crow's hearts.
But Inej stayed. She always did and always would. You had stuck with her through everything, by her side as her friend and she as yours, each wishing the other was so much more.
Before you awoke, she considered what she would have said before. That she loved you. Did she? Inej was always so unsure if she could ever love anyone. But, she supposed, that was before you.
Your door was always open for her, no matter the time of day, letting her know you were there for her, just across the hallway.
The red fabrics could never follow her in there and it was a given she could rest easy, no longer thinking of the Menagerie.
You would always spare her a coffee and never accept her trying to pay you back. She probably owed you a hundred kruge by now, at least.
You would always buy her a small gift for her birthday. Last year it was an anklet with a glittering spider in the centre, to represent her ability to scale buildings and jump from rooftop to rooftop like it was nothing.
It must have sold for a lot, but you never specified exactly, making sure she had no way of knowing its true costly value.
And she knew as your eyes fluttered open, she was in love. The kind that if you were apart for weeks, hours, minutes it would feel as though years had passed.
"I love her."
It was a whispered confession: falling from Inej's lips like sweet honey, blurted out before she could help it.
She jumped. It took a lot to make her, the one who always monitored who was in the room, shocked, but she had been so lost in thought she hadn't seen you had been observing her.
She shook her head unbelievably swiftly them said, "That doesn't matter. You're awake."
She stood so she was leaning over you and helped you to sit up slowly, adjusting the pillows accordingly. You had a faint trace of a smile gracing your lips as you asked once more.
"No, tell me. It's important to know if my friend is in love."
It's important to know if you can ever be mine, and I yours.
Instead of answering she called for Nina, who checked your heartbeat and declared you only needed rest. She told you her conclusion with a wag of her finger and you knew what she was thinking. You would try to get up the first possible time you could.
She left once more and you gazed at Inej, all the stars in her eyes that were just as important, if not more so, to you than the Saints she so stubbornly believed in.
Those words accidentally toppled away from her and into the silence once again, only with a sentence added at the end.
"I love her. You."
It was barely said at all, almost failing to reach her ears and she clarified, took the leap of faith she should have so long ago.
"I'm in love with you."
Your jaw dropped, mouth gaping open then closed, like a fish out of water. You had just processed what she had said when she began to stutter over her words, apologising and saying she understood.
It broke your heart and you were quick to reassure her you did love her too.
And you really did.
How she could dance over rooftops, never stumbling, the way her plait swayed as she walked and the determination in her eyes, the fire that hadn't been put out, even after all she'd been through.
"No I do understand, even if you don't want to be friends at all."
She stopped talking as you let out a pained grunt, manouvering your torso to sit up and legs to dangle over the edge of the bed.
"What are you-"
She didn't have a chance to finish her question and the last word was muffled against your mouth as your lips pressed to hers, your hand at the nape of her neck and hers automatically lifting to your cheek.
As you pulled away, you sported a confident smirk, and said, "If that wasn't confirmation I love you too, I can always, I don't know, try again?"
The stars in her eyes sparkled once more and she responded eagerly as she too grinned.
"Oh, I'm still not quite sure. Think you could help me out on that?"
You hummed affirmatively and your lips met for the second time out of many.
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 3 years
Doom At Your Service: Analysis & Theories for EPs 9-10
Anyone mentally exhausted from watching DAYS? Well, you’ve come to the right place where I do the thinking for you, so you don’t have to! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to click on the ask question button! Happy Readings !
The Contract Revisited
While reviewing the contract, I realized there was something major that I had completely missed! Anyways let’s go over the contract again to clear up some confusion.
The Contract is as follows:
1) Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before she dies (It could be rephrased as Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before her tentative expiration date)
2) During Dong Kyung’s last 100 days, Myul Mang will prevent her from feeling any pain
3) Myul Mang has to grant her one real wish
4) If Dong Kyung breaks the contract (does not wish for the world to be destroyed) then the person she loves the most will die
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If Dong Kyung does not violate the contract as in she wishes for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies anyways because you know.... the world is non existent. If Dong Kyung does violate the contract, meaning she does not wish for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies too because her doom is transferred to them. Some have also wondered whether she can has to ask for the world to be destroyed in order to get her one real wish to be granted. In my opinion, I don't think so. I think she can still get her one real wish to be granted regardless of whether she wishes for doom upon the world or not. Other things to note is that nothing will happen to Myul Mang if he does not stick to the terms of the contract (i.e keeps Dong Kyung pain free and granting her one real wish) because as Dong Kyung said "If I violate" not "If either you or I violate".
Now something to pay close attention to is #4. In Ep 2, Myul Mang had said he would take Dong Kyung’s doom (brain cancer) and transfer it to someone she loves. This is the part I missed! I’d thought that all Myul Mang was doing was transferring the death that was meant for her, not that he was actually removing her source of death which was her brain cancer. Therefore, if Dong Kyung breaks the contract, she will live because her brain cancer is removed and is subsequently transferred into the person she loves, causing them to die instead. I feel incredibly stupid for missing this important piece of info. In light of this new info, I will therefore retract my previous theory that Dong Kyung’s one wish will be to cure her brain cancer.
