#I spent an hour like. Scrolling through post talking about it
woah ok just found out about james somerton faking his suicide and posting hole on his "secret" alt account and i think it might be some sort of dark kink he has. Its the only explanation i can find of why he keeps doing this type of shit
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fortunately-bi · 2 months
...... If I went on a hiatus for who knows how long again would y'all hate me....... 👉👈
#i just spent like an hour writing and rewriting a post trying to explain myself amd its just so hard to put into words#im bored here but not in a ew not enough content for the dopamine hit shit#in like a every time i scroll through I dont smile I dont see anything that makes me happy at all i dont get a laugh or anything#its just mindless brain rotting scrolling nothing wasting my time hoping maybe ill see a new artist to follow or something#and every time its nothing#so much nothing taking up so much of my time and space in my life and i already dont have a lot of time to begin with#ive made some awesome friends here ive had lovers from here ive had people who are no longer on this earth from here who ill never forget#i dont think ive really enjoyed anything on here in 7 years#ive left before for a really long time i think like a year or more or something#and i wont be totally unreachable of people message me ill respond but im so sick of this stupid app taking up my life#and all i ever get out of it is getting mad or getting depressed over shit that really is t worth my mental state over#all i ever feel on here is that the world fuckin sucks and theres not even anything here to make hanging around worth it#im not new to this site making me suicidal for an abundance of reasons and im luckily in a spot where i wont actually hurt myself#its just ideation and intrusive thoughts but its a pattern i cant keep ignoring#also im old tumblr im old tumblr and i think i will always be old tumblr im just not catching on to new shit anymore#the fact im even saying anything about a hiatus should show how pld tumblr i am no one does this anymore lol#i just don't want to be here anymore i dont really want to be anywhere online anymore tbh#its always something and i cant mentally keep up with it anymore i have too much going on in my life#my wife is having cancer removed on Tuesday im a lead teacher who has to take care of i think 8 babies now#i have problems i have actual problems that need me and need me to be as there as i can be#i cant be spiraling over stuff online on top of real world problems im in no position to do anything about on top of personal life problems#that are drastically affecting my life at home and hurting my family and loved ones#i have a mass in my thyroid which is so big i choke to the point i stop breathing if I dont have my meds i throw up all day#i have to see a neurologist because at best i have a pinched nerve at worst im having seizures and i might have to move states again#i dont have it in me to come on here and see stuff that makes me upset for the chance i might see something i like#and i can unfollow people and whatever but I dont have the energy or time to sift through people i follow on here#if you want to talk in dms or asks or you want to send me posts pls by all means continue to do so thats fine#but i think i need to take the app out of my line of sight again for a bit and just be in the moment again same with twitter#anyways i love yall i promise i am safe and not in harms way im just stressed af and i have got to start cutting things out that#arent doing anything other then making me miserable
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lamortwrites · 1 year
Seeing an old mutual on your dash is its own emotion
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chrisdr3 · 2 months
"Ignorant" ~ OP81
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Oscar x Introvert!Reader
Summary: Y/n gets hateful comments about her appearance and for being "ignorant", whilst Oscar tries to understand what's going on with her feelings.
You never really liked to talk much, you always were shy and tended to hide your emotions. You were more on the introverted side, like Oscar. When you were together, Oscar did most of the talking, especially when you were infront of fans, reporters and team members unknown to you.
That's the main reason the hate started. Most of it, at least. Every day, you were recieving hateful messages and comments on your social media. Everywhere you went, several fans that recognised you said things about you. Because of that, you started staying at home and you stopped posting stuff on your social. The worst part is that you distanced yourself slowly from relatives and friends.
At the last few races, you went on McLaren's hospitality from the back, avoiding fans as much as you could and avoided places of the garage that had cameras and media. You took your headset and hid in lonely corners or in Oscar's driver room, where nobody could reach you, and stayed there, sometimes crying and others just sitting and thinking. Feeling hideous and snub.
As the time passed, you started distancing yourself from Oscar slowly, thinking he hated you just like the "fans". He wasn't talking much either, so that's what you thought. You didn't really hug or cuddle him, you ate and showered alone, you spent hours locked up in your office room, reading books, and didn't sleep well at night, staring at the ceiling, trying not to cry. Long story short, you started avoiding him, too.
The fist days, Oscar thought you had to study for uni. Then a week passed and Oscar started to get worried. He wanted to help you, he wanted to talk to you, to find what's going on. He was cooking your favourite meals, bringing them to your door, tried to understand if you had a certain time of going out to shower, but you didn't.
One day, he checked your social media, just in case he found why were you acting like that. He checked them that same afternoon he came up with the idea and scrolled through your accounts, every comment he saw made him even angrier. He then posted something in response.
"I've repeatedly seen hateful actions and comments about Y/n and I want people to know that she's not ignorant or rude, she's an introverted person. So, I'm requesting from everyone to respect her. If there are still people out there, still hating on her through internet or irl, they'll stop being considered "fans" by me and will be reported. Thank you." That's what the post said.
He then waited till you got out to shower and stranded waiting in the doorframe if the closed bathroom door. When you got out, he moved infront of you and pulled you into a warm, bone crushing hug. "Why are you so distant lately, sweetheart?"
Tears escaped from your eyes, and you cried silently in Oscar's arms, staining his shirt with them. He didn't move, he rubbed your back gently. "That's it, let it out princess." You continued crying till you hadn't any more tears to shed, holding the towel around your body tightly, afraid it will fall.
Oscar cupped your face and kissed your forehead. "It's okay baby, I'm here for you." He whispered. "Talk to me, what took you away from me?" You looked at him, your face tear stained, sad. "Promise n-not to get angry?" You mumbled. "Of course, I can't get angry that easily, especially from you." He replied, caressing your hair.
You didn't leave his arms, snuggled in their warmth instead. "D-do you hate me?" You mumbled, looking at your feet. "Why would I hate you baby?" He responded, not getting his arms off you. "Because I'm"ignorant" and "rude" and "snub"." Oscar looked at you and smiled sadly. "It's the comments, huh?" You raised your head, a questioning expression in your face.
"I know about the hate you get. I saw it on your social and you don't know how many times I've heard "fans" talk to me or to other people about you when in races or downtown." He explained, ruffling yor hair. "Oh..."
"I'm here for you baby, I know you are shy and stuff but I believe in you. You can ignore them and you have the words to confront them." He smiled. "Can you try that? For me?" "I'll try..." You whispered. "Thanks, sweetheart." You kissed his cheek, adjusting your towel. Oscar noticed, he then grabbed your hand and led you to your shared bedroom. "Let's get you dressed, princess."
Taglist: @pinkswaet @dilemmaontwolegs @changetyre @thef1diary @f1driverszona
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999h34rt · 2 months
➣ paige x fem!gf!reader
➣ summary: y/n and paige experience what it means to be in a long distance relationship, but with the distance between them, can they overcome it?
➣ warning : secret relationship, angst (kinda) ,long distance.
➣ duayaps: first post🥳🥳🥳, thoughts?
➣ inspired by flatline by justin bieber.
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"I'LL MISS YOU" paige muttered against her neck.
"it'll go by before you know it" y/n said pulling away from the hug. When college applications started being filled, she took a big risk and applied for Politecnico di Milano, a fashion uni in Milan, Italy. She had already said goodbye to her parents, thinking that was the hardest goodbye she could imagine, but the tears in her eyes from saying goodbye to her girlfriend right now, told her she lied to herself a while ago.
Paige and y/n had always had a rocky side of their relationship, for one, it was a secret waiting to bomb the world, two, they always knew that long distance was going to be a thing for them. With Paige going to Uconn and Yn going to PDM, 'it was already doomed' said by most people. But overcoming the rocky side of their relationship, there was the fairytale side. The one where they in love, where they supported each other in everything, where they took each others first kisses, first everything. They were each other's lifelines in a way, they didn't go a day without speaking to each other.
They both hoped that these future 4 years, weren’t going to change their feelings of each other.
Lately you've been busy, wondering if you miss me
Why did you go against me? I just wanna know
How come you act so different? Talk to me, I'll listen
All the love I'm giving, don't act like you don't know
“…leave a message after the tone” y/n sighed as she hung up the phone. It was 7am and her alarm had just gone off, Paige was most likely asleep. It’s 1am at Storrs.
If you put the time difference aside, they were doing well. Both of them spent at least 2 hours everyday on the phone and haven’t had an any problems yet.
But it’s only been 5 months. 7 months and 3 years to go.
Y/n was glad Paige settled in great, she got along with her teammates and had a great support system there. Paige became a media star, with that came many fans. While y/n wasn’t the jealous type, these fans were wild.
She opened her instagram app, and slowly started to scroll through stories. When she stopped, went stiff. “Oh” she muttered, her girlfriend’s teammate, Aaliyah, had posted a story with the Uconn women’s basketball team having fun ,at what she would guess, a bar. Paige is in the background , a girl sitting next to her, whiles shes on the phone. Y/n quickly checked when the story was posted,10minutes ago.
‘Okay so she could’ve just posted this when she came home’ y/n quickly assured herself. Paige wouldn’t just ignore her calls, especially on a night out, right?
As those thoughts filled her head, a notification sound came from her phone.
pb 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
gm baby. can’t talk, tired, going to bed.
y/n didn’t think anything, she couldn’t. She just typed ‘sweet dreams💗’ and hit send.
no i love you, no ily, not even an emoji.
‘Stop, don’t overthink this ,shes just tired’ she told herself. She shut her phone off and got out of bed, leaving her thoughts about P in her comfy bed.
It had been a month since the bar incident, and everything seemed normal, until a week ago.
Y/n just got out of work, a small intern job to help her graduate early. It was 6pm in Milan, and 12 in Storrs.On her way home, y/n called P.
The phone rang, 1,2,3 times before she hung up. Tried a gain, 1,2,3. User is busy.Paige had hung up on her, she didn’t think much of it. ‘She’s probs busy’.
That was 6 days ago.
While they exchange texts, no calls were made this week. Paige was busy, like really busy, But not busy ‘not go out with her friends for the 3rd time this week’ busy. Y/n got it, freshman year, new teammates, she had to have fun. She also knew that their relationship was on the down low. Even though she assured Paige that it was okay to tell her teammates, P reluctantly agreed. ‘I don’t know, i’ll see’ She muttered to y/n, 2 weeks ago on their normal facetime call.
Y/n didn’t want to think much of it, she didn’t want her overthinking to brew a fight. The last 2 years she was back home, her and paige had never gone a day without speaking to each other, but so what it stopped now?, it was common sometimes to not call. So she let it be, but Paiges text became more and more rare,more dry and definitely more weird.
But y/n knew, paige was just busy.
Girl you always catch me at the bad time (Bad time)
When I know you probably think it's a lie (A lie)
I know I told you last time was the last time (Last time)
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?
On the other end of the phone. Y/n hit the red button, and ended the call. She hit her head on the wall behind her in frustration, thankful that the call wasn’t on facetime and Paige could see her sad face.
Y/n had called in sick at work so she could watch Paiges game in peace, her boss gave her an earful, because it was one of the more busier seasons in the fashion world, but she let her be ‘sick in bed’. She was proud of Paige, and was the happiest for her.
But the mood drifted when she heard the voice tell her they need her. ‘I need her too’ Y/n thought. This was the first time in a month that Y/n heard Paiges voice. Her heart clenched when she heard her sound weird, it sounded like she was frustrated. Frustrated with who though, with y/n?.
As time went quick, it felt like Paiges texts were more rare, and even more dry. And Y/n didn’t know if Paige was aware of the way she was acting, she also didn’t know if she should say anything, Paige was a freshman in college having fun, alone,without Y/n next to her.
If Y/n were to say anything, she didn’t want to seem like the bitchy jealous girlfriend that only wanted Paige to spend time with her, she just wanted Paige to spend some time with her.
It felt like their relationship was a bomb, and their time was running out quickly.
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline? (Flatline)
Cause when I hit you, you don't even reply (Reply)
How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?
Not breathing, what is it I'm not seeing
Said she's leaving, damn I can't believe it
It's like my heart's bleeding knowing that you don't need me
Shut my heart down, now I don't know what Imma do now
“… i just need some space y/n” Paige said with frustration, a sigh coming after. Y/n’s heart dropped.
It all started an hour and a half ago.
