#I still fucking hate thomas bennett
ram-de · 10 months
[read] robbie fontaine my precious
i haven't read lovesong because I'm not ready for grief😔 elizabeth... :( (also partly because of FUCKING THOMAS is there but I will read your short stories queen trust)
um. this one is gonna be another heartwrenching one is it... robbie...😭 WHY IS EVERY GREEN CREEK CHARACTERS TRAUMATIZED...
Wait... Alpha and his witch?? I don't remember robbie recognizing dale in Book 2 tho? Oooooooo ok hi ezra
WAITTT I JUST REALIZED SINCE ROBBIE IS A WOLF... We're gonna get more of cute puppy pov 😭 ox turned into a wolf at the end, gordo is a witch (and just barely several pages of mark's thoughts) BUT NOW?? Robbie's. Yes. Wolf. Wolf. Packpackpack. Read. Love. I am. Reading reading I am book wolf. Wolf I like (love love love). WOLFY CAVEMAN FOR THE WIN
STOPPP i like it so much it's so endearing. robbie. cutie wolf cutie cute glasses. Wolf glasses. fake glasses fake but cute. wolfie chases squirrel squirrel. robbie is. robbie is here.
I'm not gonna be prepared for ezras death hdhsfjs he seems to be the closest thing to father figure robbie had
I can't be calling robbie a son since we're like. Barely years apart. But robbie my son is a diplomat!! (for a scummy alpha society or whatever it's called... good people that works under a corrupt leader... Society...😔)
This seems like a beginning of a horror flick... DEATH GUESSES FOR THIS CHAPTER: EZRA, JOHN.
T-they're gonna kill off brodie... Are they... Why the hell is Robert Livingstone still alive?? The fuck?? Hm. Hmm... I'm Book 1 Thomas said something about how they'd treat human differently from animals. Is it because Robert is an old pal? Thomas WAS the Alpha of all after all. Is he pulling some strings. But. BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID? FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT AGAIN. ALL THAT POWER AND. fucking Thomas Bennet. I will end you. Q
Is Shannon flirting... No of course not💀 ate they asking for robbie to kill of Robert?? Or just help not snitching them out??
Hm... Ezra are you a slime... How can a kid be 'not so innocent'? Wtf did kid joe do except getting kidnapped and tortured tf????
Oh. Oh he is. He is a slime. I will stand by my son robbie (and his future pack the bennets)
Holy shit. Does... So, does it mean that robbie don't really remember his previous packs because. His memory. Altered. UM...
😐 TB
Fuck. Fuck. Elizabeth's letter. Should I read lovesong. I'm not ready to mourn for your grief queen :( but should I. maybe after this one??
😐 fucking Thomas Bennett. Even in his remorse he still made excuses. You made ✨your choices✨ so live and suffer with it. Damn it. Even if the book is trying to show me the other side, flaws, and measly attempts to redeem Thomas Bennett character, I'm way too deep on my resentment lol
The audacity to think that gordo would be his father's pawn... When he. He's the one who pushed his hand to seat an 8-years old gordo being tattoed agaisnt his will despite his mom crying in the back. He's the one who dragged gordo's back to the town when he was about to leave this wolf mess with his mom. He's the one who sided with abel despite Gordo having his whole family taken. He's the one saying gordo shouldn't lead on marks feeling, but also the one who dragged mark out of the town. For years. He dragged gordo to his pack, made him had home, abandon him and said nothing to him for years. And you. You still think it's justifiable? Because he /could/ be danger? Then why tf lead him to your pack in the first place? Thomas reeks of hypocrisy, and no matter how the writer, klune, wants to spin his character in a good light, thomas is still manipulative. Manipulation can be done despite being accompanied with smiles and laughter and affection. And don't get me started on when Thomas returned to green creek.
FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT. I wasn't meant to write all of that I swear. I'm sorry robbie this supposed to be your book😔
It's not just a love story between two broken men, but also a love story between fathers and sons, and how much the weight of their mistakes can pull a person down. It's about finding a light through the anger and grief, and eventually, hopefully, forgiveness.
yeah idk about that tj klune sure gordo may have forgiven Thomas but. Thomas got away way too easily. Its-
fuck me im distracted. I've never hated a character this strongly before so I'm like. It's all the adrenaline. I'm. Fuck me the post is too long. AAGHHH ok. OK. Back to robbie.
Damn having memories altered and taken with is. Like. Is mind horror a thing. Psyche horror. Yeah. That's. Like... A violation.
How come Robert knows robbie is gonna be a Bennet already? Is there some witch time fortune telling stuff going?
WHAT THE FUCK. WHY IS HE DALE. did. Did an old man Robert really kissed mark. Then again mark was old by them. But then Robert was like. Who tf is dale. Does that means Robert is out there? But then. Huh? Book 2 epilogue were. Dale and Robert. Same room.
He wasn’t much older than I was.
It said in wolfsong referring to robbie. Am I misinterpreting something. Is this a grammar thing. He wasn't much older meant he is younger? "he wasn't older than me" younger. "he wasnt much older than me" older? WHAT THE FUCK ENGLISH LANGUAGE I hate it here I'll brush it off as robbie having a young face or something
Ezra using the manipulative tone again hmm
WHAT'S GOING ON am I in a different timeline???
omg... Mark just sat on gordo😭 AGUSGHSH I NEED MORE OF THEM
:-( I don't know if I liked robbie having his mind wiped and having to start over.
Waitt WAITTT SO IT TRACKS. ROBBIE IS 29 NOW. H-. HO. HOW LONG HAS HIS MEMORY BEEN WIPED.??? ox is around 23 when they met. He said robbies not much older. So. Older by a bit. 3 years time skip. By the end of book 1. ox is 26. Robbie would be around. and then book 2 took a year I think? So. OX 27. Robbie around that. H. TWO FUCKING YEARS??? STOP. STOP. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING.
Michelle. MICHELE YOU POWER CRAZED (I don't wanna say swear words let's just say she's a scum) SCUM!! FUCK THE ALPHA SOCIETY. OX FOR THE did I read werewolf jesuis on the chapter list... Um. YES. OVERTHROW THE WOLF GOVERNMENT. WE HAD NO USE FO FCUKI F KICJERL. ok.
I'm starting this book thinking it's gonna be robbie courting Kelly not forgetting him AND THE WHOLE PACK😭
man... This is painful...
KELLY IS ROBBIE'S MATE SHSGSUHDBSJ NOOOOOO OO i missed a lot... I wanna see the courting😔
Elizabeth wearing his husband's clothes😔 my queen I will read lovesong soon
Nooo.... Robbie without his glasses... My son what did they do to you... Even memories of her mom??? Damn... Robbie meeting the pack without his memories is gonna be tough... Also Jessie??😳
😔 More door shenanigans... It felt very. abstract. At times.
AGHHHH THE SPARRING I LOVE TEAM HUMANS!!! Chris and tanner you dorks.... JESSIE IS A BADASS AT FIGHTING YEAASHS I missed the packs dynamics omg packpackpack
who is this timber wolf I love me myself a cute clingy ass wolf another found family is a win tho he's been a wolf for like... 13 months... Also he's a witch-wolf hybrid so... AHHH I WANNA READ CARTERS BOOK NOW
Kelly is a human now??😔
the walls of pictures I'm... The garage crews... Robbie my son you are so loved😭
Carter my love he is dorky and cute
Kelly my love he is sweet and soft
How the hell does people move on if. If he keeps showing up??? THE FUCK OLD MAN. GO AWAY. fucking Thomas benett.
Joe my son he is still playful and cutieful (pls have him play a bigger part other than being ox's pair like in book 2 tj klune)
Ox my son he is responsible and tough (is he hardened by the burden of being alpha of omegas and stuff, he's more gruff and didn't really joke around and do banters outside with joe :( )
Is it me or the story seems to be leaning on... Accepting that lost memories away?? Because that's really sad... I don't mind asspull if my son robbie got his memories back pls
Rico... finally he's ascended from side relief character kinda... Whatever happened must be. Scary. What did you do robbie...
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I’m distilling my thoughts about ravensong into one post.
I listened to the 20 hour audiobook in 14.5 hours, because I listen on 1.5x speed, I hate how slow normal speed is.
I really like the character development of Gordo.
I am glad that we got to see why the Bennett pack was so small, and why Gordo hated them in Wolfsong.
I am not really fond of the way wolves mark their mates (it’s not imprinting like twilight, but it’s not not that) because it really puts a lot of pressure on these children. Gordo spent his whole life around the Bennetts which meant that he never really got a chance to develop who he was outside of them. And even after they abandoned him, his actions were all driven by that abandonment.
I do believe that the pack abandoned Gordo, he was an orphan that they were not only physically responsible for but also emotionally, and if Thomas really wanted to, he could have taken Gordo with him, not only for legal reasons, but also Thomas was the alpha of all and Gordo was his witch. Not to mention he was like 15 years old.
They did not even write. Let alone call him. Phones existed.
So then after he finally moves on, and builds his own family, the Bennetts return. They basically steal his surrogate son (and anchor) and then expect him to be all good.