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For those who were confused by that scene of Dong Kyung going to the beach and staying away from everyone, here are my thoughts on that. Dong Kyung was trying to find a loophole. The loophole was that she was planning on violating the contract while protecting the people she loves. This means that Dong Kyung was planning on ending herself at the beach (you can't wish for doom upon the world if you're already dead) and accepting her doom (her doom can't be transferred to anyone else because she accepts it in herself).
Who’s Going to Get Dong Kyung’s Brain Cancer and Die?
I recently had a eureka moment a few days ago before Eps 9-10 aired that led me to formulating a new theory -- it's actually Dora who will inherit Dong Kyung’s brain cancer and die. Let’s think through some things first, “the person you love the most will die”. The most obvious choice is Myul Mang. However, if you think about that statement in a more abstract way, you can see that if Dong Kyung loves her life, then the person who will die is Dora. Remember that Dora is basically the personification of life.
To further add evidence that supports this theory, I present to you Exhibit A, Dora’s massive nosebleed. We know Dong Kyung has a rare type of brain cancer and it’s located in her frontal lobe. As days pass, the brain tumor is growing or metastasizing. In theory, the tumor could grow into nearby areas such as her nasal cavity and cause Dong Kyung to have nose bleeds (FYI: In real life, I’m a scientist with experience in the field of oncology and most of the time brain tumors don’t grow outside of the brain. It can happen, but it is very rare!). Now, think about the events that occurred before Dora's nose bleed. For example, Dong Kyung was out and about enjoying her time with Myul Mang and her family and friends. Essentially, Dong Kyung was beginning to love her life. This causes Dora to suffer because she is taking in Dong Kyung's illness into herself. Subsequently, this leads to Dora experiencing some of the symptoms of Dong Kyung's brain cancer (e.g nose bleed). Thus, as Dong Kyung is beginning to live, Dora is beginning to die.
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Exhibit B: Adventures of Pinocchio. At the end of the story, the Fairy (Dora) heals an ailing Geppetto (Dong Kyung) as a reward for Pinocchio (Myul Mang) becoming a good boy. Following this, we don’t hear much about what happens to the Fairy except that she’s in laying in a hospital on the verge of death. It is implied that in order to heal Geppetto, the Fairy had to take his illness into herself. Afterall, nothing is without consequences, someone must pay so that others can be happy. Much like the story of Pinocchio, Dora is doing the same thing as the Fairy. Dora is taking in Dong Kyung’s illness so that Dong Kyung can freely love her son, Myul Mang, without consequences (e.g Myul Mang dying).
Exhibit C: Dong Kyung walking around like she didn’t have brain cancer while in seclusion. You would think that since she didn’t see Myul Mang to recharge, she would be experiencing some severe symptoms, but nope she was walking around as if she was cured! I wonder where her cancer went.......DORA!
Exhibit D: Dora telling Dong Kyung to be madly in love and live. Basically Dora saying, "Love my son and live, don't worry about your brain cancer or him dying because I'm taking care of it."
Why Dora Didn't Want Myul Mang To See Her
For those wondering why Dora didn’t want Myul Mang to see her, here are my two cents. One explanation is that Dora probably didn’t want him to figure out that she was inheriting Dong Kyung’s brain cancer. It would’ve made him feel guilty to see that his mother was willing to take on even more pain just so he could be happy. Another explanation is that Myul Mang still has a lot of growing up to do (to become human). Dora didn’t want him to get the idea that he’s out of the clear just yet. Meaning if Myul Mang had found out that Dora was doing this for him then he would’ve thought life was a breeze now and have no further motivations to want to grow, thus ruining Dora’s plan for him (to grow up to become a good human). There’s no better motivation to make someone grow than the thought of their love ones dying.
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Final Theory on Dong Kyung’s Wish
In my previous post, I had discussed that without knowing the limits of what one could or could not wish for, it was difficult for me to accurately predict what Dong Kyung’s wish would be. However, in this week’s episode, I was finally given the limits: the wish must be a wish that is doom in nature. I thought to myself, what could be a good thing to end? Oh, that’s right, Myul Mang’s immorality. Dong Kyung must say “I wish for your immortal life to end” or something along those lines. The combination of Dong Kyung’s wish + Myul Mang’s willingness to sacrifice himself for her + Dora’s plant = the rebirth of Myul Mang into a real boy....oops I mean real hu-man.
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The Ending of DAYS
So, what kind of ending will DAYS have? Prepare yourselves. I think it’s going to be a bittersweet ending because it goes with the one of the main themes DAYS which is dualism. I think Myul Mang will be reborn as a human, but still have his doom responsibilities (so more like a fake human). He will probably end up becoming like Dora in the sense that he gets to experience the cycle of life and death over an infinite amount of time. Dong Kyung won’t be reborn in his next life cycle (remember Myul Mang tells that crazy lady there’s no afterlife; humans only have this one life). I guess the notion that the love he and Dong Kyung share will always be with him and forever serve as a shining beacon even in his loneliest days is sweet, but still I want a happy ending!!!
