#I saw gifs of this scene a while ago but I couldn’t find them again
saxophone-cat · 1 year
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Never Say Die
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shockercoco · 5 months
Modern Loneliness
Major John Egan x reader
Warnings - little bit of angst, but mostly fluff
Word count - 2159
a/n - this was literally supposed to be posted over a month ago for the ending of MOTA, but I kept writing for Austin lol. Might as well get it out the drafts now. I also basically had to rewrite the whole thing bc wtf was I thinking a month ago. I hope you enjoy :)
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The war is finally over, allowing all the soldiers to go home, including the two best friends Buck and Bucky. The only thing holding Bucky back from being completely content about leaving is the fact that he doesn’t have that special someone to go back to.
Buck has Marge, and of course he’s happy for him, but Bucky just wishes had found a girl before he got sent off, someone who would know how he was before the war. Buck would always tell him not to worry and that he would find someone soon, but each time it doesn’t give him any reassurance.
You have been best friends with Marge since college, so when she told you her fiance was coming home you had nothing but joy for her. You had been a huge supporter of their relationship since the beginning, and while Buck was away you were always at her house comforting her for when she cried or just needed a friend. During his absence, Buck would write to you to check in on Marge because you and him both knew Marge would never tell him how she was really doing.
Currently, you are walking out of her front door to go back home when you see a taxi pull up in the driveway. You didn’t think anything of it until you saw Buck exiting the vehicle with his bags in hand. You shout for Marge to come outside, and it doesn’t take long for her to sprint into Buck’s arms after seeing him in the driveway. With a smile, you watched as he held onto her tightly and so lovingly, knowing this is exactly what Marge needed after a bad week. 
Deep down, though, you were wishing you had someone coming home to you, someone whose arms you could run into and kiss you like his life depended on it. When it came to the dating scene you never had much luck, so after a while you just accepted the defeat and gave up, deciding it was better to put your energy towards your career. 
During your girl talks, Marge would always tell you that you would find someone soon, and how perfect of a person you were, but year after year of not finding a relationship was making it hard to believe her. 
A couple days after Buck’s return, Marge invited you over because she was hosting a barbeque for Buck and some of his friends. You tried your best to get out of it, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She also mentioned that Bucky – Buck’s friend from the military who you’ve only heard while reading letters – would be there and that it would be an opportunity for you.
You didn’t find it unusual that she was trying to set you up with someone because this is what she always does, but you just weren’t in the mood to have small talk with a guy who probably wouldn’t find you attractive.
When Buck had invited Bucky – because when are they not together – he turned down the offer, and just like Marge, Buck wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
So, now here you were in Marge’s backyard surrounded by men and their partners. The only people you knew were the hosts, so you sat on the steps of the back porch with Marge beside you. Marge also didn’t know many of the guests given the fact everyone was Buck’s friend from the military, so she kept you company as she watched Buck man the grill with a few other guys beside him.
Bucky was among them, standing right next to his best friend and sipping on a beer as he talked. Every now and again, he would run a hand through his hair to push some of his loose curls, and you couldn’t deny the fact that he was attractive as you found yourself admiring him from a distance.
“Are you going to say something to him?” Marge asked you as she swished around the lemonade in her glass. She had been watching you this whole time as you practically drooled in the direction of the grill.
“Of course not,” you say as you turn your attention back to her, not before glancing around to see if anyone else had caught you staring. 
Thankfully some of the women had formed a little group and were laughing and gossiping amongst themselves, so there was little chance anyone had noticed you.
“And why not?” asked Marge with furrowed brows. “He’s a nice guy, I promise.”
“I’m sure he is, but it’s not like I know what to say. Plus look at him, he’s way out of my league,” you reply as you take a sip of lemonade from your own glass. 
“No he’s not, he’s just like any other guy,” she scoffs followed by a laugh.
“And just like with any other guy, I have nothing to talk about. What do we even have in common? He also just got back from a war camp in Europe, what if I say something that triggers him? 
“You’re overthinking. Just start off with a simple hello, and then go from there. He’s a huge flirt so knowing him he’ll do most of the talking,” she smiles. 
She was always so optimistic about these kinds of things, but you would be too if you were getting married to a guy who basically worships you.
You quickly finish the last of your lemonade before standing up. “I’m going to get a refill,” you mumble as you walk up the steps and into the house. You needed an excuse to get away from the conversation, and to get out of the heat. The sundress you were wearing was cute and gave you airflow, but it also exposed your arms and legs to harsh sun.
You head into the kitchen and open the fridge to take out the pitcher of lemonade Marge had made earlier in the day. After refilling your glass, you thought it was best to linger in the kitchen for a bit longer and decided to grab a plate of fruit out of the fridge to keep you busy.
Just as you jump up on the kitchen counter to get comfortable, you hear the back door opening. Next thing you know, you see Bucky walking into the kitchen, letting out a sigh that seems to be of exhaustion. He flashes you a smile when he notices you, before proceeding to grab another beer out of the fridge.
“You’re Marge’s friend right?” he asks as he shuts the door and turns to face you. 
“Yep,” is all you say before sticking a grape in your mouth.
“I’m John, but everyone calls me Bucky,” he says. He makes direct eye contact as sticks a hand out for you to shake, which you do, before popping the cap off his beer.
“So I’ve heard. I’ve seen your picture in Marge’s letters,” you respond as you focus your attention on the plate in your hands and begin moving some fruit around.
“Oh, yeah? Did I atleast look good in those pictures? Buck never lets me read his letters,” He smirks as he leans against the counter opposite from you.
You almost choke on the piece of fruit you had just placed in your mouth from his statement. You feel your face and ears turning warm so you turn your head and look out the kitchen window to avoid his gaze.
You stop yourself from smiling and cover it by clearing your throat. “Well  you were in a uniform and in black and white, so I couldn’t really tell.” 
“Understandable, black and white photos can be misleading,” he jokes, taking a swig from his bear. There’s a short silence that follows that isn’t completely awkward, but not exactly comfortable to you either. You hope he doesn’t notice.
The silence is interrupted by the back door opening and Marge sticking her head inside. She grins as her eyes flicker between you and Bucky before stopping on you to say, “Are you coming back out or what?”
“In a second, I’m just going to cool off in here for a bit,” you tell her. She gives you a nod before closing the door.
“Not a fan of big gatherings, I take it,” Bucky says once Marge is gone.
“What makes you say that?” you steal a glance at him before looking back out the window.
You smile as you watch Marge join Buck at the grill, making him turn his head to give her a quick kiss.
“I can tell you’re avoiding going back outside, and I don’t blame you. I’m doing the same thing myself,” he answers.
“What are you avoiding?” you finally turn your head to face him.
“Nothing specific really, I’m just not in the mood for conversating and answering people’s questions right now. That doesn’t include you though,” he looks over at you with a small smile. ” I used to love being around people and having fun, but now all I want to do is leave.” 
You watch as Bucky stares at the wall, going distant. His mood seems to have shifted from the one he had when he first stepped foot in the kitchen. “Everything okay?”
Your voice interrupts his thoughts and brings him back to the present. “Yeah, I’m fine…I’m just…I can tell I’m a different person ever since I got back, and I’m not sure I like this version of me.” He sets his beer on the counter and folds his arms, no longer in the mood to drink it. 
“I don’t think anyone expects you to be the same.”
“Well yeah, it’s just the fact that everyone I meet from now on will only know this version of me. They won’t know how different I was before the war, and they won’t understand what I’ve been through. Like Buck has Marge to talk to, and she understands because of the letters he would send her. I don’t have that,” Bucky says before adding, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to dump this all on you.”
You just give him a smile. Even though you will never understand completely what Bucky went through, you do have some grasp on what he’s feeling. To you it’s obvious that he puts on a mask when he’s around people, and won’t let his feelings show unless he’s alone – harboring his emotions.
“I know how close you are with Buck, have you ever told him about how you felt? It always helps to talk to someone.” you tell him.
He shakes his head, “No, I don’t want to bother him. He has his own problems.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind,” you tell him, but he just shakes his head again. “Well...I know we’ve just met, but you could talk to me. I mean, you just opened up to me in a kitchen within ten minutes of meeting me. I’m obviously a great listener Only if you want to, though,” you end with a hopeful smile.
Bucky finally looks away from the wall to look you in the eye with his eyebrows raised. “Really?” he asks and you nod. “That would be nice.”
And that’s where the bond between the two of you started, and it only continued to grow stronger. You would meet up with him for drinks, lunch, or just for a walk through the park. Bucky would tell you everything, from him joining the military and meeting Buck to what he has experienced throughout the past few years. You could tell that he would get emotional when he brought up certain topics, but he never cried around you, even though you always encouraged him to let his feelings out.
One day when he invited you to dinner, you brought it up to Marge. She quickly got excited and said it was a date, but you just brushed it off and told her it was just another casual meeting. Nonetheless, you still decided to put effort into your appearance – more than you normally do – and once the dinner was over, you realized she was right.
Bucky ended up confessing to you how his feelings for you have grown over the past few weeks. At first you were shocked, but when you realized he was being serious, you admitted that you felt the same way. 
You didn’t care that Bucky thought he was a ruined person with a lot of baggage, everyone has their hardships, after all. Bucky loved how you enjoyed being with him after everything he had told you, and how you accepted him for who he is now.
When you eventually told Marge that you and Bucky were official, she wasn’t surprised at all and brought up how she always said you would find someone. When Bucky had told his best friend, Buck was happy for him and gave Bucky his fair share of I told you so’s.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
Body Language in Cooking Crush
Saw a great discussion about Dynamite and Fire in Cooking Crush unfold last night on my dash, (have I mentioned I love my mutuals?) and have not been able to stop thinking about what @twig-tea was saying in their post about body language, nuance, and consent and how Dynamite is constantly and carefully reading the room. And you know when someone says body language, WKA shall appear to do a scene break down! 
I want to start, briefly, by reiterating the fact that Dy’s crush on Fire started after Fire intervened in his bashing, literally grappling and throwing one of the two bullies to the ground. So one of the very first things Dy ever learns about Fire is that he a) is kind enough to step in when he sees someone being hurt and b) will throw hands if he needs to. And Dy uses these two pieces of knowledge to gauge how he interacts with Fire as he begins his pursuit. 
First Encounter
The first interaction we see, Dy comes out swinging right out the gate, he is explicit in his queerness, up front about his feelings, and obviously in pursuit. 
Fire makes immediate eye contact with him, thanks him for the drink, and then proceeds to disengage from the conversation. But, remember, Dy knows Fire is kind and knows Fire can get physical, so he’s on a safe track so far, there is no harm in introducing himself. “Your name is Fire. My name is Dynamite. We know each other now.” 
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Something in Fire’s face softens, and where just a second ago he was completely disinterested and disengaged from Dy, now he is tuned in. But he catches himself quickly, almost immediately puts his mask back on, and gets the hell out of dodge. Dy presses a bit more and Fire gives him a fake smile that drops in to a frown. Fire isn’t angry here, he’s just annoyed. Which is fine, because Dynamite is intentionally being annoying, and he does chase after Fire with his drink, but he doesn’t try to keep Fire in place, he doesn’t touch him, he doesn’t grab him, he waits a moment (enough time for Fire to actually put some distance between them) before he follows after. What has Dy learned? Fire isn’t homophobic (at least to the point of violence) and there was the tiniest flicker of interest. He can keep on his pursuit.
This is followed by Dynamite placing himself in front of Fire’s line of sight on Jane, to Fire’s annoyance, yes, but I think it is important to note that Fire has no issues with touching Dynamite gently despite his very open queerness, FIre maintains the conversation, and even relies on Dynamite to get Jane’s number. When Fire calls Jane later and finds Dynamite on the other end of the phone, he’s once again frustrated and annoyed, but he doesn’t hang up the phone and he doesn’t balk at being called cute by Dynamite either. He isn’t mad about being flirted with by a guy, he’s mad that Dynamite played him and he didn’t get to talk to Jane. 
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And while Dynamite has fun annoying Fire, he isn’t an asshole either. He doesn’t let Fire immediately revel in connection with Jane, because Fire couldn’t work up the courage to ask her himself, but he also will not deny Fire his actual chance to pursue what could be genuine feelings for Jane, so he gives Fire her number the very next day. On his date with Jane, Fire spends the entire time looking for Dynamite, completely ignoring Jane at his side. Dy is correct, if Fire was actually interested in Jane it wouldn’t have mattered. 
Fire pins Dynamite to a wall to interrogate him about his presence in the area during Fire’s date.  But the way Fire is looking at Dynamite is not anger, it’s a challenge. 
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And when Dynamite remains unphased, you can see that challenge fading almost immediately in to annoyance, and then…Dynamite squares his shoulders, takes the smallest step forward, accepts Fire’s challenge and...
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Fire retreats, not far, but he does drop his hands, he does take a step back, he cedes territory, he…he submits. And not only does he do so, but he gives Dynamite a once over, and when Dynamite keeps flirting, and Fire does not reciprocate, Dynamite says he will just go somewhere else if Fire is bothered, but offering the observation to Fy that he hasn’t been paying attention to Jane. Here again Fire could have gotten aggressive or could have walked away, but instead he grabs Dynamite’s hand and presses them to Dy’s lips to shush him. Which is exactly the opposite thing you want to do if you are trying to discourage the boy who is clearly comfortable being pinned between your arms from pursuing you any further. 
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And as Twig mentioned, the nuance in the body language here is that Fire is annoyed, but not upset. Fire is annoyed, but not angry. Dynamite leaves Fire alone for the rest of his time with Jane, and Fire sits beside her thinking about Dynamite instead. And there are clearly positive feelings for Dy taking root in Fire after this interaction, because this is what Fire’s reaction is when he thinks of Dynamite. 
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It's small, it's subtle, it's hard to see with a static photo, but he's got the barest trace of a smile on his face.
And Dynamite knows when to pull back, too. When Fire threatens to punch Samsee and is physically restrained by Metha, Dynamite leaves immediately and does not appear in front of Fire again until he takes the fall for Fire in front of his mother. And thus starts the shift in Fire’s interactions with Dynamite with the peace offering of soy milk, where Fire makes moon eyes at Dy for the entire scene. 
Questioning in the Car
After being dumped by Jane, and starting to recognize he is having some sort of feelings for Dynamite, Metha (my beloved) takes Fire to acquire a sex worker and see how he feels about engaging in sex when a second penis is involved. And just like moving in to the same apartment complex was a coincidence, so too is Dynamite and Fire running in to each other on the street here.
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Metha rolls down the window to start a conversation. Now. In my view, dynamite has always been paying attention to Fire’s reactions to his advances. But if that was not made super clear because Dy was being subtle about it at the beginning, it is made extremely obvious from every moment after the conversation on the fire escape. Because all Dynamite is doing from the second that Fire comes in to view is staring at him. Hearing Metha ask if they are using the sex worker service too and then watching intently as Dynamite’s eyes flit from Samsee, to Dynamite, down at the ground, and then straight ahead refusing to make more eye contact because Fire is embarrassed. Because he has realized he has some sort of feelings for Dynamite and he has been caught trying to figure out what those feelings are by the very person that has thrown his sexuality in to question in the first place. 
And that trend continues when they are alone in the car. Dynamite might be in the backseat, but his eyes are trained on Fire’s face for the entire conversation. Body language and consent here, right? Fire is not comfortable being in this car with Dynamite, but again not because Dynamite is doing something to upset him, because he knows that being caught this way gives a pretty clear sign to Dynamite that Fire has feelings for him. But at this point Fire is a coward and Dynamite is brave, so he will initiate the hard and awkward conversation that needs to be had. 
“Since I told you I like you, it made you feel uneasy, right?” 
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Boom. Called out about it, Fire for the first time since that initial moment of recognition turns to look at Dy. Now, the audience gets a good auditory confirmation that Fire is experiencing feelings, because we hear the heart beat sound effect. But Dy gets a confirmation too, because Fire’s mouth is slightly open, Fire’s brow furrows for just a moment. It’s hard to see it from the angle Neo’s head is at, but Fire is scanning Dynamite’s face, and he breaks eye contact when the feelings get to be too much for him. 
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By Dy won’t let him run away. Dynamite places a hand atop Fire’s head (worth noting that heads, if I recall correctly, are pretty sacred in Thai culture and having someone touch your head holds some weight to it).  Fire gets lost in Dynamite’s face for a moment, and takes a little too long to pull away from Dynamite’s touch for someone claiming not to like Dynamite. Again, Dy may be a little shit (read: someone who enjoys intentionally annoying people) but he is not an asshole, he knows this is getting to be too much for Fire, and he defuses the intensity of the moment by pushing harder on the “you like me” point, but in such a way that allows Fire to hide behind annoyance once again. But Dy still wants to be certain he is reading the situation correctly, so he leans in a little, a teasing distance and Fire?
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Jaw goes slack, then tenses as he swallows hard, and his eyes flicker down for just a second right to Dynamite’s lips. Dynamite backs off, and the thrill of the moment finally settles over Fire now that he has some breathing room from the intensity of that interaction for him and he starts to smile to himself. With Dynamite once again checking Fire’s face to gauge his reaction, and only smiling when he sees Fire is melting in his seat. 
Cold Shoulder at the Grocery Store 
The audience does not know this yet, but Dynamite has suffered a massive loss for being queer, and that has made him brave and strong, and that has informed the way that he engages with potential lovers. I won’t talk about it at length because multiple other posts have already covered that. But I think it is important to remember for what comes next. Because Dynamite looks pretty happy after that conversation in the car that Fire reciprocates his feelings. And then he sees Jane and Fire together at the store. 
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Dynamite sizes up the scene, sees Jane at Fire’s side, see’s Fire looking amped up and a little cocky, and you can see the moment he decides to shut his feelings for Fire down in the tiniest of lip movements. (Aungpao is blowing me away in this show, he’s seventeen fucking years old, his microexpression game is on point, he’s relatively green, and he’s keeping up with actors like GUN ATTAPHAN, OFF JUMPOL, AND NEO TRAI.) Dynamite is brave, but what he is seeing is Fire running from his feelings and trying to be straight, and for the time being, Fire is not strong enough for what comes next. Dynamite got his hopes up and they are being crushed in real time in the grocery store. 
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And when Dynamite does not engage, Fire doesn’t look relieved that he didn’t have to deal with Dynamite, he looked disappointed that Dynamite decided not to pay attention to him. To give him the space that he’s said he has wanted all this time. It takes Jane coming out about her relationship and calling Fire on his crush on Dynamite to corner Fire in such a way that he can’t run from his feelings anymore. But man oh man is he going to try. 
Drunk Confessions
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Dy is mad, trying to get past his feelings for Fy, and is now having to take care of a drunken man that is confessing his feelings because he is only able to do so under the influence. God I love this scene so much, because it is one of the rare times that I have seen a drunken kiss, and a chaste cheek kiss at that be so upsetting. And Dynamite has every right to be upset, a) because he might have pushed Fire around a bit, he definitely stepped over the line occasionally by following Fire around but he never was physically intimate with Fire and b) because Fire has jerked around Dynamite’s emotions partially without Fire’s knowledge, and you can see the mental calculus going on in Dy’s head when Fire kisses him, because this is a very blatant admission of feelings but not when he is sober, and that is wholly unfair to Dy. 
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But it’s getting Dy’s hopes up too and you can see him shake his wall back in place after Fire collapses on his shoulder because he can’t afford for Fire to get sober and clam up again. And here we get the admission of exactly what Dy has been picking up on this whole time: “Regardless of how much I say I don’t want to see you, you have no right to walk away.” To be clear here: this is not a ‘no means yes’ situation. This is a “you don’t have to stop” admission a la Secret Crush on You. Fire likes the game and is saying so himself right now. It’s why Dy picked up on from the beginning and why he was acting the way that he was, and seeing Fy with Jane after their conversation in the car is when he think he might have been misreading Fy the entire time and pulls away completely out of respect for the feelings of everyone involved. 
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Which is why Dy pulls away even harder and stops engaging with Fy at all after Fy wakes up sober, remembering everything that had happened the night before, and refusing to own up to it. Fire’s not ready the way Dynamite is, and so Dynamite will leave Fire to do the work from here. If Fire truly likes Dynamite, Dynamite will happily turn his feelings for Fire back on, but only after Fire proves that he is ready. 
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l0serloki · 2 years
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Hanzo Shimada x Reader
Summary : You come from a family that is in competition with the Shimadas. Little did you know that saving Genji would lead to a different fate..
CW : SMUT, choking, degrading, fingering (f! receiving), fem!reader, dirty talk, rivalry/”hate” from Hanzo, not fully proofread
A/N : I wrote this a long time ago and just found it in the docs.. Let’s hope it’s not too shit. The separations I made were timeskips as well. Enjoy!
You hated the Shimadas. Or so you thought. Your families had always been in a competition, reaching out to take the crown for themselves. 