Obviously he’s not, but he does get over it much quicker than I think he should have.
And Mark, I don’t really like at all? It sucks that he got magically turned into an omega, and I know that he technically went with the Bennetts against his will, but at the same time, he was around 18. He could have written letters or called. He followed Gordo around so much as children, that the whole town noticed. I do not think that Gordo and Mark should have gotten back together. I think that maybe Gordo still could have been his anchor, but I think that the betrayal was much deeper than what was healed.
I still think that Robbie and Gordo should get together, I know that the next book is about Robbie and that he will be getting with Kelly, but I just think Robbie and Gordo should fuck at least once. (If I am ever motivated to write fanfiction, this would probably be it)
I really hate how Gordo got his hand cut off and no one thought “hey it right there, let’s just magic it back on” maybe it has something to do with it having been a silver blade, but Gordo can touch and use silver so it probably was not that.
Limbs can be reattached in some cases, especially a clean cut where the limb is immediately placed in ice.
I’m excited to learn more about Gavin, which based on my research is the feral wolf that’s courting Carter and is Gordo’s half brother from his dad and anchor.
Overall, fuck mark, fuck Thomas, and most importantly fuck Abel and Robert.
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evita-shelby · 11 months
Another Tom Bennett x Diane Shelby. Ft. Eva and their universe's Jack Kennedy, Jack Nelson Jr.
Some day drinking, some blasphemy
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There is an historic heat wave during his leave. And given his wife’s and her mother’s commentary about certain guests, that wasn’t the only historic thing about this fucking garden party.
Tom has no idea how Tommy Shelby deals with it when he knows the man has the same dislike for these fuckers as he does.
“Here, let me.” His hostess and mother-in-law takes his iced tea, stirs nothing into it and then returns it to him.
When Tom takes another sip of the disgusting American version of tea, its has magically turned into whiskey.
“Reading cards and seeing the future isn’t all I do, kid.” He hates the word kid, but coming from Eva its not as bad as when it comes from her husband.
Thomas Bennett had become an officer in the navy and yet to Thomas Shelby he is still the young man who refused to be bribed away from his daughter. Looks down on him despite barely reaching Tom’s chin.
Though his disapproval is nothing like the one he gets from their guests. Well, not all of them. There were others here who came from a background just like his and had used their talents to get where they are.
Then there was the Nelsons and those who knew Diane had refused to marry the all too perfect Jack Jr.
Tom had never met the man who had been in Diane’s heart before him, and now that he knew him, he hated him with every fiber of his being.
Jack Fitzgerald Nelson was tall and broad shouldered and handsome. Not as lean as Tom, but everything about the young man had him wanting to punch him in the face.
Even worse, he was also a sailor and got along well.
Nothing about him could ever compete with Mr. Future President.
“Di said he’s gonna be president.” He mentions as he tries his damn best to restrain himself. Diane laughs at something he or his sister said and Tom’s fist clenched.
He'd give his right arm to ruin his face.
“Yeah, youngest American president in history.” The witch said making feel worse “and the fourth sitting president to be assassinated.”
Tom chokes on his whiskey with her casual way of delivering her message of doom.
“Oh, look, there’s Madame First Lady feeling just as jealous as you are, Tommy!” she gestures to Miss. Jacqueline Bouvier who looks at Diane in a more ladylike version of how Tom looks at Jack.
Lucky for him, Diane comes and joins them with a certain look in her mismatched eyes. One she only gets when she sees him.
“I hope you haven’t been too bored without me, Tom.” His witch takes his drink and sips it before grimacing at being sucker punched with Irish Whiskey instead of cold tea. “Jesus Christ, ma.”
“Christ wishes, mija.” Her mom said with a wink.
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audrey-emeralds · 3 years
masterlist ✎✐✎
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Hello everyone! This is a quickly made masterlist, so you can get around better, I will edit them better and add more creativity to the ones that will be made, but for now this is it.
13 reasons why
clay jensen
imagine helping clay with his mental health
american horror story
tate langdon
every halloween - Since the first time Tate saw Y/n he can't wait to see her again, another Halloween.
rue bennett
imagine partying with rue and jules
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
13. I like my bed, it's very comfy, but I would rather sleep next to your heart any day
33. Let's watch a horror movie
62. I want to ruin our friendship
76. Sorry for the missed calls and unseen messages
88. How can you be this gorgeous and not see it
93. I really did help me the most.
jules vaughn
imagine partying with rue and jules...
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
maddy perez
imagine going shopping with maddy and cassie
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
lexi howard
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
trying to set up your friends lexi and fezco together
how euphoria characters would ask you out
cassie howard
imagine going shopping with maddy and cassie
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
10. Hey, no reason for hate, just trying to help you out
48. Maybe I do like you more than I thought I did.
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
trying to set up your friends lexi and fezco together
how euphoria characters would ask you out
fezco falling in love with a shy girl
23. Money doesn't offer what I could give you.
kat hernandez
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
nate jacobs
euphoria characters asking you to go to prom with them
how euphoria characters would ask you out
silence is pain - Nate beats up a guy he has seen you with he tells you about it because he knows you are too afraid to say anything. Or is it that you still love him?
smashing diamonds - The well-organized party turns south for Nate when he sees his former fling just a few steps away from Maddie, with whom he recently rekindled. Deciding to stay away from her, he realizes he can't help himself after noticing what she is wearing.
peaky blinders
thomas shelby
70. My dearest darling, I would love to fuck you
78. Stop smoking, seriously
john shelby
91. Let's take the kids out.
finn shelby
6. We will solve it together.
american psycho
patrick bateman
cheerful man - Patrick being weirded out by a man too happy for his own good.
harry potter
fred weasley
imagine fred asking you to the yule ball
george weasley
28. I have always expected to end up with you.
oliver wood
wood's girl - Oliver accidentally exposes your relationship to the twins. And then they tell it to everyone.
caught by siblings - Your siblings teasing the living hell out of your relationship with Oliver.
tom riddle
birthday boy - Making Tom Riddle want to celebrate his birthday might seem impossible, but not if he gets what he wants.
past times - Your love is your poison, beautiful but deadly and leaves nothing except memories to the once who are left behind. part 2
38. Dates are boring, let's sleep in.
jennifer's body
jennifer check
being principal's child and jennifer's partner
bucky barnes
imagine bucky taking interest in you
peter parker
imagine peter parker asking you out
andrew garfield
your gallery if andrew garfield was your boyfriend part 2
andrew garfield instagram series - | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 |
reader and andrew being in spiderman: NWH instagram
chris evans
your gallery if chris evans was your boyfriend
hero tiffin-finnes
Instagram posts
christian coulson
Fake Instagram with baby
thomas doherty
Fake Instagram
tom holland
Instagram Post
Instagram w Singer!Reader
drew starkey
your gallery if drew starkey was your boyfriend
baby - Drew wants you to get off your phone and tries to find a way to make you stop checking your emails.
timothee chalamet
your gallery if timothee chalamet was your boyfriend
stares - Neither your nor your boyfriend can keep your eyes off each other.
robert pattinson
Instagram AU
Your gallery if you were dating Robert Pattinson
Fake Instagram with a child
Instagram AU w Runaway Model
Reader as Catwoman Insta AU
Actress!Reader with four children
20. They got it from you.
ben barnes
Fake Instagram
dylan o'brien
your gallery if dylan o'brien was your boyfriend
sebastian stan
your gallery if sebastian stan was your boyfriend
dating sebastian stan would include
henry cavill
98. My siblings are betting on the gender of our baby.
Model!Reader w three children fake instagram
barry keoghan
your gallery if barry keoghan was your boyfriend
harry styles
your gallery if harry styles was your boyfriend
Instagram AU
34. Call all our friends, it's time for a celebration.
alex turner
your gallery if alex turner was your boyfriend
Instagram w Actress!Reader and three children
80. Babe, I want a baby.
alexa demie
instagram au with girlfriend!reader
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ethanharli · 3 years
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Requested; No, three characters.
Pairing(s); Zhongli x Male Reader.
Warning(s); Hurt/Comfort, Battle scars, Mentions of fighting/violence, slightly suggestive? not really.
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I saw a comic about this guy kissing and drawing pretty things on this other dudes scars and I fucking wish- but since I can't have that have it in comfort fic form. <3
Zhongli knew about your brutal past, being thrown into fights just to make a living, barely being able to get by on what you had. It never failed to put him at ease knowing you didn't have to live like that anymore. He'd never allow it, not when you finally learned how to smile again, not when you finally learned to let your guard down and not when those pesky nightmares of yours have finally started to die down.
He loves you, you are his lover, someone he'd do anything for, so he'd do anything in his power to keep you safe. There were somethings he just couldn't do anything about though, like your scars. He'd always see the way you looked at them with disgust, like them being there left a bitter taste on your tongue. He knew you hated them with every fiber of your being, each one another look into the past you wanted to forget.
He couldn't get rid of them, nor could he get rid of the bitter memories they left behind, but he wished that he could. So he did the next best thing, he'd kiss them, whispering sweet nothings in your ear everytime. Telling you how much he loved you as he kissed every scar he could reach. The kisses were always so soft and gentle, it made you want to cry from the overwhelming feelings. He never failed to comfort you.