Now excuse my language, but to hell with dualism and what is logical! I want a happy ending where Myul Mang becomes human, lives with Dong Kyung, and when he dies that’s it. No coming back to doing his doom job in a different life. Dora can create another herald of doom. Dora did it once before and she could do it again lol. Or if Myul Mang must come back in a different life, at least allow Dong Kyung to be reborn at the same time. I mean you can grow the same plant again…. EVER HEARD OF PROPROGATION DORA?!! Metaphorically speaking, if Dong Kyung is a sunflower, then wait until she dies, harvest her seeds and grow her again…. it’s that simple Dora!!!
Some Thoughts on the Writer of DAYS
The writer (Im Meari) of DAYS is at best, pretentious and at worst, derivative. She’s more or less just rehashing the works of other great philosophers (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Deleuze, etc). She presents DAYS as a collection of major philosophical concepts with the intention to differentiate herself from that of other kdramas writers. She goes onto placing great stress on the idea that in order to innovate or bring about a new beginning, one must deviate from the norm, yet she herself does not diverge from the ideas of other philosophers. She does not present any philosophy of her own. In this aspect, she is a hypocrite to the very ideas she tries to preach. Oh well, to each their own. Who knows, maybe my opinion of Im Meari will change by the end of the series. Anyways, I’m still here for the romance between the actors and actresses and solving mysteries!
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Ep 11 Preview Predictions
Here are my predictions for Ep 11 based off of the preview, they may or may not be correct !
Dong Kyung takes back the bracelet from Myul Mang after their conversation on the beach. Honestly, I’m growing tired of this whole giving/taking the bracelet type situation lol.
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Dong Kyung enjoys a nice vacation with Myul Mang on Jeju island.
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Dong Kyung returns from the vacation because she finds out that her aunt is sick (probably from worrying about Dong Kyung). Dong Kyung beats herself up about it.
Dong Kyung is sick again (probably from hating life...remember that I had theorized that the more Dong Kyung loves her life, the sicker Dora will be become) and Myul Mang in his desperation pleads with Dora to help him, but Dora’s version of helping him is to …. surprise surprise… teach him another lesson. The lesson is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and that Myul Mang and Dong Kyung complete each other for the better. Dora shows Myul Mang what their lives would've been like if they had never existed in each other’s lives.
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Dong Kyung having never experience any kind of suffering would live a healthy life but become the most unappreciative and spoiled person ever. She may go on to finding that life was pretty meaningless and would want to put an end to it all. And Myul Mang having never met Dong Kyung wouldn't have any motivation or desire to grow as a person and so he would remain stagnant. And who knows… maybe at some point, that Myul would’ve became so angry with humans that he would personally go around killing every last one of them.
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
I literally had a panic attack when I watched Ayo take off Bucky's arm. I was born without my left arm and see a lot of myself in Bucky. I have a prosthetic and had to stop the episode and watch it later. And it really hurt me to see your completely disregard that and say I have no right to be upset. It really pisses me off. I'm fully acknowledging that Bucky did a terrible thing, and he needed to be stopped. But she didn't have to remove his arm. He wouldn't have hurt her. To see you refer to his arm in the tags as a weapon further hurt me. It's not a fucking weapon, it's his fucking arm. You're trying to twist this into a race issue when it's about fucking ableism. I'm brown not black so I don't know if you'll accept my concerns with your post
Hi, one, I apologize for what is sure to be a very long and very frustrated statement. But I’m dealing with a lot of shit rn (actually related to race and ableism specifically) but I wanted to respond because my ADHD ass will forget otherwise.
Okay. One, you say “he wouldn’t have hurt her.”
We, the audience, knows that. Ayo did not. What she knows is that the man before her was an assassin and sniper, even before he was captured and forced to kill by HYDRA. He was a WWII sniper and seemed to be quite skilled (I’m going to assume that’s one of the reasons HYDRA tried to experiment on him and picked him to he the winter soldier.) In any case, this newly reformed (and at the time, just barely reformed. As in, he was healed a month, maybe two months before the events of infinity war. So he’s been healed for a whopping seven months.) This newly reformed assassin, who had been the victim of either chemical or otherwise mental subjugation freed a terrorist from prison.
Not only did he free a terrorist from prison, he freed a terrorist that was obsessed with HYDRA. If any terrorist knew a back door to unlock the winter soldier again, it would be Baron Zemo, who knew each and every one of HYDRA’s secrets.
While Shuri is definitely brilliant, it’s entirely possible that HYDRA buried a safety within their “asset” just in case he was able to break his programming. It’s entirely possible that it was so well buried amongst the labyrinth that is the brain that even Shuri couldn’t find it. After all, Shuri isn’t a neuroscientist, and the brain is largely regarded as the final frontier. So it’s entirely possible that she missed buried programming.
