#I still love transmasc headcanons though ofc
sammygender · 1 month
trans headcanons of the winchesters are always extremely fun to play around with and i can see most of them. but one that always rings slightly false to me, despite a love for it due to self-identification and the fact it’s definitely interesting, is transmasculine dean. simply because if you’re going according to canon this would require him to have transitioned at some point prior to johns death, probably much prior, probably as a youngish kid. and i genuinely do not think that ever could’ve happened. he values johns approval too much and is too scared of demanding too much of him.
like even aside from whether john is Actually transphobic (i doubt he’s like Cartoonishly transphobic he probably would be annoyed by it slash not care much, interpret ‘not caring’ however you want) just the whole Thing of coming out where you’re like. “Hey dad im actually a human person who has an internal sense of self and such that doesn’t happen to be You 2.0 and am not the gender you thought i was and i feel emotions to such an extent that i actually like need to transition”…….
no fucking way dean would ever be able to do that to john while he’s still alive. please. teenage transmasculine dean would be like Well yeah sure i want to be a guy but that’s not an option for me whatsofuckingever. and crucially he’d be like that even if he knew entirely about trans people. now this is why transfemme dean works so well. because you just know it would take her at least thirty years to even consider it for a singular second.
on the other hand transmasc sam works so well because you can picture teenage transmasculine sam realising he’s a boy and promptly making it part of the whole entirely justified and very cool and fun teen angst rebellion FUCK YOU DAD thing. he could let spite carry him to the point of coming out. dean? he is burying that shit deep.
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thatturtleleon · 3 months
Raf (TFP) Headcanons
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Quick note: This is a collab with my lovely moot @lonely-paracosmos!
Onto the headcanons:
Transmasc Raf !!
He felt vry isolated until he met Miko and Jack, who were ofc super accepting
Same with the other bots
"You're a boy? Cool!"
They don't mind one bit, hell, they're literally TRANSformers
Aro/ace spec (lowkey both of us projecting) and gay (didn't realize it until later on though, probably during his highschool or college years)
Collects sci-fi comic books! Bonus points if they're about aliens!
One of his favorite movies of all times is Cars
Stims by flapping his hands :)
He'll sit with Bee and ramble about whatever comic book he's reading, Bee loves it because the pages are too tiny for him to read
Has ARFID (avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder) and is extremely selective with food
Autistic (basically canon ngl)
His special interests are technology and cars!
^^ and adding onto that, Raf loves to learn about cybertronian technology, stories, the language, etc.
He asks all the bots all sorts of questions, Ratchet was a little annoyed at first (when he first met Raf) but he grew to appreciate Raf's curiosity of their culture and tech
Loves to chew on shit randomly
Had a meltdown when they moved bases, the stress and change were too much (feel u Raf)
Miko made little keychains that matched everyones guardians (motorcycle keychain for Jack, yellow and black sports car for Raf, etc.)
Raf always has it with him, even when Bee has to leave at the end of the show :(
They (including all the humans too) check in with each other over video calls very often, chatting away about their lives and such
Raf makes sure to check in with Ratchet too, and Ratchet appreciates that
Definitely becomes an expert computer scientist and works with Agent Fowler a lot
He keeps in touch with Jack and Miko through his job too, personally I hc that Miko becomes a pilot of somesort and Jack has a job similar to Agent Fowlers
Still waiting for his damn snowball from Optimus to this day.
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liskobot · 2 months
i want to say that your megaman art--especially seeing your stardroids art back in like 2016-2017 or so had such a massive effect on my own art and how i draw megaman stuff because i thought it was such a cool take on stuff and i wanted to replicate it as close as i could hell like, the way i draw pluto was outright inspired by the way you draw them and emphasize their cat features more, ofc my take on pluto differs more mainly because i headcanon pluto as being a trans woman (mainly because i'm transfem myself and i'm projecting on characters that i've liked since i was a kid)--but i feel my point still stands but yeah like this is rambly, but thank you so much for drawing mega man art bc it inspired me to experiment it--my art style wouldn't be the way it is if i didn't see your works as a teen
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Aaaa, this is so sweet,,, am honestly at a bit of a loss for words really ehjh I'm very flattered!! and in a sense, honored to know that i've been an inspiration in any way,, 2016 and 2017 feel like such a long time ago so to know that something i created all the way back then was an inspiration is quite something,, always did love the idea of leaning bit more into the non-human -like aspects of the stardroids. (also hell yeah transwoman pluto. i've for a long time hc'd my sun and terra as transmale and transmasc respectively. though it wasn't until later on that i myself realized that i may be somewhere on that transmasc nb line too lol) thank you for this message!! and keep doing what you do- the stardroids always deserve more fan works
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
I will probably send another Ask later to you, but I am separating them because content-wise I think it makes sense.