“Don’t ever associate with the Shimadas, Y/N. Am I understood?” Your father berated you as you wept on the ground. “Yes, father. It won’t happen again.” The man hummed in agreement, walking away.
 How would you have known that the poor boy was a Shimada? And why did it really matter? 
Your eyes trailed down the road, finishing up a job for the night. You noticed movement from beside the trash can and got closer. You couldn’t have any witnesses to your ‘cleaning job’, never wishing to bring dishonor to your family.
“Who’s there?” You called out and then noticed the bloody body. He seemed as if he were on his last breath, his face almost unrecognizable from the wounds. “Oh heavens. It’s okay..” This man wasn’t one you had beat up, and there was no way he witnessed the scene in his condition. “Look, let’s get you help. I’m going to pick you up. Okay?” The man couldn’t respond, his feeble twitches alerted you of his life. 
You carried the man for what seemed like miles, finally finding a clinic to take care of him.
The nurse rushed toward the door, taking care of his limp body. His blood seeped all over the white stretcher as they took him back.
“What happened to him? Can you fill out a form?” The head nurse waved you over, passing a clipboard to you. “I really don’t know. I just found him like that. I don’t even know his name. Will he be alright?” You questioned and the lady shrugged. “We don’t know yet, I’ll tell you when I hear the news. Waiting room is all yours.” 
You waited for a while before you got the news. The nurse tapped your shoulder and you turned. “I’m sorry miss, he will live but he needs dire medical help. We are sending him to a trained professional. He gave me his name and number while he was still conscious.” She handed you a little paper slip. You could feel your heart drop.
Genji Shimada.
You had helped the Shimada clan?! Not only one of their henchmen but the second in line.. You were in for it now..
That was two years ago now and yet you still wondered what happened to the poor boy. No matter how many things were drilled into your head you never saw them as ‘inhuman’. 
Genji had been a change in your life, showing you the true way to use your powers - to save. Your talents in weaponry had proved useful, landing you a new spot on ‘Overwatch’. You had heard of the protocol across the news but never really looked into it. A sweet girl named Tracer tracked you down in Osaka and made you a deal. 
“Look, we could really use agents with your skill set. You’ll have a lot of new friends and missions to grow. We will provide whatever necessities you need as well, Y/N.” She rocked back and forth on her feet, giving you time to think. You decided to help, wanting a new adventure away from home.
“Hey darlin! Welcome to the team.” You were slapped lightly on the back by the ‘cowboy’ as Tracer called him. He introduced himself as Cassidy and showed you across base. 
Waving goodbye to your new friend, you sat down to eat. It had been a long day of socializing and you were worn out. Eyes glazing over, you let your body relax.
A loud cough behind you shuddered you out of your little nap, quickly turning to face them. It felt as if your eyes could pop out of their sockets, there was no way… 
“You’re Hanzo.” You deadpanned and his eyebrow raised.
“So the scary Y/N knows basic knowledge. Seems you’re not as stupid as I thought.” His scoff made you roll your eyes. He’s annoying but you didn’t wish to stick to the past hatred.
“Thanks. You’re pretty handsome for being annoying, I guess.” You brushed off your clothes, winking to the man as you made your exit. 
If Hanzo was here then maybe you could ask about his little brother.. Or get to know him a bit more.. You shook the last thought off, making your way to finish the work day.
That morning you had run into Hanzo yet again. The two of you just shared a simple glance across the table, continuing to eat breakfast. 
“Oh, Y/N! You’ve met grumpy pants! That’s great - works out perfectly. I have to go deal with a few issues so I can’t train with you today. Hanzo’s schedule is cleared though! You got this big man.” Cassidy slapped his shoulder as he waved goodbye. 
Was he joking? It had to be a set up… Right? You met his eyes and he seemed to be seething. Quiet sighs filled the silent void as you continued to pick at the fruit. 
“Are you done with breakfast? Let's get this over with.” Hanzo stood, beckoning you to follow. You cocked an eyebrow in surprise, setting aside the plate to clean.
The two of you walked down the elongated halls, an air of awkwardness sitting stagnant. Hanzo stopped at the training room door, opening it for you.
“Thanks.” You mumbled and he just hummed as the two of you got in position.
Kick after kick, blow after blow, the two of you fought. You could feel sweat drip down your back, breath leaving in hard huffs. You hadn’t had such a formidable partner in such a long time.
“Good job, Y/N. This hasn’t been bad.” Hanzo addressed, adam’s apple bobbing as he drank water.
You could feel your body hum in excitement at the praise. He looked absolutely gorgeous in the light, his sweat making him sparkle. 
“Thanks, Hanzo. Not too bad yourself.” 
The two of you awkwardly shifted, waiting for the other to speak. You didn’t want to ruin the moment but you were genuinely curious about what happened with Genji. Before you knew it, the words spilled out of your mouth.
“Hanzo, what happened with Genji? After I saved him that night?” 
You watched as his face contorted into questionable horror, a hand rubbing across his brow. 
“I-I don’t know. You were the one who saved him?” Hanzo’s voice was feeble, sounding much like a little child.
You had assumed Genji knew who you were, but then again, you never reached out after that night. You nodded, hand reaching out towards his wrist. His arm tensed at the touch - foggy chestnut hues meeting yours. 
“Thank you for saving my brother, Y/N. Maybe I thought wrong of you.” 
Your heart broke at the sight of such a strong man clearly broken. You didn’t know what happened in his family, but if it was anything like yours, it wasn’t good. You knew what it was like to live with that trauma - even if your clan was long gone.
“Hanzo, can I hug you?”
It took a few minutes but eventually the hardened man agreed, your arms wrapping around his taut muscles. You stood there for what seemed like forever, relishing in the touch. His body was warm, muscles finally relaxing against your own. Maybe he needed this just as much as you did.
His hot breath fanned against your neck as his nose dug into your flesh. You gripped against his shirt, your body warming up even more. Your finger traced down to his lower back, running circles in the indent.
“Since you saved my brother, I’ll give you anything you want.” His deep voice whispered into your ear, fireworks shooting out from your nerves.
His hands yanked you even closer, bodies touching. 
No words had to be exchanged for him to understand what you wanted. Your hands dusted on the waistband of his pants, snapping it against him. Hanzo’s grunt only warmed your core up more, practically pleading for him. He backed you against the cold training door, fingers making their way into your shirt. 
“Hanzo, stop teasing.” You breathed out as the rough pads of his fingers trailed your thighs. His hum was the only response you got as he continued to tickle your soft flesh. 
It didn’t last long as he was about as ready to combust as you were, hands finally ripping at your underwear. A shiver ran down your body at the cold air revealing you, Hanzo’s abyssal orbs taking in your nude form.
“Good.” Was all the man said, his fingers rubbing against your wet folds. You threw your head back as he pushed two digits into your sopping hole, hands gripping at his neck.
“Fuck, just like that.” You crooned, his pace picking up.
“Don’t tell me what to do. You hear me?” Hanzo’s voice went stern, hand coming to grasp at your throat. You nodded along as he continued to curl his digits into you.
It wasn’t even a full minute later that you felt the string inside you ready to snap, your cunt convulsing around his fingers. 
“I can feel you about to cum. Let it go, flower.” Hanzo’s thumb came to circle your clit, only adding more pressure to your oncoming orgasm.
“F-Fuck! Hanzo, I-I’m cumming..” You moaned, eyes rolling back as you reached your high. 
Hanzo gave you a few seconds before you felt his hard member brushing against your throbbing hole. His voice letting out low groans as he rutted himself into you.
“Can I push in?” The man panted, arms grasping on to you for dear life.
You shook your head in confirmation, body shaking as you felt his length move in. He was just the right size and you couldn’t help but think that you wouldn’t last long. He had already given you a mindblowing orgasm and you didn’t have much stamina left. 
His pace was brutal, hands yanking at you to stuff you full. Only the lewd noise of slapping and his grunts could be heard throughout the room.
“Your cunt feels so good around me. You were built to take me.” Hanzo barked out, your body clenching at his nasty words. He took this as a good sign, continuing his dirty talk.
“Bet you love this. Look at you, whoring yourself out to me.” His hand yanked you to look in the workout mirror, watching as he completely obliterated you. You could only moan as he opened your mouth, shoveling two of his fingers into it.
“You like that. Be a nasty bitch and cum. I know you’re close.” Hanzo’s breath puffed against your ear, the overstimulation too much. Your body shook as you reached your second orgasm of the night, creaming around his member. It wasn’t soon after that Hanzo came, decorating your stomach in ribbons of white. 
After a few minutes the two of you reclothed and got ready to leave. Hanzo made his way to the door, turning back to meet your eyes.
“If you ever want to do that again... My door is always open.”
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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kinktober day one: leather & latex
pairing: trey parker x f! reader
summary: trey finds out you liked what he looked like in that one orgazmo suit
genre: smut
word count: 3170
cw: f!masturbation, mentioned age gap (mid20s!f x mid40s!m), dick riding, small subby trey moment, unprotected sex
author's note: the suit is technically like vinyl but oh well
Ever since you watched Orgazmo all you could think about was Trey in that vinyl suit, it drove you crazy and you hadn’t said a word to him about watching it. Not that you think he would mind, you just had never really watched any of his older stuff since you didn;t really know much about him before the two of you got together a year or so ago.
Your relationship had a pretty significant age gap as you were in your mid-20s and Trey was in his mid-40s, so when he asked for your number at an event that your friend made you go to, it definitely caught you by surprise, especially when you found out who he was shortly afterwards.
But now here you were, sitting in his house, or your shared house, while he was at work, rewatching Orgazmo just for a chance to see him in the vinyl suit once more. You constantly had the thought of bringing it up to him, maybe suggesting the suit without actually telling him what the source of it was, but you couldn’t find yourself to actually do it.
You felt your hand grab the remote as you continued to press the button to rewind the fight scenes over and over again, watching the way his arms flexed, the way the chest hair poked over the top of the suit.
A sigh escaped your mouth as you crossed your legs, repositioning yourself to try and ignore the obvious feeling that started to grow. You pressed the play button on the remote again, watching the scene play out on the screen, completely starting to miss the original plot of the movie. You glanced at your phone, checking to see if Trey had sent you anything about his status at work but instead you were just faced with the clock that read 7:36PM meaning Trey probably wouldn’t be home for at least another 2 hours, at least.
You paused the movie, looking at the clip of Trey in the suit as you bit your bottom lip before sighing and getting up from the bed. “This is disgusting.” You mumbled to yourself as you shimmied your pants down to your ankles, leaning back against the pillows.
Your eyes fixated on the screen, your teeth sinking so deep into your lip, you thought you could taste the metallic flavor of blood against your tongue. You slipped your fingers in between your thighs, running them along the inside before you reached the fabric of your panties, slowly applying pressure and starting to rub against your folds.
The heartbeat in your chest started to quicken along with the pace of your hand as you let out a few gasps, your eyes still fixated on the screen. You heard a small whine escape from your mouth before moving aside your panties with your fingers, dipping on in between your folds.
“Hmm Trey…” His name left your lips, the same lingering feeling it leaves when he’s the one making you feel this way. And in a way, it was kind of him causing this feeling in the first place.
You let out another moan as you continued pumping your fingers, feeling your stomach start to tighten while you continued rubbing at your clit.
“Hey beautiful I came home for lunch to see you an-” Trey’s voice rang through as the bedroom door opened and you quickly pulled your hand away, grabbing the remote to shut off the tv. When you turned to look at the door you saw Trey standing there with two bags of Mcdonald’s food and a confused look on his face.
His eyes scanned down to the pants on the floor to you practically sprawled out on the bed before he opened his mouth to speak before closing it again as the gears in his head started turning to figure out what he was looking at. “Were you…?” He asked, glancing back down at the pants before going back to you.
“Was I what?” You asked, trying to act calm as you leaned back on the pillows, turning onto your side as you tried giving him the best “sexy” pose to try and deter his mind from what he may or may not have seen.
“Were you…ya know?” He asked, setting the food down on the table next to the bed as he slowly walked over before coming over and hovering over you, “Having fun without me?” He asked, his hands trailing down to the elastic on your panties, giving them a small tug.
You bit your bottom lip as you watched him, “Maybe I was,” you spoke softly to him. He gave you a small chuckle before putting his lips to yours, pulling off his zip up hoodie in the process. His hands went to your torso as he shifted slightly, accidentally hitting the remote as he did so, flipping the screen back on.
“Oh shit. Hold on,” Trey mumbled as he grabbed the remote and turned to turn off the screen and before you could stop him, his eyes were already staring at the paused image of him. “Hold on..”
You felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you as you tried hiding under the hem of your shirt. “Is that what you were watching when you…?” He asked as his gaze pulled from the screen back onto you. Your cheeks started to heat up as you gave him a small nod, “Mmhmm.”
Trey tried holding back a laugh but failed as his face scrunched up as he let out a decently loud laugh, making you want to curl up and die in a hole somewhere where he would never find you.
When the laughter subsided he looked back at you, “Wait..why?” He asked, his curiosity perking up. “I don’t wanna talk about it,” you mumbled, turning away from him.
“Hey..” He cooed, his arm wrapping around you from behind as he rested his chin on your shoulder, “Was it me?” He asked, a hint of cheeriness in his voice.
“Yeah.” You told him, hoping he would just take that as an answer and move on from the topic, and hopefully just forget about it all together so you would never have to worry about it again.
“What about me?” He asked, pressing light kisses against your shoulder as his fingers ran up and down your arm. “Hm?”
You let out a small sigh, “Nothing. Just missed you because of work.” You lied before he grabbed you lightly by your shoulder, turning you on your back as he lied next to you on his side, “You’re lying.”
“Am not.” You told him, turning your head to get a better look at him. He had both of his eyebrows raised as he looked at you, “Are too. Now come on, just tell me.” He whined, his face turning into a pout. You tried looking away but the pout on his face only increased more as he inched closer, begging you to tell him.
“Fine. It was the vinyl suit.” You mumbled the last part. “I’m sorry, I didn't quite catch that.”
“It was the purple suit. The vinyl one? The one you wore? The one you're wearing right there.” You confessed, motioning to the image that still displayed on the screen. Trey’s mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape.
You felt the heat come back to your face again as you looked at him, embarrassed by your confession. “But it’s whatever. It’s just a silly thing. Not like there was some other guy in it.” You spoke as you grabbed the remote from Trey, shutting off the screen.
Trey’s facial expression quickly changed to a more neutral one as he gave you a small nod, “You’re right. You are right.” He spoke, turning back to you. “How many times have you…?”
“Oh my god Trey can we please just not talk about it anymore?” You snapped, immediately feeling bad for the slight raise in your voice, “I’m sorry I’m just a little embarrassed and would rather not talk about it.”
Trey quickly nodded before grabbing the bags of food from the bedside table, “Well then..we won’t talk about it. Until then, I brought you lunch, thought we could lay in bed and watch a movie, not Orgazmo, together until I have to go back?”
“I’d love that.” You told him, grabbing one of the bags from him as the two of you started watching a random movie he put on together and ate, him not bringing up the suit incident again, at least you thought he wouldn’t.
The next couple of days were quiet around the house, Trey was only home in the late hours of the night and he would mainly just go to bed when you were already drifting off and then he would wake you up by giving you a small forehead kiss before leaving to go back to work.
You knew with Wednesday coming up you knew Trey would be home earlier than usual so you wanted to surprise him. You started by setting up the dinner table with one of Trey’s favorites that the two of you would cook together during off season before you changed into the dress you had worn when you met Trey, just to give the night an even better feeling with it.
When you were finishing up with getting dressed, you heard the front door open and Trey’s voice started echoing throughout the house, searching for you. You walked down the stairs and rounded the corner to see Trey, the hair on his head disheveled, a random sports shirt, and baggy jeans. When you rounded the corner he practically dropped the backpack resting on his shoulder, as his face lit up, his eyes brightening from the tiredness that usually sat in them during his work weeks.
“Hi baby.” His voice perked up as he slowly walked over towards you, his arms wrapping around your waist, “I’ve missed you,” He spoke softly, his eyes scanning you.
“Is that the dress you wore when we met?” He asked, grinning.down at you, his thumbs rubbing circles in your lower back as he held you close. You gave him a small nod as he let out a small hum, leaning down and giving you a small kiss. “Still as beautiful as the first time I saw you.” He whispered against your lips causing a blush to rise to your cheeks.
“Come on, I have something for you.” You told him as you pulled away from his grasp, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. Trey followed you closely behind, his hand not letting go of yours as this is the first time you two have been equally awake and active in almost a week.
“Ta-da!” You spoke, showing him the food laid out on the table in front of you. “Awwwhh.” Trey let out a soft groan, not a negative one, as he looked at the table before looking back at you, “You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to,” you responded, looking up at him, “I missed you too.”
Trey let out a small sigh with a smile in response, running his hand along your cheek, into your hair, “Well I got you something too. But it’ll have to wait until after dinner.”
You bit your bottom lip, nodding as the two of you sat at the table, your curiosity piquing at what Trey could’ve possibly gotten for you.
The two of you sat through dinner, Trey telling you about how the show had been going along with the other projects he had been working on and you listened, loved hearing him talk about the things he was passionate about, the way he’d talk with his hands and how his face would light up like a kid in a toy store. It’s what made you fall in love with him, and stay in love with him.
When the dinner came to an end, Trey got up from his chair and looked at you, “Okay wait here and give me like 10,,,no 5…no 10 minutes. Okay?” You nodded in response before he ran towards the stairs and went up them as fast as he could.
You continued to sit in curiosity, of course you and Trey had always planned surprises for each other but this one was different, the way he talked about it was in a different tone, and he definitely seemed a little more energetic about it than normal.
You watched the clock as the minutes passed. Finally, when it hit 10 minutes, you slowly walked yourself up the stairs before being met with the closed door at the end of the hallway. “Trey?” You asked, giving it a light knock.
“Come iiinnnn.”
You opened the door slowly, not knowing what to expect to be behind it but were suddenly taken aback by the sight of your long term boyfriend in a familiar vinyl suit that pressed tightly against his body, his age definitely filling it out in a different shape than it once did, but still looking good nevertheless.
“Trey…” You could barely form words, not knowing whether you were fighting back a sob of what could’ve been excitement or laughter. He even had the matching gloves and mask on. “I know I don’t look like how I used to, but I even shaved my arms again for this.”
You felt as though your heart was going to beat out of your chest as you bit your bottom lip, eyes scanning him from the tip of his head to the bottoms of his shoes. “I can’t believe you did this.”
“Does it still work for you?” He asked, giving you a small spin, running his hands along his body in a playful way, causing you to roll your eyes. “And what if it does?” You asked, inching closer to him. He looked down at you as you walked closer, your bodies beginning to touch.
“I would say it’s a mission accomplished then.” He looked down at you, his hand beginning to snake around you. You reached your hand up, pulling the mask from off his face before tossing it aside. “Well then it looks like you’re right.”
You felt him lean down, kissing you deeply as if you hadn’t kissed for days, which in reality you probably hadn’t. Your hands ran along the vinyl of the suit, taking in the feeling of what you could previously only picture in your mind.
Trey’s gloved fingers ran along your arm, before he slipped your straps off your shoulders, letting your dress pool around your ankles. “Were you really not wearing anything under that this whole time?”
“Does that bother you?” You asked, letting your fingers loop around the belt around his waist. He let out a small laugh in response while shaking his head, “Not at all.”
You felt the two of you slowly make your way to the bed, turning so Trey lied on his back as you climbed on top, letting your hands feel the vinyl against his skin.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you like this before.” Trey commented, letting out a small breath and leaning his head back into the pillow below him as your hands moved lower down his body.
He shifted under your weight, his breathing starting to quicken as you started palming him through the suit, feeling a lack of underwear underneath which only made you more excited.
His mouth parted as his breaths grew heavy, letting out little gasps as you continued rubbing him through the tightening fabric.
Trey’s hands moved up to the zipper that sat on his chest as he gave it a slight tug before looking down at you, “May I?” He asked as you gave him a nod, watching as he tugged at the zipper, slipping the straps off his shoulders.
You ran your hands up his chest, taking in the feeling of his skin against yours, missing the touch of him.
You leaned down, pressing your lips against his as you helped him slide the vinyl suit down as low as you could reach, but enough to where his cock sprang out from the restraint of the suit.
You wrapped your fingers around his length, sliding it from the base to the top as you moved slow enough making sure to take in this moment for the two of you.
“Fuck me.” Trey mumbled under his breath, his eyes screwed shut while he practically shuddered under your touch.
“What was that?” You asked, tightening your grip ever so slightly as you continued stroking.
“Baby please.” He winced under your touch, thrusting up into your hand, barely able to open his eyes to look at you.
It didn’t take much for you to give in because you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you, if not more. You moved your legs to be on either side of him before lowering yourself onto him, moving your hips as you did so.