So, we have a person that got rid of HYDRA’s programming seven months ago that just freed one of the only people on the planet that could have the information that could potentially reactivate the winter soldier. And THEN, we have a video of this man “acting” as the winter soldier in madripoor. This was uploaded on the internet and I’m assuming that Ayo saw it.
What proof does Ayo have that he won’t hurt her? That she won’t weaponize his arm and hurt her? What proof does she have that he’s not under Zemo’s control, that Zemo can’t control him in a second. The only thing she knows are that Bucky Barnes freed a terrorist that had access to all of HYDRA’s information, the terrorist appeared to control the winter soldier in madripoor, and it is entirely possible that there is buried programming designed to deactivate the winter soldier.
She deactivates it, realizes he’s fully in control of himself and says, “bast damn you, James.” As in, “fuck you for freeing a terrorist and acting like it isn’t a big deal. You are clearly acting on your own accord in this.”
And yes, it’s different being Black vs. being Brown. It isn’t to say that racism and ableism don’t intersect with Brown folks because obviously it does.
But l specifically asked for Black opinions bc of the demonization of Black folks, especially the trope of “big scary Black women” or “big scary Black men.”
It’s ironic I see this today when I have a story that is so relevant and anger inducing.
I work with white parents of Black children, usually through adoption since I work primarily with lgbt parents, but I do have some cis het white parents raising Black biological kids. One of the parents and friends got into it today because her autistic Black child got into it with their sibling (also disabled). The sibling intentionally triggered their older sibling and punched them and it escalated to the point where the bigger sibling finally reacted and shoved the younger sibling. It broke the younger kid’s glasses. The youngest is legally blind and needs very expensive and specific prescription classes to even have 20/40 vision.
The mom called the police on her child and the kid was arrested and charged. She is 15. Mom described the kid as aggressive and awful and terrible and all sorts of names. A ww called the police on her Black 15 year old child having a meltdown. And she played into stereotypes that Black people, Black women, are aggressive/scary/angry. A ww could’ve gotten her child killed for having a meltdown because she broke a white child’s disability aid.)
A ww couldve gotten her child killed because she played into anti-Black stereotypes. That white people need protection from them. Even when the white child was initially the aggressor in the scenario.
Sure, it’s different, but it plays to the same stereotypes. Poor white disabled person needs protection from the aggressive scary Black person, and we’re just going to assume that the Black person was being unnecessarily aggressive because it plays into all of the stereotypes about Black people. No, there’s no way that this Black person was making a decision based on a series of evidence that could point to them genuinely being harmed.
(By the way, in the scenario of the two kids, I think they both needed help and support, and that the police shouldn’t have been called period.)
Nope, it’s just an aggressive Black person being ableist.
The same systems that have everyone seeing Bucky as a cute little uwu cinnamon roll in need of protection are what caused everyone to see Ayo as an aggressive ableist Black woman. White people usually get the benefit of the doubt. The best intentions are believed even when the evidence clearly says otherwise.
The evidence Ayo had indicated that she had no idea whether the winter soldier could’ve been reactivated and whether or not Bucky could’ve been under zemo’s control. She had no idea. None. She made a decision based off that information. And the fact that Bucky didn’t react strongly indicated that he was acting on his own accord.
Mayhaps, Ayo might even have been trying to trigger the winter soldier. I just thought of this but it makes sense. That the WS would react very defensively and even potentially deadly to that level of fighting, even if his previous orders were different.
In any case, this situation isn’t comparable to every day disabled people because our disability aids to not double as weapons. Most people can’t do more harm with a prosthetic limb than they can with a regular limb. Bucky can. Bucky’s arm is also a weapon and that fact complicates matters considerably. If bucky’s arm were simply a regular arm with typical strength, it’d be a no brainer situation. But it’s not. We don’t know the wakanda enhancements of his arms, but we know in the comics, he could kill with a single punch using his arm. He uses his arm tactically to map his surroundings. He uses his arm to send off EMPs that can disabled weaponry. It even has a retractable blade for close combat. It is a disability aid that it also a weapon. It was designed to be a weapon. The normal conversations around disability aids don’t fit it because no one today has a disability aid that could kill someone in seconds and even cause larger scale damage with a targeted EMP.
And finally, I want to say this, I am truly sorry that you had a panic attack while watching the episode. That is never fair and it’s never fun to be triggered by television shows.
I do hope this helped to better explain and clarify my perspective.
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Batwoman 3.12 "We're All Mad Here" has aired on the CW and I'm here to talk about it
Penultimate episode time y'all. I don't know about anyone else but the penultimate episode almost stresses me out more than the actual finale.
It's been like three weeks, where the fuck did we leave off? Ope that's right, Alice wants the joybuzzer because she thinks it might be able to uncrazy her. I remember talking about this and thinking that it's not going to work on Alice because it's not the source of her craziness. Considering the whole thing with how Alice is "crazy" as a defense/coping mechanism that's the result of being kidnapped and tortured for years and then when she finally found some semblance of joy again, those joyous memories were erased by a woman who was mad that Alice fucked her brother.
Good to see Alice back to her roots on a murder spree.