Paige went out with her teammates after a late night practice, forgetting that y/n was waiting on her phone call that she promised she would do after practice.
After she came home, she was bombarded with messages from Y/n. 8 to be exact.
hey did you finish practice?
- 8:15PM
you ready?
- 8:18PM
- 8:20PM
- 8:30PM
- 8:35PM
pls tell me u didn’t forget
- 8:45PM
paige are you fucking kidding me
- 9:45PM
it’s our anniversary
- 9:45PM
call me when you get home and make sure you’re not busy
- 9:50PM
And when she called, the yelling happened. It was the first fight they’ve had in a while. While Y/n finally exploded demanding to know what’s happening with her, Paige only had one thing to say.
“I think we should take a break”
“What?” Y/n whispered after a long pause.
“i’m not ready to be in a relationship Y/n/n, i’m still questioning what i want, and i don’t know if its you yet.” Paige said. “I’m sorry, i just need some space Y/n”
Y/n heart dropped, she didn’t know what to say or think. While Y/n knew that not everything lasted, Paige was a sure thing. Paige was her lifeline. What was she going to do?.
Y/n gulped and said the only thing she knew she could say “It’s okay”.
‘It’s okay?’ Paige was taken back. Had Y/n want to breakup before?, and then Paige shockingly felt hurt in her chest, her stomach slightly dropped. Why was she feeling like this? why isn’t she feeling relief?. This has been on Paiges mind for the past 3 months, wasn’t this the solution?
“Go be a superstar but don’t expect me to wait for you while you figure out what you want to do” Y/n said, her voice sweet. Not even a slight tone of bitterness.
Y/n still wasn’t able to move from her spot on the kitchen counter. Tears were streaming down her face, and before a sob sound could come, she hung up the phone. All Y/n knew was Paige, but know she didn’t even know that.
She had literally left her clueless, without her lifeline. now flatline.
Paige stood there, watching from her afar.
“That’s her?” a croatian accent asked. She felt Nika sit beside her. “Yeah” Paige answered still in awe of her.
“She’s really pretty” Nika said. Paige nodded agreeing with her. She was wearing a flowy white short summer dress with cowboy boots.
It was Drews birthday today, and as the team had some off time, Drew invited them to his barbecue party. And the weekend before his birthday, he ran into Y/n. Of course the boy was oblivious to the breakup and while he asked still asked Paige for Y/n, she didn’t have the heart to tell him that they broke up.
So when Drew begged Y/n to come to his birthday party, Y/n didn’t know what else to say but yes. He could literally get whatever he wanted out of everyone.
At first, Y/n debated if she should just call Paiges stepmom and cancel, or she should just go and pray that Paige couldn’t make it.
Well, Paige had come. And so did the rest of the huskies. When Y/n saw them, she sighed. Although she was friends with Azzi, she didn’t know the rest of them, but by the look on their faces when she came in, she knew that Paige had told them her history.
Azzi, being the sweetheart she is, excitedly came running to Y/n and hugging her tight. The whole party they caught up with each other, with Azzi telling her about Uconn and Y/n telling her about studying abroad. For the past 30 minutes they’ve been talking, not once have either of them mentioned Paige.
Y/n turned, meeting Paiges eyes. The two of them made eye contact with each other again. Y/n then heard Azzi laughed, when she snapped her head to look at her friend. She saw a small teasing smile on her face. “Don’t even start” Y/n said, glaring at her. She got up and made her way to the other side of the backyard, where there was no Paige in sight.
“Y/n/n” she heard a child scream. Drew was suddenly hugging her legs. “Hi Drewsky” she laughed, beginning to tickle him. She felt the boy starting to laugh, and start to kick her hands away, while Paige and her were together, Drew became a big part in their relationship. Paiges parents often made Paige babysit Drew, and Y/n just tagged along. Through that time, Drew and Y/n became close, Y/n considered him as a baby brother. She would miss him.
“Paigeyy help me” Drew screamed laughing. Y/n became stiff, the hair behind her neck stood. She could feel her ex behind her as she let the little boy go and stand up.
Paige and Y/n stared at one another. Paige was thankful her teammates weren’t around right now, they would be on her ass all day after this.
“Hi” Y/n whispered, looking away from her and to the ground.
“Hey” Paige said back. “How’ve you been-“
“Paige please no small talk, what do you want?” Y/n cut her off. This was already awkward enough, no need to make it even more.
“Uh” Paige stuttered, a sigh coming after. “I missed you” Paige admitted. Y/n’s blood boiled, now she missed me?
Paige could sense Y/n anger, she placed a hand on Y/n elbow, tugging her from leaving. “Please just wait” Paige pleaded “I’m sorry, i just didn’t know what to do i kept having all of this kind of feelings and i know i was busy but i swear just one more chance-“
“Paige” y/n cut her off
“- and i’ll promise i’ll try harder-“ paige continued
“-stop-“ she tried to stop her
“please just give me one more chance”
“-okay” she agreed. Paiges eyes went wide, she didn’t think she would get her to agree that easy.
“I only needed you to apologize P, i only want you to make some time for me thats all. And if were really trying this again you have to be sure you want this because i don’t know if i can handle loosing you again” She said still looking at the ground.
Paiges heart dropped hearing her voice break. Although she knew how Y/n felt, Paige had been nothing but moody,grumpy and miserable these past few months. Seeing Y/n today, brought her hope that she had a second shot with her.
Y/n slowly picked up her head, and looked up at Paige. Paige was jaw dropping hot, and she knew that, her head couldn’t get any bigger by her ego.
Paige reached a hand towards her waist, pulling Y/n towards her. When she did, she slowly dropped a sweet kiss on her girlfriends lips, when she pulled away, her forehead dropped to Y/n’s.
She felt like she could finally breathe, her chest no longer hurt. She had her lifeline back.
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httpknjoon · 4 months
surprise, surprise | jjk
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plot | When you asked what your boyfriend wants for Valentine's, Jungkook challenged you to surprise him. But when you did, he wasn't the only one surprised.
words | 2.1k+
genres | fluff,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
warnings | none
note | another part will follow :)) enjoy reading!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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It was a late afternoon, during a warm sunny day, you and your boyfriend finally went on with your picnic plans after weeks of talking about it. Under a lush shade tree, Jungkook laid out your classic red gingham picnic blanket. He also has pillows from his place, knowing that you would love to have one while chilling. On the flip side, you brought out the food from your basket which includes various colorful sliced fruits, sandwiches, chips, orange juice, and a bottle of chocolate syrup if ever your boyfriend wants to put it on his fruit.
It has been past an hour since you arrived at this spot in the park, half an hour away from the city you and Jungkook live in. So, with no worries about seeing your friends around, you two were free to basically do whatever you wanted on the grass. Jungkook brought his digital camera and you were already sure that half of the photos he took today are Bam’s. You were just giggling when you saw Jungkook trying to make your pet stand still with his green toy ball and sounds he learned from The Dogist, a dog photographer who posts every dog he meets online.
“One more, Bam. Stay…” he commanded as he closed his left eye to focus on his camera’s viewfinder. 
Your pet, eager to have a treat and his toy, heeded. Followed by a shutter sound, you hear a satisfied chuckle from your boyfriend. He handed Bam a treat and then threw the ball for your pet to run after.
“How was it?” you asked, sipping on your glass of orange juice.
Jungkook turned around in your direction and instead of answering immediately, you found him staring at you. Used to him dazing out sometimes, you just smiled and took another gulp from your glass. Jungkook took this opportunity to point his camera lens to you. He moved around, finding the best angle where the light makes you glow from your greenery background. You were an angel before his sight. He clicks for your candid shot. When you hear the first shutter sound, you realize what he is doing.
“Wait! Take another one.”
This time, you smiled for the camera, making him smile behind the lens. After a couple more shots, he sat next to you to show you the results. By the small sound of awe you made, he knew you loved them.
“You’re such a great photographer, babe,” you told him.
“I just have a very beautiful muse,” he replied.
You looked up at him and he laughed when he saw your eyebrows scrunching together. Perhaps it was too corny and sweet. But your scrunched expression softened up before giving him a peck on his lips. He was about to lean in for more but you pulled away with a smile.
“You used to get girls with those lines?” you teased and laughed.
And before Jungkook can defend his game, Bam runs back with his toy in between his teeth. Half an hour passed, and the camera was now in your hands while Jungkook lay his head on your lap, scrolling through his phone. Bam is napping on the grass beside you two, tired from playing. The weather was not too hot since there was still wind blowing from time to time, perfect for a midday nap. With no more energy to take pictures, you settled his camera down. For the next few minutes, you spent the time running your fingers on Jungkook’s hair and appreciating the peace of the place. You can feel your heart feeling at ease.
“I can’t believe we’re already in the second month of this year,” your boyfriend suddenly spoke, eyes still glued on his phone.
“I know, babe. It seemed like yesterday when we celebrated New Year’s Eve at Dara’s and our anniversary,” you replied. “Then, we told Blaire about us.”
He put down his phone with that, looking at you, “We didn’t tell her, you did.”
You just rolled your eyes since you know you cannot really defend yourself. You were too drunk that night, Jungkook had to tell you what you shared with your friend the morning after. And after a whole-day conversation with Blaire, she agreed to not say anything about it and simply called you two “sneaky rats” in a teasing way.
“Anyway, Valentine’s Day is next week.” Jungkook brought up the topic, sitting up. “Do you want to do anything or go anywhere?”
“Well… we already did this picnic.” you clicked your tongue as your eyes traveled away, thinking. 
And after a few seconds, an idea pops into your head. An activity you saw online that you found cute and perfect for you two. You beamed as you told him about it. Jungkook nodded as he listened intently, eyes traveling down his tattooed knuckles.
“I love that, we can do that! That’s wonderful, princess.” He smiled, eyes crinkling. “Do you already have any ideas about the design?”
You shook your head, “Oh, not yet.”
“Okay, okay.” he nods again,
You squeeze his hands, “How about you? What do you want to do?”
He looked up at the leaves on the tree as he sighed, “I don’t know… Really. That’s why I asked you. What you want is what really matters to me.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Really? Nothing?”
He nodded his head but not a second after, he spoke again, “Okay, I have an idea.”
“Okay, spill.” 
“Surprise me,” he said like it was a challenge.
“Surprise you?” you repeated.
Looking back at your relationship, you were a little weak at doing surprises. You cannot really lie well and always see his reaction when you get him something meant for a surprise. But maybe you can try again.
“Okay, babe.”
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“Isn’t this sad?” Wooshik sighed in between the film playing on the television. “It’s the day before Valentine’s. We are both single straight guys, watching Meryl Streep boss around people because we don’t have any plans tomorrow,” he added.
I do, Jungkook said in his head. Today is the thirteenth. It has been days since you two went on that picnic and he has been secretly waiting for your surprise. You didn’t want to give him a spoiler about it since you both know how bad you are at lying. So, you didn’t give him even a single clue.
And since it’s the day before that day, you and the girls in your friend group went out for your Galentine’s Day. You told him your activities for the day, which included going to a baking class and pampering yourselves in hair and nail salons. So, in return, he and Wooshik are pretty much shooed away when the latter begs to come with them.
“It’s for girls only! Go hang out together,” Jenny laughed. 
So, they did. Initially, they planned on playing video games in Jungkook’s place. But after two hours of playing and having succeeding losses, they got exhausted and opted to watch a movie. The streaming service recommended a lot of chick-flicks so that’s what they settled for.
“This is fine. The girls are single too. A lot of people are spending tomorrow single.” he noted, focused on the film.
But Wooshik exclaimed, “But love is in the air! I don’t want to be lonely. Maybe we should pull up at a bar or something. Maybe we can have dates tomorrow.”
“I told you, I’m not into those things anymore.”
“Those things?! It’s called dating, JK. So you’re not into dating now?” Wooshik asked his tone in disbelief. Jungkook just laughed at his dramatic reaction. His friend continued, “What happened to my friend who used to introduce me to his new girlfriend every two weeks?”
Jungkook tossed him a pillow, smacking it right to his face, “Hey, people change!”
“You used to hold the record for most partners in a year in our friend group, JK.” Wooshik snickered.
“And now, I don’t. I’m happy where I am right now.” 
“Blablabla. That’s something a person with a great high-paying job or a nice love life would say. And I don’t think your job pays you that high for you to say that.” Wooshik quipped while watching the movie again.