So I just wanted to talk about this ask:
I don't know if that link will work, but the only way I could add a link right was by adding the "/ask" (or "/submit", but this is an Ask) at the end of the link.
If it doesn't work because I added the "/ask" at the end. It will probably work for sure if you get rid of the "/ask" and then try it then.
Anyways, I was just going to say; while I am also very excited for TD!AU, and I love all the art, written stuff about it, lore, the comics ofc, and/or etc. (I love separated AUs. And I love Leo so much; I love the others too though, but Leo is basically my favorite in every version (so u seeing all the nice Rise and/or Rise Leo content here is nice. I also really liked seeing some 2012 and/or 2012 Leo stuff from u, because just him too, and that 2003 Raph post u did; I love them so much too ofc), and ur blog gives so much cool Leo stuff and separated AU stuff. Both urs and others. And TD!AU combines both of those things, and also great stuff for the others, and a real focus on family (like, Leo does really care for Casey and the Foot as family. And then so does his family that thinks he is dead. Like, I really liked the stuff we have seen with April, Casey, Donnie, and Hueso and/or Leo. I am excited to see more of that. And stuff with Raph and Mikey and their feelings about Leo. Both before they find out he is actually alive and after) . And Leo and Casey stuff. And Foot Leo. Also, Hueso stuff in the future. And it is going to have Usagi and Mona Lisa in some form too? Awesome!
Also, ur comic and art is just so, so good. I love ur Leo so much. And I am curious to see (though like, I say this tentatively, because I know it is very personal for you) how the cult themes play out with Leo and everything. And to see more of ur take on Foot!Leo and Separated Leo (will probably talk more about this in another ask at some point); since I love both ofc.
Anyways, back on topic; while I am always excited for more TD!AU stuff; I can wait. The comic is gorgeous, and the 2nd part was even longer than the first, so they must take a hot minute, and honestly, I can wait for quality work. And u have given us a lot of other cool stuff between comic updates (and even if you didn't, I could still wait for when you do post stuff); to tide us over.
Basically; while TD!AU is one of the the things I really look forward to more stuff about and updates for; you are still just a person, and I can wait.
One last question (for this ask at least):
About this ask (once again, remove the "/ask" if the link doesn't work without it):
I really love these headcanons for these 3! (also, I saw in a comic, that Leo used to be Venus in this, and I love that! I also sometimes see people, with transfem Leo, where people see vice versa with Leo becoming Venus after. Which I think is interesting too. Even though I also just love him being Leona or just sticking with Leo after coming out, as well as some other names and/or takes too)
"(also I do get what you mean w/ the whole different headcanons thing per universe! Kinda the way I see 2k12 Leo as a trans girl, but Rise Leo as transmasc. Just doubled down into differnt versions of only Rise Leo specifically)"
I thought you mainly saw all Leos as transmac? Referencing ur Masterpost here (could be misremembering it though). Not that it matters either way; just curious.
Also, I love both transmasc and transfem for any Leo honestly (like 2012 and Rise ofc). I basically headcanon them all Leos as not straight either, I just have trouble seeing Leo being so. Though I am totally okay if others don't think so. Though, saying that, yeah, sometimes different versions, different takes, even though I do still said what I said here.
One last question about the quote and/or ask above (and just in general), what do you mean by "Just doubled down into different versions of Rise Leo specifically'?