Okay did it actually work? Because if so, then yay Beth I guess but it feels like a cop out. That doesn't get rid of the possibility that Beth is going to have to deal with all sorts of mental and emotional shit but I would've liked to see her chose to do the work to become Beth again. Which they could still do, I'm sure she's going to have a lot of guilt to deal with, but not a huge fan of the "oh here's a magical fix for my psychosis" thing.
"Is it just me or did they make Alice a victim?" because she is Sophie??? Does that excuse all the murder and other evil she did as Alice? Not at all! But she is, in fact, a victim. Because she was kidnapped and tortured by a dude for years. I know you don't like her Sophie but get your head out of your ass!
Oop and there's the continuing psychological problems, now Beth is seeing dead people. Oh so did she not save herself or is she having a new psychic break thing? Either way my previous statements may have to be retracted. Or I guess I did say that they can continue to explore these themes after her being saved. Okay whatever. I made my point, I stand by it, and I'm willing to be wrong.
Ha, Jada walking in on Sophie. That's admittedly very funny.
Yes Mary let her have it, fuck her up queen! You owe that bitch nothing.
Barbara Kean??? Looks like Miss Jet knows her and is may be more involved than we already know. She's part of Black Glove?? Okay that actually works, sure. And Jada kidnapped again, maybe they'll finally kill her this time, I still hate this character so much.
Is Mary going to confess?? Blame it on Ivy? Because I say blame it on Ivy, it really was all her fault.
Joker murdered Jason Todd confirmed?? Rad. More support for my "Bruce vanished because he murdered Joker for murdering Jason & paralyzing Barbara" theory.
Joker 2.lame doesn't even look good. Fucking hate that guy.
An Arkham and a Falcone are a part of Black Glove. And Burton Crowne, who apparently is tied to Talon of the Court of Owls. Considering that the Black Glove Society does not exist in comics (according to all research I've done), good on the writing team for picking entirely people from actual Gotham mythos. All pretty good choices too. They could've been a much more fun villain than Joker 2.lame. Although I'm not sure any of their backstory makes sense.
Not delusional Mouse coming and guilt tripping Alice. All here for it.
People think Alice killed the hunter? Is it true that Alice called and confessed?? Damn, that bitch be crazy. Mary going with it is the ultimate throwing her under the bus unless she really did confess.
Joker 2.lame, even your backstory is lame. But I guess good job writing team for seeing an opportunity to connect him to Alice. I guarantee that wasn't always the plan.
Kill her ass Ryan!! Rip his dick off!!!
Big fan of Ryan and Sophie finally talking shit through, deciding to be girlfriends. The gays stay winning! Mary and I are twins in that reaction.
Why do the villains always discover the Batcave? I swear that shit's gotta be on goggle maps or some shit by now considering everyone fucking finds it.
DC's Batwoman season 3 finale "Are We Having Fun Yet?" next week, March 2nd. One last go.
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mercless · 2 years
@hexmachinations | from here.
Features scrunch unpleasantly while the inventor's question is processed, barely finishing with discerning his previous words that had seemed... complimentary? Perhaps merely statements. He was using so many unnecessary words, and the longest versions of them. Annoyance would call it aristocratic talk, paranoia would call it stalling. Gloved hands stay put on the bench behind them, their cloak pressed to its edge as Talon searched for support from his scrutinising gaze. They hated being so seen. He wanted to... know how they deal with problems. With the problem that brought them here.
The Machine Herald wasn't supposed to be here when they were. The plan had been to find papers of information, discern who and what he truly was. They should have taken longer to learn his schedule, watched for when he braved the hazardous fog outside. Talon stifles a cough from beneath their fabric mask pulled up to their nose at the thought, shaded eyes glancing over the walking armoured body before them in an attempt to find weaponry, always coming back to that third limb from his back. Was it moving? "The simplest solution," The answer is dragged out of their throat, their gaze unhappy on everything it fell on, "Talking and asking, works." They guess at that being the answer Viktor wanted. Even if they attempted to fight their way out - or even surprise him - they doubted their blades would find much purchase in a majority of his armour. And a hasty escape while still not tripping any of the alarms in place seemed a risky gambit.
A hand lifts to adjust further across the desk, only to retract then it finds paperwork instead of the solid surface. The thought of the Blade's Shadow being known already didn't occur to Talon. And what they knew of the Machine Herald was from hearsay at best, and already they were beginning to refute most of it. So it wouldn't be far from possible that Viktor had dealt with curious invaders before, seeking the truth from what was spewed out by poisoned minds. With that theory in mind, Talon chances standing their ground properly. "I want to... know what the truth is. About you, and how."
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twdeadlysins · 4 years
Not Alone
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 2,173
Summary: Daryl blames himself everyday for not sticking with Y/N when the Governor brought chaos upon them. The only thing that keeps him going is hope — hope that her and their unborn child is okay and out there somewhere.
