#I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit
Edgy new Murder Drones theory that the reason why Eldritch J is referred to as a "holo-spooky-snake-crab" is because centipedes are extinct by the time the show takes place and nobody remembers or cares about them enough for them to be worth logging into the collective Drone lexicon.
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fossilpainting · 3 months
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“I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.”
Alien/Xenomorph X Warhammer 40k Crossover - Proxy for Tyranid Genestealer
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Most egregious and unforgivable part of season 4 is how it ruined Adrien and Nino's friendship send tweet
Adrino is too powerful, and the writers knew it.
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The Miraculous New Adventures of Ladybug writers: …I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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Man KICKS OUT His Wife After DNA Test Proves He's Not The Father Of Thei...
RipleySaid : I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Private Hudson: Fuckin' A!
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doortotomorrow · 3 years
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I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Tower. Art by Roy Huteson-Stewart, from Strange Forms: This Time It's Tarot.
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
The Atmosphere Processor
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ralfmaximus · 3 years
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Bon jour
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I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
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midnightactual · 3 years
Kurayami’s Perspective
To understand Kurayami, it’s important to understand what a typical zanpakutō even is in the first place. Most of the available evidence in the series revolves around Ichigo, who is obviously unique, but it still gives us some insight into what the average zanpakutō is like.
Ōetsu has the following exchange with Ichigo in chapter 523:
Ichigo: Oh yeah?! So these guys are the embodiment of asauchi! But... why are we being attacked by them?! Ōetsu: So close!! Ōetsu: Embodiment, huh? Yes, yes, yes. So close, so close. It’s a bit different, but that’ll do for now. But what’s more important... is that they’re angry at you. Ichigo: Angry?! About what?! Ōetsu: The way you two use your zanpakutō. Ichigo: How we use it...?! Ōetsu: You don’t understand? I don’t blame you. How you fight? How you swing it? No, no. Then what? It's something more fundamental! Ōetsu: Have you been using it as a tool? Have you been interacting with it as a subordinate? Have you been relying on it like a partner? As a family member? As a friend? A superior? A junior? Pet? Acquaintance? Lover? Mistress? Ōetsu: GIMME A BREAK!!! Ōetsu: This how they feel about you. This is what I mean by more fundamental.
Just from the way this is being discussed, we can say that zanpakutō are none of the things that Ōetsu lists off. When Ichigo eventually returns in chapter 538, the asauchi he selects takes on his appearance and hairstyle. In chapter 540, when Ōetsu disintegrates the asauchi for forging, it starts with a hole in the heart, like a Hollow. In chapter 541, “THE BLADE AND ME 2″, we get the following:
Ōetsu: Have you figured it out, Go-Ichi? Ōetsu: The reason why this asauchi turned white... the moment it touched you? Ichigo: ... No... Ōetsu: Perhaps you thought to yourself that... it’s just like... the Hollow in you. Ōetsu: That's right. This guy is... the Hollow inside you. I had that asauchi become the catalyst to draw this zanpakutō out. Ōetsu: Do you understand what that means? Ōetsu: This Hollow is... your zanpakutō, Go-Ichi. Ōetsu: The Hollow named White that Aizen created is made from layers of many Soul Reaper souls. Oddly enough... that is also how my asauchi are created. Ōetsu: That Hollow entered your body... and melded with your Soul Reaper powers. It became your zanpakutō. Ichigo: Wait a second... so then... Ōetsu: That’s right. I know you know... Ōetsu: ... About the man who's been... pretending to be a zanpakutō inside your soul!
We go on to learn that “Zangetsu”, the Old Man, is a manifestation of Yhwach, and Ichigo’s Quincy powers. Ōetsu and Ichigo then reforge both Zangetsu in chapter 541, “THE BLADE IS ME”, and Ichigo bids farewell to both, giving the following internal monologue before the title drop:“I won't ask... for your help anymore. I won't tell you to stay out of my way either. Nor will I ask... you guys to fight with me. I... will fight on my own. Thank you. Zangetsu. You are... me.”