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Pairing(s); Bennett x Male Reader.
Warning(s); Hurt/Comfort, Self-harm scars, Mentions of suicide, Depression, Skin drawing, Bennett being adorable n' sweet.
Bennett found you at your lowest, so low in fact that when he first saw you, you were standing at the edge of Starsnatch Cliff. That day you were ready to finally let go, and you did, letting yourself slowly fall off the edge. He tried his best to get to you in time, thinking that maybe you stood to close to the edge and had a slip of the foot. He was successful in saving you, but he was the one that accidentally slipped off the cliff- meaning you had to save him instead.
Definitely one way to met your future lover. Bennett kind of clung to you after that, so eventually you both became great friends and then lovers. You didn't tell him why you were at that cliff until a few months after meeting, and Bennett was so concerned after. He gently asked questions and from then on would check up on you and be there for you. He'd tell you how much he loves you and how he was so lucky to have you in his life.
Years later you're finally three years clean, and Bennett's so proud of you. He knows you still have those moments where you want to cut again, but he tries his best to be there for you when that happens, but he also knows you're strong enough not to do it again. However it's become a habit of his to draw pretty flowers and vines over and along your scars, since he knows they make you feel insecure. He'll tell you how good you look and how proud he is of you while he does it to.
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Pairing(s); Thoma x Male Reader.
Warning(s); Thoma background spoilers! Mentions of fighting/violence, Hand scars, Tattoos, Hurt/Comfort, Snakes.
You were the new housekeeper that came all the way from Mondstadt. Hearing this made Thoma even more excited to greet you since you came from his birth place. You had arrived looking out of place, a slight permanent frown on your face and a glare that could kill. Not forgetting the Mondstadt attire you wore, however the most noticeable part of you was the tattoos on your hands. Snakes and flowers adored your wrists, hands, and fingers, the noticeable scars underneath them still fading away, though he didn't dare ask and simply complimented your tattoos while he helped you settle in.
Over the years he slowly watched that frown fade away, and he saw some light in your eyes. Truthfully it was all thanks to him and Ayaka that your rough exterior broke, but it was Thoma that made you hate your scars a little less. He'd constantly add little butterflies to your tattoos and around your scars, sometimes even adding Cecilia flowers to. The way he'd smile and say perfect when he finished never failed to make you smile.
When you both finally start to date he takes every opportunity he can to kiss the scars on your hands. When you finally told him that you got the scars through fighting, and unmanaged anger, he simply listened and comforted you after. He could tell that you've changed, that you've been working hard to be a better person, and he was so, so proud of you.
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I've decided that I need to know all my favorite sagau writers' faves! I wanna hear about you and them and how you'd interact with them. Yes, this is mandatory, I don't make the rules i just blindly enforce them.
I'll start, (Warning, thirst ahead)
Literally this man owns my entire heart (and wallet please someone help me). He's so good? So pure and precious???? I deadass felt like I was having a heart attack doing his hangout, people literally had to beg me to stop (I didn't, I just laid down after, crying my heart out). I love him so much. man's my screen saver rn)
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I haven't done character art screensavers since I was like twelve, probably longer. I've been that boring bitch bc anxiety but this man THIS MAN
absolute malewife, I wanna marry him. If I'm in sagau I'm kicking down the door to the Yashiro Commission and just "you wanna make me happy? gimme Thoma" like if they're not gonna appreciate him then I will. just gonna grab him and "we're married now"
And his FUCKING HANGOUT (i will never be over this) HE'S SO PERFECT??? THE ANIMALS??? THE MALEWIFE-ING????? THE FUCKING DESTRUCTION OF THAT BITCH?????? we're fucking married that's it
I love him?????? Honestly like Thoma pls take care of me I'm a wreck
THE QUEEN. omfg I love her, ship her and Lumine so hard. She's just so elegant and amazing and so genuinely good??? I just wanna be her sugar baby friend. Like her teapot convo where she tells you that she wants YOU to help her with decision making and YOU to rip up the papers and throw out the next "snowstorm"???
Honestly, like, I think it was myuni who posted about it recently but I wanna go shopping with her in Liyue and just dressup and shit and it'd be so fun??? Girl needs to let loose and I'm willing to offer myself up for the job. Wanna give her genuine connection and shit kjsdkhgdsgds
Do I even need to SAY ANYTHING??? She's so precious??? She was my first 5* I think, or at least my first event character. I joined Genshin during the summer banner after putting it off a while (I didn't know it was a gacha I'm so sorry Zhongli, Venti and Xiao pls come home at least Ganyu and Albedo will be getting their reruns)
I wanna go fish blasting with her and I want her to teach me how to make bombs and show me her treasures and I wanna hold Dodoco and be her best friend like hgesjdhgdjshgjdsghnnbfdjg
No thoughts only sibling bonding with Klee
Some honorable mentions:
Keqing, if Klee wasn't my first 5* it was Keqing. I love her so much??? Like Ningguang, I wanna hang out with her and make sure she's taking her breaks. Same with Ganyu, the QUEEN deserves a NAP
Kazuha stole my fucking wallet (stupid ADHD) and so I have him at c2 and I will forever hold resentment for that but I still love him so much
Hu Tao!!! I've loved her from the first sight. Her view of death is so like nice?? Not seeing it as something bad but as another part of life. I've always believed that funerals should be a celebration of the person, not pure mourning (I mean, mourning lasts a long time, why not devote some time to celebrating the person instead?) anyway I just love her I'm so glad I just got her (already got her at like 58% crit rate and over 150% crit damage & like she's only level 70?? her artifacts rolled so good as well????)
Ei!! My first archon character. Inazuma is too fucking sad all the quests are ripping out my heart and I know her story is about to so I've been procrastinating reading it. I wanna go out into town with her and drink some fucking dango milk and also tease her with Yae
Yoimiya is a good girl. That is all.
Xingqiu and Xinyan have gotten a lot of hate in my convos so I wanna send them some love. Like, they're just kinda beaten out by a lot of other characters but they're so good themselves???
I am a simple enby, i have simple tastes. Those tastes are Arataki Itto. Thank you
I wanna step on and bully Zhongli??? and Xiao I just wanna make a mess of them
Razor, Bennett and Fischl, you all know what I'm going to say. There good children, I love them, I'd die for them, they deserve better. Gonna give them all hugs and love and gdi they deserve it. Gonna introduce them to Xiangling as well and get them some good fucking food.
Albedo and Kaeya. Do I need to say more? Also Diluc, thank you.
Now to call out @raidengaile and @nicebonescomrade to make sure someone does this (all the pressure /j) bc they're on my mind rn do the thing
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Small Heath, Through and Through (Tommy Shelby x Reader)
Still not finished with the next part of Marked, so have this oneshot. Was originally going to be some angry smut, but morphed into something else completely. Enjoy!
A lot of people didn’t understand how you tolerated Thomas Shelby. The constant smoking, his one-track mind, and his intimidating presence were just a few of his many perceived flaws. However, you didn’t mind them. You knew who your Tommy was, deep down. He was smart, attractive, good intentioned, and funny in a dry way. He was your childhood best friend, and the owner of your heart. You loved him more than anything in the world, and stood by him through everything.
         But, this. This was testing you. You see, in his never-ending ambition, Tommy has hatched a grand plan to climb up the political ladder. Which was fine, really—the world needed to change, and your Tommy was going to see to it that it did. However, an unexpected side effect of becoming a politician is galas. Fancy parties where you had to dress up and pretend you trained your whole life to be prim and proper. Parties where you had to play nice with the pretentious wives of important men.
         You are a woman from Small Heath; a girl who spent her whole childhood with mud caked under her fingernails. A girl who knows that sweat is a side effect of hard work, not something to be sniggered at. A girl who feels most at home in the dim lighting of the Garrison, surrounded by raucous laughter and unhindered dancing.
         Not only do you not belong at galas, you do not belong within six feet of these snakes that call themselves women. You straighten your black dress as you sip your champagne, trying to tune out the unproductive crosstalk. Across the room, you lock eyes with Tommy, who is currently in conversation with two very important members of Parliament. You sit up a little and subtly roll your eyes. The corners of Tommy’s lips quirk up in a very small smile.
“And you, Mrs. Shelby? Have you had the pleasure of being tailored by Mr. Bennett?” The minute feeling of calm in your chest is quickly replaced with anxiety. You turn back to the five ladies standing around you and put on your best friendly look.
“I don’t believe I have, Mrs. Allen,” you say politely, and the other women make noncommittal noises.
“Yes, I suppose he has not gone out of his way to visit Birmingham,” Mrs. Allen replies, wrinkling her nose.
“Ah, yes, are there even tailors in Birmingham, or did you have to travel to London for your dress?” A lean brunette-Mrs. Edwards-says, and the other women giggle. Heat flares in your belly. All right, if that’s how she wants to play.