I just want to say thank you so much for this message. I've been meaning to reply to it for a while, but I haven't had the time. I wish I had the right words to express. Thank you so much for the support and your long asks (like, I genuinely love reading through them). The amount of time you've put into typing these or paying attention and keeping in mind the details I share just means so so so so much
I love making things for the story of Tentative Devotee.
Thank you for waiting.
Oh and that last one. I sometimes headcanon Rise Leo as different orientations and gender identities depending on the AU (though mostly adjacent to me or my sibling's experience)!
Generally, Rise Leo specifically I see as trans with a masc-aligned gender identity!
But I see 2012 Leo as transfem. Other headcanons: 2003 Leo is aroace, bigender and sapphic 1987 Leo
Again, thank you for this ask. I hope you have an amazing day
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the-comfort-den · 2 years
You can ask for Heacanons of any characters on this list, and the link bellow has info about asks! Please do not ask for anything on the ‘topics i wont do’ section, I will ignore your ask,
Post type masterpost here!
Masterlist here!
Note! i only do male or gender neutral readers!!
Fluffy alphabet(Link here): Open!
SFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Angst alphabet(Link here): Open!
NSFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Headcanons(General and x reader): Open!
Headcanon ask additional info(Link here)
Scenarios: Semi-Open!
Imagines: Semi-Open!
Character max: 10(say for bitties)
Topics i wont do: Pregnancy(Uncomfertable), things like incest, anything nsfw with minor characters, things with characters and large age gaps, or unhealthy relationships, unhealthy themes are fine but no abuse with the ships!
I also feel uncomfortable doing much with female readers, tho im afab/transmasc myself and she/her pronouns are hard to write for, i just prefer ftm or amab or gender neurtral/nonbinary readers!
Mythical au(Link here): Open!
Bittybones(ask me for bitty cards and ill give them to you! they count for everyone(and yes i run Fantasy Fields lmfao but the bitty cards here wont be as detailed, and a bit more specific!))
-(character list below!)- (Note, these are all with my headcanons and interpretations and au(with my boyfriend) so they mind not line up to what you your hcs are nor canon)
Creepypasta:(Og au, soft au, chaos au)
Inner world(My oc’s!)(Character post here)
Insanity, Sanity, Morality, Anger, Joy, Sadness, EDD, Paranoia, Anxiety, Depression, Imagination, Fear, ODD, Monophobia, SPD, Enochlophobia, Algophobia, Hyper, Cryophobia, Empathy, Apathy, Disgust, Bipolar, Astraphobia, Thermophobia, Trypanophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Acrophobia, Achluophobia,  Cynophobia,
CountryHumans(Character post here)
America, Australia Canada, China, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Korea,
Undertale:(heigh chart/list here)
John Doe: 
John Doe, Human!John Doe
House Hunted: 
Maison Talo(Maison), Soft au!Maison(Talo), Hotel!Maison(Utel), Hospital!Maison(Haigla), Arcade!Maison(Portico), Movie Theater!Maison(Kino), Restaurant!Maison(Etterem), 
ocs(technically): Dom, Inzu, Maja, Hus, Ty, (info about them here!)
Spooky Month:(og au(with headcanons ofc), chaos au, chaos swap au(no swap og for now!),)
The lost boys:(my au, and Sam, Alan, and Edgar are just out of high school(18-19))
David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Alan Frog, Edgar frog, Sam Emerson, Michael Emerson,
(other notes: in my au the Emersons are werewolves, as in my au non humans(like werewolves and vampires) are pretty common, so the boys dont have to hide either, Max and Lucy are married and they have a funky mixed family(i will so ramble about my au if you ask)
Hazbin hotel: 
Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Peter, Vox, Valintino, Lute, Husker,
(notes:(my au) Alastor is Demi/Demi(still ace, and it takes him months to care enough, other than that he’s pan), Val doesnt rape people in my au and prefers things to be consensual, still a hot head though, Lute is trans(ftm) so when writing for him ill be using he/him pronouns)
Helluva boss: 
Stolas, Blitzo, Moxie, Crimson, Wally Wackford, Stricker,
(notes:(my au) Crimson isnt an awful father, he’s not the best but he’s not horrible, he just didnt get Moxie(he was a lot softer than Crim), but he tried and got his son out of the Greed ring so he could be somewhere safer, well, as safe as he could be in hell-,
The Walten files:
Jack Walten, Felix Kranken, Rosemary Walten, Linda Thompson, Susan Woodings, Charles Brook,
(notes:(my au) a lot is different but the main thing is that Jack is an alternate(his mom ended up being infertil despite wanting to be a mom, so she ended up trying something not the best, but she loves her son and she still has her soul(and her husband still loves her lol) i will happily ramble more about this au! 