You felt Trey’s hands grab onto your hips, the coldness from the vinyl sending chills down your spine as you continued moving your hips, holding onto his stomach.
The beads of sweat ran down his forehead as you gazed down, seeing the way his cheeks were starting to flush to a rose shade. His grip continued to tighten on your hips as he thrust up occasionally, a grunt escaping from him as he did so.
You leaned down, kissing him once more as you felt your lips melt together, feeling Trey’s hands move to tangle into your hair. “God I’ve missed you.” Trey mumbled against your lips in between breaths before putting his lips to yours once more.
You felt the familiar tightening in your lower stomach as your breathing increased, the moans between the two of you getting louder as your pace started to grow. When you tried to open your mouth to speak the only sounds you could produce were moans and hums.
The tightening in your stomach ran down as you started to feel your body heat increase with your heart rate, the feeling of your peak only getting higher with every move you made.”M’gonna..” You whined out, burying your face into his neck as Trey’s grip on your hair tightened, signaling he was almost there as well.
The pornographic sounds in the room continued to increase before you reached your high, tightening around Trey’s cock before releasing, feeling his tip twitch from inside as he released himself.
You continued rotating your hips, riding out the high from the two of you before letting out a small sigh, continuing to lay on his chest as you felt his hand move from your hair to stroke your spine lightly. “So are there any other turn ons you have that I should know about?” His voice broke the silence before you glared up at him, resting your head back on his chest. 
“Shut up, Trey.”
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 11
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 4,674
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-II'm interested to see what you all think about this one. Jensen is wrapping up his time in Toronto, and this brings a visitor to Austin. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
The nice thing about your first day on Walker?  It was everyone’s first day.  When you joined Supernatural, they had already been working together for a couple seasons.  You were the new kid who had to figure out where she fit in on her brother's playground.   
There were a few scenes with the whole Walker family, so you had a chance between takes and set ups to get to know your new cast mates.  You and Keegan, hit it off.  During one of the breaks, you can’t help but ask what it was like working on Pretty Little Liars.  He laughs at that.
“Dude, that show was my guilty pleasure.  Please?” you plead.  “Did you know the ‘A’ secrets ahead of time?  What were the girls like?”
“You do know the show wrapped right?  Like a few years ago.”
“Yes, I saw the finale.  It was nuts.”
“It was,” he laughs again.
“Please Toby won’t you share?” you ask with a laugh.
Shaking his head at your use of his PLL character’s name he responds, “maybe another time when I don’t have to be Liam in a few minutes.”
He takes some pictures and behind the scenes videos and posts them on his Instagram, announcing the first day of filming, tagging you, Jared and a few other cast mates.
The rest of the work week goes by very quickly.  Before you know it, it’s Saturday and you are loading up your car and Jared’s truck with the rest of your things.  The four of you make the trip over to your new place.  You and Jared start to unload his truck while Gen and Tom watch,  stepping away from the  truck a box is taken out of your hand, shocking you.  Turning you see Jeff holding it with a smile.
“Surprise.  Couldn’t let that one over there take all the credit for helping you.  Plus, I have to know where I can find my little sister too.”
You laugh at that, “Thanks, I appreciate the help.  Ulterior motivated, but still help.”  Grabbing another box you lead them all upstairs to your new apartment.  
Unlocking the door, you let them all in before following.  You don't notice the look Jared and Jeff share.  Gen bites her bottom lip as she looks around before raising her eyebrows at Jared.  
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“It’s small in here,” Tom is the first to speak.
‘Yeah, but it’s just me, so it’s alright,” you tell him.
“It’s cute,” Gen finally speaks up.
Jared doesn’t want her carrying anything, so she and Tom stay in the apartment and she begins opening some of the boxes of clothes while the three of you carry in the rest.  It doesn’t take long to get everything inside.  Some of your things are still at still stored at your brother's place.
“How long of a lease did you sign?” Jeff carefully asks once everything is unloaded..
“It was only available for four months.”
“Good,” he answers without thinking. “To know, so you won’t be able to hide from us,” he quickly finishes
“I don’t think you could hide from anything in here,” Jared mumbles, but you don’t hear him.
You had gone to help Gen in the bedroom area and come back to your two brothers in the kitchen.  It looks even smaller than before with them standing in it.  You finally get everyone to clear out, and you are alone for your first night in your new place. 
It was a restless night; it will take some time to get used to a new place, especially one with so many outside noises.  There is a text from Jared asking how your first night went, and you respond before walking to the kitchen.   The empty cupboards and fridge dictate your plans after a shower.  Heading to the grocery store, you grab what you need to get you through the week. 
The following week has you scheduled for four days of filming.  You spend your off days in your apartment, or at the onsite gym and pool.  Gen and Tom stop by on Tuesday, your nephew was having a hard time not seeing you as frequently as he had become used to.  He asked for a snack, but wasn’t happy with what was in your cupboard. Protein bars just aren’t his thing apparently.  On Thursday you receive a text from Kenzie.
Mack-Hey lady!  How are you doing?  I’ll be in Austin this weekend, are you free Sunday?
You- Hi Kenz, I don’t know of anything going on.
Mack- Great! Are you up for grabbing lunch or shopping? Something?
You-Yeah, sure.  Whatever you feel like.
You haven’t talked to her since your birthday.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about seeing her now that you and Jensen were no longer together.  She had to know by now right?
Tom comes to set with Gen on Friday, he walks over and hands you a bag when you finish filming your scene.  
“Thanks bud, what’s this?”
“It’s for your new home.”
You open it up and find a big box of goldfish crackers inside.
“Oh, uh..thanks Tom.”
“Dad says Unca Jensen comes home this weekend.  Now you have something for him, not those yucky bars.”
“Great.  Thanks.”
Gen gives you a side hug as he runs to his dad.  “Sorry, we haven’t explained the break up to him yet.”
“That’s alright.”
Jared, carrying Tom over his shoulder, makes his way over. “Hey, we’re doing tacos tonight.  Do you want to come over for dinner?”
“Thanks, but I have plans tonight.”
“Plans? You never have plans.  What are they?” your brother pushes.
“None of our business,” Gen answers while pushing him away.  “We’ll see you later, Y/N.”
So your plans might have been watching movies with a bag of popcorn on the couch, but they were still plans right?  You could handle being on your own again just fine.
Up in Toronto, Jensen is going through his apartment.  Checking that he has everything all packed up. Filming wrapped the day before, there is a get together tonight and then he is out of here tomorrow.  A majority of his things were shipped out earlier in the week.  He just has two suitcases and a carry on going back with him tomorrow. The benefit of renting a fully furnished place, there isn’t as much to take or bring back. 
Not finding anything he missed, he sits down on the couch next to his carryon.  Pulling open the front pocket he removes the black box he has looked at every night since he found it.  In a way it has become a reminder of his failures.  Just over a month ago he would have been excited to be going back to Austin and being with his girl.  Now he was just going back to Austin.
Jensen is standing next to one of the bars set up around the room that evening, when Eric finds him.  
“How are you doing?” his friend asks.
“Alright, you?”
“I’m fine, but I’m not the one with problems at home.  Ya buy your knee pads yet?”
“You’re hilarious, Eric.  I’m not sure what’s going to happen there.”
The two talk for a bit before Eric moves on to make his rounds among the cast and crew. He talks with Karl and Chase, before they move on to other groups.  Claudia keeps seeming to pop up at his side, but he isn’t up to talking much with her.  When Jensen feels he has been there for a suitable amount of time, he says his farewells.
He crashes on the couch that night, his bed already stripped.  The next morning comes too soon as he quickly showers and throws on travel clothes and a hat to head to the airport and his early morning flight.  
Thankfully, there aren’t too many people at the airport at 5 am, and he is able to get through check-in and security without too much of a wait.  Finding a coffee is the first thing on his list once he’s past security.  Taking a muffin with him, he slowly makes his way down to the terminal to wait for the flight to board.  The closer it gets to take off the more the seats fill up.  He pulls the baseball cap down a little lower to try and avoid being recognized.  
The three and half hour flight is a rougher one, good thing he’s gotten used to flying over the years.  He is surprised to see Mackenzie waiting for him after he grabs his luggage, he had been planning on just grabbing a taxi to drop him off a few houses down from his.  She walks over to give him a hug and grabs the handle of one of his three bags.
“Hey, how was the flight?”
“Awful.  What are you doing here?”
“Good to see you too, brother dear.”
“I just wasn’t expecting you.”
“Mom told me you were flying in, and gave me the flight details.  I didn’t think you had anyone else picking you up.”
“Yeah, not this time.”  Neither one brings up that it should have been you there instead.
The rest of the walk to the car is a quiet one, once it’s loaded they are off to his place.  Before she can start asking questions, he turns the radio up to discourage conversation.  Luckily, she lets it go, he just doesn’t know the reason she didn’t put up a fight. Once Kenzie pulls into his  driveway she gets out and grabs another bag from the backseat, along with one of Jensen’s.  He gives her a questioning look when he notices it while walking to the front door.
“I’m crashing here tonight, I need some catch up time.  Figured, I could help make sure the house was in order before I left.”
“Did mom just mention that I was coming home, or she send you down?”
She just smiles and continues past him to the door.  “Are you going to come open this or what?”
“This why you didn’t push to talk in the car?  You knew you weren’t just going to drop me off.”
“Whatever would I push you to talk about?” she questions with a smirk.
With a shake of his head, Jensen unlocks the door and heads inside to shut off the alarm. He sets his bags by the stairs and heads to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. He walks past the counter, pauses and turns back to look at it.  Sitting near the edge is a house key and a garage remote, the ones he gave you.  He stares at them a moment before continuing to the fridge, but instead of pulling out a water he walks out of the kitchen with a beer.
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“Little early for that, don’t you think?” his sister questions.
“It’s almost noon in Toronto right now,” he replies as he sits down on the couch.
“You want to talk about it?” She asks, sitting across from him.
“Toronto’s a nice place, but I’ve been there before.”
“I didn’t mean the city, Jay.”
“The cast? The show?  They were both great, but mom is so not allowed to watch.”
“Jensen, I was referring to Y/N and you know it.”
He’s quiet before replying to Mack, “next topic.”
“Jay, what happened?” she softly pushes.  “When you were home Father’s Day weekend, you said everything was good.”
“Why did no one tell me it was Father’s Day weekend?” He tries to change the subject.
“I guess we thought you knew, and would be home that weekend for Y/N’s birthday anyway.”
He looks at his sister, “You knew it was her birthday?”
“Mom and I knew it was on Saturday, yes.”
“No one said anything.  But you both asked if I saw her, you could have said why.”
“Really?  We both thought you knew,  you were always on top of those things especially with Y/N.  When you said you were busy Saturday, we figured it was with her.  When we talked to Y/N that day, she was here waiting for you to come home.  She told mom she thought you saying you had meetings was to surprise her.  Not one of us ever expected you to forget her birthday.”
Hearing this, Jensen felt even worse than before about forgetting your birthday.
“What happened?”
Hanging his head with a sigh, he shrugs.  “I don’t really know.  I guess time went faster than I thought.  I knew filming was coming to an end in a few weeks, but I still didn’t put it together that it was already into June.  Not until I was back on set the next week.”  
“Did you talk to her about it?”
“I meant to.  Guess I had it in my head that I did, but I found her gift in my safe last week.  I never gave it to her.”
“Did she really come up to Toronto to break up with you, like that chick said in the interview?”
He looks up in confusion, before it dawns on him. “You mean Claudia?  I don’t know how she even found out about it.  Jared said he and Gen were hoping things would be better if she came up and saw me, so I guess breaking up wasn’t her intent when she arrived.”
“So something happened when she was there?”
“I guess.”
“Care to elaborate?  Something tells me that’s a big part of the story.”
He gives her a brief recap of that weekend, he had work things, she was on her own.  The group went out for dinner and Kripke ran into her and invited her along.  “I might have been upset about that, and maybe didn’t handle it in the right way,” he finishes up.
“What’s not the right way?”
“I might have pushed her to leave the restaurant.”
“Jensen, you didn’t.  You friggin idiot.”
He nods, “when I got back to the apartment her bag was packed and she was waiting for me.  She said,” he pauses as he wills the tears forming away, “that she couldn’t do whatever us was, didn’t even know what we were anymore.  That she wasn’t important to me.  My life was too busy and she didn’t fit in it anymore.”
“What did you say when she said this?”
“That I didn’t know what she was talking about, and everything I do is for the two of us.”  In a quieter voice he says, “might have told her to be out of the house before I got back too.”
Mack is quiet as she takes in everything he said.  
Jensen continues before she can speak.  “Talked to Jare at the last convention.  He said she’s been hurting for a while, because of how things were.  I never saw it.”
“Wow.  One, you’re an ass.  Two, you didn’t have any inkling she was feeling any of that?  Had she mentioned anything before when you guys talked?”
He hangs his head once again, “That was the other thing they both said, we didn’t talk anymore.”
“Is that true?”
He just shrugs, looking around the room.  His eyes settle on the dvd laying by the tv.  It was the last one you two had watched together.  
“I just always thought you two would be forever,” Mack comments. 
“Me too, already bought the ring.”
“You did?” 
He just nods.
“Are you going to try and fix things?” 
“She deserves better,” he finally mumbles.
Mackenzie doesn’t get anything else out of him.  Leaving him alone for a bit, she works on dusting and vacuuming before coming back to try and get him to go to the grocery store with her, but he won’t leave the couch.  His bags stay by the stairs, and she notices he is on his third beer before she leaves for the store.
Returning an hour later, he is still in the same spot.  The third bottle of beer was the last one in the house, so at least he didn't have anything more to drink while she was gone.  The only thing different is the jar of peanut butter and spoon sitting in front of him.
“Alright, time to take your luggage upstairs.  Come on, let’s move.”
She finally gets him upstairs, and starts on a light dinner while he’s busy.  The rest of the evening is a quiet one.  Mack isn’t sure if she should be surprised or not over how bad he is taking the breakup.  She can’t help but wonder what kind of shape you are going to be in tomorrow.
When your alarm goes off Sunday, it takes a moment for you to realize why you even set it.  Oh yeah, shopping and lunch with Kenzie.  Dragging yourself out of bed you make your way to the bathroom to get ready. 
A text comes through while you are drying your hair.
Mack-I’m almost ready, do you want me to swing by and pick you up?
You- You don’t have to do that.
Mack- I want to, that we can spend more time together.
You- If you’re sure.
After entering your new address you hit send and quickly finish your hair and makeup.  As you are making sure you have everything you need in your purse, there is a knock at the door.  Opening it up, you find a smiling Mackenzie on the other side.  She gives you a hug before walking in and looking around.
“This is…um.  Where’s the rest of it?” she finally asks.
“Good to see you too, Kenz.”
“It’s always good to see you, Y/N.  But seriously, is there more to this place?  I’m standing in the living room and so are your kitchen and bedroom.”
“It’s not that bad,” you defend.  “There’s a pool and a gym that I have access to.”
“I was just checking my purse, then I’m ready.”
Throwing the apartment keys in your bag after locking the door you follow Kenzie out to the car.  She doesn’t ask any questions as she drives to Barton Creek Square, just talks about what she has been up to lately.  After she parks at the JCPenny’s entrance the two of you get out and head inside.  
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Walking through the department store, you browse the first floor before riding the escalator to the second.  Mackenzie is looking through the toddler clothes for her nephew Levi, while you find yourself wondering over to the baby department.  You don’t hear her walk over to you, as you are looking through the bottom shelf.  Noticing the feet beside you, you look up at her sad face.
“What’s wrong?” you question, standing up.
She just shakes her head.
“I’ve known you too long for that, what’s up?”
“It’s just, I didn’t used to think it would be too much longer and I would be picking up these for your and Jay’s baby.  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, I just...”
A sad smile spreads over your face, “There have been a few that have caught my eye, where I’ve thought Jens would love this one.  I get it.  Let’s get out of here.”
After both of you pay for the items you picked up, you walk out into the mall’s second story.   Checking out the shops as you pass, nothing catches your eye before you reach the center of the mall. 
Deciding to walk toward the end with Dillard's first, you turn to the right.  Browsing through a few stores, you once again make your way to the middle and head down to the other end.
“California Pizza Kitchen, was down this way right?” Mack asks.
“Yeah, it is.”
“Want to grab lunch?”
You walk down one side and look through those stores before coming back up the other aisle.  You don’t know who you forgot about the store right next door to the restaurant.
Coming up to the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, you stop.  Kenzie is almost to the restaurant when she realizes you aren’t with her.  Turning around she sees you staring into the previous shop.
“Did you want to go in there first?”
“No, no, I’m good.”  With one last look you make your way over to the restaurant.
As you order drinks and food, Kenzie can pick up on a dip in your mood, just like in JCPenny’s.
“What’s on your mind, and before you say nothing, remember I know you too.”
Giving her a small smile, you look down at the table as you answer.  “I don’t think I’ve made a trip here where I haven’t gone to the Pro Shop and picked something up for Jensen.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“The store?”
She gives you a bitch face, “Oh my god you are as bad as my brother!”
You give her a tight smile and look around the crowded restaurant. “Not here.”
Mack understands what you mean, “Alright, I’ll let it go for now.”
She asks about Walker, and the Netflix mini series that wrapped up.  You ask how Jeremy, her parents, and brother’s family are.  Jensen used to keep you up on all of that.  Conversation died down when the pizza and bread arrived.  The leftovers are boxed up when the two of you are finished and put in a bag to go. 
Having walked the second floor of the mall, you take the escalator down to the first floor to check out those stores.  After browsing Bath and Body Works new scents you manage to leave that store empty handed.  A new pair of workout shoes, and some workout pants are all that catch your attention.  It was obvious to Kenzie, your heart and mind just aren’t into this shopping trip. After a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory for dessert to go and Soul Popped for some popcorn, the two of you are on your way back to your place. 
Jensen receives a call from Jared, while Kenzie is out doing whatever it was she had to do this afternoon.
“Hey man.”
“Hey Jare.”
“Um, So are you back in town?”
“Yeah, got back last night.”
“That’s…that’s good.”
There was a little bit of awkward silence the two of them didn’t usually have.  It seems like they aren’t really sure where their friendship stands.
“Well, Tom keeps asking about you, and I told him I would call and see if you wanted to come over and hang by the pool?”
Jensen bites down on his lip as he thinks over the invitation.  It used to be a no brainer, but after the conversation with his sister yesterday he really doesn’t think he can face Y/N right now.
“I miss my little buddy, but I don’t know if today will work.  Kenzie’s in town today.  She had something to go out and do, but I expect her back anytime and I don’t know what she has planned.”
“Oh, alright.  Have a nice time with your sister.”
“Thanks.  Maybe we can take him down to the park he likes one day this week?”  Jensen throws his head back, usually it’s you taking Tom out with him.
“Sure, I’ll check my and Gen’s filming schedule for this week and see what we have going on.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later then Jackles.  Have a good one.”
“Thanks Jpad.  See ya.”
Mack pulls into the empty parking spot near your apartment and hops out.  She grabs the leftovers from lunch while you carry the cheesecake and your purchases.  You set the shopping bag on your bed and take the dessert to the kitchen where she is already putting the pizza in the fridge.  She starts opening the few cupboards looking for plates and utensils for the cheesecake.  You help her out before you both move over to the couch.
“Alright now are you ready to talk about it?  And if you even think about saying, ‘about what,’ I’m going to scream.”
Setting the barely touched desert down, you sit back on the couch and look at your friend.  “I guess I just don’t fit in his life anymore.  I think he’s ready to move on to his new co-star anyway.”
“For what it’s worth, I think my brother is a major idiot, but he hasn’t moved on to anyone else.” 
“I was… was just convenient when we were working together in Vancouver.  He never had time to talk anymore.  I had to call him, I think he’s called me once in the last few months.  I went to see him, and other things came up that were more important than spending time together.”  You shrug not sure what else to say.  
“What could have been more important than seeing you?” she questions.
“Going out with his castmates for drinks or golfing.”
“Shit, I’m sorry for all that.  I really am.  Mom and I were so surprised to hear you two broke up.”
You just nod your head. “I wasn’t sure what he’d tell you.”
“We heard from the interview.  Honestly, he has barely talked to any of us lately either.”
“Oh, so you heard I went up there just to break up with him.  That’s not how it happened.”
“I know.”
You stop and stare at her.
“He talked to me a little bit last night about Toronto, and what happened that weekend.  Eventually he told me what he did and what happened.  I don’t blame you at all.”
You can’t help the tears that begin to flow.  Kenzie puts down her plate and scoots closer to wrap you in a big hug.
“I really thought he was it for me, you know,” you manage to get out between sobs.
“I know, I know, honey,” Kenzie squeezes you tighter and curses out her brother in her head.  
When you finally calm down she moves back.  You get up to go wash your face.  She has the television on Hallmark when you return.  The two of you watch the Christmas in July movie in silence while you pick at your cheesecake.