“I noticed Mr. Edwards is very close with young Beatrice. I noticed him walking her home last night,” You change the subject, nodding towards one of the caterers that is no older than twenty, “Are they related?” Mrs. Edwards gives you a dangerous look, and you smirk.
“Y/N, I suggest you do not speak of things you know nothing about,”
“Oh, I think I know enough. Excuse me,” You turn to walk away, and as you do so, the women huddle closer.
“I, for the life of me, do not understand how Mr. Shelby tolerates such an indecent woman. He should know such a woman has no place in civilized society,” Mrs. Allen murmurs, and the other women hum in agreement. Oh, fuck this. You see red as your blood boils hot underneath your skin. You whip back around and come face to face with Mrs. Allen.
“I don’t appreciate those who use their tongue for such devious pursuits. This indecent woman knows how to work for what she wants, which is more than I can say for you all. I didn’t spend my youth training to sit around and fill my head with gossip while my husband ignores me. I may be from Small Heath, but I will have more of a legacy than any of you,” You spit, glaring daggers at all of them. The women look back at you wide-eyed with shock, as if nobody has ever put them in their place before--that figures.
You down the rest of your champagne as you stalk across the room, placing your empty flute on a nearby tray. It does nothing to quell the rage in your veins. You finally make it through the grand entryway and out into the cool night air. You breathe in deeply, looking up at the stars. God, you hate these galas. A warm hand wrapping around your waist makes you jump. It’s Tommy, the sneaky bastard.
“Christ,” You murmur, running a hand through your hair. He just blinks at you with one eyebrow raised. It’s a look you know well-the explain, please one.
“I hate these parties. Everyone’s so fucking condescending. I know I just blew your chance with those people by storming out, but if I didn’t, I would’ve shanked those-” You can’t finish your sentence because Tommy’s just pulled you into a passionate kiss. You reciprocate, roughly because you’re still angry, but Tommy doesn’t seem to mind. When he breaks away, he holds your chin in his hand and stares into your eyes.
“Fuck ‘em. They didn’t have what I wanted, anyway. Besides, I need you, not them,” His words fill your heart until it’s fit to burst. Tommy has never been the sentimental type, so this is like a sonnet coming from him. You nod slowly, leaning forward so your forehead is pressed against his. Fuck ‘em.
         The car ride home is companionably silent. The two of you share a cigarette and listen to the comforting rumble of the engine as make your way home. It isn’t until you’re in the house that Tommy speaks again.
“The wives looked upset when you left,” He’s staring out the window of your bedroom as you take off your jewelry. You snort.
“Well, I said some things I probably shouldn’t have,” You wander over to the window, hugging him from behind.
“What things?” You bite your lip, pressing the side of your face into his back. 
“I may have called them empty headed…And I may have pointed out Benedict Edward’s affair with Beatrice Atkinson,” You feel more than hear Tommy’s huff. He turns in your arms, and you look up just in time to catch his smile.
“The caterer?”
“They were snogging in the hallway beforehand!” You say defensively, but Tommy’s grin only widens. He shakes his head before leaning down close to your ear, whispering:
“So that’s where the white stain on his suit came from,” 
Your responding cackle echoes throughout the entire house.
Taglist: @fireghost-x @captivatedbycillianmurphy @octaviareina
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vadersdala · 2 years
👫 - this but sibs edition because it is a need heather/camden, amber/laney, keira/jess, skye/thomas/athena, ava/keily/nadia, maeve/leo, bellamy/rory, the queen family(yes just as a unit), the bennetts (yes also as a unit)
under the cut, along w/ my heart and my tears 🥰 also forgive me, some have more than others but they aLL own my soul
heather & camden
despite having a almost 10 year age gap (bc heather and steph have an 11 yr gap), they're super close and always have been. like when camden learned how to walk, he'd constantly follow heather around. i also think he'd do this when he crawled, but i'm pretty sure his first steps were to go to heather.
i know they facetime at least once a week. he knows all the tea in heather's life, and she knows all the tea in his life.
there's no real reason for this, i just thought of it, but i feel like he came out to heather first. casually. like he didn't really know he was coming out, bc i feel like he was five or six and just casually saying he liked a boy, but it counts!
ngl, heather is truly the only one who can calm him down, even when he was a kid. he's so fricken hyper, and i feel like she always knew how to make him sit still.
amber & laney
1. amber is almost five minutes younger than laney, due to complications in her birth. despite that, amber is the most social and extraverted.
laney is the most organized. like i see her books being either in roygbiv order, or alphabetized, OR by genre and author. meanwhile, amber is a hot mess. room always trashed, magazing collages, collages of photos with her friends surrounded in faerie lights. like amber knows no organization, but laney? i see her room clean as fuck.
i see amber being more sporty. like i feel like she did cheerleading, gymnastics, volleyball, and skiing. i see her being able to snowboard, too. like okay, the queens doing ski trips and laney sits in the chalet drinking coco and reading a book. this is a spitball idea, bc i think you told me laney didn’t last very long in cheering, but i see amber being kind of like camden and needing outlets for energy.
amber is the bossiest. not just of the twins, but of all the queens. she even bosses around heather. i think laney probably resents this bc she’s very quiet and meanwhile amber bowls her over to get her way.
amber is ariel obsessed bc red head, meanwhile i see laney loving jessie. laney can be a disney princess girlie, but she feels v much lke either a merida or a jessie. correct me if i’m wrong!
keira & jess
jess is the eldest twin, but also the messiest.
this bleeds into the bennett’s hc but it feels weird to put it below, i def think the twins had bunk beds, and i definitely think they shared their room with rue who had a small twin.
i feel like they all share the master bedroom, which means they have an ensuite, and keira probably constantly screamed at jess (and rue) because they kept it a mess.
i feel like they had the same everything - hairstyles, clothes, you name it but keira got pink and jess got blue.
i feel like all the kids did dance growing up, but jess hated it and cece put her in soccer bc it was free and jess was naturally good at it, and eventually keira did cheer because it was free.
the twins are incredibly close. like while they don’t live with one another anymore, they constantly talk and facetime and text one another.
i don’t see keira resenting bellamy, but i wanna discuss this further.
i see them constantly making blanket forts. idk why. i just see their room always having one, especially as little kids.
i 100% believe skye and athena sharing a room caused 100% of their issues. anyways, i feel like the walsh dad tried to get skye to get rid of her pet hamster and she told him to pound sand.
thomas and skye are really close, i think because he kind of gets it, but also he’s not around her all the time so it’s easier for her to get along with him.
i feel like, regardless, both thomas and athena get skye’s struggle with their family and their dad and i feel like once they all become friends they get a matching tattoo (with karly).
i feel like thomas embraced nyc crew in hs before athena, however, i think athena/evie/dylan/lena became fast friends.
regardless, i feel like all three of them struggled with being non-white outsiders entering this group, even skye, despite her being friends with jer, steph, and camden and knowing these people, it was just a new experience.
this is bonus, but i feel like camden and thomas were on the football team together.
i feel like ava and nadia are the closest.
keily is definitely the lilo to their nani. keily is weird, and i think they find the shit she does interesting, but confusing.
they all worked in their family’s restaurant from the time they were four to now, and i think all three of them can fish and drive a boat, and most importantly: cook.
they were the first in their family to go to college, but also the first to graduate high school.
they’re all close with maeve and leo, and i feel like leo would fight for all three of them. they’re family. think bennetts and andersons, except they’re all poor people. 
maeve is roughly 3-4 years older than leo, and basically had to raise him because their parents were too strung out to do shit for either of them. not maeve changing baby leo and feeding him as a fucking toddler, but that’s how it was.
i feel like leo was shorter than maeve until he was about 14, and then he began to sprout like a weed and hasn’t let maeve forget it since.
i feel like without the washingtons, maeve would’ve lost leo. hear me out, i feel like she waitressed at their place when she was fourteen, so she could have leo if needed, and mr washinton would take him out on the fishing boats or have him do some small job (like cupping sauces, or learning to cook) and maeve also had him in free after school programs, like sports or surfing.
despite the best efforts of the washingtons, maeve didn’t go to college. mostly because of money, but also not wanting to leave leo. she did, however, save a lot of money for leo in case something happened or he wanted to go to college, so she gave him a big ass check when he graduated hs. (he probably didn’t accept it, but it is always there for him just in case, bc i don’t think she stopped adding to it).
bonus: i feel like keily and leo became friends because, despite being older than her, she’d keep him company and put him to work.
rory thinks of bellamy as her mother, first and foremost, even now that she has a mother to call her own who is an adult.
rory and bellamy dress very conservatively, because i cant not see bellamy dressing like leighton and rory dressing like lexie from little fires everywhere.
i feel like jess is like rory’s second mother. like obviously, mama cece is their actual mom and the bennetts are their family, but jess and bellamy are her mothers, fight me.
rory definitely ships jess and bellamy, but will love their girlfriends regardless.
i feel like until she was almost ten, rory had to sleep with bellamy to keep the nightmares away, because she’d dream of their real parents as shadow creatures hurting her and bellamy always made her feel safe.
the queens
heather was an accident. wanted, but bella and peter were young when they had her and by the time bella graduated she was pregnant with the twins.