Jungkook laughs. He’s right. But Wooshik is not aware of how fun he is having with you. Your friend doesn’t know how much you made his life more than nice. You made his days a lot more warmer and brighter than it has ever been.
“And the girls are not really single. Jenny said she will be busy tomorrow–”
“She is. She works as a head chef in a restaurant. Tomorrow is like a festival in her workplace.” Jungkook cuts him off. 
His friend snickered, “Okay, but she’s going on an occasional date with that same guy she met at a food convention. Blaire is having an on and off and on relationship with Grace. Dara is dating–”
“She is?” Jungkook asked.
Wooshik nods like it’s something he has known for a long time, “Yeah… and YN, I just know that one is seeing someone.”
Something in his stomach dropped when Jungkook heard that, “Yeah?”
“Remember when I stayed for like a week in her house when I had something renovated in my place? I swore I saw her sneaking out a guy one early morning.” his friend shared, clueless about the guy who was now sitting in front of him.
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah, I just didn’t see him properly since the lights were off. But I heard YN talking to him.” 
Yeah, it’s him. 
Not wanting to talk about it anymore, Jungkook said, “You know what? Maybe we should go out.”
It’s like Wooshik’s ears perked up when heard that, “Where?”
“Just out. Maybe get something to eat or… I saw this new bowling alley opening up around the corner. We can walk there from here.”
Originally, Jungkook wanted to take you there first. But with his best friend being bored and talking about you and your relationship, he just thought of going to that place.
“Oh, okay. Maybe fate can find me a date there.”
Jungkook chuckled, getting up, “Okay, I’ll just take a quick shower. Then, we can go.”
Wooshik nodded and Jungkook walked away. Left alone in the living room, Wooshik reached for the almost-finished bowl of chips on the center table. He rarely watched chick flicks but he really liked this one. Maybe because of the lead actress. But nonetheless, he enjoys the story.
“I just don’t get why she has to leave her great job for Nate. I mean, he did not even support her when she was having growth in her work and she was in Paris!” Wooshik exclaimed as the screen showed Anne Hathaway walking away from her boss, portrayed by Meryl Streep.
The credits were rolling in when he heard the knock on the door. He was about to call his friend when he heard the distant trickling from his shower. Wooshik got up and opened the door, dusting off the cheese powder from the chips. A delivery guy stood in front of the door, holding a box of pretty flower arrangements.
“Delivery for Jeon Jungkook.” the guy said.
Confused, Wooshik had his mouth slightly open before answering, “Oh… uh, he’s in the shower. But I can receive this for him.”
“Okay. Please, sign here.”
The guy handed him a paper and Wooshik followed. After the flowers were handed to him, he said thank you and closed the door. His eyes scanned the whole arrangement filled with various flowers. A white folded card sat on top of it. As he carefully placed it down on the table, one question stayed in his head.
Who the hell would send flowers to his best friend?
So just like what any nosy, curious person would do, Wooshik flicked the card open.
Blooms for the best person I know. 
I was with B in the flower shop and he helped me pick the flowers. I hope you’ll love them.
Know that this is the first of other surprises I’ve planned for tomorrow ;)
But firstly, let me ask you for the first time,
Babe, will you be my Valentine?
Princess? Who the hell is Princess? Who is B? Is B a person? Did his friend have a baby and didn’t know it?
“Hey, let’s g– Oh, where did that come from?”
Jungkook came in, hair damp. His eyes land on the bouquet of flowers. Wooshik is frozen in place. His hand is still holding the card as he stares at him.
His eyes gradually squinted, “Who is Princess, and why is she sending you flowers?”
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rae-writes · 10 months
dirty secret(s)
Levi x cam!reader
wc : 0.7k
warnings : nsfw
synopsis : Levi had a dirty secret. You had an even dirtier one.
a/n : honestly don't know how this thought popped into my head but my gods am I fucking glad it did-
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While Levi usually thought of himself as scum of the Devildom at most normal hours of the day, he thought he was even scummier when he locked himself in his room, headphones pressed snugly against his ears, with his sweatpants kicked off to the floor. 
The slick sounds filling his ears were absolutely vile— in the best kind of way. Plastered over his main monitor, lighting up his flushed and sweaty face, was the sight of someone bouncing on a pretty dragon dildo; it’d become his guilty pleasure to get on the site and watch them get off- someone he found by complete accident as he was scrolling online. 
The only thing he knew about them was they never showed their face, they always had a blank black sheet as a background, and they never talked. 
But it didn’t really matter when he was fisting his cock at the pace they were riding their toy, biting down on his tongue harshly to hide his moans when they came, forcing him to paint his abdomen white as he came right after. 
No, it didn’t really matter— especially when it was just Levi’s dirty secret. 
Until it wasn’t. 
You weren’t supposed to swing by his room that day, but you had some time and thought it would be best spent with Levi- only he wasn’t in his room. 
The only active sound that had been in his room was the whirring of his desktop. You only meant to shut it off- you weren’t supposed to see the way the screen lit back up with the sight of someone bent over, faux cum spilling out of their hole. 
You weren’t supposed to find out his dirty secret— but you did. And it became your dirtier secret.
Because the person on the video was you. 
It started off as a joke- just a little bet you lost with Asmo. When your first video got so much attention, you curiously did another, just to see what would happen; the money sent in as tips and donations made you make another video, and then another, and another. 
After a while, you spiffed up your page and made it all pretty and official— it became fun. Alluring. 
And then you found out Levi was watching and it changed everything. Suddenly, there was a particular heat constantly pooling in your stomach that wouldn't go away and your videos became centered around what you thought Levi would like. 
He was none the wiser. 
He didn’t suspect a single thing, not even when his favorite (and only) porn creator began making videos in anime cosplay of his favorite characters or began using tentacle related toys instead or made videos of them trying to not cum while they played his favorite video games. 
It all flew right over Levi’s head— right up until their latest video, posted only a few seconds ago. 
For the first time ever, they weren’t using a black backdrop. It was eye-catching— dark, but with bright leds. The shimmer of what seemed to be water washed over their bare lower half as high-pitched moans left them, hand desperately shoving a new toy in and out of their hole; it was another ‘tentacle’ but it was plain, dark colored, with scales carved in to create ridges for extra friction. 
The more he hyper fixated on them, the more things he started to notice: their toy kind of looked like his tail, the lighting looked exactly like his room’s, and the hoodie they wore…
With a choked moan, Levi’s eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he finally realizes he’s watching you— you in his room with his hoodie on, getting off on a toy that was meant to replicate his tail. 
And as the increase of your moans flowed through his headphones, getting louder and whinier until you were cumming with a choked cry of what could’ve been his name had you been just a little bit louder, Levi was practically sprinting through the halls of the house before slamming open the door to his room. 
And there you were, phone tossed aside on his bed as you laid back on his pillows with your legs spread and shiny with your cum, toy tossed aside to the ground. 
“Was waiting for you to figure it out...wanna feel the real thing, Levi…come play with me?”
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schemmentigfs · 2 months
Caught Red-Handed.
paring: melissa schemmenti x reader.
summary: janine accidentally catches you and melissa during a intense making out session at school.
warnings: smut (obviously) public sex, spanking, dirty talk, mommy kink, praises, fingering, swearing, melissa is just a horny motherfucker in this one.
author notes: the winner of the poll! my inspiration for this oneshot came when I was scrolling through my spotify playlist. Or maybe it was an excuse to write another smut featuring melissa & reader. (yeah, definitely the second option.) sorry for the little delay, I was going to post yesterday but I had an exhausting day and forgot it. Just me being me. Anyways, enjoy. 🫶🏻
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You lost track of time as you felt your body being pushed into the janitor's closet with some force and urgency. Your back hit a cupboard containing several of Mr Johnson's cleaning products, some falling to the floor on impact. Making a loud noise echo throughout the entire hallway that could alert anyone, but that didn't scare your girlfriend who, unlike you, wasn't scared of the possibility of being caught and continued the makeout session passionately, smirking into your lips.
“We can't—” your insistence and protests are interrupted by a small gasp when Melissa's soft and warm lips deposited small kisses and bites on your neck. Marking and claiming you as hers, with each of the hickeys. For the rest of the week, you would have to wear something to hide those blue and purple marks if you didn't want any of your co-workers to suspect anything. “Babe. Someone might hear us or worse.”
Since you started a serious relationship with the older woman two months ago, it was common for you to have a secret makeout session somewhere at school that would lead to hours of loving or rough sex (it really depended on Melissa's mood) when you got home. But today, she didn't seem in a hurry to go to her place soon. In fact, she had other plans.
She had spent the entire morning teasing you and discreetly flirting with you whenever she got the chance. And instead of being embarrassed like always, you challenged her at lunch saying that she could do better than that. You were quite naive to think she wasn't going to do anything, but here was Melissa Schemmenti about to fuck you senseless and show you who was in charge.
“You just need to be quiet, sweet girl,” she whispers and began to unbutton your blouse. Massaging and squeezing your breasts through the fabric of your bra. “Or everyone will find out how you are a desperate little slut for mommy.”
You throw your head back, losing yourself in the pleasure and sensation. “Mel,” you groaned when when she throwed the fabric on the floor and pinched and licked your nipples. “Please.”
The older woman stops for a second and put a hand on your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes. “Be a good girl and behave, understand?“
Remaining quiet, you pull away slightly, still a little hesitant about getting caught and having sex with Melissa on school grounds. It didn't sound too appropriate, especially in the janitor's closet. “Honey, let’s go home. We can’t do it here.”
A fury is evident in her green eyes and she slaps your ass hard, making you wince and hide your face in her shoulder. “I told ya to behave and not act like a fucking whore.” Another even harder slap. “Do you understand?” she repeats.
The change in her behavior sent shivers throughout your whole body. Melissa was a very possessive and dominant woman, it was obvious and everyone was aware of it. She liked the feeling of power, of being in control and being honest, you liked that side of her. It suited her a lot.
“Yes mommy, I understand. I’ll be good and behave,” you gulped feeling all the excitement go straight to your core.
“That’s my good girl, now shut up and lean against the wall. Don’t make me wait or I will punish you just like last time,” she commands with a harsh tone and you nod, not wanting to be punished for bad behavior (at least not yet.)
Melissa slowly approaches and gives your lips a tender peck, before undoing your jeans and panties in a quick, single movement. Leaving her precious and innocent angel completely naked, ready to be ruined by her. Instantly you wrap one of your legs around her waist. Earning a satisfied hum from the redhead.
“Look at you, my beautiful girl, always so obedient and ready for me,” she parted your folds with her slender fingers, biting her lip as she noticed and spread your wetness. “I've been thinking about it all day, how I was going to destroy you.”
“Please, I need you inside. Please mommy, don’t tease,” you whimper when the redhead presses her thumb on your clit and circles your entrance. The action emitting a trembling moan to fall from your lips.
“It's kind of funny, you know? Earlier you were all confident trying to challenge me,“ she chucked peppering kisses in your entire face to relax you for what was about to happen. “And now you're begging and aching to be touched by mommy.”
After painful seconds, without warning she enters you with three fingers, filling your tight hole deliciously. Barely giving you time to get used to the painful stretching and thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Melissa knew exactly where and how to touch you, making you a squirming babbling mess every single time.
“FUCK!” you scream, covering your mouth with one of your hands. “That feels so good..”
She smiles mischievously, enchanted by the way your walls clenched around her fingers. The smell of sex and the sound of your celestial moans filling the room as she curled and pumped her digits, slowly bringing you to climax. Her free hand gripping your hips to keep you steady.
“Do you like this, babygirl? Do you like it when I go deep inside you?” the woman asks while mocking your totally fucked up state — your hair was slightly messy, your neck was covered in love marks and your eyes were wide. A beautiful sight for Melissa. “Answer me and you'll be rewarded.”
“Yes, I love it when you fill me up mommy. You make me feel so good,” your words came out in a whisper, as your breathing seemed increasingly labored and uneven. Your hips moved back and forth in time with the rhythm of her fingers inside you. “Shit,” You cry out as she finds your spongy spot and slows down a little.
As much as Melissa was enjoying watching your face turn into a complete blur of pleasure with each touch, she knew she had to be quick to avoid the risk of Mr. Johnson or anyone else coming in and catching the two of you in such an intimate moment.