“Okay, but what is the deal with this place?” she finally asks.
You look around and shrug.  “It came fully furnished.  I sold all my furniture when I moved to Texas and in with your brother.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, his house was set.  We didn’t need the hassle of moving more than my clothes and personal items.”
“So that’s why you got this place?”
“Yeah.  And it didn’t need a long term contract.”
“So are you still looking for another place?”
Biting your lip you study the blonde in front of you.  “Can you keep this to yourself?”
“Of course.”
“I’m thinking of moving back to L.A. at the end of the year.”
“What! Why?”
“Because everything here reminds me of your brother.  I just can’t handle being reminded of him all the time.  Being with Jensen was the reason I moved here in the first place.”
“What about Walker?”
“I think I’m going to see if they can scale back how often my character is on.  Maybe be just a guest star or something.”
“Oh wow.”   A minute later she softly asks, “Do you still love him?”
Closing your eyes and shaking your head you almost whisper “I don’t want to.  I shouldn’t, he’s probably already moving on.  I just can’t get that through to my heart.”
There isn’t much more said after that.  The movie neither of you have been paying attention to, finishes, and Kenzie gets up to leave.  She gives you a big hug before descending the steps.
“Call me if you ever need anything.  I’m still here for you, so are my parents.  Love ya girl!” she calls out.
“Thanks Mack.  Same goes for you.  Love you, drive safe!”  You watch her pull out before heading back inside.  Grabbing a bag of popcorn you collapse down on the couch with your Hallmark movies for company.  When the heroine eventually finds her Mr. Right, you can’t help the tears that fall thinking how you lost yours.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 12
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann @prettyinplaid94 @itsdesiree86 @mrsfox79 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @jamerlynn @jessica-marsh09 @abaker74 @ladysparkles78 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
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bunniebubbleswrites · 2 years
Lost and Found
Regina Mills x F! Reader A/N: Just watched the end of season 2 and it broke me so take some Regina angst with a happy ending because I need to get this out of my system! Also sorry for the weird ass scene brakes. Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Words: 1364
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You couldn’t stop pacing. Regina hadn't come home last night. You hadn’t gotten any sleep that night. She wasn’t answering your calls or texts which was unlike her.
Taking your phone into your shaking hands once again you called Emma. She had to know that Regina was missing. You wouldn’t lose her, not when you just got her back. Putting the phone up to your ear, you heard it ring a few times.
“Come on Emma, please pick up.” The phone rang a few more times, which made your nerves grow even more.
“ Sheriff Swan.” Emma had finally answered, you sighed with relief that she had answered.
“Emma. Regina is missing. She didn’t come last night and she isn’t responding to any of her calls or texts and I-” You rambled out on the verge of tears.
“ Hey, (Y/N) calm down and breathe,” Emma cut you off and tried to calm you down. “ Now did you say that Regina was missing? When was the last time you saw her?”
Taking a deep breath you told Emma that you had seen Regina a few hours ago. She had told you she was going out but she never told you where. Emma told you to go to her place and to stay with Mary Margret and David. You didn’t like the idea but Emma had given you a good reason to.
Putting your fist up to the door and pounding against it. Snow had opened the door and you just couldn’t hold it in anymore. You and Snow had been friends once upon a time, maybe you could be again. Tears spilled from your eyes as Snow enveloped you in her arms. You had forgotten how much you’ve missed your friend.
“Hey, we will find Regina. We won’t let anything happen to her. I promise (Y/N).” Snow said as she put you back at arms length with her hands on your shoulders. Looking her up and down you noticed she had her coat on. You glanced over at David, he also had his coat on.
“Where are you going?” You said sniffling away your tears. You really didn’t want them to leave. You needed to be around someone, you couldn’t bear to be alone right now.
Snow pulled away and smiled at you.
“ We’re going to see Mr. Gold. Emma said it’s best if you-” Snow started before you cut her off.
“Let me go with you, I don’t care what Emma said. I will help save Regina, even if it is the last thing I do.”
Snow and David looked at each other and nodded. They knew you were serious, you would do anything for Regina.
The door to Gold’s shop rang through your ears. You had been on the verge of tears the whole ride to his shop. You couldn’t stop thinking that something bad had happened, thousands of possibilities ran through your head.
You walked in behind David and Snow. You wanted to save the one person you had ever truly loved no matter what. While your thoughts consumed you. Snow and David had talked to Gold and you started to tune back into the conversation.
“No, I have to do this, David. I made Regina kill her own mother.” Snow’s words echoed within you.
“Snow, David’s right,” You spoke up as badly as you wanted to save Regina Snow shouldn’t have to hurt herself in the process,” You don’t have to do this. You know I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
Snow smiled at you sadly and you knew. She felt like she had to do this to make up for what she did. You nodded at her, this was a choice she had made herself. Gold had gotten her tear and given us the instructions on how to use the magical concoction.
When we got back to the apartment David put the drop in Snow's eye. Nothing appeared to be happening but Snow started convulsing and all you could hear was David calling out for her to see if she was ok. If what was happening to Snow was happening to Regina, you were terrified.
You knew Regina was strong but she also had moments where she could be weak and vulnerable. Once Snow had come back you rushed to her side. You had just one question,
“Snow, Do you know where Regina is?” She shook her head, she didn’t know. The only helpful clue she had gotten was that she had smelt sardines. That's when David’s phone rang. It was Emma.
After David had hung up the phone. He started to get his coat on, I had never taken mine off.
“Snow, get your coat on. All three of us are going down to the docks.” I nodded and within a few seconds we were on our way to go save Regina.
David walked into the storehouse first, gun in hand, fully loaded. Snow and I followed behind him slowly. We searched all over the storehouse, but no sign of Regina at all.
As we were walking between the pipes that lined the walls David had stumbled slightly against one. The sound of running followed it, we then were met face to face with Emma and Neal. A sense of relief fell over the five of you. Emma and David both lowered their guns.
“ You find anything?” Emma asked David wondering if the group of us had found anything pertaining to Regina’s whereabouts. Emma and Neal hadn’t found anything either.
David had said the three of us would check the basement, while Emma and Neal checked the upstairs of the storehouse.
Slowly, the three of you descended a creaky old staircase down into the basement. The sound of shouting in the distance. You started to rush down the stairs practically falling down them. Only one thought ran through your head.
Please be ok. I lost you once I will not lose you again.
David ran after you. You only had magic to protect you and if these people could somehow disarm you of your magic, you’d be screwed.
With David behind you, you burst into the room where the shouting had come from. The scene that was in front of you made you see red, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move from the doorway. The sound of David’s distant shouting is what brought you to your senses, rushing to Regina’s side and attempting to pry off the restraints that had kept her strapped down. The tears forming in your eyes made that a difference task
David had come back to where you stood above Regina, with Snow helping you get the restraints off. Regina was barely breathing and a thousand dangerous thoughts ran through your head.
David had picked up Regina and carried her out to the car while Snow helped you walk to the car, her arms wrapped around you. The whole car ride back to David and Snow’s small apartment was a blur.
You didn’t leave Regina’s side, not once. You sat at the side of Snow’s bed while Regina slowly but surely recovered.
You slowly took the rag out of the warm water and repeated the same thing you had been doing for hours. You dabbed Regina’s face and when you went to go put the damp rag back into the water someone caught your wrist.
Look down Regina’s hand was wrapped firmly around your wrist and you dropped the rag that was in your hand to the floor.
Tears forming in your eyes yet again, you practically threw yourself at the woman in front of you. You mumbled out multitudes of ‘I love you’.
Pulling back from her, you couldn’t help but smile at her.
“You saved me?” She questioned, voice tired and full of pain.
“Yes, but I didn’t do it alone. Snow and David helped.” You explained to her. A look of confusion and disgust showed on her face. You laughed at her and you leaned down to her. You let your lips connect with hers. She was your true love and you wouldn’t let anyone take that away. No matter what realm or world you were in.
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astrok1dz · 2 years
What is up, it's angpyel.
I'm wondering if you could do a Rise! Raph x reader where the brothers find out about their relationship and they are Pissed! Do what you will with it.
Stealer - Rise!Raph x Reader
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Warnings: none
Summary: The last thing the brothers expected was for another hero to show up at the scene, even less fight the villain before they could, how rude. But of them didn’t seem to really mind this incident!
While you didn’t exactly do everything legally, you did recognise the amount of villains and overall troublemakers roaming around in New York. You honestly considered yourself to be quite the opposite, going out at night to fight crime.
Little did you know, you would be a troublemaker for someone too.
The first time they saw you it was about three weeks ago. The Foot Clan had been in the newspaper, so that’s who they were going for.
The four siblings stood on the rooftop of a building, ready to fight.
“Alright, we can’t mess this up, got it? If we want to be real heroes, we gotta make this work, ‘kay guys?”
“A-okay hermano! Oh I sooooo got all my one-liners ready!”
“Donnie, got eyes on him?”
“Sure do.”
They jumped from building to building, closer to the one the soldier stood on, silently preparing to attack. A creak ripped through the night, right above them.
“Uh… you guys heard that?”
They all nodded and looked up. Right above them, you crouched on a balcony with perfect balance.
“Man, not a stealer!”
A “stealer”. Man, nothing was worse than those. Technically they couldn’t attack them, since as far as they knew they were innocent citizens too, but it was just nerve-wracking to have someone edge you like that- to steal your case, the ass you were about to kick.
“Oh hoho no. This is so not happening. Raph, do something!”
But contrary to most of the times, Raphael stood there dumbfounded staring at your silhouette. You operated quietly and slyly, with a better stance than any of them. Not too focused, as you caught him staring. You winked at him, just a tease. While it wasn’t your goal, a part of you did enjoy being the center of attention, the main character, even if it meant ripping cases from other heroes’ hands.
You couldn’t help but think how, for the first time, someone looked more adoring than annoyed by your mischief. And God, that red-masked mutant did look adorable with that shine in his eyes. As you jumped from the balcony onto the villain, he was oblivious to his brothers bickering.
“Raph they’re on it! We gotta move!” - Leo dragged him along.
“Hey! That’s our villain-to-bust!” - Mike whisper-shouted at you.
You simply shrugged and, stepped right off the balcony and on Raph’s shell, jumping off of it onto the villain and delivering a kick to the side of their head, quickly knocking them out. The awe on their faces was beyond satisfying. Rubbing it on their faces would only make this victory more delightful.
You crouched next to the Foot Soldier and snapped a quick selfie, making a peace sign. Next up you blew a kiss, looking at Raph, playfully, and disappeared onto the night again.
“This is unbelievable… we can’t just let them run away…”
“Guys, for the first time ever I agree with Donnie, that’s so not fair!”
But Raph placed his hands over them before they could move.
“We can’t waste time chasing them. It’s a one time thing. We’ll get ‘em next time.”
“Yeah! There will be no next time!”
Oh they were so, SO, wrong.
As they headed back home, Raphael couldn’t help but replay those images in his head, and touch the spot you stepped on on his shell, blushing slightly, way too intrigued.
As much as he knew his brothers would be mad to see you again, he couldn’t help but wishing for it.
tysm for the request! should i make a part two?
feel free to request!
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Blooming feelings
AO3 / Commissions / Links /
Summary: Connor starts to question his program and himself, seeing life in a new, different way. Maybe emotions aren’t unnecessary nuances, bothering numbers you need to lock away, but blooming flowers, worth living for.
content: pov Connor, anxiety, emotional hurt/comfort, fear of being replaced/left behind, overthinking
a/n: it was 100% self-indulgent, I’ve had really stressful weeks in the last 3 weeks and other additional dreadful ones will come. In a last attempt to help myself getting thru it all I’ve been bottling and locking up emotions, trying to bury them so I can focus on the task that needs to be done. What a genius move I know
It’s my first fic in this fandom hope you guys will like it ~
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You are not supposed to and can’t feel ,
You are a machine Connor,
Not a living thing,
Software instability ^
RK800 heard Amanda’s harsh voice in his head,
A voice calculated, cold and emotionless,
What got to ya?
Told ya not to lick that blood.”
Warm, brown eyes opened to see,
Him and Hank still standing in the lift,
“Did your battery die or what?”
“Sorry Lieutenant, no,
I was sending the report.”
The two of them were leaving a scene,
Where they saw,
The 3rd deviant case in the week.
Connor’s been… experiencing a mild unease,
That he couldn’t place,
Nor he could find,
Any malfunctions in his program.
He ran tests after tests,
But to no avail,
There was no problem in his system anywhere,
Even now,
As he was staring at Hank,
He had the urge to lie to him instead.
I wasn’t sending any report,
Not even writing,
Just heard Her voice and …
Had the impression of concern,
Even something that humans call dread,
But why I had the impulse to hide,
Keep it a secret,
And lock it inside?
But Amanda’s tone rang again,
Voicing his concerns in his head,
But you know that don’t you Connor?
It would mean you are a deviant,
And failed your mission.
Therefore who would need you anyway?
An android,
Which was created to hunt,
Became the hunted rabbit in the dark,
Even Hank,
That drunk police,
Would turn away,
And laugh in your face.
You always accomplish your missions, eh?
Software instability ^
“Jesus Connor stop staring at me!”
The grunt of the grumpy man,
Pulled Connor out of his head,
The door of the lift just opened with a ping,
Letting a little bit of fresh air in,
“Sorry Lieutenant,
I was running some checks in my software—“
“Ugh, forget it.
I need a fucking drink.”
Days went by and that unease didn’t cease,
If anything it increased,
He was waiting in Hank’s car,
While the man stopped at his favourite burger place.
More and more deviant cases happend,
And he was a silent witness to it all,
With every new case,
A new weight appeared in his synthetic cage.
He started to … see these deviants in a new light,
Somehow sympathy crept into his heart,
But I.. yes,
I’m sure that is the feeling,
What humans call sympathy—
Feeling .
To feel something —
“Alright, now we gotta go back to that shithole.”
He jumped as Hank climbed into the car,
Didn’t realise how long he’s been thinking,
While Hank’s “interesting” music choice screamed inside,
He took an other trip into his mind,
‘ Eyes are the window to the soul’,
He heard once a long time ago,
‘I’m an android. I don’t have soul’,
How easily I answered,
Whiteout a blink and a second thought,
At that time,
That possibility wasn’t unlocked before my eyes,
Amusing little butterflies,
Whose fills up chests,
And helps to bloom,
The pretty flowers of souls.
But now..
“Do I have a soul?”
What the fuck ya talking about,
Where did that come from? “
Unintentional whisper left the men made lips,
Spreading panic through artificial skin.
He froze,
His system showing error codes,
He just stared ahead,
Onto the dark rode,
Not daring to move.
I.. I failed my mission
Software instability ^
Now Hank knows,
He must realise that I’m …
I’m a deviant now.
He will report,
And sent me back,
Where they destroy and replace Me with Something else.
“.. Fuck knows,
I’ve been seeing all these cases for weeks now,
Seeing at first hand what these deviants do,
Learning their motives and stuffs….
They don’t look that different from me,
Or the other folks I know and see.”
From under a shocked silence,
Connor just stared,
Not registering what Hank just said,
“You know,
At first I saw you as a tin can,
Like an additional machine to a computer,
But then, khm,
All I’m sayin’ is,
That you are more .”
“… you mean, Lieutenant..?”
“Oh Jesus Connor, ughhh.
Maybe you do,
Maybe you don’t,
All I know is that,
We are quite similar at this point.”
“So.. you aren’t replacing me?
“What the fuck would I do that?
We are partners, aren’t we?”
He felt something in the air,
Something inevitable and comfortable.
But with comfort,
Came uncertainty, overstimulation and burden,
However there was something.. freeing there,
The looming weight of being replaced,
Had lifted and gave place,
To a chaos so colourful yet deep,
He felt his fans heating.
It f-feels … scary.
But strangely lifting too.
So this is what ‘waking up’ entail,
Liberating on one side,
And anxiety filled on the other.
They are not the never ending attacks of mosquitoes,
But the kiss of bees,
Worth living for.
Feelings filled his chest,
But for the first time in his life,
He didn’t try,
To shoo them away and stay in the dark.
Software instability ^
B̩͎͍̾ͅr̴̨̦͕̝ẹ̿͋̒̕ā̤̓̍͘ḳ̯͍̑ͦ F̘͍͖ͫ͘r̴̨̦͕̝ẹ̿͋̒̕ẹ̿͋̒̕
An impenetrable wall broke,
Slowly collapsing,
And leaving painful cuts,
When the last piece fell,
Darkness befell.
There was no Amanda nor update checks,
Only silence and Himself.
However in the dark,
He saw a blue flower blooming hard,
As he stepped closer and tried to touch,
It omitted pollen,
And embraced him in warmth.
As he looked down,
He realised,
There are many little blossoms under his shoes,
Waiting to bloom.
“Ya comin?”
Hank’s waxy voice slipped through the haze,
Comforting him once again.
We are partners in this case,
And friends in some way,
He really is waiting for me to step forward,
And spend days in union.
“Yes, Lieutenant,
I’m coming.”
I’m a sucker for symbolism and metaphors :’D
Ps. English is not my first language, but I tried to somehow get the feeling of Hank’s accent in writing.
My writing requests are open ~
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thewitcheress2389 · 2 years
Part 3 of the geralt x werewolf, witch. fem reader
geralt drop reader off at her friends place in the town a month ago, and went back to looking for ciri, but he then got a letter from shyla saying that he should come back to the town before reader gets herself killed, when geralt got there reader was fighting a group of people, when the people she was fighting saw geralt they stopped fighting her, she turn around and saw geralt walking toward them, she walk away from the people she fighting and went past geralt, she looked more pissed off, he grab her arm to make her stop and look at him, she told him angry to let her go, people started to shout name's again, she yanked her arm out of his hold, she walk away angrily and went out of the town, He followed her but then he saw her starting to cry (she had no idea he was following her) and wishing she was normal and actually loved by geralt, and she started to say she wish she was like yen bc geralt noticed her alot more then he did reader and the minute she had geralt's scent she stopped crying and acted pissed off again,
ik you dont nsfw but can you make it implied? you dont have to if it makes you uncomfortable! and can their be a make out scene?
I hope you like it!❤️ *NSFW mentioned*
The Werewolf Witch of The Witcherverse (Part 3)
After making sure you were safe at your friend’s place, Geralt continues his search for Ciri. However, a letter changes his plans.
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He wanted to make sure that you were safe and taken care of. After everything that’s happened between you two, Geralt wants you to know that he cares. However, he knew that leaving you on your own was a bad idea. So, the witcher left you in the care of one of your only friends, Shyla.
“I promise to look after her.” She said quietly to Geralt, who nodded. After receiving that confirmation, he said goodbye to you and continued his search for Ciri. You knew he had to, but you still couldn’t help but feel like you were just tossed aside.
Did you mean anything to him?
Around a month later...
It was never good when a letter was sent to him. Geralt was a hard man to find regardless, so when a letter that’s addressed to him makes it into his hands, he gets worried. And upon reading the shaky handwriting from Shyla, Geralt knew that there was a problem.
You were in trouble. 
Geralt got on Roach and sped back to your village as fast as he could. Ciri’s been waiting for a while now, she could a little longer. Right now, you were someone who needed his help. The witcher always knew that your werewolf and witch powers would cause problems, and that those problems would never stop so long as you stayed in that simple-minded village. But after reading that you could get yourself killed, knew he had to spring into action. 
When he arrived in town, Roach huffing and puffing, he saw chaos like the time when he came to get you before. But this time was a lot bloodier. You were fighting a group of people with your magic. Geralt recognized them as the same people who threatened you before. 
Now he knew what Shyla meant when she wrote that he needed to get here quickly. Geralt took no time in drawing his steel sword and approaching the battling mob. His mere presence alone caused some people to stop the fighting, but others needed some more persuasion.
“Enough. Back off, everyone.” Geralt said in his deep and dangerous tone, wrist flicking his steel sword every so often as he walked aggressively towards the people, causing them to back off.
You turned around to finally see the reason for the break. 
“Geralt...” You mumbled under your breath as you felt irritation prick at your skin. As the witcher moved towards the crowd, you moved to walk away from the people you were fighting, feeling more pissed that Geralt felt the need to intervene. 
“Wait. We need to talk.” Geralt said, using his other arm to grab at yours closest to him. This caused you to stop in your tracks, but you refused to look at him. He squeezed your arm a bit harder, trying to provoke you to, but it wasn’t working.
“Let me go.” You warned him, a growl on the edge of your voice. It reminded Geralt that he wasn’t dealing with a human woman.
“Nah witcher! Take her to the witch hunters!” A man shouted and several others backed him up. Several cusses and names followed his statement as the people you were brawling with regained their courage.
“Sorceress bitch!” 
“Can’t you see what she’s done?!”