peter and bella met young. like i see them knowing each other since preschool and it was always like a potential thing that they would, but he was the captain of the football team, she was head cheerleader and it was just inevitable.
laney and camden are probably closer than camden and heather, and they’ve lived together the longest. despite steph and amber share his energy, i think camden is drawn to calm people. like he’ll read his comics with her, or she’ll sit and read while he plays his video games and i just see them really really understanding one another.
amber is the bossiest of the queens. i’d argue that amber is probably the most spoiled, but i think it’s more of she asks for what she wants and 9 times out of 10 gets it because it’s reasonable. but i think it’s more amber is vocal and reasonable and peter/bella are like fair, but no one really begrudges her. amber’s a natural born leader, imo, and i feel like she has grown to have a good head on her shoulders.
bella and peter use gentle parenting, which i think they had these kids cooking by 18 months, except for heather bc i think they just didn’t think of it (but still used gentle parenting on her), and i think all the kids felt safe to feel their emotions - especially camden, who they allowed to cry and didn’t boy-shame him - and see cooking and cleaning as second nature.
they have a tree house, and the twins and camden built it together, steph was involved, but she was a baby-baby so she mostly watched in her baby swing with bella (who also helped). and i know they had a cool jungle gym, and a sandbox, and play houses.
going off of the above, i see them having a huge as fuck backyard. like bella has a flowerbed and they keep the playhouses by them (like i see laney, steph, and amber have them) and they also used the garden shed to play in. i see peter growing fruits and veg and herbs, and then a small hill and trees, and a patio w/ fire pit and a deck. like idk man, i see their house being cool af.
also, do i see their home having a grand staircase, potentially looking like the house in cheaper by the dozen with the open balcony thing and chandelier? yeah.
do i think camden had the attic bedroom? yes.
laney and amber have their own room, but with connecting closet, and it’s organized bc laney and amber respects laney enough to keep her half clean. also, do i see them having a tiny chaise lounge chair in it? yeah.
i also see steph having a window seat, and i see her room lowkey looking like bella’s in bella in the bulldogs. but you know, more pink.
camden and amber definitely tried to make steph walk before she was ready, but probably began crawling sooner than she would’ve because of them.
steph’s first word was definitely “dada” and she def walked to him first.
i think they go to disney 1-2 times a year.
and last but not least, their basement is lit. hockey rink, tv space, probably arcade games because i can see peter wanting pinball and pacman.
they’re the rich weasleys, we do not care!
the bennetts
 i see them as lower middle class and always have. like all the kids got scholarships, and probably have student loans, which sucks. i think cece kept them afloat after their dad died, but it was hard because she had seven kids and i see her as a midwife. so she makes money, but not that much.
their house is probably small.  i see it as a tiny two story with four rooms and i think rae and karissa shared a room and cece had the closed off dining room and freddie had a small small room, and i feel like all their toys are from cheap stores, or from thrift stores or garage sales. like i think the only new new things the kids get is clothes.
freddie was the only one into fashion in the family.
i think the dad died in a car accident, like hit by a drunk driver type of thing - wickedly unexpected.
i feel like mama cece has a gf now (and it’s totally not the lady who plays stef. nope. not at all.)
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haitanni · 3 years
rating genshin mains bc i have nothing better to do
according to my experience!!
Tumblr media
diluc — either 10392893 damage or 300, i haven't played with many so
childe — 10/10 im a childe stan and i simp for him, haven't met a childe main that stay still and whenever im with an archer ill be shooting you guys
albedo — 948294/10 THE WAY THEY PUT THE FLOWER TO LIFT UP MY AYAKA is so cute i love playing with the flower and they're always so nice
zhongli — love playing w them on the dragonspine domain (yanfei main) so ill just climb the pole and attack <3 i dont like the zhongli himself but the players are quite nice, they don't talk a lot
venti — the devil. again i love playing w their elemental skill (wind current) BUT THEY'RE SO AGITATED. his ult is my favorite in all of the supports <333 please bring your venti to domains
bennett — i don't like bennett, im a bennett slander, i hate his ult and everything that comes from him.
xiao — either the nicest people ever or the assholes, no between. as a diona main i like playing with them bc our skills combinations go well!
kaeya — weird (id marry you)
xingqiu — xingqiu himself is one of the cockiest charcters in game, i haven't played with many on coop so i dont know what to say? they're generally nice (honestly never met a xingqiu main
razor — I RELATE TO YOUR PING dw i got your back! it's always so fun how not a single razor main has a good internet connection
chongyun — nope, i don't like him bc of his ult (transform all dmg into cryo dmg) so ☠️ and i believe bf of that many people don't bring him to domains
kazuha — they don't talk a lot but i LOVE his support, (honestly anemo characters have the best support for me <3) and i like both character and players!!
thoma — haven't met any
fischl — haven't met a fischl main so 👍
barbara — i hate barbara, i hate barbara mains. the only thing i like on her is her healing but beside that STAY AWAY FROM ME
mona — always the first to die (a mona main talking). the ones i have met are kinda arrogant so i don't vibe w them 👍
sucrose — anemo <33333 always nice players keep going besties!!
noelle — GO BRRR GIRLBOSS. i love playing with healer dps mains bc i dont need to worry abt my hp, and noelle herself is so strong???? go brrr girl
amber — PEOPLE SLANDER YALL FOR NOTHING. i always defend the amber mains bc they do the best they can to make her get millions of damage, ill get your back besties
keqing — yall have lost your patience to everyone. more and more im seeing less keqing mains :( and she is so hard do build, but keep going besties!! i love her playing style <3 (she was my first 5* main)
ningguang — hot, lots of damage without even moving the character. id marry yall
lisa — the same as amber mains but hot, marry me please
beidou — i love giving support to yall bc none of you have ever disappointed me. it's always the other two players dead and yall carrying as my diona heals you!! keep going besties (hot as fuck
xiangling — not the smartest tbh, but i like the mains on domains, they're generally nice
jean — i love her heal style, again as i said on noelle <3 and anemo <3333
klee — haven't met many but i like her playing style, and im used to using catalists so ill always try my best to heal them
diona — BUNCH OF ASSHOLES. istg the majority are always so gross for no reason? i myself main her on heal thing and i love her playing style (second best shield in game and 240% energy recharge so always ult ready). i like diona c2 on azhdaha bc of the shield thing, she's worthy to level up on 90
qiqi — i love her and her heal style :( <3 please stop slandering her!! i got yall back qiqi mains
ganyu— either the nicest people or the most assholes, but mostly the assholes
hutao — i dont like playing w her on domains bc as a healer im always worried abt everyone's hp, and as soon as i spot someone w low hp ill heal them so IM SORRY IT'S AUTOMATIC
yanfei — mix between klee and hutao, won't stay still and do a LOT of damage, i always use her and have nothing to complain!!
eula — haven't played w many of them sorry
ayaka — i don't like you. ayaka is the sweetest person ever but i haven't met a SINGLE ayaka main that is a nice person, always slandering the other players and complaing abt them???? i cant be the only polite ayaka main that exist
yoimiya — I WISH I HAD HER, seriously they to SO MUCH DAMAGE, i absolutely love yall
sayu — haven't met any
sara — haven't met any besides me
baal — i like people that main her, never talked to any but they're not assholes at least
kokomi — i trust my life on you, seriously. bring yall kokomis to domains <3 i wish i had her. there are some that slander other people for no reason and i dont like you ☠️ your character has -100% crit rate wtf are you talking abt
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cecilyneville · 4 years
the spanish princess ep 3 the margaret and mary show:
i feel like charlotte hope is trying to aim for a claire foy-esque performance - taut jaw, wide eyes - but while claire is able to say so much with a single blink, charlotte just...yeah ok you know what i’m getting at here, there’s no point in saying it any more.
why would catherine call wolsey “chaplain”? that was his position, not his title, and honestly by 1513/14 (idk what year we’re supposed to be in) i don’t think that was his position anymore (ok he got the promotion later this episode. i still think calling him “chaplain” is dumb)
“am i being punished?” yes catherine, you are! emma frost has made this perfectly clear!
god, i just hate her so much. i can hardly even look at her. yes i’m being mean but also i’m right
“you only get one first time catherine” LOOOOOL
honestly at this point we are one episode away from henry putting a bag over his head lord snowden style
what is this bullshit about henry guaranteeing margaret’s regency? it was laid out in james’ will jesus christ you can’t even give me this
angus physically picking up james v? love me some (probably unintentional) foreshadowing, also as to his anglophilia
the scots are barbarians who can’t help brawling in council! give me strength
lina and oveido named their kids thomas and BARNABY??? 