Request: 14. “I thought you were dead” - Daryl and the reader (M/F) were separated when the prison fell. The reader, who is pregnant with his child, When the group gets to Alexandria, he finds the reader, but they're not alone. He hugs the reader and says #14 (Baby (G/B) is a newborn when he finds them.) // Requested by: @leej2468​
Warnings: some angst?, fluff, pregnancy, mention of possible death of a character and unborn child, the usual walking dead themes, and possible typos by yours truly 
A/N: I apologize that I’m barely cranking out fics. The usual writer’s block, laziness, lack of motivation, and other work have been delaying posts. I do have a ton of wips and requests to start and finish! 
The gifs I use aren’t mine, so all credit goes to their respective owners.
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On the ride to their new home, Daryl fiddled with his crossbow and arrows, deep in thought. Although the place was going to be a major upgrade from their previous living conditions, he was unsure about it all. He was doubtful that Alexandria would be any different than the farm, the prison, or Terminus. Every time they took a chance, it was ruined by walkers or people, breaking all hope and trust. Not trust in his family, but trust with the rest of the world. The only people Daryl could count on was himself and his people… and Y/N. 
“Thinkin’ about them?” 
The hunter stayed silent as he inspected an arrow, not wanting to look Maggie in the eye. He was afraid that if he did, she would see all the guilt and pain that his crystal blues held, so he barely nodded as an answer. Maggie sighed and reached over, gently placing her hand on top of his, prompting Daryl to halt his movements and reluctantly peer at her. She gave an empathetic smile, giving his hand a squeeze before retracting her hand away and folding her arms to lean on the table. 
The archer dropped the arrow and brought his back to meet the couch, gnawing on his lip while messing with the hem of his shirt. His eyes connected back to the brunette before shrugging. “She’s alone. She shouldn’ be alone.” Tears started to well up and his bottom lip began to tremble as he stared at his dirty calloused hands, fidgeting with his fingers. 
A little over a month before the prison, Y/N had gotten sick and they assumed it was just a stomach bug — until it lasted more than a couple days. Lori and Carol chuckled at the couple and brought up the possibility that she might be pregnant after a week and a half of her feeling unwell. Despite Y/N’s protest that there was no way, Daryl had handed her a test after a run, and it proved her wrong. Although she was in denial at first, she was elated and so was he, but there were underlying nerves there, especially after what happened to Lori. Y/N was with her when it had happened, and she ended up terrified, scared that she was going to end up like that as well. With time and the endless amount of support from Daryl and the others, she became more comfortable at the idea of giving birth. 
That secure feeling vanished the minute the Governor came, destroying their home and murdering Hershel, the person they counted on to bring their child in the world, right in front of them. Y/N started spraying bullets alongside him before he urged her to head for the bus, but she was stubborn as hell and didn’t want to be separated — didn’t want to leave him behind. Daryl knew she was the type of person to say ‘If you’re going down, then I’m going down with you’, but he couldn’t let her do that, especially since it was much bigger than the two of them — there was another life. So he caressed her cheek behind the box they were using for protection, taking a moment to remind her that she had to think of their baby before rubbing her very visible baby bump, prompting her to place her hand on top of his. He assured Y/N that he’d cover for her while she made a run for the getaway vehicle and that he’d meet her there. Daryl scanned every inch of her face to remember just in case things went south before kissing her with so much passion like it would be their last -- and with each day that passed, it seemed like it was.
Daryl blamed himself every single day for losing Y/N, for not staying with her and protecting her. In the moment he thought he was doing what was best, that his plan was her best chance at surviving, but what if he ended up getting her and their baby killed? Glenn had told him she never made it on the bus, never stepped foot in it. She wasn’t alive at the prison when he stayed behind either and he didn’t see anyone that resembled her as far as he could tell among the walkers, but that didn’t necessarily mean she was alive. Maggie confirmed his statement since she had caught up with the bus and she wasn’t among the walkers, so where was she? What happened? Was she safe? There were too many questions lingering in his head, but the one thing he knew for sure was that he was the one at fault. 
“She’s not alone.” Maggie solemnly whispered. “Y/N has your child with her, always. She’s a strong woman and we both know she won’t let anything happen to that baby, not without a fight.”
Daryl nodded, fighting the sobs that wanted to burst out of him. Y/N was a stubborn woman, she was tough and wouldn’t let anyone near her and their unborn child. He had to keep believing she was out there somewhere because that was the only thing keeping him going. 
“They could be out there, Daryl. Just ‘cause we haven’t found them yet, don’t mean they’re gone. Don’t lose hope.” Daryl’s head was bowed, but he bobbed it in understanding at her words. Hope was all he had.
The RV came to a halt followed by Abraham announcing that they arrived at their destination — their new home. The archer wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before grabbing his gear and hopping out the vehicle to be met with a gate. As Aaron instructed for his people to open the entrance, Glenn stepped beside Daryl. 
“After we get settled here, we’ll go out and look for her, okay?” He placed his hand on Daryl’s shoulder, trying to give him a little comfort and hope because he wasn’t alone, he missed her too. The hunter caught Rick’s head turning to peer at him from the front of the group. He nodded, communicating with Daryl from afar, which led the redneck to do the same. Rick and Glenn had discussed it some time before, which was assuring for Daryl. She wasn’t forgotten and they were going to help do something about it. The three of them were going to find her. 