You’ve heard enough, and angrily ripped your arm out of Geralt’s grip with strength that was far from human. Shooting him a glare, you quickened your pace to leave town. You were tempted to do so as a werewolf, but you didn’t need a reason for them to shout more at you, so you just used your two legs to get you out of town as soon as possible.
Geralt turned to watch you leave, slowly putting his sword back.
The witcher could feel the eyes of the townspeople on his back as he kept his back to them. Before any of them could say anything (or before Geralt could scold them), he went to follow you, unbeknownst to you. A pat on Roach’s neck was all Geralt did before using his witcher senses to follow your tracks out of town and into the forest.
He caught sight of you once or twice, making sure to keep quiet, but he eventually heard you more than anything.
He heard you start to cry. One of those pitiful choking cries, like you were trying so hard not to. Geralt wanted to confront you, but when he heard you start to talk with yourself, the urge to eavesdrop was too great.
“Why...? Why can’t I be normal? A human being...not some animal or witch...” You mumbled to yourself, looking at your hands as tears dropped onto your wrists. Geralt was stunned to hear that. He thought you were a little bit proud of your heritage.
“Maybe if I was normal...Geralt would love me? If I didn’t cause problems...If I was more elegant and had more self-control...like Yennefer. He always wants her, not out of necessity, but actual want...Why can’t I get that?” You cried to yourself, moving to wrap your arms around your body in a much needed hug. It was a part of you that Geralt wasn’t expecting to see nor hear. 
“I hate myself!” You suddenly exploded, a wolf-like growl coming out of your throat as you punched the ground, leaving quite an impact. However, your werewolf outburst may not have turned you, but it did heighten your senses.
And you immediately smelled the witcher.
“Geralt! What the hell are you doing here?” You hissed in his direction, wiping off any stray tears and folding your arms in an angry manner. The witcher was quick to reveal his hiding location, his expression unreadable.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay. Not about to do anything stupid.” Geralt said while mimicking your stature, folding his arms as well. You simply scoffed, turning your head away from him.
Suddenly, Geralt dropped his arms by his side and sighed.
“You know I heard all of that...do you truly feel that way? Hate yourself?” Geralt asked, his cat-like eyes trying to read any change in your form for an answer. Your eyes narrowed slightly as the grip on your forearms tightened, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.
“A bit yeah...” You said in such a vulnerable manner.
“Do you think I don’t love you? Can’t love you?” Geralt asked, taking a couple steps closer. You grew flustered, face all red, but you didn’t move from that spot. All your senses were telling you that you were gonna enjoy this.
“A little bit...” You admitted, and soon you felt Geralt’s hand move to your cheek. Part of you wanted to bite him, but the very thought made you blush. You knew that Geralt could feel the heat of your cheek and sense your pounding heart.
“Can I prove you wrong?” He whispered and your head was spinning.
You wanted to say no just to spite him, just to encourage your own beliefs that he only wanted Yennefer. But a chance to be woven together with the witcher you loved, even if it was out of lust. All your senses were tingling in anticipation, and they eventually overloaded your brain to the point where you weren’t even thinking.
“Yes. Yes, please prove me wrong.” You whispered back to Geralt, the hint of a pleading moan on your lips. As soon as the sound left your mouth, he went down on your lips, kissing you violently.
The two wolves inside of you both exploded into a passionate display. 
His tongue explored your mouth with such purpose, more so than any other man. You did the same to him, enjoying the flavor of Geralt inside your mouth. The two of you were soon on the ground, tangled in each other’s limbs as your lips refused to leave each other.
This is what you were waiting for such a long time.
The two of you spent the whole day out there in the woods, exploring each other. He took you to places that you never thought possible, and Yennefer didn’t cross your mind once as Geralt worshipped you like a goddess.
You were sure the whole town could hear you guys.
But the day ended in bliss, with skin touching skin as Geralt explored every bit of you, inside and out. You were loving every second of it, and you couldn’t wait to do it again.
The wolf inside you howled very loud that night.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
Run These Streets {4} || Street Racer!Bucky
Summary: You take it upon yourself to get Bucky out of his funk after receiving home detention for his racing. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, illegal racing, changing wound dressings WC: 2.5k
Bucky Masterlist || Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five
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The local radio station was playing loudly in Bucky’s garage when you arrived. He didn’t even hear that you had pulled up until you turned the volume down and he smelt the food you had bought with you. “You need to rest babe.” 
Bucky winced as he stood up from the empty engine bay he was inspecting. He looked like he was about to argue but wisely closed his mouth when he saw the bandage on his side was turning red. “Fine.”
“Scrub up and come inside, I got your favourite.” You ordered as you teased the mouth watering bag in front of his face while walking past. 
“You are my favourite.” He called out as he watched you disappear into the house, your soft laugh drifting back.
The oil and grime was stubborn and by the time he had scrubbed his hands clean you had set the table and poured you both some homemade ice tea. You could see he was in pain as he gingerly lowered himself into the chair so you opened the cupboard that was littered with pill bottles and half empty first aid kits.
“How do you find anything here?” You mumbled as you looked at the labels and found most of them had expired years ago. “Honestly, I don’t even know how you survived on your own so long.”
“Luck mostly.” He chuckled before groaning. “I may have pushed it this time.”
“You think?” You shook your head as you carried a few rolls of gauze and painkillers. “Take these and lean back. Your bandage is soaked.”
You carefully took off the soiled bandage, trying not to hurt him anymore, and felt your stomach roll at the sight of the sutures that followed the line of his ribs. None of them looked torn but the wound was still bleeding so you wrapped it again with fresh gauze and checked he had swallowed the painkillers.
“You’re lucky you didn’t have to go back to the hospital.” You tutted. “Do you know what a pain in the ass it is having to get hold of your probation officer?”
“Not really,” he admitted with a timid smile, “that’s why you’re so great, because you take care of all that shit for me, and I love you for it.”
“Nice save.” You giggled as he sat up and kissed you before you took your seat. “What’s the damage?”
“I can save a few parts but she needs a new engine and most of the panels replacing but the chassis is straight so she’s not completely written off.” He muttered as he pushed his food around the plate. “It’s gonna cost a fortune that I don’t have.”
“I know how much that car meant to you.” You said softly as you placed your hand over his. “We’ll find a way to get her fixed.”
He wasn’t convinced as he chewed his lip. There weren’t many options left since he was on house arrest for illegal street racing that resulted in the crash. Even if he wanted a mainstream job he couldn’t leave his front yard and he doubted many people would hire him after the addition to his record.
“I’m going to go lay down for a bit.” He mumbled quietly after eating in silence.
You were about to offer to join him, even though it was far too early for you to be able to sleep all night, when your phones buzzed simultaneously.
Unknown Number: 14th and 3rd. Midnight.
Bucky’s phone was tossed away angrily and you sighed heavily as you got up to grab it, finding no new cracks on the screen. He had been in the hospital for the race the week before and you wondered if every Friday night would be this hard for him. The four month sentence suddenly seemed a whole lot harder, especially if he couldn’t have some connection to the racing scene.
Grabbing your laptop, you came up with an idea and worked quietly, tinkering with Bucky’s TV while he slept. When you were all set up you walked into his room you were surprised to find him wide awake, staring blankly at the glow in the dark stars on his ceiling. 
“Babe, I have a surprise.” You whispered as you broke through his harsh self reflection he had been stuck in. “Two actually - though one you might not like.”
He frowned at that and sat up, his chest still shirtless despite the drop in temperature. “Yeah, doll? Why’s that?”
“Why don’t you come to the living room first.” You said as you offered your hand to help him stand, linking your fingers as you led him down the hallway. “I connected my laptop to the tv so that you can still watch the race tonight but, and this is the part you won’t like but hear me out, it's connected to our headcam.”
“So you’ll have to be there, racing, for me to watch.” He laughed humorlessly as he shook his head. “No way, doll, you’re not going out there without me.”
“It’s a win-win babe, you still get to watch what you love and we kinda need the prize money for those repairs.” You argued as you sat him on the couch and let him pull you to his side.
“Not if it means risking your life. The Camaro isn’t worth that.” 
“You know I can drive, just as good as you.” You said, taking a deep breath. “I’m doing this Bucky, with or without you…but I could really do with you having my back.”
You held out your headset that was already connected to the laptop and waited as he stared at it. You were about to give up when you saw him look away but with a heavy sigh of his own, he took the headset and placed it on his lap.
“No unnecessary risks, you hear me?” Bucky warned. “If you get a hint of any dodgy shit from the other drivers, you pull out. And, I will cut this ankle bracelet and steal a car to come find you if this connection cuts out for more than a second.”
“Deal.” You grinned as you jumped up. “I need to steal your tires real quick and head off.” 
“Take a breath.” Bucky caught you by the hand and kissed your knuckles. “Adrenaline makes for easy mistakes.”
“I know, I know. It’s just been years since I last had a proper race, I forgot how it feels.” You rambled as you tried to calm your mind. “Tell me I’m gonna win.”“I don’t have to.” Bucky chuckled, kissing the corner of your mouth with a smile. “Because you are gonna win.”
You were conscious of his injury so you carefully wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed the light beard that was growing out along his jawline. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” He whispered against your lips. “Drive safe.”
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Your Hellcat wasn’t meant for racing in the sense like Bucky’s Camaro. It wasn’t fit with a roll cage and the interior hadn’t been gutted out to lighten its tare weight but Bucky made sure the front seats had been fitted with harnessed bucket seats a long time ago. But the soup and nuts of the matter was that your Hellcat was fast and with your skills it was easily a strong contender. 
“Holy shit, it's been awhile since you brought her out.” Steve grinned when he saw you pull up at the 11th hour. “How’s our boy doing?”
You held up your helmet with the camera mounted on the top. “Ask him yourself. You can take Bucky away from the race but you can’t take the race away from Bucky.”
“I wanted to see the race, not his mug.” Bucky joked in your ear and from the indignation of Steve’s scoff could read his best friend's mind. 
“He’s talking about me isn’t he?”
“Maybe.” You winked. “I actually have a favour to ask.”
You hit the mute button on the helmet's microphone so you could talk to Steve and heard Bucky call out after a moment's silence. 
“Sorry, Buck, must have knocked it. I could still hear you.” You assured him as you imagined he began to pace the living room. “Time to get this show on the road.”
Steve walked around the other drivers before making his way back to you, a small nod giving you the go ahead to pull up to the spray painted starting line. 
“Do you still get nervous? I feel like my stomach is going to try to climb out of my throat.” You swallowed as you reached the line and focused on the woman removing her bra to flag the race start.
“Every damn time.” Bucky chuckled, easing some of the worry knotting your insides. “Concentrate, doll, finishing in one piece is what matters.”
“Yeah, about that…” 
You ran out of time as the woman waved her bra three times before letting it loose and you dropped the clutch and floored the gas. The front wheels lifted off the road as you launched forward and for a second all you saw was the reflection of lights glimmering off One World Trade Centre before you fell back down to earth. You gripped the wheel tighter as the suspension bounced and noticed there was a supercar to your left that was inching ahead of you, but the machine was made for drag races not taking corners which was exactly where you were heading.
“90 degree right turn coming up.” Bucky guided seriously. “You’re going into it pretty fast there.”
“Yup.” You confirmed much to his dismay as you pushed further, the last to start breaking heading into it. “I didn’t come here to lose, Barnes.”
You ripped the e-brake back as you turned, kicking the back out and drifting into the corner before anyone else. The others were quick on your heels but you had effectively put the supercar out of the running as it popped out of the corner in last place. 
“It’s been months since we tuned your ride.” Bucky growled as you raced along the straight, jumping red lights as the scream of your engine limited. “Take it down a notch.”
“Can’t do that babe.” You shook your head, his view on the tv screen shaking with the movement. “I didn’t have enough cash for the buy in.”
“Fuck.” Bucky swore as he fisted his hair in his hands. “Right turn then hard left.”
You eased off the accelerator for the back to back turns and your heart skipped a beat as you almost over-corrected coming out of the turns. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Bucky asked as he watched the street fly past in a blurr, feeling like it was him in the driver's seat. “300 yards until you have a long left turn so don’t go in too tight.”
“You wouldn’t have agreed.” You admitted as you flicked your eyes to the GPS and saw the turn he was talking about, one that snaked under the highway. “We need to work on your terminology.”
“I’m not exactly used to being in this position, you’re much better at this job.” 
Headlights flashed in your wing mirrors as the Toyota Supra tried to take you on the straight with his lighter car. 
“Right back at you.” You murmured as you tried to keep your eyes on the road, on your competition and on the ECU diagnostics that had popped up with an alert. 
Your eyes flashed away from the screen in the centre of the dashboard to see you had reached the left turn. You braked too much in a spike of panic before turning and clenched your fist tighter on the gear stick as you chopped down and tried to chase the Supra that made it past. The next two corners were a dog fight as you edged to close the gap and came neck and neck on the last straight. 
“I’m not losing to a fucking import.” You growled as you turned the nozzle for the NOS and watched the pressure engage. 
“That bottle hasn't been swapped since the roady to Boston.” 
You could practically taste Bucky’s fear, hear the anger at himself for not keeping your car in top shape but his was supposed to be the race car, not yours.
“You worry too much.” You said, stealing one of his favourite phrases. “It’s scary isn’t it, being on that end of the line.”
He grunted in agreement. “Does it get easier?”
“Nope, but I’ll always do it for you.” 
You saw the Supra boost forward and chuckled because your V8 cylinders were about to annihilate his inline 6. You pressed the release for the NOS and felt the increase in horsepower almost immediately, the front wheels threatening to lift off the ground with the surge. 
“You got this, doll.” Bucky all but shouted as he chewed his lip and froze in front of the wide screen tv. “You’ve got this.”
Your long hood inched past the Supra’s and you saw the driver smash his fist against the steering wheel before the finish line appeared not a moment too soon. Your triumphant laugh was echoed by Bucky’s cheers and you spun into a burn out at the end of the street where Steve waited with the other unofficial officiants of the street racing scene. 
“I love you!” You laughed as you tore off the helmet and kissed the camera.
“I love you too, now get your sexy ass home so we can celebrate properly.”
Steve was quick to work his way through the three race cars parked behind you and took the pink slips and keys from the angry losers before any got ideas of making a run for it, which wasn’t unheard of. He was grinning from ear to ear as he brought the winnings over and you knew it would go a long way into paying to repair Bucky’s Camaro as well as some of his legal fees.
“Thanks, Steve. I actually have one last favour to ask.” You said as he engulfed you in a hug.
“Anything for you.”
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You were still riding your high as you drove to Bucky’s and parked outside, needing a moment to gather your thoughts and calm down after the rush of endorphins left your hands trembling. The moment only lasted a second before your door was pulled open and Bucky grinned proudly at you. 
“There’s my girl.”
“She’s got a surprise for you too.” You said as you unclipped the harness and stepped out to see three pairs of headlights coming down the street. Their engines purred across the quiet night and Bucky draped his arm over your shoulder as he watched them approach. “I didn’t have cash for the buy in.”
“You said.” He nodded. “So you used your car as collateral.”
“Kind of.” You smirked, seeing the Toyota, a Ferrari and a Camaro as few years older than Bucky’s park at the curb. “It was a race for pink slips.”
His jaw gaped wide as he stared at the cars, his friends climbing out of the drivers seats. “These are all yours?”
You laughed and shook your head. “No, baby, they're ours.”
Click here for part five.
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americaswritings · 3 years
Something Like Love
Warnings: lots of angst, jealousy, anxiety, negative self-talk, lots of fluff too :), no beta
Summary: Reader watches Tom’s photo session and feels hurt and jealous, watching him pose with girls. When she can’t take it any longer, she hides somewhere. But fans find her and as Tom ends his session, he finds you to be gone and a photo of you has gone viral.
Words: 5k (I got carried away)
Pairings: Tom Holland x reader
A/N: I wrote this years ago (I wish I was exaggerating, but it’s true), but never finished it. Now with all of the new Tom content, I was in the feels to write again. So I finally finished it and decided to post it. I hope you enjoy :) Also pls remember I haven’t written in ages!
Add yourself to my taglist!
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You were currently sitting next to Harrison, watching Tom’s photo session with the fans. Haz wasn’t paying much attention anymore. He was scrolling through his phone, his brows slightly furrowed while he looked at what you assumed was Instagram.
You wanted to distract yourself too, since it was rather boring to watch Tom take hundreds of photos, but you couldn’t take your eyes of the scene in front of you.
You admired how he could still flash a perfect smile and pose for the camera without taking a break. You gazed at the line of fans still waiting to get their photo taken and sighed.
“What’s the matter with you?”, Harrison asked, peeking up from his phone. “Nothing”, you muttered, not taking your eyes off the girl that was currently taking a photo with Tom.
They were close, too close for your liking. You knew that you didn’t have a reason to be jealous, Tom wasn’t your boyfriend, and it was none of your business what he did and what poses he agreed on.
But still you couldn’t help yourself but feel bothered when he was posing with the girls. You knew that he wasn’t being serious when he responded to their “I love you”s and hugged them tightly, but your heart squeezed painfully, nonetheless.
“You look like you’re about to murder someone”, Harrison commented, the hint of a grin evident on his face. 
“I am fine. Thank you very much”, you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his chuckle.
But when you turned your gaze back to Tom you couldn’t supress the snort that left your mouth when you saw him and the girl recreate a pose she had previously shown him on his phone.
They were facing each other, so close that it looked like they were kissing behind the folder Tom was holding in front of their faces.
You obviously knew that they weren’t, but you could only imagine how close they must be standing for it to appear this way.
You saw Harrison muster you from the side, but you decided to ignore his stare. You really didn’t need him urging you to tell Tom about your crush on him. It would only make things complicated. 
You had known Tom long before he had been famous. Since he had landed his big hit, the role of Spider-Man, he was travelling and filming most of the time, but you always managed to see each other as much as possible.
Haz, as Tom’s personal assistant, was used to the attention the actor was receiving, especially from girls, but it was your first-time joining Tom at a convention.
It had been a stressful, but fun weekend so far. It was great to see Tom again after having gone a month with only texting and facetiming each other, but watching the photo session was draining for you.
After 20 more minutes your frustration had turned into hurt and when Tom took another photo, kissing a girl on the cheek this time, you decided you couldn’t watch any longer. 
“I need some fresh air”, you told Haz and made your way out of the room as quickly as possible.
You could feel his concern burn gapes into your back, but you didn’t look back. Tom was too busy to realize that you were gone, so you could probably make it back in time and pretend you had never left.
Exciting the room, you were greeted with a massive crowd of people and panic started to creep up on you. You felt so small, so insignificant and lonely, surrounded by masses of people that were too eager to get to see Tom to care about anything else.
You felt your breath speed up as you were swallowed by the crowd. You just wanted to get out and take a deep breath of fresh air.
As you continued to push your way through the people, hoping to find the entrance, you realized just how enormous the hall was. You came to a halt, trying to gain orientation, but it was pointless. You had lost every idea of where to go.
So you marched into one randomly chosen direction, knowing that it had to lead at least somewhere other than this hall. And you were right. Eventually you found a small, isolated staircase.
The door fell closed behind you and for the first time you felt relief wash over you. It wasn't exactly the fresh air you had longed for, but it gave you a break from the noise and chaos out there.
Slowly you crouched down onto the steps and let your tears fall. You knew that you were being ridiculous, but the jealousy was eating you from the inside.
It hurt so much. You had barely a few hours to spend with Tom and Haz before they would leave to attend the next event.
You missed Tom, seeing him, and hanging out together. You missed hearing his laughter next to you and seeing him smile, one that was only reserved for you.
You missed how he made sure you were more than comfortable during your movie nights that always ended with you falling asleep on his shoulder and how you would sing your hearts out when you were driving in the car together.
You missed how he made sure he was the one closer to the road, how he gently brushed your fingers with his in a sign of reassurance when he sensed your anxiety and how he would make sure you weren't overtalked when you hung out with the boys.
You missed your friendship, and you missed the feeling of being loved, being cared for.
You wondered when that had changed. When had you become the one to be left behind?
Suddenly you felt beyond lonely.
Were you proud of Tom? No doubt! Did you regret being friends with him? Not a single second. But did sharing him without even having him in the first place hurt? Absolutely!
You tried to remember the last time you and Tom had spent alone, but your mind was blank. Sure, there were a few seconds here and there when Haz was up to something else, but you missed talking to Tom. Not just on the phone but when you discussed a new movie for hours after leaving the cinema or at 2 am when your minds were too noisy to allow you sleep.
It felt a little soothing to admit all of that to yourself. But you knew you could never say that to Tom. Not only would this mean confessing your feelings to him and risking your friendship, but it felt selfish to you.
He was an upcoming movie star. He had a busy schedule and tried his best to balance his career and private life.
Shouldn't you be lucky he even made time for you at all? That he hadn't abandoned you for fame yet?
No, Tom wasn't like that, you reminded yourself. He was kind-hearted, humble, and passionate. That was why he was adored by so many people. It was only fair that they got to see how special he was, like you had over the past years.