the writers room being like “what’s the most english name we can give this kid” / “uhhh idk how about the name of the guy from midsomer murders”
catherine saying “i am [a] better [politician than wolsey]” IS THIS A COMEDY
emma frost wants us to be mad at henry when he tells catherine off but he’s 100% right and she deserves it
tsp denied me a hot angus and i won’t forgive them (the guy who’s playing him is a good actor, but i feel as if he’s playing angus too nice)
“have you had any more dreams?” meg he just wants to know if you dream of sexytimes with him lol
“everything good comes out of england” oh they are laying it on THICK with the angus anglophilia
angus showing up next episode in a union jack t-shirt and a teapot shaped like the tardis like some superwholock fan from 2013
oviedo in the background just like “fuuuuck catherine lol”
“before i came to england i was told the english never washed” / “it is a little true, i HATE bathing” - ok this was actually really funny, mostly thanks to sai bennett’s delivery
look i know this letter/monologue is supposed to highlight catherine’s grief but fucking hell shut up, meg’s busy trying to rule scotland she doesn’t need your whining
meg: catherine help me / catherine: MY LIFE IS SO HARD WAAAHHH
i know i’m asking for too much but it would have been nice to see joan guildford attend mary, but women over like 40 don’t exist at the tsp version of the tudor court and if they do they’re evil
why is he calling her that? is it supposed to be a pun on mary/mare? they would be so cute if it wasn’t for this 
the people of edinburgh are about to riot, but unfortunately they could only afford to put like 20 people in the scene
i can’t stress enough how much i deserved a hot angus
this speech is stupid but i love georgie. also it would have been better if the crowd had joined in with her song
can’t believe this is the network that brought us outlander. jesus, couldn’t give richard rankin a role in this??? he’d make a great albany
i expect expository dialogue in historical dramas but this is something else
maggie saying “the queen said it was not the best time to ask, you are not at your happiest” - how am i expected to believe margaret pole is THIS stupid
actually surprised at louis being nice to mary and vowing not to hurt her, this is one up on the tudors’ gross portuguese king
for a show that airs on starz the sex scenes are so dull
mary just trying to induce a heart attack in louis is so funny, love her so much
“you are the greatest queen scotland has ever known” look i love meg to pieces but somewhere, st margaret is turning over in her grave
“you don’t favour one clan over another” OH LORD
i like how they have lina speaking spanish but it just drives home how much better stephanie levi-john is at this
i like henry’s green doublet
oh yeah you go girl! clench that neck and win back your husband from that evil wolsey! girl power!!!! this ending is so anticlimactic but what else should i expect
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1. First ship you remember
Peter Pan/Wendy Darling (Disney’s Peter Pan) is my best guess as far back as I can remember. That’s the original OTP next to Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle (DCU) and Ariel/Prince Eric (Disney’s The Little Mermaid).
2. Your newest ship
Hmmm,,, I haven’t really watched anything new,,,,,,, but I mean I did get into Geralt/Jaskier (Netflix’s The Witcher) recently. I really like them.
3. Favourite ship ever
I go between them and Mulan/Li Shang (Disney’s Mulan) and Korra/Asami Sato (Avatar: Legend of Korra) and  Yuuri Katsuki/Viktor Nikiforov (Yuuri On Ice) and Arya Stark/Gendry Waters (GOT/ASOIAF)  for my favorite ships of all time 
4. Favourite m/f ship
I grew up on the His Dark Materials books and I always was a Lyra Belaqua/Will Parry shipper and that has never ever changed. They’re so sweet. I WOULD LIKE PHILIP PULLMAN TO BRING THEM IN THE NEXT BOOK THAT IS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT. DO NOT FUCK AROUND.
5. Favourite m/m ship
you really can’t wrong with Ash Lynx/Eiji Okumura (Banana Fish) except you can and I don’t care,,,, everyone’s alive and fine and not depressed,,,,,,,
6. Favourite f/f ship
do you know how much my heart broke when they refused to do Emma Swan/Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time) EVEN THOUGH everything in canon said they were True Love????? now I’m just pissed,,,,, I can’t let go of them
7.Most innocent ship
8.Most fluffy ship
9.Most angsty ship
good god it’s Clarke Griffin/Lexa (The 100) but I still love them and I know I wasn’t THERE for Lexa dying but I’m STILL livid about what they did and how they treated the LGBT+ community and I’m gonna throw hands,,,, ever since it happened and Clexa is mentioned in the show,,, it’s always so painful,,,,, Clarke is not letting Lexa go and tbh she shouldn’t and I’m gonna get mad again
10. Most smutty ship
Smut is optional, not a requirement for my ships.
11. Ship that you would never have wanted in canon but like in fanworks
I don’t fucking trust MCU so they can have none of my ships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Character that you can only imagine in one ship
13. Most shippable character
Merlin (BBC Merlin) and Harry Potter.
14. Character that you can’t imagine in any ship
Any character I don’t like.
15. Favourite poly ship
I love love love love Rey/Finn/Poe Dameron. Finnreypoe. Jedistormpilot. I fell in love with Rey/Finn and Finn/Poe through “The Force Awakens” and then saw in the novelization that there was hints of Rey/Poe Dameron and LATCHED onto it. Don’t even fight me with “The Rise Of Skywalker” because it was COMPLETELY a Jedistormpilot movie and that’s all I was there for. Those three characters.
16. Characters that you kinda ship but prefer as brotp FRIENDSHIP
since I think Katniss might be aroace,,, I wanna say Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark and don’t get wrong,,,, I do ship but more platonic ship
17. Characters that you ship and can’t imagine to be friends
Spike himself said that Buffy Summers/Angel (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) dynamic could never be friends and only friends and he’s right
18. Guilty pleasure ship
19. Ship that you never expected to ship.
I was straightbaited by Black Sails while watching as it aired and never saw Captain James Flint/Thomas Hamilton coming,,,, or them unburying the gays,,,,, I thought the whole time Thomas and James were sharing Miranda,,,
20. Ship that you liked but don’t anymore
at one point I liked Callum/Soren (The Dragon Prince) but I’m over them and I’m over that show and I don’t support Aaron fucking Ehasz
21. Ship that one day you were thinking of and thought “wait,when I started shipping it?”
22. Ship that you immediately fall in love with after one scene despite not considering it before.
aahhhh I saw Toni Topez interact with Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale after their confrontation which was like,,,, the first time they ever spoke to each other,,,, but then the diner scene happened, and now I ship them. And they’re canon.
23. Poly ship that you ship despite not shipping some of the characters in it outside of poly ship.
I only ship Ryn/Maddie Bishop/Ben Powell with each other. That’s it. IT’S A CANON INTERRACIAL LGBT+ SHIP. IT’S REAL. I’M SO HAPPY.
24. Biggest notp
Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon (DCU),,,,, oooh don’t get me fucking started
25. Favourite foe yay ship
L/Light (Death Note). That’s a classic. I know Light made sure his ass was murdered but c’mon,,, c’mon,,,, THE CREDITS TO THE LAST EPISODE THO??? DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT???? THAT WAS GAY AS HELL.
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
we gotta go with Doctor/Master (Doctor Who),,, they’ve been all three,,,,, nobody can tell me otherwise and that’s the beauty of these two! My favorite versions are 1) Thirteen/Dhawan!Master, 2) Ten/Simms!Master, and 3) Twelve/Missy and if you add Simms!Master with the last one then it’s GOLDEN
27. Ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you do
I saw gifs and things of Anne Lister/Ann Walker (Gentleman Jack) before I started watching and I already knew I was gonna fall in love AND I DID
28. Ship that you expected to ship before reading/watching franchise and you don’t
this might be a weird one but I really thought I was gonna ship Victor Van Dort/Victoria Everglot or Victor Van Dort/Emily (Corpse Bride) and I just didn’t for either of them. I DO HOWEVER SHIP EMILY/VICTORIA EVERGLOT.
29. Favourite crossover ship
OHHHHH we gotta go with Kate Kane/Kara Danvers (Arrowverse) like look at them look at the gay it’s like SuperBat but the female millennial version
30. Favourite canon ship
Princess Bubblegum/Marceline (Adventure Time)! I’m overjoyed they are canon! I’m not done watching all of this show but still,,,,, and that means we can get Prince Gumball/Marshall Lee to be confirmed canon too?? Yes?? 
31. Favourite non-canon ship
I know we can’t like CONFIRM in canon but Frodo Baggins/Samewise Gamgee are in love and there’s no denying this. They’re canon enough to me.
32. Favourite ship for hurt-comfort
All of my ships are good for hurt/comfort and whump. I don’t discriminate.
33. Ship that you ship in one installment of franchise but not in other (for example in movie,but not in the book this movie is based on)
I ship Hannibal Lecter/Clarice Starling in the movies for Hannibal related things, even though Will Graham exists in them, but I ship Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham for NBC’s Hannibal 100% and won’t ship them with anyone else
34. Ship that you never expected to ship when you were younger but here you are
I never expected to ship Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger all together years down the road,,,,, since as a kid I flip-flopped between Ron/Hermione & Harry/Me,,,, er,,,,,,,,, I mean Harry/My OC That Was Definitely Not Me At All and Harry/Hermione but here we are
35. Ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with
right now it’s Rue Bennett/Jules Vaughn (HBO’s Euphoria) because they’re so cute,,, they really are,,, but they can be so bad together and I hate that! I just want it to work out but Jules doesn’t understand her own feelings,,, and is kinda fucking around with Rue’s feelings,,,,,, and Rue needs to deal with her drug addiction problems first,,,, but let’s see what happens for Season 2
36. Characters that you can’t decide if you prefer as ship or brotp
okay FIRST OFF we don’t “brotp” anything no more because the term was created with homophobic connotations so replace it with “friendship” and honestly I can’t decide if I like Lucifer/Chloe Decker (Netflix’s Lucifer) as a romantic or platonic ship or somewhere between. I haven’t decided.