“Such a good little girl. C'mon, sweetheart, cum for mommy,” the Italian whispers in your ear, biting your earlobe. “You can do this, princess.”
“I’m gonna—” you meweld, grabbing onto the lapels of her green blazer and trying to hold Melissa close. A warm white liquid ran down your girlfriend's fingers and wrist, your legs were trembling. You instantly wrapped your arms around her neck so you could balance yourself, since you didn't trust your ability to stand without holding on to something. “Holy shit.”
During your high, Melissa whispered sweet nothings and placed a tender kiss on your forehead. “Take a deep breath, amore mio,” she instructed, removing her fingers from you affectionately, once you calmed down.
“Feel better?” you ask with a genuine laugh putting on your clothes again with some difficulty.
“Much better. But I can't wait to get home and bend you in the kitchen counter.” She responds in a seductive tone, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. And you fight the urge to stay there and let her do whatever she wants to you.
God, that fiery redhead would be the death of you.
“Well, I think we better go home right away. To start our long night as soon as possible..” you spoke with a stupid smile and intertwined your fingers together, pulling her so you could leave discreetly.
But the plan backfired when you opened the door and bumped into Janine, who had an expression of complete shock on her face, alternating her gaze between the two of you, letting her bag fall to the floor. “Oh! You were—” she says louder than usual, almost alerting the rest of the crew nearby. Shit, you had been caught.
An uncomfortable silence settles and you hide your face in your hands, mentally cursing yourself for not having convinced Melissa that this was a bad idea. And now it was time to deal with the consequences of the sinful act.
“Don’t say a word, pipsqueak or you’ll regret it.” Melissa threatens, crossing her arms and giving the youngest a deadly glare, in a desperate and failed attempt to intimidate her, but the redhead's flushed cheeks gave away how embarrassed she was by the situation. “I mean it.”
The second grade teacher raises her hands in redemption. “I didn’t mean to interrupt, I swear!” she gives a panicked smile. “I was just in the hallway and I ended up hearing a scream and wanted to check what happened. Guess this explains a lot. So for how long have you been together? Does anyone know besides me? Oh, and are you living together?” Her expression softens and she launches into the questions, seeming to be starting a mini interrogation.
“It’s been two months and no one knows yet, we’re planning to tell everyone soon. And we don’t live together, even though I spend more time at Mel’s house than at mine.” You replied calmly trying to keep up with her quick words.
“That's cute, I'm glad you two are dating. I've always been rooting for you! Seriously.”
After more questions, Janine said goodbye to you. Promising that she wouldn't tell anyone beforehand — this was after another small threat from your girlfriend (of course) who wanted to make sure that wasn't going to happen.
“Next time, I'll listen to you about not doing a makeout session on school grounds. It was a bit awkward.” Melissa admits placing a hand on your back. “Ready to go?”
“Oi, lovebirds. Aren’t you forgetting something?” Mr. Johnson asks, catching your attention. Pointing to a squeegee and bucket of water. “You make the mess, you clean it up.” Fuck, apparently you and Melissa weren't going home anytime soon.
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nicksbestie · 2 months
Kittens (part two) - M. Sturniolo
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Summary : One specific person becomes a regular at the animal shelter you work at, always visiting the cats <3
Warnings : mentions of anxiety but nothing graphic!
Word Count : 1146
Pairing : Matt Sturniolo/Reader
A/N : part two!! this won't become a series but i felt it deserved a little more!! it's written in a later time, a epilogue scene, if you will!
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The cats being in a different room that day had been one of the best things to ever happen to you.
You hadn’t known it at the time, but that conversation with Matt, starting by leading him to a separate room, had blossomed into a relationship. Matt had started coming back every day, coming up with stupid reasons to talk to you, claiming he needed help finding a cat that had run away, only for the cat to walk right out from under the tower when Matt walked back in, but you let him do it every time. You felt like you couldn’t resist the opportunity to spend time with him, and if you weren’t busy, why should you?
He spent hours there every day, which made you wonder what he did for work, because how could he afford to not be at his job? After a couple of days where he came in one after another, you finally asked. It felt like a fair question because he clearly knew where you worked, so it was an eye for an eye, or something like that. He told you he did content creation with his brothers, and you looked him up later that evening, eyes nearly popping out of your head when you noticed just how famous they were. You weren’t someone who lived in the dark, but you didn’t keep up with every new thing going on, so there were a ton of famous people you didn’t know about. 
You weren’t going to lie, you stalked him that night. One thing hit you like a truck when you noticed it, though. Matt had told you that he came into the shelter when his anxiety was getting bad, and he had been coming in every Wednesday and Friday per week, and as you scrolled through their shared YouTube, you noticed that’s when videos were posted. You wondered how much he enjoyed his job, or if he did it because it made good money, or if the posting just really got to him because he worried about what people would think. Later you would ask, and you would learn that the latter was the reason, and that he really did love his job, it just got to him sometimes, knowing that so many people would pick apart everything he had done or said in a video. 
After about two weeks of him coming back to the shelter every single day, talking to you whenever he could, he finally asked for your number. He waited until you were off of the clock, making sure that he could never be accused of being unprofessional by anyone. He waited until the shelter closed, like normal, and you thought he had left, but he waited until you both stepped outside, and the door was locked, and then he asked. You let him have it with no complaints, and he texted you for the first time as soon as he got home, asking if you had also made it home safe. You responded much quicker than you would like to admit, letting him know you were home and safe. 
He would text you before he would come into the shelter, letting you know that he was on the way, and you two became incredibly close. Hanging out outside of work, spending time while he was at the shelter, if you were in the same vicinity, you were practically attached at the hip. You met his brothers, and they were so different from him that it was refreshing. You loved how they all got along so well, and even their banter in videos wasn’t coming from a true point of anger, but all lighthearted. You watched every video as they got posted, and sometimes all four of you hung out together before or after filming. You loved being in their company, and you had found a wonderful friend in Matt, but you had no idea that it would eventually become more than that. 
You’d hung out so much on your own, you knew you two worked together, you both knew that the other was attractive, you both knew that you liked the other. But you had no idea that it would eventually end up working out. Nick and Chris knew as well, being able to see it in the way that you interacted with each other. They kept it to themselves, allowing you two to navigate the developments of your relationship with each other by yourselves, but both of them were hoping that you would just get your head out of your ass already and get together. Matt was the first one to say anything. 
You knew he found love gestures sweet, you’d seen that in a video, and you’d seen it in the way that he interacted with people he loved platonically, being a gift giver, but when he showed up at your door with flowers, you were still in shock. He’d stayed the night that evening, soaking in the fact that the person he felt so strongly for had the same feelings for him. It had only snowballed in the best possible way from there. You did everything together, you went everywhere together, and sometimes that could cause codependency problems, but you were lucky to not have to deal with that. You were used to him leaving for a couple of hours to film, but he always came back as quickly as possible. 
It was refreshing for Matt to fall in love with someone who didn’t love him for the numbers, for the following, for the money, for the fame. This was someone who saw him off guard, who actually loved him for the person he was off of the camera, for all of the good in him and all of the bad. He wasn’t sure that he would ever find someone like this due to his popularity across the Internet, but he never took you for granted, not for a single moment. And those were the words that spilled out from between his lips, when he was knelt in front of you, ring box in hand, just three amazing years later, and the same ones that he would repeat at the altar six months after that. 
You didn’t work at the animal shelter anymore, but you and Matt were regular visitors and volunteers. Some of the people that you used to work with were still there, and shortly after you were wed, you picked out a kitten together, from the same Cat Cottages that Matt used to sit in for hours every week. Glancing over at the man you’d fallen in love with, sitting on the couch with the now one year old black cat in his lap, you knew that had been the best job you would ever work, and it brought you something much more rewarding than the money.
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taglist : @blahbel668 @mattsgirlfrieeend @69isabella69 @mayhem-72 @iculdstealurgf @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @sturnioloslife @heartsforkarina @nervousrebelglitter @sturniclo @elliegrace-7 @mattsturnioloisbae @strnilo @dazsha19 @patscorner @hailee22sstuff @tworosesblackthorn @h3arts4harry @getosuckers @knhxa @scoobydoosnack @tapesmatts @st7rnioioss @st7rnioiossblog @jamiesturniolo @sofie-1
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~ my inbox is open, come chat!!
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gracejh08 · 27 days
Breaking the media
Chapter 3- arrival
You had just arrived in spain when the news that you were leaving arsenal was spread the club hadn't said where you were moving to due to some timing issues and you hadn't done any Barcelona media yet. You looked through the comments as the fans speculated your next club and many wishing you well and hoping you would have stayed longer at the club. While all the messages were nice you knew it was the right call to move so as you stood in airport looking for what will be your ride to the training centre you see a sign with your name on it. After some great force of lugging your two suitcases along the airport by yourself you reached the drivers with a half smile "good morning miss y/l/n" he said reaching his hand out "morning nice to meet you" you said taking his hand a firmly shaking it. Just as you were about to grab your suitcases and begin dragging them back along to the car he took them out of your hands "let me take these from you" he said "oh its no bother really i can bring them myself" you protested but he was insistent.
The car journey wasn't as long as you had expected it to be as you sat scrolling through your phone almost laughing at the ridiculous rumors you could see through your phone even sky sports had started to make rumors. You had arrived at the training ground where a member off staff had met you and brought you to the hair and makeup chair "hola, buen dia miss y/l/n" said the women smiling at you "call me y/n please its more.. normal" you responded as she began her work adding a light coat of foundation and redoing your hair entirely. After 10 minutes you were ready and handed a Barcelona training kit and told this is what you would be taking your photos in I mean it made sense but you would have preferred to be in normal clothes.
You were whisked through the unfamiliar corridors passing room after room each one looking completely different from the other till you reached the media room which was set up with cameras lighting and the contract. Jona was waiting in a chair when you arrived and he immediately stood up "hola y/n so happy you decided to join us you are going to do wonderful things" he said kindly to you. As the next couple hours went by you spent most time taking photos and doing interviews when you were told it was tomorrow when you would meet the team and have a tour of the facility before joining training.
Once you were done you were brought to an apartment that had been furnished and paid from Barcelona as you clearly weren't old enough to pay for it yourself. It was nice,small yes, but it wasn't cramped. You had put away all your clothes when you saw that it had been officially posted you were now a culer and all the media from that day had been posted and as you expected it.You had done it 'y/n y/l/n has transferred to Barcelona for an undisclosed fee' was printed all over social media for a moment it felt like everyone in the world was talking about you.
You woke up the next morning and the apartment was conveniently a 10 minute walk to the training ground because you couldn't drive so walking was the next best thing. The spanish sun was hot on your skin you hadn't been out of england for a long time minus for England camps which weren't very frequent or very long. You had arrived at the training ground 5 minutes early but that didn't matter. You were again greeted by jona the two of you making small talk as you walked towards the pitch, now the anxiety had kicked in you were 16 and going to meet your idols all at once, what if you nade a fool of yourself in front of the team or they dont like you and just to top of the list you knew not one word of Spanish minus hola. The training ground was nice it was decked out with perfectly cut grass and box nets you looked over to see the team training away not even noticing your presence as they were so focused in a drill that until jona called them over they were in there own world. "CHICAS, YOUR NEW TEAMMATE HAS ARRIVED" he shouted across the pitch when each of the girls looked over to you and began to walk towards you, each meter they passed you could feel your heartbeat move quicker. Now you were young but you weren't challenged size wise at 16 you were 5,8 making you quite the impressive feat and one that was taller than quite a few girls on the team. From a mile away anyone could tell you were a defender tall, broad shoulders, hair tied neatly in two plaits, it was obvious.
It was the captain alexia who had been selected to talk to you first " hola, ive heard good things about you y/n" she said kindly almost in a parental tone, a tone which some sould have found to be insulting yet it brought you a sense of comfort. Each of the girls took there time chatting to you, some getting more confused by your accent and led you to having to say things much slower so the others can understand what you were saying. When last it came to kiera and lucy the fellow English on the team "well well if isn't y/n" lucy said almost grimacing "what lucy, you're not happy to see me" you said back "of course" she said wrapping her arm around you as keira did the same you had known the English girls had been told you were coming by leah but you didnt know that they had been told to keep your eyes on you but so was mapi and alexia however from jona. It was lucy who had taken you on the tour around the place "nice innit, and the weathers lush as" she said "yeah definitely, its a change from arsenal but god is it like a different world from sunderland" you said although you had lived in North london for 3 years your north east accent hadn't changed at all you were still a northern girl at heart and one that surprisingly faired well under the sun.