Maybe you had to realize that your expectations were too high. He wouldn’t be able to give you what you longed for. Maybe you were holding him back and it was the best for either of you when you gave him up.
You were deep in your thoughts when something in the corner of your eye made you peek up. Your eyes were still glistening with tears, but your vision was clear enough for you to notice two girls gazing at you through the small window of the door. Their eyes were wide in surprise, but then recognition crossed their faces. 
One of the girls whispered something to the other and you were curious what they would do. Leave you alone to give you some space or try to talk to you?
You only realized there was a third option when the girl held up a phone directed at you. You couldn’t even blink before the girl had put the phone back down, a satisfied grin on her face before they left.
It took you a moment to fully understand what had happened, but then the shock hit you. They had taken a photo of you and there was no doubt that they would post it. 
It would give them lots of attention and maybe even a few headlines of gossip magazines, since you were known to be friends with Tom. You had probably just ruined the whole event for him.
“Damn it!”, you exclaimed, running your fingers through your hair in desperation as you tried to imagine what you looked like.
Messy hair, puffy eyes, huddled alone on a staircase. It would definitely make the news.
Tears left your eyes, but you wiped at them furiously. Your emotions had gotten you into this mess in the first place, you wouldn't allow them to take over again.
You needed to get your head straight, approach this rationally and come up with a plan.
But all you could think about was that you had been right. You weren't made for fame and were pulling Tom down with you. You had no right to claim more of him, you didn't deserve it.
You allowed yourself another moment of despair before you pulled yourself together. You couldn't stay here. Even though you doubted the photo would give away your location, there had to be plenty staircases like this in the building, the two girls had discovered you and you couldn't know they wouldn't come back. Maybe even bring more people with them.
You could hurry back towards the photo session, so you could pretend that it wasn’t you on the photo or that it was fake, but you knew that it was an idea born out of desperation and you couldn’t build up the courage to re-enter the hall either. 
Just the thought of having to push your way through masses of people once again scared you enough to let you stay in place.
The damage was done and there was nothing you could do about it.
So you stayed on the staircase, leaning your back against the cold wall and pulling your knees close to your chest.
 “That was exhausting”, Tom sighed, grabbing a water bottle with a smile plastered on his face. He had just finished his photo session and couldn’t wait to spend his short break with his two closest friends.
Even though he loved meeting his fans and it was fun to pose for photos, especially when fans came up with such creative ideas, it was also draining.
Knowing that for a while he could just be himself around his friends without having to keep up a front felt like a burden was lifted of his shoulders.
"Hey, did you see the man in the Iron Man costume? It looked sick! And he made it himself", Tom told his friend, but Haz wasn't paying attention to him at all. 
“Hello? Mate?” Tom snapped his finger in front of the blonde’s face. "Shit!"
Tom furrowed his brows at Haz' words. "What?", he questioned, noticing how serious his friend was. Harrison looked up at him, his blue eyes mirroring the concern Tom felt.
"This was just posted on Instagram. And twitter." He held up his phone, handing it to Tom so he could get a look himself.
He had been prepared for something to dampen his mood. A leak of the upcoming Spider-Man movie, a negative headline about him or some weird hashtag going viral.
But he had not been prepared to find a photo of you, sitting on what looked like a staircase looking absolutely heartbroken and alone, your eyes wide in shock as you looked directly into the camera.
"I already called her twice, but she's not picking up", Harrison announced, and his heart fell even more.
"Wait- Where is (y/n)? I thought she was here with you the whole time", Tom questioned in disbelief, looking around as if you were to magically appear somewhere.
Harrison let out a huff. "She left halfway through the session. You didn't notice?"
Tom felt his heart clench as he shook his head in shame. "Look, I had to focus on the photo session. I can't keep an eye out on everything", he tried to defend himself, but it sounded like a lame excuse even to his own ears.
He should have at least noticed your absence at some point.
How could he have missed it?
"I don't blame you. But maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring her to watch the photo session?"
Tom could sense there was something in his friends voice he was missing, but he couldn't figure it out. He had wanted you along, so what?
But there was no sense in arguing about it now. What mattered was finding you and making sure you were okay, so he focused his attention back on the photo.
It had already been shared over thousands of times.
"It looks like she is on a staircase or something", he muttered as he scanned the photo for evidence, hoping to find a clue to where you were hiding, but at the same time dreading to find something that could reveal your position to everyone else.
"She wanted to get fresh air", Harrison recalled, reaching for his phone in Tom's hands and getting up. "I suggest we get someone who knows this place and search the staircases."
"What if she has left already?", Tom asked, not feeling confident about the plan. "You have a better idea?", Harrison countered, and Tom shook his head in defeat.
 "I can't believe someone would take a photo of her in that situation and post it!"
They were on their way towards the third staircase, security clearing the area beforehand, so they didn't have to deal with fans.
"The people here are my fans, right? I don't get how they could treat someone who is so important to me like that! It's disgusting!", Tom continued his rant.
"They just want attention, that's all", Harrison stated, sounding much calmer than Tom but as upset as he felt. "It's pathetic!", Tom huffed, reaching for his phone to give calling you another try.
"She still doesn't pick up", he sighed a few minutes later, beginning to feel hopeless the longer it takes them to get to you. "Can you blame her? She probably has gotten tons of messages since the photo was posted. I wouldn't want to deal with that either", Harrison stated, and Tom knew he was right. He just wished they would finally find you. He felt worried beyond belief and guilt was preying on his mind.
How had he not noticed something was up?
"You have to be on stage in 30 minutes", Harrison reminded him as they neared the next stairway. "Cancel it", Tom said matter-of-factly. "Are you sure about that?", Harrison asked, already knowing the answer.
"You know I love my fans, but this is more important now. She is more important."
"Alright, I got your back.” Harrison patted him lightly on the shoulder as he reached for his phone to let the managers know of the change in plans.
"I swear if she's not here I will-", Tom began as he peeked through the window of the door to the next staircase, but he fell silent as his eyes landed on your small form.
It took him a moment to take in the sight in front of him. You were still sitting on the staircase like you were in the photo, but you had leant your back against the concrete wall and your face was buried in your hands.
The relief he had felt for finding you was quickly replaced by the pain to see you hurt.
"She's here", he announced as he turned back towards Harrison, who looked just as relieved. "Let me talk to her alone, okay?"
Harrison raised his brows in response but nodded. "Just tell her how you feel", he urged before he left to give the two of you some space.
Tom cautiously opened the door, not wanting to scare you but also not wanting to sneak up on you either. "Is this seat taken?", he asked to gain your attention and your head shot up.
"Tom? What are you doing here?", you stuttered in surprise. You weren't crying anymore, but your eyes were still red and puffy, and your voice sounded the slightest bit shaky.
"I was looking for you!", Tom stated exasperatedly.
"But you have to be on stage in like-", you glanced at the watch on your wrist, "30 minutes!"
Tom’s heart skipped a beat at the realization that you knew his schedule by heart, but at the same time he couldn't understand how surprised you acted that he would search for you after what had happened.
"You think I care about that right now?", he asked in disbelief. "I was worried about you! When I finished the photo session you weren't there and Haz showed me the photo they posted of you", he explained frantically, the guilt that he hadn't noticed something was up before, coming back to him.
"I- uhm-", you tried to come up with a reasonable answer, but your mind was blank.
Tom's eyes softened at your loss of words, and he crouched down next to you. "What's wrong?", he asked, his voice so gentle that it brought back the tears in your eyes.
You bit your lip in an attempt to stop yourself from crying once more. "Nothing", you whispered, but you knew it was no use. Even if you would have kept up a better act, Tom would have probably seen through it.
Because he knew you.
You two knew each other by heart.
"Hey, you don't have to pretend with me", Tom reassured, and his hand reached out to yours. But before he could touch it, you hugged your knees into your chest again, shying away from him.
You couldn't bear to have him touch you right now. It would only make things harder.
You told yourself that as you tried to ignore the irritation and hurt crossing Tom's face when he pulled his hand back.
You could see the unspoken question in his eyes and the hint of determination to understand what was going on. Tom was a stubborn person, something that had played a big part in building his career, and you knew he wouldn’t leave before you hadn’t given him an answer.
So you pulled yourself together, not wanting to waste more of his previous time than necessary.
"This is stupid!", you declared, angry at yourself for being so emotional. "This is a convention for your fans to get the chance to meet you and for you to interact with them, so you should not be sitting here on this isolated staircase with me. You should be out there with them and have fun!"
“You think I can have fun, if I know you’re hurting?”
You adverted your gaze to your lap. It was true, you were pulling him down with you. “You shouldn’t be here”, you repeated.
"But I am here", Tom said sternly, "so talk to me, please?"
When you stayed silent, he sighed in despair. "Don't shut me out (y/n)", he pleaded, and you felt guilt fill you. He was really trying to make this right, so the best you could do was be honest and give him the chance to go.
"I miss you, okay?", you burst out. "I miss you so much and I just couldn't watch you being right in front of me when in reality you're not really there!"
"But I am here!" Tom frowned, trying to make sense of your words.
"Really? Because you will be leaving again tomorrow, and we barely had any time together. I might be selfish, but I love you too much to spend so little time with you without wanting to have more. I just- I can't do it."
Tom's frown had deepened as he was listening to your words. When he came to the conclusion you wouldn't say more, he dared to speak up.
"I don't want to leave", he admitted, surprised how easy it felt to tell you this. "I just got back here, got you back and I don't want to be without you anymore. You're right, we barely got to spend time together and I can't keep going like this. I don't want to."
You were listening to him in complete shock, not having expected him to feel the same way.
"But you were having so much fun with them", you reasoned, recalling how happy Tom had looked while posing with his fans. "This is literally what you have been born to do. You worked so hard for this, and you deserve to enjoy-" Tom let out a sigh that made you still.
"You know I love my work and I am grateful for all of this", he gestured towards the door, "but I am still the boy from Kingston who just wants to live a normal life from time to time. I want to spend time with my family and my friends where I don't have to be the movie star people look up to and this huge role model. It's so much pressure to be perfect the whole damn time."
You realized that Tom might not have had it so easy either. You hadn't thought of this as another burden that came with the job and always considered it something he had earned for working so hard.
A place where everyone showed their love for him seemed like a reward. But now that he allowed you to hear the exhaustion and frustration in his voice and see the tension in his body, you regretted your quick assumptions.
You couldn't help but wonder how his fake smile had mislead you into thinking he was purely happy. Shouldn't you, as his closest friend, be able to see through his act?
But you knew that you had been blind. Blinded by your own jealousy, you had to admit. But you couldn't bring that up to him.
"I am sorry", you sighed, meaning it whole-heartedly. "I was hurt so I just focused on my own feelings without considering that this might not be as easy for you as you make it look."
You put on a little teasing smile “Seems like you have become too good of an actor now.”
Tom gave you a small sad smile. "This is why I need you", he told you. "With you I don't have to be anyone other than myself. I don't have to deal with all of these huge expectations and can just relax without fearing to be anything other than flawless."
You nodded, completely understanding what he meant. Growing up you had always been cautious when it came to trusting people and opening up. You knew it wasn't easy to let your guard down and be vulnerable with someone and you couldn't put into words how grateful you felt for having become such a safe space for Tom.
But there came a sadness with it too. You wanted to be more than just someone he could be himself with. You wanted him to spend time with you because of you. Because he liked spending time with you.
"I can't live without you", Tom added, and you had to blink back your tears. You got up from the stairs, pulling Tom with you.
"Come here", you whispered, reaching out to hug him. You could see the smile on Tom's face before he wrapped his arms around you, enclosing you in his warmth.
Your face was buried in his chest, and you inhaled his scent and clung onto the feeling of being so close to him, knowing it wouldn't last. "I shouldn't have brought you to the photo session. Making you watch me that way really conveyed the wrong message", he spoke next to your ear and his voice send shivers down your back.
"No, it's my fault." You broke the hug so you would be able to look into his face. "I shouldn't have reacted so strongly", you said a little sheepishly. Now that you had spoken to Tom you felt a bit embarrassed about your reaction.
"I just couldn't help myself. Seeing you pose so closely with the fans just hurt, you know?"
You knew if you weren't completely truthful the burden on your shoulders wouldn't be lifted, but you hoped that Tom wouldn't question your words further.
You didn't feel ready to have that conversation just yet. But Tom seemingly didn't want to let it go.
"I still don't get it", he admitted, rubbing the base of his neck in uncertainty. "Why would you even care about that? I mean it’s just photos. It's not like I am having any meaningful conversations or moments."
You felt your heart sink in your chest. You wouldn't lie to Tom anymore, not now that you were caught in the aftermath of what it meant to hide your feelings. So you took all your courage to finally allow yourself to say the words out loud.
"From a rational point of view, I know that", you began, "but seeing you so close with the girls, I just- I couldn't stand it knowing that I don't get to be so close to you."
Tom's eyebrows lifted as his eyes widened in disbelief. "You were jealous?"
You bit your lip. "No?", you tried, but sighed a second later. "Fine. Maybe I felt jealous of them."
"But love, they are just fans", Tom wondered, making you blush when he used that name on you. "There is no reason to be jealous and-", he stopped as a thought visibly crossed his mind. It took Tom only a moment to collect his words, but it felt long enough for you to grow beyond nervous.
Now he knew.
"Are you telling me that you like me? Because I want to be certain before I come to any kind of conclusions that could mess this up even more."
You huffed. "You are cruel!", you stated, "you're really making me embarrass myself even more? Haven't I been clear enough already?", you tried to escape the question, but he shook his head.
"I need to hear you say it", he demanded, but a soft smile was covering his lips and you knew he would never push you to admit anything you didn't feel comfortable with.
Amusement was better than pure shock, right?
"Fine, I am in love with you, you idiot. I have been for months now. And I really don't appreciate sitting by and watching you hold hands, hug, and kiss girls on the cheek. So next time I have to politely decline that offer."
When you had imagined this conversation with Tom, you had never expected yourself to be so confident in your words, but it seemed that allowing yourself to say what you had hidden for such a long time felt freeing and, in some way, empowering.
Even if Tom did not reciprocate your feelings, at least you had been brave enough to get the burden off your chest.
Tom's amusement had faded a bit. Now he was watching you rather serious and you shifted under his intense gaze. "Are you going to say something too?", you broke the silence and that seemed to snap him out of it.
"I can't believe you're feeling this way", he said, "I had no idea!"
"You know that was the whole point in hiding them", you teased, hoping to ease the tension that had suddenly filled the air between the two of you.
"Then you're a damn good actress!" You shook your head with a smile. "You know I am an open book to you. You have just been too blind Holland."
Tom laughed and you grinned, but on the inside, you were a nervous wrack. He hadn't really answered to your confession yet.
"I might have been. Or I was just too good at convincing myself that you could never feel that way for me."
Now it was your turn to raise your brows in surprise. "That's- Why would you think that?"
"Because we have been friends for years, but we never went beyond that. I thought you didn't want to."
"Well, that's…", you searched for the right word. "...stupid", you concluded while Tom simultaneously came up with "wrong".
You chuckled as Tom feigned hurt by pouting.
"I am in love with you (y/n), and I am sorry I didn't say anything sooner. You're too important to me that I didn't want to risk losing what we have. I wasn't ready to give that up", he spoke sincere.
"Looks like we have both been idiots", you offered with a smile and Tom grinned. "We have been", he agreed before stepping closer to you.
Then he slowly leant in, giving you enough time to move away. But you wanted this. You had dreamed of this.
As his lips meet yours, you felt yourself relax into the kiss. Tom's arms came to hold you around your waist, and you melted into his touch, craving the feeling of being so close to him.
When you broke the kiss, you moved away, but only slightly so that your foreheads came to touch. "Shouldn't you be on stage right now?", you whispered, and Tom sighed.
"I want to spend the evening with my favourite girl", he assured you. "And the photo?", you questioned. "We will take care of that too. Trust me."
You nodded. Because if there was one person you trusted, it was him.
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chezzywezzy · 3 years
Yandere Orphan (1/3)
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Word count ; 4.1k
A/N : this woman severely pissed me off. also, it's final week, so I'm just uploading this since I wrote this ages ago. Enjoy.
My feet were planted firmly on the pavement and my arms were crossed. The dead grass was coated with a thin layer of snow while the clouds covered up the sun. The winter weather complimented the large stone building in front of me. It had a depressing aura, but my heart was skipping happily as I occasionally glanced at a small child that was running around in warm getup.
“Ah, Miss Y/n! Glad to see that you could make it.”
I broke out of my trance and my gaze softened as I made eye contact with a nun. Angela, was it? I pursed my lips and I shook her hand. “Angela. Good afternoon.”
The woman simply smiled before placing her hand on my back and walked, me going with her. “I can’t wait to see who you make a connection with. Expanding the family is always a joyous occasion. As you can see," she motioned to several decked out tables with food on top, "we’re having several guests over. The kids are always excited when future parents host parties.”
We paused in front of the room where children were running around and nuns were tending to their needs. My lips slightly curved up as I observed the scene, but Angela quickly stole my attention again.
Clasping her hands together, the nun spoke, "Well, I’ll leave you to it. Feel free to have some food and play with them.” She had a knowing smile on her face as she disappeared elsewhere.
This wasn’t the first time I’d attended one of these events. I had been ready to adopt for a while, but I hadn’t found that ‘connection’ yet. I hadn’t met a child old enough to count as an ‘older’ sibling for my ten-year-old son. Especially with the specification of sister.
However, this Christmas, I was determined to find the perfect addition for me and Milo. The time was right, and it was the holiday season. My job as a lawyer was successful and I managed to balance parenting and working. I had my own house, one that me and my late husband had bought several years ago. So I was able to be there for another child.
I examined the environment. I took slow and methodical steps around the room, seeing young girls and boys chase each other around and scream. However, there was something drawing me to explore further, so I found myself heading up the oak staircase.
Once I reached the top, I heard a vague humming. It seemed to be coming from the room at the end of the hallway. Without hesitation, I went to the door. The pitch was high enough to be a girl’s, but not too high to imply a toddler.
I placed my hand against the slightly open door and pushed it open. It was the classroom. I don’t recall ever entering here before. At the front was girl, probably around the age of eleven or twelve, sitting in front of an easel. She was faced away from me, so all I could see was her carefully tended-to hair and her embellished dress. I observed her for a moment, but the girl sensed my presence, and glanced over her shoulder at me.
“Hello,” she acknowledged politely, staring at me as though she expected someone else to be with me.
I took her greeting as an invitation, so I strode towards her. “Hello to you as well.” After I was standing next to her, I leaned over to see her painting completely.
It was a sleeping lioness while the night sky was above her. On the tables next to her, I saw that there were other drawings, creations from abstract fish to daisies. There seemed to be at least a dozen, although I had an inkling that there were more than where this came from.
“So you’re a young artist,” I commented, returning my attention to her. “How long have you been painting, dear?”
The girl still seemed reluctant to talk, but I couldn’t fault her. I was aware that my serious composure was often interpreted as coldness. “Oh, for as long as I can remember. I have a lot of free time,” she replied.
She had quite an adorable face; freckles, large black eyes, and puffy cheeks. Her hands were frail and delicate, but a little worn out as someone who drew often would have. Her dress seemed quite personalized, and even her black shoes were thoughtful.
“How old are you?” I asked carefully.
She was quick to answer, as though she expected a certain outcome. “I’m twelve.”
I hummed. “I have a ten-year-old son at home. He’s always wanted an older sister. Do you want any siblings?”
Her eyes widened slightly. “O-oh, I don’t mind.” She turned back to the easel. “I think it’s missing something,” she mused.
“Her cubs,” I proposed. “She’s sleeping peacefully, so that means her cubs are near and safe. After all, a mother is happy as long as her children are protected.”
She grinned, drawing a cub curled at the lioness’ side. “And… done!” She exclaimed, finishing the nose.
“Not quite. Don’t you think there should be two cubs? I imagine it could be an even happier family if there was one more addition, don’t you?”
She seemed to pause. “Maybe. Is there a daddy lion? Without a daddy lion, it would be harder for the mommy lion.”
“Not at all. The lioness is capable of protecting the cubs. The lioness has a big cave and loves her children.” I placed my hand on her head and patted.
She pursed her lips for a moment before grabbing the paint brush and I couldn’t help but smile as she made one final addition to the painting. She looked me up and down one final time before answering, "It would be an honor. I am Esther.”
“It’s incredible that you were able to connect with her. I knew it would work out for you,” Angela prayed, sitting forward at her wooden desk.
My hands were clasped neatly in my lap. “Yes, Esther was polite, which is normal since I know I don’t come off as friendly, but she seemed completely natural. And so very creative. I already know my son will love her. I certainly do.”