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ram-de · 10 months
fuck it, ravensong rant
More like Thomas Benett hate but same thing
😭 I can't stop thinking about ravensong. And not in a good way. The more I thought the more stuff I didn't like about the book. Fuck me. Don't take this to heart, Gordo...
Ravensong: Gordo's Emotional Torture Pack
This is so messed up in a lot of ways. I fucking hate Thomas. I don't usually swear often I swear...
Gordo's father pushed the knowledge of magic upon an 8-years old kid arm by drilling tattoos all over his body. And who held it down while the kid is tattooed? His father, his pack's Alpha, and... I'm fuming... FUCKINGSHITASS THOMAS. I'll get to you later Thomas you prick. THIS IS CHILD ABUSE!!
His mother is telling her the truth when she said wolves lies, wolves would used him. In both instance during his time of Abel's and shitass Thomas' pack.
His dad cheated. He knows about it and he saw it.
He saw his mothers memories being manipulated, literally by magic.
Having to be a complicit in believing the crazy disease of his mother.
His mother turned to be a murderer because of, yes, his father is a power-crazed cheating scumbag who doesn't care for her or his son or the family.
His grandfather taught him fixing cars, and then somehow dies before they could hey awah from town.
Being put into the responsibility of the packs witch at the age of 12 just after he's turned into orphan. This is violating child labor laws... Fucking Abel I hope you rot in pieces.
Choices, choices, choices, all the choices that pushed into him. Once again wolves are liar about choices.
Abandoned by his pack. FUCKINGSHITASS THOMAS decided that he should leave the pack. Because others didn't trust humans. BUT DO YOU, THOMAS? DO YOU TRUST HIM? All of this without talking to Gordo first. Fuck him.
Being put into a /mate/ position and then ghosted for months. Having told to wait for YEARS! Barely contacted by the bennets and even more so Mark because what? And even after he said he regret it, I still can get around why can't he text? Send letters? Say hi? Fucking send pigeons??? Liars, Mark. Whether he intend it or not he still broke his promises to Gordo.
His father figure Marty died and. Fucking bennets don't even answer calls. HE IS GRIEVING AND WHERE IS HIS PACK? WHERE IS THE HOWLING SONG OF SORROW? FUCK YOU ALL. Rico Tanner Chris my loves...
Having his tether being taken away by who? FUCKING BENNETS AGAIN. Thus basically dragging him into their whole business. THE AUDACITY TO ASK FOR GORDO'S HELP WHEN THEY. LEFT HIM. UGSHSHS
Thomas first contact with Gordo after leaving was to. Fucking threaten Gordo for a help. SLIME. SLIME. I don't care that he begged for it. He can't even. Fucking apologize.
Kept being pushed to "make talks" with Mark despite Gordo being the one wronged here. Everyone is complicit. Fucking Team Humans. Joe and Ox. Carter and Kelly. FUCKING ELIZABETH. Y'all have no rights.
Fucking Mark stalling his apologies and even when he touched a bit on why they left, it was when he's turned gonna be turned into omega💀 he's better tho because THOMAS?? Saying sorry after death over dreams like what was that
RELIVING HIS PAST AGAIN and seeing it unfold once again. fuck. tj klune....
Ugh... UGH... I'M SO... I MISSED A LOT. I KNOW. UGH... I HATE IT HERE. I HATE THOMAS BENNETT. this book is just. Torture. For gordo. Am I babying gordo too much. Yes, and what about it???? THE BENNETS GOT AWAY WITH BEING EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATIVE AND I. I HATE IT HERE. UGHH.....
Ok I think I'm good now. Writing this was liberating.
Are they gonna. Are they gonna redeem Thomas because I will SKIP.
then again Elizabeth... She's like... The queen. And also the mom to joe. And Carter and Kelly... I will read it for you queen...
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icarusalatus · 2 years
heyyyyyy. haiiiiiii. can u do all the genshin asks please >.<
ALL of them? freak thing to ask
1. Who did you choose as your traveler?
2. Who is your favorite character?
3. Your favorite party?
Zhongli Xiao Ayato Kazuha
4. Which characters do you have (count all of them)?
42! Traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Jean, Sucrose, Albedo, Klee, Noelle, Mona, Razor, Diluc, Barbara, Rosaria, Diona, Fischl, Bennett, Xiangling, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Ningguang, Keqing, Yanfei, Qiqi, Zhongli, Xiao, Beidou, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kujou Sara, Shikanoin Heizou, Sayu, Thoma, Kamisato Ayato, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Gorou, Kuki Shinobu, Collei, Tighnari, Tartaglia, Aloy.
5. The character you don’t have but you want soso bad?
6. The character you have but you never use?
Aloy. sorry girl.
7. Who is your least favorite character?
is it a cop out to say Aloy again. In terms of personality, definitely Xingqiu. In terms of playability, Kuki. In terms of performance, Itto.
8. Favorite nation?
Gotta be Liyue. but Mondstadt feels like home.
9. Least favorite nation?
Inazuma. or Enkanomiya if that counts.
10. Favorite element?
Anemo in spirit, Geo in lore, Hydro in practice.
11. Least favorite element?
Pyro for petty reasons. why does my own pyro not fend off sheer cold on dragonspine. Why does fire (on grass specifically, after being hit by my own pyro) hurt pyro characters. i hate it
12. Favorite combos of element?
Dendro+Hydro (Bloom) + Bloom+Electro (Hyperbloom)
13. Favorite enemy?
those little squishy jellyfish mushroom guys! the cute ones! I also quite like fighting ruin hunters and pyro fatui agents (god i hope we get elemental variants of the pyro agents like we have with the electro/cryo cicin mages). i like fighting the black serpent knights too. nobushi/kairagi are my faves to farm.
14. Least favorite enemy?
samachurls and whopperflowers. theyre all bastards. i dont like the plain brown mushrooms in sumeru either. and spectres are still annoying as emotional residue from before they were nerfed
15. Do you kill animals when you pass by their sides?
yeah man always. need that meat. sometimes i cant be bothered to chase them but if i got a clear shot? goodnight sweet prince.
16. Walking or using teleport?
teleport. best feature of the game
17. Favorite mission?
destroy hilichurl towers. easy as fuck takes 10 seconds. simple
18. Least favorite mission?
defending slime balloons. the worst. that and whenever Lan wants me to do anything. find someone else i do NOT feel like going to guili plains.
19. Do you like gliding?
so much that im surprised and annoyed when other games dont have it
20. Who is the most useful character in your opinion?
Kazuha . baby i love that i can use your E in mid air . i love you
21. And the least one?
diona . hatred simmering
22. Your favorite character’s design and the least one?
Venti. Kuki
23. Bow, Sword, Polearm, Claymore or Catalyst?
polearms have my least favorite designs on average, but i like polearm characters.
24. Your party formation? (DPS, Healer, Tank, Support)
for my main party, tanky support, dps, sub dps, dps
25. How much lucky are you with Wishes?
it varies widely. i dont have average luck it's either really really good or devastatingly bad
26. Do you usually focus on your mission or you go around to find items?
i grab things on the way to wherever i'm going, if possible
27. How much do you cook? If you do it.
once a week mainly for the battle pass but probably more often in general than i think
28. What is your Adventure Rank?
57 (almost 58. probably 15k away)
29. And your characters’ level?
all of my characters are 70+. a large handful are 80 and my 6 or so mains are 90
30. Something you like in general.
every character's fighting move animations are unique, even amongst similar weapon types and character models
31. Something you dislike in general.
artifacts. artifact grinding culture.
32. Something you’re waiting for.
playable dain <3
33. Domains or Bosses?
bosses !!!!
34. What do you think of Paimon?
i dont even call her emergency food because that seems too much like a friendly in-joke. if there was an option to play genshin without paimon i would take it. sorry paimon
35. A random headcanon.
zhongli was fine with seafood before the archon war but having to defend liyue from ocean attacks on the shore made him associate the smell with Badness
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geometricalien · 2 years
001 - genshin, 002 - xiaoven, 003 - mmm childe?
Thank you isak!! This took a long time but it was alot of fun :)
001 | Genshin
Favorite character: Bennett, he's just a guy, a small guy with zero luck, abandoned by fate, but somehow he still manages to be kind and optimistic. He's lowkey inspiring to me, he's also my phone background!