All of this is very unequivocal: asauchi are created in the same fashion as artificial Hollows and become zanpakutō upon fusing with Shinigami powers. Once fused in such a fashion, they are their wielder and there is no real distinction between the two. It would seem from the actual Zangetsu’s behavior that he generally represents instinct, impulses, killing intent, and self-preservation instinct, although he is no mere “Id” given his relatively cordial interactions with “Zangetsu” in chapter 112. All of the talk of him being a Hollow and “taking over” Ichigo is just that: talk to motivate Ichigo through fear. (Which is necessary for evolution, remember?) Zangetsu has no real interest or desire in taking over Ichigo any more than Zabimaru wants to take over Renji. He also can’t, since he’s already fused with Ichigo’s Shinigami powers and is Ichigo.
“Tensa Zangetsu” in chapter 409 tells us, “I don’t care. I don’t care what happens to things you want to protect. [...] Make no mistake, Ichigo... What you want to protect... is not what I want to protect!” In chapter 420, White Tensa Zangetsu says, “Tensa Zangetsu is you,” and “What I wanted to protect was... you... Ichigo!” This not only foreshadows what Ōetsu says, but given that both Zangetsu are fused at this time, we can discern that this is the desire of both, to include his “actual” zanpakutō. This reasoning is presumably why Isshin’s Engetsu refused to teach him the Final Getsuga Tenshō in the first place.
(This is not an Ichigo analysis, but it seems evident that Isshin and Ichigo’s Final Getsuga Tenshō would not be the same. The existence of White Tensa Zangetsu suggests that Ichigo’s Quincy, Hollow, and Shinigami powers are acting in unison and that what he uses against Aizen is in actuality likely a combination of what Isshin called the Final Getsuga Tenshō, Letzt Stil, and Segunda Etapa. It is unclear whether what Isshin called Final Getsuga Tenshō is available to all Shinigami, only Shiba, or only himself and Ichigo. By comparison with Letzt Stil and Segunda Etapa, presumably all Shinigami should have something similar as a final mode, but perhaps it’s a Shiba specialty, as it seems unlikely only Isshin would know of such a thing, and if ever there was a time for people who did know to use it, Thousand-Year Blood War was it.)
(This is also not a Tōshirō analysis, and I don’t presume to know what’s up with Hyōrinmaru in chapter -16, let alone The DiamondDust Rebellion if it’s taken as canon, but suffice it to say, based on what Ōetsu says his experience is clearly not typical in any event. Nor is it a Kaname and Kenpachi analysis, as it’s not clear what’s up with taking the zanpakutō off someone else who died. Nor is it an Arrancar analysis, as their zanpakutō seem very different.)
All this still raises several questions, such as ones like: why does an old and experienced Shinigami like Shunsui treat Katen Kyōkotsu in chapter 649 in exactly the sorts of ways that Ōetsu mocks over a hundred chapters earlier? That’s unclear. It could be that what Ōetsu reveals isn’t widely known, and that Shinigami are allowed to labor under false impressions of what their zanpakutō actually are for some reason (such as to limit their strength). Or maybe Shunsui just finds it entertaining despite knowing the truth.
Anyway, to recap, in general:
asauchi are created in the same fashion as artificial Hollows, and effectively are themselves weaponized Hollows (which fits well with the zanpakutō which Hikone used, Ikomikidomoe, which was made from a primordial Hollow)
the asauchi facilitate drawing out the “instincts” of their wielder into a manifestation which is similar to but distinct from Hollowfication, creating a zanpakutō and its attendant spirit (or at least manifesting this spirit if it existed a priori) while leaving the wielder seemingly unaltered
zanpakutō spirits are their wielder at base, and a zanpakutō is an extension of its wielder
zanpakutō view the protection of their wielder as an overriding priority
Accordingly, it should be understood that Kurayami, like most zanpakutō spirits, is a reflection of Yoruichi’s base impulses and desires. Unlike most Shinigami, by virtue of her high office and family pedigree, Yoruichi knows this. She was thus increasingly horrified by what she saw as a result, and internally continued to otherize Kurayami...