Angela’s smile somehow widened. “She’s always been well-mannered and obedient. We’ve never had any problems with her, except for when some of the other girls pick on her. I’m sure she’ll be an amazing addition to the household.” She paused to see if I had any comments. “Anyways, let’s start filling out the paperwork.”
Milo woke up that Christmas morning incredibly disappointed; he knew his mother always woke up early, so he searched the whole house. The living room, the kitchen, the bedrooms, even her personal bathroom - but mom was nowhere to be found.
Milo was disappointed, even though he tried not to be. He knew from the horror stories his friends told him that he had a good mom. She worked hard and somehow was still attentive. But it was Christmas morning, it was her job to be in the house when he woke up!
He entered the bathroom and stared at the mirror with glassy eyes. Milo had been so excited that he forgot to comb his shoulder length, dark brown hair. He hadn’t even changed out of his pajamas yet, which consisted of one of mom’s t-shirts and warm, fluffy pants with red and black stripes. His coffee-colored skin glistened slightly from the tears, so he splashed some cold water on his face.
He immediately clambered out of the room when his ears picked up the faint sound of the front door being unlocked. Milo raced down the stairs as quickly as he could in slippery blue socks. By the time he made it to the front door, he only became confused.
There, at the front door, his mother stood with a girl next to him. She was dressed up all nice and her black hair was curled. She had a suitcase and a complacent, polite smile on her face while mom pointed out where to hang her coat and to place her shoes.
“Mom, who’s she?” Milo finally spoke, catching both of their attentions. Mom smiled, wrapping an arm around Esther’s shoulders.
“Esther, this is Milo. Milo, meet your new sister,” she replied calmly, nudging Esther forward slightly.
Milo’s eyes widened, and his stare went from Esther to his mother then back to Esther. He opened his mouth, but was in visible shock, before leaping towards Esther and hugging her. “That’s so cool! I can’t believe this! I’m so happy you’re here!”
Esther seemed rather shocked but returned the hug, an unsure, uneasy smile gracing her adorable features. Y/n could only watch the scene with a smile, her heart warm and fuzzy. She paid no heed to Esther’s reluctancy; after all, she’d just found a family for the first time in.. three years? It’s understandable that her daughter wouldn’t be used to affection, or at least the sort that a loving family would give her.
She clapped her hands together. “Milo, can you show Esther to her new room? It’s right next to yours. I haven’t decorated it yet, but that’s because I wanted you to be able to, Esther,” mom explained, pushing Esther’s suitcase to Milo. “When you’re both done settling down and getting to know one another, feel free to help with breakfast,” Y/n added.
Both kids nodded and ran off, although Esther did so with more grace and agility, while Milo was quick and clumsy. Y/n watched as they disappeared up the stairs, Milo’s happy giggling still echoing in the house.
One hand holding the pan still and the other scrambling the yolk, I focused intently on the breakfast. In the background was some Christmas piano music. I had a ritualized ugly sweater that my late husband’s mother always sent to me and Milo - although this year I went out of my way to request a third for Esther. Since we lived too far away from the rest of the family - an entire country away - we weren’t able to spend it there this year, especially because there was work with the adoption papers. I know Milo was upset, but hopefully now it makes up for spending Christmas at home.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Esther batting her eyes at me while Milo was next to her. “Ready to help?”
Milo grinned and hugged me from behind. “Can I make the pancakes, mom?” he requested.
“Sure. Esther, do you know how to cook? Milo can teach you how to make pancakes if you want.”
Esther stood beside Milo as he raced around the kitchen to get the proper ingredients. “I would love to. I have never cooked before, at the orphanage we ordered from the cafeteria.”
Milo frowned. “That’s sad. Mom and I always make lunch together on Sunday. Food is even better when you make it yourself.” He plopped a large bowl on the counter and poured in the necessary components. “Here, you stir.”
Esther did as told, and in the corner of my eye, I saw that she cheekily grinned and dipped her finger in. I figured I wouldn’t be the victim so I return my attention to the almost completed eggs. My eyes widened when I felt two wet splotched fingers poking into both my cheeks and let out a mute gasp.
Both kids are standing behind me. “We need to use the pan, mom,” Milo said innocently.
“Is that so?” I said, reaching over and dipping my fingers in the pancake mix as well. I bopped both of their noses. “Well, you’ll just have to wait a second, hm?” I licked the remaining pancake mix from my finger.
After a second, I grabbed a plate and used the spatula to push all the eggs onto it. I handed it to Milo. “Go ahead and wash this up. I need to finish wrapping up a few more presents, okay?” I washed my hands and ruffled their heads.
“Okay, mom.”
“Yes, mommy.”
I left them to their own devices while they finished up breakfast, heading over to the living room couch. Strewn on the arm was Milo’s ugly sweater - of which he was starting to get old enough to realize that it looked awful but not old enough to not care - and next to it, folded neatly, was a third. Milo hadn’t asked about it, but that was for Esther.
I actually finished wrapping presents last night. I just wanted to let the kids bond. I even had my camera at the ready; I always forgot to take pictures, but today had to be recorded now that we had a new family member.
“Mom!” I heard Milo call from the kitchen a few minutes later.
I returned to the kitchen to find Esther plating the pancakes. “Perfect. Thanks you two, you’re both first class chefs in the making.” I took both the plates while Milo told Esther to help get some orange juice and cups.
The dining room was adjacent to the living room, a rectangular table adorning a red and green tablecloth in the center. There was some last minute decorations like snowflake stickers on the window and a snowman statue in the center of the table. I set the pancakes and eggs in the center of the table before sitting down.
Milo and Esther finished setting everything up without complaint before sitting down too. Esther snatched the seat next to me while Milo sat across. He pouted a bit complaining about how he wanted Esther to sit next to him, but she just giggled.
After a few minutes of silence while we gorged on food, I finished chewing and sent a knowing smile to Milo. “Did you get what you wanted for Christmas this year, dear?”
Milo grinned. “Yeah, I’m so happy! Thanks, mom. But I still want a skateboard too,” he added sheepishly.
I chuckled, and before I could reply, Esther chipped in. “I can not think of anything else I could want. Even this breakfast is great. All I really want to have is a daddy as well.”
I was unfazed, but I noticed that Milo’s expression fell. “Well, there was a dad before, but he’s up in heaven now. It’s okay though, Esther, we still have a happy family, especially with you here with us now.”
Her doe eyes stared up at me, large and beady. “I hope so. Thank you for picking me, mommy.”
“So go ahead and tell us more about yourself, Esther. Milo also likes to draw, so I’m sure he’d love to hear about that.”
Milo’s attention was immediately caught. Esther started, "Well, I like drawing animals or people I think are pretty. I have been doing it for as long as I have been in the orphanage. There is not much to say, I think.”
“I want to see them,” Milo exclaimed. “I like art, too. Oh, and guitar! I can show you my guitar, Esther.”
“Okay, thank you, brother,” she replied politely. “Can we open presents after breakfast?”
“Yes, but I’ll need a little help with dishes, okay?”
Milo groaned. “But it’s Christmas! If we were at grandma’s, she wouldn’t make me do dishes,” he complained.
I lightly chuckled. “And you wouldn’t make your dear old mother miss out on watching her wonderful kids open presents, would you?”
“Never. Mommy deserves the help, brother. If you want, mommy, I can do all the dishes while you start the presents,” Esther interjected, batting her eyes at me.
I raised an eyebrow. “No, Esther, it’s alright.”
I helped Esther carry her gifts up to her room. I had bought her an easel, large papers, and art supplies, along with a Nokia phone for safety. There were some other small tchotchkes and candies from the stocking that Esther was lumbering up the steps.
Milo went outside the moment he opened his final present, a skateboard, so it was just me and my daughter in the house. I nudged her bedroom door open and set the boxes on the ground while Esther went to the bed. I heaved out a sigh and turned on the camera that hung around my neck, skimming through the cute photos I shot. I was no photographer, though, so some came out blurry and I deleted them.
Arms wrapped my waist. “Can I see them, mommy?” she requested, tugging my shirt towards the bed.
I plopped down beside her, giving her the chance to look at them. She stared at them silently but with a complacent smile on her face. “You aren’t in any of these, mommy.”
“I’m not very photogenic,” I bashfully explained, before having the camera torn from my hands. Esther held it up and I froze to the best of my abilities, letting her snap a picture. I sensed that she had a stubborn spirit.
“Beautiful, mommy,” she praised as she checked the picture.
The compliment made me grin shyly. “Thanks, dear. I appreciate it.” I pulled her in for a quick side hug before changing the topic. “So how are you liking your new home?”
She pursed her lips. “I like it here a lot. I just want to know what happened to the daddy.”
I let out a sigh. “My former husband, Hugh, passed away while I was pregnant with Milo. He went fishing with some friends during the winter and got a bit tipsy, fell overboard, crashed through the ice and couldn’t get back up. Nothing more, nothing less. And I’m too busy with work and my kids to focus on men. After all, I’m a lawyer, those cases don’t solve themselves, hm?” I left the story on a positive note, but I was shocked to see that a tear fell from her eye.
I quickly fussed and wiped it off with my thumb. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” she sniffled, "so sad. I cannot imagine how sad you are.”
I pulled her into a lasting hug. “Well,” I started, "it was hard and I was terribly depressed when it happened. I wouldn’t have made it through the pregnancy if Hugh’s side of the family, especially my mother-in-law, hadn’t helped me. But everything was alright when I finally met my Milo. Even when he was an ugly purple raisin, when he opened his eyes for the first time, I saw that it was Hugh’s. It was a reminder then and there that I had to get my - pardon my language - shit together because no matter how sad I was, I loved Milo ten times more. I even named him Milo because of Hugh’s middle name, Mark. I figured to give him a ‘M’ name to honor my husband.”
A minute passed; Esther’s arms were wrapped around me as she took in the story. I felt her breathing against my chest and her curled hair flattened against my shoulder. “Wow,” she whispered. “That is so brave of you. I did not know a woman could love someone so much.”
I couldn’t help but wonder what experience had shaped such a point of view. I understood why she was eager about finding out about a male figure of the household. I exhaled and rubbed her head. “It’s okay. And you’re my daughter, so I love you just as much.”
Late that night, Y/n had arisen from her slumber for an unknown reason. She felt uneasy. So, she stepped outside for a few minutes to smoke. Light snow was falling from the sky and the night air was chilled. The smoke from the cigarette blended with her cold exhalations.
After she finished, she went back inside, setting the lighter on the living room table and the cigarette in the trash. She was quiet when returning to her room, but noticed that the light in Esther’s flickered off as she walked past.
Y/n slid open Esther’s door just a crack, noticing that the easel was assembled and that there was a painting in progress. Her daughter was tucked away in her bed in a messy fashion, indicating that she was faking, but she just smiled and left for her room.
Hours passed, and the house was fast asleep by then - all except for one girl, Esther, who eventually stirred and left her bed. Her small feet pattered down the hallway. Loud snores came from Milo’s room, which covered up her footsteps as she made her way down the stairs.
The living room was illuminated by the red and green Christmas bulbs hung up on the walls, and the glistening gleams from the tinsel on the tree. Her eyes narrowed as her eyes landed on a wall adorning a black lighter. Her cute features didn’t fit with the blank, sinister expression that rested on her visage; unblinking and attentive.
She gazed longingly at it before striding towards it, and snatching it up in an instant. Skillfully, knowingly, she lit a flame. Her stare remained trained on it loyally.
It was finally the day that Milo had to return to school. During the last week, he was rather disappointed that his new sister spent most of her time in her room slaving away at the easel and mostly saw her at mealtimes. However, he couldn’t fault her for being passionate, so kept his disappointment hidden away.
Milo finally had a better chance to get to know her though, since the two walked to the bus stop together, as their house was hidden away in the woods. However, Esther was eager to get to school - that meant anytime he tried to start a conversation, he’d be the one carrying it, but he figured tomorrow would be better when she’s seen how dull school was.
Milo even wanted to sit next to her on the bus, but his friends called him over before he got the chance to mention it to her. And he figured that his friends wanted his presence more than her.
So that had been how his morning went; uneventful and a failure. Milo guessed that hanging out with siblings was an at-home activity. It was recess and he had his packed lunch in his grasp, and while his friends Todd and Kaden walked beside him to find a spot to sit and eat. The cafeteria was crowded, but they found a table to sit anyways.
“Be right back,” Todd and Kaden called, rushing over to the line to get food. Sometimes Milo wished that his mom let him get the cafeteria lunch instead since there were yummy snacks like cheesy pretzels and ice cream cones, but she always cared a lot about his health. Milo unzipped his lunchbox to reveal a peanut butter and banana sandwich, a bag of strawberries, and some broccoli. He grinned, peanut butter sandwiches were his favorite -
His attention was stolen away when he heard his sister’s name being called. He saw Stella, Georgia, and Michelle, some of the popular girls, stepping in her way. Milo frowned, already knowing that his sister’s queer fashion taste had drawn their attention. And their attention was never wanted.
He strained to hear what the girls were saying, since everyone else was talking loudly too. “You realize this is school and not a castle, right princess?” Stella sneered. It left Milo a little confused, since that almost sounded like a compliment.
Esther just replied, "Move.”
“Oh, sorry, I’m not one of your servants. But let’s see, did your butler make you a pretty little lunch?” She mocked, reaching for the lunchbox. Esther dodged it, but at the expense of her school bag. Georgia got in on the action during this clash, tearing Esther’s bag off her shoulder.
The contents spilled onto the ground, but of course, Stella took immediate notice of the small Bible. Esther crouched down and gathered her things, but not before Georgia grabbed the Bible form her grasp. Georgia handed it over to Stella, who smirked and waved it around tauntingly.
“Well, well, well. I guess you’re a dumb church girl instead. Why don’t you pray to Jesus to fix your Bible?”
Michelle, who had been on the sidelines, held Esther back. Her eyes were wide and furious. Stella had a permanent smirk as she opened the Bible and tore out the pages, dropping it onto the ground and kicking it back to her.
Michelle finally let go of Esther, who tumbled to the floor gathering the pages up angrily.
And, understandably, she screamed.
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novasdarling · 3 years
hey there!! i just rlly love ur feitan content! esp the recent one!! will u write about reader being jealous and insecure when feitan taking in a new fem victim, fearing that he might replace her? thank u so much! hav a great day/night!!
Sure! He'd probably love it. Anything that hurts you a bit and gets you closer to him. Hope you enjoy it, I think I changed it a little, but I tried to stick to what you asked.
Jealousy is Killing Me
TW: Kidnapping mentioned, Torture scenes, Chains, Yandere behaviour, Cuts, Female Reader, Noncon touching, Stockholm Syndrome.
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The rain sounded so sweet against the windows from upstairs. One of the rare joys you were gifted when Feitan left the basement door open. If only he granted you to see the rain once again, feel it on your skin. How long had it been since you had even been outside, or rather low long had it been since you were let outside. It had to be months, maybe even a year? Time was hard to tell down here, the only time you knew how long it had been was when you overheard Feitan mention the date or season when talking on the phone. But you couldn’t remember the last time he mentioned the date, had been a few weeks ago? A few months? You weren’t sure, to be honest. But at least the last time he mentioned it you realized you had been gone, stuck here, for about 6 months.
The basement wasn’t nice, it was cold and dark. Which made sense, after all, it was where Feitan did his work. Forcing you to watch, to see exactly what he does when he needs to get details out of somebody, or when someone pisses him off. Closing your eyes never helped, Feitan just instructed you to keep them open unless you wanted to find yourself on the table. Dismemberment, cuts, removing organs one by one, you had seen it all. The worst was when he expected you to complement his work once he was done. Even if it meant forcing yourself to swallow the bile rising in your throat. Feitan was proud of his work and he expected his little love to be as well.
While the table was the last place you wanted to end, being in your position wasn’t exactly that much better. Feitan liked to ensure you were “safe” when he was gone. To make sure you couldn’t get away. Your ankle was cuffed and chained attached to the wall. It was a longer chain, allowing you to move around a bit. Mainly for being able to get to the table when Feitan asked you to help or to admire his work. You knew in his own sick little way he cared, he made sure you had somewhat of a bed to lay on when he was gone. Always kept it clean, warm. Left you food and water. It was these little touches of affection that caused you to admire him in some sick way. To allow him to touch you a bit without flinching back too much. But it wasn’t enough for him. You could see in his eyes he wanted more form you.
Footsteps were coming down the stairs, it sounded like two pairs. Great, Feitan was bringing more work home. Work he’d want to show off to you. As the door opened you were met with Feitan’s dark stare, followed by some poor victim attached to a chain. It was best to avoid eye connect now, it was always easier when you separated yourself from them in case he forced to assist. Easier when you felt like you hadn’t made a connection of some sort with the poor person. They were led to the table and strapped down. There were no pleas of help or mercy, at least not loud enough to be heard. They were probably drugged then. Feitan hated when he had to drug them, according to him it made them less “fun”. The clink of the tools, Feitan’s voice demanding answers, then the first scream came. Your eyes shot up when you realized it was a women voice. The worse part was when you realized she looked a bit like you, just with shorter hair. The more you stared the more you saw yourself on that table. Saw yourself in this poor lady. There was no separating yourself from his work now.
This had to be some kind of psychological torture. Basically watching yourself being cut up by the man who swore he was doing what he was doing for the sake of love. If he even knew what love even meant. Feitan must have seen the resemblance because he didn't look as amused as usual. His cuts were shallow compared to others. He tried to ask questions, but every time she screamed or begged for mercy he seemed to grimace a bit. Maybe you were reading too much into this, Feitan didn’t seem to mind torturing you when he first took you. Most were shallow cuts, but some were deep enough to leave scars. Especially when he insisted on branding you, leaving his name carved on your thigh. Anger suddenly crept into you, why was he showing so much more desdain to hurting her than he did when he was slicing you? Why does she get the little pity Feitan seems to be able to poses while on that table? You sure didn’t. All you got were commands to sit still and behave, or on his better days a tender touch or kiss after the injury. Never mercy like this.
You couldn’t hide your anger, your brows were furrowed. Your face almost looked like you were in pain. This was a different Feitan, a Feitan you wanted for yourself. Not for this random girl. Probably some girl who had information for the troupe. Your eyes were now locked on Feitan and her. You wanted to look away, but for some reason you were unable. Your anger only got worse when you realized between questions and cuts. Feitan seemed to be caressing the girl. He looked so gentle touching her, even if it was followed by a cut of his knife. His hands lingered on her thighs and stomach. Fingers gently gliding over the skin. You wanted that, you wanted Feitan to be tender with you. It had been weeks since he even tried to touch you. Most likely due to the last time he had attempted to further than just a touch, you had begged him not to. Since then, he had barely talked to you even. This wasn’t fair, you didn’t mean to be rude to him, you were just scared. Now you realized just how much his touches meant. How much you craved his tenderness.
“What is it?” Feitan had addressed it at you. He was staring at you now, ignoring the girl. His face was blank, though you could swear there was a bit of confusion on it.
“I-I…nothing.” Feitan had appeared at your side extremely fast. Analyzing your body language and face. You could tell he was trying to figure out what you were thinking.
“Tell me.” Was it worth angering him and saving your pride? No, you wanted him to be tender with you more. You wanted the Feitan you had seen glimpses of.
“Is she dead?” Feitan lowered his body to the ground to be face-to-face with you. One of his hands shot to your side, squeezing a bit.
“No, soon. Now tell me.” He was probably going to figure it out eventually anyway. Better to tell him the truth before he forces it out of you.
“I, I just don’t get it. Why were you touching her?” Now you were sure confusion was on his face.
“The knife was.”
You shook your head. “No, you were touching her” your voice was barely a whisper. Even if the girl was a stranger and would probably be dead soon you didn’t want her to know you were jealous of how he touched her. “You were being gentle when you weren’t cutting her. Why?” It was tense between you two. He just stared and you stared back. As much as you wanted to look away, it was too difficult to break eye contact. Feitan nodded.
“Jealous.” It was more to himself than to you.
Suddenly he had uncuffed your ankle. Sweeping you up into his arms. Before leaving the room he paused at the door. Grabbing a knife he swiftly shot it towards the girl, hitting her directly in her forehead. She was dead. As Feitan took you up the stairs back into the warmth of his place his left a tender kiss on your forehead.
“Your all mine.”
As sick as it was, that was all you wanted. You wanted tender Feitan, you’d learn your lesson. You needed him, needed his touch, his kindness. You should have accepted him earlier was all you could think as you leaned into his embrace and nodded. There wasn't any use in denying him anymore.
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charliedawn · 3 years
good morning you can imagine where the slashers are watching tv and find out that the reader made a horror movie (english is not my first language so if there is any mistake, sorry)
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Pennywise :
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He wasn't really paying attention to the movie at first, but it quickly got more interesting when you showed up and visibly tensed up.
It made him look up and notice why you had so suddenly frozen. He saw you on TV, covered in blood and a twisted smile on your face.