Also Jack is bi and poly, Rosemary is pan and poly, Linda is also bi and poly, and Felix is gay(panromantic tho) and poly, jack is married to Rosemary and dating Felix, Felix is married to Linda(and loves her romantically) and is dating Jack, Rosmary is Dating Linda and Married to Jack, and ofc Linda is dating Rosemary and married to Felix! Charles is bi and Susan is a lesbian(tho as i dont write for fem readers im willing to bend my own rules lmao this is a place for fuckery and fun not rules XD))
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marshmellowtea · 4 years
hey!! im gonna send you a lot of charas, you can answer them as you want, I just wanna make sure you have enough to answer all you want!! seishi, nikei, ayumu, marin maki, komaeda, makoto, mikan and sayake, please!
aaaaaaaa anon ur so sweet ilysm ;o; 
i’ll probably have to divide these into a couple posts so i can break it into chunks for myself but i’ll start off with seishi, nikei, and ayumu here :’0 
also putting this under a cut so i hopefully don’t break anyone’s dashes 
favorite thing about them 
he’s just,, baby?? he’s just baby hdfjaslkdfsdf i don’t even know how to describe it. i was attached to him the moment i saw him and the more i watched of him the more in love i fell he’s such a precious dork,, 
least favorite thing about them 
idk if this actually counts because this is more of a criticism of his writing than anything but it’s so annoying how people just default him to “standard evil villain” after the katagiri zen reveal like no,, there’s so much more that can be done with him,, how dare you,, 
favorite line 
tbh as much as i’m disappointed (read: angry) with the direction voices was going to go, “did you just call us horny?” is still an ICONIC line fhaslksdfjlksdf i love it so much 
him and marin! also him and mikoto,, and him and nico,, tbh him and any girl is good he just vibes “let’s go wlw let’s go!!”, y’know? i also like him and nikei being like. adopted brothers or adopted cousins tbh it’s really cute 
seishi/akira/ayumu/saiji. yes that it as an ot4. yes it counts come at me bro. any seishi/rebirth boy ship is good tho 
i,, really don’t like seishi/girls fjadsklfjsadf feels bad man 
random headcanon 
he has TRAUMA dammit!! i hc that he has a backstory similar to maki’s in that he was forced into being an assassin at a young age so it wasn’t really his choice to get involved in all this. i’ve kinda ran that idea into the ground at this point though so here’s a lighter headcanon: when he was 14, he reeeaaaally wanted to be a cat. like, to the point where he’s embarrassed to look back on those days because oh my god he really straight up tried to act like a cat 24/7 huh? kinda ties into another headcanon of mine that he’s less mature than he lets on and tends to go through periods of feeling kinda childlike but ssshh shsh shsh shush
unpopular opinion 
he’s a good boy with a morally dubious job and that doesn’t make him automatically evil. y’all are just unimaginative, uncreative and mean >:( 
song i associate with them 
coughs at my seishi and zen playlists uhh there’s a lot tbh but the songs most strongly connected with him in my mind are “this is how you spell haha we destroyed the hopes and dreams of a generation of faux romantics” by los campesinos! and “i’ve got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers” by fall out boy (and yes those are two songs with very long titles i know hdfaklsjdflsd ;w;) 
favorite picture of them 
aaaa rebirth doesn’t have a lot of good cgs to pull from across either of its canons and idk if fanart counts so,, but gosh i really love his surprised sprite. he’s like :o. he’s so baby i love him so much 
favorite thing about them 
he’s so interesting. it’s clear a lot of work went into his character, and it’s always a fascinating struggle to try and write him. i think it might be a bit easier after chapter four is fully translated but still there’s a lot of complexity to him and it’s interesting trying to break down his outer shell and get inside his head, y’know? also, he’s adorable. i wanna squish his cheeks. 