... But she probably missed some things in the process, because she was too close to see them clearly for what they truly were.
Kurayami is a hardliner. Her attitude toward Yoruichi is similar to Zangetsu’s attitude toward Ichigo. As discussed, Zangetsu postures in the fashion he does to try and compel Ichigo to take steps that are necessary, but which Ichigo refuses to take. The ultimate examples of this are Zangetsu taking control of Ichigo’s body in an attempt to take down Byakuya, and likewise fatally wounding Ulquiorra. Kurayami’s constant admonitions of Yoruichi, advocacy of first strikes, and appeals to violence are her version of the same idea, as Yoruichi’s preferences for socializing, toying with her opponents, and avoiding killing might get her killed instead one day. (See also: Askin.) She always pushes for the maximal use of force, for overkill, because as Ripley says in Aliens: “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
Kurayami only cares for Yoruichi’s continued existence. Despite being perfectly aware of Yoruichi’s guilt regarding what occurred during her time in the Onmitsukidō and Gotei 13, Kurayami would happily kill a million, a billion, or a trillion people if it meant that Yoruichi continued to live. The lives of others aren’t meaningless, but they simply do not matter to her in comparison. It’s not exactly that she only views Yoruichi’s compassion, empathy, and sympathy as weaknesses, as they can be tactically advantageous, but she believes Yoruichi is too committed to them even when it imperils her.
Kurayami largely disdains others. Being Yoruichi herself, knowing everything she knows, Kurayami can reflect upon Yoruichi’s life and judge it from a somewhat different point of view than Yoruichi herself. What she finds isn’t great. Kurayami’s perspective is that others have used and abused Yoruichi, either blatantly to get what they wanted, or subtly through needing her. Her position is thus that almost everyone else can fuck off and die. “Leave Yoruichi alone,” and “You all don’t deserve her,” are fairly apt summations of her point of view. While this hostility isn’t (usually) actively violent or lethal, she is unlikely to treat most of those Yoruichi knows in any fashion other than condescendingly.
To summarize: Kurayami is actually Yoruichi’s biggest advocate and booster, just in her own way. She’s hard on and critical of Yoruichi because Yoruichi has been trained to be predisposed to learning best from that kind of input, and because Kurayami cares enough to settle for always being cast as a villain if it means Yoruichi goes on and succeeds. She believes that almost no one is worthy of Yoruichi’s time and attention, let alone her blood, sweat, and tears. And finally, she has an infinitely negative amount of compassion for anyone who would oppose Yoruichi, regardless of any and all reasons involved in any dispute or conflict.
She loves Yoruichi (and how can she not, since they’re one in the same?) and would gladly turn the universe to ash for her to keep her going even one more day. Lobbying for murderous rampages is in effect a posture she adopts to make a point rather than a desire she lusts for. She’s never actually at risk of losing control or going berserk—it’s always only ever about doing what needs to be done with minimal risk.
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jackalgirl · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Meme Question (answer privately if you'd like a serious question): How would your OC try to free the Ever Given, the massive cargo ship that blocked the Suez Canal (and disrupted 12% of global trade) in early 2021?
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[ Image ID: animated GIF from the movie “Aliens”, showing Ellen Ripley speaking with Corporal Hicks. Her subtitles read: “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.  It’s the only way to be sure.”  End ID.]
In all seriousness, though, my “Outer Worlds” player-captain, Aethel, would most likely have immediately begun airlifting cargo containers off of the ship, while pulling strings to get submersible automechanicals in there to start dredging and tug operations -- the interim colony council, consisting of her elders of her corporation, would have no problems encouraging Spacer’s Choice’s cooperation and would have the full support of MSI, who I am sure have such equipment.  