When the gate opened, Daryl absentmindedly trekked behind with Glenn still at his side, wandering his orbs around the place, getting a feel for it. It was a nice community and it was secure like Aaron described and showed with his pictures. It was a perfect place to raise a family, a great place for Judith — a great place for his child. He shook off the thought, not wanting to break down again, especially in front of everyone. Although it was ideal for Y/N and their baby, he couldn’t quite trust it yet. It made him feel guilty to be able to stay in a place like Alexandria without Y/N who could be out there somewhere struggling to survive.
In order for the group to reside in Alexandria, they had to have a one-on-one interview with the leader, Deanna. Daryl kept his answers short and sweet, she didn’t need to know every detail of his life. After the interviews, the group was split into two houses, not wanting to stray far from each other or bunk with total strangers. Daryl slept for a couple hours, but he was mainly perched beside a grand window, keeping watch. Just because they were behind sturdy walls, didn’t mean they were completely safe — walkers weren’t the only enemy. 
Daryl was casually sitting on the porch of their new home the next morning, smoking a cigarette as he messed with his crossbow. The door swung open before someone skipped down the steps, turning their figure to stare at the hunter who didn’t stop cleaning his crossbow. 
“When do you not mess with that thing?”
He huffed, grabbing the cigarette from between his lips to discard before staring at Carol who formed a teasing smile that joined her raised eyebrows. “When will ya leave me alone?” Daryl grunted, stomping his boot on the cigarette to put it out. 
Carol rolled her eyes as an amused Daryl focused back on his weapon, satisfied with his retort. “When you take a shower,” Carol shot back, striding away, but not without stealing a glance at the archer who shook his head. He grumbled as he watched her walk across the street but before he could go back to what he was doing, he heard a man chuckle. 
Daryl peered up and saw a man with crutches, who he assumed was Eric, chatting with a woman who hugged her crossed arms close to her chest as they walked down the road with someone not far behind, approaching closer to the house. The hunter squinted his eyes and held up his hand over them to shield his orbs from the sun that shone bright over the community. His heart accelerated once he recognized a face — a face he could never forget — her face — Y/N’s face. 
His task was long forgotten as he set aside his crossbow and stumbled down the steps, getting emotional at the sight of her. Daryl slowly moved towards them, seeming to forget how to work his legs. He lost the ability to talk as well because when he tried to muster up her name, it got caught in his dry throat. Luckily for him, Eric had greeted him which caught her ear. They both froze in their tracks as she made eye contact with Daryl and he could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to process who was in front of her — if he was real.
A river was flowing down her cheeks as she whispered his name, not believing he was there before racing into his arms. She tightened her arms around his neck and sobbed into the crook of it as his arms squeezed around her waist, lifting her above the ground. “I knew you’d find me,” she whispered, voice wavering. 
Once they broke apart, Daryl caressed her damp cheek, boring his teary orbs into hers. “I thought you were dead.” It was his voice’s turn to shake, prompting Y/N to place her hands on the sides of his face and rest her forehead against his. 
“A nuke has to drop in order to get rid of me.” He could hear the smirk she wore in her tone as he chuckled, but the joke didn’t wash away the guilt that started to flood in. 
“M’sorry that I won’t there for ya. That ya were alone.” 
Y/N pulled away with a smile still plastered on her face which confused him. “I wasn’t alone.” She pivoted her body to gesture to Aaron who held a newborn wrapped tight in a pink blanket, making the archer do a double take at Y/N. His child — their child. He was so engrossed in the fact that Y/N was alive that he didn’t notice that her baby bump was no longer there. 
Y/N giggled, a sound that Daryl had deeply missed. “Sorry, guys, you must be a little confused.” 
“I think we figured it out.” Aaron smiled as he handed the baby over to Y/N. She slowly walked up to Daryl and he asked with his eyes for permission to hold her, which prompted Y/N to laugh. Once his daughter was handed to him, Daryl’s heart was close to combusting when his daughter’s tiny hand grasped around his finger. Y/N leaned her head against her fiance’s arm, watching their first interaction in content. 
“Although I was terrified, I was prepared to have her out there all by myself, but then Aaron and Eric found me holed up in a rundown house, nearly had the baby right then and there when they approached me.” They all chuckled. “I was cautious, of course, but it didn’t take much convincing. I needed to keep her safe and thought this place would do just that.” Daryl caressed the back of Y/N’s head to press a kiss to the top of her hair. He was so proud of her, she was so strong and he couldn’t believe he ever doubted that she wasn’t alive. 
“She’s almost two weeks old and still doesn’t have a name. Didn’t feel right to name her without you.” 
“What if I found ya two years later?” 
“Still wouldn’t have a name.” 
Everyone laughed at their banter before Aaron brought up how they should let their group know about Y/N and for them to meet their new member. Daryl and Y/N walked hand-in-hand with their daughter sleeping peacefully in his hold, ready to tell them the news and that there was no need for that three-man search party. 