"Well then i bet we better head off back home" lucy said taking you back to the exit "yeah definitely especially before it gets too dark" you said as you began to walk off to your apartment "where are you going? Aren't your foster parents picking you up" she questioned as from what she has assumed you were living with a family "ermm home im walking back to my apartment its only 10 minutes" you said as you began to speed up a little away from lucy. "An apartment you're 16 you can't live alone" lucy remarked but by then you were gone you, she threw her hands in the air and sighed as she knew she needed to have a talk with barca management because you couldn't live alone but you had ran home to make sure lucy couldn't see where you went as you didn't want to make a scene or deal with lucy scolding you.
As you opened your front door you locked it back up and crashed into bed the jet lag from the plane had crashed into you but you knew you needed to shower and make dinner but you had no food what so ever, how you wished someone could make you some home cooked food. So like a sensible person you ordered in food and showered while waiting and just as you had changed into your pjs the food had arrived. It was just a simple pizza but god was it tasty. You ate every last crumb and put the box on your counter to put it in the recycling you climbed into your bed and let tiredness slip over you.
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fruitr0llup · 4 months
“no matter what.”
im nayeon x fem!twice 10th member reader; fluff
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warnings: a HINT of angst if you squint, talk of disbandment
w/c: 747
a/n: i don’t like this fic but i’ll post it anyways </3 NOT PROOFREAD !!!!
it was saturday, and today was one of the days where all of the girls had an off day. they were rare, so most spent it with eachother, doing fun things around seoul, but a select few, including you, decided to stay at the dorm and rest.
you lounged on your bed, keen on spending your day off rotting in bed. you had scrolled through your phone for hours now, and honestly you were getting kind of bored. you were thinking of going to bother Mina, who had stayed behind, but figured she’d probably tell you to leave so that she could continue playing her game.
so instead, you kept scrolling, mindlessly wandering the internet. that’s until something caught your eye. It was an article on Jeongyeon’s interview with Bazzar earlier that week. You skimmed through the interview, curious to see what the older girl had said.
You stopped when you came across a question asking “Can you believe twice is in its 10th year?”
You felt your heart pang. No, you couldn’t believe that twice was in its tenth year. You couldn’t believe that you had spent ten years with these girls, who used to be strangers to you. it all felt so surreal.
you continued to read, wanting to know what Jeongyeon replied. You felt another pang in your heart reading what she answered. She replied, “How many more albums can we release as twice in the future? We can’t be active as twice forever. Of course, it would be nice if we could, but there will come a time when we each have to walk our own path. It’s not a given that we can prepare an album together like now.”
You set your phone down, getting lost in your thoughts. You hadn’t thought about what it would be like without twice. without your members. you’ve spent every waking hour with them since sixteen, and a world without them feels unreal. but Jeongyeons right, you can’t be twice forever. you’ll have to move on eventually.
just the thought makes you tear up. and in seconds, you have tears running down your face, ugly crying. you grab the tissue box by your bed and try to clean your face up, but failing as the tears continue to stream down your face.
you hear a knock on your door, “y/n-ah, are you okay?” it’s nayeon. she must have heard your wailing.
you sniffle, using all your strength to muster up a reply. “y-yes, nayeon un-unnie” you said through sniffles.
“y/n, you’re clearly not. i’m coming in.” she opens the door, revealing you sitting in your bed, your face red, tissues spewed everywhere, and snot running down your nose. her eyes soften instantly. “oh baby…” she walks over to you, sitting on your bed and pulling you into her embrace. “what’s wrong?�� she asks, stroking your hair.
“what are we going to do, unnie…” you mutter. nayeon pulls away, looking at you softly.
“what do you mean?” at that, you start spewing out words. you express how you’re not ready for the future. how you don’t want to grow up. how frightened you are at the fact that it’s already been ten years, when it seemed like only yesterday you all debuted. and how scared you are that you’re going to lose all of them. your best friends.
nayeon looks at you with a pout. she takes your face in her hands and wipes your tears. “it will be okay, y/n-ah.” she says, stroking your hair.
“unnie, i don’t kn-know what i’m going to do without you g-guys..” you say, sobbing.
nayeon sighs. of course she’s thought about disbandment. she wasn’t ready for it either; none of them were. so she tells you what she had been telling herself. “y/n, no matter what happens. no matter what path we choose to take. we are always going to be twice. a silly disbandment won’t break our friendship. we’ll always have eachothers backs, and support each other in whatever we decide to do.”
you nod, hugging her again. she lays down on your bed, putting your head on her chest. “go to sleep, y/n… you’ve had a long day..” you nod, wiping a stray tear.
the two of you sit in silence for a while, before you speak up. “i love you, unnie…” you say, hugging her tighter.
nayeon rubs your back with her hand. “i love you too, y/n.”
you fall asleep, with nayeons comforting embrace assuring you that no matter what life brings you, you’ll always be together.
you’ll always be twice
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
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— when he almost gets caught
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Bakugou is a bit of a creep in this one, but I promise it’s just because he’s so obsessed with reader okay?
Warnings: 18+, dubconish, pervy photographs, male masturbation.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
Word Count: 1.5k.
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One of the first things Bakugou did once he started to like you was search for your social media profiles. He knew he shouldn’t have done it, that it was wrong. As your boss he should’ve granted you the privacy that you deserve in your personal life, a side of you that he really had no right to see. But this is what you do to him, he just can’t seem to help himself around you. And your internet footprint wasn’t exactly Fort Knox. 
With a few clicks Bakugou could easily access your entire social media footprint, no passwords or accounts required to satiate the itch of missing you when he’s in his large studio apartment late at night, painfully alone. After discovering your extremely public Instagram (he’d have to talk to you about internet security, any pervert could find them!) he’d spent hours scrolling through and admiring each photograph of you. Trying to ignore the ache in his chest whenever he’d see you a little too close to one of your friends, clicking into their profiles to ensure you weren’t actually dating them.
Bakugou had given himself a heart attack on more than one occassion when he thought he’d accidentally double clicked one of your photos to like it, or followed you by mistake. Something he’d foolishly done before, and something he did not want to repeat. One morning he’d been so tired after a grueling night patrol, collapsing into his bed at four in the morning he’d accidentally done the unthinkable and liked his favourite photograph of you. Feeling so lethargic, his fingers had double tapped the screen instead of pinched to enlarge it. Quickly unliking it as he tried to reason with himself that you wouldn’t see it. Not wanting to seem like the shameless creep he was acting like, stalking his employees like this.
But it did leave him wondering sometimes whether you’d mind if he followed you on your social media. You didn’t seem to mind his company, and you’d given him your personal phone number to talk to him about work matters so you couldn’t have been that adverse to it… But there was no way he’d be asking you, instead he was content to scroll through and get these little insights to your life, enjoying the aesthetic food photographs or the scenic ones he probably would have made fun of anyone else for posting— but it was different when it was you, because he loves everything about you.
Bakugou had an entire album in his cellphone dedicated to you now, screenshots of his favourite photographs from your social media so he could shamelessly admire you without the fear of an accidental follow. Pictures that he would be ashamed to admit to anyone that he’d spent many nights fucking his fist to the sight of. It didn’t matter that the pictures were sweet and innocent, it didn’t make him want you any less. The thought of what lay beneath the cosy sweaters and tight jeans had his mind reeling, the curiosity sending a rush of blood direct to his throbbing cock.
But these photographs weren’t enough, not when there are plenty of other eyes that get to admire them whenever and wherever they want. There’s something personal about having photographs of the people you love that are for your eyes only, photos that no one else gets to see.
Oh, Bakugou definitely knew it was wrong. But is it really his fault when you’re so damn beautiful?
It was early one afternoon when he took the chance to get his own candid photograph of you, the office floor deserted for lunch besides the both of you as you stood facing the copier. Bakugou was about to tell you that he was heading out on his patrol and that he probably wouldn’t be back in the office tonight. But that’s the exact moment that the printer decided to jam, a frustrated groan spilled from your lips as you hit the side of the machine roughly.
Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk at your reaction, sending your frustration a mile away as he took a step closer to come to your aid— but that’s when it happened.
You bent over to pull the small drawer out of the side of the machine, peering into the drawer as the fabric of your skirt began to stretch around your ass. Revealing more of your gorgeous thighs as he stopped dead in his tracks to revel at the sight of you.
“Stupid fucking report,” You growled as you began to tug at the papers that were stuck inside the machine, only causing your ass to shake as Bakugou had to bite back a groan.
Bakugou’s cock began to throb beneath his hero suit as he took the opportunity, ignoring the little voice at the back of his head that told him not to do it— aiming his phone camera towards you as he snapped a few photographs of your ass in quick succession.
He should’ve walked over to help you after that, but he couldn’t bring himself to approach you when his cock was painfully hard beneath his pants. Instead turning on booted heels as he made his way back towards his office, his phone clutched tight to his chest.
He was no better than Denki, no better than Mineta as he unlocked the phone to take a look at his bounty. Turning his screens brightness up as high as it would go as he zoomed in on the perfect curve of your ass. Groaning at the way the slit at the back of your pencil skirt rode up so he could see your bare thighs where your stockings ended, trying to see whether there was the print of a panty line against the material as he tried to guess what underwear lay beneath. But the fact that Bakugou couldn’t even see a line only had him speculating even more, wondering exactly what style of panties you were wearing, if you were even wearing any at all.
And god, now the thought of you completely bare inside his office, working so innocently beside him, had his head racing and his cock begging for attention. Palming himself with a soft groan as he pictured sliding the fabric of your skirt up your thighs himself to find out, calloused fingers warm against your skin as you spread those gorgeous thighs for him.
Bakugou couldn’t help it, forgetting about his patrol as he unbuckled his utility belt. Sitting himself down in his plush desk chair as he tugged his pants down just enough to free his aching cock. The head already an angry pink colour as pre oozed from the slit, his thumb smoothing over it to smear the moisture along his length as he hissed sharply through his teeth. Picturing you bent over in the same position as in the photograph across the width of his desk. Giving him the perfect position to slide his throbbing cock inside your tight, wet cunt as he wrapped his fist around his girth tightly. A feeble attempt at mimicking how you’d feel wrapped around him as he began to lazily stroke his cock, sitting back in his chair as half-lidded eyes gazed down at the photograph on his phone.
The photograph that was all for him, for his eyes only.
Gnawing on his lower lip to bite back a groan as he swiped his thumb across his leaky slit, his chest heaving as he continued to think of the most debauched positions with you. Feeling himself edging closer and closer to his release before there was a swift knock on the door.
Bakugou scrambled to fix himself, his phone now laying flat on his desk as he tugged his pants back up over his hips, sliding forward in his chair to hide his throbbing cock beneath the desk as you stepped inside the office. The sultry scent of your perfume immediately wafting into the air and making it difficult to think, his length twitched in response as you continued closer. Laying the hundred page report down onto his desk with a bright smile.
“‘m sorry it took so long, Dynamight.” You murmured sheepishly, “I had some problems with the copier.”
I know, Bakugou was already thinking of a hundred new ways to jam the copier just to have you like that again all for himself.
“S’fine.” Bakugou muttered, trying to push his depraved thoughts to the side, all too aware of his problem beneath the desk.
“Oh, are you heading out on your patrol now?” You surmised as you noticed his outfit, “I’m not keeping you, am I?”
“Nah,” He shook his head, trying to play it cool as though he wasn’t touching himself to an illicit picture of you seconds earlier, “Gonna head out now.”
“Well stay safe, and wrap up warm. I heard there might be snow tonight.”
“I’ll be fine,” Bakugou scoffed, but inside his heart was performing somersaults at the idea that you cared about him.
“I know, I just know you hate the cold.” You smiled as you turned to leave the room, and of course you had to sway that perfect fucking ass again. Bakugou tried to look anywhere else, but his eyes were completely transfixed, biting back a moan of pleasure as you finally shut the door. Leaving him completely alone in his office, late for patrol, with a raging hard on.
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If you hadn’t of been so quick to dismiss your Instagram notifications one drunken night after work, as you’d climbed into your bed at four in the morning. Fighting with your charger as you tried to jab it into the port at the base of your phone, you would’ve noticed one of the banners that showed up said “DynamightOfficial liked your photo.”