I have no doubt that Unreliable has sufficient lift capacity to get the containers to shore to lighten the ship, and by this time Ellie has her own freighter with comparable capabilities, and Aethel would absolutely call in that favor.  
There would probably be others ready to help, too, so I imagine that between all of them, they’d get Ever Given out of the clay/sand of the bank and on her way in short order, with alternate arrangements made to transport the removed containers up to Port Said to meet back up with the ship.
Thank you for asking!  This was super fun to think about!
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semperintrepida · 4 years
She Goes There
(Blame @fishbone76 for this.)
She was not what she was when she came here: she was better. And as she stood in the gusting snow and watched the ring of flame dance at the tip of his blowtorch, she remembered how they'd ignored all her warnings, how they'd put the sled dog in the kennel instead of culling it like she'd said to, how they'd delayed and pointed fingers and tried to escape instead of banding together and testing each other's blood and solving the problem once and for all. She remembered a saying: Nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Another woman had said that once, another woman ignored.
Her colleagues at the research station had died, one by one: some fleeing onto the ice, some killed by the paranoia of the others. The rest had been picked off by this horrific thing, this alien that had found them and mimicked their bodies and faces. And now there were only two survivors left.
One of them was not like the others.
She'd survived this long by her wits and the occasional application of force. She'd learned with every encounter. She remembered another saying: That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
The flames whipped and sizzled in the snow-laden wind. "Take the test, Kassandra," he said. "Or I'll burn you where you stand."
She held her hands out. Empty hands, peaceful. He was already agitated enough, and he was still too far away to reach. She smiled gently. "After you, Murph."
His finger tightened on the trigger, and she coiled, ready to leap—
Crunching. Boots on snow. Another survivor? But how?
A shape in the swirling snowflakes became a red parka and a flash of dark hair. Impossible.
"Kyra?" she said.
He turned, flames puffing from the torch as he squeezed pounds of pressure into the trigger— and a tentacle shot out from what should have been Kyra's arm and speared him through his throat.
The flames died as he died, in the blowing snow.
Kassandra went to her. ::You survived.:: The first group of these creatures, these humans, had nearly killed Kassandra, and she'd thought Kyra dead. Kassandra had escaped in the form of a quadruped, maddened by grief that nearly got her killed again and again until she'd taken this form for her own.
::Yes. I escaped in the vehicle that chased you, but in a lesser form.:: It did not matter what form Kyra was in, she was always beautiful. ::How long did we sleep?::
::100,000 years.::
She wrinkled her nose, an expression familiar to the residual memory that clung to Kassandra. Irritation. She'd always been quick to adopt the mannerisms of the forms she occupied. ::And what of this planet?::
::Ours, if we can find a way to leave this place.::
Kassandra held out her hand, felt Kyra's flesh ripple around hers, their cells mingling, coming home after so long spent apart in the cold and dark of stasis.
Kyra held up a small, crude device. Kassandra remembered what it was, what the label 'ResQLink' meant, and her circulatory response amplified as Kyra pulled its antenna into place and pushed its large red button. It beeped and lit up, softly, and they held hands and smiled at each other as the beacon's light kept blinking, blinking, blinking.
Inspired by this post: "enough coffee shop aus. time for ‘the thing’ aus"...
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danvillecheese · 5 years
favourite thing about them: she’s so cute! also she’s a badass when it comes to being a fireside girl
least favourite thing about them: a LOT of her personality is just her crush on phineas :(
favourite line: “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit!” from tri-state trilogy of terror
brOTP: ferb or buford
OTP: phineas 🥰
nOTP: ferb or baljeet oof
random headcanon: she does cheerleading with the fireside girls in high school
unpopular opinion: I don’t like her character design in aya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
song I associate with them: seven wonders by fleetwood mac or shut up and dance by walk the moon
favourite picture of them:
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hurrow · 4 years
The Most Iconic Horror Movie Quotes Ever
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Here is our list of the most iconic horror movie quotes ever, and in no particular order.