Least Favorite character: umm… npc - Albert (enough said), pc - Al0y, if we're not counting her it's Q!qi (don't want them to show up in their tags since I'm dragging them ahsjek)
5 Favorite ships: oooo okay in no particular order- Venti/Aether/Xiao, Yae Miko/Ei, Ayato/Thoma (in the fucked up way though), Itto/Gorou, and Albedo/Kaeya is slowly creeping into my subconscious
Character I find most attractive: gah um uh? There are so many hot characters but none of them are standing out in my mind as complete and utter smoke shows to me personally? Huh, guess my aceness is really showing on this one- SHIT NOPE I JUST REMEMBERED BAIZHU. It's him. It's Baizhu
Character I would marry: Gorou, he's a sweetie, I love him, true husband material if I've ever seen it
Character I would be best friends with: Heizou, don't know much about him yet but I want to be besties with him
A random thought: Diluc's farming ascension material should be a calla lily, make the parallels between him and Kaeya stronger, cowards
An unpopular opinion: People in the west AND east who hate Kaeluc simply bc they were "siblings" should also hate with their entire being Eren/Mikasa and if they don't, catch these fucking fists.
My Canon OTP: There’s? Canon ships in genshin? Okay there isn't agzhkdkd I was CONFUSED ahjsjdk
My non-canon OTP: queer platonic polycule Razor/Bennett/Fischl- aged up of course
Most Badass character: Scaramouche!!!
Most Epic Villian: Signora, her elemental switch?? Kicking my little meow meow Venti?? Her dress!?! Iconic. Hate her. Love her. Want to be her.
Pairing I'm not a fan of: Ay@ka/Th0ma, I see why people ship it, I just prefer fucked up gays to fucked up straights, long live bi Thoma though
Characters I think the writers/creators screwed up: Albedo. I know he has an intriguing backstory but I don't know what the fuck it is or what the fuck happened up on that damn mountain with him and Bennett and why we might have to kill him and what the hell he has to do with Khaneriah- that should've been a permanent event. Same with all the festivals that new players miss or have missed
Favorite friendship: Razor and Bennett!
Character I most identify with: that extensive uquiz kin assignment says Aether, but personally I'll tentatively say Albedo since I don't know much about his character but what I do know feels… familiar
Character I wish I could be: I think it'd be cool to be Yae Miko, immortal, turn into a fox, have hot girlfriend/wife, epic electro powers, read/write books, eat fancy meals, yeah her
002 | Xiather
When did I start shipping them: When I finished the attack on Liyue Harbor, but it really grew roots after the latest 2.7 archon quest
My thoughts: I think they could deeply understand each other, their losses and pains. They could help each other, heck Xiao comes every single time you call him to the field and Aether whenever we run into Xiao wants to talk with him a little longer. They are practically one of the more Canon non-canon ships, if that makes sense
What makes me happy about them: The mental image of Xiao catching Aether in the fight at the harbor, how this is the first person he has touched in hundreds of years, how he's been so cautious of his karma and he's worried if he has infected Aether with it, only for the relief that Aether… isn't really human, and that he wants to be in Xiao's arms again and have Xiao in his
What makes me sad about them: just Xiao. How he isolates himself from everyone, that actually getting them together would first be preceded with 100 levels of self hate/insecurity from Xiao in his mind. He doesn't think he's deserving of love :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: possessive Xiao, chat fics, ABO
Things I look for in a fanfic: I want to find a fanfic that really explores their potential. Like, I want a 12k fic of them just talking. A real ass long deep conversation. I want a character study
Wishlist: I want more events/quests where they interact
Who i would be comfortable with them ending up together if not each other: Xiao with Venti and/or therapy bc we both know Venti doesn't know therapy, he can't be Xiao's "therapist" like Aether could. Aether is the bicycle of genshin, he can be with almost anyone, but Ayaka and Venti are strong contenders for me
My happily ever after for them: End of genshin impact, Celestia is defeated, twins are reunited, Khaneriah is restored, the twins decide to stay for a while, Xiao is released from his contract, and he heals. They get closer, they help each other, they change, out grow each other for the better, Xiao is more integrated into society, and the twins continue their journey across the stars. In my mind, they are simply two people who were lucky enough to cross paths and help each other for as long as they could.
003- Childe
How i feel about him: Tumblr sexy man-esque. He's a little… overplayed by the fandom if that makes sense, kinda like how Oikawa was. Everyone loves him and hates him and they overlysexualize/feminized him. Who he actually is out of fandom is really cool and I understand why he is a fan favorite. I'm excited to see him more in canon
Any/all I ship with him romantically: Zhongli, Traveller!Lumine, AbyssPrince!Aether (these are very specific and the twins can't be changed), and likely a future fauti member bc there is a potential dynamic I could see (but not signora or scaramouche)
My favorite non-romantic relationship with this character: Kaeya and Signora- they have a more bitchy friendship thing, and scaramouche hates his guts, I love that for him aghdjd
My unpopular opinion (NSFW warning): I really hate zhongli/childe being in an ABO au, they are, by definition, switches where childe is the more dominant by the fact that, say it with me, "water erodes stone"
One thing I wish for in canon: I hope we see him before we go to Snezhnaya, I feel like Snezhnaya is going to be the last land we explore besides maybe Khaneriah and I don't want to wait over 3 years to see him again
Favorite friendship with him: I guess… Zhongli. Or the Traveller. I guess the Traveller in canon bc I don't know if Childe and Zhongli meet up after Childe learns the truth or if they have broken apart. I loved that they seem to have lunch together, it showed a closeness. And as for the Traveller, the fact that Childe trusts his younger brother in our care and knows we would instantly take care of this lost child- idk I like that trust
My crossover ship: ??? Hmm let me think. I think I would like to see him interact with Oikawa or Kise. They are all kinda similar and I want to see how interacting makes their differences shine.
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himikotofu · 6 years
for the fandoms thingy: wolfsong!! 💛
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you: wolfsong
the first character i ever fell in love with: my babie boy oxnard
a character that i used to love/like but now do not: hmm… idk if i super have one?
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: oof idk if i have one for this either? my interest in ships does fluctuate loads tho
my ultimate favorite character: THERE ARE SO MANY but probably bambi, carter & timber :00 
prettiest character: all the bennetts are beautiful so perhaps joe, but imma say bambi
my most hated character: richard probably. i dnt rlly hate any of the mcs? 
my OTP: jox!!!!!!!!!!!!! callett (maggie/elizabeth/thomas) and carter/ox :mm: 
my NOTP: robbie/mark/gordo
favorite episode chapter: first that comes to mind is pretty boy/fuck off or storm
saddest death: hhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maggie? ):  
favorite season book: og book, wolfsong :00
least favorite season book: ravensong :mm:
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: hmm…. i’m not always the fondest of robbie i guess, but i don’t hate him
my ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: hm elijah? i’m gay k
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: all of them :( but ox my sweetheart
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: don’t think i have one :0
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: kelbie D:
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annyaforger · 3 years
I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation!!
Omg the switch version of Genshin is taking so long. It's as I'd expect though considering Nintendo doesn't always cooperate the best when it comes to releasing non Nintendo games on their platform >.>
I'm also on the American server! Omg kaeya is my favorite of the starter 4*s. I love him sm and he is so useful. My favorite 4* characters to use are Thoma and Bennett and my favorite 5*s I currently have are Childe and Kazuha. I'm going for Itto today asdffgbsg pls come home dummy
I've been thinking about getting into Tokyo revengers a lot of moots that have similar taste as me are very into that series 👀
Hmm anyway I should ask a question shouldn't I? What's your favorite season?
-animanga secret santa
ugh my angel sugar plum. sorry i’ve taken years to reply. i had actually seen this when you sent it and i had answered but my computer lost connection and i left the page for a second and it refreshed on me when i came back to it. i was so upset i was like i’ll reply later and then i forgot and got busy. with going back to work etc.
i am sorry!!
but here goes my reply attempt number two! ✌🏼
thank you! i really needed that vacation im not gonna lie lmao i hate my job but i need the money 😭
god damn nintendo lmao that’s why i sometimes regret not having bought like an xbox or play station lmfao maybe i’ll get one in the future. i mean i barely play games as it is so *shrug emoji* but still i do hope they release it soon if it is still in the works cause as much as i don’t mind playing on my tablet i would enjoy it more if i could play on an actual console type thing heh.
(the way im at work rn typing this up on like the notes app of my phone lmao)
Y A Y american server buds!! well, as soon as you reveal yourself to me we can add each other on there. fair warning i’ve only just started playing and my characters aren’t too leveled up and i suck as well lmao. i’ve never actually played with anyone?? idk how that works i am: shy. lmao.
my only other friend is on the europe server so we can’t play together 😭
i fucking love kaeya pls he hasn’tleft my party SINCE i got him. the other day i did get my newest fave, keqing!! i am absolutely obsessed with her pls.
how do i get him like how can i get him? i want him so bad (itto) omg i hope by now you’ve gotten him or are close to it?
TOKYO REVENGERS! yes i think you should definitely get into it if it’s something you think you might enjoy especially since a lot of your moots are already into it and you say y’all have similar tastes!!! it’s definitely a good watch. keeps you on your toes. i definitely cried for the last seven episodes lmao
as for my favorite season, i love winter. fall comes second but down here in texas with the global warming and shit it’s always like humid and gross and shit we only have like a few nice fall-ish days. so definitely winter lol.
what are your xmas and nys plans???
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