A smile matching your own graced his face as he turned around to look at you and asked in an amused voice :
"Wanna explain, sugar ?"
You sighed loudly, knowing you couldn’t get out of this one..
"I was a collaborator to the realisation of a horror movie when I was young and played in it. There’s nothing to explain."
His smirk and interest only grew as he straightened up in his chair to have a better look at the screen. He then patted the place next to him, telling you to seat.
You knew he wouldn’t accept no for an answer so you did and Pennywise started making you nervous by looking far too serious for someone watching a movie.
At the end, he turned back towards you with a wide grin.
"I must say..You would have done one Hell of a slasher. You gave me goosebumps."
You forced yourself not to interject that he couldn’t get goosebumps and only offered him a polite smile.
"I’m glad you liked my performance. But, as I said, it was a long time ago and I didn’t know they had the movie here.."
Pennywise shrugged.
"Still. Blood looks good on you."
You gave him a disapproving look, but he only grinned boyishly before getting up and giving you the dvd back.
"Hide it. Better me than any of the others. Besides, I like to think of myself as privileged of having this little secret between us, Y/N."
It’s the first time Pennywise called you without your title in front. It was usually Nurse Y/N, mama bear or nice nurse..Somehow, it made you flustered and Pennywise picked up on the slight change in your heartbeat. He smiled.
"Be careful..You almost lost control for a second there. I wonder why ?"
The knowing twinkle in his eyes made you think that he knew more than he let on, but he only walked past you and disappeared.
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Dennis was watching it when you entered the room and it was only when you sat down next to him that he seemed to notice your presence.
"This..actress..looks a lot like you."
He said, unsure as to how you would react ?You looked up and smiled at what he was watching before nodding.
"It's because she is."
Dennis didn't really react like he was surprised, more like acknowledged it with a brief nod and you both continued watching in silence.
It was only at the very end that Dennis allowed himself to talk again.
"You're performance was pretty good..But, I must admit that I don't really like the movie."
You nodded. You understood that for a slasher, it wouldn't be as exciting..However, what he said next truly surprised you.
"There's too much blood..I wouldn't want to clean it up afterwards. It's hard to get blood out of your clothes afterwards."
You could relate to the extend that it had taken you hours to getting the fake blood stains off your clothes after the final scene.
"Yeah..I kinda understand. But, at least, you won't have to do this anymore, right ?"
You tried to cheer him up, but it only seemed to worsen his mood as he replied.
"Don't put so much faith on us..I know that someday, I'll have to clean up the mess again. Just, be grateful it isn't your blood next time.."
It wasn't a treat, but a warning.
You knew that the beast was always a big concern for the Horde and that they were battling everyday for the monster to stay trapped, but you would never be afraid of them. Never them.
Watching the movie must have made them remember bad memories of the time where the beast was in control. You felt bad now and decided to give Dennis a hug.
"I'm sorry..It must be so hard."
He tensed up under your touch, but relaxed after a while and even gave you a light squeeze of your shoulder in return.
"Don't be..As I said, you performed well."
He gave you a reassuring smile, but you knew the sadness hiding behind.
He stood up and told you goodnight before walking back to his room. You felt bad, but what could you do ?
Even though the movie showed you as a slasher, you weren't one and couldn't even imagine the suffering the Horde must have gone through from the moment they trapped the beast..
You sighed and finally switched off the TV.
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Brahms was actually excited when he saw you and immediately told you to come.
The moment you arrived, he insisted you both watched the movie together and shared snacks with you, enjoying seeing you in such a different way.
However, he couldn't help but scream at each jump scare. It wasn't a particularly scary movie, but Brahms was always a very sensitive boy.
He pretended to like it (even though it was obvious he wasn't exactly thrilled by the very scary music and the amount of blood shown)
Brahms may be a slasher, but he never really liked the sight of blood and preferred strangulation or a less messy way of killing than some of the other slashers.
Blood makes him panic.
At some point, he got so scared he tried to hide behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist impulsively, almost crushing your ribs in the process.
However, he quickly noticed and backed away and apologized.
"I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to..!"
He was on the verge of tears, but you only smiled gently at him and shuffled his hair affectionately.
"Don't worry..It's okay, Brahms. I'm not mad at you."
He quickly gained back his happy smile and nodded vividly before looking back at the you on screen and couldn't help but wince as he saw you decapitate someone.
"I..I think I prefer you in real life."
You almost laughed at his worried tone, but succeeded in restraining yourself and hid your amused smile.
"Thank you, Brahms. I think I prefer the actual version too."
He smiled brightly at you and you then both agreed on starting to watch another movie.
A horror movie was good when you were in it, but one where Brahms smiled was far better.
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Jason switched through the channels until he fell on a movie where one of the actresses strangely reminded him of you.
You noticed what he was watching and asked if he wanted to change channels ? But, he shook his head negatively, even when you told him that this was you and that the movie wasn't that good.
He insisted on watching until the end, even though he was obviously trying not to fall asleep.
Jason is not someone easily scared and he's seen more than his fair share of blood.
However, he was interested in your performance.
You seemed to genuinely enjoy playing the bad guy and he was too. He liked how your moved around, tracking your preys and taking them out one by one..
However, he groaned in frustration when one of the survivors suddenly appeared behind you and stabbed you from behind and his dog attacked you, tearing your throat to shreds.
"I hate it when good guys win.."
He finally admitted with a discontent expression at the end of the movie and you chuckled as you understood that he had actually been rooting for you in the movie.
"Don't say that. Good guys may be boring sometimes, but they always make it more interesting for the villain."
He was about to deny it, but restrained as he thought that—in some way—you were the "good guy" in his life.
He shook his head and smiled.
"Yeah..I guess not all good guys are a pain.."
You beamed at him and playfully nudged his shoulder.
"See ? I knew you would change your mind."
He wordlessly nodded and you didn't insist, even though you wanted to know who or what had changed his mind ?
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Five saw you on the screen and it didn't take him long to put two and two together. He quickly time jumped to the kitchen to get himself a cup of coffee and a bowl of popcorn before returning to the living room to finish the movie, waiting for you.
You arrived and immediately saw his smug smile. You sighed.
"What now, Five ?"
He eyed the TV screen significantly and you turned around to see the movie you had made a long time ago..A movie that nobody was supposed to see.
"Where did you get it ?"
He didn't answer, but you guessed that he must have used some of his connection and put his hands on one of the only copies remaining.
Five could be scary in his way of finding the most profound and hidden secrets you have.
He smiled enigmatically at you before putting it on, making sure the slashers would hear it or enter the living room just at that moment and enjoy the view of the nice nurse covered in blood and killing people on screen.
You then had a bunch of slashers looking at your movie as if it was a school movie and even caught Freddy taking notes..
You glared at Five who only shrugged before saying cheekily.
"It’s not my fault you never deleted your hard drive’s memory now, is it ?"
The little…
For the next month, you had to suffer Penny and Pennywise imitating wounded victims and screaming bloody murder to the rest of the staff, saying that you had lost your mind and tried to kill innocent civilians.
Fortunately, most of the members of staff had been warned of the Penny Brothers’ pranks and shapeshifting abilities, but it didn’t help when most of the slashers played along, under Five’s leadership no doubt.
One day when someone was supposed to come to pass an interview to get a job at the hospital, he came in covered in blood and pretended to be a victim (one of the only times he didn’t mind being mistaken for a normal kid).
Five : "P..Please..Help me. She stabbed me !"
He then pointed his finger towards you and pretended to faint. It took a lot of convincing to maie the interviewee not call the police.
Let’s say the potential recruit took a few months to warm up to you afterwards.
As he involved himself in your job, revenge was sweet.
Nurse Y/N *sipping a cup of coffee with a small satisfied smile* : "What’s the matter Five ? Lost something ?"
Let’s say..He didn’t talk to you for a week after that, but was still the first one to apologise.
Five : "I’m sorry..I’ll give your dvd back."
Nurse Y/N : "I’m sorry too. The coffee machine should be back tomorrow morning."
Five may go a bit too far sometimes, but he knows how to make compromises. He also likes you because he knows that you’ll handle everything and, even if he tries and pushes all of your buttons, you’ll still be there for him.
It may be a bit selfish of him, but knowing that makes him want to push your buttons even more.
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"It’s…nice ?"
Michael wasn’t exactly comfortable, but still watched politely until the end.
However, you could see a slight shift in his face during the scene where the killer used knives.
His eyes widened and a dark shadow seemed to veil his emotions for a minute; he looked emotionless and you decided to shut the TV off, which seemed to snap him out of it.
He blinked several times and then turned his head towards you with a small smile he wanted reassuring.
"I’m gonna..go."
He didn’t wait for an answer and stormed out of the room, clearly upset.
You found him cooking in the kitchen and started helping him.
Michael is not much of a talker, so making him feel comfortable is the best way to make him loosen up.
However, that time, he was too tense and you kept cooking wordlessly until he finally broke the silence by hissing after cutting his finger.
You quickly took a nearby towel to apply pressure on the wound and looked around for something to put on it, but Michael shook his head and showed your his finger..the bleeding had already stopped.
Nurse Y/N : "Are you going to tell me what’s going on ?"
Michael seemed conflicted, but finally confessed.
"It’s just…seeing you as a slasher and using knives in the movie made me lose my concentration for a bit and..lose control over the other one. I felt this urge to have a knife in my hand again.."
It was alarming, yes. But, you knew that Michael would never let Myers win.
The best way to help him ? It was to make him feel confident again. To reassure him.
You put your hand on top of his and addressed him the best reassuring smile you could muster.
"It’s okay, Michael. You’re safe here.."
He almost laughed at that and shook his head before looking around and giving you a bitter smile.
"You don’t understand, sunshine. I’m not the one who isn’t safe here. The horrors in that movie ? I did almost all of them. How much time until I do the same to you and everyone else ?"
You wanted to tell him that it wouldn’t happen, that you would stop him, that everything would be alright. But, truth be told ? You had no clue.
Yes. Michael Myers could return at any moment.
Yes. Everyone here would be in danger if it happened.
Yes. Even the other slashers could be killed. As one slasher could kill another.
But, when you looked into Michael’s eyes and saw the fear and worry in there ?
You knew you couldn’t let that happened. You wouldn’t. For him. You couldn’t let him suffer through all that pain again.
You hugged him and Michael closed his eyes before hugging you back.
He knew that you didn’t know the answers to his worries, but just holding him was good enough for now.
Michael chuckled and you raised your eyes quizzically and he answered your question with an amused smile.
"I just remembered that one of the girls in the movie died by twisting her ankle.."
You deadpanned for a few seconds before remembering that moment in the movie and couldn’t help but laugh as well.
"Yes ! Her foot got caught in some bear trap and she spent the whole movie just bleeding out.."
Michael nodded and his usual smile was back.
Michael : "Yeah. She could have bandaged it at least. I was so frustrated when she just kept walking until she died..like, what was her purpose in the movie ? Very unrealistic."
Nurse : "Right ?!"
You kept talking about the many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the movie, laughing it off as if nothing happened.
There would be a time when you would have to talk about it again, but for now, Michael would enjoy every moment he got just being himself.
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Freddy appreciated the movie and especially your leather black ripped costume.
Freddy was the only one who watched it more than three times to memorise all of your lines and tease you afterwards.
He’s dedicated when it comes to annoying people.
He even bought your original costume, thanks to Five and made you wear it.
It spooked a few members of the staff, but it only added to his fun.
Eva : "Wha…?! Why are you dressed like that ?!"
Nurse Y/N : "Freddy took my uniform and forced me to put that on instead.."
Freddy : "Worth it !"
Freddy also bought all of the movie’s available fan merchandise and walked with a t-shirt with your head on it and the name of the movie on the back.
Freddy *kicking the door open and reciting one of your lines* : "Today is the day you die, scum ! Your blood will cover the walls of this house and your screams will resonate through the walls until the end of time !"
You rolled your eyes before clapping unenthusiastically, but Freddy decided to ignore your obvious sarcasm and bowed with a wide grin.
"Thank you ! Thank you !"
He also showed the movie to everyone and made giant posters of your horror self (selling them to some members of the staff and the slashers)
When you heard, you decided to confront him about them and barged in his room with one of the posters in hand.
"Really ?! Even in the corridors now ?!"
He replied with a cheeky grin.
"What ? Don’t you like them ?"
You rolled your eyes again, a constant habit when knowing Freddy.
"Why do you even like this movie so much ?!"
You asked, more out of frustration than genuine curiosity, but his answer left you baffled.
"A) Because you were hella hot in that one. B) Because it’s nice to see you lose your cool. You’re always so sweet and nice and it’s funny to see you have a dark side too. I mean..I don’t know if it was all play ? But, seeing you so wild is funny. I could almost imagine you as one of us."
You opened your mouth to reply, but only huffed before turning around and leaving the room.
Freddy could be very annoying sometimes, but what he said still lingered on your mind afterwards. One of them ?
You shook your head.
A slasher ? You ? No..It was only acting, nothing more.
It’s true that you did wonder a few times how it would feel ? The slashers were free. Free to do whatever they wanted..But, the price they had to pay was too great.
This constant loneliness and suffering ? It was the reason you had decided to leave your acting career to become a nurse. To help them, not become one of them.
However, it didn’t stop you from thinking about it.
How life would be if you were a slasher ?
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"I love that last line from the survivor: you got what you deserved and then bam ! Bullet to the head. Very nice end."
Arthur actually liked the movie.
He wasn't particularly interested at the beginning, but he quickly got hooked when he saw you and the main character fighting at the end.
It made him think of him and Batman.
The justice bringer all mighty and the loony sewer rat who dared stood up to the true injustice.
He wasn't keen on Batman, but he had to respect him as they aligned with the same purpose : fighting injustice.
He didn't like how most of his "successors" made him look as if he was obsessed with him..He wasn't.
The Batman may be his nemesis, but Arthur never saw him as an equal, because under all that suit hid a simple man who had never suffered as he much as he had.
Bruce Wayne would always remain a little boy who ended up with a fortune the size of a mountain..while he was left with nothing.
Arthur clenched his fists and even though the credits where rolling down, he couldn't help but glare as he thought about how he would have preferred the villain to win for once..Just once.
You noticed that Arthur seemed a little too deep into his thoughts, his nails digging in the soft material of the armchair and you gently stroked his back.
"Hey, Arthur..Are you okay ?"
He seemed to suddenly come back to reality and took several deep breaths before addressing you a weak smile.
"I'm..fine. I'll go to bed now, if it's alright with you ?"
You frowned worriedly, wondering if you should accompany him ? But, he stood up and stormed out before you could follow him.
He felt sick..
However, he didn't think you would actually follow him to his room a few seconds later.
You knocked on his door and he heard the concern in your voice as he splashed his face with cold water.
He didn't answer right away, looked up at his reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but grimace in pain as he saw the old Arthur coming back..He wanted to tear up and fall down in despair.
But, before he could, he felt two arms wrap around his middle and another face appear in the mirror. Yours.
"I'm sorry about the movie..I thought it would be a good idea. But, don't run away when you feel bad, Arthur. I'm here."
The man couldn't help but break into tears and asked in a broken voice.
"But, are you really ?!"
It wasn't the first time he would have hallucinations and he couldn't tell reality from the fake sometimes..Was anything real anyway ?
However, he felt your hold tighten around him and relaxed against you.
"I'm here. I'm not an hallucination. He can't get to you anymore...I won't let him."
You promised and Arthur closed his eyes. He knew you said that to try to make him feel better, but it truly did. Not because he thought you could stop the Batman, but because he knew you would still be there when he left..
He turned around and kissed your knuckles with a gentle smile.
"Thank you, my dear."
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Penny noticed immediately and was excited to tell everyone about it and even asked to see your old props and costumes.
This was when he fell on one of your old plastic necks filled with fake blood and decided to play a little prank on the others as he entered the room where they were still watching the movie, covered in blood and you in his arms, wearing the fake neck.
Pennywise was the only one who didn’t panic as he couldn’t smell the blood, but the others lost it and almost killed Penny before you both bursted out laughing.
Pennywise laughed as well, but Michael who saw how everyone else had worried, gave you both a time-out.
Penny could get away from it, but he felt bad leaving you alone and didn’t particularly want to face Michael's wrath if he moved an inch.
You stayed like this for at least 1 hour before Michael took pity on you and decided to end your punishment.
You both apologized to the slashers before he took your hand and teleported back into his room.
"Did you see their faces ?! Ahahah ! They were so funny !"
He started shifting his face to the different slashers with horrified expressions and laughed some more, but quickly noticed that you weren't laughing along.
He then saw your sour expression and froze.
"What is going on ?"
He asked worriedly and you shook your head.
"I'm sorry..It's just..I was just wondering what would happen if I really died ? What would they do ?"
He seemed to think about it before shrugging.
"I can't talk for them, but I know what I'd do !"
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Really ? What ?"
Suddenly, Penny's eyes changed from an innocent blue to a dark orange as he answered :
"I would eat your soul.."
You thought he was joking at first, but the lack of laughter from Penny quickly made yours die down. It quickly got a lot colder in Penny's room and you asked, more curious than really worried.
"Why ?"
He giggled, as if the answer was obvious.
"~Silly human..To keep you with me forever of course ! All the souls I've devoured stay with me..All the children are inside me and they kept me company when I was lonely.."
He patted his stomach lovingly, like a mother and, even though you had never been scared of Penny before, his answer almost broke your self-control.
His eyes raised up to meet yours and he took a long breath, as if trying to find your fear somewhere..
He smirked darkly and chuckled.
"You almost gave in to the fear, nurse..Maybe you're not as fearless as they all say you are.."
Penny giggled maniacally and it caused you to take a few steps back. However, he didn't let you escape and jumped on you, his mouth wide open and it took all of your strength not to let fear overtake you.
At the last minute, he only closed his mouth and smiled innocently at you before kissing the tip of your nose.
"Don't worry your pretty little head..I won't let anything happen to you before that."
He then opened the door and you didn't need to be asked twice as you ran out of the room, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to calm down and immediately went to the kitchen to see Amita.
What was that about ?!
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space-helen · 2 years
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Words: 547
Pairing: Gil Grissom x Reader
A/N: I wrote this forever ago so I hope it’s ok! I’m so sorry its taken so long to post... I’m also screaming at this GIF
Request: Hi i wanted to know if you can do a gil Grissom short where he asks the reader to marry him after she is saved from being in a crash - @tyrionsprincess30
The pain was excruciating as it ran through your body. You’d been crashed into out of nowhere while travelling back from a big scene with most of the team in their vehicles behind you.
You were travelling with an officer, it was a rarity. The car they’d been brought to the scene in had been filled with possible suspects unexpectedly. 
One minute you were driving normally. The next the car on the other side of the road coming towards you had decided to cross over onto your side. You tried to swerve but ended up flipping the car off the road.
As soon as Gil saw your car swerving in the distance he panicked, seeing the other vehicle hitting you made his heart leap. He stared in horror as he watched your car flip off the road as the other car turned and sped off in the distance.
“What the hell?” Catherine's voice brought him crashing back to reality.
Speeding up he caught up to where your car had gone off-road. “Call the EMT’s” Gil’s voice was firm as he leapt out of the car in a panic.
The rest of the team quickly pulled up. Nick quickly called the police as Catherine called the EMT’s as Greg ran forward to catch up with Grissom.
They soon came to the car. Both going to each side to peer into the car.
“Y/N. Y/N?” the man peered through the smashed window at you. He knew he shouldn’t try to move you but he pulled the smashed glass from the frame that it was already hanging off from. 
Greg mirrored his actions on the other side.
As Gil pushed his hand into the vehicle your free arm tried to find his.
“Gil.” you whimpered, the pain was immediate.
He found your hand “I’m here. I’m here, stay still.”
You kept murmuring about the pain and crying slightly. The man kept repeating words of reassurance until help turned up.
He watched in agony as you were pulled from the vehicle and put straight onto a stretcher. The whole team gathered around to try and help.
Tears stained your face, you couldn’t hold them back. You’d never felt pain like this before. 
The man’s hand found yours again as he walked with the stretcher to the ambulance. His professional side took over his brain momentarily as he shouted some orders about listening to Brass and processing the car as soon as possible.
The team was understanding and knew how much he cared about you. 
As the ambulance doors closed he sat beside you, bringing his hand to your hair he pushed it back from your face gently as your eyes searched his face.
“I’m sorry.” you whispered.
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I love you.” your voice cracked as you spoke. A part of you wasn’t sure if you’d ever get to say it to him again.
He leant in and place a very soft kiss to your forehead. “Marry me.” he whispered.
You nodded as tears ran down your cheeks “Of course I will.”
The man found your hand with both of his and closed them around it. Bringing them to his lips he nodded as tears of his own fell down his face.
“You’re going to be ok.” 
Tag List: (open) CSI: @storytimewithnetty
Grissom: @coping-via-clint-eastwood
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