A/N: Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! If you’d like to added or removed from the tags don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message! Also feedback is much appreciated!! 
Taglist: @jodiereedus22​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @haleypearce​ @gruffle1​ @lonewolf471​ @dashesoflipstick​ @aristocracy-y​ @oncemorewithfeelingg​ @maydayfigment​ @cathwritestragediesnotsins​
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thesilencesystem · 3 years
*syscourse ahead*
after having done some research, im deciding to retract our previous syscourse statements. im leaving the post(s) up, both because some of it is still largely true to our opinions and because deleting it feels like trying to erase that our opinion changed. opinions change. opinions should change, especially when presented with new information.
i no longer have any stance at all on the validity of non-traumagenic systems. i think that its far too early to try to claim anything concrete about the way dissociation, dissociative disorders, and multiplicity in general work. i have no opinion because i cant find an adequately compelling basis to have one, and because the multiplicity i know about is traumagenic; we have a dissociative disorder, and so other plurality is beyond my experience.
i still support there being mostly separated spaces for these two kinds of plurals. there is far more to being a traumagenic system than just the alters that non-traumagenic plurals simply cannot fully understand or relate to. i similarly think that most of the language for describing each should be kept separate (obviously excluding terms that were intended to be inclusive "plural", "multiple", etc), because system terminology is medical terminal and other plurality is not medical. there should not be any kind of a push to demedicalize systems because it is vital that traumagenic systems continue to receive access to medical care regarding their disorders. period. i am not willing to argue even slightly on the last point. if you call people "traumascum" or have anything toxic like that to say about people with trauma, you are NOT welcome near this blog.
i do think that there should be some shared spaces for plurals of any kind, but these should not by default be the only spaces people with dissociative disorders can occupy.
i will end by saying that we're still learning, and i hope, to whoever might be reading this, that you are too. these will not be our opinions forever because new information will arise and we will adjust accordingly based on that, always.
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avisteliterature · 4 years
A Truthful Dance | Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd x Reader
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RATING: General ◇ GENRE: Fluff/ Hurt/ Comfort ◇  631 words SUMMARY: Dimitri comforts you in the middle of dance practice. [If you enjoy my writing, consider supporting me by ordering a writing commission or donating via ko-fi!]
You huff to yourself as you take another misstep in your practiced routine. Your brows stitch themselves together, and you bring your hand up to your face so that you can muffle your frustrated scream. Of all people, why did the Professor have to choose you as the class representative? It's no secret that you enjoyed to dance, but that was only when you were dancing on your own time and by your own free will.
"I figured I might find you here." Dimitri's voice rings out in the open air as he makes his presence known, startling you.
"Your Highness," you quickly collect yourself and greet the prince with a respectful albeit awkward bow, folding your hands neatly together in front of you. "Did you need me for something?"
"I wanted to see how you were doing," he answers while taking purposeful steps towards you to lessen the distance in between. Once he's close enough, Dimitri delicately takes your right hand into his own and leans down to place a kiss on the back of your fingers.
"My love, I'm worried about your well-being," he whispers his concerns into the night, peering up at you through his lashes. "You looked to be on edge ever since the Professor chose you as the house representative for the White Heron Cup."
"I..." You turn your head to the side in an attempt to avoid the prince's gaze. You exhale a soft sigh and continue, dropping your formal speech altogether. Since Dimitri was starting to speak with you as he usually did whenever the two of you were alone, it was only fair that you do the same. "I just don't think I'm the right choice."
You try to retract your hand, but Dimitri continues to hold it firmly in his own. With a gentle tug, he pulls you forward as he takes one step back, and you have no choice but to follow his lead. He eases you into a slow and simple dance that you can fall into without any difficulty, and he responds to your previous statement with a question. "Why don't you think you're the right choice?"
"I don't deal well with being the center of attention. You know this." You allow your eyes to close, placing your trust in Dimitri to guide you along in this impromptu dance. "Moreoever, I... I'm afraid of disappointing everyone."
It's rare for you to show your emotions on your face, whether intentional or not, so the fact that Dimitri can plainly see your fear and anxiety displayed on your features means a whole lot. He tries to reassure you, "You won't disappoint any of us."
"But what if I lose or embarrass myself, or... or..." Your hands begin to tremble, and you lower your head even more. "I don't want to disappoint all of you. I want to meet your expectations."
"The only expectations we have are that you do your best and have fun," Dimitri responds. "There's no doubt some of us are cheering and hoping for your victory, but whether you win or lose, we will all still be satisfied with simply watching you perform."
"Is that... the truth?"
"It is."
"Truly?" You question him further, unable to push back the self-doubt in your heart.
Dimitri returns your question with one of his own. "Have I ever lied to you, my love?"
You press your lips together and shake your head. Dimitri has always been honest with you, never telling a single lie. If that's the case, then surely his words right now are as sincere as always. You breathe out a sigh and let your head rest against Dimitri's chest. You've always placed your trust in him, so you will do so once more and hope for the best.
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