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charlosvibesonly · 5 months
New Romantics
A Max Verstappen Imagine
Pairing : Max Verstappen x fem! reader
it’s mostly fluff, with a few kisses, banter, fights, and a hope that they’ll get through it all❤️
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To say she was nervous was an understatement. She had dreamed of this moment all her life. As she walked to the motorhome, she tried to calm her nerves. She was intelligent and confident, and she was going to fit in just fine. The weather was a little hot for her taste, her Red Bull t-shirt was going to be soon drenched in sweat if she stood in the Bahrain sun any longer.
“Y/N! So glad you found your way out!” her team leader said. A few faces were familiar, she had interned with them before, but now she had retired as a permanent member of the team. A mechanical engineer, she was going to work as a Structures Analyst. The job was demanding, yet thrilling. And, she was finally going to work with the race team. No mistakes are all she wished for. The Bahrain GP was on Sunday, barely three days from now. She was introduced to the remaining team and jotted down to work.
However, her eyes searched for the Golden Boy. She wouldn’t admit it but the drivers were also part motivation for her along with the engineering marvel cars. It was her daydream to run into Charles Leclerc on the paddock and have an awkward interaction, one thing would lead to another, and before you knew it, they would be madly in love. She smiled to herself as she thought about it. But getting distracted wasn’t going to help. The free practice was going to start in about an hour, which meant work was coming her way. She had to be aware, observe, and analyze the data so that the Golden Boy crosses the line first on Sunday. 
It was lunch break when she ran into someone on her way to the table. The coffee spilled both on her and the person she had bumped into. “Fucking hell!” the man said. The coffee was hot, and it had burnt her hand a little, but the man got the full blow on his chest. She raised her eyes to apologize. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It can’t be him! The blue eyes looked angry. “I’m so sorry Max,” she said quickly. “Yeah next time please keep your eyes open while walking,” he replied and then pushed her aside and continued walking. What a jerk! She thought to herself. She cleaned up the mess and retired to her desk, hoping the free practice would take her mind off it. 
The free practice was average. Max was angry with the performance. Checo also complained a little. This meant she was going to be here till the morning. After probably what seemed like the most exhausting and exciting hours, she left the motor home. She was drowsy and extremely tired. She needed those three hours of sleep permitted by the leader. On her way out, she bumped into someone again. “Oh Lord! Are you fucking blind?” the voice said. “Hey! I’m sorry. And maybe you can learn to talk politely,” the words left her mouth without her realizing. “Oh really. What am I supposed to say? Sorry Ma’am, you walk like it’s your road, I made a mistake by coming in between,” Max said sarcastically. She had had enough.” Look. I said I was sorry. You don’t have to be such a bitch. I have spent the last nine hours improving the car with the team. I know you don’t like to be polite, but at least don’t act like a jerk!” she said in a breath and walked away.
God! She hated him. The Golden Boy was ruining her first day at work. On her way to the hotel, she scrolled through Twitter, liking every Charles appearance, and post there was. That did improve her mood significantly. Work was going to be difficult, especially when it was so easy to bump into the lion. A few races had passed. It was the Monaco GP this weekend. Max Verstappen had won every fucking race till now. But that did not improve their dynamic at all. He constantly hurt her pride, so she bruised his ego. The hate was mutual. The interactions they had had so far were bitter. Neither trying to back down and always tearing the other person apart. The bitter banter continued during strategy meetings. Y/N would present her analyses, and Max, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist the urge to undermine her efforts. "You sure you're looking at the right data? Wouldn't want us all going in circles," he remarked with a dismissive tone, casting doubt on her competence.
Y/N, unyielding, retorted, "I'd be more worried about your ability to follow a straight line on the track. Might help if you focused on driving instead of insulting."
The worst part was, now he knew her name. 
She hoped to never run into him again, but that meant to leave this job. And she wasn’t going to leave because of that jerk. She kept her head low and did keep her eyes open while walking. Needless to say, the work kept her busy, and her team appreciated her work ethic. “Y/N do you want to join us for a little party in the evening? The whole team is coming.” Ava, a colleague of hers asked. “Sure! I‘ll be there!” she replied. A social event in Monaco seemed exciting. The harbor looked so pretty in the evening and the restaurant overlooked the beautiful sea. Her little black dress for this moment. She was here for fun and nothing was going to ruin it. Until she saw him. He looked different. Nice different. It was probably the missing Red Bull clothing that almost felt like a part of his skin. But the sky blue shirt complemented his eyes. He looked very handsome. She turned away. Was it the weather? Why was she feeling so hot suddenly? She excused herself and made her way to the balcony. Fanning herself, she took deep breaths. “Not throwing up are you? Don’t ruin the sea with your sick!” Max said smirkingly. “Oh I’m sure, it was ruined the day you set foot here,” she tried to harm but failed. Had he done something to his hair? He smelled heavenly too. “Haha. You don’t look so shabby today,” Max tried to make amends. “You don’t look half bad either. Is it the missing Red Bull clothes? Didn’t it hurt to rip your skin?” Y/N added. Max leaned in closer and whispered,” Lord why do you have to be so hurtful? I am just trying to be nice here.” She wanted to believe him. But she also liked teasing him. “Oh yeah? And why are we so saintly today? The air, or the drinks to be blamed?” she asked. Max looked straight into her eyes. His face was close. Or not. She wasn’t tall enough to decipher. He moved closer. There was laughter from the rooms within. Someone was going to see them here. She tried to move away and turned. Max held her hand and pulled her back. They were too close. She could feel his heart beating. “It's you. Y/N. No drink can ever make me compliment you.” Max said. She tried to read his eyes. They felt honest. Desperate. And he leaned in closer. Pressing his lips on hers. Neither pulled away. There was a loud sound from within. And Max stopped. He looked into her eyes and said,” So this shuts you up.”
She was back in the motor home. It was race day. She had always seen the grandeur of the Monaco GP on TV but she could finally experience it! She was excited and used it as a distraction to avoid thinking about the other night. Max Verstappen had kissed her. But nothing happened after that. She had pulled away from him and said, “No. This isn’t right. I don’t like you. Yes, maybe today you look perfect, and it was the need of the moment. But let’s forget about it.” And she walked away, disappearing from the party, and walking the streets of Monaco alone. She was really glad nobody had found out about that little incident, she was afraid that would jeopardize her job. But she kept revisiting that night every so often. “Y/N! I need the results for these simulations ASAP! There must be no mistakes,” her team leader ordered. She got out of her daze and started working. The race was going to start in an hour. Having been glued to the screen for more than four hours, she needed a break. She went to the coffee machine. While carrying the coffee, she remembered the first time she ran into Max. The hot coffee spilled over both of them, and those cold blue eyes. Fuck. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? She thought maybe it was an after-effect. That it would take time for her to move on. She was lost in her mind when Max came in the corridor from his room. No. She hadn’t seen him since they kissed, she hadn’t even waited for his answer. She felt selfish and guilty. Max looked at her and said, “Not going to spill that coffee again on me, are you? I don’t have a spare outfit either.” But he wasn’t being condescending. He was smiling. No. That wasn’t a good sign. He wanted to act nice and maybe be friends with her. But no. She despised him and one kiss was never going to change that. She looked at him and said, “No way. An arsehole once told me to keep my eyes open and walk.” And she walked away without a word. Why was she being so petty? He was just being a nice person and making amends. Although she always struggled when someone got way too close to her. She disliked being so vulnerable unless she was sure about that person of course. He wasn’t that. And in one moment of weakness, she had distanced herself from Max even more.
The summer break had started. Normally, this meant vacation for drivers, but for Y/N the work never stopped. And she liked it that way. It was all she had dreamt of and she was finally working with such cool minds. She was at Milton Keynes, along with the rest of her team. The break meant that they could study the car even more, and find areas of improvement for next year. She was happy to be away from Max. It felt like she could never escape him. Post her snide remark, there wasn’t much conversation between them, but she had felt his glances on her. Their eyes met frequently, and they held each other's gaze till someone backed down. Why were they always testing each other? She could never tell. The highlight of the summer vacation was probably Charles and the fan accounts that constantly updated his ventures. God! He looked hot in summer. She had seen him so frequently on track, but she never got the courage to go and talk to him. 
It was a fine evening when Y/N was making her way home. She pressed for the lift and she stood frozen when it opened. Max was standing in the lift. Alone. Would it be rude if she didn’t step on? Maybe.  Keeping her pride aside she stepped into the lift. Their eyes met. She mumbled a low hi. “Oh! Now you are talking?” Max said. His voice had an edge. Anger perhaps. “What does that mean?” Y/N asked. He stepped closer. Oh no. It was happening again. “Max I told you this isn’t right. I could lose my job!” she almost pleaded. “ Bull shit! You are a coward. Running away every time you see me, and yet you look into my eyes like a lover. I fucking hate that I even think about you,” Max spitted. “I am not a coward. And yes maybe I might have a little crush on you. But see the reality, Max. It’s never going to work out for the good,” she said almost crying. The blue eyes looked stormy. She was scared of what he would say next. But the elevator had reached the parking and the doors opened. She tried to walk out first. But he stood in front blocking her way. “We’re not leaving till we’re done talking. You can’t keep running away every fucking time!” he thundered. The elevator doors closed. And he pressed the highest floor number. “Tell me why this won’t work, and I will let you go. And your fucking job doesn’t count because no, this won’t jeopardize it,” he commanded. Y/N took a few steps back, their eyes never leaving each other. “I… I… I…” she tried to find an answer. “Thought so,” he said as he grabbed her face with his hands and started kissing her. Passionately. She kissed him back as a single tear ran down her cheek. Things were going to get messy now, but at this moment maybe she could forget all about it. He pushed her against the door, as the walls she so carefully built to avoid him, came crashing down.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N found herself reluctantly drawn into Max's world. Their dates were filled with laughter, shared interests, and an undeniable chemistry that seemed to defy their initial animosity.
Amid the twinkling lights of Barcelona, Max and Y/N found themselves caught in a moment of quiet connection. "You know, you're not as tough as you want everyone to believe," Y/N remarked, a playful glint in her eyes. Max shot her a smirk, the city's glow accentuating the curve of his lips. "Maybe, but at least I'm not pretending to be a cold hearted person who will kiss someone and leave." Y/N chuckled, "Touche. But there's more to you than this tough exterior. I can see it." Max arched an eyebrow, "Oh, can you now? What exactly do you see?"
"A person who's passionate, determined, and maybe a bit afraid of letting others see the real you," Y/N replied, her gaze holding his. Max's expression softened, and he sighed, "You're not entirely wrong. But don't get too comfortable analyzing me, Y/N. I might surprise you yet."
Their journey continued across different countries, accompanied by stolen kisses and whispered promises. Max proved to be surprisingly attentive, and Y/N found herself gradually lowering the walls she had built so meticulously.
It wasn’t always a smooth ride though.
The tension between Y/N and Max reached a boiling point during the Italian Grand Prix. Work consumed their time, and the struggle for the championship intensified. Late nights turned into early mornings, and the weight of responsibility strained their relationship.
It was a race weekend filled with high stakes, and the atmosphere in the paddock was charged. Y/N, buried under the weight of her responsibilities, felt the strain as she tried to balance the demands of her job and her evolving relationship with Max. Y/N, exhausted, confronted Max. "I'm here to help the team win, not to be your punching bag," she snapped, her patience wearing thin. Max, equally stubborn, shot back, "Well, maybe you should focus on doing your job instead of trying to prove something to me." The words hung in the air, poisoning the atmosphere. The intensity of the argument grew as frustrations, both personal and professional, intertwined. "I can't keep doing this. I won't be an afterthought in your life," she declared, storming out of Max's room, leaving behind a lingering silence.
Days passed in silence, each avoiding the other, until the tension became unbearable. Max, realizing he couldn't let pride destroy what they had, decided to make amends. Armed with a bouquet of Y/N's favorite flowers, he knocked on her hotel room door.
Y/N opened the door, not expecting him at all. Max stood there, his expression softening. "I messed up," he admitted.
She sighed, a mix of frustration and relief washing over her. "You think flowers will fix everything?"
Max stepped closer. "No, but I hope they're a start. Can we talk?"