It (2017) - “Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear.”
The Conjuring (2013) - “The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.”
The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - “I’m sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf, and you know, ended the world.”
Insidious (2011) - “It’s not the house that’s haunted, it’s your son.”
Paranormal Activity (2009) - “Basically, they’re these malevolent evil spirits that only exist to cause pain and commit evil for their own amusement.”
The Descent (2006) - “I’m an English teacher, not fucking Tomb Raider.”
Blair Witch Project (1999) - “What’s that? Is that the Blair Witch? No, it’s Heather, taking a piss.”
Ringu (The Ring, 1998) - “It’s not of this world. It’s Sadako’s fury. And she’s put a curse on us.”
Scream (1996) - “Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!”
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The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - ”I’m having an old friend for dinner.”
Misery (1990) - “I am your number one fan.”
Child’s Play (1988) -”Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play?”
The Fly (1986) - “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
Aliens (1986) - “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure!”
Gremlins (1984) - “First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it’ll kill him. Second, don’t give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.”
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - “I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy.”
The Evil Dead (1981) - “We’re going to get you. We’re going to get you. Not another peep. Time to go to sleep.”
Friday the 13th (1980) - “Jason was my son, and today is his birthday.”
Dawn of the Dead (1979) - “When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth.”
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Alien (1979) - “This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.”
Halloween (1978) - “I’m not Michael, I’m a clown.”
Carrie (1976) - “They’re all going to laugh at you!”
Jaws (1975) - “You’re gonna need a bigger boat!”
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - “Look what your brother did to the door!”
The Wicker Man (1973) - “It is time to keep your appointment with the Wicker Man.”
The Exorcist (1973) - “The power of Christ compels you!”
Rosemary’s Baby (1968) ‘ “This is no dream! This is really happening!”
Psycho (1960) - “We all go a little mad sometimes.”
If you love your fill of horror, then you will love www.hurrow.com. Check it out today!
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douxreviews · 6 years
Aliens (1986) Review
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[This review contains spoilers.]
Aliens is a perfect sequel, if there is such a thing. It's bigger, glossier, a bit longer, and it did an exceptional job building on the original story.
There are a number of parallels to the original. The story begins with Ripley waking up, and ends with the survivors going into cold sleep. The characters are again only known by their last names; even Newt has a very non-little-girl nickname. There's a huge explosion at the end, but the alien still manages to make it aboard the "lifeboat" to wreak more havoc. There's an android on board who ends up in pieces. Best of all, like Ridley Scott did in the original, James Cameron spends an entire hour setting up the story, and successfully pays it all off during the rest of the movie.
There are a number of differences, of course. Instead of "truckers," we have a crew of badass marines. There are many aliens instead of just one. The cast is twice as big and the stakes are higher, too, since there were sixty-some families on the "shake-and-bake" colony.
But we still have Ripley, and she is several levels of awesome. This is the movie where Sigourney Weaver proved to the world that a woman could be an action hero. She was terrific in scene after scene, from her tirade in the conference room at the beginning, to the pulse-pounding Ripley-in-the-loader versus the alien queen battle at the end. I've always loved the way she took over and drove the tank to the rescue, and the sequence in the lift where she loaded up with many, many, many weapons on her way into the queen's lair to rescue Newt. Sigourney Weaver was nominated for best actress for this movie, and she absolutely deserved it.
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I also loved Michael Biehn as Hicks. He and Ripley were on the same wavelength throughout the movie. I particularly enjoyed the "nuke the planet" exchange, and the one where he showed her how to use that massive assault rifle. Ripley and Hicks were made for each other. I really wanted Ripley, Hicks and Newt to end up together as a family, maybe with Bishop as the weird uncle who sleeps on the couch. Maybe in Alien fanfic. Is there Alien fanfic?