least favorite thing about them 
oh my GOD does my boy stress me out. i hate seeing him being mean to my other favorite characters and i’m always just like baby why are you like this please don’t ohmygod?? i’m gonna have to watch chapter four with my hands covering my eyes hasdfjslkdf i hate betrayal plots :’) 
favorite line 
this is kinda hard actually hasdkflsjdfk but “and she threw them away just like that? girl, are you a genius or an idiot, make up your mind!” from the third trial is reALLY GOOD FHKJDFLKDSF on a more heartbreaking note though him apologizing before he dies is just,, god. god.
him and the other voids!! they’re a family fight me. and him and seishi, ofc. i also like him and setsuka a lot though,, after chapter six i’m doubling down on my “she’s his mom!!” stance okay. i also like him and yoruko because i think they could have a fun dynamic (and maybe a soft dynamic with older yoruko,, maybe,,)(what i’m saying is that he gains another mom okay. let me project my mommy issues in peace) 
i,, actually largely headcanon him as aro so there’s not a lot of ships with him i’m super passionate about?? i still kinda like him and setsuka in aus and such but other than that i mostly dropped all my ships for him after chapter six cuz it’s no big loss to me. though,, i’m not gonna lie, i still have a HUGE soft spot for sorakei. after seeing his free time events they just,, grew on me and i’d think they’d be really cute together c’mon guys can we make it happen- :’0 
nikei/mikado nikei/mikado nikei/mikado LIKE CAN WE PUT IT TO REST ALREADY I ACTUALLY HATE IT 
random headcanon 
his hair is actually naturally super curly and he straightens it every morning so other people don’t realize this. the other voids think it looks really cute pre-straightener but he thinks it makes it hard for others to take him seriously which is why he goes to such lengths to try to hide it basically he does NOT appreciate the cooing he gets from emma, thank you very much. hgalsdjfadlfkl
unpopular opinion 
i’m not actually sure if this counts cuz i don’t see this on tumblr at least but i don’t think we should take what he says to emma and hajime in the void theater at face value. i think despite what he says he actually does care about them in his own way, he just doesn’t really show it well because he doesn’t like to be vulnerable around others. he’s an asshole sometimes (actually a lot of the time hadsflkjsdflk), but that doesn’t mean he’s unfeeling or unable to care about people. 
song i associate with them 
once again side eyes my nikei playlist ahdfslksdfjslkfd a part of me doesn’t want to spoil one of the songs on it because i do eventually wanna release it to the public but i really just,, i really gotta go with “are you satisfied?” by marina. it’s just too perfect and i think of him every time i hear it now 
favorite picture of them 
honestly? his first tts avatar. no talk him. him angy his last tts avatar upsets me though LEAVE HIM BE LINUJ
favorite thing about them 
AAAAAAAAAA BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND he’s so sweet such a good boy!! i like that he’s empathetic towards others cuz of his luck and he cares about how it affects them. i like that he’s soft and definitely a good cuddle partner. i love that he’s a trans icon even if that’s not really the intent i don’t care he just vibes trans so well (gal or guy or nonbinary but i tend to stick with the trans guy headcanon cuz haha i transmasc-)  
least favorite thing about them 
i kinda wish he had more of a canon sarcastic side? i mean i’m gonna continue to write him that way lol but c’mon there had to have been times where his luck is just so wildly terrible that his inner hinata jumps out and he makes a quip about it hfkajsdfksdf 
favorite line 
aaaaaa his little hope speech during in voices’ chapter one trial makes me soft,, i love him so much,, i also like him shutting aruma down when she’s being too horny hdlkajdsflksdf it’s really good 
ngl i tend to ship him with most of the class so,, like,, i also brotp him with the whole class,, dalfksdlfkasdf 
see above but my favorite of those pairings are ayumu/seishi, ayumu/akira and ayumu/mikoto 
when i’m headcanoning him as a trans guy: nico, misuzu, and kasumi cuz i hc them as lesbians. when i’m headcanoning her as a trans girl: seishi. kind of a nonissue when i go with a nonbinary headcanon though 
random headcanon 