Y/N hesitated but finally nodded. They settled into the room, and Max began, "I care about you, Y/N. More than I thought I would. I don't want us to fall apart over this."
She looked at him, torn between hurt and the lingering affection she couldn't deny. "Max, I can't keep being the second priority. I have a job, a career, and I can't let it crumble because of us." He took a deep breath, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I get it, Y/N. Let's find a balance. I'll try harder." As they talked through their concerns and fears, a newfound understanding emerged. Max left, promising to be more considerate, but little did they know that their world was about to be rocked unexpectedly.
A few days later, Max posted a casual photo of the two of them on Instagram. The picture was seemingly harmless, but the internet detectives quickly connected the dots. Speculation spread like wildfire, and Y/N's identity became a topic of heated debate.
Max, aware of the storm he had unintentionally unleashed, took to Instagram with a stern expression. "Leave her the f*** alone," he declared, his post garnering mixed reactions from fans.
Y/N, caught in the crossfire, faced the consequences of public scrutiny. Colleagues eyed her with uncertainty, and online trolls intensified their efforts to uncover every detail of her life. The pressure reached its peak, threatening to shatter the fragile normalcy they had built.
It took a toll on Y/N. It made her fearful of stepping out. She started cancelling their dates, and even wished Max would just start hating her for all of this to be over
But Max had had enough. He wasn’t let her run away again. Yes, he was being selfish, but he couldn’t bear to lose her. He stormed into her room one evening . "I’m not letting them ruin this for you," he said, sincerity in his eyes. "I care about you, Y/N, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you from this madness. But you have to be brave too. I know I’m asking you a lot. But I really like you. I don’t wish to be parted from you."
Her eyes met his, a mixture of gratitude and apprehension swirling within. "Can you promise that this won't complicate things between us?" she asked, the gentle night breeze carrying the weight of unspoken fears. There was a pause, and then she added, "And what about when the championship pressure builds up? Will we withstand the storm together, or will it tear us apart?"
Max nodded. "I won't make promises I can't keep, Y/N. But I'll be damned if I let anything or anyone jeopardize what we have. We face it together, no matter how tough it gets. No sugarcoating, just real. Are you in?"
“Yes. I am,” Y/N assured.
The road ahead was uncertain, but at that moment, Y/N found solace in Max's commitment. The storm outside might rage, but in each other, they discovered a sanctuary amidst the chaos.
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atlasmoonglade · 6 days
Joost Klein x single mom!reader
Chapter 1
Tags: fluff, divorce mentioned.
This is just for fun, don't take too seriously.
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Chapter 2
You scroll through Joost's Instagram realising you don't actually know anything about him.
A DM from the man you are currently stalking pops up at the top of your screen.
So, a singer, huh?
Honestly yes. Thought you would be a builder with such a strong back.
Still can't believe I almost knocked someone out just by standing.
Well, I did most of the work.
Joost Klein sent a post by Y/N.jpg
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Y!N.jpg endless walks
Where was this taken? he asks.
I was visiting a friend and we would go on these long walks to catch up on everything.
He types, but then stops. Types and stops again.
Come for a run with me tomorrow morning?
Define morning..
Like 8am? It will be more of a light jog, just something to start a day with a clear head.
I have to be back by noon.
Deal. Meet me next to the same coffee shop tomorrow 8am.
You put on your comfortable sneakers preparing for "a run" and head out. You are excited to see Joost again. Yesterday you spent a few hours sending each other's posts asking questions, sharing stories. You were complimenting his every outfit. It's been a while since you met a new friend, you don't usually have a lot of free time to maintain a new relationship.
Elliot is coming back today from staying at Nicholas' place. You thought you would have a relaxing time, which turned out to be a complete opposite. You miss Elliot too much and can't think of what to do with yourself without him. You can't wait to hear about all the fun things he was up to, for his young age he is an incredible storyteller.
"There you are." a voice which already became familiar calls out. Joost is wearing a hat, black red hot chili peppers t-shirt and a pair of shorts. You can't fail to notice how much you like the shirt clinging to his body.
"Nice to see you early bird. So, where are we heading?" you block the sun shining in my eyes with my hand.
"I've been running every day since I arrived here, I already know a few good routes. Let's go." He waves a hand motioning for you to follow.
He leads, you follow.
"What thoughts are we running from?" you ask keeping up with him.
The corners of his mouth turn up into a slight smile. "It changes from day to day, just general anxiety I guess." He turns to look at you. "Do you not feel that way?"
"I do." you confess. "My way of coping is less active though - I journal." It is so easy to share things with him. It feels like he truly cares.
You continue running talking about what we did last week, he shares that he is here to write a song. You talk about music and his career, while pointing out various beautiful views. He stops a few times to snap photos.
"Stay like this. Looks really good." he points his phone at you. "You can capture this one endless runs." you laugh and he takes a photo. He puts his phone back in the pocket.
"Did it turn out good?" you ask.
"There is no way it didn't." He looks at you squinting from the bright sun.
"Because you are such a talented photographer?"
"Sure. Because of that." he smirks and continues walking.
"What are your plans for today? You said you have to be back by noon." he asks as you catch up to walk by his side, your arms slightly touching. You pull back.
"I have to get back home, my son is coming back from staying with his dad for the weekend." you say.
"How old is he? Your son."
"Recently turned 6."
He turns to look at you and smiles, continues walking forward.
"What?" you ask.
"Still can't believe you are someone's mom."
"Why? How do you imagine a mom?"
"I don't know." he looks forward. Silent for a moment. "Are you one of those milfs everyone keeps talking about?"
You push at his arm immediately getting an ick at what he said. "What the fuck dude" He bursts out laughing. You laugh too.
"Can't believe you just said that. What is wrong with you." you push him again, his arm feels tense under your touch.
He fixes his hat, turning to look straight ahead. "Sorry, it just slipped out." He smirks. You shake my head and laugh.
You continue your run.
"Thank you for agreeing to join me." Joost says as you come back to where you started.
"You are welcome. I had more fun than I expected." You say taking out a bottle of water.
"It was actually the first time I invited someone. I usually prefer to spend the morning alone." he says smoothing out the hem of his t-shirt.
"Oh." you look up at him. "An honor to be your first companion." You smile at him.
"Yeah so, head is cleared. I need to take a shower and head back to the studio." He takes off his hat to run a hand through his hair. It looks incredibly soft. You catch yourself imagining how it would feel to touch.
You shake my head. The run did the opposite of clearing my head.
"When can I see you next?" he asks.
"I am not sure yet. I'm gonna be spending some time with Elliot."
"Sure." he smiles and pauses. "I have a concert coming up later this week. I can get you tickets, if you will find time for it."
"Let me think about it." you return his smile.
He stretches out his hand for you to shake like last time. You take it. His hand is firm to the touch and so pleasingly warm. After a moment you pull apart and go your separate ways.
You spent the last couple of days with Elliot. You played video games, went to the park for a picnic eating ice cream and laughing at each other's remarks about the movie you watched earlier. He truly is your best friend. You are so happy he turned out the way he did. You were worried you and Nicholas separating would affect him negatively, which you do notice some signs of, but you and Nicholas keep it friendly and keep him out of your differences.
As you get into my bed, you realise it has been radio silent between you and Joost after your run. To be honest he has been the first one to start the conversation the last time, you need to put in the effort too.
How have you been? you type.
No...too formal. You delete it.
No, that's boring.
Any progress in the studio?
You hit send. No need to overthink it.
As you wait for the reply, you decide to check out his music. You put on your earphones and turn on the first song on Spotify.
Your phone chimes as you listen to the songs and read the lyrics.
Joost Klein
Actually yes. We finally recorded the chorus.
Joost Klein
What is new with you?
You open the DMs.
Glad to hear that!
Just living my milf life, you know how it is.
I'm actually pleasantly surprised to hear from you. Started to think I scared you away last time.
You would have to do a lot more to scare me.
Oh yeah?
I was just listening to your songs. I have to say I really like them. I was bopping my head along.
Some really serious topics hidden behind fun melodies. Feels strange to say I am getting to know you through your songs.
You could hear them live, you know? My offer still stands. It's on Friday.
You pause to think about it. Elliot will be with his dad again, you could go technically. Do you go alone?
Ok. One ticket please. How much do I owe you?
He read the message, but is taking his time to reply. You look at the typing bubbles appear and disappear.
Don't be silly, I already said I will get it for you. Tickets are now secured.
Good Night, Y/N. Talk to you tomorrow.
Good night, Joost.
Chapter 3
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ma1dita · 6 months
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this was a request! read it here
words: 2.8k
summary: Holding onto love helps you through a difficult Order mission. sirius black x auror!reader (can be gn!reader)
warnings: mentions of blood, angst then fluff, domestic!sirius, reader gets injured, no use of y/n
a/n: guys i got really sick after thanksgiving and boy… thank you for your patience. i cannot ever write about sirius without bringing up him being an older!brother. i hope you enjoy this! working on more requests this week xx
(posted 12/11/23)
It’s funny, the things that cross your mind when you’re dying. Everyone says that your life flashes before your eyes. In the gut-wrenching pain in your abdomen that slowly but surely ebbs as a vignette consumes your vision, you can only think of how stupid it was to fight with Sirius before you left the house. The memory scrolls through your brain, flashing scenes from the evening playing like a black-and-white film, and you can’t hear the words, or understand the transcription of what caused it to be that bad.
To be that cruel.
When the war started, you both made a pact to never go to sleep with the other being angry. There’s not a lot of certainty for two star-crossed lovers with a poor chance of fighting fate. Sirius was always too stubborn, pushing at his luck and scoffing in the face of danger.
Why was he angry again?
Was it because you rearranged his vinyls without asking him? Or maybe because you yelled at him over how his boots tracked mud into the hallway after the rain. A tear slips out of the corner of your eye and it feels like you’ve been mulling through this question for hours when it’s only been 3 minutes. 3 minutes since a death eater struck you with a curse ripping life from you faster than you can comprehend and now the blood pulses between your fingertips as the waning pressure in your free hand feebly holds down on the gaping wound. Wand shaking at the ready in your other grasp, there’s much to think about as you lay here on the cold concrete. Labored breaths leave your lips and soon, they’ll weaken too.
Oh, what one would do for an extra 3 minutes?
With 3 more minutes, maybe you could’ve sat with Sirius for breakfast today and talked about visiting your godson if the coast is clear. You could’ve spent that time trying to make Sirius like the tiny cat that greets you at the door. Maybe you would’ve even had the time to put on matching socks before running out of there, not meeting his eyes as he yelled at you from the living room. A few more minutes of laying on the couch, or another kiss would’ve quelled this feeling in your chest. There’s never enough time, and as your heart races to compensate for the shock in your system, it becomes clear that you didn’t tell Sirius ‘I love you’ before slamming the door.
Ah yes, now you remember. He got mad because you switched partner assignments for the Order mission today without telling him until you were minutes from walking out.
“We always go on missions together, why on Earth would you want that to change now?” he scathes, and the contrast between his tone and how he gently helps you button up your coat makes your stomach feel queasy.
“I’m doing this to be careful, Sirius. I’m not saying we wouldn’t get the job done, but—”
“But what, love? How is this you being careful? I think you’re being fucking stupid right now, and you didn’t even think to consult me!”
His hands are shaking as he wraps your scarf around your neck, and suddenly you’re not so sure anymore. A sense of foreboding fills the room as you stare at each other, and you catch yourself getting distracted by the gray of his eyes.
“I can do it, baby. Dumbledore said this was an important mission. This is what we signed up for.” Your hands catch his as they fall from your face and he’s reeling from the determination that’s clearly taken over common sense.
“I didn’t sign up for you walking towards your death without me there. How do you expect me to protect you?” His voice wavers and in the heat of the argument, you think it’s because he speaks before thinking, words striking like oil on a hot pan.
“I don’t need you to protect me, Sirius. I just need you to trust me and not look at me like I’m going to die!” Your reply echoes in the tiny house, footsteps clomping towards the door as you push away from him and walk out to the sound of him calling your name as you apparate.
A snowflake lands on your cheek and the only thing that comes to mind now is the address of your townhouse that you share with the love of your life. The quaint white house on top of the hill with the flowerbeds between the window shutters. A whimper escapes your mouth in a last-ditch effort to alert anyone in your surroundings. ‘Please help me,’ you try to think out loud. ‘I’ve got a home to get back to. His name is Sirius Orion Black, and I can’t let him go to bed angry with me.’ The words fall from your lips in a jumble, until the only intelligible words are Sirius’s name. SiriusOrionBlack. Sirius Orion Black. S i r i u s. Your desperate plea is your only prayer.