Paul Reiser gave a wonderfully slimy performance as the Company rep. Very smart, casting a comedian, since this is a character that we expect to be evil, but the fact that it's Reiser makes us think we might be wrong. Bill Paxton is wonderfully annoying as the cowardly Hudson, and I loved that he went out in a blaze of glory. Newt is likable and has courage; she's not a cutesy kid at all, and Carrie Henn certainly had a greater acting range than Jonesy the cat. And I always liked that Bishop turned out to be the opposite of Ash, since we expected him to be just as bad. Especially since he was played by the master of evil, Lance Henriksen.
My favorite supporting actor in this one, though, is Jenette Goldstein, who is a standout as Vasquez. Hard to remember so long ago, but when this movie came out, women didn't serve in combat. Vasquez made a very strong impression on me. And I loved that Gorman redeemed himself by going back for Vasquez. Their scene in the air duct always gets to me.
Unlike most of my favorite movies, I saw Aliens in the theater. It was an unforgettable movie experience, literally edge of your seat. I remember actually feeling mildly nauseous. (That's when you know they got you – when your audience wants to throw up.) Aliens doesn't hold up quite as well as Alien does, in my opinion, but it's still an outstanding movie. I always watch them together. Like I said, pretty much the perfect sequel.
Bits and pieces of androids:
— The action takes place 57 years after the original. The planet got a name, or more accurately, a designation: LV426.
— Alien and Aliens always makes me think of two of my other favorite movies, Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. It's not surprising, since the two franchises share James Cameron and some of his favorite actors: Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Jenette Goldstein and Bill Paxton.
— Bishop explained that Ash was a Hyperdyne Systems 120-A2 model, and a bit twitchy. (You'd call what Ash did in the original movie "twitchy?") And that the more recently manufactured androids are subject to Asimov's rules. Hyperdyne always makes me think of Cyberdyne.
— There are several shots of Ripley's feet and she's wearing Reeboks. Really fun product placement that didn't detract from the story at all. I usually hate product placement.
— James Horner's music is memorable, and effectively heightens the tension. Like it needed more heightening.
— Dan says that Alien is a cold movie, and Aliens is a hot one. I thought that was an interesting observation.
— While looking up quotes, I discovered that James Remar (Dexter's father) was originally cast to play Dwayne Hicks, and was later replaced by Michael Biehn. I hadn't known that. I can't imagine this movie without Michael Biehn. I absolutely loved him in the first Terminator movie.
— As with Alien, there is an extended version. I prefer the theatrical release. But the extended version gives more weight to Ripley's need to save Newt; Ripley had a daughter.
— For me, the story ends with this movie. I'm not fond of the other sequels. One of our writers has offered to review them, though, and if he does, I'll very much look forward to reading them.
Ripley: "Did IQs drop sharply while I was away?"
Gorman: "Look, we can't have any firing in there. I want you to collect magazines from everybody." Hudson: "Is he fucking crazy?" Frost: "What do you expect us to use, man? Harsh language?"
Ripley: "I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." Burke: "Hold on a second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it." Ripley: "They can bill me."
Ripley: "Look. No bad dreams there." Newt: "Ripley, she doesn't have bad dreams because she's just a piece of plastic." Definitely Carrie Henn's best line. And she delivered it beautifully.
Newt: "My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones. But there are." Ripley: "Yes, there are, aren't there?" Newt: "Why do they tell little kids that?" Ripley: "Most of the time it's true."
Ripley: "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."
Ripley: "Get away from her, you bitch!" I remember the audience cheering that one.
A worthy sequel to an excellent movie. Four out of four M41A pulse rifles, ten millimeter with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launchers,
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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acecroft · 7 years
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I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Aliens (1986) dir. James Cameron
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the-outer-topic · 6 years
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Nemesis - Don Dixon
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.”
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