he plays minecraft with akira a lot, but they always have to play in create mode where you can’t really die otherwise it’s just a montage of ayumu dying over and over again, pfft. even with unlimited life though he still usually ends up stuck somewhere and akira has to come dig him out and since akira’s a rude boy he’s always laughing his ass off as he’s doing it smh >:0
unpopular opinion 
it’s,, silly to be mad about his “secretly a boy” twist on the same level as you’re mad about the v3 protag twist,, it’s a fangan and not even that well known of one at that like it doesn’t really have the power to “break down barriers” like that or whatever tf you’re expecting hdsflkajsfdlksdf 
song i associate with them 
he’s another character i have a playlist for ahdflaksdjflaksd but “this is home” by cavetown and i cry every time :’) 
favorite picture of them 
once again there’s not a lot of canon art to pull from but i do adore the promo art of him with his “male” and “female” versions :’0 
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thatturtleleon · 10 months
TFP Human Hcs Pt. 2
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Note: I love this scene, just look at them LMAO, also here's pt.1
so this is a bit of a newer headcanon i have of him, but i feel like he's transmasc or genderfluid
raf never really cared about gender roles and things like that, but he overheard miko talking about how she didn't mind being called a girl or a boy or whatever people wanted to call her
he asked her about it and she replied saying she knew herself better than anyone else so it didn't matter what other people thought or wanted to label her, she knew who she was and that's the important part
miko then went back to talking about monster trucks or something and raf's just *cue the mind blown emoji*
lol i love them
he definitely went as the Dr Emmett guy from back to the future or as some mad scientist character for halloween
is actually pretty ok at drawing, just doesn't enjoy it as a hobby that much
LOVES learning about cybertron and its history and everything about it
at first ratchet thought all of raf's questions were annoying but grew to appreciate his curiosity
raf prefers asking ratchet any questions he has about cybertron because optimus goes on telling a long memory/story and trails off from the original question (raf's a sweet kid tho, he listens through the whole thing), while ratchet gives more straightforward answers
dog person
him and miko have "try not to laugh" challenges (raf's the judge) and usually wins
one time however, miko did something unintentionally funny while doing the challenge and jack let out the loudest screeching laugh they've ever heard, like the type of laugh that bubbles up and explodes when you're trying to hold it in
dated sierra for a little while, then sierra came out as lesbian, they still remained good friends though
(leon try not to HC every girl as a lesbian challenge, failed.)
considered going into the medical field like his mom did but decided it wasn't for him later on
in the future he eventually got a job with the government thanks to agent fowler
goes to drive-in theaters with raf and bumblebee but always ends up falling asleep
bought a mini blue motorcycle figurine and carries it in his bag
cat and dog person
favorite song is "roll on (eighteen wheeler)" by Alabama
discovered that he and optimus had similar taste in music (country music ofc) and plays some songs in the base if it's just him
makes fun of jack for liking country music
cat person (canonly has cats i believe) but she loves dogs too, except for the crusty tiny white dogs that old people have
drew bulkhead and herself together fighting some decepticons and framed the picture for him as a gift
he cried lol
speaking of gifts, she told the bots about birthdays and all of them immediately wanted to know when all the kid's birthdays were
bulkhead and some of the others took her to a monster truck event and she had the time of her life it was amazing
actually got jack into some of the music she likes, and they like going to smaller concerts around town
she bonds with raf by getting into comics and graphic novels, they both enjoy sci-fi ones
definitely doodles all over her desk at school, especially when she's in detention
although she's VERRYY extroverted, whenever she gets a crush on someone or thinks they're pretty, she gets a little quieter/shyer; not a lot but you can tell
jams out to metal music with bulkhead (canon)
i don't remember if this is canon or not, but she has a bag with pins and stuff she's collected over the years
her bookbag has doodle marks all over it, like little stars and swirls and stuff, very much a miko bookbag
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