“I need to go home.” A blue wisp of light seeps from the tip of your shaking wand, your patronus fleeing between buildings to get to your love as a warning, or an apology. Hopefully, Sirius left the light on in the hallway. He doesn’t do that well with all that thinking in the dark.
Death is too quiet. Snow continues to fall silently, slowly burying you deeper into unconsciousness and the last thing you feel is your fingers stuck together with your dried blood. The last thing you hear is heavy footsteps crunching in the snow.
Has he come for you yet?
There’s no more time for fear or for crying, and your only consolation is that maybe in the next life, you can find him too and tell him you’re sorry for leaving without a kiss goodbye. The last thing you see is Sirius, or someone who looks like him, hair shorter and jaw thinner.
“Sirius…” you mumble before your eyelashes flutter with the last of your energy.
What only registers before unconsciousness is that his eyes show recognition, and the face might be somewhat wrong, but those eyes….you know those eyes. Death feels familiar now, as darkness shrouds your being, tucking you in for a dreamless sleep.
Sirius Black can find comfort in a waiting room. At Hogwarts, he would always wait outside the cream curtain with the boys after Moony’s time of the month, sitting patiently with his friends. He’d be the one to drag Prongs to Madame Pomfrey after quidditch scrapes and broken bones after bludger hits. Late walks with Wormy after sneaking into the kitchens to get him more sleeping draught for his insomnia. Sirius loves to take care of others in the few ways he knows how to. He strives to give the love he so desperately wanted when he was younger, and though some of his methods are unconventional, he protects what’s important to him. There isn’t much value in material things as he’s lived unhappily with an abundance of it, and lived much more earnestly at the dining room of his little white house surrounded by his loved ones. What compares to endless riches when what he wants to protect is more tangible and has a heartbeat?
The waiting room is a liminal space where he can’t do much but fidget in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Though now with his fists clenched at his side and posture as sharp as a lash from his father’s belt, he thinks he’s been waiting for you to wake up for hours now. His eyelids droop in discomfort and exhaustion, the steady beeping of the monitor sounding like claps of thunder in his ears.
This is not the Hogwarts hospital wing, and you were not supposed to get hurt. You’re not kids anymore and St. Mungo’s doesn’t have the gentle touch of Madame Pomfrey as she tends to minor bumps and bruises. It smells of disinfectant instead of soft cotton and the lights are too bright compared to the warm fireplaces at the castle. When they let him in to see you sleeping, his hand softly nudges your blanket, tucking you into the thin polyester so you won’t get a chill. He can still feel goosebumps rise along your arm as his fingers glide over to hold your hand. For a second, he forgets the anger, and the worry, and a smile crosses his face with the idea of your body knowing him even in its incapacitated state.
Sirius gazes down at your face and thinks of the last fighting words he spat at you as you ran out.
“You’re just sleeping,” he mutters, and he’s not quite sure who’s trying to convince. The healers said that whoever brought you in came at the right time because they would’ve lost you if a few minutes more had been spared. Tempting fate and pushing luck indeed. If you were awake right now, you’d be the type to use this example to somehow further prove your argument, but he still can’t figure out why you wanted to go without him.
“Why go where I can’t follow?” he whispers, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
Later in the night, your mission partner comes to visit, but his endless apologies are left unheard as all Sirius can do is focus on your still form in the hospital bed. He focuses on the curve of your cheekbone, the faint sounds of your breath, and the rise and fall of your chest.
This, you, are tangible. You are real, and you are his.
Sirius’s eyes flicker over every movement, like a soldier standing guard for any change in the environment. Here, he will wait until you wake. Until he’s sure you’re okay.
Everything is blurred when your eyes finally open days later. It had been touch and go, and what you didn’t know is that Sirius had felt like he couldn’t breathe until you took a deep breath of fresh air. He’d give you all the oxygen in this room if he didn’t have to take up some of his own. A gasping stuttered breath leaves both your lips, yours from the soreness in your abdomen, his from the choking feeling crawling up his throat.
“Sweetheart…” he sighs, and you don’t miss the tears in his eyes as he rushes forward to kiss your forehead.
Those eyes.
“You came for me,” you croak lowly, voice hoarse from disuse, but this is the only clear memory from that night.
“I sent you a Patronus and you came to rescue me.” Sirius stalls at your words as he readjusts in his chair. He remembers your Patronus tapping on the bay window of the home you share, that night you left. On his fourth cup of black coffee, he waited at the dining table to hear an all-clear, hoping you’d get home soon.
‘I need to get home,’ your voice broke through the magic of the protective spell, and he didn’t know if this was the message he was waiting for or the last he'd hear from you. Fabian and Gideon Prewett came knocking an hour later, telling him you were dropped off at St. Mungo’s by a total stranger, and they weren’t sure if you’d make it.
“I’ll always come for you baby, but that wasn’t me who found you. You were brought here by someone.” Sirius strokes your hair as your brain works to replicate the events of that night.
“Maybe it was death.” The joke falls flat as your love looks at you sternly until he hears the words that follow in your mandrake restorative draught-riddled mind.
“He looked like you, baby. It looked like Death had your eyes.” Sirius is frozen, watching you babble as he thinks of the enemy, of the idea of his sweet little brother who was once tangible to him too. Could it be?
“Held me so gently I thought it was you,” you sigh sleepily. “He took care of me.”
“He did, didn’t he?"
Sirius’s resolve shakes at the notion of a love he once protected taking care of the greatest love he’s ever known.
“I didn’t fall asleep angry, Siri.” Your hand pats around the blankets searching for his, and when you find him, he drops his head over your chest gently to listen to the sound of your heartbeat.
“I haven’t slept at all.” He holds you, one hand in yours and the other in your hair, and it reminds him that this is real, you’re breathing, and everything will be okay.
“What made you do it? I never got to ask you.” You’re pouring maple syrup over your pancakes as Sirius cuts into his eggs one morning after you’ve been discharged from St. Mungo’s. Maybe becoming an active member will be a part of the discussion again once the scar the size of your fist doesn’t scare you when you look in the mirror, or when you’re able to sleep through the night peacefully. Gentle hands pick up your napkin, wiping crumbs off your cheek as you chew on your lip. It all sounds stupid now that you have to put it into words, but now that you have some time…
“I had this fear…that once we start a family together, it would be scary to see you die. So I thought it’d be better to go on missions with different partners.”
Sirius looks at you deep in thought, and his answer is without hesitation.
“Why would I leave you? If we die, I’d rather do it together or not at all.” The notion of this conversation being part of real life becomes funny to you as you mop up some butter with your fork. Domesticity is a privilege neither of you thought you’d be lucky to see.
“Baby, but if we both die, who would take care of our child?”
His eyes widen and fall to your stomach, and you throw the napkin at him in offense.
“Idiot, you wish! Who would take care of Mittens?” His laughter fills the small house and with it, your fear of death dissipates. After all, you’ve faced it once before, and it’s somehow comforting to think of him being with you next time.
“Mittens…Baby, is that the scrawny black cat you feed in the garden?”
You nod matter of factly, “Him and our future very real kids too. What then?”
“You fought with me and almost got killed over a tiny thing that stomps through my flowerbeds. My love, if you think I’m ever going to let you fight any more death eaters without me right beside you… That’s your time off included. Not letting you out of my sight.”
“Well if I’m not going on missions, neither are you!” You say sarcastically, but Sirius actually agrees.
“Right you are. Can barely walk straight and this time it’s not my fault.” He smirks as he kisses your wrist and you slap his cheek lightly.
“You’re lucky you’re a good nurse.”
“I am lucky, and I love taking care of you. You should stop fighting me on it. I’m not doing life without you.” Living with him this long doesn’t impact the rise of the blush in your cheeks, and that was that.
Later, Sirius washes the dishes and hands them over for you to dry. The two of you were meant to meet Remus for tea by now, but something black darts across your vision. Mittens peers through your kitchen window, stomping on a petunia before blinking at you curiously and you can’t help but laugh.
“Stupid cat,” he grumbles, throwing the sponge at the window, and Mittens’ tail sways teasingly, daring him to do something about it. Being more thoughtful of how you spend your time, you notice the cat has gray eyes too. Your eyes flicker to the clock above the stove, and instead of panicking, you turn to kiss Sirius’s cheek.
Both of you are living on borrowed time, but as you lean into his embrace and he grazes over your waist, you can’t help but think, well, what’s another 3 minutes?
"I thought pain meant that I was not loved. It meant I loved." -Louise Glück
taglist (OPEN!) : @jsjcue
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worldofheroes · 7 months
A New Approach
tom cruise x girlfriend!reader
summary: during filming, you want to try something that ends up making the cut and becomes the most talked about scene.
warnings: fluff, hint of angst in the beginning if you squint
wc: 680
a/n: based on this request by @rveyjules ! ❤️ hope you enjoy!! My fluffy fics are always so short, hope y’all aren’t too mad! I also couldn’t find a pic/gif I liked so here we are 🫣
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Tom and McQ were always in their own world when filming. It was difficult for anyone to break through their thoughts and bring them back to reality.
You were missing your boyfriend. You knew there was work to do, but everything had been so serious for the past week of filming. You were tired of it.
You’d go home at night and Tom was occupied with thoughts of how to film something differently or where the story should go. Most nights, you slept alone in your shared king-sized bed as Tom spent all hours in his office working.
You desperately wanted his attention, and you knew just how to do that.
The upcoming scene between you and Tom was emotional and ended in a tight hug between the two characters. Maybe, just maybe, you could convince Tom and McQ to let you do something different with the scene.
“I wanna try something else for this scene,” you tell Tom and McQ after a take.
“What’s that, sweetheart?” Tom asks you, half paying attention to you.
“I just… wanna try something, okay? If you don’t like it, fine,” you say.
Tom looks at you, mind coming back to the present.
“You wanna try something?”
McQ looks over at Tom.
“If you don’t like it, fine. I just want to do one take, that’s all,” you tell them.
“Let’s do one take,” Tom says.
“Okay,” you beam at the two men.
McQ calls action, and you and Tom go through your dialogue.
When it’s time for the hug, you practically leap at Tom, causing him to stumble backwards a couple steps.
Tom instinctively wraps his arms tighter around you as he recovers from the sudden move.
“Cut!” McQ calls out, holding back laughter.
“That might’ve been a little too much, y/n,” Tom chuckles.
You finally have your boyfriend back, even if it’s just for a moment.
“Sorry,” you giggle. “Just wanted to try something new.”
Tom smiles and kisses the top of your head.
A few months later, you are curled up on the couch flipping through the tv channels as Tom works on post-production for the movie.
You hear the door to your condo open.
“Hey sweetheart,” Tom calls out.
“Baby,” you say, getting off the couch immediately to greet him.
Tom wraps you in a hug. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too,” you mumble into his chest.
“Remember that take we did where you jumped at me?” Tom asks you.
You laugh. “Yeah, I do.”
“We decided to keep it in the film.”
“We just loved that take the most, so we kept it.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not,” Tom smiles, kissing you.
“I just did that for fun, nothing serious.”
“The scene needed something like that. It’s gonna go over well with the audience, I promise you.”
You study Tom’s face. “I guess you’ve been producing films longer than I have…”
“You haven’t produced even one,” Tom teases.
“Hey!” you laugh, smacking his chest.
“Just wait, I promise it’ll take well.”
Months after that conversation with Tom, the movie finally released and you were doing a press tour with the cast.
One night in your hotel room, you’re scrolling through social media as Tom finishes getting ready for bed.
As you scroll through the movie’s hashtag, you see the same clip popping up all over the place - the clip of you lunging at Tom.
Every post is saying “if this isn’t how you hug me every day, I don’t want it”.
“Tom,” you say.
“Yes?” he replies.
“People are going crazy over that hug.”
“What did I tell you?”
You smile, setting your phone down and scooting across the bed to watch Tom in the bathroom.
“I know,” you say.
Tom walks out of the bathroom to you. He kisses the top of your head, and taps your legs, wanting you to move.
You scurry into a seated position next to Tom, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he tells you.
“I love you too,” you reply, reaching up to give him a kiss.
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